#also me and my bestie got lost for like a hour looking for water but thats not important
speakofthedebbie · 2 months
had to go a full day without hazbin fancontent except for my photos gallery bc of the trip. never again.
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bigtreefest · 6 months
Chapter 1: Fix Your Shoelaces
From: The Rainmaker Series
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Pairing: Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader
Summary: Two simple pleasures in life include sleep and chocolate milk. You just never thought they’d both be ruined in one weekend.
Word count: 3,862
Content/warnings: Swears, curdled milk, riding a horse, alcohol consumption, suspicion, dancing
Author’s Note: This takes place at the same time as chapters 5 and 6 of YCMBWH.
This is the first installment of The Rainmaker storyline in the Outta Nowhere AU. This is also a very different environment from where we will usually see this pairing, but that’s the fun in it.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Outta Nowhere AU | Series Masterlist | Next >
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You were awoken from your deep sleep to someone pounding on your door. As you put on your robe and shuffled through the living room, you caught a glance at the clock on the stove. 10:43pm. Who in their right mind would be at your door this late? A better question: why were you on your way to answer it? You didn’t even answer calls from unknown numbers.
You opened the door and immediately squinted at the bright fluorescent light of the hallway as it hit you in the face. Standing there in a full suit was a man with tall, broad shoulders and kind blue eyes under a tuft of blonde hair you assumed had lost its styling from a long day. If you asked your best friend, her evaluation would be ‘totally your type.’ He was a gorgeous, pretty boy….yeah….pretty seemed like a fitting description. Good looks or not, though, he woke you up hardly two hours into your sleep schedule.
“What do you want?”
“Um, good evening. You’re…” he looked down at a sticky note in his hand. “…Decks, right? I’m here to talk to you about a matter concerning Honeybee-I mean-“
You cut him off, grabbing his arm to drag the handsome man into your apartment and out of the hallway so you wouldn’t get another noise complaint from the old lady next door. Although, it was probably already too late for that since he had been banging on your door for who knows how long. “Yeah, yeah, that’s me. I know what you’re talking about, come in.”
Steve gently closed the door behind him as you moved to turn on a lamp by the couch. You flopped down in an arm chair while he perched himself on the couch cushion closest to you. Even with your messy hair in the dim light, there was something intriguing about you to him.
You leaned back and squinted at him. “So what’s going on? Are you Bucket? I’ve been told about you.”
Steve straightened in his seat. Bucky was going to love that he was the topic of one of Bee’s conversations outside the farm.
He smiled and shook his head. “No, actually. I’m Steve. I work very closely with Bucky, though. I was sent here to take you over to the farm. There’s been an emergency and we need all the closest people there to help out.”
You looked at him skeptically. “Why didn’t anyone call first? Why were you sent here?”
“Well, from what I’ve heard, you probably wouldn’t have picked up if I called, and time is of the essence. I can explain more on the way there.” He shrugged.
You looked at him with confusion. “Listen, I love my friend and all, and I’m willing to be there for her, but I’ve got work tomorrow. What am I supposed to do about that?”
Steve waved his hand and closed his eyes in reassurance before speaking softly. “It’s already been taken care of. Just, if you could go ahead and pack a bag, grab only essentials because we need to get going.”
You groaned. At least you’d heard of Steve before, your bestie had described him as pretty decent, and you hated that she was right, in more ways than one. You grabbed a bag off the back of your door and tossed it at Steve. “Okay, fine. Pack some snacks, it’s a long way to go at this time of night.”
He simply nodded and walked to your pantry, packing up everything that could easily be eaten on the road, along with a few bottles of water.
You emerged from your room with a duffel on your shoulder to see him waiting for you on the couch, food bag in his lap.
When Steve saw you, he was captivated. You’d changed into an old college sweatshirt and sweatpants, hair in a messy bun, but your face looked like it was ready to take on the world, despite the premature rise from sleep.
He got up and followed you to the door, turning off the lamp on the way over. As you locked your apartment, you whispered over to him. “What did you bring here? Let me see your keys.”
Steve dug into his pocket, pulling out the keychain with a jingle. “Range Rover.”
You grabbed them out of his hands. “Perfect. I’m driving.”
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It had been awhile since you’d been all the way out to the farm. You used to come and help out over the summers during college, mostly baling hay and feeding animals. It was fun, but it wasn’t your life. Your degree and passion had drawn you to the city and kept you there for all these years.
You explained that to Steve on the drive over, in between the times you made him feed you the snacks. You noted that you were proud you could still drive this route by heart, too. Steve told you a little bit about how he did business in the city and how he knew Bucky, along with a story about why Bucky was out here in the first place. You had already heard the story from your roommate, so it wasn’t a surprise, but you were confused as to why they hadn’t called some sort of law enforcement to help. Something didn’t quite add up, but if someone you trusted so much trusted these men, that was good enough for now.
As you were nearing the end of the drive, Steve continued in his attempts to make conversation. “So how did you get the nickname ‘Decks?’”
You laughed dryly. “It’s a-“ you cut yourself off. “Hold on, I need to make sure I make this turn. It’s kind of hard to see at this time of night.”
You heard the wheels hit gravel as you pulled into the driveway and in front of the house, the headlights briefly lighting up Curtis leading a couple horses and tying their reins to the posts of the front porch in the darkness of the moonlit night.
Your eyes adjusted as you moved to get out of the car and watched Curtis jog over to the passenger side of the vehicle where Steve had just stood up, sticking out his hand.
“Hey, I’m Curtis, you must be Steve. Buck hasn’t left her side yet, so I’m gonna take you on back.”
Steve shook his hand “Yeah, good to meet you.”
Curtis gave him a slight nod and patted his shoulder, then ran around the other side of the vehicle to greet you by the driver’s side door. He reached his arms around your shoulders to give you a big hug with a tight squeeze. “Good to see you, Decks.”
“Yeah, you too, Curtis. Steve told me what’s going on. We should probably get back there.”
You rubbed his back before Curtis freed you from the hug and nodded in response, then looked back at Steve.
“You know how to ride?”
Steve couldn’t help the scoff that came from his lips. “Not one bit.”
Curtis sighed and looked between the two of you. “Okay, no worries. You’re with Decks, then. I’ll help you up. We’ll talk over all the details on the way there.”
Curtis led you over to the porch and helped you up onto the bigger of the two horses, then helped to prop Steve up behind you before getting onto his own horse and leading you toward the mines.
As your hips swayed back and forth with the horse’s footsteps, you could feel Steve clinging onto you for dear life. “You can ease up your grip a little, ya know. We’re not even going that fast. And you’re like, five feet off the ground. I promise you won’t get hurt.”
You could feel Steve nod in acknowledgment, his head resting against your shoulder, but nothing changed. If anything, his hold tightened. You laughed through the vice of his arms that was squeezing your diaphragm and continued on to the caves in the distance.
“So Steve told me one of the caves collapsed, and I’m not surprised because I know how old these things are, but why were you guys even back there? How did it fall so suddenly?”
You looked over at Curtis and he met your eye. “I want so badly to say it’s Bucket’s fault, but I know it’s really not. Your dear bestie insisted we go for a walk to show him the mines, and when he kicked one of the supports, the whole thing came crashing down. Could’ve happened to anyone at any time, though.”
You nodded. “Well, I’m glad she’s okay at least, but being trapped in there must suck. Either way, we’re happy to help with whatever’s needed.” Steve hummed against your shoulder in agreement.
You stopped the horses at the mouth of the cave and yawned from the early hour, stretching as Curtis helped Steve, then you, down from the horse. A man with brown hair and broad shoulders sauntered over to the three of you, greeting Steve with a hug and you and Curtis with a handshake. He wore a hard look on his face, but you could see the lace of concern through his forehead and eyes. Ah, this was Bucket.
“I’d take you guys in, but it’s sort of unstable right now. I’ve got direct orders from Honeybee, though, as to what we’re all supposed to do.”
He went through the plan, but in your tiredness, you barely caught his words. “I’ll go back over it in the morning, but the general gist is that we need to keep everything running smoothly and draw as little suspicion as possible.”
You looked between the men. None of them had caught on to one important detail. “I’ve still got Steve’s keys, but Buck, you’ve gotta tell your guys to move their cars, then. I’ve never seen that many in the driveway. People will notice. Move them into the hay barn. It should be empty enough this time of year before the next round of bales gets made. Can probably fit most of them.”
You all looked at Curtis and he nodded in agreement. “Yep, just as she said.” Bucky snapped his fingers and a young kid in a suit came running over to him, ready to take the command. What an odd interaction. You shrugged it off, though. Your brain hardly had any power at this point. It was just enough to ride back to the house and move the Range Rover into the pool barn behind the garage before flopping down into one of the guest bedrooms.
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You woke up with a jolt to one of the roosters crowing. You forgot how loud those little bastards were, but something about it was comforting. You got dressed and brushed your teeth before making sure your hair was out of your face. You could smell breakfast and followed Curtis down the stairs to see Bucky making plates already.
That was surprising. As far as you knew from your conversation last week, he was struggling to get out of bed, and now he was up early enough to gather eggs and cook for everyone? Weird.
The steps creaked behind you as Steve matched them with his own groan, flopping into a chair. He wore a set of farm clothes you believe he’d borrowed from Curtis and his hair was a floofy mess. It was kind of cute, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the casual wear in juxtaposition to his suit from the night before.
Bucky pulled out a sheet of paper and explained your tasks again. You were so excited to be put on animal feed duty. You loved petting the little goats and sheep, they were so adorable.
As Bucky explained Steve’s tasks to him, you watched an almost unreadable expression grow on his face. He looked almost scared, daunted, intimidated? Maybe it was just dread? Eh, he’d probably be fine.
You finished up your plate and set it in the dishwasher before getting on with your day.
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At mid-morning, you rolled up to the farmers market to help run sales with Bucky. You caught the sight of Steve carrying in his last wagon load of produce crates. His biceps bulged as he placed them all in the right places, and you couldn’t help but drool a little. Not only did he look good while being put to work, but he didn’t complain while doing it. Sure, you knew Bucky was technically his boss, but something about his willingness to help out did you in. Made you feel warm.
You watched as Bucky gave him a final set of instructions, and Steve walked back into the field. Man, did his ass look good in those jeans.
Hours passed by running the market with Bucky. You could see that a few repeat customers were happy to see him, some even trying to go in for hugs and offer him free drinks. You could see the charm you’d been told about.
As things began to slow, you found yourself standing next to Bucky, the both of you watching an older customer leave with some produce and a small jar of honey.
“Mrs. Jensen is definitely a talker. I think she needs someone else around.” He leaned towards you to say it lowly.
You laughed in response. He demeanor now was the same as when he was dealing with her, but somehow she was still so happy with their interaction.
Bucky continued. “Maybe I’ll let Jake see his mom later if he’s good.”
That caught your attention. “Wait, Jake is here? Why? Like, the Jake that broke my best friend’s heart? I thought they haven’t talked since before college.”
You could see Bucky trying to avoid eye contact with you. He was hiding something. Why would Jake be here?
“He’s done a lot lately that has made business difficult for both me and Bee. Since we are business partners after all. My people reached out and he came to apologize. Also happens he’s able to run some pretty complex calculations on his computer. He was more than happy to help out down at the mine when he heard she was in danger.”
You looked at him skeptically. “Okay…”
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After you and Bucky had finished cleaning up the farmers market, you headed back to the house to relax some. You slipped off your boots and laid down on the couch, pulling a blanket up to your chin.
You were shaken awake and opened your eyes to see a pair of blue ones before you. It was Steve. He smiled.
“Hey, Decks. It’s time for dinner. You want some?” You nodded, stretching to sit up, seeing Curtis and his cousin, your best friend, bringing food to the table. You scrambled to toss the blanket off of you and ran over. You’d never hugged her so tight.
“You’re not dead! I’m so happy to see you.” Was muffled into her hair.
She laughed and rubbed your back. “It’s good to see you, too, Decks. Now let’s get some food. I’m starving.”
You nodded your head, still not letting go, as she waddled you to your chair next to Steve. He looked at the two of you, noticing you felt for each other the same way he felt for Bucky. There was a deep trust and appreciation that could rarely be matched.
As you were eating, you hardly realized Bucky wasn’t at the table until it was brought up in conversation. After a long day, and frankly, a long week, you all went upstairs and straight to bed.
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You woke up to the sunshine, somehow sleeping through the roosters, probably from sheer exhaustion, and changed into your college hoodie and sweats. You walked downstairs to search through the fridge and find something decent to eat. As you were making toast, Steve came down and pulled out the pitcher of milk along with chocolate syrup.
“Ooh! Can you make me one, too? It’s been forever since I’ve had chocolate milk.”
He leaned up into the cabinet above you, abs brushing your back to grab another glass. You shivered slightly at the touch. You weren’t around people much, let alone people who looked like that.
“Sure thing, Decks, as long as you promise to make me toast.”
Your eyes narrowed, looking at him for a second. “Deal.”
After eating, you sat on the couch with Steve, sipping your chocolate milk and making small talk. He stayed vague about his everyday business dealings, and you felt like you didn’t have much to add since a lot of your work was confidential, and you didn’t have much time to do things outside of it.
You watched Bucky run down the steps and peek his head in the office before closing the door behind him.
You were about to offer to play a card game to pass the time with Steve since Curtis was due to be done any minute and could join, but there was a knock on the door.
You opened it up to see a ridiculously large vase of hydrangeas and a delivery driver already retreating back up the driveway. Oh great, what sorry guy sent these? She’s gonna hate them.
You picked up the vase to bring it inside, not expecting the sour smell that came off of it. You held it at arm’s length, fast walking to the office before knocking on the door with your foot. You held the vase in one arm to quickly open the door, showing the flowerpot, your face blocked by the large bouquet.
“Ugh! Decks, get that out of here. Where the hell did those come from?”
You ran back towards the front door, where Steve was holding it open, to set them on the porch. “Just got delivered. Don’t worry, I’ve smelled worse. There’s a card here.”
It’s true, you had smelled worse at work before, but it still didn’t mean it was very tolerable after some time. Everyone else stood back, hands covering their airways as you plucked the small piece of paper from the petals and read it out loud.
“Peach, can’t wait to milk our deal together. -Cole”
Everyone exchanged glances, disgusted by the weirdly suggestive statement, as you pulled the hydrangeas out of the vase and tossed them into the yard. You peered into the vase and gave it a sniff. In the bottom was a white goop, which you assumed had once been a liquid before a chemical reaction took place.
“He put the flowers in milk…and,” you sniffed again, “lemon juice?”
You fought a gag while you carried the vase out into the yard and did your best to get all the chunks out of it, eventually opting to spray it out with the garden hose. It still was a nice vase.
In your attempts to clean it, though, you knew some of the spoiled milk had splattered back on you and you’d need to get it off as soon as possible. So much for enjoying chocolate milk with Steve, because you were going to remember that smell for months.
You turned off the hose and grabbed the vase, stomping back into the house and slipping off your shoes.
Now frustrated with the situation, even though the mess was partially your fault, you were done. Most of it was probably due to the fact you couldn’t finish sipping the delicious beverage Steve had made for you. You shoved the vase into Steve’s chest and he cradled it with an oof.
“Finish cleaning that. And dump out my glass. I won’t be able to drink milk again for months.” You grumbled, moving towards the steps.
“Where are you going?” You heard behind you.
“To take a shower.” Your head whipped back around.
You continued to stomp up the stairs before gesturing aggressively with your arms above your head. “WHY DO GUYS ALWAYS SEND YOU WEIRD SHIT LIKE THAT!?”
You could hear Steve as you reached the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna need a shower, too, after this.”
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Steve and Curtis chatted while they waited for you. “So like, what’s the deal with the trucks?”
Curtis shrugged as he opened the back door for Steve to get in, seeing you coming from the house. “Good for hauling stuff. You’re not gonna see many people out here without trucks, so it’s a good thing your fancy SUV is hidden away.”
Steve nodded, thankful you were on your way to end his awkward conversation-making skills that were not working very well on Curtis. Well, either that, or Curtis wasn’t very talkative, however, he never saw that same issue when you were around.
After a nice long, hot shower to remove the scent, you were relaxed and ready to go. Steve could smell your perfume, causing him to smile to himself.
Curtis opened the passenger door for you to hop in, and the two of you talked in the front seat on the way over as Steve sat in the back, watching and listening.
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After spending hours at the bar, you were standing near the edge of the dance floor, chatting with Bee.
“So what do you think of him?” She tilted her head to gesture toward the blonde, wearing a hat that looked entirely too good on him.
You thought for a second before answering. “He’s a charmer, alright, in a really weird, awkward way. Kinda reserved, but very helpful. I respect it.”
“Yeah, I thought so.” She nudged your shoulder with her own.
“Well hold your horses, there, Honeybee. Some of us need a little more time to see what’s going on under the surface. Not everyone seems to fold so fast like your tall, dark, and handsome Bucket. Steve’s got something to him I just can’t figure out.”
“You will. I’m sure of it. That’s why you’ve got your job and I’ve got mine. You’re meant to be a scientist. An investigator.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “Yeah, okay.”
The music began to blare up above your conversation. Well, that’s a familiar tune.
“Oh! You love this one! You remember the dance I showed you in college? I think you’ve got some new guests to teach!”
You looked over to the pool tables to be greeted by Steve’s gaze directed right back at you with a dopey grin. Must be the alcohol, you thought to yourself. Bee had already left your side to go get Bucky.
“Do you want to dance?” You mouthed to him across the bar. He shrugged and mouthed back “I don’t know how.”
You gestured your arm for him to come towards you “I’ll teach you. Come on.”
Steve set down his cue and made his way through the crowd, only able to see your hat through the sea of people. He crouched down to reach your ear so you could hear him in the loud bar. “Don’t make fun of me if it’s bad.”
You laughed and shook your head at him as you set him up to stand in front of you. “No promises,” you yelled back.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Thank you for reading! Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are soooo appreciated.
What do you guys think of Decks? I love imagining her take the vase out to the yard, so fed up with the shenanigans that always happen around Bee.
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captainsophiestark · 10 months
Lost Pizza Delivery Guys
Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Prompt: Dionysus; Wine, Cups, Dolphins, and Goats
Summary: Percy's cousin and friend on Sally's side helps him celebrate his 21st birthday right.
Word Count: 1,843
Category: Fluff
A/N: I also wrote this oneshot with Percy and his cousin being besties, loosely related to this one! You don't need to read one to understand the other, but in my mind they're in the same universe
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"IDs, please."
I grinned and nudged my cousin excitedly as he pulled out his driver's license and handed it to the bouncer before us. Tonight was his 21st birthday, and this officially marked the first time he got to use his card to get in somewhere.
"Okay, go ahead," said the bouncer, passing our IDs back before stepping aside. "And happy birthday."
"Thanks," said Percy with a smile and a nod as we headed into the bar. I beamed at him, dropping my hands onto his shoulders and jumping up and down a little.
"Welcome to adulthood, Perce! First round's on me, but you put in the order."
"Alright," said Percy, laughing a little at my antics but heading over to the bar with a smile anyway.
After a full-family day of celebrating Percy's 21st birthday, I'd asked for the honor of taking him to his first bar. He'd been all in, and I'd brought him to my favorite place in the city.
Despite being close cousins if you looked at a family tree, I hadn't gotten to be a part of Percy's life until the very end of his high school career. I'd been separate from the family I shared with him and Sally, escaping a bad situation when I was young without looking back. Once I'd gotten to college in New York, however, and knew I had family in the area, I decided to reach out and see if it would be worth reconnecting. And it had turned out to be the best decision I could've made.
My Aunt Sally was absolutely incredible, that went without saying. The few memories I had of her from when I was young were the things that had made me want to reach out in the first place. But finding Percy, who was only a few years younger than me, was like getting the little brother I'd always wanted. Even a little later, when a monster almost took my head off when Percy and I were out getting lunch and I learned about all the Greek mythology stuff, I didn't have even a second of regret over having these people in my life.
Luckily for me, Sally's clear-sightedness ran in the family, so I wasn't completely out of the loop when things came up. And, even better, I could look around the bar and feel confident no monsters were about to interrupt me and my little cousin celebrating his 21st birthday.
"Alright, first a toast," I said, raising my glass towards Percy once we had our drinks. He lifted his, too, grinning at me as I continued. "To you, Percy Jackson, hero of AHS swim team, son of Sally Jackson, and the best cousin I could've ever hoped for."
We clinked glasses, Percy still absolutely beaming, and took the first sips of our drinks. The night had officially begun.
We stayed in the bar for a few hours, laughing and dancing to the live band and occasionally refilling our drinks. Finally though, with a little less than an hour and a half to go before midnight, we wandered outside, smiling like idiots with our arms around each other.
"That was fun," Percy decided as we nodded a goodnight to the bouncer.
"I'm glad. And remember what I told you about drinking lots of water."
"I will. Maybe it'll work even better for me since I'm a son of Poseidon."
"That would be sick."
We both stood there for a moment, letting the cool night air wash over us, a serious relief for the end of the summer. Percy had planned to spend the last moments of his birthday at Camp, with his girlfriend Annabeth and his best friend Grover. I knew it was time for me to let him go, to get us each a cab and head our separate directions, but I still didn't quite want the night to end.
Apparently, Percy felt the same way. He turned to me, a mischievous grin on his face and a light in his eyes that definitely meant trouble.
"Do you want to come back to Camp with me?"
I laughed, smiling a little even as I shook my head. "Perce, you know as well as I do that I can't. I wish I could, but there's no way for me to get in."
"Actually... no one knows how he did it, but a really lost pizza delivery guy made it through one time."
"If no one knows how he did it, how am I supposed to replicate it?"
Percy shrugged. "I don't know. But it's possible."
I paused, debating with myself for a moment. Worse-case scenario, I couldn't get in and I had a much longer cab ride than necessary. Not ideal, but not the end of the world either. And best case, I'd finally get to see the famous Camp Half-Blood and hang out with Percy and his friends.
"Alright," I finally said, turning back to Percy with a smile. "Let's give it a shot."
"Cool. Then I'm sorry for this."
Before I could ask what he meant, Percy held out his hand and threw a golden coin I recognized as Olympian money onto the street. At the same time, he shouted something in what I guess was ancient Greek, and the pavement before us started to bubble. A moment later, a smoky gray taxi rose out of the ground, suddenly sitting and waiting just in front of where we stood on the curb.
"Whoa," I breathed, a smile making its way onto my face as the astonishment wore off. "That is so cool."
"Maybe wait until after the ride to decide if it's cool."
Despite that shady warning, I got into the cab when Percy opened the door and climbed in with me. In front of us across the driver's bench were three ancient old ladies. It took about thirty seconds for me to realize they only had one eye between them, at which point only love for Percy kept me sitting in the car.
The ride from the bar to Camp Half-Blood were a few of the worst moment of my life. It was terrifying from start to finish, and although the travel was incredibly fast, there was also a stretch of that time where I thought we'd never get out of the cab alive again.
After Percy convinced the drivers, apparently the Gray Sisters, to take me even though I was a mortal, and after they spat some poetry about Apollo meddling to help Percy as a favor in the near future (which Percy seemed less than thrilled about), the car finally came to a stop. I rushed to get out, making a beeline for some bushes in case the motion sickness was enough to make me throw up. Thankfully, it wasn't, and when I turned around the cab was gone, leaving me and Percy on a darkened stretch of road.
"That was the worst thing ever," I declared. Percy shrugged, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"Fastest cab service in New York."
I just shook my head, closing my eyes and then immediately regretting it since my world was still spinning. When I opened my eyes again, Percy had moved past me to the edge of the forest.
"I figured we'd try to go in the back way, by the woods here," he explained. "We're pretty sure that's where the pizza guys come from."
"Would those be the monster-infested woods you've told me about?"
I sighed, long and heavy, letting the last of the adrenaline drain away. Then, I managed a smile at Percy.
"Alright. Let's do this."
Percy pulled out his sword as I followed him into the woods, incredibly tense and jumping at every single noise. I couldn't tell exactly where the barrier to Camp Half-Blood was, but I didn't run into any invisible barriers, and by some miracle we didn't run into any monsters. After a while of walking, finally, we came to a beach, and not far from us I could see two figures waiting.
Percy turned back to me with a grin as our feet reached the sand.
"We did it."
"Did we seriously? This is Camp?"
"Yeah. The cabins and everything else are another walk through the woods, but this is the Camp beach. Annabeth and Grover are up there."
"Hell yes," I said, grinning as I moved to walk next to Percy. "Lost pizza delivery guys have nothing on me."
Percy and I high-fived, and as soon as they noticed me, Annabeth and Grover threw their hands up in the air and waved me over.
"You made it!" cried Annabeth, pulling me in for a hug. "How did you make it?"
I shrugged as we pulled apart, then immediately turned to pull Grover in too.
"No idea. However the pizza delivery guys did it, I guess. Whatever it was, I'm glad I'm here."
"Me too," said Percy, slinging an arm around my shoulders. We shared a smile, and then I turned away to reach into my bag. I pulled out the last surprise I'd been saving and faced the group again with a massive grin, two wine bottles in-hand.
"Don't tell your camp director," I said, smirking a little to myself. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover made a perfect scale of worried (Grover) to cackling, laughing happy (Percy) with Annabeth in the middle. I passed one bottle to Percy, then opened the first bottle and poured us each a glass. "To Percy! Happy twenty-first to the greatest cousin and friend I ever could've asked for. I love you, and I can't wait to drag you on every ridiculous, non-lethal adventure I can think of, from now until forever. And you have the next year to prepare for how many times you're gonna hear Taylor Swift's 22 at your next birthday."
"Hear hear!"
"Can't wait!"
The four of us clinked our glasses, and a moment later (like it'd been planned, which it probably had) a literal pod of dolphins burst out of the water, dancing and swirling in the waves. Percy groaned next to me while Annabeth, Grover, and I laughed.
"Poseidon knows how to put on a show for a birthday," I said. Percy sighed and shook his head, then dropped into the sand. The rest of us followed right after him, leaning back in the sand and watching the ocean sparkle and stretch out before us. The four of us stayed out there long into the night, laughing and talking and drinking by the surf.
When we finally decided it was time to head to bed, the trio helped me sneak through the woods again and into the heart of Camp. I wandered around happily, taking in everything while Percy and I made a beeline for his cabin. I'd have to leave earlier than early tomorrow to keep us all out of trouble, but for just one night we could manage to get away with it.
A Half-Blood's life was full of crazy, and even though I wasn't one, I intended to be part of every single thing that I could be part of for Percy, Annabeth, and everyone else he cared about for the rest of his life.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
PJO Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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wonsohl · 1 year
see you again ☆ han yujin 💭
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‘ so are you really going to that planet thingy?’
you ask yujin after several of other trainees had told you about the rumor of yujin going to the new mnet survial show.
‘yeah, i guess so..’
the there was an awkward silence.
you and yujin had been besties and very close but ever since the whole rumor of him going to that show, you’ve been distant.
abit too distant.
whenever you would see each other it would be lil nods signalling hellos.
‘cool, but if you actually debut than do not forget me.’
you say trynna uplift the dull mood which you do.
he lets out an chuckle and links his finger with yours promising your wish.
‘of course y/n, i know you won’t be far behind.’
it felt like forever but you guys were still linking fingers together.
it was 10:27 in the night and the company was empty.
or you thought.
‘ yujin! we need to practice, we’re going to the studio tomorrow get back here.’
you guys both turn around to see a tall and handsome boy pulling yujin by his ear towards the dance practice room.
‘oh, you are new?’
‘oh no, you don’t really see me on this floor and i’ m mostly on the top floor, im y/n and im not new’
‘nice, im kim gyuvin, now excuse me because me and yujin need to get practicing,
bye …’
‘bye y/n’ says yujin and gyuvin as they run off.
and that was the last time you saw yujin in person.
you sit on the green comfy chairs in mama, cheering on the other artists.
till you hear a familiar voice.
it was him, han yujin.
it had been 3 years since you last heard of him.
he stopped sending messages, he stopped calling you and talking to you.
but there he was, on the big screen dancing with the old smile.
you could’ve sworn your heart was beating unusually.
the world felt like it was going slow when you saw him.
but then your manager had called you and your group ( le sserafim ) down to get ready for your performance.
whilst warming up your vocals you went to fetch some water for your members and that’s when you saw him.
he looked so ethereal and handsome than usual.
you walked past him and you felt his eyes gaze on you.
the same way they gazed at you when you were dancing the practice room 3 years ago.
after fetching water, you guys put in your monitors and went on stage.
things went smooth and surprisingly alot of your fans had shown up.
lost of cheers were given when you were singing and at the end of your performance.
you also won an award for the ‘ best female group ‘ of the year in which you and yunjin both did a joint speech in english.
when retuning to your seat, you walked past yujin and his group.
eunchae , being the respectful younger, took her time bowing down to her sunbaes making you individually bow to them.
when it got to yujin, the whole world felt like it went silent.
yujin’s eyes softened when he looked at your beauty.
he mouthed a ‘ congratulations’ to you and you smiled back saying thank you.
after mama had finished you and several other groups headed down the stairs.
strangely in enough, yujin just had to be a inch away from you.
you looked at him secretly but it turns out he saw you looking at him.
‘so.. nice performance out there.’ he says fixing up his hair.
‘thanks you did great as well’ you say smiling back.
his heart deffo melted.
‘hey sorry about not keeping the promise years ago, i was really petty for that’
you couldn’t lie, it broke your heart when he mentioned it again.
‘it’s okay, we all move on.’
‘yeah, nice company’
after he left to go to boys planet, you left yueha and went to hybe leading you to debut in le sserafim.
you laugh making him laugh as well.
‘we should go out sometime huh?’ you say hoping he agrees back.
‘yeah, we should’ he says smiling like a dumb child.
‘well i have to go now, i’m at my changing room now’ he says pointing to the door.
‘oh of course , yeah you can go in!’ you say flustered forgetting that you and him were still in public.
‘welp, bye yujin!’ you say waving your hand.
‘bye y/n’
he says waving back.
as soon as he shuts the door behind him, you start jumping up and down like a monkey.
‘yes! i finally met him, i finally met him, i-i met him! ~’
you start to sing it out whilst skipping away.
but little did you know, yujin was listening through the door.
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queenie-official · 10 days
✨Behind the scenes ✨
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‘Summer Love’ series masterlist
alright so i decided to release the behind the scenes early since i hardly got anything for the q&a event lol
so without further ado here are a bunch of cut dialogue concepts and how scenes were originally going to go✨ as well as some other cool things:
from part 1, breakfast reveal scene:
“honestly shocking the Directors didn't catch wind of anything." Well that's not good but it can't be that bad?
it very much was that bad. she not only lied about small things like her birthday, how many siblings she had and about her ethnicity. but she also lied and spread rumors around about several of the other girls at camp that were pretty damaging. one of the lesser rumors was about a girl she said was a slut who slept around with all of the guys on camp.“
this was originally how Jasmine’s backstory was supposed to go, i had based her off the guy my bestie fake dated (which is what inspired this whole fic i’ll go into details later)
and this was some of the stuff he did which was fucked up but not messed up enough for me lol i wanted Jasmine to be like as close to a real life villian as possible (hence the outing of a older camper)
from part 2, opening scene:
“you drop the act when you turn to close the door behind you smiling brightly at her and sharing one last laugh. Unfortunately for you the moment is soured when you physically bump into someone else.
"oh my gosh i'm so sorry i-" you cut yourself off when you look up and see who it is. you and padme were often so much in your own world that it was easy to forget there were three of you assigned to the cabin, said third member was giving you the death glare.
if looks could kill you were sure you'd be slaughtered on the ground right now. "sorry" you push out, even though you hated Jasmine it's not like you lost your manners. she doesn't say anything, just snarls and steps back slightly.
there's a silence before she finally says something "are you going to get out of the way or what" you swallow and step past her. she doesn't spare you another glance as she walks into the room. anger burns under your skin but you persevere, pushing it down and letting it fizzle out before continuing your original mission of showering for the day.”
i ended up scrapping this whole part of the scene, it just felt unnecessary to add in my mind; especially when i realized as much as i wanted jasmine to have a bigger role in the fic i didn’t want her to be a antagonist for the reader. at least not in the way this would of solidified her, after all i wanted this to be more fluff than angst lol.
from part 2, the favorite camper scene:
“Anakin scoffs at Ben's answer. "forget that, she's also the coolest camper there is. my first year with her in my group she helped me sneak a bunch of " he cuts himself off only because he spots Windu walking past you guys.
he clears his throat once Windu is far enough away. "we broke into the Kitchen after hours and stole a whole case of pudding cups. snuck them into our cabin and hid it. the Kitchen staff was so mad and confused the next day. Ahsoka and I played innocent and helped ourselves to as many pudding cups as we wanted till we ran out" Anakin snickered.”
this was going to be what Anakin had said to answer readers question about Ahsoka being his favorite camper, i scrapped it because it felt lame 😭 and also seem more like something between two campers rather than a camper and a counselor. which is why our poor curly blonde boy doesn’t get to speak at the end of the scene 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
part 3, late night walking scene:
“"hey me and Ben live together too, we got an apartment just a few months ago" you hold your shoes and socks in your hand as you walk in the shallow water, a small content smile on your face.
"you know, when i was talking to Honey about you guys and she saw a photo of Ben; she found him super cute. even wanted to reach out to him but realized it'd probably be to weird"”
so as you can tell i had originally planned on Ani and Ben loving together like Honey and Reader do; i decided against it when i thought the parallels between the four of them would be too similar
also wanted to expose Honey’s interest in Ben sooner with the intentions of Ben going into meeting her knowing she liked him, but decided against it the end. which worked out since we got that cute scene i wrote with Ben being flustered meeting her 🤭
part 3, possible bonus end scene dialogue:
“"oh my anxiety ridden, true crime obsessed bestie, how i've missed you."”
welp it’s pretty obvious i didn’t get far with this one 😀 so initially i had planned on including a bonus scene where Reader and Honey finally reunite after reader gets home and this was going to be her greeting dialogue to Honey.
scrapped it in favor of the bonus scene with Honey meeting everyone✨
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so i’m not sure if anyone picked these up but i did make a few references at the end of the series 😋😋 so ima point them out just so it gets the attention it deserves✨
so to start us off the first reference made is a hamilton one for us theater girlies 💪💪:
“whoever said in the eye of a hurricane there is quiet for just a moment was a liar- or you'd yet to reach that brief moment of respite.”
fun fact this wasn’t even the original reference, initially it had been a lot more direct. but it honestly felt out of place which is why i changed it- here’s the original, you’ll see what i mean
“mess as you move to lay on your stomach, opening your phone to text Honey. when Lin Manuel Miranda said in the eye of a hurricane there was quiet for just a moment he wasn't kidding”
out of place in the sense readers mind was very much not quiet yet 😭 sis was still going through it
anyway the next reference is a Julie and the phantoms reference 🤭:
“he holds his hand out and you feel your heart hammer in your chest as you take it without hesitation. and when he intertwines his fingers with yours you think you may just faint. this was different, not a sole around to see you two and yet here you both were.
"this is an interesting little relationship you and i have" he jokes and you can't help but giggle. he swings your hands beside you both as you guys walk. bright smiles that could outshine the sun on your faces. an interesting little relationship indeed.”
guess what, i’ve never seen Julie and the Phantom’s 😗 so why may you ask did i think to use this? easy it twasnt me 😌 it was Bestie @everydaydreamer
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so everyone give a round of applause and thank yous for this scene to Ren 🥰
next up we have a harry potter reference (no i do not support JKR but i did grow up with the movies and have love for them im sorry 😭):
“one that you mutually had acknowledged last night without actually discussing it. "mooorning" Ben greets you with a mischievous glint in his eyes as you sit beside Anakin. taking a long dramatic sip of his water before sending you both a wink. Anakin wasn't paying much attention as usual.”
it felt to perfect not to include!! i can so see Ben doing this the same way George did to Ginny and Harry✨
and lastly, completely unintentionally might i add (thanks to my bestie @munsondjarin for pointing out this accidental parallel) we’ve got a ROTS reference💃:
“"you know when i was younger, my mom would take me and my stepbrother camping with Ben's family all the time." he shifted you in his hold as he extended his own roasting stick over the fire, carefully twisting it as he roasted his marshmallows. "and i still remember the first time i was finally allowed to roast my own marshmallows. i burnt them to a crisp"
"how'd you manage to do that?" you laugh and he smiles against the back of your head, continuing to twist the stick in his hand. you follow his lead twisting your own as he spoke again.
"well for starters i was like 9 and ornery." his voice was low, it rumbled in chest and against your back. "and i was so focused on trying to mess with Ben that i forgot i was even holding a marshmallow over the fire to begin with. the worse part was they all saw the marshmallow on fire and didn't say anything! not even my own mother" you bite back a laugh, poorly as he can very much tell you’re laughing at him.
"my first betrayal- she'd said it was the natural consequence for messing with Ben. she was right of course but i still got upset and threw a fit" you mumble a quiet 'bratty' under your breath and he gently pinches your side making you giggle.“
i think it’s safe to say we all know what specific scene this reminds us of 👀
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*cough* *cough*
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next i have just some fun details to share💋
when coming up with the campers for Naboo cabin i also came up with names for all three of the main cabins mentioned✨
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i even pre assigned which counselor was assigned to each camper.
📖= reader ⛈️= Jasmine 👑= Padme 🩵= Ani 💙= Ben 🦖=Rex
unassigned campers were for the other two conselours in Rex’s cabin who never get named 😗
Next fun detail to share is actually some messages between me and my bestie that are cross referenced in the fic 😭
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alright and i think that concludes this BTS post 🥳🥳
anyways i know i keep saying this but really thank you all for the love and support 🫶🏼🫶🏼 i’m glad you enjoyed Summer Love!! have a wonderful day huns Xx<3
series tag list: @anakinskwkler @anakinstwinklebunny @divineani @huayan @poppysrin @bxbyysstuff @dollhobigem @skywalkercinema @corio-letit-snow @avatarobsessedgirly @kelsxxyawn @7xss @throughparisallthroughrome @humongouscatfest @rhiannonhippiegirl @akixxrafiiy @ter-luer @w0rsh1psells @bulllsseye @anitaxl
in case you lovely’s wanted to see the BTS
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drkcnry67 · 2 years
but you're my...
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title: but you're my...
pairing: brother!jensen x sister!reader
fluff: long lost sibling
kink: bath tub sex
A.F.G.B: found family
tags: taboo, long lost sibling sex, brother cock in sister pussy, brother cums in sister pussy, vaginal sex, sex in a bath tub, dr dna test, finding out your own brother got you pregnant WARNING DO NOT READ IF UNDER THE AGE OF 18 THIS WILL GIVE YOU NIGHTMAREZ THIS WILL BE YOUR DOOM...
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created for @spnfluffbingo @spnkinkbingo @sweetness47
You head out to the club to meet up with your best friend... Going through highschool and college would have sucked if not for her. But doing your 3rd year of law, you both decided to hit the club after a full week of exams.
You got into a romper, strapless, blue and gold obviously but it was a brand new outfit... you were heading to meet up with your bestie outside of the best club on campus.
Now you don't normally mingle with anyone that you either bring back to the dorm or go back to their place with but tonight felt different.
You and your best friend were just dancing in the crowd. You went to grab some drinks but a stranger a tall dark mysterious hot guy bumped into you. He leans in to whisper in your ear
Jensen: sorry for bumping into you.
You lean in to whisper back
Yn: it's all good.
He replies low husky and soft
Jensen: dance with me
In seconds the music changed, it was more hypnotic and seductive.. but you followed Jensen to the center of the crowd where you both spent the next few hours just doing the grind.
It wasn't till almost closing time that your best friend found you.
Alaina: go home with him, I'll see you tomorrow. Plus I get to have my own fun and you 2 seem to have hit it off.
Yn: but it seems too good to be true...
Alaina: you worry too much take tonight for yourself. Go and have some fun. I know I will.
And like that you both parted ways. Jensen summoned you a cab to take you cross campus to the guys dorms.
Jensen and you went inside and found neither of you could keep your hands off eachother but also agreed a bath was in order.
Jensen took his hands off of you long enough to run the bath ... you turned around to stare in the mirror, but you looked down slightly startled by the arms of someone wrapping around your waist.
Jensen: I can afford to buy you new clothes and plus I have some shirts that you could use as dresses if need be... now are you ready for me to tear these clothes off of you and rock your world?
You let out a shrilled moan as Jensen placed small slow kisses cross your neck...
Yn: take me for I belong to you in full...
That's the last words spoken before your clothes are torn from your body... you then are carried into the bath... you could feel Jensen's hard cock throbbing beneath your wet pussy... as you grinded against him now sitting in the bath...
Jensen: alright baby let me shut off the water and then i will proceed to rock your world.
jensen then breathes in a groan which he then released with the following command.
jensen: water turn off...
you felt the water flow change... but that was a few seconds before jensen's hand was at your pussy, his hard cock errect beneath you, jensen kissed you as you slid onto his hard errect cock...
this caused you to cry out into the kiss. you were one of the few people that he had ever had in his apartment, but you were the only girl he had ever been with...
You were the one person in this entire planet who he hoped could save him, his company and his soul!
Jensen had gone down a dark path, though he plays Dean Winchester in the hit show supernatural, he should have known better than to do a satanic ritual even if it was for a haunted house and supposedly fake...
Well he had to, he promised he would help out so he went in, he did the ritual and boom, he hasnt been feeling right since!
You kept riding his hard erect cock but every time Jensen and you would lock eyes his eyes would be pitch voidless black...
Yn(inner thoughts): man I gotta do something... wait of course that's it...
You felt his thrusts become faster and harder... but you kept going as you spoke in clear ish moans the following words...
Yn: exorcisomus te, omnis immunus spirits, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarri, omnis legio, omnis congregato, insectas diabolicas, ergo dracto malidicte, eclesium secura fascious liberate, te regamous, audinos
At that last word the devils trap your magic had placed above you guys was now taking that demon back to hell.
Jensen: yn I'm so sorry...
You put your finger to his lips and look into his eyes.
Yn: take me to the bed, the water is all over the floor, we will clean up the rest of the mess tomorrow.
You feel jensens breathing turn softer as he grips your ass cheeks with his hands and lifts you up carrying you to the bed ever so gently.
Jensen gently places you on the bed as he begins to pound into you again. You scream, moan, dig your nails into his biceps and no sign of any other darkness in his features.
Jensen breathing heavily as he continues to pound you into the bed for another 15 minutes before he says the following words..
Jensen: squirt for me baby... squirt for me, show me how you like this...
You moaned against his neck and then it hit you, like the earth shattered right before your eyes, like the ground beneath you would swallow you whole, your powers reacted to jensens words and with a loud scream you squirted all over the bed and Jensen.
Jensen however came inside you, warm hot liquid shot right inside your core. Once the unloading was done and a couple of towels were grabbed you and Jensen pulled off those sheets and grabbed a clean blanket in order to curl up and sleep. Both of you putting your phones beside you guys.
Yn: how do you feel?
Jensen: like a new man. Yn I'm so sorry about what happened in the bath, I....
He was about to continue when you placed your hands on his...
Yn: I watch supernatural, I realize now why you seemed so familiar to me. I know what your darkness was. It was a demon...
Jensen: but that is impossible... I have...
He goes to gesture to his tattoo, but sees that it's been burned off...
Jensen: this is impossible... why, how...
Yn: hey hey its okay, look we will figure this out and I won't leave your side till we do...
Jensen: but What about...
Yn: all my classes are online I literally just listen to them, my teacher sends out multiple lesson assignments incase anyone likes to jump ahead you get extra credit when you do.
Jensen: but What about your roommate, what about...
You put a finger to his lips and felt peace.
Yn: do not make any more attempts for me to say no. I am staying with you and that's final... till we can figure out what happened to you.
Jensen finally crawled into bed beside you. Pulling you against his body so your both looking into eachothers eyes.
Jensen: your so cute when your being stubborn.
Yn:don't change the subject handsome. Now let's get some rest before morning comes or my best friend tracks me down. Lights off...
The lights turned off as you and Jensen fell sound asleep. Neither of you felt anything but peace the rest of the night.
Morning came about 830am your phone rings, you in a sleepy haze reach behind you and swipe the answer button.
Yn: yes
Alaina: hey girly... how was last night...
Yn: it was amazing girl, I feel different I feel like I am a whole new person.
Alaina: are we gonna do lunch today before your appointment or are we moving it to tomorrow.
Suddenly it clicked...
Yn: omg my appointment with the school counselor... shit... I totally forgot... Alaina ummm rain check on the coffee, also I won't be home in the dorm for a bit, I'm gonna stay with Jensen for a while.
Alaina: girl what happened last night that...
You hmm'd into the phone.
Yn: nah girl I mean yes last night was amazing, but you have to understand that my reason behind staying with Jensen has nothing to do with anything from the sexual activities but with the bond that Jensen and I created last night.
Jensen now was tracing your body his fingers were trailing along your thigh toward your still semi sensitive pussy.
His fingers touched the edge of your bikini line, you flinched and let out a squeak. You could hear Alaina in the phone clearing her throat...
Alaina: what was that?
Yn: nothing...
You said as though you were a little girl who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Alaina: uh huh oh well you go have fun I'll keep you informed. Love you
Yn: love you too...
Alaina and you hang up the phone. You let out a loud shrill of pleasure as Jensen begins to bury his face in your pussy as he sampled you...
Yn: omg Jensen, don't stop!
Jensen just keeps flicking his tongue across your now dripping wet pussy. Your clit so sensitive as Jensen keeps licking it and biting it and pinching it.
Jensen pulls back for a few seconds.
Jensen:squirt for me again baby, squirt for me!
That was it that was your undoing. He made you squirt for the second time in less than 24 hours. Mid squirt he thrusted into you again, hard rough and completely unstable, the bed creaking and you continued to drip while being ducked once more by Jensen.
Jensen: do it again baby, squirt for me.
That was it, you squirted again as Jensen once more came inside you. Jensen kissed you once he finished unloading and decided that cuddling would be a good way to start the morning.
Yn: can I level with you?
Jensen: of course you can..
Yn: that was my first actual cock....
Jensen looks at you with a confused look.
Jensen: what do you mean?
Yn: I mean my virginity had gone to my vibrator about a month ago, in the shower.
Jensen: so I'm the first guy whose ever?
Yn: yes you are...
You kiss his nose and feel his breathing change.
Jensen: so you have a school counselor appointment today?
Yn: ya to discuss my classes and how things are going and see if I've decided on a major or minor or what I'd like to do yet!
Jensen: any other appointments this week?
Yn: not this week, next week I have a Dr appointment. Blood work and stuff.. ya know the family history thing don't want any surprises.
Jensen: totally understandable.
jensen smiled as he went over to his closet and pulled out a long ish short sleeve shirt button up in the front. it was a dark blue color and felt soft to the touch, this was his favorite shirt that he thought would look stunning on you.
jensen: here you go one shirt and ill take you shopping after your appointment with the counselor to get you some clothes to keep here...
yn: no worries, we have plenty of time. now do you want to hit the cafe for breakfast, or do you have other...
you were silenced with a kiss to your lips, jensen pulled back before addressing you again.
jensen: ive got all day with you... tomorrow i do have to attend art class, and meet with the counselor, then i have to go and reshoot some scenes, but thats in the evening...
you kinda squealed happily.
yn: ooo do i get to come with for that?
jensen: 100% do not worry you do not get out of my sight for one singular moment. well except for the counselor appointments and your dr appointment...
yn: and im perfectly okay with that... by the way do you have a brush or comb for my hair please?
after 10 minutes you both were dressed, hair done and such and out of the door. through the campus you both strolled, going through the halls, the students you both passed on campus just stared none of them said anything. for no one really knew what to say...
getting to the cafe you ordered your usual which was a sausage biscuit no egg with cheese. jensen ordered the same thing both of you with a bottle of pepsi each...
that was given to you both in moments, taking it you both go sit on a bench just around the corner from the counselors office, you both ate the sandwiches and drank the pepsi, laughed, talked, made plans for after the meeting, you then kissed jensen got up and went round the corner to the counselors office.
your meeting with the counselor went well, you were given many options for courses for the next term. you were also given your report card a bit early...
you chatted a bit more with her and then said thank you and walked out rounding the corner to see jensen still sitting there. he pulled you in for a kiss and then he smiled, both of you walking through the halls once more to go find the campus strip mall...
jensen proceeded to buy you whatever you wanted. This went on for a bit before Jensen received a phone call for which he placed on speaker.
Jensen: ya
Rob: hey can we do the reshoot tonight instead of tomorrow this way we can film the new scenes asap!
Jensen just stared at you looking for any sign of you not wanting to or what have you.
Jensen: we are on our way down to the studio.
Rob: let me guess a long story?
Jensen: not that long of a story see you guys soon!
You were both in a taxi and taken off campus to the movie studio just 10 blocks away. You take jensens hand and watch the eyes of people around you as you both walk up to the other people you assumed to be Jensens cast mates.
Jensen: everyone this is my girlfriend yn, yn these are well...
Yn: let me guess... I'm gonna say your character names from left to right and you all nod if I get you correct.
You were certain you were gonna have all nods across all the boards.
Yn: Sam, castiel, Bobby, Gabriel, and Chuck...
All nods across the board just like you wanted. You felt the same dark energy that you had just felt last night.
You gripped Jensen tightly as you were greeted by each cast member and given a seat of honor as jensens girlfriend.
Jensen: just keep eyes focused on me... I promise you will see it soon.
You didn't know what to expect but you watched as Jensen was now behind a table and a huge book looked really old and ancient... too old in fact to just be a prop.
Yn: that book... what is it that... oh my God...
You whisper under your breath as Jensen begins to read from the book.
Dean: is everyone ready cause although Rowena gave me the summoning spell for this I'm not so sure this is a good idea.
Sam: dude we don't have a choice like at all... it's this or we never know how to defeat the leviathans.
Bobby: be careful boy, I promised your daddy I'd look after you both and damn it that's exactly what I'm going to do. But this this is not what I promised I'd protect you for.
Castiel: if you like maybe I should.
Dean: alright everyone shut up I'm gonna do this...
Dean/Jensen locks eye contact with you and begins reading the summoning spell.
Dean: hodie colligimus advocare regem inferni , lapsum celi principem , quem Deus omnipotens prae omnibus fouebat o lucifer aureus filius prodire sic ore ad os loquimur In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti . Sancto Spiritui praecipimus tibi (today we gather to summon the king of hell, the fallen prince of heaven, the one whom the almighty set to favor above all others oh lucifer the golden son come forth so we may speak face to face In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost we command thee)
Several flashes of light and the cameras going haywire, the picture once more didn't come clear but you as plain as day saw it... you saw some black smoke go into your boyfriends body.
Jensen fell to the ground again breathing heavily you were by his side in moments. You helped him sit down and then you went to check out the book.
Yn: this was supposed to stay buried, it was never meant to be unleashed. Oh my God what the fuck are these people thinking.
You closed the book, and brought it over to the rest of the crew to explain to them what this book is..
Yn: this book is the last remaining of the 8 arcane texts, 2 were given to the Egyptians, 4 were given to the Israelites, 1 was given to the British, and 1 was said to be lost in the titanic wreckage. This is the one that went down with the titanic. But how did you guys come into possession of it?
Rob: one of our camera crew is a professional deep sea diver he was exploring the titanic wreckage looking for basically buried jewels, he instead found this locked tight in an air tight case, well preserved, and amazed he was, so he thought we could use it on the show.
You simply opened the front cover of the book and laid it flat on the directors table and you borrowed a hair dryer from one of the stylists and began to blow hot air onto the book.
Several names appeared briefly before fading but one name stuck... it was as you feared. This was bad, like worse than waking up in class naked after a werewolf transformation.
Jared: ok I've seen many weird looks today and my best friend collapsed again but the look on your face says that this is not at all a good thing or a normal thing...
Yn: that's cause this is worse than anything the name that hasn't faded is that of Samhain, the very same being who inspired Halloween, it was said that if you didn't cover your face with a mask he would come and steal your soul and scratch out your eyes and such... legend goes that Samhain while alive had come into possession of one of the 8 arcane texts this one in particular with the famousity for its possession, pure dark black magic and preservation spells. That spell that Jensen has been reading the one that keeps glitching out your equipment, is basically opening his body up to constant possession when ever he reads it and eventually it will be Samhain who possesses his body forever. I can't let that happen.
You had to think about this for a moment, for you had limited time before this would become permenant. That's when it hit you.
Yn: I have one of the arcane texts back in my dorm, if I can get a hand getting Jensen there I will be able to make sure that this never ever ever happens to him again. Also my volume has protection charms and spells to ensure that we are all safe. But I can't leave this volume here, so I'm gonna need a tote of some kind to get this book back to my dorm with someone else and Jensen as well. Once there I'll put you guys on video chat so you guys can see what happens.
Rob: Jared should go as for the tote, how bout a backpack?
Yn: perfect, Jared get Jensen meet me outside we leave at once... I'll hail us a cab.
You went out onto the curb and secured the first cab you could find. You told the cab driver to wait a few moments and where he would be taking you guys and paid him in cash in advance.
Jared: alright yn get in first I'll slide Jensen in between us and we will figure the rest out after.
You get into the cab, Jensen is slid toward you and Jared squeezes in and shuts the door. You tell the cab driver to step on it, what was a 20 minute drive there became a 10 minute drive back.
Getting dropped off in front of the dorm entrance, you and Jared strong arm Jensen and the backpack through the halls, to the dorm, you knock and use your key to enter the room.
You lay Jensen on your bed before going to lock your dorm door.
Jared: alright what can I do...
You hand him a cloth and a bowl.
Yn: go into the washroom, fill the bowl with some cold water and dab jensens forehead. We need to try and cool down his body before the possession emerges again.
You feel Jared watching you as you use your powers to encase jensens body in a devils trap, jared just occasionally pats down jays brow trying to keep his temp down.
you mixed concoctions, you chanted a few small sealing spells, you combed through the books, both of them. you were the only one who was actually capable of doing this spell/purification.
you had jared call rob and the rest of the crew on a video call. you however were busy setting up for the spell. you started a short while after.
yn: in nomine dostri jesu, awaken!
you wanted to have a chat with this spirit and jensen's body needed to be awake for this to work. you placed your hand over his body and a anti possession tattoo placed on his chest woke up his possessed body.
Jensen(possessed by spirit): ah so your the bitch this dude has been thinking about these few hours, your also the one who banished me last night...
Yn: yes that's me... but I'm giving you 1 chance to leave willing and never return. Or I will force you to leave painfully and forcefully
Jensen(possessed by samhain): ah so that's what happened to that arcane text.. it's pair... my books pair.
You were now certain this voice, this spirit you had to get the books out of view.
Yn: that's it I am gonna send you back to hell, and I'm gonna also ensure you will never ever be able to rise again.
You took a big breath and using the English of the beginning of the exorcism/banishment you began the spell.
Yn: to this be to thine be mine, in this i pray, oh goddess 3 hear me by thy power seal this evil un thine dark place for all eternity as i banish him now, so mote it be to the goddess i plea; exorcisomus te omnis immunus spiritus omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarri omnis legio omnis congregato insectas diabolicas ergo dracto malidicte eclesium secura tuam facias libertatum te regamous audinos
With that the anti possession symbol burned bright as Samhain was expelled from jensens body. You now held yourself up by the edge of the desk, Sam moved to help you sit down but you motioned for him to stay where he was.
Yn: I'm fine, Jared you should go and come back I'm the morning, by then Jensen should be awake. Umm take my spare key, it's the blue lanyard, it's got my room number on it come back in the morning.
You see Jared out the door but he stops you at the last second and insists on staying on the floor so he can make sure you and Jensen were gonna be okay and plus if your roommate came home someone would have to explain what happened.
You agreed he came back in shut the door locking it behind him you placed both arcane texts on opposite ends of the room in lead and glass confinement and enchanted cases.
You passed out after sending a text to your best friend, snuggled up beside your man. His best friend asleep on the floor, the light turned out and all 3 of you fast asleep.
it was about 8am when your best friend and roommate walked in the room and gasped... startling you and jared...
yn: shh alaina lets talk in the hall... Jared stay with him please.
you get up and step into the hall with your best friend. you knew you had to explain what happened. so thats what you did. the girl who knew everything about you, your obsession of sorts with the paranormal, you told her what happened to jensen, and with jensen the night before last.
alaina: so it finally happened? your no longer a...
yn: shh yes i lost it to jensen that same night. but i also have exorcised this possessing demonic force twice now and placed an enchanted anti possession tattoo on his body so that way this never happens again.
Alaina: do you not realize that this is like huge, so major for us... well more you than me but now we have cause for celebration, that is once your man wakes up. How long has it been...
You had to stiffle the sigh that was about to leave your lips.
Yn: what since I did the spell... about 9 hours but I have to be honest I don't wanna know what would have happened if I didn't have the knowledge that I do.
Alaina: we should get back in there...
You are way ahead of her already re opening your door, only to hear the most beautiful sound in the world to you... the laugh that had made you swoon that previous day.
yn: jensen!
jensen's head snapped towards you and smiled as he sat now on the edge of the bed and opened his arms to you... you gently ran into his embrace sitting on his lap kissing him, it felt normal.
alaina: well this is exactly the kind of happyness that makes me happy that i have class soon... so i have to get ready...
jared: im already to go to class can i walk with you?
alaina: of course let me just change really quick.
alaina takes a dress and stuff into the washroom, you sit nestled into jensen's embrace all cozy and this makes jensen smile wider. jared and Alaina left a bit before you and jensen started chatting about the day and the events to follow in the next weeks.
jensen: i remember blacking out at the studio, but nothing else after that. you were talking about the book... is it really magical?
yn: yes but enough about that right now... we have to be across town in an hour, my therapist appointment got moved up... and i have a doctor appointment in 2 weeks.
jensen: right now i just wanna hold you... and wait therapist?
you nod...
yn: its more of a magics councellor... the school one wasnt helping me when my powers came in, and now im trying to learn how to control and summon my powers. ive been seeing this magics therapist for almost 2 years.
jensen was surprised at how much he had learned about you in the last couple days... you were now getting up going through your wardrobe and trying to decide on the perfect outfit for the day.
you chose a black capri tank top jumpsuit, you felt the soft fabric slide over your body. you were tired, you knew this truth had to come out in order for this relationship with Jensen to work.
Jensen: babe, I wanna learn...
You were shocked, that was not the response you were expecting from Jensen... so you turned to him...
Yn: are you sure you wanna take this path it's a long winding road and it will only get worse as the time goes on...
Jensen: yes...
You waved your hands and put Jensen into a circle of binding.
Yn: Jensen you wish to take on the rights and laws bound by magic are you willing to abide to these laws? Are you also willing to look at me not just as your girlfriend but as your magics teacher as well? If you agree a enchanted ring similar to mine will appear on your finger.
Jensen: I Jensen do agree to all you have asked and am ready to begin the tasks of magic.
the circles flames now burned in a bright green, the ring now on Jensen's finger matched yours exactly. thats when you took his hand and the flames disbursed.
Jensen: awesome!
Yn: I agree now we have to go... time for you to meet Helena...
Jensen: lead the way babe!
About 10 seconds later you conjoured a portal and held jensens hand as you both walked through it.
The way jensens eyes lit up when you both walked through the portal and came out across town was wonderful!
Jensen: your counselor is in an antique shop...
Yn: she runs the antique store down here her counselor practice is in the studio above. As far as I know I'm her only patient. But I'm sure that once she meets you she will happily give me the tools to train you properly.
you were wanting to tell him what he might experience, the illusions he may see but you just figured it would be a surprise. you let jensen walk into the store by himself at first.
you were one of those who could walk in and see the stores true set up... not just that of the illusion set up by Helena. you walk in close behind your boyfriend and his face switched as the illusion set and lifted as quick as it came and left...
jensen: what the hell am i seeing?
helena: its an illusion... its the changing of what you see vs what other people who might walk in see...
yn: exactly. helena im locking the door cause we need to speak in private. without other interuptions.
you put the closed sign up setting it for lunch and for 1hr45min... you go to sit on top of the counter, darkening the shop windows so no one on the outside could see anything.
helena: so yn whose your friend!
yn: this is Jensen he is more than my friend he is my boyfriend! he and i met by chance, and now ive dragged him into my crazy world...
helena: alright lets see what we have here...
helena does a flaming circle around jensen and puts him through the tests, the same beginning trials she put you through... trying to figure out what are his strengths and weak points.
but while your sitting there watching this you get really light headed almost like you are having a dizzy spell.. you were one second sitting on the counter, and the next second you let out a long exhausted sigh and then fall off the counter unconcious.
the last thing you hear is Jensen calling your name... you woke up a few hours later in a hospital room, in a very uncomfortable bed with your boyfriends arms around you.
You stir this startles your boyfriend who places a small yet longing kiss to your forehead.
Jensen: your awake, it's okay baby I'm right here.
Yn: what happened?
Jensen was about to speak when Helena and Dr Michael walked into the room.
Michael: we were hoping you could tell us... nice to see you yn...
Yn: you too doc, but what's happening and why does it feel like I've been hit by a bus... like an enchanted one with spikes and why do I feel nauseous...
Dr michael: well if I may I'd like to shed some light on this... but first Helena and I would like to tell you both something that may shock you both...
Both you and Jensen sit up looking at both Helena and Michael... and it's Helena who speaks next...
Helena: yn, member how when your powers got stronger you felt like something was missing...
You nod at hee to continue
Helena: yn you have a twin brother...
Your jaw dropped to the ground you were shocked and then Helena cleared her throat and continued again...
Helena: I want you to know that this happened while you both were in my shop and Jensen Michael wants a blood sample from you so he can run some tests... but while I was putting Jensen through the trials I saw a discrepancy in his and your bonded lines it glowed bright and beautiful like the first autumn harvest moon of the equinox. So he just wants to run some tests.
Michael takes a vile of blood from Jensen, whose just holding you
Michael: Helena tell her the other set of news after I've run this test... cause its probably gonna cause some hesitation and drama...
Helena simply nods handing you a sandwich and waits for Michael to come back with the test results.
About 10 minutes later Michael comes back with a few more sheets of paper... handing them to Helena first she gasps and squeals slightly...
Yn: what what's the good word? Please tell me it's good... I hate bad news...
Helena: yn, meet your brother Jensen...
Those words immediately made Jensen get up and start pacing... his tone completely changed. Your pulse monitor started increasing you too were also disoriented...
Yn: what the fuck? And I do mean what the actual fuck...
Michael clears his throat and simply hands all the papers regarding the DNA test to you and then Helena hands you a very important sheet...
You take one look at it and your eyes go wide with concern as you slowly pass the page to Jensen...
Jensen who was fuming when he took the page from you now softened his tone as he turned to face the doctor.
Jensen: is this even possible?
Michael: how long have you guys been together?
Yn: I think it's only been a few days close to a week ish... why do you ask...
Michael: just curious how bout an ultra sound and then we will let you both call who you need too and rest...
michael has a nurse wheel in an ultrasound machine. you were a little concerned but kept an open mind. you used your powers to make the bed a little bit more comfortable and a bit bigger to hold you and jensen.
you feel the gel go against your skin, you shiver slightly as you then feel the scope against your stomach. michael turns the screen to face you and Jensen as he move the scope around. after a few moments a blip appears on the screen.
Jensen: doc is that?
michael: it would seem congratulations are in order... from this i would say your about 3 weeks almost a month. i would blame the magic for this one though i think when your powers collided and you guys broke the virginal barriers you guys created life. but your powers seem to have sped it up.
You and jensen sat in silence as the ultrasound was wrapped up and the gel cleaned off your lower abdomen.
Yn: doc, Helena thank you both so much but can we have the room please. We appreciate everything you both have done for us but Jensen and I have some things to figure out.
This was not the kind of news neither you nor Jensen wanted to hear, but you were not in the right state of mind to even speak to anyone except Jensen.
You and jensen watched Helena and Michael leave as they shut the door behind them. This left you and Jensen and the entire room to yourselves.
Jensen comes to sit on the bed beside you.
Jensen: I have an idea of how you are feeling but we need to figure out a few things but I'll start off officially by saying that I do but i don't care that we are siblings, I love you Yn and I will help to raise this kid with you...
You took a glance at your brother/boyfriend, tears whelled in your eyes. Jensen wipes the falling tears from your cheeks.
Yn: but What about...
Jensen: hey its okay, we have lots of time to figure things out. And I guess we have to decide what to tell people.
You yawn and invite your brother/boyfriend to lean back into the bed... his arms around you, the blanket over you both.
Yn: can we figure this out later, like you said we have lots of time. Can we rest and process this... I feel mentally exhausted.
Jensen: im so happy I found you, dear sister...
Yn: me too dear brother. I love you.
Jensen kisses your forehead softly before hearing your soft snores fill the room.
Jensen: I love you too my sweet angel!
~that's all for now folks~
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blueempty · 11 months
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Bad news besties, the unbearable headaches I've been having throughout my poisoning situation went away when I drank caffine 😳
Listen. I know this is positive time, and I do not want to take away from positive time I will be positive I promise okay, but this week has been rough and today sucked really bad lol
I ended up going to work for a bit even though I dont feel fully recovered and I really wish I hadn't. Today kinda just turned into this confluence of negativity. I feel very disoriented as a result of sleeping for 4 days and driving makes me feel further from my fellow man than I already do. I genuinely dont understand what goes on in peoples minds. Then the pita place I trusted to not harm me was closed cuz sunday, which I always forget because I'm Vulcan pilled and days dont hold special meaning for me
After that was like, a couple of random things that made me feel really overlooked and unaccomplished which isn't normal for me. I dont typically care too much what people think but I guess I was primed to be upset. The specifics aren't really worth going into but its just like, I see people do something and everyone go wow thats awesome, and then I'm like, bro I have been doing that and no one gives a fuck when I do it. Even within my irl friend groups and back in my family when I still talked to any of my family I always felt this very pronounced sense of no one gives a shit what you're excited about dude. I start talking about something I like and everyone stares at the floor or their phones silently till I stop. But that doesn't happen when other people talk about things. I do not feel kinship with other humans, I feel very different and lost and confused and hungry and also incompatible with society
Its like in TNG when Data gives a time estimate and he only gives like days and hours or something and then stops, and everyone is confused. Riker goes no minutes seconds or milliseconds Mr. Data? And he turns around and goes "I have noticed a certain... annoyance with my level of specificity at times"
And in the same way, over time Ive just learned to talk less. Which isnt entirely bad cuz William Shakesman said brevity is the soul of wit I guess. I've also been noticing that when I'm alone I dont really emote much. Like I need other peoples vibes to mimic. Teacher give me the Autism test I swear I'll pass!!!!!!
ANYWAY negativity aside, I am still improving health wise. I'm spending more time sitting by the back door looking outside rather than being on my phone cuz text has been making me dizzy, and outside is nice right now. And once I got home from work I spent an hour-ish practicing the first world stages of Mario Wonder to get faster and remember 10 coin locations and that game makes me feel happy inside. That game is so perfect they literally thought of everything
Also my current Barony run is a Vampire Conjurer named Dracula Flow and thats going insanely well. Not gonna overexplain but one thing is that Vampires are weak to water and I found boots of water walking very early. I just need to stock up on blood and I'll be movin different
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Live Long and Prosper
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cinematicsoph · 2 years
it should've been me • marvel blurb
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summary: during the snap, Tony Stark is the one who got dusted rather than Peter Parker, leaving Peter in space with Nebula. The only problem is, with his super spider metabolism and lack of resources, Peter is suffering more consequences than Nebula
warnings: pain, I'm so sorry
a/n: this is inspired by a random thought my bestie (@nonsensicalollie) had and texted me about. the cover art is also done by him
Copyright @ 2022 sophi_quimby. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format by anyone but me
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"Is this recording? Hey, Aunt May. Or whoever found this. This better not end up on social media, Flash will never let me hear the end of it," Peter sighs heavily and looks out the window. He's lost track of the time, space is always dark. "I don’t know if you’re ever going to see these. I don’t even know if you’re still...God, I hope so. Today’s day twenty-one, no...twenty-two."
   Nebula is listening from the other side of the room. It's been twenty-two days since the snap and half the world dusted, leaving Nebula and Peter in space. Luckily, The Benatar was left there too so they had a way to get back to earth. Unluckily, they only have so much food and water for the both of them (and who knows how long they'll be out here).
   "You know, if it wasn’t for the existential terror of staring into the literal void of space, I’d say I’m feeling a little better today. Infection’s run its course, thanks to Ms. Nebula back there. I think you'd like her, May. She’s very practical. And only a tiny bit sadistic."
  Nebula smiles slightly at his words. During the twenty-two days, they've formed a bit of a bond. Nebula was never one to show emotions, and Peter was one to always show emotions. An unexpected team they were, but still a good one.
   “The fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge. I know you don’t know what any of that means, but basically we bought ourselves about 48 hours of flight time. Problem is that was about...49 hours ago.” Peter chuckles, trying to bring humor to the depressing vibe he’s created. (Spoiler: it didn’t help). “Which means, we’re dead in the water. A thousand light years from the nearest 7-11.” (Still not helping, Pete).
   Nebula knew that between the two of them, she’d be more likely to get out of this alive. Nothing against the kid, just everything against that damn spider metabolism. Peter’s spider powers affected his metabolism more than he was letting on, Nebula quickly figured that out. On about day ten, she started realizing that if they didn’t make it back to earth soon, he would likely die in space.
   “Most of the quote-unquote ‘food’ and potable water ran out two weeks ago,” Peter sniffles. He’s trying to keep it together for May, for anyone else that happens to watch this, and maybe a little bit for himself too. “I know I said no more surprises. But, I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like…” Peter freezes. Come on, Spider-Man. You know what it looks like, Nebula knows what it looks like, and anyone seeing this video knows what it looks like. Taking a deep breath and shaking his head, Peter leaves the last sentence unfinished. “Don’t feel bad about this. Really, May…anyone. I was trying to be like…I should probably lie down for a minute, rest my eyes. I’m fine, totally fine. I larb you, Aunt May.”
   Nebula steps away from where she’s standing and goes to grab the last little bit of water. She walks back over to Peter and sees him with his eyes closed. 
   “Kid!” She nudges his foot with hers, maybe a little too hard. “You can’t do this, okay? Here. It’s the last of the water. You need it more than I do.” She hands him the water expecting him to take it but instead gets no response. “Peter?” She nudges him again except this time she leans down and nudges his shoulder. She hated to admit it, but she was scared. The spider metabolism is a real bitch to the poor kid.
   "I'm fine!" Peter jerked awake and stared at Nebula. He would never mention it, but he saw the tears in her eyes as she stared down at him. “I’m sorry, I just needed to rest my eyes a few minutes.” His voice was raspy and his head was pounding from minimal water intake. 
   “Take the water.” She didn’t bother acknowledging the kids voice, she figured he already knew. She handed him the water and he grabbed it. He took the biggest sip of water she’s ever seen anyone take. She was right though, he needs it more than she does. She can survive this. Him? She’s not so sure anymore.
   Nebula finds Peter laying on the floor sleeping. She helps Peter into Quill’s chair. Since the guardians have disappeared, Peter and Nebula have guessed that they wouldn’t mind them using their stuff.
   Peter slumps and slouches in the chair. Nebula leaves his alone, giving him his privacy. Peter closes his eyes and leans against the glass window next to him. He’s so tired. He’s never been this tired in his life. The dehydration, the starvation, the lack of sleep, everything is catching up to the poor kid and he can barely keep his eyes open anymore. The window is so cold, which isn’t helping Peter’s shivering problem. But it’s helping him stay awake…kind of.
   Peter’s been out for a bit now. Nebula lets him sleep, he needs it. She looks over at him and sees a bright light shining on his face. She expects him to open his eyes at the light, but he doesn’t. She walks up behind the chair and shields her eyes. The light means they’re back to Earth, it means they made it through. She looks down at Peter smiling and sees his eyes are still closed.
   “Peter?” She goes around the chair and shakes him. “Peter, wake up. We did it.”
   Steve, Bruce, and Natasha run out of the Avengers compound. They see the silhouette of someone guiding the ship to the ground. Steve runs up to the ship as Nebula is seen carrying the lifeless body of Peter Parker.
   “It should’ve been me,” she sniffled.
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troidatoi · 1 year
Day 5 - 9/6/2023
I went on a water fast because it was so painful for me to eat and I just didn't want my body to be in pain anymore and I lost 12 pounds. lmao. I cancelled my appointment with my holistic doctor and went to a gastro doctor today and cried before he even came in. He saw that I was crying and immediately asked me what's wrong and gave me tissues. The way I cry over everything should be studied. lol. I guess I was really tired and scared and I have major health anxiety. He was so nice and patient with me. He said he doesn't think I have leaky gut but something else and gave me medication to lessen the symptoms until we can figure out what's wrong. He looked at the test I've taken previously and doesn't think it's accurate so he wants to take it from there. He checked my abdominal area and asked if it hurt when he pushed down on it and I said no and he was like so that's not concerning! That's a good thing. I told him I haven't been eating because I didn't want to deal with the pain and he was like I need you to eat! The holistic doctor was telling me to not eat gluten and all this shit and the gastro was like you can eat whatever you want. lmfao. I like that he was just straight forward and didn't push me to do anything I didn't want to do and was even like we can test you for this and that but it's so expensive and I love doctors who are like we don't want you to spend this much. Healthcare in America is so atrocious. But it was nice that he was so reassuring because I want to fix whatever is going on in my digestive system and be able to eat without pain and not bloat so much. I'm spending so much time and money right now for my health and I hope it's worth the investment so I'm not in so much pain in the future. I just want to eat all the goods things again and I know I will. Thank you to the gastro doctor and I hope he can fix me. Wait, I know he will fix me.
I went to UPS after to return something and it took awhile because someone brought a bunch of boxes to ship out so I was there for a minute but I know there's a shortage of UPS workers so I was patient. I went home after and cried again and took a fat ass nap before going to Erewhon to see one of my besties and trade Dodgers' bobbleheads with him because he's moving to Australia for work. I gave him a Cody Bellinger one and he gave me the new Chris Taylor one that they gave out this year. I think it's times like these where life isn't as terrible because as much I spent a lot of my life resisting the urge to end it, I have to remember that so many people love and care about me. I was there for like 3 fucking hours because we were talking and I wanted a tuna sandwich but they ran out so he asked someone from the deli to make it for me and I also got a slice of pizza. I was lowkey scared to eat it cause gluten! I took the pills the doctor gave me and I feel fine right now. It was nice to eat after not eating for 10 days. The upstairs neighbors also gave us pasta. It kind of reminds you that people are nice to you, you know? Food is definitely a love language of mine. I can't wait until I fix my digestive issues and can eat without pain and have my clothes fit again and not have so much bloat and inflammation. I had a field day today with all the food I ate but I don't regret it and I hope my body was okay with it. Things seem to be looking up. I've been in limbo as of late with the job hunt, with the debt and my health issues but I know that one by one, everything's going to work out. Just one of those phases where you're kind of stuck in this gray area but you know at the end of the day it's going to be okay because you're putting in the work to make sure it's going to be okay. Someone is going to hire me this month, I'm going to fix my digestive system this year, I'll pay off all my debt. There's nothing to worry about and this isn't something I necessarily want to stress over because that doesn't help me at all. Manifesting and claiming with so much love and gratitude. <3
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celestialjupe · 2 years
Girlblogging: 1/6/23
Today was good! i got a late start, but earlier than other days this week, thankfully. I've been trying to fix my schedule and i think today might have done the trick! i woke up to a package from my bestie. who sent me a wall collage kit. I love love love it, every picture is so perfect and exactly the vibe i've been going for in this new era.
I had some coffee, it's a new kind and its pecan coffee. It's absolutely heavenly. Seriously, the beans smell like a pecan syrup and it's a beautiful medium roast. I always add two tablespoons of sugar, some milk, and a bit of vanilla syrup. Yes it is disgustingly sweet, but i love it. I have two friends that take their coffee black and it's so crazy to me, like, girl WHAT?!?! idk i guess I'm a more of a sugar fan than a coffee fan. so i had my coffee, my best friend and i facetimed for a little and it was a pretty fun start to the day.
Afterwards, i took a shower, did my skincare, and got ready. I took the train to a nearby college town, which was really nice. On the ride, i drafted a letter i was planning to write, but i decided against it because i don't think any good would come from sending it, for me or the other party. I live next to a lake, so i watched the waves and wow, water is so cool i love just sitting and staring at it, especially with a nice playlist. Fluidity is an art, and i think im really beginning to master it.
When i got to my destination, I went to this recycled bookstore that i've been frequenting since summer. I love this bookstore, i always find myself spending hours in there, almost in a trance. The workers are always so cool too. Great fashion, friendly and interactive people who seem to really like their job. I got two books about animation, one about learning animation, and another about the history of animation. I also got this novel called 'vegas sunrise' It's about this matriarch of a casino family, and she chooses one of her husbands children to run the casino, and apparently everything goes up in flames, im excited to actually read it and see what it's all about. Overall i spent almost two hours in the bookstore. I almost bought a book about insects, but while i was in line i decided to put it back, because after taking a more thorough look at the contents, i realized it wasn't what i was looking for. I was super interested in a couple of astronomy books, but i ended up passing on those as well cause most of the selection was a little too advanced for my current level of knowledge.
By the time i left the bookstore, it was pretty dark out. I know my way around the town pretty well by this point, but i did in fact, get lost this time lol. I found myself on the side of town where multiple car alarms were going off and obviously the only appropriate reaction to this sort of predicament is to listen to oblivion by grimes, duh. I did just about shit a brick though, because usually a lot of people walk around this town but at this time of night i found myself to be the only one, a little scary, but i persevered and found the train station. Sadly i was too late for the first train i was planning to take, so i was looking at a fifteen minute wait in the dark at the station. Miraculously, the next train was quite early, and i was very grateful for that. the ride back was very peaceful, there was only one other person on the train with me. An older man a few rows back, who slept soundly the whole time. It's pretty cute to see that sort of thing, and it fills me with a sense of gratitude to see people in that sort of comfort. Like, good for you dude! you deserve some rest, im sure of it.
I got back to my place, got in pajamas, washed my face, read one of the last chapters of valley of the dolls, and had a sandwich. I coated one slice of bread in mayo, the other with garlic hummus, i put mozzarella, lettuce, and salami on it too. A little thin, but still filling and delicious. Then i sat down to write a bit. After this entry im going to draw, maybe read a bit more, and try to go to bed at a decent time. Thank you for reading, if you did, i appreciate it! I hope you have a good night/day/afternoon, please eat, stay hydrated, sleep well and try your best to focus on what you love.
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writercole · 2 years
A friend of mine sent one of those « toxic » videos and it was basically « every time he does something that displeases you, erase one of the letters of his name from your contacts. Hangman the shit out of him » and… Imagine doing this with Jake?
Oh, bestie. The thots.
- He looks at another girl and winks when he’s out with you. Goodbye, N.
“What the fuck?” he asks when you save his contact edit.
“Fuck around and find out, Hangma,” you sass, “you’re supposed to be out with me, not them.”
- The first A falls away when he doesn’t interact with you at The Hard Deck when you’re out with the Dagger crew. He’s literally talking to Rooster all night and only looks over at you when it’s time to leave. You delete it in the car.
“Okay, I know what I did this time,” he sighs. “I’m sorry, baby, I just got caught up talking to Bradshaw.”
“Mhmm,” you hum in response as you save ‘Hangm’ in your phone.
- He forgot about your niece’s birthday party that he swore he’d be at. Promised you. And you understand, he forgets sometimes. But this was important; you’d also reminded him just before he left.
“What birthday party?” he asks with a furrowed brow.
“The one for my niece who just turned one,” you remind him. “The one you promised you’d be at, swore you’d come to meet my family.”
“Fuck,” he whispers as he hangs his head. 
He’s now saved as ‘Hang’.
- It’s date night. He’s an hour late. 
The G is deleted before he makes it to your house. 
- You’d pretty much decided that if he keeps fucking up like this, you’re gonna drop him. He’s got three more letters, three more chances. If he loses that ‘H’, it’s done. Well, he gets a little drunk and maybe starts talking about a couple of the girls he’s slept with that happen to be out tonight.
“Oh come on, baby, I don’t even remember their names,” he coos.
“You remember how tight they were but not their name? That really doesn’t restore much confidence, Ha,” you reply.
- He didn’t lose any letters for a couple of weeks after that. But he told you he was going to surprise you with your favorite dinner and your favorite dessert. But it wasn’t your favorite.
“Shit,” he mumbles. “You’re allergic to strawberries.”
“Mhmm,” you nod, deleting that ‘a’.
- He doesn’t know it’s his last shot. You figured it’s better not to tell him, at least for you. You’d rather see him how he is than on his best behavior when he’s trying not to lose you. He was on time for your date, opened the door for you. But he wanted to blindfold you for the drive. You agreed. 
“We’re here,” he says as he shuts off his car. 
“I still don’t know where here is,” you shrug. You hear him chuckle as he gets out of the car, shutting the door behind him. A moment later, yours is opened and he lifts your hand from your lap to help you out.
You can hear the waves crashing, smell the salt air. There’s some seagulls calling over the rolling water. 
“This way, baby,” he tells you as he slips one arm around your waist. He guides you forward and you feel the ground beneath you change from concrete to wood. 
He stops you abruptly and steps behind you, untying the blindfold slowly. When it falls away from your eyes, you gasp. A table for two is set up under the stars, candles dancing in the ocean breeze. 
He helps you into your chair and a waiter sets a covered dish in front of you. The waiter lifts the cover to reveal your actual favorite meal. You moan when you take the first bite, your eyes rolling to the back of your head with the deliciousness of the food.
“I can’t believe you did all of this,” you smile across the table. 
“Well, it’s been two months since you first agreed to go out with me,” he admits as a redness creeps up his cheeks. “I wanted to commemorate it. And tell you that I’m sorry. I’ve been a dick and taken you for granted. But that won’t happen anymore. I want you to be my girlfriend, not just date casually.”
He lost the H that night but he did get a better contact name - Boyfriend 💞
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
Hi bestie, your writing is just 👩‍🍳💋. If possible to do a y/n with Rafe where they fight and reader sleeps in the guest room. When Rafe realizes y/n is not in their bedroom goes and sleeps in the guest room with them.
a/n: hey baby! thank you so much for requesting this. it was fun to write. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, smut (fingering, kissing), mentions of drug use/abuse
Word Count: 2.4k+
my writing
apologies - rafe cameron
You stop pacing Rafe's bedroom to check your phone once again. The time keeps ticking by, and Rafe keeps not calling you back. He was supposed to be home hours ago; the two of you had plans to go out to the dock and eat dinner, hanging out and watching the sky. He had told you to be at his house at eight. It's now nearing midnight, and you haven't heard a peep. You pick up your phone to dial him again just as his door knob turns and Rafe slowly peaks his head in the room.
When he brings his eyes up to yours, he smiles quickly and sweetly, knowing he's in trouble but trying to soften to you up. You throw your phone back down on his bed and turn around, setting your hands on your hips and taking a deep breath. At least he's fine.
"Hey, baby," Rafe speaks, his voice sickeningly sweet.
You turn back around and watch as he carefully enters the room and closes the door, putting his back up against it. It's like he's trying to take up as little room as possible.
"Well, now that I know you're alive, I'm just gonna go home," you sigh, picking up your phone once again from the bed. Rafe takes a step forward, then another, then sets his hands on your arms to try and stop you from moving.
"No, baby, please don't leave," he says. Your eyes flicker up to his, and you instantly notice how bloodshot they are. You take another deep breath and close your eyes, ready to ask him the question you know you don't want the answer to.
"Rafe," you start, your voice calm, "Please tell me you are not high right now."
"I'm not high right now," Rafe says too fast. You look up at him again and can tell instantly that he's lying.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Rafe?" you raise your voice, squirming from his grip, "You're almost four hours late, you come back high, and then you lie about it?"
"Don't fucking yell at me, all right?" Rafe says, even though he raises his voice at you in return.
You roll your eyes and start grabbing your stuff, shoving it into your bag. You just want to go home and not deal with all of this right now.
"Where are you gonna go?" he asks you, his voice thick and accusing.
"Home," you mutter. Rafe scoffs, earning your attention.
"It's midnight and raining out. Just fucking sleep here and we'll work it out in the morning."
You roll your eyes at him and continue stuffing shit into the bag. Rafe comes over and grabs onto your wrists, stopping you from packing.
"Baby," he says, his voice softer, "Just chill for a second so I can explain, okay?"
You shrug and nod, telling him silently to go ahead and try to explain himself. He swallows before he speaks, so you know this will be good.
"Okay, well, I was out, y'know, with Topper and Kelce, right? We were at the Club. And Barry came by and started saying some shit to me and it just turned into a mess, okay? I had to handle shit with my sister and her dumbass friends and Topper's all pissed off because she's with John B now-"
"Rafe," you stop him, "I'm missing the part where you forgot to call for four hours and then got high."
He stares down at you, looking almost blindsided by the fact that you're asking him that, then nods his head.
"Okay, yeah," he says, more to himself than to you, "I uh, I lost my phone for a bit."
"You lost your phone for a bit?" you repeat, "Like, it died?"
Rafe considers that for a moment, then ultimately shakes his head.
"No, I just lost it at the Club."
You laugh and nod your head, finally understanding, "Oh, so you were too coked out to keep track of your shit? Nice, Rafe. I'm really glad you felt the need to get high out of your mind before you spend the night with me. That makes me feel really good."
You side-step him and continue to collect your things while Rafe throws his hands up in the air out of frustration.
"Jesus, that's not what it's about," he groans, "Barry showing up just threw me off and it fucking stressed me out-"
"You don't have to do coke every time you get stressed out, Rafe!" you turn and scream at him. He moves his head back and stares at you, clearly hurt by your outburst.
"Okay, look, I apologized-"
"You didn't, actually," you interrupt him, watching as Rafe replays this whole interaction over in his head and realizes he, in fact, has not actually apologized.
"All right. I am so sorry that I wasn't home on time and that I didn't call. Some shit just came up and I had to handle it but it was shitty of me not to call. If the tables were turned, I'd be mad, too. So, I'm sorry, baby."
Your shoulders fall as you start to melt under his term of endearment for you. Even after being together for so long, him calling you 'baby' still makes butterflies go crazy in your stomach.
"I accept your apology," you say quietly, watching his eyes shoot up to yours and a grin erupt on his face, "But I'm still gonna go home. You wasted my night, Rafe. I just want to be by myself."
His eyes fall to the floor again as he speaks, "It's pouring. Please just stay. I'll drive you home in the morning."
You stare at the boy, the man, you love so much and give in. Him worrying about you is always enough to make your heart melt, no matter how mad you can get at him.
"Fine," you mumble, dropping your bag onto the floor of Rafe's bedroom.
Rafe comes over and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close and holding you tightly. He pretends to not get upset when you don't return his hug. You're still mad, annoyed, and frustrated.
"I'm gonna go shower," you tell him as you pull away.
He wants to ask if he can join you, but he knows you're not in the mood for him to be playing around. So, he lets go of you and watches as you walk over to his bathroom door and close the door behind you.
You take a long shower. The warm water feels so good on your stressed muscles and Rafe being in the other room and not with you is comforting as well. Of course, you love him, but you also love your space and need to not be around him sometimes.
When you come out of the bathroom, only wrapped in a towel, you find Rafe fast asleep on his side of the bed. You try not to be upset with him because you know he had a stressful day and hr's exhausted, but you're also mad because of everything plus the fact that he's high and pretty much just passed out on you.
You pick up one of Rafe's shirts from the floor and then slide a pair of his boxers on, then grab your phone and head for the door. There's a guest room down the hall from Rafe's bedroom that you are going to sleep in, because you want to be alone and you really don't want to listen to Rafe snore all night after he's already irritated the shit out of you.
Your bare feet scurry across the hardwood floor and over to the guest room door, quietly pushing it open and slipping inside. You pull the covers back on the bed and crawl inside, relieved to be cuddling into a bed even if it isn't your own. The sleep is already trying to take over your body, so you don't even have time to browse your phone. It's time for sleep.
Almost the second your head hits the pillow, you're out. All of that worrying about where Rafe had been and if he had been okay had really worn you out.
You're waken up from your sleep when you hear the guest bedroom door creak open. Everything in the Cameron house is ancient, so everything creaks and cracks. You turn around in the bed and face the door, seeing your boyfriend's face squished in the doorway. He smiles softly when he sees you, but you can still see the sleep lining his eyes.
"Rafe," you grumble, pulling the sheets over your head.
"Baby," he says back, a playfulness in his voice.
He comes into the room and closes the door softly behind him. You feel him try to pull the sheets up from your grip, so you pull them tighter.
"Scoot over, baby," he whispers, so you sigh but obey.
Rafe breaks the sheets from your grasp and dives into the bed beside you, quick to wrap one of his arms around you and pull you close.
"I was worried when I woke up and you were gone," he admits to you, staring at the ceiling, "Why are you sleeping in here?"
You sigh, not really wanting to talk. You just want your sleep. Clearly, Rafe has other plans.
"You were already asleep when I got out of the shower," you say, attitude present in your voice.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he says quickly, "I just crashed."
You want to make a comment about how, of course he crashed, because he was high when he got home. Instead, you move your head down to his chest, making him relax.
"It's okay," you barely whisper.
Rafe sighs, knowing it's not, "I'm going to do better."
You don't respond. You can feel yourself starting to get emotional at his promises, because he's made them before.
"I mean it, baby," he tells you when you don't answer, "I really fucked up tonight. I know that. I never, ever meant to skip out on a date with you or make you angry with me. I made a really bad judgment call and it will never happen again."
You bury your face into his chest, finally allowing yourself to completely breathe him in for the first time tonight. Although Rafe screws up a lot, one thing he does well is apologize. He's said absolutely everything that you have wanted to hear since he ran late tonight.
"Promise me," you say against him, feeling your tears start to come up again.
"I promise you."
You look up at him in the darkness, then crawl up against his body to leave a kiss on his lips. It's gentle and sweet, leaving Rafe wanting more when you pull away.
"I forgive you," you tell him, bringing a hand up to play with his hair. He closes his eyes under your touch, grateful to have such an amazing woman by his side.
"I love you so much, baby," he whispers.
"I love you, too," you reply, then sit up in the bed.
You crawl on top of your boyfriend, feeling him sit up so you can have a better seat on his lap. You straddle him and bring your lips down his cheeks and to his neck, knowing you're getting to him when he moves his head to the side to give you more space to work with.
"Mmm," he hums, his hands falling all the way back to shamelessly grab your ass.
"Just because we missed our date doesn't mean we have to skip out on the best part," you whisper in his ear, purposely trying to drive him crazy. It works, because he lets out a moan at your words.
"Holy shit, that's right, baby," he nods, leaning forward and kissing you. He bites your bottom lip and pulls it back before he let's go, knowing you love when he does that.
"You're gonna take care of me, right?" you ask him, keeping your voice low.
He brings one hand around from your ass and starts to rub you through his own boxers you have on, smirking when he realizes why the fabric feels so familiar.
"Don't I always?" he asks, "You were so mad at me earlier, and still put my fucking boxers on, huh?"
You grin but bury your head in his neck so he can't tell. Rafe's smirk just widens when you don't respond, so he slowly and carefully brings his hands up to the top of the boxers, then bringing his hands down to your core. You know he's going slow on purpose to tease you, and it's working. He always drives you crazy.
"Rafe," you finally whine, wanting him to do something other than graze your center.
"Hmm, baby? You want more?"
He smirks when he can feel you get even wetter as he speaks. He knows exactly what turns you on.
"Yes, please," you nod, doing your best to not sound impatient.
"So polite, baby," he grins, bringing his lips to your cheek and down to your neck as he pushes his fingers in you.
You moan as two fingers enter you, feeling Rafe start to move them in and out immediately. His grin only widens as he watches you, even being able to see you with your mouth open through the darkness.
"Keep going," you tell him, moaning once again at how good he feels.
He starts to go faster, then brings his other hand up to your mouth and sticks two of those fingers in your mouth.
"I want to hear you," he says quietly, "I know how loud you can get. But I don't want to get us in trouble. Okay, princess?"
You nod, sucking on his fingers in your mouth. He moans and moves his fingers in and out of you even faster. He feels you clench around him, so he knows you're ready. He looks up into your eyes and then pushes his fingers back further into your mouth.
"Come for me, baby, I've got you."
You nod and clench again, then come only a minute later. He smirks as he removes two separate sets of his fingers from your body, bringing the ones that been buried inside your core up to his lips.
"Jesus," you groan, watching him as he licks his fingers clean through the darkness.
"You better not be exhausted, I'm not done with you yet," he warns you.
You smile and lean forward, kissing him roughly and moving your hips against his. He moans in your mouth, not being able to contain himself.
"Shit," he swears when you pull away, "I'm gonna fuck up more often."
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cherriesfineline · 3 years
savior next door
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im on a writing trance so expect a lot of writings from me hehe, here's what i wrote last night, enjoy besties.
- fluff & a tiny little bit of smut (not really lol) | not proofread, sorry
Pairing: HarryxY/N
WC: 3.8k
the one where Harry is Y/N's shy and virgin neighbor.
The constant feeling of uneasiness has been haunting Harry ever since he almost got himself in a car accident almost a year ago.
It hadn’t been his fault – he was crossing a random street in a quiet area of New York when a hand grabbed his upper arm and pushed him out of the crosswalk, where a car speeded through without even slowing down. “Watch where you’re going, you’re going to get yourself killed.” The woman who’d saved his life scolded at him with a worrying look on her face. He remembers her eyes were glowing in such a splendor, something he’d never seen before – it intrigued him to know who his life savior was, but before he could even make a comment, the woman stormed off and got lost between the seas of people around the corner, leaving Harry in an unsuccessful search for her.
Harry has never been a people person. He always avoids big crowds, social events and especially, study groups. His university journey so far has been a lonely and reserved one, having movie marathons when not studying or discovering new kinds of herbal teas. His only form of social interaction is the occasional chat with his across-the-hall neighbor Niall, whom he considered -kind of- a close friend; his only one, in fact.
“Heard someone’s moving in to the flat next to yours.” Niall knows Harry isn’t exactly a social butterfly, and maybe it’s the fact that Harry is younger than him and how he seems like such a harmless human what makes him feel like he needs to help him. Harry just shrugs at his comment, not really interested in any possible intruder to their peaceful hallway (where both their apartments and the currently empty one in the corner were the only three ones on their floor). And maybe it was the fact that it has been almost a month since Niall’s comment what made him furious when he saw the cardboard boxes on their hallway, forgetting about the possibility of having a new neighbor.
The sudden sound of glass crashing and a loud yell snaps Harry out of his frustrated trance, stepping around the huge boxes scattered around the door next to his to knock on the doorway of the open door. Even if he really isn’t very fond of having a new neighbor that doesn’t mean he’s not going to check on them to see if they’ve gotten hurt. “Is everything alright?” He still can’t see whoever is inside, but he decides on waiting if no one replies to step inside. But he doesn’t need to, because as he was about to make his way inside, a head pops up from one side of the entry hallway, assuming that’s where the kitchen is, as he notices the apartment is a replica of his own, but inverted.
“Hey, sorry, just dropped my favorite cup.” His breath gets caught on his throat when her life savior’s face appears in sight, the cutest frown adorning her features and her sweet voice resonating through his brain. Her eyes, exactly like he remembers shine with an unbeatable glow, like a thousand diamonds under a microscope, but the image he had of her on his brain doesn’t make her justice – she is even more beautiful than he remembers. “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you. You live in this floor?” Harry can’t help but be disappointed at the fact that apparently she doesn’t remember him.
“Y-yes, next door. H-harry.” He stutters. Her presence just makes him so nervous, he can’t help it. She is probably one of, if not the, most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. Her eyes are hypnotizing, the softness of them which appears to be constant warms his insides and he thinks he could spend hours upon hours staring right at them.
“Do I know you? I feel like I know you.” Y/N’s thinks out loud, her expression alluding to her thoughts trying to place him somewhere in her memories.
“Uh, I- I don’t think so?” Harry feels embarrassed, so he couldn’t come up with a better answer. He is silently hoping she doesn’t remember the time they met all that time ago – this is his chance, he thinks, to redeem himself, for her to see him as a normal dude instead of this clumsy and shy boy who couldn’t even thank her when she saved him from being ran over by a car.
He wishes he could read her mind. What’s her first impression on him? Does she think he’s cute? She probably doesn’t. He thinks she’s too pretty to even spare a second glance at someone like him; a shy boy with bad posture and still breaking out in his forehead despite being 22. And she, Y/N, a woman who could make anyone her own, a woman who probably makes every head turn her way when entering a room. Harry feels his chest deflate as his thoughts start beating him up.
During the course of her first two months living next door, Y/N and Harry barely interact. He keeps stealing glances her way whenever they run into each other in the hallway, getting shy and cheeks reddening when she catches him every time. He gets jealous whenever he hears her walking down the hallway from inside his apartment, obvious guests coming in and out of her apartment – and if the person (because he recalls hearing both men and women) is good enough, he can even hear her sometimes through the thin wall that divides their bedrooms, her headboard clearly mirroring his. He feels dirty and intrusive during nights like these, so he opts on putting headphones on, music playing in his phone to help him drift off to sleep.
But Y/N is fascinated by him, maybe not as much as he is with her, but enough to wonder how it’d be like to reallyhave him in her life. She knows he’s a very reserved man, her animated chats with Niall more usual than not drift towards Harry and how she wishes he’d just keep looking at her when she catches his eye instead of running away – not because her ego is enormous or anything, but she is aware of the obvious crush Harry has on her. “He’s not going to start conversation, you should just go for it.” She remembers Niall told her one night after having a small chat in his threshold; because all Niall wants is for Harry to put himself out there, but he knows he needs a little extra push.
But it all changes one night. A night Y/N drinks more than usual – shot after shot going down her throat making her feel nothing but dizzy, the sensation of puke going up her throat forcing her to call it a night. Barely making it out of the elevator she stumbles on her way to her door, and Harry hears her. The sound her combat books make is so engraved in Harry’s brain he knows it’s her after just a couple of steps.
“Fuck.” Harry hears the unmistakable sound of her keys, and how she’s clearly struggling to fit them inside the lock. After a loud banging sound and what sounds like her sliding down the door, he starts worrying about her and how she’s probably not going to make it inside her apartment without a little help. So he steps outside after sliding his old white vans on to find her on the floor leaning against her door, legs bent and elbows resting on either knee supporting her head.
“Y/N?” He calls her in a whisper. She shoots her head up immediately making her insides turn, and with unfocused eyes, she looks up at him and smiles fondly.
“Hey, pretty boy.” She greets him with a soft smile, eyes closing and opening again slowly and Harry feels his stomach erupt in a thousand butterflies. Did she just call him pretty boy?
“You need help?”
“Please.” Harry’s red cheeks don’t go unnoticed by her the moment she lifts her hand to give him her keys and she honestly thinks he might explode. He helps her get up and guides her inside her home with such gentle movements she could melt in his hold, and that’s when she decides (drunk out of her mind) she wants him to hold her again, soon. And while sober.
He lays her down in her bed and announces he’s going to take her shoes off, giving her enough time to object. “I always catch you staring, you know?” Her thoughts slip off her lips unannounced, but she doesn’t really care. Harry, on the other hand, freezes in his spot, one of her shoes still in hand and with wide eyes he connects their gazes for the second time that night.
“I- I… I’m sorry- I don’t mean to be c-creepy or anything I j-just-“
“Shh.” She cuts him off, his stuttering making its first appearance of the night. “Didn’t say I don’t like it.” She confesses and wiggles her feet so he can resume his actions. Harry’s brain is betraying him more than usual right now. His thoughts are everywhere, not a single coherent answer coming to mind, so he doesn’t do anything but finish helping her out of her shoes in silence.
“Goodn-night, Y/N.” Harry left her apartment that night after carefully placing a soft blanket over her body and making sure she had a glass of water on her nightstand (he didn’t want to snoop around her apartment for some pills for her hangover, so he just left her with the duty of doing that herself in the morning) and laid in bed with so many thoughts running through his head he barely got an hour of sleep that night.
And that went on for a week. Knowing she was sleeping on the other side of the wall makes him more nervous than before now that he knows Y/N is aware of his constant staring – but who would blame him? She really is a sight for sore eyes. Y/N knocks on his door the following Saturday, and he opens it surprised to find her on the other side, mainly because she’s usually out with her friends by now every Saturday (not that he’s constantly waiting to hear her walk on their hallway, but he truly is always sitting on his living room and the thin walls of their apartment complex don’t provide them much privacy).
“Harry, hi.” She offers him the sweetest smile, but there’s a shy and nervous undertone to it this time. “I just wanted to thank you, for helping me the other night.” She clasps her hands together in front of her and nods with a tight lipped smile. “But I also want to apologize, I know I probably made you uncomfortable with uh, some comments I made.” She slightly scrunches her nose, waiting for his reply.
But Harry is, in simple words, speechless. He can’t believe there’s a sober Y/N who just knocked on his door willingly talking to him. Her voice sounds so melodic and Harry just wants to cuddle her and the giant, soft looking green sweater she’s wearing isn’t helping him ease his thoughts. He wants Y/N to hold him while she talks to him with that sweet voice of hers, he wants to hold her small hands and fill her cheeks and mouth with kisses along with every inch of her body -not that she’d ever let him, Harry thought, but a boy can dream-, but most importantly, he wants to learn every single detail about her. How she likes her coffee in the mornings, or if she prefers tea. In which position she sleeps the most comfortable in and if there’s any TV shows she re-watches just because it brings her comfort. He has so many questions he wants to ask her he completely forgets they’d been standing in his threshold for long minutes, with him just staring at her.
“It’s ok, don’t worry.” He says barely above a whisper, and they stay in their positions for a while, again with no words spoken between them, until he finally gains enough courage to ask, “Do you want to come in?” He opens his door a bit wider with a wary look on his face. Y/N nods, her smile widens and makes her eyes sparkle with that glow Harry is still fascinated by.
They sit in the couch with a long distance between them; farther away from the other than any of them like. Y/N does most of the talking, but she truly doesn’t mind – she talks animatedly about this new show Bridgerton she binge watched last night, Harry making mental notes about most things she says. He wants to remember everything, from the way her voice slightly sharpens when she mentions something she suddenly remembers to the way she moves her hands to accompany her speech; he already loves how expressive she is with her face features, and only confirms how he’d listen to her speak for the rest of his life.
Y/N manages to get more words out of him than she expected, and asks for his opinion or thoughts on most things she mentions. She hates making conversation purely about herself, she wants to know about Harry as much as she can. She wishes he would initiate conversation or switch topics with no shame, but she knows she’s asking for too much. This night alone they interacted more than the last three months combined, and Y/N is grateful for it.
Three chapters of FRIENDS had passed when she finds herself scooting a bit closer to him, carefully trying to read his body language. When he stiffens in his position, she turns her head to look at him. His cheeks are tinted a cute shade of pink, and he’s blinking a lot more than he usually does. He places both hands on his thighs and runs them up and down to get rid of the sweat accumulating on them, and he can’t help but gasp when their thighs touch, meaning she scooted even closer. As if that isn’t enough to kill him, she softly rests her head on his shoulder.
“Is this ok?” Y/N whispers, and he forces himself to turn his head to find her eyes, which are already looking up at him. He slowly nods and makes the dumb mistake of looking down at her lips. He feels the hot embarrassment run up his neck and quickly turns to face his TV again, planning on pretending nothing ever happened.
That is, until he feels the soft skin of her palm and gentle fingers grab his jaw, forcing his gaze back on her. That touch alone makes him feel more than any other human has made him feel in his entire life – but it doesn’t compare to the eruption of jitteriness washing through him when her eyes look down at his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” Harry freezes in his spot. He wonders if he heard her correctly, not believing his senses when around her, the possibility of her wanting to kiss him are too low, he thinks, and when he doesn’t respond, she slowly begins to remove her hand from his face, taking a guess on his unspoken rejection. He, for once, reacts quickly enough; he grabs her by her wrist, placing her hand back again in its spot on his jaw, and works enough courage to just go for it. Harry lowers his face to gently envelope her top lip between his own. It’s quick but sweet (just like she had expected their first kiss to be, if she’d ever got lucky enough to experience it) and when he moves away just enough to separate her lips, she wastes no time in connecting them again. This time, the kiss is longer and with more determination than before, and when Harry feels Y/N melt into him, he gains enough confidence to grab her face with both of his hands, deepening the kiss.
They stay enveloped in each other for a while, mouths molding and moving in sync with so many unspoken emotions it feels overwhelming for both – they barely know each other, they’re very aware of it, but the undeniable infatuation they both feel is stronger than they’d ever admit. Y/N feels on her face the long exhale that leaves through Harry’s nose when she softly traces his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, and when he meets her tongue with his, the mood that was settled between them switches drastically – from sweet and innocent to needy and passionate.
Harry isn’t very experienced with kissing, let alone with anything past first base. He’d only made out with a girl all the way back in high school during his senior prom, and the girl was so harsh and desperate Harry knew that moment he wouldn’t ever share an intimate moment with anyone again unless he truly felt something for them. Now, he knows it might seem like he’s rushing things in his heart, but he’d do anything with and for Y/N – but he knows he’s not ready just yet.
His nervousness consumes him again when she moves to straddle his lap, making him whimper at the new position. He shakily places his hands next to her legs on the couch, not sure what is too much and what is ok to do. She runs her hands from his jaw down to his shoulders, and moves them all the way down his arms to his hands, giving them a soft squeeze before placing them on her waist and sliding her own back up again towards his neck, never breaking the kiss.
He unintentionally lets a second whimper leave his mouth when she sits herself down on his lap, creating some friction between their groins. He knows he’s hard – he felt his dick grow in his pants the second she touched his jaw, but knowing Y/N could feel it now put him a tad on edge. He separates their lips; their agitated breathing mixing in between them.
“I- I’ve never…” Harry begins, but he’s having a hard time finding the correct words. Y/N understands almost immediately – she’s not proud to admit she had figured he was unexperienced, feeding the stereotype of shy-ergo-virgin, even though she was correct this time.
“We won’t do anything you don’t want to,” Y/N gives him a soft peck and continues, “you can say no, but I’d love to make you feel good, if you’d let me. We can keep our clothes on.” Y/N suggests. If she has to be honest, she hasn’t dry-humped anyone since high school, but the thought of doing it with Harry lights her insides in animalistic flames.
When Harry timidly nods, she shakes her head with her eyebrows raised in a disapproving look, “Use your words, H.”
“I- I want you to- to do it. I- I trust you.” His stuttering makes Y/N’s insides warm, the fact that she makes him nervous amuses her – she’s certain she’s never made anyone this nervous before, but it is the fact that Harry admitted he trusts her what sends shivers down her spine. All she does in response is roll her hips against his – and when he closes his eyes with a pleasured groan leaving his lips, she does it again. Harry’s grip on her waist lowers to her hips, squeezing the flesh that was subtly beginning to get exposed from all the movement, and when he throws his head back Y/N takes advantage of his exposed neck to finally attach her lips to it. Her hold on one side of his face moves to grip his jaw, turning his head slightly to the side so she can suck on the sweet spot behind his ear still rolling her hips on his, and when she pokes the spot with her tongue to soothe the pleasuring sting, he unconsciously thrusts his hips up to meet hers; Y/N can’t help but smile and leave a trail of sweet, wet kisses from his new deepening bruise to the place where his neck meets his shoulders, repeating her actions there to leave a second bruise.
Harry feels his cock twitch in his pants when Y/N rolls her hips with more pressure, and they both know he’s close - his inexperience making him not last longer than a couple of minutes. “Are you going to cum for me?” Y/N asks him, holding his jaw tightly to keep his gaze on hers, and when he shyly nods she adds, “I want you to look at me when you do it.”
Harry can’t believe what’s going on – he has the most beautiful woman in the word on top of him about to make him cum, and he’s sure he’s going to come so hard he’ll probably have to throw his briefs into the trash. Her gaze staring so intensely into his eyes is what makes his insides finally explode, his eyes seeing white for a moment – with his mouth open ajar and glossy eyes he feels the large amount of cum spurting from his cock, making a mess inside his pants. The pleasure and fullness he feels during this moment is something he has never experienced before, never thinking he would surrender this fast over someone else’s actions. Y/N slows her movements but doesn’t stop for a while, allowing him to empty his insides until he hisses at the friction. Harry hugs her lower back to pull her closer to him, and Y/N lets her head drop to his shoulder so they can both catch their breaths.
They stay like that for a while, hugging each other with Y/N running her hand softly through his chocolate curls and Harry tracing small circles on the small of her back.
“You saved me from a car accident, a year or so ago.” Harry confesses – the pure bliss he’s feeling makes him dizzy and unaware of his words.
“I know. I remember.” Y/N confesses herself, and when Harry’s soft caresses stop at her back, she removes her head from the warm spot on his neck to look at him in the eyes, finding a confused frown in his eyebrows and lips in a small pout – she kisses him soft and quickly, not being able to contain herself. “I figured you either didn’t remember or didn’t bring it up for a reason, so I chose to not mention it.” She shudders and gives him a soft smile.
“Was embarrassed, still am.” Harry whispers with red cheeks, and Y/N’s laugh resonates through his living room, and if he wasn’t already obsessed with her, her laugh completes his way there.
“So cute.” She pecks his lips. “Can’t believe it took us this long to… talk.” Another peck. A knowing look on her face knowing damn well they did more than talking.
“You are too pretty. And intimidating. Can’t even walk in front of you without tripping over my own feet.” Y/N giggles at his confession, finding him even more amusing.
“Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?” Y/N asked, not being able to wait another day to ask. Harry feels his cheeks hurting from all the smiling, but he is too content in this moment.
“I’d love to.”
As always, feedback is truly appreciated,
love, Joey.
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quarthly · 3 years
Twilight characters as random animals that I think are oddly fitting
(Also yes, I am roasting the animals as well)
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Edward: He would be a Cheetah. Now I know, seems like a cop out just because of his speed but hear me out. Cheetahs are, at face value, pretty cool. They used to be my favorite animal as a child, but then I grew up.
Cheetahs, through no fault of their own, are severely inbred. Now thats mainly because of poaching, but the cheetas anxiety also comes into play. In captivity, cheetahs are usually given emotional support dogs. I will admit it is cute but it negatively affects the population. Excluding one in the wild, cheetas can be to anxious to breed and thats not good for conservation efforts.
Cheetahs can hit up to 80 miles per hour in a couple of seconds. They are designed for fast running and agility. Their claws are similar to that of a dogs for better traction and they have elongated spines for longer strides. They have a thin build, long legs and a long tail for balance.
This has downsides though. Many times after making a kill, it will get stolen for them by larger predators. Thats right, they get absolutely bodied by the other animals. I should probably make these shorter but I'm on a rant now, so I guess this will be semi educational.
Throughout the series, we see Edward over estimated his abilities and value, constantly getting bodied by others. He's essentially a perfect mormon, though thats on S'meyers. He constantly judges others, dehumanizing them to their baser flaws, without doing any self reflecting. Him viewing himself as a monster doesn't really count to me. While he definitely hates himself, the only thing he is truly demonizing is being a vampire.
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Bella: Picking up from Edwards, Bella is a Chocolate Labrador. Yes, she is his therapy dog. I feel like this is really fitting for her. I know Golden retriever would make more sense, as thats the most common breed for service animals. However, I kind of focused on her appearance. Only at first though! I just know that Edward raved about her human qualities and that would pass over as animals as well. Her chocolate eyes and brown fur, very average and boring. Thats essentially Bella. Even Edward wasn't into her until he got a wiff. Labradors a very loyal dogs and while they have more personality than Bella, I just couldn't shake it. Their also very stupid. Ok that's kind of mean, they're not stupid but when it comes to love, then yeah they are stupid.
I used to have a lab, loved him to death, but god he was something else. Very much danger prone, from their own stupidity or their lack of survival instincts. I know that labs are almost aquatic. They love water, swimming, all that jazz. We can just say that bella has a few screws loose in her dna and is just "not like other labs."
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Rosalie: Now she was hard. There are quite a few animals that I think would fit for her. I'll list the other ones, but that one I went with is the Swan. Like Edward, seems a little on the nose, but I have my reasoning.
I was going to pick a predator for her, as she is shown to be very vengeful and viscous. I would have pick some type of cat, most likely a purebred, from a rich family. It could still work, but the swan just speaks to me on this one.
Swan's are known for being beautiful, graceful, and are pictured as the symbol of love. They are also very vain. Edward constantly brings up Rosalies vanity. She was constantly valued for her beauty as a human, so of course that crossed over in the transformation. She was raised to be married into wealth, she was used as a bargaining chip to increase the family's standing.
Rose has a very strong character and makes her opinions known. She's assertive and aggressive at times. She's not afraid to get dirty.
Swans mate for life and like geese, are known for being great parents. I was also going to choose geese as an option for the maternal instincts. I was wary at first because swans can be really aggressive. Like actually, you think geece are bad? Yikes bestie...
I was conflicted because swans are known for drowning dogs and sometimes people. However, I can actually see Rose drowning Bella. It's not that unbelievable lmao.
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Emmett: Now this one is just ironic. I only associate him with bears. Its inevitable, but picking a Grizzly or Black bear is too obvious. So I went a slightly different route...
So I was going to pick the Sun bear just because of looks alone. Like, I'm not exaggerating, it looks like someone wearing a bear costume. I don't think it fits him but I know for a fact that he would dress up as a sun bear and sneak into a zoo to see if anyone would notice. I'll put a pic of it here
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Like look at this thing. I have no words...
Anyway, what I picked was a Sloth Bear. Now Sloth bears are mostly nocturnal, which either way works consider vamps don't sleep. Their diet is also odd but honestly so is the cullens. They're native to the Indian subcontinent, and are known for being aggressive towards humans. Its said that for the most part they're pretty calm, so I think its just fear of humans that make them act aggressively. Honestly, that's a good thing because they are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red list.
They have some similarities with sloths, which is where they get the name. They have long claws and unusual teeth. They are known to hang upside down from tree branches, and is described as having a messy appearance. Honestly, Emmitt has a messy personality. Sorry bestie but you're a lot of work.
Now heres the biggest reason for choosing this bear. Aside from Baloo from the jungle book being a sloth bear, they are known to run fades with Tigers. Honestly, how fucking badass is that!? Now I don't think there are recorded instances of a Sloth bear killing a Tiger, but when push comes to shove, they can hold their own and I find that incredibly impressive.
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Carlisle: This one was somehow the easiest as well as the toughest. I know Owl seems like the obvious choice, and I can see it. However, I believe Carlisle values emotional intelligence as much or if not more than academic intelligence. He is so charismatic and values other's above himself. He might not be as Saint like as Edward thinks, but he does try and I think he genuinely cares about others. For that reason alone, I choose a Elephant.
Elephant's are very social animals and are extremely intelligent. I could rave about them for ages, I love them so much.
Now elephants live in a familial unit and are usually matriarchal. Bulls usually are on the outer edges of the herd or form little groups with other males. Honestly, they're not that bad aside from when their in musk.
In the group of males, the elder ones will teach the younger where to get the best food, water, how to use things as tools, and every other thing that will increase their odds of survival. This is really cute to me tbh, they do this because the females usually choose the older males because they've proved that they are intelligent and strong, that they have survived and will continue to for awhile. Teaching the younger males these things are to make the odds of them getting chosen to mate more likely. The whole unit just reminds me of a father that has to deal with rowdy teens.
Carlisle likes to take in strays, he might not have a herd but he will make one and teach them to thrive. That's how he envisions it anyway. He just has a found family and is trying his best.
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Esme: Now this might seem like an insult, but I promise it's not! This is in no way misogynistic. I love cattle and ever since I took animal science in highschool, I have appreciated these grass puppies like they deserve. Call me Castro because I love cows.
Yup! I chose a Cow for her. Specifically a beef cow. That might sound weird but its because beef cows have higher maternal instinct than dairy cows. I'm thinking Scottish Highland based on vibes alone.
They are nicknamed the Gentle Giants of Scotland. Super maternal and sweet and ugh look how cute they are!
Esme came from a abusive marriage and had just lost her child, she was depressed and desperate. Her changing was, in a way, salvation. She just fits in. She adopts all these strays along with him and will protect them to the death. She might be gentle by nature, but don't fuck with her family. She lost her first one and she isn't going to lose this one.
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Alice: She's an odd one. There are so many possibilities and maybe I'm biased, but I feel like she would be a Crow.
Ok listen, I'm definitely biased but it just feels right. Crows get a bad rap, they are so cool! They are so intelligent and have the ability to actually sit and think about the past, prest, and future. I forget what its called, but this was only seem in humans! Maybe other apes, I can't remember exactly, but either way its awesome. They do live in groups, or murders, and remember people and faces. They remember locations and are able to pass down information through generations. They essentially have their own language! They are able to use tools too!
Alice's story is really sad. When we first meets her, it revolves around the death of her mother and her institutionalized. She was essentially tortured and forgot everything from her past. All she had was the future and even that wasn't constant. Crows a often viewed as omens, they are associated with death. I personally believe that instead of being the cause, they just know something is going to happen. They are very inquisitive and can be creative.
If you befriend a murder of crows, sometimes, depends or the group, they will bring gifts. Its can range from food to shiny metals and colorful plastic. Hell, I think I've seen a post of one stealing things from people just to gift it to their human.
Alice's love language is gifts. Even if they are focused around fashion, she still goes out of her way to get something that will look good and at least be a little comfortable. By that I mean she tends to forget peoples comfort zones, but she means well.
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Jasper: Honestly not to sure what to put for him. I know a predator would be more fitting, but for some reason I can see a donkey working. I know, seems like I'm clowning on the confederate. Fair, but I'm serious about the donkey thing. Honestly, it would be perfect if it wasn't a herbivore. Porcupine would also work.
Being a predator would make more sense. Given his backstory and his characterization, it wouldn't make sense for him to be a prey animal. Usually I wouldn't count this, but given his gore filled past and trouble with the diet, it seemed fitting.
I see him as a Big Cat. Honestly, vamps in general just give cat vibes. Jasper though especially have some cat like qualities, which originates from hunting and being a soldier.
I specifically see him as a Mountain Lion. Aside from him being blonde, he just has the predatory stealth to him. In midnight sun, we see him use his gift to make the nomads overlook him. He's honestly really powerful.
Mountain lions are known for being stealthy with an air of grace and power to them. They are stong animals. And I mean strong. They can jump 40-45 feet.
They're very elusive and quite. They stalk their prey and tend to attack from behind but don't think they won't hold their ground if need be.
Jasper was changed during the Civil War and forced to fight in the Newborn wars. He was a soldier as a human and as a vampire. He's able to feel and manipulate others emotions. He's covered in scars and is very intimidating.
He still struggles with the diet and honestly I hate how the others handle it. Like they have no room to talk. I don't want to defend the confederate but it just pisses me off. He has to deal with his hunger on top of everyone else's. Like damn, besties always on edge! Everyone doubts him which I don't think helps any.
Also, Mountain lions and Cheetahs can purr!
@aquanova99 I'll do a Volturi one too. That one will be fun lmao
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Beach Day
Hey Besties <3, I plan on getting 3 more posts like this out today as I know I haven't been the most active this week, then tomorrow there will be 2 more out so it means I have posted 7 written works this week. So keep your onions peeled. (the amazing writer @sapphireplums gave me so much inspiration to write with their kind words so you should give her a follow).
Summary: The avengers get their toes in the sand and their swimsuits on.
You had all been working for what felt like 200 years 
With missions and paperwork none of you had seen each other properly 
So an hour of brainstorming you came up with the genius idea of a beach day 
You decided to put the idea to Fury so he could clear everyone's schedule 
However it took a lot more convincing than you had expected
You shivered under the mans watchful gaze, you never really understood documentary presenters when they talked about the look of fear in some poor mouse's eyes as it was scooped up into the talons of some large bird, that was until you met Fury, you were sure you had the same look in your eyes right now. You shifted in your seat as he began to talk again, “So you want me to let the world's protectors go off duty for a whole day just so you can go running across some sand and take a swim in salty water? Even though if you wanted to get sand in your hair I would happily get you a bag of it?” he asked a hint of amusement in his voice, pausing his pacing to quirk his eyebrow at you. When he worded it like that it sounded stupid but you knew you all needed a break and you weren’t about to give up “I wouldn’t phrase it like that but yes sir that is in a way what I am asking, look we haven’t been together as a group since the last big team mission a month ago and I can’t remember the last time we spent a day together. Please?” If you can’t get someone to agree by simply asking them then tug at their heartstrings and beg. Those had been the wise words of your grandma Jo and it seems that they had been true “Fine you get 1 day then it’s all back to normal”
After convincing the terrifying director you had taken the idea to Tony as he was going to be the one paying for it 
It’s not like he doesn’t have enough money to give some to his friends (and even more to charity but that was an idea for another day)
Of course the man more than happy to splash some cash to see everyone have fun together (and in a swimsuit)
The morning of the trip had been stressful and chaotic to say the least
“DOES EVERYONE HAVE SUN CREAM?” the captain's voice boomed over the noise of zippers shutting, the music from the beach day playlist Tony had made and the excited chattering of the team. “Yes Captain safety first I have enough bottles in the car to last at least 20 years because unlike Y/n I actually know how to take care of myself” the genius quipped laughing at the offended noise that fell from your mouth, “at least I’m not going grey old man” you muttered wandering around trying to find the bucket and spade you had brought down stairs. “Hey as anyone who has seen my Bucket and Spade I can’t seem to find it” you called out rummaging through the colossal pile of bags “No, are you sure you brought it down doll?” Bucky spoke, looking round in confusion not remembering seeing you bring it down. If you weren’t so caught up in looking for your sandcastle building tools you would have laughed at the ‘lost tourist’ look on his face. “Yes I’m sure,” shoving bags with more aggression eager to find it “is everyone sure they haven’t taken it” you stopped to look at the group, cheeks tinted pink from the force at which you were moving bags. “Yes , we’re sure now get downstairs and in the car I’ll get you one when we get there” rushed Natasha, her red hair a nice contrast to the dark denim shorts she had on, “if we get there” whispered Sam making Thor laugh as he attempted to pick up 3 bags at once.
Anyone would have thought you were going on a 5 day holiday with the amount you had all tried to shove in the back of the mini-van you all chipped in for one year at Christmas for this exact reason
The seniors of the group ( Iced Americano and The metal armed man with no plan) were confused on why you needed to take this much but you and Wanda were insistent that you had packed the essentials 
(Okay maybe the hats, 5 bottles of sun cream and armbands and floats for the poor swimmers of the pack had been slightly unconventional for a day at the beach but it’s better safe than sorry right?)
The drive was also very chaotic
You hadn’t realised how uncomfortable the seats had been until you were forced to spend 2 hours stuck next to Loki in them. “I know this is the 10th time I have asked this but are we there yet?” the God was starting to seem more like a 5 year old than a stabbing machine and he wasn’t the only one ,“Can you please move your leg over a bit it’s on my side” Sam whined as he shoved Bucky’s shoulder “No for the last time I can’t so deal with it bird brain” the pair hadn’t stopped bickering since they stepped foot inside the vehicle. “Tony can you turn up the music and drown the noise of these kids out please” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose trying to soothe the oncoming headache (not that making the music even louder was going to help) “I thought you’d never ask kid” he replied lunging for the twisty thing no one actually knew the name of, that turned up the music (Bruce probably knew but no one had the energy to ask).
When you got there however the 2 hour drive felt like the needed sacrifice as your toes hit the sand. 
As much as you loved being able to fight alongside your family there was nothing better than watching them relax, faces slowly morphing into ones of pure bliss. 
“You alright there y/n? You looked like you were away with the fairies then” Steve chuckled, unfolding the deck chair he had brought and placing it next to yours. “Yeah I’m good I was just thinking about how lucky we are to have each other” the man smiled at you as your eyes glinted in the sunshine. “LAST ONE TO THE WATER SMELLS OF FISH” Peter screamed bolting towards the water, that bastard you thought jumping up and running after him “PETER YOU DICK I’M GONNA GET YOU!!!” you laughed. Once you got in the water you squeaked at how cold it was doing the ‘ohh ohh oh sihufbbe’ noise that came with the shock of cold water spinning around to splash water in bug boys face. Oh shit. That wasn’t Peter, you had forgotten that Bruce had gotten into the water straight after Tony and had been swimming beside you. The whole group froze half expecting the man to turn green however what you were met with wasn’t a green mean smashing machine and was in fact a laughing doctor and a splash of water to the face. After that a water fight started, screams of surprise and joy a comforting change to the screams of fear you usually heard in your line of work. You snuck off back to shore and looked at your found family from the warmth of your towel realising how lucky you were to be in a place of love and support, free of judgement. Because at the end of the day yes Loki would complain about the sand in his hair, Thor would be asking for a stop at the shops to add to his Pop tart stock pile, Nat would be silently filming Sam and Bucky bicker like an old married couple, Tony would make flirty remarks to Pepper about letting him rub sun cream on her back again some time, Peter and you would be talking shit to each other as he beat you at yet another game of Mario kart as Wanda and vision made sure to make an extra bowl of whatever they had made to take Bruce who had already made his way down to the lab but you were a family and there was no place you’d rather be.
You would say this was the best idea you ever had but the video of you painting Cap’s shield bright pink would beg to differ
It was a successful trip and you would 100% be posting the picture of Bucky and Peter looking depressed at the fact their ice-creams had fallen on the floor after a light game of ‘I’m gonna push you over’
Ahhhh the bliss of a beach day with the gang
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h34rtizuku · 3 years
𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶
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i hate angst without happy endings, but i’m also self-destructive. therapy is expensive, but ripping your own heart out and bearing your insecurities into a full-fledged story for you and others to read? free.
warnings : angst without a happy ending, insecurities, jealousy, mayhaps toxic behavior?? idk if ur looking for a good time, this isn’t for you bestie <3 also i might misspell uraraka’s name wrong a few times, i’ll fix them later :*
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being quirkless had its advantages. with such a small number of us being born without powers, it left a lot of the mundane jobs open.
which is why, as soon as pro-hero deku opened his agency, i came to him with the request to be his assistant.
on the daily, he had people coming up to him asking for internships or to be his sidekick. but he never had anyone ask to be his assistant.
being the number one hero often meant that every day things, things one may take for granted or deem insignificant became just another list of things on the busy man’s to-do list.
therefore the appeal of having someone file his paper work and run to get him coffee in the morning was great enough to hire me.
and i was glad he did.
this is what i have been working for since i was a first year in high school. after watching the freckled boy break limb after limb to defeat his opponent.
yeah, i saw it as irresponsible and stupid that he had to break his own body to save others. but i was willing to overlook it.
my one goal during my remaining years of high school and up to college was that wherever that little green haired boy went, i would follow.
and that reigned true as his assistant. i would shuffle after him like a duckling following it’s mother, wherever he needed me.
if he needed me in a briefing to take notes for him, i was there. if he needed me to put in overtime to help him file the last minute paperwork, i was there. if he wanted a particular pastry from a specific bakery half way across town, i was there.
izuku was never mean, or demanding. always thanking me profusely for anything i ever did for him. leaving me to remind him that this was my job, and any way to make his life easier was good enough for me.
but maybe i should have held onto those blushed cheeks and crinkled eyes as he thanked me for the coffee that he didn’t even know he needed, for a just a little bit longer.
you know how a child will open a new toy on christmas and it quickly becomes their new favorite toy? playing with it non-stop, taking it wherever they go. until one day, they grow bored of it and never touch it again as it grows dusty at the bottom of their toy bin.
i know izuku wasn’t doing it on purpose, he didn’t have an intentionally mean bone in his body. i guess you could say, some other toys came around and took his attention away.
and that toy, was a particularly difficult mission in collaboration with uravity’s agency.
the two spent long hours cooped in his office as they went over notes, plans, intel, etc. until the conversation melted into talk about the old days and the wonderful memories they had together in high school.
i went to work the following days with absolutely no energy to handle whatever would be thrown at me. i hadn’t been able to get much sleep, as when i closed my eyes the only thing i could see was the look in his eyes when he saw her.
my patience was already thin given the events of the most recent week, but when the printer started malfunctioning leaving me unable to fax the papers izuku wanted me send, you could say that was the first domino.
i swatted and kicked and pressed any button on the stupid machine. telling myself i was merely trying to get to stupid thing to work, but deep down i knew that the printer was just my temporary punching bag. an outlet to unleash my anger and emotions onto something instead of letting them fester inside me.
so when one of izuku’s sidekicks came by, giving a snarky comment about my behavior, i was able to brush it off with a roll of my eyes and an equally snippy comment back.
but as the hunk of plastic remained steady in its plan to ruin my day, the lack of sleep and lingering resentment started to bubble within me once more.
i heard footsteps behind me and a joking voice say, “having a bit of trouble are we?”
if it weren’t for the white hot anger buzzing in my ears i may have been able to identify the voice before i lashed out on them. but we already established this was not my day.
so as my hands moved to clutch the machine below me, most likely to restrain my abuse to merely verbal instead of physical. i spit out, “listen i’m fucking trying okay? so how about you get off my ass and do something useful.”
i turned around to face who i thought would be another sidekick sent to push my buttons. but i instead came face-to-face with the green haired man himself.
eyes blown wide, mouth agape in shock, a light blush dusted under his freckles as he fought to handle the situation the best way he could.
but i beat him to it with a deep bow and an endless flow of apologies, opting to only blame my anger on the malfunctioning piece of junk behind me and not the several other reasons i was plotting murder in my head.
with a gentle smile and a soft chuckle he placed his hand to the back of his head, rubbing at the baby jade hairs of his undercut. “i see. bad days happen to the best of us.” he replied, his voice like honey.
i became drunk on the minor interaction he was giving me, bringing me back to the beginning days at this job where we would spend late nights trying to keep each other awake under the only singular yellow light as we finished paperwork. or where sometimes he’d invite me to spend lunch with him as he felt he’d enjoy the company.
i got lost in the intricacies of his face as he tampered with the printer. thin eyebrows furrowed in concentration, bottom lip captured between his thick scarred fingers as he muttered to himself.
i fell in a trance, locked on the slope of his button nose, his gemstone eyes, and chubby caramel cheeks dusted in freckles.
he looked essentially like the same boy i saw on the screen all those years ago, yet matured and hardened by the realities of life.
i wanted nothing more than to reach out and protect him any way my small quirkless body could. to be there for him the same way he was for everyone else.
he eventually got the printer to work with a boyish smile on his face as he told me that despite the good roughing up i gave the machine, he was able to locate and handle the issue. “next time, skip the punching and come find me, yeah? i’ll help with any problems you face.” he joked as he made his way into his office to resume his work.
i didn’t know it was possible to fall harder for that man, but he proved with every day of his existence that the impossible didn’t apply to him.
i was finally able to get some sleep the next few nights as my eyelids filled with the blush on his cheekbones and his gaze of concentration.
but my trip to cloud 9 didn’t last very long as the occasional meeting with uraraka became trips to her agency, and occasional meetings in civilian clothes to civilian places, like coffee shops and corner stores.
to anyone else, those would read as dates. to me, they read as dates. but izuku assured the gossiping sidekicks that it was strictly professional ~ nothing more, nothing less.
i knew that i would end up with more fits of restlessness and sleepless nights as i pictured the two of them laughing over a cup of coffee. so i sought out a replacement.
a moment. a look. a sentence.
anything directed at me that would choke out the ugly thoughts and images my brain would show me of the two of them together.
so that afternoon as i brought him his lunch, i placed the box safely onto the table beside him as he continued skimming through the papers littered across the desk.
he muttered a small ‘thank you’ but it wasn’t enough. as my hand moved to place his drink that i held in my other hand next to his food, a different idea popped in my head.
my hand moved faster than my brain could register what it had just planned to do. squeezing just enough for the lid to pop off and slip from my fingers to tumble into his lap.
as soon as the liquid and ice hit his lap he flew up from his seat and away from his desk.
my hands flew up to my mouth as a string of apologies fell from my lips. eyes watering in guilt as they moved around the room trying to locate something to soak up the mess with.
“i am so sorry, my fingers slipped and before i knew it i had lost control of the cup. i-i can’t tell you how sorry i am.” i rambled as i took my blazer off to wipe at the wet stains starting to form at the bottom of his teal suit.
“hey, hey, hey.” he said softly, taking my tinier hands into his large and battered ones. warmth enveloped my clutched sticky hands as he gently urged me to stand from my crouching position in front of him.
“it was an accident. no harm, no foul.” he said with a soft smile.
i should feel bad, as it wasn’t entirely an accident. but the warm and gentle look in his eyes made what little guilt i felt crumble away.
his thumbs rubbing soft circles to my skin as he worked to get the tears to stop streaming from my eyes was enough to get me to sleep like a baby for a good 2 weeks.
until it became a cycle. he would spend too much time around uraraka, and then i would do something all in the name of garnering his attention back on me.
was it wrong of me to do, to take advantage of his kindness? to take advantage of the fact that he was naive to my true intentions? maybe.
but i felt i deserved it. i felt i deserved to be looked at the same way he looked at her.
i wasn’t any different than she was. with the way she used her big brown eyes to pull him in. or the way her cute behavior made him blush. or the way her sweet way of talking made him laugh.
i can’t be her, or compare to her. so i found my own way around it. and no one could fault me for doing so. they just couldn’t.
at the end of the mission, uravity decided to throw a party in celebration of their win. a nice formal gathering, with everyone she had involved.
when izuku pulled me aside one late night to tell me that he was extending the invitation to me felt akin to a marriage proposal.
i wasn’t involved much in the case, merely being used as the one who provided them their lunch on their long meeting days. or filing and organizing the paperwork and notes that they would compile. i wasn’t out in the field, breaking bones like izuku or saving lives like uraraka.
i didn’t deserve to go, but i didn’t care. izuku had invited me personally and damn it, i was gonna be there.
yet, i shouldn’t have gone.
i shouldn’t have spent the hours on my makeup. i shouldn’t have enlisted the help of my best friend to do my hair as i gushed about how izuku had personally invited me, how he was the most perfect man ever, and how i was undoubtedly in love with him.
i shouldn’t have spent the week leading up to the event going from shop to shop trying to find the prettiest dress that was just the exact color of his eyes. i shouldn’t have spent about half my paycheck on said dress when i found it.
i shouldn’t have decided to face my fears and step out of my comfort zone to join a group of heroes that i knew were old classmates of izuku’s as they whispered about something that clearly was a raving topic.
because then i wouldn’t have heard how izuku was planning on confessing to uraraka. i wouldn’t have heard how this mission caused old high school feelings to rekindle. i should have known my place.
and that was far away from here, from the hero scene. i should have grown up to be an accountant or a chef.
when my father took me to get that checkup when i was 5, to confirm that there truly resides no quirk inside me.
i should have left it at that.
when i was riding my bike that day as a first year and i saw the group of boys huddled around a screen as they tuned into the u-a sports festival, i should have kept riding.
as maybe it would have saved me a lot of pain.
i backed away slowly, heels tapping against the tile floor as i hurried out of the building.
i didn’t realize how suffocated i felt until the chilly autumn hair brushed my face and into my lungs.
my whole body felt hot, i felt numb. i stumbled onto the sidewalk as i looked into the dark azure sky glittered with stars.
the tears finally spilled from my eyes as the stars muddled together into a messy blur. my stomach swirled and tensed as pit of nausea sunk in my stomach.
my chest heaved as it tried to process the crisp cold air into oxygen, but my throat was too tight to let much in.
i gasped and sobbed as my back hit the brick behind me, my legs wobbling unable to carry my weight much longer.
i slid into a crouched position as my tears mixed with the black of my mascara. streaming in pools down my cheeks, neck, and chest.
in the midst of my sobbing and heaving, i called my friend who was still at my apartment awaiting details of that night when i came home.
knowing it was far too early for me to be calling her she picked up the phone with confusion. it didn’t take much words from me, not like i gave her much, to convince her that she needed to come pick me up.
as she hung up the phone, my hand slipped from my ear, falling limp to my side as i placed my head into my other arm resting atop my knees.
this was inevitable and i knew it. no matter how many ways i was able to manipulate a sweet glance from him, it didn’t mean anything.
izuku was nice to everybody. sweet to everyone. kind to anyone.
but with her, it was different. he treated her that way, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.
they had years of memories, of laughs. they were perfect for each other, both smart, and kind, and always looking to help others. never acting selfishly or for personal gain.
they shared soft touches like they did old stories. they looked at each other with the same respect and admiration.
i was wrong. uraraka and i are nothing alike. she didn’t have to beg izuku to look at her like she hung the moon, he did so without asking.
unbeknownst to me, as i was manipulating izuku into these fabricated moments of gentle gazes and kind words, i was manipulating myself.
lying to the deepest parts of me that knew that this wasn’t real. that i wasn’t her. that he didn’t think of us the same way.
to him, uraraka is an old friend, who views the world the same way he does, who shares his same passions, who built her quirk to do some good within this world.
to him, i was a coffee-getter, the girl who knew his lunch orders like the back of her hand, the girl who filed his papers. the quirkless little fangirl who practically begged him to give her a job under him.
i heard the metal door open and snap shut announcing that someone was now outside with me. however, i just assumed it was a party-goer stepping outside for a smoke or a phone call so i didn’t bother to look up.
i also wasn’t in the mood for if the person happened to be a drunk girl who was ready to become my therapist as she saw me crouched on the sidewalk wishing to become one with the cement and simply cease to exist.
“there you are, i was wondering where you went?”
i would have taken the amateur therapist over this.
the voice belonged to izuku, dripping with sugar and default kindness.
if i could become one with the bricks just a little bit faster that would be great.
“hey, are you alright?” his tone became worried but i still didn’t dare to look up from my arms.
“do you feel sick? did something happen? do i need to take you home?” there he goes, into hero mode. ready to drop anything to help anyone facing the slightest of inconveniences.
“please just leave me alone.” i mumbled, throat tight and voice wavering as i try to hold the tears that still remain to fall.
“what did you say? i didn’t quite hear you.” he said softly, gently setting his large hands onto my exposed shoulder.
they should feel like welcoming warmth, but instead they felt blistering hot as i shoved them away as quickly as i could.
“i said leave me alone.” i said, slightly louder as i no longer was stuffed in my arms and knees.
he immediately saw the mess my face was in, i could tell by the way he quickly reverted fully into deku.
“hey, what’s wrong? whatever it is, i can help. didn’t i say you could come to me whenever you ne-“
“oh my god just stop! i can’t take it anymore.” i snapped, finally able to look him in the face.
but not for long as i saw the same look on his complexion as the first time i snapped at him.
“you’re too fucking nice. leaving you vulnerable for people to take advantage of you. giving them a reason to be selfish.”
“i dont-“ he tried to start but i cut him off.
“i don’t need a hero, izuku. there are people you just can’t save.”
as he worked to wrap his head around what was happening, my friend pulled up in my getaway car.
i bent down and grabbed my purse, but before i could fully escape this night, izuku grabbed my wrist causing me to stare into his eyes.
now lit aflame with desperation, “please just tell me what’s wrong. let me help you.” he encouraged softly.
but i wasn’t going to fall for it, not again.
i wasn’t gonna be played for the fool as i took the soft look in his eyes for anything but the gaze of a hero hoping to add another save to their statistics.
“god you never know when to quit!” i yelled as i yanked my wrist back. “and i hate that i-“
loved that about you?
no, love that about you.
i shook my head, thankful that for once my brain caught my actions before i spilled and made a mess again.
i walked quickly to the car, opening the passenger door almost as fast in hopes that within its metal sanctuary i could finally escape this hell.
“y/n- i-“
“mr. midoriya.” i just about whispered, my energy long since drained.
he laughed gently and i cursed the way my heart squeezed a little at the sound.
still head over heels for the angelic sound.
“you haven’t called me that in a long-“
“i quit.”
“w-what?” he muttered in disbelief.
i wouldn’t believe it either, not after the way i came to him nearly 4 years ago saying i would even be willing to clean toilets if he asked me to, so long as i got to work for him.
“i quit.” i repeated.
“you don’t mean that.”
he’s right i didn’t, not really.
hot tears started to dribble as my lower lip puckered in a sour quiver.
“no i do, sir.” i shook. “i will send someone to collect my things on monday.”
and with that i closed the door.
“drive.” i whispered to my friend who after a moment of looking at me, trying to read me, silently put the car into drive and started forward.
leaving izuku behind to stumble after the car, mouth muttering, trying to form any sort of sentence or sense.
but i couldn’t see him, knowing not to look at the mirrors situated on the side of the vehicle.
for they too are liars, as objects in the mirror are farther than they appear.
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*** my little blue bitch working overtime
🧼 also mayhaps “soap” by melanie martinez fits this story… unintentionally ~ but if i’m wrong it’s cuz i haven’t listened to it in a while
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