#also i sorry i got carried away a little???
kayentokk · 1 day
Jjk characters during your period
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A/N; let’s not talk abt me being gone for a month…chile anyways sooooo 😶. Ok no fr I’m sorry and I come baring gifts!! This actually took me forever I got a little carried away…😗 enjoy?
contains;suggestive themes, boob talk, period talk, pretty much menstrual everything, fluff, comfort, cussing, me having a extra soft spot for yuuji, cheesiness
wc; 4,369 ….most ive ever written, kinda sad 🥲
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Fushiguro Toji 
Alr Alr listen-
He’s not that bad
He’s a little teasing at first
Grabbing your waist, probing and prodding at your sore breasts, and just overall not really worried abt it
And hear me out cuz u can’t tell me he’s not a sucker abt ur pain-
He hears your whimpers and groans of discomfort
Then he’s like
To make up for feeling like an ass he helps you
Gets you water
Lays with you
And he even lets you use his big warm hands on your stomach 
Overall 6.5/10
・❥・ “Toji,” you say frowning, “don’t. Please.” You say shooting him a pitiful attempt at a glare. 
He lets out a small, “heh,” and the right side of his lip tilts up. He also gives you a not so sorry, “sorry baby,” to ease the current frown on your face. 
It doesn’t do much, you know he’s not really sorry for prodding at your sore breasts. It’s not his fault! They’re just more tender and soft when you’re on your period. Oh, and the little whiney whimpers and soft gasps of surprise you let out when he sneaks his large, calloused hands underneath your—his—worn out t-shirt to grope and rub at them. And the way you reach your small, in comparison, hands up to his to try and stop him before he starts teasing your pretty nipples. Oh honey, how could you expect him not to?
Anyways, it’s really hard to get through your period with him. He’s so teasing it’s annoying, all you want to do is sleep and try to relax, but he’s constantly prodding you! Whatever, you were used to his behavior anyways. And he’d never go too far with you unless you wanted to.
“Seriously Toji, it hurts.” 
“I know, I know,” he says lifting his hands up in surrender. “Won’t do it again, swear it.” He’s lying. 
You drop your glare and turn back around to finish preparing your chamomile tea, you just needed to pour the hot water from the kettle into your favorite mug and add some honey. 
However when you reach your arm to turn off the stove eye a sharp pain pierces through your lower abdomen. You step back and wince while grabbing your stomach. Your face contorts to an expression mixed with discomfort and a tinge of pain. 
Toji watches for a short moment. He knows about the cramps you get, and he’s heard you complain about them but he’s never seen you react like this. It must’ve been really bad this time, and Toji thinks he doesn’t like that. No, he knows. 
He snaps out of it and makes quick work of turning off the stove and then lifting you, gently, off the floor to head towards the living room. You’re too drained from the cramp to even resist. 
“What r’you doin’ Toji? Don’t walk so fast s’makin me kinda nauseous.” 
“Yeah yeah, y’baby,” he says that last part quietly while laying you down on the couch. 
“Why’re you laying me down I-“
“Y’need to rest, I’ll finish makin your tea. Then w’can sleep-“
“Cuddle,” you correct him. 
“Sure cuddle whatever y’wanna call it,” he says stalking off back into the kitchen. 
“I want tummy rubs too!” You shout after him.
He just scoffs in reply. You’re bossy today huh? It’s fine he doesn’t mind doing what you ask of him for today, he guesses. When he returns with your tea you’re eager to have the warm mug in your hands and you sit up as he hands it to you. 
“Mmmh,” you hum inhaling the scent of the chamomile. Toji makes good tea, you should’ve asked him to make it from the start. Whatever, you will tomorrow. 
“S’hot, be carful,” he says while sitting next to you.
“Mhmm,” your reply blowing on it.
He grabs the remote and flicks on some old anime re-run and turns the volume down almost all the way. He goes to your shared room to grab you a blanket and when he returns you’re already splayed out on the couch, half-drunken tea abandoned on the table. 
“Ooouu! You got me a blanket,” you happily chirp, “c’mere,” you say patting the space behind you.
The couch was definitely small for both you and Toji to fit on it, but that’s why you liked it. The closeness, the warmth, it was nice. You readily grab the blanket from his hands so he can lay with you. 
“Startin to think you want the blanket t’lay with ya more than me,” he chaffs.
“Of course not!” You giggle out.
Toji carefully climbs behind you and settles in. He  pulls your body so that you’re snug against his chest, well, more snug than you already were. 
You close your eyes, you could almost immediately fall asleep. Almost. There’s a dull ache that still resides in your stomach though. 
“Tummy rubs,” you chide at Toji as a reminder.
“D’worry, I didn’t f’get yre rubs,” he replies almost asleep himself.
His large warming hands make their way under your shirt once again, this time for a more moral purpose than fulfilling his own desires, and they glide down to your sore stomach. 
It feels so much better already, the heated pressure really helps ease the pains. He slowly kneads and rubs the delicate skin of your tummy as you drift off to sleep…
Nanami Kento
The king of punctualness 
So let’s be real
This man knows your periods gonna happen before u
He basically tracks your cycle with you
(It was smth he wanted to be more knowledgeable in since it has much to do with you)
He knows all the little tells right before it happens
How ur more tired and a more easily agitated 
So If ur a lil shy about telling ur bf ur on ur period
It’s ok dw
He Alr knows
He makes sure the bathroom cabinet is stocked for u js in case it happens while ur over and u run out or it’s irregular
Has your favorite snacks in his pantry 
Anything u neeed
Believe mans is prepared mkay?
Although he might be a little bit too overbearing sometimes which could irritate you
It comes from the heart tho 
So 9/10
・❥・ Okay so you’re kind of freaking out right now. You’re over Kento’s apartment for your bread baking date, cute right? Yeah, except for the fact that your period just came! All you wanted to do was go to the bathroom and then wipe the flour off of your face but when you went to pull your underwear down, you couldn’t help but notice the splotch of dark red on them. Great! Just great.
You knew your period was coming sometime in the next two weeks since your tracker alerted you, but you didn’t think it would be today! It didn’t even cross your mind to pack your period supplies in your purse before you left. Now what would you do?
You could momentarily leave to go buy some but then you’d miss the bread coming out of the oven, and you might get blood on your clothes or your car. So probably not that option. You could have some delivered to his apartment, but that could take ages. Your last option is just to tell Kento, but what could he do about it? He could go to the store and buy you some, knowing him he probably wouldn’t be embarrassed about it like some would, but that would take some time too. However, it would take less than the delivery person, and you couldn’t really complain given the situation, he’s your best bet. 
“Kennnn!” You called from his bathroom.
You heard the clang of something, probably the bowls or utilities you guys were using to make the dough hitting the sink, and then footsteps padding down the hallway. You could see, from the crack below the door, the light in the hallway momentarily being blocked by his shadow. 
Then, a soft but baritone, “yes?”
“Uhm- could you uh go to the store and buy me some menstrual products? Please?”
“Oh, it started already huh? I swear I thought it was supposed to start next week…maybe I’m off? Maybe it’s irregular this time, I’ll figure it out,” he was mumbling so low to himself you could barely hear him.
“Kento!” You warned, trying to get the man to focus on the situation at hand.
“Ah, yes sorry. They’re in the bottom right cabinet.”
You went to open the cabinet, and surely, the exact menstrual products you use were there. There were even extra pairs of underwear! How did he even know? You’ve talked about your period with him maybe once or twice. 
“Oh, Ken this is-“
“What? Are they not the right kind? I thought those were the ones you got. I’m sorry, I’ll go get the correct ones for you. What-“
“No! No need, I was just surprised because this is what I use,” you said cutting him off.
“Well yes you’ve told me before, remember?”
“Yeah but that was like only one time, when I needed you to run and get me some. I didn’t think you’d remember that.”
“Of course, that’s important. I picked extras up that day so that you could have some in case situations like this happen,” he said matter of factly.
“Well…thank you Ken,” you hummed trying to wrap your head around this amazing man you have. “I’ll be out in a minute, you added.”
“No need for thanks, take your time sweetheart.”
And with that he strode back into the kitchen to check on the bread…
Suguru Geto
Angelllll omg
He may not know exactly when it’s coming 
But when it does
He’s got u for sure
U need pads? Snacks? A heated stuffy? Tea? Cuddles?
Here u go
Whatever u want literally
He is taking care of you all the wayyyy
And he’s not weird abt ur period at all either
You bled on the sheets? Got it on his hoodie you were borrowing? On your clothes?
It’s fine are you okay tho?
He handles it like a champ no problem
It’s not your fault anyways
He’s only worried about your comfort the whole time
‘Y’okay?’ ‘Need anything?’ ‘You should sleep some babe.’
So sweeeet
・❥・ “…aby..baby,” he cooed gently trying to coax you out of sleep. “Wake up for me…”
“Mmh….what?” You groaned inching closer to burry your face into his warmth. 
“Need y’to get up for me,” he said moving his hands under your shirt to soothingly rub your back. 
“No…M’tired, wanna sleep more,” you slurred taking comfort in the hands running up and down your back at the moment. 
“I know baby, we can sleep more later. C’mon let’s jus’ get up and shower okay?”
You groaned again and scooted even closer trying to go back into your deep sleep. When suddenly Suguru’s hands stopped their rubbing. You internally sighed at that, but whatever, nothing was going to stop you from getting your sleep-
“Y/n baby. I didn’t want to freak you out but you had your period. Some of it got on the sheets and your shorts, but it’s okay we’ll just…”
Except that. You were already having a meltdown in your head, you couldn’t even pay attention to the rest of what he was saying. 
You instantly opened your eyes to see Suguru looking at you. At least he seemed to be calm, because you weren’t! Having your period in your boyfriend’s bed?! That’s literally a nightmare! Quite literally the end of the world! And not to mention that it’s on your shorts, and it’s damp and uncomfortable.
On instinct you tried to jump out of the bed, but Suguru already had his arms locked back on you.  He knew you were freaked out, but he didn’t want you to be. There was no reason to be, not in his eyes at least.
“Don’t panic about it-“
“Don’t panic about it? Sugu I just had my period, and it got on your sheets! And probably your pajamas too, oh God.” 
“Both things that are washable Y/n, it’s okay. ”
“It’s still embarrassing though Sugu,” you explained.
“I know but I don’t want you to be embarrassed. Accidents happen, and it’ll be fine,” he said starting to untangle himself from you. 
“Now, let’s get you in the shower. And I’ll change the sheets okay?”
“Fineee,” you agreed.
Suguru got up and went to the bathroom to run your shower water, while you tried to get out of the bed and not smudge the blood anywhere. Then you quickly made your way to the bathroom to find Suguru checking the water temperature for you.
“I think it’s good now.”
You stood there a little awkwardly before he stood up to leave. 
“Ah, Suguru,” you said turning to him as he was by the door, “thank you. I-I mean really thank you, for not being so grossed out I guess.”
He smiled, “no need t’thank me y/n. And I could never be grossed out by you, especially not over this,” he said raising a brow. 
“Now go ahead and shower, I’ll get you some pajamas and run to the store for some supplies. Let me know if you need anything else okay?”
“Kay!” You said chirpily as he walked out. 
Oh! Snacks! 
“Oh!! Sugu, some snacks please?” You shouted from the bathroom.
“Wasn’t gonna leave without ‘em!” He voiced back.
You smiled and began undressing to shower. The water was the perfect temperature, it was so relaxing, plus you’d get to use Suguru’s soaps so you’d smell just like him. 
When you got out your menstrual supplies were on the counter along with your pajamas, one of Suguru’s crewnecks, a pair of your underwear, that he probably found in the back of one of his drawers, and his sweatpants. Which were going to be a bit big on you, not that you’re tiny or anything, you have curves and full thighs, but Geto? He’s huge, 6’3 and about 200lbs of steel in one, not that you were complaining of course. Plus you’d be practically drowning in his scent now. 
“Heh,” he smirked a little when you came out the bathroom. You noticed he’d changed his clothes, and the bed spread.
“What? S’not my fault you’re a giant,” you said rolling your eyes. 
“Yeah yeah, c’mere already. You should sleep some more since I interrupted earlier.”
No way you were arguing with that, so you climbed into bed and indulged in Suguru’s pampering you for the rest of the day…
Satoru Gojo
Tbh probably doesn’t notice at first
He thinks ur just a little more snappy and tired
Which is fair 
But he alwayssss pays close attention to u even when u don’t think so
So maybe like all day he notices you doin stuff and it looks a lil awkward
Maybe walking cuz of abdomen pain and tiredness
Or ur less snappy and more reserved when he jokes with u
Whatever it is
He sees it
he asks like what’s wrong
And u finally tell him
He’s lowkey upset cuz like he didn’t know and he wants u to tell him abt these things yk
But he’ll just have to get better at noticing them is what he tells himself 
Anyways then he’s extra attentive
Asks if you need any pads/tampons/menstrual products 
Literally is the definition of 
‘What size s’your pussy?’
(He knows that’s not what the different sizes and colors are necessarily for, he’s not thatuneducated in that department, but it’s too funny not to yk? 🤷🏽‍♀️)
He thinks ur more soft when ur on your period bcuz ur all whiney and cuddly 
You wanna snuggle and be all warm tg with himmm
His snuggles are awesome 
Pretty good 8/10
・❥・ “Why’re y’walking funny all of a sudden?” 
You stop walking momentarily and huff indignantly, “m’not walking funny.” 
“No need to hide anythin from me pretty, ‘yre hunched more than normal and your steps are uncoordinated and slow….almost like you’re in pain,” he said slowly connecting the dots.
You don’t respond. Just stand silently in your living room, thighs shifting causing your shorts to ride up and heat to gather. You were headed to the kitchen for some water and a snack, but now you’re about to have this conversation with your boyfriend. 
“Are you hurt or something? Is it serious?” He says voice increasingly becoming worried.
“No, no, no. Well- I mean yeah.”
“Y/n are you hurt or not?” He flat out asks trying to get you to confess. 
“I’m on my period Satoru,” you finally admit.
That’s not what he was expecting. 
Satoru has to think in his head what his response should be. He’s kind of hurt? You being on your period isn’t the problem at all, it’s the fact that you didn’t want to tell him. Maybe you were uncomfortable? 
“Y’can tell me when you’re on your period baby, m’not squeamish or anythin. I know m’all jokey and stuff, but I know when t’not be.”
You know that. You know Satoru, it’s just a little awkward to bring up at times you know? Even though Satoru didn’t say it, you can tell he’s a little upset that you didn’t tell him. 
“I know that ‘toru, s’jus awkward to say sometimes I guess? I dunno I’m being weird about it, sorry.”
He’s actually more upset that he didn’t know himself. Don’t worry though, Satoru the strongest never gives up. 
“No need to be sorry, I’ll know myself next time!” He says convincingly with a look of determination on his face.
That’s your Satoru all right.
You giggle before resuming your walk back to the kitchen for your snack. You’re glad that conversation was simple. 
“Woah woah woah! Don’t y’think you should rest?” Satoru says sliding into the kitchen behind you.
“M’fine, I just wanted to get a snack.”
“So I’ll get it for you, go sit.” He motions his hands shooing you out of the kitchen.
You could get used to this golden treatment. Don’t get it wrong, Satoru always spoils you. But where you’re on your period, it’s different. 
You walk back into the living room to sit down, per your boyfriend’s instructions. And a moment later he comes walking in with some snacks from your pantry and water. (He totally googled what’s good for women on their period before coming back.)
“Well look at youuu, being all gentlemanly,” you joked.
“I always am, to you, thank you very much,” he grinned.
Satoru hands you the water and sets your snacks on the table before joining you on the couch. He lifts your legs onto his lap, causing you to shift to a laying down position, and begins massaging your feet.
“I’m quite enjoying this, what’s next? Y’gonna go to the store and buy me menstrual products?” You snorted imagining Satoru crouched down in the middle of the aisle searching for your products.
“What’s s’funny about that? I could, y’need me to?”
“Was just kidding ‘toru, you don’t need to do that. I’ll get some later, I still have a few left anyways.”
“I’ll go right now,” he said setting your legs, gently, behind him and standing.
He can’t be serious.
Oh he was serious, before you could even mutter out a “s’really fine ‘toru,” he was already gone. Not even ten minutes later he FaceTimed you from the store and you answered to hear the infamous line,
“What size s’your pussy pretty?”
Oh my gosh, you were mortified. For him more so than yourself because you saw the face of the lady in the background stocking deodorant. 
You erupted in a fit of laughter, so much you couldn’t even get a sentence out. And soon Satoru couldn’t hold his laughter in much longer and began dying of laughter. You guys were cracking the fuck up for a hot minute, the lady in the aisle let a smile loose too before getting back to her job. 
“Okay-okay, now seriously. Which one of these do I get?” He asks trying to get back on task.
After explaining to him what to look for he got it and was back home to you to cuddle as quick as possible. You both laid in the plush of your bed, you little spoon him big spoon, Satoru’s cuddles are the absolute best. (Although there’s no doubt he’s normally little spoon. I don’t make the rules here 🤷🏽‍♀️) His long, lanky arms wrapping around your plush middle to meet and hold you tightly, safe and secure…
Itadori Yuuji
Golden retriever boyfriend is at your service 
Well he tries
At first you have to kind of explain how it works 
Like a lil couch talk
And like the specific things u need 
Maybe their differences
He’s a curious puppy yk? He’s gotta make sure he knows what u need for future references
Ofc he had a general understanding but he didn’t know in depth
Once u tell him he’s like 
You have to tell him it’s not super painful unless you get bad cramps or you’re sore
Migraines, bloating, etc.
He was scared for a minute
Like “you go through that???”
Anyways does his best to comfort uuuu 
And his best is his best so
・❥・ “…and I normally use..” 
Yuuji has kind of zoned out at this point, he’s trying his best to still pay attention but he’s so stuck. So along with bleeding vaginally every month you also have to endure any “side effects” that come with it? And they can range depending on basically anything? And it can start literally whenever? Like what? 
Noticing that your boyfriend wasn’t really following you anymore you stopped talking. Yuuji realized this not even a second later and squeaks out a “Ah, sorry!! I’m listening, I just was thinking…”
You laughed and pinched his nose between your index and middle finger, “S’fine Yuu. What were you thinking about?”
“I mean…that’s a lot? And you have to do that..? every month?” He asked baffled.
Yuuji is so empathetic, with a boyfriend like him you could do anything.
“Yep! Guess that means I’m stronger than you now huh baby?” You kid trying to pull his smile back out.
And sure enough he gives you his biggest, toothiest smile and nods to agree with you. 
“Of course! I thought you already knew that,” he says laughing along with you.
He really does think you’re stronger than him, in every way. How could he not admire the best girlfriend in the world? Especially since he gets to be your boyfriend. 
“Anyways, s’not too bad. Well…no, scratch that, actually it’s awful,” Yuuji pouts at your admission. “But guess what?”
“What?” He inquires with raised brows.
“It’s more bearable with you here,” you say smiling.
That brings his toothy smile right back. “Well then I’ll just have to make sure to be with you all the time then huh?” 
“I guess so,” you say shrugging.
He can’t help himself at that and pulls you in for a warm hug. He’s squeezing you so tight you might burst.
You tap his shoulder rapidly twice,”too tight Yuu.”
“Oh, sorry!” He says removing his arms and bringing his hand to scratch the nape of his neck. 
You defeatedly sigh, you just can’t get enough of him. He’s too cute!!
 “You’re extra cute today Yuuji, you know that?” You ruffle his hair in mock frustration.
“W-what? It’s definitely you! You’re the cute-“
“Ah ah ah,” you stop him, “I’m on my period Yuu so that means I win this time.” You say crossing your arms dead set on being right with your flawed logic.
Yuuji flashes you a look of confusion before continuing, “that’s not how it works baby-“
“Yuu. You win every time, let me have this one.”
He think about it for a moment. Normally when you guys have these little “who’s the cutest”arguments he does always win. But it’s not his fault you’re so spectacular! 
“Hmm, okay! You can win this one,” he says grinning, “I’m the cutest….and you’re the most beautiful! Yeah?”
You swear Gojo’s ways are rubbing off on him. But it’s fine, you’ll let him get away with it, for now. 
“Okay Yuuji,” you give in.
“Oh!! Is there anything I can help you with today? I know you said your headaches make it kinda hard.”
“Uhmm, I need to buy some groceries today. The fridge is kinda empty ‘cause I haven’t been in a while..probably some other small errands. But I think that’s it..” you trialed off thinking of what else you had to do today.
“Okay, I’ll go with you!” He chirped.
That was the best grocery store trip of your life! You honestly don’t know why you’ve never been grocery shopping with Yuuji before. He was really helpful, like always. Grabbing things from super high shelves, running around to find what you needed, he was your personal little helper. You ran the other mundane errands and then decided to stop at a cafe before heading back.
“This cafe is so cute Yuu! Where’d you find it?”
“Gojo-sensei recommended it to me, he said they have really good kikufuku here!”
Bless Gojo and his sweet tooth, they did lead you to this amazing cafe date with your boyfriend after all.
You just smiled in reply. You and Yuuji chatted some about the mission he’d just come back from, how your past couple of days had been, what you would do tomorrow. And yeah, you think to youself, it’s way better with Yuuji here…
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@/firefly-graphics for the divider
174 notes · View notes
kisskuni · 1 day
sleeping with him
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↳ how it would be to sleep with him. [all brothers x gn!reader]
tags: fluff, like one swear in beel’s
notes: anonymous requested sleeping with the brothers headcanons! i hope you enjoy :) i got carried away with lucifer’s i’m not sorry
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lucifer ━━━
i feel like he’s the most normal sleeper of the brothers. doesn’t toss and turn or anything, but he does sleep on his back in mummy position………..
anyway, i also feel like he’s really warm to snuggle up to — in part he because only sleeps in sweats pants.
convincing him to let you sleep with him is probably the hardest part. not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t want himself to be that vulnerable in the presence of someone
therefore, he’ll likely only sleep in the same bed with you if you’re in an established relationship or something close to it.
the actually sleeping with him part is peaceful
his bed sheets are silky and undeniably comfortable. his favorite cuddle position is for you to fall asleep laying on his chest, he’ll ignore his arm falling asleep and deny it happens every single night.
additionally, he sleeps very little. you’d think the nights of going to bed so late and waking up so early would send him into sleep debt, but no he just doesn’t need as much sleep apparently.
so, be prepared for his alarm at 6 in the morning. he won’t wake you up past the alarm, but it will go off.
if you do wake up to it, he’ll feel bad and attempt to tuck you back to bed, sweet little forehead head kisses and all included.
(if you don’t wake up to it he gives you the forehead kiss anyway)
mammon ━━━
10/10 a cuddler. it does not matter the circumstances; it can be the middle of a hot summer day and he is still going to be cuddled up to you
ok well he’s gonna try to anyway. he falls asleep cuddled up to you but by morning he is somehow spread eagle and lost a sock?
he kicked you off the bed once
i feel like he also has a mini fridge by his bed LMAO he uses it to store water in bc he wakes up thirsty in the middle of the night all the time..
he wakes up late, always. if you have an alarm set you have to drag him out of bed, or else he WILL be sleeping in.
there’s also a 50/50 chance that he’ll not let you get out of bed in the morning anyway.
leviathan ━━━
you’d def have to tell him multiple times that you want to sleep in his bed, established relationship or not. he just won’t believe you the first few times.
after u convince him… sleeping is strange.
he sleeps in a bathtub and it’s not much comfier than it looks. it is for him because he’s used to it, but not really for you.
he tries his best though! he puts down cushions and covers the sides in blankets.
i think therefore cuddling is kind of a given though. the bathtub is bigger than a normal sized one but it’s not big enough for two people to sleep comfortably, especially not without touching each other.
that means cuddling mostly looks like one of you sleeping half on top of the other :)
he sleeps late usually, but he’s not as bad about waking up early as you might think.
although if you asked him to come to bed early he would jump at the idea, he’s wasting absolutely no time
satan ━━━
satan ends up passing out on the couch in his room most nights, but he does sleep in bed occasionally lol
but! whenever you mention wanting to stay the night and sleep in his bed, he’s suddenly sleeping in his own bed every night. he always has, what do you mean you remember him sleeping on the armchair before?
he sleeps on his stomach or his side mostly. he doesn’t cuddle all that much but he does like touching you in some way, be it his hands resting against you or your leg thrown across his
that said, he’s not against cuddling if you want to
he sleeps very little as well, sleeping late and rising early. he’s careful not wake you up when he rises, though there is a 50/50 chance that he just lays back down and sleeps some more if you aren’t awake when he is.
he doesn’t toss or turn in his sleep much, but he does whenever he’s stressed or you’ve had an argument
also a light sleeper. please don’t kick him in your sleep; he will wake up and never tell you you’re half the reason he can’t sleep
asmodeus ━━━
he’s so excited!! makes you do his nighttime routine with him and everything.
his taste in bed sheets is luxury, of course. the sheets and pillowcases are silky, his blankets light but incredibly fluffy.
he definitely sleeps nakey if he’s alone but for your sake he wears shorts to sleep (they’re silky and match his bedsheets?? somehow???)
he has a pretty normal sleep schedule, sleeping and waking up at pretty reasonable times
that said, he’s not immune to when you roll over all sleepy-eyed and ask for five more minutes. he will thoroughly enjoy an extra hour or two of sleep.
he wakes up pretty and it’s almost sickening at times. where is his bed head. where.
side sleeper but will sleep in whatever position you want him to if you want to cuddle with him, he just likes being close to and being able to touch you :)
beelzebub ━━━
he sleeps like a brick.
he also sleeps on his back and would absolutely love for you to sleep on his stomach
don’t hit him with the “im gonna crush you” bullshit either i’m fairly sure he could get hit by a small car and walk it off
anyway! he also has a fairly normal sleep schedule, but if he doesn’t have any where to be, there’s a good chance he’ll turn the alarm off and fall back asleep
he’s weirdly clingy in his sleep as well? he could be passed out and still wrap his arms around you when you try to get up
sleeps in pajama pants but usually no shirt. if you want him to, he’ll gladly put on a t-shirt or tank top though i want to eat his biceps
he’s good about not tossing and turning in his sleep but it’s not an impossibility. u have been crushed by him on multiple occasions i am so sorry.
belphegor ━━━
ok i know ur thinking “ok he’s the sleep demon of course he’s the best to sleep with-“
WRONG. ur wrong. he snores like a fright train and sleeps like a zombie
he talks in his sleep SO bad. you have had multiple conversations with him that he just fully does not remember in the morning
that said, he’s so comfy to sleep on and he’s super down to cuddle in whatever way that you prefer to
because he sleeps at odd times, his circadian rhythm is messed up. however, since you’ve asked to start sleeping with him, he’s made an attempt to fix it to some degree to make sure you’re sleeping at the same times.
he’ll ask you to stay with him when he naps as well but he doesn’t always expect you to sleep
he sleeps in pajamas but if he’s hot he’ll lose his shirt sometimes
he also has some sort of control over dreams. it’s not every night, but he does make an effort to visit your dreams and keep your nightmares at bay on a regular basis :)
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enwoso · 2 days
Emily Fox x Reader based on "I Love You, I'm Sorry" by Gracie Abrams
I LOVE YOU, I’M SORRY — emily fox
this is probably a bit longer than all the other blurbs i’ve done… but i got a little carried away writing it,, anyways enjoy xox
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you and emily fox had a complicated relationship as well as history. it wasn't the usual hatred towards each other it was that you were just civil and that was part of the problem.
you'd both met way back in college, you both playing for UNC alongside some of your current teammates at the moment, alessia and lotte. you joining arsenal just a year after lotte wanting to make the big move back across the pond in hope it would help build your footballing career.
and much to your surprise it did, while you spent most of the first season on the bench you still managed to come on and most of the time make a difference in the game weather that being to score or assisting the goal.
before cementing yourself in the first team just the next season and finding yourself starting majority of the games and then going on to help arsenal lift the league title in the 18/19 season.
but enough of that and back to the complicated history of you and emily fox. you and her were the best of friends from the moment you met, you were glued to hip. you loving to make fun of her funny american accent while she would make fun of how bad your american accent was no matter how hard you tried, it sounded nothing like hers.
over the four years that you were at UNC you grew closer and closer together, to the point you weren't really sure if you were just friends anymore. on some nights when the team would be out celebrating and you both may not be thinking straight due to the alcohol that would be flowing through your veins.
and more times than you would like to admit out loud you would find yourself pinned to the a stall in the toilets while you were out, small whines strung from you as begged for her to carry on kissing you. her lips, her touch, her everything were your drug.
and while the casual hookup happened every other month, it never went anything further than that. you were simply just friends with benefits and while you wished you were more you just couldn’t bring yourself to commit in fear of ruining a friendship.
so when the offer to move across the pond, you grasped it with two hands. it breaking your heart that you were leaving but also emily’s but you made a promise to the girl that you would stay in contact and you would try and make the journey to see her whenever you had time.
however, the long distance between the two of you proving difficult for the two of you to stay close, text messages going from every hour to every other day as well as calls going from every morning to every week until the contact stopped and it was radio silence from each other.
so when the news hit arsenal that a new girl was coming from america the last person you expected was for it to be her.
watching as she walked through the club the same bubbly girl that you knew and left in america.
she quickly fitted in, reconnecting with the UNC duo alessia and lotte and over the weeks the american was back in your life all those feelings you had spent years trying to forgot came rushing back quicker than you could have said 1,2,3.
so on a night after a big win in the league you were sat in the booth of a bar by yourself as you watched on with a slight twang of envy as emily effortlessly danced and laughed with the arsenal girls.
you hadn’t had a chance to talk properly with emily, only the odd little small talk, ‘how your day’ ‘how you finding london’ or ‘you okay’ was all that had been spoken to by the two of you. but you didn’t want to embarrass yourself by bringing up the past in case she was over you, and she didn’t want to bring up old memories cause what if it was just a college hookup to her.
you told yourself you would rather be hurt not knowing then hurt yourself by knowing the truth.
“why don’t you just talk to her?” beth said as you jumped a little not knowing how long she had been there or how long she had been watching you watch emily’s each movement.
“who?” you tried to play the dumb act but you knew by the look on beth’s face that she knew, you knew exactly who she was talking about.
“y/n don’t play stupid with me, just talk to emily. i can see the way you close yourself off from her every time she gets too close. you never know she may want to talk to you too about the past.” beth smiled softly nudging you slightly towards the end, you knew that she’d spoke the emily about you, more than likely meddling. beth had been one of the only people you had told about your past with the american.
“i can’t beth, it is what it is. it’s in the past now. m’trying to move on” you sighed, swirling your empty glass in your hand, hearing a tut from the blonde beside you.
“you can, y/n. and what’s the saying it’s better to try and fail then to never try at all!” beth tried as you gave her a pointed look, your eyebrow raised slightly at the sudden inspirational words.
“who would have thought drinking made you all inspirational quotes!” you laughed lightly as the blonde rolled her eyes pushing you out of the booth. “yeah, yeah, go and get your girl!” beth mocked your tone as she took another sip of her drink.
walking over to the american your nerves were all over, as you tried to navigate the hot and sweaty bar people being everywhere you turned it was like you were in a can of sardines.
finally reaching the girl, you tapped her on the shoulder probably not the best move to pull in a bar full of strangers but before you had time to think your body had already moved and done it for you.
startling the american as she turned around her features softening as she realised who it was, watching as alessia, kyra and laia were now stood behind emily eyes glued to the interaction between the two of you.
“hey, you okay?” emily looked worried, this was one of the first times you’d been the one to start a conversation since she’d joined arsenal just a little over a month ago.
“yeah, um can we talk-“ you stuttered out looking down at your hands as you fidgeted with the rings on your hands. “of course, what’s up?” emily said quickly, her worried look still not moved but not clicking on at the fact you didn’t want to talk in front of prying eyes.
“um follow me” you said grabbing the girls hand and dragging her through the crowd and out the door of the bar, sitting on one of the six steps out the front, emily sitting down next to you as the cold london air hit you both.
“so.. what did-“ emily began after minutes of silence between you both.
“yeah right um just wanted to make amends see where we stand” you pointed between the two of you with a slight laugh, a habit you tended to do when you were sad, something emily picked up immediately.
“oh” was all emily could find the words to say. you were glad it was dark outside in the streets of london as it was able to hide your red cheeks of embarrassment you knew you shouldn’t have had this chat.
you began to back peddle but emily cut you off, “no we need to have this chat but it hurt when you left, i know you had to but you promised to stay in contact and you didn’t. there were so many moments in the past years that i’ve needed you and you haven’t been there.” emily smiled sadly as you bit your lip, you’d been nothing but a dick to her.
“i’m sorry” was all you could say and something you probably should have said to the american a long time ago.
“but i miss you y/n i really do, i miss how we used to be. i know we were never official a thing but i loved you, i really did” emily confessed as you nodded along, the word loved, past tense did that mean she didn’t still love you.
“as sick as it sounds i loved you first” you smiled slightly remember the moment you realised you loved the american. from the moment you met her you knew she was the prettiest girl you’d ever seen.
the two of you sat in silence just taking in each other, as emily carefully moved closer to you as she placed her hand on your cheek, her thumb moving slightly as you sighed. you hands resting on her torso, as you gripped her t-shirt she was wearing.
“y/n” emily breathed out as her hand rested on you cheek, your lips only a mere inch away from touching. you could feel her breath on yours.
“i love you, i’m sorry.” you whispered against her as you moved closer attaching your lips.
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finally found somewhere where no kids or wanting kids are involved,adore them but no,i only want the romance n stuff lol so thank you 🌝✨
With that being said can i request something like “diva” ( not bad person tho ) wealthy girl reader ( i never actual came upon a reader as that atleast in the way i’d like to read ) x golden retriever hubby gojo where they’re like married secretly for some years where they have a day off n they have fun go out shopping,nice places etc or something like that 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️wow what a detailed plot anyways bye bye have a good day 💗💗
Hello! I hope this is what you had in mind, have a great day 🩵
show off
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summary: you and satoru finally have the day off and decide to spend the entire day together genre: fluff pairing: gojo satoru x female reader content warnings: reader is wealthy, fluff, a little suggestive, mdni, everything is fine and everyone's alive au. let me be delusional. yuji, nobara, megumi cameo.
Satoru's a sight for sore eyes no matter from which angle you look. His shining white hair makes him stand out and you can immediately spot him in the crowd. But this time, Satoru's the one looking for you.
You both have the day off so you promised to spend the day together, but Satoru needed to stop by the school for a little bit, and so he's running late. You don't mind, but seeing the flustered look Satoru has while runs towards you makes you feel a little cheeky.
"Toru, you're late." You fake a pout.
"'M sorry, sweets, had to get the kiddos off my back." He speaks of Yuji, Megumi and Nobara while hugging you so tightly you're lifted off the ground. "Let me make it up to you, hm?"
"And how're you gonna do that?"
He looks at a few stores before pointing at the jeweler, "How about I get you that bracelet you've been eyeing? The one with blue diamonds on it."
You tut, "No, I can buy that on my own. But there is something you can give me..." Your hand tousles his undercut, tracing his skin with the tip of your nails, "...Later."
You can almost see the tip of his ears flush a bright pink as you drag him away to your favorite stores.
Your marriage with Satoru isn't really a secret, but it's not something you both boast about. It's quiet, private, personal, and it doesn't need the whole sha-bang. It was honestly first an arranged marriage, but when you and Satoru found out you're going to marry each other, it was like destiny.
You both wear a necklace, your wedding rings hanging loosely as a pendant. With your jobs, it's much easier for a ring to get lost or a finger to get chopped off, so it's safer to use necklaces.
Satoru follows you around, arms carrying shopping bags while you shop -- it's also a way to stop him from reaching his wallet and paying for everything. You don't mind when he pays for your stuff, but today you want to spend your money on Satoru and yourself, because you can and it makes you feel good.
You also bought stuff for Satoru while he's occupied. You got him a new pair of cufflinks, a fe nice dress shirts, a brand new blindfold, and some hair conditioner to protect your white haired husband.
Satoru only found out when you've sat down in a nice restaurant he'd picked and he finally had time to look at what you've bought.
The restaurant you're at is one of Satoru's favorites. It's pricey, and though both of you can afford to eat there every day, Satoru insists it'll lose its meaning that way -- one time you made a joke about how your marriage must've lost its meaning to him since you see each other every day and he was so flustered he almost cried.
"Baby," He takes your hand, "You spoil me too much."
You chuckle, pinching his nose. "You know you like it."
And his heart flutters because he does. He does like being spoiled rotten. He doesn't care how he's spoiled; materialistically, physically--he'll take anything you offer him and return it tenfold.
"Actually," He says, "I got you something."
"Huh? When??" You ask as he pulls out the bracelet you liked. You won't even pretend you can't accept the gift.
"You were in the bathroom." He shrugs.
"You sneaky," Chuckling, you offer him your wrist so he can happily put the bracelet on you. It's adorned with dark and light blue diamonds, of course, reminiscing Satoru's eyes. "I love it. Thank you, love."
Satoru smiles, kissing your hand and placing your palm on his cheek so you can caress him.
"Anything for you."
"Sweets," He calls you while looking out of the restaurant's window.
You follow his gaze and see three of your kiddos; Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara doing a very bad job at spying on you two. You chuckle. "Is espionage part of the curriculum this semester?"
"It should." Satoru laughs with you before looking at you cheekily.
"Hm? What's that look?"
His brow points to them, "Wanna give them a show?"
You always love your husband's cheeky side. You grin and lovingly caress his jaw, pulling him in closer to kiss him, giving the kids a full view of your lips and tongue dancing together.
You peek with one eye to see Yuji and Nobara fully staring at you in shock and you can't help but laugh.
"Aw," Satoru whines, "I was enjoying that."
You hum and give him a peck, "We can continue later. But for now, I think we're about to be bombed with questions." You point to the three marching -- well, only two are marching, Megumi is walking lazily behind them -- students making their way to the restaurant.
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luimagines · 13 hours
Reader confronts the boys about the events of loopy from a poisoned plant.
But everything turns out okay because reader likes them too :)
- glitter ✨
The aftermath of loopey plant? Got it!!
You can read the first part right here!
Content under the cut!
Long day finally over with, you get ready to end it as you crawl into your bed roll.
Four was busy sleeping off the rest of the poisoned pollen and whatever antidote Legend had all but shoved down his throat. You're not sure you're willing to deal with the aftermath but the morning cannot come fast enough.
You lied. The morning came too fast.
You wake up quickly and try to figure out what to do next. You turn in your bed roll and see that Four is already awake.
He sees you before you can pretend to still be sleeping and you curse your luck. Internally, of course. Outwardly, you smile at him and sit up, trying your best to stay causal despite everything he said into your ear the day before.
"Good morning." You grin.
Four winces. "Too loud."
You flinch in return and lower your voice. "Whoops. Sorry."
"It's ok."
"How're you feeling?" You whisper and move to sit next to him. You're suddenly not all that tired. You wait on baited breath to hear his answer and if he's retained any memories from yesterday at all.
Four bite his lip and knocks on his own head gently. His own voice is quiet. "I have a headache but that's about the worst of it. I wasn't too bad yesterday, was I?"
You smile. "You slept most of it off. It wasn't so bad."
He sigh and nods in relief. "Good. I was worried I might have made you uncomfortable."
"Why would you have made me uncomfortable?" You lean forward, trying to keep your smile innocent and less shark like.
Four blushes and looks away. "I have the vague suspicion that I was speaking out loud for a good part of that but I can't seem to tell if I actually did or not."
"Oh." You tilt your head. "That's not so bad. I don't think you were."
"Really?" Four looks back at you, relief flooding his gaze. "Thank goodness."
Your grin turns sharp anyway. "So when do I meet your dad and grandpa?"
Four stills and curls his lips into his mouth. "...Come again?"
"You wanted a summer wedding, right?" You tilt your head. "I was thinking about it and I think you've got the right idea, but I've always my wedding to be outside and the summer might get too hot. So an early summer or late spring wedding might work best if we got that route."
"Oh my god." Four covers his mouth as horror begins to step in.
You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Think about it, yeah? Let me know what you think. I'm not opposed."
Warrior carried Wind back to camp in record time.
Wild returned with Legend, Hyrule and Four and sicked them all onto the groaning and pained boy in front of you.
You tried to stay closer but word spread fast and soon everyone had a hand in helping Wind get back on his feet. Even if that included distracting you in the process.
The day ended before you knew it and everyone was settling in for the night since Wind was now stable and more coherent than he was hour before.
You crept close to the boy and laid nearby, just in case Wind tried calling out to you again. Feeling a little brave, you grabbed onto his hand and let your eyes close shut.
Wind tightened his grip on your hand, calling you name weakly into the air. Your eyes were open in an instant.
"I'm here, Wind." You answer him, crawling a little closer to the boy. you sit up, hoping that the angle would allow him to see you. "I'm here. I never left."
He groans and turns in your direction. "Really? I thought you wouldn't come."
"No." You don't let your voice waver. "I was always there. You just didn't see me."
Wind doesn't seem too convinced but he's also exhausted, no doubt from the treatment everyone had painstakingly shoved down his throat. "I'm tired."
"I know." You smile softly. "It's late. You should sleep."
"What happened?" He asks you instead. "I don't remember what happened after the plant. It was pretty."
"Pretty poisonous." You grit. "Don't go near that thing again. It hurt you really bad."
"Ok." He doesn't fight you on this. "Is that why everything hurts right now?"
"Kinda, yeah." You tell him, because it would be mean to lie. "And everyone freaked out when you were poisoned, so the guys might have been a bit rougher on you than they should have been. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive them."
"They owe me."
You laugh. "Sure, buddy. Sure they do."
"Of course. I'll be right here when you wake up."
You managed to get Hyrule to the group camp with less damage than you thought would be needed.
Hyrule wasn't helpful in the slightest, but you're thankful to the shadow that has been helping you thus far.
He comes to his senses a few hours later, after you've filled the others in the situation. The Traveler groans loudly and rolls over. "My stomach hurts."
You don't have it in you to feel sorry for him. "Probably because you literally ate the dirt." You shake your head. "Let me get you something to drink; maybe that'll help."
"Thank you." He looks your way but doesn't move from his spot on his bed roll.
You get him some water and mix in some white power Twilight said would help him with any stomach problems. He had a bit of humor to his voice but you're willing to bet that was just because he was holding back laughing at your rendition of the earlier events.
You were a bit dramatic about it but Hyrule doesn't need to know that.
You come back and give it to him with little fanfare and sit nearby. "Here."
"Thanks." He starts to sip it closely. "Why does my everything hurt?"
You smile a little, amused that your little turn of phrases were making their way through the group. "You were literally dragged all the way back here. Not dignifying, but I didn't have many options."
He hums and continues to slowly drink the water. "....That would explain why it feels like I fell down a mountain."
You see the shadow tease Hyrule's hair in the distance. It's subtle but Hyrule visibly relaxes. "What damage did I cause?"
"None." You shake your head again and move to sit closer to him. You can at least pretend that the shadow is you, just so no one asks questions. "Unless you count damage to my psyche from the strange things that came out of your mouth."
"Oh god, don't tell me I confessed." He whines and drowns the last of the glass to avoid eye contact.
"I said it, didn't I? I told you I loved you. Crap. I'm sorry-"
"No." You stop him before he can continue with that train of thought. "...But you did now."
Hyrule freezes.
You're also left staring at him.
The shadow acts quickly and pulls your head down so that your lips touch Hyrule's head. You pull back quickly with a bright blush.
"We'll talk later." You steal the glass away and scurry as fast as you can to busy yourself with something unimportant.
Hyrule will be fine. Right? Right.
You were absolutely correct.
Twilight and Sky had found you and had tease you relentlessly once they managed to pry you away from Time. The Old Man didn't seem to want to let you go.
It would have been a little more humorous if he hadn't looked on the verge of tears at the thought of you leaving him.
You stayed with him, because anything else would have sent the poor man into a panic.
It took a total of two days for the effects of the pollen to calm down and for Time to be restored to his quote unquote, former glory.
Luckily for him, he didn't seem to remember most of it. Only that he kept looking at you in a way that had your chest clenching and your breathing coming out in short bursts of pure emotion.
It was maddening. ...And the boys weren't helping you in the slightest.
You had to clear the air at the first chance you got. You didn't want to continue this strange dance you've found yourself in with the Old Man.
You pulled him aside and were ready to interrogate him when your words died on your tongue. There he went again, looking at you with the most tender and adoring look you had ever seen on a man, let alone him. "...Link. What is it?"
You can't bring yourself to be accusatory. Something about the flower changed him. He's never been this vulnerable on this journey. What had he gone through?
Time raises a hand and runs the back of it on your cheek. "...I thought I lost you."
"Never." You grab his hand, holding it close. "You could never lose me."
"I found myself powerless." He takes in a shaky breath. "Tell me. What changed between us? What did I do?"
"N-nothing." You gulp, feeling your legs go a little weak at the sheer power he carries in his voice. "You called me a flower... and then wouldn't let me go. It was innocent."
Time doesn't seem convinced. But he doesn't have enough in his memory banks to dispute this. "Very well."
"Link?" You hold his hand a little tighter. "....It was the most romantic things anyone has ever said to me. I... should thank you."
"I hardly doubt something said in the midst of confusion and loss of cognitive function would be considered romantic." Time glares at the ground. "I could do much better now that I'm sober."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you decide to get a little brave and reckless. You lean closer and nearly poke your nose with his. "Prove it."
Something ignites in him. A wicked grin blooms on his face. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You whisper. "Because I would have said the same thing about you."
You ended up needing to change your shirt.
Wild was apologizing profusely and on the verge of tears afterwards.
Legend was kind enough to help you with the mess and steal one of the Captain's shirts for you to wear while Four and Sky helped Wild get himself situated and settled.
You sighed and fixed the way the clothes clung to you. It highlighted just how skinny Warrior was but you didn't want to think about that when you were more worried about Wild and his current state.
You rushed back quickly. Wild was sniffling and whining like a kicked puppy while Hyrule brushed his hand through the Champion's hair, trying to calm the other boy down.
"How is he?" You whispered as you got closer.
Hyrule looked up at you and cringed. "I'm sure you can guess. He might have ingested some of whatever it was that made him this way. He says his stomach hurts a lot despite not eating anything. I'm inclined to believe him."
You sighed and copied the movements the resident healer performed on your friend. You lean in and kiss Wild's forehead. "I'm sorry, buddy. You'll feel better soon."
Wild looked up at you and swallowed harshly. "Promise?"
"I promise." You smile tensely. You look to Hyrule for confirmation and he looks just as lost as you feel. You repeat yourself anyway. "I promise, Link."
He groans against and curls up tighter. "I'm sorry...'bout your shirt."
"Soap and water exist." You wince, trying to keep your voice light. It was your favorite shirt, but you don't want Wild to feel worse. "Legend is taking care of it."
"Oh... ok."
"You've been very nice and good to me." You whisper. "I don't think I have the capacity to be mad at you. Much less for this. I like you too much, Wild."
"I like you too." He tries to look up at you. "...I didn't like that plant."
"I don't like it either." You agree, if only to make conversation. "Let's not get close to it again, yeah?"
Wild nods and closes his eyes, reveling in the way your hands feel in his hair. "I'm never cutting my hair."
You giggle slightly. "Good. I'd miss it."
He smiles.
It had taken many hands to get Twilight to behave enough for him to be treated.
You didn't think he would be as possessive as he was. He growled in ways you didn't think was possible and nearly tried to bite Time.
It was... fascinating, if a little scary.
You watched him and tried to calm him down with the others. Eventually he fell asleep.
Only to wake up less than hour later.
You wanted to yell and scream. He had just calmed down. What mess do you have to deal with now?
"Ow my head..." He sits up in his bed roll and hold his head in his hands. You step closer to him and poke his shoulder. "How're you feeling Rancher?"
"Like I got kicked in the head." He mutters under his breath. "What happened?"
"You got poisoned." You smile softly, gathering that it was more or less safe to be next to him now. "And then hugged me. And smelled my hair. And I think you kissed it."
Twilight had gone completely still in the time that you had begun talking. You noticed but decided to keep going if only to save yourself from blushing at the reminder of his not-quite-kiss.
"You also tried to punch Warrior in the face, bite Time and wrestle Wild." You shrug. "Sounds normal if you ask me."
"I won't." He rubs his forehead. "...Did I do anything else? ....To you?" He adds hesitantly.
You feel just as hesitate but honestly? He wasn't all that bad, if a little too honest. You shake your head. ""No. You were well behaved."
"Thank Ordana."
"I like you too by the way." You blurt and lean closer. "And you don't have to be scared to talk to me, ok? I like talking to you too, Link."
You kiss his cheek, if only because it's fair- implies your traitorous brain. You don't see Twilight short circuit, but you do see Warrior and four give Twilight some thumbs up from their corner of the camp.
"Get better soon, ok Darlin'?" You copy his subtle drawl and watch in gremlin delight at the way he completely flushes red.
"YeAh." He clears his throat, unable to meet your eyes. "I will. I will."
The loud curse that slips past your lips was enough to get the group to look over to where you were.
Legend and Twilight naturally started laughing at the sight of Warrior face first in the dirt before you called out for help. Wild and Sky responded quickly, helping drag the unconscious young man to the middle of the camp where it was safe.
You instantly started explaining what you say and how he reacted, giving your own ideas about what might have happened without actually being there to witness it.
Time and Four got to making a spot to put his body where he would be comfortable until he slept it off.
You hovered around like an anxious hummingbird. You had all this energy and no where to spend it. Feeling your plight, Hyrule and Wind took it upon themselves to keep you occupied before you started to mother hen the Captain while he was unconscious and unable to defend himself against it.
Thankfully, it didn't take that long for Warrior to wake up- complaining quite loudly that he'd swear off drinking for the rest of his life.
You had the sudden suspicion that it wasn't the first time he had woken up such a manner- even though you knew that there was nothing alcoholic in the vicinity. Still, you decided to commend him for the attempt. "Good. We'd hate to deal with you hung over as it is."
He groaned and rolled over in his bed roll.
No one bothered to correct him in his incorrect assumption that he had been drinking with the boys.
Time had snorted at the claim and at his reaction but there was a subtle wince to his face that you couldn't help catching. Was Time familiar with the feeling as well?
You shake your head and make your way next to Warrior. "Hey."
"Hi." He grumbled, clearly not happy with his current predicament.
"What do you remember?"
Warrior tenses up before he can stop himself. He clearly remembers something but he doesn't to tell you, less you confirm it for him.
You smirk. "Do you remember the kiss?"
He shoots up. "What?!"
Given that you're not entirely sure what going through his head, you're willing to make a bet and let his own mind fill in the blanks for you. Besides, fireside cuddles sounds nice- but if he had something else in mind you don't think you're inclined to turn down that offer either.
You giggle and kiss his nose to tease him further. "There wasn't none but you mentioned it. If you ever want to follow through with what you told, just let me know."
Warrior looked horrified.
"Let me know." You repeat yourself to get through to him. "Ok?"
His voice is small and disbelieving but he nods slowly. "...ok."
It took a while for Legend to cooperate enough for you to bring him back to camp and get him checked up on. He wouldn't stop going on and on about how you were one of nicest people he's ever met and that he never wanted to leave you and the thought of leaving you made him sad-
Honestly, you had to tune him out for the most part. If you continued to listen to him talking and rambling you would have probably started crying. You never would have guessed that Legend was incredibly sentimental underneath it all.
You had to leave him to the care of the other boys while you went to collect yourself off beyond the forest line.
With time, when you no longer felt all mushy and soft for the boy had to grow up way too fast just to survive, you made your way back to the camp where Legend was looking properly hung over.
He groaned and maybe vomited a little given the looks Wild and Four were giving him as Time cleaned his face. You're a little ashamed that you more or less ran away from him but you doubt he would have wanted you to see him like that anyway. Right?
Eventually, you gather up the courage to get close to Legend and sit next to him where he would actually notice you. He sees you and rubs his face. "I was told you brought me back."
"Yeah." You admit quietly. "I found you first."
"I already told everyone to stay away from that stupid flower."
You pale slightly. In your attempt to rid yourself of the embarrassment, you had completely forgotten about the plant that got Legend into this mess to begin with. "Oh. Good."
Legend nods and rubs his head a bit. Warrior steps in to give the Vet a glass of water. He drinks is greedily.
"Do you still want to braid my hair?"
Legend chokes.
You bite your lip. "I wouldn't mind it."
He looks at you with a scarlet face and with wide, almost scared eyes. "Oh my god, what did I tell you?"
"I lot of things," that you don't think you have the strength to go into right now. "But it's really not that bad."
Legend smiles, but it's not like he believes you.
You'll just have to prove it to him.
After you successfully managed to drag Sky throughout the unmarked trail back to the camp, you started barking out order to the boys to help him. They rushed to put their hands to work.
Hyrule first went about healing any injuries he may (read: absolutely) have obtained.
Four and Warrior went about making a tonic to help rid the pollen slash poison out of his system while you went to clean yourself off and pretend everything Sky said to you didn't actually happen.
When you returned feeling better about yourself and the current mess, you found that the boys had managed to corral the chaos of the camp as well. Sky was stable and dinner was already over the fire. It would be ready in a matter of minutes.
Luckily, Sky didn't stay asleep for long and soon it was as if nothing had ever happened.
But you decided that you still needed to get some answer out of the boy.
The following morning, after everyone's morning routines were done and over with, you found yourself guiding Sky away from everyone else just to see how much of yesterday he actually remembered.
He seemed unable to meet your eyes.
"Good morning." You bump your hip against him. He nearly falls over but catches himself. Sky's blushing. "Good morning."
"Sleep alright?"
"As good as I could given the pollen from that weird flower." Sky scratches the back of his neck.
"Oh perfect, you brought it up first. I was going to ask you about that."
Sky blushes harder. "Yeeaaah? What about it?"
"What do you remember? Do you remember what you told me?" You tilt your head, not bothering to acknowledge how awkward he no doubt feels. You feel a little vindicated since he made you drag his dead weight all the way back to camp on your own.
Sky looks away.
That's all the answer you need.
"Did you mean it? Truly?" Hope enters your voice before you can stop it. Sky catches it because of course he does.
"Yes. I did." He mutters. "I also recall that you said... you said that I was pretty too."
"You are!" You kiss his cheek, taking your shot. "Ok?"
"More than ok." Sky takes your hand softly, lacing your fingers together. "....Do you really think I'm the good child?"
"....you're one of the best ones here."
"I broke a chandelier on purpose to get an item."
"....my statement still stands, honey. But I'll remember that."
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imagine-darksiders · 7 hours
Okay, so, sad girl hours right now.
Y/N has been a lot quieter than usual, and when asked “what’s wrong?” they immediately break down crying because they were having a shit day where EVERYTHING was going wrong, but didn’t want to bother anyone with their stupid human problems (there’s far greater things to worry about in the heat of the apocalypse), so they kept it bottled up only for that one simple question to shatter the dam holding them together. The four horsemen + my comfort giant ™ Ulthane.
Also if you’re having a bad day like me: one bad day doesn’t equal a bad life. You’ve made it this far; surely you can make it to wherever you want to go next! You are loved and you are valid. Don’t give up just yet. ❤️
Hey, I'm really sorry, I know you requested the Horsemen too but I got way too carried away with Ulthane, and wrote an 8000 word response to this ask lmao, and by then I thought it might be getting too long.
Content warning: This gets quite existential. Allusions to suicidal thoughts, talks about death and the inevitability of death. Depression. The end of the world. The Apocalypse, nihilism. Crying, smoking, cigarettes, emotional outbursts. Ulthane is trying his best to raise this tree full of sad, unpredictable kids.
This was always bound to happen…
Ulthane’s chest swells and sags in the wake of a mammoth sigh, like a wave kissing the shoreline before it retreats back into the tumultuous sea.
A tall, arched hollow carved out of the trunk of the Maker Tree allows him a limited glimpse of the city beyond this inner sanctum. Through the fragmented shadows of a thousand, whispering leaves, the night sky peeks back in at him, a vast, endless beast of shimmering obsidian, crushed velvet strewn above the Earth.
It’s dark out there, immeasurably so without the lights and sounds of a population that had once been two million strong.
He would have liked to have seen it….
From his usual post at the anvil nestled deep inside the cavity of the great tree, Ulthane’s gaze calmly trails after a tiny, tiptoeing shape that hugs the wooden walls, a dark silhouette creeping through the hollow and out onto the plateau overlooking Haven City.
Again, the brawny maker exhales a long, gentle breath as he lowers his hammer to the anvil and drapes a burly forearm across the cool, flat surface, ears tipped towards the ground in unhappy contemplation.
He recognises the silhouette.
It can only be one human.
You. Your stature, your gait. Not to mention that this is the third time in as many days that he’s spotted you leaving the safety of the sleeping nook to venture outside and into the wild, chilly night.
The first time, he’d merely turned you right back around at the entrance, giving you a gentle nudge with his fingertips and a disgruntled reprimand about not leaving the tree after dark… Or at all for that matter.
Your face was tilted down then - he assumed in embarrassment – as you slumped your way back up to the nook, never letting him catch a glimpse of your expression, and never speaking a word to the huge, hovering maker.
That alone had stirred a modicum of unrest in the back of his mind.
Typically, he’d had very little trouble getting a conversation out of you. But that night, he brushed your unusual silence aside, chalking it up to fatigue, or perhaps that strange habit some humans have of walking around in their sleep.
They even have a sleepwalker in their midst… Damn near gave Ulthane a heart attack when he turned around one night to find the little blighter standing motionlessly just behind his boots, their mouth slightly ajar and their eyes lidded full of sleep, staring past him at nothing.
The phenomenon is yet another curious facet of human biology he wishes he could share with an old friend of his.
Ulthane had elected to keep a closer eye on you during the nights, even warned Elanya and Yarin that they might have another walking sleeper on their hands.
He’d hoped, perhaps naively, that it might have just been a one-time occurrence.
His hopes were dashed when it happened again.
Ulthane had never had his own younglings. Never really gave it much thought beyond his brother’s teasing.
‘You sure you don’t plan on havin’ yer own?’ Thane guffawed unhelpfully as he watched his disgruntled brother fish a tiny, spluttering Karn out of the aqueduct that runs adjacent to Muria’s garden. ‘You’d make a good sire.’
‘Not until you have some first,’ Ulthane groused back as a way to escape answering, settling the boy on his knee with a fist clenched around his overall straps, like scruffing a pup. Ulthane had made a mental note then and there to teach Karn how to swim the very next morning. Preferably in the Fjord, and not in their sacred waterways.
Helping Eideard raise Alya and Valus was preoccupying enough, and then Karn was born a few centuries after the twins hit their adolescence. The boy lost his dam, and thus it fell to the other makers in Tri Stone to keep their littlest tyke out of danger as best they could.
In hindsight, Ulthane is grateful that he had any experience with younglings at all, because sometimes, taking care of a tree-full of humans feels a bit like wrangling toddlers who won’t do as they’re damn well told. Oh, they used to, back when they first met the giant and were utterly petrified of him. He didn’t like that much, but at least when they feared repercussions, they actually listened if he told them not to go outside, not to talk to the demon lurking on the plateau, not to climb the upper branches, not to drink the rubbing alcohol, not to sleep in their bedrolls with their boots on, and…
Ulthane wrinkles his nose and groans as he scrubs a rough hand down his face. Stone be damned, maybe he would have made a good sire after all.
The second night, you’d managed to slip past the vigilant maker without detection. He only realised something was amiss when, from the corner of an eye, he’d caught a tiny, orange glow blooming to life in the pitch-black dark beyond the hollow.
Immediately alert, he’d lifted his head from his work at the anvil to look properly, and found his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. There was a soft glow, small and round hovering in the darkness outside, several feet above the ground.
He squinted at it, watched it flare brightly for a moment before it receded to a softer burn once more.
“I’m just having a smoke,” you’d uttered tonelessly as he tromped through the hollow to find you leaning on the wooden ridge that separates you from a nasty, two-hundred-foot plummet to the city square below.
You didn’t turn around as you spoke. You didn’t need to. You could have heard the giant coming from a mile away.
Stealth isn’t something makers usually bother with…
Ulthane almost thought he should be angry. You’re a smart human. You should have known better than to leave the safety of the tree. But all he found when he loomed close enough to actually peer down and sideways at your face was something that took his great, thumping heart in a fist and wrung it dry.
Sad… is too gentle a word for it.
What he saw in your face at that moment, peering out over the city, shrouded by night’s enigmatic hue, was far more alarming to the burly maker than he’d ever admit to you aloud.
Oh, there was sadness there, certainly. But it was also so much worse than that.
With humans, it’s all in the eyes, he’s found. Humans have such astoundingly expressive eyes.
Dark pupils that expand and contract. Sclera that turns red from fatigue or anguish. Lashes that glisten like jewels when tears escape the confines of their eyelids.
Ulthane might be reduced to a soft-hearted fool whenever one of his – the - humans cries, yet he can’t stop himself from finding the act ethereally beautiful, in a way.
Tears are rare in other species, even among the younglings. In his own village, the river that brings them water is referred to colloquially as the Tears of the Mountain, a name steeped in reverence, life-bringing water.
There were tears on your lashes that night, he recalls.
They sparkled in the gentle glow cast by a thin, white stick that dangled loosely between your parted lips.
As the maker stared down at you, trying to decide whether he should be relieved you hadn’t ventured any further than that, or livid that you were out there at all, you raised your hand to your mouth and held the stick steady between two fingers, drawing in a slow, uneven breath. Ulthane watched on, captivated by the end of the stick burning even hotter in the deep, blue twilight.
Plucking it from your mouth entirely, you’d exhaled, and he was even more amazed to see you breathing out smoke, like dragon-fire. Ulthane could do little else but gawk down at the elegant cloud of white as it billowed through your lips and drifted up towards the sky. It’d been a long time since he’d seen a dragon… Looking at you then, he couldn’t shake the image of a poor, lonely beast gazing forlornly over a home it would never get back.
Ulthane had seen such looks before, on the faces of his fellow makers when their home fell prey to Corruption. The foul plague drove them further into the outer reaches of their own realm, trapping and isolating them, stealing their bodies and using their own people as puppets against the survivors.
One by one, the makers fell, those who were brave or foolish enough to try and fight back.
He’d watched the younglings lose their hope, their wonder at an infinite Universe. With each maker felled by the vile darkness spreading its tendrils across their land, the resolve of those that were left started to waver.
There was a pattern, Ulthane noticed, in those who were closest to death. They stopped being scared. They stopped being outraged and desperate to save their homes and themselves. Resignation became an entirely new plague, killing off the once bustling village of Tri Stone until only he and a few others remained. Apathy grew like a tumorous thing, deadening the eyes of all but the stoutest hearts and minds.
That’s what you looked like, he’d realised with the lurching, ominous chill of dread creeping up his stomach walls.
Hardly alive, just existing. Existing until the inevitable, as if you were already hand in hand with Death just waiting for the nod.
This was always bound to happen…
“Thought I told you to stop sneakin’ out here,” he’d eventually rumbled, his tone gruff and guarded, but his intentions couldn’t be softer.
You didn’t react to the maker’s words, merely continued to gaze out at the skyscrapers reaching up towards the stars. “Didn’t want to smoke inside,” you said quietly, “The others shouldn’t have to breathe this shit.”
All that did was set alarm bells blaring in Ulthane’s skull.
Pale, blue eyes turned to glare sharply at the innocuous stick poking through your teeth.
“And, er… Should you be breathin’ it?” His loaded question held a merit of danger to it, like the hammer of a gun, cocked and ready to fall at a moment’s notice if he doesn’t hear what he wants to.
Which made it all the more surprising that you didn’t immediately try to ease the maker’s nerves as you usually would. Instead, you raised your shoulders in a lazy shrug and hummed, “Either the demons kill me, or this cig will. Doesn’t really matter at this point, does it? Who gives a shit?”
Another odd, human colloquialism, but he got the gist.
Ulthane still isn’t particularly proud of what he did then.
Maybe it was the blasé reference to your own mortality or the blunt ultimatum, or even the suggestion that your life isn’t cared about. Something struck a nerve, and Ulthane wasted no time in reaching down and using the very tips of his thumb and forefinger to pinch the burning end of the ‘cig’ and pluck it out from between your teeth, unaffected by the tiny fire singing his calloused skin.
And then came the most egregious act.
He tossed it, flicked the tiny thing from his fingers and sent it sailing over the wooden ledge where it fell, down, down and further down until its glowing ember disappeared in the darkness dozens of feet below, extinguished by the rush of wind hitting its stub.
Ulthane fully expected some sort of retaliation. He even hoped for it. Anger, indignation, frustration. Hell, he half wanted you to round on him, all fire and brimstone and spewing venom, demanding that he go down there and retrieve your stolen treasure.
Anything. Anything at all that would have returned a little life to your lustreless eyes.
What he got instead was a deathly-quiet voice that cracked at the end of its sentence. “That was the only one I had left…”
Ulthane thought it might have hurt less if Yarin slugged him in the gut.
Looking back on it now, as he stands at his anvil watching you traipse aimlessly into the dark for the third time, Ulthane finds he can hardly blame you for resenting him.
You and the other humans… You don’t have much left anymore. And what little you do have is cherished with fierce devotion. Even the most mundane things. He can still recall the ghoulish howl one of the women emitted after her bracelet’s string snapped, spilling colourful beads across the floor of the tree, her desperation as she clawed after them, wailing. You were among the first to drop down and search with her. “We’ll get them all back, Sam,” you soothed as she clutched the broken elastic to her breast with one hand, knuckles bone-white, “We’ll find them, it’s alright. You’ll be alright.”
It was never just a bracelet.
And that tiny, little stick you called a ‘cig’ probably meant more to you than the old maker could ever comprehend.
A low, resonant hum starts up deep in the base of Ulthane’s throat as he tracks your silhouette across the hollow until you vanish out onto the gloomy plateau. Perhaps he should leave you be tonight…
With a grunt, the maker focuses back on the little talisman sitting on his anvil – a gift for the Horsman, whose efforts to recover more survivors from the crumbling city haven’t gone unnoticed.
Readjusting his grip on the hammer, he taps it half-heartedly on the metal casing, ears pinned back as he tries to quell the nagging thoughts scurrying about in his skull.
Suppose you fell off the plateau… Suppose you were spotted by a dusk-wing flying by overhead…
Ulthane manages to restrain himself for all of five minutes before he frustratedly tosses his hammer down onto the anvil’s surface with a resounding ‘clang,’ and shoves himself away from the workstation, stomping off towards the tree’s hollow, his brother’s laughter ringing in his ears.
In his haste not to hurry, he fails miserably, and at last comes bursting out onto the wooden plateau, eyes zeroing in on the small shape ahead of him.
It’s more of a relief than he’ll ever admit to find you leaning on the ridge, just as you had the previous two instances, arms draped across the top, shoulders hunched, your head ducked into the collar of a light, grey jacket.
Holding a breath in his lungs until he’s confident he can let it go quietly, Ulthane draws closer.
As he does, a sudden white cloud billows from your mouth, and the maker almost thinks you’ve managed to scrounge up another of those ‘cigs.’ But when he comes to a slow, heavy halt beside you and glances down, he can’t spot anything of its likeness hanging between your lips.
Belatedly, he finally realises what’s wrong.
It’s cold out here. At least it must be for a human with parchment-thin skin.
You barely acknowledge his presence as he reaches for the blue, well-worn cowl wrapped around his neck. Ulthane makes sure to grumble aloud as he pulls it over his head. “Hmph…catch yer damn death…” he mutters grumpily, pretending that the mere act of draping it over your shoulders and using the pads of his fingers to wrap swathes of warm fabric around you is a terrible inconvenience. He also tries hard not to fixate on the way his cowl spills down your back to pool at your feet.
Maker’s bones… You’re so tiny.
Sluggishly, you roll your head sideways to peer at the makeshift blanket, giving Ulthane a proper glimpse of your flat, unreadable expression lit by the luminous moon hanging overhead in a star-spattered sky.
Something ancient and primitive inside him is immensely pleased when you don’t reject the offer of warmth. It settles him, leaves his restless soul satisfied, though only by a small margin. You’re still out of the safe confines of the tree, in the dark, after all.
Everything else about the maker’s nature still urges him to get you out of the open.
But Ulthane has been around long enough to recognise a pattern when he sees it.
This is the third time he’s found you out here, alone.
Twice was a coincidence. But three times?
He needs to get to the bottom of this now.
“You’ve been quiet lately,” he mutters, withdrawing his hands but lowering his hefty bulk onto one knee to be closer to your height. It’s only after he says it out loud that he realises, he’s right. You have been quiet lately. Moreso than usual.
For several, long moments, you remain inert, blankly staring down at the fabric cocoon you’ve found yourself in. “Have I?” you ask in a whisper, brows twitching as if they want to furrow but can’t muster up the energy to.
Humming pensively, the maker raises his head, keeping you in the corner of his watchful eye. “Been missin’ you at the anvil…” he admits, shrugging a massive shoulder to try and retain a modicum of indifference. If you only knew how much he looks forward to your company, he’d never be able to look you in the eye.
“In fact,” he adds, adjusting his weight, “Only time I seem to catch you nowadays s’when I find you out here. Where you aren’t s’posed to be.”
There might have once been a time when merely adding a stern inflection to his voice would send you cowering away from him. Some of the humans who are newer to the tree still do it. But you, over time, had stopped, realising that Ulthane was as likely to hurt you as he was to fly to the moon.
But it wasn’t often that he had to add those inflections. And if ever he did, it was usually because you or one of the others was doing something you really shouldn’t have been doing. Even then, you may not have cowered, but you’d certainly have the decency to look admonished, apologetic even. You’d offer the maker a quick, sheepish smile that worked wonders to appease him and earned him hours of teasing from Elanya and Yarin.
Now, however, he gets nothing. Not a flinch, nor a quibble. No sheepish yet disarming smile that puts a youthful quiver back into his heart. What he gets instead is a weary sigh, followed by a decidedly bitter, “Maybe I just want to be left alone, huh?”
A disconcerting pang hits him right in the pit of his stomach… Something is definitely wrong.
Perhaps it’s narcissistic of him to presume, but that one, barbed request from you is enough to set off a needling voice at the back of his mind, one that callously plants the seed that all of this - your behaviour, your apathy, your twilight excursions – somehow, it’s all his fault. Casting his brain about, he tries to think of something in particular he’d done that would cause you to seek distance from him, all the while pretending it doesn’t bother him nearly as much as it does. Aside from tossing your last ‘cig,’ he doesn’t land on anything that sticks out. But you’d fallen quiet and withdrawn long before that incident occurred.
Then again, he is still trying to wrap his head around all the complexities of the human social structure… As he considers it, he realises with a sinking feeling that it’s highly likely he’s committed some sort of faux-pas and never even noticed…
Scrubbing a hand over the back of his neck, he untucks his braid from the confines of his tunic and exhales roughly, nostrils flared in agitation.
“Look…” he sighs, roving his gaze out to look at the silhouettes of a dozen, towering skyscrapers, “M’not… V’e always been more for brawn than brain, mm?” Pausing, he raps at his skull with a solid knuckle. “So… If I… said somethin’ I shouldn’t have… and it… changed the way you see me-…”
Again, his voice trails off, and he returns his eyes to you, finding you tilting your face up towards him with the tiniest crease sitting between your eyebrows.
Are you angry at him? Confused?
It’s so hard to tell sometimes. A human’s face can tell a thousand little stories with one twitch of the muscles, fluid in a way makers and other species could never hope to be.
Ulthane’s chest gives a rumble, like something massive and subterranean passing far beneath the Earth’s crust. He truly hopes you aren’t angry at him.
“Just…” A pair of immense shoulders sag dejectedly as the maker squeezes his eyes shut, bracing himself before he pries them open again, peering down at you from underneath his crumpled brow. “Just tell me what I said,” he finally croaks, “And I’ll never say it again.” He never intended for it to sound so much like a wounded plea, wants to weld his mouth shut when his voice breaks unexpectedly.
Son of a bitch. These humans must be starting to rub off on him.
Deafening silence chases the end of his sentence, and for a time, he’s stuck observing your face fall gradually from a nearly imperceptible frown to a solemn, sympathetic wince.
“Ulthane… It… Hhh.” A rush of air bursts out of your parted lips, harder than a sigh. You’ve been doing that a lot lately, he realises. Dragging your eyes over towards the distant city, you gaze out at it for a second before returning them to the underside of Ulthane’s chin, your lips tilted down at the ground. “Listen. I’m not trying to be a dick, a-and I mean this in the best possible way… but it isn’t about you, I promise… You haven’t done anything wrong.” It’s the firmest voice you’ve used yet.
Glancing down, you blink miserably at the toes of your shoes poking out from under his oversized cowl. “I’m sorry,” you add, this time in a far gentler, wobbly lilt, “I’m sorry I told you I wanted to be left alone. It isn’t your fault.”
Oh… that’s… actually a lot more relieving than he’d care to admit out loud.
The speck of lightness that lifts his chest doesn’t last for long, however.
There still begs another question, one he’s hardly qualified to be asking… If your issue isn’t with something he’s said or done… then…
The notion suddenly occurs to him that you might be getting grief from someone else. One of your fellow humans, perhaps?
Before he can wrestle it down, a hot burst of protective indignation flares up in his chest. He’d have noticed, surely. Wouldn’t he? He’d know if one of his charges was being upset by someone while under his roof… Right?
Griping unhappily, Ulthane reminds himself that he’s nothing if not a persistent old bastard. And when he’d made his quiet, private oath to protect what remains of a species he inadvertently helped to eradicate, he didn’t just pledge his protection to their physical wellbeing.
The tremendous breath he exhales through his nostrils is strong enough to disturb the hairs on top of your head, a fleeting reminder of how even the smallest gesture from a man his size can affect you in some way…
“Right then,” he rumbles with a deliberate edge to his tone that sets your shoulders tensing under the soft weight of his cowl, “But there is somethin’ botherin’ you, aye?”
He sees you stiffen, watches the flicker of something raw and frantic pass over your dainty face. Then, he sees that mask of apathy fall back into place, hiding yourself away from him once more.
“Nothing’s bothering me, really,” you deflect, shrugging one shoulder as nonchalance might throw him off the scent.
Ulthane’s bushy eyebrows dip at the centre of his forehead. ‘Not having that...’
The sound of creaking leather and clanking metal fills the air as Ulthane adjusts himself onto two knees at your side, resting back on his hindquarters.
You actively jump at the sensation of a colossal palm cupping around your back, almost leaping away entirely before you realise what it is and force yourself to go still again, allowing the maker behind you to push warmth and sincerity into your windchilled bones.
As he covers your fragile spine with his hand, Ulthane’s instincts lay their rearing heads back down, appeased to have a physical wall of muscle and flesh standing between you and the outside world.
“Reckon I’d know if somethin’ was wrong with my favourite human,” he says, only half-joking, regarding you closely to gauge your reaction.
“Favourite?” you scoff wetly, “Now you’re just trying to butter me up.”
Giving a chuckle, he replies, “Maybe…” A heavy pause, then… “S’it workin’?”
Instead of a response, you suck down a lungful of cold air, letting it all go again in a slow, shaky breath. “You should go inside, Big Guy,” you whisper, turning to lean your weight against the wooden ridge again, “I’ll be fine in a minute. Just need a little more fresh air.”
Would it be hypocritical of him to call you a liar?
Shifting his weight, he hums - a tectonic, mellow sound coming from deep in the cavern of his chest. “Nah,” he decides quietly, “Reckon I’d rather stay out here with you till you tell me what’s wrong…”
He doesn’t say anything else. Doesn’t feel he needs to.
“Oh…” Your breath hitches. Already, you’ve started to tremble beneath his palm, and he’s fairly confident you can’t accredit it to the cold.
Persistent as he is, the Old One is also a patient maker. And while he doesn’t especially like the idea of letting you stay out here all night, if it gets him to the bottom of this silent state of mind you’re in, then it’s a bullet he’s happy to bite. Besides, he’s quick to remind himself that he’s here with you.
The other humans are safe inside, carefully watched over by the ever-attentive Yarin and a devoted Elanya. The pair have taken to guarding the upper nook where their charges slumber at night.
Which leaves Ulthane free to guard this wayward soul. He’s glad to. Outwardly, he wouldn’t usually even allude to keeping favourites. After all, it’s a badly kept secret that he has a soft spot for all the humans he’s brought here, even the elusive and ungovernable Jones who leaves the tree so frequently, Ulthane is convinced the man is trying to send him to an early grave.
But you… The soft spot he has for you is especially tender.
There in the darkness, he waits, silent and still, an unmoving sentry at your back.
Minutes pass, and only the hushed whispering of ten million leaves breaks the spell of quiet settled around you.
And then, an entirely different sound disturbs the peace. One that’s much closer to home.
That first wet, convulsing sob tugs the maker’s ears down a fraction, but he lets out a sigh, giving your back the gentlest of pats, encouraging another bleat of misery to jump out of you before you can stuff it back down your throat.
There you go…
Once the first few cries are shaken are loose, there’s no damming the flow.
Hands fly up to crush against your mouth as you lurch forwards into another sob, burying your face inside the relative privacy of your palms.
Before Ulthane can adjust his hand to catch you, your legs promptly buckle and give way under you, sending you crashing to your knees in front of the ridge and collapsing against it, turning sideways away from him, shoulder pressed to the wood.
All the while, his hand remains adhered to you.
Your back jumps up and down beneath his palm, broken sounds squeak out through the miniscule gaps between your fingers, and a confusing jumble of guilt and relief mingles together in the maker’s chest.
Crying isn’t something exclusive to humans, but they’re by far the most prone to it.
Ulthane tries not to dwell on the fact that he’s pushed you to this, like some, tenacious bully. His old soul yearns to extinguish any source of distress you might face. You’ve had enough anguish to last you a lifetime, after all. But the guilt he feels is buried well beneath a much more potent relief.
This had to happen.
‘This is good,’ he tells himself staunchly, trying in vain to steel his ancient heart against your soul-crushing cries, ‘This is better than the emotionless vacuum you were floating in before.’
Your body jerks viciously with each, strangled sob, teeth pressed against the skin of your palms to muffle each sound you emit.
You’re trying your best to be quiet. Subdued and secretive in your unravelling.
He knows he’s the one who wanted this to happen, but that doesn’t make it any less jarring to see you cry.
A century ago, if anyone were to ask Ulthane if he’d describe himself as a comforting maker, he’d have laughed himself hoarse. A bruiser like him? Comforting? He supposes it’s still laughable today.
Sometimes, he catches himself wishing he knew where Azrael had disappeared off to after the seals were broken. The angel would know what to say to you, no doubt. Daft bird is even more of a sap than Ulthane where humans are concerned, and ferociously intelligent to boot, even among Heaven’s scribes and scholars.
Why the White City’s brightest mage had decided that Ulthane was a maker to befriend, is a mystery that would have any sage scratching their heads and offering a helpless shrug.
‘Still,’ he muses, frowning gently down at the human quivering beneath his fingers, ‘You haven’t pulled away entirely yet.’
So perhaps, despite all of his clumsy, heavy-handedness, he might not be doing as terribly as he thinks he is…
Absently, Ulthane smooths his calloused thumb up and down your back, hyper-aware of the notches in your delicate spine. He’s glad he opted not to don his thick, leather gloves this evening. He feels gentler without them…
The cowl, however, has begun to slip off your shoulders, dislodged a little further with every breath you choke on.
Just as Ulthane withdraws his hand from your back and pinches the fabric to readjust it, his ears register a broken whisper drifting through the air.
“It’s all gone, Ulthane,” you squeeze out at last, hands cupped pitiably over your mouth so you can drag in a shuddering breath, “Everything’s gone. God – fuck!”
All at once, the cowl slips from his fingers and falls around you once more as the maker goes very still, his gigantic hand hovering stiffly above you. Slowly, a pair of pointed ears pin themselves against the sides of his skull, and a cold splash of realisation douses his chest in ice.
If he weren’t worried about startling you, he’d smack a palm over his forehead as comprehension ploughs into him like a runaway stone rolling down a hillside.
Of course…
How could he be so blind? Oh, he’s such a fool!
The most obvious reason is literally sitting in plain sight all around him, yet somehow, he didn’t see the woods for the bloody great tree slapped bang in the centre. He assumed your troubles were smaller, simpler. It feels like an insult to you, deducing that your despair was due to something so trivial as an untoward comment.
Hanging his head, Ulthane’s face twists up in shame.
Trembling like the leaves overhead, you clutch desperately to your own shoulders, fingertips bunching into the blue fabric draped over them. “What the Hell are we even doing?” you blurt out, ripping your hands away from your face and wringing them in front of you, “The world just fucking ended! It’s over, a-and we’re just sitting up here like… like fucking rats in a sinking ship!”
By now, you’re almost shouting, losing control of your own voice without any residual strength left to keep the emotions you’ve buried so deep from rising to the surface and bursting like pustules on your tongue.
It must hurt you to bare yourself like this, it is hurting you. The sudden change in your demeanour freezes Ulthane solid for a few, uncertain seconds, though he doesn’t stay motionless for long.
When you rush to swallow another breath, he stretches out an arm and envelopes you in his hand once more as if the weight of it might keep you from springing to your feet and fleeing at the slightest provocation.
You buckle under the appendage, leaning forwards to gulp in another lungful of air that collapses into a heart-wrenching sob. “I-I just-!” But you stuff your lips together to trap the rest of the words.
Ulthane latches onto your reluctance with a discontented hum. “Come on now,” he utters, wrapping large but cautious fingertips around your shoulder and trying to coax you into turning to face him, “Won’t do you no good keepin’ it all in now, eh?”
Your only response is to give your head a rapid shake, digging your fingernails into the cowl as you resist the giant’s gentle tugging. “I can’t,” you croak, voice hoarse.
“Yes,” the maker argues, “You can.”
It’s so matter of fact, you almost believe him.
For several, unpleasant moments, your breath continues to catch in your chest as your shoulders hitch up and down, and still you refuse to turn around and face the giant looming behind you.
Then all at once, like a flipped switch, the tension in your body disappears and you deflate like a ruptured lung, sagging in on yourself so abruptly, Ulthane jerks forwards, assuming you’ve passed out on him.
Before he can scoop you into his hand however, you shift, using your shoulder to shove away from the ridge and arduously manoeuvring yourself around until you’re leaning back against the solid wood. Reluctantly, Ulthane allows his hand to slide off your spine and it flops dejectedly into his lap.
You still won’t meet his gaze.
At least he can see your face though.
He always thought he had a heart of steel before he came to Earth, even liked to think that millennia of experience and trials would have left him immoveable and stoic like the maker heroes in Eideard’s stories.
It’s remarkably humbling to gaze down into the face of a human and realise he doesn’t know himself nearly as well as he likes to think he does. Because one glimpse of the wetness shining off your cheeks and the rivulets cutting glistening tracks down to your chin has Ulthane Blackhammer fighting back the urge to press a hand over his lurching heart.
He draws back a little with a soft intake of breath, gathering his thoughts before he presses his lips together into a resolute frown and leans towards you once more, his monstrous fingers shuddering with the effort of moving slowly and carefully enough to brush the pad of his thumb across your cheek.
That’s when you finally look at him.
Dazzling eyes shine with tears as they venture up to meet his own.
Your mouth opens, and in reverent anticipation, Ulthane pulls his hand away from your face, ears tipped forwards to listen.
“I just want it to be over,” you utter, so softly that he has to strain to hear you, “I can’t stand it… I can’t stand just waiting around to die…”
Ulthane’s jaw clenches firmly shut.
“Who says you’re dyin’?” he retorts, perhaps a bit more sharply than he intended, “Yer not goin’ to die.”
This time, your shoulders jump with humourless laugh instead of a sob.
“Look around you, Ulthane,” you hiccough, gesturing a floppy hand at the city to your back, “Every day could be the day those demons decide to climb up here and finish what they started. We all know it’s bound to happen. I wish they’d just… get it over with!”
The maker opens his mouth to argue, to gruffly retort that he’d never let the bastards get within a metre of you without having to go through him first, but you’re already carrying on.
“We’re all just living on borrowed time! And I can’t-!”
One again, your voice falters and fades, dying in your throat.
Swallowing audibly, you let your head fall forwards until your chin almost rests on your chest.
Ulthane works his clenched jaws apart, watching from beneath heavily furrowed brows as you lift your hands up in front of your face and stare down at your palms as if there’s an answer in them somewhere, if only you could see it.
“I just can’t keep doing this…” you finally murmur, letting your arms fall into your lap.
Apprehensive, Ulthane prompts, “Doing what?”
You don’t reply right away, and his heart is steadily making its way up into his throat by the time you pose a question, disregarding his own. “You ever think… it might be better to just… like… get it over with?” you ask, eyes pinched in tormented thought, “Instead of waiting for something even worse to happen?”
Suddenly, Ulthane hates the idea of you being so close to that two-hundred-foot drop.
The hand he’s braced on the ground to keep himself steady curls into a fist until his knuckles dig achingly into the wood underneath him. “No,” he all but growls in response, curling his lips back at an unseen threat, “It wouldn’t be better.”
“God…” Your head tips back, the base of your skull clunking against the ridge behind you as you squint tearfully up at the maker. If he looks closely, he almost imagines he can see the full moon reflected in your eyes. “There’s no future for us… We have nothing left. Everything humanity has ever worked for… millions of years of history… it’s gone, Ulthane. It’s just gone.” Another couple of tears slip past your lashes and dribble down your cheeks. Your bottom lip quivers. “There’s no coming back from this… is there? So why are we still bothering?”
Suddenly, the maker hauls himself to his boots – and he’ll be damned if he acknowledges the spike of real, unfamiliar fear that jabs him through the ribs. “Stop it,” he warns… Begs…
For a moment longer, you just look at him with that tired, beaten frown, then you lower your eyes and the moonlight disappears from them, leaving them dark and shadowed by your eyelashes.
“Yeah,” you sniff, “That’s why I’ve been quiet lately…”
Ulthane’s blood rushes through his ears and he’s struck with the urge to start pacing up and down along the tree’s outer path. Later, he’ll recognise it as adrenaline.
“Stone’s breath…” he huffs mindlessly, scrubbing a hand down over his beard. He’s bristling against an enemy he can’t put his fist through, and it wars with the maker’s reflex.
This is… this is so much bigger than he is… and that’s saying something.
He thought he’d be prepared for this if it happened. But all he’s been doing is burying his head in the sand, hoping that optimism and a steady, day to day routine of survival would keep the humans from losing their last dregs of hope.
The surrender in your voice, your eyes, your words… It’s like you’re there already.
What if he says the wrong thing? What if he can’t pull your toes back off the ledge?
What would Azrael say? What would Eideard say?
Something poignant, no doubt. About how hope is never lost so long as you’re still alive to fight for it.
But Ulthane is a defender, not a sage. His priority is your safety.
In a moment of clarity, he clings to that one fact, pushing for reassurance above all else.
Rattled, though not quite ready to face why, the Old one levels a finger at you, pointing it determinedly down at your face. “Now, you listen to me,” he starts, “I won’t hear no talk about how you’re not comin’ back from this. Moment you start thinkin’ like that, it’s really over. And I’ll certainly not be lettin’ you think those demon’s’ll be the end of you. Alright? You’re livin’ to the end of a long, safe life, so help me Stonefather.”
At the end of his reprimand, you try to smile up at him, a pitying thing that tells him everything he needs to know.
You don’t believe him.
“You have a future,” he continues, steadfast, “I’ll give you a future. I’ll make one for you, carve it out with my bare hands if I have to.”
He’d drag you kicking and screaming to the life you deserve if it comes down to it.
Eyes drooping heavily, you start to look down again.
“M’not lettin’ you lose hope,” Ulthane growls in response, and this time, he can’t stop himself from reaching down and curling a fist around you, gathering you up into his palm until you sit small and vulnerable at its centre.
You look a little surprised by the motion, blinking wetly into the old smith’s scowl as he raises you to his face and levels you with a look so full of conviction, you recoil from it, as if pushed by his sheer force of will. “You’re makin’ it through this,” he tells you unwaveringly, warm breath brushing against your collarbones. “You have to see how it turns out.”
“Even if it hurts?” you ask in a wobbly voice.
He stops just short of saying that he wouldn’t let anything hurt you. But that isn’t what you need to hear. He’ll prove it to you through action.
“Even then,” he relents instead.
Resignation settles across your face then, but it isn’t the same as it was before. It’s a kind of acceptance of the inevitable, but the inevitable isn’t death.
It’s Ulthane Blackhammer.
“But…” Still, you protest. “But I’m so fucking tired, Ulthane.”
Without hesitation, he shrugs a shoulder and says, “I’ll carry you.”
“That’s not what I-“
“- I know what you meant,” the maker cuts you off, fixing you with a sharp eye, “F’you’re tired. I’ll carry you. I’m a fair bit strong, case you hadn’t noticed. But don’t go forgettin’; you’re a fighter.”
You try to shake your head with a weak laugh, but he catches your chin with a crooked forefinger and tilts your face back towards him. “You are,” he insists, meeting your owlish gaze, “Been fightin’ to keep goin’ since day one. I… can see that now.”
He really can. He’s just sorry he never told you he noticed before.
“You think you can’t come back from this? You’re wrong. You won’t know unless you try. N’those other humans in there-“ He jerks his head backwards towards the tree. “-They’re gonna need all the help they can get to rebuild. You think Jones’d remember to feed himself without you remindin’ him?
There! At last, the minutest wobble of your lips as they twitch upwards at their corners.
Chest swelling with a modest injection of triumph, Ulthane cocks his own grin at you whilst you wipe your eyes on the sleeve of your jacket.
“Now, you just let ol’ Ulthane worry about those demons,” he announces, “You worry about gettin’ some proper shuteye. Can’t teach Elanya to play cards if you’re noddin’ off every five minutes, ey?”
A laugh this time. It’s a soft, warped thing with too much moisture, but it’s still a laugh. He counts that as a win.
There’s still the same, bone-deep languor clinging to your face, yet even that is a vast improvement to the indifference you’ve been displaying of late. Quirking your head to one side, you regard the maker ponderously for a minute, brows knitting across your forehead.
Then, “You really care about us, don’t you?”
Caught off guard, Ulthane’s ears tip down, and he instinctively glances over his shoulder at the hollow to check that nobody is lurking there before returning his attention to you, lifting one shoulder in a bashful shrug.
“Well… I, erm…” Clearing his throat, he lowers his voice and shoots you a gruff look. “Don’t you go spreadin’ that around…”
As if it wasn’t as plain as the nose on his face.
Eager to change the subject, though not so eager to be rid of that fond, sombre look he's receiving, the maker twists his head around and bobs it towards the tree's entrance. "Ready to head back in?" he broaches, "You can sleep down by the anvil on my cowl, if you want." One of the beds would be better for you, but... selfishly perhaps, he wants you close tonight.
You seem to agree, offering the maker a shy nod in return.
"Yeah," you acquiesce, leaning back into the pads of his fingers that curve up behind you, providing support when your jaws part with a wide yawn.
Trying not to smile fondly at the sight, Ulthane begins tromping steadily back inside the tree, his nerves settling down as he carries you nearer to the light and warmth.
"Mm?" he rumbles in response.
"Thanks... for caring, I mean.I owe you one."
His footsteps falter just for a second. Abaddon's face springs unbidden into his mind's eye. A golden sword and a promise that all would be well...
Swallowing hard, Ulthane wafts the memories away like a bad smell and offers his dour response.
"You don't owe me a thing."
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 days
Favorite little moments in the movie
• Dally swinging down from the damn roof when Ponyboy got jumped 💀
• Soda checking on Steve’s nose in the background in the beginning of the movie 😔😔 he’s such a sweetheart
• “I’m gonna make it my business to get the guy who did that to your face >:( ”
• Pony and Johnny giving Two-Bit’s car a push start such little brother energy
• Ponyboy being mad as hell laying in bed w Soda when he’s telling him Darry loves him a lot bro looks like this the entire time 😒😠☹️
• “here come the hobos” that whole little bit it’s so real like visiting your friends/sibling at work and bothering them
• Pony helping Johnny slide under the gate at the drive in
• Johnny telling Two-Bit “get out of my hair >:(” when he comes and scares them and Two brushing a comb through his hair
• Marcia wearing Two-Bit’s jacket 💔💔
• I’m sorry but Bob’s “Cherry 😡 what’s going on 😡 what are you doing!!” Is actually hilarious the way he says it makes me laugh
• “what time is it?” “I don’t know I went to sleep too 🙄 💅 ” they should’ve let Johnny say the fuck bc ik he needed to add that to a lot of the end of his sentences when talking to Pony
• Darry looking at Ponyboy through the window and picking up the paper just so he could slam it down
• Soda unbothered resting on the couch 💅 bro does not give a fuck
• Johnny rubbing Pony’s arm right when they first rub away 😔 bffs
• Pony yelling at Johnny to run when the Socs went after him ☹️ he knew how scared Johnny must’ve been
• “you really did kill him huh Johnny 😥” “yeah 😕🧍‍♂️”
• the whole scene at Buck’s, they’re all so fed up with each other 💀 but the way Dally helped them come up w a plan, zero hesitation, gave Pony dry clothes and his own jacket, as much money as he could get them, it showed a lot about Dally’s loyalty
• “don’t point the thing at me, will ya? It’s loaded, come on ✋🙄”
• Pony has the most youngest sibling energy of anyone talking abt “why do I have to act like a farm boy” Johnny should’ve told him bc I don’t damn want to tf
• Pony imagining that he’s home, I love the glimpse into his everyday life
• Johnny not knowing where to put Pony’s hair that he’s cutting so just dropping it in Pony’s lap 💀
• as scared as he was, Johnny constantly comforting Pony in the church even when he was upset and terrified himself 😕
“Johnny 😟 there’s a monster outside 😰” “what 🙄”
• Johnny blowing his smoke rings
• Dally pulling Pony’s hair to wake him 😭
• one of the first questions Pony asking being “how’s Soda doing is he upset?” ☹️
• “YOURE starving??” Johnny was sick and tired of these people 😭😭😭
• Johnny asking where Dally got the car is so funny “where’d you get this car? HUH??? 🙄” like
• them BEGGING Dally to watch the road ✋😭
• Pony mad as hell when Dally asks if they think Cherry might like him 💀
• also of course Johnny gets to ride shotgun in Dally’s car 😌 Pony gets the back 😒
• Dally attempting to yank Johnny back into the car then his little “you gonna get him? 🙄”
• Curtis brothers reuniting at the hospital 💔💔 then Darry carrying him back inside ☹️ the best boys
• Tim on the couch in the morning 😭 “hey kid 🫤”
• literally the entire following scene, it’s so domestic and shows their everyday lives but I’ll go into more detail:
- Two-Bit and Steve being so genuinely happy to see Pony and him just as always mad as hell about his eggs
- “beer for breakfast there Two-Bit? 🫤”
- “morning Mr. Universe 😄”
- Darry picking up Steve
- Soda telling Pony to shut the door and Pony just ignoring him
- Darry telling Soda to go get dressed and him instead going to sit on the couch assumingly bare ass naked to watch tv 💀
- “why don’t you get a job you ever think of getting a job for a living Two-Bit?” And “Soda, shoes” Steve has the best lines I stg
- Darry telling Ponyboy and Two to do up the dishes like this is rly everyone’s house
• “boy he’s so greasy he glides when he walks”
• Two-Bit cutting up w the Socs while Pony and Randy talk he’s so 😭😭
• the doctor saying Johnny has been asking for them ☹️ poor baby, he must’ve felt so alone and scared
• Dally being a brat and his goofy ass laugh 😭 like tf you mean you threw away your hospital gown 💀 and him saying Tim came to visit him like ok I see you Tally
• Two-Bit checking Pony’s temperature, they all care abt each other sm
• Steve and Soda in the pre rumble scene, Steve throwing cards at Soda, the arm wrestling, talking about why they like to fight, give me more Stevepop I beg
• “Curly always said you were a good kid” ik Pony’s ass was thinking omg he talks about me 😍😍😍
• Dally making sure Johnny knew how proud everyone was of him ☹️💔
• Steve asking Soda if he looks tuff 😔
• Dally calling the house and even though Steve answered him specifically asking for Darry ☹️ he could’ve told anyone what was going on but he wanted Darry then everyone without a second thought going to help him
• Pony’s absolutely heart wrenching “no” right as Dally dies and Darry yelling at the cops
• “is somebody sick?” 😕
• Darry smiling reassuringly at Pony in court 😔 then the hug at the end when everything works out
• Soda’s monologue and Darry promising that they’re not gonna fight anymore 😔 then “let’s go home I’m cold”
Anyway all these little moments are so important to help build up all of the characters! I love all of them and think every moment is so important to the overall story
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iremiari · 3 days
Daydreams || A Dead Boy Detectives Ficlet
A journalist interviews Charles and Edwin, asking how they would feel if Season 2 got cancelled. aka: the time i got too carried away making incorrect quotes (hence this fic being mostly dialogue), so have this really short ficlet of them!! Also yes, they technically broke the 4th wall during this entire thing.
Edwin and Charles are sitting on chairs, sitting in front of a white backdrop - much like those you see in interviews. Because they were in an interview, and by the looks of it, it was almost about to end.
One of the news reporters have given Charles and Edwin a question: How would they feel if they didn't get renewed for Season 2?
"Nonsense." Edwin reacts almost immediately. "It is imperative that we get renewed for Season 2. I must," he composes himself, "I must hear Charles tell me he loves me."
Charles, next to him, raises an eyebrow, and looks at Edwin with a smile, "Oh, and you're certain about that, yeah?"
"Well, no. But one could infer that-"
A little peck had landed on Edwin's lips.
Charles has just kissed Edwin, and the two boys look at each other. Charles is the first to speak.
"'Cause you're right. I do. I am in love with you."
Edwin just looks at him, stunned. Charles, charming as he is, gives him a topic to go off of.
"But keep going. I love hearing you talk about whatever's on your mind."
Edwin tries to speak, but he cannot seem to focus with what just happened and how casual Charles is treating this situation. All that comes out of his mouth is a series of mumbles and stutters, "I- there is-- I am… speechless."
"Aw," Charles smiles, "luckily, that isn't a problem."
He kisses him again, way more intense than the small peck he gave him earlier. They wrap their hands around each other's head, and continue. For Charles, it felt like a dream come true. He had been waiting to say that for a long time and--
"Right, Charles?" a voice says, interrupting whatever Charles was imagining.
"Huh, yeah, what?"
Turned out it was a dream. A daydream, anyway.
"Clearly, you got distracted again." Edwin gave a sigh - not one of disappointment, though. Maybe Charles was just imagining it, but it sounded like... a sigh of adoration.
"Anyway, I was telling these journalists just now that if our show does not get renewed for another season, then it would be highly devastating - for both us, the agency and the viewers at home."
"Oh," Charles collects himself, "Oh yeah, now you got me. I totally agree."
He looks at the camera. "I think a lot of people are... excited to see where our story leads, especially like- especially considering all the different narratives in store for us."
He ends with a chuckle, and turns to Edwin, smiling. "Also, sorry for zoning out there, mate. Won't happen again. Promise."
"We shall see about that." Edwin said to him with a coy smile, hiding his delight, before turning his attention to the journalists in front of them.
"Would that be all for you lovely people today? Charles and I do still have a lot of work to get done."
"Certainly, Mr. Payne and Mr. Rowland. Thank you for your time."
The news reporter looks through their notes as Charles and Edwin walk out of the set, looking very satisfied with the outcome of the interview.
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kokoasci · 1 year
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shoutout to the sigma enjoyers (its me i am sigma enjoyers)
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solomon couldn't stand your pact marks.
well, no, that wasn't the right way to put it. he was proud, even jealous of your pacts. they were one of the many admirable things about you! he just hated... looking at them. he knew what other people thought when they saw them.
when one would see those marks on your skin for the first time, they would be able to get a glimpse at your relationship with the brothers. one of trust and respect, gathered from just a glance. meanwhile, one would have to be told about his and your relationship. one look at you couldn't decipher all the time you two have shared together, filled with chatting between classes, practicing magic for hours, and endless love.
at first, solomon tried to mitigate this with his own marks upon your skin. wearing lipstick as he placed a kiss on your neck, a few stray bite marks from your time together at night. but those, while fun, were temporary. and solomon needed something permanent.
why not a ring?
(Hope you don't mind me adding on, anon. Thank you for the delicious meal! Literally so honored to read your beautiful work! 🥹)
Getting the ring was the easy part. Getting you away from the brothers long enough to propose...was not.
The lengths Solomon went through to be able to have a private moment with you might put him in a record book as the three realms' most whipped man. With the mask of his "shady" persona secured, he lets his silver tongue weave him through these seven obstacles, the sin of each dripping from it with only you on his mind.
Swallowing his pride, breathing in greed, spitting out envy...his wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth. A vicious rinse, repeat until he's either buttered them up or grated them down until they finally gave in. But he did it. With the day cleared of any interruptions, his plans were set in motion.
He decides to have a redo of your very first date, flying you up and walking in the sky amongst the stars. It's just the two of you against the ever inky black sky of the Devildom, a place that has become synonymous with your presence. Only this time, there are no surprise gales, no surprise drones -- just the surprise of a velvet heart-shaped box in the inside pocket of his coat.
Solomon brings up fond memories of your time together as you both near the spot he's picked to pop the question. He's filled with a giddy glee that soon you'll have something that binds you to him, something to show the world you're his.
Still, there's a little voice in the back of his head reminding him that you could say no. That perhaps he's not worthy. Does he deserve to have matching rings adorned on his and your fingers forevermore? Does he dare stand by your side as your equal when you are, in fact, so far above him?
He decides it's best not to dwell on such thoughts as this is meant to be a happy occasion, as long as all goes well.
Your feet touch the ground once he lowers you both on top of a cliff that overlooks the Devildom, the moon hanging brightly above. As you take in the magnificent sight, he lowers himself on one knee behind you, waiting with bated breath for you to turn on your own volition.
The moment you do, he knows he'll have to keep this memory stored away with his magic, just staring in awe. The moon is angled just right that it shines right behind your head like a halo. Your eyes are as wide as saucers while your jaw is slacked. With the way you look, he truly wonders if he's in the Celestial Realm.
Nervously, Solomon begins his improvised speech after clearing his throat, "my dearest apprentice, it is with great honor that I'm knelt before you tonight. I have dreamt of this moment more than I'd care to admit, yet I never thought it'd come true. But here I am, willing to give you all of me, if you're willing to give me all of you. You are the sun to my moon, the air in my lungs, the very reason why I believe I've lived so long. I was always meant to find you and work side by side to protect the human realm together. And most importantly, to love you. So, please do this old sorcerer a favor...by marrying me..."
He pulls out the ring box, opening it to offer you the ring within. The blessed box is shaking as he trembles, waiting patiently for your answer.
Happy tears spring from his eyes once you say, "yes." The ring is carefully slipped onto your finger, and a single word comes to Solomon's mind.
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
what is the theory that ivan manipulated the event where till and mizi met the wagyein?
It's not a theory, actually! It's confirmed that Ivan orchestrated the whole event. The true reason as to why however is still unknown. The information provides more context to this scene, though:
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During the earlier times of ALNST the most rational explanation for this scene was that Till ran after a flower crown (presumably Mizi's) and Ivan followed him in out of curiosity. Now we know that Ivan was conveniently just standing there because he was waiting.
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Side note, I find it heartbreaking (and maybe a little funny, sorry) that Till most likely didn't notice Ivan in this scene. That's just like him, isn't it. Always too busy running after Mizi while Ivan trails behind, an ever-present shadow.
I'm not sure how Ivan manipulated the circumstances for both of them to end up there, but it is confirmed that everything was intentional. What strikes me most is how they describe this particular scene:
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I can't copy down what they said word-for-word (Patreon info), but they described Ivan watching "creepily" as Till and Mizi are faced with danger. We know that Ivan was familiar with the Cerberus wagyein beforehand, enough to touch its teeth and even to rest himself inside its maw. To Ivan, the wagyein is not dangerous, but to Till and Mizi, it could be. Ivan prepared the wagyein, led them there, and watched "creepily" from afar as Till fell on his knees, seemingly injured.
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The closest I can get to making sense of Ivan's "scheme" is that he wanted to see how other children would react in a dangerous situation. Ivan's always been an observer, after all, and he's learned to survive by copying the more "normal" behaviors of his peers. This situation occured when Ivan was still young and had not yet developed his more charming mask, so perhaps he staged this encounter to study a situational response, to learn and mimic the emotion of fear. And what better subjects for the experiment than two of the most expressive and reactive humans of their batch? It helps that he was already fixated on Till beforehand, too. I think Ivan became irreversibly obssessed after this incident, especially since it's framed as a turning point in Ivan's life, comparing Till to the stars.
This is just my attempt at an interpretation, though. It could very well be for another reason. He most likely chose Till and Mizi specifically for personal reasons, not just for reaction. I'm still not sure on the purpose behind the whole thing.
The team wanted to capture Ivan's "dark emotions" through the shot of his stalking, which could relate to his more sinister intentions. His gaze can be read in a few different ways, though. Curiosity, interest, fear, etc. Maybe that's why they decided to redraw the shot in ROUND 6.
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I think this better sells the feeling they were trying to convey.
#ivan u fucked up little guy.#also okay i just wanna clear this up#i know i make a lot of posts about ivans darker side and his more problematic traits#but this isn't me trying to villainize him or reduce him down to “toxic yaoi”#I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW ALL MY TOXIC YAOI POSTS ARE LIGHTHEARTED.#i just want to clarify that ivan was always intended to be a darker and complicated character. even since his debut in round 3#the way i refer to ivan (“twisted” “creepy” “obssessive” etc) are literally the direct words used by q and v themselves to describe him#but despite that id like to emphasize that i don't see ivan as a villain or a completely bad person. hes complicated#there is no normalcy in this world they are living in. none of the characters know what being truly normal is#this isn't me condoning his actions#but it has to be acknowledged that alnst is fucked up in nature. we can't expect perfect relationships from people who are born to die#plus ivan has a lot more layers past the “dark” parts. he's constantly battling himself and his desires#especially at the end of round 6 where he performs a myriad of conflicting actions (kiss strangle peck smile)#thanks to the r6 production notes we now know that ivan was going through a rapid internal conflict#“sure and unsure at the same time”#there is sooo much to ivan. his low self-esteem. his desire and possessiveness despite knowing till will never love him#his VEHEMENT insistence that till will never love him vs his desperate persistence in trying anyway#uh i need to shut up i think#anyways sorry. just wanted to clarify my thoughts on him in case people think im. yk.#in short. hes a fucked up little freak and he fascinates me. this poor tragic child. i love him.#SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alnst ivan#asks
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buwheal · 6 months
I wanna give him a blanket. Can it maybe just materialize outta nowhere?
(I know fabric wrinkles suck to draw. You don't gotta 😵)
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asmidge · 7 months
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Todd Ingram in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off!
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stevethehairington · 1 year
i love you prompts: 98 w/ romantic steddie? 😌
lou!! thank you for sending this in!! ooh this is a good one!!
98. "Take a deep breath"
It’s late when the credits finally start to roll onscreen.
Steve guesses it’s sometime close to midnight, or maybe a little after, but he’d taken his watch off earlier before he’d gotten elbow deep in dirty dish water, cleaning up after the mess they somehow managed to make whipping up a simple dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup. It sits on the kitchen counter, all the way across the room, and the nearest clock in the Munson trailer hangs beside the phone, too far away for Steve to see from his spot on the couch.
He can’t exactly twist in his place to try and catch a better glimpse of it, or get up to fetch his watch either. Not while Eddie leans up against his side, arms crossed over his chest and neck bent awkwardly so his head can rest against Steve’s shoulder, fast asleep.
When they first put the movie on, the two of them had started off on opposite ends of the already pretty small couch, but as it progressed, they’d gradually shifted closer and closer — in the name of sharing popcorn easier, to whisper their movie commentary directly into each other’s ears rather than speak over the film, and, eventually, so it seems, so that Eddie could use Steve as a pillow. 
Not that Steve minded or anything. He liked it, in fact — likes it. Likes having Eddie so close, likes feeling the warmth of his body pressing up against his own, likes the fact that Eddie is comfortable enough with him to let his guard down like this.
Eddie hasn’t been sleeping all that well as of late, so when his head tipped onto Steve’s shoulder a little over half an hour ago, Steve just slouched a little lower to ease the angle of his neck and reached for the remote to turn down the volume. It had been a little hard for him to hear it after that, but he hadn’t really paid it much attention after that point anyways.
Now, though, the movie is over, and it’s late enough that Steve’s verging on overstaying his welcome. He knows he should probably wake Eddie so he can let him know that he’s going and say his goodbyes and head out.
But Eddie just looks way too peaceful. Steve doesn’t want to wake him.
Instead, he decides that he can just leave a note. In case Eddie does wake up to find him gone. He’ll know nothing bad happened to Steve, just that he went home for the night and that they’ll see each other tomorrow — because chances are they will. They hardly went a day without spinning into each other’s orbits now.
Except, Steve doesn’t want to just leave Eddie on the couch either. He knows from personal experience that the Munson’s sofa is not exactly the most comfortable thing ever. Every time he falls asleep on it, he wakes up with a crick in his neck and an ache in his back. He doesn’t want that for Eddie.
His bedroom isn’t far, just down the hall, and Steve will feel a lot better if he gets Eddie to his bed before he leaves. So, he does his best to maneuver out from beneath Eddie, cradling his head as he removes it from his shoulder and lowers it to the cushion instead.
Steve takes a second to roll out his shoulders, then he slips one arm under Eddie’s back and the other behind his knees, which are curled to his side. As carefully as he can, he lifts Eddie from the couch.
Eddie stirs, but he doesn’t wake, thank god. He just smacks his mouth a little and buries his nose into the collar of Steve’s sweater, and Steve lets out the breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.
Eddie’s lighter than he looks, but still pretty heavy, and Steve doesn’t want to drop him, so he takes it slow as he follows the path towards Eddie’s door at the end of the hall. It’s, thankfully, already open, so all he has to do is kick out a foot to push it wide enough to fit through.
The blinds in Eddie’s room are still fucked up — broken enough that the slats droop down in a way that gives the morning sun the perfect opening to shine right in and wake him up before it’s time. Eddie complains about it constantly, but he hasn’t made any sort of attempt to fix them yet, and right now, Steveis grateful for that. The glow of the moon is bright enough to seep in through the gap, providing just enough gentle light that Steve can see where he’s going.
He makes it to the side of Eddie’s bed without issue, and delicately deposits Eddie onto his mattress. Again, Eddie shifts, rolling slightly onto his side, but he still doesn’t rouse.
The blankets are shoved to the end of Eddie’s bed, and Steve stifles a snort at that as he reaches for them and starts to pull them up and over Eddie’s body. He knows Eddie runs cold, so he takes a moment to tuck the corners in and add an extra blanket to the top so that he’s nice and cozy.
Then, unable to help himself, Steve brushes Eddie’s bangs to the side and leans down to leave a soft ghost of a kiss to his forehead.
He’s just starting to straighten up and pull his hand back when quick fingers dart out to curl around his wrist, trapping him there.
Steve freezes, eyes snapping back open to find Eddie, awake, blinking hazily back up at him.
“Steve?” Eddie asks, groggy, still somewhere halfway in between awake and asleep.
“Hey, yeah, it’s me,” Steve whispers. “You fell asleep, I just brought you to your room so you’d be comfortable,” he tells him.
Eddie smiles then, this sleepy, goopy sort of thing that makes something warm settle in Steve’s chest, and he tugs on Steve’s wrist. “C’mere,” he mumbles, and Steve thinks maybe he has something he wants to tell him.
So he leans in closer.
And closer.
And closer.
Eddie tips his chin up, and Steve thinks he’s going for his ear, so he can whisper his sleepsoft secret. Only, his mouth doesn’t go anywhere near Steve’s ear. Instead, it lands against his own in a—
In a kiss.
It’s chaste, tender, just the sweet press of lips against lips. It catches Steve off guard at first, but the surprise settles, and Steve is about to let himself melt into it.
Then the moment shatters.
Eddie jerks back, bolting upright as he scrambles far enough back in his bed that he hits the headboard. His eyes are wide open now, fully alert and not a single trace of sleepiness anywhere on his face as he stares at Steve. His hand, the one he’d had around Steve’s wrist just seconds ago, hovers over his own mouth, like he can’t quite believe what it has just done.
“Oh, oh, fuck,” Eddie chokes out. “Shit, shit, shit, I’m so— I didn’t mean to— fuck, you have to— please don’t—”
“Woah, hey, it’s… it’s alright, Eddie,” Steve says, holding his hands out in what he hopes is a placating gesture. He doesn’t come closer, doesn’t want to frighten Eddie further, but he wants Eddie to know that there’s no reason for him to be so scared. He’s not… he’s not mad. Or upset. Or anything that Eddie probably thinks he is right now. Not even close.
Eddie’s words start to fail him as his breathing begins to hitch, and Steve can see the rapidfire rise and fall of his chest. His eyes are on Steve, but he’s not looking at him. He’s looking through him, like he’s somewhere else right now. Like he’s spiraling into every single bad place his mind can take him right now.
Steve recognizes it for what it is — a panic attack.
“Eddie,” Steve tries, forgetting politeness as he moves to the edge of Eddie’s bed and kneels against the mattress. He reaches out to rest his hand on Eddie’s shoulder — to give him a point of contact, something to focus on. Something to ground him. It’s what usually helps Steve whenever he’s having a panic attack, finding an anchor, to bring him back down.
Eddie’s hand flies out to grasp at Steve’s wrist, and Steve lets him pull it from his shoulder so that he can curl his fingers around Steve’s palm instead. His grip is tight, nails biting into Steve’s skin, but Steve doesn’t care.
“You’re safe,” Steve reassures. “You’re safe and I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Eddie nods, but Steve isn’t so sure his words have reached him. Not when he still looks so panicked, and his breathing is still coming out too fast.
“Hey,” Steve says softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of Eddie’s hand. “Take a deep breath,” he instructs.
Eddie’s eyes settle onto Steve’s face, still hazy but doing better at focusing. Steve smiles at him, nods encouragingly. “Come on, do it with me, deep breath in.”
Steve makes a show of inhaling again, holding up his fingers to count to three before he starts to let it all back out in an exhale. He goes through it twice before Eddie catches on and starts to mirror him.
They follow the pattern until finally Eddie’s breathing returns to normal and the panic seems to subside.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks, once Eddie’s shoulders slump and his head drops forward, his hair hanging like a curtain around his face. Steve hasn’t let go of Eddie’s hand yet, and he doesn’t plan to.
Eddie lets out a humorless laugh, but he doesn’t look up. “Depends,” he starts. “Are you going to… to fucking… hit me or shout at me or something?”
Steve’s face screws up, mouth tugging down into a hard frown. “What?” He asks. “Why would I do that? Because you had a panic attack?”
Eddie snorts. “No,” he replies, like he can’t believe that’s what Steve thinks this is about. He stays quiet for a second, two, three. Like he can’t quite bring himself to say it. “Because I— because I kissed you,” he finally breathes.
“Oh,” Steve says softly. He watches Eddie for a moment, doesn’t like that he can’t see his face. He wants to see his face. So, with careful fingers, he reaches out to brush Eddie’s hair back, to tuck it behind his ear.
Eddie’s breath catches as he does, and his gaze flickers up to Steve’s, briefly, before fixing firmly on his lap again.
“Eddie,” Steve starts, “I’m not mad that you kissed me.”
It takes a second for his words to sink in.
When they do, Eddie’s head snaps up. His eyes land on Steve’s, wide and surprised and searching. “You’re not?”
Steve shakes his head. Lets a little smile grace his lips. “Nope,” he confirms. “Not one single bit.”
And, well, in for a penny, in for a pound, right? He shuffles a little closer on his knees, presses further into Eddie’s space. “In fact…” he trails off. Does a little searching of his own. “I wouldn’t mind if you did it again,” Steve finishes after he’s sure that Eddie isn’t going to push him away.
Eddie’s eyebrows lift this time, the pull together. Steve wants to smooth out the little wrinkle that forms between them. 
“Are you… you’re serious?” Eddie asks.
“Serious as a heart attack,” Steve replies.
The corner of Eddie’s mouth twitches, then a smile breaks out across his face. “Holy shit, you’re serious,” he says, followed by a breathless little laugh.
Steve can’t help but laugh too, and he nods and starts to tug at Eddie’s hand to pull him in this time. “Yeah,” he says. “Now that that’s been established, you think I could get another one?”
Eddie looks at him like he’s won the lottery. “Jesus christ, yes, yes please,” he says, and the hand not caught in Steve’s comes up to bunch into the front of his sweater as he meets him halfway.
It’s a little offcentered, a little overeager on both of their parts, but it’s perfect.
When they break apart, Eddie presses his forehead against Steve’s. “Were you leaving?” He asks.
“I was,” Steve answers. “I don’t want to now,” he admits.
Eddie chuckles and lets go of Steve only just long enough to peel back the covers Steve had so lovingly tucked around him not too long ago.
“So stay,” Eddie says.
With his welcome so graciously extended like that, who is Steve to say no?
So he stays.
100 ways to say i love you prompts
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skyafied · 1 year
if you are still taking requests, could you draw heavy surrounded birds like a disney princes and medic looking lovingly from the distance
Hey anon how does it feel to have an absolutely massive brain, like just ginormous
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aropride · 11 months
earlier today i got curious if there were any irl groups for aromantics in my area (answer was no) so i googled it and the first result was a list of 37 groups on meetup.com tagged "aromantic". a lot of the titles didn't mention aromantics at all and only mentioned asexuals so i decided to count up which groups were actually for aromantics. i also decided to look at the locations of the meetings, because almost all of them were in the US.
under the cut because this post is really long! (post archive link)
Out of 37 meetup group names:
17 names mentioned aces but not aros
11 names mentioned aces and aros
2 names used the term aspec (one used the terms aro and ace as well, I counted it twice)
0 groups were primarily/only for aromantics
6 were non-aspec-specific LGBTQ meetup groups
2 didn't mention queerness in the group name at all (one is a volunteer group that's mostly queer, the other was a childfree support group that's explicitly queer-friendly, including aspecs)
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(ID: a pie chart with 4 slices showing the above data, minus the ones that used the term aspec. the smallest pie slice is 5% and is for entries that were not queer specific, next is 16% and is for ones that aren't aspec specific, next is 32% for the ones that mentioned both aros and aces, and the largest slice is 46% and is for entries whose titles mentioned aces but not aros. a fifth color in the key, blue, represents groups that were primarily for aros, but there is no blue in the pie chart. end ID)
So I got curious as to whether aros were even included as an afterthought in these groups. as anyone with a normal amount of time on their hands would, I read through all 37 descriptions.
Out of 37 meetup group descriptions:
none were exclusively for aromantics
20 mentioned both aromantics and asexuals
14 only mentioned asexuals
3 didn't mention aros or aces (these were all wider LGBTQ meetup groups)
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(ID: a pie chart with three sections showing the above data. 8% didn't mention aces or aros, 38% were ace-inclusive but didn't mention aros, 54% were ace- and aro- inclusive, and 0% were aro-specific. end ID)
Comparing the titles to the descriptions:
6 didn't mention aros in the title, but did in the descriptions
3 didn't mention aspecs in the title, but did in the description
1 mentioned aros in the title, but not the description
3 of the 37 groups mentioned alloaros
2 explicitly said aros are under the ace spectrum (which is not true)
Notes about the descriptions:
One group said they were “aromantic-friendly,” but their description said it was for "asexuals, demisexuals, and grey-asexuals". I counted it as not mentioning aromantics because aromantics were not explicitly invited.
One group said they were for “asexuals and aromantics,” but that it was a “safe space to discuss asexuality” and didn’t mention aromantics again. I counted this as the title mentioning aromantics but the description not mentioning us, because again, we weren't explicitly invited.
One group counted intersex as an asexual identity. I don't even know what to say about that except that it's just... wrong. And shows the leaders know nothing about asexuality. I am so exhausted. The same group said aromantic is under the asexual spectrum.
One group used the term “Aspec” but didn’t clarify who that included. I’m assuming they meant aces and aros and counted it as such.
29 of the 37 groups were in the US.
2 were in Australia and 3 were in Canada
The other 3 were in India, Singapore, and Germany, respectively.
here's the map i'm using to define the regions, i did not make it so if u disagree take it up with the bureau of economic analysis, not me
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(ID: the US Bureau of Economic Analysis regional map, which divides the country into 8 regions: New England, the Mideast, the great lakes, the plains, the southeast, the southwest, the rocky mountains, and the far west. end ID)
amount of groups in each US region:
New england: 2
Mideast: 5
Southeast: 6
Great lakes: 0
Plains: 2
Rocky mountain: 2
Southwest: 2
Far west: 10
groups in non-US locations:
Canadian locations: Victoria BC, Vancouver BC, Hamilton ON
Australia locations: Melbourne, Sydney
India location: Kolkata
Germany location: Kassel
Singapore location: Singapore
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(ID: two maps, showing the same points in various different colors. one is zoomed in on the US and a small fraction of canada's southern border, and the other shows the world map. the groups in the US and Canada are almost entirely clustered along the east and west coasts. there are two in australia, one in singapore, one in india, and one in germany. end ID)
i've made a map (link) of all the meetup entries and their locations, color-coded by how aro-friendly they appear. green means aros were explicitly invited in the title and the description, blue means aros were mentioned in one but not both, and grey means only aces were mentioned. pink are for general queer meetups, yellow is for not specifically queer but queer-friendly events, and red is for entries that conflated aromanticism and asexuality.
a quick search for different aro irl groups didn't bring up much more but it did bring up aromanticism.org (run by AUREA, the aromantic-spectrum union for recognition, education, and advocacy), which has a list of aro-specific groups, and aspec groups in general. there are 36 aspec groups, of which 3 have been confirmed to be explicitly aro-friendly. there are two aro-specific groups. it also brought up acesandaros.org, which has a list of 106 groups. around 34 have the word "aro" in the title. i'm running out of energy so i'm not going to go through them all but i'd bet the statistics would shake out similarly to meetup.com.
and to be clear: it's not bad that there are more ace-focused or ace-exclusive groups. and i don't think this is the fault of ace people, more the lack of visibility and education about aros. what's bad isn't that there are ace groups, it's that these groups are in the aro tag, while not being aro-focused or sometimes even aro-friendly, while we have no groups at all focused only on us in our own tag. and to be clear: it's not really about the tags, it's about aromantics not having our own spaces. i'm tired of aromantics being ignored and pushed aside in aspec spaces and the wider queer community. i'm tired of alloaros being ignored and pushed aside in aro spaces, in aspec spaces, and in the wider queer community. these are all places we should be able to feel comfortable in. they're places we belong in, and we should be able to feel like we belong.
i don't know. i wouldn't have been able to go anyway, even if there was something in my area, i can't drive and have no one to go with. but it would've been nice if i'd had the option. it'd be nice for anyone to have the option.
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