#also featuring fox' dyed hair
sailorgoon13 · 5 months
Theodore Nott
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Full Name: Theodore Nott
Nickname: Theo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 4 November, 1979
Heritage: English/ Italian
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Unicorn hair, 11 3/4", Slightly Flexible
Hair Color: Dark brown, a bit fluffy
Eye Color: Striking baby blue
Skin Tone: Olive
Height: 6'
Body Type: Lean and athletic. Tall, well proportioned
Style: Well-fitted jeans or chinos paired with a crisp button-down shirt or a cashmere sweater. Accessories are key to his look, with luxurious touches like leather loafers, silk scarves, and perhaps even a designer watch or cufflinks. His color palette leans towards darker tones like charcoal, navy, and deep burgundy
Features: Confidence, Mysterious aura, Sharp wit, Distinctive voice, Leadership
Traits: Reserved, Loyal, Manipulative, Intelligent, Emotionally Complex
Likes: Privacy, Fine literature, Refines tastes, Debates, Chess
Dislikes: Arrogance, Lack of ambition, Betrayal
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Playing Piano
Fears: Vulnerability, Rejection, Turning to the Darker side
Family and Friends:
Father: Mr. Nott
Valued Pure-Blood status
Supporter of Voldemort's cause/ Death Eater
Mother: Mrs. Nott
Died when Theo was young
Instilled his love for literature and fine art
Taught him Italian
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Lorenzo Berkshire, Mattheo Riddle
Special Abilities: His father taught him darker magic when he was young, though he doesn't like to use any of it. Particularly good at charms and hexes
Boggart: A memory of when he witnessed his mother dying
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look velvety black with sparkling flecks of gold and silver. Smell like earthy Italian herbs and leather books with a hint of roses. It might taste like dark chocolate infused with hints of espresso and blackberry, with a subtle undertone of smoky oak and vanilla
Amortentia: Bergamont, Sandalwood, Freshly Brewed Coffee, Dark Chocolate
Theodore Nott was born into a prestigious pure-blood wizarding family, his childhood filled with the enchanting landscapes and rich cultural heritage of Italy. His mother, a talented witch with a passion for art, literature, and music, imparted upon him a love for the finer things in life. She taught him how to speak Italian, play the piano, and appreciate the beauty of the magical world around them.
However, Theodore's childhood took a tragic turn when his mother passed away, leaving him with a profound sense of loss. Compounding his grief was the revelation that his father, though also deeply devoted to his family, had been a follower of Voldemort. With Voldemort's downfall, Theo's father met his demise, leaving Theo with conflicting emotions and a sense of isolation.
Despite his father's past affiliations, he distanced himself from his family's dark legacy, choosing instead to honor his mother's memory by embracing the values she had instilled in him. He found comfort in the company of his friends, particularly during Christmas vacations and over the summer, when he would often stay with classmates Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Enzo Berkshire.
Throughout his years at Hogwarts, Theodore excelled academically and athletically, distinguishing himself as a talented and ambitious student. His keen intellect, strategic mind, and refined tastes set him apart from his peers, earning him both admiration and envy. Despite facing teasing and discrimination for his softer side and Italian accent, Theo remained resilient, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship that sustained him.
He discovered a passion for Quidditch, becoming the star keeper for the Slytherin team. With each dive and save, he felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration, leaving behind the weight of his worries and losses, if only for a moment.
Best Subject: Charms
Favorite Subject: DADA (But he won't tell you its really Astronomy)
Favorite Professor: Flitwick
Worst Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Subject: Divination
Least Favorite Professor: Slughorn
Student Life:
Academically excels in his studies, particularly in subjects like Potions and Charms
A regular fixture in the Hogwarts library, spending hours poring over ancient texts and refining his magical skills, teaching himself a new language, (Or really just hiding behind a romance novel)
Respected by his classmates for his intellect and admired for his cool demeanor, though some may find him enigmatic or intimidating.
He enjoys spending time in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, honing his skills as Keeper
He also indulges in his love for art, literature, and music
Girls at Hogwarts are drawn to Nott's confidence, intelligence, and refined tastes, finding themselves mesmerized by his cool demeanor and mysterious aura
While he remains discreet about his romantic interests, there is no shortage of girls vying for his attention and affection.
Template: @hazyange1s
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whateverthought · 4 months
I know most people don't like Beelzebub/Queen Bee's design and don't understand why she's part fox but I think it works or would have worked better if it was allowed to tie into the world building.
Now listen, the flies to bee thing is fun, its the type of taking the source material and making it yours that I adore, but something that didn't make sense was the fox part. Now Vivziepop mentioned that it was to set her apart from the Hellhounds, which made me reexamine the Sins, their connection to their realms, and the Hellborns born there.
So, it's been implied that Imps are from Wrath originally, Sinners spawn in Pride and if Bee being surrounded by Hellhounds is anything to go by, it can be assumed Hellhounds come from Gluttony.
Stay with me here, when talking about the Sins yet-to-be-revealed, Vivziepop mentioned that some would be more stereotypical looking, Satan was one of those. Now, popular media Satan to me is Big Red Guy with Horns and a Pointed Tail, the Ultimate Demon/Devil. And if he looks like that, similar to the Imps, and he runs the Wrath Ring then that would give a visual connection between the Sin of Wrath and his Hellborns. And Pride being the Ring of Sinner Demons headed by the First Sinner(s), also connects the titular Sin with Their subspecies of demon. So, Beelzebub being part fox makes sense in this regard.
Unfortunately, this does fall apart thanks to the Succubi/Incubi and Asmodeus. I understand wanting to make something easily recognizable but something I had a problem with since the beginning is just how hard it is to tell them and the Imps apart! Even looking up source material doesn't help because both can have the exact same features! Imps can have wings, Succubi can have stripped horns, both have pink to red skin, and hair can be dyed! It's another mark against Vivziepop's abilities as an artist, someone who constantly creates cluttered designs overly saturated in red.
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For the wips thing, obviously, I'm most curious about the Waxer/Boil fics 😂 And I feel like I might have asked previously about bathymetry or allochthonous-terrane because the geology titles have me very 👀 but my brain is a sieve, so I cannot recall jlhsflkg. Soooo, either of those? Also I'm extremely intrigued by Mace/Fox (this-citys-burning)!
Bathymetry is going to fill the “Better?” and “sweet dreams” squares for the hurt/comfort bingo! But basically it's post war, Waxer and Boil are living on Ryloth. Waxer makes the flight from Coruscant to Ryloth (he was there for... reasons I'm still noodling about it) and falls asleep in the pilots seat instead of his bunk. Then Boil helps massage out the crick in his neck when he gets home (there’s not much plot it’s just an excuse for them to be soft ☺️)
I probably have talked about allochthonous terrane before? I am very fond of the concept 😆 It’s another post-war AU where Waxer and Boil join the ExplorCorps! And features amateur geologist Waxer!
Putting a long-ish snippet from allochthonous terrane under the cut:
Boil studies the rock, trying to see what it is that Waxer sees in it. It does look kind of like one of the paintings they’d seen when they visited Wooley on Alderaan. Boil actually has a print of it in his armor case, because he’d been so mesmerized by the colors that Waxer had to drag him to the next exhibit.
He goes to hand the rock back, but Waxer catches his hand, wrapping his fingers around it.
“Keep it,” he says, then stifles a yawn.
Shaking his head, Boil gently pushes Waxer off of the crate. “Go get some sleep,” he says, more firmly this time.
There’s a quiet crinkling sound as Waxer settles the emergency blanket fully on Boil’s shoulders.
“Come get me if you need anything,” he says.
The words are followed by the prickle of facial hair against Boil’s skin as Waxer presses a kiss to his cheek.
For what feels like a full rotation, Boil sits frozen in front of the dying embers of the fire. He can hear Waxer’s soft footfalls, all the way back to their tent.
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sweetingseva · 1 year
I had this need to re-read a certain part of TBONA, the part where Eva dreams about the handsome stranger. When I did, it just got me thinking about what the guy said and I felt the need to try figure out who he was.
His description...
His back was to a post, hair tousled and dark brown. Evangeline’s steps faltered. From a distance, she’d thought Jacks had been cast in shadow, but now it was clear the young man at the end of the dock was not Jacks. “You’re a difficult one to track down.” The young man turned from the lake, and when she saw his face, her breath caught in her chest. She thought at first that he looked familiar, but it might just have been that he was incredibly handsome, clean-cut jaw, dark eyebrows over hypnotic eyes, and a charming smile that made her heart take an excited little tumble.
Now his description makes one think about this carefully. We can forget about Eva thinking this is Jacks because I doubt that is all too important. At most this character is of similar build and height of him. An important thing is that he knows Jacks though, so I'm guessing that he's definitely someone of Jacks' past.
This handsome stranger has dark brown hair. Which certain family that knows Jacks well has dark brown hair, the Valors. Now, we have all thrown away the possibility of Apollo being Lysander Valor but what if his importance comes in another form and that being the handsome stranger from Eva's dream. (I like how I'm just coming up with ideas while going along)
Lysander Valor's power is something "that involved memories", we all know that. But, since his powers are so ambiguous, it could also include him managing to force entry into someones dreams. (Now I don't remember if any other character has managed to do this, like Jacks and Lala, I feel like Lala has but I really don't remember much)
It's highly possible that it isn't Lysander since we don't have much of a description other than the fact that the handsome stranger has dark brown hair but it is a possibility.
Now for what he says...
“I can see why Jacks likes you. You’re a bit like her, you know?” “Like who?” Evangeline asked. The Handsome Stranger rubbed his jaw. “He wouldn’t be happy if he knew I said this, but if you’re not careful, you’ll end up like her as well.” “Like who?” Evangeline repeated. “His first fox.”
He first says that she's a bit like the first fox. I'm guessing he means features. This could pertain to her being the first fox reincarnate. If she has physical features like her, it could give us answers to why Jacks treats Eva differently to how he treated Tella. It's possible that Eva's nickname came directly from Jacks based on how there are hints of similarity between Eva and the first fox. Jacks treated Tella very horribly, often being rough and rash with her. Often kissing her without any care to her possibly dying from it (I think that with Legend's blood in her system she's safe but, otherwise, she was dying). With Eva he tries to put distance but keeps feeling a push towards her yet never tries to kiss her, does that not make you think? He cares too much for her to die, he saved her from death as well. But he's acting as he did with the Fox when he had the archer curse, not necessarily running away just for Eva to run after him but hes trying to keep away from her emotionally which is even harder... I think their saving grace from their doom could have been Apollo
The handsome stranger warned Eva, this was a warning so she felt compelled to find out what happened to the fox once and for all. Maybe he was trying to hint that the story curse could be involved and that she would be taken with death just like the first fox (which she was). Yes, Jacks had the stones and went back in time to rectify her death but that wasn't enough because something worse than death is losing track of what you have done and who you have become and Eva had memories from the past year taken away.
It was definitely a warning for her, there are many ways to interpret it as well so who genuinely knows what it means. Stephanie put this character in for a reason, maybe I went round in circles but I have a feeling that he is Lysander and he was warning Eva to be careful.
Hello, thank you so much for your theory! ☺️
As you have said, the Handsome Stranger was indeed warning Evangeline from to Jacks to save her life because he had noticed that Jacks wasn't acting like himself and it wasn't smart to get cozy with him.
His mention of the First Fox plays a huge role in all this and gives sense to the theory that Evangeline is the first Fox reincarnated. Jacks's relationship with Evangeline didn't start off romantic. They annoyed each other. But still their relationship changed when they started having repressed feelings for each other. Because of that, Jacks keeps his distance to keep her safe from him.
If he doesn't, she'll die.
The Handsome Stranger told her that her death would destroy him, and I'm sure he doesn't want to see his friend get heartbroken all over again.
However, the Handsome Stranger does have an identity we already know. Evangeline confirmed it to be Chaos.
From TBONA pg. 315 and 369:
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With all of the info we got from Jacks, it's safe to say that because Chaos went after Vengeance, life in the Magnificent North would be changed forever because of his new transformation as a vampire. Half of the reason. Evangeline recognizes Chaos in that scene with his mother, too 😊
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ch4rryc0smos · 17 days
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── .✦ ❝ H A Z E L E L E A N O R A - A D E L A I D E V E L L I C H O R . ❞
𓇼 — xxv | cancer | infj | british 🖇️
appearance ; pale skin, mole under the left corner of her bottom lip, emerald green eyes, sharp features, 5'11 [180 cm], athletic [or sleeper] build, barely noticeable scars on hands. scars over most of her body, most visible on back. dimples when she smiles hard. ombre [brown-blonde] hair.
beliefs ; time is finite but the soul isn't. life exists even when you do not anymore, you are infinite in the ways stars are reborn from the dying fumes of another, you are stardust. cosmic child, why do you fret?
⋆ ─ look for what brings you joy, exemplify it, you do not owe the world your bones, your blood, and yourself. ⋆ ─ live as if it's your first time. time does not wait.
personality ; realist, calm & collected, intuitive, cerebral, meticulous, diligent, compassionate, observant, vigilant.
positive traits ; caring, in tune with other's emotions. compassionate, [mostly] voice of reason, empathetic, kind, selfless.
negative traits ; anxious, bottles up her emotions, skeptic [has trust issues], struggles with boundaries.
quirks ; fidgets when she's nervous | voice gets a bit louder and faster when she's talking about her passions | likes to fidget overall | has a [slight] oral fixation.
likes ; flower crowns, writing, reading, coffee, cats, foxes, nature, people watching, deep conversations, psychology, biology, anthropology, autumn, planetariums, museums, kenji sato.
dislikes ; arthropods, heights, loud noises, narrow-mindedness, extreme temperatures, snobby people, arrogance, dishonesty, people who do not take accountability.
deepest secrets ; she actually just wants to make her parents proud, but she also despises them ─ but she doesn't, it's confusing. she wants to give her brother what she never got.
⋆ ─ she wants simple things, she wants a home where she isn't at a requirement to wake up at the crack of dawn, a home where there's silence when she wakes. she wants peace. ⋆ ─ she doesn't like the government, or authoritarian rule in general.
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── .✦ ❝ B A C K S T O R Y . ❞
BORN in the heat of summer, hazel vellichor was meant to be the light in her parent's lives. meant to bring them success, and to become the joy they sought out when they decided to have her. but it seemed that, she would end up being everything but the light they wished for. throughout her mother's pregnancy, her father was absent, working in l.a, and he had asked for a son, a man to continue his legacy.
when she was born, aurelia, her mother, was sent into a frenzy, knowing well that hazel's father would not be happy. when he arrived, he was met with the face of his newborn daughter. he was enraged, blamed aurelia for bringing a burden onto the family.
the vellichor family moved to the u.s when hazel was just a month old, so her father could focus on his business, not having to worry about the family reputation back at the u.k.. hazel grew up to be a calm and collected child, mostly keeping to herself until she was five.
that's when it changed, kenji sato moved to l.a with his mother, emiko. and eleanora, hazel's grandmother welcomed the boy and his mother with open arms. which to the young girl, meant that they were safe. they were friends.
one thing leading to another, he became a constant in her life. she thought that for the first time since moving here, it wasn't as lonely, and as depressing. for two years, he was her rock, and she was his. they promised each other, one night under the blanket of stars, that they would never forget each other. that they'd stay at each other's side for as long as possible.
it wasn't long.
at seven, hazel was told that she'd be moving back to the u.k, to the vellichor family house. she didn't know they had one at all. and she wanted to question it, but knowing her parents, their volatility, she didn't test the waters. she complied to their wishes, packed, until the thought of leaving was unbearably loud in her head.
so she escaped to the one place that she knew would provide her with comfort, with solace. kenji's place. she told him about what was going to happen, she expected anger, not silence, not minutes that she could hear ticking, and not him hugging her and asking her to please not take her bracelet off.
when hazel moved back to the u.k, she considered those the most dreadful years of her life. she studied, tried mold herself into the perfect daughter for her parents, a prodigy, a trophy child, took every elective, tuitions, everything. she barely made friends, her only constant then was maple, her best friend. throughout middle and high school, she focused on her studies, on achieving the best. and then her mother got pregnant again, right before she'd be graduating high school.
she knew that her sibling would not be spared the torture that was the vellichor family. and she thought that they would be the undoing of the plan she'd so meticulously created, to be executed the day she turned eighteen.
she turned eighteen, moved out. despite her parent's curses and reprimanding. she left. but that didn't unchain her from their shackles, she went on to become a public speaker.
which brought them fame; all they've ever wanted.
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── .✦ ❝ C U R R E N T . ❞
ONE of the greatest speakers the world has ever seen, a public figure, and an advocate. hazel vellichor goes on to fulfill her parent's wishes, unwillingly. but the public doesn't know that. they see her flourishing, they see her joy at being a voice of reason, at speaking up, and not falling victim to capitalism, and what it makes of humanity.
she thinks that nineteen might've been true freedom, and ever since then, it's only been getting better, even the travelling, all the calls don't feel bad. nothing could ever be as bad as living under her parent's roof, and seeing their faces every day, and hearing the words that jabbed into her ribcage, left bruises along the muscle of her lungs.
she's living the life she asked for, until she gets into contact with a hayao sato, someone who apparently knew eleanora hyde, her grandmother. it's been so long since anyone's mentioned her. hazel misses her. she ends up going to japan, for an event, and there, mr. sato helps her re-explore her love for science, something she learnt to sacrifice for the sake of commerce, for speaking, for the publicity her parents wanted her to achieve.
there, he mentions ultrawoman. the role hazel's grandmother once held. her mother should've been the next one in line, but aurelia didn't want the role under any circumstance. hazel promised her gran that if she ever became ultrawoman, she would do her justice.
she didn't think the time would have arrived so soon, that she would be required to accept the role bestowed upon her. but she wouldn't deny it. she would do what she was asked to. that's something that never changed with her, she thinks she was made to serve others, something about it felt right.
what she didn't think about was how hard it would be to find a balance between being a public figure, and being a literal superhero. or how much harder it would be when the person that's meant to help you has too big of an ego himself.
ultraman is clumsy, self-centered, and clearly has no idea what to be doing, but hazel has no idea that he's her childhood best friend that she had to leave behind.
at twenty-five, she is required to figure out a whole new part of her life, one that's always existed, and a part that she had to leave behind. she has to dust off the shelf she refused to visit previously.
and she has to uncover a new story, including him.
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𓇼 — appears in reverie [ongoing], saudade [wip].
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★ ; i love my girl, THANK YOU!! my ultraman: rising s/i, everyone. this post took so long, can't believe i'll have to make these for my other s/i's too... save me. i also had picrews, but i couldn't find a place to insert them. anyways, here's hazel!!! i have a playlist for her too!
ch4rryc0smos © 2024
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rullakebu · 1 month
The Fiendish Furrier 2: The Critic (F/M, tickling)
“Ugh, so boring,” Bruno burst out loud in disgust, scanning the screen before him.
Bruno Graham, a renowned yet infamous fashion critic in the city, had just heard word that some furrier had landed a major interview and a display of her new line of fur clothing in Vogue magazine. Bianca Nyberg, she was called. Having heard of her and seen some of her ads in the city, he had to check the section out.
The lean dark-skinned 32-year-old, sporting a well-groomed fade haircut, poured himself a glass of his favorite red wine and took a seat in his lofty office chair. The heavy rainfall poured against the massive windows of his penthouse, the loud sounding almost like drumming. The apartment offered a generous view of the city, its lights and neon signs illuminating some of the pitch-black midnight horizon.
“Let’s see, then…” Bruno thought to himself, pressing the power button of his computer.
The screen lit up and Bruno quickly surfed his way onto Vogue’s website, the white simplistic design along with the black logo lit up the dim room. The interview was on the frontpage, conveniently. “Fluff overload: Meet the furrier making waves in the fashion community,” the article heading read.
“Heh, big promises,” Bruno uttered, taking a sip out of his glass, twirling it and the wine swirling inside.
Displayed on Bruno’s bright screen was now a picture of a Nordic looking lady with platinum dyed hair in a shag cut. Her blue eyes were piercing, almost hypnotizing. For the photo she had chosen an all-black ensemble, consisting of a black sweater and a long leather skirt. Draped on her shoulders was a long black fox fur stole, flowing down and adding a touch of opulence to her outfit. Her lips were a bright shade of red and her nails were black and long. Her appearance dripped with elegance and sophistication.
“Meet Bianca Nyberg, the 46-year-old furrier from New Helsing. Known for her exquisite craftsmanship and eye for luxury, Bianca has made a name for herself in the world of high-end fashion. Her boutique, nestled in the heart of New Helsing's chic fashion district, is a haven for those seeking unique and meticulously crafted fur pieces,” the article read.
“Is that so? I’m not impressed just yet.” Bruno thought to himself, sipping the red wine.
“Bianca's journey into the world of fur began at a young age, influenced by her family's long-standing tradition in the trade. Over the years, she honed her skills, combining traditional techniques with contemporary designs.”
As Bruno scrolled through the article, a GIF of Bianca Nyberg played seamlessly, adding a dynamic element to the feature. Bianca gracefully lifts the luxurious black fox fur stole from her shoulders. With elegance, she brings the stole closer to the camera, its plush texture becoming more prominent with each frame. The soft fur envelops the lens, momentarily obscuring the view and creating an intimate, almost teasing experience.
“Bianca’s clientele includes a mix of local celebrities, fashion enthusiasts, and influential people who appreciate the artistry and timeless elegance of her creations. Beyond her boutique, she is also a vocal advocate for animal welfare, actively promoting and supporting sustainable fur practices within the industry. Bianca Nyberg is not just a designer; she is a visionary, continuously pushing the boundaries of fashion while maintaining a deep respect for tradition.”
“Ehh, whatever. Let’s see the line,” Bruno decided.
He scrolled down the long walls of text, looking for the photos of the new line. His eyes skimmed over the detailed descriptions and interviews, eager to catch a glimpse of Bianca Nyberg's latest creations. As he neared the end of the article, his anticipation grew. Finally, he reached the photo gallery showcasing the new line.
The first image was a stunning full-length finn raccoon fur coat in a deep emerald green, the plush material glistening under the studio lights. The model's elegant pose highlighted the coat's tailored fit and luxurious texture.
The next photo featured a sophisticated jacket with a modern twist—an asymmetrical cut and a mix of black leather and silver fox fur. The jacket exuded a contemporary edge while maintaining an air of classic refinement.
A series of images followed, displaying a variety of fur stoles in vibrant colors and unique patterns. One stole, in particular, stood out—a deep burgundy piece adorned with intricate golden highlighting on the fur, draped elegantly over the shoulders of the model.
In another striking shot, a model wore a sleek leather skirt with a fur hem, paired with a cozy fur-lined sweater. The combination of materials and textures created a harmonious and stylish ensemble.
The final photo was a group shot of models showcasing an array of accessories: fur hats, gloves, and handbags, each piece meticulously designed and crafted. The diversity in the collection was evident, with every item reflecting Bianca's signature blend of tradition and modernity.
Bruno would disagree, however. “Really? All this talk over this? Nothing new, nothing revolutionary, nothing special. These are like any other fur clothes. Not only that but fur is steadily going out of style,” Bruno thought as he leaned back in his chair with a visible expression of disapproval spread across his face.
He leaned back in, taking time to analyze every single piece with precision. “Ugh, so boring,” Bruno burst out loud in disgust, scanning the screen before him. He furrowed his brows, tapping his pen against the desk as he dissected the collection, unable to hide his disappointment. To him, the designs felt uninspired and lacked the innovation he had hoped for in the latest fashion trends.
Bruno quickly opened Word, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he prepared to voice his opinion on his popular blog. The familiar blank document seemed to invite his thoughts, and he started typing with a mixture of frustration and urgency.
Scrolling through Bianca Nyberg's new fur collection, I was struck by a profound sense of disappointment. Despite the considerable buzz, this collection fails to deliver anything remotely groundbreaking or noteworthy. Here’s a closer look at why this line falls short:
The first piece, a deep emerald Finn raccoon fur coat, is more about flashy materials than original design. The classic cut and color feel outdated.
The asymmetrical jacket with black leather and silver fox fur attempts a modern twist but ends up being a predictable blend of old and new with no real edge.
The fur stoles, including one deep burgundy with golden highlights, are meticulously crafted but fail to stand out. They feel like tired repeats rather than fresh ideas.
A model’s outfit featuring a leather skirt with a fur hem and a fur-lined sweater is similarly uninspired—just another safe, predictable mix of materials.
Finally, the accessories—fur hats, gloves, and handbags—are well-made but lack originality. The entire collection feels like an exercise in playing it safe rather than pushing any boundaries.
In summary, Nyberg’s new line is a disappointing showcase of missed opportunities. It fails to offer anything new or exciting in a rapidly evolving fashion world.
As soon as he had published the disheartening post, Bruno let out a deep sigh and closed his computer. He leaned back in his chair, the weight of his critique settling in. The quiet of the room enveloped him, offering a brief moment of reflection. The harshness of his words lingered in his mind, but he knew it was part of his role to be honest and critical. On top of that he had a reputation to uphold.
With a final glance at the still screen, Bruno shut off the light and headed to bed. The night ahead was filled with restless thoughts, but as he drifted into sleep, he hoped that his words, though stern, would serve as a catalyst for change and improvement in the fashion world.
“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” The alarm clock screamed, pulling Bruno from his slumber. Groggily, he silenced the alarm and dragged himself out of bed. After a quick brush of his teeth, he shuffled into the kitchen, where he poured himself a strong cup of coffee.
As he sipped his coffee and glanced at his phone, he noticed an influx of notifications. With a sense of anticipation, he opened his blog and saw that his latest post had taken off. The comment section was buzzing with readers’ reactions, and the post had quickly gained traction across social media.
Bruno’s eyes widened as he saw the surge in traffic and engagement. His critique was sparking lively discussions, with readers both agreeing and disagreeing, and his blog was being shared widely. He couldn’t help but feel a mix of satisfaction and nervousness as he delved into the feedback, eager to see how his words were resonating with his audience.
As Bruno continued to review the flood of comments and social media interactions, he noticed his email inbox was similarly inundated. Amid the sea of messages, one sender stood out: Bianca Nyberg.
His heart raced as he clicked on the email from the renowned fashion designer. The subject line read, “Response to Your Review.” Bruno opened the email with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Subject: Response to Your Review
Dear Mr. Graham,
I’ve read your review of my latest collection with great interest. Your feedback, though candid and critical, is invaluable. I appreciate your honesty and the points you’ve raised about my designs. Constructive criticism is essential in our industry, and I’m taking your comments to heart.
I would like to invite you to dinner at my house for a deeper discussion on my work and future directions. Perhaps a face-to-face conversation could offer more insight into the creative process behind the collection and allow us to address your concerns directly.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards, Bianca Nyberg
Bruno reread the email, absorbing the invitation and Bianca’s thoughtful tone. He felt a surge of excitement and nervousness, knowing this could be an opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue and perhaps gain a new perspective on the designer’s work.
He accepted.
Bruno arrived at Bianca Nyberg’s elegant home at the outskirts of New Helsing, a sense of anticipation mingling with his nerves. The evening air was crisp, and the soft glow of the setting sun bathed the city in a warm, golden light. He rang the doorbell and, after a moment, was greeted by Bianca herself.
“Welcome, Bruno,” she greeted with a gracious smile, dressed in a black sweater, skirt, and stole that mirrored the ensemble from the magazine photos. “I’m so glad you could make it. Please, come in.”
Her home was a testament to her refined taste, blending modern art with classic furnishings. Bruno admired the carefully curated pieces as he followed Bianca into the dining area. The room was elegantly set with a sleek black tablecloth, surrounded by high-backed chairs. A tasteful arrangement of fresh flowers served as the centerpiece, adding a vibrant touch to the sophisticated setting.
As they settled into their seats and Bianca’s maid Marie brought out their meals, the tone of their meeting took a serious turn. Bianca leaned forward slightly, her expression thoughtful but tinged with frustration.
“Bruno,” she began, her tone measured, “I want to thank you again for coming and for your candid feedback. I must admit, I was quite taken aback by your review. I respect your role as a critic, but I was hoping for a more nuanced understanding of my work.”
She took a sip of her wine, then continued, “I put a lot of effort into this collection, trying to balance tradition with innovation and address modern concerns. It’s disheartening to hear that it felt so uninspired to you. And honestly, I’d like you to consider the possibility of deleting that review.”
Bruno’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, feeling the weight of her request. “I understand where you’re coming from, Bianca,” he said carefully. “But my intention was and is to provide honest feedback.”
Bianca sighed, her expression growing more serious. “I appreciate your honesty, but the review is causing real damage to my reputation and my business. In the fashion industry, perceptions can be everything. Negative reviews can deter potential clients and partners, and the impact on my brand could be significant.”
Bruno met her gaze steadily, his resolve firm. “I understand the challenges you’re facing and the impact my review might have. However, my role as a critic is to provide honest assessments. It’s important for my readers and for the industry that I remain transparent and fair in my evaluations.”
Bianca leaned in, her tone becoming more suggestive. “I see where you’re coming from, Bruno. But you know, opinions can change, especially when given the right perspective. I’m sure there’s a lot more to explore in the world of fashion. Sometimes, it takes just a bit more time to fully appreciate the intricacies.”
With a light chuckle, Bianca stood up, her demeanor shifting to a playful and inviting tone. “But enough about business for now. How about I show you around? Just for fun. I’d love for you to see a bit more of what makes this place special.”
Bruno raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Sure, I’d love to see more.”
Bianca took a firm hold of his hand, guiding him with a sense of enthusiasm as she led him through her lavish estate. The warmth of her grip and the confident way she moved added a personal touch to the tour, making Bruno feel welcomed and curious about the spaces they were about to explore.
They walked through a grand hallway first, the same one she had led Denis down some time ago, lined with elegantly framed paintings. Bianca paused at each portrait, explaining the significance of her family lineage. This is my great-grandmother," she said, pointing to a striking portrait. "She was a pioneer in her own right, and I like to think some of her creativity lives on in my work."
She picked up her fur stole and adjusted it on her shoulders, the luxurious hairs catching the light. She moved closer to Bruno, her eyes locking onto his with a new intensity. "You know, Bruno," she said softly, letting the stole brush against his cheek, "there's so much more to fashion than just what meets the eye. Sometimes, it’s about how it makes you feel."
The caress of the fur against his skin sent a shiver down Bruno's spine. He felt the unspoken tension in the air, a mix of seduction and subtle persuasion. Bianca's attempt to sway him was clear, but he remained composed, aware of the complexities of their interaction.
"Fashion is indeed powerful," Bruno replied, his voice steady. "It can evoke strong emotions and create lasting impressions."
Bianca smiled, her eyes still locked on his. "Exactly. And I hope, in time, you'll come to see my work in a new light."
As the tour continued, Bianca led Bruno upstairs, their steps echoing softly through the elegant hallways. The walls were adorned with more portraits and tasteful art pieces, each carefully selected to complement the overall aesthetic of the estate. The air seemed to grow thicker with a mix of anticipation and curiosity as they approached a set of double doors. With a slight pause, Bianca turned to Bruno, a subtle smile playing on her lips. She pushed open the doors, revealing a spacious and exquisitely decorated bedroom, once the chamber of torment for one Denis Marsalis.
The room featured plush velvet furnishings that exuded comfort and elegance. Delicate lace curtains draped gracefully around the large windows, allowing soft, filtered light to seep into the room. Dominating the space was a king-sized bed, lavishly dressed in fur sheets and adorned with an array of fluffy pillows, promising an indulgent retreat.
The most striking feature, however, was the walls, which were entirely covered in rich wine-red fur. This unconventional choice created an atmosphere of opulent extravagance, enveloping the room in a warm, tactile embrace. The fur's soft, velvety texture not only added a unique visual appeal but also invited a sense of touch, making the space feel both sumptuous and inviting.
“Wow, that wall sure looks sensual…” Bruno uttered, his voice tinged with awe and curiosity. The unexpected richness of the fur-covered walls had captivated him, drawing his attention more than any other detail in the room
“I’m a very sensual person, Bruno…” Bianca said, closing in next to his ear. “Now that we’re here, I’d like to confess something. I like you, Bruno. Remember what I said about how fashion makes you feel? I meant that literally… and I’d like to explore… with you,” Bianca said, brushing the stole against his hot red cheek.
Bruno gulped, but he couldn’t deny the allure Bianca had on him. Her presence, the room's opulent setting, and the intimate atmosphere she had crafted all combined to pull him into her world, making it nearly impossible to resist her bold invitation.
As he stared into Bianca’s piercing blue eyes, he felt himself being drawn in further. She stepped closer, her heels clicking loudly with each step. Bianca began to guide him towards the fur-covered wall. Her touch was firm yet gentle, sliding from his chest down to his wrists. With a subtle but commanding grace, she lifted his hands, pressing them against the plush, velvety fur, then…
Bruno’s hands were firmly secured in place by hidden shackles on the wall. He looked up in surprise, the initial shock of the metallic snap giving way to a mix of confusion and realization. “What?!”
Bianca’s smile widened as she let out a low, soft giggle. Her eyes danced with mischief and anticipation as she reached into a nearby nightdrawer and retrieved a pair of scissors. With a practiced hand, she began to cut away his clothes, her movements precise and controlled. The sound of the fabric ripping and the feel of the cool metal against his skin added to the intense atmosphere of the room.
“What do you think you’re doing? This suit cost 4,000 dollars! Let me go!” Bruno yelled out, enraged by his unexpected predicament.
Bianca paused for a moment, looking up at him with a calm, almost amused expression. "Oh, Bruno," she said softly, continuing to cut away at his suit. "Consider it a small price to pay for a new perspective." The fabric continued to fall away, piece by piece, as she worked with a quiet, determined focus.
“A new perspective?! What on Earth are you talking about?!” Bruno questioned, his voice a mix of anger and confusion.
Bianca looked up again, her eyes locking onto his with an intense, almost hypnotic gaze. "Sometimes," she began, her voice smooth and controlled, "you need to break away from the norm to truly understand something. To appreciate the texture, the experience, the sensation." She continued cutting, the scissors moving effortlessly through the fabric. “And sensations are exactly the topic which I’m going to educate you on, Bruno…”
Bianca cut every inch of Bruno’s designer suit off and tossed it aside, leaving him completely exposed. Bruno felt the cold breeze on his skin, sending a shiver through his body, and the plush fur of the wall caressed his back, its soft texture a stark contrast to the intensity of the situation.
Bianca adjusted the fur stole, draping it elegantly over her shoulders like a loose scarf. Slowly, she turned her gaze back to Bruno, her eyes locking onto his with a mix of dominance and curiosity. She began to walk towards him, her heels clicking menacingly with each step, the sound echoing through the room like a countdown.
As she got closer, she raised her hands, her fingers wiggling as if ready to touch him. The air between them crackled with tension, a palpable mix of power and vulnerability. Bruno’s heart raced, his mind struggling to process the surreal intensity of the moment.
And then, when her nails finally met the exposed skin on his sides, a sharp sensation shot through him. Bianca's touch was both electrifying and unnerving, her nails tracing slow, deliberate lines along his ribs. Bruno’s fate was sealed. He was no longer just a critic observing from the outside—he was now completely entangled in her world: a world of tickle torture.
“WHAHAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHARE YOU DOIHIHIHIHIHIHNG?” Bruno exclaimed, his voice breaking into uncontrollable laughter, completely taken aback by the unexpected attack.
“Tickling you. Isn’t it obvious, Bruno?” Bianca replied with a sly smile, her fingers dancing across his skin with precision. “I told you I like to explore… and I think you’re going to learn to appreciate my work as well.”
Bruno twitched and squirmed in his binds, his body instinctively trying to escape the relentless tickling. Each movement made the soft fur on the wall brush against his back, heightening the sensation and adding another layer of stimulation.
“HNNGH, FORGEHEHEHEHEHET IT! YOU’REHEHEHEHEHE DOHOHOHONE!” he managed to shout between gasps of laughter, his voice a mix of defiance and desperation. But his protests only seemed to encourage Bianca, who continued her playful assault with a mischievous grin.
“You’ll find that I can be quite persuasive, Bruno…” Bianca purred, her voice dripping with a mix of seduction and control. She stepped in closer, the soft fur stole pressing against his chest. Her nails continued their slow, torturous journey, traversing down to his twitching hips, each touch sending jolts of electricity through his body. “I’m quite the tickler, sweetheart.”
Bruno’s laughter became uncontrollable, his body betraying him as it quivered under her touch. The combination of her seductive tone and the relentless tickling was overwhelming, breaking down his defenses with each passing second. His mind raced, but his body was lost in the sensation, every nerve alight with the duality of pleasure and torment. Bianca’s grin widened as she watched him struggle, knowing she had him completely under her control.
“Tickle, tickle~”
Those words. Those damn words. Those words, spoken so sweetly, echoed in Bruno’s mind, amplifying his helplessness. Each syllable seemed to intensify the sensation, as if Bianca’s voice itself was a tool of torment.
“You have no idea how much I like tickling… how much I like tickling you, Bruno.” Bianca’s voice was honeyed, dripping with amusement and something darker. “I see you trying to make sense of it all, but you can’t, can you? You’re confused, perplexed…” She leaned in even closer, her breath warm against his ear, her voice dropping to a whisper that sent a chill through him. “And scared…”
Bruno’s breath came in ragged gasps, his laughter finally tapering off into exhausted panting. The intensity of her touch and the weight of her words had left him disoriented.
“But don’t you worry. I will take such good care of you, Coochie coochie coo,” she said softly, planting a kiss on his cheek before stepping away. The warmth of her kiss contrasted sharply with the coldness of his situation. She moved toward her closet, her heels clicking against the floor with every step.
“Now…” Bianca began, reaching for something inside the closet. She pulled out the deep emerald green finn raccoon fur coat. “Remember this? Remember what you said? ‘The first piece, a deep emerald Finn raccoon fur coat, is more about flashy materials than original design. The classic cut and color feel outdated.’ Hmpf.” Bianca mimicked in a mocking masculine tone, whilst rolling her eyes.
“I pant stand pant by pant what pant I said,” Bruno replied, his voice shaky as he struggled to maintain composure. The coat's opulence seemed almost to taunt him now, its richness a stark contrast to his current predicament.
Bianca threw her black stole onto the bed and reached into the closet once more. This time, she pulled out the burgundy fur stole with golden highlights, her movements deliberate and theatrical. “Remember this?” she said, draping the stole over her shoulders, layering it atop the deep emerald green coat. “You said: ‘The fur stoles, including one deep burgundy with golden highlights, are meticulously crafted but fail to stand out. They feel like tired repeats rather than fresh ideas.’ Blah blah blah.”
With a slow, deliberate grace, she walked back towards Bruno. The sight of her, adorned in the lush green coat and the vibrant reddish stole, gave her an almost mythical presence. She looked like a glamorous, fluffy, tickle-torturing version of Poison Ivy, her elegant attire contrasted sharply with the intense situation.
The rich textures of her outfit seemed to amplify the tension in the room, creating an almost surreal atmosphere as she approached Bruno, who was now visibly sweating and nervous, his earlier bravado completely gone.
Bianca’s movement was menacing yet elegant as she stopped abruptly at her bed. She knelt down and reached beneath it, pulling out two boxes with an air of anticipation. The soft rustle of the boxes being dragged out created a subtle yet charged sound, adding to the heightened atmosphere in the room.
One box was plain and unadorned, its simplicity a stark contrast to the other. The second box, however, was ornate, its surface richly adorned with intricate patterns and delicate filigree: The Fluff Box. The contrast between the two boxes hinted at the possibility of something both intriguing and mysterious awaiting inside.
Bianca picked up the two boxes and set them beside Bruno with a measured movement. The plain box landed with a soft thud, while the ornate box made a more pronounced sound as it settled onto the floor. She stood up, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and authority as she glanced at Bruno.
She opened the ornate box. “Now, Bruno,” she said with a teasing smile, “let’s see which one you find more... appealing.”
Bruno’s eyes widened with curiosity and a hint of anxiety as Bianca’s hand reached into the box. She lifted up a large, luxurious powder brush with a handle adorned in intricate patterns. The bristles were soft and fluffy, casting a gentle sheen in the room’s light. Alongside it, she pulled out a bundle of feathers attached to an ornate stick, which resembled an exaggerated feather tickler toy.
“I wonder which one you would like to be tickled with…” She twirled the powder brush lightly, letting its bristles sway in the air, and then waved the bundle of feathers playfully.
Bruno’s eyes flickered between the two, his breathing quickening as he felt the tension rise. “T-the brush,” he stammered, a mix of apprehension and curiosity in his voice.
“Alright,” she said, her voice soft but laced with a playful edge. “But don’t think for a second you’re exempt from the other one, my ticklish little critic…”
With a teasing smirk, she set the feather bundle aside. The bristles felt almost too soft to be real as she gently brushed it against her palm, letting the anticipation build. Bruno’s eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat as he watched her movements.
“What’s in the other box?” Bruno asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.
Bianca’s eyes gleamed with playful mystery as she replied, “You’ll find out soon enough.” She then shifted her focus back to the powder brush, her tone taking on a blend of menace and indulgent affection. “Ready for your brush tickling?”
As she stepped closer, Bruno’s heart pounded in his chest. The bristles of the brush hovered just above his skin, their soft promise mingling with the room's charged atmosphere. Bianca leaned in, lifting the brush slowly and inching it towards his right wrist. Her head was just by his ear, and she blew gently, sending tingles down his spine. The fur of the coat and stole brushed against his chest, while the plush fur on the wall caressed his back. He was squished in between a fluffy cocoon of furs.
Her lips brushed against his ear, sending a bolt of anticipation through him. “Tickle, tickle, Bruno…” she whispered softly.
The brush began its delicate descent from his wrist down his arm, the bristles soft yet tantalizingly ticklish against his skin. Bruno could barely focus on the sensation before Bianca's left hand moved with swift precision, her nails striking into his armpit. The contrast between the gentle brushing and the sudden, sharp tickling sent a signal of ticklish alert to his brain.
“OH GAHAHAHAHAHAD!” Bruno cried out, his voice cracking between fits of uncontrollable laughter. He couldn’t help himself; the sensation was too intense, too overwhelming. Every nerve in his body seemed to be on fire as Bianca’s relentless tickling pushed him to his limits.
“You’re so sensitive, Bruno,” Bianca purred, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she watched him squirm helplessly against the plush fur and her ticklish ministrations. “Do you like being tickled?”
The soft brush traveled down his arms, over his chest, and back up his other arm, each stroke sending a new wave of tingling sensations through his body. Bruno’s laughter echoed through the room, his voice broken and breathless as he tried in vain to resist the overwhelming ticklishness.
“I like tickling you, Bruno. I like how you squirm and laugh and you can’t resist, can you? No matter how much you want to.” Her nails lightly trailed down his side, just enough to keep him on edge.
Bianca let out a sultry giggle as she brought the big brush to Bruno’s face. With a teasing flick, she brushed it lightly against his nose, causing it to twitch involuntarily. A soft giggle escaped her lips as she traced the bristles along his jawline, the tickling sensation making him squirm even more.
Bruno’s laughter was uncontrollable, his head twisting in a futile attempt to escape the relentless tickling. The brush then moved to his ears, the soft bristles grazing the sensitive skin on each side, driving him wild with the ticklish torment.
“Does my big fluffy brush tickle?” Bianca cooed. “I love how you laugh for me. It tells me just how much it tickles. You don’t have to say a word.” She moved the brush down his neck and twirled the brush lightly over his nipples, before trailing down. “I know it tickles…”
When the brush began to traverse down his right side, Bruno’s anticipation grew. He tensed as it stopped just above his exposed manhood, his breath catching in his throat. But before he could brace himself, Bianca’s nails struck his left side, eliciting another burst of uncontrollable laughter.
Then Bianca knelt down, her eyes glinting with mischief as she brushed lightly around his most sensitive area, her touch deliberate and teasing. The delicate bristles barely grazed his skin, yet the sensation was enough to send shockwaves of ticklish torment through his entire body, leaving him utterly at her mercy.
Bianca’s voice was a sultry murmur, filled with a mix of dominance and satisfaction. “It must be agony,” she continued, her tone smooth and seductive. She gently circled the fluffy brush around his sensitive area, her movements precise and teasing. “The never-ending intense tingling sensation all over your body. The way your vulnerable spots are exploited like this. The way you’re forced to laugh until your lungs ache.”
She watched him with a smirk as he writhed under her touch, her eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and control. “The overwhelming, tantalizing tickle torture…” she purred, each word emphasizing the cruel pleasure she derived from his helplessness.
Bruno’s cock began to twitch slightly in response to the ticklish brushing. Bianca noticed the slight twitch in Bruno’s crotch, her smirk widening as she continued her tantalizing torture. “Yet, I find that you’re enjoying this more than you let on,” she teased, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “Typical.”
Bianca rose gracefully from her position, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and anticipation. She walked back over to The Fluff Box, where she picked up the large feather tickler she had set aside earlier. The feathered bundle, now even more tantalizing in the context of the ongoing play, promised a new layer of sensation.
She turned back towards Bruno with a sly smile, the feather tickler held confidently in her hand. “Now that we’ve explored the brush, let’s see how you handle this,” she said, her voice tinged with playful menace. The feathers fluttered gently as she moved, casting a light, teasing shadow across his exposed body.
With deliberate slowness, Bianca approached him, the feather tickler poised to add a fresh dimension to his ticklish ordeal. She gently caressed his cheek, her touch soft and teasing. As she leaned in, her fingers tickled lightly under his chin, sending delicate, tantalizing sensations across his skin.
Whispering in his ear, her voice a velvety mix of seduction and control, she murmured, “It’s going to tickle. The feathers softly dragging on you, leaving tingly whispers of tickling on your skin.” The gentle promise of the feather tickler was almost as torturous as the anticipation itself. She positioned the tickler near his exposed skin, the delicate feathers poised to begin their torment.
“N-no… please…” Bruno whimpered, pleading her not to torture him again.
“Aww,” Bianca cooed, before caressing his cheek again. She moved from his side to a position in front of him. “I’m sorry but…”
Bruno stared deeply into Bianca’s piercing blue eyes.
“I’m going to tickle you.”
The feather tickler made its first contact, brushing gently against his inner thighs, and the sensation was immediate. The soft, teasing feathers danced along his sensitive skin, forcing him to laugh and moan in his fluffy binding. Each light touch of the feathers against his inner thighs ignited a fresh wave of ticklish torment, making him writhe and squirm against the fur wall.
Bianca’s eyes sparkled with satisfaction as she observed his reactions. She gently moved the tickler up and down his inner thighs, varying the pressure and speed to keep him on edge. Bruno’s cock began to react quickly, rising into a full erection before long.
Bianca lifted the tickler, allowing it to rest between her thumb and index finger as she shifted her attention to his armpits. Her fingers danced with masterful precision, scribbling her nails in the sensitive hollows. The sudden shift from the soft, teasing feathers to the sharp, intense tickling of her nails created a jarring contrast, amplifying the torment.
Bruno’s laughter erupted into desperate, uncontrollable guffaws, the combination of the sharp tickling and the lingering sensation from the feathers leaving him overwhelmed. He much preferred the soft, teasing and gentle tickling of the feather tickler to her scribbling.
“Do you want the feathers back?” Bianca asked, having knowingly lifted the feathers from his manhood to tease him and leave him craving for the more bearable form of tickle torture.
“YEHEHEHEHES! PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” He begged in between his ticklish laughter.
“Then say it. Say you want me to tickle you with my feathers,” Bianca demanded, her eyes squinting in mischief.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE! TICKLE ME WITH YOUR FEATHEHEHEHEHERS!” Bruno cried out, his voice breaking as he struggled to keep his composure amidst the relentless tickling. His laughter was a desperate plea, a mix of embarrassment and relief as he eagerly awaited the return of the gentler form of torment.
“Aww, of course, tickle boy,” Bianca’s smirk widened, clearly pleased with his submission. She let the feathers descend back to his sensitive skin, their soft touch meeting his needy twitching manhood, resuming the teasing strokes that made him laugh and moan uncontrollably.
The feathers fluttered up and down his shaft, tickling his sensitive skin. Bianca momentarily paused at his tip, giving him a quick flurry of feathery tickles. Her spidering nails met his quivering stomach, forcing the balance of laughter and moaning to tip in favor of helpless giggling.
Pre-cum oozed from his throbbing penis, as Bianca began to twirl the feather tickler on his balls and reaching for under, tickling his taint. He jolted as the soft feathers met the sensitive skin behind his balls. Bianca giggled in response, making sure to properly tickle him and providing long, teasing, ticklish strokes.
Bianca took a moment to relish Bruno’s relieved laughter before gracefully moving towards the plain box. Her heels clicked softly on the floor as she approached, creating a stark contrast to the earlier chaos.
With calmness, she lifted the lid, revealing the contents inside. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of anticipation and satisfaction as she glanced back at Bruno, whose curiosity and exhaustion were palpable. She lifted up a massive fur mitten and placed it on her right hand. “Remember? ‘Finally, the accessories—fur hats, gloves, and handbags—are well-made but lack originality. The entire collection feels like an exercise in playing it safe rather than pushing any boundaries.’ Remember?”
Bruno’s pleas reached her ears, a mix of desperation and desire in his voice. “I-I-I’m sorry. Please let me cum…”
Bianca’s smirk softened into a more contemplative expression. “You know, I think you might have learned something today. But I’m not quite done yet.” She positioned the fur mitten near his sensitive areas, her movements deliberate and slow.
The fur mitten hovered near his sensitive areas, its soft texture promising a new kind of soft sensation. Bianca gently grabbed his cock into the fluffy embrace of her fur mitten. The soft fox fur enveloped his throbbing manhood, covering it in a warm, comforting and pleasurable cocoon. Gently she began to flick her wrist, caressing the fur up and down his sensitive privates.
Bruno began to moan, the fur feeling so good after the tickle torturing of his life. His eyes rolled back in pleasure, as Bianca’s fluffy hand stroked him. He felt the fur caress back and forth. Every single hair, every single strand of fur trailed on his sensitive skin, tickling him ever so slightly yet pleasurably.
As Bruno began to savor the soft, luxurious sensation of the fur job, his body tensed in anticipation of what was to come next. The gentle tickling was soothing in its own way, but suddenly, he felt a new wave of sensations.
Bianca’s fingers began their intricate dance, spidering lightly across his armpits. The touch was both delicate and insistent, creating a contrast with the fur mitten’s plush caress. Her fingers moved methodically, tracing a path down his sides and to his hips, before climbing back up his torso.
Bianca’s tone was firm but laced with a lingering trace of amusement as she spoke. “I said I’m not done yet,” she stated, her eyes gleaming with a mix of authority and playful intent.
As her fingers resumed their intricate dance, traversing from his armpits to his sides and hips, the tickling became a complex interplay of sensations. The fur mitten’s caress complemented her skilled fingers, creating a relentless and tantalizing experience for Bruno. His laughter, now a mix of desperation and reluctant enjoyment, filled the room as he struggled against his bonds.
Bianca’s eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and authority. “Repeat after me and I’ll let you cum,” she bargained, her tone a mix of seduction and control. She leaned closer, her breath warm against Bruno’s ear as she prepared to make her demands. “I love getting tickled by you, Ms. Nyberg.”
“Am I the meanest and sexiest tickler you’ll ever have, Mr. Graham?” she asked, her tone both commanding and playful.
Bruno, breathless and overwhelmed, finally managed to gasp out, “Y-YES, MS. NYBERG! YOU’RE THE MEANEHEHEHEHEST AND SEXIEST TICKLER I’VE EVER HAHAHAHAHAD!”
“Is my tickling intense and addictive, leaving you begging for more?” she asked, her tone both commanding and seductive.
Bruno, still gasping for breath, managed to shout out in all caps, “YES! YOUR TICKLING IS INTENSE AND ADDICTIVE! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH!”
“Am I the best furrier? Are my furs the most elegant and the softest? Will you remove your review and write a follow-up praising me?” she asked, her tone leaving no room for doubt or hesitation.
Bruno, caught in the whirlwind of ticklish torment and fluffy pleasure, could only respond in a breathless plea, “YES! YOU’RE THE BEST FURRIER! YOUR FURS ARE THE MOST ELEGANT AND SOFTEST! I’LL REMOVE MY REVIEW AND WRITE A FOLLOW-UP PRAISING YOU!”
Bianca’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she heard Bruno’s plea. She paused her tickling, allowing him to catch his breath, continuing to gently stroke him with the massive fur mitten, a soothing contrast to the earlier intense sensations.
With a soft, triumphant smile, she leaned in close, her voice a whisper filled with both dominance and affection. “Good boy. I’m glad you’ve come to appreciate the art of tickling and the elegance of my furs.”
Bruno began to feel his orgasm building up as Bianca flicked her wrist slightly faster now, pleasuring him increasingly. She began to blow gently into his ears, adding another teasy pleasurable sensation to his fur job. Bruno scrunched his neck in response.
Bianca smiled warmly as she continued her gentle strokes. “I really liked tickling you, Mr. Graham. I’ve teased lots of ticklish guys, but you’re one of the most memorable. Your laughter was music to my ears.” She kissed his cheek. “And you liked being tickled by me, didn’t you?”
Bruno looked down and moaned, as he watched Bianca work her fluffy magic on his throbbing manhood. He nodded in response to Bianca’s teasy words. Bruno took all the pleasure in, watching the mitten glide up and down, up and down. He couldn’t even see his manhood. It was lost in a sea of maddeningly pleasurable fur.
“You know, I’m still kind of tickling you while I’m doing this, Bruno,” Bianca giggled, her eyes dancing with seduction. She let her fingers lightly graze his sensitive spots once more, adding a touch of teasing to her words. “Tickle, tickle.” She observed as his breathy moans quickened, a clear sign of the effect her playful touch had on him. “And the fur?” she continued, her voice soft and teasing. “Isn’t it a bit ticklish too?”
Bruno nodded, his eyes rolling back as he surrendered to the overwhelming sensations. The combined teases and tickle talk from Bianca and the soft brush of the fur against his manhood was almost too much to handle. Each touch, each whisper of the fur, seemed to intensify his experience, leaving him in a state of helpless ecstasy.
“Cum for me… Cum for your tickling fur goddess, Bruno…” Bianca urged, sensing the critic's orgasm was close.
And so Bruno let himself be taken over by an explosive ticklegasm. His back arched in response, as his entire nervous system tingled like fire and his muscles spasmed in pure pleasurable ecstasy. Streaks of hot sperm shot out of his throbbing red cock and he screamed as his entire body joined together in a harmony of pleasure.
Bianca stroked his hair gently, her touch soft and soothing after the intense ordeal. As Bruno panted heavily, his head hung low in exhaustion, she offered him a tender smile. Her fingers ran through his hair with a caring rhythm, a contrast to the earlier playful torment.
“You did so well, Bruno,” she murmured softly, her voice a blend of satisfaction and genuine care. “I’m glad we understand each other now.” Bianca turned to the door. “I sincerely hope you keep up your promise, because if you don’t.”
She turned back.
“I’ll personally make sure you’re tickled and tortured until passing out. Then you’ll be tickled again. And again. And again…”
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silverior968 · 1 year
Continuation to the post I made about Larrikin in the 1920s, and possibly the start to a series where I draw Dead Men in historical clothes. I also made up a silly backstory for the flapper gown outfit, which is: undercover mission at a Mevolent's side's party to destroy some sort of weapon (which is why Larrikin has the bombs and dyed their hair to be single-colored). Any pronouns for Larrikin.
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[Image ID: A digital drawing with several smaller drawings of Larrikin Fetter, a black person with freckles, hazel eyes and curly ginger-and-brown hair, in front of a light green background. The biggest drawing is of Larrikin dancing the Charleston, with their hair dyed completely brown and arranged in finger curls. They have period-accurate make-up on, complete with dark red lipstick, thin eyebrows and prominent eyeshadow. She's smiling, showing her tooth gap. She's wearing pearl earrings, a pearl necklace that makes a little loop at the end, and a green flapper dress with a drop-waist decorated with ribbons and fake roses. The dress reaches down to their knees and features intricate embroidery. The dress is not form-fitting. Her shoes are light green with small heels. They have an old and faded scar on their ankle from a fox trap as a child. The drawing above it is a tiny chibi doodle of Larrikin in the same outfit, pictured from the waist chest up, holding a small bomb in each hand. They have a speech bubble which says "You FOOLS thought they were GONKERS but guess WHAT!" The second smallest drawing on the page features Larrikin in the same outfit, pictured from the waist up. They have their hands held out in front of them in fists, and are looking off to the side with wide eyes, shouting "Honey, do you have my daggers? I already used the bombs..." Her knuckles are bloody, there's sweat on her forehead and the hair dye has started to fade, showing ginger streaks. The last drawing is a full-body drawing of Larrikin, pictured from the side, with their left arm and leg forward, and their right hand in their pocket. They are smiling with their eyes closed. Their hair is curly and short, and no longer dyed. Their outfit consists of a white button-up shirt, a grey vest and black trousers, white socks and wingtip shoes. / End ID]
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fanflames · 1 year
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this is a quick roundup of headcanons that focus primarily on tingyun's appearance. tidbits of headcanons on foxians as a whole will be sprinkled in here as well but i have plans to write a foxian worldbuilding meta to lay out all canonical details of their race + society and add onto what we know with my own inferences.  
canonical, but worth mentioning since this is a running theme throughout these headcanons: a large interest of her's is cosmetics. her interest began from a place of self care and confidence building and eventually evolved into another tool in her area of work.
tingyun was born the equivalent of a runt by foxian standards, so she's a bit smaller than the majority of foxians her age. the real life fox breed i'd equate her appearance to would be a fennec fox due to how MASSIVE her ears and tail are in comparison to everybody else, even yukong. 
tingyun maintains a simple aesthetic throughout her wardrobe and makeup choices. her everyday clothing fits the trends of the xianzhou and she tends to lean into warm neutrals like brown and off whites. red is her usual accent color (but she's picky about what type of red she wears), and her metal preference in any accessories is gold. 
the only outlier in her color palette is her jade abacus- while being extremely important in foxian culture and essentially being a type of smart watch, it also never gets taken off. it is intentionally small enough to never come off of her wrist unless it is broken, similar to the real life practice of wearing jade bracelets.
scent preference time ! tingyun has a variety of perfumes that have become essentially decor on her vanity because she always sticks to the same scent profile. she likes light florals with hints of citrus and water. her soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, etc. is all coordinated with similar scent profiles. she's the type of person that walks by and you turn your head like damn who smells so good?? 
she takes care of her health and appearance as a whole, but there's a heavy focus on her hair and fur- tail in particular. a big source of insecurity in her youth was in her appearance and that was largely equated to how large and fluffy her ears and tail are. it sounds silly, but foxian culture has largely been war based so looking as unthreatening as she does- along with her inherently passive nature- makes her a prime target for scrutiny. her pride in how meticulously she takes care of her hair & fur is largely in part to her trying to embrace what she can't change. she is very consistent with washing, conditioning, brushing, & maintaining it. the hair on her head and tail are treated almost exactly the same so they are both very soft. 
smaller note on her hair- she has the tips of her hair and tail dyed a subtle, darker red. it is not natural and she redyes it every month or two. 
i'll expand on this in a biology specific headcanon, but tingyun has all of the standard (...in my canon) features of a foxian including fox ears, a tail, sturdy & semi-retractable claws, longer canines & incisors (& overall sharper teeth), a longer & flatter tongue, and a naturally darker pigmentation around her eyes.
as for her claws, they grow quicker than human nails and they're on the thicker side. they naturally grow sharp, but she manicures them regularly and files them into more of an almond shape. they're usually a light, translucent nude-pink. she does it herself in her down time during her self assigned "self care days."
when visiting other planets for her work as a trade amicassador, tingyun will do her research to be familiar with their fashion standards and dress to match as best she can. if there is not enough information on this before she arrives, she will take time to people watch and mimick from there. her intentions are not to blend in or pretend to be one of them, but to show from the beginning that she is here to talk things through and respect their culture. as somebody who avoids conflict to the point of not having a weapon on her, i imagine her voyages are meticulously planned down to these little details. it is worth noting that during formal events or meetings, she will sometimes opt for xianzhou's fashion to show that she is representing them. 
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
TxT and Fluffy Hair: a wonderful relationship~ Part 5: The Coolest Fox 🦊
Author's note: this is the last time I'll repeat everything don't worry. This is just my personal opinion about haircuts, don't expect any objective facts. The analysis are inspired by Michaela Diana's works on Instagram. If I mentioned other idols I did it only as examples not for comparison. The pic used are taken from TxT's official accounts, not fantaken.
This series is dedicated to @onlyoneofyouu
Hello everyone, how have you been?
Today the series dedicated to TxT and their wonderful relationship with curly hair aka The Floof, will come to an end. Sadly :(
We have only one member left so I will not make a super big presentation, I think you already know who will be the subject of our post.
My dear readers, the members I'm referring to is...
* drums roll *
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Look it's the last post, let me have some fun, ok?
Oh Yeonjun, our beloved fox, dancer, rapper and full time model. This boy is literally perfect in every aspect but can he have The Floof too?
Well, let's say that... it's complicated and you'll understand why by looking at his facial features soooo, LET'S GO!
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Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals calm down and don't go crazy while watching these selfies please. I know he's beautiful but have some demeanour 😅🤣
Starting from the face shape and his jawline, Yeonjun seems to have a sort of round/mini heart face shape. The slightly pointy chin might make you think that he has a sharp jawline but he actually it's very blunt and smooth.
So yeah, he already has two good features for The Floof. But if we go checking the eyes and the presence of full cheeks...uhmmm, the situation becomes a little complicated now.
His eyes seems downturned and little, which means that the bangs can be too much longer. You get it, I don't like long bangs, especially if they cover the eyes. In Yeonjun's case, if you give him long bangs I might completely lost my mind. But we can work with it somehow.
In my opinion he has some full cheeks when he eats especially but also when he's relaxed, he just needs some make up which let's them shine.
Also, maybe it's just me, but his ears are a little prominent. I don't know you but he's the first TxT member who catches my eyes when he wears earrings. Keep this feature in mind too, it will be useful later.
So, as you can see, Yeonjun has some features which can work perfectly for The Floof but others make this haircut a little difficult to menage for him. But don't worry Yeonjun, I'll find a solution for you.
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Let's find the haircut first. Since his eyes are downturned, if we want to let them shine we need to let his forehead uncovered. It's pretty normal for him, since the majority of his haircuts consist of his uncovered forehead.
In my opinion he can't have a short haircut with the curls all over his forehead, even if the bangs have a good length. The reason? His ears.
Did you keep them in mind? Good. His ears are one of his most recognisable features. If he had short curly hair, his ears might end up being covered by the curls all over his head. That's why he mostly has straight hair if you think about it.
So, in my opinion, I think that a floofy mullet might work perfectly for him. He can show his forehead (and so his eyes) and his ears might not be to much covered by the curls.
And the hair colour?
Look, I'm being honest with you, I think that his hair started to suffer a lot from the hair dying recently. I don't know you but I noticed that, when he has his hair coloured, he lets the roots growing so, since I care a lot about his hair's condition, I think he should stick to his natural colour/dark colours such as black.
BUT, if a miracle will happen and his hair condition will get better then, in my personal, humble opinion he should come back to pink, his most ✨ I C O N I C✨ colour
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This is how he might look like, but the mullet can be even a little longer for me
And that's it, this is how Yeonjun might look like with The Floof. As you've noticed he needs a very specific haircut to shine but if you have his features in mind and enough imagination you can always find a solution to it.
And we have officially come into the end of this series. I really hope you had fun while reading all of this and you started to appreciate The Floof a little more.
See you on the next post 👋
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Inuyasha Verse Info For Aichi, Misaki, and Asaka! 
(This will no doubt be expanded upon with interactions/whatnot, but these are just my initial ideas! Also, as stated in an earlier post, interactions where the story of Cardfight Vanguard and Inuyasha take place in the same world can also happen! This is just my ideas for if these muses were from this world!)
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Aichi Sendou is a student in Kagome Higurashi’s ( @archeracrosstime​​ aka my Kagome) class in the modern era, but he is hardly ever noticed by his classmates during class time. He is shy, quiet, lacks social skills, is easily embarrassed, and has very high grades. In fact, he’s very near the top of the class. In addition, he is a huge fan of the Shining Swordsmen series, a fantasy manga/anime series about the adventures of a king of a kingdom in the holy nation of United Sanctuary and his ever faithful knight, the heroic warrior Blaster Blade (Who he has an action figure of he carries around with him that he got as a gift from a young brunnete boy named Toshiki Kai who he met as a child). 
Unfortunately, he is often the target for bullying, coming home more often than not with several scrapes or bruises much to the dismay of his mother and younger sister Emi. Kagome, being the heroic girl we all know she is, stands up for Aichi against his bullies, and quickly becomes his only real friend.
Naturally, he is no doubt concerned when he hears about how often Kagome is ‘sick’ and doesn’t show up to school for long periods of time. This concern leads him to one day try to drop off a care package for her, similar to Hojo. In the process, he is led to the Bone Eaters Well after hearing a mysterious voice call out to him. He doesn’t know where the voice came from, but as if by fate, he trips over Buyo and falls right into the well and suddenly disappears into a world beyond his imagination...
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Misaki, much like she is in my Nobles of Nature AU (Cause this base concept just WORKS for this world so I’m yoinking it, but obviously with diff lore/whatnot to fit Inuyasha), is the daughter of a human priestess and a fox demon in the Feudal Era, making her a fox half-demon. Her demonic form manifests in the form of red markings on her face, claws, sharp teeth, and ears that are on the top of her head. However, these traits hardly ever show due to her expert use of fox magic and holy talismans, allowing her to mask them completely with the use of a special mirror necklace she created with the help of her fox demon Uncle Shin who she lives with in a mountain shrine far away from any human village. 
Her parents died when she was at a young age, both dying to protect the shrine from demons seeking to take over their territory and purge the half-demon child who resided within the walls of the place. Naturally, such a traumatic experience scarred Misaki, causing her to have to grow up quickly and became much more reserved, mistrusting of others, and colder in the process. 
Her ‘New Moon Night’ funny enough occurs during a Full Moon. Her appearance does not shift dramatically, other than the loss of the demonic features due to her physical likeness resembling her human mother (Inherited her light purple hair and teal eyes). She does lose access to her fox magic, making her rely on her spiritual powerless she harnesses through magical talismans to defend herself on these nights. 
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Asaka Narumi, also known by her title as the Crimson Beast Tamer, is a full-blooded ‘tamer’ demon from the Feudal Era, a race of demons who specialize in controlling and well taming smaller weaker demons to do their bidding (similar to what Naraku can do but no where near on as large a scale as him). Such types of demons are very rare and often come from noble families, with her being no exception. In fact, the Narumi family is well known for it’s use of their tamed demons for entertainment purposes, putting on grad performances akin to what would later in history as a Circus.
Her main demon she commands and star of her show is a huge manticore demon she tamed when she was merely a child as a test of her strength. It obeys her without question, and is extremely loyal to her, even if she did not have her powers. Some other smaller demons, such as imps, rabbits, and ones who can possesses dolls and other objects fill out her roster.
Despite being a performer, Asaka is also quite deadly in terms of battle capabilities. In fact, she’s even taken on assassin related jobs, assassinating noble demon lords for high amounts of pay. She’s all out for herself and her own glory, no doubt probably making her a good target for Naruku to try and convince to attack Inuyasha and the gang.
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Is this the Buddy for July 24th? It's barely a Buddy! Where's the big hair? Where's the scarf? What about the pink sweater?
Truth is, this is an approximation of the original design for the character. I had written a bit of a story featuring this character, but it never really clicked so I kind of gave up on it for a few years. Then I came up with the design I'm using now, and I think that worked out great.
I didn't really worry about coloring this drawing. I wanted to make the beret and the jacket red, and I usually just color Buddy's skin red too, so I figured I could just make it all red.
It's funny how coloring can change a character's personality. Even using just three colors, I can think of different ways to present a character
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This, for instance, would be a better way to color him. Still all red, but the eyes and teeth show he's human.
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This is still three colors, but now the clothing isn't all red. The fox hunting jacket isn't my favorite, bu it looks okay.
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Now this character's completely different. He's white. The pink skin is a fourth color, but if pink's just a mix between red and white, I can still get away with it.
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The same applies to his grey beret. A mix between white and black.
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The brown jacket's a bit more realistic than the flashing red. It could be some sort of leather, or even just dyed fabric. And, brown's a mix of red and black, right?
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Now we're back to the original Buddy skin color. From what I remember, this is kind of what the character would look like in the original story.
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Let's change things for a bit. What if Buddy was black? The darker skin is a bit harder to pull off in my style, but since this isn't an official Buddy of the day, I can cheat a bit with the colors.
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The gray jacket changes the look quite a bit! Almost makes him look like a spy or something.
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Now let's try a very pale Buddy for a change. His skin is practically chalk white, and the lighter color on the outfit don't help.
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Nope. They definitely don't help...
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Now that's the exact opposite. All black outfit! Kind of makes him look like a goth. Black outfits aren't as fun to draw, cause you gotta draw everything in white after coloring them in, but I kind of like the effect.
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This is a bit closer to the new design. A pink jacket and white T-shirt instead of pink sweater and white scarf. I think it tells more about the character's personality.
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A different way to color is just having most of the drawing in black and white, but add a splash of red for effect. A bit pretentious, though, but on the other hand, it's faster.
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This is the devil. The all-black eyes suck the soul out of the character, don't they? A bit hypocritical of me to say so, since my drawings usually just have black dots for eyes. Notice the weird color of the jacket? A mix or red, black and white.
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A different style, with cooler colors on the outfit, and an almost grey-ish skin. Could be like a traveler from an alternate universe or something. Or like how in Mortal Kombat characters' outfits' colors change when both players choose the same guy.
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Not as much difference in this one, but the black t-shirt changes the drawing a lot. The matching pink beret and jacket also show this Buddy's trying to look good.
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Speaking of black, how about an all-black outfit, to blend in the darkness. I like the cartoony thing of characters' outfits being just a black shape. Really Genndy Tartakovsky, right?
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This is just a statue. Doesn't look like it's alive.
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This is also a statue, but it's a nude that some kids covered with real clothes.
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This, however, is a living statue. The eyes and teeth are real. He can move around and shop. Still more experimenting with colors on the jacket and beret.
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This one's a bit like Fry from Futurama. Speaking of, the show's coming back!! Whoo!
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Here we have something with darker colors. The jacket and beret match, which kind of make this fellow look like he's wearing some institutional uniform or something. I often obsess about details like that.
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This one's also pretty satanic. Changing the color of the eyes - specifically, the whites of the eyes - can turn a character into something completely different. Almost a different species.
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This is a fun, but very traditional coloring style - the characters' clothes are colored, the skin is white. Lazy? A little bit, yeah. But maybe he's an albino.
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This is a guy with gross black teeth. Yuck. Another different outfit, though.
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And, to finish the set, we have a Noob Saibot type. I could say it's a shadow monster of some sort, but I'd just use drawings like this to show there's a flash of light behind him or something.
So, I tried different colors on the same drawing to try and draw as much personality as I could from a simple character sketch. I don't know how successful that was, but it's a fun experiment. When coloring isn't the time-wasting exercise for toddlers, or the soul-sucking labor of professional comic book colorists, it can be pretty fun.
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
hello belle i hope you're having a good day! today im dying my hair black. what's something you're enjoying about today?
also, can i ask your favorite song lately? mines the hampton court instrumental by norma tanega :]
OOOOO Okay I gotta know - what hair dye brand? If it's arctic fox, their black fades out to multiple colors and it looks so cool. I've been considering going black but I think im just gonna try to fix my poor fried ends and dye my head back to like. The deep chocolate brown I like. Today's been kinda a weird one cause my car tire popped this morning [it has since been fixed but. by god.] and I had to drive my 'rents unweildy suv. B U T I got to have therapy today and talked about Rift AU and now. Now my therapist wants to read rift au. SO. an ego boost was in order for me today methinks.
Okay so uh. Dreadlight, Mothica, and Scene Queen all came out w new music within the last week or it WOULD have been Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon [That would be the song I keep sending lyrics to Atherix from and freaking out about ala rift au] BUT NOW. N O W. The Rapture by Scene Queen FEATURING!!!!! Mothica [I am so, so gay] has my heart.
Also I went to go look at the song that has you and its so nice sounding!! I've never heard of this artist before but I'm sitting here bobbing my head along. I might need to look into this more.
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silverstark · 2 years
Fever Dreams Pt.1 of 2
An AU of "Sanguine" my 2ha au fic of the 0.5 timeline featuring mpreg. This au has a hopeful ending. Major spoilers for the novel.
cws for all the 0.5 timeline content plus mpreg and implied forced pregnancy
Mo Ran sucked in a breath, and then shuddered at the agony the motion set off. The muscles of his chest were still torn near his heart. Nevertheless, he could feel that his fever had broken and that his heartbeat was steady. He would live after all. Xue Meng had failed.
A servant knelt by his bedside. Another hurriedly backed out of the room. Neither of them was Liu-gonggong, and Mo Ran was confused for a moment.
"We will send for him immediately, Your Majesty," the servant promised in a trembling voice.
Liu-gongong really wasn't by his bedside. He was Taxian-Jun's most trusted servant, and given the uncertain state of Taxian-Jun's survival, he most certainly should have been there. The only other duty he had was seeing to Chu Wanning’s needs, and these could hardly be more urgent than Mo Ran’s needs at present.
The disgruntled thought had just passed through Mo Ran’s head before he recognized that, perhaps, it was possible that it was true. He almost leapt out of bed.
"Your Majesty!" the physicians anxiously called out.
Some even rushed forward to stop him before they realized that there was no need. Mo Ran couldn't get up. He couldn't even use his arms to prop himself up. His body was simply too damaged. He wanted to snarl with frustration.
"What happened to Chu-fei?" he demanded.
One of the physicians who had rushed forward tentatively touched his shoulder as if to push him down.
"Your Majesty, your wounds…"
"What happened to Chu-fei?" he demanded again.
"I…this servant…"
Mo Ran grabbed his neck and pulled spiritual power into his palm.
"I don't know!" the physician cried. "I don't know…the Empress put out a decree-"
Mo Ran's  heart jolted with dread. The Empress. Chu Wanning had warned him. Mo Ran had not believed him. He was sure that  the Empress was too terrified of Mo Ran to disobey him. But if she thought Mo Ran was dying…
"Bring Chu-fei to me," he shouted. "I want Chu-fei here."
He hardly knew what he was saying in the sudden panic. All he knew was that needed to see Chu Wanning immediately.
One of the guards scrambled out to pass the message. Mo Ran waited impatiently. He wanted to punish everyone present for being unable to answer his urgent questions: What had happened to Chu-fei, and who had done it?
Liu-gonggong came through the door first, but by then Mo Ran didn't even acknowledge him. Because Chu Wanning came into the room next.
Mo Ran should have been glad to see Chu-fei alive. Instead he felt intensely anxious. Chu Wanning was being carried by one of the guards. He was swathed in blankets and his fire fox cloak.
"Wanning," Mo Ran called. His voice broke.
The guard carrying Chu Wanning approached Mo Ran's bedside carefully.
"Bring him here!" Mo Ran demanded.
"Your Majesty…" a physician interjected.
"Set him down next to me," Mo Ran said, ignoring the physician
The guard obeyed finally, setting Chu Wanning down where Mo Ran could touch his hot forehead and feel his fluttering pulse and push his sweat-damp hair out of his face. It was obvious that Chu Wanning was very ill with a fever. Mo Ran swallowed hard and clutched Chu Wanning's hand in his. That was when he noticed something even more alarming. Chu Wanning's fingertips were bandaged.
Instantly, Mo Ran remembered the time he found Chu Wanning in the water prison. He remembered taking splinters out of Chu Wanning's mangled hands. He remembered how miserable Chu Wanning had been during his recovery: He was a person who enjoyed working with his hands, after all. Song Qiutong could hardly have chosen a more cruel punishment.
He also remembered having forbidden Song Qiutong from touching Chu Wanning ever again. Rage rose up in his chest like a mouthful of blood. He nearly choked on it.  For a moment, he could not speak.
When he did, it was only three words.
"Arrest the Empress," Mo Ran said.
"Your majesty?"
Mo Ran looked up to glare at the nearest guard.
"Arrest the Empress," he repeated. "Put her in the water prison."
The guard paled and began to bow in acquiescence.
Suddenly, a terrified voice sounded.
"It wasn't the Empress," Liu-gonggong said.
"What?" Mo Ran said.
He adjusted his grip so as to not disturb the bandages on Chu Wanning's hands.
"The Empress didn't…injure Chu-fei," Liu-gonggong clarified.
"Then what happened? Can nobody tell their Emperor? Must this Venerable One torture you all before you'll answer my questions?"
Liu-gonggong dropped to kneel before him but he also glanced warily around the room before answering. Mo Ran understood.
"Leave us!" he commanded.
Chu Wanning jerked against him as if startled. So he was at least partially conscious.
Mo Ran murmured, "Wanning."
Chu Wanning seemed to struggle to open his eyes, but in the end he could only sigh and fall back into a stupor. Mo Ran watched his face until everyone had left the room. Then he glared at Liu-gonggong.
Liu-gonggong bowed quickly and then began, "Your Majesty, it is not clear what happened, but…but, last night, I was waiting outside Chu-zongshi's room in Red Lotus Pavilion. I waited for a long time, thinking he had accidentally fallen asleep, but then I suddenly heard the thrum of zither coming from Chu-zongshi's room. I rushed inside…"
Mo Ran narrowed his eyes. Liu-gonggong's explanation was mumbled and hasty. Moreover, Chu Wanning had always kept odd hours. Liu-gonggong would not have intruded on Chu Wanning's privacy if the zither was the only thing wrong with the situation. Liu-gongong was hiding something.
Liu-gonggong seemed to notice Mo Ran's suspicion, and he stuttered. "I…I rushed inside. There was an angry shout right after- a man's voice."
"What? Who?" Mo Ran demanded incredulously. And then, "I will kill him."
Who would dare touch his concubine? His, Taxian-Jun's concubine? Did they think he was dead? Even when Taxian-Jun was dead, Chu Wanning would belong to him. There was no excuse for any other man to be in his bedroom.
"He is dead already," Liu-gonggong said.
Mo Ran was even more furious to hear that. If the man was dead, it meant Mo Ran could not make him suffer for having the gall to touch what was his.
"Who told the guards they could execute him?"
"It was not the guards who killed him. When I rushed in, I found Chu-zongshi sitting at a zither. The intruder was standing when I came in, but then Chu-zongshi strummed the zither again. The intruder fell dead with blood coming out of his seven orfices."
Mo Ran was stunned. If Liu-gonggong's story was true, then Chu Wanning had killed the man using Jiuge.
"That's not possible," he muttered. "Without his core, Chu Wanning…"
He had said it mostly to himself, but Liu-gonggong's face fell. He bowed again.
"It's true, Your Majesty," he cried. "The zither disappeared…but the guards preserved the intruder's body. Your Majesty can inspect the intruder's body once Your Majesty is well again."
Liu-gonggong seemed worried that Mo Ran would find the disappearance of the zither suspicious. However, this further suggested that the zither was Jiuge. Mo Ran felt Chu Wanning's pulse again, just to be sure. There was not a hint of spiritual power in Chu Wanning's body. Mo Ran couldn't help pouring some of his own spiritual energy into that fragile emptiness.
"Please believe me, Your Majesty," Liu-gonggong begged.
Mo Ran glanced over. He prompted, "And then?"
Liu-gonggong took in a breath and continued. "I…this servant…this servant could see that Chu-zongshi was injured. His hands were bleeding. So I went to check on them…"
Mo Ran was silent another moment, pretending to inspect the bandages on Chu Wanning's fingertips. Liu-gonggong should have immediately called for guards. There could be no other reaction to finding another man in the bedroom of an Imperial concubine. But, under the circumstances, Mo Ran understood why Liu-gonggong had hesitated. He was fond of Chu Wanning. He wished to protect Chu Wanning's reputation. There was also the unborn prince to consider. Mo Ran could imagine how easy it would be to declare the incident an affair. Once Chu Wanning's purity was in question, so was the child's parentage. In other words, Liu-gonggong's actions had protected Mo Ran's unborn child.
"He injured his hands strumming the zither?" Mo Ran asked, mostly so Liu-gonggong would not feel the need to further explain himself.
Liu-gonggong hesitated, and then he breathed a quiet sigh of relief.
"I believe so," he replied.
After a pause, he continued, "Chu-zongshi was already feverish by then. He seemed agitated  and kept asking to see Your Majesty"
Mo Ran was stunned. Chu Wanning never asked to see him.
"Did he say why?"
"He said that he wanted to know whether the curse was broken."
"What curse?" Mo Ran demanded.
"He didn't want to say it then. But  later, I kept hearing him say "flower" in his sleep.  And, I also heard the intruder say…He said something to Chu-zongshi about the Eight-Sufferings-Long-Hatred Flower curse."
Author’s note: I wrote this to celebrate Seven Seas’ official English translation of 2ha next week. Let me know if you like it!
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Behind the Fics: Sukey as Suki
Disclaimer: First fic of the year. I wanted to wait until after Furrball and the Final Frontier's established to do this, but the story's backing has still yet to be fully developed, and this has been bugging me, so I thought I should get this done now.
I own both OCs used in this but not the characters they're modeled after, or names of authors mentioned/referenced.
Here is yet another interview featuring Esme "Sukey" Gwenoldyn Langley Lane. To describe her appearance yet again, she is a tall, slender, light-brown-furred Saluki with dark red-colored hair with bangs, yellow/chocolate eyes, purple nose, dots on her cream-colored muzzle with a matching stripe down the middle of her face, dark red spots on her arms, cream-colored hands in a pattern to resemble those of fingerless gloves, a dark red fox-like tail, and legs that have the bottom half colored dark brown. Her wardrobe consisted of a pair of round, stoic glasses, a light teal neckerchief, a short-sleeved teal jacket with a hood, a pinstriped teal dress with various autographs inscribed on it, and high-heeled brown boots covering the lower half of her legs which are interestingly the same color.
Sukey: Hello once again. I am Esmeralda, or Esme, Gwendolyn Langley Lane. In productions I am involved in, I am referred to as 'Sukey', though spelled differently than the name of my canon counterpart/half-sister, Suki Lane with an I. Today, I'm discussing my involvement in fanmakes, which are basically fan tribute remakes of already-done films and television programs. Well, SHE is not involved in those like most toons are, because she's intolerant to just about anything, whereas I'm neutral to fan-typed redos with characters acting out as certain characters. So I go in her place, as myself in some fics and as her, as she refuses to sell out her unconfirmed sexuality or her belief in fan-redos. That didn't stop her from selling out her soul to Crystal Entertainment though. Here is a video of my usual makeup change session before any fanmake/fanfiction story where I am portraying her.
She got our her tablet, playing a video she selected and played it fullscreen. By the way, there's a projection/magnification feature on the phone.
In the video, we see Sukey in her booth about to sit in her seat, ready for her usual makeover for the story they were filming, where she is Suki. She sat back while the makeup artists when to work on her. They dyed her hair to an orangeish-brown, they spray-painted the stripe with animal-safe paint to cover it up and did the same with her arms and hands, covering up the spots and completely rendering her hands light brown, put big white contact lenses over her eyes to appear as if they were never yellow, carefully painted cream paint over her muzzle's dots, carefully painted her purple nose fully black, dyed her dark red tail light brown to match her fur color, and did the same with the bottom half of her legs. They then removed her neckerchief, while painting over a spot the neckerchief had covered to make it look plain, exchanged Sukey's coat and dress for an exact same short-sleeved teal coat (except smaller and without a hood) and turtle-neck teal dress that was plain, and when her feet's paint were dry, they placed the boots back on. When she was finished, she looked like the spitting image of Suki Lane.
Sukey: That's how it went for every fanmake or crossover project where I am her, because she's also not into crossovers just as every other critic. I also masquerade as her for every fan project, of which Illumination did not approve, where I'm romantically involved with a male smaller than me. Of course, I accept no other than my shapeshifting boyfriend.
There is a second part in the video with another CGI animal was getting his usual makeover for the project he was involved in. He had a small list of different forms, but he was currently in his koala form. He was a short blue-furred koala with bushy eyebrows, black beady eyes, light blue muzzle, black nose and little tufts of hair at the top. His current attire was a brown plaid suit, white shirt, black bowtie, big square glasses, and black pants. His name was Baxter Crescent (in his koala form).
When he was ready for his makeover for this kind of project, a whole curtain was pulled, covering the area, and we hear the sounds of clothes being removed, spray painting, incoherent chattering from the makeup crew, lightly blushing and a rubber mask being fitted. Once they were done, Baxter was fitted into a blue tuxedo, his body's fur was painted gray and wore a rubber Buster Moon mask over his head. He was now set to play Buster Moon in this project for the writer and director wanting to pair Buster and Suki. Of course, the actual ones aren't willing to be involved in such a project, so that's why these two are taking their place. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Baxter had his glasses removed with contact lenses hidden within the blue Buster eyes covering his beady black eyes.
Baxter/Buster: Okay, hun, let's excerise our voices to make sure they work right.
He cleared his throat.
Baxter/Buster: (in Matthew McConnaughey's voice) That's what I love about these Redshore girls. The older I get, they stay adorable.
Sukey/Suki: (in Chelsea Peretti's voice) Wow, no wonder women try to avoid you.
The video was paused.
Sukey: You see, we currently don't truly know what gender the characters we sub for are into or their love-interests, but for the sake of those who like them together, which is a small list, we are willing to fill in. We are currently under contract with the following directors/writers.
She scrolls on her tablet to show a list of directors/writers they are hired to portray the two characters in, and the list said as follows:
"*TFJ *S.N.S. 24 *MysteryWriter2187 *Uncle Sam the Man *Ahdoss *TheDragonSaver *BeetleSpooks *PC Clicker *Arctica Kennedy *Fanartist54"
Sukey: Also, the real Moon and a majority of the Sing cast may be more than willing to participate in fanmakes of already-existing stuff, but the original Suki isn't, as she is like her actress, Chelsea Peretti, not approving of redos or crossovers. Businesswomen and critics like her don't go with the flow, as they're too uptight and their souls are owned by the companies they work at. Whereas I'm flexible, neutral to redos, and understand that fans just do tribute fics for the same enjoyment they had when they were young. Well, that's all the time I have today. I'll be sure to see you next time, talking about other fan projects and behind-the-scenes info with us toons. Good night, folks, and go have fun with your families.
Well, at least I got that meta subject off my chest, and my conscience is slightly cleaner with some meta subject implying the loophole to any fan including Illumination's seemingly haughty critic dog in roles in fanmade redos of films and programs, as well as the loophole to how Suki can be the love-interest to Sing's main character in them without disrupting the masses' wishes and the company's wishes.
I hope that one day I'll get to a story that goes into details about her boyfriend, impersonating Buster, and his shapeshifting.
If you're wondering what Esme aka Sukey's voice would be, it's Elizabeth Banks or Neve Campbell, while Baxter's is Elijah Wood.
If you feel like there's some things I should fix, such as grammar details, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.
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lilytheflowerwrites · 2 years
Wip number 2 please Lily! We’re almost at the end :)
2 - like rhinestones falling from the sky, B2SMP AU installment
Boy oh boy. For those who don't know, my B2SMP AU features Eret as Dream, Elaina as George and Puffy as Sapnap. This, naturally, brings a lot of opportunities for me to write angst! Which I take, because I like making myself cry. This particular one falls is sometime after Eret's imprisonment. It features Elaina and The_Eret, Eret's god counterpart (like DreamXD).
(As a general note, B2SMP features c!Elaina and c!Eret in a romantic relationship. Both CCs have stated they're fine with this depiction of their characters.)
“What do you want,” Elaina says tiredly, not even as a question even though it clearly is. She’s sitting on the ground with her back to a tree, shoulders hunched. Her fingers are covered in dirt; she has spent the last half an hour or so mindlessly picking at the grass and drawing with her fingertips on the uncovered patch. Roses, stars, tiny hearts she instantly smudges; all unconsciously as her mind wanders somewhere far, far away, to the obsidian walls and the only beating heart inside of them. She probably looks like a mess, dirty clothes and tousled hair and dark circles under her eyes, and it makes her all the more annoyed when she imagines how she seems next to The_Eret, who is, as always, perfect.
She wanted to kill them the first time she saw them, soon after the imprisonment (wither roses and scraped palms) and the conversation with Puffy (all of her flowers dying in her backyard in a matter of seconds). They appeared out of thin air, silent and unmoving, just staring at her with their icy-blue eyes (not white and too human), and when she looked at them and realized whose face they wore, she launched at them with her bare hands. She didn't do much harm, she didn’t even get to touch them before a single movement of their hand sent her flying into the wall, slowing down only at the last moment – and that’s the only thing she knows kept her alive – but the anger was there. Still is, in fact, just much more subdued because Elaina is tired to the bone, has been for the past month or so.
She hasn’t brought any plants back to her house ever since Puffy slammed the door shut, but old habits die hard, so she has taken to wandering around the forest instead, healing any plants that need it, digging down to the roots and touching them all too gently for someone carrying as much grief as her. She walks around until she’s tired, and then she sits down and thinks until her head starts to spin and the sun goes down. Once or twice she has fallen into dreamless sleep while slumped against a tree and has woken up with a wild fox curled against her thigh. Animals don’t harm her; they probably feel the power of nature in her or maybe just think she’s a big overgrown plant. Sometimes she wishes she was.
It’s no matter what she wishes for, though, because she also wants her partner out of the prison or for the God standing in front of her to go back to whatever realm they came from, but neither of these things come true.
Send me a number from 1 to 13 and I'll show you a c!Eret WIP/AU idea!
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foxesinthewind · 4 months
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if you’re hearing STILL BREATHING by GREEN DAY playing, you have to know EMERSON CHAMBERS (HE/HIM; MALE) is near by! the 27 year old PHOTOGRAPHER & TATTOO ARTIST has been in town for, like, TWO YEARS. they’re known to be quite DISMISSIVE, but being FREE-SPIRITED seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble NICHOLAS GALITZINE. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those DRESS TO IMPRESS, CHANGES HAIR COLOURS WITH THE WEATHER, SUMMER BODY WITH TATTOOS, THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around BRIGHTSIDE long enough!
full name:;  emerson zachary chambers
nicknames:;  em, emmy
gender:;  cis male
pronouns:;  he/him
sexual preference:;  bisexual
relationship role:;  dominate with woman, submissive with men
birthdate & age:; oct. 13th, aged twenty-seven
zodiac sign:;  libra
occupation:;  photographer & tattoo artist
spouse / lover:;  none currently
face & voice claim:;  nicholas galitzine
height:;  6′0″
eyes:;  hazel green
hair:;  naturally brown - dyed blonde (summer/spring), brown or black (winter/fall)
body art:;  arms, chest and back are covered in various tattoos - left ear piercing, tongue piercing
other distinguishing features:;  birth marks on the right side of his face above his lip, and on his jawline also on the right. a scar/slit through his left eyebrow
traits:;  dismissive, free spirited, headstrong, hard working
fears:;  falling in love again
hobbies:;  singing, playing guitar, playing piano, reading, writing, tattooing, getting tattoos, photography, cooking/baking
skills:;  singing, playing various instruments (guitar, piano), writing, photography, culinary, tattooing
quirks:;  clumsy, forgetful, bites or licks lips when bored or nervous or in deep thought
mother:;  n/a
father:;  n/a
siblings:;  n/a
children:;  none yet, would love to have one
pets:;  a bunny named alice
ice cream flavour:;  chocolate & vanilla swirl, strawberry
food:;  breakfast, cheese burgers
time of the day / night:;  sunset or sunrise
season:;  autumn/fall
holiday:;  new years
animal:;  cats, foxes, horses
colour:;  blue
scent:;  cucumber melon
musician/band:;  green day, queen, bowie, miley cyrus
education:;  high school drop out, took tattooing and culinary classes
bad habits:;  drinking, cigarettes/vapes, weed
a cherished item:;  a fake clear blue and pink flower on his piano
—- B A S I C S  —- // —-  B A C K G R O U N D  —-
brief about:; emerson was born in england, but he never knew his family. at a young age his mother set his up for adoption wanting to give him a better life as she wasn't sure she could be the best mother to him - something he wouldn't learn until he was an adult. he grew up in foster care for a few years until a woman adopted him - who he later learned was his mother's sister, his aunt. she gave him the best life she could and supported him in whatever he did. once he was a teenager he was told everything about his mother giving him up for adoption and his foster mother actually being his aunt.
the teen wasn't hurt or upset with his mother, but he wished one day he could meet her and grow a connection, maybe see if he had a father in the mix. however, this did lead to a minor lash out moment where emerson did some underage drinking, smoking and getting tattoos, which then lead to him dropping out. him and his aunt weren't on good terms during this time and she promised to have him out if he didn't turn around and be the good man she knew he was. taking this to heart, he stopped with three tattoos and cut out smoking and drinking cold turkey until he was of age then he fell back into it without much care.
shortly after his twenty-first birthday, emerson moved out, leaving london behind to make a living in america, first settling in new york. during his time he took classes to learn culinary and tattooing getting his first job in a local restaurant. he later got a second job as a tattoo artist and ended up leaving his restaurant job for it. his photography started up during this time as well with taking pictures of his work and then some of his travels in new york.
—- C U R R E N T L Y  —-
emerson left new york for hemlock spring, washington and still keeps in touch with his aunt as much as he can (which isn't too often due to being forgetful). he's got more tattoos, piercings and love to go out for a good time.
[ will try to update as time goes on ]
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