#also she will be the new head of voltron
felassan · 1 month
just burbling about the new screenshots from this Twitter thread from a few days ago :) -
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I like how they are showcasing different Rooks in the promotional and marketing material (lineages, classes, ethnicities etc). ^^ it shows the wide variety of Rooks we can make in CC. this human dude Rook is the one in the release date reveal trailer. look at the eyebrow game! :D and if you compare his facial hair to DA:I and stuff, it's come a long way just like the hair-hair. looks great! the pattern at Rook's collar is a pair of wings. I wonder if this Rook is a Warden, and they represent griffon wings, or being that a rook is a bird, this motif is a more general Rook thing?
the design of the armor Rook is wearing here (bandolier of pouches, the shoulder pieces, curved lines on the breastplate etc) reminds me of the 'iconic' armor Rook wears in the key art, just sans helmet and with hood down, in a blue tone instead of purple, and without the Veilguard symbol on the breastplate. I wonder if this scene is from somewhere in the early game, when the companions are probably at that point just Neve and Harding? maybe it's like, before they get a Veilguard symbol, they first need to, well, form Voltron the Veilguard in the first place, and recruit the rest of the companions etc.
the background is the shifting surface of an eluvian, either about to be used or having just been used (cool visual effect btw). the curving gold architecture of the buildings that can be seen in the other location through the eluvian there is ancient elven, so Rook must have just come from (or be about to go to) somewhere which has those style of buildings. maybe Arlathan Forest, maybe Solas' Ritual site in the Forest, etc.
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elf lady Warrior Rook and Davrin. again great eyebrow game. :D she is so pretty. she also has the wing motif at her collar. again her armor looks like the key art one. hers is in a purple tone rather than blue like the Rook above though - is this due a dyeing system? ^^ this one has the Veilguard logo on it, so maybe this shot is from a bit later in the game after the Veilguard has been brought together? a few details of the armor are also different compared to above, like buttons. I wonder if this is due to rogue version of the armor vs warrior version, armor customization, or armor upgrade.
Davrin is so ears. I love elves with big ears like this. :D 2 elf warriors yeyyy
wherever they are in this scene, it looks to be inside somewhere.
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Davrin looks amazing! the design of his vallaslin reminds me a bit of the Ghilan'nain vallaslin design from DA:I. there are some neat thoughts on the design of Davrin's armor here. :>
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the detailing and texturing etc on Neve's clothes in this shot is craaazy (as in crazy good). even the netting on her hat/fascinator has a lil pattern in it. Tevene snakey scales, the folds of the fabric, raindrops on her clothes, the fact that the snake pattern on her hat is three dimensional..
Davrin and Neve - some of our companions love huge cool collars :D
also, just like her saunter, Neve's half-smile/smirk (dimple.. 🥺) here has me weak in the knees.
location: looks like some kind of ruin maybe? ^^
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I wanna believe that our dragon hunter Taash is looking up here into the sky at.. a dragon :D I loved getting to see this detailed close up of her dragonscale shoulderpieces and her jewelry etc. in this shot we can see that her gold-plated horn has spiky triangle bits on it and more detailing on the faces carved on her horn cuffs and the dragon piece at her neck. also I'm not sure if it's just the angle in this particular shot, but her brow looks strong, which I love and think makes sense when big horns grow from your head. :>
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episode one
-- -- --
[The screen seems to blink; first black then a flash of many colours, before focusing and settling on the scene the camera is filming. Seven people sit squished together on a couch – the paladins of Voltron. Some look particularly happier about the predicament than others.]
Lance, Allura (beaming): Hiya, everyone!
[Allura ducks her head to whisper something at Lance. She is not very good at whispering, so her words are picked up by the microphone.]
Allura: Did I say it correctly? Hiya?
[Lance makes a ‘perfect’ motion with his hands.]
Lance (whispering also): You nailed it!
[Both teens nod resolutely at each other and turn back to the camera.]
Lance: You guys loved that first episode. We got…so many space e-mails.
Hunk (amused): I think we can just call them e-mails, buddy.
[Lance sticks his tongue out at him, playfully annoyed, and then turns to Pidge, who is squished next to him and scowling heavily. He nudges her.]
Lance: If it’s in space, I say space. Space goo, space castle, space lions. Right, Pidgey?
Pidge (deadpan): You have three seconds to explain why I’m here or I’m tasing you again.
Lance: Yeesh, dude, fine.
[He turns to the camera, smiling, but it is significantly more mischievous than before.]
Lance: I mentioned that I got several space e-mails. Several hundred, really.
[Pidge taps her wrist.]
Lance: I’m getting there! Holy moly!
[He huffs at her, then turns his attention away, dragging something from his pocket and stuffing it into his hands before anyone can see.]
Lance: ANYWAYS. After I sorted through all the various marriage proposals for Hunk and some of the most insane strings of sentences that have ever been uttered thought or posted – and I’m a bisexual thot, so that’s saying something; some of y’all are horny – there were some genuinely interesting questions. So I thought we could answer some of them!
[He waves the thing he took from his pocket, which is now clear to be a stack of papers. His announcement draws a mix of emotions; whoops of excitement from the Alteans, an exasperated and fond sigh from Hunk, a look of resignation from Shiro, a groan of distress from Pidge, and a look from Keith that can only be described as the same wariness one might have when approaching a feral animal. Uncaring of any negativity, Lance primly straightens the papers, holding one in front of him with great fanfare.]
Lance: We’ll start with some group questions. Ease us all into it. Oh, I forgot to mention that I used one of Pidge’s programs to pick these questions for me based off a few parameters, so I genuinely have no idea what they’re going to be. I thought it would be more fun that way.
[He clears his throat.]
Lance: ‘To the Voltron team – what’s it like living with the same people every day? Is it fun, like a sleepover? Is there someone who’s a particularly worse roommate than the others?’
Lance: Oooooou, drama. 
[A moment of contemplative silence.]
Shiro: Most of us are pretty used to sharing spaces with people, I think. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve lived the majority of my life in a military facility since I was twelve, so.
All other humans: Same.
Pidge: Well, not that long. It is a little more new to me. But I lived with my brother and parents before all this, so I’m totally used to banging on the bathroom door in the mornings because someone is hogging it.
[She looks pointedly at Lance. He shrugs.]
Lance: I will not apologise for my commitment to looking beautiful. It pays off, and you are all granted the privilege of looking at me, so.
Keith (confused): You have to try to be pretty?
[Hunk chokes. Shiro whips his head to stare at his brother, wide-eyed. Pidge frantically digs around for her phone, then remembers the camera, looking straight at it with an evil grin. Lance’s jaw drops.]
[Keith continues to stare at the Blue Paladin in confusion, oblivious to the double meaning of his question.]
Lance (hoarsely): What?
Keith: I mean, you get the soap and wash your face and hair and body and go. How do you…make yourself pretty? That’s just something you are or are not, right?
[Shiro places his head in his hands. His shoulders shake.]
Shiro: Oh, dear God.
[Hunk is biting his lip harshly to keep from laughing. Pidge and Allura offer no such courtesy, giggling openly to themselves.]
Lance: Keith, tell me you’re not washing your fucking hair with bar soap.
[All embarrassment seems to be forgotten in favour of disbelief.]
Keith: Of course I am. I actually do wash my hair, you know. Frequently.
Lance: With fucking bar so – 
[He takes a deep, calming breath, bodily moving himself away as if proximity to Keith will somehow make his own hair-washing habits degrade.]
Lance: I am done talking about this. You are the worst roommate.
Keith: What? How? Because I wash my hair like a normal person?
Keith: At least I do it fast! You’re the worst roommate because you take four billion years to brush your teeth!
Lance (screeching): This mouth is plaque and gingivitis free, you skanky hoe! I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom, you’re just a knobhead!
[Before Keith can argue back, Hunk reaches over and places a placating hand on Lance’s head.]
Hunk: Sorry, buddy, but as your roommate of almost six years now, you spend an insane amount of time in front of a mirror. I don’t have enough time in the day to count how often it would make us late.
Keith (emphatically): See? Worst roommate.
[Coran hums disapprovingly.]
Coran: I’m not sure that’s true, Number Four. He does more chores than the rest of you.
[Various mutters of agreeance.]
Shiro: True. Who’s the worst, then?
Pidge: Well, Hunk is always sneaking into my workshop and rearranging my shit.
Hunk: First of all, shared workshop. I am simply meandering over to your half. Second of all, I wouldn’t have to snoop if you simply indulged my curiosity. 
Lance (deadpan): The same curiosity that inspired you to build and code a device to break into my phone when I wouldn’t tell you the name of the person I was seeing?
Hunk: In my defense, you generally have bad taste. You’ve been mugged four times.
Lance: Privacy, Hunk. Snoops are the worst roommates. 
Allura: But he makes us treats! Surely that must count for something.
[Hunk looks at her, adoring and playful.]
Hunk: Allura, you are my favourite.
[Allura beams.]
Allura: Thank you!
Shiro: Hm. I suppose we all have annoying habits, but we’re all pretty helpful, too.
Coran (teasing): How diplomatic, Number One.
Lance: Taking that as a cue to move on. 
[He looks down at his stack of papers.]
Lance: Uh, a couple of these are pretty straightforward. ‘What is the best part of being a paladin?’
Keith (immediately): Helping people.
[No one voices protest.]
Lance (quietly): Next one.
Lance: ‘Do you have to train a lot?’
[Three humans groan in unison. Shiro looks amused. Allura looks huffy. Keith looks a little bit like a teacher’s pet.]
Pidge: All fucking day!
Allura (primly): That is a gross exaggeration.
Hunk: The only gross thing around here is how sweaty I get after the bajillion thousand years of training every morning. It is agony.
Lance: Agreed. I got so sweaty I broke out the other day. Broke out. Me. I had to be consoled.
[Hunk and Pidge both nod very seriously. Pidge places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.]
Hunk: It was a very difficult night.
Shiro (smiling): Next question, you dorks. 
Lance: This one is for Allura! ‘Were you friends with the mice before the cryo pod or did you only befriend them after? If the former, how did you end up becoming friends with them?’
[Allura lights up, either at the first directed question being to her personally, or because she is excited to show off her pets. She immediately pulls the mice out of her pockets, where they had been peacefully sleeping, and they blink and yawn as they wake, scampering up her arms to rest on her head.]
Allura: These friends are new! They were little stowaways. If I had known they were on the castle I would have befriended them much sooner.
Coran: She is very fond of animals. She would spend hours as a child building careful and gentle traps for any ‘pests’ that roamed the castle and disturbed the residents, so she could safely free them. 
[Lance feigns an arrow to the heart, collapsing dramatically backwards. Everyone else simply smiles fondly.]
[Allura barely notices, attention turned upwards to her pets, where she strokes them gently.]
Allura: I love my friends very much. They make everything…
[She pauses for a moment, expression saddening.]
Allura: They help me keep a piece of home.
[Shiro reaches over to squeeze her shoulder. She smiles gratefully at him. After a moment she turns to look at Lance, indicating for him to continue.]
Lance: Two more. 
[He takes a moment to read the first, then grins, sharp and teasing.]
Lance: ‘For Hunk: so did you and Shay ever become an iiiiiiteeeeeem?’
[Hunk flushes red. The rest of the team snickers, teasing and poking at him.]
Hunk: I doubt there was that much emphasis in the space e-mail, Lance.
Lance: No, there was.
[Keith crawls over the back of the couch to lean over Lance’s shoulder. He turns to Hunk, smirking.]
Keith: It definitely does, dude. Big and bold.
Lance (smugly): Thank you, Keith.
[Hunk scowls.]
Hunk: Funny how it’s suddenly easy for you two to work together when it benefits you.
Hunk: But whatever. We’ve been in contact. We have to follow up with people, you know.
Lance: Oh of course, of course.
Keith: Exactly the kind of kindness we expect from you, Hunk.
Pidge: Standard procedure.
Shiro: I would even say it’s protocol. 
Allura: I’d be disappointed if you weren’t following up, truly.
Coran: Astounded by your commitment, dear boy.
[Hunk sighs, long and heavy.]
Hunk: I hate all of you. Move on, Lance, or I’m leaving.
Lance: Okay, grouchy.
[He turns to the last sheet, reading it carefully. Suddenly, his face blooms bright crimson, and he flips the page over, slamming it onto his knees.]
Lance (hurriedly): My mistake! Misprint, there’s nothing on this page. That’s all for this episode, everyone, tune in for the next –
Keith: Oh, no you don’t.
[Keith leans over and snatches the paper from Lance’s lap faster than Lance can stop him. Lance screeches, lunging after him, but he is too fast, and besides everyone else but Coran piles on top of him, barring him from tackling Keith to the ground. The Red Paladin perches on the back of the couch, paper in hand, hair mussed and wild and smile victorious.]
Keith: ‘Do you really not remember the Bonding Moment –
[Lance lets out a scream of emotional agony.]
Keith: – or were you just faking?’ Bonding moment is capitalised, by the way. In case you wanted to pretend you didn’t know exactly what this is talking about. 
Lance (stubbornly): I don’t.
[Three people pinch him at once.]
Lance: Ouch! This is extortion!
Pidge: Deserved extortion, you liar.
Lance: I had brain damage! I don’t remember jack about shit!
Keith (voice cracking) (again): I cradled you in my arms!
Lance: No way! Don’t remember –
Keith (threatening): If you say ‘didn’t happen’, McClain, I swear to God –
Lance: – didn’t happen!
Hunk: One day you are going to piss off the angry knife boy just so and you are going to get stabbed. And I might not stop him.
Lance: This place is the worst. None of you love me. Only Coran.
[Coran gently pats Lance’s ankle.]
Coran: I don’t believe you either, dear.
Lance: Well, that’s fine. I will simply wallow away in agony and despair.
Coran: You do that.
[Lance sighs loudly, then squirms his way out of his teammates’ hold so his head his peeking out, glancing at the camera.]
Lance (sagely): Remember this injustice, Lance stans. I know you’re out there. Avenge me.
[On that dramatic note, the video cuts.]
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soulreapin · 7 months
um Here’s a take
i understand why allura decided to give herself to save the universe? and it makes sense to me? and i kind Of like it?
she was 10,000 years old and like yeah she hadn’t aged past like 20 because allura WAS an adult in like the pilot until they aged her down for lance
sure team voltron was her family. yes she had coran and romelle and new altea. but allura was literally Completely alone
her best friends her advisors the guy she bought drinks from in the square all gone. and i mean im not allura but if my entire culture had completely disappeared and its not like. a generation later where a grandkid might still be alive or something, EVERYBODY and every connection she had is gone
NOBODY made it from altea except for allura and coran they were literally the last bastions of old altea (yada yada the altean colony escaped altea but they were most likely just Dudes. many of which allura probably never met and wouldnt have been able to connect to)
and thats. thats a lot of pressure for a girl who’s wrangling BEING ten thousand years old, whos also saving the universe and being a diplomat and heading a coalition and trying to end the reign of the space nazis that obliterated her people
so when at the end of the world allura is presented with either go back to the current day where you’re all alone and have so many different leadership responsibilities and can never fully be understood OR see your parents and peers and friends again because they are waiting for you in the afterlife, and you get to return to your homeland that was ripped away from you as a child….i get it
i would make the same choices
and its not that team voltron didnt need her, they were truly her family, but she knew that they would be able to make it without her presence and they would continue to preserve her memory
allura got to make one decision for herself and her wellbeing after putting it all aside for the war effort and the rehab effort and for everyone else and shit. i really like it
plus she probably knew that coran would pass away before her since he was maybe 20 years her senior and even an altean lifespan does not last that long, and who knows if the people of new altea shared the same long lifespan that her and coran do
idk. allura got her good end. did it kind of ruin everyone else’s ending? sort of, but allura’s decision was deservedly selfish and i am going to die on this damn hill
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thestargayzingheroine · 7 months
My Adventures With Superman - A Rambling Set Of Thoughts
Okay, I know I don't USUALLY make posts like this and I especially hate getting cynical and nitpicky about these sorts of things because I just don't wanna contribute to all the negativity on the internet... But this is something I just couldn't shake.
So last night I watched the first season of My Adventures With Superman and... I have a lot of mixed feelings about to be brutally honest which is a shame because I know SO many people really loved this show.
Spoilers for season 1 obviously
For the most this show is great and it has a good foundation for Superman and gets him and his relationship with Lois so right. I love how Clark is this big, soft himbo twink dork who really reminds me of Adora from She-Ra and Lois is this fun tomboy who falls head over heels for him. And to be honest, all of their moments were genuinely the highlight of the show for me. SERIOUSLY ITS LIKE CLARK AND LOIS BUT MADE FOR SAPPHICS LIKE ME AND I ADORE THEM
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I love the art style and animation too and really does put a very fresh new aesthetic on DC stuff. Sure, it's a bit too much like She-Ra and Voltron in places, but for DC, it's a really good breath of fresh air. Seriously, look at the designs of Deathstroke and Livewire!
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But sadly, that's not all the show is and this is where I have to sadly talk about my negatives with it.
Sooooo… this show was written a lot of the same people who wrote She-Ra and it seems to be a big fan of various anime things too, especially Dragon Ball Z and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
To that end, the show has basically... turned Superman into a mixture of Adora and Goku, not just in terms of personality traits and in Adora's case, her relationship with Catra (Seriously, if Clark was a woman and blonde, I would swear she and Lois would just be Catradora)
This sadly does apply to how this show portrays the Kryptonians, who are implied to MOSTLY be a race of evil conquerors who tried to attack Earth only for Krypton to be destroyed. This is VERY similar to how the First One's were depicted in She-Ra, as well as how the Saiyans were in Dragon Ball Z. One could also argue that their attack on Earth is a weird mashup of the movie Arrival and the Second Impact from Evangelion but that's me getting very nitpicky.
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So naturally, we have Adora and Goku's traits being applied to Superman. And…. those traits don't really work for Superman, at all. Now I should be clear, it seems to be that Jor-El and Lara were actually like rebels fighting the evil Kryptonians (which is ironically Mara's whole deal... you seeing the She-Ra pattern here yet?) but like... I don't like this idea at all. Poor Clark even has a fucking breakdown later on and thinks he's actually some evil weapon meant to conquer Earth AGAIN just like Adora from She-Ra being used as a weapon by the First One's. And I just feel bad for him because he's trying to be the good decent Superman we all love... but he's getting dragged into this plot that pretty much breaks him... and I don't really like it.
And then there's a whole subplot about Lois meeting alternate versions of herself and discovering alternate versions of Superman who are evil (which is bizarrely how Kryptonite is introduced in this show) which.... yeah I don't like that plot either. Nor am I the fan of Task Force X pulling the whole "the Government is treating clark as hostile because they think he's an evil alien" plot which I have gotten kinda tired of seeing in a lot of modern Superhero media. It's either Superheroes being hated or hunted by the government or being made to work for them.
And you know where this all probably came from for this show in particular? Fucking Zack Synder and Man of Steel. It's kind of ironic because a lot of this show feels like its in response to the Synderverse, like it feels obligated to comment on how people see Superman now because of those crappy movies, something that I know James Gunn is probably gonna do as well with his superman movie basically a live action version of Superman vs the Elite.
And just…. no, none of this shit is really necessary nor is it a good idea. Because it kinda takes away some bits of Superman that I like. I know the show isn't done yet but… I can already make a good guess of where it's going to go. And where it's going… idk if I'm gonna like a whole lot.
It is clearly a show wanting to be different from all that has been done before with Superman…. but by being different for the sake of it, it's doing a lot of stuff I just don't like.
I just want there to be a day when we get a Superman thing that doesn't have to justify the man's own existence and role in a story because some objectivist edgelord made a bad movie with him in it eleven years ago.
So yeah, by turning Superman into more or less mostly Adora from She-Ra... I think they might have messed him a bit in my eyes. I hope season 2, whenever that comes out hopefully pushes things in a more hopeful direction and I could genuinely call this a good adaption of Superman. Because there is so much potential with just from the relationship of Clark and Lois alone that tells me that these creators just GET how Superman's character is.
So yeah, I hope that long rambling thought made sense.
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cassied03 · 1 month
im writing this because my friends are being assholes and this gives me an excuse to ignore them
So, in this Bones x Voltron au, Keith is Sweets. and we all know that lance sweets had a shitty past with the foster care system so i’ll be bringing one of my favorite (if done well) head cannons in. Everyone say hi to “keiths abusive past in the foster system after his dads death”!! now keith was in the system since he was about 8-14/5 right? cus thats the general age he looks then he joins the garrison for high school and leaves (is kicked out) the final year (yada yada yada, cannon ensues.) Keith comes back to Earth and time had passed, he’s finally able to drink and shit.
But he’s been in space for so long, that he doesn’t know how to socialize. He also doesn’t know how humans work anymore, because some of his own anatomy has changed with his inevitable galra puberty. So obviously he decides to study psychology in hopes of understanding how to communicate with people.
Now the fun stuff. He gets a job into the fbi as one of the youngest psychologists because he has a good reference from the garrison (which, in my mind, is in it’s own way a military school). help doesn’t wanna go into the fbi with this big reputation of saving the world, because they’ll ask about that and wouldn’t focus on the fact that he id a registered psychologist!
Now this can either “end” in 2 ways. Either number 1 (the boring one) where instead of Lance dying, his new galra anatomy (and the trained ability to move his organs while in the BOM) makes sure he survives and Daisy doesn’t have to raise their kid without him.
Or we can go with my favorite, number 2!! Now number 2 lies in the fact that the government knows about aliens and that Hodgins regularly goes to sweets (when they’re both not clocked in) to share conspiracy theories together. Of course, they’re best friends so Keith keeps no secrets and introduces Hodgins to his mom. Its also important to point out that Hodgins is an orphan. So of course Krolia emotionally adopts this crazy lil silly guy whos like, less than a fraction of her age.
Everything comes to a blow when something causes both Keith and Hodgins to be in danger. Keith still keeps his blade with him with permission from the government because you know, he saved the world. And that blade has some connection to his mom so he sends a pulse through it to signal he and Hodgins are in danger and she races over to save them.
Yeash this made my hands hurt. Anyways this goes out to @mosscreeper-ao3 who raised thier hand when i asked if anyone would listen to me rant about my bones (2005) x voltron idea. 🫶
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klanced · 1 year
this isn’t even about my evil agenda anymore I actually just need to hear your dissertation on voltron/klance x first love late spring
you do evil things to my dick and balls. i hope you know that.
first love / late spring is a very keith-core song, but i think it also applies to both keith and lance... but more specifically, FL/LS is keith pre-relationship, and then FL/LS is lance once they have already started dating.
i'm obsessed with that one interview of mitski where she explained that she wrote this song while she was experiencing her vulnerable first love... and first love is vulnerable. you simultaneously reap the rewards of being known but at the same time, you've now let someone else know you, and now you have to trust them to take care of you. and it's so vulnerable. it's more naked than being naked. and it's so difficult as well because now you're learning a brand new way you can be hurt.
so keith, pre-relationship... he's pining for lance and he is MISERABLE. he's lost control! he feels like he's being consumed by the enormity of his feelings. he's eight years old and small and never asked for this, he never wanted to know he could feel this way. he just wants lance to fucking go already. keith wants to spit vitriol and blame and shame and drive lance away so that when lance leaves him (and he will leave him, like everyone else has), then at least it will be on keith's own terms for once. and keith doesn't, he refuses, to say how he feels. he'll spitefully choke on his confession until it suffocates him. he doesn't want to know what lance might say.
but he also is afraid of lance's reaction because... if lance gives him even a sliver of ground, if there's even a promise of a chance -- keith will fold instantly. he will jump into this love headfirst. he'll do anything if it will make lance stay with him.
and then lance, mid-established relationship... things with keith are perfect, everything is going great, so why does lance feel so anxious all the time? why does he feel so scared when keith looks at him like he's his whole world? maybe the problem is lance. because what they have is real. because he's pretty sure keith is it for him. and that terrifies lance. because lance, deep down, knows he's going to screw this up. and it's not just his heart on the line; he's also going to hurt keith.
keith smiles at him and lance feels sick to his stomach. he wants to tell keith that they might be happy right now, but eventually, lance is going to ruin this. he wants to warn keith that lance is going to break his heart one day.
lance isn't always so negative about himself. during the day, it's easy to let himself be buoyed and enveloped by his feelings for keith. he loves being in love with keith. because the love is real. it's real, and it's there, and that matters. but at night, all those poisonous insecurities and anxieties rear their ugly head, and lance finds himself standing on a ledge over a drop. lance daydreams about spending the rest of his life with keith; lance has never felt so young and small.
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kidge-planet · 2 months
One-shot idea: keith gives pidge a gift she very much wanted and just showers keith with kisses and a big hug from her excitement
That ask kept me awake lol (BECAUSE I HAD SO MANY IDEAS JUST COMING TO MEEEE) So if you have other asks, feel free!! ANYWAYS! HERE'S THE FIC! (sorry if I made mistakes!)
"I'm so happy that i'm spending that last night on earth with you..." Pidge smiled up at her boyfriend, Keith, as they were sat on the head of the black lion...
It had only been a month since these two started dating... They were pretty awkward most of the time as it was their first time in a relationship, but it was going on the right way... The only physical contacts they have had yet we're holding hands, hugging and kisses on the cheek, forehead and the top of the head... Also, no one knew about them! They weren't playing on telling anyone so soon, though... They decided to take their time, and they never complained about it.
He nodded softly, "i'm happy too... The only times I saw you this week, everyone was around... So i'm glad we're able to spend some alone time together..." As he spoke, he placed his hand on hers. "Besides, you're the only person I want to spend time with... Especially on that day..." Without thinking, he kissed the top of her head which surprised her a bit, but she didn't say anything about it... Her smile simply softened and she look at the landscape in front of them before to rest her head on his shoulder.
"It was a nice day..." She said, breaking the silence again.
"Yeah? What have you done today? I heard you went out with the girls..."
She smiled, thinking back of the day she had. "Yeah... I helped Allura find an outfit for her date with Lance..."
He laughed, "Lance came earlier as I was waiting for you! He had random stuffs on himself because he wanted to be dressed like an Altean guy... So he went to Coran and, well..." He laughed again. "But anyway! How did it go? Did you find something, even for yourself?.." he smiled and looked down at her.
"You'd be surprised! I found like a hundred stuffs today! I even found some you might like! Just go to the mall, say that you're a paladin of voltron and BOOM! You get everything for free!" A proud grin appeared on her face.
"Pff, seriously?.. what did you find?.." his smile grew wider at her excitement.
"Well, I found books, a costume of my character from the show which looks a bit stupid but anyway! I found snacks and OH! Oh..." She then remembered and her smile faded away.
"What?.. what is it?.."
Her smile had faded away. "I found a video game..."
Surprised by the sudden change of mood, he felt his concern grow.. "what's wrong with that?.."
"Well, when I got it, I was so excited! It's a new game that just came out before the galra invaded and no one ever reached the end!.. and now, almost all of them got destroyed..." She sighed, "but when we got to the store where Allura found her dress, the guy that was selling the dress said he would only give us the dress if... I gave him the video game... So I did... I had many reasons to do it and I don't regret doing it... I was planning to play with Lance, since he also likes that game... But I figured that we wouldn't have time for it... We have to fight daily and I know that he'll spend his free time with Allura... They're into each other, it's obvious that they're going to date... And I wanted Allura to be happy..." She sighed again but smiled. "Still, I don't regret doing it, i'm just so sad that I won't get to play it..."
He looked at his girlfriend with a soft smile. "You did good... Not everyone would have done that... That's why I..." He paused a moment before to speak again, "that's why I love you... You're an amazing person... And I have a thousand reasons to love the person you are... And even now, you're showing me how great you are... I bet Allura felt the same..." He caressed her back. "What game was it?.." He asked, looking down at her.
"Hum... Killbot phantasm 26: revengifiance... Why?" She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Ah, I played the first game... It was nice..." He smiled, remembering everything about it...
"Really? I didn't know you were into video games?!" She looked up at him, excited.
"Wellll.... I play when I'm bored... Not so much... I only played basics that I found in my dad's stuffs... But yeah, I play..." He nodded.
"KEITH! That's so great! We have to play together! Why didn't you tell me before?!" She grabbed his arm, excited"
"Hum... I... Didn't think it was so important... Even more since I don't play so often..." He looked a bit surprised and lightly blushed.
"It IS important! Oh my gosh!"
"Well, we can play sometimes..." He softly smiled but then Pidge's phone made a sound in her pocket. She took it and her excitement disappeared.
"Aw... I have to go..." She sighed.
"Kate, you're 18! How about you let your mom know that you're not done here yet?.." he raised his shoulders playfully.
"Are you crazy?! My mom will kill me! As long as I live under HER roof, I have to follow her rules or I'll have nowhere to sleep tonight! She didn't give me the keys of the house because she said if i'm not back by 12, she'll close the door! And I'll have to wake someone up for them to tell me I'm not mature enough or whatever..." She shook her head and got up. "Plus, we have to wake up early tomorrow... So sleeping now is not a bad idea..."
"Well, first, if you stay, I'll let you sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch... So yeah, you'll have a place to sleep at... Secondly, yeah, you're right... Go get some rest..." He got up to say goodbye.
At his words, she smiled. "You too... Go sleep with your space wolf ON YOUR BED!" she lightly giggled.
He laughed a bit and hugged her softly... "Good night, Katie..."
" 'Night Keef..." She hugged him back gently...
As the hug broke, they smiled at each other for a moment... If only that moment could last longer, they both thought. Then, lost in the moment, he leaned down, his lips meeting hers... A soft and passionate kiss that seemed to last an eternity...
At the end of the kiss, they stared at each other again but this time, red like tomatoes.
"Hum... I should go now!... See you tomorrow!.." she took her stuffs quickly and left... Keith could tell that she panicked... And it wasn't surprising, she also did when he confessed to her... Even the first time he held her hand or kissed her cheek... He concluded that she was just bad with first times...
As Pidge got home, she immediately ran to her bedroom, not saying anything to her family...
And of course, as she laid in bed, she buried her face in the pillow.... Her skin was still completely red by now, rewinding to that kiss again and again in her mind... It was unexpected... She had NEVER kissed anyone like that before, and she felt like a fool for running away like that... Maybe if she had stayed, she would have had more...
Thoughts overwhelmed her and she slowly fell asleep...
The next day, everyone was already at the garrison, and in advance... The only one missing was Keith... He wasn't answering any calls or messages... And the launching was in 40 minutes!!! Suddenly, Keith appeared, breathless.
At his sight, Pidge felt her heart beating faster... She tried to calm down and to manage the blush on her face... Hopefully, everyone's focus was on Keith...
"Finally! We thought we'd have to find a new black paladin!" Lance complained.
"Sorry guys... I had something to do before to leave" he said, catching his breath.
"Mh?.. what?.." Hunk raised an eyebrow.
As Keith was about to answer, Shiro approached: "Keith! Finally! We have to go do our speeches... Are you guys ready?..". He reassuringly smiled to all of them...
Everyone nodded as an answer and headed towards the platform...
Speeches were made and the Atlas launched...
After a while, Pidge headed to her room to rest a bit... last night, it still took her a while to fall asleep... she was in her thoughts again when someone knocked on her door...
Surprised, she got up and opened it...
"Keith?.. what a surprise..." She smiled and lightly blushed...
"Hey... Yeah... Can I come in?.." he smiled and Pidge nodded but then, she noticed he had a plastic bag in his hand...
"Hey, what's that?.." she raised an eyebrow... He sat on her bed and showed her the spot next to him... She sat.
"It's a gift... For you..." He smiled gently, handing her the small bag...
She hesitantly took it, "a gift?.. what for?.."
"Do I really need a reason to give my girlfriend gifts?..." A light laughter escaped his lips and he placed a hand on her back and kissed her cheek. "Now, take a look inside the bag!"
She nodded and then gasped, "what the- KEITH!" She took the video game she told him about yesterday out of the bag, "Where did you get that?!" She looked up at him, shocked.
"You looked sad yesterday when you spoke about that video game... And you did something great without asking for anything in return... You daily do great stuffs without asking for anything... But you deserve so much... I know it's just a video game but anyway... I wanted to make you happy..." He paused a bit, "I looked for the game all night on the internet and I found it... with a guy that lives a state away... so I went to get it and I did exactly as you said! I said that I was a paladin and I got it for free!" He smirked. "So even if you can't play it with Lance, you can play with me! Im not an amazing player, but-" As he spoke, he jumped on him, making him fall on the bed... She hugged him tightly, not letting him finish his sentence.
"KEITH! You're the best! I love you so much!" She washed his face with kisses before to hug him tightly again... After a few seconds, she sat back up and hugged the game. "You didn't have to! You did too much! Did you even get enough sleep?.." she then looked at him, worried.
He sat back up and kissed her forehead, "nah, but it was worth it... Besides, I'll go get some rest after we play..." He softly looked at her.
She shook her head in response. "Nop you're resting now..." She placed the game on the ground before to place herself in a way he could lay on her belly, her back against the wall... She opened her arms and with a soft sigh, he snuggled in her arms as they closed around him, caressing his hair and back softly. "We'll play later..."
She kissed the top of his head, "you're the best, Keith..."
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sleeplesssmoll · 10 months
Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if Sonetto rejecting Vertin’s gifts didn’t affect her a ton. Like, obviously it did, but I mean in a lasting way. Their dynamic changed completely, from Vertin constantly seeking out Sonetto to Sonetto constantly wanting to spend more time with Vertin.
Obviously, Vertin doesn’t reject her, but she doesn’t actively reach out anymore… Could she still be hurt by Sonetto’s rejection, and too scared of it happening again to try again? Or worried that despite Sonetto’s change of attitude, she would still choose her loyalty to the Foundation over everything else?
And I wonder how much of this is an organic development, VS the writers working within the specific constraints of a mobile game story. They can’t do anything that would change their dynamic too drastically for a ton of reasons: it could make Sonetto’s voicelines obsolete, confuse new players checking out new events without past context, upset the playerbase (if they prefer other Vertin ships)… It’s possible they’re saving any major developments for future main story chapters too, leaving Vertin and Sonetto in a status quo for the moment. Or maybe Sonetto’s crush is truly one-sided and I’m coping hard.
Aaah I’m just starving for Vertin and Sonetto content that focuses more on Vertin’s perspective. Sonetto’s side is so obvious, but Vertin’s is kind of a mystery to me. Sorry for rambling in your ask box, I hope this gives you some food for thought at least.
I won't turn down a free meal so no need to be sorry 😎
When it comes to shipping culture, shippers are going to sail no matter how strong the current is. Unless the fans get toxic and we have another Voltron on our hands (it's better if you don't know).
I understand your frustration. It's really the large gaps in their childhood that make this so hard to figure out. Why is Sonetto suffering from puppy love? We see Vertin is comfortable teasing her too so they are closer but how did we get here?
Something is missing.
Also, I wouldn't say that Vertin isn't reaching out to her, but rather she changed the way she interacts with everyone.
Smoltin: Look at what I found!
Vertin: Are you interested in___?
Vertin treats most of the people she meets like this. What are your motives? Dreams? Wishes? What do you want to do? And then she acts accordingly.
With Regulus, it was freedom.
With Druvis, it was a moving forward to a new future.
With Schneieder it was a shelter.
Even when fighting her enemies, she reaches out offering what she can and tells them she can be what they need if they come with her. Vertin isn't lying either, unlike Manus or the Foundation. She reveals her limitations as well as what she can do for you. If you played through Green Lake, you'd have the perfect example of this but the previous chapters do a great job establishing this too.
Present day Sonetto expressed a desire to see the world. (Also she likes riding stuff like trains and buses. Vertin should take her on a hayride during pumpkin season. She'd love it. ) ANYWAY, Vertin spends more time asking what other people want to do than bringing up her own story.
And that could be because she's seen the end of so many stories cut short by the Storm. She has changed.
This is also why it's hard to pinpoint what love is for Vertin. She's the one giving most of the time but we don't know what she wants aside from the truth and peace. You could say she needs a place to belong, but that could extend to everyone in her Suitcase living under her protection and protecting her in return (found family is best family).
So what can a “lover” give Vertin anyway? What is it that Vertin wants? What does she need? (No one say milf if I hear one more mother joke I'll eat my phone.)
I have a hot take. If nothing about this girl I is conventional, then I don't think her love life would be either if she had one. But…I have no idea what that would look like.
Notice how you asked about wanting to see into Vertin’s head and I made it more confusing. This ended up with more questions. 😅
But if can find Vertin's "void", we can figure out how she works in a dynamic with other characters and what they provide to fill it. In this case, what is it Sonetto does for Vertin?
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wellhalesbells · 2 years
[Based on Asks I Get] Here’s the Cheatsheet to My (Sterek) Fics, Folks:
Why am I Following You Again?:  👋🏻 You’re probably here because of There’s Monsters at Home.  Stiles is a BAMF, Derek is a Failwolf, the Pack has to actually learn how to form Voltron (figuratively), Derek gets possessed by a demon (literally), Stiles is blind (temporarily), and there’s a semi-sentient phoenix tattoo.  There’s art from @andavs​ for it here because she is one of the coolest people I’ve ever known.  Big facts.  There’s also a gifset that eeames made that can only be found in the fic now (thanks, tumblr) so check that ish out!
You Wrote a Sterek Fic Where, Like, They’re Dicks... But It’s Good?  Also, Stiles is Correct™ about How Much It Sucks to Sleep in the Same Bed as a Human Heater: You’re thinking of Seat Belts & Gravity, and your description is much better than mine.  On.  Point.
There was One Where, Like, They’re in College and There’s the Pack But Not Really Because I Think Everyone was Human and No One Knows Derek and Stiles are Together Even Though It’s Not a Secret?: You’re thinking of We’re Burning One Hell of a Something, aka The One You Will Never Find If You Don’t Bookmark It Now.  I’m serious, I just told you what it is but navigate away from this page for one minute and what’s it called?  You don’t know, but an Ellie Goulding song is stuck in your head and this is going to drive you gonzo now.  Just bookmark it, for serious.
😭 B-But Protozooey?: That’s Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills and I’m sorry.  Oh, and get all your bwhahas and wah-wah-wahs in podfic form: here!
What are the Rules to Brackets?: Brackets is a fictional game created in The Quadruped, Rhypophagus Team of Goatliness that is based solely on the pure chaotic energy of True American in New Girl ..... what about any of that fic makes you think rules belong there?
P.S. What Does Rhypophagus Mean?: Granted this was never a super popular word but it did used to be a... word and it means trash-eating - I cannot explain to you why there’s only, like, one link on Google that will tell you that now.  I’m thinking Larry and Sergey liked my fic so much they decided: all roads must lead to this miss!  It’s the only thing that makes sense really.
Did You Write a Ballet One Where, Like, Afterwards I Wanted to Crawl into a Dark Hole and Eschew All Human Contact?:  I did!  Thanks for noticing, and you’re welcome!  It’s called Birds of a Feather Fuck Together.  You probably remember this art for it too!
There was a Nerd/Jock Thing But Also Still Werewolves... Am I Remembering This Right?: You are!  It’s Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys.  I should make longer titles, huh?  Also there is awesome art for it by NateintheAttic.
Are You the Person Who Did the One Where the Hales are Still Alive and There’s, Like, Magic and Scott’s a Seer and Also Everyone Thinks Scott and Stiles are Gonna Bone (Including Derek)?  No, Right?:  I can see why you would think I am not that person because it is all kinds of happy but that was me!  It’s called Instructions for Dancing.  It’s got a bittle prequel on tumblr here and a scene from Derek’s PoV here.
Did You Ever Finish that One that I Started to Read on Tumblr and Then Lost Track of around Part, Like, Fifteen?:  I did!  It’s completed on tumblr as the Subway Sleeper Series and posted to AO3 as a huge block of zaniness under the name Hibernation Station.  Oh!  And art exists for it: here and here!
There was One about Allison?: There was!  It’s called Phases of the Weaker Heart and it’s entirely from her point of view with some of my fave pre-slashy Sterek sprinkled in.  @goodoceangonewrong giffed one of my absolute favorite scenes: here and lunchee did an absolute gorgeous reading of it here.
There’s One with a Dog and Baltimore and Frosted Flakes and Baseball and Smiling and Also, Like, So Much Baltimore Though?:  That’s [Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted]!  You might also remember the art for it: here.
There’s One Where Stiles Talks, Like, So Much?: That could be so many, help me out here! .... Holy-Os, Now with Thirty Percent More Bonermallows?  Oh, of course!  That would be How Weetabix Got His Marshmallows Back!  You’re welcome, you dirty birds 😉
Okay, This is Going to Sound Weird but Boyd was Just, Like, Stealing Clothes Off Dead Hunters in the Background?: That’s Apathy, Apathy, You’ll be the Death of Me and it sounds perfectly in character to me so I’m not even sure what you mean by “weird.”
Are You Ever Going to Finish Your Series/Write a Sequel Like You Said You were Going to?:  I am super sure that I am one day going to do those things, yes.  Is that based on reality or previous patterns?  Listen, sometimes you just have to have faith, y’know?
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callmelyc · 1 year
Written for Twitter julance:
Week 1: Sharpshooter, Part 1- The Birth of a Name
If anyone on this planet had looked up they'd think lance was a shooting star. Blue lighting up the night as she hurled down to the planets surface to crash-land like a meteor in the night
And now here lance was hiding in the desert rock formations watching galra swarm the wreckage. It's just his luck to not only be separated from the others but to also have fallen smack dab into the center of a galra invaded planet.
"Shit-" lance curses watching them poke and prod at his baby blue from a safe distance but he knew he wasn't in any shape to fight right now and he sure as hell didn't want to be a prisoner. He'd barely spotted them to begin with with his head injury and all making his vision spin.
Just when he thinks the soldiers might turn to come his direction lance feels a small hand touch his own. It takes everything in him to not full body flinch and risk blowing his cover so he holds his breath.
He glances down slowly.
And is surprised to come face to face with a small....gecko?...looking closer lance thinks they remind him a lot of the Geico mascot but large enough to be a small child. They're about three feet tall, pastel yet colored like an oil spil when the sunlight bounces off their scales. It's honestly pretty mesmerizing to look at he could admit, if only his head wasn't swimming and everything hurt-
Stop it lance ur getting off track!
"Uh...hello?" Lance whispers warily only earning a smile from the little creature.
"Hello! I am selkie!" They say brightly "please follow me"
"W-wait I don't even kno-" but his protest fall quiet as his hand is taken in a surprisingly strong grip and he's pulled through tunnels that exist through the cliff sides. Selkie stays quiet throughout their trek and though lance had the second thought to fight the alien off he felt it was safer to trust this geico mascot over the galra anyday.
So here he is in a tightly fitted cave following behind someone smaller than pidge noting that every change in lighting causes selkies skin to shift both in pattern and color. It's....very distracting and it's not until they come to a stop that lance realized he didn't watch their path here.
"You are safe here!" Selkie says proudly looking up at lance with the cutest smile drawing him out of his own head and back to attention.
He glances up to take survey of the location only to find them still inside the cave system it's just a dead end "where are we?"
"The caverns" a new voice announces causing lance to finally be more on edge yet turns to see another small gecko alien of the same height as selkie "it is the only place the galra cannot navigate. Their large stature causes them to get stuck in the tunnel systems."
Oh. Well that makes sense lance thinks "and you are...?"
"I am Lorix, I am the leader of the Gekkota people." Lorix squints at lance taking in his stature "are you of the crashed vessel?"
"Oh you mean Blue? Yeah a mission gone wrong I was separated from my team and crashed here" lance watches how Lorix reacts to this for a moment deeming him a little trustworthy "My name is Lance, I'm the Blue Paladin of Voltron"
Lorixs eyes widen just a fraction "Voltron is real?"
"Yep! And it's our job to help where we can so-" lance kneels down to be eye level with the two "why don't ya tell me a bit about your galra problem."
As it turns out the skin shift wasn't just for show nor their small stature. The Gekkota people are known to be able blend into their surroundings through color reflection off their scales. That paired with their ability to fit into small tight spaces meant they could be practically invisible intruders and the galra wanted them for forced spy work.
"When they overtook the planet most fled into these caverns to hide-" selkie added before turning somber "they have started to flush us out through poisons, we fear they may result to other means soon"
As he watched these two share their story lance had already known hed help them but looking at them now only solidified his resolve.
"Hey-" he says into the silence gaining both their attention "how far up do these tunnels go?"
Lance finds himself learning the cave tunnels over the next day and a half because if his plan was gonna work he needed all the pieces in place perfectly. As it turns out the tunnel systems go all the way to the top and deep into the ground below the base surface level. It reminded him a lot of how ant farms or burrow systems might look: tight passageways, circular dead ends, and hundreds of interconnected pathways.
The point is it's easy to get lost and he doesn't wanna die down here especially if he's aiming to help these people by fending off the galra as they come.
So he's memorized the paths he needs, he knows the positions he'll switch between like the back of his hand. The galra won't ever spot him and they'll be falling before they get the chance. It's more ruthless than he's used to being, but lance was alone here and he had an entire planet of innocent people to help. you can bet your ass he was gonna do it by any means necessary.
Lance sit here now waiting for his moment to act. There's specific times the galra will send out people to do the rounds in an attempt to capture more of the people here and with blue close by they might even be looking for him. Little do they know lance won't let them get that far.
He's crouching in his first position atop the left cliffside just out of sight, Bayard drawn and formed into a sniper rifle. When the first galra patrol comes into view he lets them get a little too close just to make sure they don't catch on too quickly.
A deep breath
In and out
Three shots fired in quick succession followed by three bodies hitting the ground. The bombs they'd had in their hands go off but this time no one in the caverns is fighting the poison.
Score 1 for Lance and 0 for the Galra.
This continues over the course of the next three days, galra appear each group growing larger than the previous and lance strikes them down one by one from altering positions so they never spot him.
He rotates the choices, ya know to spice things up a bit, really lay on the confusion and he knows he's winning because they've grown increasingly more frustrated.
The galra attacks grow more violent too, they've gone from smoke bowms filled with poison to flat out trying to crumble the caves themselves. Eventually they switch it up from simple small patrol groups to full on fleets of galra and sentry combined, both more heavily equipped.
So he switches his tactics too, lance doesn't let any get close if he can help it. He's shooting from further away now, further than he thought himself capable of hitting his mark, but with every shot fired he never fails to hit it like a bullseye. The moment he sees them in the distance, the moment he can tell it's an enemy and not an innocent bystander he lines his rifle and takes his shot.
His cover provided Selkie and Lorix with the time and safety to gather more of their people into the same tunnels as well as gather more needed provisions. It also allowed for Intel gathering.
"They have grown weary of you Paladin Lance" Lorix says one day during a down period "you have taken so much of their forces here they had to request for backup"
Lances alien sandwich falls from his hand "backup?"
"Yes! They seem to have contacted a secondary fleet in a neighboring galaxy-" he says between chews "we are a dead zone, the only life in this galaxy exist here so they did not think to send more aid until you arrived."
"Yes yes!" Selkie adds "there is much radio chatter about the missing blue paladin. They do not have the equipment to move your crashed vessel but with the backup they seem hopeful in gathering it"
Lance let's that information sinks in while continuing to eat his previously dropped sandwich-dont judge him!- before his mind zeros in on one part "did you say there was radio chatter about me?"
"That is correct, from various sources it seems" Lorix confirms with a nod "some galra some otherwise-"
Lance grips lorixs tiny shoulders "otherwise?? Did you happen to catch any names or descriptions? Do you know what they were saying?"
"Ah- well," he says seeming to think it over "there was a mention of a coalition? And a princess Allura looking for a blue paladin"
"Oh thank god-" he sighs "that's my team, if they can get a signal they can give us backup."
Selkie and Lorix exchange glances before frowning "how will we do that?"
Lance looks back at them pausing to think it over for a minute and smirks "actually....I have an idea"
It's nightfall when they choose to act, lance knows for a fact they've stationed a heavily armed set of guards around Blue and he also knows she has her particle varried up and loaded. So all he needs to do is get in just close enough to phase through it, run in, set off her emergency signal for his team and hightail it out of there.
First things first though, the guards.....
There's surprisingly only three sentries but for some reason this really sets lance on edge. Something doesn't feel right about this but he can't back out now. He takes his stance, sends a small hang signal to Lorix and Selkie who are on standby and runs out into the open guns ablaze.
It's the first sentry getting shot down that tells lance what's wrong. They were decoys, once shot they send off a visual signal while simultaneously blowing up, which lance found out the fun way.
Aka getting thrown back a few hundred feet and gaining yet another head injury.
Fighting to get back up he knows he has to work fast, that signal couldn't have been anything good, so lance runs. He runs as fast as he can dodging the best he can when the remaining sentries charge towards him because if he can just get to blue she'll let him in.
He feels her weak energy reach out to him and smiles.
He can do this.
Throwing himself into a clean slide he slips right under the final sentry and luckily right through blues partial barrier that flies back up the moment lance is safely inside.
"that's my girl!" Lance cheers climbing back into the safety of her hull.
"I know your hurt baby girl but don't worry-" he pats her side gently while sifting through things to get to the emergency panel "I'll get the team right on it"
Lance works the fastest he can through the dizziness, sets off the SOS signal and does a repeat of his initial fight only this time to leave. It's a narrow escape made possible only by the help of Selkie who manages to trip a sentry into another just long enough for them to get back into the underground.
They move quickly for a bit only deeming themselves safe once back to the center "what do we do now paladin?" Lorix ask worried "the beacon the sentry sent us worrisome-"
"I know" lance sighs "the only thing we can do now is wait. I'll take watch, hold em off as long as I can and hope my team catches the distress signal fast enough..."
Selkie puts a reassuring hand on his arm "you are not alone in this fight paladin lance, we can do what we are best at-" she smiles at him and it clicks "if you are a ghost to them, then so shall we be"
The battle that ensues is a tough one, lance positioned at the highest possible point sniping down enemy after enemy while the Gekkoas work from the ground camouflaging themselves so quickly it confuses the galra enough to be taken down by them. Together they make a deadly team, moving in silence and to the galra invisible the waves that hit them go down like rain.
By the time daylight has arrived on the final day, Voltron arrives and gives a helping hand. They're quick to pickup on lances strategy and in less than an hour they've finally freed the planet Euble and all it's people.
And with their victory lance can finally rest.
"Sir, we have a report" a large galran says to his commander.
The commander turns, his frown a permanent fixture yet he doesn't glance up from his small device "What is it Vox?"
"It's about Euble, the ghost won sir. They have been freed with the aid of Voltron."
The device in the commanders hand snaps in his crushing grip, the frown turning into a snarl "What?!"
Silence hangs heavy before the commander turns to hit his fist angrily on the nearest wall "we have to report this to the main fleet-"
A com system appears, a video transmission going through before a higher ranking officer picks up the call "what is it Commander Krox?"
"Euble has fallen, The Ghost Rite won"
An angry tsk can be heard through the screen "and who is this Ghost Rite that took down all your men?"
"The sniper of Voltron..... The Blue paladin"
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ditzydisaster13 · 7 months
Voltron (VLD) Lion theories.
The Blue lion is adapable and friendly. Supportive as the right leg of voltron. Putting others before it. Her element is water. Guardian of the water. She swims well, and shoots ice. She was the best for lance while he gained some self confidence. But its also why she took in allura and kept her.
The yellow lion is similar. Heavy and kind, courageous and simple. Slow moving, but mighty. He is the guardian of the land. Of stone and rock and things reliable. Left leg of voltron, serves as a crutch, leverage, balance. Which is why hunk stayed
The green lion is of intelligence and energy. Energy in tech. And in life. Quick to make changes and adjust. Also one of the faster lions. Because energy. Pidge is the youngest, still growing into her body and her smarts. She’s learning and becoming better. Temper smoothing out like removing thorns. Piece by piece her puzzle becomes whole again.
The black lion. Guardian of the sky. Constant and yet ever changing. Always something new. Ready to make adjustments and go with whatever. Strong and powerful. It’s why she has wings. Sky. Stars, and planets blinking. She is as large as the universe is vast. Reaching out just as far. Which is why the astral plane works. As for Shiro, keith, and clone shiro? Well, Zarkon. Zarkon corrupted. Which is probably why Black felt that clone shiro was shiro. He was following a similar path. But one was more gradual than the other. Easier to trick her. (Imma assume she didn’t already know..) then for keith? Galra blood is apart of him. Hes getting stronger and better at learning with the changes. Leading himself and others.
-> -> -> as for red? The red lion? King alfor, and Keith? Eventually Lance? Well that started this whole thing!!
King Alfor was kind, and friendly. A little spontaneous. But generous and good natured. With a fun loving side that mixes all of these ideals. He knew how to rule, and how to be a family man. How to be a friend.
Keith, started out very stubborn and hot headed. Lover of family like Alfor, but untrusting of others like the former king was. He had his moments and his grace. His responsibility and respectablities too. Hes growing. Which is why he eventually became the black paladin. Not just shiro. But his worthyness. Hes a fighter. A survivor. A mess. But hes strong.
Lance has qualities of both. Flirty and charming. Generous and a family lover. Fun loving, but knows when to be serious. Hes strong and witted. Intelligent beyond what others think of him. Responsible inna way that shows hes growing. Young, and afraid. Afraid and fearful of it all. But willing to do what is best for the team.
The red lion is tempermental and seeks out paladins that he feels will be able to trust. It take ssome time because he himself has some self doubt, which is something he can bond over and work on with Lance. The two bonded quickly. After what happened with Alfor. He fet he was doing things wrong and wants his paladins to trust him. Thsi means reaching out for a better bond, and faster.
The red lion is guardian of the fire. Fire its hot and dangerous and scary. But it also brings light and warmth, helps make food, and it gives signs of life (fire needs oxygen, so do humans, and then also the fact that fires are used as signals to show that there are people there in like getting lost situations and whatnot) and is important in not only humanities past, but very lonely to be symbolic in many different cultures of many different species.
Oh and this is also why the Red Lion is so fast!! Heat particles move the fastest! Its just a science thing lol.
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
if that hexsquad each piloted a voltron lion, who do you think would pilot each lion?
Aaah!! An opportunity to answer an ask that is about my two biggest brainrot shows! 😍
I remain here for VLD because of its premise, for what it stood for before Tim Hedrick - the Head of Story - got fucked over and had his show bible thrown out...Also coz Studio Mir~~
When you wanna compare the paladins to Hexsquad it's like, having to look at what element in nature each Lion stands for and also each witch's deepest wish. And how the characters with their traits would match with the traits that the Lions are looking for. And I'll not only be referencing the new paladins, but also their predecessors: including perhaps the only redeemable thing about S8 which were the old paladins' speeches from the astral plane scenes.
And I'm obviously going with the S1 and S2 pilot configurations, not the post-Lion Switch config.
Starting with who will "form the head":
The Black Lion wants her pilot to learn about control and calmness, which is why she could go perfectly with Shiro's main conflict with his PTSD.
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It works very well for Willow for this precise reason:
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She and Shiro also share the habit of not wanting to rely on others to help them with their problems, i.e. wanting to stay strong and put up a constant front of portraying strength. We've seen how both characters behave when having panic attacks. So lol, Willow in this universe wouldn't be using plant magic.
One might think that Yellow is the match for her after hearing her deepest wish:
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And sure she could express the exact same wish if she were a Paladin...but the Black Lion would pick up on what her area of growth is i.e. the goal to be in control isn't a goal to be reached all on your own. The Lions have their requirements, but they are sentient and can telepathically get a read of an individual's unique challenges and darkest fears. Being the Guardian Spirit representing the cosmos and sky, Black can go nicely with Willow's nurtured leadership qualities and her desire for strength and wisdom.
Next, the arms :
Red is definitely for Amity.
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Red is the Lion that wants you to follow your instincts with determination, to defy what's expected or imposed on you if needed. (ah, but I hear you thinking...doesn't this fit Hunter as well? More on this later)
Look at the similarities between her and Keith's arcs:
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Both were not entrusted with the space to explore what they wanted in life (imagine...Iverson *could've* been a parental figure for Keith, but he reflects how the education and foster care systems often are IRL), and were expected to fit into a box: which was to their detriment. They were determined to not let their inner fire be put out.
Bonus that they're also rather seasoned fighters, for their respective ages:
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The Green Lion might choose Gus. Being a user of illusion magic, Gus's arc has the theme of truth vs illusion, and Green wants a pilot who is curious and has a daring intellect. Who better than the little guy who is curious to know all there is about the human realm, who wants to see what is out there beyond the Isles. Green is best for stealth operations and Gus would be a natural at that, he'd be the best tech guy too!
His deepest wish nicely matches the realization that Pidge had after she met the Olkari: about being connected to the universe and to everything in it (that's what the Forest element symbolizes via the whole "network of roots and branches" concept, which also reflects the imagery of the nervous system linked to the brain. Both Pidge and Gus are prodigies/geniuses).
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And having an ambassador role can't really be carried out from the safety and comfort of hiding in your comfort zone of one's insecurity:
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Finally, the legs:
I vote Blue for Luz because her deepest wish:
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goes so well with this exact line from Blaytz, Lance's predecessor (when we finally hear about what the Blue Lion represents):
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Blue is the teamwork lion, kind of the opposite of Green. Easygoing, bold and spontaneous like water. And it's no coincidence that she's the friendliest lion. Luz can befriend anyone because of her extraordinary empathy and I have good reason to suspect this was also the intended arc for Lance...:
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Yellow is the morale lion, sort of the opposite of Red.
BUT! Hunter is very interesting since, at least to me, he embodies both Red and Yellow traits which at first glance are *supposed* to be in conflict with one another (this is a sign that he is magnificently well-written. Sorry Keith and Hunk and everyone in the space show, beyond S3 :'D).
I mean c'mon, look at my two kiddos:
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It's really important to note that Hunter and Amity's deepest wishes are essentially the same. Which is why it's also easy for me to visualize Hunter piloting Red.
But it's kinda unmistakable: the writers wanted us to see that Hunter's strength is his kind, loving heart (Yellow paladin traits).
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His courage and determination (Red paladin traits)
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are only the next priority and exist to make the case for his kind heart, in my opinion. Because he wants to live, not just survive...in order to keep learning and giving and loving, to basically remain in a relationship with the world instead of being in isolation.
It's also a bit eerie that Yellow is the Guardian Spirit of Earth/Land, and well..a certain grimwalker was literally grown out of the earth. Hmm........
And wowzah if you look here:
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it's a contrast to the Golden Guard being Belos's instrument to keep the Isles as divided as possible, under the guise of promoting unity, with Belos even going as far as coining a name like "The Day of Unity"...during which he wanted to carry out a plan of causing even more major division among the people of the Boiling Isles, via literal genocide. Yeah, yikes. Hunter's future in palisman-carving certainly brings unity born out of love, opposing Belos's forces of division born out of fear. Gyrgan is right in what he says above: unity is born from love.
Anyway this sweet child can really feel like both Keith and Hunk combined into one character. Sometimes he recklessly charges ahead, sometimes he's very nervous about a ton of things. He manages to be the pathetic wet cat but also the most huggable warm teddy bear, lmao.
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But if he had been brought up in a healthy and loving home - which is what Hunk had:
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him as Yellow's choice would be crystal clear.
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Thank goodness Hunter DOES end up in this place though, surrounded by the best found family!
PS: Moringmark had a different configuration for who would pilot who, he just based it on matching colour codes haha (link)
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Coran getting hurt / being held hostage and Lance's going absolutely feral?? 👀
The inhuman noise i made when I saw this
Authors Note: 
I have a headcanon where bayard will also change if their paladin is under intense emotions (usually negative) so Lance may or may not get a new weapon 
“We have to go get him!” Lance slammed his hand on the table, not caring how the others reacted to his outburst. For the past ten minutes, he has been silent, listening to everyone bicker back and forth. Listening to them argue about the best plan, who should do what, what should be done, etc. He couldn’t handle it anymore. 
“Easy Lance, we aren’t going to leave him there.” Shiro’s confident voice filled the room and Lance fought the urge to roll his eyes. 
Lance knew his place. He knew how to sit in silence, nod a bit and get into position when asked. But right now? Coran was captured and every second they spent “figuring” out a plan was another second Coran was getting tortured or being moved somewhere else. 
“I know that but we can’t just keep sitting here!” he crossed his arms, tapping his foot rapidly on the floor. Blue was trying to calm him from where she sat in her hanger but he pushed her aside. He didn’t want to be calm, he wanted Coran back. 
“Lance, we don’t know where he was taken. We can’t just go blow up every Galran ship we see.” Allura tried to rationalize with him. 
“Incoming Message!” The castle voiced as a video call waiting to be answered. 
Allura swore under her breath and answered the call, Sendek waiting on the other side. 
“Princess Allura.” He smirk as he spoke. 
“Sendek.” She spits his name out like it was acid. “What do you want?” 
Sendek released a low laugh, “I want to discuss a trade. We hand your Altean and you hand over Voltron. Easy and fair trade.” 
Allura clenched her jaw, glancing at Pidge who was typing vigorously on their laptop. “Something tells me you won’t hold up your end of the bargain.” 
Sendek laughed again, clearly having fun dangling their team member in front of them. “Suit yourself.” He ended the call, leaving the bridge silent. 
Nobody knew what to say, was anyone even breathing? 
“Got it!” Pidge finally spoke, “I got Sendek's ship location. Uploading them to our lions now.” 
“Alright paladins, get to your lions, we’ll discuss the plan as we fly.” 
Lance had already left the bridge by the time Shiro finished his sentence. 
Lance landed his lion, unbuckling himself before she had even lowered herself for him to exit. He gripped his bayard tightly, immediately letting it shift into its rifle form. He could hear the team talking through the coms but he only had two thoughts cycling through his head. 
1. Save Coran 
2. Take down anything or anyone that get’s in his way 
Keith joined him as he left his lion, running a bit to catch up to him. “Lance, don’t rush. Getting spotted will only make the mission harder.” 
Lance didn’t respond, he just gripped his rifle tighter and chewed on his inner cheek. They moved quickly, but not quick enough for Lance. Keith had to keep pulling him back some, glaring at him each time he got ahead of each other.
He could feel the anger rolling off his fellow red paladin but for once he didn't care. He had to witness everyone on the team have their own intensity regarding something they were passionate about. Lance was just having his moment.
"Did you two see anything?" Shiro asked as they came to a skidding halt in front of the other three.
"No, not even a sentry," Keith dropped his hold on Lance; keeping him in his field of vision; ready to grab him at any moment.
"Same here," Pidge said.
"It's too quiet, right guys? Like a Galran ship would be filled with...you know Galrans!" Hunk began to blubber his anxiety, his helmet preventing him from chewing on his nails.
Lance tuned everyone out, the longer they stood here the more time they kept wasting.
A familiar voice cackled over the ship's coms, making everyone's blood go cold. "Paladins! Did you really think we didn't know you were tracking my ship the last time we chatted? We have your Altean here, and you are all completely surrounded."
Right on cue the hallways filled with sentries, all pointing their guns directly at the group of paladins. They fell for his trap. They brought him the lions and they were grouped together.
"Paladins! Please leave. Forget about m-" Coran's voice was cut off as he tried to send them away. A loud blood-curdling screaming filled the coms before they were shut off.
"Shit!" Keith took a fighting stance, the others following suit.
"Princess, we're in a bit of a bind here!" Shiro said as he activated his arm.
"I am too," her voice was a bit tense and there was a vague sound of lasers hitting the particle barrier of the ship. "Once I clear this fleet I'm coming to get you."
Lance vibrated with anger, Coran's scream replaying in his mind. He still hadn't raised his weapon to shoot, he hadn't joined their fighting stance. He stood still, hardly breathing as his mind tried to understand what was going on.
"Lance get in position!" Shiro barked out.
He glanced down at his gun, his finger resting on the trigger. He was shaking slightly, was he scared? No. Overwhelmed? Not that either.
He looked up at the sentries in front of him. Coran had to be on the bridge, that would make the most sense. Pidge and Hunk checked the holding cells before they regroup. No one checked the bridge.
"Lance! Snap out of it!" Keith grumbled as the sentries began to inch closer to them. Their mission was obviously to capture them since they hadn't opened fire yet.
Lance blinked, Coran was on the bridge. He lifted his rifle; Coran was on the bridge.
He fired the first shot, he didn't wait for the command, he simply did what he knew he could do. He aimed and fired.
The sentries moved at once and the battle began. Shots rang off the metal of the ship, the vague sound of swords moving through the air, and the low hum of Shiro's arm. Lance tuned them all out, he was unconfused on his team.
The more sentries he took down, the fast he could head to the bridge. And that's exactly what he did. He cleared his area quicker than the rest of his team; pushing his legs forward and running down the hallway; leaving his team.
"Lance! What are you doing!" Shiro borderline yelled at him over the comms.
Lance briefly felt a pang of guilt in his chest but it was quickly pushed aside. "Getting Coran, head back to your lions when you're done."
"Since when do you give the orders!" Keith said and Lance flipped his comms off. He knew he would get an earful later but all that mattered was getting Coran.
He kept his rifle up as he moved, shooting down every enemy that crossed his path. Some were Galran, but most were sentries.
He turned down another hallway, coming face to face with a group of soldiers. "Well, well, looks like the blue one came out to play with us." One of the Galrans said with a malicious smile.
"No, I'm here to kill you."
The Galran's laughed, and began to move at the paladin. Lance held his stance, opening fire on the soldiers in front of them. He rolled out of the way of some attacks, keeping his finger on the trigger at all times.
He felt his bayard buzz with energy, a feeling he only felt when he was in his lion and they formed Voltron. What the? His weapon began to shift, splitting in two as it changed.
Two pistols fell into his hands, it mimicked his rifle's color of white and blue. They fit perfectly in hands, almost naturally.
He lifted his new weapon up, and opened fire at the remaining soldiers, quickly dropping them. These bullets seemed a bit more powerful than his rifle or maybe he was able to hit them in quick succession. Whatever the reason, the hallway was silent, a faint smell of copper and smoke filling his lungs.
He walked over to the door they were guarding, stepping over dead bodies as he moved.
He pushed the door open, revealing the bridge of the ship. Sendek stared at him, a small smile on his face. There were a couple more soldiers on the bridge and behind him was who Lance was looking for.
He was bound to a chair, his face dripping blood slightly from an injury Lance couldn't see. He looked pale and his breathing was labored. Lance couldn't tell if he was conscious.
“Bravo Blue Paladin, I would have never expected you to go that far to get your friend back.” 
“You underestimated me.” Lance stared at Coran, watching his chest move up and down; shallow. He could tell he was in pain, he didn’t want to know the internal damages he was facing. 
“Well, as much as it was fun watching you tear my soldiers down, your trip does stop here.” With that, the soldiers lunged at Lance. 
Lance stepped back some, lifting up his pistols. He aimed, dropping the Galran quickly. 
Sendek snarled, activating his own arm as he took another step toward Lance. 
Lance tightened his hold around the grip of his guns. Sendek lurched at him, using his arm to try and swipe him off his feet. Lance jumped up, letting himself roll to the side to buffer his fall. 
He propped himself up on one knee, opening fire at Sendek who stumbled back some. He took the moment to look at Coran, his head still slumped. He needed to get him out of here. 
Sendek moved to slam his arm down on top of him and Lance roll out of his way again. Sendek anticipated this move and managed to grab his leg with his other arm. He pulled him back, tossing him into a control panel a couple of feet away. 
Lance’s vision swam and he tried to stand up as fast as he could. He blinked away the dizziness, preparing himself for Sendek's next move; but it never came. 
He stood where Coran was, holding the older man up by the back of his shirt. “I could just kill him.” 
“PUT HIM DOWN!” Lance lifted his weapons. 
Sendek laughed, lifting Coran up some, “you humans get too attached to others.” 
Lance forced himself to stand, ignoring the ache in his head. Save Coran, save Coran, save Coran. The words repeated themselves like a mantra, the only coherent thoughts in his head. 
He knew he couldn’t take Sendek down, maybe if the rest of the team was here he could but he was at a disadvantage. He looked around the bridge, trying to find something that could guarantee Coran’s safety. 
Sendek said something that fell on deaf ears, his heart was beating too loud for him to concentrate. He needed to get Coran away from him. If he could manage that they could get to Blue and leave. 
Sendek lifted Coran higher, Lance wasn’t sure what his next move was so he tried to prepare himself for anything. Lance began to shoot at Sendek, trying to hit him low when he saw his first opening. There was a pipe above Sendek. 
Lance wasn’t sure if whatever was moving through it was flammable but he was about to find out. He aimed his left hand at the pipe and fired. White smoke came rushing out of the pipe and Lance rushed at Sendek; slamming into him with his body. Sendek screamed as he stumbled back, Coran falling with him. 
Lance held his breath as he moved, and reached for the older man through the smoke. He yanked him up, letting him fall behind him some; he would apologize for the roughness later. 
His bayard switched back to his rifle and he held it with one hand; taking a few more shots at Sendek. Who was still trying to stand up. 
Lance grabbed Coran’s arm, and pulled him close to him, wrapping his free arm around his waist. 
He did his best to run out of the room, trying to ignore the groan of pain Coran released at the movements. 
“It’ll be okay soon, I got you.” 
He switched his coms back on, “I have Coran.” 
His team immediately started shouting at him, asking him where he was, and what happened, telling him to not run off again. Lance focused on getting back to Blue. He could hear her moving through the ship; she was trying to get closer to her paladin. 
They made it back to his lion with minimal issues; only a couple of sentries firing at them. Lance quickly took them down. 
He placed Coran down on the bench in the back of his lion and slid into the cockpit. They made it back to the castle quickly; Allura met them in the hangar to help him move Coran to a pod. 
“He’ll be okay Lance,” Shiro placed his hand on Lance’s shoulder. 
Lance didn’t look at him, his eyes staring at his friend in the pod. Someone that was his family now. “Sorry for leaving everyone I just...I needed to save him.” 
Shiro nodded, “I understand. We can discuss it later. Go clean up.” 
Lance nodded but remained in the same spot; watching Coran. 
Hehehe don’t touch Coran 
I hope I did this idea justice 
Thank you for reading <33333
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deconstructing-klance · 3 months
Unhinged Klance Shenanigans #1
While working on my posts, I do a lot of research. My schooling involved research to support my ideas. I like to find anything that can back up what I say or confirm any Klance news. I like to be accurate, transparent, and thorough. If any official VLD news comes out that Klances does happen post show and confirms all of the supposed "Klance coded" moments, then I'll admit I was wrong.
But I still won't ship them because, in my opinion, they're not good for each other and would not last long in a relationship for various reasons. That's a blog post for another day.
I came across this while researching ... and I was just floored.
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"As human beings, we deserve the right to have Klance be canon."
Much entitlement. Such audacity.
Let's take a look at the language here. (This is my speciality.)
Deserve is a verb. It stems from an Old French word, deservir - deserve, be worthy of, earn, merit.
Interestingly, deservir comes from the Latin deservire - serve well, serve zealously.
Breaking deservir down: the suffix de = completely, and servire = to serve.
And, according to Etymonline (my favorite website ever WHICH NOW HAS A MOBILE APP), the Latin sense of the world evolved from "to completely serve/serve completely" to "be entitled to because of good service," and then to the French "be worthy of."
This is a LOT to unpack.
Firstly, let's take a look at the original meaning of the Latin deservire: serve well, serve zealously.
I think it's pretty known that Klancers serve their ship pretty zealously. Almost to the point where it's a little scary. Maybe even a little cultish.
As much as I love VLD, making my own head canons, and acknowledging how much it means to me as a person, I do know that it is fiction. Just because something is fiction doesn't make it less valid or important. Saying "It's just a show" severely invalidates how deeply it has impacted people. But, at the end of the day, Voltron is a beautiful piece of fiction that has been shared with the world.
A fictional ship that has such a chokehold on you that you make a petition to get it canonized ... that's overkill.
And it can't be said that the majority of Klancers serve their ship well. Because raise your hand if you've seen Klancers bully people for not shipping Klance, or you have been personally bullied by a Klancer.
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That brings about my second point concerning the modern day meaning of deserve: to be worthy of."
Frankly, because of the bad Klancer attitudes, they don't deserve to have Klance canonized. They're not worthy enough to have that ship canonized because their vitriol kinda dragged down the fandom.
This is what I mean about being tired of Klance shipper attitudes. Being a human being does not entitle you to have your preferred ship be canon.
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As a human being, you deserve health, prosperity, love, and kindness.
DreamWorks would never take this seriously and I'm glad this petition didn't go anywhere.
Suggestion for the future: if you want to start a peition, your name really should be on it, because that's one way to show you genuinely stand behind what you're petitioning for. Notgivingmynameforprivacyreasons, I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
Also, I don't see any credit given to Ikimaru for the Klance art that was used. I may not be a Klance shipper, but I think her art is beautiful. (See? Even as a non-Klance shipper I can validate her art and see the beauty in it.) I even considered commissioning her for a time, before I realized she doesn't do commissions anymore (at least, last I checked), and after thinking it over figured Ikimaru probably wouldn't accept a non-Klance VLD commission. And that's completely okay.
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Voltron in "The Little Mermaid" part one!
Hello all! A little late but heres a short part of a short piece For Julance and Lances Birthday (cause I take forever to do anything and it wasnt ready in May :/). I really loved the Live action, by far the best out of them all, so heavy inspiration pulled from that one- as well as some spoilers with song references and scenes ect so warned- but I also pulled from the cartoon and musical a bit and just mashed a lot of randomness together!
Now I'd like to thank @paracosm299 for reading this and helping out in the brainstorming process! They were a huge help, and as always a humungus support! Love you!
I'd also like to thank @autisticlancemcclain @awhoreintheory and @mothmanavenue ! The first two for answering my asks and moth for beautiful art making me fall in love with a ship used in this fic. And for just being overall amazing, keeping my love for Voltron alive and giving so many people reasons to smile!
Anyway, enjoy part one of this little fic! I will try to get the other parts out soon (im planning for 3 to give me easy goals 🤞).
The ocean was abuzz with commotion and far too many visitors, all oozing with the need to please the Emperor. Lance had far better things to be doing, though his father would attest, and he found himself swimming farther and farther from the noise. Which wasnt odd of course, Lance could be found on the outskirts of Alteaica more often than not.
"I could've sworn it was around here somewhere..." Coran, an older creature and Lances Best friend, indulged Lances curiosity the most.
He didnt know much of the man, despite how often his rambles and odds and ends left Lances head spinning, but the mystery of him intrigued the merman. He was a bit of an outcast, kept out of the public eye as much as possible like he knew something Lance didnt. And he did, know a lot that is, places and history and things from a time before Lance came to be and further. Allura chided Coran for being a bad influence, but her heart never seemed in it, Lance had seen her far off stare as she listened to a ramble far too much to believe she didnt too know more than she said.
"Oh!" They pass farther than typically allowed, and Lance sees the reason why.
Below lays a wrecked ship, one Lance has yet to explore.
"Come on Coran!"
"You know this reminds me of..."
Lance listens idly to Corans tale, scanning the area carefully as they decend to where the boat rests on the sea floor. He thinks of the storm that would have caused this, thinks of the lives of the humans on board, wonders how many of them made it home. The Emperor would scoff at him, berate him for sharing a caring thought towards the very beings were endanger their waters. But as they drift into the wreck, and his eyes catch on every little detail, he cant help but think they are so much more.
"...And then Alfor sneezes and the whole colony popped, completely vanished, I still wonder what happened to those little quiznakers, they stole my snacks..." For an Octopus, Lance can help but think his face shows perfect contempt for whatever those creatures were.
Its not the first time Coran has spoken of this Alfor, nor of creatures Lance has never heard of, using words he long since has grown accustomed to figure out with the context given. He hears every story, and watches the expressions his friends take, and hurts to know that they too hold pain in their hearts, for something Lance is not allowed to grasp for whatever reason. So instead he distracts, with human curiousities and questions and weaved tales of his own. Coran loves his inquisitive nature, Romelle finds humor where she can and has something that shines in her eyes when he puts something together- he'd put anything together, fix anything, if only to see them all happy- and Allura acts aloof at times, but she loves learning and new things and arguing with Romelle until they both laugh so hard it hurts.
So even for a moment, these human things, bring them together. Things that may or may not be true, that raise so many questions that he hopes and prays to one day find the answers to. He'll collect it all, in the hopes of a future where he can be free to do something with the whirlpool of thoughts inside him. To go, to learn, to enjoy, to explore, to know.
He sticks another object in his bag, Coran dangling from it with one arm as most of the others search the floor,
"I do wonder why the sharks like these ships, never had a clear conversation with one you see, even the evolved ones, their heads seem to be in the foam sometimes, never know what theyre thinking." Coran picks up a piece of ship, examines it, then throws it already looking for something new, his query seemingly random but somehow something Lance too wondered about.
"Well, if I was like my father, I'd say they're trying to figure out how these ships work so they can better take them down." Lance rolls his eyes at this, fingers skimming over a depiction of a human. "But maybe they just like how it looks, its pretty interesting after all."
Lance had met a couple sharks in his day, he found them pretty interesting actually, but he understood how hard it was for them to find food now-a-days. And when youre always moving, they must be starving, so he respected them, gave them a good distance.
Much like with his interest in humans, Lance understood that he couldnt interact with them. For all Sendaks hate, Lance was not stupid enough to believe that he wouldnt be attacked if he did something wrong. With sharks, you could find a few that didnt want to kill you. Humans too, Lance was almost positive there had to be some that wouldn't find him a monster... there had to be.
He startles when he catches movement out of his peripheral, turning to find a large mirror. His expression is tight, and he's quick to smooth it out, he needed to be more careful with what he let his face show.
"Oh, and whats that?" He follows Corans gaze to see, what looked to Lance, a mini trident.
He uses a delicate hand to pick up the object, inspecting it with wide eyes,
"I dont know, but its wonderful. I bet Romelle has an idea." Lance smiles at Coran, glancing around once more for a last sweep, when the mirror catches his attention once again.
This time however, it is not his own reflection he sees.
Rows of teeth, pale skin, and small but focused eyes. The shark is through the side of the boat before Lance can get out any sound of warning. Hes pulling Coran out of the way, the shark dead set on them, destroying the things in its way to try and keep up.
Lance should have knows this wreck would be called for. Should have searched better, before entering what could be- and obviously was- the territory of a predator.
Every turn they take, every time Lance is sure they've lost him, sharp teeth and splintered ship come from behind or the side or in front and they have to make another hard turn, and he trying to hold on to his bag- where Coran has secured himself tightly so as not to effect Lances mobility- but as they finally exit the interior of the wreck, the shark is bursting out behind them and Lance swears he has a grip but then its gone.
He swims backwards, eyes frantically scanning to locate the Octopus, but the Shark has found him first, heading towards the sea floor. Hes comoflauged against the bag, but a trail of blood follows it, giving away his position.
"Coran!" A quick decision, a half formed plan, has him shoving a container of some sort, watching it hit the Shark who thankfully turns his attention to the larger prey. Lance darts into the ship once more, watching the shark come for him, jaw opened wide, closer..
The mirror shatters, and the shark becomes stuck in the outer frame.
Heart in his throat from where hes pressed against the inner walls across from said mirror, Lance waits only a moment to ensure hes stuck before darting towards the sea floor. The trail of blood has dispersed- and gods Lance hoped it wasnt serious- but his bag has an extra divet in the sand beside it.
"Coran! Are you alright?"
The orange and blues of his friend slowly return, one arm crossed over his body below his eyes as usual, and his seven others still intact. A small scratch on his head has already stopped bleeding, and Lance breathes a sigh of relief, quickly scooping up his friend, absently grabbing his bag, and swimming away from the wreck. It'd be best to be gone before the Shark made his way free.
Sendak casts a steady look around the crowded room, today's meeting was an important one, gathering the leaders of the seven seas to discuss important matters once a year. That brat should be here, this was one of their most important times, he should be drifting about the room like a ditz and gathering info for him. One job and the useless boy couldnt even do that. He taps his trident once and waits, eye never stopping its steady search.
"You summoned, your Majesty?" Her voice comes from above, the ghost crab gliding down to land on the rock of his throne.
"Where," he pauses to level her with the full strength of his glare, "is the boy?"
To her credit, she appears unfazed by his glare,
"I reminded him of the meeting this morning-"
"I did not ask of this morning." Sendak cuts in, voice low as he once again eyes the room, "find him."
Shes quiet for a moment, "yes, your majesty."
It wasnt hard to find Lance really, Allura practically had a sixth sense for it. Though all she really had to do was go where you werent supposed to, and you'd happen upon the boy. So of course she finds him talking with Romelle, past the territories border, and far closer to the surface than allowed. Still, with Coran's many tentacles latched around Lances arm and Romelle chattering away about whatever it is shes holding, Alluras heart swells with a fondness she cant- or rather doesnt want to- fight.
"Lonce!" She makes her way up to the rock Romelle stands on, eying the human curiousities for only a moment- things change up there so quickly- before leveling the three with a look. "Do you recall what day it is? That thing I told you this morning?"
The way Lances eyes widen- with fear, so much, too much- has her heart hurting.
"The night of the coral moon! Oh gods! Im late! Sorry Romelle! I gotta go!"
Coran has Lances bag and a grip on the rock in the next moment, just in time to brace for Lance's departure. The three watch him go, faces as glum as their animal selfs can accomplish.
"Hows the plan coming?" Allura asks after the (waves by his departure currents what are they called?) calm.
"They are simply waiting for the right moment, and for Haggar to make her move." Coran responds, one of his many arms laying across his face so another can stroke it awkwardly.
"Lets hope we dont have to wait long." Alluras tone is grave, eyes trained on the trail of a young merman, who has no idea what path was laid before him.
Lance was screwed this time for sure.
The Coral Moon gathering was one of the most important tasks Lance had. With so many mers in one place, it was his job to gather any and every bit of information he could, anything that may get his father ahead. It had been the only thing talked about over the past few movements, and the main reason Lance had decided to take a break this morning before the big event... until he lost track of time.
He had succesfully snuck into his room to drape himself in fancy shiny- unnecassary and gaudy, not even tasteful- decorations and such. Anything to make him look like a dumb accessory to the Emporer and be underestimated- though Lance was underestimated even by the man who knew he was more than decor. Sneaking into the event would be a problem though, Lance figured it'd be better to simply act as if he arrived late on purpose, to swim in like a ditz and lazily make his way about the room- anything to delay addressing his Father- and hopefully hear something worth while along the way.
Though worthwhile was relative, and Lance was less of a snitch than his Father trained him to be, but also very good at pretending to be one. The Emperor claimed to see through Lance, and for some things he could- though Lance thinks he simply assumes and who is he to deny the accusations really? But for things like this, Lance had been told by a few that he was an excellent story weaver, and really, thats all gossip was anyway. So long as it pleased Sendak- father, Emperor- it didn't matter.
So long as he could save the lives of a few at the expense of his own safety, it was worth it.
His entrance is met with varying emotions.
By those who follow the Emperor and hang on to his every word, he is greeted with sneers at best, and lascivious leers at worst.
By those who fear him or are simply biding their time, looks of pity or spite. Lance expertly appears non-chalant, like his head is in the sand rather than processing everything fast enough to make his head ache. Most of it was minor gossip, a few idle threats, comments on the food, current events and the likes, but Lance could make that all work.
As he glides closer to the end of the gathering space, he feels a hard stare that he had to stop himself from tensing at. He cant help but drift slower, to delay the inevitable, but he can only stall for so long. He bows to his father and takes his place beside him, swallowing thickly he waits with baited breath.
"Why are you late." The question is barely that, with how much force he puts into the quiet utterance.
"Shipwrecks are off limits for a reason."
Lance doesnt know HOW he knows, if it was a guess or if he had more spies than Lance originally thought. For all Lance knew, the shark from this morning could have been in on it. Given, then he'd also know about Coran, and since he never mentions the man, Lance figures its probably a guess. According to Allura, hes pretty predictable like that.
"I was just scouting it out, trying to learn something." Half truths.
"On the most important day of the year, you decide to indulge your human obsession? Are you trying to make me angry?" Lance could tell the crowded room wouldnt keep his father from yelling if they kept this up.
"No Father, I was only-"
"We will talk about this later."
Lance is dismissed as quick as he was addressed to begin with, and the minute the Emperors back is turned to meet with the 'generals' of the other seas, Lance is swimming for his grotto as quick as his tail will take him. If hes in for a punishment anyway, he may as well enjoy his freedom for even a moment.
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Ghost Whisperer Voltron AU - Part 4
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Allura didn't get a lot of sleep that night, or the ones that followed. The little boy had paid her two more visits, always around dusk. What caught her attention was the always reacted as if she was a stranger, because it was unusual. Usually the ghosts began to recognize her, which made the process of moving on easier for all parties, but this little boy seemed to forget.
In her research, she discovered a few important things. City records showed that the previous owners of the house were the McClains, who moved six years before and had trouble selling it. The house remained vacant until she bought it, for at least half the price it should have sold for.
She also found out that around that time there was a fire in the school and there two casualties: a firefighter and his son. Allura knew the son was the little boy who kept visiting, but his name was redacted from the papers for some reason. So, she paid a visit to the local firemen station.
It was a Tuesday morning and it seemed to be a slow day for the town. Kids were at school, people were at work, and barring an emergency, the sirens were quiet. She walked in through the garage, and immediately noticed there was a wall covered in pictures. She began to approach when one of the firefighters noticed her.
"Hello, can I help you?" He asked. He was tall, broad shouldered and was missing an arm. He also had a large scar accross his nose.
"Oh, hi! I'm new in town, so I was just walking around and getting to know the place," she said, feeling a bit awkward.
"Well, it's nice to meet you! Hope you're liking it so far," he replied and extended his hand, "name's Takashi Shirogane, but most people call me Shiro."
"Allura Altean," she shook his hand.
"So, where did you move to? I haven't heard of anyone moving away," he continued.
"Oh, it's a house that was vacant for years near the edge of town. It's a bit of a fixer upper, but I'm into DIY and such," she answered. Shiro's face made a funny expression, and it made her curious, "is something the matter?"
"Huh? No, not at all... it's just... well, some people say those houses are haunted. You are brave for buying the property."
If only he knew, Allura thought, but replied, "Oh, really? I had no idea."
"For real? They didn't tell you when you got it?" Allura made her eyes look wide and she shook her head. Shiro continued, "well, local legend says that after a fire in the school a few years ago, weird things began to happen in the area. So much so, that the school relocated to a different building."
"Oh? What kind of weird things?" She asked, genuinely intrigued even if she was playing up the tourist act.
"Shadows in the windows, things that moved on its own, flickering lights... that sort of thing. One story says that one say a desk broke as if someone had jumped on it. Another says that if you pass by the abandoned school building around ten in the morning, when they used to have recess, something will throw rocks at you. Oh, and my favorite: some people claim that the demons haunting the place started the fire in the first place."
"Takashi, what are you doing?" Someone asked behind her and Allura did not startle. She didn't. Shiro laughed and she glared at him.
"Just telling our new resident about the history of our town," Shiro replied to the man who was approaching them. He was tall, although a bit shorter than Shiro, and leaner, with a critical gaze and square glasses. He slapped Shiro's arm.
"More like telling ghost stories, aren't you?" The man retorted.
"Hey, they're entretaining!"
"No, they are disrespectful!"
Shiro rolled his eyes in what seemed to be a regular argument for these two. Allura felt confused.
"I'm sorry, but what's disrespectful?"
The second man turned to her, now. She felt the need to fix her hair and made sure she was presentable, for some reason.
"I assume you're the new resident who moved into the old McClain house?" He asked and she nodded, "well, miss..."
"Miss Allura, the truth is that we lost one of our own in that fire six years ago, and while it was tragic, the causes were found to be completely mundane and accidental. I find it disrespectful to take a tragedy such as this and make up ghost stories out of it."
"Oh," Allura said, taken aback, "do you know why the McClains moved, then? I'm just surprised how the house came to be so... affordable."
Adam sighed, "I don't really know. Takashi and I transferred to this station about two years after the fire and they were already gone. From what I understand, however, they were pretty close with Sargeant Kogane."
"Is he the firefighter who died in the fire?"
"Indeed," he said and led her to the wall of pictures. There, he pointed to a tall man with an easygoing smile who had his arm around a small boy that she recognized.
"Who is he?" Allura asked and pointed at the boy.
This time the man's sigh was deeply sad, and it was Shiro who answered her question. His smile was gone and she wouldn't have guessed this man had been laughingly telling her ghost stories just a few minutes ago.
"That's his son. Keith. He also died in the fire."
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