#also fun is that cuddy from house is in the show which is a fun link between Holmes shows
icklewolfiekins · 2 years
I’m still on the Sherlock Holmes thing and I just. I love in Elementary how frequently the person driving the plot is just like one of the Most famous people from musicals. Episode about bees? Sutton Foster. Lucy Liu’s Watson’s back story? Jeremy Jordan. Holmes used to write letters to Laura Benanti! Vinnie Jones from Galavant is in it! It’s a veritable who’s who of the musically gifted and I’m obsessed
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thatgenericwriter · 4 months
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Paring: Gregory House x gn! reader
Summary: reader is a mortician at the hospital and gets into a little bet with House
Warnings: House (no explanation needed) and some swearing
Word Count: 1.1k
P.S. based on the request by @ryoiii (I'm sorry this took me so long to do I'm trying my hardest)
Life was pretty mundane at your new job as a mortician at Princeton Plainsboro's Teaching Hospital. Being new to the city and hoping for a fresh start was fine, but man was it boring. Just you alone with your thoughts down in the basement of a huge hospital.
Until one day you met House in the cafeteria. He was sitting with Wilson, the doctor that Cuddy had assigned to show you around on your first day. You two had grown close over the two weeks you had been there. You would hang out in his office when there was nothing for you to do. And you guys would have lunch together most days. You saw him as the only friend you had made so far.
So it was no surprise when he called you over to his table after you got your food.
"Hey y/n, come sit!" You smile at Wilson and make your way over, taking note of the grumpy looking man, whom you assumed was Wilson's friend Dr. Gregory House. Which was made certain when you saw his cane leaning against his chair.
"Wilson! Paying to have your "friends of the night" visit you at work? That's low even by my standards!" Wilson slaps House's shoulder and scolds him before turning to look at you apologetically.
"It's okay Willson. House is just jealous because he knows he will never be able to afford me." You revel in the questioning look on House's face and the shocked look on Wilson's as you sit down on the chair next to him.
You open your yogurt container and take a bite before looking between House and Wilson questioningly.
"What? Can't handle the truth?" House smirks at you while Wilson sighs loudly beside you.
"Great another House. Just what I needed." Wilson shakes his head solemnly from beside you as you lean back in your chair eyeing the man across from you. 'This is going to be fun.'
Ever since your encounter with House in the cafeteria a few weeks ago, you two have become inseparable. Whenever you don't have a body to tend to in the morgue you're in House's office. His fellows have become accustomed to seeing you in House's yellow chair tossing his ball around or doodling on his whiteboard.
They have also come to learn that if House is nowhere to be found, he is most likely down in the morgue with you. Which is where they found him today. But instead of finding him in deep discussion with you, they walk in on the two of you fighting.
"You can not have one of the bodies! Especially not with the intention of shooting them in the fucking head!" You went along with all of House's stupid ideas (that's what made him fun), but this was crossing a line. A line that put your job on the chopping block.
House was acting like the man-child he is, actually stomping his foot at you and crossing his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"But mommy please!" He had the audacity to stick his bottom lip out at you and that was your last straw. You look at him blankly and walk past him to the doors.
"Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore." You swiftly walk past his fellows who look at you with pity written all over their faces. You paid no mind to them and continued to the elevators. The last thing you saw before the doors slid closed was House staring at you with a look on his face that you'd never seen from him before. Remorse.
That was about an hour ago. Now you are sprawled across Wilson's couch in his office chatting with him about the most random stuff. That was until the door slowly opened and House walked through.
You turn and face away from him not ready to talk to him quite yet. However, that didn't deter him from talking to you.
"I just came to say that I talked to Cuddy and made it known that anything I do should not affect your job. And that I will take responsibility for anything I do that involves the morgue." This was a surprise to you, and also to Wilson according to his face. When you still didn't turn to face House he continued.
"I also wanted to apologize to you for trying to make you do something you didn't want to get involved with." At this point, Wilson was sure he was having a stroke and you were sure that you had completely fallen for House.
You had been fighting the idea of having a crush on House since the very first week of being with him. Hearing about his lack of emotions and empathy for others strayed you away from pursuing a relationship with him. But after him taking responsibility for his actions and apologizing to you, how could you stay away?
You turn to him with the coldest look on your face that you could manage. "You think you can just come in here and give some half-ass apology and believe that I would forgive you just like that!"
You relish in the confused expression on Wilson's and House's faces before bursting out in laughter.
"Of course I forgive you ya goof!" You jump off of the couch and grab his hand pulling him out of the office.
"I bet ya his head explodes!" Slowing down to a speed that House can keep up with comfortably, you start to pull your hand away. House stops you, however, by interlocking his fingers with yours.
"I bet you he doesn't scream no matter what happens." House pushes the down button to call for the elevator with his cane before looking at you. You smile back at him and bump your hip with his slightly.
"That's not fair he's dead!" He smiles at you and bumps your hip back. The elevator dings and opens to reveal all of his fellows who walk out informing House that their "patient" is ready to be scanned. You watch as their jaws drop when they notice your intertwined hands.
You giggle and follow House into the elevator waving goodbye to his fellows as the doors slide shut.
"They are never going to stop talking about this." He looks at you and smirks.
"I guess I'm just going to have to hide out in the morgue more often. I wonder if there is someone alive in there to keep me company?" You smile at him pretending to ponder on his question.
"I think I know someone who works there that might be interesting to talk to." The elevator dings and the doors slide open. You pull House once again and start making your way to the MRI lab.
"Enough sappy stuff! Let's go kill a dead guy!" You look back at House and he just shakes his head at you affectionately.
Author's Note: Guys im finaly done with school! (at least for the summer) and I'm planning on writing a lot more! please leave some asks and be patient with me as I am trying my best here😭😭😭
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comicwritesstuff · 5 months
okay this is so incredibly specific so please feel free to ignore BUT i’ve been wanting to read a fic for ages where the reader is Chase’s childhood best friend from Australia and she moves to New Jersey for a fresh start. She’s staying with Chase while she gets settled, and one day she comes to visit him at lunch at the hospital, where she ends up meeting House and he’s… intrigued by her 👀 either romantic or smut would be so very cool :^D <33 💐
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Gregory House x Fem!Chases bsf!Reader
Warnings: None really, just cussing and tooth rotting fluff >:) 3k+ words.
Chase's POV: 
“Well I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I think you're really-” My attention shifted as y/n's call lit up my phone, interrupting the conversation. It was a more pressing matter than pursuing a one-night stand.
“Excuse me for a moment.” I say walking away, the woman having an annoyed look on her face. 
I answer the phone.
“Hello, y/n? Whats up” 
“Chase! Long time no talk haha.”
“You called me yesterday.”
“Learn to take a joke, anyways, I have some exciting news for you.”
“I’m moving to New Jersey!!” 
“Wait what? Really?”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to tell you and i'm actually at the airport right now, so I hope you aren't busy tomorrow so you can pick me up.”
“Wow, um alright, yeah I can pick you up, do you have a place to stay?"
“Um…no…” I sigh, “Just stay at mine for now.”
“Don't even with the sigh i’ve known you my whole life you can put the nightly hookups on hold for your best friend.” 
I smirk and shake my head, “Yeah yeah, I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n” 
Y/N’s POV:
I smile as I hang up with Chase, grabbing my luggage and pulling it along the airport. Ahh yes, crying babies, rushed parents, annoying couples and that one insanely attractive person you see for a split second, I love the airport. 
Glancing at my ticket I realize I might have to hurry to make it to the gate, speed walking I see a text from chase, “Have a safe flight.” Let's hope so. 
Time skip (to lazy to write all the details about fucking airports)
Relaxing on a 21-hour flight proved challenging, especially with a toddler nearby. It was unclear whether the toddler would be a source of annoyance or just be tolerable. The flight just started. So to entertain myself I decide to do some digging about Chase's job, he brags about it all the time and the infamous Dr Gregory House. To be honest I thought Chase was gay for a little while with how much he talks about him. Still speculating. 
The plane lifts off and I start my look, at first just looking up Gregory House, a surprising amount of things show up. An article titled, “Gregory House, Talented Doctor? Or a lying Narcissist?” Oh well that's a good first impression.   
Scrolling down I see another article, “The world's greatest doctor, and his deepest secrets” 
Now that's enticing. I click on it only to find out his deepest secrets, including using 3 in one shampoo and how his leg got hurt. I guess people hardly know anything about him. I click on the photos of him, there's only a couple, most of them blurry but to be honest he's pretty good looking from the photos I can see. I’d honestly be gay for him if I was Chase. 
The toddler next to me starts giggling, I glance at her and notice her staring at a picture of House. She's kicking her feet too. That's so relatable. 
For the rest of the flight I find some stuff about this guy named Taub, who somehow also figured out that he cheated on his wife which is why he had to quit. How did I find that out? I took a coding class in 8th grade. (I got lucky) 
Lisa Cuddy the Dean of Medicine, unfortunately only good stuff about her, boring. 
Remy Hadley, oddly, can't find anything on her. 
Eric Foreman, his brothers in jail, fun. 
And the others are just as boring. For the remainder of the flight, the toddler proved surprisingly chill. I passed the time by binge-watching random movies I had downloaded earlier
*Another time skip to plane landing* 
Finally, 21 hours on a fucking plane is horrible. 
I check my phone after I take it off airplane mode, seeing a text from chase a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m at the airport, is your flight done?”
“Yep, wya.”
“I’m parked in the front.”
“That's specific” 
“There's no other front dumbass”
I roll my eyes at his text, and get off the plane as soon as I can. I walk out and see Chase standing outside his car waiting for me. His eyes light up as he spots me, and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to resist, I rush forward and envelop him in a bear hug.
“Man you’re a lot uglier in person” 
I say jokingly, smirking.
“Oh shut up”  
We climbed into his car, and he drove us back to his apartment. When we arrive he helps get my crap into the house, before he gets a call saying he had to head to work. 
Eventually a week or two passes, I've gotten more comfortable in his apartment, applied for a bunch of jobs, and looked for places to stay so I’m not invading his “man” space anymore. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of options, and no jobs have replied to my applications, which is weird since im overqualified, it's almost like they aren’t even getting my applications in the first place. 
I’m doing the dishes when I get a text from Chase.
“Hey, I left my wallet on the counter, so I don’t have money for food, could ya bring it for me?” 
“See you soon”
I breathe out a laugh and grab his wallet, putting a coat on then driving to the hospital. 
When I get there I walk in, looking around before I call Chase, “Where do I go this place is huge” I can hear talking in the background, actually more like arguing. “Uhm just wait at the entrance i’ll be right there.” He says in a whisper.
He hangs up so I just stand there awkwardly waiting, that was a weird ass phone call. To be fair Chase is a weird ass guy with weird ass coworkers so what do I expect at this point. 
Before I see Chase I see Dr Gregory House, limping quickly towards me. And damn he’s even hotter in person than the pictures I saw of him. 
“Hey, no time to explain, you need to come with me.” He grabs my arm dragging me into the elevator. Before it closes I see Chase come out of the stairway, he sprints towards the elevator but it closes. I hear him trying to say something, but it's muffled and I can’t understand it. Wait why the fuck did I even follow House? 
“You're real compliant, you’d make a great hooker.” 
I turn around and side eye him.
“Thanks, so would you.” I say giving a fake smile. 
“Speaking of compliant, why did you drag me away from Chase? What's going on?’’
“I made a bet with Chase.”
“That's really specific and helpful thanks” 
“Oh yeah no problem” 
Sarcastic asshole. 
“If you don’t tell me, I'll stop following you and go with Chase.” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, Mom! The bet is that I can convince you to work as my assistant here.”
“Really? That's it? I need a job. Why would Chase even bet against that?” 
“He thinks you’ll fall in love with me so he doesn’t want that to happen, in his words, “She has a thing for homeless looking, narcissistic assholes with beards.” So he’s trying to prevent it, and he’s sure he can.”  
Damn- I feel so called out. I stay silent before nodding.
“Well to be honest he isn’t wrong.” 
I see House smirk before we get out of the elevator, he hobbles and leads me to his office, locking the door then having me sit down. 
As I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a ball and starts throwing it against the wall, while sitting down. 
“So are you gonna interview me or something?” 
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Chase to get back up here so he can watch me interview you.” 
He really is an asshole…it's kinda hot though. 
“Fair enough.” 
We wait a bit before Chase comes jogging up to the door, out of breath, he’s clearly been running plenty. He starts banging on the glass door that House previously locked.
“House!! Y/N! Let me in! This isn’t fair!” He exclaims, House is grinning when he leans over his desk, crossing his arms.
“Okay! Let’s start this interview now.” 
“Y/n! You traitor!” 
Did I abandon my childhood best friend for some disabled doctor? No, I did it for the job. At least that's what I'm telling myself.   
Turning my attention back to House instead of the Australian cry baby outside the door, he asks me, “First question, do you want the job of being my assistant?” 
“Great! You have the job!” 
I mean, easy enough. I smile and shake my head. This hospital really has some unique people. 
House shakes my hand, grinning as Chase is sitting on the floor defeated outside. 
As the days turned into weeks at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, I got to know everyone. Cuddy had to actually approve of me working as House’s assistant first, but once she saw a…normal enough individual, she welcomed me into the environment.
Getting to know House better, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t really expected. The bet between House and Chase, Chase thinking I would fall for House, I took it as a joke, until that joke turned more into reality. 
Despite House being a narcissistic piece of shit, there were small moments that I saw, or shared with him that made me fall for him. Ones where he seemed happy, or just easy to be around. At work he's serious but when Wilson dragged him out to bars, or other social environments, he could actually be fun. And though him being a dick is undeniably attractive sometimes, when he was…”himself” that's how I began to fall for him.  
One day, after an especially tough day for the team, and being forced to go break into houses and get coffee and food, I found myself alone with House in his office. The rest of the team had left, leaving us in a rare moment alone with each other. As I glanced up from the medical chart of the most recent patient, I caught House’s gaze lingering on me, his blue eyes intense and unreadable. 
“Something on your mind, House?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between us. 
He smirked, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease, “Oh just wondering why a catch like yourself doesn’t have a boyfriend, or husband?” He responds, his tone laced with flirtatiousness.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response, a faint blush on my cheeks. House and I had gained an uncanny camaraderie, made from me running around doing everyone's paperwork, being the designated “you get to tell patients they are dying!!” person. And as you’d expect people didn’t respect me a lot, but if someone was blatantly mean to me, House would step in and destroy their self esteem in a second and walk away like it meant nothing. That's another thing that I think made me fall for him. 
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself that a lot too.” I smile, placing the medical chart on his desk. 
“Do you want a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, or a pet or something.” He quips, his eyes looking like they are reading me, studying my every movement and reaction to what he’s saying, it's flattering and uncomfortable at the same time. 
“A boyfriend would be nice.” I say reassuringly, a laugh escaping me as I shake my head in amusement.
“Alright let's say *hypothetically* I asked you out. *hypothetically* what would your response be?” 
Raising an eyebrow I ask, “Are you trying to go on a date with me?”
“I said hypothetically, now answer the question.” 
A smirk plays on my lips as I roll my eyes in a mock annoyance. 
“Well.” I say, “Hypothetically, I would say yes.” 
“Great, meet me for dinner at (some random fancy place idk u make up a name i'm too lazy to), wear something cute.” 
 With that, he sauntered out of the office, leaving me to think about what just happened. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to get ready for our “hypothetical date.” 
The anticipation bubbled within me, standing outside (IDK A RESTAURANT NAME IT), waiting for House to arrive. My heart raced with nervous excitement, unsure what to expect from a…unique…guy like House. I had used all the time I had to work on my outfit, settling for a simple dress (or suit, or just anything you're comfy in :) ). 
As I scanned the busy street, searching for any sign of House, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of a motorcycle approaching. House rode in, parking his bike before getting off and walking (limping) towards me. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, he looked impossibly handsome, in a tailored suit that made his rugged charm come out, good god he looked fine. 
“Y/n,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine affection. “That outfit makes your ass look nice.” 
I scoff playfully, hitting his arm. “So much for acting like a gentleman, at least you look like one.” 
He chuckled, offering me his arm in a more gentlemanly gesture. “Yeah yeah, shall we?” 
With a nod, I looped my arm through his, savoring the warmth of his touch as we mad our way into the restaurant. The ambiance was elegant and inviting, with a soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the decor. 
As we were seated at a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. I’m finally going out with House, damn Chase was totally right. 
Throughout the evening, our conversation flowed surprisingly easily between us. I had half expected him to be rude or stuck up, but he seemed actually interested in me, in my life. He was asking questions, laughing and joking with me. Sharing stories of his own, and treating me like an actual human. Honestly it was scaring me a bit, but it was making me fall harder for him. 
House raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘So, tell my Y/N. What’s the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” 
I laughed, shaking my head as I thought about the memory. “Well, there was this one time in college-” 
“Let me guess,” House interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips. “It involved copious amounts of alcohol and very questionable decisions?” 
I chuckle and nod in agreement. “You could say that. Long story short, I ended up streaking through the campus fountain at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure Chase might still have a video of it still.”
House raises an eyebrow, an amused laugh coming from him. “I wish I could say I was surprised, oh and also. I am finding that video.” He states, with a determined and mischievous grin. 
The dinner continues and our connection just seems to get stronger, fueled by shared laughter, stories of shit Wilson and him did in college, things Chase and I did in highschool. With each passing moment, I found myself more and more under House’s spell, captivated by the complexity of himself, his character. His gaze, laughter, even his personality. Maybe it was the wine or something, but House was being nice, he had charisma, and was being attractive in general.  
I don’t even realize that we’ve spent almost three hours in the restaurant just talking. I check my phone seeing that it's 9:30 already. We had got and paid the check awhile ago, but had stayed to talk longer. The restaurant closes at 10, and I felt a sudden pang of disappointment that our date was close to being over with. I didn’t want it to end, I was savoring this moment I was having, this seemingly perfect night. 
When the waiter arrived to take our dessert order, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that the evening was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for it to end—I wanted to savor every moment, to prolong the magic of our time together for as long as possible.
House notices my look of disappointment, “I’m aware how amazing I am, but if its up to me, this won’t be our last date.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks heating up as I blush. The butterflies in my stomach going absolutely insane. 
So with a quick glance around the restaurant, I rose from my seat, House grabbed my hand as he led me towards the exit. 
Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a sense of happiness coursing through me. This was it, the beginning of a new relationship, a surprisingly healthy one so far. 
As House’s hand tightened around mine, his touch sent sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I knew now that maybe Chase knows me better than I know myself, in all fairness he predicted this, but right now I wasn’t afraid to admit this, to admit the undeniable attraction that I had towards Dr Gregory House. 
His touch leaves mine, his hand pulling as we stand in front of the restaurant, close to each other, staring in each other's eyes. I glance at his lips before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, not sure if he expected it, but I pull back.
“Goodnight House. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that I walk away, to my car. When I get in my car, I look in the mirror, seeing House standing there with a lovestruck grin, one a child would have over some school crush. But it was cute, he was cute. And this was just the beginning of an annoyingly predicated relationship with a Vicodin addicted, asshole, who I suspect has a soft spot for me.
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alilixx · 2 months
Heard that requests are open so I thought I could give my women cuddy some love HAHA,, how about, for smut, cuddy being stressed with hospital management issues so you voluntarily help her relax by eating her out in her office ;) a spicy funny plot you could consider is that, reader had an infatuation with house, but house being house, rejected them, so reader is infatuated and persues cuddy and cuddy gives reader a chance. When reader and cuddy is done with their little eat out sess, house walks in. You could put in some house-ass dialogue like “This place smells like sex” and reader sassily replying “What? You jealous?” tryna get back at him HAHA,, honestly yea, have fun with this request, change the plot, add more, just have fun !! I’m just really glad people are writing for cuddy
I love your request, i will do it with PLEASURE!
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You still remember that evening with unsettling clarity, as if it were yesterday. You had met in that small, intimate restaurant, chosen for its cozy ambiance and refined dishes. House was on time, which was an accomplishment in itself.
From the start, the conversation flowed easily. House, with his sharp mind and usual sarcasm, led the discussion. You were fascinated, hanging on his every word, trying to follow the thread of his labyrinthine thoughts.
Then, things started to go awry. Maybe it was when you mentioned your admiration for his work while adding that his methods were sometimes controversial. House raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his face. He began asking more personal, more invasive questions. It was his test, and he showed no mercy.
"So, you think my methods are controversial? What makes you so sure of your judgments?" he had shot back. Every answer seemed like a trap, a new subject for him to analyze.
You tried to defend yourself, explaining that you respected his ingenuity but also believed in traditional medical ethics. House listened to you, or rather let you talk, waiting for you to entangle yourself in your own contradictions.
Then, without warning, he abruptly cut the conversation short. "You know, you are interesting, but not enough for me to want to extend this evening. I appreciate the effort, really, but this isn't what I'm looking for."
You were left speechless, the raw truth hitting you hard. Without even tossing a bill for the check, House stood up and, without a backward glance, left the restaurant.
Left alone, your thoughts swirled. The evening you had so eagerly anticipated had turned into one of those stinging memories. Going out with Gregory House was no small feat; it was an ordeal, a battle of wits where you had failed.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
It was a few months after that memorable incident with House, and now you were engaged to Cuddy. You wanted her to be your wife, to share the same name, whichever that might be. You just wanted to show that she was taken, as a femme fatale like her often attracted attention, and it sparked your jealousy. Of course, you said nothing because she rebuffed them or you defended her when some were too persistent, but you had faith in her power and authority.
You were the only one who could help her in the evenings when she came home tired, sick, or sad. And that was worth its weight in gold. Unfortunately, Cuddy's stress had significantly increased. She often sent you messages asking to discuss, have lunch, and other things, but over time, these solutions were no longer enough. You had to negotiate for… sex. She was initially against it, but she eventually relented, though only in private places like an examination room. She enjoyed it a lot, so you continued in various locations. Up to her office.
She enjoyed the thrill of risk, and she knew how to stay stoic. So, it wasn’t a problem for you to tend to her intimate areas while she worked, at least until House walked in.
That day, you were in her office. Cuddy was sitting at her desk, her legs slightly parted under the table, and you were kneeling in front of her. She wore a pencil skirt that, when lifted, revealed elegant yet practical underwear. You gently pushed the fabric aside to access her intimacy, your fingers and tongue exploring every inch of her delicate skin. She kept one hand on your head, guiding you gently while nervously tapping on her keyboard with the other hand.
Cuddy was a master of control, but you could feel her body reacting to your touches. Her breath grew shorter, and her thighs instinctively tightened around your head. You loved the feeling of driving her wild with desire while knowing she had to remain calm and composed. The contrast between her stoic face and what you were making her feel below was incredibly exciting.
Suddenly, the door opened and House walked in, without knocking. You immediately felt Cuddy’s legs close around your head, hiding you from his view. "I see you’re busy," he said with a smirk, unfazed.
Cuddy, despite her compromising position, remained composed. "Greg, this is really not the time. Leave," she replied, her voice calm but firm.
House, still nonchalant, didn’t seem in a hurry to leave. "Interesting choice of office for a private consultation," he remarked, glancing around the room. Finally, with a final pointed look, he turned and left, closing the door behind him.
Cuddy gently released you, her breath still rapid. "We need to be more careful," she murmured, her tone a mix of reproach and relief. You nodded, understanding the need for discretion. Despite the risk, you knew these moments of intimacy were essential for her, for both of you.
You resumed your touches, more softly this time, sensing that she was relaxing again. She placed her hands on your face, guiding you to where she needed you most. You could feel her tension dissipate, her pleasure rising once more. And this time, nothing and no one would interrupt this moment of pure connection between the two of you.
This wasn’t the first time House had tried to negotiate a threesome or used this situation to unsettle you, but neither you nor Cuddy reacted to his provocations. He had been coming into Cuddy’s office more frequently, using this leverage to get what he wanted. One day, not seeing her just before a meeting, he knew where to look. He headed to a storage area and watched from a distance. Cuddy was lying on a cart while you were playing with her, neither of you having noticed him.
To reward him, you suggested placing a vibrator on her during the meeting. Her reaction was unanimous: "No." But with some pleading and a few kisses here and there, she eventually relented. You were thrilled to tease her, as that was all you planned to do. Throughout the meeting, she felt vibrations in her intimate areas, but she never reached her peak, as coming during a meeting would almost certainly cost her job, so you intended only to torment her.
Cuddy was seated at the conference table, surrounded by her colleagues, maintaining a stoic expression while the vibrator, controlled remotely by you, sent gentle pulses at irregular intervals. You watched discreetly from the back of the room, savoring every micro-expression that betrayed her pleasure. Seeing her tense up at times, watching her breath catch, was the most exquisite sight.
At one point, she met your gaze, her eyes shimmering with a mix of challenge and desire. You slightly increased the intensity, watching her tense up a bit before regaining control. You knew that the tension between professional duty and personal pleasure excited her just as much as it did you.
The meeting ended without major incident, but you knew Cuddy was on the verge of exploding. When she returned to her office, you were waiting there, a satisfied smile on your lips. "You're amazing," you whispered, kissing her softly. She responded with restrained fervor, her hands gripping your waist firmly.
"You too," she replied, her voice husky with desire. "But now, it's time to finish what you started." And with no further preamble, she pushed you against the desk, determined to regain control of the situation. Her expert hands roamed your body, each touch sending waves of shivers through you. You shared deep, passionate kisses, your bodies pressing against each other with palpable urgency.
Cuddy pushed you onto the desk, her lips never leaving yours. Her skilled fingers quickly found their way to your vagina, causing you to moan uncontrollably. She knew exactly how to drive you wild, each movement, each gesture calculated to bring you to the brink of ecstasy. With her deep, sensual voice, she simply said, "Control your moans, my love, no one must hear you." You placed your hand over your mouth to stifle the sounds, but Cuddy had other plans, using her mouth to kiss you and swallow every one of your moans.
You were in perfect harmony, each sensation amplified by the risk and excitement of your environment. Cuddy took her time, savoring every moment, every reaction of your body beneath hers. She loved seeing you succumb to her touches, and you surrendered, relishing the intense and intimate connection.
The tension built up to a crescendo, each second bringing you closer to the point of no return. You were alone, lost in this bubble of pleasure, forgetting everything else. The outside world ceased to exist; there were only the two of you, bound by this burning, insatiable desire. You came on her hand, and a few seconds later, you saw her licking her fingers with your taste on them, which made you blush, and her response was a simple wink.
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johannestevans · 2 years
i wanted to write a BIG essay on disability in House MD but the thing is that as it goes on the show plays and delves with the themes a bit differently - like in s1 they begin to introduce some addict stuff but not too much, and much less of the big grapples with house's own medical agency etc by his friends and coworkers
so i think i'm gonna do an essay series, set up some main themes around disability and autonomy in house
the first things will obviously be about the nature of house's own disability, firstly talking about his physical disability - yes, the lack of mobility from his leg and his reliance on his cane, and also the chronic pain that that comes with, but also specifically noting that house became disabled later in life and was previously extremely physically active
while the themes of house being an addict are extremely overstated because of the us' manufactured opioid crisis and its dehumanisation of addicts due to its racist and eugenicist "war on drugs", it's also noteworthy that he used to exercise all day every day on top of fucking and playing with substances on the side. no one minded this because his "addiction" to exercise was fun and sexy and healthy, bc he was making his own pain-killing substances rather than taking a pill
and then also talking about house's mental health issues - evidence of his autism and the way that people hate specifically his autistic traits, even when they're not actually causing them problems, and the way in which house masks and performs certain emotional responses, but more so like. his depression and his loss of identity as a disabled man, and his difficulties being OKAY with his disability when everyone around him hates disability
so apart from that evidence, the points of house grappling with this stuff will be:
house bonding with other disabled patients - in cases of chronic pain, lost physical mobility, and also mental illness and/or neurodivergence
and house specifically understanding disabled people's perspectives, or thinking about the PRACTICAL needs of the person they're treating or engaging with rather than what society cares about or what the hospital thinks is "appropriate" or "proper"
house bullying abled people for being Weird
times where house makes commentary about the injustice of the system (when he points out that the hospital is designed not to treat the poor, chronically sick, etc)
house being anxious and defensive of his own bodily autonomy (eg when ppl are trying to control his pain management or force him into systems that don't work, take over his medical autonomy, in general try to physically control his behaviours)
esp bc season 1 culminates in the stacy episode where we find that like... so much of house's trauma is not just being disabled
but the fact that stacy OVERRODE his desires, waiting for him to be put into a medically induced coma so that she could make "the best" decision for him and literally being the cause of his current disability. esp bc like...
she specifically went for the middle ground that he rejected, she was NOT a doctor
and in so doing she. invented his chronic pain. like there's a reason that in that same episode, we see the volleyball player who gets an amputation and is able to go back to sports - yes, house is a lot older than that volleyball player, but like
if he had either treated the infarction successfully or just got an amputation so that he could later work with a prostheses, house thinks he would have done much better
and so much of his TERROR around trusting others - not just stacy but wilson, cuddy, anybody else - is because of that. the one person he loved and trusted overrode his desires and created the hell he lives in where he's just in constant agony and he hates it, and the worst part is like
everyone tells him it's his fault. no one cares about what stacy did to him, that she manipulated him. every day they tell house how terrible it is that he does that to others, but when it's what happened to him and he lives in hell, it's on him because he's Mean and Too Autistic and he should just Stop Being In Pain etc
god it kills me.
BUT YEAH i think. season by season is gonna be a lot better to track the development of these themes and the way they shift and change from season to season - also idefk if i'll be able to stick with like. the last three seasons bc they just suck so ba dhfskjjgh
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desire-mona · 4 months
Opinions on jacksfilms v sssniperwolf?
Penny for ur thoughts plz 🪙 (<- pretend that is a penny shhhhh)
this ask is an equivalent to asking for my hand in marriage just btw.
so in case anyone doesnt know anything abt this old ass drama (i dont know as much as i could either, this is a retelling from the bits and pieces i remember):
so basically sssniperwolf used to be this gaming youtuber but she eventually turned into a half baked "reaction" channel where she just watches tiktoks, makes low effort surface level commentary, and then doesnt credit the creator of said tiktoks. jacksfilms is a comedy youtuber who does a bunch of stuff (sketches, streaming, something called YIAY where he gives ppl prompts / questions to answer n reads em out(with credit!(also hes been doing stuff with ai recently but mostly to show how mid it is which like. eh idk how i feel abt it but its not a dealbreaker))) and he at one point in 2023 called out sniper for her content stealking and lazy content.
he started doing this thing where he reacted to her videos the way she reacts to the videos she steals? i think? and then he gives credit to the creators that sniper reacts to i hope ur following. sniper eventually got mad and was like "uhhhmmm ur stealing from me....." which is rly funny considering she steals from SO many ppl. they had lowkey beef for a while (and obv jack was in the right the entire time) and on uhhhhhh lemme look this up hold on. october 13th of last year sniper posted an instagram story poll like "jacksfilms is close to this place im shooting at should i go see him" i guess to like? talk things out?
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and then some amnt of time later while jack was playing jackbox on stream with his editors and stuff (dubbed the council) sniper showed up at his house, stood outside, and posted a video OF HIS HOME ON HER STORY. ON HER INSTAGRAM WITH OVER 5 MILLION FOLLOWERS. also to add even more context that i found out from youtube comments, sniper has been arrested for armed robbery before, so! some council member alerted jack and erin (jack's wife) was like "erm im gonna go outside" and everyone was like NO DONT OMG. eventually she deleted the story but by that point it was like wayyyy too late. and photos of his house were alr on twitter and stuff. the most ridiculous part is that when jack was rightfully like WHAG GHE HELL she was like this guy is creepy and hes been harassing me! i just wanna talk!!!
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jacksfilms made a video being like heyyyyy youtube can u do smthn abt this???? youtube, of course, did nothing in response. i honestly dont know how it ended but snipers still doing her thing and so is jack so ultimately nothing substantial came of it, i guess. i wasnt on stream when it happened but i was GLUED to twitter as it was unfolding since ive been a big jacksfilms fan since i was 12ish. crazy times
also fun fact! ive had a couple convos with a council member (marshaldoesstuff u will always be famous) and i was in his discord FOREVER ago. like 2018 forever ago. got groomed in that server it was kinda goofy (NOT marshal's fault - nor the mods of said server, im still friends with a few of those mods and they were always so protective of me and were there to put a stop to everything, i love them dearly.) so yeah im kinda etched into jacksfilms lore in a way that VERY few remember. which is the case for a few different fandoms tbh.
second fun fact: jack and erin r house md fans (erin has a crush on house and jack has a crush on cuddy which is sooo based of them)
thank u for asking and thank u for reading :3 i luv jacksfilms
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mrbensonmum · 7 months
TV Show - Dr. House | House M.D. VI
So, we're now at episode 10/11 in the third season, and while House gets a visit from Tritter in rehab, Tritter shows his true colors, or rather, House reveals them.
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I find it good that the judge clarifies again that Tritter acted completely out of line, and she can't quite understand why he was after House so much. But as described before, and also shown by Cuddy's reprimand, zero attention is paid to the fact that Tritter started it all. Yes, we're at a stage where all involved have made mistakes, serious ones even, Cuddy just a few moments ago. But as House pointed out so nicely, if Tritter doesn't get his butt kissed by everyone, he loses it! Plus, what really gets me mad is he's still chewing those gums even though he was told he'll lose his manhood if he keeps at it.
And yes, the judge said House provoked Tritter, and I won't argue against that, but the fact that House rarely does anything without a reason and no one asks about the real reason, namely that Tritter was the worst patient until then, is not questioned. Here I see a missed opportunity to delve deeper into House's character, even though it's been done many times before, but here they could have explored his motives a bit more, and I think that would have done the character quite good!
Fortunately, this storyline is over, even though I like it, it really raises my blood pressure!
Fun Fact: The prosecutor from episode 11 has the voice of Rüdiger Schulzki in German, who probably won't ring a bell to anyone, which is okay, but he's known for voicing the intro of the Galaxy Rangers and has voiced many characters in series in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately, he passed away on August 5, 2022, in Hamburg! We don't talk enough about voice actors, which should change because every time something comes to us that wasn't produced here, it's the voice actors who are responsible for making the medium enjoyable in our language. And yes, sometimes dubs aren't really great, but believe me, that's rarely if ever the fault of the voices, but rather the dubbing directors who regularly dump one in the brain! So, enough rant for today!!
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all-pacas · 1 month
do you ever think about chase vs kutner replacing house... i got the vibe that they were setting up kutner to be house's successor and then had to switch to chase. his character arc in s8 was a little sudden if i remember correctly (havent seen it in like a year lolsies) but it was also really interesting. but also i love kutner and i can imagine him running a department with a lot more gusto than chase. interesting to wonder if kutner would continue the cycle of (weird) abuse like chase presumably does, or if things would be different with him in charge
I mean, I hope this isn't a hot take, because I think Kutner was great, but there was no way he was ready to take over for House any time soon. It was a running joke that he was a massive liability; he kept pretty consistently making pretty severe mistakes (setting people on fire!). And he also had a real creative brilliance, he was smart as hell and had a ton of potential, but he was nooooot anywhere near a leader. He'd have made a great number two, though. And it's possible with a few more years of development, he would have gotten better, but to be honest most of the time to show was setting up Foreman to be the true successor, not Kutner or Chase.
Which I think says a lot about what the show thinks — and House thinks, maybe — about what the "next House" should be. I think Foreman is hands down the smartest of the fellows on like, a testing level. He lacks the Chase/Kutner/House creative spark, but he's always set up as the Smart One, someone whose brains House respects from day one, someone who has entire character arcs about being like House and not wanting to be. And over time the show drifted away from that, and became more aware of his flaws. We also know that he was never planned on becoming the New Cuddy, they were floating bringing back one of the S4 rejects for the role for a while, they didn't plan on Cuddy leaving. I think that Foreman was planned on being the successor. That's almost stated from S1.
And in a way I think it's bad writing, because the show did lean more into him having a pathological need to be in charge, and because it tended to humble him by having him kill patients, which, uh, undermines the "he's the best doctor" thing by a lot. The fact that Foreman as Dean of Medicine makes so much sense feels kind of… telling? It feels right for him to be an admin and a boss instead of a Creative Genius Doctor, you know?
Likewise, Chase taking over was definitely a S8 thing. I was looking at the dates and airdates and stuff: Hugh Laurie announces he's not continuing the show, and the very next episode to air is Nobody's Fault, followed by Chase. The episode after those is one where everyone agrees Chase deserves to be "team leader;" Chase then gets a run of solving cases while House isn't around. Like, very clearly the show went "oh, fuck, we have 14 episodes left of the series," and one of the main tasks was setting up Chase as House's successor. And I think it does actually fit well, even if it's obviously rushed. Even if it was an accident, he did have the best solve rate of the fellows, and there is something very fitting about it. (Honestly, if they weren't cowards, they wouldn't have fired Jennifer Morrison and we could have had an ending montage where the original kids literally emulate the grown ups: head of diagnostics, dean of medicine, and Cameron as a department head to slot in for Wilson. Imagine.)
SO ANYWAY. TL;DR part one: Chase being the successor wasn't planned at all, but I think it fits. Kutner, god love him, would have made an incredible number two (imagine him being Chase's #2), but I really don't think he was ready for leadership.
(To be fair, Chase also almost never got a chance to be a leader, although we do see him mentoring Park and Masters a bit and doing it well.)
(I'm gonna have to make a different post about a leadership tangent WATCH THIS SPACE)
As for Kutner's leadership style… honestly, I think he'd have so much fun. I think his fellows would have so much fun. I'm not sure how efficient they'd be (I don't picture Kutner as a big details and paperwork kind of guy), but his patients would love him too. It would be so nice.
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x-birdsong-x · 11 months
overly specific house dog au headcanons? spill some?
I can try and fit in one post everyone I've settled completely on so far, and also be obnoxious about dog breeds. fun
I've also bothered @greghatecrimes with a lot of these so very big thanks to them for helping me settle on breeds for everyone <3
It's when I've settled on a "base breed" with dogs that sometimes things just go crazy and go from there
Start with the most overly unnecessarily detailed one here you go:
Adams is the oddest most fantasy mixed breed of ALL fucking time her parents are one Belgian Tervuren and one Borzoi x Ibizan Hound and she appeared so much Tervuren that it’s just possible to miss that she’s got any sighthound(s) in her.
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Editing to go even more in-detail with this one because my girl deserves it: She ends up looking somewhere between these two:
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She’s very pointy and very leggy but she is very long-furred and that's where the mistakes come from. She moves mostly with the gaits of her sighthound sides which the others find is an easy way to make her bristle. She’s prancing across the room and Chase says you move like a sighthound and she says no I don’t (yes she does)
Park is a Silken Windsprite:
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Probably struggles in snow and sometimes has to jump and jump to get through it when it's really deep but Adams mumbles that it’s cute and that's Fight invitation. Park brings up that Adams gets snowballs stuck on her and that it takes hours to melt out of her fur. ("Fuck you!" - "Do it yourself!") It's probably fair to say she has some little dog syndrome.
Chase is an Australian Shepherd. House probably used to make comments about he and Cameron both being Merle:
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Cameron is this specific Border Collie (but with blue eyes, ofc):
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Probably does the Collie Crouch sometimes. Absolutely does the Collie Stare, and that would come into House's "you can't actually pierce me with your eyes" moments.
Foreman is a Central Asian Shepherd:
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For a slight visual similarity to how I imagine post-Lockdown Angst Cameron might feel meeting Masters, Masters is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever:
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Probably has what I call in the groomers "Smart Breed Anxiety" along with her autism swag. Dogs who listen to and seem to understand every word you say and if you're telling someone or another pet off for anything, they assume they're the one you're talking to and give all their guilty looks. Also using my Bluebear as reference with that visual.
Thirteen is this Utonagan!!! No other visual!!! Have such a canine visual of The Dig it's insane.
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Wilson of course took Golden Retriever. Definitely one of the larger/silkier ones. Show-type. He'd definitely be a dark gold but this is the best pic I have for how I picture him -color:
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House is a Scottish Deerhound, mixed with what? He doesn't know. Wants to know. Very easy to miss that he's a cross:
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(Little Rachel rode on his back for a bit once.)
Speaking of, Rachel is a little pupper Sheltie (Natalie) x English Shepherd (Simon) but she barely shows any Shep traits when it comes to looks:
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Rachel's a mini-me of her mama, Cuddy took Rough Collie:
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Kutner is a Springer Spaniel x Large Münsterländer, leaning more looks-wise toward the latter and leaning energy-level toward the former:
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Taub is a Beagle, Chihuahuas are just too small for one of the main characters in my little visual I'm afraid (and I forgot Smooth Fox Terriers existed):
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Rachel is a long-haired Dachshund, and Ruby is a show-type English Cocker Spaniel, so Sophie and Sophia are those crosses respectively. Click on the Spaniel to see the full pic.
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Amber takes (Red) Siberian Husky:
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She's quite thick-coated but she doesn't fall under "Woolly Husky" coat type.
Red (Irish) Setter Stacy:
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Plott Hound Mark:
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Dominika... So This dog is obviously a Belgian Malinois maybe crossed with something fluffier (unless the listing change from Mali to Terv is accurate, then she's just Small) but she looks exactly like this:
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Saluki Lydia:
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Belgian Malinois Alvie:
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Lucas is just straight-up a Coyote. It just fits him too well. He gets a Coyote-themed name in the WC AU, and gets to be a Coyote when I think about canines:
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Beauceron Nolan. Can't see him as something as round and soft as Newfies but also can't see him as a bully-type:
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appendectomy · 11 months
currently on house md season 7. i like how the writers are not shying away from the fundamentally dysfuctional nature of the house/cuddy relationship, like cuddy having a kid and house being unwilling and incapable of being a consistent, healthy father figure. and cuddy being house's boss which means he is inevitably going to lie and undermine and disrespect her because that is how he has navigated his job for years. and cuddy saying she doesn't want house to change but ultimately still clinging to the hope that he will. but he won't, not in the ways she needs. but part of me does wish the approach wasnt soooo expositionally heavy handed. i wasn't a massive fan of 7x01 because of this, it was so much talking and stating the obvious at points. i mean their cute moments were cute but it felt slow and a bit stale... like obviously there comes a time where you have to make your point solid and just say what you've been building up to in a story but idk part of me is attached to a little bit of ambiguity.
i like that house and cuddy are #doomed but part of what makes narrative dooming so compelling to me is that you sprinkle in hope there. you leave a little bit of optimism for the audience to hold on to so they still root for the relationship. maybe its because I already know they break up, or maybe its just because of what is said in 7x01, but they feel kind of boringly doomed. it feels like every plot point to do with their relationship rn is just conflict after conflict after conflict, they barely have anything that actually makes me think they're a good couple. they have great chemistry, but its even said in canon that they have nothing in common. its like third wheeling a couple who keep arguing like damn i'm getting tired watching u guys whining! break up already all you do is fight! so I cant get fully invested and hope for them. it just makes me pity cuddy more than anything. which is a little compelling, the idea of characters clinging on to a relationship that's been dead from the start, but not as compelling as a more ambiguous route would be i think. if the writers gave us more reasons to root for them together i think it would be more fun to watch, instead of just rushing into conflict.
also im having a little bit of a hard time reconciling with what feels OOC for house vs what is intended to show that house has changed because of this relationship. not a massive issue for me, but still something i'm thinking about. there are moments that make me raise my eyebrow a little.
also likeee not enough wilson in these first few eps. where is my girlfriend where is he!!!!
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kiwowiwo · 11 months
SLAMS TABLE. hilsoncuddy.
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The mess and codependency these people have going on is actually unreal and I am so here for it. The thing about hilsoncuddy to me is that they are all awful, they are horrible and this relationship is basically the “we’re breaking up - we’re back together - we’re getting married - we’re getting divorced” meme with no end in sight… You and I basically looked at hilson took everything we like about that ship and said “what if we make it worse by adding another person?” And I genuinely think that was so smart of us!!
But this also means that there is a specific version of this ship I like and it’s definitely not one where they are soft and happy together, like good for everyone who likes that but to me these characters and their relationships are so defined by the fact that they have no other friends and are constantly hurting or using each other but at the same time they would do everything for the other two if they asked. If you take out the fact that they are incapable of having a healthy relationship it becomes kind of boring so I think we should put them in a rat maze or maybe a killing game and see what happens because there’s something so wrong with them, like just thinking about the tritter arc and how how both Wilson and Cuddy were ready to go to jail for house because they actually believe he’s a positive force on the world is making me insane!!!
During my first watch I wasn’t a fan of the house/cuddy will they won’t they because it felt like something that was written in the show because they are the male and female lead and that means we need this romance subplot regardless of how much it makes sense for the characters and while I still have issues with the way this show handles their relationship in later seasons I do think that there’s genuinely quite interesting aspects to their dynamic like these two are at a constant push and pull and when the show is at its best its really good mutual destruction but also a sign of trust and affection which I think is really fun
Hilson are genuinely so fucked up and codependent 10/10, no notes I think putting cuddy into this terrible spiral just makes it better
I do think that there’s a bit of extrapolation necessary in order to make this ship work in the way that I love because despite these 3 being the emotional core of this show, the writers sure hated having all of them in one scene/involved in the same situations, like Wilson and cuddy being good friends and also each others emotional support during their frequent divorces from house was way too underused but there’s a lot of interesting themes you can explore with their relationship
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zalrb · 4 months
House and Cuddy are unbelievably electric. I love how the show nails that aspect of having banter loaded with sexual tension. Their bicker is exhilirating and fun for them. (Oddly reminds me of Ron and Hermione). To quote that guy who slept with Cuddy in S3 "you should hear yourself when you're talking to him. Nothing in the world is going on". They stand too close and become so absorbed in each other when they squabble. One of my favourite moments is when House remembers a face just because Cuddy kissed it years ago and she teases him about still being into her. The memory of the kiss came to him while he was thinking of Cuddy in the shower. Ridiculous, funny, tension-filled and passionate pair.
Love 'em.
House remembering a patient simply because Cuddy made out with him YEARS ago always makes me smile but also when House calls her into a room with the patient who has no filter so the patient can just go on and on and on about how hot she looks and he watches the interaction because it's his way of telling her she looks really good that day is like convoluted greatness, I love it.
They were compared to Hildy and Walter from His Girl Friday, which is one of my favourite romcoms ever and it fits them so well, same type of banter and wit and bickering and sexual tension and intelligence
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libbymania · 1 year
Writing Post!
I usually don't post my writing publicly, especially not things I wrote for a roleplay, but I'm sharing this because I'm proud of this starter and want to show off my Greg House Interp.
----------------------- word count: 1405
Doctor Gregory House always harbored a strong aversion to hospital social events. He understood the purpose of quarterly fundraisers; PPTH was a private hospital. Dean Cuddy’s rationale in forcing him to attend these fundraisers, however, eluded him. House's reputation hardly aligned with amiability; in fact, it might have served the hospital better if he were banished to his home on these excruciating evenings. He was, after all, a potential liability. 
In House’s mind, it was glaringly obvious that Cuddy had not thought this all the way through. His attendance carried significant risks that, House thought, outweighed any potential benefits. Sure, it was customary for all of the department heads to participate at these events, but everyone– Cuddy especially– should have known that he was beyond custom. If he ever decided to join in on the ‘fun,’ it would almost certainly end in disaster. House would start a conversation with some snot-nosed benefactor, they’d get offended by his uncouth style, and just like that the hospital would lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cuddy was lucky that he was not in the mood tonight to chat, or else he could have made sure that he would never be reinvited to another fundraiser. 
With a glass of champagne in hand, House perused the lobby. Some decorations were strewn about the place in a shoddy attempt to make a hospital look welcoming. Only a quarter of the lights were switched on, so the room was lit comfortably dim. Maybe someone thought if they turned off the lights, no one would notice how ill-fitting the decorations were. Strains of music played at just the right volume—perfectly loud enough to discern the lyrics amidst the mingling murmurs of attendees. His back was against a wall. His position was strategic and he stood squarely between the hospital entrance and the elevators. Here, he could oversee everyone and everything without blatantly separating himself from the party. From this vantage point, he observed the other attendees with feigned interest. Everyone was paired off, all of them dancing in one way or another. Most of the dancing was physical, but the other attendees took part in a more elaborate social waltz. Doctor House sneered at both; maybe it was because he was incapable of both. 
Schmoozing was never House’s forte, nor had it ever been. Yet this was more of a deliberate stance than his natural disposition. Although it was clearly Cuddy’s fantasy that he would humor her by playing nice with tonight’s lot of wealthy benefactors, House would not sink that low. He had no inclination to spend his time toadying to affluent hospital patrons. House would not perform geniality just to massage their egos and reinforce their false senses of self-importance for contributing to a ‘noble cause.’ He would not entertain them with feigned politeness and false smiles. House was not going to degrade himself by being their puppet.
The actual dancing, though, was the greater insult to House’s sensibilities. He could not help but notice the fluidity and ease with which the other attendees moved across the linoleum floor. The majority of them were significantly older than House, yet they expressed a harmony, a grace, that was unachievable for House. Less than ten years ago, he might have been one of those dancers. He could have enjoyed tonight, or at least, tolerated it. Not now, though, not with who he’s become. Nursing his glass of champagne, he considered the act of dancing with pointed disdain. Dance, always and to everyone, represented a conscious relinquishing of control. It was a surrender to the music and your dancing partner. For House, though, that surrender was also a physical one. Surrender, in all forms, was against his very nature. Each twirl and step he watched the dancers take resonated with the ache that emanated from his right leg. While none of them intended to, the dancers all mocked him and his inability to fully control his own body, a body that betrayed him. 
House did not like that this was bothering him. His eyes, sharp and keen, flickered with impatience. From the outskirts of the mingling crowd, he scanned the room with a practiced intensity. His search was singular– Dean Cuddy. House's gaze darted from face to face, bypassing the couples swaying to the rhythm, bypassing the (ugly) decor, and homing in on her familiar figure. When he did not find her immediately, he pushed off the wall and craned his neck. His brow furrowed, and he squinted. Then, there, there she was. Cuddy was nestled in a group of three, or four– House couldn’t tell who was actually involved in the conversation or who was just trying to seem involved–, and she was offering them polite smiles and laughs. More importantly, Cuddy offered this group her undivided attention. 
It was time for House to stage his getaway. Well, it’s not like it had to be all that elaborate. With Cuddy engrossed in her conversation, he could make his exit without the usual clash of wills. After all, she was the only one who truly cared about him suffering through this function. House carried himself towards the sliding-glass exit with an air of nonchalance. His gait was unhurried as he navigated the periphery of the event. He considered his champagne glass, it was still quarter-full but he did not want to take it outside with him. He paused, tossed the rest of the drink into his mouth, and carefully placed the glass on the reception desk before continuing on his great escape. He maintained well-rehearsed detachment and subtlety. With the evening's fundraising event in full swing, the usually automatic doors had been programmed to remain open. That was good. If the doors weren’t kept open, the mechanical sound of them sliding open would draw attention towards him. Like many times before, House was rewarded with a stroke of luck.
Stepping outside into the mid-September evening, he was greeted by a gentle breeze that alluded to the impending autumn. The temperature outside was not all that different to the temperature within the hospital, but the wind was crisp and offered goosebumps to all that it touched. The sky above was painted with shades of indigo and cobalt, bespeckled by sparse stars, and all vibrancy was muted by New England industrial smog. The moon was not visible to House, it was probably hidden low in the sky and obscured by the massive hospital behind him. He checked his wristwatch and it was barely a quarter-past-eight. He took a walk down the sidewalk that lined the perimeter of the hospital. House's cane tapped rhythmically against the pavement as he strolled, unhurried, his demeanor carrying the traces of liberation. He reveled in the sensation of escape, the sensation of being untethered from the formalities of the fundraiser. Even as he got further down the sidewalk, away from the doors, the wind carried whispers of the event’s music. Idly, he whistled and he thought. Even though he had taken the initiative to leave the party, he decided he could find a loop-hole in Cuddy’s demand that he stay. If he just remained on hospital property for the duration, that could be his way of appeasement without putting himself through a whole night of torture. Once he approached a corner of the sidewalk, he eased himself down and took a seat on the pavement. He propped his cane next to him. Freedom.
Finally liberated from the fundraiser, House found himself in a relative quietude, a space where he could achieve clarity without the interference of social obligations. His fingers were wracked with impatience, seeking to undo the tight knot of the bowtie that constricted his neck. Each fumbling motion was imbued with a sense of urgency. Then, he opened the top few buttons of his shirt with the same irritable ferocity he undid his tie with. House breathed a sigh of satisfaction. If luck was still on his side, he would be able to station himself here for a couple hours– just until a good portion of the donors would begin to spill out of the faraway doors. Then, he could trek back, make Cuddy believe he was there the whole time, and leave without having to deal with an argument tomorrow morning. It would be a boring wait, but at least he could still occupy himself by following along to the distant music that managed to drift his way. 
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oriley42 · 1 year
Ahhh I just finished The Marrying Kind and it's amazing!!! I have many questions about missing scenes or alternate paths but I'll keep it to one question first: what would have happened do you think, if Julie hadn't been at Cuddy and Stacy's wedding when Wilson had his epiphany?
hello anon, thank you so much!
ho ho ho, let's see... well, my first thought is also House's first thought, which is that after the tarantula clean-up, he would've snatched Wilson up to go make out in the bathroom (*cue Cuddy coming through the door with an axe, The Shining style*) EXCEPT that House may not have felt confident making himself vulnerable (re: having evidence of Feelings) by making a move, and Wilson may have been too shaky (re: recent revelations of love) to make a move of his own. Without the mix of both time and abruptness (Wilson needs time to think things through, House needs things to happen fast before he can overthink them), they definitely wouldn't have got to ~marriage~ any time soon in this universe, I don't think.
In which case, Wilson might have gone home to work through his revelation/his divorce/the relationship between his revelation and his divorce, while House would probably default to his classic of waiting until Wilson was sad and desperate enough to show up like a whimpering puppy on his doorstep. I think House would have been very pleased by the symmetry of getting Wilson post-Sam and post-Bonnie, and the evidence that Wilson would Always Come Back to him, but it also would have put their relationship back in the place of almost-maybe-sort-of-cheating (depending on Wilson's separation status) which def makes him feel unhappy and second-place.
And Wilson...whew, that guy. I think soooo often of kingfag's post and agree entirely, which means the question becomes: is Wilson in his "grimly aware" of House-feelings phase or has he managed to sneak back into repression mode, in this case, all wrapped up in being a Twice Divorced Man? The latter case would be a bummer, but also might give them both time to actually...just hang out. Maybe try the living together thing again for a while. Basically be dating ("we're not dating, we're not high schoolers, fuck off. Also, pass the popcorn and hold my hand, this is the scary part of the movie.") while not *actually* dating (Schrödinger's fuckbuddy may be the technical term). Whereas if Wilson has actually processed his 'oh fuck I'm in love-love with House' epiphany, then he might start trying to Make House Also Acknowledge Feelings, which could go very badly. House might kick and try to run (hard to do from his own apartment), but especially if Wilson had laid some ground work/gotten Stacy to do a little feeling out of the terrain for him, maybe he could have the Feelings and Commitment conversation without having to handcuff House to the radiator.
But cuffing House to the radiator would certainly be more fun ;)
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crimson--freak · 10 months
A, K, and V for the ask game!
A - ships that you currently like a lot (they don’t have to be OTPs). Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. allowed
In Malevolent, I really like Oscar/Arthur, and sometimes Oscar/John. Not really as OTPs and not necessarily romantically, I just like the fact that Oscar considers Arthur his “purpose”, and wonder how that would perhaps extend to John.
In Red Dwarf, my romantic OTP is definitely Lister/Rimmer. There’s no doubt about it, I love them together so so much. In terms of throuples, I can see Lister/Rimmer/Kochanski at a stretch (mostly based off fanfiction rather than actual canon) but I see them more as a platonic OT3. They should have all bonded over having terrible childhoods a lot more in the show. Currently I’m planning a Rimmer & Kochanski friendship fanfic because those aren’t really that common. Also Lister and the Cat are a platonic OTP to me :)
In House MD, I like both House/Wilson and House/Wilson/Cuddy (both of these in any type of relationship).
K - what character has your favourite / the best development arc?
House, probably. It doesn’t seem like he changes much during the show and at some points it Definitely feels like he isn’t changing (he keeps making the absolute worst decisions). I think the reason I like his character development is because it feels like he’s developing significantly slower than the rest of the cast and the show. One of the main things about him is that he’s very resistant to change, even going as far as to proclaim that “people don’t change”. The fact that he keeps making the same mistakes again and again shows how far he believes that - that he feels that he is completely incapable of change. So his character development may not be the best, but it’s one of the most interesting to me in that he is in fact changing, but in a way that he barely seems to notice.
V - which character do you relate to most?
This is a very tricky question to answer for me, because I tend not to relate to entire character personalities but more to single aspects of them. I guess in some ways I relate to Kochanski (in series 7-8). I haven’t rewatched series 8 recently because it’s definitely my least favourite (and pretty much every other fan’s), but Kochanski was pretty much included to replace [SPOILER] and it shows. She feels very isolated from the crew particularly in series 7, since it’s obvious that she doesn’t belong. The slightly 2-dimensional (read: kinda misogynistic) writing of her character didn’t work in her favour to make her a more beloved character, but it does add to her separation from the crew. She’s kind of portrayed as the “killjoy” character, slightly-too-restrained to join in the fun, and I relate to that a bit. It doesn’t help that she has a backstory based a lot on her feelings of isolation (I can also understand that, but luckily for me nothing like her level of isolation).
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mrbensonmum · 7 months
TV Show - Dr. House | House M.D. VII
Unstoppably we are approaching the end of the third season (currently at S3E20, House Training), and I'm wondering, as my memory refuses to reveal, what major event occurs that causes House to reform his team or leads to drastic changes. Yes, I admit, I'm really looking forward to seeing Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) and also Martha M. Masters (Amber Tamblyn), although I think Masters might take a little longer to appear.
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It's quite exciting when you've seen everything already, can remember a lot, but a rewatch helps to put all the puzzle pieces back in the right order. Yes, one could think about it, but I enjoy the suspense.
One of the scenes that made me laugh a lot back then has already come up, namely when House compares a patient's body to the German railway system. Back then, the comparison might have been somewhat accurate, and yes, even in the original, he makes the same comparison with the same cities (Berlin & Düsseldorf), but unfortunately, the German trains, whether regional or long-distance, are nowhere near as good and punctual anymore. I've been wondering the whole time if it was like that back then, but no, today it's definitely worse. Just thinking about how many times I got stranded at a train station last year, BIG UFF!
Otherwise, after the Tritter thing, things are moving rather slowly, and I don't think that's a bad thing at all. The highlight, of course, is the romance between Chase and Cameron, although it's almost over by now. I vaguely remember a wedding in the future and maybe even a divorce? No, I'm sure about the wedding, but I don't think there was a divorce. Oh, I also remember the big bus accident involving Wilson's girlfriend. There's a lot more to come!
Speaking of which, I think the dynamic between Wilson and House has changed a lot since the incident with the prescription pad. At first, it seemed like everything was over and they had no future, but now the connection seems stronger than ever. We also saw that in the story with Cuddy, when they both tested each other to see how far they would go. And then just saying "Night House!" "Night Wilson!" to each other, that's a true bromance, ladies and gentlemen! (I know, I'm late to that party!)
But now there's a very heavy episode on, as once again, an important topic is being addressed, one that often unfortunately gets overlooked in every society, Alzheimer's & dementia. Foreman's mother suffers from Alzheimer's, and I know, it really affected me back then because my grandmother died of Alzheimer's, and my mother is showing the first signs of it now. This disease steals the mind first, then the body, and we should talk about it much more and do much more against it. I know what it's like to watch a person lose themselves in the darkness of this disease, and believe me, you wouldn't wish it on anyone. Once again, a topic highlighted by the series and one that should continue to be addressed. I'm currently wondering if House is airing anywhere on regular TV in Germany, but I don't think so at the moment. That should change because yes, it can be fun and enjoyable for about 45 minutes, but it's also a topic of conversation that might find resonance in the workplace or similar institutions, and suddenly a disease is lifted from its obscurity and brought into the real world. THAT'S IMPORTANT! However, there is another important aspect in this episode that must not be overlooked. Doctors make mistakes, and these mistakes can end up being deadly! Of course, nobody wants to talk about it in the real world, and doctors usually don't admit to such things. It's another issue that's hushed up, but the series brings it back to light, brilliantly! Also, the fact that House performs an autopsy afterward for research purposes may seem strange and odd at first, but it's also about finding out where things went wrong. Yes, it's also to stroke one's own ego, but it's also to prevent such things from happening again.
I won't manage to finish the end of the third season today, but there was another remarkable appearance. In the last episode (S3E19, Act your Age), part of the supporting cast of Bones made an appearance. We saw Joel David Moore and Carla Gallo. And in the episode before that (S3E18, Airborne), Pej Vahdat was one of the passengers or Foreman's substitute.
A little thank you to everyone who diligently reads and shares my Dr. House posts. I'm just doing this for fun, but it's cool that it's well-received and my little analyses are being shared. Thank you very much!
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