#also really glad i finally put their debut together instead of letting it sit in my photos app or my brain
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saturngalore · 7 months ago
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tommysparker · 4 years ago
Never Forget You [Chapter 3]
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!Reader
A/N: hey y’all! thank you for your patience with this chapter. enjoy!! :) [also totally didn’t have this in my drafts then forget to post earlier pfftttt whaaaatt?]
Warnings: angst with a tiny amount of fluff. anakin finally makes his debut in this series. it gets better just stay with me. long italic paragraphs = flashbacks
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Anakin Skywalker had witnessed many things over the years. 
Giant beasts? At least once a week. Sith Lords? Becoming too common. Droid armies? All year long. Looking death in the eye? Simply another day in the life of a Jedi. 
Nothing could ever have prepared him for the sight he was currently witnessing. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Master, The Negotiator, the Jedi Council’s most prized Jedi
It has been a full week since You returned to the Jedi Temple and Anakin couldn’t help to think his former Master’s mood and your arrival were connected. He was vaguely aware of your past friendship, only hearing bits and pieces of the adventures you had together as Padawans. 
During his days under Obi-Wan’s apprenticeship he would often hear about how “a wise Jedi I once knew” would do certain things. He wanted to know more about this oh-so-great Jedi, however, any time the young boy asked his Master would always brush him off with a mournful look in his eyes.  
He didn’t understand at the time but now he’s beginning to piece together that perhaps there was something more between the two of you. 
“You think Master Y/l/n and Master Kenobi were courting?” 
“Keep your voice down, Snips,” Anakin hushed.
“Sorry, sorry. But Master,” Ahsoka lowers her voice, “what led you to that conclusion? I’ve hardly seen them together since Master Y/l/n came back. What makes you think they could be lovers?” 
“That’s just it, Ahoska. They’ve been avoiding each other like the Rakghoul plague. Obi-Wan told me they were such good friends, and now that they’re back they can’t stand to be in the same room as each other? I don’t buy it.” Anakin looked back to where Obi-Wan sat with Commander Cody, no doubt brainstorming new battle tactics and liberation plans. 
“So what do you suppose we do? Set them up or something?” The look her Master gave her made her regret her words the moment they left her mouth. 
“Come on, Snips. It’s a good idea. We get them to stay in the same room so they have no choice but to confront each other and talk things out! It’s genius.” Anakin smiled, his eyes still on his former Master. He had a feeling if Obi-Wan were to find out about this plan he would be in for a major lecture but he couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. He couldn’t stand to see the old man look so miserable, not if he can do anything about it. 
Ahsoka crossed her arms and followed her Master’s gaze. Something was clearly different about her Grand-Master. He had put his full attention into ending the war, which wasn’t new. However, she could tell something was off. He no longer came out to the landing zone to greet returning fighters, stayed away from the meditation and training centers as well as the Jedi Archives which was the most off-putting observation considering that was where he spent most of his time.
Anytime someone needed to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, the first place they would check was the ancient history section of the Jedi Archives. 
“I don’t know why you find so much interest in these old books Y/n/n,” Obi-Wan complained from across the table. “Can’t we go practice our lightsaber skills instead?” 
You smiled. “Nuh uh, mister. If I won the wager you promised to sit with me during my reading time. Now shush, and read.” You pushed the unopened textbook toward the pouting Padawan. “Maybe you’ll actually learn something.” 
Obi-Wan stuck his tongue out in a childish manner, sighing dramatically when you gave him a certain look and reluctantly opened the cover and began to read Tales of The Old Republic. 
Safe to say from that point onward, Obi-Wan would join your daily Archive visits with zero complaints. 
You close the book, careful to make sure no pages fell out and gently push it back into its place on the shelf. Using the force, you carefully push the ladder you were currently standing on over to the next column and begin nitpicking through the array of old texts. 
It took a few days for you to settle in and readjust to the Jedi Temple life. Once you had, however, things quickly took a turn. 
Master Yoda requested that you help train some of the younglings who were having trouble advancing into the next stages of becoming a Jedi. In all honesty, you much rather have had the freedom to roam for at least one more week, but the new role presented an excuse to not be around a certain blue-eyed Jedi. 
“Looking for something?” 
The voice startled you, causing you to jump and lose your balance on the ladder. You yelp as you begin to fall towards the ground, bracing yourself for the hash impact and the bruises that would add to the collection on your side still currently healing.  
Instead, you feel a pair of arms catch you, one under your back and the other behind your knees in a classic bridal style. The hold felt secure instantly, and you instinctively clung to the tunic of your savior. You look up to thank the person for preventing any injuries, but the blue eyes staring back at you made your mind go blank. 
Obi-Wan stared back, unsure of what to say. This was the closest he has been to you since you left a decade ago. He longed to have you in his arms, to hug you, to regain that safety net you provided he knew he could always fall back on.
“Um...thank you, General.” It came out as more of a question, your mind still reeling from almost falling and also the fact that the man who you had been actively avoiding just happened to be in the same place you spent hours of your youth together. 
“Obi-Wan, please. No need for formalities, darling.” The old nickname slipped out, and he was about to apologize when he noticed the light blush that spread across your face. Perhaps not everything about you has changed. 
“Right...Obi-Wan. Well, I’ll be on my way then,” You rushed, trying to pass by him but he stopped you once again by the call of your name. 
“Y/n/n’s wait. Whatever game you’re playing, frankly I am not a fan of it.” Obi-Wan crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“What are you talking about?” You turned around and looked at him confused. 
“You were the one who summoned me here,” he stretched his arms out, “here I am and now you’re trying to run away again. I hardly think that’s fair.” He was beginning to get frustrated. He came in with his heart on his sleeve, ready to finally talk to you after so long and find out why you’ve been keeping your distance. Now, all he felt was betrayal and irritation at the ongoing dance you insist on doing around each other. 
He preferred to dance like you did in your youth, but alas this was nothing but another sign he needs to get mind out of the past.  
You scoffed lightly. “Again? What is that supposed to mean exactly?” You knew exactly what he meant, but you didn’t want to admit it. You’ve been denying it for ten years and Force be damned if you’d admit it now. 
“You’ve been avoiding me since your return--” You open your mouth to protest but he ignores you and continues “--and then you send the youngling to bring me here, only to try to flee upon my arrival,” He frowns, lifting his elbow and resting it on his remaining crossed arm. “I know our history can make things...difficult in the present time,” He glanced around cautiously as he spoke,”but I would appreciate it if we make an agreement simply to not speak from now on. No more games.” 
You blinked, head tilting slightly as you waited for him to finish. “Obi-Wan, I didn’t ask for you to come here. Nor would I ever involve younglings in personal matters.” He should know that, you thought. But should he really? 
His face fell from annoyance to embarrassment, his arms falling to his sides. “Oh.” He wasn’t sure what to do now. It was his own fault for getting his hopes up. I should have known better. 
You purse your lips and nodded slowly. “Well, I’m glad we at least came to an agreement. Goodbye, General Kenobi.” You took your leave, forcing yourself not to look back as you felt his eyes watching your figure. 
Obi-Wan let out a frustrated sigh, knowing he just ruined any and all changes of reconnecting with you. In his defense, however, you were the one avoiding his attempts at friendly conversation and refusing to meet and make up for lost time.  
Still, something didn’t feel right about this. 
“What the kriff was that?” 
Ah, there’s that something. “Anakin, please tell me this was not your doing.” 
Anakin smiled guilty, Ahsoka coming out from behind the bookshelf to stand next to her Master. 
“It was Snips' idea.” Anakin shrugged, flinching when he felt her punch his arm. “Ow!”
“You were the one who came up with the plan, and now look! Master Y/l/n and Master Kenobi will never get together--” Ahoska stops herself, realizing she said too much. “Oh no.” 
“I beg your pardon?” Obi-Wan looks at them both incredulously. “First of all, Master Y/l/n and I are simply
” he wanted to say friends, but even that was a reach at this point, “acquaintances. We knew each other in the past, and in the past our friendship shall stay. As for ‘getting together’, you both know very well any implication of that goes directly against the Jedi Code.” He crossed his arms tightly as he scolded. 
“I can tell you harbour feelings for them, Obi-Wan. You don’t need to lie to us.” 
“Whatever feelings I may or may not have for Y/n are unrelated. You must understand your responsibilities as a Jedi. No matter what emotional sacrifice we must make.” He made a point to look at Anakin at the end, knowing he won’t follow the implication but at least hoping he’ll get the message.     
“We’re sorry, Master.” Ahsoka looked down in shame not at what they had tried to achieve, but at the cost and clear damage they caused. 
Obi-Wan sighed, running a hand over his beard before resting it on her shoulder. “It’s alright young one. You meant no harm. Perhaps some things are better left forgotten.” 
Oh, if only it were that simple. 
A Padawan approached the three of them quickly. “Excuse me, Master Yoda sent me to tell you he and Master Y/l/n are waiting for you all in the council room.” 
Of course, these things never are. 
heres a box to put your heart pieces in  -> []  :) 
Taglist: @queenariesofnarnia @dwarfplanet69 @katsukink @blondekel77 @generousrunawaydonut @fandomtrashwhore @fortheloveofaqueenfan @mrskenobi19 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @hotleaf-juice @emiijemii @neji85 @doctor-warthrop @ayamenimthiriel @lizzy-95 @lovelylostminds 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years ago
Jealous!taemin fluff request for reader being a '97 liner and ten teaching them some moves while superm takes a break or something and taemin gets a bit jelly becuase ten is getting close and is also much closer in age even though you've been kinda jealous of krystal or naeun (before) because they're only a year apart from taemin.
Here you go! I hope this is what you hope for, or else just tell me :)
Jealous! Taemin x reader + Ten! 
Warning : none :)
The lights in the practice room are still bright despite working hard since the morning. It's a prison room filled with mirrors and no walls, where the idols practice from morning to morning and they barely know what time is it because there's no clock in the room. The dark night sky doesn't greet the boys to tell them it's time for rest, instead it's your pressence with dinner that makes them scream in delight.
"Woah (y/n) is here! Must be six or seven already," Baekhyun walks to reach his phone and notices the time.
"We're too focused on mastering the new choreo," Kai gulps down a bottle of water.
You walk to the sofa and place your belongings. Carefully you hand Mark the dinner and he's more than happy to call his brothers for a dinner break.
"Sorry I could only buy that tonight, the rain is heavy and the only restaurant open on my way is this kimbab and buddae jiggae restaurant." You explain as you take off your jacket and handing them to Taemin, your boyfriend, who's here to greet you properly.
"No problem, thank you for dropping by... we haven't eaten dinner." Taem hugs you and plants a quick kiss on your cheek.
"Well then, enjoy your dinner then. It's still warm." You bow a bit to the boys and they're taking the seat on the floor one by one.
"Thank you for the food," they chime in as they unwrap the plastic bags and take out the packed meal.
"Join us, you haven't eaten too right, there's no teacher tonight. We're practicing by ourselves." Ten, one of the closest member to you, taps the empty spot next to him.
You untie yourself from Taemin's wrap and gladly accept his invitation.
Taemin shrugs his shoulder and also sits beside Kai. The eight of you share the warmth of dinner on the polished wood floor of the practice room. It's nothing new for you, you've been there since Taemin's early debut and after being friends for 7 years he finally asked you out and you're already dating him for the last three years. He's your best friend in middle school, you helped him with his studies because he had to train back then, but you're glad he made it this far.
The dinner ends quickly and the boys decided to take some break. You walk to the center of the room and quietly do a marking on a dance you're working lately.
Yes you're also a dancer, you teach young teenagers contemporary dance in a wellknown dance club. Today you're working on a duet you have to teach this week, well with your daily office work you only have time to think of the choreo at night and teach on weekends.
Ten secretly puts his attention to you, he's the first one to catch you dancing and thinking of some movements.
Taemin is sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his phone and quiet presumably chatting with his Shinee brothers.
"Oh what are you doing?" Ten appears on your side, you can see him through the mirror.
"Just finalizing a choreo I need to introduce to my students this Friday." You pout.
Ten smacks his lips, "Cool, Mind if I see it?"
You nod your head and offer him one of your airpods. Ten grins "woah now this is something we do not have back in the days." He remembers you also used to come and supervise rookies in their training days and you've known Ten since he's young. You're only a year older than Ten and he's always a fun partner to dance along with. Back then you need to blast your phone to maximum voice and share the loud room with other guys, but now technology is a life safer.
Your song for the contemporary dance this week is Say Something.
You begin to show Ten the solo part of the female dance and Ten's gaze never leave your body as you convey each and every beat and emotions into movement, you pause when you reach the part you're struggling "And up to there, I need a duet and my partner is away for this month."
Ten stands beside you and plays the song, he takes a while to feel the next vibes and snaps his finger.
"Let's try this," he shows you the routine he has in his head and you being a great dancer yourself can trigger your other ideas too.
"Ah yeah that is nice," you stand in front of Ten both of you facing the mirror  his body close to yours.
And I am feeling so small
He scrunches his body over you and you also curl yourself into a small ball.
It was over my head
The dramatic push back and head spin continued with a spin to separate sides
I know nothing at all
You take light steps to Ten and he nods
With one swift pull he has you on his arms and make one spin.
The song continues and Both you and Ten are now improvisising by yourselves to the lyrics and your smile can't leave your face when you and Ten both still remember the lyrical couple dance routine you used to do.
"Ah that is nice, but maybe try this," Ten pauses to breathe and then walks to fix your posture. You laugh "I am the teacher here yet I got my posture fixed."
He giggles "Sorry I can't stand seeing your back hunched."
You pout "I know I was thinking of the next step and did not mind my back bruh."
The song comes to an end and suddenly claps can be heard. You shoot your head to the side and see Taeyong and Kai already clapping their hands and Mark gasping for air as he said "Woah jinjja so cool both of you."
You laugh and Ten sort of blush, he did not remember Taemin is there and might be seeing everything.
"Both of you really dance well together!" Lucas brings two of his thumbs up.
You shyly thank them "Well we did that too back in the days and earlier Ten wanted to help me for my class this week."
"Shall we return practicing?" Taemin suddenly appears and you lock eyes with him. He avoids your gaze and you know this won't be a calm night.
"I guess we've practiced enough today. I say we go home and rest, tomorrow is another long day." Kai and Baekhyun suggest.
The younger brothers all try their best to hide their cheer yes they want to sleep already.
"Besides it's been 14 hours since we're here." Baekhyun's working alarm starts to work in his body "I cannot stay in this room for another hour."
"Okay then. See you all tomorrow." Mark and Taeyong are the first to pack up and wave their hands goodbye.
You still stick around to Ten and discuss a bit about the choreo, Taemin just looks at the two of you from the corner. His best friend Kai sees this and understands what's happening.
"Jealous eh?" He nudges Taemin's shoulder.
Baffled, Taemin just shakes his head "Ani I'm only thinking of our dance earlier."
Kai giggles "Yeah yeah whatever, I'll get going then bye!"
Baekhyun also says goodbye.
"Okay then thanks Ten, send me the file later okay?" You hug him when he said he actually recorded you two earlier so you're glad you can rewatch it and look for aspiration.
Ten then bids you and Taemin goodbye. Along with Lucas he left.
"So Taemin! We're going home!" You cheerfully pack your phone and airpods.
Taemin busies himself with his scattered belongings "You look happy with Ten, dancing together and oh being so close."
His tone sounds somewhat fishy and you sigh when you connect the dots.
"Aigo Taem, seriously? It's just a dance."
"A dance? He looks at you like this is something more than a dance." Taemin throws his bottle into the bag.
Your eyebrows raise when you feel assured your boyfriend is jealous.
"You're jealous right?" You tease him.
He rolls his eyes "No."
"Yes you are! Look it is just a dance. He didn't even touch me."
Taemin's eyes are about to pop "He did. He did i saw it! You didn't realize?!"
You want to laugh, well you're focused on the dance and didn't remember the details.
"Oh sorry then, it's just a dance. He was helping me... you know he used to dance contemporary and lyrical with me right." You play with the sling of your bag.
Taemin inhales a deep breathe "It's a dance yes I know. You used to do that yes I know, but back then both of you are young!"
You shoot him a questioning look, what is his point?
"You're young okay innocent. But now.. you're all mature already."
You nod your head "and what you're saying right now is so immature."
Taemin wants to open his mouth but he can't instead he just opens and closes his mouth like a fish on the air.
"Alright fine. I am jealous because you two looks so into it and intimate and I don't like it because you're almost the same age as him."
You walk closer and rub a soothing hand on his shoulder, your gaze soften is he insecure because he's afraid you'll fall for Ten?
"Taem, look all this time you're dancing with Krystal... I'm never jealous or afraid I'll lose you."
He keeps his mouth shut and listens to you, something you really like from Taemin is that he always listens first.
You continue, "I was not jealous too when I saw you in that marriage show with NaEun, yeah we weren't a couple before but I've liked you since then... and even when you dance again with them I was never afraid of losing you. Jealous? A bit coz I feel like I can also dance like them." You giggle and Taemin laughs too at your confidence.
"You don't have to feel jealous honey, I'm all yours and you should know I won't fall for other man. Ten is my bestfriend and he's your friend too." You hold his hand and squeeze it once.
Taemin looks into you and leans in to kiss you "I'm sorry I was being a fool. I was just jealous seeing your soulful dance with him."
You run a hand over his cheek "It's okay I get it.. i was sometimes jealous too over you and any girl near your age who dances with you.. but if you're still jealous that's a good sign right?"
He smirks "Why?"
You peck his lips "Because that means you still want me for yourself and you don't want anyone to have me. So you're still in love with me." You smile listening your own deduction.
Your boyfriend laughs "Cutie, maybe I was tired. Come let's go home and I might help you with the dance if you want. I could even come this Friday and assist your class if you want."
You shake your head "The studio will be wild if you come! You'll just help me behind the screen okay?"
He ruffles your hair "Okay okay," and with that the two of you leave the practice room. Taemin turns off the lights and alas the bright room can also rest before doing its duty again tomorrow.
"I love you! Thanks for always supporting and understanding me." Taemin whispers that night when you're already cuddled up beside him.
You smile "I love you too."
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kihyuni3 · 5 years ago
Secret Meeting (Kino x Trainee!Reader)
I promise that I will get around to m requests and maybe the next part of my Bang Chan story eventually (if i can figure out what i want it to be), but I had a little spark of inspo to write this today instead.
Summary: Your whole life changed when you entered cube entertainment. The constant training and inability to see family and friends begins to wear down on you. Usually you liked to find a way to cope by yourself, but after Kino finds you one night you realize that maybe it was nice to not be alone sometimes.
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst I guess (just exhaustion and general low mood) but its mostly sweet soft kino moments
Word Count: 2,032
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It had been a hard day. Not that your hectic schedule was any different today than it was any other day. It’s just that everything was wearing down on you recently. Having to work really hard with little reward, not being able to contact people you loved, watching so many friends debut and move on without you, it was hard. And the worst part: having to hide it and pretend everything was fine for the sake of your image.
Not to say that you didn’t loved that you were training. You did. You loved that you had the opportunity to possibly achieve your dream of becoming a performer. But even then, sometimes it still got to you, and today was one of those days. 
Dance practice had ended hours ago. Everyone you were training with had trickled out of the building, slowly, throughout the night. Finally you were left by yourself in the dimly lit practice room.
“I just want to be ready for our next evaluation.” You had told a few of them.
“I just want to practice a little longer.” You had told the rest.
However the truth was that you just wanted to be alone. So you waited, practicing here and there, waiting for everyone to file out. And when they were gone you waited even longer just to be certain that you were truly alone. 3:00 a.m. was the time the clock on the wall read when you were finally satisfied that no one would bother you. Everyone had either gone home by now or locked themselves in their personal offices or studios. Now was your time. 
You shut the door to the practice room quietly behind you, despite the fact that there was no one around to hear it even if it had closed loudly. Just one more precaution to make sure no one knew you were around. The empty building made you feel a strange peace. Hallways that were normally loud and bustling with people, now sat quiet, dimly lit and abandoned as you followed a familiar path. It made you feel as though time had stopped. For this moment you were the only person in the world. It made it easy to let your guard down, to relax, if only for a few moments.
Ascending the staircase always took less time than you expected. Something about knowing what was at the top made it easier to climb than it would have been otherwise. Then, there it was, sitting right at the top. A big metal door, windowless and looming, bright red exit sign hanging just above. A sigh slipped its way out of your lips. Although it seemed like a plain door to almost everyone else, to you it was an escape. 
Pushing the door open, you let the cool night breeze caress your face and slide its way into your lungs. The feeling alone helping you release the tension that you held in your body. The rooftop was always where you came when you were feeling stressed or just like you needed a break from everything. Something about being surrounded by the stars and the city lights. Something about how the normally busy city of Seoul sat quiet. It all helped you clear your mind. When you were up here you didn’t have to think about deadlines, evaluations, that move you couldn’t get right, that note you couldn’t quite hit. Nothing. It all slipped away when you were up here. 
Sitting on the edge of the building, you let your feet swing over the side. The feeling of your feet dangling off the building gave you a sense of freedom. This spot also allowed you to have an unobstructed view of the city lights and the horizon. You put in your earbuds (ones that were old and damaged but still worked just the same) and went to find something to listen to. Just as you press play, the sound of the heavy door opening and shutting made you turn your head. 
Plenty of times you had come up here during the early hours of the morning, but never had anyone every come up after you. The light pouring out from the stairwell made the figure appear silhouetted and dark. You weren’t technically allowed to be up here, so you prepared yourself for the worst, but it didn’t come.
“I’m sorry,” came a smooth male voice, as the door began to shut “I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Although you still couldn’t make out the figure you could tell, just by the way he spoke, that it wasn’t a staff member. Still you sat quietly. You never had this happen before and couldn’t think of anything to say, so instead you just waited. Waited to see if the man would make another move. Waiting to see exactly who it was who found you.
When the door had shut fully and your eyes readjusted to the darkness, you finally caught a glimpse of your mystery man. Although this was a man you had never spoken to before, you recognized him immediately. Standing before you was Kino, a man almost 6 years your senior at the company. 
Your loss for words deepened, but your trained response kicked in. You pull out your earbuds and began to swing your legs back over in order to bow politely and greet him and was expected of every trainee, but he put his hand up as if to stop you. 
“You don’t need to do that,” He spoke with a small chuckle, sending a gently smile in your direction “I’m the one who came and disturbed you.” He began to make his way over to you slowly. Still you remained at a loss for words, but something about his smile was contagious, you found the corners of your own lips creeping up unconsciously. 
“May I join you?” You only nodded as a response. He swings his legs over the edge exactly as yours were, though he sat a polite distance from you. One that was far enough to respect your space, but not too far as to halt your, as of right now, very one-sided conversation. 
Although part of you was slightly disappointed that you were no longer alone, you found that his presence was strangely comforting. His eyes stared out at the view you had been taking in minutes ago, but yours were still focused on him, trying to read his intention. Looking back in your direction his eyes lingered on yours for a moment before he spoke again.
“I guess I forgot to introduce myself,” he let the words linger for a moment “I’m-”
“Kino.” you finish for him without thinking. The first word you say to him and it’s his own name.
“I was going to say Hyunggu.” He laughs.
“Sorry,” you let out a bit awkwardly “It’s just that I really admire you and your group..” The words hang in the air for a moment. You’re afraid you’ve messed up your conversation before it’s even started, but his smile reassures you that it was fine and that you should continue. “I’m (Y/N).” 
It seems that everything said is followed by a small silence. However, this silence didn’t feel awkward, but instead comforting. It felt as if everything that was said was important and worth its own consideration. 
“I’ve seen you around here training a lot.” He looked down at his knees while he spoke as if he felt nervous about his little confession. “I’m glad I finally get to put a name to your face.” The silence begins to form again. Neither of you felt the need to force conversation. It felt as though you were getting to know each other simply by sitting together, sharing the view. 
Neither of you knew how long you had been sitting in silence before he spoke up again.
“I can see why you come up here.” This time is was his turn to look at you. Your gaze remaining on the skyline as he studied your face. “I’m sorry if I interrupted anything, I just saw you walking alone and wanted to see if everything was okay.” His admission of concern made the smile return to your face. It was nice to know that he was looking out for you, even if you had never spoken before this moment. 
“It’s really alright.” You reassure him. “Usually I just sit here and listen to music.” Making a gesture to your now abandoned earbuds, you see a change in his expression. You can’t quite decipher the meaning, but you venture a guess just in case. “Would you like to listen with me?” 
The way his eyes light up as he looks into yours tells you everything you need to know without any words being spoken. Scooting a little closer to him, you offer him one side of the cable. There is still a comfortable distance between the two of you, but this way it will be easier to listen together. Hitting play a gentle melody begins to flow causing a smile to grace both of your lips. For a moment you stare into each others eyes before returning your gaze back to the city before you. 
It must have been at least an hour that you were sitting together. Both of you stealing careful glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking. Although neither of you got any closer to each other, your hands kept creeping closer and closer in the common space. You weren’t sure who made the final move, but as the sun was just peaking over the horizon your hands were intertwined. 
Watching the sun rise, you realized for the first time in a while that you were excited to see what the day held for you. Venturing a glance at Hyunggu, you find that he is already looking at you. A smile as well as a gently blush grows on both of your faces. 
The way the early morning light fell on his face made him glow. It was mesmerizing. You wished you could look at him in this light forever and study all of the small details of his face. Little did you know he was thinking the exact same about you. Somehow you managed to captivate all of his senses without even having said more than five sentences to him. Everything was telling him to lean in and kiss you, but he just couldn’t get himself to stop looking at you for even a moment. 
“I guess we should go back down before anyone catches us up here.” He spoke as the sun settled in the sky, his voice barely above a whisper. Once again you can only nod. 
Hyunggu swings his legs back over first, before returning to help you down gently. Reaching for your hand once more he leads you back toward the stairwell. He walked as slowly as possible, wanting to make this moment last as long as he could. 
“Thank you for letting me sit with you.” He speaks, stalling as you reach the large metal door.
“Thank you for keeping me company.” You both find yourselves looking at each other once again. It was almost like some invisible force kept pulling your eyes towards each other. 
“Well,” he ventures, looking down at your intertwined fingers “my studio is on the third floor, for next time.” You never considered the idea of inviting someone up to the roof with you, it had always been your private spot, but something about the way Hyunggu made you feel so comfortable made you think that it wouldn’t quite be the same without him after this. 
Eventually the two of you had to separate, although it was difficult. But you couldn’t forget the time. Throughout your schedules you kept remembering the way the golden light kissed his features and the way his hand felt in your. And Hyunggu would never admit it, but he started to wait in his studio late every night. No matter how tired he was from the day. Both of you waiting for the night you could steal away to the roof once again.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years ago
Illicit Affairs - Harold x Reader (Adore)
Cruel Summer / Magnets / The Next Best Australian Record
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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 Author’s Note: I know I said I was kinda finished with these two as far as I thought safe to take them.  Oh, but this song I haaaaaaad to...
So here’s another one on the list of ‘how long does it take you to write a fic’. I decided I was writing this on 8th October (when I wrote my plot notes. at like 11pm) then I wrote and finished it on 10th/11th.  Whereas sooooome stuff gets stuck in my drafts for like 6 months. And honestly I really don’t know how I do it. There’s a fic on my side blog that I turned around in 24 hours, which is another thing entirely but I am the most inconsistent writer! 😅🙈😬 I don’t know how you all put up with it, to be honest, but I’m glad you’re all here!
Ah shit we being and ‘end’ with Taylor again?! Ah well, can’t be helped!
Disclaimer: Adore/Adoration not mine / gif not mine / lyrics not mine
Premise: With Harold now divorced things get a little easier for a while, but you shouldn’t expect things to remain so un-convoluted for long, especially when you receive an invite to Tom’s wedding...
Words: 6418
Warnings: Sexual connotations / Sexual Pre-Amble / Swearing
_______ Make sure nobody sees you leave Keep your eyes down Tell your friends you're out for a run You'll be flushed when you return Take the road less traveled by Tell yourself you can always stop
And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings And longing stares It's born from just one single glance But it dies, and it dies, and it dies A million little times
Take the words for what they are A dwindling, mercurial high A drug that only worked The first few hundred times
And you wanna scream Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
And you know damn well For you I would ruin myself A million little times ---
Life all seemed a little easier after his divorce. You still had to be careful, that much was certain, but it didn’t feel like a full affair. The only attachment either of you had was each other. For you it felt like a weight was lifted - a worry. If you only had to worry about what your friends and the University would think if they found out, all that really mattered was being careful on campus. Surprisingly easy; longing glances in class could have meant anything (didn’t they all already know you had a massive crush?), but that ‘catch you later’ smile on his face was the best new thing. Not every night, but a few of them you would spend back at his place. It felt like a real relationship now, you’d found something meaningful. Now you could spend time with him off campus, you seemed to get even more careful on it. It wasn’t the only place you could touch him, hold him, kiss him anymore. You’d been concerned about him leaving you. The age gap in itself would give him more than enough reasons. But he didn’t; Harold stayed. And eventually it wasn’t just belief that he wouldn’t leave you, you knew he wouldn’t. So another year at university ended, and this summer was the first you’d spent between Sydney and home. Obviously, Harold wasn’t going to be coming back. And far be it from your parents to stop you from going back to see your friends. They were just glad to see you happy, and having your own adventures. And you did get to have adventures, even if you never left his house. Summer bled into another year of university, important as your final one, strange in every social context you could possibly think of. Unusually tough to balance – and it made you only too glad to immerse yourself in your class work rather than your relationship. One of the blessings of Harold being that much older than you and having been there before (and heck as if he didn’t know about stressed and struggling university students), was that he understood and let you get on with what you thought was important. You still saw him, just not as often, and it affected nothing between you. Tom wanted to see more of his father, again that was understandable to you, but it was weird to see him kicking around Sydney and occasionally in your classes. On the instances you did bump into each other – and none of them very compromising, that you made sure of – you were civil. But there was never anything more to it than that, until Mary. Your first thought should obviously have been ‘I guess his girl back home didn’t work out’. Instead it was more about things becoming even more convoluted. Harold had come to you with the great idea that, as a final year and preparing to take that leap into the world of acting, you could mentor the lower years on your experience. Your mentee met your ex-boyfriend, and the next thing you knew they were dating. Harold thought it was hilarious, you weren’t so sure – but were at least prepared to see the ironically funny side. You certainly neglected to mention it any time you talked with her though. You weren’t sure you could get through a conversation without ‘Oh yeah and by the way he’s a cheater
’ Highly inappropriate! As you did start to consider your future seriously, the path you found yourself on came from an unexpected place. A new friend – a guy in class who you knew of, but had never really worked with. Stuck together for one of your many final projects, this wasn’t just about developing a few scenes – but a whole two-person stage play. It was like a light bulb moment, how well your energy and creative process and thinking matched. On the same page from the first moment, you weren’t sure which one of you had suggested doing this past your final year, but it seemed like the most logical thing in the world. As expected, Harold was nothing but supportive. Even joking that you’d get your work finished and produced before any of his. Before you hushed him with kisses and let him know how much you believed in him. Adding to your mad year, Harold also moved house – still beach front, modern and pretty. But it maintained a nice rustic aesthetic. Polished wood and steel. He whisked you up to see it before he’d even bought it – because apparently you got a say in things like this now. ‘Why? You’re the one living here.’ ‘I want you to still want to visit me.’ ‘I’d visit you if you were in a 1 bedroom flat with peeling paint and a leaky kitchen sink, you know that.’ ‘Yeah but, maybe it won’t always just be my house.’ You hoped he didn’t expect to be met with anything but joyful screaming at that. The very last thing – as if everything else wasn’t enough - was the final year production. Gruelling auditions were worth it once you got the main part, opposite your future business partner. It was nice, it was going to give you a taste of the future, a trial run. Harold unfortunately was in charge of the second years instead, but he brought Tom over to help manage it – no prizes for how he met Mary. Still, you went along to watch and support. Wondering how exactly you could make him a piece of the puzzle
 proud of him and his vision. It made you nothing but excited for that original work of his to be complete – it would be nothing but an honour for you to star in it. Yet it also meant that he didn’t get to see yours until it debuted, and somehow having him on the front row provided you with a confidence boost. And that little wink he gave you as you took your bows gave you all the hints you needed about where your night was going
 You wouldn’t lie to yourself anymore, Harold was everything you had always wanted. *** You gave it almost exactly a year after you had finished studying before you ‘came clean’ to your friends. Oh, you were never going to tell them the full details, and you certainly weren’t about to tell your parents everything: just that you were with someone, and you were happy
 really happy. In your opinion that was all that should have mattered to them. Your friends were all incredibly shocked at first, but then supportive, and they instantly brought back some of their old favourite jokes ‘Holy shit! Good marks eventually DID get you in his pants after all!’ The truth was not the official line: You had met in a cafĂ© like total coincidence just to catch up, once
 turning into a fair few times
 turning into chemistry. Still totally weird, still with that age gap that made everyone (and you meant everyone) caution you, still this ‘he was your teacher once-!?’ that hung around. But not the truth, not that this had been going on so much longer than that. A story that you were both happy with – because no one ever needed to know the full story. And Harold was right about his house; although you had a small apartment across town you hardly stayed there – you spent all your time with him at his. You didn’t want to call it yours, didn’t dare speak the word ours until he did it first. But it always hung there, unspoken
 Soon enough your friends grew to love him. How different things were out of the classroom, the conversations and interactions between them. Them all telling you that they finally got it – and then understood why, upon you meeting up again, why you’d hooked up. Which only had you pitying them for not seeing how gorgeous and amazing he was in the first place. There were a lot of shared evenings that happened around his house, where he’d let you invite your friends over but stayed well out of the way. Harold also let you invite them to his birthday though, and after the initial celebrations he and his friends stayed inside, whilst your friends stayed out on the porch. There was a chill in the air, but the fire was still going and you were all huddled together under blankets. As one by one his friends left and you were still sitting out giggling and sipping wine and beer, Harold came out to check you were all okay. Because he cared about them as much as you did. It made you love him even more, if that was at all possible. They probably loved that they could wind you up over this more than anything else, but that was fine for you, you knew it would take time for them to get used to the idea, although the tide was already turning; it was weird but they were also loving it. No one had left, somehow in all this madness you’d kept everything. It all seemed a little too good to be true sometimes, so you made sure to count all your blessings.
 Harold’s play still wasn’t finished; he always said he was almost there, but seemed to be taking an age to edit it all – he’d let you read nearly everything but the conclusion. “Why? Won’t I like it?” “I just want it to be the final-final version before you read that. I guess it’s more
 thought provoking than satisfying.” So he kept you guessing. You’d become more of a stage actor than you’d ever expected
 perhaps eventually you’d commit yourself to film and TV too. You’d done a few here-and-there episodes but nothing concrete. But it was the dynamic between you and your writing partner – who, if you were honest, was quickly turning out to be your best friend – that kept you in stage work. You’d started a small production company to write and produce these plays and they were pretty successful. But you’d also been included in other, sometimes large scale, productions. And, yes, as ever, Harold was front row for as many of these as he could be. You spent your spare time as you had before, tangled up with him, reading or writing together. With always the promise of: ‘Once I finish I’m casting you in this!’ and any time the school did a production, well
 it was your turn to be front row for him.
*** Your joint influence on the people in your lives became more apparent, and also came as a surprise. To you at least. And your question was tentative even if you knew the answer already. “Harry
 did you
 get an invite to Tom’s wedding?” He pointed up to the fridge upon which was stuck the invite; very pretty, clearly there had been a lot of thought put into this and you would think a lot of effort would be put into such a wedding. You crossed the kitchen to look at it: Plus One, interesting. “Does he know?” “He knows I have somebody but not who, why?” By now he’d caught the piece of card you were holding in your hands, and you held it up. “I didn’t expect to get one myself, but here we are. I mean if I was going to be included at all, maybe I’d be on my parents one, but-” “Oh! Mary’s influence?” “Perhaps. I haven’t told her anything either, but why me? I’m his ex and I’m friends with her
 but not very good friends.” “Family friends, maybe that’s it.” “A courtesy invite? I suppose it could be. But it’s not like my parents knew you and Roz that long, I didn’t grow up there like Tom and Ian-” You thought better of it and held that thought. You scored the invite with your nails, “Do you
 want me to go?” Harold tilted himself back slightly, folding his arms, “Why? Are you thinking of not going?” “It’s not that, it’s that my parents are going. They’ve already discussed it with me, I’m certainly not ready to out this. And I don’t want you to spend your son’s wedding worrying about that. It’s a big day for him and you!” “Would you go anyway?” “Harry-” “It shouldn’t be about me.” “No, it should only be about you! Yes, I would like to go, but not if it makes more sense for me to stay away.” “Then accept and come.” You blushed gently, “Is that what you want?” “Of course I do. We can play it safe, geez, the last time we were around your family was when this started and was at its most dangerous. It’s not an affair anymore, you’re not my student anymore. If something happens then it happens, but look at you. You’re a star in your own right now, you’re an adult and your life is your life!” “It’s the family friends thing, they will go crazy. Even with the story line we made up, I doubt they’ll speak to me ever again.” “Do they know you’re seeing anyone?” “They’re vaguely aware.” Vaguely was certainly the operative word – more because you certainly expected for talk to get back to them that you had a relationship. You’d never made it sound serious to them, but you told them a little to sate their curiosity. “Well then,” He walked forward, cupping your face, “we’re on the same page and we’ll be fine.” “If you say so.” “I do, don’t you trust me?” You giggled, before leaning forward and grazing your lips to his, “No offense, but that’s a stupid question!” *** You were right, there was a lot of effort put into the wedding. There were less guests for the ceremony, but from what you’d been hearing there’d be quite the after party. As you were on your own invite, you also got the perks of a separate room to your parents. You didn’t hang around the wedding party when you arrived – you weren’t about to turn up here and make yourself a nuance - and it gave you time to relax and prepare yourself for tomorrow. You’d have to try to be on your very best behaviour, no matter what Harold had said, you didn’t want there to be any incidents. Your dress was in a colour that flattered you, covered in little appliques of your favourite flowers, sensible heels in the same colour. The opportunity to do your own make-up and hair; though you kinda missed having backstage stylists
 The idea was simply to follow Harold’s lead, considering this was Tom’s wedding. He greeted you with familiarity; his ex-student who he’d seen in many a production since you’d graduated. He even seemed to indicate that you had in fact met up a few times just for general interest catch ups. To which Harold also added ‘maybe I’ll get you in to talk to my students sometime.’ Your parents did ask how exactly it was that you’d leave this detail out. ‘It’s just day to day stuff! You don’t tell me every time you see your friends-!’ Now, ‘friends’ wasn’t a word they questioned. You knew you weren’t going to get to sit next to him, but your family was sitting behind him and that was adequate, he might have only glanced back a couple of times, but they were enough to have you beaming. The ceremony was sweet, smooth sailing; they really did look in love. It gave you pause for thought – was that how you looked at Harold? Still? You’d been together a while now, but then you supposed so had Tom and Mary. Maybe that was just a wedding effect – after all, was there a more romantic day for two people? You also smiled a lot, it was such a lovely occasion to behold, even the atmosphere – like everyone was finally in the place they were meant to be. Which, considering the convoluted way this had all started that fateful summer, was fairly incredible. Harold placed his hand delicately on the small of your back, as you both left the chapel. “Don’t want you to think I don’t think you look beautiful
” You nudged him gently, “If you’ll let me return the compliment.” He chuckled, “No.” “Yes! I mean that’s got to be one of the main reasons I’m here!” His cheeks turned pink and he looked a little bashful, removing his hand from you, far enough away from everyone else to sneakily lace your fingers behind your back instead, “But I mean it.” “Thank you, that’s very sweet
 Yet I’m hardly the main spectacle. It’s all stunning and her dress is flawless.” “I don’t disagree, it’s very lovely. We have the rest of the day and the party yet.” “Well alright, I know you’re privy to everything.” You smiled, “I’m just happy you’re involved.” “Hmm. It’s humbling.” “You’re his father!” “He’s spent more time with Roz. Tom didn’t have to ask me.” “Well, I suppose you can’t change my opinion
 As long as you know my opinions of you!” “Oh.” He let you go as you approached the drinks reception and winked, “Yes, I would think I did!” The drinks reception and dinner afterwards had exactly the same set of increasingly hilarious conversations. You weren’t always in ear shot of each other, or in the same social circles, but everyone wanted to know about the people you were respectively dating. You were a couple of drinks in, and became much more willing to open up – to the point where you were positively gushing about him. You gave your partner no name, age, or any of the questions they were asking that would be more revealing, but were more than willing to tell the rest of the story. And when you heard him being asked roughly the same questions - and sometimes you were standing together at these points - he was doing exactly the same thing. You were surprised one of you hadn’t broke out in a beaming smile or had glowed in sweet embarrassment yet. And yet it did make you feel so happy that Harold was happy to talk about you in the same way, and every so often you’d catch each other’s eyes and you would smile just like that. There was something about both being in on such a secret; you were happy you’d decided to come and be here – even if you weren’t with him, you were most definitely with him. You didn’t approach Tom and Mary until a little later but they were both so happy to see you. And you congratulated them with about as much enthusiasm. “First up you both look gorgeous! And this wedding is so beautiful
 oh my gosh, you guys!” You hugged them both tight. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you both!” “Hey,” Tom nudged you, “What’s this I’ve been hearing about you, though!? Get him married.” “AHaha-” You excused yourself from your laugh, “I mean I dunno I
 maybe.” You quickly turned the conversation back on them, “You both look so joyful, and so great together. Enjoy it, alright.” You pointed to Tom, “Extra enjoy it for me, I’ll see where I go.” “Oh, I will!” He grinned, hugging you again. You wondered if he ever had told Mary that you’d dated. You supposed it wasn’t the relationship with him you needed to worry about so much. Mary pulled you back to her, “Thank you, so much!” “Oh, you were always star material
” you squeezed her tight, “But you’re welcome. Maybe we’ll get to be in a production together soon!” “I’ll hold you to that!” She giggled, wishing you well as you let her go. You breathed a sigh of relief as you made your way back to your parents, all’s well that ends well

It was a little later, after the first dance, and when everyone was moving around the party freely: everything now in full swing and at least a few of them having already having had too much alcohol, that you realised your assumption was wrong. Some people here weren’t having a good time. You were alright to sit alone and observe for now. You’d known what you were getting into. Ian, best man and from what you’d been told by Harold the one to start this whole ball rolling, was sitting around rather dejectedly. You’d watched him intently for a little while, and he seemed to be getting confrontational with just about everyone – including your man. Now he just appeared to be sulking. So much for us all being more grown up now
 Eventually you’d clearly stared at him long enough to have caught his eye, and you offered somewhere between a sympathetic and fed-up smile. Attempting to give an air of ‘yeah man, I know the feeling!’ considering you were also sitting here alone, but his face just scrunched into an even bigger frown as he huffed, crossing his arms before looking away. Okay then, sorry I tried! You weren’t left alone for much longer than that, as Harold wandered over. “Hey, you doing alright over here?” “Yeah, fine.” You waved off Ian, just in case he’d seen any of that brief exchange, “Just taking some quiet time.” “Well, that’s an awful lot of quiet time
” He held his hand out for yours, “Come on, come dance.” Your eyes immediately widened, and you looked from his hand to his face, “With you!?” “No, with someone else – yes, me!” “Harry, I don’t think that we should-” “I want you to enjoy yourself
 c’mon.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and praying this wasn’t the worst idea you’d ever had, as you placed your hand in his and he pulled you up.  “Think of it as like
 a father daughter dance.” “Oh no, you just made it worse.” His laugh was embarrassed, “Oh, yeah I guess I did, didn’t I – sorry!” Harold didn’t try to make it romantic, although clearly because it was between you it was, and you supposed it was something a little reminiscent of ‘father of the bride’. Well, no one else – not even your family – was dancing with you, so why the hell not? Still you voiced the question. “Should we be doing this?” To which you were only presented with your own question: “Shouldn’t we really be beyond caring?” You couldn’t help but laugh, “You been drinkin’?!” “Not that much, give me some credit!” Oh, the want to pull him closer, your wish to lay your head on his shoulder and close your eyes as he swayed you gently on this dancefloor. To look into his eyes like you really wanted to, and were using all your self-control to make sure you weren’t. For him to just wrap you in his embrace right now. It didn’t happen, and you didn’t expect it to, but it hurt a little. Still, here you were and he was ‘holding’ you – it was as close as you were going to get, and you savoured every single second of his skin on yours. Eventually you did actually get to dance with your father and then some younger ‘gentlemen’ (though, whether you’d call them that
) cut in and you let them dance with you the way you wished that Harold could. At least you were enjoying yourself, to you that was the most important thing. But, you ended up back over by the drinks table with your actual other half, observing the party once more, and you broached the subject of the catalyst. “What did Ian say to you?” “Huh?” He turned, bottle half way to his lips. “I mean it looked like he was getting a little irate.” Harold just looked confused, so you sighed with an eyeroll, “Earlier!” “Oh.” Then he laughed, “Well clearly he’s the least happy person at this entire wedding, and he ironically said this was all my fault.” Your eyebrows raised, “Sorry!?” “Well I did take Mary to Tom’s 21st. So, I guess
 that’s where they became a little more serious.” You snorted, “Holy shit. The wedding is your fault!? But what’s wrong with the-” you looked back out to the guests and then it clicked, “Everyone was growing up
 You think they ended all the affairs at home?” He gave you a face to say he agreed with your deduction, “I’m glad we didn’t get the memo.” You only laughed, “I don’t think I would have agreed to the memo!” “Now we’re on the same page-!” **
You were standing outside on the patio, admiring the stars and lit scenery, when Tom caught up with you again. “Can I ask you something?” “Yes. And you just did.” That had him laughing, and you only slipped into chuckles too, he still liked how fast you were at quipping. Suddenly you were transported back – what would this have been if it didn’t become such a mess. “Your boyfriend
” “Mhm.” You straightened to the edge in his voice, and although Tom was looking at you seriously there was a hint of playfulness to his voice. “How long have you been together?” You couldn’t tell if he’d figured you out yet. “What if I said, it’s the same guy that I first mentioned to you in that massive argument we had?” He leant back against the railing, breathing out heavily. “I feel like I should have
 figured it out before now.” “Considering I don’t know what you’ve figured out – you want me to help?” “It’s my dad, isn’t it.” It wasn’t even a question. You were a little affronted by his tone: “You don’t have to make it sound so creepy. In fact, if you want me to bring up glass houses
” He was a little taken aback that you’d just admit it, “Shit, you knew about-!?” “I told you I did. Yeah, that’s how this all started, you and Ian and
” you waved your hand and then pointed at yourself, “Only I stayed with mine
 Geez, I’m sorry.” “Sorry?” He laughed, “Why?” “He’s
 your dad. That’s not why I dated you, it’s just how it happened.” “You don’t have to explain!” He waved his hands around, “He’s happy, you’re happy, you’ve spent a lot of time together today, I have observed, and it just
 I dunno, I guess it clicked. Everything he’s said about – well you – but his other half, and everything you’ve said.” “Oh, damn, is it obvious?!” “No. I just have all the pieces, don’t I?” “You’re
 a little too cool with this.” “I told you we were cool before.” Tom’s look was significant, “We’re still cool. And I’m not gonna go telling everyone, until you’re ready to go do that yourselves. Besides,” he nudged you with a smile, “you seem to have enough dirt on me!” “Uh, I would never. You go off and enjoy your married life to an amazing woman, you idiot!” “I’ll do my best – but I’m never gonna call you mom!” “I’m just glad I’m older than you!” You folded your arms with a grin as he left you, with a wave, before turning back, “Why’s that!?” “The likely inevitability of grandbabies. I’m just gonna have to be the cool aunt or something!” You didn’t think you’d heard anyone laugh so loud in a long time. ***
It continued to get later, although the party was still going on and you could hardly take it anymore. You’d watched him move around in it all day, and now all you wanted was that suit on your hotel room floor, or his. That single button he’d undone and the slacked nature of his tie was nowhere near enough for you. But it was hard to let him know that when you couldn’t just go over and grab his hand; you had to just rely on glances and hope that he got it. And clearly he did, as he crossed the room back to you. Although instead of telling you that he was ready to go, he came with a cautionary tale. “We need to be careful about this.” “And your suggestion is?” “Well, we have to stagger when we leave, but you might want to say goodbye to people. Because your parents will notice you’re gone.” “Oh, your son isn’t gonna notice you’re gone, huh?” It was then Harold decided to tell you he’d seen your conversation with Tom, “Well he knows, doesn’t he.” It wasn’t a question, and you were stuck on how to respond, “I didn’t hear, but I saw you two. Is there anything you want me to say to him?” “
Well, that’s between you
” You lowered your eyes, “I didn’t tell him, he guessed.” “Sweetheart, it’s okay.” Harold couldn’t touch you, so his nickname made you look up. “I’ll talk to him, maybe not tonight
 You go, I’ll watch you, wait for me.” You nodded and he gave you a gentle wink before you both headed in different directions. You had one more drink before you started to play the tired card – although really you were far from it – and said goodbye to your parents, a few of the others you knew here, and finally bride and groom before you headed off. Outside of the reception room the hotel was cool and quiet (you supposed it was pretty late) and you could take a breather, sliding out of your heels on the steps it felt so good to be back on the floor. You wandered slowly up the corridor and across hotel reception, you weren’t exactly sure whose room you were heading to, but nearly everyone was on the same floor and you were all certainly on the same wing. You were just finding your way up the steps on the other side of reception when you heard the footfall of smart dress shoes behind you, and turned to Harold saying a goodnight to the receptionist who had pulled night shift. He continued his pace as he caught you, turning up the corridor but not before turning back and wishing you a goodnight. You couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow: who were you keeping up appearances for now? Hotel staff? You shook your head and turned, finding him back at his room, apparently having trouble with his key.
“Would you like some help?” You slipped yourself between him and his room door. “If you would be so kind.” “Not sure I was talking about your room key
” You smirked, prising it from his hand, waiting for the beep to pull him to your lips by his tie, you stumbled backwards into the room as he pushed the door. Harold waited until it had closed to pull you into him, hands into your hair. It felt so good to have him touch you again, and you realised how much you’d yearned for it all day, as his hands moved down your neck and shoulders to your back, he continued to pull you closer. “God, I love you.” You almost whimpered it – kisses leaving you breathless, and you weren’t sure if that was because of the whole wedding atmosphere, or that you hadn’t had even a single chance to tell him face to face in nearly two days. But he needed to know, urgently. He chuckled, nuzzling your face with his own, “I love you too.” Your breath still caught every time he said it, even now. After having to wait so long for his first, there wasn’t anything any less special about it a hundred, a thousand, a million times later. He was still nothing ever but delicate with you, guiding you across his room to the bed before his hands collected on your shoulders again. Harold took a step back, the low level lighting set the perfect mood, but he moved his body so the moonlight could shine on you through the still open curtains. “You are so beautiful.” His fingers gathered under your chin, to keep you from shying away from his eyes as your own hands collected on his chest, ready to push his jacket down his arms. “You truly are.” As if he didn’t already affirm this nearly every day of his life, and Harold kissed you again. “Me?” Your instinctive reaction to flirting was always to nervously joke, “You look in a mirror, lately?” Harold shook his head before his lips traced yours again and he let you relieve him of his jacket, you were quick to unfurl his tie too. You stilled at the buttons of his shirt because his hands were back on your shoulders again and you relaxed your stance, releasing his lips to watch him push the straps of your dress down, guiding his hands across to the slight zip, he ghosted you a kiss in thanks before he let your dress fall to the floor. This time as you caught his collar to run through the buttons you kissed him harder, pushing your body into his – encouraging him to touch you and moaning into his kiss as you did so. His shirt was off quick and joined your dress as he deepened the kiss and you wound yourself around him, enjoying the taste on his tongue. Your kiss continued to get hot and heavy as your hands shot to his belt; he was no longer of the persuasion to stop you on bedroom thresholds, opening his body up for you to relieve him of it and undo his suit pants. Relenting as his hands caressed your back, finding your bra clasp; you always felt so fragile under those large hands of his, but all Harold ever did was take care of you. He lifted you gently from the floor and laid you both back in the sheets, kicking off his pants as he did so. You remained locked in your kiss as he caught you in an embrace, pulling your panties slowly down your legs, your breathing was a little shallower, at the friction of his hips against yours. You could hardly wait for him now, eagerly reliving him of his own underwear. “Shh shhh
” Harold gathered your hands in his, breaking the kiss and you whined, making him chuckle, “Darling, we have all night
” “
” The way you whined his name was delightful and that flicker across his eyes that he couldn’t control had you craving more of him, “please.” And you knew he wouldn’t deny you if you asked politely. “All night.” He repeated, and all you hoped was you weren’t going to be too loud when the other guests retired to their rooms for the evening. Hooking your leg over his hips he made sure you were completely comfortable before he entered you. You held him tighter, trying to stifle your moans in his skin. But he groaned gently too, and it was an exquisite little sound. In the comfortable quiet before you moved together, you kissed him gently again, reaffirming what you’d said before, “I love you.” Free to tell him all night now, you weren’t about to waste any opportunity. He rubbed his hands over your skin, sweet and delicate, “Darling I know
 I’ve known that for a very long time.” He caught your lips once more, “I only hope I remain deserving of such love.” You weren’t sure why he occasionally said things like that to you, maybe sometimes he felt guilty about the whole thing, but you would only ever reassure him. He was deserving, and you knew he would always remain that way.
*** It was very early morning when you awoke, too much excitement in the air – even in the aftermath of the wedding - for you to sleep. You stood out on the balcony, watching the watery sky as the sun began to break through.  Harold was content to watch you from the bed as you were draped in his shirt and the bed sheet, looking out towards the ocean. There was always something about all these ocean views
 He stood and half-dressed himself before joining you, he almost didn’t want to break the silence and how serene everything was. Harold opted instead to simply stand with you, caressing your exposed skin, stroking the small of your back delicately. You wore a soft smile, and although you weren’t looking at him, he knew that he was where all your focus stayed. Eventually you tilted yourself, so your head rested against him – and the noise you made was of content. The silence remained for a long time, because there was nothing for either of you to say. Why say ‘I love you’ when you’d spent your night showing each other how in love you were, and how much you appreciated the opportunity to be with each other
 There was something even more beautiful about you in the afterglow, but Harold wasn’t sure he could handle just telling you that yet. There was something about the time of day, about the time you’d just spent with him, all the joy that surrounded the wedding that made you speak honestly. Something had weighed on you for a long time; it wasn’t a bad weight, just a muse you were almost too scared to voice. But after everything, right now felt like the best and only time to say it. So you did. “Is it crazy to want this... for me to wish this could be us one day?” You couldn’t look at him for fear of becoming so embarrassed that you’d stammer ‘forget it’ and run from the room. That perhaps all you would see in Harold was hesitation, and it might break your heart in two right then and there. You assumed his answer; that he would chuckle at you, and be as lovely with you as ever but tell you not to be so stupid – this wasn’t to be your fate. That wasn’t what Harold said, and the silence didn’t hang because he didn’t know what to say, but because what you’d voice demanded the gravitas and respect of a real answer, a thought out answer. He took a breath, looking out to the sky as you were, before smiling and taking your hand, pulling your body into his embrace and kissing the crown of your head. He kept his voice low and gentle, as delicate with you as ever. Why had you expected anything less? “No. I don’t think it’s that crazy at all.”
Thanks so much for reading đŸ˜˜đŸ€—
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multifansky · 5 years ago
Scenario - Knowing Bros Episode 100
originaltreebanditfish  -  Hello! I love your work and it's really hard to find good fanfiction about Super Junior and I'm glad I found someone that writes about them and actually knows the group on a deep level. I have a request for SuJu 16th menmer AU. An episode of Ask us anything in which sky roast Heechul. If you want, you can include other members too, I won't mind ;). i understand if you won't do it. Keep up the good work ! 
I know the roasts are pretty lowkey, but I thought this episode was perfect to slip some stuff in there because the members were doing it. Enjoy! :)
(The credit belongs to the show, with my little twist here and there!)
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Sky’s P.O.V
Today is another filming for knowing bros and today I’m even more excited than usual. Why? Because my family gets to be on altogether. By family, I mean Super Junior. Although I see Heechul every filming day and sometimes Leeteuk & Shindong, I finally get to be with the others. Besides, we’re a crazy bunch once we are all on variety shows. Today we are celebrating not only our comeback with Black Suit but also the 100th episode of Knowing Bros. Today is going to be a great day. 
In the beginning of filming the knowing bro’s cast were all talking. After what felt like forever, finally, Heechul and I walked out together in obviously different outfits compared to the knowing bros cast.
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We walked to the front with Heechul saying, “Wow, we were waiting in the back and you guys talk so freaking much!” The whole cast confused and asked us what we were doing and about how late we are. “It’s really awkward up here,” Heechul said and I nodded in agreement. 
“I feel like I have power up here, though,” I said and looked at the cast. 
“Why are you both wearing different clothes today?” Seo Jang Hoon asked us. “We brought some friends here today,” Heechul said. 
“But, some of them are afraid of Ho Dong and are hesitating to walk in. So, the rest is comforting him before they come in.” I explained, playfully glaring at Ho Dong. Heechul clapped as a signal for them to come in and they did. It took them a few seconds, forcing Yesung to actually come in, me giggling to the side. Of course, they are all being loud and clapped, I walked over to Yesung and pulled him next to me. Ho Dong tries to comfort Yesung as if they knew each other and Yesung not going for it. Even though it was all jokes, it’s still funny and really believable. I held Yesung closer to me and glared at Ho Dong.
“Why are you holding onto Yesung so tight, Sky?” Kim Young Chul asked me. 
“I’m his bodyguard today. I’m here to protect him from Ho Dong.” I explained, still glaring at Ho Dong. Yesung nodded and held onto me too, while Ho Dong just looked at everyone, saying “Wow~” repeatedly. 
“Where are you from? Introduce yourselves.” Ho Dong said.
“Were Transfers from ‘The Original Variety Show Idols, who came back to their original job in 2 years’ High School. We are Super Juni” Leeteuk said. “Or!” we all said at the end, is our signature hand posing. After, Lee Soo Geun made fun of Heechul and I because we were being awkward since this is the first time we’ve been up in the front and not in our seats. Of course, we felt weird! 
After we warmed up a bit, we introduced ourselves. Leeteuk as the leader of SuJu and a self-proclaimed Attention Seeker, Eunhyuk first being a jewel-cut, handsome dancing machine, but then we made him change it to SuJu’s anchovy. The Knowing Bros cast even made Eunhyuk dance a little since he called himself a dancing machine. Donghae then being in charge of the East Sea in Super Junior which made Young Chul do the worst pun he’s ever made on this show so far. Then Donghae clapped back that Young Chul’s dermatologist told Donghae that Young Chul needs to pay him back, which got the whole classroom roaring. Heechul also mentioned that Ho Dong also killed Donghae’s dream of being on verity show’s just like Yesung. 
It was my turn now. “Hello, I’m in charge of boosting all the member’s moods, Sky!” I smiled at everyone. 
“You really do that?” Kyung Hoon asked me. “She does. Really. Since debut, she made sure that all of us were okay before herself. When we’re down she’ll come to us and cheer us up, no matter what it is. She’s an energy booster,” Leeteuk told them all and everyone awed. 
“Yeah, the only person I couldn't get through for a while was Heechul,” I said which made the cast ask why. 
“He was a different person back when we debuted. It didn’t take until he came back after the military that we got extremely close.” I explained tot hem.
“What happened when he came back?” Soo Geun asked.
“Just stupid things,” Heechul said and I looked at him. “The only stupid thing about it is that I let you” I rolled my eyes and everyone but SuJu we’re confused. “Hey!” Heechul laughed, which his face began to turn red, making everyone notice. “I’ll expose everything right here, right now,” I said making Heechul just stare at me. “Will you be okay?” I tilted my head in a way of making it into a challenge. Everyone “Oh’s” and Heechul laughed and hugged me. 
After my little self roasting session with Heechul, the rest of the members introduced themselves. Shindong at first joking that he is from North Korea, but really he is in charge of being Ho Dong, Yesung then introduced himself as the main vocalist and in charge of being the visual. Ho Dong tried to show his knowledge about Yesung but then got it wrong once it came to his Coffee Shop location, making everyone bash at him for looking it up on the internet. Me again, holding onto Yesung and being his personal bodyguard. 
We eventually got to ask us anything portion of the show. After Shindong prediction of Young Chul going to Germany was correct, Donghae saying Young Chul has to pay his dermatologist first, Leeteuk not getting enough attention, Ho Dong goes after Yesung a little after Yesung wanted to go to the bathroom from being so scared, and how we chose our partners. 
Donghae getting his partner Jang Hoon, in result because he’s the trendiest one there.
Heechul getting his partner Soo Geun because he wanted the other members to take the shine and not him.
Shindong got Young Chul after successfully winning with an artistic poem with Young Chul’s name. 
Leeteuk getting Sang Min because he’s quiet and Leeteuk can possibly get more screen time.
Eunhyuk Picked Kyung Hoon. Of course, get the two perves together.
Lastly, they put Yesung with Ho Dong after he said anyone but him, but we got to be a three-way. Ho Dong, Yesung, and me, as I am his bodyguard for a reason. I shall protect him. 
Eunhyuk was first in asking his question and honestly, I didn’t have the energy to roast him. I’m saving it for Heechul today. He first did agyeo before starting his question which made me make throw up faces to the camera. Yesung the only one noticing laughed at me, and Hyuk started his question. His question was, One day Eunhyuk went to his apartment to hang out, Hyuk had to go to the bathroom but Donghae asked him something weird that shocked him. The guesses were pretty funny from the members, such as; a girl was in his house that was also hyuk’s girlfriend and Shindong’s as well, instead of a girl it was a guy, Donghae sleeping naked and shocked at how ‘healthy he was’, Donghae sleeping next to Shindong, Young Chul making a stupid joke again and saying his apartment was at the West Sea instead if the East Sea, Hyuk’s feet smell bad so Donghae made him whip his feet off before entering, and Hyuk had to strip naked before going to the bathroom. The real answer was that Hyuk had to pee and Donghae said he had to pee sitting down. Yesung guessed it correctly and I cheered for him and our team as well. They all started to talk about sitting on the toilet and peeing vs. Standing up and peeing. I just sat there at my desk and looked at the camera awkwardly. 
Hyuk has a second question which was what did he hear the most after he debuted. Heechul then proceeded to say, “I really have to go home today, Oppa. I can’t stay. I have a curfew!” making everyone laugh and especially me. It was wrong though. Other answers that were wrong such as; “Why are you so skinny”, “Can you smell the anchovies?”, “Why are you so ugly?” and much more about his appearance. The real answer, which Sang Min got correct is people mistaken Eunhyuk for Leeteuk. It makes Eunhyuk feel like he needs to work harder. Although Him and I don’t always agree, I think he works hard all the time, but I would never tell him unless he absolutely needs the reassurance. 
Heechul was then up next and I rubbed my hands together, finally getting prepared for anything. I’m not backing down. Heechul’s question was even though he is very fearless, on this show sometimes he feels helpless and a burden. We have to guess what it is. I sat there thinking and yelled, “I got it! When other male artists come on the show you realize how much more attractive they are compared to you.” I smirked at him knowing it would get him slightly annoyed. He rolled his eyes at me and said I was wrong, hitting me lightly with the toy hammer. Hyuk guesses that it was a girl group who came on the show with two members in it that he has dated. We all laughed, but it was wrong. Making Leeteuk say instead of a girl group it was a boy group, making the classroom laugh harder. “Was it Shinee?” I asked, referring to the boy group. “Aish, stop that!” Heechul hit me again with the toy hammer after he hit Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. He then gave a hint that it’s not during a shoot but it’s before or after a shoot. “I got it! You’re in the waiting room, making out with someone and another cast member walks in!” I said and that’s when I finally got Heechul. “You want me to reveal things?” Heechul said coming over to me and I laughed and shook my head. He hit me with the toy hammer and went back. After a few more guesses Shindong got it right. The answer was that before the shooting, the staff makes Heechul go wake Ho Dong up before we have to start filming. He then started to explain and I kept on saying lame answer to Yesung and crossed my arms. 
Heechul’s next question was, How does he confess to a girl that he likes with guaranteed no rejection. “I got it! You tell her that you’ll spread rumors about her if she doesn’t agree” I said making everyone shocked. “Hey! Never!” Heechul came over and hit me with the hammer and I smirked at him, shrugging. Other guesses were like him not completely telling them their dating, he shows his full stamina and so on. “I got it! You tell her you’re into guys and that this is just a cover-up.” I say and Heechul just glares at me, “Sit down.” I laughed and sat down, staying quiet. “Why is she like this today?” Shindong laughed and I smiled evilly. I’ll definitely get scolded after the shoot today. After a few really ridiculous answers Jang Hoon got it right with, “I’m going to kiss you now, if you don’t like me, move.” I rolled my eyes and talked with Yesung and Ho Dong about how much of a player he is. Heechul was done and walked past me and pushed me slightly and I overreacted. “That hurts!” I pouted and made a crying face. “I hope reports are made after this episode comes out!” Everyone laughed. 
Next was Leeteuk which he explained that he really is getting old because he talks to himself now, specifically singing to himself or MCing his actions. Times like this I wish Kangin was here so we can make fun of him together on how old he is. Today I kept my mouth shut though, as Ho Dong is already going after him.
 Next was Yesung which he explained to us what Ho Dong did to him on variety shows which all of us, especially me the bodyguard, almost ganged up on Ho Dong. Yesung can be very sensitive, even more, when he’s with the members so this definitely made him feel insecure on his verity kills. Eunhyuk was being Eunhyuk and instead of wanting to get the answer right, he just wanted to annoy Yesung, which he successfully did. Heechul then going off on Ho Dong of possibilities of what old Ho Dong would have said about SuJu. Like how we are feeling, and why are we even on star kind and so on. In the end, Leeteuk told Yesung that he should speak more freely on variety shows, so on star king, Yesung did exactly that and Ho Dong told him to be quiet. Now Yesung feels insecure when it comes to variety shows. 
Then, it was Donghae. His question and answer to it were the purest. If someone gave him a sincere look, he would give them everything. He then talked about how his friend asks him for money. Heechul and I both agreed that we’ve only lent money to those who are in SuJu, especially if their big amounts. 
Lastly, it was Shindong. We had to guess the time where he really disliked the members at one point. We all had to go back and remember what it was because it was during debut years when we all lived together. Instead of me trying to guess, I just kept reminiscing. Eventually, Eunhyuk got the answer correct. It was when we stole all his clothes and wore them as pajamas because his clothes were bigger on us. It was a shirt he bought on his own that was expensive and we wore it all the time. The worst though was Donghae surprisingly. I honestly thought it would be me because I take the member’s clothes all the time. We then talked about how we are a family and that we love each other a lot. So it hurts a lot when we get into arguments or fights. We then explained that Donghae gets emotionally attached and cries when he gets angry with any of the members. Shindong also explained that he really hates when he does karaoke with Eunhyuk because he doesn’t let shin sing the songs that he picked. 
The last segment of the day is to test out who is truly the best at variety shows. Us SuJu or the Knowing Bros cast. We did it by playing games that we’re all generally good at. It’s all about teamwork in 99 seconds. We all had to choose the game that we are best at. And let the games begin. We let the Knowing Bros cast go first. The first round they couldn’t even get past Ho Dong who was second. It was our turn now and we all lined up in our spots, Donghae and I  at the jump rope. We did our, “Kill them all” chant and begun. It took Eunhyuk half the time to complete the first freaking game which I kept yelling to hurry up and he kept laughing. “Aish, stupid” I would mutter. Which then went to Yesung who was equally as bad as Ho Dong, which lead to Eunhyuk having to go again. Eunhyuk did better this time around and again Yesung was bad. In the end, Knowing Bros and SuJu are the same when it comes to variety. 
So, we have to go for another round. Knowing Bros cast then starts again. Ho Dong and Young Chul switching places. Hyung Hoon was good, then got to Young Chul, who failed and they had to go back yo Kyung Hoon. Finally, they passed the second game and went to the next, charades. Then by the fourth game, they failed because Sang Min used his head instead of his butt. Now it’s time for our turn again, Yesung and Donghae switching. Eunhyuk first going slow but faster than the first round, Donghae then failing at his spot. I yelled at him calling him stupid and groaned, laying on the floor and just watching. I’m very competitive if you couldn’t tell. Eunhyuk then has to go again, while Donghae and Leeteuk change spots. Eunhyuk is successfully fast, Leeteuk was able to pass his game, Heechul and Shindong amazingly fast at charades, Then Donghae Semi slow when it came to popping balloons with his ass, then when it came to jumping rope Yesung and I were fast and good with it but just before the ball made it into the basket, the rope got stuck between Donghae’s feet. In which we failed. I let out a loud groan and shuffled back into the seats on the side. 
Knowing bros cast going again and I sat there worried they were going to be better than us. At the end of that round, they failed because Young Chul’s hair was getting in the way and his legs got caught in the rope before he was able to make a basket. I cheered and switched spots with the cast. Donghae and Yesung switching and then we started. At first, we were good with Eunhyuk and then it got to Leeteuk and we failed, going back to Eunhyuk. We then successfully made it to the jump rope and then it was ruined when Yesung first went it and then stepped on the rope. “You idiot!” I yelled in frustration and went over to Leeteuk, resting my head on his chest, while he patted my back. 
Hoping this would be the last round we watched the knowing bro’s cast go. Us SuJu stood up and watched closely for any mistakes. At the end of the round with the cast, they failed because they couldn’t get the ball in the bucket. It was back to us again. We did our, “Kill them all” chant again and got to our spots. Yesung and Donghae switched spots again. And then we started. When we got to the jump rope, Heechul and Shindong were spinning it too fast which means we had to concentrate harder on not getting caught with the rope and also make the ball into the basket. And once we were all in, Donghae passed the ball to Eunhyuk, and then, of course, he dropped it. I pushed Eunhyuk a bit and fell to the ground. “I give up!”
 And again another round of the game. We watched the Knowing Bros cast go. Jang Hoon and Ho Dong switching places. At the end of that round Knowing Bros cast finally made it with 24.39 seconds. It was then our last chance to finally do this. We did our chant again and begun. We all switched places besides, Eunhyuk, Heechul, Donghae, and me. In the begging, everything is going and then we got to the Jump Rope part. This is our struggle. Leeteuk went first, then me, then Eunhyuk, then Donghae and lately Yesung. And at the end, we failed because Leeteuk got caught in the rope before he let go of the ball. I stood there, energy gone, no facial expression. Just lost. 
At the end of today, the Knowing Bros cast proved they are better at variety shows. As for them winning we had to do whatever they wanted as their wish. Ho Dong was nice enough to let us perform our new song “Black Suit.” Kyung Hoon wished for Buzz to go on tour. Soo Geun wanted us to also promote our song, but not black suit, he wanted “Sorry, Sorry.” We all opposed it, especially me. The rest of the cast wanted us to promote “Black Suit” and of course we did. 
At the end of today’s shoot, I was very happy to have both of my closest friends and family together. Although I may have gone a little bit too far with Heechul and got a little over-competitive, It was still a lot of fun. A fantastic day full of laughs and fun.
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juicylivy · 5 years ago
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Pairings: Yang Jeongin x Bang Chan
Genre: fluff, angst.
Words: 2.4k
Jeongin has a horrible nightmare, luckily his boyfriend and members are there him.
Sleep. It was something that Jeongin liked a lot. Falling into that deep state of mind, where you entered your own alternate universe. It's as if, you've left your own body, but you're still breathing. It's an escape from everything and a thing that calms the mind. Though at that moment it wasn't to him.
He was standing in the middle of a big empty house, filled with furniturs, picture frames hanging on the walls, and different types of plants placed all around the facility. It was a place that should've been filled with the laughter and joy from a sweet family, but it was deserted - not a single sound was heard in that spacious mansion. This was weird. Why was it so silent? Jeongin turned around several times, trying to look for his members. Tried to look for Minho, HyunJin, and Jisung in the living room playing video games, find his boyfriend Chan in his studio working on a track with Changbin, ran towards the kitchen to perhaps see Seungmin looking through the fridge for what could be edible, and Felix who always sat at the table in the dining room, either playing on his phone or writing lyrics. But none of them were to be seen - where were they? Everything was a sad grey color and  A note sat on the kitchen aisle, Chan's neat handwriting scribbled across the white piece of paper. He sighed in relief, thinking that they had gone shopping for groceries, or snacks that they had almost run out off. He also thought that his sweet boyfriend could've found some sort of prank to pull on him. But when he began reading the note, he saw that, that wasn't the case.
"Innie, dearest Jeongin. This is a goodbye letter. JYP-nim couldn't see you fit for the task as the 8th member of Stray Kids anymore due to your lack of enthusiasm and hardwork and honestly, we thought the same. We couldn't picture you in this group anymore because of it. And... This is gonna be heartbreaking and I'm so sorry, but Innie, this is also a goodbye to our 2 years long relationship. It just doesn't feel right anymore for me - you must've felt it too. The spark has died down and trying to keep us together would be a waste of both of our times... I'm sorry Innie, but this is goodbye."
A great shot of shock and immense surprise ran through his body all at once. Thoughts left his mind and he stared into distance. He knew he was lacking in the new comeback, he knew he had some trouble remembering the new dances and with the recording of their new tracks too m, but was that really something he could be thrown out of the group for? Was this a good enough reason for his members, whom he saw as brothers, to agree and leave him without a notice? And most importantly, how was it that Chan suddenly decided to also abandon him? As his leader, lover, and best friend, it was kind of his job to try and find some way to keep him in the group. He knew how much he valued them all and his career.
It had to be a dream. Something as shallow as this couldn't be anything other than a bad dream. He shook off the shock, determined to try and escape this reality. Pain was said to be a good way to break out from a dream, so he tried pinching his arm as hard as he could, and winced as the pain filled his lower left arm. It didn't work. He tried once more, but with biting instead, but that wasn’t helping either. He tried repeatedly with various forms of ways to inflict injuries, but to no avail. He couldn't wake up.
At last he gave up and sat down on the floor up against the wall that connected the living room and the kitchen. Could this be real? Did everyone actually leave him alone? At this point it seemed to be true. He was indeed all by himself.
Slowly the discovery settled in his heart and it broke into tiny puzzle pieces scattered on the floor, not able to be put back together. His body began to shake softly as the tears started running down his face. How had it come to this? After those two years of being a group, after the struggle they all had to go through to debut, they'd seriously get him out of the group, and their lives, just like that? Soon the grief got too great and he couldn't handle it anymore, resulting in him beginning to sob uncontrollably. He wished he could turn everything around and been more into the dance practices and shown more enthusiasm with recording. He wished he could've saved his and Chan's relationship, and seen that the spark was dying. What was he supposed to do now? He was all by himself in that huge empty place with no sounds and-
Someone was yelling for him... What? Gradually the scenery faded, morphing into a blur.
"Innie!" Chan screamed for him, shaking his body vigorously.
Jeongin shot up in bed, tears streaming down his face and little sobs leaving his mouth. He frantically tossed and turned trying to see if he had finally escaped the horror that was his dream.
He had.
Everyone was sat around his bed in his and Jisung's room, worry plastered on their faces. Chan was right in front of him, tears in his eyes. He let out a loud cry and flew forward to cling onto his lover in such a harsh way, Chan ended up coughing.
"Channie!" He cried out. Never in his life had he been so glad to see him.
"Shh, Innie. I'm right here, love," Chan soothed and rubbed his back comfortingly. His was voice groggy from seeing his boyfriend cry out so loudly in his sleep. The others chimed in sitting all around him in his bed, hugging him and telling him reassuring and loving words. Little by little, his crying died down, and he could breath now without hiccuping. Inhaling Chan's sweet cologne helped him calm down entirely and he was at last back to normal. His boyfriend released him from the embrace slowly and stared into his red eyes, a little soft smile displaying on his face.
"Baby, what happened?" He asked with a honey like tone to his voice and caressed Jeongin's cheek.
"Yeah: You got us all terrified there," Changbin said sounding distressed from the left, being one to hug him from behind.
"I almost lost it when I saw you crying here, and not being able to wake you up," Jisung explained, his voice equally as groggy as Chan's, but also saddened. His face dropped a bit, hearing what they felt - he had made them all wake up in the middle of the night, because he had a nightmare. Sure there was nothing he could do about it, but it didn’t feel nice.
Jeongin sighed and gathered up his strength and courage to talk about his horrifying dream. While explaining the dream slowly the room was completely silent, everybody listening thoroughly and patiently to his stammering story of his nightmare. He was feeling awkward talking about it so soon after, but he'd have to tell his brothers this eventually and the fastest way to get over something was to talk it out with someone.
When he finished speaking he looked down at his legs, fidgeting with his fingers. He felt a little uncomfortable with everyone being so quiet and looking at him, but it didn't last long until everybody began to aggressively show him love and affection, giving him all sorts of comforting words and reassurances.
"That's absurd! Stray Kids isn't whole without you! And throwing you out of the group just because you didn't show too much enthusiasm is dumb and shallow." Minho looked angry and perplexed, but his voice was emitting reason and care towards him as he sat in front of him with his feet in his lap. Jeongin was a little taken aback by his exclamation, but ended up smiling, because he knew that Minho didn't intend to invalidate his feelings. He was only sad and hurt by the dream Jeongin had and it was only reasonable he felt that way. 
"Yeah, and Jeongin, we would never agree to such stupid logic. You're one of us and that's how it'll be. We all know that you love us, so if you had difficulties, we would at least try to help you out of it, since we love you too." Seungmin explained, sitting down beside his right hip on the floor, smiling sweetly up at him. He grinned shyly at his words; it was unusual for Seungmin to be that soft. Though he was affectionate around him and a person he could lean on.
"Exactly. You're our maknae, our bean worm, and as your big brothers, who love you, we will always protect you and support you." Felix tightened his arms around his waist, leaning his chin on his shoulder. Jeongin laughed wholeheartedly at the nickname and his worries began fading.
"Baby." Jeongin immediately turned his attention to Chan sitting in front of him, his hands holding his hips. He turned bright red at the adorning look his boyfriend's face held, his deep brown eyes filled with love only for him. "You know I love you more than anything, right?" He carefully nodded while holding eye contact. "Then you know, I wouldn’t leave you. I don't want to be without you, so if you should go away, I would go with you. I'll always be yours and by your side, my love."
Jeongin grinned, being filled with happiness. He knew that, but after what happened just minutes ago, this was what he needed to hear. He leaned forward, pulling Felix and Changbin with him, and pressed his forehead against Chan’s. Both of them were smiling, also when they shared a loving kiss, getting gag sounds and applauds.
“Does this mean we’ll have a sleepover in the living room?” HyunJin asked hopefully, looking around at the boys. Laughter erupted among them at his cute question, but all sprang up and began gathering mattresses, duvets, and pillows. Chan and Jeongin waited with joining them and stood up in each other’s arms. Jeongin’s head was leaned against Chan’s shoulder, arms around his torso. He was getting lost in his embrace until he spoke up.
“I love you, baby. Remember that, if you get another dream about me leaving you, or whatever the situation should be. Just know, that it won’t happen. I won’t leave you.” Jeongin looked up and smiled at him.
“I love you too, Channie. Always. And I’ll try to remember it,” he replied and Chan planted his lips firmly on his again. The kiss was more passionate than any other they had shared, and Jeobgin could feel it all over his body. When they finally broke apart, they took each other’s hands and walked out to the others in the living room.
Chan never left his side. Not even while preparing the sleeping area in the room. When he had to go get more pillows, because they lacked a few, he’d go with him, when he’d get some snacks from the kitchen to cozying up with before bed, Chan was right behind him. He was like his little puppy, and Jeongin loved it. He loved being cared for this much. It filled him with security and joy to know this talented, caring, and loving man was his and his alone.
Settling down into the large fluffy bed that was made in the living room was heavenly. He felt so safe lying in between his brothers and with Chan hugging him from behind. The others were having small talks while eating the chips and candies.
“Thanks guys...” Jeongin spoke up weakly from under the blankets. The members shut up immediately upon hearing his voice and turned to him looking shocked. “Thanks for doing this for me. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime man, we love you!” HyunJin giggled, showing him his famous eye smile and Jeongin couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight.
“No need to thank us. We did this because we wanted to help you and make you feel comfortable, but you’re welcome our sweet Maknae!” Jisung replied patting his legs.
“And honestly this also gave us the opportunity to have this sleepover here. I’ve really missed this; all of us being together this close,” Changbin said thoughtfully, making people snicker. “Not that we need you to have more nightmares for us to sleep here, but you know!” He quickly saved and everybody began laughing loudly. They started teasing him, making him whine.
“Thanks Changbin,” Jeongin said after they’ve calmed down. Changbin smiled warmly at him and nodded.
“Always here for you, bro.” He pulled out his fist and he bumped it, making the explosion afterwards.
They all decided to sleep to get ready for tomorrow’s work and everyone settled closely together, no one left uncuddled. Jeongin turned around in Chan’s embrace and placed his head on his chest.
“Goodnight Innie,” Chan huskily said, the others tuning in.
“Goodnight everyone.”
This turned out to be the best night he’d had in a while, despite the horrible dream he had.
Stray Kids’ manager was walking up the stairs towards the front door of their dorm, early in the morning, making sure the Kids got up and ready for the day. He sighed as he turned the key in the lock and opened the door. It had been a rough night for him and waking up today was hard.
As he was about to yell out a good morning throughout the dorm, he was met with an endearing sight, he hadn’t seen in a long time; the boys had gathered around in the living room, on a huge self-made bed, all sprawled up on each other’s bodies. Warmth spread out in his heart at the view which resulted in an equally warm smile to appear on his face. Something must’ve happened last night to make this happen, because they hadn’t done this in a long time.
Thinking this thought he figured he’d give them the sleep they needed, and he could also use a little rest, leading to him taking a pillow that had been thrown out from the bed and a blanket and lay on the couch above them.
He whispered a small: “sleep well.” and went to sleep alongside them                 
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oneletteredwondered · 6 years ago
You know that AU where the sides are actually real and ‘play’ their own characters but exaggerated? Yeah that but “Can Lying be Good”.
“Are you sure this is a bad idea?” Deceit looks up from the script he’s been reading over Patton’s shoulders to look at the others. There’s a few smiles given his way and Roman’s boisterous laughter.
“Of course Sir-Lies-a-Lot! It’s the best time to introduce a new character to the scene!” Roman laments dramatically, tossing an arm over Deceit’s shoulder which Deceit promptly shrugs off. He catches sight of Thomas smiling fondly at them all, clearly used to these antics.
“As ironic as it is for me to say this,” Virgil starts to say, putting his phone down for just a moment. He catches Deceit’s eyes to make sure the other is listening.
“Don’t worry about it,” He says. Deceit twists up his nose slightly. When the others told him they wanted to introduce him to the video series, he laughed. A laugh that quickly died out as he realized they were serious. He’s not sure if he’s honored or annoyed that Virgil suggested him to be the first of the “darker” aspects introduced.
“The fans are going to-” Virgil cuts off his statement, a look of sudden clarity comes over him. Deceit raises an eyebrow to his silence.
“Oh god the fans are going to love you it’s going to be annoying how much they love you ugh,” And with that, Virgil flicks up his hood and resumes playing on his phone. Deceit merely pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s not sure what the fans will really do. He’s a far sight different than the others and though he’s not the nicest of sides, this script does paint him more.. less nice.
When Roman originally talked him through the script and maybe even potential plot lines, he couldn’t deny, or try to in any case, that playing the more villain role seemed fun. He may not always be the bad guy, but there’s a certain thrill with watching the others squirm. Still there’s only so much fans can take.
“Virgil has a point. Even when he played a more antagonistic role there were a select number of fans dedicated to his character,” Logan informs him. It doesn’t make him feel better. He doesn’t want to be hated necessarily, even if he might enjoy playing the antagonist. He lets out a sigh and glances down at his feet, well, he would if he could see his feet.
Patton looks up at him. He’s wrapped himself around Deceit’s legs happily, practically sitting on his feet and hiding them from sight. If Deceit were to try and walk he’d surely fall over. Patton lets out a soft giggle and nuzzles his leg comfortingly. That also doesn’t make Deceit feel better, but he does give a small smile in return. 
“Don’t worry,” Patton whispers conspiratorially as he holds up an old cardigan. Deceit dutifully wraps it over his shoulders, a wave of his hand changing the rest of his outfit to match the puffball padre in almost exact likeness.
“I’ll help you not be me from right here.” To prove his point, Patton hugs Deceit’s legs almost making him fall over more than he was already prone to. Patton apologizes and laughs, and to make it worse, Deceit copies his laugh almost perfectly, which prompts Patton to keep giggling, so Deceit keeps copying him.
“Are you finished?” Thomas asks but he’s laughing too. 
“Sorry Thoma-llama, guess I got caught in a giggle fit there,” Deceit says in a scary mockery of Patton’s voice, complete with an exaggerated shrug. Virgil has to smack a hand to his mouth to stop his snort but Patton lets himself keep giggling for a little while longer.
Eventually they calm down enough and begin to run through the script together. Thomas records his lines first, though Not Patton interjects to give Thomas the proper scare. Then Roman goes next, being even more dramatic than he usually is to play up his character even more.
When it’s finally Patton’s turn, Roman is there with the script as well, talking on and on about feeling the emotions and really getting in character.
“Well heck Kiddo I think I’m already in character don’t ya think?” Not Patton interrupts after a small tirade. Roman blinks at him a little dumbly at first, looking up and down between Actual Patton hugging Not Patton’s legs and trying to figure out exactly who said it. Deceit can’t help the curl of a smirk that crawls on his face at the confusion he’s caused.
“Anyway!” Roman says loudly. The show must go on.
“We wrote this with Patton in mind, so if you have an ideas on how to make it more.. not Patton..?” Roman leaves his statement like question open and hanging in the air. Not Patton huffs and takes the script, looking over the first few lines and stage directions. He glares down at it, then looks at Roman with a deadpan look on his face as he takes a bold red pen from out of no where and begins to scribble on the script, all without taking his eyes off Roman who looks mildly offended.
“First of all, we do not ‘pop in’ instead of rise up.” Roman opens his mouth to contradict but he’s unsure of Dee is saying the truth or twisting it.
“And Patton, darling, how exactly would you feel if Thomas called you any variant of father?” Not Patton looks down at Actual Patton, and Actual Patton breaks into an ear slitting grin at the mention of being referred to as father. So Not Patton makes a note in the script to not be excited by being told ‘papa’s in the house’.
It goes on for a bit, going back and forth and re-writing without changing too much, till eventually Not Patton is desperately trying to convince Thomas that lying isn’t always a bad thing. Truth be told, Dee himself doesn’t always think lying is the best thing, and there’s Patton, rubbing his leg reassuringly from below, to remind him that it’s okay.
Of course Deceit loves his true entrance, the dark chuckle, the dim lights, oh he feels every bit villainous and it’s glorious. He almost breaks character calling Thomas a ‘foolish dummy’ but manages to push through.
Then comes the worst scene of Deceit’s life.
He hadn’t questioned it before, just accepted, and now he regrets that as Patton does ‘rise up’, right underneath him, and causes them both to fall on their butts.
Virgil is the first to break, sputtering into laughter that he tries to muffle in his hoodie sleeves. Patton is a very close second, doubled over on the ground and trying to breathe but he can’t. Deceit is doing his best to not be embarrassed at the blunder.
“That was amazing!” Roman cheers and wipes a tear from his eye. It takes far too long in Deceit’s opinion to get everyone back under control to finish the line but the momentum is ruined. Every time they even get close to the point where Patton is supposed to rise up, someone breaks into giggle. The first time it’s Thomas.
“Sorry sorry, I can’t do it seriously anymore,” He stops his laughter by covering his mouth.
The second time it’s Patton, unable to full stand because he’s just losing it. Deceit can’t help it either, snickering into his cape. They take a small break after that one.
They get so close the next time but Roman snorts at the last second, which makes Virgil laugh again.
The time after that is the worst, because Patton actually manages to hold it together, long enough to rise up, directly under Deceit in such a way, that Deceit ends up sitting very unstable on Patton’s shoulders.
“Beware the combined powers of Skewed Morality!” Patton shouts and this time it’s Logan who ends up stuffing his tie into his mouth to keep from bursting into giggles. Deceit blinks down at Patton with scared wide eyes but Patton only looks up at him with sparks of joy. Getting down is the hard part and Deceit will not admit that Roman really did need to help him down with hurting either of them.
It takes two more tries before they get it right. Deceit can see the strain of Patton trying not to laugh as he tells Deceit that he’s “in his spot”. To be fair, Deceit has to stuff his own cape into his mouth after Patton tells him a cheerful and plain “bye!” when he sinks out from his own debut.
Patton says the rest of his lines with a smile, Dee curled around his legs an exact mirror of their positions from the morning portion of filming. Virgil goes next and then the end credit scene is thought of and Deceit well, he’s not all that apposed, especially not for a little improve.
“Well since I’m here, I might as well present to you a couple musical puns based all around Deceit,” and if those words and the action he does with it doesn’t make Patton or Roman light up with excitement he doesn’t know what will. He rattles a few off the top of his head, just having a little fun.
“Lies and Dolls, Lying King, Fibber on the roof,” Oh he’s not even sure if the camera is still recording, but he’s having too much fun seeing Patton and Virgil try not to laugh, Roman and Thomas smiling proudly, and that disgruntled look on Logan’s face as the word play keeps coming.
“Jekyll and Lied, totally not partial to that one, Willy Wonka and the Alternative Factory,” He’s being too much, too dramatic, but it’s worth it. He rattles off a few more before he’s at his wits end.
“The Un-Truthers,” Based on the other’s looks, that one might need to be explained.
“The Producers,” he clarifies.
“I think that was my strongest one. That was fun, this was a fun video, I’m so glad I did this,” And Deceit has just enough time to walk off camera before cackling his heart out. He’s only saved by someone else laughing with him. He’s huddled a little, some patting his back and someone else hugging him from the side. There’s also Thomas smiling at him fondly still. He had his reservations before, but maybe, if they wanted, he wouldn’t mind joining them for this experience again.
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years ago
1st: I enjoyed the album. Top 3 are Stay, Dis-ease and Telepathy đŸ’ƒđŸœI'll be honest, I liked the MV for Life Goes On but there was something going on with the bass 🧐 plays fine on spotify tho. I know there's people out there that are really struggling during these times and the songs hit harder personally for them while other people weren't expecting the style Life Goes On brings. Its an album for the fans and not my 1st choice if I was trying recruit new people lol Hope I made sense XD💜
 You made sense! I totally feel this. I am a dedicated and very loyal fan myself as someone that has been following them since their debut in 2013, so I have supported them for a very long time and will continue to do so for the many years yet to come.
However, if I had someone I was trying to introduce BTS to, I think I would show them the previous work of BTS like Love Yourself: Tear or Wings, for example. Maybe after that, I would bring this album to their attention, but I would definitely recommend BE for those who are struggling. It is a good source of comfort, for sure, if you are going through a rough time and I can understand how others would love this album as I have already seen. I think the boys put in work for this one and it definitely shows! I’m especially proud of Kook for his directing skills in the MV. It was very well done and I am so glad he seemed to have had a good time doing that as he stated in the Global Press Conference yesterday!
BE is a very interesting album in terms of the styles of the songs with three of the eight being retro-themed (Dynamite, Telepathy and Dis-ease) with the other three being slower and more melancholy (Life Goes On, Blue and Grey and Fly To My Room). Personally, I liked 7 better than this one, but that is just my opinion! I have seen lots of other people on Tumblr commenting their favorite songs off BE amongst other loving praises that I’ve come across and I think that is wonderful. 
For me, though, I will say that Life Goes On definitely caught me off guard as I wasn’t expecting that style of song at all. Despite that, the fact that my bias directed this MV was something very unique that I really enjoyed seeing. If words would embody this song, I would choose succor’s solace as the epitome of this track. It is relief rolled into audio and it is such a gift to have a song like this in the hard times that we have been attacked with. This is certainly a song that you’d listen to on the way home from work after a long day or while you’re in the midst of studying, doing schoolwork or even at home working on assignments or tasks for your job. It is also something you’d listen to when you feel like the problems and struggles you face are just too much and need to be reminded that, per the song’s title, life continues on and that we must push forward to enjoy the little things and the big. I liked this track the most, I think. I myself am facing some things in my life right now and the core message of this song resonated deeply with me. To that end, this track is every bit the comfort song they intended it to be and this song, along with Spring Day, sit at the same table for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Fly To My Room’s mellow beat is something that I think would be a great listen at night after the trials and woes of the day and it was interesting to see sope/vmin in the same track and how those two subunits meshed together to create something entirely new and unseen before. 
Blue and Grey... this one sounded familiar to me and it took me all but two seconds to realize where I had heard it before. This is the same song that Taehyung teased in Bon Voyage when he was sitting in the canoe out on the lake. The song sounded so very different in this rendition and I was very surprised to see this song in the album when I had originally thought it would be in Tae’s mixtape! This is definitely a song you listen to in the rain and when the sun has been masked by the clouds in the sky. It is also a song you’d listen to once the sun has set and you walk outside just to have some fresh air and reminisce either about the past or to think on the stresses of your present. I think this track has the power to ease both and that is a powerful thing, indeed.
Telepathy I really liked! I think the upbeat form of this one definitely was a nice break from the slow beat of the first three songs on the album and, because this one is BTS’s love letter to ARMY, I think that is a very special thing that we as their fans should cherish in their thought towards us during the times that have befallen us and taken from us (and them) their ability to see us beyond a screen. I think the flow of the song is perfect and the flux of the voices of the members works very well for the positive energy they are trying to instill in it. From beginning of this song, when I heard it, I knew I was going to like it. It had a starry, celestial vibe to it and for some reason, when I hear it, I think of shooting stars that fly through the night sky. True to that image, this is a song you’d listen to when you’re with friends to recall the bonds you make with those closest to you (and those farthest from you) no matter where in the world they are. This is a song you’d also listen to to PARTY PARTY, YEAH! (I’m sorry, but ever since I heard that from Kook, it has been living in my mind rent free) In any case, this is a nice song to uplift you and would also be good to put on after a bad day so that you can look back on all the good things life despite the bad. That message is a very strong one, indeed, so that definitely makes this song a favorited one for me.
As an English major at my university, the title of Dis-ease was interesting as someone that often studies semantics and semiotics in language and literature. It was intriguing to see that they chose to deconstruct the word of disease and split it into its alternative form to convey an entirely new meaning from what one might assume the word means at first glance. While they could have chosen to name the song DISEASE, which is a word associated with sickness, illness or an ailing, afflicted health condition that most link with weakness and feebleness, BTS decided to utilize a play on words and use an older version of the word that now has two different meanings linked with it, I found it fascinating that they named the song what they did, for dis-ease was often used in the past to denote a lack of ease or absence of relief in an individual. It was only later that the word was changed once individuals started tagging health related conditions with actual infections or maladies when viruses and mental illnesses began to gain a name for themselves in the colonizing world. Ironically enough, the word dis-ease is now used by medical practitioners in healing environments for individuals that are on the road to eudemonia or betterment of themselves and the word is purposefully used to endow awareness of compromised health on a singular cause or root.
I don’t think I need to explain why that is significant in the scheme of the situation that our world has come to, but I shall say it anyway: this is meaningful in that BTS decides to fight back and combat the negativity that would threaten to swallow them (and those who listen and internalize the lyrics of the song for themselves and thusly feel the message they are trying to give to us) to instead grapple and wrestle with it by loudly bringing attention to it rather than allowing it to silently consume and germinate within them. This, for me, was very empowering to hear and is one of the many reasons why I appreciate this song in particular amongst the lyrics that target and attack the “diseases” that would try to take from us our wellbeing. The track is a battle cry to keep fighting and that, in it of itself, is a very powerful thing that strikes very deep within me. The bridge at the end with Kook and Jimin, by the way
 literal EARGASM, MA’AM. Anyway, this is a song that you’d listen to in the morning to get yourself hype for the day. It is something you’d put on in the desire to boost your spirits if they are low and honestly could be listened to in any situation.
Lastly, we have Stay. This subunit of NamKookJin was certainly a pleasant surprise to me! Kook’s involvement in this track doesn’t go unnoticed in the emotion that is present in his voice (amongst Joon and Jin, of course), but there’s also something about this song that goes straight for the heartstrings in the pledge of continued loyalty that is subliminal in its subtlety. I adored this song and this track’s EDM style was a wonderful finale of the album in its summation that there are low points in life (as the first few tracks suggest) and that there are high points and life. I think that through this song, the three boys who sang in it were wonderful in their energy that was so vibrant. It was wonderful to hear the three of them meld together in a unit that also was unlike what we have heard before. I know the song must have meant a lot to the three of them because Joon is Kook’s role model as he has stated many times and to sing with one’s idol would certainly be a powerful thing, indeed. The fact that Jin was in it too much have had so much meaning for Kook since Jin is like a brother to him and took care of him (and honestly, he still does, let’s be real) when he was younger. 
The song’s lyrics themselves reach out to the ARMY that Jungkook said the song was meant for in his, Joon’s and Jin’s efforts to remind us that, as their fans, they hope that we will always remain with them and that they know the times are going to change for the better. I enjoyed this song very much and it would definitely be a song you’d listen to be reminded of the love that BTS has for you and that despite everything, you will always have a place with them even if you feel lost in the world around you. I think a situation you’d put this on would be when you are need just that extra bit of confidence to get you through an anxiety inducing time whether it be a test for school or even a meeting for work.
With all of this in mind, my favorite songs are as follows: Dis-ease, Telepathy, Stay and Life Goes On. It is hard to pick a favorite among those four, but those were my most liked tracks for sure!
Overall, I think the album definitely is one meant to soothe the soul and the boys have succeeded in that without fail. It is clear that the boys worked hard on this and their efforts were not vain! This is an album that I think we all needed to close out a tough year and it took me some to get all my thoughts together, but now that I have listened to the whole album once again, I’m liking it more with each time I hear it. It is always amazing to me how BTS continues to do what no one else does: letting their genuine feelings shine through their music that inspires light in so many. I am proud of each and every one of them and they deserve some hard earned rest after their efforts!
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creambunnie · 5 years ago
♡ Love You More ♡
Tumblr media
WayV Xiaojun X OC (Y/N)
angst fluff . ENJOYYYYY
a/n : it has been a long time since i've written such a long imagine. i hope you guys love it!
you wrapped your finger around your mug of hot chocolate and had a sip as your boyfriend!Xiaojun stared at you lovingly. you placed your mug down and looked at Xiaojun with a nervous look. Xiaojun grabbed your hands and squeezed them gently.
"do you think i will make it?". you asked your boyfriend anxiously.
the both of you just graduated from college. Xiaojun already had a stable job at a big tech company, while you, who graduated with a performing arts degree , were auditioning here and there for dramas and shows to land on your first tv debut. you auditioned for romance, action and even horror! you didn't really care about the genre,you just wanted to experience the real deal and improvise yourself till you become a well-groomed actress.
Xiaojun rubbed your hand with his thumb and nodded his head. "i believe an actress as talented as you could make it! if they don't cast you though, it's alright. it's not you, they are the ones who are at lost.". Xiaojun comforted. you scrunched your nose up at his cheesiness and squeezed his hands.
"are you sure you're not just being nice to your girlfriend?". you asked. Xiaojun laughed and shook his head. "of course not! i really mean it. you are very talented! remember when you acted like you were in pain just to get a kiss from me?" . Xiaojun comforted again but didn't forget to tease you . you pulled your hands away and slapped his hand playfully. "ahh why did you have to remind me!". you whined which made him laugh with adoration at your cuteness.
after the short cafe date, you and Xiaojun went to the audition venue by cab . Xiaojun was your moral support. he had always accompanied you to your auditions and comforted you when you were rejected. he would motivate you to do your best and be better each audition.
you were at the waiting room, anxiously waiting for your turn. Xiaojun was sititing beside you while holding your hand in his to give comfort . you on the other hand, tried rehearsing your lines for the last time. you became more nervous when the staff told that you would be going in in about 2 minutes.
"ahh babe i am so nervous!". you mumbled as you faced your cute boyfriend. Xiaojun gave you a small smile and carresed your hair lovingly. "i believe in you , sweetie. you are going to do your best! i promise to treat you to ice cream later after your turn alright?". Xiaojun pecked your lips one last time before you were called. He gave you a soft goodluck as you followed the staff.
you were given quite a good feedback from the judges and they told you they would contact you about the results soon. you went out of the hall to the waiting room earlier with a good feeling. you were about to run and hug your boyfriend but was greeted by his close friend instead.
"oh Hendery! are you here for the audition too? oh and did you see Xiaojun?". you bombarded him with questions.
Hendery chuckled and rubbed his nape. "actually Xiaojun was the one who asked me to come here and walk you home. His mother called him earlier because of something urgent. he really is regretful that he had to leave . ". Hendery tried his best to explain to you as politely as possible. your head dropped as you stared at the floor below you.
"oh.. i understand. family is definitely more important. no worries!". you exclaimed as you looked up to Hendery.
Hendery frowned when he saw your teary eyes. He hated seeing his friend sad so an idea popped into his mind. Hendery grabbed your wrist and pulled you along gently. "times like this call for food! i am starving and i bet you are too! let's go!". you giggled and let Hendery drag you.
Hendery brought you to a small restaurant which was a few stops away from the audition venue. "i always come here with my sister. i'm basically a regular and kind of the owner's favourite,so order anything you want alright. it's on me!". Hendery said and winked. you chuckled at his actions but ordered anyways.
you actually had fun hanging out with Hendery. he was a sweetheart , and a dork too. he would crack jokes randomly which brightened your day up. you always hang out with Xiaojun and his friends but never with any of them individually. it was a refreshing experience eating out with Hendery. after talking and eating, it was finally time for you to go home. Hendery walked you home like how he was asked in the first place. you thanked Hendery for the day and apologised for troubling him. Hendery only responded by shaking his head no and smiled widely. he wished you a goodnight sleep before walking away . you smiled back and went in your apartment.
you lived alone since college years. your parents' house were quite far but you do visit them regularly and they visit you too.
you plopped yourself down on your bed and check your phone. you gasped when you saw text messages from your boyfriend. you were having too much fun you didn't even look at your phone.
hey babe.. i am really sorry but i have to go first. i asked Hendery to accompany you back home. stay safe <3
did you meet Hendery? how was the audition? text me as soon as you see this alright ♡
babe, are you mad? i am really sorry, i am going to make it up to you!
please reply me ㅠㅠ are you home yet? nothing bad happened to you right?
- 10 missed calls from ♡BaobeiJun♡ -
you sighed as you saw the texts. of course you were still upset about earlier. but you didn't want to be the annoying girlfriend and tried your best to pretend that you were okay.
To : ♡BaobeiJun♡
sorry for the late replies babe. i didn't check my phone earlier. yeah i am home, Hendery sent me home like you requested. he also bought me food because we were both starving. i am not mad, don't worry :)
you threw your phone on your bed as you changed into your pyjamas. a few seconds later, you heard your phone chime, indicating that you just received a message.
that is great! i should treat Hendery some time too to thank him. i am glad you are back safe. i was so worried when you didn't reply back :((
you chuckled and rolled your eyes at his text.
To : ♡BaobeiJun♡
i am really sorry hahaha , so you wanna tell me why you had to leave earlier?
Xiaojun then explained to you that his mother called him earlier to ask for his help. Apparently , his childhood friend, named Weiwei, was on a business trip here and Xiaojun's mother asked him to welcome her at the airport. you also got to know that the girl was going to stay at Xiaojun's family's place for a few months because renting an apartment would be bothersome.
you were now feeling more upset actually. he left your side because of another girl? and worse, the girl is staying with him for a while? you were furious, yes. but you were more insecure. you trusted Xiaojun but you just couldn't help yourself from being jealous. i mean, which girlfriend wouldn't? you were tired as you read his explanation and decided to end the conversation with a goodnight.
you switched your phone off and wrapped your whole body with your warm blanket. you tried getting rid of all the bad thoughts and fell asleep in anxiety.
you were woken up by the front door bell . you groaned as you sat up and checked the time. 10am. you groaned again and cursed whoever it was who disturbed your sleep as you walked to the front door. you opened the door but was greeted by no one. you groaned again thinking that it was just a prank but was startled when Xiaojun's head suddenly popped up out of nowhere. he leaned down so your eyes were parallel. he chuckled at your shocked expression and gave a peck on your cheek before inviting himself in. "i texted you but the messages weren't delivered so i figured your phone was dead. i came to really make it up for yesterday". Xiaojun explained.
you finally snapped out from your shock and grinned. you felt like your anger towards him yesterday evaporated just like that. you hugged him and buried your face into his chest. "you don't even know how much i wanted to hug you like this yesterday after the audition. i was overwhelmed with my emotions and the only one who could calm me was you. but you weren't there.". you mumbled sadly. Xiaojun felt guilty and carressed your hair.
"i am really sorry. i promised to treat you ice cream right? jajan!!" . Xiaojun pulled away and showed you the tubs of ice cream he bought.
"i was thinking of a movie-cuddling kind of date today.". Xiaojun said cutely as he tapped his chin with his finger. you giggled and pinched his cheeks. "i am up for it! but can you let me go shower first?". Xiaojun nodded and placed the ice cream tubs on the dining table. "sure, i will just prepare the couch alright!".
after a nice shower,you joined Xiaojun who was sitting on the couch with his phone. he put his phone on the table as he saw you approaching him. but you saw that he was texting Weiwei earlier. you decided to just ignore your jealousy and took the ice cream tub Xiaojun handed to you. Xiaojun then pulled you closer so you snuggled into his chest and enjoyed the ice cream. the both of you watched a romance movie and imitated the cheesy lines. you would giggle everytime Xiaojun peck your head when there is a kiss scene.
"you know, i heard that the 2nd movie is released next week!". you said and took a spoonful of your strawberry cheesecake ice cream.
Xiaojun hummed and pecked your head again. "it's a date then!".
you turned to him with a wide smile. "really?". Xiaojun chuckled and nodded his head. you squealed and pecked his lips. "i can't wait ! it's been a long time since we've went to the cinema together.".
Xiaojun carressed your hair lovingly before putting down his finished ice cream tub. "how about i go and take some blankets so we could cuddle here?". Xiaojun suggested. you nodded excitedly as you stood up to give him space.
as Xiaojun went to your room, you saw his phone lighted up . you peeked and saw notifications from Weiwei. you rolled your eyes and turned his phone around so you wouldn't get distracted. you quickly finished your ice cream and cleaned up before lying down beside Xiaojun. Xiaojun wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. you leanee your ear on his chest and sighed in relief as you relaxed ,listening to his heartbeat. "i love you sweetie and i want you to remember that forever.". Xiaojun whispered and pecked your forehead. "i love you too baobeijun,". you whispered back. the two of you cuddled in silence and soon fell asleep .
it has been a few days after the cuddle date. you haven't really see Xiaojun after that because he was kind of busy with work. you did texted and called each other but you missed him being with you physically. you sighed and just decided to focus on your work. yeah, you has a part time job at a small bookstore. you still had to make income anyways. so while you practised to be an aspiring actress, you still worked hard in earning your own allowance and not only depend on your parents or boyfriend.
you were keying in some things on the computer when the bell chimed, indicating a customer's entrance.
"welcome!". you greeted as you saw a cute girl entered. you were about to ask if she needed help when the door opened again, revealing your handsome boyfriend. you gasped and smiled widely.
"Baobe--". your words were cut off when the cute girl earlier linked arms with Xiaojun. you frowned deeper when Xiaojun didn't even bother to push her away. you quickly gave a small smile when Xiaojun walked towards you with the girl and waved at you cutely.
"babe, this is Weiwei! and Weiwei, this is my girlfriend, y/n !". Xiaojun introduced. you forced a smile and stretched your hand out for a handshake. but your tired arm was ignored as Weiwei hugged Xiaojun's arm and whined. "when we were little you said we were gonna be together!". Xiaojun only chuckled awkwardly and rubbed his nape. he smiled apologetically to you in which you just shook your head . "Xiaojunjun! let's go eat!". Weiwei saidly in her high-pitched voice which hurt your ears. Xiaojun nodded and looked at you, who was looking at the couple sadly.
"i'll see you soon, okay babe?". Xiaojun said softly as if you were the most fragile thing there. you smiled and nodded. before you could speak, Weiwei pulled and dragged Xiaojun out of the store.
you wanted to just cry out loud but you held yourself back. Xiaojun has been to busy with work and couldn't spend even an hour with you but here he was spending his free time with another girl. you knew she was just a friend and you trusted Xiaojun. you love Xiaojun. but it hurt you how he was being oblivious of your painful heart . you decided to push aside the thoughts and focused on work. you were grateful there weren't many customers on that day . you were not really in the mood to entertain others . half an hour before the store closed, the bell chimed indicating a new customer. you continued packing up books and your things while the customer looked for their desired books. you were packing your bag when the customer placed books on the counter. "hi , i would like to ask if the last volume of this comic is still available?". you quickly turned around at the familiar voice. the customer blinked and chuckled. "i didn't know it was your shift ,". Hendery stated. you gave a small smile and nodded. "yeah i was just covering for my co-worker. ". you said softly. you quickly looked at the comic he was purchasing and keyed in the code in the computer.
"the last volume is sold out . but the new stock is coming tomorrow! you could come by if you like and i could reserve one for you.". you explained.
Hendery grinned and nodded. "sure,i'll purchase these first and come back again tomorrow!". after settling his books, it was finally time for you to lock the bookstore and head home.
you switched off everything and quickly closed the store down. you gasped when Hendery suddenly stood in front of you. Hendery chuckled at your reaction . "i was thinking of dinner. together?". Hendery suggested. you chuckled and shook your head. "i'm actually kind of fu--". your lie was cut off when your stomach growled violently. the two of you stared at each other before laughing. "alright, how about hotpot and some beer? at the same place!". you suggested this time. Hendery smiled widely and nodded. "i'm paying this time so don't worry about what you want to eat alright!". you said again . you tried making yourself happy but your lifeless eyes could never lie Hendery. Hendery decided to just play along with you and waited for you to open up yourself. he hated seeing his friends hurt but he hated forcing people more.
you were on your second bottle of beer, you were not really drunk but drunk enough to cry outloud the feelings you've been hiding since afternoon.
"i know she is just a friend but why is she getting more attention then me? your girlfriend? am i just dumb for crying or are you dumb? why does Xiaojun have to be so kind towards other girls? this is unfair!". you whined and downed another shot .
Hendery kept quiet and let you let out all your feelings. he thought it was finally time for you to cry out everything and feel better .
"Hendery, is it really childish and petty of me to be jealous like this?". you turned to your friend and slurred your words. Hendery only sighed and tucked your hair back behind your ears to have a clearer sight of your red face. "no i understand. you shouldn't feel bad for feeling this way. i can't help you much but i am here for you when you need me.". Hendery comforted. you nodded at his response before falling asleep right after . Hendery quickly stretched his arm out before you could knock your head on the table. Hendery sighed as he combed your hair neatly with his fingers. he understood Xiaojun for taking care of his childhood friend but he was disappointed Xiaojun made you feel like this. Hendery decided to call Xiaojun to pick you up. He felt like it was only right for him as a friend to help his friends out.
A few minutes later,Hendery tried waking you up. you woke up with a groan and clutched your head. "are you sober enough to walk?". Hendery asked as he held your shoulder. you nodded and stood up slowly. Hendery helped you and walked out of the restaurant with you . the moment the two of you stepped out of the restaurant, Xiaojun ran towards you . "babe!". he exclaimed as he took you from Hendery. your head was still spinning but you figured Xiaojun's face. you turned to Hendery as he gave you a small smile. "rest well, alright?". Hendery said before excusing himself.
"why did you drink so much babe?" . Xiaojun asked as he piggybacked you. you leaned your head on his back and sighed. "i was sad. i was angry. i was tired.". you replied word by word. you felt the wind as Xiaojun walked on the empty street, bringing you home.
"do you want to tell me why?". Xiaojun asked softly. your heart broke. of course you were sad and angry because of him. but his sweet and innocent self just couldn't realise that. "i love you Jun... i hope you do too. please stay with me.". you breathed out, holding yourself back from crying. Xiaojun stopped in his tracks for a bit but continued walking right after . "of course i love you too. i am here always, by your side.".
you fell asleep on his comfortable back as you felt assured.
you wore Xiaojun's favourite baby blue blouse and styled your hair simply with some light make up. you were excited for your movie date. you were at the cinema , waiting for your boyfriend. he promised to be there half an hour before the movie starts. but coming to 10 minutes before showtime, he was still not there. you tried texting him but the messages were not delivered. maybe his phone battery died, you thought. you tapped your foot nervously as you scanned the place for your boyfriend.
4 mins
you sighed and held your head down sadly. *did he forget about our date?* . you were about to exit the cinema when someone called your name. you turned and were greeted by Hendery. he really was like your guardian angel. there whenever you were sad.
"are you here alone? what movie are you watching?". Hendery asked. you smiled sadly and shook your head. "today was supposed to be our movie date but Xiaojun is not here. i tried contacting him but he didn't reply. i think i should just go back.". you explained.
Hendery frowned at his friend's actions. He really was disappointed in Xiaojun.
"how about we watch a movie together? hmm i was thinking, Dora The Explorer?". Hendery suggested, trying to cheer you up. you chuckled at his unique choice of movie and nodded. "that is a great idea! let's go!". you agreed and grabbed his wrist to buy the tickets.
during the movie, Hendery suddenly heard soft sniffings. He turned to look at you and sighed . you were wiping your tears that were flowing down your cheeks non-stop. it was obvious you were crying because of Xiaojun, the movie wasn't even a sad one. Hendery grabbed your hands and squeezed them to comfort you. he then pulled your head to lean on his shoulder. "it's okay sweetie, it's okay. i am always here to comfort you.". Hendery whispered as he carressed your hair. his sweet words calmed you throughout the movie. you were sorry to Hendery for always being stuck in your relationship, but you were also grateful to have him as a good friend.
after the movie, you went to the ladies to freshen up . Hendery waited for you and invited you to dinner. "how about we go to the usual? i kind of like the concept of having our hangout place.". you said as you walked out of the cinema with Hendery. Hendery chuckled but agreed to your suggestion anyway. dinner made your day. you decided to totally ignore your thoughts about Xiaojun and spend quality time with your now new bestfriend. you and Hendery shared a lot of things with each other , from cute childhood stories to epic highschool memories. you also found out that the both of you were big fans of Attack on Titans and Tokyo Ghoul. Hendery promised to lend you his AOT mangas as you promised to recommend him other great animes and mangas. the day eventually ended with Hendery walking you home. "thank you so much for today Hendery. i am very thankful to have you as my friend.". Hendery smiled at your words and patted your head. "i am always here if you are im need of a friend. the restaurant is always open for us to have more fun.". you thanked him again and bid him goodnight as you entered your apartment.
you plopped yourself on the couch and fished out your phone.
omg babe... i didn't realise that my phone was turned off >○<
i overlooked the date for our movie date .. i am really sorryyy
my mom asked me to bring Weiwei around the city. i agreed because i thought our date is tomorrow...
i am really sorry babe,, please reply my messages
babe? i understand that you are mad at me...
are you at least safe back home?
you threw your phone on the couch as you stood up. you decided to just ignore his texts. you were really mad. not just because he ditched you on the most awaited date, but he ditched you as he spent time with another girl. you knew Xiaojun was just being kind but is he really dense to not draw the line? you didn't want your relationship to be ruined by a girl who suddenly appeared in your life. you thought your relationship with Xiaojun was strong , but recent incidents made you doubtful. you washed up and went to bed straight away.
you woke up the next morning feeling a bit better after a goodnight sleep. you were having your light breakfast when you heard a knock from the front door. you groaned as you weren't expecting any guests.
you opened the door only to push it back close as you see his face. but before the door could close fully, Xiaojun held onto it with his leg. "babe please let me in.". he begged. you contemplated for a bit but opened the door anyways. you quickly walked away before he could hug you. Xiaojun followed you to the kitchen as he called out your name softly. Xiaojun wrapped his arms around your shoulders but you harshly pushed him away and faced him.
"Xiaojun. i am tired. please, i am tired of being mad with you and settle my feelings with a hug from you. this is not that simple, Jun. i love you , i really do. but the amount of times you've hurt me in these 2 months is more than the whole 2 years that we've spent together..". you confessed.
Xiaojun tried to pull you into a hug but you rejected. you wiped the tears that were flowing down your cheeks as you continued. "why do you think i was drunk the other night? you think i wanted to feel depressed like that? you think everything was back to normal when you came to pick me up?!". you didn't intend to raise your voice at him but your emotions were unstable.
Xiaojun was startled at your outburst. he looked at you with teary eyes. you sighed as you sat on the floor and pulled your legs before burying your face in between them. your sobs echoed through the silent kitchen. you felt Xiaojun moving closer. he squatted beside you and wrapped his arms around your body before pulling you into his warm chest. "i'm sorry , i'm sorry, sshhh i'm sorry, i love you babe, i really love you . i'm sorry i hurt you, i love you really. i am here now and i promise i won't leave you.". Xiaojun whispered in an attempt to comfort your broken heart. you finally gave in and cried out into his chest.
a few moments later, Xiaojun carried you into your bedroom. he lied down beside you and pulled you closer. you buried your face into the crook of his neck and sniffed in his scent. you relaxed in his arms as you calmed yourself down. "i missed you so much,". he mumbled as he pecked your head. the two of you lied down in silence, enjoying each other's presence and calm breathing. Xiaojun was about to fall asleep when his ringtone startled the both of you. you slowly pulled away from him to give hin space to sit up. Xiaojun rubbed his eyes cutely as he searched for his phone. you couldn't help but giggle at the cute sight and although you were still a bit mad, you didn't hold yourself back from giving him a quick peck on the lips. Xiaojun froze at your sudden action before slowly reaching for his phone. he was used to receiving kisses from you but he was suddenly shy after the fight , his ears turned red . you giggled at his reaction and nudged him to do something about his phone. "i--i'll take this call for a while okay?" he stuttered. you nodded before lying down back on your bed.
after the short call, Xiaojun turned to face you with a guilty expression. "babe.. i really want to spend time with you but this is urgent. Weiwei is having troubles with settling her project and i have to go help. i am really sorry babe.". Xiaojun explained and apologised.
you sighed, just when you thought it was back to normal, everything was about to be ruined again. "it's urgent right? let me walk you to the front door.". you said as you got off the bed. Xiaojun gulped as he sensed your sarcasm. he followed you out of the room like a puppy. "i'm really sorry babe.. how about i take you on a date on Saturday?". Xiaojun tried to persuade you. you gave a small smile and pushed him out off your apartment gently. "i can't. i have plans.". you replied and quickly closed your front door. you heard Xiaojun knocked for a few minutes, begging you to open the door but he then stopped when you ignored him . you figured he finally gave up and went to settle his urgent matters.
babe... what plans do you have that i can't spend time with you?
you rolled your eyes at his message and were tempted to just throw your phone on the ground. he had been ignoring your daily life activities because of his own but had the audacity to suddenly act caring when you finally gave him the cold shoulder. you ignored his message and decided to text Hendery .
To : Huang Guanheng
hey Hendery, i was thinking if you could accompany me this Saturday? i am finally casted for the drama i auditioned for recently and this Saturday is our first shooting. i am quite nervous to go alone...
you waited for a few seconds before Hendery replied.
-Huang Guanheng-
oh sure!! just tell me the time and place ,alright?
you smiled at his response and quickly informed him the details. you were glad he didn't ask about Xiaojun . he really was a friend with good sense.
the day finally came. you met up with Hendery early and decided to get some breakfast together. "you can do it , y/n . don't be too nervous or else you wouldn't be able to focus. here drink some hot tea, to calm you down.". you thanked him for his advice and comforting words. after the short breakfast, the both of you went to the shooting venue.
the site for the rehearsed scene was outdoor. the hot weather was not really helping with your nerves. you practised your lines as much as possible as the stylists prepared you before you were called to the site. you were only a side character but your character actually plays quite an important role in the drama. Hendery gave you a supporting pat as your turn came.
you did a good job with your lines but your co-actor kept on making mistakes. because of that the scene you were in had to be filmed for a few times. you tried to be consistent in the quality of your performance but the hot weather made you exhausted. you were sweating like mad that the stylists had to wipe them for you every few minutes.
the director finally gave a break time, asking your co-actor to calm his nerves and practise his line again. you were glad the director was nice enough to be patient with him . if you were the director, you would have screamed at him. you saw Hendery waving at you as you walked towards him . Hendery's smile turned into a frown as he saw your pale face. he quickly caught you as you stumbled. "are you okay?". he asked as he tried supporting you to stand up straight. "i am a bit dizzy," you managed to reply as you clutched your head. just as you spoke, your body felt weak and you fainted. Hendery's eyes widened as he wrapped his arm under your body and carried you. "ambulance! somebody call the ambulance!" .
Hendery : Dejun, your girlfriend just fainted . she is admitted to the hospital now.
Xiaojun : what? tell me the hospital address, i am on my way.
Hendery : alright, come here safely .
Hendery ended the call as he sat beside your bed. he carressed your head and sighed. a few minutes later, Xiaojun arrived . Hendery stood up and greeted his friend. Xiaojun gave Hendery a brotherly hug and went to you who were still sleeping. he held your cheek dearly and pecked your forehead. "what happened?". Xiaojun asked Hendery softly. "she was at the shooting site earlier--". Hendery's words were cut off by Xiaojun. "wa-wait, she was casted ?". Hendery frowned and nodded. "didn't she tell you?" . Xiaojun looked at you sadly and hesitated a nod. "kind of...". Hendery nodded before explaining further. "she fainted after her turn. the doctor said she was too stressful and dehydrated . that was why she fainted. but the doctor said to not worry, a rest and lots of water can make her feel better.". Xiaojun sat beside your bed and held your hand. "i see, thank you Guanheng.". Hendery nodded and stood beside Xiaojun. Xiaojun stayed by your side till night. Hendery stayed too. he was worried about both of his friends . "Dejun.. you've been here since afternoon. why not we go take some fresh air and have dinner ? y/n wouldn't want you to fall ill too.". Hendery patted his friend's shoulder. Xiaojun contemplated for a while but agreed to his friend's suggestion . he pecked your hand for the last time before leaving the hospital.
"which restaurant is still open at this hour?". Xiaojun asked as he checked the time. it was late night. Hendery grinned and patted his back. "i know the perfect place.".Hendery sat on his usual spot while Xiaojun sat on yours. the owner greeted them and passed the menus. "Guanheng! you didn't come with your girlfriend today?". Hendery blinked at her question as Xiaojun stared at Hendery. "you have a girlfriend?". Xiaojun asked. Hendery shook his head and tried to reply the owner. "no no auntie, she is not my gi--". his words were cut off when the owner exclaimed. " ah y/n ! she isn't here today.". Xiaojun's expression was unreadable. Hendery gulped and shook his head. "may we just look at the menu and order ,auntie?". the oblivious owner smiled and nodded before going back to the counter.
"this is just a misunderstanding Dejun.". Hendery started as he stared at the menu that he had memorised by heart. Xiaojun was silent for a bit but smiled . "i understand Guanheng. don't worry. why not we just order?i am starving!!". Hendery knew Xiaojun was just pretending to be okay. Xiaojun and you were really soulmates. hiding your real feelings. Hendery nodded and ordered some food.
the meal was silent and calm. both too occupied with their own thoughts. after the meal, Xiaojun paid for the food and thanked Hendery once again. "why not you go home and rest? i will be with y/n.". Xiaojun said in a matter of factly. not really as a suggestion. Hendery nodded and bid his friend goodnight before going back home.
Xiaojun stayed with for the whole night. you woke up to see your boyfriend sleeping, head on the edge of your bed. you carressed his soft brown locks gently as you stared at his calm sleeping face. Xiaojun's eyes opened slowly as he sat up. he grabbed your hand and pecked them before asking. "are you feeling better ?". you only nodded and squeezed his hand. "did Hendery call you?". Xiaojun hummed in response. his other hand balled into a fist as he heard his friend's name. "the doctor said you can discharge after you eat your breakfast. he said to drink lots of water and rest well.". your eyes widened when you realised you were at job when you fainted. you quickly searched for your phone to check for any messages. "missing Hendery already?". Xiaojun asked with gritted teeth. you looked up from your phone and frowned. "what?". Xiaojun smirked and scoffed. "nothing.". you turned back to your phone and read the text from one of the staffs.
-we hope you have a good rest. we are sorry for not considering your condition , we will update you about the next shootings. for now, we just want you to have a good rest- .
you sighed in relief as you finished reading the text. you thought you were going to be replaced by another actress. you placed your phone down and looked at Xiaojun who was staring at you. "have you eaten?". you asked. Xiaojun shook his head and rubbed his face with his hands. "i'll eat later after sending you home. i don't have the appetite to eat.". you frowned at his answer and placed your hand on his cheek as you carressed them gently. "please eat well. i don't want you to fall ill.". you said softly. Xiaojun gave a small smile and nodded.
in the cab on the way to your house, you leaned your head on Xiaojun's shoulder as he rubbed your interwined hands with his thumb. you jumped when you heard your phone ring.
*incoming call from Huang Guanheng*
you looked at Xiaojun as he nodded his head letting you answer the phone.
Hendery : are you home?
You : i'm on my way home in the cab. I am with Xiaojun.
Hendery : that is great . rest well okay? and y/n .. did you not tell him about the drama?
you kept silent at his question. Hendery called your names a few times .
You : i will alright. don't worry .
Hendery : he is your boyfriend,he should know.
you nodded your head as if he was in front of you.
You : okay okay, stop nagging, gosh.
Hendery chuckled at your response and advised you one last time before ending the call.
Xiaojun squeezed your hand right after you kept your phone. you leaned back onto his shoulder before calling his name out softly.
"babe,, i wanted to tell you but i was mad the other day. i actually got casted for the drama that i auditioned for the last time.". Xiaojun was quiet for a while. he carressed your hand and pecked your forehead. "congrats babe. see, i told you you would make it. you are talented.". he whispered. you smiled and pecked his cheek as you thanked him. you decided to just relax in silence as the cab took you back home.
you plopped on your couch as you arrived home. Xiaojun locked the front door and joined you on the couch. you switched on the TV and searched for fun shows to watch. "hey would you like some tea?". Xiaojun offered. you smiled and nodded . Xiaojun went to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of you. he thought this gave him some time to gather his courage for the words he was about to say . he hoped the tea would calm the both of you before the storm comes.
he placed both cups on the coffee table. your eyes were still stuck to the TV as you sipped on the hot tea. you turned to Xiaojun when he suddenly lowered down the volume of the TV. Xiaojun gave a small smile as he reached for your hands. he gave them a squeeze before starting his speech.
"y/n. we need to talk. i don't think this is going to work between us..". you frowned at his words and remembered what he said earlier. "is this because of Hendery? Xiaojun. i've been patient for almost three months now when you have to entertain Weiwei but just because of your jealousy towards Hendery , you want to break up? Hendery is just a friend! ". you asked , obviously disappointed with him . Xiaojun shook his head as he pulled his hands away from yours. "it's not just jealousy, okay?!". you were startled when he raised his voice. Xiaojun sighed and ruffled his hair roughly. "it's not jealousy...". his voice was back to his usual soft voice. "it's a realisation. i realised that Hendery can take care of you better than I can . he treats you better than me. you deserve a man better than me.". you frowned at his what you would say nonsensical excuses.
"no... i don't want to break up with you. i love you Xiaojun! don't you love me too? you promised me you are going to be by my side always.". you said as tears trickled down from your eyes. Xiaojun wiped his own tears as he looked into your eyes. "i do.. i love you. i love you so much therefore we can't be together. i love you so much i don't want to see you hurt . i love you so much i want you to know that you deserve better. i love you... but we are not meant to be with each other.".
your palms turned into fists as you hit his chest. "you stupid jerk! that doesn't make any sense! if you love me, stay with me! don't give up on me!". you shouted as you hit him. Xiaojun grabbed your wrists as he pulled you into a hug. "i love you. this is for your best.". he whispered and pecked your forehead for the last time . Xiaojun stood up and went out of your apartment, leaving you crying on the couch.
- Xiao Dejun -
Guanheng, please take care of y/n .
Hendery cursed under his breath as he read the message from his friend. "what did this idiot do this time." Hendery mumbled as he rushed to your apartment.
Hendery arrived at your house a few minutes after Xiaojun left. the door was unlocked. Hendery quickly went in only to be greeted by your sleeping figure on the couch. he locked the front door and went to you. Hendery sighed as he saw you tear-stained face. he wiped your dry tears and carried you to your room. "she was just healing and you decided to break her again.". Hendery mumbled as he placed you on your bed. you stirred in your sleep and woke up slowly. you saw Hendery standing beside your bed with a worried look. he sat on the edge of your bed and held your hands. "he is an idiot. i am going to talk to him later alright? he is going to make this wo--". his words were cut off as you shook your head. "no Hendery. he is not going to turn back anymore. i know him. this is what he wanted. he thinks this is the best choice.". you tried to say but broke down right after. Hendery sighed and pulled your head towards his chest. "i'm here. i'm here. it's okay , just cry it all out. maybe this is for the best afterall. you are precious y/n and i am here to protect you always.". Hendery comforted you.
"and the best actress award goes to , Y/N !!".
the crowd cheered as you stood up from your chair, surprised that you had won the award. you bowed to your seniors and juniors as you walked up to the stage. you received the plaque from the announcer and went to the front to give your winning speech.
"first of all i would like to thank my parents for always supporting me . i thank my fans too for loving my works! i will work harder and improve myself better and better. i would like to thank those who i have worked with. without them, i might not even have the chance to be an actress and moreover, win this award. not to forget , i would also like to thank this amazing person, my friend, Hendery. thank you for being by my side all these years especially these past 4 years. he is a really good producer so check out some of his musics alright? lastly, thank you once again!". you felt your legs tremble as you went back to your seat.
♡Huang Guanheng♡
good job sweetie! and thank you for mentioning me, i am happy i could be by your side.
you smiled as you read his text. you looked up to the stage when you heard the MC called a familiar name.
"before we end the show, we would like to invite this show's biggest sponsor, from the company DJX , Mr Xiaojun , to accept our appreciation gift.". you gulped when you saw the handsome man on the stage. his previous brown locks were now blonde. his smile was still the same like before. but his features were more defined as he matured throughout these years. you gave a small smile when he looked at you and quickly looked away . *you've moved on y/n. don't give in to him.* you thought to yourself.
you were standing at a corner with a glass of fruitpunch, waiting for your manager to bring you back. you didn't really enjoy after-event parties but attended anyways out of politeness. you were looking around when you saw Xiaojun walked towards you. you looked up and accidentally stared right into his brown orbs. Xiaojun looked away as his ears turn red. it's been 4 years but you were still as beautiful as ever. he missed you. you still made his heart skip a beat. you smiled as he stood in front of you. "it's been a while, Xiaojun.". the way his real name rolled off your tongue hurt him . he nodded and finally looked at you. "so you and Hendery are together now?". he asked. you chuckled and shook your head. "he is just a friend. a brother. i told you before, didn't i?". you replied with a small smile. Xiaojun looked down sadly but looked back up to you. "y/n. i'm really sorry...". you chuckled again and patted his shoulder. "let the past be past ,Xiaojun. i actually wanted to thank you for all the bittersweet memories. they really help me alot in my acting . experience is what makes it easier to stay in character.". your words hurt him. like how his words hurt you 4 years ago. before Xiaojun could say anything, you were called by your manager. "oh looks like i got to go. see you when i see you!". you waved at him before leaving the ballroom.
Xiaojun sighed as he stared at your back walking away from him. he would be lying if he said he didn't regret leaving you. his life has been nothing but miserable after breaking up with you. he focused on work to distract himself but his soul was empty. before he could leave the venue, he heard the DJ introducing a song. "before leaving, the actress y/n had requested this song. she hoped all of you enjoy it.".
Xiaojun decided to stay and listened to the song you love .
I’ll love you more
If you’re gonna do that, don’t come to me
If a person like me is gonna be erased anyway
Our love that was written down on a white piece of paper
Was clear just like my tears
Just stay by my side for one day
Because this awkward break-up still feels like a dream
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
And let you go
Words that sounded affectionate like a friend
Words I want to hear several times a day
Words saying you love me
It makes my breath stop and heart race
But only your voice sleeps in my memories
Just stay by my side for one day
Because this awkward break-up still feels like a dream
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
Until you come back
You silently stop in place
With eyes, telling me not to forgive you
I guess this really won’t work
Now all there’s left is this crappy break-up
I try to catch you but you get farther away and disappear
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
And let you go
{ NU'EST - Love You More }
Xiaojun wiped his tears that flowed down without him even noticing.
i know it's too late... but i love you . i have always been loving you . i should've have loved you more instead of leaving you. i love you .
i hope you guys enjoyed this~ my feelings were overwhelmed when i wrote this hahaha anyways, do like and comment ! i love to hear to your feedbacks ♡♡
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inadaydream99 · 5 years ago
~ part six ~
A/N - Hey! Here is the final part to Reunited, I hope you enjoy! 😊 this took me a lot longer to write than planned cause I wasn’t happy with the ending 😂 please let me know what you would like to see me write next!
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“No, we’re just friends.” You whisper back. What you don’t realise is that San heard you, though he pretended not to, and it hurt him that he had been put back into the friend zone once again. Exactly the place he didn’t want to be.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages...” You hear Mingi trail off as you speak to him on the phone. Truth is you felt the same. Although it has only been a week since you last saw him, San joined you so you weren’t exactly alone. Mingi had noticed how close you have gotten to San, though he still suspects there is something you’re keeping from him, the glances he had caught between you and San lasting slightly longer than what would be deemed normal.
“Stop being so overdramatic.” You chuckle as you picture the sulky face he must be pulling.
“I’m not being overdramatic and you know it.” Mingi whines, his voice sounding like a child who had just been told they can’t have anymore candy.
You run your hand through your hair as you let out a loud sigh feeling stressed. You have noticed the gradual build in tension between Mingi and San lately, like they had been arguing and now refuse to make up again. Like each of them had been trying to battle for your attention in front of the other.
You think back onto the pervious weekend when you were invited for dinner by Hongjoong at the dorms. You remeber how awkward you felt sitting between San and Mingi as they both tried to keep your attention away from the other, your body tense and feeling embarrassed in front of everyone. But you didn’t say anything, not wanting to add fuel to the fire when everyone was trying to have a nice meal, or a somewhat decent one given the atmosphere.
“What do I do?” You worriedly ask Seonghwa as you help him tidy away. You need advice and seeked it out from the one person you could rely on, knowing that Seonghwa is reliable.
“Honestly, I think you should give them some space, just lay low for a couple days and see if they can resolve things amongst themselves.” Seonghwa sympathetically smiles at you after pushing the last chair under the table neatly before turning to face you. You nod, a solumn look on your face as you think over Seonghwa’s advice. You know he’s right and so that’s what you’ve been doing.
“(Y/N)?” Mingi’s voice pulls you out of your trance, your eyes blinking rapidly to bring moisture back into them.
“Sorry, I must have zoned out for a second.” You awkwardly laugh to brush off the moment.
“Anyway, as I was saying, I just think that he should back off. He didn’t even like you anyway and now he’s smothering you and stealing my best friend.” Mingi rants down the phone, his tone holding the same whine to it as before which you would normally find amusing, but you suddenly feel flat. He didn’t even like you anyway
Mingi’s words ring through your mind, “he didn’t even like you” echoing over and over as you feel your heart sink into your stomach. It makes you wonder why San suddenly had a change in attitude towards you. Is he playing a game? Have you been stupid and fallen for it? You have no idea.
“I’m sorry Mingi, I-I’ve just remembered I have to run some errands. I’ve got to go.” You cut Mingi off mid sentence as you feel sadness overcome you. You say goodbye before hanging up and although you don’t really have any errands to run, there is one thing you know you need to sort out immediately.
You knew San was busy at the studio today and normally you wouldn’t like to intrude while he is working. But right now you can’t wait. Knocking on his door it opens up seconds later, a smile appearing on his face when he sees you.
“(Y/N)! What are you doing here?” He happily greets you, holding the door open to allow you to enter.
“We need to talk.” You simply state, trying to sound somewhat serious. San’s smile drops a little, his expression conveying his confusion as he waits for you to begin.
“I need to know if you are genuine about our friendship.” You rush out, feeling nervousness course through you. In all honesty, you are scared to know the truth, but you also can’t let things continue the way they are. Not just for you but for the sake of San’s friendship with Mingi.
“Is this about the tension between me and Mingi?” San raises a brow in question, continuing when you nod your head.
“Ok, I think you deserve to know the truth.” San sighs, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before meeting your eyes once again.
“Back when we met in the park I had no intention of being friends. I only wanted to make sure you still understood our deal.” San pauses briefly to take a deep breath before continuing.
“But being around you bought back all those feelings I had before. I remember how close we used to be and how much I valued our friendship. But I got my hopes up that you felt the same and then got hurt.” San trails off into almost a mumble, your eyes staring at him sympathetically as you begin to connect the dots as to why your friendship fell apart.
“That day when I saw you in the cafe with some guy, you looked so happy. I saw how you were looking at him and all I could think about was how I wished it was me instead. I would lay awake at night and replay it in my mind constantly and it made me angry. So I decided I needed to cut you out of my life and I couldn’t do that without ruining your relationship with the whole group. Tearing down your friendship with Mingi was the only way.” San’s gaze lifts from the floor to meet your eyes. He looks so vulnerable, so hurt, so resentful in this moment, his words dripping with sincerity.
“When you agreed to keep your distance while we prepared to debut I though that would be enough, but it wasn’t. So I did the one thing I knew would completely devastate your friendship with Mingi and making the messages look like you were saying all this horrible stuff about him was easy.” Of course you knew the agreement and how San manipulated you into looking like the bad person to get you to leave, but you had no idea that the real reason was because he was hurt.
“Seeing you get close with Mingi again made all the feelings I had before come back a million times stronger.” San continues, looking so nervous about admitting his feelings.
“I am one hundred percent genuine towards you... I just wish you could see me as more than a friend.” He becomes quiet, his eyes looking at the floor, scared to see your reaction.
You know you have to try to be understanding, but hearing the truth makes it hard to realise your feelings in this moment. Your mind is spinning with his words, memories flashing across your mind as you feel multiple emotions wash over you at the same time.
You remember Mingi’s expression when he found the messages on your phone about him. The conversation about your friend ranting over her ex taken out of context and made to look like you were talking about Mingi through the horrible words she said.
“If you really think I’m a waste of time and you have always thought I was draining to be around then why are we even friends?” Mingi’s glazed over eyes look into yours, the weight of his heartbreak feeling like a tonne on bricks crashing down onto you. It was the day before your friendship was ruined, you had tried to explain yourself, but you couldn’t in any way prove you were innocent. It felt like everything was turned against you, and before you knew it, you had been backed into a corner and forced to take the blame.
“So you did it all out of jealousy?” You question for clarity, not quite sure if you had understood everything properly. San mumbles a feeble yes, his gaze not moving from the carpet under his feet.
“And your arguing with Mingi?” You press, your heart skipping a beat when san’s head shoots up to look at you once again, his eyes soft and full of worry.
“He got annoyed with me because I was always around you and then we argued because I told him that you aren’t his property.” San chuckles a little, realising how silly it sounds saying it out loud. You snicker along with him, forcing a weak smile onto your face.
“You know, despite what has happened I’m really glad I have you back in my life.” You begin, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. After gathering your thoughts you know that everything that has happened is now in the past. You don’t want to lose any of the guys again because of this, and honestly, you have also developed feelings for San since getting close to him again.
San’s hand slowly reaches to take yours in his, your fingers intertwining together as you silently look at each other, the subtle action of affection comforting, encouraging a genuine smile on your face.
“I think it’s time you resolve things with Mingi don’t you?” You suggest, a slightly teasing tone to your voice which makes San throw his head back breathlessly, a wide grin on his face.
“Oh- San...” Mingi’s face falls a little flat upon answering the door to reveal his friend nervously waiting.
“I forgot my key.” San awkwardly laughs in an attempt to ease some of the tension in the air between them both. Mingi just nods, looking unimpressed, before turning away and heading back towards his room.
“Wait!- I need to apologise.” San urgently rushes after Mingi, who stops in his tracks and turns around wide eyed. He is shocked to say the least. San apologising? Now that’s a rare occurrence. In fact Mingi is pretty sure he has never whitnesed San making the first move to say sorry once in all the years he has known him.
“I should have considered your feelings and let you have time with (Y/N), and I promise that from now on I will make sure of that.” Mingi chuckles, a smile on his face as he hears San’s apology.
“I guess I overreacted too.” Mingi responds, approaching San and pulling him into a hug.
“Finally!” They separate and turn their attention towards the open door, happy laughter filling the room as you skip towards them.
You never thought that you would have Mingi back in your life. All the trauma and heartache finally in the past. As you link your arms with both guys and drag them further into the living room, you feel genuinely happy again.
“Hey- don’t push me!” An evil laugh emits from San mere seconds later as Mingi whines. You roll your eyes as you make your way to sit between them, a find smile on your face. Will they ever stop arguing?
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peachesandfiction · 5 years ago
BlackPink’s reaction to their girlfriend being shipped with another idol in an interview + more
The Interview:
The crowd cheered as the host of the show walked on, with you and the idol you had released a collab with following out on the other side of the stage. The host shakes both of your hands as he flashes a smile before sitting down in his chair. You and the other idol follow suit and sit across from him as the crowd starts to die down.
The host flips through his cards as he looks up at the two of you, “so you two just made a comeback on both of you parts with this collaboration. How do you feel about it?”
“I really hope both of our fans support us through this,” you smile and nod at the guy, the idol next to you agrees.
The host starts to move onto the next question when someone in the crowd yelled out, “~Ship name with idol~ is real!”
The host laughs before looking back at the two of you with a raised eyebrow, “so, is there anything going on between the two of you.”
You start to open your mouth to tell him that there wasn’t and that you were happily in a relationship when the idol laces their fingers with yours, refusing to look at you, “there might be,” they wink at the camera and the crowd.
A flame of embarrassment and anger heats up your neck as the host quickly calls to commercial.
During commercial break:
“What the fuck was that,” you seethe.
“I’m doing you a favor,” the idol states as they grab another bottle of water from backstage.
“A favor? My girlfriend is going to kill me. So tell me, why the fuck would you do that?”
“YOU can’t tell anyone that you are in a relationship because you told me about the dating ban in your girlfriend’s company.”
“That doesnt mean you have to say we are in a relationship,” you watch as they take a deep breath and lean against the wall.
The idol rests their hand on your shoulder, “look you were about to say no we aren’t dating because you are with someone else. That will get fans questioning and investigating,” their grip tightens on your shoulder before they let their hand fall, “they more than likely would have dug until they discovered who your girlfriend actually was.”
“Then we would have to break up because of the dating ban
” you trail off with a far away look.
The idol lightly pats your cheek, “right. So I did you a favor. Maybe later we can figure out something to make fans think we just weren’t going to work out. Until then,” the lace their fingers with yours once again.
You reluctantly nod and let them lead you back to finish off the interview that was thankfully mostly about the collab and not anything else. After finishing the interview, you make your way to the dressing room where your phone’s lock screen was filled to the brim with missed calls and text messages.
Jisoo: Kim Namjoon from BTS
The girls had set up the interview on Jennie’s phone because they all wanted to support you. Lisa was adjusting Jisoo’s pink wig for the music video they were supposed to finish shooting in the next thirty minutes when you came onto the screen. She watched you as you greeted the host, along with Kim Namjoon, who sat a bit too close to you, but Jisoo ignored it. She didn’t hear the fan in the crowd call out the ship name for you and Namjoon, but she can feel an uncomfortable heat as the next question played out. She made Jennie rewind it and that was when she heard the fan and suddenly her heart sank. She was upset that you would let Namjoon hold you hand like that and say you were dating him, but she was also jealous and a bit disappointed that fans were shipping you two instead of you and her.
After that discovery, she was asked to come finish up her shoot, where her new found mood helped her play her part in the music video well. Once they called cut and were finished for the day, her fingers were flying across her phone as she clicked on your name.
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Jennie: Irene from Red Velvet
She had 15 minutes before she had to go on stage. Pressing the home button on her phone, she is brought to a wallpaper of the two of you kissing as she clicks on the safari icon and is brought to the website of your interview. It was about to go live, so she clicked the video of the countdown to it to full screen and watches the numbers decrease to one. The screen went black before opening up to the host walking in. He introduces you and Irene as the two of you walk onto the stage after him. Jennie smiles at the sight of you and her eyes fill with love as you talk. She knows the hours that you put into that collab.
Then she hears the fan call out a name the sounds like your’s and Irene’s smashed together from behind the camera. The shot cuts to the fan holding a poster of that name with hearts and the word ‘real’ covering it before cutting back over to the host where he asks the question about you two. Jennie held her breath as she waited for you to deny it, but instead the camera shows Irene intertwining her fingers with yours and you not pulling away, but instead blushing. Jennie’s confusion and hurt turned into anger as she locked her phone. Pushing herself off the couch, she saw she only had a few more minutes before she had to preform, but the confusion was eating at her as she picked up her phone again, scrolling straight to your contact. Sending a few messages, she was called to the stage where her anger showed in her performance.
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Rosé: Vivi from Loona
The girls all gathered around to help RosĂ© support you on your first collab since your debut. Jisoo even set up a V-live to encourage blinks to go an support you. Lisa and Jisoo were messing around as Jennie tried to stop them while they all waited for your interview to start as RosĂ© read out the cute messages fans were sending in about you and her and your interactions with the group in general. The interview finally started and RosĂ© shushed everyone as they watched you walk out on the stage. RosĂ© couldn’t take her eyes off of you as the host started asking questions. She didnt even hear the fan until Lisa repeated what the fan yelled. RosĂ© looked at Lisa in confusion as Lisa pointed to the T.V. as she was trying to tell her that it was wha ta fan yelled, but when RosĂ© looked at the T.V., it was a close up of your’s and Vivi’s hands.
RosĂ© tried to fake her confusion of what happened by keeping a tightlipped smile, but soon she couldn’t handle it anymore and left the room without saying a word to her members or the fans watching. Once she was at the park the two of you walked through many times, she finally pulled out her phone and called you, but you didnt answer. At first she wasn’t sure what to do next, but she pulled up your messages and left you just one word.
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Lisa: S coups from Seventeen
You came on the screen and Rosé called out to Lisa, who was in the kitchen, to hurry up. Lisa rushed out of the kitchen, leaving her food forgotten on the counter to hear the first question that the interviewer brought up. Her face lit up as she listened to your answer as she watched you and S coups agree on the collab. Lisa felt proud because she knew you put in so much time on it and she was glad to be able to help you out in your most stressful moments.
Then the fan called out the ship name, and it echoed in Lisa’s head. At first she just shrugged it off because maybe she heard wrong and even if the fans like you and S coups together, that wasn’t a reason to be jealous. It was when the camera cut to you blushing as he held you hand that she had a reason to feel jealous and confused. She didnt know what to do with herself as she felt empty. RosĂ© let her rest her head on her shoulder as Lisa stared at the screen. Jisoo walked in and saw the forgotten food on the counter, calling out to asks who it is. Lisa sullenly stood up and made her way to her room as she told Jisoo she could have it.
Once in her room, she would stare at her phone before sending a few message to you.
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khiphop-stories · 6 years ago
DPR - Merry Christmas, Babe!
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„C’mon guys! It will be fun!“ You clapped your hands together enthusiastically, trying to convince them to participate. But they all didn’t seem to share your enthusiasm, instead they tried to come up with excuses to skip it. Except for Christian, he loved the idea the moment you had suggested it. Just like you, he loved the holiday season and ever since he came to Korea, there hasn’t been much of a Christmas celebration. 
Christmas was nearing, yet it didn’t feel like it at all. Going on a world tour with the guys, you didn’t even have a second to think about anything else. You moved from one city to the other, from one country to another. You couldn’t even enjoy your stay as your schedule was so packed. It was one of the most demanding, gruelling, and tiresome experiences of your life.
That’s why you suggested to do ‘Secret Santa’ to get into the festive mood for Christmas. You had already succeeded in persuading them to buy a Christmas tree for the office, so you thought this would be just as easy. But contrary to your expectations, it wasn’t that easy at all. Especially Scott, he was such a grinch when it came to Christmas.
„It’s a waste of money,“ Scott reasoned. 
„Says the guy who bought two pairs of sneakers yesterday,“ you fired back and stuck out your tongue at him. 
„We’ll set a limit,“ Christian joined the conversation to help you. 
„Hold up
.you called in an urgent meeting because of this? I thought it was something important!“ Cream whined as he gave you a look full of disbelief. 
„Well it is important,“ you muttered under your breath. „It will strengthen our teamwor!“
„Dabin and I were in the middle of recording a song!“ „The sooner we solve this problem, the sooner you guys can go back to work,“ you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. 
„Fine, let’s do it. I’m in,“ Dabin finally agreed. He grabbed the notepad that was lying on the table and ripped off a piece of paper. Then he took a pen and started writing down your names. 
„You’re only agreeing because you want to get laid,“ Scott said teasingly while a knowing smirk covered his face. 
Dabin opened his mouth and it seemed as though he was about to protest, but instead he let out a sigh and nodded his head in defeat.
„I’m not even gonna deny it,“ he chuckled.
„Please don’t do it in the studio like last time,“ Christian commented playfully. 
„To my defense, I thought we were alone. You said you were heading home.“ Dabin retorted with a chuckle.
„I forgot my keys!“
You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks as they were casually talking about your sex life right in front of you as though it was the most common thing it the world. They made it seem like they were talking about the weather. Ever since Dabin and you had made it official the teasing never stopped. Bu despite their endless teasing, you knew they were genuinely happy for you. Nobody had been rooting for you to take the next step, like Christian and Scott. They were always secretly trying to play Cupid thinking nobody would notice how obvious they were. But you were glad they did. If Scott hadn’t pushed you to take a leap of faith in spite of your fears and worries, you would have never dared to date one of the people you worked so close with. 
„Back to topic,“ you cleared your throat to get their attention. „It’s 4 to 2, we’re doing Secret Santa.“ „Wait, Cline’s not even here.“ „I texted him, he said he wants to do it.“ You replied with a shrug, but they didn’t seem to believe you which wasn’t that surprising, considering you never texted Cline unless it’s in the group chat or for work purposes. You barely even exchanged words. 
Proving that you weren’t lying, you pulled out your phone and showed them your conversation with Cline.
“ you heard them curse as a winning smile spread all over your face.
You carefully unfolded the piece of paper, but before you could even get to read the name that was written on it, hell broke loose.
„This sucks!“
„What the fuck should I buy for—“
„Whose name is written on your paper? Mine is—“
„Guys! Stop!“ You screamed out loud, making the whole room fall silent. „The whole point of this is not letting anybody know who your Secret Santa is!“ 
„No!“ You glared at him, making him become silent immediately.
„Yes, mam!“
There were exactly five days left until Christmas and you still had no clue what to get for Cline. Out of them all, Cline was the one you were the least close to. You had known all the other guys even before you got together as a collective. You had met Christian back in Australia and he was one of the reasons why you mustered up your courage to leave everything behind and move to South Korea. It was a huge challenge for you, but no matter how scary it was, it was reassuring to know that your best friend was by your side. You had produced for Dabin prior to his debut and you had worked together with Cream on a couple tracks. Through them you also got to know Scott who grew dear to your heart very quickly.  But Cline was a mystery to you. You talked to him often, but still you didn’t know a lot about him. Whenever you two were alone together, the room was always filled with awkward silence or superficial conversations about the weather. 
„What are you doing?“ You heard Dabin’s chuckle from behind. He was standing by the door frame with a wide grin on his lips. 
„Working.“ you replied without even thinking which obviously was a lie. The moment you had stepped inside your studio, you had been racking your brain over what to get for Cline. You were just sitting in your chair, googling ‘original Christmas present ideas’.
„You didn’t even turn on the devices,“ he pointed to the black display, raising his brows at you amused.
„Busted,“ you let out a sheepish chuckle. 
„This Secret Santa thing was such a bad idea! I don’t know what to get for-“
„Hey! Stop!“ He yelled at you as he hurriedly held up his hands, signalling you to stop.  „You’re not supposed to tell me, remember?“
„Since when do you care so much?“ You laughed at him, remembering his reaction when you first suggested it. He was totally against it, but you knew he would give in eventually. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for you.
„Well, if we’re doing it, we’re doing it right! I don’t half-ass things!“ „I guess you already bought a gift?“ „Of course,“ the corner of his lips rose into a proud smile. 
„Wait, why are you here anyway? Do you need something?“ You glanced at the clock on the wall. Around this time he would usually be in the studio with Cream, working on his new album. Cream was someone who wouldn’t let you leave until he had the results that he wanted. „No,“ he shook his head. „Just wanted to grab dinner with you.“
„You’re done with the track?“ 
„Nope, but Cream is on the phone with someone. I took this chance to sneak out,“ he flashed his teeth at you as wrinkles appeared around the corner of his eyes.
„C’mon Dabin! You have to help me! I really don’t know what to get!“ You whined out loud, making a pout with your lips.
„Just get him whatever. Cline loves everything,“ Dabin simply shrugged his shoulders, not minding your whining too much. His attention was dedicated to the plate filled with food right in front of him. „Please! I will— Hold up, how did you know I drew Cline’s name? I didn’t even tell you!“ Your stopped your motions, staring at him with widened eyes. „It’s obvious. If you had Christian, you would have bought him some equipment for his camera. Scott
probably sneakers. For Cream a new mic. So that only leaves Cline,“ he concluded, before he took another big bite of his burger. „Oh, I didn’t know you’re a detective now.,“ you chuckled lightly as you stared at him affectionately. „But seriously
.what should I get him?“ You pouted at him cutely. „Why are you even asking me?“
„You’re his cousin! You out of all people should know!“ „I’m not gonna help you.“ He remained steadfast, not affected by your cute act at all.
„If I had known you would be so annoying, I would have went for dinner alone,“ he then joked when a teasing grin appeared on his face. 
Dabin obviously wasn’t going to give in, so you had to switch your methods. There was always one way to get what you wanted. You didn’t think you had to resort to this, but he left you no choice. He saw how the look in your eyes changed as a smirk covered your lips. He knew exactly what was going to happen next, but he didn’t stop you. 
You slowly and teasingly brushed your feet against the inner side of his legs.
„What are you doing, babe?“ He asked you in a warning though amused tone.
„Did you ever have a quickie in the toilet?“ You whispered in a seductive voice.
„It’s not gonna work,“ he shook his head firmly, but the fact the he held his breath and the fact that the bulge inside his pants was growing told you otherwise. 
„You sure about that?“ You slowly moved your feet upwards, dangerously close to his crotch.
Dabin‘s body tensed up and he clenched his hands into a tight fist, swallowing down hard.
„This is blackmailing!“ „I’d rather call it negotiating.“ You gave him a sweet, yet alluring smile. 
„My answer is no.“ „You suck,“ with a exasperated sigh you decided to give up. 
Over the course of the day, the gifts had piled up under the Christmas tree. They all secretly put the gifts they had bought under the tree without anyone seeing. The day before you had decided to open the presents in the evening before going out for dinner together.  For being so against Secret Santa, Cream was strangely enthusiastic today. He was the one who called everyone together to open the presents and he had also prepared a Christmas remix for the distribution of presents. 
You soon found out the reason behind his eagerness was because he knew Christian had picked his name. Christian was known to buy generous gifts and even though you had set a price limit, Christian wasn’t someone who followed the rules, even when he was the one to make them. 
Now it was your turn to open your gift. You still had no idea, who your Secret Santa was. Your name was written on the present in a distorted way, so you couldn’t even judge by the handwriting. 
After you had carefully unknotted the ribbon that was wrapped around the box, you opened the lid slowly, peaking inside. Upon seeing the red lace, you quickly shut the box close again, a soft pink shade taking your cheeks.
„What is it?“ The boys asked curiously. 
You quickly glanced at Dabin who was sitting next to you, throwing him a questioning look. The content smirk on his lips was the answer to the question you didn’t dare to ask out loud.
„What is it?“ Scott tried again as he attempted to open the box, but you didn’t let him. Instead you clutched onto it tightly as though your life depended on it.
„Nothing,“ you hurriedly said. But your reaction had given it away. They all had a knowing grin on their faces which made you blush even more. You felt the heat rush into your face as Scott wriggled his brows at you suggestively.
„Merry Christmas, Babe,“ Dabin whispered into your ear as a bright chuckle left his lips. 
Haven’t been able to proof-read, so this might contain more errors than usual! But I really wanted to post this before the holidays are over lol I hope you guys still enjoyed it and merry xmas to y’all! <3 Feedback is always appreciatedÂ đŸ™đŸŒ
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alpxcamin · 6 years ago
Practice Makes Perfect
Requested?: Yup, ty anon!
Words: 1.5k
Group: UNINE
Member(s): Jia Yi
A/n: Omg I’m so glad he debuted!! He has been my #1 pick since the beginning hehe~ Anyway, I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy it ^^
Approaching the practice room, you heard the low, pounding bass from behind the closed door. You could feel the thumping from underneath you and you cautiously open the door, peeking in. You smiled at the sight.
You crept your way in, making sure the dancer didn’t see you and sat in one of the chairs in the corner of the room. You watch happily, swaying your feet back and forth as you watched your boyfriend, Jia Yi, dance to “Baby Don’t Stop”. You admired each of his sharp, precise movements and couldn’t help but swoon at the sight of him dancing so passionately.
The music stopped and you’re pulled out of your trance. Jia Yi didn’t seem to notice you yet so you decided to sneak up behind him. Just as he bent down to put his water bottle back, you leaped into the air and attached yourself to his broad back, wrapping all four of your limbs around him.
You giggled as he let out a loud, high-pitched scream, stumbling around a little. You held on tight to prevent yourself from crashing into the floor. Finally, he steadied himself and peeled off your limbs. You pouted a little before he crushed you in a suffocating hug.
“Ugh, stop scaring me! How long have you been in here?” you hear a slight whine in his voice.
“I came in about a minute ago,” you chuckle, trying to pull yourself out of his death grip, “I saw you dancing.”
“What? That’s so embarrassing,” he huffs.
“Aww, why? You were really good, baby,” you comfort him while still trying to escape his sweaty arms.
“You just say that because you’re my girlfriend! You kinda have to say it,” Jia Yi cries, finally letting you go.
You frown, “No, you really are good...definitely better than me.”
“But you don’t dance,” Jia Yi raises an eyebrow.
“Well, you could teach me,” you happily suggest, “The best way to learn is to teach.”
Jia Yi looks at you a little suspiciously before agreeing, “Fine, don’t come whining at me when it gets too hard.”
“I won’t,” you beam up at your boyfriend and you giggle at the sight of his blushing cheeks.
The two of you started off with some stretches. You silently followed whatever Jia Yi did, watching him carefully through the mirror. His gaze meets yours and the two of you fell into a fit of giggles before settling back into a comfortable silence as you stretched. You couldn’t help but admire your boyfriend as he easily bends down and touches his toes with ease.
You finish stretching quickly and Jia Yi stretches one last time before standing up fully. He turns around to face you and cocks his head, thinking about how to start. He gently pulls you along with him so that both of you are closer to the mirror.
“Alright, just follow whatever I’m doing. I’ll go slow,” he looks at you through the mirror and you give him a determined nod.
Not even five minutes in, you began to realize just how difficult it actually was. You’ve watched Jia Yi dance to “Baby Don’t Stop” and he makes it look like a walk in the park. You’ve also seen the whole group dance to their songs and they make it seem effortless. A giant pout made its way onto your face and Jia Yi chuckles a little.
“You’re doing good,” he encourages.
“I’m not and you know it!” you whine, “This is hard.”
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t whine. You’re actually doing great though, considering that you’ve never danced before,” Jia Yi moves closer to you.
“Ugh, you guys are amazing though. You always make the dances seem so easy,” you sigh.
“Here, let’s try this instead,” Jia Yi steps behind you and you watch him through the mirror.
He rests one hand on your waist, stabilizing you as you nearly tipped over by his sudden closeness. He gently grabs your wrist and angles it down a little. He makes sure you’re watching and when you nod, he proceeds to swiftly help you move from one position to the next. With his hands resting softly on you, he moves you back and forth a few times.
“Just like that, okay?” Jia Yi hums. His voice is almost a whisper next to your ears and you shiver slightly.
“Got it,” you nod.
“Okay, let’s piece the beginning together,” he happily skips towards his phone and the music began playing.
He quickly jumps back next to you and the two of you complete the part of the dance that you know. Of course, he was much more graceful than you, but both of you had a good laugh when you nearly tripped over your own foot when transitioning from one position to the other.
“Yes! That’s it! You’re doing amazing, baby~” Jia Yi coos, attacking you with kisses.
“Ah, we literally did like ten seconds of the song!” you squeal, feigning annoyance.
“Still, you’re getting the hang of it pretty quickly. Let’s try that again,” he excitedly encourages, bouncing back towards his phone to replay the first part of the song.
The two of you danced and danced, forgetting about all your worries. You enjoyed being able to spend this time with your busy boyfriend. Surprisingly, you got the hang of the dance pretty quickly, but it was mostly due to Jia Yi’s wonderous teaching technique.
“Yes! You got the whole song without tripping!” Jia Yi claps loudly as you bow repeatedly.
“Haha! It’s all thanks to you,” you laugh, wrapping your arms around him, giving him a quick kiss, “You’re the best teacher in the world.”
“And you’re the best student in the world,” he winks, brushing a few sweaty strands of hair away from your face.
You peek at the clock behind him and your eyebrows shoot up, “Oh, it’s already eight. I didn’t realize it had gotten so late.”
“Oh, wow. Yeah,” Jia Yi turns and gapes at the clock.
“Let’s go get dinner,” you suggest, “I’m hungry.”
“Me too,” Jia Yi nods in agreement, “But let’s do this choreo one last time.”
You nod and Jia Yi skips off to turn the music back on. Both of you get in position and you watch him carefully, waiting for the starting cue. Luckily, you completed the routine without messing up and you got excited...a little too excited. Before the song ended, you jumped up and turned to your boyfriend, but you didn’t notice his foot as you skipped over, causing you to trip.
You let out a noise of surprise, flailing your arms to try to get your balance back. A pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, preventing you from falling over. However, your momentum was too strong and Jia Yi, who was still holding you close, fell over as well. You hear him groan underneath you and you groan as well, rubbing your knees that have hit the ground.
“Oh my gosh, Jia Yi, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” you panic when you see his pain-filled expression.
“Y/n! We almost got it~” Jia Yi whines from underneath you.
“I’m sorry,” you pout, “I got too excited that I forgot there was one last step.”
“Hmph, you’re lucky I love you. Otherwise, you’d be paying for all my medical fees,” Jia Yi huffs.
“You love me?” your eyes widen. You didn’t hear a single word he had said after he told you he loved you.
Jia Yi’s face turns completely red and he begins stuttering, “I-I mean of c-course! You’re my g-girlfriend and I’ve realized that I-I can’t live without you...haha....”
You couldn’t help but tear up at his words. You sat on top of him, sniffling, unable to move. Jia Yi notices the tears and begins to fret, but before he could say anything, you leaned down and closed the gap between the two of you. Your lips landed perfectly onto your boyfriend’s and you melt into the kiss.
You feel Jia Yi relax and he sits up, cradling you in his arms. Unfortunately, both of you need to breathe and you reluctantly pull away. You look into Jia Yi’s soft eyes as he uses his thumbs to gently wipe the tears away.
“I love you too,” you hiccup, giving him another quick kiss.
Jia Yi chuckles, “Good, you had me worried there for a second. Now let’s get dinner, yeah? I’m starving.”
You laugh, nodding and getting off of Jia Yi’s lap. The two of you walked hand-in-hand out of the studio and headed out. As the two of you walked, you leaned your head against his shoulder, your hands tightly holding onto his. Your heart fluttered as you kept repeating Jia Yi’s “I love you” in your head. You smiled to yourself. You could definitely practice getting used to this feeling.
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omg pls, i love this gif sm! Jia Yi is a lucky man...pretend you’re Jolin lmao
~Admin Liz ♡
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dearlydreadful · 5 years ago
Falling Out, Easily
Falling Out, Easily - ft. BamBam & Jung Hoseok
Scenario Requested: Could you write a BamBam scenario where you broke up with him because you fell out of love and saw that you already moved on to BTS’s J-Hope? Please & thank u!! A/N: This one broke my heart, but I hope it makes yours happy 💚
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You had practiced this over and over. You were confident in your decision. You had discussed it thoroughly with your best friend, Jungkook. But no matter how much you had prepared for it, you weren’t really ready.
Your chest ached as you brought your eyes to his dark brown orbs. He was analyzing every move you made. His eyebrows furrowed. He reached his hand out to grab yours. You quickly pulled away. You didn’t want to make this harder for him.
“Y/N, you’re really freaking me out. What’s going on?”
You took a deep breath. Your heartbeat was roaring in your ears. “I think we should spend some time apart.”
“What do you mean spend time apart?” He slowly dropped his hands to his thighs. He clutched at his pants. He looked broken. “I know I’ve been busy lately, but I promise before the debut we can go away for a bit, just the two of us.”
You had to be more direct. You sighed. “I think we should break up.”
He blinked a few times. His mouth slightly parted. “You’re - you’re serious?”
You pressed your lips together and nodded. You felt a tug in your chest as you noticed his eyes watering.
He let out a shaky breath. “Can we talk through this? I love you so much, Y/N. I don’t want to lose you.”
This was it. The part you were really hoping to avoid. Jungkook had warned you not to say it, that it wasn’t needed, but you didn’t want to lie to BamBam anymore. You licked your lips and dropped your eyes. You were too much of a coward to look at him while you put in the final hit.
“I don’t love you anymore.” You focused on a spot as you let all the hurt you’d been keeping for months tumble out. “We hardly spend time together anymore. If we do, the boys are always around. You don’t even touch me anymore. I know you say you love me, but I don’t feel it.”
“I’m so sorry. I never wanted you to feel like that. I promise I can fix this.”
“We haven’t been in a good place for a while now. I really think we should stop before it gets worse.”
“I don’t want to.”
You couldn’t help the bitter chuckle that escaped you. “That’s part of the problem, BamBam. You’re not thinking about me.” You brought your eyes back to him. There were tears slipping down his cheeks. “Please, just let me have some space.”
He wiped at the tears. He couldn’t speak, but he nodded as a response.
“Thank you.” You got up and turned to leave. Each step hit you in the chest. You wanted this. You needed this. But that didn’t make it any easier.
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It had been an entire month. You stopped talking to most of the GOT7 boys as it was too hard to steer away from the ‘why noona?’ and ‘can’t you just talk with him?’. You loved the boys like brothers, but you needed space.
So here you were, cuddled up on your best friend’s couch with your head on his lap. You were bundled in a large hoodie and a pair of his sweatpants. A movie was playing but you were only paying half attention to it.
Mostly you weren’t paying attention to anything. Completely zoned out and in your own world. That’s why you were taken by surprise when another body stood in front of you, hands on hips. You looked up to see the brightest smile.
“Go take a shower. I want to take you out for lunch.” Hoseok chirped, his smile making his little dimples show.
“B-but I,” you were cut off as Jungkook push you up from his lap.
“You should go, Y/N.” He seemed eager to get you out, but you couldn’t really blame him. “Some sunshine will do you good.” He winked at Hoseok and then grinned big at you.
You knew arguing wouldn’t do any good with both boys having their mind set. You mumbled an insult toward Jungkook as you got up and headed for his bathroom.
It did feel good to shower. It felt good to get dressed in clothes that actually fit you instead of hiding in Jungkook’s baggy attire. It also felt good to be outside. The weather was warm, but not too hot. You begged Hoseok to sit outside once you were at the restaurant. He happily obliged.
He sat across from you, eyes closed, face turned up toward the sun, and a sweet subtle smile on his lips. You giggled to yourself before copying him. You inhaled deep. Exhaled. You felt better than you had in weeks.
“How have you been?” And just like that, it came crashing down. You dropped your chin as you opened your eyes. Hoseok was staring at you. You could tell Jungkook had already told him about BamBam.
You sighed. “A hidden agenda, huh?”
He snorted. “I would call it a friend checking in on a friend.”
“Well, a friend is doing just fine.” You couldn’t help the bit of defense that slipped into your tone.
“Fine is a good start.” He shrugged, grinning. You eyed him suspiciously. “I think fine usually comes right before mental breakdown, but just after denial.”
You laughed with him. “That’s a pretty clever way to describe it.”
“Nah. I’ve just been there before.” His smile didn’t falter, but his eyes turned sad. “Can I ask you a real question, for a real answer?”
Your stomach flipped. “Okay.”
“If you miss him this much, why did you break up?”
“That’s not exactly an easy answer.”
“I didn’t say I wanted easy. Just a real one.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, keeping your eyes away from him. “The real answer is that I don’t love him like I used to. With all the space and shit between us, it didn’t feel the same. It’s like we grew apart.”
“But you miss him?”
“That’s the not easy part. I mean, I still care about him. I spent 2 years with him. It doesn’t all go away just because I said let’s break up. It’s weird.”
“It’s not weird.” You arched one eyebrow at him and he chuckled. “It’s not. You made a lot of memories with him. You gave a piece of yourself to him and it’s not easy to move on without having it back. It’ll just take some time.”
You were both quiet for a bit. Your chest hurts, but it felt a little lighter than it had at the beginning of the conversation. You mustered up a small smile for him. “Thank you, Hobi. I didn’t even know I needed to say those things out loud, but I’m glad I did.”
“Anytime, Y/N. I’m here for you.”
You knew you should’ve insisted on staying home. You had been swept up in the glitter and the gown. Hoseok had set you up with a stylist to give you a pampered afternoon. Your insides had warmed and practically melted when you stepped out of the room, all finished and ready to go, and Hoseok looked you up and down.
It had been ten months since you agreed to that lunch with him. You had found it incredibly easy to talk with him, about everything. It only took a couple months before feelings blossomed. Hoseok made you feel special. He went out of his way every moment he was with you to show you how much he cared.
That’s why you had caved and agreed to tonight. He was announcing your relationship to the industry tonight, boldly so. He wanted everyone to know you were his girl. It was a precious sentiment. But now you wish you hadn’t come.
You stood alone in the hallway, waiting for the boys to come back from their interview. Except, you weren’t alone anymore. BamBam stood across from you.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you stared into his blue eyes. He had an angelic air around him. His hair was bleached a white blond and, mixed with the sharp haircut, it looked right on him. His suit was tailored to his height, giving a mouth watering snug fit. Your ex looked drop dead gorgeous.
He stared back at you with just as much awe. He cleared his throat, putting his hands in his pockets. “You look beautiful.”
They were the first words you’d heard from him in so long. His voice was deep and soft. You smiled a little as something tugged at your heart. “Thanks. You look really good too. How’re the boys?”
“Good. They’re going to love seeing you. They miss you.” He took a step closer to you. His smile turned sad. “I miss you. A lot actually.”
Your mouth opened, but there’s no words that you can put together.
“Can we talk? I mean, can we step out of this place and talk?”
“I’m here with someone.” You feel the pain as you watch it on his face.
“Oh,” he steps back against the wall. “I figured you were here with Kook. I’m sorry.” His eyes dropped from yours to the ground.
“It’s okay, BamBam. I’m sorry. I should’ve said something sooner.”
He started to say something but a few more bodies entered the hallway with you. The rest of GOT7 crowded around, taking their turns giving you hugs. It was nice to see the boys when you’d been keeping your distance for so long. It was also easy not to feel the tension from BamBam with the rest of them giggling and throwing questions at you.
You jumped slightly as the feeling of warm hands at your sides. You hadn’t noticed that your own seven boys had filtered into the hallway. Hoseok grinned beside you as he squeezed your sides.
He leaned in to talk lowly in your ear, so only you could hear. “I told them in the interview that I have a special guest. All the cameras are going to be on us tonight. Are you sure you’re still ready for this?” He pulled back with a smaller smile. You could see how excited he was to show you off to everyone. The cameras and the focus made you nervous, but you couldn’t let him down.
“Of course.” You nodded. Hoseok beamed and pressed his lips against yours softly. It was an innocent kiss, but you could feel the heat of eyes. When you pulled away, you caught a few stares from the other group. They were pretty evenly split between happy and sad.
But the saddest were those blues.
It was time to go find your table and sit down for the award show. The boys all started to say their goodbyes to each other. You were holding your breath as you noticed BamBam coming straight for you and Hoseok.
“Congratulations, guys.” He gave a soft pat to Hoseok’s shoulder. “Take good care of her.”
Hoseok smiled, showing his dimples, as he nodded. “I will.”
You watched BamBam walk away for just a moment. He was your first love, but that didn’t mean it would last forever. And maybe Hoseok’s love wouldn’t last forever either, but for now it was perfect.
He cherished you.
“You are an incredible and strong woman.” Hoseok muttered sweet words against your hair as he sprinkled kisses on you. You couldn’t stop the giggle from bubbling out of your lips as your turned into his chest. “I am the luckiest man in the world to be at your side.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, babygirl.”
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angstymarshmallow · 6 years ago
Simply Between Us Part 7 (Thomas Hunt x MC)
[A little note: wow am I going to actually finish another series? Kudos to you guys and my imagination for keeping me going :D. Here’s part 7!]
[Words counted: 2825]
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There’s a moment when Tatum thinks she’s forgotten how to breathe. A moment when she’s convinced her lungs aren’t getting enough oxygen to keep them from collapsing. Her brain still works all the same. It still wrestles with her own thoughts as frustrated and panicked as they are; images that become all jumbled together at just the sight of her still standing several inches away. Her heart is still trying to pump iron through her bloodstream, but her breath – it isn’t gone. It’s merely lodged in her throat, unyielded despite her desperate attempt to breathe.
Her fingers on the knob tightens until her skin turns a shade lighter. It’s pale enough to almost blend in with the colour of cement.
If the taller woman notices, she offers no incentive. Instead, her smile becomes rather tight and her eyes seem bemused as they peer down at her. They’re smirking at her as if to say, well aren’t you going to invite me in?
“Priya,” Tatum finally manages to speak, and forces a smile on her lips. It’s a small one, but it is something.
The air around them is almost palpable with tension as she clears her throat. “How
lovely it is to see you.” She must admit, even to herself the words sound wrong somehow. “And what a surprise.”
Priya’s smile drops a fraction. “A good surprise.” A sigh fills the room as she places a hand on her hip. “I’m just glad your address panned out. If it wasn’t so public this would have been much more difficult.”
Tatum used to think it not a big issue, having her address readily available to the press. Suddenly, she was having second thoughts.
Priya raises an eyebrow expectantly until realization dawns on Tatum’s face. “Oh! I’m sorry,” she steps aside. “Why don’t you come in?”
“Thank you.” She tilts her chin, a slight smirk still on full display as she takes a delicate step inside.
As soon as Tatum closes the door quietly behind her, Priya’s eyes and hands are nearly everywhere – touching and looking at almost everything she spots. They drift across her end tables and flit across her bookcases with unbridled curiosity. “Can I
get you anything? A cup of tea perhaps?”
“No,” She turns back to her. “This won’t take long.”
Tatum’s stomach plummets at her words.
Trying to shake off the feeling, Tatum tries to remind herself this is her home. She’s the one in charge here. No one can let her feel insignificant unless she allows it. “A-alright.” She frowns faintly at the slight tremble in her voice as Priya’s smirk widens. She gestures for her to take a seat before joining her across the table, from the other side of her sofa.
“You have quite the apartment.” Priya starts, her eyes shifting again to take in the length of the room. “Very
” Her eyes stop at the bright and warm textures of her accent wall and pillows. “Quirky.”
“Um, thank you?” Tatum replies, her voice full of question. She clasps her hands tightly together and within the folds of her skirt, before she smoothens her tone. “I quite adore it.”
“I can certainly see the appeal,” Priya continues, “there’s a
certain quality it has.” She scrutinizes the magazines across her coffee table. “This is an upcoming neighbourhood after all.” She adds; her gaze shifting once again but it freezes the same time Tatum does.
It’s Thomas briefcase.
The telltale letters of his initials stare obnoxiously back at them; engraved into its polished silver handle. And Tatum can’t help the mild satisfaction from building inside her chest as Priya’s eyes linger in its direction.
Priya’s entire posture grows stiff, before she finally settles her gaze elsewhere. By the windowsill decorated in an assortment of Tatum’s favourite plants.
The silence is too loud. 
Tatum is too aware of it as she fidgets in her seat. It’s too difficult to break. But perhaps she should at least try – she’d be damned to feel uncomfortable in her own house. It’s only a matter of how to break it before it becomes unbearable.
However, the big elephant in the room was now irrevocably obvious. Even though he isn’t present, Thomas Hunt still manages to hold their complete attention.
Sooner than later, her nerves win and Tatum breaks the silence first. “Priya.” She tests her name on her tongue, deciding the name would have been much easier to say if she didn’t have reservations about meeting the woman. “I don’t mean to be rude but – ”
“It’s funny, isn’t it?” Priya interrupts, returning her gaze back to her.
Tatum frowns. “I’m not sure I follow
She rolls her eyes as though its obvious. “Do I really have to say it?” She gestures between them. “I simply find some
hilarity in how quickly some of us are able to move on.”
Move on?
“I’m talking about Thomas of course.” Priya tosses her hair over her shoulder. “He must have mentioned me in passing. But I suppose, we are simple creatures after all. Fickle with our desires.”
Tatum blinks at her.
She’s posed near the end of Tatum’s couch with her legs crossed and her gaze completely coy. “You mean, Thomas didn’t mention us?” Her eyes widened in dismay before she placed a hand on her temple. “Perhaps, I spoke too soon.”
Tatum flinches. Her back stands a little straighter as though she’s been poked. She bites her tongue in an effort not to ask. She’s almost too afraid to ask.
She averts her eyes from Priya’s triumphant stare. She tries to tell herself she has no reason to be upset, no reason to feel as hurt as she does, staring at her fingers tightly clenched inside her lap. Three months. A lot can happen in three months.
“Thomas mentioned you.” There’s no mistaking the bite in between her words. There’s a hardness to it, although she manages to keep eerily calm. “Tatum Everly. Even if he hadn’t mentioned you, the press certainly does. You’ve become quite a media darling after The Last Duchess made her debut.” She taps her finger on her chin, appearing thoughtful. “I wonder where you would have ended up if Thomas hadn’t taken an incredibly huge risk with you?” She pauses, shaking her head. “No matter. Now that I’ve met you in person, I suppose I can see the appeal. You are fairly pretty,” her lips purse around the word, “meek – maybe a little too nice for someone as stoic as he is.”
Tatum opens her mouth to protests but nothing comes out.
“Although, some congratulations are in order. Hollywood insider has chewed you up and spit you back out, and you’ve still managed to keep it
mostly together.”
Tatum’s stomach shrinks a little at the oversimplification. No one has ever summarized her quite so quickly. Suddenly, she wants to disappear in her seat from underneath the weight of Priya’s withering stare. “But you know better than to listen to everything the media says.”
“Of course. Who doesn’t?” She snorts. “Would you rather I believe the completely horrid  things they’ve said? When you were working for Viktor Montmartre,” at Tatum’s flinch, Priya adds. “His agency didn’t have as many nice things to say about you.”
For a moment, Tatum doesn’t know what to say. It isn’t as though she knew much about Priya Singh herself, other than the little bits that Thomas had mention in passing. “I’m surprised you left Hollywood University.” She sits upright again, flickering her gaze back at the woman who seems surprised by her words. But she does know enough. “Considering its such a prestigious school, wouldn’t a professor of your caliber want to remain apart of the district board?” She pauses as Priya’s eyes flashed with irritation. “But then again, Hollywood Insider hadn’t exactly the nicest things to say about you either when they heard you were fired.”
Priya’s shoulders are stiff as she shrugs again. “Allegedly,” she corrects, miffed. “I was in dire need of a vacation anyway.” She continues quickly.
Tatum suppresses the urge to smile, but barely at her mild triumph. Priya doesn’t exactly strike Tatum as a woman that’s often caught off-guard. And besides, she can’t be afraid of going head-to-head with her. If she’s going to be a permanent part of Thomas’ life, it means she has to be brave. To fight for him.
“And your vacation led you here?” She lifts her brows expectantly.
“I spent quite portion of my youth here. With a lot of my friends, business partners.”
“With Thomas Hunt.”
Priya smirks. “Yes.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Her voice isn’t shaking anymore, it’s remarkably smooth. Clipped. She’ll have to pat herself on the back later. “To tell me you two were
well intimate with each other.” Even the word makes her stomach twists into knots, but she keeps her features calm.
“No, of course not.” Priya appears appalled by the idea, dropping a hand to her lips before shaking her head.
“I’m not stupid Priya.” Tatum interjects. Her voice rises with every word, “He doesn’t have to mention you. It’s not like I didn’t expect Thomas not to explore some
unresolved feelings he might have had for you.” She clears her throat, meeting Priya’s scrutinized stare unflinchingly. “But that’s all in the past now.” She jerks her chin up high. Rising promptly to her feet, Tatum folds her arms across her chest. “And if that is all you came here to say, I think it’s time you left.”
Although, she appears taken aback by Tatum’s resolve, Priya doesn’t make a move to stand. “Is it?” She tsks instead, leaning forward with a faint smirk still on her lips. “Then, I suppose Thomas also mentioned he was by my place last night.” Her eyes darkened with amusement as Tatum freezes.
“I – what?”
“So, he hadn’t?” Priya’s eyes darken as she gets to her feet. She runs a hand through her hair. “He needed to talk to me he said. He said he needed to put things back into perspective.” She snorts derisively. “Then things went...further than talking, but I’ll leave out those details for your sake.” She waves a hand dismissively.
For a moment, Tatum can’t speak. Her mind is still trying to play catch up. “You’re lying.” Those are the first words out of her mouth. Everything inside her wants to deny it.
“Oh Tatum,” her gaze turns pitying.
“Thomas wouldn’t do that.” Tatum says weakly. Not after everything we went through last night.
“So young, so utterly naïve.” Priya sighs. “Well, you don’t have to take my word for it. If Thomas is anything like the man you and I think he is - you can always ask him. And he’ll tell you he was at my place last night before he came running to you.” She shrugs, her eyes never wavering from her face. “Yes – I didn’t miss the briefcase. But Thomas Hunt
whoever he was when I knew him, he isn’t the same man now.” She shakes her head, then tucks her clutch under a slender arm. “I had some reservations about meeting you in person but now I’m glad I did because, now you know.” She stalks past her, heels clicking at the same rate of Tatum’s heart. “No need to walk me to the door, I can see myself out.”
Helplessly, Tatum turns and watches her go.
“Have a good day, Tatum.” Priya tosses behind her shoulders before quietly closing the front door behind her.
Tatum stares at the door, half in shock – half in denial. She can’t seem to will herself to move. She replays it in her mind – Priya’s words. How self righteous she sounded. It can’t be true. It can’t be.
They didn’t come this far for this. For her heart to break at just the thought of the two of them alone, kissing, rolling over sheets – naked.
Then slowly Tatum slides to the floor, clutching at the side of her sofa for support, gasping for her breath before her back lies flatly against it. Had she been wrong? Had she been wrong to give away her entire heart to him?
I love you Tatum. And when I was lost, you were the one to bring me back – you’ve always been the one to bring me back.
She tries to wrap herself around his words like a warm blanket, desperate to shut out the cold and harshness of Priya’s words. Desperate to believe in his love, desperate to remember his smile. Except all it ends up accomplishing - leaves her feeling empty and his words rang hallow, deep within her heart.
Thomas Hunt hums subconsciously to himself on the way up the elevator shaft. He catches himself in the mirror grinning and shakes his head.
It’s been too long since he’s felt this happy, felt this at peace. The world could end right now and he would have died a happy man. However, he was thankful it was still spinning – still giving humanity days and nights, seasons but mostly importantly – he was eternally grateful the world had given him Tatum. His world only made the most practical sense with her in it and now that he realized the depth of his feelings for her; he swore to himself to never allow anyone or anything to come between them again.
She had been the only person who had stuck by him no matter what, and he wouldn’t squander what they had a second time. He knew better.
Thomas shifts on his feet and the paper bag of Chinese food wafts towards his nose. It reminds him how hungry was as his stomach grumbles. He can’t remember the last time he’s shared a decent meal with anyone that wasn’t simple coffee and a croissant. And knowing it’s Tatum he is sharing it with gives him an extra happiness to his gait as he steps out of the elevator shaft.
Immediately the colour drains out of his face.
There’s a familiar figure ahead of him.
Unless his eyes were deceiving him, he finds the sultry sashay of her hips and the quiet smirk of her eyes easy to decipher as she grows closer. What on Earth was she doing here? “Priya,” he starts.
The moment she notices him, her entire posture grows rigid. “Thomas.” She recovers in seconds, giving him a smile as the distance between them becomes less and less.
“What are you doing here?” His gaze turns into one of suspicion. “I thought I made it very clear last night where we stood.” He clears his throat.
“Oh, you did,” She responded, casually leaning up against him.
He stiffens. “Then why are you –” he steps aside from her and narrows his eyes as the realization slowly dawns on him. “You’ve spoken to Tatum.”
She jerks her chin upright and meets his suddenly hard stare. “I have.” She challenges.
His hands clench into tight fists at his sides. “You had no right –”
“Well you weren’t going to.” She interjects thinly, her voice sharp enough to make a lesser man cower.
But not Thomas. He stands straighter, boring her down with a glare fierce enough for her to step back. They weren’t simple graduate students anymore and Thomas isn’t under any impression that Priya stopped by for the goodness of her heart.
“And I couldn’t leave her in the dark.”
“In the dark?” He repeats, scowling as she steps towards the elevator. “You told her about last night.” Without a second thought, he grabs her arm. “You told her about last night. What did you say?”
“What do you think I said, Thomas?” Priya wrenches her arm free just as the doors opened with a soft ding. “You claim to always know everything – you figure it out.” There’s a flicker of anger in her eyes before it disappears.
“Priya,” Thomas swears harshly, his hand inches away to stop the elevator as it closes.
“You made your move, and now I’ve made mine.”
“Dammit, Priya!” His free hand forms a fist and slams it against the elevator shaft. But it’s too late, he knows its too late but he cannot seem to stop himself from hitting it – over and over again. It isn’t until his hands are raw and aching from the effort that he takes a step back and tries to temper his anger.
He has known Priya to be a great deal of things; smart, beautiful, determined – but he hadn’t thought her capable of anything. At least, certainly not this. He thinks telling her he was no longer interested would be the end of it. It turns out, he was wrong and Tatum suffered because of it.
At the thought of her, his chest suddenly seizes with dread. Taking a deep breath, he hurries towards her door – hoping she’d allow him to explain, hoping she wouldn’t throw him out.
As Thomas feet reaches the doorstep of her home, he hesitates. It’s okay Thomas, she’ll let you explain. She’ll let you explain because she loves you. He repeats the words to himself like a mantra until his hand stops shaking. Then taking another breath, he opens the door.
“Tatum?” He calls timidly.
There’s no answer.
Heart abruptly heavy with concern for her, Thomas quickly drops the food by the kitchen counter and sweeps past the hall. “Tatum!” He calls again, louder this time. His heart races with every footstep that carries him through every room of her home. He searches, one at a time – desperately hoping she’s still here, that she didn’t leave.
As he gets to the front again, Thomas fishes hastily for his phone. He finds her number and calls.
The phone rings and rings, until there’s no answer.
There’s only the sound of her voicemail and his heart shattering as he slips it back inside his the folds of his jacket pocket.
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