#also my head is killing me today and i'm glad i didn't have to take excedrin to get me through work
madmaryholiday · 1 year
doctor visit went well.
i got a referral to physical therapy for both my knees and my neck, and the doctor didn't even pester me about losing weight.
still trying to figure out how to break it to my mother that i don't plan to go on a diet.
anyway, things are moving along, and i have a good baseline for future bloodwork to be compared against, which was my initial goal anyway.
also got to tell my mother that my cholesterol IS high, yes, but it's not Concerning. it's something to monitor over the years and, if it's still this high when i'm 50, i'll probably need to start medication THEN.
i'm gonna go do something mindless for the next few hours while i decompress.
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roses-for-readers · 1 year
Aggressive Caregiver ~ Tsu'tey x Reader
Warnings: Jake being an idiot at times, mentions of broken bones, Tsu'tey being a softie, pretty much just fluff and stuff
Synopsis: After an incident where you get hurt, Tsu'tey agrees to take care of you while you recover.
"Jake, I don't think this is a good idea." In retrospect, it was a fucking stupid idea. But I couldn't just flat out say that to my brother in front of Neytiri, who he was trying to impress. I wasn't trying to get in the way of what he was trying to do, but I also didn't want to have to explain to the healers why he would be returning to the clan with multiple broken bones.
Jake had somehow gotten it in his head that he could mount his ikran in midair if he called for it before jumping. He told me about the idea just moments before Neytiri had come over to us to hear what he was talking about. Jake had just pulled us along in order to prove what I knew was going to be a complete disaster without even telling Neytiri a word of the plan. I wasn't even given a chance to attempt to talk him out of it before he was already climbing.
Jake was about halfway up the tree when he finally walked out onto one of its branches. He looked down towards the both of us before he finally said, "Come on. Everything will be fine as long as it works out. Besides, what is the worst that could happen (Y/n)?"
"I would like to remind you that nothing good ever follows that statement whenever you say it. Now please just come back down here before its too late." When that statement left my mouth, Neytiri's ears had perked up slightly. While she may not know what he had planned, she certainly didn't want anything bad to Jake. Especially after all the time and effort it took to train him.
As she was about to say something, a voice sounded close behind us, "What is the skxawng doing this time?" We both turned to find Tsu'tey walking over to us while he had his eyes on Jake, who was about 100 feet in the air. There was an unamused look on his face as he stopped not too far from where me and Neytiri were standing.
Jake looked down and smiled at the new arrival. "Tsu'tey, you are just in time! I was just about to show the ladies here something I thought of. I'm glad that you will get to witness this as well."
"Jake Sully, don't you dare move off of that branch unless you want to get yourself killed!" I immediately yelled at him. I was throughly unimpressed with the fact that not only was Neytiri having to bear witness to this idiotic display, but Tsu'tey also had gotten roped into it as well. I huffed while glaring up at my brother, wondering how I would finally convince him to come down without much of a fight.
Tsu'tey looked over to me before he spoke once again. "You did not come to training so you could convince your brother to not get himself killed? That is your excuse for why you didn't show today? I was pulled away from my duties to teach you our ways and this is how my time is repaid?"
Looking over toward the man, I glared over at him like how I did with Jake. Using a slightly rude tone, I retaliated with, "You make it seem like I enjoy having to be one that makes sure that he stays alive. Do you know exactly how many ideas I had to talk him out of in order for him to survive this far in life? Way too fucking many. And this might actually be one of the worse ideas that has come to Jake's mind." Looking back up towards Jake, I yelled out, "Now get down from there this instance!"
Jake leaned over the branch slightly, smirking down at us. Holding his hands up in surrender, he hollered down, "Alright, you win little sister. I'll come down, but on one condition. You have to come up here and lead me back down yourself. Otherwise, this is still happening. You have 20 seconds to make up your mind. Time starts now."
I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. Of course he would still have me be involved even though he was backing down. I dug my foot into the dirt while glaring at the ground.
"15 seconds left! What's it going to be (Y/n)?"
Neytiri placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, seeing the concerned expression that was on her face. Neytiri looked directly into my eyes while she quietly said, "Maybe you should just go up and get him. Keep him from hurting himself."
"Ten! Nine! Eig-"
"Alright! I'm coming! Just stop counting." I reluctantly made my way over to the tree before starting to climb upwards. I continued climbing, mumbling under my breath the whole time. Soon, I had made it to the branch that Jake was currently standing in the middle of. I remained close to the trunk as I glared over at Jake. "Alright, I climbed up to get you. Now get your ass on the ground."
Jake smiled while walking a little further down the branch. Shrugging his shoulders, Jake looked downwards while saying, "I said you had to lead me down. Means you have to come out here and get me."
I remained in my position, refusing to move an inch. I could tell that the branch was slightly unstable, moving gently with each move that Jake made. I looked Jake in the eyes as I said, "I am not getting on this branch. Now come down before one of us get hurt."
Jake smiled towards the sky as he continued to speak, "You know, maybe if I called my ikran now, then-"
Before he could finish the sentence, I was already at his side. He had managed to walk out over halfway towards the end of branch. I carefully pushed Jake in front of me in order to lead him so we could return to the ground.
Jake laughed as I continued to push him. He looked over his shoulder with a smile, "See? Nothing bad happe-"
As soon as those words left his mouth, the branch gave way. We fell towards the ground, leaves and vines occasionally slowing the fall. When we finally hit the ground, I landed first directly on my back with my arms spread out from the impact. Jake came down soon after, landing directly beside me. Which also means he landed on my arm, causing me to scream out at the same time that I heard a sickening crack follow soon after his drop.
Neytiri and Tsu'tey were quick to come over to us once we hit the ground. I could only cry as they helped pick Jake off of me, the pain in my arm almost becoming unbearable. I knew it was definitely broken, but I had no idea how bad it was. All that I could seem to do was curl up onto my side while trying to keep my arm as still as possible.
Jake was by my side soon after he had regained awareness of his surroundings. His hands came up to my face, wiping away as many tears as he could while I cried. Neytiri was behind me, rubbing my back while trying to calm me down. Her efforts soon became fruitless as she rubbed over a certain area which then caused me to let out a small scream from the sensation. Clearly, I hurt a portion of my back as well without my knowledge.
Neytiri quickly removed her hand while looking over at the two men that were gathered around my sobbing figure. With a gentle voice, she said, "We must take her back to my mother. She will know how to properly help (Y/n)."
"Alright. Come on sis, I got you." As Jake had reached out for me, I started smacking him with my one good arm.
I glared at him through my tears as I yelled, "Don't touch me, you ass! I should have just let you break your neck trying to do your stupid trick!"
Jake just pulled away, trying not to get hit anymore while I was laying on the ground. Neytiri stepped over to Jake before looking over at Tsu'tey. "Tsu'tey, you take (Y/n) back while I help Jake."
"Neytiri, I don't need any help."
"Ma'Jake, your ankle is swelling. You won't be able to walk by yourself." After Neytiri had said that, I looked towards Jake's feet to realize that his right ankle was slightly bigger with a somewhat dark shade of purple covering it. I slightly grimaced at the sight, but knew it was probably only just a slight sprain that he had.
Before much else could be said, Tsu'tey had picked me up as gently as he could. He moved my good arm around his neck so he could pick me up. He used one arm to hold me up beneath my legs while he used the other to wrap around the middle of my back. As I wrapped my legs around him, I moved my head to rest against his shoulder as I tried to take some deep breaths in order to calm myself down. After he made sure that my broken arm settled in between our torsos, Tsu'tey started to head back in the direction of the village.
Everything was quite for a few minutes before Tsu'tey finally spoke up. "You should not have walked onto the branch."
Even though I wasn't looking at his face, I could practically feel the look of disapproval from his tone alone. My ears dropped slightly as I let out a small, "I know."
I could feel the huff that left him as I spoke. I knew he was upset from the fact that both Jake and I got hurt. Him and Jake had become friends soon after the war had ended. Though, we had a bit of a weird relationship. We were friends, but it almost felt like a bit more than a standard friendship. We always seemed to spend a bit more time with each other, normally by hunting together or going on a flight with our ikrans. Sometimes he would even joke around with me when it was just the two of us. Though sometimes I did wish it would be something more than just friends, I was ok with the relationship that I had with Tsu'tey. As long as he was apart of my life, I would be happy either way.
I let out a shaky breath as I mumbled, "It really hurts, Tsu'tey."
He carefully rubbed my side as he quietly said, "I know. We are almost to the village. Mo'at will look over you and then you will be fine. Just a few more minutes."
It was silent for a bit before I decided to speak up. "Tsu'tey, could you put me down? I think I can walk the rest of the way."
"Absolutely not." He immediately shot down my request. In fact, he tightened his hold on me slightly in order to emphasize his point.
I let out a small whine before saying, "Tsu'tey, people will see. The clan already talks enough, I don't want to give anyone another reason to start assuming anything."
I could feel the scoff that leaves him as soon as the statement left my mouth. "It does not matter what they say. You need me right now, so I will be here." I could tell from his tone that I had absolutely no room to argue with him.
Once we entered the village, I avoided the gaze of anyone that we passed. I could hear people whispering to one another as Tsu'tey continued to make his way towards the healing huts. It didn't take long for us to finally get there as Tsu'tey had pushed past almost anyone in the way of our destination.
Once Tsu'tey had walked through the door, Mo'at had turned towards us. She stood while motioning for me to be sat on of the beds that was in the center. Carefully, Tsu'tey had placed me down while helping me sit up as Mo'at started to grab supplies from one of the shelves.
"What happened to her?" While her tone was slightly harsh, when I looked at her, Mo'at's gaze was soft as she started to inspect over my body carefully.
Tsu'tey spoke softly as he started to explain everything that had happened. He pointed out the part of my back that had cause me so much discomfort earlier. Mo'at gently ran her fingers over the spot causing me to flinch away with a soft whine. Mo'at made a noise of disapproval as she started to apply some ointment to the area. With some help from Tsu'tey, she wrapped some bandages around my torso before she moved to inspect my arm. I whined as she moved my arm to get a better understanding of the extent of my injury. I took a few deep breaths as Mo'at started to apply more ointment on my arm before she put more wrapping on my arm. Once she was done, she brought a small bowl with a strange liquid in it towards me. I was about to take it with my uninjured hand when Tsu'tey grabbed the bowl from Mo'at. He brought it towards my lips and helped me drink from it. I grimaced at the taste before coughing slightly from the sting of the medicine going down my throat.
After my coughing fit was done, Jake and Neytiri had made their way into the tent. Jake looked down at me, taking notice of the bandages covering part of my body. Neytiri helped sit him down before getting more supplies in order to help Jake.
He looked over to Mo'at as he asked, "How bad is it? Is she going to be alright?"
Mo'at had finished looking me over for any more injuries that I may have gotten. Once she was done, she moved over to Jake to start checking on him. "She will not be able to move her arm without pain for a while. She will also need to rest in order for her back to properly heal. Meaning that you will need to stay with someone while you are healing (Y/n)."
"She can stay with us. It's the least that I can do after all." I glared at Jake as soon as he opened his mouth. He shrunk back slightly from the intensity of my gaze, an apologetic look crossing his face.
Neytiri went over to Jake's side as she started to treat some of the scratches that littered his body. As she applied the paste she had onto his body, she softly said, "Ma'Jake, you won't be able to walk on your own for a few days. I will have my hands full with you as is."
"Besides, if I stay with you right now, I will kill you while you sleep." I continued to glare at him while I spoke. Jake let out a shaky laugh which turned into a whine when Mo'at grabbed at his ankle.
Tsu'tey spoke up from beside me as he watched the interaction. "I will look after her while she recovers." He placed his hand on my shoulder in an act of comfort. My face started to heat up, though I chose to believe it was the medicine finally taking effect. He looked over at me as he continued, "Only if you are comfortable with it. You do not have to if you wish to stay with someone else."
I looked back towards Tsu'tey, who was staring at me with a soft expression on his face. I gave him a soft smile before I made up my mind. "I would really appreciate it, Tsu'tey. Thank you."
He smiled at my words as he moved so his back was facing me. My blush started to deepen as I began to realize that he wanted me to climb on so he could carry me. I hesitated at first, but finally accepted after acknowledged that he wouldn't let me leave the healing tent any other way.
Once Tsu'tey had his arms secured underneath my legs, he stood up and started to leave. I placed my head on his shoulder as I let out a small sigh. I could feel the people staring once we walked out of the tent. They all must be curious as to why the clan's best warrior was carrying me in a way that would appear so intimate for him. Tsu'tey seemed unfazed by the stares as he continued the walk to his hut.
When we finally go to the tree where Tsu'tey's hut was in, I heard him quietly say, "Hold on tight." Once I secured my hold on him, Tsu'tey immediately began climbing up the tree. He moved so quickly up the tree, it seemed as if I didn't weigh anything to him. It didn't take long for us to get to his hut. When we entered, he started heading straight to his hammock. Tsu'tey helped me get into it with minimal incident.
I tried sitting up so I wasn't laying down just yet, but he pushed me down gently by my shoulders. I tried pushing against his efforts, but he stayed firm on his decision for me to rest to what he deemed the best way. To show how serious he was, Tsu'tey gave a small hiss before I finally gave up on fighting him. Once he was certain I wasn't going to get back up, Tsu'tey moved his hand away slowly. He started walking to what seemed to resemble a kitchen. At least that's what it seemed like from where I laying down. He was moving around swiftly, grabbing things as he went. I watched him for a little bit before I turned my attention to things that were closer to me.
It was the first time that I had been over to his home, but it didn't quite seem like it was completely him. There were more plants around than I would expect him to be interested in having. Small groups of flowers had wrapped themselves around some of the branches that were overhead. I smiled at the homely feeling that was emitting from the little details that were littered all over. I turned to my side to look around a little better when I took notice of something that was close by. I strained my eyes to see what exactly was on the ground. Once I figured out what it was Tsu'tey had finally made his way back to me. He used one hand to roll me onto my back once again, then shoved a bowl of fruit into my hand with the other. He started mumbling something about me 'not listening' while he was gone. I just smiled looking up at him.
"Hey Tsu'tey, did you make a necklace over there? It looks really nice." His face paled as he went over to where the piece of jewelry was placed. Tsu'tey picked it up before hastily putting it away where I wouldn't be able to see it. I let out a small laugh from the change in his behavior. "Come on Tsu'tey. I wanna see what it looks like."
He turned back towards me with a slightly conflicted look on his face. "You should not have seen it. It is not how things are supposed to work when it comes to the matter."
"What do you mean? It's just a..." It took a minute for me to fully understand what he meant by that statement. A look of understanding crossed my face when I barely whispered, "It's a courting gift." He looked at the ground, his ears pinned against his head in what seemed like shame. I sent him a gentle smile before saying "Tsu'tey, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you were interested in anyone like that. Why didn't you say anything?"
Tsu'tey looked back at me as he slowly made his way back to the hammock. He refused to make eye contact as he tired to find the right words to explain. "It is complicated, (Y/n). It does not feel right talking of this with anyone when it comes to the matter."
I could tell that he felt awkward about the current topic. I brought the bowl he had given me towards him as a form of comfort. He hesitantly took a piece, fiddling with it instead of eating it. I looked back up at the flowers that decorated the branches above us. Sighing mostly to myself, I decided I was going to try and lighten the mood.
"Can I give you some advice about this whole thing?" He gave a small huff, but didn't stop me from continuing what I was about to tell him. "I think I have an idea who it could possibly be that you might be courting. And I have to say just this." I looked back towards him to notice that Tsu'tey's body was completely tense. I tried hold back my smile as I continued, "I know Jake is a great guy, but you could do so much better than my brother. I mean, Jake is an idiot and he alw-"
Tsu'tey tossed the fruit he had in his hand at my face. He let out a short hiss, but he had a playful smile on his face. I gasped before grabbing a piece of fruit and tossed it at him in retaliation. Tsu'tey was able to dodge it, but he pretended to be as if he had actually be struck. I began laughing at the face he made, causing him to join in soon after.
The next few minutes were just of us laughing at practically nothing. When we finally calmed down, I looked back at him with a serious expression. "In all honesty though, any woman that you choose to have as your mate will be lucky to have you. You deserve to be happy Tsu'tey. Everyone will stand by you with whatever decision that you make."
He smiled at my words of encouragement, clearly feeling slightly better after hearing them. He looked around his home as he began to talk again. "I am grateful that you feel that way. I have been trying to make this place feel more welcoming for her. Though, the plan I had for the courting process doesn't seem to be going the way I had hoped."
Confusion crossed my face as I decided to inquire, "Really? What went wrong? Is she making you work to get her attention?"
"Actually, she fell out of a tree and ruined the plan of having her to meet me later tonight."
I was left speechless from his sudden confession. Sure, I knew Tsu'tey saw me as a good friend, but I didn't think that he thought of me the same way I did him. Though, I must have been silent for to long, because he started to stand with his ears pinned back.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I thought you felt the same way. I will leave you be for now."
Before he was able to walk away, I grabbed ahold of his wrist. He looked down in shock, not expecting me to touch him. I gave him a loving smile as I whispered, "I wanna see it." He looked confused, clearly not understanding what I meant. I moved my hand down to hold his as I spoke again. "I wanna see my necklace if I'm going to say yes to your proposal."
His ears perked up as soon as I finished talking. I slowly let go of his hand when he moved to retrieve the necklace from its recent hiding spot. Tsu'tey had the biggest grin on his face as he walked back towards me. He held it out for me to see the details, clearly proud of his work. I was awestruck by the detail of it. He had used blue and green beads decorated almost the entirety of the necklace. In the center was the dulled down tip of an arrow. I smiled when I realized that it was from one of the arrows that Tsu'tey had replaced not to long ago.
I sat up slightly as I ran my fingers across it softly. I looked back up at Tsu'tey before asking, "Can you help me put it on?"
Tsu'tey leaned over to secure the necklace on me. Once he made sure it wouldn't fall off, he placed my chin between his fingers to tilt my head. He let out a hum of approval as he admired how it hugged my neck. He had a prideful smile on his face as he barely whispered, "Look at you. So beautiful."
A blush started to form across my face as I looked away in embarrassment. Tsu'tey caressed my cheek before he leaned down to place a kiss on my cheek. I giggled as he continued to leave kisses all over my face. He continued for a few moments before leaning in and placed a kiss softly on my lips. I leaned in to deepen the kiss slightly.
I reluctantly pulled away, taking a deep breath. I rested my forehead against his, closing my eyes at the domestic moment we were having. We lasted like that for a few minutes, just basking in each other's presence. I sighed before letting out a mumbled, "Can we cuddle, please?"
Tsu'tey chuckled at my request, but helped me move around so he could lay down with me. When he finally got situated, I snuggled into his side. He was careful as he pulled me to be laying down on top of him, his tail wrapping itself around my thigh in the process. I nuzzled into his neck as I began to let out quiet purrs. Tsu'tey began to draw small patterns on the uninjured part of my back as he continued to chuckle to himself.
We stayed like that for a while until he finally broke the silence. "There is one thing that I have been wondering." I gave a soft hum as I waited for him to continue. "Why was your brother in that tree to begin with?"
I held back a giggle as I said, "It's kind of a long story. I don't know if you even want to hear it."
I felt his laugh vibrate throughout his chest at my answer. "(Y/n), you aren't going to be able to move around that much for the next few days. I'm willing to listen to anything you have to tell me. So tell me what Jake was trying to accomplish from halfway up that tree."
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linkemon · 2 months
Spring rolls (Senshi x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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Senshi stroked his chin thoughtfully. He was separated from the team some time ago. He was so eager to pick the wild cucumbers crawling on the ground that he fell into a dark tunnel and slid down in the darkness. He landed near some unknown lake. Luckily it didn't seem too big. Senshi tried to keep his cool. He had spent a lot of time underground alone during his life but now he was filled with anxiety. He had gotten used to the company. Unfortunately, the mysterious hatch closed right behind him, so he had to find a new way back to his friends. He consoled himself that at least he had a supply of cucumbers.  
He crossed the marshy terrain, treading on a relatively dry path. Various branches floated on the surface of the water. Blue and dark green melted into the dirty brown scenery. The strange, twisted trees looked like hands, ready to pull him into deeper waters at any moment. However, he looked at their bark with satisfaction. A few swipes of the handy knife later, he managed to collect a large supply. He figured that since he was here, he could take advantage of the opportunity. Chewing slowly on the soft wood, he took one step at a time.  
In the silence broken only by the buzzing of insects and the splashing of water, a familiar melody reached his ears. The surface of the water carried the gentle sounds of a mandoline. The dwarf stopped for a moment. The water was too shallow for the pernicious mermaids to inhabit. So he was lucky. He followed the sound of the strings. A familiar bard appeared before his eyes. [Reader] looked like she wanted to rub her eyes in disbelief. But instead, she played a cheerful chord as she rose from the rotten tree trunk she was sitting on. Dressed as always in an avant-garde, colourful, velvet outfit.  
— The last person I expected to see here today! The most pleasant of surprises. What brings you here?  
Senshi raised the corners of his mouth. He hadn't seen the woman since he joined Laios and his group. They knew each other from the area around the cemetery, where trade flourished. For him it was quite close to the surface, so he preferred to avoid this place but certain products could not be found underground. Ever since something close to a tavern was built there, bards have been killing themselves to perform there. [Reader] used to sing not only there but also nearby. She rarely went down to the lower floors.  
He had already forgotten how flowery and effusive she was. He couldn't imagine her in any other profession. It fit her perfectly.  
— I lost the friends I'm traveling with — he explained laconically.  
— I'm so glad to see you! — Bard put her arm around the dwarf. — We have company at twelve — she added extremely quietly into his ear.  
Senshi's first instinct was to get flustered, surprised by the sudden closeness. But all that passed when he turned around as gently as he could. Water flowed into the lake directly from a tiny river. They actually had company. What he thought was just a branch turned out to be a turtle shell. Every few moments a piece of wrinkled monkey skin stuck out from under it. There was a kappa living in the water. It swam towards them extremely slowly. From time to time, a flat bowl adorning its head emerged from the surface. The dwarf didn't need Laios to determine what exactly threatened them. In the worst case scenario, they could be disembowelled and have all their organs removed.  
He gave the woman a knowing look. She just nodded slightly.  
Kappa swam to the shore. It tilted its head and blinked its watery eyes. Then it put her teeth into a ghastly smile. White sprouts flashed in the red mouth. Senshi silently hoped that they wouldn't soon become her meal. Especially considering where in the human body such monsters reached first...  
— We welcome you, o mighty kappa! — [Reader] nervously strummed her mandoline.  
— Ahem... yes, welcome! — Senshi joined in, a little less confident.  
— Arghulghul! — replied the creature.  
The dwarf didn't know if it was an invitation to talk but he decided there was no better option. They had little chance against the kappa.  
— We have heard of your well-known virtue and that you host a fest! And also about how wonderfully you welcome... guests! — concluded the woman uncertainly.  
Senshi had no doubt that the hybrid would have a great fest. But he suspected he wouldn't like the main meal at all.  
— Your are immensely swift…— the bard began.  
— As such we brought you a gift! — Senshi reached behind him.  
Kappa turned its head to the other side. Its eyes widened and it pulled out what could only be a flat nose from a distance. The powerful whistling inhalation was probably intended to check what the dwarf was holding in his hands. When kappa realized they were cucumbers, her mouth formed a voracious duck lip. Up until now, it had been walking at a snail's pace and now it accelerated significantly. The water splashed as it swept the water on the shore with its tail.  
— Doesn't have manners now, anyone who doesn't bow! — [Reader] struck the strings once again.  
Senshi obediently bent in half, as did his companion. This required unwavering faith in the plan. However, he knew that this was the kappa's only weakness, next to cucumbers. Only politeness could kill this monster. When he looked up, he saw the turtle-like creature just finishing its bow, emptying the contents of the bowl on its head. Water flowed down the monkey's skin. The monster gurgled angrily and fell dead in the river with a loud splash.  
— I guess that's the end of these rhymes for today, my dear — [Reader] breathed a sigh of relief.  
— Hmm...  
— You want to eat it, right? — She looked resignedly towards the river.  
— I ate kappa once. It has wonderful and tender meat rich in nutrients. It would be a shame to waste it — Senshi replied.  
Bard helped him pull the body out of the water. Immediately afterwards, he told her to start cutting cucumbers and dividing the bark. In the meantime, he skinned the monster. Then he took out his trusty pot and lit a fire. He had a hard time doing it because the wood around him was unbearably wet. Eventually, however, he managed to cook pieces of kappa.  
[Reader] played the mandoline, claiming that her role in cooking ended here. Somehow, her repertoire included songs about chefs.  
Senshi placed slice-thin pieces of soft bark and on them meat and cucumber slices. He rolled everything up carefully. Proud of himself, he decorated the work with grasses growing near the river. He placed rolls on large burdock leaves. The first and only one of its kind: Kappa Spring Rolls.  
— Dinner is served! — he announced eagerly, whittling makeshift chopsticks from pieces of wood.  
— I don't think I'll ever taste it — [Reader] said, eyeing the kappa dish with suspicion.  
This wasn't the first time she had seen Senshi cooking a monster dish. However, she usually refused to taste it, preferring something else. Moreover, they saw each other more often near the tavern in the former cemetery. There she was always able to buy something normal.  
— You'll be hungry. Regular meals are very important — he said, catching a roll between his chopsticks. — One, two, three. Open wide, there's a fairy coming — he announced, stuffing the roll into her mouth.  
— I'm not a child — the woman said, grimacing like a child but she chewed obediently.  
After a short while, she hesitantly reached for another portion. The tender meat melted in your mouth and the bitterness of the soft wood brought out the taste of cucumbers. Everything created harmony. It was as if the swamps around them had turned into a charming spring meadow full of fresh scents and new sensations.  
— You really are a fantastic cook — [Reader] said.  
— It's nothing. — Senshi stroked his beard and looked away.  
She could have sworn she saw him blush slightly but it was hard to see anything under the armor. He was always a modest person.  
— You have a crumb right here. — She looked at him critically. — I'll take it off — she added.  
She moved her hand towards his chin. Dark eyes stared at her expectantly. However, before she could do anything, an explosion occurred. Dirty clods of mud flew around the two of them. In a few seconds, everything around was covered with in them. The landscape was now a brownish-gray mess. The sound of the explosion was pierced by a loud, collective cry:  
— Senshi!  
Four dark, dirty and, judging by their voices, very happy figures were running towards them.  
— These are my friends — he told his mud-covered companion with a smile.  
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d6volution · 11 months
Hey! I know you've heard this before but the way your write Caine???? Actually mouth drooling omg, you're writing is fantastic,
If it isn't too much trouble, I was reading the drabble with Caine and the affectionate reader and how he's practically willing to drop anything at a moments notice to tend to her. I'm super into that concept omg so how about an idea where they are like mid adventure and the reader is pretty much just super needy throughout the entire adventure and goes to seek out Caine for relief?
Love you, tysm~ 💖
thank you so much. im so glad you like it 🤧💗💗 and of course !
Caine had made a habit out of being by your side almost 24/7, and you absolutely loved it. You adored him and his attention. It was the only thing that made being stuck here worthwhile. As much as Caine loved your company he also thought it would be healthy to have you go on a few adventures alone. Unfortunately you were being somewhat of a brat about it.
"Come now, dear, just for today! You must intact with the other circus members to keep that pretty little head of yours screwed on right!" His voice had that usually charismatic ring to it, but you've been around him long enough to realize that he was becoming a little frustrated as well.
"Don't wanna! Wanna stay with you, Caine!" You sat down right in front of his feet. Refusing to move in an act of protest.
Caine sighed, and if he had a nose, he'd be pinching the bridge of it right now.
He picked you up under your armpits and sat you on his lap. For a moment, you were overjoyed until he shifted the position and made you lay across his lap. You immediately began to squirm.
"Keep still dear, unless you want this to hurt more hmm?" He hummed and rubbed your ass.
"N.. No, m'sorry Caine, I... I'll go on the adventure!"
He brought his hand down on your ass hard and fast and you yelped, clinging onto his pant leg. "Are you sure you'll stop being a brat? I'm only trying to help you dear, and here you are throwing quite the tantrum!" Another smack, then another.
You whined and squirmed, sputtering out apologies as he rubbed your sore ass.
"Good, good! How wonderful that we could see eye to eye." You could feel your panties sticking to your cunt, and that unmistakable feeling of Caine's erection pressed against your leg.
But he opted to ignore it, "Now darling, let's get you up and adam!" He said and helped you to stand correctly, licking your tears off of your cheeks. "Ready, dear?"
He said and nodded, still sniffling a little.
It had been about thirty minutes into the adventure and your cunt was still throbbing from earlier, you knew Caine purposely left you in these soiled underwear on purpose and the thought made your frustrated! He .. he had to take responsibility. Plus you didn't even want to be away from him in the first place.
"If looks could kill, y/n.." Jax muttered, noticing your determined expression. "What's your panties in a bunch, huh?"
"Oh! Jax, i.. it's nothing.. can you help me though, I want to find Caine." You knew he out of all people could find him, one way or another.
"Oh yeah? What's in it for me huh?"
"Jaaxxx.. please!" You whined and tugged at his arm.
"Ugh, fine.. fine." He rolled his eyes , clearly bothered by your whining.
You were desperate, taking the shortcut that Jax pointed out, and you promised to keep it a secret. "C.. Caine..? Caine!" You called out as you burst through the door and into a what looked like a cafe filled of mannequins. Caine and Bubble occupied one of the tables.
Caine's eyes quite literally popped out of his head, "Y/N, what in my name are you doing here!?"
You felt like many eyes were on you, artificial or not it made you flustered. You squirmed a little, your confidence seemed to drain from you.
Caine cleared his throat and everyone went back to their idle conversation as he approached you, "What's the meaning of th—" Oh. He could practically smell you.
"N.. Need you, Caine.. please.. can we leave..?"
"My, my, what am I going to do with you?" He said and easily scooped you up into his arms, "Still leaking from earlier, is your mind that occupied with me, my dear? It seems you're in for another round punishment.. and much more, of course." His voice got low just then.. and you pressed your legs together.
Knowing this would be more satisfying than any adventure ever could.
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Good evening wonderful fandom! SO glad to have a new ep to do some quick thoughts on. I missed our babies. As stated few weeks back the gif library is a turd right after an ep. So quick hand made ones till summer. Off we go.
6x04 Training Day
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Lucy saying she’s fine as she consistently does all her fidgety tells screaming she is anything but LOL Tim picking this up too love it. Smart man saying what he does about “being fine.” They cute with her saying 'Does he want her to be upset?' He's so good at making her laugh in this moments. Makes my heart happy. Till John appears.... Way to jump in on their moment Nolan. Of course the man makes it worse…She was laughing before you got there John…Tim's face when she takes off. Like if I could punch you Nolan...
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Oh Lucy... Definitely hitting her hard she’s still a patrol officer. Tasks that didn't used to bother her as much are. Ugh my girl. This is rough. You are anything but fine my friend…Poor Lucy last thing she needs is more alone time with her thoughts at a scene that'll take forever to wrap up. Not only that but babysitting puke…I think our girl is headed toward quite spiral that has yet to happen. Tim is gonna do his best to keep her sane but I have a gut feeling we are headed there. I could be wrong but just how I'm feeling.
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Lucy killing me softly watching Juarez and Nolan get recognized on Tv. Mmm I am loving Tim coming to pick her up yum yum. Lucy mentioning almost getting that call... Damn nothing going her way today. Or lately... Think her only sanity at this point is that man next to her. Tim of course is picking up on it immediately knowing her mood is linked to Primm. Knows his girl so well. Stating she was hoping could've proved him wrong with catching a call like that.
I love this scene. Lucy telling Tim about her crappy day and Tim giving her perspective. Saying she could be the big hero tomorrow. Not only that but making her smile as well. Look at him building her up like it’s second nature. Cause it is. Damn I love these two. Him basically leaning on her and bumping her shoulder with his telling her not to be too greedy hehe That Lucy smile of his loud and proud. Making her beam as well. She loves this man next to her so much.
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Oh my lord this entire scene had my heart racing. What an absolute BAMF our girl is holy hell. Tim would've lost his mind seeing this. Hell I did. I screamed when she got hit and my dog ran from the room LOL The looks on Harper/Lopez's face when she went down oh my goodness. The absolute panic on their faces. Right there with you ladies. This was a huge risk she took to prove herself. One like I said Tim would’ve lost his mind at seeing.
Lucy was definitely being the big hero this entire scene oh my lord my heart was pounding. What a way to impress Harper and Lopez but give me a damn heart attack. That scene in the ally with the brother..... I was worried when he didn’t stop she was gonna have to shoot him. Giving me 5x19 flashbacks. I think she is going to CARRY this with her for a long time. Being an empath is no joke. Our girl one of the finest even at her own detriment.
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I was hoping for some insanely worried Tim and they DELIVERED. Like that man couldn't breathe till he set eyes on his girl. Oh my damn lord. The way he ran to get to her. Man on a mission doesn’t even stop to check in with Grey. By-passes them completely. Only wants to get to Lucy. His hand on her head had me reeling everyone. It's the gentle way he caresses her hair I'm squeeing. Also his non stop touching.
Trying to ground her by letting her know he was there emotionally and physically. Rubbing his thumb up and down her her collar bone. The sweet squeezes. I'm a puddle.. The way this man has transformed because of her still blows my mind. The sweet comforting touches. I'm losing my mind. His adorable attempt at a joke telling her she didn’t have to take the hero suggestion literally. Ugh Lucy breaking my heart into million pieces. Saying she doesn’t feel like one.
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Melissa you deserve all the awards madam I’m crying. Her little pre cry when he says they'll deal with it my damn heart. Killing me. I love how Tim's hands have not left her for 90 percent of this moment. Protective Tim was very much present in this scene with Wes. Grey was too being like dude let us take the win. Feral Tim having Wes back it off for tomorrow. Wade being the sweet man he is says that's ok. Lucy is going to be anxious about all this. I would be stressed about him succumbing to his injuries now that Wes said that. Read the room Evers lol
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Gah Tim telling her let’s go home. Then we get another glorious hug where he encases her in his arms. Protecting her emotionally from this situation. Lucy burying herself in his embrace. Wrapping her arm around him tightly to ground herself again. She needed to fall apart in his arms before they left. THIS IS SOO GOOD. Annnnnnd another head kiss I’m dead I am writing these thoughts from the grave.
Oh my word this season has delivered in spades both friggin crap. I’m out of breath from this episode in the best way. Also whoever does the music needs a raise I say it time and time again. But that song was perfection against the backdrop of this final scene. Was telling D earlier I already need to change my header to it.
I love this hug SO much it's insane. Sure I'll write a novel on it this summer. Having everything that's going on plus this I think our girl is hurtling toward a breakdown of some sort. Some actual UC/detective feelings coming with it. Cause our girl is anything but fine. I'm so excited to see where we go from here S6 has every bit worth the wait. I cannot wait till next week
Side notes -non Chenford
Yay Aaron progress in therapy. Back to active duty ha his heart rate going up for her too cute.
We finally get Nyla’s new hair style. Loving it
Adore the idea of Tim being one to take Aaron back out. Ain’t no one better.
Mmmh love hard ass TO Tim in metro uniform yummy. Does things to me. Aaron thinking he got this TRAIN but there is panic there.
‘Train is leaving the station officer Thorsen.’ Mmmm He does impress Tim for this first call. Yay Aaron haha
Giving Aaron only 9 minutes before bouncing him back to being a rookie oh my lord Timothy. I love you so much.
I do adore watching Tim watching Aaron do well. I’m sure there is a part of him that misses being a teacher. You can see it in these scenes. The pride and excitement he gets when Aaron is doing well. Aaron doing little fist pump and Tim shaking his head I’m dying.
Also How can Tim make leaning against a chair look so sexy? I want to be the chair he is leaning against in this scene with the wife LOL
Glad he passed Tim's TRAIN test. Glad they took their time getting him back out there. Was realistic
Feel free to comment any and all thoughts. I welcome them. See you all next week!
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r0t-t1ngxeyy · 2 months
Tw: Loli/shotacon, proship, Levi x Luke, Dark romance/abuse/kidnapping, NSFW!!! and
the Lollipop joke..
Im not letting anyone in this fandom forget those two obey me fanfics on ao3 from like 2?? Years ago. Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers them?? It was such a big thing for the fandom, Im so glad I read them before they got deleted because the memory is soo FUNNY HELP ?? I need opinions on these two fics, if anyone actually remembers them:(
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Dia x Luci : The Red Means I love you
ABSOLUTELY TRAUMATIZING SHIT BRO WHAT IN THE DARK ROMANCE?? wouldn't even call that romance it was such a hard read. Stumbling across videos of it made on tiktok was probably the worst event that I experienced 👽 ON MY MOTHER THE SCENES WERE SO UNNECESSARY (but the adrenaline rush was pretty good ngl)
I read through that with my heart dropping with each new chapter bro?? I couldn't even read through the entire story. I'm pretty sure it's deleted now cus I've been searching for it to make a whole OM fandom lore post but heyy
To sum it up for the people who were fortunate enough to not read it;
Diavolo kidnaps Lucifer, and keeps him in some cage/almost prison cell area. I think he's chained up to the ceiling, I'm not so sure. It starts off with Dia being nice I think, trying to gain Lucifers trust and eventually have him submit but that shit doesn't work and all of hell releases. Lucifer endures some physical and sexual abuse and attempts to escape. But before he successfully escapes,he bumps into Barbatos who offers to help him
He does not help him. Infact, he locks him back up and informs Diavolo.
What the fuck
The most notable things I believe Dia did was clip lucifer's wings?? And pulled out his teeth (i think Barbatos actually did that I'm not so sure). But I can't really explain how gruesome and detailed the writing was. What's worse is that it also included how the brothers were reacting to Lucifer just disappearing. Very interesting fic, story wise it was fine and well written. It's just the plot in general was what the actual fuck??
LEVI X LUKE : i forgor the title and I'm very relieved that I did
VERY UNCOMFORTABLE READ BTW!! i hated summing this up so much
An absolute wreck, these fanfics were so well written I can't even hate the authors for what they did (the Dia x Luci one didn't deserve any hate imo, but this one?? Holy fucking shit??) This fic was so out of pocket, it ruined the way I saw Levi for a good while.
P.s!! Not the same author!!
WHAT I RECALL!!! aka summary?? Kinda...
So I think Simeon called Levi to look after Luke? Which is really fucking weird because Luke is an angel, sure he's depicted as a kid but if Micheal chose him to follow Simeon down to the Devildom for the exchange program then I'm pretty damn sure he can at least take care of himself without adult Supervision, but whatever. Nice plot, I hate it
Levi was totally against the babysitting thing and actually disliked having to look after Luke
At some point, Luke wants to take a bath and Levi's like suree okay.
THEN ACCOMPANIES HIM TO GIVE HIM THE SAID BATH??? Obviously that's where this all downplays from what could've potentially been a found family fic to some proship shotacon fic. Levi gives him the bath and Luke gets
turned on... (I hate typing this out so much)
So, Levi gives him head. I fucking hate this with burning passion :(((
His mouth 'pops' when he stops which reminds him of a Lollipop!! And I quote this from memory:
Kinda like a Lollipop. Heh.. Loli.
I hate this fanfic so much, I don't claim it in this fandom,its a fic not a fanfic👽👽👽
And yeah, the rest of the story went on with Levi doing that bullshit!!! I don't think I read through the entire thing because curious kills the cat. I just saw some tiktok post about it and decided hey!! Im gonna look for it and read it.
I would've been fine without reading this fic, ever, i would've turned out the same as I am today LMAOO
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Kintsugi (the golden roses will bloom prettily in the space between your ribs) Chapter 7
Summary : You'd met Joel a year ago. Then you learn he and Tess are gone from the Boston QZ. You go find Jackson on your own. (Change of summary incoming)
Warnings : Mature content, MDNI, murder attempt, pining, ANGST, canon violence.
Tags : Just ask, and if I've forgotten you, do not hesitate to remind me.
Special note (copied from AO3) :
This is the end.
This story was supposed to be something like 4 or 5 chapter longer but, as I said on Tumblr a few days ago, I have the feeling that this fic is not exactly liked and while I usually don't care about what's popular and what's not and I'm happy to not be popular, just happy to do my little thing in my corner, I've been wondering about my place in the fandom, considering the patterns that are more and more popular these days (I didn't say this in my Tumblr post because I was upset about something else and I would not have worded it right).
And I know that when I start looking at the numbers and wondering why people don't like my work, it's that I'm uncomfortable, not in the right headspace. So I'm killing the fic. This ending is not the on I had in mind but that was the only way I could end it.
Thank you to everybody who has liked it/engaged with it. It has meant a lot to me, especially considering that what was once a OS became a fic because some people asked for it.
Fanfiction is a place of experimentation on many levels. It's also a place of connection. I'm glad I got to write what I wrote, even though it didn't speak to many people. But connection, something I'd known in the glory days of ff.net, is not in the cards for me anymore. So I'm taking a bow. Thank you everybody. I don't think you'll see me around for a while.
Chapter 6
Life with Joel is strangely domestic, made of cups of coffee shared in the morning, when the light that shines through the kitchen window makes the curls on his head glow so beautifully you want to run your fingers through his hair. 
You don’t, afraid to touch him, to give those feelings of yours, feelings you’ve had for too long, something tangible to hold on to. If you’re afraid of them being rejected, you’re even more frightened of them being accepted. 
Soft, caring Joel scares you, because you don’t know him. 
He, though, is not as shy. Always the same, like it’s second nature for him. 
You’re drinking coffee, and the he comes up to you, and his fingers tangle into your hair, the nails slightly scrapping you. He doesn’t tug but his handle on you is firm when his mouth finds your temple, presses a kiss there, as he whispers :
‘You’ll feel better soon.’
You don’t know who he says it for : you, or him. It sounds like it’s for him, but even though you’ve been feeling fine, you’re always tired. Always wary of the front door, unable to bring yourself to leave the house. It’s like everything’s off kilter, like you’re missing something, like a shadow permanently in the corner of your eye that disappears every time you try and look at it. 
Like Joel knows something you don’t. 
Everyday Joel kisses you on the temple and leaves for the day. He usually tells you
I’m on patrol with Tommy, today. Missed the idiot, I haven’t seen him enough lately, but don’t go telling him that. 
Ellie drops by when she can, during the day, filling you in on the gossip around town. Sometimes she brings comic books, and reads them to you- all the better, she’s much better than you at doing the voices. 
Joel always come back quite late, but you’ve kept his food hot and you watch him as he eats and tells you about his day., your chair close to his, and he sometimes lets his thumb graze your cheek and this is what you wanted but-
It scares you, now that it’s here. 
It scares you because there’s a nagging feeling it won’t last, even though everyday you see more and more of your stuff in Joel’s house, like he’s moving you in. 
Tonight, he comes to bed and puts that vase you’ve repaired a long time ago, before he and Ellie got here, right on your nightstand. He gets under the covers and sneaks his arm around your, whispering in your ear :
‘I’ll find some nice flowers tomorrow.’
You hum, content, the pull of sleep too enticing to resist. 
You hear the thumping on the front door, feel Joel get up but you pay it no mind. He’ll be back soon enough. 
Joel closes the door behind him, carefully, as not to disturb you. When he turns around, Tommy and the doctor are looking at him, faces weary. It’s Tommy who speaks first, voice low as if the nurses around around discreetly listening in anyway. 
‘You can’t keep sleepin’ here, brother. Won’t help her wake up.’
Joel dismisses him with a shake of a head but the doctor :
‘She’s not getting any better, Joel. I think she’s not gonna wake up.’
Joel leans on the wall of the hospital room, arms crossed against his chest, deep breaths in an out because if he doesn’t calm down he’s gonna lose it and Tommy knows, by the way he holds himself, stern, hard, ready to strike should Joel want to make the doctor shut up. 
The back of Joel’s head hits the wall, and he sighs. 
‘Gimme’, he starts, and stops, and hates how his voice wavers. ‘Gimme tonight. Tomorrow I’ll go back home. But, just tonight, please.’
He’s begging, he can hear it and he hates that too. But it gets them to agree, gets them to leave, and for a second he thinks of going straight back to bed, back to you. Instead, he leaves, and walks, walks and walks, and he finds flowers he thinks you’ll like, muttering an apology here and there when he gets into someone’s garden, 
Sorry, it’s for-
He never gets to finish the sentence, the looks of sympathy enough. 
He makes his way back flowers in hand, looking like a young man going on his first date, awkward and nervous. He hopes- really hopes- you’ll like the flowers.
You hear them talking, downstairs, on the porch, but from the bedroom up here you can’t quite figure out what they’re saying. 
Doesn’t matter, you think, snuggling your pillow. Joel’s gonna come back and he’ll tell me. 
You fall asleep like that, waiting for him. 
It’s pretty, he thinks, looking at his work : the vase is an old thing, Patterns of white and blue that were once broken but now mended with gold that you put here. The flowers are mismatched but in the moonlight it’s almost as if they’re glowing and if thinks you’ll like it. You never minded a mess anyway. 
He gets under the covers, puts an arm around you, presses a kiss right below your ear and that’s when he hears it-
The silence. 
He doesn’t even panic. He doesn’t even- 
He doesn’t-
He presses a hand right in the middle of your chest and there’s nothing. 
He leaves his hand there, scoots the closest he can, and he holds you. 
He presses a kiss on the back of your neck, and then a second, and then a third, and then-
He cries. 
@pedritobalmando @amidjarin @ajeff855 @justpedropascal @sara-alonso @sarahjkl82-blog @amidjarin @sara-alonso@justpedropasc@mrsbentallmadge @farfromjustordinary @hnt-escape @kirsteng42 @ace-27749 @pocket-of-possibilities @missladym1981
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flashfuture · 7 months
Since I've been on it I wanna talk about Hal's parents. Cause I've seen some dislike for Geoff Johns take on them. But they didn't really, Jessica especially, exist before then. I feel like some people read the comic where Hal in hysterical grief over Coast City made a construct of his parents and then went off to kill all the Lanterns and Guardians and said yep that is exactly how his parents were.
But let's get into it. Martin and Jessica Jordan. For further context, the sibling order is Jack, Hal, Jim Jordan. Three boys. And it was sort of implied for years that they were Jewish and got confirmed not too long ago that Jessica is Jewish and Martin is Catholic. Hal was a grown man in the 80s. His childhood took place in the 50/60s. And before that he was a grown man in the 60s meaning his childhood was the 40s/50s. That absolutely influenced the type of life he had. Vs the further in time we drag this out the less natural it becomes to have super strict parents.
So to begin the first physical appearance of Martin Jordan comes in 1989 in Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn #1. This is a post crisis pre zero hour story so any events in this particular time window are wildly subject to change
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Martin is a test flight pilot. He's Hal's hero. His plane goes down. Hal watches. This sequence of events stays consistent across every time line including Flashpoint which is you know fascinating.
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"Hal got fired today-- and he got his mom to call up and beg for him."
"Talk about my father again Biff and I'll rip your lungs out."
In this version of events, we get a mention of Jessica. She's not named and doesn't appear. So you can tell she was brought up purely for a 'Hal is so irresponsible he needs his mommy's help' bit. Hal and Jack get along though and are violently defensive of their father. Hal also catches a drunk driving charge after this.
Speaking of drunk I know there's a comic out there where Martin is described as a drunk which I could not for the life of me dig up again but that's mentioned all of once so I just ignore it. What's with making test pilots drunks???
Anyways Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn is definitely not my favorite Hal Jordan story and I'm glad it's been mostly retconned out minus the very beginning parts with Martin.
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(Green Lantern vol 3 #36)
"So you're back to flying planes, huh?"
"Dad's blood still runs through my veins, I guess."
This Christmas special in 1993 took place before Coast City exploded. Hal took Carol out to Jack's house to spend the holiday with the Jordan family. Hal directly attributes flying to his dad's influence.
Now Green Lantern vol 3 #48. Hal is standing in the ruins of Coast City not a soul left and he conjures an image of his parents. Reminder they are entirely Hal's imagination and again he is just about hysterical right now.
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"I looked up to you. I worshipped the ground you walked on, or flew over. I wanted to grow up and be you... which probably has a lot to do with who I am now. Growing up, though, I never felt like you... I don't know thought that much of me."
As we saw Hal's dad died when he was Maybe ten. His little brother and older brother didn't have real accomplishments in elementary school. Jack the DA and Jim helping the campaign and having a family that's all modern. Stuff Martin would have never known about. Martin the pilot getting on Hal's case for having his head in the clouds? Really seems like Hal is the one he could have related to the most. Martin getting on Hal about not saving the city just proves Hal is projecting his worries about disappointing his dad onto his dad and then because he's so hysterical with grief forces himself to rewatch his dad dying.
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Absolutely completely irrational state of mind he's in right now. At the end of this issue, he's going to fly off into space to kill all the Lanterns and the Guardians.
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And then he summons Jessica. Calling her mother instead of mom is just really funny to me like informal with his strict dad formal with his chill mom. Lmao? Jessica only speaks on Martin. Reminding Hal of the good times they had. She's Hal's memory which which means Hal heard the story of dressing up as Santa he remembers his dad's aftershave. Summoning your mom just to talk about your dad is crazy work btw
Again Hal was so young when his dad died. Not a teenager not even close. What was Martin disappointed about? Maybe Hal who can't keep a job a girl or half his friends (Barry died and all super friends ditched him basically) is projecting backwards into time. And assumes his Dad would be disappointed in him.
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"Personal gain? This is about personal loss!"
Personal loss and Hal's spent most of his time summoning his long dead father. He really never got over Martin dying and that's so apparent. Anyways this is where Hal decides to go into space and kill everybody. Seeing his dad taken from him one more time made him snap.
Hal is enamored with his father. Whether their relationship was tough or easy it wasn't necessarily the point. The point is Hal Jordan loves his father to Oa and back more than the rest of his family probably understood. He didn't just want to impress his father he wants to be him.
And Zero Hour royally fucked up Hal's family but like idk let's just say Infinite Crisis fixed it. That's two reality shattering events. Why not give Hal a little treat of being his dad's favorite. No one seems to miss when Jack, Jim, and Hal all went to the same college and the same fraternity and were besties
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
Mutually Beneficial Transaction
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: After not seeing each other for a while, you and Chuuya spend the day together. It gets a little more romantic than you expected.
♡ wc: 1.4k
♡ cw: Swearing, mentions of death.
note: I'm so, SO sorry that this took so long to complete anon. This was one of the first reqs I got and I feel like I've let you down T-T I had a bunch of different ideas for this but not a clue which one to use- hopefully you like the end result though <3 Apologies for errors, hope you enjoy x
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Most people would see you and Chuuya as you were out and about and make the assumption that you were on a date. After all, you were dragging him from place to place, a couple clothes bags dangling from your free arm while he followed you with a fond smile on his face. You didn't have any issues with this, but it certainly wasn't the case. However, if it were, you're sure you would have been all over Chuuya and vice versa.
Yokohama was well known to be a city teeming with crime, specifically at the hands of the notorious Port Mafia of which Chuuya was an executive. You weren't a member yourself but you didn't feel as if you had anything to fear being close with Chuuya. You assumed that since you'd known each other for so long that you had some form of immunity. That being said, it had been a while since you were able to spend any personal time with him.
That's the reason that, on a rare day off, Chuuya called you to meet him at a nearby cafe for breakfast to spend the day with you. Feeling a little lonely without him, you were more than happy to participate. Thus, you spent the day running around Yokohama with Chuuya doing a multitude of things- shopping, trying different foods, and the like. Doing couple-y things, you thought. The question of whether or not Chuuya was at all like-minded lingered in the back of your head most of the day.
Around mid-evening before dinner, you and Chuuya found yourselves a bench near the port and took your seats, letting your arms rest from the bags they'd been carrying, and your feet rest from taking you so many places. The sunset setting on the horizon was a bright orange, the sky a calming ombre of shades of pink and blue.
"Today was brilliant, Chuuya," you breathed, a serene smile gracing your face as you absorbed the view. "Thank you for all this."
"It's nothin', really," he sighed, brushing a stray ginger lock from his face. "I'm just glad you were happy."
"You're way too nice to me. You know I won't be able to repay you- at least not like this?" You cocked an eyebrow at him, with a chuckle.
"I don't care about that. You spending time with me is payment enough." Chuuya glanced over at you with a smile. "I'm glad I got to hang out with you today."
"It really has been a while, huh?" You mused. "Things are busy in the mafia right now, I guess?"
"Things are technically always busy there, but because I'm an executive I have a lot more shit to do than most other members." He explained.
"That's also why you're so fuckin' loaded, I guess." You joked. The man beside you let out a snicker. "Seriously, though, just because you make a lot doesn't mean you always need to spend it on me."
"It's honestly fine, hon. I mean it. Besides, I kinda like buying you stuff." When you tilted your head at him as if to ask for further explanation, he elaborated. "You always get so excited whenever I get you a gift. It's nice knowing that I'm able to make you happy."
"You make me happy whenever I see you, regardless of whether you buy me things!" You insisted, shifting towards him and earnestly taking his gloved hand in your own. "I like spending time with you! I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't, you know."
"...yeah." He squeezed your hand. "...hey, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, Chuuya."
"Have you been feeling lonely recently?" The question surprised you, because it seemed rather random and uncharacteristic coming from Chuuya. You turned to face him.
"I mean...I guess, a little. It's been kinda lonely not having you around. Sometimes I got worried that you'd died or something," you admitted, your voice quiet.
"Died? Me?" Chuuya asked, making you giggle.
"I know, I know. Even God wouldn't be able to kill you. But I really couldn't help but worry. I'm glad to have been able to spend today with you. I like knowing that you're alright," you cast him a genuine smile, "and I had a great time. Did you?"
"'Course I did. I was with you." Chuuya responded returning your beam. You tapped your lips and weakly swatted at him.
"Shush, you."
"Now that I think of it, I did kinda miss messing with you." Chuuya leaned forward as his eyes narrowed.
"You're so damn sadistic, Chuuya. No wonder you're a mafia exec- that title suits you to a tee," you scoffed, pushing your finger into his forehead. "I can't even catch a break when I'm on your good side."
"Don't complain, you have it pretty easy with me."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." You rolled your eyes. "Cheeky..."
"Who's cheeky?" Chuuya raised an eyebrow. You leaned forward to reach his eye level, both of you staring one another down. You smirked at him.
"The one spending all his money on me so that he can mess with me, maybe?" You suggested, with a small head tilt. The pair of you shared a quick chuckle, before it suddenly dawned on you how close you were to Chuuya.
You took note of how soft his glove felt on your hand, and how his breath danced across your face. The air around you suddenly seemed hot and sticky. You could hear your heartbeat in your temples.
"...you know what?" Chuuya spoke softly. "If you wanna repay me, maybe there's one thing you can do..."
Your eyes flickered towards his lips. "Yeah?"
"Mhm. You don't have to do it if you don't want to...but I'd appreciate it a lot."
"Anything for you, Chuuya," you breathed.
"Is that right?"
"Of course..." You had mentally prepared for this moment for years, and you felt a surprising amount of confidence. Though, that was mostly because Chuuya seemed to be returning your...very fervid attitude. You were both quiet, the only sounds being your slightly wavering breaths. Your faces were barely centimetres apart now.
"In that case..." you inhaled and closed your eyes in anticipation, quickly melting into his touch when your lips connected.
Chuuya did feel warm, and you felt a tingle in your chest. Your first kiss with Chuuya was better than you'd expected; not only did Chuuya meet all of your expectations but he also seemed equally interested in kissing you. You could only assume, anyway, when Chuuya's fingers found their way beneath your chin and gently lifted your face up so he could better access your lips.
The moment felt fleeting. When Chuuya pulled away you wanted to take his face and keep kissing him, but you didn't. That would probably shock him. You opened your eyes to see Chuuya's blue ones boring into yours. His face was relaxed, if a little flushed.
"Oh...oh, you're good at kissing..." You practically mouthed, you were so quiet. Chuuya couldn't hold back his laugh at your expression.
"How kind of you."
"No, like-!" You huffed, pushing him away from you. "You are a sadist."
"Nah, not to you," he shook his head. You didn't know what to say to him. Chuuya let out a relenting exhale. "I can be if you want me to be."
"...yeah. To be honest, you'd kinda lose half your charisma if you weren't." After saying that, he gave you a frown. You stifled a giggle.
"I'm the cheeky one?"
"Yes, you are. But I think I prefer it that way," you smiled. Chuuya truly couldn't get enough of it.
"I think...and you be quiet," he began, pointing a stern finger towards you. "...I think you and I are a good match. Dating-wise."
"You don't say?" You teased.
"Y/N, I'm being serious here," he insisted, taking your hand once more. "Can I be your boyfriend?"
"...yes?!" You raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't have kissed you if the answer was no? You dense idiot, Chuuya."
"My apologies for making sure I wasn't dragging you into something you didn't want," he rolled his eyes. You laced your fingers together, before lifting your joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. His gaze softened. "...thanks, hon."
"Seriously, though, I actually won't be able to spoil you or anything like that, so are you really sure you wanna date me?" You asked.
Chuuya sighed in exasperation. "I'm cuttin' you off if you keep this shit up, Y/N."
"Okay, okay!"
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i'm kinda tempted to write something now based on my first kiss because imo it was CRAZY romantic, but i don't wanna disrespect the person with whom i shared said kiss. if you're reading this; hey man do i have permission to write a loose recount of what we did except instead of us it's like some fictional people? i will give you a creative credit for worldbuilding
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 years
I just got an Another Sagau!Idea-
So you know the latest Archon Quest regarding about Khean'riah (or however you spell it), Caribert?
Yeah, so slight spoilers:
What if the Reader, before they lost their memories of being the Creator and all that, met the Traveler's sibling while they were meeting Eide, Caribert, and Chlotar Alberich? Let me explain:
The Reader's presence is special. → I based this fact from the way the Traveler's presence was enough to lessen Xiao's karmic debt. What if the Reader's presence does the same thing to the hilichurl's curse, but by a somewhat larger scale? Just having the Reader present is all that is needed to have the medicine work faster than it did before.
I also think Reader wouldn't reveal themselves as the Creator, instead taking up a disguise when they meet the Abyss Twin and Eide.
The Reader Might Be Eide's better Choice to Ask For a Blessing? → Allow me to elaborate. So, as we all know, most, if not all, kheanrians are atheists or just don't have much faith in gods in general. The Creator is a little different here—the Creator's presence is more of a feeling of safety, a feeling that they have some sort of familiar bond of sorts between the two.
I would think that Eide was see the Creator, aka Reader, as a being far greater than the Dendro Archon, a being with more power. This may have him beg for the Creator's blessing in the end instead of the Dendro Archon. The only problem? We know what the strange mushroom is made out of—the fertilizer to grow it is legit dead humans. I would honestly think the Creator is against this idea, which thus leads to the Reader denying his prayers. Eide may then be forced to beg to the Dendro Archon because of this.
I would honestly imagine that the Creator gives blessings more than most gods, even if they are just small miracles. Reader has balanced the consequences of giving the blessing to Eide, which leads them to refuse to accept his request. However, I think the Reader would change their mind, hoping that if they allowed Caribert to gain consciousness would stop Eide from killing more humans to make fertilizer—
The Reader Could Be Against Chlotar Alberich, Founder of the Abyss Order. → I'm mainly basing this idea off of the beginning of the game. To this, I'm referring to the intro cutscene, where we have to choose a sibling to be the Traveler. I would think the Reader shares a similar mindset to the Traveler—they do not believe what happened to the people of Khean'riah was deserved, but they are against joining the Abyss Order to cause harm to other nations.
I personally believe that Reader would be unhappy that Chlotar has started the Abyss Order to kill of the rest of their precious world. I can't really see the Reader agreeing with killing their own creation, instead trying to convince the Abyss Twin to not join him.
The Reader does not like this "new god" that's being created. → As you may know, human-made gods aren't exactly amazing. Scaramouche is a slight example of that. The Sages tried to create a god from human knowledge, and, in result, Scaramouche became a fake god. But, as you know, his power wasn't exactly as strong as a real god's power would be.
Reader does not like the fact that the Abyss/Abyss Order would go this far to making a god to get rid of the curse befalling on all hilichurls. To them, I would think it's some sort of severe risk. They are highly suspicious of this "god" and would rather find out its true intentions in other methods than cooperate with them. The Creator may be lenient on their creations, but they have to draw lines against them, unfortunately.
Alright, that's all I got for today! I'm sorry if it's a little confusing lol- I didn't fully understand the Archon Quest. See you around :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have honestly no idea how this idea emerged into my head lol- but I'm glad it did! Sorry for any grammar mistakes too btw—I don't exactly proofread before I post things.
Check The Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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howlingday · 2 years
Knightshade Signals
Jaune: Hey, guys! (Sits down) How's your morning going?
Ruby: Fine.
Yang: Can't complain.
Nora: I ate a spider!
Ren: It was a pancake in the shape of a spider.
Pyrrha: Did your tie give you a lot of trouble?
Jaune: Uh, just a little bit. Say, where's Blake?
Yang: She was reading this morning, but she said she'd be down. Oh, and speak of the Grimm.
Blake: Good morning. (Sits down) Did everyone sleep well?
Pyrrha: I slept just fine.
Nora: Same.
Ren: Nora kicked me.
Jaune: I kind of got to bed late, but I slept pretty good, and woke up just fine.
Blake: I see. I also slept well.
Yang: Uh, are you sure you're not still sleepy?
Blake: No. Why do you ask?
Yang: Well, you're sitting awfully close to Vomit Boy.
Blake: Hm. So I am. I'm not invading your space, am I?
Jaune: No, not really.
Blake: That's good.
Ruby: (Thinking) Huh... She is sitting pretty close. But if Jaune's okay with it.
Blake: (Opens the door) Sorry I'm late. Professor Ozpin wanted to have a word with me.
Oobleck: Yes, yes. He informed me well beforehand. Please take your seat.
Blake: Yes, Doctor. (Sits next to Jaune)
Jaune: Glad you made it.
Blake: I'm glad to be here.
Pyrrha: (Glances over, Thinking) Was it just me, or did Jaune's eyebrows just raise at seeing Blake? Ah, I'm overthinking things, I'm sure.
Blake: (Taps Jaune's shoulder) Jaune.
Jaune: Huh? Wha?
Blake: You fell asleep.
Jaune: Oh, yeah... Sorry, I was studying and, uh...
Blake: It's fine. The lunch bell just rang.
Jaune: (Yawns) Did Professor Port notice me?
Blake: (Holding Jaune's hand) No, he was telling us how he killed a Deathstalker with his bare hands again.
Jaune: Oh, that one. I like that one.
Blake: It's one of his better stories.
Port: Hmph! (Thinking) To think the lad could sleep during study time! But he has such a dear friend to guide him right. And one who keeps her hands soft yet firm on him! Ah, the summer day springtime of youth...
Nora: Jaune, have you seen my fork collection?
Jaune: (Reading) Isn't it under your desk drawer?
Nora: No, that's the spoon diorama.
Jaune: Have you tried the closet corner?
Nora: Nope, not yet. Thanks, Jaune!
Jaune: No problem.
Nora: Hey, Blake.
Blake: Hello, Nora. Hello, Jaune.
Jaune: (Looks up from reading) Hey, Blake.
Blake: Jaune, have you seen Weiss around anywhere? Or Ruby? Yang's down in the gym, working on arm day with Sun.
Jaune: Is Neptune with them?
Blake: I think so.
Jaune: Weiss probably isn't far away, then. As for Ruby, well, she's probably over with them, too.
Blake: I'm not sure how I missed them.
Jaune: They can be pretty sneaky. Need some company?
Blake: I was about to ask you the same thing.
Jaune: I won't say no to it.
Blake: I was going to say that, too.
Nora: (Thinking) That's weird. Why didn't he talk that much with me? Wait, what was I- Oh, right! Closet corner!
Jaune: (Arms crossed) I'm telling you guys. I'm an open book; you can ask me anything.
Ruby: Okay! What's the best video game?
Jaune: Ninja Kung-Fu Ultimate Deathslayer 2 in my opinion.
Ruby: Eh, the first one was better.
Yang: Who do you have a crush on?
Jaune: W-Well, uh, I did like Weiss for a while.
Weiss: Ugh! Moving on. Where are you from?
Jaune: Around South Vale, a little village named Ansel. Anything else?
Blake: How are you today?
Jaune: Hm... (Opens arms, Rest hands behind head) Ah, well, my morning was kinda off, but I feel like I'm picking up.
Blake: That's good.
Yang: (Thinking) Why'd he bring his arms up like that? Heck, why were they crossed in the first place?
Blake: (Sighs) So much for simple field training. (Plucks debris off her outfit)
Jaune: (Rolls up sleeves) Yeah, and I don't know how they got inside, but they did, and I'm itchy.
Blake: You should wear something to cover your wrists better.
Jaune: Would they get stuck on your wrists?
Blake: No. See?
Jaune: (Takes wrist, Turns) Huh... Guess not. Oh, but you do have something here.
Blake: Where?
Jaune: On your neck. Do you mind if I...?
Blake: Sure. (Lifts chin)
Jaune: Yeah, see? It was just a... little... (Flushes) Anyway, we should get back to the others and-
Blake: Jaune, wait.
Jaune: Y-Yeah?
Blake: Do you... like me?
Jaune: I, well, uh...
Blake: I'm not asking for anything big and complicated. Simply yes or no.
Jaune: Y-Yeah, I do like you.
Blake: I see. (Pecks his cheek, Blushes) Then I guess the feeling is mutual.
Jaune: Yeah, I guess it is. Oh, and Blake?
Blake: Yes?
Jaune: (Pecks her cheek) To, uh, get you back.
Blake: (Smiles) That's fair.
Ren: (Watching from afar, Thinking) I knew it.
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ravennaortiz · 8 months
Alright I've got another one. This time it's for Half-Sack. So here are the prompts I've got for him.
7. Stay away from my sister (I'm thinking maybe Opie and see the overprotective big brother come out in him.)
20. Why?
5. I can take care of myself. (Maybe said to Opie by his sister.)
17. I love you
18. Go slow.
Glad to see ya back!!! The amount of joy I got when I saw you picked Half and then these prompts was unimaginable!!! Lets get to the magic! As always 18+
P.S. Come back anytime!! Also I made it so Half is a patched member now and Opie has kinda left the club.
Brother vs Boyfriend
"Thanks for picking me up" you stated as you walked out of the police station. "Couldn't leave my old lady locked up" chuckled Half-Sack as he kissed your forehead before standing back to look at your eye. "Doc got a decent hit." he added as he carefully traced the developing bruise. "Only one she will ever get" you muttered thinking about how nice it had been to finally smash Taras ratty face into something. She had been making digs at your relationship and you could only let so much slide. Before you could reply your phone dinged with a text from Jax.
Jax: Day is full of surprises. Your brother is here.
You: Oh.
Jax: yeah he saw your car.....did you not tell him about you and Half?
You:......Wildly enough in the last year it just never came up
Jax: Your killing me kid.
"It'll be fine babe" murmured Halfsack shooting you a grin as you showed him the message. "Have you not met Opie over protective big brother Winston?" you inquired as you looked at him with a raised brow. "A time or two. Tall guy I think" replied Half-Sack making you shake your head.
"So you're telling me not only was my sister involved in a fight and arrested today but she's been dating a club member for the last damn year? And you my best friend didn't do a damn thing to stop it?" yelled Opie as he stood glaring at Jax who was sitting on the picnic table. Jax sighed heavily as he rubbed his face. "Opie, there was nothing to stop. She has as much right to be here as you. As far as Half goes, your dad was fine with it. Kid worships her and the ground she walks on. I'd have stepped in if he was treating her bad" replied Jax meeting Opies glare.
"Also you're the one who walked out of here and stated you wanted nothing to do with any of us ever again. So you being left out of this is entirely on you" add Jax making Opie roll his eyes. "She's a kid" started Opie before Jax cut him off. "She is very much an adult. She knows what this life comes with Opie. She made her decision and you need to respect that" stated Jax firmly as the sound of a motorcycle filled the air gathering both their attention.
"Do not put your hands on a member of my club" warned Jax as the two of them watched you and Half-Sack walk towards them hand in hand. Opie clenched his jaw as he watched the two of you. He had barely liked you growing up around he club and he had forbade you from dating club members years ago. Before either of you could speak Opie was in Half-Sacks face. "Stay away from my sister. Whatever bullshit thing you have going on here is done." growled Opie shoving Half-Sack slightly.
"We will talk at my house" snapped Opie as he made to grab your arm. "Don't touch her" commanded Half-Sack calmly as he grabbed Opies arm. "Why? You going to hit me?" laughed Opie as he turned to look at Jax. "Can you believe the balls. Oh I mean ball on this one?" he inquired as he shook his head. "Opie" warned Jax as he got up from his seat and moved in between the two men after seeing the look Half-Sack shot him.
"Look dude. If she wants to go with you she can but you don't get to show up here after ignoring her for over a year and then start dictating her life and grabbing her like that." stated Half-Sack as he let go of Opie and stepped back some. "Don't tell me how to protect my baby sister started Opie before he was interrupted.
"I can take care of myself" you stated firmly. "You have no right to just show up and try and end a relationship you don't know shit about. You also can't pick or choose when to be my big brother. You're the one who walked out on all of us and when I tried to call or stop by you ignored me because Donna told you so." you continued as your voice started to shake with anger.
Opie was quite for a moment as your words landed like punches to the gut. If he was being honest he knew he was out of line but pride wasn't going to let him back down easily. "Just because I did that doesn't mean I don't love you or care about your well being" stated Opie softly. "Save your lies for Donna" you stated as you rolled your eyes. "Lets go inside" you stated to Half-Sack as you turned towards the door.
"I'll join you in a moment babe" stated Half-Sack as he looked from Opie to you. Once you had went inside Half-Sack spoke. "You want back in her life your going to have to go slow and actually respect her. She's not a little kid who is just going to do what you say. She's her own person and you're missing out by being an ass" stated Half-Sack before walking off to join you in the clubhouse.
"I don't know if you can rejoin. I'll take it to the table but for now you should probably head home" stated Jax as he patted Opie's shoulder before heading inside himself.
Want more Half-Sack? Click here
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
core i love in limbo i swear i think after you i’m its biggest fan😭🙏🏻 i love how you’re building up chip and simons relationship like they both sound like people who need to form trust and security before diving head first (correct me if i’ve got it wrong) especially chip with everything that’s going on and her past :,) and i know simon in this universe hasn’t gone thru the cannon trauma in regards to his family (which you’re so big brained for that!) he still doesn’t have it easy. anyways i can’t wait for the angst and the fluff and all the amazing stuff you always end up serving. also i agree with other anons - you adding characteristics to chip wouldn’t bother me i already relate to her so much it’s almost as if you’re writing me - a poor overworked anxious girl with familia issues lol. hope you have a good week take care.
it brings me so much joy seeing everyone talk about in limbo i'm??? like these last few days have been so fun thank y'all so much for letting me gush and gushing with me asldkjf
but yes, Chip especially is someone who really really needs to become comfortable with someone before really creating a bond with someone. (sorta hence the demi headcanon ((is it a headcanon if it's my own work?))) like that type of trust extends not only platonically but romantically and further. and Simon i think is just so so so caught up in everything else that he doesn't really even think to make those type of connections half the time! (hence Row's cheeky comment about how he has had a lot of partners ((as in, flings/one night stand sorta stuff)) but never lingers around people etc etc)
and yes! the canon trauma being erased! writing Simon free of that trauma has been really interesting because it makes him a tad more open? in some ways? emotionally anyway. and certainly not riddled with extensive PTSD lmfao. in this universe it didn't feel right to have him go through all that? even killing his family off just didn't work well, and being able to keep them all alive has been really fun to write! though, poor guy is still going through it (something something waterboarded by his father as a child something something)
i'm so glad y'all are able to relate to the extra stuff i've been adding with Chip though! with it being an x reader i was a little worried that the big specifics (HOH, demisexual, etc) would be off putting but seeing that more of you guys identified with it than i thought just makes me so happy!
i've been working on the next part a bit today and i've gotten a little over 2k words so i'm really hoping i can get it out by this sunday (don't... quote me on that though lmfao) but y'all have just made me so giddy and excited to write for them. again, thanks for letting me gush, thanks for checking in (:
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mutantthedark · 6 months
Caught red-handed
Warnings: Cheating, angst, hurt no comfort, swearing. Enjoy reading! Or not... ---- The morning felt like yesterday. The morning sky is clear with no clouds, but the wind is brushing the leaves who is hanging on the breaches gently.
It's spring season, the weather is getting warmer, thank god Halia didn't have to wear a coat again. Walking to school in snow was a waste of time for her and it frustrated her so much. 
A few students walking towards the school, some of them are going to the canteen to eat breakfast. A chatter filled in the hallway into Halia's ears as she closes her locker while she's carrying a backpack on her shoulders. She walking through the other students and sees her best friend, Michelle, who is southeast asian descent. Halia gives a small wave and smiles. "Hey."
"Hey, good morning!" Michelle hugs her gently and releases her. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just didn't sleep well, had to finish all my school work after leaving the driving test." Halia sighs and rubs her eyes.
"How did it go?"
"I failed, again." 
"Seriously?! You failed 2 times now? What did you do now?" Michelle's eyes widens, Halia motions to Michelle to walk beside her slowly. 
"The driving instructor insulted me that I didn't cleaned the windows, and even in the back of the car!"
"That sucks... It's certainly not easy." Michelle mutters.
"Of course it isn't... it's so much going on right now." Halia looks around the hallway and raises her eyebrow. "Have you seen Noah?"
"No, but I'm guessing he's running late?" 
"Probably..." Halia checks the clock who's hanging on the wall, she still has 6 minutes to hang out. "His dad is always driving him to school, maybe his car broke-"
But Halia got cut off by the 'ding' sound and she pulls out her phone, message from Noah. She opens the message and reads it carefully.
 Noah: "Hey, I'll be late to class, the traffic is really terrible, tell the teacher, yea?" 8:25 am.
Halia's eyebrows raises and types the message back, her fast fingers are typing the keyboard.
Halia: "No problem, don't worry about it!" 8:25 am.
"He texted the traffic is terrible." Halia tilts her head and gives almost a smug face to Michelle. 
"Oh, no shit, sherlock. People are always driving to work. Uh... We have Spanish class, right?" Michelle rubs her forehead gently, brushing her black curtain bangs away.
"Yeah, we do." Halia puts her phone back to her pocket as she continues to walk with Michelle. She groans in annoyance.
"God, I hate this class! Everytime the teacher asks me to read, I struggle with words. Also, we have a test today and I don't know anything!" Michelle fake-sobs, leaning her forehead on Halia's shoulder.
"Hey, chill out, you're barely passing. What, you get C's? Good thing not a C-" Halia grins, she's clearly teasing Michelle. She looks at Halia annoyingly, still slowly walking to Spanish class slowly while Michelle's arm is resting on Halia's shoulder.
"Yippie, yeah. Or else my mom will kill me, my dad always gets grumpy." Michelle pouts.
"Hey, I'm always helping you, you know? Besides, I learned Spanish when I was 13 years old." 
"You're a lifesaver! I'm glad I have a wonderful friend like you!" Michelle raises her arm, similar doing a victory pose. Halia rolls her eyes playfully and they walk into a Spanish class.
The other students are already in their seats, the bell rings as Halia and Michelle sat down in their seats, taking out the book, notebooks and pens out of their backpacks.
The Spanish teacher closes the door behind her and walks to her desk to put her stuff down. 
"Okay, students! As you may all know, we have a test today. So, I'm giving you..." The teacher looks at her wrist watch. "A five minutes to revise everything what we learned and wrote down everything we should have."
Halia raises her hand. "Ms. Green?" 
Ms. Green walk to Halia to listen what she has to say. "Is it okay for Noah to take the test in another day? Because he's going to be late."
"Uh..." She thinks for a moment, then looks at Halia. "I'll talk to him when he gets here, but thank you for informing me." A smile preads on her face as she brushes Halia's shoulder gently, she walks to the desk to take out the test papers. 
Halia sighs quietly and opens the notebook to check everything what she had to write from the board. Surprisingly, her hand writing is clean, the highlights are marked with light yellow color to memorise everything. Although she's really good in talking Spanish, only that languages what her aunt taught her the most.
Of course, Noah ran late to Spanish class in the middle of the test, but luckily he'll take it next time. Good thing the teacher is one of the kind, if not, he wouldn't passed the class. After 4th period, it's lunch time, the three of them are sitting on the bench outside, the sun of the warmth are hitting their skins.
"Man... this day is more harder than I thought." Michelle sighs softly, looking up at the clear sky.
"Tell me about it. For me, Thursdays are the hardest days for me." Halia blinks a few time, looking at the school's surroundings. Noah, in other hand, his arm is wrapped around Halia's shoulder, she looks at him.
"Wanna hang out after school?" Halia asks, bouching her leg lightly.
Noah sighs. "I can't, sorry. I have a practice today."
"Oh, my bad. You're a quarterback. Sometimes I lose a track of time." Halia rubs her temples softly.
"I honestly can't hang out too, I have a gymnastics." Michelle answers, rocking her feet back and forth gently.
"Right, Thursdays are the worst..." Halia groans lightly. She hates these days. 
Although when she met Noah, things are getting little easier for her. Of course, they argued a bit, but not too much by considering things. 8 months of relationship... Wow, time flies really fast.
Noah is seriously has a good taste by finding a good places for Halia to hang out. She's lucky she's with him.
...Maybe not anymore...
By the time Halia is always in his case, asking where he been or something, he always act nervous. No wonder what he's hiding, maybe it's Halia imagination and throws that thing away.
It's been a few hours and classes are over, Halia is already exhausted as she's packing her math book in her backpack. She's the last one who leaves the classroom.
Halia is walking in the hallway and spots a History teacher, Mr. Smith who's carrying books.
"Do you need help with that?" Halia asks as she approaches him. He nods. 
"Yeah, could you bring them to my classroom? I have to get more from the library." 
Halia nods and takes them to bring to the History class. So much for after school hours, he has no one to hang out with, she'll probably spend her day alone at home to do something useful. 
Noah promised her they'll go to restaurant to get Japanese food after he kissed her forehead. Boyfriends... they do so much.
Halia tiredly and slowly reached the History classroom and puts the books on the table. When she was about to leave, she hears muffed voices in another classroom, Halia raises her eyebrow curiously and follows the sound of the voice.
The voices are coming from the English class.
The door is slightly open, Halia peeks through the gap and looks at it. There is Ryan with... another girl? Who appears to be talking, so she decides to listen.
"Really? You shouldn't have." The girl giggles and looks at him lovingly with those green eyes of her.
"It's no problem, Ashley." Noah rubs his neck. "A few days back it was amazing."
"Same, the date was fantastic!" She smiles. 
Halia's eyes widens in sight as she keeps listening quietly. Date?! Did she heard that right?! That cheating bastard--
"Although I promised Halia to get the Japanese food tommorow, I'll lie to her again to hang out with you more." Noah smirks. Ashley rolls her eyes.
"Ugh, you're still with that intelligent-freak? No wonder why she's always in your case."
"Yeah, she sometimes acts like a bitch and I don't like her, I don't even love her anymore." Noah chuckles darkly and he grins.
Halia feels her heart shatters in thousand pieces. Why would Noah say this?! Obviously he's a fucking liar.
Saying he has a Rugby practice, obviously he's a quarterback on Thursdays but he's hanging out with another girl! Halia now doesn't reconize herself anymore... it feels her blood is boiling.
"Guess I'll see you later." Ashley smiles, rubbing her forearm shyly.
"Yeah..." Noah gently takes her chin and leans in closer to her, Ashley slowly closed her eyes, they were about to kiss... Halia's brain signals to burst inside immediately, she had enough listening. Halia slams the door open and glares at them.
They flintched and Noah turns around, his eyes widens as he sees Halia... all angry. "H-Halia! W-what--"
"I should ask you the same! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Halia bursts out as her eye twitches.
"I-I uh... W-we were just talking...! I swear! Come on... yeah." Noah nervously laughs, Ashley glances both at them and rushes out of the classroom to leave them arguing, seems like they're going to kill each other.
Halia crosses her arms, holding back her tears inside her. "So this is you've been doing huh?"
Noah sighs and rubs his neck nervously, trying to act innocent. "Halie, love--"
"Don't "love" me!" Halia gets closer to him and puts her finger to his chest. "You lied to me, how could you?! I did everything for you and this is how you repay me?!"
Noah blinks and rolls his eyes annoyingly, busy with "practice", he knew he was caught red-handed by her.
But this relationship never meant anything. Just some texting and saying "I love you"'s over and over. Then she starts to wonder: how many times he has been with her? Her heart was hurting like crazy, stabbing her countless times like with a knife. Noah looks at her and sighs softly, she is about to stroke her hair, but she slapped it away.
Her voice echoes around the English classroom, even in the hallway. Rage, a pure rage. She doesn't even want to hear his excuses and lying in front of her face.
"How many months have you been with her?"
"How.many?" Halia's voice cracks, tears starts to fall down her cheek. Noah closes her eyes and keeps silent, keeping his mouth shut, trying not to let out of breath of annoyance.
"2 months."
2 months... 2 fucking months... God, it feels like 2 whole fucking years. Noah was never good hiding his act and emotions, but he tries to keep his cool. 
"So this is why you've been acting weird for the past few weeks... Who are you?! You've changed--"
"So what?! People fucking change right?? If you think crying like this will help you to get back at me, you're a fucking idiot."
No. He didn't mean that.
Did he really?
He never cared, he didn't loved her.
"I don't need you..." Noah mutters, turning his head away. "Not anymore."
All those times, those 2 months he cheated... he lied behind her back time to time. Hell, Halia's brain goes on fire right now, and just like that her world broke.
Noah walks to the door and stops for a moment, he looks over his shoulder to look at Halia who is still frozen in shock. He wanted to say something, nothing came out, no words, only silence between them. 
With that, he leaves the classroom, leaving Halia completely alone. Halia clenches her fists and punches the wall while she screams in frustration. His words rang inside Halia's head, she starts to sob hardly and tears fall down her cheeks, then pain hits her more.
 Even though love is cruel by cheating... and a waste of time.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
"you and mammon are clearly made for each other" 🥹 🥹 excuse me while i go sob, that's so sweet
I really should start writing! I keep daydreaming scenes and the whole thing plays out in my head, but I never put it to paper. It's just rattling around (also I saw a tiktok saying that not everything you draw has to be with the intention of becoming a finished piece, and I've been having SO MUCH FUN sketching today.)
Like today, I got a tiktok about Orpheus and eurydice that really stuck with me. And there's the whole debate of whether or not you'd turn around if you were in their shoes. And I was imagining the brothers reaction to it, and probably some of them saying they could make it with ease if it was for MC (i think Mammon and Lucifer would argue they could, and maybe Satan or Beel would be the one to say they might turn around)
"Do y'all really think you could make it? His love for her was his reason and his undoing."
"C'mon! It can't be that hard, right? Ya just gotta follow the Great Mammon, I'd lead ya outta danger easy peasy! No turning back required."
"But think about it, Mammon. Can you? Could you hear me behind you, and never feel torn by wanting to take a peek? Could you trust that I'd follow you anywhere? You know you can, you know that I would, but you would still want to see for yourself. The anxiety would be eating me away."
"But it means both of us getting out if I don't peek! If it was for you, I'm sure I could do it... I just have to keep going. Ain't it that simple?"
"Honestly, if I was in his shoes, and I heard you speak my name, I'd have to drop to my knees to resist what's now become second nature. And even then, I'm not sure I'd make it. I would turn around, I would need to make sure you're okay...Think about it, Orpheus loved her too much, so he turned. I would turn around if it was you behind me-... *Coughs* Uh, anyway... That's how I see it..."
"...Did you just-" -Satan
"it's 5:00 pm??" - Mammon, who is trying to figure out wtf happened and why i ran off
and this is how i would be accidentally confessing i was in love with mammon. because god knows i would deny my feelings to hell and back in the beginning!! (I'm pretty sure I'm ALSO a tsundere unfortunately 😭)
anyway, who do you think would/wouldn't turn around? do you think Barbatos would? Solomon?
- ✨ anon
Yo, I'm just calling it like I see it!
I just find that it helps to get the ideas out somehow! That could be writing or drawing or whatever you like! I think most creating is like that, too - you can do a lot without necessarily having to completely finish it! I'm glad you've been sketching a bunch!
BAH that is the CUTEST confession ever???
Especially if he doesn't get it lolol classic Mammon right there.
Oh NO two tsunderes falling for each other!?! It's okay, slow burns are great lol. Though it'd be one of those situations where everybody else is fully aware that you're both in love with each other and they're just like siiiigh these two. That's so cute, though!
Let's see, who would turn?
I don't think Barbatos would. I think part of what caused Orpheus to turn around was that he didn't believe Eurydice was actually behind him. He didn't trust the gods and like... who can blame him? Greek gods do all kinds of crazy shit all the time.
But Barbatos? He'd know. He'd know somehow if MC was behind him. Not only that, but there's no way anybody would trick him. I think if they did, they'd unlock Murderous Barb in two seconds flat and I'm convinced that guy could kill a god if he wanted to. He's a very patient demon, but he won't stand being tricked over something like that. You do that, you forfeit your life. Possibly being dragged to the infamous dungeon even.
It'd be harder for Solomon. He just doesn't have the same kind of all-knowing master of time nonsense that Barb has. I feel like he'd be more on par with Orpheus, if older and wiser due to the whole immortality thing.
To be honest, I kinda see Solomon being the one to do the tricking. Like I don't think he'd just accept a deal like that. I don't think he'd trust it. So he'd either try to negotiate for something he does feel okay with or he'd use his magic to somehow hold the god accountable. (Not sure if it'd actually be Hades in this scenario since we're talking about the Underworld... wouldn't it be interesting if it was Diavolo????? OMG that would change my Barb answer lol. But let's assume it isn't him, but some other entity of Death or something.) I just think Solomon would be more likely to use his magic to guarantee that things go the way he would want them to.
If for some reason he couldn't do any of that, though, and it just came down to him having to walk out of the Underworld without turning around... I think he could do it. I think it'd be really hard for him. But I think he could do it. Especially if MC was still really young when they died.
MAN. That's tragic. Good thing this isn't something all our fools would have to do can you imagine???
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karumashadowchicken · 2 years
Hello! Its been so long! Hope youre doing well!! I was wondering if i can request a "Secret" admirer reader x barbatos fanfic. With lots of fluff
Thank you so much for writing awesome content!💕💕
ah, yes, time demon butler with they're totally 'secret' secret admirer. (He'd notice if it was me, a cup of Hells coffee would be so bitter I'd accidently kill him-) also thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my content! :)
it uh... might have gone to light yandere Barbatos-
he's quite familiar with time, having existed for far longer than possible for many beings to even comprehend.
Patterns, familiarity, and order. That's what he's used too, that's what he's become.
; and it's been a long time since something surprised him, at least genuinely.
and yet, here he is, having existed for centuries after centuries, finding himself having tea with a human.
Not too surprising really, he found it awkward at first, in all honestly. Being able to know how the future plays out (for the most part),knowing how you feel about him. he never really thought he'd find himself doting on anyone, really.
So you could imagine his surprise, "Is the tea to your liking, y/n?" he inquired.
Smiling lightly, "Of course I like it, Barbatos. You're pretty talented when it comes to tea." … you continued, "Everything actually, I don't think there's a single thing your bad at."
You're wrong.
Very, very incorrect with that assessment.
The Demon Lords Butler, a Time demon, the most perfect, on time, attractive, rational being in the entirety of existence is in-fact not perfect.
Just Yesterday he spilt tea on the edge of the tea-cups plate. Simple mistake really, but the problem was you.
"Hey, Barbatos, are you okay?" You queastioned.
There it was again, he forgot to respond. to busy admiring the mere thought of you.
"Of course y/n, I'm quite alright."
"You know, Barbatos. When I feel sad, or even just stressed, I like to curl up on a couch with movies and coffee, … or tea." You said shyly.
"Are you busy tonight, we could watch some movies together." you asked. and of course- of course he was busy but he already fixed that. Just earlier today actually.
"It would be an honor, y/n."
-I don't usually time skip but I could write about Barbatos for ever so I've got to cut this addiction off-
"Are the blankets already?" you asked while bringing snacks to the couch. (Brothers are out on business, lucky time demon.)
"In-fact they are, I'll prepare the tv, if you could make us coffee."
"Coffee?" you questioned what the fuck happened to the original Barb.
"Yes, I was thinking Hell's coffee would be nice, to keep us both awake."
Nodding your head you leave to make tea. Wait... Hell's... tea. Oh. No. Uh, nervously you make coffee, for yourself and Barbatos.
of course he has no intent to drinking the whole thing, but he's really curious.
Handing him the coffee you sit quietly waiting. This might get awkward.
Barbatos already found coffee to be less than his preferred drink but bringing the mug to his lips, and taking a small sip-
God damn- if he didn't know better he'd think you were trying to assasanate him. It's so awful, emotionally he's crying, physically he's frozen. He knew you liked him, but- what'd he even need to say...
Facing forward drinking your coffee with a slow, and loud slipring noise.
"So, uh... what kinda movie do you wanna watch."
Barbatos turning his head to face you, kinda just stared for a second. "I quite enjoy Horror, but I like romance too."
"Do I get to cling to your arm if we watch a horror movie?" you said jokingly, "Just to make sure you feel safe of course-" you smiled laughing slightly.
Barbatos smiled lightly, "I wouldn't mind that."
That's the end of pt.1
I'm sorry I made it too long but I'm writing pt.2 this very instant. I just don't trust tumblr not to delete what I have so far.
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