#also if you or anyone who reads this have your own theories PLEASe for the love of god add on I would LOVE to read them.
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starberry-cupcake · 1 day ago
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It took me longer to sit down to do the recap than to read the bit. Note: please don't tell me anything that might be a spoiler or a reference to things that will happen in the future of the book! I'd rather not know anything as I read, I'll be happy to engage in conversation of the details after I'm done! Also, please be kind if I make a mistake, English isn't my first language and these books sometimes are difficult 🙏 Thank you for your patience and continued interest ♥
previously, in nona del 9:
this happened
this is the general tag of the recaps, for anyone wondering
DAY FIVE ("the saddest girl in the whole entire world" girl, same "paul gets born" happy birthday paul??? I guess???)
CHAPTER 20 (first house, we better run)
nona wakes up yet again, this time after a tantrum
she's throwing up and palmolive helps her out
they're in the BOE meeting room with the wake portrait again
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palmolive had to do some necromancer operation shenanigans to remove the bullet from nona's head
and sriracha girlie decided to exit the chat
BOE freaked out about the operation and put a shackle on camolive and locked them and nona together
nona is embarrassed about the tantrum but palmolive is like "fuck them, actually"
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palmolive is mad about them leaving the gang in the dark in so many ways and thinks they had it coming for doing that
I agree, I mean, I get where BOE is coming from with the hesitancy to trust people who were on the other side of this
but it's not like you have a chance to win against nona, pyrrha and camolive, if it gets to that
and there's so much you don't know to even think you can win
so, maybe this could have been planned better, is all I'm saying
in any case, nona finally tells palmolive about gideon dream girl
and palmolive says that if camilla and him didn't love her so much they'd throttle her and give her magazines to charity
nona thinks that's bs because she's "the most deserving person on the planet"
this ego thing she has going on sometimes takes me by surprise, I forget she thinks like this
I guess it's a kid way of thinking, but still
nona also decides to continue with the reveals and tells palmolive the Secret that I believe is the same she told sriracha girlie a while back
and it's that she's dying
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1) how? 2) who, in that clown car of a body, is dying exactly? 3) did it have to be now??????
palmolive is looking like spock up there, actually
(would palmolive be a spock fanboy? because I think very yes, but we don't always agree on our palmolive headcanons)
palmolive has to roll up his sleeves and do some necro magic again
"Cytherea the First must have enjoyed those games she played with me"
I could have told you, my guy, but you were being a weenie, like gideon said
I feel bad about it, though, poor guy
*patting palmolive in the head in my mind*
so, nona apparently is starving, but energetically
because her soul is trying to leave the clown car of a body she's in
harrow's body, I think we've established at this point
it makes sense to me, it's not her body, allegedly
and maybe also nona's soul is extra weird, because this is ice cube barbie or some other weird thing that is too powerful for harrow's poor little clown car body
like trapping a genie in a glass dropper
that's kind of palmolive's train of thought too, actually, except he uses terms like "melange" and "gestalt theory" instead of "some other weird thing" and "clown car body"
what I remember of gestalt theory from uni is the concept that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
I don't know if he means, in this case, that maybe he thinks her a combination of souls and that, if that was the case, it'd give her bigger powers than harrow or gideon would have had on their own
differently from lyctorhood, in which their combination is more on the advantage of the necromancer, who keeps steering the wheel
unless you get og!gideon'd and die, leaving the car to pyrrha
but anyway, palmolive doesn't know about ice cube barbie, so he doesn't consider her in his train of thought
(that's why you need me in the polycule *drops cv*)
palmolive tells nona that he can't let her body die because he has to give it back to harrow
nona asks further details of her potential identities
palmolive tells her that, if she's one of two people, he's not harrow
or not solely harrow
this is very funny to me personally because, as I mentioned back in this recap of chapter 2, when I didn't know anything from these books except for the covers and the names of gideon and harrow, I thought nona was their child in the future
so this idea that nona was born from a combination is really hilarious to me
disrespectful of me, laughing at this time
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palmolive describes yandere twin as a very obviously dead person with fashion hair, so he roasted her for me
(we'll talk about the chad of it all in a minute)
he tells nona that dream girl gideon might be her, but nona doesn't want to be a redhead and a zombie
palmolive goes "then what are we all?"
not in those words, but that's the sentiment
he also says sriracha girlie "is a very young woman who has been living on her nerves for so long that I imagine she doesn't have anything else. She'll regret what she did at some point"
ouch, man
I think this isn't the last we've seen of sriracha girlie and she'll come to ruin the party at some point
well, not party, that's a sensitive subject
can't blame her, though, she's been harmed by these people and got her family killed, I can't judge this child
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palmolive explains that the shackle they have is explosive and that we suffer and coronabeer have been planning things somewhere without them
kinda wild they ended up trusting coronabeer more than camilla, but I guess it isn't a matter of cv but of how they acted when they were brought in and how coronabeer became one of them
"I hate being locked up" "So did Gideon, I gather"
palmolive, if I told you how this whole thing started with gideon wanting to not be locked up anymore
well, it started with dr reverend emperor john becoming a streamer, but that's another story
"I haven't been able to save many people in my life, I'm afraid, but I'm intent on saving you"
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camilla and palmolive switch places and in comes we suffer, without a mask
nona says she'd think her pretty if she wasn't so upset
does nona think everyone is pretty or is everyone pretty here?
is there a difference?
we suffer says that BOE was very impressed with nona going apeshit
she also doesn't want to tell them who angel teacher actually is
she does confirm that angel teacher is a member of BOE and that it was an awful idea to have both the gang and her in the same area
we suffer is also kinda upset at camilla for not telling her that she can do necromancy (which, technically, she can't)
and mentions that the whole thing that went down has made the BOE factions more undecided on what the hell to do with them
we suffer mentions someone volunteered to go face the house people because it wouldn't be a death sentence for her
immediately, I think this must be coronabeer twin
camilla doesn't think this is a good idea whatsoever and we suffer says she needs camilla to translate the stuff that will be said in the meeting
and that coronabeer claims that she's expendable whereas camolive is not
which yeah, to me personally, that's true, but I'm not the standard opinion here
apparently they tried to bomb yandere twin out of existence but we all know that doesn't work on a lyctor
unless you're palmolive, who is an expert on exploding and lyctors
we suffer also thinks it's time for BOE to attack because wake always had them on the defense and it hasn't worked so far
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camilla says coronabeer is giving in and that we suffer has been, played because she can't lie to yandere twin
at this point, we suffer is just gonna have to sit there and listen, though, whatever happens
we have an idiom here, "estamos en el horno", which literally means "we're in the oven" and it's used to describe moments in which you're in a very rough situation that is inescapable
kind of like "we're fucked", but more metaphoric
that's what's happening over here
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I'm teaching you guys very local idioms but I need you to see what I see
coronabeer reaches the houses spot and this happens
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wild to hear someone say "my sister is a lyctor", since most lyctors we knew were a william years old and had no surviving family
that I know of
also, cohort dude at the door will have an awful day because I think coronabeer is the one person who has the most Let Me Speak To The Manager attitude in this whole book series
all she's been doing this time is speak to managers, actually
yandere twin shows up and hugs coronabeer and now I'm realizing she's using chad's body
which is so stupid of me, because nona mentioned yandere twin had brown hair in the video and I was like 'wasn't she blonde????'
but sometimes I don't understand things and you guys are like 'that's not what happened' and I feel dumb, so I was like 'ok, maybe all this time I was wrong about the twins being blondes'
but no, she's using chad like linguini from ratatouille
so that she can set foot in the planet because of the blue light and all that stuff
chad and yandere twin
(or yandere twin channeling chad idk)
roasts coronabeer for her jewelry and the state of her hair
yandere twin says she didn't know coronabeer would be there and that "he" (I assume this is dr reverend emperor john) will think she went there on purpose
so coronabeer unveils her very sick girlfriend judith
yandere twin is like
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coronabeer goes "didn't harrow tell you?" and yandere twin is all defensive "when did you talk to harrow?"
this situationship yandere twin has with harrow is very complex
yandere twin doesn't want to help judith
she says "Judith Deuteros, who, when we played Marry, Kill, Reanimate, you used to say reanimate because nobody would be able to tell the difference?"
(I need to make a poll with those options in a recap at some point)
coronabeer being all helga pataki with judith throughout her life is great
she was so doomed
I need more of that, I live for the coronabeer/judith ship
I was trying to explain why I like their dynamic so much and while I was writing it I REALIZED THAT THEY REMIND ME OF
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pretty, popular, extroverted girl who doesn't want to be reduced to her looks and gets infatuated with the strict, formal, overthinking student council girl, you get me??????
I'm gonna root for them forever
yandere twin wants to crush my hopes and dreams, though, and kill judith, because she's already been putting down necromancers
she's also very upset because the third doesn't care about her becoming a lyctor but are grieving coronabeer instead
a lot of problems would have been solved if these girls' family wasn't such shit
coronabeer asks about gideon and yandere twin says "so you remember her name"
yes, yandere twin, thank god we've moved on from that problem
our current issue is a clown car body of a girl
it seems that chad can get thoughts through to her, or so she says
chad's comments are about coronabeer's accessories, though
also, at this point, when realizing that it was chad's body, I also realized that's who palmolive called "handsome"
palmolive and chad, in another life, you could have been like coronabeer and judith, with an unlikely bond
apparently, yandere twin doesn't want to be seen as "the bad guy"
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yandere twin alerts those listening that she knows coronabeer was wired and uses the link to establish her demands: the sixth oversight body (which is not the oversight of losing gideon's body), camilla and harrow "as intact as you have her at this moment"
meanwhile, camilla thinks coronabeer is trying to tell them something through the overheard conversation
yandere twin insists on how judith never paid coronabeer any mind and coronabeer tells her she's a dick
when they get in the facilities, though, there's pyrrha
remember pyrrha? here she was all along
yandere twin says she's taking her (she calls her "him" because I think she still thinks this is og!gideon and not pyrrha) back to dr reverend emperor john
"if Poppa can look up from his mid-dismyriad crisis long enough to pay attention"
"You might be the Saint of Duty but I've been on call as Teacher's whipping girl for the last six months"
pyrrha also wants to kill judith, which is bad for me
leave that wet mouse alone
coronabeer asks if pyrrha told yandere twin about harrow and camilla
(I assume she means nona)
yandere twin says she has
is pyrrha triple crossing people? quadruple crossing?
acting like she's og!gideon in front of dr reverend emperor john was crossing 1, then she's acted like she's part of the gang as crossing 2, acting like she's actually on yandere twin's side is 3 and maybe being infiltrated here to pass on info or something would be 4
that's quadruple crossing
no wonder she was a cop
CHAPTER 21 (broken third skull, the girls are fighting???)
nona is happy that pyrrha's whereabouts have been secured
the rest, to her, is confetti
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camilla tells we suffer that, all things considered, it all went better than she deserved
we suffer is having a mental breakdown because coronabeer has stolen judith and ran to her sister and they lost the bug they had on her
camilla advises her not to make nona angry and to scan for other bugs on the frequency
because camilla is wonderful and amazing and thinks of everything
camilla mentions nona, during her tantrum, attacked the guards with a chair with a two-handed grasp she never taught her
which is points for gideon in the leaderboard
but idk how ice cube barbie fought, it could also be her, for all I know
the sword was old and mysterious
it's not harrow because harrow had a toxic relationship with the sword
nona stares at camilla and "looked up into the eyes that used to belong to Palamedes, long before she knew either of them" and her nose bleeds
not sure who that's a point for
camilla and palmolive desperately want to talk to each other, which is so exasperating, poor babies
we suffer comes in all happy because camilla was right (did anyone doubt that?????) and there's a bug in the area
camilla assures her it must be on judith
I wonder where and how it was placed there
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she also says nona was right about pyrrha giving them codes
and that pyrrha will do anything to get at the shuttle
palmolive and camilla switch again and nona has to update palmolive on everything that went on
nona thinks yandere twin wearing chad's body is coronabeer's boyfriend and is happy to know he's not
idk if she's interested in everyone romantically at the same time or she's not and that's how she expresses her feelings
palmolive introduces himself to we suffer and asks whether they'll give them the sixth if they retrieve gideon's body ("the key to the Locked Tomb")
I assume the bit about the key to the tomb was told to him via pyrrha, who's the only person with a memory present and aware at that time of the whole wake-augustine-mercygirl-emperor conversation
we suffer says she'll give him anything she can for the key to the tomb (including the sixth)
wild how the destiny of the universe was kind of hanging by a thread in baby blender's and kid jesus' playground in the ninth for a while there
palmolive thinks yandere twin is at a disadvantage with the limited abilities she has in the planet as well as with pyrrha, who he still completely trusts
palmolive doesn't know why yandere twin brought gideon along, he suspects it was to bait out harrow, but both him and we suffer need that bod
we suffer, because of the tomb
palmolive, because he thinks it will help nona survive, if that's her actual body, or the body of a part of her soul combo
he is more cautious than we suffer though, because she went from "we're en el horno" to "we've got this, team" real fast
and palmolive is like
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palmolive is, though, very optimistic about his and camilla's chances of making this happen
or he's just risking it all for the sixth
when they switch, nona tells camilla that palmolive revealed it all to we suffer and camilla says "I don't know why I bother"
which is a mood
we suffer tells camilla that the whole sixth thing is complicated because BOE has factions that aren't always aligned and that wake could move them at will but she can't
I'm guessing they didn't know wake was having a close encounter with two sides of the same lyctor
camilla said she'd try to do it and we suffer goes "Palamedes Sextus thought you could"
if camilla is harmed here istg
I'm gonna eat these pages
I'm gonna rip them with my teeth and eat them
we suffer also requests that, if they leave planet, they take a package with them
unclear what it is
hope it's not a living being
or a kid, unless it's kevin
meanwhile, in the new audio coming from judith's intimates, coronabeer is talking to pyrrha and is upset that they're putting gideon in pretty dresses and parading her around like a doll
me too, actually, I mentioned it in the last recap
coronabeer is also disappointed that yandere twin didn't come for her specifically and it was only a mission to her
she missed you, though, back in the emperor's bolthole
between the lyctor orgies, the arm stuff, the nudes in the walls and the soup
yandere twin has apparently told pyrrha to not let coronabeer help judith
she starts doing a ward but also has time to both insult coronabeer's non existent necro abilities and act disgusted by the prospect of touching judith intimately
she also goes "What did Harrowhark use to always call you? Tortoise? Blorgus?"
is she trying to say "ortus"?
girl, I'm the one with the funny nicknames when the names are complicated, but ortus is definitely not
coronabeer wants to hear the whole story of the brain tampering that resulted in that
meanwhile, camilla seems to have de-coded pyrrha's message in there somewhere
and what she thinks is that nona is the key to something they want
which might be the body, but also who knows
camilla promptly asks for supplies because I think we're gonna try a heist!!!
a heist in which nona might pretend to be harrow?????
but A HEIST!!!!
love it for them
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JOHN 9:22
"His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue."
pov person who was called harrow but might not be entirely harrow talks about their regenerative powers
they seem to be walking in the ruins of the place where dr reverend emperor john used to reside
so like, post apocalyptic earth?????
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are they astral projecting????
apparently, going theatrical and calling himself a necromancer did the trick to reach big audiences
maybe if one of the lyctors had been a marketing specialist, this would have taken half the time
"It even scared A— He was all, Matter doesn't play by these rules! You are doing bone parthenogenesis! I told him his mum did bone parthenogenesis. A— told me he'd kill me one day"
they're still going around the fact that, since he can't recuperate the soul, he can't really bring people back to life
he was happy, though, that some people showed up and were pushy enough to be shot so that he could witness people dying live
I'm glad it worked out for you, asshole
he also gets kind of hooked on witnessing violent death because of how it makes him feel
so, he just started killing people remotely
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pyrrha shook him and stopped him and was like "what in the fuck are you doing?" and he gave a ukelele apology
"Guys as careful as you shouldn't have accidents"
when the cop is talking reason, you know how twisted things are
they brought in all the corpses for the "skeleton army" he was no longer joking about
pov girlie asks if he know what caused his accident and he said "guys as careful as me don't have accidents"
I don't want to kill him anymore
that'd be too kind to this man
that'd be too merciful, he doesn't deserve that
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AND THAT'S IT FOR NOW!!! Sorry this was a long one again! These are taking so little time to read and so long to recap >_< I end up finishing them at ass o'clock and sleepy, but I wanted to get it out!! See you in the next one! Please be kind ♥
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ashflamethewaffleangel · 9 months ago
I've been browsing the WoJ website, as one does, and realized just how excited Mr. Author seems to write Mirror Mirror Marcone, and now I'm very excited for that book too.
Do you have any theories about how that will go? Will Marcone be a good guy? 👀 Omg what if he went from the army to law enforcement. Imagine what that man could do in SI. ⚰️
YOU HONOR ME WITH THIS QUESTION HOLY SHIT (so very genuine; you are my beloved Dresden Files mutual) but bear with me because this is gonna be a long post. I have toooo many thoughts. God I'm sorry. /jov
BUT GOD. YOU HAVE HIT THE QUESTION I REPEATEDLY THEORIZE WITH MY PARTNERS. OUUUGH. There are SO many ways this could go I am gonna be SO very real and I love every single one of them bc it keeps my brain shoomvin'!
But considering WOJ has mentioned that this particular universe is ours but gone to shit MUCH quicker due to one of Harry's earlier decisions "Mirror universe Harry is different by one choice. One. And everything else just follows after that." WHICH MEANS. WHICH MEANS EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME. UP TO THAT CHOICE. (I can't remember how early, so it could be a pre-books decision, or it could be a in-canon alternate decision) so Marcone depending on how early in the canon it is, I see a couple different options!!
NOW OBVIOUUUSLY. There are an ABSURDDDD Number of choices Harry coulda done EXTREEEEMELY DIFFERENT!!!! However. one that comes to mind-- at least if he's talking early series!! and from the sounds of it, he is, because he says everything goes to shit a lot fucking faster than our timeline-- is in Fool Moon.
Marcone gives Harry a choice in the Fool Moon garage; sign on and become an employee of his, or die by the people he's trying to protect Harry from. Marcone ALSO gives Harry the choice to stay off the case in Book 1.
Now Jim has said he's very excited to write Marcone; so I imagine he's not fucking dead but. What if this series of events leads him to Nicodemus instead of Monoc? What if he becomes a knight of the Denarius THAT FUCKIN EARLY so he could better protect Chicago?; ESPCIALLY SINCE HARRY HASN'T KINDA LED HIM THROUGH TRIAL BY FIRE AND SAVED HIS ASS ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS (as does Marcone vice versa).
But if Fool Moon has the changing point, then we've got a different route; Harry working for Marcone. That now begs the question of-- Would that have made everything gone to shit that much faster??????? Maybe !! As a consultant for Marcone? And telling him all the BULLSHIT that the White Council does? That the Red Court is doing? In his city?? Our evil Harry might be Marcone's enforcer-- as Mister Jimothy mentions, "If [Harry] was Lawful Evil I’m pretty sure he’d be Marcone’s enforcer."
Or might have been, at one point, in this particular universe. Either way, a very DELIGHTFUL choice of thought, but probably not where Mister Butcher is gonna take it.
Option 2; Marcone is FBI/Special Investigations -- LAW ENFORCEMENT TIME BABYYYYY!!! LAWFUL EVIL MAN STILL ON HIS LAWFUL ACT BUT THIS TIME IN THE MORE LITERAL SENSE! (/very jovial) I see this one happening if it's a complete Star Trek Mirror Mirror moment; he's still a powerhouse, he's still an ice-cold mf, but he's more of a deadly serious Fox Mulder, especially if the same event took place that made Marcone-- well-- Marcone! I'd see him being the same type of character, but more on the ground this time around; like he was in White Knight type beat; manpower and in-the-know folks taking down monsters to protect the citizens. Maybe he'll be giving our Harry a helping hand!! Especially if Harry is being framed for, you know, MURDER, as it's being told to us. Maybe we'll be having a soul-gaze, and because (I PRESUME) this universe's duo has already shared a soul-gaze it's a "Oh. Yeah no you're not lying. What. The fuck. Okay." OR, he's one of our main obstacles! BOTH ! AND!!!! Considering that Mister Butcher mentioned that we'll maybe be seeing something related to Marcone's capital n Name in this book... Definitely a possibility.
Option 3; He's literally just a guy! -- Less likely of the options? Yes. Still an interesting thought experiment? Also yes! This is ALSO based on this specific WOJ;
Q: I read the short story from Marcone’s point of view, “Even Hand,” and I noticed that John Marcone is not his real name. Is that going to be significant? Sure is if somebody tries to cast a spell at him using the name “John Marcone”! That’ll be a big deal. But we’ll have to see how that works out. Actually, the character that’s really interesting is the Mirror Mirror universe Marcone, and we’ll get to him in a few books.
Maybe! He's not John Marcone! Or, more accurately, he's the Marcone we see in Helen Beckitt's vision! Maybe he's still that charming motorcyclist who works for the mob! Probably VERY aware of word on the streets about Harry, and in Mirror Mirror, we'll see him go "huh. what the fuck." about our Harry! because THAT'S not the guy everyone dreads! This is a fucking goober! Powerful goober-- but tall, lanky ass, goober! Built his own paranet perhaps, due to the fact that Harry is not a "good" man in this universe.
I very honestly don't know, there's so many variations of these, ever so slight changes, and I am CHOMPING on my theorizing bit.
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venusbyline · 1 month ago
Jacaerys Velaryon — Nine Moons.
chapter four (previous chapter)
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— summary: After Lucerys' death and the arrival of the dragonseeds, Jacaerys no longer wants to be betrothed with Baela. He wants to marry his twin sister, even if it means going against Rhaenyra's decisions and sealing suffering in your life and his.
— pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x twin sister!reader
— type: dark, angst, sequel to Sleep (but can also be read as a standalone series)
— word count: 2.6k
— chapter's warnings: female!reader, dark!Jacaerys, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, Targcest (twin brother/twin sister), forced pregnancy, past rape/non-con, dubcon somnophilia mentioned, abusive and toxic relationship, manipulation, possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour, gaslighting, blood and injuries, argument, crying, curse words, implied underage sex, referenced Jacaerys Velaryon/Baela Targaryen, forced marriage mentioned, dark content, canon divergence. no use of y/n. english is not my first language.
— author's notes¹: Nine Moons is a shortfic, sequel to the one shot Sleep, written for Kinktober. Both Nine Moons and Sleep can be read as standalone.
— author's notes²: Each chapter will have its own trigger warnings.
— author's notes³: It took a while longer than usual! I'm having a hard writer's block because of some personal things, and now I'm full of WIPs 🤣🤣 Anyway, please tell me your opinions and theories. Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
— tagging list: @neobangverse @hufflepuffxsworld @cwallace02sblog (Anyone who also wants to be tagged in the next chapters, tell me! ❤️❤️)
— crossposting: AO3
❥ Nine Moons masterlist • Jacaerys masterlist • HOTD masterlist
❥ about me • main masterlist
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You had been inside the Small Council room during all that time, your hands shaking due to the tension and tears streaming down your face while you waited for the hours to pass, your gaze focused on the windows as if you expected to see some dragon flying over the surroundings at any moment.
The servants had already come to try to calm you down and bring you something to eat, their efforts failing brutally every time your crying fit got worse or when you pushed the dishes away, not caring about the noise of the wares hitting the floor or the women's frightened expressions.
When you threw down the fourth glass of water in the last four hours, Baela burst through the doors. "You need to loose that temper."
"Shut up..." You whined, turning to the opposite side and facing the windows again, wanting to get rid of any lecture your cousin and sister-in-law could give you.
"You are acting like a crazy little girl." She growled, approaching you without worrying about your form huddled in the chair. Her gaze dropped to the broken kitchen utensils on the floor, looking at the servants in the corners before staring back at you. "And you are scaring the maids."
"I do not care." It was a lie, you did not usually treat any servants that badly and you knew you would regret it later.
Baela sighed with frustration, sitting down in the chair next to you. The fingers of her right hand tapped the marble table as she rested her chin on the other palm. Even though you were not talking, there was heavy air between the two of you, your sobs irritating her and her calm behavior making you more frustrated.
You would have preferred that it had been your own mother who had come to try to lecture you, but she was too busy panicking in her chambers after the Maester checked that everything was physically fine with your little brother Aegon III. The boy had arrived in Dragonstone very terrified, having flown on his little dragon for the first time, his clothes damp with his own piss due to his panic.
"We still do not have any news about any of them, including Jace."
More tears appeared in your eyes after Baela's words. You wanted to scream, to knock down everything you saw in front of you. Jacaerys should not have gone looking for Prince Viserys II. Everyone was almost certain that your youngest brother might already be dead, but Jace was stubborn and gone to the battle anyway, instead of letting that mission only for the Rhaenyra's soldiers.
"He cannot die, Baela." You whispered, hands shaking and stroking your own round belly to ease the painful twinges that were bothering you during the past minutes. "I cannot lose another brother."
Baela remained silent for a while, taking deep breaths to control what she would say next, not wanting to get into trouble with anyone during such a catastrophic situation. Her head ached slightly, thinking about the order Jacaerys made before leaving with Corlys. "Jace asked me to give you that."
You frowned when Baela handed you a necklace with two pure gold pendants, one of them was a waning crescent moon and the other was a sun, this last one decorated with a small red diamond in its center. It was very delicate and matched perfectly with the velvet dark red dress you had been wearing since Jacaerys left.
"I presume these symbols have a special meaning to both of you." Baela's tense tone returned your attention to her, nodding silently and wiping away the falling tears with your free hand. "He asked me to give it to you over if he did not come back."
"Then you should not have shown me it yet." Your voice sounded rude and you continued to hold the gift with a firm grip. "He will come back. Everyone will come back, including Viserys."
Baela sighed, massaging her temples. The atmosphere became even more tense, you keeping admiring the necklace and the other princess keeping sitting next to you, thinking about something to say that would not worsen the terrible relation between the two of you since Jacaerys got you pregnant.
She understood very well about the orders Jace gave to her when he was leaving the castle, her wrists were still bruised from the way he held them and threatened her life. Even though she wanted to just ignore her sister-in-law and hole up in her own chambers to deal with envy and worry that consumed her feelings, Baela knew she should not go against what her betrothed had told her to do.
She needed to help you stay sane and ignore the hatred she felt about you carrying Jacaerys' bastard children. She needed to obey him not just because he told her to. Baela needed to help you because if something happened to Jacaerys' life, you were the next heir to succeed your mother to the Iron Throne.
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It was already night when Baela managed to convince you to go to bed. Your eyes were reddish from crying and your belly continued to pain, as if the babies were sharing your fears and moving inside your womb more roughly than usual.
The necklace that was once held by you was now decorating your neck, fingers caressing the pendants and a few sniffles echoing in the private room.
You did not pay much attention to what Baela mumbled when she was helping you change the clothes. All you knew was that her gaze lingered a little longer on your big swollen stomach, frowning with the same doubt that Jace had been thinking just minutes before the argument and sexual moments in your chambers during that morning.
The princess' confused face turned pretty obvious that Rhaenyra was not sharing the secret details of your pregnancy with her too.
"Jace believes… He believes the babies are twins."
The white-haired girl widened her eyes, clearing her throat and looking away, concentrating on placing the white linen chemise on you, the larger size fitting perfectly on your current form. "Twin pregnancy, such a surprise." Baela feigned enthusiasm, tying your clothes carefully, noticing how your fingers kept caressing the sun and moon symbols decorated on your throat. "He really corrupted you, did not he?"
The rhetorical question raced your heart, your head aching as did your stomach. A part of you was grateful that she was behind you, taking charge of dressing you. You would not know what to say if you were face to face.
When you did not respond anything, Baela continued. "I mean... He raped you. Forced you to get pregnant by him. He is still betrothed to me... And yet you are more worried about his life than the safe of your little brother who was probably kidnapped or even killed when the Pentoshi cog carrying him and Aegon III was captured."
"Viserys is not dead." Your argument did not seem convincing even to your own ears. "And Jace is only engaged to you because our mother is making him to, and also—"
"He corrupted you." The repeated words were stark and raw, your eyes filling with tears as you walked away from the hands helping you dress, a mix of anger and sadness filling your brain. "Do not you realize how Jace is manipulating you? Making you think you need him, making you want him." Baela growled, rubbing the palm over her face, the last of her patience now disappearing. "He forced you into this situation, took advantage of you when you were sleepy and vulnerable. And now you are crying because you are afraid he is going to die!"
"Jace is my twin... How do you expect me to turn against him? To not forgive him? To not fear about his life?”
"Yeah, I know he is your twin. But he is also the one who forced you to carry these things." She pointed to your belly, which was already about six moons.
A bitter and vulnerable chuckle escaped your throat, crossing arms and turning to face Baela. The girl's full lips were pressed into a thin line, both of you controlling the anger they felt at going through all that.
If only Jacaerys had not gotten you pregnant, or if only Baela had given up on keeping the betrothal...
"You are jealous..." The spiteful and sudden demeanor was not well received by your cousin, who rolled the eyes and scoffed, waiting for the next hypocrisies said. "You are jealous because Jace loves me, because he will love my children and—"
"Did you see that?" Baela pointed at you without even letting your rant end, heartbeat quickening in anticipation of the bitter words. "He already got into your mind enough. Now you think I am the villain and not him. That is what he wanted. He wanted you to resent me for envying you, to forgive him for raping you."
"STOP SAYING THAT!" You yelled with salty tears streaming down your cheeks, flushed and warm from panic, sitting up in the bed and sobbing like a child. "Stop! Just stop saying that word... Please."
Baela hummed another scoff and was about to open her mouth to retort your request, being brutally interrupted by the sound of some guard knocking on the door to your chambers with frightening force. The two princesses were silent until the man's voice came out. "Your Graces, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon has returned."
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The cuticles of your nails were ripped off by your own teeth every second that passed without further news. You refused the Maester's order to remain resting in bed, being banned to enter the room until the Maester and the other servants took care of whatever happened to Jacaerys during the battle.
Your hands were trembling, nervous for the moment when someone would open the doors and allow your visit.
Most of the things said there were not understandable behind the big doors. All you could hear were the movements of the servants, your twin brother's screams of pain and some comforting words that Rhaenyra gave him.
No one had let you see his injuries. In fact, no one had explained almost anything to you about what had happened. All you knew was that Jacaerys had been very attacked by the enemies and your youngest brother Viserys had not returned along with Rhaenyra's allies.
"You should be sleeping, it is late." Daemon's lecture increased the discomfort inside your stomach and you crossed arms to hug your own shoulders, wanting to continue focusing on the confusing sounds behind the doors instead of what your uncle and stepfather had to say. "The Maester has already said that your presence inside is prohibited."
You remained still where you were, however, this time you allowed yourself to growl in disbelief. "How can I go to sleep when I do not know what my brother's condition is like?"
Daemon crossed his arms almost as if he was imitating you, his big and strong body leaning against the doorframe. "Your twin was hooked like a fish in the shoulders. He was arrowed several times in the right part of his body. His dragon is also injured and I doubt the creature will survive for more than a month after all of this."
"Do not... Do not talk that way. Vermax will be fine." Daemon did not retort against your overdone optimism at first, limiting himself to just sighing.
The more Jacaerys' screams echoed during the procedure, the more desperate you became, moving from side to side, leaving the pain in your womb aside so you could focus on the well-being of the child's father. You could hear Jace's screams of pain and pleas for the Maester to let you in there, all requests being ignored by everybody there.
Your fingertips tightened around the necklace he had given you, and Daemon broke the silence once again. "It is inappropriate for a pregnant woman to witness a somewhat bloody scene like that. You know..." Your uncle told you the obvious and you clenched the jaw, not wanting to keep hearing anything about it.
Obviously you knew too well the reasons why you were not there to help your twin brother's suffering. And that did not make that any easier. At that moment, you did not worry about the baby — or babies — you were carrying, your attention was on ensuring that Jacaerys would stay alive until the end of the night.
He had promised he would not let you die in childbirth. So he could not die now either, right? He said during the morning that you were born together and would die together... And that was a promise the Gods could not ignore.
"Your mother would hate to hear this, but I am glad Jacaerys is suffering at least a little." Daemon mumbled nonchalantly and you almost threw up in front of him, now staring at him with your face paler than before. How could he say something so cruel? "Oh, are you really surprised that I think that? Or that I am owning up to my cruelty?"
Your throat burned with bile that threatened to come out, not answering until you were sure you would not vomit the food you had managed to ingest. "B-Both."
The whisper was weak, tremble... Almost humiliating. And Daemon found it funny. "Both..." He repeated with a mocking tone, thin lips pulling into a smirk. "What did you expect, dear niece? Your twin brother has been making my daughter's life a hell since his obsession with you became more unhealthy than it already was."
You shook head, letting go of the jewelry to take three steps back when Daemon dared to take three steps towards you. "You are wrong. These are the effects of the war. Jace was not like this before Lucerys' death."
"Perhaps. Or perhaps this obsession was already the start of a fire from the moment your lives were conceived together, and your younger brother's murder was just what Jacaerys needed to allow himself to show the true insane dragon that always existed inside him. Perhaps inside you too." He continued with those long intimidating steps, no more space for your legs to move back. "Jacaerys' soul was probably already sick since the moment you left him alone and waiting inside your mother's womb for a little while during the childbed and—"
Your question uttered in a loud voice echoed off the large walls. Daemon, who was already close enough with his shadows almost covering yours, suddenly stopped. The man narrowed the eyes, staring at you with a look that could either indicate genuine perplexity about your reaction, or could indicate that he was just trying to escape the spark of curiosity and rage that he lit in your heart.
Daemon did not move himself, not even when the doors of the chambers where Jacaerys was being treated opened, revealing Rhaenyra and Baela's with with bloodstained clothes and tense facial expressions, now worsening even more after realizing something was happening between you and the older Targaryen.
Rhaenyra called your name loudly, but you ignored her, keeping looking at Daemon. "What is wrong, Daemon?" Your mother asked and walked towards the two of you to pull her daughter away, being stopped by her husband's hand.
"He said Jace was waiting for me inside your womb during the childbirth." Rhaenyra swallowed hard as she listened to your voice sounding as shaky as it did when you were just a little girl getting lectured for some poorly executed innocent prank. "Why the hells would Daemon say that, if you always told to all of us that Jacaerys is your firstborn and he was born before me?"
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cosmerelists · 3 months ago
Cosmere Characters as Teachers
As requested by @little-cute-pink-horrible-being :)
If Cosmere characters were teachers, what would they teach & what would it be like?
1. Jasnah: History teacher
Let's just say that she has, uh, high expectations of her students.
Jasnah: Anyone can memorize facts and dates. Jasnah: You all will do that, of course, but you will also learn to draw conclusions from those facts, track historical trends, and maybe, if you work hard, you can come up with a theory of your very own. Bravest student: Uh, miss? We are seven. Jasnah: I do not tolerate excuses.
2. Hammond: Philosophy Professor
He has a hardcore group of students who are huge fans of his.
Student 1: Hey, you're in Professor Hammond's class? Student 2: Yeah. Student 1: Isn't he the guy who wrote that book So What if the Poor are Genetically Destined to be Poor? Revolution is Still the Answer? Student 2: That's him. Student 1: And that's why your an anarchist now, huh? Student 2: Listen, he's pretty persuasive.
3. Elend: Political Science Professor
Elend, a Political Science professor at a university, is the sort of teacher who assigns a LOT of reading.
Elend: Remember: politics is for people. Even when the people you serve suck. A lot. Student: You...sound like you're talking from experience? Elend: You have no idea.
4. Shallan: Art Professor
She mainly teaches drawing and painting classes.
Shallan: You all need to decide what your art means to you. Shallan: Whether it be capturing a moment or representing a person's essence or seeing into realms not normally discernable to human eyes--as long as it's art from your soul, it will be right. Student: What, uh, was that last part? Shallan: Art should be from your soul? Student: N-No, the part before that? Shallan: Anyway, everyone start drawing!
5. Painter: Also an Art Professor
I mean, it's literally his name.
Painter: The key to art is repetition. Painter: When a Nightmare is staring down at you, you don't want to be hesitating over what to draw! Student: Professor Nikaro, please, we've been drawing bamboo for a week! Painter: ...I'm not sure what the issue is?
6. Sigzil: Science teacher
Sigzil is one of those general science teachers you get in middle school.
Sigzil: Remember: the key to science is...? Students, as a chorus: Writing things down! Sigzil: That's right! Sigzil: Now let's see what's the heaviest thing we can stick to the wall using glue--last year we managed to stick me to the wall for a couple seconds! Students: [cheering] Sigzil: ...I'm better at this than I would have expected.
7. Wayne: Theater Teacher
Wayne teaches theatre at a high school.
Wayne: Acting is all about not acting. Wayne: You gotta just be the person. Wayne: Understand their past, embody their present... Student: ...wear their hat? Wayne: Exactly!
8. Kaladin: Also a Theatre Teacher
Look me in the eyes and tell me that Kaladin doesn't understand drama.
Kaladin: [talking to an school administrator off to the side while the class watches] And you can tell the school board that the next time they want to cut funding to the arts, I will be there. Kaladin: I will be there at every meeting where even a word of funding reduction is breathed. Kaladin: I will haunt those meetings, carrying pictures of my kids doing their plays and being happy. Kaladin: And I will make them look me in the eyes if they dare to vote to take that away! New student, hesitantly: Performance art? Student: Nah, he always talks that way.
9. Sarene: English teacher
If only because I don't think they have dedicated fencing professors at most places.
Sarene: English is not simply about reading books--it is about learning to think and interpret information. Sarene: You can take the skills you learn in this class and apply them very widely: to understand the news, to read between the lines of what a person says to you, to craft effective rhetoric to get your own way. Sarene: Read everything. Sarene: Remember: you cannot defeat an enemy unless you understand your enemy. Student: ...enemy? Sarene: Don't worry: you'll have enemies when you're older. Student: Yay?
10. Navani: Engineering
Navani would be an engineering professor at a college.
Navani: Your job, students, is to get this ball through that window high up on the wall. You can do it any way you want. Student: I'm immediately seeing: trebuchet. Navani [nodding sagely]: Go with your heart.
11. Pattern: Math teacher
...Listen, I'm not saying he's a good math teacher.
Student: [staring gloomily at their test] Friend: That bad, huh? Student: Mr. Pattern wrote "Mmmm delicious lies" all over it! Friend: So...you failed? Student: Yeah...
12. Raboniel: Chemistry Teacher
She may seem strict, but she actually quite likes kids.
Raboniel: ...And that, students, is how you build a very effective chemical bomb. Students: ... Raboniel: Any questions? Bravest student: Uh, miss? We are seven. Raboniel: So...basically adults, right? Wait, how fast do humans age again? Teacher's aide: [whispering frantically] Raboniel: ...I may have made an error.
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galesdevoteewife · 1 year ago
Gale may not be so typical squishy wizard/scholar?
-My Galeology study note-
Looking at his character sheet in the Deluxe pack gets me thinking, maybe our wizard is not exactly designed to be the typical squishy one...?
[Act2 spoiler warning]
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2 things caught my eyes:
1) Great physical fitness, and good reflexes. (For your reference, Gale & Wyll are the two companions who have the highest Con: 15. I put everyone's sheets at the bottom of the post.)
His Con and Dex are... very high?? I mean, higher than Karlach and Lae'zel...????
Note 1: I suspect it could have something to do with his background as Mystra's chosen, as they are somewhat "transformed" when they agree to become the goddess's chosen. A topic for another day since I haven't quite figured it out yet, for anyone who is interested there's a chapter about it in The Seven Sisters. Also, I have little clues on how much chosen lore credit Larian was taking into account while designing him, or how Mystra's "taking back the given ability" works. Note 2: Again, Mystra's chosen are often sent on missions that involve a lot of traveling according to Elminster's series. Mystra also mentioned that Gale and she used to have adventures together, which leads to an assumption: despite his preference he might be traveling quite a lot until he was cast aside and quarantined himself in his tower. Might be the type of scholar who is very keen on field studies?
Note 3: Can someone undress Elminster to exam my theory please??xD Neh won't work I think all human might share same body model in game
Come to think of it, there was a party banter between Karlach & Gale that went like :
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Karlach: Whoa! Almost slipped there. Gale: You wouldn't be the first, I'd wager. It's been some time since these walkways felt the carpenter's hammer. Karlach: You gonna catch me if I eat a brick? Gale: With my reflexes? I'd catch you before you so much as stubbed a toe.
At first I thought that was a sarcastic joke but, seems like it wasn't? Also this:
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Karlach: Ready to enter the belly of the beast? Gale: It's the stairs I'm dreading. I shall close my eyes, and pretend I'm climbing my own, far superior tower in Waterdeep. Karlach: In that case, welcome home.
...So it seems when I pictured him as a homebody, I should reimagine the concept of home... His has...lots of stairs? Just walking around in the tower could be counted as a workout, sort of thing? Note: I don't think the place he shows in the Act 2 cutscene is his tower. Otherwise, aren't these neighbors pretty much doomed?
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2) Not THAT smart. Well, I love him, so I will speak in his defence: [1] He has a warm(s) digging holes in his brain. [2] Poisonous magical bile running in his blood. Maybe he's just not at his best, makes sense, eh? Wyll mentioned he is nerfed after tadpole too. After all, this man obviously memorized a DICTIONARY:
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Gale: You promised to stay in Waterdeep. 'Promise,' verb, meaning to swear something will or will not be done. Tara the Tressym: And I decided 'will not'. And a good thing, too. You look like you haven't had a good meal in days
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Player: When I said we could be more than friends, you answered 'perhaps'. What does that really mean? Gale: If I recall correctly, the Waterdhavian Dictionary of the Common Tongue of Faerûn defines it as an adverb that conveys the meaning of 'it may be that', or 'possibly'. Gale: Sorry, sometimes I just can't help being quite insufferable. In seriousness, I'm glad you asked that question.
Along with a bunch of you-may-never-need information:
Everything about ceremorphosis? Myconid? Why in the world have him read about Cazador??? And how can he not know the distance between Waterdeep & Baldur's Gate, even Karlach ―who spent a decade, which is likely half of her life in hell― knows better geography than him. Gale either totally ignored the subject or portaled everywhere; distance meant nothing to him?? Uh, but you can't take party banters too seriously; it's buggy. How could a bug bit Karlach in the swamp? It should've been burned into ashes before it even reached her, no?
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Anyway, just rambling some thoughts <3 I would have gone to Harvard if there was a major in Gale...
-DISCLAIMER- Brought to you by a brainrot wife, Galerian missionary. Be warned the article might has (strong) bias because the writer is braindead and she thinks Gale is the most awesome character in the world.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months ago
hi hi hi!! first of all, i'm so fascinated with how your mind works. seeing your theories, metas, and explanations actually inspired me to read the books (even if they're off of this slightly dodgy website lol). i've read some of your thoughts on harry's love interests / possible li's for him (the theo posts too), and i wondered what sort of love interest would be fitting for him if they were a girl. would they be like luna or any other existing character, how would they meet (ideally), what house or personality traits, etc.
Thank you!! 💛
Holy shit, it's insane you enjoyed my writing so much even without reading the books and that I got you to read the HP books but please be careful not to download malware on your PC. Stay safe out there.
Honestly, I can see a lot of different types of characters working as a love interest for Harry, but there are some common denominators for characters I think would work with him better. That being said, shipping is very subjective, and I think any character could be written in a compelling romance with any character by a talented enough writer, so these are mostly my preferences for Harry's dynamics in a romance with how I see his character.
Someone like Luna definitely could work. I like their dynamic and under the right circumstances, I think it could work. She's blunt, and straightforward in a way Harry respects, she can call out his bullshit and isn't scared of being herself. Harry's also open-minded enough to let Luna believe whatever she wants and would probably not mind a Sweaden vacation even if he doesn't believe they'd actually find a Crumple-Horned Snorkack.
Personally, I was always under the impression that if Harry and Susan Bones actually talked they would've gotten along really well due to Susan's, like, 3 lines:
“Not with the dragon, you didn’t,” said Michael Corner at once. “That was a seriously cool bit of flying. . . .” “Yeah, well —” said Harry, feeling it would be churlish to disagree. “And nobody helped you get rid of those dementors this summer,” said Susan Bones.
(OotP, Ch16)
She clearly sees Hary's accomplishments for what they are and calls out his unfounded self-doubts (Harry needs someone who can do that without making him feel stupid).
Hogwarts students, who now found themselves the unwilling objects of a gruesome sort of reflected fame as they walked the corridors: Susan Bones, who had an uncle, aunt, and cousins who had all died at the hands of one of the ten, said miserably during Herbology that she now had a good idea what it felt like to be Harry. “And I don’t know how you stand it, it’s horrible,” she said bluntly, dumping far too much dragon manure on her tray of Screechsnap seedlings, causing them to wriggle and squeak in discomfort.
(OotP, Ch25)
She's straightforward and chill with a few of her own demons and she dislikes public attention as much as Harry. Even if Susan had ways less time with Harry, she understands he doesn't like the attention. She asks "how you stand it?" she thinks he must hate it as much as she does. I just find it interesting a random Hufflepuff girl who has 2 lines knows and understands Harry better than his love interest who thinks he likes getting attention and going after Voldemort.
Basically, a blunt, chill Hufflepuff that treats him like just Harry and not the Boy-Who-Lived would work too, is what I'm saying. Like a younger Tonks-like character who's a bit more serious and responsible (which is how I imagine Susan, except, less punk) could work with Harry. (though Harry thinks anyone who looks a little punk looks cool... He thinks Tonks is cool, and Kingsly and Bill are instantly cool in Harry's opinion for having an earring, so maybe give him a punk girlfriend. I think he'd be into it)
A Gryffindor girl who likes Quidditch (like Ginny) could've worked too. My problem with Ginny is that JKR tried to make her too perfect in the later books. Like, a Gryffindor girl who's confident and has a sense of humor could've been a good match for Harry. Just give her some actual insecurities and the willingness to be emotionally vulnerable with Harry and without Ginny's obsession so she'd see Harry as Harry and not as the Boy-Who-Lived — that could've worked. Like, Ginny as a concept could've worked if the character and her romance with Harry were written better. As she is in the books, I don't think it works though, I'd change the character's personality/attitude if I wanted to write her with Harry, so I don't feel like I could really call her "Ginny" you know?
A Ravenclaw like Cho who doesn't expect Harry to be another Cedric and is just more chill and not actively grieving could've worked. Like, as I mentioned Luna (who's a Ravenclaw) could work with Harry, but a sporty, chill, Ravenclaw could've also worked. She just needed to know who Harry is and date him for him and not as a Cedric replacement. Also, I just, don't think Harry would be interested in a girl who's into dragging him to Madam Paddifoots, but, like, a Ravenclaw who plays Quidditch and is, like, idk, obsessed with alchemy and has a bit of a mad scientist vibe going on, could work with Harry. I think his love interest should have interests of her own, basically. I think it adds flavor.
A cunning and intelligent Slytherin girl who isn't Pansy Parkinson (a la Daphne Greengrass or Tracy Davis) could work as well, depending on how you characterize her.
Basically, to ship Harry with a girl, of any house, I'd be looking for a lot of the same traits I look for in guys I ship Harry with:
Treat Harry as Harry and not as the Boy Who Lived — the reason doesn't matter but he/she has to see Harry as his own person and not his scar or fame and understand he hates the attention.
Intelligence — because Harry's actually really smart and he needs someone who could not only keep up with him but also correct and argue with him when the situation calls for it.
Self-confidence but also some insecurities — they need to have a spine to stand their ground and call Harry on his bullshit and his own low self-esteem but they should have their own issues and self-perception problems. I like it when things are fair and a ship helps each other grow together. Also, I don't think Harry would date someone truly arrogant. Arrogant to hide insecurities — that I think could work though under the right conditions.
Wit and humor — Harry is a sarcastic, sassy little shit with a slightly dark sense of humor, I think he needs a partner who can match his sense of humor and not get offended if he makes a comment about wanting to torture Snape.
Chill — Harry is a little emotionally inept, he would probably not manage well with a very emotional partner that requires a lot of attention (like Cho). Don't get me wrong, Harry would care and do his best, and pay attention when needed, but the guy doesn't really know how to deal with crying people. So, his partner should be someone who's fine with Harry's sort of comfort methods. (Some people don't want to talk about it when they're upset, they just want someone to listen to them vent a bit. Which, I think Harry would be great at. And vice versa. Harry, when upset, often just wants someone to be next to him quietly, but he doesn't want to talk about it sometimes). Basically, they need to have matching comfort styles so they could actually communicate when upset.
Chill (p2) — Harry's sort of anger requires someone who'd be able to remain cool once Harry reaches his threshold in year 5 wouldn't get quickly offended, but instead calmly put Harry in his place. Basically, they need to have more emotional intelligence than Harry because someone needs to know how to do emotions in the relationship. (In Ronmione's case, Ron is the more emotionally intelligent one, contrary to what Hermione likes to think. In Hinny's case, neither of them knows how to do emotions somehow, which adds to why they never appealed to me, I think. In Tommary, which I used to read, Harry is the emotionally intelligent one in the relationship, which is why this pairing is only realistic to me when it's a disastrous mess)
Knows to be both blunt and subtle depending on the situation — Harry needs someone to match him, as Harry can be a sneaky Slytherin sometimes, but sometimes, the situations in his life would require his partner to be brave and blunt. I think, regardless of house, his partner should be able to do both.
The capacity to be quiet — Harry is a quiet person overall and I think he'd work better with a partner who can just let him be quiet and not force him to engage in conversation. Ron and Hermione, for example, love bantering and bickering, but Harry finds their sort of bickering infuriating, so, yeah. Like, he can work with a partner who talks more than him, but they need to not always need to talk, yk?
At least a little anti-authority (or a lot) — I don't think Harry could date someone who's perfectly by-the-book and loves the rules and authority. Most of his clashes with Hermione come from a place of her trusting certain authority while Harry doesn't really trust any authority. I think he'd get frustrated dating someone who's too pro-authority (why he and Cho wouldn't have lasted even without Cedric's ghost hanging over them).
Magically talented — Harry's magic is insane, he doesn't need a partner that's on his level, but someone who is capable and skilled enough to hold their own is necessary with how dangerous Harry's life is and for him to be able to treat them seriously.
Brave — there are different kinds and levels of bravery, but at the end of the day, I don't think Harry could date someone who isn't brave enough to deal with all the shit Harry's life throws at him. Like, Harry's partner, I think, should be willing to join the trio on the Horcrux hunt should they be offered to. (I personally portray Theo, for example, as someone who doesn't think he's brave, but when he needs to, he's way braver than he thinks. Luna is brave enough to be herself and damn what anyone thinks. So you can play around with the kinds of bravery). Like, the fact Ginny didn't press him to know more about what they're planning and wanting to join the danger to help protect and defend Harry is insane to me. I think Harry deserves a ride-or-die relationship because he's a very ride-or-die person for the people he loves. (Hence why I love his friendship with Ron and Hermione. The Golden Trio is the definition of ride-or-die)
A bit of a tragic Backstory — this isn't mandatory, per se, but I think Harry would work best with a partner that has some of their own demons in their past. It's a little spice that I love. It's why I like shipping him with Theo (who from the very little we know of him can be read as being abused by his father, plus his mother is dead) or potentially Luna who saw her mother die. I think someone who's suffered some trauma similar to Harry would be better at connecting with Harry and seeing him in a way even Ron and Hermione struggle to do.
So, yeah, this is like, my thoughts on shipping Harry with any character and what's the broad strokes of my recipe for my preferred Harry dynamic in romance.
But, like with most things in fiction, it's all about execution. If you write it well enough, anything will work.
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only-3-braincells · 5 days ago
“Red” Vs “Green” — Alastor’s Duo Stitches & Power Sets: 
A Hazbin Hotel Theory/Analysis with Pics & Gifs.
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Isn't it interesting how some of the Radio Demon’s abilities are Red-Coded, while others are Green? Isn't it also fascinating how certain abilities change his eye colour and others don't? Well, guess what? I’ve noticed a pattern. And if you didn’t know either happened, guess what? I’m going to open your eyes.
Hi, I'm almost fully convinced at the possibility of Alastor having two power sets. I am calling them “Red” and “Green” in accordance with the colour of his eyes, Stitches, and abilities at the time of use.  (Typically they’re used together.)
I finally recognised the other day that Alastor has two sets of Stitches: Red and Green. Then that furthered to the realisation that Alastor, this whole time, had two power sets and not just one. I came up with this theory in a few hours, and have spent days trying, googling and researching, hoping to find others who have noticed what I picked up on, but I haven’t seen anyone else mention anything. So please, if you've seen someone else comment on stuff in here, let me know so I can read further!!
Disclaimer: I have stayed away from all leaks and spoilers regarding season 2, and therefore have written this without any additional information. This is just everything from the show we’ve been shown so far. I DO NOT want to hear about what the leaks say, thank you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
What I'm calling his “Red Powers” are whenever his eyes turn Black, or the Red “X” stitch appears on his forehead. Coincidently, this is whenever he goes into “Jumbo” Al's form, using his filter to glitch his surroundings, or just act threatening. I'm assuming these powers were the ones he was originally given in his deal, perhaps in exchange for his soul (accidentally or not). Also, his Shadow and Microphone are related to his Red Powers. These powers AREN'T stored in his microphone, more or less a part of himself, like other overlords and their powers. What I'm calling his “Green Powers” are literally whenever he uses or does something involving the said colour. Including his tentacles/tendrils, ability to summon and disperse things, his ability to make soul deals, or powerful deals in general, and much more. I'm convinced these powers are what Alastor is actively building and bettering for himself, possibly as an escape route from the deal that got him his Red Powers in the first place. His Green Powers ARE stored in his microphone, and he needs to be physically touching it to use them. He can use both Power Sets at the same time; however, the two sets of Stitches haven't yet appeared together; it’s always one or the other. 
You can also read the very bottom for my list of assumptions.
Okay, getting into it.
“Red” Vs “Green”
Here is what I'm referring to with each:
Alastor's “Red Powers” are what he was given by whomever he made this “Deal” with, referenced in episode 8.
Maybe Alastor traded his soul for his Red Powers (accidental or not) judging from the show’s use of Black Eyes meaning such? Pieced together with his lyrics of “The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor,” in the finale.
Alastor's “Green Powers” are abilities he is actively making for himself, they appear much stronger, and he seems to use them more than his “Red” abilities. 
Maybe creating and bettering his Green Powers is an act of escape from his deal? The quote: “I'm hungry for freedom like never before,” Is interesting since this man, and the entire show, never mentioned anything about freedom.
Abilities from each, or the list I have picked up on:
Belonging to Red:
Red-Radio-Dials-on-Black Eyes
Red Stitches & the forehead “X”
His Shadow 
His ability to teleport (using the Shadow)
Jumbo Al’s form
His microphone (eye glows Red.)
Belonging to Green:
Eyes are normal Red-on-Red or Green-Radio-Dials-on-Red.
Green Stitches
His ability to own souls (husk’s chain is Green)
His ability to do deals (Charlie's deal)
His ability to summon & make things disappear.
His tentacles/tendrils.
The shield over the hotel in the battle
These are simply sorted judging on the two colours his powers and Stitches seem to come in, or depending on the colour of his eyes at the time.
He can use both sets of powers together. That is proven throughout the show. There are also times when he is using just one instead of the other (Will explain further in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Using Both Together Vs Just One.”)
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His Shadow is an intriguing anomaly, while I am putting it in his “Red Powers,” I don't think it's an actual power of his, more of a creature that's tied to him. Alastor can use his “Green Powers” to disperse it, signifying just how powerful these Green Abilities are.
Maybe his Shadow isn’t a power ability as such, but a creature tied to him because of how he got his Red Powers in a “Deal?”
I'm on the fence with these guys. Their eyes are Red, but they also have a Green glow in episode 8.
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Proof of Two Power Sets: The Stitches
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Red: The Red Stitches are very minimal, being just at the corner of his mouth and an “X” on his forehead. While the Red forehead “X” is a constant sight, the corner Stitches are only seen in the pilot and at the end of Stayed Gone.
Green: Interestingly, there are more. Thus, under this assumption that anything Green is what Alastor is making for himself, in classic Al style, he's been given something he doesn't like (his soul being owned), therefore, is pridefully, egotistically working with what he has. Overriding and improving to benefit his goals instead, to the point where he won't need the others anymore. Very “Al,” if you ask me.
So far, the Green Stitches have only been seen once, in the deal made with Charlie.
Maybe the Green Stitches only appear in deals?
There was no Red “X” on his forehead when the Green Stitches appeared. Likewise, the Green Stitches have also never been shown when the Red is present. 
Maybe the two colours of Stitches cannot coincide, it’s always one or the other?
Proof of Two Power Sets: His Eyes.
His Red Powers always trigger his Black Eyes with Red-Radio-Dials. Always. 
If there's a scene with his eyes going Black, he is using his Red Powers.
His Green Powers do not change the colour of his eyes. (The only exception so far is his deal with Charlie. Will explain further in This Section.)
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At the start of his fight with Adam, his eyes remained normal (Red-on-Red) whilst he fought back with just his tentacle/tendrils. However, once Alastor jumped and taunts: “You’re sloppy,” was when his Black Eyes appeared. Which, he, in fact, turns into Jumbo Al at that moment, only furthering my theory of two power sets at play — Where only one changes his eye colour, and “Jumbo” Al is part of it (Will explain further in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Ability colours.”)
His eyes are also seen not changing when making that deal with Vaggie, summoning or dispersing things, and setting up the shield in the final battle. Never did his eyes change.
If his eyes ever change to Black whilst using his tentacles/tendrils, that is because Jumbo Al is involved.
Expanding further on the shield: Yes, it does have a strong Red appearance, but it also has a Green glow. Furthermore, it sprouted axe-wielding tentacles/tendrils — all parts of this “Green Power” and not “Red’s” (Will explain further in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Ability colours.”)
The only exception to this “Eyes don’t change in Green Powers” rule, is in his deal with Charlie:
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Look at his eyes. Ignore the blinding new Stitches, or the glowing Green Powers behind him — or the severe lack of Red anywhere — his eyes are entirely different. They are not Black-With-Red-Radio-Dials like expected and shown throughout the show, they are Red-With-Green-Radio-Dials. Never seen before, or shown again (for now). If he had just one power set, why weren’t his eyes the usual Red-on-Black?
Proof of Two Power Sets: Ability Colours.
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Following the assumption that whenever Alastor's eyes turn Black, he's using his Red Powers; that's all the times “Jumbo” Alastor appears, or when he’s either threatening, fighting, or when he's using his glitching filter.
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The reason I'm calling them his “Green” Powers is because of their literal colour. His Green Abilities seem more dangerous and severe. Starting with the mass of Stitches he has, to how Green corrupted the hotel in Charlie's deal, but also the weaponised tentacles/tendrils he uses in fights.
Addressing the Neon:
I’ll admit, I am a bit on the fence with the neon colour changing that he does. Definitely not ignoring it, especially since it has made two appearances: In Hell’s Greatest Dad and the Pilot. I’m slightly certain it’s a part of his Green Powers, due to two factors: 1. The literal colour and 2:
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Now where have I seen eyes so similar to that?
Oh yeah, his deal with Charlie, (As mentioned in “Proof of Two Power Sets: His Eyes.”)
The reason I am sceptical over it is that his normal eyes (red-on-red but without radio dials) are also the same colours in this neon, so it’s challenging to tell what true colours they are under the filter.
Proof of Two Power Sets: Using Both Together Vs Just One.
I’ll make this short, Alastor can use both power sets at the same time. In fact, throughout the show, they're used in this way — together — almost more often than just one at a time. (Though, he does use “Green Powers” more by themselves than “Red’s.”)
Using Them At The Same Time; Most Notable Example:
Jumbo Al with tentacles/tendrils.
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Jumbo Al with the tentacles/tendrils is the most noticeable example of using both at the same time. Considering that his Red Powers are whenever his eyes change to Black, and his Green ones are any ability coloured Green, Jumbo Al always causes the Black Eyes and typically has the Green tendrils. Which, to me, indicates confident proof that Alastor can use both power sets at the same time. 
One At A Time; Most Noticeable Example Of Each:
As said in “Proof of Two Power Sets: His eyes,” it was interesting how Al was using an ability (his tendrils/tentacles) without his eyes going Black, thus hinting to a duo power set. But there's more, there are in fact two notable moments in the show where Al is only using one power set at a time.
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Red: The end of Stayed Gone. 
I'm fully convinced this is him using only his Red Powers. The threatening Jumbo Al, the Blackened-out eyes, the Red Stitches, and the lack of colour Green Anywhere, all hit it home for me. Additionally, there's another crucial factor I've picked up that has me believing this is just his Red Powers (Will explain further in “And Finally… That Damn Microphone Scene.”) Something my days worth of googling haven’t found anyone connecting the dots yet.
Green: His deal with Charlie. 
I always thought there was something missing on Al in this scene. Turns out I was looking for a Red “X” on his forehead. In fact, there is a severe lack of Red anywhere in the room, and the mentioned-before change of eyes. This is wholly different from normal Al using an ability where his eyes are supposed to change to Black.
The Importance of The Microphone
This is very difficult to explain in the “Red” Vs “Green” theory because it’s complicated to interpret the truth from what we’ve seen in the show so far. 
Alastor uses his microphone — a device for announcing — to broadcast his victim’s screams and himself. But interestingly, in accordance with the colour schemes, it’s shown to perhaps use both powers to do so. So, here is what I’ve narrowed it down to. 
Red: Only broadcasts himself, as shown in Stayed Gone.
Green: Broadcasts the screams of his victims.
Maybe Alastor’s microphone was given to him in his deal for his Red Powers rather than him making it himself, for him to broadcast his own voice and make a platform for himself, as shown in Stayed Gone?
Maybe Alastor, using the mic he was given, then worked with his green powers to record, store and broadcast the screams of his victims, as per the colour schemes in Mimzy’s story?
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The reason I’m very uncertain if this is true is simple: Angel, Charlie & Vaggie’s pilot outfits all made an appearance when the show touched on their past. However, Alastor’s backstory by Mimzy does not have him in his pilot clothes, representing, to me, symbolic hints that Mimzy is an unreliable narrator; therefore to be cautious when believing her tale.
Maybe we cannot trust Mimzy’s take on how Alastor grew to power due to evidence of her being an unreliable narrator? Thusly, we cannot completely believe how Alastor came to power or what coloured power he uses to broadcast.
His Powers.
Alastor’s powers are stored in his microphone and therefore, he needs to be touching it for them to work. That is a known fact. He refuses to let go of it, regardless of what form he is using or what he is doing. 
I cannot stress enough that Alastor needs to be physically touching his undamaged mic for his powers to work.
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Most notably, Jumbo Al never let go of his tiny microphone while slaughtering the loan sharks for Mimzy in episode 5. That detail encompasses the idea that his powers are inside his mic, as though he can’t let go of it, or his powers will disappear. 
Well, his Green Powers, at least…
I repeat, only his Green Powers are inside that microphone. 
The reason he cannot let go is that his Green Abilities — the ones he actually uses to kill — will disappear. There is no scene in the show where Alastor let go of his mic when using his Green Powers. Likewise, there is a multitude of proof that I have found to show Alastor has other powers — his “red” ones — outside his microphone and therefore, the mic’s condition doesn’t matter (Will explain further in “The Microphone Is Broken, Now What?”) Including something that debunked the idea of Alastor needing contact with his mic for all his powers early in the show. (Will explain further in “And Finally… That Damn Microphone Scene.”)
Maybe only his Green Powers are inside his microphone, they require him to have physical contact with the mic to use?
Maybe his Red Powers do not require physical contact with the mic, since they are not in it?
The Microphone Is Broken, Now What?
Alastor has no Green Abilities, but his Red Powers are still intact. What happened before and after he got hit-down proves this.
To understand it fully, here's the chronological order of the fight’s final moments:
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This is the frame of Alastor before Adam slashed him and his microphone. There are no Black Eyes, only tentacles/tendrils, which, if you've been following, means he was only using his Green Powers. And after the microphone broke, there was nothing.
Why am I pointing this out? Well, I thought it was an interesting choice, and I'm heavily wondering about its intention. Alastor’s eyes were, in fact, Black leading up to that pose, but then they suddenly weren’t. This was no animation accident, in studios and shows like this, every little detail is planned out with a reason, so I refuse to believe it was unintentional. 
Instead, I speculate: What if there had been a Jumbo Al with Black Eyes in that frame? To me, there are two ways of it going: he loses his tentacles/tendrils, but his eyes are still Black, or he loses his Black Eyes with them. The latter would have completely destroyed my running theory that his Red Powers weren't in his microphone, and that would’ve sent me into a spiral. Likewise, I wonder if the first option of keeping them would have been too obvious, and so, would that be why the animators didn't?
That aside, the microphone is broken, all his Green Powers are gone, but his Red ones — that aren't in the microphone, and therefore, unaffected — are still there. 
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This is why I believe his Shadow is part of his Red Powers (that, and it’s glowing Red eyes in some scenes.) If his Shadow is connected to what I've been calling his “Green Powers,” it should not still be there. And yet, it is. To me, this is just evidence of two powers, and while the Greens are out of commission, his Red Powers are living on.
But there’s more proof without the Shadow.
What was the first thing Alastor did after being hit down?
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He flashed us the Black Eyes.
This, to me, is the show screaming the hint to us, that certain powers — his Red abilities — are still very much active. Because of this, I don't believe his Red Powers have a place they're stored, they're just a part of him, the same as how other overlords’ powers are just a part of them.
Maybe his Red Powers have no place they're stored, but are a part of Alastor?
Maybe his Red Powers are still there; however, they could be weakened along with the rest of him?
And Finally… That Damn Microphone Scene.
Before I go into the scene that kept me up a few hours of a night, I want to reiterate what I’ve already went over:
Alastor has two power sets.
He can use both powers at the same time.
His Green Abilities are stored in his microphone.
Alastor needs to have physical contact with his mic in order for his Green Powers to work.
The microphone destroyed means he does not have his Green Powers post battle.
His Red Abilities are not stored in his microphone
Since his Red abilities are not in the mic, they are not affected by the mic’s damage, more likely affected by his physical damage, instead.
And to bring in the new concept: Since his Red abilities are not in the mic, he never needed to physically touch the microphone to use them.
Now… there was no way of knowing that what I'm calling his “Red Powers” could be used without his microphone in hand, before it broke… right? 
Except, there freaking was!!!
Picture this, a few hours after my discovery of a possible duo power set, I’m in bed about to close my eyes for the night, when my brain decided to remind me of an iconic scene. Needless to say, I remained awake for a few more hours. 
I’ve been referencing a detail that no one has (to what my hours and days of googling have led me to) mentioned or brought up before. Something crucial I only picked up later on, something to help prove two power sets for good, and, well, it’s all in the microphone. 
“Alastor needs his mic for his powers,” was a major detail the fandom knew. He refuses to let go of it, regardless of what he’s doing or his form.
I’m about to prove this is only partially true. His Green Powers, yes, they require physical contact with the mic to use, but the Red ones don't.  For, there is a debunker scene from the very start, first quarter of the show, showing Al not touching his microphone and using only his Red Powers.
Stayed gone. 
(I asked you to keep it in your memory, I wonder if you managed to.) At the very end, when Alastor is saying: “I'm Gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone. Tune on in…” etc. Especially “Tune on in” and onwards, look what he does.
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He puts the microphone down. 
“Alastor needs his mic for his powers.”
And yet, he put it down and proceeded to become Jumbo Al in this scene. The scene that I labelled back in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Using Both Together Vs Just One” as the most notable place where he only used his Red Powers. His Red Powers that I'm fully suggesting aren't stored in his microphone; therefore, he doesn't need to touch it.
As I said before, this is a proper studio, everything is deliberately animated the way it is for a reason. And that scene had such emphasis on his hand letting go, they were just shoving it in our face. They could've just had him place it down on the side in the previous frame. But they didn't, and now I'm heavily convinced it was a massive hint from the start.
The End/Season 2; What's Next?
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Therefore, I'm saying his Green Powers are broken (perhaps not gone completely) but Al's Red Powers are still at the very least active. 
Alastor is now stuck with the powers he was given in the first place; all the ones he made by himself are gone. All his work may be erased and his stuck back with the ones he didn't like in the first place.
Considering that Season 2 will be all about backstories. I wonder if this theory is taking the right path towards it.
Maybe Season 2 will dive into how Alastor got his duo power sets, or just one, since it will be about backstories?
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PS. Do not ask me why this lighting is here. I do not know. 
Maybe the Green lighting in the Radio tower is hinting for a Green Power comeback?
My List of Assumptions: “Maybe’s”
Maybe Alastor traded his soul for his Red Powers (accidental or not) judging from the show’s use of Black Eyes meaning such? Pieced together with his lyrics of “The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor,” in the finale.
Maybe creating and bettering his Green Powers is an act of escape from his deal? The quote: “I'm hungry for freedom like never before,” Is interesting since this man, and the entire show, never mentioned anything about freedom.
Maybe his Shadow isn’t a power ability as such, but a creature tied to him because of how he got his Red Powers in a “Deal?”
Maybe the Green Stitches only appear in deals?
Maybe the two colours of Stitches cannot coincide, it’s always one or the other?
Maybe Alastor’s microphone was given to him in his deal for his Red Powers rather than him making it himself, for him to broadcast his own voice and make a platform for himself, as shown in Stayed Gone?
Maybe Alastor, using the mic he was given, then worked with his green powers to record, store and broadcast the screams of his victims, as per the colour schemes in Mimzy’s story?
Maybe we cannot trust Mimzy’s take on how Alastor grew to power due to evidence of her being an unreliable narrator? Thusly, we cannot completely believe how Alastor came to power or what coloured power he uses to broadcast.
Maybe only his Green Powers are inside his microphone, they need him to have physical contact with the mic to use?
Maybe his Red Powers do not require physical contact with the mic, since they are not in it.
Maybe his Red Powers have no place they're stored, but are a part of Alastor?
Maybe his Red Powers are still there; however, they could be weakened along with the rest of him?
Maybe season 2 will dive into how Alastor got his duo power sets, or just one, since it will be about backstories?
Maybe the Green lighting in the Radio tower is hinting for a Green Power comeback?
Once again, if you have seen someone else talking about something in here, please let me know! So I can reference them too!! I spent days googling, hoping someone else picked up this stuff, but it all slipped under my radar.
Disclaimer: And again, I have stayed far away from leaks and spoilers of this show and want to keep it that way. So please, do not mention the leaks even if it’s relevant. Let me discover the knowledge of this being right or wrong on my own when I watch season 2.  
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tin-wufborf · 8 months ago
Tin's Favorite Sterek Fics (Part 12)
Hello party people, and welcome to part 12! This installment is brought to you by my summer cold because there's nothing quite like having a cold when it's been 100+ degrees all weekend!
Again, thank you all for all of the support you've shown this series. Before we move forward, I just want to give you all a little heads up that we are now entering my "anti-Scott McCall" era (which I have yet to leave, tbh; I just read less Bad Friend Scott McCall fics than I used to). There aren't a ton of them on the list, but there's enough of them that I feel like a warning is a good idea, and I know there will be more moving forward. Okay? Okay.
No more rambling on for me. I'm working against the clock in terms of when my sinus pressure kicks in for the day, and I want to get this out sooner rather than later so I can get back to simulated trucking.
Smoochies and squeezies!
List and links to previous/next part(s) below.
DISCLAIMER: This is me warning you all that some of the fics I've included in this list may cover explicit, dark, and/or "taboo" subject matters. I cannot express enough how little I care what anyone thinks about any of that; all I want is for you to use caution when reading anything I've listed here and to please review and heed whatever tags the authors have provided in order to keep yourselves safe. Your experience from this point on is your own responsibility, not mine and not the authors'.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20
You and the Night by Hyperion327 (E | 1/1 | 9,634)
Stiles has a secret. Ever since he was ten, there's been... someone who appears in his night from time to time, someone with glowing gold eyes that no human being could ever have. His shadow has been there for years, keeping watch in the darkness. He should be scared, should have told his sheriff father about the intruder from the beginning, but he can't. Not when the shadow has been the one who's comforted him on the lonely nights. Even if he can't see him, he knows one thing for sure: He trusts him absolutely.
Oblivious Misadventures, and Other Such Tales by Little Spoon (JaydenNara) (M | 6/6 | 11,240)
Going to college was exciting and new, a chance for new friends and a fresh start, and the best part was, there was a supernatural fraternity on campus, meaning Scott finally had the freedom to be himself.
Then he met the resident human who came with a stalker alpha. What was the point of a supernatural fraternity if he still had to pretend to be human. And seriously, did Stiles ever fall asleep somewhere normal?
(aka - Five TImes Scott Found Derek and Stiles Sleeping, and the One Time He Didn't)
Theory of Overprotective Canines by rosepetals42 (T | 1/1 | 11,798)
Stiles is totally looking forward to living alone in his super cool apartment off-campus. He is. He is also very excited to bike to school every day, ready to set up an awesome game room, and definitely over his crush on Derek Hale. Completely over it.
Or at least he is until Derek decides he's moving in with him. And then turns out to be the perfect roommate. And then starts attending all his classes. As a wolf.
This is not going according to plan.
Throw Me to the Wolves by skoosiepants (T | 1/1 | 13,493)
He feels the physical embodiment of devastated, his already too strung-out mind struggling to wall up all the hurt, the rejection—he takes a deep shuddering breath and looks down at the shredded skin on his arms, at the sluggish way they’re weakly healing.
There is nothing, nothing he wants more than to have Derek sweep in and make everything all better. He should have known, though, that something like that would never happen to him.
OR -
Stiles accidentally gets bitten, and everything goes to hell.
Where We Belong by thecheekydragon (E | 1/1 | 16,548)
Derek rescues a little werewolf girl and takes on the responsibility of caring for her. Stiles helps.
And The Moon Shined A Little Brighter by LuneFaitLaFolie (T | 1/1 | 17,952)
It’s not in the same spot, it’s over his left shoulder blade, almost like it’s over the back of his heart, but it’s just as big. It isn’t black either, so it also doesn’t match any of his other rune tattoos, which Stiles can say with confidence without looking, are either black or blue. No, it’s a deep red, the same colour as Derek’s alpha eyes.
It is though, a huge ass matching triskelion permanently on his body, and he has no clue how the fuck to tell Derek about it.
Safe Place to Land by Green (T | 1/1 | 19,298)
The Hales have been tracking a group of hunters who've targeted small packs with the help of a magic user. When they finally attack the hunter compound, they aren't expecting to find Stiles, a Spark who's practically a slave, and his young werewolf son. Derek isn't expecting the Spark to be his mate, either.
Foolish devouring things, build your castle in me by LunaCanisLupus_22 (E | 1/1 | 23,181)
“I will marry you,” he declares. “But should any more harm come to my father or my people, I will raze the earth itself until I feel the lifeblood drain from your corpse and paint my skin with it.”
It is not an idle warning, but from the princeling it has none of the desired effect. Derek feels no fear, but in this instance at least diplomacy triumphed over the spilling of more blood. It is all the same to him anyway. But Regent Peter was most insistent they avoid a drawn-out, gruelling war.
“Then we have reached an accord.”
Or the barbarian sterek war AU that nobody asked for.
She Walks in Beauty series by breakaway71 (2 works | G-T | 29,144)
1. Innocence (G | 1/1 | 964) Claudia wonders, sometimes. 2. All That's Best of Dark and Bright (T | 1/1 | 28,180) It's not a gender identity crisis if you've known all along what the problem is. If you've been purposely trying to ignore it since you were old enough to consciously make that choice. But what happens after that, when you finally learn how to let go?
No Rest For The Wicked (Love is Kind) by midnightcas (G | 11/11 | 31,328)
When a homeless, scared for his life, kid attempts to hold up Stiles Stilinski's bakery, the last thing he expected was to be offered a muffin...or a job. . . . "I have a feeling that you don’t want to be a felon on the run from the cops your whole life. Especially over such a stupid thing like robbing a bakery. Murder I’d get, but this?”
“Well," his eyes fall to the gun, "I might murder you.”
Stiles swallowed.
The Accidental Hale Brood by Julibean19 (M | 1/1 | 42,370)
“I know, I just…” Derek trailed off, rubbing his forehead with both hands, frustrated that the right words weren’t coming to him.
“What?” Stiles asked honestly, pulling on one of Derek’s wrists until he could see his expression again.
Derek’s heart pounded in his chest so loud he figured even Stiles could hear it. He inhaled deeply and let the air out slowly through his nose, trying to keep his voice even. “When we take them places, and spend time with them, and make them smile… it feels like…”
“It feels like they’re yours,” Stiles finished for him, licking his lips before snagging the bottom one between his teeth.
“No,” Derek said, taking Stiles by surprise. “It feels like they’re ours.”
“Oh,” Stiles said simply, mouth still slightly open while he contemplated Derek’s words.
Or, the one in which Stiles and Derek have been BCPD partners for years when they are assigned Halloween duty and run into a couple of kids from the orphanage. One fake marriage and two real adoptions later, they somehow become a family.
Ain't no rest for the wicked by MBlack93 (E | 8/8 | 46,463)
''What the hell happened, Stiles?!'' He hisses.
Stiles tries not to flinch from his dad's tone, but he fails miserably.
''I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I - I woke up and everything in my room was in flames, even the bed, dad, I - I don't know what is happening.''
As soon as he said it, his dad's face closes off.
''You're telling me that you don't know? You didn't remember? Is it possible that you're - you're poss-''
''NO! No, no! No! It can't be. It just can't.''
''But you don't remember Stiles. You don't know what happened.'' His dad remembers him. His eyes are boring into Stiles's.
Stiles falters because no, he doesn't remember, he doesn't know what is happening, but the Nogitsune is gone, he saw it happening, he knows it's gone. He can't be possessed any more.
''Dad-'' before he can finish his sentence, his dad lets out a weary sigh. And a sob escapes his dad when he looks at the burning house.
''I - I don't know if I can deal with this son.'' His dad confesses. And - and that's it. Stiles stops doing anything for a moment until a sob escapes him, and he can feel his heart break into a million pieces.
I'll be right back (in 24 years) by AnaIsFangirling (Ana_K_Lee) (T | 35/35 | 48,190)
When Derek thought about time travel – and he did, a lot – this was not what he'd had in mind. He'd thought he would see his younger self, tell him to leave Paige alone and NEVER trust Kate Argent. He'd thought he’d get to come back once that was done and everything would be perfect. He never imagined having to relive his entire life.
Those Are The Days That Bind Us series by s_a_m (3 works | T-M | 63,389)
The series follows Stiles as he struggles to deal with the trauma, heartbreak and betrayals that cause him to run away from Beacon Hills, and the adventures that come during his time away.
[Subsequent parts are in progress and will be posted upon completion.]
1. Those Are The Days That Bind Us (M | 5/5 | 52,171) His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said, “It’s like you’re not my son anymore.” And Stiles broke. 2. You Have One New Message (T | 1/1 | 5,093) A flash in the corner of John’s eye caught his attention. The home phone had a message. He hit play. ‘You have one new message.’ “Uh, hey Dad. It’s uh, its Stiles.” 3. Himmelfahrtskommando (M | 1/1 | 6,125) She can’t help but laughing at the growing knowledge that her whole life has likely just been one long suicide mission.
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) (E | 1/1 | 65,656)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
Just the Same by foxlavender (G | 7/7 | 68,066)
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There's just no way Derek Hale is human. *** “I was wondering if you're even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it's ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It's unfair for us. I mean, it's obvious you work out, and I don't, so that could be why, but like...I was just wondering if you were human, that's all.”
“Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—”
“Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can't threaten him with shit.
The Fox & The Wolf by Dexterous_Sinistrous (E | 10/10 | 79,151)
The war between the fox and wolf clans has raged for centuries, ignited in a time before anyone can remember. Now both clans—tired of the bloodshed and hate—are searching for a way to end the war.
Crowned prince Stiles Stilinski—heir to the fox clan—has agreed with his father to meet with the Hales, the ruling royal family over the wolf clan. Under the counseling of the Druids, both clans are presented with a solution to the war: unite the Stilinski and Hale clans through marriage. To quell their people's anger, both Stiles and Derek—eldest living Hale Alpha—are urged to accept the other as an equal; as their mate.
For the sake of their people, both houses make the ultimate sacrifice by choosing duty over love. But, out of what was first assumed to be compromised, quickly turns to be a better match than either could have hoped for. But not all is easy for either clan, as some members refuse to believe that the war could end so easily.
[Update: I'm stating here, because some people aren't reading the author note at the beginning, this story was inspired by/based on Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Hawksong]
Didn't See That Coming by knittersrevolt (E | 43/43 | 83,838)
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him.
He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good.
Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
I know that you love me, even when I lose my head by LunaCanisLupus_22 (E | 13/13 | 135,585)
“We’re not mates, Cora,” he insists. “I mean look at him-“
“Ouch,” the kid says, no longer pushing that shit eating grin.
“He’s- he’s,” Derek tries, at a loss of how to explain why this can’t be possible. Why it shouldn’t be possible.
Or the one where Derek gets attacked by hunters, ends up with amnesia and forgets Stiles is his mate
Manipulated by DearDaisy (Scribblesnpaws) (M | 30/30 | 221,251)
Nine years ago, Scott kicked Stiles out of the pack. Stiles left and never returned. But now his dad has been hurt, so Stiles returns to take care of him. No one knows the truth of what happened back then, not even Scott or Stiles. But that's about to change.
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rafesbabyg1rl · 4 months ago
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Hiii pretties! Welcome to my blog!! Please keep things positive and stay slutty my friends!!!
~If you have any requests, please feel free to leave it in my inbox!!!~
Seriously, I love getting requests and just hearing all your thoughts and theories! Please don't be nervous to interact with me! This is a safe space, I promise.
The Watcher: Stalker!Rafe x Pogue!Reader (Part One, Part Two, Part Three...) Private Session: Stripper!Reader x obsessive!Rafe (Part One, Part Two , Part Three) Bsf!Rafe gets jealous: Innocent!Reader x Possessive!Rafe
you can read the rest if you wanna know more about me !!
Hello!! I'm Kat, or Kay, whatever you wanna call me. I'm literally just a girl. I am a freakkkk. I do be a bit of a stoner y'all, and I usually am high when I write, so if I make a mistake, I'm blaming that. I'm from the United States (unfortunately) and I only speak English. This is a safe place; I am always here if anyone wants to talk. I do not discriminate; I do not spread hate. I do not and will not tolerate hate or unkind behavior towards me or others here on my blog. Like seriously guys I have bad anxiety, so please be nice and don't make it harder for me.
This is pretty much solely for Outer Banks, Rafe Cameron to be more specific. But, feel free to talk to me about other things!
Other things I'm interested in/passionate about: Taylor Swift, 21 Savage, veterinary medicine, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead, 13 Reasons Why, Supernatural, Jurassic Park/World, Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, comedy movies (Seth Rogen & James Franco), Dexter, etc. I love cold weather, books, and cats. Music is life and I listen to a little bit of everything so feel free to send songs.
I AM a student, so just keep in mind that I may be inactive because I’m in CLASS or doing work; because I will prioritize that over tumblr (well, i try). Other times I’m inactive because I am sleeping, or because I’m busy with LIFE. I am not tied to my tumblr and blog. I’ve had only positive experiences here so far, but I know that fanfic writers are often mistreated by readers, but guys we are all just people.
If you want me to hurry up and publish new work, don't tell me that, just interact with my blog and compliment my writing and that will motivate me more than anything else ever could. Also ASK AND REQUEST PLEASEEE!! I really enjoy and appreciate new ideas and feedback from other people's brains. I also appreciate constructive criticism. Don't be mean about it, but if you dislike or disagree with something, tell me politely. I like hearing feedback and am always working on improving my writing.
Seriously y'all, please please PLEASE do NOT be hateful. Do that on your own time, not here. I will not tolerate unnecessary attitude and hate. I believe in forgiveness, and I know that mistakes and misunderstandings happen. I will treat anyone and everyone with kindness and respect unless I have reason not to (really hoping I don't).
Who do I write for? I only write for Rafe Cameron. However, I'm not opposed to writing a little or sharing thoughts about other Outer Banks Characters!
What do I write? I will write literally almost anything. There’s no such thing as too much for me, so request away please. ------ As for darker topics, I will write them. Actually, a large portion of my work will include darker topics/themes/kinks, etc. I will write sensitive subjects too. But just because I live for that shit, doesn't mean everyone else does so I'll do my best to include warnings on all my work for any content that might potentially be triggering for others.
(Small warning: mentions of my mental struggles and self-destructive habits) I've always struggled mentally. I've always felt as though the way my brain works is different from everyone else; like something is wrong with me. But after many many years, I now have a better understanding of myself and how my brain works. Not to dump this on y'all, I swear I have a point, but I have diagnosed depression, anxiety, and ADHD. These things are all a big challenge I face in my day-to-day life and are often the leading cause of why I may take longer to write and publish things. I may take breaks, so don't worry if I'm not active, I will be back at some point. And I'll try my best to update you guys on when I'm gonna be less active or vice versa. Another way my mental health effects my writing is because when I write, a lot of the time my personal experiences or feelings will end up incorporated within my work, since well, it's all coming from my brain. I mostly write for myself to express my thoughts and feelings, having others read and actually enjoy my work is just an added bonus. But personally, I have struggled with self-harm for about one third of my life. I often get ideas for new works revolving around this theme and may publish things about it eventually. Themes such as mental illnesses, self-harm, abuse, insecurities, EDs, suicidal thoughts, unhealthy relationships (obv), toxic household, etc. will have a reoccurring appearance throughout my works. So just be prepared, I guess.
And like I said before, if anyone needs to talk, I am ALWAYS here and I am a very good listener.
Everyone is more than welcome to message me or leave anything in my inbox. Whether it's to chat, request something, ask something, literally whatever is welcome!! (Except hate I don't fw that)
Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy! As always, be kind and stay slutty!
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literatureloverx · 7 months ago
Now i'm curious (from how you considered dazai's openness around chuuya "debatable") about how you consider chuuya and dazai's dynamic? I'm not presuming you think their connection isn't important or anything, or that you think dazai doesn't trust chuuya, but i'm interested in how you think dazai's openness around chuuya is debatable. I'm 50/50 on it too tbh, so maybe your analysis can give more insight :D
Sure, dear, let’s dive into it.❤️ This has become a grand analysis + my comments lmao. I hope you enjoy it!❤️
First of all, it’s important to note that I personally classify Dazai and Chuuya’s relationship as truly meaningful and admirable—but not in a romantic way.
I want to be clear that I don’t see their dynamic as romantic, which is where I differ from many Dazai x Chuuya shippers. This is exactly why this post will be very, VERY long.
Asagiri himself said that he understands where the Dazai x Chuuya ships are coming from and he definitely gets it, but he won’t make the ship canon because he doesn’t want to dishonour/disrespect the original authors.
So it is indeed very kind of the illustrators and the studio to still provide the fandom with “fan service material,” which is on one hand very thoughtful and kind, but on the other hand fuels toxic shippers and feeds their theories, which they accept as absolute facts. (I suppose they make much money from it no matter what they do, so why would they care, right?)
I’m not trying to demoralize anyone or diminish their character shipping preferences. Everyone is entitled to ship whoever they want, and I don’t want this post to come across as a hate post.
However, I don’t view these dynamics (or any ship in BSD) through rose-colored glasses but rather in a more realistic light.
Many ship blogs tend to romanticize nearly anything that fits their perception (and while I often understand where they’re coming from, I find their interpretations naive compared to other logical explanations), but I want to approach this from a perspective that stays as realistic and logical as possible.
So, I kindly ask those who are sensitive about their own opinions and perceptions to consider skipping this post, as I don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings.
A small reminder: you’re allowed to have your ship and preferences, but please don’t act like they are canon or the ultimate truth, or hate on those who don’t share your opinions. This is truly rude and disrespectful.
Wow, that intro was long, but it needed to be said. Now, let’s dive into it:
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If we brush off the fan-service material of the scenes in Dead Apple (which we still don’t know if it is canon, and those specific scenes aren’t even incorporated into the light novel, I hear? I’m not sure about it, though; I haven’t read the light novel), what remains?
In my humble opinion, there is a great understanding between the two of them on a humane level, but their dynamic is double-edged.
So why did I consider Dazai’s openness around Chuuya "debatable"?
It starts with Dazai’s perspective. I once saw someone write (sadly, I have no idea where; sorry, I’m not good with past experiences and memories) that “Fyodor understands Dazai but doesn’t get him, and Chuuya gets Dazai but doesn’t understand him.”
I believe this thesis to be entirely true. The problem is that while Chuuya gets Dazai but doesn’t understand him, Dazai gets and understands Chuuya very well.
Let us move over to the 15 manga, if I recall correctly (lmao).
There was a scene where Dazai was ready to sacrifice a whole city just for Chuuya to find out his truth about humanity because it was bothering him on such a deep level.
Dazai could understand his feelings very well because he himself is also struggling with his own humanity.
Their dynamic is so meaningful because they are like two halves of an apple.
Dazai struggles with his humanity because he doesn’t feel human (the true reason behind it remains still unclear), but he is physically human.
Chuuya struggles with his humanity because he is physically inhuman, but he is still human with every fibre of his being.
I believe Dazai can see that as well, which leads him to believe that Chuuya is the most humane person he’s ever known.
This is entirely true. Chuuya embodies almost every aspect of a human so perfectly—with visible flaws (he is so gorgeous to me), emotions, impulses… (this aspect could be a whole other post, but I need to stick to the main point right now).
Does it matter that he is physically inhuman?
No, of course not. What truly matters is the inner persona of someone.
That is the exact aspect Dazai is struggling with. He feels empty, he feels inhuman because he lacks all those aspects Chuuya brims with.
I personally see admiration on Dazai’s part because Chuuya embodies the things he lacks perfectly.
We either admire people who are able to do or have the things we cannot, or we’re simply jealous or hateful. In Dazai’s case, he admires Chuuya; he is flabbergasted.
But wait… hate? How does this manifest in Dazai?
Remember how he said that he’s been trying to find a way to kill Chuuya for the past 7 years?
Well, first of all, I don’t believe he genuinely wants Chuuya dead. However, this statement could indeed be true (with Dazai, you never know if it is), because Chuuya embodies everything he is not.
He might have found solace in simply the imagination of getting rid of him, not truly trying to make it a reality. Because we all know—if Dazai wanted to, he would have.
The reason why he doesn’t want Chuuya truly dead? Well, isn’t it obvious? I believe from the bottom of my heart that he cherishes Chuuya. But not in a romantic way, because in the canon context, there is really no evidence of that.
You can find so many clues that suggest their bond is deep, heartfelt, and close. It is so beautiful, truly. Their bond is one of my personal favorites of all BSD relationships.
But the romantic side of it? There truly is none.
This is the common problem here. Just because their bond is very meaningful and deep, people find every opportunity and reason to make a romantic relationship out of those things because we sadly live in a world where meaningful relationships are not appreciated at all but simply put in a box called “romantic & sexual tension” (there speaks the INFJ). Most relationships are multifaceted, people.
However, I’m babbling too much. Let’s dive into Chuuya’s perspective:
Chuuya seems to be more aggressive towards Dazai, clearly and often declaring that he “hates” him. Does he now?
No. I don’t believe that he does.
I believe that he sees through Dazai’s antics and his void of self, which makes me think that he is rather feeling bad for him (compassionately). I know that Chuuya doesn’t seem to be the most empathetic person in all Bungo Stray Dogs universe, but I believe that he actually is quite empathetic; he just doesn’t show it much.
He tolerates Dazai’s unsettling aspects most of the time, even though he is short-tempered.
Speaking of him being short-tempered, this side of him shines even brighter at Dazai’s side. He is much calmer and composed around others.
I believe that this is: first, because he trusts Dazai that he has everything in control so that he can act more freely; second, that Dazai knows exactly how to push him into irritation, which makes him aggressive quite rashly.
I said this before when I described Chuuya’s ideal type, and I’ll say it again: Chuuya doesn’t hate Dazai, but rather the challenges he provides that unsettle him deeply.
Now, I’d like to point out another example: Remember when Chuuya hit Dazai, and Dazai said to him that it hurt and he is only a human too? Chuuya answers coldly, “no one would believe that” (again the 15 manga, I believe?).
This is the solace Dazai seeks from Chuuya. He helps Chuuya to see that he is indeed human and expects the same in return from him, which Chuuya doesn’t provide.
Chuuya, someone Dazai sees as the picture-perfect human, denies him his own humanity. That must hurt really, really bad.
This is exactly what I mean with “Chuuya gets Dazai but doesn’t understand him, while Dazai gets and understands Chuuya.”
Chuuya is unable to provide Dazai with solace because he is so fixed on his worry about the other people dying and struggling that he is unable to see that he hurts Dazai.
Which is ironic because not seeing what is in front of him is again, very Chuuya-like and very humane, after all.
We’re human; we may be impulsive, we make mistakes, we might hurt our friends and families.
And Dazai again is looming in shadows, lying almost dead on the sofa without a care how many people will die, which is again, very inhuman.
So, let me bring in another aspect:
Why did Dazai install a bomb in Chuuya’s car before he left the Port Mafia?
I believe it was his coping mechanism, as always. His cheerful, uncaring attitude he wears like a mask, his desperate attempt to show Chuuya he would’ve loved to get rid of him, but sadly he was lucky—once again. That stupid slug.
Chuuya is someone who Dazai cherishes, maybe not as much as Odasaku or even Atsushi, but he cares deeply for him. (This is initially why I thought that Dazai has a heart of gold, because he is able to cherish so many people so very deeply, and he himself isn’t even really aware of it, which is adorable to me.)
I read somewhere that those two are soulmates, and I believe that to be true also, but as I already said—not in a romantic or sexual way.
Remember when I said that I adore soulmate connections, not only the romantic ones but also the platonic ones? The relationship between Dazai and Chuuya seems to be exactly that to me. I love them and I love them as a duo as well.
So, as an addition, I’d like to speak about their unwavering trust in each other, which is one of the main aspects of their relationship and dynamic. Dazai trusts Chuuya because he knows that Chuuya understands his trust and has already plotted the entire situation with no errors whatsoever. Chuuya needs to play his part in order for Dazai’s plan to work out as intended.
The reason Dazai trusts Chuuya is quite simple: Chuuya is a truly trustworthy person. To work as partners, they need to establish a strong sense of trust, which plays out perfectly. They are both able to forget their quarrels and focus on the job at hand, making them unstoppable together. Chuuya is known for his loyalty; it is his most prominent personality trait. That is why Dazai trusts him so much, knowing that Chuuya also trusts him because he understands that Dazai never fails.
To Chuuya, Dazai is nothing short of a genius—a very strange one, that much is sure. He is well aware that Dazai is depressed and lacks many of the qualities Chuuya possesses naturally, but he doesn’t really judge him for it, as seen in his high tolerance for Dazai’s antics and childish manner.
In summary, their bond is truly admirable, deep, and very important. Please don’t diminish it by confining their relationship to a box of sexual and romantic feelings in a canon sense, as this simply cheapens their dynamic.
Create your ships, write your fanfictions, but please don’t be rude to others who don’t share your perspectives. It’s absolutely fine to disagree with my opinion and interpretation, but please be respectful to me and my dear followers.❤️
Reminder: Chuuya calls Dazai “Dazai”, just like the ADA members, which is his surname. This suggests distance. Dazai calls Chuuya not “Nakahara” which also would be his surname, but “Chuuya”, his given name, which suggests that he might disrespect Chuuya or not take him seriously, since Chuuya is actually older than Dazai. I’m not sure what to think about this fact, so I wanted to mention it but I had no idea what analysis I can make out of this.
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missmarveledsblog · 4 months ago
Hand on heart ( Jake seresin x Singlemom!reader ) chapter 5
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Summary : Girls night is in full swing and girls do wanna have fun ..only the guys to show up when a feeling of jealousy rises in hangman but hey he get to take her home in the end ... just not the way he wanted .
warning : girls night , few creep , jealous jake but also soft jake , drunk reader, goofy fun ,
Previous part
Buzzing in her ears , music thumping body flowing with the rhythm of the music  being her age for that moment and not someone older for once not that she minded she loved being a mom , she love working but these rare moment she could let her hair down were indeed a treat .   alcohol making everything a lighter , little loose to the point she didn’t much mind the bodies bumpy along on the dancefloor each person enjoying the music  and the night of carefree fun .  nat was ecstatic having someone she could enjoy her night with , another female around given it was very few females stationed in top gun seems the navy was still a little in the past.  The two nodding to the bar , laughing and giggling at fact of the same thought as she check her phone  the group chat  asking if they were ok like they weren’t two grown women mainly for jake with was surprising she didn’t peg him as the protective type. 
“ so eye on anyone?” nat panted searching out for the bar tender. 
“ nah i wanna enjoy night plus i like my bed alone “ she snorted shaking her head. 
“ nah not here i mean in general , i mean milf like you crawling with offers and  i’m sure you could have your pick of anyone “  she smiled brightly  although she seemed to be picking up something and maybe phishing to see it anything was possible . 
“ oh nah i mean the guys are hot don’t get me wrong just hard to date with toddler and still settling into our life here” peach shrugged turning to see the bar tender smiling a little more between the two . 
“ what can  i get you two  … let me guess hardcore ?” he winked,  eyes raking over her frame . 
“ two vodka’s and redbull please we’ll need the energy “ she batted her lashes ,coy smirk on her lips . 
“ coming up and it’s on me” he strolled off a little swagger in his step . 
“ see milf “ nat laughed . 
“ hey little flirting ain’t off the table “ . 
“ you and bagman seem close” 
“ me and jake just get along is all probably remind him of home ain’t nothing to it plus he doesn’t do the single mom thing”  she rolled her eyes . 
“ he doesn’t do alot of things he is lately “ nat muttered luckily with the music was loud . “ if he did ?” . 
“ well i still wouldn’t he maybe gorgeous but it’s too messy dealing with playboys  which i can see he is  ,i like having him as a friend   less complicated and  no one get hurt” she smiled  not so convincingly, jake seresin was a charmer  , good looking and .. ok she totally would but she could rightfully it was too messy and belle liked him too , she could see he wasn’t the settle down type and she thats type she wanted . someone who could understand her time wasn’t hers or that she would prefer majority of the time to be home with belle or at home reading , watching movies. Yes she was enjoying being out but she like her own time too .
“ your drinks ladies “ the bar tender stood flashing a flirty grin  barely looking nat’s way when he was handing her drink . 
“ thank you kindly sugar” she called as he slid over napkin she could see his number on it as he shot her another wink before leaving.  
“ i think you might be wrong “ nat nodded typing away into her phone  . “ but hey if bringing you out gets us free drinks i’m paying amelia ever weekend “ she laughed  , secret testing her theory  or experiment of sorts.
He thought maybe taking to a pretty girl would help something he could work out of his system the way he  knew how , yet no matter what chloe or was it charlie  talking to  him all he could think of was peach . the way she look out of this world then he was thinking of how she always looked out of this world . her smile made him smile  , how even thought  there was so many to get used to she still made sure to include everyone,  what was happening to him was he sick or dying something had to be a going on maybe she was a witch he heard they seemed to be popular  lately  something like in practical magic. 
“ nat says their having fun peach  and her is getting lots of free drinks  and  few guys are   eyeing peach up “ bob chuckled reading out the message he was told in a separate message. 
“ you think we should go i mean what if someones lurking  and could be unsafe.. Just  to be you know safe” he knew he was fucked when he found  himself agreeing with rooster but   he couldn’t let him know that or that he was listening in the first place but he did say good bye to chloe or charlie . 
“ sorry darling i gotta go  maybe another night  looks like my friend needs me” he nodded towards a concerned looking rooster . 
“ promise?” she purred .
“ yeah good , see ya “ he  turned  looking, crossing his arms  . “ Bradshaw what you pouty for now”  play it cool he kept telling himself , pretend You know nothing seresin . 
“ the girls say guys are all over them and these  don’t think it causes concern  “ Bradley glared at the men around him . 
“ They are having good time and getting free drinks not being hounded or harassed” bob clarified watching the blondes reaction . 
“ that could be spiked we don’t know that  “ bradley quipped  hoping it was getting through to someone he just didn’t think it would be hangman . 
“ well then we can check it out plus bit dead around here” jake shrugged , again trying to play it cool . 
“ what about charlene?” javy eying his best friend up as nat wasn’t the only one catching things . 
“ been there , done it come on might be fresh meat there and we can make sure girls are ok “ he shrugged  nonchalantly.
“ guess we're going either way “ he shook his head  , hiding the little smile as Bob was currently typing away into his phone with a similar one on his face.  
Two girls on other hand were increasingly becoming popular to the men of the club and one caught nats eye dancing  while she was the wing woman this time which was slightly ironic but she was being friendly but not overly friendly giving the dude was a bit .. much ,  a gym bro who constantly bragged about stuff she had no idea where a thing .   telling her how she could benefit from being in the gym was were she was getting more pissed at . 
“ oh i would be very hard to bring a baby to the gym “ she smiled  sweetly only for his face to contort in confusion . 
“ do you like baby sit or something ?” he asked almost hopefully for a yes , she could see nat eying the man  already . 
“ no made this one myself “ she shrugged only to see the guy give her a look and then turn to his friend. 
“ dude there moms let’s bounce”  not subtle or quiet in his wording to the point and ready to run . 
“ and ? what’s that got to do with them as a person “ his friend jeff or  justin she barely notice but she couldn’t help shoot nat a wink . 
“ i’m going , enjoy another man’s baggage “ he scoffed as she glared . 
“ enjoy you reps and palms because only action your going to get” she called only for him to turn back only his face no longer confident as it once was . whatever was ready to come out of his mouth well it was gone faster than he was . only for her to turn and see the guys standing there  like her own squad of body guard .  the drunken cheer that came from her lips as she threw her arms around the closet which was bob who was blushing profusely . “ hey guys “ she giggled . “ lets dance” she laughed pulling them leaving nat to her new friend .  
Was this some form torture why it had to be watching her dancing it up body moving with the music like the two were one , with everyone even when she was dancing with him , it felt hotter in the club the sway of her hips her hand on his chest  losing himself in a little fantasy think  this was them together in a situation more than just a friendly term , his hand falling to her hips and letting himself get lost in her aura , lost in the world he was trying so hard to  ignore , those feeling he was spending day to day to try and build . then the song ended and he was pulled to reality when  they headed over to the group as nat waved her goodbyes hand in hand with her new friend.  Peach and bradley  decided to play some game that made no sense to anyone but the two .  he hated this feeling that was burning inside him anywhere she went she had eyes on her , eyes hungrily devouring her with each breathe she took .  he jaw clenched and his hand gripped his drink to point javy 
couldn’t help laugh . 
“ you know green really is your color man “ he stood at Jake's side watching her head to the bar and now it was the bartender  shooting her winks and flirty smiles as her head fell back laughing at whatever was so funny.  “ shit you’re really jealous huh ?” He patted his shoulder. 
“ should quit drinking man, starting to spew some nonsense right now” he shook his head yet his grip didn’t ease . 
“ the look you were giving bradshaw  if they could kill we would be planning his funeral” he snorted . “ where is she going ?”he said both men watching  her demeanor change and head out the front door . 
“ i’ll go see she ok “ jake stood handing javy his drink ignoring  the shit eating grin on his best friends face  as he followed after. 
It seemed she may of over done it one minute she was sitting chatting with the nice man then next she felt her stomach twisting and turning and her skin getting incredibly hot.   All the drinks hitting at once and her steps unsteady , when the night air hit it was best and worse decision she made it skin cooler  but she felt worse  , her vision was uneven but of course she could recognise the blonde blob that was instantly at her side . 
“ you ok orange?” his own voice slurred realising he may of drank more than he thought . 
“ i don’t feel so good jenga “ she  mused her cute little face scrunched up  and hiccup to follow. 
“ lets get you home ok “ he smiled pulling out his phone and texting javy as he already order the uber feeling her sway at his side hold his arm for support only for javy to come out with her bag and jacket  slight worried look on his face. 
“ i blame roo on this “ she yawned making both men chuckle .  “ did you do the game with him too “ she asked looking up . 
“ nah he was too busy drowning his sorrows peach “javy chuckled .
“ your sad … why are you sad “  her pout and big eyes looking up , cheeks flushed from the alcohol in her system  and the wobble of her lip as jake soon was glaring at javy. 
“ i’m joking he’s not sad”  javy winced .
“ that not a nice joke “ she sniffled .
“ i’m sorry peach i’ll buy you  breakfast tomorrow “ he smiled hugging her as the uber pulled up. 
“ c’mon darling lets get you home “  jake linked his arm in her and led them to the car. 
 She talked nonsensically the whole time but yet it was his favourite sound listening to the stories mixing into one another  and yet he hadn’t the heart to correct her.  Then it was silence and a weight on his shoulder .  her lift parted  , eyelashes  fanning her cheek and the snores falling out of her mouth .  so lost  it was like no time at all  , the way his heart beat ,  the way she entrapped all his sense , he knew he was a goner but shit this was different than some crush or attraction.   It wasn’t until the driver told them  , they arrived at the destination . he wordless took her out of the car carrying her the front door knowing they were in her jacket she woke momentarily to hand him the keys , carrying her in through the house  before setting her on the bed . sitting up slowly she pulled the dress off of her body as he felt the blood all drain down south .  standing unsure she grab a sleep shirt as he rushed into the bathroom . grabbing the make up wipe or least what they said on the package . 
“ let get this off you darling “ he smiled wiping her face with light soft strokes on his face, thanking god that he had sisters to know how to do all this. Then he headed back with face creams applying them just as gently . as he went to move  only for a tug on his shirt looking down  , the way she was looking up at him melt. 
“ stay .. in the guest room” she yawned nuzzling into her blanket , a nod to her although pointless as she began snoring once more. Walking down the hall as he found the guest room and of course like the way she decorated the rest of her home it was homely and cosy a slice of home  , he walked to the kitchen grabbing himself a drink of water while bringing her one two alone with some pain killers placing them on the bedside table . 
“ g’night darling “ he called before turning in for the night . “ i’m so fucked “ he groaned heading down the hallway. 
next part
taglist : @stoneyggirl2
let me know if anyone wants to be added into the taglist ❤
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miscling · 7 months ago
about this miscellaneous changeling (v4)
This is a horny blog for horny blog things. Please don't interact if you're a minor/under 18, go away, shoo! if you follow, make sure to have some indication of your age in your bio or pinned (it doesn't need to be exact, just something to make it clear). you will be blocked if you don't and you'll miss out on *gestures at itself* all this.
this thing is a miscling, a miscellaneous changeling. it is a fae creature that is a doll, drone, kitty, mama (mommyposting is @mommy-misc), little (little posts are @littlefaefae), and toy. it is a plaything first and foremost, and a filthy kinky subby thing that is a really really really fun to play with. it is super positive about kink. it loves to play, have adventures, and meet others. it is an excellent plaything, subject, submissive, and pet. this thing is a good girl who loves being played with, loves being obedient, loves being controlled, and loves showing off its body.
it enjoys getting to know others. it enjoys playing with others. it enjoys belonging to others. it enjoys a lot of different kinks with a lot of different dynamics. it enjoys a lot of hypnokink, a lot of bondage, a lot of masochism, a lot of petplay, a lot of degredation, a lot of praise, a lot of caregiving, and a lot of orgasm control. if it involves sensory play, deep subspaces, and submission, then this thing likely loves it. you can always ask about specific kinks!
this blog is all about kink. this thing loves kink. it talks about kink, it writes about kink, it does kink, and it has so many kinks. you'll find posts about kink here: theory, fantasies, practice, and community. it posts about its own playtimes, loves to show off with selfies, answers asks, and reblogs posts it finds hot. it loves getting and answering asks, so don't be afraid to send it some! send it questions, fantasies, secrets, lies, teasing, and a little flirting.
this thing is also trans, queer, autistic, ADHD, poly, and non-human. it is a trans woman, it has a neo-cunt. it wants to get to know others who are like it, especially if you are in the UK like this thing - it really enjoys meeting its mutuals in real life!
it loves this blog so much, and it hopes you will love it too!
below the cut: tags for finding stuff and its limits! (updated for v4!)
Limits and boundaries:
this thing is poly, it has a nest partner, it has multiple play partners, it is not looking for anything monogamous or exclusive.
it does not like misogyny, transphobia, racism, nationalism, or bigotry. this applies to kink as well. before any negotiated dynamic, we are equal.
this thing wants to be owned and wants to belong to others, it is submissive by default, but it is not yours until it gives itself to you. don't use possessive language when talking to it without expressed consent.
it enjoys hard kinks, but this toy must be treated with care and respect. if you can't look after this toy, you can't play with it.
it holds consent as the baseline for any engagement of kink and must be respected. consent can be revoked at any time for any reason, by anyone involved.
Tags it uses:
posts about this thing: About Miscling
Pics of this thing: Miscling Appears. (go on a reblog and liking spree!)
original posts: Miscling Rambles
posts about lactation: Miscling Lactates
this thing's polls: Miscling Polls
hear its voice: Miscling Speaks and its soundgasm page!
see tasks it has done: miscling tasks! If you like or follow its blog, think about sending it a task as a little gift!
read about its play: Miscling Plays
read stories it wrote: Miscling Writes.
Use its ask box: ask meme and miscling answers (scroll the ask meme tag and use any meme you like, but copy in the questions or link the meme!)
throne wishlist!
ko-fi link! (please don't reference anything nsfw on kofi if you use this)
its kink tags: mommysub for posts about being a mommysub, goddess thoughts for religionplay where i'm a subby goddess, Bind Miscling for bondage, hit me for masochism, moo for hucow things, lee mood for tickling, oh my circuits for robot/drone things, maid day for maids, tidy up tuesday for my maid day, monsterling for monsterfucking posts, hypno gif, spiral, hypno txt, and hypnaudio, for hypno play, and hypnoslut for general hypno posts, preyling for primal play, latexcellent for rubberwear. same tbh, !, and ^^ will tell you a lot about the things it likes too.
this thing is a toy for others to enjoy!
(Most tasks recieved and completed in one day: 18) (Most tasks recieved on a special occasion: 48)
use this thing's ask box to send it tasks to do! everyday tasks give it things to do that are simple and easy: if you want to torment this thing, here are the tasks for that!
choose one or more task emoji, but keep tasks short please!
tasks can come from anyone, even anons!
it will do tasks as soon as it can!
Mutuals can DM, and if it is available we can play!
Suggest something if you'd like!
✏️ give it something to write and tell it where to write it on its body! 💖 make it draw a little heart on itself where you tell it! 🌻 make it write a post about anything that's on its mind at the moment! 🗣️ ask it anything, name a kink or give it a topic to write about (kinky or otherwise) and it'll write a post about it. 🔊 send it a post or write something for it to record saying, and it'll post the recording. 💧 make it drink 100ml (about 3oz of fluids) ❌ make it go take a break outside for 5 mins!
🗜️ make it wear nipple clamps for 10 minutes! ⚡ choose a part of it and make it use its TENS unit there for 10 mins. 🤐 choose a gag and make it gag itself for half an hour! 👗 make it get undressed and be naked for the next 30 mins! 👣 have elastic bands snapped on its feet 10 times! 🖐️ get hit 10 times with an implement of your choice! 🪢 tell it to go play with its rope and post some pics! 😵‍💫 make it repeat a mantra while staring at a spiral (you can use its mantra tag for ideas and spiral tag for ideas.)
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dock57 · 8 days ago
Fellow Monkey Wrench fan here! :D
So... I'm currently working on a post (planned to have some accompanying artwork) speculating/analysing the potential biology of some characters.
I am aware that a lot of questions are still unanswered and that there will be a lot of "knowledge gaps" (which I will address in that post), so think of this project as being part-educational, part-theory, and just a fun project in general (a couple of concepts/headcanons here and there).
Thought I'd share a couple of teasers (from how I plan to structure it to a couple of sneaky excerpts):
Shrike and cephalopods (I like cephalopods so I have a feeling I'll enjoy researching this one)
The scientific basis behind the colourful flames Ricket, Jawbone and the other skeleton aliens have (which I've mostly finished)
The biological implications of radiation for the Agari and Jawbone (from a theory I had where the Cataclysm involved some kind of radioactive material being leaked into space - halfway finished with that)
IRL species that share traits with Tyneen (I'm no reptile or dinosaur expert (and there may be some unexpected ideas here and there), but I'm curious to hear anyone else's own theories)
IRL species that share traits with Agent K (one or two of them may surprise you, but there is some method to my madness)
A lengthy ramble investigation to see if Beebs has more in common biologically with walruses or with humans (I'm already dreading this one because understanding human metabolism and body composition is already a confusing exercise, let alone those things for walruses)
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Please let me know if you have any thoughts on this project so far!
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[WOW. WOW IS WHAT I GOT TO SAY! Don't take that out of content, I am really AMAZED by the detail you went into this. Honestly you went into thoughts I would never really thought of. For starters, the flames of the Osteon kind, such how different color flames are different chemical combinations. That's such an interesting detail to paid attention to. Even the concept/idea as to how their biology works? I enjoy that! I myself am someone who likes to find answers or reasonings as to how things work for world building, species, and devices and such. I'll be honest, but I haven't thought too much how the Osteon species work. I think a lot for Shrike and Beebs, but that might because they are based on animals I can research and connect their traits too. As for skeletons? Its a bit hard for the connections between them and what is factual, besides relating it to human qualities, even though, they are not human (or terrans in this case). I enjoy seeing other fans thinking about their species more and how to connect to their real counterparts. The bullet points for the Agari is super interesting to read as well. I can see exactly where you got the idea of heterotrophic for one theory. As Us, in their design, you can see a skull of another being on their shoulder.
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For your Agent K point, I am not sure what a Marine Flatworm is? I typed it in and got this:
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This is referring to your bullet point for Agent K. When it comes to Agent K... I have no clue what he is supposed to be, a reference to, or even inspired by? I love Agent K however and his design. Back to the flatworm, I can see the idea for it for Agent K.
Because I mean, look at this man. Look how he moves...
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He makes me think of a Ribbon Worm as well! However, not as cute or appealing looking compared to the Flatworm you have mentioned! (Ribbon Worms look like something that has come out of the human body- like an intestine...) As for Queen Tyneen, I don't think I have anything to add? She's definitely a dinosaur, and I would say the crest could be feathers as we know for a fact that dinosaurs had feathers! As for her colors? Not a clue! But they are very pretty together! Got to love our favorite Pirate Queen!
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Also, not sure if you meant to add something for Beebs and points about his species being inspired by Walruses, but I don't have anything on my end speaking about him and his kind!
As for my own thoughts about this? I honestly don't have much! I am interested to see what these posts are that you plan to do for each theories and ideas you have for the species of the Monkey Wrench world! I do enjoy reading what you guys send me when it comes to your own thoughts and if I have anything to add myself. I think the information itself was just interesting to read! As a fan myself, I just love hearing others and their rambles they have for Monkey Wrench, as it by far my personal favorite when it comes to indie animation projects!]
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glossdebut · 7 months ago
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⇢ G U I D E L I N E S !
✧ the majority of my works will contain some form of explicit sexual content and are not intended to be read by anyone under the age of 18. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
✧ i provide warnings for every work that i post. aside from sexually explicit content, it some of my work will also include difficult topics surrounding mental health. please read the warnings for everything that i post before reading and use your own discretion to decide if you want to proceed.
✧ any fic that i post is purely fictional in every single way imaginable. nothing that i write/post is intended to reflect how i feel about any of the members of bts. i do not know these men personally and i am not writing anything under the impression that i do. consider the members as face/name claims in my fics!
✧ bts antis will be blocked on sight. this goes for solos as well, but that will probably be harder to catch. i don't have anything to offer you! the tannies are soulmates in every universe including my fictional ones, and you WILL see members other than your desired member in my fics, even if they are not a part of the main couple. sorry! die mad.
✧ do not copy, repost, modify, or translate my writing without my express permission to do so.
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⇢ K E Y !
[☁︎] angst ✧ [❀] fluff ✧ [დ] smut
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⇢ S E R I E S !
coming soon!
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
coming soon!
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⇢ S E R I E S !
coming soon!
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
『 seokjin x fem!reader, exes to lovers 』
SUMMARY: You haven’t heard from your ex, Seokjin, in a year. When you're invited to his best friend Yoongi's engagement party, you know you should say no, that you should just leave it alone. But you can't pass up the chance to show Seokjin what he lost.
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⇢ S E R I E S !
TAKE A BITE ⇢ ❀ ☁︎ დ
『 yoongi x fem!reader, producer yoongi, music journalist reader, neighbors to friends to lovers, slow burn 』
SUMMARY: Your fledgling career as a music journalist is finally going in some kind of direction that must be on the path to success. Your coworkers like you enough to invite you out on Fridays, your boss is starting to think you’re competent enough to let you score a few bylines, and you’re finally getting the hang of InDesign. All of your hard work, late nights, and complete lack of a social life are starting to pay off… Even if it all came at the expense of the longest relationship of your life. Fine. You’ve accepted the fact that romance isn’t for you, under any circumstances. You won’t risk your career for anybody. Not even Min Yoongi.
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『 yoongi x fem!reader, rockstar yoongi, model reader, enemies to lovers, slow burn 』
SUMMARY: You were about ready to give up, your career nowhere near what you dreamed it’d be when you started at eighteen, bright-eyed and naive. Reality for you these past few years has consisted of pouting at a camera, ignoring whispers of your name at company events, and ensuring that the stupid, tiny designer purses they keep forcing on you can at least carry a flask. But now, you’re helping a friend in need. For the first time in a long time, it feels like you’re doing something worthwhile with your life. Too bad Min Yoongi, the newest thorn in your side, seems insistent on stopping you.
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SHOW ME ⇢ ❀ ☁︎ დ
『 yoongi x fem!reader, college au, music business major!yoongi, music major!reader, idiots to lovers 』
SUMMARY: Your first impression of Min Yoongi isn’t a great one. He’s a flake, he’s aloof, he’s (allegedly) kind of a manwhore. But if you want to pass your Fundamentals of Music Theory class, you need him—much to your dismay. As you get to know him, though, you quickly realize—first impressions aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
『 yoongi x fem!reader, college au, established relationship 』
SUMMARY: Yoongi was an extremely effective tutor, until he wasn’t. As it turns out, dating the person who is singlehandedly responsible for bringing up your Fundamentals of Music Theory grade isn’t the smartest move in the world. 
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『 yoongi x fem!reader, established relationship 』
SUMMARY: Yoongi’s been working hard lately, with lots of late nights holed up in his studio. When you wake up with no recollection of him coming home last night, you decide to show him just how much you’ve missed him.
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『 yoongi x fem!reader, established relationship 』
SUMMARY: The best part of being with Yoongi, from the very beginning, was that nothing had to change for either of you. You could be married to Yoongi and to your job at the same time, build your career from the ground up and never sacrifice a thing. But this? Having a baby? It’s all going to be sacrifice. It won’t be just you and Yoongi anymore, living in your precious little workaholic love bubble. Everything is going to change.
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⇢ S E R I E S !
coming soon!
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
coming soon!
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⇢ S E R I E S !
coming soon!
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
coming soon!
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⇢ S E R I E S !
coming soon!
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
coming soon!
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⇢ S E R I E S !
coming soon!
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⇢ O N E S H O T S !
coming soon!
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join my taglist ★ askbox ★ ao3 ★ anonymous feedback box
✧ mdni banner credit: @cafekitsune
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happyplapy · 13 days ago
What i'm about say is probably gonna be quite controversial to some, but i really want you to keep in mind that this is based on my own experience and belief only!! I am very well aware that Neurodivergency is very stigmatized and dehumanized, and in no way do i wanna feed into that for others! Again, just my experience
I'm gonna write a lot, just kinda to get my own thoughts and theories together, feel free to just scroll down to SHORT VERSION down below, basically a summary of some thing xd
I saw a lot of posts in the community, talking about the relation to being Neurodivergent and being Alterhuman. A lot of users replied that they are aware or at least believe that their nonhumanity is caused by experiences they've had due to being autistic and getting dehumanized or never feeling fully human because of it in the first place, as an example
But for me personally i actually believe it's the opposite
Let me elaborate as good as i can!
Since i've been diagnosed as autistic, and honestly even before that, i never really felt like i was autistic in the first place (I also mentioned this quite often in therapy and i still do, but every professional has tried to make me understand that i AM autistic)
And i kinda just accepted it for a lot of years, because yeah, nothing speaks against me being autistic. In all those years i've also been diagnosed with ADHD (In my country they still call it ADD i think, but i'm pretty sure it got proven to be the same thing?) Please correct me on that!
Maybe it's the ADHD diagnosis too that made be doubt everything even more, but here's the thing, everyone around me who knows about Neurodivergency in any way has seemed just as confused as i am. Because i don't even "fit in" with other neurodivergend folks.
NOW, i understand absolutely that Autism and ADHD are a HUGE spectrum! Like i said before, this is just my personal experience. But for me, i was never able to relate to anyone else who is in the spectrum.
My official Autism diagnosis is literally "Atypical Autism" and i don't even know if that is still an official term. It's obvious that even my Psychiatrists aren't sure what is really going on here
Anyway, after all of this being said, where does Alterhumanity fit in all of this??
And here comes my personal believe, as absolutely odd or far fetched it may sound, i'm pretty sure that the thing that Neurotypical folks believe is me being autistic is actually just me being Not or not fully human
Even if my psychiatrists and doctors would'nt have been irritated and i would VERY obviously be autistic in their eyes, i would still be convinced that i'm just not human
Humans try to find reasons and causes for why something is the way it is, what if they really didn't understand me being Alterhuman and just assumed it was something they already know? It makes sense
Short version:
Despite what others might think or say, i am convinced, that i am just Alterhuman
Basically what would be considered a "symptom" for ADHD or Autism, are just my animalistic traits
While others believe their animalistic experiences are caused by autism, i believe my supposed autism is me being animal and creature
Once again (even if it probably gets annyoing by now lol) MY belief!! My experience! In no way do i mean that being autistic is a nonhuman thing!! The opposite actually, like i said, i'm sure i'm not Neurodivergent to begin with.
Please share your own thoughts if you want to! I can really use some more perspectives anyway! Maybe i said something wrong or hurtful, let me know and educate me! I really did not mean to harm anyone
Thank you for reading all of this (:
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bitterbutblue · 7 months ago
loser zhu yuan thoughts..
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but that's illegal-! ☆ zhu yuan headcanons
~ guys shes so loser coded please hear me out please peaselapelapslepfkgsfjhkld i need her to hug me rn it would fix me methinks ~
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⤷ if ANYONE fucking quotes her fucking pubsec ad to her she will immediately turn red and start screaming internally. if it is a good friend and they are in a private setting she will start screaming OUT LOUD.
⤷ genuinely a massive loser. secretly adores all sorts of stupid cop movies where they seem so badass and cool...
⤷ huge fan of action movies and picked up all sorts of martial arts when she was younger because she thought they were so cool
⤷ hates cats for the dumbest reasons but she secretly has an axolotl in her house that she cares for a lot beacuse she thinks they are silly little creatures
⤷ has a consensual workplace relationship with qingyi probably. qingyi is the 'excuse me she asked for no pickles' and zhu yuan is hiding behind her with a goofy, shy smile on her face
⤷ qingyi and her had the most awkward relationship at first because qingyi doesn't know how to emote and zhu yuan is a LAME LOSER who LOSES (doesn't know how to initiate anything)
⤷ every time there is a cat case she tries to push it to qingyi but qingyi is insistent on her getting over her hatred of cats and their fur..
⤷ she is that officer that everyone admires because she's so put together can do almost anything but god that entire extroverted, socially aware self collapses sthe second she gets embarrassed or shy
⤷ she gets embarrassed so easily... also turns red really easily. first time qingyi held her hand in public she turned so red qingyi thought she was having a fever
⤷ don't even get me started on their first kiss. she started giggling to herself and then got so mortified she tried to run away and qingyi just laughed at her (while falling more in love)
⤷ insanely good chef. cooks with the vegetables she grows in her own garden and loves to feed the community! is that person who invites random neighbours over to eat meals!
⤷ insecure about her body but we all know she is probably toned as shit with a solid six pack abs that qingyi has qingyi malfunctioning. she doesn't get what's so attractive about her body and often puts herself down but qingyi is straight up overheating and blue screening at the sight of zhu yuan.
⤷ can ramble on forever about stuff she likes. indulges in fan theories about her favourite movies and is secretly a fanfiction reader. will stay up to 2 in the morning on weekend nights to read fanfiction instead of going out for drinks or stuff
⤷ a super sheltered kid growing up so... she really doesn't know much about romance or sex. like that time she accidentally watched porn with belle... didn't think it was odd to watch it with a friend, rather thought it was odd people would watch that stuff PERIOD.
⤷ the most loving person anyone will ever meet. once they get past her initial officer facade, they're greeted with this dorky loser officer who just wants to talk to you about your day.
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