#also i'm saving for section 6
ruijoo · 2 months
Since the new eyelash update is here, I'm gonna teach you how to convert old eyelash cc into the new eyelash option!
First of all, we will need the Sims 4 Studio. The download link can be found here: https://sims4studio.com/board/6/download-sims-studio-open-version
Now, head into the app and click the "My Projects" button on the main menu.
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Open the eyelash file (.package file) you want to convert. I'll just pick a random one for reference. Once you picked the one you want, hit open.
You will be directed into the studio, which will look like this:
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Now on the right side of the screen, find the CATEGORIES button and click on it.
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Once there, change the OUTFIT TYPE to MASK DETAIL EYELASHES and APPLY TO ALL SWATCHES. Save the file, and the .package file will be updated in your game. Also, make sure to double check in-game before continuing with your other custom content.
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As you can see in my game, It worked! Hopefully it works for all of you, too.
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And that's about it. Thanks for reading all the way.
And by the way, If you're going to distribute these publicly without the original creators consent, just don't do it. This is meant for private use only or for content creators who want to convert their eyelashes into the new eyelash section.
EDIT: As trillyke has said, This does not work with eyelashes in the glasses section as they will collide with rings and most of the accessories
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coirinthyurilo · 30 days
Just a thought of mine.
Will: Since you're the prince of the underworld. But ALSO the Ghost King. What does that make you?
Will: A prince or a king?
Nico: Both.
Will: And if I'm getting married to you in the future, what does that make me?
Nico: Mine.
Will: *Confused and flustered noises*
But it would be really a cool concept. Will being probably both a prince and king\queen when he gets married to Nico.
He definitely has many privileges that most demi-gods don't.
1. Gets married to the one and only Nico Di Angelo. Duh.
2. The amount of pick up rides he gets by Nico's zombie chauffeur.
3. The privilege to walk into Persephone's garden without harm done to him. (I HC that they get along very well, due to Will knowing a lot about plants for medicine, and Persephone being a plantita.)
4. The possibility that he gets to LIVE in Hades' palace. He probably even has a seperate room unless he and Nico share Nico's. (Or they go to Elysium either way.)
5. Will probably be highly respected by the dead and living? (He saves people's lives, and he's the spouse of literally the son of the dead.)
6. If monsters hear that he's Nico husband. They will have second thoughts of going after him. Like the hesitation of finding some blonde healer alone in the woods all because you find a skull ring on his finger. And he just so happens to be Nico's husband. Like you know you can't get close to that fothermucker.
7. I HC that he has higher power over the dead or the souls of the living technically. They may be different but their powers work incredibly well together.
8. He's loved by the underworld too, they respect and would treat him nicely.
9. He's loved by many, if he dies. The underworld would riot. The living would go insane. And Hades will have double the amount of paperwork to do. (Probably also one of the many reasons he tries to keep Will alive as long as possible.) Nico might throw the Olympians, of course.
10. Since he's married to Nico, I think in a sense he has some resistance to the underworld's affects on him. And would avoid dropping dead while walking in there.
11. Death\Thanatos is definitely chill with him and won't take his soul away, and allows him to die of old age.
I think there's more perks and privileges, but you can tell me more in the reply section I would love to hear more from ya'll. :D
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vbecker10 · 3 months
The Night Nurse (Part 5)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 6 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are the newly appointed night nurse for SHIELD and you couldn't be less excited about it. You have been given the side task of finding out who is stealing supplies from the infirmary. Soon after you start, you learn Loki is the one who has been slipping in at night to patch up his wounds and you confront him about why he can't heal as quickly as Thor. He reveals a dangerous secret he is keeping from the team and you worry increasingly for his safety as the two of you become closer over the next few weeks.
Warning: You asked for angst so I shall give you angst lol but also... some mentions of blood, minor injuries needing stitches, arguing between you and Loki, you being super awkward and Loki being oblivious, some swearing, a pretty major injury towards the end but no one dies... a romantic ending was requested so of course there will be fluff and cuteness and whatnot
A/N: For those of you who skipped Part 4 cause it was mostly just smutty, the first section in italics is end of Part 4 so you didn't miss any plot. If you read Part 4, you can start at the regular font section so you don't reread stuff you already read.
Also, I'm sorry this one is kind of short but when you see where I left it, you'll know why... it's cause I'm horrible lol. Hope you all like this! 💚💚
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Loki's lip pause and he pulls away in confusion, his eyes trying to connect with yours as your fingers trace the tape on his back absent-mindedly.
"Can you die even though you're a god?" you ask him, looking at the bandage on his cheek as he shifts to be directly above you.
"Yes," he answers quietly.
You nod and he tilts your chin so you are looking him in the eyes.
"What happened, love?" he asks. "Where did your beautiful mind just go?"
You are quiet for a moment and Loki lets you search for the words on your own instead of slipping into your thoughts. "I'm afraid," you tell him in a whisper.
"Of what?" he asks, concern spreading through him as your clothes and his reappear on your bodies in a green flicker.
"Of losing you," you admit as he sits up. "I can feel myself falling for you more each day and the more deeply I care for you, the more terrified I am that something will happen to you. We still don't know why your magic is failing or how to fix it."
"Y/N, I promise you will not lose me, I have only just found you and I do not intend for this to end. We will find a way to mend my magic and I will heal as I used to," he says as he pulls you into a hug. He presses a kiss to your lips in an effort to try and reassure you.
You put your arms around him tightly but don't feel any comfort in his words. "You can't promise me that," you say as you rest your cheek against his chest. "You're going to keep training with Thor and keep going on missions and... and you're going to keep getting hurt." You touch his bandaged cheek lightly as you lean away from him. "Your magic is healing you slower and less completely each time you are injured. The last stitches I gave you even left a small scar."
"Y/N..." he says with a worried expression.
"I've seen horrific injuries on this job, bullet wounds, stabbings, burns... I've lost people I've tried desperately to save for hours..." you shake your head. "I can only continue to work here because I've learned to distance myself from my patients. I'm not friends with any of the SHIELD agents or the Avengers on purpose, Loki," you tell him.
"I don't know if I can wait here terrified that you're going to come back to me hurt... or that you won't come back," you feel the same tightness in your chest that you did when you waited for him to arrive tonight.
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He kisses your forehead softly and you look up at him, tears threatening to fall. "I will speak to Thor tomorrow," he assures you. "I will tell him the truth about my magic failing and my healing abilities. I have no doubt he will allow me to take time away from the team so I can understand what is wrong with my magic."
"You promise?" you ask, desperate for him to finally be out of harms way while he searches for an answer.
"I promise," he nods and kisses your lips softly. "I cannot bear being the cause of your worries. I will do this for you because I know you need me to."
You hug him tighter and rest your head on his chest. "Thank you, Loki," you mumble against him, feeling your fears subside.
He runs his fingers through your hair and adds, "There is one thing you could do to show me how thankful you are."
You sit up, lifting your head to look at him and he chuckles, "Darling, you have such a vivid imagination." Your cheeks heat as you blush, knowing Loki read the thought that instantly appeared in your mind. You hide your face against his chest again.
"As much as I love your suggestion," he says and you look up at him slowly, waiting for him to continue. "I had a different idea in mind. Go on a date with me." His smirk fades into a soft smile and his fingers run down your cheek, "Please. I wish to see you outside of this horrid infirmary."
Loki doesn't give you a moment to answer before he says, "I know you have become accustomed to sleeping during the day and I am more than willing to stay awake all night to be with you. I have found several restaurants in the area that are open quite late and some of the museums have night hours as well. Unless you would prefer to see a movie or walk through one of the parks, the gardens are well lit this time of year."
You can't help but giggle at how much he knows about places to visit at night, "This doesn't seem like a spur of the moment ask. How long have you been planning this?"
"To ask you out on a date?" he asks to clarify.
"Yeah," you nod, knowing him talking to his brother was not originally part of his plan.
"About a week," he admits.
"A week? What took you so long?" you wonder.
He shrugs, "I could see in your thoughts that your feelings for me were growing as mine have been for you but... I wanted to wait until you were comfortable enough with how you felt to tell me yourself. I know you hate that I can read your mind without your knowledge so I assumed if I asked you out based solely on your hidden thoughts, you would have felt like your privacy was being invaded."
"That's probably true, actually," you agree with him then smile. "In that case, thank you for waiting. That was really sweet."
"I have my moments," he laughs.
"So I guess since you've been in my mind a bunch, you know I really only like you a little bit right?" you joke nervously, unsure if Loki knows the depth of your feelings for him.
He shakes his head, "Oh, I think you like me more than a little bit."
"Nope, just a teeny tiny bit," you laugh but you can see in his eyes he knows the truth.
"You love me," he smiles, his arm holding you closer to his body. Your heart beats faster when you hear those words out loud. "Deny me all you want, princess, but I don't need read your mind to know what is in your heart."
You smile and shrug, trying to push down the little voice inside of you that agrees with Loki. You have fallen so hard for him so much quicker than you imagined possible. "I'm not sure what you are talking about," you force out your response but there is no fooling the prince.
His hand moves to the back of your neck and he pulls you closer. "Tell me you love me," his tone is much less playful than it had been as his lips inch closer to yours.
Before you can stop yourself you say, "I will tell you that tomorrow... after our first date."
He smirks, "I will accept those terms, beautiful."
"Good," you giggle. "But now you need to go," you pull yourself free from him and get up, afraid if he stays one minute longer you will tell him what he wants to hear. "I have a ton of work to do and you have to sleep, it's so late."
Loki gets up from the exam table and follows you to the door of the infirmary. He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you flush to his chest, hooking his finger under your chin so you are looking up at him. "I will see you tomorrow for our date," he leans down and kisses your lips much too quickly and when he pulls away he smirks. He lets you go and vanishes without another word.
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The sound of your phone ringing pulls you from your sleep and you reach for it, trying not to open your eyes. "Yea?" you answer the call annoyed and still mostly sleep.
"Y/N?" the voice asks, "It's Annmarie."
"Annmarie, sorry," you sit up, recognizing the voice of your coworker immediately. "I was sleeping," you check the clock on your nightstand.
"I know you've only been off shift for a few hours and your not scheduled tonight," your stomach knots knowing this is anything but a social call. "But there's an emergency at the Tower. Dr. Palmer needs everyone to come in," she explains and you throw off your sheets, getting out of bed quickly. You can hear the faint sound of alarms blaring in the background.
Holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder, you grab a clean pair of scrubs, fully awake now. "What happened?" you ask trying to understand what type of emergency would have them calling in all of the medical staff. It wasn't a drill, that much you were sure of.
"We are still getting reports in. All I know for sure is that there was a containment breach in one of the labs," she says. "I don't know what the chemical is yet, but the fail safes to lock down the lab weren't triggered in time. The gas spread too quickly."
You slip on your sneakers and grab your keys, "I'm leaving now."
"Okay, hopefully by the time you get here, Loki will have it fully contained," she says. "We're just starting to get the first wave of victims from the lab down here."
You open your front door and your stomach drops when she says his name. "Loki," you repeat his name as last night flashes through your mind.
"What?" Annemarie asks, the sound of people talking in the background becoming louder. "Did you ask something about Loki?"
You don't answer her, afraid of what she will tell you. You close the door and hear her yell to someone but you aren't listening as you run down the steps of your apartment building. "There's no word-," she says and you stop in the middle of the staircase, her sentence cut off when someone asks her a question.
"What?" you ask, your heart racing.
"There's no word yet on if he contained the toxin," she says. "They're evacuating all three lab floors now."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @mischief2sarawr @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest @wolfsmom1 @simone818283 @hopefuldreamers-world @blackhawkfanatic @slut4tonystark @dracoswhorexx @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @anukulee @latriacy @trojanaurora @babygirl-panda19 @catsladen @stargazer-luna @rcailleachcola @lunarlopt @gruftiela @bolontiku @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @lokischambermaid @clemthecustestmonster @lovinglokilaufeyson
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many-gay-magpies · 3 months
okay so since the dbda soundtrack is out now, i can finally be insufferable about the things i've noticed by putting names and timestamps to them rather than just shouting nonsensically about them. this is excellent :D
as i already saw someone else point out, there is a section of running from hell / i'm in love with you beginning at roughly the 3:40 mark that has also played two other times in the show...
first, very quietly, at the end of episode 6 when edwin tried to confess the first time, and...
again in episode 8, when charles and edwin hugged (it's included in esther's origin / a new deal on the soundtrack)
i am Looking At This with very big eyes rn. blake neely and murat selçuk i am in your walls what does this mean
BUT ALSO. there is another section. that drives me just about insane. the only place i can find it in the SOUNDTRACK is in accepting being dead at the 3:10 mark... and it plays over the scene of charles dying/becoming a ghost in charles' flashback to edwin saving him at the start of episode 7. but it actually plays one other time in the show...
over edwin comforting charles and them hugging for the first time at the end of episode 5.
what does it MEANNNNNNNNN
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llyfrenfys · 5 months
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*deep sigh* I was right. The existence of the Cass Review is being used to create Section 28-like effects on British education around trans people. It's uncanny. I have the open letter which I posted on here a while ago (life events have meant I'm unable to do anything more yet) but honestly, this is just blatant at this point.
I have memories of experiencing gender dysphoria before the age of 6. By the end of primary school I was experiencing dysphoria over puberty starting. Banning sex ed which includes mention of the existence of trans people is cruel. I wish I knew of the existence of trans people when I was a kid because that could have saved me a lot of pain and feeling 'incorrect'. Worse is not banning the mention of trans people but mentioning that we're 'contested'. How is that any different to 20th Century homophobia where gay people were painted as something you shouldn't talk about or as something society 'contested' (to put it mildly).
This is also a blatant culture war policy because Sex Ed doesn't typically begin until Year 6 (ages 10-11) anyway. The primary purpose of this guidance has little to do with schools and plenty to do with putting out an anti-trans narrative which in turn affects how easily trans children and trans adults can live our lives. It's unlikely the next government will remove anti-trans policies either- or if they do, repeals will likely only be partial.
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syninplays · 6 months
So uhm... I did a thing...
✨Character Info Template✨
Been meaning to do this a long time ago (and actually started it but never finished it, lol) as a way to share some more information about my ocs without needing to use a custom page theme, but mostly because I haven't found any page theme that looks exactly as I want and allows this much customization.
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There are two versions and both are almost exactly the same; but the example shown in the left has an 'appearance' section which is small and has few quick facts regarding the oc's appearance; while the example on the right has a 'moodboard' section instead which allows you to add more info about your oc.
You can change every section/title to fit your needs like I did in the examples below; I personally removed some categories as well and got rid of some connections as this oc doesn't have that many close friends/partners to fill the original template. However, I also included an extra separated 'connections' section in the download in case you want to add more people and more information.
I recommend you stick to square-shaped pictures so it's easier to fit them to each section. Also if and when you edit the information or section titles, please select only one line at a time to replace it so you don't lose the text format. (Titles shouldn't change because that's a single format/font within the same text box, but should it change you can always hit ctrl+z hehe) When you're done, I strongly recommend you save this as a .png instead of .jpg so it's the best possible quality!
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Last but not least, this is a .psd file. So you'll need either Photoshop (I did this with Photoshop Portable, but it supports newer versions of PS and it *should* support older versions too) or Photopea to open and edit this file.
Credits: Adobe Photoshop, Inter font, Golften Vintage font
>DOWNLOAD< (patreon but free :p)
(note: I'm posting this with my gaming blog because I think my fellow gamers might be interested in this, but please consider giving credits to me if you use this template by tagging @synindoodles instead of this blog)
More info on how to use and edit this template below the cut!
>Each layer is properly named and categorized. The general layers such as the background, the icon shape and background shapes are under the groups.
>If you don't want to see/don't need one of the connections' pictures and information, I recommend you find which one it is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) and click on the eye symbol next to the layer to hide it so that way if you ever need it, it won't be truly gone.
>To edit a text section, simply find the layer (such as General Information>Left Column) and double click on the 'T' symbol next to the layer. That way it will open edit mode and allow you to edit the text, just don't hit delete or enter while everything is selected or you'll erase it :p
>Main text sections aren't separated, they're blocks of text. I recommend you don't remove the amount (for example, if you downloaded the version with the 'appearance' section, which has 5 sections of information, don't remove the fifth line.) Either leave it empty or replace it with another data, otherwise it will look weird. The 'general information' section might look good even if you remove a few lines, just don't get rid of the whole block of text.
>To add a new picture, simply paste it over this document and move it using the Move Tool.
>To frame it (so it becomes a circle or fits over the shape you want), make sure the picture layer is over the layer you want, then while holding alt click between the two layers. [For example, if you want to add a new main oc picture: 1) paste the pic you want, 2) move it with the Move Tool so it's covering the big circle, 3) once you've fully covered the shape (if it isn't you can resize it by right clicking on it then on 'free transform', sometimes you might need to hold shift to proportionally resize it) make sure the newly pasted pic layer is over the layer named "picture goes here", 4) hold the alt key and hover your mouse cursor over the line between your pic layer and the circle layer until you see an arrow going down symbol, once you see it click it and tah dah! your picture should now have the same shape as the circle! - you can further move it if it doesn't fit the way you want with the Move Tool (;
>You can change every color, font and section to your liking, just don't change the general layout of the template.
>To hide/show the guides (those bright blue lines all over the document), click ctrl+,
>'Inter' is a free font and you can get it in the link above (linked with the credits), Golften Vintage is not, but you can get the demo version >here< (just scroll down and click the blue download button under license). I will not tell you how to install fonts as it might be different for everyone (for me it's C:/Windows/Fonts and I just drop the zipped files (except the .txt one) there), but google is your friend.
>I can't think of anything else that needs to be said here, but if you have any other question feel free to send me an ask or dm and I'll help you out!
>Last but not least, a like is appreciated if you plan to use this plus consider tagging @synindoodles if you use it <3
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becauseimanicequeen · 26 days
The Timelines in 4 Minutes in Chronological-ish Order After 6 Episodes
Now that we have some more backstory after this week's episode, I will try to make an outline of the real past timeline in chronological order (I'm basing this off the 6th episode showing us the real past rather than Tyme's OOBE timeline). And then, at the end, I will make some notes about other timelines.
Before I start, I also make a note of my terminology:
4MP stands for "4-minute phenomenon", which is what Den calls it in his research. I use this for every moment that Great goes back in time to do things differently.
OOBE stands for "out-of-body-experience". I use it when I write about Great and Tyme's OOBE timelines.
GTs timelines stand for "Great and Tyme's timelines", which I use for those scenes where I think their timelines interweave and it's difficult to see where one ends and the other begins.
GKs timelines stand for "Great and Korn's timelines", which I use for those scenes where I think their timelines interweave.
(Explanations and sidenotes will be highlighted in purple.)
Now, let's get into it.
The Past-Past
These are events that took place before Great goes to school in the 1st episode. They may have happened several years in the past.
Since these events take place way before Great has his OOBE, I'm assuming (at least right now) that these events are real.
I made a note about Tyme and Great probably having met each other already in the past after watching the 6th episode (and then I found out in the tags and comments that there might be child actors playing Tyme and Great as kids), so we might get to see that this story starts a lot earlier than we've seen so far.
(Ep. 4:)
But, from what we've seen so far, I think the first point in the past-past is shown through Tonkla's memory as he's burying his cat. Korn is also there and tells him to save the red cat collar as a memento.
This is from his Uni days (I think), and that's most likely a couple of years before we see him introduced in the 1st episode.
(Ep. 4:)
We have another one of Tonkla's memories, this time of Korn and Tonkla having sex together for the first time. We also find out Tonkla and Dome are moving out of their family's home (and, most likely, into the house Korn paid for), and that Korn promised to go public with Tonkla when he's graduated and taken over his dad's company.
(Ep. 5:)
We have a flashback of Tyme reading his mom's diary, and then another flashback of Tyme treating Nan at the hospital.
Obviously, I'm unsure about when these two events actually happened since it could've been several years ago. But, I'm thinking this has something to do with what Natcha said when she broke up with Tyme, that he'd changed in the past two years. That's probably where he first read his mom's diary and then met Nan so he could plan a way to take down Chanin's company.
(Ep. 1:)
As Great wakes up from his nightmare of hitting Manee, we get a montage of Den talking to patients who've experienced cardiac arrests. It's the montage I'm referring to here.
The reason I think Den's research scenes are in the past-past is because I believe this is the research Den did before he told Tyme that the contents of his box were the information he'd kept from the patients who experienced cardiac arrest.
(Ep. 1:)
Lukwa tells Den about her experience during her cardiac arrest.
The Real Past
This is everything that happened between the past-past and up to the point where Great has a cardiac arrest and Tyme is shot (which may or may not happen at the same time, btw).
(Ep. 1:)
This section starts when Great goes to the garage and takes his white car (a Nissan?) to school.
(Ep. 1:)
At the same time, we have Korn walking into his dad's office. He gets a new position at the company. Then he passes Great's mom on his way out, and she enters the office to talk to Chanin about Great.
I think we can all agree that this scene happened in the real past. That means that every time we see the family photo standing on the left and the lion statue facing the windows (on Chanin's desk), it means this is the real past.
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The reason I'm noting this is because I've seen inconsistencies in the placement of the family photo and the lion statue (which I believe is telling of whether the scene is from the real past or not).
(Ep. 1:)
Great gets a call from Title as he's driving to school. Title asks him about a calculator.
I am a little unsure about this one, but the clock on the car and Great's watch match up to 12:39 while he's alone in the car. And we all know that whenever Great is alone in his timeline, he sees 11:00 (11:01, 11:02, and 11:03) instead. His time anomaly hasn't started yet, which is why I'm leaning towards the real past for this one.
(Ep. 1 + 6:)
Great hits Manee and drives off.
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme is at the hospital, watching the news of the hit-and-run. Then Den shows up and tells Tyme about his research, but Natcha calls and interrupts them.
(Ep. 1:)
Korn arrives at the headquarters for the illegal gambling sites and gets an introduction by Samarn to how the place is run.
(Ep. 6:)
Natcha breaks up with Tyme.
The reason I put this scene after Korn's scene and not directly after Tyme and Den's scene is because it looks more like dusk when Natcha breaks up with Tyme while it looks like the middle of the day when Korn arrives at the gambling headquarters.
(Ep. 1:)
We're introduced to Tonkla, Korn arrives, they talk, they fuck, the end.
I've put the second part of this sequence (where Tonkla wants another round) in the section of the other timelines below, which I'm basing on some inconsistencies in the details in this first part compared to the second part. (Also, the second part includes Tonkla's dead cat, which might also indicate that the second part is in another timeline.)
(Ep. 6:)
Great's family dinner. Chanin is pissed at Great and storms out of the dining room.
(Ep. 1:)
Tyme comes home to his grandmother and they have dinner together while he tells her that he will soon make enough money so they can both have a better life.
(Ep. 2:)
Tyme overhears the nurses talk about him and Natcha breaking up.
This could just as well be in Tyme's OOBE timeline as here in the real past, but I'm putting it here because we actually saw Natcha break up with Tyme in the real past.
(Ep. 2:)
Dome witnesses Title and View fighting.
(Ep. 2:)
Dome tells Mod that he saw Title and View together the night before. Title disagrees, which leads to Title confronting Dome by the basketball court.
(Ep. 6:)
Great talks to Title on the phone asking him about Dome's video. Title says he's almost at Great's condo. The clock shows 10:43.
Btw, as you will notice in this post, one of the reasons I love this show so much is because there's so much attention to detail. Just look at this frame from this scene in 2nd episode:
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Compared to this frame from the 6th episode:
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The lights behind Great (excluding the lava lamp) are different because they're from different timelines. I love that attention to detail.
(Ep. 6:)
Title kills Dome and Great helps him throw Dome into the water.
(Ep. 6:)
Great is still awake at 04:50, thinking about how he killed Manee and then watching Title kill Dome.
(Ep. 6:)
Great goes to the hospital to pick up sleeping pills, stress relievers, and paracetamol. Tyme overhears Great saying his full name, which leads him to follow Great out of the hospital and film him as he drives away.
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme approaches Great at the bar.
(Ep. 6:)
Great and Tyme have sex and Tyme films it.
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme uploads the video of them having sex on the internet (onto a site called FourhubxXx, btw).
(Ep. 6:)
Chanin finds out about the video of Great and a man having sex and confronts Great about it.
I'm putting this scene here because of the natural flow of events from the previous scene. However, depending on the time of day, this could be after the following scene where the police find Dome's body by the lighthouse (ep. 2).
(Ep. 2:)
The police find a body by the lighthouse (which we know is Dome) and a rock with blood on it.
Btw, that rock... That rock is the only rock we've seen the police find, right? And, somehow, it ends up with Tonkla's prints on it. So, we either have a mix of timelines here. Or, Tonkla is being framed (which is possible since Win, who is investigating Dome's case, is being followed and because I still believe that Title is Police Colonel Warit's son, who will do whatever it takes to not have his son charged with murder).
(Ep. 2:)
Tonkla arrives at the forensic department to identify his brother's body.
Btw, there's something still bothering me about Tonkla saying "Why did it have to be you?" when he's crying by his brother's side. There are so many possibilities I can spin out on based on those words alone. But, for now, I'm just noting that here in the event that something will be revealed about this later on.
(Ep. 2:)
The illegal gambling sites are hacked.
(Ep. 2:)
Tonkla is sitting on the floor, crying, hugging a photo of his brother. He calls Korn, but Korn dismisses him (because he has to deal with the hacker attack). Tonkla has a breakdown.
(Ep. 2:)
Korn gets naked and kneels before Fasai.
(Ep. 2:)
Tonkla waits for Korn to call. Instead, Win shows up at his house.
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme sends his grandmother off to stay with Aunt Ging.
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme and Chanin have a chat, Chanin says Tyme's parents were the ones who started the illegal gambling sites, and then Chanin gives Tyme money to keep his mouth shut.
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme goes back to the empty house. The clock in the living room shows 9:30-ish.
(Ep. 3:)
Korn is in (what I assume to be) Fasai's bathroom, looking at the missed calls from Tonkla on his phone.
(Ep. 6:)
Great shows up at the hospital (for some reason he's picked up more meds) and asks Tyme out for dinner.
(Ep. 6:)
Great and Tyme have dinner. Afterwards, Tyme tells Great that it's best if they don't see each other again.
This is where that part with the dog is included, which had me thinking Tyme and Great had already met each other in the past.
(Ep. 3 + 6:)
Nan collects evidence, sends it to Tyme, and gets shot as she runs away.
(Ep. 3:)
Win gets taken off Dome's case.
(Ep. 3:)
Tonkla is pissed that Korn hasn't called and starts smoking. Then Win arrives to tell Tonkla he's been taken off Dome's case. They fuck. Then Tonkla asks Win if he can come by and keep him company from time to time.
(Ep. 3:)
Win approaches Mod at Uni to ask about the comment she made on Dome's social media, but she says she doesn't know anything. Then, when Win gets back to his car, there's a note saying "If you don't stop prying, I'll kill you" (which I'm pretty sure is written by Title because it sounds like him).
Btw, this is a different day since Win is wearing different clothes here than in his previous scene with Tonkla. Also, technically, Title is still alive here (if that note is from him).
(Ep. 6:)
Tyme sees Korn coming out of a building, wiping blood off his hands. Then he follows Korn by car.
The reason I've split this scene from the scene where Nan is shot is because Tyme is wearing different clothes than he did during the dinner with Great.
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It's not clearly visible, but Tyme is wearing a long-sleeved shirt here, which is the same shirt he wears in the following scene...
(Ep. 3 + 6:)
Tyme attacks Korn at the bar, asking about Nan, and then has a fight with Great.
The same thing goes here as in the scene above because Great is also wearing different clothes than he did during his dinner with Tyme:
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So, it's most likely a different night than the night when Nan was shot.
Also, as we all know, the difference in the fight between Great and Tyme here in the real past compared to the fight in the other timeline is that Great manages to remove Tyme's mask here rather than the other way around.
(Ep. 4 + 6:)
Great enters the hospital, asks Den where Tyme is, and then waits for Tyme outside the OR to confront him about attacking Korn. Tyme gets pissed and tells Great to get out of his face.
(Ep. 4:)
Tonkla cremates his brother. Win is there and notices he's being followed, probably because he's still looking into Dome's murder. He also mentioned the one who did it is probably an heir to a powerful family. Win offers to move in with Tonkla to keep him company and to protect him.
This scene is really interesting to me because Win said the murderer was probably an heir to a powerful family. He has also previously said that he found Mod's comment on Dome's social media, saying that they knew who really killed Dome. From there, it wouldn't have been very difficult for Tonkla to piece things together and suspect both Great and Title who were both in Dome's class as well as heirs to powerful families.
(Ep. 4:)
It's the next day, and Win moves in with Tonkla. They're about to fuck but Korn's arrival interrupts their fun. Korn is an ass, Tonkla throws him out, then Tonkla and Win fuck anyway.
(Ep. 4:)
Win is lying naked in bed while Tonkla is sitting in darkness, holding the red cat collar, and thinking about the past.
(Ep. 6:)
Great decides to investigate things on his own and spies on his brother as Korn talks to Samarn. Great follows the van Samarn drives to the warehouse.
The reason I put this scene after the sequence of scenes from Win moving into Tonkla's house to the aftermath of them having sex is because:
It's gotten dark outside when Tonkla is thinking back to his past with Korn
And Korn wears the same clothes in this scene as he did when he came by Tonkla's place earlier that day.
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(Ep. 4 + 6:)
Great finds Nan and sees Samarn shoot her. He runs away.
(Ep. 6:)
Great is leaving when Tyme shows up. Tyme gets his ass kicked by Samarn and his men and is about to be shot when Great steps in to stop it.
(Ep. 6:)
Great drives away from the warehouse with Tyme in the car. Tyme gets out and they have their fight where Tyme calls Great a coward, and Great tells him to go die like the other one.
(Ep. 6:)
Police Colonel Warit is watching the news. Somehow, the news about Chanin's company being involved in illegal gambling has leaked (which 4NEWS is reporting about at 07:20 am).
(Ep. 5:)
Korn is at his dad's office, Korn lashes out at Great's mom, and Chanin slaps Korn. Korn storms out of the office.
Again, the details are telling me that this is the real past because of Chanin's desk:
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The lion is facing the windows and the family portrait is on Chanin's left-hand side.
(Ep. 5:)
Korn goes to see Fasai because he needs help. She tells him that her dad (Police Colonel Warit) can help him, but he needs to marry her if he wants her help.
(Ep. 6:)
They're shredding evidence at the headquarters of the illegal gambling sites. Samarn asks Korn how much longer Police Colonel Warit (who they call a general in the subs, btw, but it said Pol.Col. Warit on MDL a couple of weeks ago when I needed to double check on another character's name, so I'm going with Police Colonel) could delay things for them, and Korn tells him to get everything done by that night. Samarn also tells Korn that Great helped the one who most likely exposed them (Tyme).
Korn clearly got the help he needed from Fasai since Warit used his power over the police force to get them to do what he wanted (delay the police raid).
(Ep. 6:)
Chanin and Great's mom (do we know her name, btw?) are talking when Great shows up. Great is pissed at them and then leaves.
Btw, the family photo is on the left side of the desk and the lion is facing the windows, which, again, highlights that this is the real past.
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(Ep. 5 + 6:)
Great's mom follows him out of the building and tells him to apologize to his dad, but he doesn't want to and leaves.
(Ep. 6:)
Great steps into the elevator at his condo. Tonkla shows up and shoots him.
(Ep. 5:)
Den sees Great being rolled into the hospital.
(Ep. 5:)
Tyme is with his grandmother who asks when it will be safe to go back home. She also asks him what exactly it is he's doing. Den calls him before he answers her. Den tells him that the guy who came to find him at the hospital that day (probably the day after Tyme attacked Korn at the bar) is being rolled into the OR. Then Tyme leaves.
To be fair, Tyme doesn't have the bruises in this scene that he got from the fight with Samarn and his men. So, to be fair, this isn't entirely from the real past.
However, Den said "the guy who came to find you at the hospital that day" not "the guy who dropped you off at the hospital" or "your boyfriend" (which Den joked about in a separate timeline).
Also, as we see in the last scene of this episode, when Tyme is running and the lights go on and off... Every other time the light shines on him, the bruises appear. Pair that with the spinning camera, and I feel like his OOBE timeline (and perhaps Great's OOBE timeline as well) is interweaving with the real past in this final sequence of the 5th episode.
Is there a possibility Tyme wasn't with his grandmother in the real past when he got that call? Yes (I think we might get to see it again in the 7th episode). And, if that's the case, then I will move this scene to the section with the timelines below. But, for now, I'll keep it here.
This is where the real past is currently at an end after 6 episodes.
The Present/Future
This is from the point when Great and Tyme are having their near-death experiences (NDEs) and everything that happens after that.
At this point, there's not much to put in this category, and we might not even get any more than this. But, so far...
(Ep. 1:)
Tyme is shot in what looks like the abandoned site where the illegal gambling sites had their headquarters.
Great had a cardiac arrest at the hospital.
I still believe that the patient at the ICU is Great even though the bandages are on the same places where Tyme was injured.
Different Timelines
Now, let's look at some of the other scenes that I haven't placed in the categories above, and that's because I believe they're from different timelines.
Also, before I dive in... I believe that we've already seen parts of a possible Tyme OOBE timeline as well as Great's (in episodes 1-5). I also believe that Great and Tyme's timelines are already interweaving, which means that there are certain scenes that I think are from Tyme's timeline that include the changes Great has made in his OOBE timeline. In other words, Manee, Dome, and Nan exist in both timelines.
With that said, let's get into it.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Great wakes up at 11:00 before Title calls to remind him about the exam.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Great gets into the elevator and starts to feel iffy.
We now know this is a reaction of him unconsciously remembering that he was shot there in the real past.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Great hits Manee, drives away, has his first 4MP, and sends for help when he hits Manee again.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Then we see Den at the hospital chit-chatting with Nurse Bee in the ER before Manee comes in.
(Ep. 1, Tyme's timeline:)
Den gives Tyme the information about Manee before Tyme checks on her.
I feel like the Tyme we get in this scene is the Tyme we got to see in the real past as well, the one with the harsher bedside manners.
(Ep. 1, Tyme's timeline:)
Tyme performs surgery on (who I presume to be) Manee. Then dr. Khomsan asks Tyme about his plans after his surgical training.
This leads to a scene where Den asks Tyme how Manee's surgery went and then tells Tyme about the research he's doing with the patients who had cardiac arrests. Their conversation is interrupted by Tyme's girlfriend calling.
The interesting thing about this sequence of events is that we saw a similar sequence in the 6th episode which, again, I believe is the real past. If this is from Great's perspective, how would he know anything about how Den gets physically close to Tyme when talking about his research (which he does in both versions)? And how would he know anything about Tyme's girlfriend? How would his unconscious mind conjure up that information if they never discussed it?
So, I will mark this as being part of Tyme's timeline for now, because that makes more sense to me at this point.
I won't go too deep into my theory of why Great and Tyme's OOBE timelines are interweaving other than to say that I think they have some connection from the past that pulled them together as they get their cardiac arrests at the same time (which seems possible if we're to believe the timing in the opening of ep. 1).
(Ep. 1, a possible separate Tonkla timeline:)
The part where Tonkla wants another round with Korn.
So, we've already seen them fuck (which I put in the section of the real past above), but this second part of that same sequence (where Tonkla wants another round) has some inconsistencies in the details compared to the first part (where they fuck). This second part is also where Tonkla sees the cat (which is presumably his cat that died when he was still at Uni).
Considering he can see that cat, and knowing what we know about him sensing Dome coming home from the hospital in the 4th episode, I'm assuming someone went way back in time and prevented that cat from being killed in the first place (Tyme's OOBE timeline, which probably goes further back than Great's?).
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Then we have the family dinner, which in the 1st episode is very different from the one in the real past (ep. 6) because Manee is alive in Great's OOBE timeline.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Korn drops Great off at his condo after the family dinner.
The reason I'm adding this scene here is because we see Great have his 11:00 time anomaly moment when he gets out of Korn's car. He also tells Korn about his 4MP. Also, Korn telling Great that he was sorry he hadn't had much time to spend with Great lately is clearly a deep-seated desire that's surfacing from Great's unconscious. This boy is clearly lonely as hell.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Great wakes up from his nightmare of hitting Manee. The clock is 11:00.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
Great visits Manee at the hospital. She says her son is about the same age as Great. He leaves, and as he does, after bumping into Tyme, he experiences his second 4MP.
The part where Manee talks about her son is still confusing to me because I can't seem to figure out how or why Great's mind would paint this picture as he's dying. We may get an answer to this in the coming two episodes. But, anyway, I'm keeping this scene in Great's timeline for now.
(Ep. 1, Great's timeline:)
After Great's 4MP, he sees Tyme and has visions of them having sex. And then they bump into each other again.
We now know the visions were a part of Great's memories of the real past resurfacing here in his OOBE.
(Ep. 2, Tyme's timeline:)
Tyme talks to Manee as she refuses to sleep. She tells him about her son and how he committed suicide after losing everything. I'm also including the flashback Tyme had of him and Great bumping into each other here.
The reason I believe this is Tyme's OOBE timeline we're seeing is because:
There's a thunderstorm as he's talking to Manee, which I believe is his present self's reality bleeding into his OOBE.
Manee's story about her son is Tyme's personal experiences "filling in the blanks", both his experience of being poor and every piece of info he collected while investigating the illegal gambling sites.
If I'm correct with my theory that Tyme has his own OOBE and developed his own procognitive ability similar to Great's (which is a theory I've had since watching the 2nd episode), and if Tyme goes further back in time to correct his mistakes (which could be where we potentially get to see Tyme and Great as kids), and met Great before he ever hit Manee and influenced him to be a better person, there's a chance Great called the ambulance right away after hitting Manee in Tyme's OOBE timeline. That could've been how she ended up at the hospital and Tyme treating her here.
And, regarding Tyme's flashback of him and Great bumping into each other... These are one of quite a few complex moments where I think their perspectives and OOBEs are interweaving. Because we know that:
Great had visions of him and Tyme having sex (ep. 1), which we saw was from Great's perspective
But after they bumped into each other, Tyme's perspective entered as he asked the nurse about Great and then saw his name on the bouquet of flowers he left on the nurse's counter.
And, also, let's not forget that the things on the nurse's desk before Great's 4MP looked like this:
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While it looked like this after the 4MP:
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The time on the clock is the same, but the mirror is in a different position, 75 has turned to 74 (I'm not sure what these numbers mean), 77F has turned to 76F (which I'm guessing are Fahrenheit degrees), and the pink, blue, and yellow papers are lying on top of the folder the second time around.
If Great was sent back in time to the exact moment he was in before he went to Manee's room (or in the same timeline), the things on the desk would've been in the same place, right? So, he might not have been sent back in only his own timeline, but also in Tyme's timeline.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great is at school, Googling his precognitive ability and talking to Tyme about the accident and an exam.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great is having memory flashes of his first two 4MPs and his visions of having sex with Tyme. Then he sees the messages in the class group chat, including the video Dome filmed of Title and View. The clock is 11:00 here.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great's conversation with Title in Title's car.
The reason I've put this scene here is because of Title's bruise. He has a bruise on his left cheekbone in this scene:
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Which he doesn't have in the real past when he kills Dome (ep. 6):
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I have no idea why Great's unconscious is conjuring up this scene, btw. Not yet anyway.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Then we have the lighthouse scene where Title (who still has the bruise on his cheek) kills Dome, Great has his third 4MP (Title still has the bruise after the 4MP), and drives off with Dome in the trunk.
(Ep. 2, Tyme's timeline?:)
Tyme is boxing and then he has a short conversation with a cleaner as he leaves the gym.
I have no idea if this is the real past or Tyme's OOBE timeline. And does this particular scene even matter other than telling us that he knows how to fight and that he works a lot? I don't know.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great and Dome arrive at the ER. Tyme notices Great and then treats his wound. Great then asks Tyme if he's ever met a patient who can see the future.
This scene parallels the scene in the real past where Great picks up his meds at the hospital and Tyme overhears Great's full name.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great is at Uni, looking at the messages he's sent to Title. Then Mod arrives and thanks him for helping View.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Title shows up when Great parks his car. They fight. Tyme shows up and helps Great.
Title has that bruise on his left cheek that I wrote about above, which is why I've added this scene here. What's interesting, though, is that he doesn't have one single mark on the right side of his head where Great hit him with the rock after his 4MP.
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I don't know what to make of this. (And I'm too tired after painting for 9 hours today to figure out what it might mean, lol.)
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great and Tyme have their chat on the skateboard ramp. They exchange Line IDs.
(Ep. 2, Great's timeline:)
Great's clock turns from 11:00 to 11:01.
(Ep. 2, Korn's timeline?:)
Korn has a meeting with Police Colonel Warit and Fasai.
I think this might be Korn's timeline? Because I'm not sure if Great knows anything about Korn's relationship to Fasai and her dad.
Either way, the differences in the decorations on that counter behind Warit in ep. 2:
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Vs ep. 6:
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Has me thinking that the first time we see Warit and Fasai, it's not in the real past.
(Ep. 2, Tyme's timeline:)
Nan meets Tyme under a bridge and gives him a USB.
I have a theory that whenever Tyme is backlit the way he is under that bridge:
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And at the end of the 5th episode:
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There's also a scene in the teaser that includes Tyme seeing light through a doorway (which is a scene we haven't seen yet). And my theory is that this serves the same function as the clocks did in counting down the time for Great.
Also, when it comes to the actual scene under the bridge, I'm assuming the USB includes information they got while hacking the illegal gambling sites. But, it could include something entirely different as well and fall into another place in the chronology of the story. But, I'm putting it here for now.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Dome wakes up at the hospital and Tyme says Great asked him to check in on Dome.
(Ep. 3, Tyme's timeline:)
Den is upset with Tyme for intubating the lady in bed number 4.
The reason I think this is Tyme's timeline is because Den is, once again, reminding Tyme that his patients have names (which he did after Tyme performed surgery on Manee as well). I think this might be Tyme's guilty conscious over not caring that much about other people that surfaces in his OOBE as he lies dying.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Great sees 11:01 and calls Korn to ask what time it is. It changes to 09:31 before it changes back to 11:01 when Great hangs up.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Great is at school where the clock on the wall works fine when everyone is around, but turns to 11:01 when he's alone.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Mod gives Great the Thai Tea that's from Tyme and Great gets a flash of a different message on the tea.
This scene is interesting because the handwriting on the two messages is different (and I believe they're written by different people):
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Also, the way Great gets that flash of the second message (which says "Can you forgive me Great?") is similar to the way he got the visions of him and Tyme having sex in the 1st episode. And since we know those visions were his present self's memories of the real past mixing in with his 4MP timeline, I'm pretty sure that the second message is another one of Great's present self's memories. This means he got this message in the real past too or, alternatively, it will show up in his past when Tyme has his OOBE timeline (which I still think will start further back in time).
Now, who that message is from, though, and in what chronological order it comes into play is up for speculation. I'm putting it here for now, though.
(Ep. 3, GTs timelines:)
Great and Tyme are having a conversation at the bleachers, Great has his fourth 4MP, Great tells Tyme about his precognitive ability, Tyme says he'll ask a friend about it, and they decide to have dinner before Tyme leaves.
This was the scene that first sold me on the idea that we saw different timelines weave together in the same scene before we ever saw Tonkla noticing Dome at the end of the 4th episode.
I've written about it before. But, to summarize: The people on the bleachers change throughout the scene. And not just before vs after Great's 4MP.
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They're pretty dramatic changes during the span of their short conversation. At the same time, the bags (except for one of them) and bottles are the only things that stay consistent throughout the whole scene.
Also, this scene is paralleled to the scene from the real past where Great shows up at the hospital and asks Tyme out for dinner.
(Ep. 3, Tyme's timeline:)
Tyme asks Den if he knows any patient with precognitive abilities. Den offers to set up a meeting between Great and Lukwa.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
The gallery scene with Great and Lukwa.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
The claw machine date with Great and Tyme.
(Ep. 3, GTs timelines:)
Great drives Tyme home after their date, and they almost kiss.
I think this is a mix of both of their timelines because we get to see Great's visions of the two of them having sex again (his timeline) weaving together with Tyme's grandmother, whom Great never met in the real past (not from what we saw, anyway), coming out of the house (Tyme's timeline).
(Ep. 3, Korn's timeline?:)
Samarn and his men put Nan in a van and Korn says he sent Samarn the location of where to take her.
I think this might be Korn's timeline because he's wearing the same clothes in this scene as he did in the scene in the 6th episode where he came out of the same building and wiped his bloody hands. I don't think Great would've known what clothes Korn wore that day.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Great sees the clock on his wall turn from 11:01 to 11:02 and then he writes down the clues around his time anomalies and 4MPs.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Korn is at the bar, waiting for Great, and Samarn calls him about Nan. Then Great arrives and Korn suggests that Great should go see a doctor Korn knows.
Considering what they're talking about (Great's precognitive ability), Great's timeline has to be present.
(Ep. 3, Great's timeline:)
Great and Tyme struggle outside the bar after Tyme attacked Korn. In this version, Tyme pulls the mask off to reveal himself to Great.
I'm conflicted about this scene and about whether to put it in Great or Tyme's timeline because it can be either (perhaps both?). The only thing that would change would be the context of the scene, whether Tyme wanted to reveal himself to Great to stop the fight (and potentially get Great to help him) or if it's just Great's unconscious painting the picture of Tyme trusting him enough to reveal himself in that moment. Decisions, decisions... I'm putting it in Great's timeline for now.
(Ep. 4, Great's timeline:)
Korn comes out of the bar. Korn is bleeding a lot so Great tells him they should go to the hospital.
(Ep. 4, Great's timeline:)
Great shows up at the hospital, looking for Tyme. Den tells him Tyme is in the OR. Great waits outside until Tyme comes out.
(Ep. 4, GTs timelines:)
They have their conversation outside the hospital where Tyme tells Great that his parents screw people over, and then he tells Great to get the fuck out of his face.
I think Tyme and Great's timelines interweave in this scene because Tyme says Great's parents caused his parents to die. I can't remember Great finding that out in the real past (at least not that they were killed), so there's no way he would've come up with that info on his own, right? Unless there's a part from the past-past that we haven't gotten yet that might explain this.
(Ep. 4, Great's timeline:)
Great has his fifth 4MP and decides to help Tyme find Nan.
(Ep. 4, whose timeline?:)
Lukwa talks with Den again and tells him about the red gallery where she met another person (Great). Den says he's found out about another patient like her and would like to set up a meeting.
This is where things get a bit wonky again and I have no idea whose timeline this is. Perhaps Den has his own timeline? Or, it might be Tyme's timeline since he was the one who told Den about Great (whom I assume is the other patient Den talks about here). Or Great's timeline? I have no idea. Yet. But, I'm putting the scene here for the moment.
(Ep. 4, Korn's timeline?:)
Korn stops Samarn from hitting Nan. He then tries to persuade her to talk, which she doesn't.
The reason I believe this is Korn's timeline rather than the real past is because he still has that "good but conflicted guy" way of being that we've seen in Great's timeline as well.
Also, this doesn't fit into the chronology of the real past if this scene is supposed to be after Tonkla and Win fuck in the 4th episode at the same time as Korn wears these very same clothes in the 6th episode where he gives instructions to Samarn who later kills Nan that same night. So, I feel like this scene is in another timeline rather than in the real past.
(Ep. 4, GKs timelines:)
The scene starts with Korn thinking about his fight with Tonkla and drinking alone. Then Great arrives, gets Korn drunk, and snoops through Korn's phone.
I think this scene has two timelines interweaving. The part from when Great arrives, Great's timeline takes over, because I'm pretty sure he didn't get Korn plastered in the real past considering the scene where he sees Korn talking to Samarn before he finds out where Nan is (ep. 6). Korn didn't look drunk at all when he met up with Samarn. Korn's phone also shows 11:02 when Great snoops through it, which is another indicator that what we're seeing is Great's OOBE timeline.
The moment before Great comes into the bar in this scene, however, is either Korn's separate timeline or the real past. It's possible that he drank away some of his sorrow/anger after his fight with Tonkla before Great came and without getting plastered.
Another reason I don't think this scene is completely just from Great's timeline is because of the lamp behind them. It's yellow in this episode:
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While it was blue-greenish in the 3rd episode, which was from Great's timeline:
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The inconsistency in lamp color could be unintentional, of course, but I don't think it is. Especially not since what we see from the bar in the 6th episode when Tyme hits on Great, it has yellow lights everywhere. So, I think this scene here (with the yellow light) is anchored more in Korn's timeline/the real past rather than in Great's timeline.
(Ep. 4, Tyme's timeline:)
Tyme gets out of surgery and gets Great's message that he's found Nan's location. Tyme tries to call Great but doesn't get an answer.
(Ep. 4, Great's timeline:)
Great finds Nan, sees Samarn shoot her, runs away, has his sixth 4MP, helps Nan, and Samarn calls Korn but gets no response.
Great and Nan get caught up by Samarn and his men, and then Tyme shows up to save the day.
They drop Nan off at the hospital.
(Ep. 4, GTs timelines:)
They stop by on a bridge as they're driving away from the city.
The reason I want to highlight this scene and the reason I think their timelines are interweaving here is because of the thunder, which I've previously written about. I think the thunder is Tyme's present self's surroundings bleeding through (the thunderstorm he's in the middle of when he was shot in the 1st episode). For that reason, this could also be only his timeline, but I chose to include Great's timeline because he tells Tyme about his 4MP when he saw Nan get shot.
(Ep. 4, Great's timeline:)
Great and Tyme arrive at a glamping site and they have sex.
(Ep. 4, whose timeline?:)
Dome leaves the hospital and calls his brother when he's in a taxi on his way home.
I have no idea whose timeline this is from. Perhaps Dome has gotten his own timeline now? But one thing's for sure, it's not the real past, so I'm keeping it here.
(Ep. 4, a possible separate Tonkla timeline:)
Tonkla hears Dome come home even though Dome is dead.
(Ep. 5, GTs timelines:)
The whole sequence at the glamping site.
Perhaps this is more from Tyme's timeline since he's sharing a lot from his own background as well as Nan's. I mean, there's no way Great knows about Tyme's mother's diary and can conjure up that story on his own:
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And we know that the red journal is real because we've seen it in the real past (ep 6):
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(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Korn finds out from Samarn that Great was behind something.
Samarn never mentions if what Great did was help Tyme or Nan, which stands in contrast to the real past where Samarn tells Korn that Great helped the person Nan sent the info to. Also, this conversation takes place in a different room than the conversation in the 6th episode, so I'm thinking this is from Great's timeline.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Samarn runs straight to Chanin and tells him about the situation.
We already know this isn't part of the real past. But I do want to highlight the changes in the details on Chanin's desk again:
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The lion is facing the wall behind the desk rather than the windows, and the family portrait is standing on Chanin's right-hand side rather than the left. It's the opposite in the scenes from the real past.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Great drops Tyme off at the hospital.
(Ep. 5, Tyme's timeline:)
Tyme runs into Den on his way into the hospital. At the same time, he's being followed.
Just noting here that this could be from Great's timeline as well.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Korn wants to talk to Great to find out who the guy was from last night. Korn is lowkey threatening Great and Great says "You wouldn't hurt me, would you?", but Korn doesn't answer.
I feel like this is Great's unconscious wondering if Korn was the one who got him shot or not.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
He notices the clock on his wall has turned to 11:03.
(Ep. 5, Tyme's timeline:)
Chanin is at Tyme's grandmother's house and gives Tyme money to keep his mouth shut and stay away from Great and his company.
This could be Great's timeline as well since he did find out his dad had bribed Tyme. Also, this could be Great's unconscious mind making up another version of why he and Tyme parted ways, rather than Tyme not wanting to see him anymore. But, I'm keeping this in Tyme's timeline for now.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Tyme tells Nan to delete all the evidence she'd collected. She gets pissed and leaks the information anyway.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Then we see the news about the leak on 4NEWS at 11:03 am.
Manee sees the news.
We get into more complex territory here again. The news channel is clearly showing 11:03, which indicates Great's timeline. Manee is alive here, which, again, indicates Great's timeline. Manee acting out her revenge, though... I have no fucking clue... Yet.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Great goes to find Tyme at the hospital, but he doesn't answer his phone. Then he drives to Tyme's home where he sees the sign saying "House for rent".
I'm still not sure how Great knows that Tyme lives there. The only time we've seen him there was in another timeline and not the real past. Yet, we've seen in the real past that Tyme actually lived there with his grandmother. So, this might be from someone else's timeline, or Great has known Tyme from before (but forgotten it) and this is his unconscious pushing these memories to the surface.
(Ep. 5, whose timeline?:)
Manee is at a temple, hiring a hitman.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Great storms into his dad's office and asks about Tyme. A fight breaks out, and Great storms out of the office.
(Ep. 5, Great's timeline:)
Great's mom follows him and tells him to go back and apologize to his dad, which he refuses to do. As he's about to drive away, he notices the hitman Manee hired. He gets visions of his mom being shot, then he's sent back in time and takes a bullet for his mom. But she's shot anyway.
Then we get a montage of the red gallery where Lukwa is, Den talking about his research, flashes from Great's OOBE timeline, the visions of him and Tyme having sex in the real past, his panic attack in the elevator where we now know he was shot in the real past, and flashes of a bunch of circles (including clocks) and things that spin.
Then he passes out.
This is where Great's OOBE timeline ends (at least right now).
Cold Opens:
I haven't yet decided where to put these cold opens in the chronology of the story, but I do feel like it's easy for us to see the chronology if we just look at them alone.
(Ep. 5, cold open:)
Title is drugged while partying, and Tonkla arrives.
This has to happen after Title kills Dome and after the police find the first body by the lighthouse, but before the cold open of the 2nd episode where Tonkla beats someone and before the cold open of the 3rd episode where the police find the second body by the lighthouse (probably Title).
(Ep. 2, cold open:)
Tonkla is by the lighthouse and beats the shit out of someone (probably Title).
This comes after the cold open of the 5th episode where Title gets drugged, but is most likely from the same night, and before the cold open of the 3rd episode where the police find the second body by the lighthouse (probably Title).
(Ep. 3, cold open:)
The police find another body by the lighthouse. This one also has an open wound on the head. Probably targeted for revenge (I'm assuming it's Title).
If this is Title, then this scene comes after the cold opens of the 5th and 2nd episodes.
(Ep. 4, cold open:)
Win is told that Tonkla's prints are on the rock used to kill one of the bodies they found.
The only rock we've seen them find was the one in the 2nd episode when they found the first body (which is Dome). Could it be that Tonkla is being framed?
(Ep. 6, cold open:)
The police arrive at Tonkla's house to arrest him.
This happens after the cold open in the 4th episode where Win finds out the prints on the rock belongs to Tonkla.
(Ep. 1, cold open:)
Great is flatlining in the ICU and Tyme is shot at the abandoned site.
This took me days to write as I'm in a very busy painting period right now, so I'm sure there are some inconsistencies in the timelines and chronology of the scenes. But, I am planning on adding the scenes from the coming 2 episodes as they are released (and revising my current order if needed).
Until next time, I'm out...
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puffyducks · 2 months
Puffy's Really Comprehensive and Cool Review of PK Out of the Shadows for the PS2 (not emulated guys I didn't emulate it I bought a really legal copy for my PlayStation 2 console that I own)
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Ok guys I just did a really epic playthrough of the Paperinik video game (that was streamed on Discord thank you to everyone who watched me scream and struggle for like 6 hours) and I'm here to give a review for the other PK fans or perhaps even people who really like playing old niche PS2 games for some reason (get a better hobby)
First of all this game gets a 10/10 rating from me because this game has Paperinik in it and there are no other games with Paperinik in them.
Paperinik's English name is "the Duck Avenger" but I guess there was too much PK logo branding in this game for them to bother to change it so they kept his name as just PK and tried to explain it by saying it stood for "really cool duck" or something in Latin. Which I'm pretty sure was just a fucking lie.
I'm really happy that Uno was there, I love him and he's my best friend even tho he was FUCKING USELESS like this whole game. Sorry he just kinda grabs Donald, turns him into a superhero, then throws him into an Evronian base with 0 explanation and is like "go kill" and like who am I to say no to the giant floating orb?? Like he gave me a gun which is really nice but I'm out here getting fucking jumped by the Evronian empire and Uno isn't even there to cheer me on or NOTHING. He only occasionally shows up to explain when you get a weapon upgrade like FUCKING DO SOMETHING UNO THEY'RE BEATING MY ASSSSS
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The little collectibles are just tiny floating Uno heads so that also gets a 10/10 from me I really enjoyed running around and collecting my army of Uno PNGs. The SECOND collectible however- Ok so there are like these scientists that are tied up by the Evronians and you're supposed to save them right? Well for whatever reason (they don't really explain why this is happening) every time you get close to a scientist it starts a big menacing countdown in the corner and you're supposed to save them before the timer goes down or else THEY JUST FUCKING DIE?? I THINK?? LIKE I SAID THEY DON'T EXPLAIN IT SO I CAN'T REALLY TELL WHAT'S HAPPENING, BUT IF THE TIMER GOES DOWN AND YOU REACH THEM TOO LATE THERE'S JUST LIKE A PILE LEFT BEHIND FROM WHERE THEY USED TO BE, I THINK THEY GET FUCKING VAPORIZED OR SOMETHING? AND LIKE I WAS REALLY BAD AT SAVING THEM BECAUSE I GET REALLY STRESSED WHEN THE TIMER STARTS. I HAVE SO MUCH BLOOD ON MY HANDS. anyways.
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I like totally didn't get stuck on the same section for 10 minutes because I kept comedically sliding PK directly into a big pool of evil pink goo. Like evil Evron goo I guess, don't remember THAT from the comics. If you so much as touch it with your little pinkie toe he dies instantly, it's very troubling. Like I said um that didn't happen to me though because I'm really good at video games. Idk if you knew I'm level 102 on Wizard101 which is like pretty high. Like it's not max level I'm pretty sure max level is like 180 right now but it's still cool I'm still cool and also really good at video games.
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Oh yeah also something that was really amusing to me is the way that PK is just fucking Stanced Up the entire game. Like he's always kinda menacingly crouching and shuffling around everywhere he goes like a little superhero cockroach. Love him.
Can't believe I haven't mentioned this sooner but for the English dub of this game (which is what I was using because I am, in fact, an English speaker) they made the huge brained decision to get Rob Paulsen to do Donald's "superhero" voice. Rob Paulsen of course from Yakko Warner fame... and Steelbeak 1991. Donald sounds goofy as shit the whole game it lowkey kills me. I guess they assumed people wouldn't wanna sit through his regular scratchy voice for however many hours of gameplay but trust me, I would WAY prefer regular Donald over the weird 90s protagonist Crash Bandicoot wannabe thing he has going on. Uno sounds great tho, zero complaints.
At one point PK walks out of the level and he's like "haha who knew this superhero stuff would be so easy!" and I took that as a deep and personal insult. That was not easy Donald I was fighting for my fucking life in there. You have like 13 bullet wounds and I dropped you into Evron goop like 6 different times. Stop making me look bad.
I got stuck standing around like a fucking idiot for 10 minutes because I got an upgrade for the X-transformer and Uno was like "you see that hole? Go over and press □ to send the X-transformer through it!" and I was like oh ok. Except there was no hole I couldn't find the hole. I was only able to progress past this part because I pulled up a youtube video of someone else playing the game, and the guy in the video ALSO proceeded to get stuck in the same spot before realizing you have to backtrack to find the hole like 15 feet away from where Uno gave you the instructions. I can't tell if it's bad game design or if I'm just stupid.
I'm ngl I got to the end and heard Zondag start talking and he lowkey sounds hot as fuck. I mean WOAH that's crazy who said that??? (he's also British for some reason)
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Wrapping up my final thoughts with some simple questions:
Does this game have Paperinik in it?
Is it a good game?
What's the best part about the game?
Uno is in it.
What's the worst part about the game?
Everything else.
Would you have been able to beat this as a child?
Absolutely not.
Why did they think it would be a good idea to get Rob Paulsen to do the voice of PK for the majority of the game?
Hell if I know???
Would you recommend this game to other people?
Probably not.
It took me a total of 6-ish hours to beat the game (it can be beaten in like 2 hours I'm just slow) but in that amount of time you could read PKNA chapter #34 "Nothing Personal" like 6 times which I think would be a way better experience.
Anyways like I said 10/10, would maybe think about playing again. On like a really depressing rainy day where I have literally nothing else to do.
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 months
The Hundred Line - Famitsu interview June 19th 2024
What does the title Hundred Line mean?
Kodaka: The simplest way to describe this game is: student have to live together in a school while fighting to survive 100 days. This "100 days" timeframe became a major keyword, so we decided to express it through the title The Hundred Line - Last Defense Academy.
The game has been described as "a tale of extreme x despair produced by the creators of Danganronpa". This "extreme x despair" keyword reminds me of the Concept Art 1 presented September 2018 at the announcement of Too Kyo Games. Caption: Extreme x Despair. A game co-written by Kodaka and Uchikoshi!
Kodaka: As you can imagine, this is the game from Concept Art 1. We finally managed to announce, but at first, The Hundred Line was developed as Too Kyo's first original IP. However, our company isn't capable of self-publishing, so now we're working with Aniplex, on a half-half split on production costs.
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When did development start?
Kodaka: Since we founded Too Kyo Games (2017), so that has been 6 or 7 years. At first, Uchikoshi and I partnered with another major publisher to release our game, but unfortunately, the project was canceled...
In a previous interview, you mentioned a title not coming out as planned, but I didn't think you mean an actual cancellation...
Kodaka: I have so much I could talk about on this one, but I don't think the first talk about this game should be about what went wrong, so how about we save it for another day? Haha. Although The Hundred Line's project was canceled for a while, now, after finding what we needed to make it a good game, we rebranded it and restarted our whole internal development cycle.
We were initially fine with it being indie-sized, but as the story and character designs were getting polished, and the concept gained a more solid form, we started thinking we couldn't make our ideal game unless we went bigger. Determined to put our hand to the test... we took a loan.
A loan!?
Kodaka: It wasn't guaranteed that we'd have the working capital to maintain our enlarged development scope even if we sold all of our stocks. We advanced the production with the phantom of debt on our necks while we searched for a new publisher, and that's where I met Aniplex and smoothly sold our pitch.
However, since this game has simulation RPG sections, they said that'd need a third-party developer. For that, they introduced us to the accomplished Media Vision and had them join the dev team. We're also cooperating with Jet Studio, who worked with us before in Danganronpa and Rain Code.
After all that it took to get this game to a presentable state, we of Too Kyo Games consider it a proud symbol of our persistence, or better yet, the culmination and conclusion to the current stage of our careers.
Staking your life on your work has never been so literal...
Kodaka: True, if this game flops, we won't be able to pay our debt. In that sense, this also provides a rare opportunity to the playerbase too. They get to witness how much a single title's sales can influence the future of a creator and company.
That's not the kind of suspense I want as a game fan, haha. Still, with six years of development, is it safe to assume you've been through a fair share of hardships?
Kodaka: I did. That was my first time dealing with a full cancellation. Also, to enable to Too Kyo to continue its work, to partner up with a new publisher, etc, we couldn't continue the development in the direction we were before. We needed to restart on our semi-complete project, and that's already painful labor in itself.
In terms of creative workload, I can't say I was much busier than I was in the Danganronpa V3 days, having to work in the game and the anime at the same time, but in this situation, aside from my directing, writing, and screen composition duties, I'm also Too Kyo Games's president and producer, meaning I have more work outside my craftsmanship... Making the game and managing the funds at the same time would have given most people a mental breakdown (laughs).
It was mentally and financially taxing, but I don't think I'll ever get another opportunity to pour this level of effort into making a game happen. Putting my life on the line was a very valuable experience.
You mean to say you can feel Too Kyo Games's entire soul in the game? On another note, I couldn't find any of the characters from the concept art in the new key visual or the screenshots. Does the restart mean that those characters got shelved?
Kodaka: The game's general concept is still the same, but to put a new, clean start on it, we changed a few things completely. One of them being the character designs. But despite their changed appearances, they maintain the characterization of their predecessors, so you'll see characters similar to what those would have been.
However, the old politician you see in the upper left corner won't be in the game (laughs). He's a character Komatsuzaki made up on the spot for this illustration, so I know as much about who he is as you do. He's doomed to disappear shrouded in mystery.
(laughs) By the way, considering how The Hundred Line is "the tale of extreme x despair", I'm curious about how this keyword "despair" relates to Danganronpa.
Kodaka: The tagline "tale of extreme x despair" is to signify that this is the first game Uchikoshi and I are directing together. It has nothing to do with Danganronpa, but it is a game made leveraging all of my previous experiences. With that plus Komatsuzaki's and Takada's involvement, I consider it a spiritual successor to Danganronpa.
Who from the main Too Kyo Games roster is working in this and what are their roles?
Kodaka: Uchikoshi and I are splitting the directing and writing work, Komatsuzaki is on the character design, Shimadrill is doing the enemy design and the backgrounds, and Takada is in charge of the soundtrack. Also, Uchikoshi and I do screen composition for the scenes we write.
I didn't think I'd have to do the screen composition job here myself, but I'm the best at handling Komatsuzaki's art and Takada's music, so that job is dumped on me. I got a lot of material to work with. Maybe more expression options than Yuma had in Rain Code.
The Danganronpa series also had me personally choosing faces and soundtrack one by one, so I hope the fans of that series enjoy the familiar vibes in the visual novel sections.
The new announcement came with a key visual. Are these characters in uniforms going to be the main cast?
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Kodaka: Yes. They're the students of Last Defense Academy and are living in the school for unknown reasons. The students have special powers called Hemoanimas. They normally have their own sets of clothes, but upon activating their Hemoanima, they change into this uniform and fight against their enemies.
Is the white character a mascot?
Kodaka: Yes. He's the squad coordinator character. So his name is just SIREI, from shireikan; commander. By the way, SIREI is the reincarnation of the raccoon illustrated in the key visual. Both forms of this character were designed by Komatsuzaki. I pointed him in a general direction I wanted but overall let him do whatever he wanted. Meanwhile, the students followed the usual process going through a lot of back-and-forth until their completion.
In Danganronpa, their designs reflected their Super High School Level talents. Does The Hundred Line have any kind of keyword or characterization element that informed their designs in the same way the Super High School Level talents did?
Kodaka: Each student masters a different Unique Subject and has a different weapon of choice. That's what their designs mainly reflect. I'll talk more about Unique Subjects and weapons of choice later.
I'm looking forward to the update. Next question. Danganronpa and Rain Code had all-star casts of voice actors. I have expectations for The Hundred Line's cast.
Kodaka: Unfortunately, I can't reveal the actors at the moment, but I will say half of them have performed in previous Kodaka or Uchikoshi game and the other half is people we're both meeting for the first time. But look forward to it, it's going to be as all-star as any previous game. I know the released PV is voiced by the protagonist, but who is voicing him is still confidential.
Will the creatures depicted flying above the main characters be enemies?
Kodaka: Correct. The enemies are unknown entities attacking the school. They're called School Invaders. If you take a really close look at the key visual, you may notice the academy is protected by a pink flame. That's called the Unextinguishable Flame and that's what prevents the School Invaders from attacking 24/7.
When the School Invaders get past the Unextinguishable Flame, the students will need to repel them. The students aren't informed about the academy's or the unextinguishable flame's secrets, nor they know why the School Invaders are attacking. The story progresses as they fight School Invaders day by day unaware of their circumstances.
Do you have anything noteworthy to say about your interactions with Shimadrill regarding his work designing the enemies?
Kodaka: My priority for the character design of the weaker School Invaders was that they had venomous pop aesthetics. At my first discussion with Shimadrill, we arrived at the idea of making their designs intentionally similar to the monsters of a famous game franchise, but we changed plans along the way. Ultimately, we got likable enemies with that pop aesthetic.
Playing aggressively even on the designs, huh? That's the Too Kyo Games I know.
Kodaka: We changed our aim because copying designs was a really bad idea we took too far. Our mindset at the time is that, true to Too Kyo's name, we wanted to make a game that was indeed too crazy. Too Kyo Games is a company that prides itself on its writing, designs, and music.
However, compliance is a lot more important nowadays, so there's a lot more we need to keep in mind. We were defanged by the corporate structure of our partner for the cancelled version of the game. Depictions of violence and dirty jokes that were acceptable in our previous works weren't fine with them. We had to be on our best behavior to adhere to their compliance demands.
Now that I got to remake the game as something else, I can see that not releasing it on its previous state was for the best. Because I couldn't express my strengths in full there.
The Hundred Line was my first collaborative work with Uchikoshi and our first original IP. Making a game that's simply good wouldn't be enough. There'd be no point in starting this over if we couldn't go all-out. We developed The Hundred Line determined to make a game someone with good sense couldn't make. A title to be considered a product of deranged minds. In the sense, we were very lucky to land on a partnership with Aniplex.
Tell me more about what do you mean by "lucky" here.
Kodaka: To leverage the strengths of Too Kyo Games, we're writing a very controversial narrative. Aniplex is being thankfully quite flexible with what we're allowed to depict, as they understand our fortes and respect our vision. For that reason, Uchikoshi and I were able to depict the crazy story we wanted to.
Kodaka, in a previous interview, you expressed determination toward making this game a story that make people question your sanity. A game people wouldn't expect to be possible to make. Would you say managed to fulfill this ambition?
Kodaka: I can't comment about the gimmick without getting into spoilers, so I have no plans to reveal the answer to this before the game's release. Playing the game for yourself should be enough to convey Too Kyo Games's outlandishness. I believe my reason to pair up with Uchikoshi will be equally evident, and it'll be easy to make sense of why this game needed multiple writers and recruiting new hires.
I know perfectly well this is a tasteless request, but can you drop a hint?
Kodaka: Fine, I'll tell you some details after the interview. You're allowed to address what I'll say in your opinion post (laughs).
I appreciate the gesture, but let's see if I'm up for the challenge (laughs)
Tell us what the general gameplay loop is like.
Kodaka: The Hundred Line follows a cycle of 3 parts: a visual novel section, an exploration section, and a simulation RPG section. I already explained at the opener that it's a game where you survive 100 days of combat, but that doesn't mean time will pass uneventfully.
Like in Danganronpa, something will happen each day, and you'll get chances to talk with your schoolmates and deepen your relationships. You'll get Free Time, you'll get training sessions to increase your stats, and you'll be able to get other power ups by sharpening your weapons. The goal in the visual novel and exploration sections is to enjoy life with your schoolmates while also preparing for the enemies that can appear at any moment.
Got it. Now explain the simulation RPG section too, please.
Kodaka: The simulation RPG section has tower defense elements. It's not just about defeating the enemies, you also have to fight defending the school. Also, since the School Invaders come in large flocks, the main gimmick here is that you need to fight on multiple grids of the board at the same time instead of taking it one grid at a time.
Our developer, Media Vision, has a lot of experience in simulation RPGs. We'll disclose more details about the gameplay later, but I'm glad they were able to come up with and implement hype combat ideas (such as unique traits and ultimate moves for each character) in a way that can satisfy the fans of the genre.
You mean to say the simulation RPG sections are going to be solid?
Kodaka: Correct. That said, a lot of people who buy my games are casual gamers, so I always put emphasis on ease of play.
Then first-time simulation RPG players will have nothing to worry about.
Kodaka: Another point of interest is Takada's soundtrack. I requested the battle BGM to have the intensity of an action game. It's inspired by technical rock bands from the 90s, mainly The Chemical Brothers and Boom Boom Satellites. The visual novel sections, on the other hand, have a more sci-fi-adjacent OST to match its strong sci-fi aesthetics.
Tell us a release date and the consoles.
Kodaka: Early 2025, Switch and Steam.
Less than a year before release. Do you think the team can make it?
Kodaka: We're still working on it, but I think we won't have to delay the release. To be honest, The Hundred Line is progressing faster than Rain Code was (laughs). Besides, Too Kyo Games can't afford to delay a game our creators are staking their lives on.
Messages to players and readers usually often saying things like "We're doing our best" or "Cheer for us", but for this title, I can't bring myself to be so casual about it. I feel like I'm issuing a challenge to the players here.
I have a marketing strategy to draw attention to the game, and I'm polishing it to make anyone who buys it say it's a good game, so I'm feeling more of a "Just watch me!" or a "Wait until you see this thing released!" for a closing message.
Giant Kuroda's editorial comment
As outlandish as promised.
That's the interviewer's honest impression on what Kodaka told me about The Hundred Line's gimmick. I [Giant Kuroda] have been the Famitsu interviewer in charge of Danganronpa since Danganronpa 2. I interviewed him pre-release for a game launched in 2012, which means I've been talking to Kodaka for at least 12 years.
Kodaka and his art surprised me many times. In a good way.
Danganronpa 2's final boss. Danganronpa V3's first case culprit, finale, and the secret hidden in the title. Danganronpa 3 simultaneous broadcast of Side:Future and Side:Despair. Rain Code's first case...
The list could go on forever, but The Hundred Line's gimmick is more impactful than of those. I can't deliver a final judgement until I play the game for myself, but depending on what the game has to offer, it could be his uncontested best. That's how much potential I felt in that spoiler. I get the point of staking their lives on it now.
Also, in what's rare for a Kodaka title, the game will be allowed to be streamed relatively far into the story despite earlier spoilers (information subject to change). Kodaka's story-heavy games are a double-edged sword. It's possible for players to feel like they experienced enough by simply watching a Let's Play that spoils all the twists. However, I believe this game actually benefits from unrestricted streaming. But I can't say why. It's a spoiler...
At any rate, this game is Kodaka's and Uchikoshi's first collaborative story, and as Kodaka said, its narrative is a product of deranged minds. I wait with bated breath to the day I can finally play it, and also look forward to reading opinion posts about it online. You can get your hopes up, Kodaka and Uchikoshi fans.
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Hear ye, hear ye!
All of you who have been anxiously awaiting Chapter 4 can send a big thank you to the Microsoft mayhem that happened on Friday. Because of it, I have had two entire, unprecedented, days off of work during which all I did was write and edit chapter 4! Stuff like this never happens to me either, so I ate it up. My work computer is still super broken too, so who knows what will happen tomorrow, lol.
So, chapter 4, barring anything disastrous that I do not yet foresee – is coming very soon. Like, any day this week soon. For now, I am looking for bugs and other errors until I feel comfortable getting the update loaded. I will also be updating the warning list and some things on the itch page. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something I wanted to do, and am having a hell of a time remembering what it was…
Anyway, if it interests you, more details below!
In going through some of the Google Error Reports, I had a couple that I either could not resolve or find.
It was reported that checking player stats in chapter 1 would not work – that it would flash only for a moment. I could not recreate this. If anyone else has seen this, please let me know.
In the end of chapter 2 where there are multiple ways to spend your time there seems to be some issues with how choices become unselectable after certain clicks and it just doesn't seem to function correctly. I have fixed the issues I have found, but could not recreate all of the instances that were reported. This section may get an overhaul in the future since I understand the coding a bit more now.
It was also reported that fonts are not changing. There is definitely a weird issue with this and it will take some time for me to sit down and hammer out. The fonts do change for me, but notably, I don't think they are switching to the correct font types. They don't even appear to be the same fonts from when I first starting this project, lol. This issue is on hold for now.
The last 2 bonus segments for the end of chapter 3 are being pushed aside for the time being. I kept finding myself feeling like I was hammering them into the chapter and it was a little exhausting. If I force it, it will be less enjoyable to read. The segments that are missing are the ones for hanging out with Zahn and Nathanael. Zahn's is easy to wiggle in elsewhere at least, but I'm not sure if Nathan's will make it in or not. We'll see, my motivation was purely for chapter 4, so now that it is ready to go, I'll have another crack at it before I drop or move them completely. They aren't super important to the story, but are just for fun (and if Oswin got his, it's only fair that Zahn gets theirs too). That last section of chapter 3 ended up way too long, so it may get adjusted later anyway.
As with any work in progress, I can't guarantee that your old saves will work. That's probably how we are going to have to roll for a bit until I really get things nice and smooth. Eventually, I will add an option to start from a later chapter and go through and make the (MANY) relevant choices to skip ahead. This may be implemented when Chapter 6 is ready to go since all the ROs will be available.
I also want to figure out how to implement named saves to make it easier for you to sort. I appreciate IFs that feature this, but I do not yet know how to do it, but I'm going to research. I like to play through with several MCs, and I'd like to offer enough info in the saves and/or Stats Menu that you can do this and easily know who you are playing as. Let me know what you would like most in the Player Stats Menu too. Note, that some options do not appear here until you choose them in the story.
Coming up…
Since Chapter 4 is down, I will soon be posting a big poll about future IFs. I've been compiling info for it here and there for a couple weeks on possible options for me to write in conjunction with God-Cursed. So, stay tuned for that in the coming days.
I will FINALLY get to my inbox in earnest as well! I will keep reaction asks paused until further notice since they take me the longest to answer. Feel free to still send in comments or quicker questions. If your question is too spoilery to answer, I will not be able to post about it.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well! I can't wait to see what you think of chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it. I'll get it out just as soon as I feel comfortable enough with it. ^_^
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rollo-rolls · 11 months
How To Convert Eyelashes
I was asked to make a tutorial on converting eyelashes. Well, here it is. Dirty, badly explained tutorial by Rollo. I'm assuming you know how to work with required programs, it won't teach you the basics, just a process of converting eyelashes from ts4 to ts3.
TSR Workshop
Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter
These files (full credit goes to @gruesim)
Graphical program that works with .dds files
Let's go:
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Open the desired lashes in S4Studio. Export diffuse of the ones you want to convert (you only need the black ones). You can also export the thumbnail. Close the program.
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2. Unzip the folder that you downloaded from this tutorial. You will find a .dds files called "sclub eyelash". Open it up in the graphical program. Make a black layer above it and hide it for now.
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3. Now open up your ts4 eyelashes file. Start from the upper eyelash, crop it and go to the sclub eyelash.
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4. Paste it, click ctrl+i, it will make ts4 eyelash white.
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5. This is the worst part. You have to make the ts4 eyelash fit to the sclub one as close as possible. Use every method possible!
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6. Unhide the black layer and see if your eyelash look alright. It may need some sharpening.
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7. Now crop the bottom eyelash and follow the exact same steps as for the upper eyelash.
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8. It should look more or less like this. Bottom eyelashes are always harder to adjust and may need even more sharpening.
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9. Merge your upper and bottom eyelashes, duplicate the layer. Click ctrl+a, ctrl+t, then right mouse button and choose "Flip Horizontal".
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10. Voila. You should have a complete set of your new shiny eyelashes! Save them as .dds. You can close the program. We're moving to TSR Workshop.
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11. New Project -> New Import. Import Eyelashes AFBase from the downloaded folder.
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12. Name your project, name your file and click "Next".
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13. You should see this. Go to Texture tab and click "Edit" on the Transparency Map.
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14. Import your eyelashes and click "Yes" when asked.
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15. You should see your lashes, yay! But this is TSRW, they won't look exactly the same in game, as they look here. If you want a set of eyelashes, add more presets.
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16. Now this is important. If you want to see your eyelashes in Accessories, go to Project tab, Clothing Type and change it from eyeliner to glasses. You also have to do this if you have more than one preset in one file. They won't show up in Eyeliner section. If you want to have set of eyelashes in Eyeliner category, you have to make each preset into seperate file. Also, eyelashes are recolorable ONLY in Accessories section. Don't forget to check Categories section to see which outfit has the eyelashes available.
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17. Now you're ready to export your file! Export -> To Sims3Pack. Use the Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to convert your sims3pack to package file. We're moving to s3pe.
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18. THESE STEPS ARE ESSENTIAL! Open up your shiny new package in s3pe. Click on the GEOM with the right mouse button.
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19. Click Replace and choose AUID.simgeom from the downloaded folder. AUID is for adults, CUID for kids and PUID for toddlers. We have one more step to do.
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20. Now click on the CASP normally (left mouse button) and click Grid on the bottom of the program.
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21. A small pop up window appears. Scroll to the very bottom and find a line called OverlayPriority.
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22. Change the 8 to 2. This will make eyelashes not being visible through hair that's covering eyes.
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23. Save your package. You're ready to test your converted eyelashes in game!
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Here they are. Nothing fancy, it was a quick conversion :D They're also compatible with S-Club eyelash sliders ^^
Btw, you don't necessarily have to convert both upper and bottom eyelashes. You can have upper or bottom only. Play with the lenght, not all eyelashes have to be very long. Convert it for males, kids, toddlers. You just have to remember to change the options in TSRW and replace the correct .simgeom file in s3pe. There is a lot of possibilities and you'll probably get better in this than me :D
Good luck! ♥
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Greetings, fellow women lovers!
Do you ever look at a woman in a relationship with a man and think "damn. that guy treats her awfully. she would have been much better off if she dated me another woman instead."?
I do. Often in fact. Here, we ask the eternal question: would lesbianism save her?
Submit your blorbos here, and have the internet judge their fate!
Plus, have a look at the spreadsheet to see who's already been submitted!
One character per submission
if you include spoilers in your propaganda, please say so so i can mark it accordingly
No real people
No harry potter characters
Justification/propaganda is not necessary, but it is preferred
Be civil! any bigotry or harassment will result in a block
Queue is currently set at 6 posts a day. Characters will be posted in order of submission.
FAQ under the cut!
What if the character is from a non-visual media? (a book, podcast, etc)
Don’t worry about it! Just mention that there aren’t any pictures of them, and I’ll find a book/podcast cover to use as the image. If you have a preference on which I use, just link it like you would a character photo.
can we submit fanart for the character photo?
You can use fanart, however you have to have permission from the artist. If any artists find their art on this blog when it shouldn't be, let me know and I will remove it immediately.
How long does it take for characters to be posted?
The queue currently has about two weeks’ worth of characters. Generally, expect about 1-3 weeks between submission and posting. If you want to be notified when it goes live, add your username into the form and I’ll tag you!
How can I contact you if I have any questions about/ suggestions for the blog?
My asks are open! I don’t bite, I promise, and I’m more than willing to change things up if needed :D
What if the character is from multiple medias?
List the one you want in the post title OR the overall name of the media in the “source media” section, and then list anything that you also want tagged in the “additional information" section. For example, if you wanted to submit Superhero Lady, you might put “Marvel Cinematic Universe” in the source media and then “Superhero Lady is cool the movie, Superhero Lady returns, Superhero Lady: Avengers” in the additional information section. Please be clear with where the character is from, as I don’t know 90% of these characters.
What else is the “additional information” section for?
Anything you want to let me know, really. If your propaganda contains spoilers, then you can say so here. Additionally, by default I refer to all characters as “she”, so if you want me to use another pronoun, you can let me know here.
What do you count as spoilers?
Any information about the plot of a media that has been out for a month or less at the time of submission, and any major plot information/ plot twists/ reveals that may significantly impact somebodies experience of any media, regardless of the release date of the media. This does not apply if you are submitting characters from classical literature.
Brought to you by Mod M (they/she). If I ever do something stupid and/ or incompetent, let me know so I can fix it. My only qualification for running this blog is that I'm currently winning lesbianism.
Inspired by blogs such as:
@couldtransitionhavesavedthem @couldaromanticismsavethem @couldpolyamorysavethem @couldtransitionsaveher @couldfatnesshavesavedthem @is-your-blorbo-neurodivergent @aretheyqueer
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covenscribe · 16 days
Would you like use Mods in BG3 Patch 7?
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Picture is of Ahanu a character i made with all modded colors, items, and options
Let me help you make Baldurs Gate 3 into a dream oc dressup game!
Under read more is a simple how to guide and a link to my list of working 440ish mods with a recommended load order google Spreadsheet
Please use the updated BG3 Mod Manger, dont even look at the in game mod manger for too long or it will eat your saves (not actually, it just does not have a load order so wont work for multiple mods. Do Not Click it and ignore Larian's third part mods warning )
If you have mods installed through the in game mod manager Uninstall Them before continuing.
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If you had mods with Patch 6 you need to delete the modsettings.lsx file from your Baldurs Gate 3 app data folder
Also note if you have modded before Patch 7, Mod Fixer is no longer needed, BG3 now has its own mod fixer baked right in, Delete old Mod Fixer, most mods requiring it still work
If you did not proceed on
If this is your first time modding please find your Mods Folder in C:\Users\YOURWINDOWSUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3
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This is where we will be adding mods downloaded from Nexus or a Mod Makers Patreon
copy the pak file from your downloaded zip folder into your mod folder and boot up BG3 Mod Manger
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Okay now that you have a mod it will show up in the mod manager
On the right side is Uninstalled mods
On the left are Installed mods
To use a new mods just Drag and Drop to the left side in the recommended load order. Some mods automatically end up in the override section so you don't have to worry about em.
Load Order is very important as it is what stops mods from fighting each other and causing problems
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You can now click Save and Export and then click the bg3 start button to test out if it works
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Click New Game or Load Save
if you get a pop up just click okay, old saves may not work I'm sorry to say and it's best to start over.
Here's the link to list of mods I use and the order they are in, if a mod didnt work for me I list it as Not Working.
Warning that some mods a Spicy just ignore em if you hate em
Also warning that for some reason the guardian appears to be missing their armor and some of the racial options have glitched under pants. No idea why but i got the main part of the game working so I'm happy lol
Now go forth and create some ocs!
(If you install mods not on my list i cant help you with them the best thing to do is send a Nice message to the mod author that their mod didn't work for you. Follow instruction on the mod's page )
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loadinghellsing · 1 year
back to studying hellsing's style to figure out how to draw the characters... specifically Anderson due to my drawing break.
his face is so funky and complicated, and I've been trying to figure out what all the reasons as to "why" are, when I realized the outline profile of his face has 6 core line behaviors instead of the usual 4.
its not even an art style diffrence, because Alucard and Integra both have 4. And Seras has 3! A demonstration of what I'm talking about;
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basically sections of the face outline. A dip in for the eye, curve out then in for the cheek, out for a more defined jaw/chin (which Seras doesn't have), and of course the forehead which leads into hairline.
Anderson on the other hand... has 6. With the addition of his eye brows and mouth.
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Provided, this allows more emphasis on his eyes and grin which express ALOT about everything his character is. But for that to be visible in character outline? WACK.
I also need to point out Alucard, Seras, and Integra have symmetrical faces (Which is to be expected within animation, its less work and saves costs).
But Anderson's smirk is often a little lopsided (and I love him for it)
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even his full blown grin, tends to be skewed one way or another.
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its one of those small things that make him feel more human, even when he's unhinged feral with instant access to the 4th dimension
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jadeazora · 1 month
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A new message from the Masters team is out! This is a long read, so I'll try to divide by sections for y'all😵‍💫:
Chapter 1 of the Main Story's Arceus arc releases on Aug28! In the Arceus Arc, Sync Pairs who have shown that their bonds have reached new heights awaken the power of Arc Suits. (Oh grand. They also announced that there will be more. I'm probably going to stop pursuing the Master scouts then. Save my free gems for exclusively these. 🤷‍♀️)
Arc Suit Sync Pairs are powerful Sync Pairs that have capabilities specializing in certain types, and are comparable to Master Sync Pairs. Their major trait is that they have two Arc Suit Passive Skills in addition to their three regular Passive Skills (for a total of up to five Passive Skills).
One Arc Suit Passive Skill will strengthen all allies (with the effect being greater the more Sync Pairs of a certain type there are on the team), and the other will raise all allies' Type Rebuff of a particular type and lower all opponents' Type Rebuff of a particular type under certain circumstances.
On top of that, each Arc Suit Sync Pair's Sync Move will have some kind of additional effect, and tiles on their Sync Grid that can be activated for zero Energy will be added every time their move level is increased.
Additionally, Arc Suit Sync Pairs have a special Role called Multi. Once a Sync Pair with the Multi Role is raised to 6 EX, they'll be able to lower the opponent's Type Rebuff of a particular type the first time they use their Sync Move each battle. Please note the following: items based on their EX Role and type will be needed when unlocking the level cap, and the number and kinds of items required will be different than for other Roles. The overall capabilities of a Sync Pair will depend on their EX Role. Multi Sync Pairs will receive a bonus for all battles in the Battle Rally (the multiplier will be a little lower than for other Roles).
There's a Special Battle Event scheduled to celebrate the arrival of the Arceus Arc. You can get exclusive Medals from this event and take on Cynthia, Steven, and Lance in their Arc Suits in battles.
The Arc Suit Fair is a Sync Pair Scout where the offering rate is 1% for the featured Arc Suit Sync Pair, and 12% for 5 Sync Pairs (including the Arc Suit Sync Pair). Pity is available at 500 Scout Points, unlike the typical 400 of other banners.
Like the Master Fair, there are two kinds of Arc Suit Fair: a regular one, and the Special Present Arc Suit Fair, which can only be used with Paid Gems. In the Special Present Fair, you can get a present up to 10 times after using the Sync Pair Scout x11! You can receive a featured present on your fifth and tenth scouts: one Move Candy exclusively for the featured Arc Suit Sync Pair. You can also get up to 10 Move Candy Coins and Roll Cake Coins of each kind (for a total of 20 of these coins), so we hope you check out these presents. Please note that the presents you can obtain after using the Sync Pair Scout x11 in the regular Arc Suit Fair are different from what is described above.
Lance will be added as a guest in the Trainer's Lodge on Sept1.
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Starting August 28, two 5⭐ Sync Pairs and four 4⭐ Sync Pairs will be added to the BP item exchange! To celebrate the five-year anniversary, one BP Sync Pair Voucher, which can be exchanged for a 4⭐ Sync Pair, and one BP Sync Pair Super Voucher, which can be exchanged for a 5⭐ Sync Pair, will be sent to your Present Box.
6EX available will be available for Morgan & Virizion, who are being added, as well as for her sisters!
The Daily Scout will be revamped starting Sept1. Following this revamp, the Daily Scout will only offer Sync Pairs, and can be used one time from 2am to 1:59am on the next day. (It's apparently one random Sync Pair a Day? Typical 5⭐ odds, I assume?)
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Story Event Festive Sun and Moon will begin on August 28. Lear holds a grand festival celebrating the development of Pasio! But something strange happens when Lillie and the others put on new outfits and go all out to enjoy themselves... (You can team up with the debuting Lillie & Solgaleo by playing this event, and get the "Full-Powered Lillie!" Title, which is exclusive to this event, by completing Missions.)
In addition to the above, they've got tons of Rallies and events planned, including a special Log-in Bonus where you can get up to 3,000 Gems, co-op battles where you can earn a Strike Move Candy Coin every day, and an Extreme Battle Event.
They're bringing back the Daily 5⭐-Guaranteed Scout x11 from last year, which you can use for 10 paid Gems. In addition, three kinds of 5-Select Poké Fair Scout x15 will begin, as well as two kinds of 5-Select Costume Scout ×11.
Sync Pair Overviews:
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Arc Suit Cynthia & Garchomp arrive as the first-ever Arc Suit Sync Pair! They're a Ground-type Multi Sync Pair whose EX Role is Strike. When they cause a sandstorm, a Passive Skill of theirs can create a Ground Zone! One of their Arc Suit Passive Skills, Ground Judgment, can lower all opponents' Ground Type Rebuff, letting them give Ground-type teams a big boost.
Also, their Almighty Rending Earthquake Buddy Move attacks all opponents, and can increase their own Sync Move↑ Next effect by one rank for each trapped opponent that they attacked (if all opponents are trapped, it will increase by three ranks). This is the first appearance of the Sync Move ↑ Next effect, which increases the power of a Sync Move the next time it's used by 10% for each rank (up to 10 ranks total). Their Greatest Battle! Move can apply the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to themselves and increase their Sync Move ↑ Next effect by five ranks, making them a Sync Pair that can unleash an extremely powerful Sync Move!
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Arc Suit Steven & Metagross are a Steel-type Multi Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Support. They're just as durable as a typical Support Sync Pair. Not only do they have Potion, but they can restore all allies' HP by approximately 20% of their maximum HP when Arc Suit Steven & Metagross use their Sync Move, and one of their Passive Skills can restore their own HP after they get hit by an attack move, making them a Sync Pair that excels at healing.
Also, their We're the Strongest! Trainer Move can raise all allies' Attack by six stat ranks, increase all allies' Sync Move ↑ Next effect by three ranks, and raise all allies' critical-hit rate by up to three stat ranks based on how many slots of the Move Gauge were used. Plus, when their attack move is successful, one of their Passive Skills can increase the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allies by one rank, meaning they can also support their team's attacking capabilities.
In addition, their Almighty Flash Bullet Punch Buddy Move lowers all opponents' Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks and raises all allies' Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks. Another Passive Skill of theirs applies the Enduring effect to all allies the first time
Arc Suit Steven & Metagross enter each battle, and also applies the Free Move Next effect to themselves when their attack move is successful. Also, when one of their stats gets lowered, another one of their Passive Skills raises that stat the same amount it was lowered, making them a Sync Pair that's productive in a wide variety of ways.
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Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite are a Dragon-type Multi Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Tech! One of their Passive Skills makes their Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, both of which normally use four slots of the Move Gauge, use only two slots of the Move Gauge, and also turns them into Dragon-type Moves! Plus, another Passive Skill of theirs lowers the target's Defense by six stat ranks when their physical attack move is successful, and can also lower the target's Sp. Def by six stat ranks when their special attack move is successful. (Ofc he has Hyper Beam. At this point I'm pretty sure they'll acknowledge it in his Lodge date.)
Their Almighty Roar Hyper Beam Buddy Move gets more powerful the more the target's Defense and Sp. Def are lowered, and their Heroic Ascension Divine Outrage Sync Move gets more powerful the more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, so try to use these attacks once the opponent's Defense and Sp. Def have dropped!
By teaming up with Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite, you can get a special Friend Snapshot that will be viewable in the Trainer Lodge, so be sure to check it out.
Future Plans:
The development team has two major updates planned for the next six months or so.
The first is the addition of a feature that will allow players to interact and cooperate with each other. We'll provide more details later, but for now we can say that we're considering adding elements that will be enjoyable for casual players as well.
The second is the addition of an event themed around a completely new approach to lore and storytelling. We'll have further information on this as well, but until then, various happenings in the game will gradually reveal what the theme of this event will be, so please be on the lookout for clues. It'll further expand the world of Pasio, so we hope you look forward to it!
Also, they're planning on making more improvements, like the PML Arc revisions we made recently. These will mainly aim to make the game easier to enjoy for new players and those who are returning after a while. For veteran players, we plan to add new training elements.
The next message comes in late September.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months
thoughts on the hp epilogue? i kinda hate it and don't really consider it canon but im curious what your opinion is.
I'm not a fan, I usually disregard it.
There are things I don't like about the epilogue and things I don't mind. My dislikes range from the usual suspects like Harry naming his son "Albus Severus" to some deeper things actually.
This ended up a bit long, so I'll add a read more here.
So, I'm going to divide this into two parts, things written in the epilogue itself, and the supposedly canon future of the characters that bother me, but technically it's not in the books and therefore easier to ignore.
Thoughts about the epilogue itself:
I actually don't mind the character dynamics between the golden trio in the epilogue, I actually like some of them (like Ron's comments about his muggle driver's test). I like Neville becoming an Herbology professor as well.
Now, for what I don't like...
The existence of the epilogue as a whole bothers me. I don't feel like the books necessarily needed one, at least not one like this. I would've preferred it to end on a hopeful note of rebuilding and changing house stereotypes and muggleborn treatment so there won't be another Voldemort. Not just jump 19 years later to show a society that didn't change any of its inherent problems (more on that in the next section). But the fact Albus is concerned about being sorted into Slytherin shows me nothing changed. House prejudice is still rampant, and the wizarding world still gawks at Harry. Ron mentions casting spells in broad daylight on a muggle for his driver's exam, so clearly muggles and the Statue of Secrecy are still a joke. It's like, complete and utter stagnation.
I also, don't actually want to see the second generation in canon. This is one of those things I think is better off to leave for fan spaces. The whole epilogue feels like a weird fanfic, it doesn't feel like a part of the books. It's even written in a different POV, that same third-person omnipotent that appears in the first chapter of books 1, 4, and 6. It just feels outside the books, I don't know how else to put it. It took me out of the story instead of leaving me satisfied with the ending.
I made it no secret I hate Dumbledore, so having Harry name his son after the two men who made his life hell, as much if not more than the Dursleys, just... it's just really gross. I hate thinking about it even.
I'm not the biggest fan of the names Hugo and Rose either, but that's my personal opinion.
The final problem I have with the epilogue itself is more subjective than the others, but also the most glaring for me, and that's Harry and Ginny. I just really didn't like them as a couple for multiple reasons that I want to make a whole post about actually (it's in the drafts, I'm working on it). But I didn't like the fact Harry married Ginny, I just really don't like them together. It's more of a me thing, and I'm sure fans who ship them together don't mind this, hence why I saved it for last, but it does bother me quite a bit.
And it's not that I dislike all of JK's canon pairings. I like Ron and Hermione, Bill and Fleur, Remus and Tonks, James and Lily — I like all of them well enough. It's Harry and Ginny that I have a problem with.
Thoughts about things JK said about the characters' futures (cursed child and Pottermore and a bit of the epilogue):
I don't like the Harry's and Hermione's careers, I think they are a disservice to the characters.
I go into more detail below about why the Ministry of Magic really really sucks, but with how the final books (5 and afterward) are all about how bad and corrupt the ministry is, it sits really wrong for me than Harry and Hermione go to work there.
And like, with as much as Harry is good in DADA and likes it, I don't think he'll actually enjoy being an Auror. Being an auror is more than just fighting dark wizards. It's filling out paperwork, dealing with bureaucracy, and having to obey his boss. Harry can't obey anyone, I can't see him working well in a hierarchical system that supports authority, it's the antithesis of a character who could resist the imperious curse on his first try because of how much he hates obeying. Personally, I think Harry should've removed the DADA teacher's curse and stayed at Hogwarts. Like, I see him as a DADA professor who often joins Aurors as, like, a special advisor or something. It'll give him more freedom and I think he'll like working with students and staying at Hogwarts.
As for Hermione, yes, she had SPEW, and I definitely think she would spend her life trying to improve creature rights, I just can't really see her becoming a minister. Hermione isn't about strategy (that was Ron), and she isn't about leading (that was Harry). Hermione is compassionate, and I do, as I mentioned, expect her to work for creature rights and improve the state of muggleborns in their society. But she's also a need, who loves reading and studying, I kinda feel she'd be more at home as an unspeakable rather than the minister. She just isn't a politician. Think about them breaking into Gringotts where she literally couldn't lie to save their lives.
Ron, I kinda like the idea of him trying to be an Auror and leaving after two years (honestly, Harry could have done the same and I would've been more willing to accept it). And I don't mind the idea of him helping George at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, I understand why he'll want to do it. Both to get out of the limelight, to help George with Fred's loss that they all share (tbh I'm in denial about that), and the chill environment probably would be good for him after the war. I think Ron will have fun in such a profession, honestly. He's the only one where I can kinda see it.
I don't like the way the Wizarding World is portrayed in the epilogue as I mentioned above — like nothing changed.
In the final books in the series (but actually, we see hints of this in books 2 and 3 already) the ministry is repeatedly portrayed as corrupt and inherently discriminatory — both towards magical creatures and muggleborns.
I don't think I need to discuss House Elves and werewolves too much, as the books state the problems in the ministry’s treatment of these groups quite plainly. But what the books don't mention as much is how hard muggleborns who wish to stay in the Wizarding World have it.
While there are private professions like shop owners, broom makers, Quidditch players, authors, and such, most jobs in the Wizarding World are in the ministry. And you can't get a job in the ministry unless you have connections in the ministry. They run on nepotism and who-knows-who and not merit. This places all muggleborns, even ones like Hermione (if she wasn't a war hero) at a disadvantage when searching for a job after Hogwarts.
We see it with Tom Riddle (12 NEWTs, all O's, prefect, and head boy). Yes, Slughorn pulled some strings to get him job offers, but he preferred to work at Borgin and Butkes over the lowly ministry positions they were willing to give a muggleborn who got a recommendation! What do you think happens to the muggleborns without a close relationship with Slughorn or to students who were quiet but still got solid Os and Es. And we don't know if other teachers recommend students to the ministry.
And that's before I talk about how muggleborns are introduced to magic, which is abhorrent. Or the lack of care towards child abuse (cases like Harry, Voldemort, and Snape come to mind). Or wizards' condescension towards everything muggle. Even Arthur Weasley, who supposedly loves muggles, is incredibly condescending towards muggles and ill-informed about them.
This outlook on muggles is why the Statue of Secrecy is a joke. I mean, book 1 opens with Vernon seeing weird people in colorful cloaks celebrating Voldemort’s downfall. They have no subtlety. considering Ron confounded the examiner on his driver's test and Harry and his family walked with owls in a muggle train station, this didn't get better either...
Sorry for my rant about the ministry, but all this is to say, I don't like the idea of Harry and Hermione working in such a corrupt system that they both witnessed the damage of firsthand. And even if they did work there, I kinda expected them to change it. To actually put in the effort to improve the damaged system they had, and JK mentioned they did. But in the epilogue and any other material we see no signs of this improvement. Everything is still corrupt and running on connections and favors. Otherwise, Albus Potter wouldn't be scared of being sorted into Slytherin, that fact alone means the prejudices that are a huge problem in their world still exist.
The ministry's corruption was such a big plot point in the final books that it feels weird to me that it isn't addressed in any way in the epilogue itself. I mean, the reason Voldemort rose to power as easily as he did was because the ministry and their society were built to allow it.
My ideal epilogue will take place maybe a few months after the war, it'll show them rebuilding, and being hopeful for a future that'll now exist. Stop the house rivalries that do more damage than good and cease the discrimination against muggleborns and creatures, or at least take the first steps towards something better. And it'll show the couples together and the golden trio's friendship, but no second-generation stuff. I feel that wasn't necessary to get the point across. Which I don't feel it did. Like, it gave me the wrong kind of catharsis that I wasn't looking for, if that makes any sense. It just gave me answers to questions I didn't ask.
Sorry for my rambling, the epilogue and anything stated after the books isn't really canon in my head.
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