#also reading her like personality on wiki she’s such a vibe
stillcominback · 11 months
hear me out: diane guerrero to play barbie’s friend, ✨teresa✨
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nyxmainex · 7 months
I finished it guys. I finished them. IN A DAY.
Be it, they are VERY rushed and look as such, but I AM PROUD OF MYSELF FOR ONCE.
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@velnna @bara-izu @necromosss
Fanart for your characters.
(Warnings: Me rambling)
If any of the artist I made this for see this, I hope you like it even maybe a portion as much as I do. Maybe more. Genuinely, each of these three artists inspire me to continue my hobby of making art. The reason I even do this hobby is to share it in hopes to inspire others. As much courage as it takes for me to even make these much less post them is just proof to myself how far I've come in terms of social interaction. I thank my friend, my mom and teacher for supporting my hobbies and specifically convincing me to make this. I'm off on a ramble, apologies.
I really do hope you like this. Each character has something I added to them, and I explain in their dedicated paragraph. Then you also get an overall part:).
Necromosss is the second BG3 artist I found on Tumblr and I adore their art. Everytime I see Moss post, I promise you I immediately spread it to my friends just so they get the recognition they deserve.
Mira was the last character I ended up drawing, and is definitely the most hurried and sloppy. I made hers pretty late, close to the time I sleep, yet I do feel proud of how I made her. Imagining Mira in the stories I've created, I believe she'd fit in with Meladonia, a kingdom of ghosts, poison, and death. Overlooking the main theme, Meladonia's queen, Chamixie (and funny enough, my character who romanced Gale), is a very lighthearted, flirty person. She, while respecting death and it's concepts, is always up to make an occasional joke. She doesn't take everything personally, and I think she'd get alone well with Mira. The Meladonia magic is dark magic known at Kalak. 'Mixie (Chamixie's nickname) created Kalak as a form of a way to express herself. Kalak magic is not negative, and it's not harmful. In fact, Kalak magic is meant to heal and embrace your fears to use positively. Most of the time, using Kalak magic causes small white, almost snake-like slits to form in the pupil of the user's eyes.
I hope you like how I drew her!:)
MAF is the first BG3 artist I found on Tumblr. I can't put in to words how much they've inspired me. Me and my mom both love Staeve, we think he's great, and I can't wait to see more art from Velnna.
Staeve is the first character I drew, and though not as rushed as Mira's, I wasn't confident drawing him. I'm not too sure about how I drew him, though I do hope anyone reading this likes it. Much like Mira, I imagine he'd be from Meladonia if put in my stories.
In case you haven't read about Kalak magic, I'll copy it: The Meladonia magic is dark magic known at Kalak. 'Mixie (Chamixie's nickname) created Kalak as a form of a way to express herself. Kalak magic is not negative, and it's not harmful. In fact, Kalak magic is meant to heal and embrace your fears to use positively. Most of the time, using Kalak magic causes small white, almost snake-like slits to form in the pupil of the user's eyes.
I've, as an anon, told Velnna about one version of my first OC (Broodmother Nera). And she's a version of my main five characters. Her and Chamixie are sisters, four years apart (Nera is 28). Chamixie is a much more sort of flirty person and takes everything told to her with a drop of comedy, unless it's extremely serious (ex: any abuse) as she has experienced negative situations herself. I imagine that she'd want to be friends with Staeve as long as he wants to, but would likely rather protect him even if he doesn't want to be friends. Staeve reminds Chamixie of Alison, the youngest of the five sisters, and was Chamixie's previous life's bio daughter. Even if they are sisters in this life, Chamixie still, while not overprotective, is cautious around Alison. To an extent, Staeve gives off a similar vibe as Alison, and 'Mixie would do more than her best to help Staeve without being overbearing.
I hope this is interesting enough, and that you enjoy how I drew Staeve.
I have so much trouble remembering how to write this lovely man's name, please correct me if it's wrong, I have terrible memory.
I recently found Bara, and I love all their characters. (No joke though, I ran to my mom to show her your characters). Halion is definitely one of my favourites.
I was the most confident creating Halion, and I genuinely am proud of my art. This is honestly one of the few times I do feel proud of myself. From the posts I read, which is not too many, I love his cheery personality. He makes me believe he'd be from Parfi if he was in my stories. Parfi is the kingdom of the Wasteland, but is known for war, previously known for lust, but after Lord Clemin became the ruler, she changed it to accommodate travellers. While it was re-built for wars, she's made it a beacon of light within a desert. That reminds me of Halion. Clemin, as a ruler, comes off as strong and demanding. But out of all five of the rulers, and as the second oldest sister, she's very soft. Even with her own insecurities, she lifts people up and encourages their positive ambitions. She's actually not very confident, even though presenting as such. Even if she is very silent, and kind of reserved, she'd feel comfortable with talking to Halion.
She created Taei magic, the magic of heat. Taei magic is considered neutral magic, and though she has used it negatively on herself, Taei was meant to be positive. Using Taei magic is essentially holding the essence of a flame, and it's a guiding light to find others. Clemin wants the people of her and her sister's kingdoms to never have to experience what any of them did/do. Using it reflects a flame in the user's eyes.
I hope you agree he'd be from Parfi, and if not, tell me why:)! I also hope you like the art I made for him.
I'm sorry this post is so long, and I wanted to be finish setting up my blog when I made this but I'm just too impatient to do so. The reason this post is so long is because while I could've made art of any artist I enjoy, these three artists inspired me the most. (And I'm an overthinker, so I want to make sure you understand how much I appreciate these artists.)
I hope you enjoy the ideas I had and the art I made. I love all three of these pieces I've made, and I love the original art that they were based on more. And if it's alright with the artists, I'd love to draw more!:)
While writing this, my hands are shaking. Ignore any mistakes in the writing.
Mira: (her Notion page)
And this
And this
Infinite painter for lineart and Clip Studio Paint (pro) for everything else.
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mooniedangbiiachay · 3 months
Class was kinda stressful so I did some fun sketches of Harold and also to bump all of my ideas for him out, omg he's like a contagious virus
I was giggle my ass off when I drew all possible alternate universe of Harold. This is definitely not a cry for help pls get this nerd outta my head my god!!!
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The girl Harold was fun to draw honestly, I love her, she's such a loser and she is now my favorite version of Harold. I was thinking of naming the girl version of Harold as Harley cause I like it when it's rhyme with "Har". Yes she is doing the "um actually" pose, I have seem to not get this little joke off my head whenever I see Harold.
This might sound not related but if it was genderswap, Harold would get along with Duncan. Probably because Duncan is giving butch lesbian vibe if he was a girl to me.
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Anyways the grumpy looking Harold with that liquor glass was just my personal take of Harold in his mid life crisis. I put him in a suit cause me like people in suit. He's an extra loser in this one, low pay job and no bitches. I like the idea of alcoholic Harold who struggling to get his life together. He's in college debt and his apartment rent is due but he's trying his best.
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I thought that Harold would love pokemon or avatar the last air bender and then it hit me if I could put the tdi cast in those 2 universes. I am very conflicted between choosing Harold to be a harmless non bender with actual mad skills he can use to defense himself or a water bender (cause of his figure skating thing). And then there I go drew him as the Amon of that universe 💀 I might go a sketch a version of him without the mask or with his water tribe clothes.
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Pokemon Harold, he's from Galar region because I said so. Harold with heavy Scottish accent??? 🤔 I only thought of it cause Harold was actually Scott descendant in his td bio on wiki.
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Harold is getting my favorite character treatment right now cause he have taken over my brain completely .
I have read chainsaw man and I am down bad for Fami. Idk but something about Fami just remind me of Harold, probably because Fami is very knowledgeable or I could have completely gone nut.
I've tried drawing him as the famine devil and he look good. I've laughed when I remove his cap cause I gave him the bowl hair cut. Maybe I should do one with Heather as the Control Devil.
I think imma name Famine Harold as Limos for now (Cause in greek Limos is the hunger god) but I might change it if I found a better name for him.
Limos is banned from getting into my fridge.
He is distinguished but he have no manners in terms of boundaries.
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Alright, enough brain rotting for me for today. I might do more Harold's sketches like these if I have not recover from the Harold virus.
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its-gettin-weird · 4 months
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"People are creatures who cant live without loving someone. But since they're creatures who can't love something that's strange or revolting, then by process of elimination, they can't live without loving something they can love."
It's her. The meat woman.
tbh, I don't really know anything about her asides from the stuff that I read on her wiki / Birth of Authority from Wish document and stuff that people in the fandom have said about her, so idk how accurate this would be to her lol but I think I have a gist for what her deal is XD
For Capella, I was going for a kind of butcher aesthetic, but with some touches of demon / dragon elements because iirc she transforms into a dragon at some point (also I think she already has a demonic vibe to her + just... how she is in general), and she 'butchers' people's bodies into grotesque shit. That's also the reason why her weapons are meat cleavers, to go with the whole 'butcher' theme. I also wanted to have a sort of clashing of cutesy / risqué elements in her outfit to go with the contrast of her appearance versus her personality, hence the ruffles + bows in her outfit paired with the latex top, gloves, and pencil skirt. I had no idea what to do with her at first, because her outfit in canon is literally just. A bikini. And some other shit. Aside from a color scheme I had no real 'theme' to go off of, just scantily clad outfit. I was at first gonna go for something like a mad nurse / surgeon vibe cause of how she alters people, but being a butcher just fits so much better for her and goes with her vibes really well. Also I think she's been called 'meat woman' in the LN or WN before so it makes sense lol XD
The authority from a wish document basically says that she wants to be loved by everyone and believes that people only love someone's appearance / looks are all that matter, so she wants to make everyone else around her look disgusting so that they only love her, and says her 'wish' is to turn others into something revolting, so that's what she probably wished for, giving her the ability to transform herself and others into whatever she wants.
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daeva-agas · 10 months
Speaking of the Senshi/Shitennou pairs. I was kind of curious why those stones in particular, right. Kunzite and zoisite are so unusual that I think only gemstone aficionados know them, and even though jadeite and nephrite are somewhat more commonly known names IIRC it still made people mess up the mineral names back in the day.
Well, uh, so, it was alleged that Takeuchi-sensei chose them to match the character and personalities of the senshi they're partnered with, so... Excuse me while I go overthink this and have a meltdown in suffering.
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In the first place, supposedly the "inner senshi" are officially meant to be called "guardians"/"guardian deities" (守護 or 守護神). Haven't seen the raws, so I can't confirm, but that's what the JP media says. The term "Shitennou", as many are already aware of, are originally a term used to refer to a set of 4 Buddhist guardian deities.
If true then it just feels like they're all intended to be perfectly matching sets from the start, and it just never made it into the story.
I read that Sailor Moon was originally meant to just end with the Dark Kingdom plot, so maybe sensei intended to have a Romeo and Juliet sad ending where everyone just dies in the end?
These are all based on Japanese gemology guides (same as what I used to research for the Shitennou knight titles), since I imagine it's more likely to be the one Takeuchi-sensei had access to. These may differ from international ones.
(Warning: Long post)
In the manga sensei specified that the zoisite is the blue one, that's also known as "tanzanite". The blue variety of zoisite, among other things, means "calm and intelligence".
The connection to Ami/Mercury's character is very straightforward and obvious.
In terms of romance, a zoisite also means "subdued expressions of love". It really makes me think of how gentle this pair looks in the splash art sensei drew.
Kunzite means "premonition of a lover". It's specifically oh dang when I saw this because Minako was "special" among the senshi in the way that her character vibes are based on "love" (because Venus, goddess of love), rather than the original elemental name attached to the planet. It fits enough to make you pause and wonder if this it truly a coincidence.
The planet venus originally has the element of "gold/metal". The gold is reflected in her design somewhat, but her senshi identity is more related to "love". The other girls' names matches their planets' element names. E.g Jupiter = mokusei = wood, Ki(no) = wood/tree. Mercury = suisei = water, Mizu(no) = water.
Also Venus's relationship with Kunzite ended up being the one who got the most hints actually shown in the manga, so... I do wonder.
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The two jades are less overly specific like this, especially Nephrite, but well.
Jadeite is the native jade from Japan, and has been long used to make magatama since ancient times. As such it's always seen as a deeply spiritual stone, that can protect against and/or ward off evil. A perfect match for Rei, who is a miko. One wonders if sensei chose the stone because of Rei being a miko, or if she made Rei a miko after choosing this name for the one matched with her.
Edit: Japanese Wiki claims Rei being a miko was based on Takeuchi-sensei's personal experience as a part time miko. So then Jadeite had to have been named/chosen to fit her, if this theory is true.
Not to mention that Akuryou Taisan, the evil-banishing spell, is something that she uses quite often.
Nephrite is the most confusing one here, because I'm not really able to find the connection. That's why I initially had strong doubts about the rumour/claim about the gemstone names' connection to the senshi.
In the gemology guide that I referenced, its meaning is "charm of maturity". I suppose Mako has always felt like she's older than the other girls, because her hobbies (cooking and home decor) feels really motherly.
Other than that and the stone being a deep green colour similar to Jupiter's senshi outfit I'm not entirely sure. (in the manga, sensei says nephrites are "always deep green" even though IRL that's not the case)
Just my additional comments after reading everything that I did:
In terms of colour, I like to think Jadeite is a red jade. Not just to match Rei, but in the manga Jadeite's stone is always coloured the darkest (it's almost all-black). Of all the various jades, red is one of the darker-toned ones.
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The shading can be arbitrary, especially if sensei was just tracing from reference photos. Dark green jadeite also exist, so for all I know this is intended to be green too.
But if I use the logic that the stones are matched with the girls' character, I think red just fits the best. In gemstone language the red jade means "tenacity" and "willpower". Green jades tends to be associated with things like harmony, prosperity, luck, and so on. It doesn't feel very Rei-like.
Also, the nephrite jade being a "soft jade", it's associated with very cuddly meanings such as "warm" or "gentle", which makes me laugh even more than the "wisdom" one.
Unless, again, these words are more attached to the matching girls' character, rather than the guy in question, because yes I think Mako is definitely very warm and gentle and fluffy and very huggable.
Although other-coloured zoisite varieties were said to have different meaning, it looks like blue is the predominant zoisite colour in Japan. A lot of Japanese gem sites tend to automatically just say "it's blue" while describing zoisite, even though there's obviously other colours out there.
Sensei did specify it's "blue zoisite, a.k.a tanzanite" in the manga, so I think she's aware of the other colours having different meanings attached. Some articles also had mentioned Takeuchi-sensei's family runs a jewellery store?
I wonder if this is why Crystal went with the gemstone's healing properties for Zoi's title though, because the gemstone words overlaps too much with Mercury in a very in-the-face way. The other meanings are Hope, Mystery, Pride, and Noble, and maybe those don't make very good title names? Like, the only viable one is probably Hope, though I feel like it would be even more confusing if Crystal said Zoi is the "Knight of Hope" or whatever.
Another thing about Kunzite is that its meaning also include "pure and everlasting love", but the website caveated this that this is a saintly kind of love (for the gem's association with Holy Mother Mary). So it's not necessarily something to get overly excited about in terms of SenShi headcanoning, but, well, it's there.
"Shitennou" in Japanese pop culture is generally used to just mean "4 very important people", so it didn't have to actually mean anything. Like, a few samurai in history had their "shitennou", who are just the best 4 generals serving under them. Most famous being the Tokugawa shitennou, but other samurai lords actually have their own so-called shitennou. It's just that if the senshi are officially named "Guardians", then this changes the context.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Weird, long ask but could you explain Emma Frost? I’m starting to get into the X-Men (especially thanks to the People’s History of Marvel, thank you!). But what is her deal? Like I’ve read wiki summaries but I guess I want to know, is she an X-Men? She seems to be one of the faces of the team in modern events, but is she even a hero? How much does she undergo a face heel turn? Does it feel naturally written? What’s her role (in-story and meta-wise) and relationship with the team? Do they trust her? Accept her? Does she switch her view of muntantkind, from a tool as the Hellfire Club saw mutants, to identifying it as her community? Or does she act like that, and to an extent join the X-Men, for her own benefit and self-interest?
The vibe I get is she has become a hero and member of the team, but maybe not the family? And she’s still willing to use all the manipulative tactics she did as CEO and member of the Hellfire Club, but for mutantkind. (Which I love). Is that right or is Emma Frost totally different?
It's a long ask, but it's not weird at all - Emma Frost is a very important character, but also one of the more complicated ones in terms of her complex relationship with the X-Men. I'm going to ssume that you've read my People's History of the Marvel Universe essays on the Hellfire Club and the education of Emma Frost, but I would also highly recommend Cerebrocast's episode on Emma Frost as essential listening.
While Emma Frost started out an outright villain, a succession of writers carefully laid the groundwork for her heel-face turn, creating a very psychologically grounded explanation for her transformation. Even during her "snow phase," Emma was always a devoted teacher of young mutants. While she ran the Massachusetts Academy and the Hellions with a manipulative, domineering, and ruthless teaching style that was highly influenced by the "gaslight girlboss gatekeep" method she learned from her family, she also cared for her charges.
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When the Hellions were murdered by the villain Trevor Fitzroy in UXM #281, Emma Frost awoke from a coma to find that her students were all dead. Her grief turned inwards and Frost blamed herself, believing that she had failed to teach her students to defend themselves - and that they might have survived had they trained under Xavier and Magneto instead.
This belief was why Emma Frost decided to merge her Academy with the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, becoming one of the two lead teachers for Generation X. She was initially deeply distrusted by her co-teacher (and de facto parole officer) Banshee and many of her students, especially Jubilee who remembered her as one of the X-Men's villains. It took a long time for her to build up a rapport with her students, and despite her efforts she eventually lost their trust when she killed Adrienne for causing Synch's death.
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However, her most enduring period with the X-Men started with Grant Morrison's New X-Men. In the wake of the Genoshan genocide, Emma Frost not only joined the Xavier Institute but also became a full-fledged member of the X-Men for the first time. While Emma was initially motivated for a desire for revenge against Cassandra Nova, she stayed on after Nova was defeated and essentially became the "loyal opposition" inside the team.
Arguing that Xavier's "x-liberalism" was inadequate to deal with the reality of human hatred for mutants, Emma taught her students the ideal of "mutant excellence" - that only by making themselves the best, the most powerful, the most successful could mutants develop the ability to protect themselves from a hostile humanity. This caused her to clash quite a bit with Xavier and his true believers (it didn't help that Emma had also started her psychic affair with Scott, making her conflict with Jean very much both political and personal), because she had no compunction about using her powers against threats to mutantkind.
Especially in the period after M-Day when leadership of the X-Men shifted from Xavier to Scott, Emma was absolutely ride-or-die for a more revolutionary brand of pro-mutant ideology (and became "part of the family" due to her long-lasting relationship with Scott), but remained distinctive from the rest of the X-Men because of her pragmatic willingness to use the ruthless methods of her villainous past to advance the cause - very much a believer in "by any means necessary."
So overall, I would say her arc has been a shift from villain to anti-villain to anti-hero.
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listerbirdloml · 3 months
this was probably from ages ago but some fun asks for you; favorite lister headcannons? [I]
- well in my mind i always read him with a northern english accent and i’m not sure why. i know he’s from kent like Rowan + Jimmy but he just gives off northern vibes idk. and after learning that his dads scottish i can also see him using lots of Scottish slang terms.
- i think he’s a slag for a bit of pop too. Britney, Ariana, Taylor, Reneé, you name it. he gets a bit embarrassed though so he turns off his AirBuds when he wants to listen to girly pop music. he has the widest music taste out of the ark, so his Spotify wrapped is always mental. he posts them every year and not once has the same song appeared in his top listened to
- ik he’s not like blonde blonde but i think his natural hair is a lot darker but he’s been dying it blonder since he first met Jimmy and Rowan. when the ark are on hiatus he lets it grow out to his natural colour for a bit.
- he tried to grow a stache one time but Rowan shaved it while he slept. Also he didn’t know how to shave when he first met Jimmy and Rowan, so Pierro taught him. Pierro also taught him how to tie a real tie rather than use a clip on one.
- Joan LOVED lister. she would always fuss over him when he would come over. When he’d come round he would help her in the garden, but really he was terrible and Joan would always have to fix his mistakes. when he told her about how he and his mum would listen to albums together when he was little, she began showing him her collection of old records from when she was a teen/young adult. when she died she left Lister a few of his favourites. Lister keeps them hidden at all times so when he was hosting parties there was no chance they’d get damaged. after they stopped having so many people over Lister kept them displayed in the living room.
- i think that before he and Jimmy got together he had healthy and fun relationship with someone unrelated. it’s not anything ridiculously serious but it helps him see what he should realistically be looking for and what he deserves. it’s not like he’s using the person though, and he actually really likes them. they eventually end things amicably though, and stay good friends.
- it says on the WIKI article alice wrote for him that he has three half siblings. as far as i can think there’s no canon information about them other than that, so i like to HC that they are all from his dads second marriage and they don’t talk much since Lister hasn’t been to visit his dad in years. the ages are;
1.) Lister (19-20)
2.) a sister who’s like 17ish, she’s super embarrassed about the whole ark thing and is reluctant to rebuild a relationship with him again when he reaches out to her post IWBFT, because she remembers how he used to constantly fight with their dad when he’d come over for christmas / two weeks in the summer holidays. when they do start to reconnect and get closer she helps him bond with their dad too. (maybe she’s called Maya?)
3.) a younger brother who’s 13ish and a total TWAT. they look really similar and he’s just like how Lister was in school but he’s hilarious and really admires Lister. somehow he’s stupid smart though, even if he’s class clown. i think he reaches out to Lister when he’s still in the hospital after the incident. i also think it would be funny if the younger brother’s celebrity crush was Jimmy but his image of jimmy is completely shattered when he meets him properly. (i call him Brodie in my head)
4.) his youngest sister who’s like 7 who barely remembers lister but once they get closer she has him wrapped around her little finger. he almost bought her a horse once but Jimmy and Rowan had to remind him that a 7 year old who lives in a city centre can not logistically look after a whole horse. (i think her names Eilidh)
- the ark move from the flat into a house just outside london and he makes sure they all have a room so they can visit whenever they want to.
- after getting to know them better, he gets really close with Angel and Juliet. the three of them and Bliss have “girls” nights in the arks flat. when Listers hair grows they teach him how to pleat it. he gets really good and when he starts seeing his half siblings again he pleats his sisters hair for them)
sorry idk man i yapped a bit 🤷‍♀️
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tasteslikevequill · 2 months
I reblog so much of Aphblr, I felt the need to share this headcanon of mine (or well, my personal take on Travis from Phoenix Drop High.)
At one point, I had "remade" the characters. Kind of like, reassigning them vibes. Nothing major. It was something I kept in my head or made (Pinterest) boards, and this one document for.
And during these, I headcanoned Travis as trans. Specifically; ftm. I had looked at his wiki, discovered he 'apparently' was originally going to be a girl, and it stuck.
He quickly became my favorite character in my little imagined 'rewrite' besides Aaron and Aphmau. (They were all weird high schoolers being edgy, but mostly themselves, and Aaron and Aphmau resonated the most.)
However, I'd constantly get these imagined thoughts of a nervous Travis experiencing dysphoria, struggling to make friends because he -- didn't want someone to mistake him as a girl. He wanted friends that he felt safe with, that treated him properly, when he was still adjusting.
My idea was, his father was accepting, but they had a deal for him not to transition until he was eighteen. So, he was extremely pre-T and very feminine/flamboyant despite his attempts to man up (under Dante's influence and the gentle pushes from Aphmau.)
I imagined him finding out Katelyn is bisexual, and feeling like he might have a chance with her. But also having an extreme anxiousness that she wouldn't see him as a man, considering she is attracted to women.
I can imagine him not knowing how to tie a tie, and it still being awkward for him to ask his father -- so he asks Dante. Dante takes him under his wing, and it establishes their close relationship and why Travis picks up so much from him. (Although, in this remake, it was Aphmau that helped Travis be more confident around people.)
I imagined Travis using the staff bathrooms to change, and only telling a select few people. Though, he often finds himself mistaken for a girl anyway.
I never decided what his "dead name" would be, in this headcanoned universe of mine because -- it didn't matter? Travis is Travis.
I imagined the moment he opened up to Dante, Aphmau, and a few other friends about his dysphoria and what he struggles with -- really strengthened their bonds.
I'd probably use this as an excuse for him to grow closer to Katelyn due to her acceptance, even if a relationship between them wouldn't work. (Right people, wrong time, for them in high school. But also, all these characters deserved to go out with people, date different people, before settling on each other for life. But, that's not a major fault, it's just something I'd like.)
I don't know, all these posts on here about people's rewrites really brings me joy, and -- allows me to think of my own that I never committed to. Of course, I am working on a world similar to MCD and Mystreet right now, but it is not a rewrite. It's something I did to appreciate the kind of fantasy MCD showed, with some tastes and twists of my own.
...Maybe I'll share the characters from it, one day. :)
Although, more on Travis. This headcanoned version of him was a major Kirby fan. He would often read the fan fiction Aphmau wrote, and get flustered by some of risque themes she would add. And Aphmau would just wiggle her eye brows at him, and they'd both crack up.
(As, this version of PDH Aphmau is a content creator in universe, and a lot less... Innocent? More well-rounded with hobbies and style. She's one of those, 'my mom would kill me if she found out I put make up on at school,' kind of kiddos.)
Maybe I'll write posts about the rest of them, and share more, if people are interested.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 8 months
Amane T1 Cover - Positive Parade
Been a while, but we're back to covers! Time for the specialest girl ever, Amane and Positive Parade! I miss her sounding as happy as she does in this song, man. At least she seemed to be having fun in parts of Purge March too, but that was a different kinda fun. Anyways, let's go!
CW Cults and indoctrination, child abuse
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Positive Parade is possibly the one covered song in Trial 1 with no explicit references to romance or sex, which in my eyes is a win for Amane, common best character w.
What also makes this song stand out is just how happy it is! It actually is an extremely optimistic and uplifting song, where the singer encourages someone else to follow their dreams and remain positive in the face of adversity.
Stuff your heart full with all your dearest dreams Go for broke on all the things you wanna do! “We can’t stop” Is this a good feeling? Or is it no good after all? On these never-ending nights, let's talk while dancing with the stars Even when times are tough, the light is always by our sides “We can’t stop” You’ll turn out okay! Because you'll find your smile fits you perfectly
(I'm using this translation because the translation in the Milgram wiki has very odd wording at times, so I think it kinda confuses the meaning a bit)
The 'never-ending nights' I believe represent the struggles of life, which at times feel endless. But the singer suggest to talk while 'dancing with the stars', while engaging with the light in the darkness. "Even when times are tough, the light [of the stars] is always by our sides." Optimism! Happiness!
There is the "is this a good feeling? or is it no good after all?" line which seems like it could imply some lurking horror, but there's a few ways to read that. I actually think the singer is asking if the person being sung to is happy with what they're doing, or if they should stop and move on to something else, which is similar to this line:
This isn’t enough, not yet I need to make sure I don’t mess up the words I want to say “I forbid you from pushing yourself too hard" "I’ll be right here” So you won't be discouraged by what comes tomorrow, if we could laugh together again... That's why you gotta stop those "what'll happen if"s!
The singer wants the other to make sure not to push themselves too hard, and reassures them they can rely on the singer.
The important part there is that the singer wants to be relied on. Not in like a dangerous way necessarily, just a "I'm your friend and I want to help you when you're down" kinda way. At least that's the vibe I get.
Heeeey, aren't you straight up bawling your eyes out? It's not normal for you to pretend that everything's fine. Even though you've got things you want to say Where's that sadness you've been shouldering? Come on, one day it'll just overflow "I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore, please help me" You don't want to imagine it, You don't want to hear it, do you? So before it comes to that, rely on me!
You know, I've seen people say that some people think this song is about toxic positivity, but to me it doesn't really look like it. The singer's literally telling the other that if they hide their pain, it's gonna overflow and that's bad. That's, like, the opposite of toxic positivity. And "you" don't want to hear yourself saying "I can't do it anymore, please help me", right? Just rely on the singer now before it gets too bad!
I guess you could say that sounds like a savior complex, which is definitely a way to read the song:
If someone tells you you're wrong, Even when you're not wrong at all I won't support anything that denies you You can take the opportunity to hold me close and you can share the burden of your worries with me You say it's embarrasing, but I'm embarrased too, you know! Don't laugh and say this isn't like me, It's my answer to meeting you. Rely on me, rely on me, please
Yeah, the "rely on me, rely on me, please" certainly feels a bit too desperate.
However, I still feel it can be read more charitably. Listen, this song was written as a theme song for a collaboration with a theme park named Yomiuri Land (Source, it's in Japanese but Google translate gives you the idea). There doesn't need to be a hidden horror here. While again, it's perfectly fine if you read it as a savior complex or something else, I personally see it as completely innocent positivity.
The line about both of them being embarrased by what's going on is very sweet. No big meaning there, I just like it.
So the singer either does or doesn't have a savior complex; at least they find quite a bit of happiness in helping others. If you're wondering about Miku shedding a tear in the artwork, it's probably a tear of joy from "dancing with the stars." In my personal opinion, there is no hidden horror in this song, it's just a really nice optimism anthem! The only way this would be horrifying at all is if it were being sung by, like, an abused cult victim or something.
... Oh.
Yeah this is where we acknowledge that, even though the original song may not be hiding anything too horrifying, it's being covered by Amane fucking Momose. And nothing this girl does ever fails to make us sad.
So, Amane here has the same "I want to make other people happy" attitude that we see in Magic.
[Magic] Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile Forever, forever together would be a dream
She's even called something akin to "Happiness Support Sister" in the credits. Amane wants everyone to be happy, that's ultimately her goal in everything she does. The thing is that the concept of "happiness" has been so horrendously twisted by her cult that a lot of the time it shows in a very... uh... concerning way.
Timeline 23/01/17 Amane: Happy birthday.Mahiru-san. How is your body feeling? Mahiru: ……ah, Amane-chan. Thank you. Yeah, I’m fine. Now I can move around if I use a wheelchair…… It’s all thanks to Shidou-san looking after me…… Amane: I’ll give you one warning. The two of you are dabbling in something tabooed. If you continue to go against the way of nature like this, you’ll just bring an early death upon yourself. Think hard about this. Mahiru: Amane-chan……? Are you really Amane-chan……?
Like, technically speaking, Amane is trying to make sure Mahiru stays happy. As in, not dead. She does something similar with Fuuta. Notably, she's only shown herself really hostile towards Shidou, who she dislikes for reasons even beyond the whole medicine thing. Long story.
But since this is Trial 1, she's likely not really speaking to anyone in the prison. So, who is Amane talking to? The most straightforward answer is that she's talking to her abusers, more specifically her mother probably. Because they are the "everyone" she's talking about in Magic; Amane thinks that if she can make them happy, she'll stop being punished and thus she'll be happy too.
Of course, this paints the entire song in a horribly grim light. Because now the singer's pleas to be relied on are Amane asking her abusers what she needs to do to make them happy.
You can take the opportunity to hold me close and you can share the burden of your worries with me You say it's embarrasing, but I'm embarrased too, you know!
The "burden" here may very well be the things Amane does """wrong""", so Amane might be asking what she needs to change.
Heeeey, aren't you straight up bawling your eyes out? It's not normal for you to pretend that everything's fine. Even though you've got things you want to say Where's that sadness you've been shouldering? Come on, one day it'll just overflow "I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore, please help me" You don't want to imagine it, You don't want to hear it, do you? So before it comes to that, rely on me!
Question: What do you think happens when "it overflows"? When Amane's abusers are frustrated at something? Not Amane, just anything in general. How do you think that goes? In a lot of cases, chid abusers will find any excuse to """justify""" hurting their child when they're frustrated by literally anything. That means it's very possible Amane now tries to make sure her abusers are happy all the time, because it's the only way she can think of to avoid being hurt.
This isn’t enough, not yet I need to make sure I don’t mess up the words I want to say “I forbid you from pushing yourself too hard" "I’ll be right here” So you won't be discouraged by what comes tomorrow, if we could laugh together again... That's why you gotta stop those "what'll happen if"s!
"I need to make sure I don't mess up the words I want to say" sure reads a lot more sinisterly when "messing up the words" could end up with Amane being seriously hurt.
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Yeah like that.
If someone tells you you're wrong, Even when you're not wrong at all I won't support anything that denies you
And this definitely reads like something she'd say about the cult. She won't support anything that denies the cult or their doctrines, you don't have to worry about that! Please don't hurt her.
Stuff your heart full with all your dearest dreams Go for broke on all the things you wanna do! “We can’t stop” Is this a good feeling? Or is it no good after all? On these never-ending nights, let's talk while dancing with the stars Even when times are tough, the light is always by our sides “We can’t stop” You’ll turn out okay! Because you'll find your smile fits you perfectly
The chorus is a bit strange with this reading, since what the "dearest dreams" are is very debatable. It's possible it's just general positivity without referring to anything in particular, but if it is something specific, my best guess would be "following the cult's doctrines and going to [heaven or equivalent]". Apart from that, again, the other stuff is kinda sinister under this reading. "Yeah, focus on the good stuff! Don't worry about the sad things! Please don't get mad! Please please please don't get mad and hurt me!"
But the thing about "chasing the dream" being following the cult's beliefs makes the "we can't stop" line really mortifying. Originally that's just "we shouldn't let our doubts stop us in our dreams!" but now it's "we can't stop following the doctrines because horrible horribe things will happen if we do!"
[The Purge March] If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out This is the magic that stops that from happening
And wanna know a """fun""" little detail? I haven't been paying much attention to differences between the og songs and the covers, but Amane gets special treatment.
I invite you to listen to the "we can't stop" line from around 2:18 - 2:19 minutes into the song both in the original and in Amane's cover. In the Miku version, that's sung pretty much the same as every other time. However, in the Amane cover, it's sung in a noticeably different way. It's hard to describe, because it sounds a mix of exhausted, resigned, depressed, something like that. Think of it like this: if the rest of the song sounds like Amane is singing with her Trial 1 sprite, this one line is sung like her Trial 2 sprite. So:
Stuff your heart full with all your dearest dreams! Go for broke on all the things you wanna do! “We can’t stop” Is this a good feeling? Or is it no good after all?
Or translated for Amane:
"Follow your dreams of being a great follower and going to heaven!"
"Do all the things God tells you you should want to do!"
"We can't stop, can we? Even if it hurts, even if we are unhappy, we have to keep following that dream. Because horrible things will happen if we don't. And even if we try to change, then what was it all for? What did you hurt me for? There has to be a reason. Please tell me my suffering isn't meaningless. God will save us in the end if we keep doing this, right? That's the only thing I have left to hope for. We can't stop"
"Ehem- Doesn't it feel good?"
Or maybe I just like Amane angst a bit too much.
Anyways, that's the main takeaway from Positive Parade in my opinion. There is another way to read it, though, which I think is equally interesting. Mainly, that she might be singing it to herself, right before killing her mother. The "dreams" would be killing the mom, with the one more sinister "we can't stop" being there because it's a somewhat sinister dream. The "light in the dark" is a future without abuse I guess? The whole "rely on me" thing does come off as a bit weird, unless you go the "council of Amane" route and/or read it with the idea Amane has DID and then it just sounds like an alter, which would be something. "I won't support anything that denies you" and her mom did deny her... the issue there is that Amane also denies herself a lot of "vulgar" pleasures because Gozake ordainment. I don't think it works perfectly because of things like "I forbid you from pushing yourself too hard", but it's still a valid way to read the cover!
Anyways, hope you're not crying too hard! Take care!
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rockintapper · 2 months
the um
te sec2ond one
ok so basically i say whar i think about rhythm heavem chatacters. starting with Tengoku brcuase why nawt
readmore ebcuase this posr long as hell!!!!! please work this time
karate joe: hi kasper the he <3 i wana hug him,
hair vegetables: what Thr fcuk
sarge: idk. attention march
squadmates: petar
air batter AIRBATTERR 💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕💞
space umpire: perpetual smiler
the clappy trio: your sequel stinks!!!! /sillay i love your wigs
sneaky spirits: get bow and arrow'd l plud ratio /j
samurai steve: hi sage hes really cool actual6 #chilling
yokai (the thingies the samurai slices): pe uliar little cratures. up to no good
rats: thr cheese
ms. whiskers: THE FIRST CAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
sick beats doctor/dr. cutlery: hes vibing ong. why do you hsve an endless game
thr viruses: leav that litlle guy alone >:(!!!!!!!
yellow organism (sick beats): little guye :) dj yelo
the donpans: theyre all dating your honor
yagura-chan: spiteful luttle child i love her. may she grow up and pan
mahou tsukai: hi rocket The WIZARB!!!! magic autism
ojou-chan: flowers autism
the monster (wizard's waltz): STOP EATING MY PLANTS
pengiuns (showtime): yhe dillays i love them they deerve the worl
monkey (showtime): i just read about him. gonna make him explode now
rabbit: boing boing boing boing boing b
tram and pauline/poline: hi cheese THE FOXES the foxes ever hth foxes ever the
space gramps: i widh he was my grangpa 💔 /j
space dancers: pa-pa-pa-PUNCH! put some respect on my boys plea
q maou: AAGH. AAH. AAHHG. AG
contestant: hi 56 hes. hes jist like me frfr /hj
play-yan: hi sunny i really liek. his uh level. minigame. wharever it s called its like. really calming. unless im Going for a Perfect!
mini chounin (power caligraphy): the dancing dancers
akai mono (polyrhythm): i uh. i dont have anything about these thangs. what
urakata aki to ki (bouncy road): my children. i love them. i would Kill for th
spheroids (bouncy road): you have a page? on the rh wiki? what?
ninja and the lord (ninja no shison/ninja bodyguard): augh
toss boys: hi ninety The toss bous. they hehheeh3he hugs ao-kun
yuka: YIPPR YIPEEE YIPEE YIPEEEE YIPEEEOEIRIRJ HI T YUKAIEJEBE ^_^ totally isnt dating a tall tapper shes totally not dating a tall ta /lie
giraffe: dont fucking look at me like that
kanojo: ypure in good hands. mostly. (cant get the fast part of ninja reincarnate)
waru mono (ninja reincarnate): w,,ario?? w
cosmic girl: Rude™ (/hc). may also be the commander in amrching oerders 2,
cosmic dancers: space dancers HATE THEM! /silly
MAN-K: mN i lovr him hes so cool dud e whaha
biribiriuo (night walk 2): STOP ELECTROCUTING PLAY YAN 💔💔💔💔
usamimi maki sensei: i love the face she makes whe n i press a button too earlu/late. may also be cosmic girl
space rabbits: ive seen you in waroiware.... pets yu
buta-san (tengoku remix 7): pigy :]
barista: i hc his voice is jasmine wright's from the rh iceberg
people at the café: only (canon) black person in the entire series helooo
neko machine: meow. meow. meow.meow owah owah mah? mah? o-mah? m
honse machien: wha,
love-san: suki (cheering)
mr. upbeat: hi tomano tucking him in giving him a goodnight kiss and a glass of milk <3
mannequin; i wonder what game yoyll be in the futue
anata: hi 56 i love his goofy ass smile go girl give us everything
drum girls: wait whered they come fro
samurai drummer: no way. it Tsunk
samurai drummer's band: i did not know you existed hello??
oba-chan: protect. protect. protect.
pwner: Kill. Kill. Kill Kill. Kill. Kill. Ki
producer: who tf are you? what? wait lemme rrad about yo7 furst
im back. music autism
ok thats all the characters in rhythm tengok!!! thanks for Did yiu read all of tjis? zamn!! congrats dude /gn
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raspberry-gloaming · 6 months
I'm currently at a point where because I've got into Gallifrey, I follow or have at least browsed people's blogs who love other dweu stuff. And I thought it might be fun to say what I currently think and know about eu characters/companions so when I have in the future delved deeper into the eu I can look back and compare and laugh and see how much is accurate! There's gonna be a "read more" here because this gonna get Long.
Also please let me know what I've got right and not and also tell me more about these characters if you are fans of them!
Benny: starting off strong i know some stuff about her! she's an archeologist from the future (wonder if she ever met River) and she travelled with... one of the doctor(s)? Possibly Seven? She is besties with Brax and sometimes works for him and his collection. Probably must be able to put up with bullshit because of those last two points. Has a husband called Jason and at least one kid, which, iconic, female adventure and action protagonists should get to be mums more often its always the childfree so big up Benny for that. made a cameo at the end of Gallifrey IV.
Evelyn: I have heard her. A little. I basically skipped through the apocalypse element because I wanted to understand some of the reasons that Romana is the way she is in Gallifrey, but didn't listen properly because I got bored. Is an old lady, which is great - its great to see ages mixing it up a bit, instead of the 19-25 year old girl primary companions we consistently get in nu-who. Travelled with Six and is/was a professor at a university. Not sure for which subject though.
Fitz: Canonically bisexual and wears a leather jacket. I've seen A Lot of shipping him and Eight, and these shippers seem to have a similar vibe to Two/Jamie shippers. I don't know much else, except that his time with the doctor is probably fucked up because from what I have gleaned, Eight's companions Go Through It like big time.
Compassion: Faction Paradox which I believe is in an alternate universe (also the faction paradox timelines seem to have have a different vibe of names to the main universe ones, every time I'm on the "Individual Time Lords" category on the wiki and see a name that seems out of place it turns out to be a character from Faction Paradox.) Is a person (human i think?) but is also a TARDIS? Like you can go into her and travel? Where tf is the door this is very cursed. Also used as a breeding machine to make more TARDISes as well? By Romana? Idk but this seems pretty fucked up in an icky way. And fucked up in a non-icky way too. I'm just confused tbh. Not sure which doctor is involved in this one.
C'rizz - Possibly people can't say his name right? Is that him? Alien boy, travelled with Eight and Charley. That's about all I know.
Chris Cwej: I know even less about him, hes the other possibility for people mixing up his name or something. Think he travelled with Seven. Idk why but he gives me dick vibes.
Hex Schofield: Travelled with Ace and Seven. Is from 2021 or something and says "sus." Which yh that was a thing but he was made before among us existed that's a cool coincidence that it turned out like that.
Liv and Helen: They exist. That's it I know nothing more.
Molly O'Sullivan: Also exists. Travelled with eight?
Charley Pollard: Has a Nazi for a sister - Blind Eye my beloved. Calls herself Edwardian even though she's from the 1930s, idk if its like a character point or an accidental fuck up by the writers. Has a romance with the doctor in some form. And also a pretty messed up relationship with him i think. Actually just a pretty messed up time. Especially because I think she was in Scherzo which I hear Wild Blue Yonder was inspired by. So good luck girl you're gonna need it.
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
Best (Web Novel) Hater Tournament
Submissions Close Date: TBD
Must be from a web novel or adaptation
Can be a hater of any kind or just have the hater soul
Please submit one character per response (no limit overall)
Tournament Tag: #best hater tournament
[Last Updated: June 27th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates]
Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Submission: She spent years hating on a web novel similar to her own through an anonymous account and hate reading the comments it's sole reader posted. Even after the novel came to life, she still kept criticizing its horrible writing and protagonist. 
Hua Cheng from Heaven Official’s Blessing 
Submission: Treats nearly everyone that isn't Xie Lian with derision
Jun Wu from Heaven Official’s Blessing
(Spoilers) Tossing his old pals into lava and then destroying an entire generation of gods wasn't enough! He also ground the old generation of gods up and made them into the foundation of the new Heavenly Realm, so everyone steps all over them whenever they're walking around. Also an over simplified explanation of the entire plot is basically Jun Wu hears one phrase that sets him off and decides to be a giant hater because of it, destroying a whole kingdom within like three to four years in the process. This guy is the epitome of "...and I took that personally."
Wiki Link
Lan Jingyi from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
Submission: jingyi hates su she so much even though they've never interacted before and then absolutely obliterates him verbally in front of almost every sect leader, what a legend
Lan Wangji from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS
Submission: Just because he's quiet doesn't mean he's not a hater. He gets his hate across economically. Jin Guangyao? Hated. Su She? Hated. Jiang Cheng? Don't even ask. Loathed entirely. Anyone else not in his immediate family (including problematic cancelled husband Wei Wuxian)? Not even worth his time. Bro even hates himself (sometimes) 
Mu Qing from Heaven Official’s Blessing
Submission: https://www.tumblr.com/bonesblubs/708661194148511744/inspiration 
Shen Jiu / Original Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving 
Submission: Both the Shen Qingqius are haters just in very different ways 
Shen Yuan/Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 
Submission 1: He was an anti fan that literally got so mad at a novel he was reading that he died and then was transmigrated into the novel he hated (besides the main character) as the villain. The author of said novel also transmigrated and they formed a love/hate broship.
Submission 2: 
My man is the hater-est hater to ever hate, except like Kendrick Lamar. He hate-read a webnovel with over 20 million words, and left scathing commentary on every single chapter. Even the author Shang Qinghua, of the webnovel PIDW, which by subtext was very very popular, knew Shen Yuan (Peerless Cucumber) as the legendary anti-fan.  He hated it (everything except the protagonist Luo Binghe) so much that after reading the last chapter, he choked and died (...slight exaggeration). Shen Yuan also proceeded to transmigrate into the novel, make everyone fall in love with him, use the power of headpats and 'a smile from the cold beauty' to overturn the genre from harem-esqe to danmei, bending the protagonist. Tldr, the power of Shen Yuan's haterism turned Cool Edgy Awesomely Powerful Protagonist Luo Binghe to soggy wet clingy white lotus bing-bong Bingmei, and it's honestly better off this way <3 
Yin Hanjiang from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know 
Submission: Second half of the novel YHJ in particular, hater energy unmatched! Righteous sects? fuck them up. His own sect? on eggshells. His best effort at not murdering someone is to start wiping his weapon with their clothes. General vibe of 'if anything happened to Venerable i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself AND SOMETHING JUST HAPPENED TO VENERABLE'. Anyway get their asses babe <3
Yu Ziyuan from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Submission: I would not blame anyone who went through the first half of the story believing that Yu Ziyuan hated every single person she ever met because she talks shit about her husband, her son, her adopted son, and her daughter whenever she gets the chance to. Sometimes all at the same time. She projects so much raw hater energy that she psychologically scarred her son for life. 
Dealer's Choice
Qi Rong from Heaven Official’s Blessing
“Obviously, those things weren't within the realm of consideration for Qi Rong. He swore like there wasn't a single person in the Three Realms he didn't want cursed to death. He called Pei Ming a rotten manwhore, Little Pei a kiss-ass, Jun Wu a faker, Ling Wen a damned bitch, Lang Qianqiu a moron, Quan Yizhen dog shit, the Water Master blackhearted, the Wind Master a tramp–he probably didn't know Shi Qingxuan was actually a man.” - Heaven Official’s Blessing (Tumblr)
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noeggets · 2 months
I wrote a whole thing about Sal but i had a lot of what i was thinking was true debunked because the battle network wiki is incomplete and somebody really needs to go and put all the information about the Anime in it cause it’s missing a lot of information.
I was under the impression that Sal who is a “Net Agent” which apparently is a third body group from being a NetSaver/NetPolice which is a second body group from SciLab???
it’s probably explained in the anime but there is 0 information about these things on the wiki because someone needs to write it up there cause i can’t be trusted to put up information like this cause im not intelligent enough + im not the person who edits wiki so this is what i thought
Originally i was under the impression that Sal who is a NetAgent was part of SciLab’s group of NetSavers but they were a secret faction, her Miyu and Masa THAT IS NOT THE CASE. What im understanding by reading what is on the wiki is Sal is a NetAgent and a NetAgent is a third body group like i said earlier it’s a independent group that deals with Netcrime so im assuming they don’t or do have permits? i don’t know.
A NetSaver/NetPolice works with the cops under  Commissioner Keifer and Superintendent Manuela it says.
"SciLab also cooperates with Officials in dealing with netcrime and other catastrophes related to network society."
"NetPolice are headed by Commissioner Keifer and Superintendent Manuela, who recruit Lan Hikari and Chaud Blaze as “NetSavers”, specially deputized citizens who can cross fuse and tackle situations that normal police officers can’t. "
this is 3 groups of people potentially more.
My original writing of this post was just me talking about Sal but it’s gone deeper then that.
i was under the impression that SciLab was somehow the police force/scientific research facility at the same time but that is not the case, i was going to argue that SciLab hired children because they were better at net battling but all this got debunked when i was going over things in the wiki trying to understand.
Now that everything is figured out now i can talk about Sal
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"She is the owner of a boxed lunch stand near the Government Complex to earn money for nature conservation activities with her Navi. As she is 13 years old, she only works during after school hours and on holidays. Although it seems she is keeping this job a secret from her school. She also assists Megaman with training."
with anime logic i can see a 13 year old hiding all of that but it also says
"In Mega Man Battle Network 4, it shows she's the leader of a 1,500 person environmental protection organization."
again, anime logic i can see it but it makes more sense to me if she was older and doing these things so i vibe closer with the Sal being 17 idea. I wanna say they tried to hire her as a Netsaver but she’s got so much under her belt she would rather not be a official and instead be a secret agent
“in the anime she was revealed to be a NetAgent that goes by the name Black Rose. The Net Agents are a group from the anime, they are secret agents who act like everyday people while fighting criminal organizations.”
but eventually she is hired by the official’s to be a real Netsaver like Lan and Chaud. (because i want her to crossfusion and she can’t do that legally if she’s not working with them because only SciLab has the synchro chips)
Working here she learns about how most people these days are hiring children like Chaud and Lan, iTcould go on about how there could be group(s) in this world not wanting them to hire basically child soldiers because the stuff Lan and Chaud deal with is like adult level missions. Lan got electrocuted several times and put into situations where if this was an adult it would be a lot less dangerous but im not talking about that, im talking about Sal
Im going to say she was made a offer when she was 13 and if she took it she would have been the first children they allowed to join which isn't very right but kids in this world are just better at net battling then adults tell me im wrong with all the times lan outdid ACTUAL ADULT PEOPLE IN A NET BATTLE. im assuming since they couldn’t hire Sal they thought it ok to hire Chaud instead but they were probably in contact with his father and his father is ok with this as long as it doesn't get in the way of their business idk i need to remember the lore more to talk about Chaud
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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mewpirate · 16 days
hi again. how about headcanons/thoughts/feelings about the tarantula crew? (:
Ooooh! Another post about another crew?? !! <3 I don't have a lot of headcanons for them too since I mostly focus on the rubberfishes mostly but I'll see what i can do !
- Starting off miscellaneous, Thade has the most rambunctious nastiest breath due to never brushing his teeth, he doesn't even like brushing his teeth so he went like "fuck it, I'm going out like this" and the crew got so put off by it, even mary was distraught. This random guy has a decent smell from using a bunch of colorful perfumes he stole because they looked pretty but. the most awful stench coming from his mouth when he speaks or yawns. Basically like a cat.
Yea I actually have no idea why the fuck i have that, I just thought the cat coded thade headcanon was cool so I gotta make him more accurately cat-like.
- I don't like the idea of Auburn being the possibly(?) bio daughter of Lillian and Thade (why are the genes so different) so I basically headcanon her to be a abandoned baby at birth and the crew took her in cause they felt bad.
- wanna know what's funny? I headcanon Boar as an ACTUAL WILD BOAR. FURRYFYING EVERYONE BABYYY!!!!
- I already said this on another post but I'll say it again, I think of Auburn as a hippie goth , it fits her Earth magic and peaceful vibe.
- another thing related to that is I legit headcanon Lillian as a whimsical goth, and Thade a Trad goth. Whole goth family here.
- OOOO I also based Lillian off Tia Dalma from pirates of the Caribbean <<3
- I love the whole "Skin-taker still has a trait in his past life" troupe so I'll add one . Thade can remember and name every species of bird and flowers, ( I said the bird one before but I'll say it again) he likes how colorful and bright they are compared to the birds in the abyssal kingdom. He especially liked how each of the flowers hold a symbolic meaning whether it be double or single. When he first went outside the abyssal kingdom, he noticed a few rare species of birds that had a melancholic tune , which isn't the case for Abyssal birds since their voices tend to be gravel -like and noisy. He absolutely adored them!! He even collects bird feathers!!
- I headcanon Mort as a vampire bat who has morbid curiosity, I'm making a completely different version from him from the wiki cause wiki mort is eugh 🤢
-Thade's voice headcanon is Lilac cookie from crk (i wanna find a voice headcanon that sounds like a warm , friendly but monotone vibe? Idrk)
- Thade actually doesn't show much emotion, and most people view him to be a cold , unbothered person , when in reality it's literally just his resting face . He's very excitable but doesn't show it much.
- I view Red Mary's personality as similar to Cosmos from the MLP comics. (I highly recommend reading the books about her she's seriously a really good villain) She and Thade have a discord and cosmos dynamic where he is completely scared of her. He still is.
I really like the crew!!! They're such coolios . They look like they would get into a lot of shenanigans together!
Idk personal opinion but I wish Lillian and Auburn weren't so stale , I really like they're characters but idk the writing is a bit meh. I don't like how mort is made. That's all.
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Black Survival characters as mythological/supernatural creatures
Adela:vampire adela is convincing but you know she could be fae with that sort of “you have already lost” thing she has
Adriana:i want to say fire elemental, but that’s too obvious. it’d be poetic if she were instead something that’s constantly cold like an ice elemental or something
Aiden:he is canonically pretty much a supernatural creature. all i can do is nudge towards son of zeus or suggest he’s that one thing i saw somewhere of a being that turns into electricity and travels in power cords (this parenthesis is of me sending this out. what the fuck is this last bit. i have zero clue)
Alex:i think all secret agents would be shapeshifters or changelings. he does have a lot of This Man Is Unfindable vibes, so he’d probably be a shapeshifter
Arda:so tempted to say he’s the human in the story. but ok i’ll name something. i think he has elf-y vibes. at least immortal. like, he’s the type to have lived through a lot of things to me
Aya:maybe it’s because i think she’s kinda similar to kujou sara genshin impact, but i’m thinking tengu
Barbara:human with tons of metal prosthesis (this is me from the future/present. boy that’s a cyborg. pretty sure i described a cyborg)
Bernice:werewolf. hunter of the night, sad about hurting people, that’s werewolf baby
Camilo:either a siren or a sexy vampire
Cathy:necromancer. god i picture someone being like “h... he’s dead.....” and she cracks her knucles like “i didn’t get my medical license revoked for nothing”
Celine:mage or witch vibes to me. all her spells are fireball
Chiara:the nun enemy in horror games. whether she’d be a ghost, or a demon, or a whatever-the-hell is ambiguous, but that’s what i’m seeing. maybe a fallen angel too. good omens au with emma, see my vision
Chloe:witch. like, wears-a-hat, potion-making, cat-having witch is what i’m picturing except instead of a cat she has a small child
Daniel:i’ve compared him to alucard and dracula and vampires too many times for me to say anything but vampire
Echion:hes kind of a cyborg right. i don’t need to try
Eleven:whatever flutterina from she-ra had going on (me from the present/future again. that’s a forest elf. she-ra has a wiki page)
Eva:yeah this one’s obvious. just. magical girl. there ain’t much to work with
Emma:magical girl skin is compelling but. again. good omens au
Fiora:so much medieval knight slayer of dragon vibes coming out of her
Hart:i got nothing. muse? elf? she’s too Normal Person to read
Hyejin:if she were chinese she’d slay in a danmei so hard. she’d cultivate so hard. so when it comes to korea it’s something akin, i guess. don’t know if i want to deep-dive into korean culture for this
Hyunwoo:i never watched teen wolf but he’d be a werewolf in there. source:dude trust me. but with all his stuff going on i wouldn’t be surprised if he was cursed
Isol:ehehe werewolf isol
Jackie:there’s this one episode of grimm where they reveal jack the ripper is a ghost/demon that just comes back every 100 years and possesses someone to go to murders. i think that’s what she’d be
Jan:too much of a normal human being for me to read as well. he’s maybe the character with the least skins too so no clue. not even a halloween costume, i feel like he’d just wear one of those skeleton full-body costumes and call it a day
Jenny:i think it’d be neat if she were a ghost possessing a theater, or something akin to walpurgisnacht from puella magi madoka magica. but she also has elf vibes since she’s full of herself and pretty and stuff
Johann:cleric. what do you want from me
JP: he’s got to be some sort of trickster spirit. if he’s chinese then there’s definitely a few to pick from there
Laura: her whole character is a sort of fetish so if you append “sexy” to it she could be anything
Lenox:dryad. why? she’s afraid of fire. checkmate
Li Dailin:she’s so regretful and bitter and self destructive. that’s a wraith baby
Luke:he seems like the sort of shapeshifter to turn into a horse to be inconspicuous
Magnus:dude in greek stories who learns not to dare the gods
Mai:that one pokemon that makes fabric. but well. elf. sure. all skinny vaguely pretty people could be elves
Nadine:werwolf is too obvious. but it’s obvious because it fits too perfectly
Nathapon:my guy is beatrice portinari from ordem paranormal, he can’t remember the rituals they did on him
Nicky:is it cruel of me to name dwarf because she’s short. do i get a short joke pass. if i can laugh at my friend when he says the wind
Rio:elf, i think. archery, general appearance. i think it’d be cute if she wore the Elf Outfit Thing but it included a hood with cat ears. something to consider
Rosalio:soul eater weapon thing but he’s a baseball bat with nails that nobody wants to meister
Rozzi:brazilian legend of the iara is what i’m going with, because honestly there’s enough aspects that work well imo. the summary is that it’s a siren but with ~lore~
Shoichi:man i got nothin. his vampire skin is cool and there’s some symbolism there that works since vampires are either rich aristocrats, gay, or both (me from the future again. he’s also ashamed of himself and wouldn’t want to show his body to his child. that is so vampiristic!!!)
Silvia:whatever quicksilver from the avengers had going on for sure
Sissela:Ghost. It makes too much sense, but I briefly considered jiangshi ig
Sua:i think it’d be cool if she was a library ghost. maybe a dryad that lives on as a book idk, but i think it’d be cool if people entered a library and tried to find a book and this sweet disembodied voice goes “it’s on the top shelf”
Tia:she’s already fuckin marina from monica’s gang, what can i say on this one
William:soul eater weapon thing but he’s a boomerang that also no one wants to meister because william is a strange oddly bitter man
Xiukai:ok i need you guys to stay with me through this one, i’m going somewhere. there’s this one urban legend show that ran years and years ago in brazil, and this one episode is about this big boy house that these girls are staying in for a vacay that one of their boyfriends let them stay in. they dirty the floor and stuff because people be like that, and then they start disappearing. that aforementioned boyfriend explains he lived in this house as a kid, and he was a shitheel as a kid who deliberately made a mess for his maid to clean up, but one day she tripped and died. now her ghost (who isn’t sure she’s dead and just cleans up the house as usual) turns people into framed photos. WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT STORY IS, is what i think xiukai would be
Yuki:that one ghost hunter skin is too good for me to be able to imagine him as anything else. i am sorry. i’d love to be like “ah he’d do a good kitsune” or whatever but my mind drifts instantly to him cutting a ghost with a katana
Zahir:i’m like 60% sure he’s already based on a hindu legend so can’t talk too much on that tbh. can’t say for sure since i know very little on that subject but i’m pretty sure they’re basing his backstory off of something
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shmowder · 27 days
I opened my game to check when I played, and it was in April & May of 2022! No wonder I'm operating almost entirely on vibes alone out here. I also checked my intended difficulty save and I died 10 times, and Maria, Eva, both Stamatins, Murky, and Notkin (😭) had died by the end. So, not spectacular, but not half the town either.
You mentioned not being super familiar with Anna in one of your posts; she's the one I seemed to interact with the least, as well. As far as Yulia and Victor go, one thing I really like about them is that they'll both go to visit at the theater if they're healthy ♡
Thanks for putting together that age chart (and for pointing me in the direction of the P1 Wiki)! P1 Victor really doesn't look 58 but I'll buy it for P2 Victor. Big Vlad is younger than him?? What? Pretty much everyone who is supposed to be in their 20s, I'd guessed to be in their 30s... maybe I'm just bad at interpreting ages 😂 Well, I'm going to tell myself they're in their 30s in P2 :P
The animal + body part thing is so cool! A flamingo, huh. I never would've thought of that, but it makes sense the way you explain it. For Aglaya, I was thinking crow as well, even if it's a little on-the-nose. I love that you mentioned a mourning dove, they are my favorite kind of bird! I've got to go to work soon, but I hope I can spend some more time later thinking of answers to your questions!
Thank you for being so kind! I love your responses (you put so much thought into them, wow) and I'm excited to read the essay <3
🐿️ anon
Yeah Victor really doesn't look that old, let alone older than both Big Vlad and Alexander. The P1 ages are probably just after thoughts the dev team added in the VK posts without considering the timeline or ingame models.
Like you're telling me a 16y old Artemy was best friends with a 13y old kid Rubin? three years is absolutely massive when you're that young, especially when you're at the edgy age of 16.
Or that Caspar is ten?? TEN? A 13 year old Notkin is having beef with a literal ten year old oh my god.
How in God's green earth is Anna 18? A TEEN? I thought she was 35- Aglaya being around Maria's 26 age was also a shock, so was General Block being 40. Aren't they a little too young to hold such high positions of power?
Tho, I do like how Capella is the oldest of the termites. It's fitting, especially with her being the wisest and their leader.
And oh my god. Murky is 8. EIGHT. That's third grade elementary school eight. That's still learning how to write and read eight. That's " just learned the table of multiplication and struggling with anything past number 5" Eight years old.
I am going to personally strangle Victor Kain to death for not building that school and decided that another useless stairway to heaven should take priority. THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN THE BUILDING WHERE MURKY LEARNS HER ALPHABET >:( HOW IS SHE GOING TO KNOW THAT "A" IS FOR "APPLE" NOW HUH? HOW IS SHE GOING TO LEARN THAT THE COW GOES MOO AND THE SHEEP GOES BAAA >:(
I see your vision with Aglaya's animal being a crow. It's classic and fitting. She is one of the few inquisitors who go against the stereotypical manipulation and rather set all their cards on the table when facing a problem, at least that's how her mentor used to behave and she took after him. That's why I thought of a mourning dove, it's a clear contrast against a cunning crow. I'm glad to hear they're your favourite birds! Birds are such a treat for humanity, i feel so bad we don't treat doves and pigeons with the same kindness we extend to cats and dogs.
Crows can be friendly and kind despite the public perception of them, which fits Aglaya. Everyone looks at her and assumes she is trying to manipulate them or get inside their head, just like people look at a crow as a bad omen despite it being another lovely bird just trying to survive out there.
Thank you so much for your sweet messages <3 I appreciate them a lot and your patience when it comes to me taking time to reply ah- I'd love to hear those ideas eventually when you're ready to share them.
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