#also thanks for 10k on youtube :)
personinthepalace · 29 days
my favorite MY LADY JANE cast moments
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is-this-yuri · 1 month
My plan to escape homelessness. I need your help to get started before winter!
hello friends! i'm a homeless queer guy living in a tiny car. it's been like this for most of my adult life, and i'm trying to make a change! I want to convert a van into my new home! my plan involves these stages:
Stage 1: acquire a van.
while still living off donations in my car, i'm fundraising. as soon as i can afford one, i'll purchase a van. the market shows most used vans that would be suitable are around $3.5-4.5k give or take. we're already about halfway there!
I'm really hoping this stage can be complete before november, as my car is not suited to survive another winter and it could be devastating to attempt it.
Stage 2: survive winter
since winter is approaching, i'll need to quickly put insulated walls in the van and make sure i can live in it. at this point, it'll already be an upgrade to my car, but i won't be able to do much building in cold weather, so it'll just be the bare minimum i need to survive the winter.
during this time, i'll be taking measurements, drawing plans, researching appliances, and generally preparing for the build process. i'll continue fundraising to make sure i can afford all the materials and tools i'll need. i may also take care of any maintenence the van might need. i'll also clean and sell my car so i have some cash from that as well.
Stage 3: build my home!
when it gets warm enough, i'll start doing the actual build. i'll document this on video as much as i can, and post the process on my youtube channel for not only the people who helped me, but for anyone who's curious. i'll start with solar panels and an electricity system, i'll add countertops and kitchen appliances, a shower and sink with plumbing and warm water, a toilet, a real bed, lights, climate control. it'll be essentially a house on wheels, and just the right size for me!
Stage 4: whatever comes next
once i have my new home, i'll need an income. i may take a regular job to support myself at first, and that will actually be possible when i have a shower. but, i've been considering making content pretty much my whole life, and now i think i have a great chance to actually pursue that. i'll use some of the money from selling my car in stage 2 to get some basic equipment (laptop, mic, camera). i'll be posting my van build at first, and after that i'll probably start by telling stories about my time being homeless, but i'm also interested in streaming and video essays. thanks to all the generous support i've been getting from my followers and other people on the internet, i feel my opportunities are wide open!
Please consider donating to my fundraiser to help me change my life!
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ant111fragile · 2 years
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My Void state Journey+Baby steps
I first came to know about the void state when @gorgeouslypink shared her success story and like everyone else I got obsessed with the idea of having everything at once since I didn't put my all in manifesting and couldn't manifest consciously except for ice cream that shit always manifests lmao. So like I said I was obsessed I started trying like any amateur but every time I'd lay on bed and affirm i wouldn't even realise when I would fall asleep and wake up to the same shit but one thing good about me is i would never spiral.. So for more than a couple months I tried the 10k affirmation challenge for void concept/void state affs cuz everyone was suggesting it but guess what i never actually completed it. I would start over and over cuz I didn't had no consistency and never completed it until last week I FINALLY did!!
What I think worked for me
I actually completed the 10k aff challenge and reached 12000 affirmations on 7th jan It didn't have any specific effect on my mind since I feel like I had always believed in my vc but I think what went right was my brain ACTUALLY REALLY was saturated after the consistent affs I fed myself with. And then at night of 8th Jan I tapped into the void.
Entering the void+experience.
So i went to bed at the usual time I'd always attempt the void and this time I sat upright on bed with pillows to support my back well. I put on the void state/epsilon waves subliminal by slade. From YouTube (this shit is good.)
and did my routine as I had scripted : I counted till 300 with deep breaths but you can count less. I did it cuz it takes me too much to relax and kinda concentrate (Till then I had already experienced the being pulled in feeling and it had went away but I was calm I did not even pay attention to it.) My body was numb by then and I started to affirm "I am in the void state " Bringing back my normal pace of breathing. After a while i started to float and get the usual symptoms like spinning and and an inner earthquake lmao but yeah I tried my best to keep focusing on affs which automatically results in ignoring symptoms. again that ascending feeling of being pulled came back. So I kept affirming and I visualised the black hole kinda shit in my head take me to the void and the next thing I know I'm in a completely feelingless place no subliminal sound and I was damn relaxed but that the same time too excited and even though I didn't like instantly got thrown out I still got out without even affirming I kinda forgot? Sounds funny but might happen. That's pretty much it. So I took a day off to relax and sustain that feeling I'm entering today again to manifest my desired life.
Tips + advice
‌do not follow somebody else's methods if your conditions don't align with the routine or something.
‌try the 10k aff challenge for your vc. If you don't enter at 10,000 try 15k then 20k then 30k and don't fck with me you'll reach by then alright.
‌since it's your own state you just have to tap into it sooner or later you will so don't be stressed and attempt. Just tap into it cause you will.
‌everytime you wake up to your same reality affirm you are one step closer. Or you did enter and you're entering again. Don't repeat the old story.
‌subliminals or music they only serve to relax you only you hold the ultimate power.
‌don't look/ask for methods. There are enough methods already and it's only a matter of time when you'll find your own.
All the blogs who helped me with my mindset shift are @uniquelymeandmyworld @rosellesworkshop @fleurlx @konniesreality @gorgeouslypink thank you all so much for everything you guys do it's literally selfless and I can't with the people who throw shade on y'all!!
Also thanks to @voidsuccess they really help with the success stories!!
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allwaswell16 · 3 months
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A One Direction fic rec of fics where the main pairing is versatile in bed and both top/bottom (or as we say in this fandom they kind of share that really) as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🔄 And Then a Bit by @infinitelymint
(E, 158k, canon) Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.
🔄 Like a Bullet in the Dark by Vurdoc
(E, 99k, Will & Kate au) Prince Harold Edward Styles Lancaster is second in line to the throne of Great Britain. He is also your average Uni student- or he tries to be, anyway.
🔄 Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
(E, 97k, road trip) Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series.
🔄 Been Together Since Way Back When by @alivingfire
(E, 95k, established relationship) the painfully realistic college au where everyone's poor, lovesick, tired of school, terrified of the future, and still having the greatest times of their lives.
🔄 taste on my tongue by bethaboo / @bethaboolou
(E, 77k, reality tv) Take Louis. Take Harry. Add in a heaping cup of sexual tension. Another cup of delicious (and not so delicious) food. A smidgen of competitive spirit. A dash of hopes and dreams. And you get Kitchen Wars, a TV show that promises to be the must-watch event of the fall.
🔄 Now you know me (for your eyes only) by nadinecestmoi
(E, 77k, famous/famous) harry clearly had someone in mind when he wrote the song so the last day of recording comes and louis’ like “thanks for having me on the song” and harry just shrugs and is like “well it just seemed fitting bc the song is about you”
🔄 After Dark, After Light by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 71k, historical) In an attempt to garner extra protection for his clan, Harry sets out to mend his father's past wrongs and ally with their neighbors to the west, Clan Sutherland. Louis Tomlinson is the mysterious commander of the Sutherland army sent back with Harry on orders from his laird to help shore up Clan Edwards' defenses.
🔄 Teach me how to love by @perfectdagger
(E, 70k, fwb) The one in which Harry is bad at sex and Louis spreads it all over town and to make up for it, decides to help him with no agenda of getting anything from it, but in the end, he ends up getting more than he bargained for.
🔄 Suddenly Last Summer by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 44k, mystery) Louis is bored, rich and lonely. He has no reason to expect that this summer in the Hamptons with his friends will be different from any other – until he meets Harry.
🔄 best kind of bad something by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze
(E, 40k, established relationship) Louis is the town troublemaker and everyone hates him except for Harry.
🔄 Every Snowflake Is Different (Just Like You) by @hellolovers13
(E, 20k, only one bed) Turns out, getting snowed in with your not quite One-Night Stand wasn’t actually that bad.But the snow wouldn’t last forever. Was there a chance for love even after the snow had melted?
🔄 Can I just be the same? by Star_Henderson / @tommosgun *
(M, 17k, vampire) Harry is a two hundred year old Vampire with no one in the whole world and Louis is the kind hearted stranger who comes into Harry's life bringing something that Harry had missed. Love. But Harry is forever running, can Louis be the one to change all that?
🔄 I Still Find You Lovely by @angelichl
(M, 16k, one night stand) In which Harry goes to a bar in search of a bloke with an air-conditioned flat.
🔄 Salt and the Appetite by @sadaveniren
(E, 14k, bdsm) Harry, a popular BDSM blogger, writes a negative review about Louis’ club. Louis wants to have a chance to make it up to him.
🔄 getting yourself wet for me by me_her_themoon / @dreamersdivin-headfirst
(E, 10k, secret relationship) frat boys take on watersports
🔄 Just For Me by iwillpaintasongforlou
(E, 9k, Posh/Becks au) Harry is a supermodel with a fake boyfriend. Louis is the captain and star forward of Manchester United with a fake girlfriend. They should have no problem having a completely platonic lunch between friends.
🔄 Going Green (so fucking green) by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright *
(E, 5k, pwp) Harry just really loves being used, and Louis really loves Harry. Who is he to deny him? Or: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle but make it BDSM
🔄 Switching the positions for you by 28sunflowers / @vintageumbroshirt
(E, 4k, omega Louis) the omegaverse AU where they decide to try a completely new position in bed
🔄 From the Dining Table by @littleroverlouis *
(E, 3k, established relationship) Harry's thirtieth birthday hasn't gone as expected. Things start looking up from the dining table.
🔄 Eager To Please by @enchantedlandcoffee *
(E, 1k, pwp) "Ah, ah." Louis tsked disapprovingly, the younger boy's actions immediately halting. "You want to be a good boy for your Daddy, don't you?"
- Rare Pairs -
🔄 honey, we should run away by narryblossom
(M, 18k, Niall/Harry) It’s… kind of nice, actually. But being a nice house doesn’t take away the sting of what Harry’s done or what he’s asking Niall to give up by moving there.
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continuumitgirl · 2 years
so i’ve known ab subliminals, manifesting, shifting for a while, but always had minimal success. i was never able to get the ‘big’ things i wanted.
but since being on tumblr, i learnt about STATES. which i had previously known about when i had read the power of awareness by neville goddard. unfortunately, that didn’t last long as i started watching manifesting gurus on youtube and got clouded with information again. (no hate to sammy ingram) But i watched her a lot. and i never got that much movement even tho i was consistent, it would make me feel guilty if i was t affirming enough. and i would beat myself up, saying to myself “if u really want this, u need to affirm more”. i would do the 10k challenge, 10 min stuff, but it was soooo overwhelming. so much stress because i wanted so many things, and i felt like i didn’t have enough time, i had other stuff to do, so even tho i was consistent, i would stress myself out, wondering if i was doing enough, doing it right, etc.
this mindset was toxic, although i didn’t realise it then. i just would get so upset because i trying to hard. which is why it also took me a min to realise.. that i shouldn’t be trying that hard to get something … u either have it or u don’t! so anyways, one or two weeks ago, i came on here because i was done. i wanted my desires. enough. At first i got swayed by the void stuff, which made me put it on a pedestal . which made me angry, i was like bro not this shit again. i don’t wanna waste another months or years. and somehow i stumbled across states. i’ll admit it took me a second to grasp. i re read the power of awareness. and realised it is simple, once i understood it, i deleted tumblr and focused on my life, while occupying my ideal state.
One thing that i’ve been wanting a lot is to travel this year. I travelled last year a bit with my friend and spent 3 months in another country during the summer and it was phenomenal: i wanted this again for 2023. I want to live my life yk.
Well this morning my mum woke me up to tell me we are going on 2 holidays. one next month and one in easter. Athens, Greece and Verona and Venice, Italy.
i was like omg this is amazing ?? we had talked a bit about it and every time we did i was like “yes. we’re going” in my head. and today we booked those holidays.
Now what’s so special about this? Well i made a pinterest board end of 2022 with places i wanna go def this year!! every time i looked at this board i was like “it’s done” [just the way i think ab every desire, because it is done, it’s mine, it literally comes from my consciousness so it’s inseparable to me]
and yeah!! i have 2 other places on this pinterest board but it’s literally the 31st of January 2023 rn and we’ve already booked for 2 of them so that’s a fucking success. i’m so confident more than ever about my power and how the 3D truly is just a reflection of my consciousness/ state i dwell on often!!!!!
yeah as u can see i literally have athens, venice, paris and amsterdam pics on here as a vision board :))))
i want to thank @0t0mie @lotusmi and @angelsinluv (also to twitter users that explanation states v well and posted motivating content . i don’t rlly use twitter for loa stuff cus my irl friends follow me there but there’s a community over there i would lurk on that encouraged states and helped me understand that the mindless affirming in aim to TRY and get ur manifestation was pointless)
anyways i cannot wait to post more loa success stories. this way of manifesting not only makes so much sense once u grasp it. it literally is so fucking easy and effortless 😩 cannot believe it took me this look to figure it out but honestly its fine. my desires are already mine now. that’s all that matters 😎💪
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thenukacolachallenge · 11 months
some fun facts about Luis and André Peña(his VA)
(from the Nick Apostolides(Leon Kennedy VA) livestreams, because i think Luis is neato and i liked André's performance, especially for a first-time big VA gig!)
UPDATE: NOW WITH TIMESTAMPS bc someone on the part two of this post asked about them lmfao
-André actually auditioned for the Spanish cops that escort Leon to Valdelobos originally, and went through several more auditions before landing the role of Luis Serra. for his first role on a big project like Resident Evil, that's incredibly impressive! (timestamp)
-Both Nick and André did motion capture for multiple enemies, including André calling his "best role" playing a dead body lmao. He and Nick also did mocap for the Verdugos, Salazar's bodyguards! (timestamp)
-Being that it was such a big role, he was very anxious about the game dropping, from the moment he got cast to the day it dropped. He even apparently asked Nick constantly if he had somehow been recast. (poor dude, as someone with anxiety issues and huge imposter syndrome, i feel for him!!!) Nick gives him a very sweet but stern pep talk about how he earned and deserved his role on stream too, it was a cute moment! (timestamp 1: André first mentioning his nerves) (timestamp 2: second mention of anxiety/Nick's pep talk to André)
-André is a big enough fan of the original to remember where all the treasure used to be! i love when people who are fans of a series get to work on it, dude. in addition, he was also very happy with the direction he was given, and felt that he was allowed to explore Luis as a more fleshed out character. (which he absolutely is, and i love it! Luis in the original was so strange and honestly off-putting imo. fucking ballistics lmao) (timestamp 1: first mention of André knowing a lot about RE4) (timestamp 2: more of André knowing the game) (timestamp 3: MORE of André knowing the game lmao) (there are a lot more than just these. dude is a FAN) (timestamp 4: André talking about direction and Luis)
-He refers to the bag Luis is stuffed into as a "Luis burrito", which is hilarious and adorable. (timestamp)
-(Also, not related to Luis, but Nick yells "YEET" when Leon gets tossed into the wall by Mendez, which is fucking hysterical) (timestamp)
-UPDATE: thank you to tumblr user @hamartia-grander for this detail that i completely missed originally! (timestamp)
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(transcript: I hope this okay for me to add, but he also said that in the first scene with Leon and Luis, Luis looks away as Mendéz injects Leon with la plaga because he couldn't watch another person be infected by something horrible he had a hand in creating. Which is easy to infer from that scene, but it was nice that it was a conscious decision on André's part, rather than aimless direction.)
-the first scene André and Nick filmed together was Luis and Leon chained up together! and the first line of Luis's that got revealed was when he said to Leon, "I guess you, me... picked the wrong spot to vacation, eh?" Apparently the mocap for this scene was also very awkward for André, which is totally understandable, considering Luis spends 90% of it getting jerked around by Leon or trying to dodge a Ganado without the use of his hands lol. (timestamp)
-André worked very hard to make sure that Luis's accent was as accurate to Spain's Spanish as it could be, which is awesome, especially for someone who doesn't naturally speak that particular dialect. GOOD ACTING, BABEY (timestamp)
-André owns a legitimate Red 9 gun, the weapon that Luis uses in the game. this is a unique gun bc it was manufactured during the first World War, and it's VERY expensive(they can go up to $10k, but André apparently got his for a great deal!). he also has MADE a copy of the RE4 tactical knife Leon uses, and there's a video up on his youtube channel! (timestamp)
-(not related to Luis, but André also mentioned he has adhd! same buddy!!!) (timestamp)
-OKAY NEW STREAM TIME! This begins part four of Nick's playthrough, and André is a guest once more. All the previous facts are from part one, which is the first one André guested on. According to Nick, André learned how to flip a lighter around his fingers just for Luis, which is awesome. (and he shows off by doing so in stream!!!) (timestamp)
-Ashley's VA, Genevieve Buechner, got asked about her reaction to Luis' infamous "ballistics" line and both her and André aren't sad to see it missing from the remake. André himself makes a comment about how this version of Luis is still flirty without coming across as "creepy" about it. (i find the ballistics line from the original annoying, and it was a huge part of why i didn't care for Luis in og re4, so i too am VERY glad it's gone) (timestamp)
-André jokes about Luis breaking the brake on the minecart: "I react so depressed, like.... 'Guess that's it, bro.' 'Hey man, I tried.'" He really does! it feels like a mix of sheepishness at breaking it in the first place, and just very, resigned and depressed lol. (timestamp)
-Sadly, because he hadn't played up to that point yet, he didn't watch Luis' death scene, and therefore didn't have much to say on it :c
-when the cast was asked what kind of pet each of their characters would have, André said Luis would be a cat person, and he'd probably specifically adopt a stray cat, probably one that "adopted" him first. I definitely agree! (timestamp)
i havent watched Nick's last vid in the series yet but this is long enough as it is! im planning on watching some of André's streams up on his personal channel, and some others where he's a guest in, and i may make a part 2 of this :D (update: i did, link at the top of the post lol)
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cottonraincoat · 1 month
okay the time has come I cannot procrastinate this any longer:
Obikin Big Bang beta: help needed!!
tl;dr: I'm writing a big bang fic about Obi-Wan and Anakin figure skating, they're also respectively aromantic and asexual, it'll probably end up ~60k, I would be suuuper grateful if someone could help me look through the final-ish draft, for grammar and spelling, over the next two-ish months.
ALTERNATIVELY if anyone is happy to just chat about either figure skating, or the disaster aro/aceness of these boys, I would also love that very much please hmu!!!
--- more stuff under the cut ---
working title: figure skating?? (as it's called in the docs)
rating: T
wc: 60k (12 * 5k chapters- a rough estimate)
some tags: Alternate Universe- Modern AU, Asexual Anakin Skywalker, Aromantic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Internalized Aphobia, Getting Together, Queerplatonic Relationships, Slow Burn, Angst and Fluff, Inspired by Yuri On Ice (sort of)
This is my first big bang, I've not written with a beta before, and I've certainly not tried to finish anything this long before. so, whew: leaning curve! I'm at the point where I'm producing chapter drafts which are close to their final versions, but also debating the details of some scenes and descriptions. And so, I'd like some help with the following things:
good old grammar and spelling! (I changed the whole thing from past to present tense at some point so there may be slip ups) this will be hopefully just a final pass of a version of the draft that won't change very much, a draft I'll hopefully produce at some point, incrementally, between now and the end of september :'D
skating stuff: I am a casual fan of the sport, so between a pandemic-years-old youtube rabbit hole and tearing my hair out trying to read ISU documentation, I'm still trying to figure out "how skate". (I thought I was in pretty deep but iceberg always goes deeper.) I'd sleep a lot easier if anyone who knows more than me about skating would be willing to give the skating descriptions (up to 10k max) a read through to check for realism.
aroace stuff: this is a big one. It's arguably even more important to me to get this right than the skating. In addition to being a disaster aspec myself, I've been trying to read up a bit, but that still leaves some gaps between my knowledge/experience and the experiences of these characters in the fic. Which is why I would really really like a second pair of eyes on some of the scenes and characterisations.
60k is like, a lot of words and I am still slowly being forced out of denial about it so I know that even a spag check is a big ask. But honestly, anything is appreciated, whether you could help me with Obi-Wan's aro-allo-ness, or figure out how to people three whole Grand Prix events. As for contact, here, or discord, or anywhere you know me will be fine!
Now let's call it at that, before this post gets any longer. If you've read till here- thank you already!
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liesmyth · 5 months
Are proprioception drills real, and if so do you do them? What do you recommend on this, oh wise jock advisor? Love from the anon who you inspired to run a 10k. (Also, how do you run when it’s hot out. Will I need to become a morning person.)
“inspired to run a 10k” omg omg that's AMAZING!! go you. the first time I ran 10k in one go I felt like a superhero. I hope you feel amazing about it because you ARE amazing <333
proprioception: regrettably. proprioception drills WORK. they're good for improving overall athletic performance and injury prevention! stable ankles do so much for you! terrible news for me personally because I suck at anything involving balance, I hate looking stupid, and I strongly dislike doing the kind of "exercise" where you don't actually sweat and don't feel good right away. needless to say, proprioception is my enemy.
stuff that ""athletic people"" ""should"" be able to do, and you could start working on if you find it challenging: (it's me. I find it challenging). brush your teeth standing on one leg. stand on one leg with your eyes closed. one-legged bodyweight calf raises (one ankle doesn't touch the floor, the other foot is doing the raises; if you need balance hold with one finger to the wall or counter). You can do this stuff at any point during the day, and doing it ""helps build a habit"" (said between gritted teeth)
stuff that you can do at the gym, as part of a workout, or while stretching: some yoga balance poses (Tree Pose, Eagle Pose, Warrior 3, Half-Moon Pose). If you have access to one of those balance disks soft cushion things, try standing on it, or doing bodyweight squats on it etc. this is a very useful video I like with some balance drills (near the end, the first half is mobility) and I do those. very rarely. at the gym, while looking very ridiculous
there are cool more advanced drills for runners — leg bounds, backwards skips, but personally I'm hopeless at it and if you're a relative novice you're probably bad at it too. If you discover an incredible talent for ankle stability exercises and want to progress further, youtube has a lot of cool form videos about it (thank you college track coaches with small youtube channels!) and I also recommend r/running and r/sprinting.
summer runs: unfortunately, the only thing to do when it's hot out is to. start your run very early. I'm sorry, believe me, I understand your pain. I had a couple amazing years when I woke up before five AM consistently to run in the summer and the sight of the sky at dawn was breathtaking etc. I wish I could recapture that level of motivation because I currently don't have any, but unfortunately, you either become a morning person or you Suffer (on the bright side if you can train yourself to run during the day during summer, you WILL be faster in the autumn. but at what cost?)
another alternative is to go running at night BUT often it takes a lot for temperatures to go down, so you might end up starting a run at, like, 9:30 pm, and that gets very annoying after a while. I PROMISE that when you wake up early consistently (including on weekends!) it stops being hard. It takes a few weeks, but it stops being hard. But if you lose the habit you will have to suffer all over again trying to build it back <- me right now
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cursedvibes · 17 days
Fic Writer Q & A!
Tagged by @voxofthevoid Thank you 🤗
How many wips do you have currently?
In terms of stuff I'm more or less actively working on with a proper concept (not just vague ideas) and what I plan to finish: 9
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
The final chapter of Stitches Across The Eye 😖 I recently got a comment asking when I'm gonna post it, since the last update was over a year ago...well... It's just that canon has thrown me for a loop with the new Jin lore and also TenKen and Pinchan are hogging my attention lately. It has kind of messed with what I had originally in mind for the end of that fic. I will get around to it eventually though and if it's the last thing I ever do!!
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
I write 5-10k in one sitting until my brain is mush and I can't form a single coherent thought anymore. Otherwise, if I have an idea for a scene, dialogue or general theme while lying in bed at night, I write it down as detailed as possible on my phone in whatever WIP document it fits. Thankfully Google Docs exists as an app too 🙏
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
I have a playlist for Stitches, but I don't use it anymore. I prefer to listen to ambient-ish music to get into and keep myself in the mood I need for a certain fic. I have a whole YouTube playlist with 1h+ ambient compilations and whatever feels right for the fic or scene will play on repeat while I write. For example:
This is what I listened to a lot for my Pinchan fics
works well for TenKen fics
Chance Encounter
And the Official Prison Realm Lofi often fits as well like for example for Stitches
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
I used to go balls to the wall. I did plan my fics, what would happen when, but I would only do that in my head and then write the fic from start to finish like I imagined it. No jumping around and only writing down what has been mostly solidified (excluding edits of course). Recently, I've gone to writing outlines in my docs first and then start writing, while deleting the passages in my notes I already finished. It has the advantage that I don't have to remember as much, I can add spontaneous ideas into my outline and don't have to hope I remember them when I get to that point in the fic and I write much faster when I have the bullet points further down as a reference. It's especially helpful for phrasing. And it's a nice feeling to see the bullet points slowly shrink, which makes it easier to finish WIPs even if I'm stuck at one scene. Has resulted in me getting more WIPs and jumping around between them more though.
Tagging (if you want): @hxhhasmysoul @kaitakushi @yukisdomain
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megumishousewife · 1 year
Streamer! Megumi x Chubby!Streamer Reader
A/N: I have been gone for a MINUTE so imma try and make this lil story the best I can because I’m really doing this because I had an idea one night. Annndddd even though this is more oriented to plus size girls, I want everyone to enjoy this piece. ANYWAYS…
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For today’s stream, your chat decided to play a little bit of Resident Evil 4 since it was a new game popping off at the time. You’re a big horror fan so this makes this even better, but you were a little late to the party, seeing that other youtubers and streamers had already beaten you to the punch. You told your fans that even if they have probably seen other people play the game before you, all that matters is that they are getting the uncut Y/N version so they are in for a good one.
 “Just letting you guys know that we are donating to a charity that helps families in need of major necessities so please donate and help the cause. If we do raise past the goal today, I might let you guys pick your rewards. Maybe a 24 hour stream or another vlog, but it’s up to you guys,” you said with a smile.
You watched as your chat was lit up with multiple comments and you just laughed at the excitement of your fans. Even though you probably pull in 10k a stream, you want to make all ten thousands of your fans happy. Also on your youtube channel, Y/N Games, you have already reached 1 million subscribers, which you told everyone was a big milestone. Continuing on, you played RE4 for a good three hours with nothing but a few deaths, multiple donations, giggles, and you simping over Leon because who wouldn’t.
You said, “Y’all, if I was in the zombie apocalypse and I had to have one of my crushes save me...you guys already know who he is.”
Your fans already know how much you gush over the streamer,Megumi Fushiguro, aka Megs. You always found his stoic attitude very sexy and the jokes he made were very similar to yours. You could probably go on for hours talking about this man since you found him way before you even considered doing content. He has probably around an average of 25k viewers and 5 million subscribers on Youtube. You always talk about how you see him at conventions and never speak to him because you were scared of what he would think of you. For some reason, your stream was blowing up the chat about him and that he’s live right now with his best friends, Nobara and Yuji, who are also content creators. 
You laughed, “Guys, I will react to their stream tomorrow, butttt I see that we have reached our goal of donations! Thank you guys so much and we can actually take these last few minutes to discuss what you guys want for your reward.”
After looking at the comments for 5 minutes, you have narrowed down to 3 options.
“You guys really want me to come out of my comfort zone with these,” you said with a nervous laugh, “Option One: collab with fav youtuber or streamer. Two, ask out my fav youtuber or streamer. Or three, prank calling my streamer friends. This decision isn’t up to me, so I will put a poll on my twitter so you guys can take a vote on what we should do. It will be open for 24 hours so you guys can pop in anytime to vote. Thank you so much, I love you guys and good nigghtttt!”
You clicked off the “end stream” button and you felt your heart pounding out of your chest. The first two options were already embarrassing because how in the hell were you going to get in contact with Megumi. And knowing your fans, they were not going to do the last one because it’s too easy. Sighing, you got up to take a shower and flopped on your big bed. Just for background noise, you turned on another plus sized youtuber that you always watched do a random storytime while you got to work. The fastest thing to do was to upload the VOD of tonight's stream that one of your mods saved to your youtube channel. since you stream Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; you didn’t want your youtuber watchers to miss out on your newest gameplay. Next, you went to Twitter and uploaded the poll, feeling a small pit in your stomach. You also saw that you were tagged in a video of Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji rating Youtubers and streamers. You pressed play and saw what was about to unfold.
Nobara said, “Next one is plus sized youtuber and streamer, Y/N games!”
You could feel your face flush up instantly. What. The. Fuck. They are rating you out of all people and the only thing you can do is brace yourself for what to come because when it comes down to being a plus sized content creator, or just being plus sized in general, you have to be thick skinned and not let the hate get to you. But, the friend group actually took you by surprise. 
“Not gonna lie, she kinda bad! Megumi, you’re silent. The fans need your feedback,” Yuji said, nugging his best friend.
Megumi looked as if he’s even embarrassed to say anything but he managed to get a few words out as his face reddened.
“She’s pretty,” Megumi said, keeping his response short. 
Nobara and Yuji laughed as the chat was blowing up saying he might have a crush, but you rolled your eyes and logged out of Twitter for the night to go to sleep. Even though your body felt tired from the day’s work of streaming, editing, and sending emails, you couldn’t take your mind off of Megs’ face when he called you pretty.
“Maybe I’m just in over my head,” you thought to yourself.
After trying to let the thought pass as best as possible, you allowed yourself to drift into a deep sleep.
Don’t jump me! I know this is a little short but I think I’m going to post them in sections because chile, I’m acting like I haven’t typed in forever. But I hoped yall enjoyed it!!!
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So for those of you that are unaware (News of this thanks to @battle-acs-official ) YouTube in it's infinite wisdom is screwing the pooch yet again. I know, no one is shocked but this time around, almost as if following in Twitch's footsteps, they just Nuked one of the single biggest VTubers off their platform. Also seems they've been lying to us in the admission they they are trying fix the situation.
Specifically a, (hey if your channel is gone it's gone forever). They've said as much so I'm the past when destroying the livelihoods of other creators. But now that lawyers are involved, all of a sudden, "of no it's not really gone you just can't see it". So before I continue my rant here's this.
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Circled is the Razer company because that's a HEAVY industry player that's involved now.
Fact is this type of shit is why I'm sick of people not giving platforms like Rumble a chance. "IT'S A PLATFORM FOR NAZIS REEEEEEEEEEEEE-" STFU. YouTube and Twitch effectively have a monopoly and you people quite readily reinforce that by saying any platform that allows people speech is "for Nazis" despite that's not even a fraction of the platform. What's more, if the gov did their job YouTube AND twitch would no longer have 230 protections. Especially considering their partners are effectively contractors having to follow rules that are ambiguous and grey on purpose so YouTube can axe them for no fucking reason.
They've VERY MUCH proved there isn't any good faith in their actions, and rather than hire actual workers, they've charged AI to do the job for them. You channel should not be able to be "deleted" unless you have a conference call with 2 reps familiar with the rules, and yourself and potentially a lawyer or your company..... Or both. So YouTube has to prove the rules you broke. Supposedly.
More over, they have the ability to hide channels. This notion from earlier? That channels aren't REALLY deleted when they delete them? Yeah clearly they have a system in place. So why not hide channels, and let users appeal to representatives? Sure, I can see but offering this to everyone but if someone has over 10k subs at least give them a fighting chance. Because in removing people, you are only shooting yourselves in the foot.
Either way, this is an issue that can be solved holding platforms accountable to what's CLEARLY in the law books. But also having creators get their head out of their own asses and help the growth of other platforms. Clearly the two correct heavy hitters can't be trusted to make good choices.
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rustingways · 3 days
Hey, I'm Andy (said YouTuber in the fic). I actually wrote the fic myself to work through some things in my personal life. It's a little weird to me that it left the bubble of my mind into other people's consciousness, but if the characterization of myself makes you feel weird, don't worry. It was an exercise in self acceptance, at least for me. I wrote it like I was a fan of myself, like I was someone worth having fans? So it's not exactly accurate to the reality of me, in a lot of ways. I still think I'd get eaten by the "real" Vampire Armand, but when I was workshopping it, my beta flat ass refused to finish reading it if I killed myself off at the end, so I settled for receiving $10k. I'm sure it's cringe, but it was fun to write, and I felt a lot better afterwards, not just about myself but with how I was dealing w my life and circumstances. Not to mention, I just really like Assad Zaman's take on the character and gallierhouse gave me very specific brainworms about the character that I needed to exorcise. Thanks for reading it, I guess? I really didn't expect anyone to notice it in the tag tbh besides the few irls that knew I was working on it. So, sorry it was inflicted upon you. I hope the psychic damage was negligible.
Hi, Andy! I don’t know why I was so surprised to see you in my inbox when I sat down to lunch, but it certainly wasn’t on my bingo card today.
Honestly, knowing that you wrote it yourself, for yourself, massively endears the fic to me. It wasn’t that your characterization of yourself made me uncomfortable, it was more the assumption that someone else had written this about you and how… I guess, intimately in your head they were pretending to be? A little more sleuthing and it might’ve occurred to me that you likely wrote it yourself (I also passively attempted and failed to find you on YouTube), but I got sort of stuck on… “Man, I would feel very not okay about somebody writing something like this about me.” It felt extraordinarily personal.
Assad Zaman’s portrayal of Armand is literally all I could’ve ever wished for in an on screen adaption, he’s killing it. And gallierhouse has excellent takes on the character, as well, so I totally get it.
No psychic damage at all, I can retroactively say I actually really enjoyed it for what it is now that it’s not colored by the thought of someone projecting super hard onto some unsuspecting YouTuber. It was cute, it was soft, it was sweet and fluffy and personal, and I think most of all it felt a bit hopeful. Forward momentum. I like that. Who cares if it is or isn’t cringe? If you enjoyed writing it and it helped you, then it was worthwhile imo.
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dervampireprince · 11 months
10k subscribers on Youtube!! I- What?!
At the start of this year I made goals and I never shared them because I was embarrassed that they were too high reaching and what if I shared them and didn't reach them and then I looked like a fool in front of everyone. But I guess I could have shared them after all because this is what my start of year 2023 goals look like now:
Twitch 536/500
Patreon 276/200
Youtube 10k/10k
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Thank you all so much, I can never thank you enough. Your support across these and more platforms allows to not only make content I enjoy but be able to make a living off doing it. You're allowing me to have a life and the ability to save up to move out into a better living situation. I wanted to make voice acted comfort content as fictional characters because when I was a mental ill teenager with no support system I found a Tumblr blog called @tomhiddlestonsoundalike. This creator was doing an incredible impression of Loki from the Marvel films and would record audios that were comforting, holding you while you cry, talking you down from a panic attack, etc. And as someone who'd found parts of myself in Loki and loved him, I would listen to these audios curled up in my room and imagine that Loki was comforting me as sadly I had no one else that would. That's why I wanted to start making audios because I hoped I could give to others what that creator gave me, but to also aim at least some of my content at trans listeners as I myself am trans and wished I had found content like mine when I was younger.
With another 1k subscribers please let me know who you'd like me to make a 1 hour sleep aid of. And for 10k there's be another special audio happening that's been a long time coming, a special something with my original characters Ambrose and Arden that people have been requesting for a long time. I hope you're all ready.
I wouldn't be able to keep making this content without you all, whether you support on Patreon, have commissioned me, or just watch ads on my Youtube.
A reminder that on Friday I'll be having a celebration stream and subathon on Twitch with giveaways and more. Though I suppose I need to update the title of that now.
Special thank you to my wonderful partner @julia-b00 . She's also an ASMR voice actor here on Youtube, an artist with an Etsy shop and streams on Twitch. And I have a feeling that you guys are into that sort of thing, so please check her out and give her a follow.
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allwaswell16 · 8 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that show a healthy relationship dynamic as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave the writers kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
☁️ Of Mates and Men by @bananaheathen
(E, 630k, wedding) In which, Louis and Harry meet as best men for their best friends' wedding... well... sort of. Or, the one where Harry's just moved back from New York and Louis doesn't believe in romance. Or, I guess... the one where Zayn and Liam are getting married.
☁️ Relief Next To Me by dolce_piccante / @haydolce
(E, 333k, fwb) AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
☁️ Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
(E, 97k, road trip) Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series.
☁️ No Control Club (series) by @sadaveniren
(E, 96k, bdsm) Harry, a popular BDSM blogger, writes a negative review about Louis’ club. Louis wants to have a chance to make it up to him.
☁️ My Kind of Rain by @lululawrence
(NR, 30k, musicians) the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill AU where Louis is Tim, Harry is Faith, and just when Louis thinks he is going to get some rest, his entire world turns upside down thanks to the man with curly hair and the voice that seems to sing right to Louis' heart.
☁️ The Sunshine Stays by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 15k, canon) They're enjoying a much more relaxed schedule the second time around, allowing themselves to bask in married life. Until, one day, Louis surprises Harry on vacation, and there are some surprising consequences.
☁️ Let Me Be Your Everlasting Light by Layne Faire / @laynefaire
(M, 11k, Northern Lights) Harry arranges a trip to Norway as a gift for Louis, but little does Louis know Harry is also hoping to make his own dream come true, too.
☁️ I Can't Hear You by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(E, 9k, omegaverse) the one where Harry is self-conscious about his body because it's not the 'typical omega body' and Louis shows him why he loves that.
☁️ There's a Ring in the House by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(M, 3k, proposal) Louis knows Harry is going to propose. He's terribly impatient about it.
☁️ Changing Weather (For Worse or For Better) by @haztobegood
(M, 3k, established relationship) Five times it's raining and one time it stops.
☁️ I Choose You by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 3k, established relationship) Louis is exhausted during a busy time at work. After a long commute home, the last thing he expects is for Harry to have a surprise for him.
☁️ Gonna Dress You Up In My Love by @fallinglikethis
(T, 3k, humor) Harry decides to take up knitting. He's horrible at it. Louis wears everything anyway.
☁️ The Future's in Our Hands by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 2k, humor) Louis loves a good idea, a good invention. He's always ready to try out the next project. His husband would maybe just like him to wait until morning.
☁️ The Nearness of You by theweightofmywords / @lil0
(M, 2k, mpreg) Harry and Louis' baby is due any moment. Harry just wants pretty toenails, and Louis just wants to help.
☁️ If Wishes Were Dishes by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 2k, living together) Why is Harry doing his dishes? He must be mad at Louis. He must be absolutely livid at the way Louis is living his life as a slob.
☁️ Sugary Sweet by @neondiamond
(G, 1k, kid fic) Harry and Louis’ daughter knows exactly how to get what she wants, Harry is pregnant, and Louis is the best husband ever.
- Rare Pairs -
☁️ a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 10k, Niall/Harry) Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact. Oh.
☁️ two languages, one love by @nouies
(NR, 3k, Louis/Cillian Murphy) The three times Louis speaks to Cillian in Spanish, and the one time he finally gets a response.
☁️ Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make. He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
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remellu · 8 months
DISCLAIMER: You can skip to the gofundme before scrolling to read everything, as I do update on there, but since I don't use tumblr much and this is very urgent, I have additional stuff to say in this post after providing the link. Link: https://gofund.me/952d122a
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As you can tell, I'm currently homeless and cannot access resources for shelter, as the homeless epidemic has caused it to get much harder to find shelter and transitional housing. I'm also someone who needs special accommodations as a disabled person, such as my medication and my cat being an emotional support animal, so that alone will make me less likely to be accepted.
I've been seeking a way to get housing way before I became homeless, as I knew the lease wasn't going to be renewed, but I couldn't do it on time. Currently I paid for my 1st and 2nd stay at the hotel I'm currently at. That's been 10 days, and currently I need to renew again by the 13th of February. This is the information for my first booking, which was cheaper than the second check in. 403 was the total including tax, but the second check in is 403 WITHOUT the tax.
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Here's the proof of the second stay in for 5 days being higher than the last.
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This hotel is literally the cheapest I could find with basic accomidations such as having a microwave and being able to refrigerate food, so I have to deal with the prices fluctuating a bit. It's not going to be the same each time I renew my stay at the hotel. But I don't expect it to reach the 500 USD range, it's going to be bellow that. The better approximate I guess is to get 480 USD for every 5 days of staying if feasible.
This is the current amount I got for the 3rd stay 66.11 is what I have left and the other two are donations that are still processing This isnt enough for the third hotel stay. (Due on the 13th) I would need around 500 USD (in case I need other needs like food/ set up the p.o. box) I'll appreciate any help!
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Gofundme does not finish sending transactions on weekends, in fact it postpones it, so that may cause complications for the 3rd and 4th stay if the money comes in too late. I do have a kofi and paypal in case anyone wants to ensure the money comes in faster, I'll put that link for Kofi here: https://ko-fi.com/remellu If you don't have gofundme, I'll provide my Paypal directly as well: paypal.me/yummeiko
Here's a diagram for the 3rd and 4th visit and how transactions work on Gofundme can affect me being able to renew the stay. Especially for the 4th one.
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I do not know how long I'm going to stay here, my homeless status is indefinite, I'll I can do is continue to work on finding resources for housing that will fit my financial situation while I try to stay in the hotel as much as possible. 10K USD is the amount asked because I know it may take a while to get things sorted, I may not need that amount, but if I don't and I reach it, I could always use it for deposits and so on as well as furnishing my apartment whenever I can get there. I apologize how lengthy this is. I do not use Tumblr often so if you want to get more frequent updates about what is being donated and my current status is, there's a few places you can follow me at. Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/Remellu Instagram (main): https://www.instagram.com/remeiu/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/remellu.bsky.social I also posted a video in regards to the gofundme on both tiktok and youtube (i may also put these on both my instagrams if the length is allowed. Twitter also has it) Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@remeiu/video/7333364564697894186 Youtube: https://youtu.be/YWokYi2gl0g Again, I'll appreciate any help I will get, and I will also try to come back on this site to update this stuff as well, I'm just not good at remembering I have a tumblr. The best you can do if you can't donate is reblog or share on your other social media we are both on. Thank you in advance!
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adambja · 5 months
Hey babe! I saw that your free dream/desired life tape has a "(coming soon)". If you don't mind me asking, when will it be realised? I absolutely love love loveeeee your subliminals. I have been using your 'I am in control' sub for 6 days now and I'm getting better and better every single day. I want to buy your sub but it's a little too expensive for me rn, but I will as soon as I can! I also just can't wait for your desired life sub!!! Also, if you ever do any experiments again, please count me in. Thank you so much!!! Love you💋
I get it but it won't be released guys
I am literally leaving this June!
And finally the experiments are not gonna happen too!
Second of all it's not a sub it's a tape with benefits
And nobody here does these like me
There is a huge difference 💗!
So basically if you want the desired life tape you can buy the self-concept package and get it
This package has 5 tapes together!
If it's about the money use the free money manifesting tape I got on YouTube it works someone manifested 10k with it!
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