#also me??? doing shadow??? unheard of
Kenshi and bitty Takeda because they’re the father son dynamic ever please (LOVE UR ART SM BTW!!! Obsessed. With the way your draw faces and expressions💕)
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He's trying so hard not to smile
Also thank youuuuu 😭😭💕💕 your artstyle is amazing it's so pleasing on the eyes- also sorry if you expected a text post I just really wanted to draw them!
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teencopandthesourwolf · 8 months
He freezes. Doesn't know what the hell else to do. 
He can't picture it: Derek can't remember the last time somebody put their arms around him. 
Was it Laura?
Of course it was Laura. How could he forget that? Derek has gotten pretty good at blocking things out—a little too good, it seems.
She didn't tell him anything before leaving New York. Didn't say a fucking word, just up and vanished. Derek had woken up one morning and she was gone, because she'd known without a shadow of a doubt that Derek would've only followed her if she'd have said a single word to him.
Nobody ever granted Derek’s wishes, no matter who he prayed to. Those desperate pleas where he asked to go back and get a chance to fix things, they all went unheard.
Laura left to go back to the place they both wished still existed just as it had; a place they were wanted alive, not dead. It wasn't fair that it was the very same place they would be hunted down if they did return, like the rabid animals the Argent's presumed they were.
Leaving the way they did meant they hadn't gotten the chance to see if anything was left at the house. They couldn't mark graves, or grieve properly. 
That same place also happened to be the place they'd been born, the place they'd grown up and called home.
Derek had never wanted Laura to face all of that alone.
The burnt down house. The nothing where there was once everything.
The thought still haunts him. One of so fucking many. 
Beacon Hills is home—but it's the home Derek had helped raze to the ground with his selfishness and stupidity. Everything he and Laura had ever known, everyone they'd ever loved, it was all gone, now. Derek had taken those things away from his sister and hadn't even had the guts to tell her. Tell Laura they were all gone because of him, tell her that everything that had happened to their family, to them, was all his fault.
In the aftermath of the fire Laura hugged Derek, and had kept hugging him, over and over in those weeks and months and years that followed. She would pull him into her arms hold him tight, whenever she could sense it was all getting to be too much for him again.
Big sister.
But Laura only knew about some of the reasons why it sometimes felt like too much effort for Derek to keep on breathing.
He never told her about Kate.
And Derek, the fucking coward, he'd allowed Laura to hold him, feeling the flames of shame on his cheeks every time, hot as those that took the lives of his parents. His family. His pack. 
Now, he remembers that last time. 
“I'm going out.” 
Laura stood up, walked around the two mismatched armchairs and stopped him by throwing both her arms around his neck, pulling him into her and hugging him, scenting him. 
It always took him a moment to respond these days, but Derek hugged her back. 
“What's this for?”
“You. Because I know whomever's bed you end up in tonight, you won't be asking for one of these.”
Oh, fuck no. Derek couldn't handle that. Did she think he was out sleeping with people? Never again, not after…
He pushed his sister off him, gently; a stark contrast to the harsh words that followed. 
“Don't fucking coddle me. And fuck you, Laura—I don't sleep in anybody's fucking bed but my own.” A single mattress on the floor of the lounge of their shitty one bedroom apartment. Derek had so many shameful memories, and crawling into his sister's bed every night for the first year after the fire was one of them. “Just—leave me alone.”
Laura was the one—the only—person Derek had left in the entire world, yet his guilt was constantly pushing her away. 
“Then where do you go to all these nights, little brother? You might not be clinging to me anymore, night after night, nightmare after nightmare, but you're so rarely in your own bed in the mornings.” She hadn't meant it as a dig. She was his sister and she loved him.
Maybe she thought he was making progress? Seeing people. Moving on.
Derek spent his nights waiting outside of dive bars, hanging around in back alleys and dark places, desperately trying to find scumbags he could taunt who were big enough and hard enough to at least attempt to kick the living shit out of him.
Derek hated being a werewolf, now. He wanted to get hurt and stay hurt.
Then Derek turned his back on Laura, leaving her to stand there and watch him walk away as he left her to go out looking for a fight, without looking back. 
That was the last time somebody put their arms around Derek—and the last time he saw his sister alive.
It was two years ago. Derek doesn’t think he has taken a full breath, since. 
Now here he is, standing in his big stupid loft that he bought for his betas—yet another pack he managed to destroy—having given away more than he should, with skinny yet strong arms wrapping themselves as far around his shoulders as they can reach. 
“You don't have to hug back. But you can, if you want to. I won't tell,” the kid jokes. It's his way to connect, his connection to the world. A coping mechanism, Derek thinks.
He knows all about those.
“I…” he doesn't have the first fucking clue of how to handle this. Or how to admit he needs it—to himself, let alone somebody else. He doesn't know how to admit that he wants it. 
But this is Stiles. The one person in Derek's life who seems, for some unfathomable reason, to give a fuck about Derek. To care about him.
Slowly, very slowly, Derek lifts an arm and awkwardly rests a hand on Stiles's upper back, feels the muscles jump slightly under the kid's baggy clothes as he tentatively spreads his fingers and finds the back of Stiles's neck. 
Stiles's voice hitches just a touch as he says, “These can be on tap, you know. If you want them. Stilinski hugs are the best hugs, dude. Believe.”
And Derek finds he does believe. For the first time in forever, Derek believes there could be something good in his life again.
More confidently, now, he brings his other arm up to wrap around Stiles's waist and hugs Stiles tighter, properly, and allows himself to be hugged back.
Derek wonders how he has gone so long without this kind of closeness. Lived without this kindness.
He decides to let the 'dude' pass. Because maybe—maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, to be somebody's dude? 
Stiles's dude.
It's a fucking ridiculous moniker and yet Derek suddenly couldn't care less. 
“I think I'd like that,” he whispers into the forbidden place where Stiles's jaw meets long, pale neck. "Dude."
Derek can feel Stiles's smile as the kid squeezes him harder. And, ironically, Derek feels as if he can breathe again. 
for @greyhavenisback bc i want to hug you in person and can't <3 (unedited, forgive me!)
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s0apmactav1sh · 3 months
Minors, fem alinged do not interact with this blog you will be blocked!!
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Taskforce 141. A tight knit group made up of monsters. Soldiers who were on a whole other level to the rest all because they were supernatural. Price, the captain of the TF and a dragon hybrid. His boys were apart of his hoard, the things he found irreplaceable and precious. Even with one wing enemies trembled at the sight of such a large man coming towards them. Ghost, the lieutenant and a wraith. What could be said about him, with shadows at his mercy and the darkness being apart of him there wasnt a way to kill a man who was already dead. Soap, sergeant number one and a werewolf. All hell breaks loose when hes able to transform, the team being his pack so he does whats needed to protect them. And lastly, Gaz, the harpy hybrid. The taskforces eyes in the sky. A bird of prey as other soldiers call him.
Thats all the infromation you had been given when you were first introduced to Kate Laswell. You had been handed files but most of the information on them had been classified and blacked out. Laswell had mentioned breifly how she had to practically seek you out, going to people she assumed would have an idea on where you would be. However no one could tell her what you were or where you were mostly because you kept on the down low and only popped up on the map during certain times. How she had caught you while you were in a bar in blackpool was a question you held back from asking.
"Whats in it for me?" Your voice was gruff, not in the way johns was from his years of smoking and barking orders, but in a softer way like you werent expecting to have to talk tonight. Help always came with a price. Yours especially, since you'd be working with monsters you were unfamiliar with. It wasnt like you were different persay but mixing your type of monster with theres didnt seem like the greatest idea in your mind but with Kates promise of a large sum of money and the few pints she bought you it was enough for you to agree to work alongside the taskforce for a few weeks until you were no long needed and could slip back into whatever hell you came from.
A Nightcrawler, a monster so unheard of they practically didnt exsit anymore. A creatures that lurked in the darkness where it could lure its victims into it and get rid of them, feasting on them after. Price had to put down your file the minute he read what type of monster you were, everyone knew that trusted one of you would end with death. The shiver that crept down his spine had him removing himself from his desk and leaving his office going directly to the resting room he knew his boys would be in. If he was going to accept kate purposal of accepting you into the taskforce, even if it was for a few weeks, he needed them to voice there opinions first.
"No. Not a chance" Was the first answer he got from ghost once it was finally brought up. Soap was to busy tryna keep his tail still so Gaz could brush out the muck and dirt he had in it from the missions they had been on. "We'd never be able to trust something like it." Ghost was set on declining having another person invade his space. He had enough trying to deal with a werewolf a harpy and a dragon, thrusting a nightcrawler into the mist would cause chaos.
"Its not a good idea, nightcrawlers have a tendancy to go rouge and attack everything within range" was the next response price got from gaz this time, the harpy also turning down the idea of having a nightcrawler join them. Although he voiced his reason as to his decline a lot more clearly than the wraith did. Still Price was hoping atleast Johnny may say something positive so he doesnt look like an asshole for not listening to them even though Kate had went through the pain of trying to get you to come and help them. But with prices luck so far with getting his boys to agree to allow you onto the team there was little hope that johnny would agree.
"Are you mad? A nightcrawler on our team. Ain't no way thats happenin" like he expected he was instantly turned down by the werewolf. Now explaining to Laswell that none of them wanted you on the team because you were a nightcrawler would be the difficult part since the woman was so persistant on getting them another to work with them. Dialing her number once in his office, all price could do is hope she hadnt gotten a chance to even figure out were you were.
The sound of kates phone ringing knocked you out of your small buzz as you picked it up and handed it to her turning away and getting another drink for yourself in hopes of drinking yourself to sleep once more before you set off to this taskforce. The sound of irritation soon hit your ears as kate tried getting whoever was on the other end of the phone to agree and take you in even if was just for one mission. Clenching your jaw you reached over and took the phone listen to the sound of the voice coming through.
"Kate there isnt a thing I can do to get the lads to let him join. They dont want a nightcrawler on the taskforce I cant force them."
A small scoff leaves you before you hang up the phone and pass it back to kate. "Thought they were on board with me joining."
JDBSJSVDUDBDV i have struggled i mean struggled to finish this. I honestly hate it with a burning passion and I have half a mind to delete it all and start over but here is part 1 of a fic im not even sure Ill finish.
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elvenbeard · 22 days
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Old and Happy
😭 my feels have been all over the place since I finally finished this! Don't even remember when I started, as I kept working on and off on it over a couple of months. But I think it was after writing something particularly angsty and going "you know what, they will get their happy ending though, so it's all good".
Some details and thoughts below the read more cause it got long hhhh ;A;
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This is in about 2087 maybe, roughly "ten years later". Vince changed his hair, ditched the rattail for good (or again xD) for something still colorful but a bit more easy to style. But he might change it up again, he's done so repeatedly and still likes to experiment with his hair.
Not visible, he probably would've added some elements to his back tattoo after surviving all of 2077. Johnny's tattoo he covered up as well, he would've done that first probably before the back piece. Adding some things here and there over time, with colors and patterns and wings, some cherry blossoms ('cause a thing of beauty will never truly fade away - hence just not getting laser removal but covering it with something that suits him more, but keeping some elements like the J and V visible). It started with three roses below the "V" as a little homage to Jackie, and 2077 as the year that finally put him on the right track in his life, even if it almost killed him in the process.
Overall he is a healthier weight than he was for most of his life, and finally got some therapy he desperately needed to deal with all the crap he went through pre-2077 already. He's not dyeing his first grey hairs because hell, that he's even still around to get some is amazing with his line of work and life story. And he realized that there's no need to be super well put togeher 24/7, clean shaven and whatnot, when you know you're just gonna be hanging out with your man and cat all weekend (and actually allowing yourself to something like that - leisure time and pizza in bed, unheard of to 2077!Vince). He's doing good and feels good and comfortable, physically and mentally.
Kerry also changed, also embracing the dad bod over abs, probably still experimenting with his looks a lot now and then whenever the label feels like they need to draw attention to him for whatever reason. But to the brown eyes he returned in 2078 already in my headcanon for the Sun ending timeline, and he stuck with them.
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Overall I think he might finally care a little less about other people's opinions too, the buzz and the drama, cause he knows that at the end of the day there's always gonna be someone waiting for him at home who loves him unconditionally. He's a bit calmer and at ease, but of course still up to no good whenever he gets the chance to stir shit up xD Vince and him remain to be a dangerous duo you don't wanna mess with. At that point Vince is a well-respected, even if somewhat elusive, fixer, so he's probably even more dangerous now than he used to be as a mere merc with an arsenal of connections and resources at his disposal that can almost rival Kerry's.
I also gave Kerry a lil new cyberware piece on his hand - he is an old man and I think, using his hands as a musician on the daily, at some point there's just gonna be some wear and tear to your bones and joints only tech can fix anymore... Especially if you're stubborn and refuse to retire cause no, you're not done yet, you still have so much to yell into the world and music to make, stuff to add to your legacy and all.
Last but not least: Nibbles is an old lady already as well here, but living her best life with her dads spoiling her rotten, of course!
And then öalkshjdfagsdföasgdfaösfh ;___;
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Y'know, "to bad decisions" and all, and two very different pieces still fitting together perfectly somehow, and light and shadows, and the sun and moon and yeah. ;___; Brb crying, the feels are back xD
Thanks so much for reading if you made it this far!! They mean so much to me and aösdjhfajsfhasfk could go on forever about every little detail xD On to the next drawing!
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The Joker(s) And The Queen
Warning: I write the Reader as female
Pairing: Ace x Reader x Deuce
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And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring
When I fold, you see the best in me
The joker and the queen
- Ed Sheeran, The Joker and the Queen
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They are card soldiers and the duty of a card soldier is to serve his queen - but how could they be asked to do that when they’ve already sworn their devout and unyielding loyalty to you? 
If there was one thing that Ace and Deuce could agree on was that you were the best thing that’s ever happened to them. The otherworldly prefect who entered their lives in a blaze of glory.
It wasn’t no one’s fault that you can both brighten and lighten any room you entered, at how all eyes would immediately turn to you. You were someone whose very existence demanded to be awed and admired and praised. And as much as they were more than willing to do all of the above, they knew that they weren’t the only ones.
They would be fools to ignore how beloved you are by the student body, how you have every single student wrapped around your little finger, how despite not possessing a lick of magic in your body, you had become the most powerful being in school with the way you have the rich, famous and mighty treating you as if you were the reason the sun rose in the morning and set at night. It was clear that you were the object of desire of many - and for good reason. Despite your limitations, you were a pillar of strength, boldly facing every adversity that this twisted school threw at you. Your kind nature saving not only the overblotees but also many other students from a dark and tragic fate. Even with no magical abilities you’ve achieved the impossible and they knew that your circle of friends, which at first were only them, Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts, would only continue to grow and grow as more and more of their peers become aware of just how awe-inspiring you are and they are left to wither away in the shadows, left on the cold and dark sidelines to watch as you get pursued by people who are more worthy to bask in your light.
To say that someone like you is a rarity would be an understatement. In this school of villains, of conmen and crooks, tyrants and thieves, of dark beasts that would claw their way to the top through any means necessary, that would lie and stab to achieve their goals, someone as pure and angelic as you was simply unheard of. A celestial beauty so ethereal that even wild animals and woodland creatures are in reverence of you. Your existence was a siren’s call, and like moths to a flame, they are all ready to drown themselves if it meant they could take even a step closer to you.
You have princes, celebrities, men so wealthy that they could buy you an island and consider it pocket money, all ready to give you a life that even fairytale characters could only dream of. You have people with power who could give you anything you desire: titles, crowns, sceptres, the stars and moon. You had the literal world at your fingers and the ability to do whatever you wanted yet- 
Yet you chose them. The objects of your coveted affections, the ones who hold the honour of receiving your tender love and unconditional care, the ones who are blessed with the privilege of calling you theirs - are them. The two foolhardy, act-first-think-second boys who you had to save from expulsion on their first day.
It’s Ace’s eyes you meet from the bleachers of the gymnasium during a basketball match. It’s his name that you’re screaming, cheering and wearing - the bold, block-lettered ‘TRAPPOLA’ on the back of your jersey making it clear just who it is you came there to see. And if there were any fools that weren’t so sure, the breathtaking kiss he plants on your lips after he jogs over to your front row seat in the stands should seal the deal, especially when you reciprocate with fervent enthusiasm.
It’s Deuce’s jacket you wear when you run errands, the oversized black leather that once symbolised physical proof of his shameful past now proudly engulfs your shoulders, the silver ‘Spade’ as clear as day. It’s Deuce who you meet with at the end of his track and field club, it’s his tie that you elegantly loop around his neck and expertly loop into a windsor knot before tugging him towards you and pressing his lips against yours.
It’s them who you open up to, who you let your walls down and tears fall, who you allow to embrace you in your darker moments. It’s them who you run to in your times of joy, who you hug and kiss in elation, not caring who might be watching. It’s them that you praise, that you brag about to others. It’s them who has your full attention. It’s their hands that you hold. It’s them that you invite to Ramshackle and who you snuggle up against late at night.
They showed you the worst of them, from the first day they met you it was clear that they were nothing but trouble: a brash class clown and a violent former gangster yet with all of that, with all the trouble they’ve given you and continue to give you, you still chose them.
Every single day, you choose them. You take their weaknesses and polish them into strengths. You always see the best in them, despite the many instances where you would’ve been well within your right to not. Instead of letting them drag you down, you brought them up, lifting them into the pedestal that was your love. You support them wholeheartedly, in their dreams, passions and pursuits. Never once do you listen to the whispers of others, the ones that call them no-good, tactless mischief makers who would only bring you trouble - instead you’re the one who defends them, who is more than ready to defend them in a blink of an eye.
They know that you’re too good for them, that their reputation is rightfully deserved but please continue to indulge them. Like you are now, with your blissfully sleeping body sandwiched between them, happily snug inside both of their embraces, let them continue to worship you, to covet you like the beloved Majesty you are. Let them continue to hear the words you sleepily whispered to them before you sailed away into the silver mist of your dreams.
“I love you boys”
A card soldier lives to serve his queen so please continue to choose them. They’ll be sure to spend every breath in this life and the next, swearing their hearts, bodies and souls to you in eternal servitude. 
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“What do you see in them?” A Pomefiore first year asks you as the two boys are once again being scolded by a teacher for unruly behaviour during class.
You gaze lovingly at your boyfriends, the two that you know without question would stand by your side - the ones that have always stood by your side, since the very beginning - and all you can see is their courage, their loyalty, the fact that no matter how scared you become in this strange, magical new world you know that you have no reason to fear anything if you have those two. 
The only possible answer you can give to your classmate is, “my future.”
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How was I to know?
It's a crazy thing
I showed you my hand
And you still let me win
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
I was listening to hyunjin's Ice Cream and this idea came to me loll. Idk if you do these kinda requests but can you do a fic inspired by the ice cream lyrics? 🥹🥹
Azriel with reader who's really cold but he's still hopelessly in love with her? (I love hopeless romantic az 🫶🫶) but not too much angst please I need fluff and happy endings, otherwise my heart wouldn't be able to take it 😔
Ice to cream
Summary: Azriel has a stoic exterior, and no soul has ever really seen what is underneath.
But then he met someone as cold as ice, and was ready to be her sweet cream.
A/n: okayyyyy i feel like sweet cream sounds weird but my brain thinks its cool so ignore it 😉
also, i looooove you anon, thank you for this ask ❣️
That day had been like any other.
Azriel had been walking down the winding streets of the city of starlight, whistling to himself.
It was rare that the shadowsinger whistled, but that day he had simply been feeling like it. It was also shocking to his own self how carefree he had felt that day and had decided to take a walk instead of locking himself up in his office and finishing up reports while wallowing in self pity since Rhys had banned him from visiting the third Archeron sister.
The day was beautiful, nothing to signal that the shadowsinger's life was about to be turned upside down.
Azriel had been walking past a bookstore, and there was nothing that could have prompted him to turn his head to look at it, but maybe some unseen forces were at work, because he glanced at the storefront, and then decided to step inside for a moment.
The inside was cosy, the light streaming in from the multiple windows not too harsh, dust motes dancing as if to an unheard song. The store was quiet except for the occasional turn of a page or the purring and meowing of a cat.
Azriel had no reason for going into that bookstore, but once there, he decided to see if he could find a small book to read when he felt like lazing about and not writing reports.
Walking through the multiple aisles, Azriel let his gaze wander.
It was some time later, when his fingers were absently caressing the spine of a book in the fantasy section and he was about to leave without a book because nothing caught his fancy, that a loud, irritated meow sounded nearby, and Azriel winced.
A blur of orange fur in his periphery caught his attention, and the moment he glanced to his left, a cat shot out from between the shelves, knocking over some books and racing towards him.
Azriel stood frozen, until another meow sounded, and a black cat and pretty female came into view. She had an annoyed look on her face as she chased the two cats, and, in his whole five hundred years of existence, Azriel had never thought he would experience at love at first sight.
He wasn't one to judge whether people deserved his time and love by their looks. He usually tried to know them personally before he did.
But here she was, chasing two cats as they knocked over books, and Azriel could not breathe.
Azriel's shadows whispered that if he caught hold of the cats, he might be able to talk to her.
The spymaster wasted no time, scooping up the orange cat as the female picked up the snarling black cat.
She panted heavily, holding tight to the wiggling cat. Azriel didn't have to struggle though, the orange cat simply stopped moving the moment Azriel's shadows swirled in front of its eyes.
The female sighed, muttering something about food in the black cat's ear, and that finally managed to get the animal to calm down.
She glanced up at Azriel, shaking her hair out of her face, her face emotionless.
She walked forward, grabbing the orange cat from him with a mumbled thank you, then walked away. Azriel raised his hand to call for her, but she had already left.
Disappointment hit him from all sides, from his own self as well as his shadows, and he was left to wonder why.
Azriel left the store without a book that day, and the pretty female had not even glanced at him as he left, and that gave Azriel a purpose.
He would have to return.
To get a book, of course.
Azriel feared she would beat him in his broody spymaster act if given the chance.
It had been a month since Azriel had first visited the bookstore, and so far, he had come nearly everyday to the store in hopes of getting her to talk to him. And, obviously, to find a book to read.
He had been unable to get any responses from her as of yet that were not one word answers, but Azriel pretended that he was making progress. That he was beginning to crack the hard shell around her.
Currently, she was arranging some books, balancing precariously on the ladder that lay against the tall shelf. Azriel watched, alert and tense in case she lost her balance and would need assistance.
It didn't take long, as she winced a moment later and started rubbing her eyes with one hand, his shadows whispering of how dust had gone into her eyes.
Azriel was next to her in a moment, his grip tight on the ladder as he smiled up at the female, and she glanced down, a frown on her face.
She put the books in her hand back into their place before she began descending the ladder. The moment she touched the ground, she scowled, turning to Azriel.
He blinked in confusion, though he still kept that smile on his face.
"Were you trying to look up my skirt?"
His smile faded, and his eyes went wide as his brain registered how inappropriate his actions might have seemed.
"I- no- I would never- I-" He sputtered, at a loss for words.
The female gave him an unimpressed look, turning away.
Azriel was frozen in place for a moment until his shadows whispered to him about how this was a good opportunity to talk to her. They screeched in his ears, and that finally got him moving as he followed behind the female, tripping over his own feet as he tried to get her attention.
"Hey! Hey wait!"
She paused behind a shelf, half turning to him.
"I was not trying to look up your-"
"Doesn't matter if you were. Happens often enough that it doesn't bother me."
Azriel froze, his brows scrunched. She made to continue walking, but his shadows shot out, the ones next to his ear letting out an exasperated sigh.
The female glanced down at her hand in confusion, to where the shadows were twisting around her wrist and weaving through her fingers.
The female's eyebrows rose, and she looked up at him.
He pulled them back hastily, heat rising in his neck and face. "Um. Forgive me. They sometimes don't want to be controlled and do whatever they want."
She turned to him with a sigh, and Azriel had to wonder if he was dreaming when he saw her lips twitch in the slightest.
Master is not dreaming. He is simply dumb. A shadow whispered as it bobbed away from Azriel's ear, swirling around itself as if in a dance.
Azriel squashed the urge to snarl at it.
"What do you want?" Azriel whipped his head to look at the female, finding her staring at him with a bored expression on her face.
He cleared his throat. "I would like to know your name."
"Why do you want my name? Are you going to put some enchantment on me?"
Azriel opened his mouth to deny any harmful intentions, but again he got distracted by his shadows' whispering.
We wish to engrave it on master's skin.
The heat Azriel's face increased.
"I-I just want to know. No reason..."
She studied him for a moment. "Y/n."
Oh it will look beautiful carved on master's chest.
It will look better on his face.
On his forehead. No one would then try to steal him away.
Or maybe on his hips-
Or butt-
To the outside world, it would simply look like his shadows were floating leisurely in the air, but Azriel could barely think straight through their unnecessary commentary.
"A-Azriel. I am Azriel."
She snorted, turning away. "I know."
He followed her as she stalked through the shelves, his mind having stopped working the moment she gave him her full attention.
"How do you know that?"
"You are not really subtle with who you are."
"Everyone knows you are the spymaster of this mother forsaken court."
If anyone else had insulted or even thought something bad about his court, they would be chopped into pieces and thrown into the Sidra before they even took their next breath, but then again, Azriel's brain had stopped working, and all he could think about was the fact that she knew who he was.
"So you've heard about me?"
"So can I ask you out to eat with me?"
She froze in her tracks without warning, and Azriel, who was usually very good on his feet, rarely stumbled, even when drunk, slammed into her, taking both of them down.
She wiggled under him, trying to get him off of her, and he scrambled to follow her wish.
She glared at him as she straightened into a kneeling position, dusting off her clothes.
"What makes you think that?"
"Nothing." He mumbled, embarrassed that he was acting like a young boy who had only learned the concept of reproduction and how it happened.
She climbed to her feet, but Azriel's hand shot out to grip hers.
Master finally did something right without having us guide him.
We must celebrate.
Azriel decided he was going to kill his shadows, but that would have to wait for now.
"Please. I want to take you out."
Y/n studied him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then she sighed.
A sudden burst of excitement took over Azriel, and he jumped to his feet.
"Amazing. Can I pick you up at sunset today?"
She nodded, and before Azriel could even realize what he was about to do, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her cheek. Then he simply turned away, and sprinted out of the shop, already thinking about what he would wear and wich restaurant to take her to.
As he left, he didn't watch as the female who had captured his attention with a few cold looks, who was as cold as ice, lifted her hands and ran her fingers over where his lips had been a moment ago, her eyes blown wide and lips parted.
She stood there, unmoving, for mother knew how long before she glanced around, hoping no one was near.
And then, she let herself smile.
A shy, unbelieving smile as her face flushed.
And there, in the dark shadows between the shelves, her ice exterior began to crumble.
Cracks appeared.
Cracks in which he would plant himself so deeply, so thoroughly, and begin to weaken the mighty walls around her heart.
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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What do you think of afo giving shiggy decay
Oldest and favorite theory now to (very possibly) turn true in the manga. This was seriously one of my first theories when I joined the fandom!!!
Tumblr sucks at helping you find your own posts, meaning I have no way to link my old posts about it in this ask :( but anyway.
At first it was purely born from the frame of the shadow man with the hat delivering Tenko home and how strange it was that Tenko happened to awaken his quirk that day. There's also the fact that the man looked a lot like AFO, with the body structure, the suit and the face in shadows.
This is the panel that started it all:
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I remember a lot of people went against it 'cause it was anticlimactic for them. They thought that if AFO gave Tenko decay, that event was taking something from Tomura as a character, making him less interesting.
For me, it made sense because there were too many factors that you couldn't explain otherwise. Some of them are exposed here. There are too many variables for it to be a coincidence. Now, if AFO gave Tenko decay or if he did something to activate it that day... That's yet to know.
But for example, look here. AFO had a room fully prepared for Tomura. He had shelves full of books, a bed, a chair and a desk... He even had toys!
* it looks like some of the action figures had arms or even the head missing. One of them is fully on the ground.
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It wasn't long until Tomura had a PC installed too:
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It's clear that AFO was expecting him. For what I know from the Vigilantes manga and bnha, AFO didn't treat every kidnapped kid like that. He had a hospital full of kids to turn into nomus after all. He wasn't that involved with every experiment.
Tomura was clearly different from the star. He knew who Tomura was, he expected the tragedy to happen, he expected the quirk too. AFO never reached for Tomura's hands. He acted like he had already seen the state the Shimuras' house was left in. He knew where to look for Tenko, like he was following him.
And the way he spoke... It was too premeditated:
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He created that situation so he could play the role of Tenko's saviour. He needed Tenko to hate every hero, every citizen, he needed to feed his anger, his hurt. Or well, at least how's the theory goes.
AFO gave Tenko decay, waited for the result of an abused 5 years old reaching his limit and then he appeared like a knight in shining armor. He made sure to allow Tenko to walk around, he was also probably using his influence to interfere so a) the Shimuras deaths wouldn't become a scandal and b) no one would rescue Tenko before he could.
But going back to the "AFO gave Tenko decay" theory, I think the canon fact that supports that theory the most is that Tenko was already 5 years old. Here are the panels I'm referring to:
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There's always the question if the Shimuras had a quirk. We know Nana had hers, but nothing is said about Kotaro or Nao or even Hana. We don't know if they were mostly a quirkless family or if Tenko would be the first one of them.
For the way Tenko recounted his day to Nao, we know that he was at the park playing with some friends. Here:
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Between AFO picking Tenko up from the park and taking him home to his family, he must have done something. I don't know about the timeline... and if Giran could have already been associated with AFO... I just remembered that his quirk was the ability to muddy the memory of anyone up to five minutes prior or after he used it.
You see, Tenko never said anything to his family about the man that brought him home. We don't know what Tenko did when he "played the hero". We don't know what AFO told Nao. This is just theorizing, but giving someone a quirk by force doesn't hurt? From whom did AFO take decay if Tenko wasn't the original user?
Doc Garaki said it was a quirk never seen before...
I don't know. Since you asked me my opinion, I'll say that I'm still not very sure if AFO gave decay to Tenko or if it was Tenko's quirk from the start. It's not unheard of, since his case sounds a lot like Eri's, who developed a weirdly aggressive quirk on her own.
We're getting closer to being absolutely sure 'bout AFO's involvement with Tenko prior to the deaths of the Shimuras.
I just wonder what option fits better thematically.
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princess-leaorgana · 2 months
What Tieflings Do Chpt. 1
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Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop top help, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artist liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Mild trigger warnings - There will be smut in future chapters, but this chapter mentions injury and my hyperfixation on tieflings being carnivores. Also spoilers to the game! If you read my work and find anything else that puts you off, please tell me! <3
‘It seems as though the worst is not yet behind us,’ Jaheira said, sarcasm in her voice. Zelphie laughed at the half-elf and sighed.
‘But surely, we can be awarded a little relaxation until the morning,’ the tiefling suggested and Jaheira smirked.
‘Maybe you will relax, but I must go home, to my litter,’ she said and Zelphie chuckled.
‘Oh, I do wish I could help you with all of that,’ Zelphie responded sarcastically. Jaheira couldn’t hold back her laugh. Zelphie smiled at the older woman. She was always so self deprecating about her age, but Zelphie thought she was beautiful and always thought her so strong. To meet Jaheira, the hero of Baldur’s Gate, now twice so, was so exciting for Zelphie. She had grown up hearing stories of the Druid Jaheira, High Harper. Jaheira was everything Zelphie had been expecting and so much more. Zelphie was very happy to call her a companion, a neighbor in fact. The two looked at each other for a moment, the last two in Baldur’s Gate, well, for now. Shadowheart, Halsin, Lae’zel, Gale, Karlach and Wyll had all left. Jaheira, Zelphie and Astarion were left in Baldur’s Gate, the vampire had run off to the shadows, Jaheira and Zelphie remained. What did one say to a companion one had faced the end of the world with? 
‘I assume you have your own family to return to, little cub,’ Jaheira said and Zelphie smirked. Zelphie knew that Jaheira knew better than that. An adult tiefling in Baldur’s Gate, with a full family? Unheard of. The sorcerer had been on her own since she was a child. Not a lot of tieflings had the love of their parents. ‘You know where to find me, please keep close by, yes?’ She asked and Zelphie nodded and hugged Jaheira. Jaheira was so lithe, it was a wonder how she was so strong, Mother Nature was on her side. Jaheira hugged her tightly. ‘Careful with those,’ she said as she loosened the hug and pulled on Zelphie’s right horn. ‘And come find me when you have the strength to help us rebuild, we’ll need you.’
Zelphie headed out to the lower city, praying to any god that was paying attention to her that the small space she had been living in was still standing. The gods would not favor her, however. Her bungalow was dust amongst the streets of Baldur’s Gate. She was half expecting it. But where was she to go? She would kill to take a bath. To continue walking these streets, watching the dead being carted off, the rubble, confused children abandoned, it hurt Zelphie’s heart. There was no bath or bed for her, she would make some use of her time. On her way back to the Elfsong Tavern, she helped where she could. She made use of her volatile magic and helped push large chunks of rubble out of the way so the street could be a little clear for transportation once more. There was a lot to do everywhere, but the park near the lower city’s central wall was a hazard. Zelphie pushed herself to her limits, and twilight was making the work hard. She began her journey to the tavern, hoping for at least a roof to sleep under. 
‘Oi! Hero! I can’t believe you’re alive!’ A familiar voice called from the fountain in front of Sorcerer’s Sundries. Zelphie smiled and looked towards the voice. The tiefling population in Baldur’s Gate had grown tenfold since the scourge of The Absolute took hold. Zelphie couldn’t be happier about it. A lot of Baldurians weren’t very happy about them, not only were they refugees, sucking up precious resources, but tieflings had never had a great reputation. Hellspawn, Devil Bastards, Brighteyes, Gargoyles, a few of the many choice words Zelphie had been called in her lifetime. No one could look past their dark ancestry. Zelphie couldn’t tell a soul how far back her familial line went to the Archdevil Asmodeus, but that was all a stranger would see when they looked at her red skin, her glowing red eyes, or her long and sharp horns. How could she blame some people? What was worse than a devil? After these last few months, Zelphie would have to argue that there was nothing worse than a devil. But Baldur’s Gate would have to get used to being overrun by hellspawn, because they were certainly here to stay, and Zelphie was very happy to see this one in particular. Lia, a tiefling she had met at the Emerald Grove at the beginning of her adventure, was sitting on a pile of rubble outside of her brother’s new property, Sorcerer’s Sundries and the illustrious Ramazith’s Tower. She was waving her arm happily and Zelphie grinned and walked over to her friend.
‘Gods Lia! You’re alright! When I saw the state of the tower, I wasn’t so confident,’ she said happily as Lia lept from her seat. Lia hugged her friend tight, which was incredibly painful for poor sore Zelphie, but she hugged Lia back happily.
‘The outside of it is rather brutal, but from the inside, it’s as if nothing happened at all,’ she said cheerfully. ‘You look a little worse for wear though,’ she said and tilted her head and Zelphie sighed.
‘Please tell me I don’t look half bad for a girl who defeated an Elder Brain,’ Zelphie tried to sound positive. Worse for wear was quite a nice way of putting it. ‘I’m hoping there is one last bed in the tavern for me….my…my place wasn’t as lucky as the tower, I’m afraid.’ Lia frowned and shook her head.
‘Oh, Zelphie, I’m so sorry. I feel so guilty, watching all of these people lose their homes, I certainly know what that feels like. Come on inside, would you? Have a bath and something to eat. There’s a bed in there for you,’ she said and Zelphie frowned. Sleeping in a wizard’s tower was certainly much more preferable than an overcrowded tavern, but Lia and her siblings had just reunited. Zelphie did not want to push in as a beggar off of the street.
‘Lia, I couldn’t. The last thing you three need-’
‘Please shut up and come inside, gods dammit. After saving the city, maybe the whole world, you absolutely deserve to rest your head on a plush pillow,’ Lia interrupted, stubborn as Zelphie had ever heard her speak. Lia wore her emotions on her sleeves, she was bold and she was stubborn. Zelphie and her weren’t exactly close, but every argument she ever heard Lia participate in, she always won.
‘Fine, thank you, Lia. Thank you so much,’ she said and Lia walked her inside. The storefront of the building was as busy as it had been, but for a completely different reason. The normal store had turned itself into a place of healing, it seemed. Beds were brought in and tables were used as beds to comfort the needy. Zelphie walked past clerics healing the hurt and she looked at Lia. ‘Give three orphaned refugees a little land and see what they do with it,’ she said and Lia beamed proudly. ‘Once I’m cleaned up, I’m sure I can be put to good use down here, whatever is needed,’ she said and Lia laughed.
‘You’re fucking ridiculous, Zelphie,’ she said and snorted, leading Zelphie upstairs. ‘You’re bruised, tattered, your brain is full of holes, you are part of the group of people who get to rest.’ Zelphie sighed at that. She was dirty, she was starving, she was exhausted. Still, life went on around her, how could she sleep and rest when there was so much to be done? ‘If you even try to lift a finger for the next twelve hours, I’ll break your legs,’ she said, her tail swaying playfully. Zelphie couldn’t help but laugh at that a little. She followed Lia up another flight of stairs to a portal. Zelphie recognized this portal, she had gone through it before. ‘Rolan changed this to only allow family inside. With the given exception to the person who saved his hide. Three times.’ Lia said and Zelphie looked at her. Rolan has made an exception for her? Surely that also included the rest of her companions, not just her. Although Zelphie was a bit biased towards the tieflings they had met on the road, she wasn’t the only one to defeat the goblin camp, to free those imprisoned at Moonrise or to put a final stop to Lorroakan’s madness.
The pair stepped through the portal, and Zelphie was once more transported to a strange level of the tower. The floors below could be seen from where she was standing, and it gave her nerves an unsettling feeling as she remembered that day. But the ‘foyer’ was much different from when she last saw it. Less clutter, every book and object clearly visible for browsing. Lorroakan had been a hoarder of knowledge, not a lover of it. Clearly Rolan was good on his word, books and scrolls and tomes were neat and tidy. There were considerably less of them, as well. No more throne of books either. Items were on full open display instead of being trapped behind locked screens. Lia led Zelphie to a small hallway and up more stairs. Three flights up, Lia finally walked through and Zelphie was terribly relieved. She was exhausted. Her arms, her legs, her tail, even her horns ached. She imagined her promise to help downstairs would not pull through. She was ready to pass out on the next flat surface she saw.
 ‘Alright, let’s see if I remember this…if I get it on the first go, you tell Rolan how talented I am,’ she said and Zelphie smirked. They stood in front of a normal brick wall. Nothing fancy about it at all.
‘As if he’d believe anything out of my mouth,’ Zelphie said and Lia laughed. The other woman looked like she would respond, but turned to a wall and knocked on it with her knuckles.
‘Epoolso,’ Lia incanted and Zelphie smiled. Lia’s brother, Rolan, was the new master of Ramazith’s Tower, he was a wizard, and like most wizards, was very eager to not only learn, but teach. Lia was not a wizard, but it was clear that Rolan was trying to teach his sister a few tricks. Her incantation wasn’t correct. Lia sighed and attempted again. Nothing, just a brick wall. ‘Well, there goes my chance at impressing a hero then,’ she muttered, crossing her arms. ‘I’ll go find Rolan,’ she said and Zelphie shook her head.
‘No, don’t bother him, I can do it. The Weave and I go way back,’ she teased and Lia smirked. Zelphie lifted her hand to the wall, giving the brick a sharp knock. ‘Pulso,’ she said quickly, and a blue light materialized around the wall in the shape of a door. Lia sighed.
‘Damned wizards always make everything look so easy,’ she said, opening the door and Zelphie laughed.
‘Do NOT call me a wizard in front of Rolan, his head will pop off,’ she said and Lia laughed.
‘Don’t tempt me,’ she said and led Zelphie through the door. Inside was a little room, a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a small wooden bath. It wasn’t much unlike Zelphie’s actual home. It was just missing the fireplace. ‘I want to catch up with you later, but I’m sure you’re dying to scrape the illithid off of you. You probably haven't eaten yet, I’ll be back with some dinner, but relax, take a hot bath. I’ll be back in a little while, alright?’ She said and Zelphie smiled and nodded.
‘Thank you so much Lia, this is wonderful,’ she said and Lia smiled, leaving Zelphie alone to her thoughts. Zelphie turned on the taps the second the door shut and for the first time in hours, sat down on the floor. She wouldn’t put her dirty clothing on the bed. She began removing her boots. She was almost ashamed of the state of her body. Before the damned kidnapping she was never seen to have a hair out of line. Seeing her skin, smelling it, feeling it, she was going to need more than a hot bath to fix herself up. Dirt, grime, blood, viscera, bruising, cuts, all of it covered her body. She was so aware of it as her bath was running. She removed her robe next, wishing she had more than her lounge clothing to wear, as her robe deserved a proper fire burial. She peeled her pants and wrap shirt off. All the clothing became a puddle on the floor. She poked through the drawers of the wardrobe to find washcloths. She began to scrub at her skin with just water as the bath began to rise. She would make that bath a soup if she got into it now.
Once the bath was full and she had used up three cloths, she got into the tub and sighed out loudly. That might have been exactly what she needed. She would be very happy to soak her skin off here. She allowed the parts of her she couldn’t reach before to soak, dunking her head, hair and horns in the water. They were very sore, her horns. Having sore horns was a newer experience for her, but it was over now, it had to be over. The residual clean-up of the city aside, she could live as she normally did. No fear of ceremorphosis, no fear of Baahlists, doppelgangers, not even goblins. Her biggest worry now was finding a place to rest her head in the future. May Lia, Cal, and Rolan be blessed for giving her refuge for the night, she thought. Her fingers and tail played with the water a little until it became much too cloudy for her liking. She stood, giving herself one last go with a washcloth and stepped out. Now, she would be allowed to preen herself. Lotion her body, file her nails and oil her horns. Being able to take time to do this routine of hers was impossible these last months. If her preening tools had been worth any gold, they would have been sold ages ago, with most of her other possessions. Every moment awake was a moment to take advantage of. To do, to go further, to save their skins. There was a knock on the door and she quickly pulled a tunic over herself for quick cover. She walked over to the door and smiled, seeing Lia once more. The tiefling’s red eyes lit up seeing her.
‘I have never seen your skin so glowing before,’ Lia said and grinned, looking around the room a bit. ‘Oh, let me take those to the wash,’ she said, pointing at a pile in the corner of a towel, cloths and Zelphie’s clothing. Zelphie grimaced and walked over to the pile.
‘You should probably just burn them,’ she said and Lia laughed. Zelphie scooped it all in the dirty towel, which was the cleanest article and Lia took it easily.
‘I was going to bring you dinner, but me, Cal and Rolan would like you to join us. Well, Call and I want to catch up, we have so many questions, but I think Rolan just wants to show off what he’s done to the place,’ she said and Zelphie smiled.
‘Alright, let me just…’ she said and rifled through her bag, finding thick stockings to cover her legs. She followed Lia out of the room, taking a quick stop at a washing room to dump Zelphie’s soiled clothing. ‘So, the infirmary downstairs, I assume you all need help. I can help. After dinner, please put me to good use,’ she said and Lia smirked.
‘You will rest after dinner, I told you. We want to catch up. You can take a break from being the hero for one night, please. Let someone else take care of you,’ Lia said, repeating herself from earlier. ‘Besides, I’m sure you’re useless while you're so tired,’ she nudged Zelphie, who smiled. She still felt guilty, of course. She felt guilty because she did want to relax, but her heartstrings pulled as she was reminded of the chaos down on the streets. The chaos she caused. She did not argue, she hoped she would be right as rain in the morning. Then she would be able to help. Lia led her to a dining room, which was almost untasteful how ornate it was. Clearly Lorroakan’s taste still lingered in the tower. The table was very small, an assumed upgrade from the new master and his siblings. Cal and Rolan were sitting at the table, but stood when Zelphie and Lia appeared. Cal happily walked right over for a hug.
‘Oh Cal! It’s wonderful to see you in more comfortable clothing,’ Zelphie said. The ranger was clearly in need of a relax, his normal leather armor gone, a white shirt and relaxed pants it was instead. He looked like a normal person.
‘Look at you though! I didn’t know how small you were under those robes,’ he said with a happy chuckle letting her go.
‘I’m so glad you and Lia were able to get here safely, where you belong,’ she said as Rolan walked over to greet her as well.
‘Don’t give Rolan all of the credit for that, mate. He told us exactly who bumped us up on the guest list,’ Cal said and pressed a finger to his own nose playfully. Zelphie laughed and looked at Rolan. Imposing as always, in his robes, but as master of the wizard’s tower of Baldur’s Gate, it only made sense. He always had a sense of imposing about him, but right now, after everything, Rolan’s confidence was well measured. A hero of Baldur’s Gate he was.
‘Hello Rolan,’ Zelphie said and held out her arms to hug him as well. Rolan smirked and followed her lead. The hug wasn’t as warm, but about two months ago, Rolan was cussing out Zelphie for merely existing around him. She was very happy for a curt hug.
‘Hello Zelphie, I’m so glad to see you safe,’ he said honestly and Zelphie smiled.
‘Safe because of the quick learning of the new master of Ramazith’s Tower, I promise you. You’ll have to show me those cannons one day. Of course I assumed they would be powerful, but it was unbelievable the amount of damage they did to a red dragon, of all things,’ she said and Rolan’s red cheeks deepened.
‘I would be very proud to do so,’ he said and nodded to the table. The siblings and Zelphie made their way to the table and Zelphie sighed with joy. Tieflings, though very similar to humans in look and biology, had a lot of quirks. One such quirk was their diet. Zelphie did travel with Karlach, another tiefling who had a huge appetite, but her decade in the hells gave her different tastes. Zelphie swore she watched her friend eat actual dirt when it came to it. Otherwise, her companions ate like rabbits. Tieflings were carnivorous by nature, and to finally dine with a group made exclusively of Tieflings, she was very happy to see food that finally suited her diet. ‘I hope the food is to our hero’s tastes,’ Rolan said in response to her little gasp. Zelphie grinned and looked up at her hosts.
‘I’ll complain about the tadpoles and the Baahlists and the goblins and all of that until I die, but only to you three can I complain about Gale’s cooking,’ she said and the other three laughed. ‘You spend months and months with two Druids and tell me how you survive,’ she said and sighed, scooping up cooked marrow for her bowl.
‘Well, we did live in that grove for a while, I think we can understand your pain,’ Lia remarked and took a bite of her food. ‘You did have that vampire though, I’m sure he was helpful,’ she said and smirked. ‘In more ways than one, I’d like to think,’ she added and Zelphie snorted.
‘Yes, he was very giving when it came to his hunts, always very generous with the blood he caught,’ she said sarcastically and Cal looked at her. The truth was the opposite. Although a tiefling could live off of blood like a vampire, vampires had an insatiable hunger for it. Astarion did not like to share his kills.
‘Did he ever…bite any of you?’ Cal asked and Zelphie looked at him.
‘Oh yes, I trained him well. Always just enough to make him happy.’ Cal went deep red in the neck and Lia smiled at her brother.
‘Does it hurt?’ He asked curiously and Zelphie was about to answer but Rolan jumped in.
‘You let that vampire bite you?’ He asked her and she nodded.
‘Yes…honestly…at the time, we had all just landed from the kidnapping and I was desperate. I know it sounds delusional, but I was very happy to have a vampire fighting alongside me. I would do anything to make him more powerful,’ she said and shrugged. Rolan raised an eyebrow at her. There was the judgment in his face she was more used to. ‘If you think that sounds stupid, I’d love to tell you the truth about Gale,’ she said with a laugh and took a bite of dinner and sighed happily.
‘Gale, the wizard? Oh you can tell me whatever you’d like about him,’ Lia said and sighed.
‘Lia, please behave,’ Rolan said and Zelphie giggled.
‘I know you three had your own dangers, I used to wish you would join us, but I’m now thinking how productive we would have been if you had,’ Zelphie said with a smirk. That would have been fun, watching Cal shyly flirt with Astarion and Lia boldly flirt with Gale. Gale wouldn’t have a clue what hit him.
‘Probably not very. I wish we would have been more help, but Rolan insisted without our own tadpoles, we might have held you back,’ Cal said and Zelphie shrugged.
‘In some instances, Rolan’s correct. Halsin and Jaheira could not come to Moonrise Towers without alerting suspicion. Although, that might have to do with them knowing Ketheric to begin with,’ she said and looked at Rolan, who was just looking back at her. ‘If it weren’t for the chance that we were tadpoled, we wouldn’t have been able to save you two or Danis or Lakrissa,’ she said, speaking to Lia and Cal, but still looking at Rolan. He had been so frustrated that he had failed trying to save his sister and brother, where Zelphie had succeeded. But he had to know, without her gods damned tadpole, she would have failed as well.
‘May the tadpole be blessed,’ Lia said and Zelphie looked at her with a smile. ‘But…do you still have it?’ She asked and Zelphie shook her head.
‘No, it was part of the last command to the elder brain, destroy all illithids, destroy self. Halsin was able to confirm they were gone,’ she explained and smiled. ‘Which is lovely for many reasons, but more so because my powers are back to what they were before the tadpole. Which means I can help downstairs and in the city. What do you need?’ She asked and Lia frowned.
‘Zelphie, we want you to relax,’ she insisted, but once more, Rolan spoke quickly. 
‘What would your talents be able to help with?’ He asked and Zelphie smiled.
‘A few things. I can cauterize and heal superficial wounds, though I’m sure you’ve caught most of those. And I have very powerful mending talents. Broken legs, broken anything. Even with the tower or store itself. My mage hand as well,’ she said and lifted her right hand, a blue one easily flowing out of it. It flew over to an end table in the corner of the large room and lifted it gently. ‘It’s very strong, please tell me what I can do,’ she said and Rolan watched her carefully.
‘We could really use it, thank you,’ he told her and Zelphie smiled. ‘I’ll meet you in the morning, we'll go over a plan,’ he said and Zelphie nodded, very happy to be of use. Zelphie’s tail lifted and swished slowly and happily, content that she wouldn’t just take advantage of her friend’s hospitality. She knew Rolan would be logical about this.
‘Rolan, we talked about this, we can’t ask the hero of Baldur’s Gate to do-‘ Cal began and Rolan’s eye contact with Zelphie shifted to his brother. He held up a hand and shook his head.
‘You are right, we can’t, but we won’t refuse her request, either,’ he insisted. ‘Whatever she wants, she’ll have,’ he finished and Lia chuckled and took a bite of her dinner. Rolan went a little red and shot his sister with an annoyed look.
‘So, how has it been here? I imagine you three haven’t even found every nook and cranny this tower has to offer,’ Zelphie asked to move the subject away.
‘Cal went through a strange portal and was lost for three hours,’ Lia said and Cal laughed.
‘Yeah, but if I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have found those scrolls Rolan needed for the cannons, I say well worth the struggle,’ he said, still laughing.
‘Yes, and you managed to piss if that djinni, which makes that part of the tower impossible to traverse through, you have my thanks, muttonhead,’ Rolan said and Zelphie giggled.
‘A djinni? Hopefully you didn’t free him,’ she said and Lia laughed.
‘Free? I’m not entirely sure, but he is long gone.’ Zelphie gasped, knowing that absolutely meant the djinni was free and causing havoc somewhere.
‘Another reason I regret allowing either of you to live here, I’m hoping a talented sorceress will prove to be much more careful as a housemate,’ Rolan said and Zelphie felt her tail swish a little more enthusiastically. Well, that felt nice, another little compliment from Rolan.
‘Thank you again, for letting me stay here for the night. I hate to be a pest, once I’m settled again, I’ll be out of your hair and find a way to pay you,’ Zelphie assured and Cal snorted.
‘Pay us? Come on Zelphie, this is our way of repaying you! How many times did she save our skins? Never mind the whole world saving bit, you’ve saved me Lia and Rolan personally more times than we deserve. Please, letting you sleep in that little room is the least we can do,’ he insisted and Rolan looked at Lia.
‘Little room? Where did you put Zelphie?’ He asked his sister.
‘One of the guest rooms on the second floor, I wasn’t sure where you would be comfortable,’ she answered and shrugged. Rolan shook his head and lifted a glass of wine.
‘No, we’ll have you move up to our floor. You’ll love it, the scenes from the balconies are beautiful. Well, they will be once the destruction is taken care of, of course.’ Rolan sipped his wine and Zelphie went a bit red.
‘I’m fine in the little room, besides, it’s just the one night, no need to fuss,’ she said and Lia looked at her.
‘What do you mean one night? Where are you off to? Aren’t you from Baldur’s Gate?’ She asked and Zelphie shrugged.
‘I can’t stay here forever, surely there is a place for me somewhere. Maybe near Cloakwood,’ she said and shrugged.
‘Your place is here,’ Rolan insisted. ‘Unless you are uncomfortable here, of course,’ he added quickly and Lia nodded, reaching over the table for Zelphie’s hand.
‘Please stay with us,’ she said softly.
That was that. Ramazith’s Tower of Baldur’s Gate was now owned by the tieflings. Zelphie would earn her place with the siblings and they would insist she didn’t need to. She already had and they were happy to have her. She listened to the three bicker and tease each other for the rest of dinner and once the food was happily finished, Rolan asked for a moment alone with Zelphie. He led her to a sitting area and was very earnest in his speech. Zelphie sat next to him on a large red sofa and he poured them more wine.
‘I wanted to thank you, personally. This isn’t easy for me to do, so I will apologize early on if I’m…clunky,’ he said and lifted his glass of sweet wine to his lips. Zelphie sipped her wine along with him, her head already a little spinny from dinner. Good food and quality wine was exactly what she needed.
‘Just you not being angry with me is thanks enough,’ she said, playful in her tone. Rolan hummed happily and shook his head.
‘I guess we can both say confidently which one of us deals with stress better,’ he said and smirked into his wine glass. ‘I will also apologize for my previous behavior. I really hope I can make that up to you. I can’t imagine why you would still consider myself worthy of your friendship,’ he said and nodded.
‘Please don’t apologize, Rolan. If I had siblings or any family out there, I’m sure I would have acted the same as you,’ she said and placed her hand on his. He looked down at her hand and then her face and placed his goblet down on a table in front of the sofa.
‘You don’t have any family?’ He asked her honestly and she shook her head.
‘No, I don’t even really remember what happened to them. I was around five, I went to bed one night and woke up in a hostel. All the woman who owned the place said to me was that my parents were gone. It hurt, but I don’t think a lot of our kind can’t empathize with that story,’ she told him honestly and she watched him chew on his bottom lip. ‘But it made me who I am today. I’m lucky I was born with magic in my veins. I might not have survived otherwise, it sounds a little backwards but I’ve always considered myself very lucky.’ Rolan’s yellow eyes read her face for a moment and placed his hands on his knees, preparing himself for something.
‘Could I trust you with something?’ He asked her, his voice a little softer than normal. Zelphie tilted her head, but nodded.
‘Of course Rolan,’ she told him and he sighed out.
‘No one knows this, besides Cal and Lia, of course but…’ he reached for his goblet and faltered. He placed his reaching hand back to his knee. ‘You and I share a similar story, I-uhm,’ he started, but Zelphie would not interrupt him. She wasn’t exactly sure where this was going. Had their parents also been lost? Murdered? Kidnapped? ‘My whole family…they were rounded up when I was ten years old. I ran and hid in a closet, my mother told me to hide. Like you, I still don’t know what happened. I uhm…I met Cal and Lia’s mother soon after that,’ he began and Zelphie’s brows furrowed.
‘You…met…?’ She asked and Rolan looked at her and he nodded.
‘Lia and Cal aren’t really my siblings. My true siblings are dead,’ he said plainly, but there was a quiver in his throat. ‘But their mother took me in…they are all I have, they were so easy to call me their big brother when we were children, I just…we never let that go,’ he said and Zelphie’s heart broke. She couldn’t help it. Even though this tragedy had happened to Rolan maybe two decades ago, she reached over and hugged him. He hugged her back and she felt his tail curl around her waist.
‘I’m so sorry,’ she said softly and he shook his head but did not let her go.
‘No, I’m sorry for you, you didn’t get a Cal or Lia. I’m the lucky one here, my dear,’ he told her softly. ‘Which…for many many reasons is why I’d like you to stay,’ he said and the hug ended. Zelphie sighed at him and tilted her head. ‘You need family. We tieflings are strong, but together we are stronger. We work better as a community. Besides the fact that without you the three of us would have died four or five times over, you deserve a family as well, Zelphie. Please, let us give you that,’ he said with such earnestness that Zelphie felt her nose twinge. That was very kind of Rolan. Zelphie had always adored the three siblings, she was always jealous of their relationship and wanted more than anything for them to be together and happy. How could she turn down such a sweet offer? ‘Please, Cal and Lia mean the world to me. If anything had happened to them at Moonrise, I wouldn’t be here. I owe their lives to you. And if you did not save me, make me see what kind of master Lorroakan was, Cal and Lia wouldn’t be here with me where they belong. I would still be being assaulted by a mad man. I could never, even if I lived a million years, I could never repay you for what you’ve done for my family and me.’
‘Rolan…’ Zelphie spoke softly, and Rolan kept his eye contact with her. She felt her eyes sting and she shut them.
‘Might I ask you what you’re thinking?’ Rolan asked her. She felt his hands in hers. She opened her eyes and looked at him once more. What a difference a few life changing events could make. One their first meeting, Rolan was obnoxious and annoyed at Zelphie. Their next few meetings Rolan would have leveled her. Now? Now she would consider him a very close friend.
‘I’m thinking too much, as I usually do,’ she said with a sad little smile.
‘Would you be unhappy here?’ He asked her and she shook her head quickly.
‘No, no no, it’s not that, not at all. No, I adore the three of you. I’m honored you would have me,’ she said and Rolan’s neck went a little red. She felt his tail twitch next to her on the sofa and he moved it away from her slowly.
‘Do you feel guilty?’ He asked her and she nodded. He chuckled and shook his head. ‘Well, that proves it right there you are an only child and orphan,’ he said and reached over for his goblet once more. He took a sip of wine and Zelphie mirrored him. Her mind was spinning. The wine, the food and the new opportunity, it was all a little much for her. That and the war she had just won hours ago. After a long drink Rolan looked back at her. ‘Maybe you will feel more…persuaded if I show you your new lodgings,’ he said and stood up, holding his hand out for her. Zelphie took another little sip and took his hand. She was helped up with a little swaying.
‘I think if I’m upgraded, I might feel more guilty,’ she said and he chuckled.
‘Don’t, for you will have restless nights hearing Lia yelling at me, or listening to me practice my incantations,’ he said and she giggled.
‘Still more calm than camp. You know what calms a githyanki to sleep at night?’ She asked Rolan as he led her from the sitting room. He looked down at her and shook his head. ‘Sword sharpening. Hours and hours of sword sharpening,’ she said and Rolan laughed, looking ahead.
‘Not too many of those here, I’m afraid. There were a lot of weapons tucked away, but I had them given to the Flaming Fist for the battle. What need did we have for them?’ He said and Zelphie just smiled up at him. He glanced down at her, a little proud of himself. He knew Zelphie and her selflessness would have liked to hear that. He smiled at her smile, his blush never fading his already reddened skin. 
‘We saw those weapons, Gale and I, when we were last here. Those were very mighty pieces, that was a wise decision,’ she told him and his smile faltered.
‘Oh, well, if I’ve impressed the Gale of Waterdeep, then I’m very happy,’ he said, poison on his lips and Zelphie frowned, but she kept her mouth shut. That was certainly a quick change of attitude. ‘Very kind of a well-off man to just leave his closest companion in the dust the second everything ended,’ he said and Zelphie’s brows stitched together.
‘Rolan, he needed to go back home. He has family in Waterdeep,’ she said and Rolan huffed.
‘And he left you behind, to live in a bungalow at best,’ he said and Zelphie stopped following him.
‘You shouldn’t speak ill of him. He took quite the liking to you, Rolan. If you are jealous of his relationship with Mystra, I can assure you-‘
‘Mystra? Jealous of him and Mystra? No, no, I’m angry at the way he threw you away like yesterday’s newspaper.’ He said, holding his hands behind his back. Zelphie’s tail began to whip back and forth. She would absolutely not tolerate anyone speaking ill of Gale Dekarios, even Rolan.
‘Threw me away? He, like everyone else, went back to their lives. He doesn’t owe me anything, certainly not more than Shadowheart or Lae’zel or Wyll or any of them. What are you talking about Rolan, why are you so upset with him?’ She asked, very confused, but angry at anyone who would put Gale Dekarios in a bad light. Rolan’s eyes narrowed and he blinked for a moment.
‘Weren’t the two of you…?’ He asked and Zelphie’s face twisted for a second. She then buckled over with laughter. Rolan had, for some reason, assumed Zelphie and Gale had an intimate relationship. Gale Dekarios was very handsome, charismatic and powerful, but no. Zelphie had only felt friendship and fondness for the wizard, not love, not that kind of love.
‘You thought Gale and I were an item?’ She asked and kept laughing. ‘Oghma’s left eye, no, no, no, definitely not,’ she said and grinned at Rolan who did not look very amused. He looked down at the floor. ‘Why would you have thought that?’
‘There were a few nights when we all stayed at the inn…I could have sworn…’ he said and bit his lip and Zelphie calmed down and nodded. She knew what he must have misunderstood.
‘At Last Light Inn? No, halfway through our adventure, Gale was given…some divine directive. From Mystra, and those nights where, yes, I’d go to him to comfort him were just that. He was battling a lot of inner demons and I was just being a friend, nothing more. So please Rolan, don’t go to battle with someone you should respect and admire as a colleague. He’s a good one for you to have,’ she said and placed a hand on Rolan’s arm. ‘Not on my account, anyway.’
‘I’m sorry, I should have asked you,’ he said and Zelphie shook her head.
‘It’s nice for someone to defend me,’ she told him and he smiled a little. ‘And it proves my point that I have tried to prove to Gale a thousand times,’ she said and her and Rolan kept walking.
‘Wizards are very fucking stubborn,’ she said and he snorted. They walked a little in silence, Rolan was feeling a touch embarrassed. Zelphie wouldn’t harp on it. She would send a sending spell to Gale to reach out to Rolan. She would have them fast friends in a jiffy.
‘Down here are Cal and Lia’s rooms,’ he said, pointing to a west wing. It was common knowledge that wizard’s towers were massive. Melphie still could not believe she was in the same building. She knew she would be getting lost. ‘My bedroom is right here, should you ever have need of me. Though, I will warn you, I’m not usually there. We’ll have a proper tour tomorrow before we all head downstairs. I’ll show you my normal hiding places,’ he told her and she nodded. ‘And I think you will do nicely just across the hall here,’ he told her, walking to a door down the hall to the right of his own room. He opened the door for her and she couldn’t help the little gasp that came from her mouth. 
The room was very large. It had a high ceiling and a balcony. Two large bookshelves covered the western wall, a canopied bed with royal blue blankets and pillows right across from them. There was a door connecting to a large washroom. Desk, a vanity and a wardrobe adorned the room as well. 
‘If there is anything you’d like to change, please feel free. I’ll be changing a lot of the comforts around here in the coming months. Please, this is your home now, make it yours in whatever way you please.’ Zelphie looked up at Rolan and beamed. He smiled down at her and nodded his head.
‘Rolan, I’m at a loss for words, this is beautiful. It’s more than I’ve ever had,’ she told him and he looked at her for a moment and nodded again. His tail swayed happily, very content with the compliment.
‘You deserve more,’ he told her firmly, sweetly. Zelphie smiled and looked down. She stepped closer to him and for the third time that evening, she hugged him tight. He hugged her back, resting his chin on her temple, their horns clinking together lightly. Zelphie felt a light moan escape from her lips at the tender feeling of her sore horns. She would not sleep easily tonight. Rolan looked down at her, worried at that sound. Goodness was his face close. ‘Sorry, they are very sore,’ she whispered and he nodded and he looked up at her horns, inspecting them.
‘Please tell me you weren’t head butting illithids,’ he said and let her go, reaching up to her horns to inspect them.
‘A girl had to do what she had to do…’ she said, but it wasn’t the truth. A tieflings horns were imposing, but not exactly strong enough to do battle like a devil or demon. Zelphie did have very large horns, so the pain she felt was from them being caught or pulled. She had been thrown around by enemies who got close enough to her. Rolan raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged. ‘Truth being, they were usually used against me,’ she said and he sighed, nodding. No tiefling living could say they were never at least bullied with a horn push or pull. He still pressed a finger to the crown of her left horn, rubbing up lightly. It hurt a little, but a purr was brought through her throat. Rolan stopped touching her immediately.
‘Was that alright?’ He asked, completely red in the face. Zelphie felt her own skin burn and her happy tail fell and she felt it coil around her leg in embarrassment.
‘Yes, sorry, it felt nice,’ she said softly and Rolan nodded. He took a while to think about his next words and Zelphie bit her lip. She was about to wish Rolan a good night, but he spoke first.
‘I’ll get some oil for you, we’ll see if they just need a massage,’ he said and nodded.
‘Oh, you don’t need to,’ Zelphie told him and he smiled a little at her.
‘I’d like to,’ he said simply and turned on his heel. Zelphie noticed the happy curl of his tail as he left the room. He wasn’t going to be easily swayed off, that was for sure. Zelphie knew that, she meant what she had said, wizards were stubborn and Rolan was a prime example of that. He was stubborn, confrontational, proud and fiercely protective. Zelphie knew now that was probably the guilt he felt. The same guilt she felt when others took care of her. She understood him, and she would continue to not allow his blunt speech upset her. The truth was, she adored Rolan, just as she did Cal and Lia. And the other tieflings that she had grown so close to, Alfira, Lakrissa, Bex and Danis, all of them. The siblings were priority to her. They were good people, happy people, and people that deserved the world in her eyes. Even more so now. 
Zelphie walked to her new bed and sat down on it. The mattress was plush as anything she'd ever sat on. She giggled to herself, thinking of how she would get out of it in the morning. She touched the soft blanket, running her hands over it gently. What a difference, she’d never lived like this before. Her mind flashed to an idea of how her new housemates might have lived back in Elturel, its descent into Avernus. She shook her head, not wishing to let her drunk imagination run wild on that subject. She heard a loud crash outside and lifted herself off the bed. She walked to the balcony doors and opened them. Fireworks. Someone was shooting them off and she smiled. Rolan was right, the view was beautiful, she had a view of the river. She was a very lucky tiefling.
‘Exploring?’ A voice called from behind her. Zelphie turned around and smiled, seeing Rolan again, a little tincture in his hand. Her tail moved back and forth happily.
‘Someone is setting off fireworks,’ she said happily. Rolan smiled down at her and looked off as another few were set off.
‘Here I was, hoping you would get a good night’s rest,’ he said and walked past her to the edge of the balcony. ‘But, it’s the very least the city can do to celebrate its hero,’ he said and glanced back at Zelphie. She walked over and stood next to him.
‘Baldur’s Gate has many heroes,’ she corrected him and he gave her a sly little smirk. ‘At least one of them on this balcony,’ she said and gave him a playful nudge. He gave a proud little huff.
‘Oh please, that compliment cannot come from you. I wouldn’t even have had power the cannons gave you if not for you,’ he told her and she smiled. ‘Shall we?’ He asked her, nodding back inside. She followed him back into the room. Rolan sat on the bed and Zelphie sat on the floor in front of him, her back in between his legs. ‘Please tell me if this hurts,’ he told her and Zelphie closed her eyes, bracing for pain. Pain did not come. Starting at the crown of her horns, she felt his fingers gently glide. ‘When I was younger, I was bullied relentlessly. Other children had no issue grabbing me by my horns and pushing me around,’ he spoke and Zelphie opened one eye. ‘My horns very rarely went without being sore. This would always help,’ he continued and Zelphie closed her eyes again, relaxing. He had such a soft, low voice, very pensive. Between his voice and the massage, she would fall asleep like a brick. She leaned back, her purring continued and her tail coiled around Rolan’s leg. ‘It’s alright, right?’ He asked her and she nodded slowly.
‘Yes, you’re so good, Rolan,’ she said softly. She meant it. It felt wonderful. She had never been massaged before, not really, nothing like this. ‘You have a wonderful touch,’ she added. His fingers moved up her horn and she shuddered. It hurt a little, but the chills were worth the pain. Where did all of this gentleness and care come from?
‘Thank you,’ he said softly, very happy with the praise. It was not long into this lovely treatment that Zelphie leaned against Rolan’s leg and felt her aching body weigh heavy. ‘Such a simple thing to be taken care of, but it means the world, doesn’t it?’ He kept talking softly. Zelphie did not respond. She was still purring and her tail was still around his leg. ‘Zelphie?’ He called out softly. Nothing. She was asleep. Rolan froze for a second, not sure what to do. He moved a little and she stayed still. Rolan got off of the bed and shuffled away from Zelphie. It hadn’t taken very much to send her to sleep. She slumped up against the bed. Rolan pushed the blankets to the side and looked back at Zelphie. A strong transmutation spell would do the trick. Not that he liked using magic on an unconscious friend, but it was just to help her into bed. Slowly her body lifted off of the floor and he was able to drop her gently on the bed. He covered her with blankets and left. Zelphie slept the deepest sleep of her life that night, ready to take on what tomorrow would have brought.
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cookeybg · 2 months
Gotham Possesses
A cryptid Batfamily AU in which Gotham is the main character and follows its journey to consciousness as it follows its Bat and Birds. Chapters are short and a bit gloomy.
Main Characters: Gotham, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, The Joker (more characters pop up later, will add them then.)
No romantic relationships
Stuff to know: Cryptid Batfamily, grim, Melancholic mood, Angst, (let me know if I should add more tags)
Word Count: 584
[Here's my table of contents]
Chapter 7 - Gotham Transcends
She watched them swarm, at the behest of their white skinned jester whose hair was the same toxic color that painted her sewers. Born in a vat created by the corrupt, from the same poisonous liquid she tasted regularly. Whenever he appeared he stained her soil in the warmth of the living. Her Bat right behind him, protecting her, called him Joker.
And the jester would laugh.
A sound so chaotic, alluring, her attention captivated, ripped away from her Bat. Something in him resonated with the souls that walked her streets, that lived in her buildings, that wished for change. They would gather, hold him up and then recoil. He danced with her Bat unlike any other, fluid and unpredictable. His whispered thoughts, his actions, always directed towards her Bat. The jester needed him, loved him, loved her, wanted her changed. Her shadows played with the soundless song he wove. Enjoying their game.
Nightwing, her oldest bird went too far, in protection of the youngest, in reaction to the second. Her Bat had been gripped by something indescribable. Fear was at the forefront, determination followed closely. Her eldest bird sat hopeless, her youngest shocked. With rhythmic movements her Bat pounded his chest trying to bring him back. Her Bat could not, would not, let the jester die. Like with the others, she gave her Bat what he wanted, a helping hand. She plucked a bit of shadow and when her Bat cracked the Jester’s chest, she slipped in. Disoriented and confused he shot up, clutching at his chest, his laughter echoing, filling her with new sensation.
She had not known. She had been unaware.
She? …I?
I had not known?
The excuse fell flat. Ignorance did not justify the consequences of that night. What would transpire would be devastating. How would I have known that it was not love, what the jester felt.
It was love, but it was twisted. It was obsession but more consuming. It was jealousy, but it was sinister. He wanted my Bat. His full attention and our birds would, have, paid the price.
Later, bound and imprisoned, he spoke to the shadows. He spoke to me in sweet hushed tones. Disappointed that his plan had failed, regretful. I could feel the thrill run through me, from him, when I would inadvertently respond. A flicker here, a subtle movement there. He saw me, followed me with his mismatched eyes and when he could, he would grasp the tether, trying to pull me in. The jester was dangerous and now he was aware, his connection to me, to my Bat.
It was hard resisting, but I would not be swayed. He was not brought back because I wanted him, his life is held within the hands of my Bat. All he had to do was let me know and I would cut the string, let the jester collapse like a marionette. Though he did not know the power he held, though he did not speak to me directly, though I brought him nothing but torment. My Bat still had faith in me. Cared for me.
I settled on him, dark tendrils wrapping around his neck, adoringly watching him work. I watched him fight, watched him run ragged for me. I curled in tighter, burying myself in his back. I smiled at the feeling, a laugh escaping, unheard.
Gotham is me. I am Gotham and the Bat is mine, the jester an after thought.
I had finally, fully, awakened.
This one was difficult to write. I like the Joker as a villain but now he has a bit of Gotham in him, like the robins, and that cannot bode well. Also, why does the last bit sound menacing? This is where the story led me T_T
I'm afraid to follow the path, but I must march on.
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The Overlords Alastor Brought Down
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We know Alastor raise to power quickly and took out overlords that been dominate for centuries.
I strongly believe they are still alive. Never once when the youtube pilot or Amazon series, has said he killed them. Just they 'disappeared', 'gone missing' and Alastor was the cause and broadcasted their screams.
-Side note, it looked he only used his shadows to take them out. As in the Amazon series lore his shadow was heavy emphasized.
'So if they are alive, where are they?' you may be asking. Well, I think Alastor trapped their souls in a pocket dimension in one of his antique radios. The one centered with Alastor in this picture in the pilot. That radio was made sure to be part of that lore when the production team was considerably less to work with.
Then in the amazon series, That damn radio showed up in Alastor lore again. Dressed up more, adore with branches that look like antlers and leaves. That very radio was also hanging out on the coffee table in the beginning of episode 2. The show has peppered the existence of this same radio in the background. Looking unassuming despite it's more dressier style to be just any regular radio. I wonder if the radio will have a focus at one point if there is enough time.
Those screams Alastor broadcast, its not a recording but play live. The souls trap in a pocket dimension inside his tabletop radio. I also, think he can manipulate their voices to do the laugh track and such.
On another note but somewhat related...
He possibly try to make a deal with them. He couldn't convince the other overlords to sign their lives over in a deal to obtained their power. So in the classic, 'If you are not with me, your against me' He took their souls still in another way to gain their power. Possibly offer the deal again to own their souls to let them out of his radio when he actually need them. Who knows, this is all B/S im spitting out. I don't personally head canon this part as Alastor seem to offer deals, but he never forces it or pressure people into it. He appears to offer it and drop the matter when its declined.
What keeps me puzzled is how Zestial managed to escape the fate. It been pointed out hes been in power longer than the other overlords. Was he just that much more powerful than Alastor that Alastor was wise enough to not make an attempt? Alastor appear slightly on edge when Zestial met up with Alastor right before their overlord meeting.
Carmilla seem to be around before Alastor too and she seem to gotten a pass too. Alastor knew he couldn't go against angelic weapons?
Did Alastor met Rosie before his carnage in Hell and became friends so she got a pass?
I have a small headcanon why Alastor seem to 'spare' a few overlords. I mention in another post, I believe Alastor already sold his soul while alive in exchange for voodoo. Not fully realizing 'Hell is forever' would really entailed. That his body count from his murders also somehow benefit his master in Hell. (Roo? Signs point to Roo for me) So then he dropped, Alastor was still too useful and did a good job while alive so he was granted powers nearly immediately when he died which is unheard of. Which explains why he was so powerful so quickly.
He also was probably commanded to kill a bunch of overlords. His master wanted the chaos of the power vacuum while strategically place Alastor in power position while his master can pull the strings in the background unnoticed.
Just like in life, Alastor carefully selected his targets. He went for the overlords who seem to treat their contracted souls like shit. Carmilla, Zestail, and Rosie seem to treat their soul underlings with some level of respect. Alastor, being a contracted soul, appreciated that so he purposely did not sought after them.
He fulfilled his mission. Created a power vacuum temporarily, getting rid of old overlords that reign for centuries for new faces, while giving himself a reputation and a power position. It benefit him greatly. He left mostly to his own devices. Occasionally his chain his tugged but it was surprisingly far inbetween. But when it is tugged, its in a choking hold.
I really rambled off in the end. I been suffering from this terrible cold for about two weeks and my mind cant focus. I only really wanted to post about the souls trapped in Alastor radio but then I just kept going. Oh well. Hopefully all my thoughts and rambles was interesting.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Can we get a part 2 of Eldritch King Köing and summoner Horangi 🤭
Part 1
Horangi didn't notice anything different. At first. He had dreams of deep water, the stars surrounding him, being held by something thousands of times bigger than him. It felt like a hand cradled his body, a warmth surrounding him that he had never experienced. A tingling sensation across his skin that, while not pleasurable, was also not unpleasant.
However, that wasn't unheard of for invokers. Sometimes you summon something and your mind has a hard time with it. No big deal. He brushed it and the nickname off.
Horangi sat through a very boring meeting. All of the invokers in the area tried to meet up occasionally, just to warn each other of anything they summoned that may be problematic. He noticed his debtor were absent.
Did Koenig...
"Unfortunately," Calisto appeared next to him, "they were found foaming from the mouth, driven insane."
"Oh..." Yep. Koenig. He shuddered.
"Invoker Horangi." The meeting leader called on him. "Anything you need to report?"
Horangi hesitated. "Possibly." This was embarrassing more than anything.
"...possibly?" She looked confused.
"Uh... I tried to summon my patron. And I may have summoned... Koenig."
She laughed. "What?? What do you mean Koenig?"
Horangi blinked, not sure if he should be offended or not.
"Oh, you're serious." She looked startled. "By accident?? You summoned the King of the Deep by accident??"
"I mean... When was the last time someone attempted to summon him?"
"You don't! Are you sure it wasn't a thing pretending to be him?"
Horangi glanced at the empty seats. "So you see... I struck a deal... I just wanted money, but..."
She stared at the seats and everyone realized. "You didn't SPECIFY???"
"I did!! I just... apparently... didn't do it well enough."
She shook her head. "I swear Horangi, you're a criminal..."
Stiletto chipped in. "And you're... okay?"
"I've checked. No signs of madness, hidden knowledge or sacred geometry. Nothing out of the ordinary."
"What did you offer him?"
"He did it pro bono. He thought I was funny." Horangi lied. No one accepted it.
"Their souls? Your soul?"
"Eldritch beings don't care about souls."
"Fuck, you're right. Your body as a vessel of destruction?" Calisto turned to him.
Horangi sighed. "I had sex with him."
They went quiet before someone uttered a very quiet "what"
"He fucked me. I don't know man. It was good. He didn't stay the night afterwards."
"You..." Stiletto rubbed her temples. "That was your plan?"
"No! It was not! He asked!"
"I cannot... fucking believe this...."
Horangi shrugged.
"So how big was it?" Declan asked.
Horangi thought about it and they all leaned in. "It's fourth dimensional. I mean... It was huge but it didn't make sense. Pretty sure he had shrunk down for me. Very nice of him honestly. I doubt I could have ever walked again if he hadn't fixed me afterward."
"My gods... And you just survived... That's crazy."
Horangi hummed. "Are we done now?"
"Done?? You fucked the King of the Deep and that's all you got? What happened afterward?"
"He left! I don't know!"
Horangi threw his hands up. He didn't want to mention that Koenig had called him Gemahlin. It felt... too... much. Too intimate.
So Horangi found a way to wiggle away from them and then went home.
"You summoned me?"
Horangi almost jumped out of his skin and spun around to face him.
Koenig had, mercifully, transformed back into what he looked like afterwards. Human, but very large. Tentacles and shadows snaked along the walls. "My Gemahlin."
"Look... I think we may have... um..."
Koenig moved in front of him, those giant eyes captivating him. He grabbed his face, his skin burned slightly, but Horangi found he did not mind. "You spoke my name."
"I didn't expect you to notice. I..."
"Of course I would if its you." Koenig purred, his hands settling on Horangi's hips.
Horangi realized this may be a problem. "Look... I'm not ready for marriage."
Koenig stared at him.
"I mean... You call me your wife and I appreciate it, though I would prefer husband, but I'm not really looking for such a big commitment."
Koenig continued to stare and it was only occurring to Horangi now that telling a creature capable of destroying his entire universe he wasn't interested may be a bad idea.
"I... would be open... to..." Horangi said shakily. Fuck. Fuck. Oh no. He had just damned the entire world to-
"Oh!" Koenig said cheerfully. "You wish to be courted first?"
"Yep! That's what I meant!" Horangi smiled awkwardly. "I want to be courted first. You're a... being beyond my comprehension so I doubt you'd do that for something as... insignificant as me."
Koenig smiled at him and grabbed him. "I will court you."
Oh no.
"Ah... Thank you."
Koenig covered Horangi's eyes and removed his mask. Horangi winced as the cold air hit his face before a pair of unnaturally soft lips pressed to his. They were freezing and they burned at the same time, but it was... pleasant.
"My Gemahlin."
Horangi felt words sparking on his tongue. They wanted to get out and he felt the pressure in his throat like something really was trying to fight it's way out of his mouth. Fear and curiosity fighting in his brain.
He opened his mouth slightly and Koenig's tongue pushed in. Horangi almost fell to his knees, completely unprepared for how he'd taste. Ambrosia maybe? Nectar? He found himself pushing back, licking at Koenig's lips to get entry. Horangi's hands shakily found their place on his shoulders and what he assumed were Koenig's hands gripped his hips.
He did not dare to open his eyes, worried of what he would see. When Koenig pulled away, his thoughts scattered before he felt him kiss his cheek. And then his jaw. And then down his throat.
"What are you doing?"
"You called my name."
"I was telling my friends what happened."
The atmosphere became suffocating. The air around him started to grow thick like honey.
"You killed some people. Had to explain why."
"They threatened you."
"Koenig, I only asked for money." Horangi said softly and things started to wriggle under his clothing. They groped at his skin, leaving hickey sized bruises.
"Are you... unhappy with me?" Why did he sound anxious? As if Horangi's thoughts meant anything? If Koenig so pleased, he could reach in and scramble those thoughts. Pluck them out and crush them.
Horangi squeezed the flesh he was holding, finding that he didn't mind that it writhed. Instead, he found himself curious. "No. I can't find it in myself to care they died. However, I am... a little unhappy."
There it went again. The air felt like gravel to breath.
"Why?" Koenig whispered meekly.
"Because you have done so much to me and I haven't been allowed to do much to you." Horangi reached for him, touching him all over.
"And what do you want to do to me?" Koenig's voice did something odd. It vibrated more, bouncing off the walls. A version of being breathless.
Horangi grabbed one of the tentacles and pressed slightly, hearing Koenig keen. "you have to stay human or you'll burst my eardrums." He reminded gently.
Koenig melted slightly and he felt him nod against his skin. Horangi continued to tug and pinch at the tentacles, finding what felt good and what felt didn't. It was difficult, Koenig trying his best to stay as quiet as possible.
Sound suddenly disappeared and Horangi jerked, worried he had went deaf. Koenig's voice broke through. "Protecting your sanity again. I'll stop if you do something wrong."
Horangi nodded and continued his slow exploration. He felt Koenig arch and twist, pressing into his touch and also tried to escape it. With two of his senses down, it was a bit difficult and then he got idea. He tried to see where Koenig was the most sensitive, searching and leading his hands down. Eventually, Koenig got what he wanted and led his hands to a patch of smaller tentacles. Koenig trembled, the air vibrating around them with the slightest brush of Horangi's hand.
A God broken down so easily.
Horangi leaned down and lapped over. It tasted like Koenig's mouth which was great for Horangi. Maybe not so good for Koenig. He started to twirl the tentacles around his mouth and he had to grip the God to keep him from moving away.
In his head, Koenig's voice bounced around. "Horangi, Horangi, Horangi." He started to pinch and stroke the ones he didn't have his mouth.
Horangi slowly pulled away, feeling the strings of saliva connecting them.
"Do not tease me, Gemahlin." His voice commanded, still only in his head. More a giant thought than a real audible sound.
"What will you do if I keep teasing? I feel I deserve to tease you a little."
Koenig didn't get a chance to respond as Horangi sucked one of the tentacles hard. It felt so soft. Tasted divine.
"I... I am close..." Koenig grabbed his hair and tried to tug him away gently, but Horangi didn't let up. He felt him shudder but there was no release like a human. Just a pleasant warmth over Horangi's tongue. Horangi pulled back and his hearing returned.
Koenig's voice broke into his thoughts. "I have never... done that before. It felt very pleasant."
Horangi hummed and got up, planning to just ignore his own erection. Koenig wasn't about to do that though. He undid Horangi's clothing and took his cock out of his pants
"Too many teeth for me to do what you did." Instead, something slick wrapped around him, stroking him. Horangi moaned loudly and immediately started to wiggle. It felt so nice. The pleasure wasn't nearly as overwhelming as before.
Koenig kissed all over his skin. Along his inner thighs and his throat and down his back, despite being pressed against him.
Horangi came all over himself. Koenig hummed. "You taste... nice."
Horangi blushed and tried to pull away, but he picked him up. Koenig took him to bed, laying him down. "I will court you in the morning."
"Why do you like me so much?"
"I don't know. You're not that different from other humans. But something about you... draws me in."
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aspoonofsugar · 3 months
Could you analyse ‘Insane’ (the Alastor song by his original voice actor) with the added context of the show itself?
Hello anon!
Thank you for recommending the song, I had yet to listen to it!
That said, I don't really know if there is much to analyze, as the song was written before the series. It seems mostly a fun way to characterize Alastor. It gives you some vibes about who he is, rather than exploring his arc or giving hints about the future. In the end, it is pretty coherent with Alastor's superficial demeanor, which is rooted in his enjoyment of violence and power.
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In any case, I would say the most interesting part is this:
Wait a minute, do I know you? Weren't you an old pal of mine? Departed from us far too early But now we're meeting a second time We used to have such fun together And maybe you have what I need But first, I have one tiny question Tell me, do you demons bleed?
It might foreshadow some kind of future character since none of Alastor's current aquaintances fit. It is implied he meets Husk and Vox in Hell and the lines do not fit his dynamic with Mimzy. Of course, it might also be generic, but it is still interesting.
In general, I would say the main message of the song is that he likes Hell and refuses redemption, which is more or less what we learn about him from the pilot. It is also highlighted by Alastor's own reprise of Charlie's song:
Inside of every demon is a lost cause, ha But we’ll dress 'em up for now with just a smile (Wicked smile) And we’ll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair And show these simpletons some proper class and style (Class and style) Oh, here below the ground, I’m sure your plan is sound They’ll spend a little time down at this Hazbin Ho—
What's interesting about the Radio Demon so far is that he doesn't really have his own song. Rather, he likes to "steal" others':
Alastor: Can you butt out of my song? Lucifer: Your song? I started this!
As a matter of fact Alastor:
Takes Charlie's Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow and twists it into Inside of Every Demon is a Lost Cause
Takes over Vox's Stayed Gone song and uses it against the TV Demon himself
Tries to make Lucifer's song his, but Mimzy comes and takes over herself
He also has small parts in other songs, where he sings unheard by the protagonist of the scene:
He sings with Rosie (and to himself) in Ready for This, while Charlie is distracted
He sings alone in the Finale, while the Hotel Crew is all together
Why is there such a stylistic choice when it comes to his character? The reason is quite simple. As I have discussed here, Alastor is everyone's Jungian Shadow. This means that he embodies what other characters repress. He is Charlie's fear to fail, Lucifer's sense of inadequacy as a father, Vox's unsolved feelings. So, he either takes over the characters' songs as they fail to face these hidden emotions or he sings unheard, because they are not even ready to aknowledge some parts of the self.
This also ties with Alastor's radio motif. After all, what is a radio if not a technology that "captures" people's voices and songs?
Mimzy: No one knew what happened to 'em, until these strange radio broadcasts started going out. All you could hear were screams. Every time an overlord went missing, there'd be a new voice screaming in the broadcast! That's when Alastor revealed himself as the radio demon, and anyone that would mess with him… chuckles well, let's just say, his broadcasts never lacked new voices.
Alastor grows in power by defeating Overlords and broadcasting their screams. So, he takes others' voices and makes them louder (in a bad way). In the series, he has a similar double role:
He takes over others' voices by hijacking their songs or twisting their messages
He makes and will make other people's voices stronger (in a good way). For example, he is gonna amplify Charlie's voice and message:
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At the same time, Alastor himself uses the radio to hide his own voice, which is constantly filtered:
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The moment his staff gets broken, Alastor shows his real voice, his real self for a short moment. His mask cracks.
So, Alastor not having his own song is actually much more meaningful for his character than having one. It shows how he likes manipulating others and their insecurities, so he doesn't have to truly show who he is:
Alastor: Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what is going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing and ensures tha no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control.
He is the radio demon, a jungian shadow who steals and twists others' music, so that he can hide his voice behind others' words.
In conclusion, I don't think the Insane song is very meaningful (I might be wrong or change my mind), but I think there is much to analyze in Alastor's lack of a song. Moreover, his parts in the song he invites himself are actually loaded with meaning. His foiling with Charlie, Lucifer and Vox tells a lot about Alastor, much more than any solo song :)
Thank you for the ask!
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max-nico · 9 months
Sonic World Building Headcanons
For the soul
Any fic of mine that you read uses all or almost all of these Headcanons btw
Covering your hands and feet is the equivalent of covering yourself for decency. It's taboo to talk about what someone's hands look like if you've seen them before
Fingerless gloves give the same vibe as micro skirts and sheer tops with nothing underneath
All (or at least most) Mobians/anthropomorphic animals start off showing a lot more animalistic traits. For example, young children might sniff each other in greeting or get territorial over their bedroom or house
Children who go to school get taught to use their "grown up instincts" and essentially get trained to be "normal"
There are Mobians who are outliers of course, Knuckles for example grew up secluded on a floating island. Over the years he's learned how to fit in better with the general populace but he still comes off as very naive, or not mentally developed (I probably should just say what autistic look like to neurotypicals huh)
Shadow would be an even more extreme example since he's literally an alien
Because of this, kids aren't allowed to move up a grade if they're smart enough to test out, like Tails. If they did that, they would miss crucial developmental skills specifically targeted toward their instincts
Different types of Mobians need different types of diets. For example, spider Mobians can't have mint period. Whether artificial or real. Unless they had been fed little bits of mint at a young age to build up the immunity by the time they reach adulthood
In the comforts of their own home most Mobians fall back on their animalistic traits. Like cat types purring in the sunlight or bird types preening their feathers
It's rude to refer to people as their species. Not like, super offensive, just rude. (Ex. Shadow refers to Sonic as "hedgehog")
Most Mobians aren't one type of animal, most are mixed between two or more. For example, someone mixed with a jackal and a raccoon. Which one they get referred to depends first on appearance, so sometimes children don't get classified until three or four. If they truly look like a 50/50 split between the two species then they get DNA testing done and are referred to as whichever one is higher
The village Tails comes from is a small village completely comprised of Mobians from the canidae family, small villages being completely one animal family is regular, but cities being this way is unheard-of
Sonic is a famous hero and does have a heavily filled bank account. Not because he asked of course, but because of public outrage when he off handedly mentioned he doesn't get paid for saving the world
Off topic, but Tails manages the bank account because he uses the most of the money. Inventions aren't cheap. Any bills they have are on auto pay so they don't worry about them.
Most Mobians are left handed
Okay, I don't really like humans in the Sonic world. If I had my way the Robotniks would be robins, Maria would be a mixture of hedgehog and bird in a way that's off putting to Mobians but we would think looks cool, that being said she'd be classified as a hedgehog
Anyway, this is not the case and humans do exist. In my head there're three different planets, one with humans, one with Mobians, and one with humans + Mobians
That being said, I think space travel isn't a super regular thing for Mobians to do but it's not unheard of. It's probably just super expensive if anything
Aliens are still fucking crazy to them tho
Some companies/governments (like GUN) span across two or more planets
There's generally a lot of animosity between Mobians and humans but in like a modern day racism (specism??) way and it is not the Mobians fault
Money also works differently Mobians (don't ask me how it works tho I got no fucking clue man), and a lot of the time Mobians just exchange favors for favors
Character Headcanons pertaining to world building
Reiterating: Sonic is famous and gets money transferred to his(read Tails') bank account. Tails village is full of dingos, foxes, jackals, wolves, coyotes, even some dogs.
Most of Sonic's friends are pretty loaded tbh. Obviously team rose, team dark, and team Sonic make the most money, but you know.. details
Very few things tip people off to Shadow being an alien. Like yeah he has canines but he might just be mixed species? He's right handed but some people just are so that's normal. Yeah he might hiss in public but you don't know his life. Maybe he can't control it.
I headcanon Amy as a hedgehog/echidna mix, but she simply looks more like a hedgehog in the face and body, but her quills are what really give her mixed heritage away (I am projecting)
Depending on which continuity you're looking at, Sonic was taught to control his instincts either from an orphanage, his uncle, his mom, or some secret 4 thing I'm forgetting.
He doesn't teach Tails about the whole instincts thing, but Tails has always been in a rush to grow up. He's smart and observant, he's the king of repressing them instead of learning at a slow and more natural pace that won't hurt him in the long run
Cream and Amy are the most socially competent by a longshot. Rouge could be if she, first of all, didn't spend so much time with Shadow and Omega, and also didn't find it funny to act like she does.
Okay, that's it for now. If I think of more I'll reblog the post with another headcanon, otherwise please add your own. I love headcanons, please let me add them to my arsenal. You're welcome to message me or go to my asks box as well as long as your nicest to me <3
I'm eventually going to do a post detailing what I think social media is like in the Sonic world.
If you have any headcanons put them in the tags, reply, or my ask box ! Any character you want me to focus on ? Message me, or hit my ask box ! Suggestions are always welcome .
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
AH YES tumblr finally let me send an ask!!! it kept crashing on me whenever I tried :')
Anyways a request! Can I get the dad squad all talking about their respective Links? Maybe sharing a little about their varying relationships to them? <3
-Sky Floor
(@nancyheart11 @smilesrobotlover @mad-navi have some Dad Squad :D)
A comfortable fire crackled merrily, making light dance in patterned delight, pushing the darkness away. It cast heavy shadows on the Fierce Deity as he watched the other men eat the fish he'd caught, and Abel finally raised an eyebrow at him.
"Do you ever eat?" the former knight asked.
"I require very little sustenance," the deity answered.
Rusl and Abel exchanged a glance and shrugged, both about to return to their own food when the mystical warrior's stomach growled loudly. Both men looked at him, waiting for an acknowledgement of the obvious.
When nothing happened, Rusl spoke up. "...I believe your stomach is telling you it's time for that sustenance, friend."
The deity blinked. "Is... that what that sensation is?"
Abel and Rusl once again exchanged glances, this time practically screaming how the hell is this man still alive. The more Abel learned about this mysterious deity the less he understood.
Fierce hummed to himself, grabbing one of the fish from the perch where it had been roasting over the fire. With a mumbled apology to the captain (since when did Fierce know Abel had been a captain?), he tore into the fish with fangs that were unnervingly large at such a close vantage.
"Forgive my curiosity, but..." Rusl started off, and Abel immediately leaned away from the pair in a reflexive response. He was just as curious as the Ordonian, but he was far more used to keeping his mouth shut no matter his thoughts on a matter. Apparently blacksmiths from simple farming communities had no such scruples. "How do you know how to fish? Your title and your skills, well, lean more towards fighting than pastimes."
The deity munched slowly on his food, staring seemingly at the fish for a moment before he swallowed. "I learned from Link."
This was another matter that confounded Abel. It wasn't unheard of for multiple boys to be named Link - it was a popular name, one drenched in the mythology of their people, of heroes and monsters and goddesses. But for a deity to be looking for someone named Link... it made Abel leery. Was Fierce searching for his son?
Abel wished things just made sense. Nothing had been normal since the calamity. He and Tilieth had finally gotten into an uneasy peace on the plateau before that had been shattered.
"So, Link is your... son...?" Rusl tried to ask as tactfully as possible.
The Fierce Deity blinked. "I don't have offspring."
"Link isn't biologically my son, either, but he's still my son," Rusl clarified.
Fierce's head swiveled to Abel, an unspoken question in his tilted eyebrow. Abel was fairly certain he was simply asking if the former knight's Link was his biological son or not, but there was still that hint of unease that the deity was actually looking for his Link. Abel wasn't sure he wanted to reveal the truth of the matter.
He couldn't fathom why he was so mistrusting of someone who had clearly prove that they were both as otherworldly as they claimed to be and was also acting on his behalf. But... well... he didn't trust easily anymore.
Besides, there were so many things that didn't add up.
"What's your relationship with Link?" Abel finally asked, pushing past his old habit of keeping his head down around authority figures. It wasn't as if Fierce had asserted his power to either of the men, anyway. Mostly.
"Link is... a Hero of the Goddesses," Fierce answered slowly, as if he himself were choosing his words carefully. Abel felt like he simultaneously wanted to laugh and groan at it. It seemed they all had things to hide. But his phrasing also snagged at Abel's mind, making him stiffen. So the deity was looking for his boy. He'd never heard of him, though! "He is pure hearted and I chose to protect him."
"So you're his guardian?" Rusl surmised.
The deity tipped his head. "Yes. He is very young. He is capable as a fighter, but incapable in many basic mortal aspects. I do what I can to assist him in battle and in any other way possible, time willing."
Abel narrowed his eyes. This was... making even less sense.
"My Link is a sweet boy," Rusl said, leaning back and staring into the fire with a gentle smile. "He's a ranch hand. Or, well, he was, before he was dragged into destiny's greater affairs. He's a restless young man now. But his heart is still pure and gentle. He hardly needs my help in a fight, but I still try to assist him."
Before he was dragged into destiny's greater affairs? "Is--was your son a knight?"
Rusl looked at him, a little confused. "No. He worked on the ranch. I taught him sword fighting, though."
Then what was...? Actually, that brought up another question. "Yes, about that. You're a blacksmith, and I understand blacksmiths know a little of sword fighting so they can craft well. But you fight like a warrior, not someone who learned basic handling to better understand a weapon."
Rusl's smile pulled more at one side than the other. "Oh, I've had a few jobs in my life."
"Clearly," Abel quipped, dropping the topic. It wasn't worth poking him about it. He just needed to piece things together, little by little.
"What about your Link?" Rusl prompted.
"He's my flesh and blood," Abel answered simply, dropping the subject and looking at Fierce. "So, you learned to fish from the child you're protecting?"
"He knew a little of fishing, yes," Fierce replied, tossing the remains of his fish into the fire. It snapped loudly as it burned through fat and bone. "I perfected the method. It's surprisingly relaxing."
"Well, you are certainly good at it," Rusl muttered.
Abel looked away, pondering the situation. Link didn't know how to fish, not like Hylians did. He learned from the Zora, which usually consisted of attempting to chase them down and catch them by hand. Zora were clearly much better at it--and used nets, but that detail never seemed to deter Link--but his boy still tried, despite his Hylian capabilities, or lack thereof, in the water. The Fierce deity didn't catch fish in that manner.
"Yes," Abel said quietly, thoughtfully, before reaching for another fish and holding it out to the deity. "And you caught plenty of them. So eat."
"I ingested one, that should be suffici--"
"Eat," both Rusl and Abel emphasized at the same time. Hylia only knew how this mythical person had survived this long, honestly.
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jesuisstay · 1 year
Chan x bestfriend!Reader
Angst but then so cute and fluff I once again just wanted to hurt my own feelings Enjoy babes!
His figure was outlined in shadows on the couch, which normally would be terrifying but you had sensed it come. How could you not? You had barely spoken all week, something completely unheard of. When you went to dinner as a group, you chose to sit at the table with the younger boys as opposed to the one with Chan. It had thrown a myriad of looks across the table, you did your best just to bat them off like you couldn’t see them.
You weren’t waiting for him in the hallway when your classes let out. No foot tapping or hip jutting as you wait for him to wrap up conversation with his professor.
A stranger now filled the space he did on the subway, pressing you uncomfortably against other as you attempted to make yourself as small as possible. Your security blanket of him was gone.
But he knew the code to your apartment and the door man knew him. It was only matter of time until he took this into his own hands. Well more than then just calling and texting constantly.
You stop in your tracks, taking your time to put your items away before going to meet him in the living room.
“I think that you should have at least given me a heads up if you were gonna take it this far.”
“Oh would you actually answer that one, Y/N?” He stood up to see you, but the tense windup in his shoulders beat all the spite in his words before he had even turned to face you.
“No. You’re not throwing this back at me Christopher! You're not the one who gets upset right now.”
“Well when my best friend in the world cuts all communication from me and acts like I don’t exist, I think it calls for a more extreme approach.” Best friend, the words slapped you in the face harder than they had for the past months.
“I LET YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! I POURED MY HEART OUT TO YOU! I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING. Every happy thing, everything that hurt me, anything that scared me. I'll tell you what I get in return.” Your finger jabbed at him, poking his chest as you strode towards him in your anger.
“I heard that sample Changbin was playing, saying that you all were going to use it to make something huge. MY LYRICS CHRISTOPHER. YOU TOOK MY LYRICS WITHOUT EVEN TELLING! JUST TO TRY AND PITCH IT TO SOME MAJOR COMPANY TO MAKE A BIG BUCK.”
The anger from his face dropped immediately. Smack him, smug bastard. Your stomach revolted a bit with your mind thinking that. But you won’t lie that your heart was okay with the idea.
“Y/N, please just let me explain-“ He reached forward, attempting to hold your arm before you yank back, placing the coffee table between the two of you.
“I don’t think that there is anything you can say to make this better, Chris. What I want is for you to just leave me alone right now.”
“Y/N please,” You couldn’t even look him in the eye. You knew that would be your downfall. If you looked in those big brown eyes of his, it would all be over. 
You’d run back to his arms and forgive him. You’d go on living the rest of your life with guilt digging at the wound.
You turn away, not really wanting to leave your own apartment, but you just need to be away.
“IT’S A SONG FOR YOU! THE BOYS WERE HELPING ME PUT IT TOGETHER AS GIFT.” You could hear the desperation in his voice as you slipped a shoe on.
“I was gonna use it to confess to you.” You stopped dead, shoes slipping out of your hands. The crash of it hitting the floor was deafening in the apartment.
You could hear his footsteps coming closer to you, your heartbeat picking up with each step. Thoughts start catching pace with your heartbeat, only silenced by his hand on your shoulder.
“What do you mean to confess? You went on like three dates with Sana last month?!”
“I helped Sana with some tracks while we ate dinner. It’s actually very stressful and also very inefficient which is why it took three separate nights.”
“You canceled one of our movie nights for that,” You turned to him slowly, keeping your eyes level with his chest to avoid what puppy eyes he was probably giving you.
“And then we spent the entire next day together down by the river, we sat and watched everyone else. Then when you fell asleep on my lap, I knew I didn’t have the option but to confess.”
“You had these petals in your hair, they kept floating down and landing on you. I let them stay there for a second or two until I moved them. I didn’t want your allergies to start acting up. But with you just laying there, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep this to myself anymore.”
“Anymore?” His fingers touch your chin. You breathe in deeply, prepping to look at him as he tips your head upwards.
“Y/N, my darling, my dear. My best friend in the whole world. I’m completely in love with you. And I think I’ve been in love with you since I first met you.”
You chuckle a little bit. “I wouldn’t think that me lurching into someone on the subway is the most romantic thing in the world. Surely not something that invokes love at first sight.”
“Maybe not, but I’m happy that our souls meet that way. That we met and they decided to never untie from each other.”
“I’m happy that our souls decided that too
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whorangi1104 · 4 months
Ghoap AU: Frozen Hearts and Electric Souls
Chapter 5: Tea
(I didn’t update last week so y’all can have this a day early)
Shite. Soap’s face burned as he turned around and saw his lieutenant looming over him, probably the very last person he’d like to find searching their room, and a crash came from under the bed where he was looking.
“Uh, how ye doing, LT?”
“The fuck are you doing in my room?”
“Well, Cheeto ran out and went through yer cat flap, and-” *Another crash came from under the bed.
“I see. Can you not get him out?”
“He’s really far in there, and I can’t reach him.”
Soap watched as Ghost sighed and lay down on the ground, reaching under the bed and gently pulling out the reluctant prowler and handed him to Soap. looks like long arms really help in this situation. 
“Thanks, Simon.”
“Don’t call me that, sergeant.”
“Sorry sir.”
“Anything else you need, or are you done invading my room?”
“I’m finished here, sir.”
“Then you may go.”
Soap left his lieutenant's room, to see Gaz leaning against the wall a few feet away with a harpy eagle on his shoulder, grinning at him.
“You went into the lieutenant’s room, and you came out perfectly fine. Told you he’d warm up to ya.”
Soap snorted, “he paid me a visit and threatened me for lying, that’s called being warmed up to?”
“Don’t sweat it, he investigates all the recruits he has to interact with, it’s normal procedure for him by now.”
“Great, it’s real comforting that he’s got all our files memorized.”
Gaz snickers, “Well, I actually came for you to meet my prowler, Zephyr. She’s a harpy eagle.”
“Does she ever fly off?”
“Rarely, and usually only for a good reason, so she hangs around with me most of the time.”
“Does she get along with… felines?”
“Some of ‘em. Just hope for the best.”
“Yeah, my cheetah prowler is Cheeto.”
Gaz looks down at the cheetah in Soap's arms, and raises an eyebrow with a smirk, “A tiny Cheeto Puff you’ve got there, I see.”
Soap chuckles, “Maybe I should make that his last name.”
“Yeah maybe you should.”
Ghost checked his emails and found one with specifications on the next mission in Mexico. They were going to enlist the help of a local team along with Shadow Company, since there had supposedly been over 65 attacks by the ‘Apollyon prowlers’ as they were being called. The surprising thing was, even with so many attacks, there was little information. Appearance: blurred darkness. Speed: unknown. Size: changeable. Destruction power: limits unknown. Type: | Shadow / Mythical / Soul / Mind / Absorption / Control / Matter / Multiply / Illusion / Mystery / Shifting / Possibly More | Ghost had never seen a singular prowler with so many assets, the most basic prowlers had one, as with 78% of all prowlers, while only 13% of prowlers had 2-3, and 8.9% 4-5, and 0.1% with more. This was unheard of, even with the ability to add assets on a prowler through a difficult and long process which often took over half a century. Victims of the Apollyons were found either dead yet perfectly untouched, living as a shell of themselves, or vanished completely. No blood was ever found at the sites, the only trace left behind by the Apollyons were the cold air that they were surrounded by. Ghost considered this information, unable to connect it to any sort of leads to why they had suddenly appeared, or how the hell they were even supposed to dispose of them. What they might need was a light gifted to combat the shadow, but light only shines so far, and he didn’t know any such people anyways. His thoughts wandered to Johnny, electricity and light were similar enough, and electric bursts were more powerful than light. The fuck Shadow Company was gonna do he didn’t know, but Johnny was something, and maybe the Mexican forces could be enough. He pondered for hours before seeing that it was 1650, and went to the kitchen to make tea, where he coincidentally saw Roach, their animal gifted, also preparing his own cup with his lion prowler, Simba.
Ghost grabbed his cup from the cabinet and started filling a kettle with water, “Hello Roach.”
Roach got the tea leaves and honey, nodding in acknowledgement.
Ghost boiled the water and poured it into their cups, while taking a spoonful of honey and dissolving it into his tea. He scratched behind Simba’s ears and sat down at an empty table, rolling up his mask to his nose to enjoy his tea, 1700 on the dot. Roach sat at another table with Gaz and Price, listening in to their conversation. The sound of a chair scraping against the floor was heard as the chair opposite him was pulled out, then occupied by the new sergeant. 
“Having some five-o-clock tea, are ye?”
“Best part of the day.” Ghost eyed Soap’s drink, “Can’t say I like coffee as much though.”
“I’d say the same fer yer tea, ye fucking brits.”
“My tea doesn’t taste like shit, for one.”
“Oi! Me coffee don’ taste like shite, ay dinnae call yer tea shite tae yer face, dae ay?”
“English, Mactavish.”
“Go fuck yer tea, coffee’s great.”
“To you Scots.”
“An the res’ o’ the fuckin’ world, ye sulkin’ bastard.”
Ghost resisted the urge to roll his eyes and went back to enjoying his tea while Johnny discussed his thoughts and theories on the upcoming mission, most of which Ghost had already considered, but it was good to hear it from another perspective. Since they weren’t informed if the Mexican forces had prowler, Ghost spent most of the time listening to speculations about what kinds of prowlers they might have, including- 
“a taco lizard, why not?”
“Johnny, that’s not an animal.”
“My ma said if ay didn’t finish my food, a lizard would steal it. Legends and myth class, ya know.”
“There’s no taco lizard legend.”
“Said who? Ye an expert on legends and myths now are ye?”
“What do you even call it?”
“A taco lizard?”
“A walking taco.”
“...please no.”
“knock knock.”
“That’s an order, sergeant.”
“...who’s there?”
“Interrupting ghost.”
“Interrupting ghost who?”
“...wow. This just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it.”
“Feeling stressed? Make a nice, big cup of hot tea. And use your enemies as a tea bag.”
“...what the fuck?”
“you know my dad is in the garden.”
“You’ll have to dig to find him though.”
ending on a happy note 😊
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