#also me: gets this in the mail and it telling on my ass so hard
edrurysz · 2 months
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OOC. questionable financial decisions were made ...
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sweetnans · 3 months
"You know, for the past few days, I expected to see you sooner than later but It never came to my mind seeing you sitting here in the couch of my vacation home wearing flip flops and swimsuit briefs"
Katsuki was no fool when it came to you.
"What are you doing?" He asked, leaning with his arms into his knees.
"Washing my clothes?" You were dumbfounded by his question when he was watching you closely.
"Uh-uh no, you know what I mean"
You rolled your eyes. There wasn't really a way out of this. Bakugo had known you since you were little toddlers running in the mud and getting bruises and scratches, he knew you like the palm of his hands.
"Fine" You sat in front of him and played with your naked fingers. Yeah, you took off your engagement ring after you ran off your own wedding.
"I'm fucking listening, brat"
A man of patience.
"I didn't want to get married in the first place" you blurted out lifting a heavy weight of your chest. "I solely started to hate him in the process and I thought, hey, that's not cool"
"You sound exactly like Kirishima, disgusting" he rolled his eyes but you knew what he was doing, trying to make everything more bearable for you with his twisted and weird humor.
"I just, I love him really but it's not the quite of love when you see a person and feel all these explosions and you feel that you might be torn apart because of them, breaking down in a meltdown of hearts and flowers and-and confetti" you stuttered. "I know it's lame but, I really think that's what love should feel"
Oh, you just hit the nail. Poor him, he came all the way from Musutafu to Okuto Island to be there for his best friend but instead, he was there watching you describe all his feelings for you.
"Well if you don't feel like that when it comes to that bastard then that's it. You can force it" he shrugged.
Let's face it. He was happy to see you so chill about you splitting something that almost lasted what? four years? but, he was also happy that you didn't get married.
When you told him the news, he felt torn, but he shook the feeling right away to be by your side. When you didn't show up at the church, he couldn't help but feel the happiness rising up in his body.
It wasn't so hard to find you. The first thing that he did was use the spare key you gave him of your apartment and went through your stuff. It was classic you, always leaving tracing marks wherever you go. He found your apartment neat, so he thought that probably the fact that you ran off was something premeditated.
He found the receipts of your plane tickets when he snoop through your mail, and it clicked. He needed to see you.
"I guess you're right." You sighed and clapped your hands in your knees. You stood up to move closer to him and sit by his side. "Anyway, thanks for coming all the way here"
"Of course," he said and felt bold enough to add. "You've always been my girl, and I'll back you up any day of the week, no question asked"
"I'll pack my things so we can go back." You wiggled your toes and caught him staring at your weirdness, you let a laugh.
"Hah? Nah, that won't do. They won't give me back the days I asked to get here, " he said nonchalantly.
"Days? You mean-what? Bakugo Katsuki, are you telling me that you are willingly taking your days off? For me??" You laughed at him, but in a good way, he smirked at you, kicking your feet like a little child.
"Yeah yeah shithead, whatever, let's enjoy this little shack you got." he pressed his big ass hand in your mouth to keep your laughs quiet.
"There's only one bed, tho." You quirked a brow at him, but he just shrugged you off.
"Tch, like we never had shared a bed before," he rolled his eyes. "Now come on, I want to get in the fucking ocean and hopefully get bit by a shark so I can howitzer it to the moon"
"You're joking right now, Have you ever heard of meditation?" you stumbled through his giant feet, and he pushed you. You completely lost your balance but miraculously stayed still. "Oh fuck off you psycho"
"Ha-ha, you think you're funny, don't you?" He followed you, grabbing his suitcase to leave it in your room while you stretched yourself to get the towels.
"I am fucking funny you asshole" you poked your tongue out and threw the towels at his face.
The beach was just perfect. The sun glistening in your face, leaving you with sunkisses marks that would last for a few months, giving you the ideal tan that everyone in your agency will envy. Bakugo was at your side, skin dried after he made a run towards the ocean, trying to catch a fight with any animal or kid that would get on his way. He was resting with a magazine on his face because the sun hurt his eyes.
You took a peek at him, and the memories flooded in your brain. The first time his mom introduced you to play with the only kid that was alone. You remembered thinking how that was possible, well, after he tackled you and put your face in the ground, you knew. After that, and because you punched him in the gut, you were inseparable. You remembered you two walking to school in the morning and then studying together in your house in the afternoon. You remembered when you two got in UA and how excited he was even though he didn't demonstrate it. You remembered graduating by his side and the hangover after you went partying with your shared friends, how he took care of your drunk ass, even though he was drunk too. The nostalgia invaded you, but it felt like it was more than just that.
"You know, I know we don't say this very often," you said while taking off the magazine of his face to make him look at you, "but I love you, Katsuki."
He pretended to gag. He felt things on the pit of his stomach, and it only made it worse the fact that you, for the first time, didn't add the "as a friend" part.
"You are making me sick," he murmured, putting the magazine all over his face again to hide the redness in his cheeks.
"Say it back, you bastard," you screamed at him, tickling his ribs, which was still his weak point.
The gremlin spatted your hand away and then took both of your hands in one of his, locking them behind his head in the sand. The sudden movement made you squeak and land on his perfect and toned abs.
"You damn bastard, let me go!" You tried to release your hands from his grip, but it was useless. "At least tell me you love me too"
He loved you more than anything.
"Over my dead body." he closed his eyes and ignored you, completely zoning off your attempts to get your hands back and to avoid being laid on top of him.
"You're going to pay"
"I wanna see you try," he mocked you pinching your hips.
The thought of having other feelings for your best friend scared the shit out of you, but you knew, deep down, that maybe after seeing him caring so deeply for you, maybe just maybe, the feeling was something mutual.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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zepskies · 2 years
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Paring: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Summary: You’re not a supe. You’re breakable. Soldier Boy sometimes forgets that.
AN: A more reformed Soldier Boy (AU post-season 3) has to come to terms with his strength.
Word Count: 1,000
Warnings: 18+ only for nudity. Also language and fluff.
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“What the fuck is this?” he asks. 
You’re still half-asleep, because Ben had been absently stroking a thumb across your back. He sits up against the headboard of the bed you so often share, already drinking a cup of coffee. He looks damn-near domestic…
Until he actually looked down at the bruises peeking out at him from beneath the sheets. He sets down his mug and pushes the sheets down.
He then stares at the marks that litter your back, waist, hips, and ass. You shoot him an annoyed look at being bared so early in the morning.
“What’re you doing?” you ask.
He manhandles you just firmly enough to turn you over so he can see your face—out from where it had been buried in your pillow. Despite yourself, you greet his annoyingly handsome face. It's covered with neatly trimmed stubble, and with the back of your hand you touch his cheek in affection. He pushes it away.
“You got something to tell me?” he says, more of a demand than a question. “Answer me. What the fuck happened here?”
He gestures at a prominent dark-bluish mark on the inside of your thigh. You sigh and give him a patient look (and that is an effort in itself).  
“Nothing,” you reply. A cheeky smile starts to play at your lips, but Ben’s brows furrow in irritation. He knows you’re messing with him, and he doesn’t appreciate it.
“You work at a damn desk. Unless you’re getting nailed by the mail guy—”
“Get fucking serious, Ben.” You dismiss that with a roll of your eyes. He tilts his head at you. His mouth works, and his gaze becomes suspicious. But you notice an edge of worry behind his eyes.
Has someone hurt you? Threatened you?
It hasn’t been the first time the latter had happened. Even though Soldier Boy was officially pardoned and now works as a contracted ally with Supe Affairs, he still has plenty of hated enemies. It doesn’t help that you also work in the thick of it—running surveillance for the team.
So you decide to put him out of his misery.
“You really don’t remember?” you ask wryly.
At Ben’s raised brow, your lips quirk at the corner.
“You don’t remember two days ago? When you met me at my office for lunch, which consisted of you rudely sweeping all my hard work to the floor and ultimately breaking my new desk?”
Realization lights up Ben’s face, and his mouth edges into a smirk.
“We were breaking it in,” he corrects you.
Good times, he thinks, before another, less fun realization hits him: his hands are responsible for the patchwork quilt of bruises that litter your skin.
And he remembers, yet again, that he has the very real capacity to hurt you.
You notice how he takes pains to be gentle, slowly brushing the back of his hand across your thigh.
“It’s not the first time,” you remind him.
“It could be the last,” he reminds you. Your face doesn’t change.
You won’t take compound V. Not for him. Not for anyone.
But with shit like this, he wonders why you stay with him. 
“It’s good for you to remember your own strength,” you say, only half-teasing. He turns away from you.
Ben grumbles, “You wanna gamble with your fucking life, that’s up to you.”
You shake your head.
“Don’t do that.” You lean on his shoulder from behind and caress his back—smooth of any scars. You can’t help but prod at him again. “Real men don’t sulk.”   
He shoots you a look over his shoulder. You giggle at his green-eyed annoyance.
The truth is, you make it difficult for him not to care. Not to be a softer man. 
He fucking hates soft. 
But…just for you, he could do it. Just a little.
He closes his hand over yours, which rests on his chest. 
“Sorry,” he says. His voice is deep and holds the weight of his sincerity. That one word also encompasses how much progress his relationship with you has made.
Instead of answering, you kiss his shoulder, the back of his neck. He turns around and strokes your cheek, knowing from your eyes that you don’t hold anything against him. 
“You don’t have to treat me like a porcelain doll, but I don’t need to look like a checkerboard either,” you tease. 
Ben rolls his eyes and slides his arms under you, pulling your naked body onto his bare chest and making you squeal. You meet his eyes as his hand soothes down your back.
“How about this,” he says. “Come up with a safe word.”
You laugh. “We already have one.”
“That’s for other shit,” Ben says, grinning. “Let’s have one just for this. Whenever you wanna remind me to tone it down.”
His hands are careful when they grasp a non-aching portion of your hips. You look down on him fondly, and you consider his suggestion.
“Hmm…pineapples,” you decide. It’s the first obnoxious thing that comes to mind.
“No,” he says. “Veto.”
“What? You can’t veto. It’s my safe word.”
“I’m not gonna be balls deep inside you hearing pineapples in my ear.”
You shake your head at your boyfriend and frame his face with your hands, squeezing his head in exasperation.   
“Fine. How about…checkers,” you suggest. A teasing smile comes to your face, even if it pulls his lips into a frown. “So you remember we had this conversation.”
You can tell he doesn’t entirely like it, but he nods in agreement.
“Good. Now, care to join me for a bath?” you ask. Ben is reluctant; he knows you’re going to pour in a shit ton of frilly-smelling soap and bath salts that feel uncomfortable to sit on. But he’s open to the bath time shenanigans that usually ensue.
“I am still a bit sore,” you say, giving him an imploring look. He levels you with a knowing frown. Using his guilt against him is a dirty tactic, and you always employ it well to your advantage.
“Fine. But we’re using regular fucking soap,” he says. You smile and press a lingering kiss to his lips.
But you both know that the second his back is turned, you’re going to dump in your lavender-scented bath bubbles anyway.
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AN: I found this basically sketched out in my files and decided to clean it up and put it out there! Let me know what you think. I know it's a much softer Soldier Boy than we're used to seeing. ;)
[Edit - 9/20/24]: ^That was the original author's note, as this is the first Soldier Boy story I ever put out there. It's also the inspo behind the larger BMD story.
Keep Reading in the BMD-verse:
Next we have another fun little drabble with Wanderlust:
Summary: Your wandering hands are keeping Ben up at night.
▶️ Next Story: Wanderlust
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Break Me Down Series Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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poppy-metal · 2 months
need inmate!patrick to ask naive reader to send him a pair of her panties :((( and of course she does it!!! anything for him
hhhhh they're so innocent :((( not really sexy at all - you don't even know how to be sexy, or what kind of gratification he'd be getting from your underwear - but he asked and you listen <3 they're white cotton - simple and girlish - with a pink heart in the middle next to the day of the week. Thursday, because that's your favorite day - because it's the day patricks letters always come to you in the mail. you tell him that in the letter you send along with the panties - you wish you could have something of his too, because of course you think it's something innocent like that.
and of course it isn't.
the fact that they're so unsexy is what makes patricks cock pulse, honestly. you're not a hussy. you're so pure at heart and good. right down to your pristine little panties. he'd feel about about what he does to them except he's long ago accepted that he's a piece of shit - he's communicated that to you more than once as well, and you're still here sending him letters, puckin' up those ears of yours to whatever he tells you like the good girl you are and sendin' over a pair of your panties.
he imagines them touching your cunt - your virgin cunt - he wants to ask for a picture of that, too, but he also kinda wants to wait to see it for the first time in person - when he sees you. he has no doubt you're plump and soft like velvet. silky and wet - twin lips that'll just bloom apart for his touch to reveal a pulsing wet center - a tiny little entrance into that molten pussy - he thinks of desecrating all that innocent flesh with his thick meaty cock as he fists your panties up and down his length. alone in his creaky bunk at night - thinking of sinking inside that luscious warmth, forcing himself between your welcoming thighs - touching you in places you've never been touched before, making you cum - he's going to fucking ruin you.
in his letter back to you, he doesn't beat around the bush. he wants to make you feel things. he wants to be the reason you get those little flutters in your cunt that make you bashful and confused. he'll explain them to you in due time. show you how to take care of them.
thanks for the gift, sweetheart. I like that you listen so well - it makes me happy. I don't like repeating myself. I guessed from the way you write and the things you've told me about your life, but you're really a good girl, huh? not many women your age are still wearing panties like the ones you do. nearly blinded me they're so white. soft, too. that's pure cotton. know that cause the fabric here ain't shit and makes your ass itch. liked feeling it in my hands - imagined you sliding them up your legs and thighs until your bare pussy is resting against them. bet it feels good. bet they hug that tight little peach of an ass real good too. I won't lie to you, they didn't last long in my hands before I had to feel them on my cock. needed that soft cotton on my dick - same cotton that's touched that sweet cunt - fuck. you drive me fucking crazy. next time you pull on your thursday panties I want you to think about me in my cell stroking the meat between my legs that makes me a man, different from you, need you to feel that cotton press against your bare cunt lips and think about my cock, baby. can you do that for me? need you to think about it long and hard and then tell me how it made you feel, to think about it. don't be ashamed - tell me everything. I want to know.
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sidbaralover · 3 months
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-phone sex ft.bokuto
bokuto koutarou x male reader
tags ; bottom male reader , mention of sex toys , timeskip bokuto , ERMMM THE MAN MILK GOT ON HIS PHONE , reader is amab
eversince bokuto became a professional volleyball player , you and him had spend less time and only messaged and call each other, he misses you as much as you miss him , for this night he decided to have a video call with you because he told you that he will take a break for tommorow . After waiting for a while you finally heard a vibration from your phone and immediately picked it up . "HEY BABBYYYYY I MISSEDDDS YOUUUUUU !!" bokuto screamed through the phone as he saw that you picked up . "Awww bo , I miss you as well" you grin as you saw how happy the guy with frosted tips is to see you . "Sooo how was your match today ??" You asked as bokuto looked really excited to tell you about his day . "aaaaahhh !! Today was soo stressful yet fun !!" Bokuto began to tell you about his day as you both giggled at some silly accidents that happened , you really did enjoy hearing him talk about his day. Suddenly bokuto had a sneaky grin on his face . "Hey babe, check the mail box" bokuto sounded really sneaky , your probably thinking if he's plotting a prank on you or it's really fun suprise . You saw a medium-sized boxed infront of your door step . You brought it inside of your room as bokuto's smirk got wider . "now open it baby" he said as his voice got a bit deeper . "Uhmmm okay then" you raised your eyebrow as you opened the box . Looks like bokuto bought you a pink dildo with a note on the side saying "use it when you miss me :)" . "SUPRISEEE !! I BOUGHT IT THE SAME SIZE AS ME AS WELL !!" you were shocked that it was exactly the same size as him . "Fuck , even imagining you riding that thing gets me fucking hard" Bokuto gently stroked his hard member as you were still in shock that it was exactly the same size as him . You noticed bokuto was already jerking his wood to the thought of you riding that dildo . "Already ?!" You said with a surprised tone in your voice as Bokuto continued to stroke his shaft as he imagines your tight hole around his cock . "my bad , I can't just help but imagined that cute ass on my shaft baby , come on , how bout you show me how you ride that thing for me , please " , you sighed as you place the toy on your shower wall , but before you impale yourself on the toy , you lubed yourself up . You began to impale yourself on the dildo as you let out a whimper , your eyes rolling back as the toy hits your prostate , you began jerking your cock as you began to whimper bokuto's name . "Damn baby , you looks so darn cute , ughhh I wish you were here so I can ram that boy cunt of yours " Bokutos words made you stroke your shaft a bit more faster. The thought of bokuto ramming your boy hole made you shoots strings of man milk out of your member . Bokuto also came as he accidentally covered his screen in his own white liquid , breathing heavily he noticed how messy his phone is . "Holy shit , it got on my phone , I feel so lucky that i have you in my life baby" . After that hot session you just had with bokuto through the phone , you both chatted for a bit and fell asleep on call.
AAAAAAAAA , I giggled a bit while writing this JAJSHSGHAJAJAJ
-fixed a bit of my grammar hehe ! (There was more typos than I thought ..)
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elsa-fogen · 4 months
So. On the topic of Alastor headcannons. What's your opinion on these radio themed ones:
Alastor has an internal radio. Like the concept of having songs play through your head, but more literal. He can tune to stations as if he was a radio himself. And if he really wants to, he can connect himself to other radios in his immediate vicinity and play that music though them instead.
His antlers help his radio powers. So when they get damaged (in battle, sheds them, whatever reason you wanna put here) his internal radio goes bazerk. Think; flipping stations randomly, connecting to other radios when he doesn't want it to, playing loud static at random. All the chaos.
He can hear through other radios. He once had to listen to Vox playing Barbie Girl through a TV right next to a radio in Vox's studio, for a week straight. Surely enough; Barbie Girl is now banned from all radio stations in hell.
What do you think? I got more like these if you like them. Give me a generic topic and I can probably list several under that category.
Yes, but he also can turn it on and off when he needs
Never thought about it, but it's funny (don't think i'm going to use it anywhere but who knows, maybe i'll make some funzies with that)
Pretty much used it in one my comic slihdsdkjfh +headcanon that Vox taught him that, he also can control when and which radio he wants to listen (or his head would be a horrible mess) ut i like headcanon that he has some songs banned on the radio lol
speaking of other radiostations, i actually made an instruction on How To get Your Own Radio Station In Hell, let me just find it real quick... i wanted to share it long ago, but couldn't find a moment
Imagine you're a normal sinner in hell, who suddenly wants to become radio host for one small station. and it's possible! and you won't even die, and get some benefits, if succeed. So, it's kinda hard, but doable
1. You need to write a letter asking for a permission to have your own station to The Radio Demon himself. a) letter should be handwritten, and your handwriting must be at least readable. Or you can use typewriter, if you find one. DO NOT write it on a computer and then print, you'll probably won't be able to get your station in following 50 years b) You should send your letter via post. DO NOT try to meet Radio Demon in person, you'll just lose time, or even if you get lucky, he won't take your letter. b*) Now you can just come to Hazbin Hotel and give your letter to Charlie Morningstar and ask her to give it to Radio Demon. Don't worry, she won't read it. b**) You should leave your contacts, that's obligatory if you want to get an answer - that means you have to have a place to live. c) Do not try to e-mail him, he doesn't even have a phone or computer to receive it. If someone gives you 100% totally real Radio Demon's e-mail - don't trust them, its fake 2. You'll get answer from the Radio Demon in 1-2 weeks, he'll send you set of papers which you have to fill out. You'll probably have to do it 3-4 times so don't worry, he's just testing your dedication. In these papers you give general info about your future radio station - the name, schedule, what activities you'll gonna have and what kinds of music wanna play. Include some jazz, especially if you mostly want to have modern music. You'll also have to tell a bit about yourself. You absolutely should not be connected to voxtech in any way. 2.b) he may simply dislike your ass and become a real bureaucratic monster. Keep trying - you can impress him with you dedication and he may like you in the end 3. When you got your application approved, you'll have to sign a contract, that gives you right to broadcast on a certain radio frequency. According to the contract - your radio station belongs to the Radio Demon, you'll just getting it in unlimited use, until the contract terminated. You DO NOT sell your soul to the Radio Demon. He can broadcast over you any time he needs and you can't do anything about it. He can also ask you to change something in your broadcast schedule, ask to replace of cancel any of your programs, ban music and so on. (Tho, he probably won't do anything of it). But since your radio station is his property, you're as well under his protection while you on your station, so if someone attacks you and you're unable to protect yourself and your station, you'll have a way to contact him and ask for help. You'll have a specific channel for it and list of morse codes for emergencies. You should not use this channel for anything else, or you'll lose your station. 4. After all paperwork is done and approved, you have to get equipment for your station. DO NOT use ANYTHING voxtech related, and you absolutely cannot have TV on your station. 5. After you got all the equipment, invite the Radio Demon to your station. He'll set everything up for you and give you list of emergency codes. Do not try to interrupt his infodumps even if you lost track of it and can't understand shit, it's better if you show enthusiasm. 6. And done! Now you are happy small radio host! The Radio Demon may show up on your station sometimes to check how everything's going, but don't worry about it, he won't be bother you too often after few weeks.
P. S. You are NOT friends with the Radio Demon, even if he acts friendly and calls you "dear" - that's just his normal, not-threatenning behavior P. P. S. Don't be too personal, don't dump on him your problems if they aren't related to the station when he comes to you. Just make him some coffee, talk about weather and tell that everything works just fine P. P. P. S. ABSOLUTELY! DO NOT! TRY TO HUG HIM! He'll just laugh at you, and if you somehow succeed he'll make everything to make you regret every action in your life and afterlife that led you to this moment (and it doesn't necessarily means he will torture you physically, once he run into masacistic freak that got a boner when was tortured) P. P. P. P. S. If you caught feelings for him - suffer in silence and NEVER try to confess. You'll lose your station immediately and will never get it back.
All these instructions are totally written by Rosie who heared so many complaints from Alastor about how people want to become a radio host but can't do it properly
And Alastor is probably making them experience what he went through to become a radio host in life
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Yeosang Boyfriend Headcanons!
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this guy is such a lil sweetie! he was a bit shy to approach you at first 🥺
as i said before in my previous ateez headcanons, yeosang is a big starer. he would legit just stare at you for half an hour and consider it flirting
however once he senses that you’re interested in him as well, his flirt game is turned up to the MAX
he drives you crazy the way he gives you delicate little touches, your heart stops every time he brushes your hair out of your face or pulls a loose thread off your sweater
when you weren’t afraid to flirt back with him, he knew you were the one. the second you started teasing him and giving him a hard time, he was like, “this is it. i need them.”
he’s so fricking observant too. he’ll memorize every little detail about you so he can bring it up in a conversation later
he’s also an impulsive gift giver
“hey remember that one time you said you mentioned that obscure cartoon you used to watch as a kid? well i saw a keychain of it and thought of you, so here you go!”
he tried really hard to wait to ask you out, wanting to give you time to pine over him and create a slow burn, but he just CANT WAIT to make you his.
and he was so tickled when you said yes, he would not stop giggling like a little school girl 🥰
he also knows how adorable you think his laugh and fanged smile is, and will use it against you to make you fall for him even harder
his excellent observance doesn’t end when y’all start dating. even if you just have the slightest change in your breathing pattern, he notices and is like “hey what’s wrong”
he’s the first one to notice when you get a new haircut, knows you’re sick the second he looks at you, adjusts your necklace when it gets turnt around, ties your shoe when the laces come undone…
because he stares so much he knows every little detail of your appearance
the different specks of color in your eyes, all your little moles and freckles, any scars you might have, the way you part your hair, whether or not you’re wearing makeup and what kind…
speaking of which, he dies a little on the inside every time you kiss his birthmark ❤️ he was scared to show you his bare face at first, but you were quick to tell him how beautiful he is (as you should 😤)
yeosang calls his partner “honey,” no i do not take criticism
and in his deep ass voice? ugh i would melt 😭
*when you surprise him at work* “honey! what are you doing here?”
*barging into your apartment* “oh my honey, i brought you your favorite food!”
*coming back in from getting the mail* “hey honey, come look at this new drone i got!”
he may seem all cool and statuesque, but deep down he’s just a big nerd 🤓 he’s always asking you to come to the park with him to fly his drones
makes you help him sort his candies by color 💀
he loves that you never see him as judgmental or picky because of his honest nature. you always take special interest in his opinions, and admire that he’s not afraid to speak his mind
and he does the same for you as well! he thinks so highly of you that he’s always interested in what you have to say about things. he wants to know all of your likes and dislikes :)
you guys tell each other EVERYTHING, there’s not much you guys keep secret from each other 💀
you know all of his memories with the boys, his childhood stories, his most embarrassing moments.. he knows all the drama in your friend group, your family situation, and your deepest secrets
he’s a morning person, so if you’re not then you’ll have to get used to him waking up early and fluttering around the house doing things
(and um i’m not a morning person but hearing his voice get even deeper in the morning would motivate me to wake up 😳)
after a while he gets lonely and starts pestering you to wake up and spend time with him in a pouty voice 🥺
*poking your face and shaking your shoulder* “honeyyyy, it’s almost noon… the day is half over and you haven’t even cuddled me yet…”
he thinks you’re incredibly cute when you’re half asleep and groggy in the morning :)
he ends up threatening to cook you breakfast which makes you LEAP out of bed 💀
consequently, he’s not a big night owl unless he has to be… if you’re one, he ends up converting you to a morning person because he’s so fricking persistent 🤦🏼‍♀️
but for a while if you’re hanging out with him late at night he’ll start nodding off, and when you wake him he’ll go “i wasn’t asleep” 🤡
san and wooyoung will try to call you guys at 9 pm to see if you want to go out to get drinks with them, only to find out that both your phones were shut off, and you were both in your pajamas doing face masks and watching a movie on the couch together, fading in and out of consciousness ❤️
wooyoung once called you his grandparents 💀 y’all know it’s bad if he’s not taking an opportunity to call hongjoong and seonghwa old
caring for the scrapes on his elbows and knees when he falls off his skateboard 🥰
he also desperately wants to teach you how to skateboard if you don’t already know how! he’s so patient and gentle with you, always letting you fall into his arms and catching you when you slip :)
“it’s okay honey, i’ve got you! i know it’s scary, but i promise it’s so fun once you get the hang of it. you’re actually doing really well for your first time!”
you guys will eventually become the cool skater couple that everyone is jealous of 💀
he ALWAYS smells good, and his scent somehow embeds itself in all your clothes and furniture so even when he’s not there, you’re thinking of him
when you see him after you’ve been apart for a long time, of course you’ll run up to each other for a bone crushing hug, and as soon as his familiar scent hits you your eyes well with tears
he hates seeing you cry, even if it’s from happiness
*wiping your tears with a reassuring smile* “oh honey, please don’t cry… we’re together now.”
he’s constantly putting your needs before his own, you actually had to sit him down and explain to him that while you love and appreciate his selflessness, he needs to take care of himself more often
he’s not the biggest fan of PDA, but he does enjoy holding hands… he likes walking with you and swinging your interwoven hands back and forth ❤️
you’ll catch him smiling at the sidewalk and ask him what’s up, he just says “i like the way your hand fits in mine.”
yeosang is a big forehead kisser 🥰 it’s his favorite way to show his affection in a sweet and delicate way
he’s so sensitive to your touch… if you just brush your hands over his shoulders and arms, it’s enough to make his heart flutter :)
there are a lot of nights were you guys just lay in bed next to each other and talk about EVERYTHING… it just goes on and on until one of you falls asleep
he never really lashes out on you, no matter how upset he is. before every reaction, his words and actions are carefully chosen and thought over.
he’s also very good at forgiveness. that’s not to say that you can treat him badly, but everyone makes mistakes and he knows that. he has this amazing ability to see things from different perspectives that allows him to forgive you when you slip up
overall, having yeosang as a boyfriend is a blast. he’s so sweet and attentive, and you never run out of things to talk about. and even if you did, he would just make something up to fill the silence! no matter what, you always feel so loved and appreciated with him by your side 🥰
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k2ntoss · 8 months
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tw ⭒ minors dni, SMUT, dirty talk, dick grayson x f!reader, latina!reader, voyeour, fingering (f. receiving), spitting, spanking, oral (m. receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, breeding kink, choking, size kink, etc.
a/n ⭒ dunno if i do really need to go out to dance but i've been listening to a lot of reggaeton lately so it's not my fault i used like three songs exactly to write this but mostly this playlist if you're interested to get into it. and no, there's totally nothing personally related to my experience, nuh-uh.
side note to show y/n teaching dick how to dance like this
words count ⭒ dunno anymore, i struggled too much with this one at some point i didn't do a word count
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neighbor!dick grayson likes the wide windows both of your houses have because he gets to see his cute latina neighbor moving her hips to the loud music you blast everytime you do your chores, the way you dance and let your hands glide over your body in such a sexy way it's making it so hard for him to quit from looking to your place.
it's not even 10am when dick listens to the bass of your music blasting from the small speaker you keep on your kitchen, once again you're making breakfast on a lazy friday morning and it's been like that almost every weekend since the last two months since you moved to the house next to his. a hot girl with a really nice accent, pretty friendly and good with the kids from the zone.
there's been a few times when he has talked to you, dick tries to be a helpful neighbor by helping you when you come back from the super or to receive the important mail when you're not home, he'll take a quick peek but as soon as you are back he is at your door with a pretty smile.
little did you knew was that whenever you decided to put on a little show and he was doing any kind of research on his living room you would end up making him hard, dick's mind flooded with the image of you swinging your hips while riding him, his hands holding your waist to pull you down on his cock while he pulls your hair and suddenly he's ignoring work because he has to use his hands to stroke himself, imagining it's your mouth, the one he has seen moving to sing along to each song you play and he wants to fuck your throat so bad, here the issue is he thinks you can't be less interested in him but hey, guys are pretty oblivious almost always.
you've caught a glimpse of how he looks at you, the nice kitchen of your house faces his big living room so while you walk around wiggling your hips you've felt his stare on you, hungry gaze you can sometimes see when he's being the perfect neighbor as he brings back your cat when he sneaks into his house but what has you more eager to grow closer to him is the few times you've seen him pleasure himself when you go around your house only wearing a long shirt because you have to go on your tiptoes to reach things from the cabinets on your kitchen and he gets to see your bare thighs, when he's lucky enough he also gets a glimpse of your pretty ass.
first idea on your mind to get a taste of him is to throw a nice party, maybe he'll come by and you will have a good chance so as soon as you're free you're walking to his house and knocking on his door, a wide smile when dick opens and looks at you "hey, i was thinking about throwing a little party tomorrow at night so i was wondering if you wanted to come by" you say, eyes fixed on him and he swears that he wasn't thinking about it but he can't help to think about those lovely slutty doe eyes and how would they look up at him if he had you on your knees.
you can see his blue eyes turn a little darker before he shakes himself out of his thoughs and nods "yeah, sure" he says with a smirk "i'll be there and i guess i don't need you to tell me when to go, right?" you know what he means, he's right next to your house so he will notice when the party starts.
the plan was going on smooth, now you just had to get everything ready and that incluided getting your own room ready just to lock it in case you had the chance to get dicked down there.
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the little outfit you picked up that evening was surely somethinf that would have more than a guy and a girl looking at you, little black top and a nice pair of jeans that hugged your curves made a good work with the stares it stole from the people that were slowly flooding your house.
two of your closest friends already drunk enough to make you have to be around them made finding dick a bit harder, gut feeling telling you he was already there. walking behind one of your girl friends you get to the kitchen when you spot him, hot as always but the way he held the glass he was sipping from made him look even better.
"thought you'd missed your own party" he said as soon as you stood closer to him, his body leaning against the kitchen counter "but it's nice to see that you didn't" the smirk on his lips made it hard not to jump on him right there but you managed a soft chuckle.
"couldn't miss the opportunity" you say while grabbing a glass to get yourself a drink before taking a long sip of it "i must say this doesn't seem to be the kind of places you usually visit" there's a hint of playfulness on your words and dick notices it.
"i can always make an exception for a pretty girl" he trails off, his voice sounds low and raspy from the burn of the alcohol and he has to lean in for you to listen to him from over the loud music "it's not always a bad idea, less if i have the chance to dance with the girl"
and something that's been buzzing into his head is the fact that right here, in front of him one of his dreams is turning real because of the way your body seems to move on it's own while you speak, hips barely shaking to the beat and your lips mouthing the lyrics in the hottest way he's ever seen.
"who could the lucky girl be?" you tease and it makes dick laugh, a low rumble that makes your legs shake a little.
he takes a step closer and the song ends just to let the next one start and you know that this is your chance too.
"you want to dance?" he asks close to your ear, his hand hovers over your waist as if asking for permission to touch you and when you nod he does. hand on your waist while he walks you out of the kitchen, his eyes unable to move away from the way your hips swing and he tries so hard not to press himself against your ass.
"i adore this song, you know?" you turn around and grab his hand, pulling him closer once there's a small place between everyone. your arms snake around his neck, your body starts moving to the rhythm of 'no me conoce' and he swears he has to think on the worst thing ever.
"didn't knew but you seem to like it a lot" he chuckles, his arm wrapped around your waist and at first it's a little awkward because he finds it hard to find a right way to match your movements but when you smile and lean to sing into his ear he finds it easier. letting himself go and taking the last sip of his drink his hands hold your hips as he pulls you closer.
this is part of what he has dreamt of and he swears he's touching heaven because the first part of the night goes like that, you drink, laugh and dance until one of your friends stumbles on your way "come on, why don't you kiss already?" and there's another girl next to her that nods with a wide grin, making you look at dick before he is the one leaning in to capture your lips in a quick kiss that makes the both girls clap and laugh before they leave.
"why don't we go sit somewhere else?" the way he asks makes a shiver run down your spine, dick's eyes are fixed on your lips for a split second before he looks back into your eyes and it's enough to make you agree.
there's space in the couch and as soon as your body touches the cushion next to his dick pulls you in a new kiss, deeper this time as his tongue pushes between your lips dragging a soft hum from you, mouth parted to let him control the kiss while your hands hold onto his forearms. it's heaven on earth because he is trying to eat your soul, the way his lips move against yours in a bruising kiss is overwhelming when he sighs into your lips but it turns you on as soon as he speaks so close to you.
"i've been waiting a lot to do this, y'know?" he sound breathless and there's a cocky grin on his face before his tongue traces your bottom lip.
"yeah? didn't knew... but you can keep doing it" you tease him and suck on his tongue playfully, your hand now caressing his neck before you pull away "mhm, i want to dance again..." and how could he deny you from it.
how could he deny himself from how good it felt to have you so close?
dick nods and stands up, helping you to do the same just to pull you to the place where everyone was dancing.
'quiero bailar' is now playing and it makes you smirk at him when ivy queen starts speaking, there's a hint of pure mischief on your eyes that starts a spark on him when you start to sing and dance pressed against him, he holds your hips when you turn around and your ass grinds on him.
there's a good amount of words he understands from every song, in fact he understands it pretty well so he plays along with you, smile wide when your surprise is evident.
"so you're the one calling the shots tonight?" he whispers into your ear, his eyes fixed on the way his hands moved on your waist and hips "am i making a good job teasing you?" and the way his voice sounds so low is hot.
"i am calling the shots, papi" your voice is almost a purr, head dropping back leaving your neck exposed and the grip he had on his control goes to hell when your ass presses a little more against him.
just by turning his head a little dick is kissing the side of your neck, the grin on his lips could make anyone go weak but feeling it against your skin is on another level.
"i think it's not really like that" he presses his lips behind your ear before pulling away and the lack of attention makes your body tingle "why don't we go sit again?" and it's not hard to agree.
back on the couch he waits no time before going to kiss your lips hungrily, your hands on his neck and chest while his find your waist and then your back, fingers sliding slowly to the edge of your jeans.
"not here, wait" as soon as you are able to pull away from his lips you stand up, pulling him to reach one of the small hallways of your house. the lights are low and the space is empty but before you can make a second check dick tugs you in, pressing you against the wall.
"better now?" he asks, hands caressing your waist and giving you a soft squeeze when you nod and pull him into a kiss. both of you are kissing as two starved animals, lips crashing and tongues fighting between sighs and low grunts that somehow manage to raise over the music.
your fingers grip his shirt when dicks hands slide under your top, fingers tracing teasingly your stomach right before he goes a little higher until his fingertips are barely brushing over your tits, making you moan into his lips and he grins when you press your body against his.
dick's touch is now moving, fingers quickly undoing the button of your jean to access your hips easily, gripping and squeezing your flesh without leaving your lips. it makes you hiss when his hands find your ass, caressing it slowly before his fingers dig into the soft skin "you like it, right? feels so soft, baby" he growls.
"i like it a lot, yes..." your sweet voice makes him feel hungrier, his left moving to your front and going under your panties stealing a gasp from your lips when his index slides between your folds.
"feels good, pretty?" he asks playfully when your legs part a little for him to touch you "so hot already for me, right?"
"do you see someone else here, handsome?" you asks teasingly, the way dick strokes you slowly with just one finger is driving you crazy, it has you rocking your hips against his hand "uh, feels good, yes"
he holds one of your legs up, making you wrap it around his hip before he adds two more fingers to his strokes, his thumb pressed against your clit while his lips travel to your jaw and neck, pressing you more onto the wall.
a soft but long moan escapes your lips as soon as he slides two fingers inside you, it brings a halt to your movements when he starts pumping with his hand as his eyes are fixed on yours "what a nice and thight pussy you have, i'm dying to bury my cock on you"
"it's mean saying it and not doing it right away" your words come out breathy, a hand pulling him in for a messy and sloppy kiss while his fingers move deep inside you making you gasp and whimper while you tug on his hair before kissing his neck, the taste of his expensive perfume making your tongue linger for a little more.
"and skip foreplay? hm, i don't think i could miss making you so needy for me, feeling you so wet" dick's lips are behind your ear, he kisses your lobe while his thumb draws his name on your clit and he laughs when you squirm on a certain letter that he traces all again before he stops.
your hands pushing him back makes dick look at you with a small smirk when one of your hands runs down his chest, undoing his belt and the first button of his jeans while you walk him until his back is touching the wall.
"you're being incredibly mean, that's hot" your words are filled with a sort of tease dick is sure he has never heard before, this was new and completely calling because it wasn't just your words, it was also the fact that you kissed your way to his pelvis until you were kneeling in front of him.
it's easy to pull down his jeans when there's no one watching and you are so eager to taste him, lips brushing against his clothed length while one of your hands is caressing him from above his boxers "you're gonna put that mouth to better use, pretty?" he asks teasingly, letting out a sigh through gritted teeth while his left hand fixes your hair behind your ear.
"you'll be surprised" it's a simple talk back but as soon as your hands pull the front of his boxers down he feels his cock getting harder if it's even possible and the way your eyes shine at the sight makes him smirk.
his breath catches on his throat when you don't really wait to wrap your lips around his tip, tongue playing with it and your eyes fixed on his. this was completely different to what he imagined plenty of times before, it was way better because your warm mouth taking almost all of his cock while you sucked him off was like being on heaven, your hands wrapped on his base to stroke what you couldn't take made him see stars.
"fuck... you look so pretty, that mouth was made for my cock, wasn't it?" he asks, his fingers gripping your hair to bring you closer and he laughs when you gag at the way he slides a little deeper on your throat "little slut made for me, gonna fuck that throat of yours, 'kay?" and the hum that escapes you it's his green light.
both of his hands hold your face for him to start thrusting into your mouth, your eyes teary and the trails of saliva that drip down your chin makes it ten times better because there's no way he's been missing this to replace your mouth with his hand.
he's too into it, his hips giving slow but deep strokes while you moan muffled against him, nose pressed against his skin when dick makes you look up at him through your tears before letting go of you and the soft 'pop' that comes from you when you release his tip draws a growl out of him.
"i don't think this is enough, baby" he speaks as soon you stand up and the way he looks around tells you he is indeed looking for a better place.
"c'mon, there might be a nice place around here" words that tell dick that this has been what you wanted since you invited him and it makes his ego boost like nothing else while you both fix your clothes.
the darl hallway leads to the stairs to the second floor and to your room, once there dick sees no use on wasting too much time so his hands find their way to your hips.
"so you've had this in mind all this time?" he asks, leaning in to lay a small trail of kisses while his hands slide under your top to caress your stomach.
your hands go to find his, taking them out of your top and turning around, pulling dick into another deep and hungry kiss that leaves him breathless and makes his heart run when you smirk against his lips.
"how could i've missed an opportunity like this?" words as sweet as honey but hot as hell because there's an intention on them that could make anyone go crazy "no when i've seen the way you look at me and i don't think you don't know i want you"
it's enough for dick to walk you over your bed while he undoes the buttons of your jeans once again, his hands working on getting you undressed before he's bending you "so you've been thinking about me? have you ever thought about how good it would be to have me inside of you?" he asks, his hands gripping your ass and squeezing it before he lets fall a playful slap against your skin.
"i've thought a lot about it... i've seen how you look at me and i swear i just want you to fuck me" your words are muffled by the music that plays loudly all across your house mixed with the sounds dick's clothes make when he is getting undressed and before you can turn to look at him he's grinding his cock between your wet folds.
"good thing i came here then, because i haven't been able to stop thinking about how much i would love to have you to scream my name while i strech your pretty cunt" he leans in, whispering into your ear before he presses a hot kiss on your shoulder.
dick is impacient, that you can tell since he didn't waited a lot more before he slid inside of you, growling in an almost animalistic way that made your body tense. his hands gripping thight on your hips as he inhaled deeply, trying so hard not to come already from how good it felt to finally having you moaning underneath him.
"look at that... you feel so good, so thight around my cock" he mutters when his hips stroke slowly into your pulsing walls, he is teasing you and seeking for you to push your hips back "you're so needy, fucking yourself with me like a bitch in heat" dick is smiling widely, you're sure he's not the kind of guy to stay quiet during sex and that only turns you on more.
his hand snakes from your hip to your neck, holding you harshly to make you bend back as his hips slap against your body, his face next to yours making sure you hear every single grunt he lets out while you moan loudly, his free hand playing with one of your nipples while he keeps thrusting.
"taking me so fucking good, you're such a nice whore" his voice is low and raspy, some of his words come out slurred but you can barely notice because he knows where to touch you to make you squirm under his weight "can't even speak, bet you would love it if i filled your greedy cunt up, right? having me to let your pussy so full of my cum"
his hand grips your throat thighter, fingers digging into your neck when he chokes you as you try to speak "f–fuck, i want it... want you to cum inside of me, yes" and your answer makes him go harder, letting go of your tits his hand trails now between your legs, fingers circling fast on your clit just to make you whine.
"oh, such a greedy, nasty girl" he speaks, his thumb pressing on the sensitive nub between your legs "begging to be nothing but a cumwhore, is that what you want? being used until you pass out" his teeth sunk into your neck before he lets go, dick's hand still holding your neck.
there's no way you can keep up with his talk, words dying on your throat because he tilts his hips to hit every spot that makes you scream to drive you insane and you realize this was a lot more of what you thought it would be but the way dick was fucking you had you seeing the stars and feeling the flames of hell licking your skin with every deep thrust he gave.
he towered over you, his hips moving in a way that made the tip of his cock hammer against your cervix making your mouth fall open, breathlessly moaning just for him to take advantage of it by spitting into your mouth.
"you're so wasted, so damn pathetic... already brain dead, bunny" there's a hint of cruelty on his voice that doesn't match the sloppy kisses he's leaving on your shoulders "squeezing so good, are you gonna cum already? bet you'll make a fucking mess around my cock"
he laughs when you nod, desperate as your walls clench painfully around him when your climax reaches you in a loud moan, so hard your vision goes blurry from it and he grunts at the feeling.
"so fucking weak... look at this mess, baby, gonna fill up that nasty cunt" dick growls on your ear, his hips moving at a messier pace only making the lewd noises louder until you feel him spilling inside of you.
his body crushing on top of yours when he finishes releasing his thick load inside of you, leaving your body shaking from the intensity of it all and there's not so much words left to say so dick is just kissing the back of your neck, his hands caressing your waist in a soothing manner.
the party was still going on in the first floor of your house but it didn't troubled you anymore right there with dick burried deep inside of you, making sure you didn't wasted a single drop of his cum.
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danieyells · 4 months
hi! any chance you'd be able to post some of kaito's voicelines? I would love to see them <33
Our wanna-be knight and pathetic little best friend! He's just such a good boy lol. . .once again, another one who just wants to go back to a normal life, poor thing. Kaito's very much your vanilla, sweet boyfriend character with no frills attached, aside from his cowardice and his gambling habit of course. And his terrible aim. . . .
Copying all of them over isn't hard now that I've done it twice. Let's do it again for Kaito!
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"{PC}! Over here! Hiya!"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, new message. Better check it out, yeah? Or are you the type who's got like a ton of of unread inbox messages?"
. . .shut up /absolutely that type (and a sincere apology to literally everyone i know for that my adhd doesn't let me read and respond to their messages--)
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"God, please don't make me go on any more missions... It's not like me being there is any help to anyone anyway..."
"Oh yeah, have you been on WickHive yet? Someone leaked next month's cafeteria menu! Oh wait... I-I already told you that, didn't I?!"
"Damn it... I could've taken {PC} to lunch with that money! God, why am I such a moron?!"
"Ask me anything you want to know! I'm pretty savvy when it comes to Darkwick!"
honestly the fact that he's a second year who doesn't wanna be here and doesn't wanna be doing all of this but he still knows like everything about the school is also kinda sus to me. . .surely he'd divest himself from as much of darkwick as possible if he didn't care
"Urgh... Limited time only, you are not my friend... Huh? Oh, I'm on TikTok. I really want this, but I'm pretty broke this month..."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ahem... Testing, testing... Morning! Heh, nailed it... Ack! How long've you been there, {PC}?!"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Phew, should be safe here... EEEEEEEEEEK! Oh thank god, it's just a cat... I thought he found me..."
romeo oh romeo didn't you get into enough shit for this romeo? just make sure it's not Romeo cat. Because I'm sure it'll tell him somehow--
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Shit, it's Luca… Judging by the outfit he must be going to train. I better bail before he tries to rope me in too…"
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Eeeek?! Oh, it's just you... Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack!"
i know romeo is constantly on his ass, and I relate to the feeling of being scared the people you owe money will appear out of nowhere and get you, but. . .he's so jumpy lol
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ugh, Romeo's texting me... Not gonna open that..."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"So your father runs a company, huh? Who the hell leads with that?! This is why I hate talking to Frostheimers..."
so the wording here is wonky because he's quoting a Frostheimer, but there's no visual indication that he's quoting them. But lore drop! Kaito's father runs a company! But I thought he wasn't well off. . .? Maybe his parents are separated or his father doesn't spend any of their money on him. . .or the company isn't doing well. . .or gambling addiction runs in his family lol. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Argh, I want junk food! And I want to try all the new snack flavors!!"
my boy is so relateable--
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"All right, time to man up and bite the bullet... Nope, absolutely not, can't do it!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"How is Jin's skin so perfect? Fucking rich kids and their stupidly expensive fancy-ass toner!!!"
kaito really looking at jin like OH NO HE'S HOT
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"(yawn) Guess I'll go brush my teeth..."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Hey {PC}, you seem different somehow today. Did you change something? Or am I just imagining things?!"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Noooo why does Tohma want to see me...? No way it's about something good! Could you come with me, {PC}?!"
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Crap, I fell asleep in class so I don't know what our homework is... Help me, {PC}!"
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Man, my bed's like a freaking marshmallow. I can never get any good sleep on that thing..."
lol the Frostheim beds are too comfortable lolol I NEED A FIRMER BED TOO KAITO I GET IT.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Huh? Oh, my pendant! You're always wearing it? Does that mean you've actually been paying attention to me?!"
once again the wording here is wonk because it makes it sound like the pc is always wearing Kaito's pendant. I'm pretty sure he's quoting the pc, who's commented that "you're always wearing it". It would read better as something like "You noticed I'm always wearing it?"
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey {PC}, how 'bout we grab a bite?! I've got tons to splurge in winn... er, earnings, so it's all on me! Get whatever you want!"
your gambling addiction is really and truly going to get you in trouble. disregard that i play a gacha game.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"...Huh?! Man, nearly fell sleep without putting my phone on the charger... 5%, that would've sucked tomorrow..."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ha ha ha! Have you seen this yet?! It's all over TikTok. Ah man, it's killing me..."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Whoa, when did it get so late?! Sorry {PC}, I didn't mean to keep you up... What? You're still good?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Morning! Hey, guess what? Luca's busy after class, so how about we hit up the diner? It's been ages!"
do you. . .do you really wanna go there. . .i mean the drinks seem to be fine but according to sho they can't make good food at all. . . .
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Sorry, I gotta stay after class today... (sniffle) This sucks, I really wanted to walk home with you..."
aw buddy. . .they could wait for you or come pick you up after your remedial lesson. . .!
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey I'm really sorry but do you mind if we stop by the campus store after class? I'm almost out of granulated sugar."
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Hey, do you like stars? Oh, um, I was just wondering 'cause there's this place where you can see them really well, so I thought maybe you'd want to go some time..."
he's overcoming his fears and being honest with himself and how he speaks and just. . .asking honestly, no bravado, no act. do it scared, kaito. do it scared, do it awkward, do it sure you're going to fail. as long as you do it. proud of you!
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sure is dark. Reminds me of the closet where we first met. Remember?"
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I know I'm weak, and a coward. But I really do want to become your knight in shining armor, {PC}."
I love how comfortable and honest he starts to get as his affinity goes up. Still shy here and there, still scared, but he's not as jumpy and he starts treating you like a real friend. laughs with you about stuff, talks a little about hobbies and struggles. doesn't try and look cool for you. and then the honesty--i'm a weak coward, but i wanna be better for you. i wanna spend time with you. just!!! he grows!!! he realizes you like him for who he is and how he is, even if that's a weak coward--and that that's exactly what he wants! and it's okay for him to be that way because you won't be put off by it, even if it's something he'd like to grow from so he can be better for you--but he wants to be better for you as himself and--idk. i have feelings about characterization lol.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Man, I wanna sleep, but I can't fail, so I gotta show up for class... Oh! I have Professor Nicolas next! Naptime."
does that mean you're good in anomalous medicine class or. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Grr! All those girls in the hall were looking at Luca! I'm so pissed off now I'm not even sleepy anymore!"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It's finally warm out again, so I really want to go do something fun... Wish I could get an R&R permit..."
well maybe if you stopped sleeping in class and did good in class or went on a mission or something. . . . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Mheheh... {PC}... You've got a petal in your hair... Zzz..."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Ugh, it's too hot to go outside... But I can sense a coming-of-age event on the horizon... All right, here I come!"
obligatory beach event? 👀
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Can't believe Professor Hyde still wears that blindfold in summer. Pfft, I bet it's really sweaty under— Eeeek! S-Sir?!"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey {PC}, are you free after this? I was thinking of inviting Luca to let off some fireworks! I want to show him how we do summer here in Japan."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I can't believe I get to spend the whole summer hanging out with you {PC}... (sniffle) Homework? Uh y-yeah, I finished it already..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Is it just me, or is it really cold today?! Guess I better get my coat out soon..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Have you had the chestnut rice from the cafeteria yet? They made it way too fancy. It's supposed to be comfort food..."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tohma's always reading something. Maybe I should too... All right, let's go with this! 10 Ways To Become Popular Overnight!"
well. . .it's something to read. . .never a bad idea to read.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Apparently the moon is the most beautiful in fall since the air gets clearer. Want to go take a look?"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"It's freezing out there! It's freezing in here! Frostheim sucks!!"
this makes me wonder what the warmest dorm is on average. . .probably jabberwock as long as towa's in a good mood? (or maybe warm jabberwock winters mean towa's in a bad mood. . .?)
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The cold can go to hell, but I guess there's outfits you can only wear this time of year..."
you can wear whatever you want whenever you want if you're brave enough. but this is kaito and he's not very brave. and it's also not very smart to wear winterwear in the summer.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I really want to go to Starbucks for the new winter drink! But I really really don't want to go on any missions!! Guess I'll never get to try it."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Gram... No... No more mandarins... ...Huh?! Oh, it was just a dream... I haven't had a mandarin for ages..."
'gram' in this case is 'grandma' in case you couldn't figure it out haha and the mandarin(mikan)'s used to represent health and longevity and a long prosperous bloodline or something like that for new years. So i assume his grandmother would feed him a lot of mandarins every winter lolol
His birthday: (December 11th)
"Why did Jin, Tohma, and Luca give me all this high-end stuff?! It's freaking me out!! Thank you!?!?"
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}! We'll make this the best one— Hey, give those back! Those are the cue cards I made yesterday!!"
ksjfkhesbfjh he made himself cue cards to give you a birthday speech with as little stuttering as possible. . . .
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year! Let's make it a good one! S-So hey, if, er, if you'd like, c-could we, um... could we make our first shrine visit together?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"C'mon Kaito, deep breaths. Girls aren't into guys with no chill. So stay cool... Stay— Are those chocolates for me?! I'll take them to my grave!"
everyone loves an enthusiastic boy lol
White Day: (March 13th)
"Do you like the cookies I made? Come on, no way they're that good, heh heh... Heh heh heh... Here, take them all!!"
god i bet he makes really good sweets too. like i bet he puts so much love and good spirit into them lolol
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"I'd never lie to a girl. Ah! That's not a lie, I swear! {PC}? Are you listening?!"
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat! See those carved pumpkins? I was actually the one who made them. What do you think?"
given his DIY skills i bet he's actually really good at carving too. i bet they look really good!
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Hey, uh, {PC}, do you, uh... Do you have any plans for Christmas? I'm actually totally free!"
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Huh? {PC}? Am I being annoying?! I'm sorry! You're probably busy, right?!"
(13 affinity and above)
"{PC} seems kind of busy... I know! I'll find a video that'll help take her mind off things!"
this one replace the first one after you hit a certain affinity, so it's cute to see that he eventually decides 'i'm not being annoying, they're just busy. i wanna help them' after he gets closer to you. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Ah...! Oh my god, you're back!! I'm so happy to see you!!!!  (sob) Please don't leave me again..."
he's so clingy. . .poor guy really missed you, considering you're one of the kindest and most normal people in Darkwick that he associates with. . . . also man 'please don't leave me again' with the whole loop theory stuff. . . .
I THINK I'VE SAID MOST OF MY THOUGHTS THROUGHOUT THIS BUT. He really is a sweetie. He really could have ended up a very plain and 'safe' character, but he's managed to be very charming and entertaining with his struggles and exaggerated behavior, while still being a simple and safe type. Really looking forward to seeing how he plays into the rest of the story, since it seems like his pendant may be kind of important. . . .
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
No Matter How Far
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Pairing: Syverson x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: pretty much same as before: just some talk about sexual situations, a little pining
A/N: Thank you to everyone who wanted to know what Sy thought about the letter in Heart Wide Open. He jotted a few things down for you.
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Hey Darlin'
Hope it's okay I start off that way. I mean, you went and put yourself all out there like that. How could I start any other way?
And I'm sorry if it's taken what feels like forever since you wrote. I got your letter as soon as I got back. Got all of 'em, actually. Can't tell you what it meant. It's okay you had a hard time sticking to day-to-day. It felt real nice reliving some of those moments and seeing what else you have in mind for us.
We had a mission, headed out - must've been right before your first letter showed up, that letter I had hoped would come. I had started giving up after a few weeks. Anyway, I was away from post for awhile. By the time I got back and read your first letter, I was sure the rest were gonna show you'd gone through a whole change of heart. But you didn't, did you?
If I thought it was hard not to get hard reading some of the things you wrote in that first letter, it wasn't nothing compared to the rest. You oughta be glad the US military doesn't make a habit outta reading my mail. I probably shoulda stopped opening your letters right there in front of mail call, but I couldn't wait to get back to my bunk. I wanted to know right then and there if you still thought everything you said at first.
But believe me, darlin', I'm gonna take my time reading those letters over and over again when I find some time alone. Unfortunately, right now that isn't often. Not nearly often enough. But my superiors say they have their eye on me. A few more successful missions, I could be pulling another rank or two soon enough. So I'll just get all this down and ship this out and hope you still want a whole lotta my love when I get home.
Hell yeah I remember bumping into you that night. I thought it was a dream. I could tell you seemed a little out of your element but I didn't want to let you run. There was just something about you... And I'm real glad you took me up on that drink.
You and your friend (sorry, I don't remember her name at all. Had something a little more important on my mind that night) were a riot. The easy way you bantered with each other once you let go of a few nerves. The way you included me. Then my boys when they came along.
And it's okay. I knew when my buddies showed up at least one of them would be taking at least one of you home. That's just how they do. I guess it's my luck I showed up first to stake a claim. Believe me. They understood not to mess with you.
So yeah, darlin', I think about that night, and the rest of 'em, a lot. l couldn't wait to get you home, but I'm glad we stayed and talked the whole night. In your letter you made it sound like we drank the night away, you know? But we barely had time to drink between all the stories. I remember that because if it had been any other way, I probably wouldn't have had you on the couch that night, or anywhere else for that matter. I wouldn't have wanted you to regret anything that night. It sounds like you and me both don’t.
Oh, and I definitely plan on taking you up on that offer, though I can't really decide how I want you first when I see you again. Bent over the arm of the couch is nice, but I also wanna be looking into those beautiful eyes of yours the first time I make you cry out my name again.
Yeah, I think about all the ways I wanna make you come for me. If we're talking couches, I could definitely do with having you straddle my lap, legs wide and hips sunk low onto me while I kiss you with everything I have and run my hands over the sweet cheeks of your ass. And I do like to think about my mouth on your pussy. You tasted so sweet on my tongue and don't you ever go thinking that ain't something I'll always want to do.
I really, really hoped you'd write. It's funny you say you held back, 'cause I know I felt like I did, too. And it was all I could do not to ask you to wait. I know what long distance can do to new relationships, but if I'm honest? It didn't really feel new. It felt like I'd known you forever.
Darlin' I know we don't exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things. But that heart of yours? Reaching out to me from all the way over there? If I'm honest, it's one of the things keeping me going. If it takes some hippy dippy yoga to make you feel that way for me, well, maybe it's not as bad as I've made it out to be.
Which was weird, knowing there was so much about you I didn't know. Everything really. But now that I know how you feel, I don't feel silly at all telling you I want to learn it all.
All of it, darlin'. Before I got your letter, I spent a lot of time, when I wasn't taking care of business and the team, thinking about taking care of you. I wanna know how many more ways I can make you come on my fingers. Wanna know how many new positions I can put you in and make you scream your head off. Wanna see you move underneath me and sway above me.
But I also wanna know how to make you happy, wanna know how to cheer you up when you're sad, or at least let you know I'll be there whenever you decide you need me. I wanna know what else you like to get up to on a Friday night with your friends when we aren't fucking like there's no tomorrow.
I love the idea of taking you out to eat at that new restaurant.  (And you're right. We're never going Dutch.) I can't wait to sit next to you in a dark movie theater and not watch the movie. And getting you out on a trail in the woods? With no one else around? Well, a man's gotta have some secrets, doesn't he?
I gotta sign off for now, but if you keep writing, so will I. Every chance I get.
Oh, and just in case it wasn't clear: yeah I want your heart. All of it. Keep sending it my way. I'll keep it close no matter how far away you are.
Yours, Sy
Taglist: @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @raccoon-eyed-rebel @mayloma @geralts-yenn @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @thesaucynomad @just-chirpin @henryownsme 
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minhosimthings · 1 year
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Someone Older, Just a Little Bit Colder.
Summary: Yoon Y/N and Lee Minho. Perfect enemies. But when some guns and roses get mixed up with both of them, I wonder what the fates have weaved for their story.
Pairings: Fem!reader × Minho, classic Enemies to Lovers. Includes rest of Skz and other groups
Warnings: lots of violence, blood, murder, guns, swearing, mention of food, mention of dead bodies. There is a lot of violence so please do not interact if you are sensitive to these things.
A/N - I finished this finally. This took a lot of time and it is probably my longest work till date. I took inspiration from an edit I saw on Instagram. So here you go! Please enjoy this and feel free to give me feedback. I don't like some parts of the fic that much tho. Cause I was very lazy when I wrote them.
Song rec:
1: I need someone older
"No, no, no" Mournful voices were surrounding your frame. "No this can't be happening. Please Y/N!" Tears, not yours, dripped onto your skin as something red mixed with it to create a pretty little cocktail. "Fuck princess wake up! Fuck no....."
"Y/N! Come down quick! You've gotta get to school!" Another day of school. How mechanical was your life. In your final year of high school, you'd have thought that your life would have sugar, spice and everything nice. But instead, you got stuck with a robotic schedule, which consisted of waking up, going to school, coming back, food time, homework, checking to see if any colleges had sent you mails and then going back to sleep. But you couldn't really complain, because you were in Jeju Island. Literally everyone here had the same robotic schedule. Well maybe except for the richest people here. Your family was what was known as the middle classes. You lived comfortably, but not too plushily and your mom and dad both had jobs. Your elder sister Jinhee and you basically raised each other and now, with Jinhee, already graduated and married (since she was seven years older than you), you were left all alone in your turquoise room, with white borders and black finishes. It wasn't the fact that you weren't happy or anything. But, as a child of the Cosmos and as a ruler of the skies and tides, you wanted to feel that feeling that people had when they would roll around in the grass, or buy flowers from a sweet old lady, or wear ridiculous nail polish with someone, keeping the stories of the stars to yourself, whenever someone asks 'what did you do last night?'. But wasn't that why fairytales existed? To tell you that getting all those things was nothing but a mere dream? A dream which you hoped would come true? Which you hoped that the universe would understand your heart's desire and grant it to you?
"Be safe alright? Got your pepper spray?" "Yes ma don't worry. Im always safe aren't I?" Your mother kissed your forehead gently before letting to walk off to school, pepper spray in hand, knife hidden up the sleeve of your blue school sweater. The road from your house to your school was one of the safest ones. It was a suburban area, with families like yours lining up the street. You had no problem walking by yourself, and casually greeting the wakening families, with their toddlers and teenagers. You felt safe here and in the rare times there was some danger, you knew you could kick their asses (flashback to that one time you thought your dad was a stranger and accidentally kicked him hard in the shin. He still doesn't forgive you for that)
"Miss Yoon. Are you walking alone your highness?" That voice. That voice was perhaps the bane of your existence (not the object of all your desires. Sue me for using Bridgerton right now). A smooth black car pulled up next to you as you were just a metre away from the school. The windows were rolled down to reveal a young boy, your age with fluffy plum brown hair, cat like eyes, a sharp nose and a smirk on his stupid face. Lee Minho. Also known as the worst person you knew. And no this wasn't an enemies to lovers scenario. It usually is but this? Yeah absolutely not. Lee Minho had been your childhood neighbour since he was six. He lived with his grandparents since he was six, with his parents being in one of the richest families of South Korea and working in Seoul. He also went to your school, which was weird considering he was basically a billionaire and still chose to go to the 'middle class' school along with his his seven friends, who coincidentally were also from the seven richest families of South Korea.
"Oh no Minho. I wasn't walking alone. I have an invisible friend that you can't see from behind those stupidly pretty eyes of yours." You threw him a glare as his smirked just increased in size. "You think my eyes are pretty?" "Oh for fucks sake. What do you want?" "Language, princess." Minho chuckled and unlocked the passenger seat door. "Get in." You let out a chuckle and said "With you? Oh no thank you. I would rather go to Hell and dance with the devil." "Oh come on princess." Minho's face only widened even more to form the face of the devil himself. "You know people who die to even touch my car. You're lucky I'm offering you to ride in it." You rolled your eyes at him. So fucking cocky for no reason. You decided that you couldn't take it anymore and just started walking with a small 'I'll see you at school Minho goodbye now.'. Minho seemed to have taken the sign as he locked his doors, rolled the windows down and sped away to school.
Finally some peace. You breathed in the September air as you watched the Magpies fly around with their mates. You always loved Magpies, courtesy to your dad always encouraging you to birdwatch whenever you were free, with the pink binoculars you had. And today, in the serene September air, it felt good, watching two birds in love fluttering around, probably having a conversation about who knows what. There was that odd feeling in your chest again, that feeling which you pretended wasn't loneliness. People never understood the difference between alone and lonely. Yes you can be alone and you can enjoy it to your fullest. Some of your friends loved to be alone, eating chocolate, reading a nice book, sitting by the rain, all of those aesthetic things those Pinterest people do. You always craved to be like that too, but you never could. And you still had to learn to accept the fact that being basic wasn't a bad thing.
"Babe your foundation isn't blended properly come here. Hasn't Mama Huh taught you anything?" Your best friend Yunjin greeted you at the stairs of your school, with her bright unicorn bag and her perfect makeup as usual. "Sorry sweetheart. I really can't focus today." Yunjin gave you a sympathetic look as she blended the foundation on your neck with her hands carefully. "Is it Lee again? I swear to God one of these days I'm gonna go and tell him that you like him and then he'll confess to you and then this can be an enemies to lovers novel where I'm the sassy, amazing best friend who saves the day." You laughed at Yunjin's rambling. "And I thought Chaer was more delusional than you." "Do I hear my name?" A pretty girl with long black hair and perhaps the greatest jawline in the world came up behind you. Lee Chaeryoung, cousin of Minho and your second best friend, also your prettiest friend (sue me she's my wif- I mean my bias) "Hey Chaer. By the way have you guys completed Mr Hong's assignment?" Yunjin groaned at your words as she pulled out a red copy from her bag and opened it to reveal her messy handwriting. "I stayed up to finish this shit. Why do we need to analyse what a curtain means in Shakespearean language? Like I don't know. It could mean the heroine wants to be at an orgy for all I know." Chaer hit Yunjin's arm as you laughed at went inside the school to go to your English class along with Yunjin. Chaeryoung stalked off in the other direction, to her biology class, as you entered the class, where Mr.Hong wasn't present yet. You always dreaded English period, not because you weren't good in the subject, but because of the seating arrangement. Yunjin would always sit at the back of the class while you were stuck in the front with Minho. You internally groaned as you walked up to your seat, where Minho and Chan were talking to each other. Chan was a good friend of yours since your mom was the head of the Jeju Island branch of his dad's buisness. Curly haired, eyes filled with stars and the most gentle behaviour ever, he came straight out of a goddamn book. You always wondered how he became friends with Minho, considering both of them were as different as chalk and cheese. But then again, they has been brought up together, by their grandparents while their parents would stay in Seoul to run buisness.
"Hey Chan. Did you get those physics notes done yesterday?" Chan greeted at you with than omnipresent smile on his face as he nodded fervently like a puppy. "Yeah I got them done! It was really hard though. I really hope Mrs.Choi is absent today. So she can't call me out on my 'mistakes'." You smiled fondly at Chan as he took his seat on your other side, while Minho toyed with a blue hairband. Your hairband. "Minho where did you get that?" He turned to look at you and gave you that smug smirk again. "Why princess? Is it yours?" You scowled as you reached forward and grabbed the hairband out of his hands and stuffed it into your bag. "Yes it is mine! I think you'd know that considering I have been looking for this ever since the playground incident from when we were seven! Oh but I think you wouldn't remember that would you? Considering you're an ajhussi." It was Minho's time to scowl now and he scrunched up his nose like an angry bunny and stuck his tongue out at you, all while mumbling "I'm only two months older you know.", As Mr.Hong entered the classrooms in his pinstriped shirt and began asking for the assignments.
The rest of the day went as normal. You went to all of your classes, had a gossip-filled lunch with Chaeryoung, Yunjin, Miyeon, Sunoo and Jake, accidentally spilt water over Sunghoon from Chemistry, and got top grades in biology as usual.
Gosh September was good. September was lovely. People don't really get why September was so comforting to you. And to be frank, you didn't get it either. But there was this aura that September had that you couldn't shake. It wasn't just all pumpkin spice lattes or orange scarfs. It was..... Something else. Something you couldn't describe. You know that feeling when you bite into an ice cream cone? It crumbles all over you, but you love that feeling, that crunch combined with the sweet ice cream inside. That's what September was.
The bell rang loudly as school got over and you went over to the the basketball court. Being captain of the girls team, you always needed to stay back after school in order to train your team. "Unnie come quick would ya!" Chaewon, the team's greatest shooter called out to you. "Im not that late today Chaewon. That's a record for me!" Chaewon rolled her eyes as she adjusted her shorts. "Y/N are we gonna discuss some tactics for next week's game then? Cause I drew a lot of shit last night and I don't want it to go to waste." Wonyoung, the team's co-captain was nudging some papers into your hands. You gave her a quick smile as you looked over all the loopy drawings she did. "Oh and girls! Please remember to get your registration documents tomorrow! I really don't want to submit them late to Coach Kim." All your teammates nodded at your words and went on to the court, where to your dismay, Minho and his team were also practicing. You were annoyed. You had booked the court for today and has specifically checked with both of your coaches and yet again, your mortal enemy was playing with his team on what was meant to be your court. "Yah Minho! Get off the fucking court. We have it booked for today!" You gave him the biggest glare that you could muster, while he simply strode up to you, ball in hand, and that stupid smile on his face. "Aww princess. You booked the court for today? Well sad because I booked it earlier. I have a signed consent form from Coach Kim too. So either you can get off the court or we can have a practice game together." You felt like blowing up the earth below his feet right now but you couldn't do anything when he showed you the piece of paper on which Coach Kim had signed specifying that the boy's team could play today. "Fine then. But a practice game? Together? Boys versus girls?" Minho simply nodded at your words as you looked back at your girl standing behind you who were currently looking like they wanted to go to war. Seeing their determination, you extended a hand forward to Minho and in a assertive tone, said, "You're on then Lee. I wanna watch your pretty little face when you lose really badly. So what's the prize then?" You regretted asking that question when you saw Minho's face turning into that evil little smirk again. His team was assembled behind him and now you were a bit scared, considering that your tallest player was the size of their shortest one. "How about........ loser has to take the winner to that nice ice cream place that just opened down the street? And it'll only be us two. You know, captain to captain." Hearing that both your team and Minho's team broke out in high pitched 'ooohs' (yes even the Bois) as if you were doing something scandalous. You had no choice but to accept so you extended you hand again as Minho gripped it with his veiny hands and shook it firmly.
Chan and Chaeryoung were sitting by the stands since neither of them played and you smiled gently at them talking and giggling so fondly. The game started with one of the assistant coaches, Jungwon, refereeing. You were more determined now than you were at last month's regional games. You had to beat Minho and he had to take you to that stupid ice cream place. "Scared princess?" Minho asked as you assembled on the half line. You didn't say anything but threw him a smirk, hoping that it would catch him off guard. "Alright, ready set. Rumble!" Jungwon blew the whistle and threw the ball up in the air as you reached forward and managed to slap it onto your side of the court, where Wonyoung caught it and swiftly passed it on to Chaewon, who was standing by the hoops. You heard Minho scolding Jeongin, who was defending Chaewon, for not blocking her properly as you high fived Wonyoung for the quick pass.The rest of the game pretty much went the same way as you kept using witty tactics while Minho kept using speed and strength, which you knew was his greatest weakness. From time to time, his shirt would fly up ever so slightly and you would get distracted for a split second by his abs (which you scolded yourself for).
"Guys can you stop now please? It's 7:30. I'm going home now and you guys should too before they shut the school gate." Jungwon finally ended the game as you looked over at the scoreboard. You had won! You hugged Chaewon tightly before striding up to a very sweaty Minho who, not even in the slightest, looked defeated. "So, Mr Lee. You owe me ice cream now." He gave you a small smile, which made your heart leap, and said "Of course your Highness. Do you wanna get changed and then we can go? Or would you like to come being all sweaty?" You scowled at him and stuck your tongue out as you made your way to the changing rooms as he shouted behind you, "Meet me at the gate!" You quickly took a shower and changed into the tshirt and yoga pants you usually brought with you to change into after a sweaty game.
"Yah are you going to take me in your dumb car?" You questioned Minho as he pulled up by the gate. Chan had taken Chaeryoung home today so you didn't have anyone to walk you home, which was a plus point (for Minho). "Yes princess. Since the ice cream place is not at a walkable distance, atleast for my feet, we are going in my dumb car. And you don't wana walk home this late Y/N. It's dangerous you know? So get the fuck in and let's go. I'm hungry." You begrudgingly got in the car, silently admiring the sleep leather seats as Minho started the engine and turned the car. "Oh and Chan hyung already informed your mom and dad. They're not gonna come home tonight cause they're busy or something so I'll drive you back if you want." You snapped your head from the flying butterfly outside the window to Minho's concentrated face as you shyly mumbled a 'thank you'.
The drive to the ice cream was long and silent. You simply stated out the window while Minho stared forward, trying not to look at the way the rays of the setting sun fell on your skin or how your hair fell in that particular way that just felt good. Do the boys usually confess first? He didn't know. No he hated you. This is absolutely not fucking happening right now. You were Yoon Y/N, captain if the girls basketball team, annoying neighbour, beautiful mortal enemy. No not beautiful. Get out of it Minho!
"Uh is this the place? Looks cute." Minho's car pulled up near a tiny cafe like building called 'Jureimi's parlor', lit up in bright pink signs. "Oh yeah. I'll just park and we can go." You got out of the car as Minho parked nearby and got out too. "Is that boba flavoured ice cream?" You pointed at a brown coloured ice cream in ghe booth. The lady at the counter smiled at you as she nodded and gave you little sample cup. You offered a bit to Minho, who shook his head and went to find a table. "Get what you want. I'll pay." You rolled your eyes at him. He had to pay anyway for losing the game so badly.
You tasted the ice cream, which tasted like heaven and decided that you wanted this. "Can I get this in a cone please? Two scoops." The lady nodded and told her co worker your order, who went to the back to make it. You noticed some pudding cups on the shelf behind the lady. "Are those puddings?" "Oh yes. They're a new addition really. It's a favourite among all the grandmas here." You pointed at the vanilla one and asked the lady to give you that one, while you handed her the money and she handed you your ice cream and the pudding cup. You strode over to Minho, who was sitting with his legs wide open at the little round table in the corner of the store. "Is that for me?" He pointed at the pudding. "No dumbass it's for the Magpies." He gave you a sarcastic smile and grabbed the pudding cup from your hands. "I only got it for you cause this boba ice cream is expensive. So stop smirking at me." He looked up at you with those cat like eyes and slightly pouted, but remained quiet as both of you savoured on the sweet, sticky food.
"Dude how slow do you eat?" You watched Minho as he has halfway through his pudding, while you had already finished your ice cream. "Just slow enough to annoy you baby." You frowned at his words. "Do not call me that ever again. It's makes me wanna vomit." You made a gagging motion as Minho just simply chuckled. "Fine then. While I finish this amazing pudding, how about we play truth or dare hm? Because our impatient princess can't wait for five seconds without doing anything." You thought for a while before finally saying yes. "Alrightly then." Minho smiled at you. "Y/N. Truth or dare?" You picked truth, which seemed like the only viable option, considering the fact that you were in a shop, and Minho said, "How's your brother?"
Your heart dropped as you heard that sentence. How did he know about that? The blue shade of the shop spun around you as you tried to focus on anything else other than what just came out of Minho's mouth. Silence. Yes silence would work. Just give him a glare and it'll be over. "Oh come on princess. We all know what happened to your brother. I just wanna hear it from you personally." Your blood turned cold as your mind kept feeding you memories of that night. That faithful night. That peace filled night. That night when the Magpies stopped singing and September ran cold once more.
"Fuck you Lee Minho." Saying that, you picked up your bag and got up, slamming the chair to the ground, behind you. The lady at the counter looked up to see you walking about the door, pushing it agressively. "No Y/N wait!" Minho knew he had fucked up now. He had never meant to hurt you like this. He had learnt from Yunjin that you were already over your brother's incident. This was just supposed to be normal mortal enemy banter. How do you still remember? He quickly pulled out some cash and slammed it on the counter to the very shocked lady as he ran out after you. You wouldn't have gotten far. After all, you had to pass the school to get to your house. Minho quickly got in his car and started the engine with a blast. You had also left your headband in the carseat. So, that was another excuse for him to chase after you. He wasn't going to lose you again. Not now. Not when he was so close.
The street was dark and cold, lit up faintly by the wavering streetlights. This wasn't September anymore. You could feel December taking all the love out of September. And as you walked upon the concrete, you could feel the Magpies talking about you. You could feel the crescent moon feeling nothing but pity for you. You could feel all the plants with their bugs, looking at you and saying, "Yoon Y/N. You fucked up again just like you always do." You shouldn't have let your anger take control. But then again, when we deal with anger so long, she never tells us that her actual name is grief. Your brother was supposed to be a closed chapter of your life, but like a faded page of an Agatha Christie novel, he lingered on in your brain. All your family had far moved on, but you loved your twin brother, older than you by 8 minutes, too much to let him go from the dusty cabinets of your brain. You tried to forget his screams on that day and that cold, hard cackling but you couldn't. You were right there. Right in front of all the destruction, when your heart broke into a million pieces. Yet how could you forget such a memory?
"Y/N!" Minho was rolling up with this car next to you as you reached your house. The magenta coloured door was locked, your parents were still out on work. "Minho just fucking leave me alone. And I mean it this time. Don't even fucking talk to me." "Yn would you listen to me? Don't go inside the house!" What was this maniac saying? You stared at his figure getting out of the car and swiftly moving across over the lawn to your figure standing at the front door. "please just don't go inside the house." You noticed some figures behind him and you realised that Chan and his friends Jisung and Changbin were also there. "Minho what the fuck are you doing?" Minho looked at with what you thought looked like an expression of pity. "Just please don't go inside the house."
No you weren't going to listen to him. Absolutely fucking not. The last time you listened to him, you ended up in a mud covered ditch. Not today. "Fuck you and fuck your fucking existence Minho! I'm not listening to one word that comes out of that stupid mouth of yours." Before Minho could stop you and before Chan called out your name, you opened the door with gusto, only to be met, not with the familiar scent of Eau de Perfume but with the stench of iron. Your world came crashing down again. Your parents. Lying dead. On the floor. Of your house. Covered in blood. You were frozen. You couldn't move. A sense of familiarity came over you. You knew this feeling. This feeling of feeling like a thousand icicles had pierced your veins. All that came to your mind was him. No this can't be September. September was his birthday! It can't be this bad. No please don't let September be bad. "Y/N. Princess are you alright?" "Min- Minho. They're- they're not. No." The tears weren't coming. This wasn't sadness this was shock. "Chan hyung can you get her out of here? Jisung call the police. Now. Y/N. Y/N what are you doing!" You had strode up to your parents' bodies. Your mom was covered in more blood than your dad. Your dad looked like he was peacefully sleeping. Your mum's head seemed bashed in. Oh god the smell of blood. That night. All that remained was that night. You were too immersed in looking at your parents, that you didn't notice the creeping black figure in front of you. "So you're their daughter are you?" That husky voice was the last thing you heard before a gun shot, Minho's voice and the thud of your body. There was something warm on your stomach. And gooey. And red. This felt nice, you thought. Dying felt nice. If only he felt like this before....
Chan and Changbin slammed the man who had stabbed you onto the wall, destroying some photo frames in the process. Jisung turned on all the lights and went over to the two other men to get a look at the stranger. Minho, on the other hand, had rushed to your side, picking you up in his arms, towel pressuring the wound on your stomach.
"No, no, no" Mournful voices were surrounding your frame. "No this can't be happening. Please Y/N!" Tears, not yours, dripped onto your skin as something red mixed with it to create a pretty little cocktail. "Fuck princess wake up! Fuck no....."
2: Just a little bit colder
"Well well well, Mrs Yoon. How are the children?" Your mother cowered in fear as your elder sister and your dad were tied up next to the fridge in the kitchen. Your twin brother and you were in the clutches of some buff looking men. Eleven years. That's all you were. Eleven fucking years. "Mr. Wang I promise I won't leak the papers. I swear on my children. Please do not harm us." Mr. Wang or whoever he was striding up and down the carpeted room, white papers in his scarred hand. "It's ok Y/Nnie. I'm right here. It's just another November. September will come soon won't it?" Your brother, Doowon tightly held your hand and calmed you down, as your tears threatened to escape from their prison. "Mr. Wang. Please I beg you. Please do not harm me. You have the papers. What more do you want?" Mr Wang smiled at your mother. A cold smile. Shivering and undaunted. "Oh my dear Danbi. I have the papers of course, but you know how I do my work. I do not like bitches who butt their heads into everything. So I want your children to see how their mother is a little bitch." Mr Wang pulled your mother's hair as she screamed and cried out. "Hey don't do that to my mom!" Your borther screamed out as you but the hand if the man who was holding you. Both of you escaped from the clutches of the two men as Mr Wang looked on, slightly amused. "Or what little boy? You gonna beat me up?" Your brother stood his ground, not even daring to break eye contact. "Doowon get back please!" Your mum pleaded with Doowon, but he wouldn't listen. He stepped forward to Mr Wang and stepped painfully on his smooth black shoes. Mr Wang let out a cold laugh as he grabbed your brother by the neck of his shirt. "Grab the little girl too. Let her see how her twin meets with death." A man grabbed you from behind as your family pleaded and you thrashed around, trying to escape. "Let me go!" You screamed as the man took you upstairs while Mr Wang followed with your brother. You reached your bedroom door, which you shared with Doowon and Mr Wang slammed it opened pushing you and your brother inside. "Open that window, Brian." He spat at the man who grabbed you, while you and Doowon stood still. "Now boy. Come here. Come. Here. Now. Unless you want your sister harmed." Doowon looked at you and squeezed your hand before going ever to Mr Wang. And that was the last touch of your brother you had, before Mr. Wang pushed him out of the window on to the green grass below. Your screams had filled the neighborhood, scared the Magpies and threatened September to never come again. September's child,you told yourself. That's all he was. September's child, at the mercy of October.
"She'll be alright Minho. Just give her a few hours. She'll wake up." You were lying on an oak bed with grand purple bedsheets. You had a white sheet wrapped around your waist and your stomach, which stopped blood from coming out of your stab wound. Minho had taken you to his mansion outside of town, where all the sons of the mafias of Korea would hang out. Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Minho's brother Lee Felix Yongbok, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin and Lee Minho. Stray kids, they called themselves. Basically abandoned by their workaholic parents and brought up by relatives. "Hyung she'll be fine don't worry. Seungmin's aunt is the best surgeon in the country. She stitched Y/N up all fine." Changbin put an arm on Minho's shivering shoulder. Chan and Jisung were also there in the room, trying to comfort Minho and convince him that you would be fine. "What if she's not ok hyung? What do I tell her when she wakes up? Ho-how do I explain to her how I knew that her parents' bodies would be lying in her floor before she even got home? How do I fucking explain that?" Minho looked up at Chan with teary eyes. Chan was worried. Minho hadn't eaten or drunk water for the whole day, ever since you came out of that four hour long surgery. Never before had he seen Minho's cold face so filled with emotion. "Minho listen to me. You can explain everything to her once she wakes up. I called her sister and she'll be coming over in three days from Busan. Now please. You've got to eat something or drink water atleast. I promise you, Y/N will understand if you speak to her properly. Now come on, let's get some breakfast. It's 8 am in the morning. The boys would have woken up by now." Minho listened silently to Chan's words and simply nodded. Words weren't coming out anymore as he slowly got up from his chair and let go of your hand. Taking one last look at you, the boys left the room, all the while commanding two bodyguards to stand outside the door, making sure no one else can even come near you.
"Y/Nnie! Look what I can do!" "That wasn't a proper cartwheel Doowon, it doesn't count!" "Atleast I can do a cartwheel." "Yah don't stick your tongue out at me! Jinhee unnie! Doowon's making fun of me!"
'Do you remember? Twenty first night of September? Love was chasing the minds of pretenders.' "Happy birthday Doowon! I got a CD of your favourite song!" "Thanks Y/Nnie. Let's listen to this song on my birthday every year!"
Purple sheets? This was not your bed. Your bed had dinosaur sheets and made a rickety noise every time you moved. You noticed the white tape wrapped carefully around your waist and dared not touch it. You tried to remember what day it was and where you were as you slowly moved and leaned comfortably against the bed frame, groaning slightly as your stomach was hurting. Gosh what day was it? Was it still September? Or did October come to take you away again?
Lost in your thoughts, you looked around the room, trying to figure out whether you were still in Jeju Island or not. You noticed a drawer close to the bed. Curious, you opened the drawer, to find your phone, a bracelet and a picture of a you and Minho in your jerseys. That bracelet. It was the one which your brother had made for you. Which you hadn't seen ever since that day. And the picture was the one which was taken when you and Minho were elected captains of your basketball teams. You grabbed your phone hurriedly as you realised that this had to be Minho's house. You had to get out. Now. Your memory was coming back to you and you remembered the events that had unfolded the night before. Blood. The smell of iron. The blade of a knife. The tears of a plum brown haired boy.
You threw the sheets off of yourself and made to get up. Stupid decision, you told yourself as the moment your feet hit the floor, you fell down witha loud thud. "OUCH!" you cried out loudly, hoping that this was a soundproof house. Probably not, because five seconds later, you heard footsteps coming down to your door. The oak door swung open with a loud crash to reveal a panic stricken Minho, who had dark circles under his eyes, a worried looking Chan, who was clutching a half finished piece of toast and a very confused Seungmin, who was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. "I knew I shouldn't have left your clumsy ass alone." Minho grumbled as he made his way to you and gently lifted you up, taking care not to touch your injury. You should have probably thrashed around, but for the sake of not accidentally injuring yourself even more, you resisted, as Minho put you back on the head and flicked your forehead painfully. "Yah!" You exclaimed rubbing your forehead. "Ok first of all, where the fuck am I? Second of all, what the fuck am I doing here? Third of all, I know my parents are dead now, so what I am going to do?" You directed the last question at Chan, who scratched his hair and glanced at Seungmin, who was looking at you as if you were his hero. "You know noona, you can come stay with me if you don't wanna stay in Minho's hyung's house." Minho glared at Seungmin as Chan took him by the arm and forced him out of the room, before saying "Minho explain everything. And no I will not help you stop pouting." He slammed the door, leaving Minho and you all alone. All alone in this wood carved room. All alone to face September together. "Alright" Minho took in a deep breath. "Im going to explain everything to you princess. But you will not fucking interrupt me, got it?" You opened your mouth to fire something back at him, but you decided against it in the last moment and quietly nodded. "Alright here goes. First of all I am really sorry for bringing up your brother. I know it was an asshole move and I thought you'd have forgotten about it. Clearly you didn't so I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Second of all, yes your parents are dead. Im sorry Y/N but they are. We informed your sister, she'll come in a few days from Busan. And the reason I knew that your parents were dead and tried to stop you was because my cousin killed your parents." Pause button. Wait what?
"Minho what are you talking about? If this is some kind of joke I will seriously kill myself right here and right now." Minho looked at you with an expression of pure sympathy. "It's not a joke Y/N. You know your mom is the head of the Jeju Island branch of Chan's parents' buisness right? Well all our businesses are connected. And one day when you were a child, your mother had found some papers which proved that my family was in illegal work. My family was ready to forgive her but my cousin, Jackson, wasn't. All those papers were related to his dealings and he wasn't happy that a mere woman had found out about it. So one day, without my parent's knowledge, he found out about your family and well. I think you know the rest don't you?" Too many things. Too many things for your brain to process as it went back to that night. Mr Wang. Jackson Wang. Pretty name, you thought, as you tried to bring his face back to your memory. Scarred. That's all you remembered. Scarred face, scarred mouth, scarred hands grabbing your brother by the cuffs on his shirt. "Chan had found out first. You know him having contacts and all. And when he told me about it, there was this thing inside of me that told me that your parents were probably already dead. I know my cousin pretty well. And he isn't one for patience." "But what did my mom do now?" Minho sighed at your question. "She, she found out some more information about Jackson and she decided to step up. But we all know what happens to heroes don't we?" Your breathing had gotten more steady now and your hands had stopped shaking. Sadness wasn't arriving for you. Not yet. Was it September? Or was it because you never actually knew your mother and father? Because thinking about it, you actually never did.
"Y/N I think it's time to tell you what my parents actually do. What all the boy's parents actually do. We run an underground syndicate over the whole of South Korea. We own every piece of land in Korea. We have information about every person existing in this country. And I want to tell you that your mom was actually one of the most important people for our 'buisness'. She wasn't just some head of the Jeju Island branch. She was a personal spy for my father and mother, put here along with your dad, to spy against, uh, some people." Your head hurt even more with all the information that Minho was unloading on you. You held your head in your hands and massaged your temples gently. Minho looked slightly worried at this and nervously asked, "You ok princess? Want some breakfast?" Oh gosh his lips. "Or a doctor? You know what I'll get a doctor. Chan hyung will say no-" Those lips looked so kissable" "- but what if you don't feel well later on a faint and then you become even more sick-" Don't kiss him Y/N don't you dare. "-and then I'll have to marry you and take care of you foreve-"
Yep you couldn't keep it to yourself anymore. "I wanna kiss you." You blurted out, instantly cringing and regretting your words and Minho turned his head towards you, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in surprise. "This is adream right? Oh shit I had too much coffee." You were surprised at his words. Wait did he dream of this in a regular basis or what? Or were in you in a coma and this was all in your head? You slightly moved in the bed and as your stomach slightly hurt, you thought, yes definetly not a coma. "Or you could just get me some breakfast? Im hungry and in pain right now." "O-oh yeah I'll just tell t-the guys to get you some. K cool bye Y/N! See you later definetly don't wanna kiss you haha bye!" You were in a state of euphoria as Minho left the room, a blushing mess. Did you just make the Lee Minho blush and stutter? Oh you could jump in joy right now. Well if you could jump. Was this wrong, you thought. Not feeling sad even though your parents had just died? Or were you too familiar with sadness, that meeting her wasn't a big deal anymore?
The door opened again after fifteen minutes to reveal a blonde- haired boy with the most prettiest eyes you've ever seen, carrying a breakfast tray, followed by a taller long haired boy, who looked like he came straight out of those anime comics you read. "Hey noona! Here's some breakfast! Are you feeling better now?" The blonde haired boy, who had a very deep voice, said in a cheery tone. You considered asking him if he was a pixie or an angel because God did he emit that vibe. That positive vibe that just made you wanna pick some flowers and braid them in someone's hair. "Oh hello there. Um thank you for the food. Im sorry if it was of any inconvenience to you." This time, the long haired boy responded instead, saying "Oh no Noona it's fine. Minho hyung would kill us, well specifically me, if, according to his words 'you felt any discomfort', so please eat up. Im Hyunjin by the way and this is Felix." "Im Y/N. Yoon Y/N. But I'm guessing you already knew that?"
"Well of course we know about you. Minho hyung doesn't stop talking to me about you." Jisung had just appeared at the door, dressed in a leather jacket with leather pants, making him look like a biker. "He literally talked to me about your favourite ice cream flavour for five house noona I'm not joking. So please would you tell him you like or something so that I can get out of this hellhole of listening to him?" You were slightly taken aback by Jisung's words and as he plopped and deflated onto the purple couch, you looked at him with a curious expression, "Oh I'm Jisung by the way. Minho's amazingly talented best friend." You heard Hyunjin mutter something along the lines of 'he forgot to add annoying'. "Um I have a lot questions that Minho didn't properly answer. May I ask them,if you don't mind?" You directed this question at Felix, who looked ecstatic at the thought of answering questions, as Hyunjin pulled up two chairs. "Yeah of course Noona! My brother is really vague so please forgive him for that." You smiled at Felix's words about Minho. "Ok first of all where are we right now?" "We're in the outskirts of Jeju Island. This is Minho's hyung's mansion. Well technically our mansion, but my parents are the ones who own it. It's really old and no one cares about it. So we carry out our, er, operations here." Seeing Felix say all that was like seeing a chick with a knife. "So do all of you have like different jobs here? Like in the books and movies?" Hyunjin chuckled at that. "Minho hyung told us you liked suspense literature. Well to answer your question, yes we do have different jobs here. Chan hyung is kind of like our leader. He basically gives all the contacts and manages our profile and connections. You know all the administration shit. Changbin hyung and this idiot over here-" He gestured towards Jisung who gasped dramatically, "-they are our muscle and also so the money work. Lix over here does all the hacking work since his parents trained him and also since he's obsessed with gaming." Felix turned red at that, "Seungmin and Jeongin are our snipers. They are really young but I mean none of us really had an actual childhood. I run the interrogation work. And Minho hyung basically does everything. He doesn't really have a designated position." The way Hyunjin said all of that in the most casual tone weirded you out. He talked as if he was talking about morning coffee, as if it completely normal and nothing suspicious. You smiled awkwardly at Hyunjin who simply stared out the window at the sunlight. "Are all of you so gorgeous over here?" You blurted out, to which Jisung choked on his own saliva, Felix blushed pink and Hyunjin blinked multiple times. "I mean unless you count Jisung out, then yeah all of us are really pretty." You laughed at Hyunjin's statement to which Jisung looked like a furious squirrel.
"Yah Yongbok, Hyunjin are you coming down?" You heard Minho shout from below. "Oh gotta go. Anyways it was nice talking to you noona! I think Minho hyung called the doctor to come in the evening, so you should probably rest up until then. Oh and-" Felix paused for a moment and pulled out a sketchpad from nowhere. "Don't tell Minho I have you this. He told me you like to draw so I sneaked this in here." With that, all of them left you in the room, with a sketchpad, your phone and September's tunes.
You wiled away the hours by drawing the room around you. You tried to draw Hyunjin, Felix, Jisung and Chan too. The house was quiet apart from the voices of whom you assumed was Jeongin and Seungmin talking very loudly. But something was distracting you. That bracelet. The bracelet lying on the bedside drawer. You knew that bracelet very well. It was the bracelet which Doowon had made for you when you were eight or so. And you hadn't ever seen it ever since that night. So what was it doing here? Minho had told you that his cousin and his family don't talk at all, so how was this bracelet here? Was Minho lying? No he wouldn't do that. Yes mortal enemy things but you didn't think this man would be crazy enough to kill. You picked up the bracelet and twirled it in your hands. It was pretty, with gold lining the thing.
You noticed something on one of the biggest pink beads of the bracelet. The bead was... Open? It had a line tracing it as if it was a Pokemon ball, ready to split at any moment to reveal your Pokemon. Curious, you dig your nails into it to open it up. After a few minutes of difficulty (and you almost giving up), you managed to open the ball up. Inside was a tiny piece of folded paper. It was so tiny indeed, that you wondered how someone had managed to fold it. You dug the paper out and unfolded its many layers of folds. This definetly wasn't there when your brother had so lovingly made it for you. The paper was faded, but still looked relatively new. There were some words on it typed out in red, black and blue. The words:.
Yoon Doowon
Birth: September 21, 2005 (Age: Unknown)
Job: Hitman, Ally, Possible heir
Status: Alive
3: Take the weight off his shoulders
'Do you remember 22st night of September? Love was chasing the minds of pretenders all while dancing the night away."
"God boss can you turn that off? It's been playing for an hour now." A stout man, dressed in tight black clothes, which fitted his muscles was sitting spread eagle on a nice blue cushion chair. Sitting in front of him on a much more bigger chair, was a man dressed elaborately in a white mink stole, a pristine white suit, with rings of all colours adorning his fingers, and a big black brooch on a golden chain stuck to his suit. "I won't turn it off until the chorus Brian. You know I love this song don't you? And you shall listen to it until your ears bleed out." Brian groaned and leaned back in his chair. "When is Mr Wang coming?" The man asked Brian. "It's possible he'll be arriving in a few minutes sir. But don't worry. I have intel that he got the job done well and good." "And the little rat? What about her?" Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Well she might have gotten away. Lee's gang was there." The man threw his long hair back and threw off the stole, a frown and a red scar decorating his handsome face.
They were in a large room, an office, but it looked more like a King's throne room, where there were chairs for the ministers and wine glasses all decked with pink fluid. There was no door, but a few handing blue beads, which tinkled every now and then. "How could she have gotten away? Who did you send to kill them?" "I sent our best assassin sir." The man scoffed. "Well, clearly he wasn't the best. Does he have family?" Brian nodded in response to the question. "Good. Kill them." "Of course sir."
The blue beads tinkled as a heavily scarred man came into the room along with two bodyguards. "Mr Wang." The white draped man bowed deeply to Jackson who bowed back, only a bit. "Well well well Doowon. You did good. Your parents are dead. This deserves a toast. Shall we?" Doowon smirked at the man and got a green bottle from underneath the table. "Only the finest whiskey for you Mr Wang." Jackson chuckled coldly, taking a glass from the table and extending it forward to Doowon. "But-" Doowon said as he slowly uncorked the bottle. "I do not wish for your bodyguards to be here. You know how the Lee Family works? Even the most trusted allies can turn into back stabbers when their money is involved. " If Jackson Wang was startled, he didn't show it on his face. Instead he motioned for his guards to leave the room, who followed suit, although with a little uncertainty. Brian also left the room, leaving the two scarred men alone.
"Well then a toast. To me and you. Buisness partners." Doowon raised his glass in unison with Jackson, who drank up the whiskey quickly. "Mr Wang I have something to tell you." Jackson looked up at the younger man and waved his hand as if to say 'go on'. "First of all I just want to thank you for taking me in that night, when everyone thought I was dead. You were so ever so good with your observations to notice that I was only playing dead. And then you trained me and everything so thank you for that. And for telling me the truth about everything." Jackson simply nodded. He felt a sharp jab in his stomach and his head started to stir. Doowon was going out of focus now and in what seemed like a split second, Jackson Wang rolled off of the chair, onto the floor. Dead. "But I wanted to tell you sir." Doowon spoke to the limp body on the floor. "That I would like to take over by myself now. You're getting too old and I don't want you to interfere in my personal matters."
"How do you feel now Y/N? Better?" A pretty older woman was checking up on you. She wore a doctor's coat with the nametag 'Dr Kim' on it. She was Seungmin's aunt, the surgeon who had saved your life. "Well the pain has subsided a bit Dr.Kim. I still feel a bit dizzy every time I move, but I think I'm good now." Dr Kim warmly smiled at you as she checked your heartbeat. "Well in any case, I think you'll be fine by tomorrow. You can even walk around tomorrow if you like. But for now, just get some more sleep. I'll tell Minho and the boys not to disturb you alright?" Dr Kim gently squeezed your hand and packed up her equipment. She spoke to you as if you were her own child, with such delicate words and a comforting voice, something that your mother never gave you. "Um Dr Kim? Could you ask Minho to come up here please? If you don't mind?" "Of course honey! I'll ask him. Take care now." She gently kissed your forehead and went out the door.
"You wanted to see me?" Minho was dressed in a blue shirt, slightly open at the top and white pants. He looked so.... refined. And hot, exactly like a K drama CEO. God damn he looked delicious. Don't lick your lips. Do not lick your fucking lips Y/N. "Yeah I have some questions." Minho groaned as he shut the door and came forward to sit on the bed. "What now?" "Where did you get this bracelet?" You held up the bracelet to Minho, who looked at you, perplexed. "That's my bracelet, for your information. My mother gifted it to me. It's been in my family for centuries." Wait what now? "Minho stop fucking lying would you? My brother gave me this as a surprise gift when I was ten. And it went missing ever since the day he fucking died! So could you please tell me where the fuck you got this? Or I'm getting out of this bed and asking Chan." "Woah there princess." Minho looked at you, worried at your outburst. "Alright don't get out of bed please. I don't want you bleeding out and dying. But I'm telling the truth. This is the bracelet my mother gave me when I was twelve. It's been passed on from generation to generation in the Lee Family. It's a special bracelet, because it has these tiny chits inside the beads, telling the person who opens it who the next leader of, well, underground South Korea is going to be."
Too much information again. Number one, you could not stop staring at Minho's pretty pink lips. Number two, why did the chit inside the bead have your brother's name? And why did it say that he was alive?" "Wh-who puts the chits inside of this?" You asked Minho, carefully hiding the chit inside of your hand. "Well my uncle Wang dies. Jackson's dad. His great great great grandpa was the one who made this bracelet. So he has the right to choose the heir." "Minho I think you need to see this." You handed Minho the faded chit. He looked at it for a solid fifteen seconds before looking at you, blinking rapidly, just like how he does whenever someone surprises him. "Y/N oh fuck. Shit come on get up. Quick. I'll help you." "Wait Minho what? What happened?" You asked Minho as he gently wrapped his arms around your waist, supporting you as you slowly got out the bed, and onto your legs. "Y/N we need to get to a safer place. If- if what this chit says is true, you're in more danger than I thought." "Wait Minho stop. Would you stop for a moment? Minho- Lee Minho!" You shouted his name, which made him stop in his tracks, arms still supporting your waist, even though you could still walk fine. "Would you please explain to me what's going on?" "Come down to the hall." Minho sighed and told you. "The boys, except Chan hyung, don't know either. So I can tell them and you at the same time. It'll be easier won't it?"
You nodded, not saying anything. Your mouth was dry and words were not escaping it. Gosh September was meant to be good. Why was it so full of surprises?
"Yah Minho Hyung! Auntie told noona can't get up until tomorrow." Seungmin said to Minho as both of you cam doen the stairs. All of the boys were pin the living room, immersed in their own work. Seungmin and Jeongin were playing chess and Chan was on his laptop as usual. "Chan hyung. I think I've figured out who the Mink Thief is." Chan's head snapped from his laptop to Minho so fast, that you swore you heard a cracking sound. The other boys' attention was also now on Minho. "Are you joking or are you actually telling the truth right now?" Minho smiled at Chan's words and set you down on the couch next to Changbin gently. "No I am not joking. Look at this." He handed Chan the bracelet and the chit, which Chan twirled in his gorgeous fingers, all the while looking at it as if it was some alien substance. "Oh fucking hell. Not him?" Minho nodded at Chan's exasperated words as Chan slumped in his chair, setting his laptop down on the table. "Can anyone explain what's going on please? Minho hyung?" Felix asked. "Alright bitches-" "language Minho" "Hyung stop being so old. Alright bitches listen up. So first of all let me introduce you to a man named Yoon Doowon, also known to us as The Mink Thief, who has been sending our families threats for a long time, also know to Y/N as her dead brother." "Yah! Rude!" "Anyways, one thing that Chan hyung found out a few days ago is that The Mink Thief has been in contact with my cousin, Jackson, ever since the day of Y/N's brother's murder. Also Y/N," he paused at looked into your eyes. "Whatever I'm about to say next will probably shock you so please don't faint out of surprise." You looked at Minho with the best offended eyes you could.
Minho then continued in a much more serious voice, "Yoon Danbi, Y/N's mom has been a spy for my family ever since I was born. Her and her husband had been placed here in Jeju Island along with their only daughter Yoon Jinhee, for an important mission. But soon, people grew suspicious of how both of them would act all the time, leaving their daughter alone for such long periods of time, coming home late at deadly hours and blah blah blah. So, in order to make their family seem much more 'normal', they took in two children. Choi Doowon and Jeon Y/N." "Minho what the fuck are you saying right now." Why were there so many surprises? Was your entire life a lie? Were you adopted for some stupid mission or something? What kind of Marvel shit was this? "Yeah this is why I said, don't faint out of shock." Minho slightly chuckled as Chan looked at repramandingly. "Look yes it's true your parents aren't your real parents. But the thing is your didn't even have parents. You came straight from the orphanage. So when my family took one look at you, someone with no background information which can be traced, they thought you were perfect for this mission. I mean, think of it Y/N, haven't you ever saw your parents hiding any documents from you or getting afraid when you asked for your birth certificate whenever you needed to register for your basketball games?" Yes, when you thought about it, they did do that.
"Hyung don't you think you should have had this conversation somewhere more private?" Felix looked from your distraught face to Minho's. "We probably should have but I have shit to tell all of you too." Minho said to his younger brother. "When Doowon supposedly died that night, Jackson Wang got a new partner in crime. Doowon was probably still alive. I know that no one can survive a fall like that, but I seriously don't know how he survived. So what I'm assuming from this tiny chit here, is that Jackson probably told Doowon the truth about his true parentage and all, and then like a basic villain, Doowon wanted revenge and now Y/N's life is basically a fantasy novel." "Ain't that right?" You scoffed. "My entire fucking life is a lie. I mean is my name even Y/N? Are we just living in a hallucination? What if all humanity is meant to do is just live our boring lives until a giant space turtle comes along and kills us all?" "That would be a cool way to die." Jisung said, not even a bit surprised by your rambling. "Jisung." Chan looked at Jisung with a glare. "Alright listen up everybody. Now that the sad backstory is out the way, we need to get down to buisness. First of all we need to get Y/N somewhere safe. Well safer. So Y/N, would you be willing to go along with Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin?" You nodded at Chan, who looked very relieved. "Great. Felix, Hyunjin, would both of you search out if Vernon's mansion is still protected and everything? " Felix and Hyunjin replied 'yes' to Chan and quickly went out the room. "Um noona we should get going. Can you walk by yourself?" Seungmin stood up and extended a hand to you, which you gratefully took and got up. "Yeah I can walk don't worry. Um where are we going?" Seungmin smiled at you, revealing his braces. "Don't worry about that. Just follow me to the car."
Fifteen minutes later, you were sitting in the back of a Bentley with Jisung, with Seungmin driving and Jeongin stared out the window, sitting quietly in the passenger seat. "You're lucky Minho hyung gave us his car noona." Jisung commented. "He never even lets us touch it. But then again, we're with you, so I guess that makes up for it." You looked at Jisung's wavy hair and thought to yourself that how can a sweet boy like him, be Minho's best friend. "Jisung, when you said Minho doesn't stop talking about me to you guys, what exactly does he talk about?" "Oh noona I could write an entire seven book Series about that " Seungmin responded instead of Jisung. "He doesn't ever stop talking about what your favourite song is, or what you wore today or how your hair falls in such a perfect way. And when we tell him to just tell you that he is pathetically in love with you, he sulks and says that he would rather kill himself." Well that was certainly surprising. "Oh we're here." Jeongin said, as the car pulled up to a massive iron gate, which had the letters C, H and V on it. What it was guarding was a massive black mansion, which looked very much like a vampire's lair, covered in vines of ivy with a statue of bat hanging out in the big yard. "Chwe Hansol. Also known as Vernon. This is his mansion. He's a good friend of Chan Hyung's and he lets us use the mansion whenever we want. It's the safest place in Jeju Island so we'll be good here noona." Jisung told you, as you stepped out of the car. The mansion looked so ethereal and as you walked into the yard through the gate, you wondered if this was the mansion which was described in the story of the vampire Carmilla. You lived and breathed for that story and you were excited at the thought of hiding in a place which looked exactly like Carmilla's mansion, where she took the blood of her lover, weeping over her body, and complaining about her death.
The boys pushed open the big dual doors of the mansion with difficulty, but not before Jisung had entered a pass code on the tiny keyboard thing which was on the right side of the door. This was indeed Carmilla's mansion, you thought as you entered the big living room, which was decked from head to toe in gold and silver. There was a magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling, along with busts of some vague looking people.
"Gosh this is so pretty." You said to Seungmin, who smiled and said "Wait till you see the ball room." You were about say 'theres a ball room here?' when suddenly the lights went out. "Ah fucking hell. Guys stay here with noona. I'll go and see what's wrong." You heard Jisung's voice. "I don't think you need to do that, my dear Mr.Han." you heard a cold voice, which didn't belong to any of the boys. "Who's ther-" Before Seungmin could finish his sentence, you felt a hit to your head, and you blacked out, before hearing Jisung shout, "Noona!"
"Y/Nnie. Wake up." Doowon said in a sing song voice. The boys were tightly tied up to the chairs, with cello tape around their mouths. You were also tied up to the big blue cushion chair, with Doowon, standing in front of you, wearing a red coat and that mink fur stole. He had three bodyguards with him, all buffer than Changbin, all carrying guns and all looking scary as fuck. "Y/N wake up you stupid bitch." Doowon slapped your face painfully, which made you slightly stir. "Hey don't do that she's injured!" Jisung shouted out, having managed to chew through his cello tape. Doowon looked at Jisung with a sarcastic smile and said nothing, while one of the bodyguards punched Jisung. "Doowon?" You had woken up and the surroundings were appearing more clearly now. Your stomach hurt so much and your brain was still fuzzy, except for your dead brother standing in front of you, smirking. "Oh hey Y/Nnie. You miss me?" He asked you in a cold voice you didn't recognise. Never September. This was not September's child standing in front of you. This wasn't September's child, who used to chase butterflies and gift you cute little stones, standing in front of you. "Doowon you're alive." You managed to cough out some words, along with a bit of blood. "Ahh yes I am. I assume your stupid boyfriend already told you what happened to me. So I'm going to skip over the part where I explain shit to you." He let out a cold laugh which made you flinch. "Doowon this isn't you. What are you doing?" You asked him, tears welling up in your eyes. "This isn't me? No Y/N this is me. I've been lied to my entire life and Jackson Wang told me the truth. He taught me the way to survive in our world. He's dead now by the way. Just like our 'parents'." "Doowon please. Stop this lunacy! Atleast let the boys go they haven't done anything wrong!" Doowon leaned down to your level and lifted your chin with his finger. You shivered at his cold touch. "Aww Y/N. Always so fucking innocent. Baby the boys are leverage. Soon the rest of the boys will be here and then after some introductions, I can finally rule all of South Korea." Your tears had escaped now as you looked over at the boys, who were knocked unconscious by the bodyguards. You felt like the most lowest human being on earth, when you looked at Jeongin's bleeding lip, wondering what Chan's reaction would be when he arrived here. "Brian! Go check if the doors are open please. I want them all to waltz in here and call for these pathetic boys. And then we'll hit them where they don't even know it hurts. Maybe we'll start with this one." He moved over to Jeongin. The man named Brian laughed and winked at Doowon. "I'll get the door sir." He moved out the room swiftly.
Fifteen minutes had passed. Fifteen silent minutes. This was silence which you did not enjoy. Silence was sweet in September, when only the Magpies chirped. But now, as you watched Jeongin and Seungmin slightly stir, silence became bitter. "Is Brian not coming? You!" Doowon shouted at one of the guards. "Go out and see where he is! Does it take this much time for the rascal to come back?" The guard obeyed and made to get up from his seat on a rickety wooden chair. BANG! A bullet shot went through the guards head, and as he slumped to the ground, with a pool of blood around his head, Doowon screamed and grabbed Jisung by his chin. "You! What have you done!" Jisung merely smirked at him as Doowon lay frozen there, staring at the body. "Oh for fucks sake what are both of you doing?" Doowon spat at the two remaining guards. "Go upstairs and check if the rats have entered the house already!" The guards nodded their heads fervently and went off in opposite directions, only to be met with two gunshots. The door burst open, as Minho and the remaining boys barged in.
"Doowon." Minho said coldly to Doowon, who merely smirked, trying to hide the fact that he had peed his pants a bit. "Well you found me didn't you? Good job Minho. You know Mr Wang told me how your family works. So I'm honoured that I'm actually getting to experience a member of the great Lee family trying to kill me." You were disgusted by his words. Where did your sweet Doowon go? Where did the boy whom you had cried for day and night go? "Let the boys and Y/N go. Now Doowon. And we won't have any consequences." Chan said to Doowon. He looked furious. You hadn't ever seen Chan like this. "Oh you can take the boys first and then I'll give you Y/N." Hearing that, Changbin and Hyunjin hurried forward, untied the boys, who were concious by now and supported them on their arms, as they carried them back to safety.
"Now Y/N's turn. Give her back to me Doowon and maybe you won't end up choking on your own blood tonight." Minho's voice made your heart go warm. He had nothing but cold fury in his voice. If you thought you had seen his anger on that one particular basketball match in Busan, you were mistaken.
"Now why would I do that? Sweet little Y/N is all ok tied up to his chair aren't you Y/Nnie?" He pulled your hair and kicked you hard in your stomach, which made you cough out blood. Yep, the stitches in your stomach had probably opened up. Fuck no, not now. Don't die in September. Let me wait for October. October seemed more comforting now. The Magpies had their babies in October. Im October, you could get boba on discount. In October, you could hand out with your friends whenever you want. In October, Minho would turn a year older. Wait how did you know that? Why was this room so fuzzy? Hey Minho's face. His beautiful face. It was going out of focus now. Good way to die isn't it. You hoped death came to you, wrapped in white silk and picked you up in her arms like a baby and put you in a cradle. A cradle painted orange and yellow. A cradle with Magpies on it. A cradle which loved all the months equally. But especially October. Especially October.
"Doowon, stop that! Stop fucking hurting her!" Minho screamed at Doowon. You were blacked out now and as Minho looked at your gently sleeping figure, his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. "And what if I don't? What will you do oh great Lee Minho? I have her in my arms and I can do anything I wa-" That was the last thing Minho heard before all he saw was Doowon's dumb face, struck with shock, bullet hole in his big head, blood staining his already red suit and his stupid mentality finally gone from this world. "Good job Minho. Now come on let's get Y/N. Guys get Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin to the car. We'll get Y/N." Chan told the others, while Minho had already strode over to you. He hurriedly untied the ropes around your arms and legs and got you to his arms, fingers looking for your wrists, to check your pulse. Tears were coming out now. Tears he never knew would come for you. He loved you. So much. So much it was honestly pathetic. The way you scowled everytime you saw him, the way your eyes lit up whenever you got a high test score, the way you cherished December for your birthday, the way you existed. He loved everything about you. And he can't lose you. Not now. Not ever.
"Feeling good kitten?" You had woken up in Minho's house again, with Dr Kim checking your heartbeat and adjusting your blood pump. "Minho." You managed to breath out weakly, making Minho's heart drop again. He was quick to stand up and cup your face in his arms gently as tears poured out of your eyes. "Hey hey hey don't cry." He said so gently, in a tone which he never used with you. "No Y/N. Shh. I've got you. You're safe. You're safe." He hugged you gently, supporting your head with his hands as you silently sobbed into his shirt. Once you pulled away, you noticed that his shirt was wet from all the crying and that his eye bags were more prominent. "Im sorry. I'm so sorry Minho. I-I really didn't know about..... about him and I caused you all this trouble. I am so sorry." "Hey hey princess. Y/N listen to me." You looked into his eyes, which were twinkling into yours. "None of it is your fault. You hear me? None of it. If anything, I should have told you all that I know earlier but I couldn't. Because- because I- I love you Y/N." That was it. That's all it took. That's all it took, for your eyes to widen, your hands to reach up to his jaw and for your lips to meet his, in a slow dance accompanied by the melodies of the Magpies outside, celebrating that you two had finally realised your love for each other. You pulled away after what felt like a very short time, but you were running out of breath. Minho and you stared at each other for a while and then burst into giggles. "That felt nice princess. You sure you haven't kissed anyone before?" You slapped his chest playfully as you said "Yah! Don't make me think back about being your girlfriend Lee Minho." Minho's eyes lit up and he stuttered out "Girlfriend? Yep I'm in a dream someone pinch me." You rolled your eyes as you pinched him and he let out a tiny scream. "Oh stop so dramatic. How long was I out by the way? And are the boys alright?" "You were out for two days now kitten. And the boys are good. Jisung is saying he finally got his 'Wattpad best friend gets kidnapped moment' and I think Chan told Dr Kim to double his dosage of sleeping pills so now he's crashed out. And snoring loudly."
"Noona you're awake!" Felix had come into the room, well more like bounced into the room along with the rest of the boys, Seungmin sporting a cast, and Jeongin having a pink band-aid on his lip. Felix hugged you tightly while Chan hugged Minho. "Lix let her go. She needs to breath." Chan said to Felix, who had been hugging you for a long time now. "Seungmin, Jeongin are you guys ok now? I am literally so sorry." Jeongin smiled at you sweetly, his fox like eyes forming crescents and said, "We're good noona. Technically we should be asking you that question. And it's fine please don't apologise." He bowed a bit to you and as you tried to bow back, whilst sitting, Hyunjin said, to Minho "So hyung. Have you finally got your ass together and asked noona out?" Minho glared at Hyunjin as everyone else in the room laughed. "You will be getting your mouth stuffed tonight Hyunjin. And yes I have asked her out. And now she's my girlfriend." "Yah who said I was your girlfriend?" You jokingly said. "Ok I'm gonna ask Jisung out then." Minho said standing up.
Four years later
You had been living with Minho for four years now, as his live-in Girlfriend. He had introduced you to his parents, who had been nothing less that kind to you. They had first apologized profusely for the whole Doowon incident, to which you told them that you really didn't care. You had Minho with you and all of your past had slowly faded away.
And every year as October and September came, you learnt to cherish ,not the month, but the memories you made every day. You learnt to forever keep memories of you, your boyfriend, your friends and everyone around you. You learnt how to let go of grief easily.
And when Minho proposed to you, on the twenty first night of December, you learnt, you just needed someone a bit older, and a bit colder, to teach you what it meant to love a person like you'd love a month.
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juiceedapplee · 2 months
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Con-Artists and You: How to Get Scammed
Sampo x gn!reader
A new item has been added to the menu!
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—Sampo has scammed and lied way too often to not be considered a con-artist. Being a con-artist has its ups and downs of course, you get money and meet people but you also risk getting your ass kicked. Thank god you’re around though, what would our dear old Sampo do without you?
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Here you stand, wondering what went wrong and why you no longer have any credits or shields in your wallet.
Did you get robbed? Mugged? No, the only time you went out before right now was to get your mail and take a short walk around and you were pretty sure no one ran off with your purse.
Okay, then did you lose it? Of course not, losing money isn’t that easy when you leave your wallet in the same place everyday and keep track of your finances. So then you must have been scammed or bought something no?
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Dammit. You recall meeting Sampo earlier, thinking you’d take a stroll since the weather was nice. Well how did he scam you? Last time I checked you were pretty good at detecting scams. Hey! It isn’t your fault that whenever Sampo shows up you can’t help but lose yourself in his eyes. It’s his for having those genes. And the way he laughs and talks with his hands, trying to get you to help him with something. “You’ll help me right?” Sampo asks you, a sort of desperation in his voice. And you, who have not really paying attention just nod and go “Mhm! I’d love to” “Wonderful! I’ll text you when I need ya! Welp, I gotta be off I have veery important business to attend to.” Sampo says as he waves good bye and walks off.
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But if that’s not how you lost your money then how? Well, after Sampo sent you a text, you went out to meet him. And there he was, holding a few bags standing around, waiting for you to show up. “Ah! There you are, I was wondering if you could a-bla-blah-blah” Yep. You decided to tune him out in favor of staring at his lips move, occasionally nodding your head and saying “Yeah.” “Mhm.” “Totally.”
“Then I’ll be sure to treat you dinner to repay you, my dear friend.” Oh, is it a date? No. “Wow, I can’t believe we’re going on a date.” Is what you think in your head, muting that part of yourself that says that no, it isn’t a date and he literally just called you friend. “Alright then if you could just hand me the money than that would be great!”
What? Money? When did he? Oh. It must of been when you were tuning him out. Oopsies! What can you do other than give it to him now, plus, he’s gonna take you out to dinner! You pull out your wallet and hand it to him, telling him to “Just take what you need! I get paid soon anyway.” That’s a lie. “Wow, you really are so nice. Yknow, I like to think im just a hard working guy, someone who just wants to live his life but keeps getting roped into other people’s problems. Oh woe is me.” He says as he takes every bit of cash out your wallet. “Well I’ll see you around friend! I’ll text ya when I can take you out for dinner!”
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Ah. So that’s how that happened. 😐
Well, in your defense, I guess you were so unfocused that you couldn’t have been able to know what would’ve happened, if only he wasn’t so pretty, and if only you weren’t so in love with him.
So here you are, standing outside, no money in your wallet and a craving for stone grilled olm. Well, at least Sampo will take you out to dinner, eventually.
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This drink contains
A small cash grab: $5.00
A bomb shaped ice cube: ¢.25
A dash of delusion: $1.50
Total: $6.75
I decided to spontaneously start a new fic and it was gonna be “how to not get scammed” with reader kicking his ass but I decided against it, I also didn’t go in that direction anyway. But I thought why not make a fic about the man who inspired my theme (and my bbg)
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peachesvanilla · 11 months
Another day
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: fluff, bf! Baekhyun
Notes: a mix of everything (?) I’m slowly trying to get back into writing so starting pieces I do will be random. So, please be understanding.
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Baekhyun stretches his neck holding his nape, a sigh escapes his lips as his muscles relax. Every part of his body is screaming pain in tiredness. Working late two consecutive nights sucks his soul out of his body, and living two days with bare minimum texts with his girl is close to losing his mind. But tonight marks the end of the overnight streak, he is finally in his girl’s building.
His lips tilt into a smile thinking about the smile he will get once she sees him. He clicks on the lock button twice on his car key and makes way to the elevator. Another man closer to his age is also waiting for the elevator, giving him a polite smile Baekhyun unlocks his phone, going through the mails he got. A notification pops from her. Tiredness runs out of his body as excitement takes its place, a smile breaks out on his face, he leans on the wall opening her message.
Yah, Byun Baekhyun! Remember to eat!!! If I got to know you skipped your meals again… you know what happens right?
Baekhyun barks out a laugh remembering the one time he was working his ass off and forgot to eat the whole day only to end up in hospital for blanking out. She barreled in, screaming at him with tears in her eyes and then sobbing hard that he had to console her for two hours and make sure he was still alive and breathing.
The elevator doors open with a ding, Baekhyun pushes himself off the wall considering telling her he is coming or keep it a surprise.
“Which floor?” The man asks.
“Fifth, please.” Baekhyun answers, locking his phone, deciding to surprise her. He should learn to keep surprises from her and not ruin it beforehand just because he can’t shut his mouth.
The man sighs, “I wish I lived on that floor too.”
He laughs, waving his hand. “There’s this girl who lives on that floor, she is really pretty.” He grins, dropping his head. “I tried talking to her but I guess she doesn’t talk much.”
Baekhyun gives an understanding nod to end the conversation. He spins his phone between his fingers watching the floor numbers move up slowly.
“You must have seen her,” the annoying man continues, “you will know her once you see her. Prettiest among the pretty.”
They are still stuck on the third floor, Baekhyun swears in his head. He should have waited and rode the elevator alone.
“She is staying at 505. Which flat are you staying at?”
Baekhyun grits his teeth. That’s my girl. He turns to the man now, facing him and giving a once over. Decent. If Baekhyun was any younger he might have bloodied his knuckles by now or bark out profanities. But he is thirty now, way past of the childish acts.
He leans on the elevator wall, rubbing his lower lip. “You can try,” he shrugs one shoulder.
The elevator opens with a ding. He pushes himself off the wall and walks out. But thirty means he isn’t going to sit and watch.
He turns his head to the side, “but what can we do, she isn’t going to look.”
The man startles, leaning to the edge of the elevator.
“She’s busy looking at me.” A devilish grin sneaks up his lips watching the man take a step back and the elevator doors shut.
He cracks his head to the side, unbuttoning his suit and tugs his tie, loosening it. The tension in his body piles up, the blood rushes to his head. That bastard had better not stalked her.
He marches up to her door and presses in the password on the lock. Twisting the door handle open he enters into the dark apartment.
The smell of vanilla and peach washes eases him. He bends down, removing his shoes and setting them in its designated space. His ears perk up at the clink of pans and spoons, he scrunches his nose and a growl emanates from his stomach at the delicious smell of his favorite chicken soup.
With urgence in his steps he discards his suit on the couch he makes his way into the dimly lit kitchen. She isn’t feeling good, he comprehends from the signs of her house. Dim lights, no TV playing in the background or her humming out of tune of her favorite songs.
She is standing in the middle of the small kitchen, hands in her hair and eyes closed. Her body is shaking slightly, and he swears he heard a whimper. His heart drops to his stomach, with one long stride he engulfs her in a tight hug from behind.
His nose is buried in her hair, “I’m sorry.” He whispers the same words over and over in the intimacy of closed space, and his heart breaks a little hearing her sobs. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
She twists around in his arms, her red eyes take in his features. “I missed you.”
Baekhyun’s shoulders sag, words not leaving his mouth seeing her so broken. She was acting strong in the messages she sent all this time. He closes his eyes in pain, how can he let this happen. He pulls her head onto his heart, circling his hands around her tightly. He lets her be till she calms down.
They are on the couch, Baekhyun holding her hand, playing with her fingers, his gaze never once leaving her face. She sniffles, muttering something. He curls the stranded hair behind her ear, “can you say it once again, baby.”
Her eyes lift from the couch to his face, fresh tears brimming her eyes again. “Bad day,” she answers.
“Another bad customer?” he cradles her face, snaking his hand around her hips he lifts her up and settles her on his lap. She nods, holding his shirt. Her finger tracing the wet patch on his chest. He leans in kissing her temple and nuzzles his nose in her hair. “What did they say?”
She hiccups. “Th-that I’m a fraud and,” her head dips down, “I should close my business.”
Baekhyun detests the way she looks at herself. It has been a recurrent thing, the hate comments. He knows she is handling them well these days but it doesn’t sit with him well. The first time he saw her shatter made him riled up and wanted to grab them by the neck whoever caused pain to her. After thorough investigation on his side he found out that the customer just wanted to escape paying. Oh, the way he dragged her out was satisfying to say the least.
If he can, he will do it again.
“Baby,” he whispers, holding her chin, “look at me.” A tear drops from her left eye, he wipes it off her cheek. “You and I know that you are not what they say.” She nods. “I appreciate what you do, and I really really love your work.”
She hums, twirling the button on his shirt.
“Just because someone says it, it won’t become true. And I really want you to see yourself as a hardworking, talented and pure person as you are.” He rubs her back in reassurance. “And there’s only love filled in your products.” He kisses her tear stained cheek. “Alright?”
She nods, turning her head to the side, pressing a kiss on his cheek. His heart skips a beat, feeling the softness of her lips and the little “thank you, Baek.”
“Anything for you.” He smiles, booping her red nose with his finger. “Can you do one thing for me?”
Her eyes narrow in suspicion. “I don’t think so.”
“Just once. Can you show me what that customer said?”
She pushes his chest, leaning back. “No.”
“Please, baby.” He slips his hand under her shirt, enjoying her body shiver under his touch. “I won’t do anything.” The lie slips easily.
“Not believing you even one bit.” She climbs down his lap, disappearing into the kitchen. He follows her. She puts the chicken soup back in the microwave, heating it. “I was doing great in handling it and you appeared out of nowhere.”
Grabbing a tissue he passes it to her. She wipes her runny nose. “Tell me Mr.Byun, to what do I owe this pleasure of meeting you?”
He shrugs. “Missing my favorite girl.” He peppers kisses on her neck, running his nose along the length. “Why are you so pretty?”
She folds her hands and gives a blank look. “Dude I have a runny nose, red eyes and my hair is a mess.”
He laughs, pinching her waist. “Don’t call me dude.” He runs his eyes over her face, “still pretty for me.” He kisses the tip of her nose. “So, chicken soup.”
She tilts her head to the side, “yeah..? Are you giving up on that customer? Just like that?”
He shrugs. “Just like that.” He rubs the side of her stomach, “chicken soup, please. I’m hungry.” He grabs the bowls from the cabinet.
Setting up the bowls on the table he excuses himself. Once he is out of her eyesight he unlocks her mobile and goes through her dms. He notes down the customer details and sets back her phone on the couch.
And he remembers someone else.
“Do you remember anyone looking at you creepily or trying something weird?”
She sets the soup pot, drags her chair out. “You?” She blinks up at him innocently.
“Cute. But no.” He deadpans.
“I tried.” She giggles. “No one is creepy.” She tilts her head, “I don’t even go out. So,” she scratches her head, “you again?”
He flicks her forehead before sitting beside her. “Stop trying to be cheeky.” She doesn’t even know that creepy elevator guy existed. Just like he thought.
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Panty Dropper
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@callm3senpaii was so kind tagging me in this and I know I should have been asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about stuff to write. Will I be tired today? I probably already am. Will it be worth dragging my ass around? Most definitely.
Things they do that have me throwing my panties on the floor and my ankles in the air:
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~ The bulge in his pants and the scar on his lips.
~ When he stands, sits, when he's hard. Especially if he wants to hug me or pull me down onto his lap. And if he looks at me and licks the scar, I'm immediately flooding my pants. I don't know what it is about scars, whether they're on chests, arms, faces, backs (omfg backssss). They're just so fucking sexy to me. I want to lick them all.
~ He'll press that mass right into me. Knowing damn well what he's doing. Same with the scar, he knows wtf is up. If he wants my attention but doesn't want to have to say that he wants it, he'll just stare at me and lick the corner of his mouth until I'm dropping down on his face.
~ It gets worse the longer we're out of the house. Having to show self-restraint and not drop to my knees and rip his low-hanging pants from his godlike hips is not #1 on my to-do list.
~ HE IS, though.
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~ Jesus Christ. The way he would hold me all the time. How he can flip-flop between being gentle one minute to shoving my back up against any hard surface that was easily accessible, rolling and grinding his hips into me.
~ How needy he can be sometimes is so hot. Like, he can't fucking live another second without burying his face in my cunt or stuffing me full of his cock. Or tongue. Let's be real, the man loves to eat.
~ He's also emotional AND emotionally stupid. He tries to express himself and sometimes he just gets so pissed off that he doesn't have the words that he'll shut down. And I wouldn't be able to sit by and watch him beat himself up about some shit that happened 10 years ago. I'd have to climb up on his lap and start rubbing my ass all over him to get his focus to shift.
~ Watching him hold a baby would make every single good egg I had left drop down, ready to create life with him. He's so fucking big and seeing him hold something so small and fragile would make me insane with lust. (As if I'm not always DTF this guy). I'd whisper in his ear to give the baby back to her (yes, it would be a baby girl, all pinked out) parents because I need him upstairs shooting his hot load into me and telling me how much he wants to fuck a baby into me and watch my body change while nurturing life (WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT COME FROM. LITERALLY WHAT. TF.)
~ His sweet gestures would kill me so softly. He would bring me a wild flower that he saw somewhere while he was out. Or he'd bring me a little succulent clipping that he snagged while he was at Home Depot getting stuff to make the rack to hold our sex swing that was going to be delivered in 2 days. 1 if the mail runs a little faster than anticipated.
~ I don't know how else to articulate this other than to tell you that we'd dance like they do in Dirty Dancing (the OG movie. Not the remake shit). You know how Baby and Johnny danced with each other when they'd basically straddle each others thighs and just grind while his hands were on her ass and she was clinging to him to keep herself from falling over backwards, even though there was no way in hell that he'd ever let go of her. And how he'd turn me around and have my back to his chest while we're just like, making our hips go in circles while we're in the living room listening to songs like "Cry To Me." Fucking shoot me now, please. I can't stand another minute without this guy.
Sanemi :
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~ This motherfucker. His lack of personal space with me would be irritating at first. Like, he would always come to bed with me at the same time. Sleep smooshed up next to me, even during summer months when it's too hot to lay like that unless you have 3 box fans pointing at you (and I DO) just to take the edge off of the humidity swarming around you. But eventually, when he'd stay up to do something, video games or working out, whatever, and I go to bed alone, I definitely would just lay there and miss him. So I'd call for him and he'd come peek his head in the room and ask me what I need.
~ I'd admit that I need him because I'm so goddamn used to feeling his body next to me that I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not all tangled up in him. I just toss and turn not feeling grounded in my own bed.
~ So he'll turn off all the lights because he's a responsible electricity user and do his bedtime routine then finally come in and lay with me.
~ But he's not really tired. And he will turn over to face me and starts rubbing my thigh with his left hand, sloooowwwlllyy going higher until he's got his fingers dancing over the waistband of my --- wait, I won't be wearing panties. Scratch that. He'd play with the hem of my t-shirt and inch his way between my thighs until my knees are opening up for him.
~ "You still not tired?" is all he'd have to say to me in his deep, husky nighttime voice and I'd pull him over on top of me because I can't resist his voice, even in the daytime. But there's just something about his voice at night that does me in. It's heavy with the days weight and he wants to let go of everything. And I would help him with all that shiz.
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~ There are several things that he would do that'd lead to my clothes spontaneously disappearing.
~ If I walked in on him cleaning ANYTHING my pants would combust on the spot. There is something about a man who takes tidiness seriously. And no one takes it more seriously that Levi.
~I would try to get him to wear nothing but an apron to clean stuff up in, but he'd just call me a dumbass and continue his dusting.
~ When he is getting annoyed with me and his voice gets all disciplinary and starts yelling at me a little bit to "Knock my shit off", it's only going to egg me on more.
~ I would love to push his buttons until he was beating my ass over the kitchen table, counter, dishwasher, shower, closet, cat food dish. Idfc.
~ Also when he would drive us somewhere, he'd have his hand on my thigh and subconsciously rub and squeeze it whenever he'd get pissed off at the other idiots on the road.
~ It would be the way that he'd kiss me goodbye in the morning and then he would pull away only to lean in for a deeper kiss as his hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him.
~ The way the heat from his cock would warm me wherever it pressed into me as he was trying to leave for work that day. "I'm working from home today, yes. Yes, thank you. I'll be in tomorrow," he looks at me, "Possibly."
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 2 years
My Professor PT. 4
Natasha Romanoff X f!reader
a/n: So long time no see with this one 😅...anyways I've been getting like an unbelievable amount of requests to continue this one so here we are! It has been SUPER long since I've written this and I did re read it but forgive me if there's maybe a continuity error or two...anyways...I hope you enjoy and as always my inbox is always open!
Warnings: Cussing, 18+, mentions of smutty shit
Word Count: 1485
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Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms (LMK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED TO TAGLIST)
God was going to class the absolute last thing you wanted to do today. What was even going to happen? She walked out on you this morning with no warning, no text, just left. So what, was she going to just go and lecture and act like nothing happened? Was she going to tell you why she walked out? Either way, class was the last thing on your mind but you also couldn’t let a stupid relationship get in the way after how hard you had worked to get here. So, of course, like the good student you are, you got off your ass, had a shower, grabbed a bagel and coffee and headed to class. You were a little bit earlier than everyone else but you liked to have time to enjoy your breakfast at one of the tables in the common area within the building of your lecture hall to unwind before having to sit down for two hours listening to the same woman who was going down on you last night speak about whatever it was she wanted to lecture on today. 
As you sit there enjoying your coffee your phone buzzes and a notification with her name pops up at the top of your screen. 
“Professor Natasha Romanoff: Class cancelled - Sorry for the last minute notice everyone but I am having some unfortunate car trouble and won’t be able to make it to the lecture this morning. I will see you all next week. Have a nice weekend.”
What the fuck?
She absolutely knew what she was doing, sending this and not reaching out to me first. She knew I was on this fucking mailing list for whatever bullshit course this is and that this would get me unbelievably agitated. Whatever. She's a bitch and I need to move on anyway.
I’m done, maybe I should just drop her class to make sure that shit’s final. 
You decided to get some work done while you were on campus for a bit and headed home. 
You’re done your work for the day and you have no other classes so what else is there to do in university other than school? You guessed it. 
You made your way to the same bar you were at when you met Nat for the first time. Were you kind of hoping she’d be there? No. Subconsciously? Yes. 
You walk in, pull up a stool as the bartender asks you what you want with the most beautiful smile. She obviously rakes in tips. You ask for two shots of Vodka that are quickly thrown back in seconds. Feeling nothing was kind of the goal at this point because even though you were full of rage and anger over what happened– you also developed deep feelings and what she did, how she left suddenly fucking hurt. The bartender continues to throw drinks your way, changing it up for you as the night went on, the drinks got fun, started tasting less like bitter alcohol and more like fruits and other flavours. The two of you talked quite a bit throughout the night but she also had other customers to tend to so you spent half your time just staring at your phone contemplating messaging her. 
“Can I get a scotch – neat?” you ask.
She nods and grabs a glass from the back of the bar to pour your drink. After your first swig you open up your messages and send one her way.
Y/N: hi
Obviously you weren’t anywhere close to actually thinking she’d respond but you were past the point of giving any kind of shit.
You just kept looking at your phone when you saw the three dots pop up then quickly disappear. Your eyes were locked on the screen when all of a sudden a small grey text bubble pops up. 
Nat: Y/N, it’s midnight. This is not appropriate. Not appropriate? What else wasn’t appropriate? When she had her tongue down my throat last night? Who the fuck does she think I am?
Y/N: Who gives a shit
Nat: We cannot do this again. 
Y/N: Who Saus
Y/N: Saus*
Y/N: Saus*
Y/N: Says*****
Nat: Are you drunk
Y/N: Not really
Nat: How much have you had to drink 
Y/N: She just gave me my 6th drink
Nat: Who’s she. 
Y/N: Just the super hot bartender. 
Y/N: You know the one…has the patchwork tattoos, toned arms, blonde hair and the most beautiful smile…doesn’t make me pay for my drinks. 
Nat: Where are you. 
Y/N: Out
Nat: Send me your location right now. 
Y/N: Why? I am a big girl, I can go home with whoever I want. 
Nat: Y/N, stop fucking joking around. I’m coming to get you.
Nat’s phone dings with your location popping up on find my friends. Within minutes you see her storm through the door.
“Let’s go.” She says in a stern tone.
“Natty!!! Becca, this is Natasha.” You say with a big goofy very drunk grin across your face as you boop Natasha on the nose and introduce her to the hot bartender. 
“The girlfriend! She has been talking about you all night.” Becca says with a smile as shes cleaning glasses. 
Natasha throws her a sarcastic smile-smirk as she grabs your arm and pulls you off the stool. 
“Come on, we're going. And here.” Natasha says as she slaps down $150 on the bar to pay for the tab plus tip.
“No that’s oka–” The bartender speaks up. 
“No, I insist.” Natasha says in a less friendly and more bitter tone. 
Nat walks you into her car and buckles you in. “Don’t puke, this one’s a rental.”
You smile and nod at Natasha as you doze off in her back seat.
You wake up the next morning, in a new place.
Where the fuck are you?
Smells like coffee and bacon though so you could absolutely stick around. 
Also, whose clothing are you wearing? 
You slowly get out of bed and take a look around, there’s a cup of water and some Advil waiting for you on the side table. You take a big swig and head downstairs to where that glorious smell is coming from. You walk into the kitchen seeing your favourite redhead at the stove in her sweats and a tshirt cooking food.
“Finally awake I see.” Natasha says as she turns around. 
You awkwardly smile and nod as you stand there.
“What happened…last night? Did we?”
“No. I picked you up from the bar and brought you here to sleep off your super fun night you had. Don’t worry, I slept on the couch.”
“No you shouldn't have done that I–”
“You what y/n? YOU chose to go out last night and do what you did. I had no choice.”
You felt bad. It’s not fair that you felt bad. She fucking broke your heart. But also why did she come pick you up? Did she care?
“Sit.” She says as she puts a plate of food down for you with some water and a coffee. 
The two of you eat in silence, unbelievably awkward silence. 
“Thank you.” You mutter out when you finish your final bites. “No problem.” She says back quietly. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“I can’t tell you why.”
“I can’t tell you why I left without warning. That’s what you were going to say right?”
You look at her with a sad and slightly confused look on your face. 
“But why not?”
“Because. I just can’t.”
“Because you don’t know…?”
“Stop it.”
“Or because you don’t want to..?”
“I said stop it!” She raises her voice. 
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, I just– was it me? Did I do something wrong?”
“For fuck sake y/n.”
“Y-You know what? You want to know why I left? Because I can’t fucking stop thinking about you. You’re like this kryptonite to me. You just came into my life and completely took it over, everything I do ends up making me think about you. The other night it got the best of me and we did some things we shouldn’t have so leaving before I could let you convince me to stay was the only way that I would be able to get out of there. Even when I left I was still FUCKING thinking about YOU. And then I tried to keep my distance but guess what? That clearly didn’t fucking work. Because look where we are.”
You looked at her, eyes wide, mouth slightly gaping open as she said all of these things at you, your incredibly hung over mind could barely process what she was saying. Everything she said sounded like stuff you wanted to hear but it was said in a way that didn’t feel welcoming. 
– End of PT. 4 –
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4niniz · 2 years
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Scream for me - Jungkook x plus size reader
Summary: the town serial killer falls in love with y/n.
A/n: heyyy🤤 so I didn’t wanna start this yet but I am because I’m out of i ideas. Also I’m super hurt about Jin and the way they are rushing his album just to get him in the military.
Warnings: mentions of death of loved ones, blood, rough mirror sex, oral (m receiving), yandere, black mailing, squirting, praise kink, overstimulation
I never think I’d be fucking the towns cereal killer ghost face that killed all my friends and my first ever boyfriend, but here I am.
“Fuck! Y-y/n, keep sucking.” He growled as he face fucked me, hold my braids into a ponytail while pushing my head up and down on his 9 inch length. “Y/n I fucking love everything about you and your beautiful body, I love your curves and your juicy ass, the way the sides of your body turns into rolls whenever you move a certain way.” He moans as looks at my ass through the mirror right in front of us.
His words so crazy and manipulative but yet so sexy and made me feel like the most prettiest girl in the world. I felt like he loved me and I felt safe around him, but he’s a fucking cereal killer that killed my boyfriend and my best friend and could possibly kill me and my family.
He pushed my head all the way down on his lengthy cock causing me to gag and spit mixed with precum to drip out my mouth. I felt his long thick length twitch in my throat, he pulled my head off and took a deep breath, “I-I want my kids in you” he exhaled as he grabbed my hand to help me up. He bent me over right in front of the mirror I just deep throated him in front of, my hands gripping the wall as he pushed his thick tip in my tight lips, his cock still made me gasp as if it was my first time. “F-fuck please m-move” I gasp out as half his length fits into my fat pussy. He starts speeding up and letting out hard moans and curses every time he trusts into me. “If you ever fucking leave me- aughh! I’ll fucking Kill you and your family.” He groans out of pleasure and jealousy, “mhmf! Harder p-please” is all I could react with from all the over stimulation and fear. I really regret telling him to go faster. All I could feel was his dick slamming into my cervix, every single thrust making me closer to cumming. “I fucking love your juicy ass tits and ass! I wanna fuck every part of your body.” His words making me clench and my eyes to twitch and fight to stay open, he releases his nut all in side of my pussy, that warm feeling making me release right after. “ I fucking love your chubby cute body, y/n. He growls as he grabs his ghost face mask up off my bed room floor
“But why do I feel like you only like my body and the fact of controlling me?”
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