#also if he’s not above telling Charlie no the. he’s totally ok
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themosthatedbeingg · 3 months ago
Me : *seeing all the takes of Lucifer would never have allowed Stolas to be punished like that*
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sunrayram · 1 year ago
hi im so invested in your au!! question, what is alastors relationship like with the other hotel patrons/staff (vaggie, angel, sir pentious)? do you think he likes them more or less than he does in canon? i suppose he and pentious wouldnt have that one sided rivalry sadly </3
and what do you think his relationship with charlie is like? husk and charlie dont really get a lot of scenes together in canon, so do you think he would be the same, or would he be a little more… “attached” to her than husk is in the show? (not really sure how to describe it, but i can see him being even more desperate to escape his leash than he is in canon, considering that hes lost even more power than before)
sorry for all the questions im just urghhhh dooo obsessed (i love roleswap aus)
Hmm ok imma go through each character and describe the relationship, keep in mind that this is like, episode 1 relationships, so not much development has happened yet. This is just Alastor's first impressions and opinions on each character.
Charlie: You are absolutely right, Alastor is definitely invested in Charlie. Honestly it's almost the same as it is in the show, where Alastor is very obviously trying to use Charlie's power to get out of the deal he's stuck in. He's just a lot more desperate about it. He's also actively trying to undermine Charlie's relationship with Husk. He'll often imply that Husk doesn't care about the hotel at all, not like Alastor, of course Alastor cares. Husk will never tell Charlie the truth, but Alastor swears that he totally 100% absolutely will all the time, yesiree!
Vaggie: Alastor does not like Vaggie. Vaggie does not like him. It's a mutual hatred. In the show, Alastor is in control, and so he's able to play and joke and generally hold himself above others. In this AU, he simply doesn't have enough patience or sanity to keep up that sort of facade, so he snaps a lot quicker. Vaggie and Alastor have been seconds away from physical blows before, and if it weren't for Husk and Charlie, they would've destroyed multiple rooms of the hotel.
Angel Dust: Again, Alastor has a SHORT fuse in this AU, so he is not impressed by Angel Dust's flirting. I should mention that Alastor isn't a bartender in this AU, but instead he's like a chef/server on top of running the ads. This is actually the first spot where Alastor and Angel Dust kind've maybe sorta soften towards each other. Alastor hasn't been able to make a lot of recipes from his life in a long time, and he's ecstatic to get back into the kitchen. And Angel Dust, who can always appreciate some good food, is eager to compliment Alastor's work. While Alastor could do without the many variations of "Kiss the cook" that Angel throws at him, he does genuinely appreciate the praise. So like, maybe Angel Dust isn't the worst. Maybe.
Sir Pentious: Alastor likes messing with him. Sir Pentious makes funny noises when you freak him out, and making him squirm makes Alastor feel like maybe he still has some power over his own life!! Really, it's a win-win. Well, for Alastor. Sir Pentious would like some peace, pretty please.
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gaffney · 9 months ago
USER GAFFNEY MAY WE GET HALLWAY / 9-LINE HCS FOR PRIDE MONTHS? doesn’t even have to be headcanons, just anything you want to say about them.
talking about them is like my favorite hobby so i love this ask. i'm gonna start with hallway and then write up another for 9line later
alright so you know how there’s this stereotypical family dynamic on tv that’s always like kids: mom can we go get ice cream mom: no you’ll ruin your appetite kids: dad, mom said we can go get ice cream dad (without bothering to double check): ok let’s go get ice cream mom (holding dinner): literally what the fuck
that’s jesse & charlie with the ducks. they’re team dads where the kids only listen to charlie when jesse’s not there lmaooo. at least until that part in d3 where charlie has a meltdown and the ducks are like wtf and file for emancipation…
BUT fulton & julie are always team charlie. guy & portman are always team jesse. russ, kenny & connie switch sides based on who knows how to bribe them better. averman plays both sides bc he's always trying to start something. adam tells charlie “of course i’m on your side” and then turns around and tells jesse the exact same thing while charlie’s still standing there going wtf. dwayne actually takes both sides which never makes any sense
jesse’s never called charlie spazway because he thinks it’s a stupid nickname (and being the king of GOOD nicknames, he’s totally right) and also because he’s been picking charlie’s butt back up whenever he trips since kindergarten so he knows that it bothers charlie more than he lets on. also, i wanna point out how in the novelization jesse never doubts charlie’s ability to take the last shot and even says “you’re our man” so all of the above is actually canon bc jesse believes in charlie’s capabilities as a player 
also in the novelization jesse is the only other duck who also executes a triple deke so i like to hc that he practiced them with charlie 😌
they look for each other first!! d2 being a great example—when charlie is asked to round up the ducks, the person he starts with is jesse. when jesse doesn’t want to start the flying v because he’s still pissed with bombay, he looks charlie’s way because he doesn’t know what to do. and then there’s a couple of background scenes where you can see them look @ each other whenever something happens like they want validation. it’s cute
no one on the team talks about it but everyone knows jesse has a soft spot for charlie. this is also canon because in d2 there's that montage where everyone's paired off while adam's got his arm in a sling, right. it's hard to see but off to the side there's jesse, charlie & an unknown (who i assume is averman because everyone else is accounted for) as the only kids working as a trio (probably bc adam's out of the running and luis is trying to learn how to stop). anyway you can see jesse yank at the hockey stick that's connected to averman, causing averman to fall flat on his face, but is just letting charlie skate around peacefully lmao. it's true jesse hall plays favorites
also bombay pairs them off for drills so they can bother each other instead of bothering him this is 100% true
their families are close and charlie & casey spend a lot of christmases with the halls. jesse’s dad thinks charlie is literally the best kid in the world (he is) bc charlie’s always polite and considerate and helps jesse with his homework. casey thinks jesse is literally the best kid in the world (he is) because jesse’s kinda polite and considerate and helps charlie with his homework. at least until jesse's dad and casey get called into the principal's office because apparently they've just been copying each other's notes and playing video games
also for two people who are pretty emotional and combative, i think it’s pretty telling how they’ve never gotten mad at each other despite having conflicting views. jesse doesn’t pile on top of charlie to try and make him feel bad (like peter/karp do) despite being one of the first people to walk out on bombay. charlie doesn’t try and stop jesse from taking a stand against adam despite wanting to put the past behind them by accepting him into the team. like, even when they don’t agree with each other’s takes, they respect each other and i think that’s huge 
anyway you know how you’ve got that one person who can basically read you like an open book (even after you haven’t seen them for a while) because they grew up with you and have been there for the weirdest shit? that’s charlie & jesse. like, fulton would be the best man at charlie’s wedding, but jesse’s the one who’d know charlie wouldn’t want a wedding in march because that’s when his grandpa got stung by a bee and died bc of an allergy or whatever. yes, charlie’s absentee dad is anthony bridgerton, you heard it here first
jesse isn’t a fan of pda unless he’s the one to initiate (which he does!!! sometimes!!!), but he never says anything when charlie blatantly disregards this and goes full-on clingy panda anyway. when confronted by this by the other ducks who totally think this is unfair, he acts like he has no idea what anyone’s talking about 
charlie literally stopped talking to jesse for the entirety of d3 because he was still upset about him moving or rejecting the scholarship or whatever the reason is that he's not there, which is why the ducks never bring jesse up because i simply reject the canon where everyone ignores that he ever existed. when they make up, the team barely sees charlie for weeks bc he's holed up in jesse's room
SPEAKING OF. i’ve talked alot about charlie’s personality transplant but i think the problem with him taking center stage in d3 is that every conflict that spawned didn’t seem like it’d be a conflict d1/d2 charlie would have, except for his resistance to change (aka bombay/his father figure leaving). bc he was never the ducks’ ringleader. and not to dunk on his skills bc i am a nhl player charlie conway truther, but canonically he was never a great player either (to the point where it seems like in d2 he already made a full switch to assistant coach). he also never held a grudge against ‘cake-eaters/preppies’ – that’s all jesse. the writers were clearly aware of it and i think that’s partly why the movie’s a little jarring at times, because they had to “level up” charlie and pretend that person was always him (and i think this is also the reason why jesse was cut from the movie altogether). he even starts wearing pinky rings like jesse!!! anyway, all this to say that i think the writers are cowards, but i really do headcanon that charlie’s simply trying to emulate jesse in d3 because he (at first) doesn’t know how to lead the ducks without jesse there to take charge and also he misses him 😔  
lastly some random stuff i basically always refer to in my fic: charlie always steals jesse's shit. jesse likes charlie's curly hair. they know how to read each other's body language but suck at actual verbal communication. i also think the idea of jesse hitting on linda because charlie never introduced them bc REASONS is hilarious, as per my latest fic. and that's it for now!!! stan hallway besties and boyfriends
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years ago
ok its absolutely SENDING me how after the first kiss and ricky pulls back you can kinda see gina’s lipstick above his top lip and its just funny to me cause like obviously she has fuller lips than him so its inevitable skskskskgfdd but anyway they both look very blissful and breathless and enamored after kissing THAT IS TRUE LOVE!! sidenote that video of the confession and kiss with the audio removed…just a moment of silence because yeah music helped keep that scene pg friendly bc that scene can easily read as pg-14 without it.
also could you imagine if they give us a proper prom episode so we get to see ricky watch in complete awe as gina comes down the stairs in her dress and he goes ‘wow.’ IMAGINE THE ROMCOMIFICATION!!! and like she pins his little flower that coordinates with her dress to the lapel and her hands are shaking out of the good kind of nervousness so he puts his over hers and they share a look before pressing their foreheads together and he finishes it for her. and then they take a million pics in the foyer of gina’s house and wouldn’t it be sweet if ms. porter, mr. bowen AND ms. bowen was there along with todd because they can coexist more peacefully after this summer. so they are surrounded by their loved ones WHILE BEING IN A TOTAL LOVE BUBBLE OF THEIR OWN.
and as much as i love them i hope we seblos win prom royalty and they get their chance to have a first dance while everyone watches (at least thats how my prom was) and ricky is backhugging gina while they sway slowly, gina intertwining their fingers as they do so, watching seblos have their moment and gina telling ricky that shes sorry he didnt win prom king as a senior like he wanted and he looks downs at her from over her shoulder and smiles ‘i already won. im here with the prettiest girl in the world and *chuckle* i think she kinda likes me’ and gina laughs before smiling back ‘well she feels lucky to be with the most handsome cutest boy. and she loves him actually’ and he kisses her temple and cheek and by the. seblos dance is over so they join their friends on the dance floor to have an amazing time!!!!and IM MAKING MYSELF CRY ATP!!!! aka im bday anon back again w more shenanigans and feeling extra delusional so im giving myself two cupcakes 🧁🧁
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Just bday anon back at it again with this tomfoolery (which I absolute love and am obsessed with everything I’m sent 😂)
I NEVER NOTICED THE LIPSTICK ARE YOU KIDDING THAT IS SO FUNNY 😂 that is giving extra simp status. I can’t explain it. I know its and uncontrollable variable but there is no other explanation than him simping. Also hard agree some of the scenes in this show make me 🤨 that’s probably why its disneyPLUS. It’s disneyPLUS adult themes?? Idk man if they keep this up we may have to bump up the rating. There was definitely an innuendo with Carlos and the guy at the cabin and then all of the bleep outs of cussing and then rina…. Idk idk. However on other disney shows they’ve definitely had adult/jokes themes (good luck Charlie for example) and it still stayed at a G rating? At this point I actually don’t know what pushes ratings higher anymore haha
You absolutely deserve two cupcakes for the delusion!! I am BEGGING Tim to give us “a night to remember”. Like SO much. So we see all the girls and guys dressing up and then maybe we see rina as an actual pick up date for prom scene (like you suggested). And it would absolutely be a repeat of camp prom where ricky chokes on his own spit when he sees her 😂 and then they take all the cute pictures and you can just see how NERVOUS ricky is. Like he’s been dating her for so long yet he is an absolute mess trying to put her corsage on and open all her doors and stuff. Then gina just opens her own door at some point (it’s me, I’m gina- I’m an absolute nuisance on dates because I hate when guys open my door 😂). And the Seblos royalty is so cute and absolutely as it should be!!! They have their own little first dance and then everyone else joins in 🥹 that would be so sweet. That dress would be SO pretty on her!!!! Ooh and maybe with hair like her Anna braid updo?? Literally show stopping. I could also see her in a small dress with a slit at the torso or a long two piece dress. Heck doesn’t matter it’s Sofia Wylie she could literally wear a garbage bag and we would all be jealous.
I CANNOT WAIT to see rina as a love sick couple it’s the ONLY time I allow cheese on my screen!!! You should read my Christmas Fic in the “my writings” in my bio. I made a whole plot around ricky getting a scarf from gina ;) (this was in between s1 and s2 when I wrote it but it was still cute :))… New Years eve fic is pt. 2 to the Christmas one if you want to read that as well. 😊 and can you imagine the cute screen savers?? I have a feeling gina would have a cute coupley photo as hers but ricky would just have pictures of her because he’s sick and in love. And them just hanging out after school and like cuddling on the couch or doing homework together or riding skateboards etc. 😭 and him hanging out with her while she practices dance because he just loves watching her dance 😭 help s4 is so far away I’m miserable
Ten cupcakes for you 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁
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cursestothemoon · 4 years ago
Hi Charly! Could you do a headcannon about Fred and his virgin girlfriend having sex for the first time? But she’s feeling self conscious because he’s more experienced and she’s worried about not being as good as his past partners not me projecting or anything 🙃
as a virgin who cant drive this request really resonates with me
welcome to the fred show pew pew
ill stop.
warnings:NSFW, vaginal penetration, loss of virginity, fingering
ok so
first i wanna get into fred before you came around
his sex life specifically
i think fred likes to have fun
nothing wrong with that
so yeah he's been around the block
a few times
so he knows what he's doing when it comes to sex
he takes pride in how good he is honestly
but i also think his first time wasn't all that
he probably lost his virginity rather young
14 maybe 15
the girl was 16 maybe 17
and he kind of pressured himself to lose his virginity after hearing his amazingly cool older brothers talking about 'this bird i shagged...'
it was bill
and fred loves bill
idolizes bill
so in his efforts to be just like him he had to lose his virginity
which he did
but he was beyond nervous and fidgety
he's almost certain the girl felt so bad she lied and said she finished when really he was in there for two minutes TOPS
but he got better over time
also he made sure that the person he was with finished first because he's still a little embarrassed abut that first time
george is the only person who knows about his first time, he didn't want anyone else to know
so by the time you guys start dating fred is very experienced in the bedroom
you are not
you are a virgin
thats ok
i feel like fred would just assume your not a virgin if you didn't tell him otherwise
because 1) you are drop dead gorgeous and could get it literally any time you wanted
and 2) he just assumes everyone does it unless told otherwise
you would be talking one day and somehow your first times would come up and fred would go beet red and admit how terrible it was for him
and then you'd kinda just 🙂
because you don't have a first time story
fred would not catch on at first
he would be very confused
then you'd go pink and come out with it
"...i'm a virgin, freddie."
he was honestly surprised
but once he noticed how genuinely uncomfortable you were admitting it, like it was something bad
he'd go into protective, comforting freddie mode
would go above and beyond to tell you that it wasn't a bad thing at ALL and he wishes he would've waited
and then he goes
"now that i know, i'm going to make sure your first time is amazing, love."
then he'd kinda just pause and go red again as he thought about what he said
"i mean, assuming you'd want your first time to be with me. totally cool if not, but i reckon that would be rather odd considering we are dating... unless you are breaking up with me...wait don't break up with me."
you'd just giggle and pull him into a kiss
"i want my first time to be with you, only you."
"i am so glad we are on the same page."
ok fred would go ALL OUT to make sure your first time was amazing
and you ARE finishing.
it would be over summer
you're staying at the burrow for the next month
and fred has it all planned out
you had told him you were ready a few weeks ago and he told you he wanted to surprise you for your first time
so you've just been waiting
he'd set up a cute little tent in the meadows of the burrow
string up some lights in the trees
plethora of blankets and pillows in said tent
wait i forgot their tents are like huge inside
he'd have some food
some water
many condoms
he's so excited
oK so the sun would just be setting
and fred says he has something to show you outside
he also knows with a full house no one is going to come looking for you two, but just in case george knows the plan and is there for damage control just in case
so you go out with fred and hes practically skipping and hes all giggly
and you are starting to feel his giddiness so you guys are just this giggly mess together
then he gets to the spot
the sex tent
and it's beautiful
you are blown away
and he is just so happy seeing you happy
so you guys eat a little
have some fun
he will feed you food to be romantic
you will get a grape dropped down your shirt
fun times all around
and then your eyes kinda lock
and his are all crinkly from laughing
his freckles just a bit more prominent in the summer season
you are suddenly hit with this intense feeling of love
how much you are in love with him
how much he's in love with you
and you're sure you've never been more ready than you are right now
fred is feeling floaty
you are looking at him with this look in your
and it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy
he'd reach out to cup your cheek, his thumb gently running across your cheek bone
then he'd pull you closer and rest his forehead against yours
your nose would brush and he'd run the tip of his nose along your nose before placing a kiss on it 🥺
you push forward and capture his lips in a kiss
and its on.
he pulls you into his lap
you guys are in heavy a make out
his hands are on your ass
your hands are in his hair
then he pushes you closer with his hands on your butt
the feeling of his hardening cock in his trousers against your clothed clit has you shuddering because jesus christ almighty
you've never felt anything like that before
you whimper into his mouth and fred is sure he's died and gone to heaven
so he does it again
after a few more times youre moving your hips on your own accord
you'd never admit to him that you'd fantasized about this very moment
in this very position
but instead of him it was a pillow you were grinding against
you guys moved to the bed in the tent
fred pulls away and he's holding your face in his hands so gently and looking at you with so much love
"I need to know that you are completely certain that you want this. I need you to be absolutely sure, love."
"I want this. I want you."
there was no hesitation in your voice
so he'd slowly take off both your clothes making sure that at any given moment he's got more off then you to make sure you never feel uncomfortable or embarrassed
so like if you've got your shirt off, fred has his off two and is working on his pants THEN he'd move your pants
now you are in your bra and underwear
he's in his briefs
and he can't help but take you all in
your skin
your curves
each dip and line
everything about you is just so beautiful
and he's just barely touching you as he's dragging the back of his fingers down from your neck to your belly button just watching as your skin erupts in goosebumps
he's never seen anything so beautiful
i think it was in that moment that he knew, no matter what, he would always be in love with you
all of you
he looks for your approval before reaching behind you and unhooking your bra
when your bra comes off thats when you get the butterflies in your belly
and lets be honest
on the inside
fred's a mess
like he might get choked up
the tiddies are out
fred leans down and starts to place slow, loving, kisses across the skin of your chest and in the crook of your neck before trailing them down to your breasts
you let out a shaky breath as he takes your pebbled nipple into his mouth
his hand moving to tease the other one
he's sucking and licking the sensitive nub making you breathless
then he'd drag his tongue down to your belly button then just below it before sucking a hickey onto your hip
he'd look up at you silently asking if you were ok and if he could remove your panties
you nod
youre nervous and excited and just ready
so he pulls off your underwear
and suddenly you feel very naked
but you also feel more comfortable than you ever thought you would
because it's fred
and he's your best friend
and he's just so
and you'd trust him with your life
so its a positive experience
his brings his thumb to rub gently circles on your clit before running two fingers up your slit to collect your juices
you let out a breathy moan as he slides a single digit into your entrance
his head is resting on your thigh placing sweet kisses on the skin as he adds in a second finger
his other arm is hooked around the thigh that his head is resting against, with his hand falling just close enough to your cunt that he can rub slowly, tight circles on your clit
you cum pretty quickly from fred's intense, intimate fingering
and he makes sure to make a show of putting his fingers in his mouth moaning at the taste of your release
he moves up to your lips, pulling you into a kiss
and you can taste yourself on his tongue
and there is something so erotic about it
that has your pussy clenching
ok so he pulls off his boxers and you audibly gulp
l a r g e
and he notices your apprehension
he doesn't want to lie and say its not going to hurt
because in all honesty it might hurt
fred presses a calming kiss to your forehead as he lines himself up with your entrance
"im going to go slow, alright. if at you want me to stop tell me, ok, bunny?"
"ok, i might be bad at this."
it does hurt a bit
its uncomfortable
you do get a little teary because of the dull burn of the stretch
and fred's heart aches seeing the way your face screws up in discomfort
but after a few minutes
and a few kisses from fred
youre ready for him to start moving
he starts off slow
the pain is starting to dissipate
and it begins to feel really good
like really good
i forgot to mention it earlier but fred IS wearing a condom
back to the story
so pretty soon you guys are enjoying yourselves
fred is kissing on your neck and lips
youre tugging on his hair and letting out breathy moans and whimpers into his ear
you cum a second time before fred spills into the condom
he slowly pulls out
and the feeling of emptiness after he does so is your new least favorite feeling
you are just craving to be near him, to be impossibly close
he pulls you into his side and starts peppering kisses along your hairline
and his fingers are running up and down your back
and hes just holding you so tight
"i love you, bug."
"love y'too, freddie."
your slurred words made it lear to him that you were starting to fall asleep
you guys would have to wake up super early the next morning and sneak back into the house
and you'd both be super giggly and cuddly and just hanging off each other
fred wouldn't want to let you go and would pull you back into him every time you tried to leave and go into ginny's room (where you were staying)
aW then for the next few days you guys just cant keep your hands off each other
and you both are so in love
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everyothermouse · 3 years ago
Hmhm I love you I love the au u made I need the p l o t but I don’t want to bother you uhhh was yea ok <:)
ok!!! Basically there are 2 plots that converge, a silly lil camp in the woods and a fae love story! Let’s go under the cut for this cus I’m gonna be explaining them for a hot minute lol
I’m gonna make a breakdown of all the individual characters in a minute but for now here’s a chart I just finished so u know whos where in all this
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(Eros not on here but he’s a forest folk) So I’ll give u an expo on both of the plots (feel free to come ask questions as ur reading or after ur done, I would Love to talk abt this au as much as possible)
The fae side: Eliana here’s from two of her townsfolk (the twins) that there are fae in the woods. All her fellow townspeople say they’re just being pranksters again (the amount of times they’ve tried to convince the town there’s totally a werewolf just outside of town is too many for them to be a trustworthy source- and as aspiring nightwalker hunters of course they’re trying to spot fae in every leaf and under every rock), but Eliana, curious, decides to sneak off one night to investigate. After all if there’s a fae out there, it’s her responsibility to ward it off from her town! what she finds though is not a silly lie from the twins or a terrifying manipulative monster- in A flower patch she sees her, the most beautiful charming looking fairy she’s every seen, all alone weaving a flower crown in the woods. He spots her, and although she’s scared at first and wards them with her axe, she can’t bear to attack him. they hit it off really quickly, and Shirley shows her the beauty of the hidden parts of the forest, lit up by the magic of the moon, as opposed to the normal sunlit forest Eliana is used to. She returns home at dawn with promises to come back the next day. Meanwhile Shirley goes home to his ghost husband like ‘omg I just met the prettiest lady evr, she’s coming back tomorrow can we keep her’ and Thomas is like ‘bro we already have jr‘ and Shirley is like ‘no but I want to kiss her 🥺 and hold hands 🥺🥺🥺 and trap her in the fae lands forever with me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺’ and Thomas is obviously slightly jealous but he’s like ‘yeah whatever’ bcus he knows if Shirley does try and make out with some daywalker he’s prolly gonna kill her by accident anyways jdgfufndkc. so Eliana starts going out every night with the excuse that she’s choppin down wood, (ninas suspicious of this excuse but Michael tells her eliana wouldn’t lie,) and Shirley keeps trying to get her to stay forever and eat all their food and introduces her to Thomas and jr and stuff, and it’s nice and all but shirleys making her stay for longer and longer, and he can’t handle letting her go for even a second. Eliana doesn’t mind tho, she’s totally blind with love, and eventually she’s tells the town abt Shirley but that he’s totally not like other fae and definitely cool and there’s mixed feelings, some ‘awwww Eliana finally found a girlfriend, so sweet 🥰’s and some ‘they’re not different ur just being manipulated, we should go kill him’s and even some ‘huh, wasn’t that the name of the guy Harley was crying abt not being able to remember, lol crazy coincidence, Emerson let’s go bully harley’s.
yeah but Shirley has fucking crazy attachment issues and horrible death magic, so eventually one morning he does get REALLY upset abt his girlfriend leaving, like the whole tree (Thomas and Shirley live in a treehouse) is dying around him and Thomas is holding jr begging him to calm down, and Elianas finally like ‘hmm. Maybe this was a bad idea’ and that’s about where we are rn with that whole thing.
CAMP TIME: so as shown from chart above, there’s some ppl living in a lil forest camp together :) emi and graci moved there because they wanna learn how to hunt nightwalkers >:) there was a reason for it a couple years ago but they kind of forgot what it was (cough Shirley disappearing cough) but they’re still dead set on it! And lucky dink, as they’re moving to camp big Harley comes home to visit his brothers and ends up joining the camp for a bit since all 3 of his brothers are there! Camp Side of the story doesn’t have a ton of plot, mostly Harley low key having a crisis abt how busy his life at his actual home is and how everything feels so horribly off here even though hypothetically things haven’t changed much since he left and the twins fucking around and causing trouble around camp. Hallow thinks it’s funny that the stupid kids wanna hunt night walkers cus he is one, so he gives them the tip that theres a vampire in camp and they become dead set on it being Jane. All the kids like playing with Ben like he’s a whole ass jungle gym, he thinks it’s cute. kibi gets dragged around by emi and graci while they try to find the werewoof at the edge of town (sadly they only find Andy, darn, but he plays them some songs so not a total waste. also yes Andy is obviously the werewolf the twins are just stupid GDSHDSJD.) charlotte sits around crying and the other kids and counselors like to play a game where they all take turns trying to make her laugh (the first time the twins came to camp Emerson made her giggle, belle and Ben were so happy they were just sitting there sobbing bcus their girl finally smiled again, so Charlie quietly suggested they make it a new daily game because he hadn’t seen Ben and belle that hopeful in years :,) ). jr and Maria go around biting peoples ankles and collecting sticks. After hearing emi and graci talk abt town, Jane decided she wants to go visit town, Danny‘s super hesitant but the other 3 camp counselors all agree that since she’s 16 now she’s definitely old enough to go where she wants. While shes there she goes to a festival and meets Andy (17) and it’s nice :) also hallow has ero Boyf who visits sometimes and Danny’s got husb Sébastien who he and Jane visit a lot.
ya that’s pretty much all the plot stuff for now! there’s some more backstory stuff abt thomas dying with Charlotte watching and Shirley going missing and what not but yea that’s pretty much it :D
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whosaysitsfantasy · 4 years ago
Juke/Maddison & Charlie
So I just want to address something about Juke and then I’m literally not going to talk about it again, because I’ve seen a few posts about people shipping the actors and then people hating on the ship a little bit because of the age gap and it’s just been frustrating me so I wan’t to kinda get this out and then just get back to enjoying the show. Also Apologies if this upsets anyone but these are my opinions and you in no way have to agree with them I just ask that you read my thoughts fully before passing judgment and to please be respectful.
Here is what I think it is ok to do:
Shipping Luke and Julie together. Why? Because in the show they are both teenagers (16/17). I saw someone say it was kinda gross because the boys should be like 42? which I think is a little ridiculous because if they had lived sure they would have been 42 or w.e. but they didn’t... they died, and it is  canon that to them no time has passed. What this means is that the boys are still mentally, emotionally and physically 17 years old. For this reason the characters are perfectly capable of being together and their biggest obstacle remains Luke being a ghost lol. 
Here is what I think it is NOT ok to do: 
Shipping Maddison and Charlie together in real life. Now I’m going to break down for you why this is gross and not ok and why saying “when she’s 18 he can date her” is also not ok. 
A 16 year old and a 22 year old have two completely different maturity levels. A 16 year old can be mature absolutely but that doesn’t mean that they are at the  same maturity level as a 22 year old. I’m 26 and I can tell you that my maturity changed DRASTICALLY between the ages of 16-24. I use to think I was very mature when I was 16. When I hit 22 and looked back at who I was I realized that I was not nearly as mature as I believed I was and now at 26 I can clearly see the differences in who I was as a person at these ages. I can guarantee that most people (if they’re self aware enough) would agree that their maturity level was completely different as a teenager then it was once they hit their twenties. A lot of this has to do with the simple fact that in your 20′s you’ve typically gained more life experience through jobs, and relationships and higher education your brain has also developed more. Now. Maddison is definitely mature for her age in no way am I claiming she isn’t however it is still very obvious through different interviews and lives I’ve seen of her and of Charlie that they are not at the same level. Mentally, emotionally, physically.They definitely have more of a brother/sister friendship. It’s clear that they care about each other and they can of course get a long as friends but friendship and an intimate relationship are two completely different things. Maddison and Charlie’s maturity’s work fine as a friendship but if you were to factor in intimacy and romance it quickly becomes problematic. Some people might still think that the maturity levels don’t matter. I’m here to tell you it does. 
While I don’t think that Charlie would be the type of guy to ever pressure a girl he is with, that doesn’t mean that the pressure would not still exist. If they were to hypothetically date Maddison could easily feel pressured into participating in things she might not really feel ready for like certain intimate acts, parties ect because she want’s to please her partner or because she might feel like this is what she SHOULD be doing rather then doing what she is emotionally and mentally ready for. That pressure can easily influence someone of a young age who hasn’t had many experiences into doing things they eventually regret or doing things that end up having a negative impact on their mental health and the way they view themselves or even how they view healthy/unhealthy relationships down the line. Now Maddison seems smart and has a good support system but your support system can’t protect you 24/7 in an intimate relationship no matter how hard they try which is why a lot of teenagers end up going through something that they end up wishing they hadn’t done because they didn’t know any better. To also say that he can just “wait” for her to turn 18 is just predatory and gross and suggests that it’s still ok to pursue someone of a young age so long as you wait till they are legal which it is not that still means you wanted to be with a minor even if you wait till they are 18.
Also it is important to note that an actors personal life is NONE of your business. An Actors job is to perform in the show/play/movie that they have been hired to perform in and to then promote that project. That’s it. That is all they owe you and anything else is entirely up to their discretion. You are not owed information about their personal lives and you are not owed a say in who they date. If you like two actors who are dating and you think they are cute that’s fine, if they are sharing their relationship and you want to support it that is fine but you have to understand boundaries. I’ve seen fans overstep in a LOT of fandoms (one example being Lili and Cole from Riverdale) where they attack other people for being close to the people in the relationship or they bother the actors to update them about their relationship ect. It’s disrespectful and it’s honestly not your place regardless of if they have shared information about a relationship previously. It’s also not cool to try to pressure the actors into dating, you don’t know what they are actually like irl you have no idea if they are actually compatible you do not have a full picture of the situation and for that reason your opinion should be kept to yourself.
Finally I want to address the whole Luke & Julie kissing issue because I totally understand why people are a little uncertain about it due to the age gap. Now normally I’d be a little put off by it but I am actually ok with the idea of Luke and Julie kissing on screen and I’m just going to list off quickly below why I think it’s ok and why I wouldn’t get upset if it happened.
1. It is very clear that Maddison’s family (specifically her dad) are very involved with Maddison and her job on JATP. Mr.Reyes is often shown on set with her at rehearsals and during shooting. He was there when they practiced the perfect harmony dance which I personally thought was kinda intimate. I feel better about it because I know she has a strong support system who will be there to ensure that if a kiss DID happen she would be safe because she has her family looking out for her on set.
2. Much like above both Kenny and Charlie are very respectful people who very clearly have a lot of respect and love for Maddison. I also don’t think they would ever put Maddison into a position she was uncomfortable with. If a kiss DID happen I am sure there will be a lot of conversations about it and it would be done in a respectful healthy way.
3. This is a job. They are not kissing because they like each other in real life they are not pursuing anything romantically. They are performing a job that they are being paid for in front of a group of people also performing a job. This for me helps me feel less gross about it because even though they are actually kissing it’s not a ‘real’ romantic kiss. It’ll be a staged one that they have gone over and discussed at length with Kenny.
4. This is a Kenny Ortega project. The show has very clearly established that the relationships are about more than physical intimacy. IF we get a kiss between Julie and Luke we are not going to get more then a PG rated kiss.. hell probably more of a G rated kiss. Not only because this is a project by Kenny but because the actors are different ages. It is also unlikely that we will get more then one maybe two kisses a season. I personally don’t think they’re going to make them kiss in season two I think it might happen if we get season 3 but I would still be ok with a season 2 kiss because again it will probably be very simple and very respectful especially cause it’ll also probably be Julie’s 1st kiss. If they were to have them  make out or something that would be when I would  feel uncomfortable, but that just doesn’t seem like Kenny’s vibe. He’s worked with a lot of young actors and it’s not like they’re going to french kiss or something. Kissing is intimate of course but a small closed mouth kiss is honestly pretty innocent in my opinion especially if done correctly. So it doesn’t bother me much.
5. Finally by the time they get around to filming a season 2 or 3 Maddison will also be a bit older (17 or 18) hopefully so she will also be at an age where it will feel more comfortable for her.
So in conclusion: shipping Juke good, shipping Maddy & Charlie bad and wanting Juke to kiss is acceptable so long as they do it appropriately which from what I’ve seen of the cast and the crew I believe they would. I personally have a lot of faith in the creators of this show it’s clearly a very healthy supportive environment and I trust that they know what they are doing. 
Again these are my personal opinions but I felt like some people weren’t really looking at it from a completely logical standpoint but more of an emotional one which is understandable because its a very serious subject matter and it could very well also be a trigger for many people who’ve gone through something similar. I just needed to get all that off my chest cause this kind of thing can breed negativity in fandoms and thats why I don’t participate in them anymore. and listen if this was a different show with a different cast and crew and creator and they had a 16 year old and a 22 year old kissing I would probably find it more unsettling but I think one of the reasons why we all love this show so much is BECAUSE it is so healthy and because the cast are so involved and vocal about the show. I have no doubt in my mind that Maddison would have the space to speak up if she was uncomfortable and I have no doubt in my mind that Kenny and her family would make sure she was safe.
So anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk and please if you disagree that’s totally ok just don’t be hateful, I’m happy to have discussions but I won’t tolerate rudeness cause at the end of the day it’s a show and it’s out of our hands and I’m not saying you have to agree with me. This is just how I feel about these issues. 
Ok thanks bye <3
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fandom-space-princess · 4 years ago
Never Have I Ever
midam week prompt 6: Never - at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever. not at all.
Rating: Teen [1.4k words, genre: drinking with the world's saltiest group of weirdos]
If you can't roast each other once in a while, are you even really friends?
read below the cut, or on AO3
"Can angels even get drunk?" Kaia wonders, frowning across the table at Michael.
"Oh, they definitely can," Kevin replies. He plunks another handful of bottles down in front of them and drops into his seat beside her. "You wouldn't believe the number of times I've seen someone try to get Castiel hammered. The amount of alcohol involved is... kind of disturbing, actually." He slides a beer across the table to Michael, who picks it up and studies the label intently.
Curiosity satisfied, he inclines his head in thanks, but passes the bottle to Adam. Adam grins. "It really only works on whichever of us is driving. Kind of need a body to get drunk with."
"Speaking of drinking," Charlie interrupts, reaching across to snag a beer of her own. Her eyes sparkle. "We should play a game. Anybody have a deck of cards?"
A brief interlude of digging in pockets and purses follows, but the search quickly proves fruitless. Michael arches an eyebrow in a clear allow me. He raises a hand, a breath away from pulling cards out of thin air, but Adam waves him off.
"Nah, no, hold on. I've got a better idea." Smirking, he makes pointed eye contact with everyone at the table, and holds up his right hand as though to swear an oath. Wiggles his fingers. "And by better, I mean worse. Never have I ever..." He makes a show of thinking, resting his chin on his fist and grinning. "...stolen a car."
The other four humans at the table groan in unison. Each likewise holds up a hand. Kevin and Charlie raise their drinks and lower one finger apiece. Claire curses, eliciting a chuckle from Kevin and inspiring Kaia to swat her on the arm, and does the same.
Michael tilts his head at Adam, looks from his raised hand to his broad grin, and back again. "I don't understand. What are we doing?"
"It's a game, Michael. You keep score on your fingers. Start with five." Adam takes Michael's hand in his own, raises it above the table and presses their palms out together, flat. His hand falls away, but Michael's own remains raised. "We go around the table, say things we've never done. If you have done that thing, you lose a point and take a drink. Last one to lose all five points wins."
"Hmm." The archangel seems skeptical, but Adam nudges him lightly with his shoulder. "You don't have to if you don't want to. But it's fun. Want to go next?"
Considering a moment, Michael shrugs. "I have never..."
"Ah! Never have I ever," Adam interjects.
He rolls his eyes. "Fine. Never have I ever been mortal."
The indignant glare Adam levels at him draws sputtering laughter from Claire and Kevin both, and Kaia chokes on her drink. Charlie tilts forward, clunks her forehead into her hand dramatically. "You are technically correct," she says, as she curls another finger against her palm.
"Maybe go for something a little less universally applicable next time?" Adam says. "Otherwise this is going to be a short game."
"Oh, my turn, I've got one!" Charlie leans back triumphantly, cracking her fingers. "Never have I ever been stabbed."
Kevin and Kaia exchange a look caught somewhere between somber and irritated, and drink. Claire, likewise down a point, leans her head onto Kaia's shoulder and slides an arm around her waist. Though he does not drink as they do, four heads swivel in curiosity as Michael also folds down a finger.
He stares back at them, a smug smile staring near the corners of his lips. "I don't know why you're all looking at me like that. I was the general of Heaven's armies for countless eons. Did you imagine that somehow involved a lack of combat?"
"Uh, no, it's just... how to put this?" Charlie starts, but Kevin cuts her off. "Dude, what's it like getting stabbed when you don't have a body?"
Michael shakes his head, bemused. "Much like getting stabbed when you do have a body — which is to say, not especially pleasant regardless of the circumstances." Adam scooches his chair closer to Michael, until he can lean against him, pressing together.
Before the tension at the table has a chance to become entrenched, Kevin breaks it. "Never have I ever broken a bone," he says, gesturing effusively with the bottle in his hand and tapping it on the table, as though in punctuation.
Claire raises skeptical eyebrows. "You fucker. You mean to tell me you've been stabbed — you went to Hell — but you've never broken a bone?"
"Just lucky, I guess." Kevin's response is a self-satisfied challenge, and he smirks across the table as Claire, Kaia, Charlie and (again, to the faint surprise of the group) Michael lose points.
"Fine. Fine. Never have I ever been to Hell." Claire's glare is aimed at Kevin, but the atmosphere that follows in the wake of her words is strained. For a moment, none of them can meet each other's eyes.
Claire sits back with a harrumph, shoves hands into her pockets. A faint blush creeps across her cheeks, and her mouth twists as though to speak — but the words won't come. Kevin and Adam nod at each other, once, and drink. Michael slides his hand across Adam's shoulders, and they all silently lower fingers.
"I'm —" Claire starts, but Adam reaches out to clasp her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it. It's a game about having an interesting life, right? If any of us were in any way normal, we wouldn't be here to play it." The smile he gives her is reassuring, warm and friendly, and after a beat Kevin nods concurrence.
Kaia breaks in, her voice quiet. Her body is curled forward against the edge of the table, and she addresses the bottle in her hands. "Never," she murmurs, with one quick glance up before dropping her gaze again, "never have I ever died."
"Well. I'm out." Kevin tilts his head, knocks back the remainder of his drink. He looks across the table at Kaia, reaches across to squeeze her hand, then falls back. Claire wraps her arm more firmly around her, hand falling to rest over the long-healed scar in her side.
Claire and Adam exchange a look. "Go again, Kaia," Adam urges gently, encouraging. "C'mon, my life's been weird. Roast me. Take your best shot."
The corners of her mouth turn upward, just a little, in an answering smile. "Yeah, ok. Says the guy with an archangel riding shotgun. Never have I ever been possessed."
Adam's bark of laughter is surprised, and Claire knocks her shoulder into Kaia's lovingly before raising her bottle high in a salute. Adam does the same, and the clink of glass mingles with their laughter.
"I'm out too. Bastards, all of you." Claire's mock-glare around the table is teasing, and Kaia reaches up to ruffle her hair before settling back against her. A pause, as everyone takes stock of the score. Charlie, Adam, and Michael glance at each other, each with one point left to lose. Kaia, with two, just grins.
"You're up, Charlie."
"Never have I ever... " Charlie trails off, rolling the bottle between her hands. Thinking. She looks from one to the other of her companions, her friends, and an expression equal parts melancholy and fond washes over her. "Never have I ever been in love."
Without a word, Kaia stands and circles the table. She pulls Charlie into a hug. From the other side, Kevin puts a hand on her shoulder.
When they break apart, Charlie sniffles, but her eyes crinkle upward at the corners. "Thanks, guys." She looks up. "How'd I do? You two losers are definitely out." Adam huffs, but Michael simply shrugs and nods, contented.
Kaia kneels on the floor next to Charlie, elbows propped on the table. She looks around at all of them. A mischievous light in her eyes, then, and she rolls her bottom lip between her teeth. "You know what? Never have I ever — except I totally have —" she pauses dramatically, before continuing, "—survived the end of the world."
Five seconds of stunned silence, and then Charlie snorts laughter. "I'll drink to that!" she says, and they all raise their drinks (or, in Michael's case, squeeze Adam's arm) and toast each other.
"So who won?" Michael asks, and Charlie and Kaia break out in identical knowing smiles.
Adam takes his hand. "Pretty sure we all won, Michael," he answers. "All of us."
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shireness-says · 6 years ago
Ebb and Flow
Summary: There's nothing like the motion of the waves - especially when dealing with a baby who just won't go to sleep. Being married to a pirate with his own ship certainly has its perks. A fluffy and domestic sequel to "If I Could See Your Face Once More". Rated G. ~3.8K. Also on AO3. 
A/N: And I’m back, with more fluff! And to think, this all came out of the angstiest fic ever. You’re welcome to read those previous installments if you like - they’re all linked on AO3 - but it’s not necessary in order to enjoy this one. Big thanks to @snidgetsafan for her excellent beta skills. Featuring some Fathership references because why the hell not. Blame @distant-rose for that one.
I’ve got a few more of these in mind, but if you ever think of an idea, shoot it my way!
Tagging: @thejollyroger-writer, @profdanglaisstuff, @captainsjedi, @ultraluckycatnd, @superchocovian, @snowbellewells, @killianjones4ever82, @wellhellotragic, @ohmakemeahercules, @let-it-raines, @lifeinahole27, @kmomof4, @scientificapricot, @spartanguard, @courtorderedcake, @justanotherwannabeclassic, @teamhook
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
Emma vaguely remembers discussions before she and Killian decided to have another baby, where they’d decided they really were doing great with the whole parenting thing. Their daughter was doing great - better than great, really, she was just the best kid - and they’d even been handling teenage hormones and attitude with Henry well . Obviously, they knew everything and were totally prepared.
Wrong. Completely, horrifyingly, hilariously wrong. 
It really brings into clarity the fact that Charlie was an easy baby, predisposed to tranquility and agreeability. Not that Emma and Killian love their younger daughter any less for it; it’s just that Daisy Margaret is a different experience altogether. It’s just that Charlie and her are different in every conceivable way, from Daisy’s little tufts of blonde hair to her insistence on everyone hearing her at all times. They’ve recently entered a babbling phase (which is, of course, adorable, if rather noisy), but their little girl has never been shy about crying or shrieking or whatever else to draw their attention and express her needs. Charlie had been an observer; Daisy is all action, and what she wants, she wants now.
Now that the baby is five months old, Emma is just starting to go back to work a few days a week. Both Killian and David have been picking up whatever extra shifts her deputies can’t cover for the past couple months, with Robin as extra-extra back up as needed, but it helps everyone - especially Emma and her sanity - to have her start slowly coming back into the rotation. Killian is more than happy to stay home with the girls on the days she’s working, anyways. Back when they had Charlie, David had been able to handle a good chunk of the babysitting; however, he and Snow now have three children under five, including 21 month old twins, and their hands are more than full enough. Emma’s not quite ready to leave her kids in daycare yet, so for the moment, she and Killian are alternating shifts in a complex balancing act between the station and home, with Smee authorized to handle everything down at the docks for the moment. It’s not perfect, especially on days like this, but it’s working well enough. It won’t be that much longer, either, before Emma gets over her daycare hesitance and they enroll the girls with Ashley so that Emma can get back to work full-time.
(Mostly, even if this is hard, Emma is just glad her dad’s weird twin gene hasn’t shown up in her little family yet. Some days, it feels like they’re barely keeping their heads above water with one infant and a toddler; Emma can’t imagine juggling another baby in that mix.)
Emma doesn’t doubt that Daisy would be noisy today regardless, just by nature, but the fact that the poor thing is teething doesn’t help matters. Her heart breaks just a little more with every whimper her daughter vocalizes, but she doesn’t know what else she can do. They’ve tried frozen teething rings and numbing cream and everything else they can think of, to no avail. Hell, Emma had tried relieving some of the pain with magic - though she’s not really convinced it worked. She’s a little too tired to be confident in her powers. Every time they try and lay Daisy down for a nap or just some real regular nighttime sleep, she cries even harder until one of them picks her back up. Emma’s spent the last two nights dozing in the rocking chair, and it’s… not great.
“I know, baby, I know it hurts, I’m sorry,” she croons as she bounces her daughter in her arms. Any hopes Emma might have had for an actual naptime today are quickly being dashed in a tidal wave of wails and tears.
Charlie still tries to observe everything her mother is doing, the way she’s so prone to, but her expression is decidedly unimpressed. “Baby loud,” she tells Emma as emphatically as a three year old can manage. She’s proven to be a fine enough big sister - certainly gentle and generally loving, which is probably the best Killian and Emma could have hoped for - but unimpressed is really the best way to describe her feelings towards her baby sister. The novelty of wanting to hold the baby and play with the baby and give the baby gifts has long since worn off. Charlie’s stopped even trying to identify if Daisy is feeling sad or mad or whatever else like she did at the beginning - it’s just baby loud now. Which, truthfully, is probably the best description anyways. 
“Yes she is, Bean, thank you for letting me know.” Charlie still isn’t much of a talker, so Emma and Killian both try to acknowledge and encourage her whenever she does say something. It’s obviously an inclination thing, not an ability issue - their older daughter can get going with the best of them if she’s excited or angry, insistently talking as loud as she can so that everyone can hear. “Do you need something?”
Charlie seems to think about it for a moment. She gets this cute little wrinkle in her forehead whenever she does - not that Emma’s watching in this particular moment, as Daisy lets out another ear-splitting cry. “No,” the toddler finally responds.
“Ok. You’re just keeping me company?”
“Okay, that sounds nice. Thank you, sweetheart.”
Charlie just watches her bounce back and forth all over the room for a little bit, desperately pacing and humming and rocking and attempting anything short of actually knocking Daisy out with magic to get her to sleep. She’s a terrible mother for even considering that, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Or something.
She’s so tired, damn it.
Her Charlie girl is a smart one, though, and probably a lot better rested than anyone else in the house. After alternating for several minutes between playing with her stuffed fish and watching Emma’s neverending movements around the green-painted nursery, Charlie pipes up again. “We go to Golly?” Killian’s daughter has always been enamored of his ship, even if she has a little trouble pronouncing the J in Jolly sometimes. It’s pretty adorable regardless. 
Still, they’re not really in any position to make a trip to the harbor today. Emma’s an exhausted mess and showering has been… iffy at best the last couple of days. Honestly, she’s looking forward to going back to work just for the excuse to force herself into the shower and then out into the world. Right now, taking two young kids down to the docks seems an almost insurmountable obstacle without any compelling reason to force her to do it. 
“Oh, no, honey, I’m sorry, not today. Maybe you and Papa can go this weekend.” Emma tries to sound as apologetic about it as possible - Charlie is generally a pretty even-keeled kid, but one of the things that can really get her upset is being told that she can’t go on the Jolly. Absolutely her father’s daughter, honestly.
Instead of immediately dissolving into hysterics, thankfully, Charlie narrows her eyes in that stubborn way Emma knows she got from her. “Golly rocks.”
At first, Emma just thinks that Charlie has picked up some lingo from Henry. It sounds like something he’d say excitedly. It hits her though, as she notices the way she’s absentmindedly swaying back and forth with Daisy on her shoulder. Maybe her older daughter meant that much more literally. It’s not a bad idea, actually - the ship’s gentle rocking on the waves always put Charlie to sleep when she was a baby, it’d probably do the same for Daisy. If nothing else, it’s worth a shot; everything she’s trying here clearly isn’t working.
“You know what? Yeah, that’s right. Let’s go to the Jolly,” Emma agrees. “Why don’t you go get some shoes while I get Daisy’s stuff together. Do you want to make a note to leave for Papa?” If this goes well, they hopefully won’t be back by the time Killian gets home from the station; if it goes poorly, well, they can take the note off the door when they get home.
Charlie’s sweet face lights up at the prospect. “Yeah!” she exclaims before tearing out of the nursery, presumably for paper and markers. She’s proving to be quite the little artist. At three, her masterpieces still aren’t much more than scribbles, but she executes those efforts with a single-minded focus and attention to details only she can see. Maybe she’ll be an artist one day, or an architect, or something else that would let her draw for a living. 
Emma couldn’t tell anyone later how long it takes for her to change into something less ‘hasn’t left the house in three days’ and get all the various baby paraphernalia together. There’s a certain point of tired where mindless tasks blur together into a period of time that might have been five minutes and might have been thirty. All she knows is that Charlie is just finishing up her picture on the living room coffee table when she hauls the baby and her backpack downstairs. 
“Looks great, kiddo,” she makes sure to smile, running her fingers through that soft dark hair. Emma keeps expecting that eventually it’ll lose that lovely baby softness, but for now, the dark chocolate strands are still that perfect fluffy smoothness. Then again, she still loves playing with Killian’s hair, and their daughter has definitely inherited her father’s locks, so maybe she won’t grow out of it after all. Emma should have figured, though, that Charlie would bypass getting her shoes in order to draw her picture. “Let’s go get your boots and we can put this on the door.”
The stroller lives on the front porch these days, as if to announce to everyone passing by that yes, they do have kids and yes, they are kind of overwhelmed and letting things fall into a messy disaster, thanks for noticing. The real plus is that Emma can keep an eye on both girls at once while she helps Charlie with her shoes - little boots that look just like her Papa’s. Not that Emma can’t hear the snuffles and whimpers from this short distance. At least for now, Emma knows Daisy will stay put - it’s inevitable that once that little blonde baby is mobile and figures out the buckles, she’ll be an absolute terror no one will be able to keep safely contained. 
Once all the drawn-out rituals of leaving the house with kids are fulfilled - God, does she ever yearn for the day when she could just grab the keys and leave - Emma takes a last moment to dig out a crayon from the backpack that holds anything either the baby or the toddler might need and scrawl a note at the corner of Charlie’s masterpiece. Gone to Jolly - meet at docks. With one more quick flick of her hand, the note is magically tacked to the door for Killian to find when he gets home (if they don’t make it back first).
One of the many advantages of this house is that the harbor is already visible at the end of the street, just a short walk away. Technically, Emma could probably just poof the three of them onto the ship, but she’s always been a little nervous about doing that when her kids are still so little and squirmy and possibly not great about keeping a hold of her hand - not to mention the sheer amount of stuff she has to carry. It’s too many things to worry about on too little sleep. It’s barely a five minute walk anyways, and it’s a good opportunity for Charlie to get some of her energy out. It gives Emma a chance to get out of the house and actually see the light of day, too. Win-win-win, really.
Still, five minutes is a long time when you’re hauling a crammed backpack and dealing with a fussy baby and a toddler who’s finally figured out (at the exact wrong time) that she can walk further than three feet away from Mom and Dad without dying a dramatic and bloody death and is trying to exercise that right by skipping way further down the sidewalk than she should. For now she’s just trying to go pick dandelions or say hello to one of the neighbors’ dogs, but that won’t always be the case, and on a day where Emma’s bordering on too tired and frazzled to function… as much as she wants to encourage her daughter’s independence, it’s easier to keep her close. Even if it means Charlie pouts. Just another day in paradise or something. 
It’s an indescribable relief to set foot on the boardwalk, and even better to spot Captain Nemo waving from the docks. Killian’s relationship with his… whatever Nemo is (half-brother’s adoptive father is a mouthful, and somehow doesn’t seem to fully encompass the relationship Killian is slowly starting to foster on his own) often is hesitant, but Emma has always gotten on with the jovial submarine captain, and he obviously adores the girls and Henry. Somehow, in the time since he and the Nautilus have first arrived in Storybrooke, he’s become a beloved grandfather figure in the family. Hell, Charlie’s favorite stuffed animal is a soft clownfish that Nemo bought her as a baby - he’s still the only person in this crazy town who was genuinely delighted by their cartoon counterpart.
“There’s my favorite ladies!” he calls in his booming voice, striding up the floating plastic docks in a way that somehow seems natural, despite how anachronistic he and his ship look against the surroundings. Though many of the people from the Land of Untold Stories have fully adapted to Storybrooke, including modern clothing, Nemo still insists on his uniform in all but the most informal of situations. 
Before Emma can protest, Charlie has already taken off down the boardwalk with her fish to intercept her Baba Nemo. The submarine captain is good about pretending to be bowled over when the toddler crashes into his legs for a hug, much to her delight. As long as she’s in the care of another adult, Emma can’t find the energy to reprimand her for dashing off again. “Hey, Nemo,” she responds wearily. “How goes it?”
“Well, as always. Liam and I are just performing some maintenance on the old girl.” Nemo does look particularly jovial today, though Emma personally suspects it has nothing to do with his submarine. Rumor has it that he’s been seeing another captain recently, a flamboyant lightning collector who’d only started docking in town in the last year. Something about rekindling a past relationship. Emma’s mostly just happy to see such a generous and affectionate man so happy in a new way. “You though, my dear, look decidedly…”
“Exhausted? Drowning? Unshowered?”
“Overwhelmed,” Nemo concludes diplomatically. 
“That’s just the polite way of saying all of those things.”
“Ah, perhaps, but it’s more succinct, isn’t it? Now, what brings you to the shores of the sea today?” Nemo asks, crouching to make faces at Daisy. It’s a nice distraction for a moment, but then she’s right back to snuffling again and trying to gnaw at a frozen teething ring that must have melted in the summer heat already. “Is someone upset?”
“Someone’s teething, and I’m honestly getting a bit desperate for sleep. Naptime hasn’t exactly happened. Charlie suggested that we come down to the Jolly, and I’m about willing to try anything at this point,” Emma explains. 
“There is something calming about the movement of the waves, isn’t there?” Nemo comments mildly. “Now, why don’t you give me that backpack,” he gestures with a waving motion, “and I’ll take young Charlotte here, and we can get the three of you settled on the Jolly.”
It’s not a question, or a suggestion, or anything remotely up for debate. Nemo just… takes charge, with a gentle but confident authority that feels like someone’s finally letting her slacken the reins on a runaway horse.
(Killian would probably appreciate that analogy. Emma’s a little too exhausted to think about it any further.)
It’s nice to have that help, and it’s weirdly nice to be ushered into the captain’s cabin like an overgrown child. Emma wouldn’t say the seas are rough by any stretch of the word, but there’s an obvious sway underneath their feet accompanied by the sound of waves lapping at the hull. It’s all very rhythmic and soothing, and even if she didn’t think it possible, Emma feels exhaustion somehow settle even further into her bones. At least it seems to be quieting Daisy a bit, too.
Nemo notices these things. Of course he notices; at this point, Emma shouldn’t expect anything else. “Now, I will leave you and wee Daisy down here,” he commands, a benevolent dictator on lands not his own, “and Charlotte and I will be on the deck waiting for Killian. Perhaps you’ll both be able to get some sleep.”
“Thanks, Nemo,” she smiles, bouncing the miraculously quieting baby. “I hope so too.”
“I steer, Baba?” she faintly hears Charlie ask as Nemo leads her back out into the corridor. Emma has no doubt he’ll cave; he’s an absolute sucker for anything she asks. 
Maybe we’ll both finally get some sleep, Emma thinks as she sinks onto the thin mattress padding the ancient bunk. In the past, she’s needled at Killian to let her fix the stupid thing, make it larger and thicker and softer and generally better, but it doesn’t seem so bad today. Daisy has managed to slip into the long-awaited nap - one of those situations straight from awake and unhappy to out like a light. 
Emma should put her down in the collapsible crib in the corner, but she’s got a terrible feeling that will jinx it all - that the moment she lays the baby down, Daisy will just wake right back up again. And really, the bed is feeling pretty comfortable. She could just close her eyes for a few minutes, propped up at the head of the bed with the baby on her chest…
It had been a good day, Killian reflects, all things considered. The people of Storybrooke had been good enough not to completely descend into madness today, which was more consideration than they usually afforded. He did end up having to intervene in one argument between dwarves first thing in the morning - something about Mr. Clark stealing Leroy’s bacon - but that’d been the worst of it. 
(Fitz had also been kind enough not to tease him when the deputy had returned to the station after patrols, only to find Killian dozing off over the reports he was supposedly filing. It had not been his finest moment.)
He’d been looking forward to coming home and seeing his girls - even if a certain little one won’t sleep through the night and is exhausting her poor Mama and Papa - so it’d been something of a surprise to find their note taped to the door. It’s certainly unusual for them to make a trip without him, but Killian has never been one to complain about an excuse to spend the evening on his ship. Carefully, he tucks the drawing - a lovely rendition by his Charlie girl of all of them and his ship, if he’s interpreting the scribbles correctly - into his pocket for protection. It’ll look charming framed on his desk in the harbormaster’s office.
It’s all around a day for surprises, though, as when he arrives at the Jolly Roger, Emma and the wee lasses are nowhere in sight. Instead, Captain Nemo is waiting on deck, reading in one of the folding beach chairs Emma keeps in one of the cabins below. It’s an odd sight, to be sure - the electric green chair contrasted against the older man’s formal navy-colored uniform. The only thing that would make this tableau look even more unusual would be a tropical drink with a tiny umbrella. Hell, even one of those gods-forsaken speedo contraptions Emma showed him would look more natural here. 
“Killian!” he calls, waving a hand in greeting. Killian still feels somewhat awkward around the other man after all they’ve been through - and considering that includes an accidental stabbing, that’s warranted, in his humble opinion - but Nemo doesn’t seem to be hung up on it in the same way.
“I didn��t expect to see you here, Nemo,” he replies cautiously. He manages to make it friendly, of course - even at his most tired, Killian has never lost his manners - but a man is allowed to be hesitant about such a welcome.
“You’re looking for your lovely wife and daughters, I assume,” the submarine captain continues with a smile. “They’re below in the captain’s quarters. I offered to entertain young Charlotte while Emma settled wee Daisy, but when I took Charlotte back down once she got tired, both mother and daughter were sound asleep. I thought I’d keep watch until you arrived.”
It’s a touching gesture - Killian isn’t sure why he expected anything less of a man who’s been nothing but generous since he’d made Storybrooke his home. “Thank you, Nemo.” It’s not enough, but it’s a start.
“Don’t mention it,” the other man excuses with a wave and a smile. “Go see your family. You look like you could use a nap yourself - I can stay a while longer. Now go, shoo!”
It’s a touching scene that greets Killian when he enters his cabin: Emma, propped in a half-reclining position with her arms secured around Daisy on her chest, and Charlie curled into her side, head resting on Emma’s stomach and dark hair strewn every which way. Killian creeps across the room as quietly as he can, avoiding the squeaky planks with a habit born of hundreds of years to reach them, finally able to brush some of Charlie’s dark hair out of her face and carefully extricate Daisy from Emma’s arms.
It’s not quite careful enough, though; Emma’s arms tighten instinctively and her eyes flutter open as Killian starts to lift the baby away.
“Shhh, go back to sleep. I’m just going to put the baby in her crib,” he whispers. Emma hums contentedly in response, shuffling a little further down the bunk to get more comfortable. Charlotte doesn’t even stir as her mother shifts beneath her; she sleeps like a rock these days, even challenging teenaged Henry. By some miracle from the gods themselves, Daisy doesn’t wake either as he lays her down in the pop-up crib they’ve kept in the cabin since Charlie was born. A miracle it may be, but Killian isn’t nearly stupid enough to question it. 
With everyone settled more comfortably, Killian toes off his own boots, leaves his hook on the bookshelf, and crawls onto the bunk behind Charlie so that she’s cocooned between her parents and Killian can rest his stump across the both of them. 
“Did you have a good day?” Emma mumbles, obviously still half-asleep.
Carefully, Killian leans across to press a kiss to her cheek without disturbing the toddler between them. “Better now that I’m with you.”
And somehow, miraculously, with the waves chattering in the background and gently rocking the Jolly, their little family finds sleep.
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years ago
Growing Pains. Part 17c
"Of course princess."
“Thank you.” There was a comfortable silence between them. Louis’ body trembling slightly as he still underwent the withdrawal symptoms of his meds.
Charlie tucked Emily in and gave her a kiss, “Goodnight princess, love you.”
"Do you want one of us to stay with you tonight?" Duffy asked softly.
Louis nodded, “Please.”
"Who do you want to stay with you?"
“You.” Louis said quietly.
"OK. I'll just go tell your dad and grab a blanket." Duffy reached for the needle on the bedside table. "And I'll get rid of this..."
“I put it in the container, it’s sealed. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.”
"OK. It'll need disposing of properly in the morning."
“I used to have a sharps bin somewhere.” Louis replied quietly.
"Your dad found that when he searched your room." Duffy explained before leaving to get some bedding.
“Didn’t want people to get hurt.” Louis said quietly.
Duffy turned and gave him a soft smile. "I won't be a minute."
Louis nodded. He closed his eyes and rolled onto his side.
When she arrived back in the room Duffy sat down on the floor next to Louis' bed and gently stroked his hair.
“Love you, mum.” Louis whispered.
"I love you too. You're going to be OK." Duffy whispered back.
“But what if I’m not.” He whispered, “What if I can’t do this? What if recovery is too hard?”
"It will be hard but we're all in this together. You're not alone."
“In the morning....” He paused, “Can we go to the doctors, please?”
"Of course we can. But now you need to sleep." She told him gently.
He nodded, he wrapped himself up in his duvet.
She sat stroking his hair til she was sure he was asleep before laying down on the floor and attempting to get comfortable.
Charlie was stood in the doorway, “Is he asleep?” He asked quietly.
Duffy nodded.
Charlie moved towards Duffy and sat on the floor beside her. “How are you feeling?”
"He called me mum."
“I know,” Charlie smiled. “He said he wanted his mum. I thought he meant Baz but he said he meant you.”
"Maybe we're finally turning a corner..."
“I think so.” He lay down and wrapped his arms around Duffy.
"Is Emily OK?"
He was silent for a minute. “She’s angry.” He said gently, “With the whole world it seems.”
"That's understandable. She's been through a lot recently."
Charlie nodded, “I told her she needs to talk to us. She can’t keep that anger in because it’ll only hurt her.”
"Hopefully she'll start to open up. She talked a little to me earlier."
“What did she say?” He asked as he ran his hand through her hair.
"Those boys tried to rape her." Duffy whispered, a lifetime of trauma seeping into the words.
Charlie swallowed hard. “They did?”
"They only didn't because she screamed." Duffy let out a shaky breath. "She did what I couldn't..."
“Everyone reacts differently.” He whispered, “The fight or flight reflex remember.”
"Or in my case the roll over and play dead reflex." She sighed.
“And how many women have done exactly the same thing?”
She sighed. "I know."
“I’m sorry for all of this.”
"You've no reason to be sorry."
“I feel all this is my fault.” He admitted. Just as Louis woke up, he was shivering.
Duffy shifted from Charlie's arms to pick up an extra blanket and place it over Louis, stroking his hair once more and murmuring soothing sounds.
“What time is it?” Louis asked.
"I'm not sure, the middle of the night."
“Want to find Tony.” He sat up, “Need to find him.”
"No, you don't. You need to stay here with us."
"Want to hurt him."
"Because he hurt Emily?"
He nodded.
"That won't make things right though." Duffy sighed.
“I know.” He wrapped himself up in the blanket. “You should both sleep, it’s late.”
"We'll sleep when you do."
He nodded. “Sleep...”
Duffy gently manoeuvred Louis so he was laid back down again, tucking the duvet and blanket around him.
“Night night mum. Night night dad.” He said quietly.
"Night Louis." Duffy whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead which felt clammy.
Louis had a restless night, didn’t settle all night. He was clammy, cold, shivering.
Once the daylight started to peek through the curtains Duffy nudged Charlie who was half asleep on the floor next to her.
“Hmm?” Charlie whispered opening his eyes, his arm around her waist.
"Call work and see if Dylan or Zoe can write up a script for Louis."
“I will.” Charlie sat up.
"Things will be better soon." She reassured Louis.
“I hope so.” Louis whispered and scratched his arm.
"Do you want me to go get you a drink of water?"
Louis shook his head, “I’ll be ok.”
The sounds of the other children waking up and milling around floated up the stairs.
“I’ll be ok on my own.” Louis smiled, “Thank you for staying with me.”
"I'll come check on you in a bit OK?" She smiled softly.
He nodded.
Leaving the room Duffy paused to pop her head round Emily's bedroom door.
Emily was staring out her window.
"Morning princess, you sleep OK?"
Emily jumped, not expecting anyone to be there. “So so.” She replied with a sigh.
"Quite a night wasn't it?" Duffy remarked as she stretched her arms above her head, her shoulders emitting a loud crack as she did so.
“Hmm, yeah.” Emily turned around to face her mum.
"I'm proud of you." Duffy smiled.
“What for?”
"Helping your brother last night. After everything that's happened you could have easily just turned your back on him but you didn't."
“Is it bad that a part of me wished I hadn’t bothered?”
"No, that's totally natural."
“I never asked for any of this!”
"I know you didn't. None of us did."
“It’s just not fair!” Emily sighed.
"You're right, it's not fair on any of us - including Louis." Duffy replied pointedly.
“I don’t like feeling angry.” Emily admitted.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Duffy asked, moving to perch on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t know.” Emily admitted.
"How about a hug? They always make me feel a little better."
Emily moved towards her mum, “Why do you make yourself sick? Is it the same thing Louis does when he injects?” She asked as she hugged her mum.
"From what I understand he does it to escape his feelings. I..." Duffy hesitated. "I..." She chewed her lip.
“Do you do it for the same reasons?”
Duffy shook her head.
“Why do you do it?"
"Because..." Duffy took a calming breath. "Because I fear being fat again." She whispered.
“You were never fat mama!”
Duffy sighed.
“Daddy likes your hips mama.” Emily smirked.
"He just says that."
“You think he doesn’t?”
"He just thinks it's what I want to hear." Duffy sighed.
“That’s where you’re wrong.” Emily pouted.
"And how would you know that?" Duffy asked, the beginnings of a smile creeping at the edges of her lips.
“Observation mama.”
"Of your father?"
“Uh huh.”
"He doesn't have a subtle bone in his body, never has!"
Emily giggled.
"Its good to see you smiling again princess."
“Can I ask you a question?”
"Yes..." Duffy replied hesitantly.
“Tell me about you and dad again. Like when you realised you fancied him.” Emily giggled.
"Really?" Duffy snorted.
"But you've heard this story a thousand times..!"
“But it’s cute!”
"I fail to see what's cute about me throwing lukewarm coffee over your dad in the hospital carpark..."
“It’s also funny.” Emily laughed.
"It wasn't when I found out he was my new boss..." Duffy cringed.
Emily giggled softly.
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Re-sorting the Weasleys
Ok first installment of a re-sorting series! One of the biggest weaknesses of the HP universe is the very flat, one sided sorting. Brave=Gryffindor, Smart=Ravenclaw, Kind=Hufflepuff, Cunning (Evil??)=Slytherin I understand that for some of the plot devices to work, certain characters had to be in certain houses, but it always came off as lazy to me that all the Weasleys were in Gryffindor (for decades???). I honestly never really understood whole families going into one house in general- considering how different all these people are, did the Sorting Hat just give up and assign all gingers to the red house? ANYWAY. Here’s my defense of where I think they should go, based on the fandom’s collective interpretations of the houses. And many thanks to @flockdynamics​, for your discussion and help!
Arthur Weasley- Ravenclaw
At first, Arthur comes off as this very goofy character. Which he is, no doubt, but this man is also a genius- his whole job is spent undoing charms and hexes on muggle objects which undoubtedly involves creativity and skill. He is constantly tinkering and coming up with really inventive adjustments and improvements on objects- objects that few wizards understand the workings of at all! I saw a Weasley appreciation post awhile back that mentioned Arthur’s obsession with batteries and how he could be looking into the possibility of storing magical energy and I 100% believe this to be true. He’s not just collecting these items because they look fun, he’s studying them and trying to figure out how they work and how he can incorporate magic into muggle inventions. And he goes through the effort to write loopholes into his own laws so that what he’s doing isn’t strictly illegal which just kills me. One of the true hallmarks of Ravenclaws, beyond just plain intelligence, is cleverness and ingenuity (and a constant desire to learn and push the boundaries of understanding). Ravenclaws aren’t just interested in things you can learn from books and they encourage out-of-the-box thinking. One of the first things he does when he meets anyone connected to muggles is to immediately start asking questions and learning. Also don’t forget that he wrote (co-wrote?) the Muggle Protection Act. His demeanor is jubilant and laid back and he certainly shows great bravery at times, but his baseline behavior is to be in the background, steady and confident and pushing the boundaries in his own way. He is a great source of comfort to his family and to Harry. He always takes Harry seriously and does his best to protect him in the ways he can. In the muggle world, he would totally be that spacey college professor whose office is a mess with random artifacts and weird comics pinned up everywhere, but when you talk to them you realize they are about 10x smarter than you. Molly Weasley- Hufflepuff Ah, Molly- the badger indeed. Loving and fiercely protective. We hardly ever get to see Molly outside of the context of motherhood, but I imagine we see the worst of her temper as she attempts to raise 7 children amidst two wars. I think the Molly underneath all the stress is strong, empathetic, and comforting. We see her unkindness towards Fleur do a 180 as soon as she realizes that Fleur isn’t someone she needs to protect Bill from. She might not get points for patience, but she is certainly stubborn! Overall, Molly is deeply emotional and she keeps her emotions close to the surface. She is soft (in a good way) and warm and just unbelievably capable. The intensity of her kindness towards Harry (knitting him a sweater his first year even though she had only once briefly met him because she guessed, presumably from Ron’s letters, that he needed a family). That’s the kind of person Molly is.  Bill Weasley- Ravenclaw I struggled a bit with Bill because the age gap between Harry and Bill might skew our perception of him a bit. Bill is certainly the cool, calm, and collected older brother. The hair, the earring, the swagger- I absolutely adore Bill. Bill always comes off as a bit reserved- not shy but just someone who doesn’t say more than they have to. But this could just be his age and maturity compared to his younger siblings. His family’s obvious disdain for his fiance, Fleur, seems to roll off his back and we rarely see him raise his voice or lose his cool. He is just an incredibly competent man and wizard. Skills with curse breaking and wards really scream Ravenclaw to me- these are skills that take perseverance and creativity to master- something that might not mesh well with the brute force and brashness of a Gryffindor. He is obviously someone who can work with Goblins, which tells me he is tactful and careful and must have paid attention in History of Magic. And how could I forget, Head Boy and 12 Outstanding OWLs. Slowclap for Bill Weasley, everyone. Charlie Weasley- Hufflepuff?? Who knows because it’s a crime we have almost nothing to go on with this fabulous character. A well built, quidditch playing, dragon wrangler?? Cmon JK Rowling- we need more Charlie Weasley. His love for Care of Magical Creatures automatically makes me gravitate towards Hufflepuff (Hagrid is my next big installment post, don’t worry) and the little we see of him shows us a popular, warm, and dedicated guy. But that’s all I can really say! Percy Weasley- Slytherin I know this one is going to be controversial so let me start out by saying this is partially based on a rejection of JKR’s version of Slytherin. I’m not sure if we are just supposed to blame Harry’s unreliable POV, but Slytherin is a mess. So if we strip away some of the ugliest caricatures of the house, Slytherins are crafty, resourceful, driven, and deeply protective of tradition. Percy is seriousssss. He’s a snob, absolutely. He sees everything as an opportunity and he feels he is fighting an uphill battle to separate himself from his family, who don’t share his commitment to self-betterment. He bleeds ambition and unfortunately, because of the political climate that he grows up in, he has the perfect personality to get swept up in government corruption. He realizes his mistakes, but he is prideful and it takes him awhile to face his family and own up to them. We see him full of regret but not yet able to apologize at Christmas during HBP, and of course his arc comes full circle at the Battle of Hogwarts. Tradition and correctness are very important to Percy and he needs constant validation that he is in control. He is in a bit of an awkward age gap with his siblings and I think often ends up as the odd man out and as such, he overcompensates by trying to rise above the chaos of his family and he isolates himself in the process. Percy is also bullied relentlessly by Fred and George, and this really hardens him and pushes him further away. I think it is probably good that he wasn’t sorted into Slytherin in canon, because the divide between Percy and the other Weasleys is already wide and it would have really hurt Percy in the long run. But that being said, JKR wrote the perfect Slytherin with Percy, she just didn’t act on it. He could never have survived as the odd man out in his family in Slytherin, but in a different universe, he fits. Fred & George- Gryffindor I struggled with them because in a way, I wanted to split them up because I think they really can encompass more than one house but I think that F&G are a FORCE together and need to stay as such. I was originally leaning towards Ravenclaw for them just based on the extreme wit and creativity they possess, but as @flockdynamics pointed out to me, I think their intentions are very important. Life is a joke for these two and it’s full of color and noise. They are whip smart and very ambitious and honestly would have thrived in any house- I don’t see them letting house boundaries define them (especially if we cast aside the Gryffindor ancestry of the Weasleys). But their inventions and ingenuity don’t stem from a desire to research and push the boundaries of wizard invention. They just want to make stuff and blow shit up and have a good time. And sure, they want to build a business and make the money they never had growing up, but making people happy and bringing humor into the world are their #1 goals. They are brave in the most foolhardy, Gryffindor way (U-No-Poo anyone?) and never back down from a challenge. They act before thinking and can be bullies (their treatment of Percy, Ron, and sometimes Hermione definitely comes off this way). They often don’t stop to consider emotional tact because they really just live in their own world where everything is fun.  Ron- Gryffindor In all her missteps with the houses, I think JKR spent a lot of time making the golden trio fit into her views of Gryffindor traits. Ron is often tactless and self-centered but he is also deeply empathetic (especially towards the end as he’s maturing). I think bravery is an oversimplification of Gryffindor- I think Gryffindor to me is more about being just. They definitely exhibit overt bravery by going off on adventures or putting themselves in danger for loved ones. But moreover, Gryffindors are motivated by an unerring sense of justice and sense of how things should be- they often can’t see the nuances or slow down to consider the best course of action before diving in. Ron’s relationship with Harry is one of the best teenage boy relationships I’ve seen. Ron is there for Harry and legit willing to fight by his side time and time again. He knows when to be supportive, when to give Harry space, when to argue, when to capitulate. His misgivings with Hermione are a different story of dumb teenage hormones and misunderstandings. Ron gives 100% and puts his life on the line for his friends. He really struggles with deep feelings of inadequacy compared to his brothers and struggles to find a place for himself being in Harry’s and their shadows. This really overshadows his underlying personality and makes him act out. I can actually see adult Ron acting much more like a Hufflepuff: stalwart, dependable, and caring but also fiercely protective of those he’s close to. But his personality growing up is definitely Gryffindor. Ginny- Slytherin?? But probably Gryffindor Ginny, Ginny, Ginny. man this one is hard. One look at my blog will probably tell you she is one of my favorite characters, but she is also one that suffers from Harry’s unreliable POV. She went through unimaginable trauma at the age of 11 and was saved by none other than her girlhood crush/brother’s best friend/famous quasi family member. It’s an odd position for her to be in. She is broken and deeply embarrassed and spends time rebuilding herself away from Harry. Which is completely understandable, but it means the audience suffers from not getting to know Ginny until much later and she keeps herself at arms length with Harry until their relationship begins. I think Ginny is largely misunderstood by the fandom and the complete obliteration of her character by the movies doesn’t help. BUT, damn if Ginny is not a BAMF. Sneaky, witty, sometimes harsh and sharp but also loving and bubbly and effervescent. She is the embodiment of “bitch, I won’t hesitate”. Growing up with 6 brothers really pushes Ginny to be rough, unapologetic, and outspoken and we see that side of her often- berating Fleur, hexing/crashing into Zacharias, tripping Ron, etc. Her friendship with Luna gives us glimpses into the softer sides of Ginny. As much as fans love Luna, it always strikes me as odd that they easily dismiss the person Luna seems closest to as boring and mean. Luna seems like an excellent judge of character and not one to seek out negative people (but I digress). I think Ginny is a complex character that the books barely scratch the surface of. By the end, Ginny really exudes confidence and she bravely takes on part of the role of running the DA during the darkest year at Hogwarts. In a world away from the blood purity nonsense, I would totally put her in Slytherin. Her tenacity, perseverance, and cunning really match up well with many of the things Slytherins claim to possess and she shows us time and time again she is willing to push social boundaries to make herself heard/seen. The prejudices associated with Slytherin muddy the waters so in canon, Gryffindor is a good place for her. 
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zummar · 7 years ago
Cursed Hands
AN: This is my “little” entry for @plaidstiel-wormstache’s Halloween challenge. It kept growing so in order to do this story justice it’ll be a part two as soon as I can get it ready. It’s not beta’d so all the mistakes are mine (and please let me know if anything sounds strange, english is NOT my native language so sometimes I use proverbs that works here but maybe not in English)
Warnings: hopefully a tad creepy, swearing
Word count: 4094 (yeah, i know...it kept growing as I said...)
Prompts: “We’re looking for the man with the hands.” - Edward Scissorhands Arae - female spirits of curses, particularly of the curses placed by the dead upon those guilty of their death
                  Hope you enjoy, please like, comment, reblog!
”Noo, don’t…just…no” he raised his hand as a shield over his face, franticly trying to crawl further away from the being coming towards him. “I’ve been good, I never hurt anyone! Please!” his voice cracked in to an incoherent sob when his back hit the in the corner between the bed and dresser. The wall was hard and cold against his back, but the chilling fear was what made the hair on his back rise.
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that” a soft melodic voice that would have been calming if it wasn’t for a cold undertone that made his skin crawl, came from the creature floating half inch above the floor.
She was naked from the waist up, skin so white it glowed in the rays of moonlight seeping through the windows, her hair gently flowing over her shoulders, shimmering in black and teal. When the moonlight hit her face, her eyes gleamed in an eerie light blue color. Something that could only be described as lightning flashes ran across her irises in an irregular pattern.
The man gasped as he tried to fill his lungs with air. “Please” he whispered, “don’t hurt me” he was nauseous with fear and the trembling that went through his body made it difficult to not throw up. “I never hurt anyone…” his voice broke “please…”
She spoke again, her face so close he would have felt her breath against him had she been human but there was nothing, only a cold air around her. “I think maybe Alice would disagree. In fact, I know she does” her lips curled up in the corners of her mouth “actually…she sent me…” She let the words sink in.
He looked at her, confusion written all over his face at first and then realization “Mrs. Barnes?” he breathed “but she’s dead.”
She laughed softly as she let her hand trace his jawbone, gently she placed her left hand on the back of his neck, her fingers digging into his hair. The conversation had him startled to the point that some of the initial fear had subsided. The grip on his neck hardened and she forced him up to standing, still against the corner of the wall. She leaned in and rested her forehead against his as she said:
“Yeah, that is kind of the point, you see…” she rubbed her nose against his, he tried to pull away but the grip on the back of his head was firm, the hair on his arms rose. Her right hands fingers walked across his bare chest, painstakingly slow.
“I am an Arae, one of the worst demons from the underworld, and I help the wronged get their well...deserved…revenge” she poked him in his chest with the three last words for emphasis.
“Revenge?” his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, eyes wide open staring right into the arae’s eyes.
“Mhmm” the arae closed her eyes with a serene, almost happy expression “She feels you’re responsible for her death” her hands were travelling his body leaving cold trails all over his torso, the nausea from before rose again. He desperately wanted her to stop but fear had him paralyzed and there was nowhere to run.  He could hear every beat of his heart against the inside of his ribcage.
She licked her lips before she continued “Her dying wish, or, well technically she was already dead when we met but I digress...she gave me the most wonderful idea on how to make you suffer...just like you made her suffer!
“So, get this” Sam stepped into the kitchen where his brother was having breakfast. Not waiting for Dean to even acknowledge his presence Sam continued “I think I found us a case, but it’s really strange.” He paused and looked up from the tablet in his hands when he heard a grunt from where his brother sat. “You okay?”
Dean groaned and pointed a finger at his mug, filled with scalding hot coffee.
Sam read the text saying No coffee, no talkie “ah, one of those days” he smiled and sat down at the table across from Dean. “Good thing Charlie gave you that mug, huh?” his smile was still there but it didn’t reach all the way to his eyes at the memory of the friend they’d lost.
They sat in silence until Dean had finished both his first cup of coffee and breakfast, he stroked his hands over his face and said “So, strange case?”
Sam looked at Dean with one brow raised and a little smirk “Oh, so we’re good to talk now?”
“Are you gonna tell me ‘bout the case or what?”
“Well, I think there is a case at least” he paused briefly “You see, I accidentally happened to come across both strange deaths and odd…uhm, miraculous ‘healings’” he made air quotes with his right hand at the word ‘healings’ “all in the same town, they all seem connected”
“How?” Dean grunted.
“Look at this” Sam turned the tablet, so Dean could see the side by side articles on the screen, he pointed at the first one, ‘Dr. Jones saves girl with rare cancer’ and next to that ‘Homeless man found dead, had baseball sized tumor in his brain’ and under that ‘Local doctor cures paraplegic teenager’, ‘Woman hurt at Wall mart’.
Dean carefully read through the articles, one by one, his facial expression turning from doubtful to pensive. “Well, yeah…strange, strange that the girl and the homeless guy had what seems, the exact same type of tumor but I’m not totally sold on the paraplegic teen and the woman at wall Mart”
“Ah, but I did some digging and I found a weird coincidence” Sam looked triumphant “The woman, she was healthy and had no accidents up to the day she became paralyzed but when examined the doctors found she had an injury on the exact same vertebra as the teen that was cured, and…” he paused like he wanted a drum roll for effect “the teenager was cured by the same doctor that cured the girl with the tumor!”
“Huh, yeah, that makes it slightly stranger…and familiar” he froze in his thoughts in the middle of placing the dishes in the sink “do you remember that preacher that healed me when I got electrocuted and had a heart attack?”
“Yeah, you might be on to something.” Sam and Dean walked together down the corridor to the library. “So, a bound reaper that cures young people and then is sent to transfer their deaths onto older or less fortunate?”
“Yeah, must be, right?” an uncertainty in the last word “Huh…but, the woman at the store didn’t die, she’s paralyzed…not dead!” Dean looked at his brother, his eyebrows risen and creases deep in his forehead.
“You’re right…maybe reapers can do that too, I mean when they’re bound by magic?”
They hit the road within an hour thinking they’d figure out most of the details on the way there. They arrived in the mid-sized town the same afternoon with no other ideas on what could be causing the mysterious deaths than a reaper bound by a witch. The non-death of the paraplegic woman was still bothering the though. “Ok, so I think I’ve read every lore and information I can find about the reapers and they ALL say that reapers reap, the don’t hurt or really even kill anyone, they just pick us up when it’s our time. And in the case of being bound they only transfer the reason to reap one person to another…” he sighed heavily raking his finger through his hair.
“Hmm…but, isn’t this odd?” Dean stared at the computer screen. “I think I found something”  
Sam moved over to Dean’s side of the table, so they could share the screen. “I did some digging about Dr. Jones here” he nodded at the picture of a handsome man with dark brown hair and light brown eyes “his name came up in two of the articles and turns out he also has connections to the two others too.”
Sam looked at his brother, eyebrows raised “Wha- How?”
“Well, he was at the store when the woman fell, and he apparently his morning run is just passed where the homeless guy was found”
Sam looked from the computer to his brother and back again “I think we need to pay or good Dr. Jones here a visit.”  
The next morning Sam and Dean went to the hospital that currently was Dr. Jones’s workplace, they introduced themselves as agents from the CDC in an urgent matter that only Dr. Jones could help them with. The nurse at the front desk made absolutely no fuss of the matter and let them in as soon as there was an opening in the doctor’s schedule.
Sam did most of the talking and when he got Dr. Jones to take him on tour of the hospital Dean excused himself, so he could sneak back into the office to snoop around in peace. There were the usual things, a computer, a desk that hid no secrets, a book shelf and some cupboards along the left wall. Dean searched as thoroughly he could without disturbing the order too much of. He found nothing other than two chocolate bars and a harlequin novel, well hidden under a stack of papers in the topmost drawer. Dean silently slunk back out into the corridor where he texted his Sam.
Five minutes later Sam opened the door to the Impala’s passenger seat and got in. “So, nothing?”
“Nope, not a thing…we need to see his home, got the address?” Dean put the key in the ignition. The impala roared, although Dean would probably say it purred, as he turned the key to start the car.
Turned out the doctor didn’t live too far from the hospital and within ten minutes they’d found a place to park and was heading up to the house. The house wasn’t as big as you’d think, him being a doctor and all but it was well kept, and the lawn meticulously mowed.
They knocked on the door, but there was no answer and Sam looked through the windows to see if there was any movement, the house seemed empty. Sam gave Dean a questioning eye and Dean nodded and pointed to the far end of the house. Without a word they walked to the backside to see if there was somewhere they could get inside.
The back yard was as neat as the front and there was big porch covering the whole length of the house. Dean gestured to Sam that he was going to check the glass door leading from the house and out to the porch. He climbed the steps with careful steps and lightly pushed at the door, to his surprise the door slid open, he turned to Sam who was right behind him “well that was, lucky?” Dean said as he entered what seemed to be a dining room, connected to the kitchen.
“I’ll take upstairs” Sam headed into the small hallway and up the white wooden stair. While Sam searched the two bedrooms, closets and a bathroom with jacuzzi, Dean searched the downstairs.
“Found anything?” Sam asked when he found dean in study going through the books in the shelves to the right of the big cherry-wood desk placed in front of the window, facing the room.
“No, nothing yet” he pulled out another book, another one about medicine, just as you’d expect.
They continued in silence.
“Uhm, did you see this?” Sam pointed at a section of the book shelf he was searching.
A little distracted by his own doings Dean slowly turned to look at what Sam was pointing at “No, what?” He read the backs. “Mythology, what about it?”
“I don’t know…might be nothing but, it’s the only thing remotely ‘odd’- “he made air quotes again “-that we can find about this guy”
Dean gave his brother a ‘could you just stop with the air quotes’ look as he reached for the book with the most worn cover. He let it fall open in his hand.
“So, something called Arae is his favorite Greek mythology creature?” he eyed the pages, closed book and put it back.
“Wait, what did it say?”
“Just about demons from the underworld, and that they carry out curses” Dean shrugged his shoulders “let’s get out of here”
“It’s not a reaper, the doctor seems squeaky clean and now this-“ Sam sighed heavily and tossed Dean the newspaper he had picked up while getting some groceries, he started unpacking the plastic bag he’d put on the table “-some homeless dude is harassing the police station saying that there is a warlock going around the homeless community, setting spells on them and making them sick, that this has been going on for years and that the finals straw was when his friend died from that tumor.”
“A warlock, huh?”
“Yep, I say we eat and then head on over to see if we can find this ‘Shorty’ guy” Sam raised his hands to make air quotes again.
“Would you please! Stop with those fucking-“ Dean made a face as he exaggerated his imitation of Sam’s favorite gesture.
Sam snorted at his brother and threw him a prepacked sandwich. They ate without a word.
Tracking down a homeless guy by the name Shorty wasn’t easy. Ha was not to be found at any of the local shelters and it wasn’t until Sam came up with the idea to search in the area that the dead homeless guy was found a week earlier that they got a lead. They met a lady with no front teeth and grizzly hair, named Louise, and she told them about the guy that died.
“Yeah, Karl was a bit rough around the edges, but he was kind, as long as he got his morning beer he was as cuddly as a kitten” she had a fond look on her face as stroke the bench beside her “they found him on this bench ya’ know…” her eyes welled up with tears.
“Ma’am, can you tell us anything about how he died? Anything strange occurred that night?” Sam’s eyebrows knitted together in a compassionate frown.
Louise gazed far into the distance “I met him that night, he seemed fine” she drifted off in thoughts “nothing was out of the ordinary…but when me and Shorty found him in the morning…” she fell silent and looked up at the men in front of her, “well, he had a hand print on the left side of his face…as if someone had held a hand there, I talked to the police about it but they just said it was from being in a fight…”
“But you don’t think he was in a fight that night?” Sam filled in.
“No, Karl hardly ever fought, specially not fist fights, he always said he’d done enough of them, that he was too old for that now.” She dropped her shoulders and looked so sad and confused Sam couldn’t help but place a supportive hand on her shoulder. A thankful smile curved the corners of her mouth.
“Ma’am, can you tell us where we could find Shorty?”
“Uhm, yeah…the police station I recon…they came and took him this morning.”
Sam and Dean shared a look and then thanked Louise for the help, leaving her with some money for food.
Dean dropped Sam of at the coroner’s office and drove himself to the police station.
“Hi there, I’m detective Brown FBI” he flipped his badge open to the clerk at the front desk “I need to have a word with Nikolas Dew or ‘Shorty’” God he loved how Sam so easily could track down the correct names of people, way better to have the right name than just a nickname when trying to pretend to be official FBI. “I was told you had him in custody.”
The clerk’s fingers danced quickly over the keyboard as he looked up the information Dean had given him.
“Yeah, he’s here, I’ll have an officer come and show you the way” Dean sat down at the green leather sofa in the waiting area.
Two minutes later a woman that introduced herself as Officer Day came and showed him into the station.
“What does FBI want with one of our most notorious addicts?” she asked as they walked down a corridor with florescent lights flickering above them.
“I’m afraid I can’t really go into that” Dean tried with the ‘top secret’ card, hopefully she’d let it go. He was lucky, she dropped it and started talking about Shorty. She wrote him off as a delusional drunk, probably with mental health issues.
“He’s been shouting at us to get out and catch this warlock that’s apparently terrorizing the homeless community” she shook her head and smiled at the situation. “A total nutter if you ask me” She unlocked the door they’d stopped in front of “we moved him to an interrogation room” she explained as she opened the door.
Shorty was a white man and form the looks of it he did his nickname justice, he couldn’t have been more than 5”4, his cloths seemed clean but worn and his red hair stood on end, like he just had his fingers in a power socket.
Dean waited until the door closed behind him before he explained why he was there.
“You want to hear about the warlock??” his blue eyes widened in surprise “The FBI wants to know about warlocks?”
“Can you tell me what you’ve seen?” Dean took the seat opposite Shorty. The man shifted nervously in his chair, unable to believe the situation.
“Uhm…yeah, yeah I can do that” he murmured stroking the nape of his neck. “About a year ago a strange man came to us, he was dressed in black and had a dark blue…. What do you call them” he lifted his hands to show how he threw something on his shoulders “a…uhm, like wizards and warlocks have on?”
“A cloak?” Dean filled in.
“Yeah, yes! A cloak!” he smiled, Dean thought the man looked like a child that got lollipop for being a good boy when he smiled.
“Ok, so what does this man do?”
“Not much at first, he mostly just stood around and sort of stared at us…he’s creepy” Shorty’s leg started to bounce nervously “it’s like he’s, I don’t know…scanning us?”
There was a crease between Deans brows “Is that all he does?”
“No, no he sometimes approaches us and tries to talk to us, asks us about our lives and stuff and sometimes he reaches out a hand and touches the one he talks to.”
“Touches, how?” this was weird, even for Dean.
“Yeah, he reaches out and places a hand on the ones he’s talking to, and…I know you’ll think I’m crazy like all the other cops here, but I swear that everyone he touches gets sick in some way. Once I saw him lay a hand on a man and he instantly fell down with a broken leg.”
“Is there anything else you can tell me about him? Eye color, hair color, accents? Anything?”
Shorty swallowed hard “No, it’s always too dark to see his eye color and his hair is covered by the hood on the cloak and I never spoken to him, and the once that have said he is kind of whispering, or wheezing between blunt teeth”
“Okay, thank you for your help, sir” Dean placed his hands on the table between them and pushed himself up. He reached into his pocket as he got up and handed Shorty a business card “If there’s anything else, you give me a call, alright?”
He took the card and put it in his jacket. When Dean turned to walk away Shorty said, “Yeah, there is one more thing” he cleared his throat, his eyes flitting between the table and Dean “I…there’s something with his hands…when he touches someone, they all say that his hands…glows” Shorty turned his head down and looked almost ashamed.
“Glows? How?” Dean frowned with a skeptical look on his face.
“Yeah, my friend said they glowed with a reddish light”
Dean told Sam about what Shorty had told him as they drove back to the motel, he was as confused about it as Dean. Sam then told Dean about his visit to the coroner’s office. He’d seen the body of Karl, the homeless guy that was found dead, and even though he couldn’t see an actual hand print on Karl’s cheek, he could confirm that it looked like he had been burned or slapped real hard on the left side of his face.
“Found anything else?” Dean asked when they got out of the impala.
“Yeah, there was more bodies, or, the coroner told me he’d seen other markings just like the one on Karl and I tried to crosscheck the deaths to reports of miraculous recovering, but I couldn’t find anything.”
“Okay, so now what?” Dean stepped inside the motel room and threw his jacket on the bed.
“I don’t know but I think we should try Shorty’s friends. See if they can give us some more info about this man with the glowing hands.”
They found Louise at the same spot as last time, she had however never talked to the ‘the man with the hands’ as she called him. She knew someone who had though and followed them to the area where he’d been encountered last.
An old abandoned train station in connection to a forest area was the place she took them to. There was three rusty steel barrels in total that had been turned into fireplaces. The night was chilly and people where hovering around them trying to keep warm. They approached the first group of people, something was stirring but as the group of people around the barrel saw that Louise had brought to outsiders the conversation faded.
Louise held out a hand to stop Sam and Dean to go further “I’ll go talk to them first, okay?”
Neither Sam nor Dean opposed to this idea and quietly stood back and let Louise proceed to talk to the group.
She waved them over and the brothers walked up to the fire.
“Hi, did Louise fill you in about why we’re here?” Sam took the lead.
“Yeah, you’re looking for that creepy guy!” a man in a dirt brown coat said loudly. The others hushed him and a murmur of voices telling him to not be so loud about it rose.
“Yes, we’re looking for the man with the hands, anyone seen him recently?” Sam looked over the small crowd.
“Yeah…” a woman to his right in a blue quilted jacket and a big white hat with earflaps said. Her voice was weak, and she quickly looked away when Sam caught her eye.
He raised his eyebrow to urge her on when she did a quick sideways glance at him once again.
“Please, tell us”
“I…I kinda saw him over there” she nodded towards the part of the forest shrouded in darkness “he wanted to talk to me…but I was afraid, so I ran”
“Okay, do you think he could still be here?” Dean asked
“I dunno, maybe…” she had her hands stretch out over the fire, occasionally rubbing them together.
“NOOOOO, DON’T!!!” the scream came from the part of the forest that the woman in the white hat had pointed out. They all froze in their doings briefly. Then everything happened at once, Sam and Dean turned on the spot and ran towards the forest with Louise and the other woman following close after.
“Over there!” Dean shouted to his brother, darting his way into the forest where you could see a faint red light. Dean got there first and threw himself at the cloaked figure that was hovering over a person laid on the ground. “I’ve got him!” he wrestled the man and finally had his hands around his back in a firm grip, resting his weight on the man under him.
Sam and the women were checking on the victim and when they were certain he’d be okay, or at least alive Sam got up and walked over to Dean. He had just finished tying the mans hands together and with his brother they turned him over. A familiar face looked back at them.
“Dr. Jones?”
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jonroxton · 8 years ago
things i loved in ww
sleeping together!
hippolyta: don’t train diana
antiope: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
above average!
luddendorf and maru wanted to destroy the world yea, but they took genuine pleasure from it. takes the blanket pure evil just up a notch. also no villain monologues! luddendorf wants to get high and murder everyone. maru wants everyone to die horribly. ares wants to point and say: seeee. it’s the antithesis to jor-el’s philosophy of everyone’s potential for good: everyone has potential to be destructive and violent
so far every single dceu movie has presented this theme as trippy visions. kind of like an offering, and each evil is incredibly specifc to real world anxieties: xenophobe zod, megalomanical lex, resentful enchantress, scornful ares. clark rejects zod’s plan to turn earth to krypton, bruce rejects lex’s manipulation (and possibly darkseid’s influence), the squad rejects enchantress (and waller), and diana rejects ares.
steve doesn’t believe what diana is saying about ares, but never once does he tell her her beliefs are wrong or stupid, and he eventually does come around in the end
does patty like lament configurations bc there are some nice bird’s eye visuals of the louvre and the pattern in the department store. reminds me of motherboxes
steve carries around an edgar rice burroughs novel to share with soldiers in order to bond asldfjhlkjdsf i headcanon it’s princess of mars: american solider arrives on strange new world, meets and falls in love with badass scientist warrior princess watch john carter ya’ll it’s beautiful
the photograph is 10x worse now thx patty and zack
battle of the languages between samir and diana tho
everything we learn about the crew is to further diana’s understanding of the strange and sometimes conflicting dynamics in man’s world. charlie has ptsd from being a sniper but is still a soldier, samir is an actor who can’t find work in his profession bc of racism and became a soldier to use his talents, chief already fought in wars and lost and is now in it for himself and that means working with steve, a white man. and steve has the same noble calling as diana but his methods are not exactly hers. yet even when they clash but it’s explicitly to understand more, not to cover anything up or out of misunderstanding
like even the ice cream scene is about how good steve and diana are to each other. she wants ice cream? sure, buy her some ice cream and for a brief moment enjoy how happy it makes her. it’s so fucking pure my fuck
above average! again! yes! bc! steve covers up right, but it’s not bc it makes her uncomfortable. she’s 100% ok with it. a watch is more important. UGH PATTY PATTY PATTTTTTAAAAY. THAT GETS ME GOOD
antiope and her 2nd in command aaaamiright
little diana running straight from her lessons to watch training
diana just climbing shit in general
steve too, she got right on that
i love that it fades out bc wondertrev is so hot and into each other, yea i believe they’d go at it, but they’re also so pure and sweet, they also could’ve just cuddled
i’m of the both. both is good persuasion.
znyde and art history majors must’ve gone nuts during the zeus/ares story. also how dope to get around exposition by making both big moments of just telling us shit by making them stories integrated into the worldbuilding
things diana wants: to protect mankind and save the world
things steve wants: to save as many people as he can, get married, have babies, grow old
things i want: to die
*totally destructive battle mayhem*
diana: stay here
crew: : /
steve: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
present diana works to preserve history hahahahaaaaaaacries
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yellodisney · 8 years ago
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chuffyfan87 · 6 years ago
Mistletoe Kisses. Part 11a.
Charlie stuck his head into his office only to find it empty. Not again! They'd already had this row several times. They'd agreed she could continue working a week longer than he'd been happy with - which was two weeks less than she'd wanted to work - but only on the proviso that she stuck to paperwork and triage. He'd just come from the triage area so knew she wasn't there. She didn't seem to understand that he had her best interests at heart, no, she'd just see it as him being overbearing and interfering again!
He walked into the admin area. He spotted Mike and Adele chatting by the desk.
"Have either of you seen Duffy recently?"
Though they tried to hide it he spotted the sideways glance they exchanged.
"Um... I think she was headed for the staff room last I saw her." Adele replied.
Charlie sighed. They were clearly covering for her. He left them and walked towards the cubicles.
He'd almost reached the last cubicle when he heard her voice.
"Mr Simpson I can't help you if you won't stay still!"
A commotion followed and then a crash. Charlie was instantly at the cubicle, pulling back the curtain. A tray of equipment was lying on the floor. Mr Simpson, clearly drunk, was half slumped on the trolley. Duffy was in the middle of attempting to remove his shirt so she could start cleaning up a superficial but quite nasty looking cut on his chest.
"Ash, can you take over dealing with Mr Simpson please?" He then turned to Duffy, "How about you and I have a chat?"
Duffy rolled her eyes at him and followed him towards his office. Once there she took a seat and he closed the door behind them.
"I know what you're going to say Charlie. I had the situation under control."
"You call that under control? The equipment tray was scattered all over the floor. Leaving aside for a moment how it got there in the first place, how exactly were you planning to pick it all back up again?"
"I'm not totally incapable!"
"I'm not saying you are but you're eight months pregnant! Have some sense!"
Her only response was to scowl at him.
"So tell me, how did the tray come to fall on the floor?" Duffy avoided eye contact. "Let me guess, the patient sent it flying there, didn't he?" She started to fiddle with her fingernails. "What if he'd lashed out at you? He could have really hurt you! And the baby!" His voice was getting louder, he tried to keep things calm but his fears got the better of him.
A tear rolled down her cheek. Charlie noticed this and immediately bent down to take her in his arms.
"I'm sorry for shouting, I shouldn't have but I wish you'd just stick to what we agreed. It's for your own safety."
The next few hours passed without further issues until a major incident call sent Charlie heading back into his office. As he entered Duffy spoke without looking up.
"I'm doing the paperwork, you don't have to keep checking up on me!"
"I'm not, I just came to get this." She looked up to see he was holding a hi-vis jacket with "nurse" written across the back. "There's been a major incident, a commuter train hit a car on a level crossing as it was approaching a tunnel. They've requested a medical team to head over. Mike and I are going."
"What?! Can't someone else go?" A concerned look crossed her face.
"Promise me you'll be careful!"
"Of course I will, I'm always careful."
She raised an eyebrow in response.
"Everything will be fine. We attend these kinds of calls all the time."
"Time to go Charlie!" Mike called as he passed the doorway.
"Right, I'll see you later." He lent over and gave her a quick kiss. Her hand lingered briefly on his cheek. "Love you."
"Love you too." She replied as he left the room to follow Mike.
The further they ventured into the carriage that was on its side in the tunnel the more seriously injured patients they encountered. On the far side of the carriage they could hear the muffled cries of a young woman. Her legs were trapped by a collapsed seat. Part of the carriage had also fallen, blocking access to her. The firemen had managed to clear some of the debris but it was slow going. She was fading in and out of consciousness.
"I think I could fit through that gap and get to her." Charlie declared over the sound of creaking from above them.
"We need to wait til the firemen have cleared more space and shored up the roof." Josh replied, looking up anxiously as there was another loud crack from above.
"She doesn't have that kind of time, Josh! At the very least I can get to her, reassure her and give her some fluids."
His facial expression showed that he was not going to argue further. He bent down and started to crawl through the space.
"Hi, I'm Charlie, I'm a nurse. We're going to help you. What's your name?"
"Ok Sophie, I'm going to put this into your arm. It might sting a bit but it'll make you feel better."
He was just starting to make progress with assessing her injuries when there was another crack, louder this time, followed by alarmed shouting and then everything suddenly went black.
Back at the hospital it was chaos. Patients were arriving almost faster than they could be assessed. Even if she'd wanted to, there was no way that Duffy could simply sit back in the office and let the others get on with dealing with the influx. It was all hands on deck.
Making her way through the crowded corridor wasn't the easiest of tasks but she plowed on. The cubicles were full and they'd had to place a couple of extra trolleys in resus to deal with the demand in there. She spotted an empty trolley in a doorway. She took hold of it and started to move it back into the corridor. Spotting a passing porter she asked him to help her take it through to resus.
After that was done she made her way back through to admin to check on the situation there. As she entered she saw Adele place the radio back in its holster with a horrified look on her face.
"We got more injuries incoming? How serious?" Duffy asked her.
"Um... That was Jane. She says there's been a further collapse inside the tunnel..."
"Ok we're going to need more space in resus. I'll see if I can get some of the patients currently in there moved upstairs."
"Duffy wait! The carriage that collapsed, Charlie and Josh, they were in there at the time..."
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zenosanalytic · 8 years ago
Wonder Woman
Ok, so I saw this yesterday, and I liked it, and I thought it was a good movie, but I felt it was weighed down by the necessity of tying it into the DC continuity, and I found it philosophically unsatisfying in certain particular, idiosyncratic ways.
As a movie and an Action Movie I thought it did a great job. All the performances were excellent. The lack of male-gaziness, the placing of a guy in the traditional love-interest role, the allowance of said love-interest to be a full and complex character which so few conventional action movies with conventional male directors is willing to afford to women characters and actors, was Wonderful.
I could have done without the frame story. I understand why they did it, but it detracted from the film, i think, and they could have made it much smaller and accomplished the same thing. It could have been as easy as having the frame be a question from Bruce at a party, or Diana seeing the picture in her house or at work and remember. Or heck, have no frame at the start and fade from her looking at the picture on the memorial to her looking at the picture in her hand or on the wall or in a museum or something in the present.
I wanted MORE Movie. Yes, I realize it was almost 2 1/2 hours long, but it felt rushed to me; like they didn’t have much time establish the setting, background, and supporting characters in. There were a lot of good ideas there: the motley, dispossessed nature of Steve’s team being a implicit example of how destructive war is; Charlie’s PTSD; the revelation of the horrors behind Steve’s American optimism, but none of these felt like they were given the time they needed, or the development they deserved.
Every action sequence in the movie was in the trailers. This is Bad, and I kinda feel like it’ll alienate those fans who came to the it as an actiony summer blockbuster, though idk how big a sector of the audience that’ll be.
I’d have liked a bigger time-frame for the plot. Excepting the backstory section, the whole movie takes place in, like, a week or two at most. You see Diana go to sleep three times, so it’s possible it all happens in three days.
I don’t think you needed the McGuffin of the gas, and I’d have preferred a full-war time-frame, akin to First Avenger. Diana’s motivation is to find and defeat Ares, afterall, so the war in itself, its scope, and its world-wide, apocalyptic tones, would have been enough to draw her out through her desire for adventure and sense of obligation.
Pitch: Steve crashes, she learns about the war, she decides Ares is behind it and goes to find and defeat him, she confronts the cabinet/high command/whatever to offer her aid, being raging sexists they laugh her out of there, enraged she goes to the front and proves her worth ala the village sequence, now she’s a national figure and command HAS to use her but they use her in ways that keep her out of the main action and away from where the can end the war quickly, through all this she comes to see and learn the nature of war, of humanity, that her allies aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, how hopeless and stupid and wasteful The Great War was, and starts to question her OWN joy in and desire for violence, and what that says about who she is, who humans are, Who/What “Ares” is, and what it means to be good and just. And then you can do your ending, which I’ll get to later.
More could have been done with Etta.
The unashamed inclusion of dysfluency/fillers in the dialogue, both in response to Diana ‘s not-so-mere Presence and just for their own sake, was something I deeply appreciated.
The Romance stuff was Wonderful, and Good, and Pure. I Love that they did the “sex scene” with a simple room walk in and jump cut to their lighted window during the night. I think it could have been better though :| I am going to write-up how I think it could have been better, and when I do I will link it here :| :| Though I might wait until I can rewatch it online so I can make sure I get the dialogue right and everything right.
I agree with @purified-zone that including the Ares bit, and the way they did it, undercuts the really excellent and interesting Existential and Humanitarian message the film had been building up until then, only to replace it with a deeply unsatisfying, poorly done, and confusing Idealist ending that somehow manages to feel both enormously tacked on, utterly out of the blue, and unnecessary and clumsily foreshadowed for much of the movie. I mean, it wasn’t even much of a twist I was like “that dude is totally Ares because the movie so much wants us to believe it’s the other guy and he’s set up in opposition to him” the minute I saw him. I have more idiosyncratic Opinions about this bit, which I’ll get to below.
The Ares effects were really badly done ohmygods X| X| X|
I don’t like how the death of Steve was done, though I don’t really mind him dying in the movie. A WWI movie that doesn’t feature the protagonist and audience losing their dear friends is a bad WWI movie, and the more needless, horrible, and senseless those deaths are the more accurate the movie will be. Every WWI movie should be an anti-war movie.
I felt the visual symbolism was confused in a few places. Like: you have a bit where Diana, through the power of Friendship, destroys the belltower(an architectural bit that often includes a crucifix) of a church to save a village, because a German sniper is sheltering in it. Then she stands above them all, in the ruins of said belltower, framed by clouds and shining golden light, and is cheered as a hero. That’s a pretty pro-pagan, or at the very least anti-church/clerical, image religious-politics wise. But then you have her killing Ares by floating into the sky, in the crucifixion pose(was she backlit here? I forget) and shooting a beam of pure white light(ning?) out of her chest at him. Pretty unabashed(and action-movie-conventional) Christian symbolism there. Then you have the obvious parallels the back story draws between the Abrahimic God and Zeus, and the “Fall” of Ares and the “Fall” of Lucifer. So the way the movie uses religious imagery is all over the place, and it didn’t come off to me as being meant in a positive and syncretic way, so it was just confused.
And why make the Olympians all dead in the first place? That’s such a dumb and utterly pointless thing to do. You can explain why they exist and do nothing to stop evil in the world as simply as having Hippolyta tell Diana that, after seeing the devastation and anguish caused by Ares and their necessary war against him to stop his destruction, the Gods swore to never directly interfere in the mortal world again. It’s literally that simple, and that would even leave open the possibility of indirect influence and “help” given to Diana by the Gods.
Ok so about the ending. One where there was no Ares would have probably been the best, and played better into the monologue Diana has at the beginning of the film. I think, if they really wanted to though, they could have included Ares in a way that didn’t undermine the movie’s message about existentialism and the protective lies Hippolyta had told Diana growing up.
Like, gods aren’t just beings, they’re ideas personified. They kind of play with this idea in the movie by having Ares “influence” humans towards self-destruction, but they could have done a better job with it. Ares’ motivation could have been sincere but mistaken. As a god of war, anytime and place he would have been able to manifest in the mortal world would have been one of conflict and destruction; simply by being around people, he would have encouraged their violent and impetuous traits. He would have seen, due to his nature, the worst in Humanity. From that perspective, it’d have been no surprise that he held them in the low opinion he did. Zeus tries to explain this to him, he won’t understand(no one ever accused Ares of ebing smart), and that misunderstanding is what leads to the first god-war, his weakening, and his banishment to the mortal realm.
So the conflict between Ares and Diana would be a rehashing of this -him being unable to see the truth of humanity and himself, her trying to get him to see it through the example of her own experiences- and that would have allowed the godly showdown at the end without undermining the existentialism message, and indeed could easily play into it by involving Ares’ own agency, choices, and beliefs in the film’s resolution(which would easily allow an ending without Steve’s Captain America esque death).
I also think playing that “showdown” as a wholly physical one was a mistake. Like, you could have had that be a conceptual battle -Diana and Ares fighting as their divine selves in, essentially, human brainspace- that resolves with Diana “winning” the argument, and is mirrored by Steve or Sameer talking the people at the base out of gassing the front and destroying the armistice; resolving the problem in the real world without violence. You would have Diana’s fight with the God of War be a manifestation of Steve or Sameer’s rhetorical “fight” with the desire for conflict that god represents in the real world, and have in genuinely be a fight for peace, through the methods of peace. I doubt that’d have much connection at all to the Wonder Woman of the comic books, but it’s an ending I would have Dug to see done, and it would have done something genuinely interesting with the whole “god” concept, rather than just having gods be really tough and magical humans.
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