#Last ask with this setting for now. It /will/ come back though because he sleeps there.
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Never Enough
Warnings: Angst. Reader overcoming low self worth.
You glanced at the clock on your nightstand 2:38 am. Damn, who the hell is at my door this early?
The knocking continued, annoying you further and giving you no time to process. Pulling the door open angrily, your words caught in your throat, nearly choking you.
Rin used the back of his hand to wipe the tears away. Rin had no idea his eyes were still red from the crying and straightened up.
"I...Can I come in?" Rin asked, glancing away.
Having only seen Rin cry once after Sae's first visit back from Spain, you were still processing his presence at your door.
You stepped back, though you were internally struggling. The last thing Rin had said to you two years ago after Blue Lock beat U20 was that he didn't need any obstacles. That you were nothing more than an object he needed to set aside to succeed.
There was no reason for him to be here or to need you. Rin's girlfriend was some model or somebody important in his world. Why would he...No, you thought.
"Why are you here, Rin?"
Without a word, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing tightly. He buried his face in your shoulder, tear drops staining your skin.
"She left me for that half-baked, idiot. When am I going to be enough! For Sae, for my parents, for anyone," Rin mumbled.
It took everything you had not to push him away. Rin had always been enough for you, but it was clear now. You had never been and never would be enough for him.
You let Rin cling to you as you brought him to the couch. Rin immediately resumed his position that had been his favorite during your relationship. His head in your lap, your fingers running through his hair, and him drifting off to sleep. As his breathing became steady, you made your decision.
"Itoshi Rin. This is the last time I'll let you hurt me. Sleep well, sweet boy."
Rin's lips turned up for a moment at the use of your pet name for him. You pulled a blanket from the back of the couch over Rin.
In the morning, you would make him leave. No conversation, no pleading or otherwise. This was the last time you'd let Rin into your life.
This was your decision for yourself because you knew Rin would never consider your feelings. Never even think you had any left for him. This was the best decision for you. Because you mattered. Even if Rin Itoshi would never realize it.
#blue lock rin#blue lock#itoshi rin x reader#bllk#bllk rin#bllk x reader#rin itoshi x reader#itoshi rin#angsty#itoshi sae#reader with low self-esteem
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「 ✦ cosmopolitan ✦ 」
previous episode

summary: drinking is cool. until the next day comes. also, who the fuck invited this man?
wc: 4.7k
a/n: i put my foot into this one, y'all. type 1 if you agree, chat!

you say that you need me, but i don't feel needed at all girl, i've been through your hardest, and you broke me regardless —SINS (LET ME IN) by KANII
i've always had this morbid curiosity about what being hit by a car or getting stabbed would feel like.
puking my guts out in the kitchen sink is probably the closest i'm gonna get to that feeling; realizing that my ex-boyfriend robbed me, my roommate had to drag my lightweight ass back home, and i'm still locked out of my room (plus remembering all of this when i started puking) feels closer, though.
i heave, the sound of emptying my stomach into the sink drain echoing through the dorm. the running water calms me and hydrates me as i wash my mouth out. i cough and spit the remaining bile in my mouth before turning the water hot to give the sink a decent rinse. i'm gonna have to deep-clean it later. for now, i need to kill this hangover.
i look in the cupboards for a cup, finding a singular white mug on the highest shelf. of course, it's out of my reach because my roommate is fucking tree-length.
i do my best to reach for the cup, stretching as far my arms would allow me and standing on the tips of my toes. i strain and grunt, hopping up and down to try and scooch the mug close enough for me to grab it, but to no one's surprise, i'm not able to touch it.
all of the sudden movement induces a dizzying sensation. i lean forward on the counter, holding my head in my hand.
"morning, sleeping beauty."
"jesus fuck," i gasp, choking on spit. i sputter and hit my chest, attempting to catch my breath.
"oops, sorry. didn't mean to scare you," he says.
i spin around to see my roommate with his arms crossed and leaning on the adjacent wall, a brutally arrogant smirk adorning his chiseled features.
i glare at my roommate sharply. "whatever," i rasp.
"feel any better?"
no, asshole. i don't feel any better.
that's what i wanted to respond with. "you're up early," i say instead, my voice scratchy and recovering from the acidic bile i just passed through my throat.
he cocks an eyebrow. "it's afternoon, princess." he points to the clock across the room. i look over and read it, the display blaring 2:17 in red.
i scratch my neck, pursing my lips together. "oh."
i slept for that long? i must've drunk a decent amount last night. makes sense, though; i was robbed and sorta ditched.
i rub my temples and sigh heavily out my nose. "i need an aspirin or somethin'. my head's pounding right now," i mutter.
"yeah, i bet you do," Choso hums, sauntering over to the fridge and rummaging through it, "you look rough."
i suck my teeth at his comment but don't respond and keep trying to grab the cup, jumping and reaching like a little kid wanting a cookie.
i growl in frustration, ready to give up when i feel a body behind me and an arm reach above me.
my eyes drift to the litter of ink moving on his flexed muscles as his abnormally large fingers hook around the mug handle. his fingers are scraped, dried cuts scarring over faded callouses and small splotches of yellow bruises decorating his knuckles. when did that happen? shit looks painful.
he sets the mug down in front of me before moving back, his body heat leaving me cold. i keep my eyes on the counter and bite my lip, wondering why i wanted him to stay there instead of shouting at him to back off of me like a normal person.
i open my mouth to ask him about his hand but fail to come up with the words as he faces away from me.
"you're welcome," he grumbles, heavy footsteps fading. i don't call him back out of embarrassment and refuse to thank him out of spite.
i wrap my hand around the mug and walk over to the sink, holding it under the running faucet. filling it up halfway, i grab the Tylenol off the counter and chuck it in my mouth, chasing it with water.
wait, i don't remember turning the faucet on, nor do i remember finding Tylenol.
i look around for Choso to ask him if he did all that, only to find no one in the kitchen besides myself. i arch an eyebrow in bemusement and sip on more lukewarm water before heading to the bathroom to clean myself up.
today is gonna be a long day.
"hello, thank you for calling maintenance. we are currently experiencing a high volume of calls."
"jesus fucking christ," i shout to no one, "what does a bitch hafta do to get anything to go my way!"
after calling maintenance for the nth goddamn time and getting the voicemail, this school is becoming top two on my 'raises my blood pressure' list. you can guess who's number one.
i don't even know why i decided to come back to live on campus.
well, no, i do know why. it's 'cause i can't afford an apartment on my own, and my family doesn't live anywhere close for a commute. hell, even if they did, i'd rather tie cement blocks to my feet and bungee jump. plus, i don't have many friends who i would voluntarily room with; that includes Kiki and Kento.
don't get me wrong, i love them. truly i do, but i cannot live with a couple as puppy-love sick as they are.
i've walked in on them by accident once, and i promised myself that would never happen again.
i run my hands over my bare face, mulling over options to get into my room since maintenance is no fucking help.
i could try to lockpick the door, but i'm rusty, so who knows how long that would take? i could also call the front desk for help, but nine times outta ten, RAs don't know how to do their jobs.
there's also Toji. god, i hate that that's even an option. he may be a fucking asshole, but he's a thief and a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. fortunately, i know he can totally unlock my room.
unfortunately, i know Toji like the back of my hand, and i know his horny ass is gonna want 'compensation.'
i can hear him all up in my ear now: "what i get in return, mama? gonna let me break your bed in? i'd love to taste you, doll. you know you love this dick, baby. you can't get get enough of it."
"bleugh!" i recoil and shiver in disgust. "yeah, hell nah, that ain't happening," i mumble.
i have got to stop fucking him like, yesterday. as much as i love getting dicked down, i should stop putting myself in those predicaments before last night repeats itself.
giving up on my other options, i redial the housing maintenance number. the line rings more than once, meaning it's still active. still not out of the water yet, i think.
it trills for longer, the sound becoming headache-inducing. as i'm about to hang up, i hear the line click.
"hello, this is housing maintenance. how may i assist you?"
"finally, someone answered!" i squeal and nearly jump for joy at the voice on the other end.
"uh, hello, ma'am? can i help you?"
shit, i almost forgot i'm on the damn phone. i clear my throat and speak in a serious, professional tone: "yes, hi. i'm calling because my bedroom door is locked and i can't get inside with my key. it seems stuck or broken."
"okay, ma'am. could i have your last name, building, and room number, please?"
"yes, my last name is Sterling. S-T-E-R-L-I-N-G. i live in F. E. W. Harper Hall, and my room number is 824."
the person on the other end hums. i can hear the keyboard clacking, presumably typing in some information.
"Florence, correct?"
i nod. "yes, that's correct."
"okay, Florence, i put in your request as an emergency, and we'll have someone there within an hour, okay?"
i sigh in relief. "okay, thank you so much."
i hang up the phone, throwing my head back and sinking into the couch cushions.
not even a second later, my cellphone rings.
i press the answer button and hold the phone up to my ear. "hello?" i say.
"hey, girl! when you want me and Ken to come over?"
i raise an eyebrow. "y'all are coming over? since when?"
Kiki scoffs, "bitch, you said you wanted help getting your door unlocked yesterday, so i figured you'd want that done today. unless you wanna sleep on the couch again?"
"i don't even remember having that conversation," i say bluntly.
"well, it was had. so when we comin' over?"
i suck my teeth slowly, chewing on my bottom lip. "well, i mean, maintenance's supposed to be here to fix the lock, so y'all can come whenever, i guess. oh, and can you bring the stuff i bought, too? i forgot it in your car."
"that was the plan, babe. but a'ight, we'll be there in a minute."
knowing those two—more Kiki than Kento—a minute means quite a while, they should be here after my door is fixed so they can help me decorate.
"okay, see y'all soon. love you, bye."
i set my phone on the table and lie down, feeling my eyes flutter every couple seconds despite my best efforts to stay awake. i lose the battle, though, and find myself drifting off, the last thing i hear being the front door creaking open and close.
bam, bam, bam, bam!
i jolt up, turning straight to the front door. who in the chocolate-covered fuck is banging at my door like that?
"who is it?" i yell, irritated someone woke me up out my beauty nap.
bam, bam, bam! they go again.
they must have the wrong dorm bamming on my shit like that, i think, leaning back and closing my eyes, ignoring whoever that is and hoping they go away before maintenance comes.
bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!
"a'ight, i'm coming, goddamn!" i growl, getting up and stomping towards the door, "banging on my door like fuckin' LAPD."
i stand on my tippy toes and peek through the peephole.
"who the fuck is it?" i demand once more, trying to see who's there but can't for some reason. they decide to not respond.
i also can't see who's there. something, or rather someone, seems to be covering the peephole.
i kiss my teeth and sigh, thinking it's my dumbass friend as i fling the door open with a roll of my eyes.
"bro, don't bang on the door like that! also, i told you about that shit with covering up the..."
my words trail off as i gawk and furrow my eyebrows at the tank-top-clad chest and torso before me.
well, that's clearly not Kiki.
"hey, doll. heard you're havin' door trouble. mind if i take a look?"
oh, hell the fuck no.
i gaze upwards, already knowing what the fuck i'm gonna see.
what the actual fuck?
"you're the fucking maintenance guy?!" i screech.
he and his clanking toolbox invade the threshold of my sacred space. "yes, ma'am," he drawls, "on-call maintenance guy for the next three months."
i shut the door swiftly and plant my forehead on it. "oh, you gotta be fuckin' shitting me," i whine quietly. i turn to my ex with a scowl. he flashes that stupid smirk at me with that stupid scar stretching over his stupid lips.
"there a problem?" he taunts.
my scowl deepens, but i keep my mouth shut, hoping that my silence speaks for me.
i saunter over to my bedroom door while keeping my eyes trained on Toji. i barely press down on the door handle, the knob springing back. i cross my arms, popping my hip out and tapping my foot.
he cocks an eyebrow. "uh, not exactly sure what you're asking me."
i spit two words: "it's locked."
he lets out a snicker, then a full chuckle. "yeah, doll, rooms are usually locked when nobody's been in them."
"i'm saying i can't get in at all."
"you try your key?"
"huh. okay, i'll try it then."
Toji unhooks an assortment ring of keys and flips through them, picking one before sticking it into the lock. he faces the same problem i had as he jiggles the door handle. he rams his shoulder into the frame, nearly splintering the wood, and ultimately fails to open the door.
he hums, scratching his chin as he looks down at me then jabs a thumb behind him. "how the fuck did you manage to do this?"
i hit him as hard as i can on his beefy bicep, the muscle ricocheting my hand and not hurting him despite the fact i wanna do way fucking worse than that. "i didn't do shit, you jackass!" i retort. "shit's been locked since i moved in."
he nods slowly and smiles. "right. sure, doll," he says with a glint in his eyes. he huffs out his nose and rolls his shoulders and neck, his joints crackling like the old man he is.
"alright, i should have this fixed in a few minutes, so go sit down somewhere, look pretty, and watch me work, sweetheart."
i roll my eyes but obediently sit somewhere. i sit on the arm of the couch so i can keep an eye on his snake ass, crossing my legs and squinting.
"betta make my shit straight," i quip. i almost call him a bitch, but i don't think he'll take too kindly to that. not that care much about what the fuck he thinks, but he's already fixing my door, so probably shouldn't drive him away before the problem is solved.
Toji waves his hand and goes on about doing what he does best: fucking around with shit until he figures something out.
watching a man do his job is generally uninteresting until i see Toji's huge man hands and man arms flex, prominent veins popping against his pale skin. i could've done quite anything more entertaining, but my fucking ex-boyfriend is in my dorm fixing my door.
that's a valid reason to keep my eyes on him, no?
the bored expression coupled with his quick, busy hands has my mind wandering to other things.
things like what he used to do to me with those hands: rubbing my back as we cuddled in bed after my classes, swinging our arms while we walked to the local theater for matinee Saturdays, his thumb caressing my thigh as he drives.
of course, he did (and does) more than that. i've never found a man who's able to make me squeal and squirm as much as he does. i've also never found a man so strategic and soft despite being so aggressively manly. he molds me so effortlessly like wet clay in a sculptor's grasp.
frankly, i can't help but be disgusted.
it disgusts me how much i think about the shithead of a deadbeat. it baffles me how my heart still jumps in my throat when i see him, just like it used when we were together. it makes me utterly sick how attached my life is to his, despite my best efforts to remove myself.
i can't fathom being with him now, thank every god there is. i can't fathom him not being in my life, either.
and that fucking scares me.
fuck this motherfucker and the anxiety he gives me. if i wasn't so close to graduating and getting my grown ass life together, i swear i would wring my bare hands around his thick ass neck and—
"all done, doll."
i blink out of my stupor and follow Toji's hand outstretched to my cracked-open door, the familiar smell of cleaning products and an uncovered mattress wafting under my nose.
i look over at a smirking Toji.
"well, what do we say, sweetheart?"
i give him a tight-lipped, fuck-off smile with a complementary bird flip. "suck my dick."
"i'm afraid that first comment only applies to one of us, doll," he replies.
i tap my chin, pretending to think. "okay, how about 'get out of my place and don't come back?'" i retort.
he grunts, his smug expression souring. "i was looking for a 'you're welcome.'"
"oh well, don't care. leave," i say curtly.
he kisses his teeth and snarls, "you ungrateful little b—!"
"don't even think about finishing that." i wag my finger and give a pointed 'try-me-i-fucking-dare-you' squint. "the only thing out of your mouth next should be, 'i'm leaving. have a good day.' if not that, then i suggest you get the hell on before i call campus security and you lose the only reason your dick still gets wet."
that last part might not be true for several reasons, but whatever, i need him to fucking leave.
i can tell he's becoming more aggravated by the way his eye twitches, but i don't give a fuck. comeuppance for our toxic relationship is my justification.
he continues to stand there like a bump on a log.
i make my way over to him in a few strides, lightly prodding his chest. "since you can't seem to take a hint," i husk, nodding towards the front door as i wave my fingers with a bittersweet smile, "you're done here. bye-bye, honey. don't let the door hit you on the way out, 'kay?"
i back away, beelining for my biggest suitcase, Millie, to drag her to my room, no longer paying attention to my ex.
a familiar, big-ass hand engulfs mine.
i whip my head around and grimace. "didn't i tell yo ass to get out?"
he says nothing, just gently removes my hand and lifts Millie in one fell swoop then nabs Bobbi in the other. i move out of the way as he almost shoulder-checks me while holding my precious girls and storms to my room.
"aye, i ain't ask you to do allat!" i shout and follow him. i watch him set my stuff beside my bed.
"you don't listen to a fucking word i say. man, you irritate me with that! that's reason number a-billion-and-one why we broke up!" i rant, burying my face in my palms and whining as i pace back and forth.
"you just do shit to do shit without even thinkin' about other people. god, i shoulda listened to Mama the first time she said to leave yo bum ass alone, but noooo! my stupid ass just had to be with you to spite her. damn it, Toji, why can't you just—!"
his hand cuts off my words and my oxygen. my eyes flutter close as my breathing becomes ragged and shallow.
"you talk too damn much," he husks. he leans in and nuzzles my cheek, puffs of air and his deep, woody voice against my skin.
"tired of you badmouthing me, mama. i'm sitting here tryna help you and all you do is talk shit like i'm not here helping your ass. i could be somewhere else, but i'm here, and instead of being grateful, you decide to run your fucking mouth. you know how that makes me feel?"
i try to focus on breathing through my nose, each exhale quieter than the last. "hmm?" Toji grunts, "do you know? huh?"
i close my eyes and ponder his question. i guess i had an inkling that my words affected him because that was my intention: to hurt the person i loved as bad as he hurt me. i never thought about how deeply he might've been affected since i thought he never cared about how he made me feel.
a sucker for my empathy being appealed to, i nod as best as my restricted neck can move.
he kisses my cheek, wrapping an arm around my waist and bringing our bodies flush together. he plants more kisses across my face, unraveling his grip from my throat and moving it to my chin, squishing my cheeks.
"you're so mean to me, doll."
"makes me so, so sad and upset, baby."
"what ever happened to my loving Flo bear way back when?"
"we used to be good. what happened to that?"
i don't answer him that time. if i gave him the actual answer, he'd back off and actually leave, which is what i said i wanted. my body betrays that notion when i lean into each feathery touch, falling deeper under his bewitching spell and entranced by apologetic smooches across my skin and his tender attention to my most sensitive, neglected places. i hate the ridiculously strong hold this man has on my life. as i've said before, though, i can't help it.
after he smooches every square inch of my face and neck, he trails down to the hills of my breasts and pulls my shirt down, exposing my tits to the cold air and instantly sucking one of my nipples into his mouth. i instinctively arch into it, both of our bodies working a natural rhythm, exactly like we used to.
one minute he's sucking my tits and littering me in dark hickeys; the next minute, i'm perched on top of the desk with my shorts and thong pooled around my ankles while Toji slurps me like a thirsty man gulping his first drink of water.
my ex's name tumbles past my lips like a sinner offering confession and praying the sanctity of their soul be saved. if anyone is close enough to listen, they'd certainly remember one name, and it wouldn't be mine.
"ngh~! fuck, right there, baby!" i gasp, my hands tousling his raven locks. he alternates between digging me out with his tongue and sucking my clit while he works me open, his thick, unrelenting fingers curling until they're punching my g-spot.
his low moans vibrate through me, just how he knows i like it, mumbling praises of 'good girl' and 'so sweet for me' against my folds.
"ooh, Toji, 'm finna fuckin' cum," i groan. my eyes roll back and my thighs shake, tightening around his head to hold him in place.
"already?" he teases.
i tighten my grip on his hair. "oooh, shutthefuckup 'nmakemecum, fuckin' prick."
my impending climax forces my back taut. i push him impossibly closer, relishing in his expert mouth on my weeping cunt.
"go 'head, baby. cum on all over m'fuckin' face. give it t'me."
whines and mewls have nowhere to go but out when my jaw goes slack. i look down at him, his dilated navy irises catching mine.
as soon as the coil in my stomach snaps, i hear something:
knock, knock, knock!
i gasp, my sudden inhale forcing coughs out of me. i sit up and clutch my chest trying to get every cough out my system.
i scan the living room, seeing no one else here. i look down, seeing no Toji between my legs and my shorts on, suddenly hyperaware of the slick soaking my underwear.
fuck, did i seriously have a dream about my ex being the maintenance man?
fuck, that means my door still isn't open! where the fuck is the actual maintenance man, then?
i rub my eyes and shake my head, uber disappointed in my subconscious throwing me for a loop in my sleep. i look at the clock on the wall: 4:59 p.m.
knock, knock, knock!
oh, someone's for real knocking on the door? i thought i was still dreaming.
there's a third knock before i can fix my mouth to respond, a voice calling out from behind it.
"maintenance. anyone home?"
finally, they're here! the lady on the phone said an hour. lying ass.
that also doesn't sound like Toji, so i already feel a bit better. or worse, depending on which part of me you ask.
they knock again, forcing a squeaky "coming!" out of me to quell their impatience.
i head to the hallway mirror and straighten out that fucked-out look on me, then rushing to open the door. a bony knuckle knocks me in the bridge of my nose when i open it.
"ow!" i flinch, soothing the afflicted area.
"oop, i'm sorry. i didn't see you standing there."
i open the door wider and step aside for the maintenance man to enter. "it's okay. come in."
his boots squeak past me as i close the door behind him. "i heard your door won't open? like at all?"
"yeah. tried unlocking it when i first moved in, and it wouldn't budge. watch."
i grab my keys from the coffee table and walk over to my door, sticking the room key inside the lock. i turn the key and hear a click.
"no way," i mutter. i push the handle down, my door suddenly opening. "how...?"
mouth agape, my mind in complete shock, i face the maintenance man who now has an amused expression on his face.
i look back at my door then back at the man. i close my mouth and tuck my hands behind my back, my eyes darting everywhere. "well, i wasn't able to open it before."
he chuckles, "no, i believe you. these doors are sticky. i mean, i can still take a look if you want."
"no, that's fine," i sigh, "sorry for wasting your time. won't happen again."
he chuckles, "it's fine. happens more often than you think. i can change your lock, but you'd have to request a lock change and get the new key..."
i tune him out, my mind wandering somewhere else.
jesus, this man is super-ultra-mega fucking hot: shiny, flowing locks half-up and half in his face, a diamond-shaped jawline, and deep brown eyes barely visible.
how did i not notice before?
his lips move, but i can't make out what he's saying. i nod a few times, pretending to listen as i subtly admire his body.
i can tell he's fairly muscular and inked out under his snug uniform. his blue gauges suit him well. he's the first man i've seen with a medusa piercing, too.
i see his mouth still moving. he's been talking this whole time while i've been gawking hard as hell.
"i'm sorry. could you repeat that?" i ask.
"i was just saying that if you need anything else, call housing."
he steps toward me, hand in his dickies pocket before holding out a card between his fingers.
"or, you can call me directly. for when off hours roll around, you know." he throws a cheeky wink on top of his closes-mouth grin.
he pulls no punches, huh?
can't say it doesn't charm me.
i smile, plucking the card with my thumb and index fingers. "sounds good, Mister..."
"Suguru," he finishes in that syrupy tone and slides his hand back into his pocket. "just Suguru is fine. and you are?"
"i'm Flo," i reply, offering my hand to him, "it's nice to meet you, Suguru."
i fully expect a handshake, so he catches me off guard when he instead brings his lips to kiss my hand, like a fairytale prince i dreamt of as a child.
"pleasure's all mine, Flo."
Suguru backs away, grabbing his toolbox. "feel free to give me a call whenever, Flo."
dumbfounded, i say, "uh-huh."
he tips his visor. "have a good rest of your day," he says, making a swift exit but not before throwing a smirk and another wink over his shoulder as the door shuts.
"wow," i exhale, leaning against the nearest wall and massaging my forehead, reeling from one) the fact that i embarrassed the hell outta myself, and two) that man flirting with me in my own dorm.
i feel like i'm losing my mind. i know for a damn fact that my door would not open yesterday! was i not trying hard enough? did someone break in to fix it while i was passed out?
i ruffle my hair and dig my nails into my scalp, so over this shit.
man, i need a fucking joint. or a drink. preferably both.
after recovering from my mental anguish spiral, i take a deep breath and grab my phone, sliding the keyboard open and texting Kiki.
grl, stp fckn yo man and cm ova alrdy ;((( n brng alc
Kiki<3: lmao y u txtn lyke a syde nygga? say less boo ;) cmn in 20
"dumbass," i snort.
lets git ths prty strtd den =^•^=
next episode
#*~dollspecials~*#specialistwips#choso smut#jjk fanfic#choso#choso x oc#black oc#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk smut#jjk roommates au#cross posted on ao3#cross posted on wattpad
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I wanna give him a blanket. Can it maybe just materialize outta nowhere?
(I know fabric wrinkles suck to draw. You don't gotta 😵)
#i uh#i got carried away. Oops. wtf is wrong with this guy??#Lmk if you need translations for the particularly glitchy part.#also just to clarify the physical glitch is not what /caused/ him to say that it just particularly irritated him and so he lashed out-#-before he could think ab it. i almost contemplated a frame of him apologizing & then i thought about it... he would not. nuh uh.#Last ask with this setting for now. It /will/ come back though because he sleeps there.#stayed up a little too late to finish this... i was so excited all day to do this one lmfao#it wasnt supposed to go past where he calls you a plethora of names but i needed to make it somehow transition back to the storefront later#thank you brave anon for your attempt. not really how it works here though. The fabric folds isnt really the issue lol.#as an apology you get the longest one to date. thanks o7.#spamton#spamton g spamton#[you've got mail!]#he switched up so quickly after it dissapated beause he realized he was just yelling at a camera... embarasing.. what a freak#going crazy in the tags today not sorry
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Priority One
You come first for Jason ~800 words
At his core, Jason Todd puts himself last. He's the first to jump in front of a bullet, first charge into a burning fire, first to drop dead center into a group of thugs.
It's not that he doesn't care about his safety, it's just that he deems his safety as lesser. He's stronger, sturdier, and if he's the one that goes down instead of someone else? That's a good thing.
He knows people would worry. People would miss him. But they'd move on the same way they did before. They would fill the gaps in the spaces he leaves, and there wouldn't be a need to pick the pieces off the floor because nothing would break at his loss.
At least, that used to be the truth. It was the truth until you nestled your way into his heart, and he somehow became a fixture in your life. He didn't mean to do it, didn't mean to make you fall in love with him, and he certainly didn't mean to fall in love with you.
But he did.
And now he makes sure you sleep on the inside on the bed, safe between the wall and him. He walks between you and the road, always on guard for swerving cars and shady civilians. He checks your apartment during patrol, though it's more for his peace of mind than yours.
Jason Todd still puts himself last, but the thought of you comes first, when he dives into the line of fire. If he doesn't come home, who's going to fix the leaky faucet or take out the trash when it gets full?
You could do it, he knows you could, but he doesn't want you to have to. So, he upgrades his armor when he would normally put it off. He's quicker to stop the blood dripping from his wounds. He's more aware, when he's shifting through the shadows of an enemy base.
He never worried about what he would leave behind. Not until you started to kiss his jaw before his nightly patrol, not until you started to reach for him every time he came home, beckoning him to your side and under the waiting, warm blankets.
He worries now. He makes plans, sets aside money, and makes his closest allies promise to keep an eye on you if he ever can't. He becomes your shield, whether you're aware of it or not, he has you covered.
You're his priority, and in becoming so, he's slowly becoming a priority, too. You're happier when he's okay, so he steadies his reckless tendencies. He dismantles the bomb in his helmet. He turns on his tracker for Oracle to keep an eye on.
For all the times he looks after himself, it's with you on his mind. He double checks his gear because he needs to pick up paper towels on the way home for you. He cleans his grappling hook because you asked him if he wanted to go out to dinner and a movie tomorrow.
He waits for backup before breaking up Penguin's latest smuggling ring because you recommended a book for him to read, and he only has a handful of chapters left to finish.
It's you, and you, and you again, that gives him a reason to want to make it to sunrise. It's you, that makes him really want to live.
He wants to see coast cities and tiny forest towns outside of whatever crime he's hunting down. He wants to travel and explore and try everything and anything– as long as it's with you.
He'd give up the world, give up everything he knows, as long as he can give you what you want. But all you ever ask, even if it's not in so many words, is for him to come home. So he does. Every night. Every day. Every time. Jason Todd finds his way back to you because your wants are his first concern.
He sheds his armor and kicks off his boots and leaves everything but the thought of you at your windowsill. He smiles when you murmur your sleepy greetings because he knows you think his smiles are pretty. He checks the locks and changes into the pajama set that matches with yours because you giggle every time you see it.
And all these things are so little yet so big all in one. They fill the cracks beneath his skin, and when he finally has you in his arms again, Jason Todd knows that nothing will be greater than this, than you.
There is no adversary, no injury or mission, that would have his gaze from straying from his singular goal; making it back to your arms to fill your days with all you deserve. With joy. With love. And for as long as you desire it, with him.
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NSFW! - explicit sexual themes.
the team is returning from a late night case, the jet deadly silent, save for the sounds of soft snoring coming from morgan and hotch.
spencer reid, though, spencer is wide awake. so are you, sitting pretty against one of the cream leather chairs, a leg crossed over the other as you intently complete a crossword. you occasionally ask for his opinion on an answer, voice quiet and lips barely moving, eyes trained on the paper before you. the lack of looking up at him is the only reason you haven’t noticed the very prominent tent in the front of his slacks.
he can’t help it, not when you’re in his line of sight like that, and he hasn’t fucked you in days. his cock is aching by now, his stomach burning with need and he reaches a breaking point, muttering a small “i need to use the bathroom.” you still don’t look up at him, not until you notice the absence of him making any effort to move, and you raise your focus. “come too?” he whisperers when his gaze meets yours, brow creasing with a hint of longing, loosely gesturing to his predicament.
that’s how you end up in the cramped bathroom of the bau jet, spencer awkwardly lifting your leg up as you sit on the edge of the sink, watching him fumble with himself to get into a workable position.
“dragged me in here just to watch you struggle with where to put your dick, baby? seriously?” - “hey, i’m trying! but it’s cramped and you’re- just, give me a second, i’ll get it, i will,” he’d whisper shout back, his voice on the brink of a whine when he finally gets the both of you comfortable enough to slide in, his hips angled slightly awkwardly but it works. one hand is holding the back of your knee, keeping your leg up whilst the other presses against the wall behind you, slowly dragging his hips backwards before plunging back in, his puppy dog eyes rolling heavenward.
he hasn’t done this in days, been too busy with cases, being given separate hotel rooms because nobody knows yet. nobody knows how desperate this man is for you, and nobody knows how he’s fucking you in the bathroom because he couldn’t last another second watching your face as you did that puzzle, afraid he’d spill into his pants at the mere sight.
he’s burying his face in your shoulder to muffle his grunts as he fucks into you, his cock nudging almost where you need it to be, but you know he needs to be set straight, to be snapped out of his desperation. “need to make both of us feel good, spence, don’t be greedy.”
a whimper escapes him at the reminder, trailing one hand down to your hip instead so he can switch up the direction of his thrusts by just a few millimetres, looking up at you with those deep brown eyes, a sparkle dancing within them as he silently questions his new method. you grin and bite your lip as his cock finally meets your cervix deliciously, your eyes fluttering at the new sensation.
now it’s perfect, his cock driving into you at a desperate pace whilst he sinks his teeth into the skin just above your collarbone. his slacks, once just below his waist, slowly slip to the floor with the force of his thrusts, his hands grasping at your flesh, feeling nothing other than you, the clench of your pussy, and the fire burning deep in his abdomen.
your own hands are clinging to him, one in his hair and the other down at his ass, scraping blunt nails against the cleft. your moans are breathless and quiet, better at controlling yourself than he is, acutely aware of your sleeping bau members on the tiny jet, just metres away, with only a door and four walls separating you.
spencer’s reaching a hand down between the two of you, letting the skin of your shoulder loose as he gazes down, drawing out a long moan at the sight of his cock sliding into your entrance, covered in your slick, and he’s never been more grateful for his eidetic memory. he presses his thumb against your clit, circling with nothing less than the intention to feel you implode around him.
‘need you to come’, ‘please, please, please, need to feel it around me,’ ‘i can’t come if you don’t, i can’t, i can’t,’ he whines quietly into your ear, a string of eager words to edge you on. it’s almost amusing how much he yearns to be exactly like this, to spend every waking minute inside of you, feeling you unravel at his doing. if he could quit the bau and survive simply by fucking you, he might just consider it.
he’s finally coming when you do, hips stuttering and faltering as he grips you, fingertips deep but touch somehow still gentle, pushing you against him as he unloads his desire deep into your belly. your legs tremble, skirt bunched up around your waist, head tilted back against the wall.
“god, oh my god, thank you…needed that so much,” he pants, pressing a tender kiss to the underside of your jaw, breath hitching as his hips slowly move against yours once more, just one last time to ensure he doesn’t forget the feeling before he can have you like this again.
when you’ve finally cleaned up, after spencer whispering to you something about making sure he smooths out his hair again because you tousled it, you’re both leaving the bathroom, trying to be stealthy.
though, stealth wouldn’t even save you. you creep out first, gaze landing on emily, her expression skeptical and her eyes narrowed as your partner in crime appears behind you, zipping up his fly. nobody is about to very quickly become everybody.
ty for the love on the last drabble lolll spencer fans are serious huh? love you guys though, feel free to send in drabble/blurb requests <3 mwah!
#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid smut#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer read x you#spencer reid drabble#matthew gray gubler
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Pregnancy cravings
Farmer!Sukuna’s masterlist
Farmer!Sukuna thought dealing with your pregnancy cravings would be a walk in the park. I mean, come on, you two are basically self sufficient: he’s literally a farmer, what could you possibly crave that he doesn’t already have planted or stored?
Your cravings hit at the start of your second trimester. You’re barely showing, and probably the fact that nothing you eat stays in your stomach for more than two hours isn’t helping your case.
It’s winter and it’s snowing: your fields are currently covered in snow, your chickens are huddled up in their coop, your cows are sleeping in their heated stable… and you? You’re reading a book right in front of your fireplace. Sukuna gets home with his arms full of logs to keep the fire alive all night. He sets them on the ground before plopping down next to you with snow clinging to his hair.
“Get off, your nose is cold,” you mumble, pushing him away when he tries to give you a kiss. He raises one of his eyebrows, kissing you on the cheek either way (two times, to spite you). You let out a dramatic whine.
He chuckles, ruffling his hair and wetting your book’s pages with a couple of snowflakes. Annoyed, you roughly close the book, and turn around to give him a piece of your mind, just to find yourself wrapped in his arms.
“I said get off,” you repeat, softer, leaning in despite your words. His body heat is doing a better job than the fire at thawing the chill from your limbs.
“And I don’t care,” he replies nonchalantly. He kisses your temple, cocooning you deeper into him by opening his legs and tucking you into the space in front of him. You grumble something unintelligible.
“How are the only two people I can stand doing today?” He asks you, rocking you side by side. Seeing you pregnant makes him feel uncomfortably soft. And seeing you pregnant with his child? Oh god.
“I want ice cream.”
He stops.
“More like your offspring wants ice cream,” you sniffle from under his jaw.
“I don’t think we have any in the freezer,” he responds, looking you in the eyes. Your lip starts wobbling.
“But I want it,” you brokenly say, trying to swallow your sobs. His heart clenches.
“I don’t think you’ll be able to have it today,” he says, and immediately regrets it when your eyes well up with tears.
“C’mon, don’t cry now, it’s just ice cream,” he tries to comfort you. Apparently he does a horrible job, because you start bawling.
“But I want it! And I hate that I want it so bad! You know how much I hate playing the weak and fragile woman part, why are you being mean?” you wail, shoving him away and getting up. You quickly go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, the duvet that was covering you mere seconds ago acting as your cloak.
“No, babe, I’m not-“
You snap your head back angrily, levelling him with a hostile glare. “Yes you are! You’re being mean when it’s your fault I’m like this!” You motion to your body.
“Actually, you begged for it, wife,” he shrugs, a corner of his mouth lifting. He doesn’t expect the punch you throw at his chest.
“Don’t ever come near me again,” you seethe, drinking your water and flying up the stairs. He sighs, rubbing his temples, wincing when he hears you sniffle again.
After ten minutes he knocks on your bedroom door- the same one you not-so-gracefully threw in his face.
“C’mon. Get out,” he grits out. Who knew dealing with a pregnant woman would strip him of the little patience he still has left?
“No. You value me less than ice cream.”
He sighs. “What can I do t’ make you forgive me?” He hears the soft pit pat of your sock-clad feet on the floor before the door creaks open. From the last few months, he'd say your mood swing should be finished by now.
You gently lower the handle, looking at his condescending espression. Then you sag your shoulder, gazing at the floor.
"You big crybaby. C'mere," he smirks, opening his arms. You bury your head in his shoulder, and he pats your hair mockingly.
"I still want ice cream, though," you mumble.
"I'll go get it at the city right now if ya stop crying," he chuckles. He widens his eyes, realizing that... he caught himself too late.
You abruptly step back. He winces.
"And you'd leave me here all alone?! Why don't you love me anymore?!"
#farmer au#sukuna x reader#sukuna fluff#ryomen sukuna#ryomen sukuna x you#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x y/n#sukuna x you#sukuna jjk#jjk x y/n#jjk fics#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk fanfic
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hi jade!!! i would love to see a poly!marauders fic where they help r fall asleep please! absolutely no pressure at all just a suggestion ofc <3
“Why so moody?”
You rub at your eyes, standing just behind the sofa. You’d been frowning when James spotted you, not wanting to ask. “I can’t…”
“What?” Sirius asks.
Remus perks up from beside him.
Three sets of eyes makes it worse and somehow better. Sometimes it’s easier to only tell one of them when you have a problem, but sometimes you need all of them to know. “I can’t sleep again. Are you coming to bed soon?”
And listen, four people in one bed is insane but occasionally you manage it. Most of the time you sleep with James, less often Remus. You and Sirius tend to be incompatible while you sleep, because he grabs you around the neck and face for hugging and you wake up with sweat pouring off of you, blind.
Perhaps that’s why he offers first and emphatically. “I’ll come to bed with you, darling,” Sirius says, a picture of concern as he stands. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just tossed and turned for half an hour and I can’t take much more of it.”
“She’s going insane,” Remus comments with a severe frown.
Sirius helps him onto his feet. James, never one to be left out, turns off the television and gathers his throw blanket. “Not on my watch.”
“Wait, I’m sorry. You don’t have to get up,” you say, wringing your hands behind your back. You hadn’t meant to summon them all to bed. You’d just wanted to know when you could expect an end to your agony.
“Oh, well,” James begins, wrapping the throw blanket around your shoulders, “too late for that. Will you warm my side for me? I’ll lock up.”
You feel shyer than you’d thought, shuffling back to the bedroom. Sirius’ hand finds your lower back as he enters the room from behind you, encouraging you gently to the side as he goes for the other. You’d left the sheets in disarray, the lamp on. James’ room is messy as always, but it’s your fault as you live from it most days. Remus is immediately put off by the overflowing dresser, closing each drawer with a shush over the runners.
Sirius makes the bed, peeling back a corner for you. “Here, lovely. Climb in.”
“I didn’t mean for you to wait on me,” you say shyly, embarrassed at their attention.
“There’s nothing I like doing more.”
“He’s in a mood,” Remus says, though you’d guessed that already. “Enough room for me, too?”
“‘Nough room for everyone,” you murmur, rounding Sirius to climb into bed as instructed.
You and Remus end up in the middle of the bed, thankful for James’ sense of reality —everybody knew when you moved in together that the separate bedrooms wouldn’t last, but only James had the wherewithal to buy a very large bed. You’re immediately comforted by having one of them next to you, and Remus is very kind about it, asking in a murmur if he can cwtch you, wrapping his arm around your chest like you’re in danger of breaking from his touch.
Sirius is less polite, but not less caring. If he thought you didn’t want him to touch you he certainly wouldn’t, but he knows he can hug you pretty much whenever he wants. He presses his nose to your face, Remus’ against your shoulder, the three of you deflating after a long day never quite this close to each other. You can feel a day’s worth of back ache leeching in your mattress.
“Sorry,” you mumble.
“Ooh, for what?” Sirius asks.
“Making you come to bed.”
“Didn’t make us do anything.” His breath warms your cheek as he talks. “It’s late. We would’ve been in bed soon.”
It’s true enough. Everyone is in their pyjamas, Sirius smells like toothpaste. Still, you feel guilty for asking. And yet… you can finally relax now they’re here. It’s like they know exactly what’s been keeping you awake. Remus had cleaned and now holds your chest, Sirius reassures you and calms your stomach with his palm.
James gets one good look at you all and rolls his eyes. “I asked you to do one thing for me. Jesus. Babe, could you move over?” he asks Remus, not giving him the time to comply before he’s in bed and smushing everyone even closer together. “This is fun. Sleepover!”
“Just don’t start climbing on me again, Jamie,” Remus says.
You close your eyes. “Don’t worry, they’ll chill out soon,” Sirius promises in a whisper.
“Kiss?” you whisper back.
Three different boys attempt to kiss you in the dimly lit bedroom. All the fuss doesn’t help you sleep, but knowing how much they care about you definitely does.
#poly marauders x reader#the marauders#marauders#poly marauders#poly!marauders#poly!marauders x reader#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#james potter x reader#remus lupin fanfiction#sirius black fanfiction#james potter fanfiction#remus lupin fic#sirius black fic#james potter fic#the marauders x reader#the marauders x fem!reader#remus lupin#sirius black#james potter
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Darlin' I'm Right Here
Sylus x gn!Reader
I wrote this at like 3am last night and because I wrote this at 3am last night and then went down a rabbit hole of rereading fanfics, I did not get enough sleep to do any work
Anyway I just think it would be neat if Sylus could carry me around please and thank you
Title from "Butterfly's Repose" by Zabawa
Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic fluff, caretaking, kissing, cuddling, undressing (and redressing), casual intimacy, established relationship, crying
Word Count: 1,659
Main Masterlist
First - Second - Third Love and Deepspace Masterlists
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Sylus looks over as the door opens and quietly shuts again. He watches you, a silent observer, as you drop your stuff to the floor and push it aside with your foot. Your movements are sluggish as you pull off your winter coat and the sweatshirt underneath. A low sigh passes your lips as you work at undoing the knots in your boot laces - and that's when he comes over.
You see his shadow, feel his presence, and stand up straight once more. He tilts his head, brow furrowed slightly; you look so tired, so worn out, and moisture is collecting on your lower eyelids. Your pitiful sniff only confirms his suspicions.
He doesn't say anything as he kneels down by your feet. He unties the knots you struggled with moments ago, undoes the laces enough for your feet to slip out easily. You use his shoulder as support when he lifts one foot and slips your boot off, then the other. Both are set aside in a tray where they can continue drying off without dripping melted snow on the wood floors.
You watch him as though in a daze. He stands and your eyes follow, lacking their usual vibrancy and life. They only shine now because of the tears you hold back.
He bends down, gently guiding your arms around his neck. "Hold on, kitten," he orders softly. Your hands lock together behind his head. Your face finds its place tucked in his shoulder, tightly so as to block out the rest of the world around you. His hands hold the back of your thighs as he lifts you, wrapping your legs around his hips.
He feels your breaths just as you feel his. Hears each shuddering inhale and shaky exhale beside his ear. He tilts his head to the side to rest upon yours, rubbing his cheek against your head affectionately. He hopes it really was just a bad day that is upsetting you so much. If he hears even a hint of a whisper that someone said or did something to his darling lover, he won't hesitate to deal with it, permanently.
Each step is a gentle sway, a soothing rocking. You feel like a child clinging to their parent, pretending to be asleep as they carry you to bed. You feel small, but not in a bad way. Small, yet protected. Secure. You cling a little tighter to him and he adjusts your hips higher against him to keep you there.
The villa you've practically claimed as a home is smaller than his usual estates, though still quite large considering only two people live here at any one time. It's much larger than your old apartment. At least here he can actually move around the kitchen comfortably and shower without needing to duck under the spray of the shower head.
He carries you through the familiar floor plan to your bedroom, and then further into the ensuite bathroom. He's immensely careful when he sets you down at last on the countertop beside the sink. Though, he doesn't pull away. Doesn't force you to, either. Instead, he holds your hip and massages at your lower back, giving you the time you need. There's no rush. There's never a rush with him.
With a small inhale to give you strength, you finally pull away. Tears make tracks down your cheeks. A wet spot stains his shirt. He brushes away the tears on one cheek, and kisses them away on the other.
"Do you want to take a shower, sweetie?" he asks. You shake your head. He kisses your cheek again warmly.
Instead of a shower, he reaches into a cabinet and pulls down a washcloth. One handed, he turns on the warm water and holds his fingers under the tap as he waits for it to get to the perfect temperature. The cloth's fabric turns dark once he holds it under the water, soaked through. He squeezes out the excess and turns off the tap, before brushing it gently over your cheeks.
You close your eyes and give in to his tender care. With no sound aside from a sniffle here and there, Sylus wipes away the sticky tear tracks. He soothes the cloth under your eyes, easing out the tension and tiredness with its warmth. You shiver involuntarily when the cloth touches your neck, lightly wetting your throat with enough pressure to avoid tickling you.
Once he's satisfied with his work, he sets the cloth on the side of the sink. His hands, warm and lightly damp, find your hips, then your thighs, wordlessly warning you just before he lifts you up once more.
He doesn't carry you far, just into the bedroom. He rests you at the end of the bed, your legs hanging off to the floor while the rest of your body is laid back against the plush bedding. He kisses your forehead as he gently coaxes your arms from around his neck. "Wait here."
You crack your eyes open to watch as he goes to your dresser. With familiarity, he pulls out a few things, chief among them two types of pants and two types of shirts. He carries them over and sets them on either side of you on the bed. He holds up the pants first.
"Which one?" In one hand is a pair of long pajama pants. In the other, a pair of shorts. You point lazily at one, and he sets them down.
Kneeling down by your feet once more, he removes your socks and your pants. Normally, on any other day, there would be a heat in his gaze. A dripping, dark lust in his eyes as they roam your legs up to your underwear. Now, there's not even a hint of such a thing. He looks at your legs in the same way he looks at his guns as he maintains them, with an undeniable presence of care and dedication, and the warmth of wanting to take care of you in the best ways he knows how. He always claims to be bad at comforting people, yet he finds the perfect ways to tend to you every time.
He slips the pants you chose on you, pulling them up along your legs. You don't even have to lift your hips up - he does so for you with a large hand under your lower back.
"Do you want your fuzzy socks?" He smiles when you nod. You're always so endearing to him. You've perfectly curled within his heart, laying claim to it as your own. Its beats change with your emotions and actions. Right now, it beats softly, but steadily, as your eyes follow him back to the dresser to retrieve a pair of your fuzzy socks and then watch as he slips them onto your feet. It will beat louder tomorrow, he’ll make sure of it.
He stands and lifts up the shirts. One is a baggy t-shirt you "stole" from him a while ago. ("Stole" because Sylus is not a man who often wears t-shirts. This particular shirt is one you bought for him and commanded him to wear for a couple of days leading up to your visit, whereupon you claimed it for yourself.) The other is a tank top. You choose which one you'd rather wear tonight and he sets them aside.
He playfully pulls you into a sit, tangling his fingers with yours and tugging you up to him. He leans down to kiss your head. Warm fingers brush your skin as he removes your shirt from today. It winds up in a pile with your pants and socks.
The shirt you chose is soon pulled over your head. Your arms are guided through just the same. He leans down to make sure it settles comfortably around your body, and you use the opportunity to draw your fingers lightly under his chin. All his focus is on you immediately.
He is completely pliant under your touch. You could do anything - have him do anything. He is at your whim.
With the barest pressure, you draw him in, meeting his lips in a slow, sweet kiss. His lips are always so soft and plush. They don't seek for more than you give, only taking what you decide to offer, without a hint of a complaint. When your fingers fall from his skin, he lightly pulls away, heavy-lidded eyes peeking open to search your face for answers, to know what you want. One more kiss, and one more, before you're satisfied. He pulls away.
Your dirty clothes are dropped into the hamper. The clothes you didn't choose are left on top of your dresser to be put away later. He goes to place you in bed properly, but is stopped by your slight frown and the flicker of your eyes over his clothes. He grins. He can feel your eyes on him as he changes his own clothes, trading them in for some sweatpants that rest low on his hips and a tank top that shows off his arms. You're smiling contentedly when he approaches this time.
He lifts you up, but does not set you down again. Instead, he slips into bed with you in his arms, holding you close as he ensures you're comfortable. Not that you complain; you keep him trapped there with the way your legs hug him and with your head tucked under his chin. He rubs up and down your back with one hand. The other holds your hand over his heart.
The day that upset you feels lightyears away as your body relaxes against Sylus's. The cold and snow outside don't exist as he kisses your head and stops rubbing your back in favor of massaging the back of your neck. No concerns for tomorrow. No worries about what will come next. Just the gentle coaxing of his breaths, luring you into a much needed nap.
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@the-golden-jhope @armycaratlover @sylusfluffymeow @cheesemachine44 @nyx2021 @angel-jupiter @thelittlebutton @pikachuzhc @pomegranatepip @cordidy @an-ever-angry-bi @thejysemongko @deusfoundry @that-lost-one
#fanfic#fanfiction#sylus#sylus x reader#love and deepspace sylus#lads sylus#lnds sylus#love and deepspace#love and deepspace x reader#lads#lads x reader#lnds#lnds x reader#gn reader#x gn reader#gender neutral reader#x gender neutral reader#hurt/comfort
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Uncle!Sukuna Part 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5
Uncle!Sukuna who was annoyed that he hadn't been able to see you much since your date. Over the weekend, there had been an issue at his bar that required his full attention. He had practically been there for a full 48 hours, having left Yuji with you. Other then messaging you the little he could, he hadn't been able to talk to you much.
He was a little nervous to, honestly. The last thing you had done was kiss before he did the gentleman thing and went to his own house. But the longer you guys went not talking about it, not discussing what this meant for you both, the more anxious he felt. He hated these new feelings, how vulnerable they made him feel. He hated how he was already, in a matter of days, missing your smile, the way you smiled when Yuji and Choso started bickering about who the best superhero was and why, the way you laugh when Sukuna said some stupid joke or lighthearted insult, the way you got soft and gentle when one of the boys got hurt playing. He hated how badly he wanted to see you again, to kiss you. He hated that he had only kissed you once but could already tell he was addicted. He hated what you were doing to him, because whatever it was felt amazing in a way he never knew what he was missing out on before you.
Uncle!Sukuna who is back at home the Monday after valentines. You were already at work, the boys at school, so he finds himself sleeping through the day, before waking up to his front door opening and the loud sound of hurried footsteps.
He sits up in bed, a bit groggy, right as his bedroom door is thrown open. A little figure launches itself into his lap. He grunts before looking down at the little boy who looks so much like himself.
"Get off, brat." He grunts. He makes no move to make the boy listen though.
"You're back! We saw your car in the 'way. You've been gone for sooo long." Yuji pouted, which didn't suit his usually smiling face. Sukuna pitches Yuji's cheek while rolling his eyes.
"It was only two days, twerp." He looks at Choso, standing in the open doorway.
Sukuna had gotten a bit closer with the boy over the past few weeks, but he was still a bit shy and awkward, like now. It was clear the older kid didn't know what to due with himself while in Sukuna's space.
"Where's your mom?"
Choso glances down the hall from the direction they had come.
"In the kitchen, I think. She brought you dinner, we ate out today."
Uncle!Sukuna who stands up, throwing Yuji over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The boy laughs like it's a ride, gripping Sukuna's shirt for extra stability. The man walks towards Choso, ruffling his dark hair in fondness, before leading them towards the kitchen.
He stops when he sees you, looking over some papers you must have brought while sitting at his kitchen island. The way you're so relaxed, doing something so simple as that, but so fitting in his home, it makes his heart beat irregulate.
Sukuna sets Yuji down before approaching you. At the sound of their footsteps, you turn. He swears his heart stops for a moment when you give him a bright smile, looking at him with some emotion he didn't quite understand yet but knew it might be his undoing.
He greets you, a little awkward since he's not sure where you two stand. He wants to kiss you, like a husband would kiss his wife after a long day, but doesn't know if you would want that too. Plus, with the boys in the same room, he knows it isn't the best idea. So he settles for a nod and gruff hey before you point out the food you had brought for him.
Uncle!Sukuna who likes it when you and the boys sit with him at the dining table. Despite having eaten, the three of you join him to chat while he eats. Yuji tells him about his weekend and school, with you and Choso chiming in every so often. Eventually, though, the boys get bored and run off to Yuji's room.
Once alone, he almost wants to ask if he's been on your mind as much as you've been on his, if that kiss and date meant the same for you that it did him. But before he can even try to, you ask him about work and the emergency he had to take care of. He tells you about it, not going too deep into the boring details.
You two talk for a while, about nothing special. There's a tension there, not necessarily negative, but still. It's clear that both of you want to say something, but are apparently too scared to do so.
But Sukuna doesn't want to be a coward. He doesn't want to keep pushing this to the side, telling himself he'll bring it up later. There was no better time like the present.
He opens his mouth, starting to say your name when the sound of shattering glass gets both of your attentions. On autopilot, you both stand and quickly make your way to the hall. Reaching Yuji's room, you look inside to see Choso standing with a small pile of glass at his feet, holding his hand with a pained look while Yuji stands nearby, looking a little scared.
Both of you rush towards the older boy, but Sukuna beats you to him. He picks your son up under his armpits, holding him as if he weighed nothing, and carrying him a safe distance away from the glass. You guide Yuji around it as well before joining Sukuna to kneel in front of Choso. As the man looks at the small cut on Choso's finger, you make sure your son was okay.
"Cho, baby, what happened?"
Choso avoids looking at Sukuna directly. Knowing your son, you knew he was afraid the man would be mad.
"Honey, I'm sure it was an accident. Sukuna won't be upset, just tell us." You tried to reassure, glancing at the man next to you, hoping that you were correct. He focuses on getting the glass out of Choso's finger.
"Yuji was showing me a picture of his mom and dad. He asked me to get it out of the frame so he could add it to his project, but when I tried to the glass cut me and I dropped it." He explained in a small voice. You rubbed his cheek lovingly,
Sukana hardly reacted at the mention of the photo. He knew Yuji had it, of course. He even knew his nephew would sometimes talk to it, as if talking to his parents for real. It made his chest hurt in a weird way, but he knew the grieving process wouldn't be easy.
But his lack of reaction makes Choso worry slightly.
"I'm sorry, Sukuna. I should've brought it to you."
Sukuna looked up, staring at the boy with an indifferent expression.
"Nah brat, Yuji should've brought it to me. But it's fine either way, just be more careful next time. Don't need either of you getting hurt." he says, standing. He looks to his nephew, who looks a little shy after hearing his own name. Shaking his head, he pats the kids head in a silent effort to show Yuji it was okay, that he wasn't mad.
You stood too, giving Sukuna he favorite smile, soft and fond, before taking your sons good hand.
"Where's your first aid kit?" You asked. Sukuna stared at you for a long second.
Yes, he had one. But he had only bought one at the insistence of Yuji's former social worker, and couldn't remember at all where it was. So he stood there, wracking his brain to try and remember. You watched him, getting confused the longer he went without answering.
"Oh! I have it, Uncle Kuna put it in my backpack." Yuji suddenly exclaims, grabbing said bag and opening it up. Sukuna furrows his brow, unable to recall doing such a thing. But when he sees Yuji pull out a small, mobile first aid kit (really just a box of spiderman band aids and antibiotic ointment), he remembers doing it after the first week of school, when Yuji came home with multiple small wounds from rough play.
You smile again, taking the box and walking off with Choso to the bathroom down the hall. Once you're gone, Sukuna glances between Yuji and the pile of glass, which he now sees is laying over a picture of his brother and his sister-in-law holding a baby Yuji with large grins. Even Yuji is grinning in the photo.
Uncle!Sukuna who picks the picture up, careful of the glass. He examines it for a moment. Looking at it now, seeing the smiling face of his brother, he can't help but wish he had done more to stay in touch. He wished he had gotten the chance to have a better relationship with Jin, be a better brother than what he was.
Uncle!Sukuna who looks at Yuji, and in that moment, promises himself that he would be a better uncle. He might not get his brother back, might not ever be able to make up for the lack of relationship between them, but he would do better with Yuji. He would be more involved, more active in his life. He was a shit brother, sure, but he vowed to be a great ass Uncle.
Uncle!Sukuna who still drives you and the boys to school/work, despite you insisting that he didn't have to bother. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he enjoyed spending the mornings with you. So despite it being his week off, he wants to drive you. Plus, it wouldn't be fair to you to just expect you to be responsible for Yuji that often. So he still does it, using the drive home to try and think of the best way to ask you out again. He hadn't had the chance to speak to you, alone, about anything between you yet, mostly because he's been busy trying to help Yuji with a class project.
Turns out, he had wanted to add a picture of his parents to a project of 'people you admire' (Sukuna had to take a moment when he saw his own picture already on the poster, Yuji got extra ice cream that night). So he had spent most of the week helping with that. So far Yuji had pictures of Sukuna, his parents, you, Choso, spiderman, his friends Megumi and Nobara, and Jennifer Lawrence (Sukuna was pretty sure the brat had a crush on the actress, though he wouldn't admit it).
But since it was almost the end of the week, he had a plan. He would have to find alternative child care, since Toji refused to babysit the boys overnight again. Something about how those three together was a recipe for disaster. But other than that, he had everything thought out perfectly.
Uncle!Sukuna who gets a call from the school, that same day, a few hours later. He's surprised when he hears the voice from the lady in the front office, but even more surprised when she tells him that Yuji got into a fight. His 6 year old nephew, got into a fight.
Part of him was proud, but a new part of him was disappointed.
Uncle!Sukuna who made his way to the school once more. As soon as he got there, the secretary showed him to the principles office, where Yuji was sitting with his head down. The way he looked so small made Sukuna instantly glare at the principle, making the man shiver behind his desk.
Principle Yaga stands, nodding to Sukuna as a greeting before introducing himself. There's an awkward silence as Sukuna doesn't reply, simply remains glaring before gruffly asking what happened.
"It seems there was a conflict between Yuji and another student during recess. The teachers say that the boys were playing, when the other student said something that seemed to upset your nephew. He lunged at the student, and from there, both were throwing punches." Yaga explains, sitting back down. Sukuna plops down in the chair next to Yuji, who's head remains down.
"What did he say?" Sukuna says, voice low.
"Excuse me?"
"What. Did. the kid. Say?"
Yaga glances at Yuji, before his gaze goes back to the man.
"He won't say. Neither will the other student, which is to be expected.
Sukuna remained silent for a minute, staring at the wooden desk in thought. It's awkward for a moment, especially for Yaga. Then, Sukuna looks to his nephew.
"They deserve it?"
His words shock Yaga, who's too stunned to reply. He watches as Yuji nods slightly, not lifting his head.
That's all that Sukuna needs to be ready to leave. So he stands, which makes Principle Yaga stammer. Before another word could be said, another knock on the office door is heard. Eyes turn to the door when it opens to reveal you.
"Principle Yaga, I'm sorry to interrupt. I've just spoke with Choso, and I thought it might be better if I handled this. Mr. Ryomen and I are familiar with each other, and the boys are close." You explained. Yaga smiled, professional and a little relieved as he nods. At his approval, you look to Sukuna.
Uncle!Sukuna who sees something in your eyes, something sad though you try to hide it. Your smile is clearly forced, even as Yuji finally stands and makes his way to you. He hugs himself into your waste for a moment, a hug that you return, before moving past you to stand near Choso in the hall.
You lead the three of them to your office, letting them inside and letting the boys sit on a small couch in the corner. Sukuna sits in the chair across from you, a frown on his face as soon as he notices the frown on yours.
"We already handled it. Yuji said the little shit deserved it." He says, needing to break the silence. You sigh, looking at the man.
"Did he tell you what the kid said?" You asked, glancing to the two quiet boys.
Sukuna shook his head, doing the same as you and taking a look at the boys.
"He said...something about Choso. Something that, I honestly can't say I would react differently at his age." You say, fatigue clear in your voice. Your words made Sukuna even more confused. "Yuji, please tell your Uncle what Toya said to you."
Yuji finally lifted his head, showing his bruising face and bandaged lip. Sukuna never would have imagined 6 year olds could fight like that.
"He...he said that Choso didn't have a dad because he wasn't good enough for one, because dads don't stay when their sons are too weak." He said, his voice as small as he looked. Next to him, Choso kept his head down, trying to stay strong.
Sukuna felt a fury he hadn't felt in a long time. Now he had always said he would never hurt a kid, but he couldn't deny that the idea of smacking this 'Toya' so hard his face looked worse then Yuji's sounded like a pretty good one.
While Sukuna is holding back rage, you're holding back tears. The cruel words said about your own son, they made you feel guilty.
"I..I appreciate you standing up for Choso, Yuji, and I'm sure he does too. But we can't handle bullying with violence. Not to mention that I don't want you getting hurt, and I'm sure Choso doesn't either." You spoke gently, though there was a firmness in your words that you had perfected throughout your job.
Sukuna stared at his nephew until the boy met his eyes. Sukuna hated seeing the bruises on his face. He hated seeing how small both boys looked, hated how he didn't know what to say to help. He wasn't fit for comfort, and all he could think to say would probably be a direct contrast to what you were trying to say. No violence? That's all he knew how to do when it comes solving problems, especially problems like this.
"You'll have to apologize to Toya, just like he will apologize to you. Then, Principle Yaga wants me to sit down with you...and your guardian...about the wrongs of fighting." You said after a minute of silence. Your hesitation was obvious, and Sukuna knew why.
He groaned, throwing his head back at your words. Even with you being the one giving this 'talk', it still sounds awful. You can't help but fight back a small smile at his groan, despite the situation. It doesn't last though, when you look back to your son.
Sukuna, after his little tantrum, followed your gaze. He saw how the 8 year old was curled up, as if hiding himself from the world. He couldn't tell if this was due to what was said about him, or due to the fact that Yuji had gotten hurt for him. Choso had become a little protective of his younger friend, doing what he could to keep Yuji from harm. So you could imagine how upsetting it must be for the kid to watch Yuji get beat up over him.
Before you could even figure out what to say, at least that you haven't already, you're surprised by Sukuna's words,
"Y'not weak kid, especially not cause some asshat left you and your mom. If anyone is weak, it's the deadbeat who couldn't handle something good."
Choso shared your sentiment of surprise, finally looking up to stare at him with widened eyes. Not longer after, they softened with appreciation, a small smile coming to his face. He was still sad, that was clear, but Sukuna's words, plus the fact that the man wouldn't say anything he didn't mean especially on his own accord, helped him feel a little better.
Seeing Choso smile encouraged Yuji to as well. Even though it wasn't his usual bright grin, you and Sukuna still saw his joy. You knew this didn't resolve the issue, not really, and that you'd have to have a conversation about Choso's dad soon, as well as follow up with the 'punishment' for Yuji (and Sukuna apparently). But you let the four of you have a moment of reprieve.
Uncle!Sukuna who stops by to get food on the way home, his effort to cheer up the boys more, though he says it's because he's hungry and this whole 'issue' stopped him from having lunch.
As you all sit in his car at the fast food restaurant parking lot, talking to the boys (who are feeling a lot better with their shakes) and making jokes, you take a moment to look at Sukuna. You admire his grin after throwing a fry at Yuji, the ways his eyes light up when messing around with the boys, how he talks to Choso as if he was...something more than a neighbor and friend. And he was, he was so much more.
thank you to everyone who has been enjoying this series! I am truly grateful for all the love it's gotten. Please lmk what you think, I really do appreciate any constructive criticism. I want to create something people enjoy, within my creative control at least, so letting me know if I'm including something you don't like, or doing something like rambling too much, anything like that, helps me do better!
I hope everyone has a lovely day and weekend (it's friday for me), and I'm sending virtual hugs to everyone who's be so so supportive <33
once again, barely proofread.
#fluff#jjk#little angst#very little#ellie writes#jjk fanfic#ryomen sukuna#sukuna x you#uncle sukuna#jjk fluff#jjk x reader#jjk x you#sukuna au#modern sukuna#sukuna fanfic#sukuna x fem!reader#sukuna fluff#child!choso#child!yuji#modern jjk au
505 notes
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18+ Steve Harrington x F! reader, momentary mean! Steve, established relationship, lil bit of angst, PIV sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, hate sex turned make up sex WC:2.2K

A/N: Why not? Enjoy!
"So we're still fighting, huh?", Steve narrows his eyes at you from the kitchen entry way.
He's a picture of disarray — shirt misbuttoned, belt buckle in need of fastening, tie draped loosely over his shoulders and hair a wild, mussed up mess.
His unruly state came to be as a result of forgetting to set his alarm after your heated exchange last night, waking to find he was running late for work and you hadn't bothered to rouse him like you usually would have.
His sarcastic barb goes seemingly unheard though when you refuse to look up from the dishes you're scrubbing in the sink, back still turned to him even though the crumbs from your breakfast of blueberry jam on toast have long been washed clean from your plate.
It was a disagreement blown out of proportion that had caused the friction between you two. Steve had hoped sleeping it off would help to cool your tempers enough to reconcile in the morning but now that seems as likely as him making it to work on time.
Or was it?
He sighs, a clear note of irritation coming through because he should be digging through the laundry basket in search of his socks before he tries to shove his feet inside his shoes without them again in his rush, not rooted in place, eyes dark and stony but taking you in.
Of course you'd try to give him blue balls on top of it all too.
He grits his teeth as he stares at you in your too short satin robe, every inch of your legs and thighs on display as the hem hangs high, just a few inches below the swell of your ass. Practically dangling yourself in front of him.
He enters the kitchen then and though it feels risky approaching you the way that he does, he recognizes that the air's thick with a familiar kind of tension when he comes up behind you.
Quickly and none too gently, he rucks up your robe to confirm a suspicion he'd been harboring. He finds you're nude underneath the thin, silky layer when you allow him just a glimpse, swatting his hand away with a look sharper than a knife's edge when your eyes connect with his over your shoulder.
But Steve knows better than to take it seriously. There's no ire behind your glare — no unspoken threat meant to make him retreat. You're still mad, sure, he can feel the heat radiating off of you just as it's made his own skin warm but your expression softens just enough to confirm that what you really want is for him to come closer. And that's exactly what he does.
You feel the warmth of Steve's chest pressing against your back when you turn to the sink once more, his arms caging you in place, leaving you no room to escape. The water continues to run until he closes the faucet too, leaning down to whisper into your ear. "This how you want to solve it?", he asks, pulling his hand back to lift your robe again only this time you don't attempt to thwart him, letting him cup your ass and squeeze your soft skin. Hard.
The heat of last night's fight had died down to a simmer but it left you both burning in a different, much more familiar way as you answer him.
"Yeah. This is how I want to do it", you utter loud enough for him to hear you clearly though this close together, there's nothing he can miss no matter how softly you might whisper it.
The sound of his belt coming undone has you buzzing beneath your skin while you brace yourself, curling your fingers under the edge of the countertop as Steve finishes pulling out his girthy cock. But before he even attempts to get it anywhere near your entrance he holds out his palm to you, knowing that he doesn't need to ask for you to spit into it, something that feels instinctual now at this stage in your relationship as he draws it back and slicks up his cock with your saliva.
With his length coated in a warm, glossy mixture of your spit and his precum, Steve doesn't keep you waiting for long, your legs parting to help with easing the tip of his cock in.
"Does it hurt?", he asks and while it might sound like he's only concerned about you, you can hear the heat still present in his veins.
"A little", You answer with a little heat of your own, no intention of asking him to stop.
"Good. I know you can take it", he tells you, all thorns and shit eating grins.
It doesn't happen as easily as when you two take the time to engage in foreplay first, your body usually opening up to accept him once he's gotten you ready with his tongue or fingers but this time Steve manages to notch his tip by your hole and breach you once it pops inside with a little effort, the rest of him slowly sinking inch by inch into your velvet heat.
Despite the wetness that smears your inner thighs, your whole body tenses and you have to breathe through it, pain marrying pleasure while you're being stretched open, hissing under your breath when he reaches his base. He spends a few seconds all the way inside you, just feeling you wrap around him and squeeze, your walls pulsing when he decides that's as soft as he'll allow himself to be with you today.
And he proves it when he begins pulling himself out, only to grit his teeth and drive himself back in again, making you squeal instantly, getting you thoroughly acquainted with the feeling and the force of every thrust as his pelvis bounces against your ass.
Steve so rarely ever fucks you like this and you're so caught up in taking his cock that you barely notice the way he reaches up to pull the front of your robe open too, realizing what he's done when he finds your nipples and begins to pinch and tug on them, smirking when it draws a high pitched whimper out of you as your steady breathing turns to shallow pants.
But you're not some delicate flower type. You're not one to be so compliant and let him ruin you so easily. So while Steve's busy fondling your chest you're quick to even the score when you grab hold of his right hand, lifting it up to your mouth so you can sink your teeth into the soft skin between his thumb and his wrist.
The pained hiss turned groan he lets out despite himself is a small victory but a sweet one nonetheless, enough to make you smile around his throbbing hand before deciding to remove your teeth from him, making sure to scoff at him all smug as he rubs at the little red teeth marks left behind on his tan skin.
Of course he takes it as well as a throatful of glass, considering the act a challenge for more.
Steve offers you one small moment of respite, slowly pulling almost all the way out, making sure his swollen tip remains inside you while you sigh, only to make you choke on a moan when he pushes all the way inside again in a single hard thrust, punching the air out of you.
You wanted to retaliate again, maybe reach behind to sink your nails into his thigh, scraping at his skin until narrow lines or blood rise to the surface or even rip at the clothes that hang on him in his state of half undress but you're unable to follow through this time with how he's managed to rattle you.
Steve's far too pleased to feel your elbows start to shake as your arms struggle to keep you up at this point, set on making your knees wobble too just so he can gloat about it later when you find it difficult to pick yourself up off the kitchen floor and walk away once he's done with you.
Slowly, Steve withdraws again, glee lighting up his eyes when he pushes back in with the same force of that first sharp thrust and this time you fail to stop a short scream from ripping out of your throat, back arching from how well and hard he's pressing against that spot deep inside you.
"Something you wanna say, sweetheart?", he sneers and taunts, pleased when you struggle to put together a coherent sentence while trying to endure his unforgiving pace. "Spit it out before I stop being so nice."
You muster what you can and manage to whimper it out, feeling so worn out though you haven't even reached your climax yet.
"Cum inside me. Please", you tell him — beg him, fingers turning cold and numb from how hard your grasping the countertop.
He's nothing short of cocky when he hears you whine all desperate and spent, a smug sense of accomplishment washing over him when he sees the thick coating of slick and cream you've left on his cock as he watches it withdraw and disappear inside you one harsh thrust after the other.
And then you tell him the rest.
"M—miss you when you're gone. Need to —ngh. Need to feel you in me when you're not here", you manage to string the words together before letting out a sound that's somewhere between a gasp and a whine, the kind he'll think about later on his own, working himself up until he's got no choice but to pry it out of you again.
But this isn't one of those moments, no matter how much he'd liked the sounds falling from your parted, panting lips.
Steve loses his rhythm before he stills completely inside you, your words sinking in like nails piercing his skin.
This was it. The crux of last night's argument.
You missed Steve. He'd been working too hard lately and you'd grown concerned. With the stress of his job and the little sleep he'd had he'd grown defensive and you'd gotten irritated, both of you clashing when you should have been listening and working together.
When he had woken up this morning Steve had cooled down enough to know he'd been unfair to you the night before. He was usually the type to talk things out but he'd gotten swept up in how things happened to pan out today, wrapping an arm around you tenderly, the hand you'd bitten placed over your thumping heart. He nuzzles his chin onto your shoulder to get closer to you, the stubble he'd been unable to shave this morning scratching against your skin gently as he whispers into your ear with so much sincerity.
"I'm sorry— I'm so sorry."
The sound of him all earnest and ragged makes you melt in his hold because you know how much he means it — you can practically feel how much he means it as it sinks into your skin and reaches into your ribcage.
Like Steve, you would have been open to talking it out had this been a regular fight. This particular fight however had you dumping more fuel on to the fire that roared between you because it required more than just words to resolve everything. It needed more than swapped apologies for the two of you to make amends and return back to normal.
You really needed to fuck it out. All teeth and nails and sore, spent bodies.
"It's okay. I'm sorry too", you answer, a smile growing on your parted, panting lips. "Now fuck me, will you?"
It catches Steve off guard enough to make him snort, thankful that the worst of your fight is behind you now as he starts to pick up the pace again, firm but also tender with the way his lips move against your neck and his fingers brush and roll at your nipples.
"Going to make it up to you, baby. Gonna be around more. Gonna be here for you, okay?", he pants against your skin, all gravelly groans and grunts with his nails digging into the skin on your waist.
You moan out his name, using what little strength you feel you have left to push yourself back to meet his thrusts. "Steve, oh fuck... I'm so close. I need you— I fucking need you, please."
He snaps his hips against your ass again, drawing out a blissful shudder out of you. "Gonna make it all right but until then—", you feel him draw away from you a little bit then, his hands leaving your body as you realize that he's going through his pockets.
With his cock still buried inside you and throbbing, he pulls out his phone and begins dialing, his thrusts commencing again, steady and deep enough to make your whole body draw tight, your release within reach.
"Try to keep it down while I call in sick, okay? Gonna have you all to myself today. Promise I'll keep you nice and full— gonna look so beautiful when you're dripping with me..."
#steve harrington smut#stranger things smut#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington#stranger things
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Hi! Can you do a Armand x Fem!reader x Louis? She would be an assistant of Daniel’s. They have sorta a thing for her but are trying to ease up because she’s not as open to the whole camp thing or lowkey doesn’t believe them.

off the record
˚。⋆ louis de pointe du lac x black!fem!reader x armand
in which Daniel neglected to coach you how to deal with the behind the scenes of the creative process
author note: I had too much fun writing this, I love the idea of this trio so much
There takes a certain level of thick skin to work for Daniel Molloy. He wasn't a terrible boss. Just a difficult old man with extremely particular needs and ways he worked. But when he found you, you were an intern with well regarded credentials and grades, but according to your counselor you were headstrong and outspoken.
He accepted your application instantly and by the next year you were his official, and most longstanding, assistant. You juggled his interviews and meetings with editors, and only recently have you begun to manage his doctors appointments.
You traveled with him, it was a non-negotiable that you were to come and expenses were covered, but Dubai was the last thing you'd expected. You’d been nearly to all the states, but for Daniel’s health anything out the country was once in a while and planned carefully. And a you flew in the first class seat, you could not help but wonder who you were interviewing. NDA's were not new to you, but this one was lengthy and vowed more than just your silence.
The first night of the interview you aren’t present. Daniel can tell when he stops by your room, how your eyes droop. Your feet shuffle to greet him at the door and when you speak your words are mumbled and your glasses sit crooked on your face..
He lets you sleep, but he won't say its out of care, that he's filled with guilt for dragging you into a penthouse of supernatural apex killers. "Get to sleep unless you wanna read through my mess of a notes kid mixed with your droll." He raises a brow that you hum and nod at closing the door so you can return to the warm sheets of the bed. After that you are a fly on the wall just as he always instructed you to be.
Beside him, eyes down, fingers moving and taking notes when he mutters something to you.
You have an immediate distaste for both men. Vampire wannabes? This is who you are wasting your time on?
Louis asks who you are on the third night, "I never took you for a man who needs help Daniel." You won't admit, but your heart picks up, but you keep your eyes on the computer screen and let Daniel respond for you.
"Not an intern, she's one of the few ones who didn't run crying after a week working for me."
Your lips turn up at this, one of the few moments he would ever compliment you.
"She truly is like you." His eyes must be on you again, but a shiver washes down your spine. It feels as though someone's nail ghosts the skin on your back, trailing down your spine. And another hand, caresses the back of your neck. You roll your shoulders, brushing off the feelings and thoughts that start to build up.
"Stay out out my mind," you mumble.
"My apologies, just wanted to know about our surprise second guest." Now you dare to look up at him. Ghosts, goblins, vampires werewolves were for shows pandering toward a female audience that wanted to drool over men too beautiful and perfect to ever enter their mundane lives.
You scoff and return your focus to the notes in front of you. "Save the immortal hack for Daniel, Mr.Du Lac."
Your skin crawls at the way he tilts his head ever so slightly, and in that cocky drawl he offers another apology.
"Mr Du Lac and his companion would like to dine with you."
One of the shadowy workers pulls you feom the comfotrt of your show and you rush back in to throw on a quick lunge set, decent enough for dinner clothes and comfortable enough for the late hour. You assume it's in regards to the interviews. You bring your computer and personal notepad along with Daniel's. But what you are met with are two wine glasses side by side paired with the men on the couch, one sits in front of them.
An empty one sits in front of the empty counch where you sit. You wonder who is the one being interviewed now.
Their gazes are unblinking as you set your things and carefully cross one leg over the other.
"I'm sorry we are meeting so late, or would it be early Mr.Du Lac."
"Call me Louis, the pleasure is mine. My companion Armand wanted to join our meeting this evening."
Armand creeps you out the moment your eyes lock, how his golden eyes stare you, analyzing you. He isn't as old as Louis. He actually seems to be the age of some of the TA's from school. Though you'd prefer it if it were just Louis and you. You can manage being alone with the latter.
Dinner is set beside the empty glass by a worker. It looks like deconstructed artistic something with sauces encasing a small small ball of rice drizzled with thinkly sliced meats and veegatbles, but the instant you smell it your nose scrunches. The glass is filled with a white wine and you thank the man.
"Daniel tells us you think none of this to be real." Ah, so it does speak.
"It's true. I find the supernatural charade boring," you pick up the yellow pad and pen. "But I'm not paid to to dig any deeper than he asks me to. I polish and prime what he asks, and he does all the writing."
"This is dinner, cher."
"This is work, and I don't eat pork."
Louis quirks an eyebrow up at this development. "Religious?"
"Dietary restriction, I feel ill every time I eat it. Now if we may?"
"You weren't able to join the first interview because too were tired. I could hear your heart the entire time, you didn't sleep. Kept tossing and turning the entire night." Now you look at Louis, here he goes again.
"An easy observation, can we please focus on-"
"Thoughts were racing an awful lot too that night," Louis looks up in fake thought "is any of this worth it, why waste my time on a rich hack. I could be back home working on my portfolio."
Once again you cut him off. Pinching the bridge of your nose and gritting your teeth, "another brilliant observation please try and do better, now in session 2-"
"Your father took your mother here." Armand speaks up now and your heart stops, "those earrings she gifted you were from here. In fact in your dreams the previous evening you dreamt of taking them both here. You started planning it with the money that will come out of this interview and you have begun to explore the city when you are not needed, you've begun a list of where you wish to take them."
Every word accelerates your heart, it makes Louis smile "Careful cher, your heart might beat out your chest."
Your hands shake as they swipe the glass of wine in front of you, you take two large gulps. Clutching it for comofrt.
"My apologies, I did not wish to cause any distress."
"I'm sorry, I need a moment." You leave your things behind and return to your room that night. You feel childish locking the door behind you and running to the bathroom where you stop for a moment closing that door behind you as well locking it and taking the hottest of showers. The next morning a letter from the two sits by breakfast along with your things in a neat pile.
Eerily it is exactly what you were thinking of yesterday morning, it is french toast made from the fluffiest brioche. With a side of steaming bacon cooked to absolute perfection, turkey, not pork. Armand asks to speak to you while Daniel rests along with Louis.
Once you eat and shower quickly putting on a sweater to combat the chill you find him in the study.
He sits patiently as you get comfrotable in your own seat.
"It was not our intent to alarm you" his eyes follow you as you lean back to cross your arms. "You did not rest last night because of us. Please use tonight to rest."
You refuse to look at him, favoring the thread on your sweaters sleeve.
"You are more than qualified to work for any other reporter on your own, yet you work for...him. Why?"
"He was the only one to look pass the observations of my advisor, I wasn't going to be just an errand girl. Not too many publishers cared for my opinions. I was too blunt and rough along the edges to be a 'real' writer."
"You didn't believe Mr.Molloy was interviewing a vampire yet you still followed him here."
"It's not my book. I'm a fly on the wall remember? I help him and in turn one day I can begin to build my own project."
"But if it were your story?"
You pause in thought, and now you look into those unsettling eyes after a moment. "I would have interviewed Claudia had she survived. I feel her story needs to be heard."
You answer more of his prodding questions till you return to your room for lunch. A wrap of some sort with nuts and fruits on the side sits at the desk. And a pile of little girls diaries with white gloves and a note to handle with caution.
Progress is slow and steady, but there is a mutual respect that grows amongst the three of you. You indulge Armand in his prodding questions in turn he answers all your own. Though he refused to answer yor childish inquiries about the Gift.
Armand won't voice his affinity for you as Louis does. You won't admit the way his eyes settle on you as you enter the room makes you preen, makes your heart fuzzy and your head feel like it wants to float away.
The interview goes on tonight with Armand joining. They once more talk about Lestat. You try and fight your eyes from rolling as you read through an email.
'If I hear his name one more time I might gouge my ears out.'
'Don't torture yourself like that cher.' Your eyes look to him, but he remains focused on Daniel, listening to Armand. How does one multitask like that? Two conversations at once must be hard to juggle.
'Years of practice.'
'And what's with all this chere nonsense?'
'Would you prefer your name instead?'
'No' your cheeks warm in embarassment "I...enjoy it."
"Get me some pictures of this theatre." Daniel's instructions get your attention, "and whatever memorabilia you can find." You nod typing that onto your list of many other things to do.
'I will help you with that tonight, after the session I've arranged for dinner tonight' Armand now stares at you and that damned feeling begins to creep back in 'no pork as per your request.' You hate how quick you are to forgive him. But he slowly is earning your trust again.
Daniel coughs obnoxiously getting the elder vampires attention. "You were saying?" This time when you look down, a smile only the pair can detect makes its way upon your lips.
They stare at you less, leave your mind alone as per your request. And indulge in your blunt questions. Each night you find yourself slowly feeling less discomfort. You almost wish you could stay, you think to yourself one night now dining with the two looking at pictures of their time in France.
He sits beside you, smiling as he watches your hands carefully hold the photos from their time in France.
"No fair, Paris is top of my bucket list."
"I'd be more than happy to take you," Louis gives you that smirk which you roll your eyes in playfulness at.
"Sure you will."
"We could take you anywhere you would like" Armand states as though it is a fact of life.
Even though you still doubt their supernatural nature. You indulge them. Unknown that just as much as you have them wrapped around your finger, they have you caught in a web.
And they'll patiently wait for you to realize that there are some beings whose hearts you should never toy with. For the results afterwards, are eternal.
#armand x reader#iwtv#louis de pointe du lac x reader#louis x reader#the vampire armand x reader#iwtv x reader#journalist!reader
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. . . F#&% you.
*Makes a Timbern Baby AU, but they... Forget to tell any of their family they had a baby for a few years.*
Tim, stumbling inside, half asleep, fell through the window, face planted, got back up, blinks slowly:
Bernard, standing there with a newborn in his arms: Uh, hey, Tim?
Tim, army crawling on the floor because getting up is a lot of work: Huh?
Bernard: Some ninja looking dude showed up at our doorstep, said something about owing you and making amends and stuff...
Tim, pulling himself into bed: Uh huh?
Bernard: He gave us a baby.
Bernard, holding up baby: She's made of our DNA and stuff.
Bernard: Sooo...
Tim, confused screaming:
Tim, holding up his new daughter: I lost my spleen to that man, got thrown out a window, had an army of assassins sent after me... anD HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR FATHER!?
Bernard, laughing:
Tim, setting their new baby in a box they made into a crib: Should we, like, name it?
Bernard, observing the sleeping baby: That's probably the responsible thing to do.
Tim: So, first name?
Bernard: First name. Uhh, could name her after your Mom?
Tim: Which one?
Bernard: Okay, so that's a no. After your sister?
Tim: That'd get confusing later.
Bernard: . . . We could name her after Darla.
Tim: I'm game if you are.
Bernard: Nice, so, we're great at this parenting thing! So... Who's last name does she take?
Tim: I'm convinced the Wayne name is cursed, so.
Bernard: Darla Dowd?
Tim: Wait.
Bernard: Yeah?
Tim: We could do the funniest thing ever.
*She was later dubbed: Darla Janet Dowd-Drake-Wayne.*
Jason: Damn, Timmy, you look exhausted.
Tim: I'm a parent now.
Jason, assuming he adopted a plant or something: Pfft, well, good luck with that.
*Exactly four years pass, and somehow nobody's pieced together / realized Tim and Bernard have a whole ahh child...*
Tim: Ugh, Darla has been such a handful lately. She heard Jason on call last week and now knows exactly four swear words, she uses them religiously.
Bruce: Darla didn't already know swear words?
Dick: Your friend? Isn't she, like, in her twenties..?
Tim, with a horrible realization: You... When I talk about Darla, you thought I was... Referring to mine and Bern's friend, Darla?
Bruce: Who else would you be referring to?
Jason: I thought Bernard had a little cousin or somethin'.
Tim: Uhh... I meant... I meant... My daughter.
Alfred: About time!
Darla: Why do you look like a skunk?
Jason: I died.
Darla: Shouldn't have done that.
Jason: It wasn't my choice! I got sold to a clown!
Darla: Skill issue.
Jason: Are you victim blaming?
Darla: No, just saying you have skill issue. I haven't been kidnapped by a clown!
Jason: I can change that.
Darla: Bet I won't die.
Darla: Why are you Robin?
Damian, a full on teenager, researching medical schools: Because I was chosen.
Darla: Why?
Damian: You ask a lot of questions.
Darla: Can I be Robin?
Damian: Why would you be Robin?
Darla: Papa was Robin.
Damian: Your point?
Darla, with a sh!t eating grin: I'm the blood daughter.
Damian, having flashbacks:
Dick: You're pretty smart for a four year old.
Darla: You're pretty smart for a high school dropout.
Dick: Your Dad is a high school drop out!
Darla: And he didn't become a cop, in a city worse than Gotham!
Dick: Well—
Darla: Fumbling aliens does run in our family though, I noticed...
Dick: Are... Are you talking about Connor or Kori?
Darla: Both, but I'm glad I don't have alien DNA, uncle Kon has mad skill issues, man.
Dick: How do you know any of this?!
Darla: Papa and I have talks over breakfast.
Bruce: . . .
Darla: I have that effect on people.
Bruce: What... What do you do for fun?
Darla: I like to ice skate!
Bruce: Can... Can I buy you a skating rink?
Darla: Only if we can play Chapel Roan on the speakers, and I want a disco ball.
Bruce: Done.
Tim: Thanks for watching Dolly, Duke. Was she good?
Duke: Oh, she was great! We s#%& talked B!
Darla: Damned emotionally constipated furry!
Tim: So proud.
Stephanie: So, aiming to be Robin and a Batgirl someday?
Darla: Oh, I'm gonna steal all your mantle at some point, then make my own.
Stephanie: An overachiever, I like it.
Cassandra: Do you want to learn how to be one with the shadows and remain completely silent?
Darla: Stealth training? YEs!
Jason: To be completely clear, I gave Bruce his first granddaughter.
Tim: I gave him his favorite in-law though.
Jason: WHAT?! B totally prefers Roy over Bernard!
Tim: Please, Bernard can cook, has Alfred's approval, graduated high school AND college with two majors, as well as opened a restaurant AND isn't a meta in any way!
Jason: He hasn't even saved the world! Once!
Tim: Oh, and he's not a ginger.
Dick, rushing in: WHAT'D YOU SAY ABOUT GINGERS!?
Tim: I believe I've made a mistake...
Tim: Now, what do we do if someone asks to follow them down an alleyway?
Darla: That's how one set of my great grandparents died, do I look like a sucker to you?!
Bernard: Uhh, Tim..?
Tim: Then what?
Darla: Kick them in the crotch and call uncle Jay to shoot 'em!
Tim: No, wait, we don't kill people.
Darla: And why not?
Tim: I haven't figured out yet myself, but the most I can gather is that we can't afford those types of crashouts.
Babs: I guess you explain why Tim and Bernard had so many searches about babies...
Darla: . . . Do you have access to my search history?
Babs: Why..?
Darla: No reason.
Darla, at daycare, not having a clue what she's saying means: MY GRANDPA CAN F#%$ YOUR GRANDPA!
#batman#tim drake#batfam#dcu#jason todd#dcu comics#bruce wayne#dc#dc comics#dick grayson#timbern#timber#tim drake x bernard dowd#cassandra cain#stephanie brown#duke thomas#bernard dowd#chef bernard dowd#jayroy#damian wayne#darla aquista#batman and robin#dc robin#dc red hood#dc red robin#dc characters#dc cartoons
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[ honeymoon avenue ] n. hischier
day 6 of kinktober (breeding kink w/ nico hischier)
paring : Nico Hischier x fem!reader
summary : Nico and his new wife celebrate the first night of their honeymoon
warning(s) : smut ! breeding kink, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk
author’s note : better late than never ig
kinktober schedule
It takes everything in her to not jump her new husband the moment they open the door to their suite at the hotel they're staying at for their week-long stay in Cancun while on their honeymoon. Nico tosses their suitcases and carry-ons into the room before he turns toward her.
Without warning, Nico leans down and picks her up bridal style. She gasps and wraps her arms around his neck. "Nico!" she giggles as he crosses the threshold into their suite. "That was not necessary."
"I just want to make sure my new wife gets the whole experience," he tells her as he sets her back down on her feet while a huge grin forms on her lips. She doesn't drop her arms though. She plays with the hair she can reach on the back of his neck.
Nico kicks the door shut behind him without his eyes leaving her. He studies her face like it'll be the last time he'll ever look at her. "You can take a picture," she teases. "It'll last longer."
"Just trying to get used to seeing you as my wife," Nico replies with a small smile. "Because you're my wife now. You wore white and I put a second ring on that finger. Said 'I do' in front of our family and friends then kissed you. We did the whole thing, and now you're my wife."
She giggles at Nico's words. "You're such a sap," she tells him.
"Mhm," he hums. His hands slide around her waist and he dips his head down so his forehead rests on hers. "All for you so you better not go telling my teammates because I'll never hear the end of it."
"I think they figured it out by the way you looked at me and danced with me when 'Little Things' was playing for our first dance," she tells him. Nico rolls his eyes with a smile. "Just preparing you for when we get back to Jersey and your teammates start messing with you."
He shifts his head to try and kiss her, but she holds him back for a second. "What?" he asks.
"I just want to shower off the travel," she explains. "I smell like plane and I don't exactly want to start our night wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. I have something I packed especially for tonight that I wanna show you."
Nico smiles and nods. "I'll let you take your shower then," he tells her. "But after, I am not responsible for what happens when you come out of that shower. If you come out of the shower in some sort of clothing then I'll be buying you new whatever because I will get my hands on you as soon as you walk out of that bathroom. Full disclosure."
She laughs and grabs her carry-on that contains Nico's surprise. He sheds his jacket as she heads into the bathroom to wash and shave her body. She ties her hair up into a bun so she doesn’t have to wash then blow dry it and postpone their night even more. She quickly makes sure the water is at a comfortable temperature before getting in.
If she's going to do anything, it's make sure she looks good and feels soft for the first night of her honeymoon. She shaves every necessary part of her body and washes every crevice as quick as she can.
She made sure to get a lot of sleep on the plane from Switzerland to prepare for the night because she will not be getting any sleep tonight. Nico can, and will, go all night if she let him. He really does have the stamina of a hockey player, and she thinks she’ll let him go as long as he can.
Once the water gets cold, she gets out. She towel dries her entire body and lets her hair loose. She digs through the bag to pull out Nico's surprise.
It's a white, silky nightgown that falls just below her ass with thin straps on her shoulder. There's a lace trim on the plunging v-neck that matches the lacy white panties she pulls on underneath the nightgown. She puts on some mascara before she leaves the small room and goes back out into the main room.
Nico sits on the bed scrolling on his phone when she makes her way back into the room. She clears her throat to get his attention. He looks up and his eyes widen immediately. She gnaws on her bottom lip and takes short steps toward her new husband.
"You like it?" she asks as she does a little twirl to give Nico a full view of the set.
"It'll look better on the floor," he tells her. His comment earns a little smile from her.
She reaches the bed and crawls up to meet Nico. She climbs onto his lap and straddles his thighs. Her lips ghost the swell of his ear when she says, "Then take it off."
His hands slowly slide up the back of the nightgown. She feels goosebumps rise behind his fingers while she cups Nico's jaw. They share a quick eskimo kiss when she leans back a bit and meets his eyes. Then Nico surges forward to capture her lips in a deep kiss. She hums before she returns the kiss with the same passion.
Before she realizes she does it, she ruts her hips against his. Nico lets out a soft groan and grasps her waist. She keeps a slow pace at first before she gets needy and quickens her pace a bit.
Nico pushes the silky fabric over her head. She puts her arms above her head and breaks the kiss so he can pull it off. The nightgown hits the floor with a soft thud and Nico's lips are on her chest. She runs her fingers through his hair and hums. He's always been a tit kind of guy, and he loves hers. He pays some extra attention to them and she can’t help but smile as his tongue swirls around one nipple while he uses his fingers to play with the other. She can’t help but hum at the sensation.
She reaches down and slides her hands up the t-shirt he has on. Her fingers trace his toned stomach for a second before she starts to push the cotton fabric over his head. Nico pulls away from her breasts for a second to get the shirt over his head.
Her hips rut against his again and Nico grins at her. “So needy for me, liebling,” he mumbles.
“Always,” she tells him. “I always need you, Neeks. Now more than ever because it’s hot that I get to call you my husband and I have your last name.”
Nico tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and she leans onto his touch. “It’s hot that you have my last name,” he replies. “So hot. Makes me wanna fuck you full of my babies so they can also have my last name.”
They’ve talked about having kids, but they both wanted to wait until after they were married. Well, now they’re married and the idea of Nico giving her babies sounds like the best idea in the world.
“Fuck me full of your babies, Nico,” she tells him. “Fill me up and fuck me.” She drags a finger over his cheekbones and jaw.
“That what you want, liebling?” Nico asks as his fingers slip into her already ruined panties. “Want me to fill you up with my babies and stay inside you so my come keeps you filled?“
She hums at his words, which shoot straight to her core. “Please,” she sighs. “Please, Nico.”
He starts to pull off the lace she’s wearing and she gets on her knees so he can get it off of her. She kneels between his knees so she can pull off his jeans and boxers. His hard dick springs free and stands against his stomach.
This would be the time that one of them would reach for a condom, but instead Nico flips them over so he’s hovering over her and lines himself up with her entrance. She lets her knees fall to the side so Nico has full access to her.
He slowly pushes into her and she welcomes the familiar stretch. She gnaws on her bottom lip and stares up at her husband. Nico’s hair is on the longer side so it falls into his face. She pushes it back with her fingers and holds it in place. He kisses her wrist as he bottoms out inside her.
Nico lets her adjust for a second before he slowly starts to roll his hips. She lets out soft sighs and hums as he moves. He keeps a steady pace, and it drives her crazy with how slow he moves.
“Nico,” she whines. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
“We have all night, baby,” he reminds her. “Gonna take my time with you right now.”
Yeah, she’s not getting a wink of sleep tonight.
She tries to match Nico’s pace but he grasps her waist so she stops. He leans down and kisses the sweet spot right under her ear. “You’ll get what you want, liebling,” he mumbles. “Gonna fill that pretty pussy and fuck you til you’re full of my babies. You’d look so good with a swollen belly, baby.”
Her entire body shudders at his words. “Nico,” she sighs. “Please. Please, please.”
He grins and captures her begging lips in a deep kiss. He quickens his pace again but continues to move deeply into her. The bed creaks gently as his pace gets a little bit faster.
Her fingers curl in his hair and doesn’t let him get too far. She pulls him down so their chests are pressed together. Nico deepens the kiss and hooks one of her legs around his elbow so he can move even deeper into her.
“Oh, fuck!” she cries out against his lips. “Nico. Neeks.”
Nico smiles into the kiss that follows. “You can’t wait to be filled with my babies,” he mumbles between kisses. “You want to carry my kids, don’t you?”
“I do,” she says for the second time in 24 hours. “Fuck, Nico.”
He lifts himself up so he can move quickly.
Signs of a pending orgasm show themselves soon after. Her legs begin to shake and a knot forms in the pit of her stomach. Both of their breathing becomes labored as they both chase after their respective climaxes.
She ruts her hips against his, slowly working her way up to match his pace.
The room is filled with the sounds that pass their lips and the sound of the bed hitting the wall behind their heads.
Nico slows his pace but continues to move deep inside her. He hits her sweet spot and cries out, "Fuck! Nico. Oh my God. Don't stop."
"Wouldn't dream of it, liebling," Nico pants. "Come for me. I wanna feel you make a mess on my cock."
He keeps his pace and it's not long after when she clenches around his dick. Nico's name falls from her lips as her entire body shakes as she comes. Her vision whitens for a split second.
Despite being half out of it, she feels Nico fuck her through her orgasm. She feels when he comes deep inside her and she hums at the feeling. Nico slows down and his pace gets erratic as he comes down from his own orgasm.
She lays in bed while Nico goes to get a cloth to clean her up. She can't feel her legs, and finds just enough strength to lift her head up. She looks down between her legs to see Nico's come dripping out of her. The sight is nearly enough to rile her up again so she puts her head back down and lets out a soft sigh.
Nico gently cleans her up when he gets back with a cloth. She winces when he touches her already sensitive clit. "You okay?" Nico asks.
"Mhm," she hums. "Give me a second. That was definitely a nice way to start our honeymoon."
"There's a lot more where that came from."
"Oh, I'm aware," she giggles.
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strip poker | lando norris
synopsis: in which a simple flight from Africa turns into something fun and endearing
a/n: based on this request!
pairing: lando norris x girlfriend!reader
my masterlist

Flying with Lando was always a fun endeavor.
Mainly because you never knew which side of him you were going to get.
He would either get very quiet and sleep and cuddle with you the entire flight, ignoring everybody around him; or, he would go wild, demand that everybody entertain him because he was bored and he wanted to play something with everyone.
And this time, as you were on the flight back to Monaco with Lando, Oscar and a couple other people from the team, it was the latter side of Lando that made an appearance.
Which is precisely the reason how they ended up playing strip poker, while you opted to sit it out and read your book on your Kindle device.
Even though Lando had begged you to play with them (mainly because he wanted to see you in less clothes than you were wearing, of course).
"Please? Just one game and then you can rest" he had whined, his lips jutted out into a cute pout which almost made you change your mind.
Key word: almost.
You shook your head, giggling at Lando's antics.
“I’m no good at poker, and I really don’t feel like having you explain everything to me a thousand times because we both know I won’t get it” you said, smiling fondly at him.
It was true, unfortunately.
Lando had always loved a good game of poker, especially with Max and his close friends.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t understand the game for the life of you. Yes, you would get the basics, but everything beyond that was just too much for you.
Not to mention that your poker face sucked ass.
“Are you sure? I’m sure Oscar wouldn’t mind” he said, giving it one last try.
Oscar, having been setting up the game next to you, turned his head towards you and nodded with a friendly smile.
Oh, he was too innocent for Lando’s version of poker.
“I’m sure. I have a really good book here, I’ll be fine. I’ll take a peek from time to time to see how you’re doing” you said, patting his cheek before pecking his lips and pushing him towards Oscar.
He huffed but agreed, eager to finally show Oscar how the Norris men played poker.
"NO! You're cheating, I refuse to believe this, Oscar!" Lando's loud voice boomed through the small cabin of the plane.
For the past hour, there was only soft chatter and laughter gravitating your way from where the boys were playing poker.
Then, slowly and gradually, the laughter started to cease, only to be replaced by Lando's shrieks and accusations of cheating thrown at Oscar and other members of the McLaren team that were flying with you guys.
Giggling to yourself, you looked up from your Kindle and saw that Lando was taking off his sweatshirt, leaving him topless and furiously red in the face.
"What's going on?" you asked, biting your lip as you looked at the group.
Lando didn’t say anything, but his face was doing all the speaking for him.
He was fuming, staring daggers at Oscar while the Aussie couldn’t stop laughing at his antics.
“Lando is just a sore loser” Oscar said after he finally let his laughter die down.
“That’s not true! YOU’RE CHEATING” Lando shouted back, making both you and Oscar laugh even louder than before.
You threw your head back and kept laughing at how your boyfriend was adamant that Oscar was somehow cheating, all the while he was pouting as he stared back at you with a defeated look.
“It’s not funny, you know” he said as he got up to stretch, making his way over to your little reading corner you had set up for yourself.
You smiled, reaching up to hold his cheek in your hand.
“We both know it’s hilarious, baby” you cooed, scrunching your your nose as Lando glared at you.
He hated it when you babied him in front of other people, but you knew he secretly enjoyed it, but just didn’t want to admit it.
“Can you come play now? I’m bored and I’m losing because you aren’t playing with me” Lando said, pouting.
You cocked your head, prepared to argue with him because you weren’t feeling it.
But when you saw the desperate look in Lando’s eyes, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no to him.
And so you found yourself sitting next to Lando, losing impeccably at the game of poker against Oscar and the other team members.
Article after article of clothing was flying off of you, but Lando suddenly became aware of the fact that if you lost another game, you would have to take off your hoodie and show your bra to the other guys, which is when he put a stop to the game.
“Okay, that’s enough for today” he had suddenly said, after you had lost yet another round of poker and was starting to take off your hoodie.
“What’s going on?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowed, your hoodie already half-way off, just under your bra.
Lando huffed, taking your hand and pulling you up with him back to your little corner on the plane.
He guided you to sit down in your seat, got you settled and then sat down next to you, shuffling until he was resting his head on your chest.
You brought your hand up to twiddle with the strands of his curls, enjoying the soft hair beneath your fingers and scratching Lando’s scalp, something he loved beyond words.
“Why did you stop the game so suddenly? I thought you had wanted me to play with you guys” you asked, your tone quiet so nobody else would hear you.
Lando huffed, burying his head further into the fabric of your hoodie.
He mumbled something into your chest, but the fabric in the way blocked everything out, preventing you from understanding what he was saying.
"I can't hear you, Lan" you said softly, craning your neck to look at him better.
He sighed and lifted his head slightly, still pouting.
"I said, I didn't want the others to see you without your clothes on" he murmured, and understanding suddenly washed over you.
If you were being honest, you hadn't even thought about that.
McLaren was just as much your second family as it was Lando's, and you'd never shied away from any of them, being very comfortable with every member of his team.
But you realized that while you loved them all equally like your brothers, the thought of any of them seeing you naked wasn't particularly comfortable to you.
Especially Oscar, who was shy enough and introverted as it is.
"Oh, I completely forgot about that part when I said I'd play. I'm sorry, I should've said no" you said, softly running your hands through his hair and caressing his cheek.
Lando sighed and got up, instead wrapping an arm around your shoulders and helping you settle in his side.
"I should've thought about that before I asked you to play with us. Stupid me" he murmured, his lips now pressed against your forehead.
You giggled, not bothering to contradict him because you knew he was partially correct.
And that's how, instead of continuing the game of strip poker, the two of you spent the remaining of the flight cuddled into each other, snoozing softly.
With Lando still topless and mad he had lost.
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After weeks of arguing, you thought your relationship with Bucky was near the end. That was until you held something positive in your hand.
18+ CW's below the cut(angst, language, unprotected pinv in Bucky's computer chair, Bucky having a sudden breeding kink)
The door slamming in the small confines of my apartment echoed causing me to jump, doing whatever I could to keep the tears at bay. I wouldn't cry, not for him. Not for Bucky. Even though the moment he walked in the door, all I wanted to do was cry not only because of the constant arguing but because I missed him terribly. He was here physically but emotionally, Bucky was checked out.
"Asshole," I grumbled under my breath, eyes boring daggers into the closed door of his office/studio.
It had been weeks of non stop fighting yet barely speaking to each other. He’d been gone on missions constantly so he could avoid being home. When I needed him the most, he was gone.
Ignoring the thoughts plaguing my existence lately, I blew out a shaky breath and forced myself to turn back towards the kitchen counter. The exhaustion had been buried deep in my bones for the last couple of weeks and I didn’t think it had anything to do with working almost every day. All I wanted to do was curl in bed to sleep the rest of the evening away. Even though Bucky's words from our fight this morning before I left for work kept pestering me.
"I haven't thought much about the future. I'm trying to focus on getting myself better, mentally, before having kids."
I asked him in the middle of yet another argument where he thought this relationship was going because I made the mistake of mentioning how I felt like things were stale between us. Bucky didn't think of the future. Of our future. He only thought of the now.
It had been weeks of arguing. Weeks of walking on eggshells around each other. Weeks of not having sex. And weeks of keeping a secret to myself. Now that I knew how Bucky felt, I couldn't decide on if I should continue to keep it to myself or tell him which could potentially ruin everything.
The urge to cry burned in my throat as I snatched the bag off of the kitchen counter and locked myself in the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a long moment, noting the dark circles under my eyes.
Averting my gaze away from the mirror, I dug out the box from the bag and nearly choked on a breath when I read over the letters once more. I nearly dropped it in the pharmacy when the realization began to sink in.
Pregnancy Test.
I had missed my period last month and it was coming up on when I was supposed to get it this month but with how I’d been feeling, I knew I wouldn’t be getting my period this month either.
That night was a night where we had a huge blowout argument, both of us questioning if we loved another. Deep down we knew we still loved each other and it was wrong for us to question it. But both of us were stubborn so instead of admitting our love, we decided to fuck out our frustrations; Bucky dragging me to the shower with him as I wrapped my legs around his midsection, marking his neck as mine while his cock slammed into me. Afterwards, Bucky helped me to our bed and apologized for the fight as he held me against his chest. I took the morning after pill later that afternoon once we realized we weren’t safe which is why I was hoping the test would be negative. Maybe the reason why I missed my period was because of all the stress I’d been under.
“Might as well get this over with,” I grumbled under my breath while ripping open the box.
It came with two tests and I figured it would be better if I used both so after peeing on both sticks, I set them on the counter and washed my hands. These next five minutes were going to be incredibly slow so after I changed into one of Bucky’s shirts and opted out of wearing pants, I paced the bathroom.
“Shit,” I clutched my chest when the timer on my phone went off.
As I reached for the tests which were overturned, I paused for a moment wondering if maybe I should have been doing this with Bucky.
“If he wasn’t such an asshole,” I muttered to the thought in my head and turned over the two tests.
My heart was in my ears, in my throat, and in the depths of my stomach when I saw the one word that sealed our fate.
Both tests were positive.
“Fuck me,” I breathed while resting a hand on my stomach, the tears finally falling.
There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that even though we were fighting, Bucky would be fine with whatever I decided to do. It was my choice. But would he stay with me? The Avengers seemed to be all over the world, helping people who needed it, hence why Bucky had been in a mood lately. I knew his anger wasn't directly related to me but because he’d been overworked. I also knew that didn’t give him the right to take it out on me.
Pulling up Bucky’s text thread on my phone, shaking fingers worked out a text even though he was still in the next room.
Me: I need to talk to you. It’s important. Can you meet me in the living room please?
Bucky 🩶: Not right now.
With a snarl, I snatched the tests off the bathroom counter and stormed out into his office, letting the door smack against the wall. Bucky didn’t bother to look away from the book on his lap as he sat on his computer chair.
“Congratulations. You’re going to be a father,” I snapped before turning to walk away.
The chair creaked as Bucky leaned forward to gaze down at his desk, a soft breath catching in his throat.
“Doll,” his vibranium fingers grazed my wrist, halting me. “Wait.”
“What? Are you going to claim I’m faking this?” I snapped, slicing him with my gaze.
“I-,” Bucky’s face softened as he looked back at the pregnancy tests. “You’re pregnant?”
I let the anger fade momentarily when I heard the sincerity in his voice; the slight excitement.
“Yeah, I guess so. I missed my period last month and I’ve been so exhausted lately. Not to mention my boobs have been really sore,” I cringed while running a hand over my chest.
Bucky glanced up at my breasts with a small smirk but then he let his gaze lower on my stomach where it rested for a long few beats of silence. Fear of what he would do or say weighed heavy on my shoulders causing me to remain frozen in front of him. The air in the room was thick with an unreadable tension and the ringing in my ears was deafening. I couldn’t even hear our shared breathing as Bucky continued to stare at my stomach before his large hands rested there.
“Hi,” he breathed. “I’m your dad.”
I dragged a finger over his cheek, those ocean eyes I adored so much gazed up at me. “I’m sorry.”
“For what, doll?” Bucky asked with furrowed brows.
“For everything. For avoiding fixing things between us by working non stop.”
I rattled off which made him link fingers with me and brought me down onto his lap, both of us now sitting in his computer chair. He rested his hands over my hip, slowly raising up the hem of my shirt so he could drag calloused fingers over my skin. It was the most contact we’ve had in a week and I leaned farther into him. His nose dragged over my jaw, breathing me in.
“I’m sorry for all of the hurtful things I’ve said. I’m sorry for ignoring your feelings when I should have asked you up front what was wrong. I’m sorry for locking myself away with work instead of fixing things between us,” Bucky apologized.
I looked deeper into his eyes, taking in the slight freckles on his face. “Can I be honest?”
When Bucky nodded, I continued. “You freaked me out when you said you never thought of our future and now that I’m pregnant, I’m worried you’re going to leave.”
“Absolutely not,” he cupped my cheek, dragging his thumb just underneath my eye to wipe away the stray tears. “I’ve never thought about the future until you came into my life, doll. I might not express it enough, which is my fault but please know you’re in my future. Especially now.”
His free hand grazed over my stomach and I nodded into the grasp on my cheek, leaving a kiss on the inside of his palm.
“Can you promise me one thing?” I asked.
Biting my lip, I spoke. “Can you promise not to propose to me just because I’m pregnant? I want you to propose because you want to, not because you feel like you have too.”
Something flashed in his eyes but Bucky eventually nodded. “Of course.”
While sitting on his lap, the chair continued to creak underneath our shared weight and I sighed, ready to get off which caused him to tighten his grip on me.
“Stay,” he breathed in the crook of my neck. “I need to show you how sorry I am.”
Quickly, Bucky’s lips were on mine in a leisurely kiss. It started off like how our first kiss did, like he was testing the waters again. I nearly sobbed into the kiss when I felt the love pour out of him. I’d been desperate to feel this way again. With his hands on my hips, he began moving me up and down his lap, the hardness of his cock pressing against the thin material of my panties. His name fell from my lips, almost immediately swallowed by his tongue as it explored my mouth; tasting me.
Vibranium fingers slinked up my shirt to graze over my back before Bucky tossed it over my head and down to the floor, breaking our kiss. Lust bleed in his already dark eyes as he looked at my stomach, his cock straining in his jeans.
“Shit,” he groaned while pressing kisses along my chest. “I can’t wait to see you round with my baby.”
A moan fell from my lips as I exposed more of myself to Bucky, his teeth now grazing over my nipples. Along with my sore breasts, my nipples were extra sensitive.
“Bucky,” I pulled on his shirt.
He immediately understood and helped me work it off. Immediately my nails raked along his chest as my lips met his again in a fiery kiss, this one more intense than the last. With a gentle tap to my ass, I raised my hips slightly so Bucky could drag down my panties with a bit of maneuvering. However with his jeans, it would have taken way more manuerving on his part to slide them off completely.
“We should move to the bed,” I suggested, breathless.
Bucky shook his head, keeping his lips on the current mark he was working on my neck. “Absolutely not. I want you to sit on my cock while I sit on the chair.”
Feeling feisty, I pulled away from him slightly to gaze down at him. “Really? This has nothing to do with Steve making it slip the other day how he and his girlfriend did something eerily similar to this.”
He rolled his eyes with a groan. “Please don’t bring up Steve having sex right now.”
When he motioned towards his unzipped jeans, I let out a soft giggle and then reached my hand in his briefs to grab his cock, already so warm and hard.
“I’ve missed this,” I whispered, gathering his precum to drag it over his head.
“Doll,” my name came out through gritted teeth as Bucky rested his head on my shoulder. “I need to be inside of you. Please.”
Pulling his cock out from his briefs completely, I dragged it between my folds a few strokes before sinking down on him; both of us letting out a loud groan of pleasure. It had been so long since we’ve felt this so I knew we wouldn’t last long.
“Fuck,” Bucky strangled out while wrapping his arms around me to bring me closer. “I can’t wait to watch your belly get round with my baby.”
I mewled in response, mouth busy with leaving dark marks across his neck while one of my hands slipped between our bodies to press circles on my clit, bringing me closer to the edge.
His cock twitched inside of me, indicating he was close when his hips stilled. “You'd look so beautiful pregnant with my kid. Your belly and tits-oh shit."
“Don’t stop,” I begged while riding him faster this time, the chair nearly falling over.
“Doll,” Bucky’s voice was strained so I brushed away the hair from his sweat slicked forehead. “I’m going to fill you up over and over again.”
I nodded as the coil in my stomach began to ignite in a blaze of ecstasy, my orgasm about to snap.
“I love you,” I cried out when my body finally snapped, arousal coating Bucky’s cock.
With one final thrust, he followed me over the edge as he filled me with his cum and breathlessly announced his love for me as well. Falling into him with exhaustion, Bucky lifted me from the chair and carried me through our apartment towards the bathroom.
“Are you alright?” He questioned while still carrying me.
I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’m okay.”
Setting me on the closed toilet seat, he turned on the shower and removed his pants while we waited for the steam to bellow around us.
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Always - L. HS

Pairing: heeseung X fem reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, cursing, angst.
Genre: brothers best friend.
WC: 4k+
Posting this here because i want to get it out of my drafts since it’s been there forever it’s old so it’s not good but oh well lowkey want to make another story with this trope though 👀 a better one
“Sure you don’t want to come with?” Your brother Jake cracks open your bedroom door, checking with you one last time.
“I’m sure I’m not feeling well today, so I think I’ll just stay home,” you told him a little white lie, pulling your blankets up to your chest.
“Alright I’ll be back in an hour or so do you need anything?” He asks like the caring brother he is.
“Sleep,” you reply with a chuckle.
“Alright,” he laughs softly and turns off the light in your room.
As soon as you heard the door close from downstairs, you texted heeseung, your brother’s best friend and the guy you’ve been hooking up with for the past couple of months.
Ever since Jake introduced you to heeseung, there was definitely undeniable tension between the two of you, but you both ignored it cause he didn’t want to break the bro code, and you didn’t want to disappoint your brother, so both of you kept your hands to yourselves.
That seemed to be working until you both entered college together, and to celebrate everyone’s success of getting into college, one of your mutuals threw a house party you had to attend cause you were one of the people being celebrated, and obviously, so was heeseung.
That night, neither of you could keep your eyes off the other. It started out with flirty glances and winks from across the room; then, after a few shots, it progressed into you both dancing together, him behind you, holding your waist while you sway your hips to the beat, feeling the unmistakable hardness in his jeans.
The alcohol in your system and the way his hot breath fanned across your face whenever he complimented your figure had you melting into him, and what made you give in completely was the subtle but very effective rolls of his hips, his hard-on brushing against your ass had you pulsing and dripping with need, and evidently, he was just as needy cause the words finally rolled off his tongue. “Let’s go upstairs.” With one last glance around the party, your brother was nowhere in sight, and you both snuck off to a vacant bedroom where he gave you the best night of your life.
He fucked you so good after years of being pent up he released all of his want for you in one night, giving you round after round till you both were numb and shaking with unspeakable pleasure.
That night led you both to hooking up behind your brother’s back you both felt guilty that’s for sure but now that you had a taste of each other there was no way you’d be stopping anytime soon.
Which is why your fingers are excitedly moving across your keypad to set up another hookup.
“My brother just went to the mall. Do you want to come over?”
“Finally, I’ll be over in ten. Be ready when I arrive ;)”
You smile at his text and pull the blankets back, going downstairs to unlock the door for his arrival. You quickly go back upstairs, slipping off every article of clothing before getting back onto the bed and waiting for heeseung.
He seems to arrive earlier than ten minutes he may or may not have sped on the way there he parked a few blocks away to hide his car just in case and made his way to the door not bothering to knock cause he knew you always kept it unlocked for him and besides this was like his second home with as much time as he spent here with Jake he opened the door and headed upstairs straight to your bedroom.
He knocked gently his eyebrows raising with amusement cause the door was already cracked all he had to do was push it open and there you were sitting there looking all pretty underneath the covers. “Hey” he says quietly and steps inside shutting the door behind him.
“Hey,” you reply flirtatiously and peel back the covers, showing off your body.
He bites his bottom lip and tosses his jacket to the side of the room, easily slipping off his shoes, which he didn’t even bother to untie.
You watch him undress, your body already heating up with anticipation.
His shirt comes off next, and he walks to the edge of the bed and climbs on top, crawling over to you until he’s hovering over your naked body. “Always look so fucking pretty for me” he kissed your shoulder, and you wrapped your arms around his neck spreading your legs so he could get in between them.
“I try” You chuckle softly, and he captures your lips in a kiss slotting himself between your legs and pressing his semi-hard cock right against your pussy, causing you to moan of course, he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue inside of your mouth, exploring every last inch of you.
Tangling your hands in his hair, you bring him as close to you as possible, kissing him with just as much desire as he does with you.
When it becomes difficult to breathe, he pulls away the string of saliva between the two of you, getting lost as he starts to kiss down your neck. “Hmm, hee,” his hands trail down your sides, softly tickling your flesh before gripping your waist tightly and rutting himself against your naked pussy your wetness surely staining his sweats.
He nips at the skin of your neck, his hot breath sending a shiver down your spine as you buck your hips up into him. “Fuck baby, I can’t wait anymore” he pulls back, staring into your eyes, his eyes full of lust.
“That’s good cause we only have an hour,” you chuckle, running your hands down his chest til you reach the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down along with his underwear till his cock falls out he, ’s rock-hard precum leaking at the tip of his shaft twitching as he catches the way you stare at his length between your legs.
Once you pull his clothing down his thighs, he takes the reins, slipping the two articles down to his ankles, too impatient to get fully undressed. “Turn over. Wanna fuck that pretty little pussy from behind.”
Not one ounce of shame runs through your veins as you turn over on your stomach at record speed, presenting your holes to him.
“That’s it” he bites his lip spanking your ass, and watching it jiggle, he places both of his palms on your ass, kneading softly as he slots his length between your round ass cheeks. “Shit,” he whispers to himself, loving the way his precum stains your beautiful skin. “Ass up for me” You arch your back, burying your face into your pillows as you feel his tip prodding at your pussy lips. “Look at that pussy so wet for me” he slips his first finger in you, groaning at the feeling of your warm cunt clenching around his finger. He added another alongside his index one, and your walls welcomed him with ease. Your sticky wetness aids the process of stretching you out. “Fuck you’re taking my fingers so well could probably just slip my cock in you right now.”
“Yes please I can take it” you laid your cheek on the pillow heart pounding with anticipation as your breath quickens.
“Yeah? Want me to put it in you?” he curled his fingers inside you, causing your walls to clench yet again.
“Fuck yes, please stick it inside me, hee” Your breath gets sucked out of you the moment you feel his bulbous tip enter you.
You’ve been wanting this for the past few weeks and finally you were able to get what you’ve been craving for.
He lets out a sharp breath sinking his hard cock all the way inside you till he bottoms out. “So tight and warm,” he moans softly, his head rolling back as he holds your waist, adjusting to the wet sensation encasing his cock.
Your mouth parts in a gasp, legs going numb as you feel him stretch you out so good.
You grip the sheets, your walls clenching and unclenching around his thick pulsing cock.
He withdrew himself, pulling out until nothing but the tip was left inside and then thrusting forward, filling you up to the brim. “God damn, you always feel so fucking good,” he grunts, creating a steady rhythm sliding in and out of your wet pussy.
“Fuck” you breathe out, eyes tightly closing shut as you focus on the pleasure of his thick length rubbing against your walls so deliciously.
“Yeah? Feel good, baby?” He grabs hold of your shoulders for leverage, stroking your walls perfectly. “Taking it so deep for me,” he smirks, watching the way your pussy lips welcome his cock so warmly. “You like it deep, huh?” His eyes are lidded as he witnesses the sight of your juices, creating a creamy white ring of arousal around his base.
“Yes, love feeling your cock d-deep inside m-me fuck heeseung,” you whimper, unable to contain the way your walls squeeze around him.
“Fuck you’re so tight I’m not gonna last long,” he huffs, speeding up the movement of his hips. It felt too good to slow down the sound of his skin slapping against yours, making him even more feral. “Fuck fuck fuck” he lowers his hands to your waist, holding you still, but the force of his thrusts has you sliding up the bed, his cock head kissing your cervix with every thrust.
“Yes, please don’t stop right there,” you whine, toes curling as you gush around his cock, creating the wettest sounds you ever heard.
“Hear that baby? Your little pussy is talking to me. You must really be enjoying my dick, huh?” He asks, knowing full well you love how he fucks every single time.
“Hmm, yes,” you whine, feeling your high approaching.
“You close? I can feel you clenching on my dick so hard” he lets out a laugh, fingertips pressing into your sides, his balls loudly smacking your ass as his thrusts turn erratic.
“So close,” you mewl.
“M-me too gonna fill this pussy up make it even more creamy baby,” he grunts, thrusting like an animal in heat. Both of you are so close the familiar warm tingling sensation spreads throughout both your bodies.
You could feel it just a second away, but the sound of his phone ringing made you lose focus.
“Fuck” he grunts in frustration. His hand leaves your waist messily, reaching for his phone so he can shut it off and focus back on what’s really important, except when he reads the caller ID, his heart races. “Shit, it’s your brother,” he sighs, slowing the pace of his hips but still fucking his cock deep into you.
“Just ignore it,” you complain, wiggling your ass against him, trying to get him to speed up again.
“I can’t just keep quiet yeah” he takes a deep breath before answering. “Hello?”
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over I was just at GameStop, and I bought a few new games” heeseung presses your lower back down, arching you further so he can reach even deeper, and you use every last ounce of strength not to moan out loud from the feeling of his thick cock reaching the depths of your pussy.
“S-sure, what time are you fuck-“ he hisses as another gush of wetness releases around his cock. “What time are you thinking?” He swallows thickly, his breathing becoming heavier with each stroke. He’s too close right now. As soon as the call ends, he’s gonna release his load deep inside your sweet juicy pussy and give you what you deserve.
“I’m on my way home in about fifteen. I’ll probably take a shower too, so in about half an hour,” heeseung tries his best to focus on what his best friend is saying, but it’s hard when your pussy squeezes his cock so tight.
“S-sounds good. I’ll come over in about 45 minutes,” he groans softly, but it could still be picked up over the line.
“You okay? You sound weird,” Jake says on the other line.
Heeseung panic’s initially but then comes up with the most feasible answer he can think of. “I’m good just out of energy getting in a really really good workout” he bites his lip to hold in a moan.
“Alright, well, enjoy your workout. See you tonight,”
“See you tonight” heeseung hits the end call button at lightning speed, and as soon as his phone hits the mattress, he’s gripping your hip and fucking into you like a wild beast, his thick cock fucking your walls to no end. You’re screaming mess nonstop, moans and cries of his name spilling from your pretty lips. “Fuck yeah, baby, scream my fucking name”
“Heeseung!” You cry even louder as he snakes his hand under your waist and starts rubbing your clit. “Oh fuck I’m coming. I’m coming, heeseung!” You shriek, your eyes rolling back as you shake violently on the bed, your pussy pulsating around him.
“Yeah, let go for me, cum all over this dick,” he hums. “Gonna pump you full of my cum, baby. Want that?”
“Yes,” you whimper breathlessly.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna give it to you” After one last thrust, he’s emptying his huge load in your hole. “Shit baby, I’m cumming, I’m cumming” he grunts, hips wildly bucking into you, riding out his high, drilling into your heat, and filling you up to the brim with his cum. “Shit baby,” he throws his head back, panting heavily.
“Hmm,” you moan in satisfaction, his hands running all over your body, helping you come back down from the earth-shattering orgasm. You sink into the mattress, and he lays on top of you, panting as he leaves stray kisses all over your cheek, lips, and shoulders.
You both lay like that for a while, regaining your strength and being able to move again.
Everything is silent save for the short breaths you both let out. “Shit baby, I want you again already,” he chuckles against your ear biting your lobe softly as he rolls his hips sensually, pushing his cum deeper in you.
“Hee,” you whine at the feeling of his cock inside you. “I wish we could, but my brothers gonna be home soon,” you whisper.
“Fuck I wish he would leave more often. Going weeks without feeling your pussy is torture,” he laughs and rests his cheek on yours, relishing in the aftermath before he gets ready to leave.
Just before he begins to part from your body, you both hear the front door shut. “Shit,” heeseung slowly pulls out of your hole, both of you hissing at the loss of contact as all his cum streams from your hole.
You popped up out of bed, searching for his clothes so he could get dressed and leave a thick trail of white dripping down your thighs. “I thought he said half an hour!” You whisper yelled
“Me too,” he says, hopping on one foot to put his shoes back on.
“You have to go now,” you tell him urgently and open your window.
“Really?!” He whispers, knowing the window isn’t exactly close to the ground.
“Yes, now hurry.” he walks past you and doesn’t miss the mess he made between your legs. “Fuck” he shakes his head in disbelief. He can’t believe he had to leave you like that. If he had it his way, he’d fill you up all night long, but sadly, your brother and his best friend had to ruin it. “Kiss me,” he quickly whispered, and you gave him a little peck on the lips.
He goes out the window doing his best not to make a lot of noise and trying to grab anything for some type of leverage so he wouldn’t slip and fall.
After he got about half way he let go dropping to the ground softly and scurrying to his car to wait inside for another half hour and pretend like he had just arrived.
With a sigh of relief, you went to the bathroom to shower before bed.
That was close, almost too close.
As close of a call as that was, that still wasn’t gonna stop you from seeing heeseung again.
You were quite literally addicted to him.
But he was having other thoughts.
“Are you coming over tonight my brother is out again” this time you’d called him instead of texting.
“Nah, last time was close enough, and to be honest, I don’t think we should push our luck. Let’s just call this off.”
“Call it off?” You’re a bit surprised by that you weren’t expecting that would be his response but you understood where he was coming from.
Not to say you liked it, though.
“Yeah it’s not worth it anymore id like to live and if your brother catches me balls deep inside his sister I doubt he’d let me live” he chuckles but you don’t really find it to be that funny especially how he said it wasn’t worth it anymore.
“Well… okay I guess I’ll see you next time you and my brother hangout” you mumble a bit disappointed but you understood it was risky and you can’t really blame him for calling it quits.
“You will, dollface. It was fun while it lasted,” you smile faintly.
“Yeah…. Bye,” he ended the call first, and you tossed your phone to the side, sighing. Who were you going to get sex from now?
That question would be answered within just a few hours. Apparently, not just heeseung was hanging out with Jake today, but his friend Jay as well. You knew him well. He hadn’t been around much lately, but you did have a good relationship with him.
And now that you think about it, he was attractive, nice, and a good friend.
You’re sure he’s probably good in bed, too.
“Hi, Jay!” You cheered as he entered, already putting your plan in motion.
“Hey y/n! It’s been a while.” he walks over to you, ready to give you a side hug, but you pull him in a full hug, pressing yourself against his body. “Did you miss me or something?” he laughs awkwardly, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you just as warmly.
“Yeah plus I didn’t know you’d be coming over” you pull away from the hug hands still resting on his shoulders.
“Yeah, it was heeseung’s idea.” you both looked at heeseung, and he was just standing there already, staring at the two of you and your hands on Jay's shoulders.
“Good idea, heeseung. It’s nice seeing you after so long, Jay,” you smile, taking a seat.
“You too, y/n.” he offers you a warm smile, greeting everyone else as he takes off his jacket and shoes.
“Well, we were gonna play games, but since y/n seems excited to hang out with us, how about a movie instead so she can join us?” Jake suggested that since you weren’t into video games that much,
“Sounds good to me,” Jay agrees.
“No, id rath-“Heeseung got shut down immediately by Jake.
“Three against one, you lose; besides, we game all the time anyways,” Jake concluded and sat on the couch searching for a movie.
Once the movie was picked, you all went to the kitchen to prepare snacks and drinks for the movie night once you got all settled in, you took a seat on the couch when heeseung saw where you were sitting, he moved over to you, but since the conversation you both had last time you didn’t want to sit next to him you couldn’t be that close to him not when you were literally thirsting for him how could someone look so good in a baggy shirt and pants you had no idea, but your panties definitely did as they were already damp just feeling him so close was doing things to you.
The fact you couldn’t act on those things was torture.
So you got up and sat next to Jay, who was on the bigger couch, leaving heeseung to sit all alone. He watched you sitting next to Jay, laughing together at some scene in the movie that he couldn’t even pay attention to cause he was too upset seeing you both that close together.
Since when did you have so much fun with Jay?
Heeseung was unknowingly sulking each time you laughed or pushed Jay on the shoulder even the way you both ate out of the same bowl made him feel weird.
He folded his arms across his chest, jaw tightly clenched. After he saw you both feeding popcorn to each other, he had to stop watching you two before he lost it. “You got any alcohol?” He asked Jake cause he’d definitely need something to numb whatever dumb aching feeling that was in his chest.
“Top cabinet.” he nodded and stood up.
“The popcorn needs a refill,” you announced and went to the kitchen a few moments after heeseung.
“Woah, slow down,” you said and giggled when you saw him downing a bottle of liquor.
“I should say the same to you.” he chuckled and threw his head back, taking another shot.
“Come again? I’m not the one drowning in booze,” you laugh, opening another bag of popcorn.
“Yeah, 'cause you wanna drown in something else,” he mumbles to himself.
“You heard me. I saw you all over, Jay. Wouldn’t it be better to fuck someone that isn’t friends with your brother?” He laughs while shaking his head.
“Ehh, I was with you, and it didn’t bother me,” you shrug. “Besides, I need to get it from somewhere,” you add in a joking manner, but he doesn’t take it that way.
“Not surprised”
“Excuse me?!” You say, feeling slightly offended you had no idea where this was coming from.
“Don’t act shocked. How the fuck do think that’s supposed to make me feel? When you’re all fucking over him after we just- just fuck it, whatever, I don’t care.”
“Heeseung, you’re drunk,” you replied, brushing his nonsense off.
“And you’re nothing but a fucking slut that can’t go one minute without a dick stuffed inside you before you go fucking running off to someone else” he raises his voice slightly, feeling his agitation grow.
“Shush!” You whisper. “What is it to you? You said it wasn’t worth it anymore. What do you think? I’m just gonna stop having sex because we’re not doing it anymore?” You say, confused.
“Cause I didn’t want to fucking get caught. I didn’t know you’d go out searching the very next day. We broke it off,” he sighs.
“What am I supposed to do? You’re obviously not an option anymore,” you say, getting defensive.
“I don’t know, maybe try a little harder to make something work between us,” he lowers his voice, picking at the label on the liquor bottle.
“Something like what? this was just casual sex”
“Casual?” He laughs softly.
“Yes, that’s what we agreed on,” you remind him.
“So all this time we’ve been screwing, you still just feel it's casual?”
“Yes, and so do you, 'cause you even said I wasn’t worth it,” you replied.
“Well, I fucking take it back, okay, I like you. It was never casual for me, and it’s only been a few days, but I fucking miss you already, and to see how quickly you moved on makes me upset, especially cause it’s right in front of me.”
“So why did you say it?” You ask.
“Cause I didn’t want to get hurt. I knew we couldn’t be public, and I thought maybe just ending things would lighten the blow, but it made it worse cause to see you all over Jay made me feel like shit hence why,” he holds up the bottle of liquor.
“Hee, I feel the same way, too, but when you said it wasn’t worth it anymore, I didn’t think you really cared about us that much, and Jay, I don’t even know. I think I was just trying to take my mind off of you, but I want you and you only.”
“Yeah?” He stands up walking over to you and resting his hands on your hips. “You really mean that?” He cups your cheeks his left hand caressing your face gently.
“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner,” you breathe out, getting lost in his eyes.
“Me too, but I understand, sweetheart. It was complicated, and I’m sorry for what I said earlier and for raising my voice and for cursing,” he rambles, and you laugh softly, wrapping your arms around him.
“I know I forgive you, hee.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
“Thank you, baby,” he smiles, pulling you into his arms. “I know it’s still complicated, but I’m gonna try my best to navigate through this with you. I don’t know what telling Jake will mean for us, but I think we should.”
“I’m scared,” you mumbled into his chest, fearing the disappointment your brother might feel if he found out about you and heeseung.
“Me too,” he chuckled. “But I know no matter the outcome, I want to be with you always.”
Leaning back, you looked up at him. “You mean that?”
“I do.” he smiles down at you, kissing your forehead and swaying you in his arms.
Only time would tell what the outcome would be of telling your brother you’ve been seeing his best friend, but you found comfort in knowing that heeseung would be there for you always.
Link to all my other works
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