#also he gained an addiction to gambling
mintaikk · 4 days
Love "I need him" and "Eddie, I'm with you till the end." FINALLY having more romantic Venom and Eddie interactions!
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Cupid doesn’t gamble
Summary: Leon, a mafia boss whose empire dominates all casinos on the west coast, meets a young girl amidst a game of poker. What would happen if he threw all his chips and gambled his love for you?
Warning: Mafia!Boss!Leon x Female!Reader. Eventual smut (I know y’all want this so bad). Slow burn. Romantic. Leon is a gentleman. Characters are 21+ (makes sense for casinos). Researched topics. Mentions of violence. Read at your own discretion.
Word Count: 6,620
A/N: So, I’d like to start off with saying that being in the Mafia is not okay. Al Capone was NOT a good guy. But, this is fiction. None of this is real so before I get myself canceled (pls don’t) trust that I did my research. I thought of Salvatore by LDR writing this lol.
[II] [III]
“The summer's wild and I've been waiting for you all this time I adore you, can't you see, you're meant for me. Summer's hot but I've been cold without you, I was so wrong not to doubt your Medellin, tangerine dreams,” - Salvatore, Lana Del Rey
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Poker isn’t just a game of gambling and betting your money away. It’s intimate and personal, in order to win you must read your opponent. Strip each other bare until the other shows a sign of vulnerability, only then will you find a loophole and win.
But nobody seems to understand the arts of chips and card decks. To be given an awful hand and turning the game to your favor is powerful and uplifting. There is great danger with gambling but there are also great rewards.
Leon was a famous man, known for establishing the most successful casinos of, dare I say, the nation. He’s a businessman, driven by the need to make a statement of himself. To hold power over people’s head with a flick of the wrist. He’s ambitious, cunning, but also respectful.
Coming from nothing but rags and the slum, he swore to his parents that he will earn everything he ever wanted in life. To provide for his family, to become one of the richest and notorious men of America. And he did.
He easily became a member of the mafia after being taken under the care of a kind man. When his parents died and he was shunned away by society, he never expected a man from a dangerous world to take him as a child and teach him to become the man that he is today.
And now here he was, engaging himself in a long hour of poker with a rookie player. You’ve never been keen on gambling your savings away, you deterred yourself from gaining the addiction. But, you did like to play every once in a while, especially since the casino you were in was quite lavish, courtesy of the man who built the casino in the first place.
You didn’t know anything about it, you didn’t even know that the man in front of you was the very own man who built his life step by step.
"You're good with your hands," he said in a rich and low tone as he stared at you from across the table.
“Thanks,” you muttered as you moved on forward with the game. You glanced at him, narrowing your eyes as you tried to guess what he was going to move with tonight.
A low, amused chuckle escaped his lips as he continued to watch you analyze him. He knew damn well you had no clue how to play, yet you were trying your best. It's what drew him to you.
He noticed you stealing glances his way as you thought of a plan. *Adorable.* He leaned back into his seat, eyeing you closely as he waited for you to make your next move.
"You're a bad bluffer," he pointed out with a smirk.
“And you’re a talker,” you quipped back with sass. You were silent for a moment before you decided to either go big or go home, “Raise,” you said to him.
Your eyes were glued to him, watching for his reaction. Was he going to fold or call? Either way, you believed you had a better hand than him.
"And you're cocky, too," he returned with a hint of humor in his voice. He raised an eyebrow slightly, surprised by your bold move. Even if you didn't know how to play, you had some guts.
He studies you for a moment, his eyes lingering on you before returning to his cards. After a moment of contemplating, he pushes a stack of chips forward, adding to the pot.
"Call. Let's see what you've got," he challenges you with a sly smile.
You turned your cards over, revealing a Diamond Queen and Clover King. You put them down and crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at him with a smirk.
The bet was a high number of money. Probably worth more than your limbs being sold in the black market. But you were here for a reason, to earn some quick money. The man in front of you looked quite wealthy, wealthy and rich men weren’t uncommon in this place but it still made you feel a bit inferior with everyone wanting to show off.
Leon leaned forward, inspecting your cards closely. The smirk on your face said it all. You thought you had a good hand, and he wouldn't deny that you had a decent one. But, it wasn't enough to beat him. He leaned back into his seat once more, his expression unchanging, as he revealed his own cards. A Spade Queen and a Diamond Ace. A straight flush. His eyes met yours, his smirk turning into a cocky grin.
"I'm afraid you've lost this round, darling," he said in a teasing tone.
Your smirk immediately fell as you saw his straight flush. Wow, you lost again. You didn’t even notice him calling you by a pet name. Did you owe this man money now? How did you not see it coming? That bastard was cocky and confident as hell! You should’ve known he had a good hand.
Leon chuckled once again. The look on your face was priceless—a mix of frustration and disbelief.
He loved it.
"Looks like I win again," he said teasingly, gathering up the chips on the table, "And don't worry, darling, you don't owe me anything. Just better luck next time."
He leaned back in his seat, his gaze still fixed on you as he smirked. He found your reaction absolutely adorable.
You furrowed your brows confused, you didn’t owe him anything? “Wait, are you serious?” You asked confusedly. He was different from other guys around here. Was he really willing to forget about your loss and even wished you better luck?
Who was this guy? There was something about him, though, that seemed dangerous and suspicious, “Why?”
Leon tilted his head to the side as he observed you, noticing the confusion on your face. You were clearly surprised by his words. It seems like you’re *not* used to men like him.
He chuckled softly at your question. "Why? Because I'm a gentleman," he responds with a smirk.
He leaned forward slightly, his gaze never leaving your face, "And I'm not in the business of taking money from pretty young girls like yourself. I'm not that heartless."
Your cheeks flared, did he just say you were pretty? You’ve never met a man so… straightforward. You cleared your throat and nibbled on your bottom lip, “Thank you,” you muttered quietly. Leon's gaze softened as he watched your cheeks flush and saw you bite your bottom lip. *Adorable.*
He’s a gentleman, he’s not *that* heartless? You didn’t understand him. He wore expensive clothes and his aura was confident.
“Is there anything else you’d like in return?” You asked as you looked at him, your arms on the table, “I’d feel guilty if you went back home empty handed.”
He leaned back in his seat, a smirk on his lips. "There is... one thing," he replied, his voice low and smooth.
He paused for a moment, his eyes locking with yours once more. "Your name," he said simply, his smile widening, "I'd like to know your name."
You stared at him for a few moments before you nodded slightly, “Okay,” you muttered. You extended your hand towards him, “My name is Y/n,” you said softly. He was truly a gentleman, wasn’t he? He doesn’t take money from girls and he was respectful. He’s one of a kind.
Leon looked at your hand for a moment before taking it gently in his own. His rough, calloused fingers wrapped around your small, soft hand. He loved the contrast between your skin and his. The way your slender fingers fit perfectly in his grasp.
"Y/n," he repeated quietly, as if he was testing the way the name felt on his tongue. He let out a soft chuckle before bringing your hand to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your cheeks flushed even more red when he kissed your knuckles. Did he come out of a book or something?! You’ve never met a man that screamed rich and respectful man. It was attractive. You were a bit speechless. Most guys met wouldn’t even be bothered to know your name and yet, here he was, treating you like a lady. Did he time travel or something?
You didn’t even try to move your hand away, it was like you got stuck in a trance. He was an enigma, who knew your poker opponent was so… you didn’t even know how to describe it. He chuckled softly at your reaction. He wasn't surprised, after all, most men don't have manners these days. Not men like him.
He slowly released your hand, though he couldn't bring himself to completely let go just yet. He continued to hold onto it, his thumb gently caressing your knuckles.
“Can I know your name too?” You asked a bit hesitantly, you wanted to know but you didn’t want to seem disrespectful. He felt so fancy, like a true gentleman. The kind of man you read in romance books where you could only dream of being treated with such care.
"Of course, darling," he replied in a low tone, his gaze still fixated on your face. He could tell that you were completely taken by him, though he couldn't blame you, most girls were. He could tell that you were captivated by his mannerisms and demeanor. It seemed like you appreciated his old-fashioned actions and chivalry, not that he was surprised. But something told him that you were different than the others. You weren't just after his wealth or status, he could see it in your eyes.
In the game of poker, it was easy to fall and lose. But for some reason, you like playing with him even if it means losing most of the rounds.
You didn’t even notice the two bodyguards approaching him from behind since you didn’t know what his occupation was like. You were strangers. The two bodyguards were ready to jump into action if you tried anything suspicious. But what could you do? You were completely harmless.
As his bodyguards approached from behind, Leon glanced over his shoulder at them. He held up a hand, silently signaling for them to hold off. The bodyguards stood a few feet away, far enough to not listen to your conversation but close enough to jump to him if he got into a dangerous situation. Leon's lips curled into an amused smile as he watched you realize the presence of his bodyguards. They were there to protect him, after all.
"My name is Leon," he finally replied, his voice just above a whisper. "Leon Kennedy."
“Leon,” you repeated, tasting the way it rolled off your tongue. It was a fancy name, suiting him very well.
“Nice to meet you, Mister Kennedy,” you said politely. Leon suppressed a chuckle as you repeated his name, the sound of it on your lips was like music to his ears. It was as if you were singing his name, rather than simply saying it.
He smirked when you called him 'Mister Kennedy,' finding your use of a formal title both amusing and endearing. "Please, call me Leon. 'Mister Kennedy' makes me feel old," he teased, his voice low and smooth.
You couldn’t help the small smile from reaching your lips, just minutes ago he beat you in a game of poker and yet, he didn’t make you feel bad for losing. You nodded at him, “Alright, I won’t.”
Then, one of the two bodyguards approached Leon, leaning down to his ear to whisper, “Sir, your presence is being requested on the tenth floor,” he whispered. Leon's expression, although unchanging, darkened at the bodyguard's words. He knew exactly what it meant for his presence to be "requested" on the tenth floor. But he didn't want to leave just yet. He was enjoying the time he had with you, he was enjoying your company and your sweet demeanor. If only he could stay a little bit longer.
He nodded at the bodyguard, silently signaling that he understood. He looked back at you, his expression softening once again.
"I have business to attend to," he said quietly, a hint of regret in his voice.
“Oh, right, yeah,” you muttered quickly under your breath as you stood up, fixing your outfit that you were wearing, “I shouldn’t take more of your time,” you said softly and politely, “It was nice meeting you, Leon. I hope to play with you in the future.”
Leon looked up at you as you stood up, his gaze following every movement. He could feel his heart skip a beat, he found you truly adorable. He felt a pang of disappointment when you mentioned not taking up more of his time. But he understood, he had responsibilities to take care of.
"The pleasure was all mine, darling," he said quietly, his voice slightly strained. He didn't want you to leave, but he had no choice.
“Sir,” one bodyguard spoke up from behind him, “Should we keep an eye on her?” He asked as the bodyguard’s gaze remained on your form, you were already standing by the bar drinking a damn fountain drink.
It was clear that the bodyguards were good at their job, they wanted to keep Leon safe since he was a mafia boss and enemies could be everywhere. Leon's gaze shifted from yours as he focused on his bodyguard's question. He could sense the slight tension in the air, the bodyguards were always cautious. But that was their job, to protect him at all costs.
He shook his head slightly, "No, that won't be necessary," he replied coldly, "She's harmless," he added, his eyes fixated on you once more.
“Yes sir,” the bodyguard said before the two bodyguards began to escort Leon to the elevator to get to the tenth floor. As Leon walked towards the elevator, escorted by his bodyguards, he couldn't help but glance back one last time, his eyes settling on your form at the bar.
He felt a twinge of something, was it concern? He wasn't sure. The thought of you being approached by someone else made him uneasy. But he had to remind himself that you weren't his responsibility.
He stepped into the elevator, his mind still occupied with thoughts of you.
"Watch her," he muttered to his bodyguards, "make sure no one goes near her."
The bodyguard nodded before stepping out of the elevator and went over to watch from a distance to not scare me off.
He was left with the other bodyguard and as they reached the tenth floor, the doors opened to reveal a very expensive suite, “Ah, Leon,” the voice of a man rang as he approached Leon.
The man was no other than a guy that went by an alias, “Kyle”, for safety reasons, “Glad you could make it,” he was dressed in nothing but a bathrobe, the belt tight around his waist to keep him from flashing anyone. Kyle was a character, that much was clear. Greeting Leon as if they were old friends.
"Cut the pleasantries," Leon replied coolly as he strode past Kyle, into the extravagant suite. Despite his cold exterior, his mind was still occupied by thoughts of you.
Kyle laughed and followed after Leon, “Always cutting to the chase, huh, amigo?” He said the Spanish word in a terrible accent, he didn’t even know Spanish.
Kyle was truly one of a kind but he was an ally to Leon’s mafia. Matter of fact, he provided Leon with the newest weapons from an Italian manufacturer. Illegal weapon trafficking.
“Got some new ladies you might want to see,” he said as he walked in front of Leon, guiding him to his room. As he entered his room, the sheets were messy and two naked women laid on the bed. With a flick of his wrist, the ladies stepped out of the room, giving Leon a wink.
As they entered the room, Leon couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight of the naked women on the bed. Was this really necessary?
"I'm not interested," he said bluntly, his cold tone sending a clear message. Despite his outwardly tough demeanor, Leon disliked the lifestyle that Kyle embodied.
Kyle definitely had a typical lifestyle of a play boy, always finding girls to sleep with as he spends money on expensive champagne and clothes. But he was a good provider for the mafia. Kyle was needed; a necessary evil.
But Leon wasn’t a womanizer like that, especially with the way he treated you. Kyle chuckled and shook his head, “Oh, I think you will,” he muttered before I retrieved a box and opened it. Leon's expression changed. The sight of the new weapons in the box piqued his interest.
“Got these new ladies fresh from Rome,” he said, revealing new manufactured guns, “These are in beta testing but their purpose isn’t like regular guns—no. These babies hold up to thrice the ammunition and can fire double bullets at the same time.”
He could already see the potential these guns held. The extra ammunition and the ability to fire double bullets at once could give his men an advantage in a dangerous situation.
"Interesting," he said quietly, his eyes fixed on the guns. Despite his dislike for Kyle's lifestyle, Leon had to admit he knew how to source the best weapons.
"How did you get your hands on these?" he asked, his voice now lacking any hostility.
Kyle shrugged and leaned back, “I sent a blueprint last month over to my manufacturer in Italy. Said he’d give it a try. He experimented here and there right before he sent me these prototypes.”
“But I don’t recommend using them yet,” he said as he walked over to stand next to Leon, draping an arm around Leon’s shoulders as if they were best friends.
“Something about them probably not working and backfiring. Blah, blah, blah. You know the nerd stuff,” he said.
Leon's brow furrowed as he heard Kyle's words. Using untested weapons could be risky, especially if they had the potential for a devastating recoil. He pushed Kyle's arm off his shoulders, his expression turning cold again. He wasn't fond of being touched, especially by someone like Kyle.
"Then why show them to me if they might not work?" he asked with a hint of irritation in his voice. He preferred to focus on proven weapons, not experimental ones.
As his arm was pushed off his shoulders, Kyle wasn’t a bit ashamed, “Well, before we proceed with the testing, we needed your approval.”
Then, Kyle grew a bit serious, which only ever happened once a fortnight. He leaned closer to Leon to whisper in his ear, “I’ve heard that there’s been recent suspicious activity up north where the colony is. This is just a precaution because I don’t want anyone stealing my guns.”
Ever since Leon became the new mafia boss, which was years ago, many other bosses have tried to take him down. Even if it meant stealing his resources. Despite his disdain for Kyle, Leon couldn't ignore the serious look on his face. He knew that when Kyle spoke like this, he wasn't messing around.
"Suspicious activity, you say?" he replied, his voice low and calculating. He didn't appreciate being targeted, especially by other mafia bosses, "Any idea who might be behind it?"
He shrugged and shook his head, “No, there’s no idea who it might be but I’ve heard rumors that it’s someone who’s after your territory.”
Kyle sighed and stored the guns away once more, “In any case. Call me up if you change your plan, I’ll send word to Italy to keep producing and testing. Until then,” he said before he patted Leon on the shoulder and walked out of his room saying, “Alright, ladies, who’s ready for some sexy time on the jacuzzi?”
Leon watched as Kyle left the room, rolling his eyes at the man's behavior. Despite Kyle's eccentricities and playboy lifestyle, he couldn't deny that he was an asset to the mafia. As the sound of laughter and splashing water came from the jacuzzi, Leon turned his attention back to the matter at hand. The possibility of someone targeting his territory unsettled him.
With a deep sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, his thoughts once again drifting to you. He couldn't seem to get you off his mind.
“Do you want to go back to the main floor, Sir?” His bodyguard asked. Leon's eyes went to his bodyguard, and he nodded.
"Yes," he said simply. He had to go back to the main floor. He knew that his bodyguards had been instructed to keep an eye on you, and he was curious to see if you were still there.
As he stepped out of the room, he couldn't help but glance over at the bar. He could see you sitting there, sipping on a Dr. Pepper. Despite the presence of his bodyguard, he took a subtle step closer, watching you from a distance.
Now the three men were watching you, Leon with his two bodyguards behind him. They were no longer on the tenth floor and instead were on the main floor where you were.
“Who is she, boss?” One bodyguard asked. They had seen Leon play with you for a few rounds but they didn’t hear your conversation. Of how he forgave your debt and asked for your name, but they did see him kiss your hand. Leon's gaze never left you, his eyes watching your every move. He could feel the curiosity of his bodyguards, they had clearly noticed his interaction with you.
“Do you know her?” The other bodyguard asked. They still kept professional but their curiosity was high. They’ve never seen Leon talk to a woman before, he’d usually brush them off because he knew they were after his money.
"She's nobody," Leon replied, his voice cold and distant. Even though he had shown you a rare moment of humanity, he didn’t want his bodyguards to think he had a “soft spot”, especially towards a stranger.
"She's just a poker player, that's all," he added, dismissing their curiosity. But his eyes told a different story, he couldn't tear his gaze away from you.
“A terrible one,” one commented, “A Diamond queen and clover king against your straight flush… she’s got confidence.”
“Or maybe she didn’t know. Our boss holds a really good poker face,” the other replied. Which was true, Leon was a damn good poker player but you also didn’t play like a professional. You barely knew what you were doing.
You turned around to get your bag from the stool next to your standing form, seemingly finished with your drink and getting ready to pay for it.
Leon's eyes followed your every movement, his mind racing, "She was a challenge,” he said quietly, his voice betraying a hint of amusement. Despite your lack of skill, he had enjoyed playing with you, it had been surprisingly fun.
As he saw you turn to retrieve your bag, he felt a strange pang in his chest. He didn’t want you to leave yet. He took a step forward, his bodyguards following closely behind him.
You were too busy looking through your bag, pulling out your wallet and counting the bills you had to pay your tab. Would it even be considered a tab if you got non-alcoholic drinks? You didn’t notice Leon returning at all, his bodyguards didn’t say anything. They knew better than to prod at his life choices. If anything, they’d just keep a more careful eye on you to make sure nothing bad happened.
“Hold on—“ you said to the bartender as you counted your coins to give him the exact number of your total.
As you began counting your coins to pay the bartender, he couldn't help but step forward and reach into his pocket, "I'll cover it," he said, his voice firm and commanding. He felt strangely compelled to take care of you, even in this small gesture.
You straightened up at the sound of his voice, your heart jumped and beat quickly as you whipped your head to look at none other than Leon. Always a true gentleman.
“I—“ you said as yoi looked at him and the bartender before you looked back at his blue eyes, “No, it’s okay. I’ve got this,” you said quietly. He’d already forgiven your debt and now he wants to pay for your drinks?
Leon's expression remained stoic as he heard your protest. He didn't expect you to be so modest and determined to pay for your own drinks. But he found it endearing.
"It's not a problem," he replied, his voice firm. He could sense your guilt, but he didn’t want you to feel like a charity case. He genuinely wanted to take care of you, even if it was in small ways. He slid a few bills to the bartender, paying for your drinks and closing the tab before you could argue further.
Your cheeks blushed again as you looked away, you’ve never had anyone take care of you like he has, “You’re too kind,” you muttered in a flustered tone.
He was already breaking his own rules because the bodyguards seemed to have picked up on some details. It wasn’t common for them to see Leon be so… interested in a woman. Much less someone like you but they found it oddly endearing. Secretly cheering for their boss.
Leon was taller than you so you had to look up at him, “Did everything go well with your business?” You asked genuinely. Leon's expression softened slightly as he saw your flushed cheeks and your sincere question. He was unused to caring about someone’s well being, but he found himself wanting to share a bit with you.
"Yes, business went well," he confirmed, his voice remaining cool and collected. But there was a hint of tiredness in his eyes, the stresses of being a mafia boss often taking a toll on him.
He studied you for a moment, his gaze calculating but not unkind. "And how have you been?" he asked, surprising himself with his own question.
“Oh, you know,” you faintly shrugged your shoulders as you pointed towards the bar, “I stayed there the whole time. I don’t like wandering on my own. Lots of… creeps out here, y’know?”
But he wasn’t a creep. He was far from it. Leon was a gentleman, a man who knew how to treat women right.
Leon chuckled, a rare sound coming from him, at your straightforward answer. He found it refreshing how honest you were, unlike the fake smiles and flattery he usually received from people.
His eyes swept the casino floor, full of various people, men, and women. He knew you were right about the creeps that roamed around, especially with a pretty face like yours.
"You're right about the creeps," he agreed, his voice low and protective. "A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be out here alone."
Your cheeks blushed again when he said you were pretty, why was he so casual with the compliments?! But nevertheless, you couldn’t stop the smile forming on your lips, “Yeah… I was about to leave since it was getting late, actually,” you said as you quickly remembered what you were doing.
“I was going to get an Uber and go back home. I should probably practice my poker skills too,” you said with a small smile. Leon's gaze darkened slightly at the mention of you leaving. He didn't want this night to end, not when he'd enjoyed your company more than he thought he would.
He took a step closer, shortening the distance between you. "An Uber?" he repeated, his voice taking on a hint of disapproval. "With all the creepers out there?"
He paused, seeming to consider something before speaking again. "Let me give you a ride home," he offered, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your eyes widened a bit and your breath hitched when he stepped closer to you and offered you a ride home. You should’ve said no but for some reason, you felt safe in his presence. You slowly nodded your head, feeling like you shouldn’t reject his offer. He’s been kind to you and you wanted to be kind as well, “Only if it’s not a burden.”
“I’d hate to shift your plans for the night. I don’t want to be an inconvenience,” you said with a nervous laugh as you played with your hands.
Leon couldn't help but chuckle at your words and the nervousness in your laugh. You were clearly unused to being cared for like this, but it was almost endearing to see you flustered. He shook his head, his expression serious. "It's not a burden," he reassured you. "And you're not an inconvenience. I wouldn't offer unless I meant it."
He motioned for his bodyguards to follow as he put a hand gently on your lower back, beginning to guide you towards the exit. You gathered your things, which was just your purse, and let him guide you towards the exit. His bodyguards were shocked to say the least. They knew Leon didn’t like to be touched or touch other people but here he was, gently putting his hand on you to guide you out of the building. They were in for a fun ride.
As you made it out and stepped outside, you were met with wind. The wind blew over your form, goosebumps on your skin as you wrapped your arms over your chest to give yourself some heat. Leon noticed your body shiver, the cool night air obviously getting to you. He was so used to suppressing his own physical needs that he had briefly forgotten that you weren’t built for the harsher elements like he was.
"Here," he said gruffly. He removed his black jacket and gently placed it around your shoulders, his fingers lingering for a moment on the fabric.
The black suit jacket was big on you but it was so warm, it even smelled like his cologne and you felt your cheeks flare up. He smelled good, “Thank you,” you said as you looked up at him.
A black car pulled in front of you, it was fancy and the black was matte. No doubt, the latest car. Just how rich was he? One of the bodyguards moved towards the door and opened it for the two of you. Leon nodded in acknowledgement of your thanks, his eyes never leaving yours, "After you," he said, gesturing for you to get into the car first. His voice was gruff, but there was a warm undertone in it.
He waited, standing by the car door, until you climbed in, before he slid into the seat beside you, closing the door behind him. The bodyguards climbed into the front seat, the engine purring softly to life.
No one would’ve believed them if they said that Leon was warm and kind. They’ve seen the type of ruthless man he could be, he was a mafia boss! Hence why the bodyguards were shocked. They’ve never seen him act this way with anyone.
You sat next to Leon, your thighs pressed together and your form still wearing his black suit jacket, “Thank you,” you said before you climbed to sit next to him. You were new to the whole taken care of thing. Leon felt a pang of something unfamiliar in his chest when you thanked him again. It was as if you weren’t used to being treated like this, but he found himself wanting to give you more. He felt the strange urge to wrap you in his arms, to keep you close and away from the world.
He let out a low hum of acknowledgment. "You don’t need to keep thanking me," he said quietly, his voice low and rough.
You softy laughed at his words despite his low and rough voice, “Sorry, force of habit. I’m not used to people being so kind to me. Especially after playing Poker with me,” you replied with a small but genuine smile.
“Most guys would either just get mad at me for beating them or they would humiliate me further for beating me,” you said quietly, your hands laying on your lap as you looked down at them.
Then you glanced back at him, “But you’re different. I think… I like to have you as my opponent… if you’d let me,” but it was more than just Poker, right? It was about connecting, about seeing him again. His expression softened as you spoke again, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, "You like having me as your opponent, huh?" he said, his voice holding a hint of amusement.
He reached out, his hand gently resting on top of yours, his touch calloused but surprisingly gentle, "You don’t even know what you’re asking for."
Your breath hitched and you looked down at his hand on top of yours. Even though he’d held your hand and kissed it, you still got flustered.
But he was right. Essentially, you didn’t even know him. You met him today and lost a poker game. But something in you wanted to keep seeing him, you didn’t want to let such a kind man go.
“I can learn,” you whispered. This went beyond poker, even though you spoke about it, hidden words were conveyed. You didn’t know what you were asking for, not knowing he was in the mafia. Leon's smirk grew at your words, a hint of something more behind it. He could hear the double meaning in your words, and it sent a thrill through him. Here you were, this timid, pretty thing, wanting to get to know him better.
His fingers gently squeezed your hand as he spoke, his voice low. "You’re a fast learner, I bet," he said, his eyes never leaving yours.
But then his expression darkened slightly, the reality of his world intruding on the moment. He was a mafia boss, and you… you were innocent and pure.
You nodded, “I like learning things. Knowledge is power, is what George Orwell said once,” you muttered. Leon's smirk turned into a half-smile at your mention of George Orwell. This girl was full of surprises. It seemed to him that you were more than just a pretty face working as a pit boss.
His grip on your hand tightened slightly, as if reflexively trying to keep a grip on you. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this, he should let you go before you get swept into the dangerous world he lived in.
But something about you was making him greedy. The Mafia Boss never had to worry about letting go before, now, he didn’t want to.
You felt his hand tighten around yours and you didn’t want to let go yet. Once you reached your apartment, you looked at him and leaned towards his face to whisper, “Think it over,” you whispered, your brows furrowing a bit before you let go of his hand and got out of the car.
Leon's eyes widened slightly at your whisper, your unexpected boldness sending a jolt of surprise, and something else through him. You'd just told him to think things over, as if it was a date that you were asking him on. But before he could open his mouth to reply, you had already slipped out of the car, leaving him a bit taken aback.
He stayed sitting in his seat for a beat, his fingers clenching the leather, his eyes fixed on your figure. You were playing with fire, and you didn’t even realize it.
You were about to walk into your apartment when you realized you were still wearing his suit jacket. You quickly ran back towards the car and slipped it the jacket off, giving him an awkward smile, “I, uh…”
“Almost forgot this,” you muttered softly, the pink hue on your cheeks not leaving any time soon. Leon took the jacket in his hands, his gaze lingering on you as you handed it to him. He took in your flushed cheeks, your awkward smile, and it sent a pang through his chest.
He wanted to reach out, to touch your cheek, to do something to keep you from leaving. But instead, he simply folded the jacket over his arm, his fingers tracing the fabric.
"Keep it," he said, his voice rough. "It looks better on you."
Your eyes widened a bit and your lips parted into a small ‘Oh’ when he gave you the jacket once more. To which you slowly took, you didn’t want to be greedy but you loved the way it smelled.
“Thank you,” you whispered sincerely, “For tonight.”
The offer still stood. You were willing to throw yourself down into a fire if it meant getting to know him better. Isn’t that what Poker is about? To understand your opponent? But this wasn’t about Poker anymore.
Leon clenched his jaw as he watched your expression, your sincere thanks only making it harder for him to let you go. Your naivete was like a double-edged sword - it drew him in but also made him hesitant.
But he wasn’t some saint. No, far from it. He was a Mafia Boss, and he wasn’t used to denying himself.
He leaned forward slightly, his eyes locking with yours, his voice a rough, quiet murmur. “When can I see you again?”
You stared at him through the window, a bit surprised that he wanted to see you again. You were just some idiot poker player and yet… was he actually considering seeing you again?
You stood there in shock for a few seconds like an absolute idiot before you realized you hadn’t said anything. Your cheeks flushed and you quickly cleared your throat, “Uh—“
He paused, his eyes roaming over you, taking in your flushed cheeks, your uncertainty. It was a new sight for him, having a woman so clearly out of his world be so... vulnerable.
“You want to see me again?” You asked unsure. Leon’s lips quirked up into a small smirk at your reaction, your surprise and confusion only endearing you to him more. You were just so damn endearing. He leaned back in his seat, his eyes never leaving yours, his gaze sharp, “Yes, I want to see you again.”
“Well, I’m free this Saturday… if you want to—I dunno—go out…?”
“Saturday it is, then. I’ll pick you up at seven.”
This time, you couldn’t help the smile that reached your lips. Was he truly taking you out on a date? You nodded your head at him, your lips curling up into a genuine smile, “Alright…” you muttered quietly, “I’ll see you then. You know where I live anyway.”
He offered you a ride and now knows where you lived, but somehow, you felt comfortable with him knowing, “Goodnight, Leon.”
You walked backwards, looking at him for as long as possible before eventually turning around to get into your apartment. Leon watched as you retreated back into your apartment, his gaze following your every move. There was a strange flutter in his chest, something that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Something that he thought he had lost.
When you disappeared from sight, he let out a low, rough exhale, running his hand through his short hair. This was dangerous, getting close to you, but he couldn’t seem to find it in himself to care.
“Goodnight, doll,” he murmured, watching your door close behind you.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part three)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Philip Graves (+ some headcanons including the Shadows), Makarov
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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A/n: I tried so hard to get this one out in time with the other but my other wips are getting to me 😭. I posted twice today just to feed y'all ahaha.
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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ꕥ Speaking of König, I don't think this man is the shy boy that some people is making him out to be (not that he doesn't have that side at all, I just feel like they make it his whole personality). Based on voice lines alone this man is cocky asf.
ꕥ There's a reason for his mask, yes he was bullied as a child because of his looks and that's one of the causes to his social anxiety but that doesn't mean this mf is shy. He just like to avoid people and social interactions yk. (Y'all have no idea how much I can relate to this)
ꕥ Has and will continue to use his height to his advantage, someone bothering you while you're both sat having a wonderful time together? This mf stands the fuck up, shoulders back, chest out and everything. Looming over that person while glaring down, arms crossed while they're engulfed by the shadow of this 6'10 behemoth of a man.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader? He'll throw you over his shoulders, only using one arm below your ass while he carries you off. Seriously it is no problem to this man, he'd beg you to sit on his face and suffocate him. If anything I'd say he has a preference for it yk, very soft and plush reader for real.
ꕥ Our DIY king here wearing a shirt for a hood, his hair sticking out of the hole for the head whenever he's dressing casual. Play with his hair like right now, you'll make him melt right then and there.
ꕥ Enjoys cuddling, hasn't had many partners and by that I mean kinda none. Nobody was insane enough to approach him till you came around so he's very touch starved. He didn't even know he enjoyed touching that much till he was able to feel the amount of warmth your body gives him. He'd swear on his life that he was intoxicated in that moment.
ꕥ Whenever you sit or straddle on his lap, he's still so fucking tall. I swear you will gain neck pains if you wanna keep eye contact while talking to him. (I understand the struggle, I am a 5'1 girly. Every character I know within the CoD universe is taller than me 😭)
ꕥ Doesn't actually wear his mask around you, he's comfortable and trust you enough to know you wouldn't go around telling everyone what he looks like.
ꕥ Nicknames he'd call you in German are Mein Schatz, Fräulein, Liebling, Engel and Kleine Maus
ꕥ He's still definitely bitter about not being a sniper. (AHAHAHA)
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Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
ꕥ He has doodles on his tactical gear that he did himself (there are also one that are a tribute to squid game because man's had a gambling addiction), has asked you to draw on it too and he proudly wears it when on duty. Will feel stupid while unconsciously smiling if you draw a heart.
ꕥ Writing something down on his vest from your own mother tongue and he's asking the meaning, if it's genuinely something good like a compliment or something like "I love you" then you will catch this man with a shit eating grin.
ꕥ He used to be a gambler before entering the military and it eventually got him to stop, though he still has a thing for risk, he got himself a more deadlier alternative.
ꕥ Expect surprise back hugs, this man isn't called Horangi for nothing. He's stealthy, I like to think that whatever he says to you is well thought out as well. Man knows how to think before he speaks.
ꕥ Horangi likes to pounce on things, just for the fun of it. It leads him to tackle you on your shared bed a lot, lots of play fighting too.
ꕥ HAS THE PRETTIEST EYES EVER. Like seriously, the only people who knows what he looks like is you and König. Had gentle eyes, you know that quote "His eyes softened", yeah that's the definition of his eyes.
ꕥ Loves it when you trace the veins on his arms with your finger nails, will just straight up offer his arm to you.
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Keegan P. Russ
ꕥ This man and his panty dropping voice like holy hell I have never heard a voice as deep as his without a vocal fry (from those try hard guys on TikTok who try to hard thinking their thirst traps are good).
ꕥ Calls you "kid" in an affectionate way? It's honestly just what he calls anyone younger than him, you're shorter? He'll emphasize on that shit. Elaborating on the nickname I said earlier, he uses it less when y'all are dating but still does on some occasions.
ꕥ Would say the most dirty and uncalled for things, whispering it in your ears. He's and asshole in the best way possible, loves it when you gasp and playfully slap his chest.
ꕥ He's sweet though, would see you as his wife even if you're not married. You're his now, the moment you entered his life, he basically had a death grip on you.
ꕥ Something tells me that he likes talking about you or to you through radios yk. His voice sounding even deeper through the device, calling you doll even though he's supposed to refer to you with your call sign.
ꕥ Praise kink? I mean you've more likely heard his voice lines, is the type of man to praise you and ruffle your hair, either that or he'll kiss you depending on what stage of your relationship you are both in.
ꕥ Constantly thinks his eyes are weird even though they aren't, he just has sleepy eyes. Speaking of sleeping, I feel like he has such a fucked up sleeping schedule and is used to pulling all nighters more than the normal person.
ꕥ Will drag you in bed though and lay his whole weight on top of you because you ain't going nowhere, you are staying there with him and only him.
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Philip Graves
ꕥ (If it isn't "Fix It Felix", please tell me I'm not the only one who sees it AHAHAHA)
ꕥ Philip is touchy, somebody for the love of everything that is holy cuddle this man please. He is just screaming at any type of physical contact at this point. (My sources? Right fucking here)
ꕥ Is the type of boyfriend to come home to you and just hug you, y'all would be there for a solid 10 minutes before he lets you go. Burying his head into your neck and just inhaling your scent while having his arms wrapped tightly around you.
ꕥ His Shadows? More like his fucking children, again going back to the TikTok. He knows how to get their attention, the little pats on the shoulder and small praises are his way of saying they did a good job and they're eating it up.
ꕥ That being said, you are either gonna be their mother figure or someone they enjoy protecting because their dad is so fond of you. Why not be both right?
ꕥ You cannot tell me this man won't be next to the grill, spatula, tongs or whatever kitchen utensil in one hand and a cold bottle of beer in the other.
ꕥ Spends his weekends with you on his lap while he watches football in your guys' couch, you're definitely scrolling on your phone during this.
ꕥ You cannot tell me this man doesn't wear cowboy hats and boots because he certainly does, is it a turn on or a turn off? I genuinely do not know..
ꕥ Is fruity on some aspects but would never fucking admit it..
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ꕥ Y'ALL ACTUALLY THOUGHT I'D WRITE FOR THIS MAN? NAH THIS ACC IS WHOLESOME (OR ANGSTY) AND ION THINK THIS MAN IS SALVAGEABLE. (This came from a girl who once was obsessed with Tom Riddle for years when she was 13, I recovered from it dw)
ꕥ This man would literally use anyone and anything as leverage for whatever he wants to achieve. (Yes I am one of those "I can fix him" people but damn idk if this man is fixable)
ꕥ Please don't tell me you actually genuinely think this man would be good to you.. I knew what I was writing was unrealistic but damn y'all are delulu on another level (so am I, stay delulu). Jokes aside I love y'all and he's one of the few I won't write for. (AHEM Severus Snape (that greasy mop haired mf)
ꕥ And yes I understand most of my shit are kind of OOC but damn if I wrote him, it would be extremely fucking far from canon and I don't like romanticizing toxic relationships (if I ever do write it, it will be angst and I can't ever promise a happy ending).
ꕥ Happy April fool's! (I know I'm posting this end of September (it's actually October now 😭)
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madreemeritus · 2 months
I was thinking about how I would imagine Husk's life before Hell... taking a lot of canon information as inspiration but still keeping my personal headcanons.
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Ok so his name was Henry Oscar. A black-american man. To me, he died with 55 years old. Born in 1920, Los Angeles, and died in 1975. His parents were very neglectful and he had a special problem with his dad, that raised him with the typical abusive and sexist behaviour. Husk (or Henry) was a man, so he needed to be tough and hide all of his feelings, which as very difficult not only because of his human nature but also the world around him. Life was NOT easy for a black man in the 20's America. Still, he managed to be independent since youth and started his life working in casinos. So yes, he developed gambling addiction since he was young, but at first it didn't seem dangerous. He was just a lonely boy engaging in arts and games. Husk was a very talented man that became a great musician, magician and gambler, but he also had the inclination to be selfish and greedy due to how he was raised.
I also love to imagine him having a family. Meeting some girl in LA, marrying her and having a kid — a precious and beautiful little girl that he loved deeply. But the gambling, that was first one of his many talents and ways to have fun, was becoming a worse and worse addiction. He started to lose money, SO MUCH money, and damaged his family's financial stability. He also engaged with cheating and dangerous activities with not-so-good people. Loan sharks, mobsters, and criminals in general. He frequently engaged in violent fights with dangerous people, ending up either in jail for some days/weeks, or being chased and coerced by them — literally bringing danger to his family.
One day, obviously, his wife had enough. She was tired of loosing financial stability, having hers and her daughter's safety threatened by her husband's reckless behaviour. She also believed Husk was supposed to be strong and perfect all the time — typical-period sexism —, which led her to ask a divorce. The divorce process was painful to Husk; he truly loved his family, so much, but he knew it was his fault. Worse, his ex-wife did her best to keep him away from their daughter, because he was a lost cause in her eyes, and it didn't take too long for her to get married with another man. Husk was abandoned, replaced and pushed away from his daughter. And it was all his fault... his mental health only got worse and worse.
Now he was alone again. He saw no other choice but to continue that life style, now the alcohol took a great part of his routine and became a new addiction. His life was attached to the casinos, his only way of earning the minimal gain to pay his bills. So he fucked around — with women AND men — and gambled more and more, now that he had only himself to care about. His life wasn't entirely terrible, he traveled a lot because of the money he earned, but still, he missed his family. A lot. He couldn't see his precious daughter again, and yeah he did try to meet other people and love again... but it always failed. Everyone thought he was too damaged, too broken to be loved. A waste of time, always unsafe and unworthy. He couldn't get proper mental health treatment nor get over his addictions, so he started to believe that, indeed, it was all true, he was unworthy.
All of this destroyed Husk completely. But specially, his guilt. The guilt of what his reckless behaviour did to his family, the guilt of never being able to let go of his addictions, let go of his past... guilt of never being able to be a good partner for anyone. He thought it was all his fault, and that his fate was to be alone. Unfortunately, in 1973, he discovered he had cirrhosis. He didn't have money enough to pay the treatment. Then, Husk decided to just... give up. Give up of trying to be better, trying to be something he isn't, trying to have a normal and peaceful life. He went to a small hospital in LA and stayed there for the next two years, when he died. Alone and forgotten. No one ever cared to visit him, and he was burried as indigent because no one identified his body.
Now some other details about my headcanon: Husk/Henry was surprisingly open minded. He was basically raised in casinos, he met a lot of sex workers and queer, gender-non-confirming people. It didn't take him too long to realize he was queer himself, and to be fair, he was actually fine with that (as long as, you know, it was in secret because it WAS extremely dangerous to be openly queer at that time). Also, I've seen a lot of people commenting the fact that Husk hated cats when he was alive... and I really want to know if this is canon or not. Because I genuinely don't know, either way I don't headcanon him as hating cats.
Husk kinda made friends during his lifetime, but they were only interested in him when he had money. He was often earning a lot of money, and loosing all of it in like, one night of gambling. So his life was always unstable. The last he saw his daughter, she was nine years old. The feeling to be replaced as husband AND father was basically what fucked up his mental health the most. The problem of Husk's life was that he would always lose everything, even when he was close to true happiness. He lost his family, lost his mental and physical health, and even his soul. Obviously, someone so used to feel unworthy, to be lonely and not cared for, became a selfish and greedy person as an Overlord who didn't care about the consequences of his actions. He had power, therefore he had everything... until he didn't, until he lost everything again.
The Hotel is a new start for him. Finally, the chance to be that passionate man again, and maybe, even start a new family.
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ariaste · 4 months
hheeyy I am probably gonna buy your pirate book regardless, because it does sound wonderful, but just so I know what I'm getting my little ace brain into: the gizmodo article you linked described Brother Julian as having "a frankly inconvenient vow of celibacy" and i had terrible flashbacks of the way the dragon age 2 fandom talked about Sebastian so like. Does Julian *also* think his vow is inconvenient, or am I going to have to go in accepting that funny queer pirates who resolve things with polyamory is worth wincing through a few conversations where his suitors just Cannot Believe someone so hot doesn't want to fuck oh my we must save him from himself or. whatever the fuck. Again, i loved A Touch Of Gold And Iron so I do trust you, but I've had authors i trust suddenly and unthinkingly have their characters spout aphobic talking points before, so i just want a warning, i guess. Thank you and I promise this isn't intended as a judgement of any kind, just me making sure I'm taking care of myself
No worries! I have not seen any of the Dragon Age 2 discourse and I don't know who Sebastian is, but I think I can sort of glean from context what you mean.
The answer about Julian is a little spoilery for mostly worldbuilding and a bit of his character arc, but not plot. I'm gonna try to put it under a cut, but tumblr is broken sometimes, so if the cut does not work, I apologize to the general public.
Julian is a monk of the Vintish church, which is sort of "what if the Catholic church but make it The Enlightenment" -- their religion teaches that the pursuit of knowledge and Understanding is deeply holy and that the Emperor of Heaven filled the world with mysteries specifically because he wanted humanity to figure out his little puzzles. Monks of this church take vows not to give up all "sinful" things, but to give up the one thing that occupies their mind above all else and causes them to be distracted from the pursuit of knowledge. For some people that might be alcohol, or gambling, or an addiction, or wearing pretty clothes, or anger/resentment, or whatever. For Julian, that thing was sex. He is the most allosexual man who has ever lived. He LOVED sex. It was a source of pure joy and delight and fulfillment for him -- he's one of those people who can find something wonderful and attractive in pretty much everyone he meets.
There were some Urgent Circumstances fifteen years ago in his past where taking that vow was preferable to the alternative that would have happened if he hadn't taken it, so in that sense it was a tool that served a purpose -- it was at one point a deeply convenient way of saving his own ass. I also think it was an important lesson for Young Julian to realize that sometimes you have to make sacrifices and that sacrifices HURT.
However, whether he would say in hindsight now that it was inconvenient... I think he has mixed feelings. He's very good at nuance, Julian is, and so he recognizes that all his experiences have made him into the person who he is and that he has Learned and Grown and Gained Knowledge Of Himself, which he does sincerely believe is a holy and righteous thing -- he deeply values the journey that he has been on. But at the same time.... at his heart he's just a fun guy and secretly an absolute gremlin in his own ways, you know? And tools that were once useful and relevant do not always remain so. Hope that helps!! I am on the ace/demi spectrum myself, so I've got some irritating experiences of the ways that people write about ace characters and try to "fix" them -- this is definitely not that situation.
Also, just cause you mentioned you're ace -- FYI there isn't any on-page sex in the book, just lots of dumb sex jokes and flirting. :)
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
the case that this episode shares the most obvious similarity with is "rolling with it" as both are in some way about gambling addiction, but I would also group it with "taking notes" (and maybe "making adjustments") under the heading of self-destruction for personal gain. the violin and dice guys both eventually found ways to offset the toll of their cursed artefacts to other people and almost solely reap the rewards, but that was explicitly impossible for our man darrien, he could only bet against himself.
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yougyattabekidding · 19 days
(my version of) Suchin lore :3
Warnings: Neglect, drugs mention, violence mention (not anything expicit however!!)
ok ok ok first
Teen years: Suchin grew up in a broken home. Her parents were poor and addicts she was the eldest of 3, the youngest only being 2 years old. Suchin tried her best to balance school, her job, and caring for the rest of her siblings. Being the only source of income, Suchin dropped out of high school and worked full-time. It was only a matter of time before caseworkers came to her home to question her whereabouts. Social workers came to her home and arrested her parents. Taking both her younger siblings, Suchin however ran away before they took her
During her years in the city, She would collect bets at bar fights as a sort of incoming due to her lack of a high school diploma, occasionally she would sell snacks outside of schools as another form of income. Once gaining enough she would rent a basement underneath the bar and host underground fight clubs. Charging people for the entrance fee. She managed to buy an apartment and support herself. (sketch i did of her below they get progressively worse ^_^)
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Young Adult:  Entering adulthood, she would often have recurring fighters ask for a place to stay. Not wanting to lose any income of her own and not wanting to see others suffer, she let fighters rest in her home. Providing them somewhat of a sanctuary. She decided to help the fighters who had no jobs and needed a sort of income to support their families. She eventually had enough money to buy the bar where she would host nightly fights with volunteers and of course, recurring fighters. She would use her savings to go back to school finishing Highschool and finally getting a college degree 
During these gambling times, she would also provide housing for those in need their only way to repay was simply to work for her. During her career, she met many interesting people. Declining offers and accepting. Creating bridges and burning them. While receiving threats from her bad decision-making. She had kicked out many groups from her bar (Black Dragon & Red Dragon hint hint)
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Adult: Around her late 20’s and early 30’s Suchin would decide to shift her career into business. She would then give her underground fight club to a close friend of hers and She would end up becoming an architect then the CEO of a building company (idk what to call them…). Her reasoning behind this? she says that she grew from her old career and no longer needed it but in reality had a bounty on her head for not selling her bar to the Black dragons. She had somewhat completely distanced herself from her old career however she still provided housing and jobs for those in need. With that being said, Kenshi needed a place to stay at the moment.
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At first, she thought Kenshi was here to assassinate her but was mistaken and therefore embarrassed afterward. Suchin provided a small apartment for him and set Kenshi up for a coffee boy around her company, but soon he became much more than that. 
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some other silly doodles i did b4 i ruin your life :3
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After the birth of Takeda Takahashi, Suchin would continue her works of being Ms CEO. Even when missing her little lover from time to time she took great care of Takeda. 
On a unfateful day in her office after hours around aproximitly 8:30 pm, Suchin would be pronounced dead in her office. The cause of death most likely being a murder by the bullet (Erron it was Erron, Erron Black killed Suchin chat #cancelerronblack) Her son Takeda mysteriously disappears a day afterwords. His last sighting was him leaving with a man wearing a red blindfold around his eyes
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astrosky33 · 2 years
𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦
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》 Justin has said before that he’s really attracted to skinny girls which makes since because in his descendant persona chart he has saturn in the 1st house. The descendant chart can show the types of people you’re attracted to, saturn represents bones/skinniness, and the 1st house represents appearance
》 Justin has his moon at 29° in sidereal (I’ve noticed many famous people, especially worldwide famous people, have their moon at a fame degree in sidereal)
》 Justin married Hailey who used to be a big fan of him and has a strong moon-uranus aspect in sidereal. The moon represents the wife in sidereal and uranus represents fans. He also has an aquarius venus in sidereal which gives the same effect
》 The 7th house is the house of marriage so it’s ruler can show how you meet your spouse. Justin’s sidereal 7th house ruler is in the 4th house which is accurate because Justin was introduced to Hailey by her dad. Having your 7th house ruler in the 4th house can indicate meeting your spouse through your family or your spouses family
》 Justin’s mercury is at 28° in sidereal (a wealth degree) and mercury represents your voice which is where he gained his wealth from
》 Ariana got her drivers license late (when she was 19) and her saturn is in the 3rd house. Saturn represents delayed areas of our life and the 3rd house represents cars
》 Ariana has neptune in the 1st house and also conjunct her ascendant which makes people idealize her beauty/outer persona and want to look like her as well as be like her. Which is why she has had so many copycats that copied not just her appearance alone but her personality and mannerisms as well
》 Selena is 30 now and still hasn’t got married (which is fine) but makes sense based on her chart because often people with saturn in the 7th house don’t get married until after 30 or until an older age since saturn represents old age and your saturn return is around the 30 year mark
》 Selena has her venus in the 1st house which is a major beauty indicator since venus is the planet of beauty and the 1st house represents appearance and she’s always been naturally beautiful
》 Selena has her mercury at 17° which is a fame degree and mercury represents youth. It’s also in leo which is ruled by the sun represents spotlight/attention. This makes sense because Selena gained fame at a young age
》 Drake unexpectedly had a child at 30. His uranus and saturn are in the 5th house. Uranus represents unexpected events and the first saturn return age is 30
》 As we all know Drake has a very active sex life and his jupiter is in the 8th house. Jupiter rules over abundance and the 8th house rules over sex
》 Drake’s pluto is at 7° and he is a gambling addict. Pluto represents obsessions and 7 in numerology is the number of the gambler
》 Drake’s MC is at 28° in his sidereal chart and he is a billionaire. In astrology & numerology 28 is the number of wealth and the mc can represent your highest potential/status/long term career
》 Drake always talks about how he’s attracted to girls that are thicc and his jupiter is in the 7th house in sidereal. Jupiter rules over the thighs and the 7th house rules over attraction. It also means he’ll likely marry someone with sagittarius placements and someone that’s curvy
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𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻 - if you want to ask 10 questions a month about your chart
𝘁𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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smok3r7 · 3 months
One Door Closes & Another One Opens
Joel x OFC!Divorce Lawyer
Explicit, 18+
Wolf vs Bear
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Main MasterList & Series Masterlist - My AO3
Summary: She’s a divorce attorney and he’s a husband looking for help to save his daughter, and himself, from his gambling addict wife. Renae Russo is a woman who fights for her clients and wins. She’s satisfied with her life and what she does - but she wishes she could have a little more. What happens when Joel Miller becomes her client and an old flame of Renae’s reignites in the same breath?
Chapter Summary: Things get nasty in court and Renae realizes she has to let go of what could’ve been.
Word count: 5.3k
Annie has always been known for her determination and resilience, qualities that she lost due to her inability to stay sober or away from casinos. But now she’s trying to gain them back, or at least look like she is, with the help of divorce lawyer Garcia Cole.
She’s driven by a single motive - vengeance. She’s ready to fight tooth and nail for what she believes is rightfully hers, and she’s not going to let Joel take Sarah away. But it’s not even about her wanting to be a mother because, well, she really doesn’t… At the end of the day, it is all about having control over Joel.
Her persona as a doting mother was just a facade she believed everyone bought into, but the truth was far from that. The only thing that consumes her is when she can escape to the casino again and have a drink. The flashing lights and the sound of slot machines call out to her, offering a temporary escape from her mundane reality of having a child and being a wife. When she sits at the poker table, her mind drifts away into nothingness.
Her whole life keeping up appearances to others outside of her family was burned into her by her mother and she did not break that habit, transforming into a desperation for society to perceive her as the innocent victim in a crumbling marriage, all of it out of her control.
When she decided to fight Joel back in the divorce, she reveled in the thought of outsmarting him, her manipulative tactics hidden beneath a blanket of maternal devotion. However, she was not good at keeping her ideas to herself, because she wouldn’t stop calling him, leaving voicemails, and texts going into detail about how she thought she was going to crush him.
She simply couldn’t help herself.
Joel, on the other hand, understands the true gravity of the situation. He knows that Annie is not going to back down easily; it’s always a fight with her. Just like in the beginning when he would ask repeatedly if she was drunk, and she would deny, but Joel could tell. So he would try to simply talk to her and then she would play the guilt trip and whole victim act; I just want to have fun, we don’t have fun anymore, Joel. I’m not the same person anymore and I miss who I used to be…I just need to find myself again. What…I can’t go out anymore? Is that what you’re saying?
This divorce is going to be no different. Annie's stubbornness and denial of it all only fuels his determination more. Despite the emotional turmoil, Joel remains firm in his decision, ready to face the challenges that come with ending a once loving partnership. He knows that this separation is necessary, even if it means navigating through rough waters ahead.
He braces himself for the battle on the other side of the wooden doors, determined to do whatever it takes to ensure that his daughter remains with him. But also knowing that Renae has his and Sarah’s best interests in mind, eases his panic just enough.
“We got this, ‘kay?” Renae nudges Joel’s shoulder with hers, causing him to turn to her and he’s met with a small genuine smile. Her arms are folded across her chest, supported by stacks of papers and Manila envelopes filled with evidence to bolster Joel's claims.
The weight of the overwhelming evidence hits him like a ton of bricks, shaking him to his core. He’s struggling to come to terms with the reality that he finds himself in, unable to fathom the amount of proof backing him. This isn’t how marriages are supposed to be or even end.
His marriage to Annie had once been full of laughter and love, but now it seemed like a distant memory. The once vibrant woman he had fallen in love with was now a shadow of her former self, lost in a sea of her own demons.
Joel feels like a failure, as a husband and a father. He should’ve been able to see the signs of Annie falling off the deep end but he didn’t. He had ignored the late nights, the empty bottles, and the distant gaze in her eyes, hoping it was just a phase she would outgrow.
He can’t help but wonder where it had all gone wrong. Was there anything he could have done differently to save their marriage? Or was this the inevitable outcome of a love that had faded away?
He knows he’s in incredible hands but that doesn’t mean he isn’t terrified of what’s to come. Gazing into Renae’s beautiful forest green eyes, he sees true determination and care in her, and he smiles back at her. I know, he whispers, truly meaning each word. Despite the chaos swirling around his mind, he finds comfort in Renae's presence, something about her calms his whirling thoughts. With her by his side, he feels a flicker of hope amidst the uncertainty.
As they prepare to face the challenges ahead, he draws strength from Renae's unwavering support and her belief in a better tomorrow. In her eyes, he sees not only a formidable advocate but also a compassionate ally in this insane journey towards a new beginning.
Possibly even one with Renae.
Glancing over to Annie, Joel takes in her appearance; her blonde hair neatly pulled back into a tight bun, her makeup soft and light, but underneath he can see the faint bruise around her right eye. He assumes it’s from Maria two weeks ago when she served Annie, and he can’t help but chuckle internally.
Coming into this, he had expected to feel angry or frustrated, but to his surprise, he feels nothing. He can’t pinpoint his emotions, which is something he didn’t think was going to happen. Annie catches his gaze and gives him a cocky smile, unaware of the turmoil in Joel's mind. As they sit on separate sides of the courtroom, a sense of uneasiness lingers between them, making Joel question everything he thought he knew about their relationship.
Despite her trying her best to have this put-together appearance, only Joel can sense that she isn’t quite sober either. There’s a certain aura about her, a subtle hint of her struggles with casinos and drinking. After being with her for twenty years, Joel just knows.
Her clothes hang loosely on her small, skinny frame, but tight enough to think they’re just old clothes, if you don’t know her. Joel has always been attuned to Annie's moods, able to see through her facade and into the depths of her struggles. As he watches her from across the room, he knows that despite her best efforts to hide it, she’s still caught in the spiral of addiction, unable to break free from its grasp.
But he doesn’t feel bad, not in the slightest.
As the courtroom falls silent, Renae stands confidently before Judge Mark, ready to defend Joel. "Good morning, your honor," she speaks with a warm smile, earning a nod of acknowledgment from the judge. "We're here today because Mr. Miller filed for divorce and is trying to get full custody of his ten-year-old daughter."
Renae's heart races as she gives a brief introduction of the reasons why Sarah’s best interest is remaining with her father full time. “Mrs.Miller is an addict in more ways than one,” Renae says, and grabs photos and screenshots showcasing Annie's reckless behavior - drinking to the point of blackout, sneaking out in the dead of night, and gambling away her and Joel’s savings at the casinos.
“Here are some photos and screenshots of how frequent these kinds of things happen, your honor.” The judge studies the evidence with a grave expression, realizing the extent of the situation. “It’s clear that Mrs. Miller's addiction is spiraling out of control, affecting not just herself but everyone around her.”
However, Garcia Cole doesn’t waste any time before he’s arguing his side, or Annie’s side, of things. “That may be true before Mr. Miller filed,” Cole announces, “But Mrs. Miller has turned a new leaf. She’s been attending AA meetings for the past two months and plans on continuing going.”
He stands up as he stares between Renae and the Judge, “Casinos have been off limits to her also, same as alcohol. Here are the signed slips from each one, your honor.” Walking up the bench, he hands over the stack of papers as he says, “She’s ready to take care of her daughter.”
Renae's eyes widen in disbelief as Cole presents the evidence of Mrs. Miller's newfound commitment to sobriety and her daughter's well-being, though Renae knows, is all a facade and nothing but bullshit.
The Judge observes the sincerity in Cole's voice and the determination in Mrs. Miller's eyes.
After a moment of silence, the Judge nods, acknowledging the transformation that has taken place. Renae feels a small punch in the gut, but she knows this is only the start of things.
But then Cole drops the hammer and goes for it.
“Mrs. Miller requests physical and sole custody of Sarah Miller because she feels Mr.Miller is not safe for their daughter to be around.” He states as he addresses Judge Mark, Renae, and Joel in one swoop.
Renae senses Joel's protective aura and her own rising anger. She couldn't fathom Sarah being safer with anyone else but Joel. Annie's motives were suddenly suspect to Renae, and she impulsively, but smartly, demanded evidence to back Mrs. Miller's and Cole’s claims.
As Cole confidently approached the Judge's bench, Renae leaped up to join him, her heart racing with anticipation. "I was not aware of this, your honor. If anything, it's prejudice," she declared, trying to make sense of the unexplained picture of minor bruises on Annie’s biceps, looking like finger impressions.
Renae is enraged about Joel not telling her about this incident, whatever it is. She had explicitly asked him if Annie would have any evidence of things like this, to specifically make him look bad. In which he told her that Annie wouldn’t.
With a dismissive snort, Cole turns to Renae then to Judge Mark, his expression intense. "C’mon Russo… You really think this doesn’t hold weight? It's more probative than prejudice, your honor. My client fears for her daughter's safety if this is how he treats her. What will he do to their daughter?"
The tension in the courtroom was palpable as the judge pondered the weight of Cole's words, and Renae anxiously awaits his answer.
“I’ll allow it,” Judge Mark sighs, “Mr. Miller, can you explain these?” He shows the pictures to Joel, whose ears are flaming red. But his eyes adjust to the lights and the small ten by ten picture and Renae she’s something in his eyes click just then, like he instantly remembers the incident.
“I do your honor,” he clears his throat, “That was the night she was blackout drunk and came at me with a knife, while Sarah was home, might I add.“
“He’s lying!”
“Mrs. Miller,” Judge Mark scolds her and then tells Joel to continue, folding his hands underneath his chin.
“Well, I managed to get the knife outta her hand and had to hold her down, which is where those marks are.” Joel gestures towards the pictures that Judge Mark has, “She managed to get out of my grip and so I had to put her arm behind her back and hold her there until she calmed down.”
“Do you have proof of this incident?”
“I’m sure I have texts to my brother about it, if you can give me some time to look.”
Judge Mark glances at the clock on the wall to his left and sits in silence for just a few seconds, fifteen minute recess, he announces as he slams his gavel loudly, you’re adjourned.
Renae storms into the small office she has at the courthouse, her eyes blazing with fury. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" she demands, slamming the picture on the maple wood table, "I explicitly asked you if Annie would have any evidence to make you look bad!"
Joel looks sheepish, avoiding her gaze. "I didn't think it was relevant," he mumbles, “Or at least… I burned it from my memory. The one and only time I had to put my hands on her.” He flips the picture over so he doesn’t have to look at it again, clearly ashamed of it.
Renae clenches her fists, trying to control her anger. She knows Joel isn’t a violent person, but the judge doesn’t know that for sure. This incident could ruin everything they had been working for.
“Joel. Everything is relevant right now, you know this.” She scolds, taking a deep breath after. “Like your texts to Tommy, can you find them, please.” She can’t sit down, she’s too on edge to even think about sitting. Renae hasn’t been beaten like this in court since she started her career and it was against Garcia Cole.
It’s like some sort of crazy deja vu and she’s not liking it at all.
"Yeah, gimme about five minutes to find it,” Joel tries to calm Renae down as he scrolls on his phone through his and Tommy’s texts. Renae scoffs to herself, she almost feels played by Joel, she can’t believe that he forgot to tell her this. This kind of thing is so important for an attorney to know and that fact that she didn’t, makes her work look lazy.
As she paces back and forth in the dimly lit room, her heels click on the hardwood floor and her mind races with all the possible implications of Joel's forgetfulness. How could he have missed such a crucial detail? Is he trying to hide something? What’s the benefit from doing that? There really is none. Renae's frustration simmers beneath the surface, stopping from threatening to boil over at any moment.
She knows she needs to confront Joel about this, but for now, she'll bide her time and wait for him to find the information she needs. There’s no point in blowing up on him for this now, now when this is all over, that’s another story.
"Aha, I found it!” Joel exclaims, with his phone in both hands he stands up from his seat causing the wood to scrape against the floor.
“Let me see,” Renae turns around from the window, she snatches it out of his hands and reads his short message to his brother.
Can Sarah and I come over for the night? Annie and I just got into it…she tried to stab me man. Nobody’s hurt but I gotta get out of here before somethin happens.
Renae stands there, her heart heavy with the weight of regret. The fury that once consumed her has now dissipated, leaving behind a deep sense of sympathy for Joel. His warm eyes hold a mixture of pain, but also a glimmer of forgiveness and hope that surprises her. As he slowly reaches out to touch her, he half expects her to recoil after learning this information, but instead, she stands still, letting his hands rest on her biceps.
“I’m- Joel… I’m sorry-“ she tries to convey her remorse before Joel's soft voice interrupts her, calming her inner turmoil.
"Don't, Rae... It's okay," he says gently, his gaze unwavering. And in that moment, Renae realizes that despite the small indiscretions, there is still a bond between them – a connection that goes past the brief anger and frustration.
Renae sits quietly in the courtroom as Judge Mark meticulously reads through the print out of the text exchange between Joel and his brother. Her stomach twists and her mouth is dry, she’s not sure how the Judge is going to react to this. Even though it’s all in Joel’s favor, the ultimate decision is up to the Judge and only him.
She carefully observes the expressions on the Judge's face, noticing the subtle shifts from surprise to empathy. As the message is scrutinized, Renae feels a small sense of assurance growing within her.
She knows that Judge Mark is starting to comprehend the complex web of circumstances that had led Joel to take drastic actions. She sees the wheels turning in his head that this is all a lie from Annie and a ploy to try to sway his decision.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the Judge looks up, locking eyes with Renae. In that moment, she senses a shared understanding between them. Despite the gravity of the situation, Renae feels a glimmer of hope that justice would prevail.
"Mrs. Miller, is there anything else you would like to provide?" Judge Mark asks into the courtroom, but mainly to his left.
“She has a two-bedroom condo that includes a room just for Sarah, and she started her job at her salon shop again.” Cole rolls off his tongue, but Renae senses the tone of defeat in his voice. “But other than that, we rest, your honor.”
Annie shakes her head in defeat, then turns towards Joel with a sad expression. Her eyes plead with him, silently begging for forgiveness or even a bit of leniency in this whole situation.
But Joel looks away, unable to meet her gaze, his heart heavy from the fact this even had to happen, even though he feels relaxed that it’s over. The air in the courtroom feels thick and sticky, suffocating him with its heaviness, and Joel longs to escape and never look back.
The thought of ever returning to this place makes his stomach churn with unease, a deep sense of discomfort settles in. Joel closes his eyes, trying to push away the feeling of sickness that threatens to engulf him, longing for the moment when he can walk out of that courtroom and leave this all behind him.
The Judge clears his throat, breaking the momentary stillness. "Very well. In light of the evidence presented, I have reached a decision."
Renae's trembling hand motions for Joel to silently stand by her side as Judge Mark prepares to deliver his decision. Garcia Cole does the same with Annie, common court courtesy. Renae's heart races in anticipation. Her mind spins with desperate pleas for Joel to be granted custody of his daughter, the one bright light in Sarah’s tumultuous lives.
Joel's eyes meet hers, filled with a mix of hope and fear, mirroring the emotions swirling within Renae. Then swiftly focus back on the deep voice that determines Joel's life in front of him.
As Judge Mark begins to speak, every word feels like an eternity, hanging in the air, heavy with implications. And then, finally, the words that they had been praying for.
“I grant Joel Miller sole legal and physical custody of Sarah Miller.”
Tears of relief and gratitude fill Renae's eyes as she squeezes Joel's hand, knowing that Joel got what he wished for, and rightfully deserved.
Joel can’t believe his ears as the Judge pronounces the decision in his favor, granting him sole legal and physical custody of Sarah. It’s the outcome he has hoped for, and the result of countless nights of worry and stress over the last four months has finally paid off. But the Judge's next words catch Joel off guard.
"However, I also grant Annie visitation every other weekend."
Joel's heart sinks at the mention of his ex-wife's name. The memories flood back - the good times, the bad times, and everything in between. Despite the mixed emotions swirling inside him, he knows that it’s the right thing for Sarah to have a relationship with her mother. Sarah deserves to know her roots, her history, her mother.
So, with a heavy heart and a mind full of conflicting thoughts, Joel makes the decision to just accept this and move on. The arrangement is set - pickups early Saturday mornings and drop-offs by Sunday evening, no later than eight pm.
As Joel looks into Renae’s eyes, he knows that despite the challenges ahead, he’ll navigate this new chapter to the best of his ability.
Standing in the parking lot, Renae leaning on her car and Joel doing the same, but on his truck. Side by side with one another, Renae doesn’t want to leave. The cool evening breeze sweeps through the small empty space between them, carrying the faint scent of pine trees. Renae's heart feels heavy as she looks up at the dusky pink sky, knowing that this moment might be the last time she sees Joel.
Joel senses Renae's hesitation and reaches out to gently touch her hand. Her forest eyes and his whiskey ones meet, sparking a silent conversation that speaks volumes. Time seems to stand still as they stand there, unwilling to look away. She knows she has to go, but something holds her back.
Maybe it’s the way Joel looks at her with his soft brown orbs, or it’s the memories of their minuscule time together flooding back. Renae doesn’t want to leave, and doesn't want to say goodbye to what could have been or could be.
As the sun rests above the courthouse, Joel pulls Renae close, feeling the weight of the moment settle upon him. They stand in the quiet embrace, both reluctant to let go of the memories they shared these past four months.
Joel can feel the tears welling up in his eyes, but he blinks them away, not wanting to show his vulnerability. Letting go of Renae was proving to be harder than he thought. He never expected to become so attached. This woman has rescued him and his daughter from his toxic ex-wife, and for the first time in years, he feels truly understood by a woman. Renae looks up at him, still in his arms, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and gratitude.
"Thank you for everything, Rae," Joel murmurs to Renae, his voice barely above a whisper. “But ya’ know this means we can now, maybe… Get serious.”
Butterflies flutter in her stomach but instantly die. She reluctantly slides out of his warm embrace and takes a small step away from him.
There’s no way that can happen right now, Joel needs time with his daughter and needs to figure out his life as a single dad.
She doesn’t feel it’s fair for him to jump right into the next relationship, especially that he has a daughter at a highly impressionable age.
She smiles softly, her right hand reaching up to cup his cheek, her acrylics softly scratch his deep brown beard, and her eyes glisten with unshed tears. "Don't thank me, Joel," she whispers, her voice barely audible, purposefully avoiding the last part of his sentence, "I did what I had to do.”
Joel takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. His left hand raises to where Renae rests on him, the touch gentle yet filled with longing. "You saved me," he says, his voice breaking with emotion. "I woulda’ been lost without you. You saved me ‘n my daughter, that’s all I coulda’ asked for."
“As much as I want to be with you… Joel,” she sighs into his gentle touch, “It just can’t happen right now, you just divorced and have a ten year old girl who loves you and needs you. I can’t get in between that. It’s not fair to her, you, or me.”
Renae's heart aches as she looks into Joel's eyes, feeling the pull of their connection. Despite the yearning for him swirling within her, she knows that the timing is all wrong. She can’t bring herself to disrupt the fragile balance of his newly divorced life and his daughter's need for stability. The love between them was undeniable, but yet their circumstances make it impossible for them to be together.
Joel's touch holds a mixture of longing and understanding as he whispers softly, "I know it's complicated ‘n all, but my feelings for you are real, Rae and I won’t deny that. When the time is right, we’ll find a way to make it work."
Renae forces a bittersweet smile, touched by his sincerity. With a heavy heart, she pulls away from his cheek, knowing that for now, they have to part ways to do what is best for everyone involved.
Renae's eyes meet him again, a mixture of sorrow and love shining battling for the throne. "But… We saved each other," she replies softly.
"We'll always have these moments, Joel. No matter where life takes us," Renae whispers back, her voice filled with love and understanding. Joel softly chuckles and a warm smile grows on his lips, and then it’s like time stands still.
Finally, Renae breaks the silence, her voice barely a whisper, "I don't wanna say goodbye." Joel's gaze softens, and he pulls her into one more tight embrace.
The world seems to fade away once again as they hold each other, savoring the moment before they have to part ways. The memories of their time together flood back to both of them, filling their hearts with a bittersweet ache that they can both feel through one another.
For Renae, leaving was inevitable, yet she can’t bear the thought of being separated from Joel. Their love, even though they haven’t told each other, has blossomed unexpectedly, catching them both by surprise. As they stand there, wrapped in each other's arms, they know that this goodbye was not the end, but possibly a new beginning.
Just not together, at least right now.
As Renae reluctantly lets go of Joel, she softly sighs, I gotta get home. He nods his head and takes a small step back to give her space, drive safely, text me when you’re home please. She smiles and tells him she will.
Hesitantly, Renae hops into her car and starts it, she looks to her left one more time and sees Joel, still out of his truck, already looking at her. She gives a hopeful smile and a small wave, which he returns. She tells herself to pull away, just drive off, and somehow she does.
Renae can’t shake off the bittersweet feeling as she drives away. Her heart feels heavy, but she knows it’s the right decision and the only decision. As the distance between her and Joel grows, she can’t help but replay the moment in her mind.
The hopeful smile on his face lingers in her thoughts, filling her with conflicting emotions. A part of her wants to turn back, to stay and see where things could lead, but another part knows it’s time to move on. She keeps driving, the road stretching out ahead of her like a blank canvas. With each passing mile, she feels a sense of freedom and a twinge of sadness.
Why does the world need to be so cruel?
With every passing day, it seems Joel has an incredibly difficult time letting go of Renae. The last thing he ever expected was becoming attached to his divorce attorney. It’s only been three weeks since the last time they've seen each other, and a couple days that they stopped calling one another, but he’s found himself unable to stop thinking about her.
Her laughter echoes in his mind, her smile still lighting up his world. They had shared intimate conversations and created unforgettable memories together in the short four months, so how could he ever just let her go?
Before court started, Joel knew he would have to leave her but he didn’t think he would’ve struggled with the idea of saying goodbye. When he watched her drive away, leaving him in the parking lot to go home, Joel realized that sometimes, the hardest part of love is knowing when to set it free.
Now, on a warm sunny Saturday, Joel sits at the park watching Sarah play with Ellie on the monkey bars, feeling the weight of his responsibilities as a single dad. Renae's words echo in his mind, that he needs time to adjust to his new life as a single dad. Her words sting since he’s pretty much been one for the last four-five years anyways.
As he sits on one of the many park benches and stares off into space and he wonders why she really didn’t want to be with him, Sarah tugs at his sleeve, a wide grin on her face. In her innocent eyes, he finds the strength to push aside his doubts and focus on what truly matters - his daughter's happiness. Joel knows he needs to navigate this new chapter with care and consideration, not just for himself but for her.
Although, Renae's words linger, a reminder of the delicate balance between his own desires and his daughter's well-being. As he holds Sarah’s hand, Joel makes a silent promise to tread carefully, embracing the uncertainty of this new journey as a true single father. Not a husband who does everything.
As they walk towards Joel's truck, Sarah can’t shake off the feeling that something’s wrong with her dad. She glances at him, his face etched with lines that she hasn’t noticed in a long time.
"You alright, dad?" she asks, tightening her grip on his hand. Ellie senses the tension, and gives Sarah a reassuring smile.
Joel pauses and looks at her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. "I'm fine, sweetie," he finally replies, forcing a smile. But Sarah can tell he’s hiding something. As Joel opens the truck door and lets the girls climb in, buckling themselves up before he shuts the door and walks over to the driver side. His mind is racing, how can Sarah tell? How can his ten-year-old daughter know that something is wrong? He thought he was better at hiding his emotions.
As he drives down the road, Joel steals glances at Sarah and Ellie through the rearview mirror. They're both laughing about something on the playground they saw, and Joel smiles. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow on their faces, and Joel feels a surge of love for his daughter and her best friend. He remembers the struggles they've been through, the joys they've shared, and the bond that holds them together.
Sarah looks up and catches Joel's eye in the mirror. She gives him a wide grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Ellie chimes in, asking if they can stop for McDonald’s, even though Joel hates when they eat junk food, he figures today will be okay and that it won’t hurt them. They deserve a small treat, he reasons.
As Ellie's persistent cravings for McDonald's reach its peak, Joel finally surrenders with a defeated chuckle. "Alright, we can stop," he concedes, knowing there’s no way around it. Ellie and Sarah’s eyes light up with excitement as they pull into the drive-thru, both their mouths already watering at the thought of their favorite fast food place.
Joel can’t help but smile at their enthusiasm, realizing that sometimes giving in to simple pleasures is what makes life all the more enjoyable. As they sit in the car waiting for their order, Joel can’t help but be grateful for these ordinary moments that bring him and his daughter, and Ellie, closer together since the divorce.
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calextheneko · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor and Husk Theories
This is nothing serious. Just me thinking about what the exact deal that went down between Alastor and Husk is. We know that Husk used to be an overlord, and that he made some kind of deal with Alastor related to being an overlord and gambling that led to his current state of being powerless and completely under Alastor's control. We never really saw how powerful he was as an Overlord, but getting that title isn't something you do if you're a light weight so he had to once command considerable influence and power before meeting Alastor and gambling away all souls owned before losing his own soul in a deal with Alastor. As far as I can tell the only clue we're given to the exact nature of the deal beyond gambling being involved is him singing in Loser Baby "I sold my soul just to keep my power." Implying it was some attempt to keep his power and possibly status as an Overlord. But obviously, that didn't happen considering he commands no noticeable amount of power or respect now.
So I've got three theories.
Theory 1: Husk was tricked. He thought he was making a deal that would retain his power, but it wound up robbing him of everything because he didn't properly understand the terms. It does seem like Alastor is very good at entrapping people in deals to the point Charlie is warned and believes she can't make any deals with Alastor whatsoever because it's likely to be a trap of some kind, so entrapping people seems to be his normal thing.
Theory 2: Husk made a deal and understood the terms, that he did get to keep his overlord powers from it. BUT! Now because Alastor owns his soul he's under orders that he can't disobey to not use his powers and can only ever use them if Alastor gives him the ok first, forcing him to currently live as if he had no power at all.
Addendum to Theory 2: Might have powers related to gambling that allow him to win, based on the cheater note in Loser Baby song, he might still have access to gambling based powers based on the fact he was winning big in the pilot before Alastor showed up.
Theory 3: This is currently the theory, that were I a betting man I would bet is the correct one. Alastor challenged Husk to gambling for souls, Husk being an expert gambler agreed, but Alastor beat him at his own game. When Husk had lost all the souls under his domain, Alastor offered him and all or nothing round where Husk would bet his own soul. Overconfident in his own gambling abilities and his addiction to it, he couldn't resist such a bet that if he won would let him take everything, and accepted a deal to gamble his own soul for the souls he lost and possibly souls Alastor had as well. Lost the gamble, meaning by the terms of the deal his soul belonged to Alastor and he had now lost everything and that's why he has no powers now despite having made a deal to keep his power.
Additional Note on Theory 3: Losing his soul may have saved Husk's life. What did Alastor do? Topple a bunch of overlords and take all their power. This makes Husk yet another Overlord Alastor tackled. Alastor gained some attachment to Husk, and thinks fondly of him, albeit in the terms that someone thinks of a favorite pet, and so instead of killing Husk and broadcasting his screams like the other enslaved him instead. Alternatively, other Overlords were smart enough not to accept a deal that would cost them their soul and then Alastor just killed them instead since there was nothing more to be gained from leaving them alive.
Husk's current situation may suck but there's a pretty high chance if Alastor hadn't gotten complete control over him the radio demon would have killed him again cosigning Husk to oblivion.
I also think Husk is the only person we've seen Alastor use a pet name with, calling him Husker. Which might show him having some attachment to Husk, but not in any way anyone would like. Well, there are probably a few people out there who would enjoy being in Alastor's power. but you get what I mean.
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ketsuarting · 7 months
My theory is that Alastor was a total fraud, that he didn’t kill all those overlords, but instead took credit for someone else’s secret killing of them, to raise his rep, and then slowly acquire some actual power through soul collecting. And that this was the reason he would make a deal with *someone*, for some real power in case he ever found himself in an actual fight, either with the real killer, or someone else entirely. To say most of the time he was smiling it was to cover genuine nervousness, an everlasting fear that someone, anyone would recognise him for the fraud he is. To say the real reason he didn’t join the Vees was that he knew they would figure him out. Like if you look at ‘Stayed Gone’, you know how Vox glitches out during the song and it seems Alastor does it from afar? The previous part of the song has Vox skip down the hallway to the other Vees while singing, and on his first step, ONE OF ALASTOR’S SYMBOLS GLOWS ON THE FLOOR BEFORE VANISHING. This barely lasts a few frames, but it is real, it is there, to say Alastor’s power is based on the illusion of it: he is a powerful demon now, sure, but not all-powerful. Hence why his duets were always about getting under the other’s skin: because they are more powerful than him, but do not know it. Lucifer being the first he would go up against to actually know himself more powerful, hence Alastor’s annoyance, not wanting weakness to give way to further weakness. Maybe in the present after his deal he thought he had that power, hence why he looked so confused when Adam beat him: he really thought the power he was given was enough to stand against him and win. Given the Vees will apparently be main characters next season, and we’ve gotten to know some of the current overlords, I would not be surprised if the big mystery next season is overlords going missing again, only this time Alastor will be unable to take responsibility for the disappearance, and we the audience will learn the truth of what he is, or rather what he’s not.
I wanna agree in part to this, because I also believe Alastor is playing up his skill for more than it is.
He's the radio demon, that MEDIA. And the strongest parts of media is rephrasing data to the masses as to mislead them. This, in turn, would also be Vox's strength, and thus those two are locked into an eternal battle of (mis)information.
That's also why alastor probably engaged in the stayed gone rap duel in the first place. He position is already precarious what with the 7 year absence, but if vox now starts gaining foothold in their little war? Alastor would be fucked long term.
Alastor is also clearly BETTER at what he does than Vox. Because vox is less of a show host demon and more of a CEO/Producer demon. I collect strong allies to put in front of the camera, he himself isn't really a face for TV (haha see what I did there?)
I do believe though that Alastor has some inherent strength. He is adept in the arcane more so than your average demon, his voodoo capabilities are presumably what give him a leg up in hell.
Also. Alastor was a MURDERER. A serial killer at that!!! Presumably that's actually not what most people did before hell. For example: angel dust got into hell for his drug addictions, husk for his gambling addiction. Valentino probably landed his ass down there for exploitation (though he shows a carelessness for the lives of those he considers property), velvette I assume will be revealed to either b cyber bullying of sabotaging competition and Vox seems to be in hell for crimes of capitalism. (These are mainly head canons but My point is more that these people aren't in hell for murder explicitly.)
Alastor is powerful, but he DEFINITELY is lying and obfuscatinga bout how powerful exactly. It works to his benefit. Unlike Vox who has the urge to PROVE his strength at every turn.
And this is actually something they're polar opposites on. Vox is honest to a fault. Literally, to a fault. He NEEDS hell to know that the demon is back. He NEEDS them to realize that he doesn't want them to even give him their time of day. He needs velvette and Valentino to witness his whole manic episode about it.
Meanwhile Alastor couldn't be honest if his life depended on it, literally. He must have known that he can't beat Adam. Deep down he must have realized how FUCKED he would be. But he either a) deluded himself that he stands a chance or b) lied to the other in order to safe face.
Also a big part of alastor are his deals. He literally bluffed himself into a position of power, by misleading others into deals that would benefit him much more than them.
Husk retained his power, but how does it matter if Alastor wields it?
Charlie has to do one favor that 'harms no one' but what if it ends up being something that benefits people that are purely evil?
His deals suck ASS and people fall for it anyways because he either gives them no other option or make them feel like they're having the upper hand for once.
But at the end of the day he is just a sinner. If Lucifer wanted to he could obliterate his Twink ass in a second. Adam too, could've absolutely finish alastor, but he delighted in the radio demon running away from him. Probably because Adam understand what kind of blow to the go that must've been to the guy.
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nothums-from-tj · 4 months
Benson Dunwoody: Upbringing Headcanons and Interpretations
From someone who’s only seen seasons 1-3, parts of 4-6 and none of 7-8 yet
Hi I’ve been rewatching Regular Show which I didn’t get to finish since I lost cable by the time I was like 13 or so (2014-15) so I didn’t really see the end of it and I started losing some interest by s4-5, so that’s why only parts of it. I’m older now and realizing I have sooo many similarities to him and his childhood from what I’ve seen/known this far and I’m having fun so ! Hope y’all do too :]
I’ll likely reblog when I’ve gotten further into the series!! If any episodes aren’t noted that are referenced I either haven’t watched them yet (saw a clip) or have been named previously!!
Even without his father teaching him that he needs to yell to earn things, he would’ve probably turned out to have a loud speaking voice anyhow as it seems the yelling was a common occurrence (“Think Positive”)
As the baby in the family, he probably saw so much shit his older sister had to deal with as far as “you did the littlest thing wrong so you’ve ruined everything” he probably did everything he could to avoid upsetting people
He’s def a people pleaser as we see how he is with Mr. Maellard and how hard he pushes the crew to try to fit Maellard’s standards (“Benson Be Gone” particularly comes to mind)
I think he used to be really similar to Mordecai and Rigby growing up and why he’s especially hard on them
Doesn’t necessarily count under this category whoops- I’d say he’s only like 5-ish years older than Mordecai and Rigby (his table hockey days were 10 years prior to season 2 where they would’ve been like 13-14, Benson could’ve easily been 18-19 or so though I’ll look into other flashbacks of him to calculate) (“Stick Hockey”)
He’s very emotionally neglected providing his father told him he’s not good at anything and his dreams are dumb or something along those lines
Growing up with OCD/other anxiety disorders is a nightmare and he checks sooo many boxes (as someone with OCD/a couple anxiety disorders since childhood), particularly how he often mentions that he has nothing left without his job at the park as if there are no options whatsoever (“Busted Cart”)
On top of that, the main reason he does stay at the park is for respect and control, something he’d never received at home (upon Hair to the Throne offering him his position back in the band and he denied saying he likes working at the park, despite referring to himself in s2 as “a no-good loser stuck working at a park for the rest of his life”) (“150 Piece Set”)
He used to try to reach out to his parents often upon moving away from home and it took him not being able to contact them for like a week and a half or so for. Idk whatever reason to realize they never reached out first or even really cared enough to know what was going on w him for him to stop reaching out and he hasn’t really heard from them since
Has had a gambling addiction since crazy young, seeing he’s claimed that he’s best at cards and the way he used to gamble his life at table hockey on a regular basis, enough so he brought in seemingly a family member to join him and it took said apprentice to lose his life in order for him to stop playing
Also since I say he was about 18-19 at the time of being a table hockey master, he had to’ve been playing either publicly or with the right person to get discovered especially as his father tried to tell him that he has no talents, and it must’ve started when he found either this or cards as something he’s really good at (“Fortune Cookie”)
He didn’t seem to grow up with many friends and he never learned how to be patient or even too kind, even trying his best efforts weren’t doing too well, though he did gain respect and appreciation from others in authority by going above and beyond or at least doing what was asked of him when his peers wouldn’t (noting his sensitivity to others believing he has little to no personal/social life) (“Weekend At Benson’s”, “Eggscellent”)
I’ll be sure to add on when I have more!!! Loving this silly little gumball machine rn
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sunsetcougar · 7 months
Alongside all my world building I’ve been doing for the Cannibal Angel AU I’ve also been ironing out some of the details for my Circus AU, and I’ve got the base notes for most of the main cast figured out. Ages are a pain to figure out when in canon the characters are all immortal, but I ran roughly based on how long they’ve been around in canon and what sort of dynamics I want them to have.
Lucifer, 56 - He started the circus alongside Lilith. He was full of so many big dreams and loved seeing them come to life around him. Lilith’s disappearance destroyed him, and he wishes every day for closure.
Lilith, 55 - She started the circus alongside Lucifer. While he was the dreamer she tackled the more technical bits, enjoying seeing the pieces fall into place. She’s been missing for seven years and no one knows what happened to her.
Sera, 48 - Her and Emily’s mom was sixteen when she had Sera. She was mostly raised by her grandparents but always knew she was unwanted and that they thought she ruined her mother’s life. She joined the circus to try and give Emily a life filled with the joy and love she herself was denied.
Adam, 45 - He was an accomplished trapeze artist and when Lute and Vaggie were forced out of their careers because of their injuries he left with them and followed them to the circus, refusing to abandon his best girls.
Lute, 44 - She was an accomplished trapeze artist before she was involved in a car crash, lost her arm, and gained heavy scarring across part of her left side. It causes her chronic and phantom pain and some stiffness. She joined the circus because they gave her a chance to prove herself again.
Husk, 40 - His gambling and alcohol addictions ruined his life. He was married, but his wife has since divorced him and took their son. He hates and blames himself for how his life has turned to shit. He joined the circus for lack of other options.
Alastor, 39 - He was a famous radio host but due to rumors he found himself out of business. He despises modern technology, viewing it as flashy and unnecessary. He joined the circus for his own entertainment while he rebuilds his radio career.
Angel, 36 - He's a sex trafficking victim, on the run from his abusers. He joined the circus because it’s always moving so he’ll be harder to find. He has a lot of body image issues and is constantly terrified he’ll be tracked down and dragged back to the hell he escaped.
Emily, 26 - She was the “do over” baby for her and Sera’s mom and step dad. It didn’t go well and Sera ended up getting custody of her when she was five. She’s was practically raised in the circus, barely remembering a time before it.
Charlie, 25 - She was raised in the circus, having never known anything else. She’s participated in acts since she was a kid and found herself suddenly being given the title of ringmaster when she was twenty, two years after her mom disappeared.
Vaggie, 23 - She was an accomplished trapeze artist before she was involved in a car crash and shrapnel destroyed her eye and tore up her back, causing her stiffness and chronic pain. She joined the circus because they gave her a chance to prove herself again.
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psychesetra · 4 months
study alt: @setra-studies
hiiii !! i literally just got tumblr yesterday and from how i remember old blogs i used to scroll on anonymously (w/o an acc) people have posts with info right...?
so this is mine :3
my user is psychesetra, but you guys can call me setra/stella or harti :)
i like (to):
• write original stories
• draw
• perhaps write fanfic
• read fanfic
• psychology (if it wasn't obvious haha)
• philosophy
• op (one piece)
• dcst (dr. stone)
• hh (hazbin hotel)
• mp100 (mob psycho 100)
i do have knowledge of other fandoms, but i just don't participate / do a lot w them :)
tags if i got any?
• setrawrites - writings/stories :3
• setraquotes - quotes from my ocs/show
• setradraws - my art :D
• setrastories - either history stories, or stories that actually happened to me :3 probably won't post abt these often but when i do it's gonna be LLOOOOOONG (ph history tho >>>)
may add more, who knows?
like i mentioned earlier (and in the blog description i think) i write original stories! but the stories are actually more like mini-stories from a show i help produce! to explore our characters, i make oneshots in a google doc :) i will post them here too though !!! (esp the ones about my ocs bc they were originally a standalone story)
i might also occasionally post about fic recos (ofc only for the fandoms i listed) because ao3 is my life at this point
thanks for reading and bye bye !! see ya if you choose to read my writing or see my art !!
for the stories i write, for better context, this is the summary of the show they're from:
lily, a normal woman who had never really achieved anything amazing or world-shifting, dies in a car accident. panicking in her last moments about how she was never able to make her ambitious wishes come true, death gives her a choice -- die and reincarnate with no memory, like everyone else, or reincarnate into a fantastical world where she could attain her ambitions. choosing the latter, she is tossed into a war-torn world, and despite her lack of skills, she gathers a group of outcasts to help her stop the impending war.
child of red - hh fanfic based on a prompt by @/6esiree
p1; rotten roses -
p2; pitter patter of petals falling -
the untitled luci fanfic i'm working on - :( nothing yet
the other untitled luci fic i'm working on - :( nothing yet
clashing universes / none-standalone stories:
and the tires came to a screech; pov lily
to my love unrequited;
bet a dollar, worth a mil
(i wish you weren't) not too tired to please; pov lily
please, please let me cry; pov setra
mother is (not) home; pov surna
familiarity; pov surna
standalone / random oneshots (not linked since i can't put links anymore D:) :
these are unrelated to clashing universes
and the sun went down
life's exp (the game) (STORY CONCEPT)
use, use, make yourself of use (poem)
rouge-stained letters (but is red not the color of love?)
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theomnicode · 1 year
Spirit of heroism
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We see many types of heroism in the latest chapter, some of which are not so clear. The most obvious type of heroism displayed is defeating monsters so they do not cause chaos. Saitama is most apt in this type of heroism, defeating enemies with one punch.
Another type of heroism is recognizing what is right and wrong. Mad devil yankee used to be a delinquent, but he's shaped up to be a decent lad. Gambling on hero lives and rigging the matches is like OPM version of squid game and he calls it out as it is.
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The worst part is that despite idolizing Mumen rider, Mad devil Yankee does not see himself gain any support nor see himself in the same light as the hero he wants to become, despite showing his heroism in more than one way. Instead he's blackmailed into doing what he believes is wrong.
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(sheesh, that's a heartbreaker)
He became a hero so he could get his mom into the Hero hospital with the benefits of being a hero, a very noble deed. Being a hero is not an easy job and he's already risen up to B-rank. Shame someone like McCoy got wind of this and pushed him into partaking one of his games.
It is one thing to face against the evil, knowing you cannot win with full support of the populace on your back, than knowing you have zero support while partaking in morally ambiguous sport of kicking down overgrown, experimented on chihuahua monster who feels threathened enough to strike back. He knows this, yet he has to stand and fight back.
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I sure do feel bad for this guy but I also feel bad for the monster who had to be put down like a rabid dog it was, because of schemers like McCoy.
Saitama fortunately comes to save the day and puts the monster out of it's misery.
Another type of standing up for the spirit of heroism is when Child emperor shows up. He wants to make sure that the dark roots of the association are dug up and cleaned up and he stops McCoy on his tracks and makes sure that the credit goes to the actual hero who defeated the monster. Credit goes where credit is due and Saitama rises in ranks from 39 to 29. He's sincere when he says he also feels bad when he doubted Genos before.
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(McCoy keeps taking L's haha, sucker)
Moving onwards, in a most classical Mumen rider style, he performs his heroism by taking Mad devil yankee to the hospital on his bike. But he's more than just his actions of standing up against evil villains and being spiritually very heroic, doing what is right despite the odds and always in the thick of things making sure people get out alright.
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(Mumen is such a nice guy, you gotta love mumen)
Pick-me-up for the people who really need encouragement is also in the spirit of heroism that Satoru is known for.
Words can be wielded just as any weapon or in this case, ointment for the wounds in Yankee's own spirit of heroism that suffered a major blow in thinking losing his life was the divine punishment for his wrong-doings.
Lastly but not least, we have Saitama but not in the way you think.
It is one thing to keep punching things in classic Saitama fashion and be very heroic in doing so, saving people in the nick of time like so:
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(We love it when Saitama suddenly just appears to punch the monster)
It's another to go against your own desires, depression and lack of wealth when offered easy money by gambling and coming out on top against the temptations of the dark side of Hero association squid game. And recognicing the dangers of potential root for addiction such as gambling when depressed and when short on money.
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Saitama embodies the spirit of heroism of the self in this chapter, by overcoming the temptations and doing what is right instead and not gambling for easy money. He's one of the few heroes who could even catch Formula 1 car by foot.
The temptation to join the illegal gambling because the odds are stacked against him is massively high and he could easily get bucks by betting on himself, but he chooses not to and stays on the good side. It is not the last time Saitama's moral compass is seriously being tested with money and will not be the last time.
A hero of his own life, so to speak.
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(bets it was a fake jewel anyway and not worth much, with his luck)
He's not a hero for the money or the fame, he's just a hero so he can help people like this poor lady whos purse got snatched.
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All the needs is a thank you, so he can get the sense of accomplishment from doing a good job.
(Ironically, the only one who got "divine punishment" in this chapter was probably McCoy)
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Just A Couple Of Fun Headcanons Of TD Characters (Cody)
Trigger Warning, there's some abusive relationships in this one. And a pet doesn't make it. Maybe don't read this if you're sensitive to that.
- Cody Anderson was born a rich kid and an only child.
- He was an accidental pregnancy. It was so accidental that the parents didn’t even recognize pregnancy and assumed it was just a bad weight gain. There was no baby shower. 
- No one showed up for Cody’s birth. He was born on April 1st. And they didn’t anticipate the situation was a baby, so when they called people and said “I had a baby”. They took it as an April Fools joke. Then when they first met Cody, they all asked, “Wait, when did you have a baby?”
- How did they get away with nine months not knowing it was pregnancy? They don’t trust doctors. Cody was a stay at home birth. He never had doctors appointments. He never met a vet. If he broke a leg, he was told to put ice on it. 
- The parents are THAT stupid, and they also don’t struggle cause they’re rich. Worse than that, they are both severe alcoholics. They don’t bathe. They don’t take care of themselves. They don’t do anything besides gamble money and play bingo. They are extremely neglectful of their kid, not even remembering he exists. At best, Cody is white noise.
- They don’t even remember Cody’s birthday. (Which is canon)
- Cody’s aunt was a babysitter for him. She’s more of a mom to him than his own mom. 
- Cody is kind of a Matilda, in the sense that he learned to take care of himself and act like an adult as a toddler. And the parents don’t notice it at all. 
- Cody taught himself how to read and take care of himself as a doctor would. When he had the flu when he was five, his parents told him to put ice on it. 
- Cody learned what sex was at the age of seven. Now all he wants to watch is porn, and due to bad parents, there are no consequences. (I do not understand people who say Cody is pure)
- Cody is a straight A student.
- When he was nine, his aunt got into a car crash. The parents said ‘put ice on it’. She survived. No thanks to them.
- They have a billiard table in their house. Cody loves playing the game. He’s self taught, and he got so good that nobody wants to play with him in gambling. That didn’t stop him from finding someone oblivious though.
- Cody’s alternate job idea was to be a doctor. He already had an interest in medical studies, so why not? I’d say his parents would be against it, but they don’t pay attention to him anyway. They wouldn’t care if he became a felon.
- Cody was used to the smell of alcohol. It’s his oxygen. But he managed not to end up like his parents. This is because in the fifth grade he had his first encounter with drugs. But he hated the taste so he trashed it. He later researched and found out about all the horrible stuff that they do to people, so he set up a campaign in his school to protect kids from a death sentence. They listened because the kid who offered Cody the drugs died from overdose a month later. So... success on Cody’s part? He saved lives.
- Cody ran away from home one of these nights to get a doctor’s opinion, and he helped prevent Cody from an addiction himself. They’re good friends now.
- Cody had a dog. Her name was Darling. He adopted her from a puppy charity. She became his best friend for his preteen/teen years. She was well trained, loyal, and sweet hearted to everything Cody did. 
- She got sick when he was fourteen. He tried to get his parents to take her to the vet, but they said it was pointless. So Cody stole their car and illegally tried to drive to the vet. Car crash. Only Cody survived. He had severely broken bones and was stuck in the hospital his entire Juvie time for the act.
- It took two weeks for the parents to realize what happened to their kid. They didn’t even bring up Darling’s death in the accident. They tried to bail Cody out of the hospital when he wasn’t ready to leave. They said he just needed some ice. Cody got so furious that he tried to use his good arm to punch his mom. At this point, the bottled up hatred for his family was set loose.
- Child services were finally called, and Cody was taken away. 
- Cody was quickly adopted by a non-drinking family, but they were also overworked and ignored him. So Cody decided to devote his life to three things: Billiard gambling, medical school, and a girlfriend.
- When asked about his past, Cody would often answer that his adopted parents were his blood parents. Sometimes he would tell the truth, but he’d laugh off the entire thing like they’re funny stories. (Imagine Peritto from Puss N Boots. He has almost that exact attitude.)
- It was only for a short while, but Cody had an older stepbrother who was going off to college across the country. This is why Cody was adopted. The stepbrother was a musician, and treated Cody like a bro. He was offered to write a song for the guy, and Cody spent sleepless nights perfecting this song. The song flopped, but it’s dear to the stepbrother even after he left their lives. I say that, but he and Cody are pen pals. 
- Cody would later use his internet presence to try and write more songs as a hobby. He felt uncomfortable with singing, but he wanted to at least inspire other musicians and not just be a nerd on medical studies on YouTube. Which by the way, were videos that were torn down because he was not a professional. 
- Cody’s school life is pretty separate to his home life. Despite being a straight A student, he’s your average joe. He’s smart when he needs to be, he’s helpful with projects, he’s decently social but doesn’t belong in a group, and he’s horny middle school onwards. He wasn’t popular, he wasn’t hated, he was just there.
- Cody is insecure about his appearance. He draws himself as this buff hot guy that girls fall over. 
- Cody has a private journal. It’s full of NC-17 drawings. Mostly of women. One day he accidentally mixed up this journal for his math notebook, so because they were checking notes that day, a teacher found the journal. And she was a real Karen of a teacher, so she was NOT happy. It was presented to the whole class, who laughed at him. Cody was given detention for ‘inappropriate gestures’, but that was NOTHING compared to the sheer EMBARRASSMENT of the situation. Nowadays, he isn’t sorry.
- Why is Cody uncomfortable with singing? He took a music class in middle school because of there being no room in his ambitious classes. He lost his voice on the day of a chorus concert. He sang anyway. He was so ill sounding that it made babies cry hearing the choir. Next semester, he quit the class.
- Cody never got a girlfriend. They all found him creepy and a nice guy. Wish all girls rejected people like this in real life, but sadly I feel alone in this being easy.
- Cody has a few friends. Not one friend group sticks every year, but Cody does have friends. They’re all boys. He doesn’t have any female friends.
- Cody and Trent went to the same school. They weren’t friends, but Cody knew who he was even before the show.
- His stepbrother wrote to him about Total Drama. 
- Does Cody even do much in the story?? Uh... (No. He doesn’t. I’m going freestyle here folks)
- The Noah sleeping kiss. These two could not talk to each other the same way for the rest of the season. (I could pull the trigger on Bi Cody though...)
- His obsession with Gwen is exactly as it seems in canon. It’s all looks. There’s not much to say.
- But canon showed Cody is at least a better person than most simps as he gets to accept Gwen and Trent’s bond over his own pleasure. Speaking of, this is how Cody and Trent actually met properly and respected each other. Cody recognized him and got to properly talk to him. 
- It’s Trent who told off Cody regarding Gwen, not because Trent wants her, but because it’s simply disrespectful for any girl. Cody, in return, admires Trent. 
- Cody and Owen are friends. The show forgot about this duo in Island. (Owen was the first headcanon post I did, and yet he’s been very disconnected with the other characters. Ouch.)
- Cody has PTSD after the bear mauling incident. He’s also scarred all over his torso. The show doesn’t show them because ‘that’s not TV advertising friendly’ (Fact: The show is evil, disrespectful, and harmful to people. In universe.)
- He also can’t look Beth in the eye anymore after that one. They are not friends.
- How did Cody not die? There was camera watching the incident. That guy saved him. 
- Cody was hospitalized, and wasn’t taken to the resort until around the time of Trent’s elimination. The guy wasn’t there yet by the time Cody arrived.
- Cody, at first, just wanted to chill and live out the rest of the stay. 
- The others watch the episodes every evening the show airs. Cody’s first witness of it was seeing the episode where Trent was eliminated. Everyone HATED the episode. Eva was throwing stuff at the screen, for example. Courtney was also running around hunting down Harold. By that point, she was invading other people’s rooms at midnight just to find him. 
- Harold was the only one not showing up to anything, but at first, it didn’t seem to concern Cody since they never talked before.
- But then Cody got his own room, and he was ready to unpack in there...
- Harold was hiding under the bed.
- They both freaked out. A lot. 
- Harold begged for Cody to not turn him in to Courtney. And since Cody gained nothing either way, he agreed. So now Cody had a roommate he was stuck with. Cody also offered to get some barbeque for them both, as Harold was practically starving. 
- On that errand, Trent was just arriving to the resort, and Cody was the first to run into him and talk to him. (And Katie and Sadie, who were bawling over what happened to Trent) Cody was a little bitter with Trent, as he knew no regret when he saw it (Trent and Heather’s kiss). Trent tried to tell him that Heather used him, and what he was supposed to believe, and Cody told him off that Trent was stupid for believing that, as there was no reason for him to. It was TRENT who told CODY to respect women, and then Trent goes on to ignore logic just to get a petty clingy impulse in. Men are better than that. 
- Trent claimed that Cody, with his own impulse, would never know the feeling of betrayal, and Cody stated that maybe he wouldn’t, and maybe he was as naïve, but at least he was loyal to the girl he found himself with. (Which, you know, would turn into a FLAW later down the line)
- From there, Cody’s kind of lost respect for Trent and Gwen’s relationship, and secretly hoped they broke up. Does that mean he isn’t friends with them both? No. He still is. This is one of few times he lets his grudge out aloud. 
- Justin joining them... he helped out Cody when he first got to the resort, and offered some beauty tips for the kid, as he asked for it. Then Justin noticed Cody going to his room with what is basically catering, and he got concerned, so he followed him to his room. And he found out Cody was keeping Harold. It was awkward seeing him there, but both of them basically held Justin hostage until he promised not to tell anyone about this.
- Harold, while Cody was gone, also found Cody’s songwriting notebook. Cody was embarrassed about it and called him out, but Harold praised his work, much to Cody’s surprise. Harold even asked Justin if he had any music talent, and Justin admitted his talent was looking pretty. But he could learn an instrument if he’d look good with it. Cody called this out and said it was for the skill.
- Basically, Cody is the songwriter for the Drama Brothers, and the heart of the group.
- Justin came by to visit and help every once in awhile (by help I mean just stand there and use Harold as a dog scraping off your plate) And Cody was basically the caretaker sharing a bed with the guy. (Take that any way you will, Cody and Harold shippers. This obviously means they’re FRIENDS.)
- Harold even opened up to Cody about his rigging of Courtney, and why he’s being hunted. All Cody could say was how much of a jerk Duncan seemed, but it was chill since Cody himself didn’t have personal problems with the punk. (Yet)
- Unfortunately, Courtney began to track down the situation, and Harold was on his own. Cody had to get them both out of there and hide Harold in a shower. (Again. FRIENDS.) And... the stall they picked had Trent in it. 
- Cody had a lot of explaining to do, and ironically, Trent was the calmest one about it. Trent wanted to help, and he also said that Cody had a point before. Trent did care what people thought of him a little too much. It’s something he wish he could drop about himself, but can’t. In fact, all four of the Drama Brothers seem to have that exact same flaw, so they would get along well and work together with combining egos. 
- The Drama Brothers didn’t become official yet, but the ideas were being tossed around. Mostly it was Cody being more comfortable with showing people his songs, and Trent helping with his guitar. The band idea also gave Cody the brilliant idea to make himself hotter by sunburning his entire body. Brilliant.
- He wasn’t in Action. Idk what to tell you.
- Cody didn’t know who to side with when it came to Trent and Gwen. They were both his friends. He knew there had to have been a reason for Gwen to break up with Trent, even if he didn’t understand this side of Trent being exposed via medication withdrawal. (Yeah, that’s the best explanation I can come up with. I’ll subject myself to the pain if you guys ask for a Trent headcanon)
- So when the fanbase was on Trent’s side, Cody was not. He avoided Trent, who would not even NOTICE Cody’s been avoiding him until AFTER the season was over. Cody mostly stayed around Noah because he was the one sane person in the VIP section. 
- Gwen over time has appreciated Cody not despising her for the breakup. She was the one who advised Cody to make the Drama Brothers with Trent. Just because Trent wanted to cut all ties with Gwen, doesn’t mean Cody should pick a side and choose between them. 
- So Cody reluctantly went back to talking to Trent, who just said “Oh hi Cody, been awhile, how you been?” (Yep. He didn’t even notice Cody’s attitude.)
- Thus, with assistance from Harold and Justin, the Drama Brothers were born. Trent was the lead singer and guitarist, Cody was the songwriter, Harold was the percussion, and Justin... was the eye candy. 
- They became a modest success due to the show giving them names, and Cody got quite a few fans. At first, he was excited at the idea of a fan club of his own, and even understood Trent’s attitude a little better. 
- Then Harold disbanded from them out of an ego. It left Trent Cody and Justin on their own losing their popularity. They tried to pull through without Harold, but Cody was doing most of the work now, especially when Justin is... Justin, and Trent was more focused on pleasing his fans and associating with his new date, Sadie.
- One time, Trent and Justin didn’t even show up in the album sale, and Cody was by himself. At the very end of it, when the store was closing, Trent showed up as if he was late. Cody was not happy, and called him out on his ego, his treatment towards Gwen, and there was quite a bit of foul language thrown in there. He even said “Gwen did nothing wrong”. If he ever got a girlfriend, he would ALWAYS be there for his girl and respect what they want even if Trent won’t. 
- A certain uber fan was actually AT THE STORE at the time, and HEARD all of that. Then that was their vow to be the love interest for Cody.
- It was MONTHS before Cody and Trent spoke again, at Celebrity Manhunt.
- It was before the search party left the bus to get help that Trent got to talk to Cody. And unfortunately, Cody was the one who apologized for what he said, not Trent. Trent just showed his devotion to Sadie and his personal interactions with his fans, and suddenly Cody was the one in the wrong. (You’re supposed to not agree with that.) 
- Oh boy... okay, look, I don’t like Sierra. She’s probably one of my least favorite characters of the entire show. I can’t stand her in any scene she’s in. The question is, will that affect how I’m writing this?
- Short answer: YES. I’m NOT SORRY.
- Canon pretty much nailed how Cody felt about the relationship. He was miserable beginning to end, and he only chose to be nice to her because he’s that kind of person, and to get her to stop whining. It was a perfect guilt trip tactic to use so he didn’t try to get rid of her.
- And when approached to his friends about it, they just laughed. They saw it as quirky and cute, and Cody was lucky to have her because she was a girlboss. (Because that’s how TV framed it) So Cody thought HE was the problem. 
- Cody is the only person in the entire cast that didn’t hate Gwen. Instead he hated Duncan. He openly stated that he had no idea why Gwen was cancelled and Duncan wasn’t. She was a brainwashed victim who had been through too much. Sierra deleted his response and made a claim that he lied and was on tea drugs. (You know, that SHE gave him.)
- Sierra even FORGED her MARRAIGE with Cody at one point. That’s not me. That’s CANON. Just so you know how F’d up it is. 
- The reason he eventually turned towards her in the end was because she remembered his birthday. Something no one did. 
- This put a big strain on Cody’s other relationships. Like any abusive relationship does. Before he could do anything, she posted to the entire fanclub about their marriage, she shoved him in a suitcase to take him on a honeymoon to France, and even barged into Cody's family's house to take the guest room. Where's Sierra's parents? They ditched their constant attempts at a restraining order a long time ago.
-But because she remembered his birthday, Cody allowed all of this and even tried to tell his housemates it was fine. They proceeded to try and show Sierra kindness. Did she return the favor? No. Especially not when Cody tried to go ANYWHERE without her.
-I talked about Cody's dynamics with certain people in the Harold, Heather, and Gwen post. So I'll be repeating myself if you didn't see those.
-Gwen and Cody kept in touch. Gwen needed it after her cancelation with the entire world. Of course they didn't see each other too much because both of them are in very complicated relationships. (Go see my Gwen headcanon post for more details on her side.) Duncan just complained and moved on without doing anything to prevent it, especially when he learned Cody was against Duncan himself and not Gwen. He just said "I don't like Cody, but whatever." Sierra though? She blocked all contacts Cody had with Gwen when she found out he was TALKING to her ABOUT A HAPPY MEAL. For the longest time, Cody couldn't explain to Gwen that it was Sierra's doing, so Gwen thought that Cody too ditched her because of cancelation.
-In case you're wondering what Cody's reaction was to Duncan's arrest... no comment. No care. He had it coming.
-Heather and Cody are in touch, but they don't talk as often. Most of the time, Cody treats her as someone to vent to. Heather doesn't want to be that person. Especially when she, ironically, had a much happier relationship and eventual marraige.
-Sierra was fine with Harold being around Cody because was a dude and therefore wasn't a threat. Yep. In case you didn't hate her enough, she is homophobic. (Blame the show airing in the 2000s)
- It's also because Harold is a co-worker for the Drama Brothers. So they kind of have to be around each other.
-Cody got into K/Pop thanks to Harold.
- Harold and Cody do Ninjago marathons. Trent and Justin are very casual bystanders to their fandom. They also did a roleplay together once. (In case you're wondering, Cody was Kai. Harold was Jay. Trent was Zane. Justin was Cole.)
-Cody went to med school. He was a modestly successful student. But he didn't like Sierra constantly screaming at the Internet to support him. When Cody asked her to stop, he got NASTY responses. By the Internet, because Sierra posted "Cody's being mean to me... *crying emoji X10*"
-Sierra loves the gap between his tooth. So Cody asked Justin and his co-students at med school to help him remove it. So he had braces for three years to get rid of it.
-It became a cast at one point because when he came home, Sierra didn't recognize him with the braces, thought it was an impostor, and punched his jaw into a hospital. She apologized for not recognizing him. Nothing else.
-Justin retired from the Drama Brothers to move to Hollywood North. And Trent is taking care of his family. Cody keeps the name afloat, but he doesn’t see Harold too often because he’s bitter from Harold spending more time with his career than helping him with his unhappy marriage. (Go see my Harold headcanons for more details)
-Cody was still writing to his stepbrother, wishing he came back. He was a little bitter when he learned he was married and was having a baby, but he didn't say anything and supported it. Why was he bitter? Because it meant he had a new family and moved on, and he couldn't be there for Cody.
-Cody was begging for Harold to be with him because Sierra was at his writs end. But he wasn't. He called Cody selfish as Cody never once considered Harold's problems. (Again, see Harold's headcanons for more details on that) His advise: Get a divorce.
-Heather snapped at Cody about the same thing: Get a divorce.
-Cody said "That's not fair to Sierra. She really is a good person who cares about me. There's no reason to dump her for one or two quirks of his." (Every Sierra stan yelling at me when reblogging)
-Cody's basically learned that if you submit to the girl, you have things easy. But you're sexist if you dump her, no matter what your reason is. Do everything your stalker says, do what they want, follow all their rules, marry them, and shut out everyone else in your life, THEN you will have free will to get a career you want. But not before that do you have a choice. (This is supposed to be a BAD MESSAGE. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS.)
-Become a big part of your wife's blog? Do it. Don't complain.
-Move into some fancy rich place? Do it. Don't complain.
-Dump your job interview for a date? Do it. Don't complain.
-She wants to use your utensils? Do it. Don't complain.
-Dress up a certain way? Do it. Don't complain.
-A ton of sexual content I can't put into details because of social media restraints? Do it. Don't-NO I WOULDN'T LIST ANY OF IT ANYWAY, JUST IMAGINE WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
-Alcohol? Do... he can't. That's a trigger. He's not doing it. He's leaving the bar. He's running away.
-He denies all phone calls from Sierra, not wanting to be around her. He can't do it anymore. (No, she's not alcoholic, but she saw no problems with a bar date one time.) He so happens to run away to a vet, and he finds a box of puppies. It helps calm him down a little.
-Later on in the night, he tries to call someone to talk to. He had to find Gwen's contacts again after Sierra's hacking. Heather was unavailable. Trent and Justin were out of the country. That left Harold. He DOES pick up, and they talk a little...
-And then there's just static on his end.
-Cody's running to Harold's apartment, and he finds Harold on the floor overdosed from a bad take of medication. Cody took care of him the entire night and saved him. He is a doctor, after all.
-Cody stayed at Harold's place to take care of him. He constantly got calls from Sierra, but Cody kept denying them. He eventually had to throw his phone on the streets and use Harold's phone so Sierra didn't track him.
-Cody got Harold some doctors and therapists, friends of his, to help out, but Cody pretty much lived next door to Harold. He's wealthy enough to afford that. Harold did get better, and there weren't any more incidents, but the guy was a mental mess. (Again, Harold headcanon post for more details on what happened. Or Heather's, that reveals it too.)
-Cody and Harold both got to apologize for being selfish about their situations. Both forgiven. They were just glad to see each other.
-Cody ended up adopting a puppy. He named her Skylor. (Again, his Ninjago bias shows)
-This was the best two years Cody had in a long time. No Sierra, no drama, just being neighbors with a friend, and taking care of a dog. A dog that does not die this time.
-He became a co-editor in Harold's YouTube videos, and it was a much healthier online presence because Harold doesn't talk about real life on it and talks about media opinions and does gamer roleplays. (...don't look at me like that.) He did however draw the line with Harold's hatred for Harry Potter. How dare he.
-Cody got Gwen's contacts back. He was able to explain to her that Sierra blocked them and he cared about her. As a friend. (He's pretty much over Gwen romantically now.)
-Cody and Trent started calling again. It was casual and they purposefully kept romance drama out of it. This was the best way they could maintain a friendship. Cody could care less about Trent's relationship with Sadie. Do what ya want guitar boi.
-He also got to reunite with Heather, Alejandro, and Leshawna, who had a daughter. (Yeah he knew about that already cause Harold told him, but still) He was a little rocky with Alejandro, but they didn't try to start fights.
-He found Noah again at his college campus. They got on good terms and became acquaintances again. Though Cody was a little confused on why Noah was in a romantic relationship with Owen, without any sex. (Blame Sierra for him not understanding how that works.)
-Cody was able to talk to all of these people (except for Noah) about his incident with Sierra, down to the sexual details he had nightmares about from time to time. Leshawna was the one who sympathized the most, because a similar case was how she got her daughter (though in her case she had more of a say in it and chose it in the end).
-All their advice: Get a divorce. Never go back to her. He is much better off without Sierra. It's not mean. It's looking out for himself.
-Trent Facetimed Cody and Harold once, and a nice co-worker dude (Cameron) was in the call. Slip of the tongue, Cody said to Cameron, "That's cute of you." But no one said anything. Cody became self conscious after that. He had to talk to Noah later about what happened. Noah gave him a book about understanding bisexuality.
-Yeah, pull the trigger on Bi Cody. Why not.
-When Cody realized it, the first person he came out to about it was Gwen, when he was helping her with her music. (Gwen headcanon post for more reference on her career.) Gwen took it very casually. It helped Cody's confidence in figuring about himself more. He can be proud of this.
-Then Sierra found him.
-She was worried SICK. She thought he was dead. She planned his funeral. He should've told her she was kidnapped by Harold.
-Cody went back with her. She overwhelmed him with care and smooches. Harold was betrayed by that, but understood. It was Cody's choice.
-Sierra became more overbearing than ever, and didn't let ANYONE go anywhere NEAR him. Talk to Cody? Blocked. Maybe punched in the face. Stand in the same room as Cody? Prepare to be assassinated (not literally). All Cody had was the puppy. Their 'baby'.
-Then Trent came to visit when he heard from Harold what happened. He was greeted with a sock to the eye.
-That was it. Sierra got sued. She defended herself and claimed she was protecting Cody from an 'evil man'. She believed she would get off Scott free from the trial, as Cody would explain everything.
-And he didn't. He defended Trent.
-Sierra claimed he was brainwashed, and brought up that Trent turned to the dark side after Gwen dumped him. Love can do that to a person.
-Cody asked what she knew about love.
-She claimed she loved Cody. She loved him so much-
-No she doesn't. All she wanted was to use him for her little fanfictions of Total Drama. So her little Cody X Reader fic was canon.
-She defended that she tried to be good to everyone on the show. All her peers. But they didn't understand her. They were all toxic. They didn't understand she was quirky-
-Being quirky was no excuse. Sierra was the toxic one. And toxic people don't deserve sympathy.
-So in the court, Cody filed a divorce. Harold helped forge Sierra's signature.
-Sierra begged and told him he didn't want to leave her.
-Cody left the court after that, not even hearing the results. He made sure all ties with Sierra were cut, and he would never see her again.
-He eventually heard what happened. Trent was decreed Not Guilty. Sierra got a big fine. So she did not go to jail. But by the time she got home, Cody was moved out and long gone, officially staying in that apartment as Harold's neighbor with Skylor the dog.
- Harold and Cody took a vacation to California to see Justin. They were happy to see each other again and bring back a band of friends. Justin even let them be around his paparazzi's, and tell them these were his friends. 
- Trent came back to the band. Though Justin was out from where he lived, the remaining three Brothers did some music videos on Harold’s channel. Even though Trent’s not a fan of the genre, he let them do a bit of K/Pop. 
-In terms of Cody and Trent after the assault, Trent didn't blame Cody at all, and was just really proud of him. Trent was in the court when it happened. But Cody found out that Trent recorded the entire thing and posted it online. The comments were... 50/50. Some were proud of Cody, some claimed Sierra did nothing wrong. Cody didn't care. Trent and Cody were good friends again.
-Another thing Cody did was go to a pride club. He met Noah and Owen at that pride club. And Cameron was there, so they got to talk and properly meet each other.
-Cody focused more on himself after all of this. He pursued is music. He became a well paid doctor. He had a good dog. He had some good friends and potential bf? It's just a crush.
-Cody would be there to talk to anyone on his blogs how to detect an abuser, stand up to them, and leave them. He wanted to prevent others from going through what he did more than anything. Not a lot were able to get out of it. He was lucky he could. It's the least he could do.
(Unlike my last headcanon post, Cody gets a better ending. Or, I say that. I don't write these as life memoirs that end when they die. I am not the biggest Cody fan, and this took awhile to make cause Cody is a side character with not a lot to work with. That shouldn't be an excuse though, we're all the protagonists of our own stories. But I do like Cody, and I do feel bad for him and I wanted to give Cody an ending better than what the show called 'a good ending'. Total Drama has a relationship problem. When I first watched the show, I thought I was gonna hate Cody, as he reminded me of a lot of people I knew in real life, people who bullied and harassed me to no end. But no. Episode 8, he won me over as he proved he wasn't like that. Respect. Now SIERRA, that is the exact character I thought Cody was gonna be. You can harass me for making her an antagonist in this all you want, but I will NOT apologize. But there's other factors that played in me doing Cody next: TDDRI, short end of the stick there. And you guys messaged me a lot of questions regarding Cody, so I thought why not?)
Check out my other headcanon posts on TD characters, I put a lot of effort into them, and let me know if you want me to do someone else:
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