#also fuck fics with love interests who were pretty happy in canon but actually have two thousand problems in fics
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danzainosolitude · 9 months ago
Once again I read fanfiction that seems to have been precisely written to deal psychic damage to me.
#this is about viridian the green guide. you guys actually read this slop?#boring as shit writing#awful plot lines (trigger has been resolved get new material#excessive use of italics and ‘problem child’. has the author heard anyone use a nickname irl ever#I hate bakugou slightly less than I hate Deku but even I could tell they suck at writing him#skipped over a few chapters because the writing was melting my brain but he would never be that condescending to himself#who the hell thinks ‘I’ve decided to not be an asshole’ with total seriousness#back to the bad plot lines. endeavor *checks notes* becomes a nomu and dies? I know the author nerfed everyone in the ground to match Deku#but wtf was the idea here#most successful cases in Japan and the strongest fire quirk ever (besides Dabi) and he gets treated like fodder?#there’s a certain childish canadence fanfiction writers type in when discussing ideas with others and the whole fic reeks of it.#the general easy going and generic aura vtgg emanates makes it even more insufferable#yeah insufferable is definitely the one word to describe this fic#original fic is ass and it only popularized the concepts. now you have even more bad writers speedrunning terrible concepts#it’s two am so this might not makes sense but whatever. not tagging this as mha because there are a lot of people who like this thing.#also fuck fics with love interests who were pretty happy in canon but actually have two thousand problems in fics#rant#anyways! I need to check into my games#I need to find the fic summarized so I can properly write my fanfic bashing vigilante/quirkless aus. barely any difference anyways.
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enden-agolor · 6 months ago
Hello! Have you seen the headcanon about Jesse's parents being Steve and Alex? Also I love your stuff <3 like so much !! It makes me very happy whenever I see your art on my dash
Thank you!! : D
And I think I have once or twice?
Idk I'm one of those people who try to stick as close to canon as possible in certain aspects, and I really do enjoy the idea that people just spawn into the world at random and that villagers/mobs are the only creatures that actually have parents. I think it's an interesting concept and people in the fandom rarely explore it, which is not a problem by any means, considering most people want world elements they can relate to. When I write my fics, I make it pretty clear that humans spawn into the world. Do they reproduce? We didn't see any children in game so maybe... not? Maybe they have the ability to, but kind of like how respawn isn't active in Jesse's world, but is in "The Games" world, maybe reproduction isn't active in Jesse's world, to keep human population completely controlled. Like one person dies, another person spawns. Who knows! It's fun to think about though.
Also I think it would be really fucking weird if it was Steve and Alex who were Jesse's parents because that means the Admin used their heads as decoration during the shooting range game in his Icy Palace of Despair ☠️
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fae-morrigan · 3 months ago
sorry, i don't know who else to rant about this to and i love the posts you make on jayjon. i recently got into the ship and am annoyed by how much of a lack of fan content there is for them especially in comparison to timber. ex) there's so much more fics for them than there is for jayjon on ao3 even though the relationships started around the same time. i haven't read much timber in the comics but are they really that much better written than jayjon? is that why? as a poc i hate to think that racism is the biggest factor on why, but i could also see it playing a big part...
Youuuuu accidentally hit on something that Jayjonners have been talking about amongst ourselves for ages.
No, they are NOT better written. I say this as someone who does enjoy timbern from time to time, timbern is actually written notably worse. Megfitz, who is their primary writer, is... well, she's not great at her job, and she often falls into certain trappings that I find.... mm. I don't want to dunk too much on her & her writing here but I Have Complaints.
The reason they're so popular compared to Jayjon is twofold:
Yeah, its 100% the racism thing. Like, white favoritism in DC fandom is already bad, its especially bad with our canon gay pairings. Jayjon get very little, Jackson/Ha'wea gets NOTHING, despite both of these ships showing up more frequently or more recently than Timbern. But also, I will say, and some People Forget but I did not: A lot of Timbern fans were more than happy to engage in fandom racism towards Jay & his fans if it made them look better. Back in the day there was a lot of "lol we're soooo much better than jayjon guys dont worry" which in retrospect is FUCKING HILARIOUS but in the moment was very frustrating. White characters who are significantly less developed than their non-white counterparts will inherently be assumed to be secretly interesting, while characters of color who genuinely are a full breakfast will have their every little thing nitpicked and be labelled as 'boring' by default. This is doubly true for a character like Jay, who's race is extremely central to who he is and how his story is read.
Its also because sadly, Bats are just more popular than GOD. Any ship that has a bat in it will inevitably do better than its non-bat counterpart, because DC and DC fandom push the batfam sooooooooo fucking hard. This is an unfortunate fact of life in the DC fandom, if youre like me and you dont care so much for bats or any of the popular batships, you are in for a terrible time and I am sorry. Hilariously, DC itself also was REALLY pushing Timbern at the time. Despite TDR not selling very well, Bernard had an adaptation in Titans, while Jay has not yet ever been adapted into a movie or TV adaptation. YET. Truly it is a matter of time, so they better not fuck it up or i'll appear in their house
But the thing is, fanon popularity does not translate into the metric DC actually cares about: Sales. TD:R did extremely poorly and was cancelled after ten issues, while pretty much every teen Jon comic has reliably stayed within the top 100. Despite being a tie-in comic utilizing several c-listers, basically a recipe for guaranteed shitty placement, Absolute Power: Super Son hit around 86 on the list, which was better than any of us expected it to do. So even if fanon content might take awhile to catch up, at the end of the day, slow and steady wins the race. Pre-order Secret Six, amen.
I will also say jayjonners tend to keep to ourselves. People are mean! Like, really mean. A lot of our fan-content tends to be hidden away in private group chats and accounts, just because we get people mocking us for.... breathing. Once you start Posting about jayjon though, one of us will usually take notice and adopt you into our little circle.
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dvilsdesire-a · 3 months ago
// Now that I am somewhat settled in a bit more to the house, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reached out to me the other day when I wasn't feeling great <3 I think seasonal depression just kind of kicked in as well. Christmas is always a bit depressing and lonely for me as I live interstate and my partner's family is all still in the US. It's just us, and that's okay! but I do miss feeling like Christmas is Christmas.
I also wanted to actually say happy new years to everyone as well, and a big thank you for sticking by me.
Last year, I decided one day that I was randomly going to make a Haarlep blog after I was stalking some article about Raphael on the net, and hadn't yet KNOWN about the HoH and what happened (I was only in Act 2 at the time, but I already had my eyes set on Raphael lol). I went on YT and I watched the Haarlep encounter, and I laughed, and I thought this is amazing, and then I couldn't wait to encounter him in game.
This was entirely a case of "I didn't choose the muse, the muse chose me." Haarlep and I honestly just... clicked. I was in a pretty low place for a long while previously, especially since tumblr RP had generally been very slow since I used to RP in the DA fandom. Unfortunately, 10 years gone without any new things, and as an old timer in the fandom, it had died off exceptionally, and every time I went on my dash, it was just depressing and a ghost town. Everyone I knew pretty much moved on save for a couple of us, but even then, we were all so quiet and had all of our own real life stuff happening and other special interests starting to take over.
So I dabbled in the BG3 community with Sornin and made his blog, but Sornin is such a drastic change from my Inquisitor, Kaaras, who I had spent YEARS writing and crafting, delving into deep metas for him and putting a lot of heart and soul into him. Seriously, guys... if you know me from the DARP community... or if you were active like a good...7 years ago? I'd be surprised if you hadn't known Kaaras. He was a big muse with a lot of traffic, and I had multiple (amazing!) people tell me that he was their canon Inquisitor for their companion muses. The love I have put into him as a muse and character was well worth every bit to share that love in the community. He was a hero, and a big soft, lovable ram.
Sornin was everything that Kaaras wasn't, though. Sornin is a tough muse to write because he's very antisocial and doesn't really care to interact with others. So even though I had found comfort in a new fandom and RP community, Sornin didn't quite give me the unf I once had.
Then all of a sudden... Haarlep just... consumed me. He was this bright little ball of energy and fire for my soul, and this muse that I just was like omg should I? I'll probably write with like... 2 people with him, but that's okay! I was so fucking wrong.
Haarlep took the damn stage, and I have met SO MANY amazing and wonderful people through writing them. This wasn't a character I thought I would spend HOURS studying and delving into, despite the fact that we only see TEN FUCKING MINUTES of them on screen. But here we are, months later, and I'm so, soooo happy that I made him and that I've met so many of you through this silly incubus <3
Suddenly, I was writing replies almost every day again. I was scrolling my dash every day, loving and sharing content, and sending in silly memes. And I won't lie... if I hadn't started writing Haarlep here, then I doubt I would have started writing my long fic Raphlep series (which is now on 36 CHAPTERS!???).
So I just wanted to say, thank you all so, so much, for not only making me feel welcome when I joined a new community to RP in, but for putting up with such a naughty little gremlin of a muse and allowing me to throw Haarlep at you and getting all of that pent up energy out that he has in my brain, lol.
For weeks, I had wanted to make a Raphael blog, but I was too anxious and nervous, and insecure with writing a character that was so poetic and well spoken (and that I didn't KNOW a lot of lore about since the world of DnD is SO large). Haarlep was sort of a stepping stone I wanted to make to TASTE how far I could go and see if I could close that gap and finally write Raphael. But let me tell you, this damn incubus entirely stole my soul, and the centre of the stage. But I am thankful, so, so thankful, because without them, I wouldn't be learning more, reaching out more, and overall being creative again. <3
I hope to continue getting to write with you all in the new year, and I hope 2025 is kind to us all <3
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hearthouses · 2 years ago
hello!! happy wincest wednesday! I'm not great at coming up with questions but-- are there any aspects of wincest or any tropes or angles you've been thinking about recently that are making you go particularly nuts???
This is a good and fun question!
So... I'm kind of an intense nerd who has people pleasing syndrome as well as fun traits like issues with choice paralysis, so picking one of my many many many ideas is very difficult, so in order to keep track of things I am interested for me, I have a document that is called "iddy ideas" which are essentially concepts that speak directly to my id. I'm gonna use the headers as way to answer this because otherwise I will forget something and it'll bug me, so things that live in my psyche re: Winchesters are:
→ DEAN & GENDER: I have a few asks in drafts that need answering about this topic, so I will keep this sort of brief—I am really into how Dean and his relationship to gender, and how the roles he plays in life force him into one box or another. I tend to headcanon him on the nonbinary/genderfluid spectrum, even if he’d never personally identify as either. I love exploring how he often uses toxic masculinity as a shield and how he uses it to cover up the more vulnerable aspects of his desires and identity. As for the Sam/Dean angle, I really love Sam figuring it out and using lingerie kink and feminization kink as a way for Dean to explore in a way that doesn’t completely freak him out. There’s a long fic in my head that I’ve been too nervous to write about this.
→ OMEGAVERSE & PREGNANCY: I have come up with so many ways to get Dean pregnant because I think about this topic so often. I won’t bore you with the list. I am unfortunately a sucker for pregnancy and kid fics as a trope. I don’t often read them because I prefer realism in the sense that the kid has to feel like an actual kid to me and not a symbol of happiness and completeness. For Sam/Dean, I enjoy the fucked up aspects of having a kid with your brother and how they would be so into that because it’s combining themselves into another living being, that they made together, ultimate symbol of their intense incestuous love. I also think Dean very much wants kids, but didn’t think he could have them with Sam, while I think Sam would really only want to have kids with Dean. I have many AUs where it is also the worst possible time for this to happen because I live for the melodrama. I also like post-pregnancy and seeing the kids grow up to be fucked up in their own special and unique ways.
→ DOMESTICITY & DISABILITY: I am simple and sometimes I want to force Sam and Dean to retire and live in a little cabin or cottage in the woods somewhere so they can grow old. Often, I think for the only way that makes sense for them to do so is if one or both were physically incapable of hunting anymore. I love them being forced to slow down and take care of one another. Given their lives, permenent injury is pretty likely and I love exploring the ways in which they'd have to grow and adjust to their new realities. Also, I kind of just want certain ideas presented in canon explored? Like Sam's issues with his sense of reality and hallucinations, or both of them having chronic pain. Plus, there should be more finale AUs where Dean lives, but he has mobility issues now.
→ WINCHESTERS & RAPE RECOVERY: Both Sam and Dean are rape survivors who repeatedly are sexually assaulted throughout the narrative, but they both react so differently to similar traumas and I would like to have this explored since the show wouldn't. Hell trauma also goes under this umbrella. I am fascinated by the ways in which Sam and Dean are mirrors and foils, and would like to explore the interiority of that. I’m also very into concepts and ideas that explore how their respective trauma informs some of their kinks i.e. I think post-s7 Sam especially wants more pain kink and D/s where he submits to get out of his own head and Dean struggling with the dom role due to his trauma from hell where he was put into the position of torturer and rapist, and them having to figure out to make that work without sending Dean into a tailspin.
→ CONSENT ISSUES: I love fuck or die, sex pollen, curses, and all related tropes. I also like "dark" versions of Sam or Dean (Demon!Dean, Soulless!Sam, Shapeshifters, Leviathans, etc.) menacing and putting the other in situations. I will never tire of this.
→ BOY KING SAM & MAGIC: Sam should be able to always have his powers as a treat. He should be able to be a little evil as a treat. Sam should get to go full on witchy as a treat. I love the demon blood arc, I love psychic wonder Sam, I love Sam who puts hex bags in witches mouthes and tells them he learned from the best. I am from the ancient times and watched the season three finale live, so my formative years were shaped by so many Sam becomes The Boy King and rescues Dean from hell fix it fics and AUs, and so it's always a favorite. I am currently writing one that is very slow going, but as a general vibe check I am calling it Sam's Moving Castle and "suiteverse but nice".
→ WEREWOLVES & MONSTER WINCHESTERS: I love werewolves and I want Sam and Dean to be werewolves and be a pack of two. But I'm not picky and would like them to be any sort of monster. I think the show was too scared of upsetting the status quo and permanently transforming them into monsters, which is a shame, but now it is now my hyperfixation when it comes to fic for them.
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:O!!! BROOO!!! I WAS LITERALLY JUST THINKING ABOUT NEZHA WANTING APPROVAL FROM OLDER MALE AUTHORITY FIGURES!!!! Like sure, the guys got a dad but the two of them are on the rocks a lot of the time. He literally NEEDS approval from people higher than him and I really do believe that he doesn't actually realise that it's because his strained relationship with his dad kinda messed with his self worth.
AND OOOOUUUUGGGHHHH!!! Wukong having problems with letting people in and ending up in situationships literally HAS to be canon. Bro is probably still grieving over the pilgrims, and tbf he's real for that, they were on that journey for ten years but BROO! I also like the idea that Wukong isn't really sure about his feelings for Nezha because yeah, he does like Nezha and thinks of him as cool, but does he actually want a partner or is he just attracted to the idea of someone not dying on him?
So the two of them are stuck in this circle because Nezha literally NEEDS approval and he needs Wukong to at least acknowledge that he wants him in some way, and while the jokes probably satiated that need for a bit in the beginning, Nezha does genuinely want to be wanted because he grew up pretty unwanted. And Wukong lowkey wants to want Nezha, and it's a pretty safe bet since Nezha is also immortal and strong so he doesn't have to worry about Nezha dying on him but old habits die hard and honestly he kinda wants to see how long he can play this relationship tug of war with Nezha(because he's still scared to admit his feelings and isn't sure if he actually likes Nezha or just likes the idea of not being left alone again) until Nezha gives up because Nezha MUST give up at some point, surely he'll get bored and leave, right? Maybe he'll get tired of this game like the Brotherhood and just leave him and spare him the heartbreak of getting attached and having happy memories only to leave after decades, maybe centuries if their lucky, together.
WRONG!! Nezha is just as stubborn as Wukong and as long as Wukong dangles the idea of his approval and/or affection Nezha WILL try and grab it.
Again ignore if you don't like it, and don't feel pressured to agree with me! I wanna hear your thoughts dude!! You got that big huge brain ideas and I'm eating them up.
omg OH MY GOD. ANON HOW HOW HAVE YOU CREATED SUCH AN INTERESTING CONCEPTTTT like anon you might have to write a fic for this like seriously this. this shit is fucking fantastic.
i think nezha's craving for approval from maf(male authority figures)could have some further backing when you consider his mother. i couldn't find much information on her in jttw or her in general and iirc she never shows up or is even mentioned in lmk. i imagine that for lmk she's not really around much and thus isn't very present in nezha's life. because he doesn't have much of a relationship with his mom all he really has is his relationships with men. hell if you wanted to maybe nezha unconciously is also drawn to older women as well its not a craving for their approval but more just a craving for them to be there for him unlike his mother who never really was.
"does he actually want a partner or is he just attracted to the idea of someone not dying on him?" ANON YOU ATE WITH THIS HOLY SHIT I WAS GAGGED WHEN I READ THIS LINEEE. tbh it could be both hell maybe wukong's into the soulmates and i love you in every universe thing because then his partner won't leave or die and if they do they'll both die together(romeo and juliet esque you could say)because he's so desperate for his loved ones/partners to not leave him.
god these two are such a trainwreck. I LOVE THEMMM
"you got that big brain huge ideas" kfjfjfjjfdf why thank you!
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sardonic-sprite · 2 years ago
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo. It was Timmy's bday yesterday! So here's a question:
What do you think are some things about Tim that Jason is fond of ?
Also, what are some of your favorite things about Tim??
(you can answer either or both or neither upto you!)
Happy Birthday to my baby boy Timmy! 🎂🎉🥳
Oooh, interesting questions.
Jason: I think Jason would have a fondness for Tim’s geekiness because it often complements his own nerdiness quite nicely. He's fondly EXASPERATED by Tim’s pitiful physical/mental self-care habits, and he'd never admit it, but taking care of Tim makes him feel useful and proud -- it's proof he can still heal, he's not reduced to harm. He secretly admires Tim's strength of will. This kid figures out what's necessary and come hell or high water he does that thing, from becoming Robin to NOT becoming a supervillain. Jason's made peace with his own moral code by now, but I don't think that stops him from wondering who he'd be if he were more like Tim, or who Tim would have become if put through Jason's experiences. Jason is fond of watching Tim interact with Damian because the mix of catty rivalry, roundabout empathy, and ferocious love is something Jason's sure Tim learned from HIM, not Dick. But most of all, I think Jason's fond of Tim's forgiving heart. He will never really understand it, and sometimes he can't help but call it naive, but the way Tim can look Jason in the eyes and tell him "I forgive you. I love you" even after everything Jason did to him... It might just be the most undeserved and yet most treasured gift Jason's ever been given.
Me: My favorite thing about Tim Drake is how much I can torture him 😁👍
Ok, I'm mostly kidding. Tim Drake... is complex and interesting. He contains multitudes. There's fanon and canon, and different writers' fanon and canon. Who the fuck is Tim Drake, like, actually?
As I understand it, DC designed him to be the Everyman Robin. As fic writers, we take certain details and hints and blow them up for that sweet sweet angst, but at least in the beginning of "Tim Drake" he actually was a pretty normal, albeit genius, kid. And as much as I enjoy making his early life hell, I want to actually celebrate the Everyman origins today.
Because here's the thing. Not many of us are orphaned circus performers. I hope and pray not many of us have fended for our own lives homeless on dangerous streets at young ages. I highly doubt we've had to go to war against our own fathers, and I'm pretty damn sure none of us have been raised by immortal megalomaniacs in assassin cults.
But being raised by two working parents and sometimes a nanny in a stable household, balancing extracurriculars and grades? Yeah. A lot of people, at least in what I assume was the target demographic for Tim's comics when he was created, can relate to that.
And that's what I love about Tim. He's so normal, a self-insert for the handwavy general reader, AND YET.
He becomes a superhero.
He didn't even set out to. All he set out to do was give the other heroes pep talks and a reinstated sense of purpose. But when that wasn't enough, when the heroes weren't strong enough, this little everyman boy decides that he's going to do it, and then he DOES.
Not for glory. Not for vanity. Not for his own sense of purpose. Just because it's needed. Just because he wants to help make his world a little less broken.
I love Tim Drake because he is proof that you don't need to be great to have a great effect on your world.
Are any of us gonna become superheroes? No. Are we gonna lose spleens to supervillains? God, I hope not. But can we look around and decide to roll up our sleeves and care for others, no matter whether the Greats are failing? Yeah. Yeah, I think we can, and if we have the strength, we should.
Tim Drake, at his very core, is just a normal kid who loves others and wants to help them. Even when it's hard. Even when it hurts him.
If he can do it, I can too.
And that is an encouraging thought.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year ago
yuletide anon here! thanks for the advice, I've been flailing a bit with the sheer volume & variance of 'how to do yuletide' posts. a more specific query: do you recommend writing a letter vs. just keeping everything to optional details? the big 'advice on prompts' post claims that vague prompts are better, but the letters from this year so far (kudos to all on getting them up so fast) are a nightmare of ambiguity for me personally, but I don't want to step on any toes w/too much specificity.
If you want to write like... 200 words max, you can just use the optional details.
My letter is already thousands of words, though shorter than most years, and that level of detail just makes one's eyes glaze over if it's in the signup form.
A letter can also be posted somewhere that respects more html formatting. If you want to have a bunch of sections or embed graphics or explain where to consume your canon or anything else that takes lots of space and possibly better formatting than the AO3 signup form, a letter is superior.
People also post letters before the requests are revealed, so some treaters default to looking at letters to find people to treat.
(But if you're hoping for treats, you do want some level of interesting hook in your actual signup because people do look through the requests on AO3.)
Taste in prompts varies so much that people have opposite opinions. You will never make everyone happy.
I hate vague-ass prompts. Fuck that advice. Though anything's better than "Just write me anything! :D :D" which guarantees I'll phone in 1k and then write my real fic for someone else.
I love ultra detailed prompts that are nearly an outline... but only if they match my pre-existing tastes. It's dangerous to only have this type of prompt, especially if you only have one for a fandom because writers tend to freeze if they don't like the prompt itself. It's a "don't think of a polar bear" situation where now all you can think of is the polar bear.
It's safest to also have a section on tropes and story elements you generally like, whether that's dubcon or casefic. This helps a writer extrapolate from a "too detailed" prompt to other things you might enjoy instead of feeling like it's that exact prompt or nothing.
Frankly, vague sucks.
Specific but open to modifications is great.
No prompts but a list of fairly specific tropes like "sex pollen" or "hanahaki" or "undercover as a couple" is good too. These are open to going in a lot of directions, but they come with specific plot ideas attached in a way that "fluff" or "angst" do not.
TBH, as long as you don't threaten suicide over not getting the story you want, you're pretty much fine though.
(I wish I were joking, but yes, this has more or less happened.)
You don't actually have to do anything in particular. If writing a lot of details is stressful or boring, you could leave it blank. You'll get a worse-for-you fic most likely, but you can do this. There are even weirdo writers who prefer it.
The best case scenario is to write details and/or a letter that make a potential writer understand your taste. It's really as simple as that.
And no one style of prompt or particular kind of detail will guarantee that someone understands you.
At a certain point, it's down to your writing skill in the signup/letter itself and your writer's reading comprehension.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year ago
☁️🐚🍄🍓(all, or any combination you want) for the fanfiction author ask meme
kissing your hand reverently for the ask etc
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
i just like leather bookmarks!! originally lb was a non-kpop sideblog, and i wanted something that wouldn't be fandom-specific (i don't really like changing usernames) but that at the same time would fit my current fandom (the hobbit hehe). so, leatherbookmark!!
as for my ao3 username, oenanthe is a name of two genera: birds and plants, but i took mine from the bird one. specifically, this little guy. i love that the latin name is so pretty (wine+flower) but both english and polish taxonomers went "this bird has a white ass. alright then here you go"
by the way, huh, these arrows are fun! they're not -> but ⇢. they're dashed. cute
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
oh boy i really don't... i used to when i was a kid, but at this point it's just a source of stress. though like -- depends, because if someone gets me a little postcard or a souvenir that's right up my alley, it's great and i'm happy they thought of me!, but if it's a big expensive gift... yeag
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
fascinated by the separation of ship and pairing here, btw
ohhhh my god i gotta get my fandom brain back in order.
xiyao. what do i think about xiyao? i like to think that in a better world they'd love to Eat. try out different stuff, ranging from "drowning in grease and made by a 78yo uncle who spits into his hands spiritedly before kneading the dough" to... hm. would they go for the "lick the citrus foam out of the plaster cast of the chef's mouth" dining, uh, experience? probably not, but lxc would be amazed and interested, half sincerely and half because he wants to check at what point jgy will go beloved, what the fuck.
but ALSO i think they'd just enjoy meals as a way of spending time together! so whether it's a modern au or not, they whip out the nice tableware, make sure there's a nice plantly being/something decorative on the table, etc. (they don't play music/put on tv in the background because they don't believe in that.)
(all of the above also means their meals take WAY longer than you'd expect, or rather -- as long as they can make them. breakfasts come with dessert now icydk)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
hm!! i think i just... started doing it? when i was a kid and browsing blogs about the witch comic series, i stumbled upon some blogs that weren't like, character profiles and comic arc summaries, but instead basically chaptered fanfiction. and since that, i kind of seeked out people's fics, often more than canon material like scans, databases and such lol.
iirc i started out making comics about my OCs, weird little AUs (like... utena characters, but magical girls/boys lmfao), or "original" comics obviously were just crazy mixes of whatever i was into at the moment. i only started writing fic when i was, idk, ten? and even then it was more like "ough i have a certain scene/image/mood/feeling in my brain and i need to get it Out" than actual stories :')
another thing that hasn't changed until sort-of-very-recently was me just.... starting anew every new fandom. i'd be into fandom X for years, produce tons of fics, and then once i got into fandom Y i was like oh fuck this is all so embarrassing, STARTING A NEW ACCOUNT RIGHT AWAY OR WE DIE. 👍 on one hand cool, on the other i sometimes envy writers who don't have to log into three separate accounts to see all their stats ='D
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kyliafanfiction · 10 months ago
Okay, like - clearly my out of fucking nowhere obsession with Amy Dallon (again, w/o having read any of Worm or Ward, and, when this started, not even having read fanfic, just the wiki, some discussions on QQ and some reddit debates. I have since started reading Amy-centered fic) is not going anywhere, but like
People who read worm, are Amy fans, and know the details of what happens with her in Ward:
Does it ever get easier to deal with? Because that fucking shit keeps cycling around in my head and I just - don't want to focus on it?
Like, having bounced through a ton of reddit threads, it's clear on some level that the 'Retcon of Amy' argument is probably not really it, but that also, it comes from a very real place where Wildbow's earlier writing and WoG comments created very different impressions of various.
And I do sympathize with the 'I meant X, you aren't getting X, X is pretty integral to the story, let me clarify X' aspect wrt to Amy's narrative in Ward, after a certain point. I feel like he went well beyond clarifying X from all the excerpts and debates I've seen, but again, I've read neither.
But also, like... I don't actually care what happened in Ward? Fine, in Ward, Amy proves to be... well, all that. I feel like that probably wasn't the most interesting thing Wildbow could have done with her, but fine.
I want to actually like... just stop getting upset about it? And I am and again, I still haven't even read either story.
Like, I know that a big part of this is that I've been through this sort of experience with characters before, so Amy Dallon is just another fucking case of 'character who seemed very clearly to being set up for kind of redemption and then the rug feels like it gets pulled along with retcons new revelations about their mindset and backstory that proves they were never redeemable or what they did was really so much worse, etc.
And it's not like I haven't seen it work (Gul Dukat, in a sense, for instance), but also like... it doesn't work, a lot. Whether or not it 'works' for Amy almost doesn't matter because I definitely have a lot of prior baggage from all the other media where it definitely fucking didn't. (Right down to the part where it feels - whether it is or isn't - like a deliberate spit in the eye to portions of the fanbase)
But I also can be like 'fine, Ward's canon, it's technically in character, but I'm just going to read and write (Please, god, no, I do not want to do this fucking fuck if I read Worm I'm going to want to write fic...) fic where Amy gets to be happy in some form especially pre-Slaughterhouse 9 (though I'd love to read a fic post-Worm where Amy actually like... *does* leave Victoria alone and does make the right choices and stuff. Has anyone written one of those?)
But my brain is refusing to let me so like -
The Amy Dallon brainrot is clearly here to stay, apparently, I don't even fucking no how (though really, I do, because Amy Dallon was clearly tailored made to hit all my fucking blorbo-buttons istg), but like - when do I stop getting so fucking annoyed and frustrated about Ward?
It's not like I haven't managed to do that about other canon and other blorbos, so when do I get to do that for a story I haven't even read that's a sequel to another story I haven't read?
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thousand-winters · 11 months ago
🍐 or 🫐?
Hello there!!! Answering both because I love yapping 🫶
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
For TOH, I was very much not a fan of For the Future and the writing choices made in there. I don't hate the Boscha plot, but I think it felt more like a random episode that could have worked had it not been in the triada of specials that had already so much to cover and such high stakes in that sense, which makes it so frustrating for me. Especially since the trailer made it feel like the puppets would be a big part of the episode and they just... weren't? They were used to sideline characters and nothing else, the implications of people being aware or not as puppets (which is a bit unclear because the puppets were done to work however was convenient to the plot, case in point: puppet Amity) and so many things could have been explored but they weren't and it's just... tragic, honestly.
I like the fics that either side-step this plot altogether or use it to the maximum. I think the puppets aren't necessarily bad overall, they just needed more consistency and to actually be used. There are so many interesting possibilities there.
I also wish we had seen Darius and Hunter reunite post Labyrinth Runners. Priorities lmao.
For MP100 I think I'm generally pretty pleased with everything? I know there are things I wish we knew more about, lore and character backstories and stuff between the scenes, but it's mostly me being deranged about background and side characters, not so much something I think it's lacking.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
For TOH... Eber as part of the Deamonne family! It's thankfully done a lot more after Watching and Dreaming dropped and I'm so happy about that because before we were in the trenches. You cannot convince me that little demon who's attached at the hip to Darius wouldn't be part of the family. They're co-parenting Hunter right beside Darius, it's not even a question, it's a "you adopted a kid? Your kid now? Oh, no, our kid now, you mean."
My obsession with the Deamonnes aside, I really think Skara is underrated, she's so fun as a background character who had an implied redemption arc. Heather McNamara vibes right there lowkey. I wanted to write a fic about that, actually, but it got lost on my huge list of wips, maybe I will at some point because I think it's so interesting and definitely connected to her vonding with Viney, since they seem attached at the hip later on.
For MP100... it's still the background characters. I think it's neat because you usually can find someone obsessed with each character at least, so that's very fun. I just keep getting attached to characters who overall weren't supposed to be that important, you know? The 7th division guys are my little guys. The Awakening Lab kids as well. I think about the Ultimate 5 a normal amount. I'm developing headcanons as we speak, there's just so much. How did they awaken their powers? Why did they join Claw (for those who that applies too)? What were their lives like before? There's so much!!!
Anyway. Thanks for the questions!!! From this ask game 💕
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As Much As Is Realistically Possible We Should Avoid Getting Our Panties in a Twist Over Being Faithful To The Canon: Me Giving Dracula Opinions Alongside a Good Does Of Generic Fandom Philosophy Because I'm A Procrastinating Idiot Who Likes To Hear The Sound Of My Own Voice
Don't get me wrong I fucking hate when what I personally love about the canon is ruined in adaptations. Still waiting on any adaptation to actually give me a post-castle Jonathan which is in any way as interesting as he is in the book. But also, the nature of fandom and fanfiction and fanon and all that is we all engage with a story, are drawn to some aspect of the canon which resonates with us, and then typically use this as a jumping off point to explore things that the text doesn't. This is true for pretty much everyone out here draculablogging.
For example, there is in my opinion absolutely no evidence that Lucy Mina and Jonathan were a trio of childhood friends. Lucy's family does not seem to have property in Exeter and Jonathan literally never thinks about Lucy on his own. It seems obvious to me that Mina and Lucy met at boarding school. I'm quite happy to keep this element of canon in my fics because it makes sense to me. Conversely I do like to dabble in Van Helsing: Vampire Slayer, and that is expressly not canon. But idrc because it's more fun and interesting to me to have it that way. People who want to see Lucy, Jonathan, Mina childhood best friend trio bc they think it's cute are just as valid, even though I don't particularly care one way or the other. It's kinda silly to be like *eye roll* well this is fanon not canon when I guarantee you if you really look at your own preferences you're doing it too, and who really cares? People just like different things. Plus the whole point of fandom is you can go places where the canon didn't like if you write in a best friend trio then you get to explore why Lucy and Jonathan apparently grew apart. If you write an occult background for Van Helsing you get to maybe color in some of his odd edges. That's cool and good who cares if it's not strictly accurate as long as you don't pretend you're being canon compliant.
Now, those two examples are pretty innocuous, but bc this novel gets pretty heavy at times, naturally the Discourse amps up when things amp up. For example, I really like to write Mina having a lot of rage. I like her to want to rip Dracula limb from limb (granted my fics always have her role-swapped with Jonathan in the books). I am well aware that this is not in her book character at all, who consistently pities Dracula and counsels against vengeance. Personally, I just think vengeful Mina is more fun, and it's also true that I don't appreciate how Bram Stoker is like "yes perfect christian woman. perfect. all mercy. so pitying." I don't think it's quite realistic to what her feelings would be to a man who assaulted her and I also think she should get to be waaaayyy more angry about the way Dracula abused the two people she loved in all the world. I like feminine rage and I think Mina should have some and so I write her as having some. But I also get that plenty of people don't really vibe with righteous anger and like Mina's whole mercy bit and find it really really compelling, and sure plenty of victims of assault in the real world are not preoccupied with revenge. And that's such a valid take and fics that run with it are more reflective of Mina's book characterization than mine. And once again both are good. Neither side needs to be going "well MY changes are inherently more feminist than yours" to justify our preferences, it's just what we like, we can just like it, and if there is a feminist slant to what we think/write/draw it does not mean the other take is anti-feminist.
This is also why, in my opinion, it's truly not that deep if people want to ship their little harkula dracumina dark romance ships. Like full disclosure I think some of the most fucked up harkula stuff can be hot, but I have 0 interest in reading the stories that really focus on Dracula embodying the repressed desires of either Jonathan or Mina. I do absolutely exclusively read the stuff where Dracula is an unsympathetic abusive monster, and I want to read stories that use that as the anchor for horror, and I want to read stories that have Jonathan and Mina overcoming that abuse.
Now That Doesn't Mean I think the people who want to do the whole twisted love stockholm syndrome thing are bad or shouldn't do it. They are clearly just coming to the text from a completely different place than I am. It's not like I would disagree that at the very beginning before the torture began Jonathan was kinda attracted to Dracula in the Victorian queer horror way. If people want to do the whole reincarnated wife thing with Mina bc idk they really like the Coppola film or whatever, sure. I will not read that, but I'm not going to invent reasons why they're Bad Dracula Fans. It doesn't matter if it's not canon, so long as you don't say it's canon (why did you name it Bram Stoker's Dracula Francis it's not Bram Stoker's Dracula you did not adapt ANY of the characters faithful why are you lying)
Anyway I know I'm not really saying anything new, and mostly the Dracula fandom has been fine but I have seen a few takes out there acting like canon is a trump card that it truly isn't, and i've also definitely seen people get up on the moral high horse on like, depictions and portrayals of abuse etc. and although fandom can be a wonderful space to tell important, compelling stories about heavy topics, when people don't want to do that, they're not less moral than you. Lots of the time they're trying to tell important, compelling stories about heavy topics of a different sort, and sometimes they're writing porn. This is normal fandom stuff.
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laesas · 2 years ago
About the violence ask thing:
10. worst part of fanon
Daddy Chan. Every time there is a "subtle" background ChanBig where Big "slips up" and says "Yes daddy" I literally vomit into my own mouth. If i see it again I will start chundering into envelopes and mailing them to people as I see fit.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Vers fics: When an author takes a "stereotypical" dynamic and plays with it, it tells me they've actually thought about the characters, their likes and dislikes and motivations. (it also says gay people like what they like during sex and it literally doesnt matter just like real life!! but that's besides the point!!).
I'm much more likely to read a ChayKim or PeteVegas oneshot *because* of an authors willingness to play around with character dynamics. I've read some outstanding PorscheKinn fics where Kinn is revealed as treating topping as the least 'gay' way to be gay (and as we learned in the very first scenes of KinnPorsche: "do you still like gelato" - being gay is treated as a weakness/thing to mock) so any exploration of being gay + sex acts as subversion/rebellion is so tasty delicious to me.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Genuinely loathe to admit that I lost interest in Kinn x Porsche when they started being happy-clappy "in love" around episode 8-9. I apparently only love bitches with severe problems lmao.
9. worst part of canon
Other than the absolute tonal dissonance between some of the scenes (KimChay breakdown to helicopter sloppy my behated) - I think KinnPorsche completely missed a trick when it came to bodyguard deaths affecting the other bodyguards. I know I bang on about Big and Ken as my favourites, but having 2 of the highest ranking bodyguards die- one of which was a trusted traitor and one of which died protecting Porschem- affect??? noone??????? Especially when the fact that nobody mourned BIG - who died for Kinn's LOVE and for Porsche. The fact that Kinn barely mourned Big could have absolutely played a super interesting role in Pete's decision to leave. It could have sowed seeds of doubt in Porsche's trust of Kinn - and if they HAD left space for Kinn to grieve the loss of his closest bodyguard, it could have really reshaped Kinn and Porsche's whole dynamic in an interesting way.............. idk. I think it's a loose end and a poorly handled opportunity for interesting characterisation. But the extra time did make room for KinnPorsche fart jokes sooo it's fine. I'm not seething. :)
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I will defind Jeff Satur to the ends of the earth. BUT AND HOWEVER. I genuinely think that the direction for Kim's interactions with Chay were relatively poor and far too focused on Kim/Jeff looking pretty than like... showing genuine emotion. Barcode seemed to act rings around Jeff at times, and yet in scenes where he *was* allowed to show emotion (see bar scene and polaroid scene!!!) he fucking smashed it. But scenes like WDYS at the end lacked emotional depth because the production was too worried about Jeff looking good on camera for a music video clip rather than the emotional payoff of the scene...
I also think KimChay could/SHOULD have absolutely been lesbians. There's something so fucking lesbian about KimChay I could cry. I nominate Silvy Pavida as Kim and Fah Yongwaree as Chay. but that's just my lesbian opinion.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
fdhjkhsknhdajksh GOD. I honestly don't block all that often. I hate to end on an actually sour note but - just people treating the Build situation as "tea" or "entertainment" or "hashtag drama" when like...... it was just so serious to me. idk. I definitely blocked a few people that I personally think handled that badly.
That said while I generally dont block often, I did block someone yesterday for blazing stranger things fanfiction with no readmore onto my dashboard. It was like 6k+. It was just quicker to scroll up and block than get to the bottom of it haha
🔥 The Choose Violence Ask Game 🔥
send me some here 💌
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22degreehalo · 13 days ago
Okay. okay. I've gotten to part-way through Resonance. And then skipped ahead to read a couple of Eighteen Years chapters. And I think that's where I'm going to stop when it comes to the Turning-verse. At least for now. And I have. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings!!!
Or: anyone wanna see me ramble for almost 3,000 words about a fanfiction series? :)
So. I'm stopping because I've realised once again that there actually isn't any cathartic ending to the fic, seeing as the final part was never completed. I asked that question on tumblr about it and never got an answer but checked it over and saw that the final chapter had Josh/Sam tagged, to my relief, and then somehow in my head that morphed into it also being a tag on the the chapter before it as well, but nope: just Eighteen years. And I read a couple from that fic and it's... still not endgame Josh/Sam, right up until the last ever written.
Which: on the one hand, if I read any further, I'll just be making myself suffer. Because I do love angst and pining and complicated relationships and all that other delicious glory the Turning-verse provides, and I can even enjoy tragic or bittersweet endings, but in general, I can pick up on when that's gonna be too much for me. Did you know that I had to quit Dirk/Jake for a while because their dysfunctional relationship just stepped over the line of 'delicious angst' to 'wow I am. actually in an awful mood over this.'? (I also threw up after Jake first declared his interest in accepting Dirk's feelings, lmao. In fairness, I don't think I am capable of feelings that strong at all anymore.) (Also, that was why I threw myself so heavily into Little Busters!, so... good ending?) And with these two......... man. :'( I do just want to see them able to be together. In the Turning-verse it felt like every time they were happy or trusted each other before the end of a fic, everything was about to go horribly wrong... It takes a lot to get me actively searching for short fluff fics for a ship, lmfao.
But also. I've been reading so intensively because I needed to get to the part where things get better. And now I know that that part doesn't exist!!!!! (Not really.) That's a bit of a relief, oddly. I feel like I'm done.
Maybe I'll look for another post-canon fic and pretend that's Turning-verse, hahaha. There was one I really wanted to read until I realised it was post-canon and then thought I should save those for later.
man. I'm not looking forward to Sam leaving the show. :(
also last night I couldn't stop thinking. many MANY things but among them I just imagined years-later Turning-verse the two getting along better again for a while and then falling into bed together again. And afterwards just... being able to talk openly. And Sam being so firm about things but also, at least for this one period, understanding Josh's fears. And Josh wanting so badly for this night to not end. But afterwards maybe... maybe Josh really could get better.
I'm really glad the last of the Eighteen Years snippets exists. I've drawn the connection between Josh's PTSD and his internalised homophobia, and The Decay of Lying implied that pretty dang heavily, but that's the first time it was directly pointed out. That, actually, starting a new very stressful relationship immediately after he got shot and contracted PTSD was kind of... always destined to end in failure. I'm glad that Josh had someone who was able to give him that version of the story. Of course, the reason he hasn't had anyone is because he's too scared to talk about it... so. catch 22. :'(
I actually.............. had some mixed feelings about The Decay of Lying as a story tbh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like. DON'T GET ME WRONG. the whole thing of Josh STILL trying to insist that he isn't *gay* (or bi, for that matter), after all these years of being madly in love with and sleeping with Sam?! Chefs kiss. Perfection. Holy shit. They don't give you that good shit in fandom anymore holy fucking FUCK!!!!!!!! Like, that's it, that's the REAL realistic goddamn representation there: no maturing gradually over time, just balling up that thing you never want to admit or talk about and keeping it pressed down never to see the light of day because things are going okay without it, right? Right??? :')
Given the title, I thought the fic would focus more on the difficult position our boys would be in discussing the president's secret-keeping given their own circumstances. I think it's a little sad that it didn't. I think there was room: it's a weirdly short fic, given how much ground it covers?
Instead, that fic focuses way more on Sam's growing disillusionment with his job and Josh. And that's... eugh, it really does depress me in canon how many blows he takes around this time :( But all of that is intensified in this verse because here it's not just his coworkers keeping things from him but his boyfriend. And I thought this earlier with Speechless, but at a certain point it starts to feel... less like a filling in the blanks and more like the canon distorting the story being told here. All of the characters' actions are in-character in canon by definition (let's just go with that for the sake of the argument, anyway), but they're in-character within the context of CANON. Would Josh have kept all those things from Sam in the context of them actually dating? At the very least part of me wanted somebody to raise the question of whether it's good or sensible to ask Josh specifically to keep these things from him. But that'd be tantamount to admitting that there's a different relationship between them, I know... And then the MS thing is...
Actually, that's another thing I imagined. We know Josh can't tell Sam about the MS if we're sticking to canon scenes, and also because... uh practically speaking. As mad as Sam might be about it (mostly because of earlier context) that's. in no fucking way a thing you can tell somebody else without permission hahahhhh. But I could imagine a Sam who didn't suggest the possibility of coming out to Leo noticing that Josh is distracted and pressing him a bit and Josh admitting at least that yes there is something they're keeping from him. Of course Sam would be angry at first but once they've had some little fight I think he would just be able to accept begrudgingly that they're waiting. And after he was told it'd make sense. Hell, maybe in this version Josh gets through and convinces the president (through Leo?) to tell him earlier. (which. AGAIN suggests ~things~ but. in my version maybe Josh can take some baby steps forward. Maybe we can even envision how things could've turned out better!!!!!!!!!! frankly I think it'd be a weight off Josh's shoulders to just, drop a bomb on him and have Leo ask about it. Get it over with. Done and dusted.
But. overall it is a very depressing chapter in terms of Sam's overall... idealism and belief in humanity and such and. And I'm remember Dirk/Jake, up there. It is bumming me out more than my ideal capacity. :(
And then we have the big moment. Like i said above, I LOVE that the fic finally drew that clear connection between his panic attacks wrt Sam and his flashbacks: Sam recognising that and moving to comfort him (despite his confusion) was actually really, really good, and under different circumstances, you can tell things might have turned out better.
But... I sorta. Don't entirely love the WAY they broke up. Like. Josh trying to 'I don't know if I'm breaking up with you' is, in theory, kinda perfect? But it's all just so... I know it seems wrong to say that it's sudden when they'd been growing apart for a whole chapter. But that was malaise, not panic. When Sam tries to initiate sex, Josh is *panicked* in a way he never has been about sex before, and we never get a proper explanation for it all? The other times they broke up, there was some external event triggering Josh's fear, but here we don't get any hint of that. Yes, they're working on a campaign again, but in that case I'd expect just... him being more furtive and jumpy in general, not reluctant to have sex with Sam in his own living room. The tone just doesn't seem to match up.
Especially since he really had been jumping higher and higher over Sam's bars up until this point. In Interlude, they're actually pretty goddamn *functional*. Josh goes on a weekend trip and gets photographed with him because he knows this means something to Sam and wants to support him!!! Sam talks about them (mostly theoretically) in the context of goddamn MARRIAGE and Josh sits and works through his panic in 2 seconds and pushes through.
I guess maybe you could say that the pressure was getting to Josh, but again: what we got in the rest of The Decay of Lying was lethargy. Lack of motivation. I can say from personal experience that unfortunately, sometimes the best antidote to anxiety is to just be so tired and apathetic you just can't care anymore. Though I guess the lethargy was mostly on Sam's end. Could he have been missing the signs of Josh's ever-increasing stress?
When they broke up the first time, they had no clue what they were doing: Josh was so severely obviously not ready and Sam fooled himself about that until he couldn't anymore. The second time, they found something mostly mutual: it still wasn't great, and it was still largely caused by Josh and his panic attacks over CJ and the letter, but they were able to mutually agree that it was going badly and to be friends instead.
I sorta... wasn't expecting the third break-up to be even worse than the first one. That's hard.
Maybe if the series was totally completed, this'd be the big dramatic third-act crisis. (I mean, quite a lot of words are spent after this, so I don't think it's actually in the third act. But plot-structure-wise.) But... they don't get over this. Ever. They never make up properly now because the fic was never completed.
And it seems like even that takes a long, long time. That is... such a long time for things to be so bad between them. Maybe I need to peek in at the in-between parts and learn that Sam really actually kept thinking of Josh much the same way he did during the 10-year gap when he almost got married to Lisa, but they end things so fucking badly at the break-up and then Sam is still so resigned and depressed about life and the world and it's just... ugh. Dirk/Jake. It's giving it. It's giving me the stomach swirlies just one angle percentage too acute for me to bear. :(
And Josh seems to really fall in love with Donna. I know that's not endgame, but... the fic never ended, so. It is, actually?? And also, I don't want them to have a messy break up either :(((
Just. What I mean is: Josh's sort-of-break-up comes so out of the blue, and then it's all just so completely and irrevocably final. Which... I'm not mad at Sam for not trying harder to understand him. He has the right to react like he did. But. It feels like, in a romance story like this, he would feel a higher proportion of sad to anger. That he would want to know what triggered these thoughts in Josh all of a sudden. I know it spirals in part because of Andy, but: well, the author didn't have to bring Andy back at that exact moment!!!
And if not Sam, then... Josh really does fucking adore Sam. Is even more head over heels for him than Sam is for Josh. Yes in a moment of weakness he might try to 'semi break up' with Sam like he did, but I can't really see him just... leaving it there. I could honestly see him not even letting Sam leave the apartment, then. I could see him begging. I know it's not post-Rosslyn anymore (and even then, he only suggested Sam not see him because of the picture CJ found, remember!!!!!), but after everything they've been through, it's hard to imagine Josh not trying harder.
Which is to say. Again, I'm hoping the author didn't have them break up when they did primarily to keep the canon context of Josh dating Amy. Like... when they started writing they couldn't have known what would happen in later seasons (as we see from the Lisa episode that permanently severed it from strict canon compliance), but surely it was inevitable that one of them would get an unambiguous love interest? Or maybe I've being too pessimistic and Amy had nothing to do with it.
I started Resonance largely because I liked the idea of Amy lecturing Josh all about toxic masculinity and him struggling not to have any kind of healthy profound personal epiphany about it. I quickly realised that I remembered very little about Amy from my half-hearted first watch of the series like 10 years ago, lol. But apparently he does end up admitting to her that he had a thing with Sam, so I like that. I want to read that.
In fact, the whole extended period of them getting into other relationships but with one another weighing on their minds, and the slow process of being able to speak about it and reveal the truth to others... that is the sort of thing I daydream about a lot!!!! I'm often reluctant to put it down into fanfic because it's sort of an awkward space for a fic; I want these 2 to be endgame but one to finally admit and have some catharsis over a past queer relationship? Who is the audience for that, anyway? (Me. I'm the audience.)
Except, this time... I don't want to read it. I enjoyed the 18 Years snippet Pillow Talk right up until the end when I bounced off again. It's not even just that I want Sam and Josh to get to be endgame of this particular story, it's that... things ended *so fucking unbelievably badly.* I want Josh to be able to sigh and finally admit that yeah they were young and in love during the campaign, but he just couldn't deal with the stress so they had to end it. And maybe they slept together a couple of times after, like after Rosslyn, but they remained friends.
Like, that's one of the things I like about this ship: the capacity for those sorts of less-than-ideal but situationally-unavoidable In Between relationships, where you can be fit so easily into either romance or friendship.
But it's still got to be a POSITIVE relationship. It doesn't work if it blew up and they were never able to properly be friends again. Which. I guess they must manage somewhat, in 18 Years. Josh is trying to make Sam president. But fuck. The fallout is just... a touch too harsh, here. Dirk/Jake.
I'm a little sad Sam didn't get to just. Openly have a boyfriend for a while, after. Or maybe he does, in Winter Sun? I would've expected a Sam/OMC tag. It seems like he gets back together with Lisa, which is depressing, but at least it's depressing in the 'that's a bad idea' sense rather than the Josh/Donna sense of 'yeah they could've been really happy!! btw this is Sam/Josh endgame. But also not.'
I thought Andy's reintroduction might possibly lead to that. But I kinda dig the bringing back of Matt Skinner. I only read the prequel once I saw him show up in The Decay of Lying (I always meant to get back to it sometime after Turning Myself Into You), so when Andy made the comment about Matt hesitating for years about dating a reporter I just had to slowly cover my face remembering that whole part of Contradictions....... If only those two knew that Josh was responsible for (or, okay, at least had some sort of role in) their relationship!!!!
also. in terms of all the 'i know you know' etc. etc. stuff. Sam hanging out with Andy and Andy's boyfriend comes too and Matt being an old friend of Josh's. there's a lot to do with all that. mainly stuff that would make Josh very uncomfortable but liiiike there's a reason I enjoyed the fic so much this far?????
okay. I think I might have gotten out all the thoughts I've had today. Somehow :'D
Y'know, the surprisingly fun part of The Decay of Lying not quite hitting right? I get to go back to the end of Tripartisan and all of Interlude and pretend that's the end of the series and imagine a happier canonical ending <333 Maybe I really should split things off at Josh telling him there's a secret and go from there.
Which is to say that I'm not talking about *fixing* the series. It is very very very very good!!!!!!!!!! But, well. Whenever I really really enjoy something that inspires me a lot, I've just got to come up with other idea for how things might have gone differently, you know? Not necessarily *better*, just... differently.
Which is to say that if Jae Gecko is still out there - well, for one thing, this was all written a very long time ago so I'm not sure my nitpicking above would have any relevance at all anymore, lmfao. But if I did get to speak with them, I would just be... super mega fangirly, beginning to end. That's all I'd need to say <3333
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 1 year ago
Here we GO!
My seven year old actually stumbled upon Ask Sun and Moon by Shavs Media and TSAMS on Youtube and I was in the room since I always vet what she watches and we both got immediately hooked! :)
Definitely the Shavs Media video where Moon starts to cry because 'Not all of the little stars are coming back' and that's when I realized that these skrunkly boys have some deep ass lore and trauma and that is just the gift that keeps giving!
Since the Sun and Moon show was still pretty young so...What? Maybe two years? Here on Tumblr less than two months though.
Yes! And Ruin! :)
So far my Blood Moon x Sun stories over on AO3 are my favorites but before that it was my first Mafia AU :)
Oh gosh. There are so many good ones that I really enjoy. I guess something that hooks me with plot but has enough spice to keep me drawn in? Or a really good and interesting concept! :) And I follow so many truly AMAZING artists on here (and writers on AO3) that I'm not even sure I could choose!
Mafia AU gets me giggling and kicking my feet but I'm also SUPER into the mer AUs especially the Subnautica crossovers. :) I love that game.
Yes! I have several from my own fics but my favorite OC is probably Vigilante from Sleuth Jesters! :3
A little of column A, a little of column B. That's what makes them so lovable! Like a fuzzy Mothman that you just can't help but wanna hug? xD
Maybe exactly that! There's such a wealth of fan content BECAUSE there was so little canon content to bog it down but the bit we did get really fed the creative minds here on the internet and I think that's pretty rad.
OMGOMGOMG dont' make me chose! I can't even picture them apart from each other! But I guess...maybe Moon? I don't know that's so hard!
Oh my gods I love him. I love him soft, I love him as an unrepentant monster. I just love that stupid whore man. xD
/14. Because my answers are the same. I just feel so sad for them. They were so close and Moon was so good with the kids and then Afton had to come and fuck it all up and now Moon is infected and Sun has anxiety that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction if harnessed properly.
15. I like to picture them both ways depending on the situation, honestly but whether they share a body or not, they are ALWAYS two halves of the same whole. <3
16. Hmmmm. More pairings with the typical "evil" characters that aren't just essentially torture porn? I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoy that now and then too, but it would be nice to see more of those pairings that have a little more substance to them. Also more DJMM x DCA. xD
17. Less of people jumping down other's throats about who they like to ship. We're all adults here (mostly). We can just utilize that excellent thing known as a back button if it's not your cup of tea. Be better and be kind.
18. Well, right now I'm super excited to post my next chapter for my Mafia AU but after that? MER MAY! LET'S GO BABYYYYY! xD
19. Yes. I love to give hugs and snuggle, I like activities and I love naps. Also I have a cute kid so that might help. xD
20. I just love this community so much! People are supportive and happy to uplift each other (for the most part) and as someone who came from a far larger fandom where you just don't see that kind of community, I just adore that. :)
alright dca fandom, here's some questions bc i'm curious. the funky jesters make our brains go brr, but why? treat it as an ask game or answer in the tags if you feel like it! :)
how did you get here?
why these characters in particular? what was the hook for you?
how long have you been here?
have you actually played fnaf sb?
if you make content, what's your favorite piece you've contributed?
what's your favorite sort of art or fic? what genre/flavor/style?
what's your favorite au?
do you have any ocs, or have any ocs you're fond of?
what do you think of the dca's canon appearance? Scary? Cute? Something else?
what keeps you in this fandom despite the very small amount of canon content the dca had?
be honest: if you had to pick only one, sun or moon?
thoughts on eclipse?
thoughts on pre-glitch sun?
thoughts on pre-glitch moon?
do you interpret sun and moon as two sides of the same person, or truly two separate beings in one body? does it matter?
what's something in the fandom you'd like to see more of?
what's something in the fandom you'd like to see less of?
anything you're looking forward to?
do you think you'd actually get along with the dca if you met them irl?
free space! talk about whatever's on your mind!
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erigold13261 · 1 year ago
Hello this is me again back with the HCs… since I can’t get enough of these characters interacting and JJK canon is… depressing as of now. (Seriously, don’t take this AU as a reliable source for what JJK is like because it’s 100 percent of me begging for a happy ending for the silly blorbos and none of them got that, sprinkled with canon info too) (and yes it is quite normal for Japanese kids to call each other by their surnames, even if they’re close, especially if they are of a different gender, but maybe in this world Shoko does refer to its friends with their given names)
Yu looks up to Suguru bc they were going to the same karate school (extracurriculars). Yu looks up to Suguru a lot. 
Shoko has a friend called Iori Utahime, and they are pretty close. However, Utahime hates Satoru’s guts, and maybe in this world would be disappointed at Shoko’s actions.
Although Kento is aroace, he has a close bond with Yu. Maybe it’s bc they never fitted in with their peers. Maybe it’s bc they both love helping others. Maybe it’s bc Kento was the first person to hear that Yu was trans other than his own family. (Kento is romance neutral, and sex repulsed.)
Hence: GhostAshFlower+Kento. You can just see each of them doing their own thing, drawing, reading, listening to music, but they find that they are close by. (Miles loves to touch Yu’s leaf hair, and Gwen is just snuggling with Miles. Kento is having some quality time with Yu.) (Kento is touch averse, but does not mind being touched by the other three + SaSiSu.) 
Suguru was the second person to hear that Yu was trans, and that made them start to question their gender.
Satoru and Kento both have a strange grasp on gender. They’re both cis… but not really? (Especially Satoru)
Yu didn’t know about the trans flag because his parents didn’t want him to step into the more… “unacceptable” side of things, being afraid that their son would receive hate. (His parents are actually Bi4Bi, and know what it is like to be in that circumstance of being hated due to who you are, so wanted to keep him safe.) Eventually they talked things out, and are all more out and proud. 
Miles has his sketchbook of people in Nueva York that he met. Each of the people on his floor has a page or more dedicated to them. 
Instrument HCs? Instrument HCs! Satoru can either go with the maracas or the launchpad, an instrument for mixing songs. By hitting one of the buttons, you can get a particular sound. Felt like this would fit him, since it’s filled with surprises and people wouldn’t know what sound would come out until you hit the buttons. (Reading this explanation, this might fit Suguru more.) Suguru with the piano or keyboard since it can go with multiple genres, just like their magic. (Also bc I read a fic of them with the HC that they used to play the piano.) It would be nice if Shoko could create sounds from its own body, since it is part glass, like a wine glass that emits sounds if you rub them with wet fingers. Both Kento and Yu play the guitar, since a guitar can also be used as a weapon to bash people or slice them. (Genre wise, Satoru is more EDM, Suguru is neoclassical like Yinu, Shoko is more rock based, and Yu and Kento are Rock.)
Of the JJK gang, only Yu is an extrovert. Everyone else either a) just not interested in making friends (Shoko and Nanami, although Shoko has another friend outside of SaSiSu and Nanami has Yu), b) have many ‘friends’ but they do not truly care for who they actually are (Satoru and Suguru).
It would be sad if SaSiSu didn’t know where they were going on the ride to Nueva York, but Nanami and Yu know. Liv shushes them when they try to tell SaSiSu that they are going fucking overseas, to another continent. 
The first few days the JJK gang were in Nueva York was quite wild. Satoru would be a bastard to anybody (far worse than usual), Suguru and Shoko are both pissed at themselves/each other for being caught, Yu is trying to pretend that everything is fine when he clearly isn’t, and Nanami has gone fully nonverbal and not responding to other people.
Did Liv ever do experiments or research on the kids at Nueva York? If so, I can see mostly (the sole exception being Ham) everyone flinching when they hear her voice. It’s worse in the JJK gang bc she was one of the people responsible for taking them here. 
The kids have learned quite a lot of swear words in various languages. EG: After Liv was defeated, Yu told her “¡Que te jodan, Liv!” (He saved up swearing for this moment, unlike the rest of his friends who were swearing regularly.) 
I can imagine Pav can summon extra sets of arms like his cousin. Seeing that, Shoko and Yu both tried to do so, and it worked. Magic buddies.
Hobie would never admit it, but they see SaSiSu as younger sibling figures. DJ sub sees Satoru as their son-figure to some extent too. 
DJ sub: “I have a son now.”
Neon J: “Did you… cheat on me?”
This is why I want Satoru and blues buddies to wear Halloween costumes based on the NSR megaartists. Satoru with a DJ sub hoodie, (it’s oversized, and blue decided to get as much candy as blue could as blue has a massive sweet tooth), Suguru as either Neon J or Catherine, Shoko as Tatiana (they use this chance to boss everyone around, trying to get the others to carry around their candy bucket, none of them mind), Yu as Neon J, Haym or Sayu, and Kento as Yinu or someone else. (Def not Eve) (DJ NECROPOLIS! THAT IS PERFECT FOR KENTO) (Although I would love to say Japanese Yokai would be a match for their costumes, it’s too close to the depressing canon material aka the Shibuya Incident arc, since they fight against them)
Miles and Gwen went for a matching costume, maybe as B2J? (Although Gwen was satisfied with a simple costume as a traffic cone, Miles went the extra… mile to get or make them a great costume) Margo dressed as Hatsune Miku, or maybe Peni did that (Peni can maybe wear matching costumes with Yinu, Carna, Synthia, etc), Noir as a pilot, (the goggles that they wear in ITSV are aviator goggles), Ham as Marilyn Monroe, Hobie as a glam rockstar ( or they say that Halloween is a capitalistic stunt that megacorporations pull and not join), Pavitr and Gayatri dress as matching vampires (anyway it’s romantic), Ganke as… (I am out of ideas lol) 
In canon, Suguru wears huge piercings and… *looks at Hobie and Bunny* … lets just say all of them jumped on the chance of being able to do some cool stuff 
Nanami’s Ratio power in this world sometimes works like Benny the space man in the Lego Movie. He could lightly hit something, and it would snap in the perfect ratio of 7:3.
How SaSiSu first met HC:
Satoru was forced to go through with an arranged marriage, with him meeting a bunch of girls. For obvious reasons, he isn’t interested. He would coldly turn them down, and now the Gojo clan was running out of options, and sought out the Ieiri family, with their daughter who has healing powers. Shoko met Satoru for the first time, and immediately told blues that they were not in this whole ordeal for marrying the strongest, they were in it for blues family’s money. Hearing how honest they were, Satoru laughed and told Shoko that he would “marry” them so that their parents could get off their asses. Both families are relieved that the two were getting along, and would follow their rules. Little did they know, these two were looking for Satoru’s potential boyfriend, while doing normal friend things for the first time. Then they meet Suguru. They are unfazed by the two, and tell them something. Satoru got pissed with that, but later realized that Suguru was seeing blues for the person blue really was. …the rest is history.
It makes me happy that these HCs make you happy! I hope you have a great day/evening!
Glad you like sending these in! One thing though, these asks seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Do you think you could try breaking them up next time you send in some? Like if it’s a group of headcanons connected then you can send in a longer one, or even a bunch of unconnected ones, but try not to make these asks super long.
I am ABSOLUTELY okay with you sending in multiple asks with headcanons! They don’t all have to be on one ask. I just know some people might get annoyed seeing a SUPER long ask (which is why I put my answers under a cut to reduce the length even more).
I’m definitely having fun answering these, but the length is getting a bit long lol. I’m totally fine with multiple asks being sent, so don’t worry about “spamming” my inbox or whatever! :3
[EDIT: I mess up the read more! Woops! So sorry about the SUPER long post because of that!]
Also that is neat to know about how Japanese kids (well the whole culture) use surnames! Love learning about different cultures!
(Also also, finally made a spot in my document for a lot of the basic info for each of the characters so I don’t have to keep trying to find an ask to corroborate my answer to ask lol)
-Karate: Suguru kicking Yu’s ass in a sparring match and Yu just being so impressed at Suguru’s skill lol.
-Utahime: I thought that said Utahime hated SHOKO’s guts and thought this was some kind of one-sided friendship like Vendetta and Charlotte in Making Fiends lol!
Anyway, I can see Utahime probably blaming Satoru for the whole scheme and saying Shoko is not at fault at all (basically being blinded by friendship). But she does end up being disappointed in Shoko’s actions when it explains that it was at just as much fault as Satoru (and Suguru).
-Aroace Kento: Heck yea! Me and Kento are a similar type of AroAce! :3
Glad him and Yu are really good friends though. I can kinda see Yu maybe having had a crush on Kento at some point. Maybe that helped Kento realize he was AroAce, or maybe he knew before hand and Yu absolutely respected that. I don’t know, but it’s a nice thought to think about to me that something like that happened and they stayed friends.
-GhostAshFlower+Kento: I find touch to be easier when it’s not skin-on-skin contact so maybe Kento leaning against Yu with a pillow or blanket between them (like back to back or side to side leaning) is a way for Yu to get a type of physical contact when Miles and Gwen are doing solo snuggles. 
Sure small touches from these three and SaSiSu are okay, but for longer touches I can see Kento needing something between him and the other person (also depends on touch, like enveloping touches like hugs are a no-go, but leaning against each other or holding onto a sleeve is okay for longer periods of time with these people).
Definitely think this would be something Zimelu would suggest them to try if Kento wanted to get more physical but did not actually want to be touched (I definitely have wanted hugs but not to be touched at all so I can see Kento wanted a hug or something without being touched or enveloped and so this is a kinda good solution/coping mechanism that could be done).
-Gender relations: Yu starting a chain reaction lol. Kento and Satoru questioning is pretty cool. I can see them being like cis+ or something. Like they explore gender and all that but might end up realizing they are cis except with a much better understanding of themselves because of that exploration (or maybe realize they aren’t cis, or are like cis adjacent where they are close enough to being cis but not far enough to feel comfortable to use a different label).
-Trans flag/Yu’s parents: Ah, the classic “we love and care for you so much we are going to shelter you” trope. Obviously they are doing what they think is best in this situation, knowing how unaccepting people can be, but hiding the “unacceptable” stuff can also cause their kid to end up in a bad situation because of lack of knowledge depending on the situation.
Thankfully Yu was able to find friends who loved and cared for him, and had a good family to support him (and was also stealth for a long time), so he didn’t end up in an area/situation where he could have gotten very hurt because he wasn’t given the knowledge on how to be careful.
At least that is what hiding information seems like to me. If I know a specific bad thing could happen because of how I identify, that is knowledge I can use to navigate a situation I’ve never been in before but know about. For Yu, because he was being protected from seeing the “bad” side of things, he could have gotten into a situation and had no idea how to handle it (also this brings up the idea of what some people see as unacceptable vs others and how it can really change what is hidden based on who is hiding information).
-Sketchbook: Love the idea that since Miles got to Nueva York he just started drawing a whole bunch lol. Like the schooling in Nueva York is probably not as advanced as his school (which I think is a private school? idk) so he gets a lot of stuff finished quickly and has a lot of time to kill between counseling sessions and mandated hobby activities. So he just draws a bunch and so has like 3-4 biggish sketchbooks filled out by the time he leaves (which is a lot of drawing for the short amount of time he was at Nueva York).
Wonder if he ever wants to give his pages away to people but also wants to keep his sketchbooks intact. Definitely ends up finding a printer/scanner and gives out his better works to people he’s drawn.
-Instruments: With how influential and controlling Satoru’s family is, blue definitely knows how to play some kind of instrument. Usually I would say that a rich family would make their kids learn how to play something classical like piano or violin, but with how EDM has been the dominant music genre for years in the world thanks to Vinyl City, Satoru was probably forced to learn some kind of electric instrument/music tool. Honestly, the electric violin seems like something Satoru’s family would force blue to learn.
When he gets some more freedom though, he would probably really like something percussion based like maracas (or even a tambourine) or the launchpad so blue could have fun and be unpredictable so that it feels so much more freeing to make/play music now than when he was with his family.
Suguru playing piano and then going to a keyboard is a cool idea. Makes me think that’s the reason Satoru even found out about the launchpad, because Suguru was playing on a keyboard that could record sounds (like Gene Belcher’s keyboard from Bob’s Burgers) and he was having fun making keys play random sounds.
As for Shoko, pretty sure the wine glass thing needs like an opening for that to happen, like it being a thin walled bowl, so I don’t think they would be able to do that. The only place on their body that could possibly do that is the back when the cork is out. However, it could be inspired in its own body and end up playing glasses as like a gimmick! (also for some reason like the idea that Shoko plays the flute, idk why but I like it).
Genre-wise, I definitely see Satoru having EDM as a kind of comfort pick since that is what blue knew for most of his life and played a lot. Maybe blue ends up joining Suguru in playing regular classical music Shoko with Rock as a change of pace and to break free from some negative emotions associated with EDM that he has from his family.
Suguru playing neoclassical is pretty good. Probably plays some classical music at times without EDM influences just to relax (or like, he makes a bunch of random sounds for each key and plays like Bach or Beethoven with random ass sounds lol).
Shoko, Yu, and Kento being rock I think makes sense. Imagine if that is another reason Satoru’s family didn’t like Shoko lol, it plays rock which is “obviously not a good genre since no Vinyl City musician plays it” (this is the family’s ideology with rock as they are powerful enough to see how rock was thrown out of the city over the course of a decade and realized it was a dying genre. All of this was before the revolution which probably didn’t change the family’s mind all that much).
-Introverts/Extrovert: Yu is the extrovert that drags the introverted friends around to make more friends lol. But honestly yeah, having a LOT of friends is really exhausting and also the fact it takes an introvert like me at least 2-3 years of knowing someone before I even call them a friend at all (which just makes the idea of making new friends super hard for me to want to do).
At least these 5 have each other for friends! I’m sure Yu will help the group grow more (like with the arachnikids) so hopefully the other 4 can make more close friends without even realizing it.
-Nueva York Ride: I honestly think they would know where they were going. The counselors (or even just Miguel) would have explained everything (or everything they needed to know) to the teens before getting them on the bus. They wouldn’t have a choice whether they were going or not, but they wouldn’t be kept in the dark because that could be a dangerous situation where people with powers are freaking out thinking they are being kidnapped or something (even if they have power suppressing watches on, having these teens freak out or be in the total dark is not something that will be good for them).
Olivia would honestly be really chatty with the kids. She would tell them how different exercises would go and how this is going to be a learning experience for everyone on how their powers work. Basically she would be talking more about the science side of things and how great this is and to look on the bright side. Honestly this would probably freak the teens out a little bit thinking that Miguel lied to them and they are being taken to a lab to be experimented on like animals (which… is kinda true).
-First days: Yeah, that’s basically how I see it going as well. Those reactions are basically the main reactions that come out of all newbies who get to Nueva York. Another reaction would be total obedience, thinking that doing everything you are told as perfectly as possible will get you out sooner. All these reactions apply to people who were forced to go to Nueva York, those who volunteered to go are a lot more calm about being there on their first few days (obviously because they had the choice).
-Experiments: Technically she does. But it’s more like she takes like blood and hair samples from the kids, helps with physicals, and makes them use their powers in certain tests for observation and possibly manipulation (like having a watch on a low setting and making the kids use their powers).
It’s not like she is sticking needles with multicolor liquids into these kids or performing vivisections or something. She probably would if it weren’t completely unethical, and anyone who works with her can tell that, which is why almost everyone who sees her scientist side is freaked out by her.
Did I say that Ham is not afraid of Liv? I swear I thought I said they were afraid of Olivia. I can honestly say that Ham would be the one Liv cared about least because their powers can’t really work when afraid, so them being afraid of her makes their power super weak as they can’t find humor in the situation. (Maybe Ham doesn’t flinch because they are frozen in fear. This is also why Jonathan has to be the one to fight Liv because she traumatized everyone else so much they are too afraid to fight, well maybe except Hobie who would have gladly fought Olivia if it knew it wasn’t needed with the Miguel fight).
Anyway, I like the idea that Olivia is like Moira from Overwatch. She is willing to do anything for the pursuit of science, even experimenting on herself or others. The only real difference is that Liv is a lot more friendly and hasn’t been pushed yet to actually commit atrocities to humanity yet like Moira has.
(Also, Olivia isn’t the only scientist doing these experiments that I said earlier, but she is the head scientist so she has constant interactions with all patients compared to other scientists, doctors, or nurses).
-Swears: Yeah, we are talking about a lot of teens who all know different languages. They are absolutely teaching each other swear words (especially Hobie who already knows a TON of swears in multiple different languages thanks to Ex-Jay and Bunny lol).
Also, Yu saving his swear pass until Liv is defeated is so funny to me. Because I can see him saying that, and Liv moves a little and he immediately backs up thinking she isn’t fully defeated and is still kinda scared of her.
-Extra arms: Love the idea that everyone was watching Eve on the TV or something doing a performance where she makes extra arms and people start asking Pav if he can do that too. He has no idea but tries and is able to do it (though they aren’t as real as Eve sometimes and so if they are holding an object sometimes they become incorporeal and drop what he is holding).
After a bit Shoko, Yu, and even Satoru were able to make extra arms, or at least like floating hands (Shoko’s being made of light, Yu’s made of ash with some like grass tufts in them, and Satoru’s being the most like Eve’s in a real sense but made of space and kinda see through).
-Familial figures: I can see Hobie just seeing a majority of the arachnikid and JJK cast as younger sibling figures. Definitely takes a bit longer to care about Satoru and Suguru with their attitudes, but once mutual respect is made I can see Hobie becoming very much protective of all of them like an older sibling.
As for DJSS, I don’t know. I don’t see Nova as one to really want to be a father figure all that much or would want to have kids/teens really. Like he has no problem teaching young minds, or helping take care of kids to an extent (like taking care of the younger 1010s or Yinu), but actually saying that they see Satoru as their kid/son-figure is not something I think would happen.
Having it the other way, where Satoru sees Nova as a kind of father-figure that is better than blues own father, is definitely something I can see happening. Nova would do their best to like, help out where he can, but becoming a fully father-figure for extended periods of time is not honestly something I see them doing.
Also, if this did happen, Neon would absolutely want to also be a father figure to Nova’s new son. He actually loves children/teens and wants to be a good father (now the question on if he actually IS a good father is a totally different discussion).
-Halloween (JJK): I don’t think Catherine or Neon J are really people to dress up as. At least not Catherine as she is just Yinu’s mother and manager to the public. Neon J probably started becoming a lot more active after the Rock Revolution so more people probably would try to dress up as him for halloween.
Anyway, Yu is definitely going as Sayu (and then him and Gwen have that moment of “well someone is going to have to change” because she also dressed up as Sayu that same halloween lol). Kento dressing up as DJ Necropolis is so funny to me lol.
I don’t know about the Shibuya Incident, but dressing up as Yokais would probably be pretty fun. Or like just different creatures from different cultures like the Gan Ceann/Headless rider of Irish folklore, or like Phoenixes from Egyptian myths.
-Halloween (Arachnikids): Gwen I can see wanting to be Sayu, but when she finds out Yu is gonna dress as Sayu instead dresses up with Miles. I can see Frankenstien and the Bride of Frankenstien being their costumes for some reason.
I like Margo dressing as her own version of Hatsune Miku a lot. Makes me think of all the different Miku designs that look absolutely beautiful and Margo would have so much fun making a costume of her own version of Miku.
Peni and Yinu I can see maybe doing some kind of matching costumes (don’t know what though), but Carna and Synthia wouldn’t. Marigold might match with Yinu and Peni. Carna does not like the idea of matching costumes at all and would rather do faer own thing. Synthia probably wouldn’t even get a costume. He would have to make it himself (or have the others help him but he wouldn’t ask for help so he’d make it himself). He’d probably be like a ghost or something simple, since he’s just in it for the candy and since his mom doesn’t want him around so trick-or-treating is the best thing he can do that night.
Ham as Mailyn Monroe. 100%. Love it! 
Hobie is probably gonna participate in the sense that they are gonna hang out with everyone. Probably tell them to make their own costumes and not just buy stuff to feed into consumerism and capitalism (especially people like Yinu who is very used to buying parts of her costumes instead of making things from hand, which she probably hasn’t done since her dad was alive). I will say though, Hobie is most likely buying a bunch of discounted halloween candy once the holiday is over. Sure it’s feeding the capitalistic machine, but it’s also candy that is gonna get wasted if not bought (and they could go and give it away to kids, friends, people who are down on their luck and need a small boost along with any other help Hobie is offering).
Pav and Gaya are definitely doing matching costumes like Miles and Gwen are. I like the idea of them being vampires. Seems really cute and they would definitely pretend to bite each other all throughout the night and be laughing and having so much fun.
Ganke also matches with Miles and Gwen, but in a funny way. So if they are Frankenstien and the Bride, Ganke is the doctor, or if they are Jack and Sally, Ganke is Zero. The three are gonna have fun with it lol
-Piercings: Hobie helping Suguru start getting piercings in Nueva York (with like a needle and fire, definitely not professional but Hobie does know what they are doing because of Bunny), but once they are out of there Hobie takes Suguru (and anyone else who wants piercings) to Bunny who helps Suguru start his journey for guages.
-Nanami Spaceman: I never watched the Lego Movie, but I looked up a video with all Benny scenes and omg he is amazing! Love that little Lego guy!
But anyway, you mean when Benny hits the spaceship and it falls apart? That power? Because honestly that is really funny to think about where like if Nanami is upset and so bonks his head on a table and then the table just splits in a 3:7 ratio lol. Because that would prove that sometimes Nanami can’t control his powers, which just reinforces Nueva York to keep him there (even though it is a very funny thing to happen lol).
-SaSiSu first meet: 
Satoru: “Let’s take a look see. Hate your hair. Not likely. Yikes. Yikes yikes. And, let me guess, you have a great personality?”
Love the fact that Shoko is just honest about being a gold digger lol. It was already scamming before the three were friends (honestly Shoko being the one who started the healing/power stealing scam seems a lot more likely now than Satoru).
Glad the three were able to become friends even with the weird ways they met each other.
Talking about headcanons is fun! So yeah, keep sending them in if you want and they keep making you happy! Just, you know, send them in multiple asks if they feel like they are getting really long. Just so people who don’t want to scroll a long time don’t have to.
I would say that headcanons like the instruments, the first meeting, and halloween costume ideas (both groups together) can each be their own ask. Like that is a good length to cut off size-wise. While things like the piercings, extra set of arms, introvert/extrovert, and sketchbook headcanons are all small enough to send as a single ask.
Obviously I’m not gonna be super strict about asks length honestly, so if you end up making a long ask that you can’t separate because it’s all one thing then don’t worry about it! This is just something to note because I can’t shorten asks like I can my answers and I know some people don’t like to see super long asks (I know sometimes I don’t when scrolling tumblr lol).
Anyway! This was all fun to talk about like usual! Honestly my fave part was talking about Olivia and how people are scared of her lol. Satoru being slightly unfazed because of his upbringing would be a neat thing that occurs, or blue is even more scared of her because of how he was treated by his family. Could go either way!
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