#also expect an open starter birthday thing in a few hours
badassxbirdy · 1 year
Edit: If I’ve unfollowed, refollowed, or you’ve softblocked, please see this post and let me know accordingly!
May Activity Update (Pinned Post)
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It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of April. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
I want to start doing more story arc development on Ty’s blog again, so expect a few posts about that to come soon.
Posted a round of opened starters, for anyone who doesn’t know: those are explained here.
I’m going to be tagging people in replies to get around the current notes issue and any others that may arise. If I forget to do it, I’ll shoot you a message instead.
Fixes for the notes issue can be found here and here for those who need it.
Thread tracker has (for the most part) been updated. Thanks to everyone who got back to my DM’s about old threads. ❤️
I still haven’t found the login for Ty’s discord. 🤦‍♀️ Until I do, tumblr DM’s or Ty’s Wire are the best ways to reach me both IC and OOC.
Threads, replies, memes, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
“You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty takes Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Birthday gift mischief: the peanut gag continues! 😂 (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Birthday gift mischief: a crossbow! (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty is scarred for life. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon shields Ty. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The truth about Darklighters (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters Dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Getting out of jail (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
Roasting 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Vampire!Damon (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their escape (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
“I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” (link) - @drkroots (Shannon)
“Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” (drafted) - @drkroots (Deacon)
Kit offers a flower, Tyler says 👁👄👁 (link) - @florafound
Birthday mischief: baking unsupervised is probably a bad idea. 😂 (link) - @heavenguided
Meeting Captain Hook (link) - @hvbris
Ty is confused by Wednesday (drafted) - @hvbris
Birthday mischief: “hey! you didn’t tell me it was your birthday!” (drafted) - @imprvdente
FBI!Fish babysits Human!Ty (drafted) - @imprvdente
At the fair (link) - @indyflanery
Attempting to babysit the Doctor. 😂 (link) - @innerwar
Jokes with Charm (drafted) - @innerwar
A demon problem (drafted) - @magaprima
“Can I just be normal?” (link) - @nightiingaled (Mel)
Time for “The Talk” (link) - @nightiingaled (Mel)
Ty is ANGY and Proteus is BABY. (link) - @nightiingaled
Banishment gone wrong (link) - @normallyxstranger
The way out (drafted) - @razorfst
NO BEING BAIT. 😤 (link) - @unbearablyindifferent
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
FMK poll results: Ty needs therapy. (link)
Ty’s favourite holiday (link)
“Would you still love me if I was a worm? 🥺” aka KilliTy being disgustingly cute. (link)
Sinday questions: One thing a partner should never do. (link)
Sinday questions: mood killer, how adventurous is she, one night stands, and one thing she’s dying to try. (link)
Sinday questions: does she crack jokes, does she get emotional, does she like to go out as aftercare, and physical affection/cuddling. (link)
Tyler can’t NOT make jokes. (link)
A gem from discord: Ty telling Killian about her arm scar. (link)
KilliTy moodboard by Rookito. 🥹 (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and hydrate your flesh prison. ❤️ — Em
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Best wishes for your Birthday dear Ro! If this interests you maybe a Drabble with some cooking and teasing Steve shenanigans. Also, I'm so in love with dignity of his choice. I live on angst now.
The Thought That Counts
Warnings: not vegetarian? splash of language? definitely zero editing
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“Nobody move,” Steve yells.
You, Natasha, and Bucky freeze in your seats, eyeing each other warily. Nat’s face remains completely neutral as the clattering continues to roll through the apartment. Bucky has to put his vibranium hand over his mouth to stop from laughing out loud. You just grimace as you hear the oven door unceremoniously slam shut way too hard.
You scoot out your chair.
“NO.” Steve catches your gaze, pointing to pin you in place. “I said I would do it, and I will.”
“This is one of those times where ‘can I cook you dinner’ and ‘may I cook you dinner’ is an important distinction,” Nat mutters loudly, pursing blood-red lips together with the slightest turn up in the corners. “How long’s he been like this?”
“I’m FINE!”
You startle in your seat and shut your eyes, hoping to tune out the aggressive boiling noise from a pot on a too-hot burner.
“This would be hour four,” you say as calmly as you can manage.
Bucky snorts.
“I heard that,” Steve calls before a dejected and whiny, “noooo.”
“At least it smells good,” Nat admits, draining the last of her glass of pinot.
The dragging sound means—at last—the pot is off the stove, and you sigh in relief.
“I heard that too.”
“Nothing, honey,” you feign, “I’m just going to pour us all some more wine, okay? I’m pushing my seat out now.”
“It’s not funny,” he gripes, but from the rustling (and only slightly softened clattering of dishes), he’s moved to plating the meal now.
Thank god.
“No one is laughing,” Nat shouts back encouragingly, punching Bucky hard in his flesh shoulder.
“Nope,” he chirps in response. “Just lounging out here, drinking wine.” Bucky’s mouth is wide open in a silent cackle though. He could sit here and watch Steve do this all day…
…because it might take Steve all day.
“Don’t make me spit in your food, Buck.” Steve knows. He just knows.
And Bucky simply shrugs. “Been in the army. I’ve eaten worse.”
The cork finally pops out under your weak pulls; weak, of course, compared to everyone else in the room. In unison, Natasha and Bucky hold out their glasses to you, ready for dinner since they’ve been listening to the show for twenty minutes now.
Then there’s silence. It goes on too long.
The three of you return to anxiously looking between each other and making wild gestures to communicate what you should do. Finally, after Bucky has tried to tap out a response on the table and you mouth back that you don’t know Morse code, a plea emerges.
“Keeps. Can you come here, please.”
Oh, it’s sad, too. Poor thing. You’re expecting Hiroshima in your kitchen. It’s…wow, okay, it’s fine.
There are a few dishes by the sink, but most are rinsed and sorted into the dishwasher. This man has put a design of sauce on each plate while the meat rests on a cutting board. The soup starter that was boiling over is singed along the water level in the pot, but that's it. You’ve burned something worse just this week.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
He made all that noise, all that fuss, and that absolute punk did just fine. In fact, everything looks excellent, and you’re so frustrated that you march out to go grab your wine before coming back, leaving Bucky almost blue in the face out there.
“What? What could you possibly need?”
Steve holds out a little spoon. “Taste test?” His bright blue eyes are obnoxiously soft and loving.
From the table you hear Bucky blurt out, “when do you want me to tell her you were our Cooking Commando?”
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I had far too much fun writing this actually. Should have been criminal. Also, thank you for the love on Dignity. I kinda pulled a fast one on some people and went heavy angst when other parts aren't that way, so it's nice to hear not everyone is like "burn the witch!!!"
divider by @firefly-graphics
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Happy birthday
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Summary: Everyone has forgotten your birthday, expect your loving boyfriend Loki who has a special evening planned for you.
Word count: 2.588 words
Happy birthday When you woke up this morning you were so excited. But now, you couldn’t wait for this day to be over. The whole day went by and everyone had forgotten it was your birthday. There were no text messages from friends, no cards in the mail, not even your parents had bothered to call you. At work no colleague had congratulated you, there wasn’t even a cake – apparently the office tradition broke with you. And adding to your misery, Loki was still in Asgard and you had no idea when he would be back. For a moment you though about leaving a message for Heimdall, Loki had taught you how. But you didn’t feel like yelling to the sky, to a men you never met, only for him to tell your boyfriend that you were sad. And then what? You would only wonder the rest of the night if Loki had gotten your message or if he also didn’t care like everyone else.
Deciding against leaving a message you drove the rest of the way home in silence. By the time you arrived at your house you were actively holding back your tears. Somehow you had hoped that maybe it was all a trick and there would be a surprise party at your house. But there were no cars and you didn’t see the lights on in your house. You sat in your cars for a few minutes, taking a few deep breaths. You would just order a pizza, watch a movie, and go to bed. At least it was weekend now, and you could spend the weekend doing all the things you love like reading, baking, playing the piano and maybe buy a few more plants. You rumbled through your purse, looking for your keys. You got out of the car and opened your front door. You entered your hallway and the first thing you noticed was that there were lights on, and you could clearly hear someone walking around in the kitchen.
You briefly wondered how you didn’t see the lights from the outside of the house, you should have. But panic rises as you realized that someone was in your house. The problem was that your phone had died, so you needed the phone in your living room. But once you would call the person inside your house would hear, and that could lead to a very bad situation. You put your purse and keys down as quietly as you could. You grabbed an umbrella and slowly made your way to the kitchen. If you played this right you could knock the person out, tie them up and then call the police. With the umbrella in your hand, you slowly opened the kitchen door. There was a man in front of the furnace, standing with his back to you, but you recognized him immediately.
‘Loki?’ you asked.
He turned around and smiled brightly at you. ‘Happy birthday, love’ he said.
You immediately ran towards him and he opened his arms to catch you. It took a moment for the two of you to let go of each other. When you did he kissed you.
‘I missed you’ he said.
‘I missed you too. How are you even here? I thought you had to remain there until the end of the month?’ you asked him.
‘Darling, like I ever was going to miss your birthday’ he smirked.
Normally, you would laugh. But the remark hurt and you started to cry. Loki’s happy expression changed into a worried one. He pulled you closer and let you cry against his chest.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked when you stopped crying.
‘Nothing’ you mumbled, nuzzling closer to his chest. You didn’t want to admit it that everyone forgot your birthday.
Loki grabbed your shoulders, moved a bit away from you so he could look at your face. ‘Tell me’
You stared at the ground until a finger under your chin made you face Loki again. You sighed. ‘You’re the first person to remember today’ you said, your voice barely higher than a whisper.
You saw the hurt in Loki’s eyes before he pulled you into another tight hug. ‘That’s awful’ he whispered.
‘I’m really glad you’re here’ you said back.
‘Me too, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy tonight’ he said.
‘But why are you holding an umbrella? It isn’t raining?’ he asked.
You broke the hug and put the umbrella on the ground next to the door. ‘Ah, well. The lights were off, but when I entered I saw them on and heard you in here. I thought you were an intruder’ you explained a bit sheepishly.
‘And you were going to attack me with an umbrella?’ he cocked one of his eyebrows in amusement.
You shoved him ‘Shut up, that was the best plan I could think off’
He just laughed a little. ‘Sorry to startle you. The lights would be my doing. I really wanted tonight to be a surprise’ he explained.
How he did the trick with the lights you didn’t ask. You knew that once Loki started to talk about magic, he would be talking for hours on end. The kitchen timer went off and you noticed that Loki had something in the over. You were curious and tried to look passed him, but he blocked your view.
‘Go sit at the dining table. I have a few surprises for you tonight and you are far to curious, kitten’ he mused.
You wanted to protest, but the look of excitement on his face was way too adorable to ruin. So, you did as you were told. You walked to the dining room that was just across the hall. When you entered you froze. Not only had Loki already set the table, there also was a large bouquet of roses, candles were burning and your favourite wine was in a wine cooler. This was by far the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you. You sat down in your chair when Loki walked in with two plates, covered by a lid.  
‘You like it?’ he asked
‘I love it’ you smiled at him.
He sat the plates down and instead of removing the lid, grabbed the bottle of wine. He poured you a glass, which was thoughtful, but you suspected that he liked to drag out his surprise meal a little longer. He poured another glass for himself and sat down. He sat very close next to you, adding to the intimate dinner. Finally, Loki removed the lid from the plate and you saw your meal. It was your favourite, steak with red wine sauce, oven baked potatoes covered in herbs and green beans. It tasted amazing and suddenly you realized that Loki didn’t cook.
‘How did you manage this? I thought you couldn’t cook?’ you asked.
‘I wanted to do something special so, I learned this dish’ he explained a bit flush.
‘Hmm, don’t you remember early in our relationship that you explicitly stated that Gods don’t cook?’ you teased him.
Loki grabbed your hand kissed the back of it. ‘He does for the one he loves’ he said, making you fluster and blush. He smirked at the effect his words had on you. The rest of dinner the two of you talked about what had happened in the three weeks he was away. Loki, of course, had many stories that involved tricking and annoying Thor. Once you finished your meal Loki grabbed the plates and told you he was right back. He came back with a large slice of cheesecake the two of you shared. He told you proudly that he also made the dessert himself. When the two of you were finished you started to clean up, but Loki stopped you. He conjured up a blindfold and you looked questioningly at him.
‘I don’t want you to see just yet’ he mused.
You rolled your eyes but let him put on the blindfold. He steered you through the house. When he told you to stand still you felt him move in front of you. He undid the blindfold and once it was off he moved to the side.
‘Surprise’ he mused.
You gasped when you saw. Loki had set up an enormous blanket fort in your living room. There were blankets, large pillows and he had al kind of snack set up on the table. There was a string of light that gave the whole room a romantic vibe. The fort was placed so you could still see the tv, there were multiple DVDs laying in front of it. Next to de DVDs there were several board games.
‘Remember our first movie marathon and we spontaneously build a blanket fort?’
‘Of course I do. That was the night you asked me on our first official date.’ you whispered a bit overwhelmed by his surprise.
‘A date that went so terrible you actually told me that the blanket fort was a much better date’ he mused.
‘Well yeah, you got us kicked out of the restaurant before our starters even came. It was pouring outside and you lost the car key’ you laughed. ‘But walking in the pouring rain with you turned out to be fun’ you added.
Loki grabbed your hand and guided you to the fort. He sat down and put you between his legs. The rest of the night the both of you cuddled, talked a lot, and played the games. A few hours later you decided to put on a movie.
‘Thanks for the amazing evening. This night was really the best gift you could have given me’ you said hallway through the movie.
‘Did you really think that this was your gift?’ he said.
You squirmed out of his grasp. Loki overdramatically sighed but laughed at your giddy attitude. He reluctantly let you go, so you could bounce up and down, excited to see what he was about the give you. He conjured up a small dark green box. When you reached for it he pulled it away.
‘I think I deserve a kiss first’ he smirked.
You rolled your eyes but started to kiss him. Knowing Loki, he would demand another kissed so, you made out with him for a while. The moment he lowered his hands around your waist you grabbed the box.
‘And they say I don’t play fair’ he teased.
You ignored his comment and opened the box. Inside the box was a beautiful golden necklace with a snake on it. The snake was in a s-form and there was a tiny green stone for the eyes.
‘It’s beautiful’ you said.
Before Loki could reply you grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. He just laughed at your action and took the box from you, once you were done. He took out the necklace and you turned your back towards him. You removed your hair and he fastened the necklace around your neck. When it was in place you turned around and Loki pulled you flush against him.
‘Thank you, for everything’ you said.
‘I’m glad that you liked it all’ he said to you.
You kissed him again, more slowly this time. Loki moved his lips with yours and you felt his tongue asking for permission. You opened your mouth and he slid his tongue inside, exploring every inch. You moaned slightly in the kiss. Your hands were under his shirt and his were caressing your upper body. You stopped kissing him and pulled his shirt over his head. For a moment you stared at him, and you noticed Loki slightly blushing under your gaze.
‘Let’s make this more fair’ he whispered.
He removed your shirt and unclasped your bra in one smooth motion. He laid you down on your back and started to kiss your neck. He moved lower and swirled his tongue over every inch of your breasts. You were extremely aroused and your nipples were hard by the time he was done. You were breathing fast underneath him. He brought his head up to yours and kissed you deeply. He laid on his side next to you. His hand slowly trailed from your cheek down to your breasts. He pinched your nipple, earning him a gasp from you. He moved lower and undid the button of your pants. You eagerly kissed him back and stroked his naked chest. His fingers slipped between your folds. Once his fingers were wet with your arousal he circled your clit. He swallowed every moan and whimper that left your lips with his own mouth.
You felt the pleasure wash over you. Loki slowly circled your clit until your orgasm had subsided. He retracted his fingers and licked them clean.
‘You look very pretty when you come undone for me’ he whispered in your ear.
He pulled of your pants and underwear. Once you laid naked before him he removed his own. When his erect cock sprung free you licked your lips. You wanted to get up, to suck his cock, but Loki laid you back down.
‘Tonight, is about you’ he said.
He was on top of you and stroked his erect cock against your wet folds and your clit. In one smooth motion he pushed himself inside of you. Your legs automatically hooked around his waist and Loki started a slow pace. His eyes didn’t leave yours, unless he was kissing your mouth, neck or whispering in your ear. He whispered how beautiful you looked, how much he loved you and how incredible you felt around his cock. Because of the slow movements and your wetness, you could really feel every movement he made. Every movement was deliberate, it really felt like you were the only thing that existed for him right now.
To your surprise he stopped. Before you could ask, he rolled the two of you around. You were on top of him and due to gravity felt his cock slid deeper inside of you. Hitting just the right spot. You started to ride him in the same slow pace as him. It truly was a sight to have Loki lay underneath you, moaning and praising you. Once you felt your orgasm build up, you started to ride him faster. His hands went to your bouncing boobs and he started to play with them. This was definitely the most intense sex the two of you ever had, normally there were a lot of games and Loki was an enormous tease. Loki started to moan shamelessly underneath you, but you were doing the same at this point. When he started to circle your clit with his fingers you came undone immediately. You felt Loki’s cock twitch inside of you and his seed spill. After a few more thrusts you collapsed half on top of him. Once your and his breathing had gone back to normal you pulled him out of you. He immediately grabbed you back and laid you close to his chest.
He was stroking your arms. Goosebumps were forming and you started to shiver a little. Loki grabbed a blanket form nearby and pulled it over the two of you. He nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck and pulled you as close as he could.
‘This really is the best birthday I ever had’ you said.
‘It’s far from over yet, love’ Loki said while starting the kiss your neck and trailed his fingers to your clit.
Tags: @delightfulheartdream @the-best-phineas​​ @theaudacitytowrite
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houseofdabs · 3 years
fic idea: lester and jonesy scramble to get ingredients and find the recipe for the cake momma always used to bake the twins on their birthday. they are inept.
warnings: slight mentions of abuse ---------------------------------------
Lester knew how his older siblings didn't really care for birthdays --at least not Bo-- it was kind of a sensitive topic as most familial holidays were for the Sinclair siblings, seeing as they lacked the proper warmth that their parents should have offered. The only semblance of affection was bestowed onto Vincent, being as he was their mother's favorite, and in turn, their father's as well. When holidays came their parents did attempt to share the sentiment with their two other kids, but it was stark in comparison to what Vincent received; it was like they were dogs receiving scraps while the real family sat at the table and enjoyed their meal. Thinking about it made Lester upset and he didn't like to dwell on it too much, he was determined to pick up the slack from his parents and reinstate the feel good emotions that holidays should have brought.
Now how was the question, and a damn good one at that. It wasn't that Lester wasn't good at planning things, he was quite good, in fact former partners always boasted about how thoughtful he was when it came to things like this. But this time was different. Sure he loved the ones that used to be in his life, but these were his brothers who he knew might not react positively to it, he didn't want to dig up any bad memories. And yeah, people liked parties and having things given to them, but when you grow up expecting that same loving hand to strike you, it's hard to cherish the good when you know terrible is right around the corner. It hurt Lester that his brother's couldn't appreciate even the smallest things, and it made him hate his parents for making it that way, but he would never mention it to the other two.
That's when he remembered his mom's old recipe book, she was a horrible mother but a damn good baker, and if he was right he'd be able to find that one caramel cake recipe she always made for his siblings on their birthday. He'd set out to get the ingredients, they were on a budget but Lester had set aside some money to get the good stuff, anything for his brothers. All he needed was some company.
Pup at his feet and directions in hand, Lester sought to set everything out, he had borrowed some cook ware from the house but he'd bring it back when he was done, maybe not clean but returned. He was confident as he measured out the ingredients but with each step he followed his faith wavered. "Y'know girl, this'sa LOT harder than I had reckoned." Lester looked down as Jonesy who just stared up at him with her head tilted.
Determined, Lester continued on whisking and adding and folding till his arms were sore, his mama made it look so easy. He was so caught up in his stumbling over the batter he completely forgot about the beast that would be the icing, and just like with the batter he shook off any concerns, how hard could it be?
He set the ingredients in the pan to melt and went back to pouring the batter in the cake pan before setting it in the heated oven. Directing his attention back to the icing, he noticed it had melted all together and he checked the instructions for what to do next. "Okay girly, it says-- TWO HOURS?" His eyes bulged as he stared down at the paper, he hadn't remembered it taking that long and he didn't have the time to wait.
"Okay y'know what we're g'na do? Not that," Lester set the paper down and turned the eye up to a higher degree, "if it's hotter it'll cook faster, now ain't I smart?" He chuckled as Jonesy barked a response. "You said it sister."
Lester watched as the contents of the pot bubble as it turned a caramel color, stirring it occasionally. He decided to put on some records to help pass the time as he waited for the cake to bake. "S'too quiet," He muttered and cranked the knob to his old boombox as the voice of Merle Haggard flowed from the speakers and into the small kitchen, "there, thas better." He looked at Jonesy before patting his chest, and invitation for her to jump up and dance with him. He held the dog's paws as he swayed and sang along.
"♫ A workin' man can't get nowhere today ♫"
He grinned and stepped with the dog, "Ain't that right Jonesy girl!" Jonesy barked and Lester howled, encouraging her to make more noise. He was having such a good time with his dance partner that he forgot about the now burning icing on the stove. "Shoot!" Lester hissed and raced to stir the liquid and take it off the eye. It was a dark brown and Lester only hoped that it wasn't too bad cause he had used everything he bought and he didn't have enough to remake it. He could only hope that he didn't also mess up the cake.
Equipped with a butter knife, Lester opened the oven and stuck it in the middle of the cake before pulling it out, something he'd seen his mom do, except he didn't know what to look for. He noticed how the top was cooked and it was squishy when he pressed into it, so he pulled it out. Soon the cake was covered in the dark caramel icing and he swore at himself for lacking his mother's artistic ability, wanting to decorate the cake but deciding that he didn't want to mess it up further. He let the cake cool as he gathered everything in his truck, making sure to remember his brothers' presents.
He had gotten Bo a portable jump starter, something he had seen someone use when he was stuck on the side of the road. Lester knew the battery on Bo's truck had seen better days and he for sure didn't want his older brother stuck somewhere. And for Vincent he knew he had to get him this old brush carrier he had seen while he was browsing some antique shop, he even managed to sweet talk the lady up front to hold it for him till he could afford it. The holder was sturdy and made out of leather that had softened from years of use, on the back had flowers and leaves carved into it, nothing too 'pretty' but something artsy that he knew his brother would like. He had also snagged some whiskey while out shopping, hoping that it would help with the nerves of them all.
Once everything was packed in his truck, Jonesy included, he set off to Ambrose, careful to not hit any bumps and disturb the dessert that sat between him and the animal. He said a silent prayer as he crept towards the washed out road, hoping that no one was at Ambrose besides his brothers, that'd be a real thorn in his side and would surely ruin his plan. As he drove through the town he breathed out a sigh of relief as he noticed nothing out of the ordinary, even better that Bo was too busy in his garage to pay any attention to him as he drove by and up to the house.
Lester was careful with taking everything in, not wanting to make too much commotion in case Vincent was up in the house and not in his workshop. Finally everything was set in the kitchen, he even cleaned up a little, more in compensation for taking and making a mess of the dishes but he wanted it to look a little nicer. He was giddy and he didn't know what to do next, did he get Bo or Vincent first? He really hoped they would like it, he would understand if they didn't, but he really did want today to be good for them. He decided to put on some music to drown out the silence the house held, it always unsettled him how quiet it could get.
Soon Lester was accompanied by the sound of Johnny Cash's 'Big River' and the house felt less vacant, he knew his brother's liked different types of music but they never grew out of their taste of the old country tapes his parents had. For a second he wondered if maybe the music might throw everything off, remind them too much of ma and pa, but he pushed the thought down when he remembered how well Bo and music paired after a few drinks.
After he decided everything was ready, Lester headed off to the House of Wax first, seeing as Vincent would listen to him if he asked him to wait in the living room whereas Bo would demand to know what's going on. Jonesy pranced alongside him, her collar jingling softly as she bounced with each step. "Hey girl, you excited?" He asked as they stopped outside the House of Wax before leaning down to pet her head. Jonesy barked and her tail wagged as she basked in the affection Lester was giving her.
The two were in and out quick, Lester telling Vincent to wait for him in the living room and leaving before his brother could respond. It had been easy but he knew getting Bo to come without question would be harder. As he and Jonesy walked to the gas station he went over in his head how would ask Bo without giving away too much, did they even know it was their birthdays? Lester stopped in his tracks.
Did they even know it was their birthdays?
Surely they had to, if they did they hadn't said anything about it. It made him sad when he thought about how it meant nothing to them, but to him it was the biggest day ever, it was the day two of the most important people came to be, two people he loved so much it hurt. He'd be damned if he let his parents continue to torment his brothers from the grave, to hell with them, Lester and his brothers were better without them and he'd show them.
With new found confidence he marched to the garage where his older brother was, head ducked under a hood of some car doing god knows what. Without looking up Bo called to him, "Hand me that wrench will'ya?" He extended his hand and waited for Lester to drop the metal tool in his hand before continuing to tinker with the vehicle. After a few beats Bo addressed him again, "Wha'cha want? M'busy."
Lester wrung the hem of his shirt in his hands as his mind scrambled to find what to say, finally settling on "I need ya up at th'house, got sumn to show ya." He turned on his heel and made his way back to the family home, ignoring Bo's demands for an answer. "I guess you'll have t'come and find out I s'pose!" He hollered back at his brother.
Upon entering the house Lester saw Vincent sitting on the couch, waiting like he expected him to be. Not too long after Lester came in Bo followed, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at both of his brothers. "Kay what? Th'hell you drag me up here for? Wha'cha gotta show me?"
Lester motioned for them to follow as he led them to the kitchen, Jonesy racing to be in front of the brothers, evidently more excited than the three men. On arrival Bo asked again what was going on and Lester so badly wished his brother had more patience. "Well..." He had started as he glanced between his brothers and then towards the pan that sat on the kitchen table. "Happy birthday?" Automatically Bo let out and groan and Lester had to move to stop him from leaving.
"You dragged my ass all the way up'ere t'tell me that? I'on got time fer this shit, told'ya I was busy." He stared down at his little brother before watching as his twin inspected the pan, peeling back the foil to reveal a cake, or something resembling a cake-- was it a cake? The fuck Lester bring with him?
Vincent turned back to dig through a drawer, grabbing a cake cutter and some plates from a cabinet. Lester stared at his feet as he shuffled slightly, embarrassed from the rejection. "Might not be good but I made a cake, got y'all sumn too.." His voice was small as he spoke to his brother, avoiding eye contact as he lifted his gaze.
Bo's face fell from anger to neutral as he watched his baby brother fidget, obviously upset from his reaction. "Shit, what th'hell, I reckon I could use a break." He ignored how fast Lester's expression lifted and instead head towards the table where the cake laid, "This car'mel cake?" Bo's eyebrows shot up and Vincent handed him a plate, he was shocked, he didn't know Lester was able to make it. He cut him a nice sized piece with his fork and shoveled it into his mouth.
Okay maybe he got ahead of himself with assuming.
The cake was mealy and the icing was burnt, the fuck did Lester do to this poor cake?
Lester watched as Bo stood there, a bite in his mouth but now chewing. "Well.. i'shure ish a cake" Bo muttered from behind the ruined dessert, trying to not hurt his brother's feelings too bad.
"Oh." Lester felt his shoulders slump and he held back a sigh, he had really really wanted the cake to be decent, "Y'ain't gotta eat it f'is bad.." He mumbled and watched as Vincent chewed his bite very slowly. Bo was quick to swallow, spitting it out would be too rude and he didn't think he could handle his little brother being more upset from the gesture. "Tasted like shit," he laughed and raked his plate in the trash before making his way to Lester, "well, it wasn't that bad but.." he paused, "but I sure do 'preciate it.." Before he could give it a second thought, Bo engulfed his little brother in his arms for a short embrace which Lester was quick to reciprocate. After a little Bo pulled away.
"So, what was that 'bout you gettin' us sumn?"
i didnt do much to correct any errors, its super late, hope yall enjoy it
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ackerfics · 3 years
your eyes still shined, like pretty lights — mikasa ackerman
— mikasa ackerman x female reader (modern au)
— request by anon: ooh how about some childhood best friends to lovers with mikasa? also based from taylor swift’s mary’s song :)
— warnings: none? just too much fluff and a hint of angst :))
— summary: you never knew that being childhood best friends with mikasa would lead to you finding forever within her gray eyes.
— word count: 6.3k words
— author’s notes: i am so happy that this is my first request !! thank you for requesting this and i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i loved writing it. i never knew writing mikasa would evoke feelings i was so familiar with back when there were face to face interactions with people. i will be forever grateful for the request !! you are a gem.
i reposted this bc it seems like this didn’t appear in the tags :(( i hope this works now :”((
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> just two kids, you and i
The scent of apple pies drifted across the Ackerman household, ensnaring the girl of black locks and starlit eyes inside her room on the second floor. It wasn’t a regular day in their neighborhood. For starters, there was a moving truck parked at the house beside them, men shouting for the furniture to be lugged inside the walls of the empty home one by one, and the quiet atmosphere was interrupted by what was ensuing in the neighboring house of the Ackerman’s. Mikasa, the only daughter of the household, wanted to satisfy her curiosity, which flared, even more, when her mother baked one of her special apple pies. Throwing away the homework her first-grade teacher gave them, the young girl padded across her room, opened the door with a bang, and ran towards the kitchen in an excited rush.
With wide eyes, she stood on her tiptoes and peered at the edge of the countertop. There was flour everywhere, or was it powdered sugar? Mikasa will never know unless she will have one taste of it. Just a little taste. And so she carefully reached out one arm to swipe the white ingredient off the counter.
“Mika, don’t even think about it.”
Mikasa froze in her tracks, looking up to meet her mother’s eyes. “But I wanted to know if this is powdered sugar.”
The older woman smiled endearingly at her daughter. “You could’ve just asked, you know? Besides, I think these apple pies are much better than the powdered sugar.” She turned to get one of the pies from the oven with her mittens, then facing Mikasa with a proud smile. “So what do you think? Will our new neighbors love it?”
“Everybody loves your pies, Mom.”
A laugh came from the woman’s lips, letting the delicacies cool down before putting them in a box for their neighbors to enjoy. What her daughter said was true. Every time the light of the Ackerman household baked treats for the neighborhood, she would always receive remarks that she needed to open her bakery, saying that every single one of her treats was divine. She wanted to open her bakery, even to the point of helping out one of her nephews who was starting to have a tea shop as a dream. Her daydreams were interrupted when she saw something move in her peripheral vision. Mikasa was once again reaching out to swipe the caramel apple toppings. “Mika, you will have your share later. For now, we’ll have to be patient, okay?”
The little girl pursed her lips in annoyance. She was getting tired of standing on her tiptoes anyway. She had nothing else to do — she ditched her homework, she was told to wait before eating the dessert, and she was bored out of her mind. The silence stretched on for a couple of minutes, all spent by Mikasa thinking hard on what interesting thing she should be focusing her attention on.
“You know, our new neighbors have a little girl your age, why don’t you introduce yourself to her?”
That was the only catalyst for little Mikasa to make her way to her room, getting the toys she wanted to show, as she brightened at the thought of making new friends. In her elementary school, nobody wanted to be friends with her, knowing that she was known for being blunt and introverted. She was trying her hardest but nobody lasted longer than a few months — they always found a new circle of kids to share their stories with and Mikasa will be left alone again. Her older cousin, Levi, always teased her (in the least condescending way possible) that she should get rid of that permanent frown on her face (like he was one to talk). But it was never Mikasa’s fault that their classroom was always stuffy, with the air conditioner not functioning well. Mikasa doesn’t like being cooped up in a room, sweaty because of the humidity. The little girl rather preferred the coolness of the library, which the other kids didn’t like at all. They wanted to have fun and run around the school’s playground the whole hour of their recess and lunch breaks.
So now, it was an understatement that Mikasa was excited. She even brought some of her toys with her to share with her new neighbor. She hoped the girl liked toy soldiers (it was a gift from Levi on her birthday last year).
The little girl her mother was talking about was sitting on the front porch swing bench.
You were smaller than she and Mikasa wondered how you ever sat in the high swing. Your head was hung down and it looked like you were coloring something, with the way your hands gripped the red crayon. The black-haired girl wanted to call out to you but she doesn’t even know your name. Taking a deep breath, the little girl of gray eyes mustered up her courage and tried quelling the pitter-patter of her heart.
Why was it beating so fast?
The moment she stepped on the lawn of the house next door, Mikasa was sure she was seeing the constellations in your eyes when you looked up to meet her expectant stare.
> take me back to the house in the backyard tree
Mikasa was eight when she had this crazy idea inside her head.
In the two years that the two of you were friends, you always talked about a little safe haven tucked from the eyes of the world. A place where the two of you can be yourselves. A place where magic can happen even in the smallest space. Your eyes would light up blindingly when you talked about the things you will put inside your safe space, Mikasa matching your starry eyes with her own, staring at you silently as you poured out your beautiful dreams to her. The last time the two of you had a sleepover, you were chattering about a hidden library that only opens at certain times at night. The next second, you were off narrating how the stars were the most amazing things that gave you comfort on nights where you miss one of your parents because they were working so late. Then, you were relaying the possibilities of having a little art studio where you’re not afraid of drawing one of your prompts.
Mikasa let you ramble with a smile on her face. She was always a listener, afraid that the shine in your eyes would die down when she would interrupt — you just look so beautiful. However, there were times where you asked her things like her hobbies and likes, almost as if you were listing them down in an imaginary notebook in your head, and it will always catch Mikasa off-guard. Stutters accompanied her answers to your questions, not used to being the center of attention when it should be you. You were just too bright and full of sunshine. When Mikasa mentioned this to you, you only grinned, “Then you’ll be my Moon, Mika. I’ll let you glimmer through the night.”
She never slept that night, staring at the moon through her open window while thinking about your words.
Now, her mission led her to her father’s study, face set in adorable determination.
“Mika? What brings you here?” Her father placed his hands on her waist, lifting her until she was situated on his lap. His focus immediately went to his laptop on his desk. Mikasa’s eyes went from her father’s face to the gadget’s screen. She knew her father’s job was something hard and fun at the same time but looking at what was displayed on the screen, she instantly thought that drawing houses was harder than it looks. There were lines that she never knew were supposed to be there, a sprinkling of equations not suited for primary school was scattered around the blueprint, making Mikasa dizzy enough to place a hand on her forehead. “Complicated, isn’t it?” Her dad asked her in amusement. “This is what your Dad does for a living, Mika.”
“You like drawing houses, right?” Mikasa looked up at her father, gray eyes twinkling.
Her father hummed, ruffling her hair before squinting at his laptop. “Yes, I do.”
“We have a big tree in the backyard, right?”
The man furrowed his brows. He looked down at his daughter who was still in a daze in front of his laptop’s screen. “Yeah, it’s pretty hard to miss, you know?”
Gray eyes matched his own as Mikasa lifted her head and squeezed her hands on her lap. “How about building a treehouse in our backyard?”
Her father’s sputter was the only thing she received as a reply but that didn’t stop Mikasa from smiling smugly, your haven becoming possible by the minute.
And nothing can compare to your star-struck face the moment you laid your eyes on your little castle with Mikasa months after it was finished.
The midnight-haired girl swore she once again saw the entire cosmos in your irises, sending her heart in a confusing tangle of beats.
> said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me (you never did)
Mikasa was eleven when she realized that she will do anything for your happiness.
Friday afternoons were always reserved for your and Mikasa’s many traditions: watch the movies the two of you borrowed from the rental shop downtown, snack on Mikasa’s treats and your mom’s sandwiches, immerse yourselves in video games until dinner was called. It was a celebration for surviving the end of the week — something that kept the two of your going. Your mom never lets you watch television throughout the week, the time was only spent studying and focusing on academics, which must be why you were one of the top students in your primary school. Fridays were your breathers, it reminded you that there was still happiness lingering after a week of pouring everything to not disappoint your parents. And you were happy that you get to spend this with Mikasa of all people.
The movies you two watched were all romantic comedies that your mothers suggested. You were a crying mess while Mikasa only stared at the television with a blank face. She never understood how everything in the movie moved you so much when it was just a pair of people expressing how much they meant to each other. You have that in your life — your parents, your two friends who you recently introduced to her, your dog, and her. Mikasa has always told you how much you meant to her through the littlest of things, the animated little girl when you were kids becoming a soft-spoken pubescent that supported you with little actions. And now, Mikasa didn’t want to see you cry because it didn’t sit right with her. You should be smiling because that’s when you were the most beautiful for her.
“Here, figured the movie would make you cry,” the black-haired girl told you, pushing the box of tissues in your direction.
You sniffed, lips pursed and wobbly. You took out some tissues from the box and proceeded to blow your nose, Mikasa’s hand forming a pattern of soothing circles on your back. “They died together. It was so bittersweet.”
Mikasa thoughtfully stared at your hands that were fiddling with the box of tissues. “At least she remembered him.” She lifted her eyes to meet your teary ones, breath hitching and thoughts forgotten as she blinked at how the lights from the television made your irises have silver flakes on them. Looking away without moving her head, Mikasa cleared her throat. “But they can still do everything as long as they love each other. I guess it’s not a sad ending, it’s not a happy one, either. I think it’s fitting for the two of them.” She carefully reached out a hand and wiped away a stray tear at the corner of your eye, lingering her palm against your cheek. “But if the movie made you cry for varying reasons, it means you understand their feelings, of the characters, I mean. Plus, your tear ducts are still functioning.”
A bubble of giggles came from you. You stared at her with soft eyes that pinched Mikasa’s chest. “What would I do without you, Mika?”
“Probably die in a ditch or something.”
“Hey!” You playfully pushed her side, Mikasa’s slight chuckles tickling your ears. “That’s mean. I never knew our friendship could amount to a thing such as bullying.”
She ruffled your hair with a small smile. “It’s a once-in-a-blue-moon experience.” The black-haired girl then turned around, rummaging for something besides the box of movies you rented for the rest of the day. Two video games were presented in front of you with a faux look of seriousness painting your best friend’s face. “Now, how about we play some games to alleviate the sad atmosphere brought by the movie we just watched?”
“You’re on.”
A few rounds of racing games later and you were becoming agitated. Mikasa always won against you at any type of game you two dedicated your time on. At the moment, you were ranked second, meters away from Mikasa’s selected car model. You were always brushing off your poor gaming and strategic skills, blaming your loss on the equipment you picked, saying that the stats are the absolute worst because Mikasa always took the best-looking car in the choices. All of the cars present in the racing game were all good and it depends on the gamer on how they’ll manage with the listed specs. You maneuvered your red racing car to one of the shortcut routes, your side of the screen displaying a forest terrain that neither of you ever ventured in before. You can see Mikasa glancing at you from the corner of your vision, making you speed up, only for you to be thrown off course by some traps plugged in by the developers. There was a standby screen flashing in front of you, not knowing how Mikasa slowed her car.
When the countdown finished, your car was able to move again and this time, you tried to take it slow since Mikasa might have won the game by now. To your surprise, your name was the one displayed on the screen instead of your best friend. She was awarded third place instead of the second when you could’ve sworn she was just a few meters from the finish line. You looked at her curiously, wondering what happened.
She glanced at you before looking down on her controller thoughtfully. “I guess I messed up, too. I thought there are no traps in front of the finish line but it turns out a bomb was implanted at the side of the track.”
There were no traps in front of the finish line and your giddy smile was picture perfect as you celebrated your first win against Mikasa.
> i dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried
Mikasa was fourteen when she realized that her heart was beating for you, something that wasn’t appropriate between best friends.
“Okay, for this small party, we’ll be playing Truth or Dare!” Connie exclaimed, the smell of his father’s stash of beer coming out of his mouth.
Your little world with Mikasa extended and created a universe with unlikely people that you never imagined would be your friends.
It all started with Armin and Eren, the two boys who became your friends in primary school. Armin was one of the smartest people in your middle school, already getting a sure spot in your town’s high school, being the candidate for valedictorian. Meanwhile, Eren was one of the members of the school’s soccer team, which in turn brought along his teammates, Reiner and Jean. The latter person in Eren’s little circle in his soccer team claimed that he and his two friends, Sasha and Connie, were a package deal. It was funny because Sasha was befriended by you and Mikasa way before the two of you knew she had some connection with the soccer player. The brown-haired girl was your seatmate in History. When you heard her stomach grumble (the subject was set before lunchtime and everyone was practically hungry after the morning hours), you offered your bar of chocolate to her. There you found your other best friend, her hugs and gushes of ‘I love yous’ made the first interaction unforgettable.
The small party held in Connie’s house was thrown because you were all graduating the following week. The short boy was ecstatic while planning out the mini-event, even threatening to kick out Sasha when she became hungry while preparing the snacks. Since the party was not limited to your friend group, Reiner invited some of his friends — Annie, Bertholdt, and Ymir. Connie was overjoyed that he was finally getting popular, to which Ymir shut down, saying that she needed the booze (she fought with Historia, her on-off girlfriend, leading to their nth break-up).
“Ugh, man,” Eren groaned. “Do you even remember what happened the last time we played Truth or Dare?”
Jean snorted. “Nobody asked you to do the dare, idiot. You could always take the shot.”
“Well, I don’t want to smell like booze when I go home, horse face. Mom’s going to kill me.”
“Who in their right mind would jump into the freezing lake naked then, Eren?”
You chuckled, remembering how Eren talked your ear off when he went home after his retreat with the soccer team. He claimed that his dick was numb to the point that he couldn’t feel anything while jerking off. Mikasa had to cover your ears while he went to that part and Armin was begging for the brown-haired boy to stop tainting his mind.
“Okay, can you guys stop arguing for just one minute?” Sasha pleaded through a mouthful of hash browns. “I’ll start spinning the bottle now!”
The game started quite well. Armin had to perform a dance number in front of all of you because Sasha wanted to let everyone know how awesome Armin was at dancing. Jean chose truth and was asked who he found hot among the girls his year. (Nobody missed his subtle glance at Mikasa, who was focused on the drink in her glass.) Reiner was asked who he last hooked up with and surprisingly, he downed a shot instead of answering. When Sasha chose dare, Reiner thought it was a good idea to witness the girl put as many marshmallows in her mouth without stopping. (Sasha managed to empty the bag.) Annie was dared to text her crush and the next second, Armin’s phone dinged with an incoming message. You and Sasha cooed at the blonde boy’s burning face. Mikasa also chose truth and drank her shot when she was asked by Annie about the person she likes. (Jean perked at this but quickly deflated when the black-haired girl held no hesitation in drinking the shot.)
Then, the bottle landed on you.
Your eyes met with Mikasa, knowing that she will be the one asking the infamous question of ‘truth or dare?’
Sasha and Connie ooh’d at the background.
“I dare you to kiss the person you’re thinking about a lot.”
It was a masked question. Mikasa wanted to ask you about your recent crush but she had to be conspicuous about it. Of course, she noticed how you and Eren became close these days. Always sitting with each other during lunch and how the green-eyed boy always offered his jacket whenever you felt cold. She had to confirm it. She didn’t want Armin to pick up on her nerves every time she witnessed how Eren looked at you like you placed the stars in the sky. She was only worried for you since Eren had the most experience when it comes to dating among the four of you, having only dated one person the whole duration of middle school.
However, Mikasa didn’t expect you to place a hand on her cheek, your face inches from hers.
The entire circle became silent, jaws dropped at the scene unfolding in front of their eyes. Mikasa didn’t pay them any attention. Her eyes were wide while yours were hesitantly trained on her lips. She didn’t register that you whispered along the lines of only kissing her cheek. Her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest. Her face was burning with a beautiful shade of rouge. Her mind was muddled, panicking that you were so close to her. Mikasa remembered the times you left her breathless. They were unexpected moments that only occurred in a mundane situation but it was you. You were different from the people in Connie’s house right now. You were a force to be reckoned with, always interrupting Mikasa’s focus during class because you were there in her thoughts. You were a sight to behold, having a fair share of admirers, one of them being Mikasa, to which she was never aware until now. You were everything held tightly in a small body that fit exactly against Mikasa's when the two of you hug after a bad day.
You were so beautiful.
But Mikasa couldn’t handle the continuous pounding of her heart.
She turned around and immediately darted to the bathroom, leaving you frozen along with your gawking friends.
Oh, how Mikasa regretted running away the moment the door was flat on her back.
> take me back to the time we had our very first fight
Mikasa was eighteen when she heard the words she dreamed of coming from your lips.
“Why don’t you go back to Eren?” Mikasa grumbled, her eyes glaring at the road in front of her, knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel a little too tight. “Why would you even go home with me? He was offering to drive you back and you’re here sitting in my car.”
There was no reason why she was being angry right now. The past years in high school were pure torture for Mikasa and the soccer game that happened hours prior was the cherry on top of the sundae. When their school’s soccer team won at the final game of the seniors, she had to watch Eren pick you up, laughing while twirling you around. Everybody knew how much Eren liked you since he wasn’t afraid of expressing his feelings to a crowd of people. However, even with Eren’s efforts of wooing you, you always brushed it off, saying that he is still one of your best friends. There was no denying that Eren was courting you with the whole school as the witness. It was like a love story waiting to hit its climax — two childhood friends intertwining their fates together until they found forever with each other.
Mikasa had to suppress a groan at the thought. Maybe she watched too many romance movies to think straight at the moment. She honked the horn too loudly, making you flinch in the passenger seat. Her gray eyes were a raging storm and even the biker at the side of the street wasn’t safe as she turned her head to the window, shouting, “Hey, there’s a bike lane for a reason!”
“Mika, calm down,” you pleaded.
She scoffed in disbelief, remaining silent even though you were expecting to hear her answer.
“Why are you so angry right now? I don’t know how to fix this if you’re going to be so quiet over it.”
The car stopped in front of your house and you didn’t even notice how Mikasa practically broke the speed limit. It was a good thing there weren’t any cops doing their patrols on your side of town. Now that there was finally time for you to ask her questions, you turned to face her. You pursed your lips at the sight of her stony visage, face still so beautiful that it made your sketches of her look like nothing.
Mikasa has been ignoring you the past few weeks. You noticed that it was only when Eren was around. You looked away at the thought, heart-pounding that maybe Mikasa finally realized her feelings for the green-eyed boy. You never fail to notice how she was constantly hovering around the boy, reminding him of the schoolwork he was missing or his forgotten lunch. It always squeezed your chest too hard.
You tried reaching for her hand, only to be swatted away. “Mika,” you whispered brokenly.
“Do you like Eren?”
Oh, so that was it.
You schooled your expression in a blank one, licking your lips in nervousness. She wanted to make sure there was nothing between you and Eren so that she can finally tell him her feelings. “Why are you asking that?”
“Stop answering my questions with another question.”
You had enough of this. “Then what do you want me to say?”
Mikasa threw her hands up in the air, shrugging her shoulders in disbelief. “I don’t know! Your honest answer, I guess. It seems to me like you do like him. With you, all cuddled up with that long-haired idiot every single day. Is it the long hair? Do you like people with long hair? If that’s the case, I’ll grow my hair! Just give me a few years at most.”
You looked at her in confusion and frustration. “What are you talking about, Mikasa?”
She flinched. You never called her by her full first name. It was always Mika for you. She was always Mika for you. You were the only one allowed to call her that aside from her parents. Mikasa turned abruptly, taking you by surprise as she placed both of her hands on your arms, firmly grasping them to make you meet her desperate eyes. “I’m just making sure that you don’t like him because...” She faltered, not knowing what to say next. Is she even confessing to you right now? Years of pent-up feelings beginning to rise and overflow because of the stars gradually appearing in your eyes. Her mouth was running on its own and she was beginning to feel the shame bubbling in her stomach.
“Because … Eren is not the only one who looks at you like you placed the stars in the sky. He’s not the only one wanting to keep you warm on a cold day. He’s not the only one experiencing euphoria whenever you’re around.” She blinked away the tears building in her eyes.
“He’s not the only one in love with you.”
“You are so dense, you know?”
Mikasa reeled back but your hands finding their way on top of hers stopped her from backing away any further. Now, you were the one looking at her like she created the entire universe in front of your eyes. You were looking at her like she’s the first snowflake making its way on top of your nose. You were looking at her like those times you were inside your treehouse, under the fairy lights hung on the walls. You were looking at her as if she was euphoria personified. Because she is. Mikasa is so breathtakingly ethereal, your surroundings becoming more transparent by the minute as you focused on her. Gently transferring your hands on her cheeks, you pulled you close until both of your foreheads were tenderly pressed against one another.
“It’s you.”
Her breathing hitched.
“It has always been you, Mikasa Ackerman. Since that day you rejected my kiss when we were fourteen.”
Tears became more prominent in both of your eyes.
“Not Eren or anybody who was rumored to be going out with me.”
She closed her eyes tightly.
“I’m in love with you.”
Mikasa opened her eyes, revealing the entire cosmos you adored.
“I love you and only you.”
It’s not a dream, the two of you sharing your first kiss that was more than what the movies described.
> they never believed we'd really fall in love
Mikasa was twenty when she had the courage of telling the entire world you’re the love of her life.
“Oh, my God, I knew it!” Sasha screeched inside the café you and Mikasa chose to have your group study session. Most eyes inside the café turned to your table since Sasha planted her hands on your table with enough force to attract attention. You laughed nervously and apologized to some of the people inside the café but the brown-haired girl still showed no signs of sitting down. You can see Mikasa placing a hand on her forehead, sighing at the third member of your trio. Sasha, however, was experiencing the milestone of a lifetime. She flickered her gaze between you and your girlfriend, eyes sparkling in obvious excitement and adoration. “And thank God you two finally got together! I had to endure Mikasa moping around during high school.”
“We are dating for two years now,” Mikasa dryly stated. “We didn’t get together recently.”
You placed a gentle hand on hers, smiling at the black-haired girl before turning to Sasha. “We tried keeping our relationship a secret for two years but judging from your first statement, it seems like we couldn’t conceal it that well.”
Sasha finally sat down, picking up her fork with some unattended carbonara on her plate. “I had a hunch. Well, not only me, Connie and I. Ever since I got to know you, [Name], I always admired your friendship with our Mikasa here.” She pointed her fork at you and Mikasa. “Yes, Mikasa treated all her friends in some special way. For me, she tells me not to eat too much.” Mikasa eyed Sasha’s plates of lunch. “For Armin, she tends to be gentler, I mean, you know Armin, softest boy on the planet. For Eren, she’s like his mother.”
“Somebody has to do it.” Mikasa rolled her eyes, making you laugh. “He never listens to Carla any more.”
“But for you, missy,” the brown-haired girl leaned forward with a teasing smirk, “Mikasa becomes all of these. Who would’ve ever thought that that childhood friend story circulating between you and Eren became you and Mikasa instead?” She leaned back and shrugged. “I never liked Eren for you anyways.”
“Same,” the black-haired girl simply stated, taking a bite of her pizza before offering you some. “I heard you wanted this café’s pizza.”
“Thanks,” you murmured, taking a bite of the pizza Mikasa was holding in front of you. “Annie’s right, the pizza in this restaurant tastes amazing.” You felt your girlfriend’s thumb brushing at the corner of your lips, wiping the pizza sauce smeared there.
The brown-haired girl sitting in front of you two squealed with hands covering her mouth. “You two are so cute together!” Yours and Mikasa’s face flushed, making Sasha gush again. The gray-eyed girl sighed deeply, placing her head on your shoulder to cover her red face, making you laugh at how adorable your partner is. “Wait, have you talked about this to your parents?”
You and Mikasa looked at each other, that Thanksgiving dinner flashing through your minds at the moment.
You were supposed to be enjoying the scrumptious feast your and Mikasa’s mothers prepared but you and your girlfriend were too stiff to participate in the casual talk flittering the table. The previous night, Mikasa opened the idea of telling your parents that you were dating each other. At first, you disagreed because you have seen how this would affect Mikasa. There was a time where some old woman looked at you two while you were on a date, yelling that you two should break up and find some man instead of finding comfort with the same sex. The black-haired girl nearly broke down when you arrived at your shared apartment and you reassured her that their opinions shouldn’t matter as long as you have each other. But now, these are your parents, of course, their perception of your relationship will always matter. Those worries soon vanished when your fathers rejoiced, the negative thoughts replaced with tears of relief rolling down on your and Mikasa’s cheeks.
“It’s about time, you know,” your dad smiled.
“We were supposed to place a bet but we were scolded,” Mikasa’s father sheepishly admitted.
“You shouldn’t bet on the girls’ relationship!” Mikasa’s mother replied, her playful expression turned soft when she turned to you two. “Don’t ever think we would go against this. We have been watching you two grow up and we always knew that there was a possibility that you’ll come into terms with your feelings for one another.”
Your mom perked up with glee visible on her face. “So … when’s the wedding?”
You shared a laugh with the love of your life. “They’re planning a wedding as we speak.”
“Make me one of your bridesmaids please!”
“I think you’re suited to be [Name]’s maid of honor instead.”
“Hell yeah!”
> we were sitting at our favorite spot in town and you looked at me, got down on one knee
Mikasa was twenty-three when she knew you are the constant in her life.
Graduation was only a few months ago and you have never felt so happy in your life. Gone were the days slumped in front of your laptop way past midnight trying to perfect your thesis papers. Gone was the day where caffeine was the only thing keeping you going during exams. Gone were the days you had laboratory periods that span the whole half of the day. All the stress was piling up on your shoulders the past four years, molding themselves in a huge ball that made you think you carried the entire world as Atlas did. Now you got your degree and you were ready to settle with the person driving the car with ease along the road leading to your neighborhood. As you stared at her side profile, you smiled, knowing that she has been in every part of your life, in your downtimes and zeniths brought by your achievements. You vaguely remembered how the car stopped in front of Mikasa’s house, the two of you immediately making your way towards their backyard.
Years of care were seen in her mother’s flower and vegetable garden but the only thing that took your breath away was the treehouse she surprised you with when you were both eleven. You blinked at the pristine condition of the small castle in the canopy of green, your smile pulling on the corners of your lips. “I can’t believe it’s still here.” A hand made its way on the small of your back, its warmth seeping through your French chiffon floral dress. You looked up at Mikasa, her casual ensemble of her gray suit and white shirt sending your heart in a frenzy. You pulled on her collar, your lips meeting hers in a slow dance, her hand on your back transferring around your waist.
When you pulled away, Mikasa placed her forehead against yours, her breath tickling your face. “Let’s visit our castle, shall we?”
The inside of the treehouse was still the same as ever. Aside from the thick layer of dust covering every surface of the small abode, it still gave the same feeling when you first laid your eyes on it. The knick-knacks you and Mikasa placed were still in the same position as you left them. The star projector you brought when you were thirteen was placed in the middle of the treehouse. You made your way to it and a sea of stars filled the crevices of the treehouse after gently turning it on. A myriad of purples and blues painted themselves on the ceiling, swirls of galaxies accompanied the constellation map you knew by heart when you were a kid. You faced Mikasa, only for your breath to hitch at the sight of her kneeling on one knee on the dusty floor. The first thought coming to your mind was how the dust would cling to her gray slacks. But that quickly erased itself when Mikasa tenderly presented a small velvet box.
“You made me believe in love, magic, myself, and the universe,” Mikasa whispered things meant for your ears only. “The way you love me and the way I look at you makes life worth living. Every single minute I’ve spent with you, I wanted to stop time to preserve it in my memory. I wanted to swim in your divine because I swear, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to give you everything to make you the happiest woman in the world. I’ll still look at you like the stars that shine no matter how many years go by. You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. So, [Name],” she opened the small box, revealing the most beautiful piece of jewelry — a golden band with a sparkling diamond at the center of smaller gems shaped like stars, at the sides of the huge gem were crescent moons, “will you let me be the one?”
You were crying now, you never thought that this would happen.
The woman of your dreams was kneeling in front of you and there was only one answer that will seal your fate with hers.
“Yes, Mikasa, always and forever.”
> we'll rock our babies on that very front porch
Mikasa was twenty-five when she wanted a small family with you.
“How about using Eren?”
“Mika, why would you suggest that!”
“I mean, he has the hots for you.”
“I can’t believe you’re selling me to one of our friends.”
“Don’t leave my side. Here’s a kiss as an apology.”
“You’re lucky I love you, Mika.”
“And I love you, too.” Mikasa paused, turning the laptop to you as she opened the tab for one website she found. “How about adopting a toddler?”
You looked at a website displaying one of the orphanages in the city, chest filled with butterflies at the next step in your life with Mikasa.
“I think that’s a perfect idea, Mika.”
“I think so, too, Mrs. Ackerman.”
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sweetjekyll · 4 years
Under The Same Roof, part 2 — BBH
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pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
genre: Roommate / Flatmate AU, one-shot, friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, blind date rating: teen and up warnings: tiniest and slightest bit of angst and jealousy, slightly suggestive towards the end word count: 5.2k
summary: Baekhyun and Y/N have been flatmates for a while and romance is in the air.
Requested: Part 2 was highly requested by both known readers and anons, so I hope you all enjoy the continuation of the first part! (keyword “roof” + sentence “Oh my God. You’re in love with her.” from this writing game post.)
Masterlist — PART 1
A/N: aaaaah it’s finally here! Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays. I hope you’re healthy and surrounded with love, and I hope all of you are having a good time even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported the first part of this story and patiently waited for the second part, I hope you will like this one as much as the first if not more! I made it way longer than the first part and added a bonus ending. Have fun reading! stay safe ❤
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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The guys could’ve spent practically all night playing games, but Chanyeol had other plans in mind after the short chat he had with Sehun and Baekhyun about the latter’s crush on his roommate. Sehun was never one to turn down an invite to drink with his friends no matter the day of the week, so the fact that he agreed immediately to Chanyeol’s suggestion when he asked the two if they wanted to go have a drink at the bar Y/N and Baekhyun worked, it was an easy “yes”. You would’ve had about an hour and a half until it was closing time at 11PM, as it was a Thursday anyway.
Baekhyun on the other hand wasn’t that easy to convince. He was supposed to work the following morning and be at his best to serve freshly brewed coffee to university students, professors and other customers who liked to linger in the early hours of daylight. Also, Thursday nights were one of the few times he got to relax after working shifts from morning to late afternoon.
“I know you two,” Baekhyun scowled at his friends, who were waiting in the doorway to his bedroom while he pushed one of his legs in a pair of old black jeans. “It’s never just one drink with you… I’ll end up wasted under one of the tables and then Y/N will have to carry me home.”
“For someone so eager to get dressed and walk out of the house, you’re complaining too much.” Sehun smirked as he nudged Chanyeol with his elbow.
“Don’t worry, it’s just one drink,” Chanyeol reassured him as Baekhyun was finally done getting dressed. “Besides, you literally live a couple of blocks from your job and neither of us has to drive. We’ll call a taxi.” There was a faint yet lingering smile of satisfaction on the taller man’s face. He wasn’t really a patient guy and his mind was still in a frenzy after coming up with a plan to get Baekhyun and his flatmate to go out on a date.
Baekhyun threw on a leather jacket and brushed back his bangs with his fingers, ready to step out of the apartment. He was about to lock the door after switching off the lights but then stopped as he thought about something for a brief moment. “Hang on, I forgot something.” He let his friends know as he hurried back inside and into the bathroom.
Once he was back and finally locked the door, both Chanyeol and Sehun got a whiff of something in the air. “Is that… Perfume?” They asked inquisitive.
Baekhyun furrowed his brows as he walked past them down the corridor. “And what about it? Y/N gifted it to me for my birthday.”
“This is going to be easier than I thought,” Chanyeol hummed as they headed towards your workplace at last.
The cafe turned into bar during evenings looked cozy in autumns and winters; some Halloween decorations lingered here and there although it was past October and halfway through into November, but the fake vine leaves painted red, yellow and orange warmed up the walls nicely. You liked the fall decorations, but you loved even more winter and Christmas decorations, although it was a hassle to take everything down and put new things up, it was still satisfying as the end result.
You spotted Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun out of the corner of your eye as soon as they entered the bar thanks to the bell ringing on top of the door. “There you go, Lucas,” you placed a glass of cold beer on top of a napkin in front of one of your regular customers and looked around, quickly facing the three new friendly faces once you made sure that no one else needed your services. “Good evening guys!” You said cheerfully, a warm feeling spreading through your chest to see Baekhyun keeping his promise to come pick you up after work, even more so considering he was rather early for it.
“Ah, my favorite bartender!” Sehun mused as he leaned against the counter with a smirk on his expression. ”You look a bit overworked although there aren’t many customers.”
Baekhyun noticed it as well and looked behind the counter and around the familiar workplace. “Where’s Minseok? Weren’t you two supposed to work tonight’s shift together?”
You inhaled a long breath as you glanced down with busy eyes to grab a rag from a hidden surface on your workspace, then picked it up and cleaned the countertop in front of the three men. “I think he had something for dinner that upset his stomach to the point where he was nauseated.” You winced as you explained to them without much detail as you didn’t know how your coworker was doing after he left. “I told him to go home and rest just in case… But anyway,” you smiled once again. “What can I get you guys to drink?” You asked as you returned the rag in its previous spot and placed three napkins on the counter.
“For starters, I’d say shots of soju and then beers?” Chanyeol looked at his friends but Baekhyun shook his head when he heard the doorbell signal the arrival of more customers.
“I’ll help Y/N,” he said and promptly walked behind the counter to join you. He picked up one of the aprons matching yours from a hanger on the wall and put it on after he took off his jacket.
“Don’t worry Baek, it’s your night off,” you tried to persuade him to just enjoy the night with his friends but he just gave you his usual warm and reassuring smile that made your heart flutter with content.
“Nonsense,” he shrugged as he spun around to softly bump his shoulder into yours and looked into your eyes, “I’m happy to work with you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his words and you could barely hide the smile that graced your lips once your coworker welcomed the new customers with a loud and cheerful tone.
Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed to the two friends sitting on the other side of the counter, across from you. Chanyeol nudged Sehun with his elbow and whispered to just play along, after he made sure that Baekhyun’s ears were out of reach for what he was about to say. You placed two shots of soju on the napkins and turned around to fill two glasses with beer. “So, Y/N,” you looked over your shoulder for a brief second at Chanyeol, “are you single?”
The question wasn’t new to your ears, especially after working as a bartender, but it still caught you off guard coming from him. “I did not expect you to ask me something like this, Mr. Park.” You confessed with a chuckle while walking back to take away the empty shot glasses and placed two glasses filled to the brim with foaming beer. “Why do you want to know?”
“Well, are you?” Sehun questioned with a raised eyebrow, carefully picking up the glass to take a sip from it while holding your suspicious gaze.
You let your shoulders slump with a sigh as you averted their eyes and, without meaning to, you looked in Baekhyun’s direction. “Yes, I’m single.” You nodded as your smile faltered, you looked around at the other customers while feeling a bit nervous.
“Perfect!” Chanyeol beamed as he clapped his hands once and leaned closer to the counter, you just eyed him with suspicion. “There’s this very nice guy, he’s a bit talkative and playful,” he began explaining but kept it quite mysterious, “A friend of ours, you know… I would like you do go on a blind date with him.”
“I’m sorry… What now?” You were taken aback by his sudden request that you didn’t know how else to react. It was a nice gesture, sure… but you already had feelings for someone else and weren’t sure if a blind date would be a good idea, not at the moment at least.
“I promise he’s a very friendly and good guy,” Sehun added, playing along to Chanyeol’s plan although they didn’t even talk about it beforehand. He licked his lips to get the residue of the beer foam and arched his brows at you. “Unless you like somebody else already.” Blood rushed to your face and you felt hot under your clothes, hesitant about answering your foot started bouncing nervously and you crossed your arms. Should you be honest and tell them or should you keep it for yourself? Well… “There is someone I like.” You confessed, but it just made you sad to say it so you continued before they could ask anything else about this crush of yours. “But I don’t think it’ll work out so I might as well go on a blind date with your friend.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Baekhyun’s curious voice made you slightly jolt on your feet and you flashed him a nervous smile. “Are you going on a date?” You tilted your head unsure of what to say since he was the one person you didn’t want to find out about this blind date, at least not like this… or ever. You thought you could maybe just go at the date and never call back Chanyeol and Sehun’s friend, but then another question popped in your head. Does Baekhyun know this friend of theirs? Would he mind? It’s not like he had feelings for you, so why were you so worried about it?
Thankfully, you heard the voice of one of your customers call for you and used it as an excuse to leave. “This is a discussion for another time, I gotta go back to work!” And just like that you were gone in an instant, meanwhile Baekhyun faced Chanyeol and Sehun with a half disappointed and half irritated expression.
“A blind date?!” He hissed under his breath.
They both nodded with pleased smirks. “She said yes, so you better make this work, otherwise you’re truly hopeless.” Chanyeol replied and finally let himself taste the beer that’s been sitting in front of him on the counter for a while.
Baekhyun’s anger dissipated immediately, his eyes widened in surprise and his mouth fell agape. “You set us up on a blind date?” He whispered while stealing glances in your direction. His heart rate began speeding up while he watched you smile politely at a couple who were paying for their drinks, getting ready to leave.
“Although…” Sehun inhaled a long breath as he looked down at his drink, his smile faded. Baekhyun’s attention was immediately on him, feeling his heart drop at the man’s words. “She did say she likes someone.” Chanyeol gave him a hard nudge with his elbow, eliciting a pained groan from the man sitting next to him. “What?! I’m just saying, she didn’t say who… Y/N thinks it’s not going to work out so you don’t have to worry.”
Baekhyun sighed and scratched his head, too many thoughts were running through his head in that moment and he didn’t know how to process the fact that there indeed was someone you liked… You’ve been friends for a few years and were roommates as well, so why did you not talk to him about this person you seem to like so much?
He became rather quiet that night and even the following days, he was practically sulking since he was stuck with the thought that the blind date was going to be a disaster. That didn’t stop Chanyeol from insisting on taking care of all the details about the date, he went as far as borrowing both yours and Baekhyun’s work schedules to set up a perfect timing for you to meet. You noticed immediately the change in his behavior, he wasn’t avoiding you, he would never do that, but he was acting too distant. You tried asking but didn’t push further because maybe he needed some time for himself, otherwise he would have opened up to you, at least you hoped.
It went on like that for a couple of days until you couldn’t take it anymore, you missed Baekhyun being his usual playful and loud self, he was the source of your serotonin and it affected your mood as well. It was the last few days of November, the shop was closed for the day due to the fact that you needed to take down the autumnal decorations and brighten up the place with Christmas ones.
“Baekhyun, we really need to talk.” You told him with a preoccupied tone, hoping he wouldn’t try and dodge the conversation as he had been doing for nearly half of November. He didn’t look at you from his high place on the ladder, instead, his pupils were fixed on his fingers unrolling the fairy lights and hanging them on the wall, supported by nails that had been stuck into the bricks for who knows how many years.
“Alright, alright,” he nodded and hummed for a moment, pausing his work to look down; your hands were securely holding onto the ladder for him and keeping it in place so he felt safe to be up there, occasionally passing him Christmas decorations from the boxes piled up next to your feet. “I’ll clean and decorate the bathrooms.”
You scoffed, incredulous that he actually managed to talk about anything else but his feelings. “I’m not talking about the bathroom, but since you said you’re going to do it, I won’t stop you.”
“Damn!” He chuckled with a shake of his head and went back to fixing the lights. “Okay, let’s talk, but I warn you, if this is about me—“
“It’s precisely about you! You’ve been avoiding my questions, I’m concerned about you. Something happened and you haven’t openly spoken to me ever since that night at the bar.” You interjected and heard him complain with a groan of your name, to which you let go of the ladder, making the man almost scream in fear.
“What are you doing—“ High pitched words reached your ears as you crossed your arms and just gazed up at him with arched brows, feeling so done with his behavior. He dropped the fairy lights without meaning to and wrapped his hands on both sides of the ladder, holding on for dear life. “No, no, no— Okay, fine! I’ll tell you, just please don’t let go of the ladder.” You held onto the ladder once more and watched him climb down until he was finally to your eye level. “There’s this girl I like, I’ve liked her for a while now actually.” Baekhyun let out a long, defeated sigh. “Turns out she likes some other person and I don’t know why I thought I could—“ He stopped himself from saying anything else as he ran one of his hand over his face, frustrated that he was confessing to you how he felt, except he was still hiding the actual truth. What a coward, he thought. He was convinced now more than ever that the blind date was truly a bad idea, he just didn’t know how to tell Chanyeol that he didn’t have the balls to go through with it and accept your rejection once you found out he was your secret date. “I like her a lot.” He added.
You felt you heart fasten at his words, it was drumming so hard that the pulse in your ears felt deafening… Baekhyun liked another girl, you repeated to yourself in your head. For a short moment and in a totally awkward silence you felt like an idiot; an idiot for feeling jealousy when he mentioned another girl, when you should’ve said something to comfort him. You were frowning, unable to move or say anything coherent until you forced yourself to say: “I’m sorry.” You bit your lip and looked down at your hands. “She’s an idiot.” You spit out with slight anger lacing your words.
“Why do you say so?” His tone softened when he noticed how upset you were over what he told you, he didn’t think you would care that much about a girl not liking him back… and the worst part was that you were that girl. “She’s allowed to like someone else, it’s just that I’m a coward and I didn’t tell her that I like her because I’m afraid of her rejecting me.” It felt so surreal that he was running his mouth like that, actually confessing the truth to you but you still had no idea.
Your head head snapped up towards him with your lips parted, ready to fight back his insecurities, except you didn’t realize what you were saying until it was already too late. “Well, she’s still dumb! Because what other girl wouldn’t like you? I like you!"
"You do?" He whispered almost breathless, too stunned to say anything else as soon as he processed your words; the corners of his lips curved up in a genuine and shy smile, yet you barely saw it since you looked down and bent you body forward to pick up a box with decorations and left him standing there. Your face was burning so hot with embarrassment it almost felt like you were going to combust. "Y/N, hang on, let’s talk it out—“ He tried to go after you, but you walked past the counter and entered the women’s bathroom, closing the door behind you. You dropped the box on the counter by the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror, cursing under your breath ad at yourself for being so careless with your words.
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“Wait, hold on…” One of your friends, Hana, laughed at you on the phone for the second time that night, after you explained to her what happened at the coffee shop.
“I swear to God, Hana, there’s nothing to laugh about.” You mumbled, holding your phone against your ear with you shoulder; your hands were too busy going through the clothes in your wardrobe, searching for anything remotely cute and appropriate for a blind date.
“There actually is,” she continued laughing at your misery. “You confessed to Baekhyun that you actually like him, that’s a good thing isn’t it? I mean, he didn’t have a bad reaction, so where’s the problem, Y/N?” You groaned as you threw a pair of torn up jeans on the floor of your bedroom and took your phone in your hands.
“That’s the point, I chickened out!” You walked to the foot of the bed and let yourself fall on your back, bouncing on the mattress. “He tried to talk to me about it but I just couldn’t do it, so I locked myself in the bathroom. I’m the clown of the month!”
“Oh my God, Y/N, you’re unbelievable.” Hana’s laughter rung in your ear with disbelief for the situation you got yourself into, but soon quieted down to a serious tone. “Listen, you have to face him at some point. You can’t just avoid him forever.”
You sat up on the bed and thought about what she said, your eyes burning holes into the door leading to the living room of your shared apartment. Baekhyun wasn’t home yet, he was still setting up decorations at the bar with Minseok and going over December’s inventory. “What about this girl he said he likes?” A pout formed on your lips, like a child whining to their parent.
“You won’t know until you talk to him.” You sighed out loud and eyed the mess on your bedroom floor, clothes lying on top of each other as if your wardrobe got stormed by a hurricane. “Earth to Y/N, are you there? Promise you’ll talk to him?”
You snapped out of your daze and rubbed your eyes as you replied to her. “Yeah, sure, I’ll talk to him,” you replied in defeat. “But it’ll have to wait until after this stupid blind date. It’s tonight and I don’t even know what to wear…” You heard a noise come from the living room and gasped out loud, jiggling of keys made you jump on your feat and run towards the door until you pressed your side against it. “He’s here, I gotta go. Bye Hana!” You whispered with your heart drumming in your chest and said goodbye to your friend, before hanging up the call. “Baekhyun?” You carefully called out his name and waited impatiently for a reply.
His muffled voice came from the other side of the door, and as careful as you had been, he called out your name. “Are you okay? Can I come in?” He was right outside of your bedroom, your nerves were killing you and you didn’t know what to do, yet against your better judgement, you moved away from the door and opened it. You bit your tongue as you met Baekhyun’s reassuring smile, somehow eliciting a smile from your lips as well. Seeing as you had not replied to his questions, Baekhyun let his eyes look past you and onto the pile of clothing on the floor. “Getting ready for the blind date?”
You looked in the same direction his pupils did and chuckled with a slow nod. “Yeah, I just don’t know what to wear yet…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll look beautiful no matter what you choose to wear.” The sweetness of his words made you hyper aware of the way he was looking at you now, and you weren’t sure why it seemed… different.
“Thank you…” You almost stuttered. Your heart was ramming against your ribcage so hard you could have passed out from the lightheadedness it caused you, but you forced yourself to break the eye contact and walked further inside your bedroom. You picked up two dresses from the wardrobe, one filled with cute floral patterns and the other was a solid dark blue color. “Which one looks better for a fancy dinner?” You asked him, unsure whether it was a good idea but Baekhyun actually pointed at the dark blue dress with a cheerful smile. It was weird to say the least, he appeared to be more excited for your blind date than you were, and you didn’t even know who Chanyeol was trying to set you up with. “Okay, this dress it is then.”
“By the way, I need to go out in a bit.” Baekhyun caught you off guard and you just stared at him with slightly widened eyed. “Is there anything that you need before I leave?”
“Mmmh, no… No.” You show your head and flashed him a reassuring smile even though you were still nervous. “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, see you later, Y/N.” He reached out for the handle and closed the door after himself.
As soon as you heard the lock click, you exhaled a long, shaky breath and dropped the dresses on the bed. “And there he goes…” You whispered, choosing to replace the deafening silence with some music from your phone.
Baekhyun stood in the hallways while holding onto his breath, ears listening to you shuffling around your bedroom before any other sound was drowned out by you favorite playlist. He had been dreading this blind date for so many days and now that it was happening — especially after he found out he was the person you liked and not some other guy — Baekhyun felt elated. He was ready to get dressed and run out of the door to get you flowers, unfortunately not your favorite ones because they were out of season, but he was still gonna get something pretty. He couldn’t stop thinking about how you were going to react once you met him at the restaurant as your date. Too much energy was coursing through his veins in that moment, he could barely contain himself.
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Everything was perfect. Baekhyun had to remember to thank Chanyeol for taking care of the reservation, the restaurant was truly lovely and felt intimate, soft fairy lights were hanging from the red brick walls, adding to the romantic atmosphere of slightly dimmed lighting, a small candle was illuminating the table at which Baekhyun sat. A bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums rested on his right side as he, on the other hand, couldn’t help but nervously fiddle with his fingers under the tablecloth. A shy smile graced his joyful expression while his eyes darted to the watch on his left wrist, growing restless as you were late to your date.
Baekhyun’s smile faltered when he felt his phone vibrating in the pocket of his elegant blazer, he shut his eyes tightly and prayed that it wasn’t Chanyeol the one calling him with bad news, saying you stood up on the blind date at the last possible moment. You wouldn’t do that, would you? “Hello?” He answered his phone still keeping his eyes shut, but they immediately shot open once he heard your voice greet him on the other side of the line. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Where are you? Shouldn’t you be at the date?” He showered you with questions to which you didn’t know what to answer.
“Uuh—“ You hesitated for a long moment, unsure of what to say. “I’m outside of the restaurant, I’ve been for the past 5 minutes. I don’t want to go inside and meet some guy that I don’t know.” He listened to you talk really fast, almost tripping on your words as your tone dripped with nervousness and regret. “I just don’t want to meet a new guy and I’m so sorry to Chanyeol, cause I said I would do this—”
“Hey, hey, calm down,” He tried to help you calm down over the phone, resisting the urge to just stand up from the table and run to meet you outside. “Everything’s gonna be alright, okay? Do you trust me?”
Baekhyun listened to you on the other side of the line as you tried to get through your panicked state, quietly repeating short and reassuring “okays”. You released a deep breath and finally replied to him. “I trust you. Will you come pick me up, please?”
He almost chuckled at the softness of your voice, instead a warm smile returned on his face as he told you what to do. “I will, but first I need you to walk into the restaurant, it’s cold outside and you’re wearing a dress.” You agreed to do it and his eyes quickly moved towards the door, as he was sat on the opposite side of the restaurant.
Baekhyun watched as the door opened and you stepped inside, brows furrowed with worry yet you still managed to look effortlessly beautiful; long black coat shielding your body from the cold of the last weeks of autumn. He could see the dark blue of your knee length dress peeking under the coat, a small purse swaying by your side from a long chain on your left shoulder as you glanced around and were greeted by a waiter. “I’m in.” You mumbled as your eyes looked frantically around.
“Look to your right, other side of the room.” And you did, you looked towards him and nearly dropped your phone, your jaw went numb for a moment as your lips parted in disbelief. One of the waiters helped you remove your coat and accompanied you towards Baekhyun, to your table. “You’re beautiful,” the words rolled off his tongue almost like a foreign sound, he couldn’t believe that you two were actually on a date, even if he had to keep it a secret for such a long time.
You were at a loss for words, yet your chest was flooded with immense happiness. “The girl you like a lot…” You began saying and he nodded before you could finish your sentence. “A very nice guy, a bit talkative and playful,” you giggled as you quoted Chanyeol’s words when he spoke about the friend he wanted you to meet.
“Yep, that would be me.” Baekhyun picked up the flowers and slowly stepped closer to you. “I know they’re not daffodils, but I hope you like chrysanthemums too.”
“You know what I like more than flowers?” You stepped even closer to him until you could feel his hot breath on your skin, completely forgetting the rest of the world as you felt a rush of bravery while gazing into his eyes. “You.”
When Baekhyun leaned forward to steal a kiss it felt like the most natural thing in the world, as if he had done it so many times before and you were out tonight celebrating an anniversary rather than a first date. The gentlest of touches left a lingering sensation of his lips on yours. The red of your lipstick transferred slightly on his lips and if you focused hard enough, you could see that his cheeks turned the same shade out of shyness and adoration.
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“Hmm, what do you think?” You asked, tilting your head to the side while staring very hard at the Christmas tree.
You were currently in your new apartment with Baekhyun standing by your side, eyes focused ahead of you. “It’s crooked on one side.” The living room was bare of furniture except for a coffee table, the tv stand with the television on top of it and the Christmas tree you spent at least three hours on decorating with your boyfriend. Moving boxes were scattered all around the place.
“I think if we spin it around towards the corner of the room none of the guests will notice.” You suggested and Baekhyun hoped quickly towards the tree, being careful to avoid any boxes and discarded ornaments still lying on the floor. He crouched on his kneed and wrapped his fingers around the base of the fake pine tree, rotating the crooked side towards the corner of the room.
“What about now?” He asked as he looked up at the tree for a moment and back at you.
“Light it up.” Baekhyun took the end of a cable beneath the branches of the tree and struggled to plug it into the wall for a moment, making you giggle, but as soon as the tree was lit up, he stood up and walked back to stand by you. “Now it’s perfect!” You beamed while he wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to kiss your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” Baekhyun whispered in your ear, your smile became bigger and brighter when you looked into his loving eyes.
You pecked his lips with a soft kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Merry Christmas to you too, Baek—”
You didn’t even have time to finish saying his name because all of a sudden he snaked his arms around your waist, making you screech in surprise when he tried to lift you up from the floor and yelled at the top of his lungs: “To the bedroom, now!”
Loud giggles escaped you as you struggled to stay serious, but it was impossible when he was in a playful mood like this. “But we don’t have a bed frame yet—“
“We have a mattress and that’s enough for me!”
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
thought i would do a little surrogate au piece from jihyo’s pov for a change
Jihyo sighed as she unlocked the door. Sana had given her a key years ago, telling her she was already basically family anyway. This key had been with Jihyo and her relationship with Sana through a lot. Through Sana’s falling out with Mina and Nayeon, through the night both of them needed just any sense of comfort, through finding out they had accidentally made a baby, through the birth of their daughter, through fights with Chaeyoung. Momo and Sana’s house had always been a comforting and safe place, and this key was how she got to that place.
Tonight, she needed that comforting and safe place. Her and Chaeyoung really didn’t fight very often, and  when they did fight it was little arguments over what to eat for dinner or who paid for what. Chaeyoung was not argumentative by nature, and Jihyo never really found anything about her girlfriend that annoyed her. Recently though, they had had some arguments about moving, and it all came to a head tonight. Chaeyoung had moved into Jihyo’s place when they first moved in together, and Jihyo thought everything would be fine. But there were a lot of issues Jihyo’s place had for Chaeyoung that had built up over time. For starters, it was really far from either of their jobs. Jihyo had never minded before, it was close to Sana and Momo’s plus the rent was cheap, so the commute didn’t really bother her. But now that she had Chaeyoung in her life, the hour commute she had to take was a lot more daunting. Chaeyoung’s commute was thirty minutes, still fairly decent but not as bad as Jihyo’s, and Chaeyoung was tired of having to watch Jihyo leave so early and get back so late. Next, the apartment was old and did have a lot of issues that needed fixing. Jihyo liked to say it had charm and she was able to save a lot of money for Nico’s future by living there, but Chaeyoung was starting to get tired of things constantly breaking. Chaeyoung argued it wasn’t a great place for Nico if things were breaking all the time, and if Jihyo was going to start taking care of her more often they would have to move. Jihyo just didn’t want to give up the location. She liked being able to walk to Sana and Momo’s and being able to walk to see Nico.
At first Chaeyoung had approached it lightly, but overtime things turned ugly, all cultivating in an argument that led to Jihyo practically running to Sana and Momo’s. She had had a rough day at work, and she just needed to see her daughter. Seeing Nico always made things better. 
She knew Sana and Momo would be asleep, but she still texted them she was coming over anyway. They would both be okay with her coming over at any hour, they had both been over to her place at odd hours multiple times. The night Nico was born, Jihyo was fast asleep and since she wasn’t waking up, Momo went to her apartment at two thirty am and poured water on her face to wake her up. The night of Momo’s birthday Sana had coerced Jihyo into coming over at five am to make her pancakes, an event that ended with all of them, the one month old Nico included, somehow ending up covered in flour. Needless to say, it would not be a big deal if she was letting herself in at almost midnight, she just wanted to make sure she did give them proper warning just in case they thought she was an intruder. Jihyo opened the door slowly, it had been getting a little creaky ately and neither Momo or Sana were particularly gifted at fixing or putting things together. Chaeyoung had promised to fix it for them when she got a chance. It seems that chance hasn't come yet. 
The first thing Jihyo noticed was the sound of the TV still blaring. Momo always listened to it so loud, she was amazed Nico had been able to sleep through it at first. She guessed Nico had inherited her patience when it came to the two, because even at her tender age she was still amazing at handling her mother and Momo at their worst.
Momo was on the couch, dead asleep with a stuffed doll in her arms. Jihyo smiled at that, Momo had a habit of falling asleep in the weirdest places. Jihyo decided to move her later, she knew Momo would whine about her back tomorrow if Jihyo let her sleep on the couch all night. She did make sure to turn the tv off though, just in case a loud scene came on and woke Nico. It had never happened before, but Jihyo was always worried about it. She worried about Nico a lot. She worried if she was growing okay or if she was uncomfortable or if she needed something. A lot of people told her she worried too much, even Sana. It was just hard not to, she wasn’t around Nico twenty four seven. Sana and her didn’t live together, and Nico needed Sana to eat. Jihyo had tried watching Nico overnight once, but she had thrown a huge fit when Jihyo tried to give her a bottle and Sana had to come whisk her away and feed her. They had mentioned switching who kept Nico more often when she was older, but for now Jihyo only got to see her daughter as often as she was able to come over to Sana and Momo’s. Momo got more time with her daughter than she did, and while she loved Momo and knew the arrangement was necessary, she also couldn’t help but want to be with Nico more. 
Nico’s door was left ajar, the mobile still turned on. Jihyo slowly approached her daughter, trying her best to not wake her up. Nico was weird. Momo leaving the tv on never bothered her, but if Jihyo made too much shuffling noise she would be waking the other two people in the house.
Jihyo felt all her frustrations and anger melt away as she laid eyes on her daughter. Nico was fast asleep, a tiny bit of spit on her onesie. Jihyo couldn’t help but smile at that, grabbing a spare rag from Nico’s dresser and gently cleaning her up. “My messy girl.” Jihyo whispered as quietly as possible. “Were you good today? Mommy sent me some pictures of you doing tummy time. I know you hate it but you're almost able to hold your head by yourself, pretty girl. I heard you spit up on Auntie Momo again yesterday, I know your mommy wouldn’t encourage this but it is pretty funny it keeps happening.” Jihyo couldn’t stop herself from taking one of Nico’s tiny hands. Nico was so beautiful, so perfect. Even if the situation was a bit different than Jihyo had expected, she loved every aspect of being Nico’s mama. Nico, her perfect daughter. She was so beautiful. Jihyo had always loved how tiny her baby girl was. Her little fingers as she held onto Jihyo’s hand to the best of her ability, her little feet that would always kick Jihyo when she was changing her, she was so small. So perfect. Jihyo honestly felt so honored she got to be a part of this girl's life. 
All of her anger and frustration was gone. Nico had that magical ability over Jihyo. She just filled her heart with so much love, it was impossible to hold onto her feelings. Yes she still had to deal with them, at some point, but for now she just felt so happy. 
“Hyo?” Jihyo giggled when she heard Sana’s sleep-laced voice behind her. She felt arms wrap around her waist and Sana’s chin on her shoulder, her whole body relaxing. “I saw your text, are you okay?” “I will be.” Jihyo sighed. “Chae-she just- it’s stupid.” “She has a point. Your apartment is pretty old. I know before her you were thinking of finding something a little nicer.” Sana muttered. “I just- there’s nothing good around here. I already feel so far away, I can’t go further.” Jihyo responded. “Hyo, she’s always going to be in your life, I will always be sure of that. We are her moms, both of us are. Not just me. And no matter how far away your apartment is, that won’t change that. Your commute is so long and expensive and it’s unnecessary. If you live twenty more minutes away from us, you will still be able to see Nico whenever you want.” “Thank you Sana…” Jihyo sighed, watching as Nico turned in her sleep. Her little feet kicked out and she rolled towards her parents. “I think she’s a little warm, I’ll go set the thermostat.” “You worry too much Hyo. It’s been the same temperature every night since she came home, I don’t think things suddenly changed.” Sana giggled. “Just a couple degrees.” “Hyo.” “One degree.” Sana giggled.
“She’s okay Jihyo. I’ll text Chaeyoung that you are here. You need some sleep, come to bed.” “Woah, calm down. Nico isn’t even one yet and we promised no more accidental babies.” Sana let go of Jihyo and slapped her arm. “You know what I meant. Grab Momo if you really want supervision, I know she’s asleep on the couch.” Sana stepped away and turned off Nico’s mobile, rearranging her blankets and kissing one of Nico’s hands.
“I know that’s a nasty habit of hers.”  Jihyo muttered. “We should talk to her about it.” “Tomorrow morning.” Sana whispered. “We need to sleep, Nico’s will be awake in a few hours.” Right as Sana said that, it was like something went off in Nico. Jihyo immediately moved to grab her, Sana retreating when she saw how Jihyo was moving. Jihyo held her tightly, bouncing her. “I’ve got this, go get Momo.” “Okay.” Sana smiled, kissing one of Nico’s hands again. “Have fun with your mama sweetheart.” “Very funny.” Jihyo rolled her eyes, bumping hips with Sana. “Go.” “Of course.” Sana giggled. “Mama.” Jihyo could only stick her tongue out at Sana as Sana giggled and Nico screamed in her arms.
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mountainsluna · 4 years
secrets | part 1
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request: “The reader just started dating Mingi after breaking up with Yunho because her parents introduced her to Mingi and even when she told Yunho about this, Yunho suggested parting ways. When Mingi brings the reader home, the reader and Yunho meets each other. But none of other boys know about this. The breakup is also a bit fresh.“
pairing: mingi x reader & yunho x reader (briefly) 
genre: angst & slight fluff
word count: 1.8k
✩ [author’s note] ---
✩ masterlist
✩ requests : check bio or masterlist ♡
What you and Yunho had was a bit tricky. Yes you two considered yourselves to be in a relationship together, however, the main problem was that it had to stay hidden from absolutely everyone, especially the people closest to you.
Yunho was preparing to become a member of a new boy group soon and he thought that a relationship would only bring added worries to the other 7 trainees he was with. If the others found out, he didn’t want them to feel like they couldn’t rely on him anymore so... he decided keeping your love a secret would be his best option. In fact, he kept his two worlds so far apart, you weren’t even allowed to know about his other groupmates, claiming it was “company policy” since they hadn’t debuted yet.
You on the other hand, were the daughter of two very successful business people. Who and when you married was always said to be their decision, no matter what you wanted. Not wanting to cause any unnecessary problems for yourself, you were okay with being Yunho’s secret as he was yours as well.
Being the overly cautious person you were, you never expected to go against your parent’s wishes. That was until you met Yunho. His carefree attitude and loving personality made you fall for him in an instant. You two had met through a mutual friend during a group outing one day and as soon as you arrived, Yunho couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. The two of you ended up exchanging numbers the same night and after he got to know you, he was completely enamored by your personality. However, due to his prior commitments (that being his group) you more often than not came second to his idol life. Though, it didn’t upset you as much as you’d think, you were always busy with work and helping with the company, not to mention trying to keep him a secret as well, that it didn’t really phase you. You knew how much he liked you and just knowing that he was there to support and comfort you in your times of need was enough for you.
One evening, your parents asked you to join them for dinner as they had a guest coming to join as well. Family dinners being so insanely rare you could only imagine what kind of special guest they were having over. When you arrived they informed you that the guest of honor was no business mogul, but in fact a nice boy named Mingi. He apparently was an idol trainee whose parents owned their own chain of companies that your family had their eye on merging with. You could feel your palms getting sweaty as your heart began to race. All you could think about was Yunho.
Not too long after you, Mingi arrived, your first impression was that he was tall and handsome beyond belief, albeit a bit clumsy but for whatever reason you found it endearing. You all chatted for a few hours over dinner before your parents insisted on moving things to the living room so you’d all be more comfortable. Right around 10pm Mingi’s family driver showed up at your door to pick him up. He thanked your parents and you, taking your hand in his to place a gentle kiss on the back of your hand before walking out.
Your parents always wanted you with someone who would also inherit their family’s company, that was a given. However, Mingi was incredibly charming and smart, you could see why your parents had overlooked his idol trainee status, he was the perfect boy. Not to mention their sly comments about how they expected him to drop it all one day and just go with the flow of running his family’s company.
Following your parent’s wishes, you met up with Mingi a couple more times after that, sharing casual conversations over coffee. The more you got to know him the more you felt like you could very much see yourself dating him, it wasn’t a stretch, he was good-looking, funny, kind-hearted and your parents completely approved. Not to mention how much easier it would be, for starters, you couldn’t even remember the last time you had gone somewhere as simple and as public as a coffee shop with Yunho. He was your only worry now.
The next night you and Yunho were sitting on the rooftop outside your bedroom window. It was nearly 3am, Yunho having come over after practice when you told him you needed to talk to him in person. You told him everything about the dinner the other night and about the boy your parents wanted you to see, giving him every detail. The longer you talked the more Yunho’s face dropped. His thick brown bangs now covering his eyes as he sat with his knees against his chest. “So do you like him?” He asked, not bothering to look up.
“Do you like him?”
“I mean he’s really nice but-” “Then what’s stopping you from dating him?”
“Wha-? Yunho! I’m dating you! Did you forget? Did I become so much of a second thought to you that you forgot we were actually together?”
He turned his head towards you for the first time, his eyes squinting and jaw clenching, you knew your words had hurt him but you couldn’t take them back. You didn’t even know why you spat at him the way you did but the way he was acting had begun to upset you. Why wasn’t he trying to keep you from this other guy? Were you not as important to him as you thought?
“You’re in no position to tell me that, not when I’m just your dirty little secret.”
You were speechless.
“Just make your parents happy and date him, y/n. He can be the second idol trainee you’ve slept with.” Tears welled in your eyes as you watched him stand up and climb off of the roof. You didn’t have the nerve to stop him. Maybe it was better this way, you two could stop hiding.
It had been two weeks since your argument with Yunho and neither of you had spoken a word to each other since. Over the past week, Mingi grew more and more eager to take you out on a proper date as his girlfriend and after little thought, you agreed. You realized you’d have to move on sooner or later and why not with this cute boy that absolutely adored you and wanted nothing more than to be yours?
Boyfriend Mingi was even more than you expected him to be, he was a whole gentleman. Opening doors for you, making sure to call you every night and text you every morning. It felt nice to go out on dates in public, to be shown off wherever you went. Mingi loved having you on his arm and he made sure you knew how proud he was to have you as his girlfriend. When he told you about one of his group mates having a small birthday party at their dorm and that he wanted to take you to introduce you, you tried as hard as you could to decline. You didn’t want to intrude, you’d be the only outsider there. You also remembered how scared Yunho had been about his members even knowing about you, you couldn’t help but be worried about what Mingi’s group would think of you.
“Baby, I talk about you all the time to them I know they’re gonna love you! They all see how happy you make me and they’re gonna be with me for a really long time, just like I hope you will be.” After an entire week of reassurances and numerous puppy dog eyes from Mingi, you decided to attend to make him happy. Maybe it would all go great and they’d accept you.
Mingi was the one to answer the door when you arrived and you were so incredibly thankful, the bright smile on his face alone was enough to calm your nerves. He kissed you softly before taking your hand in his, leading you into the dorm. You immediately noticed three boys sitting on the living room sofa bickering loudly about the music choice. Your entrance quieting them instantly as they moved to introduce themselves. Their names were San, Jongho and Wooyoung, San being the only one to not shake your hand, opting for a hug instead. He claimed to be Mingi’s best friend before a Wooyoung began yelling at him from the other side of the room.
“Let’s get you a drink while they entertain themselves.” Mingi suggested, leading you into the kitchen where you met Hongjoong, Seonghwa and the birthday boy Yeosang. They were all incredibly handsome and polite and you instantly felt so comfortable around them. They were all so nice, you regretted ever feeling so nervous to meet them in the first place. You five chatted awhile before they one by one made their way into the living room until you and Mingi were alone.
“So, baby, what do you think of them?” He asked, casually wrapping his arms around you.
“Everyone is so sweet, I didn’t expect them to like me so quickly.”
“I told you, you had absolutely nothing to worry about.” He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your lips before the sound of someone clearing their throat behind you caught your attention. You turned around and felt your heart drop to your stomach.
It was Yunho.
“Oh hey!” Mingi started, moving from your side to throw his arm around Yunho playfully. “This is the person I wanted you to meet the most, he’s been with me through so much.”
The shock you felt in that moment was incomparable to anything else, you had never felt so cornered in your life. Your legs felt like jello and you swore you could even feel your stomach twisting inside you as Yunho’s piercing eyes stared back at you, the fakest smile you had ever seen plastered on his face. “Hi I’m Yunho, it’s nice to meet you! Mingi’s told me so much about you.”
“H-Hi I-I’m y/n.” You prayed Mingi wouldn’t notice your stuttering but if he had, he didn’t address it. The way Yunho’s hand felt in yours as you greeted each other was deadly, it only lasted a second yet the coldness of it was enough to kill you.
He knew. He knew Mingi the entire time. It was his best friend.
“You guys don’t have to be so formal! I want you two to get along the most.” The soft encouraging smile on Mingi’s face told you that he had absolutely no idea that you two had ever known each other.
“In time, Mingi.” Yunho said bluntly before grabbing a bottle of water from the counter behind you, his body lightly brushing past you as he left the room. You were on the verge of either passing out or screaming but before you could do either, Mingi’s hands were on your shoulders as he guided you out of the kitchen.
“He’s been kinda moody the past few weeks, I swear he’s not usually that reserved. I’m sure once he’s back to normal he’ll warm up to you so don’t take it personally. Now let’s go with the others!”
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michaelbfanfic · 4 years
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“So we’re defiantly doing the French Alps next week”
“Just for a week?”
I questioned Lori as we went for our morning run. I’ve really been taking a break from everything. Movies, Directing, and Boxing just to focus on the business aspect of life. I stopping to smell the flowers rather than work myself to death.
“I mean, I say a week because of work. But I mean we can do longer”
I shrugged. Like I said, I had no commitments at the time. My Billion dollar.  Where do I start. My name is Michael B Jordan. I’m 30 years old and I am worth $85.112 Billion. How? Easy I decided at a young age I wasn’t going to be hungry forever. I made sure to work smart with my funds and it took me a long way. I realized early I was more than just TV and so I decided to be more than just movies and TV.
I am the CEO Of  Whitley J Incorporation. We invests in and holds dozens of major public and private companies. As part of our portfolio, my company also owns and operates several self-titled companies, including Toussaint Home Services of America and WJ Direct Insurance Company. But apart from our branded companies, WJ does a bit more than provide insurance. In 2017, WJ companies and holdings contribute a variety of commodities and services to the market - including producing computers and electronic products, providing insurance, producing clothing, serving food products, automotive products and services and much more. 
Although I originally started out primarily in the textile industry, I’ve grown to become a conglomerate that invests in a diverse group of major companies and provides the prime example of my famous value investing strategy. 
 I have 100% ownership in multimillion and billion dollar companies. And not all of them are the same. I’ll name a few. For starters, Billups Brick Company, it’s construction, I own it 100%. AlterLinks, Electric Transmission, I own it 100%, and it’s also a  subsidiary of WJ Energy. I mean the list is long, jewelry, auto sales, utilities, Insurance, Bond Insurance, Media,  Logistics, Food and Beverage, Pipeline, Clothing, Luxury, Jets, Furniture, Sports Equipment,  Pharmaceuticals, Materials and Construction, as I said before the list exceeds my age of life. Plus more. 
“Well if you leave baby, I might not come back with you right away”
She shrugged and nodded her head.
“Okay. That’s fine”
Pecking my lips she jogged ahead leaving me behind to catch up. My relationship with Lori was.... nice. I mean she’s younger than me, our view on a few things aren’t the same at all. And where as I wanna chill, she wants to go out and shit. I mean I like going out but, sometimes quality time at him is a better move. 
Feeling my phone vibrate in my phone, I stopped, turning around to see the security car behind me stop as well. Raising the phone to my ear I cleared my throat and began to speak.
Michael: Wassup Johnathan.
Johnathan: Hey man, you got a second
I looked at my watch. This was my don’t disturb hours, but obviously homie had something important to say.
Michael: Yeah wassup
Johnathan: Do you know a Kianna De La Oz?
I didn’t even need time to remember the name. First of all, she’s a well know hairstylist. From LA, to ATL, to NY, to Miami, country wide, she’s a big deal. Oh, and we use to mess around before me and Lori became a item. After I told her I was in a relationship, she dipped out. I still regret that day. I had feelings for her, and no doubt cared about her. 
She didn’t want a relationship on public display though, and that bothered me. I should have went about shit differently. I haven’t heard from her in like 3 years I think.
Michael: Yeah, I know her
Johnathan: Yeah well, she reached out to me through my friend which is also her sister, saying she has a 3 year old daughter by you.
I stopped. Laughing to myself, I rubbed the top of my head. A lot of shit started running through my head. Lori, this child, and seeing Kianna again after years. Damn.
Michael: Uh... damn... uhm
Johnathan: We don’t need  to react at all until there’s a DNA test in place and we confirm it.
I nodded. Not that I needed a DNA test. Kianna was never that type of female. She was too involved in her work to fuck around on me like i did on her. Lori still doesn’t know that while we were in the talking phase I was fucking someone else.
Michael: Just um.... text me her number.
Johnathan: Okay
Hanging up, I exhaled and continued jogging. 
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So I did it, I allowed Kendall to reach out to her friend, then I spoke with him. It was time to receive help, her father’s help. And besides that I know how much I adore my father, so no matter how me and Mike ended, I’d hate for her to miss out on that type of love. 
Sadly though, that was this morning, and I still haven’t heard back from either Johnathan or Mike, so I’m not really even worrying about it. I am however happy it’s Friday. This weekend is my weekend off. Ima find something for me and my girl to do.
“Did you have a better day today?”
I questioned AnnDrew, looking at her in my rear view. She nodded with a bright smile as we pulled up to Starbucks. One thing another is she’ll tell on her self. When she was spitting and shit she started crying as soon as I walked into her classroom door.
She be knowing when she’s wrong which is why she get’s her ass beat. She knows thoroughly right from wrong. I don’t spare her.
“Good baby. And you need to keep it that way, understand me?”
“Yes mommy?”
Pulling up to the window, I rolled down my window and prepared to place my order.
“Welcome to Starbucks! What can we get for you today?”
Looking at the menu, I took my time as if I ain’t been to this shit before.
“Hey, can I get a Birthday cake pop as well as 2 Vanilla Bean Frap’s. One mini and the other venti. Also can you add caramel to both”
“Yes ma’am absolutely. You’re total is $9.35″
“Thank you”
Pulling up for the next person to order, my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, thinking it could be family or something, I answered.
Kianna: Hello
Michael: KiKi. It’s Michael
My stomach dropped and my heart began to race. Calming my breathing and the thoughts that were beginning to overwhelm me, I took a deep breath and responded.
Kianna: Uh hey.. hey
Getting to the window, I stumbled getting out my card to pay for my stuff. 
Michael: Wassup. Are you able to meet up. Or can I come by.
This was not the reaction I was expecting. But then again, he knew just the fuck better. One thing I’m not is a hoe, he can look at AnnDrew and dead see that she’s all him. She has my hair, that’s about it.
“Here you go. Have a good day”
“You too”
I spoke grabbing the drinks and cake-pop. Handing Kenya her snack, I exhaled and pulled off.
Kianna: I... umm.... You can...we
Michael: I’ll just come by. Send me your address
Kianna: Okay
Quickly hanging up, I calmed down a bit then looking back at AnnDrew who could give not a shit about anything as she tore her cake-pop up.
7:04 pm
"Whose that on TV?”
I questioned Kenya. This was usually my time to not only watch her favorite shows but test her knowledge, pick her brain and brush up on her conversation skills.
“Dat’s poppy?”
I gave her a surprised face watching as she continued eating from her bag of chips.
“Poppy. Okay, and what color is her hair”
“Ummm... pink”
I smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek. Returning back to the TV, I then heard the doorbell. It was him. My heart began to race and my stomach dropped once again. Getting myself together, I got up and walked to the front door. Opening it, there he stood with his security in the driveway.
I didn’t say anything, I just stepped to the side. Walking in, he looked around closing the door behind him then following me into the kitchen. Kenya could give a damn, she was in her own world. Didn’t even budge.
Leading him to the kitchen, I handed him a water bottle and we sat at the island. There was a silence, and I watched as he looked over at Kenya he in between her falling asleep ate a few chips.
“Why didn’t you tell me about her?”
“Come on now. You was in a whole relationship. Let’s not forget that part”
He shrugged, allowing his eyes to land on me.
“Still, I would have dropped everything for ya’ll, for her”
I scoffed.
“Listen, my reason was valid. To protect you, me and her. I didn’t want her twisted up in shit, I didn’t want people in my business, and I didn’t want to smear your name”
It’s crazy how even when we’re hurt, we still seem to try and protect black men. I could have aired him out, went to court and all. But one day my daughter would see the hostility, so I opted to not take it that far. 
“So what we gonna do?”
I shrugged. I’ve never shared her before, this was new to me.
“I don’t know. I’m all she knows”
“Well I wanna get to know her as well. I have a part in that. I’m her father”
I nodded. 
“How about this. Talk to your girlfriend about it, this is more than us. Talk to her, come and visit her every day. Stop by her school. let her get use to you. Then we can talk about her spending time with you”
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wxlawson · 4 years
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[ WAGNER ‘WOODY’ LAWSON. 42. CISMALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ THREE YEARS ] and are originally from [ TENESEE]. They are a [ MANAGER AT A DUDE RANCH ] and in their downtime love [ COLT STARTING ] and [ TAKING NAPS IN THE HAYLOFT ]. They look a lot like [ MILO VENTIMIGLIA] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]
Name: Wagner ‘Woody’ Lawson
Age: Forty-Two
Birthday: January 25, 1979
Sign: Aquarius
Home: Quaint two-bedroom home with a small yard
Occupation: Manager at a dude ranch
Character Quote: “Sometimes I feel like Jesse James / Still tryin’ to make a name / Knowing nothing’s gonna change what I am” ~Troubadour by George Strait
Pos. Traits: Hard-Working, Steady, Humble
Neg. Traits: Blunt, Firm, Dissonant
Likes: farm work, aged whiskey, loping through the open country
Dislikes: people who push around others, well-done steak, warm beer
Aesthetic: tennessee whiskey, the smell of fresh hay, roping
Born in Tennessee Wagner Lawson was raised along the banks of Mississippi mud, never given a chance to be anything but the down-home country boy, which had always suited Wagner just fine. His daddy was a colt starter and former rodeo champion, having won national titles for roping and reining. From the moment Wagner could waddle he was following his daddy around everywhere, at first just watching as his father worked and as he got older helping with the chores himself. He found that spending time tending to the many horses cathartic and volunteered for just about any chore that would get him around them. Never once did he need to be asked to pitch in to do what was needed at the family ranch, from picking vegetables in the garden for his mama to helping his daddy check the cattle fences. As far as most childhoods go, his was pretty perfect. Sure, sometimes his dad drank too much and sometimes his mom just would not stop fussing over him, but he had no cause to complain.
His father, seeing his boy take an interest in horses at such a young age decided to help Wagner begin to follow in his footsteps. As a kid he enrolled Wagner in the pee-wee portion of rodeos where his wife would take pictures of the young boy struggling to stay on the back of a wildly running sheep, but in the end, he stayed on. He almost always did. With natural talent like that his father was quick to get his son started on the path to becoming a bull-rider. His mama threw fits and got into fights with his daddy, it was too dangerous, he could be hurt, killed even, but as he got older and started to have a mind of his own there was nothing that he wanted to do more. So he practiced, and practiced. By sixteen he was competing on broncs, a safer alternative to the bull, and was cleaning up at junior rodeos, his room becoming full of belt buckles, the tack room full of all the special made trophy tack he had won. But being bucked was far from his only talent. At age ten he had broke his very first colt and at twelve he was winning local roping competitions. He even became adept at helping his dad sort and catch cattle, something he was never fond of but did anyways as it was expected of him. Despite how it sounds, his childhood wasn’t all work. While never the best in school he managed to get passing marks and had a group of boys he roughhoused and fucked around with who were constantly getting him into trouble as a teenager.
Fast forward a few years and he was one of the hottest young bull riders to hit the circuit. But his career as a rider didn’t last as long as anyone would have hoped. The reason? He fell in love. Some would have called the pretty woman he fell in love with a buckle bunny, what with her affinity of dating all the big rodeo stars, but when him and her spent one night together the rest was history. Now twenty-two and married with a baby on the way, Wagner knew he could not be as hell mell as he had been for the past few years. He now had a family to think about; and so, he quit bull riding and switched exclusively to broncs. It was still dangerous, but the risks less than if he was on the back of a bull. Life went on and for the most part the little family was happy, until tragedy struck. On the night of his twenty-eighth birthday, with his wife and little girl in the stands, he overtightened the strap around his hand. At first everything seemed to be going well, he had one of his best times, but as he threw himself off the bucking bronco his hand caught. It was an instant disaster. The animal began to panic, bucking harder and higher, with Wagner hanging on for dear life. His only blessing was that the first hoof to his head knocked him out cold. He was rammed into the side of the fence and drug for minutes before those in charge of wrangling the horse were finally able to calm it down. In the midst of the chaos, his wife, fretting over her husband, had not noticed her daughter slip down through the stands calling out for her daddy. No one noticed her presence in the ring until it was too late. All it took was one wrong move from the frightened animal and the sunshine of Wagner’s life was no more.
The blow to Wagner’s own head had been so severe that he was kept in a medically induced coma for two-weeks, giving the wounded flesh time to heal. When he awoke, his whole world was shattered. He grieved, and as he did his grief turned to anger. Anger at the situation, anger at the long arduous healing process, and anger at himself. But all that anger had to go somewhere, and with the only person around during his recovery being his wife, she took the brunt of it. It took him a little over a year to fully heal physically, and during that time he began to develop a dependency on his pain medication. He spent his days sitting in front of the tv drinking beer after beer on top of the opiates as his wife worked in a small diner to try and keep the roof over their heads. One day, a year and half after the tragic accident, the woman had decided that she had had enough. She gave Wagner an ultimatum, get help or she was gone. It led to largest fight yet, a massive blowout that made it clear where Wagner stood.
At that point he was nearing thirty and with nowhere else to go moved back in with his parents. His father though older now was still tough as nails and no patience for his son’s pansiness as he called it. He put Wagner to work. Sober or not he was expected to help, and if he didn’t, God help him. At first he railed, his rage boiling over and eclipsing everything. Rather than argue with his son, the elder Lawson simply gave him a new task. It would be his only job- start the colts. It was something Wagner had used to excel at, but his anger and rage at the horse’s mis compliance made things difficult. The gentle animals became scared of him and began to lash out. One colt in particular, a beautiful bay, resented Wagner more than any of the others, and he let him know it. That was Wagner’s wake up call. He ended up forming a bond with that colt that pulled him out of his stupor and set him back on track. His special relationship with that animal also earned him a nickname, Woody, because wherever Woody went, Buzz followed. Buzz and Woody quickly began racking up wins in roping and reining competitions, and for the next years, Woody allowed himself to feel the happiness that had come into his life. The two traveled all over the countryside, with Woody picking up odd jobs such as stable hand or working cowboy. Until one competition where in the middle Buzz came up lame with an injury too bad to fix, leaving Woody the tough choice of having to put his beloved companion down.
The loss of his friend sent Wagner ass-first back into the destructive patterns of his life, drugs and alcohol once more waging war inside his body. Only this time he wasn’t a young man, and the substances were taking a heavy toll on his health, not that he cared. His parents, unable to reach him, packed his things and kicked him out. Woody’s father, unable to completely give up on his son, reached out to an old friend who owned a dude ranch an hour outside of LA. For over a year Woody lived there, forced to claw his way back to sobriety through back-breaking labor. The option was always there for him to quit the job, fend for himself, but the company of the horses and being the source of looking after their well-being brought him back from the brink much like it had the last time. A year and a half later he was completely back on the wagon, though he can be known to slip with the drinking whenever the subject of his daughter is brought to the forefront of his mind, mainly around birthdays, his and hers, as well as holidays. 
Wanting more independence Woody turned in his resignation, thanking his father’s friend for getting him back on his feet. Much to his surprise, rather than accept his two weeks notice, he offered Woody a promotion: to oversee the entire running of the dude ranch. It is a big job and one he takes very seriously, knowing that the overall welfare of the horses depends on him, even if he is no longer responsible for their day to day care. That was three years ago.
Since then he’s moved into an apartment at Oasis Apartments in Silver Lake, a place where he could have his freedom yet still manage his responsibilities. Anyone who’s ever been inside his apartment will say it looks like a country movie blew up, with saddles scattered on stands throughout the place and rodeo memorabilia hung up throughout, but for him, it’s the closet thing to home.
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lixrk · 4 years
plot call + muse update!
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HELLO EVERYONE !!! my hiatus is ending soon so i wanted to make this post before it does to ‘get ready’ in a sense lol. anyways! first of all, lix finally quit his job as a host in a host club took him a while i know and has decided to... *drum roll* do youtube full-time! wow, amazing!
what does he do on his youtube channel?
dance covers, most of them he choreographed himself. he started doing vocal covers too!
he also vlogs, you know, for the views
mukbang with an assortment of cheap junk food
if you’re also a friend of his there’s an 80% chance he’ll try to drag you into his videos
AND NOW FOR THE PLOT CALL !!! i’ve been... super horrible with interacting with most of the people on here because i just stick to twitter for plotting and well, i don’t have all of you on twitter... and i wanted to change that! i want lix to meet a lot of your muses as well as make more meaningful connections, after all. so! this is an attempt at that!
under the cut i’ll be listing a few plot ideas that might interest you guys. please LIKE THIS POST if you want me to slide into your dms for plotting. you can also REPLY WITH A SONG TITLE if you want me to write up a random starter for you (based on a prompt generator or a sentence starter). thanks a lot and i’m looking forward to writing with all of you!
additionally, you can reach out to me on twitter (@wowyoungie) and discord (ask for the id) if you’re as bad with tumblr ims as i am (although i’m awful at messaging in general,,, i’ll do my best though!! i promise!!)
a very close friend of his, his ride or die. they probably knew each other for a long while, and is aware that lix is... running away from his rich family lol
the one friend that helped him polish his korean... he owes you big time. he’ll share his pizza with you everyday
that friend that let him stay at their place when he just returned to korea before he moved out and found a proper roommate... this friend can be the same one that helps him re-polish his korean if you want!
since his family goes to korea every summer, friends that he made during those times!! he’d treasure every friendship... regardless of how often you meet up!
as of lix’s birthday, his dear roommate bought them two cute bunnies! maybe we can make a plot around that. he loves gushing over his bunny (which he hasn’t named... help him with that maybe hAHA).
people he can drag into his videos! it doesn’t have to surround dancing, he does random challenges too (for the views...) and you just somehow get dragged into it. he’s super embarrassed but you know, you do what you have to do. join in on his discount mukbang too
those who were his clients back when he was a host. his host persona and his real persona is a very different. in reality he’s mostly shy and easily embarrassed. maybe you ran into him expecting host lix but he’s just embarrassed and panicking and ‘omg they’ll think i’m so lame outside of work’
lix is a person that gets jealous quite easily. he still doesn’t have his life structured properly and you seem like you do. you seem to know what you want, meanwhile lix doesn’t, he barely knows himself. he admires you for that, but he also feels envious. bonus if you two are friends and it’s only a matter of time before he explodes on you
people his parents forced him to befriend, and though when he still lived under their roof he did befriend you, after he ran away he never contacted you ever again. he doesn’t know whether the friendship the two of you had was real, nor does he want to find out
alternatively, people his parents forced him to befriend, but he just doesn’t like you (and maybe you feel the same way or not). he tries not to let it show at the time, but after running away he starts treating you differently
he’s a bit awful at keeping up with debuted idols. teach him about them! make him stan a group! please please please! you can be his stan twt educator. he’ll do his best to keep up
trainee friends! he’s kind of jealous of you but he really wants to learn from you. whether you were friends before you became a trainee or after, it’s free real estate!
maybe you work as a delivery person, and you’re wondering why the hell this guy keeps ordering food at late hours into the night. he’s a night owl, mostly because of his previous job as a host club that usually occurs at night, and also because... he’s an insomniac
exes. can work with girls even though he’s gay because it took him a long time to come to terms with it
if a girl, he probably didn’t give you all his attention. he doesn’t initiate any sort of physical affection, which might be the first thing that tipped you off that he isn’t as invested in the relationship as you are. 
if a boy, you probably witnessed his meltdown and insecurities firsthand. it was probably a quick relationship, because he panicked and couldn’t handle the pressure at all, ending things abruptly even though at the time he probably did like you. he just couldn’t handle the idea of being out of the closet
one night stands... that says it all. whether you were friends beforehand and got drunk and made mistakes or you were lonely strangers... anything is free!
friends with benefits... need i say more. could be a past thing, and now your friendship is on the verge of shattering or something
the one that got away? maybe you had feelings for him before. he knew about it, but pretended not to, because feelings are scary and his insecurities were just about ready to eat him up. whether you decide not to confess or you did and he let you down, things are a bit rocky now
an unrequited crush
on your part, it’s pretty much established that he’s awful at feelings so, that isn’t fun
on his part, it’s most likely a past thing. he was too scared to say anything about it, or maybe he did and you let him down, causing him to harbour a lot of regrets and ‘fuck i shouldn’t have said anything’ but time heals wounds and now he just misses having you as a friend
#rkcollab: collab time! lix is eager to learn more rapping and whatnot since he’s a beginner, but he also just wants to sing with friends on his youtube channel
#rkdanceoff: listen,,, he’ll love to have a dance-off with literally anyone, he’ll most likely upload it to his youtube channel too. be his competition! it’ll be fun, he won’t go down easy
#rkcharity: charity time! let’s do this! either you dragged him into it or vice versa. either way he’s not gonna half-ass this
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gyeomork · 5 years
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(jackson wang x reader) 
genre: fluff, light smut, college au
warnings: sexual content, mild cursing
word count: 3.8k
a/n: i don’t capitalize my letters in this so if that bothers you, i’m sorry :( also italicized words mean they’re speaking english. also i lol don’t know what im talking about with all that “reading people” shit i just took a wyld guess but i hope you enjoy anyway ^3^
i enter my first class of the year, psychology 3. i take a seat, not really paying attention to who i sat next to. i take my laptop out of my backpack, place it on the table, flip it open and get ready to take notes. it was a new school year and i was not about to slack anymore. sophomore year was a complete shit show and i could not afford that this year, literally. i was skipping class like it was an olympic sport but guess what? tuition still had to be paid. i open up google docs and title the new document ‘19/8/19 notes, assignments & hw ’. the professor begins to speak and my full attention is now on her.
an hour passes and the class was wrapping up. “ok class the homework is for you all to make a powerpoint presentation on the person sitting next to you. you must analyze them as a person, describe their character traits and so on and so forth. think of it as an ice breaker activity and a way to make a new friend. more instructions will be posted online. i count 24 of you so i expect 24 emails on friday 23/8/19. presentations will be the following monday, if there are any questions feel free to email me. class dismissed.” i close my laptop and reach for my bag when i hear a deep familiar voice next to me say “hey! how’s it going?” i look to my right and see jackson, jackson wang. god not again. this man was handsome to say the very very least and a heart throb. i should know because i had him in psych 2 last year. we would almost always end up having to do a project together and almost always turn it in 2 minutes before it was due. it’s not like we were the best of friends and every time we met up we didn’t do work, it was just that we never really did meet up. every time he would text and ask i would be too scared to be in the same place as him because of how intimidated he made me feel. when we did meet up it was the night before so i absolutely had to go, for the sake of his grade. we wouldn’t talk much but when we did he was, for the most part, really nice. “hi.. jackson. it’s going.. good” i say quietly. “oh, that’s good. well if you’re free right now we could go get coffee to jumpstart this little project” god he had the cutest smile on his face. “oh yeah sure just let me get packed up” i said trying to avoid his gaze like the black plague.
after to fumbling with my belongings under the immense pressure his eyes were putting me under, we were finally able to leave. on the walk to the cafe, jackson sparks up conversation. “so, y/n, last year we never really talked much and i was a little let down because you actually seemed really cool. so i’m glad i get to do this project with you. i wanna get to know you” he looks over to me and grins widely. i return a small smile back. “where are you from?” he asked sounding genuinely curious. “the states” i mentally curse at myself for giving such a short, dry answer but he hums anyway. “i’m from china but i came here for a change, you know” “yup” i curse at myself again. a small silence passes, extra emphasis on small. “since you’re from the states do you-“ “speak english? yes” we both chuckle and god he was adorable. “oh cool so we could have our own semi-secret language” i give him a ‘you’re ridiculous’ look and we chuckle again. “so did you teach yourself english or did you go to an international school?” finally! i’m making semi-decent conversation. “international but i did do some studying on my own. so what about you? how did you learn hangul?” “ i loved watching and still do love watching dramas so one day i just got really annoyed with having to read the subtitles and just started teaching myself. i never really expected myself to get proficient at it, it just happened. then i thought i should put some use to it more than just dramas so i came here” wow the way i just rambled on just then. “ so how do you like it here?” he continues with the questions. “at first it was kind of hard to get used to because i went from using english every day and using hangul sometimes to using hangul every day and english sometimes” jackson nods in understanding. “ and then there are slang words that you need to learn and sayings and really understand the culture” he adds on. “ yes! exactly” regret of being so intimidated of him last year now fills me. he’s so easy to talk to. ugh am i stupid?
we reach the cafe and he opens the door for me “let me get that for you” “kam-sa-hap-nee-da!” i said in the most american accent i could do and he lets out an actual laugh that ascends me to the heavens. we both join the medium sized line. “you can just tell me what you want so you can go have a seat and i’ll bring it to you” this man is an angel. “iced americano, venti sized please and thank you” i say with a close-mouthed smile. “coming right up” he reciprocates the same smile. i make my way to a small booth in the corner by the window. i take out a small notepad and jot down things i’ve noticed about jackson. eventually, i get lost in thinking about how sweet he is and how easy he is to talk to and how his laugh is opposite of his deep voice and how his smile makes him look like a baby and then how he turns all hot again and oh my god i have a crush on jackson. like a cue, jackson comes and sets his and my coffee down and takes a seat across from me “thank you so much” “no problem” we both take a sip in unison. “analyzing me already?” he asks grabbing my notepad. all i had written was ‘really good energy’. really y/n? what the hell is that supposed to mean? he makes a ‘not bad’ face and sets my notepad back in front of me. i keep sipping and look out the window. “ok, ok” i could see him trying to hold in a snicker in the corner of my eye. i whip my neck to look and him and ask swiftly “what? why ‘ok ok’? what?”. “hm? nothing” he replies, still trying to hold in that laugh. “wah~ making fun of me already. at least i have something written down” he raises his eyebrows at me. “i have plenty of stuff written down in my head” “oh really?” i say in disbelief. “yes!” “ok. then prove it” i sit back and cross my arms. “just in the last 10 minutes, the things i’ve noticed ok. ready?” i just nod. “shy; when you laughed or smiled you didn’t show teeth. closed off; you chose the booth furthest away from other people. passive; you did nothing when i snatched your notepad. trusting; you trusted me with your drink and that i didn’t do anything to it. physical traits; well put together, pretty-“ i felt my face heat up and i had to stop him. “alright, alright you proved your point.” i waved him off and he laughs. “you asked for it” he says, laughter still in his voice. “i asked for you to prove yourself not show off” i say fake sulkily and extra pouty. he laughs even louder and makes a few heads turn. “ok jackson! people are looking.” i whisper shout and smile at him fully this time. “oh! you’re smiling” he points “you’re not shy around me anymore!” “ok you have to teach me how to read people like that” i rest my hand on my chin and my elbow on the table. “well, for starters, we could go back to the ‘getting to know you’ questions. so, when’s your birthday?”
after hours of talking, we had to leave simply because the cafe was closing. jackson looks at his watch and widens his eyes. “it’s 22:58 (10:58 pm). oh my god. do you have class tomorrow? i’m so sorry for keeping you out so late, i’ll walk you home. where do you live? oh my god i’m really so sorry” he apologized profusely. “no” i say flatly. “n-no?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “i don’t have class tomorrow it’s fine” i let out breathy laugh. “do you?” i raise my brows at him. “no” he sighs out in relief. “alright come on. let me walk you home” i barely take two steps when i stop and drop my head into my hands. “my.. RA. it’s past curfew. i’m dead” i say defeated. “oh my friend i can stay with- she has class tomorrow and she’s probably sleeping” i say gaining hope and losing it instantly. “i guess i’ll just take the warning, it’s only one” i start dragging my feet i the direction of my dorm. “you could.. stay the night with me. my RA isn’t as strict with the rules”. was that nervousness i heard in his voice? jackson? the same jackson that told me stories of him being bold and fearless? jackson? wang? never. “i don’t want to be a burden-“ i wave him off. “ you won’t be” he insists. i look into his eyes and really sink deep into those two chocolate pools. all that is visible is purity and good intentions; i trust him. “ok” i smile. “thank you” “no problem”
we get to his dorm and as he is unlocking the door he informs me that his 3 other roommates won’t be there until late that night so we’re safe from the teasing. he opens the door and lets me in first. it’s dark until jackson comes in and turns on the kitchen light. he sits around the island and i join him. i take this time to look around. right across from the kitchen was the living room that was in good shape for 3 boys, diagonal of the living room was the laundry room that was neat too, there was a walkway from the front door in between the laundry room and the kitchen leading to the living room, and one long hallway/walkway passing in between the living room and the kitchen continuing both ways to god knows where. there was also a sliding door in the living room leading to the balcony. “you must be hungry. do you want me to cook or is takeout ok?” come to think of it i haven’t eaten since lunch.  i was so absorbed in jackson that i didn’t even realize how hungry i am. “yeah, takeout is fine” “is pizza ok?” he says pulling out his phone. “oh pizza is more than ok” i say, starting to get excited “ok miss pizza what would you like on it?” “pepperoni please~” “alright.. and the pizza is on it’s way” he hops off the chair with ‘hmph’. he walks over to me and holds his hand out to help me down. “thank you” i take his hand and get off the chair. “come on i’ll give you everything you need”. he leads me to his room at the end of the short hallway without letting go of my hand. he turns on fairy lights that aren’t too bright but are enough to make everything visible. he turns to the left to his walk-in closet to retrieve me a hoodie and some sweatpants. he tells me that when i go in the bathroom there should be an extra toothbrush behind the mirror. i say thank you for the 100th time today and go to sit on his bed to wait for him. “i can put something on if you want” he come and sits next to me on the bed. “mm..” i think about all the shows that i need to catch up on and finally choose one. “can you put on ‘he is psychometric’?” “ohh yes! what episode are you on?” he gets excited. “the last one and it’s so good, i just never have time to watch” “me either” he puts it on the tv and the pizza arrives. “that was quick” i say shocked because my pizza takes at least an hour to come. “yeah the place is right down the block; convenient” he comes back to the room with pizza and shuts the door.
we finish ‘he is psychometric’ and both of the pizzas. “i’m gonna go change” i take jackson’s clothes to the bathroom. i change into the comfy clothes that smells like him and brush my teeth. i pull my hair into a bun that i ruled ok for jackson to see and leave the bathroom. “oh you look good in my clothes but don’t go stealing it now” he says like he’s my father and gives me a stern look. i giggle and say “ok” sarcastically. he goes in the bathroom to change as well. i pull my notepad and pencil out my bag and sit in front of what seems to be his work desk. i write more analyzations and now have to flip the page thanks to jackson teaching me how to properly read people. i’m on a roll until jackson presses his hands on my shoulders and yells “boo!” “oh my god!” i jump and turn around in the swivel chair. “i’m sorry i had to” he laughs at me hysterically. “yah~ don’t do that! stop laughing!” i smack him on the shoulder repeatedly. “ok ok, yah!” he grabs hold of my wrists and is now inches away from my face; staring into my eyes. “i-i’m tired. where can i sleep?” i had to break the growing silence. jackson lets go and backs away “you can sleep on my bed, i’ll set up on the couch” he said walking towards the door. “no” i command, stopping him in his tracks. “ when the guys get home they’re going to ask why you’re on the couch and from the stories you’ve told me, you’re not a good liar” he turns back around but still doesn’t move. “you’re right” he says grinning. “well get on the bed so that when i turn off the lights you won’t trip and break your neck” “alright, no need to reference that traumatic story ok, that was a very scary experience” i say getting on the bed. “i’m just saying if you had a night light-“ “ok! jackson! good night!”
i was on the edge of sleep when i felt a heavy arm fall around my waist and a warm body touching all of my back side. steady breathing was blowing on the baby hairs on the back of my neck. he was sleeping. i suddenly started to feel uncomfortable in the position i was in and couldn’t take it anymore. while adjusting and re-adjusting my lower half, i inevitably brush up against jackson’s area. he didn’t respond so i assumed he just didn’t feel it so i continued on the quest to getting comfortable, all the while rubbing against him with my ass. suddenly jackson grips my hip. “you better stop playing with me” he growls lowly into my ear, ultimately ruining my new underwear i got from victoria secret on sale but i couldn’t possibly be mad at him. the ache in my core was way too strong to ignore so i reply as seductively as i could “who said i was playing?” while pushing up against him. he groans and i feel him grow beneath me. he attaches his lips to my neck and sucks and nips and licks away. he finds my spot at the base of my neck and i let out a low moan. when he feels as of though he’s left a satisfactory mark, he licks and kisses the spot. he turns me to face him and wastes no time in connecting his lips to mine. passion begins to fill the room as he climbs on top of me. the hands that are on my waist start travelling under his hoodie i had on. his warm hands on my bare skin was setting me on fire. one of his legs that was positioned between my legs started to rub against my core. i moan loudly into his mouth and he doesn’t miss his chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. i break the kiss to catch my breath and jackson moves back to my neck to leave more marks. i was lost in my own pleasure when i come to my senses. “jackson” i breathe out. he removes his lips from my neck for a brief moment “yes baby”. “what about the guys?” “fuck the guys” he tugs at the bottom of his hoodie and he looks up at me asking for permission. i nod and he removes the hoodie swiftly as he begins kissing his way down my body.
i wake up the next morning with the comforter covering more than half of my face so the sunlight seeping through the window didn’t bother me too much. i was initially startled about where i was but i soon remembered. then i remember the events of the night before. i turn around to see the beautiful man that shared the events of the night before with me. the light highlighting his features perfectly. from his fluffy, messy hair to his soft, plump lips. i move to brush away the hair that was in his face and move down to caress his cheek. how did this even happen? and how did it happen so quickly? i guess it’s the jackson effect. he flutters his eyes open and when he sees me, he immediately gives the softest smile. he pulls me closer in his arms and whispers “good morning princess”. i hum and say good morning back. “how’d you sleep?” he kisses my forehead. “really good” i take a deep breath, inhaling his intoxicating natural scent. we stay like that for a while until we realize that we have to leave before the guys wake up and tease us. or the extreme awkwardness considering the fact that we may or may not have gotten a noise complaint. jackson gives me fresh clothes to leave in and i freshen up, doing most but not all of my morning routine due to the shortage of time. i grab my bag and exit the room with him. we’re walking down the hallway when i forget my notepad on his work desk and go back for it. on the way back to him i hear voices coming from the living room, i stay out of sight to eavesdrop. “jackson i swear to god you should do my- no our homework for the next week” one voice says, putting emphasis on ‘our’. “i shut my door, turn my music on my speaker up all the way, and even covered my ears with 2 pillows but could still fucking hear you two. jackson i swear to god if you don’t warn us next time” another voice says and lets out a deep sigh. “you guys i’m sorry i really didn’t plan-“ another voice cuts him off . “no you’re not sorry, you’re gonna be sorry when your ass is doing my physics homework for the next week” “i don’t even know how to do physics” “well you better figure it out” i couldn’t hear anymore of this, i had to save him. i walk out into the living room “um.. g-good morning” i wave awkwardly. damn! this is exactly what i wanted to avoid. they all look up at me with wide eyes “good morning” they say all out of sync. jackson stands next to me and holds my hand “this is my girlfriend, y/n” my heart drops, comes back up, does some somersaults, and skips numerous beats. “y/n this is jinyoung, jaebeom, and mark”. i give a small closed-mouth smile. “well, this was fun but y/n and i have places to be” he looks down at me and smiles “let’s go” jackson starts walking to the door and drags me along. i look back and wave goodbye and so do they, still looking baffled. jackson locks the door and we start walking down the hallway. ”i could tell you were uncomfortable so i had to get you out of there” he says with a hint of urgency in his voice and i laugh. “thank you but were we really that loud?” i ask putting emphasis on ‘that’. “i don’t know but what i do know is that i’m that good” i roll my eyes at him “yeah ok”. “so ‘girlfriend’ huh?” he looks down and scratches the back of his neck. “y-yea” his ears turn red. “you haven’t even taken me out on a date yet.” i scoff in fake disbelief. “i was hoping that i could go on a date today and then i could confess to you but i guess i got a little ahead of myself” “you think?” we chuckled. “confession? how long did you like me?” “ever since i had to do that first project with you in psych 2. whenever i’d ask to meet up and you said you couldn’t it always made me think you didn’t like me. and when we did you were kind of standoffish so i gave up. until you sat next to me yesterday” he smiles thinking about it. “i’m sorry that i made you think that i was just so intimidated by you and your good looks and what not.” “good looks?” he raises his eyebrow at me. “take the compliment or i’ll take it back” “oh no thank you thank you”
we leave his dorm building to the parking lot and his car. “i changed up our schedule for today a little bit.” he unlocks the doors and we get in. “what did you change?” he starts the car so the hot air doesn’t literally suffocate us. “after we visit your dorm we have to go to the mall”. he takes my hand and intertwined our fingers. “the mall? why?” i look over at him and furrow my eyebrows. he looks at me and smirks “to get you back that cute little underwear i tore off you last night” brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.
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kat-feinated · 4 years
My favorite Denver restaurants
How was your week?
My week included being invited to have a threesome with two of my work clients, who are both meth addicts and lost custody of their child due to said meth addiction.
My boss asked me to send the text to her and just replied “FOR GOD SAKE” and I feel like that’s the perfect summary of my year.
Speaking of meth, we finally finished watching “Tiger King” this week. I know I know, that show is so one month ago. But I have a lot of thoughts that I need to share with the world.
1. Did anyone else find Joe really sympathetic and felt bad for him? Yes, I know he’s unstable and probably killed animals and stuff but I found him...endearing!? 
2. Doc Antle is the creepiest ever ever ever. 
3. Jeff Lowe sucks. And his wife is way too young for him. And THE WHOLE THING WITH THE NANNY I JUST CAN’T.
4. The guy with no legs whose name I can’t remember was my favorite character. And just seems so normal. How did he end up there!?
5. I’m proud of Saff for standing up for Joe in the aftershow...everyone else just sold him down the river!
6. Howard Baskin. Howard Baskin singing. Howard Baskin’s wedding photos with Carole Baskin. The show is worth watching just for Howard Baskin.
7. Do I think Carole murdered her husband and fed him to a tiger? Yes. Would I still hang out with her in a heartbeat? ABSOLUTELY.
8. I’m extremely mad that I didn’t come up with “hey all you cool cats and kittens”. And now it’s already over-used.
Do you miss eating at restaurants as much as I do? (Probably not because you’re probably a normal person who has friends and other hobbies). I miss restaurants so much it HURTS. I miss looking up menus and deciding what I’m going to order days before I go. I miss people-watching and commenting on everyone else’s food. I miss kind servers bringing me baskets of bread and drinks that I didn’t make. I MISS RESTAURANTS YOU GUYS.
So, while I’m eagerly waiting for restaurants to start re-opening, I thought it would be fun to share my very favorite places to eat in Denver. Share this list with your favorite Denver local! Or better yet, come visit Denver and try these spots out (and invite me!!). 
Cuba Cuba: This was the first restaurant I tried in Denver, because it’s across the street from our old apartment. It’s located in an adorable blue bungalow but is surprisingly spacious on the inside. For drinks, order their house made mojitos or a pina colada. For appetizers, order the plantain chips with guacamole and garlic sauce (YUM) or the empanadas. Everything I’ve eaten there for dinner has been delicious, but I especially love the coconut shrimp and the chimichurri steak.
Perfect for: a date night or girls’ night where you feel like getting a little dressed up (but you’d be fine going there dressed more casually).
Rioja: This is my mom’s favorite Denver restaurant, and she insists we go every single time she’s in town. It’s located in Larimer Square, the cutest and most charming street in downtown Denver. It’s a bunch of old Victorian buildings that have been converted into restaurants and shops, and the street is decorated with twinkly lights and Colorado state flags so it’s a great spot to get a touristy picture when you visit.
The menu changes constantly, so it’s hard to recommend exactly what to order, but you can’t go wrong with the pasta dishes. They are known for their artichoke tortelloni and it’s honestly the best pasta I’ve ever eaten in my life. Last time we also ordered the tagliatelle and clams which was fantastic. For starters, order the smoked pear and raclette if it’s available-so yummy.
Also, Rioja makes all their bread in house, and it’s probably our favorite part of the restaurant. Waiters literally come around with a giant tray of bread and I always try every single type. The lavender sourdough and rosemary biscuit are life-changing.
Perfect for: when your parents come visit (and pay!) or a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday dinner. It is on the pricey side.
Work & Class: This is probably the Denver restaurant I’ve eaten at the most. Located in the very hip Five Points neighborhood, Work & Class is always busy and does not take reservations, so I would recommend going on a random weeknight vs. a Friday or Saturday. If you do go on the weekend, plan on an hour plus wait-the good news is you’re surrounded by bars and breweries to help pass the time.
Work & Class is a South American/American fusion restaurant, and everything is served tapas (small plates) style, so go with someone you are cool sharing with. They have fabulous in-house cocktails which change seasonally, so definitely order one while you peruse the menu. It’s hard to make food recommendations since I’ve probably tried everything on the menu and have never been disappointed, but some of my favorites include: the lamb, the empanadas, the mac & cheese, and any of their vegetable side dishes.
Perfect for: your group of friends who you’re comfortable sharing with (eating off of each other’s plates!).
Mercantile Dining & Provisions: This is another spot that my mom insists on visiting every time she comes to Denver. It’s located in Union Station in downtown Denver, which is itself a great spot to visit. It’s an old train station (that is still a working train station) but also home to a hotel, an ice cream parlor, a bookshop, a florist, and every other small adorable business you can imagine.
Mercantile serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I’ve had all 3 there), but my mom and I have created what we believe is the perfect system for dining there. We always go on the day she is leaving town, since she can take the train from Union Station to the Denver Airport after our meal. We try to go around 11am, and we order a raspberry muffin. My mom doesn’t even like muffins, but these are no ordinary muffins-not too sweet, perfectly fluffy, moist (I’M SORRY) -just sheer perfection. After sitting and people watching for about an hour, we then order a short rib sandwich around noon, as soon as they start serving their lunch menu (it gets quite busy at this time). SO GOOD. SO TASTY. Plus, the restaurant itself is so cute-it looks like Joanna Gaines designed the perfect black-and-white chic modern farmhouse.
Perfect for: brunch/lunch after a morning exploring downtown Denver, or a quick bite before catching the train to the airport.
Lowdown Brewery: Is it cheating that this is actually a brewery and not a restaurant? I say it counts because they make all their food in house. I don’t always love going to the popular breweries around Denver because they’re usually packed. I’ve never seen Lowdown packed and in my opinion it’s the best brewery in Denver in terms of food and ambience-and the beer is good too!
Not only do they make and sell their own beers, but their menu always features a seasonally rotating list of Colorado beers as well. They have a lot of IPA’s (which I despise but everyone else seems to love). I’ve tried their blood orange wheat, selfish (pale ale), and their blackberry sour and have enjoyed all three. In terms of food, you can’t go wrong with any of their pizzas, salads, or sandwiches, but I personally can’t get enough of their beer cheese dip (served with broccoli, apple slices, and soft pretzel bites-I’M DROOLING).
Perfect for: sitting out on their patio with friends in the warm weather. Bring your dog!
El Five: El Five has one of the coolest views of downtown Denver, not to mention delicious food and drinks and great service. Their sangria is the best I’ve ever tasted, but they have tons of great cocktail, beer and wine choices if that’s not your thing (but also what is wrong with you). For appetizers, try the spreads of the med-a platter of house made pita, hummus, and veggies. For their traditional tapas, I’ve tried and enjoyed the patatas bravas, the shrimp & calamari, and the goat cheese croquettes. Then, of course, you must try their paella. I’ve tried both the Valencian (made with rabbit confit!) and the seafood and would recommend either. Be prepared to log roll out of the restaurant when you’re finished because you will have gained 100 pounds.
Perfect for: a festive date night, dinner with your parents, drinks with your girlfriends-just be prepared for an expensive bill.
Stowaway: I’ve only been to Stowaway once, right before the shelter in place order started, but I’ve been dreaming about it ever since. First of all, it is tucked into the cutest former warehouse-turned-hipster-coffee shop/brunch spot, complete with exposed pipes and red brick walls. I AM HERE FOR IT.
We went on a Sunday morning with some friends who warned us to expect a bit of a wait. Fortunately, the Denver Central Market is just a few blocks away so we were able to enjoy some cocktails and/or coffee while we waited.
When we finally got in, I ordered the Colorful Colorado (an egg dish) because of the 8 million reviews I’d read ahead of time that told me I must order this dish or live a life of unending misery and regret (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration but it was something along those lines). I also split the fruit toast with Joshua because I have to order something sweet and something savory when I go to brunch (I know I have a problem, just leave me alone). Both were so freaking good. I can’t wait to go back soon and try everything on their menu (or more likely, order the same two dishes over and over again).
Perfect for: brunch with your favorite hipster friend.
Linger: This is the one restaurant on my list that I love more for the location/ambience than for the food, though the food is certainly tasty. Linger is located in my favorite neighborhood in Denver (LoHi or Lower Highlands) and the building it’s in USED TO BE A MORTUARY. Like, WHERE DEAD PEOPLE WOULD BE SENT AFTER THEY DIED. I personally find this so cool, and if this freaks you out, you would never know except that I just told you (sorry). It’s very airy inside with cozy mood lighting and exposed brick walls. This is another place that does small plates and they’re all globally-inspired street food dishes-the menu is literally divided by continent (i.e. Asia, Africa). For drinks, order the turmeric mule. For eating, you really can’t go wrong, but some dishes I’ve enjoyed include: the bao buns, the impossible burger persian sliders, the tuna tostadas, and the potato masala dosa. Skip dessert because right around the corner you’ll find Little Man Ice Cream-one of my favorite ice cream spots in the city.
Perfect for: a first date/date night, a girls’ night, or a summer brunch on their rooftop bar.
Snooze: Full disclosure-Snooze is a chain and is not just located in Denver; they have locations across Colorado and in a few other states including Texas and California. That being said, I just have to include it on my list because I believe it is completely worth the hype.
Because there is always a long wait (I’m talking 2 hours sometimes), we always go on a Monday morning when there’s a federal holiday that other people don’t get off, such as Columbus Day. Don’t kid yourself-there will still be a wait, but it will hopefully be closer to one hour. Plus, they give out free coffee while you wait!
I don’t even like pancakes, but I always order the pancakes here. ORDER THE DAMN PANCAKES PEOPLE. You can even get a pancake flight where you can sample three different types of pancakes (I highly recommend the blueberry danish pancakes and the sweet potato pancakes). If I’m in a savory mood, I’ll order the breakfast tacos with a side of one pancake.
Perfect for: brunch with your friend, brunch with family or anyone with kids, brunch with your arch nemesis, brunch with anyone.
Hopefully this list made you excited to go back to restaurants again in the future, instead of depressed! And please send me your best restaurant recommendations! These conversations are what I live for.
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raendown · 5 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 4085 Soulmate au: The one where you have a mark on your body that expands until you meet your soulmate
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 191: Madara/Tobirama
When he was young Tobirama paid little attention to the dots of color on his face. They didn’t hurt or impede his fun in any way and lots of the adults around him had some sort of color on their skin too. If it wasn’t unusual he didn’t see a point in worrying over it and if he wasn’t worrying about it then he didn’t see a point in asking many questions. The dots spread out across his face so gradually he hardly noticed until one day he looked in the mirror and saw lines instead.
He went, of course, to the one person he knew he could trust with any question.
“They’re part of your soul mark,” Hashirama told him. “Everyone has something. See? Here’s mine!” His brother kicked off one shoe and pulled down his stocking to show off the splash of green painted along the bottom of his foot, something Tobirama had seen many times before yet never thought to question.
“But they’re getting bigger.”
“Yeah, of course, that’s what they do!”
Tobirama blinked, bringing a hand up to cup one of his cheeks and squeezing the lingering baby fat with worry. “So they won’t ever stop growing? What if they cover me everywhere? Then I’ll be red all over!”
“Um…that can happen, yeah. Remember the Lady Yamanaka?”
He certainly remembered the Lady Yamanaka, a prominent figure at court until swirls of blue began to creep up from below her collar and her father sent her away back to the family estate. At the time Tobirama hadn’t understood why, nor had he cared, and even now that he knew the reason he still wasn’t sure he knew why she needed to be sent away. If the colors were their soul marks then why was it bad for them to be seen? Should he be hiding his own?
“Why didn’t her father want anyone to see her colors? Lots of people’s colors show all the time.”
“It’s kind of hard to explain. With the common folk its fine to let your soul mark grow but for the important people, well, Mama says we’re supposed to be better than the common folk. We’re supposed to have everything they don’t.” Hopping around trying to stuff his foot back in to his stocking, Hashirama gave an inelegant shrug. “If your mark is still growing then it means you haven’t found your soulmate yet. I guess some people are ashamed of that.”
“But why?”
“I dunno. People do a lot of silly things. Do you want to come climb the apple trees with me in the orchard?” Hashirama beamed at him, all innocence and easy distraction.
Still patting at his own cheek Tobirama frowned. “You’ll get in trouble if you spoil your clothes again. Father says that a prince must always look his best.”
“Do you want to come or not?”
“Yes, Anija.”
Willing to forget such questions if his big brother didn’t think it was important enough to keep talking about, Tobirama allowed the older boy to take hold of one wrist and pull him away towards the other end of the palace where the apple trees grew so tall they could climb to the top and look over in to the courtyards where strong knights practiced their sword work.
Over the years as he grew Tobirama managed to ask his other questions but he never quite managed to ignore the way his marks continued to grow. Unlike others he was lucky enough to have his marks begin on his face and expand downwards where no one but he and his closest family would even see how far they had reached. When he was younger he made a habit of checking every day to see how the lines had grown, trying to predict which direction they might swoop or curl towards next, but as he grew older he fell out of the habit.
Partly because staring at one’s own skin could only be entertaining for so long before it got old. The lines would never stop growing until he met his soulmate and whatever shapes they made had little impact on his everyday life. But also partly out of fear, out of a quiet sort of terror that one day he would wake to find that the lines close to his wrists would expand and slip through the cuffs of his silken shirts to prove for the world that he was doomed to spend the rest of his life alone. And despite his older brother’s assurances Tobirama was quite certain he would spend his life alone just as his younger brother Itama.
Poor sweet Itama, born with hair as white as Tobirama’s only have it darken strand by strand in the inevitable expansion of his own unique mark, locked away from the moment their parents realized the shame he would always wear. How they could ever expect him to find his soulmate was a mystery when his only contacts were the brothers that visited him and the servants who were each instructed to never look upon him.
It was in Itama that Tobirama found most of his comfort when the looming dread of not finding his own match could not be pushed to the back of his mind any longer and it was to Itama’s rooms that he retreated on the day of his nineteenth birthday when he discovered something horrifying. His brother lifted both eyebrows in question to see Tobirama burst in to and throw himself across the mattress with almost as much drama as they could usually expect from their eldest sibling.
“This will be my life,” Tobirama declared.
“Something is wrong, I take it?” Itama closed the journal he had been writing in but otherwise didn’t move.
“My marks are moving again. Up my throat. I thought the one around the base of my neck was finished growing, I thought I was fine with high collars, but now it’s extending and you know what Father will do if it gets high enough for the court to see it.” Rolling over on to his back, Tobirama scowled up at the ceiling. He’d always known this was a possibility. “At least I’ll have you for company.”
A very deep silence stretched out after his words, long enough that he wondered if he had spoken aloud as he meant to or if the words were only inside his head. When he looked over at his brother, however, Itama’s cheeks had gone a very hilarious shade of blotchy red. He’d never been a graceful blusher.
“Um…about that…” His hesitant words had Tobirama upright in an instant.
“What about that?”
“I think – and this is only speculation, I have not yet confirmed – I think I may have found my soulmate.”
“You–? Are you being serious?” When Itama nodded all the air left Tobirama’s lungs in a great whoosh. “Ita that is incredible. Why have you not said anything? How are sitting in here writing so calmly? If I had found my match I would be, I don’t know, probably shoving it in Father’s face for starters.”
His brother laughed and brought his journal up to hug it against his chest. “Like I said, I’m not certain yet. You know I keep a close eye on my hair and I think there haven’t been any new dark strands for several days but I need to ask…the other person first if they’ve experienced the same thing.” He looked fit to burst with excitement and it was clear how relieved he was to have someone else to talk to about this.
Tobirama ran a hand throw his own hair and stood up to walk across the room and take Itama in to his arms for a rare gesture of familial affection. His sibling melted against him with a smile.
“Congratulations. May I know who? I can’t imagine anyone new you might have met.”
“Ah. That would be the other reason I’d like to be sure before going public. I don’t think Father will be thrilled to find out that one of his sons is matched to someone of the common folk.”
“Right!” A light went off in Tobirama’s memories. “Your old caretaker, she retired. One of the new servants then – they were both men, yes?”
“Yes. Two brothers around your age.” If Itama held any more excitement inside his short body he would surely begin to vibrate. It was the happiest Tobirama could remember seeing his brother in years and the sight warmed his heart perhaps a little more than he would ever admit to out loud.
Stepping back to clear his throat and pretend he was not getting disgustingly emotional, Tobirama nodded. “I’m very happy for you. If it’s alright with you I should like to stay and meet him.”
Itama saw no reason to object to that and so Tobirama settled in. Of the three brothers allowed to roam the rest of the palace he was the one best at keeping his mouth shut about other people’s personal business. There was no one better in the entire city to trust with the secret of Itama’s possible soulmate. A prince and a pauper; it amused him greatly that despite all of the king’s efforts to hide his son away from the world it had still been him to send the boy his own soulmate.
The two of them had been chatting quietly for somewhat more than an hour before there came a knock on the door and when it opened at Itama’s call a young man entered with his gaze lowered and black hair cascading around him in thick spikes. Tobirama looked to his brother with a knowing grin that faded as quickly as it came when Itama quietly shook his head no.
Yet he couldn’t help but look again even if this wasn’t the one he was so curious to meet. Over the years he had met with lords and ladies of every station and from many lands and here was a mere servant boy more beautiful than them all. The world around him almost seemed to fade away for a few moments as he watched the boy move across the room, his almost regal mane of hair billowing out behind him like a fine cloak, long lashes sweeping against rounded cheeks each time he blinked. Even the strangely clumsy way he walked as though ready to trip over his own feet at any given moment was oddly charming.
After several long moments of staring Tobirama forced himself to look away – only to find Itama watching him with one hand in front of his mouth to muffle the laughter shaking his shoulders.
“Keep laughing, brother,” Tobirama snarled. “I’ll dye your hair pink again.”
“You know I always enjoy a little zest in my day,” Itama retorted.
Sniffing with exaggerated haughtiness, Tobirama shoved his nose as high in the air as he could without blocking his view of where he was going and made his way to the door. Then he realized he’d just made a fool of himself as a first impression for the pretty servant boy and very quickly did his best to look like he was hurrying somewhere important rather than running away in embarrassment.
Curiosity wouldn’t allow him to stay away for long and as soon as he had seen to his duties for the day Tobirama was back in Itama’s room and being introduced to the young man his sibling believed was his soulmate. Izuna, as was apparently his name, had smooth dark hair pulled back in to a long tail and narrow eyes Tobirama couldn’t help but think were made for glaring at the backs of anyone who spoke down to him simply for being born in to the lower caste. He was a perfectly polite man and yet every word he spoke was covered with layers of deeper thought that hinted at an intelligence any noble could only hope for in their own children.
And he also, evidently, had noticed his own soul mark was no longer growing soon after meeting the hidden prince he had been called upon to serve. One surreptitious glance at Itama’s hair was all it had taken for him to know for sure. In the midst of that revelation Tobirama slipped away again to give the two of them some privacy. The few short minutes he’d had to meet with Izuna and take in all the information he could was enough time for him to guess that the boy would be good for Itama and he hoped they were already thinking of ways to curb the King’s inevitable anger when he discovered their match.
Despite all the excitement of his brother’s good news, however, neither Itama nor Izuna were the one that stayed on his mind for the rest of the evening. Instead he found himself constantly distracted with thoughts of the beautiful servant boy he had seen that morning. All through the rest of his evening he thought about shoulders that held themselves proudly despite his station and how all that dark hair would look wrapped around pale white fingers. Memories of thick lashes followed him down in to his dreams and haunted him still when he woke the morning after.
He had to see the boy again.
Tobirama himself barely counted as a boy anymore, fresh past his nineteenth birthday, but knowing the immaturity rampant in his own age group it was hard to think of any of them as men quite yet so it hardly mattered whether the pretty servant was younger or older. He was still pretty.
It was with him in mind and the situation that led to them meeting that made Tobirama check his markings, little more than a wistful whim that morning. He hadn’t looked at the lines on his body any earlier than yesterday so it was easy to dismiss the idea that they didn’t seem to have grown any more. Clearly that was nothing but a figment of his own imagination, purely wishful thinking. Tobirama scoffed at his own reflection and told himself coincidences like that just didn’t happen.
Of course, because he very sternly told himself that he should forget about this, obviously it was the only thing on his mind for the next several days. Each morning he woke the first thing he did was strip and inspect every line he could find on his body to see if any of them were moving. His skin had many lines and from experience he knew that not all of them grew at the same time or rate. After several days he began to think that maybe he hadn’t actually overreacted at all. Nearly a week without finding a single line on his body that had moved so much as a fraction of an inch had to mean something.
Which meant that now he had to go talk to the one he thought might be his soulmate. There was a chance it wasn’t the boy he wanted it to be, unfortunately. New faces were always showing up in his father’s court and Tobirama didn’t usually take the time to memorize all of them or even remember their names, not when he knew they would be gone again in just a few day or weeks, however long it took their parents to realize he and his other unattached brother Kawarama were not interested. But there was only one way to find out for sure whether the soulmate picked for him by fate was a random unwanted stranger or a beautiful serving boy and that was to actually go ask awkward questions.
He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing when he entered Itama’s rooms to see his sibling cross legged on the floor with both his own soulmate and the one Tobirama had been hoping to find here. All three boys turned to look at him, two lowering their gazes on reflex as soon as they recognized a member of the royal family, but Itama only smiled.
“You’ll never guess what a little birdie told me,” he said. At his side the one Tobirama had come to see turned bright red and dipped his face a bit lower.
“I’m sure it was fascinating and very embarrassing for everyone but that’s not what I am here for.”
“Oh?” Itama lifted both brows in a smug expression that Tobirama did his best not to speculate about.
Forcing himself to retain the poise he had been trained to uphold since birth, he turned to the servant boy with hair pooling around him on the floor like black ink. “Considering the happy news I’m sure these two would appreciate as much alone time as they can steal. May I speak with you elsewhere?”
Judging by the flabbergasted look on the boy’s face he’s never had anyone of high standing request to speak with him as though he had some sort of choice in the matter. Very likely he was used to nobles demanding things from him without a single thought for the idea that he might also be human with real human feelings to consider. Tobirama, thankfully, had been blessed with a mind strong enough to think beyond the haughty lessons his parents had taught him as a child.
Rather than spill his mind right there in the hallway, he waited to make sure the boy was following and then led them to another room in Itama’s private wing where only servants and the royal family ever came. The room he chose was plush and comfortable with several places to sit but he was much too restless to take advantage of the many couches available.
“What is your name?” he asked, unsure of where to start.
“Madara, if it pleases your Highness.”
“I’m not sure how I could be pleased or displeased. It’s just a name.” Tobirama frowned in confusion that cleared immediately when he spotted the smallest twitch of Madara's lips.
The boy was laughing at him. He knew most members of the court would be insulted to have one of the common folk laughing at their social stumbling but for him it eased the tension in his shoulders. He could work with this. Laughing at him was better than cowering away in fear.
“My name is Tobirama.” Obviously every citizen in the kingdom would know the name of their second prince but it was only polite to introduce himself. “Do you know your soulmate, Madara?”
“I believe I have found him, my lord.”
“There’s no need for formalities here,” Tobirama murmured.
“What shall I call your Highness?” Madara asked. His lips were slowly turning up in to an honest smile, making it much harder to look anywhere else.
Doing nothing to hide his own smile, Tobirama huffed. “My name should suffice unless you can think of something you would rather call me. Anything but a diminutive of the name itself. I abhor when any my brothers refers to me as ‘Tobi’.”
“You had something you wished to speak to me about?”
Clearing his throat, he flushed. He did have something rather important on his mind. The problem lay in the fact that he had no idea how to actually bring it up without being as blunt as Hashirama when he discovered his own match. Although there was a small amount of comfort in knowing that he could never quite manage to top the disaster that was Hashirama tripping in to poor Mito and crying out in horror that he thought he’d broken his own soulmate when they tumbled to the floor.
“I think we’re soulmates.” Blurting out his thoughts without any effort towards a lead in or a buffer of some sort was apparently the embarrassment he had chosen for his own experience.  To his surprise Madara did not mock him but cleared his throat in a gruff sort of way, gaze flicking repeatedly down to the floor.
“His Highness, your brother, thinks we might be as well. Izuna mentioned to him – I told him not to – he mentioned that my mark had stopped growing the day after I met you.” Madara's nose wrinkled. “Which is sort of nice. It was getting big, I was getting worried it would take over.”
Tobirama blinked at him slowly. “Just the one mark?”
“Do you have more than one?”
“I have…dozens. Everywhere.” It would have been nice to only have one soul mark to keep track of rather than an entire body to check over meticulously every time he got curious.
“Wow. Dozens? That’s…wow. I don’t know anyone who has that many,” Madara said. His eyes very slowly and very obviously slid down the length of Tobirama’s form, curiosity prominent on his face until he suddenly turned very red and abruptly returned his gaze to the floor when he realized he was essentially ogling a prince.
Not that Tobirama exactly minded the idea of Madara ogling him.
“If you would feel comfortable showing me your mark I would like to know for sure whether we are soulmates.”
“We are.”
Brows furrowed, Tobirama lifted one of them in question. “You sound quite sure of that.”
“Some of your marks are on your face. I knew the moment I looked at you for the first time that we were matched.” Madara bit down on both of his lips to keep the laughter from bursting out of him but it did not stop his entire face from shining with mirth. Tobirama was stunned. His face had borne colored lines since his earliest memories; he hadn’t even thought of their revealing nature, that his fated match would know him in the instant they saw his face.
“You’ve known this entire time and you said nothing!?”
“Can you blame someone in my position for being a little cautious?”
That was actually a good point but he was trying just a little too hard not to break down laughing for it to be true and Tobirama was not impressed. Not at all. Maybe a little in love but definitely not impressed.
“You didn’t stay quiet because of our different standings,” he accused.
“No, I didn’t.” With his lips released from the forbidding grip of his teeth he was already smiling widely again. “It was mostly just funny to watch you flail your way through trying to talk about it. His Highness Itama tells me that you are…not as closed off as one might guess from observing you.”
“Which is to say that I’m not as cold as my face looks.”
“I mean, I wasn’t going to say it like that.”
“But that’s how you meant it.”
Madara didn’t deny anything, just bit down on his lower lip again while Tobirama tried not to think about how much he wanted to run his fingers through all of that flowing hair and across those solid shoulders. The universe really knew what it was doing with this match, he decided.
He still did not appreciate being duped so easily.
“Alright, prepare for me to abuse my authority because here is what’s going to happen. You’re going to kiss me and we’re both never going to tell anyone I was stupid enough to forget my own face. Then we’re going to avoid our brothers for as long as possible because obviously they’ll want to gloat and that’s never fun to deal with. Sound good?” Tobirama tried for a stern expression and failed mostly because of the unbridled joy running rampant through his body.
“Yes, that does sound good,” Madara said quietly.
Then he threw himself forward without another word and despite having just demanded a kiss Tobirama was surprised enough that he almost didn’t catch the other boy, a startled moan escaping him when their lips met for the first time.
Later – much later – he would see Madara's soul mark and in an instant he would be certain in the knowledge that this was truly his soulmate, that the concentric circles of black and purple expanding across Madara's back was meant for him. He would also sit through several hours of gentle teasing from his three brothers as well as not so gentle teasing from Madara's four brothers and endure endless pained glances from his parents as they came to terms with the idea that two of their sons were bound by the fates to members of the common folk.
From that very first kiss, however, he knew that it would all be worth it. And he was right.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What is a question you get asked too much? On these surveys, it’s definitely the color of my nails. :) :) :) Haha but in real life, it’s “How your sem?” which can get tiring as a conversation starter but which I appreciate nonetheless because it’s a way for us to look out for one another. Worst grade you've ever gotten? In high school, I managed to get the lowest possible grade my school gives, which is a 68 but that was on an examination; the lowest grade I got in my card was a 78. In college, my lowest mark was a 2.50 from a fucking econ class, which is probably equivalent to a C in the other side of the world. Do you like colorful sharpies? No, I don’t really use them a lot. Do you do chores? We’re all expected to wash our own dishes in the house but other than that my mom prefers doing all the tasks. Who is someone you haven't seen in a while? Angela, definitely. I don’t think I’ve seen her since her birthday in September.
Do you think double-jointed people can type better than most people? I don’t know any double-jointed people and I know even less about their typing speeds lol. Do you have nice neighbors? They don’t make fusses and there’s like zero drama in the neighborhood all year so I guess that makes them nice. Some kids are fucking annoying though and like to play INSIDE OUR GARAGE and ON OUR PATIO. I literally just demanded my parents this weekend to have a big ass gate made (with spikes, preferably hahahaha jk) so these kids can’t find their way to our house anymore. How many pets do you have? I claim ownership for one pet, which is my own dog, but we also have a cat in the house. It belongs to my sister and I’m not close with it. What is your favorite website? Wikipedia. If you find the right topic, it’ll pull you in like a black hole and you’ll be reading up articles for HOURS. It’s been happening to me since 2008 lmao. Last present you bought for someone? The last ever gift I bought before tapping out was a pair of cute Marikina sandals for Gab’s sister. But that day I also bought Instax film for my sister, a garlic press for Gab’s dad, and massage oils for Gab’s mom. Who did you hang out with last night? I was alone last night and was in my room reading about serial killers by 7:30 PM hahahaha. What is the reason behind the last time you laughed? I was watching Try Guys videos before falling asleep last night and they’re funny guys, so. Are you more clumsy or graceful? Clumsy... I don’t think I’ve ever been described as graceful. More shy or outgoing? Shy. But outgoing if with the right people. What is your favorite fruit? Avocado, I guess. Who are your 3 closest friends? Gabie and Angela are my two best friends but then all my friends after them are kinda equal in terms of how close I am with them... I guess my second-closest friend would be Laurice. Are you in a good mood? A little bit, because we’re seeing the fun side of family today. But I’ll generally be sad by default in the next few days just because it’s Christmas season, and I don’t like the holidays. Do you like Mexican food? Sure, I crave them occasionally. What’s your favorite month? April, because birth month. Do you like myspace? I didn’t enjoy it in the brief time I had it just because it was such a foreign thing, both figuratively and literally – I was *very* new to the internet so I didn’t quite understand the early social media culture just yet, and Myspace also was never a thing here because everyone was using Friendster and/or Multiply in Asia. What did you last eat? McDonald’s fried chicken. What is your favorite hobby? Right now, it’s gem/diamond painting. Gab got me a set for Christmas (she allowed me to open it early so I can deal with the depression early haha) and it’s super therapeutic and, I now realize, more fun than coloring. What is something you have always wanted to do? Go outside of Asia. What time is it? Exactly 8:45 AM. What are you listening to? I can hear my mom’s very loud and powerful fan upstairs, but I also hear her shuffling in the kitchen as she’s making breakfast. Are you better at math or spelling? Spelling. What color are your eyes? They are dark brown. Is the sun shining? Yes. Do you like the smell of cinnamon? Now that it’s breakfast time I would certainly enjoy smelling it. Do you ever go camping? I’ve never done it before.
Last thing that creeped you out? I was watching a Try Guys video where they tried to drive while sleep-deprived, and the first half of the video was them vlogging their experience staying up the entire night – by 4 AM they were a bit delirious and they plugged in this weird montage of distorted hallucinations with sounds of children laughing, and I really didn’t enjoy that lol. Have you ever climbed through a window? I don’t think I have, no. We were locked out of the house once but we made my sister climb one of the windows because she was absolutely stick-thin as a kid. Do you like rock or rap better? Rock. Are you in a relationship? Yes. Do you like the band Hollywood Undead? I was never a fan. What was your favorite music video of 2008? I was only watching Beyoncé videos at that point hahahaaaaa. My favorite video of hers from 2008 was Diva. Are you wearing socks? Nope. Last candy you ate? I had a Crunch bar the other day. What is something that grosses you out? Accidentally touching food that already landed in the sink and is soaking wet. Do you take more than 10 surveys a day? Nah, not anymore. That was me when I started though. Do you prefer summer or winter? Winter, even though I’ve never experienced it yet and just because I mostly dislike summer. Do you watch football? No. I never got the hype but I am willing to watch Gab’s sisters’, who both play football, games. When do you usually go to bed? It’s always different. I can go to bed by 8:30 or at 4 AM, or in between. When did you last login to myspace? 2009, maybe. Who is the last person you called? My mom. What do you like about Tuesdays? That’s my car’s coding day, so that means I get to use one of the family cars which is slightly larger but looks a hella lot more luxurious lol. Do you like Taco Bell? Love Taco Bell. Sucks that it’s only in malls I never ever go to.
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all-the-love-harold · 6 years
Chapter 2 - Let It Snow
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It’s a very christmassy Chapter 2 for you all to enjoy! As always I have @lovesmelikebrandnewstarlight to thank for helping this chapter happen. Let me know how you’re liking the re-write so far! 
Master Post 
December 2013,
 London in December was everything that Poppy dreamed it would be. There was a sense of magic in the air everywhere she went and for the first time since she was about eleven she actually felt festive. She spent her evenings curled up by the fireplace watching Christmas films with Harry, when he was around, and her days running around the city between classes and christmas shopping. There was a sense of bittersweetness to it all though, she missed home and all the talk about christmas only made her miss her family. Her plans had always been to go home for christmas, but things with her apartment fell through after two months of living with Harry and all the money that she would have spent on a plane ticket now had to go towards a deposit on a new apartment, which would be ready before her birthday in February. Living with Harry had been a whirlwind for Poppy, she’d made a friend for life, someone she could call at 2pm for a chat or crawl into bed with at 2am for a snuggle because she was missing home. They told each other everything, from the crazy stories that Harry shared about life on the road to Poppy’s miserable attempts at dating, they knew everything about each other and that’s why Harry knew something was up when Poppy hadn’t arranged her flights home by mid December. He gave her a few extra days to bring it up herself, but by the time the 19th rolled around and she didn’t look like she had even started packing anything he decided to bring it up.
“You know how much I love having you around, don’t you Pop?” he said to her as he sat next to her watching ‘Love Actually’ for the third time this week
“Mmm” she nodded to focused on the film
“But you also know how much you love your family?”
“I do love them, yeah, where are you going with this H?” she muted the TV and looked at him
“Are you heading home for christmas?”
“Oh” Poppy sighed “I can’t afford it since I put that deposit on the new flat”
“Do you want to go home, because you know all you have to do is ask and I’ll get you a ticket?”
Poppy thought for a moment, as festive as she felt, she knew when christmas day rolled around she’d feel pretty miserable because everything over here was so different and cold and she’d probably end up spending it alone, but she’d already taken enough from Harry, she couldn’t let him buy her a plane ticket too.
“No” she shook her head “I can’t ask you to do that”
“Well I’m offering, but if you don’t want to go, you can come to cheshire with me”
“I’m already invading your house, I’m not going to invade your family christmas too”
“There’s no way I’m letting my best friend spend christmas alone” Harry said, matter of factly, “so if you’re staying in England either you’re coming to cheshire or I’m going to stay here”
Poppy leant her head on Harry’s shoulder and nodded “Guess I’m going to Cheshire then”
“Great!” Harry said, excitement evident in his voice “We leave early Tuesday morning”
December 24th,
 The days in London at this time of the year were short and the afternoons were dark and cozy. Made for snuggles by the fireplace with a warm cup of tea with some homemade shortbread. And with the promise of just that waiting for them when they arrived in Cheshire, Harry and Poppy set off early on Tuesday morning. For Poppy the three hour trip was nothing that she hadn’t done before, it was only half of the trip that she’d take back home to visit her grandparents once a month. Harry on the other hand, had to stop every hour because despite all the travelling he’d done this year, three hours was just too much. The last hour of the trip went by the quickest as they sang along to christmas songs with wide smiles glued to their faces. By the time arrived the guilty feeling that sat in Poppy’s stomach since she called her mum to say she wasn’t coming home, had disappeared and she was filled with christmas cheer.
 This wasn’t the first time that Poppy would be meeting Anne, that happened only two days after she’d landed in London, when One Direction just so happened to have a show at the O2 arena that Harry had forced her to go to, and since then Anne had welcomed Poppy with open arms. When Harry pulled up in Anne’s driveway, she was already out the front waiting for them and Harry let out a slight chuckle at the sight of her in her christmas jumper.
“Hope you have one of those for all of us” he said as he stepped out of the car
“I have better one’s for you two” she winked at Poppy.
“How are you Anne?” Poppy said, stretching her arms out and embracing Anne in a warm hug
“Oh I’m good beautiful girl, how are you, first Christmas away from home?” Anne pulled away from the hug but kept hold of Poppy’s shoulders, holding her at arms length so that she could make eye contact.
“I’m ok, it’s already Christmas Day back home, so I’ll give my family a call soon” Poppy smiled.
Anne nodded “You make yourself at home while you’re here dear, what’s ours is yours” she turned towards Harry and greeted him as any mother would greet her son that she hadn’t seen in months, with a hug that lasted what felt like five minutes and dozens of kisses on the cheek.
“Alright Mum” Harry giggled, “That’s enough, poor Poppy’s freezing, she’s not used to this cold.”
“Oh right of course” Anne said shaking her head “I forgot, the fire’s on inside, let’s go in an get you both warm”
Living in London was completely different from living in Sydney. For starters, if Poppy was in Sydney right now, she’d probably be in shorts and a t-shirt on her way to the beach on a hot summer's afternoon. But instead it was 4:30 in the afternoon and the sun had already gone down and Poppy was curled up on the couch under a fluffy blanket, snuggled up to Harry with a hot chocolate cupped in her hands, watching as snow fell outside.
“Is the first time you’ve seen snow Poppy?” Harry’s sister Gemma asked
Poppy shook her head “It snowed once back home, I think I would have been about four, my brother and I walked outside in our pyjamas and no shoes, Mum has a photo of us laughing at how cold our feet were.” Talking about her family usually made Poppy feel homesick, but right now, she felt more at home than she had all year, and part of her knew that that had everything to do with being wrapped in Harry’s arms.
Anne went all out for christmas lunch, there was a turkey and a roast beef and enough peas to feed a small village, although Poppy quickly learned that that small village was in fact just Harry. The table was decorated with festive foliage and ornaments galore, and Poppy was sat next to Gemma who couldn’t stop asking her about Australian christmas.
“So you don’t have a cooked meal like this?” she asked, curious about how the holiday is celebrated on the other side of the equator
“No” Poppy said simply “It’s usually a barbeque, with a honey glazed ham and a ton of salad followed by a pavlova and in my family, a mango cheesecake”
“Mango Cheesecake?” Harry chimed in “That sounds delicious”
“It’s pretty much the best thing ever” Poppy laughed “I’ll make you one when mangoes are in season here”
The food was everything that Poppy had always imagined a traditional christmas meal would be and at this point she was a little annoyed that Harry hadn’t introduced her to yorkshire pudding sooner.
When everyone had finished eating, Anne and Robin cleared the plates from the table and put their santa hats on.
“Right, everyone over near the tree, it’s present time” Robin said in a low bellow that could very well have been the voice of father christmas.
They all sluggishly moved over to the tree and sat down on the couch with their drinks still in their hands. Poppy wasn’t expecting any gifts for herself given that she was there on such short notice but she was pleasantly surprised when Robin called her name and handed her a bag full of gifts from everyone. Gemma gave her a candle that she’d found in a quirky london store that smelt like “Australian Summer” and Anne and Robin got her some Marc Jacobs perfume that Harry must of told them she wears regularly but it was Harry’s gift that surprised her the most, it was simply a card with a picture of a “P” drawn on somebody’s skin resting inside with “My next Tattoo” written on the back. Underneath the picture there was a message that read:
My Dearest Poopy,
Thank you for everything you do for me and everything that you are. I know you’re moving out soon and my house won’t be the same without you but this friendship will last a lifetime, I’m sure of it.
I’ll always hold you close to my heart.
Merry Christmas
All my Love Always, Hairy xx
 With their bellies full of the mouth watering meal that Anne had made for them, they retired to the living room where Harry immediately put on Michael Buble’s esteemed christmas album and started singing along.
“Oh the weather outside is frightful” he sang, holding his hand out to Poppy and pulling her into dance
“But the fire is so delightful” Poppy sang back, pointing to the open fire next to them
“And since we’ve got no place to go” Gemma joined from the couch
“Let it snow, Let it snow let it snow!” they all sang together.  
With a glass of mulled wine in her hand, Poppy sang and danced the night away, and not once did she even think about what she was missing out back home because she knew that she had all she needed right here; A best Friend who would do anything for her, and his family who had taken her in as their own.
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