#also just now realizing i gave him the same boots in both of these oh
beetle-beep · 4 months
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more outfits ft. my oc Newt!!! :)
I like the idea of Sun using magnets as "earrings" on his rays hehe
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Weaving threads of friendship (mostly platonic)
Refer to this post.
As the people requested, Hobie’s partner meeting Miles.
This one is significantly shorter than my last one partially cause I think this is pretty straightforward
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From the moment Miles Morales heard of Hobie brown he didn’t know exactly how to feel about him
It happened in passing as he and Gwen had swung through the city
The first time since the collider incident that he had seen her, months of wondering if she was fine
If she and the others had made it back safe
And now as they go around city just like he had hoped if she mentions him
He couldn’t help but feel a twang of panic
Feelings he’s harboured for the blond that had been simmering for a long while coming to a bubbling uproar
Didn’t help as he pushed the subject and got in response that she had apparently been living with him
An ugly seed of envy sprouts it’s way into his gut at that
He can’t help but feel ashamed of it
This was Gwen, of course she found someone. She was the coolest person he knows
Someone who could do ballet while fighting villains
Plus was apart of some kickass band in her dimension
He honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if she was selling out stadiums
And if she wasn’t currently, then he fully expected that for her future
He should feel happy that she found someone
Happy that she was in a good place
Yet it’s hard to ignore that sprouting envy as his emotions are already high enough as it is when seeing her again
It doesn’t help when he meets Hobie though
Having a moment to prove himself and then suddenly having it quite literally dashed open
With a guitar no less
Doesn’t help that he was cool as hell
The studded black leather vest
Spike Mohawk
Doc Martin boots
British accent
Silver gleaming piercings
Miles knew he couldn’t compare to him
And by god did it hurt
From the moment Hobie saw miles he knew knew he’d like the accidental Spider-Man
It might be due to the fact that Miguel did NOT want him apart of the Spider regime
On the fact that him being Spider-Man went against canon
But it also had to do with the fact that he recognized how he looked at Gwen
It’s how Hobie looked at you
Sure, he couldn’t see under the mask but it was very glaringly obvious to Brit
That was the gaze of someone who was in a deep passionate love
Something akin to fizzling fireworks that popped off in the night
Pop rocks exploding on your tongue on a humid day
Sappy romantic shite that he once never thought he’d think of
Until he rapidly found himself staring at you with that same expression
It makes him chuckle a bit thinking back
How glaringly obvious he was with his feelings yet you couldn’t accept the signs
Not until he told you face to face
Good times
With that look he also sees a slight sadness with it as well
Miles occasionally glancing at him and then back to Gwen
The slight bitter taste Miles held in his voice when addressing him
But what…oh
That realization almost makes Hobie burst out in laughter
Poor lad is probably running circles in his head for nothing
He’s definitely gonna have to tell him
One the tour of the HQ Hobie lingers close by to the newbie
Hands on his pockets as Jessica leads to way to Miguel’s sulking area
With the lame and inconveniently slow office floor elevator
A perfect example of capitalism
He pulls Miles aside with an arm around his shoulder, making Mikes give a noise of complaint
Until Hobie pulled out a Polaroid from an inner pocket of his vest
In it was Hobie with another person
Both staring up at the camera as he gave them a kiss
Miles looks to him in confusion
“I thought you and-“
“Gwenivere? Nah mate. S’ just crashin at my place cause home ain’t the best for her right now.”
“And that’s?”
“Yeah, my partner in crime so to say. Should meet them sometime, they’d like ya”
“Gwen won’t stop talking bout you.”
Hobie stifles a laugh at Miles’s face
The look of surprise and Fluster washing over the young lad as he shoots a glance at Gwen
Who all the while remained obvious to his stare as he directs it to the ground once more
Hobie grabs a new piece of tech as he does this
Pocketing it as he did with many other nick-knacks he’d found and swiped
To be fair, if it’s not nailed to the ground real nice then it’s free territory for grabbing
Or well…that’s what he tells others anyways
The piles of scrap pilled up in both his home and your room is a testament to that
As was the prototypes of his own dimension hoping bracelet
When you met Miles you couldn’t help but be extremely excited as the young Spider-Man sat down on Hobie’s worn and old ripped leather couch
Gwen often talked of him
So now seeing him in person is a extremely fun experience especially since he’s awkward in a way that reminds you of your past self
Conversation starts off slow at first
Stuff mostly revolving around his universe
What he liked
Etcetera Etcetera
But what really gets talk happening is when he brings up drawing
In a life in which your surrounded by musically artistic people it’s nice to have someone with a new passion
So it’s safe to say he quickly ends up showing you his sketchbook
Carefully showing you pages of graffiti tags
Mural ideas
And a few that had Gwen that he quickly flipped to a different page
You don’t comment on it but your grin alone tells him what he needs to hear
Speaking of which, Gwen is ecstatic that you get to meet Miles
She would not spot talking about it even before the whole “don’t tell mikes about the spider society” situation happened and was figured out
You definitely tease her a bit about it
And Miles as well
Buts it’s all in good nature
Miles finds you to be down to earth and Hobie’s translator of sorts
He doesn’t at all get British slang or can understand what Hobie is talking about so you help with that
Using an phrases and metaphors work better for his American understanding
He thanks whatever god there is for that cause sometimes he swears Hobie is making up shit just to confuse him
If you show him all the handmade gifts Hobie has made for you he gets a lot of creative inspiration
Especially since he’s always willing to step out of his normal medium
Show him how to make his own custom pins and he’ll return later with at least 15 plus a couple for you and Hobie
Their also really well drawn as well
So it’s a win win for everyone
At some point you secretly ask him to make some potential album cover art for Hobie and he is fucking ecstatic
He’s never done something like that before so he takes to trying it very seriously
Experimenting with styles
Trying new techniques
Eventually he settles down on a mix of graffiti and collage of news paper clippings
Cause apparently to him you both look as if your straight from newspaper clippings mashed together
Gwen can attest to this as well
Hobie ends up fucking loving it
And Gwen, Miles and Pavitr have to deal with the punk being all lovey dovey to you in a way they had never imagined Hobie to be
He’s peppering your face with kisses and swinging you around in a hug
You let out a small yell as he tosses you up and catches you
It’s honestly really sweet
“How did I once find him intimidating?”
“Eh, it’s not much of a surprise to me. You’d be surprised to find out how many Punk people are actually really sweet”
“I think it’s also cause you thought he was dating g-“
He eventually puts you down and pulls them into a hug
That quickly turns into him aggressively messing up their hair
“I take what I said back”
“Hey! Don’t mess with the hair! My beautiful natural hair!”
“Why am I even surprised anymore?”
Safe to say miles has become a new vital part of this group
And you wouldn’t have it any other way
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thedailydescent · 3 months
underrated claudia moments?
Soooo many. These are just from the top of my head:
-When Louis starts shouting at Dreamstat and Claudia barely looks up, like "Oh Louis is Louis-ying again whatevs". Bonus points when she dumps the bags into his hands afterwards.
-When she's so excited about finding a vamp she doesn't even care that Louis hurts her while setting her shoulder, and jumps up swinging the arm around while stumbling around him still talking. She's so excited and optimistic in this scene in a way we haven't seen since 1x04. I can picture Delainey joyfully narrating in 1x04 while trying to discover as much as she possibly can.
-When Louis and Claudia are talking about getting a "hard meal", and we cut to Louis and Claudia walking towards their new flat. In the previous scene she was wearing boots, and in this scene, she's in the exact same outfit but in heels instead, clearly stolen from her "hard meal". I like that in this season she's trying to find a look that works for her and is experimenting, as you can see in her fashion drawings she keeps above her coffin. And I believe this is the only time in the series we see her in heels? (tap dancing shoes don't count). From a Doylist perspective I can understand: they want to keep Claudia looking as small as possible so the actress can still look like a child, but from a Watsonian perspective I think that while Claudia is stylish, she is also practical and realistic. She can't travel, explore, and protect herself as well wearing the form-fitting dresses and heel lengths of the period.
-When she throws down the man in the murder mansion scene and shouts "Yes!" It makes me so happy for some reason :)
2x03: "What do they know about Cincinnati?"
-Claudia was openly sarcastic in this episode which was both great and sad. "Birdie looooves the breeze" (I can never watch that awful performance again but I remember that line delivery) There's also "Still dressing your windows for your German tourists?", "Sounds like a line", "Tell me again how Sam licks the stage after every show, and I'll tell you a job I'd rather do", and "Tuan could play the part".
-I hate the scene for how upsetting it is, but when Armand shoves her into the wall you can see her clasping his wrist while numbly looking down before looking up and widening her eyes in shock at the treatment. It's a nice bit of acting from Delainey- like there's this automatic tendency to check out whenever someone puts their hands on her, but her realization that it's coming from Armand of all people, the one she thought herself safe from what with him being with Louis and by I'm guessing not showing any violent behaviour until now. Despite the warnings from Santiago and Sam about Armand, it's still a shock.
-The way she just stabbed that girl through the neck into the wall with scissors lol. Almost a nice callback to 1x07 when she stabbed Antoinette through the heart (I think?) into the floor. You team up with awful men as a woman to attack women, you're getting stabbed with a sharp implement.
-Her reading "How to Win Friends" while Madeleine's reading her diaries. Then insecurely looking up from said book to say her younger writing may come off shallow and uninsightful. Claudia she's reading your victim's last words lol.
-"Pull up a chair. Let's start again." The way she says it too how many times has Claudia had to be the grown-up here??
-That look she gives Louis that says a thousand words after he says, "Does it matter? Got the result".
I'm not ready to rewatch that episode yet (or ever), but I loved Claudia's manic, disbelieving laugh when Lestat says some bs about her "being an artful predator, just like me". I also loved how she kept glancing at Madeleine every so often during the trial to see how she was doing, and I liked when she put her head on her shoulder after she gave that speech about it never being about her :(
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babygirl-diaz · 6 months
For The Hope Of It All
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The universe was playing three-dimensional chess with Buck, while Buck was still trying to figure out the rules of checkers and losing miserably. That’s why he was currently nursing the same bottle of beer in his hands like it was a wounded comrade. Figuratively kicking himself in the head wasn’t enough- he should have brought steel-toed boots to this pity party. Not only did he commit a symphony of fouls today while playing basketball, but he also sent Eddie flying through the basketball hoop. Okay, maybe not, but he did cause Eddie to trip and fall. Tripping Tommy, now that was a plan. Tommy was trying to steal Eddie away with his shiny helicopters and even shinier smile. Buck groaned and buried his head in his hands, “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he muttered. “Now Eddie will never ever talk to you again and you will die alone in this loft.” 
As Buck continued his one-man comedy show of muttering, groaning, and kicking himself on the head, the doorbell rang. He wasn’t ready to entertain anyone right now so he yelled, “Go away!” at the door. 
“Not gonna happen, pal, not until I get a heartfelt apology. A beer. And maybe a foot massage. And hopefully my lost shoe.”   
Buck’s heart sank when he realized it was Eddie on the other side of the door. Great. Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, the universe played its hand- that was poker not chess, right?  With a sigh that could rival the wind, Buck dragged himself out of the chair and went to the door, where he found Eddie giving him an unamused look, that looked like a cross between a disappointed father (a look Buck was very much acquainted with) and a slightly annoyed babysitter. 
“H-hey, Eddie,” Buck greeted him with an awkward wave of his hand. 
Eddie’s response was nonexistent. Instead, he limped past Buck into the living room. He put his hands on his hips and let out a deep sigh as Buck slowly closed the door behind him, trying to avoid Eddie’s wrath.
“You’re like a human-size wrecking ball, you know that?” Eddie finally said, turning to glare at Buck. 
With a dramatic sigh, Buck made his way over to his friend and stood in front of him. “Look, I’m sorry about what-” 
“No, shut up!” Eddie interrupted, holding out up hand like a traffic cop. “I’m gonna do the talking and you’re gonna do the listening.” 
Buck could just nod in response. He was going to get hell from Eddie today. He just knew it. 
“Right,” Eddie said, nodding in satisfaction. “I’m sorry about today. I know you didn’t mean to trip me up.” 
That’s not what Buck was expecting. “Ed-”
“I told you to shut up!” Eddie chastised him again. “But everything you’ve been doing this week-” he paused and shook his head. “-you’re a grown man, Buck, we both are. If you had a problem with me, you should have come to me and talked about it.” 
“I didn’t- I don’t have a problem with you.” Buck mustered the courage to retort, despite the death stare Eddie was shooting his way. 
“Okay, then what was today about?” Eddie asked. 
"Today was the day I discovered my hidden talent for making myself look like a complete idiot,” Buck replied.
Eddie’s features softened and he cracked a small smile. “That you do,” he said jokingly. “But why?” 
With a sigh, Buck confessed, "I was jealous."
Eddie seemed taken aback by that. “Jealous? Of what?” 
Buck's face twisted into a comical grimace. "Of you and Tommy!"
Eddie gave Buck a bewildered look, his eyebrows creased in confusion. "What? Why?"
“Isn’t it obvious? I don’t like you spending time with him,” Buck tried to explain. 
Confusion turned to realization as Eddie’s face softened once again. “Oh.” 
“Yeah, oh,” Buck looked down at his hands and found them far more interesting all of a sudden. 
Eddie's voice trembled as he spoke, his hand resting gently on Buck's shoulder. "Evan," he said.. "You are more than my best friend. You are my confidant, the person I trust with my life. When things go to shit, you’re the one I run to for support and when things go right, you’re the first person I want to share it with. Hell, I ‘ve made you the legal guardian of my kid in case something happened to me because I know you will always love him like he was your own." He paused and chased Buck’s eyes to make him look at him. “You’re irreplaceable, Evan. Never doubt that.”
Buck listened intently to Eddie's words. He couldn’t believe it. "Eddie," he began, eager to respond. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to shut up?”
“Maybe you should make me,” Buck challenged him without even thinking about it
Eddie looked visibly taken aback by that and Buck was about to laugh it off but then he decided to be brave.
“What?” Eddie asked
“The real reason I am jealous of Tommy is because I thought he might whisk you away and I may never get to tell you what I really felt about you.”
With a gulp, Eddie's Adam's apple bobbed up and down. “What- what do you feel about me?”. 
With a simple phrase, Buck professed his love: "I love you."
Eddie's breath audibly caught in his throat, he removed his hand from Buck’s shoulder, and his expression indicated that he was mentally processing what Buck had just said. “Y- you love me?” 
Buck immediately missed his touch and looked down at his own hands, “I do.” 
“Since when?” 
Buck’s head snapped up and he said, “Since the time you told me I could have your back any day.” 
“That was when we first met…” Eddie pointed out like he couldn’t quite believe what Buck was saying. 
Buck affirmed with a nod. “It was. I’ve been in love with you since.”
Buck felt a pang of longing when Eddie retreated from him. Eddie rubbed his face, a contemplative expression crossed his features, “I don’t know what to make of that, Buck.” 
“You don’t have to make anything of it,” Buck assured him, although his heart was breaking. “You could just ignore what I said and we could go on pretending that I never said that.” 
Eddie nodded and said nothing. He took another step back before turning on his heel to leave. 
Buck wanted to let out an agonizing cry. He didn’t know what he had expected. Maybe he thought they would have a chance. But he was oh so wrong. 
“See you around, Eddie,” Buck said after him, his voice tinged with sorrow. 
In a sudden shift, Eddie halted. Buck heard him take a deep breath before he returned. This time with determination written all over his face, which Buck initially interpreted as a sign of an imminent punch. But much to his surprise, Eddie grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him forward, initiating a passionate kiss. Buck let out a surprised sound and kissed Eddie back. The kiss turned heated pretty quick and Buck slipped his tongue inside Eddie’s mouth and mapped it out. He kept walking Eddie backward until Eddie’s back hit the wall. As they kissed, Buck's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, oscillating between exhilaration ("Holy shit, we're kissing!") and apprehension ("Holy shit, he might come to his senses and walk away soon.")
Buck moved away from Eddie’s lips and kissed along his jawline before burying his face into Eddie’s neck. He pulled Eddie close and experimentally thrust against him, causing the other man to moan. 
But then the haze lifted and Eddie moaned before gently pushing at Buck’s chest. “Buck, Buck, stop-” he rasped. 
Buck stopped and pulled away to look at Eddie. Their foreheads pressed together as he released a series of short, shallow breaths. "I thought you wanted this..."
“I don’t know,” Eddie admitted, clutching onto Buck’s shirt. 
Buck nodded and pulled away. “Are you and Marisol still together?” He asked. 
“No,” Eddie replied. “We broke up a week ago.” 
Buck said nothing to that. He instead turned around to leave. 
“Buck?” Eddie called out to him, sounding so vulnerable that it almost broke Buck’s heart. 
Buck got to the stairs and turned around to look at Eddie. “If you want you can come upstairs with me,, or the decision is up to you.” He shrugged. 
Eddie looked conflicted. He bit his lips and looked between Buck and the door like he was trying to figure out what to do. 
When he looked at Buck again, Buck raised an eyebrow, “Well?” 
Eddie smiled and rolled his eyes before moving towards the stairs. “I can’t go up there,” he said, pointing at his leg. 
Buck got the message and leaned down to pick Eddie up in his arms. Eddie may have let out a little squeak before he wrapped his arms around Buck’s neck. Buck smirked and carefully carried him up the stairs. “What did you even have for lunch?” He teased. 
“You’re an asshole,” Eddie told him and rolled his eyes. 
As the morning sun peeked through the blinds, Buck's eyes fluttered open. He glanced beside him and saw Eddie, sleeping soundly. A tender smile spread across Buck's face as he admired Eddie's peaceful state. He couldn’t believe that the man he loved was finally in his bed. He propped his head up on his hand and took in Eddie’s features. His hair was a mess from where Buck at pulled them the previous night. His lips were swollen from how hard Buck had kissed him. There was a look of contentment on his face with his mouth slightly agape as he snored softly. Buck’s eyes traveled further down to Eddie’s nipples. The nubs were red and swollen from how much attention Buck had given them. If Buck pulled back the sheets, he would probably see how his cum still leaking out of Eddie. They had established that they were both clean and wanted to really go for the title this time. 
Don’t be such a creep, Buck. Buck told himself as he continued to admire Eddie. His Eddie. 
“Were you watching me sleep?” Eddie’s amused voice brought Buck out of his thoughts. Eddie’s voice was also heavy with sleep which started to get Buck hard all over again. 
“I- I kinda was, I guess,” Buck replied and scratched the back of his head. 
“Of course you were, creep,” Eddie teased him again and looked over at him. “Like what you see?” His voice turned seductive. 
“More than you’ll know,” Buck replied and rolled on top of Eddie, pinning him to the bed again and kissing him. 
“You’re making me breakfast after this,” Eddie told him. 
“Maybe in an hour… or two,” Buck replied, kissing him again. 
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msmargaretmurry · 8 months
Well now you’ve got ME in all my HAW feels again (time for a reread!) and I’m wondering at what point Leon realized he’d fallen for Matthew for real (and also at what point he actually fell for Matthew, even if he didn’t realize it at the time.) I love ratnovel 🥲
aww thank you anon <3 the whole falling for matthew thing was a real process for leon in haw, i will babble about it a bit under the cut because that sounds way more fun than doing my job on this snowy snowy day.
so as previously discussed, at the beginning of the fic leon is in this place where he's like, he was kind of interested in matthew as a guy to potentially hook up with, and then decided he totally wasn't interested anymore almost entirely because it never seemed like matthew was interested and that hurt his pride as a noted hot bitch lmao. then during the training montage he was physically confronted with the fact that, yeah, unfortunately he would still hit that. he is pretty resigned to this being a lost cause, but then they run into each other at boots, and in the space of that encounter he starts to think maybe it could happen! and then the bj in the rv happens and it throws him SO off wrt his perpections and expectations of matthew.
he thinks a LOT about matthew in the stretch between boots and messaging him on insta before the preseason game, mostly just because — he doesn't know what happened? he thought things were going pretty well, for a given definition of "pretty well," you know, whatever. he can't stop thinking about that wall matthew slammed up after the blowjob, and in retrospect he feels like maybe something was a little off about him the whole time? he's seen matthew off the ice before and he never really had the… abrasive edge he's had this summer, maybe? he doesn't know the guy well enough to figure it out, but he feels both guilty and a little guiltily interested. and also obviously he thinks about it a lot because it was hot.
and then there's the hookup in the hotel at the preseason game, which is hugely reassuring — he's thinking, okay, matthew IS into this, and maybe he's just embarrassed about/uncomfortable with the things he's into? or something? but he's clearly willing to do stuff with leon anyway, and leon is like… well, this is not usually the kind of sex he has, but it's hot, and also he's really, really interested in pushing matthew's buttons. he has no read on if matthew is into him specifically or if he's just convenient, but he's kind of okay with it either way at that point. well, he'd prefer for matthew to be into him specifically, but it is what it is. matthew is the one who gave leon his number, so there's clearly something there.
then there's some flirting via text, etc, and matthew texts after the first flames/oilers game for leon to come fuck him, and leon thinks, oh okay so this is just going to be a thing where we sleep together when we're in the same place. he's cool with that, he's into matthew, he thinks this could be fun. but then the sex is the way that it is (not not good, but very intense and pretty fraught) and now he definitely thinks there's something wrong with matthew. not because he wants rough sex, but because of how he acts about it and acts afterward.
the way i characterize leon (in haw and in general, mostly) is that he really is a big softie — he's at his prickliest when he feels vulnerable, like his soft underbelly is showing, or is being protective of people he cares about. one way this manifests is he tends toward being soft with people he sleeps with even if they don't have a close relationship. it's not lost on him that matthew is clearly upset about something and he's decided that leon is a space where he can try to deal with that, but unfortunately leon is not immune to just a little bit of "i can fix him" disease.
over the next few weeks of texting and sexting is when he really develops a crush, and by the time matthew comes over to his place for that hookup he is definitely trying not to tip his hand that he has a little crush. it's to the point where after the game he texts matthew about johnny's injury to try to make sure the shitty game doesn't fuck things up between them. by the time matthew's texting from the club on his birthday, leon has accepted the fact that he actively likes the guy even though he's really not sure how matthew feels about him, and by christmas when matthew sends him that selfie in leon's t-shirt from boots, he's almost positive that the things he's feeling are mutual. but he knows that matthew is fucked up about some stuff, and that stuff definitely affects how he is with leon, so he keeps telling himself he's going to be careful about it and try not to push until he's really sure. but he wants to kiss matthew so bad.
and then there's the nye facetime, which, to finally actually answer your question, is when leon is really like, "oh, fuck, i'm down so bad. fuck i really have feelings." he's laying in bed thinking about matthew, because at midnight when everyone was kissing he thought about matthew, and how he would have liked to kiss matthew at midnight, and he hasn't been able to stop thinking about him since. so he's laying there thinking about how badly he wants to see him, how much he wants to kiss him, trying to do the drunk math in his head to when they see each other again, because next time they see each other, maybe leon can kiss him. maybe they can finally start treating this like something real. he's almost positive matthew feels the same. if he calls and matthew picks up and talks to him, that probably means he feels the same. maybe what he really needs to know is that leon feels the same. maybe leon just has to be brave enough to make the first move.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Continuation of the previous post about SOTE adventures from today! (More like the end)
1) So, after finally trying to fight on Torrent and beating Tree Sentinel very quickly without even getting hit myself, I've gotten a BRILLIANT IDEA to try and battle Gaius like this too. That was really pointless. In fact, I just spent the next hour pushing for it and not getting further than reducing his HP to like 60%... Because you know, doing the same thing over and over and OVER hoping that this time the result will be different is definition of insanity. XD
2) Eventually I gave up and tried something else. In this case, to relocate my stats; I have 80 Int as sorcery user, but here it was useless, so I relocated these stats and some extra in those I needed more.
So, uh... Good news: turned out that Int reduces magic damage, so my 80 Int was crucial for surviving his attacks. Bad news: I wasted 2 Larval Tears to learn this lesson. 🤡🤡🤡
3) I tried to do more stuff and the very last thing I tried was to give Mimic Tear Morgott's blade to spam fire attacks, while I have shield and stab him with Scarlet Rot. I've already noticed that fire was dealing much more damage, but by that time @jarognieva whom I asked for help answered me!! So, we cooperated!
4) .....
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Turned out that she forgot to change her name from МАМКА ТВОЯ)))0)0)0)0) АХАХПЖПЛАОП
(It says 'your mum' XDDDD)
5) Jara also confirmed that this boss WAS weak to fire and holy, so that sealed the deal with Morgott's blade! I legit didn't have a better fire skill weapon on hands.
6) We made a great attempt at first, she is very strong with holy attacks! We only lost because earlier I relocated all flasks to Crimson, so I ran out of skill and could not use it again because I didn't have any Cerulean (🤡🤡🤡)
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(Damn, how does Messmer keep attracting so many friends? I read it as both them being cursed and being close with THE war person (Radahn) were important here)
(Also it was the second time we started to aggressively smash jump button after beating the boss XD It should become the running gag now! Or should I say..... the jumping gag? *gets shot*)
8) I was ready to go for the day since it is late and I need to cherish what little sleep I can have, so for the last instance I decided to go and check new stuff at Enia's!
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Not much to add here, though seems like it would be a good spell for my random surprise Faith build moments! Though two overlapping stalks repeating the Erdtree pattern did remind me of that overlapping serpents symbol from previous post.
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I was JUST questioning what weapon would actually WORK while I am fighting on Torrent! Thank you king xd
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So he invented that cool sorcery while trying to prove Radahn that he was a better sorcerer!
9) Interestingly enough, first at Enia's I only could find Gaius head, chest and arm pieces but not the leg one!
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I wondered if something was wrong with that! The description did mention that he was one with his boar after all! My assumption was that simply his set was not going to have the legs piece, but... it did!
10) So, outside of the area where we battled him, surprisingly there was an ALBINAURIC WOMAN! Just a normal one, riding a wolf and all!
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And she dropped... this:
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Ohhhh boy. So Albinaurics can't wear boots and pants, now? Oh boy. Well, I told that Loretta was likely not an Albinauric, but the girls didn't believe me. 🌛 This feels like it confirms this! Like I said, she is oddly similar to Dung Eater in cosplaying the species she is protecting vghhggh What a realization....
11) So Albinaurics were pretty much servants for Carians (like Pidiya), and Rykard straight up tortured them, so that makes the fact that one was like an older brother for Radahn interesting..? Perhaps, a glimpse on the "kinder former self" of Radahn that presumably was "lost" to war-mongering (if not some corruption due to wrestling with the Stars)? If Miquella yearning for younger version of Radahn (as far as I got spoilered) is any indication?
12) Another one for that type of talismans is also found nearby:
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13) The reward at the end was 5 Scadutree Fragments! Yaaay!!! All scattered near 'Scadutree Chalice'. What an object 🤔
So yeah, a lot of optional stuff was tackled today! It is so satisfying to finally adapt to a hard boss and defeat them, really. For real, Soulsborne games do not need difficulty selection.
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tsunamiiseas · 2 months
Cavetown - Fool but its TFA Prowlbee because I love this ship and will ramble about it till I hit the grave
"Rant to me, I like the sound, I like your voice, I like your mouth"
Because it fits SO well with the fact that Bee is an excessively hyperactive yapper who cannot keep his mouth shut even if his life depended on it, and no matter how much he'd try Prowl could never get himself to hate all the talking because it's just so... Bumblebee behaviour, and he likes Bumblebee.
Bee could ramble about the most random stuff that can come to his processor, and Prowl would patiently wait and listen regardless of whether he wants to or not, because he likes seeing Bee happy and he likes hearing Bee's voice.
"Look in the mirror, I love that boy, don't hurt my dear, don't hurt my joy"
Lemme remind yall that Bee literally gave up the opportunity to become an official Elite Guard [which was his DREAM] just so he could stick with Bulkhead, and the reason he was getting promoted was because he'd outed Wasp, who he thought was the Decepticon spy within Boot Camp when in reality it was Longarm/Shockwave, which he only found out millennia later after Wasp escaped and Shockwave revealed his true identity to Bee and Bulkhead.
You can probably imagine the load of insecurities that this, coupled with the humiliation of being kicked out of Boot Camp and Sentinel barely remembering him, would cause Bee to have. He genuinely regrets listening to Longarm/Shockwave and ruining Wasp's life, he had to give up his dream opportunity so he could stick with his best friend, and he is horrified when he realizes the real Decepticon spy was the same bot who he trusted back at Boot Camp.
SO BACK TO PROWLBEE - After the whole ordeal with Wasp, the Jettwins and Longarm/Shockwave in the present time, Prowl notices how Bee looks miserable. He manages to get it all out from an equally concerned Bulkhead, and his spark aches.
Because Prowl learns that Bee had not only been carefully manipulated into framing a somewhat innocent bot, he also gave up his dream to stick with his only other friend at the time. And after the incident with Wasp, his self-esteem had dropped to an all-time low.
So Prowl takes Bumblebee to a mirror, or any reflective surface, anything that would let Prowl show the bot in the reflection that he is still a good spark, that no one hates him, that he is still loved. By their friends, by their teammates, by Prowl. To tell him that he doesn't have to hurt himself, to beat himself up for doing something he then believed to be the right thing. To tell him he is the brightest light of Prowl's life, that he is adored, he is cherished, he is still Bumblebee.
"I am just a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great, you are just a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me"
This could go both ways OH MY GOD. Bumblebee, who felt like a fool because he tried chasing after things that were now too great for him, especially the long-abandoned dream of being an Elite Guard, and now he thinks he's doing the same [i.e. longing to be with Prowl] because he may act confident, but deep down he thinks Prowl is too good for him - he's quiet, skilled, disciplined, smart, and Bumblebee knows he's neither of those, because he's rash and impatient and horribly impulsive, which are all traits that Bee knows Prowl doesn't really enjoy, making him think his bond with Prowl is either fake, or half-hearted [hence the latter line, you are just a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me].
Prowl, on the other hand... I imagine he'd have some insecurities too; he failed to learn the one cyberjitsu technique that would've qualified him as a true member of the dojo, he failed to protect the dojo and he failed to save Yoketron. He failed to preserve the protoforms within the dojo, and he'd used the last one to try and save his mentor, which failed in the end. All this, just because he didn't want to be enrolled in the Elite Guard for the war, and he left in disgrace. Though faithful, he is losing hope to redeem himself for his mistakes [i.e. he believes he is chasing after nothing great] and also believes that Bumblebee is too good for him as well - Bee is loud, funny, energetic, hopeful, and Prowl is the complete opposite. Bee gets along with others, Prowl doesn't, nor does he make any effort to. Prowl does like Bee, but a small part of him thinks Bee doesn't wholeheartedly like him back.
In the end, though, they do get along. They do get closer, they share eachother's joy and pain, they try to understand eachother even if it's a long and weary process. In the end, they are happy, and they are happily eachother's fools.
I have so much more to rant about because I genuinely love this ship so much but my mind is literally malfunctioning rn so I'm gonna go ahead and cry in my pillow about these two now-
[P.S. might write a fic abt this if I get the time, also PLEASE ASK ME ANYTHING ABT THESE TWO AUGH🙏🎀]
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mandrakebrew · 4 months
Common Ground
Pairing: Sk.ull Fa.ce x Dr Palmer Words: 1,445 Rating: General Content Warning: oc x canon
Summary: The XO finally decides to take the doctor up on their invitation to visit them.
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Skull Face wasn’t actually sure if he’d come and visit like Dr Palmer suggested. Yet, here he was, knocking on their office door at lunchtime. He had put it off for a while, but he kept finding the book they gave him sitting in his suit pocket. The constant reminder of the doctor had sparked his curiosity, so he had gone and done some digging on them. Phoenix Palmer had actually changed both their first and last name. They told him they needed to take the job to get away. From what, though?
Palmer also made no comment on his skin, other than questioning him about his accelerated healing. Though the XO figured that since they saw him before he woke up, they could school their response to whatever they needed. That was another reason he had put off visiting them. They’d seen almost, if not all, of him.
“Come in,” A familiar voice called through the door.
When he entered, he saw the doctor had their back to him, putting away some files into a file cabinet. Their eyes widened when they turned and saw him.
“Oh, hello.” It’s most likely because he never actually stood up the last time they spoke, but it’s only now they realize just how tall the XO is. Combined with his outfit, a black suit paired with a black cowboy hat and boots, he commands attention. Of course he wasn’t wearing that in the jungle.
“Hello, Doctor.” He walked inside, shutting the door behind him. They didn’t seem very pleased to see him.
“I was starting to wonder if you were going to visit me.” They sat down behind their desk and gestured to the chair across from them.
“I’ve been busy.” Not a complete lie. Skull Face sat down in the armchair.
“Ah, understandable. How’ve you been? No pain or anything since your surgery?” They wanted to make sure they hadn’t missed any pieces of debris. He was actually supposed to come in for a follow-up once they returned to the United States, but he didn’t show up. Maybe because of how fast his body healed, he didn’t feel the need, or maybe he had an aversion to hospitals, which wasn’t uncommon. Though a part of them worried he may have been avoiding them due to them asking about his skin. So they made a mental note to not bring it up unless absolutely necessary.
“No, I’m fine.”
“Ah, good to hear.”
Neither knew what to say after that. Silence stretching to a point of discomfort. Thankfully, Palmer speaks up, “Did you like the book I gave you?”
“I did.” He pulled the book from his pocket and leaned forward to hand it back to them.
“Oh, you can keep it, since you liked it.”
He pulls back, “Alright then.”
“I wasn’t crazy about it myself. Though the ending was interesting. How the protagonist’s role was reversed when viewed from the vampire’s perspective. That’s it though. I mean, don’t you find it strange that Ruth slept with Neville when she knew he killed her husband?”
“Yes, that part was odd to me, too.”
“Like, he killed your husband. You shouldn’t be helping him. Much less fucking him!”
“Maybe she never actually cared for her husband?” Skull Face suggested.
“Oh maybe. Maybe he was a scumbag to her, and Neville unintentionally did her a favor.” However, Palmer had an inkling it was just a sexist writing.
“You read a lot of vampire stories, Doctor?”
What? How did he- Oh. They winced when they remembered their brief outburst of excitement the last time they talked. “I do. There’s something alluring about them, I think.” They’d always liked monsters of all sorts. Something that they had bonded over with a coworker, Dr Clark.
Palmer could relate to being othered by society. They wondered if the man sitting across from them felt the same.
“What was that other book you had?” Skull Face asked.
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
The name alone conjures very unpleasant thoughts, and he must have made a face or something, because the doctor is now smiling at him.
“Afraid of parasites or something, Commander?” It’s only a second or so before horror dawns on their face. “Oh, I am so sorry, Commander. I didn’t mean to- I didn’t mean to be rude.”
His knee-jerk response is to be furious at them. Mocking him about his- Wait, he never told them. Did they find out somewhere else? When they quickly apologize, he’s still not sure. It could very well be they are apologizing for being so causal with a superior.
He waves his hand in the air, as if brushing away their words, “I’ll let it slide.”
“Thank you.” The tension eases in their body, but they quickly hurry the conversation along. “Do you read horror often?”
“I haven’t had much opportunity.”
His answer made them wonder what kind of life he had lived until now. They had looked into how Hungary was involved in WWII. He had said he wasn’t in Hungary for very long. Which made Palmer assume he fled the conflict. Then they realized how stupid that assumption was. Not a man with scars. Not a man who worked for the SAS and now the CIA. “So, what do you read?”
“What makes you read at all?”
“You just seem the type. Also, you read the book I gave you.”
They weren’t wrong. He did read when he could get his hands on a book. He worked alone most of the time, and a book helped pass the time. “I see. History, science, or philosophy usually.”
“Oh, I read a lot of science myself, mostly biology and medicine.” Even as a child, their favorite kind of book was nonfiction. The only fiction able to pull them away from learning about the world was xenofiction and their beloved horror stories. While they had been meaning to read more philosophy, history more often than not put them to sleep.
It didn’t surprise Skull Face that they read medical books. Which reminded him of something he wanted to ask. “Aren’t you a bit young to be a surgeon?” A trauma surgeon at that. The person sitting across from him didn’t look much older than him, if at all, and he was only in his twenties.
“I’m practicing without a license, don’t tell anyone.” They smiled and winked at the commander.
When he just reacted with a furrowed brow, they broke into a quiet laugh. “I skipped grades growing up and got into university early. Someone in the CIA noticed and got me a job.” After that, Major Zero took notice of them, and picked them to work under his XO. “How old are you, anyway?” Palmer asks.
Skull Face’s answer left Palmer taken aback. They were the same age? His demeanor had led them to believe he was so much older. Then again, growing up in Hungary, he probably never knew a day of peace in his life. Forced to grow up way too fast.
“Glad to see I’m not the only overachiever here.” They say.
He huffs at that, “Not like I had a choice in the matter.”
“You said you had no choice in taking this job, did you not? We can only choose how we act, not the circumstances we’re in.”
“And those choices are often hard, too.”
“If we’re left any choice at all.”
Palmer nodded. When put that way, it seemed they had more in common with Skull Face than they first thought.
When they glanced up at the clock, it said it was two already. “Damn. Sorry, I gotta cut this short.”
He turned and looked at the clock as well. “Ah. No problem, Doctor.”
Skull Face stood to leave, and Palmer walked him to the door. “Feel free to visit again. I’m always free at lunch.” It was good he visited at lunch. He actually got them to stop working. Palmer still hadn’t eaten anything, but it was a step in the right direction.
Instead of giving a vague answer like last time, he impulsively said he would visit. Skull Face was a bit surprised at himself. Though it wasn’t like he didn’t enjoy his visit. In truth, the closest thing he had to a friend was Major Zero. Maybe he was hoping he could have something similar with Palmer.
Hope, there it was again. He’d lived his life as a ghost for so long. It had been hardwired into him to stay away from people, both physically and emotionally. Still, that little spark of humanity remained. It was human nature to want to connect with people, after all.
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Summary: you go out with Jisung and his friends at the club, when you make an unforgettable encounter.
TW: mention of alcohol, smoking and kissing.
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"Shit" you say, realizing that Jisung was going to come pick you up in only half an hour and that you’ve already been scrolling for two hours on tiktok..
You got up in a swift motion, rushing to your bathroom.
Before anything, you obviously turned on some tunes, because that’s the only way to put you in the right mood to go out. So you quickly turned on your hot girl music, feeling the beat of "the color violet" by Tony Lanez starting.
After rushing for about 15 minutes, you managed to get yourself looking pretty hot, at least you thought. You did your usual base, with a dark eyeliner look, which made you look fierce and mysterious, exactly the vibe you like to give off when going out, cause fuck it right? It’s so fun to be anyone you want for one night.
You quickly just gave your hair a brush, because it was already styled from the night before, but just a little tangled. You then rushed to your closet, stressing over what to wear. "Fuck, I should’ve thought about this earlier."
You throw a bunch of stuff you thought could work on your bed in a hurry. You go through everything and try to think of an outfit. You eventually just put something on: your trusty low waisted baggy jeans, with a lace tank top, a big buckled belt, high heeled black boots, a cute necklace, hoops, and finally you grabbed a leather jacket to throw on because it was getting rather cool outside at this hour.
*phone ringing
"Shit, Jisung" yo pick up your phone and answer. "Hello?" You say. "Hey I’m here." He says as you hear his loud music in the back. " shit okay ill be there in a minute." "Bitch don’t make me wait now!" He almost screams. "Hahha I’ll be right there"
You quickly spray perfume on your neck, collarbone and wrists. Then you throw the essentials into a red shoulder bag: the lipstick you currently had on, you phone, keys, wallet, cigarettes, and a lighter ofc.
You run to your fridge, and grab a Red Bull out, knowing you’ll need it before going out. Because god knows the nights tend to escalate with Jisung. You keep that in your hands, and run out the door.
As you walk outside your apartment building, you see Jisung, vining to music in his car, not noticing you. You laugh, then eventually knock on the window to signal him to open the door.
"Heyyy!" You both say, hugging. " damn girl you look HOTTT!" Jisung says immediately. "Oh thank you so much. " you smile. " you look hot too hannie." You say analyzing his outfit, basically the same black button down he’d often wear to go out, and black dress pants. "Okay let’s goo!!"
11:00 PM
You and Jisung eventually make it to the club after stopping a couple of times to go pick up his other friends. You didn’t know them all, but most of them.
There was Changbin, you knew him from school, him and Jisung often did music together. Then there was Felix, that you also knew, he was also your friend. But there was also a guy named Minho, you didn’t really know him, appart from the fact that Jisung was always at his place…
The girl to guy ratio in the car was highly unbalanced, but you were fine with it, since you knew almost all of them, and two of your girlfriends were already at the club anyway.
"Alright yall, we’re here." Jisung said, pulling into the parking lot. "Yeah!! Lets go " Changbin said, hyped. You all got out of the car and walked over to the club. Jisung and the others were going in already, but you were feeling a little stressed and agitated from the VERY social context you were about to go into.
"Hey guys, I’m just gonna take some air a little here before going in, I’ll meet you guys." You said, separating with them. Jisung understood what you were gonna do, and went in with the others.
You walked over to the side of the building, we’re no one was, and sighed. Leaning on the brick wall, you took out a cigarette and your lighter. This was gonna calm you right?
The light from the lighter illuminating your eyes, your brows furrowed, concentrated. You didn’t notice the man who was now also leaning on the same wall, only a meter away.
You took a drag, eyes closed, and only realized he was there, when you took the cigarette back between your fingers. He’s looking at you. Weird. You nod to say hi, then take another drag. The guy took a cigarette out from its packaging. Obviously he was also here for the same reason. He looked at you again, like you had something he wanted. "Do you have light? " he asked. Oh, you thought, of course, he just wanted something to light his cigarette. "Huh yeah." You reach in your pocket to grab your lighter and hand it to him. He thanks you politely. He places the cigarette between his full lips, and bringing his left hand out in front of it to block the wind. You couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was. Brows furrowed just like yours were moments ago, you thought it probably looked sexier on him than it ever did on you. Once he lit it, he kept it there for a moment, between his lips, giving back the lighter. "Thanks"he repeats. You both lean back on the wall.
You were so in your head. You couldn’t help but to interiorly freak out over him. Why was he here, he could’ve gone anywhere else to smoke, and why was he so hot?!!?!
"Are you here with anyone? " the handsome guy asks, clearly bored. "Huh, yeah I came with some friends." You smile, dusting off the ash on the ground. "Cool, me too, I’m actually meeting them here." He added. "Cool" you simply say, thinking for a moment. "Wait but why aren’t you inside with them if you came here with them?" He asks, curious. "Oh well, I just wanted to have a moment for myself before putting myself into a very social environment.." you said, embarrassed, but truthfull. He giggled, dusted off the ash off his cigarette, then spoke again. " yeah, I get that, I’d say I’m doing the exact same thing. " " but you know, I’d be lying if I didn’t add the fact that I’m also just a bit of a going out smoker." You both laugh. "What do you mean by that?" You ask. "Like, I’m not the biggest smoker but, I do enjoy it a lot when I go out." He explained. "Yeah, me too." You smile. " It’s beneficial in many ways haha." You state. "Yeah? Like what?" He asks. "Like, it helps with social anxiety, plus it looks hot and mysterious." You say honestly. "Hahah, you do look hot and mysterious." He smirks, looking right at you. "Hmm, it’s also a great way to flirt, especially for you. " He laughs.
You toss your bud on the floor, crushing it with your boot. You smiled at him, getting up to head in. "Maybe I’ll see you inside", you say before leaving. "Yeah." He smirks.
"Ill just look for the hot and mysterious girl."
11:30 PM
When you went in, Jisung and the others were sitting around on a couch that circled around a table. "Heyyy!!"
They created you, clearly already under the influence. "Here, take a shot! " the encouraged.
Changbin poured some vodka into a shot glass, obviously spilling a little bit on the table. When you were about to take it. Minho shouted: "make a wish!" You laughed, what is this, a birthday cake? "Say it out loud tho" "and something for tonight!" Jisung added.
You thought to yourself for a moment. There was something you kinda wished would happen tonight.. "I wanna make out with someone!" You said loudly. Everyone laughed and watched your reaction as you took the shot.
Jisung put his arm around you. "I knew you’d say that." "That’s why I invited a friend of mine that I think you’d like." He said.
"What?! Jisung!" You were kinda pissed that he didn’t tell you beforehand. Knowing you’d be more nervous now.
"Don’t worry y/n, he’s a chill guy." "And he’s super hot." He insisted.
You sighed. "Alright."
"Oh, actually here he is." Jisung said noticing the guy coming over to the table.
When you looked back to where everyone was looking, you froze. It was him.
He seemed just as surprised as you.
"Hey Hyunjin! " "man it’s been so long." The guys got up to great him.
"Hey this is Hyunjin, the guys I was telling you about." Jisung said.
Hyunjin’s surprised expression quickly turned into a soft smirk. He held his hand out to you. "Hello"
You looked at him deeply. 'Hey" you shook hands.
You than smiled as well. "You guys know each other?" Felix asked.
"No no, I’m just surprised that Jisung is best friends with such a hot and mysterious person." He said smirking once again.
You laughed.
It was thrilling. Playing around like this. Only the two of you knew.
"Okay then. I think that the two who just arrive should take a shot." Seungmin said, handing one to each of you.
You looked up at Hyunjin, bringing your shot up to his in order to cheers. He looked back, and smiled shyly. You both tapped it down on the table, then bottoms up!
Midnight strikes. The vibe of the club suddenly shifts. It’s time for the real shit. I was never there by the weekend starts playing. "Oh shit" you couldn’t stand there anymore.
You couldn’t even think anymore. You grab Hyunjin’s wrist. He looked confused. "Come on we have to dance to this one."you drag him out of the booth and make way to the dance floor.
Hyunjin’s POV:
I was just sipping on my drink when the girl I met earlier grabbed my wrist. Why? I was so surprised. "Come on, we have to dance to this one." She said. God she was hot. I couldn’t help to let her lead me where she wanted to go. She was dragging me to the dance floor. Then she suddenly stopped and turned around. She smiled at me, swaying her hips from side to side to the rhythm.
God she looked good. The club lights hitting all the right spots, form her curves to her eyes. I was completely mesmerized.
"Come on, dance. " She had to say to get me out of my transe. I unfroze and started to match her pace.
She looked impressed. Then she inched closer to me, wrapping her arms around my head, resting them on my shoulders. "You’re good." She says.
"You’re pretty good yourself." I state, wrapping my arms around her waist. She smiled, eyes still locked with mine.
"I never got your name?" I say, desperately wanting to put a name on the girl I was currently under the spell of.
"Y/n." She says. I smile, satisfied with the sound of it. It summed you up perfectly. "I love It."
"Don’t forget it now." She states.
"I don’t think I could ever. " I couldn’t help but inch closer and closer to her, wanting her to feel everything I was in this moment.
She simply chuckles, and suddenly turns around.
I quickly understand her sudden action when she starts moving her hips again, back facing me. I place my hands on her hips, guiding her. Slowly but surely, our bodies inched closer, until I was pressed against her, head tilted in the crook of her neck.
Y/n’s POV:
My actions were clearly driven by alcohol at this point, and I knew with how blurred my vision was. But somehow I was completely in control of my body, I just simply had a lot more guts.
As I swayed from side to side, his hands on my hips, I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. The music echoed in my ears. I could feel his slow breathing against my neck. Wow. His presence flooded me. I felt so connected. Attracted. I couldn’t let go.
We kept dancing for a while. Clearly it was a skill we both shared. Which was making people look. There’s something about two hot people looking hot together, and that’s exactly what you guys were.
Sweaty and out of breath, Hyunjin pulled you in to tell you something. " wanna go out for a smoke?" You could feel his smirk against your skin.
You pulled back and nodded.
Hyunjin followed you out the club, wiping away his sweat.
"Wow, that was a work out huh?" You exhaled.
He laughed, in agreement.
"You looked really good out there." He clarifies.
"Thanks. You too." You shy away and walk towards the same walk you first met.
Hyunjin pulls out a cigarette. He was in the same outfit, same position as when you first met him, but this time with slightly wet hair, and an even more lustful look in his eyes.
"Hey you want a light?" He says. You notice he has YOUR lighter.. "what?! Wait, how did you get that?!?" You ask surprised.
"Relax, i took it from your pocket while we were dancing. " he explains.
"Okay?" So you’re stealing from me now?" You asked still confused.
"No!" "I mean, yeah.. but it’s just because I thought I should light it for you." He said, before taking the cigarette he had in his hand and placing it between your lips.
You let him put it there. He then flicked the lighter open, placing the flame under the tip. You understood why he wanted to do that when you saw him staring at you.
"Thanks" you say smirking.
He smiles then does the same for himself.
"You know, I’m glad I met you tonight." He says.
"Yeah me too." You respond.
"I really feel like we’re alike in a way."
"Oh really? How so? " you ask.
"Well, we both like to smoke in social contexts, we like dancing, we’re both a bit socially anxious, and we’re super hot."
"You think I’m hot?" You say smiling.
"Well.. yeah" he shyly says.
You chuckle getting closer to him.
"What do you find hot?" You ask.
He looks down at you with poisonous eyes. "Everything." He states.
You laugh and look away. When you place you gaze back on his, you say: " can you be a bit clearer for me baby?"
He doesn’t speak for a moment. "Your lips. " he says softly.
"What about them?" You raise your eyebrows, acting like you don’t know what he wants.
"I really want them on mine." He says.
"You’d want that?" You say, inching closer.
He nods quietly. Still locking eyes with you, adding to the tension between the two of you.
"Then I should give you what you want." You continue.
Lips inches away. You stop moving for a second, to tease him.
An attempt that soon failed when Hyunjin impatiently took your face between his hands, closing the gap between you.
His lips were soft. He pecked your lips a couple of times before softly hitting at your bottom lip for permission to deepen the kiss. You slightly open your mouth, letting his tongue in. The kiss was passionate and needy. Your hands gripped on his brown locks, earning a soft moan from him. You smiled into the kiss, acknowledging the effect you had on him. But the way he grabbed your ass quickly humbled you down, when a moan escaped your lips. He had the same effect on you.
He didn’t know but,
Your wish was granted.
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maybeamiles · 9 months
Characters that made me realize I was trans
You ever just wanna make a comprehensive list of everyone that gave you gender envy from a young age? Yeah me too.
So here it is! A list of every character that made me realize I was trans, starting from when I was a little kid!
No. 1 - Aravis from The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
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Okay, weird racism in this book aside, the amount I loved Aravis was probably the first indicator that I was not cisgender. I thought she was so cool for dressing up as a boy and rejecting traditional femininity and being so "not-like-other-girls" (i also had a big not-like-other-girls phase around the time I read this, go figure). Of course, she is cisgender, and seems to fall into a *slightly* more traditional role by the end of the book, but this isn't about C.S. Lewis' gender stuff and more on the fact that I related very heavily to Aravis and the fact that she didn't fit in with other girls, because I also felt the same way.
Her male co-star Shasta also gave me gender envy so between them both it's no wonder 9-year-old me loved this book.
No. 2 - Deryn/Dylan Sharp from Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
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Once again it's the girl-dressing-up-as-a-boy-to-fuck-with-gender-rules trope! Only this time, Deryn Sharp is actually treated like a man by her male co-star, Alek (up until he figures out that Dylan is actually Deryn, but then he's quite supportive of her gender fuckery). Deryn, like Aravis, doesn't actually feel any gender dysphoria. Her gender fuckery is a means to pursue her passion for air travel via joining the army. This does get fucked up by the last book and she ends up needing to leave the army, but we don't actually see how she presents herself when in non-millitary society so I will headcannon that she remains quite butch.
I thought Deryn was the coolest when I was 13, and even wound up copying her way of saying "barking spiders" for a bit. And her and Alek's romantic relationship was peak goals for me, probably because it begins while Deryn still presents masc.
No. 3/4 - Link, from TLOZ: Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild
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So, the Links! Let's talk about the Links!
Twilight was the first male character I remember projecting myself onto. So much so that I did not ship him and midna OR him and Illia (and didn't really like illia's quest), not because they didn't have chemistry but because I am very homosexual and did not like the idea of my self-insert being with a girl. Now, do cis girls project themselves onto male character? Idk but I'm not cis and this is something I did so *shrug*
I've lumped these two together because Zelda was a sort of twofer for me. I played Twilight Princess and then a couple years later played BOTW and began discovering what transgender people were. At the time I ID'd as nonbinary, and my Zelda obsession grew with my understanding of "shit I'm not cis." (I even named myself after a Zelda character for a bit). The links were my first *conscious* experience of gender envy, and hold a special place in my heart for it.
No. 5 - Aether from Genshin Impact
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Last, but CERTAINLY not least, is the man, the myth, the legend, Aether Genshin Impact. And there is a STORY behind this guy's inclusion.
See, by the time I started playing genshin, I had long since accepted that I was not a girl. I called myself nonbinary, and thought I was okay with simply "not being a girl" and was fine doing what I saw all the other nonbinary people doing (binders, no testosterone, vaugely masc clothes, etc).
Then I booted up genshin impact, and had to pick between Aether and Lumine. And I still remember the "oh shit" moment I had when I realized that the default I expected to fall into would not make me happy. I had expected myself to pick Lumine, because I had previously thought that I was more comfortable with femininity than masculinity. I realized that I didn't just want "genderless." I wanted masculine. And I had this guy to thank for helping me come to that realization.
Anyways that's not all the characters that gave me gender envy or really even my entire "here's how I knew I was trans" but they are the most influential ones to me.
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lordkingsmith · 10 months
Okay, I saw the blurb reference for ask, and now I GOTTA, just because: Matt Cook + All of his OC babies~ (we all know WHY)
lol yes we know why. I was debating whether or not I cover Matt dear, so thanks for deciding for me XD
canon children:
none that we know of
OC Children:
Kimberly Hart:
Kelson Hart. Aged 21. Older Twin brother to Kira Hart. Kim’s a single parent, raised her kids mostly on the run after Matthew died when they were four, but she and Matt never got married. More of a friends with benefits thing, off and on until she got pregnant with twins. Kelson has nothing to do with his family. Intergalactic diplomat at 21. Does not live on earth, but shows up every Christmas. He is not associated with any color. He blames power rangers for a lot of his family and planet problems actually. He loves his mom and sister and family, but he can’t bypass their glaringly massive differences in opinions.
Kira, aged 21, younger twin sister to Kelson, green ranger on SPD B Team. She’s often her brothers body guard when he’s on earth for official business, but they bicker constantly when they actually speak to each other outside of work. He blames the power rangers for everything, she thinks he’s an idiot. The reason Kim was on the run in the first place was an unreformed Zedd heard about the kids and as Matt used to work for him, decided those kids were his, actually. As payment. Matt died killing Zedd. That wasn’t power rangers fault, that was Zedd’s fault.
Billy Cranston;
When Billy loses his ranger status and goes to work for Grace, Matt is also there as the green ranger. Billy keeps his distance for a while; the guy is more or less a massive dick. Especially over something that wasn’t Billy’s fault. Billy’s also not taking pot shots at his friends or Zordon over it with Matt. They start dating after the War, and Matt’s final betrayal. More because he finally wore Billy down, but Billy had a good time hanging out with him again. And then both of them had the rude realization at the same time of “I am attracted to this man-fuck he noticed-oh he’s into it” which snowballed. They adopted one kid, and had another via help from alien technology mixed with a little magic. Nora, aged 26, is a professional hockey player. Matt decided he was going to support her sport even if it wasn’t his sport. Billy quickly developed a love of hockey at one of her events when she was little. Mostly because this game is ridiculous. Though he does worry about her on the ice. A lot. They adopted her when she was five, and she’s loud and enthusiastic and very rarely is she ever sad or genuinely upset. Her opinion on things is mostly “be friendly at it or challenge it to a fight” and generally speaking the options work enough she’s never needed to figure out other plans of action. She met her wife during a game. She’s from an opposing team. Nora gave her a concussion; she knocked Nora’s front teeth out. This was par for the course and they bonded in hospital. Billy’s still trying to figure out HOW. Matt thinks it’s hilarious. Is the green dragon ranger. She is legitimately feared by most and can solve most problems without suiting up. The threat is enough.
Their other child is Abner. He’s socially transitioning, he’s 18. He wants to be a writer. He and his sister have a very loving if slightly antagonistic relationship. When Abner came out to her, Nora’s response was “well now you don’t need to steal my clothes. Give them back” which lead to an argument but not the one Abner was expecting. They negotiated the clothing situation. Abner’s not giving back a pair of boots; they look way too good on him. Matt and Billy both support him. Matt sometimes slips up with name, however he’s quick to correct himself. Billy helped Abner choose his name, and was the first person he came out to. Abner is a little self conscious about his looks, and about his public image. More in regards to if he’s going to make his family look bad. Like Matt he tends to brood and focus on negative details way too much. Like Billy he tends to strive for perfection and his vocabulary makes it hard for people to understand him.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Matt dives head first into the villain persona, and is happily doing so. He's thriving. Until he's forced into an ultimatum; save Bulk and Skull from certain death by the hands of Goldar, or vanquish the Solar Rangers. Against his better judgment, he saves Bulk and Skull. Skull, unfortunately for timing wise, had said he'd kiss whoever saved their lives minutes before Matt saved them. He's a man of his word, but he also punched him in the mouth immediately after. Matt's confused as hell. So instead of chasing after Kim, begins chasing after Skull because what was THAT. This leads to a very weird redemption arc because Matt has realized 2 things; he likes being kissed by Skull and he does not want Skull mad at him anymore. Cut to fifteen years later; they've got a kid of their own and no actual idea how they got there really. But, they're happy, don't hate each other's guts, their kid's thriving, it's all good. The entire empire of evil absolutely hates them though and Matt somehow managed to get himself on the shit list of Thor. As long as he doesn't go out while it's thunderstorming he should be fine.
Their son is ten, his name is Jude Cook. Jude is one of the weirdly luckiest kids alive. He's survived an insane amount of attempts on his life, falls, kidnappings, and things he should otherwise not survive. His parents have stopped asking how. Loki helped give them a son, which is partly why Thor's pissed, so they've at this point accepted demigod baby is just gonna do what a demigod baby do. It's probably for the best. Spike's his older brother, and is training with Loki to be some sort of spirit of shapeshifting mischief. They both love causing mild trouble. Like Skull, Jude's got a fear of flying which makes things a little interesting. Skull's got his sons and his partner on a very very strict promise; if the shenanigans could cause an enemy of something power, walk away. Walk far away. Neptune exists. We don't want to get on the bad side of Neptune.
in a tangential version, Billy coparents with the two, and studies demigod ten year old, and deals with the Norse gods being in his business. At the very least nobody's been sucked into Ares' prison jar, so that's good.
*Bonus Poly of Billy Cranston, Matt Cook, and Eugene Skullovitch has all above children mentioned. They live in a large house, Eugene's a famous rockstar and restaurant chain owner, and they actually use every room in said house. In this version they met via Matt asking the only person he knew with experience in bdsm for some help with his newly realized kinks; Skull's payment was pizza nights and then Billy got dragged in because he was certain Matt was abusing Skull, but realized it was fine, actually. And fun.
Tommy Oliver;
Tommy and Matt did not really like each other at the beginning. Matt blames Tommy for so so much, but can't do anything about it, and Tommy's missing Dragon Green something terrible and dealing with massive amounts of PTSD for related but different reasons than Matt. Rita trapped them together in a gladitorial area of the Dark Dimension, and Tommy and Matt managed to talk to each other and get into an understanding. When they started dating, it was actually Grace who saw an opportunity, not Rita. But it’d be three more years before she could enact the plan. She didn’t tell Terona, and she was intending to eventually get every coin as well, for a full set.
Verdun Cook is 24, he’s the green dragon ranger, and he’s never met his dads. He’s a top agent for protection of earth. He thinks his parents gave him up to Grace. They think he died in infancy, an unfortunate complication in how he was made. They also think the dragon dagger was destroyed as well, around the same time. When parents and son finally meet, Tommy and Matt are furious. Billy’s furious. Terona's furious. He got Verdun to Tommy and Matt when he found out, even. Everyone’s furious. Matt and Tommy have Verdun live with them to acclimate to civilian life, and get used to being a person. His entire life has been as a weapon; he’s trying to very rapidly learn how to be human. It’s not like he was a success in the program either; the plan was a whole team of legacy rangers in their parents Colors, and he was the only one they could get.
Currently the only people allowed to mess with Tommy and Matt’s DNA is Billy and the Aquitarans and, hilariously, Zedd. He only made a clone. He was very transparent about what he was intending for the clone. Tommy knows where the clone is. He DIDN’T know where his son was, that he was alive, what Grace was intending or what he was doing. He and Matt are in agreement; If they had to chose they’d choose Zedd with their DNA.
When they thought their biological son had died; they adopted. Ricky is fifteen, not associated with a color, and is trying to get used to this with along with their dads. Ricky really is trying to be nice as well, but his overenthusiasm and attempts at bonding are often coming off too strong and borderline antagonistic. He doesn't mean to be. But the bright side is Ricky’s got someone to hang out with. And better yet, Verdun knows nothing about video games, pop culture, or really anything. So. Who wants to watch Star Wars? Ricky's got mixed feelings about his brother, but they're ranging from sad to excited, there's nothing jealousy related. Their dads are awesome, and he's sad Verdun never got to grow up with their dads. And he's excited to be able to have fun with his brother. Ricky is very excitable, and works on the school newspaper. He does volleyball, and has goals to be valedictorian when he graduates. Friendly, upbeat, can sometimes take things too far, but he tries to make those moments right.
They’re all making up for lost time with Verdun. It’s long overdue. At least both kids get along.
Trini Kwan;
Trini smacked sense into him after the upteenth pity party. She also forced him to come along for a mission in space with the Solar Rangers. He wanted to be let in on the whole thing? Fine! They could do that! Welcome to space Matt, everyone you meet is going to die or kill you! Have fun!
After, he put the dagger up, and he and Trini actually talked about what happened on the moon. She also retired from being a ranger, and they focused on taking a page from Bulk and Skull; being helpful as civilians. Matt asked Trini to marry him, and Trini said no. They made a game of it for a few years before she finally did say yes, when they were both financially stable.
They have Minh, and do foster parenting. Currently fostering JJ Oliver, due to unforeseen events leading to both Tommy and Kat unable to care for their kid for the time being. It’s hard being s foster family, but it’s nice being able to see the kids go back to their parents or move on to hopefully better situations. Matt’s at peace, and Trini is too. Trini is a plane mechanic; Matt is a fireman.
Zack Taylor;
During everything Zack and Matt were friends with benefits, though Matt tended to use Zack as an emotional scapegoat as well. Zack finally had enough after a bit, and told Matt either he got his head out of his ass or they weren’t continuing. He was serious, too, and Matt got left in the lurch for a little while before actually looking at himself long and hard and deciding whether or not his grudge was worth losing Zack again. It wasn’t. His parents loved Zack, Kira loved Zack, and most importantly he loved Zack. He came out to his parents and family, and then put in the effort to get over himself to get Zack back. One daughter by surrogate parent, and Matt owes Kim big time. She’s made it clear though. This was for Zack. He gets this, and accepts he and Kim are probably never even going to be friends. His and Zack’s daughter is Layla Cook-Taylor. Layla is sixteen, tiny firecracker of positivity. She has her low moments, but she’s never down for long. She likes swimming and playing guitar. She dances with Zack in dance classes and Matt adores her so so much. She’s frank and earnest and tries her best. She doesn’t give up easily if ever. White ranger. Saba loves her, too. Yes Matt has gotten in arguments with the uppity dagger why do you ask?
Jason Lee Scott;
Getting with Jason felt a little like leaning how to breathe again. Jason came home and Matt quickly got into sparring with him every weekend, like old times. It devolved into a lot of pent up rage related sex. And then all of that was gone…and there were two angry hurt teenagers who didn’t know how to be healthy about love or sex. Cut to fifteen years later, Jason’s a mechanic, Matt’s an accountant. And nothings changed. In between then and now, Jason had a kid. He doesn’t remember who the mother was, and anyway Diego Scott was left on his porch basically. He’s four. Matt likes the way Diego likes piggy backs. And dinosaurs and zombies. Matt likes how whole he feels with Jason and Diego. It’s pretty late in life, but he’s willing to make a go of this, if Jason is willing. And so far, he is. Diego keeps the two on their toes, being ready to get into the thick of everything and anything. But he's four, that's typical, and he's Jason's. And Matt thinks the kid's the best.
Surprisingly the two manage to click and gel together really well. Three kids, two boys and a girl. Lexie Cook aged 24, Gavin Cook aged 19, and Quincy Cook, aged 17. Sharkie and Matt bonded over being left behind by their friends, though Sharkie doesn’t have any ill will to Bulk or Skull. Stuff happens. The first time he morphed he did it to impress Sharkie and she laughed in his face. He then spent the rest of his life trying to impress her, and stumbled into becoming a better person in the process.
Lexie Cook works as a radio host for a popular music station. She has a popular segment where she runs down the monster of that week and ranks it’s strengths and weaknesses and how to avoid it while putting out a prediction for the next week’s. She does this in between her music playlist, and she’s been right in her predictions a few times. Starts and ends her show saying hi or goodbye to her parents. She has a huge sweet tooth and will do anything for sweets. Lately her brother Gavin's been Off, so she's been adding him in the hi and goodbye, and a 'hang in there bud' as well. not associated with a color
Quincy “Flea” Cook is one of the punks at school, and one of the comedy duo. He's antagonistic to the 'goody twerps' Matt just knows is the power rangers, and neither he nor Sharkie really know if they should step in or just let this play out. Currently letting it play out. Quincy’s grown a lot since the current team's shown up, and he's gotten braver, less self serving, and a lot more noble. Matt's just made sure he's well aware he needs to get out of a situation if buildings are falling. No exceptions. He can grab the person closest to him but he is staying out of the area. Sharkie is making sure he also knows when to stop antagonizing, and know who and what all monsters are. Quincy is in love with art but he's got a Reputation. He's gotten a reputation for being spraypainting sides of buildings. His murals are always well done, but with a sense of humor, and often calling out the villains. Something's up with his older brother though, so he's been trying to figure out what. not associated with a color
Gavin Cook's currently working for the villains. Mind controlled, he's not really even interested in power rangers, normally. Evil ranger sixth ranger, he's been living with a roommate since he was eighteen in an apartment near his parents house and sister's apartment (the reasoning being this is his first try at being properly independent, and if he needs help they're near him to assist if need be). They don't spend enough time with him to know anything other than he's not acting right. Quincy's actively trying to figure out what's wrong though, and Gavin's dreading the day he's going to be told to attack his own family members. He's the villainous Maximum Ranger, and he's waiting for the good rangers to free him and his roommate so he can get back to not caring about power rangers. and hug his family. and go get therapy because yea...he needs to Unpack This. When not a mindcontrolled villain, Gavin's pretty chill. He lets Quincy hang out to get away from their parents, and usually is playing music while watching his brother. He really doesn't give a damn about power rangers, could care less. Matt was one, and that's fine, he's not anymore and Gavin doesn't care about the legacy. He works at the local coffeeshop, which is where the good rangers love hanging out. He hates spying on them, he used to love the atmosphere, and he knows his dad and his job is why he's currently here. All his parents know is he went missing for a week and came back, well, off. They're there when he asks for help, the kicker being, right now Gavin literally cannot.
(maximum is a shade of green)
Marleau Eskin;
He got with her in high school to get back at his former friends and ex girlfriend. It was a joke, turns out he’s the joke. But he and Marcel don’t talk to Marleau anymore. Matt’s a sports reporter, and Marcel’s a professional esport gamer in his late 20’s. Matt sees his kid on the weekends for weekly lunches and check ins. Had to take a second when Marcel said he’d started dating Minh Kwan. Had to decide if the anger was worth it. It wasn’t. He’s not talking to the group still, but Marcel’s got his blessing, and he's fine with Marcel seeing Minh. That has to count for something. Matt was able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Marleau was a negligent parent, and had left their kid in frankly dangerous situations when he was young. Marcel broke his arm left alone at a park, and Matt was never more happy or enraged. But, it lead to Marcel being genuinely happy as the son of a single parent, so Matt's happy to let him live his life. Also somewhat relieved Minh or her family heard the last name 'Cook' and is still letting this happen. Marcel is not associated with a color.
Stan Skullovitch;
They were kidnapped together and replaced with putties. They were tortured together, and formed a trauma bond. Stan had enough sense to say 'no' to a relationship with someone who 1) hated his brother and 2) was still in highschool. However they kept running into each other over the years. When they did get together, it was when Matt had his head out of his ass a little, and was in a stable job. Stan was a singer at a lounge, and the trauma attraction had settled into a healthier flavor. Everyone's got their opinions on the two getting together but it seems okay right now? Rita as Mystic Mother used magic to give them a child because as Matt pointed out in a confrontation with her; she kind of owed them big time. Ulysses "Bones" Skullovitch is twelve, and kind of a natural wanderer. It's not unusual for him to leave the house at dawn and come back around dinner time with all sorts of things in his pockets. He's not loud, but he's not shy. Prefers watching than acting, though will step up if need be. Stan finds it hard to not worry about him, but Spike and Spike's friends keep an eye on Bones while keeping their distance. He's alright, he's just the kind of person that likes being by himself playing. However he might be getting some friends, and Matt's starting to wonder if power rangers is a genetic thing. Bones will be a red ranger when old enough.
Violet Arias;
she slapped him. Then yelled at him, then apologized because his cheek was swelling and her nail had accidentally caused a cut on his eyelid. He had to wear an eye bandage for two weeks and she gave him flowers. Then he apologized for, well. everything. After that they started dating, balancing his ranger status with school and her trying to be okay with it. They've been in hiding with their kids since Zedd put a price on Matt's head. Myrtle and Tyrian are fifteen and ten, respectively. They don't know their dad was a green ranger and still is when called to be so, Matt's not going to put them in danger over this. As much as he can help, anyway.
Myrtle Arias plays the trumpet in the school marching band. She's extremely good at coded cyphers, and wants to be the president of the united states one day. She's also on the chess team. She has no opinions on the power rangers or the monsters that seem to constantly show up. She's just trying to get through school without being shoved in a locker. Hard to connect to her dad, who was a popular kid, so it's easier to talk to and connect to her mom. is not associated with a color.
Tyrian Arias learned his name's the actual name for the color royal purple (named after the snails whose shells are used for the pigments) and decided he was going to make this his entire personality. He is a ten year old sixth ranger, he is not hiding this. His only saving grace is that he is constantly telling so many tall tales his parents aren't entirely sure if he's telling the truth (and if he is there will be WORDS with whoever gave him Purple), and everyone else thinks he's just an exceptionally imaginitve kid. Matt is...hoping the extra excitable new ranger is not, in fact, his son. However, deep down he knows it's Tyrian and he's freaking out.
if there's others I'm not thinking of or missed, please let me know :)
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falcqns · 10 months
tw doug being a ableitest meanie
it had been a long and rough day, first you were 2 minutes late due to traffic which caused your T.O, Tim to be mad at you for not being on time. thankfully Lucy, your other T.O was there and was able to calm him down. the day started rather normal besides the incident with Tim. following Tim and Lucy's orders while they test you on what to do in certain situations. the end of the day seem to come slow but you know you did something right today when you heard Tim tell you "nice job today, boot" and then the echo of Lucy playfully slapping him and saying "they have a name. you did a great job today Y/N, we're proud." after hearing both Lucy and Tim's words you started happy stimming not caring who was watching. Lucy then hugged you, and Tim patted your shoulder which signaled that your day was over and you can go home. which made you even more happy knowing you'd be able to slip into little space soon. as you're walking to your car you hear someone's footsteps beside you. out of the corner of your eye you notice it's Doug, which causes you to pick up your pace. Doug had been messing with you for a while but you had been too scared to tell your T.O's incase they thought you were being a baby about it. "Y/N!" Doug calls, you ignore him. "Y/N! I'm talking to you" he says and grabs your shoulder. "Please just leave me alone. I just wanna go home Doug." you say. "Jeez no need to be so rude, I just have a question" he replies. "What?" you say, thinking if you respond to his question he'll actually leave you alone. "That thing you were doing with your hands when you were talking to Bradford and Chen, what's that called?" he wonders. "What do you mean?" you question back, genuinely curious as to what he meant. "You were like flapping your hands and shit, while also like jumping up and down when they praised you." he states. "Oh that's called stimming. I do it when I-" you try to respond realizing you had been happy stimming earlier and didn't know at the time. Your response is cut short when Doug cuts you off, "They actually gave it a name?? I mean I guess they name everything that's weird these days. I'd expect it out of a baby but not a full grown adult." "It's n-not weird. I-It's normal." you try to defend yourself while feeling tears pile up in your eyes because yet again, Doug chose you to pick on. "Aw, is the little baby gonna cry? It is weird Y/N. Just as weird as being in love with your two T.O's." he says as he shoves your shoulder. "Have a goodnight!" he states as he walks off. you stand there for a moment trying not to cry but what pushes you over edge is when you realize that some point in the conversation with Doug you'd slipped into little space.
"what am i gonna do now?" you mumble out loud as you slide down the wall. when yet again you hear footsteps, curling into a ball as you think it's Doug coming back but you're proven wrong when you hear "Boot?" and "Y/N" from Tim and Lucy at the same time. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be gone by now." Tim speaks. you only sniffle in response. after your very little response you feel Lucy sit down beside you and her motion for Tim to take your other side. "What's wrong Y/N?" Lucy works up the courage to ask. That's when you break and start sobbing and giving out "sorries" like you owed them to your T.O's. Lucy then realizes through your slurred speech that you're a little and mouth that to Tim. Tim, figuring they're not going to get much information from you while your little and crying goes to check the cameras and tells Lucy comfort you. while alone Lucy asks if she can pull you into her lap, in which you nod. she starts whispering comforting words to you when Tim comes back. "So what happened?" Lucy mouths over your shoulder. Tim crouches beside you two and tells Lucy what he saw while looking you in the eyes, he ends with "Isn't that right little one?" and you slowly nod. Lucy then makes a bold move and says, "Tim I don't want to leave them alone after today. Can we take them home?" and then looks down at you "If that's okay with you of course little one." you sleepily nod into Lucy's shoulder while Tim kisses her check as a way of saying yes. As they got into the car with you Lucy sat beside you and on the way to their house you fell asleep on her shoulder. little did you know, they would be talking about how you've been their missing piece all along and how they would plan to ask you out tomorrow morning after they explained everything.
0 notes
Soul Owner
To be honest with you my life wasn't one worth complaining about, but it sure wasn't one I was crazy with having. Growing up in a small town where hardly anything new happens. Same old shit, same old different day.
Oh? Me? I'm just another closted gay kid in the sticks. I was from the city but when my mom fell for this farmer guy, I was forced to move out here. Nowadays I just spend my days in the town because my new step-dad kicks me out of my room all the time. While I was walking down the very small networked streets, I couldn't help but just go to the nearest alleyway to take my anger out on a few bags of trash. I was wearing steel toe boots so at least my feet were somewhat protected should there be glass or metal.
I wasn't angry at my mom for wanting to live her life in happiness. I was angry that I was forced to be a part of a community that would immediately lynch me if word got out that I was gay.
As I took my anger out on the trash, one happened to split open. And there among the garbage was this crazy looking necklace that could've came out of a movie. Normally I don't mess with stuff like that but I couldn't help but take it and put it on. Next thing I realize is that my body becomes intangible and I was practically hovering slightly in the air. I was practically a spirit now!
Throughout the day I was partaking in mischief throughout the town. Making dishes float in the diner and coffee pouring itself in a cup, writing stupid shit on foggy mirrors in the barber ships, whispering during the church sermons, oh I was going the whole nine yards! But during my spree of causing fear, I saw the one man who was the target of my wet dreams and fantasies. His name is Ryan and he was walking around town waiting on his friends. No doubt he was completely unaware of the havoc I was causing.
For clarification, Ryan was as idiotic as he was muscular. Poor thing was too dumb to understand things like bigotry or racism or even to see when someone was making passes at him. He was just nice to everyone. It honestly blew my mind how someone that hot can be so idiotic and nice. As such I would touch myself many of nights to the thought of him being in a relationship with me. To be cuddled and held in those beefy arms and spoiled by a man with no mean bone in his body. But then the wet dreams of me getting railed by a certain bone in his body also intrigued me. However, I realized recently he's planning on leaving to go to college in L.A. in a couple of days. How he managed to do something as go to college was beyond me. But I was both happy for him but envious that he was leaving this static shithole.
Using my newfound abilities, I made some trash fall in the alleyway so he could walk towards the source. And just like a moth to a flame, he did just that. I didn't want to scare him but I wanted to use these new abilities to just be close to him. To take in his scent one last time and see him from a closer angle before he was gone forever. As he looked at the trash bag, I gave a deep inhale to take in his cologne while seeing those rippling muscles hidden behind his thin blue shirt. What I wasn't expecting was to get so lost in his scent that I didn't realize he got up and ran into me.
Everything was black for a bit until my eyes opened. I was looking the opposite direction but I didn't feel light anymore. I felt incredibly heavy. That's when I realized that I must've entered Ryan's body when he walked into me. I was shocked but I couldn't do anything to show it. I was just a passenger in Ryan's body. At first I didn't think much about it since I could just hitch a ride in Ryan to live life alongside of him, but soon my thoughts were replaced with a new idea.
Why hitch a ride as Ryan when I can BE Ryan??
These thoughts must've held more power than I thought because Ryan stopped in his tracks and noticed his cock beginning to tent in his shorts. He shrugged and was going to continue walking until I willed his feet to stop. No. The Ryan who walks out of that alleyway will be me!
My emotions caused his confusion to form a cocky grin as he peeled off his shirt. He began to feel his muscles and kiss his biceps as I continued to force my soul as the owner of his body. As he was busy worshipping himself, I started forcing myself into his brain by thrusting my essence inside. This caused Ryan to moan as he began to get more cocky over his appearance. With each thrust of my essence, my personality, my mannerisms, it would all send ineffable pleasure to his system.
His moans picked up as he massaged his massive pecs and played with those perky nipples of his as I gained full control of his brain.
"Fuck this towb. Glad I'm leaving all these stupid asses behind." He laughed.
That made me hard. Not once have I ever heard Ryan swear. My personality and everything else was merging with his own. But it looks like I'm the dominant aspect in this fusion. With my newfound influence, I had his soul expose itself to me in which I devoured it and merged with it. This process caused Ryan to grip his head and keel over. I was overtaking everything that he was as my soul spread itself throughout his body. I would've expected Ryan to shout and plead but instead he was moaning and laughing. Looks like my influence really infected him.
With one final push, Ryan stood up and let out a mighty roar as his muscles contracted all at once and relaxed as his cock released ropes of cum in his underwear from all the pleasure. His face was one of apathy before he smirked.
"Hello world." I say in my new deep voice.
I look down to see my heaving muscles and laugh.
"Fuck. I really did it."
I started stroking my still hard cock through my shorts until I fired another massive load inside, and just to test my strength I ripped my underwear off from my mighty legs and started eating the massive load caught within.
"Fuck yes . . . so good . ." I groan out as I feast.
I tossed my shredded underwear into a trashcan once I was done and walked out to the main street. There my now flaccid monster was hitting my legs and my shorts with each step I took. I sat at a bench to test something out. As I tried my hardest to focus on separating from Ryan, I couldn't. It seems I'm permanently fused to him.
"Fine by me." I laugh as I get up from the bench and start heading back to Ryan's place so I can pack and leave this one horse town in my dust.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Oh my god i just found you're writing and I'm obssessed. First of all, I'm in love with your edgy!karl series. Seriously, it's amazing. Second of all, I had a little idea that you can take as a request if you'd like. I was thinking edgy!dream/clay but with a shy innocent girl. And a hint of some fear play kink? Like she's all cute and he's so edgy shes scared and intimidated by him when they meet and it turns him on knowing shes both scared of him AND attracted to him at the same time so he uses it against her(consensually of course)
can we call him alt!dream? ;) also,,, i rly like this request...
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𝐉𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐒. ♘ 𝐚𝐥𝐭!𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟏𝟖+)
pairing: alt!Dreamwastaken x fm!reader
warnings: smut (18+), fighting, smoking, language, oral (fm. receiving), fear play, asphyxiation, sight size kink & praise, dominance
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The movie theatre dimmed, the beginning credits of the film reeling as a montage of a city played in the background. You settled back in your seat, accepting the fact that you had been stood up, determined not to let it ruin the movie you had already paid for. That’s right; instead of treating yourself to a new pair of shoes or a set of notebooks, you agreed to meet up with a sleazy guy from class after weeks of him pleading.
You sighed slightly, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you realized you hadn’t even wanted to see the film and had only agreed because he suggested it. Someone moved into a seat near you, his legs stretching as he slumped down, purely due to his towering height. You stiffened, crossing your legs to inch away from him at the sight of his various tattoos peeking out from beneath his dark corduroy jacket.
He carded a hand through his dirty blond hair, revealing an eyebrow ring as he swept his bangs off his forehead momentarily. You tore your eyes from him as you noticed the cigarette balanced behind his ear. Even with the seat between the two, you could smell the smoke on his clothes mixing with the faintest hint of vanilla.
You folded your hands in your lap as you noticed him give you a once over. He reached towards you, making you flinch slightly before you realized he was holding out his bag of candy to you. “Want a jellybean? You look upset,” he motioned, voice low as he whispered.
You shook your head quickly, muttering a thank you and playing with your fingers. He shrugged, watching you for a second more before turning back to the movie. He tucked his arm behind his head, chewing on his lip as if debating whether he should keep talking to you or just let you be. You weren’t really sure which outcome you preferred.
On one hand, he fit every one of your guilty pleasure fantasies, while on the other, he terrified the hell out of you. It was more of an intimidating feeling, residing in the way each of his movements caught your attention and the way you could barely keep your eyes off his grungy appearance. Your mind drifted from the plot of the movie and towards the images of his tattooed hands wrapping around your throat and giving you a reason to be scared.
“You here alone?” He asked, popping another jellybean in his mouth. The action made you think of your grandpa waning himself off of tobacco when you were younger. Those jellybeans were blue and a flavor of comfort for you now, while the man before you seemed to only fish for the red ones.
You nodded hesitantly. “I got stood up,” you mumbled, making him shake his softly. “What about you? Are you here alone?” You wondered where you had gathered the courage to talk to him, his demeanor making you want to run, but his voice was a symphony to your ears in the darkness of the movie house, drawing you closer with each of his lulling words.
He wet his lips. “So far,” he answered. He stuck out his large hand for you to shake, his skin was coarse against yours as his finger reached to brush against your wrist. “I’m Clay,” he added, his name rolling into your mind and nestling itself into your memory just due to the tone of his voice. After you gave him your name his mouth curled into a soft smirk. “It’s nice to meet you,” he remarked. You blushed for an unknown reason, thankful for the darkness to mask your emotions.
Someone entered the theatre, marching up to Clay and leaning down to his ear. “Dream, we have to go now,” the guy whispered into his ear, just loud enough that you could hear him. Clay's face twisted into an annoyed expression while the guy turned to leave.
Clay straightened his jacket on his shoulders. “Not to seem to forward, but can I get your number?” He queried. You raised your eyebrows at him, basking in the fact that despite his friend’s agitation, Clay was taking his sweet time making his move on you.
As if you were acting on instinct, you grabbed a pen from your bag as he held his hand out to you again. You found a bare spot on his skin and wrote your number as clearly as you could manage with your shaking hands at the way his eyes watched you alluringly. Without thinking, you blew on the ink, trying to keep it from smearing. You froze, realizing what you were doing as he bit back a smirk.
He was completely eating up your awkwardness.
He reluctantly took his hand back, being pulled up by his friend. “I’ll call you,” he whispered on his way out, heat rushing to your ears.
The movie ended shortly after he left, sending you back out onto the city streets and away from your cocoon where you had forgotten about the sleazy classmate and let thoughts of Clay weasel their way into your nerves. As you stepped through the doors, your phone began to ring, kick-starting your heart at the thought of it being Clay. Instead, it was a friend of yours asking how your date had gone. You tucked the phone between your ear and shoulder as you pulled a piece of gum out of your purse.
Her ramblings went deaf on your ears as a car violently pulled up to an alleyway a block from you. You squinted as you moved closer, your apartment being in that direction anyway. A few men got from the car and that’s when Clay stepped into view from behind one of the buildings, flicking his cigarette to the ground and snubbing it out with the toe of his heavy boots as he watched them get out. You could see your number still written on his hand, mixing with his tattoos.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking tiredly at the group of men that had come from the car as his friends began to shout at them. Clay chewed on his lip, looking around and away from the conversation before his gaze met yours. His eyes widened slightly before he turned back, an attempt to keep the attention away from you.
One of the car members grabbed for Clay’s jacket, yanking him closer as if to get him to pay mind to the man talking. Clay sent him a cocky grin, towering over him. With his normal height and his boots, he had at least a foot on the guy. One of Clay’s friends separated the two, breaking the groups into a brawl while shouting was accompanied with fists and elbow jabs.
You turned, walking in another direction as briskly as you could without bringing attention to yourself and the group of boys in the alleyway. Little did you know, Clay was watching you leave and kicking himself for it.
The next day, your mind was racing with Clay’s whereabouts. He seemed like he had his opponents under control, but what if one of them had brought a knife or another weapon? It wasn’t unusual for boys in the city to butt heads like they were, but the fact that you’d let one nearly pick you up the night before was boggling.
You gripped the strap of your bag as you crossed the street, stepping onto the sidewalk and adjusting your skirt. You kept your head down as you passed various people coming and going from their apartments before your ears picked up on a familiar voice. You picked your eyes up, spotting Clay and a small group of guys walking together. He popped a jellybean in his mouth after chiming into their conversation.
You held your breath as they neared you and that’s when you noticed his bruised face and scraped knuckles. Your number was faded on his skin, but still apparent on the back of his hand. He smiled at you, breaking off from his group and walking backward to match your pace. You bit back a smile. “Glad to see you’re okay,” you mumbled, barely able to make eye contact with him. His friends called out for him and he waved them off, walking in line with you.
He chuckled lightly. “Yeah, sorry. I would have called last night but…” he made a gesture to his torso as he trailed off. “I broke a rib. I didn’t really… I don’t.” He laughed sheepishly as you raised your eyebrows. “I’m fine. It’s good,” he brushed.
You picked your gaze off the pavement finally, focusing on his discolored black eye and busted lip. He didn’t seem to be too hurt, but he wore his wounds well. “You’re not scared of me, are you?” He asked, voice changing slightly. You drew in a sharp breath, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before it could get further knotted in the wind. A few people narrowed their eyes at the two of you and you wondered how you looked together. What kind of juxtaposition it was; his tall, dark figure looking like death in Doc Martens while you barely passed his shoulder in height with your less intimidating color scheme.
You debated how to answer him. Your eyes flickered to his dangly earring; a silver ankh. He ate another jellybean. “I was at first. I’m still kind of weary of you, I guess,” you muttered, making a smile bite into his features.
Clay ran his fingers through his hair, which you were beginning to believe was a habit when he was coming up with what to say. “Do you want me to leave you alone?”
You shook your head. A blush crept to your cheeks. “No, I kind of like it,” you mumbled, barely audible enough for him to hear. His hand slipped into yours and you could feel your chest tighten.
“You like being scared of me?” His voice was dripping with allure, making you bite your tongue in a flushed embarrassment. “You just keep getting better and better,” he teased, making your ears burn.
You weren’t sure how you ended up there, but God, were you thankful for Clay’s hands as they kneaded your ass, his lips pressing against yours. He ground his hips against yours, moaning into your mouth as your nails sank into his tattooed skin. His tongue pressed past your lips, his large hand moving to fist in the sheets beside you before dragging up your shirt to grip your breast.
You breathlessly moaned as he broke your kiss, lips trailing down your body as he sat back on his knees, dragging your underwear off as your shirt was also discarded to the floor. He looped his arms around your thighs, bringing you closer to his mouth as his concentrated stare shifted to your eyes before he buried himself between your legs, your body tensing as a groan ripped through your body. Your fingers carded through his soft blond hair, tugging slightly in appraisal as he pulled away from you.
Clay looked up at you again, slowly pressing one of his long fingers into you, you moaned his name, reaching one of your hands up to grip at the headboard above you. “Does that feel good, sweetheart?” He asked, voice deep with lust as his breath fanned against your wet core. He pushed another finger into you as you nodded. He pressed his lips to your thigh. “I can’t believe you’re scared of me,” he mocked, making you whimper as his fingers pulsed against your sweet spot.
He pressed his lips to your core again, tongue teasing at your nerves as you caught your lips between your teeth. You moved your knee further up his arm for a better angle, driving him deeper. He pulled away, his fingers speeding up. “So needy,” he chuckled, the sound enough to send you over the edge if you really thought about it.
“Clay, please. I want you,” you whined softly, your thighs threatening to close around his head. His eyes sparkled devilishly, leaning away from you before tugging your legs towards him. He pushed his fingers into your mouth, jaw tensing as you moaned around him.
He grabbed your hips, flipping your body and pushing your shoulders into the mattress. You heard him unbuckling his belt and your fingers knitted into the sheets beneath you. He pulled you back by the shoulders, hand moving to hold onto your neck. “Maybe I should give you something to be scared of,” he chided, making a shiver run up your spine as he pushed your thighs apart driving himself up into you. You were sure you would tear in half at the sheer size of him, but you bit back your whimpers at the pleasuring pain.
One of your hands moved to grip onto his arm as he thrust into you, his teeth threatening to dig into your shoulder as you moaned. His other hand moved to tease at your nerves, his determination to summon your orgasm sending your head reeling. You tilted back your head, resting against his shoulder as his hand tightened around your throat.
He let go of you, dipping you against the mattress again as his fist knotted in your hair. He steadied himself, leaning on one of his arms beside your head. Your hand wrapped around his wrist as he thrusted into you at an ungodly pace, lips hovering beside your ear as he grunted your name and how good you felt.
You pushed your hips up against him turning your head enough that he pressed his lips against yours, the vibrations from his moans sending heat throughout your body. Clay’s tongue slipped into your mouth roughly, tasting your whimpers and lust. His teeth dragged against your lip as you felt him throb inside of you.
He pushed your shoulder back, moving you on your side as your leg curled around. At the new angle, he could drive himself deeper into you; dark green eyes focused on yours as his warmed breath cascaded over your chest. His hand moved to your jaw, running his thumb against your burning lips as his sights were almost hungrily looking upon you. Your breathing became shallow as he smirked at you, moving his hand to your throat again.
He leaned down, slowing his pace to drag in and out of you as his lips were close to your ear. He applied pressure, your breath hitching in your throat. “So pretty. Good girl, taking me so well,” he praised, making you moan as he kissed you again before speeding up his thrusts. You moaned out his name again, finishing as your eyes fluttered shut. He chuckled darkly, pounding into you harder. “Fuck,” he hissed, lips pressing to the skin behind your ears, digging his face into your hair as he chased his high.
He exhaled, breath blanketing your skin before he kissed your shoulder, cheek, and finally your lips in a quiet appraisal. You pulled him into the spot beside you. He ran his fingers through his hair as you curled against his side, his other hand brushing softly against your arm. You knotted your fingers with his, brushing your thumb against where your faded number rested. “Didn’t you just break a rib?” You asked, finally noticing the slide bruising on his side.
Clay chuckled softly. “Yeah, I think I was running on adrenaline until a second ago,” he groaned.
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Dream Tag List: (to join, follow this link :))
@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna @honk-izzie-was-taken @marrymetheonott @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @savingpluto @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: cedric diggory x hufflepuff!reader
summary: you weren't too sure what to think when a new eye candy transfers to hogwarts and becomes the new seeker of the hufflepuff's quidditch team but you realize in time that he is all of what you hoped for.
word count: 3.7k
tags: @specialagentsoftie
note: so this is all just a bunch fluff. i'm not sure how i feel about it in terms of cringey and hope y'all like it! figured i'd post this anyways either way though lol. i made up the way reader and cedric met at hogwarts so, it's non-canon from the movie.
another note: italics are flashbacks! :)
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it was cold.
you could see everybody’s breath in the air outside and knew it was a crime to be out and about now with freezing and chilly weather.
the snow outside coated the ground by inches and the black coats zippered up and wrapped around you only helped so much. you were the type to freeze easily and the climate at hogwarts didn't help your situation at all.
minutes ago before you walked outside, you knocked on the door to his dorm after surveying the hufflepuff’s common room and noticed there weren't very many people around. and when cedric opened the door after you rapped on it a few times—he took in the view of your body wrapped around your blanket before pulling you into his room.
pathetically enough, you were shivering in the halls even with your mitten covered hands stuffed in the pockets of your coat. you weren't about to admit the doubled up socks on each of your feet either underneath the knee-length boots you wore today.
"are you cold?" cedric successfully taunted you when you reached your arm out of the pocket of your jacket and then under the blanket to slap his arm. he hissed and glared your way playfully while rubbing his arm dramatically.
you shrugged with a smirk on your lips and he plopped down onto his soft bed. “don’t get too comfortable.” he suggested when noticing you trying to sneakily get underneath his covers. 
“what i’d do for one of those thermal blankets the muggles use.” you sighed dreamingly while watching him walk towards his closet.
“imagine having a postal company deliver the package to hogwarts? dumbledore would have an aneurysm.” cedric replied and you couldn’t help yourself when imagining the scenario playing out in your mind. 
he turned to the side to admire your smile while you were a little distracted while pulling out a coat. then he closed the closet up and walked back over, holding it in your direction to offer an extra to put over your body. you gladly took it with a smile. "thanks ced."
cedric backed up a few steps and brushed a hand through his brunette hair. not being able to help himself he joked, “can’t have you walking around with your blanket wrapped around you. your height already makes you look so adorable.”
you got off from the bed when he exaggerated with your blanket in hand and scoffed. cedric bit his lip nervously while continuing to back up before he felt the wall pressed against him.
he rubbed the back of his nervously while you held the blanket up to his height and above your own head. “i’m just kidding.” he gulped before you took it and put it over his face.
when he tugged it down from his face he spotted you innocently standing by the door with his jacket around you. “i was going to leave it here anyway. just put it on the bed and i’ll come get it later after we get back.”
while you zippered it up you noticed this particular jacket was the one that you often saw him wearing before he ended up buying a new one for the upcoming winter that you were suffering in now.
and it was longer than the one you had previously put on about twenty minutes ago so, you couldn't argue with him on that steal.
"alright.” he laughed and added with a more serious tone. “oh and by the way—you don't need to thank me. you're my best friend, wildflower."
today was the first quidditch match of the season and you were sitting at the edge of your seat in anticipation. the hufflepuffs didn't score well last season and you were hoping they wouldn't come out with last place again for the year.
y/g/b/f (your girl best friend) sat down on the stands next to you with an umbrella in her hands. you turned and looked at it with a confused face. but she just smiled at your contemplating thoughts and looked up at the sky once before supplying you with an answer.
“well it looks bright now but i have a feeling it’ll rain later.” she always had a suspicion for when it was going to rain or snow and you never second guessed her because every single time she was right.
“did you know we’re having a new seeker play on the team today? i believe he’s going to be captain too if he plays his cards right this game.” she asked. you didn’t know that.
“wait is he the new guy everybody is talking about? i heard the rumors but you know how they are. i didn’t want to take it seriously until i saw it with my own eyes.” you stated and she nodded. 
“yeah he’s a transfer i think but i’m not too sure. his name is cedric diggory though.” after her reply, you glanced around the stands to see if anybody had diggory signs for the game but with no avail you sighed. before you could respond you felt a few droplets on your shoulder. 
your friend gave you a smart-ass grin and popped out the umbrella to hold it over the both of you. “guess we’ll see how good he is.” you mumbled before seeing the players come up to the playing area with their brooms.
butterbeer was pretty popular during the winter season. many students from school usually went and got some to help regulate their body temperature and keep warm.
everybody else must have gotten the same memo because you were inside the three broomsticks now for some butterbeer and it was crowded.
almost every table was filled with peers and that’s probably why you didn’t see many people in the school. with just one glance around the area, you could already tell the divided area’s of where each school was seated right away. 
your tables were to the left area, the slytherins must have come earlier because they grabbed the back ones, some of the ravenclaw’s were off to the right, while harry and the other gryffindor’s had the middle area.
cedric nudged your side to grab your attention and nodded towards the hufflepuff area. “want to grab us some seats and i’ll get the drinks?” he asked and you nodded. “sure, could you get me a snack too if you don’t mind?” 
he smiled and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “i suppose i could.” cedric walked away with a wink and you shook your head knowing he was just humoring you.
little did you know he already had planned to get you something else even before the two of you left the dorms. it had gotten to the point where asking him for little things hadn’t bothered you because you reciprocated all of the time.
but sometimes cedric would give you little excuses when it was your turn to pay, just so he could end up paying for whatever you guys were having or getting. he always spoiled you.
"ah the golden girl is here." hermione scoffed and watched you walk towards the hufflepuff area. your other best friend was seated already and started talking to you when you sat.
the brunette from the red colored house didn't particularly dislike you since you were always nice. sometimes you chatted with her while working on a project that you were paired for. then other times you gave her a soft smile when catching her eye while walking in the halls towards your next class.
she definitely couldn’t help but respect and admire you.
but the reason she didn’t put herself out there and try to befriend you was because you were one of the girls known in school for your smartness, quick reflexes, and witty attitude. 
when people from school talked about you and referred to you as the golden girl instead of your name most of the time—it wasn’t that you were golden per-say but the fact that it matched up perfectly with the school’s color that you sorted it.
hufflepuff was known for its represented yellow color.
and there’s no doubt about it that hermione was also known around the school. but, she felt it was for all of the wrong reasons. despite not having it any other way as one of harry's best friends, she wondered if not for him that in an alternate lifetime that she would be you. 
“why is she wearing cedrics jacket?” ron asked after following hermione’s stare. harry thumped him on the back of his head and then shook his own. “why does it matter?” the one with a thunderbolt on his forehead replied.
“well it is interesting, isn’t it?” the brunette said in defense of ron’s question. the one who didn’t seem curious at all took a sip of the butterbeer in front of him.
he licked his lips, thinking then replied to them with a response. “i mean it’s not our business but it is an odd find now that you pointed it out. maybe he’s just being friendly?”
“as if! cedric has had a crush on y/n since he met her. she’s just oblivious to it all,” she paused and tapped her chin. “—or is she?” ron gasped at her accusation but took a sip of his own drink before she could hear his outburst.
harry noticed her getting riled up once again and sighed. “well i don’t know what else to say. maybe you should just introduce yourself already and ask her instead of me.” he shrugged and hoped to end the conversation there.
you knew exactly who cedric diggory was when he swiftly passed by the hufflepuff area during the game. of course, he was wearing yellow. 
the game has been going on for a decent amount of time now and he was stacking up the scores on the quidditch board—easily passing by the score of the gryffindor’s team.
cedric was undoubtedly the new eye candy for the whole school with the gasps and ‘awes’ from the other girls sitting in the stand. your friend was so busy watching harry that she didn’t catch the commotion.
you didn’t really pay attention to him to get a good glance at his face so, you thought he was just another arrogant rich boy and rolled your eyes.
what you didn’t notice was the way it was like a slow-motion love at first sight situation for him when he went by. since it stopped raining through the middle of the game he was able to catch a quick view of you. 
the week wasn’t done yet so it was possible he’d be seeing more of you in another class he hadn’t had yet. and cedric hoped you were because he couldn’t help but look over in your direction throughout the game to catch another glimpse of your face.
it was still humid outside and you tried wiping your makeup a few minutes ago since it was under your eyes now, but you only smudged it further. your robe was drenched with your wavy and half-dried hair now lying down the back of it. 
but he didn’t care what you thought about yourself because he knew without a doubt that you were the prettiest girl there.
“cedric’s looking pretty good today.” y/g/b/f voiced for the first time today. you played with the napkin in your hand while trying to get a glimpse of cedric. 
“i don’t think you would know even if he was—since you spend all your time looking at harry.” cedric was up to the counter now waiting for your butterbeer and food.
“uh huh. don’t think i haven’t admired cedric before from afar though.” after a moment of not answering her, y/g/b/f noticed that you weren’t paying attention. you knew exactly what she was hinting towards.
cedric did look good.
his hair had that ‘just woken up’ style to it and he always managed to look even more attractive then he should have. the yellow scarf wrapped around his neck was the one that came with every hufflepuff’s supplied uniform clothing.
he usually wore it when you sat with him in potions on a chilly morning and you caught yourself wanting to take it off of him and wear it sometimes.
he always smelled good and it comforted you in ways a best friend shouldn’t have the ability to.
you seemed to have let your guard down and stared longer then you should have which confirmed what y/g/b/f already knew. “i knew it!” she chuckled and stated more loudly than the last comment to snap you out of the zoned out state you were in. 
“know what?” you asked while placing the napkin back down on your table.
cedric was reaching the table and you wanted the conversation to end quickly. you usually dragged out conversation topics like this so you had time to think of another one to distract her with. but, she always found a way to circle it back around again. 
you had to shut it down before he could hear, already knowing exactly what she wanted to talk about again.
“i’ll tell you later before our curfew.” y/g/b/f smirked and you sighed knowing she would in fact take the time out of her night to find you before bed. lucky you.
“hey y/g/b/f. how has your day been?” he asked your other friend while sitting down and placing your refreshments in front of you and then doing the same with his. 
she grinned at you then glanced over at him, “pretty good i guess if it wasn’t for this weather i would say great. how about you? and how’d you manage to get this one out?” she gestured towards you, causing you to roll your eyes. 
here we go again.
you were walking down the path back to the hogwarts dorms with y/g/b/f and some others. there was going to be a small celebration in the hufflepuff’s common room and other students were trying to hurry back without raising suspicions with any professors nearby.
“hey, i’ll be right back y/n/n. i see luna and i’m going to go ask her if she has a hair tie.” she said and pointed to the curly knots that she had on her shoulders.
you nodded and continued along the path while she walked over to the other side. it was quiet for a moment and you surveyed the peaceful area, a few feet over in the grass was a small patch of flowers.
you were about to take a quick look at them before feeling someone tap your shoulder. it was sudden and you couldn’t help but quickly move to the side and form a fist. you were about to throw it but stopped when you stared wide-eyed at the person who scared you.
cedric felt awful and only after he startled you did he realize that you were looking off in the distance of the area. the way you jumped though seemed that you were quick on your feet and he couldn’t help but smirk at the new name he had for you. 
“hey i’m sorry for startling you wildflower but i just wanted to introduce myself. i’m cedric diggory.” he introduced with a panty-dropping smile.
you weren’t sure if it was some kind of joke so you treaded carefully. “uh it’s okay, it’s my fault really for not paying attention but i’m y/n y/l/n. nice to meet you ced.”
cedric held out his hand for you to shake and you took it, giving him a firm shake. after you let go he smirked and questioned. “ced, huh?”
he crouched down to pick up a flower that you were looking at earlier and it reminded you to ask, “wildflower, huh?” you met his statement equally and folded your arms together so they were across your chest to look more tough.
his cheeks tinted a minor shade of pink and tried to hide his embarrassment by ducking down and ignoring your question. instead he glanced back up to tuck a hair behind your ear and then placed the flower there.
“yes, wildflower.” 
and how could you argue with him when he was being so sweet?
the two of you made it back to the common room after an hour of eating, then chatting with cedric and your other best friend. he was sitting on the bed with you sitting next to him.
you’ve been sitting for only about a minute or so—only enough time to shrug off your jackets and place them on the desk chair between that time after walking back to his dorm.
“would you like to lay down for a few minutes?” cedric asked when he noticed the tiredness shown clear as day on your face.
“sure” you agreed and you laid down while he shook your blanket out for the two of you to use. his eyebrows scrunched together when he realized it wouldn’t make much of a difference in comfort with how small it was.
you chuckled watching him trying to maneuver it around and he glanced your way with a smirk of defeat. “hmm, seems this blanket is a little small. would you like to go under the covers?”
cedric was giving into what you wanted earlier before the two of you left and he knew that too. the three broomsticks' food was delicious as always and you just wanted to relax for a few minutes after getting teased by your friend.
he grinned watching you get comfortable after the both of you were situated under the sheets and yellow comforter. there was a hufflepuff patch ironed onto it and you rubbed your thumb over it while laying down.
it wasn’t that awkward since you’ve fallen asleep in his arms a couple of times before already. class exams were frustrating and took a lot out of the students so he took comfort in you and vice versa when there was some down time during the weekends throughout the school year.
with an arm around you—he pulled you close to the point where you could feel his warm breath along your neck. “i don’t think you realize how much i treasure these moments y/n/n.”
he spoke breathlessly and you gulped slowly. you were dumbfounded with how seriously he said that. as if it had some kind of hidden meaning behind it. “me too.” you agreed and wondered if he would leave it at that.
but you knew better and cedric never left well alone when he wanted to get a point across. he turned your body slowly with the arm he had around your middle and you faced him with confusion.
he glanced down once before looking back up and continued on with his confession while staring into your doe eyes—a color he deemed his favorite the day that he met you.
“i’ve been fighting myself for a while on whether or not i should tell you this because i didn’t want my feelings to ruin our friendship. i’d rather be your friend than not be a part of your life at all. and i always look forward to seeing you e-everyday.” he paused when his voice cracked.
after cedric cleared his throat he continued, “and i totally understand if you don’t share the same feelings with me but i just couldn’t go on another day without telling you how i—” you cut him off by leaning in and brushing your lips against his.
he moved closer on the bed, so his skin was touching yours. cedric wanted to get as close to you as he possibly could. your hand swept through his brunette curls and you surprised him by tugging it.
he never knew what you were going to do and his friends teased him that you were a wildcard, to which he’d correct them and say you were his wildflower.
cedric smirked into the kiss and you groaned knowing he was being a smart-ass. but in return, he shocked you when he placed a hand delicately on your cheek to cup it rather softly.
he rubbed your cheek while your hand massaged his curls and then moved them downwards to the nape of his neck.
cedric pushed the hair back from your neck with his hand and then placed it back so his thumb splayed across on your cheek in a loving gesture. and you only wanted him closer after feeling sensitive about the whole astonishment that still had you stunned to the core.
you tugged the collar of his shirt and he pulled away with puffy, red lips and a smile. “what’s wrong?”
“i don’t know, i’m just emotional.” you voiced squeakily and full of embarrassment about it. cedric shook his head and before patting his chest, he held up the comforter over the both of you and let the minimal cold air in.
“oh, baby it’s okay. come here and let's cuddle a little before curfew.”
you bit the bottom of your lip and nodded, giving him a smile in return to the one he gave you and then crawled onto him. “i think i like baby better.” you voiced and laid on his chest with your head over his heartbeat.
he let go of the comforter when he noticed you were settled and tugged it firmly around both of your bodies. “better then what?” he asked.
“wildflower.” you admitted and hummed nervously while awaiting his response. you felt cedric shake his head and he put his arms around your body so you were pressed firmly against him before he kissed your forehead.
“you’ll always be my wildflower.” you closed your eyes after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek in response.
after a moment of laying back down you could feel his chest rising up and down in an odd pattern so, you put your head up to see him laughing again at you.
“what now?” you questioned trying to keep a serious facial expression but failing when he grinned.
“guess you got what you wanted, hmm?” cedric said—referring to the fact that you were finally under the comforters and you smirked.
“of course i always do. including finally getting you, ced.”
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Father of Mine – 2/2
Character: Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: With the tragic passing of her mother, Y/N learns to the truth of who her father is.
Word Count: 4,100+
Warnings: absent father, subtle violence, mention of family death
A/N: The reader is described as tall in this fic. Bruce Wayne is 6′2 and I’m tall, so I’m indulging myself with no apologies. Read it or don’t.
Part 1
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Bruce was working in the cave when Alfred interrupted him.
“Master Wayne, a guest has arrived unexpectedly.”
Bruce gave him a strange look. Hardly anyone showed up to the manor unannounced.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” Alfred added.
“Right,” Bruce sighed.
“She’s waiting for you in your office.”
Bruce found Y/N pacing in the room, refusing to take the seat that he was sure Alfred offered her.
“Y/N,” he greeted, remembering how she disliked the formalities last night.
She whipped around at his greeting. “Am I your charity case now?”
He feigned confusion. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”
She looked offended by his lie. “Don’t insult my intelligence. You paid all of my outstanding expenses that my mother left me.”
Bruce opened his mouth.
“Don’t try to lie to me,” she warned.
Bruce closed his mouth.
“Look, I don’t need your help,” Y/N sighed in obvious irritation. “Did you or did you not pay them?”
He took in a shallow breath, “I did.”
Y/N clenched her jaw as Bruce finally admitted his deed.
“I was only trying to help.”
“You can’t just throw money at me and expect it to make up for being a no-show.”
Bruce tensed. 
Did that mean…Did she know?
“You read the letter?” He asked.
“No,” she clarified. “But I figured it out.”
“I had no idea,” he tried to tell her.
“I don’t care,” she almost snorted.
“You have ever right to be angry with me…”
“I’m not angry. I’m annoyed.”
She took a defiant step toward him and crossed her arms.
The heeled boots she had on caused her already tall height to make her be eye to eye with Bruce. 
How many people had faced off with Batman and cowered with fear? 
But she didn’t submit or show any signs of intimidation.
“Do you think I cried myself to sleep every night as a child, wondering where my dad was or why he didn’t want me?” Y/N hissed.
Bruce didn’t respond.
“You think I give a fuck about the father-daughter dances? Or whatever the hell people think dads are only capable of doing?” She narrowed her eyes. “The thing is…I didn’t need you. I didn’t need you then and I don’t need you now.”
Bruce felt sick as he listened to her.
“I have the sneaking suspicion that you wouldn’t have been there for those anyway,” she added roughly. “My mom loved me more than enough. I didn’t need anyone else. And she made damn sure of that.”
“So I’m not your charity case to make yourself feel better after my mom made it clear she thought it was better to keep me from you, than to ever tell you that I existed. Says a lot about what kind of person she thought you are, huh?”
When Y/N finally stopped, she was taking deep breaths.
Bruce wondered how long she had that all bottled up. He didn’t think anything she said was a lie. Y/N didn’t need him. That had become clear.
She had grown up to be a successful, intelligent, and independent young woman.
And she got that way without a father figure of any sort.
After a few moments, Bruce finally bowed his head and cleared his throat. “I never intended on making you feel like a charity case.”
Bruce saw as Y/N took in a deep breath and the guilt slowly took over her expression.  
“Look,” Y/N sighed, “we finally know the truth. Let’s just…let’s just move on with our lives. OK?”  
Bruce couldn’t deny that the suggestion hurt.
After processing the news over the past week or so, he realized he wanted to get to know her. This wasn’t the first time a child of his had been dropped on him far too late. He had failed Damian in so many ways because of it. 
But Y/N was a young woman, fully developed and independent now. And Bruce couldn’t help but wonder that him being absent from her childhood had only benefitted her.
“If that’s what you want,” he finally told her.
Y/N didn’t know him well enough to hear the underlying pain in his words.
So she simply nodded and walked past him, having nothing more to say.
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Bruce adjusted his tie. He wanted nothing more than to rip it off his neck.
But he was on his best behavior tonight.
This year, the Gotham Gazette was given the honor of hosting the Pulitzer Prizes. And since Bruce and Wayne Enterprises donated quite a large sum of money to the Gotham Gazette, they felt inclined to invite him.
Bruce had every intention of skipping, until he found out that Lois Lane was receiving an award and Clark would also be attending.
He figured the least he could do was congratulate her and say hi to both of them.
That’s why he was trying to find them as soon as possible so he could and get the hell out of there.
Bruce finally spotted Clark talking to a woman whose back was to him. All he saw of her was the black dress and y/h/c hair. 
He made his way over.
Clark noticed him when he was a few feet away.
“I see you’ve finally left your cave,” he teased with a lift of his brow. “I honestly didn’t expect you to show.”
But when the woman Clark was speaking to turned to look at him, Bruce swore he felt his heart stop.  
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, clearly just as surprised at seeing Bruce.
None of this went missed by Clark. “Oh, do you two know each other?”
Bruce didn’t know how to respond. What would Y/N want? 
So he hesitated.
“I shot him for a cover once,” Y/N answered quickly.
She was a shockingly smooth liar.
Maybe she got that from Bruce, too.
But she didn’t realize that Clark could hear her heart rate quicken, catching the fib.
“And how exactly do you two know each other?” Bruce asked, recovering quickly.
“Y/N works with Lois a lot,” Clark answered. “She basically refuses to work with any other photographer.”
Y/N managed to force a smile.
“I should actually go find her and say my congrats,” she answered. 
“And I need to hunt down a drink,” she mumbled. 
Both men caught it.
Clark was rather taken aback by how she fled.
The Y/N he knew was always charming and kind, usually life of the party. He’d never seen her dodge a conversation in such a way before.
As soon as she was out of hearing range, Clark gave a intimidating glare to Bruce.
“Want to tell me what that was about?” He asked Bruce.
But Bruce only clenched his jaw.
“Past fling?” Clark asked with a somewhat disappointed tilt of his head.
“No. Nothing like that,” Bruce quickly corrected.
Not only did the idea make him feel sick. But if rumors started of the two of them being romantically linked, Bruce knew it would only make Y/N hate him more than she clearly already did. 
Thankfully, Clark took his denial seriously.
“She’s not my biggest fan,” Bruce added darkly.
“Y/N is a good friend,” Clark told him – almost in warning. “Lois and her have become rather close over the years.”
Then Clark smirked. “She does know how to hold a grudge though. And she’ll make your life hell...if you deserve it.” 
Bruce’s brain hurt as he realized how easily Y/N and his path’s could’ve crossed. She had been friends with Clark and Lois this whole time?
“I’m happy for her,” Clark added.
“Happy for her?”
Clark looked at Bruce as if it was obvious. “She’s being awarded tonight, too.”
How could Bruce not have realized? Why didn’t he think of looking at the list of people being awarded tonight? He’d been dreading attending so much that he didn’t even consider it.
“Bruce?” Clark asked with concern.
“Hmm?” He was not one to hum or mumble.
“You alright?”
Bruce didn’t have a lot of friends.
But Clark Kent was one of them. And him and Diana had noticed how Bruce was acting off for weeks now. Bruce was notorious for remaining stoic and giving nothing for people to try and guess what he was thinking or feeling. But they both knew it was something different. 
Someone over Bruce’s shoulder suddenly waved Clark over.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Clark told Bruce politely.
Bruce’s first instinct was to leave now that he knew Y/N was also in attendance.
But he knew he couldn’t act so cowardly.
Was he really that scared of his own daughter?
His eyes glanced around the room looking for her.
He spotted Y/N at one of the bars.
Either her conversation with Lois had been quick, or she simply used that as an excuse to get away from Bruce.
Bruce walked up beside Y/N at the bar.
He knew she felt his arrival by the way her body tensed.
“Had I known you would be here I would not have attended,” he told her while looking straight ahead.
Y/N ignored his apology. “How do you know Clark?”
“He’s a friend,” Bruce answered casually.
Then he allowed himself to take a sideways glance at her.
Her jaw was clenched.
He wondered what thoughts she was holding back.
Y/N really did remind him of her mother.
When they were together, Bruce was convinced she was the prettiest girl in the world. He wondered if Y/N had found someone in her life who told her the same.
“Congratulations on being honored tonight,” Bruce offered sincerely.
“Thank you,” she answered shortly.
A beat passed between them.
Bruce was about to give up and leave her be.
“Does Clark think I’m one of your one-night stands now?”
Y/N might not know Bruce well, but everyone was familiar with his romantic history. He wasn’t one to keep the same woman around for long. 
“No,” he quickly answered. “I made sure to prevent such a rumor from starting.”
Y/N finally slowly turned to him, her annoyance clear. “And you’re convinced that he really believed you?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, Clark has always been rather good at detecting a lie.” His tone was so confident that it left little room for argument.
But Bruce knew a losing battle when he saw one.
He dipped his head. “Enjoy the rest of your night. Congratulations again.”
But Bruce lingered, debating if he wanted to say what was on my mind.
“You look very beautiful. Just like your mother.”
There was nothing creepy or contrived about it.
Y/N blinked at the compliment, completely taken aback.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Bruce dipped his head and finally surrendered, leaving the party.
Y/N felt a presence behind her shoulder as he watched him leave.
“Was Bruce Wayne just hitting on you?” Lois asked with amusement.
“No. Not at all,” her tone was dazed and confused.
“He’s a good guy,” Lois told her lightly.
“Doubt it.”
“I mean it,” Lois insisted. “The media has given him a bad image. But I think he likes it that way,” she shrugged. “It’s not easy for him to open up. He’s not quick to trust.”
Lois thought she was building up a possible suitor for Y/N, having not a clue that she was describing Y/N’s father to her.
But Y/N was too busy thinking about how much Bruce sounded like her.
A few weeks had gone by since Bruce and Y/N had run into each other at the ceremony.
It got Bruce to thinking: would he and Y/N had run into each other at some point in life – even without her mother’s posthumously confession?
Y/N knew Lois and Clark, lived in Gotham, seemed to know the same people through her work that Bruce was forced to interact with to keep up his persona.
Would he have sensed a connection had that been the case?
The possibilities kept Bruce up at night…along with the guilt that had already been eating away at him since he first read the later. And he’d read it 100 times more since.
Of all the boys, Dick was the only one that knew of Y/N’s existence. And if he hadn’t been at the right place at the right time, Bruce never would’ve told him. He had just been in shock after reading the letter that he blurted out the realization while Dick was in the same room.
Since then, Bruce didn’t linger in a room alone with him, knowing Dick would finally let all of his questions loose. And Bruce wasn’t ready to answer them.
While Tim was the one to connect them, he never followed through with what the situation was. He already had too much to deal with on a daily basis. Tim simply thought he was doing a nice favor for a beautiful woman. 
But if Bruce had told him, Tim would immediately do every possible background check on Y/N. He would be suspicious of the timing and underlying motives. He would probably assume that Y/N’s end goal was to get money or fame – or both. Bruce knew eventually Tim would come to the conclusion that Y/N wanted neither of those things. But it would still get an unnecessary rise out of the boy.
Bruce didn’t even want to think about how Damian would handle it. He knew his son felt a certain level of pride from being the only blood-son of his. Knowing he had a sibling – and an older sister at that – would most likely enrage him. And that wouldn’t make anything better. 
Jason…Well, Jason would get a kick out of Bruce letting down yet another child. And it would just be worse that she was blood related. He’d be curious about Y/N. Hell, he’d probably be tickled by the no-bullshit attitude Y/N had towards Bruce and her harsh efforts to keep him out of her life completely.
Now, Bruce sat at a Justice League meeting.
They were only a few minutes into a council session when his communicator started going off.
The boys knew not to contact him unless it was an emergency. So, he quickly excused himself and stood to leave the room.
“What is it?” Bruce answered, his Batman voice in full form.
“There’s been an attack at city hall,” Dick reported back hurriedly.
Bruce frowned. The boys had handled much worse things on their own before. There had to be more to it than that.
“Scarecrow,” Dick confirmed. “He released a fear toxin. It’s bad Bruce. The mayor has been infected, along with half of their staff. I think it’s a new string. Our antidote doesn’t seem to doing anything. Even if it did, we don’t have nearly enough for the amount of victims.”
“The others?” Bruce asked quickly – meaning Damian, Jason, and Tim.
“They’re fine. Jason’s trying to get everyone out before they inhale too much. Tim and Damian went after Scarecrow. GPD is in a panic.”
Bruce turned to see Clark had raced to his side. Clearly he had been eavesdropping on the conversation. But the expression in his face prevented Bruce from getting into an argument about it.
“What?” Bruce asked him, knowing something was wrong.
“Lois and Y/N were at that council meeting,” Clark breathed out.
“We’ll be there soon,” Bruce told Dick before hanging up.
Bruce thought he knew fear from the few times his boys had been in trouble. But it was nothing compared to the fear he had knowing it was Y/N this time. She wasn’t a trained vigilante; she was just an innocent civilian. Bruce had not insured that she was trained and could take care of herself.
As soon as Clark dropped them on the ground, they were in the midst of the chaos.
“Lois!” Clark yelled.
People were too distracted to notice Superman and Batman had arrived.
Bruce looked over to see Lois rushing to Clark. He could tell it took all of Clark’s willpower not to embrace Lois from his relief.
“Are you OK?” Clark asked as he dipped his head and his eyes raced across his wife’s body.
“I-I’m fine. I got lucky. Somehow I was out of range of the gas explosion.”
“Y/N?” Bruce interrupted. “Did you see Y/N?”
“She was helping these kids get out and I was getting shoved out of the building. I tried to get to her but it was impossible with everyone’s panic. I think she’s still in there.”
Before Bruce could turn to Clark to come up with a plan, Clark flew into the building. A few people finally noticed the presence of superheroes and started murmuring.
“Nightwing, Red Hood – I’m at the front entrance of City Hall.”
Clark flew back to them not even 30 seconds later.
Y/N was unconscious in his arms.
“Oh my god,” Lois muttered at Y/N’s condition.
“She’s gone into shock. We need to get her to the medics,” Clark informed them. “She was exposed to the toxin more than the others.”
But Bruce was already shaking his head. “They won’t be able to help her.”
Clark gently handed Y/N to Bruce as he explained, “There are others in there.”
Just then Nightwing and Red Hood dropped in front of them.
Nightwing immediately recognized Y/N and his eyes shot up to Bruce with worry.
“Nightwing, I need you to take her back to the cave,” he tried to sound as controlled as possible.
Bruce was confused why Dick hesitated to take Y/N out of his arms.
“Do you have the batmobile? I brought my motorcycle,” Dick sounded apologetic when he explained.
Jason stepped forward before Bruce could answer. “I got her.”
As if she were the most fragile being ever, Jason carefully took Y/N’s unconscious body from Bruce’s grip. He could see in Bruce’s gaze that she was someone special. How and why, Jason would figure out later. 
Jason had seen Y/N trying to help as many people before she was completely poisoned from the toxin. She’d risked her life to help. 
Watching Jason cradle her into his body caught Clark off guard, always seeing the brute strength and almost animalistic energy from Red Hood whenever they so happened to fight beside each other.
“Meet us at the cave,” Bruce clarified. “Alfred will know what to do. We have to help out here more.”
Jason nodded before he hurried away with her and rushed to his hidden car.  
Y/N’s eyes snapped open and she shot up, sitting in a cot.
“Hey, hey, hey,” a voice she didn’t recognize said beside her. “You gotta relax.”
She turned to see a mammoth of a man sitting beside her, wearing vigilante gear with at least two guns being displayed at his sides. But it was the red helmet completely hiding his face and true voice that made Y/N feel uncomfortable.
“What the fuck,” she groaned at the sight of him.
Just a few seconds later, two men rushed into the room.
Bruce walked in still in his Batman uniform, but without his cowl – to Jason’s shock.
Clark was beside him, making Jason confused as to why he was still here. Surely he would want to be with Lois. 
Y/N took in the sight before her.
“You were poisoned with a new strand of Scarecrow’s toxin,” Superman explained.
Y/N had seen plenty of pictures and shaky video of him. But now that the man stood before her, she immediately recognized him.
“Clark?” She gasped.
He didn’t say anything. But his expression didn’t fight her realization, just silently waited for the truth to settle.
“Does Lois know?” Was her next question.
Clark smirked at that. “Of course.”
Y/N gave a slight nod.
But now her attention switched to Bruce. 
The Batman symbol was large across his chest, and his cape was still intact.
She looked around her surroundings and then up at the ceiling.
They were in a cave.
“You’re…you’re…” she couldn’t finish her sentence.
“Batman,” Bruce finally offered.
Y/N’s eyes were wide with panic.
How was this possible?
Now that the others had exposed their identity, Jason felt inclined to take off his helmet. Clearly, it was making her uncomfortable.
The hiss of his helmet being removed caused Y/N to finally look away from her father and to Jason, who still wore a domino mask. But it was far less frightening than the helmet.
“We’ll give you two a moment alone,” Clark spoke for both him and Jason.
Jason nodded and stood up from the seat beside Y/N, and walked out. 
Clark lingered in the doorway. “I’ll be right outside if you need me,” he told her.
He might’ve revealed his Superman identity to her, but she was still his friend.
Y/N managed to nod in thanks, but was clearly still shook by all this news.
Bruce very slowly made his way to the chair that Jason had just been sitting in.
“How are you feeling?”
She shook her head. “Body’s sore. Migraine is killing me. What happened?”
“You were more exposed to the toxin more than the other victims. Jason brought you here. We had to make a new anecdote, and quickly.”
Bruce wanted to add that she could’ve died. But he didn’t see the use in scaring her.
“Oh,” was all she managed to mumble.
An awkward silence settled between them.
“Very few people know the truth about me,” Bruce explained.
Y/N’s gaze flickered up from her lap to look at him.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I figured I couldn’t ask you to allow me into your world if I didn’t allow you into mine.”
She was silent.
“Y/N…” Bruce cleared his throat. The time had come. “The reason I left your mother was because I was starting this life. I pushed her away to protect her. I knew I couldn’t be the man she deserved while also being Batman. Had I known the truth…”
His words died out. It was starting to become harder to control his emotions.
He leaned forward in his chair, just getting slightly closer to her.
“Had I known about you, I would’ve…” He cleared his throat to try and hold back his tears. “I never would’ve abandoned you or your mother.”
He leaned back then. “But I know those are just words. And to you, they probably sound like empty promises for the past.”
“She never knew?” Y/N whispered.
In the few moments she was allowed to process this information, her mind immediately wondered if her mom had known about Bruce’s double life all along. And that’s why she kept him away from her.
Bruce shook his head.
“Thank you…for trusting me enough to tell me your secret,” Y/N finally told him. “I promise I’ll never tell anyone,” she quickly added, feeling like she just needed to clarify that to him.
He gave her a small small, “I know.”
Y/N winced as she thought about how terrible she’d been to him all this time. Now that she knew the truth – the whole truth – she was looking at everything with a new perspective. Even what she knew about Bruce Wayne, the spoiled socialite... it was clearly all wrong. 
He used it as a cover. It was all a cover.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you,” she whispered shakily.
But Bruce shook his head before she could even get the apology out.
“Do you think it’s too late for us?” She breathed. 
Could they ever find any fragment of a father-daughter relationship?
Y/N was an adult – she had been for years now. And she made it clear she didn’t need nor want a father.
“Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time this has happened to me,” Bruce sighed.
Her brow furrowed. “This meaning…?”
“My son, Damian. His mother kept him a secret from me. She didn’t reveal his existence until he was nine. And she only did it in an attempt to disrupt my life.”
“This seems to be a rather strange pattern in your life,” Y/N couldn’t help but point out.
Bruce glared at her, causing her to chuckle.
“My point is,” he continued, “I don’t think it’s ever too late.” And he cleared his throat quickly. “That is, if you want to try.”
“I think I do,” she answered with a shy smile.
It was the first time she’d done so in his presence.
“I don’t know anything about raising a daughter,” Bruce rubbed his face as he attempted to make the joke. But she could tell there was sincerity there, too.
“Well, I’ve already been raised,” Y/N laughed.
That laugh.
It brought Bruce back to his teenage years. It sounded so much like her mother. Her face lit up just like her’s had.
“You remind me so much of your mother,” he gasped.
Her face dropped at his confession.
He nodded. “She said you were just like me. But there’s more of her in you than I think she ever realized.”
Bruce saw his much his words effected her.
Y/N’s eyes were shiny with tears, but she managed to hold them back.
“So what now?” She quickly asked, obviously trying to distract herself so she wouldn’t have a complete emotional breakdown.
“Well, Alfred should have dinner ready soon. Would you stay?”
She gave him a tear-filled smile. “I’d like that.”
“You can meet the rest of them,” Bruce told her casually as he stood.
“The rest of them?”
He nodded. “Well, you only have to meet Damian now. You already met Jason, Dick, and Tim in passing.”
“And here I thought you had no idea how to be a father…” Y/N muttered with amusement.
Bruce helped her get out of bed, making sure she was alright to stand and walk on her own.
“Well, depending on which of them you ask, they might tell you that you’re right.”
Thank you to everyone who read the first part. Let me know what you think <3
BONUS: This Game of Ours
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