#and I can do all the research I want (I suck at in-depth research)
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Christmas in Mount Justice
cartoon version of Young Justice, written instead of sleeping and I'll be honest, I kinda run out of steam at the end, but it'd take me until next year if I didn't push through, so here it is, and hopefully it's not quite visible where I started pushing through it, I hope you'll enjoy
words: 4633
“Since, hopefully, this is the last time we're seeing each other before Christmas–” Black Canary announced, stretching after finished training“ I wish you all merry and healthy and boring Christmas” she finished with a wide warm smile. Danny barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. This goddamn worst time of the year. He checked once more if his mental shields were up. According to M'gann, ghosts were really loud on mind reading wavelengths so he needed to keep them up most of the time. He wasn't an asshole to drown his friend in absolute hatred of Christmas.
“You too Black Canary!” Wally yelled, running like the earth was burning to get cookies M'gann baked “By the way, what are your plans?” he asked upon his return.
Did they really have to keep talking about it? Danny was half considering just dropping through the floor to escape this conversation but chose against it because he really didn't want to answer all the questions it would cause or hear a ‘you can't deal with all unwanted conversations by escaping them’ lecture again any time soon. He could and he would, the Freakshow incident was just one way to prove it.
“B and I have to attend some stuffy rich people party” Robin said with clear displeasure “I still need to plan what mess to stir there. Chandeliers swinging are banned and so is arson so I have to get creative.”
“You actually set something on fire?! That's sick as hell!” the speedster's enthusiasm didn't waver as he threw a few cookies at Danny. It was nice that someone remembered about Danny's slightly enhanced metabolism. They (both Young Justice and Amity squad) still didn't understand it completely but the working hypothesis was that he needed to eat more to make up for ectoplasm he couldn't consume in quantities big enough for his ghost side since it was poisonous to humans and he had to dose it carefully. Being a halfa was rough like that some(most)times.
“Well, lighter is easy to sneak inside–” Robin explained and honestly Danny never expected to hear Gotham’s feared vigilante go over logistics of arson but he guessed it was his life now, he could use this info to do something about at least one Christmas tree in Amity or share it with Sam. She mentioned some upcoming rich people party too”–and amount of alcohol there is astonishing, really you'd think that people would try to stay sober on event like that but apparently–”
“I'm having dinner with my mom and some family friends–” Artemis interrupted “Can't wait spend God knows how many hours with all of them talking over each other and asking awkward questions” she tried to sound displeased but there was no way she could hide her fondness and wasn't that a wild thing to see. Seriously, he almost choked on a cookie. In theory Danny knew some people genuinely liked Christmes but–
Just like that? Just happy to–
Yeah, he knew but couldn't quite comprehend. Sam was exactly like that, found but trying to seem annoyed to keep up with her goth persona. Tucker was way more open about his delight.
For Danny Christmas was only too loud because everyone was singing badly and too bright because of lights and too stuffy and there was this damned argument about Santa and yelling and fe–
“Oh, me too! We also planned a movie night with Central Rogues, this time it's Cold’s turn. I wish he won't pick Die Hard again…”
Well, Danny guessed movie night with Rogues, that clearly meant an off evening since they wouldn't try to stir things up while watching the movie, sounded like a really nice idea. Personally he would do without people who try to turn him into a pulp every other day but apparently things worked differently in Central.
“King Orin wanted to introduce me to some surface celebrations as well,” Kaldur said with a warm smile and halfa forcefully stopped himself from giving their leader a weird look. Even him?! Betrayal, absolute betrayal!
“Well, I don't really celebrate so I'm staying here, maybe training a bit, I'm not sure yet,” M'gann announced shyly and it took all his willpower to not hug her for being the only sensible person in the room.
“Yeah, I'm staying too. Apparently I'm not invited to family gatherings” Conner added bitterly.
“Honestly your not missing much,” Danny muttered “It's just perfectly prepared and measured argument breeding space, believe me”
Wally tried to protest but one pointed glare and it dissolved through power of ‘don't make Conner feel about it any worse than he already does’. Danny felt a little guilty for using it to sooth his own hatred towards Christmas but not too much. He really wanted to reassure his friend and ways he went about it were no one else's business.
“And what are your plans, Danny?” M'gann asked gently after he didn't continue. He really wished he didn't have to answer but keeping his emotions hidden meant nobody could see that something was up and say ‘you don't have to tell if you don't want to’ or other shit like that.
“Not sure yet. I think I will crash with you here honestly. If we believe this magic book we found, there is a Christmas truce in Zone, so there shouldn't be any ghost attacks and your company is always great,” he smiled sincerely.
“Wouldn't your parents ask questions if you just skipped Christmas, though?” Wally asked a bit cautiously but Danny waved his concern off with a vague ��eh’ sound.
“Will you show us some Christmas traditions then? As a part of ‘earthly traditions’ course?” M'gann's eyes almost shone with excitement and Conner looked hopeful and it made him feel conflicted. The whole point of crashing in Mount Justice with two aliens was to not touch anything Christmas related with thirty feet long stick but alas M'gann asked nicely and was pretty. These were two big ideals fighting inside of him then and there while he tried to keep his face and outer mind blank enough to not bring any suspicion.
Betrayal to second, no third, power! He wanted to escape this hell of an experience!
But well, he could shape the experience in a way that's the least painful and M'gann and Conner were really great friends…
He couldn't quite match her enthusiastic grin or even Conner’s bit smaller one.
He was going to regret it, wouldn't he?
“Guys, I messed up so bad…” Danny whined, curling on Sam's enormous bed covered in fluffy blankets and nice pillows.
“What did you do this time?” girl asked with a smirk. Halfa was sometimes mad how well his friends knew him and didn't take his dramatics as seriously as he would like to.
“I wanted to have a sleepover at Team's HQ during Christmas, you know, to escape it. Only ones who will stay are Miss Martian and Superboy, aliens, so I thought it's a good idea. And then they asked me to show them ‘earthly Christmas traditions’ and I AGREED!” he yelled, his hands flying dramatically at the confession.
His friends, little traitors they were, just laughed.
He came to get some help, advice on either doing this introduction well because Danny Fenton was known for a lot of things but half-assing projects he agreed to do wasn't one of them (homework was obligatory without his consents ergo didn't count) or gracefully getting away from mess his idiocy brought onto him, not to be laughed at! He had enough of it at other times.
Though they got to work when they calmed down, making Danny revisit the idea of not talking to them ever again and throwing it out of the window.
“Alright,” Tucker started, preparing his note and planner apps before continuing “what do you want to show them? Gingerbread house?”
“Of course” Danny huffed because as much as he hated Christmas and its traditions, gingerbread house was decent one. Making one at Tucker's place three years ago when he had been introduced to the idea was one of his best memories related to the holiday. Even though it was cut short by trip to the ER because dumbass little Danny had wanted a little gingerbread man he set aside and he had eaten him still all fresh and 350°F hot and got severe burns in his mouth and throat because apparently his instinctual response to burning in his mouth was to swallow instead of to spit.
“Gifts.” Sam raised in a way that meant she was not taking any complaints and Danny didn't really want to argue. His track record with gifts from his parents wasn't too good ever since he had a brief just-like-dad phase and they didn't realize it ended after a month but other people knew how to fix it. The Voyager Lego set he got from Sam the year before still made him smile when his eyes landed on it.
Tucker noted it down. “What else? Christmas tree?”
Danny winced but nodded. He wasn't too fond of it but it was too big to miss it.
“Ugly sweaters?”
“Superboy would actually develop laser vision if I tried it”
“Movie marathon? I can lend you some DvDs”
“Yeah, it's probably a good idea. Kid Flash mentioned it too.”
“Santa Claus?” Sam asked with a smirk and Danny threw a pillow at her.
“Who is Santa Claus? I never heard of him, must be a Rhode Island thing” he answered with a straight face, not knowing how many times he will have to repeat it.
Phantom: hey guys!
Phantom: want a Crisscross Christmas
Phantom: ?
Artemis: The what?
Phantom: oh, you know
Phantom: this thing were we draw aech othres names anf have to buy a gift
Kid Flash: you mena Secret Santa
Kid Flash: ???
Phantom: never heard of that
Phantom: thats a wierd naem
Phantom: but if rules match, call it whatever yoyu wnat
Aqualad: I like this idea
Robin: GIft drop-off on 27th is okay for everyone?
7 people liked this message
Robin: i take that for yes. 50$ budget?
Kid Flash: Robin, Rob, Bob, my best pal. I have 5$ and single slice of bubblegum to my name rn
Kid Flash: No, actually no bubblegum anymore
Kid Flash: 10$ is top I could spend
Phantom: Same
Artemis: Same
Aqualad: Me too
Miss Martian: I'm not sure if me and Superboy have any money, actually
Phantom: See Rob?
Phantom: just be a good samamritanina and give them 10$ instead og flaunting batmans money
"Important question. How do one pick a present?"
"You know, it's good if it's something personal, either in a way that it's something they want or need, a gag gift that'd be funny for both of you, or just something that made you think of them"
"Yeah, yeah, I read the mom blogs, none of this actually helps, what am I supposed to get for Artemis?!"
"Alright, so. I have a list of things I think you need to learn about Christmas. We're kinda late to the party, so I cut off some stuff because there is no way we would make it in time."
"Sounds about right, what do we start with?"
"Most classic of classics, the Christmas tree, Batman already greenlit it, so it's waiting outside"
"So, Christmas tree is evergreen plant, conifer, sometimes only branch or synthetically made model, that, if living, is cut down from Christmas tree nursery, and then put inside the house, usually in the living room or other space that is considered repre-"
"Danny, we live in society, we have basic knowledge on American traditions that is literally everywhere. We don't need it to be spoon fed to us in a voice more robotic way than Red Tornado, literal robot"
"What?! I'm not wrong"
"Sorry. Let's get to decorating then?"
"If you want to ramble, we'd be more than happy to listen. It's obvious that you took a lot of care to learn everything."
"Speak for yourself"
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, with what exactly do we plan to decorate it?"
"Oh, this one is easy. I asked around people to donate some stuff, and Batman got us few things after I asked for permission for the tree. He even asked Justice League to drop us some things too."
"That's nice of them"
"Yeah, though I'm a bit worried about gifts from Arrows and Robin, y'know. They all had this type of smile that means either a gag idea, merch or exploding glitter and I'm not sure which option scares me the most"
"Yeah, you're right"
"Did… um… did Superman bring anything?"
"Yes, actually! He brought pretty big box of stuff and mentioned dropping of some food for Christmas in the morning or the afternoon of the first day. He said he was happy that you got the experience even if he isn't able to be the one to give it to you. I think he is coming around"
It was an interesting thing about Danny. He wasn't all that good with authority figures or frankly adults in general, and he never passed on the chance to tear in Superman for his treatment of Conner, if he saw the man, but in private he was surprisingly pro-Superman and tried to make them "see his perspective" with some pretty convincing arguments. Everyone else was still unimpressed but Danny never gave up.
M'gann still wasn't sure if in these circumstances she found it cute or annoying.
"If that's what you want to believe in"
"Oh, hello Megan! Red Tornado, would you like to join us in decorating the Christmas tree?"
"This… seems like a decent idea. What is the procedure of it?"
"We already put on the lights, so now we're placing baubles and other hanging decorations, before we finish off with paper chains and these fuzzy boas. We need them evenly spread out on all of the tree, preferably in a way, that things in similar colors aren't right next to each other, alright?"
"Yes, Phantom, instructions are clear"
"Great. Do we want some music in the background? My friends usually play some Christmas songs to get us all in 'the right mood' as he calls it?"
"Good idea, I'll play something."
"Thanks Meg"
"Just hear the sleigh bell jingling…"
"Is this… yeah, it's Carpenters, it's Jazz's favo- oh shit"
"Got it!"
"Nice catch Conner! Red Tornado, sorry I didn't clarify before, we're not decorating the side by the wall."
"We have only one last thing left then"
"The star at the top. The youngest child of the family usually get the honor. Conner, it's you time to shine~"
"Shut up already"
"How is he supposed to reach the top though? He can't fly"
"Step stool or someone has to hold him up lion king style"
"Lion king- Don't you dare! Keep those hands to yourself! Danny!
"So, what's next on your magical list?"
"Gingerbread house. It's a moment for you to shine Meg, because I'm absolute mess in the kitchen and I don't think Conner is much better"
"blah, blah, blah, absolutely perfect, could be hired at Michelin star restaurant right this instant blah, blah, blah"
"Oh, you little-"
"I believe the arguments are supposed to start at the Christmas table and not before. It seemed to be consensus in my sources. Was I mistaken?"
Conner stopped dead in his tracks, as confused as M'gann at the question.
Danny laughed so hard he fell on the ground.
"Red Tornado, what does that mean?"
"There is no need to spread misinformation until we can get confirmation whether my sources were correct or not"
"Danny? Danny?! What does he mean?! Why are you laughing?!"
Danny just stayed curled on the floor, almost wheezing.
"So, we have all of the ingredients, right? Flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves-"
"I think it's still in the cabinet, let me grab it real quick"
"Alright, other than cloves, do we have salt, vegetable shortening, granulated sugar, molasses, an egg- I mean, applesauce? Yeah? Let's hope it'll work. Okay, I think were ready"
"Do we have ginger ready?"
"I don't think so, I'm pretty sure we've run out about a week ago? Why- oh wait"
"Did we seriously forgot to get ginger to make The Gingerbread House?! It's literally in the name!"
They all just stood in silence for a long moment.
"We're idiots"
"Well said, well said"
"I believe there are better names to describe you in this situation. Unfortunately, I cannot recall them"
"Thanks Red Tornado, that was helpful"
"Maybe we can still buy it?"
"It's 10:34 PM, December 23rd, M'gann, what shop would even be open?"
"Shut up Conner, it's actually not a bad idea. I think I've seen- yes, there is something open until eleven, about five minutes out if I fly"
"There was no ginger at the shop, but I got cranberry for later, if needed, and some chips to snack on"
"It's fine, we found unopened pack of powdered ginger in the back of the cabinet"
"That's great! Give me a minute to return this packet I liberated on my way home?"
"Hey, M'gann!"
"Would you like to invite your uncle to our dinner?"
"That's a great idea Conner, thank you!"
"Okay, wait, wait, wait, before you two get weirdly aggressive about it again-"
"We're not that aggressive and it's a serious matter"
"I don't have any ghosts to get of my misplaced aggression out on so I'm funneling it into cake decorating instead"
"M'gann, you literally are trying to choke him right now, Danny, even I know it's concerning and I have less than half a year of learning what is considered normal under my belt. Anyway, before you escalate it again, how about each one of us gets one side of the house and then we work in pairs on the roof?"
"I like that"
"But what about aesthetic integrity!"
"It's quite literally against the point of gingerbread house"
"Before we go to sleep, I believe it's a widespread tradition to leave milk and cookies for the Santa Claus on the Christmas Eve evening"
"What is it this time?"
"Nothing really, chill out Conner, I just never heard of that"
It was so clearly a lie it probably couldn't even be called that, but at this point everyone realized, that for some reason bearded man in red was a sore subject, and they stopped trying to learn why. Maybe some day he'd tell them.
"Sorry. This person is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the tone."
"Hey Dani, it's Danny. Merry Christmas, please let me know when you get that. I'm celebrating outside of home, safe, with some friends, so if you want, I can give you an address and you can drop by. They're all more than okay with ghost stuff and have a history of accepting someone similar to you without any questions. I'm sure they'd love you. Let me know you're alright and if you want to join us. Sorry I keep calling, I'm at the worrywart stage. Love you, please stay safe."
Danny was doing pretty well with this whole "organizing Christmas". Really. M'gann did kick him out to breathe a bit of fresh air (and wait for the Superman and food he was supposed to bring in) because his hands were shaking too much, but other than that he was fine. Really. He was getting a bit panicky because he didn't hear a word from his sister in the past week and usually she let them know if she knew she would go somewhere where that could happen but she just as often didn't because she spontaneously decided to do something else. Trackers they made her wear showed she was fine.
It didn't really help, he wasn't sure if there was anything less than actually hearing or preferably seeing her that could reassure him.
It wasn't even talking about all of the trouble that was a bit closer to home, because Christmas never meant anything good for him, with or without his parents stirring up the Santa-fight. They weren't there and yet, he still couldn't make himself believe it could be any better this time. For Ancients sake, he made sure there was no Santa Claus in whole Mountain, nothing to remind him of how it always was and his brain still decided to be stupid about it.
So now he was standing in thin hoodie out in Rhode Island winter, in hopes that cold would shock him out of spiraling, trying to keep his breaths even and not fly away because it felt all like a little too much at the moment. he was standing in thin hoodie out in Rhode Island winter, waiting for a man who would awkwardly try to do the whole 'I'm an adult you can trust' routine and then treat him like messenger pigeon to contact the child that actually wanted and needed him. He couldn't entirely blame him but-
"Are you quite alright?"
"I'm fine"
"Are you sure? It's quite cold to be dressed like this and your heartbeat is quite erratic."
"I'm fine as old wine Superman, please say your piece before someone comes to see what took me so long"
"I'm serious. Leave it alone and just give me the food"
Superman looked a bit conflicted, clearly considering all of the potential pros and cons of digging in further and choose wrong.
"You're worried about Dani"
"You're the last person I want to talk to about her," Danny spat out, anxiety quickly turning into anger.
"Of course, but-"
"Have two civil conversations with your clone before trying to tell me how I should handle mine" As soon as these words left his mouth, Danny regretted them, if only a little, but he kept pushing "I told you about her to explain why I'm willing to vouch for you. It doesn't make you someone I'll confide in. It doesn't make you someone I trust. It doesn't make me approve of the way your handling it. It just means I understand. But you're an adult man and experienced hero with stable job and adult shit figured out and I'm a teenager with home just safe enough for me to stay and family that'd question how third child just showed up. We are not the same."
Superman flinched away at some point during the rant, looking properly humbled. He avoided eye contact and just reached forward to pass him hard plastic case filled with food containers and smaller boxes wrapped up in nice Christmas themed paper.
"Alright kiddo. Get it inside before you turn into a icicle. And tell Conner I wish him Merry Christmas, alright? I mean, I wish it to everyone but…"
Damn, if the "never meet your heroes" person wasn't right.
"You're a coward Superman. Come in and tell him that yourself"
Conner lashed out, as expected, but it was far more subdued than it would be just few month before. To his credit, Superman stayed the whole time it went down and only left when boy mostly calmed down and wouldn't feel like he was being ignored. Man even tried to respond to some allegations, though he wasn't really heard. Conner ranted some more after hero left, but overall it went better than Danny thought it would.
Then they had dinner, which went… surprisingly well. Apparently, not having to worry about being attacked by the main dish did wonders to Danny's overall jitters (and didn't everyone get super weird when he mentioned it). Not having people start nonsensical fights also helped. He knew better than to mention that.
Also, turns out that Superman or whoever he got to make them food was freaking amazing cook, thank you very much. Danny wasn't necessarily fasting, not in a way he knew some people did in the period preceding Christmas or at least on Christmas Eve, but the tension of past few days made it hard to eat a lot. It definitely lessened now that the thing was happening and seemingly going well, so he was absolutely ravenous. To be completely honest, as far as he could tell, everyone else matched his enthusiasm.
There was a bit off moment at the beginning, when Martian Manhunter asked him if he shouldn't be with his family during holidays, but Danny quickly and subtly brushed it off and nobody mentioned that afterwards.
He may have overeaten, actually, for once in his live, which he may regret in the morning, but at the moment, it made him quite content.
Then came the gifts, which also went better than he expected. For once there was no need to act like he enjoyed the gift despite already planning on how to get rid of it. Even better, focus was almost fully removed from him, obviously, because it wasn't his first rodeo.
Conner looked so lost and confused with the gift he got from Superman's mom, it was almost heartbreaking. It was beautiful crocheted scarf, black and red, with his symbol on each end, and an apology note explaining that Mrs Martha Kent would give him something more note worthy but she learned about him way to late to make something better. There was also promise of more worthy gift in near future. Danny knew all that because Conner read it out loud, asking everyone to help him make sense of that. There was only so much they could do.
Other than that, he got some nice flannel shirts from M'gann, quite a few sweets. He also got a book from Danny (it was a sin he didn't read "The Martian" before) and concepts of new hero suits for him, that Sam somehow sneaked between the pages. It was certainly a lot to explain without making anyone angry.
M'gann got two different cook books, that unfortunately didn't include Fenton fudge recipe (Dad was really protective over it), some surprisingly obscure merch from "Hello Megan" and more sweets.
Red Tornado got an apron and few tokens of appreciation, that robot quite liked, as far as Danny could tell.
Martian Manhuter, due to how rarely he visited, was the hardest to pick presents for, which resulted in some general little trinkets.
Danny got night sky projector, which was really cool, and potted plant, for some reason, which, while also cool, because plants are cool (Sam would rekill him if he thought otherwise), he knew far too well, would not survive until July. It wasn't only because he could barely take care of himself, let alone whole ass plant (see also, that one time he either drowned or dried three cacti), but also because of the times ghosts (or home security) attacked him in his room. He was thankful anyway. Maybe it could push him into finally getting some contingencies against that, that’d actually work. After all, it was quite a pretty plant.
By the time they moved to the couch to watch “Die Hard” of all things (it was only DVD that Tucker provided that didn’t have Santa Claus as a prominent character, because of course that little traitor would do that), Danny had to admit that this Christmas was… nice. Enjoyable. Pretty amazing actually. Good enough that he could understand people waiting for it the whole year. He couldn’t tell that he joined their ranks, but he certainly could understand them.
It was also downright exhausting and at some point even dynamic fights of John McClane couldn’t keep his eyes open. It was fine though. He was safe, he was warm, almost squeezed against his friends. It was good place to just relax.
It’s been first time in a long time since he felt that on Christmas.
I'm not sure if I managed to properly Conner's... whole thing, if he turned out too hostile, let's just say he was still pissed about the whole "wasn't invited to Clark's family gathering" thing and it made him a bit more antsy.
I'm not sure how well I managed to handle it, but I don't want to bash neither Clark nor Conner. They're both victims in this situation and while the way Clark handled it was far from ideal, it's also far from worst he could do and I believe he deserves a bit more grace. In the end, on psychological level he is just human and humans don't always handle being baby trapped perfectly. Maybe I have more understanding towards him because my prefered way of handling conflicts is walking out and locking myself in my room, but idk. Maybe I'm capable of more coherent explanation when it's not 3:44 AM
Ginger shenanigans were inspired by my own Christmas preparation adventures, when I was making bread dough for the Christmas Eve and decided to add rosemary to make it more ✨festive✨ and got really attached to the idea. My mom agreed, then it turned out we didn't have any, then I went to the shop like twenty minutes before it closed at 11PM so at least one guy was there to replenish his alcohol suplies. My mom called to tell me to also buy some powdered garlic and beetroot. Turned out we had rosemary at home. At shop I only found garlic. I also brought energy drink, because I was tired but had more stuff to do and some snacks just because.
Bread turned out pretty good.
I sincerely believe if I was solely responsible of making gingerbread, I would forget to get ginger (or like, to fit with "it's in the name" thing, pepper, because in Polish it's "piernik")
I'm really sorry if the drop in quality by the end is noticable, if this thing stayed unfinished whole another year i'd do something I'd regret later.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dc x dp#dcxdp#by the way Dani is fine#she is in Atlantis after she helped beached whale back into the ocean#her phone is water proof but was not made to get reception at the ocean floor#but two days after Christmas Danny will get message from Kaldur's phone that'll read#Dani here; I'm fine got invited to sea kingdom and-#-it's amazing bye#to be honest it was quite curious thing to have#mostly because despite both Poland and US being part of the Western culture there are quite a few differences#and I can do all the research I want (I suck at in-depth research)#there is no way in hell I'll understand it#especially considering my family is practicing Catholic and Poland historically is Catholic so our traditions are heavily affected#anyway feel free to yell at me if I fucked up representing American Christmas spirit and the way it would look in a friend group#and feel free to ask if you're curious about Polish traditions if you want#sorry for not including team gift exchange#I have no energy to think about what they could get for each other#feel free to write it yourself if you want to#I'd love to read it#christmas#christmas fic#wandixx writes#have a nice day dear stranger who got to this part
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She’ll be There
Sevika x Female Reader
Headcannons || Angst + Fluff
Cw: Mentions of self-harm (not fully described, I know it can be triggering), self sabotage, and mentions of binge eating disorder. Modern setting. Sevika has both arms (though it doesn’t have anything to do with the plot). Not a lot of in depth details, only because I didn’t want it to be uncomfortable or triggering.
Proofread || Note: It surprised me when I noticed there’s barely any recognition of binge eating disorder. And, so, I decided to write about it. Really sucks that a lot of people don’t even know that it exists. Also, no, I am NOT romanticizing sh and ed, this is just for readers who find comfort in these kinds of fanfics; ones who relate. (Also because I struggle with it.)

Sevika was one of those girlfriends who made you question if you really deserved her. One of those girlfriends that made you so happy that you were sure that all of it was all some sort of dream. She took care of you when you weren’t well. When you needed comfort and support. She was there regardless. You were a priority much greater than anything else, she loved you more than anything else.
But, there was always a sense of guilt that tugged at you whenever she showed affection. It was unfair to her that she had to do so much compared to other couples. It was like being a burden, a broken tool that wouldn’t fix. A tool that had to patched up daily, made sure it didn’t break itself again. You were sure she’d get tired.
But that day never came.
A healthy relationship with food was what you strived for. What you could only try your best for. Not even a few minutes after eating you were hungry again. Well, you weren’t actually hungry. Your stomach was half full and you weren’t needing more. It was just you being bored and eating being a way for you to comfort yourself. It was a coping mechanism that you’d picked up at a young age; and never noticed how horrible it was for you.
Sevika was aware of your problem, of the issues you had with food, and how it was difficult it was for you not to turn to food for distraction.
When you were upset, you’d grab yourself a plate of leftovers. When you were angry, you’d have a bowl of chips in your lap and munch on it. Even when you were happy, you’d make yourself some pasta. And, undoubtedly, your girlfriend was worried with the amount of food you’d eat in such a short amount of time.
Gradually, she decided to do something about it. Convincing you to tag along with her whenever she went out, making plans to go to your favourite bookstore, and even taking you shopping. She tried her hardest to distract you.
Sevika didn’t know much about your eating disorder, but she did her research. Reading books, searching online, and even asking you your struggle.
She’d ask you how you felt about the whole thing. What you thought. How you felt when you didn’t indulge in the urge and it felt after you ate. Your girlfriend had a lot of questions and you did your best at answering them. Some of them were ones you’d never thought of asking yourself, they had you thinking. And you appreciated her efforts in understanding.
Sevika would even cook your favourite food whenever you were genuinely hungry. She’d go on youtube and learn recipes for you, even make desserts so she knew you were full. Most of her attention would be on you, making sure your body was satisfied with your intake.
There was never a time where you felt that your girlfriend was tired of the extra care she gave you. In all honesty, that woman loved all of it. Doing small things for you, like making sure the proportions she prepared for you were perfect, like making sure your plate was full of the essentials; carbs, fibers, fats, all those good things.
And, at first, Sevika thought she’d made progress, made you better. But, on the day she found you in the bathroom with your wrists red was the day she assumed the worse. She thought, maybe, she’d made you feel a sort of way. Thought she’d made it worse. Thought she’d hurt your feelings and had pressured you.
She wrong about all those things.
Your girlfriend blamed herself for everything, as she tended to. You’d reassured her many times that it wasn’t her fault, that it was just the way you were born— also, false.
“Sev, I’m serious. It’s not your fault, it never was. You’re fixing something that can’t be fixed.” You’d say, sat next to her and watching as she only looked away. “Did I make you feel pressured? Or was it just me being obsessed with helping you? Be honest. I can take it.” Obsessed, huh?
“No. The things you’ve done for me are just.. too nice. You’ve helped me, Sevika, not made it worse.” She’d end up furrowing her brows. “So then, why’d you do that? Hurt yourself, I mean.” Her silver eyes would avoid your arms at an attempt to think positively. “I just.. it’s me. I’m a little frustrated at myself, it’s nothing.” Your girlfriend wouldn’t meet your eyes, let alone face you.
“Can you not?” Your tone a little less gentle. “You won’t even look at me.” Only because Sevika didn’t want to stare, make you feel uncomfortable. “All I’m asking is that you don’t look at me any differently. Please?”
It took time and patience for the woman to acknowledge your scars. She thought the subject was too tense, too awkward. But the first time she did, you ended up opening yourself to her. Letting her in on the small details she’d never thought you’d feel.
That was step one. Step two was helping you in other ways. Sevika would give you suggestions, instead of telling you what to do. Give you space and time to think by yourself. Give you advice and even be a source for you to talk about it with. All she wanted was for you to trust her, turn to her, and let her comfort you— instead of you having to look for that in other things.
Over time, Sevika had stopped avoiding confrontation; only when the topic wasn’t sensitive. She’d ask you if you felt any urges, if you’d even tried doing it again. And, slowly, you began saying no. It wasn’t a lie, no, you’d just stopped thinking about it.
And when she noticed that, your girlfriend felt a sense relief she’d never felt before. She was glad she could do something, even if it was just sharing her ideas and being your safe place.
Sevika loved you, she’d made that quite obvious in the way she stuck by your side. Never had she felt frustration, or annoyance towards you for being in the dark place you used to be in. All she felt was the need to keep you out of there, keep you in the light where you were happy and safe.
Your girlfriend would stay with you for hours if you needed her to. If you were crying she’d cry with you. If you needed her attention she’d give it to you at an instant. If you needed her to just hold you she’d do so. She’d open her arms for you, kiss away your pain, and talk away your problems.
All Sevika needed was for you to be alright.
A/N: Pleaseeee please pleaseee! let me know if something I wrote was incorrect or just insensitive, I really don’t want anyone to feel a type of way when they read this; being upset or angry. I tried my hardest to write how I, personally, feel because I know a lot of people might feel the same way— relate. Hopefully I didn’t do anything wrong :(
Please reach out to someone you know and trust if you are feeling stuck and are struggling with an eating disorder or self-harm. I promise you it’ll only get worse without help and support.
#lesbian#lgbtq#arcane#sevika arcane#sevika#arcane sevika#sevika x female reader#sevika x you#sevika x y/n#sevika x reader#x fem reader#x female y/n#x female reader#x fem!reader#x y/n#x you fluff#x you angst#angst#not safe for minors#angst with a happy ending#arcane league of legends#sevika headcanon#headcanon#arcane headcanon#minors dni#men dni#i hate men
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Helloooo! I’d like to order a flower bouquet + strawberry ice cream from the misc. menu as well as some lemon squares + custard donuts from the midnight menu for Scaramouche <3
yandere!scaramouche x (gender neutral) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, dub-con, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, friends with benefits, forced pregnancy/baby-trapping (no pronouns; reader has a pussy), modern college au note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
You’re writing a paper.
Sitting at your desk, scrolling through clothes online, you wonder if your meager paycheck will cover the shipping costs. This is all research. Research that is very necessary in the paper-drafting process, of course! You click on an outfit just as Scaramouche looks up from his phone.
Correction. You’re trying to write a paper.
“Great progress. I can really see the thought you put into this.”
“I’m envisioning it as we speak.”
“Yeah? Doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere.” He sets his phone down and leans closer. “Last I checked you’re not writing about clothes.”
“Last I checked,” you say, mocking him, “I didn’t ask for commentary. Don’t you have anything better to do?”
A smug smile sharpens on his face. “I can think of a few things.”
Groaning, you shove him away. “No way. Not today.”
“Why not? It didn’t seem to bother you that last time when we did it before your lecture. You were so out of it you didn’t want me to leave you alone. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Not my fault I was tired! Don’t tell me you’ve never said and done stupid things when you’re running on three hours of sleep.”
“Not once,” he declares, looking quite proud. As if it’s some grand achievement. Does he want an award? “And even if I was, I wouldn’t be reduced to sugary, sappy putty.”
“I called you ‘sweetheart’ once by mistake. Get over it.”
Scaramouche rests his elbow on the desk, his cheek in his hand. “I don’t think I want to.”
Shutting your laptop, you turn in your chair to face him. “And I don’t think I want to fuck you today.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Oh, you’re gonna do all the work?”
“That’s the plan. Be grateful I’m so good to you,” he teases, leaning closer and closer until—
You block your lips before he can capture them. “I really can’t today. Paper aside, I don’t have any protection and I’m not on birth control right now.”
“It doesn’t have to be inside.” He sits back in his chair, exuding casual confidence. “Unless you want to risk it.”
You try to put enough ice in your glare, but it melts quickly. You really shouldn’t. It’s not a safe day. You really, really shouldn’t…
Scaramouche raises a brow, waiting for your reply.
Despite everything, you’re wheedled into it anyway. You’re not even sure what you want. Is it yes or no? It’s been months since you fell into this arrangement with him—the campus’s infamous lone wolf who goes out of his way to make himself unapproachable. Or, according to your friends, he’s more of a lonely stray cat in need of a friend. Scaramouche had scoffed when you told him that.
Your friends are idiots, he said with a scowl. It only made him look even more like a grumpy cat in need of companionship. Not that you’d ever tell him that. It would only serve to stoke the flames of his ire.
But right now, looking up at him while he ruts into you, sweat sticking in all the right places, his hair falling over his eyes, you’re inclined to agree with that observation. There’s a depth to his gaze that draws you in, a sad glimmer hiding behind the ardor. There’s never been any attachment outside of the bedroom. You’re not even sure if he considers you a friend.
Still, you wonder…
“Scara, do you—” You cut yourself off with a startled gasp, your nails curling into his shoulders. He’s holding you down by your hips, fucking into you like the world’s about to end. “S-Slow down. Wait, I—aah—oh!”
He sucks in a staggered breath through grit teeth, his jaw set firmly. “You’re never going to leave me.”
Your brain stalls out, and suddenly you’re not sure how to respond. He doesn’t lessen the brutal pace at which he thrusts, so you’re forced to piece together a half-coherent answer amidst your groans.
“N-Not anytime soon—mmh… Why? What’s up?”
Scaramouche lifts his head from your neck. A strange smile turns the corners of his lips up. “It’s not a question. I wasn’t giving you a choice.”
You blink back at him, lust-drunk and dazed. The horror edges in, slow and steady like invasive rot. It isn’t until he’s pinning your legs up by your ears to force you into another position that the implication finally catches up to you. You claw at his back with weak strokes, babbling futile protests against his mouth. In response, his cock throbs inside of you, pressed so deep in this position you fear the repercussions. He kisses you with much the same force, insistent on driving you into the mattress—on pinning you here until you finally submit. Until the last of your resolve withers away, stamped out and replaced with something agreeable.
“Even if you wanted to,” he says around a shaky laugh, seeming positively deranged, “you couldn’t.”
You think you should be worried, but you’re so stunned with this development that your brain can’t keep up. Embarrassingly, you cum with a strangled sort of cry, your pussy clenching tight. He hisses through his teeth, fucks you through the high of your orgasm, and then falls with you, his own climax fast like a flash.
You’re panting in the aftermath. What just happened?
Scaramouche keeps you plugged with his cock for as long as he possibly can before he’s sliding out, flaccid and spent. For now, you suspect, for there will certainly be more later if your wits aren’t about you by then.
“Pill,” you mumble, voice hoarse from crying. You shake him, hoping he’ll climb off of you and get to it. “Scaraaa…”
Oddly, for someone who never shows any vulnerability, he clings. “We’ve got time. I’ll get it. Don’t worry.”
You don’t believe him. Not when his hand strays to your stomach. His palm brushes over the area once. He sighs, wholly satisfied.
“We’ve got time…”
Nine months of it, in fact. But that goes unspoken. If not today, there’s always tomorrow. You know he won’t rest until then. Neither will you. Your heart is too big, too soft, for that lonely stray cat, and part of you wonders if he knows that.
#yandere genshin impact#yandere genshin impact x reader#yandere scaramouche#yandere scaramouche x reader#n/sfw#tw: dubcon#tw: forced pregnancy#tw: babytrapping#lunar love hotel 2023
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I get that people have complicated relationships with higher education, and that's 100% reasonable, but there's something I want to point out.
when you hear a popular podcast or youtuber or history show or see a popular history book or article say it's 'revealing' or 'uncovering' or 'bringing to light' or 'reevaluating' some story of the past, it's usually doing so off of academic history work done by people in academia.
Journalists and your average YouTuber are generally the worst about not crediting this work,* but it's there in the background, nonetheless.
That work - academic research, particularly of this kind, and the articles, books, and other information it produces - doesn't get done without institutional support. That is, like with everything, sure some enthusiasts will keep at their particular interests hell or high water, and rich folks can peruse to their hearts' content - that's what fueled the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries' ever-increasing investigative output.
And that should be concerning, not comforting.
Not because all of that output was wrong or terrible or misguided - a lot was, but much of it is still essential, foundational, exceedingly rigorous and useful - but because much of modern history work, twentieth century on, has been a century-long battle to correct some of deeply culturally embedded beliefs an almost wholly dilettante pursuit of the past generated. It's kind of a joke in English-language scholarship that the Victorians ruined everything, but like, for real, y'all, the Victorians left us some BURDENS, from fake relics created for ~the aesthetic~ to defaced and destroyed historical documents.
Academic research in itself is not some kind of panacea. we're not shitting on dilettantes (I am very much a dilettante, in my way) and so-called 'amateurs', who are vital and excellent contributors to knowledge. We're also not saying institutions are always perfect and good and don't need to change. I'm saying that robust, diverse, in-depth, careful, broadly reaching, and most of all interesting and new scholarship requires something on the scale of institutional support.
This is not just because that's where your historians live, but because in a very practical sense, that's where your archives live. You do actually need a big building stuffed with Things Of The Past well-maintained and with a core of well-trained and extremely cool (like librarians, all archivists are extremely cool in my books, even if they're kind of assholes, as long as they are good archivists).
Archivists are currently doing a lot with very little support - like a lot of academics and librarians, really - because that's what people do. When they care about doing something, they get along, they scrape by, they suck it up. But they need buildings, they need climate control, they need continuing training and new people coming into the field - if the idea is that we have so many documents from the past extant today because archives DON'T need institutional-level support, then you are severely misinformed about how much of the past has survived to the present day. And if the idea is that we'll preserve the IMPORTANT bits of the past regardless then you're also sadly misinformed about how good we are at determining what's important, and how frequently (and with growing frequency) disasters of various kinds wipe places out (Lisbon 1755, for example), and how robust any of our documentation (often ESPECIALLY the 'important' stuff) is in terms of long-term survival.
There's a theory going around that THIS period - like the 2000s through today and into the future - will produce a 'dark age' for future historians because the digital infrastructure which not only underpins almost all of our day-to-day lives but is how we've decided to 'save space' - by preserving things digitally rather than in hard copy - is so unspeakably vulnerable and weak. Everyday folks have already, for the most part, lost access to things like CDs, which have a lifespan of something like 100 years at the most. Proprietary softwares, black box devices with irreplaceable parts, flimsy modern materials with difficult to preserve features mean a whole of information that drives our lives today will simply become inaccessible in, actually, a very short time.
Archives - vast storehouses under careful supervision full of well-organized stuff that might potentially be important one day - need institutional support, but also, on their own, are kind of... well, let's just say, Historians will also say shit like they 'uncovered' a 'hidden history' in a previously 'lost, unknown' document that some archivist put in a special box on a special shelf and carefully catalogued for prime findability. It's a symbiotic relationship that doesn't always get its due. An archive on its own can be very useful to a local community, an individual business, a specific family, all kinds of things - but to get History out of it, you need some Historians or suitably rabid individuals of other castes. You need both, or you end up with the pseudo-histories of nineteenth-century rich folk that then get to determine what we believe is possible for the future by what we are told of the past. It's a bad scene.
Again, there are further steps to take - not over here defending institutions as they stand. We were, at one point, on our way to accessible higher education, meaning everyone had a chance to go to pursue their interests, before we started seeing Universities not as a social good and social resource but as job training and profit centers and cut social funding as demanded by business ghouls. Higher education and academia as it functions now has done a lot of damage to people's lives.
But institutions are much harder to build than to change, and change is hard enough. Once an archive is defunded, its collections distributed or destroyed, you typically don't get it back. Like certain species of sea creatures with long gestational periods, once you destroy the mid-range of the population - the bit that raises up the next generation - your population collapses and its very hard to get things back on track (historians and other academics who require lots of investment and training and time and experience are like the sea creatures, you see).
You can, of course, start new. We've done that a lot, as a species. It's always possible. But it's a bit like running out of a fire empty-handed instead of grabbing your wallet as you go. Sometimes you just gotta go, and that's always safest - sometimes you just can't think or there's no time to think and you couldn't get to anything useful if you wanted to - but if it's matter of looking at the wallet in your pants pocket and dipping down to grab it (and maybe pants!) while you bolt then yeah, ought to try. Maybe the pants catch fire and you've got to abandon them anyway to save your life. That's reasonable. (This is just an analogy - fire safety generally says to get ye gone with your life and health intact ASAP, just for the record - don't stop for shit and don't go back in).
The point of this is that next time you're enjoying some popular history content (please save me from this word) or learn some cool fact about the past, think about the fact that none of that get down to you without a big chain of people all joined together doing different things. And that big chain needs nice big social supports to exist. The social supports are hard to change, but the chain is easy to lose without them. It's a group effort all the way, even that little fucker who didn't credit the work they used to make fun videos is important.
That content doesn't happen without the structure to support it - or even worse, that content lies to you. Makes stuff up. The stuff it makes up isn't going to be fantasies of freedom and equality, at least going by what's been made up before.
Hate the academy, want it to change, act to reform it - all very good, go for it, no desire to stop you (except maybe the hating part, try to hate more specifically, like individual actions or aspects of the academy, if you're going to hate on stuff, but, like, hate can be unhealthy, get some peace in your life if you can). Things are bad enough without also feeling like you have to take on a crusade to save archives or other institutions - though honestly just participating in your local history scene, giving them time and attention, is really valuable help - so that's not really the call to action here. The call is just asking you to notice the big structures that enable these small joys.
Don't let yourself be convinced that they somehow happen in a vacuum, that they'll just persist somehow like getting Deliveroo at your off-grid mountain cabin. A lot people helped make that stupid podcast about Marie Antoinette's toenail fungus happen - and there's way more than that waiting! If we can just keep letting people make archives, study stuff, fuck off on fruitless searches for things that were never there and instead find stuff we never KNEW was there. There's so much of that to be done! The more the merrier on who should be doing it! But if we want that, we got to figure out how to support it, to keep what we've got, build more of it, or it'll be the same shit about Marie Antoinette over and over and over and over and over because that'll all we'll have to build from.
Anyway, if you've never done it, take a ghost tour. Visit a museum nearby. Pop into an archive and just ask them some stuff. Get on these web pages that do things like recreate Angkor Wat as a virtual tour, go watch a Youtuber do a frothing-at-the-mouth defense of Charles Lightoller, or even better, read this reddit thread about whether Dua Lipa would have survived the Titanic sinking based on her music video. And just think - holy shit, isn't it cool that we have a society, a whole social structure, that could produce such a thing? And it's right here, at my fingertips, ready to disappear.
*there are reasons for this, some related to format and legibility/accessibility that still shouldn't eliminate the need to credit others' work and others cowardly excuses for parasitism
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“𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞,𝚑𝚞𝚑?”-Y/L

Paring: Sukuna Ryoman x SingleparentReader
Summary: You thought that after your visit with Sukuna who you thought never would see again.He just kept on insisting on you about the deal.
(I completely suck at summary So can you please just read it😭🙏)
An: I didn’t expect that this would be doing well,I just thought that um that I post this and that it and boom 💥 People actually likes this and so here is part two 😃🫶.Im completely sorry for how long it took to post this.Also I loved all of your comments in the last one.I HAD TO FUCKING RESEARCH SO MANY MOVIES 😭 that I personally think Sukuna would be in AND fucking stuff about a retail company that made so much money 😭.i literally had a dream about this for the longest and yes there gonna be a part three of this.Im gonna be completely honest I don’t think I cooked 😞.
Ԝ𝗈𝗋ᑯ ɕ𝗈υ𐓣𝗍:6,023
Your body hurts so much,With every tear drop that fall out of your eyes a piece of you dies.The darkness of the blue night does nothing to help you sleep,as the moon light is company with the blue skies,barley shine through your empty bedroom window and yet nothing could make you sleep in these recents nights.
Constantly checking your phone for a certain person to message you back.As you scrolling through your messages. ————- {you}-“Sukuna please you can’t do this to me please,let just talk it out like adults please”*Delivered two weeks ago*
{you}-Please kuna all I’m asking is for you to come back with me.I’ll do anything just please. *delierevd two weeks ago*
{you}-“What did I do wrong?am I the problem here..please text me back please” *delivered two week ago*
{you}-“Kuna please I need someone to hold on please,I-i miss you please” *delivered two messages*
{you}- “Please god please just send me anything,Is it the baby that your afraid to have,Sukuna please if that the case then we can figure out something together” *Delieverd two weeks*
Multiple messages from you.All the having the same meaningless effort to get his attention
{you}-“Did you even love me,was I the wrong one here.Why can’t you tell me just one damn thing,I’ll take anything just please,text me whenever you are back from whenever you doing just please”*delieverd second ago * —————
You turn off your phone before you started crying again.You didn’t have to know that you looked like a wrecked;puffy red eyes with a mountain of red stripes that stain your cheeks with evidence of you crying.
Silence draped over the room like a velvet curtain, muffling even the faintest whispers.
The silence was deafening, each tear drop echoed like a raindrop in an empty hallway. The moonlight cascaded through the window, illuminating the room with a cold, pale light, casting shadows that danced on the walls like specters.
You clutched your phone tightly, hopelessly scrolling through old messages, searching for a sign of life, a sign of something, anything. But there was nothing.
Each message sent was like a plea into the void, a silent scream that went unanswered.
Curled up in a ball in your bed with no blanket on it because you hadn’t found the bother to cover yourself.
In the depths of the nights like this The worst enemy is the silence and yourself,it where you could hear the voices of your thoughts. Make-shifting them into monsters that drain you of any hope that he’ll come back and try to save ‘this relationship’.
“You were probably the one that deserved it,after all he probably didn’t want someone like you.He definitely did out of pity”
“Maybe if you didn’t act like a cringy little lovesick child then you’ll get to live your fake loving lives together that you only lived in”
After another
“He never once said or tried to prove his ‘love’ in this relationship.Hadnt he?and yet your here with his child, who there father who’ll they never be able to have because he rather put himself then you from the beginning.”
After another voices that fills your head like toxic venom,but you can’t help but hear it.Particularly being drowned by it.
You acted like you couldn’t be able to handle yourself when you could fully do it.But after having your family completely taken away by death you were hopeless about having a place in life.
Without any support or guidance how will the baby bird survive in the world?Well the answer is to fall and embrace the dangers.
In which you did embrace the dangers of what it did to your heart by walking towards the tiger den.Completely swoon by him in every aspect that,in your eyes you ‘love’ him.You were so excited to have a child with him to share a future with him.
You knew you could just simply abort the baby and not have to stress about it but you couldn’t bring yourself to doing that to the baby.
As weeks passed by;Work suddenly became unbearable to deal with,being constantly yelled at for being late or having a bad presentation to the customers.
You were worried about losing your job due to uncertainty about how long it will take you for securing another one and the need to feed your growing child that lives inside of you.
Sometimes you couldn’t even take someone else orders without having the urge to throw up,or randomly get kick of anger or sadness.
Your hormones were acting up due to the stress and depression that you dealing with and could cause something to the baby.Moreover your hormones shouldn’t be acting this early on your pregnancy so please take mind of your care said a doctor.
With that being said,you really tried pushing the thought of him aside and should start taking of yourself but how can you when you’re carry his baby.
But you did it,you throw out all his clothes and stuff he left behind and clean up the house slowly but surely you were done.But over time the pregnancy was showing up and you knew that you were going to get fired because they can’t have a pregnant worker on there employees.
In which you did,Being called by your boss that you’re fired and you knew that everything is going to become more difficult for you from that point on.But You ‘moved’ on and now your ready to move forward with your baby. Present
You woke up an hour earlier than your alarm due to your body unable to rest.And so you decided that it better to go take a shower to refresh your mind.
You swing you feet off the bed, yawning, as you rise to a stand.Your groggy vision clears as you look at the time, seeing you have woken up an hour before your alarm.
Your body feels exhausted, as you were tossed and turned all night long. Deciding a shower would help ease the fatigue, you make your way into the bathroom.
But before that you took a peek inside your daughter room seeing how her pink hair was a completely mess and how you saw a bit of drool that sipped from her mouth.
The sight of your daughter’s messy hair and that little trickle of drool slipping from her mouth brought a warm smile to your face as you watched her sleep. It was adorable.
You always notice the little birthmarks under her eyes bags;there barely noticeable but you couldn’t unsee it.(there like Yuji marks) You smile softly as you shut the door quietly.
Now you taking a trip to the bathroom to take a well needed shower.As you turn on the water to be warm as you wait for the cold water to heat up,when ready you jump in it.Letting The warm water drip down your curves and down onto the floor.The warm water washes away all the soreness and sleepiness.You stood there for a couple of minutes recalling yesterday trip.
’Use me then’
A flash of frustration creased your brow and sparked in your eye,as you shake his words out your head.Now getting back to finishing your shower by washing your hair and then your body.
Once done you got out of the shower and started drying yourself up with your towel before getting dressed for the day today.
You still had a good amount of time to waste and so you tidy up your room and the living room since it wasn’t big like your apartment but it makes up the time before you have to wake up little Nova up.(who’s is five years old)
So you decided to relax for a bit on one of the chair,and use your phone in the meanwhile and spotted a message from an unknown person.
you press on it;to see a long message. —————
{Unknown}-Good evening Ms LN,
I’d love for you and I to have a chat sometime soon this week about the deal on the matter.If you’re interested please don’t hesitate to send back a message or email.Here is the address if you’ll like to come in person ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’
Bye have a wonderful night Lady L.N.
^5,000 dollars send to your bank account^ —————
Your eyes brow raised up with question of who’s this,but continue on reading you already answered that question.Your jaw clenched as your hands ran through your hair as you mutter underneath your breath a couple of curses words.It was as obvious as it sounds.
“Use me then” His voice rings again as you shake the thought again.Your lips turned into a straight line,”Yea no”you replied to your mind,as you blocked the number but You were sure that Sukuna made someone else write this to you.
Which only proves how he really did care only about himself.A annoyed sigh left your sigh as you close the app and went to watch about a 10 minute documentary on YouTube about a missing girl tape. (YouTuber :Rotten mango)
Before the alarm rang and making you get up from your chair with a yawn and go to Nova room to wake her up.
Now walking Towards the her room with a more relaxed posture then a few minutes ago.You gently opened the door with it making a low creek sound.You push the light switch making the room alive with the light;making it able to all the little things in her bedroom.
You walked more into the room now getting a clear view of her cute messy sleep posture. You chuckled slightly as you witnessed her uncomfortable facial expression, her small groans, moans, and movements.
Her messy hair all tossed about on the pillow, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth onto the soft pillow, and her body curled up in a small little ball.
She was quite the sight to behold.Your heart felt warm and full just by looking at her like that.
A small smile appeared on your face as you hovered over her and kissed her cheek, causing her to grumble and scrunch her face even more.
“It monday Nova sweetheart wake up you got school today” You said softly as you careless her messy pink hair.
You were always found yourself adoring the color of her hair not just because it looked just like his hair but how it looked majestic.
Even as a child, you found yourself at peace in the presence of your baby daughter. Whenever you shed tears over the struggles of parenting and the challenges of raising her, her tiny pudgy hands would reach out to yours, gently guiding them to rest upon her head.
In those moments the weight of your worries vanished,replaced by confidence to move forward because you had your precious little girl beside you.
Nova little hands rub her eyes to focus on regaining her eyes.You leaned back letting her wake up.
She grumbles as she sit up on the bed Looking half dose off from sleep and half awake.Her mouth opens with a loud yawn making you chuckle.
“B-but it’s soo-another yawn escape from her mouth- early in the morning cant I have more time t-to sleep” Her voice sounding raspy and sleepy as you ruffle her hair.
“No cant do Nova or you’ll never want to get up” You said with a calm tone,as a soft sigh come out of your mouth.
“Mhm.. ok mom”Nova says as she stand up from her bed before walking into the bathroom she stretches her body,her pink hair falls down reaching her knees.As she goes off to the bathroom to take a quick bath. You lips form a proud smile from how smart your daughter is,already herself into the shower without your help.
You hear your daughter saying loudly that she already in the shower so you don’t have to worry about her not getting ready.You let out a scoff,rolling your eyes at the comment.
“It mine job to be doing that,troll-you mutter that part-“Well if there anything you need help call me Nova” You sighed in defeat as you walked towards her closet to grab her uniform and put on her bed to make it easy for her to put her clothes.
A sunny morning that sprinkle its warmth onto a beautiful young girl who’s pink hair floats heavenly in the air making her look like a beautiful angel.The trees soothing with the breeze of the air and complimented with the sunlight.casting light to those around.
The girl seem running towards him with a radiant laughter that flowed through the air like soft melodies.He didn’t even mind the sound or the thought of moving his position,as the girl came closer and closer until he was face to face with her.
The girl who looked up at him,with her neck aching from having to look so high up.He immediately kneeled down towards her height.The young girl smile softly,and his lips turned slightly up in return.
He was about to ask the little girl what is her name,but his throat seem frozen.His crimson eyes widened.As in an instant the surrounding turned into more dark.
The soft wind that gently kiss his skin was now gone and replaced with a heavy and harsh wind that would blow him away from the little girl.But didn’t;the sun no longer shined it warmth now hiding it existence in the darkness of the dark clouds.The trees now were holding on their last leafs with how hard the wind were blowing onto them.
Sukuna immediately looked at her,noticing the change of her features.Her big eyes were looking at him with a serious sadness expression.As he saw her eyes forming a tears that flow down her cheeks.It hurted him to stand face in face and not to do anything.
“Why d-did you leave me-and m-mama. ..P-pp-papa?” She asked him with a shaky broken voice,as he saw the tears pooled in her eyes before they streamed down like rivers flows.
He looked at her eyes and saw your eyes in her.His heart banged Against his chest like a drum.His heart was heavy with the weight of his past mistakes. His vocal cords turned to stone, rendering him mute in the face of overwhelming emotion.
Then the young girl looked intensely at him with tears that ruined her beautiful bright face.
“W-what .. d-did I do wrong” She replied,her voice shaking like before.And then her presence changed into something he hadn’t seen before.
A young version of him,with streaks of red painful tears falling from his scarlet eyes ,Looking at him with pain,sorrow and loneliness in them.
“W-what . .. did I-i do wrong” His younger version said with a shaky hiccup.
Sukuna tried to tell him to say something,to speak but nothing came out of his mouth.
His younger version then disappeared into the young girl who now has her eyes widened slightly and her voice turned into more heavy breathing combined with shaky sniffing.
“P-papa. . P-Please d-dd-dont. . Leave m-mme” The young said in a broken voice as she steps closer to him and grabbing his wrists.Sukuna didnt even notice how his breathing become so heavy and how loud his heart beat sounded,especially when he could hear it banging in his ears.
He wanted to grab the girl and hugged her,to tell her that he isn’t going to leave her alone,to make her smile instead of crying like that.But his voice cut off.
And then the second the girl grab his wrist the scenery of the surrounding changed as well his body position changed,Now He standing up looking forward at a hallway that he knew to well and then he felt someone hands.
“.P-please. .don’t L-leave me P-pp-please”
He knew that voice,Your voice,as clear as he remembered.He winced in regret at hearing you choking on your tears.Then the his body moved on his own,his head turned to see you completely,
“Please . . .S-Sukuna” a voice so painfully loud in his head,but so low that it could be miss taken as a whisper of the wind.
That was the only thing he heard from before everything went black.
As he gasp for out for air,his body covered in warm sweat,his body now in a sitting position.He heart banging against his chest like a drum,he quickly removed the blanket off his body.Sukuna felt something falling down his cheeks as he rubs his eyes noticing the wetness that come from it.
Tears,his tears.He hadn’t had a nightmare in so long that made him cry like that.He felt that his breathing was off,as he could feel the cold air brushing against his warm skin making him shiver.
“It just a dream��he spoke and so he stood up and glanced at the clock that stood there on top of the night stance.
“What time is it?”He asked in his head,as he keeps his breathing steady and his heart beating calm again.
4:30am on the dot,making him Groan and grumble as he walks around his large bedroom to the bathroom,he desperately needed a cold shower to wake up.To make him forgot about his stupid little nightmare.
Now entering the bathroom he turns on the light flashing his eyesight,making him scrunched up his nose and wince at how bright it is. He looks into the mirror showing his body and face.
“W-what . .. did I-i do wrong” A voiced ringed in his head,as he quickly turned away from the mirror and began to turn on the water.
Now waiting for it to become his prefer temperature,He just sits on the toilet manspread;head being held up by his hand;rubbing his hand against his face.
“It just a nightmare” He whispered to himself in agreement as he rans his hands in his striking pink hair.Taking off his clothes and jumping into the shower to be awake from the cold water.
The icy water hits his body,water sliding down his body and onto the floor of the tub.As it drips down from his face;smoothing his muscular fatigue just a bit.
But even that doesn’t make the damn dream go away.In fact it just keeps reappearing in his mind.
“Papa” “Papa” “Papa” “P-papa”
“P-papa. . P-Please d-dd-dont. . Leave m-mme” the little girl broken voice comes in his ears.Seeing an image of her crying for him;reaching out for him in sake of his warmth.
His breathe hitches as if it hurted to breath normally. ‘I-I won’t let you go’ he whispered to himself as if he knew what he saying is true or false or just a saying to him that maybe he just a hopeless as he was.
He didn’t know why he wanted to be in the little girl life,maybe because she his child,maybe because he it was his responsibility for making you pregnant with his daughter or,maybe because that it wouldn’t be fair to be her father and not care about her as her Stupid Ass father.
Or maybe that he saw himself in her,saw a glimpse of something that he couldn’t control,her hating him for the stuff he did.
He knew that deep inside he didn’t want her to feel like he abandoned her like how life did to him.
“.P-please. .don’t L-leave me P-pp-please” And then your voice comes in his mind as it comes out like an anchor of his regrets.He was really a piece of of shit.
“Please . . .”
He quickly opened his eyes that he didn’t even recall closing them,and decided to put the water into warm temperatures.He didn’t need this right now.A part of him says that what he did was for the best and the other part of him that deep inside of him knows that he should’ve turned around and walked back to you.But he didn’t.
He let out a big heavy sigh and remembered that he made his assistant ‘uraume’ to write you about the deal.Knowing that you wouldn’t accept it but he was willing to try at least.
And so he continued his shower and washed his hair and body,and once he was done he began wrapping a towel around his waist and glancing on the mirror to see how red his skin looked.
“Urgh fuck work” He reminded himself as he stormed out the bathroom and into his bedroom and started to get changed.
As soon as he was done it was already 5:40am and so he just went to where his garage where his cars are and then went to work early.
Sukuna was an actor and started a side company that was small when he started out,but soon grew into a big company as well as his acting career.
When he made it into his company he just went into his office,and that could be his start of his day.At 6:05am he started working in the morning as he kept his stern demeanor in place.
While you drop off Nova at school you were quick to go to work where it was hell.And so right now you’re on the bus,sitting down with boredom painted on your face,but you kept thinking about the 5,000 dollars in your bank account.It bother you for some reason,like you were happy that you have money in your bank without having to work your ass off.
But the other was like,now it feels like you own him now,and it wasn’t your money that you worked hard for;no it was his money that he just flat out gave to you.
As the bus stop at the station that you needed to get out.And so you walked out of the bus station,wincing at the sunlight hitting your eyes,covering your eyes from the sunlight with your hand.
It was probably 8:35am when you started to walked.
People passing and going,some simply walking around with smile on their face,and other people walking to get on time to work like you.
You made it,at your job as a waitress.Moreover you winced from how many people were there,making you slip out a defeated sigh of that. Hearing multiple voices of people chatting about whatever topic and some trying to calm down their crying babies.
As you check in at the register,as the other employees were busy cleaning,taking orders,cooking,etc.As you were quickly ordered to take people orders.
‘Here goes a fun day of hell starting right now’You spoke to yourself now,putting on your fake smile on.
After a long stressful day of work,your body ache from having to practically running to write orders.You check your phone to see the time is 3:00pm on the dot.You immediately sign off from your shift and onto to getting your stuff and immediately start your walk towards nova’s school.Knowing it was very late to get her up but it is the only way you could make money.
You started to walk quickly towards the bus station,making it swiftly into the bus,and getting a seat.As the bus waits for the other passengers to hop on.After a while the bus start to close the door and finally starts moving.
As the sunlight Glows passing through the windows of the bus,Making the windows hot and warm to touch.As bus passes multiple stations until it was finally your stop,in which you politely Maneuver through the bus towards the exit.You said your thanks to the bus driver and who replied with your welcome.
Now walking towards the school,You really needed a car by now but it doesn’t matter asking as you’re able to pay for life essentials.
As you approach the school, you spot Nova making her way towards you, her backpack bouncing with every step. You plaster a smile on your face, hiding the exhaustion you feel from the long day at work.
"Hey, Nova! How was school?" you ask, trying to sound cheerful.
Nova shrugs, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "It was alright, I guess. Math was tough today."
You nod understandingly, trying to appear more interested in what she's telling you. The thought of having to work longer hours now to pay for tutoring services crosses your mind, but you push it away for now.
"That sounds rough," you reply, showing concern. "But I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. You're smart, after all."
Nova looks up at you, a hint of worry in her eyes. "Can we grab a snack before heading home? I'm starving."
You stifle a sigh, knowing that you're also hungry but also tired and just want to get home. "Sure, we can grab something quick. What do you feel like eating?"
You look at Nova and stare in which she quickly answer the question “um ice cream!” Her eyes sprinkles in joy and excitement at the thought of eating ice cream.
You rolled your eyes at her reply,letting out a small chuckle,as you smile at her face.
“Sure thing sweet heart,there should be an ice cream shop nearby” You explain while ruffling her pink hair.You already are tried out from walking but some more walking wouldn’t hurt.Nova will be the death of you some day.
“YAY!!Thank You mama!!”Nova yelled happily as she jumps up and down,and then rushes towards you with a big hug making you slightly stubble backwards.
‘Yep,she’ll definitely be the death of me’You spoke in you mind as your lips turning up into a big warm smile as you kneel down to hug her back.And giving her a kiss on her forehead.
“You welcome you little troll,now come on before it gets dark” you replied to her.
Nova nods as she politely breaks the hug and looking at you with her adorable smile.You return to standing up,as you extend your hand in gesture of wanting to hold her hand in which she complies to it.
As you both walks towards the ice cream shop that was just three blocks from the school.During that time the Brightness from the sun starts to decrease but rather starts to rise it ironic sunset glow.While walking towards the shop,you listen to nova talk about her day.Passing through multiple citizens until you finally made it there.
You look at the door seeing how it written open with a marker.You let out a sigh of relief that it wasn’t closed;you could feel nova excitement as she looks intently inside the shop.
Now opening the door of the ice cream,as nova enter through the door it makes a light jingle sound as a signal to the person here.Forthwith you walked shop quickly right behind nova.
You notice how small the shop look but how well care it was;you also notice how it give off a comfy granny vibes,not that you don’t like it,it just makes the ice cream shop feel more unique than others.
You saw that there no other customer here,as you see how nova was already at the front desk where the ice cream was displayed,You chuckled when you saw nova expression.
As you glanced at the choices that were being displayed.Then a door opened behind the front desk.
“Oh-h hello there,Good afternoon,is there anything you’ll like or need” a voice coming from the back,whoever voice it was gave off a warm and gentle comfort.As You could hear the steps coming closer to you guys.
Before you could even say hello,or opening your mouth,nova began talking.As the stranger was finally infront of you,and it was an elderly woman with her hair having sprinkled of white hair.Having winkles that were visible,She still looked attractive in her age and her eyes definitely showed adventurous and wisdom.
You would estimate that she was in her early 50’s but she looked still in shape
“Goood aftermoon,Me and mamma Are here for some yummy ice cream!Also I could like cookie and cream ice cream pleasee”Nova cheerfully says.
The older woman chuckled at Nova's enthusiasm,finding it endearing,she smiled warmly. "Well, isn't that a delightful choice. Cookies and cream, coming right up."
She turned around and began preparing the ice cream, adding a generous scoop of the sweet treat into a cone.
"And for you, dear?" she asked as she handed the cone of ice cream to Nova, her eyes looking at you and awaiting your response.
You politely shake your head,with a reassuring smile.”No thank you I’m alright,how much will the cost be in total” your glance at nova who enjoying her treat and return to the elderly women and pulling out your credit card from your bag.
The woman smiled warmly as you declined the ice cream, appreciating your politeness.
“Oh,don’t worry about the cost,dear. It’s on the house today.” She waved off your credit card with a gracious gesture.
"Consider it a small token for brightening up my quiet afternoon." She explains with a warm smile on her lips.
Your eyes widen in disbelief,as you let out a heartfelt sigh.As you thanks her for everything as you check what time is it on your phone to see that it 5:30pm,and you eyes widen from how much time has passed.You quickly put back your phone in your cross body bag.
“Come on nova we have to go back home,we don’t want the boogie monster to come get us,right”You announced to her;nova looks up and quickly walks over towards you with her bowl of ice cream,giggle sip out her mouth finding the thought of boogie monster coming after them.
“Thanks you for everything Ms” You spoke to the elderly woman,giving her a reassuring look.
Now walking towards the direction where the school was,and then you’ll just have to take an another bus ticket to get home. As you glance that the sky to see how the sky color looks more like it sun setting color.Glowing it orange shines through the building of the city.
You carried nova bookbag so it will be easier for you guys to get into the bus.When you made it there You laughed at nova adorable messy face while getting onto the bus.
The bus was crowded, as usual, the city traffic bringing workers home and students home from school.Nova and you found yourselves crammed in the middle, Nova leaning into you as you stood and held her up to keep her from falling.
The bus moved swiftly with each stop, letting people on or off. Nova watched from the side of the bus as you looked forward, watching the city move by.
As you feel nova head leaning against your shoulder,you glances at her to see her eyes close and her breathing evenly,You smile heart fully.Brushing the streaks of her pink hair that were in her mouth.As you leaned to land another kiss on her forehead.
’I give you the world to live to see you grow up.I promise that I’ll never pick myself first before you,nova Ryoman L/name’ You whisper to yourself.
As the bus ride continues on,stopping at bus stops.
The bus rides on, stopping and picking up passengers at every stop. The hum of the engine fills the air, and the sun gone and the moon light shines over the city in a brilliant display.
Nova sleeps against you,as you gaze off to the windows of the bus.The bus finally reaches your stop, and you gently scoop up Nova to carry her off the bus.
You carried her and your stuff along with carry her on your back,with her head slumped against your shoulder making quietly snores.You were careful to not get into to any of random danger in you way home.
Moreover you made it home safely,It not the best choice of place to live in but it works.You wake up nova to go take a shower,as you put away your stuff,your back begging to have a break.But you still needed to go make food for nova. Before you get any sleep.
“Sir Ryoman!” uraume announced with a professional voice,As they knocks one more time against Sukuna office door.
It was 8:56pm in the evening.People always wonder how they are able to handle working with Sukuna,some admired their dedication and other would just make rumors about them and him.Either the rumors would be how they was making ties with him or how they was just his personal quickie.Which none were true.
As uraume thought of knocking on the door again but was stopped by Sukuna sternly voice saying to come in.
While opening and closing the door,They looked to see how dark the room is and how the only light was the moon light.They could instantly see his red eye, glowing under the light.As well his pink hair.
Uraume flicked the light switch on,Flashing the both of them with the bright white light.As they nonchalantly looked at Sukuna and now walking towards his desk,their shoes clacking off the floor,carrying a small stack of paper on top of them is their iPad,they carry it on the other hand.His silence hung in the air like a suspended breath.
Finally breaking the silence,he begins to talk.“What is it now uraume” He said, his voice cold and stern. He was clearly uninterested in what uraume had to say.
Uraume clear there’s throat,brushing their white bob cut hair with there hands.They began to speak with a direct professional voice.
“I have a few documents for you about the recents meetings and there are some paperwork in this pile that are needed to fill out” they say as they place the pile on his desk and grabbing their iPad and turning it on Before continuing on.
”You also are scheduled for three interviews and then your schedule to have meeting with your clients and providers.You have a email on from a director who is willing to give you a role for a upcoming movie” Uraume added off there voice steady and professional,as they turns off their iPad now looking at Sukuna eyes.
Sukuna leaned back in his chair,looking up at the ceiling of his office,a low grumble of irritation.His neck was slightly visible towards uraume,as he run his fingers through his appealing pink hair as it runs along his face and then he return to looking at uraume.His hand pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Thanks for the report uraume”Sukuna replied with sarcasm as well with irritation and uninterested into what uraume said.He already knew that he had new business to take care of,so this wasn’t any different from the other things.
“Is there anything you want to ask me about the regarding matters?” uraume said with control and professionalism,looking at him with a flat face.
He looks at his desk before looking at uraume face with a stern expression.His red eyes staring into uraume face.
“Did she respond back to the message that I had asked you to send?” He questioned along with his voice coming out harsh and demanding.But behind his facade the uncertainty gnawed at sukuna mind.
Uraume thought of the message he was referring too.They knew Sukuna had developed a strange interest for one particular woman.
But why should they judge him,after all it was a rare moment for him to express his personal interests to anyone else.
"No", Uraume stated in a professional tone, "I haven't received a reply from her yet. However," they added, "if you're looking for more answers, I can keep an eye on the situation and keep you updated."
Sukuna nodded,before adding on.
“Also I’ll like you to do a investigation on her life I want it to be done by the end of week with a full detail report on the matter,so If I hear as a simple person hearing about this I wont hesitate to chop your head off” He spoke with seriousness,every word carrying weight and importance.
“Yes sir” uraume nodded as they turns around walking towards the door.Stopping when they heard his voice again. Turning their head back to him.
“And send another message for me to her again today” He announced without looking at uraume figure,now looking at the paper he had to do.In which they simply nodded and left the room with a sigh as they walks to their own office.
Pondering What all this sudden interest in you;They has never seen him so clearly interested in a woman to actually ask for them to track them down,usually it was rather to get them out his house after every night stand he had.
As they enter their office,now walking to their desk with a heavy sigh,now looking at the time on their watch to see it 10:25pm.It was going to be a long night before they could get any sleep or even go home.
author note: I know I left This on a god damn cliffhanger but this isn’t even the original edited version,I HAD to cut out the original by half cuz I think I made it to 10k words and it aren’t even done😭 but I fricking hope y’all love this and part three will be out hopefully soon,I have never hated writing the words they/thier/and them 😭 it so new for me to do.But I already copy and pasted the cut part off and it in own draft so I’ll will be working on it.
Taglist: @lil-annonie @scoobysnakz @chilichopsticks @axkermanrenn @domainofmarie @laraackerman @manikosii @chrys23 @mangiswig @gladiatorgladiator @kosmisoo @midnight-138 @kkshahrewar. I hope I got all of y’all tags list right and it didn’t do that thingy that doesn’t allow me to tag you.
#sukuna x reader#jjk x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#jujutsu kaisen sukuna#sukuna#jujutsu kaisen#sukuna ryomen#sukuna x you#sukuna x y/n#ryoumen sukuna#sukuna ryomen smut#sukuna fluff
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the real reason why mcd zane sucks, from purely a writing standpoint, is that the writers really want him to be a pure evil villian. a force of evil that can not be reasoned with or stopped. absolutely nuance free and unsympathetic no matter how you slice and dice it.
which, would normally be fine, but is a weird choice for zane specifically because the writers keep naturally bringing up ways to give him depth, only to bend over backwards to shut it down once they remember zane is supposed to be cardboard flat for their kid audience to remember he's the bad guy.
and by all the time i do mean all the time. here is a list of roads blocked off by the no development tree that fell across the road:
Zane grew up isolated even by the standards of noble children, as heirs to the O'khasis throne start their training rather young, and, according to accounts about his childhood, Zane preferred to spend his free time alone as opposed to with family. At some point, his father contracted some illness that turns people into asshole tyrants, and began to groom a very impressionable Zane into a good and obedient pawn for him to control on his quest for world domination -> Zane was actually always evil from birth, which makes him immune to trauma. Garte's dickheadness actually only affected the "good" Ro'Meaves, and actually it's Zane's influence that turned Garte into a bad person. Even shit that Garte did long after Zane died are Zane's fault by proxy.
Zane's strained relationship with his brothers are also largely attributed to Zane being evil. Honestly there's a lot I could put here but the most damning one is probably the fact that Zane isn't allowed to talk about his upbringing at all after vaguely mentioning having a dead brother on the docks.
Zane's initially introduced as an ambitious young priest who came to power due to his commitment to his studies. He secretly uses taboo ancient magic that people can't exactly come across if they don't have an obsessive drive to learn about the divines beyond the church's teachings. -> Actually Zane stole everything from "real scholars" and never actually cared about his research outside of what power it could bring him. Apparently he can't even read for himself without a "real scholar" in the room.
Zane's most terrible deeds (Kiki's pendant, Alexis, Falconclaw) were committed in service of opening the Irene dimension. Its implied that some, if not all of the specific deeds needed to open the portal were decided long before Zane ever got his hands on the amulets. -> Each portal-opening crime is treated as its own separate crime, motivated purely by sadism. Falconclaw specifically is referred to as a "horrific mass slaughter Zane had a lot of fun committing", even though everyone involved just painlessly fell over dead
Zane only raises a sword to people to have actively betrayed him. Jeffory betrayed him, the Wolf Tribe was plotting to eat him the next time he showed up, and Garroth committed treason two seperate times and shoved his own sword in Zane's face before Zane tried to kill him about it -> Evidence that Zane is just a bloodthristy killer who would kill his comrades unprompted. His victims are not traitors, but martyrs to his unreasonable wrath
Zane possessed the protector's relic for a period of time. Surely he must've had some reason to hold it -> Zane was entirely undeserving of the relic. He only had it because blood relations.
Despite already having a relic, Zane wants to get Irene's relic -> Exclusively to hoard power! No personal reasons or family reasons or nerd reasons. Just an insanely dangerous and high stakes task done solely to have them all. Like its a pokemon with life steal.
Zane gets turned into a Shadow Knight. Zane used to have an absurd amount of knowledge on the Shadow Knights, lots of shadow knights hate his gay ass, becoming a Shadow Knight is usually pretty traumati--> Zane doesn't feel trauma, duh!! He's actually stronger than ever.
And I know I'm aphblr's foremost Zane dick rider but this isn't a Zane did nothing wrong post its just bad writing. Zane's actions affect so much of the plot its fucking bonkers to give him the depth of an evil sheet of printer paper. Aph's usually pretty good at fleshing out her villians I don't know why the one guy who everyone and their mother has a connection to is just a knife roomba of a man. At the bare minimum he should've been as fleshed out as his brothers because then it'd be a tragic tale about a family being torn apart by a system they benefit from instead of a karma-farming AITAH post set in medival times.
#like am i wrong????#am i just projecting????#i know idealized fanon whatever but this isn't crumbs this is dangling a cookie in my face and tossing it in the trashcan#zane could've been SO INTRESTING!! GOD!!#my zuzubear#aphmau#zane ro'meave#aphblr#aphmau zane#aphmau minecraft diaries#minecraft diaries#aphverse#also why was he the shadow lord in rebirth. what was up with that.
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I need a threesome with Comie(?) and Pebble. Just I need to be knotted as I suck off honeyboi.
P. S Love you Pinnie. Thank you for your hard work 🙏
[It's "Colmei", but you got it basically. You didn't really specify, so I'm putting you in the "Admin" role. Love you too! <3 Fem reader.]
TW: Knotting; Food cum (as in, it's literal honey); Slight cultish themes.
The bug monster always intrigued you.
He wasn't made by The Clergy's Eye. Your lord didn't weave him into existence either.
That you know of, this... Man? Male. He just showed up. Installed himself in the garden. A ridiculous notion, it really reminds you of Fank-e.
You recall the initial commotion.
Krulu had been alerted to the entity's prolonged presence and effectively wanted to remove said unknown monster from his grounds. Because, after all, if he wasn't there to make some sort of exchange and be sapped at like the rest, then he was a waste of space and resources- Especially when the uncivilized monster decided to station his colony in the garden.
What stopped your lord from rightfully removing the witless intruder from his domain were the desperate plights of Patches and Nebul, both undead monsters exhibiting great fascination with the likes of Colmei, as he's come to be called. You don't even remember which of the two baptized him anymore... When push came to shove, you chose to voice an opinion, siding with your coworkers. Not to spite Krulu, never. You truly just shared their fascination with the bee man. Besides, the garden actively benefits from the actions of his well-coordinated bees, that can't be denied.
And he was left alone, begrudgingly.
"Bee man" is a misleading term. From what little of his body you've seen, he's nothing like a bee-based monster at all. If anything, you'd liken him more to a parasitic entity inhabiting the garbs of a medieval beekeeper, like a snail's shell. His sleeves are always long and down, like Nebul's. His mask is usually always in place, and although many people would wonder about the monster's ability to see, you know better. You've learned a lot in your time working here. Masks and lack of visible ocular organs means nothing. You know Colmei can see his surroundings the same way you can- And even if you didn't, Patches' extensive research on the specimen more than proves it. He can circumvent objects in his path without scent or palping, he can differentiate colors, he has depth and perception like a human's, a field of vision standard in your species. He's a little wonder, you've combed -Pun intended- through reports on him more than once.
And, although he's not officially recognized as a "garden anomaly" by anyone here, you lump information about him next to Hellion and Pebble's cases. In fact, now that you recall things, didn't Pebble form after Colmei's arrival? Probably, you'll have to check later. The two get along well enough, which already can't be said about Hellion's relationship with the bee caretaker. Then again, Hellion has a strong personality, to say the least...
Speaking of, you're sacrificing some of your free time this morning to satisfy one of Patches' requests. He needs a sample from Colmei. Saliva was easy enough to get, the monster does eat, and with those three slobbering tongues you've caught glimpses of, it was hard to miss a chance to get a swab of his drool. The problem came when Patches attempted to get a "seed sample". You've long since stopped questioning why he wants to work with reproductive fluids, and considering the stunts you've seen this dullahan pull using a variety of organic elements, you have to at least admit there's some merit to what superficially comes off as pure depravity. Even if you'd like it if he stopped obsessing over homunculi...
Patches is old, he knows what he's doing sometimes.
Point being, whenever the undead tries to get handsy with Colmei, the bug monster blatantly rejects him, buzzing angrily. He doesn't often fall for traps either. Relatively speaking, you'd assume Colmei would be very receptive to sexual attention ever since he discovered ejaculation is harmless, in much the same way Belo underwent a somewhat prolonged lustful fever the moment he was bedded by you and lord Krulu. And, effectively, Colmei spends an inordinate amount of time stimulating himself, perhaps in an effort to make up for all the times he was left frustrated and hopelessly libidinous for no reason. Although he frequently brings himself to completion, the garden inhabitant doesn't allow people to approach him sexually often. Santi was briefly allowed to stroke him through his garb, but the moment the demon attempted to get a better feel, he was quickly hissed and buzzed at.
You think the incubus is still a little sore over that. Heh.
Nevertheless, you've decided you'll get this over and done with it today. Because you're not just anybody, you're the Administrator of this establishment, and what needs to be done will get done, so help you.
It's all a matter of waiting. Colmei's going to get bothered at any moment, you know he has nothing better to do in the mornings, because his hive has adapted to The Clergy's Eye's schedule. His army of bees all remain mostly dormant within early mornings, because the garden's flowers too are dormant, meaning there's no pollen to collect. That's just how this tilted world is. Cleverly, they rest and save energy for the evenings and nights. Colmei wakes from slumber much earlier however, has to, acting as a guard for his smaller colony elements.
You've been sitting on a lonely bench (who, miraculously, isn't Sybastian) for a while now, bidding your time. Occasionally, you'll make conversation with your currently busy higher, other times you'll catch Hellion shift in his sleep atop a tree's fat branch. Generally, you don't have much trouble sitting placidly, rolling the tube-like vial in-between your gloved fingers. Some people get maddened by the waiting game, Krulu has taught you better.
Your first plan of action is simple, coaxing. If that fails, which it just might, there's no doubt in you something can be schemed. This is far from the most daunting of challenges you've taken on.
Time passes, the fog hugging your home's dark walls recedes ever so gently, some of the plant life sways and plumps, as if the building is yawning, waking itself up. The fountain comes alive, sprinkling water in all the wrong directions, as usual. Today, it sports a curious, hourglass shape, adorned with well-sculped crows seemingly flocking around it. Lord-Master would enjoy the sight of it if he was paying attention to your whereabouts right now.
From then on, it's fairly soon when you hear a more pronounced buzz coming from the sides of the establishment. Seeing as it's usually quite silent this time of day, it can only be the beekeeper. You smile knowingly, aware of what he'll most likely be doing in a little while.
Rising, measured, slow and muted footsteps carry you closer to the source of the sound. You trail the edges of your establishment, ears almost twitching with the way they're perked at every insect-like noise. When those sounds dip into a slightly familiar rhythm, strong but interspersed with breaks of abrupt silence, like gasping, your pace quickens.
Turning around the front left edge of the building, you see him there, predictably. Colmei leans against the dark brick walls of The Clergy, some fair distance away from the oversized colony structure attached to it. Monochrome robes pool messily around his hips, held there by pitch black arms that dip between full thighs and grasp a humanoid appendage with fervor.
It's a silly thing to say, but being that you've witnessed so many foreign genital configurations, it's become a novelty to find a "proper" set on monsters these days. You'd expect something as bizarre as Colmei to sport a wet and curling thing moving this way and that, but no- There it sits, humanoid balls beneath a humanoid shaft. Very odd indeed.
He's doing exactly what you predicted he would, somewhat clumsily palming and squeezing himself, grip on the base of his cock but mostly static. He may have learned to bring himself to fruition, but he's not practiced at it, perhaps that's why he spends so much time agonizing like this. Once more, you'd think masturbatory motions would come near instinctively to the parasitic entity, yet that doesn't seem to be the case. The head of his already slick cock drips something incredibly viscous to the ground, this darkened orange-ish string that, if seen from afar, could almost be mistaken for something else.
You've seen traces of it on the garden at times, spattered messily atop flowerbeds. Patches could just collect one of those and use it, but he insists they're not appropriate, have been tainted. Frankly, you think he just wants an excuse to make someone touch the garden monster.
Amused, you observe Colmei clumsily paw at himself, throbbing against nothing, chest filling out as he tries to angle his legs in a better position. He almost figures out how to cant them well, then gives up. It's as endearing as it is aggravating to watch. You think he made an odd droning cry at some point. You're getting as frustrated as he is just watching him try to find a good method. Part of you only wants to rush there and hold those meaty hands over his length properly, pump him decently, make him curl his grasp here and there, grab his full balls and slap his ass when he finally gets the gist of it. One would assume Colmei would get the hang of it by watching the drunk stragglers that stumble into the garden and beat off in their highs. Then again, usually something ends up happening to them.
Stepping into the very corner of Colmei's field of vision -Well, assuming his vision isn't totally tunneled, which it might be- You make a soft coo at the monster.
He heard it. Heard it very well. You commend his alertness even in a state distracted by arousal.
For a second, you wondered if the unknowable monster man was going to jump out of his robes, face swinging immediately in your direction and pitifully small wings spreading. It reminds you of Belo when he's upset, minus the parakeet fluffing. Whatever angry noise was beginning to rattle in his abdomen is halted when he realizes who's standing in front of him.
Garden anomalies have a primal, inherent understanding of the dynamics of The Clergy. They know who your lord is, can feel his work and his presence everywhere. They know to respect him, and they understand who his vessel is. As such, you're very often treated with less mischievous intent and never shown a wink of genuine hostility unless they're deeply aggravated by an exterior agent. Colmei isn't a garden anomaly however, which makes his similar reactions all the more interesting. He learned from the others that you're a figure to be cautiously regarded, to be mildly subservient to.
Maybe he can sense Krulu, maybe he can't- It's still hilarious that he treats you like an untouchable figure just because others are doing it.
Which is to say, your hypothesis here is that he won't deny your advances because he thinks more of you than he does the rest of the staff.
Colmei's buzzing is now muted and soft, uncertain. Incredibly enough, his static hand is still wrapped around a neglected member. Though you can clearly gouge he's extremely tense right now.
" Colmei. "
He reacts to the word, perking, knowing that's what he's called in these grounds.
" Come here. "
There's a communication barrier between you and the beekeeper, sure. But he's been learning the language ever since his stay here. He knows what those words mean, especially when you do a curt beckoning gesture. If your lord were available now, he'd facilitate the conversation, but alas. You're no baby, you'll get this done on your own.
When the beekeeper doesn't move a muscle, your first step forward is measured, the two of you watching each other like hawks in a standstill. That's definitely not the energy you're going for, so you put on a smile, glancing from his covered complexion to the treat he clutches and licking your lips. Come on...
Colmei's wings flutter, though stubbornly, he doesn't meet you.
Cautious steps turn to confident struts, unbothered by his evident turmoil. You halt right up close to Colmei, seeing the way he breathes faster, the noise of something wet shifting behind that grayed mask. Knowing he's clearly deliberating, you don't reach for the goal immediately, in fact, you just stare at him with a soft expression.
The pressure cracks him.
Colmei ultimately leans down, the bottom of his head garbs brushing barely on the crook of your neck. Whether it was done just to have contact or to somehow smell you, is irrelevant. Smiling, you gently crane your head, shifting to push cloth away, such so that the monster can see more of your neck. There's a sound by your ears, something being dislodged, pushed aside by a slimy protrusion that eagerly splays itself on bare skin, laving, relishing.
The noise you make in response is only a little bit hammed up. It does feel nice, but riling him up is more important right now. When the monster makes a strange rolling croon, soft and high, you inch closer to trail gloved fingertips on his right inner thigh, a teasing back and forth that might frustrate another male, but he seems content with it. Progress is made when the beekeeper's previously static hand jolts to life, stroking over himself more avidly than before, though still as clumsy. Another gross extremity comes to slobber on your neck, the two twining occasionally in the monster's enthusiasm. Drool is seeping into your clothes. Although your digits creep upwards just a tiny bit more with every to and fro, you bide your time.
He parts his legs further, almost imperceptibly so, and paired with his erratic wing flicking, you take it as an invitation. Colmei stiffens, in many ways, the moment you follow the curve of his balls and trace the root of him, hand venturing to join his and stroke his girth in tandem. It was sensuous, scrupulous, lazy.
But it was still too much.
The beekeeper jars, jumping away from your touch and presence in surprising speeds for such a large body. Monochrome robes are pushed down and he makes a distinctly hostile buzz much like the roar of an engine. Though, as quickly as it reverbs through the garden, Colmei appears to get a flash of self-awareness and strangles the rest of the cry into a high-pitched squeal. You raise an unamused eyebrow at him, watching incredulously when the hive guardian merely recedes into the distance, turning around the edge of the building to avoid you.
Well that's a mission failed, for sure.
A bitter taste settles on your tongue. The defeat of sexual rejection is something you haven't had to deal with in a long time, although, Colmei's evident fear of being stimulated by another is amusing enough to wave that frustration away as you snicker to yourself. What is he doing now? Just sulking in the corner with a throbbing cock and tightened nuts? If he jerks off now and ruins your chance to get that sample, you're going to be so livid. What a pussbag.
Speaking of cowards...
A depraved little lightbulb dawns over your head.
You're going to lure Colmei into letting you touch him, by making him want to participate. But, for this next stunt, you need a volunteer. Not just anyone will do, criteria dictates said third element needs to have a moderately positive bond with the beekeeper.
You're not going to bother staff while they prepare for the day. Hellion is like a pest to Colmei, a nuisance in a good day. That leaves dear old Pebble.
The fog that seems to poise over this infrastructure, shielding it, bathing the premises in properties you can't exactly comprehend, also affects plenty of the beings that inhabit this space. Naturally. The flock of gargoyles that's settled on the roof, the standard ones that is, seldom ever turns to stone in plain daylight.
You and Patches have conversed about this, it's likely due to the way the fog mutes some of the sunlight's qualities. Whatever sort of biological signals determine a gargoyle should enter "stone sleep" are filtered out. That's not to deny that there exist days where the sun is so potent it still manages to turn most into statues.
Pebble is odd. Of course he is, he's a mutant of the garden -Your sweet spawn of Krulu- But it seems he only partially turns to stone for a very brief span of time. You've caught him in states that weren't quite sleep nor consciousness, body shifting in jerky motions as he instinctively tried to stretch, looking around, but not able to move much aside from a step or two in ambiguous directions.
This half-awake half-asleep state appears to bother the gargoyle, so he's cleverly taken to nesting in spots that provide shade during the day, keeping himself mostly shielded and avoiding having his body paralyzed. In fact, you bet you won't have to search too much for him at all! Venturing to the opposite side of The Clergy's exterior, there's a flattish roof area there he tends to pick often. Although you could scale the building with your lord's arms, that likely won't be necessary.
" Pebble. " You call softly.
A few moments of silence pass.
" ... Pebble! " Comes out slightly more forcefully.
It's always a bit tricky with him. You don't want to raise your voice and make him accidentally interpret that you're angry at him. Having one monster run off is enough.
There's a sigh. " Damn it. Pebb- "
With a soft sort of click click clack of clawtips on darkened tiles, a paperbag clad head peeks out from the edge, followed by its twin.
The mutant offers you a confused, nervous glance, pinprick eye blinking tiredly before darting every which way. Yes yes, no one really likes getting woken from their beauty sleep. You understand him perfectly.
" Hi lovely. " Gentle gentle, he stares at you, still as quizzical as before. " Wanna come down here for a second? I need your help. "
The gargoyle hesitates. He always does, though you take no offense to it. That's just how he is. A good deal of time has passed ever since Pebble was welcomed into The Clergy, and the anomaly has come to trust some of the staff, you being one of them. If you didn't know better, you'd say he feels safe around you at times.
Making a brief come hither gesture, you wink cheekily at the blue mutant. " I promise it'll be fine. You can go back to sleep when I'm done. "
Another long pause settles, his arms steadying the monster on the roof. Patience is affordable today, you can't rush this plan, after all. So you merely stand there, silently and passively exerting pressure on the garden anomaly. It always works.
In a moment, robust wings stretch and flap, as if waking themselves up as well, and Pebble gets into position, leaping from the tall roof, down onto several sections, finally landing a small distance beside you with this ground-shaking-
Yes, being made of solid, compact stone is quite perilous... Between him and the robot, you wonder which one's mass is more destructive.
Nevertheless, with the gargoyle now approachable, you calmly stroll over and smile, taking a rough blue hand onto yours. Pebble's fingers twitch a little and he makes a curious chuff, ruby eye ever trained on you. Twin tails lash behind him when you bring the stone to your lips for a chaste kiss, his breath hitches timidly.
" Thank you. " You start, softly leading the comparatively large monster back to where you were when Colmei rejected you. The longer you walk, the more antsy your friend seems to get. " I promise I don't want anything weird. "
Lord knows the dullahan and the wraith massacred poor Pebble for details when he was formed. Just as they did Hellion, though that aptly named scoundrel has always had a lot more swipe and bite in him.
As you halt, you sadly confirm that the beekeeper is nowhere to be seen. Something that won't matter in the long run, yet still manages to peeve you a tad.
" Pebble- " You turn to the gargoyle. " Do you want to fuck me? "
For all the gentleness you had been sparing him thus far, that was quite the bold invitation.
When that red pinprick turns into an even smaller little dot in the pitch black, jagged hole of his bag, it's hard to resist cackling. He was most definitely caught off-guard, hunching, letting out a breath he had been holding. Silence ensues, though he's not stepping away, so you'll assume his libido will overpower that cowardice today. There's something almost suspicious about the way he regards you. As if he can't quite bring himself to believe you've woken him from a dead sleep... Just to fuck him.
And he's right.
You have ulterior motives, but, even if he can't tell, there are virtually no downsides to it. So you might as well have just woken him for a romp, yes.
Pebble eventually makes an unintelligible garble and twiddles his thumbs, sparing you quick glances. A sort of "Are you sure I can?" if there ever was one.
Hah, cute.
Unable to hide the mirth in your smirk, you giggle and loop your arms around the monster's hard waist, observing the fascinating way an unholy union of stone and flesh mold when his chest heaves in surprise. He's gruesome and pretty all at once, the garden did exceptionally well when it created Pebble.
" Is that a 'yes' I see? " You mock, receiving shy, unsynchronized nodding from both heads. " Good, then let's not waste any time. "
You pull the gargoyle along while taking several steps backwards, until your outfit brushes against the building's wall. Although clearly interested, Pebble never usually takes much of an initiative. Not because he doesn't want to, you can see it in the way his extremities twitch and his tails impatiently sway, it's always that unknowable fear keeping him at bay, that insecurity. It's far from a turn off though, and such is seen when you slide your work dress up, hearing him chuff at the sight of your laced panties when the fabric gathers at your hips.
Poor little baby, getting bothered already.
You do like these panties, they've been a favorite pair of yours because of how transparent they are, and many of the staff members have admired them already. You don't think Pebble has though, so you drink in his witless arousal like an impeccable wine. A gloved digit unceremoniously peels your panties to the side, and you're sure he can smell the very first hints of wetness gathering on your pussylips, because he does that distinct sort of shnort that a lot of monsters do when they sense an easy hole.
Grabbing his hand once more, you first take care to bring those clawed fingers to your mouth. Sure, it's not exactly the softest sensation gliding on your tongue, but that doesn't matter. What you want to do is get him as slippery as possible to facilitate things, and rile rouse him further. It works wonderfully in your favor, the mutant huffing and making an odd sort of impatient whimper. Your motions are lazy, making sure you have some eye contact as you intentionally let yourself drool heavily on him, strings of it already coating your chin when you make a quiet moan around his digits.
Pebble showcases a rare display of assertiveness when he ever so subtly slides more of his two fingers into your mouth, and you bob to accompany him, flustering the anomaly to stillness again. You know he'd rather have something else in there. The look of mild awe that crosses his face when you release his now soaked fingers is borderline hilarious. He plays with the drool around his digits sheepishly and you only titter quietly as you lead that very same hand to the main prize.
The gargoyle grunts, more than enjoying the softness of your already mildly interested pussy against himself. Sometimes you wonder what he thinks of others, who are so much softer than him. Does he enjoy that, their comparative warmth? Is it something he wishes he could have? You bet it feels really nice for him to lean onto his partners, sink into plush, giving bodies such as yours.
With a soft pat to the back of his palm, Pebble grasps the signal that he's meant to move, though only tentatively strokes over the length of your entrance, afraid it'll bite or something. Your patience wavers, gripping him and making harsher motions, letting him know you like to get your clit rolled hard. The mutant purrs when you let out pleased sighs, dipping into soft moans. Finally, he starts moving that big hand on his own, offering as much pleasure as he can in a slightly clumsy but very eager to please way. There's another frantic growl-keen when you buck against him. Humorously, when Pebble sinks one of his fingers into you, knuckle deep, he makes a sound as if he had sunk his whole cock into your walls, shuddering and everything.
This time, your laughter is loud and hearty, startling the mutant. " No no- " You stress when it feels as if he's going to pull away. " You're doing so well, please keep going. I can take more. "
Praise, ever the fuel for the hearts of the devoted, gets him to resume, curling his finger slightly and delighting in the unflattering wet noise that follows, before squeezing a saliva-soaked twin inside as well. You fear he's going to melt, at this rate. The small stretch has you groaning and squeezing, encouraging him to plunge into your cunt to his heart's content.
" Fuck yeah, open me up for your fat cock. "
That one apparently sent him wild, because he does just that. The haze of sleep vanishes off his body instantly, and the monster curves to be closer, watching his own blue digits get swallowed by your sweet hole, coating him in slick the harder he gives it to you. It's always a treat when Pebble's brave enough to be remotely dominant, because his natural density adds a weight to his every motion that easily rocks those subjected to them. Your head leans back and you fully give into the stings of pleasure that pierce you every so often, mouth open in a satisfied expression he's likely eating up right now.
When the gargoyle's noises become frequent and louder, you have the wherewithal to glance down, seeing the growth throbbing between his legs, dripping precum along its length and almost twitching in tandem with every clench of your cunt. He's beyond needy, and in a short span of time, which is ideal. Reeling at your own filthy little ideas, you shove his hand out of your opening and pull the monster closer. It takes a little bit for Pebble to get it, but he eventually hunches enough to make up for the height difference, such so that you can grab the head of his red, knub-adorned cock and press it to your soaked pussy.
Pebble groans incomprehensibly, immediately starting to hump, gliding that hot length across you in a way that allows you to feel every slight protrusion. You cry out and grind against each other for a couple of disgraceful, horny little moments, with you mischievously tugging at the roots of his tails just to feel the gargoyle's ass flex briefly. He's adorable.
The moment the winged monster tries to angle himself differently, obviously seeking to penetrate, you lightly push him off. Don't want to ruin the best part of the plan just yet now, do you?
Pebble whines, the spare head growls.
" Oh shush. "
You don't want to do this here, in the pavement. You're sure Pebble won't give two shits about how hard the ground is, but you'd rather not ruin your outfit or scrape yourself right now. Instead, you lead him to the closest flowerbed. As much as you'd like to playfully throw Pebble onto it, he's pretty immovable in his default state, so you can only push and ineffectively try to tickle your winged lover boy until he gets the message.
Twisted, misshapen and teeth-clad flowers unroot, scattering on strange hidden limbs with startled squeaks when the gargoyle lays on his back, wings spread and member pointing upwards. You're quick to jump onto him, and even if you spare the mutant some loving moments full of pecks to his chest and belly, even allowing him to feel your tits when you begin undoing the top part of your dress, you very quickly turn around on his lower abdomen.
He gets a fantastic view of your full ass as you grind generously over his girth, teasing the two of you further. When trembling hands scheme the globes of your behind and settle on plushy hips, you let the gargoyle ground himself, rising slightly to line yourself up with him. A tongue flicks over dry lips, eyeing the not yet fattened knot at the base of his length.
You make sure every soul in this establishment hears it when you slam yourself onto Pebble's cock.
It rings out just as loudly as you wanted it to, followed by Pebble's strangled garble before he audibly gulps and seems to pause from the reaction he ripped out of you. The silence around you becomes bashful, like you rattled the building and its residents to stillness. If Santi was here, he'd commend you for the pornstar moan.
You've no doubt you've roused a couple of peepers. There's a faint tingle in the back of your mind, Krulu now tangentially paying attention to what's happening. You suppose hearing his vessel cry out like a bitch in heat out of nowhere is more than a little curious.
After that little break where you watch Pebble disappear almost entirely into you, squeezing around his hardness, feeling him buck his hips softly in desperation, you smile and let yourself go, riding him to your heart's content.
Leaning forward, hands planted firmly on his legs, you use as much force as you need to make each pound downward really count. You're not afraid of being too rough, Pebble's sturdy, he can deal with the slap of your ass on his body, with the mad squeeze of your spasming pussy around those perfect bumps, stopping periodically just to grind and rip more filthy noises out of yourself.
He tries, boy does he try to do anything, but you're too much for him. Too confident, too hot, too wet and welcoming. Pebble can only whimper out nonsensical pleas, heaving and panting hard enough you can hear his paper bags crumple when his teeth accidentally catch them. He groans and drools, not that you can see the small pool of it between his tits as he watches your gorgeous form bounce, fruitlessly attempting to feed into your merciless rhythm but getting completely overpowered in seconds.
You almost wish you could see his fucked out state for yourself, the mental images accompanying each frantic little noise of his having you gasping and crying out.
" Fffuck yes, you're such a good boy for me, aren't you? " You coo in-between pants of slight effort. " You'll let me ride you anywhere, won't you, sweetheart? Anything to get your cock wet, huh? "
Pebble's responding sound is like a slurred, low moan, legs jerking and tails spasming while the dick inside you throbs so hard you thought he was going to cum for a second there. In fact, for a couple of completely lust-drunk moments, you totally forget what you're doing. Sure, you're ridding the lights out of this gargoyle, but what for anymore...?
As if fate heard said thought, a soft buzz jolts your memory.
In the very same corner he had once disappeared to, stands none other than Colmei, watching like a little voyeur. And you don't doubt he's not the only one right now, but he's the peeping Tom you were specifically looking forward to.
The beekeeper stands warily, wings moving rapidly behind his back in what must only equate to excitement, claws tugging anxiously at his own garbs, which happen to be hilariously tented where his engorged cock bulges with need, already staining those ash-colored robes into a depraved wet mess.
Although you can't tell for sure, you'd bet that mask-clad gaze is fixed on the sway of your tits and the sight of your hungry cunt swallowing Pebble without rest. You make it a point to sit up slightly so he can see better.
Good, perfect, watch and drool, little freak. This is what he declined. It could be him beneath you now, if he wasn't such a dumbass earlier. It could be him twisting and arching like Pebble on the ground, warbling for more and more and harder-
You force yourself to think clearly, halting things to a crawl.
The gargoyle's infuriated snarl dies into a miserable sob, one of his arms leaving you to punch down on the grass beside him. He makes another distressed bray, and while you understand his pain perfectly, you need to focus now.
" Quiet. Patience. " It was an order. And, admittedly, he's very obedient about it, murmuring his displeasure when you slap his thigh softly. Ouch.
Your previous hammering becomes a slow, luscious roll of the hips, gloves removed so you can feel yourself up for the peeper's viewing pleasure. He takes a small step forward, clearly wanting to approach, but still held back by something that is honestly starting to infuriate you.
" Colmei... " You moan at the next surge of pleasure.
The beekeeper shivers and seems to wake at the call. You don't miss Pebble's confused grunt at you calling out someone else's name.
In a vaguely childish gesture, you pout and make grabby hands at the darker monster, stopping to play with your breasts, rolling them together just to thrill, casting Colmei the most needful look you can muster.
His resolve visibly falters, the clear invitation having him frozen mid-step.
" Please... Comei. "
Oh, nothing can curb the Cheshire grin that spreads so eagerly on your cheeks, splitting them, when the insectoid monster caves.
He does the walk of shame over to you, as he should, arm over his blatant erection and posture like that of a bashful mutt getting caught in the trash can. Only now does Pebble, still impatiently trying to get some friction started, realize someone else is getting closer. The gargoyle lifts his heads behind you, offering a strange sort of snort-chuff at Colmei.
" Hey now. " You warn.
The two of them have gotten along on several occasions, though the mutant is clearly interpreting the beekeeper's presence as that of a challenger. As if Colmei's going to yank you off him and dash away. You suppose this can be new for them both.
" I'm not going anywhere. " You assure Pebble, tossing him a look. The gargoyle murmurs, slightly placated.
When Colmei halts in front of you, it's not too hard to get him to roll his robes up, his pretty pitch black cock bobbing in anticipation, the male's breath clipped. Before even so much as reaching for him, you offer a skeptical, challenging glance.
Are you going to be difficult now?
Colmei appears to interpret the basic gist of it well-enough, buzzing quietly and bending big legs slightly so his offering is properly reachable. If that's not a pathetic beg, then you don't know what is.
" Mmm, are you sure? "
He makes another droning noise, this one climbing to high sputtering, almost like an apology, regret. Good. In his desperation, Colmei allows his tip to poise on your lips, spreading a bead of something so sweet your eyes widen when you swipe your tongue across it. Huh. You pat the small pocket on the side of your bunched up dress, finding the small vial still secured there.
Beneath you, Pebble seems about ready to burst out crying, hips starting to buck uselessly even if he's been told to behave. Poor thing, you figure you've tortured him enough. Knowing it's going to take a bit of coordination, you reach around to find the blue monster's hands, urging him to bend slightly so he can grab your waist, moving them, letting the gargoyle know he should use you however he pleases. Immediately, he starts bouncing you quickly, little rabbit thrusts that have you rocking slightly and laughing amidst the jolts of sensation now reawakening.
Redirecting your attention to Colmei, you make sure he's watching when you lace both hands on his length, motions a lot more practiced than his, letting him know that ambiguous pawing won't get him anywhere. The beekeeper's whole body rattles in a visceral shiver, you're able to see the muscles of his legs tense and his lower abdomen tighten as he discovers a brand new world of pleasure. Hopefully, he'll learn from this. The monster coos something in a fast staccato, a lot more active than Pebble, thrusting into your grip and huffing every time you stop to circle cruelly over his tip.
With so much curiosity biting at you, it doesn't take long before you're putting soft lips against him again, trailing a stripe from the root of his dick to the head, marveling at the slightly musky taste of his skin. The beekeeper instinctually holds onto your head, making a low, shocked sort of hum the second you take him in properly- Treated to the view of you slowly sinking more of him into your mouth, a playful tongue feeling around as he gets into your throat.
Thank Krulu for his training and body modifications. You'd be a little upset if you couldn't take him all in.
Colmei rattles with pleasure the moment he's fully enveloped by the warmth of your gulping maw, twitching inside you, shuddering when his balls brush your chin. Speaking of, might as well play around while you can. One hand grabs his leg for support, the other thumbs and rolls his nuts, if only just to hear his breath hitch again. Pebble, who unbeknownst to you has been watching the entire exchange, finally starts fucking you onto him properly- Perhaps out of jealousy that his neighbor is getting twofold your attention.
It's very easy for him to lift you, most monsters find the majority of humans easy to maneuver, though being made of such hard material definitely helps. The pleasant surprise of getting hammered onto his length has you moaning gleefully around Colmei, who begins moving as well, careful enough not to let you slip off him. While the gargoyle seems to be quickly recovering that previously lost climb, making self-satisfied noises at the vocalizations he elicits from you, Colmei is only starting to get into what might be his first oral servicing, snapping angrily at the blue mutant whenever he gets rowdy enough to nearly displace you.
" Hahh... Getting close? " You call to Pebble, able to slip off Colmei's cock for a moment to catch your breath.
Strings of drool mixed with excessively viscous precum cling to your jaw, the beekeeper's too restless to stay still, rubbing his wet cock on your cheek while you wait for a response. Your stone-hard sybian nods feverishly, a guilty noise echoing.
" That's fine, sweetie, don't hold back. "
You can barely finish the sentence before Colmei's trying to angle himself into your mouth again, throwing a glare at the beekeeper. Nonetheless, Pebble understands, and he rumbles out in delight, now pounding you from below with a vengeance that has you comically bobbing and gagging onto the insectoid without much work. Between the slap of your ass on him, the wetness of your cunt getting bred and the slurp of your lips around the other's cock- You don't even know which is more obscene.
It's easy to slip into a pleasured trance, skin erupting into goosebumps as you're used and loved on by the two, hands dropping to feel your own breasts and glide down your inner thighs, rolling your clit appeasingly. There are many, many benefits to your job, the best of them of course being fulfilling Lord Krulu's will- But sometimes, you think getting to service and show love to those sworn to him is up there in terms of reward. The rush of your approaching orgasm has you mewling sweetly, clenching increasingly hard around Pebble in an attempt to keep him snug inside you, kissing all the deepest parts of your core.
Apparently, that does the trick for the gargoyle.
Because he strangles out a snarl of rapture and sinks you fully onto him, claws tightening on your skin in pure instinct, keeping you screwed onto his fattening cock as that delicious knot begins to swell to its full potential. The stretch is harsh, unforgiving and burning hot but so, so worth it just to have it crush your most sensitive spots, pressuring, throbbing. You come hard the moment a burst of thick steaming gargoyle seed paints your walls, coating you, claiming you, filling you so nicely. The weight settles on your lower abdomen and you drool on Colmei's thick cock in glee, pussy pulsing for more. Pebble purrs loudly, previously clenched claws now stroking lovingly over your sides, tails swatting as he relaxes, with his still weakly spurting shaft lodged firmly within you.
" Good boy! Good job, you did so well! " You praise him, feeling his thighs flex briefly while he murrs and croons his gratitude.
That leaves the bee collector, who you can now focus fully on, lavishing him from top to bottom like the sweetest lollipop out there. And, admittedly, he is quite sugary to the taste. There's a playful perking of your lips as you teasingly mouth around his head again, flirting with his hole, leaning away when Colmei tries to push more into you. The male grunts, then makes a sound like a dying keen, cock jumping and balls tightening.
It seems maybe he does have a thing for edging. Perhaps that's why he takes so long to bring himself to orgasm, he does it deliberately, the little pervert. And now he's loving it when someone else does it to him. Hah.
Now that Pebble's down for the count and you've had your fun, you can afford to play with Colmei like he's no more than an interesting toy. He'll twitch and beg in that ceaseless humming, but all you ever do is lick, kiss and nudge at him, occasionally dipping to take some of his length down- You make the beekeeper belive that you'll swallow him to the base anew only to pop lewdly off him not even halfway there and chuckle.
He pulses so hard you're impressed he didn't climax right then and there.
Enough is enough however, you're starting to get sore from having your knees bent for so long. In a gluttonous fit, you suck Colmei down like he's the last male on Earth, ripping a grunt-hiss of shock out of him before he grabs your head sternly and fucks into your face with enough strength to hurt your nose briefly.
The hive guardian begins cumming down your throat alarmingly quick. The resulting substance is extremely thick and hard to swallow, sticking to your throat in a way that forces you to instinctively cough and sputter globs of his own jizz back around his member. Colmei only appears to thrill further at the sight.
With a couple of sharp jerks and warning sounds, you're finally able to rip your head off the beekeeper's grasp, tasting his seed for the first time. And even though the distinct flavor of what can only be honey is quite surprising -If not ironically hilarious- You're hurriedly fishing the vial out so you can collect a fair amount of Colmei's seed. A somewhat contaminated sample, sure, but it's better than nothing.
In his post-nut bliss, the monster doesn't really care as to why you're gathering his fluids, merely buzzing pleasantly, wings erratically flicking. His last few shots drip down your neck and coat your exposed tits. The cheeky fuck has the gall to try to wipe his cock on your face, met with a cautionary pinch from your part.
It must be some kind of honey. It tastes exactly like it. Even the color is that of a rich, glazed hue. Maybe this can even be profitable!
The vial is lowered to the ground, all three of you relaxing in the relative silence of the garden under a satisfying haze. Colmei pulls his robes down and squats before you, mask set aside safely so three roving tongues can weasel across your skin, licking the side of your neck and chin, cleaning you of his own savory mess. Behind you, the gargoyle rises as well, with a slight wince from the jostling of his sensitive cock in you, a fatter and less slimy muscle laving at your shoulder and dipping between your stained tits.
You sigh happily, slumping onto Pebble and letting the two sweethearts take care of your tired figure.
Mission accomplished.
#Beekeeper boie#Pebble oc#monsterfucker#terato#monster x reader#monster smut#terat0philliac#monster boyfriend#MINORS DNI#not sfw
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Hi! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I was wondering about representing disabilities/things in general that you don't have.
I always see people say that they want characters to be represented properly, and to show their disabilities and lives in an accurate way, but I also see people talk about how you shouldn't write about the struggles a POC/minority/person with a disability/etc. faces because you don't experience that and you're speaking over them or only using their story for "trauma porn" or whatever.
Maybe it's just because I'm autistic but I'm really not understanding how those two things coexist. How do I show how someone lives, especially with a disability that might be painful, without writing about the things they face?
Obviously it would be super weird if the character's entire personality was just "My life is awful because I'm so different, I can't do the things everyone else can, my life sucks."
But what about normal things that they struggle with? Like "Yeah I only have one arm, it's a pain in the ass to do dishes but it's not the end of the world." or "I have albinism so my depth perception is shit but whatever" or "It's fucking annoying when people stare at/judge me because I look different, but if they don't like it that's their problem, not mine lol."
Is the problem whether or not a characters ENTIRE story revolves around their disability? Using my own as an example:
A story, specifically, about how Funky Bungus, as an autistic person, lives in the world and what struggles he has due to his disability, VS a story where Funky Bungus is trying to stop two kingdoms from going to war and there's a short scene where he feels bad about not being able to make eye contract with people, before going back to the Kingdom War Drama.
I just want to use my stories as a way to educate people about disabilities and make people go "Hey, that character is like me!" or to make people think about their actions, like having a character complain about people staring at their scar/missing arm/etc. so maybe people will read it and go "Wow, I guess it IS rude when I don't mind my own business, from now on I won't stare at people."
Sorry if this got long and incomprehensible 😬
I guess the question is "How do I write about the struggles someone with a disability faces without coming across like I'm writing trauma porn or speaking over people" but I just have the Overexplain Everything So I'm Not Misunderstood Disorder™ lmao
I believe you have it right; the problem with many stories about disabilities written by non disabled authors often lies in when the story relies entirely on the disability.
It’s absolutely fine to write about the struggles a character faces — for an example with one of my disabilities, say a non-disabled author wrote about how a character kinda hates their chronic pain and wishes they didn’t have it. But otherwise there’s other stuff going on in the character’s life, like friends and family and hobbies, not just self-pity, and there’s other things going on in the plot, like maybe a mystery to solve or an Item to find or an adventure to go on or something.
That would be perfectly fine, and I’d love to read it actually, and really writing is kind of a balance of using what we know already and mixing it with things we haven’t experienced but have researched and/or thought about.
That’s how you show an authentic character with disabilities — they have struggles, things they can’t do or can’t do as well as others, but that’s not all there is to them. There’s things they enjoy doing, things they’re good at, people they spend time with and things they do.
Good intentions combined with research and knowledge (and good plots!) will make for good stories that feel authentic.
Hope this helps!
Mod Sparrow
I think that there can be good stories that have disability/ableism as its primary focus, but they should be #OwnVoices (as in, made by people who experience said thing). That's largely because it often gets very specific and thus easy to misrepresent even if you have good intentions. Sometimes it can end up like "being disabled is so sad and everything is inaccessible, how tragic" and end up pitying the character - rather than actually sympathizing with them - just because that nuance is missing.
To use the same example as you did, "character complains about people staring at their scar sometimes" would be a completely normal way to include ableism as a part of life that does happen, while "character gets bullied for 300 pages for having a facial difference" would be in the torture porn category (when written by someone who doesn't have that experience).
I think that what Sparrow described is the best if you're not describing your own experiences. Including ableism as a thing that happens from time to time or as a tertiary focus is totally fine. That's how it is in real life - sometimes things do suck, but there's still a whole lot of other things that we do.
I think your desire to educate people is admirable, and it should be very much doable with the solutions you presented. Good luck writing,
mod Sasza
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♥️ ((totally not baiting you for more Maria discourse))
Oh noes an ask about my controversial views on the most popular character with the most rabid fanbase~ and i cant help but respond to it~ such a tragedyyyy
❤️ Which character do you think is egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Mariaaaaaa. In fact her mischaracterization is so bad that if i didn't latch on her BEFORE interacting with the fandom she wouldve been one of those characters i would be aggressively disliking
I just... hate fandom maria lmao. On a vacuum she is fine (eh. Kinda. She just falls into the fandom typical stereotype of the only girl in the group being the sane one/cool one with no other depth than that or kissing adeline/ maybeeee sometimes being sad for the genocide/human experimentation), but when compared to what the game shows us she just makes me mad. Fandom maria is not canon maria. Its just a random girl with swords and most generic tropes about girl with swords.
Fandom maria cannot have flaws, actually, you see. She cannot be someone who was sucked i the cycle of brutality and gleefully continued it only to realize what she was doing AFTER the situation became unsalveagable and then jump ship trying to remedy it and making things worse for anyone. Nope! Cant have any of that! God forbid female characters to have actual depth. Maria NEEDS to be the cool female hunter that is the voice of reason. She NEEDS to be the cool girlboss that always opposes Laurence's wrongdoings to the point where you ask yourself why even she is the head of the research hall if every interaction she has with him is telling him you and your plans suck. Cant be complicit in anything ever.
You see! She was the token good member of the research hall for giving adeline the key! Nevermind that she experimented on adeline (and many others) to death.
You see! The fishing hamlet massacre was justified because they were mutated!
You see! She is actually the real hero while due to her regret she actively upholds the nightmare and makes innocent people suffer more!
This is not a character. Its a cardboard cutout that can be used only and only when making her kiss with adeline, whose fanon potrayal is also as shallow as a puddle and might as well be renamed to y/n.
And like. God. Swinging the bat against an hornet nest with this take but the fact that the people who are the most adamant, the most rabid, the most likely to harass people over this headcanon do that because in their mind is feminist makes me want to bash my head against a wall. Taking a complex female character that kinda sucked and removing all of her flaws to give a shiny unproblematic "girlboss" version of her isn't feminist at all. In fact its quite misogynistic.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! Got super salty with this one, but mariacourse gets my gears grinding (esp since she's my favourite character)
Ask game here
#bloodborne#lady maria of the astral clocktower#i justtt also think that like. people project modern values onto maria too much. she needs to be the 21st century story heroine#while ignoring that the game takes place in the victorian era. and like fromsoft isnt made out of idiots#the setting wasnt chosen because of cool aesthetic or whatever. victorian era's attitude#towards medicine archeology and religion is a fundamental part of bloodborne's story. and its absurd#to think that maria would be the only person unaffected by the victorian typical arrogance while she#was neck deep in byrgenwerth and healing church bullshit
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Slasher Ashley and Final Boy Stranger got me thinking about Final Boy Ripper and Slasher Francine…like Francine’s a podcaster that is able to come up with such good theories for cold cases because she used to be in the business herself (and did some of them too) who makes first contact with Ripper because he’s a fanboy that always sends in mail and invitations to his art shows or smth
Because like Ashley/Stranger, I imagine them to still have their same overall personality, but it'd be so fucking funny if the only real difference in this AU is because Ripper/Mason actually went to therapy and got put on Lexapro and is 10% more normal so he never became a serial killer.
Francine though, this poor girlie cannot catch a break. She's a struggling writer in an oversaturated industry with cases that have been done dozens of times by now. She's broke and desperate because if she doesn't start getting steady work she's not going to be able to keep a roof over her head. True crime isn't her passion, she dropped out of med school the first semester because gore makes her sick, but she needs a new story to tell that hasn't been touched by 2187317 other indie podcasters.
So, she's pretty familiar through her research about how killers got caught, how they avoided getting caught, who was a suspect since day one and who went undetected for 40 years. Sometimes...you just gotta write that story yourself. And, okay, like, the victim doesn't have to be someone whose smile always lit up a room or whatever. Who would be mad if...maybe she let that creepy jerk at the bus stop "take her out" one night, get him blackout drunk, and leave him face down in a flooded gully?
But accidents don't sell stories. Blood and guts do. It makes her physically and emotionally sick but god if she misses another payment this month then they're gonna shut off her power. While Ripper was brutal for the sake of art, Francine is because the more violent details she can include, the juicier the coverage she can provide for it. And, as she already knows from research, female serial killers aren't as common as male, and her method of random brutality is even rarer. Besides, while she's already kind of on the sheriff's shitlist for only talking about the town's worst crimes, they'd never suspect in a million years half of them were being carried out by this tiny little Korean girl who types up scary stories all day.
What's important is that it works. She's still a ghostwriter for someone else's podcast, she doesn't want her name too attached to anything, but the ratings just keep climbing over these deepdives into all things violent. More viewers means a bigger paycheck. She takes no pride or delight in being the so called Northshire Ripper, but she needs to do what she can to survive right now. It's not forever, just until she has a solid footing under her for a better job opportunity.
And who else would listen to her podcast while he works than the man himself Mason Zimmerman. It started off just as background noises as usual, but it wasn't long until he was sucked into one of the stories and just how twisted it was. The hosts weren't his favorite, but the in depth writing for it was incredible. Soon he was going through their whole catalogue and discovered he almost entirely favored the ones written by Francine. As morbid as it sounded, she was inspiring him for his next collection - the darkness of emotions, blacks and reds and feralness and splatters, the pieces were coming to him so easily and vividly he could hardly get enough canvases.
So of course it made sense to reach out and personally thank her for all her hard work, and the galleries will be equally as pleased to have so many new exhibits. And Francine, who has no knowledge whatsoever about fine art or who Mason Zimmerman is, just responds back with an enthusiastic thank you. Which Mason likes, because it's nice being able to talk to other people who have no idea who he is, and they start a bit of a correspondence. Then, hey, it would only be right to invite her to one of his shows, since she's 70% of the reason the pieces even exist.
What it essentially boils down to in the end is Francine so desperately trying to keep her dirty secret to herself while having to keep up her new friendship with Mason. She can't stop now while her stories are his biggest muse. She's one of the very few people allowed anywhere near his inner circle, she can't break his trust. She can't risk getting sloppy. But the weight of what she's doing is starting to break her down and having a real friend is going to make things complicated the longer this goes on. If push came to shove...could she get rid of Mason? No, he's too private and prolific. Could she frame him as a back up plan? Tamper with his medication, make it look like an artistic frenzy, goad him into an episode so she can call the police as planting all the evidence?
Time will tell (:
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So, I've said this before - mostly to friends and fellow gamers - but I want to go into depth on what I mean when I say—
"Genshin Impact is the abusive relationship I didn't know I was in, until I met Wuthering Waves."
Just to clarify: I don't say this lightly.
I don't mean this as a throwaway comment or jestingly, I mean this legitimately. I've actually been in abusive relationships before - friendships and romance - so I know the severity and gravity of a statement like that, but I think what people fail to realize at times is that "relationship" is broader than those two types.
You, as a consumer, can have relationships with companies. You can formulate the equivalent of a fleeting tryst by only playing one game out of a series and loving it while hating all the others (me with Far Cry: Primal, lol). Or, you can create bonds of trust with a company by loving all their titles and then have that trust broken as you get older and deeper into something that no longer gives you the warm and fuzzy feelings it did in your youth (like me with Kingdom Hearts). Or, you can get married to a game series and still twirl your hair and giggle when you talk about them (like me with Horizon: Zero Dawn, etc.)...
These types of relationships between consumer and supplier are common and should be discussed more often when it comes to video games. Everyone has their favorite clothing brand, favorite restaurants, favorite type of phone, etc. But what about games?
What about Gacha Games, specifically?
For ages now, players are just accepting of the predatory nature of Gacha. They're not made to be kind. They're a gambling addiction in disguise, and we all know it. There's literally science behind it and statements from Gacha developers saying how they researched casinos in order to capitalize on the attractiveness and effectiveness of their games. This isn't an opinion at this point: it's a fact.
I actually knew this going into Genshin Impact almost 2 years ago. In fact, I'd avoided the title for a really long time because I didn't want to risk getting sucked into the 8th Ring of Hell... Gacha. But then, through multitudes of fanworks I couldn't seemingly escape from, I was drawn in by Kaveh and Alhaitham (whom i still love, by the way! No slander to them). I wanted to know them, know their world, their relationship, and WHY THEY WERE SO GODDAMN HOMOSEXUAL??? OMG?
LIke, guys— There's the LGBT+ Flag, and then there's them. They're gayer than the flag. They ARE the flag.
So, I got sucked in, and I actually had a lot of fun! I liked the mechanics of Elemental mixing, and I'm a sucker for the open world, and the team thing was new to me... But, just because your "first date" is perfect, it doesn't mean the relationship will be golden.
Still, I stuck it out. I went through everything, and I've basically 100% the entire map at this point, except Mond & Liyue because... why bother? At this point, I'd be sniffing for scraps, and I'm not interested in doing that. But that's just it... I hadn't realized yet that scraps were what I'd be surviving on once my new boyfriend - Genshin - and I had moved in together.
I'd committed. There's money spent here and there, a give-and-take where Genshin took, and I gave, and I ignored it because it's fun! They're fun. The horrible sentence of "they make me laugh" comes to mind. It's that thing of you ignoring the way they belittle you because they're the only good thing you have at the time, and then you've sunk so much attachment and energy into the mix that you can't break away.
You're stuck.
I was stuck.
I felt like it was all I had: The constant attention hoarding Genshin demanded of me, checking in every single day, making sure I did what he told me to do down to the letter, running every commission and clearing every Spiral, just to get those little scraps I mentioned before. A shred of affection, gifts, things I didn't really need nor wanted, but I took anything I could because "it's the thought that counts."
I asked for Resin increases like you beg a shitty boyfriend to buy you the type of cake you love for your birthday, brainwashed into thinking it's okay he didn't get chocolate, and instead got you Liyue talents you don't need, don't want, but you thank him for the coconut cake, even though it's your least favorite. You just cope and hope and think, "it's fine! It's still fun when we finally go out! He takes me on fun dates once a month and buys me something pretty!" Like event weapons and free 4☆s and you smile and pretend you're in love with what you've got when really it's just hurting you and they never listen and tell you you don't matter and no other game will give you what THEY do, and then—!!
And then... there's Wuthering Waves.
Now, I can recognize that this analogy could be taken too seriously by some readers. I'm not ACTUALLY romantically in love with a video game, but it gets the point across.
Wuthering came into my life, and it feels... warm.
Where Genshin used to feel exciting with Elemental Reactions, it had started to feel restrictive and limiting. A slave to "the Meta". You have to have Vaporize to capitalize on your damage and you have to have Faruzan on your Anemo DPS and you have to do this and you have to do that— NO.
No more.
Wuthering Waves removes the stress of "Meta" and makes it feel like you really COULD build a Healer as a DPS for fun, and have them be viable, instead of just building a Healer in Genshin because you're bored out of your goard and thristy for attention.
Wuthering Waves takes away the tediousness of a stamina bar, allowing you to run and fly freely - quite LITERALLY now, with 2.0 - and not have your excitement towards exploring hampered by having to huff up a hill barely slanted. Y'know... your back-flipping, ass-kicking, anime demi-God that can't handle a hike outside of pre-rendered cutscenes. Panting. (Ridiculous!)
KuroGames listens. They mess up sometimes, yes — the email thing was YEESH. 😬 — but they quickly apologize, scramble to make up for it, and then make everything better. They fumbled through the "first date," but now it's a cute memory more than a bad first impression. They strive to make good on their promises, and then they succeed.
When Wuthering holds your hand and says, "Don't worry, I've got you," it feels legitimate. Unlike... Genshin.
Genshin puts the bill for dinner on your side of the table after ordering steak and lobster and says they'll get it next time, while Wuthering splits the bill and then buys you ice cream afterward, and I genuinely feel pity for anyone still dating that scummy sonuva bitch - Mr. Impact - because, honestly? I still haven't gone "no contact" with Genshin yet, myself, even though I know in my heart I should.
I still linger on because of that spent cash and time, but now there's a difference. I don't let them manipulate me anymore. I don't tolerate their mind games and I hold them accountable for their actions, or - more so - lack thereof!
I'm onto their shit and have someone better, and Mr. Waves is treating me right! While Genshin...?
Genshin is just the abusive relationship I didn't know I was in... until I met Wuthering Waves.
#genshin impact#genshin#wuthering waves#wuwa#but seriously#Genshin could never#the fact that only AFTER Wuthering posed a threat to them did they add all those QoL changes??? still sickens and enrages me#not to mention Natlan is a blatant Wuthering rip-off...#i just wish Hoyo could grow up and realize they're ruining their relationship with their fans by pulling stunts like killing fan favorites#and making worlds with cohesion as sticky as a pair of matching polarity magnets#just... ugh#but anyways#rant
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MXTX Interview with Risa Wataya for Subaru Magazine P.7
Which creative works influence you:
Risa: Please tell us which creative works influence you.
Moxiang: Professor Jin Yong's wuxia novels (*)! Professor Jin Yong is my number one teacher in the craft of writing. His skill in crafting wuxia stories, his artistic palate, the sheer intellectual depth and philosophical complexity of his stories and characters. Professor Jin Yong's wuxia novels have a profound and immeasurable influence on all modern Asian creative professionals.
(*: the legendary late professor Jin Yong. He's not as well-known in English-speaking spheres due to the complexity of his works being very difficult to translate to languages outside of the Sino-Tibetan language family. But in Asia, he's a literature titan. He's comparable to Tolkien in that he laid the foundation and codified the tropes of wuxia as a modern genre (alongside Gu Long and Liang Yusheng) and brought about the first and subsequent wuxia waves, and that there's also university courses and entire research field on Jin-Yong-ology. However, he's a much more prolific writer, having produced 15 wuxia series, among which 14 are of comparable length or longer than the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit combined.
It would be no lie to say there's not a single creative professional in Asia that is not influenced by Jin Yong in some way, shape, or form.
One of Jin Yong's trademarks is the overwhelming, often obsessive, sometimes destructive love that his characters exhibit. There's not one work of his that is not threaded through with larger-than-life romance, not just among the protagonists, but also among the villain characters. The trend of modern Chinese literature, especially wuxia and xianxia, to portray larger-than-life romance can be traced directly to Jin Yong's influence.
Interestingly, he's also credited as having accidentally created the proto icon of danmei as a genre.
I'm sorry. I'm so excited I want to cry. Professor Jin Yong is also my first teacher in the craft of writing. It turns out we all step in the footsteps of the giant, huh, Moxiang?)
I also watch a lot of 90s Hongkong movies. Do you know "Shaolin Soccer'?
Risa: I do know!
Moxiang: Stephen Chow's comedy movies, Tsui Hark's wuxia, and fantasy horror movies. Lam Ching-ying's walking corpse movies. I love all of these.
Risa: That's closer to jiangshi (*) than modern zombies.
(*: a type of Chinese walking corpse. The name literally translates to stiff corpse. Jiangshi is typically translated into Chinese hopping vampire in English due to their similarity to Western vampires. They are the dead that comes back to life. They suck yang energy from living people. They fear the smell of garlic. Etc... Jiangshi has real-life basis in an extinct profession in China: the corpse walker, i.e., people who made a living out of 'walking' corpses back to their home provinces in times of war and chaos. Corpse walkers are mentioned in Liao Yiwu's historical book 'The Corpse Walker')
Moxiang: That's right. That's right. A hopping jiangshi. I watch a lot of such movies. Some movies are from before I was born, such as 'A Chinese Ghost Story' and 'Sword Man' (*). I have watched them more than ten times! If I meet someone who has never watched those movies before, I will enthusiastically drag them along while saying, "Let's watch them together!" My novel bears obvious and immense influence from these movies... For example, the funny scenes in my story are very close to the atmosphere of comedy scenes from Hongkong cinema. Or the walking corpses in my story. My inspiration came from these undead corpses. In the novel, I mentioned using glutinous rice as a cure for corpse powder. This knowledge came from the movie "Professor Jiangshi" (named 'Mr. Vampire' in English in the Wikipedia).
(*: Both of these movies are Tsui Hark's movies and are counted among the top 100 best movies of Asian cinema. They are known for their fantasy elements, eroticism, and homoeroticism. These movies came from a time where Asian cinema was pushing boundaries left, right, and center. Swordsman and its spin-off were adapted from Professor Jin Yong's The Smiling Proud Wander. The very same work in which he accidentally created the proto-icon of danmei. I wrote an essay about this as part of danmei history last year. I will make a separate post after this.)
Risa: To be honest, when I reached the part where glutinous rice was used to cure corpse powder in 'Mo Dao Zu Shi,' I was moved.
Moxiang: Ah? A Japanese author saw the glutinous rice scene in my novel and linked it to jiangshi movies... That is so surprising!
Risa: When I was young, I watched a lot of jiangshi movies. I love them!
Moxiang: I feel increasingly close to Ms. Risa now. As for other foreign literature, Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights' greatly influences me. When I read it during elementary school, I was shaking from excitement. Perhaps because of the influence of Wuthering Heights, that whenever I see complex, intertwining love-hate situations, I feel such joy and nostalgia in my heart.
There's also my favorite childhood mangaka Rumiko Takahashi! This kind of light-hearted, rowdy atmosphere where characters argue and rib each other is so cute! I especially like 'Ranma 1/2'. I think it's the best comedy manga. Other than that, 'Inuyasha' can only be described by the word romantic. Romantic! To this day, Kikyo is still a goddess in my heart.
Risa: Although 'Ranma 1/2' is a work that features China in it, what do Chinese people think about it?
Moxiang: The first thought that comes to my head is 'charming!' After that is probably fond familiarity. This work (Ranma 1/2) features many Chinese elements. I feel that the distance between our hearts is lessened.
To be Continued (The next part will be the last)
Translator: Sythe / NPD Khanh
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AFO stealing Shigaraki's body.
The sad thing is, I could see what was trying to be done here: contrasting Toshinori's willingness to allow his successor to surpass himself with AFO's insistence on remaining the king, ultimately proving that allowing the future generations to stand their own ground is better than to control their every move so they'll do whatever you want.
The problem is: that was not the intention of the entire story up to this point.
OOOH!! thank you anon I didn't even recognise this as an interpretation!!
However, even with that I think it sucked. Afo shouldn't of came back at all and him doing so ruined the theme of passing down the torch and the whole thing with successors and their mentors that the series had set up since act 1. I even talk about how major this theme is in this ask
However, thinking about it I do think that these two things can co-exist with a bit of tinkering. What I mean is that yes AFO tries to take over shigarakis body but then gets killed off by shigaraki and Dr garaki which proves shigarakis role as being a successor of destruction and also helps with the whole the dog bites its owner or the victim gets their revenge trope.
This would help shigarakis character, give us more depth about Dr garaki, Futher add contrast to all might and AFO (all might lives and AFO dies) and also fuel Izuku to do more research and maybe a catalyst for him getting a better understanding of Shigarakis situation

#mha#mha critical#bnha critical#horikoshi critical#bnha#bhna critical#thanks for the ask#thanks for the ask!#thanks anon!#thanks anon#wasted potential#honestly that theme was like the moat built up one and had great potential#such a shame to see it thrown away because of afo
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I was reading this vent post on Reddit about an Asian OP's frustrations when it comes to seeing cultural context and nuance be misinterpreted by white/western fans and how it often clearly shows in fanfiction, yknow? The topic they were specifically talking about was corporal punishment, and how its prevalence in Asian households are often easily dismissed by western fans as a collective moral failing as a whole.
And surprising no one (and maybe cuz it’s Reddit) the comment section—while starting out polite and decently enough—gradually descended into accusations of "abuse apologist" and "just because it's culture doesn't mean it's right" and "gee, thanks for justifying my abuser" etc etc. There was some bad-faith takes on OP's post, and it turned into a petty group convo that had no semblance of depth in the end.
Maybe it's just me, but imo, there is often this contradicting mindset I see in (English-speaking) Asian media fandoms where people on one hand are encouraged to do their research in regards to the cultural context of the media they’re consuming, since by not understanding it, there is some level of cultural erasure going on.
But that on the other hand, hoping for people to have some understanding of said cultural context of the media they're consuming is in and of itself a form of fandom policing to a certain degree, when the purpose of fandom (and fanfiction) is escapism and doing whatever the hell you want.
Faced with this contradiction, imo it shouldn’t be any surprise that POC find it hard to speak up in a fandom, let alone find some semblance of unity when it comes to talking about context and nuance.
Corporal punishment in and of itself is a very touchy subject for a lot of people; the topic can be very triggering, and conversation around it can hit personal sore spots, especially when people have strong opinions in regards to the matter. In that sense, the conversation’s descent into chaos on that Reddit post was outright inevitable.
On the other hand, I can also understand OP’s frustrations wholeheartedly. It already sucks when you see a character from your cultural background be warped by western fans (and in some cases, villainized) and on a wider scale, the nuance of the story is either disregarded or turned on its head completely.
Like, I don't deny that corporal punishment—having gone through it myself whilst growing up (my Filipina mother's favorite weapons of choice were the broom, the hanger, and the belt)—did some damage to my psyche as a child. I don't deny that it's a form of domestic abuse and under any circumstances, should not be tolerated.
Due to my own experiences in life, I'd like to think I'd healed from all that (and even tease my parents occasionally about it). So for me personally, it was never something I questioned within my own family household or within my own environment, because of the fact that in a typical Asian household, corporal punishment was generally seen as something necessary for the betterment of the child.
In fact, there were moments in my childhood were my parents had been horrified by the thought of some of my friends boldly talking back to their parents, since they couldn't comprehend how a child can disregard that boundary between parent and child, the respect that parents take for granted from their children.
It was definitely a clash of cultures when we moved here in the US.
Specifically in regards to corporal punishment, its historic role as being a form of traditional discipline, its roots in Confucian philosophy, and how it’s seen/viewed in Asia within the context of its ever-changing cultural landscape—is in and of itself a behemoth subject that’s way too complicated to go over in one vent post and more often than not, overlaps with one's own traumas and personal issues.
And yes, it is ever-changing. Culture is never static, and evolves like everything else that is subject to time.
It’s harder to speak up within a fandom space in these instances, especially when such misunderstandings may have already become widely accepted fanon, yknow? (And as we in fandom know, talking shit about the fanon is as close as one will come to getting crucified). More than that, it's harder to speak up when one is talking about it through the vehicle of fanfiction, as fanfiction is a medium in which fans can and should be allowed to experiment.
It's even harder to speak up when these legitimate concerns are brushed off as petty and ridiculous arguments to bring up in the first place.
It's a luxury, I think, to be able to think this way.
And Idk, from my own personal experience being in fandom for 20+ years and as a POC, there’s always been this sort of delicate balancing act and subsequent reality check in that for the most part, white/western fandom is welcoming of learning cultural context and nuance only in so far and as long as it doesn't contradict their own biases. A lot of it comes off as performative sentiment, hence the reason why a lot of -isms are rampant in fandom the way they are.
Now, this isn’t to say it’s entirely the whole of western fans and the English-speaking side of fandom. Many are genuinely open to learning about new cultures and ways of thinking, and are humble enough to admit their internal biases. Yet still, there are those who aren’t or only ever pretend to be interested, so long as they can keep their safe space and their feelings, not to mention whatever sort of influence they think they may or may not have in fandom, insulated and protected.
Inevitably, when a POC speaks about their culture in said fandom and how it connects to the culture of said piece of media the fandom is built around (and especially when said POC comes from the very same culture in question), it can also at the same time act as a deconstruction of biases that a fandom has built up through certain headcanons and ideas that the community at large have subconsciously put on a pedestal.
I think this is a large part of the reason why particular fandoms can become overprotective and even downright hostile when POC choose to speak up, because their bubble of fandom escapism is perceived to be in danger.
This isn't meant to inflame anyone's defenses; after all, it's totally understandable that no one likes it when their biases are indirectly called out, and no one likes to be made to feel ignorant.
No one likes it when someone rattles the cage of a seemingly thriving fandom.
I guess at the end of it all, I think there's definitely some lack of humility and a level of self-entitlement at times from the western fandom at large, when it comes to consuming media content not from their own cultural setting.
And it’s this sort of fandom landscape that POC must navigate carefully, lest the culture and its integrity of said piece of media is almost entirely warped, all the while POC try to have a voice within a community in which its very nature is determined to keep those who can speak about nuance and context quiet and subdued.
#on fandom#fandom meta#fandom commentary#mine own musings#discourse#if anyone wants to know#OP was talking about MDZS#lmao
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Idk if you’re doing requests right now (or at all), but could you maybe write a MK x male! siren! Reader? Like, MK just found out that his new friend is a siren? Can be head cannons or one shot, I don’t mind either way.
Not forced ofc, just thought it’d be fun to see! Have a good day/night :3
Sorry this is so late! In general requests are always open since there aren't that many people requesting anyway, but I might take a bit to get to things. I promise it's not that I forgot! I just tend to pick up and drop things at random times. I digress. I decided to do a oneshot because I haven't done as many of those and I want more practice doing them. I also didn't know what version of a siren you wanted soooooo I may or may not have spent time researching various sirens only to kind of do my own interpretation anyway. (I ended up choosing to do the more aquatic siren that would work kind of like the sea monsters in Luca instead of the bird sirens from Greek Mythology. If you want me to do another oneshot with the bird version, I might.) Regardless, I hope you enjoy and have a good day/night too! (P.S. I stole the title of this from a movie-)
~Song of the Sea~
Tags: MK x Male!Siren!Reader, oneshot
Warnings: Mention of sirens eating humans but no details
The sea is a dangerous thing. Essential to life yet destructive in nature. Many have disappeared into the salty depths. But the power held within the waves is not the only thing to fear, that much MK knew.
Growing up, he heard many stories of monsters that lurked in the watery abyss and would drag their unsuspecting victims deep into the water where the pressure alone was enough to crush your skull. The cautionary tales did their job well.
Too well, perhaps.
These stories, despite being told with good intent, created such a fear in the young boy that he never actually learned how to swim.
Even as he grew out of his fear, he was too busy to take time to learn.
He used to joke that it was just one more thing he had in common with his mentor.
It seemed a lot less funny now, as he sunk deeper.
One moment he was training on his cloud and the next…
Well… The water had rushed around him before he knew it, muffling the sound and filling his mouth with the taste of salt as he sucked in a startled gasp.
Everything was blurry and green and his eyes stung. Just before he could close them though, he saw a strange glimmer in the water, as though the warped image of the sky tore away into crystal-like scales that swam just out of his peripheral vision. Before he could consider it further, he felt strong arms around him and he was being tugged back up to land.
His back hit the sand and he sputtered and coughed, turning over to heave the saltwater out of his lungs, grimacing as it stung his throat and coated his taste buds. Once he was able to blink away the sting in his eyes and his vision cleared, he looked up, ready to thank his savior, only to freeze at the familiar—albeit scalier than he remembered—face staring back at him, concern etched in the man’s familiar incredibly handsome eyes.
“You-?” MK wheezed, sitting up to get a better look at the man and confirm what he was seeing wasn’t just some trick of the light.
MK was used to having unusual friends.
Even before he knew he was some weird monkey demon, he wasn’t unfamiliar with the various demons that resided in Megapolis.
Which is probably why he didn’t think anything of it when he met someone new on the Flower Fruit Mountain beach a few months ago.
If he had been thinking about it at the time, he probably would’ve realized that most regular humans or demons aren’t able to pass the flaming mountains safely without some kind of magical assistance, though his mentor had mentioned creatures that lived in the water surrounding the mountain.
“Skittish things, they are,” Wukong had grunted in response to MK asking about a scroll he found while sifting through the remaining treasures in the cave. (He had initially been hesitant to touch it, remembering the last scroll incident in that same area.) The scroll depicted half-human-half-bird creatures in the skies and half-human-half-fish creatures in the water, “incredibly intelligent though. Not unlike Huli Jing. Tricksters. Though it’s mostly just so they have easier access to prey, they don’t seem like the type of creatures to screw with people just for fun.”
Wukong had continued on to explain that he let them stay because they pass through an underwater cave under the flaming mountains and lure poachers astray before eating them, which is a load taken off his shoulders. (He grumbled something else about wishing they would clean up the remains so skulls would stop washing up on his beach and nearly give him a panic attack.)
MK wasn’t thinking about any of this though when he had seen a strange man sitting upon a plant covered rock, looking out at the water with a thoughtful—if not entirely forlorn—expression.
To be fair, he was a bit… distracted by the man’s handsomeness; the way the setting sun cast beautiful hues over his distant expression.
And, of course, MK was definitely very elegant in his introduction and he definitely didn’t fall face first into the sand which made the man, who was originally alarmed by MK’s sudden appearance, laugh. The jovial sound made MK smile against the ground.
“So… this entire time…?” Mk starts, looking at you with wide eyes while taking a sip from the warm cup of tea you made for him. He wasn’t sure where you got the tea kettle and mug but he supposed it didn’t really matter all that much.
“Mhm,” you hum in confirmation, your scales slowly retreating as the fire dried the water off of you. The sun had fully set a few minutes ago, the stars now glistening above as you sat across from MK, the campfire blazing between you and obstructing your view of each other. You could tell this made MK anxious as he couldn’t read your expression, but you didn’t really want to read his, scared that he would be mad you hid this big part of yourself.
“Cool,” MK responded casually, taking another sip of tea before asking, “and you didn’t tell me because…?”
“Didn’t seem important,” you shrugged, averting your eyes from the fire to watch the way the moon’s reflection rippled on the surface of the ever-shifting water.
MK huffed a soft laugh at that, “I’m pretty sure species is at least one of the top five things you find out about a new friend within like... the first week.”
You rolled your eyes with an amused smirk, hiding it by taking a sip of your own tea despite the flame between you ensuring he wouldn't see it anyway, “says the guy who didn’t even know he was a monkey until he was twenty-something.”
You tensed up when instead of laughter his reaction was to unexpectedly stand up and walk over to your side of the fire. For a moment you feared you had upset him but then you saw the fond glint in his eyes as he settled beside you. You relaxed. Only slightly.
“Fair,” MK said, taking a sip of tea as he stared into the flames with a contemplative expression. After a moment of silence you said, “I… didn’t know how you would react.”
“Hm?” MK raised a brow.
“To learning I was a siren… I’m not sure how sirens that live closer to the mainland act, but I imagine we’re definitely more… traditional than them. Our only interactions with humans have either been us being hunted by them or us killing them,” you were quiet for a moment, leaning back on your hands before adding with a slightly sheepish grin, “I probably would’ve eventually tried to lure you to the others for a feast if you hadn’t spilled your entire life story within seconds of meeting me and told me you were a monkey demon. The Monkey King’s successor, no-less.”
“Eh,” MK chuckled with a shrug, “I’d probably have been able to escape, I’m used to fighting demons.”
“Oh, sure, you definitely wouldn’t be able to be seduced into the water mr. ‘tripped in the sand because distracted by a hot man,’” you tease, earning a scoff and a playful shove.
“Shut upppp. You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
MK rolled his eyes fondly before resting his head on your shoulder. You tensed for a moment before sighing and wrapping an arm around him.
Sirens; enchanting beings whose beauty and song lure unsuspecting sailors to their doom. These creatures utilized the mortal nature of curiosity and the allure that accompanies danger and the unknown. Whether they offer you knowledge or intimacy, they seem to know exactly how to weave their songs into traps for their unsuspecting prey.
Meetings with such creatures, however, don’t always lead to an untimely and sometimes poetically ironic demise, MK's learned.
Sometimes they lead to something even better than what is promised.
Thank you for reading!! I'm sorry if this was boring, I still haven't really figured out how to write anything interesting- I tried though! Constructive criticism is allowed!
#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#fanfic#fanfiction#lmk fanfiction#lego mk#lego monkie kid mk#lmk mk#mk lego monkie kid#mk lmk#mk monkie kid#monkie kid mk#mk x reader#mk x y/n#mk x you
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For my fellow cocksluts and orally fixated whores, I have a fun little piece of tech that can help you become a more mindless cock sucking slut for your master/mistress!!
My master and I have both decided that it would be a good idea for a cockslut such as myself to start training every day to prepare my mouth for him!! All my holes are his of course, and if every single one isn’t adequately prepared to take his length entirely, then I’m just a bad pup with no manners!! <3
While sucking off a dildo on its own is effective for training, we wanted to be a bit more in depth with our plan. Master and I bought the deepthroat trainer from research and desire to help with that!! It even grades you and has a leaderboard!!
It arrived last night, and needless to say I’ve been hooked on using it. My stupid puppy brain loves having something in my mouth, and a brainless cockslut such as myself can’t possibly think when sucking! The little box handles everything my fuzzy brain can’t and guides me through stroke depth, time sucking, and the speed I should be going!! It’s beautiful!!
Needless to say after a 15 minute session to start my training off today, I had already made a puddle of my spit on the floor, as well as a puddle beneath my needy cunt <3 I’ll be earning my orgasms with training now as well as my other daily tasks; stupid pups need to train before they get their rewards after all!!
I gave up control to Master and he’s now going to be setting up my training routine from now on so all I have to do is kneel, obey, and suck like the good boy that I am!!
( I’ll be giving updates how training goes and probably make a tag for it to document my training sessions :3 )

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