#🩷 wholesome Hufflepuff anon!
scarareg · 1 year
Hi! Just saw that submission you sent on @/inthetags about OCs patronus and boggart, and I just want to write that I'm sorry that so many people wrote hateful replies and reblogs to it. I think it was a just a fun thing, I don't know why people thought it was a bait (though most reblogs who wrote this are deleted)
I never understood this bullshit about liking HP = transphobic. Just because you like the books/films/fanworks doesn't mean you condone in the author's beliefs. Like myself too I don't give a shit about Rowling or what she said, famous people say bullshit on the internet this isn't new.
Sorry for the derail/rant. What I wanted to write is that don't mind this people. I just hope they won't come here in your asks. If they will know that I'll support you.
Sorry for bothering you! I hope ypu have a nice day!
A hufflepuff who had enough of this assholes
Aah this is too sweet and wholesome,too Hufflepuff🩷! Thanks anon🩷! You made my day! Please don't apologize for being so kind! I'm sending you the best vibes back🩷!
And agree! Of course there is people who likes HP,one of the best selling book sagas; and of course between the million of people who read it we all are going to have different ideas,opinions and morals,so is pointless to hate,especially for liking books who main theme is love,bravery and friendship!
There has been hate asks but I ignored them and I focus only in the people who answer properly the submission in the tags,it is super fun to read them!
And honestly,if seeing people being HP fans made all those people angry,I pity them,like their life must be exhausting, imagine hating on anyone who is a fan of ,or anything that is related to something soooooo big,popular and loved! And is sad to have all that resentment for someone you do not even know as well.
Let's keep being fans and having fun anon! That never killed anyone and at the end we just become happier and even met super wholesome,cool people! 🩷
A Gryffindor who is also tired of this assholes and their shit
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