#also i bet they don't have any medicines of their own at home
mytheoristavenue · 2 years
ST Kas!Eddie Munson x Reader 🍋- Pulling your Strings {Kinktober #3}
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Summary: After awakening alone in the Upside Down, and learning to thrive there, Eddie returns to Hawkins in search of you, aiming to make you pay for abandoning him.
Warnings: Vampire!Eddie, smut, MDNI, yandere!Eddie, very slight noncon at the beginning, blood, cum eating, mentions of depression, oral (f receiving), shower sex, not my best work tbh 😅
The world in which you stood was cold, too much so for human inhabitation, but one could have easily been fooled by the rusty hue of the air, in which hellish creature flourished as they took wing. You could faintly hear distorted music from the distance, heavy metal, if you hadn't known any better. Curiously, you drew closer to the sound, being able to just barely make out a figure standing atop a some type of portable structure, a tornado of organisms surrounding him. The noise was most certainly emanating from whoever it was, but as you walked, you began to notice that, no matter how much ground you covered, you were unable to make any progress toward the scene.
You began to feel as if the were strings attached to your limbs, and that you weren't actually running, but floating, and lacking any grace at that. Glancing up, befuddled, you found yourself attached to wire that ended at a cross brace, with a ringed hand controlling your movements.
"Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings." bellowed a voice, and almost a sing-song tone.
"Let me go!" you protested, struggling to sever your binds, finding it impossible, and only burning your fingers in the process. "Whoever you are, just please, leave me alone!"
"(Y/N)..." the stranger chuckled, dribbling their hand and making you tumble to the cracked and irritated ground, before harshly hoisting you back up. "(Y/N)." It called again, this time sternly, before doing so once more, with panic and urgency. The final toll also sounded less matured, your name being punctuated with a cracked, pubescent flare.
Your eyes snapped wide, accompanied by a painful gasp as sharp air invaded your lungs. "Dustin?" you realized, pale in the face. The boy sat beside you, Steve standing behind him, and you found yourself laying on a couch, most likely in the home of the former.
"Nightmares again?" the later asked, concerned, with calming hand on your shoulder. You nodded tiredly, sitting up more on the furniture, and pressing a hand to your temple.
"Here," Dustin said knowingly with knitted brows, holding out his hands to offer a few dusty white pills and a glass of water. "For the headache." You thanked him, before taking both and consuming the medicine with a sigh. "It's getting late," he mentioned, flashing you a glance of his digital watch. "Maybe you should just stay the night again, I bet my mom won't mind." he suggested, but you politely declined.
"No thank you, I can't keep putting you guys out. I can sleep on my own." you responded, still rubbing your temple, occasionally stretching your tired arms. "Steve, would you mind giving me a lift?" The man nodded wordlessly, grabbing his keys and cocking his head toward the door. You bid the Hendersons farewell and promised the young to return the next day.
The road home was filled with stolen glances on Steve's end and you pretended not to notice, simply keeping your gaze on the passing trees. "Look, (Y/N), I think it's time we talk about-"
"I'm fine." you interjected. "I don't need to talk about it."
The truth was, nearly a month had gone by since Eddie's passing and everyone seemed to be healing, everyone apart from you. Robin was busy with her new girlfriend, Nancy was busy with enrolling herself and Jonathan in her their dream college, Steve had been able to even go on a few successful dates. Hell, even the Hopper-Byers family was beginning to move on. The city was mending the cracks in the foundation, and life was beginning anew. But for you, every time you closed your eyes, you were back in that hell, the wrong side of Hawkins, being tormented by your guilt.
You were looking for someone to blame, someone to be angry with, someone to forgive. No matter how you looked at it, you couldn't rationalize leaving Eddie there to rot. The others should have passed him by was they were coming back through the trailer, they could have carried him. Nancy shouldn't have left you in charge of Max and the Sinclairs. Then you could have been there to fight off the bats. Eddie shouldn't have gone back, he should have just run.
Reaching your home, you nonverbally exited the car, ignoring Steve's attempts to get your attention. You just wanted to go back to sleep, even if it meant suffering through nightmares. You had long since lost the energy or will power to do anything else.
You thrashed among stale bed sheets, stuck somewhere between cognizance and a bad dream. Erecting with a frustrated grunt, you reached over to your bedside table to rummage for a well used bottle of sleep aid and a half empty water bottle. After throwing the pills back, you scanned your darkened room, allowing the mess and clutter to seep into your consciousness. You noted that you should clean tomorrow, though, part of you knew that wouldn't happen.
Sighing, you laid back down on your left side, facing the wall, and closed your eyes, begging to drift off, and at some point you must have.
"Why did you leave me there?" You shot out of your position, eyes straining to search the abyss for signs of life. Did you really just hear that, or was it the beginning of a dream? You noticed a dreadful stench wafting in the air, like rot, and promised yourself to tidy up in the morning, before laying your head back down. "(Y/N)..." the siren called again, making you freeze. Before you had a moment to react, a mass hovering over you, chilling breath hitting your face in an angry pattern as it screamed in a distorted manner. "ANSWER ME."
This had to be a dream, or a hallucination, maybe a side effect of the medication. "You're not real," you breathed, terror eating you up. "Y-You're just a figment of my imagination. A result of my t-trauma." you reasoned. The school counselor told you that this could happen, and that if you could convince yourself that you were in control, you would be, and it would go away.
"Your trauma...?" the entity croaked. Suddenly, you felt a strong grip around your throat, claws threatening to sink into your supple skin, yet you persisted.
"It's just a dream," you told yourself, eyes screwed shut. "Just a fucked up memory of something that never happened." You were beginning to feel a bit dizzy, as if you if you were actually starting to suffocate, and instinctually, your raised your hands to try and defend against your attacker. As you skin reached their wrist, your blood ran cold. You weren't supposed to be able to to touch a hallucination. You cautiously ran your fingers up the void's arm, feeling a stiff fabric beneath, possible a sleeve cuffed with...chains. You became much more in tune with the scene unfolding around you as your vision darkened that much more. You could feel what you presumed to be hair tickling your face and adornments on the hand that strangled you.
"E-Eddie?" you suddenly asked, more in a beg, and the entity's grip loosened substantially. "Eddie is it really you...?" You felt the weight he held onto your lighten slightly as he allowed your hand to shakily travel to your nightstand to find the switch to your lamp. Flicking it on, you fell still at the sight before you; Eddie Munson, disfigured and battle torn, bleeding all over your sheets. His eyes no longer held that milk chocolate warmth you once adored, and in fact, had no color at all, simply a pair of onyx marbles following your every movement. You could see that his wounds from the previous month's events, the ones Dustin had informed you of were still wet and untended to.
"It's me," he finally said carefully, before feeling anger bubble in his chest again. "Now, answer my question. Why didn't you come back for me?"
You felt tears slip down your cheeks. "Eddie, I tried! The gate was closed, I didn't even know what happened until the others came back without you, I'm so sorry!" you sobbed, desperately grabbing for his jacket, to which he harshly pushed you away.
His cold eyes bored into yours as he looked you over. "You left me to die, (Y/N). I thought you cared about me."
"I do, Eddie, you have to believe me!" you plead. "I hate Nancy for sending me with Max instead of you, I hate myself for listening to her stupid plan!" you raved. "I hate everyone! I hate Robin for not letting me go back for you, and I hate Steve for refusing to bring you with them on their way out! I hate Dustin for hurting himself to try to get to you instead of running for help, and I hate Mike for not being there at all!" you paused to take in a shaky breath, engulfed in this raw emotion, before continuing, wiping tears from your eyes. "I hate Max and Lucas and Erica for needing me more than you did, but most of all..." You wept into his chest as he hesitantly closed his arms around you. "Most of all, I hate you..."
"Me...?" he mumbled, dumbfounded. All this time, he'd carried such distain for you, but he never thought you'd hold it for him too.
"I hate you for not running." you sniffled. "You didn't need to be a hero, everything would have gone fine if you did. And it didn't matter anyways, we still lost. Vecna still got to Max, and now she's in a coma she may never wake up from. Dustin broke his his leg trying to save you, and it's your fault." you rambled coldly, before gazing up at him. "You're death meant nothing, and all you did was hurt us."
As your adrenaline began to wear off, you realized you never thought you'd get the chance to say the words you just did. It felt nice to have closure, to be able to stop worshipping the idea of having Eddie back, and instead, make him understand the consequences of his actions. "So yeah," you muttered, pushing away from him. "I guess we did leave you there to die, but you put yourself there, and that was pretty selfish of you."
For the first time in a month, Eddie felt something that wasn't resentment. He felt...ashamed? But why? He died a hero, didn't he? It was at that moment, he became aware of his surroundings. Your bedroom was littered with dirty clothes, molded food and drink that you'd long since neglected to take to the kitchen. There was a vase of dead flowers on your dresser, ones that he'd recognized as the ones he'd given you before spring break, and now that the lamp illuminated you, he could see that your clothes with stained and worn many times over, and that your hair was coated in a layer of grease. That didn't make any sense, you had always been so tidy, why were you living in such filth? Was this...his fault?
"(Y/N)...when was the last time you showered?" he asked suddenly, making you fluster angrily.
"Why the hell does that matter, weren't you going to kill me anyways?" you barked back. "Besides, at least I don't have month long abrasions on my body."
"Just take off your shirt so I can get you cleaned up." you huffed at him as he sat on the closed lid of your toilet. Reluctantly, Eddie began pulling various articles off himself, starting with the bandana that he'd once tied around his head to prepare for combat, following with his shirt. You timidly looked away as he pulled his shredded club shirt over his head, mess of coffee curls falling over his skin as he did.
You gingerly dabbed a few scrapes with a damp rag, preparing for him to wince, but to your surprise, he kept still. "Does that hurt?" you asked quietly, as not to alert your parents sleeping a few walls away.
"Nothing hurts anymore," he answered cryptically, staring ahead at nothing in particular. "'Cept the mental stuff." A beat of silence passed between you as to processed what he'd said.
"If that's the case, I think you should just shower. It'll be quicker that way, and I can wash your clothes during." you suggested, resisting studying his physique.
He nodded in agreeance. "Okay, but you gotta shower too, You smell like shit." he smiled a bit.
"And you smell like a busted freezer full of meat." you quipped, reaching on your toes for a few towels from the high cabinet. "Just..." you began, feeling that familiar, awkward feeling you always shared grow between you once again. "Drop your clothes outside the door, and I'll toss them in the wash. I think I've got something for you to change into in the meantime."
With that, you carefully closed the door, leaving Eddie alone with his thoughts. This was not how he planned this to go. He thought he'd have his Black Sabbath - Iron Man moment, where he'd crawl out of hell and slay everyone who ever did him wrong. He'd never considered that the people that left him behind were feeling the same abandonment that he was. As he stepped into the shower and turned the hot knob, he was almost startled by the heat of the water. It boiled against his injured skin, it would've hurt if he could feel pain. That was odd, he always enjoyed hot showers before; maybe he had been cold for so long he'd forgotten what warmth was, what it felt like to be comfortable.
Eddie surveyed your selection of washes, recalling the times he'd belittled you for using so many. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizer, face wash- what was it all for again? He and Wayne always shared a 2-in-1, how was he supposed to use all this? Suddenly, his thoughts turned to his uncle and his brows furrowed. The one person who always believed in him, defended him, and he probably had no idea what actually happened. And what about Dustin? Was he really going to kill him, even after he'd hurt himself in an effort to save him? Why was he so intent to hurt the people who cared for him. It then dawned on him that perhaps, his mindset was a product of environment, or maybe he was given new life for a reason- a more heinous one at that.
While Eddie pondered the meaning of his existence in your bathroom, you busied yourself with collecting his clothes, as well as a few of your own, and tossing them into the washer, before cleaning up your room as best you could in the time you had. A part of you was deeply embarrassed to have someone you'd thought so highly of see you in such a state of depression. Halting for a moment, you picked your shirt from against your sweaty chest, before sniffing it and instantly regretting it. You did smell bad.
Just as you were about to go back about your task, you found yourself pivoting too sharply, knocking a glass of old water to the floor, shuddering at the sound it made as it shattered. Kneeling down, you carefully collected the pieces and disposed of them, deciding you'd slip into the bathroom, just to grab a towel to toss over the spill.
Gently, you rapped on the bathroom door, perhaps a bit too much so. "Eddie? I'm just gonna get a towel real quick, I won't look." you reassured before cracking open the door. You swiftly did as you promised not to, without purpose of course, but you were awestricken to find him just facing the shower head, back to you, just basking in the warmth of the droplets hitting his skin. You blushed and turned away, quickly rummaging through the cabinet to find what you needed, planning to exit without being noticed.
"(Y/N)?" Shit. You turned back to him, trying to avoid his gaze, finding him glancing at you over his shoulder.
"Y-Yeah?" you stuttered, still doing your best not to look at him.
"Do you wanna shower with me?" he asked softly. "I don't wanna be alone." You felt your heart skip a beat. This was definitely a dream.
You faced his back as he faced the head of the faucet, luffa in hand, gingerly scrubbing grime from his flesh as he seemingly took inventory of his wounds. Neither of you spoke as you moved on to pouring shampoo into your palm and massaging it into his scalp, making sure to sort out any knots with your fingers. As he turned toward you to rinse it out, you turned away to lather your own hair. This went on until you'd cycled through all of your typical routine. "I'm sorry." he whispered suddenly.
"For what?" you asked, your words reverberating against the shower wall.
"Leaving you." he answered, shame laced in his voice.
"I forgive you." you smiled, neglecting to give him room to think there was a possibility that he hadn't done any wrong. "But you have to stay in Hawkins,"
"I can't." he stressed, his shoulders slumping against yours. "I have to go back, I wish I had a choice."
"Why?" you wondered aloud. "Are you afraid that nobody will accept you, or that you'll still be in danger?"
"Neither," he sighed. "Everyone will be in danger if I stay. I'll hurt people." he worried.
"That's ridiculous, Eddie, you're kind." you reassured him, instinctively turning to face him, only to find him doing the same. There could no longer be any secrets kept between the pair of you. You were both naked and on display for one another. "I know you could never hurt me, Eddie."
"That's not true," he argued. Things have changed, I've changed." his hands found homes on your shoulders, gripping them in hopes that you'd understand, before letting his stare fall downcast. "I'm a monster, (Y/N)."
"You are not a monster!" you scolded. "Why would you think that?"
"I wish I could show you..." he lamented, resting his head against your shoulder as warm water dripped from his hair and slid down your bare body.
"Then show me..." you whispered, desperate to understand. That awkward silence fell on you again, but this time more comfortable, like a wool blanket on a hot day, suffocating, but soft. Slowly, Eddie began to stand straight again, his hands finding your cheeks as he pressed the gentlest kiss you could ever imagine to your lips, inviting you to do the same. When you did, you instantly withdrew, finding him sharp as a goat head sticker. "W-What was that, did you bite me?" He shyly shook his head, looking anywhere but you as his fingers hooked into his cheeks and revealed two rows of jagged and yellowed pearls, punctuated by a pair of very prominent canines. "Your teeth are...different." you thought out loud, waiting for him to explain.
"You won't believe me if I tell you why." he stated flatly, removing his hands from his face and letting his lips fall back over his jaws.
"Tell me anyways." you insisted reaching up to touch where he just had.
Hesitantly, Eddie explained what had happened after he awoke, how Vecna had come to him and given him new life. He explained that ever since, he'd had an insatiable hunger, unfathomable strength and speed, and that the bats that once took his life, were now at his command. He had learned to not only live in the Upside Down, but thrive. For you, the last month was beginning to fall into place, and you were starting to piece together what had been happening to you.
"Have...you been haunting me?" the question shot out of your lips and into his flesh like a hollow point bullet. The answer was no, but it also wasn't as cut and dry as he would have liked it to be.
"Not exactly," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "But...I was aware."
"What do you mean ' aware'?" you pressured suspiciously.
"He's been tormenting you...but I was in on it. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." Eddie confessed, knowing that he was the one who chose you to be targeted, and that it was the visage of himself being used against you. "I was angry, and he amplified that..."
"Master of Puppets...It was you! You were the one controlling me in my dream!" you discovered. "I can't believe I didn't realize sooner!" You began to shout, panicking him that your parents may hear, to which he slapped a damp hand over your mouth.
"I know, I know you're mad, but I can protect you now!" he whispered, unknowingly pressing you against the tile. He sighed tiredly, leaning against you and resting his head on your shoulder again. "I swear to God, I'll keep you safe."
Despite your anger with him, you felt desire brewing in your stomach, desire to have him as you always fantasized you would. Cautiously, you pushed him away, before tilting your head to catch his lips again, an action that he received well.
Eddie buried himself into you as deeply as he possibly could, one of your legs hiked up over his shoulder, and his face in the crook of your neck, teeth crazing the supple flesh on your shoulder. Meanwhile, you held a pair of his fingers against your tongue, slurping on them to somewhat quiet. He steadily rocked into you, having no destination, or plan, just needing your warmth as close to him as possible, and reveling in the small sounds you made around his appendages. Occasionally, he'd whisper sweet nothings into your ear of how much he needed and missed you or how good you felt wrapped around him.
You found yourself in unadulterated bliss, having the man you'd pined over for years finally inside you, making love to you gently, his fangs threatening to sink into you. Primal and still unfamiliar urges tempted him to feed on your delicate throat but he resisted, the thought of potentially hurting or worse, killing you fending him off. As he thought, he failed to notice his pattern of thrusting slowing to a near stop, something you felt the need to comment on.
"You okay?" you asked breathlessly, chest heaving as you pulled your head from the wall. He nodded wordlessly, face hidden in your shoulder.
"I just don't want to hurt you." he whispered, panting a little from lack of energy. "I've been gone too long, just tired is all."
"Don't vampires get energy from food?" you asked, coming up with a terrible idea.
"I don't like being called that...but more or less." he confirmed, taking a second to rest.
"Sorry..." you trailed, feeling embarrassed about classifying him the way you had. "Well, um, maybe...I could-"
"No." he immediately pretested. "I'm not going to bite you. I'll just find something on the way home."
"But..." you insisted. "You don't have to take it all, right? You could just take a little bit..."
"I don't want to hurt you, babe." he reminded you, to your disappointment. "I-I couldn't forgive myself..."
You slyly tilted your head to the side and looked away, exposing delectable veins for him to fight with himself over. "What if I want you to hurt me...?" Eddie's breath caught in his throat before returning, this time heavier than before. It was obvious that he was starving for you, but was still holding himself back.
"I'm telling you, it's not a good idea," he pushed away slightly, eyes still locked on your throat. "I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself."
"Then I'll stop you." you reassured. "I promise I won't let anything bad happen."
With that assurance, and Eddie's lack of willpower, he slowly drew back into you, his nose gently nuzzling your shoulder as he held you carefully. He'd never bitten a human before, only bats and other small animals he came across in the Upside Down.
You couldn't deny that it was agonizing. The pain of the puncture seared to the fiber of your very being, but to some end, it was ecstasy. You could feel the vacuum of his mouth slurping your warm blood, and beyond that, it felt amazing to be so needed. Past the hurt, you felt something else happening within your body. Eddie's member, still within you began to pulse and slowly thrust, gaining momentum with each passing second.
Inside of him, he could feel energy restoring itself, his own blood flow increasing, and his arousal maximizing exponentially. He couldn't help but fuck into you while he still was able, clinging to you and using you, stealing your life away in all forms. Before long his pace and intensity became maxed out by human standards, and you felt a gargled moan bubble out of your chest at the swift progression.
You were ensnared within his arms, his jaw still locked on the side of your neck, and cunt still desecrated by his will, serving out his desires. You clenched yourself around him, purely out of instinct as your vision began to fade, a sign of his feed having begun to take too much of a toll on your body. You felt unable to bring yourself to stop him however, fearing that doing so would end his revenging your body.
His strained groans filled the bathroom, elevating in volume and guttural need, signaling his untimely and incoming climax. "Please, just hold out for me a bit longer..." you plead, dreading the ending of this pleasure, to no avail.
"Cumming, (Y/N), fuck, I'm cumming!" Eddie whined, withdrawing his fangs from your throat as he felt his essence overfill you. "I'm sorry," he sighed exhaustedly. "I'll make it up, I swear." he promised, using you as support once again.
"It's okay, baby," you cooed, dizzier than ever now. "I'm just glad your satisfied." Your head slumped against his, before you noticed his body sliding down yours. "What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna make you cum all over my face, pretty girl." he replied, sitting on his knees and delving into you, once again hiking your leg over his shoulder. He plunged a pair of fingers inside you before you could have time to protest, pumping into your sex, his fingers becoming sticky with what he left behind. To accompany this sensation, he flattened his tongue over your coated mound to find what area soothed you the most, before zeroing in on it.
One of your hands rested against the wall beside you, and the other tangled itself into his hair, forcing him to stay put, not that he minded. Shortly, your own orgasm crashed against you, having not had long to go before. You were brought to a shuddering, loud, and messy end by him, the man you'd longed for for so long. With all of your adrenaline draining from your body, you began to slide town the tile, to which he laughed and held you up as your vision finally darkened, for good this time.
You awoke some time later, how much by, you couldn't be sure. Memories cam flooding back to you, and for a moment, you could have mistaken it for a wild lucid dream, if not for the stinging soreness still present in your shoulder. Reaching up to graze your fingers across it, you found soft, clean gauze when your impacted skin should have been. Just out of your peripheral, you could make out a lump in your sheets, matching up with the pattern of breathing you noticed hitting the back of your neck. Rolling over as much as you could without upsetting your injury, you found Eddie, sleeping soundly behind you, still lacking clothes. Upon realizing this, you frisked yourself, finding that you were enveloped in comfortably loose clothes. Did he dress you?
Regardless, you were simply glad to have him back, and in love with you, none the less. You felt sanguine as you drifted off, nestled in his arms, feeling as if everything now was still and alright, and what ever was left could be handled in the morning, just like your messy bedroom.
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sarnai4 · 4 months
College Days (and career plans)
After seeing a really fun Yona of the Dawn AU fanart with the characters in college, I started thinking about the Dragons crew.
Hiccup: Engineering. He's going to become an inventor and has already done some of that. He'll probably have his own company after graduation that makes just about everything. Need a replacement limb? Phone? Cylindrical item that will lead you to various reptiles and the journey of a lifetime? He's got you covered on all fronts. If it can be built, it will be.
Astrid: Law enforcement. She's eventually going to a police academy (cue the movie of the same name), so she wants to be prepared. She'll become a police captain in the future. It'll be very obvious why crime rates are plummeting in whatever city she's in.
Fishlegs: Zoology. He's always been into science, so he's going to become a zoologist to study animals all over the world. He absolutely loves his work and probably brings a few creatures home to study for a little longer before taking them back to the lab.
Snotlout: Drama. He's planning on becoming an actor. His work as Sir Ulgerthorpe has convinced me that he at least could be good on a stage. Plus, he's a drama queen. Maybe he'll get on the screen one day too. He's also considering if he wants to try out screenwriting and/or directing eventually. If he does become a director, he'll be one of the best and most bossy somehow.
Ruffnut: Digital communication and media/multimedia. She's honestly not here for any reason other than it's where Tuffnut and their friends are. That said, the twins are going to become YouTubers, so she figures she might as well become good at making videos.
Tuffnut: Crafts. He missed how Ruffnut's idea will actually be useful in their future job and thought this sounded fun. His reasoning is that he'll make some cool crafts to show off to their viewers. He's probably right, but there are still a dozen sighs directed his way because of this choice.
Dagur: Undecided. He's gone through business to see if he wanted to be an entrepreneur, then wasn't sure if he should just go to an entrepreneurship degree, had a few in between, and the latest one was psychology to try to understand his mind. At this point, he's hoping he sticks with something long enough to graduate on time with the credits. Can't say he isn't getting a well-rounded education, though. Just don't even get him started on career plans. He figures that he'll teach martial arts to pay for bills until he comes up with an idea he can keep for longer than a month.
Heather: Music. She's going to become a singer and probably be a vocal and guitar teacher later on. She's the only member of the group who we've heard sing and not sound bad (minus Snotlout surprisingly in my opinion. Oi oi oi), so I can see her doing this. She's not planing on being some superstar or anything. Just most likely at some venues and on YouTube, so maybe Ruffnut's new skills can help out.
Mala: Doctor of medicine for surgery. She's in the doctoral program (because I'm convinced she is a nice amount of years older than the others) and going to become a surgeon. This is something she's wanted to do for a while since she enjoys healing people. Meeting the others made her want to do this even more since she's sure at least one of them is going to be in a terrible accident one day and will need a good surgeon. Her bet is on Hiccup, the twins, or Dagur.
Throk: Criminal justice. He's already graduated, but he is receiving specialized training to become a body guard. When he gets free time, he comes around to spend time with the others. He's part of the bet with Mala and bets that Ruffnut will NOT need a surgeon because there's no way he's allowing such harm to come to her.
Atali: Women's studies. She's going to run a women's shelter when she graduates. She is also considering getting a master's.
Minden: Physical education. She's following her bestie and going to teach self-defense to the women Atali helps out.
Gobber: Welding engineering. He loved this in his university days and started up his own company. This is how he got Hiccup into making things too.
Stoick: Political science. He joined the marines when he was younger and became a high-ranking officer before coming back home to care for Hiccup.
Johann: Law. He became a slimy lawyer who always gets the really dangerous criminals off and puts away innocent people.
Viggo: Economics. He wanted to be very shrewd with his spending. He owns a company that seems like it's a tech manufacturing company on the outside but is actually smuggling a bit of everything.
Ryker: Criminology. He did this to understand just what risks the criminals who work for/with him could face. He works for Viggo (because of course he does) and is the VP of the business.
Krogan: Business management. On the outside, it seems like he's got a weapons manufacturing company, but he uses it to work with the Grimborns and hurt people.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Ahh so I’ve had brain cancer since Feb of 2019 (it’s come back 3 times and i just came home from the hospital yesterday so this is why I’m asking) but Quill has been a huge comfort character to me through this. I’ve always seen him as my older brother and imagining him being there for me (especially since his mom had what I have, probably hits him hard) had played a HUGE part in getting me through this. If it’s okay to ask, how do you think he would react fo his sister figure going through this- like how would be support her? (I know it’s weird to find so much comfort in a fictional character but he’s really helped me through this emotionally tbh)
Oh my god I am sooo sorry you're going through this, my grandpa has been dealing with bone cancer since 2015 and it's been rough for all of us. And hey there is NOTHING wrong with seeking comfort in a fictional character, we all do it here even I do it (though I have multiple comfort characters so it's all a debate of who I want to be my comfort character for that reason or day).
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Okay so HC for a sister figure who is going through cancer let's see:
When it's the first time you get the brain tumor, he's first immediately hit with PTSD with his mom.
But he also knows that since you're still young, you're feeling absolutely terrified and can't do this alone.
So you can bet your ass that he is searching across the entire galaxy for the best doctors and medicine that will get rid of your cancer permanately.
When he does, he takes you to them and all it takes is a laser eye surgery like machine that targets the tumor and it goes away.
But a year passes and the tumor comes back.
Peter refuses to let this tumor take you away like it did his mom. You're his little sister and he can't let you suffer like this.
So he finds another set of doctors that suggest a microchip to be implanted that will help target any source of the tumor should it ever come back.
Peter asks you if it's what you want. But you don't trust a microchip because what if it short circuits and does something worse than merely malfunctioning.
With the microchip option off the table, the doctors then suggest a minor surgery that'll not only get rid of the tumor, but enhance your brain waves that'll help strength your body and can even attack any cancer cells that may develop in the future.
So you go with the surgery and Peter is right there with you holding your hand the entire time.
For awhile it seems to work, in fact you almost feel enhanced at your new strength. Even your intelligence seemed to be enhanced as you find yourself helping Rocket out with the ship a lot more than you usually did in the past.
But after 2 years after the surgery, the tumor comes back a third time and this time it's with avengance.
Peter is frantic, he's saved the galaxy multiple times. He defeated his own father who was a FREAKIN PLANET!! And helped defeat the Mad Titian Thanos, but he can't defeat a simple brain tumor!!
But what you tell him is, "It doesn't matter how many doctors I see, or what they'll do. It'll keep coming back".
"But I'm your brother! I've always seen you like my sister and I'm supposed to protect you!"
"Peter, you did everything humanly possible. Hell if we were back on Earth, there wouldn't be as many options as we've had here. But cancer is something that is purely universal that not even alien intelligence can beat."
"Isn't it supposed to be me that's comforting you, I mean this has came back on you three times already."
"I think you also need to know this so that you can heal from your experience with this."
Peter smiled at you and embraced you.
"What do you need from me?" he asks you.
"Not doctors, I just need you Pete."
"I'll do my best. But if I can't help you, then we're seeking professional help, deal?"
"Deal." you guys do your secret handshake with one another.
As promised, Peter is there for you.
On your good days he'll merely check up on you asking if there's any dizziness or pain.
And on your bad days, he'll make you as comfortable as possible.
There is no music playing, Drax, Rocket and Groot promised to keep their fighting noises down whenever your headaches grow too much.
If there's ever a time when your sight or hearing goes out, Peter is right there holding your hand squeezing it in code to assure you he's right there.
And you never have to be judged when your nausea hits hard and your vomiting your guts out.
Like a good brother, Peter is there to hold your hair back and rubbing your back in soothing circles.
He'll also try to make sure you're eating and drinking plenty of water. Even when you're not hungry, he at least keeps the food close by.
Even Drax saves you some of his Zarg-nuts.
Though the tumor can't be defeated, Peter knows you're still gonna try and fight it and he's gonna be right there for you win or lose.
Overall I see Peter trying to help you rid of this tumor because he already lost his mother and he wasn't able to do anything about it, but now he can. Even when the tumor keeps coming back, he'll keep fighting but also remember that day with his mom. Terrified and helpless, but no matter what he's there for you like any brother should be.
I wish you all the luck and fighting spirit for you my dear, having a cancer come back multiple times surely can't be easy on you or your family. But you've kept fighting my dear and you are a survivor!! NEVER. Lose that fighting spirit and hopefully one day you'll finally kick this tumor's ass and it'll see that you aren't worth taking down because YOU. ARE. A. SURVIVOR!!
So don't give up my dear, stay strong, always keep fighting, and know you've got support not only from your irl family but your tumblr family here. Good luck my dear!!!
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
Margin's Zelda Playlists
I am reposting this because I've added like. 50 new songs and deleted at least 10. Call this the ship of theseus i guess
Anyway, these are each their own separate playlist but I have them all on one playlist to save room. :) Enjoy! And if you have any songs that remind YOU of a specific game let me know- I'd love to listen to them, especially if they're related to one of the games with only a few songs on the playlist! All of these songs can be found on Youtube; not sure if you can find them all on Spotify or Apple Music though :(
The Legend of Zelda (the series; also my Pre-Skord Playlist)
Gate of Time/Zelda's Lullaby by HyruleOrchestra
Ballad of the Lonely by trashyinferno
Rule #15: Four Aces by Fish in a Birdcage [EXPLICIT]
This Tragedy of Mine by Knight of Endale
They're Only Human from Death Note: the Musical
Nothing Changes from Hadestown: the Musical
I Lived by OneRepublic
The Call by Regina Spektor
No One Lives Forever by Oingo Boingo
Skyward Sword
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
When You're Evil by Voltaire (it's a ghirahim mood)
Bruno is Orange by Hop Along
Curses by The Crane Wives
Anchorage by Marian Call
It's Alright by Mother Mother
Ophelia by The Lumineers
Icarus by Bastille
Something I Need by OneRepublic
Minish Cap
Dandelions covered by Bet
All the Small Things by Blink 182 (don't ask me why)
Flowers in my Hair by Wes Reeves
Four Swords
Open Up Your Eyes covered by Daniel Ingram
The Friend You Need from My Little Pony: the Movie (please ignore that these are both from mlp the movie okay. first of all i unironically enjoy mlp and secondly they remind me of shadow)
Ocarina of Time
The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel
Treehouse covered by Eric D
Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons [EXPLICIT]
Small Hands by Keaton Henson
King by Lauren Aquilina
You Don't Get to Know Her Anymore by Pedals on Our Pirate Ships
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths [EXPLICIT]
Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! at the Disco
Providence by Poor Man's Poison
You Turn the Screws by CAKE
Good Night, Demon Slayer by Voltaire
Go the Distance covered by BYU Vocal Point
River from the Sky by The Weepies
Time/Space by Alex G
Keep You Safe by The Crane Wives
Majora's Mask
Turn the Lights Off by Tally Hall
Twin-Sized Mattress by The Front Bottoms [EXPLICIT]
Home by Cavetown
Best Friend by AJJ
Rule #9: Child of the Stars by Fish in a Birdcage
Slow Down by Poor Man's Poison
Listen When You Miss Me by Naethan Apollo
Twilight Princess
Be Nice to Me by The Front Bottoms (the lyrics aren't EXPLICIT but someone does drop an f-bomb in a spoken background track)
Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show
Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
Sundown and Sorrow by Hank Williams
Hermit the Frog by MARINA [EXPLICIT]
Shadows and Regrets by Yellowcard
When the Wolf Meets the Moon by Confused Crow
Drinking Song by Haley Heyndrickx
Wind Waker
Rule #23: Birds of a Feather by Fish in a Birdcage
Joli Rouge by The Dreadnoughts
Kokomo by the Beach Boys
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen" from Pirates of the Caribbean (yes. the meme. not "He's a Pirate" the song, i specifically mean the meme.)
Rule #28: Sand by Fish in a Birdcage
Stand By You by Rachel Platten
If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
Abandon Ship by Fin Argus
Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil [EXPLICIT]
Captain's Call by Derivakat
Leave Her Johnny by The Longest Johns
Phantom Hourglass
The Flying Dutchman by The Jolly Rogers (i am sorry that the playlist is only 1 song long :'{ )
Spirit Tracks
Stickshifts and Safety Belts by CAKE
Opening Up from Waitress: The Musical [EXPLICIT]
Ghost Grinder by Steam Powered Giraffe
A Link to the Past
Ghosting by Mother Mother
Welcome Home Son by Radical Face (PLEASE give me recommendations i need more songs for my beloved :'{ )
Link's Awakening
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical
Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall
Mary by Alex G (there is a clean version please look it up)
Dream a Little Dream of Me by The Mamas and the Papas
Bones in the Ocean by The Longest Johns
Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Shadow Stalker by Mercedes Lackey (again PLEASE i need song recs)
A Link Between Worlds
Mona Lisa by Mxmtoon
Banana Bread by Sarah Maddack
Tri Force Heroes
Fashion by Lady Gaga
Puttin' On the Ritz by Taco
The Hyrule Fantasy
Rule #33: Pyre by Fish in a Birdcage
Fairytale by Alexander Ryback
Parables and Primes by Danny Schmidt
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Snow by Ricky Montgomery
Seven by Sleeping at Last
Hyrule Warriors
Villains Aren't Born (They're Made) by PEGGY
The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
I'll Make a Man Out of You from Disney's Mulan
She's Kerosene by The Interrupters
Ain't No Crying by Derivakat
Burned Out by Dodie (@unclemoriarty I blame you for this one :] )
That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil [EXPLICIT]
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
Battle Cries by The Amazing Devil
The Fall by Half Alive
Choke by I Don't Know How But They Found Me
Blossoms by The Amazing Devil
Breath of the Wild
House of Memories by Panic! at the Disco
Amnesia Was Her Name by Lemon Demon
The Distance by CAKE
The Cost of the Crown by Mercedes Lackey
The Mute by Radical Face
A Moment Forever Ago from Central Park
Waiting on a Miracle from Disney's Encanto
Rule #31: Calamity by Fish in a Birdcage
Frank Sinatra by CAKE
Seventeen by MARINA [EXPLICIT]
The Family Jewels by MARINA
Expert in a Dying Field by The Beths
Everglow covered by Remedy A Capella
Stella by Cereus Bright
She covered by Rob Wilson
The Horror and the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
Rule #29: Throne Room by Fish in a Birdcage
Rule #15: Waterfall by Fish in a Birdcage
Pompeii MMXXIII by Bastille
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treadmilltreats · 4 days
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Living with osteoporosis
So if you know me or follow me, you know that I am a workout queen. I have been working out since I was in high school. Way before, it was popular for women to be at the gym, yes, back in the dinosaur days. I am up every morning at 5:00 a.m. to work out.
I lift weights, I do yoga, I do my TRX machine, I do Pilates, I ride my bike and walk every day. I've even tried aerial yoga, pole dancing, and boxing. You name it, I've done it, it's just who I am.
I also eat right, I pack my own breakfast and lunch, and I don't eat out for dinner except for once a week. My food is as clean as possible. I hardly eat anything bad unless I'm going home, and then, of course, all bets are off. What do you expect? I am a New Yorker.
So you would think being this healthy I would not be the type of person to get osteoporosis but guess again. When the doctor told me this, I was shocked. Then the doctor said I should go on a once a month shot called Evenity as this would bring up my bone density levels.
I researched it, it seemed good and I decided to do it. When I went back a year later for my bone scans, I went from osteoporosis to osteopenia. Great, I thought, it worked, and it was good. Then the doctor said I should now go on another drug called Prolia, a every 6 month shot. I would have to be on it for the next 4 years, and then my bone density would stay at the rate it's at now.
So because I trusted her from the first shot, I didn't do my own research and shame on me because everybody has to be their own health advocate in this day and age. The drug companies are just trying to push their drugs and make more money, and the doctors are probably getting kickbacks for the drugs they're pushing. Don't believe me? There's many documentaries, especially on Netflix, about this. This is not a conspiracy theory. By no means, the drug companies don't care about anyone but the bottom line.
Anyway, I decided to go and get the shot. I was fine after the first shot. It wasn't until months later that I felt really sick. I was tired all the time, and my body ached, I just didn't feel like me. I was gaining weight and I couldn't understand why as I was exercising more and counting everything I ate. Then I went to every doctor and had every kind of blood test and test done to find out the reason. I never associated it with the shot I had months ago.
I was shocked when everything came back saying that I was healthy, but I sure as hell didn't feel healthy. Before I was the Energizer Bunny, everybody would tell me that I would go and go and go, but now I could hardly pick my head up off the pillow. Some days, I had to drag my ass out of bed at 5:00 a.m.
and it was killing me just to get through the day.
Then I was on Facebook, and I happened to see something about osteoporosis. I started going down this rabbit hole, learning about the drug that they gave me from others' experiences. It was because I did not research this on my own that I came to find out that this drug has way more side effects than what is actually treating the problem.
These side effects include not being able to just get off of this drug because if you do, you'll have bone breakage. (Something it's supposed to help!!!)
It also makes your cholesterol higher and your blood pressure higher. You have a higher risk of heart attack and breast cancer, plus all the things I was experiencing.
I was so angry that the doctor never explained any of this to me. She never told me about all the risks, she never told me this was a “Black box” drug meaning the FDA made them put this warning that it was one of the worst drugs on the market. But shame on me, I should have done my own research like I always do but sometimes you get complacent and you trust the person that's supposed to be the expert, that was definitely the wrong move.
So today, my friends, my advice to you is to do your research, ask the questions, and dig deep into the medicines they are so quick to hand out. The pharmaceutical companies don't care about you. The doctors are too busy to care, only you care about you. Be your own advocate, and if you're like me, decide to go the all natural way instead. I am hoping that maybe this will help others before it's too late.
Like I tell you all the time, only you can be the change you want to see.
@TreadmillTreatsCheck out my daily blogs @ https://treadmilltreats.blogspot.com/?m=1
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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legos-v1 · 2 years
Today was a hard day. Due to my sleeping schedule being off for the thousandth time in the past year, I took sleep medicine to knock myself out last night. Sure, I get to sleep at a reasonable time, but this medicine seems to always have a side effect of making my depression skyrocket when I wake up.
For the past two years I've been attempting to heal from a traumatic situation. It took me until the beginning of this year to finally find the energy to go to therapy.
I've been to therapy two other times previously, but lucky for me, third time's the charm, I really resonate with my current therapist, so a lot more progress has happened.
But digging through old bones, finding trauma that I didn't even realize was trauma, and intense self-reflection really takes its toll on my mind and body.
But I still have to go to work in the morning.
And today was a hard day.
I tried to get a treat for breakfast this morning, just a coffee and a donut, to try and ease the deluge of depressive thoughts intensely swirling through my brain. All it really did was just warm me up a bit. I received an email from one of my professors, informing me that I did very poorly on an assignment, and must attend a meeting with her later today. This professor has a policy where you fail any assignment, you fail the entire course; I'm sure you could understand that my anxiety has now skyrocketed.
The dreadful anticipation was hard to bear.
Before this meeting, I had a class to attend. Still feeling bad, I decided to go to a vending machine and get a soda as another treat.
The machine took my money and vended nothing. Great.
I ended up walking to a campus store and buying one.
Now attending the class, said soda I bought was upsetting my stomach, on top of the anxiety of aforementioned meeting taking place immediately after this class. Great.
Walking back to my computer, where I would attend this virtual meeting, I took longer than anticipated to cross a busy road, and was now running late to this meeting. Great.
As soon as I attempted to launch Zoom to meet with my professor, my entire computer froze, leading to my professor having to call me on my phone, only for this call to only last a minute or two as my computer started working, making the exchange quite awkward.
Then came possibly the hardest part of the day.
She asked why it was incomplete, and I explained that I simply ran out of time. I gave her the excuse that I'm taking lots of higher-level courses, and it was challenging to balance the workload.
I had to hold back tears avoiding telling her the truth; that I saw myself as a horrible failure for not completing this one assignment. That I'm so overwhelmed, not by just school, but fighting my own brain and its negative thoughts, by everything. It's hard for me to do anything. I can't just infodump my entire personal life onto who is essentially a stranger. I couldn't tell her how completely distraught I was failing this assignment, as failing it meant more than just getting a bad grade. Failing this would mean failing her entire class, and failing her entire class means I can't graduate, and not graduating would force me against the crushing reality that I don't have what it takes to succeed. That no matter how hard I wanted to get this all over with, I'll be forced to endure it even longer. I bet everything that I would graduate this summer, and even structured my future around that. Failing this would mean everything, my entire life, was about to get ten times harder.
And today was already a hard day.
I told her I did not have time to redo the assignment this week, as I already have two other assignments that are due, plus another assignment from her also this week. She essentially forced me to schedule another meeting with her for this weekend to finish it.
Immediately after closing the meeting I just broke down crying. I wanted nothing more than just to go home and sleep.
I didn't have the luxury of sleeping for long, however, because I had another assignment due tonight that I hadn't started yet.
So I just slept for a few hours, got back up, finished that assignment, and here I am, around 11pm, feeling a lot of feelings.
If you're reading this, and relate to any of this, I'm sure that you also know that these days are not rare. These days where every little thing just gets to you, and everything just feels so overwhelming. Those days where every coping mechanism doesn't work, every grounding technique is useless, and your mind wins every single time.
A day like this is not the first, and it is far from the last.
Maybe, even today, you're going through a day just like mine.
You are not alone in days like these. And I see phrases like that thrown around to try and be positive, but they always feel empty. "You're not alone! just stop being sad <3"
No, what I want is to show you that you are not alone. I want to prove it to you.
We will all have our rough times, and we will all have our good times.
When the going gets rough, don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Life's too complicated to be going at it alone. Reach out to those you trust, those closest to you, confide in them. Find those people that heal you emotionally, and stick with them. Even occasionally open up to them. You can't keep all your pain locked inside of you; it festers and rots if left untreated.
When you're feeling good, don't forget to share it. Send a message to your friends, a funny image or video, or just strike up a conversation. Doesn't really matter. It's impossible for you to know how someone's day is going without them telling you in some way; some may not want to tell others about it anyway, so don't worry about it. Whether someone's having a good or bad day, it would never hurt to make it even better, no?
Life can seem pretty hopeless a lot of the time. Constantly bombarded by horrible news of horrible things happening. That, on top of what you are personally going through.
We get through it all together. Help others when you can, and, even more importantly, accept the help of others.
Life's too complicated to go at it alone.
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Why I hate the Lying Detective
It is a unanimous opinion that the Lying Detective is the best episode of the weak fourth series. Some even believe it is one of the best Sherlock episodes overall. I bet those people are the ones who watch Sherlock for the cases, for being a crime show, meaning for being something other than what it is. TLD has indeed one of the most memorable villains, definitely the most repulsive one. However, in my opinion the good villain isn't enough to save this otherwise horrendous episode.
Sherlock is beyond stupid and beyond intelligent simultaneously
Throughout the whole episode, it is revealed that despite being so deep in the drugs, Sherlock still is intelligent enough to predict the future. Apparently, he is so intelligent that John's actions (including the physical abuse that hospitalized him? I wonder) come as natural and perfectly expected to him. However, he is not intelligent enough to tell that the woman two feet apart from him is not the same woman he stares at in a photo.
There are ridiculous comic reliefs
If you want to go full dark, either go all the way or go home. The episode is full of epidermic comedic scenes that serve absolutely no purpose except to destroy the characterization a little more. One example is Mrs Hudson smobbin that Aston Martin, for literally no reason. And whatever she says, an Aston Martin can not be explained by the rest of the living we see her lead. It would be nice if Moftiss could understand what woman empowerment actually means - and it is not that. Mrs Hudson has been evolving from a motherly yet strong and fun character to a caricature.
Awkward secondary characters
I don't know if they all felt awkward in this episode but either the secondary characters are forced in this one or the acting is mediocre at best. Molly Hooper is written so strangely in this episode, you can see Louise Brealey not knowing what to do with her character. Quick fake depth is attempted with disastrous results, like when Mrs Hudson calls Mycroft a reptile for no reason whatsoever, even though it's established in TEH that she can tell Mycroft loves and cares about Sherlock.
Wasting precious time
Whereas they could use time to give some more rigid presence to the secondary characters or deepen the interaction between Sherlock and John (and the workings of their minds and hearts), the time is wasted in stretched deductions (i.e with Faith!Eurus and that bloody window) or torturous ghost!Mary scenes.
Mary loves being here
Mary really loved it. Amanda probably did too. Nobody else did, I am afraid. You think by the end of TST, that the dynamic between Sherlock and John will be restored, yet an enormous Mary phantom emerges (John's initiative) to fuck things up even more than before. By being John's secret self, Mary finally fully becomes a John Watson in the place of John Watson, leaving the actual one to be an undefineable mass of bones and fury. But as if this wasn't enough, we don't have one but TWO Marys. The other one is the real one who clearly refuses to die by saving her legacy in a thousand DVDs. There we are reminded that Sherlock Holmes and John Watson can not work out their relationship on their own and they need the deceased amoral yet somehow perfect wife to show them the way. Which is a very amoral way, unsurprisingly.
John who?
Is there any reason why in this episode nobody recognizes John? This was never a thing prior to this episode. If this was an attempt at symbolic meta-narrative (John has become unrecognizable), Moffat failed miserably. At face value, it cannot be explained why nobody seems to know who John Watson is, even though they all visit his blog. Also, the very-good-army-doctor now wouldn't be able to treat your flu. Even Sherlock realises John acts like he has never stepped a foot on Medicine School in the end. But what was the point of this? Is this meta-criticism? Like, we are going to destroy John's character and then ridicule the destroyed version on our own??? Beats me.
John WHO
John is really unrecognizeable, no shit Sherlock. Please remember that we have seen John being sullen, angry and hurt before (ASIP, TEH, HLV). The TLD John is somebody else. I don't have a problem with him being even angrier or even darker or more aggressive but the problem is that he is an entirely different character, belonging to an entirely different show that has nothing to do with the Sherlock Holmes universe. We have also seen John hitting Sherlock before (ASIB, TEH) and he is lowkey always done with him but THIS.IS.SOMEBODY.ELSE. TLD John enters the room and I can feel cold goosebumps down my spine. He is a walking fridge next to a Sherlock that can't see straight. What mockery is this. He is the most unpleasant thing to watch in an overall unpleasant episode and the mortuary scene is downright unwatchable, because we can trace back his actions on so many things (read my analysis John's choices if you are interested) but a) the moral rock is suddenly nowhere to be seen, b) he has no control or self-restraint in his attack, c) THERE IS NO REAL REGRET. There is no regret except an acknowledgement (which is not the same thing as regret) to Lestrade that he hit Sherlock "real hard", all the while the camera focuses on his bloody knuckles. This is an offense to the Holmes and Watson legacy. The regret continues to be loudly absent when next thing we see, John attempts to end his frienship with Sherlock, chooses to trust Culverton more than Sherlock, his rescue of Sherlock is way too lukewarm, he never apologises and he remains frigid during and after the reconciliation and well up to the end of the Final Problem. Anyone of them care to explain why the official ending of the show leaves the two in their absolute worst with each other??? And of course, throughout the last episodes, all their choices are pre-decided by Mary, the apparently real lead character, as they no more have brains and hearts of their own. It's a good thing we are subtextually told that John still wants to fuck Sherlock in the hat. This makes me feel soooo much better. The only thing left for me to wonder is how much responsibility in this belongs to Moftiss and / or Martin Freeman and / or Amanda Abbington. This is only a speculation of course but if you are interested in this read Freebatch: Could it be that it affected the future of Sherlock?
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hopeintheashes · 3 years
📝I looove the sweet, domestic/home-y sickfics, but I've also always kind of wanted to see your take on a sickBuck-in-the-field fic. Maybe he was feeling a little off, but some disaster happens -it's all hands on deck so, he jumps in (bc "a little cold isn't worth being a man down"). But then, something happens when they're out responding & Buck&Eddie get separated/lost from the group. Buck takes a turn for the worse & Eddie has to use his field medicine training to try to treat him best he can
Thanks for the ask! Things like field medicine are challenging for me because I don't know anything about field medicine... but basic first aid I can do. (I think. Please do not take this or any fic as me actually knowing what I'm talking about, lol.) So, here, have some illness + injury, with Eddie taking care of Buck in the field. :-) This was for the Follower Milestone Celebration. Prompts for that are now closed. Read it here or on AO3. Content note: discussion/description of wounds/wound care.
He could've called out today.
He shivers in spite of his long-sleeved uniform and the November sun and the steepness of the hill he's currently forcing himself to climb.
If he'd called out today, and someone else would've been called in. And it's Thanksgiving.
Well, not technically anymore, but when you work the kind of job they do, Thanksgiving falls on whichever day you've got off work. And for half the people on the other two shifts, that's today.
So no. He wasn't going to call out.
And hell, this isn't so bad. They'd been taking bets on which mall they'd be called to to deal with some Black Friday shopping-related disaster. Instead, they've been sent to look for two roommates who had, in a post-Thanksgiving fit of ambition, decided to hike a trail far above their experience level.
Or. To hike right off the trail, as the case may be.
God, he's tired.
They're out of sight of everyone else at this point; just him and Eddie following an old branch of the trail that's no longer maintained but that the hikers could have followed in their confusion. Dispatch has them on the phone, but their description of where they are sounds like every other square foot of the nature preserve.
His breath is tight in his chest. He's sweating, and shivering, and nauseous from exertion.
Eddie's focused, and steady, and looks like he's just strolling down the block.
Buck's next breath comes as a gasp, and his feet stutter to a stop of their own accord. Elbows on his knees. Trying not to heave. Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.
"Buck?" Eddie, doubling back, coming in close. Buck tries to wave him away. "You okay? What's going on?"
He gestures at himself, up and down, like that explains it all.
And maybe it does, because Eddie's sigh doesn't even contain a hint of surprise.
Buck looks up at that. "What?" Breathless. Hoarse.
"I knew it. Yesterday at dinner? You were too quiet." He's got a hand on Buck's back, and then on the backpack handle. Taking some of the weight. Buck almost drops in relief.
"I can be quiet." The words scraping his throat.
"No." The backs of Eddie's fingers brush over his forehead. Gentle and concerned and fond. "You can't."
It's Eddie's touch that does it, he thinks vaguely when he shivers hard, and then again, and again, and then things are a blur of Eddie taking off his backpack for him and setting it on the ground and helping him sit down beside it, and Buck protesting weakly and then not at all as he coughs and coughs.
"Shit," Eddie mutters, and Buck feels his eyes fill with involuntary tears.
"Sorry." Broken, barely heard. "I can—" He trails off. "Sorry."
"Shut up," Eddie says, but it sounds like you're okay, I've got you, and the first of the tears fall.
The radio crackles with the other teams checking in. No luck yet. They'd have to get special permission for a drone or helicopter because of the protected birds. Between the lack of immediate life-threatening injury and the fact that anyone who would usually approve these things is at home with their family, it's just them. On foot.
And the hikers, lost and scared, asking dispatch over and over, Are they coming? Are they almost here?
He stands up abruptly and Eddie makes a noise of protest and surprise. Buck hauls his backpack onto his shoulders. It weighs a million pounds. He's dizzy, off balance. He shouldn't've stood up so fast.
He has a stubborn streak a thousand miles long.
He starts down a dip in the path, Eddie scrambling behind, because he will not be the reason those girls don't get found.
He will not.
He will not.
He will not.
His lungs are spasming in a way that makes him feel sick and his head is spinning and all his muscles burn, but in the end, it's the gravel of the trail, loose like scree on the steepest downhill yet, that takes him out.
He's flat on his ass, blinking in surprise, trying to take it all in.
"Buck." Footsteps closing in, slowing down. Eddie, hands hovering, looking him up and down. "Are you hurt?"
He opens his mouth to answer, and then closes it again. Is he hurt? Everything hurts. But that maybe isn't the answer Eddie wants.
"Buck." Gentle and close. Buck looks up at him, tears in his eyes again. Still. "Take a second, it's okay."
This bitten-off sob, which is fucking ridiculous, he is fine. He slipped on loose pebbles and landed on his butt. Like a five-year-old. He is fine.
His palms are stinging. He holds them up to get a look, and the blood doesn't quite compute. Blood, and gravel dug in deep, and the delicate curl of pale skin where it should be lying flat. Ow? He furrows his brow, and then something clicks. Ow.
"Oh," Eddie breathes, and his fingers are careful under Buck's hands, taking their weight. Then one hand supporting both of Buck's, and the other tracing over the damage, careful not to touch.
Something else clicks, and he starts to shake.
"Okay," Eddie says, steady and calm. "Hands. Got it. Anything else?"
Everything else. He pulls in a breath, which just makes him cough, turned into his shoulder as best he can while Eddie still holds his hands.
The movement is enough to bring one hot point of pain to the forefront, glowing through the fog.
"My…." He stops to swallow. Tries not to start coughing again. "My ankle." He gestures with his chin toward his right foot. "Rolled it on the way down." Or maybe rolling it had sent him down. Doesn't matter now.
"Hands and ankle." Still so calm. Then, when Buck's breath catches again and he has to bury his face in his shoulder again: "And that cough." His fingers are still gentle on Buck's hands. "And your fever." Passing both of Buck's hands back into one of his so that he can trace the backs of his fingers against Buck's temple. "Anything I'm missing?"
Buck shakes his head. Closes his eyes. Then, with the smallest hint of a smile: "I mean, my ass kind of hurts. But I think that's gonna be fine."
Eddie huffs a laugh, but he's already pulling out his phone to shine the flashlight onto Buck's palms to get a better look. "Okay. This part's not going to be fun." He carefully releases Buck's hands. "So let's take a look at that ankle first." Then, thoughtfully, looking around: "There's some shade right there, if you think you can make it before we take off your boot?"
Buck grits his teeth and nods, and then, with another nod, he's being pulled to his feet by the elbows, Eddie making sure not to run into his palms. A wave of nausea, sharp hot-cold, but he breathes through his nose and lets Eddie walk him down the hill. He tries to distance himself from the pain; to pretend that this is happening to someone else.
He feels every step.
Eddie sits him down on a rock in the shade. Unties and loosens his boot. Pulls it off as slowly as he can, but Buck still gasps. "Wiggle your toes?"
It sucks, but he can, and after some more unwelcome poking and prodding Eddie nods. "I'm guessing sprained." Buck nods numbly, because he knows what's coming next. "Let me wrap it, and then we'll start on your hands, okay?"
He nods again, because there is no alternative here. He can feel the need to cough building in his chest, and he hates it and dreads it and can't fight it anymore. Eddie braces him with a hand on his chest and the other on his back, rubbing slow circles as he gets his breath back. Buck slumps against him. The adrenaline of the fall is wearing off, and everything just hurts.
The crackle of the radio, and Buck has the sick realization that they're going to have to tell someone what happened.
Tell everyone what happened.
He groans quietly and Eddie shifts a bit so that he can get to his radio without making Buck sit up again.
"Cap?" Steady, steady. "We've got a bit of a problem here."
Buck closes his eyes and lets the words wash over him: the explanation, the worry, the planning, the "good luck."
The only upside of their current situation is that they have well-stocked medical kits, along with food and water and other supplies. But—
"What if the hikers need this stuff?"
Eddie looks up from where he's wrapping Buck's ankle. "They'll get whatever they need from whichever group finds them. Which, I'm sorry to say—" he secures the wrap— "won't be us."
"Right," Buck whispers. Eyes down.
Eddie pats his good ankle sympathetically, then rocks back on his heels. "You ready for this next part?"
Eddie doesn't fight him, just rubs his knee and then stands up. Stretches out his legs. Pulls the supplies he'll need out of the bag.
Buck swallows thickly and braces himself. "Okay."
"Okay?" Eddie's eyes search for his, and lock in, and he waits until Buck nods to say, "Okay."
Gloves on. Tweezers out. Bottle of saline solution. Packets of gauze for afterward.
"Your choice."
Buck hesitates for a second, then sticks out his right hand, the one that took the brunt of the fall.
There's something about the inside of you being exposed to the outside that is very unsettling indeed, but it's the saline running over those parts that should be inside but suddenly are not that trips his vasovagal response.
Eddie's hand is on his back and his head is between his knees and he's gagging; he's faint; he's shaking hard, whole-body tremors like an earthquake.
What was that earthquake, 7.1?
If there hadn't been the earthquake he wouldn't've met Ali.
That's a weird thought.
He hasn't thought about Ali in a while.
Ali-Taylor-Abby, thrown backward in time like your body against the seatbelt when the brakes get slammed.
Car crashes.
Chim, pinned. Chim, stabbed.
Maddie's blood in the white of the snow, in the white of the collar of his sheepskin coat.
Eddie, in the rain and the mud and the impossible odds. I thought I lost you.
I thought I lost you.
He retches again.
"Okay," Eddie's murmuring; "Okay, okay."
Hold onto that voice like a lifeline. Eddie's here, alive, in the air and the heat of the afternoon sun.
Buck tries to grasp for him, but that's a terrible goddamn idea right now, and Eddie stops him with a warning, shushing sound. "I'm right here."
Some kind of sound, frustration and sickness and fear, and then Eddie's smoothing his hair back again.
"I'm right here."
Eddie kicks dirt over the mess on the ground, and gets him to lie down in the shade a little ways away. Recovery position, just in case. Arm outstretched so Eddie can work on his hand.
It's sick, dizzying work. He can feel the tweezers digging out the rocks. He's panting with exhaustion, and pain, and the way the ground is rolling beneath him. Eddie is talking quietly. Mostly about Christopher.
It helps.
The first hand takes so long that the adrenaline fades, and then it's just sick awfulness, the fever magnifying every sensation and mixing them together until he's heaving again, bile and spit in the dry, dry dirt. Eddie's wrist meets his forehead, wiping away sweat with the cuff of his uniform shirt, blue-gloved hand angled carefully away.
"Sorry," he whispers, eyes closed tight. The headache that started yesterday on his drive over to Eddie's for Thanksgiving dinner is a vice grip now.
"You're okay," Eddie says, gentle, and Buck shivers and tears leak from his closed eyes, and the dig-dig-digging goes on and on.
More saline poured into the wound, the world spinning, and then Eddie's bandaging his hand. Buck lets his eyes flutter open, and Eddie gives him a little half-smile. "One down."
"Oh god." Under his breath.
"The other one's not as bad." Eddie gives his arm a squeeze, then sits back to check in on the radio. "They're gonna send an ATV," Eddie says, correctly guessing that Buck's tuned out the staticky chatter. "Once they find the girls." He tries to keep his tone light and hopeful, but Buck knows that means the timeline is still completely up in the air.
"Okay," he whispers, and holds out his other hand.
It goes faster, this time; less blood and fewer rocks and more of the skin intact, but it's still torturously slow. Eddie's telling him about Christopher as a little kid now, back before Buck met him. When he first discovered the wonder of creatures and planets beyond this time and place: dinosaurs and woolly mammoths and Mars and Jupiter and the asteroid belt.
And then both hands are wrapped and he's coughing weakly, curled in on himself for warmth, and Eddie's stripping off his gloves and repacking the first aid kits and the backpacks and coming around to sit behind him with his back against a rock.
"C'mere," he says, and Buck curls up with his head on Eddie's thigh, still shivering hard and coughing into the dirt. Eddie pulls out the space blanket covers him up. "Just for a little while," he says, and Buck nods, because he knows he has a fever, knows the air temp is perfectly fine; knows that medically, Eddie shouldn't be letting him trap all of his heat.
"Thank you," he says: for the warmth, for the comfort, for patching him up; for his endless patience and gentleness and everything else.
Eddie runs his fingers through Buck's hair, pausing with his palm on his forehead. "Think you could keep down some painkillers? For your hands, and your ankle, and to get that fever down?"
His palms and ankle and head are throbbing. He nods, and Eddie comes up with pills and water and half of a granola bar that Buck grudgingly eats.
"My throat hurts," he murmurs when all of that's done, half-asleep with Eddie's fingers still running through his hair. He shivers, but it's sporadic chills now, the space blanket doing its work. Amends, "Everything hurts."
"I know." Low and familiar and so perfectly Eddie."They're gonna find those girls, and then they'll come for us, and then we'll go get you patched up and then I'll take you home. My place," he clarifies before Buck can even contemplate going back to his empty loft, and then grins. Buck can hear it in his voice. "Christopher will take good care of you."
"Not as good as you." Slurred with sleep.
Eddie hums, and it sounds like agreement. "Sleep for a while. I've got you."
He does.
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cocobeanncteez · 4 years
ATEEZ San: The Calm After The Storm. (Oneshot)
Genre: angst, fluff, mafia au.
Pairing: Mafia!San x Reader (fem)
Word count: 3.5k
Inspiration: Fifty Shades Freed
Warnings: profanities, alcohol, blood, guns, death, violence.
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"What the fuck is this?!" you asked through gritted teeth, throwing the freshly printed photos at San's chest.
Your husband didn't have to look at them to know what you were talking about; his men had already reported to him that you watched the entire recording of him seducing his... target. 
"No, San!" you yelled, cutting him off. "This is the fifth fucking time!"
"But the other one time wasn't about this."
"The other three, now four times were!" he was really getting on your nerves.
"Why are you overreacting?" he questioned with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Y/N, you knew I had no choice."
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control your anger. "I understand that you had to seduce her. I know that it's your job," you tried to say calmly, but your voice was rising. "What I don't understand is why you let her slip her fucking hand into your pants after you got the damn information that you wanted!"
San visibly gulped; he didn't expect you to be this angry. He thought he was well prepared to face you after mentally forming the situation in his head. He knew you'd be pissed, but not to this extent.
"I pushed her away though," he mumbled, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, after like, five minutes," you retort. "And the worst part was that you were clearly enjoying yourself in those five minutes! Do you know her or something?"
San sighed deeply, ignoring the question. "Babe, look, I'm sorry," he apologized, not sure about what else he could say to calm you down. Your husband took your hand in his. "I won't do it again, I promise."
You immediately ripped your hand away from his, rolling your eyes. "That's what you always say, San." He took a deep breath; you were testing his patience and he didn't like people doing that.
"San," you start, "How would you feel if you saw a guy kissing me and I get carried away and let him touch me?"
That struck him. Hard. He would hate it, obviously. San wouldn't even hesitate to put a bullet through the man's head if he touched you in any way.
San's silence gave you the answer. "That's what I thought," you snorted.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," San apologized again. "But I still had to do it and you know that."
"Whatever," you mumbled and turned around, heading to your room; he still didn't understand just how much it hurt you. It was already worse enough that you had to witness him kiss and touch all those women. But witnessing San let another woman touch him in the place where only you're allowed to, not only pissed you off, but also hurt you deeply. As the seducer of the mafia gang, he was literally trained to not get carried away; his only job was to get whatever information was needed. San was a very, very skilled seducer and you knew that damn well. Although he did get carried away a few times, he never let his targets touch him. So you couldn't understand why he let that happen now. You texted Yunho (your bestfriend and San's close friend) to ask about that woman, knowing that he would never lie to you.
Your anger increased when Yunho replied: "Oh, she hooked up with San a couple of times back in high school." You snorted in annoyance; so he let her touch him just because he knew her?
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone's notification going off. Your friends were planning to go clubbing tonight as it was a Saturday. You were going to decline, knowing that San wouldn't let you go if he wasn't with you, but you decided against it; you had a plan in mind and you knew it would work.
You ignored San the entire afternoon. He tried to talk to you but you didn't even spare him a glance. He sighed, leaving you alone to cool down.
"Where are you going?" San asked, looking at you from head to toe, while your four year old daughter, Minhee, played with some toy aeroplanes.
"Clubbing," you answered without looking at him.
"You're not going anywhere," San said through gritted teeth. "Especially not wearing that." You were wearing denim shorts and a black lace bralette that showed off your cleavage more than you'd usually prefer. You purposely chose this outfit, of course, and he knew that.
"You don't get to decide where I go and what I wear," you stated. You walked over to your daughter, placing a kiss on her head. "Minnie," you called her by her nickname. "Mommy will be back soon, okay?" you said to your little angel before walking out the door.
"Y/N! You finally came!" one of your friends yelled, already drunk. She takes your hand and drags you through the crowd of people to get to the bar on the other side. "Three tequila shots for my friend here!"
A while later, you noticed Wooyoung and Mingi at the entrance of the club; you knew San would end up here as soon as he asks Seonghwa or Hongjoong to look after your daughter for the night.
And you were right.
San entered the club, dressed in all black, looking fucking hot. You wanted to go up to him and ask him to fuck you till you see stars; however, you were still pissed and had a plan to execute.
You quickly downed your shots and pulled your friend to join your other friends who were dancing. You danced with them until one of your friends introduced you to some random guys. One of the guys, who you found really good looking, started to dance with you. You noticed San sitting on a barstool, watching everything. At that moment, the guy you were dancing with put his hands on your waist, pulling you close to him, making San nearly break the glass he was holding. Perfect. Your plan was working.
When you glanced at where San was seated, he wasn't there anymore. You glanced around, searching for him until you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, dragging you away.
San dragged you downstairs where there were private rooms especially for him and his gang members as they owned this club. He took you to the room belonging to him, locking the door behind him.
"What the fuck were you doing?! How could you let him even lay a finger on you?!" your husband snarled through gritted teeth.
You snorted. "All he did was put his hands on my waist. At least he didn't slip them into my pants and touch me."
San now understood exactly why you did that; you were giving him a taste of his own medicine.
You moved to sit on the sofa, your legs starting to hurt from dancing so much. San kneeled down in front of you, placing his hands on the bare skin of your thigh. "Babe, I'm sorry. I'm an asshole, I know. But please understand that chick meant nothing to me. I didn't even know her."
You pushed his hands away from you. "Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying," he lied.
"You hooked up with her in high school," you deadpanned.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. He just fucked up again. "Y/N, I didn't mean to—"
You stood up from the couch. "No, fuck you, I'm done with you and your fucking bullshit," you snarled angrily, cutting him off, before making your way back to your friends.
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"They might take this route instead, we can't predict what they'll do," Jongho said while moving around the meeting room; he was in charge of today's meeting on some mafia gang who had tried to hack into your gang's system to get information on your international drug deals.
During the meeting, your daughter's nanny called you. You declined the call, sending her a text that you were in a meeting. She called again and you ignored it, thinking she wouldn't have seen your message. When she called for the third time, you excused yourself from the meeting.
"I'm in a meeting, Jina, what is—"
"Mrs. Choi," she sobbed. "T-They took Minnie..."
"What?! Who?!" you felt your stomach churn uneasily.
"I-I don't know," Jina cried, "They beat me up at the park till I passed out and t-took her away. They said they would c-contact you."
"Where are you?" you asked.
"At a nearby hospital," she said. "An old couple brought me here."
"I'll be there in five," you said and hung up. You were just about to enter the meeting room, but an unknown number called you. You picked up, assuming it was your daughter's kidnappers since you never got calls from unknown numbers.
"You have a beautiful daughter, Choi Y/N," the man said. "I bet she would look even better with a slit throat, yeah?"
"Who are you? What do you want?" you asked, voice laced with venom.
The man chuckled. "It's simple, your fucking gang has to pay for my loss."
"Just tell me what the fuck you want!"
"Fifteen billion won in cash," he said. "That's the amount I lost because of you motherfuckers. Now listen to me carefully if you don't want your precious child dead. You aren't going to tell anyone about this. Not a word to your boss, Kim Hongjoong. Not a word to your pathetic husband, Choi San. I have eyes watching you, so don't try to act smart. I know you're having a meeting right now about a gang who tried to hack into your system." your eyes widened; how the fuck does this guy know? "I'm giving you three hours," he continued. "If you don't get the money within that time, I'll kill your daughter. Anyway, you'll find a black van waiting for you outside the bank. Your time starts now, Mrs. Choi. Tick tock, tick tock," he chuckled before hanging up.
"Fuck!" you yelled, tears spilling from your eyes. You ran your hand through your hair, trying to calm down; you felt like breaking down but you had to stay strong for your daughter. You wiped your tears before making your way back to the meeting room.
"I'm sorry, I'm feeling quite unwell," you mumbled, quickly collecting your stuff. "Please continue without me."
"Y/N, should I take you home?" San asked; you both still haven't made up from the fight you had a week ago. He tried to talk to you a few days ago, but it resulted in a bigger fight.
"No!" you half-yelled in frustration, startling some of the people in the room. "I'm fine," you said in a softer tone. You quickly left before San could follow you.
"Ah, Mrs. Choi, how can I help you?" the bank manager asked, taking a seat across you.
"I need fifteen billion won in cash," you stated, stunning the manager.
"Ma'am, that is a very large amount so cash isn't the best—"
"I need it in cash. It's really urgent," you said in an annoyed tone.
He gulped and nodded. "Please give me your national ID card."
You handed it to him, fiddling with your fingers while he entered your details into the computer system.
"You have a joint account with your husband, Choi San, correct?"
"Ma'am, we will need Mr. Choi's confirmation as he is the primary account holder."
You mentally cursed. "That won't be necessary," you stated, trying to control your anger.
The manager sighed. "All right, please give me a moment," he said before leaving the room.
You groaned in frustration, putting your head in your heads. You couldn't imagine what your little daughter was going through; you knew she would be scared to death. Your phone rang, interrupting your thoughts.
You declined the call when you saw it was your husband. When he called again, you had no choice but to pick it up, knowing he would keep calling you. "Hello?"
"Y/N, what are you doing? Why are you making such a huge transaction?" San questioned. You mentally cursed the bank manager for contacting San. "Y/N, answer me! What's wrong?" You just kept quiet, knowing you'd break down if you opened your mouth. You heard San take a deep breath. "Are you leaving me or something? Is this about the fights we've been having? I'm sorry about that, I know it was my fault and I don't deserve you, but please, let's talk about this," he begged, making your tears spill from your eyes. "Y/N, say something, please. Tell me what's wrong."
"I can't," you whispered, choking on a sob.
"Baby, please," he begged. "Don't leave me. Please, I'm begging you."
"I'm sorry, San."
There was silence on his end before he sighed. "Okay, take all the money you want," he said and hung up.
A moment later, the manager came into the room. "Ma'am, Mr. Choi has given his permission for the transaction. The procedure for huge cash transactions are of course different, so I need you sign a few papers and write a cheque. It'll take a little over half an hour to get the money in cash."
As soon as you got the cash, you called your daughter's kidnappers. "I assume you've got the money?"
"Yeah," you replied.
"Good. You'll see a black van from across the entrance of the bank," he said and hung up.
You quickly made your way outside, easily spotting the van. You crossed the street and got into the van.
You couldn't recognize the driver and the other man in the passenger seat. Your daughter wasn't even here.
"Good job, Mrs. Choi," the man in the passenger seat said with a smirk; you recognized him as the guy on the call.
"Where's my child?"
"Relax," he grinned. "We're going to her right now." He glanced at the driver who nodded and started driving.
"Ah, give me your phone," the man said. "We don't need your husband tracking us." You hesitantly gave it and he switched it off.
After what felt like hours, you reached an old building. As soon as you got outside the car, you spotted your daughter tied to a wall, unconscious with a bleeding head.
"Minhee!" you yelled, running to her.
Before you could untie her, you felt an arm go around your neck, choking you. Even though you were trained to fight, you weren't the best at it. Nevertheless, you tried to free yourself. You kicked the man in the shin, making his grip around you loosen. You took that opportunity to bite his hand before turning around, punching him in the face. You kept punching him until two other men grabbed you. You managed to get one of them injured by repeatedly kicking his private area, but the other guy one was too strong. He easily picked you and threw you onto the concrete floor, making you bang your head and knee. You groaned in pain, feeling a warm liquid running down your face. You pushed yourself to get up despite the excruciating pain you felt. His gun was pointed at you while he smiled. "Have a great time in hell, Choi Y/N."
Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and the man dropped his gun, clenching his hand in pain. A few more gunshots were fired at him, instantly killing him.
"Y/N!" you heard San scream. He picked you up in his arms bridal style, and you got a glimpse of his teary eyes.
"Min-Minhee," you murmured, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"Seonghwa's got her" was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
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You slowly opened your ears, squinting due to the bright light. When your eyes adjusted, you realized you were in Yeosang's mini hospital at your gang's mansion. You turned your head to the side, spotting your husband reading some documents.
"San," you murmured, but it wasn't loud enough. "San," you raised your voice a little, coughing due to your extremely dry throat.
San immediately turned to you, eyes widening. "Y/N!" He quickly poured you a glass of orange juice since that was the first thing he saw. He helped you drink the juice, feeling so relieved to see you finally awake.
"How are you feeling, my love?" he asked, taking your hand in his.
"Where's Minhee?" you asked, panick clear in your eyes.
"Minnie is playing with Jongho and Yunho," San said, making you sigh in relief that your daughter was alive. "She's doing well. She got a few stitches, but it's healing quickly. Our daughter is very brave."
Your eyes teared up. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about—"
"Shh, don't," he cupped your cheek. "I understand why you did what you did, babe. I would've done that too. Anyway, we wiped out that entire gang and got the money back."
"What happened? How did you find me?"
"We killed all the four men and the other three who were hiding. One of them ran away to Japan, but Wooyoung and Mingi went there and killed him," San explained before getting a little nervous. "And um, don't be mad, but I put a tracker on your necklace."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Hey, see, it proved to be helpful!" he said, putting his hands up defensively.
Before you could reply, San placed his hand over your mouth. He took a deep breath while a wide smile spread on his face. "I also have some good news."
"What's the news?" you asked, voice muffled due to San's hand on your mouth. He opened his mouth to reply, but the door burst open, revealing your daughter.
"Mommy!" she squealed, running to your bed, trying to get onto the bed that was too high for her.
San picked his daughter up, placing her beside you. "Be careful, angel. Mommy is still recovering." The little girl nodded at her father before looking at you.
"How you feel, mommy?" she asked.
"Much better, now that you're here," you replied, tickling her chin. Your daughter giggled, moving away from you. She placed her little hands on your stomach.
"Come out fast so that we can play!"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion before you glanced at San. "About that..." he chuckled, taking your hand in his. "We're having another baby. You're pregnant."
"W-What?" you gasped in shock. You and San had been trying to get another child for quite sometime now.
"Yeah," he giggled, kissing the back of your hand. "You're almost a month long and the baby is perfectly fine."
Happy tears streamed down your face while your hands moved to your stomach. San kissed your head before pulling away a little. "I know I've been getting on your nerves a lot, but thank you for blessing me with Minhee and now another baby," he mumbled. "I love you so much, my beautiful wife." He crashed his lips onto yours. You kissed him back, smiling into the kiss.
"Eww!" your daughter squealed in disgust. "I'm going to tell uncle Jongho that you're kissing!"
San pulled away with a giggle before lifting his daughter into his arms, placing kisses all over her face while she squirmed around, laughing loudly.
You lovingly watched the two of them with a large smile on your face, and you couldn't wait for the future when your new baby would arrive, adding more happiness to your and your family's lives.
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stickswrites · 4 years
Keiko Aizawa: Origin “Her Shadows” (Chapter One)
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It was the first day of classes at UA and I was less nervous than I probably should have been. I hadn't met anyone new from my class yet and I wasn't sure how well we would get along, not that I cared too much about making friends, but it's nice to get along with heroes you could work with in the future. You see, I got into the prestigious UA High School on recommendation from a few different pro heroes.
Allow me to back up for you. My name is Keiko Aizawa and I am a part of the 80% of the population that has a unique ability called a quirk. Mine is known as shadow manipulation and it does exactly as the name suggests, plus a few other things. I've been using it for years, training and pushing my limits so that I could be like my dad, the pro hero Eraserhead. He's not my biological dad, but he's more of a father than my real one. My biological parents are a story for another time.
Like I said, it was my first day of classes and the first day I would meet the rest of my classmates. I had to drag my ass out of bed at the crack of dawn in order to get to school on time and do my morning routine of going for a run and working out. I'm not exactly a gym rat because my social anxiety would actually manifest and kick my ass for making me go out in public to train, so Dad and I made a small at-home gym and training room so that we could both train, occasionally inviting my best friend over. I guess you could say my personality fits my quirk. I'm like a shadow in a room and lots of people don't notice me, which is fine by me. I don't want to be a pro hero like All Might, although I do respect him (who doesn't). I'd much rather be a hero like Dad, who stays out of the public eye as much as possible.
After I got out of bed, I walked sluggishly out of my room, petting my cat, Yuzuki, who was laying at the foot of my bed. I opened the door to the hallway and walked to the kitchen, where I figured Dad would already be waiting. Sure enough, there he was, sitting at the table and looking like he was half asleep, which he probably was. If you didn't know any better, you'd think that Dad and I were related by more than a name. We acted extremely similar and I even looked kind of like him after spending 8 years with him.
"Good morning," he said lazily, bringing his coffee to his mouth and taking a sip.
"If it was a good morning, I'd still be asleep," I retorted.
Dad snorted into his coffee as soon as I said that, but he composed himself again very quickly. I went about the kitchen looking for something to eat but didn't find anything. Guess we'll have to go grocery shopping sometime soon. I thought to myself. Instead, I poured myself a cup of coffee and grabbed a bag of chips that were definitely not meant to be eaten as breakfast. I was about to sit down across from Dad to eat when our two long-haired cats started circling around me and meowing, signaling that they were ready for their breakfast. Sighing, I set my breakfast down and poured their food into the designated bowls on the ground. I grabbed my breakfast again and sat down across from Dad.
"Are you still not going to tell me who my teacher is?" I asked for the millionth time since I found out I was accepted into UA.
"No," he responded. "You'll figure it out later today. Besides, you already know the majority of the teachers there."
"I know," I pouted while tossing a chip into my mouth. "But still, what's the point of having a dad who is a teacher at the school I'm attending, but not being able to know in advance who my teacher will be?"
"Maybe I should have just kept my job a secret then," he mused with a small smile on his face.
"Maybe you should have," I responded with a smile.
The rest of our breakfast was eaten with very few words exchanged. That's just how Dad and I were though. We didn't use a lot of words, so we showed our love with our actions instead. That's why he got me Yuzuki when I was eight years old. I had been bullied at school for my quirk and my eyes, which were obviously things I could control, and Dad happened to find Yuzuki, who shared a unique eye color with me, at a shelter. After that, I'd been bullied a few more times because of the scars I had on my face. There was an x-shaped one under my left eye and a vertical scar on the right side of my lips. The kids in my classes always found them unnerving. It was after those incidents that he finally pulled me out of public school and homeschooled me instead, which led to me hanging out around UA facilities a lot and meeting almost all of the teachers and faculty there.
"Are you ready for today?" Dad asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I will be after I go for a run," I responded with a smile. "I don't want to get lazy just because I was accepted into the UA Hero Course. Also, Mako is coming over to go on my run with me this morning."
"Good idea," Dad said with a smile.
Mako, or Makoto Saeki, has been my best friend since Dad adopted me. He got accepted into U.A. through recommendations like I did. What he didn't know was that Dad was the one to recommend him. Makoto has an amazing quirk called 'buffer'. It basically allows him to create gravitational plates that he can use to walk on walls, ceilings, air, etc. We've trained with my dad for as long as I can remember and are practically siblings at this point. For the majority of our childhood, we've been over at one of our houses. His parents were both pro heroes, but they'd been killed in action by a pair of villains. So his grandmother, who owns UNERI CO., bought the house that was right next to ours for Makoto and his little sister, Ichika. They had a nanny, Shiore, over at the house, so Makoto was able to come over a lot to hang out with someone his own age. So it was only natural that we became as close as we did and that we began working out together when we decided to apply to U.A. At least three times a week we would go on a morning run together before our days really got started. Today was one of those days. I glanced at the microwave clock to see that I still had half an hour before I was supposed to meet him in front of the tree that stood between our houses.
As soon as I finished my "breakfast", I went to my room to grab my pill bottle and take my medicine, noting that I would have to ask Recovery Girl for a refill in a day or two. Then I changed into some sweats and a muscle tank top before pulling my dark purple hair back into a ponytail and pinning my bangs back so that they were no longer in my face. As I reached down to tie my sneakers' laces, I scratched Yuzuki's chin as he tried to force himself under my hands. Finally being able to tie my shoes with the cat on my feet, I stood up and stretched a bit. I grabbed my phone, earbuds, and the armband I put my phone in when I ran and walked out of my room. I passed by the kitchen as I put my armband on and put my phone in it.
"I'm heading out now, Dad!" I called into the house as I bent down to pet Hana, Dad's cat, one more time before I left.
"Be safe!" he called back. "Tell Makoto I say 'hello'!"
With a promise that I would, I walked out the door and closed it behind me, making sure neither of the cats escaped. I took a deep breath of the crisp morning air before walking to the tree Mako and I always met in front of and saw that he wasn't there. I checked the time just to see if I was early or if he was late, but was disappointed when I saw I was a few minutes early.
"Damn," I said quietly. "Now I don't have anything I can hold over him."
While waiting for Mako, I took the time to plug my headphones into my phone and find a song I wanted to listen to when we would start running. The few minutes passed quickly and Mako was right on time. His messy, deep maroon hair catching the morning light like his eyes. One of the things the two of us had bonded over was our eyes. They didn't look the same, but we'd both been bullied for them in the past. While my eyes had a kaleidoscope of blues and purples, Mako had heterochromia. His right eye was bright orange and his left eye was an equally bright red.
"Hey, Koko!" he said cheerfully, a bright smile on his face as he pulled an earbud out of his ear.
"Hey, Mako," I responded with a smile. "How are you doing this morning?"
"I'm doing alright," he said with a small pout appearing on his face. "Although, my orange shirt was still wet from the wash, so I had to wear my yellow one."
"Oh don't pout," I said with a small laugh. "Yellow suits you just fine."
"You're just poking fun at me because you were able to find your purple tank top today," he retorted.
"Whatever," I said while putting an earbud in, knowing it was true. "Are you ready to head out?"
"You bet," he responded, clicking shuffle on his music."Normal route?"
"You know it," I said with a large smile as I clicked play on my music and put the other earbud in.
The two of us made our way on our usual jogging route. As usual, we didn't talk about anything while running, but that may have also been because we were both anxious about what U.A. could bring for us. Within a half-hour, we got back to our houses and said our goodbyes so that we could do our separate morning routines. I walked back into my house, not breathing super heavily because I was used to the run, but my face was still somewhat flushed with exertion.
"You back already?" Dad asked from the kitchen sink, washing his coffee mug. "That was pretty quick."
"Guess Mako and I both have some nerves then," I responded, pulling my earbuds out of my ears and wrapping the cord for storage. "After all, we are starting the Hero Course today."
Dad hummed in agreement as I went back to my room to do some stretching before showering. As soon as I walked in, Yuzuki greeted me from my bed with a meow.
"Good to see you too," I mumbled while scratching under his chin, causing a purr to come from his throat.
Glancing at my alarm clock, I realized that I only had another half an hour before I had to leave with Dad to get to the school. Sighing, I stopped petting Yuzuki and began stretching. Afterward, I quickly showered and got changed into my school uniform. Pulling my mostly dry hair back into a half-up ponytail, I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself a silent pep talk. I wrapped the hair tie around one last time before letting my hands fall back to my sides. I nodded at myself as I fixed my bangs a little bit, satisfied with my appearance, and walked back into my room from the adjoined bathroom. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my backpack and made sure it had all of the school materials I would need. After seeing I had all of my stuff, I slung my bag onto my back and gripped the strap.
"Kiki, you ready?" I heard Dad call from the front door.
"Yeah!" I responded. "I'm coming!" I turned back to my bed and bent down to give Yuzuki, who was still laying on my bed in "loaf mode", a kiss on the head, which he shoved into my face as an attempt to get attention faster. "Goodness, you're so needy," I mumbled, standing back up straight.
I pet his head one more time before walking out of my room and to the front of the house, where Dad was waiting with his hero gear on. When I got over to him, he didn't open the front door right away, but instead straightened my tie, which I had spent 10 minutes on to try to make it look presentable but apparently failed to do so. After he fixed it, I gave him a grin that he responded to with a wide smile of his own.
"Let's go," he said, pulling the front door open.
We both walked out of the house and to the car in the driveway. Makoto, with his hair styled this time and his school uniform on, walked out of his house at the same time and came over to the car.
"Hey, Mr. Aizawa!" He greeted cheerfully. "Thanks for agreeing to take me to school! Shiore wasn't sure what she was gonna do with Ichika if she drove me. She gets carsick, you know."
"It's no problem at all, Makoto," Dad responded. "I'm happy to help out. And please, as long as we're not at school, just call me Shota."
Makoto and I were two of the only people Dad ever let his strict and uncaring facade down around. With me, he never even bothered to try to keep his facade up but he tried to keep it up with Makoto around. He gave up on that too though after we'd seen him cry while watching the Lion King with us when we were kids.
"Alright," Dad started. "Hop in the car and let's get going, you two."
Mako and I nodded and both got in the backseat of the car. The car ride was pretty quiet, but that was also normal for us. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence like one might expect, but to someone outside of us three, it might appear to be so.
The car ride wasn't very long, maybe a half-hour or so, but it felt longer as I thought of all the possibilities of today. Soon enough, Dad pulled into the staff parking lot of the school, by the back of the building, and parked. As he turned the car off, Mako and I grabbed our bags and stepped out of the car, taking the time to stretch our legs before stepping toward the building. Right before we walked into UA High School, Dad stopped us.
"I'm proud of you," he said. "Both of you. You're exceptional young people and I'm sure you'll be some of the best students this school has ever seen."
I swear both Mako and I started tearing up as we practically threw ourselves into Dad's arms, hugging him tightly. I squeezed his waist tightly as I felt the tears start to overflow. Dad wrapped his arms around the two of us and we stayed like that for a few more seconds before Mako and I released him.
"We'll make you proud, Dad," I responded, wiping the tears from my eyes.
Mako nodded vigorously as he wiped his eyes as well. Dad let out a small chuckle and placed a hand on top of my head.
"Both of you already have," he responded with a smile.
Mako and I turned to each other with wide smiles before turning back to Dad, who put his hands in his pockets. Without another word, he gave us another smile and walked in through the door we'd opened, kissing the top of my head as he passed by.
"He's the kind of hero I want to be when I graduate," Makoto said.
"Same here," I replied with a small smile. "He does it for the right reasons and not for the fame."
"It is strange that not many heroes choose to be humble," Makoto told me with a newfound determined glint in his eyes. "I'll be one of them."
I nodded in agreement and we finally walked into the building, looking at the place that would be our path to becoming the heroes we longed to be. We stopped in the middle of the empty hallway.
"Ready or not?" I asked with a small smile, holding my fist out to Makoto.
"Here we come," he responded with a grin, bumping his fist with mine.
Hey everyone! This is my first MHA story and I'm super excited to share it with you. A few things, unless it is otherwise specified, all artwork is done by me. I don't claim to own any of the My Hero Academia characters or plotlines. Those all belong to the creators. I do, however, own Keiko Aizawa as well as her parents. My friend owns Makoto and his family, including Shiore and Ichika. He has given me permission to use him in this story. The picture at the top of this chapter is what Keiko looks like! On the left is her everyday clothing and the right is her hero suit. Anyway, I'm super excited for you all to read this story that I've spent so much time on!
Word Count: 3007 words
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fangsfics · 6 years
Die a hero?...No thanks Chapter 7
Trigger warning: self depreciating thoughts/ thoughts of disappearing
If someone asked Flug to describe dementia in one word, he'd slap them and repeat the word chaotic ten times. Why ten times, they may ask. That's because once doesn't even begin to encompass the chaotic nature of her. Thinking back, he was glad to have dropped 505 back at his apartment.
Thirty minutes into “Dementia style fun” and they were running from an angry mob of pissed off mall shoppers. No, she didn't try to steal anything. Stealing something would have been an easier feat compared to this. No, what she did was much worse. Within those thirty minutes, not only had she managed to fill every single elevator and escalator with bubble gum and cotton candy (pulled out from nowhere!!), but also positioned every single mannequin into extremely explicit positions in front of children shops and made it rain energy drinks from the sprinkler system. Flug was somehow roped into achieving the last one all on his own.
The worst part of it all was that Flug was having the time of his life! The adrenaline, feeling of exhilaration, the burn of lungs, it was all so great!
It was also horrible. He was a hero, a person of the upper moral echelon. He should be the one stopping people from committing these actions, not actively participating in it. But yet, he couldn't find it in himself to feel bad. Logically, he knew he should but the feelings weren't bubbling up like he thought they would.
No, he felt euphoric, like he was on top of the world! Nothing could stop him now!
Right now they were running from a mob of angry mall goers. He could hear the angry slaps of their feet and the loud cursing from right behind them. The mob was right on their heels and it was so damn exciting!
“Hey Fluggy buggy, what'd I tell ya? It's fun isn't it?!” Dementia screamed over the roar of the crowd.
Panting heavily, he threw her a large grin and a thumbs up.
“Eeeeee! I knew you'd love it! It's my favorite pass time on the weekends! Although I can't do it too often cause then the people recognize me and I get chased out before I can even do anything. Boring!” She threw her hands up, emphasising her last word.
He snorted loudly and looked back at the crowd to flip them off. Cries of indignation rang out and he snorted harder. Hah, what a riot! Dementia began to laugh wildly as well and screamed cuss words back at the crowd, causing them to rile up even more.
God, when was the last time he had this much fun? Honestly, he's never. Not in his childhood, teenagehood, current hood, never…Disappointing, he needed to have this more often.
Looking over at Dementia with her wide crazed smile, hair going crazy in the wind, he also realized he's never felt this comfortable with someone before either. He felt that they clicked in a way that no one could even begin to understand. A loud, chaotic earthquake and a calm ocean combining to create a devastating tsunami, ripping and terrorizing the local populace.
It was powerful, crazy, destructive! It was...was...pure fucking fun!!
He cackled madly and grabbed Dementia, pulling her into a side alley. She yelped at the sudden handling of her and glared at him.
“What are you doing?! Let me go! No one, but bon-bon touches me without permission!”
She gnawed at his arm in anger, seething at his audacity to touch her. She growled when he ignored her. They skid to a stop when they hit the end of the alley. The mob crowded in and blocked off the entrance.
“We have you now!”
“You can't run from us anymore!”
“You're gonna pay for ruining my clothes!”
“Uh, hey nerd? What's the plan now that you've trapped us?” Dementia whispered as she spit out a square of his lab coat. She stared anxiously at the crowd behind them. Flug turned around and scoured through his pockets, throwing small bits of paper away angrily. As his hand touched cold metal, he grinned and pulled out a small green and black disk.
“My plan is...this!” He yelled manically, slapping the disk onto his chest. The green glowed brightly as both Flug and Dementia began to float upward. Dementia's eyes widened as she felt herself become weightless. He cackled madly as the angry mob screamed in anger at their escape.
“Woah!! Fucking sweet dude! I'm flying!”
“We're flying, Dementia!”
Flug smirked at her and chuckled. He decided that he liked her, she was fun, interesting, kind of annoying. She could be the first friend he's ever had, 505 didn't count cause he was kinda like a son rather than a friend.
They rose about an inch above the building, bobbing up and down like a buoy. Flug gently placed her down on the roof and reached up to take off the disk. With a sudden small pop, the little disk exploded into several pieces causing Flug to fall face first onto the rooftop. He groaned in pain as he pushed himself up onto his knees, rubbing the irritated areas.
“Hahahahaha Seems like the nerd's also a clumsy dunce! Better watch out or you'll trip on air!”
Ok, she'd be an irritating friend. Still better than what he's had.
“Dementia! Shut up! I'm not clumsy, my device simply malfunctioned!”
“Oh Oh, that's even better” she giggled, “That means you're not a nerd anymore, no more smarts! Hahaha welcome to the brawn club, Population, Dementia~”
Flug rolled his eyes at her.
“You do realize smart people can make mistakes right?”
He looked over what was left of the disk. Most of the protective plastic had melted off and the wires had fused together. It was hard to tell what went wrong, but with his tools at home he could determine the cause in no time. It worked pretty well for a prototype.
“Does that mean I'm smart, Fluggy buggy?! Cause I've been told I'm dumber than rocks. Though I bet they wish they didn't say anything at all considering they died by said rocks a few moments later. That was pretty fun actually! Anyway I'm smart now!” Dementia gasped dramatically. “Maybe I can be Black Hat's nerd!”
“What? Dementia no. Yeah, you're smart in your own way, but you can't be Black Hat's “nerd”. It takes years of learning and mechanical knowledge. Plus who would take care of your job now?Also, you can't be smarter than me...Wait, I don't even want to be Black Hat's nerd. Fuck, scientist! Look at what you're making me say now!”
“Omg, you're so right!” Dementia squealed, ignoring his last statement, “Blacky would be without his body guard if I wasn't there! Look at your arms, there's no way you could take that place. They're practically sticks! Alright, you be the nerd and I'll be the brute! I'll even come and grace you with my magnificent prowess by smashing things!!”
“What n-”
“FEDOR ALYOSHA FLUG! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” A thick Russian voice cut Flug off.
On the roof right behind them was Flug's dad, Strong Man, absolutely red in the face with anger. There was a large cracked crater under his feet, showcasing the strength of his landing. Dementia, deciding to take a strategic retreat, camouflaged and scurried away.
“D-dad, hold on! Please, it's not what it...looks like?”
Strong man glared sharply at his son.
“Don't. Even. Try. I know what happened and I  beyond angry. Causing a scene at the mall, vandalizing property, constructing lewd scenes?! I taught you better than this. We're leaving now and you better have a good excuse or you might end up back at the academy!”
Strong man grabbed Flug's arm and dragged him away.
Dementia watched as Flug and the large hero vanished from view. She hadn't completely left Flug to the hero's mercy. She hid behind a large vent, waiting for an opportunity to rescue him or that was what she expected to happen. What she didn't expect was for the hero to claim to be Flug's dad.
Flug's dad, a hero… digusting! She scrunched over, gagging at the thought. Ugh, she had to do something about this. Poor Fluggy trapped under a hero's lineage, stopped from causing mayhem at his heart's desire. He needed to be rescue as fast as possible.
First things first, Black hat needed to know. She stared at the spot they disappeared from, then scurried away toward the hat mansion.
Flug slammed against the soft cushions of his couch. It didn't hurt, but his vision spun from the force of his impact. His dad stood before him, hand still outstretched from having shoved Flug down. Looking at the intimidating stature of his father, Flug’s body trembled in fear as he pushed himself up, his arms barely having enough strength to accomplish this. Strong man roughly shoved him down again, this time leaning his face inches away from Flug's own.
“You can't even begin to imagine the depth of anger right now. How could you do something like that?!” He choked, his voice tight with barely restrained rage, “I understood when you acted out as a teenager, that's normal, but now? Now you have no excuse. Where is your medicine?! I know you haven't been taking it!”
“Dad wai-”
“No! I don't want your excuses! You don't get any excuses anymore! You are a hero now! You have expectations that you must fulfill. Do you know how hard it was for me to make sure no one recognized you and that you didn't get arrested?!”
“If I could just expla-”
“You don't! You were too busy fraternizing with your new ‘friend’, causing trouble, ignoring any thought of the consequences! I have more than half a mind to get rid of this apartment and force you back to the academy, you obviously can't handle your freedom!”
“What! You can't do that! I paid for this and I am-”
“My son, I can do whatever I want with you! I raised you from childhood to adulthood, you are mine! Watch your tongue or I will go through with it! Do you understand?”
“I said. Do. You. Understand?”
“...yes отец.”
“Good. From now on, you will come visit me every morning at 8 am so I can watch you take your meds. I will be the one giving them to you, so that way you can't switch them with sugar pills. And don't even say that you won't switch them, you can't be trusted with your medicine on your own anymore. I expect you tomorrow at 8 on the dot. If you are late even once from now on, it's the academy for you.”
With the last word, he stomped out of the apartment, slamming the door with finality.
Flug stared at the door and watched the wall splinter with cracks from the strength of slam. He didn't know when he started crying. The tears simply began to roll lightly down his face. He reached up to wipe at them, but they didn't stop no matter how many he wiped away. He didn't even know why he was crying, he felt completely numb.  
Well he did at first. After a moment, pure sorrow cut through him like a sharp knife, crying turned to sobbing. His wails echoed through the apartment. He felt alone, pathetic, worthless. Nothing about him was worth a damn in the world. Maybe everyone would be happier if he just dis-
Warmth enveloped him in a hug and soft coos were purred next to his ear. 505, the gentle and loving bear that he had saved without a second thought. The bear that he had made a difference to, that he mattered to. He might not matter to anyone else in the world, but he knew that he mattered to 505.
He turned around and hugged 505 tightly around the middle as he bawled. He didn't think, he just let himself feel and get all the horrible sad emotions inside of him out.
He sat there, cuddled up to 505 until his tears ran dry and he felt numb again. His head hurt and his eyes burned. If he closed his eyes would everything disappear, would his pain stop? He pushed his face deeper into the soft blue fur and drifted off to a deep sleep.
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Omg omg requests are open ok. Hiii~ How would RFA+V+Saeran react if MC had a really bad heart disease and suddenly she fainted and she stopped breathing and they have to resuscitate her? But don't kill her, please😂 You don't have to do it but you need to know that all of my request are really personal. I have a disease like this and I could faint at every moment if I don't take my medicine. I will be so grateful if you write it, really, it helps me somehow:) Kisses💕
We’re sorry to hear:( Hope you take good care of yourself~ And hope you like these:)
You’re Zen’s manager, and he’s been especially busy lately
You were running around on set one day and he notices you seemed a little out of breath
He stopped you in the middle of a run
“Maybe you should take a rest,” he says more as a demand than a suggestion
He sits you down and goes to get you some water and something to eat
He notices you still aren’t calming down at all and he starts to get worried
He knows about your heart disease, and he also knows how busy you’ve been
As you seemed to get paler and paler, dread pools in his stomach
“Babe…did you take your medicine?”
You don’t even get to answer the question
You crumple forward as you pass out in his arms
He’s frantic, but he manages to call the medical team on set
He feels sick as he watches them resuscitate you and place you on the stretcher
He follows them as they take you to the hospital
When you wake up, one of the first things you say is, “Sorry I forgot to take my medicine. I was concentrating on finishing today’s shoot…”
He begins scolding you right away
He’s nearly out of breath and his voice keeps breaking
“Is that what’s important? Your health is more important to me than any shoot or role or anything, and–”
He stops himself before he upsets you
But he’s so relieved when you can finally go home
He makes sure you never forget your medicine ever again
He just came back from work, and he thought a nice little impromptu outing would be nice
So you two go to the park
It’s a warm day, but even so…you look more tired than usual
Then he grabs your hand, and he can feel it shaking
He asks if you’re okay, and you respond that you just need a second
You press a hand to your heart as your breaths get shallower
He’s watching you worriedly
When you don’t seem to be improving, he helps you up and says you’re going to the doctors
You’re almost to the car when you collapse onto the ground
He’s a mess
Half of his brain is freaking out with worry, and the other half is trying to figure out what to do
He dials 119
He just does what he knows to lessen the symptoms and to keep you breathing
He holds your hand and waits impatiently for help, terrified he’ll have to take further action
Thankfully, the ambulance gets there on time and the medical team resuscitates you
At the hospital, he manages to get himself together and is calm when you wake up
When the doctor says it was due to you not taking your meds, he seems very understanding
Then the doctor leaves, and Yoosung gets a lot more solemn
“This could be a lot worse, you know, if I wasn’t there,” he says, making you feel a little guilty. “You really need to remember, MC. If not for yourself, remember for me! I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t made it…”
It was worse because she found you unconscious
You had said you were going in the back to grab something out of stock
And you were taking far longer than it should’ve taken
So when she finds your body crumpled on the ground, she freaks out
She doesn’t know how long you’ve been there or what had happened
She thinks it has to do with your heart disease, so she manages to calm down enough to call the ambulance
She can’t watch while they resuscitate you
The whole incident makes her want to faint herself
When the doctor says it happened because you forgot to take your medicine, she was a little upset
You mean the world to her so she couldn’t imagine what would happen if you had died
But she knows you probably already feel horrible about it
So she’s calm and sweet as you recover, but she’s very strict when it comes to taking your medicine
She will shove it in your hand if she has to
He was supposed to be in the office
But he didn’t really want to go in, so he decided to work from home that day
It was in the middle of the afternoon and you had started cooking dinner
His heart sunk when he heard a soft thud from the kitchen
He drops his computer and runs to you  
His head starts spinning when he sees you unconscious on the ground
But he’s also composed as he immediately calls for emergency services
He’s super calm while you’re being resuscitated
And also very calm as the doctor explains what happened with your skipped medicine
When you wake up, he’s right there to greet you
He waits until you’re a little more recovered, and then he gets a little stiff
“You really should have been more responsible,” he scolds. “Could you imagine what would have happened if I wasn’t home? You probably wouldn’t have made it, do you know that?”
And it’s in the middle of his admonitions that his emotions start breaking through the cracks
You think your heart might shatter at the tears that leak from the edge of his eyes
Then he brings your trembling hand to his lips, “I can’t lose you,” he says with painful honesty
After that, you’re a lot more careful about taking your medicine
You were on your weekly shopping trip with Seven
At first, you were as playful as normal
But halfway through, you seemed to be laughing less and being a lot calmer
He just thought you switched to serious mode, so he calms down as well
But as the shopping continues, you just don’t seem yourself
Before he can asks what’s wrong, you collapse in one of the aisles
He knows your medical issues…and he has a pretty good idea what happened when you don’t wake up after a while
He calls the ambulance, but he knows it would take time to get
When you stop breathing, he’s performs CPR right there to keep you breathing
He seems really calm, especially considering the crowd around you now
But he loses it once the ambulance gets there and has to really resuscitate you
At the hospital, he can’t stay still
He’s tapping his leg, pacing the room, going crazy until you wake up
When the doctors says it’s because you didn’t take your pills, Seven’s already asking you why
He’s worried you’ve been too busy, but when you say you “simply forgot”, he’s blowing up on you
He’s freaking out and scolding you for not taking care of yourself
At some point, you start crying…both from the scare and from the fact that you made him so upset
He sees you and he just kind of deflates
He holds you on the hospital bed and apologizes for losing his temper, but not for what he said
“You’re all that I have. Please…I couldn’t bear to lose you.”
You were doing overtime for work at home
And he noticed you hadn’t left your desk much
He keeps telling you to take a break, but you keep dismissing it and saying you would
Only…you never did
You lost track of time, which means you didn’t take your meds as scheduled either
He finds you again by your computer, but you’re collapsed off of your chair and onto the floor
He calls the ambulance right away, though he gets aggravated with the operator
He’s freaking out cuz you’re still on the floor and they’re asking him to calm down
But eventually he gets off the phone and just calling your name
He’s just praying that you’ll wake up, but you don’t and his panic gets worse
When the medical team gets there, some of them have to keep him calm on the side because he’s getting triggered with all the stress as they resuscitate you
When you’re at the hospital, he’s a lot calmer when you wake up
He’s so relieved to see you awake
He doesn’t even scold you and just helps you recover
But you can bet he will drag you away from work if need be, since he’s not letting something like this happening again
He was doing a photoshoot and you were accompanying him
It was starting to get late
So he told you to go home, especially since you had to take your meds
He continues with his shoot, but you think to yourself that waiting another hour or so would be fine
You think you could surprise him with coffee, so you walk down the street to find a little shop
Only you lost track of time
By the time you came back, he was just finishing up
He had thought  you went home and then came back
So he continued along and you two had a nice chat over the coffee
But then starts to notice you getting pale and breathing shallower breaths
He knows exactly what’s happening, and he catches you the second you fall
The hospital is close by, so he carries you into his car and rushes you there as fast as he can
He’s beating himself up the whole time, even after the hospital resuscitates you and you’re recovering
He says he should’ve noticed, even if you keep reassuring him that it was your own carelessness
From that point on, you’re more careful…even if it’s so he doesn’t blame himself for something like that
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harlsquinns-blog · 7 years
i don't like your perfect crime.
WHO: Harley Quinn. (Mentions of @isabellaflynns & @riddle-me-that.)
WHAT: Harley breaks into Oswald’s home and discovers Isa has been up to no good.
WHERE: Oswald’s place.
WHEN: 22nd November 2017.
WARNINGS: Blood, anger, violence.
Standing outside Oswald’s home, Harley let out a shaky breath. She didn’t want to believe that Isabella had been here, and that she’d gone inside to find Edward. The thought alone made her sick to her stomach. She knew that she shouldn’t have left her best friend to her own devices, and given her space. But she’d done it anyway, and that was why she was now standing out in the cold, staring up at the windows of her friend’s home, with an overwhelming feeling of dread.
Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Harley scrolled through her recent calls, and her messages, double checking that Isabella hadn’t tried to get in touch with her. She was silently wishing that her phone would ring, and that it would be her friend, telling her that she’d got caught up in reading at the library, and fell asleep there. Or that it would be Eddie, calling her to tell her that he was bored, and asking if she’d like to come over and do something with him. But, as she expected, those calls never came.
Waking up on the couch in Isabella’s living room had been the worst feeling. She’d fallen asleep waiting for the woman to come home, which she never did. Checking her bed confirmed that, because it was perfectly made, untouched and not slept in. Harley had checked in the closet to see if any clothes were missing, but she’d never took any notice of what was in there before, so she couldn’t tell. But something in the back of her mind was telling her that she knew exactly where Isabella was. She was with Edward.
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Harley pushed herself forward, walking up to the front door of Oswald’s place, knocking on it three times. She hoped and prayed that someone would answer, but they never did. Not even after five minutes of waiting. There was only one thing left to do – break in. It wasn’t an idea that she was particularly fond of, but it wasn’t like she had a key. There was also the possibility that Isa could be in there, hiding, and holding Ed hostage. 
Looking around, Harley made sure that there was nobody nearby, or no nosey neighbours watching her. Pulling two bobby pins out of her hair, she twisted them into the right shapes, then began to pick the lock. This was the more difficult, and time consuming way of getting into the house, but it beat smashing windows, or kicking the door down. Once she felt the lock give, she pushed open the front door, and stepped inside. 
Standing in the doorway, everything looked normal. There was no sign of forced entry, and no sign of a struggle. Kicking the front door shut behind her, she began to walk through the hallway, and into the lounge. After a thorough inspection, she decided that there was nothing unusual there, so she made her way to kitchen. Wasn’t that the place where most people spent there time, if they weren’t sleeping or watching TV? 
Harley walked slow, and deliberately around the kitchen. Something about the room felt off. There was the scent of some sort of cleaning concoction hanging in the air. Using the torch of her phone, she inspected the countertop, her fingertips running along it. She checked them when she’d finished, looking for traces of blood or cleaning fluids. But there weren’t any. Isabella was clever, though. Too clever. 
Nothing looked out of place, and that irritated Harley. She was so sure this was where Isabella would’ve been, as she hadn’t come home. Frowning, she took a seat at the table. If she hadn’t been with Edward, then where could she possibly have gone? She tried to recall their last conversation, but the memory of it was so hazy, that she couldn’t remember whether her best friend had told her anything unusual, or useful. When they’d last met, Harley hadn’t been very receptive, and wasn’t in the mood to hold a normal conversation. She mentally cursed herself for having been like that around Isabella. It was a side of Harley that she never wanted the woman to see, but it was unavoidable. But if only she’d been more sane the last time they talked. Things could’ve been so different. 
Groaning, she banged her head against the hard wood of the table. “Stupid mood swings,” she growled, then did it again. “Stupid me.” When her head began to ache a little, she lifted it up, then noticed something out of the corner of her eye. “Is that blood?” she said to herself, then swiped her finger over it. It was still sticky, and that meant that something had happened, and it was recent. After wiping the blood off her finger using her shirt, she got off her chair, getting down on all fours and inspecting the legs of the table, and the edges of it. There was blood spattered in more than one place, and that definitely meant that a struggle had gone down. And she’d bet her life that Eddie was the one that came off worse. Harley felt a surge of anger when she thought about him being scared, and got up from the ground. 
Blood meant that something serious has gone down in the kitchen. Something that meant that Eddie had possibly bled out, and struggled for his life. Harley couldn’t bare the thought of Isa hurting him, and terrifying him so much that he had to grab onto the table for dear life. The scenario she was imagining in her mind made her feel physically ill. Her stomach was churning, and there were tears in her eyes. The way her heart was racing made her think that it might just give out, and suddenly stop working if she didn’t calm herself down. Her Eddie had been hurt, and it was all because she’d given Isabella space. If she hadn’t, then her best boy would be sitting there in the kitchen he shared with his boyfriend, drinking a cup of tea, and eating his breakfast. But because of Harley, and her selfish stupidity, he was now hurt, or maybe even dead. Not being able to handle that fact, she slammed her fist against the table repeatedly, until the pain distracted her from getting lost in her thoughts – until it stopped the guilt from eating away at her.
Part of her didn’t want to go upstairs, because she was terrified of what she might find. What if things had gone horribly wrong, and Isabella really had killed Eddie? What if his fatally injured body was laying in the hallway, or on his bed. “No, no, no!” she yelled angrily, slamming her already injured fist into the wall as she moved out of the kitchen. She had to try and quell her rage, otherwise she’d end up trashing Oswald’s home. 
Harley had no idea why she felt the need to be armed as she made her way upstairs, but something told her to take her gun out of it’s holster. She held it steadily in her uninjured hand, ready to shoot if she had to. She had no idea whether Isabella would be hiding upstairs, or what kind of mindset she’d be in. If Harley had to put her down for a while to save Ed, she would. It wasn’t like she could die, anyway. A shot between the T11 and T12 vertebrae would cut into her spinal cord, and that would paralyse her. She’d soon heal, though. Yes. That was what Harley was going to do, if she was forced to. 
“Is anyone up here?” she called out, checking around corners, her gun out in front of her. When nobody answered, she pushed open the door to what must have been Oswald’s and Edward’s bedroom. Dropping her armed hand, she began to search the room. Looking around, things seemed fairly normal. But Harley knew better than to take things at face value. Throwing her gun down on the unmade bed, she opened the closet door, rifling through it in search of Edward’s clothing. But there was barely any. If he was living with Oswald, there would be a lot more. 
“Fuckin’ Isabella,” she almost spat in rage. She couldn’t believe that her best friend had really done this. No matter what had happened to Ed to cause him to bleed out, Isa had still taken him. And she obviously planned on keeping him. Or perhaps she’d taken his corpse, and buried it. Maybe taking the clothes was a clever ruse to make Oswald believe that Ed had just upped and left. Isabella was clever, but so was Harley. She knew how to cover up murder better than most. “You’re not gonna outsmart me,” she said in determination, grabbing her gun and moving out of the bedroom. 
Harley was looking for clues now, and she was trying to spot them everywhere. Edward’s medication wasn’t in Oswald’s medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and there was only one toothbrush. Gosh, Isabella was so meticulous. There wasn’t one thing left behind, that could signal to Oswald, or anyone else that Edward had been taken against his will. Or killed by his insane ex girlfriend. 
Turning on the faucet, she splashed her face with some cold water. She hadn’t felt such disgust, and infuriation for a long time. The disgust wasn’t even solely focused on Isabella, and what she’d done. Harley was disgusted with herself for allowing this to happen. If she’d been more careful, and put Isabella on that metaphorical leash that Ed had suggested, then none of this would be happening. Looking up at her reflection in the mirror, she used the handle of her gun to smash it. She hadn’t felt such self hatred since she’d been with Joker. When Oswald saw it, maybe he’d think that Edward had a moment of hating himself before he left. It was plausible. 
Leaving the bathroom, Harley made her way downstairs again, holstering her gun. Her eyes darted around, looking for blood, or broken items. Turning to her right, she noticed that one of the pictures on the wall was askew. Frowning, she straightened it, and continued to walk. Wait, was that another one? Both pictures had been tilted. That wasn’t a coincidence. “Eddie,” she sighed out, touching the picture. There was relief that he could be alive, because he was the only one smart enough to leave such a small, but helpful clue. It was the kind that wouldn’t be noticed, unless you were looking for it.
After straightening the picture, Harley made her way back to the kitchen, turning on the faucet and soaking a cloth in cold water and dishwashing liquid. “Sorry, Ozzie,” she sighed to herself, then wiped the remaining blood off the table. It was better that he didn’t know what had happened, because it gave Harley time to formulate a plan to save/find her friend, and also keep Isabella alive, too. If Os found her, and knew what she’d done, he’d kill her. 
Keeping hold of the slightly crimson tinged cloth, she left the house, pulling the front door shut behind her. She took a moment to just stand there, and breathe in the cool, refreshing air of New York City, then began to walk back to her apartment. There was no time to waste. Harley had to sit down and figure out where Isabella and Ed could be. She had to start searching, and making a plan. There was no room for feelings, or sympathising, either. Her feelings for Isa had to be put aside, and she had to be as cold and calculating as possible for this. Throwing the dish cloth into a random bush, she smiled to herself. “Nobody beats Harley Quinn.” 
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"The nation of 2.8 million people has just over 32,000 infections."
I understand that is a high amount... NYC and the state of New Mexico have about the same population with fewer deaths. At the same time it's been in the Middle East 2 months longer than we had.
I only have one hospital in Qatar and many of the patients there have died, mostly we are doing comfort care, treatments at home such as nebulizer treatment machines to keep the lungs moist, oxygen tanks they return and receive another refilled one so we can sanitize and they get new tubings and sometimes splitters for in case other people begun the feel ill, they can share the oxygen tank. And other internal medicine such as cough, pain and other issues including sinus impairments.
We also distribute herbs to the entire family such as Echinacea, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Vitamin C and more herbs to boost immune systems and keep down inflammation.
As well as fresh fruit and vegetables.
They can come in for more qualitative care or for more additional resources any time.
But other hospitals are simply killing them, with lack of experience, lack of compassion and just because they're overwhelmed and afraid to or simply just won't send s patient home to fend for themselves.
We take in about half the positively testing patients as long term, most of which live alone or don't feel safe at home or upon request while other hospitals are taking in all positive testing people regardless of their condition.
We have a surviving rate of 19% across the globe with our qualitative care, supervising distribution of medical supply to COVID positive patients. 98% surviving rate for those with just Corona. For which many get the same supplies including water with electrolytes for the excessive bathroom issue that often accompanies.
We put their care in their hands and allow them the best supply and care for their entire family, so the family often takes care of the patient and themselves.
We also supply gloves, masks and long sleeve medical gowns. Since there is No shortage. Often the dressing gown materials are returned unopened and the sealed package is inspected and sterialized for the next patient. Whom is told it had been taken home by someone else and they're given the option of one not had been removed from the hospital. Just in case.
The punishment I think is extreme. However I understand the panic from the high numbers however I'm quite sure this is coming from the hospitals that simply have evil doctors.
At the same time COVID patients will all end up dying at some point
While you have high numbers in a particular area, I suggest checking hospitals with the highest death rates -- if a hospital can routinely care for 90 patients and they're counting 300 per day, they're simply admitting and killing patients
A COVID patient must or should live beyond 3 weeks in a hospital's care.
Our sent home patients are living beyond two weeks. They are not doctors and are simply following a doctor's prescribed orders
So hospital records that are having deaths sooner than 10 days at minimum are simply killing the patients off.
I bet roughly 20% aren't even COVID positive. They're just lying to bring up the death toll.
So that is where governments need to investigate and punish severely.
Otherwise people should wear masks to protect themselves and others to slow the growth of the spread in order to allow hospitals to accommodate for care.
But should not be punished in my mind.
The government shall decide if executing COVID patients is their ideal treatment and put preventatives and penalities for the execution of healthy people or people whom are chronically ill with similar or other diseases.
Because hospitals are simply executing which is why Qatar is feeling the panic
We found this problem in Chicago, NYC and Albuquerque, Miami and others.
The numbers and length of stay will determine who has been executing. And at this time data has been accumulated and cannot be destroyed. It can ve attempted to be however even hospital administration cannot destroy it.
Even in America as i own and operate most of the diagnostics testing and software used for hospitals, we have a preventative system to interrupt the destruction of information. So if a hospital tells you its been destroyed, call the software company.
I can't own or run hospitals in America but i requested the ability to keep and oversee records for comparison research only. To further incapacitate diseases across the globe and i was granted that permission.
So everyone is hereby busted
So doctors and nurses that are good, make sure your notes are correct and appropriate and include who you may think has touched your patient.
If you are in a patient chart and press F5 each time you enter or at one time press it in emergency style of at least 5 times at a fast pace it will alert the security system that that patient is in distress. And you need emergency assistance at that hospital.
Typically they come immediately however with COVID they do not so If you need immediate back up for a patient who is receiving ill treatment then you must use a non COVID patient record
This is across the globe and has always been in place.
Often we send a CIA operative who is qualified as a doctor. Some have medical degrees, others have the comparative intellect of a doctor. Like myself. But they do have to pass a security clearance and health test and evaluation on their ability to diagnose and treat. And to spot red herrings.
So hit that emergency button F5 when no one is looking. Any time day or night and we will send people to intervene and make sure your hospital is giving the best treatment possible.
I own 92% of hospital and/or healthcare software across the globe. For profit.
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