#also thankful to myself for working so tirelessly to build this life for myself!! but couldn't do it w/o the support of my clients + y'all
f0x-meets-w0lf · 2 months
y'all i designed a really fun trc tattoo that i'm gonna get to do on monday and first of all, how wild and amazing is my life that i get to tattoo some of my fav fictional characters on people in my art style for my living?! being a tattoo artist is a huge commitment on so many levels and is so so much work lmao, but it's work that i love and i am so lucky. secondly, i'm gonna ask my client if they're cool with me sharing the art for it here, because i think y'all will like it :') it's the fandom darling (one particular disgruntled moody catholic irish nightmare-dreamer-creature boy)
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 7 months
[A video is embedded.]
[Twilight and Fluttershy stand at the lower floor exit from the aquarium building, looking out at the beach and Route 8. Twilight is wearing an orange scarf. She points ahead.]
There he is! With the orange hair.
Oh, wow. That's an impressive mane for a human.
I know, isn't it? Rarity would call it an abomination. Oh, I do hope she Falls in Kalos, if only to see what new styles she'd inflict on poor Lysandre.
[The two ponies step outside, and Lysandre of the orange mane comes over to greet them.]
Ah, hello again, young Miss Sparkle! Is this beach not simply beautiful?
It is! This is a nice meeting spot. Lys, this is my friend Fluttershy, who also Fell from my world. Fluttershy, this is Lysandre, the scientist I've been working with here. He's the leader of Team Flare.
Hello! Nice to meet you.
[Fluttershy turns to speak to Twilight alone.]
Team Flare is your research team? The guys who battled me in the cave?
Oh! Yes, sorry for the less than welcoming introduction back there. I asked for us not to be disturbed while we looked for fossils. If I'd known you were on your way I would have told them to keep an eye out and let you past.
The junior scientists do good work, and many are skilled pokemon handlers as well. If you have defeated some of them, Fluttershy, then you must be strong and clever yourself. I applaud your determination!
Thank you. They fought well, and I can't fault anyone for wanting a bit of privacy.
And humble too, I notice. She is as kind as you said, Twilight. Truly, you both are clearly chosen to help build a better future.
You read my report, right, Lys? Fluttershy, why don't you bring out Keseph?
[Fluttershy throws a pokeball, releasing Keseph the amaura onto the beach. Lysandre looks on with noticeable interest, almost blind to everything else.]
This is the resurrected pokemon? A true beauty, unburdened by all the weight of time, alive once more and yet untouched by the world's filth... Magnificent. This is a taste of eternal life! This is proof we are on the right track.
Listen, Fluttershy. It is vital that both our worlds become better places. Twilight and I, and the rest of Team Flare, work tirelessly to achieve this goal. Despite what an uphill battle it is. Would you join us, Fluttershy, and help look for and research the legendary Xerneas, pokemon god of life?
Um... I'm not much of a scientist, myself. That's really Twilight's area of expertise. I just work with and care for animals, or pokemon here. But I am doing the Gym Challenge, which will take me all around Kalos, so I can be on the lookout for this legendary pokemon or any information about it?
Wonderful! That is all I ask. Knowledge is power, after all.
Just... one question, if I may? Why... is it so important to find this particular pokemon? Why pursue eternal life?
I don't understand. It was my belief that you ponies, in particular above all others in this world, would see and know the necessity? That you would wish to save lives, and let beauty last forever? Given what happened...
Fluttershy... I've been kind of avoiding bringing this up, but I feel like it's time to clear up a few things. What exactly do you remember of our last day in Equestria? Of how we both got here, to this other world?
I don't know how we got here, but Professor Sycamore says all our friends are in this world somewhere? Or most, anyway?
Some more has come back to me by now, since finding you again... since that awful dream. I remember Tirek, and we were trapped, and you were fighting him… He destroyed the library and you kind of flipped out, and you went at him with more magic than I've ever even heard of anypony having. Both of you absolutely tearing up the land around you, punching holes in the mountains… I don't remember how it ended.
It ended in a draw. We could have kept going like that forever, until there was nothing left of Equestria to save from him. Instead, we made a deal… which he immediately broke.
[Twilight looks away, unable to meet Fluttershy's eyes any longer. A light wind across the beach ruffles her mane and hides her face further, and at the edge of the screen some tufts of orange fur from the cameramon also briefly come into view.]
A deal? For what?
There's no good way to say this, Fluttershy. I'm sorry. We got stabbed in the backs by a dishonorable tyrant. All six of us, and even Discord, though he's not here so far as I've heard – all of us, as far as Equestria is concerned, are extremely dead.
And so is everypony else too, probably, because I failed you all.
[Fluttershy looks like she's just been slapped.]
We all died, and we died so violently that our souls Fell out of the world. We landed here. But here, with Team Flare, we're doing research, uncovering the secrets of eternal life! The ability to overcome even time itself, and set things back to how they should be, forever!
Imagine it, Fluttershy. We can go back. We can return to Equestria, immortal, with the powers of all the pokemon we meet here by our sides, and Tirek will never know what hit him.
[Twilight stomps one hoof on the sand as she says these last few words. Fluttershy takes half a step back.]
…Twilight, you're kind of scaring me a little.
Also, didn't he absorb magic from anything you send at him and then copy it?
Yes, which is why we need two things: one, surprise, and two, to kill him in one shot.
Twilight…? This doesn't sound like you…
I know. I'm sorry, Fluttershy. Betrayal and brutal murder have a way of changing a pony. I'm not okay, and I don't think I can be until I know Tirek has been dealt with, and he won't ever be a threat to anypony again.
I am angry, Fluttershy. Aren't you?
I... I don't think I know, anymore.
The magic of friendship is strong. It can solve many problems, and it should always, always, be tried first. But the hardest lesson I've had to learn yet is that it cannot solve every problem. It took literally dying to learn that one. Sometimes, friendship alone is not enough, and as awful as it is, someone may leave you no other option but force.
[Lysandre kneels in front of Fluttershy, bringing the two of them nearer to the same eye level. Fluttershy looks at him, with the beginnings of tears visible in her eyes.]
If you can know the magnitude of the evil done to you and not think of revenge, then that is a depth of virtue far beyond what she or I can manage. You remind me of a younger self, in fact. I would not wish to damage that great kindness within you.
Come, let none of us trouble our minds further with talk of ugliness, decay, and death.
[Lysandre stands and turns away, toward the water, and he beckons for both the ponies to come stand at his side. Together, everyone looks out over the white sand and the ocean beyond.]
With Xerneas's power, there will be no such horrors in the world to come. Only life as it should be, without conflict, without pain... only peace, forever.
Peace and harmony across both our worlds. It won't be easy, spreading friendship never is... but we can do this.
[Fluttershy nods, still staring out over the water.]
[Video ends.]
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objectively speaking
if we arrange me and the adversary on a chinese checker board
fuck checkers and chess it's too black and white and red
if I'm going to organize my thoughts then you better have
at least five different colors of highlighters or something
just be glad I'm not asking for watercolor pencils or glitter pens
beauty is something that allows the mind to calm
it's literally nature and the way the universe works
the more attractive something is the more it attracts
if it's attractive in a positive way it attracts positive things
if it's attractive in a negative way it attracts negative things
your free will is the wild card and some of us forget how to use it
though if you're punished enough for thinking differently
you learn how to suppress your authenticity well enough
to fool even yourself into forming a new identity
I actually don't like to see people suffering
not even my enemies except when I'm mad
but after I let myself be mad about it then things cool down
I think at some point I forgot to let myself be mad
it didn't seem to help anything and only made things worse
it takes a lot of energy to forget to be mad
daddy stop hurting mommy
mommy don't be mad
this is the message I have received my entire life
don't be mad that I'm hurting you
and to have my three year old say it so many times
it must have turned me back into a winter soldier
it doesn't go away all that anger
no matter how fresh or old it is
when I am forced to look at that old anger
and why it makes me angry
to understand some present patterns
it makes me so fucking tired
what happens in a sauna when you pour water
over those burning embers in a small room
the room fills with steam and it makes you so tired
just sucks the energy right out of you
that's how it feels when I finally feel contempt
it's like now you made me tired
and I'm gonna make you tired too
now I have to match your energy
now I have to really look at things
and see just how much you fucked me over
and let you face every fucking consequence
of your immature and incompetent actions
just because you didn't want to admit
that your parents emotionally neglected you
and the rub is that they were cycle breakers
just like me so they actually did a great job
considering what they were working with
also I think you secretly know I'd be better at your job
than you are and I didn't even graduate with my masters
funny because when I tried you used to go into rages
and yell at me while I sat there literally
with my head on my desk cowering
just waiting for it to be over
or threatened to use vyvanse fatally
which scared the shit out of me
and I yelled at you too
I yelled at you and I fucking scared you
but it was in the face of you harming the emotions of my kids
and it's also because you're terrified of women
wonder why that is?
frankly you're terrified of everyone
I'm glad you're back on your medication
it's been a fucking shitshow since you got off it
but when I brought that up you just told me
I was the one with problems and not to control you
"I wish he was still the same as before", my oldest said
as I joined him on the front steps under the moon
I knew he was outside because he was overstimulated
and overwhelmed because we both live in an
environment where we can't do anything
but warrant some negative opinion from you
I'm glad you don't do it to the others
but that's a shitty thing to be thankful for
my oldest son doesn't feel safe enough to enjoy
a family dinner or anything around you
and I only know I feel the same because of watching him
because I've numbed myself to the dysfunction
and as I was thinking about what broke my heart last year
like what the actual straw that broke the camel's back was
I realized... it wasn't you or losing my parents
which I thought it was and I was pissed about that
it was losing all those rabbits and the rabbit business
I wanted to build and worked tirelessly for
literally bled for and grieved for
only to have you come home and tell me
I wasn't keeping the house clean enough
while I was teaching my kids how to enjoy
animal husbandry and archery and music all summer
so fuck you and everything you stand for
what truly broke me was losing all those rabbits
it's those rabbits I miss when I'm saddest
you didn't finally break my heart
it was the loss of my bunnies
and I don't know why
but that helps me so much lol
0 notes
nadezhda-wexler · 1 month
👋🌸 Hi, I hope this message finds you well.
My family is in immediate danger due to the ongoing violence in Gaza, and I’ve launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please help by sharing the campaign post from my profile? Every share could be a lifeline. Our campaign is verified ⭐️ (248) by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏 Link: https://gofund.me/e9f9ce20
With gratitude, Dr. Farhat's Family 🌹
Please donate, share and reblog!!
In the heart of war-torn Gaza, where destruction and loss are a daily reality, lies the deeply moving tale of Dr. Husam Farhat and his family. Amidst the relentless bombardment, Dr. Farhat faced an unthinkable tragedy: the martyrdom of his beloved sisters, Inas and Amal, along with their husbands and children, and his brother Mustafa. This devastating loss shattered not only their dreams but also their hopes for a peaceful future.
The Loss of My Professional Dream and Life After the War
And it wasn’t just my home that was destroyed. My accounting office, one of the most renowned in Palestine, was also reduced to rubble. I had worked tirelessly to build this office, which wasn't just a place of business but a reflection of my passion and dedication to the field of accounting. It was our primary source of income, providing financial stability and security for my family, My office was well-known for its exceptional services and strong reputation among clients. Over the years, it had become a symbol of success and hard work in the accounting world. But the war took it all away in an instant. Everything I had worked so hard to achieve was destroyed, and years of effort and dedication were wiped out in moments, Now, I stand on the ruins of my office, just as I stand on the ruins of my life, trying to piece together the remnants of my dreams and memories. This office was a source of pride for me and my family, but the war has left us with nothing, facing an uncertain and difficult future.
War's Toll on My Dreams and Future
The war didn’t just destroy my home and office; it shattered my dreams and future. As a PhD candidate in Accounting Information Systems at Universiti Utara Malaysia, I was in my final year, pursuing research that is a significant contribution to my field and valuable to entrepreneurs. With a master’s degree with distinction and a bachelor's degree, I also taught at several universities, sharing my knowledge and passion, But the war disrupted everything. Years of hard work, academic progress, and my contributions to the field have been torn apart, leaving me with an uncertain future. Now, I am faced with the daunting task of not only rebuilding my life but also reviving the dreams and ambitions that once drove me. The journey ahead is filled with challenges, but my resolve to continue remains strong.
Displacement and Uncertainty After the War
Now, after all this devastation, my family and I are living as displaced people, homeless and jobless, with no clear future for ourselves or our children. Every day is a struggle to find food for my children, who have been robbed of every chance at a normal life by this war. Once, we lived in Shuja'iyya, in North Gaza, where we had a home, a life, and dreams. But now, after being displaced over nine times, we find ourselves in the refugee camps of Nuseirat, the war has stripped us of everything—our home, our security, and our future. Our daily life has become a constant search for basic necessities, a far cry from the life we once knew. The dreams I had for my children and myself now feel like distant memories, overshadowed by the relentless challenges of survival. Each day brings new uncertainties, as we navigate this harsh new reality, clinging to the hope that one day we might rebuild what was lost.
Rebuild Hope: A Call to Stand with Us
Today, we stand poised to make a difference. Our goal: $29,500 to ensure Dr. Farhat's family's safe evacuation and support as they rebuild their lives in Malaysia. This includes permits, transit fees, living expenses, and housing rent, according to the following details:
Permits and toll fees are $17,500
Travel expenses from Gaza to Egypt, one month’s rent, and other supplies: $1,500
Flight tickets to Malaysia: $1,600
Rent and other expenses for 5 months in Malaysia: $8,044
GoFundMe fee: $855.8
Join us in turning despair into hope for Dr. Farhat and his family. Together, let's write a new chapter filled with resilience, opportunity, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Donate now to save Dr. Husam Farhat's family - because together, we can make a difference.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Farhat's Family
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mxstball · 8 months
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"One last thing before we begin, Friede." Heidi stood up.
"Hm?" Friede continued to sit.
"I would like to allow Ghost here to record our battle. Considering the stakes, I think that it's important for my world to see what happens here. Of course, considering..." Heidi looked around the starry scape. "...this place, no one will be able to interrupt us, anyway. Only with your permission, though."
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"I care not. It shalt at least serve as an omen to those in your world that their time is nigh when I defeat you."
"Thank you." Heidi turned to Ghost and transformed into her Latias form to adjust things.
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Meanwhile, in Hoenn, Lauren, Leaf, Zinnia, Rayquaza, and Jeanne were together watching the feed when it was cutting on. The stream was being shown to The Iono Zone, as well as the news stations in both the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions. It's a good thing that Lauren was able to get her contacts in order for them.
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In Kalos, Leifi, Artemis-Zygarde, Melony, Vivienne, Rose, and Tor were tuned in together on the Iono Zone. The fate of the world -- and of their lives -- were on the line for this very fight. When they saw Heidi's face, each of them prepared themselves. They all hoped for the best, but were scared for the worst.
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In Unova, Kathy, Lillie, Hilda, and Rosa were together watching intently. While Arya was originally with them, she stormed out when she realized what was going on, in part because she didn't wish to see what was going to happen. Still, the rest of them were glued to the screen. This was one thing that was out of all of their control, and, as such, all they could do was watch.
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In the Hall of Origin, a certain someone made her way to form inside the area. She joined Hera, Hel, and Jörmungandr to watch the stream as well. Heidi didn't need her help at this point. The Arceus had every faith to think that Heidi had this without issue.
Just believe in yourself, Heidi.
Back in The Clocktower, Heidi was just finishing up everything.
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[Okay. There we go. Should be good to go.]
Tap tap. It's time.
Heidi flew back and transformed into her Low-Powered state.
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"My name... is Heidi. I am a Latias from a faraway land... but I am also the current Arceus of this world." Heidi sat down. "I am showing myself today because I wish to give definitive proof of myself and to handle a situation." Now that she was saying all of this, it was incredibly difficult to get everything out, but she was doing her best. "Many of you have worried of the fate of this world for the past couple of months. Ever since you have heard The World Cleanser's Tale, rumors have run rampant throughout the world of the coming apocalypse of this realm, made even worse with the passing of one of the young Heroes of our great age. Many of you choose to believe that those like me are not real -- that we will not prove ourselves to fight to maintain the peace between people and Pokémon in this world." Heidi shook her head. "I want to address this properly: The World Cleanser is real. She has walked amongst us and threatened this world for years, and many of us have worked tirelessly to prepare against her."
Ghost panned the camera to show Friede, who was sitting patiently for Heidi.
"The creature behind me is Friede. She is The World Cleanser itself -- a fearsome Arceus that wishes to purge every world that she comes across of humanity... and the Arceus of my home world. Friede wishes to destroy our world -- to annihilate everything that we've all worked so hard to build over the years... to leave us to be nothing but an obstacle in her crusade--"
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"But I will not let her. I come before you today to show you all the great lengths that I will go to protect our great world -- that I am willing to put my life on the line to defend everything that I and you all hold dear."
Friede rose and took a few paces back. She could tell that Heidi was nearly ready.
Heidi got up as well, allowing Ghost to rise with her.
"I will do battle with her and I will win against her. So, everyone. Watch as I show you all that I am here for you -- and that I am with you!"
Heidi nodded at Ghost, allowing it to move to get a better angle at the two of them. Heidi turned to her Creator.
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"Are you ready, Heidi?"
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Heidi lowered her power. "Yes, Friede. Let the better creator win."
Friede nodded.
0 notes
monica428 · 1 year
Preserving Our Family Home - Your Support Can Make a Difference
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am Monica Russup, and I am reaching out to you today in a time of great need. Recently, my world was turned upside down when my beloved mother passed away. Amidst the emotional turmoil that followed, I discovered a looming threat that could snatch away the place I've called home for 57 years – our family house.
Over the past three years, unknown to me and my mother, the real estate taxes on our cherished home have gone unpaid. Now, the deadline is fast approaching – August 31st – and I find myself facing an insurmountable challenge. We need to raise $1,008.42 to prevent our home from being put up for sale. (Update - thanks to all of you who have so generously donated so far, the initial payment has been made, but I have 3 more of $1066 in Nov, Feb, and May, and then the most recent ones. I am afraid I can't make all of these payments).
I work tirelessly, clocking in 40-plus hours a week, and I can make some payments. However, the lump sum required is beyond my reach, and that's where your support comes in.
I am not just a single mom; I am a single mom with responsibilities that extend beyond my own children. I have my two teenagers, one of whom is desperately seeking employment and re-enrolling in high school, while the other is diligently pursuing her education. Additionally, I care for my 37-year-old daughter, who battles a debilitating medical condition that sometimes leaves her unable to walk. She has a 10-year-old son, my grandson, who relies on us for stability and love.
To make matters more complex (but also filled with love), we share our home with five wonderful dogs. Our land, our sanctuary, is their playground. It's not just a house we're fighting for; it's a home where cherished memories have been made, and where we continue to build our family's legacy.
Let me be clear – my mother's oversight was not her fault, and I carry the weight of not being more vigilant. But, this place has been our sanctuary for generations, and I refuse to let it slip away without a fight.
You see, I'm not just anyone; I'm someone who's journeyed through the darkest of times and emerged on the other side. I am an addict in long-term recovery, and I've worked tirelessly for the past six years to rebuild my life. Right now, it feels like everything is unraveling, and I desperately need your help to hold it together.
The photo above is of our backyard, with the fence we put in for two of our five dogs. It also captures my three daughters and my grandson – the heartbeats of this home. We're a family trying to hold onto our little piece of heaven on Earth.
Any help, no matter how small, is a lifeline for us. Your generosity will not just rescue our home; it will breathe life into our dreams, provide a haven for our family, and preserve our history. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for anything you can contribute.
I love where I live, and with your support, I hope to continue living here and building a brighter future. To all those who have already donated, thank you for your kindness and belief in our cause. Together, we can save our home and continue writing the story of our family's life here for generations to come.
With immense gratitude,
Monica Russup and Family
Now, let me explain how your contributions will be used to achieve our campaign goal of $8,000.
The immediate and most pressing need is to settle the outstanding real estate taxes to prevent the sale of our family home. This payment is crucial to ensure we maintain a roof over our heads.
We have additional property tax payments due in November, February, and May, totaling $3,198. Your support will help us meet these ongoing obligations and secure our home's future.
To navigate the legal processes involved in rectifying our tax situation and preserving our home, we may require legal assistance. This fund will cover any necessary legal fees, documentation, and administrative costs.
Over the years, our family home has aged, and it needs some essential repairs and maintenance. These funds will go towards ensuring the safety and comfort of our living space.
As mentioned, we have a family member battling a debilitating medical condition. This amount will be allocated to cover medical bills, medication, and other essential support services.
We are committed to providing educational opportunities for our children and helping them secure stable employment. This fund will assist in covering educational expenses and job-seeking costs.
Our dogs are an integral part of our family, and we want to ensure their well-being. This amount will be dedicated to their healthcare and maintenance.
Running a campaign involves various costs, including fundraising platform fees, communication, and outreach. This fund will support these necessary expenses to ensure the success of our campaign.
We want to account for any unexpected expenses or shortfalls to ensure we can meet all our financial obligations.
Your generous donations will not only save our home but also provide our family with the stability and security we need during this challenging time. Together, we can overcome this obstacle and continue building a brighter future for our family while preserving our cherished family history in our beloved home.
Thank you for your compassion, support, and belief in our cause. Your contributions will make a profound impact on our lives, and we are deeply grateful for your generosity.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Monica Russup and Family
#SaveOurHome #Grateful #RecoveryLifeLessons #PleaseHelpUs #Straykidsfamily #Staysforever
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anderson1bau · 1 year
Leap into the unknown: a story about how to lose everything, but not lose heart…
Coming to Finland was a breath of fresh air compared to my past, when I had started in Germany. I couldn't wait to start anew, and I quickly plunged into work, hoping to build a successful future that I had previously struggled to achieve. I was determined to create a construction company that would set a new standard for quality, transparency and on-time performance. It was a daunting task, but I worked tirelessly toward attracting new clients and building a brand that would resonate with clients. After five difficult months, I finally got my first contract and put all my energy into making it a success. Each day I felt more and more confident and began hiring employees to join me.But as our workload increased, so did our financial risks. We ran into a client who wouldn't pay us, which put the company in a precarious position. Despite my best efforts to find a way to pay my employees' salaries, I soon found myself mired in debt. Trying to weather the storm, we took on other projects and solidified our reputation in the industry. However, when we faced another financial setback related to unfriendly customers, it became clear that we could no longer continue. It was a difficult decision, but I knew it was time to close the company and say goodbye to my team. After experiencing such a devastating loss, I felt lost and didn't know what to do next. In a desperate attempt to avoid mounting debt, I resorted to gambling, hoping it would give me a quick fix. Unfortunately, this only made things worse, and I found myself in an even worse situation than before. Realizing that I needed help to overcome my financial difficulties and get back to a normal life, I turned to you for advice and support. It is not easy for me to ask for help, but I have gotten to the point where I cannot do it on my own. I am currently in dire financial straits and am struggling to make ends meet. I turn to you, dear reader, in hopes that you can help me in my time of need. I am looking for financial support to help me pay off my debts and get back on my feet. I understand that asking for money can be difficult, but I assure you that any amount you can spare will put my faith and my life back on track. I am also willing to work hard and make the necessary changes in my life to never be in this situation again. Ready to do whatever it takes to get back on my feet and regain financial stability. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Your support will mean a lot to me, and I will be forever grateful for your kindness.
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greenmegsnoham · 3 years
✨💕2022 Goals!!💕✨
Thank you @pennygalleon @corvuscrowned and @mystickitten42 for the tag! 😘
Wow. What a year 2021 has been....insane.
I've appreciated being a part of this fandom more than you all could ever know.
I used to live where I could live my HP dreams in Orlando, FL, and although I don't regret moving back up north, I was in desperate need to re-connect with the stories I genuinely thank for the person I became. (but fuck jkr tho)
I started reading fic in September and writing in October of 2020, pushed out nearly 400k, birthed a podcast project with my best friend, and have worked tirelessly to build a community of love and acceptance in fandom that appeared severely lacking.
I've met so many amazing people and the love I feel here is just....ugh. I thank the Drarry community for being my gateway drug to far more content than I could even attempt to consume or create.
We all create and consume for our own reasons, and a huge part for me was to find my bliss in dark times, help myself through my depression and isolation. I've never felt so free and unapologetically me, and that wouldn't have been possible without all the beautiful members of fandom.
Thank you! 💕
✨Okay, yes. Goals.✨
💕No Fests, Except...
Being a part of various fests in this pat year has helped me grow as a writer, exposing myself to content and ships I never would have considered writing/reading and it's been an absolute joy. I'm so proud of everything I made. Especially [redacted] for HD Erised. I poured my entire soul into that work and it brought me just as much joy as exhaustion.
So! As much as I loved everything I made, I also need to acknowledge the stress that deadlines put on me and my personal wellness. Writing is something I am passionate about and my husband has always said "you're one of the few people I know that can make a hobby into a job."
He's right.
Fests = me putting my time and energy into something at the detriment of other wonderful experiences in life I've been missing because I "had to get it done".
IF I do any fests in 2022, it will be SELF-PROMPT and submitted if I have completed something appropriate within the timeframe.
Bottom line: Yes there are a million amazing fests happening all year long. It's so damn wonderful, but I have to know my limits and I need to get back and write for me at my own pace.
BUT! I have every intention of investing in the hp events/fest community regardless with events like @hpshipuary and @hpcestfest because, well. I want to! And, if I don't create anything for them, WHO CARES?! They are there for those who do!!
💕Which leads into...Fandom Advocacy...
Call me Helga Hufflepuff because I want everyone in fandom to feel seen, accepted, and loved and not judged base on what they consume or create.
I've been there for myself and I NEVER want anyone to feel like they don't 'fit' somewhere or that what they enjoy is wrong. You do not exist for someone else's approval. Find YOUR bliss and celebrate it. Don't give anyone the power to take what you love away from you, especially no-names on the internet. Like, bye.
If you want/need a space, @careofmagicalshippers has the space for you, growing into the space we all need and deserve: Join the Magical Shippers discord
💕Writing: for me, including original fiction
I had no idea I could love something as much as I love writing. I've always been a creative, with an Illustration BFA degree, but finding this however late in life has been one of the best things that has happened to me.
I have so many ideas for stories I haven't had the time to pursue (thank you fests 🤣) and WIPs that need love. I'm writing what I love on my terms and when I'm given that opportunity I know I'm at my best.
And as mentioned above, I often make hobbies into a job BUT I could see myself MAKING it a job. I want to keep writing and of course I will continue writing fanfiction. But the idea of becoming a published author for something entirely my own is so magical in itself. So, who knows!!!
💕Continue creating @careofmagicalshippers and @snapechatpodcast - with no end in sight.
What brings me more joy than writing and reading Harry Potter fanfiction and it's characters and ships? TALKING ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE IT!
Nathan and I have been having a blast with CoMS and we know you are too and that brings us so much joy. This world needs more love and laughs and we love to provide!
I also love that I can join friends like @snapecentric @danni-the-puff and @willwediejustalittle and others to share our Snapey love amongst ourselves and with others.
It's so much work but it is a labour of love that is worth it.
💕On a personal level...
I need to take better care of myself physically and mentally. There are several things over the years that I've let become lesser priority than they need to be. I need to take the time to recalibrate and find better balance in my life including relationships and health.
I need to be present with my husband and family.
I love the HP fandom and it isn't going anywhere. If I step away from my phone and discord or don't open Google Docs the world isn't going to burst into flames. In fact, by not doing so I create more fires than not. I acknowledge I've had a very selfish year - partly due to my manic depression and severe manic episode - and I need to remember my choices affect others.
Writing and interacting in fandom brings me so much joy, but it's okay for other things to bring me joy. I mean THEY SHOULD.
✨Here's to a Happier and Healthier 2022!✨
And remember...sticks and stones may break our bones, but words are just words. Don't give them more power than they deserve. 💕
Give power to the words that matter. Like how much I love you! 🥰
Pretty sure like everyone under the sun has been tagged already but oh well 🤣 @phenomenalasterisk @samunderthelights @avalonmoonshinesstuff @veelawings @oliverwilde105 @danni-the-puff @francis-sinbin @deaserkan @fuckboyregulus @screamingfae @rhiaflamesong @wheezykat @blue--dreaming @bronwenackeley @ronbinary @fw00shy @erlasart @quicksilvermaid @violetweasley19 @the-sinking-ship @mxmaneater @gnarf @swisstae
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captains-simp · 3 years
Hi can you write a carol fic where carol and fem!reader are exes but reader is also a villain so she constantly pisses off carol just to get her attention 🥳 happy ending too plz
Girlfriends to enemies to yearning enemies to lovers??? Where has this idea been all my life?
1.5k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"She's at it again." Natasha sighed as she watched the TV screen carefully. Carol groaned loudly and hid her face in her hands, not wanting to look up at the screen to see the havoc you had caused.
"Fuck sake, y/n." Tony mumbled but felt a regrettable sense of pride deep down at seeing your latest handy work. Played to perfection. As always.
Stark had been your mentor once. Everything you knew you learnt from him and while he never would have taught you if he knew what you would do with his teachings, he couldn't deny that your skills were unmatched.
You never hurt anyone. Well. You never killed anyone. There was always someone who might have gotten a little battered in an explosion, but it was never your goal to murder. You just wanted a certain blonde's attention.
"Maybe you could-" Steve started but Carol cut him off as she grabbed her jacket from the back of the couch and called out over her shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill." She mumbled begrudgingly and left the common room area with a faint glow starting to appear around her.
You swung your legs excitedly as you watched the scene still unfolding beneath you.
The building was still ablazed. Appartments. Shitty shitty appartments. Every one of them had mold growing in the corners, damp in the ceilings, barely functioning heating and questionable water.
The people who lived there couldn't afford to upgrade or even repair their homes and the landlord wouldn't do anything. So you decided to burn it down.
Carefully planned, of course. Most of the preparation had been around securing future homes for those who lived in that shithole. It was a complicated process, especially giving the anonymity of it. But it would be successful. And the landlord? He would be stuck with a bill he should have been paying for a long time, you made sure he couldn't get the ex tenants to pay either.
It was a good day.
You weren't a vigilante as such. Not any more. You had given it a go but you didn't have the tracking or assassination skills of Natasha so you never got any big targets. It wasn't enough. Not when all you wanted was to prove you had the strength to look after yourself and then some. That was what it was all about.
You had worked tirelessly to prove it ever since Carol broke up with you. She had always been fiercely protective. But when insecurities and paranoia started building too high she couldn't shake the distressing thoughts that something could happen to you one day. Something that was caused because you were so close to her. Something she couldn't prevent.
She still loved you. That much you knew. That was what kept you going. You knew Carol wasn't overjoyed at the things you did, there were times you weren't either. But you had to get her back. She was the love of your life and you'd be damned if you gave up what you had the way she had.
It didn't take long for her to arrive. There wasn't anyone else around because while you didn't want to broadcast your location to everyone, it needed to be enough for the Avengers to find you.
"Hey baby!" You grinned up at Carol as she landed infront of you, stoic expression wavering at the enduring name. "How've you been?" You continued in a sing song voice.
"Stop that." She said, not as firmly as she hoped she would sound.
"Rough week?" You asked as you sat down on the ledge and patted the spot next to you. Carol looked around at her surroundings and you rolled your eyes.
"Fine, we'll go somewhere more private." You raised your voice at the last word, hoping whatever camera they had found you on had audio and picked up on what you said. Carol grimaced at the volume but followed you anyway.
"So how is work?" You continued and you strolled down the path next to the blonde.
"I'm not here for a catchup, y/n. But for your information you're making it a pain in my ass." She huffed and you smiled, remembering all the times she ranted about work to you. Now she probably ranted about you to work. Or did she never want to talk about you? Your smile dropped with your stomach at the thought but you quickly recovered.
"So what are you here to do, Captain?" You teased as you got to the bottom of the path and walked a few feet into an old tunnel and stopped to face Carol.
"You need to stop this, y/n." She said firmly. You considered her for a moment.
"Do you think I can look after myself?" You asked seriously.
"Y/n-" Carol sighed.
"Do you?" You continued, wanting to know more than anything. She looked up and considered you too.
It had been a year since she broke up with you, a year that you had changed a lot in. Not just mentally. Your once soft hands were now calloused and slightly red. Your soft smile now held something more to it, something that you had to keep back and locked away. There were scratches and cuts scattered across your body. But really what changed most was that you were alone. There was no one to watch your back anymore.
Despite your efforts to show Carol how strong you were, you were more vulnerable then than you ever had been in your life. Maybe that was why she finally had enough.
"I do. I think you always could." You nodded because yes, that's exactly what you wanted her to understand.
The blonde looked down at her own hands, her eyes flickering to yours every so often. You knew what she wanted. You reached out slowly and gently entwined your rough hands that seemed to still feel so perfect against her own.
"You've really been a pain in my ass, you know that?" She asked and you couldn't help but laugh because that's an understatement.
"So have you!" You exclaimed through a laugh. "You think blowing up buildings is easy?" Carol laughs this time, ready with a come back as always.
"Well for me it's-" You punched her arm before she could finish making her laugh more. God you missed that laugh.
"Cocky as always." You mused and stroked your thumb over the back of her hand. She hummed in agreement, clearly more focused on your movements.
"I'm meant to take you in." She admitted and you weren't quite sure what to do. Yes, you want Carol back. But your goal was always to make her see how capable you were. You had been blinded by the goal and done things she never would have approved on. Carol knew you were strong, but now you might have become someone she can't love. You never thought that far ahead.
"Just...visit me?" You asked hopelessly. She looked up at you and you were taken aback by seeing tears welling in her eyes. You untwined your hands in an instant and reached up to cup her face but felt tears of your own upon seeing her conflicted face.
It was only then that you stopped to realise everything she must had been through in that year apart. The things you put her through.
"I'm sorry." You admitted as tears streamed down your face. "I never meant to- I don't know I thought, well I wasn't thinking." You rambled in shame and Carol brought her hands up to your face too and brought you forward to rest your foreheads together.
"I missed you." She spoke out quietly. "I never stopped missing you, or loving you." She pulled away slightly to look you in the eye and you saw the truth shining back at you.
Then, she brought you closer again, closer so her lips were right next to your own. She stopped to hesitant, wondering if following her heart was the right choice. But when you closed the gap to kiss her she knew it was right. That you could figure things out like you always did.
You kissed her with everything that had built up inside of you for that year apart. The plans, the yearning, the love. All of it. You had waited such a long time to be with her again, unsure if it could even happen, and yet her lips felt as perfect against yours as ever. Like a distance had never grown between you.
Carol pushed you against the tunnel wall as she kissed you back with everything she had. You were everything to her. You always had been and it had never wavered.
When your lips became bruised and breathing became an issue you both pulled away and stood in each other's embrace for you didn't even know how long.
"What now?" You couldn't help but ask.
"We'll figure something out." Carol said as she laced your fingers together again.
"We?" You asked, wanting to pinch yourself to see if it was all real.
"Yes, you and me. Together." You sighed and pulled her closer towards you where you could burry your face in her neck.
"Thank you for giving me a chance." You whispered.
"Thank you for never giving up." Carol whispered back.
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
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Youth With You
Pairing: Lisa x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 3,113
HC Count: 31
This is a mix between headcanons and a one shot
Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff, Little Hot & Heavy, (Public) Teasing, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hey everyone! Here’s my first writing for Lisa; I’m pretty proud of it! Feel free to let me know what you think. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy!
Becoming a new trainee was terrifying in every sense of the word. The media, the practices, the tests -- everything. 3 months into your coaching, however, things hit an all time high: you gained the opportunity to enter the competition Youth With You, as an independent trainee. Your freedom and right to expression was important to you, so it wasn’t an accident that you were going in independently. A company would only put pressure and bans on you, restricting your creativity and keeping you from being your most authentic self.
Finding out that Lisa was a mentor only made your nerves worse; at the same time, though, you’d never been more excited for something in your whole life.
Having friends in the industry proved to be an important factor as you prepped for the show. Producers and managers gave you advice, knowing exactly what each of the teachers looked for and demanded from their groups. You worked tirelessly to ready yourself for the whirlwind that was sure to come.
When you arrive at the production building, you’re in awe; the interior is ginormous, with insanely high ceilings and huge doors. Everything is coated in various colors, all of them pristine and beautiful. The labyrinth of halls that winds throughout the building before you is quite intimidating, but you take a deep breath and remind yourself of your reasons for being here. It’s far too important to chicken out now.
The staff had tipped you off to the fact that the mentors would be there today, but they neglected to tell you when. You had surely expected them to come in after everyone got settled. Alas, you were sorely mistaken; thus, you can imagine the surprise that etched into your features upon entering the main room.
Ella and Kun were invested in their papers, flipping through the stacks and whispering to each other; Jony J was turned to his right, chatting with Lisa. Your presence was announced by the rather loud thud that echoed through the room at the closing of the door.
The bright lights nearly blinded you as you turned to face them again, dread creeping into your mind.
“Hello everyone, I’m Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The words came out cooler that you had expected, and you patted yourself on the back for remaining so calm. You’re known for managing to hide your nerves well and remain professional, but that’s no easy task with this group of talent. Especially her.
You purposefully tried to avoid looking at her, knowing you’d blush and get majorly sidetracked. You feared you wouldn’t be able to recover from that.
“I see that you’re an independent trainee,” Kun said, a smile spreading across his lips. You swallowed at the sight, knowing the questions were about to come rolling in. “Yes, that’s correct. I prefer working alone; I only have to rely on myself.” He studies you, head tilted to the side as he considers your answer, and you nearly melt under his astute gaze. “I was the same way. It’s never easy, but the mentors and I will be right beside you during your time here.” Knowing that these 4 amazing people were here to share their experiences and guide you through your troubles made the task at hand much less daunting, and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought. Despite the intensity of the competition, you felt at ease, knowing they genuinely want the best for you.
“Ah, look at that face! So cute,” Ella coos, grinning back. You hide your face behind your hands, embarrassed beyond belief. Everyone chuckles at the sight, and you join in. With the atmosphere officially comfortable, you allow your eyes to trail over to Lisa. To your surprise, she’s already looking at you, lip between her teeth. 
“I see that you have 2 special talents listed.” Lisa starts, leaving room for you to elaborate. “Yes ma’am. While studying abroad in my youth, I learned 3 languages in addition to my native English.” The mentors look pleasantly surprised, and you continue with your other skill. “My mother is a professional chef, and we’ve always been close. She’s trained me over the years, and that’s something I’m very thankful for. During my time away from home I was fortunate enough to learn new techniques and styles from across the world.”
As you finish talking about yourself, you look to each and every one of the judges separately. You know it’s important to have a good connection with all of them, and you use this chance to do just that.
Upon locking eyes with Lisa again, your breath hitches. The light blush that rests on her cheeks, combined with the look she’s giving you, is enough to make you swoon. It’s innocent enough, the way she’s watching you; after all, she can just blame it on her role as a teacher -- she has to get a good understanding of her students. However, though, behind the innocent facade lies a much more sensual reason for her behavior. You don’t miss the way her eyes rake up your body, nor her smirk as she notices your hands mindlessly toying with the band of your shorts. You do your best to keep your attention on the others as they ask you questions about your resume, but that’s easier said than done.
Once they’ve finished with their questions, they invite you to take a seat anywhere you’d like. Despite your desire to book it next to Lisa, you don’t want to be impolite; that’s also not to say that you didn’t enjoy the company of the others -- you truly did. Clearly, though, no one can compare to Lisa.
You give them all another smile, the dimples of your cheeks on full display, and approach them one-by-one to shake their hands. They appreciate the gesture, and you’re confident that you’ve won them over that much more.
As you make your way to the seat beside Lisa, your heart beats wildly. It’s difficult, but you manage to suppress your anxiety for the time being. Letting your control slip now is definitely not an option.
In contrast to the heated look she had been giving you just moments before, Lisa now dons an adorable smile that nearly makes your heart burst. In the moment, you almost reach forward to touch her puffed out cheeks. 
You sit down beside her, and she takes a minute to look you over again. It’s baffling how she can go from so wholesome and adorable to flirty in such a short period of time. 
As the time ticks on and the mentors work through the list of contestants, the two of you continue to steal conversations and teasing glances.
Things are ramped up, however, when Lisa’s hand finds its way to your thigh, settling there for a bit. You attempt to push the intrusive thoughts from your mind, but they come flooding back the second she leans in to whisper something into your ear.
“You look gorgeous,” she tells you, warm breath fanning over your neck. Her slight accent only adds to the effect that her words have on you. All you can offer is a breathless thank you, thoughts completely jumbled at having the stunning woman do such things to you.
Before anyone can get suspicious, she backs off. The disappointment must’ve been evident, because she chuckles lightly and pats your knee in response. Thankfully no one had been paying you two any mind.
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~~~ Practices ~~~
It wasn’t often that you came into the studio upset or exhausted, considering you knew you’d soon be cheered up once you saw Lisa, but she made sure to take care of you when those times came around. She could read you like a book, easily knowing when you’d had enough and needed a break. That’s not to say that she lowered her standards, though -- she was firm and demanding, but she checked on you often. She respected all of her students, but she couldn’t deny that she had a soft spot for you. You lived for her soft gaze and gentle touches on the days you needed them most.
Other days, though, you got a kick out of teasing her; playing dumb, purposefully missing steps, ignoring her instructions -- anything to pull a reaction from her. 
          ↪“Eyes forward,” she would call out, voice strong, upon catching you talking to a fellow trainee when you were meant to be practicing. Her jaw would be set, eyes menacing.
          ↪“You keep messing up. Here,” she’d declare, demonstrating the moves directly in front of you. She knew exactly what to do to get you going, and sometimes your plans backfired a bit.
          ↪Those times that you’d play dumb were by far the best, both of you secretly loving the back and forth of it all. “I’m sorry, miss. I just can’t seem to get the moves right.” You’d say, appearing innocent and sweet all the while. It was hard to contain yourself when she’d approach you from behind, pressing her body against your own. “One here,” she’d inform, placing your hand on your hip; “...and one here,” she’d finish, correcting your position once again. When the music restarted, she counted next to your ear, keeping time as her warm hands held yours, guiding you through the positions.  
And of course, the majority of the time, you were a great student for her. Her praise had a mighty effect on you, and there existed a mutual love for it. Being a strong dancer often worked in your favor.
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~~~ Performances ~~~
Anytime you were set to perform, Lisa made sure to settle in and get ready to enjoy herself. The two of you had spent many weeks getting to know each other better, growing closer in the process. She found you captivating, and always loved to watch you on stage. The same can be said for you; seeing her dance was always the highlight of your day.
The two of you made sure to play things up, having a knack for getting the other riled up and squirming in their seat.
Watching her cool demeanor falter and ultimately crumble before you was one of your favorite things in the whole world. One of its only rivals was how she had to attempt to conceal it, knowing the cameras would be on her often. 
“I-I loved it. I’m very proud of you, Y/N.”
You smirked at her stutter; no one else was capable of making her blush as much as you did
~~~ Bonus: Backstage ~~~
“You all did so well. I loved that dance break in the middle of the song.” You gushed to a group of your fellow contestants, smiling at how happy they were. Over the course of the competition you had become something of a “celebrity” yourself, noticing that the other girls would always approach you for help and get giddy when you agreed. Not to mention that the mentors were always proud of your progress and dedication to the craft. The conversation continued, and you settled into a comfortable rhythm; everyone taking a turn to share their favorite part of their performance. Seeing these girls -- your friends -- so proud of themselves was a wonderful thing. Everyone worked so hard, day in and day out, to put forth their best effort in everything that they did. Celebrating each other’s wins just felt right, despite the fact that this is a competition. It always hurt to see anyone go home, considering you spent so much time getting to know each other. These were the people who were there for you when you needed it most; all of you know how hopeless it can feel, and you wanted to protect the others from that in every way possible. 
“Y/N!” The sound of someone calling your name pulls you from the conversation, and you send a quick bow and goodbye to the girls before departing. 
Your eyes travel across the crowded stage, searching for the source of the noise. You spot Lisa looking at you, hand beckoning you towards her. A familiar warmth spreads across your body at the action, and you don’t even attempt to stop the smile that takes over your features.
“Yes?” You ask sweetly, approaching her. Her hands slip into yours, fingers lacing in a sweet embrace. “I want you to come to my dressing room once everyone goes back to the dorm. You impressed me tonight, but you still have some things to learn.” As that last sentence falls from her lips, your blood runs cold. Her voice had dropped lower, and you feared what she meant by that. Had you mixed up the choreography without realizing it? Surely not. The only thing you were sure of in that moment was the way she was studying you, almost intimidatingly. Her jaw was set, eyes narrowed, and you swallowed thickly upon noticing this. “Of course. I appreciate the feedback.” She smiled, seemingly pleased with your answer.
With a swipe of her thumb across your knuckles, she was gone.
A sigh left your lips, your mind racing at all of the possible things to come.
~~~ Bonus: A Private Meeting ~~~
“You wanted to see me, Lisa?” You announce upon entering the room and shutting the door behind yourself. The two of you had long ago left the formalities behind, opting instead to be on a first name basis. It was much more intimate, and you preferred things to be that way with her. Of course, occasionally you would use her official title just to get a certain reaction out of her. Slipping it into conversation when around the other instructors always worked to get her attention and catch her off guard. It was easy to see that she enjoyed it, the innocent way it rolled off your tongue. 
You sit down in the chair opposite her, feeling the coolness of the leather press against your calves as you get situated.
“Good job tonight; you get better and better with every performance.” You thank her, both well aware of how much you enjoy her praise. Her expression turns more serious, and you take a deep breath. Here goes. “I don’t think it’s wise for you to be so close with some of the other contestants, though. Not all of them are interested in gaining your friendship for the right reasons.” With furrowed eyebrows and slightly pursed lips, you look at her. “What exactly do you mean?” Her expression turns unreadable, and you sink into your seat a little more. “Some of them may want to get into your head to throw you off your game. Despite what you want to believe, Y/N, this is still a contest.” You sigh, now a bit upset that she’s treating you like a child. “I’m aware of that, Lisa, but I can take care care of myself.” At the change in tone, the air around you shifts into something more tense. “Are you sure? Because you seem to be pretty oblivious to their actions.” She bites back, shifting her seat to get a better look at you, and crosses her arms.
When you don’t respond, she takes this as her cue to continue. “Don’t play dumb, Y/N. I see the way they look at you, so entranced. They know that acting helpless will get your attention. It’s just to distract you!” She says, exasperated, jaw set and eyes cut, just like earlier.
“Are you jealous?” You ask, a contrasting tone of accusal and uncertainty in your voice. No turning back now.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Jealous? Of what?” Her eyes setting on you again, a cocky expression on her face.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you start, toying with her; you know exactly what to say. “Maybe at the fact that they get to be so close to me all the time, like you want to be. Or maybe that we sleep together, especially when it gets cold in the dorms.”
It’s her turn to be speechless. “I’m more observant that you act, miss.” She gulps, and you bite back a smirk. “I see how you look at me; your desire is obvious. We’ve both known it for a long time now… Why don’t you just admit it?” The teasing tone in your voice is thick, and it’s clearly getting to her. Who knew you could make her feel like this with just your words?
“Y/N…” Lisa says your name almost as a warning, knowing that you’re on the edge of crossing the line. She failed to deny your claims; after all, it would do no good. She can’t disguise her feelings for you.
A surge of confidence washes over you, and you take that as a sign to scoot closer to her. Soon, you’re mere inches away from her, your body pressed against the side of the seat as you rest your chin in the palm of your hand. Her tongue darts out of her mouth, soothing her lips.
You take her in for a moment, enjoying the sight. Her long dark hair tumbles past her shoulders in loose waves, and a blush takes residence upon her cheeks. Having her like this was something you only dreamed of in the past; seeing her so aroused because of you truly made you think back on how far the two of you have come.
To put an end to the silence, you loop two fingers underneath her chin, successfully coaxing her into meeting your gaze. Your eyes fall to her lips as you ask, “Am I wrong?” Before you can continue, her resolve fades. She leans forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. Any ounce of doubt that you had before melts away as she pulls you closer.
With inhibition and processing skills long gone, you slip from your chair and into hers, settling in her lap. One of her arms wraps around your waist to hold you steady, while her other hand tangles itself into your hair. A swift bite to your lip, paired with a flex of her warm thigh beneath you, sends a jolt through your body and earns her a low groan. She shudders against you, and that simple act works wonders in boosting your confidence.
All too quickly, a sudden noise from just outside the door startles you; reluctantly, Lisa pulls away. You nearly gasp at how dark her eyes have gotten in the heat of the moment. “I’m going to go see what that was,” she informs, gently setting you down in her seat as she stands up. Before turning to walk away, however, she plants another kiss on your lips. “Don’t even think about moving. I’m not done with you yet.”
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Heyyy, could you do a headcannon post for tsukki, kenma, suga, Kageyama, and kurro, and how they would go about proposing to their s/o. I love your writing btw!!! 💜
proposal hcs make me so sOFT, and thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺 It means a lot! I’m going to bury myself in these hcs to get rid of the stress my uni are giving me rn also kageyama’s is so long omg i got a little carried away
slight timeskip spoilers (kenma, sugawara, kageyama, kuroo)
Requests are open!
Proposal Headcanons - Tsukishima, Kenma, Sugawara, Kageyama and Kuroo
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Tsukishima wasn’t one for extravagant publics displays of love and affection, so his proposal wouldn’t be either
he wanted it to be natural, not some crazy, over-the-top event that had everyone in the neighbourhood witnessing
it would be around 5-10 years (depending on how old you were when you started dating) of being together when Tsukishima decided he wanted to marry you, it’s not that he never thought about it, he just wanted to be sure this was the right decision for both of you
he had mentioned marriage to you one night a few months before proposing to test the waters and see your opinion so that he could gauge whether you would say yes or not
he took Yamaguchi with him to pick out a ring, he was great friends with you too so he knew your style and preferences well to help out Tsukishima
the proposal itself what somewhat planned, he knew the day he was going to do it but, other than that, he left it open to change
the two of you had gone for an evening walk across a pathway that overlooked the town, something you two do often to wind down
you two hadn’t spoke much, a comfortable, warm silence surrounding you besides pointing out the odd squirrel or brief check-ups on each others day
both of you had stopped at a railing on your walk, leaning against it to watch the sun set over the tall buildings
his hand was in yours, brushing his thumb over the back of it as he looked out to the view
“I love you (Y/N),” his voice was quiet but it seemed certain
he wasn’t the kind of man that told you he loved you multiple times a day, it was reserved for special moments and the times where he couldn’t get how lucky he was to have you out of his mind
“I love you too Kei,” you didn’t need to be loud, or shout your confession to the world to know that you both meant it deeply
“Marry me,” it sounded more like a instruction than a question and his gaze hadn’t left the sky
“W-what?” had you heard him wrong? was this a joke?
he turned his eyes to you, locking them with yours - this was the most serious and sincere you had ever seen him
“Marry me,” he repeated
you stood with your mouth slightly open, eyes wide as he pulled out a box from his pocket, opening it to display a simple, yet stunning ring
“I always thought that if you went for what you truly wanted, it would just end in pain and disappointment, that all the effort and sentiment would be for nothing, but with you it’s so easy. I might never be, but I want to become the best man for you, that you deserve, so marry me.”
gets married for tax purposes
marriage was not something Kenma had ever though about in his life growing up
he never thought he would get married or find someone he had a connection with and, honestly, he was fine with that
he didn’t really see the appeal of it in the first place
it wasn’t until many years down the line of being with you and his friends around him getting into relationships when he started to consider the possibility
the first time it came into his head was at Kuroo’s wedding
he spent most of the time wishing he could go home and get out of this uncomfortable suit, but there were times when he say Kuroo’s beaming smile that he was glad he came
some of the ex-nekoma team members had poked at him with questions of when he was going to get ‘hitched’, which he responded to with a sigh
he certainly wasn’t going to propose because others told him he needed to
the next time it crossed his mind was when he started a new game that his fans had recommended he play
it was a romance game which wasn’t his usual go-to genre, but it had incredible reviews and created a storm in the gaming world so he thought he might as well check it out
through the game he got to witness an endearing story of a couple that went at odds to be together
the story delved into their married life and all the little things they enjoyed together through the years
he didn’t really want to admit it, but it did make him feel a little emotional
he saw himself and you in the characters, as if he was watching his own life play out on his screen
every now and then you and Kenma played some games together so you could spend time with him and he could show you want had been interesting him lately, so he decided to show you this game
you thought it was adorable, so heartwarming yet a little sad at points, but you had always been a little more outwardly emotional then Kenma
“imagine if we got married haha, how cute would that be!” you gushed out in the moment without thinking as you played
“eh...I guess” it wasn’t really the answer you were hoping for, but at least he didn’t sound utterly disgusted by the thought
you continued to play with him for a while, tucked into his side and making comments every now and then
a particular endearing part was plating on the screen and your eyes shone as they fixated on the characters
he could tell by the glassy look that you were getting a little affected by the story, but you looked so cute
the way your lip pouted ever so slightly, and how you gripped at his hoodie, as if to steady yourself
he had a sudden rush of adoration for you, he really did love you and the last couple years of you living together had been wonderful, how he got to wake up beside you, do daily chores with you, how you supported him in his many careers
“Maybe we should get married,” he blurted out, you whipped your head towards him so fast you almost got whiplash
“Are you...proposing?” you questioned, with somewhat of a laugh in your voice
“huh...looks like I am.”
Sugawara was sensible, mature, a little bit of a tease and sometimes chaotic if Daichi wasn’t watching but also traditional
he had often thought about what it would be like to grow up, get married and have a family
it wouldn’t take long before he knew he wanted to marry you, even throughout the 3 years you had already been together he had daydreamed about marrying you more times than he could count
from all the memories you had together, all the times you helped enough other in rough patches and the learning the two of you wanted to continue in the future had him certain that he wanted you beside him forever
so he set out his plan
he took his old teammates, Daichi and Asahi with him on a hunt to find the perfect ring
Daichi was there to keep him in check and calm his nerves, although Asahi was probably the most nervous and Asahi had a great eye for stylish, beautiful pieces due to his designing career
now it was time to plan
he didn’t want it to be crazy, but he wanted it to be something, a whole event in itself
so he scheduled a meal for the two of you and some of your friends
it was at quite a fancy restaurant in the evening and your group had its own secluded table at the back, surrounded with dividers from the rest of the restaurant
all of you spent the meal catching up and laughing, but Sugawara seemed a little quieter than usual
you had asked him if he was ok, but he just replied with an ‘of course!’ and a smile, so you let it be
Asahi was shaking but you put that off to general anxiety
you guys had ordered desserts and everyone had gotten theirs first
as the waiter brought yours over, the table went silent
the waiter came from your left, Sugawara on your right, so you had looked over as he came
as he set the plate down, you noticed the words spelled out in chocolate sauce 
“Will you marry me?” 
you gasped and turned towards Sugawara, who was now on one knee next to you, holding out an open ring box
“I have known for so long that I wanted to marry you. You’re beautiful, smart, courageous and so loving, and I want to have you by my side forever. I promise I will continue to grow as your partner and take care of you every step of the way, so, will you marry me?”
the only thing in this boy’s brain is you and volleyball, its all his one braincell can cope with
that being said, he has never once thought about marriage
his whole life he has spend all his energy and focus on becoming a better player, the best setter he possibly can and standing on the court longer
but you were the first person to get him, to understand him and accept him as is while helping him improve and grow
you helped him to open up and communicate with people better
you helped him whenever he was frustrated with volleyball and a certain play he was working tirelessly on
you never once turned your back on him when he struggled or lost his temper
you were his partner, but it was different from a volleyball partner
he cared for you, every part of you, and always wanted to know if you were ok or spend time with you
you made him genuinely smile everyday and he knew that he wanted to be your partner for life
it came about when he was hanging out with Hinata on one of their rare days off to catch up
he had been talking about you constantly, expressing how much he loved you and adored you
“Why don’t you just marry them?” Hinata questioned with his held tilted, as if it was obvious
“w-what? Hinata boke!” he shouted as his face grew red and pushed Hinata aside
the two talked about it and Kageyama decided, very bashfully, that yeah, he should just marry you
but how does he ask you that?
he knew nothing about marriage or proposals, so he spend the next few weeks asking his friends, teammates, even his coach on how to propose to you
“Take them to an expensive restaurant!”
“Wouldn’t it be cute to propose in Disneyland??”
“Well, I proposed to my partner by sending them on a scavenger hunt”
he was bombarded with ideas, but none of them seemed right
none of them seemed like him
he was getting frustrated with the pressure of coming up with a good way to ask you to be his forever, it had to be perfect, it had to be special and it had to fit with your relationship
you noticed he was getting agitated a lot more recently, he was quieter and snapped more often, he stayed back later at the gym to train and he rarely ate dinner with you anymore
whenever you asked what the problem was, he replied with an ‘it’s nothing’ and stormed off
his teammates had noticed too and were less than pleased with his attitude as it affected their gameplay
one of his teammates had begged you to come to the gym and talk some sense into him when he started continuously overworking himself
it was 7pm when you set off from your house to the gym where he was still training
as you entered, you noticed that he was the only one here, hitting serve after serve that never seemed to land right
“Tobio,” you called out
“Baby,” you tried again but you couldn’t catch his attention from his deep focus on the ball
you walked over to him and lightly grabbed his arm, stopping him from serving the ball again
“Tobio, what’s wrong? Everyone is worried about you. Are you having trouble with a play? Because we can sort that out with your coach-”
he cut you off by mumbling something under his breath, much too quiet for you to hear
“What was that?” 
“I want to ask you to marry me and I don’t know how,” he said louder this time, his eyes staring at the ball in his hand as he gripped it tightly
“O-oh, right...” you were stunned, speechless, this wasn’t something you thought you would hear from him
“Everyone’s been telling me how to do it, but none of them seem right,” his voice was low and his gaze still hadn’t let the ball
you put a finger under his chin and lifted his face towards you
“It doesn’t need to be what everyone else tells you, we can do things our own way,” you tried to comfort him with a smile and he simply stared back at you
“So go on then,” you were beaming at him by now, yet his face got even tighter with confusion
“Go on, ask me to marry you.”
his jaw hung wide open, his eyes seemed to be staring into your skull like he had seen a ghost, this is certainly not what he expected
he tried to speak a couple times, stumbling on his words as they got caught in his throat
“It’s ok, take your time,” you brushed your thumb over the back of his hand as you held it, encouraging him to continue
“w-will you....will...willyoumarryme?”
BONUS: you two picked out a ring together afterwards, this boy has no sense of style, don’t trust him by himself
Kuroo had jokingly asked you to marry time multiple times throughout your relationship
the first couple times ended with you being a blushing mess while he teased you
but by now you just tell him to shut up go off sis
marrying you had always been part of the plan for him, just a natural progression of your relationship
while Kuroo can be quite the tease, he was extremely serious of his relationship with you and your future
he started off his plan by asking your dad if he would like to spend the day together, you know, father-son-in-law bonding time
what your dad wasn’t prepared for was Kuroo to turn up in a shirt, suit trousers and confess how he wanted to marry you
he had a whole speech prepared about how he would be the best husband for you, how he would be sure to take good care of you and, possibly, be the best father in the future if you planned to have children
you dad had to eventually shut him up as Kuroo kept going, saying how he would be delighted to have you marry the man
step one: check
now he needed to find the right ring
he had a look around at multiple stores but he couldn’t find anything that was unique enough to be called yours and that captured you or your relationship
since Kuroo had quite the high-paying job plus a little backing from a certain famous youtuber so the cost wasn’t an issue and he wanted to spoil you
so he got one custom made
he sat with a designer for hours creating the most stunning, distinctive ring that he knew you would love
step two: check
over the next couple days he planned a meet-up evening with your family and his where he would pop the question
you both had spent the day cooking and preparing for the evening before they all come to your house
you had all finished dinner and moved over to the living room to chat
Amidst all the chatter, Kuroo stood up and cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention
“I have something I’d like to say,” he said with confidence, then turning to you with a grin
“The last few years with you have been perfect. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we have made so many amazing memories together. You really are my other half and I think everyday about how truly lucky I am to call you mine. You know me better than anyone else. I know I’ve asked you this a couple times in the past when we’re laughing together, but this time I’m serious,”
he got down on one knee, holding one of your hands while presenting the custom ring in the other
“will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
and the crowd goes wild
Tagging @togasknifes so she can read Kageyama ty ly
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Seventeen ~ Split
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1482
Warnings: None
A/n Hello hello! I know it’s not one of my normal update days, but this one is short, so enjoy this angsty bonus chapter!
Weeks pass in routine. In the mornings I research with Alex or study Sindarin alone, sometimes venturing into the garden or library to occupy my time. The lunch hours are typically spent in the company of friends, and Lavandil and I have been passing many of our afternoons together in her shop. As the summer continues, business only grows, and I can see why she asked for the help. Her art is quite popular! She tried to teach me how to weave and, unsurprisingly, I’m terrible. So I mainly help clean and work with the customers.
Three nights a week, Alex, Baranor and I meet in the library and continue our lessons. On that, I actually am making progress. It’s allowed me to converse with Lavandil’s customers in their own language. It’s also helped me feel much more self-sufficient here. No longer must I have to rely on Lavandil or Rumil to translate when we go out. Ellyn I speak with still have to slow their words and repeat things several times, and sometimes I must ask for clarification, but the progress really is liberating.
Two days a week, right after breakfast, Alex and I meet Elrond in his study.
Lord Elrond insists on using the power in his fæ to attempt to aid us in recovering our memories. I hate to admit it, but his efforts are wasted and, on my part, not really wanted. Besides the memory of Mara and Nonna, I don’t remember anything, and at this point, I’m not sure I want to. I’m already too attached to the people here, and I’ve seen where that’s gotten me. I don’t want to remember people from home — love them, miss them, and then realize I can never return to them.
I don’t make much progress, anyway. Most days, Alex and I have nothing but headaches and exhaustion to show for our work. Every now and then, one of us will remember something small — a passing event or an aquauntaince from childhood — but nothing of real interest. Elrond agrees that the headaches and exhaustion are signs that we are not yet healed from whatever ordeal resulted in us arriving in Arda. He’s been keeping an eye on our fæs — apparently they are somehow injured — and says that the original wounds are all but healed.
Alex’s progress is less encouraging. His old wounds are healing, but nearly every time Elrond or Baranor checks, there’s a new injury. They don’t know what’s causing it, but privately, I have a theory. While Alex says he’s accepted this world, knowing him, there’s a part that’s still hanging on to our homeworld. Maybe that’s causing too much stress to allow him to heal. Because I’m healing, and I’ve fully accepted this world for what it is — impossible, different, but real.
And then at night time, training continues with Haldir.
I am careful to keep distance between us except when absolutely necessary. By the way he does the same, he’s recognized the urgent precariousness of our situation. As much as I want to confess the feelings I keep so tightly bottled up inside, to fall into his arms and ask him to love me forever, I cannot.
Because my forever is abysmally different than his.
So I keep my distance.
My effort to avoid excessive contact or time with him is helped by the fact that, not long after our first training session, he became incredibly busy. Though relations between him and Glorfindel are still tense, the two work tirelessly to train the newer guard. Often, by the time I make my way down to breakfast, Haldir is long gone, off to lead drills.
The distance between us hasn’t helped my internal predicament.
Too often, I catch myself following the line of his jaw, remembering the feeling of his arms wrapped around me, wanting to return to that excitement of just the two of us under the stars.
I don’t act on these thoughts, nor communicate them to anyone, though Lavandil certainly tries to break that resolve. She’s adamant that, even with my lifespan to consider, it is better to spend the time we have together in happiness rather than holding ourselves back from something that could be great.
I forcefully disagree.
I’d rather cause myself a little pain now than put Haldir in a position where he could be broken later.
Surprisingly, Rumil, once my tormentor, has become my closest ally. Any time someone attempts to bring up the subject of me and Haldir, Rumil promptly shuts it down, usually changing the subject to something outlandish enough to properly distract everyone. He kindly occupies my newfound free time and we go riding together at least once a week. Since Rumil has Roch, Haldir allows me to take Faervel out, and, where the horse used to be indifferent towards me at best, he now whinnies in greeting the second I set foot in the stables.
My life in Imladris is nice. It’s peaceful. It’s filled with wonderful friends and so much to discover. And I’m happy, there’s no doubt about that…even if something is missing. I caught my feelings early and took preventative action by distancing myself from Haldir, which is good…but it’s…unfulfilling, in a way, to stay far from him. I miss eating meals together and talking about our days before training sessions. I miss constantly having him around. I miss him teasing me and moments where it’s just us.
I miss him.
But I won’t lose my resolve.
If my sadness can save Haldir pain, then I will bear it.
Summer in Imladris passes quickly. My days revolve around training the newer guard, and they show promising progress. Lothlórien’s borders are much more extensive than that of Imladris’, and I am confident adopting some of the techniques I use with my wardens at home to fit Elrond’s guard will help them be more prepared when the orcs attack again. My brothers have been indispensable, kindly offering their help and allowing me to use them as examples for the other soldiers. Orophin, of course, plans his schedule around Lavandil’s, but I have him with us about three days a week. Rumil joins nearly every day, only disappearing on Saturday mornings to take the horses out with Cosima.
My mind has been consumed by her for weeks.
If I am being honest, it’s been consumed with her long before then, probably up to the moment she arrived in this world. I now understand that my desire to keep her near me after the attack, and every moment after, was not only a preventative measure to make her feel better — it was my need to keep her close. To keep her safe. To have that reassurance that she is alright, and, if we were to be attacked again, I could defend her myself.
I really do owe Rumil an apology.
Turns out my brother knows me better than I know myself.
But despite the startling realization that I want to be with a human woman—not just any human woman, Cosima—the days continue.
Not of small concern is Cosima’s health which, mercifully, is improving. Her sessions with Elrond to attempt to regain her memories must be helping — though her memories have not returned, the scars on her fæ are nearly completely healed.
Aside from my monitoring of her health through Elrond and Baranor, my busy schedule prevents me from seeking her out. We continue to train together three times a week — she is making vast improvements — but our interactions are hesitant, a little awkward. I worry I overstepped my bounds that first night, or perhaps, even before that — maybe the night under the stars — for she certainly keeps her distance now. No longer do we eat together or talk in our free time. It’s a strange feeling, but it causes me stress not to see her during the day. Even a quick interaction would be enough, just to catch a glimpse of her smile or hear the approval of her laugh, but those are few and far between.
But, as much as it pains me, it is for the best.
I hate to think of it this way, but Cosima’s life is short and her future uncertain. Were she an elleth, there would be no issue — I could tell her of my feelings and she could return them and we could spend the rest of our never-ending lives together.
But Cosima is human. Even if she does choose to stay in Arda forever, her forever and mine are vastly different. If I give in, do as I so desperately want to and build a life with her…
She does not know it, but she has the power to break me.
And, while I still hold a sliver of the ability to keep that from happening, I must seize on it.
A/n Thanks for reading, and happy weekend! Likes, comments, and reblogs make my day! See you Monday with a new chapter :)
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Tolkien tag list: @anangelwhodidntfall @eru-vande
Haldir tag list: @tolkien-apologist
Double Heart tag list: @lainphotography @themerriweathermage @thophil2941btw @kenobiguacamole @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @from-patroclus-with-love @boywivlove @ordinarymom1 @my-darling-haldir @sweet-bea-blossom @moony-artnstuff @sleepyamygdala 
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wincestisasincest · 4 years
Gimme a Ring (Ringo Starr x Reader)
Okay so there’s lowkey highkey not enough Ringo out there which is a massive disappointment and we as a community should be ashamed. 
Idea for this fic came about when I was thorsting (romantically + also a little not) with @carpebeatles.
Description: You are trying on some of Ringo’s clothes like the fashionista you are, but you are caught!!
Words: 1,296
Warnings: Actually none. This is a very wholesome fic. 
The rings looped around your comparatively smaller fingers. There was a large gap of space between your finger and the bottom of the ring, but not too big. You could make it work if you wanted to. Fashion is all we have, after all.
The jewels, real or otherwise, glinted in the sunshine that was streaming through the windows. 
Moving in with Ringo had been so stupidly easy. You had had both adapted to each other so quickly that you never really had to the chance to properly explore and examine how the other functions domestically. For example, this was the first time you had noticed that Ringo had a larger jewelry collection than you, and just how fantastic that was. 
His namesake definitely suited him. 
Right now, he was building that namesake even more, working tirelessly with his band in that cramped recording studio banging away at his drum set. Some days he would come home terribly stressed and you would have to calm him down, and make him some tea to relax. Other days, he would come home euphoric, and would lift you in his arms and twirl you in the air just because he wanted to hold you. 
Too bad you couldn’t really do that in public. 
You set the rings down gently, organizing them by color, and cracked open the door to his closet curiously.
You’d been in here a few times because of laundry duty, but as a couple you both made a point to respect each other’s privacy. You normally did a very good job at that, but with the reality of him being gone for another month you felt like you couldn’t get enough of him in the meantime. 
Of course, that was the reason why you were at home and not at work. You were meant to help him pack. Ringo was leaving on tour tomorrow. 
The closet was lined with several loose silhouettes of your boyfriend, all the jackets and coats perfectly adapted to his frame. You ran your fingers across the fabric. 
Oh. It was this one. 
You pulled it out for old time’s sake. You’d actually met Ringo during the filming for A Hard Day’s Night, so his characteristic coat brought back certain memories. 
You slipped your arms through the coat and let fall down to your knees. It was warm, and it smelled like his cologne. 
It was missing something, you knew. You got on your toes and reached up to the shelf above the hangers in the closet. Your fingers prodded the different textures and folds before you landed on a pleated newsboy cap. You pulled it down and plopped it on your head. 
It was slightly too big, but you didn’t mind. You propped it back a little bit to show your face. 
You stepped out of the closet and looked in the mirror. You’d have to borrow his clothes more often, they really did suit you. 
You returned to your ring pile and began slipping them on your fingers, careful not to drop any. 
You twirled around in the mirror as you added the finishing touches to your look. When you spun around and looked at your back, you almost couldn’t tell the difference between yourself and Ringo. 
You saw his back a lot. 
You remembered that you would see it again tomorrow when he got on the plane for his tour. 
“Well, I seem to ‘ave found me a doppelganger,” a Liverpudlian accent announced from the doorway.
You grinned and turned to look at him. 
He was leaning against the door frame, clearly very tired. His hands were folded across his chest but even from here you could see the callouses on his fingers. He was smiling, which suited his face perfectly, and some of his bangs had stuck to his forehead because he was sweating in the hot studio. 
He looked perfect. 
“Well, I’m sorry sir, I don’t know who you are, but I am definitely Richard Starkey, otherwise known as Ringo Starr of the Beatles,” you bowed dramatically and he snorted. 
“Oh, terribly sorry sir, I’d better introduce myself. I’m (f/n) (l/n), pleased to meet you,” he stretched out his hand. 
“A pleasure,” you reached your more gilded hand forward and shook his hand vigorously. The rings on your hands and his clinked together metallically. 
You reached to pull your hand away but he was still holding onto it, gently but firmly, examining your rings. 
“You have excellent taste in rings, Mr. Starr,” he was still looking at your hands. 
“Why thank you. You have excellent taste in people, (f/n),” you added. He smiled again before releasing your hand.
“Well, maybe I can convince the lads to have you replace me on tour,” he chuckled and stretched his arms out. 
You could feel your smile taking more effort to maintain. 
“Yeah, maybe,” you turned around and began taking the rings off. He would need to pack them. 
There was a small silence as you slowly messed around with the jewelry box. 
You felt someone grab your torso from behind. 
“I know, I know, you don’t like ‘avin me gone,” he started, leaning his head on your shoulder a bit. You held onto his hands and sighed. 
“Yes, but it’s your job. And you’re happy. And I can’t exactly say no to that.”
“You’re too good to me, y’know tha’?”
“You make it terribly easy,” you quickly turned around and kissed him on the nose, “just don’t forget to give me a ring while you’re gone, okay?” 
“Yeah, speaking of Rings, look, uh,” he was fiddling around with the ones on his fingers now as he backed away from you. He did that when he was nervous. 
“Is everything alright?” you asked softly.
“No, no, everything is wonderful, which is why, I guess, I wanted to, uh....” he trailed off before swallowing deeply and catching his breath. You just watched not really sure how to intervene. 
“(y/n), you mean the world to me, you really do. I’m so lucky to have you, and I’m so lucky that you’ll have me. And I’m sorry that we have to live life like this, because it’s difficult, but I think I’ve realized that I want to spend the rest of this difficult life with you. So, uh,” he got down on one knee, “will you marry me when I get back?” 
He fished a small box out of his pocket and held it open for you. A rather simple diamond ring flashed. 
You could feel yourself tearing up as your cheeks flushed.
“Oh my goodness, yes! Yes!!!” You skipped the ring and went straight to his level on the floor, hugging him around the neck and kissing him on the lips. 
He was clearly a little taken aback, but then returned the kiss once he collected himself. You’re not sure how long you were there, and you didn’t care. 
When you finally left to catch your breath, you spotted Ringo’s newsboy cap on the floor and realized that it must have fallen off. 
You gently backed away and picked up the hat, affectionately plopping it on Ringo’s head. You took the box from his hands and slipped the ring on your finger. It was so different from all of the other rings that he owned, and yet, it was perfect. 
You felt a hand clamp down on your head and the rustling of your hair with pleated fabric. You saw the newsboy cap back on your head in the mirror.
“You wear it better,” Ringo said as you turned around yet again and kissed him deeply. 
“I love you, (y/n),” you whispered in his ear, smiling a little bit.
“And I love you, Ringo,” he returned, gentle grin still on his face. 
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saladejin · 4 years
Call An Uber? | 05
Tumblr media
BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader | Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut
Summary: Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right? What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: Mild swearing
Word Count: 4k 
< masterpost >
A/N: Hey there tumblr readers! This story might not seem all that angsty or plot-heavy in these first few chapters, but I promise it builds into it. I apologise for all the slow burn, I just can’t help myself ^^;
»»————- <<prev | next >> ————-««
       Getting home after the calming car ride seemed a tad anti-climactic. Weariness from the day piled high onto my shoulders, and as I threw my bag into the corner of my bedroom, I all but flopped onto the bed unceremoniously.
The small apartment wasn’t much, but it was enough to sustain me. The landlord was polite at least, and the rent was luckily just within my budget for now. It consisted of a small kitchen and a cosy living room all in one tiny, yet open space. A door led into the one and only bedroom of the apartment, which was also lacking in spaciousness, but it wasn’t as if anyone else was living here. All in all, it was adequate despite not really being something I was used to.
Laying silently on the bed allowed my thoughts and memories from the day to shroud my mind. I remembered how helpless and overwhelmed I’d been feeling when escaping into the carpark of the building, and how my responsibilities had come crashing through like swelling waves of inky ocean water. 
Feeling lost was one way to describe that moment, but Yoongi had consoled me to a point where I felt stable and supported. Even if he didn’t mean to show it directly, of which I wasn’t so sure, his way of letting me know he cared hadn’t been lost on me. I was usually good at noticing these things, so it was surprising to see that he wanted to show the gentle side of him tonight. I guess I really was finding out how these boys lived. I was seeing their thought processes with my own very eyes, something vital that was missing in my connection with them before.
Things were happening quickly, but I was ready to let them happen with welcoming, open arms. I was going to absolutely thrive in this new lifestyle, so why let stress weigh me down like a pile of bricks? I just wouldn’t let it.
Rolling over to smooth down the pale bedsheets with my fingers, I couldn’t help but let my mind drift to the sharp eyes of Yoongi, the dazzling smile of Jimin, Namjoon’s dimples…and just all seven of them. I needed to let them know how their fans felt, and I needed them to let me know if they had any doubts about their popularity and future. This could be one of my purposes, and a goal combined with many, many ARMYs. If I had the chance to console them, just like Yoongi had with me, then I would jump at the opportunity with no malignant intentions. I only wanted to help them and share with them the happiness they had given me throughout the years. To groove out their misgivings and straying negativity that allowed unnecessary stress and anxiety to build.
This was my purpose.
The days scorched hotter and hotter, meaning another short meeting for us at the firm. Nobody wanted to stay inside a sticky office filled with the sounds of stuttering air conditioners and electric fans, so Bang PD let everyone go home earlier than usual. When I say earlier, I mean mid-afternoon anyway, so it’s not like it’s actually early.
I’d finally started out with my new job, and so far things had gone swimmingly. The staff were continuously friendly, and the workload was nothing too devastating. Since the company had been a little short on multilingual interpreters, the amount of language related jobs had been growing over time. I could have been overwhelmed, but instead it was somehow smooth sailing from the get-go.
Things were going splendidly, but I wondered about what was going to happen with my Uber job. Would I just stop? It wasn’t like I needed the money from it now, so what would even be the point of it? Meeting new people from all cultures and backgrounds wouldn’t even be an issue at all. Maybe, just maybe the idea of giving up my job as a glorified taxi driver was an imminent one.
The office had been bustling today, but I knew it was because everyone was focused on preparing for the upcoming BTS concert. One of the company’s translators held out some papers from where he sat in his wheeling chair. “(Y/n)-ssi, could you please drop these down to the stylists? I translated the articles like they asked, so they’ll want to have a look as soon as possible.”
“Of course. I was about to bring them some coffee anyway. They’ve been working tirelessly,” I smiled at him and grasped the papers. It seemed the marketing management had wanted select articles about their fashion sense, hair styling and makeup to be translated from various languages.
I scurried to the kitchen area where I’d already started on the coffees. Someone had graciously told me how most of the stylists liked their drinks, and I knew they would need it after how much they had been testing makeup supplies and hair products downstairs. I shuddered at the thought of having my fingers sticking together from the amount of hairspray circulating the room.
The basement was pretty much where everything happened. Practices, auditions, coaching etc. You name it.  After dropping off the notes and coffees, I was showered with gratitude from the stylists and was shocked to see just how tired and worn-down they were. The thought that something big was about to happen caused excitement to curl deep within the pit of my stomach.
Maybe there’ll be new hair colours soon?
“No worries, make sure you get some rest!” I reminded them before letting the door to the changing room click shut.
I was right about the hairspray thing, it was seriously suffocating in there. At least they had some air vents open for ventilation, but I felt bad for those kind-hearted men and women. They would most likely be staying there way into the hours of the night too.
I began to walk back towards the elevator, but my eyes were caught by a bright light flooding from one of the main practice areas. One of the doors had been left wide open, and I glanced inside to see a very expansive room enclosed by pure white walls. The floor was made up of tawny brown floorboards, or maybe vinyl, I wasn’t quite sure. I think it had only recently been renovated.
“(Y/n)? Hello!” a clear and high-pitched voice made me jump in my skin. I looked further into the room to spot Jimin resting in one of the black, wheeling chairs of the studio area. His fading blonde locks had been swept back completely, and I could tell he was tired and sweaty from practicing.
To his left was Hoseok, who seemed distracted until Jimin’s exclamation, and the last person in the room was none other than a certain Kim Taehyung. As soon as the youngest of the three found out I was hiding in the doorframe, his eyes blew wide.
“Hey Jimin, Hoseok-ssi and Taehyung-ssi,” I bowed, as was the custom, and made my way into the room. You really had to spin around to take everything in, it was incredibly large for a practice studio.
I turned when I heard footsteps and was greeted by a very bright and bubbly Taehyung.
“(Y/n)? Ah, it’s so great to meet you finally!” He bowed also and I instinctively reached out to shake his hand, smiling once he brought both of his warmer ones together around my own.
They’re so big, what the hell.
Ripping my line of sight away from his long fingers, I glanced behind him to see Hoseok making his way forward too. “Hey there! I’m also glad to meet you (Y/n).”
I exchanged similar greetings with the fiery red-head, but stepped back when Jimin intervened with a low-pitched whine.
“No, no.” He ran forward and grasped his two bandmate's shirts gently to pull them away. “Don’t crowd her, we’re all smelly from practice!”
His disgusted expression made me grin again, and I shook my head. “Don’t worry about that, a little sweat won’t kill me.”
Hoseok laughed while playfully batting away Jimin’s hands. “Sorry about that, we are kind of gross right now.” He started airing out his shirt rapidly while strolling over to where three water bottles rested along the wall. I noticed that they were the only people in the room and puzzled over the thought. they were usually here with a manager or something, weren’t they?
“What were you guys practicing? And where are the others?” I queried, and watched as Taehyung flashed me a boxy grin. Jimin just groaned and ran his fingers through his hair yet again.
“We’re practicing for the concert, but I only came a couple of hours ago, the others are just at home I think,” Taehyung explained, patting Jimin’s back heartily. “Jiminie and Hoseokie-hyung have been here all day. They’re so fit!”
I glanced over at the two dancers as Hoseok jumped over to tickle Tae lovingly, Jimin just smiled at their loud antics. I was beyond surprised, as none of the members even seemed too tired. They were simply out of breath despite the sheer amount of exercise they’d undergone.
“That’s amazing! You all have so much energy to be able to practice so much.” I earned all of their attentive gazes, Hoseok instantly gracing me with his own beaming smile.
“Thanks! We’re just having a little break, but we’ll start again soon. Would you like to watch?”
My heart almost leapt out of my chest at the thought.
“Would I? Of course I’d love to watch you guys dance.” I clapped my hands together in excitement, eyes bright and shining with an uncontrolled delight. This made Taehyung reach forward with both hands to make a 'flower' under my flushing face.
“How cute!” He cooed, and Jimin pulled him away again. An eye-smile was stretching across the shorter boy's face in the most endearing way possible. Hoseok laughed, following with a “very cute, very cute” and ran off to start the music again.
All three of them were in light clothing, but Hoseok was wearing a white short-sleeved t-shirt while the other two adorned button-ups varying in style. All three wore long black Puma pants, most likely because of the ambassadorship they were part of.
“Ah, I don’t want to mess up in front of (Y/n),” Jimin tilted his head and looked at me with a somewhat pained expression. When I raised my eyebrows at him, he pouted and shook his hair out of his downcast eyes. I felt like I needed to step in.
“Jiminie, you’re an amazing dancer, you’d even make messing up look good. Plus, it’s only practice.”
“Yeah Jimin-ah, she won’t mind,” Hoseok helped me out and as the music started blaring from the speakers again, the rapper jogged over to jab Jimin teasingly in the side.
From the words of encouragement, Jimin brightened and smiled in my direction again before joining the others with a serious glint in his eye. I sat against one of the pristinely white walls to watch the action unfold before me, knowing I was about to witness something magnificent. Taehyung started moving his hands and bobbing his body to the beat in that hilarious way he usually did in mock dance practices, and I couldn’t help but snort in amusement.
“Oh, Taehyung is improving! It must be because we have a lady in the room,” Hoseok teased and shook his head, breaking out into chuckles when Tae moved to hit his shoulder in protest. His bashful smile switched focus to me, and I nodded my head in approval.
“I'm loving the skills though.”
Suddenly, the starting track for ‘Fire’ began rumbling loudly through the speakers, and my ears perked in recognition. Was I actually going to see this performed in front of me? I knew this dance all too well from the countless videos I’d seen.
“Are you guys ready?” Hoseok hollered into the open space, and I watched them line up a few metres back from the large mirror. They must’ve been planning to perform this at the upcoming concert, but I wasn’t sure why they needed so much practice seeing as they literally performed it at most live events.
I suddenly threw my cardigan across the room and jump to my feet, rolling up my sleeves in determination. I didn’t even care if they thought I was the strangest person in the world right now, because this was ‘Fire’. “I’m so joining in!”
As the first ‘bultaoruene’ resonated against the pale walls, I ran into the middle of the room and launched straight into the first part of the dance. Despite wanting to come across as serious, I couldn’t keep a cool and collected demeanour and opted instead to laugh loudly. The others were no different, and as my arms started moving wildly, Jimin fell to the floor in a breathless wreck. Hoseok exaggerated his surprise by cupping his hands around his mouth and cheering me onwards while Taehyung mimicked him with his own loud whoops. All three ended up on the ground as I continued to dance, biting my lip to feign seriousness.
I didn’t try to replicate their dancing, as I knew I couldn’t reach their level, but I still shook my hands rapidly and squeezed impassioned eyes to parody something that resembled it. The music stopped, and I fell to the vinyl floor as well, my breathing shortened due to how much I was cackling. Hoseok had stumbled over to pause the track, and I could hear him suffering just as I was.
“Oh my-Oh my God that was great. Did you learn the whole thing?” he gasped out, making his way back over to where I was sitting with my head pressed into the cold floor. My whole body was shaking and erupting with shamed giggles, and when I rolled over, I hid my face in my hands to stop the embarrassment from showing.
“I’ve seen it too many times to not dance to it.”
“I was not expecting that, you have to dance with us, I’m begging you.” Taehyung ran over, his deeply toned sentence breaking up into various airy chuckles. Jimin was the last to get to his feet, but his face was completely reddened and his hair was even messier than before.
“We’ll teach you the rest. I think we’ve practiced the actual dances enough for today, don’t you think hyung?”
Hoseok exhaled loudly, his eyes crinkling with his smile after regaining his composure. 
“Yes, you’re right. And the newest member of the dance line needs some instruction.”
I was still on the floor, but at the agile dancer’s statement I fell over again. Taehyung and Jimin both smiled at the sight of my pained expression.
“Guys, I wouldn’t be able to dance the whole thing properly, let alone with phenomenal dancers like you right there.”
“Thank you for the compliment, but you are going to learn this. No buts.” Taehyung held out a helping hand, and I grasped it to help me get back on my feet. I then turned to Hoseok.
“Okay sonsaeng-nim, where do I start?”
All three boys laughed again, and Hoseok straightened himself, puffing out his chest to seem scholarly. Taehyung pointed towards him with a grin that only widened.
“Hobi-hyung is literally everyone’s dance teacher, he’ll make sure you get it perfect.”
At this, the greyish-brown haired boy rushed to line up beside me and looked sideways expectantly. Jimin , but chose not to line up. I nudged Taehyung into a straighter position with my elbow as Hoseok began pacing in front of us, massaging his chin with two fingers thoughtfully. He lowered his voice to sound gruff and strict, and I had to blow out my cheeks to keep it in.
“First lesson of the day, the chorus choreo.”
“Yes, teacher,” Taehyung and I recited in unison as if being scolded. Jimin nearly fell over again until Hoseok waved his hand dismissively and the whole act was dropped. I fell into the boy beside me, suddenly embarrassed once more, but not being able to contain myself any longer. Taehyung patted my shoulder comfortingly while stifling his own noises.
“Honestly, we weren’t joking about you learning the dance though,” Hoseok started and meandered over to grasp both my forearms, tugging on them to lead me forwards. I groaned and sent a look that screamed ‘help’ towards Jimin and Taehyung, but they both just snorted.
I internally cursed Jimin for betraying me like this. I’d thought he was my friend.
“Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah, you’re going to help too.” Hoseok beckoned them over, and I could only grumble in more complaint.
“Okay, just get Jimin to show me some steps and I’ll see if I can do it properly.” I straightened my arms, which were still being pulled by Hoseok, and tapped my feet a couple of times to get ready. The red-haired dancer eventually dropped his hold, but looked down at his hands as if he’d touched something strange and foreign.
Jimin nodded at my request, and I paid close attention as he lined up in front of the mirror and ran through the starting choreography to the chorus. As both he and Hoseok showed me a slowed down version, I managed to get it all memorised. Taehyung clapped his hands to congratulate me, but his face fell when the phone in his pocket started buzzing incessantly.
“Sorry guys, it’s my turn to help Jin-hyung with dinner tonight. I have to go,” Taehyung fake sobbed, and I watched as Jimin went along with it to hug him comfortingly. Hoseok pretended to cry as well, and I couldn’t help but think this whole scene looked like he was about to be sacrificed to the Devil or something.
“Bye (Y/n), I hope I’ll see you soon,” The lively boy called as everything returned back to normal, and I couldn’t help but revel in the easy-going atmosphere surrounding me suddenly. I hadn't even met two of these people yet, but somehow I'd managed to skip past all the initial awkwardness of first meetings.
“Of course, definitely soon!” I vowed, and the singer left while grabbing one of the sports bags that rested by the door, continuing to walk backwards and wave rapidly. He was just too cute, and the way his eyes glimmered with hope just before he left was etched deeply into my mind. Even long after he was gone.
“We’re fine to teach you something, before we have to go anyway,” Hoseok turned back to us, and I almost face-palmed at the thought.
“Please don’t waste your time, I don’t even have a dancer’s body,” I spoke, my voice drawling out in protest.
“(Y/n) you do! Even if you were playing around before, you could still dance,” Jimin fought my statement, and I scoffed at his widened eyes. He was seriously against people belittling themselves.
“Plus, everyone gets better with practice,” Hoseok joined in, nodding his head cutely as he slammed his hands onto his hips. Jimin ran through the dance again, and I sewed their teachings together to try and copy him. I was shorter and had a different body shape to both dancers, but it wasn’t too difficult to try and alter the moves to accommodate for that. It was safe to say I actually ended up pretty proud of the outcome.
“I just don’t like how I can’t flow properly when I come up from the first move,” I grunted, trying out the steps again. Jimin hummed considerately before moving to stand behind me.
“Move your hands super quickly, and maybe keep this arm up so it’s easier.” He lightly grasped one of my forearms while I stayed frozen in position, and I actually saw in the mirror how it could help me. I was very much aware of how gentle his touch had been and how close his body was to mine. It didn’t help my racing thoughts when his warm puffs of breath made the hairs on the back of my neck tingle.
“And since you have to move your feet soon after, maybe don’t put so much weight on them beforehand,” Hoseok chipped in, and moved my other arm down so I could focus on my feet this time around. He’d been firmer than Jimin with his touch, but the singular fact that both of them had touched my arms in the span of a minute was enough to leave me breathless. I followed his instruction and gulped when the dancer’s lips quirked up into a knowing smirk.
The fucker knows what he’s doing.
“See, speed it up and try it now!” Hoseok bounced to get on my other side while Jimin stood and watched his partner offer his own extra tips. I found out just how useful a wall-sized mirror was when learning to dance, and when complimented by Hoseok’s timely sound effects, it wasn’t hard to get down the moves.
“Pa, pa and... boom! See, you have it. You’re a natural.” Hoseok reached up to exchange a sharp high-five, and I complied before covering my face again. This was almost too embarrassing. I just knew how badly my cheeks were flaring with flames of blazing pink.
“See hyung, I told you she was cute when she blushed.” One of Jimin’s fingers came to poke my cheek, just like he had done that one time in the car.
I reeled away from him. “Ah, don’t tease me, how rude!”
Hoseok and Jimin chuckled, and I heard the older dancer agree with my words in another fresh bout of mockery. “She’s right Jiminie, don’t embarrass her too much or she might just faint because of you.”
I growled, and they both stifled their laughing.
“As if I would faint, it’s not like I’ve never received a compliment before.”
“Ooh, cocky.” Hoseok tilted his head back and I smiled as both boys shook their heads at each other with crossed arms.
“Hey!” I pushed both of them away using their broad chests, scrunching my face up. Knowing it wasn’t convincing in the slightest, I inwardly cursed my continuous failure to hide emotions.
“But seriously, she has that natural aegyo,” Hoseok pointed out with wide eyes. Jimin’s jaw slackened in surprise before he agreed wholeheartedly.
 “I’m leaving, before my face burns clean off,” I then announced, pointing an accusing finger at the two chuckling dancers who were making their way over to gather their belongings and drink bottles.
 “Remind me to never be alone with you two again.”
“But (Y/n) …” Jimin licked his lips and smiled sweetly. “We’re not making any promises.”
The duality of this man truly scared me.
“Whatever, I should actually get going though,” I noted forlornly, not continuing to joke even though I really wished to do nothing but. The boys both nodded with their spirits also seeming to dampen slightly, but Hoseok lifted his head to smile with that signature sun-like glow of his.
“It was really fun to dance with you, please consider learning with us again (Y/n).”
“It sounds like you’re trying to sell me something, but sure I’ll think about it.”
Jimin erupted into giggles and slapped his elder on the shoulder before curling into him, just like he usually did when he laughed really hard. Hoseok merely pressed his lips together and tilted his head to seem hurt.
“Please do,” he agreed in a broken whisper, but I steeled my throat from letting anything close to laughter escape its clutches. I would be here for way too long if I couldn’t control myself.
“Okay bye!” I shout, listening to their farewells before ducking out into the chilled hallway.
Time had seriously flown by, and I remembered that I would have been home hours ago if I hadn’t been so severely side-tracked. I sighed with weariness as I finally made my way towards the steel doors of the elevator, listlessly passing a trashcan full of several empty coffee cups.
            Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.  
tagged: @l4life​, @joyful-jimin​
127 notes · View notes
raviposting · 4 years
So @singledarkshade​ has a Dream Movie challenge where we are given 6 actors from our favorite TV shows (or movies), a wildcard actor, and an object that should be incorporated into the plot. 
I decided to make my movie blurb and character descriptions like a “case file” of suspects as my movie is about a Private Investigator team, so enjoy! :) 
CASEFILE: King Investigations is the best investigative group in the country, and they are taking on so-called “unsolvable” cases, refusing new cases until they solve the one they have. One day, an envelope containing $5,000 is slid under their door alongside a note on a strip of paper. The request? To solve the murder of their recently deceased employee. The problem? Every employee of King Investigations is alive and accounted for, so they quickly get on the case - to solve why one of their own is getting murdered, and stop it before it happens.
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SUSPECT: Stephanie Beatriz as Aimee Gonzalez 
Role: Technology specialist
Background: Suspect was hired 5 years ago after offering up her services for a case where a woman had been missing for 43 years. She solved the case within 24 hours of joining the team as a liaison and was immediately offered a full-time position at King Investigations. 
Characteristics: An expert at finding someone, if you’ve left even a trace of yourself online she will work tirelessly to find you. Suspect’s favorite color is pink and seems to have a splash of pink on her at all times, alongside any decorations she ever has laying around. The suspect is an out and proud bisexual woman. Suspect seems bright and bubbly, constantly hugging the other suspects and loudly proclaiming her love for them in public. Genuine happiness or an attempt to throw off the case from herself? 
Close relationships: Adam King (best friend), Nelly Johnson (close friend) 
Further suspects are listed under the cut:
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SUSPECT: Tom Ellis as Adam King
Role: Founder of King Investigations
Background: Suspect founded King Investigations roughly 10 years ago, but has a PI background spanning two decades. He previously worked for Perry Co., but left under good terms to create the company with his husband, co-worker, and new employee. 
Characteristics: Suspect is a blunt, to-the-point PI who excels at investigating cases, but is not so great on the whole empathy thing. He is meticulous in every detail, and unlike Suspect Gonzalez’s tech-savviness, prefers everything traditional and vintage - from his work method to his clothes to his furniture. He comes off as sarcastic and dick-ish, and he is, but he’s also fiercely loyal and firmly believes in getting justice in every case. He will not give up, no matter how little he has to go on. 
Close Relationships: James King (husband), Lily Mullins (best friend), Aimee Gonzalez (best friend), Andrew Perry (mentor) 
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SUSPECT: Michiel Huisman as James King 
Role: PI - particularly skilled in surveillance 
Background: Suspect has been working at King Investigations for 10 years, and like his husband, he migrated over from Perry Co. 
Characteristics: The more grounded counter to his husband, the suspect is a more quiet investigative sort, who also specializes in something that comes a bit harder to his husband - empathy. His role seems to involve trailing individuals and smoothing over any issues that arise, whether they be due to the case or Suspect Adam King’s own behavior. Further information on the suspect could not be found at this time. 
Close relationships: Adam King (husband), Clancy White (confidant), Andrew Perry (close friend) 
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SUSPECT: Malcolm Goodwin as Clancy White
Role: “Bodyguard”, particularly skilled in combat 
Background: Suspect has been working at King Investigations for the shortest amount of time (2 years). Suspect began as the King Investigation team’s chief suspect in an unsolved murder, which he was promptly cleared of when the true murderer cornered Suspects Mullins and Adam King, and White apprehended them. He was offered a job shortly after. Suspect does not have a PI license and is instead employed as a “bodyguard” for the Kings, although he freely aids in investigations behind-the-scenes. 
Characteristics: Suspect is soft-spoken and quiet, but seems to attempt to match the personality and energy of whoever is speaking to him. Suspect is an aromantic man who entered into a queerplatonic relationship with suspect Nelly Johnson, and now lives with Nelly Johnson and Lily Mullins. 
Close Relationships: Nelly Johnson (partner), Lily Mullins (friend), James King (best friend) 
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SUSPECT: Emmy Raver-Lampman as Nelly Johnson 
Role: Forensic specialist 
Background: Suspect is the one who originally came up with the idea of King Investigations, though she never worked at Perry Co. Suspect worked at the police department for 5 years and became frustrated with the department, and suggested to King and her now-wife (then girlfriend) Mullins that she would gladly work with them under their own company. Suspect immediately quit her department job after King Investigations was founded. 
Characteristics: Suspect is sharp-witted and seems to match King’s wit. She is clearly confident and has an inquisitive mind, constantly checking and re-checking every bit of evidence that comes her way. 
Close relationships: Lily Mullins (wife), Clancy White (partner), Aimee Gonzalez (friend) 
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SUSPECT: Isla Fischer as Lily Mullins 
Role: PI at King Investigations
History: Suspect has been working at King Investigations for a decade. Much like the others, she migrated over from Perry Co. Out of the original founders, she has the least experience as an investigator, having started as an intern for only a few months before moving to King Investigations. 
Characteristics: Suspect is sharp-tongued and has a good poker face. She seems to have strong combat skills and is exceptionally manipulating others into giving her information. She and her wife recently moved in with Clancy White. Suspect is seemingly always on guard, scanning for danger in even the most mundane circumstances. Suspect should be watched closely. 
Close relationships: Nelly Johnson (wife), Clancy White (close friend), Adam King (best friend), Andrew Perry (mentor) 
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SUSPECT: Harrison Ford as Andrew Perry 
Role: Former head of Perry Co.
Background: Suspect is the mentor to the Kings and Mullins, who all used to work for him before moving on to create King Investigations. Perry retired shortly before the three announced their business. 
Characteristics: He acts as a father figure to these suspects King(s) and Mullins, and sees them regularly, as well as occasionally visiting the other team members. Suspect seemed reluctant to come out of retirement when the investigative team asked him to come out of retirement to help solve the case, but did so upon realizing that it was a life-or-death situation. Suspect seems reserved, but clearly cares for the founding investigators. 
Close relationships: Adam King (mentee), Lily Mullins (mentee), James King (close friend) 
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Item - Lamp 
The lamp is remarked upon by every single member of the investigative team. Clancy believes Aimee brought it in, due to her love of pink. Nelly believes Adam brought it in with his love of vintage materials, Adam believes it was Clancy due to his poor taste in decorations, etc. Each team member has an off-hand comment on how ugly the lamp looks before moving on. 
BONUS: Plot summary (with some scenes written in because I couldn’t help myself) 
We start off with a news-voiceover on King Investigation’s latest bust as we see the team stopping a potential murder. The reporter briefly introduces each character (as we see each doing their own thing in the case), and through the voiceover, we see the team turning in the suspect to the police, as well as discovering valuables of their client’s. She thanks them and provides them with a hefty sum of money. The reporter says the team has solved yet another seemingly unsolveable case and preventing a murder to boot, while we see the team begin to move furniture into a new building. As the voiceover speaks about their professionalism, we see Nelly and Adam arguing, and Nelly throwing out an old vase. Aimee sits on the curb, watching the group arguing and struggling to carry the furniture into the house. The voiceover begins to praise the team for their hard work and perserverance, as we see Clancy turn to Aimee and motion towards the furniture, at which point she shrugs and offers him the chips she has been eating. He accepts and sits down next to her. 
The beginning half hour shows the dynamics within the team - a team that seems to bicker constantly, but are obviously very close with one another. They are at lunch with their former boss, Andrew Perry, when he asks how the move is going: 
[The team is clustered around a round table outside. CLANCY is holding NELLY’s hand. LILY has a pleasant smile on her face, but she is looking beyond the group, her eyes scanning the area. ADAM has his legs stretched out, prompting an eye roll from AIMEE, and JAMES has made himself as small as possible, crossing his legs to provide AIMEE more room. ANDREW sits next to AIMEE, looking at the group with an amused smile] 
ADAM: It’s splendid, really, Andrew, save for Nelly throwing out my furniture yet again - 
NELLY: If you get one more ugly-ass vintage piece I am throwing it out, I swear to God. 
ADAM, indignant: I - ugly? These are pieces of history. 
[ADAM processes that NELLY said she would throw out his pieces] 
ADAM: And excuse me? Throw out the furniture I bring into my office? Need I remind you that I am the boss? 
NELLY [mocking ADAM’s indignant tone]: Need I remind you King Investigations wouldn’t even be a thing if I didn’t suggest it? 
[ANDREW laughs and excuses himself to flag down a waiter and get another round of drinks for the table. As he leaves, ADAM and NELLY have a stare down while the rest of the group ignores them. AIMEE reaches over JAMES to steal a fry from ADAM’s plate, but he swats her hand away, never breaking eye contact. The music swells, until finally -] 
NELLY: Fine. I won’t throw away your stupid vintage shit. 
ADAM: Aha! See, this is why I am the boss, everyone.
[The group ignores him, and JAMES grabs two fries from ADAM’s plate, giving one to AIMEE] 
The team gets settled in, setting up security measures, adjusting things around the office, and giving Perry a tour. We see them in a fully furnished office, pouring over what case they want to take on next. Lily pauses for a moment, thinking she’s heard something, but brushes off the feeling and continues on. The team falls silent when Clancy notices a letter that has slid under their door, alongside an envelope with $50,000 in cash with the message: 
CLANCY [with a confused, questioning tone]: My deepest condolences to losing a member of your investigative team, I trust this amount will be enough for you to uncover who carried out this plot, the remainder will be delivered to you upon the completion of the case? 
[AIMEE furrows her eyebrows and quickly counts up each member in the room]
AIMEE: Well unless one of us drops in the next 5 seconds, I’d say we’re all pretty alive. 
CLANCY: Maybe it’s a joke? 
JAMES [gesturing to the money]: It is a very expensive joke. 
The team determines that the note was sent in advance because somewhere, the murderer’s plot went wrong, and so they work with two goals in mind: Figure out who is getting murdered, and why. 
JAMES: First, we have to figure out who is most likely to be our victim. 
[All eyes turn to ADAM, who is intently pouring over the letter. He stops when he hears the lack of silence, and glares at them] 
ADAM: Oh come on now, I get the job done. 
NELLY: I say this with love, but you’re an asshole, Adam. I think every case we’ve ever worked has at least one person who threatened to kill you. 
LILY: And twice it was the victim we were saving. 
ADAM: Well that’s just - 
NELLY [muttering]: I’d kill you myself over your shitty home decor choices. 
[NELLY briefly motions to the garish pink lamp in the corner, but ADAM is not paying attention, because his attention is on JAMES, who has turned to write down ADAM’s name at the top of his whiteboard, and ADAM gives a sound of protest. JAMES looks back at his husband, an apologetic look on his face.] 
JAMES: Sorry, Adam. You know it’s true. 
ADAM [sighs, waving his hand at the board]: Fine, put me on the board. 
[JAMES writes down ADAM’s name at the top of the whiteboard, then underlines his name three times]
Throughout the movie, the team works to identify who the victim could be. Clancy and Lily tail the Kings, convinced that it is Adam or James who are the intended victims. Adam and Aimee work on the idea that it could be due to one of their past cases, and James and Nelly track down the man who sent the letter - a recent British immigrant who claims that he was told to do so and paid by an anonymous caller and that he never got the face. He admits he realized he got the date wrong - 5/6/2021 instead of 6/5/2021, and they realize it is a month before the supposed murder is supposed to take place. 
Coming to a pause in their investigation, James, Lily, and Adam ask Andrew for help. He is reluctant but agrees. The group continues on, getting frustrated as they track down lead after lead without any further break. It comes to a head when: 
[ADAM slams down a file in frustration, and the other members look up, frustration etched onto their faces as well.] 
ADAM: There’s nothing. There probably will be nothing until the murder is supposed to happen. 
[CLANCY sighs and leans his head back, wincing when he hits the pink lamp]
CLANCY: Okay, I know that you love pink, Aimee, but this is ugly even with the color scheme. 
[The team has a confused look on their faces, and AIMEE and ADAM speak at the same time] 
AIMEE: No, Lily brought it in -                    ADAM: Wait, you didn’t bring it?
LILY: Why would I bring this -                     CLANCY: Definitely didn’t, man.
[There is a brief pause as each team member processes, and the team speaks over one another] 
JAMES: I had just assumed Clancy brought it in as well - 
NELLY: Okay, I thought it was Adam. Figured he was just trying to rile me up with his weird furniture.
ADAM: I have taste, Nelly - 
[LILY shushes the group] 
LILY: So none of us bought this lamp in? 
[The group stares at the lamp, and LILY writes on a slip of paper. The other members write as well, understanding that there may be a bug in the lamp, and Nelly grabs her materials to investigate the lamp.] 
As the group continues, they find a listening device in the lamp. Aimee works to trace where it came from, but Adam stops her, and looks to Lily and James, a look of understanding passing between them, as they all recognize and used to use this type of listening device before - at Perry Co. They dig into Andrew and find out that he was not intending to retire until he found out about King Investigations - a week prior to them actually telling him of their plan, and a former colleague tells them that Perry had lamented that if Nelly hadn’t brought up the idea, this never would have happened. They determine that Nelly is his target and start their plan. 
The next scene, Andrew is visiting the office to help with the case. The team confronts him, laying down the evidence: 
ADAM [his eyes are teary, but his tone is angry and cold]: Rather clever of you, got the lamp in what, during the final move? And you listened to us so you’d be ahead of us every step of the way. 
AIMEE: Once we figured out it was you, it was all too easy to track the phone you used to contact [letter sender]. 
LILY [her tone biting]: And we asked you for help. You played hesitant, but we offered you up the case on a silver platter. 
JAMES: And we know exactly who you were trying to kill. 
[The music swells, and ANDREW’s shoulders slump. He knows that he’s been found out. He and ADAM speak at the same time.]
ADAM: Nelly                                               ANDREW [resigned]: Myself 
[There is a pause, and then JAMES speaks, surprise clear in his voice for the first time in the movie] 
JAMES: What?  
From here, we have the conclusion - Andrew admits that he doesn’t hate Nelly, he respects her for understanding when a change needs to occur. He hadn’t planned on retiring until he found out he was losing his best detectives, but he didn’t want them to go onto their new job with any hesitations or regrets, so he announced his retirement earlier than planned. There was just one problem - he began missing his detectives, who he had come to view as pseudo-children. 
Andrew put a plan into place - he would prove, as Aimee did all those years ago, that he could be useful to the team. He concocted a plan where he would fake his death and lead the team down different twists and turns until they found the culprit, at which point he would reveal himself to be alive. Unfortunately, his letter was delivered far too early, and Andrew had to intervene wherever he could in the investigation. 
ADAM: I can’t believe this. 
ANDREW: I know, I know, it was stupid, I just wanted to show you I was sharp and could still do it. 
ADAM: You could have just applied, like a normal person. 
ANDREW: I could have, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun, would it? 
JAMES: A murder plot is not fun, Andrew. 
The team forgives Andrew, knowing that his intentions were good, but say that they need a bit of time before seeing him again, and he agrees. In the last act a few months later, they are having lunch again, sans Andrew. They return to the office. When they open the door, they see a paper, and Adam sighs before he realizes what it is. It’s a job application, filled out with a resume for an Andrew Perry attached, and he grins. 
[ADAM picks up his phone and sits down, the ugly pink lamp right next to him, and the phone rings, until someone picks up.] 
ADAM [smiling]: Hello there, I’m calling to follow up with your application to King Investigations. It is rather impressive, and we’d like to call you in for an interview.
[Muffled sounds of a voice coming through the phone, and ADAM grins wider] 
ADAM: Wonderful, we’ll see you at 8 AM sharp tomorrow. We look forward to having you on board Mr. Perry 
This was so fun to write! Thanks to @ginnxtonic​ for helping me choose between my two endings lol <3 
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14th March >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) - Proper Readings
(see also The Man Born Blind)
(Liturgical Colour: Rose or Violet)
First Reading
2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23
God's wrath and mercy are revealed in the exile and release of his people
All the heads of the priesthood, and the people too, added infidelity to infidelity, copying all the shameful practices of the nations and defiling the Temple that the Lord had consecrated for himself in Jerusalem. The Lord, the God of their ancestors, tirelessly sent them messenger after messenger, since he wished to spare his people and his house. But they ridiculed the messengers of God, they despised his words, they laughed at his prophets, until at last the wrath of the Lord rose so high against his people that there was no further remedy.    Their enemies burned down the Temple of God, demolished the walls of Jerusalem, set fire to all its palaces, and destroyed everything of value in it. The survivors were deported by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon; they were to serve him and his sons until the kingdom of Persia came to power. This is how the word of the Lord was fulfilled that he spoke through Jeremiah, ‘Until this land has enjoyed its sabbath rest, until seventy years have gone by, it will keep sabbath throughout the days of its desolation.’    And in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, to fulfil the word of the Lord that was spoken through Jeremiah, the Lord roused the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia to issue a proclamation and to have it publicly displayed throughout his kingdom: ‘Thus speaks Cyrus king of Persia, “The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth; he has ordered me to build him a Temple in Jerusalem, in Judah. Whoever there is among you of all his people, may his God be with him! Let him go up.”’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 136(137):1-6
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
By the rivers of Babylon    there we sat and wept,    remembering Zion; on the poplars that grew there    we hung up our harps.
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
For it was there that they asked us,    our captors, for songs,    our oppressors, for joy. ‘Sing to us,’ they said,    ‘one of Zion’s songs.’
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
O how could we sing    the song of the Lord    on alien soil? If I forget you, Jerusalem,    let my right hand wither!
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
O let my tongue    cleave to my mouth    if I remember you not, if I prize not Jerusalem    above all my joys!
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
Second Reading
Ephesians 2:4-10
You have been saved through grace
God loved us with so much love that he was generous with his mercy: when we were dead through our sins, he brought us to life with Christ – it is through grace that you have been saved – and raised us up with him and gave us a place with him in heaven, in Christ Jesus.    This was to show for all ages to come, through his goodness towards us in Christ Jesus, how infinitely rich he is in grace. Because it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith; not by anything of your own, but by a gift from God; not by anything that you have done, so that nobody can claim the credit. We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation
John 3:16
Glory and praise to you, O Christ! God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son: everyone who believes in him has eternal life. Glory and praise to you, O Christ!
John 3:14-21
God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved
Jesus said to Nicodemus:
‘The Son of Man must be lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but so that through him the world might be saved. No one who believes in him will be condemned; but whoever refuses to believe is condemned already, because he has refused to believe in the name of God’s only Son. On these grounds is sentence pronounced: that though the light has come into the world men have shown they prefer darkness to the light because their deeds were evil. And indeed, everybody who does wrong hates the light and avoids it, for fear his actions should be exposed; but the man who lives by the truth comes out into the light, so that it may be plainly seen that what he does is done in God.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday), Cycle B - The Man Born Blind
(Liturgical Colour: Rose or Violet)
First Reading
1 Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13
David is anointed by Samuel
The Lord said to Samuel, ‘Fill your horn with oil and go. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem, for I have chosen myself a king among his sons.’ When Samuel arrived, he caught sight of Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s anointed stands there before him,’ but the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Take no notice of his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him: God does not see as man sees: man looks at appearances but the Lord looks at the heart.’ Jesse presented his seven sons to Samuel, but Samuel said to Jesse, ‘The Lord has not chosen these.’ He then asked Jesse, ‘Are these all the sons you have?’ He answered, ‘There is still one left, the youngest; he is out looking after the sheep.’ Then Samuel said to Jesse, ‘Send for him; we will not sit down to eat until he comes.’ Jesse had him sent for, a boy of fresh complexion, with fine eyes and pleasant bearing. The Lord said, ‘Come, anoint him, for this is the one.’ At this, Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him where he stood with his brothers; and the spirit of the Lord seized on David and stayed with him from that day on.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 22(23)
R/ The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd;    there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures    where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me,    to revive my drooping spirit.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.
He guides me along the right path;    he is true to his name. If I should walk in the valley of darkness    no evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff;    with these you give me comfort.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.
You have prepared a banquet for me    in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil;    my cup is overflowing.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me    all the days of my life. In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell    for ever and ever.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.
Second Reading
Ephesians 5:8-14
Anything exposed by the light will turn into light
You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord; be like children of light, for the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and right living and truth. Try to discover what the Lord wants of you, having nothing to do with the futile works of darkness but exposing them by contrast. The things which are done in secret are things that people are ashamed even to speak of; but anything exposed by the light will be illuminated and anything illuminated turns into light. That is why it is said:
Wake up from your sleep, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation
John 8:12
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God! I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life. Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
John 9:1-41
The blind man went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored
As Jesus went along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, for him to have been born blind?’ ‘Neither he nor his parents sinned,’ Jesus answered ‘he was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
‘As long as the day lasts I must carry out the work of the one who sent me; the night will soon be here when no one can work. As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world.’
Having said this, he spat on the ground, made a paste with the spittle, put this over the eyes of the blind man, and said to him, ‘Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam’ (a name that means ‘sent’). So the blind man went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored.    His neighbours and people who earlier had seen him begging said, ‘Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg?’ Some said, ‘Yes, it is the same one.’ Others said, ‘No, he only looks like him.’ The man himself said, ‘I am the man.’ So they said to him, ‘Then how do your eyes come to be open?’ ‘The man called Jesus’ he answered ‘made a paste, daubed my eyes with it and said to me, “Go and wash at Siloam”; so I went, and when I washed I could see.’ They asked, ‘Where is he?’ ‘I don’t know’ he answered.    They brought the man who had been blind to the Pharisees. It had been a sabbath day when Jesus made the paste and opened the man’s eyes, so when the Pharisees asked him how he had come to see, he said, ‘He put a paste on my eyes, and I washed, and I can see.’ Then some of the Pharisees said, ‘This man cannot be from God: he does not keep the sabbath.’ Others said, ‘How could a sinner produce signs like this?’ And there was disagreement among them. So they spoke to the blind man again, ‘What have you to say about him yourself, now that he has opened your eyes?’ ‘He is a prophet’ replied the man. However, the Jews would not believe that the man had been blind and had gained his sight, without first sending for his parents and asking them, ‘Is this man really your son who you say was born blind? If so, how is it that he is now able to see?’ His parents answered, ‘We know he is our son and we know he was born blind, but we do not know how it is that he can see now, or who opened his eyes. He is old enough: let him speak for himself.’ His parents spoke like this out of fear of the Jews, who had already agreed to expel from the synagogue anyone who should acknowledge Jesus as the Christ. This was why his parents said, ‘He is old enough; ask him.’    So the Jews again sent for the man and said to him, ‘Give glory to God! For our part, we know that this man is a sinner.’ The man answered, ‘I don’t know if he is a sinner; I only know that I was blind and now I can see.’ They said to him, ‘What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?’ He replied, ‘I have told you once and you wouldn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it all again? Do you want to become his disciples too?’ At this they hurled abuse at him: ‘You can be his disciple,’ they said ‘we are disciples of Moses: we know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he comes from.’ The man replied, ‘Now here is an astonishing thing! He has opened my eyes, and you don’t know where he comes from! We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but God does listen to men who are devout and do his will. Ever since the world began it is unheard of for anyone to open the eyes of a man who was born blind; if this man were not from God, he couldn’t do a thing.’ ‘Are you trying to teach us,’ they replied ‘and you a sinner through and through, since you were born!’ And they drove him away.    Jesus heard they had driven him away, and when he found him he said to him, ‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ ‘Sir,’ the man replied ‘tell me who he is so that I may believe in him.’ Jesus said, ‘You are looking at him; he is speaking to you.’ The man said, ‘Lord, I believe’, and worshipped him.    Jesus said:
‘It is for judgement that I have come into this world, so that those without sight may see and those with sight turn blind.’
Hearing this, some Pharisees who were present said to him, ‘We are not blind, surely?’ Jesus replied:
‘Blind? If you were, you would not be guilty, but since you say, “We see,” your guilt remains.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
John 9:1,6-9,13-17,34-38
The blind man went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored
As Jesus went along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. He spat on the ground, made a paste with the spittle, put this over the eyes of the blind man, and said to him, ‘Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam’ (a name that means ‘sent’). So the blind man went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored.    His neighbours and people who earlier had seen him begging said, ‘Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg?’ Some said, ‘Yes, it is the same one.’ Others said, ‘No, he only looks like him.’ The man himself said, ‘I am the man.’    They brought the man who had been blind to the Pharisees. It had been a sabbath day when Jesus made the paste and opened the man’s eyes, so when the Pharisees asked him how he had come to see, he said, ‘He put a paste on my eyes, and I washed, and I can see.’ Then some of the Pharisees said, ‘This man cannot be from God: he does not keep the sabbath.’ Others said, ‘How could a sinner produce signs like this?’ And there was disagreement among them. So they spoke to the blind man again, ‘What have you to say about him yourself, now that he has opened your eyes?’ ‘He is a prophet’ replied the man.    ‘Are you trying to teach us,’ they replied ‘and you a sinner through and through, since you were born!’ And they drove him away.    Jesus heard they had driven him away, and when he found him he said to him, ‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ ‘Sir,’ the man replied ‘tell me who he is so that I may believe in him.’ Jesus said, ‘You are looking at him; he is speaking to you.’ The man said, ‘Lord, I believe’, and worshipped him.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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