#also heat exhaustion
im-a-dragon-cawcaw · 1 month
the need to make art VS the need to lie down in bed
you will not believe who wins
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
5 Ways to Stay Cool During Extreme Heat | FEMA.gov
With everyone warning us of this summer's expected record temps, an overview of what to look out for (& what to do) is certainly timely.
It can even be hard to realize that you're actually in danger.
By the time the major symptoms hit, you could find yourself dehydrated or walking around in a daze!
You don't have to overdo it, but, stay alert out there...
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stygiovictoria · 1 month
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attempted to redesign yuffie and vincents beach outfits because once again I personally do not like them. no hate 2 square or anyone who likes them i'm just drawing this for fun!!
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sualne · 1 month
my voice has started to drop and ive been in a near constant state of gender euphoria this week :DD
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arliedraws · 2 months
why am i posting so many texts posts in a row? it is because my covid symptoms are gone, my period is over, and my brain is functioning again
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foxbirdy · 2 months
Hello! As a recent grad whose thinking of doing am Americorp or conservation crew year (I'm safe this year tho) would you recommend it? I've done some seasons in parks and have heard um varying experiences. I would like to learn how to do manual labor and backcountry camp tho so. How is working in the heat?
The answer I can give you is that I absolutely recommend it, with the caveat that a) It Will Probably Be Challenging and b) try to do some asking around before you select a program! There's profound variability in how well different corps programs support & provide for their field staff, and the intensity of what they demand. I've had many of my most valuable experiences doing corps work that are absolutely treasured to me, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I've also had many of my most scary & painful experiences doing corps work, and I have stress dreams about them just about every week of the season. What can you do, etc etc. Choosing a program that matches the level of energy & commitment that you are willing to give -- whether that's a hitch schedule, urban community crews, backcountry mule packing, wildland fire, camping trail crews, on and on to infinity -- is the best advice I can give!
As for working in the heat -- your body will acclimate to the summer temperatures, but there's only so much your body can compensate for. Finding workarounds (starting in the dark, strategic breaking, working close to water sources when possible) helps, & so does respecting the limits of your body before you put yourself in crisis.
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A whumpee or team of whumpees waking up with heat exhaustion or, god forbid, heat stroke because they're living in a building with no ventilation and their landlord doesn't allow air conditioning.
Brought to you by: climate change and my current living situation (yes, I can read legalese. my region is exempt from the law)
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
update: i am Unwell
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I need more tired bear posts.
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noodlebutts · 2 years
Please forgive me if this is a question you're tired of hearing 😅 I am not much in the cat community so I don't know if this is an exhausted point. I was just wondering if the stereotype of Siamese cats being super vocal is true?
Yes. Live in fear. The first 18 months of Zuko's time with us was full of yells and suffering. You can hear it outside your house, they will outlast you, the only answer is to reach a compromise with a cat. If you are not prepared to be held hostage by a cat, DNI
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
5 Ways to Stay Cool During Extreme Heat | FEMA.gov
With everyone warning us of this summer's expected record temps, an overview of what to look out for (& what to do) is certainly timely.
It can even be hard to realize that you're actually in danger.
By the time the major symptoms hit, you could find yourself dehydrated or walking around in a daze!
You don't have to overdo it, but, stay alert out there...
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dailydegurechaff · 1 year
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is... enjoying a refreshing gift from Lergen
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birdyverdie · 6 days
took a nap to sleep off the heat exhaustion, and woke up a bit later cuz i have homework due and by GOD is my skin warm now Why the fuck is the heat actually so intolerable over here, why has humanity forsaken the Earth
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suncaptor · 3 months
@ceoazula @estanflacion @ithinkmynameismason @allieyourally @heliomanteia @ignitingthesky @poxxxum callout post for being lovely people who've have made the last few weeks of my life better and keep brightening my days
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there-will-be-a-way · 28 days
Also, I called the support workers of the living group my bestie lives in last week to get an appointment for an interview and they said they would call me back on Monday to give me a date. I didn't hear back from them so I called them this morning to 1) ask them for the date for the interview and 2) show them my interest because you have to do that when searching for living groups. You have to call again and again and again, otherwise you'll never get to live there because their waiting lists are so long that they often "forget" people (aka ignore them on purpose if they don't show enough interest). The person on the phone was unkind - or at least I felt this way. She sounded annoyed and told me that they don't have a date yet and that they don't have a free room anyway. I felt let down and upset. She said that they have my contacts and that I'll hear back from them but tbh, I doubt that. And the way she treated me makes me not want to live there anyway. I'd rather stay here and live in a container or smth but have support workers who feel like a family. Idk
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odd-chips · 1 year
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✨ 🎵 Pump Up The Jams, Baby!! 💪🏿 ✨
If you wanted a workout filled with confusing instructions, supernatural strength, and songs belted out by a tone-deaf rat with a lisp, you've got the right VHS! 😤
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