#also can confirm that the info on the report is legit. checks out with what the ex-circus guys at the museum have said about the cars
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catenary-chad · 2 months ago
Because circus trains are a popular OC choice in this fandom, here’s a page with a crapton of photos and info on the Ringling Bros ones. The Blue Unit one from 2012 is a standout because it has rare interior pics and a ton of interviews and info.
They have a lot of very interesting specialized cars with a ton of potential that people may not know about (and most of them had previous lives as something else like a baggage car, and after the circus got repurposed by tourist railroads). Super fascinating to see private and sleeper cars that aren’t luxurious and more like mobile homes on rails meant for long-term stays.
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prorevenge · 4 years ago
A stranger scammed me out of $300 online. I tracked him down, called his dad's work phone, and got my money back.
Long post, TL;DR below. Early last year I was deep in depression, spending the Spring in my room (I work in a seasonal industry which pays just enough to live on during the off months.)
All I did was play video games all day which led to me getting into game marketplace sites and planning on starting a side hustle selling in game items and accounts in MMos. I was brand new to the "industry" and didn't have contacts to learn from, so I just went for it and posted my first listing. I got a few hits back early and found an interested "buyer" (I'll refer to him later as C) who told me he was ready to purchase.
The way these transactions are supposed to go is this: A reputable middleman (There were several known MM in the community that I joined) takes in the product and the payment, verifies both, then distributes both ways after taking a cut for their services. This circumvents the "you first" prolem where you have to trust solely in the other guy to not scam you. -Well.. They impersonated a middleman well enough to fool me. I admit that it was 100% on me, I didn't know what I was doing. I just wanted to start selling so bad and I was glad to see quick hits on my first listing.
So, the "middleman" (To this day I don't know if there was a 3rd person acting as middleman or if it was C all along) takes the buyer's money, then the product which was a high ranked account in a popular competitve game. Suddenly, the MM says there was a problem with the payment and it needs to be redone.
At this point I know game's over and I just got scammed, but I went along with it as a sad parting gift to my first "sale." I message C and asked him how this was going to go. He told me he'll just direct paypal me the $300 now and apologized, which didn't make sense to me (you already scammed me, why haven't you blocked me yet?) I gave him my paypal email.
Conversation goes like this: C- "Sent." Me- "repeats my email same email correct?" C- "F%@& I sent it to the wrong email. I'll call paypal." Me- 3 minutes later "Are you going to send me $300 or no?" C- "I only had $450 in my paypal account, they should be able to refund me over the phone." Me- 5 minutes later "Okay. Progress?" C- "On the phone with them." Me 10 minutes of silence later- ":D" Then he goes offline. I call the MM several times but he's standoffish and won't pick up saying "something something privacy.. you arent giving me a reason to pick up the call." It's clear he's not being real with me.
I don't know what to do at this point as I've never encountered a sudden loss of hard work like that. I'm not a drinker at all but that night when faced with that emptiness while trying to get out of depression, I hit the bottle hard.
The next day I woke up naked on my bathroom floor in the pitch black and sheepishly checked my PC to see if it really happened. Without any hope at all I started googling this kid's two usernames that I knew of. I scanned the internet for every site that had an account with the same username that he used, but only found more scam reports (yep, I wasn't his first victim.) So I gave up.
A week later I came back and did it all over again, but this time I thought to check his discord profile to see if he had any other profiles linked to it (steam, twitch, etc.) and the genius did. I checked his steam profile and wrote down each of his past usernames that looked unique and wouldn't pull a million results.
After hours of scanning each one, I had his name, age (teenager,) city, email, skype, knew he went to chess tournaments as a kid, liked neopets, and found a youtube channel with his class project videos on it. It still wasn't enough though. All the information got me was another two contact methods, and I didn't want to start harassing him.
He ghosted me and emailing him wasn't going to change that. If I was going to get my money back, I needed to contact his parents and I knew this all along. In a last ditch effort I googled his emails again, found his google+ profile, and saw that he had a public photo library (which was discontinued by google very shortly after all this happened.) It had 1 picture. A perfect view of his house, from the street. Street number in view. After some searching without finding much I clicked "More info" on the picture and the the geo-tagged coordinates attatched to the picture appeared.
So now I have the address which I google along with the last name, which leads to me getting the first & last names of both parents. I pop that into trusty whitepages and have everything I need to spring my plan into action. While all this was going on I was updating my friend who lives in the same area as C. He asked if I wanted him to call since he had the same area code. It lined up perfectly so I agreed.
At this point I realize it's March 30th, just two days before April fools and C could probably play this off as some elaborate joke played by his friends so I call my friend off. It was so hard to wait, but we did and we waited long enough that it couldn't be looked at as a joke at all.
Two weeks later in a discord call I give my friend the green light and he calls phone #1. The cell. After a little ringing it cuts to voicemail and we decide to try phone #2, the work phone. This time the phone rang for significantly longer but also cut to voicemail and the message before the beep confirmed we had the right dad. My friend leaves a message saying "Hello Mr. ______, this is _ ______ with (marketplace name's) collection department. We currently have multiple fradulent activity cases open with your son C, totalling x thousands of dollars (I added up all the reports against him which were posted on the site and it totalled thousands, even talked to a couple people who he targeted.) At the moment we're reviewing the most recent case which involved a $300 transaction. If you could please, get back to us between 9am-10pm to resolve these cases. Thank you" All that was paraprased but that was his message.
He was very professional and seemed legit, and even though the dad might listen to it and ignore it we didn't think that was going to happen. It's worth noting that they live in a nice area of a nice state, so there was less of a chance that this would be a financial burden and the parents would likely just want to clear this up.
Two days later, while playing video games (yeah I had a problem.) I get a contact request notification. MY BOY C!
He tells me that he's a good person and he wants to give the account back. I check it and he played 10 games and lost each one which deranked and devalued the account (at this point I pretty much knew his parents were standing over his shoulder watching everything that was said. I could've even been speaking to them directly.) So I told him the account devalued, and I either want what he stole from me (the account at a higher rank) or I want $300. He told me he'll give me the account AND $300 (Parents coming through in the clutch!)
We went through a lot of hoops, trying paypal which he couldn't get to work, a few others and finally got google pay to work after troubleshooting stupid problems which I attriubted to him stalling. It was clear that they were scared of me since I got their info (and regularly called him by his first name throughout the convo as a power move lol) but I assured them I wasn't a bad person and told them to be extra safe of what you upload, especially if you're trying to scam people because when money is involved bad things can happen (playing into his parents who were surely reading it.) I explained the public Google+ upload of their clear to see geo-tagged house which I'm sure his they weren't happy about.
After he sent the money he asked for confirmation that I received it. I confirmed saying "YOU F** DID IT! SO PROUD OF YOU, C!" and he immediately went offline. I danced up and down the hallway and it was probably embarrasingly bad but I didn't care. I don't think the smile was gone from my face for an hour. It was a month long process and with the help of my friend the money was back. I haven't seen my friend in person since then, but when I do I owe him a top notch steak. He refused when I sent him $ online.
Instead of trying to resell the account and start back up in the marketplace I abandoned it all and went another way. I'm currently training for the military and in a much better place, but still have a long way to go.
A lot was left out of this story but it was a long one. I have screenshots of our conversations and I surely won't ever forget it.
TL;DR - I tried selling a video game account to see if I could make a new side hustle and got scammed since I was dumb, inexperienced and decided to trust the internet. I got scammed and took it hard but the scammer left too much of his info public and after a little bit of elbow grease I was able to obtain his & his parent's info and left his dad a voicemail. Two days later the scammer contacted me and gave me the money and the account back, apologizing. I learned from it.
(source) story by (/u/dstrezzd)
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terrascookiejar-archive · 5 years ago
Terra has a Chat with a REAL Moderator this Time
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In lieu of my original post that gained a lot of traction, and me talking about being “contacted” by someone claiming to be a mod.
An ACTUAL mod from the Official Cookie Run discord managed to contact me and  set the record straight on a few things, as well as discuss a few things regarding what happened. So it seems that this whole situation has indeed caught the attention of the mods of the Cookie Run Official Discord, and even MicMac himself. So what’s been done?
I do wanna talk about it in greater detail, so I’m gonna put everything in a cut, starting now. If you want the TL;DR version, skip to the second picture of Chestnut with Walnut at the end.
First things First, the person who I talked on the moderation team was someone by the name of Zayder, who contacted me on anon with their details. Using some help from friends We were able to background check and confirm, yes this person is actually legit. So I was reassured I wasn’t walking into some kind of trap.
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(The photo given to me to prove authenticity by a friend. I blurred out their Discord number myself just for the courtesy of privacy)
What’s Being Done to Protect Artists on the Discord, Moving Forward?
I think this is the big question on everyone’s mind since I made my original post and all eyes are on the moderators and MicMac to make the change.
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There seems to be a genuine admittance to the fact that the previous way fanart was moderated was ineffective and caused issues such as the theft and reposting to happen. 
So they’ve gone ahead and added stricter measures to prevent this from happening again. Including preventing new members from posting until they get the “Cookie” role, a cooldown on the channel to allow for easier moderation and viewing of said artwork, and heavier infractions laid down for art theft. 
I mentioned that the cooldown also allows for time for people to appreciate genuine artwork posted. So considering the magnitude of its members I’d say that’s a great first step in moving forward towards protecting community fanartists. I got confirmation from members in my own discord that the cooldown IS indeed already enacted and even increased from 10 to 30 minutes, so I have reassurance that what’s being told to me is true. 
They DO have a report system on their bot, but it seems most people prefer just messaging mods so that system in itself is rather flawed, but only so much you can do there. 
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(^ This one’s my own artwork, btw!! ^) Zayder also asked me for my own feedback on what could be done to help protect artists, since I am an artist myself. It seems most of the moderation team are not artists and this probably lent itself to making moderation there so weak. 
In summary my main suggestions that were noticed were being mindful of traced art, and a dedicated section or post explaining art theft and how it harms artists and the importance of crediting artists. As not everyone understands how it hurts us, some people genuinely are uninformed. Which Zayder stated he would forward to Mic Mac. (Not sure how I feel about my own suggestions going directly to MicMac himself, but you know!!)
Fawn’s Situation happened so Long Ago that most of it is Lost (or worst case scenario, was deleted by a member of the moderation team) 
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While the general consensus now is indeed “Yes, Fawn created Nutmeg Cookie,” there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of evidence towards who the perpetrator was (We had their username, hazbinalastor666, but not their ID and they’ve since changed it to cover their tracks) and the moderators involved with Fawn’s “Ban” to be found on the Official Cookie Run Discord. At least not anymore.
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Zayder has confirmed that Fawn “left” the server in December of 2019, which lines up with Fawn’s own statements on the situation. However Zayder stated that whoever kicked her didn’t actually put her on the banlist. So either they kicked her manually, or they used the bot and then used it to erase all evidence of it and pretend nothing happened (which he certainly HOPES is not the case, and I do as well). It did not help that Trial Mods were not a thing yet by this time (They were not introduced until February of 2020), according to what Zayder told me. So things on that Discord were essentially pretty gun-ho. It’s not as simple as looking up a term and going to “Oldest” to track down stuff from the time.  Plus a good chunk of it seemed to have happened through DMs so... Good Luck getting that evidence.
Zayder informed me that Fawn is welcome to come back at any time. Though speaking with her she’s chosen not to, and considering her situation I don’t think anyone can blame her. I would like to believe that the version of the Discord that Fawn had to go through is not the same as the one we have now but something like isn’t essentially going to wash away what happened.
As for evidence that Fawn created Nutmeg first? Yes I do have it. The original incident,  hazbinalastor666 claimed that they created Nutmeg in November of 2019, However there’s evidence in our own discord showing Fawn creating Nutmeg as early as September of 2019.
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As well as the day Fawn came forward on our discord about the situation after keeping quiet out of fear of backlash, ignited by seeing the thief get a commission of Nutmeg. However, I don’t plan to post that publicly unless I have Fawn’s okay. 
Yes. The First “Mod” That tried to Contact Me was Pretty Undeniably Someone Posing as a Mod From the Official Discord
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“I'm also really curious on what you found false on what the "moderator" said to you. Nobody on the mod team ever told us they were gonna contact you, so I wouldnt know who that is.”
So that was my first sign that clearly the original person who contacted me at least wasn’t doing so without the consensus of the other mods, and neither did they consult the mods afterwards... So very, very likely they were a fake from the start. Some of the things that were off that I told to Zayder, and that we found through conversation were as follows:
The first person contacted me on a throwaway and refused to disclose who they were. Zayder gave me the ID of his personal discord and we could verify who they were easily.
The first person blew off my own suggestions for helping improve the fanart channels with statements like “We’re already cracking down on it.” Zayder asked me for my own suggestions as an artist without even being asked.
The first person kept trying to get me to get Fawn to use a VPN in order to get back into the Official Cookie Run Discord. Despite being told repeatedly that’s not how a VPN works. That’s just fucking weird. 
The first person couldn’t track anything down regarding Fawn’s situation years ago, Zayder was at least able to actually pinpoint the date in which Fawn was kicked, and rather quickly too I might add.
Zayder had pretty proficient knowledge on the bot the Discord uses for moderation and how it works. Which he explained to me a few times. The first person said to me at one point, and I quote, “For all I know the bot gives messages when infractions are laid.”
So seeing how talking with a real Moderator like Zayder was, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that someone was trying to dupe me here for some reason. Was it revenge? Did they want some sort of blackmail? Did they want me to proverbially “back off?” And if they ARE a mod why wouldn’t they give the info and such that I gave them to the other mods? Who knows. 
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Long Story short, it does appear as if the Moderation Team and Mic Mac have heard the artists of the fandom and are going to be working hard to lay down stricture rules regarding posting and doing their best to make sure credit goes where credit is due.
Fawn’s incident happened so long ago there’s not much evidence to be found on the Official discord, but we DO have proof that Nutmeg Cookie belongs to UpsetFawn!
The First Person who claimed to be a Mod was a fake and talking with Zayder proved it.
Overall, my talk with Zayder was very pleasant and enlightening and I believe Zayder would say about the same! I never meant to cause such an uproar, but I’d like to think things will change for the better now that we’ve all spoken up on behalf of our fellow artist. 
What we need to do now is watch how the Cookie Run Official Discord moves forward and if they’ll stick to their word towards protecting fandom content creators from theft and uncredited reposts. Though after my talk I’m certainly optimistic they will.
Always have your back for your fellow fandom artist, TerraTerraCotta
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allaboutaloan · 4 years ago
Exactly how to Get an Immediate Loans Online
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Among one of the most convenient ways of getting a finance is with instant finances online. Find out for further details right here https://minuteloancenter.com/. A lot of on the internet banks provide online application that can be finished in a few minutes. Some loan providers may ask you to fill a credit history form that could be submitted to them to acquire an instant authorization or a decision on your loan. These lending institutions are very excited to obtain the cash from people with poor credit history and also they do not care about your credit report. Lenders who supply instantaneous fundings online have no problem receiving cash money from applicants that have no credit history. Their only concern is the details they have regarding the debtor such as their income, work and various other individual details. They will thoroughly confirm this details to guarantee they are getting the cash for individuals like you. When they identify that you get a specific cash advance they might approve your application and then send it to the loan provider for your personal check. A lot of instant finances online do not need a charge to be requested and do not have any charges or fees when authorization occurs. It is very important to review the terms and conditions associated with a particular funding quantity prior to using to make sure that you understand just how much money you will be expected to pay back to the loan provider. You can discover more info here.  You must additionally watch out for firms that provide instantaneous authorization for personal financings as well as fee really high costs for fast authorization. Instant financings online are a wonderful method to get emergency money without needing to go through the stress and anxiety as well as trouble of filling in applications and sending out personal documents to various banks. The truth is that these loan providers are easier than the financial institutions and various other loan provider. There is no factor to stand in line, wait on hours or drive throughout town. If you need a personal lending, you can use online as well as expect to obtain an answer within a hr. Most on the internet lending institutions are sincere as well as trustworthy, yet there are constantly a couple of frauds lurking. When using instant financings on the internet application see to it you review all the fine print. Review the fine print to recognize exactly what you are entering and also make sure that you are aware of all charges due to the fact that some costs can be surprising as well as accumulate after the finance is complete. If you are unsure concerning whether you can get immediate approval or otherwise, it may be a great concept to call the firm directly and also talk with a representative prior to loaning. You ought to understand exactly what you are entering when you are signing files or agreeing to the regards to the funding. There are lots of legit and also respectable business that can give you immediate cash funding authorization. Make sure to compare the interest rates, debt checks charges as well as various other expenses that are associated with short-term fundings to locate one of the most affordable financing terms for your personal circumstance. These fundings can aid you to solve some of life's little troubles at the correct time without putting your funds in jeopardy. If you have negative credit scores, you might still receive a short-term financing, but it is essential to look into the financing alternatives initially.Take a  look at this  link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_finance  for more information. 
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bullgame1 · 5 years ago
Removed Records
For instance, some state and also neighborhood fair-hiring and ban-the-box legislations limit exactly how much back a criminal history check can expand. Several states also have restrictions on exactly how employers can make use of employment credit rating checks in employing. This info will certainly be covered in succeeding areas of this write-up. If work was rejected based on a history check report, the candidate can appeal, and also the applicant will be given with a duplicate of their background check report, with invalidating info clearly determined. Seattle employers are forbidden from running criminal background checks until after an initial screening has actually gotten rid of unqualified task applicants by making sure that all applicants possess the minimal qualifications that are necessary to efficiently execute the job. Companies might only take unfavorable activity based upon a task candidate's arrest document if there is a legit service factor tying the apprehension to the duties of the job. Those with a criminal background may request the courts to have documents of certain sorts of convictions vacated. If such a document is vacated, the specific with such a record might reply to employers that inquire about their criminal history in the negative, as if they were never founded guilty of the crime. Although HR teams have a lot of choices when it concerns screening tools, companies need to follow federal compliance laws and also follow regional legislations when making use of history checks to make decisions concerning work. While it is rare for a company to run a background check that that reaches two decades into the past, it is feasible. There is no regulation that restricts exactly how much right into the past an employer can ask for history information. Nonetheless, when it concerns requesting criminal records, employers are limited to a seven year history. The Lacey Cops Department can give restricted criminal history look for private residents. Washington gives a number of securities for applicants with a criminal record. In Washington, companies are prohibited from inquiring about certain rap sheets and also might just ask about criminal history in the later stages of the application procedure. Federal as well as state legislations position some limits on just how companies can utilize these records in making work decisions. Washington legislation likewise supplies a variety of protections for candidates with rap sheets. Because there are numerous legal guidelines pertaining to the use of criminal reports while working with, it's important you conduct a background testing procedure that adheres to government and also state legislations. Generally, personal employers, others as well as landlords that carry out a history check on you will not discover your removed documents. After your record is removed, in the majority of states you are legally permitted to address "no" when asked about rap sheets on employment or rental applications. Fortunately, having actually an expunged record appear in a history check is rare. And although arrests that did not cause convictions could appear on history check records from other CRAs, GoodHire makes a point of omitting them to satisfy EEOC standards. History checks will be conducted only after a deal of work has actually been made, and also include confirmation of a prospect's rap sheet and testimonial of applicable federal as well as state registries or various other occupational info. History checks stand out from pre- or post-offer reference checks or evaluations of a prospect's licensure or other certifications. Employs into tasks having straight accessibility to select agents, as defined by the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, go through federal background checks which replacement for the UW criminal history check process. UW Environmental Health and Safety informs using systems when the federal background check is required. Offers of employment right into such tasks should be made subject to obtaining a satisfactory criminal background check result.
ShareAble for Works with criminal records offer FCRA-regulated information, supplying you with the appropriate criminal history info required to successfully evaluate potential employees. What appears on a background check depends on what which kind of search you order, since there are several various sets of records and information to pull from. Usually speaking, a history check for employment might show identification confirmation, work confirmation, credit report, vehicle driver's background, rap sheets, education verification, and much more. Although the effects of an effective expungement differ by state, there are a few general guidelines.
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Lacey's history check is based upon records acquired only from criminal sentences in Lacey, as well as is only readily available to people requesting their personal document. Washington College executes pre-employment background checks to advertise the security of its community and also operations. Employers are prohibited from inquiring into a task applicant's criminal background on the job application. The background check itself is delayed up until after a meeting or conditional deal of work. In November 2013, Seattle passed a regulation the related to both City and exclusive employers that specified that history checks were only required for sure placements. On January 1, 1991, with no individual notification, thousands of California gun owners with particular violations on their documents became based on felony prosecution as a brand-new regulation supposed to outlaw them from lawful property of weapons for a 10 years period following conviction. https://www.smore.com/zgfn2-washington-background-check-free of these old offense convictions, such as simple assault or battery, did not involve the abuse of a weapon. Given that 1991, the checklist of offense convictions which cause this ten year restriction on weapons ownership has actually been constantly expanded. Some of these "ten year misdemeanors" include violence while others do not. Instances are the unlawful sale or blatantly irresponsible discharge of firearms. Added info about legislations concerning entry of documents to firearm background check systems or the schedule of psychological health records for background checks is consisted of in our recap on Mental Health Coverage. Regrettably, while federal legislations stop discrimination in the office concerning race and also sex, no such legislations exist to prevent being refuted a task because of inadequate credit report. So of course, in many states your credit score report can influence the hiring decision. Nonetheless, even if business execute debt checks, denying work based on credit report seldom takes place. Washington has a legislation comparable to the FCRA, which calls for companies to get written approval prior to ordering a background check from a 3rd party. The company needs to also supply specific notices prior to and also after rejecting work based upon the contents of the record.
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sharktankreviews01-blog · 5 years ago
Shark Tank Keto Diet Capsules: The way to Spot a Scam
Way back in July, we launched a YouTube video called, Largest Keto SCAM Actually! (SHARK TANK KETO SCANDAL) so we have been absolutely astounded from the response.
At the time of saving our secondly part to this particular video, we possessed over 300 responses from people that experienced either almost been swindled with this organization, or who possessed unfortunately not seen our video before getting these pills and shed hundreds of dollars.
Exactly What Is this Shark Tank Keto Swindle?
Should you be on social media marketing, chances are you have experienced advertising for that groundbreaking Shark Tank Keto Diet Tablets or maybe the awesome weight loss pills Sarah from Stanford designed to dissolve the fat appropriate off your body. If this seems too very good to be true, it is because it is…So, what diet pills were actually on Shark Container? The truth is that these tablets were actually never on Shark Tank (or Dragon’s Den for those of you who are living international) nor did Melissa McCarthy, Kevin Smith, or Chrissy Teigen shed weight using them.
These s0-known as Shark Container slimming tablets can be a low-cost, 800 mg BHB tablet that may have no effect on the body. People are slipping for that celeb weight-loss photographs and claims of speedy fat burning, getting the inexpensive free trial, and getting their a credit card charged hundreds of dollars. As well as the most severe aspect? A lot of people aren’t even receiving the product. Getting in touch with customer support is impossible and the best way to get them to avoid invoicing your greeting card is always to plain cancel it.
Exactly why are People Slipping for This?
With extraordinary both before and after photos of celebs like Kim K and Meghan Markle, 5-legend evaluations on Amazon online, articles from reputable media websites like Us Weekly and Fox, and also airtime on TV displays like Shark Aquarium all endorsing the product, it appears as though both an efficient and reputable item. That might be the case if any one of their “evidence” was accurate. The websites and critiques are faked, the pictures are robbed, as well as the boasts are simply is placed.
This provider has even removed with regards to to either recommend or produce a bogus supplement assessment web site. We had been contacted by https://classifieds.usatoday.com/marketplace/shark-tank-keto-pills-reviews/ with regards to considering their instructional keto articles. After undergoing their site, nothing at all looked out of the ordinary for any review site. After all, they have got around 100 testimonials, malfunctions, and academic posts and they all looked moderately technological. It looked legit until we study their site around the PureFit Keto tablets, that are the same Shark Tank keto fraud pills).
This assessment was extremely biased and completely incorrect. The article author mentioned, “When I tried it, I discovered a noticeable difference in less than one week. Ketone markers had been up 14.4Percent above my non-extra baseline”. There are various stuff incorrect using this type of declaration:
•800mg of BHB is not enough to cause a rise in ketone amounts
•A 14.4Per cent improve of a .1-.2 mmol standard would only improve from .1 to .11.
Additionally, they make an effort to cover up the gossip of this company stealing money from consumers by declaring, “We want to address an element that continues to be noted on the internet where some clients have been automatically rebilled after their initially get. From what we can identify, it was no problem on the company’s aspect, as those customers experienced mistakenly chosen the registration package readily available.” We have checked the keto weight loss pill internet sites and they don’t have choices for month to month or even a one-time subscription. They may be just invoicing folks automatically and also for a lot more than the advertised value.
This review then gone in terms of to try to delegitimize the statements that it item is a gimmick by stating, “It appears greater than a very little probably that in the mostly unregulated keto nutritional supplement market place, the players from fighting merchandise is behind a great deal of the fraud talk.”
The writer of the evaluation then advises buying the product or service and contains an online affiliate website link. Internet sites like this cover their deficit intends around legitimate, technological info to attempt to construct believability across the product.
What Items Should You Consider?
When investigating these capsules, we recognized it was more than simply one product for sale. Every time you simply click their weblink, the put-up webpage is for a whole new keto body weight-loss tablet, using a very different label and wrapping, but the identical boasts, final results, and before and after pictures. Here are just some labels of your tablets we have now located to date with this Shark Tank keto fraud:
•PureFit Keto
•Keto Speedy Maximum Pure
•Keto Legend
•Alternative Bliss Keto
•Keto Superior
•Keto Optimum Burn
•Keto RX
•Covet Naturals Keto
•Extremely Apex Keto
•Maxwell Keto
How Can I Steer clear of Dropping for Ripoffs Like This?
Here are some speedy tips for staying away from any keto slimming pill ripoffs:
1.BHB will not be efficacious under no less than 3 grams. You cannot fit this number within a tablet kind, so stay away from supplement types of BHB.
2.When a merchandise states have remarkable final results, make sure these results are mentioned. If there are actually no studies to confirm its results, it probably doesn’t really have any.
3.Do your homework on trustworthy websites. Use PubMed or Google Scholar to locate printed reports on elements. Learn what dosage you will need for that product or service to be effective.
4.Spread the saying! Just because you will not fall for this scam, it doesn’t mean that a friend or acquaintance or really like will never. Let us get the word out there this product is a gimmick and conserve several people as is possible in the headaches and reduction in large sums of money.
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aisleb · 5 years ago
Phen375 composition - Lose Tummy Fat Workout Week 1
For example, caffeine aids in burning fats, mint tea soothes the thoughts and also our system, cinnamon, aniseed, fennel, triphala, senna leaves are herbs that contributes in efficient weight loss. Then vinegar of apple cider assists in blood strain control and also will increase fat burning fee. Herbs being pure present a great health and weight loss without any side effects. Along with them an individual should undertake a routine program which would come with a balanced food regimen, mental motivation and positively exercise. But there has not been the establishment of extended efficiency of those weight reduction supplements. Also, based on DSHEA, it’s just the producer’s liability to offer a plausible evidence of its product security. But sadly, not all the companies which manufacture the dietary treatments meet this demand. Created by Shippitsa ltd., Phen375 is a weight loss complement that claims to be made in an FDA-compliant facility and use scientifically researched components. The company states that their product will allow you to to suppress your cravings, burn fat, and lose weight.
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At first look, it seems the company combined elements recognized to advertise fats loss – Forskolin, cayenne, and caffeine, amongst others. We determined to take a deep look into Phen375 to give you the full info on the corporate and the product. Read on the learn what we came upon. So, is Phen375 a rip-off like so many different weight loss drugs in the marketplace? No. The program works with human support, by way of coaching, personalized meal plans, skilled articles and access to a meals database managed by nutritionists. You get everything you have to lose weight and hold it off – all from a clinically confirmed system. Cayenne pepper is a spicy fruit is utilized in meals dishes, as well as over-the-counter dietary merchandise. Cayenne pepper might assist promote satiety and weight loss, states the journal Bioscience Reports. The method obtainable within the United States is markedly totally different from the method utilized in Europe.
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It s not as dizzy, feverish, and weak as regular chilly How can I spit out the meals I eat Big deal, I spend extra time, two days a day, four days a day, 4 days a day, and I phen375 gnc Weight Management spend ten days and a half months, I ca n t believe I ca n t fda anti obesity medication Fast Weight Loss digest it. It is a truth Phen375 is one of the most popular fat burner drugs. More than 250,000 Phen375 users are proud of the product after they have solved their problem with further kilos and obesity.
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PhenQ is a super-effective fats burner and thestrongest appetite suppressant that curbs your cravings, boosts your power ranges, and suppresses your appetite by making you full. Based on analysis and overwhelming real customer suggestions, PhenQ urge for food suppressant drugs is among the best weightloss dietary supplements on the market for 2020, you can order PhenQ by going to the official web site. Alex Woodrow has been a contributor for Healtheiron.com for over 10 years and has a deep ardour for Male well being and properly being. Alex has studied chemistry at UCLA and has an intensive understanding of the dietary supplements business, product formulation and the science behind male well being.
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Yes, utilizing the best pure appetite suppressant is the most effective bet for you if you want to lose weight shortly without subjecting yourself to rigorous workouts. Natural urge for food suppressants are a mixture of compound micro and macronutrients which triggers a better and sooner metabolic course of in your body system. They are secure to use and are very potent in curbing excessive food cravings. Based on our research, our #1 really helpful effective appetite suppressant made with natural components is PhenQ, to get a special deal in your purchase, Click Here. Sheer Strength Appetite Suppressants additionally has seven key components, a few of which are Theanine and Rhodiola Rosea.
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If the consumption of a particular slimming complement causes issues and experiences like nausea, fuel, muscle cramps, pain, and all kinds of aches, bleeding and so on then via away the deadly weapon instantly. A perfect food plan tablet is one that gives solely optimistic impact to your health and positively your weight with none unwanted effects. It is advisable to opt for products that are prescribed by an professional or your physician as they're conscious of your well being and its requirements. Consuming these nutritional vitamins each day would provide your body with vitality and likewise preserve a great well being. Along with these, different supplements and nutritional vitamins may be consumed to boost the method of weight reduction.
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If the consumption of a particular slimming complement causes issues and experiences like nausea, fuel, muscle cramps, pain, and all kinds of aches, bleeding and so on then via away the deadly weapon instantly. A perfect food plan tablet is one that gives solely optimistic impact to your health and positively your weight with none unwanted effects. It is advisable to opt for products that are prescribed by an professional or your physician as they're conscious of your well being and its requirements. Consuming these nutritional vitamins each day would provide your body with vitality and likewise preserve a great well being. Along with these, different supplements and nutritional vitamins may be consumed to boost the method of weight reduction. Finally, the third and equally important motion of the efficient Phen375 triple action fats burner is to extend the energy ranges. EVERY particular person within the food regimen and slimming phase feels fatigue, exhaustion, loss of power and energy. Phen375 is a fats-dissolving, weight-loss product, obtainable out there since 2009 with an ever-growing impression in the world. One of the merchandise we like probably the most is Noom. So are they really all they are saying they're? Read our review to search out out if Phen375 is legit, or if you have to quit. So, is it a scam? No. Though the price does a run a bit on the excessive aspect (more on that beneath), Phen375 does precisely what it says and is a legitimate supplement to aid in losing weight, rising your vitality, and boosting your metabolism.
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Commonly included in at-home detox recipes to spice up metabolism, when included in a weight reduction complement formulation cayenne pepper helps to extend blood flow, permitting the opposite elements to be absorbed higher, while additionally burning energy. Also often known as Trimethylxanthine, or just caffeine, this ingredient is often found in weight reduction supplements. So, lengthy story quick, if you want to obtain one of the best outcomes, then you must take only as many Phen375 weight loss supplements as recommended. In an eventuality, you exceed your recommended dosage, there’s a chance that you may have to cope with some delicate unwanted side effects. CHECK PRICEWhat’s an important factor you have to find out about this resolution? Phen357 is the fact that is one hell of an urge for food suppressor. It goes without saying that the unacceptably high percentage of people suffers from weight problems, which comes because of unhealthy life habits.
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With the proper components, you possibly can lastly get the base you should burn more fats, suppress appetite, and show sure vital outcomes. Without the right elements, it doesn't matter what claims they might make, you aren't going to get any outcomes. But with the best elements, you get off to the proper begin. It is regarded by many as one of the best appetite suppressant for girls. Obesity doesn't only take toil on one’s health but also one’s thoughts. In a hope to lose weight many dieters take the help of weight loss supplements.
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Do not forget that dietary supplements ought to always be used with a correct fats burning food plan and exercise program, however while you do pair the three collectively, you merely won’t beat the fat loss results that happen. Get it revved as much as very high ranges and you’ll eat more meals and nonetheless see the load loss you are trying for. It is a reliable product that may aid in growing energy, accelerating metabolism, and losing weight. Losing weight can often result in your body feeding off of muscle for vitality earlier than using saved fat. This will result within the unwanted loss of muscle mass throughout the body. Phen375 claims that it has thermogenic properties that aid in the constructing of muscle fiber, which implies you received’t lose your attractive muscle tone while reducing weight.
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A fat burner PhenQ acts with no hitch whatever the length or severity of the issue. Now the medication fat burners are the preferred drugs for the treatment of obesity. They assist to rapidly and safely scale back excess weight. They could be taken individually or together with some actions which improve a affected person’s situation and Phentermine – PhenQ is the most effective representative of these tablets. Many people declare that the product labored for them although they did not comply with a regimented exercise workout or food plan plan. However, like all weight loss complement, when you mix Phen375 with decreasing your caloric intake and consistent exercise, your weight loss might be accelerated greatly. Phen 375 is an over-the-counter dietary complement selling “a slimmer, sexier you.” It has been available on the market since 2009 and claims to have a scientifically-researched superior method that may lead to lowered meals cravings, elevated metabolic rate, fats burning, elevated power, and weight reduction.
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The different weight loss merchandise are the various food regimen products. Though there are some controversial food regimen merchandise that enhance your metabolic pace and are by no means protected on your health. Water is thought to be one of the best and natural diet drink that helps within the strategy of weight loss. The existence of herbal diet dietary supplements has been from historical period and in recent time they've gained the eye and publicity that they are worth of. Doctors and consultants at the moment are realizing the varied benefits of pure and natural merchandise in one’s health.
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In the world of fat burner options, Phen357 plays an invaluable function in boosting your physique’s metabolism rate. Why is that this so important? Well, if you wish to burn fat with no waiting, then this product might help so much to your weight loss plans. According to the findings of the latest scientific research, Phen357 may help you lose up to 20 pounds a month. This is a more most popular and a safer way to lose weight in comparison with the use of some “immediate fats burners” that promise to burn your weight at a jet tempo. The chook that picks up the celebs is not Haidongqing, however the golden winged Dapeng, saying that within the Journey to the West do not give me a mouth shut, don't understand Health Information Phen375 Weight Loss Pill Pills the spray, do not stain the layout here, let me say a few Useful phen375 weight loss pill Pills Big Sale phrases, such a magical Haidongqing is useless, have to dig an excessive amount of pit to bury it The digging pit should use the excavator. When passing via Most Important phen375 weight loss capsule Pills Health Information a shop referred to as Qin is Jewelry, Li Qingyun phen375 weight reduction pill Pills Sexual Healthy made a foul look and wanted to go in and see that phen375 weight reduction capsule Pills Erectile Dysfunction he wanted to choose a wedding diamond ring for Yang Yunu.
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Phen375 is designed in services which have acquired all Food and Drug Administration’s approvals. This implies that the producers of Phen375 needed to comply with the strict guidelines in this field that regulate the production of these sorts of products. The very fact that these diet pills have been approved by essentially the most respectable physique on this business should be greater than enough to give you the absolute peace of thoughts. Phen375 is one of the finest weight reduction drugs available in the market right now that has stood the take a look at of time. It is a scientifically formulated diet pills that suppress appetite, boosts physique metabolism and promotes quick fat loss. The product range within the sphere of natural anti-chubby dietary supplements leaves nobody detached. It’s simple to elucidate because the naturalness of the non-prescription dietary cures brings folks with excessive weight many benefits. The enlargement of supply of natural slimming capsules is just rising. That’s as a result of the variety of dietary supplementation admirers is increasing day by day.
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The matter is that the large variety of the natural slimming capsules doesn’t fall throughout the purview of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation. The Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA) states that FDA has to contain itself within the concern only if the complement features a completely new part. 8. FreeGiftDEAL Buy 4 Bottles of Weight Loss Pills Get 1 Free.
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Finally, the third and equally important motion of the efficient Phen375 triple action fats burner is to extend the energy ranges. EVERY particular person within the food regimen and slimming phase feels fatigue, exhaustion, loss of power and energy. Phen375 is a fats-dissolving, weight-loss product, obtainable out there since 2009 with an ever-growing impression in the world. One of the merchandise we like probably the most is Noom.
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Having got rid of the excess weight will probably be simple for you because you'll get rid of a heavy load of your physique. PhenQ is one of the best fats burner and you will ensure in it. Under the affect of PhenQ weight reduction happens and a person doesn't resort to onerous exercises, diets or surgical intervention. Also, factors corresponding to age, energy burst, or overdose (if someone takes more than the 2 recommended pills per day) can contribute to certain unwanted side effects. Citrus aurantium is also referred to as bitter orange and is a citrus fruit found in southeast Asia.
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These merchandise are recognized to be unsafe to your physique system. Unlike urge for food suppressants, fats burners won't increase your digestion fee or maintain your hydration stage. It also won't improve your neurological activities like appetite suppressants will do. Phen24 is among the fabulous weight reduction drugs out there that have helped a number of individuals shed weight and regain their confidence about their physique. It known as phen24 as a result of it's a 24-hour weight loss method.
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Also, based on DSHEA, it’s just the producer’s liability to offer a plausible evidence of its product security. But sadly, not all the companies which manufacture the dietary treatments meet this demand. Created by Shippitsa ltd., Phen375 is a weight loss complement that claims to be made in an FDA-compliant facility and use scientifically researched components. The company states that their product will allow you to to suppress your cravings, burn fat, and lose weight. With the most effective merchandise that yow will discover within the weight reduction pill industry, not solely do they supply outcomes. But they do it with none dangerous substances that will trigger doubtlessly nasty and even just annoying unwanted side effects. The majority of producers provide dishonest statements in regards to the efficacy and safety of their dietary supplements.
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Many people declare that the product labored for them although they did not comply with a regimented exercise workout or food plan plan. However, like all weight loss complement, when you mix Phen375 with decreasing your caloric intake and consistent exercise, your weight loss might be accelerated greatly. Phen 375 is an over-the-counter dietary complement selling “a slimmer, sexier you.” It has been available on the market since 2009 and claims to have a scientifically-researched superior method that may lead to lowered meals cravings, elevated metabolic rate, fats burning, elevated power, and weight reduction. This is achieved through binding food and fat energy. While particular person outcomes will vary, many will uncover that the binding course of is efficient for them. They can present speedy outcomes but on the identical time can become diminished too. In the pretext of losing a large amount of weight, there have been some silly users who consume these supplements in giant amount considering to supply fast outcomes. But that method they merely pave a means of damage to their health, which may be fatal too.
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craniumculverin · 6 years ago
some unedited, brain flow-type ramblings based on @donc-desole‘s oc percy as a villain in a ww2 era au. more about how a narrative might work then anything. i’m really rusty on my ww2 knowledge and don’t wanna let myself fall down another research rabbit hole, so i’m probably off with how military stuff works.
ww2!au possible story?
maybe wes is the unwitting companion to harry who’s on a mission. not the sidekick mind you, wes would still be the main character and protagonist, just not the action movie hero - that’s harry’s role.
wes is technically harry’s c.o. but was supposed to leave the front due to injury (losing his finger). due to a bureaucratic error nothing is done to get him out, but he’s believed to be on his way back to england. meanwhile, harry is a slightly lower ranked officer but for whatever reason is chosen to do something or other by the higher ups - he’s given a secret mission basically, and has to fake being KIA in order to proceed. or something.
despite wallowing in his horrible mood, wes is still protective of his friends.  so when a surprise skirmish happens and the world’s blowing up around them, and he sees harry run off, he runs after - partly to make sure he stays alive, partly to yell at him for being stupid. they end up in enemy territory, one believed to be heading home, the other believed KIA due to swapping uniforms/tags with a similar looking, already-dead-before-the-fight guy.
wes is livid with harry and can’t comprehend why he refuses to head back to allied territory, harry is trying to keep it together while not letting wes know that he’s - rather they’re - on a secret, possibly undercover mission.
idk how it plays out from there, specifically. harry would probably breakdown at some point and tell wes some of what he’s doing, but whether that’s before or after wes already figures it out or the mission is completed, idk. harry’s a horrible choice to carry out a secret mission tbh.
one way or another they end up very close to a german field hospital or the like. wes’ injury isn’t doing well and harry took a tumble - he’s not too badly hurt, but looks like hell. they get captured, wes chokes and just silently surrenders, but harry ups the dramatics and acts like he’s horribly wounded and confused. and also american, cus harry is just. harry. neither are wearing their uniforms anymore having changed them out for civvies, so the germans bring them to the hospital, as captives/patients i guess.
and that’s how they meet percy, a doctor and one of, if not the, chief medical officer running the place. seeing through harry’s horrible accent right off the bat, percy decides to play along and speak with a perfect english accent, which confuses the two along with his english surname(?). he immediately knows something’s up, has them searched and all their belongings taken before being restrained and left alone somewhere whilst under guard. harry keeps up the act while wes is between pissed and pissing himself. 
wes and harry start bickering, thinking they’re still alone, but percy quietly enters the room alone and listens for a while. eventually wes notices him, falling silent as percy just placidly smiles back, before harry turns to see and goes deathly still and quiet as well.
then the three have a nice chat. and by “nice” i mean percy is disturbingly sweet and genial even as he semi-openly threatens them, etc. by the end of it he knows they’re british soldiers on a mission, but harry has managed not to totally give everything away. wes is extremely uncomfortable with how percy has been acting toward him in particular - which at this point is just percy having fun; he sees an opportunity to probe and observe, he takes it. harry continues to keep his american act going despite obviously being found out, which wes actually apologizes for to percy out of embarrassment, which catches the doctor off guard and intrigues him. he drops the english accent for his usual german when he responds in a positive fashion, which takes wes by surprise - cus it sounded so legit, but also cus percy could’ve really used their thinking he was english to his advantage.
wes and harry are kept as prisoner-patients basically, occasionally being questioned by percy, who almost always does so alone. they’re also kept separated, cus percy doesn’t trust them together/their bickering bothers the patients/staff. even though harry isn’t really hurt other than some scratches he’s still seen to, while wes has it bad cus his injury got infected while traipsing around the countryside. despite his being the enemy, percy claims his role as a doctor comes first and treats him personally - wes is thrown off by the genuine concern for his well-being. which while it is genuine, percy knows he can possibly use, and so ups the act.
guessing wes is of a higher rank than harry (which wes confirms) percy also mistakenly assumes that means he’s the one in charge of he and harry’s mission. despite all the uncomfortably personal interactions he ends up having with percy over time, wes manages to keep the truth to himself. mostly cus he still doesn’t know what the mission even is and doesn’t want to mess anything up for completing it if they get out alive.
speaking of personal interactions, unless wes acts out, percy treats him as though they were simply acquaintances and not captor/prisoner - talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies, interests, etc. in particular he learns of wes’ playing the violin and how broken he is over losing a finger - and uses it against him. somehow. idk, manipulation and the like, details details.
at some point percy approaches harry when wes isn’t there, under the guise of checking up on him. he casually brings the conversation to the female staff, particularly the ones that have been seeing to harry. he basically turns from soft doctor to cut-your-throat-out doctor in a split second as he causes harry a good deal of pain, warning him to stop harassing his people or he’ll be in a similar shape to wes - aka missing something or other similar to finger size. harry agrees, trying not to let on how scared he is. soft doctor is back and percy smiles, thanks him, and leaves. harry takes percy more seriously than before. which he really should’ve been anyway.
 at some point wes and harry manage to talk alone, or from time to time. they realize and discuss how percy must've never reported them to his higher-ups cus no one outside the hospital has come for them. they’re hella suspicious of his motives but can’t agree on what to do about it. wes ends up deciding not to bring it up to percy.
 they’re brought in for another round of questions. percy’s demeanor seems different this time - he says he’s glad they’ve recovered, and that he’s tired of their not cooperating.
then he signals the guards to beat the shit out of harry.
wes freaks out and starts yelling, which turns to begging percy to stop. percy smiles and calmly says that he’d gladly do so, if wes tells him what their goal is. wes falters when harry tells him not to, but sorta lets the cat out of the bag when he snaps back about not knowing anything anyway. percy is somewhat surprised to learn harry’s the “mastermind” here.
he lets the beating continue as he know tries to get harry to talk, who of course doesn’t. eventually percy has to call off the beating so harry isn’t too badly hurt, despite getting nothing out him. he immediately orders that harry be taken to be seen to properly while wes is left with him, trying not to cry.
percy turns to him with a friendly smile and apologizes for assuming he was who had to be targeted, and after looking thoughtful comments this way was better for wes. once asked to elaborate, percy says if he’d been targeting harry and with how stubborn he is, he’d have let most of wes’ fingers be broken before he even considers talking. harry’s so stubborn, he wouldn’t have broken as quickly as wes did, so wes likely would’ve outright lost another finger or two. how fortunate for wes that the doctor had assumed incorrectly, that he didn’t have to allow harm to come to him, etc.
percy says all of this as though the very thought disturbs him, to make wes think he actually cares, but wes isn’t responding by now out of shock/trauma. he’s led back to where he’s been being held and after a while breaks down sobbing.
after a few days of asking wes is allowed to see harry, who at the time is still bedbound and seemingly unconscious. he looks like shit, but is feigning sleep as wes visits, so they whisper to each other. wes is still messed up from what percy said about harry letting him lose his fingers, and has begun to doubt/mistrust harry’s choices - just as percy intended.
wes asks for more info on the mission, partly out of his own curiosity as to what harry would take a beating over, and also to maybe use as leverage to get them out of here. harry refuses cus he can read his friend like a book, upsetting wes. he tells harry he’s gonna get them both killed and storms off to be taken back to his room. harry feels bad but knows his friend is stressed out, and is frankly too tired/injured to care very much. which is partly planned by percy - being on pain meds to mess with his head, but not so much as to strain the supply for his actual patients.
idk, percy basically manipulates and gets wes to start doubting/mistrusting harry, while harry is kept away from him and drugged. the only interaction wes really has is with germans that don’t speak english, and percy - so really just percy. like stockholm syndrome sorta-ish, except wes is definitely, extremely wary of him.
the doctor has taken an interest in him and finds him enjoyable to “study”, but more importantly thinks he can still use him and maybe harry to his own benefit, aka mess with nazi plans somehow. he’s a great doctor and good at running the field hospital - not so much good at being a nazi.
i feel horrible just thinking about it but what if evil!percy ends up killing paddy? that’s one way to ensure your status as a villain - kill the kindly, sagely scottish dude. i have no idea how that would even work... prolly paddy’s a sniper that spies wes and harry as prisoners in the field hospital, but before he can regroup with his men to set up a rescue he’s caught or shot. injured or not, he’s captured as well, initially brought to percy when he’s questioning wes and harry at some point so the two are aware of him.
idk how that plays out, but he wouldn’t be killed immediately. and it’d definitely be the last straw for wes before he’s absolutely done with percy.
despite being a wehrmacht officer percy doesn’t agree with his boss’ ideology, aka nazism. but to maintain his job/rank/station, which he thoroughly enjoys, he has to play the part of the agreeable subordinate. which he isn’t, since he’s all about seditious acts in his free time, but he keeps up the facade.
basically his priorities are ranked: (1) immediate patients and staff. (2) other’s lives, enemy or not. (3) maintain his position as an officer in order to fulfill #1. (4) cause trouble for nazis in a way that doesn’t cost lives (to fulfill #2), without exposing himself (to fulfill #3).
nowhere in his priorities is any nazi/nationalistic bs, cus he’s a scientifically-minded doctor, and none of it makes a lick of scientific sense. people are people, and people are to be helped equally, regardless of lineage/sexuality/etc.
he’d have had to take the hitler oath at some point to serve or continue serving. it likely meant nothing to him; just another formality of staying in military service, since the alternative was p much execution. is an oath really an oath if there’s no option other to take it, beside dying? especially if the person is either agnostic or atheist, so the concept of swearing to a divine power means nothing?
or maybe he charmed his way out of it but is in the books as having taken it. suave doctor.
how would percy go about sedition while staying undetected and costing as few lives as possible? idk. but generally, it's likely stuff like bribery or blackmail, or making it so other’s plans go awry. little things that don’t seem like they’d add up to much, but could end up causing quite a change in the long run. the butterfly effect, but instead of a butterfly it’s a manipulative swiss-german military doctor that would rather not have complete idiots in charge, and instead of a hurricane it’s like. a series of inconveniences to the nazi’s overall war efforts.
that makes him sound too good though, he’s supposed to be evil... his mindset is good, that’s what it is. his overarching goal is to help his patients and stop needless loss of life - but to do so he’s willing to utterly ruin or destroy whoever he must to attain that goal, without a lick of remorse. hero’s become villains when achieving a goal outweighs maintaining a moral code - percy’s on the edge of that balancing act just by his nature, i think.
so what if he caused a small town to be destroyed by the intel he had altered via anonymous blackmail? civilian lives were lost, sure, but  if the wehrmacht had attacked and captured the actual coordinates, they’d have a supply route advantage and be able to turn the tide in their favor, costing significantly more lives, civilian or otherwise, in the long run. he’ll gladly personally send a few hundred innocents to death now to potentially save tens of thousands later.
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daemonmatthias · 3 years ago
My husband is a sys admin with a particular interest in security. He taught me well how to avoid scam emails, and even I have gotten a couple that I checked with him because they looked LEGIT. Like, I know exactly what to check for and I was still unsure.
Avoiding scam emails:
Check the actual email address, not just the name. Scammers will make an official-looking account but there will be a small misspelling in the actual address Adding an extra p or d or t- like name@[company]customersuppport.com- is very common because our eyes kinda skip over it. Cross check it with the actual customer support email on the company's website.
Ignore the sense of urgency. Scammers want you to panic so that you don't think too hard and realize it's a scam. They always word things in a way to make the reader feel like they must stop what they're doing to handle this before it gets even worse!!
Check the logic. One of the extra deceiving ones I got came through my work email about my Facebook account. I checked literally everything else I could and couldn't tell if it was fake or not- til I remembered that my work email is not attached to my Facebook account! Another common tactic is to hack into an organization and once you get ahold of one higher-up's email, send out emails to their underlings asking for a "favor", usually to buy online gift cards or some shit. Would your boss really ask you to do this?
Never click on links or open attachments that you weren't expecting. Like they said above, don't click on the link in the email and instead go to the company's website yourself and navigate to the appropriate page.
Avoiding scam calls:
Turn on call screening/filtering/whatever it's called. This forces unknown numbers to start talking and THEN your phone will notify you with a notification containing the transcript of what's being said. First off, avoid a lot of robo calls that way. :) Second, this allows you a moment to cross check the number with the real institution. My bank actually comes up with the bank's name when they call, so if it doesn't say their name but is just a number, I know it's a scam. But if caller ID doesn't say a business name, look at the transcript, Google the company they say they're calling from, and check the number.
Listen/look in the transcript specifically for where they're calling from. If they just say "your bank" or "your insurance" instead of a company's actual name, it's absolutely a scam. Often they will say a business name and hope you have an account with that business.
Ignore the urgency. Just like scam emails, they want you to panic so you don't think clearly enough to realize it's a scam.
Know your bank's security measures. Know what info your bank is supposed to ask for and what it's not. Mine (probably most?) will NEVER ask for account details in email OR on the phone. What they do ask for when confirming my identity is usually my name and phone number. There's also a security question on file they can ask if they're not sure.
Check your own account. Pull it up yourself and look for fraudulent charges. If the caller starts pressuring you/trying to convince you that you don't need to look at your account, hang up IMMEDIATELY and report the spam call to the bank. If you don't see any fraudulent charges, hang up and call your bank. If you do maybe see fraudulent charges, do NOT say them out loud. Instead, ask THEM to list off the fraudulent charges. If they can't provide details or they try to make shit up that doesn't match what you see in your account, hang up and call your bank.
Always press for specifics. Make them tell you every possible detail. If you "test" someone and they aren't actually a scammer, I promise they will not be mad. Your bank would MUCH rather you avoid getting scammed in the first place than have to do fraud reports because you were too scared to not go along with the scammer. I guarantee a legitimate representative will be at minimum unfazed and possibly even have a little laugh with you about how ridiculous it is that we have to try so hard to avoid scammers.
Scammers and getting more and more sophisticated. My bank is one of the hardest to impersonate and even THEY have a banner up on every single page of their website right now saying scammers are currently (as of 6/23/2022) active and targeting their customers.
Be on alert and be careful.
twice now, i have been called by scammers pretending to be bankers telling me i'd been scammed by someone else, and that they, the scammer/banker, would cancel the fraudulent transactions made in my name as soon as i gave them a bit of information to confirm my identity.
the second guy called me from my local bank branch's number and told me "someone in another city is attempting to make purchases with your debit card information" and after i expressed obvious distress he told me "don't worry, this is what i'm here for. we're going to get your cards/accounts cancelled/closed and then we'll all i need you to do is verify the 6-digit code that i've sent to your phone"
that 6-digit code was the code to reset my online banking password 🙃 which i didn't realize at the time. he then got into my online banking account and e-transferred himself $2,800. my bank reclaimed the money but i had to close my bank accounts, then open new bank accounts, cancel my debit and credit cards, get new debit and credit cards, alert two credit unions that i was a victim of fraud, change all my fucking passwords, etc etc
sorry if this shit is obvious to other people but it was not to me so:
if someone calls you, claiming to be from your bank telling you that there are suspicious charges on your account, hang up on them and call the number on the back of your debit card. worst case scenario, you hung up on someone and called a different person back but at least now you know you're talking to someone from the bank. best case scenario, you just hung up on a scammer and are already on the line with someone to report it.
keep your head on a fucking swivel out there
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christyelia8842-blog · 6 years ago
Why Folks Love Casino Games
It showcased the businesses and folks in the labor force in 1918. In addition to the pictures there was a small collection of workman's implements. In the fashionable global market, with the advent of online conferencing, enterprise businesses are literally ordering for packages to be sent, from one department of businesses to the opposite. Since a gambling business entails cash, having great accounting abilities is a should-have. It was hard for me to imagine how Vegas was "back then" until I began digging for info, then I had an amazing time scripting this! It's the most reputable online casino site in the business with nice bonuses! We play at these providers, overview them, gather as a lot user data as attainable, after which do our in-depth analysis to confirm that a site is actually legit. There is also a water park play space for children. Most particularly, I Love to play Scrabble. All is just not misplaced for Singaporeans who love to gamble at a casino, however!
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When you come out of the Planet Hollywood Casino, there are a number of escalators taking you all the way down to the strip. Each flip, there might be 4 randomly revealed forex cards of differing kinds and values, and you might be allowed to take either 1 currency card, or any variety of currency playing cards with a total value of 5 or less. If s/he fails then s/he will ask for cash to mother and father or associate and at first mates. You won't always succeed and it's important to be able to indicate management in these circumstances or you will end up digging a gap you may not be capable of climb out of. Rather a lot and a number of other people apply it to amuse themselves, regardless of how outdated they are.Check this out report so as to acquire some distinctive recommendations on the right way to make finest use of game enjoying. The books deal with the strategies of poker and also the tricks to win the games at the final table. 2. Once you have two Cheap Clay Poker Chips, it's time to get out the drill that you are going to make use of for the challenge. Our motherboard has 2 x PCIe 2.0 x16 enlargement slots so we can choose both 1 Nvidia or ATI card or two ATI playing cards in crossfire.
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• All the info stored in it can be accessed from any computer. Except for the fun that it brings, a slot machine also can give gamers tons of cash. I am loving these card video games as a result of now I can discuss Bob into enjoying! Develop your individual methods in playing and winning. Nonetheless, I've had a few shut encounters where I felt that my bodily effectively-being might be in hazard. For those who might have an interest be at liberty to send me an e mail. Pathological gamblers appear to have totally different determination making methods in certain situations in comparison with non gamblers, for example, when faced with decisions which have delayed rewards versus immediate gratification. You'll be able to then base your other selections around these firm selections which ought to make things simpler. But when you keep losing it can make for a very dangerous financial day. Morgan Hamilton provides his findings and insights regarding the world of gambling. So is online gambling legal in my nation? The complicated is included on UNESCO's checklist of World Heritage Sites.
There really is a 3-reel, single payline with a whole gaming handbook that has fought that concept, one thing his predecessor, the smirking colleague, the machines break down. There is kind of a little bit of query as to where poker truly came from. Poker has many variations to its basic draw poker format. Everyone is accounted for and the favourite matter is did you win or lose? It was later discovered that Wayne and the driver of the pick-up were both heavily inebriated whereas driving. I by no means felt like an outsider on the driving range. Slept like a baby and was up and able to hit the street on Friday. Like many here, I remember and liked the old 5 and 10s as well as Woolworths. This is a vital resolution and needs to be determined early on within the venture. Areas around Newton Circus, then simply slightly farther away, at Novena have many new up and coming condos that cater to the expat crowd.
For more information in regards to Kingslot online casino (he has a good point) check out the site.
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luvdsc · 4 years ago
ahh those photbooks are so cute thank you so muc! i knew you would give great advice ! and i do need help finding trustworthy sellers for nct. right now i’m only using mercari but they’re wilding on there with the prices 😭
ikr?? I really wanna buy one of those cute collect books for my taeyeon pcs 🥺💗
if you use insta or twt to buy pcs, check to see if the seller has a thread / story highlight of selling proofs aka they include screenshots where the buyer confirms they received the pc and it shows the seller’s username in the screenshot clearly. I made an insta (here) to sell/trade pcs, and please feel free to check it out to see what I mean! also, just do a lil account check like does it look sus or not LOL like there’s a profile icon, rules/info regarding sales/trades, seller’s wishlists are provided, etc - essentially, the account doesn’t look like a scam / brand new account with absolutely nothing there except for a selling post.
within the post that shows the pcs that are up for sale/trade, make sure that the seller includes evidence that they own it aka include their username on a piece of paper somewhere or have the pic watermarked. This is especially important for new sellers who don’t have much or any proof. Some older sellers with tons of selling proof already may forgo this.
If you buy from insta or twt, it’s much cheaper, but there’s the risk of the seller being a scam or your mail getting lost unless you are willing to pay for tracked shipping (if the seller even offers that). You won’t get your money back if it gets lost or the seller can ghost you if you reach out about issues with the sale 🤧 Most sellers use venmo or paypal f&f when accepting payment, so you can’t file a claim against them for those and get your money back. I personally have not been scammed yet, and I’ve bought tons of pcs this way - just be careful and assess the account before you buy.
also !!!! when you dm the seller like “hi! Is this pc available for sale?” and if they say yes, proceed to ask for a video of the pc ‼️‼️ this is super important because it provides more comfort that is legit, plus you can make sure there’s no scratches or marks or bent areas on the pc. and if the pc isn’t in a good condition that you want, you can always decline to buy it, but be nice and be like “thank you for the video! unfortunately, I won’t be buying it, but thank you again 💓” or something like that. If you want the pc, then proceed to ask them for their venmo or paypal and then complete the transaction lol
also, you have to be comfy with giving your address to them to mail you the pc - if you are a minor, please check with your parents or guardian first before giving out your address !!!!!!!
the reason why some people prefer to use eBay, mercari, depop, or one of those resell sites is because there’s basically insurance. You can report the seller if what you bought was incorrect / not as advertised or take it up to customer service to sort it out and get your money back. That’s the benefit of buying from those sites, but the con is that it’s more expensive because you’re paying tax and service fees as well when you buy the pc.
mercari is definitely expensive, but sometimes, the kihnos are cheaper on there than on insta / twt actually, so that’s what I mainly use mercari for. likewise, ebay prices for kihnos might be cheaper as well, so check for them on there.
If you’re interested, I can also go into detail about buying pcs on eBay, which can prove to be a cheaper, safer option if you buy a mass amount of pcs from one Asian seller (the intimidating $25 shipping fee is not so intimidating then, especially if you split it up between like 10 different pcs that are only $5 each - in that case, it ends up with each pc being $7.50 each which is cheaper than insta/twt and you have that buyers’ “insurance” that I mentioned earlier!)
I hope this helps, lovebug 💓 let me know if you have any questions or need any clarifications !!
p.s. I’ll be adding a tag to all my asks / posts about pc collecting to make it easier to find everything 💕 and I will clean up my answers later and put it in a nice tip format because I’m answering this in between meetings rn 😅
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uavaerialphotography · 7 years ago
What to Try to find a Search Engine Optimization Company?
The internet search engine has set its civil liberties to be depicted as one of the basics of the Net. It has consolidated its power in regards to assisting web surfers to do their Internet-related tasks. It has been discovered that 9/10 Net individuals utilize an online search engine to be able to seek the details that they need.
The SEO has come to be a full-time sunlight industry. Many businesses have been established to do internet search engine optimization-related work. There is a high demand for these kinds of services since search engine optimization has a lengthy learning curve and will undoubtedly take much time from people that would intend to do this themselves.
As all of us recognize, there are a lot of scams as well as scams around on the Internet. It appears that as the Net grows increasingly more intricate, so do the fraudsters. In hiring the solutions of a Search Engine Optimization business, several variables ought to consider, given the fact that this venture will undoubtedly set you back cash and also could make or damage the internet site.
This write-up aims to provide tips on the best ways to pick an SEO business to hire. Here are a few of them:
1) Analyze the solution of the SEO firm
Similar to any other company-seeking ventures, the solution is continuously the crucial measurement that should check out. There are several methods of pre-assessing the resolution of an SEO business to it clients. One can try to ask by placing a call or by sending out an e-mail to the market. Relying on the courtesy and time of action of the business, one could at first analyze its service.
2) Search engine optimization takes time
In hiring the services of an SEO business, one needs to always take a right into mind that search engine optimization takes some time. If a company promises to deliver unreasonably fast results, they are most likely making a fool out of you. Search engine optimization requires study and also research requires time.
The standard Search Engine Optimization procedure takes about a month or so. No effective SEO initiatives could be performed in a week or 2.
3) No warranty
There are several aspects to think about when maximizing search engine hits. The online search engine utilizes different formulas, as well as their spiders, can differ. A Search Engine Optimization business which guarantees to earn a website number 1 in online search engine listing might be drawing the legs of its consumers. A legit White Hat SEO Company will undoubtedly be straight-forward as well as straightforward as well as will inform its clients that no single business can give a guarantee to the leading spots in internet search engine. Bear in mind that SEO is not a thorough as well as precise science. It is extra or a trial and error game that rigorous scientific research.
4) Reports
A good Search Engine Optimization business will undoubtedly be able to tell its clients details about the standing of their websites. They will have the ability to track the growths of their clients' sites regarding their keywords, links as well as more importantly, their rankings in the significant online search engine.
5) Endorsements
A testimony is one of the most influential tools in proving a business's worth. A pleased customer is always an excellent indicator of the efficiency of a firm's operations and will continuously be the most popular item of info concerning its honesty. If one can, he should locate people who have gathered benefits from hiring an SEO company or at least try to confirm the reviews which are asserted by the Search Engine Optimization business that he is selecting from.
6) Cost
The rate of the solutions of a Search Engine Optimization company must never be the primary factor to consider when employing it. Yes, it is necessary to find the prices however one ought to check into the entire image. A higher rate will not necessarily mean that the business is better than the less expensive ones. One needs to avoid companies which use unreasonably affordable price additionally. Again, SEO is dangerous as well as one needs to expect to invest to be able to obtain results.
7) Various other commitments
See to it that the SEO company is primarily involved in search engine optimization and also does not treat it as a sideline. SEO takes effort and even devotion. A paying customer is worthy of to get results, and his demands must not be placed on the sidelines.
One needs to beware of employing an SEO company because he will undoubtedly be spending a lot of valuable money for its services. Additionally, if one uses an inefficient Search Engine Optimization business, he will undoubtedly be wasting time and a lot of chances. Absorb mind the basic pointers above regarding selecting a Search Engine Optimization company and also choose the most effective one which fits your demands.
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its-me-dawn-flange · 7 years ago
What to Try to find a Search Engine Optimization Company?
The internet search engine has set its civil liberties to be depicted as one of the basics of the Net. It has consolidated its power in regards to assisting web surfers to do their Internet-related tasks. It has been discovered that 9/10 Net individuals utilize an online search engine to be able to seek the details that they need.
The SEO has come to be a full-time sunlight industry. Many businesses have been established to do internet search engine optimization-related work. There is a high demand for these kinds of services since search engine optimization has a lengthy learning curve and will undoubtedly take much time from people that would intend to do this themselves.
As all of us recognize, there are a lot of scams as well as scams around on the Internet. It appears that as the Net grows increasingly more intricate, so do the fraudsters. In hiring the solutions of a Search Engine Optimization business, several variables ought to consider, given the fact that this venture will undoubtedly set you back cash and also could make or damage the internet site.
This write-up aims to provide tips on the best ways to pick an SEO business to hire. Here are a few of them:
1) Analyze the solution of the SEO firm
Similar to any other company-seeking ventures, the solution is continuously the crucial measurement that should check out. There are several methods of pre-assessing the resolution of an SEO business to it clients. One can try to ask by placing a call or by sending out an e-mail to the market. Relying on the courtesy and time of action of the business, one could at first analyze its service.
2) Search engine optimization takes time
In hiring the services of an SEO business, one needs to always take a right into mind that search engine optimization takes some time. If a company promises to deliver unreasonably fast results, they are most likely making a fool out of you. Search engine optimization requires study and also research requires time.
The standard Search Engine Optimization procedure takes about a month or so. No effective SEO initiatives could be performed in a week or 2.
3) No warranty
There are several aspects to think about when maximizing search engine hits. The online search engine utilizes different formulas, as well as their spiders, can differ. A Search Engine Optimization business which guarantees to earn a website number 1 in online search engine listing might be drawing the legs of its consumers. A legit White Hat SEO Company will undoubtedly be straight-forward as well as straightforward as well as will inform its clients that no single business can give a guarantee to the leading spots in internet search engine. Bear in mind that SEO is not a thorough as well as precise science. It is extra or a trial and error game that rigorous scientific research.
4) Reports
A good Search Engine Optimization business will undoubtedly be able to tell its clients details about the standing of their websites. They will have the ability to track the growths of their clients' sites regarding their keywords, links as well as more importantly, their rankings in the significant online search engine.
5) Endorsements
A testimony is one of the most influential tools in proving a business's worth. A pleased customer is always an excellent indicator of the efficiency of a firm's operations and will continuously be the most popular item of info concerning its honesty. If one can, he should locate people who have gathered benefits from hiring an SEO company or at least try to confirm the reviews which are asserted by the Search Engine Optimization business that he is selecting from.
6) Cost
The rate of the solutions of a Search Engine Optimization company must never be the primary factor to consider when employing it. Yes, it is necessary to find the prices however one ought to check into the entire image. A higher rate will not necessarily mean that the business is better than the less expensive ones. One needs to avoid companies which use unreasonably affordable price additionally. Again, SEO is dangerous as well as one needs to expect to invest to be able to obtain results.
7) Various other commitments
See to it that the SEO company is primarily involved in search engine optimization and also does not treat it as a sideline. SEO takes effort and even devotion. A paying customer is worthy of to get results, and his demands must not be placed on the sidelines.
One needs to beware of employing an SEO company because he will undoubtedly be spending a lot of valuable money for its services. Additionally, if one uses an inefficient Search Engine Optimization business, he will undoubtedly be wasting time and a lot of chances. Absorb mind the basic pointers above regarding selecting a Search Engine Optimization company and also choose the most effective one which fits your demands.
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solign0501 · 7 years ago
La Morte D’Winchester
Part 4
Summary - Sam and Dean Winchester are looking desperately for ways to stop the apocalypse and the inevitable choice between being themselves or being a vessel for Michael and Lucifer. One day, potential new ally Crowley pops up with info on a young witch who might be able to help - problem is, they have to travel back… to a land of myth and a time of magic
A/N: This is a fic that my best friend and I started writing a couple of years ago, set around Season 5 of Supernatural -  thought we’d upload it here and see how y’all like it! First person to get the joke with the car licence plate gets an honorary mention
Warning - it’s long…. like 30+ chapters long and we’re not finished yet! Also present day chapters in the present tense, historic in the past - see what we did there? :) (as an aside, we know the French in the title is incorrect)
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Arthur strolled out into the main castle courtyard as Merlin put the finishing touches to the saddle bags containing their camping materials. "Ready?" he called as he mounted his horse.
"Ready," Merlin confirmed as he climbs up on his own mount. Together they gee-ed on the horses and made their way out of the castle gates into the woods beyond.
For an hour they rode through the woods until they came to a clearing.
"We'll make this our base camp," Arthur decided, pulling on the reins to stop the horse before dismounting. Together he and Merlin set up a tent and built up the wood for a fire to have later.
Arthur remounted and, reaching down the saddle, lifted his crossbow and got it ready to fire when needed. Merlin remounted as well and reined up alongside him.
"Let's go," Arthur said and they begin to walk their horses forward.
Suddenly, two strangely dressed men appeared out of nowhere, running down the slope and spooking the horses so badly that they both bucked and threw Merlin and Arthur to the ground.
A loud scream and a crash permeated the air as something large crashed into the tent, bringing the wood and cloth down on top of it.
"Next," says the pretty young women behind the customs desk.
"Just stay cool Dean, the worst part is over," Sam says reassuringly to his brother as he leaves him in line.
"Passport and identification please sir" Sam hands over the passport of a Mr S McCartney and a drivers license of the same name.
"What brings you to England, Mr McCartney?" The custom woman asks, whilst scanning Sam's finger.
"A business trip. I came with my Business partner…"
Just as he is about to point towards Deans he hears buzzers going off next to him from the body scanners. Dean had to remove his belt and flask from his pocket.
Sam continues his conversation by stating his partner obviously hadn't got through to the customs lounge yet. He collects his passport and walks through the detectors fine. Dean however was still having some trouble.
A young female officer comes over and asks Dean to step aside as he needs to be patted down.
"Only if you're gonna be doing the feeling sweetheart," Dean says to the officer and gives her a wink.
Dean holds his arms out and smiles at Sam who proceeds to laugh as a big, burly, bearded man walks over putting blue rubber gloves on. Dean gulps.
"Oh man! Not again," Dean moans.
Walking out of the airport Sam is still laughing. "Dude I feel violated," Dean says as he scouts the car park for Crowley.
"Think how I feel having to have witnessed it Dean. You can never un-see some things," Sam says through a cheeky grin.
"Sam and Dean Winchester…?" a strange looking 17 year old boy in a McDonald's uniform asks them.
"Depends whose asking?" Dean says in a rather stern tone.
"Mr Crowley told me to give you these car keys and this address. Meet him there,” the boy tells the brothers.  
"Which car is it?" Sam asks politely.
"Follow the license plate" and with that the boy bends back, opens his mouth and black smoke flies out of it. The boy straightens up, looks at Sam and Dean and runs.
"CM86 BJ3, let's find it."
After walking aimlessly round the car park for what seems like forever Sam spots the car with the license plate.
"Dean, I think this is it," Sam says worryingly.
"No, it can't be. That son of a bitch wouldn't…" says Dean.
Putting the key in the lock and turning it, "He has" Sam says.
The boys climb into a 1979 BMW Mini Cooper, red with the Union Flag on the roof to complete the iconic look.
"It's not that bad Dean, we're in England, let's be English." Sam says hopefully.
"It's a German car Sam…GERMAN," Dean says, frustrated.
With the address in the satnav they set off.
"Finally you sad sacks arrive. I've been here a bloody week already," Crowley spits at the Winchesters.
"Shut up Crowley. We did some research to make sure you were legit." Sam says forcefully.
"And…" says Crowley
"Morgana checks out, except everything about her is myth and legend. Not one report on her being actually real. How do we know where she is?" Dean asks.
"You don't know because your puny human brains aren't capable of looking further than the end of your noses," Crowley says getting gradually louder.
Dean reaches for the demon knife but Sam stops him.
"So," says Sam "Where is she?"
"Not where….When. 1256 and about right where you are standing," Crowley says a matter-of-factly.
"1256? You just said England. You never mentioned time travel," Dean says getting agitated.
"With all the research you did, you never worked it out?" Crowley asks sarcastically. "Honestly boys do I have to do everything? Right now Morgana has just tried her first attempt to take over Camelot…"
"… but failed and left the King Uther, her father, heart/mind broken. No-one in Albion knows where she is," Dean finishes Crowley's sentence.
Sam and Crowley look at Dean in total confusion.
"BBC1?" Crowley asks. Sam nods.
"Ok so shit for brains knows what I'm talking about," Crowley says in a laugh. "The plan- I'll drop you near the Prince and his servant. Befriend them, I'll find Morgana and then find you. See ya!"
"Crowley, wait…" Dean shouts. But it's no use; they hit the ground with a thump.
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sonatanotwo · 7 years ago
Home on the Range Thoughts... A LOT of them. XD
Oh my word. We learned a lot this episode... and yet still learned so little or had so many more questions thrown into the table. XD Oy vey. Also MOM REFERENCES OH WOW. Was even more than kinda had hoped for even, since was a double reference no less.
SO. Let's break this down. XD
- Where is the ranch? NO IDEA. Nothing to give a hint was given, except for mention of coyotes ...so... mid-west. ...Aka what we already figured. lol
- The ranch came from their Mother's side of the family. \o\ (And as bro pointed out... past tense. ;A; BelongED. No shock though... really as expected there. XD)
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- They visit every year.
- I couldn’t pick up any indication if they actually had actually fully lived there at any point.
- Side note... WHERE IS THE REST OF THE GROUND FLOOR? No really, unless there's a door hiding behind the double front doors.... there's only that room, then stairs. There was no other doorway in that room. looooooooool Someone kinda missed that detail. XD
- Clearly have memories of it though going back... as they speak about their Mom (!!!!) having taken them horseback riding. (Also SQUEE that it was Virgil who brought it up. ;A;)
- However, Alan has nothing to add, presumably because he can't remember/was too young? That's what feels implied.
Which leads into something that confused me a titch with it's wording...
- Kayo understands and Alan says... the confusing thing. "Oh yeah, right, you were away at school most of that time too, weren'tcha?"
(This... sorta implies "you were at school like I was" ...but why...would they all be having memories of that place but Alan was left out? Whu? But that REALLY doesn't make sense to me... they wouldn't all go on a trip with their family without him. lol So I'm guessing it's more meant to read "oh, right, you weren't around then too" and the school bit is in there for our information and they kinda missed how it made it come across. lol)
Other things!
- VIRGIL AND SCOTT THERE AT THE START. Oh gosh. HE LET GO, so Scott could grab on. a;soijdasda Oh gosh Virg a;soidjas
- a;sjdsaoidads VIRGIL IS DRAWING. Pretty darn sure he was drawing from the movements you can see in the end scene in particular... it's very circular and goes from lower page to upper, in pretty smooth motions, using his whole arm, which is very a artist thing. It's not writing movement at all.
- ...Virgil is drawing with his left hand?! TOS Virgil painted with his left hand in Atlantic Inferno, but was right in Move and You're Dead... prolly was just a error but. lol Even Wikis notes this, saying it suggests he's ambidextrous... at least somewhat. XD
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SEEMS LEGIT. Cause that's a lot of right hand use there. Nosing a bit more... Breakdown you see like... he takes the bagel with his left, but goes to shake hands with his right. And Volcano he rings the bell with left... Recharge takes the grapple gun and fires it with his right... Yeah... looking ambi alright. XD ANYHOO.
Also a;soijda Alan seemed to be watching him for a moment at the end there? Hee ^__^
- MEANWHILE... I noticed Scott used his left to steer his hover bike and hold the Kat's hand. XDa Man, gonna have to go back through eps now and watch more for this hahaha.
- Speaking of, him holding Kat's hand was really sweet, gosh. ;A;
- Also speaking of Kat Cavanaugh ...I was sorta, man why did they use THAT model again... then I realized. Go watch the start of Falling Skies again. The reporter in that? KAT CAVANOUGH. SHE RETURNED. Another clever return of a old semi-background character like in Man from TB5 with what Bernard Bottomsley. XD
- Lol Parker is really good at accidentally stumbling onto things, isn't he? XD
- I'm kinda sad didn't get to see the boys all sitting in TB2... What's the copilot pecking order??? John? Gordo? or Alan? WHO? Well, prolly would be Gordon, but... It shall remain a mystery for now.
- What is certain is... the height pecking order we thought things appeared to be is correct... John is a bit taller than Virg, but a bit shorter than Scott. XD
- No one. NO ONE, facepalms like Scott does. XD (I really want a Virg one without a helmet gosh XD)
- MAX <3 <3 <3 <3 I love him. SO MUCH. Gosh, him going for that mecha. HAhahaa XD 
- Only problem with checking the radio times info is seeing who's VAing who, so oops, Mechanic was no surprise. XD
- GO EOS!!1!!! Gosh, she was awesome in this. =D I believe she disconnected the Mechanic's connection there to his mechanical beast. You see him throw his arm out like did earlier to make the scorpian do something and.. it didn't. And you see Max look down, as if watching to see if it'll move.. then nothing. (So he rips it's head off. :D GOOD STUFF, MAX. :Db)
- And OH GOSH. How about that for character development... Kayo asks if should follow and then LISTENS to common sense. :D
- OH MY GOSH, Alan and Gordon actually squabbling a bit. XD Troublesome Two indeed. XD lol YEAAAAAAAAH... I think that just definitively just confirmed they're the youngest alright. And I sense adlibbing at the end there. XD
- OR MAYBE NOT quite so adlibbed. Oh gosh! CAUSE LIKE. Kayo and Alan's convo earlier triggered John talking about where a photo was of Gordon on a horse backwards? Then Virgil was sitting there while Kayo and Alan had their convo so prolly overheard it to some extent. And Kayo was saying we'll make our own memories here.
SO then we have Kayo asking someone to take a photo (of Gordo and Alan I assume XD) and Virgil obliging all "Camera's rolling... We're making memories, Alan! Hold still." Hahahaa What dorks. XD
TRACY LOUNGE PIANO MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! a;soidjsaoa  asjdaso a;osjda If you don’t know this, go youtube that title. Right there. It was in Trapped in the Sky! At the end. Virgil played it. :D I was SO hoping to hear this sometime in the series... I'm just sad it wasn't Virgil playing it. XDDD If it was actually meant to be playing in the house and not just background soundtrack, I bet he was one who chose it though. hahahaa X3a Although it's not got the middle bit, but prolly couldn't have fit the whole piece in that scene so.
Until I think of something and edit this post. lol This is also why I use cuts a lot. lol
Heights confirmed for sure now... and about what I thought... John might not be older than Virg, but he’s definitely taller.
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GOSH a;osijda ALL STANDING WITH EACH OTHER (....Brains... were... you always taller than Gordo? Something seems... ... weird?? o.Oa ANYHOO.)
ALSO did I mention John teasing Gordon over the horse thing was adorbs and awesome? IT WAS. I liked that exchange so much.
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brisbanebondcleaning · 4 years ago
Maintain these in Mind When Hiring Professional for Bond Cleaning in Brisbane
-- Aiming to move out of your rental property with your full bond money?
-- And also, wishing to hand over the rented residential property to its proprietor looking clean much as you saw on arrival?
If so, after that you need the aid of specialist bond cleansers who are well-appointed and also knowledgeable to supply thorough cleansing matching the landlord's standard. Much to your delight; you won't perspire either in locating qualified bond cleaners for your rental property cleansing.
Yet, if you want to leave no margin for error and also reclaim your whole protection cash, then below are some points to remember before selecting your cleaners.
Know All Their Providers Covered: -
Prior to employing your expert bond cleaning brisbane up firm offering around Brisbane, familiarise with whatever consists of in their rental cleansing list. This indicates checking whatever they cover when cleaning the washroom, kitchen, room, laundry room, wall surface, glass, etc.
Doing so will aid you figure out if they appropriate to satisfy your needs. Just because a firm declares to use detailed cleansing, does not suggest that you need to thoughtlessly take their word for it.
Make a note of everything you intend to clean, contrast it with their checklist to see how much of it matches and after that call them approximately re-confirm everything.
Ask Particulars Of Cleaning Chemicals Involved:
Making sure on your end is the best means to guarantee no missteps take place when reclaiming your bond money. Some property owners have vibrant opinions concerning the choice of cleaning chemicals.
However, that only entails for DIY cleansing. And because you are employing specialists, she/he shouldn't have any kind of grumbles, given you provide a legitimate cleaning record from the firm itself. So, request the company to offer you with a confident cleansing record highlighting every information.
Revealing this report to your landlord will appropriately convince her/him, leaving no other choice but to return 100% of your down payment!
Additionally, Ask About What Cleansing Equipment They Utilize: -
Premier yet  Brisbane bond cleaning agencies constantly proclaim of total openness with their customers in sharing details (if, required)! So why not take advantage of this convenience as well as inquire about what certain cleansing tools they utilize.
Usually, the checklist will certainly include water extractors, high quality brushes and also effective hoover. If anything, it will just boost your confidence in them, therefore leaving you nothing to bother with when they at some point arrive to perform the clean-up job!
Finally, Seek Referrals of Pleased Customers: -
While details and company-claimed info prove helpful to a point, legit word of mouth goes a long way in settling reservations.
So if you have actually already undergone the client testimonial web page (which mind you may not be true at all times), speaking with several of those previous clients over the phone can verify to be the actual deal-maker! If the business absolutely is as sincere and professional as they claim, then they will have no issues in sharing this details, as well!
Always rely upon reputable evidences and also seem entirely educated concerning your cleansing firm prior to employing them for the rental clean-up. After all, your valuable bond cash will certainly depend upon their high quality of cleaning.
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