Fool's Blog
5K posts
I'm TarotCard0 (She/They) (29). I do pixel art, and "regular" art (Which is actually just pixel art but bigger). And some day, I hope to make my very own video games.
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tarotcard0 · 2 months ago
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(Wow! this has been in my drafts since 2023 I must've just forgotten...) So! Turning this into an official add-on to the post, I replied to this comment before (back when it was originally made) But as a Reblog I not only have more room, but can also throw in pictures to help illustrate my point.
Where you heard that was from BotW itself:
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[ID 3 Zoomed in Screenshots of Dialogue from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Together they read "The demon king was born into this kingdom, but his transformation into Malice created the horror you see now." "a primal evel that has endured over the ages." "Ganon was born out of a dark past. He is a pure embodyment of the ancient evil that is reborn time and time again..."]
And not to mention the naming of him as Calamity Ganon, as if he is, in fact, just a force of nature.
But that's weird, right? Ganon was evil in the previous games, sure, but "A pure embodiment of the ancient evil"? "Primal?" That's some weird language they chose to describe him, right? Because it sure sounds weird... you know... until you cross reference it to the (very much canon) worst prequel ever written.
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[ID: 3 Screenshots showing dialogue, 1 from Breath of the Wild, and 2 from Skyward Sword, the first is spoken by Zelda, and reads "[Ganon] has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form" the other 2 are spoken by Demise and read "My hate... Never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end!" "An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"]
Oh Gosh! I wonder why I hate Skyward Sword so much! Must be because I'm too lazy to use motion controls! Certainly can't have anything to do with the writing!
This is why Ganon was a non-character in BotW. This is what I meant when I said that it was "Because of Skyward Sword"
Skyward Sword was allowed to contradict as many of the games that came before it as it pleased, but god forbid they contradict Skyward Sword even a little moving forward.
This is why Ganon didn't speak through all of Link Between Worlds, and why he didn't speak in BotW. And I mean not a single line of dialogue!
The only reason Ganon got to (temporarily) be a character again in Tears of the Kingdom, was because the same people who praised Skyward Sword for its writing, said that BotW's handling of Ganon was bad, unwittingly admitting that, in truth, they thought Skyward Sword's direction with Ganon was a mistake.
They'd never word it like that, of course, because doing so would admit that Skyward Sword has flaws. And because Skyward Sword is "The Best Game In The Series (tm)" and can have no flaws whatsoever, any connections later games have to Skyward Sword are ignored, and they speak about, and critique the writing as if Skyward Sword had no influence on these decisions, when in reality, it did.
By ignoring Skyward Sword when complaining about the decisions made for BotW, Skyward's fans shoot themselves in the foot, and wind up looking like rubes with no reading comprehension because of it.
Ganon has Dialogue in Tears of the Kingdom. This is the first time Ganon's spoken in, what, 3, 4 games?
Nintendo has a bad habit of hearing criticism and over-correcting to compensate.
I only heard the complaint about Ganon's lack of character in BotW once from a video by Nerrel. In which he states that each entry of the Zelda series has a unique interpretation of Ganon.
For the purposes of that Video, Demise and Ganon counted as the same character. He praised Skyward Sword for depicting "Ganon" as a barbarian-type character, and admonished BotW for giving Ganon no personality.
The fact that BotW Ganon had no personality because of Skyward Sword was apparently lost on him.
I am... cautiously optimistic for TotK.
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tarotcard0 · 2 months ago
It's been a long time since i posted here. i've been spending a lot of time on my alt-turned-main account.
this is officially my alt account now, where i'll spend my time talking about my video game hot takes. though whether i'll actually mention the name of my main here, i'm not sure. frankly, i don't think i want my main to be associated with this account, and how bitter i can be here. assuming that i am even the same person on this account...
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tarotcard0 · 3 months ago
We've lost a lot to the onslaught of enshittification but I can think of none more brazen than Discord getting rid of the send button
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tarotcard0 · 6 months ago
"this character is meant to be a self insert for the player to project onto"
> the character is a man
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tarotcard0 · 6 months ago
"this character is meant to be a self insert for the player to project onto"
> the character is a man
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tarotcard0 · 6 months ago
"this character is meant to be a self insert for the player to project onto"
> the character is a man
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
Salem back fat
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
Even if you were a difficult child, you didn't deserve to be hurt.
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
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A new pair of FAEMON ARE HERE! This time around we have a couple based on Fireflies! More precisely, based on Lamprohiza splendidula, found in Germany, where it's known as "Kleiner Leuchtkäfer" (translates to "Little Glowbug").
Little Glowbugs have a rather short lifespan compared to other Fireflies, especially the males only live for about a week and are unable to eat. They put the vast majority of their energy into their light to communicate and attract females. This, together with their appearance inspired the idea of a ghost/undead firefly. What's unique about their appearance is their see-through head-shield, which from underneath looks a bit like the collar of a coat:
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Females (bottom right) can glow too, actually far more prominent than the males! Their white larvae body reminded me of a frill dress, and the idea of a Mask ball-themed duo was born!
These designs were so much fun to work on, I hope you enjoy them as well!! :D I MIGHT design a first stage baby for them one day, but for now I'm happy to share these two as the enchanted couple they are!
Early design concepts can be found on my Patreon!
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
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I've had this thought for a while but only just realized I have a tumblr now so I can actually get that thought to reach ppl who'll share my level of madness.
So Sonic yeah? Pretty much the entire main cast are all anthropomorphic animals, excluding Eggman and his family tree. Across adaptations of Sonic, there's not a lot of consistency on what the general population outside of Sonic and the Gang are composed of. In shows like Boom, Prime, and the IDW comics, it's almost entirely animals, and Eggman's the odd one out:
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But in other versions, where there are humans, Eggman still sticks out like a sore thumb:
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It's also worth noting that in some Sonic games, there are regular, non-anthropomorphic animals in addition to anthropomorphic versions
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(Yes, Vector is a crocodile not an alligator, but they're close enough taxonomically to be significant. You can't convince me that the difference between alligators and crocodiles in this universe is that one swims in freshwater and the other has bills to pay)
So here's my theory: there's cartoonish, anthropomorphic versions and realistic, non-anthropomorphic versions of the animals, right? So why wouldn't this extend to humans? After all, they're mammals just like hedgehogs and foxes are. AND THAT'S WHAT EGGMAN IS. He's an anthropomorphic animal like Sonic, it just happens to be that the animal he's based on is a human.
Eggman is an anthropomorphic human. He's human squared.
Thank you
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
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posted a month ago on my patreon, original post by @turing-tested, @dog-on-it-tm, @khazel-t, @prettyboy-bigfoot (@clearcutcasualty), @rankeluck, @world-heritage-posts, @icecreamsavant, @yumiiiiiii, @jessbeinme15, @spacepaprika, @rat-on-fire, @thehottestmess, @vang0bus, @royal-random-the-yogurt-queen, @astraltrickster, @rubykgrant, @vaultoffaggotry, @adamsmasher, @cartoondog, and @unstablebill can be found here
like my omagpies comics? consider supporting me for early access and the simple pleasure of gently taping a $1 bill to my forehead here!
edit: thank you for all the love! reminding that there are many, Many more comics in my omagpies tag, and honorably mentioning @things-about-cars-in-posts​ for unveiling the mystery
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
Hey y’all especially those in swing states, eyes up:
The elongated muskrat has engaged in blatant election interference by putting out a fake voter registration page on Google ads with the clear intention to dupe voters into thinking they have actually registered to vote. It’s likely also a data harvesting tactic.
Hopefully this gets immediately flagged and taken down but we all know this fascist chucklefuck will not see consequences to his actions and this is something that would drag out in court. Spread the word. Only register to vote through state board or check vote.org for more resources. Do not register through anything else ESPECIALLY if it has some sort of clear motivation.
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
to pretend that horrible people cannot make good art is another way to conflate beauty and talent with integrity and morality. the works of monsters are best examined with knowledge of the author in mind but art is not inherently reflective. human beings are creative, and habitual liars- it'd be stupid to pretend art must always be a portrait of its creator
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
Every time I see beautiful screenshots and poignant dialogue from the Wind Waker I get a pang in my heart because I really don't think we will ever get a game quite like it again. On one of my imperialism posts, someone had reblogged it commenting that LoZ at its core is imperialistic storytelling because it is influenced by Japanese myth and medieval Europe so to expect it to question its own concepts of imperialism and divine right to rule goes against its foundations. I honestly blame Skyward Sword onwards for making people think this way because The Wind Waker was literally about dismantling what Hyrule stood for, leaving it in the past and allowing the people to build their own future without being bogged down by its legacy. Daphnes's last words were quite literally:
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Even Twilight Princess questioned Hyrule's legitimacy, putting Hyrule's habit of sending its criminals to the Twilight Realm front and center as the reason that it functionally created its own problem when Zant, and subsequently Ganondorf, took over. LoZ can absolutely question its own imperialistic storybeats if it wants to.
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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tarotcard0 · 7 months ago
If this post gets 80085 notes I will finally stop boymoding in public
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