#also please ignore the HP books
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
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...Real reason for why Draculaura can’t chill with the others: I got no room there. Reason I like to believe: she just likes to be tall. 
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
I hate it when people say Ginny "deserved better" when it comes to the way she was written and portrayed in canon. I'm sorry but no she didn't deserve better. She was a barely there Mary Sue character who existed primarily to be the future wife of Harry and link to him joining the Weasley family. She was also supposed to be this very powerful witch but again it never paid off. She didn't amount to anything. She turned out to be a big nothing burger of a character.
Idk. I do think she deserves better, though I definitely get where you're coming from. Ginny as a character really annoys me from book 6 on. Book 6 and 7 Ginny feels like a shallow and annoying Mary Sue and also is just kinda mean and I hate that she never gets called on her bad behavior. As soon as I feel like a story is trying to shove a character down my throat and insist that I love them and that they are flawless, I kinda feel turned off by the character and I want to hate them out of spite. Ginny's pettiness and stuff like her being pretty awful to Fleur and getting angry at Harry for even saying something nice about Fleur even though he has no romantic interest in her just really rubs me the wrong way. Especially bc these flaws are ignored and even glorified by the story. Plus there's not much there with her character.
She feels like this kinda wish fulfillment empty vessel. And I hate that she gets touted as this perfect girl for Harry when their romance feels so empty and her character feels so un-compelling - which is honestly pretty unusual because generally the characters in HP are really interesting, even the ones we only hear a little about.
Now that said, I still do actually feel that she deserves better. What do I mean by that? Well, first of all, in-universe she ends up with someone who frankly, doesn't pay much attention to her. Harry barely knows anything about Ginny and never makes her his priority. Even in the epilogue it feels like he barely even consulted her on naming their children. He never really views her as an equal or respects her opinion. And she seems to feel pressured to act a certain way to please him. Like not crying in front of him because it might bother him, but apparently having been extremely upset after their breakup according to Ron etc. I don't think they are really compatible or have a deep or substantive relationship and I think that's sad and she (or anyone in that situation) deserves better.
Also from a more Doylist POV she deserved better because her character had so much potential. I actually loved Ginny in book 5. She has a lot of growth but also still feels connected to who she was in the first 4 books. She doesn't need to be amazing and perfect at everything. She's human and real. She catches a snitch by luck because it was slow and her competitor looked away at the wrong moment - and she has the humility to notice and admit this. And it doesn't matter. Harry's professional-level good at Quidditch. She's good at other things. Also Harry and Ginny actually have a deeper and more trusting relationship in that book than in book 6, but I digress. She doesn't need to suddenly be an amazing seeker and an amazing chaser and be #NotLikeOtherGirls and super into Quidditch (even tho she wasn't in book 4) to be likable but book 6 makes her all these things and it just takes away from the real and human and flawed and empathetic and actually funny Ginny we have in book 5.
Also her whole backstory from book 2 was really promising. She and Harry could've bonded over both having had Voldemort inside their heads. She could've provided critical insights about Tom Riddle since she spent a year essentially being pen pals with him. She could've had an epic arc where in book 7 she took on a more central role in the fight and ultimately got to face her childhood monster and destroy a Horcrux. Also there was just a lot to explore with her dealing with the trauma from book 2. She could've done so much. But nope. She just gets reduced to Love Interest TM. So yeah we had this really great character who was just coming into her own in book 5 and had all this amazing potential and then gets absolutely torpedoed by JKR bc she doesn't know how to write romance. And I do think that's a shame.
Now I ship drarry and I think that's always going to be the most interesting and well set up relationship for Harry to be in. But I think Harry and Ginny getting together the way they did is realistic but I think they would then realize they aren't really a good match - they don't know each other and both are more attracted to the idea of each other than anything else. I think them realizing this and working through it would be something interesting to explore in an 8th year fic.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Apropos of world building.
No one is this whole wide world is allowed to say Harry Potter has good world building.
Always hated how people are super fascinated by this parallel society, but the only reason it works is because "Magic fuck you" until it apparently doesn't. It's so cheap and wishy washy. If literally every issue is just waved away with "magic" that's just cheap, because even problems that can't or shouldn't be fixed with magic, get fixed with magic. But then we still constantly hear about rules and that magic isn't a fix all, but only when it's convenient. It works for children's books maybe, but the moment it went beyond that, and then the entire "Extra lore" that happened later, it just started getting real stupid.
How do they keep their secret? -Magic.
Ok but obviously they are living somewhere so... -Magic expanding alleyways and areas.
But how does that work that literally no one notices, even from aerial shots? -Magic.
What about all the creatures that aren't normal? -Magic.
What if someone finds one of them or the plants? -Magic.
Ok, what about cross-cultural exchange? Even if you live in your gated community you gotta know some stuff about tech. Nope, magic.
Huh... -Also everyone is chronically stupid when it comes to tech, and even just normal "muggle" things, it's an entire field of education to figure out what human stuff does, that's why everything has this weird medieval vibe. And no, they couldn't "literally just go out and check it out." For some reasons the Wizards like dying out and being stupid, and pooping on the floor and magicking it away. Magic.
What about the schools? -Oh you mean the like 5 schools for millions of students? Eh forget about them. Hogwarts is the only one that makes any lick of sense in terms of size. You'll love to hear that the entirety of Asia has like 1-2 schools, and it's called something like "Magic castle" in real bad google-Japanese. Btw, don't expect any effort having been put in the names or places of other Wizard places, the author didn't give a shit to hire some editors to make sure she didn't just write some pointlessly dumb shit in that regard. And btw, please ignore other tensions because clearly Wizards would not have any kind of social tension across borders.
What about big events in the human world? -They don't care, they dealt with Wizard Hitler conveniently at the same time as WW2.
What about deadly sicknesses and their cures? -... yeah nah fuck the muggles. Magic. Also always hated how absolute braindead every thing is. Spells exist to find out what someone's last spell was. Is that used when some dude gets accused of murder? Of course not! How absurd.
HP has magnificent sense of place.
Personally, I care far more about that than about internally consistent world building of the type SF fanboys jerk off to, at least in most genres.
But yes, when people try to say HP has good "world building", they mean that it has good vibes and that it feels good if you don't look deeply. They do not mean the economy makes sense.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Double Standards: Draco Malfoy Edition
My main issue with HP is Slytherin vs Gryffindor double standards. I like Draco Malfoy and I find Slytherins very interesting. I understand why people don't like him. But I hate when people demonize Draco for something but are perfectly ok when another character (eg. the golden trio) does the same thing. So based on the post above, I wanted to share a defense for Draco Malfoy. Most of the logic comes from the post above but a good portion of these arguments are mine.
Draco mocks Hufflepuffs
Hagrid: “everyone says Hufflepuff are a lot o’ duffers–”.
Hagrid also says everyone in Slytherin is destined to be evil. Hagrid is a grown man (well half-giant) perpetuating harmful stereotypes to Harry while Draco is a kid (11 yrs old).
Also, Harry did not lift a single finger to defend Cedric and Hufflepuff house when the lions were bashing and mocking Cedric. This is AFTER Cedric, being a good sport and overall great guy, told his housemates to back off Harry. Cedric was too good for these books. Cedric was the hero horrid Harry could only dream of being.
Draco has not mocked Hufflepuffs since his intro chapter.
Draco bullied Ron and Harry
Harry and Ron initiated this antagonism. Harry likened Draco to Dudley after a short conversation. The same Draco who engaged him in conversation despite his poor appearance. Harry never gave Draco a chance before he painted him as evil. Draco ignored Ron on the train until Ron laughed at his name.
Long before Draco did anything truly hurtful to them, the golden trio cheered his misfortune and his fear. For example, before we saw Draco & Hermione exchange dialogue, Hermione danced in joy at Draco getting detention. Harry declared him his arch-enemy and worse than Dudley (the cousin who abused him all his life) and threatened him with physical violence (threatening to shove Draco off his broom). Up until that point, the worst thing Draco did was set them up to be caught by Filch. That makes Draco worse than Dudley lol.
Draco could be doing something innocent, not Harry related, like welcoming a new house member or getting sweets from Mama Narcissa and Harry would be glaring daggers at him like he is committing a crime. These three boys bullied each other.
Draco called Hermione a mudblood
Draco never said a word to Hermione and ignored her existence until she dissed his quidditch skills. Also, Sybill and Hermione call Firenze a horse. Firenze saved Harry's life - you think Hermione could show some respect. Dean brazenly asked Firenze to his face if Hagrid breeds them like thestrals. Please note: All of these actions are somehow better than Umbridge calling centaurs half-breeds lol! According to the narrative, "half-breed" is more offensive than HORSE. Hagrid and Minerva use "muggle" as a slur. Remember that WE are the muggles.
If JKR wanted "mudblood" to be meaningful, she should have shown how mugglebornes struggled in the wizarding world. Such as strained relationships with loved ones in the muggle world (Lily & Petunia's relationship is an example) or discrimination in employment. But the wizarding world at large is on mugglebornes' side.
What impact does Draco calling Hermione a "mudblood" have? Her blood status up till that point has been irrelevant and does not disadvantage her. Compared to the bigotry centaurs and muggles face in HP! I don't give a crap about Draco calling Hermione "mudblood" when no other slurs or discriminatory behaviour seem to matter!
She is hardly bothered by it anyway so who cares? I don't. Draco is not an impressive bully when it comes to Hermione. Draco's bullying of Hermione basically boils down to him calling her "mudblood" and hardly anything else. It's hard for Draco to truly be a bully when Hermione never takes him seriously and he never has any real power over her (except when he is on the inquisitorial squad in book 5).
Draco bullied Neville
Everyone mistreats Neville. Including his own housemates and 'Queen Minerva'. That includes Harry and Ron btw. Harry and Ron laugh at Neville in his face and behind his back. In book 1, they basically tell him he should not stick up for himself when he confronts them as they sneak out. Harry thinks Neville is a loser half the time. I thought the golden trio were Neville's friends but after looking at the books I am horrified. My baby boy Neville deserves better than the rotten trio. For example, Harry compares Peter Pettigrew to Neville! Harry sees Peter as pathetic and the first person that comes to mind for Harry is Neville!!! Poor Neville :(. Draco, however, has not been seen or mentioned bullying Neville since book 1.
Draco is mean to Hagrid
Hagrid may act like a disgraceful, blubbering crybaby half the time, but he is a grown-ass man. He's what...50 or 60. Draco is a preteen/teenager. We have seen Hagrid threaten Draco several times. For example, when Draco rightfully calls out Hagrid in book 4 about the (possibly illegal) blast-ended skrewts, Hagrid uses the ferret incident (a horrific case of child abuse) to silence Draco into submission. It's so outrageous for Draco to backtalk and mock Hagrid but it's hilarious when Hagrid, the adult, abuses the child under his care. The HP fandom is insane!
Hagrid endangers children and he is a horrid teacher and should have been fired! And he would have been fired if not for the meddling rotten trio (specifically Harry freaking Potter). This dimwitted jackass knows Hagrid is a bad teacher and drops his subject in book 6 but is willing to ruin the subject for everyone else because he likes him!!! And he is willing to intimidate/bully his friends (especially Hermione) to comply with his views on Hagrid. Harry is extremely selfish and can go rot in hell with Hagrid! If I were Harry's classmate, I would be tempted to punch him myself!
Draco is punished for saying what everyone else was thinking. No one thinks Hagrid is a good teacher. Including the rotten trio! Why does the narrative and fandom coddle Hagrid and treat him like a damn child?! Why is Draco, the student, constantly bashed for Hagrid, the teacher, being incompetent!?
Edit: Hermione disrespects Trelawney in Divination (in the same chapter I believe) but she's seen as a girl boss. She has no need to be there and clearly hates the subject (what a wonderful use for a time tuner). But everyone has a problem with Draco hurting dumb Hagrid's feelings wah.
Draco does mean impressions of other people
So do Ginny (of Fleur) and Ron (of Hermione). At least Draco's impressions are entertaining! Draco is totally the class clown and/or theatre kid type. He has a captivating and dramatic personality. I think he would thrive in the arts. I can literally see him as the male version of Sharpay :)
Draco called Molly porky
Molly is objectively overweight. Draco is a 14 yr old boy throwing out insults (porky is pretty tame if you ask me). JKR, through Harry, goes into unnecessary detail every other sentence about how fat Dudley is whenever Dudley is around. Dudley is a kid. Why should Molly be excluded from the fat character treatment? Plus Harry is actually very shallow when he describes people. He always focuses on how pretty or ugly someone is. Even in serious situations, you can count on Harry describing Fleur as beautiful, Sirius & Tom as dashingly handsome and Snape as hideous. Ron is quick to label Eileen Prince as ugly when the trio discovers she is Snape's mom in book 6. She has done nothing to them but he insults her because of who her son is. Why is it ok for the trio to mock people's looks but Draco calling Molly fat is a crime worthy of physical abuse?
Draco wanted his classmates to die
So did Ron and Harry. Ron says “shame that his mother likes him” when discussing shoving Draco off a glacier. Harry has fantasised about killing and/or torturing Draco/Snape. And guess what! He almost made his fantasies a reality! He nearly murdered Draco with very short-lived remorse and then attempted to use the same spell (+ multiple crucios) against Snape! What a hero :). So full of love and pure goodness, right Dumbledore (gag).
Draco used the cruciatus curse
Attempted cruciatus. Draco said ‘cruci-‘ before Harry somehow yelled out an entire sectumsempra and almost eviscerated him to death. I think that is the only time Draco has attempted to use the crucio in a fight.
When Harry saw Draco being forced to use the curse in a vision, Draco was terrified, right? Harry on the other hand has fantasised about the cruciatus since the moment he learnt about it (he daydreamed about torturing Snape after Fake Moody's class). Harry has used the curse multiple times before and after Draco's use in book 6 and unlike Draco's attempted crucio, Harry's actually hit. Harry sure loves his dark spells :). For a while, sectumsempra and crucio became Harry's new expeliarmus. Harry is called gallant for using the cruciatus in book 7 too by 'Queen' Minerva, how lovely.
Why is Draco demonized more than Harry by the fandom for this curse? Harry used the curse 3 more times than Draco. He hit Bellatrix and the Carrow guy and attempted to crucio Snape twice in book 6 in the SAME FIGHT. Make it make sense!
Draco (& Lucius) almost got Buckbeak put down
Hagrid, as the teacher, should be held responsible - not the animal. But if the ministry is going to claim Hagrid has no fault, then Buckbeak sure as hell needs to be put down. In our world, we put down animals that attack people, especially kids. Once again, Buckbeak is a wild animal so Hagrid's bad teaching is ultimately to blame. If Hagrid won't man up, then sorry Buckbeak! I know several people hate Lucius but the man is being a decent father. Wouldn't you be outraged if your only kid, and heir, was attacked in a class like Draco was? Be real.
Also in the same book, Hermione shows gross indifference to the well-being of Scabbers - “All cats chase rats, Ron!”. Ron should have slapped this inconsiderate bitch. Ron has the patience of a saint. If my friend acted like this, our friendship is through unless sincere apologies are made. I am not even a pet person but Hermione was utterly disgusting in book 3. Ron deserves better than this girl with the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. Ron always wants to kick Norris the cat. The Weasley twins experiment on animals. Hagrid mistreats the animals under his care (eg. the dead flubberworms and poor Fluffy). Transfiguration class is 99% animal experimentation. But boo-hoo, the ministry is killing Buckbeak...why should I care again about some random wild animal when animal cruelty is a staple of HP?
Draco hates Muggleborns
Draco is supposed to be from a family of blood supremacists. Yet he willingly engaged Harry in conversation despite Harry being dressed in unkempt MUGGLE clothes and not knowing who he was. So you can't say Draco spoke to Harry because of his fame (unlike Ron Weasley who deliberately sought out Harry Potter). Harry is the one who judged him because Draco was talking about things that are normal to him, ironically proving Draco’s point — “I really don’t think they should let the other sort in, do you? They’re just not the same, they’ve never been brought up to know our ways” — true. How hilarious.
Anyway, all wizards, so-called light side included, hate/mistreat muggles. But it's ok because JKR wrote it that way. It's ok for wizards to invade muggles' privacy and threaten them. You don't see Draco attacking mugglebornes like this when you meet him. He just thinks wizards should keep to themselves. As a muggle, I approve of this message. I don't want these sadistic wizards near me.
So how did Draco go from this in book 1 to the boy in book 2 declaring "mudbloods are next"? I have no clue. Draco was almost creepy in book 2. I think Draco had a grudge against Hermione and was childishly acting out. Draco is a pampered 12 yr old, what does he know about the horrors of death? Heck, sometimes I wished I was aborted when I was an angsty preteen. Not knowing what exactly I was wishing for myself. Plus, I believe JKR was using Draco as a lazy plot device in book 2.
Plus, I think his negative interactions with the golden trio made him more radicalized as time went on. We don't see Draco calling other students "mudblood", right? I don't recall Draco harassing people like Justin. Draco seems to have a "Hermione" problem, not a "mudblood" problem.
Bonus: James Potter bullied Snape to first impress and then later blackmail Lily, a muggleborne, into dating him. And when said muggleborne girl retaliated...James threatened to hex her. James literally threatened Lily with violence for (barely) attempting to defend Snape. The girl he supposedly has a crush on! James Potter is supposed to be from a muggleborne friendly, light-side family haha. At least Draco was upfront that he despised Hermione. I have read Dramione fics with healthier foundations than canon Jily - not that I like Dramione as a ship. But sure Dramione is the only toxic ship around here!
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Please add any other double standards I missed! (Book) Canon Draco fans need to call out the unfair treatment of Draco! Draco is not the evil monster people paint him to be. And you can like him too without warping him into this pathetic, bland, crybaby, gay fanon version. I used to like Fanon Draco when I just started reading HP fanfiction and did not know any better, but book Draco is so much more entertaining, colourful and even charming :)
You don't have to like Draco. But stop giving the heroes passes for the same awful actions.
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shivstar · 10 months
One thing I am sad about in Prongsfoot fics is that Lily gets so much attention as someone who has james's affection.
Like I know that canon wouldn't have happened if this person hadn't birthed HP but shouldn't this ship more about these two than about her.
I mean a few fics to have show us that aspect is understandable but for most of them to acknowledge Sirius to be either pinning for years that it feels pathetic or for Lily to know that her husband has a affair but still not taking action or for James to be cruel and hurt both S and L or for Lily to be ignoring the feelings these two have for each other and just wanting James for herself or for James to chose Sirius the second option when Lily is dead or for Lily being the bright mind who has to spell out what they already feel or for Jilypad to come into existence just so poor Lily isn't left out.
Why she gets to have such a strong angle when we fans are coming to read about just Prongs and Padfoot.
I am all for angst but why does the seed of the problems have to be in the name of her.
Canon didn't give her enough characterisation for all we know she could be anything.
Even in fics like Jegulus the main source of angst is the two sides of war.... When Lily is still an important part of those stories too....
I mean I haven't read any other ship where a third person is the reason two lovers are not getting together as much as in this particular ship and I really don't want to hate her. I just don't want to give her that much credit to being able to come between these two boys who are as good as soulmates. I don't want her to have that much power.
In the world where all the Prongsfoot fandom have nothing but love and respect for Lily as a character, I know it is practically a crime to feel this way.
But we all book readers, especially romance readers, know that you can't control the way you feel...
So much so that now I want a pallette cleanser where James is the one who is pinning because I have had an overload of sad pathetic Sirius and oblivious or cruel and selfish James.
Please come tell me if you also feel the same and I am not the only crazy odd one out.....
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expectopatronum18 · 1 year
I'm probably the only one here who likes Cho Chang more than Ginny Weasley (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I HV COMPANY). It's not because ginny ends up with Harry, I've objectively never cared abt the pairings in this series (except Grindledore), neither is it to spite Ginny as her fans might scream. Its just them as characters.
Personally, cho's just a lot more likable for me. She's sweet, friendly, brave, insanely loyal, and sticks by her beliefs no matter what (also ravenclaw rep). People really underestimate her loyalty, she was the only one who stood up to harry over hermione's insane trick with the DA parchment (i love u hermione but wtf) and supported her friend. And yet she didn't seem to have any friends to talk to about cedric, even her parents supported the ministry. I really don't blame her for her failed relationship with harry, she wasn't exactly in the right there, but both of them were just teenagers who didn't know how to handle complicated emotions, and at any rate harry was no saint either. She just needed a shoulder to cry on n just about no one was there for her. She was a sweet, sensitive girl and deserved someone who just loved her the way she was. Ik a lot of ppl complain abt representation in the hp series using cho as an example (yeah, the name certainly warrants tht), but as an asian myself, she and parvati patil are still my fav back round characters in the whole series.
I've already discussed in detail as to y i don't like ginny here and a little bit here
to summarize though, she became an important character only when harry needed a love interest, which is y her entire personality is just a cumulative of every single trait harry wants in his 'ideal woman' (confirmed by the author herself) instead of making her an interesting and layered character (not all characters need to have so much depth ofc, but she's one of the 'big seven' so its kinda a necessity). Her flaws r appreciated by the narrative, and her possession is completely ignored post book 3 (i've already detailed on y tht scene in ootp didn't hold good for me, its above). She even defends harry when he uses sectumsempra on malfoy, and personally, her humor just seemed like the author was trying very hard to make her funny and likable. It also seemed like her character was designed to somehow be better that cho's to appeal more to harry (not weepy, better at quiddich) I sorta liked her till book 5, but book 6 onwards i just rolled my eyes whenever she was on page.
Ultimately, I personally just prefer a sweet, sensitive, loyal girl over this over the top mean spirited character just filled to the brim with positive attributes. People often say that cho's character was just restricted to being harry's gf, but i don't think thts entirely true, she's a much more dynamic character than what people give her credit for.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
A Little Ramble - Probably a Rant
I feel the need to say something for a very small percentage of people. Because most of my readers and reviewers are wonderful and I love them so much and I want to give you big, big, big hugs. You guys are amazing and you're the reason I can update consistently.
I get there are people upset with the way I write Hermione out of stories and how I cast her into the background. If you love Hermione, then my stories are not for you. She will never be a main character or even a side character. I will never write her POV. If that upsets you, there is an x in the corner. Utilize it.
I'll only talk about Brumous. This story is really a story about Harry and Sirius. It's about them finding the family they desperately needed for the past fourteen years. It's about Sirius learning to overcome his demons and step up as the godfather he was always supposed to be. It's about Harry learning to rely and accept help from others and learn what a family truly is. The main relationship, the main characters in this story are really Harry and Sirius.
This is not a story about Hermione. This isn't really even a story about Hinny or Remadora or Ron or anybody else. Yes, Hinny and Remadora are the main pairings in this story but Ginny and Remus are really the side POVs in this story. They do not always have a POV every chapter they do not drive the main plot forward, nor are they the center of it. That belongs to Harry and Sirius.
There is really no reason Hermione needs to be in the story. She holds no value, to be quite honest, as she doesn't have a purpose in this story like she does in the books. I'm not writing a character for the sake of writing them, especially when I dislike the character. I don't bash her, I don't make her look bad, I just push her into the background because she's not important to the storyline.
There are plenty of stories where Hermione is a main character, where she gets a POV, where she saves the day with her Mary Sue intellect. That's GREAT! I'm glad there's a bunch of stories people can read about what they like. But there also needs to be stories for people who don't want to read about her. THAT'S GREAT TOO.
The beauty of fandom is that we can find stories for whatever we want. Hinny, Remadora, Jily, Drarry, Wolfstar, Dramoine, Romione, Panville, the list goes on and on and on! There's so many stories that have a wide variety of main characters too! You want to read about Harry: yep, there's that! You want to read about Remus: oh, yeah, there's a bunch of those too. You want Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Neville, James, Lily, Sirius, whoever the fuck you want, YEP THERE ARE THOSE STORIES OUT THERE. HP is a massive fandom with so many talented authors and art and just people in general. You can legit find whatever you want to read. If you don't, you write it yourself!
You want to know what I want to read but couldn't really find so I started to write myself? A story where Sirius lives and he's like a dad to Harry. A story where Hinny had more time together before shit hit the fan. A story where Harry and Ron have an amazing bromance. A story where Harry dealt with his childhood trauma and started trusting adults around him to help him. Finally, a story where Hermione wasn't the focal point and always solving all the issues.
So, please, don't call me disrespectful for pushing Hermione in the background. Don't tell me I ignore Ginny's faults while highlighting Hermione's. Don't tell me that you're disappointed in my writing because Hermione isn't a focal point. Because at the end of the day, this is my story. This is what I want to write. I'm not pandering to what you want. Just because you're disappointed in me or whatever doesn't mean I'm going to change my entire story to make you happy. Because I won't. I don't care. I especially don't care if you're some anonymous person leaving a review since I'm just going to delete your review and move on. Yes, I do delete guest reviews that annoy me. Yes, I block people on Tumblr who want to hound me on my stance with Hermione. I do it because I can and I want to and that's my choice in order to make the fandom experience I want to have.
So, while you're annoyed with my representation of Hermione in MY stories, I'm equally annoyed with you when you can't just let me write MY STORIES the way I want to. I write for free. You want me to write Hermione in some great positive light, then fucking pay me. Otherwise, just leave me alone. Nobody is forcing you to read my stories.
At the end of the day, people can read and write what they want to. If you don't like my opinions on my Tumblr, block me. I'm fine with that. If you don't like the way I portray characters, don't read my stories. I'm okay with that. I found my little niche and I'm happy. I make it very clear what I like and don't like so you know exactly what to expect in stories from me. So, find your niche and the authors who write exactly what you like and be happy.
I am tired of people constantly trying to convince me Hermione is a great character (save your breath because you won't change my mind) or people being rude and telling me my opinion about her is wrong (it's not since we're all allowed to have opinions because they're OPINIONS and not FACTS) or people calling me a Hermione basher (I'm not bashing anyone in my stories - except maybe, maybe Snape a teeny tiny bit but he's a fucking cockwombling asshole and I will not apologize for that. I cannot stop from constantly portraying him in a negative light. Okay, I'm guilty of that.) I'm really tired of answering asks about Hermione or having to explain my reasoning on why I don't like her. I just don't, okay? There's nothing wrong with that. People can like whoever they want to. I shouldn't have to constantly justify my opinion.
I dislike Wolfstar because I don't think it makes sense with canon and I hate the fandom versions of their characters. I do not read Wolfstar stories, I do not follow Wolfstar blogs, I do not bother people who love Wolfstar. They can read and love whatever they like. Good for you! That's amazing. I'll never argue with you about Wolfstar. Because that's your opinion and what you like.
So, I guess what I'm saying is, you don't need to read my stories or follow my Tumblr or bother me if my stance on Hermione bothers you that much. In words of Elsa, let it go!
I've ranted enough but it's just been something that's bothering me for awhile and I'm tired of deleting reviews, asks, or blocking tumblrs.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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eatstarz · 4 months
I’ve been here for like 2 days so here’s an intro
Hi, hello, good morning or afternoon or night
You can call me Star, Starz, B, or any nickname as long as I’m ok with it & I go by she/her
my ao3 is eatstarz but I don’t post that often, please make requests to save me from writers block (lack of inspiration not motivation)
here are some things I’m interested in in most interested to least
• Rick Riordanverse (I’m on toa atm)
• Reading and writing (I won’t read books with romance as the main genre but romance subplots & fanfics w preexisting ships I love) (I also cannot write romance for the life of me, but I can write unrequited love & angst/ hurt no comfort)
•Art (digital, sketching, markers, painting, etc)
• dinosaurs
•Dracula (The original novel, I will not acknowledge any of the movies/series unless Mina Harker Eats)
• baking (please help I can bake pretty much anything except chocolate chip cookies)
• the outsiders (I go through phases where I’m obsessed and where I forget everything)
• classical literature
• nickleback, arctic monkeys, Alex Benjamin, and train are some of my favorite artists
• Horror (I love horror but I get scared very easily)
• gnomes
• candles
• Fnaf
•Mat Pat (like all his channels & I’ve been a fan for 6+ years)
Here’s a list of things I will not write about, most other things are on the table you’ll just be ignored if I’m not comfortable with it, if I write it it will be posted on ao3 & I’ll leave the link in response
• nsfw (gore/bloody things are good, just nothing sexual however I can imply it)
•romance (I’m horrible at writing it
• hurt/ comfort (I can’t write comfort, you might get a little bit but it’ll go away fast)
• adult/ minor anything
• y/n x character/ reader inserts (used to write these all the time & I can’t anymore it’s so cringey to me)
Basically come to me if you want the angstiest angst without fluff
Fandoms/topics I’ll write about
• BSD (not always I don’t keep up w it much)
• lovecraftian horror (I don’t condone things Hp lovecraft has done/said obviously but I love his works, so I will do nothing related to his metaphors about race and such) (can be original ish or existing creatures)
• psychological horror (i will not write about mental illnesses in that kind of way that makes everyone with them seem crazy (does that make sense(?))
• fnaf
• Dracula
This was pretty long but if you’re interested in anything I’ve mentioned don’t be afraid to dm me ! (I’m afraid to dm people)
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dayscapism · 5 months
I'm making this post because recently I realized a lot more people than I thought are still clinging to HP. They often say stuff like: "I understand the issue, but I still love Harry Potter." You can still read the books if you already owe them, through a library or pirating, but if you answered yes to the poll, please consider checking this list I made of book recommendations to read instead.
There are so many books out there that people are equally if not more obsessed with than Harry Potter. You can find something to fill that void.
(There is no excuse to keep consuming new or old releases of official HP products unless you simply have chosen to ignore the damage JK Rowling has on trans people and even cis women. And you're allowed to choose so, but you will be judged for it and you don't get to act like we're being unreasonable when what we're asking of you is very little.)
I don't have one for movies/TV shows, but the adaptations to some of these books are good options. Plus I would recommend anything by Guillermo del Toro, Labirynth (1986), Coraline (2009), The Adams Family 90s or Wednesday (2022-), Knives Out duology, Pirates of the Caribean trilogy, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, How to Train Your Dragon, The Neverending Story, Secret of Moonacre, Castle in The Sky or any Ghibli films, Matilda (1996), Adventures of Sabrina or Sabrina The Teenage Witch, His Dark Materials (2019-2022), and of course Nimona (2023).
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I got a question re: your last HP post. I was given a full set of the movie dvds by my (now ex) sister-in-law. I never watched 'em, but I've been curious for years about the movies. I did not pay for them and they were all bought second hand anyway. Is it fine to watch them sometime? I don't have any of the books except a 🏴‍☠️ epub of the first one. I also loathe JKR and all she stands for and pray daily for the devastating failure of the upcoming tv series. ✌
So this is coming from someone who was never a fan of HP, but has followed the discourse since the beginning, and is autistic and fully understand the feeling of special interests being That Strong.
Whenever people ask me whether it's okay to watch A Thing, I try to take it out of the mindset of "is this problematic" and turn it into "what is the impact of me watching this".
What do I mean by this? Take HP Lovecraft: the guy was racist as fuck, but he's dead. Nothings gonna happen if you consume his stuff, he's not getting paid for it. Then take Homestuck: the story is from what I gather a good story, but there's elements in it thats inherently antisemitic and racist thanks to its author. You can't exactly ignore it, or twist it, so you have to acknowledge these elements so you don't internalize it.
What happens if you combine these two exs? You get HP.
JK Rowling not only has moments in her story that are questionable at best (slavery of a race being justified) and actively fucking harmful at worst (please look at why Hogwarts Legacy is antisemitic, if you are unaware - I won't get into it here, since I'm not knowledgeable enough on that topic) - but she's still alive and profiting off of it at this very moment, using it to fund anti-trans legislation in the UK.
It is not a matter anymore of whether it's alright to consume HP; it is quite literally a transphobic dogwhistle, with JK once saying that anyone who's still a fan of HP is actually supporting her!
It's a sad situation, and unfortunately the only solution atm until she dies (hopefully painfully - and even then it depends on how her estate is used thereafter), is to let its pop culture hold on society die by not acknowledging it
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starrierknight · 11 months
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̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ 𝐅𝐀𝐐 ❜ ┊˚
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I ignore asks/comments where the following questions have already been answered.
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⋆ ˚。⋆┊𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 — 𝐁𝐘𝐅┊⋆ 。˚⋆
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⋆ ˚。★ "why do you write?"
I started writing because I couldn't find anything tailored exactly to my preferences as a reader!
Generally speaking, I like reading content that challenges me or gives me something to mull over, and I adore long, descriptive prose. I love flexing my vocabulary and being a total nerd for writing techniques. So, now, I make it my business to write things that will challenge me as a reader and as a writer.
Additionally, as a non-binary person, I can have a hard time finding fics where the reader insert isn't gendered. So, I wanted this blog and my writing to be for people like me to enjoy themselves without the dysphoria jump scares lol.
⋆ ˚。★ "how long have you been writing?"
While I created 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 on 17/08/23, I actually started writing back in mid-April of 2020 on @starrierknight-main.
I was a Harry Potter enthusiast (rip) and also fifteen. You can probably still find old bits and pieces of my old HP writing there, but I wouldn't recommend any of it lmao.
⋆ ˚。★ "why don't you post content more often?"
As you know, my writing style is anything but simple—it’s layered with stylistic nuances and thematic depth, which is why it’s so uniquely mine and why I find such joy in crafting it. Naturally, this means that producing a piece takes time, effort, and dedication. Every story I write goes through a thoughtful process: developing the premise, meticulous planning, fact-checking, drafting, editing, beta reading, more editing, proofreading, and finally, formatting. This process is my hobby—my true passion—and posting is simply not a core part of that journey.
I write for my own fulfilment. I post for you.
No matter how many eyes are on my work, I’ll keep writing because, ultimately, this is my personal joy, not some assembly-line production geared toward chasing trends or quick reads. When my writing gets reduced to the term "content," it feels like all the time, heart, and energy I pour into it is diminished. It becomes less about the craftsmanship and more about the consumption—and that’s not what I’m here for.
I don’t get paid to write, and with the current landscape, I rarely even get reblogged! Sure, it’s nice when the numbers go up and I catch the algorithm’s eye for a moment, but that’s not what drives me. If it were, I’d churn out simple, easy-to-consume pieces week after week—short drabbles, snappy fics, and NSFW posts designed for quick engagement. But that’s not me. I don’t enjoy writing that way, and frankly, I’m not good at it.
If volume and quantity are what you're after, the tags are full of talented writers who excel at delivering frequent, punchy pieces—support them, follow them, reblog them!
But if it’s my style of writing you love, then I encourage you to support me or pick up a book. My inspiration comes from the rich world of literature, from real, published wordsmiths who craft stories to be savoured, just like I do. If you appreciate my writing, I promise you’ll find even more to love in those pages.
So, please, for the love of everything meaningful, don’t reduce my work to “content.” It’s not a product meant to be mindlessly consumed—it’s an experience meant to be digested, reflected upon, and enjoyed slowly.
⋆ ˚。★ "how do you think of your ideas? what inspires you?"
Most of the time they come to me spontaneously or from things I encounter on a day-to-day basis. That being said, I draw plenty of stylistic/thematic inspiration from published writers and music.
A good example of this would be looking at the epigraph I include at the start of every fic!
⋆ ˚。★ "can I take inspiration from your writing?" inspiration: the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
I'm inclined to say no, even if you include credit.
On the one hand, I'm incredibly flattered that anyone would be interested/inspired by my writing! It means a lot to me! On the other, I encourage individualism and creativity as much as I can.
Obviously, I don't own the characters I write for, nor do I own character + scenarios (e.g. Gojo Satoru + Coffee Shop AU). In writing, and especially in fanfiction, ideas and characters will circulate, and there will be plenty of writers creating their own works with the same concept(s) but different approaches/interpretations.
This is nothing new—writers have been doing this for centuries—and I have no issues with this.
However: A lot of the AUs I have written/plan to write are my own original concept, and so I do feel a sense of 'ownership' over them. I have various projects in the works (that are secret + a surprise) that I would rather no one took inspiration from.
At a later date, once they are published on this blog, I'll link them here. For now, I apologise for the elusive answer lol.
Instead, I suggest looking at the epigraphs I include, and maybe you'll draw inspiration from those sources just like I did ❤︎
⋆ ˚。★ "can I write a continuation of one of your fics/series?"
Under absolutely any circumstances: No.
⋆ ˚。★ "will you ever write for a fandom that's not Jujutsu Kaisen?"
It's not out of the question, but it's not on the cards right now.
Although I'm a part of other fandoms, JJK is a special interest of mine, and will (likely) always be my priority. I'm most confident writing for JJK characters because I 'know' them best and understand the JJK fictional universe best.
Plus, JJK is my favourite fandom out of all the ones I'm in, and it's important to me that I write about things I enjoy.
⋆ ˚。★ "will you ever write for dom!characters/sub!readers?"
I would sooner gnaw through my own leg!
More power to all writers/readers who enjoy that content! Personally, I don't enjoy writing/reading it, so this blog will never produce it.
⋆ ˚。★ "what are your writing DON'Ts?"
dark content: rape/non-con, paedophilia, loli/shotacon, feederism, incest and "-cest" variations, age play, bestiality, raceplay, necrophilia, eating disorders, domestic abuse, daddy issues
nsfw: scat/piss/vomit/farts, pregnancy/breeding, choking (receiving), spit play (receiving), degradation (receiving), anal (receiving), lactation, oviposition, gimp suits, tentacles, omegaverse, daddy kink, reader insert sucking peepee
sfw: reader or characters with children, childbirth, pregnancy, coffee shop AUs
readers: sub!readers, female!readers, male!readers, AMAB!readers, [ethnicity]!readers
⋆ ˚。★ "what are your writing DOs? what are some of your favourite things to write?"
dark content: dub-con & free use, (symbolic) cannibalism, sacrilege, graphic violence, major character death, suicidal imagery/thoughts, allusions to self-harm, (some) mental health issues, yandere, allusions to abuse, mommy issues
nsfw: sub!top characters, dacryphilia, brats & brat taming, S&M, exhibitionism, pain and impact play, restraints, collaring & leashes, knife play, cum & spit play, fisting, edging, overstimulation, praise & degradation, frottage, mommy kink, role reversal (e.g. dom!maid x sub!master), enemies with benefits, rivals with benefits
sfw: forbidden love, vampirism, historical AUs, kneeling, pining & yearning & longing, domestic/romcom worthy fluff, enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, meet-uglies
readers: dom!readers, gn!readers, AFAB!readers
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⋆ ˚。⋆┊𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 — 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃?┊⋆ 。˚⋆
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⋆ ˚。★ "how do you make your theme? what apps do you use?"
Pinterest for images, PicsArt for editing, IBIS Paint for cool fonts.
⋆ ˚。★ "can I take inspiration from your theme?"
Sure! Just keep it within the bounds of 'inspiration' rather than copying.
Black & white themes are pretty common, so keep in mind that it's in your best interest to make your blog 'concept' as unique to you as you can.
⋆ ˚。★ "what does your URL mean? how do you pronounce it?"
pronunciation: starry-er-night
Well, if you haven't already guessed, I really love stars. I also happen to love Van Gogh's painting, 'Starry Night', and wanted it to be in reference to that.
When I was tryna think of a URL, I first tried "starrystarrynight", but it was taken. I tried out a load of variations before landing on 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. Honestly, I think my current URL is cooler than what I originally wanted.
⋆ ˚。★ "what does your blog title mean?"
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” ― William Shakespeare, The Tempest
If you've read any of my NSFW writing, you'll be able to see that my reader inserts are often sadistic!doms that make sub!characters cry for their enjoyment. This blog produces and has followers who interact with its dark content which may be considered "hellish" for those who aren't "devils". See what I did there?
Also, I love writing angst and putting characters (and readers) through their paces, i.e. my writing will give you a reason call me a devil, since it's anything but pure.
⋆ ˚。★ "why don't you respond to anon hate?"
Simply put, I have no interest in entertaining losers who feel like coming onto an (erotic) anime fanfiction blog and harassing me. I don't see the point in encouraging negativity, nor do I want people to see me and think, "Oh, well clearly this person falls for bait."
"...but what if they make a valid point?"
In which case, they can come off anon and send me an ask or DM me, and we can talk about it like adults. Because this is, y'know, an 18+ blog. If you act like a child here, then I'll treat you like one―you'll get blocked.
"...but it's funny!"
Is it, though? So, what? So, I can waste my time mulling over clever responses to post and you can pat me on the back and say, "Well done, Reece! You really showed them who's boss!" As if anyone here gives enough shits lmao.
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⋆ ˚。⋆┊𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 — 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎┊⋆ 。˚⋆
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⋆ ˚。★ "do you have any other accounts?"
➸ follows & interactions: @starrierknight-main
➸ fic recs: @stars-and-scrolls
⋆ ˚。★ "can we be mutuals?"
Drop me a line and see! Broadly speaking, I'm pretty picky about what blogs I follow.
If I don't respond to an ask requesting to be mutuals, there's no hard feelings. I don't have anything against you personally, we just likely wouldn't have much in common.
Even if we don't end up being mutuals, I'm sure I'd still love to chat to you if you send me asks ❤︎
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey! I'm sorry if you've answered this/spoken about this before, and if so please just point me in the direction of your previous answer. but I recently had a trans friend who asked me to stop interacting with the wolfstar/marauders fandom. liking/reblogging posts and reading fanfics within the marauders fandom are the only way I interact with jkr/hp. I would not do anything to directly give her money, but my friend's argument is that every like and interaction with the fandom makes it more influential, which translates to more money. as well as not boycotting hp entirely is a slap in the face to trans people. so, I've stopped reblogging content because I don't want to negatively impact my friend or any other trans people, but I don't personally think I'm doing any harm through engaging with fanart/fanfic.
obviously you're engaged in the fandom, so I'm kinda looking to have my opinion validated... but I think you're very smart and that we share similar values, so I respect your thoughts and any advice you have for this situation. thank you <3
honestly anon if ur looking for like a nicely-wrapped post of "here's why it's okay to interact with harry potter fanfiction" then u have probably come to the wrong place, as this is a topic that i still have conflicted feelings about myself! but. if u want a little essay of my thoughts on the matter then here u go xx
so, first of all - yes, obviously i still interact with hp fandom. however, i'm not going to pretend that i don't understand your friend's point. i get the logic behind the argument that giving any attention to any sort of harry potter media in this day and age helps keep harry potter relevant, which contributes to jkr's influence, which is an influence she actively uses to hurt trans people. i understand why ur trans friend would feel hurt or ask u to stop interacting w hp media altogether.
however, trans people are not a monolith, and there are many trans people who continue to interact with hp in a variety of ways. for me, the space i've carved out in fandom over the past year or so has been a little online haven since i have to remain closeted irl for the most part. hp fanfic has been an important outlet for me to explore + express things abt my own trans identity. but i am also very aware that within the broader trans community, i am not one of those who is most vulnerable to jkr's rhetoric + politics. at the end of the day, there are trans people who don't care if you spend money on hp, there are trans people who don't care if u interact with fandom as long as u aren't spending money, there are trans people who think u shouldn't touch hp with a five-foot pole, and all manner of perspectives in between.
for me personally, there are caveats to my interaction with hp + the way i navigate the ethical minefield of jkr. i don't think there is any reason to ever financially contribute to hp, whether that's buying merch or games or going to hp themeparks or whatever, and i discourage people from interacting w hp within the context of any sort of profit economy. i try not to interact with hp in a way that will grow the popularity of the franchise in any way - i post fanfiction on ao3, where the people reading it are gonna be people who are already part of this space that are seeking it out, and i have this tumblr blog which is, essentially, the same deal. i'm not trying to advertise my fic or get people to suddenly develop a new interest in harry potter, if that makes sense. this is part of why tiktok remains a bit of an ethical quagmire for me, because i feel that the way people interact w fic on there often blurs the lines between being inside or outside of a profit economy.
i also think it's important, when interacting with hp in any way, to acknowledge jkr's influence and the inherent shittiness of the source material. i don't think it's enough to go "dobby wrote the books haha!" and act like we can just ignore jkr, bc her shitty politics are built into the book. i think it's important to engage critically and to consider how you're building off the source material and whether ur unintentionally perpetuating the biases in the text by copying and pasting them without further examination. i talk abt this more in this post
and, of course, i think it's important to vocally stand against jkr + her politics, and to support trans people within + outside of fandom spaces in whatever ways you can. i think it's important to stay educated + engage with theory + politics in a way that goes beyond retweeting posts or watching tiktok clips. jkr isn't just transphobic; her sexism, racism, classism, fatphobia, homophobia, ableism, antisemitism, and overall horrible neoliberal politics are very much built into the text of hp, and if u are not actively educating urself on these issues it's gonna be easier to just internalize them without realizing it.
for me, these are all considerations that affect the way i interact with hp + the extent to which i interact with hp. however, there are people out there who would probably tell me to get off my high horse + stop acting like there are more or less ~morally pure~ ways to interact with hp, bc at the end of the day there's no ethical consumption under capitalism and people writing hp fanfiction isn't really harmful in the grand scheme of things. there are other people who would tell me that it doesn't matter what mitigating factors i'm using to justify my hobby; any contribution that keeps people talking about hp keeps jkr relevant, and i should be able to find other shit to write about. and like....i understand the perspectives of both those people, y'know?
i honestly just think this is a decision where every individual needs to weigh the scales themselves and decide what they're okay with. it's not my job to police or justify the ways people do or don't interact w hp media; if someone's interacting with it in a way i don't like, then i block that person or just don't interact with them. if someone sees me interacting w hp fanfic + thinks that makes me a shitty person, then they can think that and we can go on living our separate lives. some trans people continue to find comfort + community in hp fandom spaces, other trans people feel deeply hurt by the continued existence of these spaces. there is no single answer to What Supports Everybody. your relationship with your friend is something specific to your situation that you'll need to take into account when weighing your own feelings about interacting with hp; the only advice i can really offer is that i think it's better to critically consider the various perspectives people have on this issue without reducing it to a black and white case of two sides where one must be right and one must be wrong.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
I hope you don't mind me asking (and if you do you can ignore this ask) but how old were you when you realized you're transgender?
oh, no, please, i love oversharing about myself online lol. anyway, difficult to tell, because there’s a notable difference between when I knew ‘hm. something’s Weird about me.’ without having the language for why (which also intersected with various other reasons for my Weirdness that i similarly didn’t have words for.) and that’s a quality that i’ve basically had forever. always something not quite right.
and then, later, much later, around I would wager 13-14 — and it helps to understand that I had an early enough to be isolating but not enough to be considered a medical issue puberty that was. let’s say. extremely generous in dumping its hormones everywhere. (while also being very confused about which hormones those should be. pcos bros represent.) — that at the tailend of some of the most dangerous depression spirals of my life so far, i actually got to learn what trans people even were.
(and it’s ironic, actually, looking back, because the way I did wasn’t a news article or a book or anything. it was a harry potter fanfic. of all the possible fanfics, right? it was called “the girl who lived (again)” and despite me basically uprooting all HP stuff from my life at this point, i’ll still vouch for that fic. it’s a good read.)
and then, from there, autisms. never did a hyperfixation strike as strongly as one that you may need to one day explain yourself. had it figured out pretty quick, though i didn’t come out for longer. the journey after the figuring it out bit was then two parallel tracks of ‘what do i need to say to get access to medical transition in this state’ and ‘tearing down any boxes i may have built around my new identity to make it fit other’s preconceived notions and achieve my final form of a genderless creature of all genders at once.’
so uh. tl;dr: always and like, 13.
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Please sort The Hunger Games characters into HoGwaRtS Houses :
For reference (according wikia)
Hufflepuff : Loyalty and hard working
Gryffindor : Bravery and chivalry
Ravenclaw : Wit and learning
Slytherin : Cunning and ambition
You can include as many characters as you want/can.
And you can give a reason why do you sort that character into that house.
Thank you so much 😊
PS : this is just for fun, if you don't like HP or THG, just ignore this ask 🔥
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I actually do like Harry Potter :) and I love the Hunger Games, so I would be happy to participate!
Ok, so I guess I'll start with the characters in the order they appear:
Katniss-Gyrrifindor because she's just got that brave, pure hearted, heroine vibe. The only other house I could see her in would be Hufflepuff, maybe. But then again I think Katniss' foremost trait is bravery, beyond even her loyalty or her hard working nature. Also that whole chivalry thing, if I tweak the idea so that it applies in Katniss' case, I would say that Katniss does have a lot of qualities of the original idea of chivalry. Because the concept of chivalry was developed in the middle ages, as a code of honor for knights to follow. And one of the classic codes of honor was to protect the weak, which Katniss OBVIOUSLY excels at.
Prim-has to be Hufflepuff because she's a classic hufflepuff. She's constantly loyal to Katniss, even when Katniss pulls away from everyone and doesn't explain what she's going through. Also she was selected for the doctor program in D13 when she was just fourteen years old. That girl was HARDWORKING. There's no doubt about it. She's a super hufflepuff.
Gale-I would actually sort him into Ravenclaw, even though he does have a good amount of ambition. He could be Sytherin, especially in the last novel. But I'm working off the idea that the hat sorts people at a young age, before things like war and hardship change them. I always saw his inherent nature as being someone who seeks and searches for knowledge and freedom. I think a lot of his resentment came from the oppression he was born under and the lack of opportunities for betterment. I feel like he would thrive in Ravenclaw.
Effie-I think would be Ravenclaw or Slytherin. She's smart, (she has a specialized degree in architecture) and ambitious so either one would do for her.
Haymitch I would sort into Gryffindor. Definitely. Because in his youth he was extremely brave, (his behavior during his Quarter Quell was pretty admirable, especially in reference to Maysilee Donner) (I would still argue he's brave in his old age, I mean he was willing to go back into the Games during the Quarter Quell to save Peeta's life) and he does some seriously chivalrous things in the books as Katniss and Peeta's mentor. He doesn't allow the Capitol doctors to surgically enhance Katniss after her and Peeta's games (they wanted to give her fake boobs). He tries to protect Katniss and Peeta from the horrors and debaucherie of the Capitol.
Finnick - Gryffindor as well. He's very brave, and despite all he's been through he is actually a chivalrous person. He is one of Peeta's best protectors and friends throughout Mockingjay. He seems to me like a man of action, a lot like Katniss. Jump in feet first and think about the consequences later. All bravery and noble intentions.
Johanna- I'm going Slytherin because it feels like a seriously good fit for her. She's be so happy there. She'd rule the roost quite easily I think.
Peeta- I saved the best for last because, well, its Peeta hello. Anyways, I hope no one vilifies me for this but I honestly think Peeta fits into Slytherin quite nicely. I like how one professor who wrote an explaination of his character described him. He said Peeta was a renaissance man. He is a person with talents and areas of knowledge (painting, baking, speaking to large crowds), he is worldly, more so than Katniss. He automatically figures out the other tributes strategy that puts Katniss off her game before the Quarter Quell (the whole making her uncomfortable and teasing her because she's pure thing). He also is a very good liar, and is great at deception. Like seriously, even Katniss says so in Catching Fire. And let's not forget his subtle manipulations of the audience and of other characters all throughout the books. "She came here with me." "We're madly in love, so feel free to kiss me at any time." "If it weren't for the baby" "Katniss isn't aware of how the rebels are using her image" etc. etc. So he's remarkably cunning. And I also think he's pretty ambitious. He went into the Hunger Games with a plan. To join the FREAKING Careers as a false flag, to gain their trust and then ultimately betray them, in order to save Katniss. The dude is a strategist. But he also has a damn heart of gold. Like he uses his powers for good, not evil and wow that's so hot to me.
But anyways enough of me thirsting over Peeta. Again all these house sorting decisions are all just MY OPINIONS. So nobody come after me because of this Hypothetical situation.
But this was fun <3
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scarareg · 1 year
Hi! Just saw that submission you sent on @/inthetags about OCs patronus and boggart, and I just want to write that I'm sorry that so many people wrote hateful replies and reblogs to it. I think it was a just a fun thing, I don't know why people thought it was a bait (though most reblogs who wrote this are deleted)
I never understood this bullshit about liking HP = transphobic. Just because you like the books/films/fanworks doesn't mean you condone in the author's beliefs. Like myself too I don't give a shit about Rowling or what she said, famous people say bullshit on the internet this isn't new.
Sorry for the derail/rant. What I wanted to write is that don't mind this people. I just hope they won't come here in your asks. If they will know that I'll support you.
Sorry for bothering you! I hope ypu have a nice day!
A hufflepuff who had enough of this assholes
Aah this is too sweet and wholesome,too Hufflepuff🩷! Thanks anon🩷! You made my day! Please don't apologize for being so kind! I'm sending you the best vibes back🩷!
And agree! Of course there is people who likes HP,one of the best selling book sagas; and of course between the million of people who read it we all are going to have different ideas,opinions and morals,so is pointless to hate,especially for liking books who main theme is love,bravery and friendship!
There has been hate asks but I ignored them and I focus only in the people who answer properly the submission in the tags,it is super fun to read them!
And honestly,if seeing people being HP fans made all those people angry,I pity them,like their life must be exhausting, imagine hating on anyone who is a fan of ,or anything that is related to something soooooo big,popular and loved! And is sad to have all that resentment for someone you do not even know as well.
Let's keep being fans and having fun anon! That never killed anyone and at the end we just become happier and even met super wholesome,cool people! 🩷
A Gryffindor who is also tired of this assholes and their shit
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dramionediscussion · 1 year
When I don't like the look of someone's fanart that's fine. It's subjective. But when I say I don't headcanon Harry as Indian or Hermione as black and I get backlash from people calling me racist it really highlights the toxicity in this fandom. It has made me bitter and I avoid all non-canon ethnicity art/fics. Not because I find it "gross" but because the fandom is rude about it. Bc it's unfair and toxic. This isn't irl it's fiction. Shipping/headcanons are not representation.
I think people get defensive because for a long time, when fans imagined the characters as other ethnicities, people were horrible to them.
When the Cursed Child casting came out and a Black woman was cast as Hermione and got the stamp of approval from all the original actors of the movie and JKR herself, it made those fans who never saw the characters as White feel justified in seeing things differently. They felt it was safe to imagine an Indian Harry or Black Hermione. The author said it doesn't matter. So the HP fandom got an explosion of new and unique fanart. They are not wrong for doing that.
Obviously, like with everything, there are people who take things to the extreme. Most people won't bat an eyelid at you saying that you imagine the characters as all White. No one really cares, most people will even agree with you. Heck, I agree; when I read the books I imagined White people. And then the movies came out and yup, White people. And I'm Indian!
But I do that will all books. Growing up I never read a book written by another Indian or Caribbean person. There were no characters who were like me, not one in movies or TV shows or books. It was predominantly White people. So I automatically thought of white people when reading books, unless the author states otherwise.
But it is different now, we have representation. But we still have a long way to go.
Honestly, there is no harm in making a character, whose description was a bit vague, another ethnicity. Sometimes we need to make our own representation. And using a fictional character to do it is easy and harmless.
But as I said, some people take it to the extreme and ignore context and jump to conclusions. They make judgments without listening or understanding. Some people also take things too personally. And I think sometimes people try too hard to be an ally while ignoring the people they are supposed to be supporting.
Don't let the handful of people who accused you of something you are not put you off of the fandom. Most people here are not like that, and as I said above, no one truly cares that you have a specific vision of the cast in your head.
And please don't take this the wrong way, but how you say things sometimes will cause a reaction. Could it be that you expressed your opinion in a manner that was misinterpreted? Because I had to reread your ask twice to make sure I fully understand that you are coming from a place of disappointment and are expressing that displeasure.
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