#also the accent is as legendary as said
elkian · 2 years
Thanks to the 6 million Glass Onion gifs I am finally watching Knives Out and if everyone doesn’t start being nicer to Marta I am going to flip my fucking shit!!
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
HIYA GORGEOUS!! I absolutely adore all that you write and here I am once again to request something (tbh I’ll always be here to request things 🤭). So I’d like to request…
y/n (aka me) is Elijah's best friend but she's never met Klaus, only heard about him. one day she surprises Eli for his birthday so she walks in the compound, not knowing that Klaus is there too. she and Elijah exchange hellos then talk for a bit and before they can leave (Elijah is subtly trying to rush her out), Klaus hears her voice and comes downstairs. I'll leave the details to you but she and Klaus instantly hit it off so much so that it makes Elijah jealous (he's always had a thing for y/n but never said anything be he's afraid of losing their friendship). again, leaving the details to you. can we make it a 2-parter? 1 is jealousy/angst w/ implied smut between y/n and Klaus & 2 is Elijah confessing to y/n his feelings which lead to their first time sex and possible future relationship.
Sorry love if this is too much, it's okay if you're not up for it though! Thanks for even indulging me! 🤍
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part One
A drunken hookup with Klaus complicates your friendship with Elijah, leading to an awkward morning after.
♡♡ Thanks for the request sweet Aurora!! This one was a blast to write. But implied smut with Klaus??? Nahhh. No half-measures here. This is for all my Klaus girlies. You can't fix him, but you sure can fuck him. ♡♡
5k words - Warnings: smutttt {with Klaus}, rough sex, mild choking, Klaus being the drama, Elijah hiding his feelings & Rebekah judging you.
{Part Two}
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You came rushing through the gates of the compound, carrying so many shopping bags that you could barely see. Your arms felt on fire, but a little strain was worth it all when you remembered who you were doing this for.
Tonight was Elijah's big birthday bash, put together by you and Rebekah, and you wanted everything to be perfect. Elijah had become one of your closest friends, and this celebration was your chance to show him how much he meant to you.
"Eli, I have so much stuff for the party. Where should I put it all?" you ask once you got far enough into the house.
Elijah emerged from the grand living room and came into the foyer to help you. He had an odd look on his face, but you couldn't really pinpoint it exactly. He took the bags from your arms and carried them himself.
"Don't look in them! I want it to be a surprise!" You said, putting your hands over his eyes and guiding him towards the table.
Elijah chuckled, "Fine, Fine. Are you sure all of this is necessary?"
"Absolutely." you said, uncovering his eyes. "You only turn 1040 once," you joked, causing the pair of you to laugh.
It was over-the-top as shit, but a girl had to take any opportunity to give a Mikaelson a birthday they would remember, and then some.
Elijah's smile faltered a bit as he looked around the courtyard nervously. "Will you be returning home to get ready for tonight?" He asked, trying not to sound hopeful.
"I'm actually getting ready here with Bekah, why? Have a hot date you are hiding from me?" You teased, unaware of the way Elijah's body stilled at your words.
"Oh no darling, no date, just a brother he wants to hide," said an accented voice from the second level balcony.
Elijah let out a rough sigh as you turned to see Klaus stepping down the stairs towards you both.
You had heard of the legendary hybrid of course, but since you met Elijah you had yet to run into him. In fact, this was the first time you had seen Klaus in person and were unaware of the true look of him. Which made you almost go weak in the knees.
He was hot, like 'fuck me right now hot' and it took everything in you not to drool. It didn't surprise you, all the other Mikaelsons were extremely attractive, so it only stood to reason their infamous hybrid brother would be also.
You could tell by the look on his face he found you just as attractive, and with a devilish smirk, he seemed to say ‘I will fuck you right now if that's what you wish’
"Hello love, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he drawled before bringing your hand up and kissing it softly.
You wanted to hate him. Klaus had been notorious for so long for his tantrums and viciousness. But one look and just a touch from his lips and you knew you were doomed.
"T-Thanks," you said, pulling your hand back.
Klaus tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and ran a thumb across your cheek.
"Are you blushing for me? Can't say I blame you, love," he said cockily.
Elijah rolled his eyes at his younger brother's antics, but as Klaus lingered on your skin he felt a stir of possessiveness settle in his bones. He cleared his throat, shooting his brother a glare,
"I would love some help setting up the party for your brother," you asked Klaus, hoping to spend more time with him, his charm quite intriguing.
"It's alright, I can help you," Elijah insisted, not wanting Klaus to interact with you for a multitude of reasons.
"It's supposed to be a surprise for you Eli,” you pouted, which caused Elijah to soften at your cuteness.
"I've got it handled, Eli," Klaus teased, emphasizing the nickname you used for him.
Elijah looked between the two of you, clearly wanting to decline your request and keep you both apart. But alas, for some reason, he couldn't come up with a legitimate reason.
Klaus grabbed your bags and walked off, you began to follow, turning back to give Elijah a wide smile. "See you tonight, birthday boy," you exclaimed happily before hurrying off after the younger Mikaelson.
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You spent all afternoon decorating with Klaus, who insisted you call him Nik. He was somewhat sweet but full of himself. Yet, you enjoyed his company, he had a good eye for décor and matched your vision effortlessly.
"Have I accomplished my mission?" he asked. He brought a champagne bottle up, pouring two glasses and giving you one.
You leaned against the pillar with him and clinked your drinks together. "I'd say so, yes. Thank you so much for helping me."
"It was no trouble at all," Klaus said, then smirked at you over his glass. "You are quite stunning, love."
You grinned at his comment, "you should see me after I get all dressed up for tonight," you flirted, even though it sounded more like a challenge to him.
Klaus downed his drink then placed it on the table. Without warning, he pinned you to the pillar and trapped you against him. "Oh I plan on doing more than looking tonight," he said as his hungry eyes traveled over your body.
"I see you two have finally met, how wonderful," Rebekah commented, disrupting the moment.
You laughed nervously, glad for the interruption, gently pushing Klaus off of you. As much as you wanted to jump Klaus then and there, something held you back. And you knew what, or rather, who was keeping you from acting on your desires...
"We were just having some champagne," you tell her, taking another drink.
"I see that, the decorations look amazing by the way," she complimented as she poured herself a glass as well. "Catering has arrived, they are setting everything up downstairs," she informed you, letting you know you should probably get ready.
"I'll go get dressed then. Thank you again, Nik." You smiled at him again, and he grinned in response.
"I think I'm owed a dance for my hard work," he told you as you walked away with Rebekah.
You looked over your shoulder at him and gave him a wink, excited for the party to begin.
Once you were upstairs and away from Klaus, Rebekah spoke quietly to you. "Be careful with him, he's not like Elijah," she warned you.
"No one is like Elijah," you chuckled a bit, ignoring the pang of sadness you felt at the realization you would probably never be with the older Mikaelson.
The two of you spent your time getting ready, sipping on champagne and discussing the numerous guests who would be arriving. You got a little too buzzed, but you were excited and also needed some courage to face an unknown quantity of vampires.
Rebekah always had impeccable taste, helping you pick out a skin tight dress that came a few inches above your knees and accentuated every curve on your body. Adding even more with the tall black heels you slipped on, showing off your legs.
"I'm afraid I might have gone too far," Rebekah chuckled as she applied your makeup, making you look smolderingly hot.
"You think?" You asked sarcastically.
"You look like vampire bait and I'm sure it's going to drive him mad," she snorted, taking another drink.
"Who?" You looked at yourself in the mirror and fixed a smudge of lipstick.
Rebekah gave you a knowing look, but stayed quiet and you just smiled back at her innocently.
When everything was ready and all the guests started arriving, you and Rebekah made a grand entrance into the main parlor. Elijah was talking with someone when his eyes caught you across the room, you wandered over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Happy birthday," you whispered in his ear, as his arms pulled you tighter to him.
"Thank you so much," he said, pulling back just enough to smile at you, his face growing even brighter when he really looked at you.
You noticed the way his eyes traced your figure, taking you all in. The way they darkened a bit with pure desire, making you instantly become hot all over. But it was probably just your imagination, brought on by all the champagne you've been drinking.
You almost made a move right then, but the person he was conversing with interrupted and you found yourself drawn away by Bekah and her friends. Leaving Elijah to watch you from afar as you conversed with them, laughing and drinking.
Hours later, you were still in the middle of the large group of people, even dancing to the music that was blaring through the place. You saw Elijah dancing with a beautiful woman and you wanted to be happy for him, but then the woman whispered in his ear and touched his chest, and your mood immediately soured.
You went to the bar to get a drink, deciding more alcohol might be what you needed to wash away all your confused feelings.
"Thirsty, love?" Asked a familiar voice in your ear as your body was pulled back to collide with a strong chest. You could smell the scent of Klaus's cologne and instantly felt turned on.
"Very," you said, downing your entire shot.
He spun you around to look into your eyes, both of his hands on your waist, drinking in your appearance.
"You didn't have to do all this for me," Klaus teased, his eyes on your chest as he licked his lips. "I'm a sure thing, darling, you know that,"
You couldn't help but laugh. He may have been a lot of things, but he was definitely entertaining. You shook your head, but smiled all the same.
"I only ever dress up for myself, Nik," you sassed back to him, looking up through your lashes.
A slow smirk came to Klaus's face as he leaned in and captured your lips in his. He hummed into the kiss and his grip tightened on you. He pulled away, your lipstick was still on his lips.
You giggled and wiped it off, as he ordered you another drink. Not that you really wanted one but damn, he was good at persuading people.
"I recall that you owe me a dance," he reminded you, taking a sip of his own beverage.
"Oh?" You said innocently, fiddling with the many necklaces he was wearing. "I don't remember agreeing to anything," you flirted.
"Well, perhaps a private dance then," he teased, giving you a mischievous smile.
"Maybe I'll surprise you later," you whispered, leaning in and sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and playfully biting it, loving the look of surprise and arousal on his face.
Then you turned and sauntered away, leaving him standing there at the bar to watch you. You were definitely going to end up in his bed tonight, but you wanted to make him squirm a little. Or rather, a lot.
You moved through the crowd to see Elijah and the woman dancing close, whispering things to each other. Well, actually, only she was talking. He seemed like he wasn't paying too much attention to the conversation she was having with him.
You gave him a wave and a smile, pointing at the woman and giving him an encouraging thumbs up. You don't know why you did it. Your chest did funny things seeing him with someone else though.
He returned your smile but didn't do much else before she spoke in his ear again and he allowed her to lead him out of the crowd.
You guessed Elijah was tired of his own party and went off to have some fun, and you were determined to have the same.
Klaus found you sitting on the couch, a cocktail and a plate of various snacks in front of you. You were thoroughly bored as you couldn't find him again.
He came from behind and crashed beside you, taking the glass out of your hand and finishing it, then set it aside.
"Hey! That was mine," you scolded playfully.
Klaus put his arm around you and kissed your neck. "How about you stop pretending you're enjoying yourself and come upstairs with me?" He suggested.
You laughed, and then he abruptly pulled you up and practically carried you through the door leading upstairs, pinning you to the wall at the top of the steps.
"Nik," you tried to say while laughing. "You can't just haul me off and have your way with me," you protested as his lips got closer to yours.
"Tell me to stop and I will," he taunted, bringing his lips to yours in a rough kiss.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, everything moving so fast. Klaus didn't even give you a chance to respond, lifting you so your legs wrapped around him.
He walked into a room and shut the door, setting you down on his desk. You realized that you were in his infamous art studio, looking around as Klaus hovered over you. You felt his lips on your neck, kissing every inch until you moaned.
Then he found the tiny zipper of your dress and slid it down, exposing your breasts. He smirked, reaching to tweak your nipple as he took you in. "Well then, love. Now I truly see why my brother has hidden you from me," he said huskily.
You giggled at his compliment but then you couldn't form words as he yanked the rest of your dress off you. You sat on the desk naked, save for your heels and nothing else.
"Dear lord, you are gorgeous," Klaus muttered, touching you everywhere.
You pulled him close by his shirt collar and locked lips. You bit his bottom lip harshly and he growled, his eyes flashing gold. The way his eyes changed on you was the hottest thing you've seen.
You pulled his shirt off him, tossing it to the floor before unbuckling his belt, wanting him as naked as you were. Once you had him bare, you raked your nails down his chest and he chuckled.
"You want to play rough, don’t you love?" He whispered as he nipped at your neck.
"Maybe," you teased, "what are you going to do about it?" You questioned, leaning back on the desk a little and spreading your legs for him, getting wet at the promise of a wild night.
Klaus's breath hitched when you touched yourself for him, his eyes completely transfixed on you. He was definitely intrigued by how confident you were.
"Well then," he growled before he roughly pinned your legs open, his hands squeezing your thighs harshly. He brought your body to the edge of the desk, kneeling in front of you as he ran a thumb over your dripping wet center.
He hummed at your scent as he pulled you forward a bit more to devour you, making you yelp in surprise, your hands tugging on his curls.
He was good, really good, and your toes curled at the pleasure you were receiving. It only got better when you saw his golden eyes as he gazed at you with a possessive glint, the vibrations from his own groans of enjoyment hitting you just right.
But before you could climax he pulled back and stood up, making you whimper and sit up on the desk, wanting him to continue.
Klaus chuckled at your impatience, pulling you into another searing kiss as you moaned. He broke it and gave you a smug smile, before wrapping his hand around your throat.
You were panting with need, your hand moving down to his cock and he hissed at your touch. He moved forward so he was resting between your thighs again as you stroked him slowly.
You both stayed this way for a moment, staring at each other. Until finally Klaus couldn't stand it any longer and roughly turned you around to face the desk. He pushed on your back until you were bent over on the wood, making you giggle with anticipation.
He smacked your ass hard, turning your giggle into a gasp as you looked back at him. He did it again and again until it was stinging. You wanted him so badly, it was unbearable.
You reached back for him and he lined up his cock to your entrance, sliding it up and down a few times until you were nearly shaking. He finally gave in and pushed into you, his hand tugging your hair until you arched into him, and he sank into the hilt.
He hissed at the sensation and you were about to tell him to move but he started fucking you without you needing to, hard and rough and perfect. He had you moaning with each thrust as you grabbed onto the desk, holding on tight as his body collided with yours, skin slapping as you got closer to climaxing.
It was hot and a little dirty, just what you had needed. Your moans only spurred him on as his hands explored your body while he took you from behind. The force of his thrusts causing items on his desk to clatter to the floor, but you both were far too gone to care.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you back into him, making you stand so his other hand could roam your front. He moved up to massage your breast while pinching and tugging on your nipple until you moaned. He was clearly determined to make you come first and was going to enjoy doing it.
"Nik!" you whined his name when he pinched you a bit too harshly. You felt his lips on your neck, his fangs grazing the skin as he left hickeys.
You tilted your head for him and he smirked, licking your pulse point and gently nibbling. His thrusting becoming erratic as his hand slipped to your clit to rub fast circles until your legs started trembling and you let out a scream as your orgasm crashed into you.
He hummed in approval and thrust into you a few more times before you felt him filling you up with his cum, and you giggled from the sensation. He released you from his grasp and you leaned back down on the desk, turning around to face him.
You both were sweaty and exhausted but extremely satisfied. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, placing soft kisses all over your face as you giggled again, trying to move away from him.
He grabbed your dress and handed it to you before slipping on his pants, leaving his shirt off. He gave you a soft kiss on the lips and then turned away, starting to pick up the fallen objects from his desk and placing them in their correct places.
You watched him in a daze, your body tingling as you pulled your dress back on.
"So, love, my room is right next door, if you care to continue our celebration?" He said with a smug smirk, giving you a wink.
You giggled again and nodded, knowing it was probably the alcohol giving you your confidence, but you were going to ride the wave (and him) until the end. 
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Klaus woke to find you peacefully asleep in his bed. He leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead as you stirred slightly.
It was quite a night.
He took his time to admire your body and then your beautiful face. The way your eyelashes brushed your cheekbones as you slept, and your lips were parted slightly.
He got out of bed and got dressed, heading downstairs to find some blood and coffee. Elijah was in the kitchen reading his morning paper and looking every bit as dignified as always.
Klaus poured himself some coffee and started drinking it. He glanced around and saw there was no one else there but his brother, and he was smirking before he even opened his mouth.
"How was your night, Elijah?" He asked teasingly.
Elijah took his time to respond. He folded his paper up, placing it beside him as he eyed his younger brother suspiciously, he always had an innate sense to when Klaus was up to something.
"Quite fine. Why do you ask?"
Klaus's smirk grew bigger. He didn't say anything else and went about making himself something to eat. He felt Elijah's eyes boring into him the whole time, knowing that he wanted an answer but Klaus wouldn't give it to him just yet. He just loved torturing his big brother, even after a thousand years it was still highly entertaining.
"Your friend is an excellent host," Klaus started off with, his back turned as he chopped some fruit to put into a smoothie. He could almost hear the wheels turning in Elijah's mind as he tried to figure out where Klaus was going with this. "You really should have introduced me to her sooner."
Elijah sighed heavily. Klaus glanced behind him, and he had an annoyed expression on his face. He wasn't getting anything from Elijah so he turned to face him, his smirk returning.
"I showed her how much I appreciated her hard work last night. Several times actually, in my studio, a few times in my bed and then in the shower," he added as his smirk got wider and his tone became suggestive. "I dare say I've never been ridden so spectacularly before in all my years,"
Elijah abruptly stood, opening his mouth to say something, but that's when Klaus turned on the blender. Looking at Elijah apologetically and holding a finger to his ear and shrugging his shoulders.
"What's the matter brother?" he shouted over the blender. "You look a bit upset. You know it's not very healthy to bottle up all of your feelings,"
He stopped the blender and poured himself a glass, then another for Elijah as he handed it to him. Elijah just glared at him and poured the smoothie down the drain, setting the glass in the sink.
"That's rather rude, Elijah," he scolded teasingly. "I made that just for you,"
"Have you no shame, Niklaus?" He asked harshly, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Noooo, shame is for boring people," he taunted. "Why are you so upset? Aren't you happy for your friend? I can assure you that she enjoyed herself immensely,”
Elijah snapped. He couldn't take anymore. He walked over and grabbed Klaus by the shirt collar, and shoved him against the wall roughly, holding him in place.
"You know how I feel about her and yet you slept with her anyway," Elijah seethed.
Klaus raised his eyebrow. "If you want her, then you should of taken her yourself," he snapped, his eyes flashing gold in challenge. "It's your loss anyway," he added, shoving him back and adjusting his collar, then smoothing out his shirt.
Elijah was livid. He knew it was just Klaus's way of being obnoxious, but that didn't make it any easier to handle.
"I can't get the vision of her tits bouncing in my face out of my mind, Elijah," Klaus taunted him again. "Perhaps if you're lucky, you'll get to experience it for yourself," he said, brushing past his brother and walking away with a laugh.
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You woke in Klaus' bed with a terrible hangover and an empty spot beside you. You sat up, your head spinning a bit as the memories of the night before came flooding back.
Oh God, you slept with Elijah's brother.
You covered your face in embarrassment. You got drunk, got laid and it was with the worst person you possibly could of picked.
Elijah was going to kill you. He's been protecting you from his brother and here you go, having sex with him in his bed. You could imagine how disappointed he was in you right now.
You quickly got dressed and made your way downstairs, needing some coffee and possibly a few pain pills to try and take the edge off your headache.
Klaus was walking away from the kitchen, a devious smirk on his face. When he saw you, his grin got even bigger, but he said nothing, just gave you a wink.
You turned red in embarrassment and dashed into the kitchen, finding Elijah sipping his morning coffee while reading his paper. He looked up when he saw you enter and then he folded the paper and placed it on the island.
"Morning," he started off in a professional tone. You hated how he sounded.
You grabbed a mug and poured the liquid into it. Elijah was silent as he waited for you to face him, and once you had taken a few sips, he was standing in front of you.
He pushed your hair off your neck and a flash of Klaus' mouth sucking and nibbling on you last night, appeared in your mind. You were definitely covered in marks and hickeys.
"I see you had fun," Elijah muttered, and you saw him look over your appearance, the slight smudged make-up, messy hair and rumpled dress from last night.
He wasn't usually one to judge someone else's life choices, but this was his brother and you. It seemed more personal.
You blushed and pushed your hair back over your shoulder, so his eyes would stop staring at your neck. You needed a cold shower or something, the entire night was still feeling extremely vivid.
"Look Elijah, I'm so sorry, he just caught me at the right moment and I got a little drunk and..." you trailed off, taking a drink of coffee to calm your nerves. You really didn't have any good excuse to give him.
"It's alright, you can be with whoever you choose," Elijah stated in a collected tone.
You frowned and saw him adjusting his cuff-links. A sure sign he was upset. He always did that when he was angry or hiding what he was truly feeling.
"It was just a one time thing," you added, but you felt like he wasn't listening to you anymore.
Elijah was acting strange. Sure he could be an enigma sometimes, but this was different. He looked determined but a little annoyed, and you weren't quite sure how to read the situation. You decided to steer the conversation away from Klaus and what had happened between you two.
"How was your night?" You finally thought to ask. "I saw you leave with a woman, you looked like you were having fun," you said it teasingly, hoping it would lighten up the mood.
But now it was his turn to blush.
"Fine, really. It was fine," he muttered, fixing the already perfect knot in his tie. Now that was definitely something. Elijah rarely ever got tongue tied. "We kissed and I walked her home," he added, his lips pressing together in a firm line.
"That's all? You didn't...well, you know?" You questioned hesitantly.
"One night stands aren't my forte," he replied, giving you a soft smile. "When I take a woman to bed, I make her mine," his words were possessive and he hadn't taken his eyes off you.
The two of you weren't the kind of friends who discussed your sex life with each other. So when he said this, your cheeks turned hot and your imagination went wild. The idea of him holding you down and having his wicked way with you was something you were definitely interested in.
You both were staring at each other, the tension growing by the second. Then you looked away, you couldn't possibly fuck another Mikaelson in the same twelve hour period. Besides, Elijah meant far more to you than Klaus ever could. Sex with him would probably lead you somewhere complicated, and you didn't want to ruin what you had right now.
The situation was way too weird.
"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" You decided to ask, breaking the silence and steering the conversation away from sex. You just wanted to spend some time with him. "Maybe come up to my place? I don't work the next two days," you added, hopeful he would agree to spend time with you, even though he always did, but this time you felt more nervous about it.
It would help things get back to normal, as normal as they could be after what happened with Klaus.
"Sure, Klaus and Rebekah won't be home tomorrow if you would like to come over here instead?" He suggested, your eyes meeting his again.
He had such an intense way of staring into your eyes, that it almost felt like he was looking into your soul.
"Well, it's your birthday so whatever you would like to do," you stated, giving him a sweet smile.
Your phone buzzed, breaking the moment. You grabbed it from your purse and opened the new text from Klaus: 
- I'm available if you ever need something to ride again.
You quickly put down your phone, forgetting you had given him your number. You decided you were going to ignore it. There was no way you were going there again.
Elijah looked curious but didn't press.
"I better go home," you said, finishing your coffee and putting it in the sink.
"See you tomorrow," he replied, stepping closer and giving you gentle kiss on the cheek.
You said bye to him and walked out of the kitchen to the courtyard where Rebekah and Klaus were arguing. They both looked over at you, their argument stopping when they noticed you.
"Hello darling," Klaus greeted, his eyes raking over you. Flashes of your evening together running through your mind, and you quickly looked away from him.
Rebekah looked between the two of you and you could see her trying to figure it out, her eyes widening as she stared at you. You quickly hurried out of the compound before either of them could say another word.
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{Part Two}
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ��� @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog
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boowritess · 2 months
Babe I’m begging you to imagine the newest batch of rookies talking about not so badass reader and they’re just passing these legendary war stories back and forth.
There’s a rumor that the reader once killed a man with only a lemon wedge and a shoelace. One newbie says they saw footage of reader taking down a dozen enemy soldiers in the same amount of time it takes to peel a banana. Another said reader was raised by assassins and took down their first mark at age 10.
Nearly 10 feet away the 141 boys are listening to this and collectively thinking back to that morning when they watched the reader spread peanut butter onto bread with a butter knife, drop both the bread (which lands face down) and the knife which they accidentally kick under the refrigerator.
There’s a beat of silence and then a long tortured sigh, and in an accent they had never heard the reader use before they say
“Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” (Jenna Marbles).
No one but Gaz has any idea what that means but Price thinks it might be some obscure internet reference.
There’s a silent understanding between the boys that if the reader ever kills someone it will be completely by accident.
not my queen and god jenna fucking marbles getting mentioned !!! and also how tf did you know i like peanut butter ?? you is a psychic fr.
i see the headcanons that ghost is this cryptic being around base with strange stories but i am LIVING for reader being one instead.
and i love the idea of reader who overhears the rookies talking and are quick to assume they're talking about ghost.
like reader just suddenly speaks up, leaning against the wall, eating bread, (nothings on it, it's just bread - which only unknowingly adds to readers supposed origin story -)
"one time it was just nothing but teeth-"
"teeth?" *rookie*.
"yeah teeth." reader says with a nod, biting into the plain bread. reader shrugs so casually. "tearing into people's neck. blood, and flesh everyone."
and maybe it's because the main source of light coming from the hallway is behind reader. It makes reader engulfed in black. their shadow filling the room. the rookies staring in what could be horror or disgust, maybe both...
"y'know it just... makes you think. doesn’t it?" readers head turns to the group of rookies. who can feel your eyes digging into them, looking at their exposed flesh.
they suddenly make up excuses and leave the room. making reader let out a thoughtful hum, slowly nodding their head and quietly whispering to themselves, "They get it... I should check out ghost's teeth..." reader mumbles before turning and nearly running into the doorframe.
what i also like about this hc, is that the 141 are totally in on it. spreading stories to the recruits because they think it's the funniest thing.
soap's just casually chatting with a rookie who sees a tiny peeble. he picks it up, holding it to the rookie. "ye know, reader threw one of these so hard and fast that it went right through the scalp of a target we had to take out." soap drawls, then tosses it over his shoulder with a smile on his face while the rookie is just awestruck.
or ghost and gaz are playing poker with some rookies for once.
gaz picks up his newly dealt cards, "Oh ghost, doesn't this remind you of when reader slit the throats of those mafia guys with playing cards." gaz chimes, meeting ghost's eyes across from him. a silent agreement that only they could understand.
ghost nods his head, "yup, then reader used ice on the last guy because the cards got too wet from the blood."
one rookie manages to speak up, "...ice...? but how-?"
ghost and gaz in unison, "you don't want to know."
later that evening, they go into the 141 common room- where reader has managed to find an old wii console and is making price play with them. only to catch reader ready to swing the remote, only to let go on accident and hit the tv square in the middle making the whole screen glitch then go black. and you also fall flat on your ass.
price looks so dissapointed but not surprised.
but gaz, ghost and soap look thoughtful. they could totally spin this into your supposed 'badass backstory.'
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multific · 1 year
The End or The Beginning
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Vincent De Gramont x Reader
Summary: In order to save John's life. You offer yours.
You were a really good assassin. Many fought to have you work for them.
John was a really old friend of yours.
You knew him even before he left.
In your eyes, John was a difficult man.
He wanted out, then he wanted in and now he wants out again?
He said he wanted to be free. But freedom is all he had.
You understood the reason he took revenge. You understood that Santino didn't give him a second choice. 
But you were a firm believer that freedom starts within. And then you can achieve it.
John was never free.
He might have buried his guns. But he never buried the assassin within him.
And now, now you had to yet again, save his ass.
But The Marquis was a completely different case.
You heard about him and you also knew that this fight against John might never fully stop.
So, you had a simple offer.
"I'll work for you and in exchange you and the High Table leave John Wick alone. He will be a free man and you get to have me on your side." a simple offer. Anyone would be stupid to say no.
You were legendary.
But you also had a feeling that the Marquis would be too smart to give up John Wick and too cunning to give up the opportunity of you working for him.
You knew he would try and make you work for him. 
So, you were careful with him. You heard about him after all.
When he asked you into his office so he can give you an answer, you were happy to walk in and not only put on a show, but also enjoy it.
You knew this would be difficult, but you were ready.
Or so you thought.
You certainly were not ready for the gorgeous red and black suit he was wearing.
You were not ready for the handsome face waiting for you.
You honestly thought the Marquis would be an older man like Winston.
But you were wrong.
Very wrong.
He was handsome, smart, looked good in a suit and he had power.
He was tall, lean yet muscular, and that accent... 
You thought you had the upper hand... you were wrong.
Very wrong.
And judging by the smirk on his face, he was aware of it as well. 
You watched him as he was thinking about your proposition. 
You were honestly ready for almost any idea he would have.
You were ready for him to come up with something where John would still need to die.
You even thought he might somehow go as far as having you kill John.
"Would you die for John Wick?" he suddenly asked.
"Die for him?"
"Yes, would you?"
You had to think for a second.
"Then why offer your services for the rest of your life in order to save his?"
"Because I'm sick and tired of it. Ever since he killed that asshole's son, all I hear is how great he is. All I see is my friends die to his hands."
"Then why not kill him yourself?"
"Because John and I took a vow to never fight against one another. And he has lost so much already, death would be kind to him." Vincent looked you up and down, trying to find the catch in your whole story.
"I'll take your offer. You will work for me and Jock Wick shall be forever forgotten and left alone. But you already knew I would take the offer right?"
"If not you, someone else would have."
You working for Vincent made you two become closer by the day.
You learned a lot about him and his work ethic.
To say that you were rather used to it after a couple hours would be difficult to say, but you got used to him way too quickly.
Some would say alarmingly too fast.
But in this industry, you had to.
Or at least that is what you told yourself so that your mind would be at ease. 
But both you and Vincent knew that you were just as crazy as him.
You both knew that he liked you just as much as you liked him.
And fuck... he looked way too good in a suit!
He invited you as his guard to an event.
The man was basically a walking full-course meal, it was hard to concentrate.
The event in question was a charity where they were selling all kinds of things.
Expensive things.
Very expensive things. 
Vincent said he was only there to be present because there are powerful people present.
But he also said if you wished to bid for an item, go for it.
And an item did catch your eye. It was a beautiful opal necklace. It was sold as a cursed item.
"This beautiful necklace was once owned by Mrs Melony Jones. It was said she was a witch and she cursed the necklace. Many believe the deaths of the owners following were due to this curse. Starting price is 200,000 dollars."
There was something about it. You had to have it. 
And in the end, it was yours. For only 575,000 dollars, you were the happy new owner of the opal necklace.
Vincent watched you closely during the entire thing. He had never seen you so excited about something, it was good to see your passion because you just had to have the necklace.
In the end, the necklace was given to you in a sealed box with a caution note.
"Cursed item... you have quite the taste."
"Something about this is just so beautiful."
"Maybe that it was found next to a decapitated woman?" he asked with a smirk.
"At least you know what happened to me if I die."
"You don't believe in curses?"
"I believe if I see one." you looked up at him and locked eyes. "Oh, here's one." you smiled and Vincent did too. 
When you were called over to pay, Vincent stepped in front of you, paying for the necklace. 
"You didn't have to."
"Are you going to wear it?" he asked as you two got into his car, ready to head home and for him to drop you off.
"I think I will just put it into my collection."
"You have a collection of cursed items?" you laughed a little.
"No! I have a collection of vintage jewellery and items." you said as you turned to him. "I don't believe in curses, but I wouldn't risk it either. It will look nice on my shelf." Vincent turned and looked at you. You looked so gentle and pure.
If he didn't know that you are a vicious killer, he would believe that you were a simple woman. 
He had to remind himself that you were indeed a woman. Your curves in that dress certainly reminded him but now, so did your eyes.
"I would love to see your collection one day."
"Oh? So you want to come to my house? Or is this just an excuse to come to my house?"
"Yes." he replied, eyes shining and you smiled.
You watched as his driver turned into your street.
"Would you like to see it now?" you looked back at him just as his finger reached your knee.
"Maybe. You just have to say the words, Mon Amour."
The words.
Something he told you only on your first week of working with him.
"I want you." you hand suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him towards you. You gasped as his other hand reached behind you and pulled you in to meet his lips. 
The devilish grin on his face and he pulled back should have been a warning.
But it was over for you when his finger ran up to your panties, slowly pulling it away so he could reach his destination.
His fingers were long and skilled.
For months you thought he only wanted you for your skills.
For months you believed he seduced you because it was the easiest way to keep you by his side.
You truly believed it.
Until one day.
He was in his office, having a couple men in there for important business. As usual.
But when one of the man had a rather... questionable comment about you... Vincent snapped.
The man ended up with two bullet holes.
"Everyone who dares to disrespect, MY WOMAN, gets that fate. Am I clear?" everyone in the room nodded as they fled.
"I could have killed him my self." you told him as he pulled you to another room so his office can be cleaned.
"I needed to send a message. No one messes with us." you smiled at him. He looked furious, still ridding the adrenaline the anger gave him upon hearing those words thrown at you.
"No one messes with us... I quite like that."
"You should marry me. I would much prefer to shout, wife than woman."
"Oh? Is that so? Where is my ring? Romantic dinner and a speech about how I changed you for the better? How you cannot live another day without me?"
"I think we both know you changed me for the worse." he smirked. He reached into his pocket, getting out a small box and opening it. In there was a lovely vintage ring. You looked up into his eyes than back at the ring. "But I truly cannot live another day without knowing you are fully mine. Not just as the trained assassin, but more as the amazing woman. What do you say? Will you marry me?"
"Vincent... You know I joke a lot about things. I actually never expected for you to pull out a ring." you looked up into his eyes again, all you could see was sincerity. "I would love to marry you." he smiled and pulled the ring out, placing it onto your finger.
"Then you shall be mine and I shall be yours. Not my bodyguard, not my assassin but mine." you knew he was trying to sound romantic, and this was his version of romance. But it did sound rather possessive.
"Can we get married on top of the Eiffel tower? Probably not... too windy I assume. Then how about Italy? You know I love Tuscany?"
"You name it, it's yours."
"Then can I have you?"
"You already have me." you reached up with your arms around his neck, leaning in for a kiss.
"Can you take me on that table?" you pointed at it behind you. He smirked. 
"I believe, that can be arranged." he easily scooped you up with your two legs and walked you to the table.
His lips never leaving your neck as he started to remove both of your clothes.
You offered up yourself for John Wick's life.
What you believed to be the end for you was only the beginning.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  
Vincent Taglist: @l4venderia​
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
by Lior Zaltzman
The story of Mel Brooks and the history of the Borscht Belt, the Jewish resort haven in the Catskills of New York, are inextricably linked. I can’t help but think of all the lucky people who saw the legendary comic and filmmaker in his early days of making vacationing Jews laugh on stage. The man behind the “Producers” and “History of the World” movies was just 14 years old when he started working at the Butler Lodge in Hurleyville, NY as a busboy. During his downtime, the New York native would watch the comics entertain the guests at neighboring resorts, and eventually, he became the one who took the stage, and the rest? Well, that is comedy history.
At a recent event celebrating the 50th anniversary of his film “Blazing Saddles” at the Peacock Theater, Brooks talked about his days in the Jewish resort haven. He demonstrated how he would bus down giant tubs of sour cream to the “sour cream station,” only for them to disappear moments later. “Jews love sour cream,” the 98-year-old rightly surmised. He also joked about how the older Jewish men’s hobby at the resort would be singing “Dancing in the Dark” off-key, and listening to Brooks singing the song in a high-pitched voice with a heavy Yiddish accent is so perfect. Brooks has joked before about how it wasn’t the giant tubs of sour cream that killed these older Jews, but a stroke while trying to hit those high notes.
Brooks also shared his “identity song,” the song that comics introduced themselves with at these Borscht Belt resorts before starting their show. In his still quite lovely singing voice he chanted: “Here I am, I’m Melvin Brooks, I’ve come to stop the show. Just a ham who’s minus looks, but in your hearts I’ll grow. I’ll tell you gags, sing you songs, have a little nap and tuna roll along, out of my mind, won’t you be kind, and please love, Melvin Brooks.” Brooks has said that that identity song was the first time he married music with comedy, and in its own way, inspired his work on the musical “The Producers.
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fallershipping · 6 months
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I've been using this map as my imagined visual of the Japanese Pokemon regions. (Kitakami is an actual real world city located south of "Sinnoh" aka Hokkaido! Actually there's a whole mountain range in that area known as the Kitakami Mountains)
Mossdeep City, the location of the Space Center is actually 1:1 where Japan's Space Center is, not kidding. A bit weird, right? While in the games, we think as Mossdeep being East of Mt. Chimney, but it's actually South of it when oriented the correct way.
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Whether regions do make up an entire country when put together is not confirmed, there might not be a typical government that we see IRL, but regions that are very close to one another probably have unity in very similar cultural identities.
Anabel in my verse is Japanese, and I'm wondering about the the idea that she is Kanto born and her parents have business HQs in Kanto (Celadon City is where Tokyo City should be! Gosh, but every city in Kanto looks so small even in remakes! They need to fix this because Celadon is LITERALLY TOKYO i should know i went there) -- and while Anabel is Kanto born, she spent the majority of her life in Hoenn or at least near Hoenn with her grandparents/extended family.
Looker in my verse is European, but he speaks in a distinctly American accent... Wondering if perhaps he was born in a region equivalent to Germany or whatnot and spent a lot of time acclimating to America? Or he's only ever grown up European and he just developed an American accent for hiding identity purposes... Also! Kalos does have two regions! North and South. The mountains that border Paldea are primarily belonging to Southern Kalos. (Just wait until Legends Z-A destroys this with a random line of dialogue or random map asset.)
EDIT: The Legendary Beasts and the Kanto Birds are migratory and have been spotted all over the place! It's interesting to note that Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres go north as Professor Oak said "it is part of their migration," possibly implying they are a Japanese species. Legendary Beasts can appear in Kanto! (Don't hunt for them, FRLG Beasts have three IVs set to 0 due to a glitch they're practically useless) and additionally, Regirock/Regice/Registeel seem to have units in Sinnoh, though another Regigigas can be encountered in Hoenn. Perhaps Wherever there is a Regigigas present, there will be Regi Pokemon somewhere buried in the area?
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smileydk · 11 months
Ace of Spades
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Pairing: Criminal!Seonghwa x PoliceCaptain!Reader
Summary: Kim Jiwoo, a rookie Police Captain, is handed a case about “Ace of Spades”. Park Seonghwa. He’s a wanted criminal in the whole country and now it's Jiwoo's task to bring him in, but it doesn't go as planned. Instead she realizes how ridicolously good looking the dangerous man is. And she can't see how one man could possibly be that dangerous, or terrifying.
cw/tw: Guns, violence, harsh language, sexual jokes, might be more
Not proof read
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- Ace of Spades: It is a symbol of power, authority and also death
As Jiwoo pulled up to the town square and spotted the man. He was clad in a black suit accented with gold details. He almost looked like a pirate, except the clown make up and the mad-man smile on his red lips.
Jiwoo got out of the car, sighing to herself as the other cop cars had left before they could even reach the town square. ''Greatest police force in the country they said''
She was mumbling to himself abou her force bing wusses as she approached the man with caution in her steps. She was sure he knew she was there.
He did.
Seonghwa cracked his neck loudly before he turned towards the woman. His mad smile grew even wider as he spotted her. ''Kim Jiwoo! I've heard a lot about you!''
''Only bad I hope'' She mumbled.
''Of course! I'm Park Seonghwa! Or you might know me as the "Ace of Spades". I shall greet you welcome to the force!''
Jiwoo chuckled to herself. At this exact moment the man seemed quite harmless. ''So you're the man the whole country fear? The one who scared of my entire force? I really can't see how a single man could be thar terrifying''
The man kept the psychotic smirk as a deep chuckle left his lips. ''Well, dollface, you'd be surprised what a single man could accomplish with the right motivation''
''Well, might not use the word pleasure, but it is an honor to meet the legendary "Ace of Spades", the one who makes my life a living hell through my superior officer. Now, what have you been up to?''
Seonghwa was intrigued by the woman. He'd never seen someone this confident around him.
He approached the girl and grabbed her jaw in a firm grip. He tilted her head from side to side as if he was inspecting her face. As if she was a porcelain doll covered in a speck of dust.
''Well aren't you a brave one?'' Seonghwa asked out loud as he was done with his inspection.
Jiwoo didn't reply. She didn't know how to reply to that statement. She felt like no matter how she replied she'd piss of the man.
Seonghwa wasn't really expecting an answer. He was mostly talking to himself. Something he did often. Well, mostly the voices in his head, not exactly himself.
''You are absolutely fucking gorgeous, have anyone ever told you that?'' He asked her as he ran his thumb across her cheekbone
''A few disturbing men, why?''
''Well, you should have someone in your life who always tells you how gorgeous you are, especially with a body like that'' He leaned even closer, eyeing her up and down.
Jiwoo was almost convinced he was gonna kiss her right there, at the town square in front of all the scared civlians.
She was surprised when he didn't. Instead he poked his tongue out and licked her face. Out of relfex, which most people would proabbly deem normal, she slapped the man with all the power she had.
''Goddamn'' Seonghwa hissed as he pulled back from the woman. She knew how to slap. ''You are one ballsy woman!''
Jiwoo continued staring into the man's eyes. ''If you let my face go now, and you walk away, I'm not gonna take you in in cuffs''
''And what if I like handcuffs?'' Seonghwa continued smirking. He knew he was kinky, but he wanted it to come out like that.
Jiwoo had come to the conclusion that, if he liked it, he wouldn't mind, and if he didn't like it, he would've walked away. Which is how Seonghwa found himsel sitting in a place he'd never been seated before. The backseat of a cop car with his hands folded neatly in his lap. He'd only driven them before, after stealing them that is.
As they reached the station she pulled him inside, without much struggle, she earned more than look as she led the the country's most wanted criminal into the station.
''Hey!'' Seonghwa snapped. He raised his hand and pointed a knife at each and single one of them. He had gotten out of his cuffs the moment Jiwoo put him in the car. ''If you don't stop staring, I might have to cut up all of you! Wouldn't like to look like the joker, would ya?''
He approached one of them, Wooyoung, and grabbed his jaw in a firm grip. He held the knife close to the right corner of the poor officer's mouth.
Wooyoung, who was known for being a bold man and always talking back, sat frozen in his chair. Jiwoo wasn't even sure he was breathing.
Jiwoo let out a sigh. ''Seonghwa, you're in a police station, the second you hurt someone they can, by law, fire their weapons at you''
Seonghwa's grip on Wooyung's jaw only tightened, but the knife dropped to the floor. ''Fine, but if you repeat this, I promsie you, something will happen''
Jiwoo grabbed his arm and dragged them towards their holding cells. As she shoved him inside the cell, the other perps were quick to press up against the wall in terror.
Seonghwa sat down in the middle of the room, on the floor, and took out a pen. As he took out the pen the perps pressed even harder against the wall.
He was enjoying the terror he put in other people.
''If your plan is to kill someone with that pen, please give it to me now''
''Look, I'm not planning on it, but even if I was planning it, do you really think I'd tell you?''
''Whatever, do you want a paper?''
Seonghwa nodded and smiled, this time not one of his psychotic, demon smiles, but a softer one.
The woman couldn't believe how a man could have such duality. One moment he's threatening to cut you up like the joker, and the other moment he's sitting on the floor, doodling away like a three year old.
As Jiwoo sat back down by her desk Wooyoung approached his superior officer. ''Look, don't get me wrong Jiwoo, respect for getting Seonghwa, but don't you think it's a bit weird he stayed even though he wasn't cuffed. He must have something planned''
''I know, but let's give him the benefit of a doubt. Or just shove the other perps into the hearing rooms if you think he's gonna kill them. They're too dumb to escape, but I don't trust Seonghwa in there as he could escape. Hell, he could escape now as well, despite eight armed officers watching over him''
Wooyoung nodded. ''I guess...'' He sat back down by his desk and threw his legs up on it.
Jiwoo kept her eyes on the holding cell, where Seonghwa was still sitting peacefully, drawing on his paper and twirling the pen between his fingers every now and then.
''How is he the most feared man in Korea?''
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48 hours passed, which meant they couldn't hold the man longer without proof or a hearing. And they had no solid proof. All they had were his tag "Ace of Spades" and he would never admit to that on tape.
''Come on Seonghwa, either you help us out here, or you've gotta leave. We have to fill the cell with other perps and they're all terrified of you'' She motioned to the other perps who'd been pressed up against the wall for the past two days.
''What do I have to do for you to give me something? Please~ give me anything!'' Jiwoo whined. She'd given up on her cool after the first 36 hours.
''Make out with me'' He stated simply, not lifting his gaze from his doodling paper.
Jiwoo couldn't believe she was even considering the offer. Making out with the most wanted man for something he might not even tell her afterwards? ''No! Nuh-uh''
''You hesitated, Princess''
And so the days kept passing and Seonghwa would not budge. They had to get creative about where they put the perps.
Some were shoved into the hearing rooms, which didn't work out in the long run since they needed those for... well hearings.
Some were simply cuffed to nearest surface and the guys hoped they wouldn't escape.
Jiwoo was getting tired of having to come up with different ideas of where to keep the perps, so she took it upon herself to throw the man out so their holding cell could be used.
She walked into the holding cell. ''Guys, take the other perps and store them... somewhere. I just need 10 minutes''
Hongjoong nodded and stood up, as well as the rest of the men, and walked over to the cell to escort the perps into different hearing roooms, with each other.
As Jiwoo entered the holding cell she closed and locked it behind her. She sat down opposite of Seonghwa.
''Can you either help us, or just... leave?''
''But if I leave I can't see your pretty face everyday, Princess'' He finally lifted his gaze from his painting.
Jiwoo took a peek at it. Her eyes widened. It was a picture of herself and Seonghwa... doing unthinkable things. ''You've got some talent, but eh... why in the world am I on the picture?''
''You're hot'' Seonghwa replied without stuttering.
Then again, he was probably used to saying anything he wanted and no one batted an eye.
''You're crazy'' Jiwoo mumbled quietly to herself.
The man's head snapped up in almost inhumane pace. ''Crazy you say?'' The psychotic smile was back on his lips. ''Say, I've been called lots of things, but crazy isn't one of them'' He stood up and started pacing as well as insepcting the cell. ''See I'm a bit hurt you call me crazy, Princess. I was starting to like you''
''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but to be fair, you're wanted for basically everything you can be wanted for''
Seonghwa chuckled. ''Fine, I'll leave, but we'll meet again soon. I can promise you that''
''I doubt it''
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Jiwoo was walking home after a long shift. The clock was two in the morning and it was pitch black outside. The sun would be up in a few hours, due to summer time. The only light she was given came from the street lights, which were almost ten meters apart.
She was thanking the weather for being on the warmer side since she was clad in a crop-top and a pair of jeanshorts.
An attire that had made her whole department laugh since she'd never showed up in such clothing. Or to quote Wooyoung "I didn't know you had the ability to look like a female human being"
She wasn't worried. She had her gun on her, and she'd never been scared of the dark. But something was irking her. She didn't like it one bit.
What Seonghwa said to her a month ago, actually got to her.
She wasn't necessarily scared of the man. He had never given her a reason to be scared of him. Well, depends on how you wanna interpreter the whole thing, he had given her several reasons to terrify him, but she always wanted to give people a second chanve, and believe in the good in people.
But she was worried about what he could accomplish, since she had after all heard stories about him.
She stopped as she spotted a silhouette standing under the next lamp.
''The chances of it being Seonghwa is small'' She mumbled to herself.
She didn't know if she wanted to reassure herself or if she was just praying that it wasn't him.
Since the light came from above she couldn't see his face, or any form of detail that could reveal the person's identity.
As she got closer the silhouette started chuckling. Jiwoo cursed herself. She recongized his chuckle.
''Well Princess, didn't I promise we were gonna meet again?'' He stood up straight and walked the last few feet, since Jiwoo was frozen in shock. ''Aren't you happy to see me, Princess?'' He gently grabbed her jaw and tilted it upwards.
''I- uhm... no?'' Jiwoo felt intrigued by him.
''Lie. You know what we do with liars?'' Seonghwa's smirk grew. ''We punish them'' Seonghwa grabbed her arm and pulled her towards a car. ''Scream and someone innocent dies''
Jiwoo cursed herself in her head but allowed the man to pull her towards a random car, which he decided was now his.
What she said previously was out the window. She was starting to grow scared of the man. He was unpredicatble.
Seonghwa stomped on the gas and drove towards his mansion. Yes, mansion.
''We've got an hour to kill, ask me anything. I know you're curious''
''Well... cheesy, but your origin story? Why?''
''Well, I think you know my family. My father Park Baekhyon, asshole for that matter. He's most of the reason. Abusive, alcoholic, manipulative, did as wished because he was rich''
Jiwoo racked in her head for the name Park Baekhyon. She slowly realized who he was. ''You killed your own parents''
''I did. I'm not proud of it. But-''
''How could you kill your own father?'' Jiwoo exclaimed.
''You didn't know him as I did!'' Seonghwa shouted and gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were turning white. Jiwoo thought he was break it. ''He would rape young boys! He would bring home my friends and he would lure them into his study. Something happened behind those doors and then I would never see my friends again! I only know because he got drunk one evening and bragged about it! And when those boys couldn't satisfy his needs he turned to mom and me!''
Jiwoo's eyes softened. No, it didn't justify the face that he was a murderer or the fact that he murdered his own parents, but him being messed up might have something to do with his messed up childhood.
''I would call the police, but as everyone adored my father and knew nothing about what happened behind closed doors, they would dismiss it as some rich kid around abusing his power, or just just asking for attention! No one ever believed me when I said I was in trouble!''
The car fell silent. The rest of the hour long drive was quiet. Jiwoo was processing everything Seonghwa had told her and Seonghwa was slowly regretting that he told the girl his whole lifestory.
As they reached Seonghwa's mansion Jiwoo's jaw fell open. ''Goddamn''
''Close that pretty mouth of yours'' He tapped her chin and led her inside.
''Look, your sad childhood is, most likely, the root of your hell-like life, and it oesn't excuse your behvaiour, but I get it. No one ever showed you love''
Seonghwa stopped walking and turned around. ''I don't like how you read me like an open book. If you're trying to tell me I've got daddy issues, fuck you. But you're right, no one ever showed me any love and I've been just fine without it! I don't need you, Ms. Police Captain to come around and act all sweet and pretend to give me the love you decided I need''
The woman sighed to herself. She was gonna regret everything she was about to do.
She walked up to the tall man and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. She thought that despite his cold and rough aura, he needed some love.
Everyone needs love, but especially those who've never received it.
The man froze. He was confused. ''W-w-what are you doing?'' All his hard work at building up walls around himself faltered in a second. This woman did what no one else had ever accomplished.
And he hated it!
''I'm hugging you''
''Why? I don't deserve that- I don't-''
''Everyone deserves love. Everyone needs love. Even the most cold hearted people in the world needs love'' She mumbled and kept her arms wrapped around the man.
Seonghwa didn't move from his frozen state. He had never gottan a hug from anyone. Hell, he'd never even gotten a slap on the back, or heard anyone tell him he did a good job.
As Jiwoo pulled away she smiled. ''Everyone-'' Before Jiwoo could start talking Seonghwa had stormed off into a random room.
He had never showed his feelings, he never had to, so now that the woman managed to get his feelings to spill out, he didn't know what to do.
Jiwoo sighed and started walking through the hallways to find the man.
''Why does one lonely man need 200 bedrooms?'' Jiwoo asked herself as she opened another door.
She opened the last door in the hallway, which was a double door. As she threw the doors opened she was met with the man she was looking for.
He was sitting on the floor, something Jiwoo realized was a habit of his, with a big knife in his hand. He was twirling it between his fingers, occasionally throwing it up in the air and catching it.
As Jiwoo opened the door, said knife came flying towards her head. It stuck to the door, less than an inch from her face, but despite the closeness she didn't flinch.
She simply removed the knife and took a closer look at it. ''Nice knife'' She threw it back to Seonghwa. She walked over to the man and sat down in front of him. ''Look, I know you’re not used to… emotions. So I’m sorry that I just… emotion-vomited on you''
Seonghwa didn’t say anything. He simply raised his gaze and deadpanned the woman.
''I can be your therapist! Tell me all your problems''
Jiwoo knew it was weird for a police officer to be nice to a criminal, it was weird for her to even be this nice to a criminal. But she felt like he needed it.
Seonghwa swiftly raised his knife to Jiwoo’s throat and his gaze was ice cold. ''I don’t care if your job is to make me a better a person, I don’t care if your intention is to make me less of a criminal, or however you want to word it, I won’t tell you shit. Are you gonna get a promotion if you do this?''
Once again she didn’t flinch. She gently laid her hand on Seonghwa’s and lowered it. She carefully took the knife from his hands, all while keeping eye contact with the man.
Seonghwa’s gaze softened as he realized she wasn’t scared of him. She wasn’t gonna let this go anytime soon. No one had ever put in this much effort for anything that was about him.
Jiwoo grabbed his other hand and just held his cold hands in her warm ones.
''Look, I know you’ve never heard this before, and I know it’s weird especially when it’s coming from a Police Captain, but I’m here if you need something''
The man didn’t know what to do.
His heart was thumping loudly in his ears. Her hands holding his gave him a tingling sensation. Her sweet, gentle smile made him wanna smile.
''Why is my heart thumping so hard? And fast? And why does my skin tingle whenever you touch me? And why do I wanna smile when you smile?'' Seonghwa rambled his questions out loud.
Jiwoo chuckled at his ramble. How would such a notorious criminal be so adorable.
''Your heart is thumping hard and fast because you’re excited, or when you’re in love. Your skin is either tingling because you’re in love with me or because your allergic to me, and smiles are infectious''
Seonghwa’s eyes widened as he came to a realization. He was in love with the woman in front of him.
''I’m kidding. I have no idea why all that is happening to you'' Jiwoo smiled.
Deposited the woman joking, he was quite sure he was in love with her.
''I think I like you… more than I’d like to admit''
The woman froze. He couldn’t. It was like a poor version of Romeo and Juliette.
''Well, I don’t know if I can say the same right at this moment-''
''I knew it! No one could ever love me! You lied to me!''
Seonghwa swiftly pulled out a gun and pressed it to Jiwoo’s forehead.
The cold metal pressing against her forehead would turn anyone into a frantic mess, but Jiwoo was surprisingly calm. She trusted him.
Which could be stupid, but she listened to her gut feeling.
It almost annoyed Seonghwa that he couldn’t terrify her. He always put fear in people without even trying! He could walk down the street to get a cup of coffee and people would disappear faster than one could count to three.
But why wasn’t this woman scared of him?
She was more scared of his feelings than she was of a gun, pressed against her forehead by the most notorious criminal Korea’d ever seen.
And why couldn’t he hurt her? He’d never had a problem with killing, torturing, kidnapping and so on.
But this woman, something about this woman made him wanna remove all the evil in the world. He could never hurt her! He wanted to protect her from anything that could possibly be evil.
''I- I- I can’t do it! Why can’t I kill you? I’ve never had a problem with it before! What makes you special? You make me wanna quit the criminal life! You make me wanna remove all the evil in the world! I wanna protect you from anything that could possibly hurt you'' He threw the gun across the room in rage.
Jiwoo smiled. ''You are in love with me, Park Seonghwa. Whether you like it or not ''
''I don’t like it! You don’t like me back!'' Seonghwa exclaimed. He almost looked like a three year old throwing a temper tantrum.
''Look, it might be because I've only just met you, or the fact that you're wanted for basically every single thing you can be wanted for, but if I get to know you, the feelings might change'' She held his, cold, hands in her warm ones.
Jiwoo grabbed his arms and pulled at them. ''Come on, I saw a giant TV in one of your millions of rooms, you've gotta have some kind of games. Let's play''
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''For a police Officer your aim is really shitty'' Seonghwa chuckled as he won another match.
''It's a lot easier in real life'' Jiwoo mumbled and threw the controller on the couch. She threw it hard enough for it to bounce, and smack Seonghwa in the face. ''Oh my god, I am so sorry!''
Seonghwa glared at the woman. ''How dare you?''
Jiwoo tried her best to not laugh as Seonghwa glared at her. She couldn't really take him seriously. Why? She had no idea, he was terrifying when he glared at someone.
He grabbed her by the waist and pinned her down to the couch.
''I said I'm sorry'' Jiwoo mumbled as the mood changed within a second. ''What more do you want? Kiss it better? Where does it hurt?'' Jiwoo cooed in a judging way.
''I mean, that would be rather nice, wouldn't it?'' He leaned closer to her with a small smirk on his lips. ''My lips hurt, kiss them better?''
The woman didn't know what came over her, but she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Seonghwa smirked as her lips pressed against his.
As they deepened the kiss Seonghwa removed one of his hands to place it on Jiwoo's cheek, but instead he managed to fall off the couch with a small "Ouff"
Jiwoo sat up and looked down at the boy. She chuckled slightly before he grabbed her and pulled him down on top of him. A small "Ouff" left them both again. Jiwoo chuckled as she straddled his waist.
Seonghwa looked at her with adoring eyes. His hands laid on her thighs, on which his thumbs drew small circles. The woman didn't know what to do as he stared at her. She blushed and lowered her gaze, causing him to chuckle.
''Cute'' He mumbled before he allowed his hands to travel up her thighs, past her waist and under the hem of her shirt. Goosebumps grew on her skin as his fingertips did as they wished.
''What is your next plan?'' Jiwoo raised an eyebrow as she looked down at the man. She tried to not blush as he stared at her.
''As I said, you'd be surprised what a single man could accomplish with the right motivation'' He winked and sat up, face less than an inch from hers.
''What's your motivation right now?''
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jasmi-n · 1 month
Success Stories - Case Studies of People Who Achieved Their Goals Through Manifestation
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Manifestation allows people to transform their intentions into reality. But how does this practice work in real life? Let's explore success stories of some who attribute their achievements to the practice of manifestation. Through these case studies, we will see how mindsets, beliefs, and actions aligned to produce tangible results in their lives.
1. Jim Carrey: Visualized Success in Hollywood
Jim Carrey, the famous actor and comedian, is one of the most well-known stories of manifestation. Early in his career, he wrote himself a fake check for 10 million dollars, dated five years in the future, as payment for his services as an actor. He carried the check with him, consistently visualizing his success. Exactly five years later, Carrey received a 10 million dollar check for his role in the film "Dumb and Dumber." Carrey attributes part of his success to the practice of visualizing his future and firmly believing in his potential.
2. Oprah Winfrey: Manifested the Life of Her Dreams
Oprah Winfrey, one of the most influential women in the world, is another advocate of manifestation. From a young age, Oprah used visualization and positive affirmations to overcome the hardships of her childhood and build the life she wanted. She always believed that her success was, in part, a result of her ability to manifest her desires. In various interviews, Oprah has shared that she always visualized her success and believed in it even before it happened.
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Manifested Greatness in Multiple Careers
Arnold Schwarzenegger used manifestation to achieve goals at different stages of his life. As a bodybuilder, Schwarzenegger consistently visualized the physique he wanted to achieve, which helped him win titles like Mr. Olympia. Later, he applied the same principles when entering the film industry, visualizing himself as a Hollywood star, even when it seemed impossible due to his strong accent and lack of experience. Eventually, he became one of the biggest movie stars. Schwarzenegger also used manifestation when he decided to enter politics, visualizing himself as the Governor of California, a goal he also achieved.
4. Conor McGregor: Manifested a Legendary UFC Career
Conor McGregor, one of the most well-known MMA fighters in the world, is a strong advocate of manifestation. From the beginning of his career, McGregor spoke openly about how he visualized his victories before each fight. He not only visualized the outcome but also the specific details, such as the exact moment he would win and the emotions he would feel. This practice helped him build confidence and focus, contributing to his success in the UFC. McGregor became the first fighter to hold two simultaneous titles in different weight classes, and he firmly believes that manifestation played a crucial role in his journey.
5. Lady Gaga: Manifested Fame and Success in Music
Before becoming a global star, Lady Gaga used manifestation to visualize her successful career. She would tell herself and others that she would be famous, even before she had a major opportunity. Lady Gaga embodied this mindset in everything she did, from her performances in small clubs to her early recordings. In interviews, she has shared that she always saw herself as a star and acted according to that vision, which helped her attract the right opportunities and build a remarkable career in music and film.
6. Denzel Washington: Manifested Purpose and Success in Acting
Denzel Washington is another example of someone who used manifestation to achieve success. In his youth, Washington received a prophecy from a woman at church, who said he would travel the world and speak to millions of people. He kept this message close to his heart and used it as motivation throughout his career. Denzel not only visualized success but also dedicated himself to developing his acting skills. Today, he is one of Hollywood's most respected actors and attributes part of his success to his unwavering belief in his purpose and the power of manifestation.
7. Steve Harvey: Manifested a Successful Career in Entertainment
Steve Harvey, comedian and television host, is a strong advocate of manifestation. He grew up in humble circumstances but always dreamed of becoming a big name in entertainment. In his book and in speeches, Harvey shares how he used manifestation to overcome challenges and achieve success. He wrote his goals on paper and visualized them every day, firmly believing that they would become a reality. Today, Steve Harvey is one of the most well-known TV hosts in America, with a career that includes radio shows, television, and best-selling books. He believes that the power of faith and manifestation played a crucial role in his journey.
8. Jim Carrey (Part 2): Manifested Specific Movie Roles
In addition to the famous 10 million dollar check, Jim Carrey also used manifestation to land specific movie roles. Before being cast in films like "The Mask" and "Ace Ventura," he would drive to Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles and visualize film directors calling him for these roles. He imagined what it would be like to be in these films and the impact they would have on his career. This practice helped him maintain confidence and motivation while working to achieve his goals. Eventually, Carrey was cast in these roles, which propelled him to fame.
9. Will Smith: Manifested Success and Happiness
Will Smith, actor and musician, deeply believes in the power of manifestation. From a young age, he visualized success and worked hard to achieve it. In various interviews, Smith has talked about how he believes our thoughts and words have the power to shape our reality. He visualized his success as an actor, even when he was only known as a rapper. His confidence and determination led him to become one of Hollywood's highest-paid and most recognized actors. Smith attributes part of his success to his positive mindset and the practice of manifesting his desires.
10. Beyoncé: Manifested Perfection in Her Performances
Beyoncé is known for her perfectionism and dedication in her performances, and she believes in the power of manifestation to achieve excellence. From the start of her career, she visualized the type of artist she wanted to be and worked hard to manifest that vision. Beyoncé plans every detail of her performances with the belief that visualization and mental preparation are as important as physical rehearsal. Her meticulous approach and belief in the power of manifestation have helped her become one of the most iconic and influential artists in the world.
11. Jay-Z: Manifested Success in Music and Business
Jay-Z, one of the most successful rappers and music industry entrepreneurs, used manifestation to rise from a challenging childhood and build an empire. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York, under adverse conditions but always believed he could achieve something greater. Jay-Z visualized success and repeatedly told himself he would become a great artist. He also turned these visualizations into action, developing his rap skills and venturing into the music industry. Today, in addition to being a celebrated artist, Jay-Z is a billionaire businessman with stakes in various industries. He believes that manifestation, combined with hard work and strategy, was crucial to his rise.
These stories show that the practice of manifestation has been used by a variety of people in different fields to achieve their dreams and goals. Why not you?
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poppetsisters · 2 months
Now that my rage over the Doomcasting has simmered down, I just wanna gush over the Fantastic Four comi con stuff.
I'm not joking, when I heard that Michael Giacchino was doing the score, I SCREAMED. Not only is he famous for scoring The Incredibles, but he also did Speed Racer from 2008 which, if you haven't heard that score, it is one of the best scores for any film I've seen.
The period accurate footage is such a treat. I figured Matt Shakman's work on Wandavision was going to be indicative of what the Fantastic Four was gonna look like and yet it looks even better. I was nervous that Shakman's lack of feature film experience was gonna be a detriment, but his decades of work on TV gives him amazing instincts for character dynamics, which is one of the most important assets when making a Fantastic Four movie.
A lot of what we saw is pre-vis and may not actually be in the movie, but the retro-future vibe of the movie is perfect. The fact that MCU Fantastic Four is taking place in its own separate pocket away from all the bullshit really helps me feel excited for this movie. For once, the disconnectedness is something I'm EXCITED about, go figure.
Again, because it's pre-vis, not a whole lot of glimpses at The Thing's rocky form, in fact none of the powers were shown off for understandable reasons. I have no worries that The Thing is going to look good. As bad as Fant4stic was, The Thing looked pretty good in that film. Korg also never looked outright bad to me either, and they're probably gonna put more effort into how he looks anyway. Sue's powers are probably gonna be represented well seeing as invisibility is a really easy power to do VFX for. Fire graphics have come a long way as well, and that concept art makes me thing they may take a very stylised approach to his flame effects. Reed however is the one I'm really worried about. The only time stretch powers looked good was The Incredibles 1 and 2, but those were both stylised 3D animated filma. Live action has a much higher bar to clear with a heavy risk of uncanny valley Pedro Pascal. If you can make that man look bad, then you know you fucked up.
The Fantasticar is nice. We had the Dodge in Rise of Silver Surfer and the Bathtub in Deadpool and Wolverine, and though I like the Silver Surfer one (despite the shameless product placement) I get that they wanted a car that looked like a mid-century man's idea of what a flying car looks like. The only think is that I wish it could split apart into four sections, it doesn't look like it can do that. Oh well.
The spacesuits look good, the colours are exactly what I imagined they'd be on the concept art, but I'm waiting for the proper super suits to be shown off. Hopefully they have less interlocking parts and resemble the slightly thick and comfy spandex we saw in the concept art.
It looks like Pedro is keeping the moustache, which normally I'm not a fan of Reed with facial hair, but I also think it gives Reed a sorta Howard Hughes look that helps him blend in with the aesthetics of the world. The grey around the temples is good though, and it seems like he's also doing a transatlantic accent which frankly is very surprising.
I thought that Ebon wasn't doing an accent until I rewatched him during an interview. He appears to be toning down his natural tendency to draw out his A's and E's. It was only two lines of dialogue so I don't know, but what is very apparent is that he's not going for the outrageous brooklyn accent The Thing is legendary for in the comics, but something a little more subtle and believable.
Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn are both different flavors of British, and though Joseph only says one word, it's pretty clear both are foregoing their natural accents. That said, Vanessa's choice of, what I can only guess is a slight mid-western accent, is very interesting. I was not expecting that choice.
They added a subtitle to the movie. Fantastic 4: First Steps. I think they didn't need to add a subtitle, but since they did. I'll just give it a cursory analysis. I think you can derive FOUR meanings from the title: First Steps calls to mind humanity's first steps on the Moon, fitting for a space age tale. First Steps also feels like a good title for their first adventure. First Steps works metatextually as their first steps into the MCU (which isn't technically true with those two cameos in MoM and D&W), but the most important theory I have for First Steps is in relation to a baby's first steps. I think that Franklin is going to be in this movie as a major plot point. Serving what purpose, I'm not sure.
To finish things off, we only get a look at Galactus through a window, so not much I can comment on in terms of appearance, but I'm very happy that it's an actual dude and not shadows within a cosmic cloud. He looks very imposing and I hope we get more perspective shots like that to sell how big this guy is.
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alt-wannabe · 3 months
here's fulham's character sheet!
College of Lore Bard 12 / The Fathomless Warlock 3 (Pact of the Blade)
Fulham is the last HBG member that I had ideas for a character sheet for but I ABSOLUTELY want to make more, I just don't want to mischaracterize the streamers I unfortunately know a little less about. That being said please please please lmk who yall wanna see next and i can make some polls in order to help me get started. Thanks :3
More under the cut!
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Fulham's always seemed really well spoken so bard immediately stuck out to me as a good pick, and college of lore was also a pretty easy subclass pick bc my guy is EDUCATED. The warlock multiclass is a little more for player usability than characterization- eldrich blast with some invocations on a 20 CHA character can get some crazy damage. Also fun fact that purple is the pinkest accent color on D&D Beyond it's tragic.
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Spell picks were like 40% normal D&D picks, 30% minecraft references, and 30% pure vibes/intuition picks. I gave him a lot more support/enemy debuff spells than pure damage as fulham tends to really shine in team events imo (plus bards tend to lean more on that side of the spell spectrum anyways).
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I admittedly went a little crazy on the inventory. The smaller easter eggs include and herbalism kit, melons, and a cactus in the chest along with cooks utensils (tubbathon cooking show) and a playing card set (poker). Going along with poker/gambling I HAD to give him the Deck of Many Things- that things gambling incarnate and is such a fun iconic item (if my memory serves correctly this makes Fulham the only HBG member so far to have a legendary item). Manual of Iron Golems and Cube of Force are straight up just slap in the face minecraft references and I'm impressed it took me this long to spot them. Bag of Beans was another reference to the melon/cactus shenanigans (even though the actual utility of the item isn't super related to the theme but shhhhh). The Lantern of Revealing and Necklace of Adaptation were a little more vibe picks than the rest, Fulham just seems pretty observant and quick to adapt to his surroundings so I felt like they fit well.
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Here are the feats I picked. Fulham has a masters in mf ENGINEERING so it would have felt so wrong not giving him something artificer related in some way. Fey touched was partially for the charisma boost and another partially just straight vibe pick.
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Finally here's just a few of the bard features he picked up that I thought were fitting- specifically Jack of All Trades and Cutting Words.
Again I hope y'all are enjoying these as much as I enjoy making them! Please please send any suggestions for other HBG members and what would be fitting (I know I want to make silverr and poundcake at the very least but I'm struggling with what choices to make for them)
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asaarii · 7 months
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cheeeeeeeseeeeeeeee~~~~ talon mini series bc i love him and he doesn't get like any love... ALSO HIGH NOON BC I SAID SO and yone legendary :33 okay time to disappear again ta ta
ft: high noon!talon (league of legends)
reader: fem
wc: 2017
summary: after the fall of heaven, you're left to wander the mortal plain with nothing but a dead-end job and a mark on your hand binding you to a brother who you once thought dead. they say the west is cruel, but you weren't expecting to be reunited with the man you loathed most.
part i (here!) part ii
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There’s a distinct creak that echoes through the air as the swinging doors open. The bar silences, all eyes turning to glance at the newcomer from beneath the hem of their worn leather hats before deeming him not worth their time and returning to their previous activities.
His boots click as he slowly stalks toward the front of the bar, the odd blades at the ends of his cape rattle noisily, clinking together with every step. His face remains hidden by the downward tilt of his head, obscured by the pristine hat accented by rims of gold. It isn’t long till he takes a seat at your station, waving you down with a flick of his wrist.
As you approach, your breath hitches. He’s smirking, scrutinizing your every move with an amused quirk of his brow. But what grabs your attention is his eyes, well, eye as one of them is covered by a black eyepatch with similar golden accents as the rest of his outfit. There’s something not quite human about his gaze and devilish smirk, yet you don’t allow his strange aura to deter you. You had a job to do, after all.
“Well, ain’t you a pretty sight?” The man lets out a low whistle, his smirk ever-present as his gaze lands on your gloved hand, which you quickly tuck away behind your work skirt upon feeling his gaze. He quirks a brow but doesn’t push, which you’re grateful for. Heaven knows that the folks in this town are far too nosy than they ought to be. Sweat begins to gather at the base of your neck, though whether it's from the high noon’s unforgiving heat, or from his stare, you aren’t quite sure.
You force yourself to remain calm. “What can I get you today, sir?” The buzz of the bar does little to distract you from the alluring stranger as he lets out a deep chuckle. You fiddle with your skirt when he dips his head to the side with a shrug, brushing aside the feeling in your gut telling you to run. In all honesty, you really should’ve.
“Whatever you recommend, miss.”
If he took note of your apprehension, he gave you the grace of not commenting on it, merely watching you pour a small cup of water from a lukewarm pitcher. The glass is then placed before him with a resounding thud, with a few of the droplets splashing onto his clothes and the counter.
“There you go, a mighty fine glass of water all for you, sir.” You ignore his stare in favor of wiping down the now-wet counter. He snorts, and you know he has a wide grin plastered on his face even if you can’t see it.
“Just water? And here I thought we hit it off, miss.”
Now it's your turn to snort, narrowing your eyes at the strange newcomer with a sneer. “We don’t do freeloaders ‘round here, sir. Sorry to disappoint.” You turn away from him to make your way over to a different customer when the sound of a pouch of coins hitting wood draws your attention swiftly back to the newcomer.
The whole bar seems to come to a standstill as the shimmering gold rolls across the countertop.
Tobias Felix looks up from his shuffled deck of cards, blue eyes falling to the coins with piqued interest. It’s rare to see the man away from Buzzard Gulch, and you can’t say you find yourself at ease with his presence, especially when he keeps his cards so close to his chest. 
(Never trust a man with too many secrets; a saying befitting of your current predicament.)
The famed Gunpowder Witch lets out a low whistle as she props her feet on the table despite your numerous complaints. Her left hand dutifully twirls one of her guns—Blaze, you recall her naming it—while the other tightly grips a bounty from the Mechanical Devil himself. The amount in the pouch is significantly less than the amount on the bounty, but out here in the west, all coin is good coin.
Your nostrils flare and your eyes glint with an unmatched hellfire that would send the Mechanical Devil himself running with his tail between his legs. “Fine,” you spit venomously, “what can I getcha, sir?”
“A moment of your time would suffice.” The man leans against the counter, taking the hand that lay resting on the counter before placing a chaste kiss on the silk glove.
As if burned, you quickly draw your hand back, reeling away as disgust paints your features. “A moment of my—! Do I look like a common whore?!” Had it not been for the manager coming to step in, there is no doubt in your mind that you would’ve struck the man. With a hand firmly clasped over your mouth, you’re unable to voice your complaints as your manager smiles.
A dangerous look crosses the outsider’s face, but it’s quickly replaced with a mirroring plastered smile.
“Pleasure doin’ business with you, kind sir.” Your manager tightens his grip on you, sticking his hand out for the strange man to shake.
“Much obliged.”
With the tip of a hat and the snatching of coin, you find yourself in the devil’s hold, deliberately avoiding his piercing gaze as he leads you away from the bar. Dust kicks up beneath your feet, dirtying the whiteness of your dress into the same barren shade of brown as the dirt. Once you deem yourself far away from wandering eyes, you tear yourself away from him. 
“You!” You press your gloved finger to his chest, unable to withhold your thinly veiled anger.
“Well, hello to you too, darlin’.” He peels your hand off of his chest, once more placing a kiss on the back, though this time he removes the glove, revealing the half mark of grief inked into your skin. 
(One half on you, and the other on your brother; two sides of the same coin.)
“Miss me, angelface?” His tone is light yet mocking as he peels off the eye patch. One of his arms sneaks around your waist, pulling you flush against him, much to your chagrin.
“I ain’t ever miss a devil.” You resist the urge to spit in his pretty face. His eyes, forever soulless, burn bright beneath the scorching sky of the high noon, amusement dancing in the two-toned irises as he forces you into a crude waltz. 
“Naw, can’t hide it from me, angelface. You’re still as shitty a liar as y’always been.”
Twisting and turning to an unheard rhythm, his hand entwines with your ungloved hand; calloused and rough through years of merciless killing. You try to pull away from him but his grip remains firm.
“And you’re still a connivin’ sonuva—!”
His movements are sudden and hidden, yet still as precise as they’ve always been.
You gasp as a blade pierces through your midsection, the cold steel bringing the familiar feeling of a harrowing death as it pushes deeper. 
It burns. 
The mark on your hand pulses, no doubt your brother on the other end restarting the process of grief. 
Golden blood trickles from the open wound, tainted by mortal air and a devil’s blade. You can only gape at him as he smiles down ruefully at you, bearing the same expression he bore all those years ago. You grasp weakly at his throat in an attempt to choke him, unable to voice your anger and grief with the blood rising in your throat. Your body falls as he drops you, but your soul is quick to stand again, gazing down at your corpse as it dissipates into a golden light.
The barren land cracks beneath your feet as you give up resisting, giving way to the hidden tracks beneath. The tracks of utter damnation.
A train horn sounds in the distance, followed shortly by the distinct sound of wheels on rails, chugging along the beaten tracks as the Sulfur Rail draws ever closer. You smell it before you see it; the intangible scent of burnt matches and rotting eggs pervading your senses even as you scrunch your nose at its distasteful smell.
It isn’t long until the train comes to a standstill, pausing before the two of you with the deafening screech of metal on metal. The devil—ever the utmost gentleman—steps on first, gripping onto the rusted rail as he extends his other hand to you.
His smirk widens as you take his hand, conjuring a fan to hide your expression as well as an attempt to block out the Sulfur Rail’s foul stench. Its white feathers fall with every movement, fading to black before disintegrating as they hit the ground. 
(Similar to a lot of folks you know, your brother in particular.)
You tune out his conversation with the ticket taker both out of spite and boredom, focusing your attention instead on the multitude of souls meandering about. Angels, devils, humans—all on a one-way ride to hell, paid in full by the mechanical devil-king himself. You see a few familiar faces amongst the sea of souls, though one in particular eludes you. Shrugging to yourself, you make your way down the rows of seats, both empty and occupied.
Anger still simmers beneath the surface of your skin despite your lack of outward resistance. The man takes a seat across from you, his face schooled into a more familiar look of annoyance and perpetual anger, unlike his suave facade from earlier.
You hate how he still looks attractive after all these years of nothing but silence between the two of you. You hate how he speaks so casually with you as if nothing happened after the downfall of Heaven—your home. Snapping your fan shut, you look at him, looking for any subtle shift in his features brought upon by time. His frown lines, the imminent scowl that’s taken over the plastic smile he clung to at the bar, the shaggy silver hair beneath his hat, and you could never forget the hidden blades just barely peeking from the cuffs of his shirt and knives in the holster at his hip.
Nope, he’s exactly the same. Just as you suspected.
“Why didja bring me here, Talon?”
“Lookin’ for somethin’ and you’re the only one who can help me find it, angelface.” That all-knowing look in his back on his slappable face and your jaw clenches tight beneath your teeth at the mere sight of it.
Your hand clasps over the mark visible on your ungloved hand as if protecting the bond from outside gazes—from Talon’s gaze. “Varus ain’t gonna help you. I wouldn’t help ya if it meant all the gold in the world.”
He cocks a brow, tilting his hat back slightly with his thumb as he looks at you, really looks at you, “You ain’t never cared for gold before.”
Melancholy settles over the anger, cooling its hellfire-like blaze into a manageable ember. “People change, Talon, but s’good to see you’re still as insufferable as ever.” You’re quick to recollect your fallen expression. “But that ain’t the point. Why d’you needa speak to Varus anyway? Pretty sure he’s still got that grudge of his.”
“Can’t a guy catch up with an old friend?”
You bring a hand up to quell your growing headache—can the dead get headaches? You digress. You stare hard at him, trying to piece together what in the world he was on about. “Right. The two of you were such good friends, weren’tcha?” Sarcasm drips from your tone as you roll your eyes, and he snorts in response.
“We were pretty close though, hm? All cozy n’ warm.”
“I reckon it’s high time you shut your damn mouth, demon.”
Talon hums, raising his hands in faux surrender before finally allowing you a moment of respite.
Resigning yourself to an unknown fate, you lean back into the train’s seat with a tired sigh. “I ain’t spoken to Varus in centuries, y’know?”
“Why’s that?” He’s smirking again. That damn twisted smirk that’s seared into the forefront of your mind.
You hate him.
“‘Cause you killed ‘em.”
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©asarii 2024 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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bcbdrums · 7 months
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A Drakgo fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
A/N: This next one-shot has a few sources of inspiration. First, the prompt from this list: 2. "If I kiss you, will you shut up?" Prompt was recommended by the legendary "Guest" on AO3 (you know who you are!) who specifically wanted French kissy-face, and the story was inspired in part by @lordwiggyton whose recent Mama Lipsky art has had my mind stirring. I'm also submitting this work to the "Hey, Sweetheart" Valentine's event run by @ficwip. It's not the conventional route perhaps, but within the rules? Pretty sure. And last but not least, it's an answer to @kim-possible-prompts's Valentine's Day prompt! (Have y'all noticed I adore answering prompts? lol.) ALSO this is the first of some birthday gifts I have for the incomparable @gothicthundra. Happy birthday, chaos queen. :) Enjoy!
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Shego sighed from her perch at the end of the bed, leaning back and re-crossing her legs as she watched Drakken pace and listened to the same worried ramblings for the third time.
"But what if she never forgives me!" he cried as he wrung his hands.
"Dr. D.... We've been through this," Shego said, glancing down to study her nails. "She's jumped across moving train cars for you. Somehow I don't think finding out you've spent the past twenty years attempting world domination is going to come as much of a shock."
"But Shego..." Drakken said, pausing in front of her.
Shego looked up and took stock of her lover's appearance. He had, at her insistence, gone for black slacks instead of his usual Dockers, a tailored cherry-red dress shirt, and a black silk tie that perfectly accented the rest of his attire. And of course, the gold medal he'd received for saving the world hung heavy over his chest.
Shego wished she were the one going out with Drakken that evening, especially considering the calendar date. But this night had been planned for quite some time.
"She's had faith in me my entire life... How can I tell her it was all for nothing?"
"I admit it's past time to tell her the truth, but I just can't bear to disappoint her!"
"And then I'll never hear the end of it!" Drakken continued, throwing his hands up and resuming his ambling around the bedroom. "Passive-aggressive cards and letters is all I'll get for Christmas now! And lumps of coal instead of home-knitted sweaters!"
Shego stood up from the bed and briskly approached him.
"All the years of silence I left between us so she wouldn't figure it out. All those lost years I could have been close to my lonely old mother. That's what her letters will say, now. Have you ever heard that woman start on a guilt trip? She's an absolute master!"
This finally caused the mad scientist's jaw to snap closed. He stopped mid-stride and whirled around to face her.
"If I kiss you, will you shut up?"
Shego didn't wait for an invitation. She snaked her arms around Drakken's neck and pressed in close before he could protest, and was gratified to feel tension leave his shoulders first and his lips a moment after.
She was far gentler with the kiss than with her words, her lips sliding with soft friction against his until they parted and gave her tongue purchase. She felt his soft exhale through his nostrils against her cheek as his fingers found her waist, and she could feel his hum of satisfaction where their chests were pressed together. His tongue was gentle as it slid alongside hers in caress, and he still tasted of cinnamon from his toothpaste.
Warmth blossomed in Shego's chest at his attentive response, and for the moment the dilemma of the present was forgotten. There was only the gentle pressure of noses fitted together, the give and take as their tongues took turns parting supple lips and exploring the heat and texture of one another. Drakken's body melded hot against hers as his hands slid lower, and her fingers rose to tangle his perfectly slicked-back hair.
It was fortuitous perhaps when Drakken pulled back slightly to stroke the outline of her mouth with the tip of his tongue. It was intoxicating, but the faint distance allowed her other senses a chance to process the sound of approaching footsteps. Not in time to leave her lover's embrace, however, before they reached the doorway.
"Hey, Sweetheart— Drew Theodore P. Lipsky!"
It was Shego who moved first, putting a healthy space between them and leaving Drakken blinking and confused for a moment with his lips still parted before he had processed the voice that had spoken.
"M-Mother!" Drakken cried, darting behind Shego instinctively at the sight of his mother's judgmental expression.
"And no ring on her finger yet! For shame!"
Shego's face flushed as she was sure Drakken's was doing as well. That was a topic she definitely did not want to get into right then, and least of all with Drakken's mother who had her own agenda on the matter.
Mrs. Lipsky had opted for nicer attire for the evening as well, choosing a conservative charcoal sheath dress with a floral teal and peach floral sweater and pearls.
"Dr. D.," Shego said quickly, stepping away from the mad scientist and leaving him looking very exposed as he waved at his mother and attempted a weak smile through kiss-swollen lips. "Shouldn't you and your mother hurry to make your reservation on time?"
"Ahh...y-yes. But first," Drakken said, turning and nearly tripping over his feet as he hurried to pick up his mother's gift from the bed. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
The irritated crinkle at the older woman's eyes softened as her frown bloomed into a smile.
"Roses! And chocolate! Oh Drewbie, you shouldn't have!"
"O-Only the best for you, Mother," Drakken said as he presented the gift with a nervous smile.
"Marzipan! My favorite!" Mama Lipsky said after plopping one of the chocolates into her mouth.
"Of course! Now...Shego was right, we'd best get going," Drakken said. He began looking around for his suit coat, and then stopped short when he found Shego holding it up for him, a smirk on her face.
"Aw, she's so thoughtful Drew!" Mama Lipsky said, smiling fondly at Shego as she closed the chocolate box. "Dear, would you mind putting these in water for me until we get back?"
"Sure," Shego replied, smoothing Drakken's jacket over his shoulders.
She received the flowers from the woman a moment later, who squeezed her hand with a grateful smile before turning toward the door. Without the watchful gaze of older generation, Drakken turned worried eyes back upon Shego. All of his fears from the rambling of before were spoken in the inky blue of his irises, and Shego was tempted to give him a shove toward the door as a way of telling him to knock it off. Instead, she leaned in to let her lips graze his ear, speaking so softly she could hardly hear her own voice.
"She'll always have faith in you. Besides, you saved the world. You've accomplished more than she could have ever dreamed. Have some faith in her."
Shego felt again the release of tension from Drakken's frame as she adjusted the medal over his tie. She smirked again when he pulled away, the light of hope having returned to her lover's eyes.
"Coming, Drewbie?"
"Yes...yes, Mother," Drakken said and turned to go, confidence back in his stride.
Shego tilted her head down to smell the flowers as the two left. It was a strange new world they'd found themselves in since the invasion, but, some things would always be constants.
"Now, Drew, on the phone you'd said there was something you wanted to tell me...?"
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allwormdiet · 4 days
Tangle 6.5
Once more unto the fucking breach, huh?
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They're fucking insane for this one, though
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Jeeeeesus Christ what a maneuver though, what a stunt
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What a fucking entrance! Absolutely legendary for this one, holy shit
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Y'know, I guess when you're this deep into the fucking shark tank, you might as well feel some kind of zen, right? Like what's gonna happen, things get more dangerous?
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Oh hey Emma, hope this scares the bejeezus out of you,
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Aww, Tattletale wanted to do a fun little monologue
Also very clever that they brought the bugs along via Big Dog, way better than depending on the gallery to have enough wasps and spiders
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They are clowning on these fucking PRT guys, oh my god this is embarrassing
You're getting comboed to shit by a pack of half-feral teenagers and you can't even use your foam things worth a damn. Like, Tattletale is contributing in this fight, and she doesn't fight for shit!
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Right, yeah containment foam. Pretty neat actually, and it makes sense as the weapon of choice for an organization meant to handle parahuman threats. Not that it's working for them rn, but y'know, thought that counts.
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I think one day Victoria is gonna make Tattletale pay for that nickname, but good lord today is not that day
Also yeah fuck Shadow Stalker
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Yeah, fuck Shadow Stalker!
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Hi Assault, bye Assault
Great fucking team move between Assault and Battery, their powers are remarkably complementary to each other, which means it's kind of a shame it didn't work
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This fight is still so cool though, god
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Yeah you know what I think I get why people would want to stay away from Triumph, that's a power combination that'll do it
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Aww but he's such a good boy though, taking down the big shouty man
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Not only lol, but also lmao
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And here comes Armsmaster to ruin everything. Again.
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What's that line from the old Mortal Kombat movie? "I've studied all your moves," but said in like a horrendous fake Australian accent?
Also Jesus Miss Militia who needs a machine gun to subdue a teenager, that's overkill
Anyway haha things can only get better from here right
Current Thoughts
It hasn't even been two weeks since they knocked over the bank, and now they're here, that's fucking ludicrous
Fucking incredible that the Undersiders have managed to put up the numbers they have so far. Four Wards, Glory Girl, Assault and Battery, and Triumph all down and out. They walked into this with like two-to-one odds and have turned the numbers around in their favor. Armsmaster is gonna be a fucking problem of course, and Velocity's gonna put up a fight (Miss Militia is about to get punked in the next chapter so her not as much) but still, that's way better odds than I think anyone would have given them
It's getting late and I'm tired, so I'm gonna leave it here for tonight. Let that cliffhanger sizzle where it stands.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
if you haven’t yet, could you review the dragonite line?
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I'll be upfront, I've always really liked this line, with Dragonair being one of my top ten favorite Pokemon. I think part of it is just the simplicity; there's just the right amount of real-world elements and fantasy elements, without too much detail to over-clutter things.
Dratini, for example, is just a small sea serpent, and there's not even a clear theme at this stage. However, details like the fins on its head and the white nose make it stand out enough so it's not overly generic. It also does a good job of looking enough like its evo while still being distinct due to most of the main elements being different (head fins, bump instead of horn, white nose, rounded underbelly, lighter color, etc.).
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Speaking of its evo, Dragonair is just straight-up beautiful. The long slender body is really elegant, and the minimalist details give it just the right amount of flavor without being overbearing. It's one of the only Pokemon in my top 10 favs that earns that spot solely through visuals alone.
The new orbs on its body are perfectly placed, and their addition makes the theme of this line clear—it's an imugi, a Korean lesser dragon that only becomes a true dragon when a jewel falls from the sky every 1000 years. In addition to the theming, these orbs are also distinctive and serve to convey the vibe of a semi-mythical animal.
In addition to this, the body has some white countershading that starts and ends at the orbs, which breaks up the main body just enough. This white is then accented by the white of its horn and the two wings on its head; another unexpected element, and another very pretty one at that. As far as I'm concerned, nothing about this design could be improved.
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I know some people really dislike Dragonite, but I'm going to defend it to a degree. Yes, it is much more generic than Dragonair, having lost some of its more distinctive features, and I do think that's a shame (losing the orbs makes sense because that's how imugi work, but why replace the fluffy wings with utterly generic dragon ones?). And yes, the change between it and its pre-evos is a little jarring.
HOWEVER, people tend to act like its completely detached from the rest of the line, which is just plain wrong. It still has:
The same rounded head shape
A horn
Two things on either side of the horn
A lighter-color underbelly
A smooth, curved body shape
Even thematically, the change from a serpent to a dragon ties into the imugi thing, with Dragonair obtaining the orbs and then becoming a true dragon. It's definatley not the best evolution out there in terms of memorability (it's a fairly generic dragon at this stage) or coherency, but it still makes sense as an evo.
If I were to make any tweaks to Dragonite, it would simply be to change the colors. I don't know why it suddenly becomes orange, and the change is jarring when a clear pattern was established with both of the pre-evos being blue. The line looks 200% better just by keeping the colors consistent, and you could always make the orange its shiny:
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I also would've kept the wings on the back but kept the feathered look of Dragonair's; its much more interesting and would've further helped with consistency. Everything else, however, I think is fine. Not as good as its pre-evos, but certainly not awful by any means.
Side note: there's a lot of talk about this line getting something in the future. In all honestly, I don't think it needs it; it's still an iconic and well-loved line with decent stats. That said, Dragonite is one of the only psuedo-legendaries that doesn't have a new form, so I guess it would be fair enough to give it something. A regional could work, maybe something that brings Dragonite in-line with Dratini and Dragonair a bit more. I could also see a split evo being a thing.
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Anyway, overall: Dratini and Dragonair are the perfect blend of mystical and normal attributes, and are quite beautiful all around. Dragonite is also good, but more generic and suffering a bit from some strange color choices. As a whole, however, this line is pretty fantastic.
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desertednine · 6 months
One Lone Pearl - Deserted Nine Chapter 1 (2.8K)
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Synopsis: Hyrule’s heroes of past and present venture to uncover a secret cruelly hidden by the history books. On a visit to Hateno Village, a hero overhearing gossiping townsfolk may lead him and his allies into yet another journey…
Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a lovely day, afternoon or evening wherever you may be! After a long two months and a hell of a writer’s block, I’ve finally at long last finished Chapter 1, and am so excited to get this silly idea of mine on the road, I hope you all enjoy!
Word count- 2.8k
Warnings- Strong language, a man is an asshole to a woman (are we surprised?)
Tags: (mainly my lovelies in Fellowship of the Links Discord!) @the-cucco-nuggie @peepthatbish @beyondtheglowingstars @xxbuttercup @tomsishere @birb-boyo
“Hylia above, why did I decide to wear this today? Champion, I thought you said we’d be going to Hebra, not Faron!” The voice of a very warm and sweating Warriors complained as the nine heroes of past and present trekked around Hyrule of the Wild era, yet the Upheaval caused major geographical changes throughout the land, unearthing areas previously thought unreachable, but all good things come with a sacrifice, that being areas potentially being blocked off, meaning many a twist and turn in their journey, aching feet, boots causing an ungodly amount of blisters and many a bicker and argument, not helped by the blistering heat of Faron’s tropical climate, where they were dropped by the mysterious portals that guided their journey. Yet despite an environment as taxing as that, the group did as they always do and pulled through as they crossed into the much less humid region of Necluda, deciding to stop by Hateno Village to rest for the night, half of the group staying in Wild’s humble abode, which he now shared with his beloved Zelda and the other half at the local inn, and the people of Hateno always loved to hear of Wild’s adventures, and now there were eight more heroes, it would attract much more attention, the local mayoral election campaign between Reede and Cece did not even cause so much as a squeak compared to this!
The group finally arrived to much a surprised face, it wasn’t every day that you met eight legendary heroes of old, after all, with all the village coming to greet the heroes, with an array of excitable children gawking at their arsenal of weapons, with one child in particular begging to try them out with wonder in his eyes, to which the heroes allowed him to look at the less lethal items in their possession. By the time the children had somehow gotten their attention astray from the ancient weapons, the group were growing rather travel-weary on top of the bombardment of questions from the young children, though it did warm their hearts to see their eyes light up, thus they went to the Wild hero’s humble abode to drop off their items, where the hero was met with open arms and a soft, lilty accent.
“Oh, Link! You’re home!”
The princess, now also a part-time researcher and teacher collided into his chest, Wild lifting her in the air with a genuine smile, it wasn’t often he truly let go unless he was with certain people. He smoothed her now messy hair, a result of the schoolchildren of Hateno’s clumsy, albeit caring job of doing her hair, yet she could look in whatever state and Wild would equate her beauty to the divine itself.
“You look radiant, dearest.” He whispered in her ear as he kissed her hand with an undoubtable tenderness, her cheeks turning a rosy pink as she giggled sweetly behind her free hand before greeting his fellow companions, she had met them all before while they were in her era’s Hyrule, yet sadly not for long before they were once again swept into another adventure in their hunt for cursed black-blooded monsters under the spell of evil, a tale as old as time.
Princess Zelda Bosphoramus was truly known for her kindness, even more so after the Calamity and the Upheaval as a result of her selfless sacrifices for her people and their future, and the past heroes could tell everyone adored her, not because of her title, but her demeanour, a young woman wanting to simply do what was right, something they all knew very well with their duties. As they chatted, they got familiar with Hateno’s surroundings once again, it had certainly changed since the last time the heroes visited, what with the copious amounts of quirky fungal-based style around the village, and now seeing the school Zelda had overseen the creation of and often taught the children there, again showing just how selfless and caring she was, willing to use her time to serve her people in small, menial activities, which was always appreciated by her people.
As they admired the village’s changes and chatted to the friendly townsfolk, they began to discuss arrangements for sleeping, Wild obviously staying with Zelda in their shared house, with Hyrule, Legend and Four joining alongside them, leaving Sky, Warriors, Twilight, Wind and Time to reside at the Ton Pu Inn for the foreseeable future, which none of them minded at all, at the moment for them, home was anywhere they happened to rest their head after a long, weary day, whether it were a bedroll someone happened to lend them, a small single bed with simple covers or the most lavish possible with many pleasantries included, the heroes appreciated whatever they got from the people, showing they truly did care about the wellbeing of the group, the citizens acting out of the goodness of their heart as opposed to wanting to gain something out of their actions.
Not long after, the group wandered about the hustle and bustle of Hateno, the humble village now attracting new visitors, whether it be fashionistas to visit Cece’s clothing shop, budding researchers venturing up the rolling hills to admire the tireless work of old Robbie in the lab, or just simple trade with other villages, there was never a bad time to visit the comfy, nestled village that was made all the better by the people, a colourful cast of characters to say the least, yet all good folks.
The day rolled on, the group engaging in the town’s atmosphere, Warriors helping the eager, rather young ‘guard’ at the town’s entrance, finding him very endearing, reminding him of his youth, modelling the actions of those in authority around him, while Four was bombarded with questions from the aforementioned young children about his background as a blacksmith and how he would forge his weapons, Hyrule looking on with a laugh as the child cajoles him to tell more. Meanwhile, Time and Sky went to the pasture up the hills, and while the walk was exhausting, especially considering how far they’d walked that day already, it was worth it to see the adorable animals, Time being reminded fondly of home at Lon Lon Ranch with his dearest wife, and Sky cooing over the bleats and moos of the goats and cows, as Wind and Legend check out Cece’s fashions, the youngest hero parading around the shop in the… flattering fungal hat as Legend looked on with a chuckle, being reminded of a past adventure of his own with the rather quirky designs.
This left Wild and Twilight with the former’s Zelda in her house, where they were planning to cook for the group, a fish pie to be specific, thus with his proficiency in fishing from his rural upbringing, Twilight was the natural choice to catch whatever unlucky trout or carp that was unlucky enough to poke their heads too near to their bait, a soft smile painting his lips as he reminisces on those days, simpler times back in Ordon, whenever he’d catch a fish for Sera’s little cat and hearing the content purrs as it’d dig in to the fine meal before it’s furry face, and often frequenting Hena’s Fishing Hole whenever he got some form of a breather from his heroic deeds, helping him to de-stress, with the case being the same in Hateno, the chatter of the people being alike to white noise, a comforting sound at that as he sits at the wooden docks, taking off his boots and letting his ankles and below soak in the cool water as he begins his search.
The sparrows and finches tweeted their soft songs around him, making him feel grounded and thoroughly relaxed, yet also making him completely forget where he was, him shaking out of his daze and realising the sun was now close to setting and he hadn’t a fish to his name yet. The atmosphere about him was so… familiar that he completely forgot the task at hand, deciding to simply go to the general store instead, making sure to sneak so the others wouldn’t tease him about neglecting his duties and getting lost in thought longer than expected, but it was all in good fun amongst the group, thus he put his boots back on and began to make his way to the store from the docks, yet as he approached, he overheard a peculiar sounding conversation at the town’s water trough between Nikki and Amira, well-known about the town for their tendency to gossip.
“Did you hear about that young woman who came into the village yesterday evening, the one with the necklace with just one lone pearl on it?” Nikki initiated the conversation, in a hushed tone, clearly not wanting anyone to notice the conversation, wanting to appear as nonchalant as possible while telling her friend of her thoughts on the mysterious woman’, to which Amira shook her head, having not noticed any new woman around the village, likely too focused on their previous gossip session.
“Hylia’s sake! Do you live under a rock?” She jested well-meaningly, before continuing; “Well, apparently it’s been passed down through countless generations, said to attract future love to anyone who touches it and promises a long-lasting relationship once one is formed, but they must be faithful and true to the one they admire, showing true passion, and so must their partner, otherwise the necklace loses it’s value, just an accessory.”
“And that’s relevant because?” Amira questioned with a roll of her eyes, knowing exactly what her friend was about to say.
“…Well, you know that merchant with the donkey that once came by? Agus, I think his name was-“ She explained before being cut off by Amira’s laughter, amused at how quickly it took Nikki to fall for a man, before replying with an offended “Hey! Just because I’m married doesn’t mean I can’t have a fantasy!” and playfully poking the former’s shoulder.
“What? I bet you’d buy anything off him so you could have an excuse to get him on a date to eat your infamous Seafood Meunière!” Amira giggled, putting on a teasing voice so to get a reaction out of the woman before her.
“If I weren’t married already and if it meant I’d have to sit through him talking about that donkey of his and how they’re better than horses, I will!” Nikki replied, the two heading off from the trough to their own houses. The gossip amused Twilight, all the playful small talk felt very familiar and gave him a sense of comfort, but the conversation made him think.
This mystery woman with a meaningful necklace, who could she be? She obviously wasn’t a local to the village, as the two discussed, she could’ve very well just have gone and left before he and the heroes reached the village, but it intrigued him nonetheless, he hadn’t experienced a feeling of love, let alone passion in a while what with his adventures, whether it being brotherly love to the children of the village, fleeting puppy love with Ilia, a respectful love with the Zelda of his era and a lost love with Midna. He longed to experience that feeling again, but not knowing when that would come about again weighed on him, this pearl necklace may be the answer…
“Oh!” He said to himself, realising he’d been staring into space and lost in his thoughts, when he needed to get the fish from the general store for dinner, the combination of the gossiper’s talk of food and his rumbling stomach making it clear what he needed to do first.
After the dinner at Wild and his Zelda’s house, which went down a treat with the heroes despite the shop-bought fish, the moonlight shone over Hateno, and was a sign for the group to get some good rest, thus going their separate ways to their respective sleeping areas, Legend, Four and Hyrule staying in Wild and his Zelda’s house for the evening, setting up bedrolls as Zelda prepared a warm drink for them all, she wanted desperately to be a good hostess even though the heroes insisted she didn’t have to, that merely letting them sleep there was enough, but that of course didn’t mean they wouldn’t indulge in her kind offerings, it would be rude not to after all!
As they settled, the five remaining heroes walked along to Ton Pu Inn, Wind sleeping in Warrior’s grasp as the older hero almost cradled him, they all understood that although the sea-faring hero was the youngest of the bunch, that he didn’t want them treating him like a child, which they did stick to, admiring him for the hero he is and the obstacles he’d overcome, but moments like this reminded the older members just how young he is in comparison, insisting he’s not tired while clearly battling sleep. Sky meanwhile hummed a tune he had learned on his journey as they walked, feeling the Master Sword vibrate on his back, reminding him Fi was always there, even if she were also sleeping in the sword.
Just before reaching the inn, Time noticed his descendant looking a little… away in his thoughts, concerned, he cleared his throat and asked him. “Is everything alright? You seem distant, and were not too talkative at dinner.” He queries, his protective paternal nature coming out, despite not even being a father.
“Oh! Er, yeah! Jus’ got lost in thought, nothin’ to worry about.” Twilight replied, attempting to sound as convincing as possible, and while his ancestor didn’t appear swayed by his answer, he accepted it nonetheless, he would only act if it meant any of the heroes were truly in dire need.
When walking in, they were greeted with quite the scene, a disgruntled man of around 28-29 years pacing around the room, muttering under his breath, acting like a spoilt child.
“Damn that woman to the Depths, selfish bitch.” He huffed, his face almost as red as the tomato crops growing in the village, making the heroes uncomfortable, what with his childish first impression and the foul, degrading words from his mouth, clearly unsettling the inn’s poor owner, who undoubtedly has had to put up with his ramblings for the past while.
“Sir, please may I advise you to stop, you will wake my guests, and I shall see to it that you are escorted out.” Prima, Ton Pu’s receptionist warns, before the man marches towards the desk, making a spitting gesture and attempting to make an effort to leave before being stopped by Time’s imposing figure.
“You heard her. Hyrule has little need for a man, no, a mere child like you, so I suggest that you take your leave, boy.” He says, staring the childish man down with a look of resentment as the latter leaves, shoving past Twilight rudely, muttering under his breath before slamming the door, awakening Wind from his slumber.
“That damned Porphyria.” The man snarled.
After the overdramatic exit, the heroes checked to see if Prima was ok, the latter putting on a brave face and nodding, thanking them for being there, shuddering the thought of what could’ve happened if they had not been present, being kind enough to allow them to stay the night for free, yet they wouldn’t accept that, and certainly not their stubborn leader.
“I insist, though we are heroes, we are still simple men deep down, please take the money, your hospitality is very much appreciated, dear.” Time smiles, sliding her the night’s payment and a few extra rupees for good measure, to which she happily takes, thanking them all once again and wishing them all a nice rest as they retired for the night, all except one.
“Erm, ma’am, could I have yer attention just a moment?” Twilight asked, to which she nodded. “Have ya seen a woman with a pearl necklace round here the past couple o’ days?”
“Yes, that’s the woman that rude man was seething over, Porphyria, her name. Really beautiful woman, auburn hair and beautiful green eyes, had these flowers in her hair too but they looked wilted, apparently her and that… thing had been an item of sorts, don’t think I’d say the same now after that reaction from him. Last I’d heard she’d gone with him down to the bay, I hope nothing unsavoury happened…” Prima explained, a tone of worry now seeping into her voice, with him now fearing the worst, had she been lured there? Left to fend for herself? Hylia forbid…. taken advantage of for that necklace?
“Thank ya for telling me, ma’am, I’ll find ‘er.” He said, grateful for the information as he left into the night, his heart thumping in his chest with unease as he headed into the night to get to the bottom of this issue.
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tarotcard0 · 4 months
So, I have now officially beaten every NES Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) game. I'm currently playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and I'm almost at the end, but I have to wait for the switch to recharge before tackling Chapter 8.
In the meantime, I want to write down some of my thoughts on Dragon Quest here.
Dragon Warrior 1 (NES) - Dear lord, just play one of the Remakes, the original is so tedious. There's a remake for Gameboy, there's a remake for Mobile, there's a remake for SNES, there's even a fan made RPG Maker Remake. Any one of those is a better choice than the original. Only play the original if your curious, or for studying purposes. Oh, on that note, the SNES version is Japan Exclusive, so you'll have to get a patch to translate it to English.
Dragon Warrior 2 (NES) - Not only is this the best game of the NES Quadrilogy, it's just the best Dragon Quest game I've played. How did they do so well on their second try!? It's so hard to describe the feeling I got playing this and realizing "Oh! This is the game all those other RPGs are referencing!" Now, I'm biased. I liked drawing my own maps and taking my time with that, so if you don't I also recommend going to the remakes. Again, they're available for Gameboy, SNES, and Mobile. Again, the SNES version is JP exclusive and has an English translation patch.
Dragon Warrior 3 (NES) - It's hard to describe why I felt a little disappointment with this one... Dragon Warrior 2 was just... So good! Like, how do you follow that? For some reason, everything in 3 felt... slower. Despite several quality of life changes, things like re-organizing my inventories felt more tedious than it did before, and when the story reached the Second Act (I'm not sure I used that phrase right) I fell into that same emotion that I had while playing persona 5 where the game just felt like it was dragging on. And because I can probably beat Dragon Warrior 3 4 times over in the time it took me to beat Persona 5 once, I have reason to believe this has to do more with the context of the plot, than the runtime of the game itself. I guess I'll go ahead and recommend playing he GBC or SNES remakes again, they certainly sped things up.
Dragon Warrior 4 - This game SUCKS! It's easily the worst of the NES quadrilogy. It's not the worst Dragon Quest game (Dear god it's not the worst), 9 takes that dishonor (At least, of the ones I've played so far), but the baffling decision to have all party members except for the Hero controlled by AI once you gain control of said Hero, makes it a very close second. I can't even recommend the remake, because I can't get very far in it. Once we enter the Remake dimension for this game, we exit Dragon Warrior and enter Dragon Quest, where the development team thought it would be a great Idea to transcribe everyone's accent to a ludicrous (and sometimes racist) degree. And, surprising no one, RPGs are just slightly impossible when you can't read.
I can't do another "Keep Reading" break, so those 3 dashes will have to do.
Well, now that I've beaten all 4 of the OG Dragon Warrior games, I'm wondering what I should do next (After beating TTYD of course)
Should I keep on with the series and go to Dragon Quest 5, or should I start on the NES Final Fantasy games (Of which, I've only beaten FF2)?
I'll end this post with a Poll.
Of course, I'm biased in favor of Dragon Warrior 2, but I'd like to hear what reasons others have for liking the ones they do.
Oh, and just to make sure this gets a decent sample size; the remakes count. If you've played Dragon Warrior GB, but not Dragon Warrior NES, then you've played Dragon Warrior.
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