#also im mad sorry it took me forever to do this
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jesusbutbetterrr · 1 year ago
Ghost Ask Game 🦇
Send this to the last 10 Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with 10 facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other 🖤
thank you so much for sending the ask, I've already done this before, but like I had fun doing so why not do it again :) Imma be real these are kinda all over the place this time
I was once yelled at by a teacher for not sitting in my chair, and then a week later she took my chair and made me stand for half the class
Ever since I was a toddler, I have talked nonstop, and many of my family members would complain to my mom that I talk too much when they babysat me
Also when I was a toddler I used to talk with this odd kind of Bostonian sounding accent
One time in the first grade, I took the whole " sound out the word" a little too far during a spelling test and misspelled the word 'said' as 'shit' because I over pronounced it in my head
My grandpa used to take me on tractor rides when I was little
I own half of a wet floor sign, I got it for my birthday
I get mistaken for a mother quite a lot whenever I'm with my little sister in public
I'm also the oldest child out of 4 kids
I send foot pics to mainly irl friends, but there's also the occasional online friend who gets to see the grippers, it's all for the funnies tho
I know I've already said I'm good at trivia, but I'm specifically really good at bible trivia (I might be traumatized, but at least I know their book better than most of them lol)
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clowningcrows · 4 months ago
not sure if i’m projecting or crazy or stupid or just actually incredibly good at characterization but will graham is extremely ethel cain coded 2 me
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this man would drunkenly listen to strangers on repeat on his bathroom floor and bawl his eyes out while murmuring along to, “i tried to be good, am i no good? am i no good? am i no good?” while thinking about abigail and alana and beverly and and and….
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jasmines-library · 11 months ago
Hey, I love your Batfam work! Is there any chance you could do a whump/angst one of batsis being kidnapped by a villian(you can choose whoever you want) and she’s tortured for days with it being broadcasted to the Batfam while they try to track the footage. I feel kinda bad but can you do maybe some head trauma md severe burns? Maybe she has to be put in a medically included coma or smth because of the damage? Also is there any way you could include Barb and Duke along w/ the four robins? If not that’s totally cool! Sorry for the long request but I hope you have a great day!!
Anonymous Requested: batfam x batsib reader whos the youngest and newest robin and is just really goofy and doesn’t take anything seriously (ex: them blaring “who’s the (bat)man” on the comms during patrol [that songs stuck in my head i had to mention it]) and something happens, maybe their first close encounter to death or a run in with the joker and they just become a shell of who they were and stuff
Jokes On Me
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Note: My god im so sorry this literally took me forever to write, thank you so much for being patient. I've been trying to write this all week but just couldn't sit down for long enough to finish it.
Warnings: Torture, blood, burns.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Y/N, turn that shit off.”
Jason grumbled at you over the coms. You had been blasting some wretched song that you’d found on the internet over and over again and it was beginning to drive him mad. 
“Nope.” You said, popping the ‘p’ loudly. 
“Seriously.” Dick deadpanned. He had found it amusing at first, but it was now beginning to test his patience. 
Agitated, you sighed and turned off the music. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Jason expressed gratefully, turning his eyes back to the road he was patrolling. The night was cool and quiet besides the odd dog walker or couple returning from an evening out. It was one of those nights where patrol would end early and he could return home to take a warm bath and read a book before turning in for the night. Or so he thought. 
You were rounding the corner, humming that tune that was still stuck in your head when his laughter ricocheted across the walls. You stiffened, eyes widening and hands fumbling for your weapon as your breath hitched. No amount of turning and craning your head allowed you to catch a glimpse of the dreaded figure, and you thought for a moment that perhaps it had just been a trick of your mind, or one of your brothers playing a cruel joke on you as payback for winding them up earlier. But then you heard it again, only this time to your left. You clutched your weapon tighter, eyes scanning the area with a new found sense of urgency. 
“Wing…” You whispered into the coms so quietly that you were surprised he heard it.
“What now?” He somewhat snapped. 
“We have a problem.”
Dick’s heart sank through the floor, his ears pricking up and his demeanour changing completely. “Where are you? What’s the matter? He was trying to let his panic show, but you hadn’t been patrolling as a vigilante for very long, and while you were well trained, you lacked the experience to deal with something big on your own. And from your tone of voice, he could tell that you were in some deep shit. 
Jason worked his legs harder to push himself to reach the direction he had seen you head off in. Albeit it seemed even his hardest wasn’t enough.
When he stepped out of the darkness, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. Wide and bright, easily mistakable for a cat’s as they flashed in the darkness; wild. Rabid. As he emerged fully with that infamous twisted grin splayed out on his face, you felt like a cornered animal; a deer in headlights. You froze, unable to move despite how your heart screamed at you to run as it pounded, trying to break free from your ribcage. 
“He’s here…” A mere whisper sliding over your tongue, so fragile that you weren’t even sure if you had actually said it aloud. Jason had heard it. 
The Joker was circling you now, dragging out his strides in lazy circles. You should have fought but in that moment all of your training had drained out of you, along with the colour in your face. He smirked, leering down upon you as you tried to keep your trembling hand still. He pouted in mockery and at your silence, Jason repeated his question to you, but you never got the chance to respond. 
“Oh…Just an old friend, Jay-bird.”
“Joker.” Urging his body to move faster, Jason grit his teeth. 
Dick paled. “You leave them alone.” Dick spat. It tried to be a command, but the effect was lost somewhere in transmission.
The joker pursed his lips, tilting his head as he analysed. One of his hands had found his way to your jawline and he trailed it with a cold, gloved hand. You wanted to lean away, to run and find your brother but you knew that now he had you in his grasp there was no point in even trying. “And why would I do that? They’re right in front of me. I could just…snatch them up.”
“Don’t you dare!” Dick was frightened now. “Y/N, you stay there as long as you can, okay? You fight. We’re coming, you hear?”
The Joker frowned at you. “D’you hear that? Big brother birdy coming to the rescue. How sweet.”
His grip on you tightened. “Too bad you’ll be long gone by the time they get here.”
With one swift motion, he had thrown you harshly to the side, your head colliding with the wall with a sickening crack. 
The two boys skidded to a halt just a second too late. You were already gone. 
Your head hurt when you woke up. Your eyes squinted against the sterile light. They did no favours to your pounding headache. With a groan, you tried to twist, to roll over and soothe the crook in your neck but instead all that happened was the jinging of a metal chain. You craned your head and spotted the thick chain that had been wrapped around your wrist, confining you to the chair. Struggling, you tugged on them, trying to free yourself only for them to rattle and scrape against your skin. 
“Yeah, that’s not going anywhere, birdy.” The joker chided.
You glared at him through narrowed eyes, trying to mask the thumping of your heart. The joker grinned wildly at your frightened complexion. 
“It was such a shame that Grayson and Todd didn’t get to you in time, but it was far too easy to catch you, little bird: you completely froze.” He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point. “Didn’t batsy teach you better?”
“Don’t talk about them.” You snapped. 
The joker raised his hands, palms facing toward you in surrender: taunting you as if you were the one with the power in the situation. “Touchy subject I see. Too bad.” 
He gestured above you to an incessantly blinking light. “Smile for the camera, you’re live.”
Babs had been monitoring the street cameras when the computer beside her flickered to life. She had been searching for any sign of you ever since Dick and Jason came flying through the grandfather clock. Everyone was on edge. 
The moment the screen flashed on, her eyes perked up to watch it, alarmed. She hadn’t turned it on. And there were very few people who could bypass the caves system. So when she saw a small frame curled up in a chair she knew immediately what was up. 
“Duke…” she called to the dark haired boy who was trying to help decipher your whereabouts. “Go and get B.” 
It did not take long at all for everyone to gather around in the cave. Duke was fast, and everyone dropped what they were doing to race down: even Alfred had taken his leave from his duties to see. 
It was almost like some sick irony because as soon as they were all there, you began to scream. A guttering, perfect scream that cut that through them like a knife: unclean and pinging into them messily again and again. 
The joker had taken a knife to your left thigh, his smile dripping with malice as he watched the camera, somehow knowing that at least one of them would be watching. 
Your face was contorted in pain, twisting in agony as tears rolled flatly down your cheeks from fearful eyes. Damian felt sick, his stomach churning. Jason wanted to leave. But all of them were stuck watching. Barbra was tapping away, trying to locate the signal from the video to no avail. 
“I hope you’re watching this Batsy…” He moved round to trail your face with the edge of the knife. You whimpered. “I’ve got your little bird here and I must say, you need to work on their training. They were far too easy to catch.”
Bruce felt his jaw tightening and Tim had to place a hand on his arm to remind him of his place. 
“Anyway I thought we would play a little game… how long can little y/n survive for. I wonder if it’ll be any longer than our very own Jason Todd.”
Jason twitched. 
“I’m testing you here, Bat. Tick Tock.”
The transmission cut to black. 
It seemed hopeless. Even though they had been searching for days, they were no closer to finding you. And to make matters worse, they could see you. Not long after the first transition ended did it start up again. It had been lifestreaming since then, and although they had tried to block it from their minds, it was hard to ignore. Especially when your agonised screams ricocheted throughout the halls. 
You looked like hell. Dark bags occluded under your eyes and there wasn’t an inch of your skin that wasn’t marred or stained with drying blood. The burns were worse. Damian could still hear the scream you let out when the joker first brought the hot poker to your skin. It had bubbled and blistered as the skin peeled away; you had thrashed against your restraints violently. Tim was certain that they were going to get infected if they didn’t reach you soon. 
It felt as if they had searched everywhere. Dick and Jason had even asked around to see if anyone had heard anything, going as far to talk to the Jokers closest associates in Arkham, but even if they did know, nobody said anything. Duke had even gone as far to go back to the area to use his powers to see if he could trace anything, but nothing seemed out of place; they had hit a brick wall. That was…until a small light appeared on the monitor. Babs had managed to trace the signal to a small building on the outskirts of the city. 
They were suited up in minutes, making a beeline for the building. They stormed it, recklessly taking down the Joker's goons before Batman chased wildly after the Joker, his face stony and his fists burning with anger. The other four boys chased down the winding corridors, flinging open the doors until they found one that was locked. Tim wasted no time, picking the lock with ease he peeled it open. His breath hitched when he saw you. 
Your face was gaunt, hanging low by your chest. Your suit was torn and there was less of it on your body than there was ripped away. You looked so fragile as your chest heaved sporadically. 
Jason nearly had to take a step back. This place reminded himself too much of his own encounter with the Joker not too long ago. But he pressed forward, fighting his instincts. He had to be strong. Instead of turning back, he kneeled in front of you, whispering your name. His hand came up to cup your face. You flinched away. 
“It’s okay kid. It’s us.” He tried to reassure you, but you shrank back into yourself. 
“We’re so, so sorry kiddo.” Dick tried placing a gentle hand on your arm before moving to work on the cuffs around your wrists. “We’re going to get you out.”
You said nothing, just continued to stare at the black space before you, and Dami wasn’t sure if you even knew they were in front of you. But when Jason moved away from you to help remove your restraints, your fingers latched onto him and you squeaked in protest. 
He sighed shakily. “Don’t worry kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
Damian twisted from where he was guarding the door. “We need to leave.”
Dick nodded bluntly, finishing with the last of the locks. “I’m going to have to pick you up, okay sweetheart?”
You barely registered what he had said. Everything had grown numb, you nodded anyhow. Moving his arms underneath your legs and slipping one arm behind your back, Jason began to lift you. He nearly recoiled when you cried and whimpered with the way your wounds jostled as he sprinted out of the building to get you back to safety. 
You were yet to say anything since you came home. You had been back a few days and your wounds were healing up nicely thanks to Alfred’s handywork, but the air was eerily silent around you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been communicating with them; you spoke to them with gestures or writing but no one was used to not hearing your voice. The stark contrast between your loud and bustling personality and you now was unsettling. No one wanted to push you too far but the manor was beginning to grow lonely. 
It was one particularly rainy night when you finally spoke.  You were curled up in a large armchair by the window in the library, sinking back into the plush leather as you watched the raindrops race down the glass. Jason had been watching you from afar, contemplating whether to talk to you or not when he walked over. 
“What are you up to?” He asked you, making sure you knew that he was there before he spoke. 
You gestured toward the window,then to the half opened book at your feet and shrugged. 
“I see.” He nodded, taking a seat on the armchair opposite you. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. Jason wasn’t much of a talker. He knew more than anyone what you were going through, which was why it was nice just to know that he was willing to sit with you, just so you knew that he was there if you needed him. It made you feel safe. But you also couldn’t help but feel guilty, and frustrated with yourself for being in a place that made him feel as though he had to do that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jason had to do a second take. His heart swelled. “What for?”
You sighed. “This. When I saw him…i-i froze. If I had run then this would never have happened.”
“Shh. This isn’t your fault.”
“I promise, Kid. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
You nodded, looking away from him. But then you furrowed your brows and turned back to him. “How did you do it? How did you deal with this, Jay? Every time I close my eyes he’s there.”
“I guess I don’t, really. Or sometimes it feels like I don’t. I still get scared sometimes. I still see him in my dreams. But over time it gets easier. I had people around me to help me. And so do you, kid. We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
Jason shifted to brush away a rogue tear and you leaned into his touch and then wrapped your arms tightly around his middle. 
“I’m here. Always. We’ll get through this together.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish
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elliespassagerprincess · 6 months ago
ellie period comfort fic pls? istg i hate this shit but love ur fluff fics KJAKSJHKA:cc
Comfort - (ellie williams x reader)
hi pookieeee!!! firstly thank youuuu, secondly so real. if i could get rid of it forever i would because joh the painnnnnnnn:(((( i hope you enjoy<3333
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts
warnings: none
Summary: in which she helped you
authors note: its midterm break rn and im so bored, all i do is sleep, eat and write. also do yall think i should make playlist with all the songs people send me as requests???
Ellie was worried. Really fucking worried.
The two of you were supposed to meet at this new cat café Ellie recently discovered. She remembered showing you pictures that she found on Instagram, and how excited you were.
"Ellie there's ginger cats!" You squealed when you saw the pictures. "Can i hold them?"
"The website says you can"
You let out a scream of excitement and you hopped onto her, straddling her. Her hands immediately went to your hips.
You kissed her all over her face and she fucking giggled.
"Thank you baby!"
Now here she sat all alone with ginger cat on her lap waiting for you.
She sat there for over an hour waiting but you never showed up. She's called you so many times. She's texted you so many times.
I'm here (delivered)
when are you coming? (delivered)
Where are you? (delivered)
Baby are you ok? (delivered)
You're scaring me (delivered)
It wasn't like you to not respond, especially if the two of you had a date planned.
Maybe you were mad at her? Maybe you were ignoring her? Maybe you were in danger?
Fuck, so many possibilities.
She checked your location only to see that you were at your apartment.
She immediately left the café, and she hopped into her car. She was speeding down the highway, praying that she wouldn't get pulled over.
Maybe you fainted, maybe you forgot, maybe you had someone over?
She was terrified.
She pulled into the driveway of the complex and she rushed up the stairs forgetting that the elevator was there. She ran to your door and she unlocked it with the key she had, not even bothering to knock because if you were in trouble then she needed to get there urgently.
She walked into into your apartment and it looked like it always has. It was clean, everything was in its place.
What the fuck?
She slowly walked through the apartment and she checked every room but there was no one. She just has your bedroom left. She slowly opened the door and there was a huge lump on your bed. She walked to the other side of the bed to see you fast sleep covered with a million blankets.
She let out a sigh of relief and she squatted down so she could see your face more clearly.
She gently touched your cheek and your nose scrunched at the sensation.
"Baby" she muttered quietly.
You slowly opened your eyes and she gave you a small smile.
"Are you ok?" Ellie asked with concern "you didn't reply to my texts"
you frown and you reached out to grab your phone from behind you. You switched it on you read all the texts and you eyes widened.
"we had a date?"
"I'm sorry"
Ellie shook her head "what happened?"
you look away shyly
"baby talk to me"
"my period started and i decided to take a nap"
'that explains your mood swings' Ellie thought
"oh you poor thing" she got up and she kissed your forehead "does it hurt?"
"A little" you admitted.
"Let me help you"
you nodded at her request and Ellie immediately got to work. She went into your bathroom and she filled the tub with water. She back into your room where you quietly sat and waited for her. She came in and she gently grabbed your hand
"come on baby"
You got out of the bed following her. When you got into the bathroom and you saw the water filled tub you gave her a big hug. You took off your clothes and you gave you got in with a relived sigh.
Ellie took your clothes and she out it into the washer. She immediately went into the kitchen and she looked for every sweet treat she could find because she knew how much loved eating sweet this, especially at this time.
She changed your sheets, she got you pain meds and she sat on the edge of the bed waiting for you.
You walked out all clean, and you were immediately looking for Ellie. When you walked into the room, seeing the new sheets the snacks, you were suddenly overwhelmed.
"Oh Ellie" your eyes filled with tears.
"No baby don't cry" she got up and she walked over to you and she hugged you as you silently sobbed. The two of you stood together for a while as you found comfort in her arms.
"Lets lay down" she mumbled.
"Tonight we'll do whatever you want" she said as she cuddled up behind you.
"Can we watch Disney?"
"We can baby"
"can you also get me cheese?"
"Whatever you want baby"
you gave the arm that was wrapped around you a squeeze
"i like cheese"
" i know you do"
"thank you els, i love you"
"i love you too"
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taylormarieee · 1 year ago
Unspoken Feelings...
part 4.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by Iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, roseyposey, aryansimhadri and others
y/n- Huge shoutout to @Iamcharliebushnell for being an amazing person and an even better best friend. We've been through so much together this past year and I love you so so much. You will always have a special place in my heart until the day we die. Me and you Charlie, Always and Forever❤️💕💋
Iamcharliebushnell- Always and Forever me and you pretty girl. I love you so much. Your my bestfriend and My future 💕 You will also always have a special place in my heart and I will always be there for you. Through your ups and downs, high's and lows. Through your accomplishments and your failures. I love YOU, so much and I appreciate everything about you.
↪walker.scobell- This is sooo cute!
↪y/n- dw, your next walker!❤️
↪walker.scobell- yayayayayayayaya!!
dior.n.goodjohn- Awwwww, your friendship is actually adorable!
↪y/n- thankssss! I love him so much!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- Oh honey, I know....😉
↪y/n- stop.
roseyposey- ooooo, what's Dior implying????? Hmmm y/n?
↪y/n- girl, you don't start LOL!
↪roseyposey- hehehehehehe
aryansimhadri- This is adorable:)
↪y/n- thanks Aryan!
Iamcharliebushnell- Don't forget we have an interview tmr! I love you more btw
↪y/n- yea! I didn't forget but thanks for the reminder! No I love you more!😡
| Iamcharliebushnell |
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♡💬 Liked by y/n, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, walker.scobell and others
Iamcharliebushnell- 2023 recap with @y/n. I think you guys can tell I spend the most of my time with her.
y/n- Can I just say that I took like half of these pictures if not all???
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Oh yes, creds and praise to you!
↪y/n- stawpp, you know how I get when you praise me...🤭
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Your so cute pretty girl.
↪y/n- gee thanksss🫣🤭
leahsavajeffries- I'm convinced you guys are dating, JUST COME OUT AND SAY IT ALREADY!!!!
roseyposey- Do you know HOW BADLY I NEED THEM TOGETHER!!???
↪loveydoveydove- I AM SERIOUSLY NOT OKKKKKK!!!!!!!
walker.scobell- GUYS! I JUST GOT NEWS! That surprisingly only Dior knew?!!?!?!
↪y/n- @dior.n.goodjohn YOU TOLD WALKER!!!!?????
↪dior.n.goodjohn- IM SORRY BUT THAT'S LITTLE BRO RIGHT THERE! I coulnd't keep it from little bro! (plus he wouldn't stop bugging me)
↪y/n- omggggg!!!!!
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Do I need to be informed on this little secret????
↪y/n- NO CHARLIE! IT'S NOTHING! I'll tell you on my own time...
The Demigods
Tuesday, 4:21pm
My Pookie Charlie💋- Guy's what's going on???
Twinn!!💕- wdym???
My Pookie Charlie💋- This thing happening on Insta!!???
y/n- Ohhh it's nothing! Something about me and then only dior knew, so she told walker!
My Pookie Charlie💋- Yea, I wanna know too
y/n- OMG, This is too much! Ughh Dior whyyyy!
Twinn💕- I'm sorry, I didn't expect Walker to say anything! Especially on social media of all places!
Seaweed Brain🪸- I'M SORRY! I'M SOOOOO SORRY Y/N!
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n, I'm gonna text you! Cuz what the hell is going on???
y/n- Omg Charlie I promise it's nothing...
Little sis🦉- It's clearly not nothing if Waler made a big deal about it! If it's an embarrassing memory or photo then we won't judge
y/n- that's the thing, it's not any of those things! It's something personal that I trusted dior with. I'm not saying I can't trust any of you guys but I just wanted to keep it a secret with just me and dior. I'm not mad at you dior or walker. I was just scared to tell the rest of you...
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer me. Now y/n.
Twinn💕- Again, I'm sorry pookie.
Seaweed Brain🪸- I'm sorry too y/n.
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My Pookie Charlie💋
Tuesday, 4:31pm
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer me
y/n- Yes Charlie?
My Pookie Charlie💋- What is going on? You can tell me anything. Always and forever remember?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Why are you keeping things from me?
y/n- I just don't know how to say it...
My Pookie Charlie💋- pretty girl please... just tell me
y/n- I'm sorry I can't... I love you, I do but I just can't tell you. Not yet at least...
My Pookie Charlie💋-Y/n...
My Pookie Charlie💋- cmon answer me!
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n? ARE YOU OK!
My Pookie Charlie💋-Why aren't you answering me!
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer my calls now!
My Pookie Charlie💋-cmon I need to know if your ok!
My Pookie Charlie💋- baby you're scaring me...
My Pookie Charlie💋- cmon pretty girl... please text me back
My Pookie Charlie💋- Are you ok????
Messages between Charlie and the groupchat...
The Demigods
My Pookie Charlie💋- Has anyone heard from y/n!!!???
Seaweed Brain🪸- No, why?? WHAT HAPPENED!?
My Pookie Charlie💋- we were talking and then hours go by and i'm texting her and she's not responding!
Little sis🦉- The last time I texted her was around 5:00, she didn't text me back tho. Is she ok?
My Pookie Charlie💋- I texted her 15 minutes later, she didn't respond. I can't drive to her hotel because I'm all the way in Vancouver.
Twinn💕- OMG! Maybe she's taking a break? Turned off her phone?
Seaweed Brain🪸- I just tried to call her... straight to voicemail...
Twinn💕- I mean I'm the closest to her hotel, I'm 15 minutes away. Want me to go over there?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Please. My flight isn't going to arrive until 9:30, I won't get down there until around or after 11:00 today for our interview tomorrow. I'm omw to the airport now.
Twinn💕- i'm on my way now! i'll be there soon!
Back to you...
Your sitting there contemplating on whether or not you should really answer Charlie or not.
You finally turn back on your phone and see a whole bunch of worried and missed calls from Walker, Dior, Leah, and Charlie...
Oh god what have you done...
Just as you were about to call them back you hear a knock on the door... Who could that be?
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @glorywielder101 @urmomsbananabread @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @csifandom @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @reader-bookling123 @maryann2013 @angelinajolie0213 @rhydianissuperior @kneehe-nehar7
A/N: CLIFFHANGERRRRRRR! I'm so sorry! Lol, but I will be posting the next fic today, I'm so sorry it's taken so long!
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retrocesosdestacion · 1 year ago
mapi león x reader
genre: not fluff at all, accidental confession, teenager love.
warnings: a bit of headcanon, reader being a stupid curious, mapi confessing unintentionally, also mapi being an assertive/passive person.
notes: i had this prompt when i was cooking an egg. dios im really sorry for making u guys wait too long, also i feel like this is the worst writing I've ever done in my life.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You are secretly Mapi's love and you have negative impressions about her.
But that ended when Maria accidentally left her sketchbook on the bench at the locker room.
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“ If I had a flower for every time I thought of you... I could walk through my garden forever. ”
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❝ Damn. Mapi, you should become an artist. ❞ From the other side of the locker room, you could hear Pina's lips praising the spanish's drawings once again.
It was already the fifth time that day that someone had praised the scribbles in that notebook. And you too, but only in your head. You didn't even have the courage to go there and see the drawings.
Two years ago you were transferred to Barcelona. Everything was normal, you made friends, adapted to the Spain style, adapted to new rules.
But you didn't adapt to Maria León. You didn't have the slightest ability to go up to her and have a chat lasting more than two minutes.
Normally you just greet her, that's when you don't even look at her face. Anyone who saw the two of you together would pinky swear that hated each other.
This was all because in your little mind, Mapi had the greatest disinterest in you. After all, you came to this conclusion when you noticed that the defender always ran away from the conversation when you arrives.
However, over time, you accepted this treatment from the spanish woman, even if you were curious to understand the player. You even told this whole situation to Ona, your best friend.
But it was always the same dilemma: “Relax, she’s shy. “ or “ Mapi has difficulty meeting new people. “
Yet that never made sense, after all, Mapi is anything but bashful.
It became a huge snowball since you never bothered to go talk to her. Therefore, currently your relationship with Mapi is completely lacking affection.
And it was just with you.
Claudia, for example, was one of the lucky ones. She was glued to the blonde's side, attentively observing each page of the spanish woman's small notebook with the greatest freedom and comfort.
At that moment, the defender had both feet on the bench, so she could rest the notebook on her knees. Mapi slowly leafed through the drawings for her friend once again.
❝ Yo ya te dije, who knows in a few years. ❞ (I already told you.) León reply to the other spanish woman's compliment with a very hopeful tone, as part of her dream was to be a tattoo artist.
As always, you just looked at the two girls talking, as you sat, untying your boots.
❝ If you look for longer, you will have bad luck. ❞ Ona mocked your indeterminate stare. ❝ If you’re so interested, go there. ❞ She states while taking off her training uniform.
❝ Madness. She doesn't like me and you want me to suddenly get there? ❞ You threw those words into the air so quickly that Ona took a while to formulate something.
❝ Why do you think she hates you? ❞ Your friend countered.
❝ I've told you thousands of times, Ona. She looks at me dirty, ignores me, she doesn't even want to talk to me even though I'm her training partner! ❞ You justify while gesturing nervously.
❝ Stop being fucking neurotic. ❞ The spanish woman rolled her eyes, finishing putting on her post-workout clothes. ❝ Ve allí, siéntate a su lado y descubrirás por qué te trata así. ❞ (Go there, sit next to her and you will find out why she treats you like that.) Ona stated.
You only knew the basics of spanish, deciphering what the defender had said would take a while. ❝ Huh, what? Find out what? ❞
Ona didn't respond, just giving you a stupid smile and a wink.
Slowly, the oldest left your side and walked towards Mapi and Claudia. The moment she got there, Batlle poked Pina's shoulder and approached, murmuring something in her ear.
❝ What the fuck are you doing?! ❞ You whispered to yourself, automatically standing up; scared and surprised.
Suddenly, you felt the greatest penetration of looking in your direction: Claudia Pina looked at you as if she knew all your secrets, giving you chills.
She smiled a huge and mischievous smile, raised her arm and waved it, calling you over.
Before you went, the only thing you observed was Mapi's embarrassed and awkward manner, grumbling at the two spanish women for calling you.
You thought for seconds before taking the step to go there. A whirlwind of thoughts ran through your mind, like a river heading straight for the waterfall.
What if you are a nuisance to her? What if she leaves the moment you get there?
You were very worried about the relationship with someone you don't even are intimate with.
You worry about the image you give to a person that don't even want to be your friend.
Thus, your heart began to run a marathon from the moment you started your very slow steps towards Mapi León.
Maybe you were afraid of hurting her, but at the same time yourself. As if your feelings were bubbling for the defender and you didn't want to ruin everything.
In your peripheral vision, the only notable details were María closing her notebook as quickly as a middle school student after the last bell, Claudia and Ona smiling goofily and pointing at the defender.
❝ What was it? ❞ Those were your first words when you reached the other side of the locker room, completely looking away from Mapi and just focusing on the other two.
❝ You're the only one on the team who hasn't seen Mapi's drawings, right? ❞ Claudia gave the first word, pushing León's shoulder with her elbow.
You didn't even bother to answer correctly, just opening a painful smile.
❝ Yes, I think so. ❞
After you responded, Mapi frowned, rolling her eyes. This only made you more certain that León actually hated you.
❝ But there's no need to show it. I mean, I'm not interested. ❞ They were the stupidest words that came out of your mouth.
The shine in Mapi's eyes slowly faded with each word that left your lips, the spanish woman's fingers ran to the back of her neck, uncomfortable. At this point, you should be sure that you almost hurt the girl.
❝ Don't be like that. Come on Mapi, show it. ❞ Ona finally said something in the midst of the discomfort of that conversation, lightly patting the other spanish woman on the head.
❝ I'll show you later, I need to pack my things. ❞ Maria came up with the most false excuse possible, since her things were almost one hundred percent ready. León's fingers rested on the slap, giving Ona a dirty look.
Your eyes fell on Claudia and Ona, indignant at all of this.
But you didn't know why. It wasn't as if the lack of communication between two companions would cause such great discomfort.
There was something more, you could feel it. Such something else that even Ona hides from you.
❝ Dios mío, esto es horrible. You two look like children who don't know how to talk to each other. ❞ (Oh my god, this is horrible.) Claudia gave her opinion amidst the silence.
❝ Son como dos chicas enojadas. ❞ (They're like two stupid girls. ) Batlle added.
Mapi stood up delicately, pulling the bag that was previously on the floor to the bench and opening it. ❝ Could you two shut up and get out of here, wouldn't you? ❞
The spontaneous rudeness really took you by surprise, mainly because the defender was staring at the other two, but not at you.
Pina raised her hands in defense, expressing a mere comical sadness on her face. ❝ Right. ❞
The same thing for Ona, who reached for the strap of her sports bag and put it on her left shoulder. ❝ Come on, Claudia. And don't be stupid with [reader]. ❞
❝ Que se jodan ustedes dos. ❞ (Fuck you two.) Mapi grumbled as she mock-rifled through her clothes.
Ona grabbed Claudia's arm and pulled her tightly to her feet, slowly dispersing herself from you and Mapi over time, killing the last few minutes. ❝ See you later, [reader]. ❞
Your eyes screamed for help to leave together, following the two girls until they left the main door.
Okay, now you were alone with the girl you were most afraid of.
Gradually, some people and groups would leave within minutes. Silence now, which had previously been scattered conversations, was prevailing, and that was delicious on the one hand.
After all, you loved being alone at times like this. But not with Maria.
You continued standing until Mapi offered you the bench next to her, and you did so. When you laid eyes on the spanish woman, you noticed her fingers pressing against her own temples, circling fingerprints there.
❝ I'm sorry about them. They are two idiots. ❞ León murmured as she took her fingers back to the bag, closing the zipper.
❝ Alright, no problem. I'm used to it. ❞ You responded with a typical defensive tone, unaccustomed to this type of conversation with her.
Your fingers tapped upper thigh, nervous and anxious, waiting for some miracle.
Momentarily, the spanish woman's brown globes rested on you, followed by a big sigh.
❝ I'm sorry if I'm stupid with you. And it's also bad if I didn't show you the drawings, it's just that— ❞ The defender was interrupted when Patri shouted her name.
❝ Hey, Mapi! ❞ The spanish woman appeared through the door of the main hallway. ❝ Can you check for me if my boots are dropped on the field? ❞
Maria looked at you with a roll of her optics, also accompanied by a tiny and shy smile. ❝ I'll be right back. ❞
The spanish woman slowly went to the gate that connected the changing room and the field, leaving you there freely in the area.
A dead silence remained there, there was no one else but the two of you inside that locker room, and now, only you.
Your body was still warm from training, but it could be for countless reasons, maybe because of your sudden meeting with Mapi, because of the fear of everything that happens in other conversations, happening now.
Eyes slowly took in every detail of the locker room: the ceiling, the floor, all the other stalls and even your bag on the other side.
But your orbs left for your side, where Mapi's unopened bag accidentally was. And of course, the damn sketchbook.
No, no. This is terrible, a lack of privacy. Your desire to leaf through that notebook was greater, but you should be aware.
It was only a matter of time before Mapi came back and finally opened that notebook, there was no point in leafing through it before then.
But despite everything, you were a very, very curious person.
❝ Damn. ❞ You muttered to yourself, intertwining your fingers so that you unconsciously wouldn't reach for the notebook.
But, well... Your eyes darted from side to side, making sure Maria wasn't there.
Your hand rested on the notebook, at the same time your heart accelerated so quickly as a result of your comportment. You should go back.
Slowly, you opened it enough so you could peek at the drawings. Incredibly, they were drawings of outlooks and Mapi's cats.
Despite everything, it wasn't that bad. ❝ Damn. ❞ You mumbled.
Suddenly, a folded sheet of paper fell from the middle of the pages of the notebook, falling to the floor. Your face produced a confused expression until the moment you reached the sheet.
At the same time that you were almost putting the sheet back from where it had fallen, you unfolded it.
Your heartbeat increased from the moment you caught sight of your name written there, along with a drawing of yourself and several doodles in the surrounding area.
Initials together, stick drawings of the two of you together that you were sure Claudia and Ona had scribbled, your name was written in every color there was.
There, maybe you realized why Mapi never showed you the notebook. Why Mapi hated being by your side when she was with the girls.
You could feel your face burn, turning red little by little, until it was like a pepper.
Immediately, you threw your hands up to your face, along with the sheet. You breathed once, twice and three times until you understood the situation.
❝ Shit. ❞ You mumbled to yourself with a muffled tone, still with your face hidden in your hands.
Your body slowly slid down the cabin wall, rethinking all the impressions you always had of Mapi.
You folded the sheet back and hid it in the notebook again.
Suddenly, Maria's figure slowly appeared in the locker room, mainly due to the sound of her footsteps.
Your torso rose, you became so desperate that you completely forgot to let go of the notebook in your hand.
Mapi slowly stopped walking and stopped in the middle of the locker room the moment her eyes fell on your hand with the notebook.
Slowly, her lips opened ready to say something. However, the spanish's internal desperation probably prevented this.
❝ I didn't see anything, I swear. ❞ Was the only thing you could say before throwing the notebook back onto the bench and waving your hands in defense.
Maria completely changed her route, walking quickly towards you. The moment she reached you, the player grabbed your hands and squeezed.
❝ Puedo explicarlo, en serio. ❞ (I can explain it, seriously.) Mapi stuttered between words and even forgot to say them in english.
The spanish woman's face didn't even bother to hide her embarrassment. You could feel the player's fingers trembling and of course, the strong desire to cry.
❝ I thought it was cute. ❞ In the midst of all the tension, these were your stupid words. Giving a short smile, which perhaps calmed León.
❝ What? ❞ Mapi asked, raising one of her eyebrows.
❝ The drawing. ❞
❝ But you said you didn't see anything. ❞ Maybe you didn't expect her to be so naive.
❝ I'm not going to lie, I saw everything. ❞ You answer with a defensive intonation, after all, you had no idea what would happen from now on. ❝ Even those scribbles on the sid— ❞
❝ That was the girls idea. ❞ Mapi justified it so quickly, was probably true.
It was at that moment that you realized that María León was not angry or disgusted with you. Mapi was actually in love with you and was ashamed to admit it.
This all explained the insults and scandals she made whenever the girls played with her. You were the concern of all the jokes.
❝ Right. First breathe. ❞ You advised the spanish girl to calm down, after all, she was shaking more than anything.
❝ Let me explain, please. I don't want you to get it wrong. ❞ Mapi begged to hold an explaination.
❝ Go ahead. ❞
❝ I'm not some kind of stalker, okay? I only drew you because, well… Because I like you and I thought you were pretty. ❞ The defender gets confused in her own words.
You were sure that wasn't what she wanted, Mapi didn't want to confess like that stupid way.
❝ But I completely understand if you think I'm crazy like that... ❞ Mapi slowly closed her eyes, trying to throw all the despair inside. ❝ Dios mío, ¿qué carajo estoy diciendo? ❞ (Oh my god, what the fuck am I saying?)
❝ Hey, it's okay... I guess. ❞ You tried to calm down from the moment you felt León's fingers slowly slip from your hands.
Your mind enfolded the sight of Mapi in front of you, it was the only thing you could pay attention to.
Heart felling affliction, a feeling full of pity for the whole situation that Maria went through made you think a lot.
While you had the wrong impression of her, Mapi couldn't control own feelings.
❝ I don't know what to say about all this. ❞ You produced a sentence where you could try to be understandable with it. ❝ I thought you hated me. ❞
❝ What? Why?! ❞ León was really shocked.
❝ Huh… You always sounded or looked ignorant to me. But it wasn't bad, I had the wrong impression. ❞ Your lips moved automatically, everything you kept about her these two years finally escaped.
Mapi gave a short smile, perhaps your words sounded funny. ❝ Yo nunca debí contarles a Ona y Claudia sobre ti. ❞ (I should never have told Ona and Claudia about you.) The spanish woman muttered to herself, but you still understood.
❝ And now knowing that you like me was such a turning point. ❞ You explained yourself without letting go of Mapi's hands for a second. ❝ By the way, about that… ❞
❝ No need to explain yourself, I'll understand if you don't reply— ❞
❝ No. I want it. I mean, I think you won my heart after seeing your drawings. ❞ Your typical comedic tone caused few laughs between the two of you.
❝ And also, it really hurt me to get the impression that you hated me. I've been making you a fool all this time. ❞ You continued.
Mapi León paid attention to every word that left your lips. There, you noticed how the player stopped shaking and stuttering, finally taking comfort.
❝ No. I understand, I would have that impression too if I saw all of this. ❞
❝ But I hope we can go back and start over from scratch. ❞ You looked for the solution.
Despite everything, Mapi was very understandable with words, she just needed time to express herself.
Suddenly, León's brown orbs looked to the side, perhaps worried about something. ❝ I think we better go, I need to tell Patri about the boots. ❞
Mapi let go of your hands, and for a moment you didn't like that feeling. The spanish woman's fingerprints grabbed the famous intriguing notebook, putting it back in her bag.
Initially she carried the bag on her shoulder, waiting for you to do the same. Your feet lifted and strained toward your own bag, but immediately returned to Mapi's side.
❝ If you want to start from scratch, come with me. I'll stop at a coffee shop before heading home. ❞ León opened a genuine smile, extending her right hand towards you.
You got the signal, and you did it. Your long fingerprints met Mapi's, intertwining them.
❝ Yes, please. ❞
Maybe you should leave everything in the hands of time and, gingerly, the two of you would transform disagreements into affection.
Gradually, your relationship with Mapi stopped being lack of love and became the fruit of devotion. Walking alongside her was the best opportunity for that.
❝ ¡Quiero un frappuccino, por favor! ❞ (I'd like a frappuccino, please!) You used the spanish words that you knew, asking with a great enthusiasm. After all, from now you would use that dialect a lot more.
Really more.
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aezuria · 11 months ago
hiii i love ur writing sm!! i was wondering if u would do leo valdez x reader headcanons? ty!!!
*ੈ✎ keep your head still, i'll be your thrill
—all the small things, blink-182
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content: leo valdez x reader
warnings: cursing again
librarian's annotations: the title has no connection to the hcs but it came up while i was writing this also IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER 🙏🙏🙏
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super clingy i do not make the rules
oh you thought you were gonna get up and be productive?? not today!
fuck everyone else tbh
LOVEEES gossip sessions with u
hes so invested in all the drama u have
probably laying on his stomach and swinging his feet and gasping incredulously. "what!? no she did not..."
got very pouty that you did not invite him to the girls night bc he didnt want to "miss out on the tea" (lwk stealing from my own work oops)
who can blame him tbh
loves teaching u too (even if u suck)
like imagine him holding your waist and moving you to the beat as you fumble along, his chest pressed up against your own
"forward, back, left- there you go," he murmured into your ear, looking down at your feet. you stepped on his shoes a lot more than you should've; did he ever think that his proximity was why you were messing up!?
"you suck at this, don't you?" he laughed, but twirled you around anyway.
"did you ever think you're just a shit teacher?"
also this man was born a star
can probably hit super high notes as if its nothing
ok so we all know how hes a genius right
oh my GOD imagine him explaining how his stuff works and using words you're sure don't even exist and he's so into it and he just sounds so SMART
intelligence is so attractive why does no one talk abt that
you wanted to watch him work on the engine, so you pulled up a stool next to him. you stared at his side, his tank top dirty with grease and sticky with sweat. how long had he been working since you got here?
you'd get mad at him for not taking a break later. right now? you were admiring the view. who wouldn't?
"hey leo?"
he hummed in response, still hyper-focused on the engine.
"how does all that work, exactly?" you were never one for machines—good thing you have a mechanic boyfriend!
he looks to you, a happy glimmer in his eyes. "you really wanna know? so basically— this part connects to that part and then..."
you don't know how long you've been zoned out, too busy staring at his perfect
"y/n?" he finally realizes you haven't been paying attention. "you with me, now?" he raises an eyebrow with a grin on his face.
"huh? what?" you straightened up, fumbling over your words. "yeah! why wouldn't i be?" you tried to act as if you weren't just ogling him seconds before.
"oh y'know.. cause you were checking me out." he winked, leaning back against the engine as he put himself on display. "i mean, you obviously couldn't help it. i mean, look at me!"
someone humble him
its not like he doesn't do the same tho
if he accidentally walks in on you he'd be like "oh my gods-! sorry!" and cover his eyes with his hands, but his fingers are parted so he could still look through. literally the 🫣 emoji
he is SUPER ticklish and you WILL use this to your advantage
esp his ears
one time you touched them out of curiosity cause theyre pointer than average and he was like "eek!"
"aww i didn't know you could make that sound!" you poked some more fun at him because that was adorable
"shut up!"
another time he's laying on you, ruining your plans of getting up early and being active. you tried rolling out from underneath him but his arms snake around you like a vice, squeezing a groan out of you.
"leo get off!" you tried shoving him off, but that didn't work either. he simply buried his face into your neck, mumbling a tired no.
you really had shit to do, so you resorted to the last possible tactic. "i didn't wanna have to do this..." you warned. (you so wanted to do this)
you slipped your hands under his shirt and started tickling his stomach, effectively getting him writhing off you with laughter.
"stop-! that tickles!" he tried doing the same back, but he was squirming far too much.
ok real talk now
love loves staying up late with you until its past midnight and you guys are just rambling about random topics. he's just so relaxed with you, his heart feels so full and there's no space anymore, so his bottled up emotions spill out
which is usually a closely-guarded secret because he's just the funny guy of the group, right?
what does he know about feelings? isn't it his job to just keep everyone else happy? joking about everything will take away the pain, won't it?
(it doesn't)
"i don't know, i just- feel like i don't really fit in with everyone. they all have these cool powers, and i'm just.. me." he laughed dryly, face devoid of his usual happiness as he stared at the ceiling. "sometimes, i feel like you could do so much better. but at the same time?" his voice lowered as he rolled onto his side, staring into your eyes. "i want to keep you to myself. i really, really don't want to lose you."
you were glad he finally opened up to you, but your heart ached at the way he thought of himself. how could he not see how highly everyone thought of him, especially you?
"just you? leo, you're the coolest person i know. you're so, so smart, you can fix just about anything, you're funny, you're kind, you can cook; what's not to love?" you smiled softly. you could go on and on about this man. for him to think that he was the lucky one? it was quite the opposite.
"and you don't have to worry," you whispered, cuddling closer to him and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "i'll always be with you."
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gloomyluvr · 2 years ago
in which miles unexpectedly sleeps over
fem!reader x e-42! miles morales
fluff / kinda angst??
warnings!: none
a/n: hiii ! i promised a post. and even tho it's a week or two late, it's here!! i loved this one btw. heavily inspired by ari's song. it's one of my faves. this took me forever cuz i had so many ideas and versions of it and i couldnt decide which route i wanted to go with it. idk hope y'all like it ig. oh and miles is ooc cuz like... idk how he is.
“im sorry for coming over last minute.” it was almost midnight when miles had called you asking for a place to stay the night. you were the only person he knew who lived around this unfamiliar area. 
“no, it’s alright. don’t worry.” you looked down at the floor, avoiding miles’ gaze. admittedly, you were nervous. it was your first time seeing miles after your breakup. which didn’t go all too well, but it’s in the past now. 
“if you’re not comfortable with me staying here, i get it. i’ll find some other place.” miles had noticed your uneasy manner. 
“no! it’s fine! it’s late and i don’t want you out there by yourself” you finally looked up at him, “what are you doing here anyways?” 
“oh uhm, there’s this like robotics competition around here, good prize money y’know?” miles hesitated. 
you knew miles better than anyone, you know when he’s lying. he’s making it so painfully obvious that he’s lying. he was probably here for prowler business. but, it wasn’t your place to worry anymore.
“oh, sounds fun.” 
“your mom won't mind?”
“your mom wont mind that i'm staying the night?”
“oh uhm, probably not. she’s at her boyfriends house so…” you shrugged
 miles stood stiffly in front of you waiting for anything to happen. and you stood, well, also stiffly looking around your living room. god, this was so fucking awkward.
“um well, you can set your bag in my room and i’ll get you some old clothes of yours that i… still have.” you admitted, very very embarrassingly. miles slightly smiled, amused by your behavior. 
you led the way to your room, and miles trailed behind you. as he was walking, he looked around the apartment he once knew so well. he took notice of anything new, whether it was recent photos in frames or decorations your mother put up to match the season. 
once in your room, miles gently set his bag next to your bed. he observed you as you got clothes from your drawer. you were dressed in some graphic tee and christmas pajama pants. which miles so happened to have an exact pair of (maybe because you insisted on matching for the holidays and well, who was miles to deny you?)
“here you go.”
“thanks.” miles took the clothes from your hands and walked to the bathroom.
you let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding in. why were you so nervous? a couple months ago you guys could act freely around each other and now you guys can barely even make eye contact. there was no denying that you missed miles. you missed the calls that would last for hours. you missed laying together in bed. you missed his laugh. you missed everything and anything about miles. 
you weren’t expecting his call at all. he was the one who decided on no contact after all. and if you were being honest you were mad that he had the balls to ask to spend the night after not talking to you for months. but you didn’t have it in you to say no to miles. 
when miles came back, you were lying on a makeshift bed on the floor scrolling through your phone. it couldn’t have been comfortable. 
“you’re not sleeping on that.” miles immediately advised you. you looked up from your phone with a grin. 
“oh i know. you’re sleeping that.” you got up from the floor and climbed on top of your bed. miles watched your antics with a hand on his hips. you looked at him and he rolled his eyes. 
“well at least i was tryna be a gentleman.” he huffed as he laid down on the floor. you rolled over to the edge of your bed to look at miles who was getting comfy on the floor (which was surprisingly comfortable.)
you wanted him to say something. anything. ask how you’ve been, what you’ve been up to. you wanted to talk to him, tell him the latest drama from your school. anything that would break this god-awful silence. but, nothing ever came. it was late, and if he wasn’t gonna try anything, neither were you. 
you looked at miles’ face, admiring your favorite features of his. he quickly took notice and looked back at you. miles smiled nervously, hoping you wouldn’t notice how his cheeks turned red because of your gaze. fortunately for him, you were as giddy as him, if not more. your cheeks also blushed up and you just couldn’t handle it.
“stop looking at me like that!” you cried before hiding your face in your covers.
“what! ¿qué hice?” miles chuckled, throwing his hands in the air in defense. 
“you know what you did!” you insisted with your face still buried in your covers.
“ ‘m sorry i can’t help it.” he whispered. you shifted to your lay on your side, facing miles.
“miles you can’t say that.” you whispered back. 
“why not?”
“i know, i’m sorry.” miles mumbled. 
and once again, silence filled the room. you could hear miles’ soft breaths and you were sure he could hear yours.
“k pues, goodnight.” 
“goodnight, y/n/n.” 
15 or so minutes had passed and you still couldn’t sleep. you were tossing and turning on your bed. why couldn’t you sleep? is it because it’s so cold even though it’s august? or was it the fact that your ex was sleeping on your bedroom floor? probably the first one. you shivered, trying to find some warmth within your blankets. why was it so fucking cold? you sigh, there was only one way you were gonna be able to sleep tonight. 
“you awake?”
“yeah, can’t sleep. why?” miles waited for a response but all he heard was shuffling. then, he saw you standing over him with your pillow and an extra blanket.
“can i sleep with you?” miles nearly jumped at the offer. how could he ever reject you? 
“yeah of course.” miles made space for you on the ground and you quickly set your pillow down next to his. you got under the same covers as him with the extra you brought being quickly discarded. 
it wasn’t until you were fully settled in that you realized your position. your face was merely inches away from miles’. though it didn’t bother you like you thought it would and miles didn’t seem bothered either. in habit, you rested one of your legs over miles’. instinctively miles wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. you brought your hand up to caress miles’ cheek. you closed your eyes as miles rubbed circles on your waist with his thumb.
you missed this. so did miles. but as long as he was the prowler, he couldn’t be with you. despite how much he wanted to. 
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mandy-asimp · 2 years ago
Forever home
Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Warning: hurt, lots of crying, yelling, throwing things, miscommunication, insecurities, a few swear words, fluff at like the veeeerrrrry end
A/n: I'm sorry if I forgot any warnings, I didn't proof read, I literally had this idea off of like a spurr and just started going
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"You tanked Janine! Took the whole school with you! It was impressive." Melissa poked at the younger teacher. Not knowing you were walking out the building.
"Leave the poor girl alone, she tried to help." You stood behind the red head. "Janine I think you made a choice and it didn't give you what you wanted, but it's nice that you care so much." You didn't look at the two, focusing on your class before you threw a water balloon at one kid.
Your class lit up and you took the to the open park across the street. Missing the rest of the conversation held between the two.
Today you wore a white top, not really planning to be playing in water today. So while your class left, you were in your classroom. Soaked to the bone.
The knock on your door made you head snap up. "Oh! Hey Janine?" You flashed a smile. "What can I do for ya?"
"I just wanted to say thank you. For the words you said earlier. You really had my back. And you know how Melissa is." She stood cautiously by your door.
You furrowed your brows, "Janine why are you just standing by the door? You're free to come in more. Hey did you eat today?"
"Im fine I was just stopping by. And I was gonna wait...but I should eat now since I'm hungry." She nodded like it was some new discovery.
"Well it's me and Melissa, but I also know Gregory is going out if you wanna go with him. You wont get bullied by Melissa." You joked. Still drying out your shirt.
Janine watched for a second. "You and Melissa? What's that all about?" Her curiosity peaked. "Also I have an extra shirt if you wanna change?"
"No I'm good, I have to go home to change anyways. And me and Melissa? We're just friends I guess." You played it down. "She was the teacher I began with. She made me like it here a lot and then during the pandemic, she let me come stay with her and her husband. I usually had headphones playing loud music so they had time together. She got mad at me for it a lot cause I never came up for dinner."
"You lived with her?! How did you manage?" Janine was baffled by the new found information. "Does that make you like the second person who knows so much about her? After Barb?"
You shrugged and didn't see harm in talking about the past a bit. "She gives you a hard time cause your new."
"Ok but that doesn't explain how you went from her student teacher to living with her?" Janine pushed. She needed to know what was the reason for the favoritism.
"Are you ready?" Melissa's voice came from the door way. Ending the conversation entirely. The 2nd grade teacher in front of you frowned at the nasty look the older gave. "Still can't believe you tanked. Like the whole school Janine. The. Whole. School."
"Melissa," You warned lowly. Getting into a short staring match with her. Which you won with a smile. "I have to run home and change, but then I'll be there for dinner."
"Whatever." She scoffed and walked away.
You had to take a deep breath before having to deal with her. "Janine, just don't listen to her. She's clearly just upset you took whatever fish she had in the fridge. She'll find something new Monday. Have a good weekend." You led her out the room.
Once you got home, you could find no sight of Melissa. No car in the driveway, no opened wine, nothing. You tried to call her, but got the voicemail. Five times. You looked for her location, but got her at the school.
With one last call, you changed and just went to the restaurant. Sitting at the table while dressed in your best. But after waiting for half an hour, you decided to just go home. Tipping the waiter for putting up with you and holding up a table.
You felt embarrassed. There was also anger and fury in you. You called Melissa while on your way home, leaving a voicemail. Going on about how when she's ready to pull her head out her ass and talk to you, you'd be ready.
What you didn't expect was that to lead into tomorrow.
You woke up in a bed alone. It had been years since this feeling. You groaned in frustration and went looking through the house. Not any trace. No note. No car. Nothing.
You let it play out, maybe she just went out early and would be back before noon. Constantly checking your phone to see if anything would come from her.
By five you were at Barbs in tears. You explained you hadn't seen her for twenty-four hours now. How you got nothing from her but she left Friday with a scoff.
That night you stayed at the kindergarten teachers house. Her and Gerald being the nicest people to you while in such a state.
Barbra had watched you two fall in love. The first year you two worked together, she knew you were the one. So seeing you crying over such a thing hurt her. It enraged her that her friend could do such a thing.
That night, before dinner, Barb tried calling Melissa. Getting the voicemail, and she wasn't going to call back. She explained calmly but with so much venom about the harm she's caused. How you can sobbing to her.
"Why don't you come eat with us? Get something in you?" She offered to your lifeless body. You were so numb you couldn't. You just shook your head. "Y/n, sweetheart, please. I know it hurts but you have to get something in you."
"What if she never comes back?" You whispered out. "I don't know what I did. I...I don't know how to control this. I was angry. So so angry at her for standing me up. But now I just I want her home. But what if she doesn't come home?"
Barbra hugged you. She held you on to you tight. Feeling you tremble in her embrace. She held you until your cries subsided. Holding you even through uneven breathing and the soft sniffling. Scared that if she let go, you'd think you had no one.
"Come on, we can make plates and eat on the couch tonight. Watch your favorite?" She offered. Seeing the smallest sparkle in your eyes. "I'll make you a small plate, and if you want more, you can grab more."
You nodded and mumbled a thank you. Slowly trying to find The Devil wears Prada.
You woke up on the couch. Frowning that you still had no sign of Melissa. You cleaned up your stay and wrote Barbra a note thanking her for everything and saying you'll see her Monday.
On your drive back you stopped at the store. Desperate to find something to distract you for another day.
You picked up a Lego set, one that you didn't need but knew it would take your entire day.
Driving home, you had a large pool of hope to see her car. It hurt you to know that you were getting hopeful for the worst. And then it hurt when you didn't see the red truck. That red truck that you had star gazing dates in. That red truck that you've made out in. That red truck. Tears streamed down your face when you got inside.
They kept falling as you showered and changed. You wore one of her sweatshirts and a pair of shorts. Crew socks protecting you from the cold floors. They felt colder than normal. The whole house did.
It was empty.
Your Sunday was filled with movies, legos, and multiple water bottles. Your phone next to you as you desperately awaited a call or a text.
You woke up to rustling. "Mel?" You quietly called. Voice being dry and hoarse from sobbing yourself to sleep. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Melissa?" There was no one, it was still dark in the room. The tv being the only light.
"I'm sorry, but it's just me. You weren't answering my text about if you were awake." Barbra's voice came through the dark.
You stayed silent as your lip trembled. Tears rolled down your face. "I...Barb." Was all you could say. She nodded and walked over. Pulling you from the bed and hugging you.
"Why don't you get ready and I'll drive you to work today?" She held your face, her thumbs wiping your tears away. "We can even stop for breakfast."
You nodded and got ready. Not putting much effort in, and everyone knew when you walked in the morning.
Your hair was freely down and you were in jeans. But you hardly wore jeans unless it was Wednesday or Friday. And the button up that belonged to Melissa was untucked. Your socks didn't match. You had your glasses on and hardly any makeup.
You moved in silence while in the lounge. Head held down and picking at your nails until the coffee was done. You took it straight and walked silently to your class. Not coming out until you had to print your papers for the day.
Ten minutes before she's counted late. You counted those second that made up the time. Once the kids came in and she didn't, you rushed back with your papers holding in your tears.
You sent her one simple text. Turning off your phone for the morning and masking everything for your kids.
Thankful that gym and lunch was back to back. Giving you an hour and a half or so to cry. It was only three minutes into that time before Barbra was comforting you again.
You had cried so hard that you had to throw up. You were surprised by yourself today. You've never cried this hard. Never. And now you were dry heaving.
Barbra was leading you down with your head buried in her side. You could hear her say something, but you couldn't bear look at who she said it to.
You knew who it was, especially went you felt your heart get pulled back. You wanted to run to her. To cry into her knowing she was safe and she was here. Yet, you couldn't. You just let Barbra walk you to Ava. Leaving you with her.
Ava, when she cares, she get serious. And seeing you, one of her more valued workers, made her serious.
She held you for the rest of the time you had. Letting you cry into her shirt. She didn't care you were soaking it with sadness, she just wanted you ok.
Once your time was up, you wiped your face. Giving a final hug to your boss before trudging to the lunch room.
When you opened the door, your heart wanted to burst. The overwhelming emotions seeing her talking to your class. You mustered it all up, ignoring her entirely as you collected your class.
On the verge of tears when your hand brushes against hers. A shaky breath left your body when it happened.
The rest of the day you stayed in your class. Feeling relieved when your kids left and it was just you.
A few tears fell out your eyes as you packed up. Taking in your silence as you left the building. You didn't stop and talk to anyone. Just walked out to your...Barbra.
You instantly spun in your feet, ready to head back but there she was. Not Barb, no Melissa. You wiped away the tears that started falling faster. "Shit," You whispered in annoyance. Making a beeline to the eldest teacher
Barb was expecting you. But not with this many tears. "You know you can't avoid her forever. She's hurting just as much as you are."
You nodded, knowing she was right. "It just hurts to see her after being completely ignored. I just...I couldn't even figure it out."
"Well, I'll drive you home." She knew you didn't want to get into it. She knew most of it already anyways.
When you got home, there was no truck again. Barbra asked if you were going to be ok and you had to be. You couldn't keep her forever so you just nodded.
When you got in, you poured a glass of wine and changed. Balling up on the couch and watching another movie.
Waiting for that door to open again. Needing her walk through the door tonight. If she doesn't you might died.
You sat in the teachers lounge this morning. Not letting tears get you today.
"Oh! Y/n! Its good to see you! Where were you yesterday?" Janine came in, a bright smile on her face.
You hummed, "busy morning. I got nothing done over the weekend." The lie fell from you with ease. "And its good to see you as well Janine."
Everyone else began to fill in. And you could sense when Mel came in. You could sense her any day.
The morning was quiet with you. You didn't sit next to Melissa, instead you sat next to Janine. Listening to her watch videos for the wish list.
"Janine, I swear if I hear one more preppy video," Melissa turned in her chair. "You should put a pair of headphones on that list."
You gave a quiet scoff. "Janine, I wouldn't stress it. I think it's adorable how you're making a video for your classroom needs."
Melissa looked at you next, right before turning while shaking her head. "Well maybe you should just date Janine." She whispered so quiet only Barb heard it, and you could tell it.
"Melissa!" Barbra scolded, never seeing such a side of her friend. Her brown eyes quickly jumped to you. "Y/n..."
"No. If she wants to be immature and childish, the so fucking be it." You collected everything and rushed out. Tears burning in your eyes.
The rest of the day you avoided everyone. Not wanting to give into the tears that begged to spill. You were tired of crying. Tired of being tired.
The woman you've been with for the past five years is suddenly someone you've never met. You've met jealous Melissa, and this was not that green monster.
That night you stayed up. You expected her to come home tonight. After what happened you expected her to. But she didn't.
It hurt. It burned. It shattered. You couldn't understand what the hell was happening. So you called her. Not getting any answer, but you laid it out in the voicemail. The emotions ripping at you.
You didn't go to school. You stayed home and sulked. Crying the entire morning. Only stopping for an hour or so to drink water. Just to cry it all out again.
It was a repeating pattern with it. That was all your day was. You couldn't believe you were crying this hard for someone.
Yet, it'd be terrible if you weren't crying over her. You spent the past five years with her. Even though it wasn't official till last year though.
You were with her through everything, and now she's just throwing you away.
That night you stared at yourself in the mirror. First silently, then after an hour, you screamed. You screamed so loud you heard dogs start barking from streets down.
Tomorrow would mark a week of whatever is happening. Not...that anyone was keeping track or anything.
You went to school and just kept to yourself. It was a you day where you talked to nobody. You hardly talked to your students.
You gave them papers of what they knew to just do extra practice and did your own thing.
And at night you did what you did for what seems like a month, sat with a glass of wine waiting.
A week. A week if not talking to her. A week without a text. A week without a call. A week of constant tears. A week of hurting.
You walked into your classroom and see a box. A familiar box that you adore so much. There was a blue sticky note on top.
Your heart thumped loudly. Each step was a louder thump.
You read the note and a small smile tugged at your lips. But then you let the pain she cause catch up to you today.
You went through your day, a bit more on edge. A bit meaning you were shaking the entire day since reading the note.
By the time you were home, you were downing water. Trying to calm the nerves that we're eating you alive. They took over your body and you felt cold and clammy.
The door opened. You wanted to throw up everything. You wanted to be eaten alive by the floor. To be abducted by aliens. Ran over by a train. Honestly anything to not be here.
"Hun?" A soft voice called in. She walked further into the house. And when you laid eyes on her, you couldn't.
The mixture of rage and sadness forcing tears out. You began yelling. It didn't stop, you just kept yelling. Screaming things you didn't know you wanted to say. You stepped closer and closer and once you were close and she stared at you, she looked shocked to think you could say such, and it made you even more mad.
You threw your hands up and kept screaming. You began throwing objects, being conscious of what you had. Nothing was breaking to satisfy you.
You grabbed your wine glass, note it still had a bit of wine, and threw it at her. Instantly shutting up when it fell to the ground where she used to be standing. You were thankful she moved, but the feeling that glass had made you pant.
"I know you're upset," she began. But it didn't go long because you kept going. You laid it on to her heavy. You've never yelled at someone like this before.
You plopped down when you were for sure done. Watching her with puffy eyes.
She began to talk. And as she went on, you still didn't hear her reasoning. It was just a long apology of how she knew she was wrong.
"Please, I'm sorry." She looked at you longingly.
You shook your head. "You don't get you just apologize and not give me a reason. You left me for a week without saying a word. You stood me up at dinner Mel. What did I do?" You croaked.
Melissa's eyes went wide and she rushed to crouch in front of you. Holding your face and wiping away tears.
"Honey none of this. And I absolutely mean none of this, was your fault. I...I let my insecurities get me. On Friday when you were defending Janine and then talking to her alone," she got out quietly. The fear of you looking at her differently feasting on her.
You could only begin crying. You slipped off the couch into her arms. Sobbing so heavily. Melissa wrapped her arms and held you tightly. Even when you tried hitting her chest and pull away. She could only apologize at you.
Tears of her own showering your head. Neither one of you able to part. You not wanting her to disappear ever again, and her not wanting to see you pained the way you are.
It was well past midnight when you came through again. Stirring around trying to determine where you were.
In your bed with a bonding like grip on you. You couldn't move but you moved enough to wake up Melissa.
"Mel..." you softly spoke. Grabbing at her hands to loosen them. Only making them tighten around you.
"No..." she grumbled. "I can't let go of you."
"Melly? I'm not asking you to let go of me, I'm asking you to just let go of me." You pulled at her hands again, getting the to let go. You rolled over to prop yourself up. Looking down at your woman as her face was so relaxed.
Her eyes fluttered open. Instantly filling with tears. "Please don't leave me..." her tears began falling. "I know I was wrong but please. I cant go through it."
"Melly, I'm not leaving you. You did a terrible terrible thing and I still hardly know why, except that it had something to do with Janine?" You pushed hair out of her face and getting comfortable in her arms again. "What went through that head?"
Melissa moved to rest lower and bury her head into your chest. You knew she needed to be held, so that's what you did. She explained it all to you while you played with her hair.
"And I just....it kept eating at me that you were tired and wanted someone young. I know not Janine but I wanted to get it over with so you couldn't break my heart." She finished. The sun peaking up and through your blinds. "And when you yelled and said what you said, I had a reality check."
You pulled her head back slightly to see her face. Leaning down and kissing her so passionately.
"I will never, and I mean never, mean what I say when I'm mad. It will never mean anything until I have time to calm down and talk sensibly. I was so so hurt that you did that to me though. And it hurt even worst because I knew I still would love you after it all. Because I love you Melissa." You kissed her forehead.
You took in this moment. You had the woman you swore to marriage within your own head. She was your forever. Since the first day with her she was your everything.
"I love you too, y/n." She smiled. It was the most genuine smile you've ever seen this woman give you.
The look in that woman's eyes before you both fell back asleep was all you needed to know she was your forever home.
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rovieghoul · 8 months ago
new to the fandom, what did per eriksson do that you don’t support him?
Thanks for asking, I'm going to say and show a lot of stuff so, read if you want to be informed
his gf (ash costello) has been problematic for a very long time, and now her being a zionist/pro-israel, and Per not minding it was what made me stop supporting him.
She posted a picture with the frontman of the band Disturbed, who also posted this massive bullshit:
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("#zionist forever" pretty disgusting.)
This man also took a photo of himself, singing bombs that were sent to Palestine. After she published the photo of her and this man, she next posted something like "You mad?😂" (I don't exactly remember)
Being proud about supporting the murder, torture, r4p1ng of innocent women, children, men, families, and then be like "oooh everyone is going to go crazyy 😈😈" makes you a weirdo
She's also an abuser
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Started to date Per, they did everything a couple would do, wear matching bracelets, rings, post hints of them dating, ash used per's clothes, cute photos, etc. But it was all happening when ash was still married. Not blaming him for not knowing she was cheating on her husband, but not also not saying he's completely innocent, it is not known if he was aware of this.
Theres also allegations of her being a pedophile, but I'm not fully aware of that.
Theres A LOT, of stuff, threads and post about ash costello, and many of them aren't saying exactly beautiful things about her. The funniest one is her faking being a fan account of herself and got caught.
But with Per, hes just sitting, being around a Zionist, abuser, manipulator, cheater and a liar and doesnt mind it. I'm not saying her actions make him the same as her, i know this man is loved by ghost and katatonia fans, even his friend, including the ghouls in ghost, but supporting someone whos supporting and dating a zionist? someone who supports another zionist, who seems very passionate about it? not for me, sorry, im separating sodo (ghoul) from him.
watching fans just switch up when he made his first live today (June 30 2024) was wild, kind of disappointed and confusing.
All this being said, its up to everyone else to keep supporting him, not saying you should boycott his whole career and just erase him from your mind, but please be aware of this, and try to understand my reasons.
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(me when i realized all this)
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bonefries · 5 months ago
Hi! I am so in love with Foxhoney in any and all AUs. Forgive me if I'm being a bother, but could you tell us more about Lizzy and Franco's relationship? Take this as your free infodump coupon!
I'm sorry it took me forever to answer this one! I just wanted to save this coupon. But im feelin it tonight in the casino.
And speaking of the Casino. After being on it I am soooo obsessed with Franco trying to get Lizzy in there to have dinner with him. But I also have a neighboring headcanon that Easterman releases posters of Lizzy's old Burlesque performance onto that map. Like the collectible ones.
When Franco gets word that Lizzy use to do burlesque it's so over. He won't stop pestering her about it, he wants her to give him a show so bad, even going as far to imply she should do it ON the stage in the employees only room in the back. She's so livid about it, and they have voicelines of the bickering I'd imagine.
"Come'on Mama, Baby's beggin'here. Just a little taste, pretty please. Pretty please with sugar ontop." -Franco, on his knees begging. "For'tha last time ya rat bastard I said No! And not after what yous did to those ladies." -Lizzy while trying to play pool probably.
She's still really mad about the cattle map. Lizzy is also still dead set on keeping her rig vest on and not allowing him the chance to snap or bite at her. She is not letting him dig out her chest and insides OR see the goods.
I imagine she loves to play pool to taunt him as well because of the bending over. He at least gets the other end, but she will make more comments at him about it.
"Ya burn'in holes into my'ass Barbi Doll. If ya want somethin then come'ova here and ask mommy nicely." -Lizzy, once again. Taking a shot on the pool table.
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g0ldenbritney · 5 months ago
Can you do a David Loki daughter imagine where he's a single father and maybe he's overprotective of her but when she needs him, he's there?
an: sorry this took me so long jeez!!! I have been DROWNING in homework and then i got SICK..i think the fanfic author curse is getting to me (also sorry for my horrible grammar)
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Your father was extremely protective of you, sure maybe it was a little annoying (a lot annoying) but you knew it came from a place of love so you would feel a little bad if you snapped at him for it.
Your mother hasn’t been around for a while and as much as it took a tole on your father his mindset is that he couldn’t sulk forever. If anything this is where you think all that protectiveness came from, he didn’t wanna lose you to.
As much as he was protective of you, he had a few problems actually being there for you with his job.
You were walking downtown alone, which you knew wasn’t a good idea at all knowing you’re awful at directions and so inevitably you got lost. You were a bit scared to call your father for help, maybe you’ll be in trouble..no, you’ll definitely be in trouble. But you couldn’t think of any other options
So you call him up, not his phone number but his precinct.
“Hello can I speak to Detective Loki please?” You ask kinda quietly, you didn’t wanna call him dad or something that would be apparent that he was your father..you dont know why
“Hello?” he answers. Its a little fuzzy, damn work phones.
“Uhm..hey dad, im a bit lost downtown.”
You hear a deep sigh, which immediately makes you a feel a bit bad
“I’ll be there. Describe where you are.”
That you do, I will say it was quite the sketchy part of downtown. He didn’t even let you finish before hanging up.
So you just wait there for a bit, a little cold. Standing in the middle of the sidewalk. You see your father’s car pull up, you know a talking to is coming your way but you dont even care anymore. You jump straight into the backseat and sigh.
“What were you doing walking all alone downtown?” He questions you, he’s still technically on the job and he hasn’t switched out of work mode yet. He sounds a little scary to be honest.
You explain to him you were just getting a coffee from that local shop you love so much, he sighs
“Dont be mad. It was an accident.” You murmur quietly, yet he can still hear you
“Im not mad, Y/N.” He turns to face you
“Dont do that again, alright? But im not mad.”
You sigh with relief. He was never truly mad at you, you knew that he would always help you.
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noisyquokka · 1 year ago
I know this is a very vague request and im really sorry in advance 😭… do you think you could write some headcanons/reactions for wayv? I noticed that most nct content is for dream, sometimes 127, and rarely my wayv boys and i LOVE them 😮‍💨, i dont really have a concept in mind i would prefer if it was made with a female reader in mind but gender neutral works just as well, and idk maybe a little bit suggestive if youre in the mood for it?? Idk anyways thanks for listening and im sorry im not giving you much to work with :)
+ OMG OK I JUST SENT IN A VAGUE REQUEST FOR WAYV BUT I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING NOW, idk if you’ll see this but do you think you could do wayvs reaction to a female reader whos more dominant, not necessarily in the bedroom sense (although that too) but just someone who looks more feminine but automatically takes on more masculine gender roles in a relationship like being big spoon, or bringing home the bag, or being the one to take care of things and fix things? Again i don’t necessarily mean in a sexual way just more in a general relationship because i know you said you werent confident/comfortable writing nsfw stuff, but if you wanted to take a more suggestive route too i wouldnt be mad, youre the writer here, im just here to support 💗, thank you again!
A/N - Not me having a whole-ass brain fart on gender roles as I wrote this🤪but ohhhohoo I love this idea!!! I'm sorry it took forever :( also some of these are longer than others, I apologize. But I still hope you enjoy 💛 Thank you for the request, Love!
WARNINGS - F!reader, suggestive if you squint from the other side of the galaxy??
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you had told him that you were quite independent from the beginning of your relationship
perhaps you hadn't been persuasive enough, or it didn't register in Kun's head...
because when he comes home from tour, he doesn't expect to find you in the kitchen, cursing under your breath with your head ducked beneath the sink
it appears you're too busy groveling at the plumbing to notice his presence, the clanking of metal on metal hitting his ears
"What... are you doing?" is followed by a thud! and another hushed curse as you emerge from the cabinet, rubbing at the crown of your head with a grimace
you're met with warm hands and a concerned gaze as you straighten up, adjustable wrench in your grip
"The shut-off valve for the cold water failed," you wipe the sweat from your brow, eyeing the small space you have to work with under the sink, "so I went and picked up replacements for both."
and Kun's just standing there like 'woah, babe, go off'
but also a little worried
cue the "shouldn't we call a plumber", and the "are you sure's"
it's not that he believes you're incapable, far from it!
he's just got no clue about the tricks of that trade lmao
asks if you need help
will literally sit by and watch like a curious Retriever whether you need extra hands or not (without being in the way, of course)
he has no idea where your confidence comes from when it comes to these types of things, but it's kinda... 😏
you finish the job in two hours, checking for any leaks after you turn the water back on and let the water flow through the pipes to clear the air in the lines
after this, he quickly adapts to you taking lead around the house with similar things
he's so used to being the leader/taking lead on so many things that it's so refreshing for him.
you're just the type to say "Hey, I've got it!" with no expectations
he's gonna find his ways of thanking you for the things you do btw
cooking you dinner, cleaning the entire house, buying you something you've been eyeing for forever.
also lives and breaths you cuddling him
back hugs, waking up to you pulling him back into your arms before you're both falling asleep again
this man is so content being little spoon if it means you're right there
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totally into it!
I'd bet that this man goes full doting boyfriend
probably the most curious out of all the guys
would be super invested if you were an HVAC technician or something just because of how physically demanding the job is
asks you if he could tag along to work one day like an excited child
to which you tell him that it's not as exciting for him to watch considering most of the job is you crawling into tight spaces
like you'd literally be in some dusty attic, sweltering as you work
it happens anyways, because you find that your HVAC unit is outdated, so naturally, you choose to update it yourself
cue a sneaky head peeking around the corner every chance he gets because, contrary to what you had said, Ten is very entertained
the man has the biggest heart eyes for you through the entire process - which is roughly 6 hours
"your attention to detail is beyond admirable!"
"I'd say it's necessary when I'm working with electrical, Babe."
wants to learn how to do whatever it is you're working on
doesn't matter what it is you're doing
soaks up whatever you teach him
mans is a whole sponge istg
at the same time he's absolutely gonna tell you to keep being the boss-ass bitch that you are
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supportive but a lil insecure :(
like he loves you loads, supports you 100% in all that you do
but sometimes it'll make him feel like he's not doing enough in terms of your relationship
I don't see the insecurity coming from your confidence of taking on a more masculine role, but more out of worrying that his time is so limited with you and around the house so when he is home, he feels like it's not enough
feels like he shouldn't tell you at first
like it sounds a little like an excuse to be an ass
but eventually thinks it's the best thing for your relationship
y'all take communication so seriously so why start holding back over something like this
you're quick to reassure him that he does more than enough
like sir, sit down and kick your feet up, you literally do so much for me, I will write you a whole list rn
it works to a certain extent, so you offer him some options "to make up for it" cough I'll leave this up to interpretation💀
fair to say that all is better with a little communication
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I say this solely for his safety and benefit
do not, under any circumstances, let this man know you can do some of the things that you're capable of!!
boy is too petty and competitive to have this knowledge
I feel like he'd be the type to see you so confidently take care of yard work and the next week turns into a competition of who can complete said tasks better
he wouldn't do it to make you feel less than, or to put you in your place (as if you wouldn't set his ass straight)
he's just a little dramatic
a lil competitive
he loses almost every time 😔
either makes excuses for it ("I didn't know there were levels to the lawn mower", "the handle on my rake was broken") or stays quiet
will be whiny for a few days afterwards
you have no issue giving him something to whine about-
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full cheerleader mode!!
he literally grew up with three sisters, ain't no way he's gonna be against a strong and independent woman doing her thing
is the best assistant when you need an extra set of hands
literally the kid that holds dad's flashlight while dad fixes the car except you don't have to remind him to hold it steady
he's on top of it, baby 😎
mans takes this as seriously as performing open-heart surgery
I'm talking brows set in concentration and hands as steady as my granny threading a needle (that woman was so talented)
tools are in your hand before you've even finished telling him what you need
bro is just that good
loves helping you to the point that when you don't need his help, he's just a pouty boy in the corner
like Kun and Ten, he'll just watch and cheer you on in those instances
he is the ultimate ally
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I could see him drawn toward a woman who takes initiative in a relationship
probably finds it attractive as hell
at the same time, I could see him not caring much about traditional gender roles
sees it as a social construct that is meant to be broken
he digs how dynamic you can be in any situation, definitely!
that said, he is the reason you fix so many things 🧍🏻‍♀️
listen, him being your boyfriend does not guarantee your safety from The Menace™
feels bad about it sometimes
but like... you never complain
YangYang swears he's a magnet for finding patient people that can tolerate his antics
which is exactly why he's wrapped around your finger
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theoceansluvr · 6 months ago
Ethan Nakamura x Aphrodite Kid! Reader
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warnings; none ! author's notes; SORRY THIA TOOK ME FOREVER ANON :(( family+ school got unbearable and i was spazzing out over it😞 but !! always happy to write for my underrated fav🩷 im not too sure i did good with like.. the actually Aphrodite kid aspect and now im spazzing
as yes, revenge and love
only a true poet could've made this combination !
or in this case, the Fates !
i'd like to think you met during a game of capture the flag or maybe you just ran into him at the docks
whatever it was, he didn't care much for you based on the obvious Aphrodite kid stereotypes
but, once you started rambling about something or another, he actually seemed to be interested in you
or at the very least, what you were saying
so, after months of meeting at the docks on occasion(aka he purposely went there just to see you🩶) he got a crush
a bad crush at that.
he didn't know it was possibly but here he was, collecting seashells to give to you
"It's whatever.. I heard you talking about them the other day"
he's a sap what can i say ?
i don't think he'd do a big confession, but he definitely went on a tad longer of a tangent than he meant to about you
thus the power couple was born !
if we're going based on some of the myths Aphrodite is known for her.. interesting ways
so i think that combined with the ORIGINAL revenge seeker ???
yeah nobody messes with you guys.
ermm.. mayhaps him making the Hepahestus kids make you a sword thats semi similar to his, but the holdy part(idk how to describe swords chat-) has a heart attack the bottom
to this day he's trying to find out how to make something better than that
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he swear he hates it but how can he be mad when you're oh so good at doing hair ?
kiss your nose a lot ? can explain, don't ask
also i think he'd actually be super interested in the gossip in the Aphrodite cabin
like he pretends to be annoyed by it but wdym that couple broke up ??? didn't they just get together ???
he writes it down in a notebook then asks you about it later on down the line just to get updates !
sorry if this wasn't my best work i swear anything after this WILL be better🙏🏾 after i got this req i qas flooded with schoolwork and whatnot so :(
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thewisaaaaad · 6 months ago
@squish--squash I hope you know that you did this to me. I took a break from my narilamb oneshot for this.
Anyway here's more "Heket has a crisis" yw
After discovering the truth about Forneus's children, Heket is left with a problem. She can't really have a Narinder worshiper just wandering around her domain, but she also really doesn't want to force her love into a cage. She's already forced enough people close to her into cages. So, they just make an agreement: Forneus doesn't tell random people about her god, and Heket allows her to wander her domain. Every day, Heket fears that Forneus will forget, and that will be the end of her. Heket will not be able to protect her from War itself, after all.
So, after discovering that Shamura had gone off the deep end, Heket naturally assumes that the madness must have been caused by the damage that Narinder had done to their head. That's great, but now what?
Well, Heket of course makes the most rational decision: to sweep it under the rug! She takes over as the leader of the bishops, mainly to take the pressure off of Shamuras failing mind. This works great, even if the eldest sibling sometimes makes strange demands of them ("I thought we were meant to protect our people, not lord over them" "We need the sacrafices for more power. He cannot be allowed to overpower us." "...alright, I guess.") She is still able to keep the fractured family together. Secretly, Heket fears Narinders return, because of the damage he has already caused when they had the upper hand. Its irrational, she knows, because he's sealed away forever, but a part of her hopes he breaks free if only so that Forneus's kits can be returned to her. (little does she know that all narinder wants in this au is to have their family back.)
Then Shamura drops the bombshell of a prophesy about the sheep, and orders their siblings to begin the culling. Heket immidiately sees the problem with this (as do the other two gods). Killing all the sheep not only sends them directly to their brother, but would also give those sheep ample motivation to work with narinder to wipe out the old faith. So, behind Shamuras back, the three siblings make a plan to hide the sheep within Darkwood, given that the forest is a maze that only those with the bishop of chaos's blessing can traverse. (you can read all about that meeting HERE, you will need an ao3 account because I am afraid of AI scalpers.) So, problem solved, everything is great, right?
Shamura thinks so too! In fact, they managed to contain the red crown!
At that point Heket begins to panic, wondering what the hell Shamura meant by that, considering that the spider never extrapolated on how they were containing their brothers crown. She had never told them about how they were containing the sheep, so how did they find out? What do they mean, "contained the red crown"? Do they know about Forneus? Is her family safe?
And some years later, Heket realizes that she has someone who could answer that question: Forneus! She is a devout follower of The One Who Waits, so maybe she could tell Heket if the red crown is actually on this plane or not. And as it turns out, she can! It is in fact on the mortal plane, and it has found its destined bearer!
So Heket panics even more, and organises a meeting with her siblings individually so as to not raise alarm but still get the message out. However, when she goes to meet with Kalamar, she finds that he is ACTIVELY OPERATING ON THE BEARER OF THE RED CROWN. anyway that stuffs gonna be in the next chapter of my fanfic when I get around to it.
bye :)
ps this was thrown together so like im sorry that its not quite up to my standards I'm struggling man
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starlightingsss · 1 year ago
mad woman (laxus x reader)
my man so fine ong 🤭🤭
part one
dialogue is not my strong suit yall.
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as night fell, the other 4 started setting up their camp.
well not necessarily the other four , just the 3 that you wreaked havoc onto her guild, while the blonde sat and stared at her, a blank expression on his face.
she was a little lost on what to do or how she could help, until he seemed to snap out og his thoughts and walk over to her.
"shower." he instructed, handing her a towel.
"excuse me?" she snapped, indignantly.
"go take a shower." he repeated, irritated with her already.
"we're in the middle of nowhere!" she hissed, not appreciating his tone.
"theres a waterfall a few hundred feet to the left," he grunted, pointing in the direction as she took the towel and walked away.
after an hour or so, she returned.
"jeez! you took forever! even longer than me!" evergreen remarked, putting down the fish she was eating.
the other 3 just continued in their hushed conversation, as she sat with them by the fire.
they were all eating fish, and she was a little hungry too. but still a little too shy to ask, so instead, she stood up and walked around the clearing - looking for berries on some of the bushes.
"what are you doing?" laxus snapped, watching her walk around.
"looking for something to eat." she replied defensively, as she finally found some berries.
"in a bush?" he sneered, raising his eyebrows.
"berries." she snapped.
he scoffed before portioning some of his fish for her, as she picked from the bush.
they continued in their conversation, not paying much attention to the girl. before freed turned to her, and asked her, "where do you plan on sleeping?"
"in a tent..?" she said, confused.
"in which tent," freed said curtly, elaborating, "either with us or with laxus."
"how about you all stay together and i get a tent to myself?" she piped, not liking either of her options.
"now don't be like that," bickslow laughed, as his puppets mimicked.
laxus narrowed his eyes before deciding for her, "you'll just stay with me."
eventually they finished their meal, and evergreen returned, and they all retreated into their tents.
"do you snore?" she asked, as she watched laxus get ready for bed.
"do you snore?" he snapped in reply, annoyed with her question.
"is that a yes?" she asked, as he shrugged. uncontent with her answer, she grunted and laid down to sleep.
after a few hours, laxus was awoken by screaming.
he mumbled some curses, before lighting the lamp, and seeing her drenched in blood, with her ribs protruding from her chest, her back arching and hands clawing into the ground.
despite all of this, she was still sound asleep, and laxus didn't seem to know what to do except wake her.
once he recovered from his shock, he neared her, shaking her awake, as her eyes snapped open.
she gasped as she realized what had happened to her in her sleep, before 'fixing' it.
"i'm so sorry.. this just happens sometimes when things happen to me, it's totally nothing, im so sorry." she mumbled, to a shocked laxus, who just shook his head and told her it was fine.
after that night, they packed up their camp, and their track back to the guild was pretty short, even thought they ran into a vulcan or two.
as they re-entered the blososmimg town of magnolia, it seemed it was just in time for their annual harvest festival.
she had heard a lot about it, it was a nationally renowned event - people woukd travel from all over to see it, and to watch the fantasia parade.
there was also a kind of pageant taking place, miss fairy tail.
as they all walked, the green haired guy and laxus continued in whispered conversation, they appeared to be arguing in a way.
when they finished, they told "ever" something and she backtracked tappning y/n on her shoulder.
"you're going to join our guild." she proclaimed, not leaving room for argument.
"i'm already in a guild."
"well! you're going to join ours," bickslow cackled, "my babies love you already!"
"don't be so sure yet, makarov still needs to approve her." freed spurred, his voice still stern.
"that old geezer will let her in justttt fine," laxus snapped, "just in time for the miss fairy tail contest too!"
"excuse me?", i asked, insure exactly why he wanted me to be in the pageant.
"with that pretty face, you'll win that 500.000 jewel just fine, can't have you lounging around for free!" laxus thundered, wrapping his arm around the girl.
as they approached the guild hall, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
laxus and the rest of them practically blew the door in, before storming their way into the guild hall, invoking a ton of whispers and stares.
"oh! laxus, you're back in town!" smiled a white haired girl, mirajane strauss - i recognized her from a few magazine covers.
laxus just scoffed in her direction, before making his way over to the guild master, who was sitting and just drinking.
"well?" the master asked, as laxus stood in front of him.
laxus tugged me in fromt of him, "she wants to join the guild."
the master seemed to sober at that moment, staring at the girl, taking in her face and her figure, "shes a mage?"
"of course shes a mage!" laxus snapped, "wouldn't bring in some weakling.."
"laxus, let me speak with her." the man instructed, as laxus scoffed and walked off, climbing the stairs to the second floor.
"so," makarov said, swinging his feet a bit, "what magic do you use, y/n?"
"is it really important?" i growled, coming off harsher than i should have.
"well it is a wizards guild!" he said, still jolly, "i don't sense any particular magic power from you.. but you might just be powerful enough to conceal it."
"bones. i control bones, they speak to me, i instruct them, they obey. every bone in your body, every bone in my body, every bone in the world." i replied briskly.
"no wonder laxus brought you over here.. is there anything else you can do?" the master continued, humming and swinging his legs on the bar.
"some shadow magick, some requip .. a bit of rune magick too."
"shadow magick? could you elaborate on that?" he murmured, seeming to be deeper in thought.
"i can merge with that shadows, sneak around." she munbled, "it's not really anything."
"well! you certainly are a mage.. a quite powerful one at that.. im glad to say, welcome to the guild, y/n!" makarov said, before announcing to the guild, "now you buffoons welcome our new member!"
"YEAHH!!!" yelled out a pink haired guy, before he launched himself at her, slamming her straight into the floor with a fire engulfed punch.
"OI! NATSU YOU MIGHTVE KILLED HER" the master exclaimed, in shock, before the girl got right back up.
"oi natsu! hands off my girl." thundered laxus from upstairs, who was now leaning over the balcony.
"OHOH A FIGHT!" natsu exclaimed, "happy!", as a flying blue cat lifted him, launching him at laxus as his fist was now again engulfed in fire. laxus struck him down mid air with lightning, as natsu laid on the floor knocked out, his cat next to him.
the girl just stumbled out of the rubble, as laxus made his way down stairs to meet her. his arm wrapped around her waist as they both exited the guild as quickly as they came.
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