#also i love uncle wayne and i make it clear it
djarintreble · 1 year
am i using a request to build upon my own canon lore of dad!eddie/arwen universe? yes.
is it what the request initially asked for? no, but i’m doing it anyways.
am i 1.2k into it and the initial request hasn’t even been explored yet in the composition? yes.
will this piece feature more ST characters (including steve and robin)? …yes…
im not sorry. i love this family i created.
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sarcasticassian · 1 year
it’s Wayne Munson that helps Steve realise he’s bisexual and it’s after he’s been waxing poetic about Eddie just to rub salt in the wound
Steve offered to help Wayne wash the dishes because he wants Eddie’s uncle to like him for more than the fact that he helped save Eddie’s life so he’s helping and Wayne is minding his goddamn business but Steve won’t stop talking about how great Eddie is which is lovely for Wayne, he agrees with everything Steve is saying obviously but he’s also not sure what Steve’s game is because Wayne knows Eddie has a big fat crush on the boy and so Steve must be sending some weird signals and Wayne isn’t sure what to do until Steve sighs as he’s drying a dish and blurts out
“whatever girl gets to date Eddie is gonna be so lucky, sometimes I wish I were a girl so I could date him”
and Wayne just sort of freezes because he doesn’t want to out Eddie but what the fuck, this Harrington kid quite clearly likes Eddie back so he slowly starts to carry on washing the dish in his hand and casually tells Steve
“you know, you don’t have to be a girl to date another boy, Steve, just in case you needed to hear that”
and now it’s Steve’s turn to freeze and he’s clutching the towel in his hands and frowning to himself, looks like Eddie when he’s trying to do his math homework, until his face clears and brightens and Steve just goes
“oh” then “and do you think-“ before he bites his lip and looks over at Eddie
“go” Wayne says, nudging Steve towards the couch and he washes the last plate and makes his excuses about going for a smoke so he can leave the two of them alone and very much tries to ignore how Eddie’s bedroom door is firmly shut when he comes back in and just turns up the tv
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bruciemilf · 7 months
hiii ily tell some more abt silly little bruce wayne
Baby Bruce gets kidnapped. A lot
Luckily for all involved, it happens when he’s a little too young to comprehend what kidnapping IS. It does seem rather odd that mama and papa fire cooks, gardeners, and drivers so often.
(‘Fire’ is the childproof version of ‘we slaughtered these bastards in the basement’)
Thomas is very protective over him and has huge doubts about leaving him unattended. It’s just kind of hard being around your child when you reek of murder all the time
Alfred can handle it, but there’s a collective mourning in the fact that he HAS to.
Very shy kid; Aside from Oliver and Harvey, he never made a lot of friends, but then again, his parents don’t have that many either. He has his uncle Oz and his stuffed toys, and Alfie, and that’s alright with him
I think Thomas and Martha would love for him to have some, but you just can’t be too sure, ever
I think he’d make good friends with Alberto Falcone; Thomas knows an unwanted child when he sees one, so Carmine’s little son is always welcomed around.
“you know, you’re nothing like your dad” for Alberto, that’s a compliment.
Martha was an expert marksman and definitely thought him how to handle guns, but she always made a game out of it. Can’t be too harsh with the baby
Bruce was a mafioso baby let’s be real
Thomas was big on spoiling him, but he also made it clear Gotham didn’t have favorites; She can, thought, pick sides sometimes.
After he and Martha get killed, Bruce wonders why she didn’t pick theirs.
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spicycinnabun · 7 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 6 7 💐
Eddie turned around, finding none other than the flower nazi. His nametag actually said Steve. 
He had a leaf stuck in his hair, and his nose was abnormally rosy. Going by that and his nasal tone, he clearly had a cold. He sneezed, then looked annoyed at himself for doing so. “Ugh, sorry,” he apologized. 
He was fucking adorable. It made Eddie smile. “Don’t be. I don’t really need help.” Not with flowers, anyway, just with everything else about his life. “I’m only browsing.” 
It was a weird response, he realized. A guy like him, who looked like he belonged anywhere else, loitering in a shop like this. Just browsing. Right. Steve probably thought he was a creep. 
Steve was surprised to hear that the man wasn’t looking for anything. Last time, he had bought something, so Steve had assumed he was a returning customer. He had been staring at the wedding arrangement, so maybe he was trying to figure out if Harrington Floral was the best place to get them from.
“That’s some talent you’ve got,” Eddie added, pointing to the display.
Steve felt himself flush. “Thanks,” he said softly, ducking his head bashfully. It wasn’t usually guys who were doling out compliments on the displays. Typically, they just asked for his advice on what they should buy for their significant others.
The redness that bloomed on Steve’s cheeks was just plain delightful. It could have been due to his illness, but Eddie was pretty sure it was a reaction to his compliment. His smile widened. “You made it, right?”
“Yes, I did. I make all the displays.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, missing the leaf by a mere centimeter. “I think I saw you last month when I was building one in the window over there. Are you sure you’re not interested in anything?”
Instead of answering, Eddie reached out and plucked the leaf out of Steve’s hair. “Sorry, you had a little bud-dy trying to catch a ride there. Was distracting the hell out of me.” Eddie showed him the small, curvy leaf. 
Steve laughed, which made him cough a little. After clearing his throat, he got back to business. Steve was all about closing a sale, so he pushed a little. “Are you or someone you know getting married? I can, uh…” he thought quickly, “give you a free bouquet as a testimony to how well our flowers will hold up. I was just pruning the roses before you came in. What do you think about a bouquet of them?”
Steve remembered Eddie. And he’d laughed at Eddie’s horrible pun. But Eddie was caught off guard by the questions and the offering. Steve was observant. “I can’t let you do that,” he said. “My uncle is getting married. Hopefully. He hasn’t popped the question yet.”
It would be kind of terrible of him to accept free flowers if it didn’t work out and they never ordered any.
“That’s exciting,” Steve responded.
Genuinely, he felt like it was. Steve loved love. Working in a flower shop would be hard if he was bitter about being single. Also, the fact that someone else around his age wasn’t getting married made him feel a bit better about his own love life. Lately, it seemed like all his friends were getting hitched.
Eddie twirled a piece of hair around his finger, contemplating. He pocketed the little leaf. “I’m meeting the bride-to-be tonight. I suppose making a nice first impression wouldn’t be a bad idea.” He could give the flowers to Wayne to present to Kathleen when she came over. “How much for half a dozen?”
That was probably all he could afford, but he would be paying.
Eddie wasn’t selling as much anymore. Just weed, no powders or pills. Not since he’d discovered that one of his regulars had recently overdosed on Molly. He was at least partially responsible for that. He should have questioned the steadily increasing amount the guy was buying, but he had only been thinking about the money.
“Wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.” Steve had no intention of taking any money for the bouquet. 
He walked around the store and started building it. Steve picked out four roses in red and pink, then added two pastel-dyed Asiatic lilies and sprinkled in a few strands of baby’s breath.
When he was finished, he went to the counter to put them down. He grabbed the twine and unrolled some tissue paper. “I’m sure there won’t be any more customers tonight. I’m kind of in charge, so I can totally give you these for free. Because I want to.”
Eddie pressed his lips together briefly, walking over and planting his forearms on the counter. He wasn’t some charity case. He didn’t like having debts, either. Maybe Steve had seen the type of clothes he wore and automatically assumed Eddie was trailer park trash who couldn’t afford it.
But Steve was smiling at him, looking sweet as a goddamn sugar cookie, and Eddie relaxed, rejecting the thought. That just didn’t seem right.
(Though why Steve wanted to give anyone, let alone Eddie, free flowers was a mystery.)
“You’re the boss, huh?” Eddie said. Steve looked young to own the shop, but maybe he was one of the Harringtons.
The name rang a bell. Steve Harrington. Dustin used to talk about a Steve during D&D. Gushed more than talked, really. Was he the same one?
“Technically, it’s my mom’s shop, but I’ve been running it for a while now,” Steve said. He couldn’t take all the credit.
Eddie gently drummed the counter, rings click-clacking as he watched those nimble fingers cut, tie, and wrap. His mom’s store. Well, wasn’t that precious.
Steve gave the bouquet one last critical look and a fluff with his fingers before handing it over. “With these, I think you’ll make the best impression. Maybe your uncle will even pop the question tonight!” Steve was excited for the groom to be even though he didn’t know him.
Eddie accepted the bouquet and looked down at it. “Thank you. It’s stunning.” Kind of like you.
He didn’t say that last part out loud, though he thought it hard enough that he’d probably projected it into Steve’s head.
Steve felt his face heat again. He didn’t know why he was reacting this way to the compliments. When women complimented his arrangements, he barely blinked.
Eddie brought the bouquet to his nose to smell its perfume. It brought another smile to his face before he lowered it. If Kathleen didn’t end up liking them, she was crazy.
Steve watched Eddie, grinning. “I’m Steve, by the way.”
Eddie’s gaze flickered up. He lowered the bouquet. Why were they both smiling like fucking idiots? “Eddie.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Eddie. Let me get you a card—you know, in case your uncle does propose and will need flowers from somewhere.” Steve grabbed one of the embellished business cards from the stack beside the register.  
Eddie reached out to take it, and Steve sneezed again just as their fingers brushed. It was a big sneeze that made his face screw up and nearly blew him backward. Luckily, he managed to cover his nose before he bombed Eddie. Eddie tried not to laugh at his irritated expression and soft whine as he sniffled.
Eddie pocketed the card and tugged his handkerchief out at the same time. “Here,” he offered kindly, holding it out to Steve.
It was his favorite hanky, his pirate one with the skull and bones, but it was the least he could do. 
Without thinking much about it, Steve took it and blew his nose. He let out a soft sigh, feeling a little better. Then he realized what he’d done. “Sorry…this is kinda gross now. Do you want it back?” 
“Oh no—no, that’s yours now,” Eddie said hastily. “I insist. Consider it a token of my gratitude.” He lowered himself in a teasing bow. “Farewell, Steve, fine sir.”
So, so fine. Even with all the snot.
Eddie backed out of the store, still bent over for extra theatricality. When he straightened up, Steve looked confused but was red in the cheeks again. Score.
On the ride home, Eddie almost missed a turn because he kept glancing at the bouquet.
co-writing this with @batty4steddie 💕
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cubeofanhilation · 4 months
How I think dpxdc would go
The whole gang graduated high school, and one of them got an invite to Wayne gala (idk which yet) and they decide to make a whole trip out of it. So they all decide to sight see in the second most fucked up city, attempts to get her hands on fear toxin, Tucker tries to track down Oracle, Danny ends up accedentily fight crime,
Danny: *finishing up with some random mugging, and see’s Jason* yo why tf you dead
Jason, taken aback by the comment: *shoots him in the kneecap, and it goes right through Danny*
Danny: …
Jason: …
Danny: I'm going to take this as my que to leave *yeets outta there*
Jason: wtf
and Wes?He takes this as a fucking challenge, he tries to figure out who the batfamily is, so he purposely gets himself kidnapped so he can get a better look, and he immediately figures everything out, (they're bad at hiding it, and Wes is batshit insane, we love him for that). He meets Bernard around then, probably fresh out of kiddnapping (see previous post) Then they head to Wes’s uncle's house, and everyone
sees the E. Nygma on the mailbox and then Wes then casually reveals The Riddler is his uncle, and he's married to the penguin and everyones like “wow that explains a lot” then they end up playing some stupid game like clue or something, until it turns out the Quinnzels were coming for dinner. That includes, Harley Quinn Poison Ivy, Bud & Lou, and Tempest (long story as to why they're there, can elaborate if anyone's interested) Wes then proceeds to tell everyone he figured out all the bat identities (previously telling his friends, Danny first because he's in love), and the Riddler and the penguin start feeling awkward because now they're the only ones who don't know who batman is.
Then it's the next day, Tucker and Sam check out the sketchiest places because, it's fun, and surprises everyone (maybe including some of the batfamily) with how prepared they are to deal with this shit.
Danny and Wes go on a date because they're adorable. They end up getting lunch, then going out and stalking two-face, because Danny hates evil, and Wes doesn't trust politician. They easily stop him from robbing a bank or whatever, and th n the batfamily shows up and Wes is like “nope! Not being interrogated again!” Picks up Danny bridal style and runs away
Then comes the gala, first off
Babs: how would you know that I'm Oracle?
Tucker: my best friend is a mad lad, anyways-
*Cut to Wes hovering over Tim like “I k n o w w h a t y o u a r e!”*
Chaos breaks, shenanigans ensue, by the end the ghost gang ends up in the bat cave and they clear everything up, and maybe start an alliance, also Danny is like “dude the ectoplasm that resurrected you is not completely out of you're system in a healthy way yet! You gotta do something” and throws supplements at Jason.
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lexirosewrites · 4 months
The second Slick Sunday ask I mentioned last week was this:
Note: This au requires Steve to have good parents, okay?
In a world where the A/B/O dynamics are stablished enough that everyone knows of them, but not Stablished enough that Alphas and Omegas are common designations.
They're in fact, a small part of the population, so much so that when the Harrington family learns Wayne Munson has an Alpha kid they immediately arrange a marriage with their Omega son Steve.
Of course Wayne was reluctant to actually agree to the arrangement, as he didn't want to take the option out of Eddie's hands, but he decided to try for the well being of his kid.
And of course Eddie is annoyed at first that Wayne did that for him, but is willing to hear Wayne out because he trusts his uncle.
Eventually they meet, officially, and things get awkward real fast when Eddie finds out it's /Steve Harrington/ the one his uncle got him engaged to.
The metalhead having trouble processing that the hottest (and meanest) guy in school is not only an Omega, but also his /fiancee/? Mind-blowing.
Steve, meanwhile is just looking at the guy in front of him with the bitchiest face, wondering what the hell were his parents thinking, as it's clear the guy doesn't like him, like, at all, if his face is anything to go by.
So of course at first their relationship is very awkward, and Steve kind of avoids Eddie out of their established dates, making Eddie believe Steve is ashamed of hanging out with him.
Eventually Eddie, tired of this dance asks Steve if he wants to break up the engagement if he hates Eddie so much, which prompts Steve to confess he thought Eddie was the one hating him.
So now they're tentative friends and hang out a lot more and start getting more tactile with each other until their hang outs sometimes just consist of them cuddling in one of their living rooms.
And when they decide that being romantically involved is a thing they want things get heated real fast, of course they're careful, as they plan to start their family a bit later in life.
And... Yeah, they're happy, horny and eventually will mate.
arranged mating!!!! yes yes yes!! the tension between them and not knowing how the other one feels but still falling in love😭😭
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jamdoughnutmagician · 12 days
Secrets Out (fluff)
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Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Set in the A Cut Above The Rest universe, and kind of follows on from the little fic I wrote a few weeks back. I just love these two and I really like writing little snippits of their life after the fic? idk?
Word Count:1, 772
Masterlist // Eddie Munson Masterlist
“I can’t believe that that’s our baby.” Eddie said, as he looked at the small black and white photograph that you were holding in your hands. “Like that’s inside you right now.”
You were sitting comfortably beside Eddie in his van after coming back from your very first scan. After finding out you were pregnant, the both of you couldn’t have been more thrilled, and the trip to the hospital had been filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves.
You watched as his big brown eyes shined with bubbling tears threatening to spill over his lashes as looked down on the photo with a soft smile.
“Aw, Teddie, you're getting emotional about this, huh?” You said softly as you rubbed a hand up and down his arm.
“It's not that. It's just… I don't even know what I meant to be looking at.” he chuckled slightly, wiping away his tears. “Like I know it's a baby, but it just looks like a gray blob!” 
“Oh, Teddie! It's okay! It won't look like much right now, our baby is still really small.” You reassured him. “The doctor said everything looks perfectly healthy! That's a good thing! Our little baby's going to have those strong Munson genes.”
“They're going to end up with my big ‘ol schnozz aren't they?”
Leaning in, you press a kiss against his cheek.
“So who do you want to tell first?” you asked Eddie as he plopped down next to you on the sofa, his hair still slightly wet after his shower and vaguely smelling of your coconut shampoo.
“I'm counting on it.”
You and Eddie had discussed it beforehand, and now you were at a safe point in your pregnancy where you felt comfortable telling people the exciting news.
“I was thinking that I wanna tell Wayne first. It’s his birthday next week and I wanna surprise him with the news!”
“I love that idea! You know he’s going to be so excited to hear he’s going to be a pop-pop. He'd always joked to me about wanting grand-kids.”
“And have you had any thoughts about who you’d want as godparents?” You and Eddie had also discussed the idea of having your child have godparents. God forbid that anything happen to either you or Eddie, but you wanted someone who would be able to look after your little one if anything were to happen.
“Well, I know who I want it to be.” Eddie replied confidently. 
“..And I know who I want it to be too. Do you wanna say it on the count of three?”
One. Two. Three.
“Robin and Steve.” you both said simultaneously. 
“Well, that’s that solved.” he chuckled to himself.
You and Eddie arrive at Wayne’s place nice and early, with his favourite dinner that you’d promised you’d make for him tucked under your arm in a glass dish, a lasagna made for sharing, and Eddie carrying a bottle of wine for him and his uncle to share. 
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You and Eddie had spent time in Wayne's place enough for it to feel like a second home, but now with this big secret you were harbouring, suddenly the air felt different as you stepped over the threshold of the house. 
And with the dinner eaten and cleared away, and wine glasses emptied (and thankfully your refusal of said wine went without so much as an graying eyebrow raise from Wayne)
“Thanks for making dinner, darlin’” Wayne thanks in his gruff southern drawl. “But you kids didn't have to come down to spend your day with an old man like me.”
“Of course we did! We couldn't let your birthday go un-celebrated, uncle.”
Eddie says.
“Boy, when you get to be as old as I am, birthday's ain't much to be celebrating besides waking up another day and not being dead.”
“Oh, so you don't want the presents we got for you then?” You ask with a teasing tone in your voice. 
“Now, I didn't say that..” Wayne grumbles despite the slight smile curving at his lips.
You reach for the small gift bag that you had brought along with you, placing it on the table in front of Wayne.
“Just a little surprise for you, Uncle.” Eddie says. “It’s from both of us, we hope you like it.”
You and Eddie watch Wayne open up his present with bated breath. Waiting for the big secret to come out. The ruffles of tissue paper are pulled from the bag as Wayne pulls out his present. A new, very special mug to add to his ever growing collection.
“World’s best grandpa? Boy, I know I’m old, but I ain’t that old yet.” he jokes, looking over to Eddie.
“Actually, Wayne, I think you better look inside that card too.” Eddie prompts, nodding his head towards the bag where the envelope is.
Wayne reaches for the envelope that is tucked away in the bag before opening it up to see the front of the card.
A standard ‘Happy birthday Grandpa!’ card, with a birthday cake and candles on the front.
You and Eddie exchanged a quick glance and shy smiles, realising that Wayne still hadn't quite got the message you were putting across. However, it all came together as he opened his card.
‘Happy Birthday Grandpa Wayne, I can't wait to meet you!’ Written above a picture of your ultrasound that you had taped inside the card. 
“Wait..You’re…Is this real right now? You’re not yankin’ on my chain right now?” Wayne asks as he begins to show the slightest bubble of tears in his usually stern, steely grey-blue eyes.
 “No, it’s not a joke, Wayne! I promise!” Eddie assured him.
“Yeah, we found out a few months ago, and we wanted you to be the first one to know.” you said softly, tears of your own now coming up to gather in your lashes.
“I’m so touched that I got to be the first one to hear about this.” Wayne says, his voice shaky with emotion as he gets up from the table to pull you in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you guys, I really am.”
Eddie sits back, watching the two people he loves the most in this world sharing in this very tender and soft moment.
“How long was it before this one started freaking out, huh?” Wayne teases, raising his eyebrows towards his nephew.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I didn’t “freak out”, I was actually very excited.” Eddie defends himself.
“No, it’s true. I think I did enough freaking out for the both of us.” you laugh. “I count myself very lucky to have someone like Eddie to hold my hand through this.” 
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You had invited Robin and Steve over to yours and Eddie’s place under the guise of having a chill movie night, but actually you just wanted them both to be together when you told them the news.
“I hope it’s not some sappy, romantic, chick-flick you’ve chosen.” Steve grumbles as he steals a handful of popcorn from the bowl Robin was holding.
“Don’t pretend you don’t secretly enjoy them too, dingus. I caught you crying when you were watching When Harry Met Sally the other week.” Robin calls him out.
“Meg Ryan’s acting got to me, alright!” Steve defends.
“Actually, before we start the film,” you interjected between the pair’s lovable bickering. “Eddie and I have something we wanted to share.” you say.
“Well, we wanted to share some news, and ask you both quite a big question.” 
“You’re pregnant aren’t you?” Robin blurted out.
“Oh my god Robin you can’t just ask that!” Steve chided her with a gentle slap on her arm, but the silence that fell in the room suddenly felt like the loudest thing in the world. “Wait..Are you?”
You manage to huff out a gleeful ‘Yes!’ in between giggles as both Steve and Robin rush up to hug you.
“Congratulations to both of you, that’s so amazing!” Steve smiles broadly.
“I knew there was something up when you passed on doing shots with me after work last week. Oh my gosh, that's fantastic news!!” Robin cheered, her freckled cheeks beaming brightly. “How long have you known?”
“Only a few weeks, it was certainly quite the surprise let me tell you!” you smile as the both release you from the tight hug they had you in.
“And that brings us on to the other important question of the evening..” Eddie said as he laid a gentle and reassuring touch on your shoulders. “We were looking for two godparents, we wondered if you knew any good ones?”
“I think what Eddie means is, would you and Steve consider being godparents to our baby?”
“Is that even possible? You know we're not, like, a couple or anything. Isn’t it too early to do this sort of thing? You only found out a couple of weeks ago, you said so yourself!” Robin babbles
But before Robin can babble anymore Steve speaks over her with tears brimming in his honeyed hazel eyes.
“Don’t listen to her, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. We’d be honoured to.” Steve manages to get out as he wipes away the tears gathering in his lashes.
“Well that went better than I could have imagined.” Eddie said with a smile. “Didn’t bet on you crying so much though, Harrington.”
“Crying? Who’s crying? Not me, this is just..uh..allergies…shut up..” Steve sniffles.
“Well it’s nice to know that our baby’s godfather is already so emotionally invested in them.” you laugh softly.
Resting a gentle hand on the almost unnoticeable curve of your belly, you can’t help the warmth that floods your heart. Even though your baby hadn’t been born yet, you knew that they were already going to be so loved by everyone around them.
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As Eddie strolled into work the following morning, he’s greeted by Randy who was turning the garage’s oil-stained radio down as he came in.
“Your old man told me your girl’s got a bun in the oven,”
“News travels fast around these parts, huh.” Eddie nods, reaching for his toolbox sitting on his work bench. 
Laying a clap to Eddie’s shoulder, Randy fixes him with a stare, his forehead wrinkling as he  raises his dark eyebrows.
“Good fuckin’ luck Munson, you’re gonna need it.”
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@penguinsandpotterheads @aphrogeneias @mrsjellymunson
@eddiesxangel @ali-r3n @seatnights
@munsonsbtch @keeksandgigz
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
The final part to the Wingman Wayne AU is here! (And I also decided to publish the whole thing on ao3!!!)
'You got somethin' you wanna tell me?' asks Wayne when he steps out of the trailer to join Eddie for a smoke, the door creaking behind him.
Eddie still can't believe how that man never fails to be one step ahead of him.
'Um... Can I um...' He clears his throat. He doesn't know why he's being so nervous all of a sudden – it's just Wayne, after all. 'We're having dinner together tomorrow, right?'
'Always on Sunday,' Wayne confirms. His perceptive blue eyes wander over his nephew’s face like he's concerned about something. Then, a strong hand lands on Eddie’s shoulder.
'You know you can tell me anything, right?'
Of course he does. He breathes out, thinks back to that excited look in Wayne’s eyes when he first gave Eddie that number. Wayne’s safe. Always has been, always will be.
'Can I invite my boyfriend?'
His uncle arches an eyebrow, deepening the lines on his forehead. 'Your boyfriend, huh?' he repeats. 'Is he named Chad?'
Eddie bursts into laughter. Of course he would react like that.
'No, he's not,' he answers. 'He's named Steve.'
'Ha! I knew it!'
Eddie only rolls his eyes; of-fucking-course this was going to happen.
'So I take it you wanna tell me you learned to never doubt your old uncle again, huh?’
Eddie snorts. 'Need I remind you that I only met up with him to stop your ridiculous matchmaking?'
'And now that you know how wrong you were ‘bout that one, you wanna apologize to me for bein’ as stubborn as a goddamn mule and beg me to not stop my matchmaking after all?'
'No, I very much still want you to stop that,' Eddie retorts. 'I'm actually planning to keep this one around long enough for you to never have to play matchmaker again. But you know what, Steve has this lesbian friend, I'm sure she'd love to be set up with a cute girl who “looks like a lesbian” to you.'
Wayne doesn't seem to register the sarcasm in Eddie's voice or the teasing twinkle in his eyes; he frowns, looking like he's deep in thought, before his face lights up all of a sudden.
'I met this nice young lady who works for the Gazette, she did some article 'bout the working circumstances at the plant a couple weeks back. Was real polite, actually listened to what we had to say for a change... I'm sure she'd get along just fine with Steve's friend.'
Eddie starts cackling. 'Don't let it get to your head now, old man.' He pauses. 'Or actually, maybe you should. You could become, like, the psychic of the gays. Earn lots of money with it.' Eddie wiggles his eyebrows as he says it.
Wayne merely shakes his head at him, but an almost invisible smile is tugging at his lips. Suddenly, he brusquely pulls Eddie in for a sideways hug.
'I'm happy for ya, Ed. You better keep your Steve around for a while, alright?'
As soon as Steve arrives at the trailer, Eddie launches himself into in his arms and immediately gets himself a taste of the most delicious kind of strawberry known to mankind, because he might as well profit as much as he possibly can from the fact that he can actually do that now.
Steve gapes at him, his mouth hanging slightly open and his eyebrows raised in bewilderment. 'Dude. Did you just lick my mouth?'
Eddie shrugs. 'Tastes like a lollipop.'
It isn't until he takes a step back that he properly notices the parts of Steve that aren't his pink lips: he's wearing a dinner jacket and holding a bunch of flowers – which by the looks of it got mildly maimed by Eddie's enthusiastic greeting.
'What the fuck, Stevie.' It slips out before Eddie can help it.
'What?' Steve gives him another confused look.
'I mean, don't get me wrong, you're looking insanely hot right now, but... Why are you dressed like we're about to go to the opera?'
'Meeting the parents for the first time, gotta make a good impression!'
'You already met Wayne,' Eddie blankly points out.
'I didn't meet him as your boyfriend, though.' Your boyfriend. It feels fucking unreal to hear Steve say that. And judging by the way it makes Eddie's stomach all floaty and his mouth unable to stop smiling, it's gonna be very bad for that scary metal image he's been working so hard on crafting for himself.
'He's already, like, your number one fan,' Eddie says. 'You need to fuck up real bad to not make a good impression here.'
An adorably relieved look crosses Steve's face at those words.
Eddie squints at Steve's clothes, from the baby-blue button-down to the neatly polished fancy shoes that already got completely ruined by the muddy trailer park ground.
'Dude, you know where we are, right?' he says. 'Just – take a look around you. Do you think we are the kind of people that care about formal clothing and fucking flowers? We were barely able to fit a third chair around the dinner table, we're literally gonna be eating canned macaroni.'
Steve furrows his brows. 'Are you trying to scare me off?'
'No, I'm just giving you the facts. Because you look like you were expecting cloth napkins and, I dunno, maybe the Queen of England.'
'Not really. Just wanted to do it properly.' He shrugs lightly and suddenly seems smaller, like Eddie is not the only one who sometimes gets overwhelmed by figuring out this whole relationship thing they have going on. 'It's important to me. And honestly, your uncle deserves even more respect than the Queen of England, for getting you into my life, you know.'
And Jesus, if that isn't enough to make Eddie melt into a puddle right on the spot... He hopes Steve doesn't notice how rapidly he's suddenly blinking.
'So, you gonna take these or not?'
Steve holds out the flowers, almost hesitant, like he's half expecting Eddie to refuse them. As if he could ever refuse anything Steve would gift him.
'Why thank you, my darling,' Eddie says with a bow. 'You're actually the first guy who ever brought me flowers.' He lets his fingers linger around Steve's as he takes the bouquet from him.
A soft smile crosses Steve’s face. 'And you're the first guy I ever brought flowers to.' He still doesn’t pull his hands away, but instead leans in closer to give Eddie a peck on his lips. And maybe, just maybe, there's something about the whole thing – the jacket, the flowers, the sweetness – that Eddie could actually get used to.
'You wanna get inside and say hi to my uncle?'
'I'd love to. Can't wait to thank him properly for being the greatest matchmaker on earth.'
'Please don't tell him that,' Eddie says with a chuckle. 'He really doesn't need any more encouragement. I'm pretty sure he's already scheming to set up a queer dating agency or some shit.'
‘You should know by now I can hear everything you're sayin' from here!’ Wayne’s voice yells from inside the trailer.
Steve grins as Eddie grabs his hand tighter to lead him inside.
‘It wouldn't hurt you to show him some more support in following his dreams, you know,’ he mumbles to Eddie under his breath.
‘Jesus H. Christ, I can’t believe you’re already teaming up with him to bully me before you even met him!’
He should probably be mad about it, but Steve squeezes his hand and gives him such a precious smile that the only thing he can do is smile back at him.
Holy shit creating this silly little AU has honestly been such a wild ride thanks to all your reactions to it, i can’t say enough how happy all those notifications have made me and I still can’t believe there were SO MANY OF YOU who asked to follow along!!<3333
Taglist: @phantypurple @love-kurdtt @eddiemunsonswife @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @swimmingbirdrunningrock @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @yourebuckingkiddingme @th3-r4t-k1ng @messrs-weasley @moonshadows-13 @im-sam-fucking-winchester @xjessicafaithx @yournowheregirl @henderdads @lwhoscribbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon @rainydays35  @cassaloopa @skeliiix @thesuninyaface @silversnaffles @jestyzesty @4nemo1egend @ace-of-foxes @harringtonsgother @thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @thereindeerlady @jillfriend @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @gamerdano @spectrum-spectre @zerokrox-blog @00biscuit @mixsethaddams @steve-the-hairrington @episcogoth @caligularib @gaydrieeen @winterbuckwild @bookbinderbitch @daysarestranger @nonbinary-eddie-munson @fangirltofangod @solalasoforth @obsessivlyme @slit-wrist @fxndom-hoe @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @joruni @roastingdragon @lenore1232 @princessstevemunson @cuips-not-cute @munsonsuccubus @justalittlefungi @cherrycolas-things @nitrilexam @thepainisspicy @hopefulslothcollecter @whatisreggieshortfor @doctorqueensanatomy @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sadcanadianwinter @iamsotiredman @orangeandthefairroadkill @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @b-icetea @freddykicksasses @faery-god @poleaxed-aloe @mamaclownhunter @paperbackribs @blvckwidow @mightbeasleep @butuglypeoplefucktoo @lolawon @angryavocadofrog @iwouldsail @livelaughlexa @magpiemuseum @shushuac  @ravnlinn @homohomohoe @kissaphobic-kas @cmackz93 @your-greatest-queen @alltheweirdkidsinoneplace @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @ceaselessly-watching @anaibis @enchantedlandcoffee @fluffy-alpaca-of-darkness @nelotegreitic @mollymawkwrites @evix-syne666 @redfreckledwolf @ajamlessbaby @connected-dots @nothisisntmyname @steddieassheg0es @anxiouseds @summer1066 @loopholesinmydreams @mareydi  @lillemilly @this-is-moony-lovegood @qomrades @mad-h-w @gay-stranger-things @blanketlicker @fandomcartographer @adankrivervalleynearyou @undreamingscatworld @theysherobinbuckley @i-wanna-combust @stranger-poets-society  @fanshipgirl88 @nonhetbts @literallyjustarat @knitsforthetrail @limpingpenguin @spoopy-rayvynnnox @impeachy @ashwinmeird @7boxesofcheerios @nonsense-of-dimitri @azreadytodie @fuctacles @fuzzyduxk @pluto-pepsi @bornonthesavage @what-am-i-doing-with-my-non-life @alanna342 @jinxjinn @ali-just-ali @piningapple @captain-daryn @namelessssho @doltclassic @elsarenard @ramyayaya @my-heart-is-stopped @lightwoodbanethings @goblin-eddie @indie-npc @alienace @satan-is-obsessed @booksandscience @shrimply-a-menace @hammity-hammer @mits-ki @sharingisntkaren @dbquills @electrick-marionnett @thecherryslush @nuttychaosface @grtwdsmwhr @ceph-the-mothman @gay-little-bitch @brassreign @ninjapirateunicorns @quickenedheartbeat @infrogulous @breealtair @hellomynameismoo @ecarliethic @sultrypickle @lovelyscot @ladydorian05
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sidekick-hero · 9 months
I didn’t know that it could be easy
(steddie | rating: t | wc: 3.071 | cw: none | Part 2 to this one | tags: Christmas Day, modern au, found family, marriage proposal, fluff | @steddiemas prompt "Christmas Day")
When the wonderful @sentient-trash sent me this beautiful steddie art I knew I needed to write something for it. So why not fix the heartbreak I caused with this ficlet here? Thank you again, Simon, I love your art so much 💜💜
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"It has to be perfect, Wayne. Do you hear me? Perfect."
Eddie knows he's overthinking this, obsessing over things that probably won't matter in the end, like the color of the tablecloth or whether the scented candles smell like cinnamon or vanilla. It's just...this is Steve and he needs this to be perfect because Steve deserves nothing less. Eddie almost screwed up this thing between them once, and he's been terrified of doing it again ever since.
It's a miracle and a half that they've made it this far. Their third Christmas as a couple, living together in their cozy apartment with their cat Garfield and their dog Bowie. That they made it to the point where Eddie has a ring hidden between his Dnd dice set, waiting to be placed on Steve's hand if he wants it.
God, what if he doesn't want it?
Because four years ago, Eddie had foolishly pined for Steve. Worst of all, he’d done so after pushing the other man away himself after a drunken night together early in their friendship slash roommateship. At the time, he'd thought his feelings had been one-sided, telling himself he'd done it so he wouldn't lose Steve completely. Eddie had never been the kind of guy you would choose to be with after a quick tumble in the sheets, so why would someone as sweet and funny and gorgeous as Steve?
As he discusses his plans for the evening with his uncle, so goddamn determined to make it the perfect Christmas for his boyfriend, he thinks back to their fight that had almost ended it all. Steve had been with someone else after Eddie had made it clear that their night together had been a drunken mistake and that he wanted them to be friends. Eddie had been dying inside, even as he tried to be happy for Steve. Things had come to a head when Eddie had come home and found Steve and his boyfriend Sam making out on the couch. He had reacted badly and Steve had followed Eddie to his room and confronted him about his behavior.
God, he can still see Steve's face, the tears forming in Steve's eyes as he told Eddie that he couldn't do it anymore, watching Eddie disappear before his eyes. Telling him that he fucking missed him. Steve's boyfriend had interrupted their fight before anything else could be said, and Eddie had left their apartment to wander aimlessly through the night.
"Don't forget the pecan pie, it's his favorite. And the banana ice cream. Yeah, I know I hate banana everything, but it's his guilty pleasure. I made some toffee and caramel beans to put in it and some chocolate topping and whipped cream to go with it, so - I don't know why you’re laughing at me, but I don't have time for this, he'll be back from walking Bowie any minute and I still have to put the presents under the tree. Just. Will you help me make this the best Christmas he'll ever remember? Please?"
He's an anxious mess, and he knows his uncle can tell, because instead of teasing him further, he just confirms in a warm and gruff voice that he will help Eddie make this the best Christmas for his boy. They end the call and Eddie rushes into their shared office and recreation room. It is actually Steve's old room from when they were roommates instead of boyfriends. Nowadays it's used as a guest room when one of their friends or his uncle sleeps over, and as a storage room for all the stuff they don't want lying around the apartment taking up space.
It's also where they keep the Christmas presents.
Eddie carefully carries them over to their Christmas tree and places them underneath it. All except one, which he puts in his pocket. Playing with the simple gold band in his pocket, Eddie couldn't help but think back to that night over three years ago.
He had snuck into their dark apartment, assuming that Steve was staying at Sam's to avoid Eddie. He had decided to tell Steve the truth about his feelings during his long walk, rehearsing what he would say, playing out a hundred different scenarios. Still, he hadn't been prepared to find Steve lying on Eddie's bed, apparently asleep while waiting for him, with Eddie's favorite hoodie clutched to his chest.
The sight had hit him hard, making his breath catch in his lungs and his heart stutter in his chest. He had just stood there for what seemed like hours, watching Steve's sleeping form on his bed. Steve had looked worried, even in his sleep, a slight crease between his eyebrows and the hand holding his sweater had been clenched into a tight fist. His whole body was hunched up as tight as it could be, his knees pressed against his chest as if protecting himself from the cold and empty room. That was what finally made Eddie move.
He went back into the living room and grabbed the afghan off the couch before making his way over to Steve. But as he placed the blanket over the sleeping form, Steve had stirred.
"Eddie?" He had mumbled, his voice slurred with sleep.
Unable to help himself, Eddie had knelt by his side and started to stroke his hair. "Yeah, it's me. Go back to sleep, Stevie. We'll talk in the morning, 'kay?"
But when he had tried to get up, he had been stopped by Steve's hand on his arm, his eyes searching Eddie's with surprising clarity. "Stay. Please."
Maybe it was the late hour or the emotional exhaustion. Maybe it was because Eddie had no fight left in him to deny himself or Steve what they both obviously wanted. Maybe it was just the way Steve had looked at him, the memory of the tears in those eyes still clear in Eddie's mind. Whatever it was, Eddie had just slipped out of his jeans before crawling onto the bed right behind Steve, pushing the sheets out from under them to pull them over their heads. With their bodies pressed together and Steve in his arms, they had both fallen asleep.
The next morning they'd woken up late, still tangled under Eddie's blanket. Everything had been warm and hazy, perfect really. When he felt Eddie stir behind him, Steve had rolled over in his arms and they had just looked at each other for a long moment before Eddie had broken the silence between them.
"I'm sorry, Steve. I don't even know where to begin to tell you how sorry I am."
Steve had just taken his hand, his thumb caressing the back of it in small circles, and it had given Eddie the courage to go on.
He told Steve all the things he had been too afraid to say before.
They had talked for a long time. Steve telling him how much he had wanted Eddie that night, drunk or sober, that he had liked him for a while and had hoped they would get together afterwards. But then Eddie had called it a mistake and asked Steve to be friends. So he'd tried, but he'd never gotten over Eddie. Sam had known that Steve was nursing a broken heart when they got together, and after seeing how Eddie had reacted to their relationship and how it had gutted Steve to see Eddie pull away, he had put two and two together. He wished Steve good luck, but said he couldn't wait for Steve to get over someone who clearly wanted him back.
"I fucked up bad, huh?" Eddie had asked with a pained smile, looking at their intertwined hands between them. He couldn't believe that Steve was still here, holding him close and lifting their joined hands to his lips to plant a soft kiss on the back of Eddie's.
"Kind of. But I think we can fix this."
"And how do you suggest we do that, oh wise one?" Eddie had asked, hope blossoming in his chest at the warmth of Steve's smile.
Pulling Eddie impossibly close, Steve whispered against his lips, "Would you just kiss me, you idiot?"
Eddie had never been happier to be called an idiot, as it led to them exchanging soft kisses that soon became more heated, tongues sliding against each other to take each other's moans right out of their mouths.
When they finally stumbled into their kitchen, it was late noon, but that didn't stop them from making breakfast together before spending the day lounging on their couch, exchanging kisses and soft whispers of how happy they were to finally be here.
That day, Eddie had vowed to work hard to never let something so precious slip through his fingers again.
Since then, they'd adopted a grumpy orange-and-white cat with one eye and a mutt, moved Steve's stuff into Eddie's room ("Because that's where we finally got our shit together, Eds"), and Wayne had all but adopted Steve into the Munson family. Robin, Steve's best friend, had taken a little longer to warm up to Eddie because she had a front row seat to Steve's heartbreak thanks to Eddie being an idiot. But she had come around, as had Steve's little brother Dustin, who was away at college, a fact Steve didn't take too well. So Eddie had invited Dustin and his mother, as well as Robin, without telling Steve, hoping it would be the perfect surprise for him.
As if his thoughts had summoned them, the doorbell rang, alerting Eddie to the arrival of his guests. Opening the door with a flourish, he found Dustin and his mother standing there, along with two large suitcases.
"The Hendersons! Welcome to our humble abode, please come in." Eddie greets them cheerfully before leading them into the warm and cozy apartment.
He gets them settled in their guest room and is about to make them both some hot cocoa when the doorbell rings again, this time revealing Robin and his uncle, who happen to have arrived at the same time. They also gather in the kitchen, with Wayne taking over the cocoa duties. They all shove more presents into his arms, which he dutifully places under the tree as well. And in a wider circle around it, because holy shit, that's a lot of presents.
The only thing missing is Steve, who takes their dog for long walks whenever he has the time and hasn't been back yet.
Wayne is in the middle of telling a rather embarrassing story from Eddie's childhood, which the man himself tries to stop, but to no avail, when he is saved by the sound of a key turning in the lock of their front door. Eddie mimes for everyone to be quiet as he makes his way to the door as quickly as possible.
"Stevie, light of my life, you're back!" Eddie calls out in excitement as soon as the door opens to reveal his boyfriend and their dog.
Steve, on his knees letting Bowie off the leash, looks up at Eddie with suspicion. "What have you done now?"
"I'm wounded, Steven. Wounded! Why do you accuse me of some unknown crime before you even give me a kiss?"
Steve grabs Eddie by the collar of his Christmas sweater and pulls him in for a kiss, smiling so hard it can hardly be called that. "Because you get extra loud and dramatic when you're trying to hide something. So what have you been doing?"
"A special Christmas surprise, honey." Mrs. Henderson speaks up, making Steve whip his head around to face her.
"Claudia?" And then his eyes land on the other guests gathered in their kitchen. "Dustin? Robin? What...why? How? I thought you had to spend Christmas with your parents, Robs?"
"That was all Eddie. He arranged for all of us to come here and spend the evening with you. I have to leave later to drive over to my parents, but not for another four hours or so."
After hearing Robin's words, Steve slowly turns back to Eddie, and this time the tears in his eyes are from happiness, not heartbreak.
"Eddie," is all he says before he slams into him, his arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders and his face nestled in his favorite spot just above Eddie's collarbone. "I love you." Steve whispers, his voice choked with emotion.
"I love you too, Stevie," Eddie whispers back, right into Steve's ear, the words meant just for him.
After that, they all gather around the improvised dining table Wayne had set up. It is a simple construction with another table the same height as their kitchen table, so they could push them together and decorate them with a large tablecloth to make it look like one. They eat the roast Steve had prepared, everyone praising his cooking skills, making him blush and his eyes glow with pride.
For dessert they have pecan pie, much to Steve's delight. "Eddie insisted it had to be pecan," Wayne reveals, earning Eddie a wet kiss on the cheek from Steve.
"You're spoiling me, Eds."
"It's not spoiling when you deserve it. Besides, the pie is for everyone, it just happens to be your favorite." Eddie deflects, suddenly self-conscious. Maybe he'd overdone it, just a little, in his quest for the perfect night. But what is it they say? In for a penny and all that. "I might have something just for you, though."
Before Steve has a chance to say anything to that, Eddie is already up from the table to get the ice cream from the kitchen. By the time he comes out with it, everyone has stuffed themselves with the pie, leaving none for Eddie. Putting the ice cream in front of Steve, he complains loudly about it. "That's how you thank me, I see. Scoundrels, all of you."
A plate with a large slice of pie is placed in front of him. "I saved you a slice, baby."
Eddie presses both hands to his heart and pretends to melt. "Aw, you do love me."
Instead of answering, Steve just kisses him before looking down at the bowl in front of him. "What's that?"
"Banana ice cream with toffee and caramel beans, topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce."
Steve plunges the spoon into the creation and takes a big bite, letting out a moan that's downright pornographic. "Oh God, please marry me."
Across from them, Wayne nearly chokes on his coffee at Steve's words, and Eddie gives him a warning glare. Wayne is the only one in on Eddie's plan, which Eddie begins to regret. But he needed someone to organize some things, especially the custom-made rings.
After dinner, everyone gathers around the tree, including Garfield and Bowie. Garfield is sitting on Claudia's lap, having taken an instant liking to her, while Bowie is sleeping at Wayne's feet. As usual when their little family gets together, the gift exchange is a cheerful and chaotic affair. Eddie gets new guitar strings from Robin, a new set of custom-made Dnd dice from Dustin and Claudia, and Garfield slippers from Wayne, as well as a can of motor oil with the promise to change Eddie's oil together next weekend. Steve's gift, however, was the most treasured: two tickets to a Metallica concert right here in Chicago.
Throughout the night, Wayne had been taking pictures of everything, claiming that they would be glad to have some memories later on. So when all of the presents have been handed out, he leads Steve and Eddie over to the tree for a picture.
"We need Garfield and Bowie here, too, if it's a family photo," Steve exclaims, his cheeks rosy from equal parts eggnog and joy. "Come here, Bowie. Good boy." Bowie, who is just as much of a sucker for Steve as Eddie is, promptly follows. Eddie knows that Garfield would not be so easily persuaded, so he walks over to Claudia, plucks him from her lap, and places him at Steve's feet.
What Steve doesn't know is that this is all part of Eddie's plan. The two pose in front of the tree with Bowie between them and Garfield weaving between Steve's legs. Just as Wayne's about to take the picture, Eddie turns to Steve and, seemingly outta nowhere, grabs a Santa's hat and puts it on Steve's head. "There you go, now you look all dressed up for the occasion."
"How...where did you hide that?"
"Pulled it out of my ass. You better check to see if I have any more Christmas stuff stashed there later, big boy."
Eddie can't know it yet, but he hopes Wayne captured the exact moment Steve's face scrunched up in surprised laughter. But even if he hadn't, Eddie hadn't been able to tear his eyes away from it anyway, as he memorized every single detail of that very moment.
As his laughter subsides, Steve opens his eyes again to look over at Eddie, only to find him kneeling with his hand outstretched and something small on his palm. A simple golden ring.
"Oh my God."
More than one gasp of surprise could be heard from those around, but the only person whose reaction matters to Eddie is Steve. Who looks at Eddie with big, shining eyes and an open mouth, completely taken by surprise.
"Steve, I have rehearsed this a million times and I still do not have the words to tell you what you mean to me. What our life together means to me. I love you so much it scares me, because surely people aren't supposed to feel that much, but I do. And I want to be scared every single day for the rest of my life because it means I get to love you. I get to cherish you and laugh with you and take care of our furry kids together, and Steve, sweetheart, I want to marry you and promise you forever. And I can't wait for nothing to change, because the life we have is already perfect. And if that didn't make any sense to you, I'm really sorry. The most important thing is that I love you. So, Steve Harrington, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
Steve has tears streaming down his cheeks, but he’s smiling. In fact, he’s smiling so big it has to hurt, and when he kisses him, all Eddie can taste is happiness and love. After that, Steve peppers his whole face with kisses, each one pressing another "Yes" into his skin.
Their love story might not have begun like a perfect fairy tale, and Eddie had no idea if it would end like one. But the middle? It was pretty damn perfect, if you asked him.
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Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part Five
Version 1: False Positive
Steve stared at his boyfriend sitting across from him. It was Steve's turn to make dinner for himself and Eddie tonight. Eddie was chowing down on it, his cheeks stuffed full like a chipmunks. It was endearing, really, the way he ate. When the fork wasn't acting quick enough, he shoveled the rest of the food into his mouth with the palm of his hand. Metallica played softly in the background as Eddie shook his head back and forth. Eddie grinned, his mouth stained with spaghetti sauce.
"Hi, baby," Eddie said. "Watchya thinking about?"
"I was just thinking about you and how cute you are," Steve said.
"Really? Wanna know what I was thinking about?" Eddie asked.
"Sure, go ahead," Steve said.
"You know how I've been debating on who should take over for Hellfire now that school is coming back around? Between Will, Gareth, and Dustin?" Eddie asked, and Steve sighed. "Well, I think I decided that the Will and Gareth should just co-DM, you know? Take turns? Isn't that a great idea? Dustin already told me he wasn't interested. He prefers to play. What?"
"So you weren't thinking about how cute I am? I see. So, the magic is already dead, then?" Steve asked dramatically.
"What? No, I swear I was also thinking about how cute you are," Eddie said.
"Sure, Edward," he mocked.
"Baby! Can't I think about both?!" Eddie asked, not realizing that Steve wasn't serious. "Seriously, I was also thinking of getting them a new throne and taking the old one to put in here in your house. Say, right in front of the fireplace? You and Bumpy would look great in the chair. Also, I would LOVE to draw you naked in the chair. I've been working on my drawing."
"Baby," Steve laughed. "I was messing with you, and of course, the throne would look great in here. I was thinking about something else, though."
Bumpy jumped into Eddie's lap and tried to grab a noodle from his plate. Eddie tsk-ed and gave her a stern talking to before setting her on the floor, scratching her head. Bumpy gave him a look before turning around and leaving.
"I'm going to pay for that one," Eddie muttered. "What were you thinking about, sweetheart?"
"Well, we still haven't told the rest of the party, and I think that we should," Steve said. "And I totally get it if you aren't ready to. I mean, I figured that since Robin, Dustin, Joyce, and Hopper already knew that we should tell the others."
"Let's do it!" Eddie exclaimed, clapping his hands. "And we can show them our baby!"
So, here they were gathered together for a party at Steve's house. Everyone was over. I mean, everyone and they were seated at Steve's large dining room table. Eddie and Steve stood up at the same time, clearing their throats.
"We have an announcement to make," Eddie said.
"Eddie and I are dating," Steve declared.
Everyone paused and glanced around the table before bursting into exclamations of congratulations. They both welcomed all of the hugs from everyone around the table. Even Mike gave them a hug. Eddie was pretty sure that Claudia and Sue gave Steve enough hugs to last him a lifetime.
"Quick question," Eddie said. "What was with the hesitation?"
"Well. . ." Max said.
"We, kind of, sort of. . .," Lucas trailed off.
"Already knew," Max finished.
"What?! How?" Steve and Eddie asked.
"You weren't very subtle, boys," Wayne said.
Eddie scowled at his uncle.
"Well, did you know that we had a baby?!" Eddie yelled.
"What?!" Everyone yelled.
"Jesus," Dustin and Robin muttered.
Eddie rolled his eyes and left the room. He came back carrying Bumpy in his arms.
"Well, you got me. I did not know about the cat," Wayne said dryly.
"We got him after our pregnancy scare," Eddie said.
"After your what?!" Mike asked.
Everyone was too distracted by the cat in Eddie's arms to really take in what he had said. Except Mike, that is.
"Steve, Eddie, he looks just like you two," El cooed.
"Thanks, we think so too," Steve replied.
"Is everyone seriously going to ignore what Eddie just said?" Mike asked.
"Mike, you're going to scare the kitty," Nancy scolded.
Mike threw up his hands and pouted in his seat as everyone cooed over the cat.
"Can I be godmother to this child too?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," Steve said. "You're godmother to all my kids."
"Uh, what other kid is she godmother to?" Mike asked.
"Dustin, duh," everyone in the room said.
Version 2: Baby Bat
"So you weren't thinking about how cute I am? I see. So, the magic is already dead, then?" Steve asked dramatically.
"What? No, I swear I was also thinking about how cute you are," Eddie said.
"Sure, Edward," he mocked.
"Baby! Can't I think about both?!" Eddie asked, not realizing that Steve wasn't serious. "Seriously, I was also thinking of getting them a new throne and taking the old one to put in here in your house. Say, right in front of the fireplace? You would look great in that chair. Also, I would LOVE to draw you naked in the chair. . . With your swollen belly and all. . . I've been working on my drawing."
"Baby," Steve laughed. "I was messing with you, and of course, the throne would look great in here. I was thinking about something else, though."
"Oh, yeah, what were you thinking about?" Eddie asked.
Steve smiled as the baby started to kick. She was most active during the nighttime. He pressed a hand to his stomach. They didn't know the sex of the baby yet, but they both firmly believed it was a girl.
"I was just thinking it was probably time that we tell the others about us and the baby," Steve said. "I am showing more now, and I'm getting tired of Mike asking me why I decided to let myself go."
"You want me to kick his ass, baby?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, and have Nancy kick your ass afterward? No thanks," Steve said.
"So, I should I get Nancy to kick his ass?" Eddie asked.
"That would probably be best and hilarious," Steve said. "So, do you think that we should tell them?"
"Oh, yeah, let's show off our baby," Eddie said.
So, here they were. A few days passed, and they were all gathered together at Steve's house. They were sitting around the dining room, eating and conversing. Eddie and Steve stood up at the same time.
"We have an announcement to make!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Eddie and I are dating," Steve declared.
There was a long pause as everyone glanced at each other before they burst into congratulations. They welcomed hugs from everyone, and Eddie made sure that no one hugged Steve too tightly.
"Thank you for telling us," Will had whispered to them when he hugged them both.
Eddie practically had to peel Sue and Claudia off of Steve.
"Quick question," Eddie said. "What was with the hesitation?"
"Well. . .," Max said.
"We sort of already knew," Lucas said.
"What?! How?!" Steve and Eddie asked.
"You weren't exactly subtle, boys," Wayne said.
"Oh, well. . .did you know that I got Steve pregnant?!" Eddie yelled.
Everyone stared at Eddie and then at Steve's belly before they burst into laughter.
"Hey!" Hopper yelled, and everyone got quiet. "They're telling the truth."
"But they're two guys," Mike said slowly.
"Bat bites," Hopper said gruffly.
"Ohhhhh," everyone said.
"Hey, you're just in time. She's starting to kick," Steve said.
Everyone stood in line to feel the baby kick.
"You boys already know that it's a girl?" Wayne asked.
"Not yet, it's just what we believe," Eddie said. "And hey, I'm sorry about not telling you sooner."
"I get it, and I'm happy for you, Eds. Can't wait to meet your little girl," Wayne said.
"You're going to be the best Pepaw ever," Eddie said.
"What about you?" Steve asked Claudia, Sue, and Charles. "What are you wanting to be called now that you guys are going to be grandparents? Joyce already called dibs on Nana and Hop is Bunny."
"Again - ," Hopper started to say.
"Oh, just let it go, Hop, it's happening," Joyce said.
"Oh, I always wanted to be called Grammy!" Claudia exclaimed tearfully.
"I wouldn't mind being called Poppy," Charles grinned proudly. "Congratulations, sons."
"My own grandmother was called Grams, I wouldn't mind being called that," Sue said, smiling proudly at Steve.
El was the last one to come feel the baby kick. As soon as she placed her hands on Steve’s belly, the lights started flickering.
"El?" Hopper asked.
"It was not me," El said. "It was the baby. She is like me."
A/N: Should I have Steve give birth or do the c-section? I'm still debating on that. Also, I can't get the image of Eddie drawing Steve in his throne out of my head. Does anyone want to draw that? No pressure or anything?
Part Six
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cookeybg · 4 months
The Colony Possessed - Chapter 2
Title: The Colony Possessed
Main Characters: Gotham, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
Narrators: Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, will add others as chapters progress
Honorable Mentions: Wally West
No romantic relationships
Stuff to Know: Cryptid Batfamily, maybe a bit spooky, Hopefully a bit amusing, Gotham LOVES Batman and she always will, it's concerning
[The Colony Possessed Table of Contents]
Chapter 2 - Barry knew he couldn't outrun his shadow
“Uncle Flash,” Wally jumped when an empty cardboard box fell to the ground, “I really think we should leave!”
Barry looked around nervously the hairs on his skin standing on end. He never even liked hearing about Gotham much less stepping foot in the accursed city, but here he was in his flash costume scoping out an abandoned warehouse that he knew was being used by Captain Boomerang. He just needed to find proof, which was proving to be difficult, what with all the spookiness the warehouse provided. How anyone in their right mind would live in this city, he did not know. Wouldn’t the rumors of bats personified and dead children protecting the weak be enough to rule this place out as reasonable living? They heard another echo of something falling and both Barry and Wally hugged each other, a squeak escaping their lips.
“Maybe we should come when there’s more light out,” Barry whispered.
Wally shook his head in the affirmative.
“Are you looking for this?” A clear voice echoed from the rafters.
“Who, who’s there!” Barry exclaimed.
A lithe figure somersaulted into view, landing precariously on a stack of boxes in front of them. From the little they could see of his face, he was extremely pale, black hair that blended with the darkness surrounding them, he was shapeless, shadowy, like a specter. Until he moved to stand up, his black cape, because that is what had been covering his body, revealed a bright yellow lining and his red and green clothes were so bright in contrast to their surroundings that it made the pair flinch. The maybe teenager, Barry realized he was young, lifted a boomerang to the meager light coming from a broken window.
“There’s rarely any sun here, so you would have to wait a while and by then all evidence would be gone. I’m Robin by the way.” Robin said casually, a wide smile appearing on his face, it gave Barry the creeps.
“Uh, yeah we were looking for something like that.” Wally said, slowly extricating himself from Barry.
“Where is Captain Boomerang now?” Barry asked, placing a hand on Wally’s shoulder to prevent him from walking any closer to Robin.
“Isn’t it rude to not introduce yourselves?” He pointed to Barry and then to Wally, “Flash, Kid Flash, it’s also rude to not send advanced notice of your coming.”
“We, weren’t even sure you existed.” Wally said, taking one more step forward.
Robin jumped off the the tower of boxes, they didn’t even teeter, he landed gracefully on his tiptoes the floor seemingly cushioned just for him and he bent towards Wally, his face mere inches from his.
“And now you do.” Robin’s smile widened further, his teeth looked human at least, no fangs.
Robin brought the shadows with him, their surroundings become darker, the figure blurrier, if he focused too intently on him, blackness and color fused like watercolors . Barry’s heart beat an even more rapid pace than it normally did, he wasn’t sure if he should pull his nephew away or push the colorful shadow, either way he was afraid that the thing might find it rude. He apparently already offended the thing, he didn’t want to make things worse. Robin shoved the boomerang to Wally’s chest and then threw a flash-drive towards Barry, who caught it with ease.
“Now leave,” Robin bent backwards slowly, looked at them through his legs, “Gotham doesn’t like trespassers,” He lifted his legs above his head effortlessly and threw himself into the air, the shadows coalesced around him and then his voice came from the rafters, “even less when they’re metas.”
Barry heard laughter to his right making him twist around, were there more of those things? He felt watched at all angles, it was unnatural. Wally on the other hand seemed entranced by the being they just met, he clutched the boomerang to his chest like one would a bouquet of flowers. Barry pulled Wally away and they rushed out of there as if the city had burned them. The shadows were alive in Gotham, a full body shiver ran down him, because there was one thing he knew for certain and that was that he couldn’t outrun his shadow.
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vegetable-man · 2 years
Wayne’s Radio
Product of winter break. Gotta get this one out of my brain before I rot. Same universe as my other mechanic eddie fics (which is why it’s tagged as so); it’s mentioned once. Beginning of the explicit romantic relationship between these two idiots. Lub y’all.
Eddie munson x reader 
(although everyone is welcome to reading, fem pronouns are used)
TW: mentions of abuse of young Eddie (physical + drug) QUICK mention. other than that- just love babyyyyy
Wayne’s radio
Wayne has this air about him. The hard exterior of a working man, and the heart of a sweet southern boy taking refuge in a small trailer in Indiana.
And although technically Eddie was his brother’s boy, Wayne thought of him as his own and nothing less. As soon as little Eddie, head shaved and face bruised- track marks running up and down his arms, showed up at his doorstep with an officer gripping his arm, Wayne knew he would do anything to see his boy happy.
Anything to keep his boy happy, but Wayne had some stipulations.
Whenever Wayne wanted control of the stereo in the trailer, he got it.
Technically, it wasn’t often that he booted Eddie off the radio, but often enough that Eddie got a taste of some sweet slow heart. Slow guitars, Blaze Foley, Woodie Guthrie, Joni Mitchell, Jim Croce. Eddie loved the chaos and resistance of metal, more than any other music, but he knew what made him think of home. I mean, he would never forget Wayne’s face when he painted ‘this machine kills dragons’ on his guitar like some knightly medieval Guthrie.
Wayne loved his boy, and never knew his heart could swell so large.
So when the slow plucks and strums would settle Wayne after a long shift at the plant, Eddie would settle also. Eventually, however, Eddie could only think of one thing.
Or rather, person.
It wasn’t a slow falling.
Eddie has been in love with the same girl for the last ten years for god’s sake. Somehow, every year, Eddie found a new layer to his love.
He found the first layer when he would pretend to be a wizard on the playground and you’d play along as his fairy companion, finding cool rocks and sticks to deem magic objects. He found the second layer when you begged him to come to your 10th birthday party and then spent the entire day with him away from the other guests, even his uncle who was also in attendance, to find salamanders under rocks behind your house. When it came time for you to blow out your candles, Eddie found himself wishing that he would never lose this.
Each layer didn’t surprise him. Even when you both started to hit puberty and he would come home to the trailer flushed and embarrassed that he began to think, obsessively- he wouldn’t admit, that you were far more than pretty.
Wayne, of course, had seen this and quickly gave him ‘the talk’ as Eddie’s face got so red he thought he would explode. He whined and denied, so Wayne pretended Eddie’s flushed face was sunburnt on hot lakeside days with you and your family.
Secretly, Wayne and your dad would cackle over beers at Eddie’s fumbling scrawny body, eyes squeezed shut and shy, trying avoid even the slightest brush of your shoulders.
Eventually, however, as his body caught up with yours, Eddie got taller, he got more muscular, he grew his hair out, adopted leather and rings, and a newfound confidence that made you swoon and blush like he had when you both were younger.
It didn’t bother Eddie. He already knew he loved you. And it didn’t help that he thought it was unbearably endearing.
Teasing, sweet as hell, but teasing Eddie then had ammo and more excuses to poke and grab your sides as you hid your face and squirmed away from him.
If he wasn’t going to really be with you yet, he’d make it clear to others that you both were off limits through giggles and flying hands.
As you got older, and admittedly melancholier, it became frustrating how unclear your relationship with Eddie was.
You knew Eddie loved you, but it wouldn’t kill him to just be with you, would it?
Late high school was hell.
All your friends were losing their virginities, going on dates, and here you were hung up on Eddie. And although you and him were inseparable, it brought tears to your eyes to see girls flirt with him, fawn over him at his gigs, ask him to fix their cars, and him smile back and wave at them like the sweet boy he was. Though he was the town freak, there was an allure to him that teenage girls just couldn’t resist.
What if you were one of those girls?
Just someone to smile at, maybe not as important to him as you thought.
Those were the thoughts floating around in your head a few days before graduation, laying in your bed staring up at the ceiling a few hours before a Sunday lunch with Eddie and Wayne.
The sound of soft metal through the glass of your windows guided you out of your trance and, reluctantly, into a world where you had to spend the day with Eddie.
The drive to Eddie’s wasn’t so bad. As soon as you heard the music from his van, you dragged yourself out of bed and into the passenger side of his precious car. You were greeted with a soft hi, a blinding smile, and a hug from the other side of the center console. And while for the rest of the drive he turned his music down to a reasonable level, the heat of his hand continuously pinching your elbow created a dichotomy of soothing and aching.
Eddie was nothing if not gentle and sweet with you.
Considering the circumstances, it was hard to appreciate.
Pulling up to the trailer, Eddie put the car in park, shut the car off, and rapidly got out. You squinted your eyes as he jogged to the passenger side of the car to open the door with a flourish and a mumbled “my love”.
Every week Eddie had lunch with you and Wayne. His little ‘Sunday dinner’, at about 1 pm, he liked to call it. It was one of the things he looked forward to at the end of the week. The people he loved the most sitting down to eat together both warmed his heart and made his hair stand on its ends. No matter what shit Mrs. O’ Donnell pulled in class, or who tried to push and pull at him in the hallways, his little Sunday dinner healed all.
Above all, he appreciated his post-dinner traditions the most.
But that could wait for later.
As he opened the door for you, he could tell you were feeling a bit quiet. Perhaps not abnormal, he decided, maybe tired, but he knew to lay on the love.
With bellies full, of both Wayne’s famous garlic chicken casserole and promises to plan a big outing for both your graduations, you and Eddie retired to the couch to watch a movie and Wayne got ready for a fishing trip with his buddies.
The ambiance of soft acoustics floated through the trailer as Eddie picked a movie for you both to watch. It normally didn’t matter what he put on, as you’d fall asleep on his shoulder, hands gripping his waist and large brown eyes peering down at you with a grin.
As Eddie settled on the couch with you, he placed you on your side beside him and pressed your head into his shoulder as you looked onward towards the television.
As you lazily watched the beginning of some horror movie Eddie was probably siked to show you, you heard the soft piano of Joni Mitchell through the radio from the kitchen.
With a shuffle upwards towards Eddie’s face, you pressed your hand on his chest in order to get his attention and sit up.
Eddie felt slightly startled as he sat up and scanned you for discomfort. Maybe you wanted to switch positions? Maybe your arm was numb? Did you just have to pee?
His train of thought was interrupted by your small voice asking him something.
With a hot face and a small huff, you said softer “this song reminds me of you.” and quickly looked away towards the TV showing some gory opening scene.
Eddie strained to hear the radio in the kitchen. But when he did, his body flushed and his heart soared. Above the clashes and screams coming from the movie, he could make out the lyrics of ‘My Old Man’.
With a flourish and rather rapid movement of his body into a standing position, Eddie leaned down to pull you with him.
He wanted to dance.
“Eddie no” you huffed, rigid, uncomfortable, and unready to partake in his fit of spontaneity.
“Sweetheart” he paused to look at you “give this old man a dance huh?”
And so somehow ending up in the kitchen, you and Eddie gently swayed to the soft tunes of Wayne’s favorite radio station.
Breaking the peace between the both of you, you raised your head out of the center of Eddie’s chest and said “I love you.”
Eddie always felt like his heart stopped when you said it and yet he returned an “I love you too, bug” with a tug back to his chest.
He was confused when he was met with resistance, looking back down at you.
“no, Eddie” you looked into his eyes, “I love you” and continued to switch between his left and right eyes. Noticing the slight differences in color between them but not noticing the immense shift in Eddie’s face.
Eddie took his hands off your waist to slither between your arms and to the apples of your cheeks.
With tears lining his eyes, he slowly kissed you.
Pulling apart felt like life or death to him, but as he parted from you and scanned your face, he realized that even if he did die, he was in heaven at least.
He felt a full body shiver overtake him as you leaned back in for another kiss.
With the heat of your cheeks and the lidded look of love in your eyes, Eddie knew that he was set for life.
In a hush of whispers to and from an old receiver:
“That son of a bitch finally got her huh”
“I know… you don’t know how long I been tryin to put em together”
“YOU? Wayne, give me a fuckin break, this was a team effort”
“Well at least we ain’t gotta meet nobody’s families”
A booming laugher filled the back room of Wayne’s trailer with the small click of a telephone as Wayne’s heavy footsteps crossed the threshold of the kitchen to get to the front door.
“Goodbye…” he looked between the two of you “both of you.”
“Okay….?” Eddie drawled out.
“Tell my dad I said hi” you smiled at him from under Eddie’s arm.
“Oh I will.” he chuckled, and promptly walked out of the trailer as if he couldn’t wait.
“Was Wayne acting weird to you?”
“I don’t know, maybe… KISS ME TO REVEAL THE ANSWER!” Eddie boomed like one of those fortune teller machines.
“I hate you so much” you laughed and paused to look into his eyes.
Eddie leaned in to place small clicking pecks all over your face.
He’d have to thank Wayne and his radio tomorrow.
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shopcat · 2 years
i genuinely just think they're obsessed with each other i think steve smooshes eddie's face and kisses it all over like relatives do to little kids and eddie just lets it happen he gets like cute aggression and shakes him around by the shoulders sometimes. and i think he braids little braids into eddies hair and he carries him over thresholds like an old timey lover and he wears one of eddies rings that he just stole one day and they all got little tiny single bat tattoos to match the flock on eddie's arm which is GROSS that's so gross and how eddie wears rings on every finger but like, 3, but eventually there's only one on his left hand but also steve for 10 years wears the most worn out falling to threads coated in clear nail polish friendship bracelet on his ankle for robin and she carries around glasses in his prescription for him and eddie's guitar pick necklace is wrapped around the rearview mirror of the bmw
robin is mildly allergic to peanuts so steve convinces himself he is Also allergic to peanuts and eddie eats some one day and kisses him and he freaks out and he's like OH GOD WE'RE ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS EDDIE and eddies like OH MY GOD WE ARE??? and they go to the hospital for what turns out to be anxiety symptoms. but they still say they're allergic to peanuts as a collective pronoun forever. eddie is always sitting in steves lap and vice versa to the point that if they're carpooling a big group people forget to count them as two. people eventually just know to call steve to get in contact with eddie including his own uncle bc even if he's not with him he knows where he would be.
when they first got together steve kept making eddie coffee the way HE likes it and eddie felt too bad to correct it and he eventually just started taking it the same way even though he hated it at first. eddie teaches steve how to tie a tie for like a job interview or something and then robin has to teach them both because eddie cannot tie a tie. eddie's favourite colour is yellow steve's favourite jacket is one wayne took off and dropped on his head to be funny when he came home from work one night when they were sitting out on the stoop. and they do randomly slow dance in the kitchen but they also twirl each other in like, the grocery store it's obnoxious. they are in LOVE!!!!!!
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
There are a few very important things to remember when discussing whether Batman, or any other character, should appear in My Adventures with Superman:
1. We don't know how many seasons we're going to get. Placing all your money on something happening in season 5 is not the strongest gamble without recognizing that we might not even get a season 2
2. Cameos and team-ups can take a bunch of different sizes. However, it can be difficult to do a cameo of an important character without it seeming like foreshadowing for a larger plot
3. Cameos are a lot of fun and don't have to include the character themselves (consider the Vicky Vale clipping or the Amazo Tech billboard)
4. There are a lot of Golden/Silver/Bronze age characters in the Superman family that might get priority
These are my personal thoughts on them:
I really think My Adventures with Superman should focus solely on the Daily Planet team (Clark, Lois, Jimmy, and Perry). However, in later seasons especially, I'd love to see some Lana Lang and her uncle Professor Potter! They're such a major part of the Silver Age comics that MAWS draws clear inspirations from. However, I'd really hate to see that become a love triangle situation in any real way.
MAWS is also inspired by the 1940 radio show The Adventures of Superman which is so evident. I keep having to remind myself that in this version, Jimmy isn't a 14 year old paper boy. I am really excited to see if Flip Johnson and this new incarnation of the Newskid Newspaper takes on either a parallel role to their Newsboy Legion versions in the 70s or to Jimmy's role in the radio show.
As for Bruce/Batman, I know there's a lot of discussion on whether he should show up because he dominates all DC media and fandom spaces right now. Although I don't want him to become central to any plot whatsoever, I would absolutely love a Bruce Wayne cameo or easter egg.
If we do get a Batman & Superman team up down the line, it 100% needs to include Robin. Not immediately, but in a later season or two.
I don't want Supergirl to show up - not for a long time at least. She is very important to the Superman Family, however she has such separate origins and identities and relationships that it'd be very difficult to properly flesh her out while keeping her as a secondary character. (In comparison, other heroes from their own franchises such as Wonder Woman, Batman, etc, don't need to be fleshed out in MAWS. They could just appear as occasional support. Because Supergirl is of the Superman franchise, she would need to take up lots of space to get cemented as a character. There is a lot less allowance for her to have off-screen activities).
Honestly, all of the superpets could be super fun, but if I could only have one it'd be Krypto. Without Kara there, I don't think it makes sense to have Streaky/Supercat or Comet/Super-Horse either (also Comet's backstory is just really weird). Beppo/Supermonkey and Krypto/Superdog were primarily part of Clark's childhood adventures as Superboy. However, Krypto is a much bigger part of Superman's legacy and I 100% want to see him interacting with the MAWS team!
Lucy Lane, Lois' sister and Jimmy's love interest could easily show up. That said, I don't think they ever knew what to do with her despite being such a reoccurring character. So it'd be really interesting to see how they'd portray her!
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Cool questions!
1: What's Chris/Thara & Jake/meredith wedding songs?
2: Dark question (feel free to skip) have the starburst duo ever been kidnapped? Like from school or maybe from their place?
3: Has somebody ever try to get revenge on the duo?Maybe a family member of a goon they stop tries to get revenge?
4: Let's say the duo filled their months with any drink of their choosing & the goal is to make the other spit it out, what would they do to each other & who spits it out first?
5: What's the super twins like with starknights/titans of tomorrow? Or maybe just Jake & mar'i?
Hmmmm....Lemme see what I can come up with @pin-crusher2000 ;-)
1) Chris/Thara: "Can I Have This Dance?" by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudges; they’d have a waltz on the dance floor to that song
Jake/Meredith: "Hold Me” by Fleetwood Mac; The newlyweds can through on a performance with Meredith and Jake on guitar and drums respectively playing along to it
2) I would say it was primarily Jake who got abducted from his school during recess and then held up for ransom money by some mafia goons. In particular, since Jake is connected to billionaire Bruce Wayne via being the son of the adopted Richard Grayson-Wayne, the hostage takers demanded a payment up to $2 billion if Bruce and Dick are to see Jake unharmed. Thankfully for the Bats and Jake’s loved ones, these crooks weren’t particularly too technologically savvy so it’s was real easy for Cyborg to take down their locations via their internet signals and within the two hour mark after they post up their demands, Robin!Tim, Chris and Mar’i all came to Jake’s rescue, utterly curb-stomping the crooks. Still Jake was deeply embarrassed by this situation and vows to be extra careful next he ventures out of the school boundaries during recess.
3) Hmmm….I can probably see some of the street gang punk friends of Kryptonian Phantom Zone Prisoner and enemy of the House of Zod , Vla-Bol, all assemble around their ringleader after he tells them of his recent defeat at the hands of Chris. This Gang of Four can then sneak into General Zod’s base of Fort Rozz, hijack some of those Zone crossing pods many of the Fort’s residents including Chris long ago use to travel to Earth, and invade the planet themselves, going a mini rampage in Hamilton County to get Chris’ attention and start up a massive brawl, Chris trying desperately to lead said brawl away from the town and into areas worldwide where no one else can get hurt. It was a tough battle with him on the ropes many times but Jake’s, Penny Troy’s and the rest of the StarKnights’ timely arrival helped turned the tide long enough for Chris to borrow his Dad Clark’s Phantom Projector and send these Kryptonian street punks back to the Zone where they came.
4) I can see Chris mainly going for Jake’s ticklish spots while Jake would try making Chris laugh as hard as he can with some intentional slapstick and doing a small stand up routine filled with puns and other jokes his Uncle Gar taught him. It’s not even a real contest; Chris gets Jake to squirt out his grape soda not just out of mouth but also his nose.
5) Hmm….Okay so at least in this version or at least for a possible version that satisfies both Kid!Jon fans and fans of those two; I’d have them being raised by Mon El, Clark’s Daxamite de facto brother, after having to rescue them from the tyrannical clutches of Mongul during a mission at WarWorld.
As for their bond with the StarKnights and the Tomorrow Titans, I can see Osul being close with Chris, almost brotherly bond between them while also having something of a kinship with Robbie Long, something one can see being mirroring the bond Clark and Diana have. As for Otho, She’s no doubt part of a lot of friend group formed by Mar’i, Lian and Irey, an honorary member of that little Tenacious Trio and their shenanigans.
One thing is perfectly clear though; Besides Mon El, Osul and Otha are both very close to Chris and Jon as per usual.
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aclockmaker · 10 months
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the seasons always change on ao3, steddie, 11k, rated E
aka the one where steve spends christmas with eddie and wayne.
The whole thing was Dustin’s fault. Steve was almost sure of it. Steve picked up the phone at Family Video and heard, “Hi, Harrington.” The fact that it was Eddie was only the first surprise. “Look, do you want to come over for Christmas?” Steve frowned. “Did Henderson put you up to this?” He was aware that he hadn’t actually said no. “Forget about Dustin.” Also not a no. “Just hang out with me and my uncle. What are you going to do if you say no?” “Uh, hang out at my own house?” Steve said indignantly. “Ehh,” Eddie said, a loud buzzer sound. “Wrong answer. You can’t hang out alone on Christmas. It’s too sad, even for you.”
(continued under the cut and the rest is on ao3!)
(last img src: x)
“What—why even for me? Look, man—” Steve tried.
Eddie sighed down the line. “It’s no big deal, okay? If you really don’t want to—”
“No, I—”
“—Then, whatever, but we want to have you over.”
“Okay, fine,” Steve said. He felt out of sorts about it, though. It seemed crazy, for Eddie, who was friendly with him but certainly not spend Christmas at each other’s house friendly, to invite him over. But then again, if the kids had something to do with it… They loved making Steve join them for holidays. He knew they thought it was sad, deep down, him being alone, and having him over helped them feel better about it. It was fine: Dustin’s mom was so nice and so were the Sinclairs. It was all whatever, fine. If Eddie wanted to get bossed around by a bunch of fourteen-year-olds that was his business. Steve would get through it fine. He was a good guest. “I mean—thanks. What can I bring?”
“Just your beautiful face,” Eddie said cheerily. He could always pull stuff like that off without it sounding bad. It was teasing, but a nice kind—like he thought Steve was beautiful and they could laugh about it together.
“Sure,” Steve said, “I usually throw that in for free.”
Eddie snorted. “Wow, along with what? Your personality or your—“
“Jesus, it’s Christmas, do you talk like this in front of your uncle? I guess I’ll find out,” Steve mused. A woman in front of the counter cleared her throat.
“You’ll find that I definitely do, so good luck with that,” Eddie was saying.
“Um, I gotta go. What time should I come over?”
“Anytime,” Eddie said.
“But for real,” Steve said, smiling and holding up a finger at the woman.
“OK, 10. Is that too early?”
“No, it’s fine,” Steve said, mostly because the woman was starting to sigh and he really didn’t want to get yelled at today. Ten was, in fact, a little early; Steve didn’t want to interrupt their family time more than he needed to. He’d expected to come over for a meal in the afternoon. But—it was fine.
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