#also it was really astonishing to me how young they were
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Marrying Money
So, marrying money is a big theme in this book, like it is in a great many books from this time period. Annabella marries for money (she would have married Huntingdon if he hadn't spent most of his first), Helen is warned not to marry for money (alone, but certainly marrying no money at all would have been equally frowned upon), Eliza Millward tries to marry for what, for her, would be money, Esther Hargrave fights for years against marrying for money, Jane Wilson tries very hard to marry money and fails, much to the delight of our ever-so-delightful narrator.
There's a pretty clear virtue component to marrying/not marrying for money: Annabella, Eliza, and Jane are represented very negatively in the text, and Helen and Esther and, presumably, Rose, are represented positively. I genuinely can't remember how Milicent's husband is positioned - obviously he has some money, and he didn't waste as much as Huntingdon, but he definitely wasted some? Anyway, Milicent is represented positively.
However, marrying money, or marrying up, is not explicitly characterized as sinful/representative of a bad character; it is only when it is the PRIMARY reason for marrying that the text considers it negative. Huntingdon has a higher social class than Helen, it seems, and certainly USED to have more money; she's got a very small portion. Mr. Lawrence seems to have more money than the Hargraves, certainly by the time Mr. Hargrave is done with the family fortune.
Then there's Gilbert. He's a gentleman farmer - a minor landowner who doesn't have to work the fields himself, but not a man of leisure. He has a lot of responsibilities (which he regularly shirks in the first third of the book...), and they include direct supervision of labourers, which would not be what a proper gentleman did. So, marrying an impoverished widow, being more high in the instep than him, is a step up socially, but because she's poor, no one's going to directly accuse him of social climbing.
Then we find out that, since they were chillin' together, she has become very rich indeed! (Rich uncles abound in Brontë stories, I have noticed). He makes sure to learn where she stands before he goes to see her - when he finds out she's inherited, he plans to leave without seeing her. The social consequences of being thought a fortune hunter and marrying out of his class are enough of a negative, combined with the social disadvantage to Helen of marrying down, that he's disinclined to pursue it, even though he's sure they're soulmates.
We don't get a representation of how this actually pans out in the book - presumably people eventually forget about the scandal of it all - but Helen, once she persuades Gilbert that she's actually down to marry him, does insist that they take longer than the social norm to marry to persuade people that he's not a fortune hunter, and tells him that he needs to win over her aunt.
This is really interesting to me because we get so many descriptions of women being warned to watch out for fortune hunters in books from this era, but most of the time, it's the women who are on the make and the men who marry the portionless girls. I'm thinking Lizzy Bennet, Lady Audley, Jane Eyre (before the inheritance...). Wickham tries to marry Georgiana but fails. Socially, it's clearly considered a necessary evil for women to pursue men of higher status and wealth than themselves, but for men, it is an unnecessary evil--as a result of their ability to make a living independently, they have no business marrying heiresses. Heiresses, of course, have a duty to marry heirs or men of higher social class to continue to compound wealth.
I'm not sure I have a conclusion to this, just that it's surprisingly plainly laid out in this book that if you're a woman, you do what you gotta do, and it usually sucks, and if you're a man, you'd better not. I suspect that were Gilbert and Helen less inclined to their solitary walks and reading, and Helen less hardened to the social judgment of her class, they would have had a far harder time than they probably did.
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
Okay but you can’t just say “I'm not going to get into their brother relationship because that involves how Alfred treats Dick as a son rather than a grandson and is opening a whole new mansion of stuff so I'm going to wrap this up here” and not follow up with another post because that’s just cruel 😔😞 (aka this is me saying I really like & enjoy reading your interpretations and I need more of them HEHE)
Thank you!!!! <3333
I love thinking about how Alfred treats Dick more of a son than a grandson because their relationship is different from Alfred's relationship with the other kids. Furthermore, it also explains a bunch of his actions.
First of, I know when everyone saw that Alfred had left Dick his entire inheritance they went "What the fuck." There were a bunch of jokes and questioning about why Alfred would do that and a lot of people have wrote it off as Tom Taylor's writing. But here's the thing. Tom Taylor has done a lot of stupid stuff in terms of characterization but he's done quite a few things right and one of them was adequately explaining Dick and Alfred's relationship.
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I don't know how many people can read cursive but it says, "I invested much of this wisely and ethically...In fact, I planned to come to you for advice. Like Bruce, your mind is astonishing. You are a problem-solver and the world is full of problems." (There's actually panel during one of Dick and Slade's fight I have saved so lemme know if you or anyone is interested in Dick's innovativeness and how it makes his a terrifying opponent.)
Let me pause right there. This is Alfred's life savings. It's every piece of penny he's saved and every minute of his life is in that money. On top of what he says about Dick's intellect-and I agree and can prove it-he must've loved and trusted Dick an extraordinary amount to do this.
Alfred goes on to say, "I couldn't think of better hands to leave this fortune in. I believe you will see this, not as a personal gain, but as an opportunity. Because I believe in Dick Grayson."
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He continues praising him and- HERE IT IS- "I am so very proud to call you my son."
This is the cleanest, clearest panel where he explicitly says it.
Hold on-this is the cleanest panel that says it? Wait a minute, let me retract that:
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"Master Bruce was my son for a while. And then there was you."
THIS MOMENT HAS BEEN BUILDING UP ON US FOR YEARS. Tom Taylor wasn't doing lip service, he was just writing the inevitable!
I swear there's a panel where Dick refers to Alfred as his dad...
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Take the Ric Grayson arc for another example.
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Background context: Dick-Ric-was sleeping on the counter and all of a sudden he was startled out of a nightmare thus accidentally ending up bumping into the guy next to him who was drinking. Of course the guy doesn't mind only because it's Dick but anyways, here Alfred makes his entrance. Another thing I love about about this interaction is this is one of the few times Alfred has ever admitted to being in the military. The only other time I can think of him openly saying that is when he's slapping Bruce around.
The worry in the man's eyes for his wayward son...when Bea is snarking with Dick about his tab Alfred decides to pay for him instead.
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Not to mention, Alfred adores Dick in a way he didn't even with Bruce.
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"For a long time I would dread coming down to this dark hellhole. But the advent of young Grayson has forced an alteration in my attitude. The masters have made much progress in these few short months. I was opposed initially to the recruitment of the lad in Master Bruce's self-appointed 'War on Crime.' But I am prepared to admit my error. Master Richard has mad a difference for the better to our lives."
This is HUGE. Coming from Alfred, this is massive because Alfred LOATHES Bruce's "War on Crime." How much?
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So much that he slapped Bruce bloody for it.
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The pseudo-father and son beat each other to pieces over it. So after years of Alfred hating Bruce for what he's done, for him to say he only accepts it because of Dick-because of Dick's personality-is enormous praise and accomplishment.
Alfred loves Dick in a way he doesn't love anyone else. And before I get flamed by people for suggesting Alfred loves Dick more than Bruce, I want to say he loves Dick as much as Bruce but in a different manner. He doesn't see Dick as a grandchild who needs to be coddled and softened, he sees Dick as a son he can spoil and cherish.
Him paying off the tab was not only an act of kindness, but it mimicks the way a rich father gives everything to his youngest son. Bruce was the first born he raised but Dick was the baby of their family. This also ties in with how Bruce doesn't see Dick as just him son like he does with the others. To Bruce, they are just as much brothers as anything else.
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When Bruce fires Dick from Robin after two-face, Alfred couldn't take it lightly. Dick wasn't just the light of Bruce's life, he was the fucking sun to Alfred's.
I started crying when I read this because the emotions and the pain he's feeling is so visceral. A man who has been MI5 and SAS (Special Airforce Service), who has fought wars, who has fought his son, lost his best friends, is breaking down alone at the top of the stairs over not having Dick as Robin.
You might think that's not all that sad. Worse things have happened. You're overreacting.
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Tears are literally streaming down my face as I'm writing this review. Rudolph nose and ugly bloodstained eyes complete with it.
Can you ever imagine loving someone so much?
Crying in silence with a steady voice to never let them know your sorrow?
But sure, sure, he's cried when others were killed like this so I'll go into other special things.
Some of his best moments are with Dick:
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The pure adoration in his eyes as he watches his young son go 'flap' 'flap' 'flap' with his older brother's too big cloathes.
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He's laughing! Do you know the only times he laughs or grins like that?
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That's right-with Bruce! With his other son.
With Dick, he laughs, gets angry, and actually shows interest in things not related to people's health. Dick humanizes Alfred.
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Who is the only other person Alfred has gotten mad at? Oh yeah. Bruce.
There's another panel where Alfred just sits by his bedside holding his hand.
It's the little things that matter is a lie. When it comes to Dick, Alfred does things in fighter jet air shows level of affection which he learned just for this during his SAS days.
Their shared interests & mutual understanding
People always think Dick and Alfred have nothing in common between them. Dick is excitable, bouncy, and some other adjective while Alfred is calming, stoic, and butler-y. They actually forget that Dick and Alfred canonically bond of plays. Dick, as I said before, is a massive theater nerd. He loves plays. He really wanted to see that shakespeare play and Alfred said he would take him because he knows people there and then went on to complain about how his brother didn't even drop by to see him. I love their interactions because Dick brings out a different side to Alfred.
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Das Rheingold was a German musical drama that was performed as a single opera at the National Theatre Munich. This is the link if you're interested in reading a short synopsis of this complicated play by the Metropolitan Opera. It's like a mix of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Rings of Power."
Also the fact that Alfred is tying his tie like a father would tie his son's.
I know they make a crack out of it by using Bugs Bunny (Bugs Bunny is a fantastic cartoon! I grew up on it!) but Alfred knows that Dick loves opera and theater and is only asking if this particular play will suit his interests. Okay, great, we know Dick likes theater. You've said that and posted about it before. But how do we know Alfred likes it too and not just because he's British and posh and whatnot?
He has preformed at the London Theater, and this is another way he connects to Dick emotionally. When Dick complains about being Batman, Alfred is the one that tells him:
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This is something Alfred understands about Dick that absolutely no one in the family does.
The two of them are show people. They know how to play the role they were given, and they know how to play it well. No one suspects Alfred the Butler of ruthlessly using firearms and no one suspects Dick the Light of the Universe to ruthlessly to manipulate allies.
Dick knows this about Alfred too and never presses for any answers. When Alfred's pulling out a bullet from Dick and performing high level medical techniques he should know nothing about, Dick asks him, "Where did you learn all this, Alfred." To which Alfred responds, "You would be amazed at what you can pick up by watching the Discovery Channel." Dick just gives a pained laugh retorts about his wonderful bedside manners.
They know.
What Alfred sees in Dick is a pure goodness that can't be emulated. He loves his son for how absolutely good he is and is devastated when Dick can't be with him. Of everyone, Dick is the one Alfred is closest to. Other members have their moments with him but no one continually seeks out his presence just for the fact they like him aside from Dick. The rest treat him as an important side character, not a parent. And Alfred responds to that devotion with overwhelming love of his own.
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Alfred and Bruce's optimism comes bundled up in the form of Dick. It's stunning how it's always Alfred of all people who admits this. Alfred who isn't supposed to show favoritism or bias is the one that consistently acknowledges how important Dick is to the family and him. This solidifies the fact that Dick is Alfred's favorite.
Other moments that differentiate Dick and Alfred's relationship:
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We're pretty familiar with this and many of us have laughed it off when Alfred scolded Dick (also Dick looks hot af here). But can you imagine even anyone else playfully mocking Alfred? THIS. BOY. IS. SPECIAL. Alfred doesn't even blink twice at the address, indicating how typical it is for Dick to act that way with him. You only do that to people you're best friends with.
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Casual comfort, the two of them.
Dick and Bruce were brothers and how that ties into Alfred:
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Adding to my "Light of Bruce's life" Robin Dick canon, Alfred told Dick that Bruce "would have self-distructed if he hadn't met me and learned responsibility. I made him laugh, and he was like the greatest big brother you could ever imagine...it was our town."
Bruce and Dick are so damn codependent.
Bruce would not have survived without Dick. That's all there is to it.
Robin Dick was the light shining through rain clouds, the glitter in the air, the angel with golden wings, the giggling sweetheart to Alfred and Bruce. He was sunshine, love, and joy and the men both adored, thrived, and cherished him for it.
And if Dick and Bruce were brothers then Alfred was Dick's father and he was Alfred's son.
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oneawkwardwriter · 6 months
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Bedtime Tales
pairing: Wonka!Willy Wonka x literary nerd!gn!reader warnings/tags: Wonka spoilers!, just a lighthearted story, reader being a huge nerd totally not inspired by myself no... summary: reader finds out that not only has Willy never learned how to read, he was also never read to as a child, so they make a deal a/n: I'm lowkey obsessed with the new Wonka film, I can't even learn for major tests without seeing connections wc: 942
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"What do you mean you can't read?" You asked in astonishment as you stare at the chocolatier in front of you.
"I just can't..." Willy said rather matter-of-factly, shrugging his shoulders as he took in the shocked expression on your face. "I never needed to, so I never learned it."
"Would've come in handy at zoo," Noodle muttered under her breath, "We nearly got eaten by a tiger."
"Keyword: nearly," Willy emphasised, "I've nearly been eaten by a lot of things, and they only got as much as a nibble."
"Okay, yeah, that's... that's not really comforting," You replied, shaking your head as if to process the thought, "So, you don't how to read... but at least you've been read to when you were a child, right? Right...?"
But Willy only shook his head, making your eyes widen more. "You've never been... right, okay, uhm... right, yes..." You're stumbling over your words, trying to form a coherent sentence and failing miserably. "Right, well... I'm sorry, but how has someone with so much imagination never been read to? Where do your ideas come from if not from stories?"
"I don't know, they just... form in my mind?" Willy answered, not sure how to respond to your questions. "I think you're making this a bigger deal than it has to be."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. the Chocolatier," You reply sarcastically as you look him dead in the eye, "I didn't realise that you were capable of such great things. Why would you even need to read? You already traveled around the world, so there's no need for you to immerge yourself into another."
"Are you sure she's still talking about my non-ability to read?" Willy asked Noodle, still confused but also slightly intrigued by your apparent affinity for reading.
"Hey, you pissed off the literature nerd, not me," Noodle simply answered before going back to her chores.
"Okay, you're exaggerating, I'm not pissed off," You clarify as you shake your head, "I'm just... baffled by the fact that you've never bothered with anything related to reading."
Truth be told, they could've gone around in circles like that forever if it hadn't been for Mrs. Scrubbit checking everyone's attendance and sending them to their separate rooms.
You leaned against the door and sighed, tired from yet another exhausting day at the bleachers. You sat down on your bed and let your head rest in your hands. Having been at the laundromat and bleachers for a few years now and still having several years ahead of you, you had given up on dwelling over your miserable predicament.
So instead, you got out a book from your suitcase, one of your very few possessions. Seeing as the lightbulb above your head kept on flickering and wouldn't provide much light, you moved over to the window, where the moon casted a dim glow over the pages.
After a while, you heard a soft psst coming from the window of the room across from yours. You looked up, only for your eyes to catch the gaze of the brilliant, illiterate young man.
"So, I had a talk with Noodle, and she offered to learn me how to read," Willy said, "She said it would be necessary if this whole chocolate selling operation works through."
"Well, that's a nice offer," You reply, "And I agree with her. You won't always be able to depend on others to do the reading for you."
"Now that you mention it, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing," He comments, "I mean, you seemed to be a advocate for being read to, right?"
You can't help but lightly chuckle. "There's a massive difference between having someone read for you and someone read to you, Mr. Wonka," You say, "One creates a depency, the other provides an escape."
"Well, if that's the case, let's hope that prisoners aren't being read to," Willy joked, lightly grinning when he saw a faint smile creep up your lips. "See, who needs to read when a clever choice of words can make even the most stubborn of people crack a smile?"
"Who are you calling stubborn, Mr 'My near-death experience doesn't mean I should learn how to read'?" You ask rethorically as you raise and eyebrow at him, "Besides, it's often a clever choice of words that makes reading so worthwhile."
"Well, I suppose you'll have to prove that to me in order for me to believe it," He argued, secretly hoping you'd concede.
"Oh, is that how it has to be?" In your mind, you were somewhat thrilled to indulge and with that, be able to share something you were passionate about. But what's the fun in simply saying okay? "Well, I suppose if you asked kindly enough I would think about it..."
"Alright, alright..." Willy said as he stifled a smirk while rolling his eyes. "Would you, please, read to me so I may realise at last what I've been missing out on?"
"Because you asked so politely and totally weren't forced to do so, I will indulge you, Mr. Wonka," You say, fighting back a smile of your own.
And so, you start to read, occasionally looking up only to find fim listening attentively. Right before the story reaches its climax, you shut the book.
Being surprised by the sudden halt, Willy snaps out of his hazy state of drifting off into the story and looks confused.
"Hey, why did you stop?" He asks in astonishment, "How am I supposed to know how the story ends?"
"I guess we'll find out another time," You say, a slight smirk forming on your lips. "Good night, Willy."
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© This work belongs to @oneawkwardwriter, please do not copy this work to any other site or claim it as your own. Reblogs are allowed and appreciated!
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charliedawn · 2 months
Can the slashers meet Eddie Gluskin? I am just curious you don’t have to if you do not want to. And have a good day or night😊
Eddie Gluskin AKA "The Groom"
- 46 years old
- Patient with OCD and post-traumatic disorder. Obsessed with finding himself a wife. Abused physically and mentally as a child.
- Very tall and muscular man, middle-aged, with a black slicked back disconnected undercut hairstyle which is neatly combed down and light blue eyes.
- Eddie's face is covered with red scabs, skin peelings and he has a severe case of subconjunctival hemorrhage in both eyes, the right more so than left.
Face claim for him: Cillian Murphy.
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Once you read his file, you frowned as you learned that Eddie Gluskin had been abused at a young age. You already felt bad for him. You knew that the first thing that man would need once entering St Louis was to have his personal space as patients with post-traumatic disorder needed to be handled with care—especially the first few days. Hence, you decided to keep his arrival a secret from the slashers at first, as to not frighten him. You were walking towards the entrance with General McCain and a couple of his men when you were made aware he had arrived.
"Be careful. He has already killed two guards in Mount Massive Asylum not a week ago. He is a tough guy."
You chuckled and shook your head.
"Don’t worry, James. I know how to handle tough guys…"
James nodded with a small smile on his face before he opened the door for you and you entered the room where a handful of policemen were waiting. They were surrounding a man who was chained down to the bench he was sitting on. The man was quiet and his eyes were facing down to the ground. You took a few steps forward before making your way through the policemen to reach the patient.
You stood before him.
"…Eddie Gluskin I presume ?"
The man remained silent for a while before he slowly raised his eyes to look at you.
He didn’t speak a word. He just started staring at you before you smiled and decided to introduce yourself.
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"Y/N L/N. But, you can call me Nurse Y/N. Pleasure to meet you." You extended your hand forward and Eddie Gluskin stared at it for a moment. You chuckled awkwardly as you realised he couldn’t really shake it as he was chained up.
"Oh. Right. Sorry about that. I—" You were cut short when you felt a pressure on your knuckles and your eyes widened as you realised that Eddie Gluskin had just kissed your hand.
He then looked up at you with a smile and finally replied.
"Pleasure shared…"
You blinked twice in astonishment before you quickly retreated your hand and Eddie simply smiled at you. Little did you know…You had just unintentionally became Eddie Gluskin’s next 'wife'.
First time meeting the slashers:
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Freddy *appears wearing a wedding dress* : "Heard you were looking for a wife ?"
…What did you expect from the simp master himself ? Of course he would shoot his shot. Eddie is hot. In the way that he is tall, muscular and could rip Freddy to shreds…Of course Freddy would simp for him.
Eddie likes him, but only because he finds him amusing. Eddie chooses his wives upon various very strict criteria. Unfortunately, Freddy wouldn’t make the cut.
Freddy *looking at Author* : "Hey ! What’s that supposed to mean ?!"
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When Brahms met Eddie, they both did not really talk much. However, after Eddie spent a little more time around Brahms, he started finding his company enjoyable…
Let’s be honest here.
Brahms would be the perfect bride for Eddie. Brahms is sweet, attentive and touch-starved. So, Eddie would surely like him.
But, I think Eddie would also see him as a child so maybe he wouldn’t try anything, but they would hit it off pretty quickly as two very distinguished gentlemen.
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Alpha male standoff.
Eddie Gluskin is the same height and bulk as Michael, which means in Michael language: danger. Michael is like the daddy of the slashers. He protects them. So the first thing that would go through his head would be:
Should I be worried about that guy ?
And the answer is yes.
Eddie Gluskin also noticed the chain of power around St Louis and immediately noticed that all the slashers respected or didn’t mess with Michael. And you—his precious future wife—dared to spend a lot of time around Michael.
So, they wouldn’t really like each other.
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Pennywise once pranked him by pretending to be you and Eddie kissed him. Eddie genuinely thought it was you and was so happy…until he opened his eyes and saw it was Pennywise.
He punched Pennywise in the face so many times that it took 6 nurses to get him off Pennywise.
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Penny bit Eddie Gluskin’s arm because of what he did to his brother.
He liked the taste.
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Jason met Eddie Gluskin when he was tending to his frogs. He was in the garden near the pond when Eddie came and sat down next to him. They started spending time together and Eddie even started helping him with his frogs.
They became friends—which is quite a feat considering Jason’s trust issues.
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…Father Paul’s face after Eddie Gluskin came to him for the 11th time to ask him to officialise his marriage to you. (Give the poor man a break. 🤣)
Even though, A: You’re not aware of it.
B: Eddie Gluskin is mad.
And C: Father Paul is obviously no longer a priest.
But he still does it every time because A: He is bored, and B: Eddie doesn’t leave him alone unless he somehow convinces him that he would so…
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eclairsnme · 1 year
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4
An introduction to the oldest sibling
you are a very popular idol in Japan (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw
notes: well… being popular and also being the eldest of the Itoshi siblings, you are undeniably very dramatic, sassy and gorgeously demanding in every way.
“Why isn’t he answering my calls!”
You scowled and threw your phone across the room, scaring your manager in the process.
“C-calm down,” your manager scurried to pacify your tantrum.
Pouting cutely as Mr manager massages your back with nervous peals of laughter, you complained, “Does he not love me anymore?”
You just completed your commercial shooting for the day and were looking forward to surprising your cute youngest brother. Why? Well, it is obviously not because you are the most loving sister but because you saw Rin and this blue lock thingamajig on the news by chance٩( ᐛ )و .
It just hit you that you’ve never really stayed in contact with your family members being so busy with your line of work. Being popular is no easy task sigh suffering from success ✌︎('ω')✌︎.
So, seeing your youngest brother in the news instead of yourself prompted you to feign the “concerned-older-sister” role.
In your Versace heels, you sauntered towards the strewn phone. Very bothered and annoyed by how Rin is not picking up the call, you continuously and unyieldingly called him.
And finally, the call went through.
Your eyes twitched, “and who are you supposed to be?”
The stranger on the other side of the call aggressively put down the phone.
Oh… you got the wrong number. After years of having no contact with Rin obviously, he would have changed his number. Ehe ~
Blushing at your silly mistake, you gripped your phone and quickly dialled another saved contact which you know will definitely be the right number… hopefully ╮(╯▽╰)╭
As soon as you pressed the call button, the other side of the line quickly picked up the call.
How you missed that deadpan voice that brought you butterflies to your stomach so much that it hurts.
“How can you be so heartless to your sister, Sae,” you dramatically whined at him, “but it flatters me that you picked up the phone so quickly. I think I just fell in love! Aren’t you in Spain right now?”
A quick calculation on Japan and Spain’s time zone, Sae should still be asleep right now. Was it because he is always waiting for his deadly gorgeous sister to call him\(//∇//)\?
But his next sentence brought you out of your delusion.
“I’m in Japan right now, didn’t you see my text?”
“Oh,” you managed to blurt out. You definitely did not see that text. (・・?)
“Why did you call? You rarely call,” Sae broke the silence with a fact.
Yes, a FACT that you never bothered to contact either Sae or Rin since pursuing your dream of becoming an idol at the tender age of 12 years young. It’s been years since you have spoken to them, therefore it’s a fact that you have been a very absent sister.
That does not mean you were not aware of the inner workings and happenings of the Itoshi household. Be it the brothers having some drama between them or Sae finding success in Spain or whatever. You have your own sources, it only depends on how fast or slow news reaches you, an example being the ever-so-elusive Rin.
You quickly cleared your throat and proposed, “Let's go on a date to catch up since you are in Japan!”
At the very corner of the room, Mr manager stumbled upon the very word “date”.
“That’s impossible,” Sae said word for word leaving you extremely astonished.
Sae mentally sighed at you —his sister. He always knew you weren’t the brightest star in the sky but he did not want to explain that you being the most popular idol in Japan and him being the best football player in Japan casually hanging out together in public despite being siblings is just a present for the media —literally making it Christmas for them.
He could already imagine the headlines.
“Are you embarrassed by your sister, Mr hotshot,” Sae's lips drew a line at your overly dramatic tendencies.
“No… let’s just not meet in public,” he tried to compromise.
There was a silence on the other side of the line until you spoke up, “Alright then, 12:30pm at my house.”
“Ok. When- ”
Sae looked at his watch: 11am. He didn’t really have any plans today too.
“I’ll send you the location!” With that, you hung up the phone.
Yet again, Sae let out another long mental sigh. He got some explaining to do to his manager.
You on the other hand, mentally cheered.
Whatever you want, you got it. Talk about being extremely demanding — thank goodness your little brother was extremely compliant.
Hearing the doorbell ring, you wasted no time opening the door and embraced the person in front of you not caring about personal space.
Sae could only stand still hands still on each side of his body — stood rooted on the ground.
“You’ve grown so tall!” You took a good look at Sae. Oh, what a handsome young man he has grown into! You wondered how many girl's hearts he has broken with his devilish looks, especially with that deadpan expression of his.
“That goes the same for you too.”
That is true, you were above the average female height making companies want to hire you to be their model. Perfect body, perfect face — the perfect recipe for being the most popular idol! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
“Don’t you miss your sister?” You smiled cheekily awaiting his response.
“Not really,” as expected from your younger brother.
“Don’t be so cold~ I prepared some of your favourite dishes.” You led Sae into the dining room. The table was filled with delivery food.
She must’ve rushed to order all these, Sae thought to himself.
Despite being a cold and arrogant football player, Sae still knows how to respect his elders. He sat on the chair and slowly helped himself.
“Eat up!” You cheered.
You took a sit in front of Sae eyeing him as he elegantly ate the food with the most immaculate posture.
The reason why you called Sae out or more accurately over to your house was to obviously get Rin’s number.
You could have easily gotten his number from your parents but before your brain could get to that idea, Sae was already in front of you. So uh why not just ask him. (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
You wouldn’t consider yourself stupid, and some people might even call you a bimbo oh the audacity, but that’s beside the point!!
“Do you have a girlfriend?” That was your way to break the ice. Ehe~ ✌︎('ω')✌︎
“No time for that.”
“Does Rin have a girlfriend?”
“Sister.” Sae stopped and eyed you.
“So does he?” Ignorance was a blessing so you keenly eyed Sae waiting for his response.
“Can I have his number then?” You shamelessly took out your phone and gave it to Sae not caring if he was uncaring or not.
To be honest, you weren’t too sure if Sae had Rin’s number due to their damn drama going on but part of you were confident Sae had it. After all, he’s an older brother to Rin.
And true enough, he did have Rin’s number. Sae took your phone and inserted Rin’s number without referring to his phone, meaning he knew his number by heart.
You took back your phone and smiled, “what a good brother you are.”
Sae did not say a thing to that.
“So where are you staying while you are here in Japan?”
Hotel? Hmmm, you could finally be a good older sister if you allowed him to stay in your penthouse. That is right! What a great idea from my brilliant mind!
“Come stay with me,” you offered, or more like you demanded, “Don’t reject me please, Sae.”
You held both of his hands with a good grip and looked at him with your best puppy eyes that won the hearts of millions. No way he can say no right? PLEASE JUST SAY YES.
Sae wavered and thought about it. He would immediately leave after the U-20 Japan vs Blue Lock match, so it’s just a temporary adjustment.
“Ok.” He surrendered.
Plus, he could never win against his only older sister.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Rin looked at the unknown number and decided to ignore the call.
“Who was that?” Isagi, who was beside him doing yoga, asked him.
“What if it’s someone or something important?”
“If it’s so important then I would already have the number saved already, no?”
“Rin-” you sobbed (crocodile tears ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ), “he really don’t care about me anymore…”
It’s nighttime, and you are in your silk pyjamas still trying to get through Rin to no avail. Sae who is on the sofa highly entertained, listening to your ruckus like it’s a soap opera.
Then it really dawned on you — the realisation that what if Rin really hates you. But you quickly dismissed the idea.
Nah no way~ Rin doesn’t even hate Sae. He’s just being a tsundere, plus, he’s still going through puberty!♪(´ε` )
You looked over to Sae and asked him, “How am I supposed to get close to cute little Rin Rin?”
Sae thought to himself about the upcoming U-20 Japan vs Blue Lock match. He was about to suggest to you to watch them play, however, he soon realised that you aren’t just a normal person — you, Miss Top Idol, watching a football match. Let that sink in.
-time skip-
Murmurs and excitement filled the stadium on match day.
Although it’s not summer, you dressed in all black — black fedora, black jacket, black pants, black sunglasses and black mask — it was a portable sauna. All that trouble to disguise yourself to not garner attraction.
Breathing heavily under the mask, your sunglasses began to fog up. You swear you looked like the most suspicious person right this second.
Not only that, sweaty spectators were all around you. How could a renowned celebrity like you stand this kind of treatment?
You stared long and hard at the empty football field. Where are they?
This was taking too long and you were starting to get very impatient and uncomfortable.
Slowly you took out your fedora, letting out your silky dark hair to flow out of its restraints.
The next second, you took out your jacket. Underneath was a simple white shirt that revealed your smooth skin.
As the time ticked away, you also took out the mask — that to be very honest, was starting to annoy you, your sunglasses kept getting fogged up! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Not knowing when the match was going to start, you tapped on the shoulder of the young boy right next to you.
“When is it going to start?”
The young boy turned and felt something stuck in his throat. The moment he laid eyes on you he thought you were a celebrity. Even though the sunglasses were hiding half of your face, he really thought you looked like someone famous.
“E-eh,” he stuttered.
“Eh?” You repeated after him.
“There! They are about to come out!” His attention was immediately drawn to the field.
The roars of the crowd erupted throughout the stadium as U-20 Japan and Blue Lock emerged to the field.
You squinted as hard as possible trying to take a good look at the players.
Sae and Rin then appeared in your line of sight, both of them in different jerseys.
SAE! RIN! You felt yourself feeling more excited than you should.
Sae’s eyes course through the crowd to your allotted seat (that he assigned you to). Rin, who was right beside Sae, followed his brother’s line of sight.
Rin found out that his brother was looking at a woman. She was waving at Sae (or someone else, it was hard to tell with the crowd) animatedly. But the more he looked at the woman in sunglasses, the more she looked awfully familiar.
“Sister?” Rin finally spoke up.
Rin momentarily reminisce the days when he would be in the warm embrace of his sister whenever he cried.
But before any sappy sibling reunion, the match between the two brothers was just about to start.
Aww~ Rin also grew up so handsomely, and to think he is taller than Sae. You thought to yourself, happy.
As the match went on, you were met with a conundrum. Which team should you be supporting?
When U-20 Japan scored a goal, you cheered. When Blue Lock scored a goal, you cheered.
The young boy beside you was also confused as to who you supported.
The match continued with great intensity. You continued with your cheering in spite of not knowing too much about football.
In the end, Blue Lock won and the crowd went crazy.
You saw Sae talking to Rin in the middle of the field. Sae looked impassive as usual and Rin, you noticed, had an expression on him that caused your elderly sister's instinct to activate.
Turns out, what you witnessed was the part where Sae was gassing up Isagi instead of acknowledging Rin’s growth as a striker.
“-and,” Sae continued, “your sister has been calling out for you. Don’t ignore her.”
Rin stared at Sae’s back as he parts from him.
True enough, when he turned back to the crowd, he saw you mouthing his name.
Rin jogged towards your seating area and as he approaches, his right hand rubbed the back of his neck feeling bashful.
Up top at the spectator's seat, you saw Rin jogging towards you.
You hasten your steps down the stairs and gave your littlest (and very sweaty) brother the warmest embrace.
“You did great,” you softly whispered.
No matter how big he gets, he is still a kid.
“H-hey, isn’t that the popular idol?” The murmurs in the crowd continued, interrupting your reunion.
The spectators soon became privy to the idol in the stadium.
How did this come to be?
Well, to put it simply, you carelessly took off your last remaining “cover-up” —your sunglasses— in the heat of the moment as soon as the match ended. ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
To say the least, the very next day news began pouring out about the Itoshi Siblings.
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
<;no pairings yet! *evil laughing* I plan to create a blue lock harem>
Part 2
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fairydares · 3 months
loook i get why the idea of riding the "anti/pro" fandom disk horse makes people gag a little in their mouth and try to opt out entirely, but here's why i went from feeling exactly the same way to taking a firm profiction stance. I've been meaning to make this post for a while.
~10 years ago, I posted a fic for the first time and it got its own harassment campaign. The fic wasn't even sexual, and wasn't going to be (it remains incomplete). It was accurately rated T on fanfiction.net. Anyone in the Fairy Tail fandom will understand this: I literally got harassed for writing a "Lucy leaves the guild" fic💀.
After many nice comments, someone left a pretty nasty one. Hurt, I messaged them back. They acted super attacked that I'd responded (lmao) and after we argued, threatened to "rip my shitty story apart in the comments section" if I responded again. I told them "go ahead lol."
They went ahead.
Now know that it was a relatively small harassment campaign, but at the time, it was devastating. Right around then, I wound up in the hospital. After I got out, I went to excitedly check my fic, and found several reviews saying things I wouldn't repeat to my worst enemy. I was suicide-baited more than once, told "thank fuck you finally abandoned this shitty story, dumb cunt," stuff like that.
There were several accounts involved, and I can't say for sure, but I suspect at least a couple different people were involved, though probably at least half of it was one person.
All the other comments were screeching about how I hadn't updated, mostly. "NO UPDAAATEE WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO MEEEE??!!!" was one that stood out after I'd been miserable in a hospital for an extended period of time.
Idk what people think is going on when FT fic authors write this trope, and frankly I don't give a fuck. Because while I was partly writing the story out of some young, cringe feminist rage, I also did genuinely have a real story I was compelled to tell. I was inspired by another, popular fic I loved which used the trope to talk about how trying to shoulder our burdens alone really just hurts both ourselves and everyone who cares about us.
My own story was ultimately going to have similar themes, with more focus on strength, what it means, and in what contexts earning and having it actually matters. In retrospect, no wonder I wound up in hot water, because at the time "Lucy vs. Strength vs. Misogyny" was the FT fandom's Designated Nonsensically Activist Debate™. But that's partly why i wanted to write about it; engaging with the fandom had gotten me thinking about it 🤷‍♂️
Not too long after that, FFNet oh-so-benevolently granted us the ability to delete comments from our own stories (they never took my reports seriously at all, afaik). I deleted all or most of the harassers' comments (may still be a one or two up, and i'm fairly sure there's a couple comments defending my fic from the harassment) without saving screenshots, which I really regret now. I was just so mortified and full of self-loathing about the whole thing that i wanted to forget it completely. Something that had brought me joy at a very lonely, vulnerable period of my life had turned so negative, and i couldn't even tell the people closest to me about it without being made fun of for writing anime fan fiction.
I didn't understand why this happened at the time, but--after a period of trying to forget/bid out of it all with a slight anti lean (a common approach I see people use, and one which I'm not proud of adopting)--I just had to figure out What the Fuck Even Happened There. And I'm telling you, after years of reflecting, wrestling with both sides, and educating myself, that this "status quo of harassment" culture which pervades fandom goes way deeper than you think and comes out of a way darker well than you probably realize. An astonishing amount of this is, quite literally, TERF shit and evangelical shit.
Trying to be in fandom and take a stance of, "Anti/Pro shit? Ew, I'm Not Touching that," is like swimming in a heavily polluted river and being like, "Poison? Cringe. Not me lol."
You might be lucky enough to be in a less-polluted part of the river (AKA a relatively non-toxic fandom, in which case good for you!)...but tbh this rhetoric and peer-signalling will still seep in.
I can't stress enough that pro-fiction, AKA "proship", is the normal, leftist-about-art-and-sex opinion. Pro-ship is against all the horrible things you're against; in fact, pro-ship isn't trivializing real trauma by equating it with fictional trauma, or trying to apply literal evangelical/radfem solutions--which are proven not to prevent or help. Profiction/proship is literally just saying, "Fiction is fiction, reality is reality, and the two don't have a 1:1 relationship. And historically, trying to censor just things we've decided are bad has done nothing but get LGBTQ+ and POCs censored. Therefore, depictions of illegal things shouldn't be censored." That's it. "Proshippers all ship problematic ships," is a brazen lie. Many of them share other fans' disgust for those ships, they just don't believe in censoring fic authors over it.
It is also taking a stand against harassment because--and I hope my own story has helped drive this home--as with all groups who adopt ingroup/outgroup thinking, antis are defined by their tactics, not actual stances on real, serious issues. What happened to me was absolutely a result of anti, "it's okay to 'bully out' anything I just don't like" mindset pervading fandom. In a way, this was the mindset's final form. They didn't even feel the need to cite a reason the trope was "bad" or "wrong"; it annoyed them, and they viewed their own feelings as a valid enough pathway for policing to go right ahead and do so.
In the interest of offering solutions instead of just bitching about problems, I might make a "how to know if you've bought into these types of views"-type post sometime. Also might come back to this and provide some sources/citation.
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potassiumivy · 1 month
PLAYBOY. | jjk
❥ mdni. fic masterlist.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 004: SUPERMODEL.
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MEGUMI KNEW THAT GOJO didn't forget about what he saw the day before. he also knew that his nosy ass would do anything to get an opportunity to ask you about it— such as convincing you to meet up with them and then promise you to argue with the higher ups to cancel the third year's suspension. 
the moment he saw you and that you explained about how gojo "pinky promised" you that he'll do something for hakari, he immediately connected the dots. and so, he made it his mission to keep his teacher away from you. throughout the whole tokyo tour, yuuji and nobara were thankfully glued to your side, not giving gojo any chance to pounce on you.
however, while the two idiots were busy fighting during the roppongi trick mission, the man-child wouldn't stop acting like a creepy fuck towards you.
"soooooo..." he started, tapping his fingers on his knees, "what did you do when you were in suspension?"
megumi sighed loudly, closing his eyes. 
"nothing, really. i just hung out with hakari and kirara." you weren't questioning gojo's weird behaviour. you were already aware that he had a couple loose screws up there so you didn't give it any thought. 
"nothing? my dear student didn't do anything when you had free time on your hand??" he cried out, dramatically clutching his blazer. "if i was you, i would've posed for a mag- ouch!" megumi elbowed him in the guts.
"shut up." his student said through gritted teeth. "don't be so obv—"
"well, we did go out pretty often! we had so much fun!" you exclaimed.
"yeah?" the corner of his lips curled up. "what kind of fun, exactly? did you-"
"gojo, stop." megumi interrupted him again.
you smiled sheepishly, rubbing your neck. "i guess you were always pretty good at figuring me out, gojo."
megumi furrowed his eyebrows. he had the feeling that you slightly misunderstood the situation, but he pushed it aside. 
as for you, you excitedly jumped on gojo, shaking his shoulders aggressively.
gojo couldn't focus on the gossip anymore. he could only admire the sight of you on his lap.
"hmm? guess he's a pretty good friend to you, huh?"
you grinned at the mention of your friend, leaning back slightly to look at the sky. your chest was still pressed against gojo's, your arms around his neck.
"yeah." you sighed. "one of the best. kirara too. i wouldn't want it any other way."
megumi was definitely curious now. "are they the ones who got you into it?"
"yep!" you stood up from gojo's lap, sitting next to megumi. "i knew they were freaky, but not freaky freaky, you know?" you laughed, hiding your face behind your palms.
"didn't know they'd be into threesomes." 
megumi's eyes widened and gojo choked on his saliva.
"into what now."
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
to say that megumi was mortified was an understatement. he expected it, but it doesn't mean that he was ready for it. 
after the whole fiasco, you linked your arms with your two new friends as you all made your way to nobara's favourite sushi restaurant. you were humming under your breath, listening to their bickering. the three of you didn't even notice how gojo and megumi who maintained their distance from your little group. 
they were trailing behind, still astonished. gojo's eyes were wide open under his blindfold and he barely blinked. on the other hand, megumi kept checking the weather's app on his phone. 
they were still out of it even when they finally got there.
"hello!" an old lady approached them, "are you eating here or are you going to order some take-out?"
"yes." was gojo's only response.
"young man-"
"hello! we'll eat here please!" you answered cheerfully.
the lady smiled at your enthusiasm. "any special occasion?" she asked, leading you to your table. gojo and megumi were still unmoving so yuuji and nobara went back to drag them as you followed the waitress.
"yes! we're actually celebrating new friendships and my potential return from suspension!" you responded, which made the lady sweatdrop before she chuckled slightly.
"well, i hope you all have fun." 
"thank you! i'm sure we will."
as she was setting the table, she couldn't help but question you further. "if you don't mind me asking, why were you suspended exactly?" 
"oh! it started when my classmate beat up an old and very rude conservative."
"oh my! they did?"
"yes! then, my other friend spat in the old hag's face."
"uh-huh! and i took their side. but i didn't want to spit at them or anything cause it's kinda nasty outside of intercourse."
"it is!" she agreed.
hearing you two's laughter, the three first years simply watched the exchange both in amusement and bewilderment. you and the old waitress you just met were telling each other about your crazy sex stories, gossiping and laughing around like two high-schoolers.
"—and he barked at me!" she cackled, reminiscing her younger years.
"no, he didn't! no way." you were crying from laughter at this point.
gojo came behind his students, speaking in a low voice, "get used to it. she always befriends random ladies like that. she finds comfort in them."
"she has mommy issues?" nobara whisper-yelled. 
megumi glared at her. "what? it's a genuine question."
"her clan is mostly made of women, and they run everything there." he started. "by coming to the jujutsu technical college, she had to let go of everything she grew up with. she doesn't have that sense or familiarity very often anymore, especially since there's not a lot of female sorcerers outside of the l/n clan."
"that's why she was so happy to have you on board, nobara." gojo continued megumi's explanation. "she chose to leave her family so she can include them back in the jujutsu society, which is run by men. but by making that choice, she has to face sexism and misogyny everyday since her family can't shield her anymore." 
gojo looked at you with fondness, before looking back at his current students. "that's why she finds comfort very easily with older women. they remind her of her family."
nobara clenched her fists. 
he only hummed. 
"can the waitress eat with us?"
gojo looked back at you, seeing you glowing under the dim lights. 
your eyes were sparkling— just like the necklace around your neck. 
"of course she can."
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
you were over the moon when the waitress took gojo's invitation and stayed with you. she told you that her son was the restaurant's owner, so he wouldn't mind her lazing around a little. 
everyone warmed up to her pretty quickly after seeing how she managed to carry the conversation fluently. she didn't seem to lack outrageous stories to tell, and neither did you. 
"there was that misogynistic ass." you started, already failing to keep yourself from laughing. megumi's ears perked up at the description.
"he asked me; what are you gonna do, slut? gonna suck me off?" you wiped your tears before continuing your story. "so i pegged him—" you cracked up, making nobara and the lady gasp loudly. 
you hushed them despite being loud yourself. your story wasn't finished.
"was it naoya?" megumi asked the question plaguing his mind. 
"IT WAS!" you were crying again, making megumi snort. 
"naoya? you pegged THE naoya?" gojo asked just to be sure, failing to maintain his composure. he was surprisingly quiet throughout the night, opting to attentively listen to your weird sexual adventures. 
you nodded, not being able to make a sound. 
"who is he?" yuuji managed to choke out, also on the verge of death despite not even knowing the guy.
"he was my upperclassman. he's such a little cunt, but he has a cute face so it makes up for it."
taking a deep breath you continued.
 "anyways, look... i had him moaning out; oh god! 'm your slut, only yours!" you imitated him.
"stop." megumi was letting loose too. he was biting his lower lip to keep himself from bursting out of laughter. just imagining his prick of a family member in such a humiliating state made him want to skip throughout the whole city in joy. 
"and what now?" gojo couldn't help but try to get more answers out of you. 
"he tracked me down when i was in suspension. guess he got pussy drunk." you shrugged, chuckling at the irony. "i kinda like him though. don't tell maki i said that. i think he's slowly getting his head out of his ass."
the night went on and more stories were exchanged. it was going pretty smoothly until—
"—when i went back inside my room, fushiguro shoved my magazine in his mouth!" yuuji revealed, which made megumi freeze. 
all the eyes were on him and he was starting to panick internally.
"yes! heh, as you see, our megumi is a little trickster!" gojo laughed awkwardly  before putting megumi in a headlock. "come on, megs, tell 'em that you were just feeling a little silly!" 
gojo's attempt to advert everyone's attention didn't work as planned.
"awn, that sucks. what was the magazine, yuuji? i read a lot of them so i can give you mine." you offered, trying to help the poor boy.
"thanks, but i don't think you'll have it... it was a deluxe edition of playboy." he pouted. 
megumi spat out his water and gojo's posture stiffened. 
"you're a pig." nobara deadpanned. 
"you are." megumi agreed, hoping to drag the conversation elsewhere.
"oh my god! i actually have it too! they're worth the price, aren't they?" you smiled, ignoring the chaos unfolding around you.
"HUH? well, on second thought, they don't seem that bad." nobara muttered to herself.
the old waitress was just listening to the conversation, quietly sipping on her sake. 
"they are!" yuuji nodded at you enthusiastically. "i was really excited to read it..."
"well... today's your lucky day, yuuji." you smiled mischievously. "cause i actually have an extra one on me!"
megumi and gojo couldn't look away from the scene. it's like watching a horror movie, knowing that there's going to be a jumpscare soon. 
you pulled the magazine out of your bag, throwing it on the table. 
everyone simultaneously leaned over to peek, while you sat back on your chair, folding your arms. 
same cover, same edition. same necklace.
yuuji's eyes widened the moment he saw it, looking back and forth between you and the magazine. 
"what is it yuuji?" you asked in mock concern, arching an eyebrow. you leaned over the table, your lips grazing his. only when his whole attention was on you, and on you only, you spoke against his lips in a hushed whisper. 
"want me to sign your copy?"
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©potassiumivy, 2024. all rights reserved. do not translate / modify / republish my works.
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gloryy-vs · 1 year
Huntress’ Call
Chapter 5 : Craving and Yearning
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prompt: you’re an aggressive warrior, praised by the clan and close to the sully family. neteyam caught your eye but you’re convinced you’ll never be as mighty or honorable as he is. you also caught neteyams eye but he assumes he will never be as truly dedicated to the warrior life as you are. ao’nung slowly begins to fall for you, and you return the feeling. but you know that things between you and neteyam are not so simple as done.
ratings: sfw, violence, war, angsty, enemies to friends to lovers, warrior, aggression
characters: Neteyam x na’vi! reader, Ao’nung x na’vi! reader
You were all tuckered out, sitting with your legs crossed over one another in front of you. You, Lo’ak, Neteyam, Ao’nung, Rotxo, Tsireya and Kiri all sat on the beach, actually having a decent conversation. Neteyam was talking more than usual today, but that was thanks to him completing refusing to acknowledge that you were even born. Rotxo was surprisingly kind in general, he never made any snarky remarks or insulted your home village. You leaned back on your arms, Ao’nung crouching down next to you with his strong legs.
“Tulkun are like our sisters and brothers. They have left for the season but should be coming back shortly. Every Metkayina bonds with a Tulkun when they’re young.” He explained, waving his arms around when he spoke.
You picked up on that, a small little habit he had when he was really into a conversation. Your golden eyes were watching his arms, noticing the distinct veins running through them. Tsireya shifted, seeing how your eyes were trained on Ao’nung, giving ever bit of him your full attention. She tapped her brother lightly, and disguised it as her wiping off sand from his leg. He looked down at his younger sister, and watched as her eyes led him to you.
He trailed off from his speech, astonished by the fact you were so engrossed in him. You both just started at each other, creating a heavy tension. It was so thick you could slice it with a knife. You looked up, making eye contact with him. Clearing your throat, you stood up and shifted on your feet awkwardly.
“I’m really tired guys, I’m gonna go and lay down with Tuk.” You said, faking a yawn and turning around awkwardly.
You were so embarrassed, rubbing your cheeks to calm yourself down. Meanwhile, Tsireya wouldn’t stand for the awkwardness.
“Go to her brother, go now.” She said, shoving him off his balance. Ao’nung groaned.
“You don’t see me pushing your lips with Lo’ak’s.” Ao’nung said, triggering a laugh from everyone but Neteyam, who was death staring Ao’nung, watching him follow after you excitedly. Lo’ak noticed his brothers deadly demeanor, cursing himself for not saying anything.
“Hey bro, I’m sorry-“ The youngest was cut off by Neteyam raising his hand to signal a stop. Neteyam stood up, shaking his head as he was fed up with himself, deciding to wait before he headed back. He didn’t want to risk seeing you and Ao’nung.
As you were walking slowly along the shore, letting the cool water hit your feet each time the tide would come, the moonlight hit small bioluminescent fish, and littered the sea with small yellow, pink, and dark blue fish. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you, and squealed.
“Ao’nung! Be careful!” You said, bending over from his pressure on you. It wasn’t everyday you could release the pressure of being such a violent fighter, so times like this you allowed yourself to unravel. Ao’nung was beginning to be a big comfort to you, always hanging around you, showing you around, gathering small shells for you to weave into your songcord. He’d never let his friends know though. It would embarrass him if anyone found out he was a sucker for the new forest girl. Still you felt like you could be yourself around him, and not have to worry about being a warrior with a tough exterior. Or that’s what you’d think.
“Already heading to bed? You want me to join you? It’s colder than usual toniiiight.” He said with a small tune attached to the last word.
You cringed, pushing him away playfully. “Gross, I’d rather freeze than sleep in the same hammock with you.” You gave him a hearty smile, fangs poking at your bottom lip.
He placed a hand over his heart, pouting at you before breaking out a smirk. His eyes trailed down to your lips, lighting up at the sight of how plump they looked. He let his feet lead him closer to you, hands brushing against each other as you both walked. You crossed your arms first, earning a frown from him. You thought he wouldn’t notice.
“What’s it like being a strong warrior already. I’m what? A year older and you already beat me to it.” Ao’nung said.
Your smile fell at the mention of your ‘warrior’ status. “It’s okay. Not something special.” You scolded yourself for thinking that just a second ago he wouldn’t bring something like this up.
“It’s an amazing title. Carry such with pride.” Ao’nung said, his hand finding its way to your lower back. Your shoulders tensed up and you stopped walking, causing him to stop as well in concern.
“Some of us don’t want that title.” You said, looking at him, hoping he would understand your burden with it. He pursed his lips, putting both of his hands on either one of your shoulders.
“You’re strong, I can feel it. Coming from right here. It’s something he doesn’t understand.” Ao’nung said, leaning down to really read into your eyes and what laid beyond the color and emotion in them.
Even the mention of Neteyam made your heart skip a beat. Or was it the fact Ao’nung had read you like a book? Your eyes locked with his for what seemed like forever, neither of you knowing wether to make the first move. Then, he sighed, placing his left hand on your cheek, bringing his lips closer to yours until they finally met. You hesitated at first, hands immediately going to his chest to push him back until your muscles faltered. Your body melted against his, his soft lips were inviting and felt comfortable against yours. Ao’nungs other hand trailed to the nape of your neck, lifting your head up so he wouldn’t strain his own. His kisses became hungrier, no longer parting occasionally to let you both breathe. Your heart was ready to escape from your chest, begging you to satisfy the deeper craving that rested inside.
His breathing became erratic, hands now pressing your faces closer together as much as possible. Ao’nung grew desperate, yearning to take things further with you, but forced himself away first. As soon as his lips parted from yours, your hand covered your mouth. Your lips felt cold without his, but you brain scolded you for caving into the Metkayina so easily.
“We didn’t..”
“We didn’t..” You both said.
“We shouldn’t have.” You said softly, hands going to cup your own cheeks in disbelief as your eyes looked down to really let the realization sink in.
“But you liked it. We liked it.” Ao’nung said, moving a hand between you two to go along with his statement.
“I wish I didn’t.” You said, rubbing at your top lip with warm fingers.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Ao’nung pinch the bridge of his nose in agitation. “We can’t act like it never happened. You’ll break my heart.” He said, trying to reason with you.
Ao’nungs attention quickly darted to a small shadow casted down from the hanging lanterns in the area near the Marui’s before it was shortly pulled back. Like something had stumbled and realized it was almost discovered. His heartbeat picked up, he knew who was there. The only other person it could possibly be at this hour. It made him even more desperate to find out your real feelings. As his eyes returned to your frame, he saw your eyes narrowed, figuring you were lost in your own thoughts.
You wanted to say that your heart sadly belonged to another. You couldn’t help but feel as though you betrayed Neteyam even though he had broke you down time and time again. “I don’t want to do that..” You finally said.
It was true. Your heart craved Ao’nung but yearned for Neteyam. It was tearing you apart. You figured you’d never have an opportunity with your childhood friend, but you still felt like a cheater for sharing a heated moment with a man who probably wished the best for you, knowing it most likely wasnt him. Your brain scattered for something to say, piecing tigether words to break the sad atmosphere that now piled around you and the boy.
“My heart belongs to Neteyam. I cannot. I cannot hurt you both. I cannot betray him.” You said confidently, hoping to avoid the heartache you were experiencing by getting it over with. Ao’nung winced, not expecting your response to be so raw.
“Him? You cant betray a man you’re not mates to. He doesn’t want you. He doesn’t…” Ao’nung got angrier, but calmed himself down to relay his confession the way he wish it could’ve gone any other time than right now.
“He doesn’t want you like I want you. Have you not seen what he behaves like around you? Like you don’t exist. You cannot remain loyal to a man who is convinced you’re dead.” He said, pleading. He even debated getting on his knees.
You fought tears, and thankfully won over your emotions by looking away. “I do not know what to do. My heart has power over my brain now, I dislike it.” Your voice cracked as a sob was held in your throat. “Something is telling me, telling me that there is hope there. With Ma’Teyam”
“And if there isn’t?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing into an upset expression. He could tell there was still hope for him in your heart, and the way you couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Then I shall follow what my heart craves.”
tags 🏷️:
@mayhemories @neteyamslovrr
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nancypreggo · 11 months
🫄5️⃣ 🏫 💦
tags/kinks: non-binary, multiple babies, public birth, orgasmic/erotic birth.
It wasn’t the most ideal situation, having to deal with a rowdy classroom full of young adults, let alone having to deal with it while also lugging around over forty pounds of baby in an overstuffed womb. 
Although they had made the most of their unexpectedly large pregnancy, not even a doctor’s recommendation to start parental leave in their late third trimester was going to stop them and their well thought-out lesson plan. A belly full of quints couldn’t have been foreseen nine months prior but they were managing better than most. They welcomed fascinated students to come and rub their distended belly between classes, the young students mesmerized and gasped out of astonishment when they could see the restless lives stirring under the taut skin. 
It was two days before their scheduled parental leave when everything happened. The day had started off normally and the general aches and pains of pregnancy went without much thought at all as they’d gone about their routine and got to school. They sat behind their desk with an ungraceful harumph, a hand coming up to stroke the widest part of their belly. The babies had lowered themselves considerably in the last few days and they were just thinking parental leave couldn’t come soon enough when their first class of the day began filtering into the room.
“Wow, any day now, huh, Mx?” One of the students asked with a little chuckle, amused with how large their teacher had gotten or how sluggishly they moved.
Thank god for PowerPoint and laser pointers because the very pregnant teacher knew they’d be teaching while seated for at least most of the day. It was halfway through the lecture when a gripping pain struck them in their abdomen and before they could even deduce what was happening, a torrent of fluid came gushing out between their legs. The sound was unmissable and they were just thankful that they were seated behind their desk so none of the students could see their lower half and considerably soaked pants. 
“What was that..?” A student asked.
The teacher chuckled nervously and grabbed for a nearby roll of paper towels, very quickly unspooling a few sheets to place on the tiled floor. “Oh, clumsy me-- I must’ve hit my drink and it fell over..!” they said, trying to mask what had really happened. When their class left then they could properly address what was happening to them. The lecture wouldn’t be disrupted when it was already more than half over.
It wasn’t uncommon for them to rub their round tummy throughout the day so they hoped their almost incessant rubbing at the side of their belly went unnoticed. They were trying the best that they could to calm the impatient lives inside but the babies would wait for no one, not even the parent that carried them to term.
With mere minutes left in the class period, a strong contraction rippled through the teacher’s body and they let out an erotic moan as a knee-jerk reaction. They pushed themself back from the desk as every head in the classroom pulled their attention from their books or their phones to the laboring teacher at the front of the class.
“O-oh, g-god..!” The teacher exclaimed, pulling their shirt up to expose the reddened and contorting flesh of their stuffed dome. “M-my babies..!”
Some of the more capable students jumped to their feet and scrambled to their teacher’s aid, helping them take off their pants while a few others left the room altogether to fetch for better qualified help. Many students who were still seated at their desks had pulled out their phones to record the scene unfolding in front of them.
As the teacher’s feet were brought up to rest on the desk, their entire sex was fully exposed and a murmur could be heard throughout the room. It was extremely vulnerable for the teacher to be in such a state and a strong blush radiated from their face all the way down their neck and chest.
“The baby is crowning, Mx,” a student told them, “You should push with the next contraction.”
With a petulant whine, the teacher felt their firstborn grinding against their sore sex and a jolt of arousal went all throughout them. “F-fuck…” they rasped, their fingers pressing into the tight flesh of their overcrowded belly. “Feels good…” They couldn’t help but to speak out what they were feeling, their usual teacher filter completely gone as they succumbed to their body’s visceral urges.
As a contraction racked through them, a loud moan from the deepest part of their throat echoed throughout the room. They were pushing and slowly but surely they were opening for the first large baby. Juices were all but streaming out of their hole, spilling onto the tiled floor beneath them. When they felt gentle fingers prodding their sex, they pushed and let out a loud cry of relief. The first baby’s massive head was out.
“It’s so b-big-- feels… feels so good coming out of me,” the teacher confessed, writhing as much as their office chair would allow. With the students’ help, they stretched their legs as far apart as possible so they could birth the rest of their first baby. The large shoulders of the newborn were lodged in a very sensitive position. The teacher’s pleasure center in their brain was working on overload as each contraction brought multiple pounds of pressure pressing right against their most erogenous area. This was not the time to be aroused but they had no say in the matter.
Pushing through the crescendoing pleasure, the first of five babies burst through and was deftly caught by capable hands. The heavy set newborn was placed on their chest, crying loudly for its parent. “Oh-- Oh my g-god, that’s my baby..!” the teacher cried out with joy, shaky hands coming to grab the baby and hold it close. “Oh my god, this just came out of me…”
And another was hot on their older sibling’s heels as the teacher had next to no time for reprieve as another pleasure-filled contraction gripped their stomach. They could feel the next large baby filling up their birth canal and they hadn’t even had time to really meet their first. “O-oh, oh-- another… ugh, they j-just keep coming..!” they exclaimed, pushing with their next contraction.
Just like moments ago, the second baby’s head bulged out their parent’s sex, stretching it to its limits upon their exit. Unlike the first birth, however, this baby wasn’t coming out quite so easily. Just when it seemed like the baby’s crowning head was about to come out, the teacher fell back against their chair as their contraction and strength both tapered off. As they whined, the baby slowly disappeared behind the lips of their parent’s sex.
“T-too big…” the teacher cried, unable to overcome the amount of pleasure they were getting from their labor to properly push the baby out.
Very suddenly, a large hand was pushing down on the globe that was their belly. The pressure was so immense and suddenly they were experiencing an indescribable amount of euphoric pleasure without even a contraction. They screamed at the top of their lungs as the baby’s head burst through their sex’s lips with a strong gush of fluids.
A student batted the hand away, belonging to another student who was just trying to help. “What the hell are you doing?! You’re hurting them!” she accused, looking down at the baby’s head that was just dangling between her teacher’s legs.
“They were having a hard time pushing-- I helped! The baby’s head is out, isn’t it?” Another voice shouted, bickering.
“M-more..! More, please; get this baby o-out of me..!” The teacher pleaded, their hands going to their belly and attempting to push just as their student had done before.
“See?!” Very quickly, multiple hands were placed on the teacher’s rounded belly and they all pressed down together.
The teacher’s hips bucked up at the sensation, their sex throbbing with a desire for more. It was dizzying to think they would be doing this three more times even after this baby was born. An almost chant-like whining puffed out of their mouth and with another scream and orgasm, they were coming and the baby was pushed out. The newest baby was quickly placed on her parent’s chest and the space was now crowded.
Thankfully, someone had looked up a YouTube tutorial on how to properly cut an umbilical cord and two students who had experience with babies took each of the newborns to their desks to watch over them. Some students offered up their hoodies and extra shirts to keep the babies warm, which was just as well because stronger contractions meant one more life was about to enter the already bustling classroom.
The teacher was a sweaty mess, their efforts having the room smell heavily of sex and birth fluids. They had already climaxed at least twice and if three more babies in their womb meant at least three more orgasms, they were afraid they might pass out from pure bliss. “Th-three more…” they informed their students, some of which were unaware that the teacher was carrying so many. Shifting uncomfortably where they sat, the teacher asked for help to stand up and walk in the hopes that gravity might help get the rest of their babies out. 
Just as they had taken a few steps, the door swung open with the students that had left, bringing with them a school nurse and a few other faculty. Shocked eyes went from the birthing teacher over to the two newborns that were squalling for their parent, then back again.
“I… M-more babies are c-coming…” The teacher cried, their knees buckling beneath them. The students that had helped them to stand up were now carefully lowering them to the floor as the realization came that the third baby was stretching them wide. “C-can’t stop, I can’t stop-- f-feels so good..!” They moaned as they leaned back against one of the students for support as they pushed. It felt too good that they came twice more before the baby’s head was even out and the wide shoulders gave them their strongest orgasm yet.
They were a shaky, sweaty mess when their third baby entered the world with a loud cry. Students that had been doing on-hands help had been replaced by the school nurse and faculty, while someone had announced that an ambulance had been called. Someone wondered aloud if a single ambulance could even transport the sheer amount of babies that were coming out of their teacher.
“You’re doing amazing,” An older male teacher cooed into the ear of the one birthing, his large hand coming to stroke the prominent although somewhat-deflated belly. “I had no idea you were capable of this-- of having so many…”
The teacher whined, turning their head to look at the older man to the best of their ability. “J-just… I just wanna keep having babies,” they babbled, borderline incoherent before wincing because of a brand-new contraction. There were still two babies left inside and the next one had taken its time getting into position.
The man chuckled deviously, his next words whispered only for a single person’s ears. “Oh, that can definitely be arranged, love. After seeing so many tumble out of you I want to see how many more you can have…”
The thought of being filled only to do this yet again sent a thrill up their sore back. “Y-yeah… yes..!” they mewled as their gaping hole was suddenly filled with an exiting mass. They grinded their hips back and forth against nothing, as if they could simply thrust the baby out into the world. They were already coming again and the baby was barely crowning.
By the time the paramedics arrived with professional help, there was only one baby left inside. More students from other classes had at some point filtered into the classroom to witness the spectacle for themselves, although they were very quickly shooed away by teachers or the school nurse to give as much privacy as possible. The students who had been holding the now-sleeping newborns were allowed to stay to keep the babies warm and make sure they were okay.
When the paramedics attempted to help the teacher up onto the stretcher, they were met with a very adamant rejection. “N-no, it… baby’s already--” the teacher sputtered, spreading their legs as far apart as possible to give the paramedics a good look at their crowning baby. All five babies were going to be born in that classroom and there was nothing anybody could do about it. Having already pushed out four, a fifth proved to be routine by this point. Although the feeling of bearing down around the wide skull was still as overwhelming as ever, the teacher at least knew to expect it and had found a vague rhythm to pushing that felt best to them.
“Oh, my,” the main paramedic sounded off as they delicately touched the stretched sex around the baby’s crowning head. They glanced over to where the newborns were being monitored. “I think this one is your biggest yet…”
The teacher couldn’t help but to laugh wearily. “Of course it is…” They rubbed their hand over their mostly deflated tummy, the largest baby fully engaged and ready to be birthed. As much of an inconvenience having such an overcrowded and heavy womb had been, they were going to miss being pregnant.
With a mounting contraction, they let out a feeble, wanton cry as they pushed. It was obvious by the stretch how large the baby truly was, easily outweighing any of its older siblings. Progress was minimal just judging from the way it felt between their legs.
“Last one, love,” the male teacher who was still holding his birthing lover in his arms. He had whispered encouraging words into their ear since he’d arrived and his big hands very rarely ever left that pregnant swell. “You’ve just got one more and then you’ll have all of your babies…”
“Last one,” they parroted back weakly, shallow breaths coming out heavily as they strained over their final oversized baby. They were very sensitive and tired, their face covered in a film of sweat and tears from how much they had strained. It had been a while since they had started pushing and they could hear all of their babies cooing from across the room. They just needed to push this last one out so the babies could be cared for by their parent.
As another contraction racked through them and it felt like they were being split apart in only the most delicious of ways, they let out a guttural moan as they summoned what little energy they had left to push their last baby out. As they pushed and their hole grew impossibly wide around the large baby’s head, gasps and other exclamations of awe went ignored. The baby’s head broke free and with it, yet another wet gush of the pregnant teacher’s arousal. They had climaxed so many times-- even more times than it had taken to get them this pregnant in the first place. It only took one last contraction and few more strong pushes to get the rest of the baby out, a large little boy who looked more like an infant than a newborn in the paramedic’s hands.
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arkiliastuff · 5 months
Only Yours
One Shot | Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Female Reader
Warnings : Fluff, Smut, masturbation (female receiving), unprotected sex p in v (wrap it up) (MDNI)
A/N : Alright, this one isn't really a request, but I wanted to write something for my dear friend @valiantroeagleangel about her favourite Swedish guitarist. I felt inspired by a poll she did about the BO members and by some screenshot of Jolly's Twitter account. So for my Jolly girlies out here, this one is for you ! I hope I honored him. Also, I wanted to balance as much as I could the fluffiness and some smut. I hope you'll enjoy it ! :D As usual let me know if I forgot to mention anything in my tags/warnings.
~ The little bean taglist : @talialovesmiw
You let out an exhausted sigh as you left your working place. You were glad the day was finally over. You rushed out to your car, driving your way back home and enjoying your weekend. Perhaps you and Jolly will call tonight ? You were hoping so.
Once you’ve arrived at your front door, unlocking it with your keys and locking it behind you, you noticed the lights were on. You didn’t remember leaving them on though. As you were wondering if there was an intruder at your place, you heard a soft tune being played on your speaker. You recognized it. It was Wonderwall by Oasis. And it could mean only one thing.
As you got rid of your high heels and coat, you went directly to the living room. That’s when you saw him. Joakim. Your Jolly. He was sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in his hand. When he saw how astonished you were, he smiled so charmingly at you.
“Hey, love.” He spoke so softly.
“Hi… Joakim. What are you doing here ? I thought you were still on tour. You didn’t tell me… I mean.. I didn’t expect you to be home already !..” You let out still confusion in your voice but happy to see him here.
“Well first of all, I live here too, with my beautiful girlfriend. Second of all, if I had told you that I was coming back home, it would’ve ruined the surprise. I wanted to change our habit of you picking me up at the airport everytime, by coming directly here. And looks like the surprise worked.” He smiled.
He poured some wine in a second glass before standing up and heading towards you. You looked at him in awe, realizing he was really in front of you.
“Welcome back, love.” He said, lending the glass to you.
You took it, almost like an automatic move as you dropped your stuff on the floor. Still without a word, you hugged him, your free arm in his back, pulling him close to you. You hugged him so tightly, and he did too, both of you making sure that neither of you would spill the wine on each other.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” You muffled against him, feeling so emotional as tears rose up to your eyes “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, love” He responded, leaving soft kisses on your head.
As you were breaking away from his embrace, trying to wipe your tears, he anticipated it, brushing his thumb on your cheek. He kept looking at you so lovingly.
“Here let me take care of you, darling” He said, leaning a bit to kiss your forehead “Let’s have a drink on the couch. You can tell me how work was.”
“I would love to.” You nodded with a small smile.
Jolly held  your hand like a gentleman, leading you to sit close to him. Then you toasted your reunion before you told him how exhausting your work was. You told him everything, every detail as he was actively listening to you, playing with your hair. It always felt like this when you were seeing each other. Joakim was your confidant and he loved listening to you, telling some funny story about your day or even bitching about some of your colleagues that were getting on your nerves. He loved seeing how expressive you were each time. And the drinking was also doing its effect as you were saying things more frankly than before.
“...But anyway, Betty is so annoying and she keeps giving her work to the young interns and finding excuses when the work isn’t done. I swear if I catch her again, I will not be nice.” You said while taking another sip.
“I can imagine, love. She looks like a pain in the ass…” He stopped you gently in your drinking seeing how quickly you were finishing your glass “Hey.. easy now. We don’t want you to get drunk before me. How about eating first ?” He suggested.
You stopped yourself, realizing how tipsy you were already. It’s been a while since you’ve drunk some wine with him. You felt your cheeks getting warmed because of the alcohol and the embarrassment of being drunk. You put your glass on the coffee table, getting a break in the drinking.
“You’re right. I’ll go check what we have in the fridge.” You said while standing up with Jolly helping you, his large hand on your lower back.
“Good idea. And while you’re at it, can you make me a sandwich, please ?” He teased.
You shifted on your heels, looking straight at him with jaded eyes, not sure if you heard him correctly. If he wanted to play this kind of game, well you could too.
“You have hands, right ?” You questioned.
“Yeah ? What about it ?”
“Then, you can do it yourself.” You concluded firmly.
“Please, baby ?” He faked a whine, trying to do a cocker face.
“Fuck no.” You answered, not falling for his trick.
Jolly laughed at your harsh answer, which he expected. He knew too well you wouldn’t do it after such a tiring day. So he stood up, joining you in the kitchen area as he hugged you from behind, his arms around your waist.
“I know, love. I was just teasing you” He chuckled, kissing your temple and your red cheek.
“Hmm.. Hmm..” You hummed, well aware of it. “I missed your sense of humor too, my sweet gingerbread Swedish man.”
He rolled his eyes, in a faked exasperation.
“Oh no, not this nickname again.”
“My sweet gingerbread Swedish man !” You repeated joyfully as you turned in his embrace to face him.
“Only yours.” He mused close to your face, snuggling gently his nose against yours.
You giggled at his tender move.Then, you cupped his face, caressing his cheeks. While you kept stroking his beard, Jolly closed his eyes appreciating your touch. As if you were seeing him for the first time. After all, it’s been so long you haven’t seen each other.. You had to find your marks again. You looked at him, analyzing every feature on his face, caressing his nose with your fingertips. Once you reached his lips with your digits, he opened his eyes.
“Hold on a second, love.” He whispered, leaning close to you, while reaching for something he saw behind you, on the kitchen counter.
You hold him close, feeling his tall and warm body against yours, inhaling his scent. He straightened himself back, holding a piece of gingerbread in his fingers.
“ I didn’t know you had some left.” He noticed.
“Well… I make sure to always have some at  home. It makes me think of you when you’re not here.” You said sheepishly, your face getting flushed.
He smiled at you, stucking the gingerbread piece between his teeth, before leaning on you to feed you. You took it in your mouth, eating it until you went to kiss Jolly’s lips. Several times. He didn’t expect you to be so feral already as he chuckled, breaking away the kiss.
“We had to eat something, remember ?” He joked.
“Yeah, but you just did.” You flirted, feeling horny. “ And I’m wondering if eating your lips counts as a meal too ?”
“Well, I’m sure we can make this work.” He said, grabbing your hips more tightly.
You kissed him more ravenously this time, holding his face in your hands. He pulled you so close to him, making your bodies into one. Both of you were deepening the kiss, tongues and teeth fighting for dominance. You wanted to devour him, tasting the gingerbread in his mouth. A flavor you linked to him. 
You felt your arousal growing even more, making your insides shiver, as you were losing your grip on his face, letting your hands slide on his torso. You suddenly bite his bottom lip, making him moan before he put his thigh between your legs. Feeling it on your groin made you whimper, the abrupt hardness of his thigh making your pussy melt. From there, you could tell you were already wet as your hips started to move on their own, rocking on Jolly’s leg. You needed some friction to relax your aching clit.
Jolly grinned under your kisses, feeling your mind getting away. He left your lips to slide to your neck, kissing it and biting it furiously. You moved your head to the side, leaving him more access as you let out more breathless moans.
“Jolly..” You whined.
Without a word, he understood what you needed. One of his hands left your hips, moving dangerously to your covered fold to stroke it. However, it wasn’t enough.
“Your fingers..Inside. Please.” You begged, trying to catch your breath.
He did as you said, his large hand going straight into your pants, then to your panties. You felt his cold fingers touching your pussy, melting with your wetness. You exhaled in pleasure, feeling your mind going blank when he started to draw small circles on your clit.
Your lewd voice was echoing in your whole apartment, making Jolly grinned as he continued to kiss you, his hand still in your panties. Yet he wanted to hear you more, your moans were like music to his ears. And so he put one of his fingers inside you, while rubbing your clit. Your next whine was so high pitched, you even surprised yourself to make such a sound. You couldn’t help it as you were melting under his touch, your orgasm getting close, while your nails were digging on his arms.
“Jolly ! I think I’m gonna–”
“Not yet, love. Let me come with you.”
With a desperate need, you quickly helped him unbuckle his belt, freeing his cock, as he helped you get rid of your pants and soaking panties. He kept you firmly against the kitchen counter, while  lifting one of your legs, allowing him to thrust himself inside you. You groaned together as you were both connected together after so long.
“You okay ?” He asked, a bit worried.
“More than okay.” You replied, breathing heavily. “Don’t stop now. I’m so close.”
He moved so firmly and slowly before hasting the pace. He grabbed you ass, lifting you up, as you wrapped your legs around his waist, tugging his hair and reaching for more feral kisses.
You reached your climax, coming undone on him. Jolly followed shortly after. You didn’t break the embrace just yet. Both of you wanted this feeling of being one again to last for a little longer, his body on yours. After a while, he left your embrace, your insides feeling empty and missing him in you already. Then, he helped you get down on the kitchen counter. You felt your legs trembling because of earlier, unable to make you stand up. You bursted into euphoria as you went into Jolly’s arms once more.
“Oh God…” You said between your laughs. “ That was so good. I almost forgot how it felt.”
Jolly smirked at you, satisfied to make you this happy.
“Thankfully, I’m staying a bit longer.” He said, kissing your forehead. “So you’ll have plenty of time to remember how does it feel–”
You nervously giggled, covering his mouth with your hands.
“I’m gonna shut your filthy mouth, Mister Karlsson ! But before any of this happens again, we should fix up this mess.” You replied, more softly at the end, looking with embarrassment at the kitchen area.
“You’re right. We’ll clean this up before taking a bath” He suggested, brushing one of your strands behind your ear.
“Sounds like a plan.” You mused, kissing him once more before fixing all the mess you did.
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erinnkenobi · 2 years
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 | Pevensie's blood
Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!reader
– words: nevermind.
— 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝. may contain( I really dunno) mature language and might some violence. If you're a minor, DON'T READ.
— summary. your house has been forgotten in the darkness for too much time and that's enough, as your parents doesn't has a male heir, although they don't really care about this anymore. Nonetheless. both em wishes you to marry well, besides knowing well how Westeros is within it's kingdom's is a cruel world to be a woman, your mom wishes the best for ye, a young and clever maiden. Your mom seeks for a betrothal marriage, the revelation of your presence leaves everyone with an astonished look, whose people thought that the Pevensie bloodline was gone, though what really put them with a triggered face is that you, you got for yourself a dragon, making you been seen as a threat as well someone meant to be respected in such a young age.
However in Westeros, you are now not only a damsel in distress but also a pawn for this sick game of thrones, therefore you catches everyones attention with ye cleverness and sassy tongue.
details. your mom is the only Pevensie, except by you, that remains alive, she was betrothed to a Stark Lord, your father, the house Stark has kept this secret for themselves all way long. Cregan Stark does respect your family and house, they'd be there to aid you whenever it's needed, plus house Pevensie by its own have a bunch of soldiers, people that swore loyalty to ye family. — Emrys is bigger than Balerion, yeah, I know.
Note's: English is not my mother tongue, however I hope you folks might be able to enjoy, then be easy on me and if there's any mistake I would be glad with feedbacks.
♥︎ – if you liked. (+ Reblog – if you liked)
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The cold weather created a tough path that you ye mom and retinue had to face so could make at King's Landing, the weather wasn't the only problem, it was an worse situation, time before you sat foot in the targaryen land's, your family and servants passed through the northmen, paying them tributes and giving lord Cregan Stark some gifts from your homeland twas distant from those lands, however your mom and you needed to keep on track.
You were apprehensive, thinking that appearing out of nowhere without any warning and just showing up at King's Landing was madness, that your mom went mad and also your father whose agreed with, you have just nineteen years old..
"Well... I know I have to marry, but so suddenly? Who would be mad to marry a crazy maiden who's rides a bloody enormous dragon, and not even having a targaryen or velaryon blood or valyrian culture! They might think that I had stolen them or suppose that this is a sick prank"– you mentally talk with yeself.
Oh, who knows? Sometimes you have intrusive thoughts and anxiety issues, causing you being agitated, your thoughts just ease when a low feral hums behind you, making you feel on ye skin a warmth breeze, its breath as if was wooden sticks recently burnt, Emrys.
Emrys, his snout pokes your back softly interrupting your thoughts; it was his way of showing that he cares about you, so when you become unquiet, anxious or stressed, he knows. Then he'd try to help, even if he wasn't subtle he'd try anyway help you, since the day that you both connected (or the day you claimed him and won his reliance after helping heal his front paw, you could've die in that day, however he didn't did anything to you).
– I know, I know, Am I doing this again, ain't I?-you crossed your arms hugging yourself. — It's just...It's just this overwhelming and uneasy feelings.-you turn to face the huge dragon, poor boy had to turn his head to one side, so he could see all of you with one of its eyes.– What am I suppose to do when we arrive in King's Landing? What if the dragon in there attack us and what about the first impression, you know, the first impression it is what matters.
[Emrys huffs uninterested, he knows due to his size, he'd eat all of them if they tried to hurt his precious rider]
You breath in and out, calming down.
– I have you.- emrys tilts his head, he doesn't exactly knows what you meant, but he feels and tries his best at interpreting you.- I guess with you, dad and mum, I don't need to freak out, just be spontaneous yeey.-you try to cheer youself up and Emrys.– We will soon leave Winterfell, o geez, here is like living inside an ice cube, what a place! Lucky I which have an amazing dragon, in which just standing near is warmful.- you caress his scales, but stopped when you hear two well known voice. –Lykirī.
Sybilla Pevensie and Ivar Stark, Cregan Stark middle brother, a year younger, then well, you're half Stark, but carries the House Pevensie family coat of arms, the reason was simple, you were the "only" child, no. You're an older sister, your mom and dad two years ago had your younger sister, but that's not what we're talking about. You're the one that needs a husband, you're old and your parents desperately wants you married, well your mom, she cares about the future of House Pevensie, the blood, the precious Pevensie's blood, why? Once your mother said that your blood is somehow magic and she wouldn't accept it's extinction.
– Are you freezing my dear child? -your father smiles to you and wow, seeing him using traditional Stark clothes you knew; he was in home, comfortable with it's kin. You wave your head hurrying in ye dad arms, hugging him.– My little cub, these clothes ain't enough? Should I demand the serves put on more clothes in?
– Oh no dad, it will pass.- you hope so.– Eventually, I guess I am not prepared to this weather as I thought I would be.
–It's my fault, I should've bring our family more often here, your uncle said this as well, he almost couldn't recognise you and got surprised when I showed your sister.
– And where is the lovely brat?
– (y/n), don't call her by this name, couldn't just say baby?
You rolls ye eyes, Emrys just enjoyed the time for a nap while you were talking.
– She is with her uncle and auntie, and I dare to say, Cregan is not happy that you with your mom will go to King's Landing just to find a betrothal marriage, he'd confirmed for sure, that he could find a fine men here in the North and...-your father is trying the same, he didn't want you to marry someone else, well he is your father, it's understandable his denial. Your mom cuts him off.
– I said that you wanted to choose by yourself, if it didn't work well in King's Landing, we'd come back here and just giving a spoiler so we could leave this freezing realm, I will go with you to King's Landing with some servants and soldiers, your father and sister will stay here.
– What?Why mom?!-oh no, why dad won't go?
Ivat tried to say something, but ur mom replied quickly.
– Because my young maiden, he have to solve some business with his brothers and it's brethren, me and you can't waste time, ok? The path to King's Landing might take days or hours, we got nothing to lose.
Mom's right, what if the Prince in King's Landing is already married and I lose my opportunity to share my thoughts and doubts about dragons that they've could answer.
– Then... Is this a goodbye papa?-you stare at your dad who waves positively his head, you hug him again, tightly.– I'll miss you, can I see my little brat?-you look at your mom and dad, your mom denies with a soft smile, your dad huffs moody. – OK, that's good, if she sees me and cry I know I'll come back right after her, postpone our mission.
– Yes, we can't wait anymore, each seconds counts.-Ivar look at her with a grumpy mood, he doesn't like being apart of her.– I know, I'll be careful and our girl will be safe, Emrys is by her side and you promised me to look after our baby, Odette.
– I assure you my dearest woman, if something bad happens with our baby, it won't be me who would kill, Cregan and his wife already loves her, she's with them at this moment.
– Oh, it seems my baby melted their heart.-she kisses your father.– We will be back right away.– methapor. Favoravel
The minutes has passed, you were in barouche with mom, before we left, Cregan and his people wishes you a farewell: – Farewell, my dear (y/n) and Sybil, before you go, a wee reminder, remarking if someone out there mess with you, both of you are Starks!
'Yeah, uncle Cregan would aid our house whenever it's needed, but everytime he refers us as Stark, he misses his brother, I guess he didn't overcome the fact that my dad uses Pevensie as his surname and not Stark.'
– Of course! If someone tries anything bad, for sure I'll use the surname as my advantage, soon we will come back! -your mom waves from inside, you do the same but sending kisses in the air.
It was a long travel indeed, you were bored, you wanted to go with your dragon flying around in his backwards, but the weather was awful and you could probably hurt yourself, why? You didn't have a saddlery so it was pretty rough fly on his dorse, thencenforth you usually use proper gloves, shoes and even clothes, sometimes it was painful but you got familiar with it, Emrys dorse in a special part didn't have any thorns/horns, your perfect spot.
– Is he following us from above, innit?
– Yes, since we left Winterfell... –you tried to see him out of the windon.– Mom do you think bringing him out of nowhere won't scare the other dragons? They might become nervous and attack us.-Sybil sees reflexive for a moment.
– We will see, let's hope that nothing bad will happen.
This doesn't help you anxiety, what if they'd attack? A lot of intrusive thoughts runs through your mind thinking the worse, one leg start trembling, hitting softly the barouche floor. Your mom swift touches you length.
– Whatever will be, Will be, my dear daughter, mommy will be there for you, besides we also can count with our men, we are not heading to a dangerous path without being prepared, just... A reminder, we don't need tell about our magic's blood, right?
You shake your head in affirmative.
– Well mom, at least we stopped at some point and took a great shower, we will appear tidy, that's a relief.-you babble looking out of the window until you sees amidst the foggy clouds a spot stirring. - Smart dragon.-you sheepishly whisper with joy.
Before you make a surprise entrance, your mom demands to stop the barouche, she would go inside first (which you disapproved) and you? You would go with Emrys, on his back and wait for a special signal.
– Are you certain of that mom?
– Yes, I'll handle them, just because your father is not around, it doesn't mean that due me being a woman they will do anything, at first sight they will complain but when I show this pendant.-she pointed at the necklance she's using, it was made out of pure valyrian steel based silver, it's older than even Aegon The Conqueror existence, and is well preserved, a signal of loyalty and intimacy, soon it will be yours. ‐ the king mayharps know what it means, hope it is not too late so the truth of the song of ice and fire been told and avoid bloodshed.
The pendant was made of valyrian steel, purr silver, carrying on a figure of a Pegasus, the symbol that represents your House, a gift from the House Targaryen to House Pevensie due to their intimacy (with no marriage, just reliably), a symbol from a long past friendship, when Valyria lived.
– If you sure, I'll just do my part.
– Good, your part of all of this is to be a good calm girl, go with Emrys now, he waited his friend rider for too long throughout this travel.
You give her a big smile hugging your mom.
– Thank you, go ahead, I will be right behind you, I mean... Right above you.-you chuckle kissing her cheeks, before you get out of the cabin she holds you and kisses your forehead.
– My young lady, just don't mess your beautiful braided hair.
You laughed getting out of there.
– I will see with Emrys, see you soon and take care of yourself, my marvelous mom, because we might play the ugliest game, if not avoided.
– Go.
At the gates of King's Landing your mom faced a little trouble with the guards, but gladly it was solved with no fanfare. A knight had to accompany them but before Sybilla were able to enter, the Knight had to talk foremost with Ser Harrold, for permission, Harrold, a lord commander of the kingsguarding so he could let her come in.
Ser Harrold doubted the knight and even threatened accusing him of lying at such critical conditions right after the petitions of Driftmark , the knight then said "If you doubt of my loyalty and my disposition in favor of your Grace, the King, see for yourself her carriage my lord, her knights said she could ease our King pain, I rather die right now over lying, I saw it will my full eyes, the symbol on ghe flags around the carriage." what a bold man.
– Show me where she is. If this is a treat or fantasy it will be considered an act of treason, if she lies and kill herself the King, all of them must die.- the knight said nothing more and just guided the way.
Before Harrold could reach his way near the barouche, Pevensie's knight put himself in front of it.
– My Grace wishes quickly for an audience, she knows somehow how this moment is cruel to your King's realm, yet as her sworn knight Lod Commander, she pledged for urgency and her desires is at her orders to take, she wants to talk directly with your King, she might explain everything, Ser Harrold Westerling.
How could they know his name if the true Pevensie were all dead, weren't their lands and Highlands ruined a year before the Valyria doom?
Harrold tried to contest, but the knight said the same thing, tough he changed the sentence in last minute: "– We are here in peace and with gifts, my grace can't loses her patience nor time, if she lost it, her temper might affect all us." After that Harrold understood and quickly ran by the other knight side back to the Palace room, a few minutes ago he was able to hear a muffled roar, he thought it was the dragons from around in the dragonspit, but his consciousness says otherwise.
At the Red Keep room where everybody were gathering, Ser Harrold entered in a rush with a grumpy face. He leans his head to whisper something into the king ears which won Princess Rhaenyra, queen Alicent and the rest of the Velaryons and Targaryens attention, not metioning the handmaidens and witnesses.
Viserys first of his name looks shocked as if he could faint at the knight words which Rhaenys tries unriddle, whatever makes the her cousin looks like that is when something really bad happened or something else that might be seen in his sight wondrous, but what was it? She cannot decipher.
– Let her come in, treat her as a guest.-Viserys says to Harrold who waves positively and get himself out of the room, Alicent was desperately by his healthy as well Rhaenyra who also tried to say and bring the maesters.
– What was that dad?-Haelena question softly.
Alicent changed stares between Rhaenyra and her husband waiting also for an answer, Lord Hand is stranged.
– A wondrous visitor, my child.
Lucerys change glances with his older brother as if them could mentally talk; "Do you know something about this?" – "I don't, it seems neither mom nor Daemon knows about it, even the one‐eyed is curious."- Indeed, Aemond didn't get his sight our of the huge doors.
It was when a big entrance with fours knights entered the room, two carrying Spears entirely made of a well known steel by Daemon and the other two with sheated swords made of the same material. Viserys is trying his best so he could see what is a head of him, is this a dream? The armors of Sybilla knights carries a Pegasus on their backs and a symbol of the same animal on the center.
– A friend that comes for help, apologise for being late, there she comes, A Queen sent by the old Gods that now is out of her homeland, far from Essos, far from their Highlands there she comes to see our King, Sybilla of House Pevensie.
The lads couldn't stopped themselves from staring the knights with their weapons and now after the declaration, there she's.
Wearing a long black dress with red in honor of the colours of the house Targaryen, Rhaenyra stared your mom dumbfounded, Jacaerys and Lucerys couldn't stand their feet anymore, what is all of this?
King Viserys were speechless by it, he didn't even seen bothered by her got herself called Queen inside his Castle. Then Sybilla walked forward, followed by her guards and a man carrying a medium box in hands.
Sybilla bows kneeling before the King, and waited for his voice.
– Rise...Sybilla of House...Pevensie.
She obeyed the man, everyone at the background were muttering:– As you wish, your Grace.
– You...Are really what they've said?-his breathing is worse than ever.
– Yes, your Grace, I am a Pevensie, an only heir, yet I know that wasn't invited and We might not be seen welcomed... To the party.-she looks down on the floor seeing fresh blood, where is a Targaryen there's trouble, cliché. – King Viserys, first of his name and King of the Iron Throne, I would like to speak freely as I don't wish to waste your time, neither the time of your family nor guests.
– Continue...-he says weakly.
– Most of you all must been doubting of the veracity of my House name and if I am a real Pevensie, extinguished more than thousands of years ago, so to proof what is the truth.- she puts her necklance out and holds so everybody could see the round steel based silver jewellery, in a side was a symbol of a Pegasus, on the other the symbol of the Targaryen House, the Dragon with it's three heads.- Your Grace, shall I continue before it could be late?
Otto Hightower changes glaces over Alicent who seems lost, Lucerys were amazed by the jewelry.
– Please.. This opportunity is... A great delight.
– My house, indeed was destroyed and our first homeland also condemned by the doom, but the real doom was our ignorance and secretiveness, we used to known great things that we didn't shared with ours brethren, yet the time when we tried to share, the spirit of envy ruined it all almost provoking our last bloodshed, glad the gods were merciful and here I stand at full length and your grace.-she approaches her body to the throne but stopped.– I would like to share with you and your personal maester a medicine that could skin over your open wounds and give you furthermore month's or years living and...-Alicent bold enough to cut your mom speech asks.
– Viserys, do you believe what is she saying? Is it safe for you?-she pledge touching him.
Before your mom could continue Rhaenyra step in.
– Lady Sybilla, could you assure it, do you have any proofs?- "mom..."-Jace touches his mother's hand.- Just in case, you know?
Aegon in the same time he was bored he also finds interesting.
– Of course, princess Rhaenyra and... Consort Queen Alicent.-she tilts her head maneuvering for one of her servants near the doors using a cloak, not showing his identity until now, the man lowered it's hood revealing a deformation not only his appearance but also half of his whole arm, some fingers missing, but miraculously all of his body is now healed.
– My good Queen saved my life, your Grace.-the old bald man bows.– She saved my life so I could stay alive with my family and also, her realm most of all pregnancies succeed, blessed is their house name, she traveled all this way so she could help you, she thought she'd be welcomed.
Viserys couldn't bear what his ears were listening, with Daemon helps with Alicent by his side, all eyes following Viserys just during to stare at Sybilla.
– How much is for... This impossible miracle?-he asks our of breathe.
Sybilla smiles, Ser Otto thought all of this was false, nonsense, yet for now he's believing, someone new is coming to the game.
– At this matter, I would likely speak only by your family presence or if you'd like to go now and apply what I brought to you...-he replies quickly.
-Everybody out!- the guests leaves one by one grudgingly, the gossip would spread sooner or later.
Minutes of a dreadful silence.
– Please, Lady.. I mean, your Gra...
– Lady is fine, your Grace, I'm a foreigner in Westeros, you're the King.-she continues.– I beg you your grace for simple things, two of 'em, first... I'd like to restore our houses friendship, not only with the Targaryens but also with the Velaryon.-Sybilla looks at Rhaenys who is more than ever interested and Rhaela.– And offer you aid, I know about the conflict on Stepstones and the issue with Driftmark inheritor plus the problems with the fleets and it's ships, your Grace, I have men willing to fight, the war and troubles might not be my problem... I have not only an army, but I've enough money, I have spice trades, extract, food, fabrics which I'd like to share if our intimacy were to be restored.
– How come?-Daemon step in.
– M'sorry?- Sybilla stares at Daemon whose can't believe.
– How come you're doing all this? Why you left your homeland, do you intend take something of the King, what do...-Rhaenyra touches Daemon arms, Viserys also shussing him.
Sybilla sighs in awe.
– Sorry for my impetulance, I must be right on the goal, I mean... Target.-she pauses.– My price and pride is more than anything that I said before, yet again I must remind that I've talked about men willing to die, an army, but for what? Why Am I doing this? Because of my precious daughter.
Viserys eyes softness, Alicent worried face is now way more than interested, she eager for what may come now out of the Queen" Sybilla's mouth.
– Are your daughter in danger?- Haelena blurted, shyness overcome her again.
Sybilla denies with a soft smile.
– Not anymore, again, I don't have only weapons that men can use, not only white weapon but also a fire one.
– What do you mean by "A fire one"?- Rhaenys question.
For the gods forsaken will them stop interrupting her? Viserys is almost dying(literally) by curiosity.
– We've got a Dragon.–silent fills the air.– My daughter five years ago, at her ten-four years old found one and she claimed it, how? I don't even know how because as far as I know House Pevensie never married neither Targaryen nor Velaryons, so this is why I'm here today, because she begged me for years she pledged me and my dear husband to come to Westeros.
– Are you married? With whom?
– A Stark, that now uses Pevensie as his surname.
– Don't tell me he is...-Otto whispers, Aemond looked at his grandsire:"what?"
– Rickon Stark middle son, a year younger than Cregan Stark.–Daemon suggests slightly amazed, but he won't tell, Rhaenyra was out of breath, Sybilla Pevensie, an angel that came out of nowhere bringing good news, she must act quickly.
Damn it, Rhaenyra thought, she already betrothed Jace and Lucerys to the Velaryons, but what if she... She doesn't even know if you hand is already taken, gods be good it would be a no. However she's not the only one thinking about a brethotal marriage, Alicent since Sybilla mentioned a daughter thought it too, Aemond was free and Otto thinks the same when both of them for a millisecond changed stares.
– Indeed he's my husband.-Sybilla continues.-Before any more question, my mother made the Stark promises an oath, creating their own son a false death so no one would suspect of a marriage with some one unknown, but this is not the time to the my fairtale.
– Do you... Have an egg?-Viserys asks, your mom's face turned dark for a moment, yet were followed by a bright smile.
– Only my daughter could answer your question, your Grace.
–Well, I'd like to see her then and...As you said and I would like you to continue, tell me more about why you want to aid us, please everyone, pay respect to our guest and don't interrupt any longer.
– Thank you, your Grace.-Sybilla bows.– I'm here today because my daughter asked for it, she's nineteen years old and rides a huge Dragon.
Jace and Aesmond thought the same:" As if wer possible, Vhagar and Caraxes are the ones".
–[...] I'm afraid she could fall and hurt herself again, she's stubborn I dare to say, but is brave enough to ride a dragon with no proper supplies, though now she wears proper gloves and shoes, she'd also would like to learn more valyrian, at our castle we used to have a septa whose taught her, unfortunately eventually she passed by old age, it has been over a year, but there's more.
Rhaenyra and Alicent all by ears now, not only them but count with Jacaerys and Aemond interest, Rhaenys read Rhaenyra face, she would need one of her boys, the eldest at least.
– Go head.-Viserys awaits.
– She doesn't know, not completely, she knows that one day she'll marry, it's her duty to go ahead with my bloodline, years has passed and now is kind an urgency for me, though I would've liked she chooses by love, then I'd propose a...
– Betrothal marriage?
Aegon muttered under his breath: " geez, she's fucked up." Viserys firstborn son looks at his brother face and sees where his eyes is on, staring with a challenging look at Jacaerys who chooses to ignore him.
Sybilla waves positively her head, she won't say anymore, she's fat fattedup.
Rhaenyra sharply look exchanged Alicent, but both of them know, who you will supposedly marry it's your choice.
– And where is your daughter?- Viserys didn't care about the Betrothal insinuation, he wishes to see the dragon and it's rider.
– She's not used to be la...- A guttural roar near the Red Castle is now heard, an animalistic sound and the Lord Commander shut his eye:" Gods be good, I was a misconception."
Lucerys and Haelena ran towards the windows so they could see what was that, not only them, Jace and Aemond ran as well.
Rhaenyra whispered something to Daemon, Daemon just waved his head slightly in agreement and holds his brother, the King that was excited.
– Before we go, your Grace, I'd like to treat you first, mayharps the Queen and the Ser Harrold, plus Prince Daemon could help?-Sybilla suggest.
– Please, Lady Sybilla... I'd like to see your daughter's Dragon first, but I now you're right, would you like to dine with us?
– It's a honor, your Grace, I accept.
– Her daughter is also invited.-Alicent proposes.
– Undoubtedly, my wife.
You finally found a place that Emrys could stay near the castle, you go down cautiously out of your dragon who also help you by lowering his size.
– Thanks ma boy.- you fix the dress that you were using, you're not smelling bad, but unfortunately the lowers part of your dress is not as in a good state as it was.– Mom is gonna kill me.- you stand in front of one emrys eyes.– Is my hair messy? Please be honest.
The Dragon huffs which makes you step backwards, it was a yes, when you touched the back of your head and felt all of your braids dismantled, in a hurry you try to fix, but the only way was letting your hair free with its natural beauty.
You turn to see the voice owner, oh shit, it's a bloody beautiful boy.
Emrys lifts his head towards the boy, but before he could do anything you touch his scales.
–No, Emrys, Lykirī.-you whisper.
When you blinked, you were surrounded by teenagers, close age you guessed, but not only them, adults were coming too. Emrys is now calm and just stares at everyone, seeing if any of them would harm you.
– Fucking hell, that woman wasn't mad when she said her daughter have a huge dragon and...-Aegon was interrupted.
–Four legs!? FOUR?-Lucerys is blank.
Should you say something or just let them talk without thinking twice? You don't mind, yourself was lost when you saw the brunette as well he was infatuated with you, and then another young handsome white haired come at sight.
"Here just have handsome boys? Oh goods... My intention is not that! Stop thinking dumb brain!"
– Hm... Hello?-you wave in the air you hand stepping in so everybody could see your figure.– Yes, his name is Emrys and yes, he has four legs.-you try to sound extroverted, but you're shy, shy at first sight.
– Sorry for our lack of manners, princess ...?-Jace tries to approach you, but Emrys whiffs as a warning, you put your hand on his snout.
– Emrys.- you look with difficult at him due his lengthy.– My name is, (Y/n) Pevensie, don't need to call me a princess since I'm not at home, and yours is...? -you says in a sing songy accent.
– Jacaerys Velaryon, but you can call me Jace.
Emrys whiffs in warning again.
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Tag list: @chevelledahuman
If Emrys could speak, he would just say: "mind your own businesses, brat".
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
The Secret Revealed
➥ summary: Mash didn’t think anyone would find out his secret, too bad someone did
➥ a/n: someone once asked me to disclose where I’ve gotten all of my art from for my stories, as well as tag the artists. Sadly, all the pictures I use for my stories, or even the gifs I use come from either Google or Pinterest. Also, I just finished watching this anime so hopefully I got something correct . I appreciate the unwavering support you all have shown me so thank you for reading :)
➥ mashle magic and muscles / mash burnedead x reader
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On the outskirts of the majestic city of Evervale, nestled amidst the lush greenery, stood the prestigious Magic Academy, a school renowned for honing the magical abilities of young witches and wizards. Among its students was a young man named Mash Burnedead, who, despite coming from a long line of powerful sorcerers, found himself burdened with a dark secret.
On a bright morning, the school's training grounds were buzzing with students fervently practicing their magical arts. Mash was amidst the crowd, his brow furrowed in concentration as he attempted to conjure a simple levitation spell. But no matter how hard he tried, the faintest glimmer of magic eluded him, leaving him frustrated and disheartened.
As he practiced, a mysterious figure caught his eye. A girl with captivating eyes and a determined expression was making her way toward him. Mash recognized her as (Y/N), a fellow student he had often seen around the campus.
Feeling a knot forming in his stomach, Mash couldn't help but wonder what she wanted. He had always been a reserved and introverted young man, preferring to keep to himself and avoid unnecessary attention. The prospect of being confronted by someone, especially about his secret, sent his heart racing.
Approaching him, (Y/N) stopped a few paces away, her gaze locked onto his eyes, making him feel exposed and vulnerable. He tried to smile, but it came out more like a nervous twitch.
"You," she said, her voice carrying an unusual mix of curiosity and confidence, "I know your secret."
Mash felt the world around him momentarily freeze. His secret was something he had kept hidden from even his closest friends and family. Panic gripped his heart, and his mind raced through possible scenarios.
"W-What secret?" Mash stammered, his voice barely audible.
The girl's lips curved into a knowing smile, adding to Mash's anxiety. "Don't play innocent with me. I know you have no magic," she said, her tone unwavering.
His secret was out. It felt like the ground beneath him had disappeared, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty. How had she found out? Was she going to expose him to the entire school, ridiculing him for his inability to wield magic?
Feeling cornered, Mash tried to think of a way out. "I-I can explain," he stammered, his mind searching for the right words. "It's not what you think. I just... haven't unlocked my powers yet."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed by his explanation. "Really?" she retorted, her voice laced with skepticism. "You've been at this school for years, and you still haven't unlocked your magic? Come on, it's time to be honest with yourself."
Mash's shoulders slumped, defeated. The weight of his secret was crushing, and he felt a mix of shame and vulnerability. He had always felt like an outcast, trying desperately to fit in with the magical talents that surrounded him.
Before he could muster the courage to ask her what she intended to do with this newfound knowledge, (Y/N) surprised him with her response. "But I won't tell anyone," she said, her expression softening. "Your secret is safe with me."
Her words were like a lifeline, pulling him from the depths of his despair. Mash was taken aback by her unexpected kindness. He had prepared for the worst, but her understanding and assurance gave him a glimmer of hope.
"Why would you keep my secret?" he asked, unable to hide his astonishment.
(Y/N) gave him a small smile, her eyes full of empathy. "Because I believe that people should be defined by their character, not just their magical abilities. I see more in you than the absence of magic. Let's keep this between us, alright?"
Gratitude flooded Mash's heart, and he nodded earnestly. "Thank you," he whispered, overwhelmed by her generosity.
As she turned to leave, (Y/N) looked back at him one last time, her eyes filled with a newfound respect. "You're welcome," she replied. "But remember, secrets have a way of shaping us. It's up to you to embrace who you are, magic or not."
With those parting words, she walked away, leaving Mash to ponder the unexpected encounter. Little did he know that this chance meeting with (Y/N) would change the course of his life forever, leading him on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and the realization that true strength came from within, magic or no magic.
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jienem · 10 months
The Vizier's Diamond in the Rough
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In which you transmigrate in time into the past after you receive an enchantment wrist bangle. But the thing is, it was also the era where the notorious schemer ruled the kingdom by hypnotizing the Sultan.
Warning: gn reader. Pharaoh's concubine reference but Aladdin setting (younger jafar and the sultan) Head taller Jamil. Different story plot soon after.
(Really recommend Pharaoh's concubine.)
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The wrist bangle was given to you by your brother as a gift. Your birthday was several days ahead, yet that didn't stop him from giving it to you early. Despite living in another country for work, he always makes sure to have time with you.
You opened it on the day of your birthday and carefully unwrapped the delicate ribbon under your hands. To your utter astonishment, your brother gifted you the most sought-after jewelry that was worth thousands at auction. You were perplexed by the precious gift your brother had given you and didn't know what to do. Your were greatful yet at the time, it felt overwhelming to receive it. You called your brother and was relief when he pick up after quite sometime.
"Happy birthday, dear sister. What brings your attention to call me? Shouldn't you be enjoying the time of your birthday?" You knew by the sound of his voice that he exactly knew why you called. "Oh, did you open mine? If so, was the jewelry to your liking?" he continued.
For a moment, you felt like you lived a millionaire's life despite being a middle-class citizen and a student at that.
"The jewelry was exquisite, it puts me beyond words for how much of an invaluable gift you have given me, dear brother. Not! How many times do I have to tell you I don't need expensive stuff." You huff as you admire the bangle snake design in hand despite your defiance short ago. It had diamonds on the side, and you didn't question their worth; what caught you more was the ruby that lay as the eyes of the golden snake.
In the middle of conversation, you place the dangle on your wrist, and to your surprise and horror, it glows brightly, making you turn your head away. Your wrist felt warmer, and even your closed eyes didn't help the brightness that surrounded you, and you blackened.
You woke up to the sensation of someone's hand shaking you. You didn't realize you were sleeping until someone who was unknown to you kept calling you. From your blurry eyes, you notice a woman with an unusual outfit, speaking a language that you knew you couldn't understand, but you did. Confused, you tried to speak, but the rasp in your voice stopped you. The lady brought out a glass of water and gave it to you. You mouthed a thank you and gulped down the remnants of the water.
"Young lady, what are you doing in the middle of the dessert?"
"I was?" You didn't know, the last memory you remember was your room. So how?
"Yes, I had help with a young man who was a gentleman who carried you here. He was quite a handsome man, young lady." You frowned and ignored her last words in favor of worrying for your brother, who was on the call when it happened. Has it already been a few days? Weeks?
"Can I ask, where am I?"
"You can. We are in the Kingdom of Agrabah, and Oh! My Apologies! Would you be alright if I leave you here whilst I work in the palace? You can stay here for as long as you wish." For a moment, you felt your world drop as she uttered her words and momentarily had a dilemma. You didn't know what to do; after all, how did you appear here?
Your eyes fell onto your wrist, and you saw you were still wearing the dangle. Remembering it shone before it took you here, you tried to take it off but to no avail. Taking one last look at the culprit, you turn your head towards her and remember you still haven't answered.
"Oh no, no, I couldn't do that. Let me join you, please. I could help you in some way, er-do you mind?" The kingdom existed hundreds of years ago and only made it into the history books. You couldn't stay at her abode for fear of potential danger because this town was filled with thieves according to history, and you also didn't want to stay longer than you should have. You also wanted to know someone in this era to help you adjust to this place for some time. With that in mind, you were determined to accompany her.
"I don't mind, but you should rest and stay the night. Tomorrow you can help, but for now, rest for all you need."
You sigh in relief, despite having to stay for the night, it was enough for you. You nodded before she left the room, and your expression dropped soon after she left. You looked out the window beside you with different emotions. Whatever shall you do?
The next day, entering the palace was an easy feat. Some guards didn't bat an eye as the two of you passed, and soon enough you were led to the kitchen, where people were tirelessly working. The workers were in sync as they passed the plates to each other while they moved side by side. You were confused as to what to do before the lady who accompanied you motioned for you to get closer and whispered something in your ear before tilting her head in another direction. You recognized the stack of white linens, and you knew you had to wash them judging from the stains that were hiding beneath.
She muttered a thank you and went along with her chores, as did you. It was quite heavier than it looks, yet you didn't give up and continued. You were glad the corridor leading to another side didn't have people passing by, but you wondered if you moved on the right way. You forgot to ask the lady, but you were too afraid to head back now. With a downcast expression, you didn't realize you bumped into someone until you took a step back from the force and almost fell down.
You quickly muttered an apology and moved to the side to get a clearer view. Your heart drops as you notice the garments that are often mentioned in the history of a certain royal vizier. Black clothing with a red cape, the snake design staff with red rubies, and black hair—you felt stupid for not thinking he couldn't appear before you.
Jamil Viper is the vizier of the kingdom of Agrabah and the right-hand man of Kalim al-Asim, the current sultan.
He brushes the dust off his shoulder, and much to your dismay, you had to crane your neck upward just to see his face as your height reaches just below his shoulder. He wore a neutral expression as his eyes fell over your form, and you felt uneasy under his stare. His silence was intimidating.
"If you were assigned to washing, the area was on another building."
"O-oh, I see. Thank you and my apologies."
You were honestly surprised and grateful at his advice, but you sensed something was wrong when he still didn't move and continued staring at you. You tried to call out for him, but he nodded at something before continuing on his stride, making you confused over his actions. For the few seconds he stared at you, you felt a faint sense of fuzziness, but it was gone the minute he walked away. You knew it was still in effect, but it was less than before and disappeared completely when he was nowhere to be seen. Did he try his sorcery?
Your eyes fell onto your wrist and saw the glow in its ruby. Without a second thought, you lifted your arm and tried to lay it under the sun for a clearer view, wondering what lies it beholds, ignoring what happened a few seconds earlier. A hand shot out and grasped your forearm, causing you to flinch back in shock. The hand was firm in their hold as they moved it to the side of their face. Jamil Viper, in all glory, stood before you as he assessed the dangle; his eyes were a glowing shade of red.
"Where did you get this?" His voice was low as he muttered his question, still looking at the dangle. You were alarm as he came out of nowhere, the white linens laid forgotten as you tried to move away but was unsuccessful.
"I-" Your words betray you, as you were under his hold. His eyes flicker towards you, and he grasps your forearm tighter and moves it closer.
"Let go!" You pulled your arm away, glaring at him while the force pulled you back. The familiar light shone from your wrist, and his expression flickered with anxiety, anger, and frustration.
Your vision turns black again, but this time you stay awake for a few minutes before passing out on the ground as soon as you notice you made it back home.
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@luciel1 @fluffle-bean @growingupnrealizing @worldussysblog @daruderuyoo @lucid-stories @ykiqlvr @savanaclaw1996 @yo4sblog @rosedasy @springdrop-701 @qmabailor @monoeve
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
I’m not looking for any specific fics, but Season 2, for some reason, has me itching for Really Rich Aziraphale and Escort!Crowley. Maybe Businessman!Aziraphale??
You can check our #sugar daddy au and #sex worker crowley tags for fics you'll enjoy. Here are more in which Aziraphale is a man of means...
The Hand That Feeds You by saretton & TawnyOwl95 (E)
1950s. When Dr Fell takes on queer sex worker Anthony Crowley to help with his illicit research on the physiological aspects of homosexuality, neither of them had imagined that things were about to get so personal. The things one does for science.
Prince and a Prostitute are so titled when chained together by Augenblickgotter (E)
Crowley is a smart streetwise and very attractive prostitute that had been working his trade in the commune of Tadfield. Life took a sharp turn for his line work and is even harder now that his chained in a dungeon with injuries. A naïve young high class man enter his life and may or may not be the key to escape, even if they can't seem to stand each other. Initially.
Love For Sale by ranguvar82 (E)
Baron Aziraphale Fell has no time nor inclination to form any sort of relationship. He simply wants sex. To that end, he routinely hires a monthly companion. This way, there's no strings, no feelings, and no problems. This routine has served him well. But then Madam Tracy, the owner of the brothel he frequents the most, sells him Anthony Crowley, and the Baron can't help but be fascinated by the fiery redhead. Anthony is a Rose, a highly trained and skilled escort. He knows just how to behave, how to be Baron Fell's perfect companion and lover. He just wishes he knew what to do about the fact that his heart races every time Baron Fell smiles at him. A tale of love for sale, love for rent, and how even the most jaded can still fall.
what i call life (what would you do?) by Vagabond (E)
Crowley lives a life of indentured servitude to Lucifer, a man who runs an escort and companion service. His life is one client after another, until a man named Aziraphale Fell hires him to be a companion at a sibling's wedding. Crowley had no idea that this chance encounter would put him on a path to freedom, and, just maybe, to finding love.
The Prince's Consort by IneffableToreshi (E)
Anthony Crowley has spent the majority of his life in Lucian's brothel, being specially trained and kept 'pure' for his eventual master. When he is finally purchased - despite Lucian's true wishes - he finds his world being very dramatically turned on its head. Not only has he been purchased for the man who will be the most powerful in the kingdom, but he also, unexpected, finds himself falling head over heels in love.
Temple of the Muses by AJ_Constantine (E)
It’s the start of the Season in 1841 Victorian England. Mr Anthony Crowley has left a life of working at a luxurious high end bordello in Paris behind him and is now a courtesan intent on climbing the social ladder in London to increase his status and social connections. After unexpectedly inheriting the title of the Earl of Eastgate, Aziraphale finds himself trying to navigate the complicated world of the aristocracy. Duke Gabriel purchases a month-long contract with Mr Crowley for Lord Fell as a surprise gift to Aziraphale’s astonishment and dismay. He declines to take full advantage of Crowley’s charms but agrees to an arrangement of pretending to be Crowley’s paramour in exchange for lessons on the etiquette and expectations of Society. It’s a practical arrangement, nothing more. Certainly no feelings will be involved...
- Mod D
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fishsticksloser · 10 months
hii so this is kinda like. self indulgent 😭 but could you write platonic spiderverse headcanons w a gn spider-reader who’s 12?(got bitten at around 9-10)
hopefully that’s ok, if not it’s fine tho sorry 😭😭
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Spiderverse + gn!reader
Warnings: slight angst, platonic fluff, pretty short
A/N: I'm so tired. I wish I could sleep... We don't need sleep... We only need Astarion... Also before you all yell at me... Noir was bitten at 16 in the comics and says he's been spiderman for 3 years in ItSV meaning he's 19 then 20/21 in AtSV. Same with Hobie, bitten at 16 and says he's been spiderman for 3 years making him 19-20
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He was only 14 when he was bitten
So he's very understanding and wants to help in any way he can
He's thankful he had Peter to help him learn how to be Spider-Man
He can't imagine being 9/10 and doing it alone
Miles has had a fair share of difficult times
But being so young and going through that
Terrifying to him
He will beg his parents to adopt you
A lot like Miles
He cares so much
He's such a good listener too
And he wants to do everything he can to make your job easier
He was bitten at 14/15, so he's fairly knowledgeable on how hard this is
So never once has he yelled at you for how you performed
Pav spends a lot of time with you
He thinks you're so amazing and he tells you that every time he sees you
He might be your number one fan... Might there might be someone who has him beat
She was bitten at 12/13
So the fact that you've already been spiderman for a few years just...
Breaks her heart
It was hard enough at the age she was bitten
She can't imagine having that pressure, those powers
And still be in elementary school
She decides to help you
Not just learn how to use your powers (cause you've been doing it for 2-3 years at this point)
But she decides to be your confidant
She wants you to come to her if you need help or guidance
He will adopt you
In a heartbeat, are you kidding?
Did you see how quickly he basically adopted Peni?
Yeah... he basically adopted a 14 year old while he was 19
But being so close to Peni, he understood the termoil she went through after she was bitten at 8
This man will fight for you
Tooth and nail
Especially since the spider goddess won't let him die...
He will do whatever it takes to protect and empower you
#1 dad young dad
I said someone might have Pav beat for your number one fan...
And this man here might have him beat
He's a punk
Are you kidding?
He is astonished by you
He had his own problems being 16 and a crime fighting rockstar in his universe
But you...
You were just a "wee thing"
He is your biggest fan
Constantly encouraging you to do better
Be better
Be amazing
He is definitely upset that you had so much on your shoulders so young
He wishes he could go back and take it so you could be a kid
As if anyone could be more upset by what has happened to you
Losing his daughter at such a young age
He was outraged that you were put under this
He makes you a little escape at HQ
He absolutely builds forts with you
Whatever you want
He just wants to make you happy
You didn't deserve this
Really none of them did, but at 9/10?
You never got to experience what it was like to be a normal kid
Dad #2 on this list
Peter adopts you instantly, on sight
He's 100% 'kidnapping' you
He treats you like his own kid
You wanna spend the night at his?
He doesn't even have to ask MJ cause she'll agree
Smores, popcorn, Kool aid, you name it he'll get it
He wants you to experience real kid things without all the pressure
Cause you don't deserve that
You shouldn't have had to go through that
And he plans to make you feel loved and appreciated every day of his life
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jaehyunssi · 2 years
Teacher’s Pet ㅡ S.Jn
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college romance ㅡ professor!johnny x college student!reader ㅡ age distance! prohibited relationship! warning: act of cheating - professor to student relationship
Summary: An academically committed student is what you’re trying to achieve, but what you don’t know is that Johnny finds it hard to resist an academically committed student like you.
You smile as the whole class applauded. Just one word from the professor as his approval to your presentation can make the whole class agree even though you know some of them don’t like you.
You put your cheat paper down, bowing as you turn back to your seat. There’s no doubt that you felt proud of what you’ve done since you’re working hard on it. Oh well, reading 15 journals and spending three nights without sleeping properly had never felt better until now since you know you got your A grade secured. As a college student, this semester is the most important times for you to be the teacher’s pet.
Of course there are days where you felt unmotivated, desperate, even. But imagining yourself carrying the degree proudly as the people around you can cry about it lit your body to work even harder whatever it takes.
“You were fucking insane, you know that?”
Yuri smiles in disbelief as you take your sit next to her. You lift your shoulders, acting as if you didn’t stress a lot to work on that presentation for the past week. “Maybe I really am a genius.”
The woman hits your shoulder. “Oh, go to hell. Do you even see Mr. Suh’s face? I bet he’d drool if he didn’t force shut his mouth the whole time.”
You laugh the situation off, feeling relieved that it’s not only you who thought that you did a great job but also your one and only best friend… and Mr. Suh, of course.
Mr. Suh, well, how do you even start to describe him? The first time he ever teached your class is on this semester, actually taking the previous professor because that one is taking another degree for his name. Mr. Suh himself has always been famous ever since the first day he got into your university. You can’t really blame anyone about itㅡthe man is hella gorgeous. You’re not even sure how he’s a ‘professor’ when he’s that young and looks that good. But here he is, standing at the front of the classroom, teachingㅡwell, now looking at you with a smile on his face.
Proud much, Sir?
“Well, that concludes for today, isn’t it?”
Mr. Suh shuts the projector off as the student putting their books inside their bag. As with you, you didn’t bring much at the first place.
“Further questions can be asked next week since I don’t really have much time left.” He rolls up his sleeve, checking the time on the watch sitting beneath. “You can all leave, pleasant evening.”
As the student walks to the front door, Mr. Suh’s paying attention to each one of them. Some of them said thank you, some of them are too busy to talk since they have another credit they have to work on, and one of them, which is the one he awaits for, is talking to her best friend.
“(Y/n).” He calls your name when you’re just two steps away from leaving the room. You looked at him, noticing the man smiles as he release himself from leaning on the wall to walk to where you stood. “Do you have five minutes?”
You’re just as confused as Yuri, but she signs you with her finger that she’ll be waiting outside.
“Yeah, sure, Sir.”
As Mr. Suh’s waits for the rest of the students to exits themselves from the room, he rolls up his sleeve on the other side. “You did a really great job earlier.” He folds his arms that are full of veins, god, this is distracting you so bad.
“It’s my task, Sir.”
“I know. But it was hard for me to not praise you.”
You only laugh awkwardly as you see the man puts his hands inside the pockets of his trousers. There is something with this professor and his words that made your heart felt like it stopped beating for a moment. If this is the reason why he’s well known between the students, you can’t really blame on them.
Both you and the professor heard the vibration sound that you believe are from one of his pockets. You look at him as he lifts up his phone, trying to see the person who’s interrupting his short conversation with one of his brightest student.
“Excuse me for a moment, okay?” He signs with his finger, one minute. You nod as you see him leaving you by yourself on that big classroom. The man’s back covered with the sheerest color of white makes his skin pleasingly visible to you. But when he walks outside, he stopped by the edge of the door, turning his head again to your direction.
“Don’t run away from me.” He told you with a faint smile.
You wanted to say okay, but the guy closed the door already. Now that you know that you’re alone, you inhale the longest breath that year. Touching your chest as you feel your heart beats so fast for a reason you don’t want to admit. This felt wrong, is wrong, even.
The wide space that classroom provides makes it awkward for you to stand alone there, so you took a seat. Your mind is full of questions that you can’t answer, such as, why did he want to talk to me? or what does he want from me? even the silliest question like does he want me to teach the class?
You shake your head. Whatever it is, it’s probably not that important for you to stress about.
“Hey.” He walks inside with his hand putting the phone back to where it was. “I hope you’re not waiting too long for that.”
You smile at him, can’t wait for him to finish whatever business he has on his mind with you since you can’t look at him longer with clean thoughts.
“Tired already?” He asks as he comes closer to you. You’re not really sure of why that question popped, but you assume it’s because you’re sitting.
“A lot of credits today.”
“Ah, right. So, should I talk about it now?”
Your eyes traces the man who’s now walking right beside you, dragging the chair at it squeaks. He sits just right beside you as he puts both of his elbows on his knees, shortening the distance between your face and him.
“I want to see more of you.”
He smiled. “Not really sure also. But you excite me, and I’m trying to figure out why.”
Is this really fucking happening right now?
The sentence that he declared was not a lie. Mr. Suh does wants to see you often, he wants to know what it was from you that made him looked at you for the longest time earlier. “Can I?” He asks softly as he gives his right hand to you.
You can feel your breath shortening, can you even give him the answer he doesn’t want to hear when he looks at you like that? Asking a permission as if you’re going to deny him?
You put your hand on his, trying to see him right on his eyes. “Sure…”
He holds your hand, thumb stroking the back of your hand so softly that it made you feel like you can explode right there and right now.
It’s not really your fault. The man is drop dead handsome, vigorously captivating by having the body of the man everyone dreamt of.
You can see his smile growing, but not wide enough to show that he’s happyㅡmore of a proud smile because he got your permission.
“Then I have to prepare to see more of you.”
You sit on your bed as you lean on the wall, eyes not focusing on anything because your mind is asking too many questions. That did not just happened, you say to yourself. You can’t even believe that you gave him your number. What would the man do anyway? Should a professor text his own student, even when that professor is hot? Should this be happening between a man that is years older than you and you?
As your bedroom filled with nothing but silence, you can hear your phone ringing on the other side of the bed. Yuri’s name popped up at the screen, making you realize that you didn’t even meet her right after she left you alone with Mr. Suh.
“Dude, you’re taking too long earlier. I can’t leave the bus just to wait for your quick tutor with Mr. Hottie.”
You bit your own nail. “Yeah, about that.”
“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re getting an A+ secretly.”
“Well, I don’t know about that…”
On the other side, Yuri can feel there’s something bugging you by your hesitation. “Wait. What happened?”
You shut your eyes, contemplating inside your head if you should tell her or not. At one thought, everything could go wrong by that information. But on the other thought, Yuri is your best friendㅡshe would care, she would understand, and moreover, she would help you.
You told her everything that happened that evening on the classroom while you’re with Mr. Suh. From the first second you’re alone with him until the last part where he said goodbye to you as he waits for you to leave first. Telling it felt wrong, telling it felt like you just confessed a sin to a priest, but you’re glad that you finally let the thoughts out from your mind.
“… and I really don’t know what to do now.”
With your final sentence from telling the chronology, you play with your own lips, waiting for your best friend to give a response.
But nothing can be heard from the other side.
“Fuck, (y/n)? You’re telling me that he seduced you like that? Do you even know that he got a wife living inside his house?” Yuri shouts at you as you close your eyes. Yes, this is the realization that you have to go through once more.
“Shit. I need to hit you with a hammer now.”
You shake your head. “You know what, just do it. Fuck. I don’t even know why I said yes.”
Yuri sighed, didn’t believe any single word that she just heard from her own friend. “Come on. The Mr. Johnny Suh? I know everyone wants him but not like this.”
“I know. I know… Yuri, please…”
“God gave me the biggest test and it’s you. Okay, you know what? I’m not supporting this at all, let me just tell you that.”
“Sure. Sure you won’t, and it’s only normal like that.”
For once again, Yuri gave you a sigh to hear, longer, this time. “But, still. You’re my friend, (y/n).”
You smiled bitterly. Yuri has always been a good friend and you know she won’t leave you just because of what happened between you and Mr. Suh. As the conversation goes, Yuri told you that even at your worst self, she would be there if you needed help. She’s not the biggest fan of what you did, but she knows that you got no one but her here.
And now you have to realize that you’re dealing with Johnny, Johnny Suh. The hellgate you decide to enter.
[Unknown number: Good morning.]
You looked at your phone screen, even with that simple text, you know that that’s the man you’ve been shitting yourself on. You turn your head, looking from left to right, making sure that the students sitting around you is not looking at you. Also, the man chose the wrong time to text you. Come on, during class? He should’ve known that he seduced a fucking college student.
[Unknown number: I don’t have enough sleep last night because I’ve been thinking.] [You: Good morning, Sir. What exactly are your thoughts?] [Unknown number: Well, you.]
You gawked. This man is not the one you should mess with.
[You: I don’t think there’s anything to think about except the fact that you’re building another relationship inside your marriage, Sir.] [Unknown number: Okay. First of all, can you quit the ‘Sir’? And just call me Johnny, or whatever you feel comfortable.] [You: I can’t. You’re my professor.] [Unknown number: I can be more than just that.]
You roll your eyes. It felt like no matter how much you tried, Mr. Suh always find his ways to turn your words.
[Unknown number: And I want you to let me know you better than a professor know his own student. [Unknown number: Only if you let me.] [You: And if I’m letting you, then what?] [Unknown number: Then I’ll be anything you want me to be.]
Yuri choked on her own sandwich when you showed him your text with Mr. Suh. She hits her own chest, not wanting to die because over a seductive text between Johnny and you.
“What the fuck? Then tell him to be a loyal man to his wife.”
“Yuri…” You gaver her the box of kleenex placed on the cafeteria’s table. You know her words don’t only meant for Johnny but also for you. “My head is really empty right now.”
You can hear Yuri grunts as she chews on her food. “You know what? Maybe think about the seminar you’re going to talk on in two days rather than talking with that hot-but-already-married-man.”
Just a month ago, one of the college students invite you to talk at their own seminar about a certain topic you’ve been working on your journal. She told you that her colleagues are all interested on the topic you present and really hoping that you’ll spend a fifteen minute talk show on their seminar to talk about it. It’s just as surprising as it is to you, but you’re not the type of person who wastes on an opportunity. Silly how Yuri is the one who reminds you on that when it’s only a month ago you couldn’t stop worrying about it.
“Shit. Right, fuckㅡI totally forgot about that.” You hit your head, can’t believe that you haven’t even prepared the talking points, not to mention that you only got less than 48 hours left to both write and learn.
“I signed and paid for that fucking boring thing. Don’t embarrass me.”
This is exactly why you need Yuri. To remind you on your own goal everytime you found something more captivating than it. No, it won’t take an older and drop dead sex-bomb man to take you attention away and that’s what you stand by.
“…And that’s why aesthetic objects are life-affirming, meaningful and constructive.” You smiled at your last sentence. There’s a clap, two claps, and finally the whole participants clap at your words. You still can’t believe you’ll find a situation like this in your life, but this is what hard working has been giving you. Appreciation, just like what you always needed.
As you walked down the stage, you can see Yuri lifting both of her thumbs up to you. You laughed a little, still feeling a little nervous after giving a whole fifteen minutes talk in front of hundreds of people. You forgot the euphoria if being all praised and complimented like this, being the one that is talked about, being the person who’s so bright that you got invited in a seminar you don’t even know. This is the thing you should’ve been worrying about ever since you walked inside that university of yours. Being the best, the brightest, the wanted student.
While the staff on the backstage is now helping you removing the microphone wire that is still attached to your clothes, since it would bug you to carry a heavy microphone on your hand, you hear her compliments as if you didn’t have enough already.
“You did a really great job, Miss.” One of the staffs compliments you.
You shake your head. “Oh, that was nothing.”
“You even got a whole fan sending you things.”
You quickly stop your movement. “A what now?” As much as you wanted an explanation, the staff is just as surprised as you are.
“… You didn’t know?”
When the woman finished removing the annoying wire from your dress, she walks with you towards the outside of the venue.
Yet what’s sitting there at the center of the holding room felt unbelievable.
You put both of your hand on your mouth, not wanting to let the woman know that you can’t shut your mouth from how big the flower bouquet is. You’re not even sure if you can call that a bouquet since it’s as big as you. There are roses, different kinds of them: Grandiflora, Polyantha, Floribunda, even the miniature ones. That’s a lot, that’s a lot.
“This arrived this morning…” She points the large bouquet.
You looked at her, standing right beside you as you realize she’s also looking at the flowers in disbelief. “Thank you… for telling me.” You thanked her as she left you alone out there. There’s only one name that shows up on your head and you know for sure Yuri won’t give you things as extra as this one. You look on your surroundings, making sure no one is near you.
Then you grab your phone, immediately asking the obvious.
[You: Sir… this flowers] [Unknown number: Congratulations on your first talk, beautiful.] [You: This is too much.] [Unknown number: Looks like I have to teach you better ways to express gratitude.] [You: This is so fucked up. What if anyone knows?] [Unknown number: I’m the one to make sure about that.] [You: Sir…] [Unknown number: Should I remind you again?] [You: Okay, Johnny. Thank you, but this is too dangerous for us.] [Unknown number: Then tell me what to do with you, (y/n). It’s killing me to not to talk to you, or see you.] [You: Just how much do you want me to be there with you now?] [Unknown number: Okay, that’s it. You know what? I’m on my way there and you’re not running away.]
You shut your eyes, regretting of what words you just let your fingers typed. Now, you’re officially entering the hellgate.
a/n: i know i promised for a part two, but for the past months my life hasn’t been easy and i decided to discontinue this story </3 I’m really, really, really sorry…
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