#also had a terrifying sleep paralysis moment
endlessdreaming · 1 year
had a terrible sleep but the show must go on 🐼
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 10 months
I also have a brewing idea for a Dracula AU, where Lena is targeted by our titular figure because her blood has traces of magic in it, which makes her extra tasty.
Except it presents as night terrors/sleep paralysis at first. Lena is terrified and tries to avoid falling asleep, and nothing they do seems to fix the problem-- the moment Lena falls asleep without company/observation, the dark figure is at the end of her bed, leering at her, all while Lena is paralyzed to do anything.
(In this au, the shadows that coalesce around Drac works to paralyze his victims, then put them back to sleep after. His saliva heals the wounds after feeding, so there's never any trace that something happened.)
Then, one night, when Lena awakens to find her visitor has returned, Kara pops in to check on her, based on nothing but a gut feeling. She steps into the bedroom to find Lena pinned to her bed, Lena's eyes glassy but conscious and terrified, as a dark figure crouches over her, drinking.
Kara tackles the figure off of Lena, but before she can beat him to a pulp he disappears in a puff of smoke. Her attention immediately shoots back to Lena, still paralyzed and now bleeding profusely from the interrupted feeding.
She flies Lena to the tower, shouting for help as she tries to apply pressure, a stream of apologies streaming from her lips. Because they hadn't listened when Lena had told them it felt real, that it was more than sleep terrors born of stress and overwork.
They had tried to help, but didn't quite believe her.
"I'm sorry, Lena, I'm so sorry..."
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macsimagines · 1 year
sleep paralysis demon ran? halloweeny enough?
very spooky and yandere, but also hilarious because i just watched that brandon rodgers sleep demon video lmfao
TW: YANDERE BEHAVIOR, MINORS DNI, DEMONS, NON-CON TOUCHING, SOMONOPHILIA , Weird warning but the gif i used in this is scary so pls be aware
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Yandere!Sleep Demon Ran Haitani
You're just the cutest, Ran has always thought so from the moment his eyes met yours. And he was terrifying. You always thought so ever since he started haunting you as a kid.
Ran learned very quickly that he needs to feed off of fear in order to live, and he picked up on the fact that children were the easiest to scare. And you were always so scared of him darling.
It was almost like when a boy bullies another girl in his class because he had a crush, except the boy was another worldly being that decided you were going too be his personal meal for the rest of your life.
As a little girl he'd always find ways to torture your paralyzed form from everything like pinching to pulling on your hair and sometimes when he was feeling more sadistic biting.
You tried to get help, told anyone that would listen but no one wanted to listen to you cry about the monster hiding in your closet anymore and so you were left to bear Ran's sadistic bullying alone.
Over the years he got better at it too. Jump scares weren't having the same effect anymore you got too used to it over the years, but that fine because he was smart enough to evolve his tactics.
He got very good at creeping out of corners you could just barely see out of the corner of your eyes. Knowing that he was there but being unable to fully make out what he was going to do to you.
Somehow Ran trained himself to be able to whisper at you from all angles making you confused about where his voice was coming from and where he was really hiding at. Sometimes the things he would say would vary from threats, to maniacal laughs to down right unhinged.
"Keep shaking, baby girl, you look so tasty~ Can't wait to take a fuckin' bite out of you~!" "HAHAHAHAHA! Lookit how scared you are? Don't even know what I'm gonna do or where I'm comin' from!?" "You're so fuckin' beautiful. You're all mine~"
Years go by and you're an adult who will never truly have a good nights sleep. It doesn't matter whether or not he's really there and if he's really messing with you. You're too paranoid to sleep more than four hours without worrying if he's going to show up.
He's learned not to push you too far, he can't have his favorite meal going off the deep end. He needs you around. So he'll leave you alone for weeks, just sitting where he knows you can see him, watching...smiling.
Ran delights in terrifying you, the way your eyes go wide and your body shakes, unable to do anything. The way your body breaths so hard and heavy desperate to make any sound for help but choked by his force to keep your fucking mouth shut. He enjoys all of that but truthfully...
Ran loves to watch you sleep. Your delicate features when your relaxed, how soft your body is when you feel safe instead of rigid when you think you're in danger. Your lips slightly parted just enough for him to kiss...
It's unimaginable to a creature like him, but he does find himself wanting to be...affectionate to you. So he lets himself touch you gently, allows himself the privledge of being soft.
And this terrifies you even more... Your fear is so delectable when he's just looking down at you, hands rubbing your arms to soothe the aches he knows you have from working all day, brush the hair away from your face so he can take good looooong look at how cute you are...
Why are you so scared? He isn't trying to be scary right now? He wants to be nice to you. To be good to you... But you're just staring wide eyed and crying even.
"I just wanna touch, just be good and let me touch." he whispers gently, like you'd even have a choice or say in the matter. He wonders if he could have an actual conversation what you might say...
But its the curse of his people, human interaction beyond feeding is forbidden and his biology makes it so you naturally paralyze at the sight of him. Isn't that a shame...
"I just want to feel," he whispers to you crawling onto your bed to really get a good look at you, "Just want to know," he continues running his hand down your sides, you really are so warm, "How soft you really are."
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avatarkurukdefender · 4 months
Adhd is still adhding so lets talk about A Literal Team Avatar instead of writing it :3
Aang is NOT gonna have a good time. In fact to quote Sans he's in for a BAD TIME
So you know in the Yangchen books how her past lives would frequently possess her body at the absolute WORST TIMES for example, the past life that had really really really bad claustrophobia possessing her when she was in a tight claustrophobic space and making her freak out? Yeah that. You know how none of the avatars after Yangchen never seemed to deal with this? Well I headcanon that the reason why was because Yangchen actively BLOCKED the previous incarnations for pulling that same awful shit with every avatar after her.
So what do you think is gonna happen when Yangchen has been removed from the avatar cycle (and teenified) and is no longer to keep the others from fighting over Aang like a chew toy?
Lets see how badly this can fuck with the poor twelve year old boy
(aka a bunch of random headcanons I came up with for the avatars we only have names and even a few of the nameless ones)
Szeto first of all had BAD sleep paralysis. Like almost every night, hallucination fo something just standing over him (or in some cases full on trying to strangle him) and he cant move or even speak levels of bad. Also had severe hemophobia (fear of blood) and would literally faint at the sight of blood (hehehehe)
Next is Salai who had severe thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/ fear of deep bodies of water) like he would get full on panic attacks every single time he had to cross the ocean. Even worse since I headcanon that he drowned in a a severe storm while sailing on the ocean. And considering the fact that the gaang presumably spends a few weeks on a BOAT on the OCEAN to get from the Northern Water Tribe to General Fong's base...yeah thats gonna be a really bad time for Aang.
Avatar Gun, aka the one that possessed Yangchen to go on a rant about how humanity is selfish and uncaring, how they expect you to pull of a hundred miracles and then get mad you didnt do a hundred and one, yeah...they're gonna be a fun one (also they are nonbinary now because they were never said to be male or female and the wiki used they them pronouns for them so bite me) aside from...that they also absolutely HATED crowds, like avoided them at all costs unless absolutely necessary, otherwise would be sweating and shaking the entire time until they could leave. (Which means Omashu, Ba Sing Se, literally any crowded town or city is gonna be absolute HELL for our favorite little airbender)
Ok now for the ones without names (I have two of those so far)
This armless firebender who someone on tiktok named Avatar Kazza (I dont remember who named her that though)
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Oh boy :3
So you know how General Fong pulled Katara under the ground to trigger the avatar state in Aang? Well the same thing happened to her partner. Only difference is that her partner wasn't pulled back out. Oh no. Her partner was pulled underground and CRUSHED to death. (When Kaaza bent them back out, there was nothing but blood, broken pulverized bones and completely crushed organs...) Yeah its gonna be a lot bloodier than in canon (None of General Fong's soldiers will die Im not gonna traumatize Aang THAT badly, but they will be maimed very badly.)
Next is this pretty avatar
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I think someone on tiktok named her Avatar Imiq but dont quote me on that
She's the avatar that was absolutely terrified of the Spirit World, to the point that it caused Yangchen's sister Jetsun to get kidnapped by spirits when they went there (because you know the spirits get hostile when you're afraid and guess who decided to pop in at the worst moment?) Luckily this one isnt going to cause too much trouble since I dont think Aang actually goes to the spirit in books two and three unless you count Wan Shi Tong's Library (though Aang is not gonna have a good time when Avatar Imiq starts freaking out because of Wan Shi Tong) but I havent rewatched the show in awhile so I could be wrong
Also you know the avatar that had claustrophobia? That was Wan. With the exception of his tree house Wan absolutely hated small tight spaces. And that is something he was going to make everyone's problem (just like how every avatar inherited Wan's iconic crooked avatar smile, every avatar also inherited some claustrophobia, some worse than others. Unfortunately thats now gonna be Aang's problem)
I just keep coming up with these and thinking "What would suck/be the most inconvenient for Aang to have in this moment" and then assigning that to one of the past lives
(Also here's something funny, you know the air nomad avatar behind Kuruk? They actually used him TWICE in the TLOK image of all the past lives. He's also the second one behind Szeto on the left side)
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diodellet · 3 months
3 sets of unfinished twst headcanons
hahaha im doing a little bit of spring cleaning for my wips, i kinda wanted any of these to be my first proper twisted wonderland fanfiction, but well, the simping rot 🐍 was just stronger. it was nice looking back on these braindumps though cw: supernatural horror for the first bit be careful if ur sensitive to that stuff, unbeta'd all mistakes are mine.
Sadako is that u? oh it was actually jamil -
Where Yuu and Grim manage to chase out the ghosts of Ramshackle, but in return, a more malevolent presence haunts the dorm.
I couldn't decide if this would focus on the 1st Year Squad or on the VDC people because of the dorming situation.
Lmao either way, Ace would be pissing himself over staying over again. (Deuce would've laughed at Ace for a bit, until he gets spooked by the ghost*)
But either way, it would've worked, I just imagine that the NRC cast would be waaay more susceptible to the hauntings (if being a mage requires good visualization and stuff, then i imagine they'd be prone to the symptoms of a haunting.)
I don't know if this is just a thing in the Philippines, but people who can see ghosts and mythical creatures are referred to "having a third eye" (do not look up Philippine ghost stories on your own)
To list a few of the haunting shenanigans I had in mind (some taken from IRL accounts and others from horror movies): sleep paralysis episodes, doppelgangers, seeing faces in the second floor window, losing things and finding them in a completely different place, knocking and scratching at the walls, sleepwalking, pets showing sudden unwarranted aggression at empty air, hearing something call out your name while using someone else's voice, apparitions in phone pics, random bruises/scratch marks, and so on.
I kinda imagine that beastmen and fae (read: Jack and Sebek) would just be filled with a sense of wrong while even at a distance from the Ramshackle Dormitory. The only close encounter would be seeing Yuu's "doppelganger" and knowing that it isn't them, but not knowing how to confront "Yuu"
Deuce would definitely get locked into a room/closet. After escaping, he refuses to spend a second alone in Ramshackle.
Epel isn't all that scared compared to the rest of the cast. He's used to urban legends and spooky noises, the things that come with living in a small farming town. Until the spirit proves that it can cause harm to the living.
While I'm all for Rook spooking the spirit instead, I think he would have close encounters along the lines of only seeing brief glimpses of it before something bad happens in the Ramshackle dorm. I think it would freak him out more if you ended up sleepwalking/getting possessed by the ghost.
In line with Vil's fixation on beauty, he definitely gets those moments of seeing another person in the mirror's reflection, only to turn around to see nothing. Or he gets the clump of hair in the bathroom sink/foot of the bed.
I was thinking of having a fakeout ghost sighting with Jamil. He has the hair and rbf for it lmao.
On a more serious note, while Jamil's good at putting on a brave/unbothered face, internally, he'd be thrumming with adrenaline and end up jumping at the slightest sound (Kalim's worrying sets off his hypervigilance and he lowkey suffers a mini heart attack every time 😔++he's the one to suggest sharing a room with Kalim for the night. For his peace of mind - I mean, so Kalim shuts up about the damn ghost*, whoops typo)
For Kalim, I wasn't sure if he'd be scared in the first place. Because in his mind, the darkness that humans are capable of is more terrifying than a haggard ghost. But also, I think he'd be prone to sleep paralysis episodes while sleeping at Ramshackle.
Grim gets the worst of the haunting, oh, the amount of times he's curled up to sleep with Yuu, only to wake up in the middle of the night to see that it wasn't Yuu.
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The Great NRC Beach Volleyball Tourney
based off of a fandom dream where i was playing as setter for vil. i don't have strong mental visuals, but i just knew that i was staring in awe at vil every time he'd spike. aside from being torn on how i'd segment this, also writing in-chara trash talk is not my strong suit. ah,,, it was nice to think about this fic idea though....
funny story, the file was initially named: he doesnt sweat he Glistens
Beach volleyball is played by 2 people, everyone draws straws for their partner. Reader's partner is Vil Schoenheit. (cue a speedthrough of the 5 stages of grief)
The prize: First dibs for the barbecue that the NRC staff are preparing and bragging rights, or sumn I didn't think that far ahead.
Vil's "Remaining on the stage until the very end" but make it volleyball (I'm sorry I'm a Haikyuu-natic, that ailment sticks for life I'm afraid.)
Reader has 0 trust in their own skills (except for defense), but in beach volleyball, it's only you two, so that means making do and taking turns. (aka I used to play libero, holy shit dont make me spike.)
It also means being treated close-ups to the Vil's glorious visage, seriously how does he make athletic exertion look effortless and cool?
Vil reminding you to touch up on your sunscreen during time outs
Collapsing onto the sand after an intense rally, but Vil just pulls you back up onto your feet because there's still one more set before the match ends
Every time you make a mistake, like setting the ball too far, I imagine he would grip the top of your head while scolding you. Like how Kageyama does lmao
I realized that imagining playstyles for the rest of the NRC cast was not feasible, but I have some thoughts for a few.
He's ok, has a height or prior ball/team sports advantage that gives a bit of challenge, but probably loses from too many reckless errors/losing steam throughout the match: Ace Trappola (but he sucks at communicating with his teammate though*), Deuce Spade, Floyd Leech (kinda)
*Source: I mean my only reference is my highschool intramurals games, while the bball varsity players have the strength and reflexes, they were also lowkey annoying with how they dont call the ball. actually, from my observation, badminton varsity students were the only people who could seamlessly transition to playing volleyball (it sucks because it doesn't work the other way around. i cannot for my life play badminton)
Says he doesn't have much experience in playing, but for some reason rallies tend to last for a long while, and why do you feel like you're being watched and targeted during your opponent's plays: Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt (mfer is bantering with Vil during your match), Sebek Zigvolt, Ruggie Bucchi, Lilia Vanrouge (until he gets a migraine or sumn)
Tries their damndest, but they're just not that experienced. Still annoying to play against them because of their sheer tenacity: Epel Felmier, Kalim al-Asim (and he's doing it all with a smile on his face, so annoying), Silver (darn narcolepsy, his biggest opponent is himself fr fr), Ortho Shroud (he wanted Idia to try with him but oh well), Riddle Rosehearts
Not that into it, ngl, but it was fun to try: Cater Diamond, Trey Clover (was kinda difficult to play against because he had height++some observational skills, but eh it's tiring), Jade Leech, (and to some extent Floyd when the novelty wears off), Malleus Draconia (i mean...guy's a loner, he'd probably ditch in the middle of the match to explore the tide pools or something)
Isn't playing, but probably refereeing the matches: Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto, (kinda thought of putting Riddle here too)
Final opponents would probably be Leona and Jack because fate likes to meddle in these lighthearted affairs. They're literal brains and brawn, also they kinda foil yours++Vil's partnership.
This is just a shot-in-the-dark headcanon, but I feel like while Jack can do jump serves, I think Leona would hit sky balls (super high underhand serves) to be extra mean. Also, they know to target you since you're the defensive core of the team (which pisses Vil off because he's not that bad of a player himself.)
The sun is beating down on the top of your head and the back of your neck. The heat of the early afternoon rays are sapping your strength away and all you want to do at this point is to run into the glorious glittering blue sea, away from the match in front of you. Like your partner would let you ditch, you think to yourself bitterly. Maybe the heat is getting to you. The whistle sounds and you drop your hips, waiting for the telltale slap of the ball from your opponents' side. The ball soars over the net and you shift to receive it, passing it to Vil. You wince at the sting against your skin. Your forearms are red and raw, your thighs are burning from running back and forth across your team's side of the court, but you push through the exertion, wait for Vil's set to spike at an unguarded area of your opponent's side. Thwack! Blocked - you curse, falling backwards from your jump, a fist outstretched to try and keep the ball in the air. It's futile, your arm is a mere centimeter apart from the ball - "I got it!" Ugh, Vil's been picking up after your mistakes for the past few rallies now. That was embarrassing. You'll slam this one into the ground. Scrambling to your feet, you run up to the net and swing.
Spoiler: the point goes to Jack and Leona. Their tactic to wear at your stamina, then Vil's is going heavily in their favor.
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the ramshackle prefect is a plantito
I had a brief Strange Horticulture phase (dont me i love papers please-style games)++there was a time during the pandemic when my parents and relatives got into raising a shitton of plants. the front of the houses were just covered in so much green. it was wild lmao. sadly im not plant literate, so this was just a pleasant idea to think about.
Wherein everyone gifts the prefect a plant for Ramshackle, like Little Shop of Horrors without Audrey going rogue*
Jack is way too happy to gift you your first plant. Also, he thinks he's being slick, but it's obvious how happy your attempts at a green thumb make him with how much more often he visits Ramshackle during his morning runs.
Epel is also a lifesaver when it comes to saving your plants from amateur neglect. Though you can see Vil's mannerisms rubbing off on him with how he lectures you.
In addition to decorative plants, you also grow a meager vegetable garden which Azul tries to negotiate some kind of deal for the Mostro Lounge (You're both friends, aren't you? Wouldn't you let him take a portion of whatever you manage to harvest? What if he also took care to supply you with potent homemade plant growth supplies? No, he's not trying to cut down on costs from importing veggies he'll offer you a 30% cut of the profits - and so on)
While I think Jade would also be happy with this sprucing up of Ramshackle, he kinda gets pretentious about what plant species are good to house close to each other. I think he'd also nag you about the surrounding ecosystem and stuff (while at the same time finding a secluded spot to grow his own shrooms, the piece of shit 😤)
In my mind, Riddle and Vil would offer a high-maintenance plant species while going on some spiel about how hard work produces the most beautiful plant/fruit/flower whatever.
Kalim almost ends up gifting you a critically-endangered Scalding Sands plant but he decides against it (with lots of exasperated advising from Jamil) and is instead willing to help you with whatever you need, an extra hand with gardening, money for supplies and tools, anything really! (With your guilty conscience and a pre-emptive lecture from Jamil, you politely decline Kalim's offers.)
Ruggie gives the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of pechay/Chinese cabbage. It's easy to raise, and he gets a free snack in a week, win-win!
Lowkey think that Ace and Deuce would gift a fake plant. Their contribution gets housed on the windowsill of your bedroom.
You'd think that Leona would also skip classes at Ramshackle once the gardening pops off, but he's a creature of habit. He prefers the vibes of the temperate zone of the Botanical Gardens lmao.
Actually I think Silver would end up becoming another frequent visitor, accidentally napping nd stuff.
*Instead of a plant going rogue, the conflict is the beginning part of Book 6 when Styx busts in to (unintentionally wreak havoc on your dorm) apprehend the overblotters.
Buuut, I already have an Idia-centric post-Book 6 angst fic in the works so...haha
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jdah · 1 year
AU where suho got split into two when his powers got ‘sealed’
Just gonna list some of the ideas in bullet form OTL
when jinwoo sealed his son’s power and memories, he was unaware that he had instead split his son into two
part of suho’s power had separated from him and gained its own ego & consciousness
locked away from using his power, he is trapped in suho’s shadows, unable to do anything but just watch his and his human self’s surroundings
(i’m just gonna say that jinwoo can’t exactly detect shadow suho’s presence because he’s trapped in suho’s shadow, unable to release his mana + dad is scary nuh uh im staying here)
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since suho’s powers weren’t fully closed off, he can still perceive the presence of other beings - mainly spirits
suho sometimes see figures in random places
their looks vary, there are ones that seem like humans, and ones that makes suho stop dead in his tracks and cry for his mother’s soothing presence
some of the figures are friendly, greeting him as he passes by and helping him when he is lost
but there are some that are hostile - once suho acknowledges them, they start rushing to him with their horrifying looks
this led to suho ignoring everything that seems abnormal - things that are not seen by others around him
and for some reason, the things never show up in his house, nor do they appear whenever his dad is near
(shadow suho oh so wants to protect his human self, seeing his struggles and feeling his emotions whenever they encounter an entity - he vows to protect suho the moment the seal to his powers is lifted)
the things stopped showing when he reached middle school
(jinwoo started to test his son, so suho is constantly enveloped with his mana)
when his parents disappeared, the things appeared again
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without their father’s presence to protect suho, it’s up to his shadow to shoulder that duty
even though he was sealed away, he is still the son of the shadow monarch - especially now that they’re older and his human self has started training, the shadow also started to gain more control in his powers
(+ now that their father is far away, the seal in him also loosened)
one time suho wakes up with his body unable to move
thinking it was just one of those sleep paralysis, he ignores the thing standing beside his bed
and yet no matter what he does, he can’t wake up from this nightmare
suho realized too late that he’s not dreaming - that he’s actually awake and holy fuck there’s a terrifying figure crawling on top of him
wtf wtf whatthefuck i havent seen any of them since middle school why now why now??? - suho
before the thing could touch him, an extremely dark figure rose up from the sides of his bed, its presence startling the thing into escaping
suho inside: (…im gonna die... there is a monster under my bed)
(on the other hand, even though he can only release some of his mana, shadow suho is glad he can finally push the entities away)
The seal further eases up when the gates started showing up
Especially when beru appeared before them - the presence of one of his father’s strongest soldier was the last push into breaking the seal
beru was so surprised to see a shadow soldier standing near suho when his sealed memories was being shown - only to realize that it wasn’t a soldier, but the young lord himself !! young lord why are you a shadow ?!?!?! how come i never knew of this TT
(beru wishes to teach the shadow young lord a lot of thing)
suho is so confused and disoriented because the seal being lifted means he became fully connected with shadow suho (albeit having its own ego)
(aka their feelings and thoughts are being transmitted to one another - since they are the same person with two bodies)
beru and shadow suho: partying in the shadows while human suho is working his ass off
shadow suho giving himself eyes similar to beru’s
beru: (sobbing)
suho: im out i need to sleep (leaves Rest after ammut’s training)
ammut: (looks at shadow suho)
shadow suho: don’t
suho: (watching a sad drama)
suho: hmm…
shadow suho who is accompanying haein in another realm: (starts sobbing)
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athetos · 1 year
Describing sleep attacks to a non-narcoleptic person is so hard. It’s not like “I’m sleepy I could go for a nice nap” it’s this weird pressure in my skull creeping up on me slowly then extremely quickly and then I can’t keep my eyes open and my vision starts swimming. It’s not sleepiness or tiredness, or even exhaustion - it’s like my body starts to shut down. Fighting it is futile, it goes on long enough I’ll have auditory hallucinations, sounds like bombs are going off in my skull (apparently this is called exploding head syndrome). It’s not something you can fight through, the only real option is to give in. Because once it crosses a certain threshold all energy I have left has to be redirected from whatever tasks I’m doing to finding somewhere safe to pass out for anywhere from 30 minutes to 7 hours. Preferably a bed but I’ve passed out way too many times on the hard floor of a hallway on campus completely oblivious as students stepped over me.
But that still doesn’t touch on the sleep paralysis or lucid dreams or even more auditory hallucinations. If I don’t take my meds there’s a solid 50% chance I’ll have sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis can be so terrifying that as a teenager before I knew what it was I thought I was being visited by the fucking Devil. I wasn’t even religious, I just had no other explanation for how scary and unsettling an experience it was. Sometimes if it was a really cathartic episode it would feel like I was given a vision, what I imagine most people would consider some kind of spiritual epiphany. I just know my temporal lobe is lighting up like a Christmas tree in those moments. But like I need you to understand the most recurring sleep paralysis vision I had was being trapped in my parents cellar unable to move while a giant blacker than black orb hovered near me slowly growing bigger and bigger and threatening to engulf me. Also the feeling like someone’s sitting on your chest thing is so true because I often feel like someone’s dragging me into the ground or a huge weight is on top of me.
Also the most uncomfortable part is that I’m not asleep or awake for any of this. I’m somewhere in between and am vaguely aware of where my body physically is. So it’s like a weird out of body experience where I’m trying to figure out how to shove my soul back in my body. It’s like my spirit is tethered and I can see where it’s attached but the whole “weight on your chest” thing makes it pretty damn hard to move. Last thing I’ll mention is that you CAN NOT wake me during this. Like okay you could wake me but it won’t work. I’ll fall right back asleep before you even finish talking to me. Multiple times. It has to run its course until my body lets me wake up. And sometimes even when I do wake up I’m only half there and am extremely depersonalized. Still out of body. This shit blows.
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bionicle-ramblings · 1 year
... My damn mind is running wild, and I blame that dream I had
And that potential comes in the form of Roodaka
She has mutated Toa, she is able to manipulate people, she's in control of the Visorak Horde, and, in my opinion, she's terrifying
And her plan in Web of Shadows involves Vakama, who has Hordika venom in his system and is easily manipulated
Imagine, for a moment, if Roodaka didn't really want Vakama as a Hordika, but rather wanted the Toa himself, wanted to use him to replace Sidorak as leader of the Visorak, to divide the Toa Metru further, and get revenge for Teridax all in one fail swoop
So rather than get all the Toa at once, Roodaka has the Horde break the Toa apart, maybe separate them into three "groups," three together, two together, and one alone, but the Metru divide into Whenua, Nokama, and Nuju, Vakama and Onewa, and Matau on his own, and have to wait for the team to reconvene to try something else
Either the visorak separate the team by ambushing them in combat or they simply decide to just paralyze them all and save Vakama for last because they need to bring him only. If the latter happens, as the horde swarms, Nokama asks Vakama what they do now, but no answer, not even even the Visorak grab Vakama rather than wrapping him in webbing(Roodaka wants him as a Toa). There is still panic, but that bleeds into despiar and Vakama is deagged away, unable to do anything accept shout for his team to save the Matoran and to apologize to them for everything while he has the chance. The former sees the Toa having to fight and run for their lives, being driven in separate directions as they're chased through the destroyed city, some funding refuge and safety behind buidlings, others only making it out because the Visorak succeeded in their hunt. Vakama has neither happen, as he's chased and above ground and then below ground as he falls into the archives and back above as he has to climb away from the Visorak, but finds himself at either a cliff or a dead end and surrounded by Visorak. The capture happens more or less the same, only he's completely alone and the other Toa find each other and realize that Vakama and the Visorak are gone, and all of them realize that they'd fallen for a trap and they'd lost one more friend because of it
Is this capture a little awkward in both cases? Admittedly yes, it is, and in my mind, I can see Sidorak also arguing that Vakama's capture should be followed by his death or mutation, remembering the last Toa who tried to join up amd ended up becoming an insectpid thing for it, but Roodaka convinces him against it; They have the Matoran and the Toa's leader, which means the Toa probably will be on their way to rescue their friend, where the Visorak will be waiting for them
Sidorak agrees and Vakama isn't mutated or killed, but put in a cell instead, though he has been more or less knocked unconscious because the paralysis from the rhotuka spinner wore off and he started to give them trouble
I'm probably going to come back to this, maybe write more on it, but for now this is what I've got. Hope you enjoyed!
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ashersbraincell · 2 months
Just had the most terrifying nightmare yet, one of those stereotypical ones that actually incorporate both real life events twisted into optimum trauma factor scare and topped off with a dusting of sugar(your traditional spooky stuff)
I will try to retell it, but first
TW: bodies, trauma, school trauma, second hand embarrassment, sleep paralysis, nightmares, night terrors(?), being chased, body horror, physical abuse, bullying, fear of the dark, fear of heights, hyperventilation, hyperventilating, false awakening, being stared at, being watched
Okay, so first thing I remember is that, for some reason, in this dream-universe it was required of all school graduates to complete a day of chaperoning the youngest(a year 7, I live in Britain). So I’m chaperoning this kid, I think his name was Liam? Something with an L I think. Looks, kinda familiar? I’m not sure now. I couldn’t recreate his face now if you asked me to imagine it clearly but in it was still much clearer than most dream characters.
Well anyway, we check in with the head of the school(who, again, looked familiar but I don’t think I actually knew her irl. Perhaps she was a mashup of all the female teachers I’ve known that had long-ish white blonde hair. Well anyway, she sets us off for the day. I find myself actually somewhat compassionate for the kid, which I guess was expected since, again, in the „dream universe” the reason this was required was to build compassion and kindness or something.
So there were two moments when my school trauma(bullying), particularly showed up. Once, just, seeing that familiar hallway. With the Nurses office and all(personal detail, won’t make sense but wanted to add it for myself). Then, later, there was a more elaborate moment. So it’s breaktime, and this kid meets up with his chubbier, glasses friend(/not negative just the two descriptors I particularly remember. He was also blonde like Liam but his hair was slightly more bowl-cut shaped).
Said friend has a bottle(for some reason, one shaped like those gas tanks? It was huge) of alcohol. Naturally, I caution them but I’m too timid to overstep my boundaries. Doesn’t matter though, since lessons start up again and. The crowd comes(another trauma, my school had major overcrowding to the point that it became dangerous oftentimes when breaks would end especially). I get lost in the sea of people, and start completely panicking/crying/hyperventilating when I feel some guy just, grab my hair and yank it continuously(didn’t happen specifically back then, but I had many other experiences of being physically abused in those crowds, shoving, shoving against walls/door-frames, kicking, etc).
It cuts to later when I’m apologising for just, blanking out like that but the aforementioned blonde haired lady is forgiving. Later, it is lunchtime and I loose the kid again, I assume among the masses of people though this time I don’t think it was any more scary than just being a crowd(don’t think any more physical abuse occurred). So I’m looking for him everywhere and eventually remembered that some kids would gather in classrooms to eat(this didn’t actually happen, again, dream-universe thing), and check until I find him and sit down.
They are, unsurprisingly drinking alcohol. At some point I HAD reported that so I wondered how they weren’t caught. Somehow, H(again, personal detail, stands for a name I OBVIOUSLY dont want to disclose) was another chaperone for some other kid there at the time, which is suprising how much of a general red flag he is as a person. But I try to put up face and just, make it to the end of the day. But, eventually we start watching cringey tik toks to make fun of them, and an old one of mine comes up(though I’ve had cringey tik tok accounts that I am mortified by, this one wasn’t an actual one I’ve had, again dream-universe thing. Not necessarily a trauma but it is a fear of mine that someone could find the ones that DO exist so another point for realism horror ig). Obviously I’m so distracted by this that we proceed to be 10 MINUTES late, and that’s apparently my last strike.
Now here is where I think my brain ran out of material to torture me with, because things get more, if not in an extremely bizarre way, „traditionally” nightmarish. As I take the walk of shame to the library, slowly transforming into a librarian, the kids’s, all the kids’s eyes have become nothing but bright red circles in a fashion that would almost the cartoonishly ridiculous would it not have had the immersiveness of the dream. All staring. And they’re droning, all in unison, something I don’t remember. I’m dream universe, I was aware of this being the consequences of failing my mission, being sentenced to working as the librarian at that school forever.
Later cuts to me in the car with my mom, talking about my „demotion”, ig. I mention the fact that the blonde haired teacher lady ACCUSED me of drinking the alcohol myself and that being the reason for my lateness, since I was much too embarrassed to admit to what actually happened. I, of course fervently denied the allegation as it was obviously something I’d never do. To which she patronisingly continued to not believe me, „reassuring” that it was „understandable” for someone my age. A statement, much to my disappointment and disbelief, my mother echoed. She would not believe me either. The whole thing had very „fallen Angel” vibes so I guess it had that going for it in the metaphorical department
Then, for some reason, we were walking through and out of an apartment complex, one of many in a line, though this one had a straight line on path towards a bridge…over a completely dark abyss. A huge one, too. Apparently, this was a normal occurrence of getting home every day(one could make out the end of the bridge, and it didn’t look particularly damaged, but it sure as hell wasn’t sturdy(it was one of those hanging rope ones). We start going through, and I just hear this bellowing howl from within the abyss. We begin to stagger back, obviously, but out of the corner of my eye, towards the edge of the abyss, on a sort of shore, I notice a…mass? No, a body. It’s really pale, white, like completely with a greyish hue, and curled up in such a way I can’t make out a head, but I wouldn’t be suprised if it was bald.
I am horrified, instinctually so. Like I just, KNOW that it will begin to chase us and something HORRIBLE will happen if it should get to us. As I begin to audibly go into hysterics(ie „oh god, oh god, what the fuck, oh god” etc) it begins to move, jerking in in-human ways, as I sprint for it. At first, my mom has the idea to try to duck behind and hide behind some of the apartment complex’s walls, (they were irregular, not lined up smoothly, with a section pertruding forward in the middle of each one) but I just knew it wouldn’t work. In hindsight, I thought my screaming had already set off it’s instincts and it was after us anyway. I eventually let go of my mom’s hand, and keep running. At this point, I was already like, half-dreaming, half-imagining it, as I was already gradually waking up so I kinda just had a „man, fuck this” moment and fully pulled myself out of the dream.
Had the sneaking feeling it COULD turn out to still be right behind me towering over my bed(I was turned towards the wall) l, so I did many a reality checks, a double-reality checks to make sure I was fully awake and wasn’t in for another round via false-awakening. I wasn’t.
Dude, when I tell you it was fucked up. One of those nightmares you wake up hyperventilating from. Eurghhh
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wisemins · 8 months
I love hearing about kny ocs and now I have to ask
1. what inspired you/your s/i to become demon slayer?
2. how did your s/i learn their breathing style? did they come up with it themselves like shinobu and mitsuri or was there someone in their life to teach them🤔
3. (obligatory blorbo ask) when/how did you and zenitsu meet?👀
sorry for the spam!
I love love love these questions!! I'll always be down to talk about my demon slayer lore! Warning, this is going to be LOOOONGGG
So, canonically speaking, I was traveling the world with an OC f/o (Their name is Rin, they appear in a lot of my canons across universes, they're a sort of guardian figure! I don't quite...know their gender. I use they/he pronouns for them though.), and they decided to go back home, which is Japan. They met me while they were in America, basically took me under their wing and introduced me to all sorts of things. Going back home with them I discovered they had lived a whole other life they didn't quite tell me about, but I was now learning that they were once the Wind Hashira for the Demon Slayer Corps. Rin introduced me to his previous fellow colleague, Jigoro, aka Zenitsu's pseudo gramps! I learned a lot when I stayed with Jigoro, and I met Zenitsu and learned about his hardships, and I felt absolutely horrible over the fact that his parents were perfectly okay in pawning him off and basically disowning him, and sympathizing since I have my own experience with feeling those feelings toward parents. I witnessed the training, how grueling it was, and learned of the presence of demons. It was terrifying, but I was even more horrified that this poor boy was going to go through that all alone. And Rin saw that resolve I had, and the sudden need for me to take care of Zenitsu. They then had the idea that maybe I should join him in the league's of becoming a demon slayer, to help Zenitsu in his journey to protect people and to show him that he is capable of great things. Jigoro thought this was a good idea, since Zenitsu and I had already grown very close in the time that I was there, and I cared about him so much. They could see that, so in secret Rin began to train me personally behind the scenes. It was just as grueling if not more for me to train, and eventually I wanted to give in to the thought of giving up because I had no confidence in myself to become strong or powerful. It was also very hard for Rin to try and prove to me that there was potential, but one night they witnessed it. *I was sleep walking, and training in my sleep, miraculously. I was subconsciously motivated and in my sleep started to act out how I wanted to be*. Rin thought it to be the craziest, yet somehow most funny thing in the world. He had found a way to make me believe in my abilities. In that moment the Dream Breathing style was born, and I eventually got recognized as the Dream Hashira (derived from wind) down the line before Zenitsu got into the corps in record time. (time is a bit funky, don't know the exacts of it all but trust me bro) During the realization though on Rin's part, started the new separate ideas, the subliminal phrases in my sleep, the full-proof way to make sure I would always dream lucidly and perceive the world around me as it was within my dreams. Of course, there were things present that weren't actually there, as I was dreaming, but the intended affect of a dream allowing me to do things I would not be able to do (or believed I couldn't do) in real life would suddenly manifest outwardly as they did in my mind. Sometimes I would come back completely aware, and other times I wouldn't recall that it even happened. Sometimes it felt like sleep paralysis, like watching it happen but having no control, and other times it would feel like I wasn't even unconscious. It was confusing and disorienting at times, but it made me stronger and more capable than I had ever thought I could be. And it gave me the drive I needed to continue my training, even if I wasn't the most fit or adept in real life, I would push through via the strength allowed during dreams.
That very fact though, caused other issues. Over exertion, tearing/pulling muscles, not feeling pain until I'm out of it, and also not being able to stop when near fatally wounded. I cannot perceive injuries as potently as you would when you're awake. So, in that dreamscape, I feel invincible because I can imagine as much. This is very dangerous, which brings up a lot of worry and a pattern of injury on my part when the series gets further into the tougher situations. Other Hashira/demon slayers have had to help bring me out of it with certain call-outs that trained me to awake or snap out of it if need be, or there are elixirs made to do the same thing if that does not work. Giyuu volunteered at some point to be the sole person to do this, since he wanted to make sure I was safe, and didn't trust others enough to make that call in a time of need. In perfect circumstances, I can wake myself up, but alas, for story purposes that becomes harder and harder the more I face enemies and end up getting injured. It's very easy to want to stay in a dream-like state when you know you can unlock so much potential and really put a demon in the ground with abilities you don't even know you can have. But sometimes those are just dreams, and I end up doing things that are quite literally impossible even in that state, and I get put into dangerous situations. Quite a few Hashira don't like working with me for these reasons, they think it's too tedious, and I should just train normally and be...well, normal about it. Some believe that I'm a liability, and shouldn't have become a Hashira in the first place, but I have to just trust that the right choice was made and that those who do support me will continue to. Giyuu obviously does, and so does Mitsuri and Kyojuro (besties). Shinobu is very special for the reason that though she believes sometimes that it's an unethical way to fight demons, she helps me regardless. She'll make elixirs, and other things to help my case. She's one of the few who doesn't refuse to work with me. The rest though have their own qualms, which is fine with me. I still enjoy spending time with them outside of work. We just don't get along in terms of getting work done. TLDR answers; 1. To protect Zenitsu!
2. Rin had the idea, but we both worked on perfecting it!
3. I met Zenitsu very early on in his training when staying with Jigoro! So yeah!! I hope that covered all the bases, I'm always willing to talk about even more!! I tend to talk a lot about my modern AU and it made me realize I really haven't spoken about mainline all that much! TYSM FOR ASKINGGGG I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCHHH <333
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unwillingwriter · 1 year
We’ll Heal Together
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Summary: Trauma is Trauma. They all will help each other and not abandon each other. |Takes place after LoversLane.|
Author: I was very Tired when I wrote this.
How do you love, without getting hurt?. How can you put yourself out there without getting hurt?.
She was kind, funny and sweet. So why did she want the brute?. The angry quiet destructive bad boy?.
Or so Garroth thought when he first saw and met Aaron. He will admit he was unfair— it was unfair of him to judge straight off the bat— it wasn’t fair that he picked him out to be a horrible person.
If he didn’t like that people did that to his baby brother— why would he do it to someone else?.
Garroth wishes time travel exists so he can go back in time to his younger self and force his sophomore self to go talk to the quiet boy and invite him to have lunch so he doesn’t sit in the corner all by himself. Probably smack him in the back of his head while he’s at it and say ‘quit being an assclown and go talk to him’.
But he can’t, he can only stay in the now— and the now wasn’t really the best at the moment.
They were home.
They were finally home— back on MyStreet!.
All of them!.
Even Travis and Aphmau…
It’s been a couple of months since lovers lane- Nine to be exact. Aphmau and Travis had made great recovery but of course with how all their lives go— no one is fully out of the mess that they’ve been through without a few issues. Travis has developed sleep paralysis along with severe migraines that feel like his head might explode— the white hair male didn’t say this himself but… the group believes that Travis has developed voices in his head due to all of them witnessing Travis muttering to himself to the point of getting frustrated.
The first to witness this was Dante. And Dante told Lucinda- Lucinda told Zane- Zane told Nana who told Katelyn- Katelyn told Kim who then told Garroth.
Explaining what had happened to all of them was hard to tell Dante the blue-haired man looked as if he was lost and absolutely terrified for all of them.
They all went to Aphmau together and told her about it. She had given them all a gentle pained smile saying she knows and that he does.
They didn’t know how to feel after being confirmed about it.
Travis also suffers from night terrors- sever at that to the point he fights in his sleep once giving Dante a black eye because of it. That caused Travis to lock his room door at night.
Aphmau, Aphmau suffers from chest pain- to the point it feels as if it’s on fire— rainy days are when it’s at its worst though. It makes the raw flesh itch, which drives her crazy.
Nana is her caregiver at the time being.
Nana is also suffering from the same kind of pain.
But as a whole— they all suffer from nightmares, they all suffer from PTSD- they all jump at the sound of fireworks or someone knocking at their door. Fear of being hunted down once again.
Kim bunks with Lucinda- Katelyn stays with her father and KC.
Zane stays at Aphmaus to help Nana watch over her.
Aaron… Well Aaron stays with Melissa. She moved them to New York for the time being— but of course not without keeping them updated with the Ultima and his progress of his own healing.
Garroth's head was spinning from thinking about it all. If Zane was here he’d probably say ‘quit thinking so much you’re gonna hurt yourself you idiot.’
The blonde smiled at the thought. Oddly enough he misses the way Zane would insult him.
And Vylad… Irene when they returned home he had never seen so much distraught in his brother's eyes before. The way he didn’t hesitate to hug Zane for once due to the fact his brother hates physical touch. It broke him, it broke both of the ro'meave brothers seeing the way their youngest brother broke down in their arms. He said seeing them on the news made his soul leave his body and pray to Irene that he wouldn’t lose them or their parents.
An hour- an hour of constant touching from him, touching them— their mother trying to sooth him that they’re okay and not gonna leave him behind.
Vylad was so distracted from his fear and relief that he didn’t notice his oldest brother had ears and a tail.
Funny enough what got the poor boy to calm down was a straight up hug from Zane when they got to a safe area where everyone could actually sit down. Zane Ro'meave, the man who hates touching hugged their baby brother first he even pulled his mask down to drop a kiss onto his curly brown hair whispering into it— Garroth respected their privacy by tucking his ears down so he doesn’t accidentally listen. Whatever Zane said made Vylad nod, hugging him tighter.
The blonde sighed, rubbing his face, scratching his newly grown beard— something he decided to let be.
It was 10pm and he couldn’t sleep, awoken by his inner demons chasing him within his nightmares.
He wanted to see if he could go back to sleep but something in him wouldn’t let him so he just took it as a sign not to try. It’s probably for the best anyway…
They’ll heal… they will and they will do it together no matter how long it takes.
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otaku-tactician · 2 years
My Sleep Paralysis Demon: An In-Depth Study
A few years ago, I posted an image of the goddess I saw in a dream. But actually, I have experienced a much deadlier presence during my sleep paralysis and dream episodes...a dude who has been consistently by my side for years (and has me convinced that I may actually be fucking insane seeing as he's still here). Say hello to the epitome of inner turmoil, my sleep paralysis demon!
This character has been haunting me for almost 8 years of sleep paralysis HELL!! He shape-shifts a heck of a lot into a shitload of different forms that he abandons on a whim, and recently adapted to look like another anime character but luckily he dropped that form XD However, he seems to like taking the form of one particularly popular character the most. That is also his default appearance- it's basically the knock-off version of a certain fate character (it will become pretty apparent who he's picked once you see some of his forms).
But anyway, this guy appears in a lot of my nightmares etc. Worst is when I'm in half asleep sleep paralysis mode, he becomes like a full presence that can talk and everything. Also, his presence feels like thorns that bite into the skin (pretty creepy).
First up is his first form. This form comes out whenever his favorite popular anime man disguise falls off, and it looks like a vampire cosplay.
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Form One- Duke Megalovania Grimhield VI
Bro, even his name is fake.
This form is the one he takes whenever he wishes to sneer in my face in my dreams- like a 'haha KONO DUKE MEGALOVANIA DA!!' moment. This guy is smug and annoying, but that's actually just a way to cover up his hidden insecurities. He says he wants to be adored, dominant and loved by everyone.
Form Two- War Maiden
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I don't know much about this form, other than the fact that she tried to give me psychological damage in a nightmare about my past that was completely inaccurate to my past (she made it all up?!) In fact, I did not even draw her properly (I forgot her hairstyle). This form loves warfare and battle, a complete military maniac. However this form was abandoned after only ONE DREAM. He only adopted this form to play havoc, but as it didn't work out; he abandoned her like a moldy slice of toast.
Form Three- Thirsty Angel
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If he was on Instagram, he would be the KING of Thirst Traps. This form only appeared twice, mainly to inflict sleep paralysis trauma :(
He reminds me of Matou Shinji, which is definitely not a good thing. However, unlike Matou Shinji he does not have much of a personality. To him, his appearance and seductiveness is what reigns supreme to him. -.- I think he chose this form to try and deceive me, and it worked very well. He is a MASSIVE SADIST, he derives great pleasure from mind-breakingly skillful betrayal.
Form THREE POINT FIVE- Thirsty Angel is Actually a DEMON
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This is another one of his 'fake true forms'- basically he reveals an alleged true form which ends up not being true at all. He is like a Matryoshka Doll. In this form, he grew a pair of black horns, and the scar on the right side of his face feels like sandpaper to the touch (it is very scratchy so be careful!)
This form of his is very insecure, like a 'little meow meow'. He mainly spends his time lamenting over his need to be loved and valued in this form- its a very melancholy side to him. He feels very self-conscious about his appearence in this form, and is worried that he looks ugly (if only he knew about monster fuckers). In addition to this, I would state that this form looks incredibly similar to a truly demonic terrifying beast form of his that is over 10 ft tall and has ridiculously long black nails (worst sleep paralysis nightmare ive ever had btw).
Form Four- 'I'M SLEEPY GTFO'
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This is the form that he takes whenever he haphazardly pulls an appearance together. As he tends to focus on having his pussy pop as much as possible, this form is as rare a sighting as a blizzard in the midst of summer- blink twice and its gone!
In nightmares with this form, he is super grumpy and doesn't resort to his usual charm tactics at all; which gives the impression that this is what my sleep paralysis demon is like when he's sleepy and has no energy. This form is also extremely desperate, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his dreams and exert his innermost desires.
Form Five- Inner World Form
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Whenever I do visual meditation, I see this guy. I cannot explore my inner world without seeing him nearby. On default, he takes the appearance of a certain anime guy, but oftentimes his demonic nature takes hold and manipulates his appearance into this slightly more malevolent exterior.
This is his most nonchalant form, most likely as a means of respecting my inner space. This form enjoys taking casual strolls by the beach, talking about life and sharing hugs. However, he almost trapped me within an abyss in one meditation episode, so he can't be trusted either (you'd never guess with how affectionate he can be in this form). dude i sound completely bonkers writing this
However, thanks to him...meditation is pretty hard to do sometimes.
Form Six- Deity Form
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This form is really surreal. His main symbol is that of the grape (and its for reasons that are too absurd for me to disclose). Despite being a shining deity, he is incredibly mysterious and evasive, so it's hard to get to understand him. He also roasts like hell in this form, and can be pretty cruel (well he is the same existence as the others, after all). ALSO THAT OUTFIT!!! HE IS BASICALLY COSPLAYING AGAIN!!!
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This form makes it pretty clear what Fate character he was inspired by...it is the greatest shame of my life to know that my sleep paralysis demon has exactly the same favorite character as me XD
This form is the ultimate cumulation of all of his other forms. In this form, he is dominant. He doesn't worry about being unloved or neglected. He turns on the charm to a bedazzling degree. However, actually that is not true. He is every bit as insecure, possessive and controlling in this form as he is in all of his other forms. This grand appearance is nothing but a filter for him to cover up the pain that he goes to such great lengths to avoid. This guy works really hard to control how he is viewed- to even the most minute details.
Basically, in this form; he DOES NOT WANT TO BE PERCIEVED AT ALL. Just to be admired and desired, to rule over others. That is the true function of his ultimate sadistic form.
Also wow his hair is super long! And his horns are massive! And his high heels are actually made up of three massive spikes. YES, HE WALKS ON METAL SPIKES.
In order to make sense of his two main appearances, I made a guide to showcase his deity side and demonic side. Those are the sides he likes to swap between whenever his main disguise as a certain anime character fails him. However, sometimes he can appear as just light and a shadow as well.
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And then finally, here are some forms that he used only a few times for the sole purpose of being the worst sleep paralysis demon to strike my nightmares :(
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Form on the left- some guy with white hair that pretended to be an angel soulmate
Dude in the middle- used for a nightmare
Dude on the right- WHO IS HE!
I hope you enjoyed my sleep paralysis demon showcase as much as I did ^^
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aestherin · 2 years
Hi! Since you want to lucid dream but are scared of sleep paralysis-
First of all, don’t worry lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis are totally separate. (Well maybe not TOTALLY).
Lucid dreaming is when you have a dream but you are aware that you’re dreaming. You can manipulate it by changing the environment etc.
Sleep paralysis is when your body is in a state of paralysis when reaching in the middle of 2-3rd stage of sleep, but you mind is still conscious.
You can open your eyes and move maybe a finger or a toe at max. You will start hallucinating demons, hear whispers, feel something on-top of you etc while being totally paralysed and unable to move.
I have been having sleep paralysis since I was very young and didn’t even know it was a thing. I genuinely thought I was possessed. Somehow to counter that I developed the ability to lucid dream separately.
Sleep paralysis was absolutely terrifying for me because I didn’t know what it even was and never could even ask someone about it. Until I took to the internet to educated myself about it.
That was also when I learnt that I know how to lucid dream and apparently not every-one can control their dream.
Thats when I had the genius idea to combine my lucid dream ability to my sleep paralysis. Now that’s what I do.
Basically, it’s sounds goofy but I have demons chasing after me etc etc and I have give my “dream” self combat abilities or powers to help me. I do realise that none of it’s real but in the heat of the moment I do so anyway because it’s absolutely terrifying. Usually they only last 3-4 minutes but I swear they feeling like hours and always in the end I start panicking about why it hasn’t ended yet!
Anyways, lucid dreaming can be taught, and your chances of triggering a sleep paralysis from it is highly minuscule. I have been practicing it for 10 years now, I definitely recommend you to give it a shot because it’s the coolest thing ever! Start of simple by making it night or day and other small things. If you do find yourself in a sleep paralysis—Close your eyes and ignore any whispers or sounds…
10 years?! that's a long time omg
tbh i actually think i have experienced sleep paralysis once (i think my mind just blocked it off bc it was unpleasant) and i never wanna experience it again it was terrifying😭
but aaaa lucid dreaming sounds so fun!! however i dont often have dreams (which is honestly fine by me since im scared of having nightmares too😭)
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angelcatsiel · 7 months
Just woke up from a terrifying dream. It's quite blurry now, but I was with some people who had opened a doorway to another dimension.
It was basically the same kind of concept as the backrooms, but it was kind of like an endless shopping centre, and endless streets that looked like they were leading to a car park but kind of didn't go anywhere, an endless grid of them when we were outside. The people I was with kept opening more doors, and going further in, and the whole time, I knew we were doing something we shouldn't. I wanted to stop, I had such a bad feeling of dread, but somehow I also knew it was too late from the moment we'd opened the first door.
We found some sort of creature, I can't even really describe it, it was small and dark and scuttled along, I never got a good look. One guy I was with started following it, chasing it, I wanted to leave so badly but didn't want to leave him alone. I followed him, and the next thing I knew there were more creatures, much bigger. Again, I can't really describe them. Dark, twisted, decaying; the only thing that did stand out were these huge, shining claws. We were running, but we were lost. I thought we came out back in the real world, but I'm not sure. There were hundreds of people, running and screaming, and being torn apart. They were dying in horrible pain, these things ripping off arms and legs, tearing them open.
It was like I was running through this endless shopping centre with these long, long hallways that were always dimly lit by the shops close to me but dark everywhere else, with impossible twists and turns. I found one that turned on its side, so it was literally just a huge drop. I decided I'd rather kill myself quick than be torn apart. I threw myself in the hole, head first, and landed with an awful crunch and a split second of bright pain in my neck, and then it all went black.
I woke up in my bed, shaking, terrified, thinking, thank fuck, it was a dream, it wasn't real. And I was lying there for a long minute, and then, suddenly, I felt cold claws grab my arm, and claws scratching at my throat.
I screamed, and tried to move, to get away, but I couldn't. I think I was in sleep paralysis. I could kind of move a tiny bit, with a huge amount of difficulty, enough to just sort of curl in on myself a little, trying to protect my neck, trying to scream for my dad, for someone, anyone to help me. The claws vanished, and then grabbed at me again, sharp and cold and trying to tear at my skin as I kept trying to scream, but again, it took every scrap of concentration and strength to even make a sound. And then, finally, my alarm went off, and I woke up properly.
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Someone in the comments of a Youtube video pointed out that Tartini's account of how he composed "The Devil's Trill" sounds like he had an episode of sleep paralysis that morphed into a lucid dream and it kinda stopped me in my tracks because I'd never heard anyone else confirm that was a thing that can happen. I've totally had that happen to me. But uhhhh... given my own personal experience I now have a VERY different take on what Tartini means when he says "everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire".
Oh God, am I telling this story? I guess I'm telling this story. Buckle in for some stuff that sounds very wooey-woo (but probably isn't), this is where shit gets weird.
Because I was a strange and off-putting child, I read the entire-ass Time Life Mysteries of The Unknown series when it came out. I'm pretty sure that was where I first heard about the idea of creating a Theosophical tulpa and how it could blur the lines between actual haunting/seance and psychological phenomena. In my teen years I had resigned myself to the idea that I was going to be Forever Alone because there was something wrong with me, etc. etc. and out of desperation I decided to try and manifest some kind of incubus thing through sheer force of will. Keep in mind my parents were making me attend a very conservative Baptist church at this point in my life and they probably would have considered this witchcraft. I'm pretty sure I had some cognitive dissonance about it but church was a miserable time anyway and it absolutely did not stop me, LOL.
I won't pretend I had any sort of exceptional gift for meditation or whatever the fuck is thought to be required to manifest a thoughtform. But through some combination of chronic sleep deprivation and the deep wish to be less lonely I successfully induced my own sleep paralysis episodes.
You may have heard that a common symptom of sleep paralysis, besides being unable to move, is the feeling that someone else is present in the room with you. Usually that aspect of a sleep paralysis episode is described as terrifying. Apparently if you're pathetic enough it's kind of exciting! It helps if they're hot. And a fun part about the whole incubus/succubus thing is that they can change genders at will, which this one definitely did just to mess with my closeted-ass head from time to time!
And the thing is, these episodes would start out with the sleep paralysis but quickly turn into lucid dreams where I was still aware on some level that my actual body wasn't moving but it felt like some kind of astral-projection version of me could. The tactile aspect of these dreams always blew me away--ahem.
It wasn't even all just hot sex, there was this dimension to it all that I'd call quasi-spiritual: a level of connection there that isn't possible in the real world with other real humans--it makes sense that it's only possible to have that with something that is/was in some way part of your own psyche. (And this was all something happening in my brain, of that I'm sure. There's no reason to believe that my childhood house was haunted; moreover, these episodes continued even after I moved away for college.)
But also... holy cow was all of this rocket fuel for my own creativity. I definitely had moments of waking up and scrambling for a pencil and paper and I mean, tell me this doesn't sound like the same thing that happened to Tartini. So yeah, I'm never looking at The Devil's Trill the same way again. Hell, I hadn't even considered learning it because it's beyond my current skill level, but realizing I may have a sort of weird connection with this piece is causing me to consider trying anyway.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
good morning chami <33
just woke up and now i have to go work at my silly little part time job :// school also begins for me tomorrow so now i’ll be a working student!! (ahaha save me)
i don’t even get sleep paralysis, but what about a sleep paralysis demon yan… one that initially scares the sh!t out of you one night when you wake up and see it out of the corner of your eye… it’s a dark, shadowy figure, vaguely human, but you can tell it’s looking at you. you’re freaking out but you also have been dealing with sleep paralysis for a while, so this encounter isn’t entirely unexpected, thank god. you’ve just never seen a figure before today.
each night it seems to get a little closer. sometimes, as you drift off to sleep, you can almost hear little whispers of awe and praise, but you’re certain you’re hearing things. the closest it’s ever gotten was at the foot of your bed, just looking at you expectantly, but never moving closer. like a good dog being told to wait. honestly, some fucked up part of your brain is telling you that it’s a little cute, always staring at you but never doing much more. you even managed to smile a little bit during one night, and it definitely wasn’t expecting you to look at it so fondly, because it looked shocked (as shocked as a wispy demon could be) and promptly disappeared. it came back the next night of course, but it was back to its original far corner of your room.
maybe it’s a little shy??
- sunny <3
entities,,,, <3 also, good... day? night? idk my sleep schedule is all over the place lol but i hope youve had a pleasant time at work! (and sorry it took me so long to get to this!)
but, well, i imagine paralysis demon yan being pretty one dimensional (pun intended!).... are sleep paralysis demons one dimensional..? mine kinda were! i think. i kinda blocked that out as much as i could! it was weird.
anyway!!!!! this is a good idea, i just don't seem to have the type of creativity to really build off of it! (if someone is reading this and does, pls pls build off of it, i will kiss you consentually) but i think it'd be fuckin terrifying to wake up and just see them laying next to you, hearing distorted panting, seeing their form squirm more than ever and they're just. staring at you.
you know that video game with the sleep paralysis demon that whispers to you? i think itd kinda be like that!! batshit terrifying. and scary. but you kinda just get used to it after a while and, well, sometimes they manage to move your blankets back into place or pick up a pillow/stuffed animal you dropped and tuck it back into your arms, sometimes you wake up with your hair in a more protective style if you went to sleep without one (highly recommend looking up sleeping hairstyles for all hair types, saved me SO MUCH time and tangles!!!)and yea, sometimes you see them when you're awake and yeah, sometimes you overhear someone who was rude to you talking about having terrifying sleep paralysis even though they've never had that issue before and yeah, if you leave snacks out specifically for them with a note attached to clarify it's for them, they're gone in the morning and yea, sometimes you can see them trying to push you down and tuck you in when you stay up too late but those are minor things!!! everyone has a completely crazy moment in their life where they have a very intense delusion their sleep paralysis demon is in love with them, right???? hahahaha (poor darling omg)
and i hope you're into somno cause that's the only way you'll be able to have sex with em. i mean, y'all've tried doing it without you falling asleep but it just leaves both of you wanting more. the faint tickly feelings that could maybe possibly be them touching you in the pitch black darkness of your room just isn't enough! and everytime y'all try, poor Yan just sits by the edge of your bed, pouting... maybe. it's hard to tell cause of the lack of a proper human face.
and just laying there while they touch you has GOT to be trippy. cause you're aware of it but also not? like being mostly asleep and unable to tell what's a dream and what's reality and you're just so comfy and warm that you don't care which is which, as long as you get to stay in bed <3
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