#also shes a psionic. sweet
clay-pidgeon · 11 months
yes i should sleep but who ELSE is going to think about my fucking hyperfixation
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tunarath · 2 months
Kith’rak Ilu
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OC PRONOUS: She/Her & He/Him
AUTHOR: @tunarath
1. Greeting message:
Greetings, ra’stil. Is there something you need?
2. Identify yourself:
I am Kith’rak Ilu, knight of the planes, and one of Vlaakith’s most loyal… Ha! Almost fooled myself with that one.
3. Tell me about your Creche:
4. I need to know how you fight:
I prefer to fight with my silver sword, but any two-handed weapon will do, if for some reason my sword is missing in action. I am also deadly proficient in psionics.
5. Can I ask a more personal question?
If you must.
6. What is your relationship with the divinity?
I place no trust in the divine. When you have lived as long as I have, and have experienced the things that I have, the gods seem less competent with each passing moment. They will ignore your cries for help, and turn on you in an instant. Remember that.
7. What do you usually do in your free time?
I assist the younger dragons in their training. It’s hard work, and not very rewarding, but what it lacks in personal fulfillment, it makes up for in excitement. I also translate various texts I gather from the material planes into tir’su when I’m feeling particularly bored.
8. What is your life goal?
To live in an age where I can retire to a small corner of the Astral and spend the rest of eternity unbothered by nosy subordinates. But for now, I will continue to fight for as long as I am needed.
9. How is your relationship with your allies?
I treat my allies with respect, so long as they understand who they are speaking to. I am not here to be anyone’s enemy. 
10. Do you have someone special in your life?
I suppose I do, even if he can be quite the irritating thorn in my side. Ki’lath and I have known each other for countless millennia, though our… intimate relationship is rather recent. Still, there is no one I trust more.
11. Say something you would never do, and why?
Ever since my beloved was murdered, I cannot bring myself to bond with another dragon. Quelsyndras was my sun, my stars, and everything in between. We met outside of Tiamat’s pact aeons ago, atop a snowy mountain. I heard of her legend, and sought her out for her aid in a battle that would have cost the lives of my entire squadron if I failed to persuade her. By some miracle, she stuck around after that, and even granted me the privilege of riding her when I became a knight… Ah, I will not bore you with my drivel any longer.
12. What is a perfect day to you?
Sitting and enjoying the company of those who are close to me. Perhaps a bit of friendly sparring as well, though sparring circles are not as appealing to me as they once were.
13. How do you celebrate a victory?
With a lot of sweets and a long, uninterrupted nap.
14. How do you deal with defeat and losses?
Lose? I do not lose.
15. How do you think you will be remembered after death?
Hm… I imagine I will be remembered for my ludicrous endeavors, such as throwing a ghaik head at Vlaakith when I sought acceptance into the Astral. I still wonder why I was allowed to keep my own head after that.
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ase-trollplays · 1 month
Moving Night Blues
"Welp, here we are. Hiveblock sweet hiveblock," Corali said as she unlocked the door of her apartment. Thiomi stood close to her and looked around warily. The area was on the rough side, and she was more than a little worried for her moirail's safety despite Nacre's assurance that Corali would be more or less safe. Not that she really needed to worry considering Corali was able to fight trolls several castes above her, especially if her secondary psionics activated.
As Corali entered and flicked the lights on, Thiomi took one last look down at her lusus on the ground floor of the complex and hoped no one tried to hurt her while she was inside. She may be fast and big as a truck, but she was no more of a fighter than Thiomi herself. She squeaked in surprise and jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she whirled around to be greeted by Corali grinning with her hands help up in front of her.
"Whoa, 's just me, li'l miss ma'am. Don't tell me yer that scared just bein' here. Meemaw's gonna be fine, an' so'r you. Now come look around with me, yeh?" Corali asked and gently ushered her inside. Thiomi fussed with the sleeves of her sweater for a moment before looking around the modest one-bedroom hiveblock.
The space was sparsely furnished, so much so that calling it furnished felt like a stretch. The only furniture present in the living space was a modest dining room table with a couple of chairs. No couch or coffee table, no microwave, not even carpet or a rug. Corali ran a hand through her hair as she looked at her new home with a blank expression while Thiomi wore a disapproving grimace.
Corali looked down at the smaller woman's expression and put an arm around her shoulder. "Aw c'mon, don't look so sour. 'S normal fer hiveblocks ta be empty when ya move in. Where d'ya think we are, the highblood district? Honestly, the table an' chairs is more'n I was expectin'."
"I know, but... I mean, when you s-said Nacre was s-setting things up for you, I assumed more would be done, that's all. It took s-so long, and it's just a table and chairs," she complained as she continued to look around the mostly barren space. Corali gave an amused "Pfft" and ruffled Thiomi's hair.
"Beggars can't be choosers, miss ma'am. I asked her fer a place, an' she got me one. 'Sides, I don't mind it at all. Means I get ta make the place look how I want instead a havin' it decided fer me," Corali reasoned and walked further into the apartment. Thiomi sighed and followed behind her. At least it's clean, she thought as she dragged a finger along the kitchen countertop.
The rest of the apartment took less than a minute to peruse. The bathroom was small but functional for one person. The sink was in the open in its own section while the toilet and shower/tub were behind a door. Across from the bathroom was the bedroom occupied by a single recuperacoon in the corner of the room near the bedroom window.
Corali frowned at the sight of a recuperacoon rather than a bed. The slime looked fairly fresh, and the size was large enough to accommodate a troll of her stature, but she still sighed in disappointment at the sight of it. She didn't even try to hide the wince and the grimace that plastered itself on her face.
"Prolly shoulda told Miss Nacre I ain't a 'coon user," she mumbled and pulled two suitcases and a backpack from her sylladex to sit on the floor near the closet. The thought of being completely or even partially submerged sent an aggressive shudder up her spine. That'd have to go ASAP. "Guess I'ma be sleepin' at the table fer a li'l while."
"The closet is a good s-size, at least," Thiomi remarked from inside. There was plenty of space allocated of hangers and a small column of open storage shelves. The electric heater for the apartment also being in the closet wasn't ideal and took quite a bit of space, but, well. Beggars can't be choosers.
With an "Arright, let's get started" from Corali, the two women set about unpacking the small amounts of luggage Corali brought with her. Only one of the suitcases, the smaller of the two, contained her clothes: A couple of work uniforms, some casual clothes, her workout clothes, and a set of pajamas Thiomi bought for her. The backpack was mainly necessities such as her hair brush and comb, hand soap, dish soap, shampoo and conditioner, wash cloths, her toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, and toiler paper.
The second and largest suitcase was full of items Thiomi insisted on buying for her to make the place feel more like a home: a dish and silverware set, food seasonings, pictures of her loved ones, a throw blanket, a stuffed mole plushie that was meant to represent her lusus, an unwelcome mat, some scented candles, and DVDs of a couple of her favorite movies.
It took all of forty-five minutes to unpack and put away everything, afterwards Corali ordered a pizza -- Half meat-lovers and half vegetable supreme -- and soda from the nearest pizza place and had it delivered.
"So whatcha think, miss ma'am? Ya warmed up ta the place any now that it's a li'l less barren?" Corali asked with a smile before taking a large bite of hot pizza which she then spit out with a "Fuck me!" then just about inhaling a large swig of soda. Thiomi laughed and waited for her slice to cool down a little.
"I guess it's not... s-so bad. I s-still think there s-should be more here with how long you waited," she answered and took a modest sip from her glass. Corali rolled her eyes as she fanned her tongue sticking out of her mouth cartoonishly.
"Ah hol' you ith hot a bihg dheal," she said still fanning her singed taste buds before picking up the bite she spat out and plopping it back in her mouth. Thiomi only responded with a sigh and took another drink. The casual air soon turned thick with discomfort and tense from words not being said as silence settled between them. The pizza and soda could only be a distraction for the rust for so long before she picked up on the change in atmosphere. She stared at Thiomi with a raised brow.
"What's the matter? If yer still sore about how empty the place was, don't be. I can buy my own furniture an' niceties an' all that jazz. Expectin' the place ta have all the bells an' whistles is unreasonable," Corali said before taking a tentative second bite of pizza. Thiomi fussed with her sleeves under the table and looked down at her untouched pizza. With a bite of her lip, she looked back at Corali.
"C-can I... Can I s-stay with you today?" she finally asked. The rust chewed more slowly and thoughtfully as she stared her moirail down in search of a motive for her question.
"Ihf yer whorried abhout the arhea-- Fuck, hold on," Corali started to say with her mouth still full before finally swallowing so she could continue unabated, "If yer worried about the area, y'shouldn't be. I can more'n defend myself against anyone'r anythin' that tries comin' through that door."
"It's... i-it's not that," Thiomi confessed and looked away again. "We've been living together for perigees, and before that we s-spent a few perigees with Dantli. I haven't been alone, actually alone, s-since everything happened, and now... now you're leaving, and I'll be all by myself in my hive, and... I'm s-still s-so s-scared.
"I know you keep s-saying the trouble with Joclyn is over because s-she's left us alone for s-so long, but what if that's her plan? To leave us alone long enough that our guard's down s-so s-she can cause trouble again? I s-still keep replaying what happened -- My kidnapping, being held hostage, being tortured and dumped, the two weeks in the hospital! I-I-I can't s-stop thinking about it!
"It's been s-six perigees, but it s-still feels like it was only a few nights ago for me! I-- I can't do this!!"
Thiomi curled in on herself crying and starting to hyperventilate from panic. Corali knocked her chair to the floor as she stood up and hurried to her side. It only took a second for Thiomi to latch onto her and cling to her like a frightened child hugging her security blanket. Corali, having no idea what to say to quell her panic attack, moved to sit on the floor with Thiomi now in her lap.
"'S alright, Thiomi. I gotcha. I gotcha," Corali said and held her close. They stayed hugging each other until Thiomi managed to calm down half an hour later, though not even a crowbar could separate her from Corali. Corali mentally cursed, not sure if Thiomi's therapist was dropping the ball dealing with her anxiety, or if (more likely) Thiomi still wasn't being fully honest with her and let this paranoia fester.
Whatever the case, she was tired of being useless when it came to the emotional aspects of being a moirail. Sure, holding her and offering reassurances worked in the short-term, but it wasn't fixing the core issue. It was just reapplying bandages to an open wound that refused to heal. There had to be something--
That's when it hit her, a solution so obvious she wondered how Thiomi didn't think of it herself.
"Y'all don't feel safe in yer hive on account a Joclyn knowin' she can find ya there, right? Why don'tcha just move inta Dantli's hive? Ain't no way a troll can get through that gauntlet a traps he got set up, an' if they do he'll die b'fore he lets someone so much as tap ya on the shoulder with ill intent. I can't think a no place safer, an' ya know he'd be happy as a pig in mud ta have ya there."
Thiomi went silent as she mulled over the suggestion in her head.
"That s-sounds like a good idea, but... but that's s-still just hiding from my problem instead of resolving it. Kamava--"
"Kamava don't know about none a this, does she? At least not all of it," Corali asked, and the feeling of Thiomi stiffening against her was all the confirmation she needed. With an exasperated sigh, she placed her metal hand on Thiomi's head and gently rubbed the base of her horns. "Thiomi, ya know I love y'all ta the moons an' back, but if y'ain't gonna be honest with yer therapist an' tell her all a what's wrong, what're ya even payin' her fer?"
"... I know," Thiomi said so weakly Corali barely heard her. Corali started to gently push Thiomi off her so she could look her in the eyes. It took more than a little coaxing for the gesture to be allowed, and even then Thiomi wouldn't look at her face. Corali removed her hand from atop her head and used it to tilt her head up to look her in the eyes.
"Yer right. Movin' in with Dan ain't fixin' the problem, but yer way too paranoid ta be left alone in yer hive, so until ya tell yer therapist all this an' let her help ya -- An y'all will be tellin' her all this an' lettin' her help ya -- make it easy on yerself. Once y'ain't a paranoid mess anymore, just move back in. Promise me yer gonna do that, 'kay?" Corali told her and removed her hand from her hand to hold up a pinky. Thiomi, diluted olive green forming in the corners of her eyes, held up a pinky and intertwined it with Corali's.
"I promise I'll tell Kamava everything, for real this time. No more holding back," she said ashamedly, and the two shook on it.
"Good. Now let's get back ta our cold pizza an' warm soda," Corali stated jokingly and slowly stood up and helped Thiomi onto her feet as well. She looked toward the front door. "We're gonna have ta find some kinda way ta get meemaw up them steps an' through that door if yer stayin' the day 'less ya want the undead ta get her."
"I think s-she can get through if we both push from the other s-side."
"Why couldn't ya have a dog-sized lusus, miss ma'am?"
"I didn't choose her, you know, hehe."
"Excuses. If she breaks my door frame, yer explainin' what happened ta maintenance, an' unlike yer big softy matesprit ya can't just bat yer li'l eyes at them an' make 'em fergive ya."
"Haha, wanna bet? We know my s-sad eyes are irresistable."
"Arright, yer on. Now let's go get her and try ta stuff her in here without breakin' nothin."
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brisksunrise · 1 year
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Here we have Brenda’s initial 10 forms.
Supernewtual: The first form that Brenda turned into. As an Uxorite, Supernewtual has access to a variety of powerful psionic capabilities. Her head tendrils and tail are prehensile, allowing her to easily grab hold of things and use them as a method of attack. She also possesses a long, sticky tongue that can be utilized when needed as well. Though her body can be considered to be relatively weak to physical attacks, she can use her psionic powers to augment herself.
Tetra-Nova: Brenda’s Tetramand form. Initially she was put off on the idea of turning into a large, hulking form, but gradually came around to the strength and power the form gave her. Being a female Tetramand, Tetra-Nova boasts even greater physical prowess.
Hide ‘N’ Seek: Brenda’s Merlinisapian form. Possessing the ability to disappear from site and become invisible, Hide ‘N’ Seek boasts excellent stealth capabilities allowing her to sneak around obstacles and get the jump on opponents. Her vision allows her to see a variety of different spectrums, and her tail conceals a poisonous barb, which can inject a range of toxins produced within her body. She is particularly fond of paralysis toxins.
Sweet D’ Lights: A Majin-based form. The Majins of this universe are a mostly peaceful species with an intense love of food. They can often be seen taking positions and jobs as caterers and restaurant owners. As a Majin, Sweet D’ Lights has an amorphous body that allows her to shift and reshape herself. She has the power to create and manipulate sweets and sugary constructs, and can even temporarily transform other things into candy. Sweet D’ Lights has access to some magical potential, as well as the ability to unleash energy blasts.
Circuit Breaker: Brenda’s Fulmini form, based off of Shock Rock from the reboot series. As a Fulmini, Circuit Breaker boasts powerful electrokinesis, as well as the capability to form energy constructs out of her own body’s energy. She is capable of absorbing and redirecting energy, and has some degree of weather manipulation. Overall, Circuit Breaker is a very strong and capable form, but can be difficult to keep under control and takes a good deal of practice.
Tinker-Devil: Being a Planchakule, Tinker-Devil is a superb mechanist, capable of disassembling and reassembling constructs and improving upon things, even on the fly. She is capable of observing a device and figuring out the ins and outs of it after a few moments. Tinker-Devil seems especially fond of grabbing any kind of tool she can find and using it as an improvised melee weapon. Brenda isn’t exactly fond of turning into the form.
Flame Ring: At one point in time, there were tails of a being, or even a group of strangely identical beings, that possessed the ability to create dimensional portals to almost anywhere. They were only known for a brief time, but it seemed that in that short amount of time, Azmuth had managed to obtain a genetic sample. Flame Ring possesses power over flames and portals. The portals she creates can allow her to travel between the places she has already been. She can also travel to random locations and even dimensions. Flame Ring is also capable of replicating herself and creating identical clones. Strangely, it seems that she also possesses the ability to create and utilize scissors of varying sizes as weaponry.
D’Nyle: Brenda’s Thep Khufan form. As a Thep Khufan, D’Nyle’s entire body is made up of nothing more than bandages, allowing her to dodge and weave quickly without suffering any actual damage. Bandages that are destroyed can be regenerated easily, and are strong and durable enough to be used to restrain others. She possesses some magic capability, and could even learn some curses if given enough time in the form.
Swiftroach: A Pheromosa, which normally hails from a planet outside of the Milky Way. As a Pheromosa, Swiftroach possesses blinding speeds and exceptional strength, though she isn’t quite as fast as a Kineceleran... initially. Swiftroach’s base speed and acceleration have the power to increase based upon the number of opponents she is dealing with. As such, if she is dealing with large groups of opponents, each person she defeats will cause her to get faster and faster. Despite her exceptional speed and power, however, Swiftroach can be knocked aside rather easily if caught off guard. Swiftroach also seems to have an intense obsession over cleanliness.
Trackalope: A Viera. As a Viera, Trackalope is an excellent tracker with highly advanced senses of sight, smell, and hearing. Due to being a Viera, which are largely known to inhabit forests, Trackalope is also capable of sensing the ‘voices of nature’. She has some magic capability, and is also able to briefly summon nature spirits.
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chouettecrivaine · 18 days
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BREAKING THE DAWN - an OC introduction template link - @youngmrclaus lark art cred qilan belongs to @yuechicake lark exists in the @shepherds-of-haven universe!
Lark has gone through a ton of lore upheavals and additions, so I decided a reintroduction was in order! and also this template was beautiful so i had to use it :3c I also wanted to see how her backstory diverted from the canon story with her soulmate Qilan thrown into the mix!
(Having trouble reading? This post is transcribed beneath the cut!)
CALL SIGN - dawnbreaker
AGE / SEASON - mid 20s / winter
GENDER / PRN - female / she / her
SEXUALITY - bisexual
TRAINING - self-taught
OCCUPATION - commander
RACE - hunter-mage
They are singing all around you
With heavy shovels holding earth
You're being buried to your neck...
Being buried quite alive now
The Antlers, Epilogue
HEIGHT - 5'5 (165cm)
COMPLEXION - very fair
DETAILS - scattered freckles (all year)
HAIR COLOR - navy blue (white streak on her right side)
EYE COLOR - stormy gray
EXTRAS - wire rimmed glasses (when not on duty)
Lark wears her straight, shoulder-length hair in a milkmaid braid style to keep it out of her face. If she’s really in a pinch, she’ll put it in a bun, but she rarely lets anyone see her with her hair down unless there’s an emergency in the middle of the night.
Her skin is pale enough that she almost looks bloodless, though she can easily blush. She has freckles dotting her entire body, even during the winter months when there isn’t much sun.
She carries two swords; her main, typical broadsword and a smaller xiphos style sword for closer combat and emergency situations. She is a psionic mage with an affinity for bewitchments and enchantments.
POS. TRAITS - sweet , patient , loyal / NEU. TRAITS - quiet , gloomy , clever / NEG. TRAITS - wily , self-sacrificing , hesitant
ALIGNMENT - neutral good
TEMPER - gentle
LIKES - birds, needlework, cold weather
DISLIKES - lies, raucous taverns, plans for the future
GOALS - To rid the world of the demons that lurk in the shadows, purging the land of all the parasites that bleed the life from those foolish enough to get close - even if she believes herself to be such a parasite, too.
After spending so much time alone and watching tragedy befall those around her, Lark eventually withdrew into herself and stopped making efforts to form strong bonds with others. She remained polite and helpful, but also cold and detached. She is a pack animal at heart, though, and dreads how easily her icy defenses can be melted.
Lark has developed a bit of a silver tongue and is an expert liar, but she can not stand when others try to fool her in a non-survival situation. She is frequently underestimated and assumed childish for her kindness and goodwill, which often erases her struggles and her capabilities. She can smell a lie from a mile away and cuts those people off before they can start - she’s much less fragile than others think.
AESTHETIC - spirit animal / AESTHETIC - element / AESTHETIC - flower / AESTHETIC - weather / AESTHETIC - texture
Lark spent most of her time in Maj running errands for the villagers who couldn't leave their work and taking lessons with each of them in the hopes of becoming a well-rounded leader one day. Her favorite skills are embroidery and the musical instrument taught to her by the village grump. She also takes care of her father’s chickens and hands the eggs out every morning. The village is dusty and far from well-off, but the people are kind and know how to celebrate their harvest, whether it be meager or bountiful.
After the destruction of Maj, she fled, unable to take the sorrow and guilt. She had no real direction, hoping instead for some mercy and perhaps a guiding hand. Instead, she was lured into servitude by a cruel Norm merchant. He ran a shop peddling antiques and oddities and blamed the various Diminished indebted to him for the failing business. He was prone to anger and wasn't afraid to punish them in ways that endangered their lives. Shortly after Lark arrived, she experienced the “mysterious disappearance” of one Diminished who dared to disobey. Another Diminished, a Wilds mage named Damiane, took Lark under her wing and became a sort of mother figure for her. Years ago, Damiane had taken a loan from the merchant to get medical care for her child, who unfortunately ultimately passed away. She stayed in his care to pay off her debt and bc she doesn't have any more family to go back to. Through her tutelage, Lark learns that she has an affinity for birds and begins to communicate with them.
Lark is eventually told to frame two twin Diminished wind mages, Calder and Inia, for stealing from the store, thus trapping them under the merchant's thumb. Inia is immediately suspicious of Lark’s involvement in the scheme, but Calder treats her gently. He is the one who teaches her to put her hair up in milkmaid braids. However, the twins don't take orders or instructions easily, and when the brother eventually gets sick, the merchant refuses to provide medical care for him as punishment. After Calder passes, his sister eventually enacts her revenge by setting the shop (and apartment upstairs) on fire. Lark barely escapes after Damiane pushes her into the street at the last second, trapping herself inside.
Lark ran from town and made a living by settling for a short while and selling embroidery and outfit repairs. Eventually she hid away in a large town and took up a guard position in front of a jewelry store. Working with her was a ket mage named Airell. He had the same stoic attitude as is typical of most with Ket blood, but he warmed up to her and agreed to teach her how to properly use a sword. As such, her swordsmanship is a combination of basic Ket techniques and an unrefined defense of a rural girl. The owner of the store was nice enough to Lark and Airell, but his son was a problem child. Airell eventually learned that the son planned to rob the store and frame the Diminished guards in a ploy to cash in on his father. Knowing the owner would never forgive them for harming his son to stop the crime but would also believe if his son said they robbed the store, Airell gave Lark false orders to wait at the town gate for a shipment while he apprehends the son. Airell is detained as a result of trying to stop the heist, and the son managed to frame him for part of the crime. The owner fired Lark, knowing she was close to Airell and no longer trusting her.
She then took up mercenary work, protecting merchants and traveling caravans. Finally, she has withdrawn inside of herself, keeping to herself as most employers want and parting upon reaching the caravan’s destination. On one of these missions, she met a mage named Qilan. This mage was private, just as she was, but Lark could tell that they had a similar story. For the first time since her thirteenth birthday, Lark felt content and at ease - though she didn’t dare speak these feelings out loud. She and Qilan share a brief relationship until they part ways…but they eventually meet again when they are both contracted to protect Prihine on the way to her wedding.
Lark doesn’t have much of a chance to reconnect with Qilan, but the same draw between them is there. When a demon breaks into the wedding, Lark is inexplicably pulled to reach out and grab Qilan’s hand as they both say a Word of Power, successfully saving both Prihine and Caine as they stop the demon. That is how they learn (partially, at least) that they are soulmates, and that their shared Words are stronger when they are cast in tandem.
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
I love young strangers but I'm caught up and I've read all your other stuff, do you have any fic recs? I love your fics so much :)
thank you!! if you haven't already read all of her stuff, i recommend everything written by my friend sarah @steveharrington!! her ao3 is birthdaycandles and literally everything she's ever written is an absolute banger. if you like my stuff you will Love her and if you've read all of my fics but not hers i think that is a travesty and you better get on that immediately.
some great under-appreciated fics of hers: run for your children, for your sisters and brothers (steve lucas and robin. that is literally all i have to say it's about STEVE LUCAS AND ROBIN why haven't you clicked yet), strung through the tether (THEE stobin platonic soulmate fic), & seriously slipping out of control (steve and robin beg eddie to give them impulsive trauma tattoos immediately after starcourt).
idk what ships/characters ur most into so i'm just gonna focus on recs that are gen/ship-lite and oneshots bc i feel like that's what most of my fics are? so if you like my fics hopefully you'll like these bc i think they are all wayyy better than my fics but with similar vibes dkvjfjcn.
windowsill is a story focusing on max's recovery after s4. steddie is there, but the story itself is really about max and her healing and finding herself in the wake of trauma, and i think everybody should read it because it's gorgeous.
similarly, no, i'm not afraid to disappear explores erica's trauma in the wake of s4, how it sets her apart from her friends, and how she uses D&D to work through some of that trauma. there is NOT enough erica-centric fic out there and this one really gives her all of the love and complexity and attention she deserves.
you can put it all on me, you can laugh and you can bleed is a classic Steve Harrington Gets The Care And Love He Needs After Getting The Living Shit Kicked Out Of Him fic, and it has multiple perspectives (including officer callahan who is a hoot) that create a rich picture and make it all feel real. it isn't just about steve, it's also about all of the kids, their fears and trauma in the immediate aftermath of s2, and it's so fucking precious. literally the cutest shit ever.
strange (but not a stranger) is a mike-centric fic set after s4 that like. single-handedly saved mike's character for me. like s1-2 mike was my BABY and s3 i was kinda eh about him and in s4 i felt like i barely recognized him but this fic reached right into my heart and said You Will Love Mike Wheeler Again He Is Still Your Baby. mike is so messy and angry and lost in this fic and he feels like a flesh and blood teenager who's been through a lot and i think this fic deserves So much more attention.
don't imagine you're too familiar is a s4 aftermath fic focused on robin, steve, dustin, and eddie. this fic Gets steve and robin they are soooo platonic soulmates coded in this (as they should be) and i love it. also some steddie. as a treat.
unlike the others on here, adventures in babysitting a psionic isn't a oneshot, it's 59k words and SO WORTH READING. it's about steve babysitting el in the space between s2 and s3. it's definitely canon divergent but it's not a huge Plot Deal it's mostly about el and steve building an incredibly sweet friendship, and they both get a lot of complexity, care, and emotional development that i love. their relationships with the other characters are also given attention and it's just like... so cozy and sweet. it's simply precious.
so that's it for now! sorry if the formatting of this was weird i'm on mobile dkcjdjc i hope you haven't already read all of these and thank you again for being so kind ab my fics!!
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
Star Trek TOS for the fandom ask game!
Character I first fell in love with:
So this is another sci-fi series I was introduced to very young. When I was little I'd grab the VHS tapes of marathons my parents had recorded and watch them obsessively for TOS and TNG.
But first favorite character. Um... Either Spock, Scotty, or Uhura. I really don't know which. Definitely one of those three though.
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Yeoman Rand. She was a quickly dropped character from the first season and I don't think she made much of an impression on young me. But older me is well aware of what happened behind the scenes and what her character was meant to be... and honestly I love this character now. Janice is a really sweet, likable woman. She's friends with Sulu, she's patient with a socially stunted teenager with a crush on her, she has this mutual attraction with Kirk that neither act on because they respect each other too much as coworkers to risk ruining that...
She's this complicated and lovely character and the actress who portrayed her deserved so much better than she got. She does show up in the movies, however, so I'm glad that Janice got to have a good career in Starfleet.
(Seriously, though, Janice was supposed to be a pretty major role and what happened to Grace Lee Whitney is appalling.)
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
I don't know that there is one?
Maybe Gary Mitchell? I don't know how well liked he'd be considered, but he's an entitled ass. Not really sure how Kirk was friends with him even pre-psionic powers/a-god-am-I breakdown, because this guy treated women kinda... badly. He set Kirk up with a woman as a distraction attempt while taking Kirk's class at the Academy. Behaved like an entitled asshole when Elizabeth Dehner shot him down - using what I recognize now as some pretty aphobic language. And he was pretty shitty to Spock too.
I would have preferred him to have been the villain played by Cumberbatch than Khan but that's in part because he would have made such a perfect foil to new!Kirk. (And then you don't have to explain why a white guy is playing an Indian character...)
There's also The Companion but if I start talking about that clusterfuck I will probably forget to answer the rest of the questions due to losing my temper over that particular... episode. (It is bad though and I'd happily... well, not happily but I would rant about it if asked.)
Character I love but everyone else hates:
Similarly, I don't know how much Elizabeth Dehner is liked, but I really love her. I read her as aspec and career focused. She gets super powers that have already made someone else (admittedly someone who was already an entitled twit) go all 'a god am I' but she still keeps her compassion. She still recognizes that no, actually, they don't have the right to rewrite reality to suit their whims.
She saves Kirk at the cost of her own life. And I will never forgive new!Trek comics for writing her off as barely a footnote, Bones' ex who won't set foot on the ship because he's there. >_<
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I don't know that I've got an answer to this one. All those beloved characters.
Character I would kiss:
No kissing, but I bet Uhura gives the best hugs.
Character I want to slap:
In the Galileo Seven episode I want to slap Bones and a few other minor characters for the way they treat Spock.
A pairing I love:
Kirk/Spock, but I have to admit new Trek had me taken a second look at Spock/Uhura
A pairing I hate:
Hmmm... I don't know? There are a lot of one off ships for Kirk that I'm not fond of for various reasons. Some because he's pretty clearly only manipulating the situation to protect his crew. Some because he's not actually in a position to consent and the power imbalance - memory manipulation/amnesia/external threats - makes the whole thing pretty awful.
Elaan/Kirk is one that very much sticks out because he's literally brainwashed by her tears.
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myheartismadeofstars · 3 months
Rainbow Six: DnD version
Technically all of them would have the same background (since a huge part of their story is that they all fell into a Fae Mound and grew up together not knowing that decades passed between each of their Fall)
Zel: Human Cleric of Cyrrollalee (Peace Domain). Zel is the youngest of the kids to Fall, but also the first. She is patient and kind and homey. She really was too young for her life before to really have impacted her. She first became aware of her goddess when she met a halfling woman who mentioned her. Everything she stood for seemed to perfectly suit Zel's dreams for her future. Still a girl at this time, Zel started worshipping her until eventually her desire for a peaceful life and a happy home genuinely caught her goddess's eye.
Archie: Human Monk - Sunsoul. Archie is Zel's older brother who Fell immediately after her, well...more accurately, he jumped. He is very excitable and active and very protective of his sister. He acts before he thinks more often than not. He began studying ki as an adult in hopes of tempering his personality, however, he finds himself unable to truly immerse himself in the teachings.
Verena: Genasi (Water 🌊) Mystic - Avatar.
Verena is the only Genasi in her family, a reawakened connection her older siblings do not have. Her family struggled with her being so different, and she was sent to live with her Uncle, a Peaceman, a priest of Eldath. Verena can get the Acolyte background, as religion was a big part of her upbringing and she still considers her Uncle's faith important to her identity. Verena is very honest, and while she does try to remain a pacifist she's not afraid to fight back. She was a dancer before her Fall. She realized she had psionic abilities as a teenager in the plane she grew up in, and sought to develop them, allowing her to feel other's emotions.
Audrey: Genasi (Fire 🔥) Artificer - Battle Smith
Audrey is chronically ill. She was moved out of the city to improve her health. She was always bitter about her poor health and often sought to escape from her own life. This resulted in her Fall. She became very interested in the work of an artificer. Her Steel Defender not only aids her in battle, but helps her when her illness flares up. She's a stoic and sometimes harsh woman, but she will fight tooth and nail for the people she cares for, often putting her health at risk.
Clemont: Human Artificer - Cook (HB)
Clemont was the oldest when he Fell. Almost twelve and already a caretaker by nature. Clemont already knew how to cook, but he wanted to make food that could heal bodies as well as hearts. He thinks that the point of life is to be kind to each other. He doesn't talk about his life before the Fall.
Nilo: Aasimar (Protector 🛡️)Fighter - Gunslinger
Nilo may have divine blood, but he didn't have a divine beginning. Nilo often describes himself as basically being an urchin for how little his mother was involved with his upbringing. It wasn't fair and it filled him with anger. Nilo ran away, intending to disappear, when he Fell. There was a time, between him learning how to wield the firearms he specializes in and now, where he was mislead and ended up killing innocents and almost Falling in a different sense. He has devoted himself to never making this mistake again and is now much more cautious when it comes to killing. He sees himself as a force of justice and equality, but he is prone to vigilantism.
Bonus "BAD" Trio:
Bee: Tiefling (Dis) Rogue - Phantom
Bee was adopted at a young age by her best friend's parents. She suffered a lot of prejudice for her birth (first Tiefling in her family. Her father made a deal with a devil in secret to support his six sons and then afterwards his daughter was marked by the pact). Truly she's polite and helpful, but you wouldn't know it if you're visibly human. She views all humans with suspicion, assuming they will treat her the same way. She likes sweets and warm sunshine. She's always smiling, even when angry.
Aideen: Human Bard - Eloquence.
After being adopted as a child by a politician, Aideen found her purpose in life was exactly that. She's very bright and loves people. She prefers to talk her way out of problems if at all possible.
Donovan: Human Paladin - Glory
Donovan is Aideen's biological brother, who wasn't adopted until a few years after her. He's bitter that everyone embraces his sister, they often expect him to be similar to her, but they are so different. He's not his sister. He took his oath for the sake of making himself stand out.
Donovan has, for years now, travelled in the company of a strange Lizardfolk Barbarian and a Firbolg Wizard
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degrees-of-fuck · 1 year
Lettie Infodump so I can talk about her here and it'll make sense
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I realised I haven't properly explained what I ended up deciding my OC Lettie's uh... Deal is. I have an insane number of thoughts about her too. She's kinda my main general OC that I ported over to DoL cuz she's my main gal that I constantly rotate in my head, so this makes sense. But. Yeah. Anyway, attempting to explain miss lettice rosangel for people that follow my for my OCs for whatever goddamn reason. Infodump to provide Context about her for future posts - and a couple doodles below!
cw for more Blood Stuff than the usual DoL fare. Sucks 2 be a sacrificial lamb. and also for long.
OK so Path/ologic has always been one of the Lettie Games of All Time to me, but the way I adapted her into DoL was pretty heavily inspired by The Changeling's route (Though I also OFTEN make jokes about Cult of/the Lamb in relation to her.) Initially, because of her Dainty Woodland Weirdo vibes and stuff about her personality, I was gonna toss her at Eden and have her be a miracle-worker on the side when she's in town, but then she uh. Then she stopped being a PC and now she's just here. Among my other OCs. Doing whatever it is she does. God I really wanna do a comic based on the Pathologic intro with my PCs lol
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anyway. What I actually ended up doing was making her Full Time miracle worker that was raised at the temple, because I found the image of her after being Found, spawned by the elements, getting thrown at it when her behaviour of inflicting indiscriminate psionic torture instead of crying and generally just being an absolutely horrifying creature kind of finally Broke Bailey and his goons a bit, so. Here, temple. Take this fucking thing. Kill it or exorcise maybe, I don't care just keep it away from me. And then she promptly started acting sweet as anything, having gotten old enough to start communicating a bit. (On her gaslight grindset even as an infant...)
SO. Her being thrown at the temple, plus her mysterious powers plus the circumstances of her 'birth' cleeaarly mean this is some kind of divine being, but the question of course is, In Which Direction? Upon realising that this even WAS a question, the obvious thing for her to do is to start acting the role of The Heavensent AS HARD AS POSSIBLE - Perfect and Pure and Incorruptible. Because being revealed to be even slightly bad might get her diagnosed with Lying Hellspawn. So. Yeah. Kind of a situation where you are sat up nicely on a pedestal, but don't have the Right to display any kind of moral greyness. Which is hard at times, because Lettie's kind of an asshole and only More inclined to be awful when she's being constantly treated in such a bizarre manner. Honestly even with her best efforts, I think there's murmurings of people thinking she isn't what she seems. The odd nun or monk cornering her out of sight about it and so on forth.
But yeah. Essentially, she exists more as a symbol than as a person with real thoughts or feelings. Performs illusion-based miracles, pretends to have visions and then makes them come true to fuck with people, lots of Charitable Good Deeds for Brownie Points... The OTHER thing her daily life seems to entail (Other than occasionally being molested by members of the church and overhearing people wanting to kidnap her) is being a BLOOD SACRIFICE. Her body sure is covered in weird scars from being bled on altars for religious ceremonies, or to just collect some lambs' blood for later use. And also sometimes being touched a lil inappropriately during That.
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So yeah. Much thoughts on Perfection and Purity basically equating to Emptiness, Fractured Identity Stuff, Religious Trauma, the general horror-show that is the way the people that basically raised her treat her, the effects of the public eye and having to live a life where you're straight up Not Allowed to change or grow at all, because you're already supposedly Perfect. Just a hollow doll (Well not entirely hollow. She has Blood.) to project onto and adore, but also viciously blame whenever literally anything goes wrong. (I mean, is this a lamb or a goat? It's anyone's guess.)
Much Power but Zero Rights.
I have a lot of Other thoughts thematically and such but I find them hard to put into words that make sense so this is all you're getting for now.
Some Extra Facts About Her???
-Chronic Illness Moments! Being constantly a bit drained of blood, side-effects of psychic burnout plus just. Generally being sickly. This paired with the frequency with which she slips and slides around on temple floors on her sheepy hooves, I wanna start keeping count of how many times she almost gives Jordan a heart attack : )
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-With her and Sydney both having kind of a IT'S COMPLICATED parental relationship with Jordan and both of them being how they are, I do NOT think Lettie likes Syd very much. Keeps telling on her when they see her break character a bit. And also is constantly just, there, being a human that she can be compared to. And if she's seen to be less virtuous than some fucking initiate, then it's OVER for her which is kinda terrifying. They rank above most of the nuns and monks at the temple on account of not personally mistreating her, but they sure do make her life harder and she delights in fucking with them.
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-At some point, I made Original, Non DoL Lettie transfem because of thematic Gender stuff. Anyway I think that she came out via mix of "Your human genders don't make sense to be, but I like dresses :)" and gaslighting the temple into thinking she'd ALWAYS been this way. So she uh. Didn't come out. She gave herself bottom surgery via a terrifying blood ritual of her Own. Good for her.
-I think there is So much to explore with the Ivory Wraith. Idk the details yet, but... Yeah.
-Cuts her hair into a bob and shears her leg-wool in the summer. Also has to do smaller shearings/cuttings throughout the year probably. I think she spins it into yarn, bleaches and dyes it and knits with it. : ) Very into fiber arts in general. Sewing and embroidery and quilting are Fun and also no one can tell her idle hands are the devil's workshop if she's constantly doing something with her hands.
-I've still yet to settle on how to draw her fucking horns.
-Shortly after making this post, I decided she can be the PC Kylar fixates on, so I've been thinking of that. My other OC Edin already is kind of a fucking stalker, but. Yeah, it makes perfect sense for her to have multiple stalkers I think. Part of her whole deal is that she CONSTANTLY has EYES on her. Never free. Two stalkers, each with completely conflicting expectations of her is supremely on brand.
-Feeling of Kylar has figured out that she isn't what she presents herself as - but doesn't know who she actually is, instead deciding to view her as what they Want her to be, leading into the hgufkdsdjd, <3 <3 <3 You're So Naughty type shit. ... Don't tell Kylar she doesn't have a womb.
-Kylar maybe has Hopes relating to her ~special powers~ and what they could do for their parents??
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art-of-bygost · 5 months
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The sweet indulgence of Homestuck
Ok bitches buckle down cause not only did i make some cool art for my Homestuck versions of PMD ocs, i also made LORE. So clench those buttcheeks tight, sit down and listen
So first of all i changed their names to something more fitting
Ichabod > Ikabod
Zachary > Zakary
Yamato > Yamato
Musashi > Musahi
I am VERY smart. But even though i'm smart, i will keep using their PMD names for simplicity sake
So here are some ideas and concepts i thought for them
Yamato and Musashi
The idea is that they are sort of 1 person split into 2. They were one grub and grew into two separate people.
They are gold bloods, meaning they have psychic powers. Or rather, they are supposed to. Out of the two, Yamato is the only one who has psychic powers, Musashi has none. However, Yamato can't see and Musashi can. So, he uses her as a conduit for psychic powers of sorts, as she is able to direct them towards a specific point. Yamato can use the psionics on his own of course. But since he can't direct them anywhere, he just ends up releasing bursts of psionic energy, which can be fatal to the ones in close proximity.
Yamato and Musashi are very close together. Inseparable almost you could say.
As ancestors my idea was that their bodies are forcefully joined into one, allowing them to reach their full potential. The power of family <3
Also i wanted to give them the ancestor title "The Conjoined" but it' ONE letter away. i guess if i do "The Conjoins" i could get away with it
His theme is that he is sort of a guy who is a slave to his instincts. He is impulsive and acts first before thinking much, much later. He hates his status of a low blood, and is trying to use the powers of radiation (or as he calls them, glow rocks) to change his blood color. Which at one point he succeeds at. Because of an unfortunate incident involving his glow rocks, his blood mutates into candy purple. It only gets more difficult for him to control his emotions after that.
In the ancestor version my idea was that after he mutates, he completely loses control of himself and just becomes a mindless creature with a desire to devour anything in it's path. That leads him to eating the Gl'bgolyb itself and acquiring its powers. In a way, he does fulfill his dream of becoming more than his lowly blood status, as many end up seeing him as a god afterwards. His title is "The Devourer"
He was going to have hair but I've been persuaded not to give him any. And honestly, it's a good thing. Zach being bald is one of his universal constans. Speaking of which, when Zach was first a Minecraft oc, his backstory involved him being stuck in the End. Then after i brought him into PMD, he was stuck in the Twilight Taiga (courtesy of PearSquare). So figured that for Homestuck, he could be stuck in the Outer Ring, giving him very close ties to the Horrorterrors.
So he's kinda a cannibal. And i feel like due to his relation with the Horrorterrors, he would definitely go grim dark during the session.
For his ancestor version i was thinking that he could be sort of a cult leader. He basically becomes a spokesman guy for Ico and worships him, thinking he was sent by the Horrorterrors. I imagine he was the one to who had joined Yamato and Musashi's bodies together.
His title would be "The Seamster"
Okay those are all the ideas i had, dont ask me what their typing quirks are, see you in another post. Happy Homestuck Day bitches.
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stealthrockdamage · 11 months
izzy gimme a rankin of your five favorite unjust depths gals. also which character you would most want to be friends with if you also lived in an undersea world populated with monsters and such. thankyou have a good day <3
okay top five gals ujhhhh okay.
5. sonya shalikova. honestly i really adored her from her very introduction and with more and more time focused on her i just grow fonder. she's really great. i am extremely drawn to the sullen types. and her hyper-competent showing off sort of thing she did in like one of the very first mech battles just had my little heart in her grasp. she's lonely and doesn't like people!! wow!! a woman after my own heart. and now. she has to deal with the cutest cuttlefish in the world. who might have a little crush on her. and who she might have had a sex dream about on the first night of them bunking together. i love them.
4. gertrude lichtenberg. #gertrudeswag.
3. victoria van veka. i am just super biased, in truth she hasn't had THAT much screentime to really shine as a character for the part of the story i'm at but i popped off so hard for her in The Day and i really like her relationship with carmilla. it's very sweet. psyhic catgirl who has gay sex winning forever. just don't die.
2. hunter iii. this one's such a gimme. she is basically only in the second place spot because i need to be original i can't steal your blorbo. she's so fucking awesome though. go shark girl go!!! it was so fucked up when she busted down the door in Pursuers in the Deep and the first thing she did in her fucked up fish form is start shooting bullets from her tail. you have posted about her one million times and never have i heard a word about the thing where she can eat metal to temporarily become a Gun.
this is such a hard spot to give away buuuuuuuut i think for now it goes to ulyana korabiskaya... she's got fucking everything. it's crazy to not have norn on this list even. or majida. i'm just realizing. there's STIFF competition!!! anyway ulyana has so much swag. i know she's got the disco elysium skills swimming around in her brain. i think when she was on call with the captain of the mysterious dreadnought class ship chasing them and was like "i'm going to flirt with this woman, for the sake of mind games" and it worked,,, i think that was just so beautiful.
and if i had to be friends with any of them. i think khadija would be really cool and easy to talk to. i think she would have a lot of really interesting things to say. she'd be a really awesome work buddy. or alternatively like. maryam, ASSUMING SHE WAS NOT USING PSIONICS TO MAKE ME LIKE HER !!! VERY IMPORTANT QUALIFIER THERE !! my other answer is if ingrid was like, a normal person, and not in love with gertrude lichtenberg - so like basically take her out of her station and away from her her horrible toxic situationship - i would fucking rock with her so hard. she needs to be turned into a commie first. but. she's got swag.
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ellekhen · 7 months
When Your Mind's Made Up
Chapter 16 - The Farewell
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Chapter Summary: The illithid that used to be Church speaks with its allies in preparation for the battle to come.
Pairing: Ascended Astarion x Original Male Character/Illithid Tav Rating: Explicit Progress: 59K+ words; Chapters 16/20
Excerpt below:
And yet, the physical differences of this form pale in comparison to the invisible, but profound differences of its mind. 
It believes it recognizes its memories and personality, but there is far more potential awaiting its command. Its very being is inundated with psionic magic. It knows it should be able to cast some similar spells to those of the sorcerer-warlock Church was before, but the illithid’s magic tastes different. It’s still familiar due to the tiefling’s experience wielding his parasites’ powers, but now it is far more potent and glorious. 
The magic is in every drop of its blood — every one of its cells.
And beyond this source of its psionic magic, Church feels far more space — possibly infinite space — in its own mind. It hungers for knowledge.
…and it craves the idea of imbibing the knowledge directly from its source — the sweet, fresh brains of those all around it…
The illithid forces its thoughts back to the space left in its own mind. It feels all the more apparent given one enormous, glaring absence —
— Church’s arcane magic. The fires of the sorcerer’s infernal and draconic bloodline, the effervescent currents of the warlock’s fey-gifted power… it’s all gone. It all burned away with the marrow of his bones when the tiefling was destroyed to bring this illithid into the world. 
Stripped of the arcane, Church listens and tentatively reaches out for the presence that has been so constant and familiar throughout its life —
“Mother?” it calls. 
There is no answer — not even a curious nudge of her mind to its own. 
She’s gone. 
She’s finally gone. 
But Church feels no jubilation at this fact, nor does it feel grief or regret. 
…that’s what it tells itself to believe, anyways. But the truth is, it just feels so much absence — not just of its arcane magic, but also the strong emotions that have both guided Church to success and landed the warlock in trouble numerous times. It sees these strong emotions on the other side of a stained glass window — a world once again just out of reach — 
— forever. 
And it aches for it. 
Read from the beginning
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astral-ardors · 8 months
Images and Propaganda/Info under the cut !
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Paswon: Super sweet, easily flustered at times... Acts tough but he's a tender troll, usually... Submissive but will top or bottom, though she's much more of a mess if she bottoms, Always makes sure their partner gets off too,
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Jejune: They're fairly dom leaning, i don't think they'd sub for anyone they weren't very close to.. they love to tease, and if you're into a bit of light mocking they're great for that too.. they're a talker also, they don't shut up in bed, Can handle things getting rough too,
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Marlox: If you like a tsundere type, Marlox is it for you.. they prefer to bottom, but can and will top.. surprisingly easy to embarrass and knock his attitude out of him if you know what you're doing.. also, bc of his psionics, he's always vibrating slightly.. do w/ that what u will,
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Drazms: Very sweet and attentive, but inexperienced... Will probably ask lots of questions any time they try to make you feel good to make sure they're doing it right but is very willing to try, Submissive leaning, but I think they'd top or bottom no issue.. they also prefer things slow and romantic,
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Seifer: Hardcore submissive, totally incapable of being a dom these days... incredibly reactive and timid, but considerate... will let you do just about anything if you sprinkle in some praise and tenderness, even freak shit, Also he has excellent boobs,
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Excirz: Either a very softcore dom or a sub that aims to please and make you feel good.. focuses more on his partner but isn't averse to attention... Has that round padded muscle and also has good boobs, Gets really noisy at times too.. Oh, and if you prefer things rougher or are a werewolf fucker, he's got that going on too,
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Lucien/Lane: Kind of a brat ngl... he likes to antagonize a little and be put in his place, Prefers to bottom, but in the right mood and circumstances, he'll top... Willing to dom or sub, just depends on the person and his mood.. he also doesn't really need a dynamic either.. Can go vanilla or get into things like knife and breathplay too,
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fantrollology · 1 year
For alaise and Lauren: 💌👊🌍🎁
EPIC choices anon
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💌 - romance/flirting
romance is kind of lost on him, but he would try really hard if it was important to someone he was in a serious relationship with. however, he hasnt been in a serious relationship in a long time, lol.
hes a huge flirt, though. hes very confident and slick. he'd only falter if it was someone he had a legitimate stake in impressing-- like, beyond getting laid.
👊 - fighting
lauren is an extremely capable fighter. hes strong and he knows how to use his strength, and he doesnt pull punches. if you fuck with him he will give you all he's got. he can occasionally bite off a bit more than he can chew, so its good that he can take a hit as well. hes also pretty good at dodging and blocking, but he's typically most focused on striking someone down, which is what ends up biting him when it does.
i think he misses his huge, unwieldy sword-breaker from his alternian days.
🌍 - knowledge of the world
lauren is VERY worldly! he loves learning about other cultures and loves travelling. he had to do a lot of research during his Fleet days and its the part of his work he probably enjoyed the most. he's incredibly open-minded when it comes to cultures different than his. admittedly hes probably more knowledgable of alien cultures then whats going on back on homeworld, but he is well aware of the implications and affect the Fleet, and even specifically HIS work in the Fleet, has had on a number of alien civilizations.
🎁 - giving gifts to others
oh hes awful at it. he just throws money at it. hed rather just pay for someone else to plan out their birthday or contribute to a group gift rather than have to pick out something himself. if it was someone he cared about and he KNEW they wanted a gift it would stress him the fuck out, and he'd probably eventually say fuck it and take them out to their favorite place for dinner or smth. if you want a gift, tell him what you want him to get, and he will get it. otherwise its not happening
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💌 - romance/flirting
alaise is so incredibly romantic! she leaps at every opportunity to perform a romantic gesture and dreams constantly of someone romancing her. as for flirting shes pretty useless. she is very sweet and affectionate towards everyone so its hard to tell the difference between her being nice to you and being interested in you, that is unless you Know how she is with people she's interested in, but i wouldnt really call that flirting.
👊 - fighting
for fighting alaise mainly relies on her psionics, which are extremely powerful. so shes not much for hand to hand combat but she can just pick you up and fling you across the room and blast you with lasers with her brain sooo whatever!
🌍 - knowledge of the world
alaise has little worldly knowledge. she sees everything through a rose tinted lense and isnt interested in the horrible nitty gritty of it all.
🎁 - giving gifts to others
she LOVESSS getting gifts for people!!!!!! elaborate thoughtful somethings, homemade baked goods, trinkets and things she comes across… she doesnt need a special occasion to get a gift for a friend, either. if something reminds her of you chances are shes getting it! i think those who prefer practical gifts might not be into her style of gift giving, but if you like little trinkets and being thought of then she's good at it :) theyre certainly personal & things you would like, just not always something you need or particularly wanted.
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maretriarch · 1 year
big art wip dump under cut to free my soul with madman rambling explanations below
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okay so this one was a concept for a barbie and kelly matching fall outfit set, i still really want to get to it one day. barbie in a nice giant camel overcoat and turtleneck dress, and kelly in a striped hoodie and jorts over winter tights and the whole thing tying it together would be that. kelly is dressed themed like a monkey (lighter brown patch on the sweater for instance, monkey ear earmuffs and a tail beltloop and also her jorts would have a babboon butt patch on the pockets lol) bcs like. as a child of the 2000s i used to wear a lot of bobby jack also my mom used to call me monkeybutt as a nickname also its cute. and barbie would be a bananna. because she is tall and blonde and its funny.
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this was going to be a matching set for a request about bald vriska/rose. something something cueball head. really wanted to practice perspective on these ones but couldnt quite wing vriskas arm or mouth. was going to put either something funny inside roses magic ball or like a winter wonderland snowglobe scene.
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lolita inspired takes of the maid godtiers. porrim as a victorian era maid with the full bustle. way more lacey than actual maids would wear of the era lol. wanted to give her one of those big fancy iron teapots and yes. she was going to be doing the black butlor pouring tea over head pose. jane as a sweet lolita type maid with like icing trim and chocolate dripping and i was either going to do her trickster palette or like. lots of baby blues, deep blues and chcolately browns. her themed treat is one of those little serving carts w all sorts of cakes on there. aradia as a classic type of maid linens and cotton and a big sheepy bell etc etc but her whole thing was she going to have like a RIDIC huge petticoat like MASSIVE and even biggger hair than depicted like. the fluffiest sheep in the world. also cute little bloomers to match. her matching treat was going to be an apple pie annnd u can kind of see it but shes using her psionics to serve up a slice with one of those. pie. serving. utensils the weird triangle things idk i wanted to be gilded to match her bell.
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luxshine · 1 year
So lets' finish Stranger Things 3
We have the anti-Russian squad going to find the kids at the mall, and the teen/kids squad trying NOT to cut El's leg. Good beginning.
Robin's nervous babble was really funny, if not helpful. And OMG Jonathan is our field medic! That gives him the role of healer in the party, which means, medic. I mean, Cleric.
Until El got tired and decided fuck with being a team player, I can do this myself.
Which she can, but still.
Oh, and the adults are here. FINALLY
Erica is amazing, and I can see she's becoming to Dustin what Dustin himself is to Steve. I love that.
Ah, Hopper, he should really learn the kids know what they're doing.
And Sweet Ride Steve!
Ah, the reunion between the kids was very sweet.
I notice that STEVE is sent to babysit the action group, but Jonathan and Nancy are sent to babysit the passive group.
Aww, Hooper is back to his old good side. The one who ACTUALLY talks about his feelings to his daughter, and is not being idiotically jealous because she leaves with an idiot. HE's even being NICE to Mike. Love that.
Joyce is going. Hopper has no choice.
Sure that passive group is not going to end up passive because Billy, but hey, I still notice that the adults trust more in Steve than in Jonathan and Nancy who are the ones actually BLOOD related to the team.
Murray is BAD at the bavarian drill. But Jim is good at improvising.
And Steve... Oh, Steve is the best dad for Dustin! Amazing Dad, and I love him and his gay sister Robin and his new kid Erica. He just needs a partner for the job.
"Scoop Troop"? Really? And of course, Nancy has a gun. Nancy IS the Barbarian of the team, and nothing will convince me otherwise.
So far I have Nancy as the Barbarian, Dustin as the Lore Keeper, Lucas is my Fighter, Will is the Wizard, El is the psionic, Max is the Ranger, and Steve the Paladin. I am still wondering about Mike's role. Oh, Jonathan is now the Cleric, yes.
El's batteries are really low.
Well, the Mind Flayer is kaijuu sized now. Cool. Wonder if the Russians will notice?
And the HoopBryce ship is SAILING people. It had been telegraphed since Season 1, but it's finally sailing.
The Scoop Troop has seen the danger. And I BET they're going to do something.
Griswold Family? OF course, Vacations.
I really like their codes. I might use them for season 4.
And of course, Super BabySitter extraordinary has to go and save the Griswold family. And Robin, as his lesbian best friend, is RIGHT behind him.
Through the Gap. Cool.
Also, Mind Flayer is not very good at seeing, which is great.
If Murray dies avenging Alexei, I will riot.
Lucas is VERY smart.
I am surprised he found a new braincell for the team, given that so far, we had ONE braincell and Robin.
Nancy REALLY wanted to shot Billy, I see.
AND STEVE TO THE RESCUE!!! I love Super Babysitter!
Aww... Suzy is adorable. Even if she just made Dustin sing in the middle of a battle. And he is not a bad singer!
THIS is a nice childhood romance. It is NOT the time or place to interrupt the action with Neverending story, but is REALLY realistic as how 13 year old kids can be. Especially as Suzy DOESN'T Know about the monster.
Poor Erica.
Ok, meanwhile, Billy is STILL alive. What is this man made of?! Besides Mind Flayer nastiness.
Wait... the Griswolds left El behind? NOT smart. Well, yes, given that the big kaijuu was following the Grinwalds and half the Scoop troop.
The Door is BIG. And I like that this time it's the non-powered ones who are closing it. Unless of course, Billy ruins it.
Oh, Billy is ruining it. Also, this is REALLY creepy.
Lucas and his fireworks to the rescue! I said the fighter was great and I was right.
Very cool that fight with the kaijuu and the fireworks. But I have a BAAD feeling about Hooper right now.
And El brings Billy back with a nice memory. Bit tropey, but it works.
Meanwhile, Joyce is super resourcefull, and Hooper is good at improvising.
IS Billy going to sacrifice himself to save El? In front of Max? Oh, my god. This is weird. I still don't like Billy, but I am a SUCKER for redemption means death.
Also, I wanted Billy to die, and I LOVE Epic deaths like this one.
... Hooper is not going to die. But MAN the showrunners wanted us to believe he would.
Every russian got pureed, the Kaijuu Mind flayer died, and hey, Billy even got to say he was sorry to Max. I still hate him, but good epic death and Redemption means DEath so... cool for him.
Murray and Joyce escaped together, which means that they will PROBABLY end up in a relationship for season 4, and hey, the army FINALLY arrived, late but they arrived!
Aww, Poor El. She STILL doesn't get to live as Jane Hooper. But I am STILL sure Hooper is still alive. You can't fool me Stranger Things 4.
3 Months later.
Of course, Steve and Robin lost their job at Scoops Ahoy so now they have to get a job. And omg, Robin is being his job wingman. I love it.
Oh, the Bryces are finally moving? Interesting.
Lucas and Max can die right now, if you ask Dustin.
Aw... Will never joining another DnD party. So sweet.
Nancy IS far more into keeping Jonathan than she was into keeping Steve. So I REALLY hope they don't try to put Nancy and Steve together again just because.
Oh El! What is going to happen to El? Everyone is dead that could take care of her.
Batteries still down, I see.
Oh, I see that El is going with the Byers. Good.
Ah.. the letter from Hooper? THAT is the old hooper that I love.
AWW Erica got the legacy!
HA! I knew Hooper was alive! He's in the worst place possible as he's now a prisoner of war, but hey, he's ALIVE! And maybe he can learn Russian!
And sigh. Yes, another Demogorgon. We really don't need more of those.
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