#also dont ever go back to florida
poetandwolf · 1 year
I often see so much "cringe" talk about people looking back at themselves as a teen. You know, that kid needs more compassion. You gotta give those younger versions of yourself compassion and love and patience. because they need it. Love yourself. All the parts.
I wanna go back in time and hug that teenager kid super tight. Stumble over that hill in the woods where I used to hide. Find that kid and just squeeze the shit out of them. Let them sob. If they think I'm whoever-spirit thats fine.
" Look, I know it isn't okay right now and shitty things will happen again. But, I'm so fucking proud of you. You will be okay, because you're that much of a bad ass. You don't have much of support team and those assholes betrayed you? Fuck Them. No, listen. Fuck them. You don't need their approval. You aren't weak like that monster who terrorizes you. You don't need them. You think you're all alone and you aren't. They're manipulating you. Aubrey is with you, always. In your head. That's his Job. Don't let them weaponize him. YOU are doing this all on your own, and that makes you such a kick ass warrior. You are so fucking strong. Stronger than you will ever know. People suck and its a shit deck you were dealt with right now. But things do get better. You'll find your pack. Your people. You'll have your own place and dogs and Aubrey loves you and don't believe a single fucking word what anyone else says. He Loves You. And I- future you- love you as well. So keep giving 'em Hell."
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ratatatastic · 1 month
"[My Dad, Brother and I] all got matching Stanley Cup tattoos on our quads!" "Let's see it! Let's see it! Stand up real quick! Let me see you!" "'Let's see it!' Look at that." "It's just a little guy! It's just a little guy!" "I love it!" "It's just a little guy, but yeah, no...Sam Bennett, Anthony Stolarz, Monty, and Steve Lorentz—we all got em like 2 days later. It was fun! We were all—you know, no sleep, straight into the tattoo estab—" "Oh sure! You woke up and you were like, 'Huh, I got something on—" "Oskar Sundqvist did the same thing, man!" "I like it! I'm a fan of it! I really like it! And the fact that we all have the same one is pretty cool!" "Let's see that hair real quick! What do you got going? Let's see what you got going—Oh, God! Andy!" "What?" "Geez, he's got that Swede in you!"
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
I know I should just block (and not OPEN) tags and posts ab '24 but my brain is stupid and likes to be informed even if it makes me worse
#marquilla#im not even joking when i say this next election makes me wanna kms so bad. im fucking terrified and i feel like we already know what's#gonna happen. not bc people arent voting or organizing i mean bc of how far the right has gotten and how angry they are that a#dem won so theyre gonna show up in droves and it's like god i wish we could idk have some safegaurds in place??? like oh idk you#incite an insurrection you Can't run for president?? but also that wouldnt fully stop shit bc florida has its own neo nazi running and#theres more behind him in the wings. but like idk man i just get so fucking suicidal thinking ab the future#and my drs. are like well then dont look at the news??? 'i sure dont' mkay thats great (not) but um i CAN'T not watch bc i need to#be informed i need to know. and they're like well then stop worrying ab it til election day?? LIKE THAT HELPS#so i just dont bring it up. and i just spiral and have breakdowns in the shower and think ab making a will and shit yknow normal stuff#bc this is fine! just dont engage! stop worrying it's like a year away! it MIGHT get better! idk Join in your community then??#like yes yes thats a start but with what fucking energy when im bedbound most of the time im not working and that doesnt stop these fascist#s like me helping the community garden would be good for the community and probably my mental health in general BUT that doesnt deal with#the actual fear that makes me wanna Kermit#like it really fucking feels like all i can do is pray and hope god somehow intervenes (rapture anyone?) and that things do go well and#that the outright outspoken nzis don't win but like I really just wanna die man#i know the outcome more than likely will not directly affect my life bc im white. cis passing. and can go back in the closet regretfully#but like that doesnt reassure me any bc i have friends and loved ones and generally just give a shit ab other people and how this WILL#affect them directly and that terrifies me. it really feels like we cant ever have a moment to just exist yknow??#idk man i just wanna die bc im so scared haha how fun (: how normal (: this is fine. everything is fine.
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a-boca-do-inferno · 2 years
trouble with a capital T (tony montana x reader)
summary: (y/n) has an unexpected admirer.
warnings: angst, smut-bit of a size kink? idk u tell me, violence, drugs, abuse, dubcon, blood, swearing, domestic abuse, fluff and a little stalking ig. also tony montana
words: 8.9k
notes: this is toxic asf pls beware when reading it. also reader here is stupid asf for narrative purposes do not be like that irl im begging you. i rly have a concerning taste in men and if someone ever finds this i dont kno any of you <3 enjoy!
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There’s this new guy in town who looks like trouble with a capital “T”. Everyone has seen him in person, except (y/n). However, by the stories and theories she hears, the figure of this man becomes even more macabre. Nobody knows his real name. He’s known only as Scarface, which should be an indicator of his perhaps not-so-scary nature, but (y/n) is a bit of a coward, if she’s being honest.  
Still, when the girl thinks of him, she likes to imagine he has his own reasons for doing what people say he does. It is a morally questionable service, certainly illegal—considerably inhumane—, yet something inside of her extends this guy the benefit of the doubt. It’s not an uncommon theme in Florida, anyway, selling drugs and whatnot, so perhaps Scarface isn’t of all bad. He is still surely just a man, right? But when she received Elvira’s messages saying there was a shooting in her neighborhood, and that Scarface was arrested for allegedly taking part in it, (y/n) felt a little overwhelmed about her previous considerations. Even if the guy wasn’t the devil like everyone made him to be, he was a criminal. A violent one at that, putting innocent people’s lives in danger, like her friend’s. 
She couldn’t go see Elvie that day, but (y/n) told her she’d drop by as soon as possible. Elvira sent some pictures of her neighbor’s window with bullet holes, six of them. The neighbor was a man who lived alone and listened to loud music all day on Sundays. Why anyone would have ordered his death, they had no idea. But then again, (y/n) didn’t really trust men who’d hit on women even after being told “no” a couple of hundred times. It wouldn’t surprise her at all if he was a rapist, or a pedophile, or both. Anything was possible nowadays. The neighbor managed to escape the sniper’s attack and left through the back, anyway, and Elvira said he entered the backyard of her house to protect himself. She was really lucky that by that time, the police had already arrived at the scene and readily took the shooter into custody.  
Scarface, according to Elvie’s description, was a short, rustic-looking man. He was white, but sunburned, with a stylish haircut reminiscent of the ‘80s and a shaven face. His eyes were big and dark, with a prominent nose, and there was a scar on his left eye, which obviously earned him the infamous nickname. He walked around with a worn Hawaiian shirt and a white wifebeater under it, the one everybody says he’s always wearing; from the waist down, he had shabby jeans held up by a leather belt and old-fashioned cowboy boots. The kind they used to wear in the Wild West, probably.  
The guy was just an almost cartoonish figure, a villain straight out of some children’s TV show. And still, somehow, he was the terror of this city as of lately. Everyone licked his balls in an attempt to spare their own lives. Uselessly, of course, since he didn’t seem to have any real consideration for anyone or anything, except for money. So, it wasn’t exactly a certainty that he wouldn’t kill any of his so-called “friends” downtown, unless they owned something valuable to him—drugs, for instance. 
And him being detained now, for the hundredth time that month, wasn’t really a relief, since he would soon be out. Because no one could ever catch him in the act—he was a professional, after all—, his stay in the precinct’s modest jail was only for a few hours. At most one night. Five hundred, even a thousand dollars in bail—or a bribe, in fact—was enough for the sheriff to release him with a faithful promise he would see Scarface again the following week. And it was no sooner said than done. 
Nobody knew where he lived. There were rumors his home was in the neighborhood next to (y/n)’s, but it was never confirmed. It also wouldn’t make any difference to know where his residence was. Again: the guy was a professional. Even the mayor licked the floor he walked. But Scarface also had his enemies, obviously. On her block alone there were four or five men who would kill him in broad daylight with their bare hands, if given the chance. She didn’t know the story very well, but it obviously had something to do with settling scores. It always did.  
Scarface, the cowboy-boots and burnt-skin, revolver-stuck-to-spine and walk-of-an-insufferable-bastard Scarface, was the greatest example of how the universe does not give any tips. The divine does not send signs. And when it does, it’s a bullet in the head, right in the middle of your eyebrows. Scarface is the universal clue of at least three people a week, but no one recognizes him as such. They’d rather bow to his feet, fearing for their lives, as if the devil had any sympathy in him in the first place. It was a funny paradox. Furthermore, the universe is also a sneaky son of a bitch. So, of course her brother would get into some trouble and end up in jail. And of course he would ask (y/n) to save his ass as she often did.  
She quickly turned around the way she was making to the supermarket and parked in front of the station, luckily only a few blocks away from her destination. The girl entered the room in silence and wrinkled her nose slightly at the strong smell of pee and cigarettes coming from the back, where the small jail was. In the waiting room, there were only two men sitting with their heads down and a guard in front of the hallway that led to the detainees.  
(y/n) went to talk to the guard and before disappearing, he told her to wait right there. She took a sit as far away from the two ominous-looking men as possible and pretended to be fiddling with her phone. In fact, she was distressed. Despite Manny being known for his little transgressions, he’d never been arrested before, so she had also never been to a police station up until that point. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her fingers were trembling slightly.  
The guard finally returned and she let out a sigh of relief. He handed her some paperwork to fill and she paid the bail in silence. While she gave him her signature, loud voices and laughter could be heard approaching in the hallway next to the waiting room. The laughter was undeniably masculine, a deep voice reverberating through the walls of the quiet police station. (y/n) held her breath as her eyes landed on brown shoes touching the floor. She didn’t dare look up and quickly finished signing the papers, going back to her chair while the guard went to get Manny.  
She stared down at her phone, her heartbeat speeding up again. The disturbing laughter ceased and the girl heard a rattle of keys followed by another clang. A thick accent thanked someone and (y/n) let out her breath, thinking he was leaving at last, but the heavy boots made their way to the water cooler right next to her. She bit her lip and sighed shakily, still not daring to look up. The way he was standing betrayed the lack of care for his spine, as he was unnecessarily leaning too far back. His loud gulps almost made (y/n) roll her eyes, despite her nervousness. He really looked like he came out of a cartoon with such deliberately theatrical behaviour.  
The two men sitting away from her got up at the same time and walked out of the station, leaving just Scarface, another guard who was on the computer, and her. But as she had no luck, a voice called that damn guard and he left them both alone in the waiting room. At that point, (y/n) knew the asshole was just messing around with that glass of water he’d been drinking for the past two minutes. And for that reason, she decided to stand up straight and look at him. There was nothing to fear. She had nothing to do with his drug shenanigans. 
The girl was only still hesitant of Scarface maybe trying to do something inappropriate, but she didn’t have time to run when he threw the cup in the trash and sat down on the empty chair right next to her. That man’s sly smile and predatory gaze made her shiver from head to toe. “Mornin’”, he states, his deep voice very close to her ear.  
(y/n) turned to look at him and kept her expression solemn. “Morning”, she simply replies, and perhaps it comes out too imposing, because Scarface raises his eyebrows and looks at her with some humor.  
“A tough one, huh? Just the way I like it.”  
She wants to laugh at his words, but only shakes her head. “Are you fucking serious? You wish....” 
“I wish what?”, he grabs her face tightly, forcing her to look at him. (y/n) freezes under his touch and can’t hide her panicked expression. He smiles satisfied and moves closer to her. “Your mama never told you not to talk to strangers, huh?”, she tries to pull away from his grip, but he pushes his fingers harder against her cheeks to the point of hurting. “Answer me.”  
“You’re not a stranger, Scarface”, she grins and he lets go of her at last. (y/n) takes a deep breath and clears her throat, checking the time and tucking her phone into her front pocket. Thankfully, Manny’s voice is approaching in the hallway and she gets up, giving the guy a scowl. “I know you think you own this town, but remember you’re still just a guy. Get over yourself.”  
“Oh, I know”, Scarface mutters, smirking like she’d just told him a great joke. He stands up and tries to touch her again, but (y/n) manages to avoid it. He then pulls her closer by the waist for a split second, as the guard and her brother appear in that instant. The man lets go of her quickly, and before he leaves, he flashes her a wink, “have a good day, baby.” 
She watches angrily as Scarface disappears, caressing her aching face. The girl turns around to find Manny with a sorry expression, and she clenches her jaw. “Let’s go”, it’s all she says, walking out of the station without waiting for him. 
A week after that incident, (y/n) never left the house again. Until today, that is; she only went to her brother’s because he was starting to get a little worried about her confinement. She didn’t think of telling him why she was hiding for protection, because the less her family knew about that crazy drug dealer bothering her, the better.  
(y/n) walked out of her car fast so she wouldn’t bump into Scarface on the street by any chance. Although it was pretty unlikely to happen, seeing as he didn’t usually hang out in her neighborhood, but she wouldn’t take any risks. No one besides herself knew what went on in the station and she didn’t intend to tell anyone else. The girl didn’t even know if she should have told anyone in the first place. The guy had this city in his hands. If he wanted to find her, it was a snap of his fingers.  
But of course, (y/n) couldn’t run away forever. And the day she decided she’d go to Manny’s without any fear, while she was sitting on the sofa, that damned thick accent came from the front door. She widened her eyes and got up quickly, but when the girl reached the kitchen door, her scared expression met the man’s pleased one. He was smiling at something her brother was saying, however, as soon as he saw her, the mirth on his features was borderline sickening. Still, he visibly tried to play it cool because Manny was there.  
(y/n) pretended not to care as she made her way to the bathroom and locked herself there, hands shaking violently. She sent millions of desperate messages to Elvira. The voices continued to chatter excitedly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to have Scarface at her brother’s place. Like they were buddies. 
Suddenly there was silence and someone knocked on the bathroom door slowly, barely audible. Her heart raced and she felt a lump forming in her throat, eyes watering without warning. Another knock. She put her phone away and slowly opened the door, not knowing what else to do or where else to go. The man’s intimidating presence greeted her and a victorious grin hovered on his lips. (y/n) looked into the living room for Manny, but there was no one. He seemed to have left for some reason, and she felt her world fall apart.  
The girl stared back at Scarface and he was now serious, examining her body up and down with no shame. “So you’re family, huh?”, he muses, his terrifying voice making her shiver sharply. She sighed and went to sit back in the couch, accompanied by him, who was leaning against the doorway and still gazed at her without blinking. “When they told me you were Manny’s lil’ sis, I couldn’t believe it, baby! But here you are, I guess that makes him my brother-in-law”, he states, content as a child who solves a puzzle. “He told me you live alone, right? I might pay you a visit someday.”  
“Right”, she merely scoffs, attempting her best not to show the shift in her seat hearing his words. 
He smiles macabre, moving his index finger from side to side in denial. “You don’t talk to me like that, tigress. Let’s start there”, he looks around, making sure Manny’s still not there, and approaches her. (y/n) instinctively pulls away and he grabs her face just like before, forcing her to glance at him. “You don’t talk to me like that. Got it?” She doesn’t answer and he squeezes her cheeks even more, making her let out a groan of pain. “Got it?”  
“Got it”, she spits out, begrudgingly.  
(y/n) thinks he’s going to let go, finally, but first he gives her an awkward, aggressive peck on the lips. She instantly shoves him and wipes her mouth to somehow undo that contact. Scarface laughs, “you’re so cute, baby.”  
“What are you doing with my...” 
Manny arrived as soon as she closed her mouth, readily engaging in another conversation with Scarface while ignoring her presence there. They talk about people and places she knew nothing about, it sounded like a bunch of codes, and she gaped at each sentence they exchanged. How the hell did they know each other? What was that asshole doing with her brother?!  
Dinner came and Scarface—his name was never mentioned, for some reason, and she wasn’t about to ask—made a point of sitting next to her, but if Manny noticed their closeness, he didn’t pay any mind. They continued talking through the meal and Manolo chit-chatted (y/n) now and then, forcing her to answer Scarface’s falsely innocent and curious questions about what she was talking about. As if he didn’t already know everything about her life, apparently.  
After helping clean the kitchen, (y/n) said goodbye to her brother. Scarface watched them silently from the sofa and she tried to keep her focus on Manny. “I have some stuff to do at home now, gotta go.” 
“You going alone? It’s late”, he frowns.  
She waves her hand to make light of it. “It’s fine, Manny. It’s a ten minute ride.”  
Manolo shakes his head. “Even so, (y/n), you know this neighborhood ain’t safe. I can’t take you home, but Tony can.”  
So that’s his name.  
Scarface—Tony chimes in, not letting her answer Manny just yet, “c’mon, let’s go. I’ll take you.” 
“It is not necessary. I literally drove here!”, the girl huffs, already taking the first step to leave.  
Manny stops her before she reaches the door. “No, no. It’s too dangerous here at night, you better go with him. C’mon, you take her, Tony. She’s just a little stubborn.”  
(y/n) locks her jaw, but doesn’t say anything.  
“I noticed”, Tony mutters tauntingly, giving her an ambiguous look that surely only she saw. The girl took a deep breath and surrendered, waving goodbye to Manny as she walked with Tony to her car. They strolled in silence to the garage and as soon as she opened the door of the vehicle, he pulled out a little plastic bag from his pocket, full of a white powder. He pointed with his chin at it, raising the object. “I just made some business with your brother today, baby, no worries.”  
(y/n) stared at him confused, but still didn’t say a word. Manolo was really going down an irreversible path, it seemed, and there was nothing she could do about it. With a heavy heart, she could only get in her car and pray she’d make it home safe that night. Scarface followed her and started driving, shooting her a smile or two over his shoulder. Luckily, it wasn’t long until they parked in front of her building. He turned off the ignition and got out of the car with her, obviously inviting himself in.  
Of course.  
(y/n)’d been trying for a few seconds to open the stuck gate and Tony notices her suffering, helping her to complete the task. She doesn’t thank him and simply walks into the house, knowing he’s on her tail. His eyes burn into her back, but she tries not to focus on it while starting to unlock the door. She is greeted by her cats rubbing against her heels and she smiles automatically. Forgetting for a brief moment that Scarface is there, the girl takes the smaller one in her arms, hugging and kissing her soft dark fur. When she puts her down, the man is watching her with an amused expression.  
Her cheeks tingle and (y/n) makes her way to the kitchen, with Tony still following in silence. She pours herself a glass of water and offers it to him next, which he accepts, still staring at her with the same predatory demeanor. He’s going to try to do something ugly to her, obviously, and she is trying not to think about it, but it’s getting harder and harder. If she screams, no one will hear her. Fortunately or not, she has no neighbor on her floor. She makes a mental list of what objects she can throw at his head to make him pass out like in the movies; a brand new moisturizer that is full; a makeup bag; her favorite pan. If she is quick enough, maybe she can lock him in her room and call the police. 
(y/n) snaps out of her thoughts when Tony approaches her behind the counter, while she still holds a glass of water. She is staring at his chest when he calmly takes it from her hands and offers her a smile. She tries to hide her trembling fingers from his vision, but he notices them and takes her palm in his, raising it to her eye level.  
“Not so tough now, huh?”, he mocks, making (y/n) bite her own tongue so she doesn’t give him a sharp answer and gets punched because of it. He kisses her fingertips softly, catching her off guard. Tony notices her confused expression and grins again, lowering his face to bring it closer to hers. “What, you think I was gonna keep scaring you off? I’m not that bad, baby.” 
“If you say so.” She mutters reflexively, regretting it right away when his dangerous orbs fall on her. She sighs and looks away. “Sorry.” 
He nods approvingly. “Good girl.”  
There is an old gouache paintbrush she could use to pierce through his neck in case it gets bad. The glass pitcher is over the sink. (y/n) looks at the table and there’s a fork and a spoon. The big knife is in the drawer— 
Tony lets go of her hand and walks to her room. She listens to the sound of his wooden soles echoing against the tile floor a little astonished, before following him. She opens the door, which creaks imposingly through the empty, closed house, and her heart skips a beat when she hears the mattress shift, indicating he has settled into her bed.  
(y/n) is in front of her window to open it, but before she can do it, his arms wrap around her from behind and pull her away from it. She widens her eyes and tries to pull away, however, the grip tightens. She starts to shake more aggressively and an agonized scream leaves her mouth, causing his hand to slam against it, muffling the sound. She looks desperately at Tony and he’s signaling her to be quiet. Panic takes over her body and she gives up trying to get out of his grip. He seems happy with this decision and removes his palm from her lips, laying her body down on the bed and straddling her, legs wrapping around her waist as his knees sink into the mattress.  
Her eyes water and she closes them tightly, waiting for the inevitable. (y/n) remains like this for a few seconds, but nothing happens. She thinks maybe Tony has given up on what he wanted to do, however, when she opens her eyes again, his face is hovering over hers. His brown eyes are scrutinizing the girl minutely, there’s not a single vestige of that villainous smile that lives on his lips. She returns his gaze and they stare at each other in silence. His elbows are propped up against the mattress and his hands are still gripping her arms, holding them in place, but with no force.  
(y/n) wants to ask him what he’s doing, but the thought leaves her mind as soon as he takes a gun out of his pants. She screams in desperation, “help! Help! Someone help me!”  
“Shhh. Hey, calm down!”, Tony puts his hand over her mouth yet again, holding her down so she’ll stop her kicking. She watches, still horrified, as he places the gun on the chair beside her bed. “I’m not killing you, baby, calm down”, there’s a smirk on his features that makes her stomach turn. “Yet”, he adds, taking his palm away from her trembling lips. (y/n) tries to get up, but he pushes her back down. “I ain’t killing you, but I’m gonna do other things.” 
“No, no, please...” 
She can’t finish her pleas as his full lips crash onto hers, now in a kiss deeper and less brusque than the peck from earlier. The girl tries to resist at first, but soon her body speaks louder and she ends up giving in to the contact. She lets out an involuntary groan as his rough fingers lift the hem of her shirt, almost like an animal in heat. Damn hormones, she thinks in the back of her mind, not really caring for that much when his fingertips send shivers through her skin.  
Tony pulls apart so he can remove her garment, smirking at her bra-covered breasts. She blushes terribly. “You’re so cute, baby.” 
He kisses her again and (y/n) reciprocates vehemently this time, wrapping her legs around his waist tightly. His lips trace down her neck and she faintly laughs at the little tickle there, making him lift his face to look at her intently. There’s something different in his eyes, almost adoration, but she can’t finish the thought as he unbuttons her pants and unceremoniously pulls them down, leaving the girl in her underwear.  
Tony drops to his knees on the bed and shrugs off his iconic floral shirt and wifebeater. (y/n) can’t help but smile seeing his near-athletic pecs and gets on her knees too, silently volunteering to strip him out of his own pants. He watches closely as she unzips his jeans and unbuttons them, sliding them down his toned thighs. Tony finishes getting rid of the piece and goes back to kissing her neck urgently, leaving more aggressive caresses in place. A chill travels her spine when his member bumps into her stomach and she squeezes his arm reflexively, catching his attention.  
“You good?”, he asks, sounding so worried he seems to be another man completely different from the Scarface criminal who’s been with her until now.  
She simply nods and lets out another moan as his lips descend to the gap between her breasts, leaving sinuous kisses all the way down. He licks at the sweat accumulated there and kisses her again; a salty, icy kiss. A hand finds her face and trails her cheek lightly, while his tongue invades her mouth shamelessly. His touch is so gentle it looks absolutely nothing like the man who bruised her face twice with his brute strength. Tony gropes down her back and unbuckles her bra, making the girl shiver as he grips her nipple. Soon, he pays attention to them with his mouth and she bites her lip so as not to make too much noise. Still nibbling at the sensitive skin on her breasts, his deft hands slide down her panties and her face heats up violently.  
He slips two fingers into her without blinking an eye. (y/n) arches her back and blurts out a high-pitched groan, which had him chuckling, turning her on even more as his thick voice vibrated against her nipple. When his tongue meets her clit, the feeling is indescribably divine. She’s now a carefree mess of moans and ragged breathing. Tony’s hands grip her hips strongly, holding back her unconscious thrusts.  
He lifted his face again before she came, his chin visibly wet. “Got protection, baby?”  
“No”, she lets out an incredulous laugh. “I never did that, I didn’t have to...” 
“Right”, he says thoughtfully, as if just connecting the dots now. Tony fumbles in his pockets and doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for, so he looks back at her. “I got nothing on me either.”  
“What now?”  
They exchange a silent look and he shrugs, getting back on top of her body. “Now I’m pulling out y qué sea lo que Dios quiera.”  
(y/n) is going to protest, but Tony takes off his boxers and invades her without warning, causing her to groan in pain. He soon notices her expression and stands statue over the girl, waiting for her to recover. Tears form in her eyes once again and he leaves light kisses on her cheek, trying to calm her down. She smiles softly at the delicate and unexpected gesture. Soon she’s ready and he starts to move, gradually increasing the pace.  
The solemn creak of the bed is the only sound besides their gasping breaths and moans she can’t contain. Every now and then his golden chain hits her chin, however it doesn’t hurt, it’s but a little friction. His big hands are squeezing her breasts as he speeds up the movements little by little. (y/n) looks to the side and sees the revolver on the pink chair, the contrast of that scene making her want to laugh. She returns her attention to Tony and he’s got his eyes closed, mouth open, leaving wet kisses all over her cleavage. He’s dripping with sweat, just like her.  
He takes her lips again and only then does she return to the moment, losing herself in her own pleasure and letting the orgasm overtake her without precedent. Next up is Tony, who comes with a husky moan and one last kiss. He lets his body slide off hers, pulling out his cock while his cum paints them both. (y/n) kisses his face after the effect of orgasm and he returns the caress, pulling her into a fairly tight hug. She smiles at the contact and lets him hold her there for a few minutes. They’re silent the entire time, until he pulls the sheet from under the pillow to cover them. Tony and her exchange indecipherable, sinuous looks, and that’s when her penny drops. She just had sex with a criminal.  
“This shouldn’t have happened”, she say abruptly, sitting up.  
Tony also sits down and shrugs.  “But it did. So what?”  
“So it won’t happen again!”, (y/n) exclaims in annoyance, not caring that this man has a gun and isn’t afraid to use it at all. “You need to go.”  
“Already? You just wanna use me and throw me away, huh? Now that’s cold, baby”, she rolls her eyes at his mockery and stares at the wall as he stands beside the bed, his stuff swaying back and forth. “Hey”, he calls, but she doesn’t answer. He then touches her chin and gives her a lingering, incredibly soft peck. She sighs as Tony pulls away and there’s a gentle smile on his face as he puts on his clothes. “You’re cute, (y/n).”  
“Thanks”, she timidly blurts out, not really knowing what to say. The girl looks for her underwear and tenses up as she watches him handle his revolver, placing it on his back again.  
He notices this. “I ain’t hurting you with that gun, you know? You can relax.”  
“Even if you don’t use it against me, it’s still a weapon”, she mutters seriously, turning her back to him so he can buckle her bra.  
He does the task and hugs her from behind, kissing her locks. “You don’t have to be afraid of anything with me, baby, not even a weapon.” 
She turns to face him, hugging his waist lightly. Tony gets serious all of a sudden and lets out a long breath as he finally releases her. He checks his pocket and fixes his messy hair in the small mirror on top of the dresser. Before leaving, they exchange one last look. None of them says a word. (y/n) watches him disappear behind the gate and looks around the empty house, returning to her room and closing the door. She stares at the completely messed up bed and the sheet painted by drops of blood and sperm, which they shared for a few seconds, now on the floor. Ha.  
Trouble with a capital “T”. 
Two weeks after the incident, (y/n) didn’t go to her brother’s house anymore. But Elvira, being such a pain in her ass sometimes, had practically bullied her into going out tonight.  She was anxious, it’d been a while since she went out to have fun like this. Her fear of bumping into Tony—Scarface wasn’t exactly as strong as before, for obvious reasons, but she’d still rather not take her chances in finding him again. No matter how good his dick game was, he was a dangerous individual. Better to stay away. 
So, for the record; she fucked a hitman and was most likely falling in love with him, maybe even reciprocally, just after he got violent with her several times. Elvie obviously didn’t know about it yet, but what would she do when that time inevitably came? Because (y/n) was going to tell her, no doubt. She couldn’t keep it all to herself forever, hiding it from everyone like it was some sort of crime. Elvira would probably call her crazy and even threaten to lock her up in an asylum, wanting to choke Tony if it was as much as hinted he laid his hand on her. And she wasn’t even wrong for that! 
But what about her family? God, if her father knew... He’d go after Tony’s blood. He would simply never look her in the face again, especially since their relationship was already fragile enough because of Manolo. And what of her reputation? All of Miami would talk about this. She’d be the new bitch on the block for sure. No one would respect her, she’d become a joke. Not that she cared about what those people think of her, but it would be nice to stay anonymous. It was safe, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
With a heavy sigh, (y/n) finished getting ready and stared at her reflection, smiling faintly. Perhaps it was best to let those corrosive thoughts for tomorrow’s hangover. She grabbed her bag and locked her apartment, walking down the deserted street. As the club was close to her house, there was no reason for anyone to come and get her, so she’d go alone with no worries. It wasn’t like anyone was going to do anything to her on her quiet neighborhood, anyway, much less on the weekend. Plus, criminals in this town had a schedule and they liked to stick to it. At least the ones who grew up there. 
Already approaching the place, she saw Elvira with some of her friends waiting for her in the line. They greeted each other and entered the club, going for a table next to the bar. (y/n) immediately asked for a strong drink to try and calm down her nerves, feeling rather unfit for that environment after such a long time away from it. At the first glass, she felt lighter and smiling, pulling Elvie to the dance floor.  
They’re dancing and laughing like idiots when a tall man approaches them. He is moving to the song and calmly smoking a cigarette while he watches the girls, eyes glued to (y/n)’s form in specific. She doesn’t hear a word Elvira is saying over the music as she stares back at the guy, so distracted she accidentally knocks over a waiter’s tray behind her, making a huge mess. (y/n) apologizes quickly and starts clumsily picking things up on the floor, while the mysterious guy crouches down and helps her with it. She smiles shyly and they finish fixing everything in place.  
She thanks him softly and turns to go back to her table, but he grabs her arm gently. “In a hurry?”, he questions playfully, an amused smile on his full lips.  
She blushes. “Oh, no, I was just…”  
He shakes his head. “You’re a little shy, I can see that. Let’s put an end to this shyness now, come with me!”, he walks off, dragging her to the bar. “So, what’s your name?”, he asks, signaling for the bartender to bring them two beers.  
“Frank, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Their drinks arrive and they make a toast, while she takes a big swig. Frank smiles and pulls her by the waist, taking her by surprise. “Lost your shyness yet?” 
He attacks her lips before she can finish, leaving a wet, beer-tasting kiss on her mouth. (y/n) has to make a tremendous effort not to drop the beer from her hand, making way for his tongue to explore every corner of her mouth. Frank separates them just to take another sip of his drink and starts kissing her neck. Elvira’s eyes from afar give her a surprised and mischievous look. She flashes her a smug smile, but as soon as she does, her friend’s expression completely shuts down and now it’s one of sheer panic. (y/n) frowns and turns to look at where she’s staring so terrified.  
She’s greeted by Tony’s aggressive hands pulling her away from Frank in a sudden movement. He drags her out of the man’s arms, keeping her behind his body. Tony then hits him with his fist. (y/n) widens her eyes with the amount of punches Tony is throwing at Frank and tries to get him off the guy, but he pushes her away. She looks around and people surround them, watching the fight in silence and astonishment, however no one moves a finger to help break it up. Of course. It’s Scarface.  
No one would dare stop him.  
Frank managed to leave a blow on Tony’s stomach, but he couldn’t dodge another punch to the jaw and fell to the ground, looking dizzy. When she thought Tony would back down and leave it at that, he went over to Frank’s body on the floor and striking him wildly again. She was desperate for help to separate them, but nobody did anything. (y/n) tried to pull Tony away from him and he pushed her once more, only this time she didn’t give up so easily. She grabbed his arm with all the strength of a slightly intoxicated person and made him look at her. The fury in his eyes slowly seemed to soften and he dropped Frank’s semi-conscious body. 
Once on his feet, Tony looks around him, menacingly showing his gun tucked into his pants. Everyone scatters like startled ants immediately, without him having to say a word. When they’re alone, he glances at Frank one more time and looks back at (y/n). His anger seems to have returned.  
“I wish I done that to you”, he begins, his thick voice making her shiver. She takes a step back, but he grabs her by the neck and pulls her close again. “Lucky for you, I’m doing good lately, baby. So I’m generous, you know? But you both should be fucking dead now.” (y/n)’s hands start to shake and her eyes water instantly at his words, fear taking over her entire body. She tries to free herself from his grip, but he won’t let her. He continues, “you are mine. Ain’t no one touching you but me from now on. Got it?” 
“Yes”, she chokes, tears falling down her face uncontrollably.  
Tony, however, doesn’t seem to feel any remorse for her deplorable state. Finally his hand lets go of her neck and she takes a deep breath, sobs leaving her throat aggressively. (y/n) gets as far away as possible and before she knows it, she’s running away. He doesn’t come after her, which she mentally thanks. She felt so scared and angry at that moment that she couldn’t think of anything but running, running for her life.  
(y/n) got home and locked the door thoroughly. She isolated in her room and cried herself to sleep. It was dawn when she managed to close her eyes and rest for a few hours, only to be woken up by a loud noise outside the next day. There were loud bangs on the door, nearly knocking it over. Her breath hitched and she made sure to lock the bedroom door. Maybe she could just pretend nobody was home.  
Another banging thud, now it sounded like someone jumping on the floor. Then there was yet another furious knocking, this time on the front door. Her stomach turned. A bang on the window echoed in her ears and (y/n) began to cry profusely, sobbing in terror. A crash startled her and her eyes widened seeing the wooden blinds breaking in front of her.  
She unlocked the bedroom door in a second and ran behind her apartment, opening the kitchen door as it lead to emergency stairs. Footsteps approached once she managed to get out and run across someone’s yard. She looked for somewhere low enough for her to reach so she could climb, finding a little doghouse in the corner. There wasn’t anybody or anything around, thankfully. However, as soon as she started to take off, big arms grabbed her waist from behind, pulling down her body violently.  
She kicked as hard as she could, but Tony wouldn’t let go. He towed her back into her house and locked the kitchen door, dragging her by the arm back to her room. He threw the girl on the bed without any delicacy and looked at her from where he was standing. She continued to cry copiously, all her strength quickly draining away. (y/n) crouched close to the headboard and watched him sit on the far side, studying her in silence.  
“Crying ain’t doing you no good, baby.” She turns her face to the wall and he walks in her direction, crawling until he’s next to her. He whispers in her ear, “you can’t win for losing.” 
“Shut up!”, she pushes him away, taking Tony by surprise. He looks at her with raised eyebrows, but he doesn’t look annoyed.  
He looks pleased.  
“C’mon, now”, Tony approaches again, grabbing her chin to make her eyes stay on his. “Now, now you look like the fucking girl I met in that station. Badass baby”, (y/n) tries to pull away, but he doesn’t let her and gives her a forced peck. His stubble scratches her face and she grimaces, dodging and breaking the contact. This seems to irritate him deeply, because in the next second, his palm meets the soft skin of her cheek and the sensation burns. Tony pointed in her direction, warning, “don’t you ever do that again.”  
“I do whatever the hell I want”, she spits out, not caring about the consequences at this point.  
He gets hold of her neck, glaring. “No. You do what I want, you bitch.” 
(y/n) smirks, mockingly. “You think you’re offending me? How cute.”  
Tony then slaps her again, this time much harder, and she laughs out loud at his fragile ego. She pulls herself together and faces him again, pretending not to be shaken. Tears have dried under her eyes and she only cracks a half smile, taking in his scowling features. “You men are such a joke, so easy to figure out.”  
“Careful, baby”, he says in a warning tone, making her chuckle once more.  
“Who do I have to be careful with, you?”, she asks smugly, smacking the hand he lifted to squeeze her neck again. Tony is surprised, although he’s trying really hard not to show it. “You...”, she continues, lightly touching the collar of his shirt. “Who would never hurt me with a gun?”, (y/n) mimics his thick voice. He seems to get annoyed at that and takes her hand away from where it was, which makes her smile victoriously.  
Okay, so it’s not so bad having a criminal with a crush on her.  
“Shut up”, he orders.  
She simply shrugs and brings her face closer to his. Tony places a gentle kiss on her lips and excitement burns inside her as his palm goes straight to her ass, squeezing it. “Hold up, cowboy”, (y/n) mutters, although not really caring about his impatience. “Wanna explain to me what was that about last night?”  
“Told you, you’re mine.” He reiterates casually, trying to pull her onto his lap and kiss her, but she doesn’t allow it. Tony frowns again, speaking with a heavy accent, “what is it now?”  
“You almost killed the guy”, (y/n) points out. She didn’t want to make him feel remorseful or anything, she knew he just wouldn’t; it was all on her curiosity about the sick psychology in his head. She touches the collar of his shirt again and looks into his eyes, the most sincere she’s been so far, and practically begs, “what do you want from me, Tony?”  
Something very similar to confusion runs through his brown orbs, but it’s only for a millisecond, as he looks at her sternly right after. His hands remain promptly by each side of his body, and it makes her a little bit relieved he’s respecting her wishes. It’s a start. 
Of what exactly, (y/n)?  
“I want you, baby”, he says. His voice doesn’t betray any kind of vulnerability, though his gaze conveys less solemnity than his words. She watches him in silence until her eyes inevitably water. Tony frowns and touches her face quickly, holding her like she was the most delicate thing in the world. “What is it?”  
How can he not see? How does he have the courage to even ask what happened? Or are his actions merely impulsive and completely thoughtless, is that it? Does he not know that he was just hurting, hitting her? Does he not know that he was just insulting (y/n) and treating her like a goddamn worthless object? Because the same hands that slapped her cheek minutes ago are now hugging her and stroking her back, as if in an attempt to ease her loud sobs.  
She hears his voice in her ear, soothing, kissing her neck lightly. Maybe it’s all a dream, a hallucination in her head as she’s unconscious with this man doing God-knows-what to her. But it is not. His touch is as real as it was the last time, his pleasure intertwining with hers in a magnificent, if improvised, dance. And it’s as real as the first time their lips met, in a sheer display of power and dominance on his part, but which now reminded her only of a caress exchanged between two lovers. A comfort.  
“(y/n)...”, his deep voice calls again, however her eyes are glazed over the shattered window in front of her. He lifts her face to look at him and there’s a kind of desperation in his expression, even if it’s held back by pride greater than his own ego, if that’s possible. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“I know.” She hears herself speak, sort of in reflex, since it was true. She knew deep down he didn’t mean to hurt her. Maybe at first, yes, but then... Following that afternoon, a new chapter of this crazy story began to unfold. And they are entering one more after last night.  
“It’s true”, he reenforces, and (y/n) really wishes she had the strength to tell him that it’s okay, she understood, but the truth is that she was tired. Sold out. It had been so long since she had slept or eaten anything and she felt her limbs giving up on supporting her body at any moment. “(y/n)”, Tony insists, yet his voice is already a low sound that becomes more and more distant in her mind.  
Soon she doesn’t feel anything anymore.  
The first time (y/n) opens her eyes, everything is blurry. On the second attempt, she notices a figure sitting on the chair beside her bed and a dim light coming from the window. On the third blink, she realized she had probably passed out—for how long was her first question, as the sun outside seemed to point at one or two in the afternoon.  
Tony was silently watching her as she positioned herself and felt her head almost explode into a thousand pieces. Her throat was dry, an unparalleled taste of shit in her mouth reminding her she hadn’t even brushed her teeth due to everything that had happened that day since she woke up. A sigh escaped her lips and (y/n) closed her eyes again, giving up on her efforts to sit up against the headboard. She felt so weak. Her fingers were trembling slightly and she was freezing to death, even with the sun at its peak and all the covers over her on the bed. She felt dizziness enveloping her body and thought she was going to faint again, but a large, rough, careful hand touched her arm.  
Tony looked hesitant, worried, recluse even. His eyes didn’t leave hers for a second and she felt slightly invaded, undressed as his irises watched over her without blinking. She stared at his palm on her forarm and tried to calm down, although her heart hammered inside her chest. “You didn’t eat anything today, did you?”, he asks, but it’s a rhetorical question.  
Tony then leaves her alone, not waiting for an answer, and returns with a plate in one hand and a glass in the other. (y/n) stares at the image in front of her and feels like chukling, but she contains herself. Instead, she sits up with some difficulty as he hands her the meal, returning to his rightful place on the pink chair. She takes a couple of bites and a huge relief rushes through her body as the food reaches her stomach. It had been almost a day since she had anything to eat. She didn’t even know how she didn’t vomit her ass off with all the alcohol she had last night.  
The girl sipped the juice as she paid more attention to her surroundings. Tony took care of her while she was unconscious and even cooked. He, the hitman who scared even the most dangerous gangsters in Miami, cooked her a stroganoff and made her an orange juice. It sounded like a scene from a sugary romance movie.  
“It’s just a hangover”, she finally speaks up, her throat still a little dry.  
“It’s not”, Tony turns around and sits leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, looking at her intently. She gazes at her plate and continues to eat in silence, while he continues, “I’m real sorry, (y/n).” If she hadn’t been so tired, she would have spit out her juice in surprise. (y/n) glanced at him completely horrified, as if he had confessed to an atrocity. Tony stays with the same solemn expression, a little less proud now.  
“For what?”, a shiver runs down her legs. She didn’t want to be insistent, but curiosity was killing her inside.  
Tony, on the other hand, didn’t seem bothered by the question. “For hitting you. And for doing all of that last night.”  
“You shouldn’t apologize to me for what you did”, she mutters bitterly. 
Tony only shrugs. “I didn’t mean to hit you.” He repeats, and she closes her eyes when all that tangle of feelings hits her chest once more. He reaches over and takes her hand, giving her a pleading look. “I swear I ain’t ever laying a finger on you again, baby. You gotta believe me.”  
Her eyes water involuntarily and she holds his hand back firmly, looking at him with a half-broken smile, trying in vain to give him some comfort. “I know”, she begins, voice cracking at the end. “I know, okay? You were angry. I understand.”  
Tony scowls and shakes his head. “No. (y/n), that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t...” 
“I know. It was wrong, Tony, I know, but you didn’t think straight. And neither did I, actually. It happened, there’s no reason to dwell on it. Everything is fine, really.” She looks into his eyes once more and smiles when he nods after a while, still a little hesitant. The girl brings his hand to her lips and kisses it slowly.  
He smiles weakly. “You scared the fuck out of me, you know”, he mumbles, and there’s a hint of desperation in his voice. “I thought I did something to make you pass out. The fear, I don’t know...”  
“That wasn’t it. I’m not afraid of you, Tony”, she assured him, since it wasn’t a total lie. When he was just him, without that domineering, abusive criminal side, she wasn’t afraid of Tony. No longer. (y/n) sighs and finishes her meal, setting her plate on the table beside her, feeling considerably better. “Come here”, she extends her arms to him and Tony goes without blinking, hiding his face in her neck and lying with her on the bed.  
She didn’t know exactly what that meant. Having sex with a murderer who only mistreated her already wasn’t so understandable, but having some kind of relationship with him? It sounded pathetic in her mind. It’s not like he would even want anything to do with her besides sex, but she couldn’t believe that as the seconds went by and he kissed her neck so softly, apologizing endlessly for his transgressions, mumbling that he would never hurt her again, that she’d never need to be afraid of him again...  
Her head was going to explode.  
(y/n) looked down to meet his gaze and stroked his hair, smiling like a lovestruck idiot. She just couldn’t believe this was happening—and somehow she did. Because of course she wouldn’t resist for long. Even when she was shaking like a leaf, still she couldn’t fight his caresses, imagine it now that Tony seems so willing to make up for all his mistakes? 
“Antonio...”, he mutters, barely audible, making her frown. He gives her a small smile and kisses her, mumbling against her lips, “my name.” 
“Really?”, (y/n) asks in disbelief, since now she was probably the only person in town who got that information, but Tony seemed more than comfortable sharing it with her.  
He’s still looking at her with the same little smile on his face. “Really. Why?” He lifts his body to rest on one arm, staring at the girl with some amusement.  
She grins and kisses him again, leaving several pecks on his stubble. “For nothing. It’s just a really nice name.”  
Her eyebrows dance and he laughs, making her insides melt at the sound of his laughter. It was the first time she heard it and she didn’t want to hear any other sound for the rest of her life. It was such a full 180 from the big, bad Scarface. 
(y/n) knew “I want you” was very far from “I love you”, but that knowledge didn’t stop her heart from skipping a beat whenever she remembered those words. Besides, even if the latter was the case, it was just never going to be that simple with Tony. She looked at his sparkling brown eyes and let out a deep, dreamy sigh. She was down hard for that dangerous, dangerous man, yet there was nothing but softness inside of her as he held her into his arms. What he did away from her could be as ugly as it came to be, and it still would never compare to how warm she was in his presence—be it for the anger, for the lust or for the comfort he made her feel. So, it was fine. She could handle it.  
She’s always been a bit of a troubleshooter, anyways. 
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thesamoanqueen · 2 years
Personal Hell
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: SMUT; First time; Bodyguard!Roman( a real body-guard); hit of past non-con/food disorders so please dont read if you’re not comfortable.
A/N: I don't know how it turned out in the end. I wrote the fic at different times due to personal commitments, but I still hope it's not a total mess. Requested by @romanmydaddy , hope you like it dear~
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He mumbled something under his breath, a red trickle down his chin from the slap she'd given him, and his eyes snapped up at her, sending her into a panic. She had to do something, she had to push him away, come back down, she had to call-
- Trash. - said a voice to her right and neither she nor the man who held her by the arm had time to turn around.
The impact that pulled him down was sudden, as if a car had hit him full-on and thrown him to the end of the hallway. She crouched against the wall with a choked cry, but she was more surprised than scared at that point, she knew who that voice belonged to and when she turned to look, Roman was already on top of the dude. She felt his knuckles slamming into his face, shoulders crashing into the carpet, and when the crying stopped, a slimy, wet sound reached her. The carpet was getting dirty…
Sitting in the back seat of the car, she listened to the noise of the dinner – or party? – which was being held at that home. It echoed between the walls of the spacious garage, a distant echo, but as always the matter did not concern her. She felt panicked, confused, it had all happened so fast. She didn't tremble, she was safe there, but her hands were cold on the dress that her mom had forced her to wear. She looked up hesitantly, watching Roman finish cleaning his own hands with what was left of his dress shirt. It was dirty with that dude’s blood and now he was wearing a gym shirt taken from the trunk that made him look even more imposing, she had the impression that every muscle in his body was still tense, ready to spring against anyone and reduce him like that man. Just the thought of him made her look at his hands, they were clean now, but his knuckles were red, scratched and she felt the urge to do something, anything to get them back to the way they were before.
She didn't move though, she couldn't and honestly she wasnt brave enough. Roman had been her personal bodyguard for months now, one of those big city contractor had recommended him to her father when things for the family had gone badly and he had placed him behind her without thinking twice. She was sure her father wasn't as sure now as he was then—Roman scared him—but she was and she wasn't going to trade that bond for anything else. Assuming that theirs was a real bond, which led to that stalemate and having a head full of wishes that she didn't know if she could ever grant. Yes, he had defended her, technically he had acted as a shield for her, but…
Roman was a grown man, he was from a big city, he had a life in Florida as far as she knew and this was not a teen novel. He had opened up to her, talked, seemed to appreciate her company unlike anyone else in that city, but it was also true that her father paid a salary into his bank account for each week spent with her. Theirs was an off-balance relationship and in that moment, seeing what happened to his hands because of her, Y/N realized it more than ever. He was angry, probably regretting the day he had agreed to babysit her. He could have been elsewhere, with his hands intact and a beautiful woma-
- Who the fuck he was? Why were you two together? – she heard him growl in an interrogative tone.
She wished he hadn't thought about this guy because surely what had happened would have repercussions. The dude had worked a few times with her father, bringing his mining machinery to their establishment and now he would never do it again, perhaps he would never work with anyone again, in the condition Roman had reduced him. But that scared her less than it should in that moment, in that moment she could only think of something else.
- We weren't together, I... I wanted some air – she specified quickly and Roman's eyes widened for an instant.
She didn't want him to get the wrong idea. She wasn't that kind of woman, she wasn't like the mayor's daughter or her schoolmates. Maybe to some people she was just a sad, pathetic and a bit too round-headed fool, but she still believed in that sort of thing and would never allow a stranger such confidences. Roman shouldn't have known about her food disorders, she would have been too ashamed to admit the real reason she had locked herself in that bathroom in front of him, but she didn't want him to think badly of her. That would have been even worse than getting caught with your head on the toilet.
- Did you run away from me to get some air in a hallway? Do you think im stupid? - he almost yelled at her and she grabbed the edge of the seat, her legs banging on the bodywork.
She was used to being treated badly, but Roman was on another level. He was creepy and it was the first time he had spoken to her like that, she wasn't ready.
- What? No-
- He was touching you. - he insisted, his forearms resting on the car door and his entire figure to shade her.
Her head jerked, heart pounding and stomach tightening. She didn't understand the meaning of that conversation, she didn't understand why he was giving her so much. It hadn't been her fault, she hadn't voluntarily gone to that guy with the rat eyes. She had gone away without being seen, taking advantage of his moment of distraction to inflict yet another useless torture on herself and she knew she shouldn't have, she had risked his job out of selfishness and she was terribly sorry, but what had happened after that wasn't her fault.
-I didn't want to-he had smoked, I don't think he was fine. He spoke strangely, it was all strange, it was him. I wanted to go back, I was coming back to you. I'm sorry to cause you trouble, but really, I didn't mean to and your hands are full of scratches now- she began to rave with eyes watering, looking everywhere but at Roman who crouched down to be face to face with her.
But her feat failed and her words died in her throat with a strangled cry of terror, when she felt one of his reddened hands, take her by the throat. Roman had never tried any approach and she herself had never really been surprised by it, after all they were two worlds apart. It was the first time it had happened, it was the first time she had felt his hands on her for anything beyond helping her into a car or down a ladder. Her eyes widened, feeling a slight pressure and she swallowed hard, he was as serious as she'd ever seen him.
- No one can touch you. Nobody.
His voice was rough, deep as if came from the bottom of a well and a shiver made her spine tingle. She had the urge to run or barricade herself behind the tinted windows of the car for the rest of her life, but she wasn't sure if her body agreed and Roman was holding her with no intention of letting go. Heat emanated from him and she felt it on her, her stomach was crumpled again yet this time it wasn't painful, there was no empty feeling, at least not here.
- … y-yes. - she murmured softly as his fingers tightened a little tighter and his brown eyes invited her to reply.
Maybe she should have added something, given a true answer, but she didn't really trust her abilities at that moment and honestly didn't know what to say. Having him so close, feeling him on her was confusing in a way she had never felt before and Y/N was certain that if her skin and the shadow of the cockpit hadn't prevented it, she would have been red as a tomato.
- Yes what? - Roman urged her and she swallowed again.
One of his knees had forced its way between her legs, demanding space without her noticing. It was an awkward position, her body seemed at the point of self-combustion and for a second, in the chaos that was inside her head, she felt like crying thinking about her mother's insistence on that dress. It was so tight, it didn't fit her and now that Roman was so close, she felt even more uncomfortable than when she’d worn it.
- Yes what Y/N? - Roman asked louder and she jerked suddenly, as if he had thrown a bucket of ice water.
- Nobody has to touch me – she repeated like a good student, lowering her gaze for a second on the hand with which he was holding her.
It had moved up a little, just below her jaw and his thumb was now rubbing against her skin, forcing her to tilt her chin to his liking. It was hot and every stroke made her body itch, she was almost certain she was shaking at that moment, but Roman didn't seem to mind so maybe it was just a feeling, maybe she was so confused that didn't even understand what was going on. She wasn't good at that stuff, she didn't have the slightest experience and as far as she knew, maybe it wasn't even what she was wanting to imagine. But Y/N felt his other hand caressing her bare arm, up and down to then move elsewhere, to the side and her eyes widened, bringing them back to Roman's. He was no longer busy piercing her, his magnetic gaze had drifted lower, to her lips, as well as his thumb and Y/N let out a heated breath that was all too loud.
He didn't seem to care about her soft cheeks or the curve of her hips or all the extras her body had and that she fought so hard. No one had ever touched her like that, no one had ever looked at her that way, not even the one and only boy she had ever dated, but he wasn't worth it, they were just two kids then. The pastor of their community would have told her that she was behaving like a lamb when faced with the devil’s temptation, but for the first time in her life, she liked that danger. She suddenly realized that she was willing to be eaten by him, that she was willing to give him anything as long as he didn't stop that temptation, as long as he continued to look at her that way.
- I don't care who the fuck they are, no one will come near you as long as I'm around. You are not for them. Y’understand? - Roman established in a low, hungry growl.
- Yes sir – she nodded as if in a trance and he lifted his gaze from her cleavage, from her neck, to point at her again, this time with a pleased grin at that answer.
- Good girl.
From what dark hiding place that part of her had crept out, it wasn't clear, but she didn't even have time to investigate. The speed with which Roman moved took her by surprise. She felt him pull her against him, bullying and slamming his lips against hers, in a kiss that swallowed up not only her cry of pure terror of hers, but also the last shred of lucidity left of hers. Rookie and flustered, she just grabbed his shirt as he pushed his way into her mouth without asking permission. Y/N felt him explore the inside of her mouth, force her tongue and his taste, so inexplicably good, he wrested another noise from her, this time awfully like a moan. She didn't know what to do, how far she might go, and for a brief moment she feared she'd done something wrong, when at her moan, at her awkward attempt to reciprocate, Roman answered with a hungry growl. She felt him vibrate against her, his chest heaving, his muscles tensing under her fingers, the kiss growing even more ravenous.
She was out of breath, her lungs were about to burn and shrink to two deflated balloons, but she didn't want to stop, she didn't want that moment between them to end just because she wasn't used to that kind of attention. For some strange reason, Roman was intent on devouring her alive and all she wanted was to let him do it, help him in that endeavor and burn that enveloping feeling into her mind. Just the idea that he could do that to her after putting up with her all those months, when he could have had thousands of other women…
Thoughts, doubts striving to take control of her mind, suddenly seemed to rumble in her head and when he eased her back into the car seat, in an awkward pose to say the least, she fidgeted. It was really happening and as good as it was, panic, reality assaulted her and Y/N tried to wriggle away, but Roman just didn't seem like the type of man to give up. His hands, so large and still red, forced her to stay still and when one slipped under her buttock, lifting the dress without too many talking, a moan shook her body to the tip of her feet. She was terrified of being seen by someone, being seen by him… but everything outside and inside of her seemed on fire, her mind was foggy and the pressure of his body left her no way out. When his mouth pulled away from hers, she gasped, but the break didn't last more than a second and the contact of his full mouth along her neck, brought out another scream which she tried to disguise, her eyes closed to shield herself from shame. Roman must have found it amusing because a noise, maybe a laugh, shrugged his shoulders and in another circumstance she’d have worried since that was usually how jokes against her started, but his mouth against her cleavage made her squirm like a possessed animal. She kicked, not caring about the heels she was still wearing and the confined space, waved her arms, pushing palms against his shoulders and Roman barely opened one eye, slipping his hand under the fabric of the dress. She felt his mouth suck, bite, try to mark her without the slightest care of what anyone might think seeing her and that was enough to distract her as he worked his way between her legs. When one of his long fingers dug into her walls, where no one had ever gone before, Y/N grabbed him by the hair, pulling with all her strength as if her life depended on it.
- Easy babe, easy…- he said from her breast, but she wasn't there anymore.
She knew it was only a finger, yet the intrusion was giving her the impression of being suddenly split open, as if Roman had found the exact spot where her body had been glued together and ripped away the duck tape that kept Y/N from crumbling. She felt her eyes tingle, breath catch and her stomach turn completely, she was on the verge of something she didn't know and it terrified her. She broke free from the grip of his hands and covered her face, holding her cleavage with her other hand, heart pounding loudly as Roman blew his skin against her.
- Dont cover your face- he growled dangerously – I want to see you hot for me – moving his finger.
She felt it rubbing inside her, sinking lower and lower, a wet noise filling the car. She tried to squeeze her legs, but he was applying pressure and the movement was slowly killing her, she was sure of it. She had no idea how anyone could be capable of so much with just one finger and when after a while he added another, her ragged breaths turned into something else. She screamed, unable to hide well and ended up biting into her palm, nails digging into his dark hair again, back arching as the pace increased.
- No… dont hold back. I want it. – she had no idea what he was saying, she didn't even know what her name was or where she was anymore.
He was sinking and turning and touching parts she didn't even know she had and when his thumb landed on the outside, pressing against her clit, Y/N exploded completely shaking under his weight. The insides of her lids went white, mouth dropped open in a noise she never thought was capable of, and the insides of her folded around Roman's fingers, who persisted in drawing them in and out of her, smearing her moods everywhere. She was convinced that at any moment she would lose her senses, sinking who knows where with her sins and her broken heart.
Roman was the kind of man any sane woman would want. And wasn't just his looks, though that played a significant role. He had always been perfect with her, nothing like the men who had surrounded her growing up and as much as Y/N always reminded herself that this was part of his job, her stupid heart couldn't help to fall into the trap. She had fallen badly for him and that, that moment, was something she had never been prepared for even in her dreams. Maybe wasn't real, maybe that dude with rat eyes had convinced her to actually smoke and now she was imagining it all because of some drug, but she didn't want it to stop. She didn't want it to end.
She looked at him, breath ragged and almost desperate, she gripped his forearms, leaning in to kiss him. Roman smiled, she was probably ridiculous, but he reciprocated anyway and that was enough to make her gain some courage, pushing her to reach out more to him. She gripped his broad shoulders that had so often shielded her from the rest of the world, felt his muscular chest where Y/N always wished she could hide and held on to his neck, feeling his blood pressure pulsing. His growls shook her to toes and ignoring her own sanity or her soul, Y/N opened her mouth, allowing him to invade again. She moaned against him, his tongue torturing her again and her flustering continued to rummage everywhere, up his hips, up his back, until she felt him thrust his whole being against her. The contact with his boner, badly hidden by the pants made her squeal and Roman bit her mouth, tugging at her so she wouldn’t run away.
- R-Roman I…- she tried to explain herself, but she didn't really know what to say or what to do.
- Stay still – he ordered and Y/N trembled silently, seeing him undo the belt.
Just the sight of his hard cock, stiff and already wet, would have been enough to set her on real fire if only a human could. She was tempted to close her eyes once more, but that wasn't what she wanted, she didn't want to run away and when she felt his hands gripping her legs, it felt like a dangerous beast was making its way over her. She curled up against the seat, half of her hip already jutting out and her mouth opened and closed silently as he nuzzled the tip against her soft center. A moan shook her and Roman moved his head to one side, his expression focused and his lips pursed.
- Dont push me babe or I won’t be able to be gentle - he warned her, slipping slowly inside her folds with a terrifying verse.
A sudden burning ripped through her and a feeling of fullness filled her almost to the belly. She didn't understand how something that size could make room inside her, but she didn't care anymore, at that moment she was just trying to survive herself because had suddenly forgotten how to breathe and didn't want to give Roman any more problems. She tried to move, trying to find relief, but he planted his hands on top of her head and held her still for what seemed like an eternity. She felt it pounding inside her, his forehead pressing against hers, breath slamming into her face. As Roman backed away and sank again, something wet followed and a new noise welled up from her chest in a tone she didn't even believe belonged to her.
- Ahh! – a slow stroke and then another.
- Hm, you take me so well… so good beneath me - Roman gasped on top of her and her walls tightened.
That simple spasm was enough to drive him crazy and the burning was soon replaced by an unknown pleasure, as in the grip of a blind fury, he pounded against her. The tip slammed somewhere inside her, relentlessly and forcefully, threatening to rip her soul out with each lunge. Y/N felt her body writhe, the same heat felt thanks to his fingers filling her and rolling eyes behind her head, Roman who undeterred pulled her against him in a flood of soggy noises that came from their bodies. Something was leaking down between her legs, onto the car seat, but she had no perception of anything other than his stiff cock throbbing inside her. He was spreading her, increasing the pace stroke after stroke and for an infinite time, between continuous tremors and moments of white pleasure, Roman continued to ruin her until his thrusts became sloppy, deeper and suddenly he came out of her without a single word. Unprepared for the lack her body felt, Y/N leaned over to look at him, makeup ruined like everything else, and saw him tighten his grip on his boner, giving it a couple more strokes before emptying himself onto the garage in long whitish streams. She bit her lip and instinctively squeezed her legs, watching him catch his breath, leaning all his weight on the car door and then running a hand through his dark soft hair, wiping away the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead.
He was so inexplicably awesome he took her breath away and the sight pushed her one last time over the edge. She shivered bumpy, empty, against the dark fabric of the car as the wave of yet another climax passed through her and hands tightly against her chest, listening to the sound of her own heart echo. Gasping, Y/N lost track of time, enjoying that sense of unnatural peace and when she opened her eyes again, she was amazed that was still lying down looking at the roof of the car and not burning in the flames of hell.
If only her parents had found out… the thought, made her straighten up, looking around anxiously, but her eyes didn't travel far. Roman was flawless again as always and he looked at her with an amused smile from the door he had leaned against, shielding her from the rest of the garage.
- It's a mess, first your hands, now this... your job, they'll be mad at you, I-I-! – she tried to speak, but panic struck hera gain.
- Breath. Ain’t going anywhere - she heard him reassure her with a dangerous look and his soft, red hand slid on her cheek, caressing her with the same fingers that had managed to bring her to the edge of abyss.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyanross @wickedsunfire @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @keybladeofsteel @iovereigns @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @raidenandreigns @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @itjazzbicch @ichdrachenfrau @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @mariamheeeeee @vintage-pvssy @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @helensanders92 @niknakbucks92 @wrestlezaynia @reignsx @reigns-central-blog @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @josphinna @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @nestorsgirlfriend @brattyfics @wanna-be-dominated @kitanasposts @namjoonspinkytoenail @tribalchiefreigns @2baddies2furious @vebner37 @raeluvshammett
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wttt-dirus-work · 10 months
So, i saw a post with NY headcanons and it reminded me that while i included my own disabled headcanons in my fics, i forgot to make my own headcanons post (?) and i've got more than i though lol
So here we go!
NY: Dude got a bad eye, someday it's normal, other days it get blurred. He also has a scar over it, and his shoulders can get funky when its humid outside.
NJ: some of y'all already knows it, but Jersey got Tourette's. Mostly shoulder jerking, neck twitching, blinking hard and grimacing. When it gets bad his back jerks, and his vocals tics get worse (mostly whistles and pop, tho if hes anxious/stressed he does repeat some words)
Delaware: he got arthritis in his hands, and can hardly move them.
Mass: He was injured during the revolution, and walking became harder for him (limping and his legs became stiffer), then another injury during the civil war made him unable to walk for some days, therefore he use a wheelchair most of the time. He is still able to walk, but it is either too painful, or he doesn't have the energy needed to be able to stand all day.
Connie: he got shaky hands, when he's tired, nervous or angry, he cant hold anything with those. Its his nerves, and it doesnt hurt but its annoying.
Vermont: he got diabetes! Type 1; and it's so fucking expensive that it's Québec his "dealer" (it cost around 98$US when here its around 12$CAN sooo). He also got a sweet tooth, and forget to watch his sugar level (Hampshire there's for it; buddy's wayy to protective to let anything happen to Vermont)
PA: he's dyslexic, and it's mostly Mass who helps him with paperwork when he's not badgering Connie.
Florida: That gremling got Adhd, big dyslexia and his first language is spanish (which doesnt help with the reading). He also got so many scars from disturbing wildlife (anyone has seen that "yoink" dude in the everglades? Yeah thats flo). He got chronic pain in his left knee, and his right wrist always cracks when he moves it.
Louie: french lover is a people pleaser, but the chillest person you'll ever meet. He never panics, and is sometime too calm; but hurt any of the southern state (or Cal) and you're done. He's the voodoo capital, so dont mess with him
Georgia: hes an insomniac, but is fucking sleepy during the day (the math aint mathing ya know). He can sleep anywhere except during the night. He's bud with york and nevada, you can find those three driking in silence during a poker game.
Virginia: (uses they/them) they have a limp on the left leg, who always in pain (low but chronic with some real bad days). They're also a sleepwalker (think Celinaspookyboo style) and Georgia (or one of the insomniac state) each switch to watch them at night.
Montana: deer in headlights when spoken to. Will not talk to anyone when he doesnt have something to say or isnt upset (that sketch with the clown thing? Yeah he talked to them cause he was angry). Dont talk to him, dont even aknowledge him and he'll be more than happy to not exist in your mind. (Hes jealous of alaskas ability to not being seen)
Cal: dudes his always in pain. The fire, the drought, to goldrushes, hes always hurting. He got big scars from the fires, and his skin is the dryest thing ever despite all the moisturizer he uses. When he's burning up his eyes gets cloudy grey; they itch and cry all the time, and he cant see shit. He also need an oxygen mask when its too bad, and his eyes are naturaly gold.
Washington: hes a bitch. Dude got poor circulation too, so his hands and feet are always cold. When it's raining for too long his hair is oily, and when it's a drought it's the driest (he uses dryshampoo and got a routine to fight it).
Oregon : hes gay. Thats a known thing, and he's the bridge between Cal and Wash. Hes nicer to cal than wash, but he's not kind. The west coast are nice in interraction, but they ain't your friends.
Nevada: ah, vada. He got scaring from the nuclear testing, can see in the dark like nobody, and is the only state who can chose to change their physical appearance. Has coloured hair (pink or purple mostly) and the greenest eyes you'll ever see (or purple, didnt made my mind yet). Hes careful with his diet and always exercice despite the painful joins.
Texas: that idiot got sleep apnea but refuses to get checked out for it (and get a CPAP). He also has asthma (geez that word is hard to write) and colorblindness (can't see red). He only wears his shirt cause he knows what the colours are and refused to be pranked about that.
If you wanna adds your own, your welcome to do so! ^^
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mommahughes19-23 · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@ryleeee.montour : Kai & Mommy are sooooo proud of you! See ya later Florida!
tagged : @montour @tiiiatuomola @marisssss
location : so flo
matthew_tkachuk : what a STUD🫦
daynamastro : not even playing drunk Brandon is my favorite Brandon LMAOOOOOOO!😝😝
↪ ryleeee.montour : OMG RIGHT!?!?!?!?!? Turns into my lil 4 year old in a 30 year olds body.. cutie.
gustavforsling : woah, there's literally children around!?! Put on a shirt my sexy looking guy.🥸
ryanlomberg : MHM a GOD in our presence. 🥂🤤
lundell_anton : its SO weird how much Kai looks like Brandon.....
carterverhaeghe : im genuinely more interested in babysitting your son than these amateur photos
↪ ryleeee.montour : dont be disrespectful to your best friend. Kai wouldn't appreciate the hostility you bring so no.
sbennet_93 : LOOK AT THE LIL GUY OMG
barkovsasha : I will forever miss Kai
tygagen : cutiessssssssssss, so glad I had the honor of getting to know you!!!
evanr17 : im going to need those company issued Brandon Montour #62 custom Converse back thank you.
↪ ryleeee.montour : EVAN SHUT UP!
emiliekulikova : AHHHHHH what a wild week its been!! SO glad we were able to celebrate one more time before you leave us!
caseyengleson : girl him and Carter need to just get hitched already lmaooooo
samsonreinhart : ugh this breaks my heart
vt9191 : thanks for everything yall!
marisssss : girlllllllllll not from behind! thats my worst angel!!
slorentz16 : erin and I are gonna come break in the new guest room asap
tiiiatuomola : momma monty, love you baby girl!
nikomikk : I like ur shirt , I want it.
↪ ryleeee.montour : ok pookie .... relax
tarasenko.yana : if you dont send me pictures EVERY single bday of Kai's I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN
montour : my baby and my babbbbby. I love you both so MUCHHHH!
smillaalwin : this is the cutEST thing ever
ninaacousins : girlllllllllllll, im so sad about this omg! partying all week then just leaving ughhhh.
eetuluostarinen : are his ribs ok!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
↪ ryleeee.montour : yes... I think so.... why??
↪ eetuluostarinen : girl they look broke.
aaronekblad5 : nooooooo NOT KAIIIII!!!
christinalrodrigues : this is an outrage. how dare you just say good bye florida
emmasulonen : I will still be expecting updates on the new baby and Kai
danielaforsling : AHHHHHHHHH
kevinstenlund : gonnnnnnnna miss yall lots
jessjewell : you bETTER remind Kai who loves him the most besides mommy and daddy EVERYDAY 🫶🏻😢
jgadjovich : HES SOO BIG
erinmarklee : this breaks my heart 💔
A.N : lol, yes I have another one with matty baby coming out then I'll stop... not my fault they keep feeding us these tasty lil angles. I will only apologize for the similarity between all of the ones posted.. I just LOVE them. also..... other than Ellie bc she's barley around and has a private account, some of the wags are growing on me :)
jessjewell = Sam Reinhart
danielaforsling = Gustav Forsling
ninacousins = Nick Cousins
tarasenko.yana = Vladamir Tarasenko
alligadjovich = Jonah Gadjovich
marisssss = Ryan Lomberg
emiliekulikova = Dimitri Kulikov
daynamastro = Aaron Ekblad
tiiiatuomola = Eetu Luostarinen
emmasulonen = Niko Mikkola
tygagen = Alexander Barkov
smillaalwin = Tobias Bjornfot
zozeleny = Sam Bennett
erinmarklee = Stevie Lorentz
caseyengleson = Carter Verhaeghe
Tagged : @skylershines @noahkahansorangejuice @quinnylouhughesx43
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penaltyboxboxbox · 2 months
If you want to share; do you have any horror movie reccs? I kinda like the less indie ones haha, but anything is nice!! I really enjoyed Talk to Me and Black Phone from some of the recent-ish ones. Looking forward to watching Longlegs!
oh man do i !! ill share some of my favs and this got really long so under the cut lol
i love scifi horror, and prometheus/alien covenant is such a big pick for me, david8 one of my fav horror antagonists ever. Also in the scifi horror genre, i ADORE event horizon, its basically demonic haunted house in space with the best cast ever and you should watch it.
I love Robert Eggers generally (the lighthouse is probably my favorite movie of all time tho i dont really consider it horror) but the witch is definitely horror and if you like historical/period pieces its an absolute must watch.
If we want some more serious veined and disturbing horrors imo- lets go with Dogtooth and The Killing of a Sacred Deer by Lanthimos. Theyre slower and heavy and too bright and too horrible. their strangeness just picks at you, movies that really feel like someone grabbing your face and forcing you to look. in a similar world, i like funny games, both the original and the remake, as well as suspiria, the original and the remake. It's become rather trendy lately, i keep seeing gifs of it around lol, but Possession is also fantastic, another great performance from sam neill.
I love 80s horror, The Thing is probably one of the best horror movies ever made, just a masterclass of tension and effects work. I love the movie CHRISTINE which is about a murderous possessed car. the shining is a fucking classic and still one of the most unsettling movies for me to watch. i also love children of the corn, the strange folk horror of it is really just kind of crazy cool and underrated imo..
back to recent, its very hyped but It Follows definitely lives up to that hype. one of the best film scores in recent memory, insane performances and sense of dread. if you dont mind extreme heavy violence, green room is a fantastic watch. get out is a modern horror classic and another must watch, and i see it talked about less, but i love peele's US even more and find it so so terrifying, lupita nyongos performance in it is beyond haunting.
im a huge huge sucker for a monster movie, i adore monsters, i've already mentioned the thing and alien series which are great examples but here, take some more! i loved crawl, alligator themed florida horror. Underwater, if you like a big monster. del Toro's mimic is crazy and creepy. Annihilation isn't what id call a horror movie, but its quite horrifying, and definitely has some of my favorite movie monsters... same with When Animals Dream its more a coming of an age than a True Horror but its my favorite werewolf movie ive ever watched so i would be remiss to not mention it
i also LOVE found footage, a subgenre only really pursued by horror film, and theres a lot of bad ones but a few good ones lol. The Bay is one i'll always recommend, it uses so many mediums so well to weave this very real and awful tale of ecohorror. the OG, the blair witch project. Hell House LLC is the perfect halloween movie to get freaked out on before you and your friends go to a haunted house...
i could go on and on but this is already a lot lol....but theres so many great horror movies out there!! you need only to watch them 🫶 hope you enjoy if you do check any of these out!!
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anatrik · 5 months
First thoughts TTPD:
What a lana x folklore girlie win this issss!
1.Fortnight is about matty?? HAHAHAHA also why did this make me think of when holt was going running with the ladies when he was in witness protection??? Crying. Fav line has to be they were supposed to take me away but they forgot to come and get me. So sad but also so cool in relation to her cancellation/return. 10/10
2. TTPD- not so hahahaha anymore IS THIS ACTUALLY A FUCKING MATTY HEALY ALBUM??? There was a typewriter at the 1975 show she performed anti-hero at? Unless its somehow about harry? Who else is tattooed on her roster??? Or is this about herself? Kinda feel like modern idiots/who’s going to decode is directed at us lol😂 9/10?
3.My boy only breaks his favourite toys- went in expecting mad woman rage. Pleasantly surprised. king of my heart to queen of sandcastles he destroys….DESTROYED ME. Are you fucking kidding me rn? Im caling it. Best song. Im crying at 7.30 am this is not funny anymore. Also THANK YOU FOR NOT SLANDERING DAD. I knew you wouldnt let us down like that. Also the chorus sounds like long story short😭 oh this is so sad. Once i fix me hes going to miss me? He was my best friend?😭 he runs because he loves me? Stopp😭😭 1000000/10
4.Down bad- ….aaaand we’re back to MATTY AGAIN? He does not deserve this spotlight but why are all the song so goood😭😭😭 is this why artists love to date problematic men? It unlocks some extraordinary potential? Crazy crazy girl😭 also stay down (bad) 🤌🏾 shes done it again 10/10 also for personal reasons i will be believing this is about joe in that Tom/Joe/met gala overlap period when she was photographed going to the gym a lot and that this is about all that yearning please let it be about that plesplesplesplesplesples also down bad waking up in blood staring at the sky…like i lost a twin is giving bigger than the whole sky🥺
5. So long, london- so so long long, lon-don DONE? ok miss girl😭 the hoax parallels😭 dont be undoing the song i was going to play at my weddddding what is wrong with you😭 my only one my smoking gun to two graves one gun youll find someone??? Also reminds me of la la land :/ how much sad did you think I had in me? You wrote hoax so a lot ok leave us alone. crying again. 10000000000000000/10 oh lol its a track 5 ofc it is😂
6. But daddy I love him- she really said if you ever liked, shared or even LOOKED at the ‘vivaa las vegas’ memes you cant come to the wedding and shes so real for it. Lfgggg. Ubothered unhinged uhmazing. Growing up precocious sometimes means you still hold on to that princess/quarterback wattpad fantasy AS IS YOUR RIGHT QUEEN GO THE FUCK OFF🥳 100000/10 calling out toxic fandom for the first time and we love to see it🫡 this is suchhhh a happy songggg you deserve ALL the chaos and revelry.
7. Fresh out the slammer- god she gets it. Like sure he was great and he is still my biological father and everything but as a decidedly melancholy person myself who has constantly had atleast one close friend in a deep depression I can see how all that heavy lifting can just get heavy at some point especially when youre a partner and their sole lighthouse in wtv storms be out there buffeting their mental health. Its not for everyone and thats so fair and so valid but so sad as well. 10/10 for the honesty.
8. Florida- she really said girlrot summer🫡 this is the lanaest song ever. So lucky one/nothing new coded. This will be the First song I repeat and then so long london. Aaaghhh how i love a self aware melancholic anxious little superstar. 90283749292/10 thank you for giving florence an entire verse whew. Little did you know your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in is soooo going on my body forever
9. Guilty as sin?- honestly just fuck if it means we dont have to hear about how desirable ratty healy is man ffs. IThe only reason he looks so hot is bc hes forbidden. You have to trust me on this. He’s sooo mid JESUS. U cant be writing hozier lyrics about a man that hasn’t met a shower😭 1000000/10 writing. -16392992/10 content. Unrequited love/lust truly is the greatest weapon in a poets arsenal bc where is this energy in the joe songs binch?😭 this is such a teen in love with a 26 yo creep who called me so mature for my age mom you just dont get ittt anthem😂😂
10. Who’s afraid of little old me?- is a warning 😂 im so here for it. Like yes I still hate matty with all my heart and soul but yes I agree fans should not be allowed so much of an opinion on another persons life and yes I should be afraid (I am). She said aight love letter era over I AM WRITING YOU ALL HATE MAIL AND I’M HAND DELIVERING IT. Shes sooo done pretending to be the relatable girl next door when she’s anything but and is now reminding us of it and yes yes yessss girl OWN ITTTTTTTT. I’ve been saying for agesssss that there is a darkness under all that sunshine from where she clawed her way to the top and this is sooo vindicating. 10000000000000/10 favourite song ever. Mad woman wishes she was who’s afraid of little old me. I am unwell. I am in love. This is the Taylor Swift i stan. The marketing genius the calculating business woman the puppet master with narcotics in her songs thats why we sing along🫡 she so can handle a dangerous man
11. I can fix him (no really I can)- you cant.
12. loml- ofc. OFC. Its the saddest song of all time. OFC. Fuck offf ughhhh. 😭😭😭😭😭 its giving happiness. Its giving divorce. i am a child of a broken home now and my parents still love each other and hold so much regret still. What do i do with thissss? Im just a little girl taylorrr! 1002380292011010101/10 soo so gooood.
13. I can do it with a broken heart- first of all track 13. Love it. Second of all the upbeat barbieness of it all. Third of all I FINALLY PLACED IT. Shes in her unrelatable era. She is not your girl next door. You will never understand her life. She is as much a phenomenon as a person and we literally only see as much as she allows us to and honestly if i have to get put in my place theres noooo better way to have it done. Im having such a great time actually. 10 BILLION TRILLION OUT OF 10 you tellll em girl you FUCKING TELL EM.
14. Smallest man who ever lived- not going to speculate on who it is bc they clearly had a serious problem and its not a joke but damn :/ thats so sad :/ hope they get help? Didnt expect this to be what the song was about at all?
15. The alchemy- she said TRAVIS IS MY BOY WITH HER WHOLE CHEST😌 10/10
16. Clara bow- did she just name drop herself ? I was so right about unrelatable era. Also the Subtle nod to olivia/sabrina noted and appreciated. Lucky one/castles crumbling (mature version) fr fr. Solid legacy song.
17. The black dog- shared your secrets with and location is the same whiplash as a red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground with no one around to tweet it🤌🏾 joe songs hit so so different 😭😭😭 1000000000/10
18. imgonnagetyouback- the valiant roar was not so valiant and more of a mew i guess. 7/10
19. The albatross- oh this is the ONE. The album defining song for sureeee. Mad woman on coke. A rose by any other name is a scandal???? Thats my religion right there. Little last great American dynasty twist there at the end! Fuck yea. She does reallly try to warn the men in her life have to give her that. One gazillion/10
20. Clearly god has favourites and they are the ppl called chloe or sam or sophia or marcus😭 ALSO this song is about joe for sure. The internet starlet hasss to be delaney rowe!!!! It HAS TO BE. 10/10
21. How did it end?- shes back for the fans😂 plot twist the breakup is with yall🤌🏾 but yesss say it louder! One gasp and then how did it end. So good. 100/10
22. So high school- lmao aristotle grand theft auto ONLYY taylor swift man😭😂 you know what you want and boy you got her🫡🫡 11/10
23. I hate it here- mother’s having a mental breakdown kids yk the drill🤌🏾 10/10
24. ThanK you aIMiee- what better way to say fuck you to a hater than to thank her for jumpstarting your legacy my god!!! She is insane for this. The capitalisation is a bit petty tho ngl. 8/10
25. I look in peoples windows- once again I thank you for the kindness and respect shown to joe. Never doubted you but thank you nevertheless. 10/10 short as nice to have a friend but it didnt need to be longer.
26. The prophecy- its so sad and humbling to see even a woman at where she is having to beg for love bc that literally is the nature of love. Something humiliating, to have to beg for 🤷‍♀️ cards playing out like fools in a fable cursed like eve got bitten. No one writes like her damn. 10/10
27. Cassandra- very madeline miller on this one. Love love loveee modern takes on tragic greek women. 100/10
28. Peter- ah fuck. This one is going to hurt (it did). 1000000/10 my ribs get the feeling she did😭 all her joe related aches are so bone deeeep ugh. Promises oceans deep but never to keep😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 oh god it hurtsss it hurts it hurtss
29. The bolter- curious child ever reviled except by her father wow.
30. Robin- OMG! I needed this song growing up sooo bad. That way to go tiger felt so so warm like running into a kitchen after a day of being in the mud and u tell ur mum the silly things u did and shes genuinely interested and impressed by your smol victories. A bajillion/10
31. The manuscript- postmortem of every ex ever🤌🏾 love it.
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chewing-drywall · 7 months
(Part 1/??)
Buckle in yall this will be a long ass post
Earlyklok! Toki
-the most sincerely homophobic in the beginning. You don't just get raised the way he's been and not have some WILD ass beliefs about the world, he eventually unlearns it but being surrounded by dude bros who constantly call things gay as an insult and his tendency to take things litterally DONT help. And it's not like active hate or anything it's just getting raised that gay people are sinners and are gonna burn in hell is definitely a topic you gotta make an effort to unlearn.
-seeing two girls kissing on the streets of florida for the first time??? SHOCKED, litterally did a full head swivel to check if anyone else had seen it and imploded when no one seemed to be as surprised at he was
-Doesnt really even understand why the rest of the band likes casual sex so much, it feels good but at first he thought it was strange there were all of these girl fawning over a him, a technical stranger, and he just goes along with it.
- got his ears pierced about 4 months into earlyklok sitting on the ledge of their shared apartments crusty bathtub
they were all packed into the tiny bathroom, talking over eachother, the room thick with weed smoke, skwisgaar perched over him in the bathtub holding his head straight
pickles did it with a safety pin and an icecube, joint hanging off his lips as he squinted in concentration
Toki didn't flinch, didn't even stop talking to Nathan about the newest Cannibal corpse album that Nathan wanted to buy a cd of
He liked the feeling of skwisgaars hands engulfing his face, it was a touch that wasn't cruel. Plus knowing that the best guitarist he's ever heard in his whole life hands were soft was a fact that he's gonna ingrain into his head.
Murderface and Nathan actually looked mildly concerned at tokis complete lack of reaction
- the kid will offhandedly say really cryptic shit, through broken English and weird reactions to what they think is normal stuff. the band gets the gist that they'd have to be a hell of a lot drunker to handle his truth (toki: oh don't worry I'm used to the dark! :), everyone else:👀)
-got a lip piercing but didn't take care of it properly, so of course it got infected and had to be taken out
-this is when he starts age regressing but doesn't realize he's doing it,
-he'd watch a kids cartoon in complete silence until the season ends and it's the only way to keep him completely still and quiet
-is attracted to bright and colorful things even if it gets him made fun off by the guys, secretly LOVES Lisa frank art
Regular adult toki
HATES tables that aren't clean, when it's noticeably sticky or there's crumbs that stick to his arms when he leans on the table
-same with the feeling of spilt beer, has gotten used to it over the years but the feeling of dried sticky beer still has his skin crawling
-has drunken bong water as a dare (all of them have as some point but still)
-has also smoked weed through his nose (again on a dare)!
-if you look really close into his eyes, his eyes go so light blue it looks pale yellow
-very very kind and pretty eyes, the downwards slope of them make him look sad with a neutral face
-works out mostly regularly to keep his shape, he gets too energetic for the others to handle so it's a good way to blow off some steam
-Likes the idea of wearing feminine stuff, skirts seem sooooo comfortable but doesn't wear them cause yknow the teasing would be absolutely relentless
-medium thickness chewed on lips, does it mindlessly
-knows hes capable of incredible violence, the band is also very aware and whenever he gets legitimately pissed off during a argument (like a genuine, seriously bad argument) they'll usually just back off and wait to bring it up later when toki doesn't look like he's three seconds away from curbstomping them
-FAT crush on Nathan but for some reason gets really shy around it??
-Nathan will compliment him and toki will deadass write with a fluffy pink huge glittery pink pen in an equally pink journal kicking his legs and giggling
*Nathan told me when I got that chord I kept fucking up correct that he could *see me improving* EEEEE he's soooo big He could throw me Like a football
-fond of murderface, knows people deal with their own shit in diffrent ways so he doesn't take his insults to heart (usually)
-relationship with skiwsgaar is. Weird.
I'll probably get into it on another post but it's SO complicated like. Were both emotionally constipated around eachother, our relationship used to be so kind and gentle skiwsgaar was tokis mentor and wanted to see him grow but has such anxeity around toki surpassing him he purposely beats him down; and toki doesn't have the work ethic or drive to truly get to thay level and it impedes the progress of the band. But engages with this weird rivalry thats also a form of love and respect like. Your the only one I could ever be worried about being better than me and I've watched you grow so much and I don't know how to express that properly YADDA YADDA YADDA
-loves pickles very much, he was the most welcoming in the beginning and always made a space for him at the table, later on a shoulder to cry on.
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azurlily · 9 months
Isn't physiological horror and like thriller a really good genre? Okay maybe that's just me(and the others), but I love the idea of someone being genuinely crazy. Not the "oh I'm in love crazy" or the "oh I'm this horrible bad serial killer crazy". No, I want to be afraid every second that some fucked up shits going to happen.
So now were in our yandere phase and today I'm giving you something I think a lot of people with family issues will want and hate. Please read warnings. This is part 1 so it's pretty tame compared to what I have in store for the others. You'll get to see other perspectives next chapter. No smut until reader is 16+.
WARNING: this work contains mentions of past mental and physical abuse towards minors, the drugging of minors, the forcing of a minor to undress in front of adults, and reader gets kissed on the back while naked and drugged.
The men are platonic and only SOME (the daughters) women/non-binary characters will be romantic.
Have fun and dont hate us for this.
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Our Unparalleled Love for You
"These are the Smith's, they're good people. They will also be your knew foster family for the time being."
A man in jeans and a nice dress shirt stood in front of two charming adults, he wasn't old. He definitely wasnt young either, you'd decided over time that you didn't like him. Mainly because every foster family he put you in was worse that the last, it might've not been his fault but you were going to blame him anyway.
You stood next to the man, slightly behind him. You weren't afraid of these people, you just didn't want to meet them. You stared at both the man and woman for a few minutes, taking in their features. The woman stood slightly in front of the man, she held a cane in one hand and the other was behind her. Holding the man's hand.
The woman was quite tall compared to you, about 5'9 maybe 5'10. The man was taller though, he looked over 6'0. You couldn't pinpoint exactly how tall, but he was definitely tall. You stared at the couple a bit longer, noticing a few concealed pins in the mans shaggy, blonde hair. You assumed his hair was a bit long, but maybe he preferred to hide it.
The womans hair wasn't short by any means, although you might not be able to tell how short because of the bun it was in. Her hair was tied in a beautiful and intricate bun, that you wouldn't understand how to do for the life of you. The lady had midnight dark hair, and it almost looked like it had a blue-ish hue to it.
They're were both elegance defined. The womans eyes were a bright and beautiful brown, her eyes were on you. Like you were the only thing that she wanted in that very moment. The man has a a small smile, or maybe he's not smiling and you're just imagining it. The man has bright blue eyes, they look like the ocean.
You remember one of the families you used to live with, they lived in Florida and went to the beach often. Not that you ever got to go with them, but you remember the house being close to the ocean.
"Mr and Mrs Smith, this is Y/N. She's a good behaved girl, and I promise that she'll only be with you for a few months."
The man next to you gets closer and whispers into your ear, "You better not fuck this up. These people have good money, and they're wasting it on you."
You looked up at the man and woman and watched their small smiles turn into disapproving frowns. The woman grips her cane harder than before looking between you and the man for a moment.
"I think we'll bring her home now, thank you for the meeting. We'll see you in a week."
The womans voice is silly smooth. You shiver slightly at hearing her cane drag on the ground just before she begins walking. The woman grabbed your shoulder and roughly pulled you to her. For a moment this felt like some sort of transaction, and you were feeling more than uncomfortable.
You began walking to the car with the two new people. The woman had her hand on your shoulder the entire time, meanwhile the man strode in front of you. You all stop in front of a large black car, it looked sleek and brand new. The man opens up the passenger door, and the backseat door.
You look at the two, slowly getting in car. You sit down and immediately notice that the seats warm, actually the entire back seat is warm. It feels sort of weird, and kind of cozy. You weren't against it, but you've never had this luxury before so it isn't something your used to.
You buckly yourself up and the Smiths make start the car. You hear your voice repeated a few times, your head snapped up. How many times had they called your name before you knew it? Were they going to yell at you now that you were in private?
". . .Y/N? Are you listening?"
You shook your head yes, apologizing for not hearing them. Your head goes up,but your eyes stay glued to the ground. You didn't want to get yelled at for making eye contact with them.
"Well sweetie, we were asking if you were hungry. Are you? If you want to eat something, we can get some food on the way home."
You heard the womans voice again, you noticed her husband didn't seem too inclined to speak with you. That was okay, as long as he wasn't mad. "No, I'm not-"
Your stomach growled loudly in protest to your words, you'd been caught. You blush and close your eyes. You were somewhat embarrassed, but also a little bit afraid. You hear the woman laugh, and the man chuckle. It sounded genuine, like they found it cute.
The woman speaks again, and you notice the man is turning into your favorite fast food restaurant. Lucky you. "Well honey, were here anyways so why dont we get some grub? What would you like? If you want a little something sweet, that's fine too. In fact I want a shake!"
You laugh, she was trying to make you feel comfortable. You've seen it before, and you enjoyed it every time. You tell her your order and the man finally speaks, ordering all of yalls food. His voice was deep and sounded mean, you didn't know how to describe it. He just sounded mean.
Once your handed your food and drink you sit and wait. You didn't want to get yelled at for eating in the car. The woman noticed and stared at you oddly. "You can eat. I really dont mind, I mean I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I ate but didn't let you."
She continued eating, and you began eating yourself. You were quite happy, these people seemed nice. Although generally, the people that were nice didn't have nice kids. You groaned internally, hoping these people taught their kids right.
"Ah, I completely forgot- you can call me Ophelia and my husband is Arthur. We understand that calling us mom and dad isn't something you're ready for."
Mom and dad? These people are fostering you, not adopting you. You looked up for a moment to say something, but the look on Arthur and Ophelias faces said it all. She knew what she said, and she didn't stutter. They both wanted you to say something, they wanted to put you in your place.
Your eyes went back down, you looked at your food for a moment and then continued eating.
The car comes to a stop and your door is once again opened. You get your food and step out of the car, you look around and see a large mansion. Just how rich were these people? You're ushered into the house, standing in a large open space. After a bit of walking, you noticed two large and winding staircases. Standing on the sides of them were about 10 butler's and maids(per staircase).
You freeze up at seeing so many people, all with their heads bowed down and in such a large place. Arthur takes the eaten food and hands it to one of maids, you assume she was going to throw it away. You could've done it yourself, you didn't see the point of having her doing.
Your feel a hand against your back, it runs you gently; Ophelia. As if trying to comfort you, but instead you felt uncomfortable as hell. You tried to move away, just move around a bit so she got the idea. Instead she pulls you closer, you were now in a sort of side hug. She had her arms wrapped around your side, and she had you pressed into her side.
You squirm a bit more until Ophelia looks down at you. She didn't look annoyed or mad, simply disappointed. You hated that, this woman was holding you and all you could think about was how good it felt to be held. Fighting back was admittedly out of the question, and you definitely dont trust these people. You decide to indulge yourself, just this time, never again.
You give up fighting her and go limp in her arms, Ophelia looks more than pleased. You want to kick her, but you're afraid she'll do it back.
This woman was freakishly strong.
After a moment Arthur begins looking around the room, he speaks up. His voice had chilled, did he normally speak that way to his servants? "Where are the kids? I want them to meet their new sister."
You almost rolled your eyes, not this shit again. Unless they planned to adopt you, which you knee they wouldn't. They shouldn't be calling you their daughter, they dont even know you well enough!
One of the maids, her outfit was different from the rest, it had a large crest on both shoulders bowed her head a bit farther and walked closer to us. "I'm sorry sir, they're still at school. They shall be home in a few hours, we can pick them up early if you wish."
This woman sounded like she came out of a movie from the 1990's. You thought it was funny and laughed just slightly. You knew it was heard, but honestly that's their fault. If Ophelia didn't want to hear you laugh, she shouldn't have you practically on top of her.
Arthur shakes his head and huffs a bit. You thought it was stupid, how did he not know when his own kids were getting home? "Fine, I want her upstairs and in a room. I've gone over the procedure; bathing, skincare, all of that. Get it done."
With that Arthur walks out of the room, muttering something about poor planning. Ophelia lets you go, not before kissing your forehead and walking off. You would have found that sweet if that woman didn't give you the heebie jeebies.
The maid, whose name is Mary(her nametag) began to usher you upstairs. You thought she was bringing you into a bedroom, until you find yourself in a lavish bathroom with a large bath and shower. The shower was one of those glass boxes, and it look over 20 feet wide with multiple showerheads. Each looked different from the other.
The bath was ten times bigger, it was a large oval and there was a large shelf with soaps, hair washes, and skincare products. The large door to the room closes, and you're left with three maids. They all just stand and stare at you. Mary puts both her hands on your shoulders, pulling your arms up. "Take your clothes off or we'll do it for you."
Mary didn't sound like she was trying to threaten you, instead she talking as if she was nicely asking you to move. Although her words still properly registered in your head and you jumped away. "No, I can bathe myself! Just tell me how to turn on the shower and I'll be fine!"
Mary tuts loudly at you, she shakes her head and begins walking closer the two maids behind you doing the same. "Please take your clothes off or we will do it for you. Your parents instructed us to bathe you, and very clearly stated to not let you give yourself a shower."
You struggled and tried pushing them ladies away, it was five long minutes and you could feel yourself beginning to cry. Your fight or flight instincts had kicked in and you lost the fight. These people are freakishly strong. "Fine! Just please let me undress myself."
The three ladies all back away and you undress. You watcher as one of the maids was pouring Epsom salts into the water, you didn't even notice the water had turned on. You watched her pour a massive bag of the salts into the tub(didn't feel like a tub more liek a public bath) and it wasn't enough to cover even half of the bath.
You're guided into the water while the maids get some soaps and hair washes. You move around a bit in the water, it's a little under 5' feet deep. There are stairs and you just swim around trying to think. The water does feel nice, you feel almost protected by it. In a way you feel safer in the water, even if you are naked.
Your eyes were feeling puffy and felt like you wanted to cry again; you didn't. You didn't want to show these creeps how much power they held over you. You hear a beckoning voice and you walk back to the maids. You're sat on the steps, luckily the maids are willing to let you wash yourself but they're still doing your hair.
The maids turn around and start look at the shelves as you wash your body. You dont know what kind of body wash it was, but it felt amazing and you were smelling really good. After about ten minutes, the maids told you to sit and let them do your hair. You sat down on the steps, the warm water covered most of your body and it felt great. You could almost forget the warms tears that began to run down your face.
You sighed loudly, the sound echoing off the walls of the bedroom you were placed in. The room was so big it could fit 12 elephants, and apparently it was now your room. When the maids had washed your hair it took them almost an hour and surprisingly the water stayed warm the whole time. Your hair had multiple products put it in and you were given a bonnet to keep you hair looking nice if you took a nap.
(Sorry I have curly hair and I wasn't thinking when I wrote this part. Yes, anyone(in my opinion)can wear a bonnet.)
The room looked bland, the bedsheets were a cream color and the walls were white. You get up and open a door, finding a bathroom. There is another big bathtub and shower, but no where near as big as the one from before. The color pattern matches; white. You close the door only to open another and find a walk-in closet. The closer was about a 1/4 of the rooms size. Your eyes bulged in surprise, goddamn these people are rich.
You notice a mirror in the closet and look at yourself. Despite wearing the bonnet, you're in pretty normal clothing. Just a shirt and some pants, you refused to wear the shorts. When asked why. . .you didn't reply. The maids had given in quickly to your ask for pants instead.
You see a clock in the normal part of the bedroom and notice its already been three hours. You hear a knock on the door and vocie calls out, it's Arthur.
"Y/N? The kids are here, please come downstairs."
You hear the sound of him walk away, and as much as you want to stay in the bedroom where its "safe", you're not taking chances. You open the door, expecting to see no one and instead are greeted by Arthur in front of the door. He smiles, he looks quite nice when he smiles. Unlike how he normally looks like an ass, he looks almost nervous now.
"Come now, downstairs."
Arthur puts his hand out, presumably for you to take it but you don't. Instead you just begin to walk, you hear a quiet hug behind you but choose to ignore it. You dont want to touch any of them, no matter how touch starved you are. These people have not show you, even slightly, that they can be trusted.
You walk down the winding stairs and see Ophelia with three kids standing next to her. Kids isn't the right descriptor, they look your age(15) and older. Two girls and one boy, all three are standing next to their mother like little guard dogs. It almost made you laugh at how protective they look.
You walk until you in front of them, they all look at you with somewhat indifference. You're something new and shiny, yet foreign and mysterious. Whether they liked you or not though, they'd put up an act in from of their parents. They each step up individually, as if everything they said and did in that moment was planned. It fucking was.
One after the other they performed their little parts, each looking up just slightly for their parents approval every so often.
"My name is Ezekiel, I'm 17. Lovely to meet you, Y/N."
Ezekiel has strawberry blonde hair, cut to find nicely around his head. No short, but not long. You're beginning to notice a pattern with the men in the family. His hair is a bit curly, but unlike his sisters his hair is more wavy. Ezekiel has- and you almost hate to admit this because you can tell this guys a prick- beautiful blue eyes. The look exactly like his fathers, except brighter. Ezekiel is only a bit shorter than his mom(5'9) and still taller than you.
Ezekiel bows his head in an almost exaggerated manner, he takes a few steps forward and holds out his hand to shake. You didn't want to cause any problems with him(you knew the kids could cause more problems than the adults sometimes) and going along with his show was the best way to do that. You shake his hand in a firm grip, you two make eye contact and he looks away as soon as you do.
You notice he stares at the ground then looks at his sisters, then his parents, then you. Where they like a weird hivemind and you didn't know? Would make sense...
The second one stepped up, you assume they were doing oldest to youngest. The girl has hair much like her mother; midnight black. She's gorgeous, and you can't help but blush a bit at how long you've stared at her. She's pretty and she knows it too. Her hair is a lot curlier than her brother and she has bouncy curls that go well with her back length hair. Her eyes are dark brown, they look like a murkier version of her moms.
She walks forward and makes a big show of hugging you. She laughs(and it sounded like it would be better described as a giggle) and presses her head into your neck for a moment. You pull away as soon as her grip lets up; the fuck was that?
Now she stands in front of you with an award winning smile, one that might've fooled you if not for how she grabbed you. When you hugged, her nails dug deeply into your back and you could practically feel your skin coming off. The girl towered over you, she's taller than Ezekiel; bitch got her dads genes.
Creepy bitch.
"Oh it's just great to meet you, our parents have been talking about you for the past few months! My names Rosette, and I'm just so happy to meet my new baby sister! I'm 16- turning 17 in a few months, uh- oh, my favorite color pallet are pastels! It's just so hard to choose a color. . ."
Rosette babbles on for another minute, and you're not sure if she's a great actor or an airhead. For now lets try to assume the best about people. Also was the baby sister necessary? You're only a year or two younger than her!
As you turn your head to the youngest- a loud bell rings across the house. You hear Arthur clap his hands in delight, and watch all the maids and butlers appear. Not this shit again...
"Ah, it's time for dinner, Lucille, you can be introduced to Charlotte later." Ophelia says while pulling you out of the room and into a one about the same size. The only difference is the decor, instead on an open space theres a large table that can seat at least 100 people. There's multiple plates full of food, some foods you don't think you've ever seen before.
Ophelia pulls out a chair, it's the on to the left of Arthur, who is sitting at the head of the table. On the right of him is Ophelia next to her is Ezekiel. Next to you is Charlotte and Rosette(in that order), the seating doesn't feel right. Not in the damn slightest. You feel uncomfortable with how close Charlotte is to you. Unlike how the seat are spaced out, Charlotte moved her chair closer to yours.
You look over at her and she just stares down at her food. You dont say anything, maybe these people do prayer? You waited for Arthur or Ophelia to start, instead Arthur looks over at you. He looks down at your food and then nods at you.
"Try it."
This felt culty.
You do as asked and take a bite of the food that was on your plate. It was good, not bland and honestly very flavorful. You chewed it for a few moments and swallowed. It was hot, a bit too hot but good nonetheless. It wasn't a favorite of yours, but it tasted a lot better than food you've had before.
As you swallow your bite everyone else starts eating. You chose not to notice the pair of eyes searing into your head from the side. Charlotte was staring, and it wasn't in a "just looking" sort of way. She took a bite of her food and then stared at your while she ate it.
At some point you turn and Charlotte smiles. She moves her head a bit closer and quietly introduces herself.
"I'm Charlotte." Charlotte doesn't say a word after that, you now take note of how creepy her smile is. It looks forced, and from the resting bitch face she had earlier, it might be.
You just smile thinly, you keep your eyes on her for a minute until you the food starts to call your name again. It was good, like really fucking good.
You kept eating until your stomach started to hurt, not from overeating. Instead you felt sick, like you were going to throw up and pass out. You can feel you skin vibrating, or maybe you're shaking? You look around and no one is looking at you, instead they're all look away. You try to get a few words out, but your throat hurts like your have strep throat.
You begin to sway and finally hear a voice, although it's much closer to you than it should be. "Oh dear! Arthur! I told you, you put too much in her food. Now she's gonna be sick as a dog!"
What? What was going on? What is Ophelia saying? Better question- is it true?
"Shh, shh, shh it's okay, Mommy's here. Rosette, help me pick her up and take her to her room. I'm glad we had the maids clean her ahead of time."
You're shaking violently now, you start to tear up wondering if your going to die today. Wondering if they were just giving you a good last day, a day better than the one you lived with before. Without being beaten into the ground, or slapped by a hand with rings.
. . .
You're laying in a large bed, your large bed. You look around the room and see it's the room you were given earlier. You move around, but feel sick the moment you do. You run to the bathroom and barely make it, throwing up on the ground a bit. You shaking and crying, your body feels horrible. You feel yourself sweating and you're hot, but at the same time your feet and hands are cold.
You begin to cry, you cant stop the vomit that's destroying your throat and burning your insides. You feel weak and all you want is to sleep, to just close your eyes.
You jump when you feel a hand on your back. "It's just me-"
The sound if you puking overshadows her voice, she stays quiet and instead just rubs your back. Rosette places her head on your back and presses a firm kiss to what you realise is bare skin. You're naked. Who the fuck undressed you?!
Finally the vomiting stops, and now you realize the situation. You're head is pressed against the toilet seat and your naked down to your underwear. Rosette, who is fully clothed by the way. Is holding you from behind, she is rubbing your back and she kissed it a few times. You feel fucking disgusted.
"It'll be okay. Mom was right about you, she said you'd make a perfect bri- sister. A perfect adopted little sister. You'll remember some of this tomorrow, but not the creepy parts. That's all that matters, now let's get you to bed."
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More to come soon. Rosette and Charlotte are the main love interests. Yes, this is something we dont usually write and I understand if you find this creepy or uncomfortable. I on the other hand am getting into writing darker stuff, my rules for the blog will not change and we will not end them.
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ratatatastic · 2 months
there is nothing more delightful than hearing forsy talk about fishing absolutely nothing more delightful than that so behold. forsy talking about fishing.
"More than just hockey, you're also a big fisherman. Why fishing?" "I don't know, it's something that I did growing up with my grandpa, my dad and my two brothers. It's a good way to relax and get your mind off hockey—Everything really in life. You're focusing on fishing and that's it." "So, when are you buying your boat here in South Florida?" "Well...we'll see. It's mostly a summer thing but I wouldn't mind a boat. I'm pretty simple like that! It's hockey, fishing and family-life. Yeah, that is pretty much it for me." "You're a simple man!" "Yep!" "It's good! It's probably why you're a good player 'cuz you got your focuses. You're locked in!" "Yeah, yeah."
WSFL Inside South Florida | 4.11.24 (x)
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"When you disconnect—When you step away from the rink, what are some of the things you like to do over the course of the summer?" "I'm a big fishing guy, so that's pretty much all I do when I'm working out back home." "Where do you go to fish? Where are the big spots in Sweden?" "Can't tell you the best spots. Just around—We actually—Me and my fiancée just bought a house back home. We haven't seen it yet so it's gonna be fun to see the house by the lake...I'm gonna fish that way." "It is furnished? Or are you walking into an empty house?" "No, it's gonna be empty!" "Oh, that's a summer project!" "Yeah, so we got a lot of things to do." "What do you go for? What's the most exciting thing you've pulled in?" "I enjoy pike fishing. I love big pikes. That's probably my favourite." "Is that part of the off-season workout? I mean, the upperbody gets a good workout fishing." "Oh, yeah. I think it's a lot of mental, too! Like, a mental game. So, you know, you gotta stay patient. It's a lot of fun."
Territory Talk | 6.15.22 (x)
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"First question, I gotta ask you. What's something recently—off the ice, outside of hockey—that's brought you joy?" "Ooh! When I'm home during summer usually I fish a lot. So, that's something I really enjoy. I've been doing a lot this summer...Yeah, fishing, I would say." "Fishing. That's something you do with friends, with family, by yourself?" "Yeah. Actually both. I fish with my brothers and my dad, and a lot of buddies." "That sounds great! That sounds like a nice way to unwind!" "It is!" "—And the total opposite sort-of mentality of hockey which is so 'go-go-go-go!' physical in-your-face." "Yeah, it's still very competitive. Fishing it's—but it's fun!" "When you're dealing with a professional athlete I can't imagine theres anything that's not at least a little competitive." "Exactly!"
Miami Mic'd Up | 10.12.23 (x)
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"We're seeing you're a big outdoorsman... ya like fishing?" "Yeah. I love—I'm a big fisherman." "Yeah? Do you have any—Have you been on a big fishing trip? Or you've just been fishing in Sweden? Down there in Florida? Where you at and what do you like to fish?" "In Florida it's mostly deep sea fishing. I'm more a lake guy. I mean, I'm starting to get into it more here in Florida. Ekblad is fishing a lot, so, he took me out a couple times. It's pretty cool to get a big Tuna and stuff like that...but I'm more of a lake guy, I would say." "Does Ekky make you pull in the big fish? 'Cuz he already said how big and strong you are, 'throwing a 250'... He's like—he gives it over to you or what?" "Yeah, but he's got the whole electric stuff so he's—" "Oh, he's cheating! With the big rod riggers!" "Yeah! He rigs—" "He got into that a few years ago when I was down there with him. He's still into it, he's still on that deep sea stuff. I can never do it, it made me sick." "Yeah. Yeah, he is."
NHL Network | 3.14.24 (x)
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man who absolutely wanted to be asked to reel in a big one by his partner but absolutely did not get the privilege because ekkys gone electric mourn for him hes want to be a big strongman and useful but now he cant because of technology.
but also the lakeguy vs seaguy fishing fued we got here is utterly delightful im not surprised if ekky took him out fishing just to try and convince him that its better can you imagine the amount of squabbles theyve got in over fishing. but also ekky took him out fishing. several times. like that happened. okay im gonna normal about that 👍
also not them damsel in distressing ekky like ohhhhh does he make you do the heavy stuff he talks soooooo much about how big and strong you are does he put you to work *bats eyelashes*
forsy, who really desperately wants to be put to work: no no he doesnt 😔😔
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and here are just the multitude of photos of forsy fishing (redfin perches and northern pikes) over the years and posting it to ig and the captions are all filled with the weight and length of the fish like oh hes a real fishin boi give me those numbers (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
#gustav forsling#aaron ekblad#florida panthers#2122#2324#like all forsy things somehow ekky is here too#hi ekky#just a man talking about fishing pike aint nothing more joyous than that#but also them asking forsy if he reels in fish for ekky. and forsy seems a little disappointed to shake his head and say no.#re:cats in downtown lugging a tincan over their head and forsy just goes “i got it” and takes cupholding duties from swaggy like a strongma#anyways do you ever think about the mundanity of fishing. the long hours spent between each catch just watching the water ripple.#the quiet comfort of the person beside you. the easy going dialogue between you that lulls into silence.#before the line starts twitching and you both stand up and rush over to the rod and the side of the boat in pure excitement.#maybe the game is a little too big a little too strong and you have to place your hands on the rod too. plant your feet behind your mate.#get a good few pulls in while grunts fill the air because this fish is a bit of a fighter. your chest is basically plastered to his back.#anyways#i think forsy should take ekky lakefishing in sweden or something#the romanticism of early morning fishing on a tiny boat in a lake. just two guys sitting very close together.#also forsy in the fourth pic with the pike haunts my every waking moment. thighs.#like in the sixth one i was like ooooohhh what a cute little man in his little fishing outfit ooooo#and then i get hit with skies out thighs out babe none of this is behind a paywall we get feet for FREE freak summer pic#forsy in green is good 👍 hi little elf man 👍#he holds these fish like an animal crossing character#that being said he would be besties with rory and rolf#also forsy talking about fishing with ekky is at 9:29#oh god post tag regret please dont read the tags jesus aughghfhfbf
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slutouttanowhere · 2 months
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LA Knight x GM!oc
Warnings: none
Summary: LA Knight happened to wander into your office thinking he could charm his way into a one on one match with Grayson Waller after he’s said some choice words about you behind your back. Even though you used to be his girl, he still won’t let that fly.
A/n: I missed writing about LA Knight, and recently watching some of his promos from nxt kinda got me in a mood. Maybe I’ll continue something with this oc, maybe not, it I hope you enjoy this little WIP. This would be during his NXT run. Also I know Knight is portrayed as this loud mouth brawler, but I just feel like he’s really just baby girl. ps. divider from @anitalenia
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I leaned my butt against the front of my office desk, it was early in the day for the PC, so I wasn’t expecting to see any of the talent till later. Usually I took this time to have fun, this time I was dead set on finishing my comic, and I was right at the end of Captain America when a knock from the other side of my door pulled me away. I groaned as the knocking persisted, “What?” I snapped, my lips pressed together, and my arms folded over my chest as I tried to swallow my attitude.
“Bad time?” LA Knight, my ex, poked his head in the doorway. A playful grin stretched across his lips, my body somewhat relaxed knowing he came to just nag me rather than talk business; it’s not like any of our conversations were ever serious, I just wasn't in the mood to be professional at this moment. He looked good, which is an everyday occasion, but tonight he was wearing his signature yellow leather jacket. He had a fresh fade, and his beard was neatly trimmed. I could tell he was feelin himself by the way he stood far enough away so I could take him in, I had no shame in it.
I let out a huff of air, then through my comic onto the couch, I turned my gaze back to him. “What do you want, I was busy.” I complained halfheartedly, he took his time answering, stretching out his bullshit as long as I allowed it. His eyes sparkled with a hidden agenda, slowly he closed the door behind him, and locked it. Despite me feeling weak in the knees, and wanting nothing more than to use his face as a seat right now, I held it together.
“Don't be such a brat Kassie, what I want from you is to set up that one on one with Grayson. I owe him a receipt from about…two weeks ago.” It was no secret the two of us were together, it’s a small family here in Florida, which means it was painfully obvious when LA Knight, and I broke up. Cue Grayson Waller wasting zero time sliding in my DMs, we went on a few dates, and I was enjoying my time with him. Mr. Megastar put his foot all in that, Waller didn't find me interesting enough to put up with Knights relentless petty behavior, so we called it quits. Too selfish to be with me, and too selfish to be without me.
“When are you going to let that go?” I breathed out, and rolled my eyes, which I knew he hated. He pressed his lips together, a look of disdain on his handsome face, he casted his gaze downward momentarily as he thought about his words.
“I don't like the way he talked about, now I dont give a damn who else he flaps his crusty ass gums about. Not you, you belong to me.” He proclaimed confidently, his face twisted into a look of disgust as if the mere thought of another man being in the picture with me was physically making him ill. Now that the door was closed, both of our scents engulfed the room, there was about a foot of space between us, but that was enough to make me fidgety. It’s been too long since I’ve had the length of him stretch me out proper, and just the thought of it right now, made my nipples harden painfully as the fabric of my cotton blouse rubbed against them.
I smacked my lips, “Love how you claim me when we've been broken up for like two months.” I mumbled, my eyes finding interest in the designs painted on my nails, instead of looking him in the eyes. He came into my space, leaving no more room between us, and trapped me between his hips, and my desk. He leaned forward, his hands placed on the desk, and our faces mere inches apart. I could feel my heart thudding in my chest, my knees feeling weak, and the sensation of fluttering in the pit of my stomach was a concoction that told me I should just give the man whatever he wanted. “I’m not giving you that match, you can’t just abuse my power of authority whenever you want.”
“I can persuade you.” He hummed, his eyes staring down at my glossed lips, then slowly made their way back to my eyes. I was met with a look of yarning, he was so good at tugging at my strings I barely noticed it happening, and by then it’s usually too late.
I was tilting my head back trying to put some space between us so that I could think clearly, but he kept leaning forward, his face damn near in my titties. “Knight-
“That’s the necklace I got for your birthday…you’re wearing it.” He sounded shocked, and so was I because in just that small amount of time I had forgotten everything about myself. I reached my hand up to my chest, and sure enough there it was. A small diamond encrusted teddy, hanging off a 24k gold chain. “Why a teddy bear?” I had asked him, he looked at me with the softest smile. “Because, you’re soft, cuddly, and sweet like a teddy gram.”
“Duh, it was a gift.” I mumbled, my heart working overtime now, he got me all worked up. At this point I wasn't above begging if I had to, LA Knight looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read, then a look of determination had settled onto his face.
He pressed his lips to the base of my neck where the gold chain touched my skin. He took his time moving up to my neck, and I knew when my back arched that this was going to end up being a mistake. “Knight we shouldn’t.” I pressed my palm to his chest, he pulled away, and looked me in the eyes. He was so close I could see just how blue his irises were, they looked something more like a clear spring sky. My hands slid up to his neck, and rested at the back of his head. One of his hands rested on his waist, and the other still planted on the desk.
“Tell me you don’t miss this…us.” He pleased gingerly, his gaze unrelenting, and it reminded me of when we first crossed paths all those years ago in our audition. His eyes wouldn’t leave me, and he sure as hell had no shame in me catching him.
I couldn’t lie, my body needed him, and my heart yearned to be held all night in his arms again. “You know I do, but not like this.” I confessed, we broke up the first time because all the passion we had for each other was drained by our passion for the business, and we were crap at balancing the two. Soon it became less about our relationship, and more about just sex. Then when we didn’t even have time for sex anymore it just became bland, and we fell apart.
Suddenly his mood shifted, the grin on his lips spread across his face, “okay, new plan. I’ll kick Grayson Waller's narrow ass, and then I’ll win you back.” He spoke confidently, pulled away from me, then turned to leave. Everything was all happening so quickly that I barely had time to process the last thing he had said to me. I never said yes to that match which meant he was going to get himself in trouble, again, and I was going to have to clean it up afterwards.
“Hey, don’t go starting fights, I'll have to finish.” I warned him, I was already exhausted from that little bit of foreplay, I somewhat regret rejecting him, but it was for the best for now.
LA Knight turned back to me, his hand held onto the doorknob, and a devious expression on his face. “Who said I’d start anything? See ya later tonight teddy graham.” Before I could find the words to argue back, he had already left my office, and on his way to start some shit. I shrugged, plopped myself down onto the sofa, and picked up my comic where I left off.
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tradetobest · 8 months
hello user cats0p... long time lurker but only recently back to tumblr.com because i HAVE to ask more about your golf au and after my anon q was well received i just. i need to know more. here are some of my thoughts:
1634 my faves... i'm so caught on your vague deliberation between auston just being Rich Guy or Auston Matthews because:
regular guy is interesting bc it's so approachable and unassuming... like, he's just some guy. which isn't, like, unapproachable or unreachable by any means, even if he is really big and hot and presumably makes enough money to be spending his evenings at a country club and not at work and kinda feels like he's being flirted with but surely not because... this guy probably has a wife and kids?? but he's always eyeing mitch up and trying to tip him even when mitch isn't even supposed to take tips like that
but hockey auston is like... mitch is in overdrive bc [jennifer lawrence voice] what do you MEAN mitch's favorite leaf and savior of the toronto maple leafs is trying to chat him up at his cart?? i feel like this avenue would be WAY more overwhelming for mitch because he doesn't know how to approach it and isn't sure what the norms are... like is he allowed to tell auston that he played like crazy on sunday and it was so sick, or that he threw his hat at the game against florida two years ago when auston got a hat trick, and not to mention it makes mitch that much MORE dubious to believe auston is flirting with him or that he'd ever have a chance w him...
like both are so so good to consider on all fronts but i'm so enchanted by the idea of auston like... purposely fucking up his drive just to be like oop mitch... sorry you know what a klutz i am i fucked up the green over here again. and auston's friends are all loitering by the cart/ordering drinks and he's the one standing over mitch asking how he even ended up doing something like this and if he likes it and what he's doing over the weekend... and sweet mitchy is so oblivious but excited to talk to him as he patches up whatever hole auston has carved out of the green. his golf score is suffering (as is his wallet seeing as loser buys dinner) but he can't say getting to talk to mitch isn't worth it...
2. i cannot get over little server boy tz... just imagining him in his little tan cargo shorts taking drink orders and letting people's moms do shots with him... i know he dropped so many cocktails when he started serving people. passing his disposable vape of the day to the bartender and trying to get them to make him a drink that tastes like mago blue tropical razz ice or whatever other ridiculous flavor he's trying and failing to be subtle about sucking down that day. lamenting over the blue eyed hottie who is always around his family (and therefore very hard to hit on) who orders virgin frozen pina coladas (and come on, trevor could do SO MUCH with that if he just had time to get one line laid on him without his mom watching)...
3. i don't really go here but... all of the golf course/country clubs i've ever been to have had pools/gyms/kids clubs and... have you considered spin class instructor matthew knies OR kids club employee joseph woll... i know kniesy would be cougar nip but also that woller would be irresistible watching over a bunch of kiddos while their parents are out getting drunk by the pool/on the green...
apologies for the length but i'm in love w this little world you've made and i'd love to hear more about it!!
i think while reading this i mustve said "you get me" fully out loud at least 12 times while reading this because like. you just get me... you Understand....
the 1634 dilemma is so real... like normie but rich auston trying to slip mitch a 20 and mitch going "oh like turf people dont really get tipped" and auston going "no its for you" and mitch smiling and going "aww thanks!! :D" and just Not getting it and auston is trying SO hard
but also Leafs Auston is soooo compelling to me when you wrote it out like that idek.... mitch going internally "oh god can i tell him i know who he is" and saying "yeah uhh,,, good shot. as usual haha" after auston takes a drive and being all nervous meanwhile auston is like "oh my god he knows who i am do you think hes impressed by me" and outward is like "thanks man." and claps him on the shoulder. and is like "oh my god i touched him."
auston on the tee box like "oh man mitch i mustve pulled something last night exercising my big strong muscles can you help correct my swing" and mitch going "sure (dying)" and coming up behind him and auston like slightly leaning over into him and mitch like. dies. passes away. rip mitch marner. and then for the next like 5 times he sees auston he blushes IMMEDIATELY. very cute
2. tz is absolutely obsessed w jamie like thats so real.... always talking abt him and everything... jack is so sick of his ass but jack "just doesn't get it, dude, he's so hot. look at him. sitting there." and jack looks over and jamie is wincing bcs he got brain freeze from his fucking virgin pina colada that he orders every time and jack just has to look over and watch trevor pop another zyn and say nothing. save him nico. nico save him.
3. OOO thats so smart and cute actually i love that!! my club didnt have that probably because the clientele were mostly older but like... having that is Smart. and like... a gym and classes open up So Many More job possibilities,,,, a sweaty just-out-the-gym kniesy like going down the hall and knocking lightly on the kids club door and hearing a "COMING!" and woller opens the door and he has like. a heart sticker on his cheek and his hair in pigtails and a little bit of marker on his forehead and kniesy feels his heart grow like. ten sizes. maybe woller takes the kids out to the pool and kniesy can see them and jsut... eyes. he purposefully books a water fitness course so that maybe woller can watch him in the pool too..... thats SOOOO REALNESS oh my god
please forever continue to send me little ideas abt this no matter how short or how long i love them all like i literally have been thinking abt this All Day and its been making me so happy..... RAHH like. THEM!!! THEY!!! im so happy you like my silly lil au that basically came out of me going "oh my adhd ass loved this job im sure mitch would love it too!!" ilysm thank you for sending me another ask about this
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cometcrystal · 5 months
ttpd leak hot takes SPOILIES!!!!!!
out of order because this is how theyre ordered in the drive and i dont give a shit. also its really funny that swifties think these are AI generated. if they end up actually being AI generated thatll be even funnier but i doubt it
but daddy i love him - this one is fun. sure wish it wasnt about matty healy!
clara bow - idgi + sonically uninteresting + L + ratio + linus
florida - CAN MS SWIFT GET FLORENCE ANDTHEMACHINES TO FEATURE ON ALL HER SONGS!!!!! PLEASE!!! THIS ONE WAS GOOD. but maybe she doesn't feature good artists very often because it highlights how mid her singing is
guilty as sin - straight people love to act like theyre oppressed: the song
i can do it with a broken heart - ok this one got a lil sauce to it! this is like a legit good song about her fame. anti hero if it was epic
i can fix him - a "story" song from what i gather. which is much better than what i thought it was gonna be lmao. unfortunately its not memorable
loml - boring. very strong emotionally but i probably wont listen to it super often
my boy only breaks his favorite toys - how is your conspiracy theory going, the gaylors. pretty good it doesn't seem
so long london - some RLY bad vocals on this one during the bridge LMFAO
the alchemy - patrick star asleep on couch.jpg possibly a schrucy type song if i wanted to
the black dog - SYNTH JUMPSCARE!!!! anyway "6 weeks of breathing clean air and i still miss the smoke" is a good lyric. very clean 1989-esque
the smallest man who ever lived - LMAOO THIS ONE KINDA RULES I KINDA LOVE THIS ONE....we're up to 4 songs ill add to my likes tomorrow
the tortured poets department - NOT THE SCRATCHED YOUR HEAD LYRIC. ELECTRIC CHAIR. i like the part about the ring finger + heart exploding but not enough to relisten
fortnight - not gonna lie im fucking hungry and i have no thoughts on this one im just waiting for it to be over so i can go get food
this ones about on par with midnights for me. i might like it a bit more than midnights tho because its so messy and 90% about matty healy which is so fucking stupid it wraps back around to being funny. like girl what are you doing
standouts to me are but daddy i love him, florida, i can do it with a broken heart, and the smallest man who ever lived. ill listen to the remaining two songs tomorrow
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stawpny · 11 months
anyways, ik a lot of ppl go on here and see when I post, hoping it’s headcannons and I just disappoint them
so here’s some hc’s for u children
ny and the south edition! (pls I don’t know much about the south so don’t kill me 😭 I’m a new yorker)
(the quotes with names on it are southerners communicating with NY or whoever else u want, but more specifically NY)
- NC and SC always force NY or any other state who would hate it to sing and/or play the banjo when singing a song at a campfire. Even if they suck at singing or playing the banjo!!!
-speaking of campfires, I believe that the states usually have fires every Summer and Autumn. most get together and sing songs and stuff (u can use this idea if u want)
-New York was forced by Gov to make sure a southern party didn’t go terribly. He stood by the door while Texas wouldn’t leave him alone. He stole Texas’ hat when they all passed out, drunk and still has it to date.
-as (maybe) stated before, York plays a lot of instruments, and sometimes they force him to play the acoustic guitar, harmonica, banjo, electric guitar, etc. The NE makes fun of him for it.
-acts gay especially in front of the south just to make them pissed. he’ll flirt with them and make them uncomfortable with the high amount of gay in the room with them. Florida just goes along with it, laughing and pointing at all the southerners that turn away out of embarrassment.
-made fun of Texas and California when they were outlaws and they just joined the union. “I’m tha toughest cowboy ya will ever meet!” “Mhm.” “DONT JUS’ HUM AT ME!!” >:( -Texas
-They know better than to mess with a northerner. Texas doesn’t though, he’s just stupid. York punched him once and he swore he saw him crying to Virginia after.
-has bit many southerners, does not regret it
-“Gimme yer best ‘yeehaw’” “yeehaw..” “Ya can do better than that! I’ve heard ya yell at Jersey.” “yeehaw.” “York, I swear-“ “YEE- FUCKIN’ HAW!”-Texas
-“just add some ol’ bay, it’ll make it taste better.” “No it fuckin’ won’t. Keep that shit away from my brownies.”- Maryland
-played poker against Texas, won and almost got shot by him. (Sore loser)
-“what are yous gonna start growlin’?” “GRRRRR-” -Kentucky
-“nah yer good ‘ere.” “Yous are ontop of me. I dunno if I should feel turned on or uncomfortable..” -Georgia
-“off-brand me.” “southerner you, which makes better.” -also Georgia (Empire State and Empire State of the south)
- “who made you this way..?” “The man yer datin’, Y’know, Mass’.” “He would never-“ “Gin, yous even know the answer to this question, it’s an obvious yes.” -Virginia
-“get rid’a the car at this point.” “Hey! I spent my life savin’s on ol’ reliable ‘ere! I ain’t gettin’ rid o’ her if she jus’ has a leak!” “Life savin’s? Jesus, what’s wrong wit’ yous?” - Tennessee
-“ that’s ‘cause Sippi’ wants a sip of that dick.” “WHAT. I ain’t gay!” *crickets* “GUYS PLEASE-“ -Mississippi
-“are yous happy to live in this shithole?” “Hey! I work hard to make this house a home!” “Work harder next time. This looks like if a hillbilly came in ‘ere trashed the place. Y’know, that makes sense knowin’ that yous idiots live ‘ere.” *walks away* “HEY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” -Alabama
- “I HATE YOU!” “NUH UH! I HATE YOU MORE!” “‘nuh uh’ really proves yer point, north.” -NC & SC
- “Mais sha, ya really know how shade the south, huh?” “I’ve had enough of all of yous and I’ve seen ya at yer highest and lowest, so I know what will make yous cry later.” “Uh huh, do me then.” “Nah. Don’ get me wrong, yer barely tolerable, but ya don’ get one.” - Louisiana
(loui was upset later bc he didn’t get one 😭)
-“I swear, ya say anythin’ about me bein’ in ‘misery’ then I’m gonna-“ “Nah, I don’ care ‘bout that. What I do care about is why you like mules better than horses. Isn’t that like the whole southerner thing? Horses and idiots with hats?” -Missouri
-“are yous even apart of the south, or are you like the West Virginia of Kansas?” “JESUS IS GONNA NEED TO BLESS YER ASS SOON, WHAT THE HELL DID YA JUS’ SAY TO ME?!” “I’m Jewish.” -Arkansas
-“yer mid-atlantic, but I understand why ya don’ go to family dinnahs wit’ the Northeast. If I had an excuse, I would use it too.” “You guys are scary up there, I’m shocked you still go to those things. In the ‘contract’ they said they were optional.” “FUCKIN’ OPTIONAL?!” -Delaware
-“I will eat your face.” “Uh huh.” “PAY ATTENTION TO ME OR IM GOING TO DO SOMETHING DRASTIC!” “Uh huh.” “AAAAAAAAA-“- Florida
could u tell I got lazy at the end?
anyway, I hope you liked
I spent so long on the quotes, trying to come up with a good one was the hardest part.
and I know half of them are reaaally bad 😭
I have no clue what to do for the next chapter of a fic
but anyways, ily guys
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