#also re ff7 posting
cloudstrifing · 1 year
@spiritxgeyser sent me 4, 7, 25 :3c tysm I always enjoy vibing with your huge brain takes and correct opinions 💖
4. How do you find inspiration for new ideas?
I walk around and listen to my blorbo playlists a lot deep in thinky thoughts... sometimes I will also see fanart that gives me brain worms, but honestly revisiting the source material is probably the best way to get inspiration (for fic at least) bc it will remind me what I love about a certain dynamic, and then I'll just try and zero in on what exactly is releasing the serotonin and spin off that!!! As far as concrete scenarios go most of my fics are just the same trope over and over, all that's different is the trappings so that's making it easy for myself lmaooo
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
The first time I write for a pairing I will choose whoever I feel most aligned with (usually the more snarky and/or obnoxious character 💀), then I'll inevitably want to try to get into the other one's head later down the line eheh.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
ALL my ff7 stuff, where is rebirth so that I can revert to being unhinged about this old ass game full time‼️ truly ik the trigunposting has taken over atm but ff7 is forever.
HOWEVER ALSO I rly wish more eyes would perceive my first vashwood fic, bc I think from a technical perspective it's the best fic I've made. The structure is full of very clear eyed Decisions that makes it coherent in a way most of my stuff is not. I would maybe have had them be a bit more oblique about their feelings at the end knowing what I know about the characters now, but overall I’m very proud of it and think it struck something true!!
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rivkae-winters · 5 months
You Will Rot
I adore this entire scene and their entire exchange and there are plenty of other posts out there on it but I’ve never come across the points I wanted to make hence why I'm writing this. Specifically on the implications of exactly what rots since that latched into my brain and would not let me go.
As always: this is only my interpretation of canon, there is no one true analysis to take as gospel. In fact please interact with your thoughts if you have any! I enjoy talking to other people about this sort of thing, fandom is all about discussion after all!
My stance on this line is one of nuance. I tend to think Sephiroth chose the worst words he could think of without fully considering the full implications.  He said the thing he knew that would hurt Genesis the most after the entire conversation beforehand.
What does it mean to be told to rot? Or even so told you will rot. 
In the FF7 universe, most explicitly displayed in CC, bodies dissolve. Corpses, both monster and human, are depicted as dissolving to return to the Lifestream. This is re-confirmed in the remake. 
Rot is not a term for humans, it’s not a cultural concept the same way it is for us in the real world. To decay and decompose are not processes that sentient beings undergo.
Rot is something for objects- things that live but aren’t alive enough or connected enough quote-un-quote to return to the Lifestream in the same dramatic manner. Rot is for things like food and flowers and things that are below the level of humans or animals or anything with general sentience. 
Sephiroth is telling Genesis here, he is not just a monster: he is insignificant. He is telling Genesis that he is not enough of a sentient being to return to the Lifestream and he’ll continue falling apart in real time just like a piece of fruit left forgotten and rotting on the kitchen counter. He is telling Genesis that at the end of the day he’s already dead in every way that matters and is no longer a person. Sephiroth is telling Genesis that he will have no mercy given to him at the end of the day: he will rot and waste like an object lacking sentience and then he will be left there.
Sephiroth is digging into Genesis’s own deepest insecurities here. Genesis fears not just being irrelevant but being rendered a non-entity, to be kept or out of control. Genesis has defined his entire life as a journey to be someone to be enough to be someone worthy of love and praise and being seen. Objects aren’t people, and Genesis is an object to Sephiroth with that statement. 
The only person who could help him no longer considers him a person- nor a thing with sentience. 
Obviously this is all over analyzing Sephiroth’s dialogue. This line was said with calculation, yes, but it was also somewhat reflexive. Sephiroth is under a lot of stress in this scene and Genesis has been slinging everything he never wanted to be told at him in a single conversation. Genesis then has the audacity to try to act as if he did something good. While Sephiroth’s world is collapsing around him and his other defected friend acts like he did him a favor. Sephiroth is angry, who wouldn’t be angry. Sephiroth thought the world of Genesis prior to his defection, he thought the world of both of them and those illusions have been crashing down around him.
So he uses Genesis’s own grief over his former friend’s tattered life that manifests as self deprecation and self dehumanization against him. He confirms the de-humanizing rhetoric that Genesis has been attaching to his own existence. Sephiroth in his pain and anger pushes past the fears that Genesis has been externalizing to what he knows Genesis is truly afraid of. 
If Genesis considers himself a monster than by the standards of the person Sephiroth thought he knew he is already living out his worst fears. He is nothing, he is nothing without his mind. If Genesis wants to be what he once considered a non-entity: wants to wallow in the rot and non-personhood so much then he can. 
Sephiroth turns his back on, in his mind, the moving corpse of the long dead Genesis Rhapsodos and walks away. 
You will Rot You are Nothing
There is also something to be said here for the Kanji used in the original!
I’m not touching on this as much as I would have liked to but it would be criminal if I didn’t at least pull out a Kanji dictionary.
I pulled Sephiroth’s line from here; warning the website is not in English at all but easy enough to navigate via context/knowledge of story events and the characters' Japanese names. 
Sephiroth’s line is: 朽ち果てろ kuchihatero
This is translated in the official English release as “You will rot” and in a pre-US release fan translation from May of 2007 roughly the same way as “Go decay”
朽  Decay; Rot; Remain in Seclusion
果  Fruit; Reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed
[1][2] [3 specifically for 朽][4 specifically for 果]
Thanks for reading!
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fiie · 1 year
thank you for the tag, Robyn <3 @robynnnhooddd the original post was getting pretty long so I'll answer here lol.
Answer the questions and then tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better 💖
3 ships: me x satoru uuuuuhhhhh kiamei, yuzugiri, & kyohru
First ever ship: probably aerith and cloud from ff7 🥲
Last song: emiya's theme from the fate/stay night ost lol
Last movie: honestly no idea! I almost never watch movies anymore:,(
Currently reading: re-reading hells paradise!! if you haven't read it please check it out! It's such a good manga (also it's finished! 👀)
Currently watching: jujutsu kaisen (help)
Currently eating: nothing
Currently craving: nanaimo bar :(
Tagging: @im-rlly-tired @meiissblog @lvrm @roseragvndr @shiggysimp69 @ckmilita @black-nirvanna @cactosaurio @casanime only if u want to tho, otherwise feel free to ignore lol 💖
if I didn't tag you but u want to participate go ahead and just say I tagged you 😎😎
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hazzyking · 11 months
Hazel King's Masterlist/Intro
I tried to tag every story with what is in it, every fic I post has a little warning of what to expect so please read those!!! also, this is an 18+ blog so read at your own risk!
I am taking requests, if you don't see the Fandom below, just ask first. I'm in alot of Fandoms I just haven't written for many yet!
If anyone has any suggestions to make this list look better or whatever PLEASE comment below 😭
Important info/ WIP update
Show and Tav:
Lovissa's Act 2 appearance
Wyll and Shadowheart Banter
A clip that broke my heart p1
Lovissa interacting with the group Act 2 part 1
Lovissa interacting with the group Act 1
Things that Lovissa and Astarion do that only happen in my head
How am I Holding up?
Astarion X Lovissa:
Day Walkers
The Bloated Giant
Act 1 Headcannons
Killing Cazador
This Kiss
Nothing Will Come Between Us
One Piece
Buggy x Reader:
Apologize p1 (Smutt)
Apologize P2 (Smutt)
As the World Falls Down
Buggy Body Part Headcannons p1
Buggy Body Part Headcannons p2
Scar Tissue (Fluff)
When your not Around (Smutt)
Law X OC
Ink (smutt)
Ame Newgate:
Ame The Rain Storm
OC Information
Summer Wine ((Ame X Choo))
Chapter One: Somewhere Beyond the Sea
Mihawk x Reader:
Just a guy in a Bar p1
Just a guy in a Bar p2 (Smutt)
Reno X Reader:
Wet, Wild and a little Flashy. (Smutt)
Sephiroth X Reader:
When No One is Watching p1
FF7 Story:
You'll never fucking guess this, but I'm re writing it again!
Holiday Specials ((multi fandom))
A New Years Kiss ((smutt suggestive))
SOA/ Mayans MC
Alvarez x Reader:
Appearances (Smutt)
Simon Walker x Reader
Behave (smutt)
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thefrostqueen · 8 months
Aerith, Death, and Sephiroth
Two Aeriths
Through various trailers, we have gathered that the Aerith in Zack’s timeline is in a coma, with Marlene ominously stating that when Aerith wakes up, a scary man (Sephiroth) will kill her. But more obviously, why is she asleep despite not looking injured? And why did she alone survive the tornado attack while Barret, Tifa, Jesse, and Wedge died? Zack is then seen sitting on the steps of the church, and Sephiroth makes a move to seemingly cut Zack down, while remarking “No, not you.” He is clearly looking for Aerith, but why is he bothering with another dimension’s Aerith in the first place?
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And more interestingly, how does Marlene even know that will happen? Who told/showed her? From that scene in the new trailer alone, are we to believe that Sephiroth is attempting to kill Aerith in every dimension, or is there something deeper happening here? Why is Sephiroth so prominent in this section of the game in the first place, considering he wasn’t in the original?
A Driving Force
In December of 2020, Aerith’s MOCAP actress, Asuka Yoshikawa, made a post talking about how she had just finished a four-hour motion capture session with Sephiroth’s MOCAP actor. It was unclear whether this was the only session, or one of several. But based on this tweet, it seems Aerith and Sephiroth will have much more time directly interacting with each other in Rebirth than in Remake (and also in the original game)
A recent official interview by PlayStation with Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsuya Nomura supports and mostly confirms this. They discuss quote “reimagining” Aerith and Sephiroth as characters, citing their individual importance to the overall story. Kitase in particular acknowledges that Sephiroth was barely present in this section of the game in the original, but that in Rebirth, he is the quote “Driving force that pulls the story along.” They speak of him almost like they view him as the main protagonist.
Both legendary creatives emphasized one single thing however: further depth for both Aerith and Sephiroth. Nomura also stated that he believes players will respond differently to what happens regarding Aerith and Sephiroth’s fates, hinting at a potential divide of opinions from fans, as well as a very different outcome for the characters compared to the original.
No Longer Set in Stone
What excites me about all of this, is that there is so much more mystery surrounding Aerith’s death scene and Sephiroth’s role in the story at large, whereas it was fairly straightforward in the original. In the OG, Aerith was summoning Holy (the only force that can stop Meteor) when Sephiroth catches both her and Cloud by surprise and murders her. She dies and becomes more powerful, and through this Sephiroth is stopped.
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In the Rebirth trailer however, Aerith is seen giving Cloud holy BEFORE the temple. As many have pointed out, Aerith giving Cloud holy means she has NO REASON to be at the temple. So why does she end up going there regardless? And Cloud doesn’t notice Sephiroth about to kill Aerith in the OG, but in the trailer we clearly see Cloud notice that Sephiroth is about to kill her, so he attempts to stop Sephiroth with the buster sword. But why would Sephiroth attempt to kill Aerith if she hasn’t summoned Holy yet?
Perhaps clarity lies in the fact that both Sephiroth and Aerith know how the events of the original FF7 play out. We are shown that Sephiroth’s intention is to change his fate by preventing his death, and doing so means killing Aerith. If this is the case however, then why did Sephiroth not immediately kill Aerith in Remake, despite knowing she summons holy to defeat him? Why wait?
There are honestly so many possibilities regarding both timelines and the fate of the two Aerith’s that it is maddening. One could live, the other could die. Or maybe they both die—perhaps Aerith’s death is an inevitable prime event in any timeline.
I will be on the edge of my seat when February 29th arrives!
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kyuohki · 5 months
4, 10, 19!
Alright! Let's do this!
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
Ooof. There are many. One is Seraï's past! I'm still plotting out to how she is related to the Queen, and how/why the Queen did what she did. Also some more Teaks/Valere (bc most of what I've been writing has been m/m or m/f, and I've never really written anything for f/f...they're so cute together, I figure it would be good starting point!)
There's also my Zelda OC (not an OC!Zelda, but a character I built waaay back in 90s with Link to the Past (who may have been related to Link *cough*). There's my FF7 fic idea (more based on the original, than the remake), again with the OCs...
I made a lot of OCs that started out as self inserts, and played with all the characters like dolls in my head, eventually making some characters I'm really attached to. (I'm still a bit apprehensive on writing them out and posting them, as they're so self-indulgent, but they make me happy, so why should I care if someone else doesn't like it??)
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Longest I think I managed was a couple days? I am very guilty of wanting to share *right now* and practically hovering over the f5 button after posting.... ^u^;; (Then read through it later and realize all the typos and wonky lines, or have a better idea for a section...but I'm very guilty of thinking that since it's posted, then it's "finished," and try to refrain from sweeping edits after the fact? Silly reason, but I've had fav fics from other authors who have re-written and replaced fic, and realized I never got the chance to save the original that I loved. I don't want to do that to anyone who has enjoyed my fic (which is why Discarded Hope will stay in it's original form, when I re-write the newer ver.)
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
This goes to an AssCreed supposed-to-be-crackfic. Essentially Ezio get's shrunk and turned into cat-boy, where Leonardo finds him. I fell into a "what the heck did people eat back then?" rabbit hole, bc I needed the cuteness of tiny!Ezio being fed by Leonardo, and wanted to be accurate. For a crackfic. Don't remember if I ever found exactly what I was looking for, but I remember some of the results to be surprising.
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pilvimarja · 1 year
What are some of your favorite video games?
I've been gaming since the early 90s and I'm kind of passionate about video games, so this is going to be long! :D I think my current #1 favorite and most replayed game is Alien Isolation. It's a sequel to the first Alien movie where you play as Ripley's daughter Amanda, and it does an incredible job capturing the look and overall atmosphere of the movie. Also one of the scariest and hardest games I've ever played and one of the few games where I've achieved the Platinum Trophy, which I'm really proud of.
Another game I'm constantly playing since 2020 is The Long Dark. It's a survival game set in a remote island in Canada during a harsh winter and your aim is to, well, stay alive. It's not an easy game, but there's something incredibly meditative and calming about sitting by a cosy fire and listening to the blizzard outside. Another survival game I love is the first Subnautica. I still don't know if that game cured my thalassaphobia or if it made it worse...
I also love the Final Fantasy series. I've been playing it since FF7 and look forward to owning a PS5 so I can play the new one. FF8 was actually my first fandom and the fandom that taught me all about shipping and OTPs.
Another game series I like is Assassin's Creed. The Ezio trilogy has an amazing story and a protagonist and I really wish they'd remake it for current gen consoles. I also love AC Black Flag and AC Odyssey, and the protagonists Edward and Kassandra are among my favorite game protagonists ever. AC Valhalla is not much of an AC game, but it's an incredible Viking/Norse mythology simulator.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that left a lasting impact on me and has the best written and acted game protagonist ever, in my opinion, but it's also a game that I don't think I'll ever be able to replay all the way to the end.
I was more into the Silent Hill franchise back when the SH vs RE internet battles were at their peak, and I still love the first three SH games, but I've really fallen in love with the Resident Evil franchise in recent years. The original games were always a little too challenging and frustrating for me with their tank controls and intense inventory management, but I've loved every modern RE game since RE7.
Another game I've replayed countless times is the first BioShock. The story is incredible (avoid spoilers if you can!) and it has one of the most beautiful and atmospheric game worlds ever created. I also like the two sequels, but nothing beats the underwater city of Rapture from the first game.
Days Gone is my favorite post-apocalyptic zombie game, along with the Last of Us games. Horizon Zero Dawn and the sequel are both excellent and I'm actually planning to replay them this winter.
This has already gotten super long, but I want to end this with a shoutout to the original Medal of Honor and Spyro games, which used to be some of my favorite PS1 era games, the Monkey Island franchise and other old-school LucasArts games, Far Cry 5, the Uncharted trilogy, the Mass Effect trilogy and the Dishonored trilogy and Prey, which is from the same studio as Dishonored. And the new Tomb Raider trilogy and the modern era Wolfenstein games are also a lot of fun!
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anthropos-metronff · 1 year
Question for ya:
I agree that at the end of the day, Vincent is not at fault for what happened to Sephiroth/what he became.
But do you think he still blames himself anyway? Does he feel like he could have done something different and harbor guilt over it? That was my thinking, that he would feel some level of responsibility for the JENOVA project, but there isn't much out there that focuses on Vincent in this regard.
(Also yeah "pure and unsullied" to describe a child soldier is a little...😬)
I think you're looking for a potential headcanon reading here which is in fact canon. In the original game it's very obvious from your first meeting with Vincent that he's absolutely swimming in guilt, self-recrimination and a completely collaped and ruined self-image. And he locates the cause of this, right there in the basement, as stemming from his inability to stop the Jenova project, and the resulting impact this had on someone who he loved. (Lucrecia)
When you tell him about Sephiroth, he basically says 'Well, I didn't know about all that until just now, but that's another reason why I'm terrible'.
So yeah I think it's very obvious he blames himself for the Jenova project and Sephiroth.
I think it's important to establish, though, that FF7 is a game where character self-perspectives are both fallible and mutable. And this? All the above?^^ I think it's very clearly a product of Vincent's trauma, not a considered view on his responsibility.
I think it's implied in the wider canon, though not stated outright, that he probably blames himself not just for the Jenova project, but also what happened to himself at the hands of Hojo. Which, y'know, is obviously nonsense, but is very much in line with what a lot of survivors of trauma and abuse feel.
But that's all not really dealt with properly by the game. He's an optional character and he suffers very badly from what we might call the Quistis phenomenon of So You Got One Chapter of Character Development, and Now You're Done.
The nearest he gets to a resolution is if you have him in your party when facing Hojo and Sephiroth. His reactions kind of come out of nowhere in developmental terms, but him coming to a self-realisation that You know, maybe it should have been a fuck like Hojo who needed punishment, not me, is still pretty cool for a character who has been weighed down by guilt and trauma and a very obvious struggle to emote previously.
Thank you for the kind words re: my take on that line from Nomura by the way. I think I got one like for that post so it's nice to know that at least two people feel the same as me on it.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
To be honest, I don’t think people who hate the idea of Ashley and Leon together even like Ashley as a character. They just pretend they are “protecting” her from a “problematic relationship” (lol what?) because they can’t hate on her like they used to be able to in the 00s. Misogyny in fandom isn’t acceptable anymore so they can’t make hate posts like they used to. Therefore they try to turn it around as a moral thing when in reality they’re just mad about a ship.
yeah, i've definitely made that case before, myself. i've kind of reached a point now where it's like... there's probably a whole bunch of different factors at play, but what blows my mind is the fact that people can't just say "nah i don't like the ship."
it's difficult for me to use RE as an example because i like basically every ship in RE (except for aeon, but that's a bad example because there's actual legitimate writing issues at play there), so i'll use FF7 as an example, since i'm always comparing FF7 and RE4 anyway.
there's nothing ~problematique~ about cloti. i just don't fucking like it LMAO why don't i like it? because i don't. i didn't find their chemistry interesting. it's boring and i don't care. it's really that simple.
see how easy that was
it's like no one told these people that it's okay to just not like shit.
the good (?) news is that, since FFXVI's release, RE fandom has shrunk faster than the titan submersible (too soon?) so i don't really see a whole lot of this stuff anymore. the only batshit takes i see anymore are from lifelong aeon folk, and like. what else are we expecting from them, really
the bad news is that i might still have to deal with those motherfuckers if i dare to poke my ass into that fucking minefield also as well, instead of just doing what i've been doing and dropping posts and then running and ignoring literally everyone who tries to talk to me about them.
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2000sanimeop · 7 months
I finished ff7 rebirth! some thoughts, pretty much entirely vibes based and I personally wouldn't consider them spoilers but
i love it, love the ending, love barret and tifa going 👀 at each other at the very end. love the questions the game leaves me with, chief of which is—are there tifa fans that like to wax about how messed up she is? where are those people/those posts? I would like to see them. she's so interesting (while also completely anathema to my sensibilities), but i never see anyone talk about it.
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this lady needs therapy the most out of anyone in the party and that includes cloud strife. aerith seems to enjoy people with Problems so I say GL to them
moving on, i also loved looking at food. so refreshing after ff16's tall apples and massive bowls of cranberries. in cosmo canyon, everyone appears to eat pain aux amandes with a full loaf of Italian bread, as a side. delightful.
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rebirth also has the only card game that didn't have me running for the hills. it was actually really fun and the quest line/involved NPCs were all unhinged 💚
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finally, I LOVE how much I love cat sith and yuffie. I'm so glad they're fun to hang out with *and* play.
re combat, i'm a bit conflicted. I had a lot of fun most of the time and LOVE synergy but there were bits and pieces that were SO frustrating—for example, when [boss] teleports and is loading up a fuckyouinparticular move on aerith, using her ward shift to teleport out of the way brings the boss with you. That's cool!! example 2, rufus shinra. whatever, at least I know now. i think both remake and rebirth were both variable enough that i can't really say one is better than the other, but the synergy moves are charming enough to count for a lot imo
anyway, I look forward to playing this for at least another month solid, but at least now I can do other stuff in-between.
p.s. the camera most sucked and I don't know what they were thinking. can't s-e just get the camera from god of war or something
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Precious Memories
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icharchivist · 1 year
f///f 7 new trailer related salt i'm so sorry for that but bear with me
also will include spoilers to the 1997 game.
god it sucks, the Re//birth trailer looks so nice graphicwise but i keep thinking back to the plot stuff they showed and. I guess i really can't accept the fact the "remake" is actually a stealth sequel and i really don't vibe with what they're doing with it it's making me so sad.
with the first part i was already on the fence not really liking the idea, the main thing is like. I think we're losing all the subtility of the original in some way which is kinda baffling that 25 years later i find it so. vulgar?
I had this pet peeve already with the way they utilized Sephiroth in the first part, considering he just keeps popping up / have a boss battle despite it being the one part of the OG where Sephiroth /doesn't/ appear and is just mentioned a lot, which is meant to build up to him. And ofc the choice is rooted on how they couldn't leave Sephiroth out of the game while he's soo popular (tho it's also the same reason they showed Zack and i'm still so mad at that), and so they rooted the whole "stealth sequel" around him, with Sephiroth not being the one of the main timeline but of the post-AC timeline. Like. Guh whatever.
But that was the intention they were going with anyway, considering the stealth sequel aspect of it, and all in all, it's in character for Sephiroth to do that. I just hate that they called the game a remake and then put Sequel Sephiroth in it.
But the Re///birth trailer kinda hammered in stuff i was on the fence about and i'm hhhh.
I hate that Tifa says aloud in the trailer, even to Aerith, that she doesn't remember Cloud being there during the Nibelheim Incident.
The subtle build up to her uncertainty in the OG were so good, it gets genuinely so unsettling to see that she /is/ hiding something from Cloud but you don't really get what it is, especially while the game was building up something was wrong with Cloud and we had no clue what it was exactly.
The remake already kinda was already far less subtle about Cloud's deal already and just, downright spoiled it with that ending anyway (i hate it i'm sorry😭 take it from Zack Fangirl #1 i absolutely hate how they showed him in the game)
But god i hate it, i hate how it's just genuinely telling you exactly what's up in some way.
bc the confrontation with Sephiroth in the OG is so fucking good. Sephiroth gaslighting Cloud into telling him he doesn't actually exist, that he's just Sephiroth's clone and it's why Sephiroth can manipulate him so well, that he wasn't there during the Nibelheim incident, and him turning to Tifa for support and you realize that *this* is what Tifa's weird behavior has been building up to: that she can't actually reassure Cloud with remembering the reality Sephiroth is making *both* of them doubt at that moment.
Like in the OG it builds almost like this moment of fooling the player into thinking Sephiroth is right the same way it fools Cloud. What the OG does so well is that it gaslights you the same way it gaslights Cloud. And it does it by removing one of THE Pilar of your certainty. Because you trust that Tifa is the One Person who won't lie to you, who was there from the start, who's always been there for Cloud. And sure you don't get why something is wrong with her most of the game but therefore this moment hits so hard.
Honestly i feel like we're losing the actual impact of the gaslighting plotline anyway completely with how much we already revealed about Cloud's past in the remake (they shouldn't have showed Zack they shouldn't have showed Zack i'm SO mad). And perhaps i'm just mad because one of the big reason i imprinted so much on ff7 when i did, and why it became such a formative part of my life, is how much i identified and related to that specific plotline to start with.
Instead in the trailer they also have Sephiroth tell you Jenova can change appearance and replace people in your life and then he tells Cloud "you saw me kill [Tifa] so how can you believe she's the real her?" and i find it. so fucking vulgar.
Yeah makes sense for AC!Sephiroth to aim specifically in having Cloud doubting the people he loves, since he knows this is Cloud's strength. But, aside from the fact we're changing the dynamic between Cloud and Sephiroth already (by completely losing how slowly Sephiroth saw Cloud as a threat, since now he knows Cloud is HIS nemesis), I just think it fucking sucks and doesn't have the actual punch the original had.
Sephiroth managed to control Cloud body and soul, he almost pushed him to kill the people he loved, he pushed him to trigger the apocalypse, he made him doubt he was an actual person, Sephiroth made Cloud his by wrapping his vision of reality, by abusing of the way Cloud couldn't trust his own memories. Trying to isolate him from his friends by having doubted them just feel like a massive downgrade to me.
Like yeah makes sense that post AC Sephiroth wouldn't use the same manipulation tactics. But that might also be why it shouldn't have been a timeline fuckery to start with.
Also i find the expositionary line extremely clunky, i don't remember the Jenova reveal to have come *this* soon in the timeline but whatever, it's a trailer anyway.
And anyway i've seen people kinda joke about it with like "what if they kill Tifa instead of Aerith this time" and i'm genuinely so jaded it genuinely makes me angry. Aerith's Death had so many layers, in plot and thematic and were so intrically linked to who she is as a person. Tifa dying would just be the shock value people have wrongfully claimed Aerith's death was all along all those years. And if they're genuinely doing that like. making us doubt if Tifa is going to survive to try to have us buy into the (already very cruel imo) "will Aerith survive?", i just find it absolutely lame.
I wanted to like those games. I've been waiting for them since 2015, it was all i ever talked about.
But between the remake bait and switch and the various decisions they're taking, it's just making me sad.
And even just taking the game as a sequel instead of a remake doesn't work on me because i find it rather rude. Like the complains about "why would fans want a fully remade game when they can just replay the original" (because people don't play 1997 games and because it's kinda sad that the rest of the saga has elaborate graphisms and not this one), with having enemies from the remake being "keepers of the canon" and how now it's all about "the future isn't set in stone"
it kinda kills me because i never pinned f//f7 to be a story about fate. f//f15 is, in a way, and would totally earn having a twist on "this is not set in stone, we can change things".
but f///f7 is so much about grief, about nature, about accepting that things went wrong, that horrors happen but you have to carry on, you can't rewrite it. Cloud has tried rewritting his life and it didn't end well, he had to accept what happened to him. And instead we get a game that is all "actually you can rewrite what tragedies are about to happen". it just. sighs.
man i'm sad that i'm this sad about it.
i'll finish playing the remake and sure i'll play re//birth, on every other aspect it seems nice.
But man. this excitement from years ago just turned into pure dread and i'm absolutely not excited about the game, and it really makes me sad.
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goldenworldsabound · 2 years
2023 Promo
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Quick and dirty last second promo cause I want more friends! I'm Wendy/Golden/Goldie/Void (she/they, 21+, queer) and I can be your Genshin Impact mutual, your ff7 mutual, and your Bungou Stray Dogs mutual, amongst many other fandoms. I will ALSO be your Writes Literally 50K Words For Most Of My Ships mutual - and I LOVE to exchange fic with others ❤️❤️❤️
Check my carrd and pinned post for more info about me and full list of faves~
Interacts/follows from augmentedampharos~
re shared faves: as long as it's not my mains feel free to interact - I do require a tag to blacklist for any shared ships or I most likely won't follow back!
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nightfall-1409 · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @valkeakuulas and @marbled-polecat— thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3? Right now, it's 16! I've gotten more, but it's...you know. scattered about!
What’s your total ao3 word count? 565,822! I think though if you consider everything I've ever written it's probably over a million. I've gone scorched earth before.
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, Star Wars in general. I don't think I've felt the urge to write for other fandoms in a while.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (Re)convene The Botched Job Like Resonance from a Plastoid Cup Rebuilding from Broken Glass And I couldn't Recognize myself in the Mirror
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Though I like to wait until I update because I enjoy seeing them in my dashboard between updates. I think its fun to talk back to people who enjoy stuff.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending the 16th fic which is anonymously posted, but of those actually linked to the profile, it's likely Vulture.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm a sucker for happy endings, but almost certainly Rebuilding From Broken glass...because it's done.
Do you get hate on fics? Yes ! :( I get a lot of very positive comments, don't get me wrong, but I've gotten hate just the same.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I try to, in theory. I'll plead guilty to being a little prudish.
Do you write crossovers? Nope! I've considered it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Wholecloth, no, never. I did have a bitch who was running a zine, who turned down my proposal...and then her fic for the zine was eerily similar to my pitch. But that's not actionable. Just irritating.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, a few times!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? A great question. It's even funnier because I don't write for it nor is it in the fandom I'm currently in. Zack/Cloud from FF7.
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There's a fic I started writing early early on in Clone Wars that basically amounted to Rex having the roughest time adjusting to his position with a then-padawan anakin. It was called "The benefits of drawing the short straw" and it's probably going to remain perpetually 4 lines on a word doc.
What are your writing strengths? I like to think that I am good at getting into the minds eye of characters and seeing things from different angles and even conflicting angles....
What are your writing weaknesses? I'm very bad at killing my darlings and knowing when to cut lines of dialogues and scenes for clarity or flow.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Fraught. There are times where I can see it, and the benefit of it, and then times of needing to go back and forth from the author's notes to the fic's text and getting a little irritated. I can also be...concerned with non-fluent authors attempting to write in real world languages, and the way that they can end up...sort of kitschy.
First fandom you wrote for? ...formally, Final Fantasy VII, all the way back in 2009. Or Inuyasha, in my journals, back in...woof. 2006.
Favorite fic you’ve written? I really do love (Re)Convene... it does give me a little brain worms.
I'll tag... @crown-of-winterthorne @inconocible and @third-generation-female-warrior
As this is smart u are correct Kuulas, the questions unanswered below;
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you’ve written?
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Welcome to my very first blog: ShatteredSilverWing!I hope you will have a nice stay when I give updates on this blog every now and then :D
First, I’d like to introduce myself: My name is Amaliya (27 y/o) and I’m a huge, thirsty simp for our silver-haired dream boy~ So my blog will mainly focus on him and FF7 themed things!
Despite that, I have huge addictions on the following fandoms/games/animes:
-Final Fantasy
(10,10-2,14 (up to Endwalker patch 6.4),7 (OG, AC, CC, DoC and Remake, of course),12 and Dissidia especially)
-Kingdom Hearts
(played every game up + main game 3)
- Pokémon (All Generations)
- Animal Crossing
- Naruto
- YuGiOh (Duel Monsters and GX)
- Assassin’s Creed
- Super Mario
- SerVamp
- Hetalia (yes... it’s a questionable remnant of my past self. I won’t talk about it until I’m asked to do so. Pinky Promise on that one)
... and some several other things I can’t recall spontanously.
Secondly, I’d like to talk about what you might expect here:
First off, if you’re a minor, then I’d ask you politely to PLEASE not interact with this blog! Since this blog will eventually post fictions and thoughts which will definitely sound the R18 alarum, I’d advise you to avoid this blog for your own sake!
Also, I do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable in here, so before so you start reading my posts, I will
mention Trigger Warnings (depending on the posted subject content) in advance if needed!
I want this blog to be a safe space where everyone can share their thoughts, feelings and interests without being judged.
This is a matter that is very near and dear to me so please, treat everyone with the same respect you wish to be treated.
In case you feel uncomfortable or if you have any constructive critism to share, you are welcome to point it out to me in a POLITE manner (and no, anonymity won’t shield you in any regard)
I’d like to re mention that this is my very first blog so mistakes will happen at some point. We’re all humans and not in the least perfect and as long as you’re speaking politely to me about it, I can work and improve and make notes on what to keep in mind.
Next off: The contents I write
I’m open for any kind of content (SFW and NSFW alike) except:
- Underage NSFW (hard red flag. Any attempts on asking me for such kind of things is an instant report and block. You have been warned and I will not think twice about it)
- Gore
- Vore
- Suicidal/Self-Harm topics (personal decision, please respect that)
- public and self-humiliation
And lastly:
Don’t be shy, I do not bite!
Ask away and I will answer truthfully. Be warned though that English is not my native language, so it might happen that I misunderstand or misinterpret some things. If that happens, I will ask back just in case to avoid any misunderstandings. A personal ask from me: If you know any good sites or dictionaries to work with (especially on learning Synonyms!), please let me know! You can drop them in the ask box anytime! Like I said, I’m always willing to learn! So... Again, welcome! :D
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noctuadora · 1 month
fandom vent: sometimes, I find myself feeling regretful for joining the Resident Evil fandom (specifically, RE Twitter.)
Seeing petty ship/character discourse almost every day in that godforsaken place is slowly but surely diminishing my slightly fragile love for the franchise. (It also doesn’t help that the story writing for most of the games/films (OG) are so inconsistent, which is my biggest pet peeve.)
I still do enjoy talking about RE. I like talking about anything related to Leon, Claire, the remakes, etc. but I also hate being in a space that’s oozing with weird vibes. Nowadays, I try my best to focus on my own little world. But it is disheartening to see some of my mutuals/artists get harassed left and right over and over (just because they ship cleon).
This is the first fandom I’ve joined since forever too. The last time I was active was in 2017 (mainly Bungou Stray Dogs/Persona/Ace Attorney) and 2020 (Animal Crossing), and I don’t ever recall being so anxious/stressed. I only have happy memories with them.
Never have I ever experienced a fandom that gives negative/bully vibes until RE Twitter (and FF7 Twitter) came along. A good chunk of them are veeeery fixated on their ships (do they even care about the narrative/gameplay?) to the point that they will send threats to people who think otherwise.
Is this how fandoms on Twitter work? Is this normal? Does this happen to almost every fandom on that platform? I’d like to know.
I think it’s time for me to curate my feed a little more, but I’m still too hesitant to do a ‘let’s become mutuals if you like —‘ posts…
Anyway, since I got these useless ramblings out of my head, I’ll crawl back into my world! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
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kyuohki · 6 months
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Original Character/Original Character Characters: Marche Radiuju, Montblanc, Original Characters Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Whump, Secrets, Rescue Missions, Self-Worth Issues, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Aged-Up Character(s), (bc when I wrote this I forgot how old the charas were), Blood and Violence Series: Part 1 of Discarded Hope Summary:
When a rival clan is paid to bring Marche and Clan Ragnarok down, the altruistic leader is stolen away to Clan Uroborus’ home base in Jagd Helje. Olgan, Ragnarok’s main healer, is outed as a former member of Uroborus, and after he is accused of betraying Ragnarok, he leaves on his own to save Marche. Kemal, Ragnarok’s brash monk, chases after Olgan, angry that the young mage left to save Marche on his own, as well as fearful for his safety.
But Olgan has more secrets in his past than Clan Ragnarok is aware of, and his history with his former Clan’s leader might be his, and Marche’s, downfall…
And that's a wrap for this Fic-o-Doom(TM)! Thanks for reading with me! :D
(There's gonna be a side story later in the weekend, so please look forward to it!)
To be honest, I could've just posted the whole thing in one drop since it was completed years ago, but wanted to read through it myself and write commentary on each chapter. It was fun, and actually made me love this "little" story even more! I didn't cringe over the writing as much as I thought I would, though it does have a very rushed and rough draft feel to it (I caught the fact I used clichéd descriptions in one spot, though! "Blue ORBS!" Ahahaha! *facepalm*)
I'm probably gonna do a re-write eventually. But I think I'll start drafting other bits to this verse. I want to go into how I think the Grimore actually works, and it'll break off of the game into full angsty AU; and I wanna write about Kemal, Matius, and Gavvar/Lilila backstories. And the how/why of Olgan (which will also force me to write about other OCs, and I'm both nervous and excited about, bc they're from FF7, FF9, and Suikoden; and while they live in my head rent free, it's been a long while since I've finished either game and my memory is spotty on their plots, and fitting them into a coherent story is gonna be a headache.)
(Another part of me wants to file all the serial numbers off and see if I can write a coherent *book* out of these all these ideas and OCs...we'll see.)
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