#also dan had fire hair
a-selkie-abroad · 1 month
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Kiss and run!
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
If you’re still doing these asks, do you mind maybe adding a part 5 to Passion for Fashion?
I would love to see how Danny and Red Robin’s impromptu date goes and Constantine’s reaction to all this.
And poor Killer Croc is so confused and uncomfortable around the twins, oh and not to forget Dan’s inner turmoil over losing a love interest because his body no longer matches his mental and spiritual age😂
I’d also love to see the reactions of the rest of the Batfam to Tim going on a date and their reaction to Dan’s flirting with Croc.
Your request came in after I had already written most of Part 5, but I hope I can include most of what you asked for in it and make it up with another Part of the Au for you.
Danny strutted down the runway, fighting to keep his gaze straight ahead as various flashes from cameras went off.
He mentally went through his checklist of proper catwalk tips that he watched the other day—or, more accurately, Dan forced him to watch from some free video website—ensuring his hands were relaxed, long strides were made, and his shoulders were firm but not stiff.
This was the contest's second round, with Tim Drake proposing the "Gotham Aesthetic" as the theme and challenge. Apparently, the teenage CEO spent most of his childhood taking photos of the city and wanted others to appreciate the architecture of the aged town.
There was no kidnapping attempt this time, and the contest was back on schedule. However, there was a delay because some of the models had dropped out after they were nearly sold (Dan called them cowards, but Danny personally thought they were wise to do so). Hence, fashion designers had to scramble for someone new or forfeit their position in the contest, allowing some eliminated to take their place.
It took nearly four weeks to confirm that the same designers were staying but would need to remake or adjust their outfits. Thankfully, Wayne Amature Fashion Show was more than willing to offer them time.
Dan had already made Danny's outfit but figured he would remake it anyway. Once completed, new designs were crafted, adjusted, and flung into an idea box. He created so many it was as if Dan were a man possessed (Pun intended).
Danny needed to figure out how much fabric he was going through, but sometimes, he had to remind the other to sleep, eat, and shower. It seemed the other kept forgetting he was human now and needed to do these things for his health and Danny's poor nose.
Dan also seemed obsessed with exploring new parts of Gotham just to take pictures of buildings to get "inspiration." Danny went with him as he had nothing better to do, and the pair made an unlikely duo.
Both got stares in the streets—Danny for strutting around Gotham wearing some of Dan's regretted challenge outfits in an effort to learn to catwalk in them and Dan for dressing as close to the homeless as he could. For all that Dan could make amazing pieces of fashion, the man only filled his own closet with mismatched joggers and pajamas.
Danny had to force him back to change at one point since Dan had intended to walk around in a bathrobe- with shorts and stained short sleeves underneath it. He drew the line on bathrobes.
It was so embarrassing to be gawked at all the time that Danny could not help but wish Dan would try just a little. This was somewhat worse than when he was alone because at least then he knew it was just how stupid and awkward he looked in the outfits.
Now, he just felt subconscious about trying too hard compared to Dan.
"Relax, kid," The other scoffed, snapping a picture of the Brown Bridge. "By the time you're my age, you honestly stop caring about what other people think, so long as you like how you look."
"Can't you at least comb your hair?"
"I forgot how to do that."
Danny snaps his head in his direction, blinking owlishly "What?"
Dan shrugs. "My hair was fire for a literal decade, brat. How was I supposed to comb it?"
"Oh," Danny supposes, that makes sense. After all, Dan was more ghost than human at that point, driven mad by his grief and a colossal monster. He sort of forgot that. "Do you want me to show you how?"
"Ew. No. Too much work. Humans are so high maintenance." Dan rolled his eyes and shifted his tone into a mocking one. Comb your hair, change your clothes, take a bath."
"You smell like shit, Dan."
"You look like shit!"
"We have the same face!"
"It's better on me!"
Their public arguments also attract lots of stares. Danny would feel embarrassed by them if he wasn't so busy bickering with Dan as they moved about.
Ultimately, Dan had made his outfits formal steampunk during the break. Danny wished he had stayed with the Dark Academia idea because he felt he was walking around in a costume instead of clothes.
Dan told him that it felt too basic to go with Dark Academia since, now that he saw more of Gotham, he thought it better represent the city as a whole instead of the elites of Gotham. Danny debated with him until he agreed to make two of the four outfits- meant to represent all four seasons of Gotham's beauty or something stupid like that- to be dark academia.
Danny nears the end of the runway, stopping right before the judges to strike his pose. His eyes never leave the center decorative flower in the far back, but he makes sure to slowly turn his head as if he is gazing at the crowd.
There are gasps as he pulls off his tophat in a twirl to hide the way he presses the button on his hip. At once, his pants and sleeves light up in the gentle glow of the Brown Bridge's famous historic lampost show. It's no brighter than his ghost glow, but it makes him look like a vision, especially when he puts the hat back on with a mysterious curl of his lips.
Danny practiced that move for weeks—even when it made him cringe—and he is happy to have pulled it off successfully as he twists around and struts away. The Brown Bridge only lights its lanterns in the winter, so this hits a true Gotham native here for the seasonal challenge portion.
With his superhearing, he manages to catch Tim Drake-Wayne's dreamy sigh. Danny fights the urge to fist bump. If they impressed the special judge so much, then they just guaranteed their spot in the next round.
Each round meant they were closer to completing the mission. Since it's been practically impossible to find Batman—even when the man was running around dressed like a giant bat—this was their best bet.
Once he's backstage, he rushes to Dan's area, already ripping off most of his outfit for the last piece. Spring dark academia vaguely reminded him of rich school uniforms, but at least they didn't have ridiculous amounts of belts and metal on them.
Dan already has the outfit set out and quickly helps him change. He adjusts the vest and collar for Danny, glancing angrily at the model walking up the line. "Come on, we only have a few minutes before the last two models finish their walk for the Winter portion."
Danny nods, throwing on the gargoyle ear cuffs, only to pause when he sees a strange card on Dan's station. He pushes aside the black rings to grab a tiny green card with a giant question mark. "What's this?"
"Some guy saw my work and wanted to commission him a suit. Apparently, he was tired of how no one could style the question marks." Dan answered, distracted while reapplying some powder to Danny's face.
"A question mark? Why?"
"It's his gimmick or something. I didn't bother to ask for too many details. He will be going to our house soon to get his measurements done," Dan says, twisting Danny's face with his chin to make sure everything looks good. Danny lets him, blindly slipping on his rings and bracelets. "Thought it be a fun little side project."
"How did he hear about you?"
"You remember how you took those boxes of clothes to the job search office to give to people? Apparently, one of his employees' younger brothers borrowed a suit for his prom, and he thought the photos were nice." Dan shrugs. Then he glances in alarm at the stage hand who signals for them. "Never mind that. It's almost our turn again. Get out there!"
Danny scurries away, but not before he sees a beautiful redhead woman in green- was that leaves and vines???- stride over to Dan as the clone puts away his makeup.
She gestures with a business card, and Dan blinks as she talks once before he eagerly takes out his design journal. She must be a performer asking Dan for a new forest design or something.
Danny wonders why Gotham has so many people with oddly specific gimmicks.
He turns his head away to stride back into the catwalk, head held high as he does so. Danny makes the mistake of locking eyes with one of the judges- Tim Drake-Wayne is gawking at him like the people of the street do- and he snaps his gaze away, fighting to keep his composure.
He thinks he does well since Team Fenton snatches first place in this round. Drake-Wayne catches him at the after-party, praising his final outfit so much that Danny offers to give it to him, knowing Dan wouldn't mind.
Drake-Wayne goes red, early agreeing, but since they are so different in size—the CEO's waist is slightly leaner but with far more muscular forearms—Danny tells him to come by his house that weekend to have Dan resize it for him.
It should be fine since the Question Mark man and Leaf Lady will also be there that day for their own measurements.
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jacobgold-tf · 1 month
New Gym, New Life
*This is my first story ever and english is not my first language so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy it!* -Rafi💚
Daniel and Alex had been together for five years, living happily in their cozy apartment in the city. Both in their late twenties, they prided themselves on staying fit and healthy.
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When a new gym opened just a few blocks away, they decided to check it out. The gym, named "Sahara Fitness", had a unique and exotic vibe, with its rich gold and deep red color scheme, intricate geometric patterns, and Arabic calligraphy adorning the walls.
As they walked in, they noticed that all the staff and trainers were Arab men; tall, muscular, and radiating confidence and masculinity. They greeted Daniel and Alex with warm smiles, their deep voices resonating through the gym. Despite the clear cultural influence, the place seemed modern and well-equipped.
"Welcome to Sahara Fitness," one of the trainers, Malik, said in a thick accent. "You two look like you already know your way around a gym, but we like to offer something special to our new members. A gift to help you get the most out of your workout."
He handed them each a small, ornate container filled with a dark, powdery supplement. "This is a traditional blend, used for centuries to enhance strength and endurance. Try it out during your workout, and you'll feel the difference."
Daniel and Alex exchanged a glance. They were a bit skeptical but intrigued. They had tried all kinds of supplements before, so they figured it couldn’t hurt to try something new. Thanking Malik, they headed to the locker room to change.
Dressed in their usual gym gear, the couple mixed the supplement into their water bottles and sipped. The taste was strong, almost spicy, with a hint of something they couldn’t quite place. Shrugging it off, they began their workout routine, starting with some light cardio before moving on to weights.
As they started lifting, both noticed an unusual burst of energy coursing through their bodies. The weights felt lighter, their movements smoother. They exchanged a surprised look but continued their sets, pushing themselves harder than usual.
After a while, they noticed something even stranger. Their bodies began to feel different—stronger, more powerful. Alex glanced at his reflection in the mirror and did a double-take. His usually slim frame was starting to bulk up, and his muscles were swelling with each rep. His fair skin seemed to be taking on a slightly tanned hue, and his facial hair usually trimmed and light, was darkening and thickening.
"Dan, are you seeing this?" Alex whispered, his voice sounding deeper than usual.
Daniel, too, was undergoing a transformation. His once smooth face was shadowed with a thickening beard, his jawline sharpening. His normally light hair was darkening to a rich, deep brown, and his skin was also taking on a more olive tone.
They both felt a strange warmth spreading through them, almost like a fire igniting from within. Their minds began to feel fuzzy, thoughts of their usual life together growing distant. Instead, they were filled with an intense, almost primal desire to lift more, grow stronger, and assert their newfound masculinity.
As they continued working out, their transformations became more pronounced. Their bodies grew more muscular, their chests broadening, arms bulging with veins as their biceps swelled. The hair on their bodies thickened, and their once soft features became rugged and masculine. The changes weren't just physical; their minds were altering too.
Daniel, now with a full, dark beard and intense eyes, glanced at a group of women working out nearby. He felt an overwhelming attraction towards them, something he'd never experienced before. The thought of Alex, his partner, seemed oddly foreign, replaced by a burning desire to dominate, to conquer.
Alex, too, felt a shift. His mind, once full of love and tenderness for Daniel, was now clouded with lustful thoughts. But he wasn't thinking about Daniel; it was women with soft curves and alluring smiles. The idea of being with a man seemed almost laughable now.
They both finished their workout, breathing heavily, sweat dripping from their now muscular, tanned bodies. The gym’s atmosphere, once just a backdrop, now felt like home, where they belonged and could be their true selves.
As they headed back to the locker room, they caught sight of themselves in the mirror. Gone were Daniel and Alex, the cute, loving couple who had walked in earlier. In their place stood two Arab alpha males, their bodies sculpted and powerful, exuding raw masculinity. Their eyes were dark and intense, their gazes filled with a new hunger.
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Malik appeared behind them, a knowing smile on his face. "Ah, I see the supplement has worked well. Welcome, brothers. You are now part of our tribe, our brotherhood. The old you is gone. You are reborn, stronger, and more powerful than ever."
Daniel, now calling himself Daoud, and Alex, now Ali, looked at each other and nodded. They felt no fear, no regret only acceptance and excitement. They had been transformed, not just physically but mentally. The bond they once shared as lovers was replaced with a new bond, brotherhood. And with it came a shared obsession, a desire for women that burned within them like never before.
"Bro, I can't believe how good this feels. I don't even know why we were ever together like that," Ali said, his eyes flickering with a new, primal energy.
Daoud smirked, flexing his arms, feeling the surge of power coursing through his veins. "Yeah, man. What were we thinking? This is what real life is about. We were just... confused before." He looked at the women working out nearby, his gaze filled with hunger. "Now, it's all about the chase, the thrill."
Ali nodded in agreement, his thoughts aligned with Daoud's. "Exactly, bro. Chicks, muscles, and dominating life. That's what we were meant for."
Daoud clapped on Ali's back, their bond now one of brotherhood and shared desires. "Let's go, man. Time to show the world what real men are made of."
They dressed in new clothes provided by the gym. traditional but modern arab-inspired attire that accentuated their muscular frames. As they walked out of the gym, they felt like kings, ready to conquer the world outside. Women turned to look at them, drawn to their confidence and masculinity. And as they exchanged a knowing glance, they knew that their lives had changed forever.
No longer the gentle, loving couple they once were, Daoud and Ali were now straight, Arab studs, obsessed with their newfound masculinity and the thrill of chasing after women.
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theillustraitor · 4 months
My human Dan design! Plus some ghost Dan to practice drawing him.
I'll explain more in depth below the cut for those who are curious, but the basic ideas for why he looks this way is that his human half is a mix of Danny and Dan(with a small sprinkle of Vlad). It was supposed to eventually match his ghost form more, but things had to be cut short on that path so he got kinda stuck with a middle of the road body(he's roughly late teens).
I'm desperate for him to not look exactly like Danny, but I also had this funny idea that he would somehow end up attending Casper High after he is decently redeemed(so his human body had to be younger than his ghost form). Like just imagine the interactions. Dan would *definitely* get revenge on Dash lol
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More detailed explanation:
The clone Dan was stuck in was pretty much constantly destabilizing post AGIT. This was due to the imperfect nature of them, Dan's high power, and the physical difference between the two forms. Vlad and Danny kept it from totally falling apart by using the ecto-dejecto. They had to use it *a lot* though.
Vlad tweaked the clone to be able to be shaped by Dan's ghost(to fix the incongruence of the bodies, and to possibly make it so the body could handle Dan's power better). This is what led to the mixing of Dan and Danny; the body was going from Danny to Dan in terms of appearance. It was taking some time though and they were definitely going to run out of the ecto-dejecto, *especially* since Dani also needs it(I like to think that the ecto-dejecto wasn't a permanent fix, so she has to use it on occasion. There's also no way Danny would give a mid-morph sample at this point cause he and Dani are still pretty distrustful of Vlad.)
Since Jack had originally made the ecto-dejecto Vlad could not figure out how tf to replicate it. Jack had also forgotten how he made it because, I mean, it’s Jack(nevermind that he wouldn’t even have a reason to remember how to make something that’d help ghosts/was a failed version of an experiment)
Vlad then developed a way to convert the ectoplasmic nature of the clones to good ol’ human meat(aka permanent stabilization for Dan). Vlad ended up having to do that to Dan before his human form could completely match his ghost form, hence the mix and being physically younger than his ghost form(a note: the bodies not matching remains a problem, but not a crippling/kill him kind of one. Dan is usually in pain after going ghost, especially if he used his powers a lot, but it fades relatively fast. Additionally, he(unrelated to body stuff) cannot be ghostly for too long because the ghost half will destabilize(not goopy, time/reality)).
I also had this idea that the ghost catcher could be used to permanently fuse Dan's ghost to the human body. I doubt he's fused with the clone body in AGIT, and this would continue to be a problem with my idea; Dan is basically just puppeting/overshadowing the bodies. The catcher has a merge side, sooooo
Finally, some design stuff(and a bit about him going to Casper). As mentioned Dan looks younger, which means he is capable of attending Casper High, and he does so because he never actually finished school(and he would be able to stalk/keep an eye on Danny and the others better. By this point he no longer wants to kill them, and is instead paranoid about the possibility of them dying, so yup, stalking). He'd be put in the same grade as Jazz so they could hang out and what not.
Vlad is also glad to have any time away from Dan because they fight a lot lol
But once at Casper due to his Vlad half he plays football(Vlad fusion aside, it’s a sport where he can be violent w/o problem). Dan got a letterman jacket from that, but he still hates the popular kids so he had Sam dye it black.
The hair streak is also from Vlad, but Dan's hair style is just his ghost form's minus the whole fire thing.
His clothing style is a mix of Vlad and Danny’s(except the jacket). Shirt is from Danny, pants from Vlad, then sneakers + dress shoes = boots.
Finally, it’s a bit subtle but he has heterochromia; one eye is Danny's color, the other Vlad’s.
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milksnake-tea · 10 months
hello! congrats on your 1k followers, u deserve it! may i request for dan feng + fluff prompt 9 … maybe smt similar to ur dan feng fic? vidyadhara!reader?
this ask might be late and u don’t need to do the suggestions but i’d like to say that your writing always makes my day, keep it up! 💗 and again, congrats!
thank u!!
❀ ˎˊ- prompts: It's raining outside, and when you see them completely drenched, you immediately offer them shelter. ❀ ˎˊ- 1k followers event ❀ ˎˊ- character: dan feng ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: none !! ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: AIYEEE THIS WAS SO CUTE GOT ME KICKING MY FEET AND ALL <33 also thanks for the congrats !! sorry this was so late lol, i hope the fic makes up for it! also context, dan feng and reader are friends here, but reader is a different reader from under the lotus leaves <3
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Rarely does the Luofu see rain.
As an artificial planet, a man-made home that basked in the light of an artificial sun, the weather was very closely monitored and controlled. For a sudden storm to arrive either meant that someone higher up was having an off day, or the A.I. had decided that perhaps the Luofu was a tad bit dehydrated.
Still, it doesn't make it any less irritating to you, a civilian who wasn't informed of this sudden decision.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. Of course it had to rain on your day off. You'd planned to have a nice, easy day outside of just strolling through Aurum Alley, but that plan was now out the window.
Oh, well. Nothing you could about it now.
Gripping your grocery bag closer to you, you held your free hand towards the sky. Water swirled around you in a mystical dance, the rain droplets stilling as if frozen in time. Soon enough, an invisible umbrella formed above your head, your hand keeping there in place.
It was times like these that you were grateful for your cloudhymm abilities. You stepped out into the drizzle, perfectly dry amongst the crowd.
As you neared your home, you faltered when you saw an unexpected figure taking shelter under one of the many overhangs.
The man in question flinched upon hearing your voice. Immediately, he turned away, embarrassed to be found in such a disheveled state.
"I... I'm fine," he stuttered. "Just... caught off guard."
You sighed, taking in the sight in front of you. Dan Feng's robes, so pristine and regal, were plastered against his body, soaked beyond what you'd thought was possible. His hair plastered against his skin as he wrung out what he could.
"Feng'er, with all due respect," you stepped closer, "you look anything but fine."
Dan Feng glared at you from the corner of his eye, but you weren't intimidated. You worked in customer service, after all.
You held out a hand. "Come here, my house is nearby. You'll get sick if you stay drenched like that."
Fire swirled in his eyes as he looked at you, wavering between pride and safety. Amongst the pouring rain, that turquoise hue glowed like flames, an ironic contrast to his abilities.
Eventually, his desire to get out of the rain triumphed over his pride. He reluctantly took your hand. You pulled him under your makeshift umbrella, your hand held high above the both of you as you led him to your home.
The walk there was quiet, save for the soft patter of rain and the curses of those caught within it. Left with nothing but your thoughts, your eyes began to wander. Soon, they landed on the hair of the High Elder, still wet and glossy despite Dan Feng's efforts to dry it.
"Hey, Feng'er," you spoke out into the silence, "can I ask something?"
Dan Feng contemplated it for a moment. "You may."
"You also wield cloudhymm. Why not use it to dry yourself off instead of, well..." You didn't need to go on.
The tips of Dan Feng's ears lit up in red. He quickly averted his gaze, but your eyes were quick enough to catch the pink dusting his cheeks.
"I..." He coughed into his fist. "Yingxing, he claimed that I couldn't go a day in my life without using magic."
"Ah." You couldn't help a snicker sneaking out, but you were quick to disguise it as a cough. "Is that right?"
"Yes," Dan Feng sighed in exasperation, crossing his arms. You smiled. His ears seemed to burn brighter now.
"To think you'd take the words of a short-lived so seriously," you mused. "Your stubbornness will be the death of you."
"Better to die than to let that arrogant mortal insult me so carelessly."
"Right, right, of course," you nodded. "We can't let the dignity of the High Elder be tarnished."
You felt a hard blow to your back, not hard enough to hurt you but certainly enough to make you stumble. Looking behind you, you saw Dan Feng's tail dart out of sight.
Dan Feng closed his eyes, evidently choosing to block you out. You rolled your eyes.
"Try that again and I'm leaving you next time."
Your friend chuckled.
"No, you love me too much to abandon me."
You kicked him into a puddle.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Stillborn? No, still born au - Danny’s ghost form
Nothing too fancy here. Just me detailing Danny’s ghost form in the stillborn au :]. My first rule of thumb for every dp au i make is that danny’s gotta have a different design for each ghost form. It doesn’t have to be super drastic depending on the au (like for my dp godling au his suit remains relatively unchanged).
This is mostly so I can mess with character design and also so each Danny can have his own unique ghost form for identification reasons. And because I just want to, which is the most important part :].
Stillborn Danyal, unlike Things in Threes and Yaelokre Danyal, is the first to not have an assassin-based ghost form due to obvious reasons. He was raised in foster care all his life, the League has had no impact on his life beyond being the place where his mother is. But it’s not like he knows that.
As a result he gave me some trouble, and it took me a few days and a ton of frustration to figure out how I want him to look as a ghost. I could just keep him in the hazmat suit and mess around with the detailing, but i’ll be frank, I hate doing that.
Stillborn Danyal, unlike all his other au counterparts, is a fire core ghost like Vlad is. As a result, in his ghost form he can reach extreme temperatures with just a flick of his hand or a switch in his mood. His emotional regulation is shit, and as a result it’s not uncommon for him to let off heatwaves in either form. They’re just more intense as a ghost.
His hair is made of molten lava, and unlike the other Dannys, is not white as a result. It’s an ever constant flow as well, meaning it doesn’t stop flowing where his human hair ends. It just keeps “growing”. Danny routinely keeps his hair braided back because it slows the lava flow and keeps it off his face and arms. When it reaches his past feet, that’s when Danny superheats his hands and “cuts” his hair by yanking it off. It’s completely painless if he gets the right heat to do it. Afterwards, Danny either uses it as a weapon — braided whip, anyone? — or disposes of the excess lava somewhere it can’t hurt someone.
Molten lava ranges around 1,300 to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit and can either be very fluid or very viscous and stiff. The heat of his hair, naturally, means that the living cannot physically get near him without proper covering. So Danny tends to keep a distance as much as possible during fights so he doesn’t burn anyone.
His emotions also affect the heat and fluidity of his hair. Which isn’t that great considering he can be pretty emotionally volatile thanks to all of his ✨trauma✨. The angrier or more emotional he is, the hotter and more fluid his hair is, meaning it burns brighter and flows faster. It’s very much possible for the lava to cool down enough to solidify into volcanic glass or igneous rock, but considering Danny’s mental state? He just isn’t capable of doing that on his own. Vlad’s hair is also molten lava, but he’s perfected how to keep it in an igneous rock state. His hair also glows bright enough that it’s impossible to see his face from a distance, and seeing it up close is equally as impossible considering all the ambient heat he gives off.
That’s not the only part thats made of lava and magma either. Danny’s hands and feet don’t have skin covering them, it’s crumbled and melted away into molten lava too. They’re the second hottest parts of his body only to his hair. Around his elbows is where his skin begins to crack and crumble into magma, and as a result he wears welding gloves in order to interact with the living world (and some ghosts) without melting anything. He can also run so hot that he can melt a blob ghost.
All fire core ghosts lack iris and pupils, it’s all one solid color. It is possible to shift their eyes into looking more “human like”, but there’s really no point to it and takes more practice and effort to achieve than its worth. Danny’s eyes are all green just like Vlad’s are all red.
Now for his clothes! Danny used to wear the hazmat suit, paired with an old hoodie he owned but didn’t wear often. Uppp until he was brainwashed by Circus Gothica. Afterwards, the only thing that transferred over was the color scheme.
Danny’s new Phantom outfit is designed more for looseness and breathability, but also means that as a result he gives off even more heat. His hazmat suit trapped most of it. He’s now wearing a white, sleeveless turtleneck (yall know the type. I am not immune to tropes and I think it looks good) with black harlem pants with an open slit up both sides and green flames running from his ankles to his knees, and spandex shorts underneath. He’s also wearing white stirrup socks. He wears green welding gloves. Due to the lack of proper footwear he tends to float everywhere otherwise he burns the ground thanks to the exposed skin. It’s significantly less “hero-like” or “scientist” and more resembling something a performer might wear.
As a result however, Danny is consistently cold. He struggles with his own thermal regulation and keeps trying to balance it between his own comfort and the comfort of the living around him. If he retains his own heat and keeps himself warm, he’s too hot for anyone to come near and he melts everything he touches, but if he cools down in order to interact with the world without his gloves and come near the living and only be “uncomfortably hot”, he’s freezing. He’s frustrated by the lack of balance. It was easier to interact with the hazmat suit, but he doesn’t want to go back to it and it’s not like he can either. The exposure allows him easier access to his powers.
Warm, sunny days are his favorite. He’ll sit out on the pavement and soak in the heat like a lizard. Catch him sitting on top of cars during 90 degree weather and just utterly content. It’s not as nice as the ghost zone’s Molten Springs but it’s the second best he can get without going into the infinite realms. The first best thing is going somewhere secluded and safe and just heating himself up into something that’s comfortable and letting his hair free. Nothing like cocooning yourself in your own magma flow.
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b1adie · 5 months
looking into it i think yingxing would have been fire hunt. he’s hunt for sure considering his main thing was hatred of abominations of abundance anyway but he was trained by huaiyan who is known as ‘the flaming heart’ on the zhuming. people and heliobi hang out together there. flint emperor is there. they use the flint emperor’s flame to forge weapons. the forge is called flamedisk forge. lots of fire stuff. so if he learned there he should be fire element. also makes sense with blade’s trailer showing that he is the single candle still lit despite the rest having gone out. would be cool if he had bluish/teal fire bc heliobi and whatnot.
i was gonna say something about how his skill could be him like heating up his sword as one would to forge it (but not THAT hot obviously) and now im thinking about how with blade’s skill he turns his sword from black to red? he is forging that thing. also crazy that that sword weighs like 300lbs and he launched it through the air like a frisbee and dan heng got impaled with it and hardly even stumbled. how strong are these guys. OOOH or yingxing could have a FLAMETHROWERRR thing. he made awesome shit and everyone loved him ok? i know he’s never going to be playable as old man furnace master yingxing but i am just imagining if he was… hehe. arrogant craftsman. god they need to let me see/hear more of him like that. I WANT TO SEE OTHER WEAPONS HE MADE I WANT TO SEE HIM SMILE AND BE PROUD AND ANNOYING!!!!!! OLD MAN NOW!!!!!!
anyways fire/hunt yingxing. imaginary/hunt would be cute and fire/destruction makes sense too and obviously most characters playable paths dont line up with their actual beliefs but idc he seems very hunt to me. i miss him. you guys remember when he said “be careful, high elder, lest you hurt yourself with it.” that was some crazy shit. show me geriatric bladie again pleeeease. blade companion mission better be 6 hours long and at least 100k words and 2 cinematics. i’ll wait. give me his life story all 800 years of it. well i guess that’d be like
age 0-7: love my family. sure hope the beasts don’t arrive!
age 8-15: beasts ate my planet. went somewhere else they are teaching me shit here
age 16-30: i am the best at the shit i was taught. idc that everyone is rude to me about it cuz they can be rude but they can’t beat meeeee 😋
age 31-70: im still the best and now i’m hanging out with my immortal friends yay :) they’re all going to outlive me but that’s for the best i think. Right guys?
age 71-800: Ow ow ow ouch ow. Where the fuck am i btw & who the fuck am i as well. Oh well guess ill stick a branch in my hair
age 801+: kidnapped by robot and woman but it’s fine. girl keeps asking me to play games with her even though i tell her i’m busy cutting my hand off each and every day. beast upon my shoulder saying ‘Meow’ frequently. unsure of the implications of this. robot here sometimes. i like it. woman tells me to stop foaming at the mouth so i do because i respect women. except ONE OF THEM. (can’t remember which one right now). branch growing from my stomach again. not my problem. i will be taking a week long nap now.
but i want 6 hours and 100k words of it with pictures and voice acting as proof.
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antimatterz · 1 year
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kiss kiss fall in love
dan heng, jing yuan, gepard, sampo, blade x gn!reader
how the honkai star rail boys would react to you peppering their face with kisses in a surprise attack <3 yes, pure fluff! also i think my dan heng favorism shows here?
content under the cut | masterlist
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it was only you and him. no one else was around, and you were comfortably perched atop his lap as he was doing his own thing. it was a rather cozy setting, and you were slightly dozing off against his shoulder. you were content like that for quite a while, until your energy slowly replenished. now you wanted attention, and you already knew how you were going to achieve it.
"hey," you called out, lightly tapping his shoulder.
"hm?" he hummed, looking up from whatever he was doing. you leaned back on his lap, cupping his cheeks with your hands.
and then you attacked.
you began your sweet assault with a little butterfly kiss on his nose, then moved to his forehead and on to his cheek. they lingered for less than second before you moved on to the next spot, and soon you were placing the softest and tiniest kisses all over his face. not a patch of skin was safe from your loving gesture, and you weren't planning to cease your attack anytime soon.
dan heng
your sudden action had him drop his book, and it fell to the hardwood floor with a thud that was barely audible over the sound of your countless little kisses.
hah, though you caught him off guard, he wasn't really surprised by your sudden attack, since this was one of your regular antics (and he loves them very much).
his hands flew to your waist to hold you securely, to keep you from toppling over in your enthusiasm (and he just likes to hold you).
he let you do your thing and he had no intentions to stop you. if any, kissing him like that elicited a very rare chuckle from him and the sound made you pull back in surprise.
you found him looking at you with a small smile, one that made your heart flutter because it was so adorable.
in conclusion; he might not show it lavishly but he loves it when you pull those little stunts. surprise attack was a big succes!
jing yuan
the general of the cloud knights stiffened a little when you open fire, taken aback by the kisses that were suddenly being peppered all over his face. but he quickly recollected himself, a laugh bubbling up from his throat.
it was that chuckle that spurred you to go on, your hands leaving his cheeks to play with his luscious hair. you left no spot unkissed, a giggle escaping your lips.
he found it absolutely endearing, and it was very welcome after indulging in his boring general work all evening long.
"aeons, y/n, you're adorable," he chuckled.
you leaned back with a smile, and found jing yuan looking up at you warmly. he absolutely loved the surprise attack, and rewarded you with a sweet kiss.
gepard landau
this guy... he got so super duper flustered as soon as you opened your assault. basically transformed until he resembled a tomato as he stuttered out your name.
don't get me wrong, he absolutely loved it, he just blushes easily when you were involved, especially when you pulled stunts like that.
his arms instantly snaked around your waist, even though it was more to have something to hold onto for himself, since he felt like he was about to fall off his seat.
but again, he loves it, and as soon as he got over the initial surprise, a smile made its way to his lips as he let you do your thing.
when you finally ceased your attack and leaned back, he gazed up at you with a blushy smile and now it was your turn to have your heart flutter in your chest because he looked absolutely cute and stunning.
sampo koski
maybe it was a bit tiring to hear him complain about how unflattering those wanted posters were all night long (though you agreed, whoever drew sampo didn't do him justice). that's why you decided it was your turn to get some attention.
his eyes widened when you interrupted him mid-sentence, and he instantly forgot what he was complaining about as his heart skipped a beat because dang, what you were doing was adorable!
he happily let you have your way, who was he to interrupt your loving act? you often bicker (albeit playfully and lovingly) instead of acting like an actual couple so this was a nice change of pace.
"since when do you act all cute around me, y/n? decided you do like me, after all?"
your answer was a lingering kiss on his nose, and for once the smile he offered you was loving and sincere.
the moment your lips met his skin over and over, he literallt went "what the..." in such a surprised tone that it was adorable.
your thumbs caressed his cheeks as you pressed tiny kisses all over his forehead and temples and being the softie he secretly was, he unconsciously leaned into your touch.
that is, until he regained his composure and took ahold of your hands, firmly but gently peeling them off his cheeks and pushing you back a little. now you were the one who was surprised, especially when you found him smirking at you.
now he was the one who leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that went a lot deeper than the butterfly kisses you left on his skin prior to this. blade is the one who left you all blushy, instead of the other way around.
i'm afraid your surprise assault backfired.
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ashleyeveerson · 16 days
CHECK OUT PART 1: https://www.tumblr.com/ashleyeveerson/760695134744723456/the-dan-and-phil-lore-pp?source=share
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Oh sweet 2015... A trip to Japan, which is dubed by DANIEL HOWELL HIMSELF as Japhan, leads to a fan theory in which Dan and Phil supposedly got married there which they talked about in a recent video i can't believe this is real. IN OTHER NEWS: The Amazing Book is Not on Fire is published and Dan and Phil go in their first tour ever!!! TATINOF is just ICONIC, just treat yourself and watch the musical number "The internet is here" THEY. TAP. DANCE.
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The boys are touring worldwide which gives us very cute pictures of them holding koalas (awww). They also attend the Bronca in which they win EVERY PRIZE TOGETHER except "streamer of the year" which Phil won only to beckon Dan to get onstage so they could share it (THEY MAKE ME SICK). The iconic clip "Can Phil express an opinion?" is also born and Dan blesses our ears by dropping the rap of the century: ROAST YOURSELF CHALLENGE a month without uploading he comes back with a tag THAT NO ONE EVEN TAGED HIM ON
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Things are changingggg... Dan ditches the "Dan is not on fire" name and brand of his channel to reflect the changes in his content. He then uploads "Dan and Depression", in which he opens up for the first time about his struggles with mental health (it's a great fucking video go watch it).
Phannies and Phil himself rejoice when Dan decides to embrace the hobbit hair and ditch the straightners (RIP the fringe). And as part of april fool's day a strange video named "Dan and Phil crafts" is uploaded to YT (idk what to say go watch it yourselves). THEY ALSO MOVED TO PHLAT 3 ON LONDON [which we would later discover were 2 separate flats; one to live in and one to record in] (some fans theorized about it before they confirmed idk ya'll scare me)
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In 2018 they embark on their second tour "INTERACTIVE INTROVERTS" but the vibes in the channel all lead to the end of an era... Phil ditches the fringe (RIP), the final video of Dan vs Phil is recorded and the LAST AND 10th TATINOF gets uploaded. Now... the nostalgic vibes of this video, the love they have for their fans, the recreation of the first picture they ever took... YEAH THIS ONE ALWAYS MAKES ME SOB -- we enter the INDEFINITE HIATUS --
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LOOK AT THEM :( something, something about despite everything, it's still you...
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now we enter.... THE DARK AGES. Dan basically disappears from the internet while Phil keeps on uploading on his solo channel with no mention of him. So after everything, WHAT HAPPENED TO PHAN? DID WE GO TOO FAR AS A FANDOM? ARE WE THE BAD GUYS? Let's take a trip down Phandom history, shall we?
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So in the peak years of Dan and Phil uploading a VERY LARGE group had appeared on Tumblr which was soley focused on so called "EVIDENCE" of Phan being canon. Now... the problem being that using the term CANON with real people is problematic to say the least. The relationship speculation that had thrived on fictional tv shows such as Merlin, Supernatural or Sherlock was now being IMPOSED upon two very real people. NOT fictional characters, just two blokes with feelings and a right to privacy.
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SO WHO GOT IT RIGHT?? was it the crazy theorists, did Dan and Phil share the sonic underwear, clothes and a bed? Or was it all a lie? A bad rumour? A comercial decision to get more money from the phans? well WHICH IS IT?
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YIKES! Turns out that there is no answer, because we as fans ARE NOT ENTITLED TO THE PRIVACY OF OUR IDOLS. We only deserve as much as Dan and Phil are comfortable and willing to share about their lives with us... Oh and Dan? He has something BIG to share
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Yeah so, words can even begin to explain how much this video meant to myself and may others... For me it was the first video I ever saw of someone actually coming out on camera, it was a beacon of light, a promise that things CAN eventually get better and a very brave fucking thing for Dan to do. He gave hope to thousands of young people who were just as lost as he had once been, he became the representation he so desperately needed when he was just a depressed kid. Just, go watch it. It's wonderful, it's a masterpiece, it's funny and heartbreaking in equal parts and above all... it's SO authentically Dan.
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So where does that lead us... Let's dissect the popularity of Phan shall we? A LOT OF FANS WERE JUST FETISHISING MEN FOR NO REASON, TRUE. But a lot of them were also queer and exploring their sexuality through the safety of a m/m pairing. Since historically most yuri was catered around men and hetero romance tended to objectify women, slash paring became a way for a lot of girls to explore sex and love. That is, within the safety of removing themselves completely from the pairing. Go read this article if you wanna know more about women's fascination with slash media: https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/why-women-love-slashfic
SO SURPRISE, WE ALL TURNED OUT TO BE QUEER!!! Like ofc there was a toxic side of it, but there were also a lot of queer kids who desperately searched for public figures they could relate to.
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Now a couple of edits before returning to the Phan timeline bc these slides turned out to be WAY heavier than intended: Look at my boy Dan look at him!!! Look at him showing those grippers, feeding a deer, going proudly to his first Gay Parade!!!
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PHIL LESTER MY BELOVED... dan I can and will fight you on the title of Phil's num 1 trash he'd probably win who am i kidding he's so in love with this man istg
PART 3 RIGHT HERE: https://www.tumblr.com/ashleyeveerson/760714622028349440/the-dan-and-phil-lore-pt-2?source=share
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Some of my headcanons for the Phantom siblings.
Both of them have freckles, but Ellie has hers in human form and Danny has his in ghost form
Ellie went as Phantasm while she was off journeying before deciding on the first name Ellie, in which she started going by Ellie Phantasm
Dan had to do community service for the first few years he was out of the thermos, and actually helped clean up both Amity and other ghostly areas where the veil was thin
Danny takes more after his mom body-type wise as he ages, while Dan visibly took more after Vlad and Jack, and Ellie is something inbetween
Ellie discovers she can go goop at will and use it to shapeshift slightly- the moment she saw spiderman comics with venom it was all over for the other ghosts
Danny's wail is more of a scream with the underlying sound of machinery humming and crackling electricity, while Dan's is more of a roar with an underlying rumble of fire and crash of a cracking glacier
Dan's human form has surprising long hair, which Ellie (and Jazz) likes to braid- Clockwork was the one to teach him how to braid his own hair
They get matching tattoos on their forearms as adults that forms a constellation when put together (they also have small matching flower ones with Jazz)
All of their blood glows in the dark, even in human form. They use this by popping their bones and jokingly shaking each other until they glow like a glowstick.
Their eyes also reflect light, but that's more of a liminal thing shared with all amity parkers
Danny has a space core, Ellie has a moon core, and Dan has a sun core They discover they can combine the strength of their abilities while messing around one day and go feral
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Hiroki Dan X GN!Teacher (one shot)
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Contains: Gender Neutral Reader and Age Difference General warning: Medium-length post (1,461 words) TW: Possessiveness/Yandere vibes Characters: Hiroki Dan and You
– There is a theory called The Green World by Northrop Fry. It's actually quite simple. Shakespeare's comedies follow a structure: in spring, the fertility month, the characters transition from the everyday world, faced with societal bondage, to the wild, where everything becomes topsy turvy, back to the ordinary world renewed and unbound. As you skimmed your class, you couldn't help but wonder if the same theory also applied to your life. This moment did feel wild.
– The semester is your first as a teacher at one of Toyko's most highly regarded private high schools, and according to the curious stares from your students, they don't know what to make of you. It sets you on edge. Yet, there is also great excitement as you finally have fulfilled your dream of educating the next generation after years of studying. Is there a word for both terror and elation? Perhaps euphoria? It did once mean to be removed from one's body. However, frisson seems to settle in your mind. Your hair does feel on end.
– One..two...three...breath...one...two...three...breath. You repeat this phrase over and over again as you start your lesson. This subject is your favourite, and not to brag, but you are an expert in this field; the school would have never hired you otherwise, and the parents would have you fired, flayed, and put out front as a warning for everyone else. Even some universities would pale in comparison. These are households of politicians, millionaires, and businessmen. The top of the top and greatness ensures they only produce greatness, or at least the image of it.
– Everything seems to be going well; to your surprise, the kids are actively engaged, yet you cannot help but sense an uneasiness. You feel dissected, like a butterfly being prepped for a display case. When turning around, an intensity makes you pause over a word to prevent a stutter. You swear unseen hands are rushing over your body as if to hold you and say, "Stay still; I deserve to look," for what reason you don't know. It's nerves, you tell yourself, focus on the lesson; you can't mess up the first class.
– But it happens again during the next lesson. Then, the one after that. Again and again until finally, when handing back the first assignment, you meet the cause after class.
– It was Autumn when the weather couldn't decide if it wished to be hot or cold, the leaves turning into a violent swarm of reds and oranges as if the trees were on fire. It had been a long day; you had to send someone to the head office for interrupting class, forgot your lunch, and were stuck grading papers. The only people still here were after-school clubs and occasionally teachers you heard walking in the halls.
– You were so absorbed in your work that you couldn't help but jump when you felt a tap on your shoulder and a soft "Excuse me" in your ear. Looking up in shock, you are surprised to see a man...well, a teenager. Handsome for his age, most likely eighteen and in his final year, with a shock of dark hair and eyes against pale skin, a warm smile breaks the otherwise monochrome facade. An image of Adder Snake flashes in your mind when he tilts his head and beams...it is as if he enjoyed scaring you.
– "Oh, I'm sorry, professor," he places a hand over his heart and straightens, "I merely wanted to get your attention." His eyes are so black that you can see your own startled reflection, and despite being in a more senior position, how small you look compared to this boy. You hate it.
– "It's fine," you look at the clock, "it's past five; shouldn't you be heading home, or is there something I can help you with?" You attempt to clean your desk to make it look moderately presentable. In reality, you wanted to seem busy so you didn't have to look him in the eye again. There was something profoundly unnerving about how he could pin you down with merely a look.
– His hand moves gracefully into his bag and pulls out a piece of paper; you recognize it as the recently returned assignment from your afternoon class. He places it delicately on your desk, atop the other essays you were grading. Pompous little shit, you couldn't help but think. You tilt over and see the grade, a ninety-five, the highest score you gave out recently.
– Picking up the paper, you hold it out for the student to take back, "It was very well-written and researched, particularly the second paragraph. Congratulations..." You quickly glance at the paper, hopefully discreetly, "Hiroki-kun." The name settled in your mouth like honey, sticking to your throat unpleasantly despite how sweet it sounded.
– He leans against the desk, the same plain smile upon his face and a light chuckle escaping his upturned lips. There is an uneasiness in the air, that pressure you felt during the day in increments, dilating in this very moment.
– "Thank you," he moves closer, and you realize the door is closed; who shut it? "But I wanted to ask," Closer, "what could I have done to have gained that extra five percent?"
– "I..." You feel speechless, your face hot from panic, "Well...you could've shortened it, perhaps?" Say anything to get him to leave.
– "That's it?"
– "It was written very well; I wouldn't worry about your grade."
– He takes the paper and folds it absent-mindedly, "I will take it to heart," as if to prove it, he holds the essay to his chest, "You are my favourite teacher here, and any advice you give me is a great help." To your horror, he looks somewhat bashful. Yet, it would be a lie to say it didn't stroke your ego.
– You clear your throat, "Thank you, but it is getting late-"
– "Let me walk you to your bike." You wonder how he knew you biked to school? "My father is the police superintendent General, and I am also heading out; I don't want someone so..." He looks down to where you are sitting, "vulnerable to walk outside by themselves."
– You weighed the options in your head. Saying no could hurt your reputation; this was the kid of a high-ranking official, and if you pissed off Daddy, you would be fired on the spot. Was it unnerving and inappropriate? Yes. But you couldn't think of a way to worm your way out of this dilemma. It was a true dichotomy.
– "I wouldn't want to burden a young man like yourself...."
– His smile stretched wider, so vast you could count each pearly white tooth. What big teeth you have..." It would be my pleasure."
– Hiroki demanded to carry your briefcase and, while you walked, asked miscellaneous questions about your life. How old are you? Do you live alone? Are you Married? How far do you live from campus? You tried to answer him subtly, attempting to dodge the questions with little skill. You cursed the school for being so big and your pupil for being such a slow walker.
– Ten minutes later, you reach your bike. Or where it should have been. Nothing but the chain was attached to the fence. You look around and quickly conclude that someone has stolen it. Man, I'm a fucking genius, you thought sarcastically, but you had to Act professionally. Act bloody professional. Oh, God, how in the living hell would you get back to your dingy little apartment?
– "People these days," Hiroki shook his head, "my father has been trying to tamper down the rise in petty crime such as this," he slung your case over his shoulder, "but it seems he has a long way to go."
– You pushed your forehead in stress, "It's fine, I'll just take public transport." And it would be awful in that crowded cart filled with annoyed people.
– "Nonsense," He turned and started to walk towards the parking lot; in confusion, you began to follow him, "I own a car, and someone like yourself wouldn't be safe on public transport." He looked over his shoulder, and you felt your stomach sink, "I'll drive you home." Shit.
– "It's fine, really. Plus, you're a student-"
– "My father would never forgive me if I left you in such a state. Alone. Defenceless. I mean," He stopped and turned. Suddenly, you recognized how tall and broad he was as he towered over you. "I could attack you right now, and you would have no way to defend yourself." His left eye twitched softly like he trying to keep a particular thought at bay, and you felt your lungs freeze, "But you're lucky," He chuckled, "I would never harm my favourite teacher." The air seemed to stop momentarily as if the sky held its breath for what he would say next. "I only want to do a good deed," Another laugh, "They make me feel blessed," and softly grabbing your hand and bringing it to his cheek, he tilted his head into your palm, whispering, "Won't you bless me, teacher?"
– You wondered if Northrop Fry had a theory on Shakespearian tragedy. What dark world were you being brought into by those eyes?
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eldritch-bf · 4 months
Herbert West identity related headcanons:
ftm (obviously) gay and demi
if he’s 24 in 1985 then he was born in 1961 oof
I’m also using some info from the novelization as canon so he is Canadian and his parents died in a chemical fire in the house when he was 12-13
was forced to take ballet when be was 5-10 (something Jeffry Combs joked about in the commentary from Bride)
his parents were neglectful of him and didn’t really care about him wanting to have short hair or boy clothes plus they chalked it up to his presumably undiagnosed autism
realized he felt weird about the older boy in the foster home (13-18) but didn’t really understand it; mostly he is jealous when girls take away the boy’s attention; closest friend he ever had as they were alone together but Herbert knew he could never act on it so he kept those feelings to himself
he wants sex but only from someone he’s emotionally connected with which itself is rare and at the same time intellectually he considers sex to be debasing, while also being curious about the sensation and knowing the benefits of the chemicals produced during orgasm
this is coupled with the fact that at least before starting T any thought of sex or masturbation made him extremely dysphoric and repulsed so his whole relationship with sex is very complicated
he is deeply repulsed by femininity bc it reminds him of his childhood spend as his agab and the stupid gender norms his parents thrust upon him including dismissing him being a scientist just because he had the wrong parts
he is canonically annoyed by pretty much all sounds and I suspect higher pitched sounds including women’s voices are worse; lower register sounds like thunder and men’s voices can be calming to him
upon moving from Canada to the U.S. as a student at NYU he used his new name on everything and making a clean break from his old identity was a big reason why he picked a different country to study in
hated NYU and the only good thing was it was easy to synthesize testosterone
T made him so fucking horny and also eviscerated his dysphoria; man was cranking it fucking constantly for a year straight and did some of his best work before moving to Switzerland for 3 years
Dr Gruber immediately figured out what his deal was but didn’t say anything and just treated him normal and for that Herbert was extremely devoted to him; Dr Gruber also did his top surgery in Switzerland despite having never done such an operation before
Dr Gruber was the one and only member of his support system the only person who knew everything about him and understood him and accepted him, losing him was a devastating blow and Herbert decided he would keep himself closed off
Also Dr Gruber didn’t have anyone either and adored Herbert and according to the book fucking left Herbert his money when he died which paid for his tuition and moving costs etc
if I didn’t genuinely like the father/son dynamic they have, I would absolutely say he was fucking that old man
So he was cool and clipped to Dan when he first met him and when he moved in trying to keep Dan at arm’s length away but he saw how smart and hardworking Dan was and he knew how difficult it was to conduct this research alone and he desperately wanted the company
and Dan reminded him a lot of the first boy he ever had a crush on and it would give him a certain satisfaction to vicariously have his first crush through Dan yet also knowing that Dan is way better than the idiot teen boy he was in the foster home with who never gave him the time of day; he’s also pleased with the idea of dragging Dan (normal, supposedly heterosexual, law-abiding) down with him; he’s pulling the brightest kindest handsomest hardest working med student out of Miskatonic into his orbit and making Dan’s life revolve around him
literally “look at the bad bitch I pulled by being a little freak” absolute nightmare Herbert West takes personal pleasure in ruining sweaterboy Daniel Cain’s life
the chaos of everything they do is so much more important that when Dan finds out Herbert is trans and gay it doesn’t even phase him.
(Daniel Cain is bisexual and basically decided it was just easier to be pretend to be straight and get a girlfriend so he ignored his feelings for men. But now with Herbert he doesn’t have to.)
he is completely shocked by sex with Dan however despite knowing that Dan is experienced he was not prepared nor was Dan prepared for how awkward yet demanding the virginal Herbert West would be, yelling at him one moment before becoming cock stupid the next
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colt seavers x reader fic please!!
something fluffy, him being jealous, pining, being flirty.. thanks!!
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, Anon!! Hope you like this!! I’ve really missed writing for Colt! Sorry for how long this took- my writing process is either very slow or very fast, no happy medium haha. Now, I really hope you like this interpretation- if not, feel free to send another ask!<3
Also, I ended up writing Jody out, it just made a little more sense in this story.
Other than that, still searching for a beta reader! DM if interested!!
Content Warnings: None aside from a little cursing! This is as Anon asked, very fluffy! :)
Also, this switches between the reader & Colt’s standpoint!
Enjoy! Xx
Reader’s POV
I’ve been working on my movie, ‘Dreams of Maybe,’ for about a year now. It’s to be my directorial debut, and because of that the pressure has been on. Debuts are a bit of a superstitious event for new directors: they either make or break your career, even if it’s only the getgo. Sure, some can get back on their feet if they get a second chance, and others end up making a name for themselves for solely directing god-awful movies, but I don’t have time for that. For a second chance, for none of it. This movie is a culmination of everything I’ve worked for during film school and even before, and nothing is going to deter me.
Now, despite its name, “Dreams of Maybe” is an action movie. Throughout the movie, the main character, a woman called Hyleia, wrestles with the turmoil of fighting the war her home planet, Kalythea, is engaged in. As per the title, she dreams of the “maybes” that could happen after the war-maybe settling down with the love of her life, N’era; maybe finally getting a Orundaw (this world’s version of a dog); etc. But, as a warrior, Hyleia knows that those maybes could also be poverty; her world falling back into fascism as it had been when she was young; etc.
Jenny Sikes, the writer and genius behind all of this, was still developing the ending, but I have extremely high hopes. And thus far everything’s been running smoothly. I had gone into this thinking I would have to have a stick up my ass and be “tough,” but thankfully that hadn’t had to happened.
If anything, I’m really enjoying the process. To the point that even if somehow this incredible film- sure, I’m biased, but it actually is that good- flops, the friends I’ve made and experiences I’ve had would almost make up for it. Almost because, you know, I’d be out of job. Details, details.
Aside from Jenny, who is probably my closest friend on set, I’ve also bonded with Kelly Newman and Kora Kline, the women playing Hyleia and N’era respectively; as well as man who was playing the leader of the fleet warring against Kalythea, a warmonger called Jöl. The actor’s name is Reed Smith, and contrary to his character he is one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met. And very handsome, at that- refined good looks with messily bleached hair that went with his character. He’s a proper Mr. Hollywood, minus the controversy and overall bitchiness.
My producer had also managed to get Fall Guy Stunts to sign on to the movie, which was phenomenal. Well, the producer just closed the deal. It was really our stunt coordinator, a man named Dan, who recommended the company as he’d worked with a man called Colt Seavers before, and claimed he was the best in business.
I didn’t end up meeting him until it was time for the indoor explosion. The scene itself is a red herring, a false sense of victory. Hyleia thinks she’s blown up Jöl inside of the negotiations building. Their leader was supposed to be the one to fire the bomb, but unexpectedly got shot down out of the sky and in a fit of adrenaline Hyleia detonated it from the ground, barely surviving. However, because of that she ended up having a target placed on her back by Jöl. It’s a whole thing.
Anyway, Dan and I wanted to go big on at least one stunt, and the producer suggested we do an indoor explosion- sort of a bigger, crazier one than the one in The Fifth Element.
I was a little skeptical, as indoor explosions are extremely dangerous and 100% real. Hence Colt Seavers being hired. “Best in the business,” or so says his reputation. The stunt was early in in the production and a last minute decision. At the time we didn’t think we were going to exceed what Reed could handle as far as stunts go, but we were wrong. Thankfully Colt owed Dan a favor- something about a Stallone autograph gone wrong- and the former was willing to step in as Reed’s stunt double with a 25% discount.
As it turns out, I had no reason to stress. Colt Seavers really is the best in the business, the statement was in no way hyperbolic. He literally got into the Guinness Book of World Records for it the stunt, which subsequently put our movie on the map. This was an enormous deal- the film had went from “just another sci-fi fantasy action drama” to “already on the map” within days, at least in movie buff circles.
He had managed the indoor explosion with ease, due to his own expertise and due to impeccable form. He looks like a walking action hero, and the sight alone is enough to take anyone’s breath away upon meeting him.
And if the sight’s good, the personality? He’s the sweetest, most easy-going, flirtiest man I’ve ever met with a self-deprecating sense of humor and a coffee addiction to boot. He likes plants and animals, musicals and Audrey Hepburn movies. He looks like the epitome of the action genre, and yet is actually a sweet man who is in touch with his feelings and interests. Extremely endearing if you ask me.
And sure, I might have a small crush on him. But I don’t think anything would come of it- we’ve made friends and that seems to be that.
But sometimes I do think about how nice it would be to sit at a coffee table doing puzzles with him, kissing his pink lips over the table as we go along.
But again, the magic “friends” word.
Reed thinks something will come of it, as Colt and I do spend a decent amount of time together, but honestly, I don’t know if I believe him.
Anyways, I’m currently outside of my trailer, sitting at a picnic table, in dire need of fresh air and a spark of creativity. Being outdoors has always helped me get the ideas flowing; maybe it’s the crickets and the birds. Maybe I subconsciously recognize what they’re saying and turn it into my own words. Or maybe I’m fucking freezing, because it’s the middle of winter in Canada and I’m inappropriately dressed. Who’s to say.
Although really, I should probably get my parka… the soft snow is beautiful, glimmering under the sun, but my sweater and leggings aren’t exactly cutting it.
The thing is, though all credit as far as screenplay goes to Jenny Sikes, I’ve actually been very involved in creating the story. Which means I’m also involved in helping find this elusive ending.
This stupid, needs-to-be-perfect, impossible, unattainable ending.
We’ve been spitballing ideas for the past few days now, but none of them feel right.
There’s the unexpected ending: Kalythea ends up getting destroyed by Jöl’s fleet alongside Hyleia and her lover. Sure, it would be depressing, but it’s certainly plausible given the pretext of the “negative maybes.”
Or maybe we use the too-good-to-be-true ending: Hyleia wins, gets the girl; Kalythea rebuilds itself for the better this time, doesn’t fall back into its well established patterns of fascism. That’s the most popular ending in the writers room as of now, but Jenny and I are still holding out for something better.
We owe the film something perfect. Something right. Something fitting.
We’re just running out of time to find it.
And I might be running out of time to live with how inhospitable it is out here. (Let it be known that I don’t much care for being cold.)
Just as I begin to recognize how cold I am, a comfortingly familiar voice breaks the silence. It’s low and soft, with a slight rasp to it that makes you hang on every word. And I love it.
“Y/n L/n, as I live and breathe,” Colt Seavers says by way of greeting, handing me a coffee. It’s in a (y/f/c) mug, which is honestly very endearing of him. I take it graciously in both hands, the warmth of the steam much appreciated.
“Colt Seavers, as I choke and die of hypothermia,” I say from behind the coffee, my teeth chattering.
“Aw, don’t do that,” he chuckles, his baby-blue eyes sparkling like the snow around us. He sits next to me, and I immediately feel warmer, his presence alone making me feel better.
“Why not?” I ask, turning to look at him, our legs touching.
“Cause then who would I have to talk to?”
“I dunno, Dan?” I suggest.
“Meh,” he shrugs, downing half of his own coffee. This man is an addict.
“You don’t mean that,” I gasp sarcastically.
“You’re right, I don’t,” he concedes. “Please don’t tell him,” he asks, dramatics in his voice.
“For now,” I wink, and we both share a soft laugh.
“You’re shivering- do you want my jacket?” he asks considerately, already pulling his puffy yellow jacket.
“Oh, that’s okay-,” I protest, not wanting to deprive him of warmth, but he cuts me off.
“Here, I knew you’d say that,” he smiles, handing it to me. I have to smile back at that, shaking my head at how well he knows me.
“Thanks,” I say, putting it on. It’s super warm, and it smells like him. I like it. I rest my head against his shoulder. “Aren’t you going to be cold?”
“Nah, it’s one of my stunt-guy superpowers,” he puts his arm around me, hand grazing up and down my arm to keep me warm. I gaze up at him, mesmerized by his eyes before realizing...
“Your lips are already blue,” I observe aloud.
“It’s my lip gloss,” he jokes through chattering teeth.
“Uh huh,” I agree with skepticism.
“H-how do you still manage to look g-g-gorgeous e-even while you’re drowning in my j-jacket,” he attempts to flirt, his clattering teeth most definitely ruining the effect he was going for. And yet still he makes the butterflies in my stomach come alive, just like he always does. I like when he flirts with me, I really do. But I also think that’s just how he talks with people, y’know?
But maybe…
Colt’s POV
I am so, so glad that Dan called in that favor all those months ago.
Look, having your own stunt production is great. Fantastic, even. You get to pick your own hours, do your own jobs, etc.
But being the owner means that you just sit around for the most part, assigning your crew to the good stuff while you just wait for the next call. And honestly, it’s so, so boring.
For a normal person, that might be the dream. Finally getting to relax. But my career has been anything but normal, especially after the whole Tom Ryder incident a few years ago. The dipshit was going to frame me for murder with the help of a producer I was once close to. As far as I know they’re both going to be behind bars for a while, but I had worked for and with them for about fifteen years. Finding out that they were such bad people made those years seem worthless, as if they weren’t real.
So, before Dan called me to work on ‘Dreams of Maybe,’ I was bored. Bored and itching for the next thing. I had fallen back into my habit of picking up as many random hobbies as possible- at the time I think I was most fixated on crocheting, especially those little stuffed animals. But, being ADHD means that I can’t stick with one thing for too long- it’s why my place back home is littered with fishbowls and puzzles, paint-by-numbers and table top sports among other things. And when Dan called, I was maybe days away from finding the next thing.
At the great thanks of my house he called, and for the first time I was back in the game. He had told me that I’d be doing stunts for Reed Smith, an up and coming a-lister who’s been in a lot of action movies as of late. I really liked him in “House of Ruins,” but the stunts were a little dull for my taste. But hey, that’s what I’m here for. For some inane reason I missed getting set on fire and thrown at walls.
The indoor explosion scene ended up turning out absolutely fantastically, and because of how good it was I decided to stick around, help the film get more prestige in the action-stunt world.
Not to mention that the literal world record wasn’t too shabby in of itself.
But it’s not even just the stunts.
I’m back in the saddle, but not only am I back in it but I’m back in it with my best friend Dan. I’ve missed hanging out with him, and how much I can trust him as coordinator.
Also, y/n. She’s the director of the movie, and wow. You know in the movies, when the guy sees the girl and his entire perspective changes? That’s how I feel about y/n. She’s incredible, she’s witty, and you know what? It’s cheesy, but she’s better than the movies could ever hope to be.
We’d hit it off after the indoor explosion, and it was like we’d known each other forever. We had a habit of going to the beach (back when it was warm) or getting coffee off set pretty much everyday, and it’s been pretty awesome.
I like to bother her, because it’s hilariously adorable when she gets flustered. It’s stupid stuff- I drive a little too recklessly sometimes (like stunt driving. I wouldn’t actually put her in danger) or I’ll sneak up on her and get a little jump out of her. Sue me, it’s fun.
Not to mention the tiny detail that I am irrevocably in love with her. I don’t really know when it happened- maybe it was from day one- but she just makes me feel so alive. I’ve been trying to get the balls to tell her, but as of now I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t say anything if she does.
I think there’s a chance she could be into me, but honestly, I don’t know. If she is, it would be fantastic. If she’s not, that’s okay too, she’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had. (Don’t tell Dan)
It’s just one of those things. We just… we have these moments, where it seems like maybe we’re a little more than friends.
You know, those long looks that dip their pinky toes into longing, laughing at jokes that aren’t even funny…
Or even just the way she lays her head on my chest, like today. She’s so comfortable there, my jacket far too big on her as she looks up at me with those gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes. She’s adorable, and I’m just fine with dying of hypothermia if it means I get to look at her as I go.
Okay, I’m not going to die.
I think.
You get the point.
“You know, you’re a lot smoother when you’re not freezing to death,” she tells me. There’s a slight note of concern behind the sarcasm, something you’d only be able to catch if you’ve hung out with her long enough.
“Wh-who n-needs to be sm-smooth when th-they’re t-telling th-the truth?” I ask, the cold stopping me from getting any word longer than one syllable out properly. Real attractive, Seavers.
Hypothermic climate aside, this is how a lot of our time together is spent. Drinking coffee in random places, me trying to flirt and her retorting with her endless supply of sarcasm. I wouldn’t trade anything for it.
“Mhm, let’s get you inside, champ,” she says, standing up. Already I miss the warmth of her resting against my chest, the closeness.
Good grief, dipshit. Get it together.
But once she extends a hand for me to take I’m back in cloud-nine, happy to be touching her.
See what I mean? I think I’m losing it. Or I’m just whipped like Dan says.
She leads me back to her trailer, barely ten feet from where we had been sitting. I can’t help but sigh of relief at feeling the warm air in the trailer. She laughs and gestures for me to sit on the little forest green sofa. I comply, setting my drink on the coffee table in front of the couch. She disappear into a little nook of the place before re-emerging with a big fluffy grey blanket that she must’ve pulled from her bed.
“Here,” she tosses the fluff over me, making my heart leap. I can’t help it, it’s just the y/n-effect.
“Thanks,” I say, shivering.
She walks over to her small kitchen space, and a few minutes later comes back with two mugs. She hands me one, then sits by me. Well more like on me, because there’s a whole sofa and her were touching everywhere. She’s adorable. And I love seeing her in my jacket… man, I’m going to have to tell her at some point.
I must’ve instinctively put my arm around her shoulders, because she hums contentedly and looks up at me. “Y’wanna watch The Fifth Element? I need something to get me in an ideas mood.”
Ohh, she must’ve been out there trying to figure out the ending. That’s what she does: she thinks outdoors. She finds it easier to think.
Of course, I’ll gladly watch The Fifth Element with her. Just as I’ve gladly watched it with her 7 other times.
“Of course,” I tell her, surprised that she can’t feel the way my heart is beating out of my chest from the smile she gives me. I genuinely get a little sad when she gets up to get the remote, but when she lays back against me any trace of negativity immediately dissipates. She’s got me wrapped around her fingers.
We watch a good chunk of the movie in comfortable silence, sipping our cocoa and staying under the blankets. She never takes off my jacket, and frankly I hope she keeps it; it looks better on her anyway.
“Wait, shit, what time is it?” she asks, suddenly sitting up and almost conking my chi with the back of her head.
“Uhh,” I check my watch. “Seven, why?”
“Damnit, I was supposed to meet the crew at the bar… half an hour ago.”
“Shit, I completely forgot about that.” Dan had invited me, it was supposed to be a hangout for the main actors and the rest of the “inner circle”- ie yours truly, Dan, y/n, etc. “We can take my truck?” I offer.
“But I’m so warm?” She protests, even though she’s the one that remembered we needed to go, which again, is adorable. Just like everything about her. Just like the way she’s wrapping herself tighter in my jacket which is at least three sizes too big on her.
“Keep the jacket, and maybe we can come back here?” I suggest, attempting to entice her.
She pretends to mull it over for a second, her hand tapping on her chin. “Can we finish the movie later?”
“Yeah,” I grin.
“Okay,” she mirrors the expression, and once again I’m feeling those damned school girl butterflies. When she takes my hand in hers to help me up it’s all I can do not to pull her back and kiss her senseless. But now isn’t the time.
Come to think of it…
When is?
Reader’s POV
We’re in Colt’s truck, as usual sitting unnecessarily close to one another under the guise of how cold it is.
I love wearing his jacket, being surrounded by his comforting coffee scent and his residual warmth in the fuzz. And he’s let me keep it- even if he only meant for tonight he’s not getting it back.
I love him. So much. And I want to tell him, but I also don’t want to put my foot in my mouth, y’know. And I can’t risk our friendship, it’s just too comfortable. Too comfortable to lose.
We get to the bar, and just like always he hops out of the car and quickly runs to the passenger side to open the door for me, extending a hand to help me down. I love his insistence on being chivalrous, yet another one of his endearing qualities.
We walk into Johnny’s, the bar that the crew regularly meets at, in comfortable silence. And again, we’re standing just a little too close, and again, I don’t mind- the proximity just keeps those butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
Reed waves at me from a booth in the back corner, sitting at the end of a bench capping Dan, Kora, and Kelly who are sitting in that order.
“Glad you made it!” Reed stands to greet us, giving me a hug. Dan also stands to let Kora and Kelly out, the both of which are presumably heading home. They both say bye to me before heading out arm and arm- the press doesn’t know it yet but they, just like their fictional counterparts, are very much in love. We get seated, and somehow Colt and I are separated- he’s sitting on the inside by Dan while I’m directly across from him sitting next to Reed. The latter gets a round of shots going for the table, and before we know it we’re all laughing about practically nothing, damn near shitfaced. Except, even in my buzzed stupor I notice that Colt’s gone uncharacteristically stony… weird.
I leen into Reed’s side, laughing about a story he’s telling about how he got stuck in the harness on one of the few stunts he did. Almost ripped his underwear off too.
Now before you get any ideas, I’m don’t sit super close with just anyone. With Colt it’s because I like him, like, like him; with Reed it’s because we’re just close. Not because we’re dating or have something weird going on, it’s because we’re friends. Also, he doesn’t swing my way to begin with. Another nugget the press has yet to pick up on, for better or worse. Except this little nugget is something that hardly anyone knows- I’m probably one of five-ish.
But I don’t like how sad Colt looks right now… did I do something? I really hope not. But he’s smiling again at something Dan interjects with, so maybe I just imagined it. I don’t know. I throw back another shot, hoping the additional buzz destroys whatever downer-mood is trying to creep in right now.
But the thing is, as the night goes on he still looks sad. He only gives me one word answers and hardly acknowledges me otherwise, and it hurts a little. So I just keep throwing them back until I’m a train wreck- and not just any train wreck, an upset train wreck. I really hope I didn’t manage to fuck something up here. I’d say he thinks there’s something between me and Reed, but why would he even care if there was? I don’t think he likes me like that. I wish he did, but I just don’t know.
I think I’m ready to go home.
Colt’s POV
I wasn’t expecting her to be into Reed, but so be it, I guess… it still hurts though. I’m already planning on buying some new puzzles to cope. I’m trying not to feel hurt, but I can’t help it. Jealousy is douchey but it’s still there… ugh.
But she’s just asked me to take her home, so of course I will. She’s drunk off her ass, and I’ve never seen her like this.
I can’t help but wish it was me when I watch her peck Reed on the cheek as goodbye. I need to get it together right now. She deserves someone good for her, and I need to be happy for her. Like a good friend.
And yet, my heart still hurts.
“Colt?” she snaps me out of reality. “I don’t feel so good,” her hand is on her stomach. Shit, she’s going to throw up.
“Alright, come on,” I place my hand on the small of her back, guiding her throw the mass of people and saying goodbyes for her, thankfully getting her outside just before she throws up.
“This is like 10 things I hate about you,” she comments wistfully after she’s gotten it out of her system.
“At least you don’t have a concussion,” I quip, reminiscing the movie. That one’s one of my favorites, I can quote the entire thing by heart.
“Yeah,” she looks up at me, holding my hands. I can’t help but notice that she never took off my jacket and how cute she still looks in it, even if she’s just retched up her stomach. Our gazes lock for just a moment too long, and I cough to break the silence.
“Let’s get you home,” I nod my head in the general direction of where my truck is parked.
“Okay,” she agrees, only letting go of one of my hands. I can’t help but smile at that- I didn’t take her for a clingy drunk.
We cross the moon lit parking lot over to my truck, and I all but toss her in- gently, of course- before hopping in myself and starting the engine.
“Thanks, Colt,” she whispers before I put the truck in reverse.
“Yeah, of course, y/n,” I reply, driving off.
Twenty minutes later we’re back in the trailer, and I’ve helped her onto her bed. It took her about ten minutes to get some pajamas on, but finally she’s under that grey comforter.
“Alright, I should probably go,” I say awkwardly, feeling a little shifty.
“Wait,” she says, waiting for me to turn around. “Are you mad at me?” Her voice is tinny and sad, and it about cracks my heart into a million pieces.
“No, y/n, I could never be mad at you,” I tell her honestly, walking back over towards her and kneeling at the side of the bed so my head is level with hers.
“But you looked sad at the bar,” she mumbles.
Dipshit. My face must’ve given me away- I can’t help that it comes with subtitles.
“I wasn’t sad,” I gaslight her. I was just… happy for you and Reed.”
At that she starts laughing, a sound so infectious that I can’t help but smile. “What?” I ask.
“Me and Reed?!” she slurs. “He doesn’t even swing my way… shit I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
Wait. You’re telling me that Reed’s gay? How stupid am I??
“Colt, I like you,” she says, her voice the los tour together it’s been in a few hours. “Like, like you.”
She likes…
She likes me?!
It’s all I can do right now not to pump my fist and and loudly say ‘yes!’ as if I’ve won a sports championship. Any trace of sadness is completely dissipated, because y/n l/n likes-like likes- me.
Oh, right, I haven’t said anything.
“Look, y/n, we can talk about this more tomorrow,” because I’m not going to influence her while she’s still drunk, “but I need you to know this: I really, really like you. And I have for a long time,” I confess, and if the smile she gave me was my last sight I’d die a beyond happy man.
“Okay,” she whispers, looking me in the eyes.
“Okay,” I tell her. “I’m going to let you get some rest, but we’re going to talk about this more tomorrow, okay?” It’s not that I want to go, but I know it’s better to given her state of mind right now. Plus, the sooner I pass out the sooner I wake up and the sooner we can talk about this.
“Okay,” she agrees.
“Goodnight, y/n,” I stand up, but before I can walk away she grabs my hand. I turn to look at her, a little confused.
“Can you maybe stay with me?” and again, her voice is too sweet to say no to. Like, I would do the indoor-explosion for free if she asked me like this.
I mull it over. I’m not a douche, I wouldn’t do anything while she’s drunk. Maybe I could just sleep on the couch?
“I can go sleep on the couch?” I suggest, parroting my thoughts.
“Noo, here, please,” she pats the bed beside her.
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea right now, y/n.”
“Please?” she asks me, giving me puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, fine,” I grumble, as if displeased with the notion of being able to lay next to the love of my life. But she doesn’t even seem to notice my tone as she turn around to face me laying on the bed.
“I like you,” she whispers, before promptly passing out.
I shake my head amusedly. “I like you.”
So, so much.
Reader’s POV
I wake up, expecting to have the gnarliest hangover of all time. Except, by some miracle, all that’s there is a slight headache. Thank everything.
I’m a little groggy at first, but I register a weight draped over my side. Huh?
But then I open my eyes and see Colt, with his messy hair and his peaceful face, sleeping. He’s holding me close, as if I’m some sort of teddy bear. And that’s when I remember our conversation: I told him, and he likes me back!
I smile to myself.
“Hey there, smiley,” his voice comes out groggy, heavily taunted with sleep. I love the way it sounds.
“Hey yourself,” I say, still grinning.
“What are you so happy about?” he teases.
“You. And I’d kiss you right now but I think I have bad morning breath.”
“Well,” he mumbles, getting close. “Morning breath be damned, I want to kiss you too.”
“Well, in the case…” I lean in and press a soft peck to his lips. And it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. And now I know it for sure: I’m in love.
The movie.
“The ending!” I shout, reaching over to my phone to text Jenny.
“Wha-,” he asks, obviously confused.
“The ending of the movie. They kiss before the planet blows up.”
“Wait… the planet’s not going to blow up because we just kissed… right?” he jokes.
“I dunno,” I shrug, sending the text and throwing my phone on the chair. “Sorry. I was thinking about the planet blowing up when I thought you were upset with me yesterday, and then this-,” I kiss him again, and he smiles. “Finished the thought train.”
“Huh,” he says, pulling me close. “I like you, so much,” he says, his voice sweet.
“I like you too, so much,” I agree, kissing him again. And one things for sure: I will never get tired of kissing Colt Seavers.
I can’t wait to be able to do everything we’ve always done, just as a couple. Puzzles and paint by numbers where we kiss each other over the coffee table. Maybe he steals one of my books and tries to recreate the scenes. Maybe he kisses me after doing donuts in the truck.
But no matter what maybes come true, the thing to remember is that love is the best part of it.
And maybe, just maybe, that’s the line that flashes at the end of the movie, post credits.
Who knows?
All I know is that I love Colt Seavers. And he loves me.
The End <3
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littlemisslipbalm · 1 year
It shouldn’t have happened
Jake Kiszka x f!reader x f!oc x Danny Wagner
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A/N: OMG first fic w danny! I love You man, just inspiration doesn’t always strike for me. THIS IS SMUT WITH QUEERNESS OCCURRING sorry if that’s not your cup of tea do not read and also 18+ FR
Warnings: penetrative sex, oral sex, fxf sexual relations, foursome? Mentions of weed and alcohol use, dirty talk/mild degradation
Word Count: 2.1k
It shouldn’t have happened. Not the first time.
And it certainly shouldn’t have happened again.
But here the four of you were. The last four at Jake’s place, staring at one another with drunken smiles and faded eyes. It was after 2am and nothing good ever happened then.
You had been in Danny’s girlfriend's lap all night already. You were close, it wasn’t anything new. And when you got stoned, you like to be close to people. Wanting to let Jake have fun at his party you’d left him alone, leaving you to bug Danny’s Angel of a girlfriend.
“Angel,” you sighed and the woman laughed.
“You’re on another planet, Y/N.” She ran a hand through the crossed individual’s hair.
You rocked your hips experimentally across your friend’s lap, feeling fuzzy and insane and needy and safe all at once. “Yeah, but you’re on it too.” You mumbled, staring up through your lashes after looking down at where your hips were touching. On fire.
“And are we on this planet with you two?” Jake called from across the room, legs spread wide as he slumped into his favorite chair, flipping his finger between himself and Danny beside him.
You ran your hands down Angel’s shoulders and grabbed hold of her arms tighter and leaned back, your eyes meeting Jake’s while you looked at the men upside down. You giggled as you leaned further but Angel tugged you back in warning, trying to keep you steady.
“Yeah, we’re all on the planet. Together. I can totally see it.”
Jake laughed and shook his head, standing to make his way over. “You are incredible, my love.”
You sat back up and sighed and it came out a bit like a whimper. Fuck, you were so wet. You needed to fuck. You needed them.
Angel’s eyes were wide on your face, still feeling you wriggling on her lap, hands drawing circles on her arms making her fuzzy too. You keened into Jake’s touch when he ran a hand over your hair, watching his girlfriend and Danny’s a little closer intently now that he was beside you two.
Memories were tearing through his mind. He knew exactly what you were up to. He smirked and settled beside you, brushing his hand down your back now. Your top was open in the back, leaving the expanse of skin bare. Warm and soft.
He settled his touch on your exposed upper thighs, your Jean skirt was so short and was barely of use with your straddling position on Angel. It was pornographic from this new angle, he could see your barely covered pussy pressing into Angel’s thigh. Jake drew in a breath, he had wanted this again but didn’t have the courage to voice it.
“Dan, c’mere,” Angel spoke out and Danny sauntered over to settle on the couch on the other side of the pair of you clearly seeing where this was heading as well.
You smiled at the three of them, watching you. You moved your hips again, grinding down into Angel. She hummed and you winked at Danny.
“Can we do it again?” You breathed, hips expertly beginning to move again. “I’m so wet,” you whined.
Danny breathed out a ‘fuck’ still in disbelief this had happened a first time, much less now a second.
“Yeah, where’s that?” Jake said right as Angel asked almost the same question teasingly, “Oh yeah?”
You leaned back, settling one hand on Jake’s knee to your left and let your other travel below your hitched up skirt. The black lace of your thong could already be seen if looked close enough at but your fingers pushed it to the side, slipping down your heat and pressing in for a moment of relief to gather the wetness pooling there.
You licked your lips in an attempt to silence the moan in your throat as your hips bucked needing it even more than you realized. You retreated the fingers, swirling them around your aching clit.
“Fuck, right here, you guys. It hurts.”
“Aw, baby,” Jake cooed, standing to move behind you and Angel on the couch now, slipping his hand down your arm to your slick fingers and stopping their work on your clit. “Your so desperate to fuck you’ll make a fool out of yourself in front of my best friend and his girlfriend.”
“Pretty slutty, Y/N,” Danny says, moving closer to his girlfriend to press a kiss to her neck.
“We’ve always known she’s a slut, c’mon Dan,” Angel coos, wrapping an arm around Danny to snake her hand into his hair while he begins to suck a mark into her skin. “She’s always dripping onto me at parties and on dance floors. She can’t help herself.”
You whined, keening your head back into Jake’s chest and rutting your hips into Angel’s lap. You couldn’t handle the stimulation and the lack of stimulation and how they spoke as if you were barely in the room. “Please.”
“But she begs so sweetly,” Jake murmurs, hands slipping to grasp at your tits over your shirt. “My princess just loves to fuck. Who are we to deny such a sweet girl?”
His lips press to the shell of your ear as he leans down, but his eyes stare straight at Angel who smiled back, her hands trailing up your thighs to where you needed somebody to do something before you died. It was a slick mess.
Her fingers are long and slim, pushing the messy fabric covering your pussy to the side again, she teases over the hot skin with a barely there touch and you whine again.
Jake shushes you as Angel grins. She drags her middle finger through your fold and slips inside you with embarrassing ease and everyone stops to watch as you moan out.
“Fuck, Angel.”
“Good girl.” She murmurs, granting a quick peck to your lips while Jake and Danny watch on. The sound of your pussy was so loud, she loved it. “So fucking wet…”
Her thumb works over your clit and two fingers slip in and out of you easily for a few moments. It’s not even long enough for the two guys to feel left out, you’re already so worked up that you cum quickly with a string of curses leaving your lips as you try to ride her fingers, bucking like a drunken girl on the mechanical bull at the bar getting off on the audience—something you had done before.
“Let’s move this to the guest room,” Jake suggests with a kiss to your temple.
Danny agrees and kisses Angel for a long moment before following you and Jake down the hall.
Your skirt and ruined thong are quickly removed before you get pushed onto the bed by Jake’s strong hand while Angel undresses Danny at the foot of the bed. Your hand slips to your already messy folds again as you watch Danny grope at her ass, kneading it with his big strong hands. Jake whispers in your ear about what a dirty girl you were watching the other couple with your hand in your cunt.
When they joined you on the bed, everyone was shirtless but you and the three of them looked wickedly at one another.
“C’mon baby, let’s see those pretty titties,” Jake moved to pull your top over your head and you giggled.
Angel widened her eyes at you for a moment, a secret joke passing between you two that neither of the men seemed to catch. You’d told her about Jake’s obsession with your tits and how he loved to fuck them whenever you let him.
On full display, you arched your back pushing your breasts into the open air. Your arousal made your nipples pebble under the watchful eyes of the three around you. It turned you on even more so you gave them a show, pushing them closer together with your arms before trailing a hand to play with one nipple.
Jake stopped you, taking your arm and pushing you to lay down fully. “Stop touching what’s mine, baby. I can only share so much with our guests.”
Angel appeared over you, kissing up your stomach, over your chest and up your neck. Her legs were straddled over your body while Danny ran his hands over her hips, pressing his boxer-clad hips into her ass. She moaned over you and then stuck her tongue down your throat. Her own tits pushed and pulled over yours in a way you had missed so much. The tender pressure of another woman’s boobs on yours, it felt so good. You wanted more, but Jake had restricted your hands, causing you to press your chest up into hers and whine.
“Such a fucking brat, Y/N,” Jake mutters, palming himself over his own boxers.
Danny hummed in agreement and pulled Angel back from making out with you, causing whines from both of you. “Jesus,” he laughed. “Would you like us to leave?”
“That might not be such a bad idea,” you said teasingly, but the look in your eye held the seed of a little truth.
“I’ll share my girl,” Jake said tersely, shuffling behind your head slowly. “As long as I’m present for it. Watch your tongue, missy.”
“Yeah, yeah, sir,” you teased and sent a wink his way.
He shook his head, still in awe of his girlfriend before pulling his cock free from its confines. He was almost unbearably hard. You moaned at the sight above your face and opened your jaw, aware and ready for him to take what he wanted.
“That’s my good fuckin’ girl,” he praised, tapping the head of his cock against your tongue. You hummed and bucked your hips, opening your knees wider.
Angel and Danny watched on. Angel’s hands were on either side of your hips, eyes bright while watching your chest heaving as you exerted yourself to take all of Jake down your throat at this angle.
The knocking of your knees against her arms brought her attention to your cunt right below her and she grinned, moving her arms in between your legs and getting down on her elbows, bringing her level with your dripping center.
“Jesus, I didn’t know giving head turned you on so much,” she murmurs, blowing lightly over the hot skin. “Hot.”
You bucked your hips and she quickly pressed you flat.
“Silly slut,” Angel tsked and Jake chuckled.
Danny took the opportunity to begin tracing up and down his girlfriend's ass with his own hard cock. The scene laid out before him was incredible. Angel moaned in appreciation feeling the heaviness resting between her ass cheeks and slipping down between her folds every so often, teasing her. She pushed back towards him wanting more before refocusing on your cunt.
She dipped her tongue down between your folds and smiled when your hips immediately bucked up.
“Needy girl,” Jake tutted, still slowly sinking in and out of your throat.
You moaned around him feeling untethered and euphoric and insane. You were getting exactly what you wanted. What you needed.
Angel ate you out with vigor and, you’d never admit it even if it saved your life, but better than Jake. Her tongue slipped inside you and she pushed in and out in time with Danny’s thrusts to her own cunt. She moaned into your cunt, muffling her cries but sending vibrations through your body.
Jake and Danny groaned at their girlfriends writhing in ecstasy, feeling close themselves. Jake pulled out of your throat and pushed gently at Angel so that he could turn you around.
Obediently, you got on all fours and faced Angel and Danny, smiling at her and then went slack jawed when Jake pushed in with a loud moan.
Angel moaned back when Danny slapped a hard hand over her ass cheek and everyone felt fucked out and happy. The men finished rather soon after on another.
You had cum twice but still wanted more as Jake left a kiss to your hip and slipped off the bed to clean himself off. Danny had already walked into the ensuite. Angel was laying on her back staring up at you.
“Can I please rub my pussy on yours, Angel?” Your question was for Angel but you were looking at Jake, who was beside himself.
“You need that, princess?” He asked softly, running a hand over your back.
“I want it so bad.”
“Fuck,” Jake’s voice was shakey, you were perfect. “okay.”
“Dan?” Angel asked, turning to him paused at the door.
“Yeah, go for it, honey. If you want,” he chuckled.
The girls stared at each other, slowly grinning and then were immediately intertwined. Thrusting and humping, their pussy juices mixing and sounding into the room obscenely.
“Thank god. I’m spent,” Danny sighed, adjusting his boxers while eyeing Jake carefully as he redressed.
“That’s not a horrible sight either,” Jake nodded to their girlfriends kissing and moaning into each other’s mouths.
“No, it’s not.”
They watched the scene silently for a moment in awe and pride before settling into a different feeling.
“We can never do this again, huh?” Jake asked.
“No. Never.” Danny responded quickly.
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Risky Romance: A Series
A Helping Hand
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maximilian verstappen I don't know what to wear for this dinner
giselle wolff bring three options to danny's and my room and we'll help you pick! he's should be out of the shower any minute
maximilian verstappen ok be down in five
"Babe! Hurry up, Max needs help picking an outfit," I call out, holding my robe tighter to my body as I move to the door, not nearly ready myself. Pulling open the door, I can't help but smile at the sight in front of me.
Max Verstappen is not a man that gets clearly nervous, but he's also a man who's eyes you can read.
And the concept of this dinner has him anxious.
"Max, this isn't life or death. It's dinner with my parents, Lewis, George, Carmen and Mick. There's no reason to be worried," I try to sooth, but his brows furrow, the little crinkly look he gets when he's uncomfortable clear as day.
"I'm not worried, I just needed a second opinion," He denies, holding up the hangers in his hand as if this makes him more believable.
"Whatever you say lion boy, come on in, Dan's just finishing in the shower and I was just looking for what we should wear," I explain, taking his free hand and pulling in him, the door shutting behind us just as I push him into sitting on the end of the bed. "What are your options?"
He holds out the shirts, this time in offering, and I take them, letting go of the sides of my robe and letting it open slightly as I hold the shirts in front of myself. With how they're held they are blocking any sight of my bra and panties, my attempt to be sure I don't cross a line Max won't be comfortable with, but with how intensely Max is staring at me, almost trying to set fire to the shirts that are blocking his path.
"Okay, so I'm going to set aside the Redbull polo because, seriously?" I can't help but ask, throwing the shirt at him and making him chuckle at my commentary.
"What are you doing baby?" Danny's voice rings in my ear, just as his body heat becomes apparent behind me, hands finding my hips and lips finding the crown of my head. He pulls away in a robe of his own, walking over to Max and patting him on the shoulder, taking a seat beside him. "Good to see you could make it."
"Almost changed my mind when I didn't know what to wear, but I texted Elle and now I'm here," is Max's response, his eyes drifting over Danny's body before coming back to meet my own, his cheeks tinging pink at being caught.
"Don't worry, you're in great hands, Gigi picks out all my outfits and I'd like to think I always look great," Dan assures, standing promptly to grab the floral dress I had put aside, the tangerine, burnt orange and white flowers set on a sage base, the sage being the same color as Danny's shirt we had chosen earlier.
"Dan you're a genius," I giggle excitedly, looking between the confused Australian who still holds our outfits, an even more confused Dutchman looking with his eyebrows meeting his hair. "Max, how do you feel about matching us?"
"Matching... the two of you?" He asks, pointing between Dan and I slowly as Danny makes his way closer, laying my dress on the bed above my heels for when I'm ready.
"Well, in a way," Is my attempt at backtracking in how direct I just was, "You'd just be wearing your white button up," I explain, holding it in front of the baby blue one that was his other option. "And it would sort of look like we planned it, since both you and Danny would be wearing a shirt that matches an aspect of my dress."
And you can see the smile slowly start to come to his face.
"Yeah, that'd be ok," He agrees, making my smile widen if even possible.
"Okay, put this on," I instruct, handing over his shirt back into his hands, patting his chest before turning to Dan, "Baby, can I have my dress?"
"Do you really need it?" He asks with a smirk, and I can hear Max cough in shock from beside me.
"Daniel," My tone is scolding although both men know I'd never mean it. "Dress, please."
"Yes ma'am," He relents, although still with a cocky smile as he hands it over, "Are you going to change in here?"
The question makes me pause, because ever since Danny and I got together, more accurately slept together, we've felt plenty comfortable changing in front of one another. But Max is in here, and the suggestion of changing with him in here should make us all uncomfortable, except for the fact that it feels so normal for him to be in here, getting ready with us.
"It's your room, I can step out," Max offers, sensing my hesitation.
It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's that I don't want him to be. While I've been lose about keeping my robe shut, it only has showed a sliver, not my whole body.
"Or you can just change," Is his next offer, a small smirk coming to his face. "I'll try not to look."
I can't help the blush that rises to my cheeks, or the heat settling in my stomach as I realize both of them are watching me. Dan has made some progress, managing to get his jeans on in the time Max and I took in deciding his shirt.
"Fine. But you two need to get ready if we're going to be on time."
"Babe," Danny begins, taking his shirt off the hanger as Max reaches for the hem of his shirt, it rising slowly in his pull over his head, revealing just how gorgeous he continues to be. "The restaurant is in the hotel, we're putting our shirts on and all you need if your dress and heels. We'll be on time."
I nod, because he's right, there really is no concern on time. So I pull my robe off my shoulders, turning around as it falls to take my dress off the hanger. The robe hits the floor as I have the zipper undone, turning around slowly to find the eyes of both boys on my body.
"Very discrete, boys," I can't help but tease, their eyes dropping down to their buttons in a near sync that makes me chuckle. Men.
Pulling my dress up over my hips, I slip the straps over my shoulders before turning my back to the boys once more. "Can one of you zip me up?"
There's a pause, but when I feel the heat of a hand on my hip, another hand slowly pulling my zipper up I don't question that it's Dan.
Until the person leans into my ear, warm lips nearly touching my ear as he says, "Let's get to that dinner, right schat?"
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some-rotten-nest · 1 year
Random DC/DP headcannons bc I can't sleep
Expect many typos
Danny hates storms, especially thunderstorms bc of the lighting cracking in the sky
Danny wears a power cuff like a bracelet that dampens his more violent powers bc he's scared of them (wail, large-scale ice like with undergrowth etc)
In one of his magazines, instead of bullets Jason keeps solid ectoplasm just in case, and so it's not conspicous
In his Phantom form Danny has a streak of black hair where his white usually is
Jason is fright knight (unless it's a Jason-Danny biologically related fic. Ghost Zone law says no one you share blood with (clones included) can become fright knight (but they can join the court and have other ranks))
Danny made a contingency plan against himself and with the help of a sibling (Cass most likely, though she did seem a bit sad) got it on the bat-computer. Password protected so Danny can't get into it. Bruce doesn't know and won't know until/if Danny goes bad. Bruce made a separate one for him.
Tim gets low and non-harmfil doses of ectoplasm in his coffee bc it is like a shit ton of caffeine for a living person. (Yes, some Amity Park drinks have ectoplasm in them too)
Danny asks Bruce, Tim and Lucius for help with Ghost King Shit TM
Duke has to squint when looking directly at ectoplasm (Danny's trying to find some solution but there isn't one)
Jason has a shadow core
Damian got extinct animals from Danny as a birthday gift multiple times (a dodo bird named Delilah, a messenger pigeon names Luke and a splendid posion frog named Ares)
To piss Bruce off, Jason got a pterodactyl he's named Flynn that he takes on patrol. Safe to safe, people get a hella more scared of Red Hood. Bruce hates it but Jason does actually love Flynn and Bruce can't bring himself to take Flynn awya
Danny made a patrol playlist for every member of the bat family and beyond bc he has one for when he goes out as Phantom (they all listen to their playlists and love them)
Before Danny was fully pulled into the family, he'd flinch at Dick's escrima sticks and still catches himself staring the weapon, his heart pounding
Danny found out Captain Marvel was a kid bc while on a mission with him, Captain Marvel pointed out that there was a pirate ship hovering above them and that Danny should probably deal with that. He'd, and any other Amity Parker that overhead, never laughed so badly in his entire life. Billy was never so scared & confused.
Bart and Danny are friends bc Dan had leveled most of the future before the Beatles took over what was left (I'm actually not that sure about Bart's backstory so feel free to correct me if something's wrong here)
Cass and Danny have staring contests alot. Sometimes the others think they've fallen asleep with their eyes open. They didn't.
Danny had a Twitter account for Phantom without Bruce knowing, but when Steph was trying to convince Bruce to let her have one she mentioned it and Danny had to delete it (he has an alt he now posts every embarrassing thing Batman does and has ever done)
Puns. So many puns between Dick & Danny.
Danny mumbles in his sleep
Crows flock to Danny like hungry tigers. Damian's envious but he gets to pet & feed them so it's mostly okay.
GW likes Jason and let's him borrow books whenever he wants to (also any destroyed book ends up with GW but that's a pretty common hc) but Jason has to swear not to give them to Danny. Not that Danny wants them.
Duke is helping Tucker out with studies and Tucker Duke with tech. Technus sometimes shows up too to help.
Johnny and Jason are dEAD bffs
Sam and Babs get on like a house on fire
Talia met Danny and they're actually friendly to each other. Sure, she's trying to trick Danny into giving her his throne, but Danny knew that and wasn't about to let that happen
Danny will randomly punch his siblings, smirk, then bow and say "my leige" and run away. The sibling now has the crown and is chasing to punch Danny back because honestly fuck that
Constantine is slightly terrified of Danny and Bruce uses it like a threat-- "John, if you don't answer, Danny will contact you." It works like a charm
When too excited, Danny and Jason will start talking in Ghost speech. It freaks everyone else but Damian and Cass out bc the same sounds came from the pits
Take, edit, have fun with whatever you want here. It's just bs that crawls around my brain for funsies and won't let me sleep.
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