#also a killer remedy for a headache
Need to DO STUFF but I’m tired so I’m going to glug some coffee and take a power nap.
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reality-detective · 6 months
🌿Say hello to a powerful pain-killer also known as Lactuca virosa
✨But wait, it’s not what you think - there's no opium here, just pure, legal, pain-relieving plant.
Historical Nugget :
Once a secret among ancient healers, this plant has a storied past of soothing warriors' pains without the need for opiates. Imagine Roman soldiers using it just like we do Tylenol today!
🌟In a world where "painkiller" often means "side effects," opium lettuce offers gentle, effective relief for :
- Headaches
- Muscle aches
- Insomnia
And FREE from pharmaceutical downsides!
✓ Remedy Recipe :
1. Chop Opium Lettuce - Roughly chop enough fresh opium lettuce to fill half your jar.
2. Add Alcohol - Cover the leaves with high-proof alcohol, using a 1:1 ratio by volume.
3. Seal and Store - Close the jar tightly. Keep it in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.
4. Strain - After 2 weeks, strain the mixture, discarding the solids.
5. Bottle - Transfer the liquid to a dark glass bottle for storage.
Results? A night of restful sleep and pain-free days, typically within a days of regular use.
- Natural Remedies 🤔
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fbfh · 1 year
hii! could I request headcanons for leo and a reader (gender neutral or female, whatever u prefer) with chronic fatigue? there's barely any fics with cfs rep and he's my comfort character so i thought i'd ask T-T. i adore your writing and it's great to see that the hoo fandom is still alive. thank you sm!!
oh man oh boy I love this one anon. my dearest darlingest anoniest anon. one song that always makes me think of how it feels to be in a relationship with Leo is acolyte by slaughter beach dog. Leo can always tell when your fatigue is getting bad, sometimes before you can. There's this sort of soft way he looks at you when he knows you just need to rest a little. Whatever your needs are, Leo will always be sure to meet them. If you need to lay down and sleep or rest for a while, he'll make sure you're in optimum napping conditions. Need some cuddles? he's already spooning you. Need to be alone? no problem, he's gonna work on some of his prototypes in the garage for a while, just text or call if you need anything. forehead kiss. longing warm gaze.
"I love you, estrella."
punctuated by another kiss, ofc. he always has ibuprofen or other pain killers for when you start to feel achy, and he's better at helping you keep track of your meds than your pill tracker app. Leo's love language is "I invented this for you to make your life easier", like the guy who invented rubber gloves. Leo loves you to the point of invention. he's joked for years that he's going to build you a Jetsons house, so everything is perfectly automated. all you need to do is sit in a chair while you glide down an assembly line and everything will be done for you. sometimes you text him and tell him you're having a jane jetson day. he always comes right over with snacks and tea and anything else you might need. he'll cuddle you for a while, help you out with some housework, do a little meal prep for you. he never, ever makes you feel bad or even neutral about having chronic fatigue. if it ever gets you down, he'll be right there with hugs and kisses and the sweetest, softest, most encouraging words. he tells you how he would hold up the sky for you or crawl out of hell, so helping with laudry and dishes when you're having a bad day is really no problem at all for him. he's happy to do it, happy to know your needs are met, happy to be the one to meet them. if you get any other symptoms like headaches or sore throats, he'll get every home remedy under the sun from his mom and you'll try them out until he finds what will work for you. Leo slowly makes good on his joking promise to make you a jetsons house, and you soon find your place filled with inventions here and there from Leo, little things to make your life easier. and they work. it takes so much stress out of your life knowing that your dish washer can now rinse, wash, dry, and put away your dishes, that your fridge organizes itself and prints out lists of what you're running low on - it can even send them to your phone to automatically order them. you have a roomba that Leo turned into the monster truck of roombas. not only does it vaccuum, but it also sweeps, mops, picks up your floor, can get you stuff from other rooms, and folds laundry. it's also a dehumidifier. you named him mr. butlertron. and Leo loves every motherfucking moment of it. even if all you can do is sit or lay down in the same room as him while he cleans or cooks or works on his projects, it always makes it so much better because you're there. you're there with him, so everything is good. perfect.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Hi there! I've been getting chronic migraines since I was 9 years old. I've learned a lot of tips and tricks over the years that have helped me.
First, take a break from the OTC painkillers. Seriously. I know that sounds like the worst possible thing, but you can actually cause yourself to get a rebound headache from taking them for too long. I got in serious trouble with neurologists for this in the past lol. If it causes you misery after being off them for like, half a day or whatever, you can try and go back. Definitely try the Excedrine Migraine if you do.
Second thing: Stay. Hydrated. This is so so important in helping with a migraine. Drink water, sports drinks, whatever you have access to to make sure you aren't getting dehydrated. If you can, get some of the liquid IV stuff that you can add to drinks. It's like a powder mixture.
Third: a cold compress on the back of the neck can be super helpful. Also one over the eyes.
Fourth: stay off screens of all kinds if you can. Screens are absolutely killer.
Fifth: find scents that work for you to relax yourself. I rely a lot on eucalyptus and lavender. Just, in general, try to relax as much as possible. Get a massage if you can. It helps. Also... THC, if that's an option for you.
Finally, this is going to sound insane, but try liquid benadryl. In the ER when you go in with a migraine, they typically have a cocktail that works that includes toradol, diclofenac, benadryl, and saline. Taking liquid benadryl in addition to an anti-inflammatory like diclofenac and toradol can be super helpful. Most prescription migraine remedies are anti-inflammatory. So, if you can get something OTC that is intended for that, absolutely go for it.
If none of this (or anything else recommended to you) works for you, please try and go to a doctor/urgent care/ER. Migraines are no joke my friend. I hope you feel better soon ❤️
Thanks! Posting for reference.
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wishing-stones · 2 years
So I've been kinda curious, how would the boys react to Ren getting Overstimulated? I don't remember if you've done this, or something similar but I'm curious and in need of some comfort. And your version of the boys is that for me. (If you've already done this you can just ignore me) I love your writing btw!! 💙
Overstimulated as in "too much sensory input all at once" as opposed to the uh. Slightly less work-appropriate version.
Readmore for length!
Killer is actually super good with this. He understands "too much" and is content to just sit quietly on his phone and be a constant presence next to you while you do whatever you have to in order to readjust. If he's allowed to be in contact, he will be, even if it's just sitting shoulder-to-shoulder. He'll slowly test the waters to see if you're coming back around by showing memes and tiktoks that make him laugh, too. Dust likes to be the strong, silent support, too, but he's more the type to just leave you be unless you specifically want someone around to stay grounded. He gets overstimulated really easily, to oftentimes disastrous results. He understands. He'll hang around and be quiet (sitting somewhere nearby, like on a chair in front of the fire or on the bed if you're on the chair or what have you) and stays quiet unless he's needed. Axe doesn't know what to do, really. His usual method of "throw food at it until the problem solves itself" might not work here, but he's good to bring comfort foods and something like tea or hot cocoa to help calm down. He hovers unless told to go away (and then he hovers out of sight) If you want strong, quiet cuddles, though, he's more than happy to oblige. He's also the most likely to outsource to one of the others for aid because he hates not being able to help someone. It makes him feel helpless, even if the best option is to do nothing. Cross treats it like a very serious mission. Nothing bothers you, he's there at the drop of a hat to get anything you might need, and he's very, very quiet and moves slowly around you until it's okay not to. He knows the drill-- he gets overstimulated too, and he gets testy when he is. Quick movements and loud noises gets bones thrown at them, so... he's careful to not do anything that would set him off in this kind of situation. Baggs is phenomenal with this. If he has permission, you're going to sit and chill under hypnosis for a little bit until it goes away-- it's very easy for him to remedy that way. Or he'll knock you out so you're not awake to experience it, whichever you prefer. Otherwise, he'll put you in the back (read: therapy) room with tea in the dark and a blanket until you're all set. His overstimulation either leads to him being stupidly sleep-debt which makes him act inebriated, or gives him blinding headaches, so he treats it very seriously. Nightmare is a godsend for this. Whatever anxiety or panic or negativity caused by being overstimulated goes away instantly, and he will sit with you quietly reading or doing paperwork until it's okay for him to go off somewhere else again. You get a nice, tight tentacle cocoon for grounding if you want it, or if you don't want to be touched, just him sitting nearby and keeping the negativity at bay by draining it.
Dream is similar to his brother here, but instead of subduing the negativity, he radiates positivity and warmth to make you feel safe and comforted until it's okay again. He gets it. Having to hop all over the multiverse to keep people happy is very taxing, and he's no stranger to burnout and overstimulation. He has lovely teas that help calm and soothe, too, and he's happy to share. Ink is awful, but it doesn't stop him from trying. He hovers incessantly, but if you tell him to fuck off for a little bit, he will. He seeks help from the others for this, so you get aid from Dream by proxy. Blue struggles a bit because it's such a foreign concept to him... but his brother suffers from this sometimes, so he's better than Ink, but still kind of flounders. He'll pop in every five minutes or so to see if you need something, but understands that this is something you kind of have to get over yourself. Blue also doesn't like feeling helpless.
Error understand this perfectly, because when he gets overstimulated, he crashes. He also understands the anti-void is the antithesis of help for that sort of thing, so he likes to plop somewhere in waterfall to listen to the water falling or the rain of it coming from the ceiling. It's his go-to, and what he'll suggest as well. If he's feeling especially nice that day, you might even get some chocolate while he sits and sews something.
Also ;; thank you! I'm glad that my takes on these morons (affectionate) provides such a comfort to you!
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sigyn-foxyposts · 2 years
Hi Mom! <33 how are you? I hope you are very well. I was wondering if you know of a home remedy to cure a headache and stomach ache, I haven't been feeling well these days, I started Sunday with these slight pains, and my neck hurts a bit. Do research on the internet about the origin of these symptoms and you probably have some stress from school. I feel a little better now but if you have another home remedy I can take I would appreciate it <"3
Take care of yourself mom, drink water and eat well <D i love you 💕✨
(I also feel like I don't want to eat, that is, I'm not hungry, but with the vaporub it will go away, even so, if you have any other advice for this type of pain, don't hesitate to tell me: D)
Hey child! I'm doing just fine and I'm sorry to hear you're feeling unwell! (*´∇`)ノ
Perhaps you could try taking pain killers if the pain gets unbareable?
(For your neck, and never too much!!)
I also suggest something called ibux? I don't know if you have that where you live but something that usually helps with things such as strong period pains or in general pains in the body. There should also be some sort of cream out there that does the same like vaporub! So you got that covered.
Now about your headache, try to relax in a dark room and have something cold on your forehead, a warm drink wouldn't hurt either with your tummy ache! I'm not sure what it could be but for now I suspect it's some sort of cold or virus. Doesn't sound like anything dangerous.
Try to eat and definitely drink lots! Even if it's difficult, and rest too. Hopefully that can help you!! 💚✨
I can also suggest here some very nice warm drinks or dishes for your stomach ache: Milk mixed with honey, which is very good for a sore throat. Tea, or any drink without caffeine. Bannanas, rice, applesauce and toast. A tip, when you eat try to not lay down! If it doesn't help or dissapears then you can lay down again (takes a few hours maybe) 🫶
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dxefillz · 1 year
LET THE RAIN COME DOWN ↳ accor stadium, sydney austrailia; july 6th 
self para; dae spreading herself too thin, and only realizing it in their final set of the tour so when it counts. (tw: blood, usage of pain killers like ibuprofen)  
each swell of exhaustion felt like her body had been sitting in a constant sway of water on a shore. each throb dissipating and swelling like unpredictable and dangerous waves. she’s been stuck in that heavy current for months- and usually, turbulent weather was comforting for dae, healing even. living in the chaotic spiral of a hurricane's eye though? was eating away at her stamina. 
-and it fucking sucked. 
dae thought so while two inked fingers faintly tapped out a rhythm on her lap. it served as a fidget but also, a search for reassurance that tonight's set would go as planned. the only differences between a regular show day, and the pressure for tonight- her migraine was still as dominant even after pain meds. this wasn’t too unusual for her, especially this concert leg; but it was also concerning that her body felt as heavy as her mind… and Ibuprofen doesn’t remedy everything. even in her makeup chair, with her eyes closed and a pair of hands running through her hair she couldn’t feel relaxed. maybe if her head wasn’t beginning to spin then, the cold sensation of hair gel would’ve been soothing. all her mind could latch onto was the beat she’d been tapping to, running through the show in preparation. 
“dae, i’m finished-...”cut through to her, and suddenly was back in the dressing room- staring at her reflection with a concentrated pain behind her eyes. 
insincerity left her mouth, but only because finishing meant showtime was vastly approaching; and still there was fatigue. still, there was an ache. the show goes on though right? 
dae probably can’t remember the moments leading up to crouching next to the backstage sound cart. she’d hadn’t left a yellow sticky there since around the time she’d started dating malachi seriously. he’d secretly been her antidote since then; a saving grace for her random thoughts and minor worries. this though was tough to admit to, to him… to ren, danbi…. dahye. they’d tell her to rest, and would scold her for trying to be the hero. they’d assume she’d wanna go on for their sake, and then she’d have to admit that doing this for her own selfish needs- and dae would rather live with the headache. 
dae walked away from the post it, thinking exactly what she’d etched into the note.  ‘I’m fucking exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.’
without being able to truly process the moment, dae’s gaze darted from mouth to mouth. one being the stage manager telling them it’s places, more being ren then danbi as they check one another’s mic packs. dae could’ve sworn dahye had said something to her but the drummer just nodded, a forced smile pretending to hear before she’d touched her ear piece and walked out on stage. 
blinding lights swallowed her expression immediately. dae found a way to push a smize to the surface though, twisting her sticks in the between her rough but nibble fingers. ‘the show must go on.’ the crowd arose in a roar directly triggering a faint bell to chime through them. it was quick, but didn’t worry her any less. the real fun started once she’d hit her first tom. 
a sore soaked fatigue trembled up from her grip to her shoulders, and settled in her back. dae expected it and still the impact drained her. the drummer kept in time, kept in rhythm just trusting that each arm would left after the other. the crashes hurt the most, but she still lifted her arms and striked them down like thunder how she’d practiced. In and out, she could hear everyone’s voices streaming through to her cochlear, but half way through the song she’d realized that the sound started to become so overwhelming for her that she was losing a bit of her awareness and presence. 
typically, this is where her body shifted into a comfortable ease of auto pilot. she could let loose, and enjoy her drum thrown beaming with their sound streaming through to her cochlear. but, her mind had became too aware. dae could feel the wood of her sticks shifting in her calloused palms, along with the specific vibrations of danbi’s and ren’s guitars. dahye’s voice added to the swell, and suddenly dae’s head was turning each musical progression into a pain wave. It pulsed through her as she tried to keep up, however each strike sent an ongoing ring to her ears and dae was sure she couldn’t hear a thing. 
there was internal panic then, it seemed controlled and professional for only a few moments. For the rest of that song she’d followed the beat of the bass vibration under her to keep time, ‘ta, ta ta..’ instantaneously her brain translated each of their foot taps into measures, and each time they’d open their mouths as a verification of where they were. her sanity latched on to them tight, hoped her muscle memory didn’t dare to fail her now. for the rest of that song, it just barely did her good. 
now, she’d just had one more. 
one more and she could breathe.
she’s told herself that as she’d sipped on her water bottle, quietly pretending to grin at her members as they bantered to introduce the last song of the set. dae offered a ‘rock on’ hand gesture, and swiftly lifted her sticks before huffing into a ‘let’s go’. her low voice cut through just moments before, ‘TRAUMA’ starts drifting into her headset. 
‘falling into the depths of the sea-..’ leaves danbi’s mouth with a clean tone, and dae starts keeping time from then. slow, and heavy on her beat dae finds herself just barely catching her first symbol.
‘too slow, dae’ 
at the attempt to keep herself together she closes her eyes and leans into the beat, her brows furrowed for her occasional hits until the first music break, then her arms tried to fly but she started to loose to the fatigue. ‘fuck..’ dae huffed, ‘alittle more, just a little.’ if anyone was watching her closely you can see the pain surfacing into her expression, but her fight with this song wasn’t over until she’d continued through the final bridge. dae could only make it unscathed until ren’s vocals crashed through her consciousness. then, her fills were too short- some too long, crashes weren’t in the right places and her mind couldn’t balance in the right place. after each fuck up, dae spiraled in her thrown and soon she was cursing herself for not being able to keep up for one more. 
‘why? am i not keeping rhythm- are they going too fast….’ dae huffed to catch her breath, her sound dimming with her arms feeling weighted to her lap. ‘or am i going too slow… fuck- my head hurts- my body is fucking tired.’ her thoughts took hold of her and her drums stopped, and her sticks fell to the floor. 
in that moment, everything went quiet and her body felt a strange wave of relief when she’d stopped moving despite tidals instruments still ringing through her. there was a wet sensation dribbling down from her nose but she couldn’t acknowledge it until she felt it stream down her lips and past her chin to kiss the drum cap. with her squinted gaze, dae realized her nose had begun exposing a secret she’d kept from many. her nose bleeds. the crimson couldn’t even frighten her, all dae could do was lean into the drum set to give her posture a break. it infuriated her more that her eyes began to water, cause the last thing dae ever wanted to do was cry. ever. she wasn’t that childish, she wasn’t a wimp. 
-but her body felt so relieved seeing a crew member sneak out to urger her off stage. her breath was shaky, and hands trembled out of character once she’d made it to the wings. someone lifted her chin, ready with a handful of tissues to catch the blood- but dae found it hard to stand up straight when her head felt so heavy. a woozy sensation pumped through her veins, and dae took that chance to grip anyone near her to stay standing. she couldn’t remember standing for too long since a familiar voice started to take charge over the rushed and panicked stage hands. she’d dipped her head for just a second to see han leaded their attention to a quiet corner, and grabbing hold her arm to help sit her down once they’d walked her over. for some disgusting reason, she felt like crying knowing he was there. it brought her back to the moments where her uncle wouldn’t question why she came home with bruises and cuts and would just sit her down with the first aid kit. seeing han spring into action comforted her more than she was able to show.
dae let her mind waver above the heads of those around her; not yet wanting to face the serious expressions they may be trying to hide. she just let her head rest on the wall so she could speculate through her disorientation if she’d heard han giving orders to bring over water and to get the medic. she’d seen him pull out his phone and pull it to his ear- and moments later she’d seen the top of malachi’s head hastily weave through the curious eyes until he’d found her. dae didn’t mean to hold his gaze but she did, nervous to see his expression too worried. that's the whole reason why she never said anything about her fatigue. she didn’t want anyone to worry. 
too late now. 
malachi with gentle hands had replaced whoever held the tissue to her nose without saying much after quickly communicating with han. the silence of them waiting as her leg bounced in agitation burned, so she reached out for his hand and he didn’t hesitate to latch onto it. “i got so tired, kai.” she could’ve broke into tears right then, but she tried to squeeze his hand to fight it. soon she’d lost the battle, and sniffles followed after. “i couldn't keep up..”  
ren, danbi and dahye joined the circle of familiar faces but only for a second, by time they’d been able to get off stage- the medic had been walking her back to a van to the nearest acute care. 
dae hadn’t made it back to the hotel until the next afternoon.  
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anandhomeoclinics · 15 days
Hypertension Treatment in HSR Layout, Bengaluru — Holistic Solutions at Anand Homeopathy Clinic
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Understanding Hypertension
Hypertension occurs when the force of blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. Over time, this increased pressure can damage blood vessels and lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.
There are two types of hypertension:
Primary Hypertension: This type develops gradually over time without any identifiable cause and is often linked to genetics, aging, and lifestyle factors.
Secondary Hypertension: This form is caused by an underlying condition, such as kidney disease, thyroid issues, or certain medications, and tends to appear suddenly.
While conventional treatments rely heavily on medications, homeopathy offers a natural and effective way to control hypertension without the risk of side effects.
Why Choose Anand Homeopathy Clinic for Hypertension Treatment?
At Anand Homeopathy Clinic, we offer a comprehensive approach to treating hypertension that goes beyond managing symptoms. Here’s why patients in HSR Layout trust us:
Personalized Homeopathic Care Our expert homeopaths understand that every individual’s case is unique. We take into account the patient’s physical, emotional, and psychological health to create a personalized treatment plan. This ensures that the underlying causes of hypertension are addressed, providing long-term relief.
Safe and Natural Remedies Homeopathy uses natural remedies that are safe for long-term use. These remedies do not cause any side effects, making them suitable for patients of all ages. They work by stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal and balance itself, helping to regulate blood pressure in a holistic way.
Holistic Approach Hypertension is often influenced by lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise. Our homeopaths not only treat the symptoms but also guide patients on lifestyle changes that can complement the treatment and lead to better overall health.
How Homeopathy Helps Manage Hypertension
Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to managing hypertension, focusing on treating the root cause rather than just controlling the symptoms. At Anand Homeopathy Clinic, we use remedies that help:
Regulate Blood Pressure: Homeopathic remedies help restore balance within the body, regulating blood pressure naturally and reducing the risk of complications.
Manage Symptoms: Common symptoms of hypertension, such as headaches, dizziness, and anxiety, can be alleviated with homeopathic treatment, helping patients feel more comfortable and in control.
Reduce Stress: Stress is a major contributor to high blood pressure. Homeopathy works on a mental and emotional level as well, helping patients feel more relaxed and calm, which in turn supports better blood pressure management.
Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Hypertension
Long-Term Relief Without Side Effects Unlike conventional medications that can cause fatigue, dizziness, or other side effects, homeopathic remedies are gentle and safe for long-term use. Patients can maintain their blood pressure without worrying about adverse effects.
Improved Overall Health Homeopathic treatment doesn’t just focus on hypertension — it works on improving the overall health of the patient. This includes enhancing immunity, reducing stress, and addressing any other underlying conditions that may contribute to high blood pressure.
Supports Lifestyle Changes At Anand Homeopathy Clinic, we understand that managing hypertension often requires lifestyle modifications. Our team offers guidance on healthy eating, stress management, and exercise, which can greatly enhance the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment.
Early Diagnosis and Prevention
Hypertension is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it typically doesn’t show symptoms until it has caused significant damage. Regular check-ups and early diagnosis are crucial in preventing complications such as heart attacks and strokes. Homeopathy not only helps manage existing high blood pressure but also supports preventive care by strengthening the body’s natural defenses.
Get Natural Hypertension Treatment at Anand Homeopathy Clinic
If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to manage hypertension, Anand Homeopathy Clinic in HSR Layout, Bengaluru, is here to help. Our experienced homeopaths are dedicated to providing safe, personalized, and holistic care for patients with high blood pressure.
For More Information Please Click Here.
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star-ayurveda · 4 months
Ayurvedic treatment for migraine
Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine | Migraine Treatment
Ayurveda Treatment of Migraine Headaches
For those who suffer from migraine, Ayurveda can be a boon in curing this order.
Migraine headache is not an easy disease to do away with. Even with Ayurveda, moderate to severe form of migraine headaches take a while to get totally cured and usually gradually get better in a phased out manner; they usually do not disappear in one go. Usually whenever patient experiences such a headache they themselves often start off with paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen or other analgesics. OTC drugs may provide some relief, although they are typically not effective for most sufferers, and therefore is a very dangerous and harmful practice.
In allopathy treatment, patients who have been diagnosed with reccuring migraines, migraine abortive medications are prescribed. It means treating the attack at the onset can often abort it before it becomes serious. Similarly many NSAIDs are prescribed for a long time like paracetamol, naproxyn, excedrin, metoclopramide, megraleve, analgesics combines with caffeine and antiemetics. In short they treat the symptoms and not the person suffering from migraine headaches. These medicines are made up of synthetic products and are non organic. So, in one way they might be relieving your symptoms for an hour or so but the other way they are making you face other problems which we call side effects. Most of the pain killers are toxic to kidneys and liver which are vital organs.
Moreover allopathic pain killers are just a temporary solution. They have the same type of medicine for every migraine sufferer. Allopathy just works superficially and does not treat the root cause of migraine headaches.
Studies show that the constant use of pain killers may have a rebound effect - actually causing headaches. Dependence on pain killers may also hamper the effectiveness of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers.
On the other hand, Ayurvedais different; Ayurveda treats the whole person and tailor made treatment is devised for each different patient. For example 5 different patients of migraine headache may be given 5 different kind of remedies depending upon their physical and mental makeup, aggravating and ammeliorating factors. There are 253 remedies to choose from for migraine headaches in Ayurveda. This is one reason an experienced and knowledgeable homeopathy doctor is required to work on the disease. Ayurveda also helps and transforms people mentally, emotionally and physically.
Ayurveda treatment of migraine headaches depends totally upon the symptoms presented including the psycho-physical makeup of the patient. The character and the modalities associated and also the symptoms associated with the migraine headaches like aura, vomiting, nausea and the trigger factors decide the choice of Ayurveda medicine that would help that particular case.
What is Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache?
It is very common for each one of us to suffer from headaches couple of times in our lifetime; but for some, headaches are far too common and their recurrences become a major hindrance in leading a normal life. One such type of recurrent headaches is called Migraine headaches. Migraine headaches show a typical pattern of recurrence and are characterized by severe to moderate head pain, involving both sides or one sided which may or may not be present with nausea and vomiting.
Causes of Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache
Although the actual cause of migraine is not very clear, but the researchers believe that migraine headache is caused by a drop in the level of a chemical serotonin in the brain which leads to the inflammation and dilatation in the blood vessels of the brain leading to a headache.
Migraine is often pyschosomatic in origin. There are migraine personalities and most migraine sufferers show one or may of the following behavioral pattern : conscientiousness, fastidiousness, rigidity of views, constant conflict between the environment and self, high level of expectation.
Migraine headache sufferers are more females than males. However, we are observing a shift. Often it is observed to be running in the family, showing heriditary links.
Due to some triggering factors, varying from person to person, there is some kind of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation of the branches of the carotid artery which leads to typical throbbing and congestive attack of headaches. Migraine headache attacks may be triggered by :
Allergic reactions.
Bright lights, loud noises, odors or perfumes.
Physical or emational stress.
Changes in sleep patterns.
Smoking or exposure to smoke.
Skipping meals.
Menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause transition.
Tension headaches.
Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami).
Other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products and fermented or pickeled foods.
Symptoms of Migraine Headaches
The signs and symptoms of migraine headaches vary among patients. Therefore, what a patient experiences before, during and after an attack can't be defined exactly. The four phases of a migraine headache attack are common but not necessarily experienced by all migraine headache sufferers :
The PRODROME, includes symptoms experienced by patients hours or days before the headaches. These may include irritability, depression, tiredness, yawning, constipation, stiffness of neck and so on.
The AURA, immediately preceeds the headache. The symptoms may include foggy vision, colored vision, bright lines in front of eyes, sensation of pins or numbness on body, vertigo, loss of smelling power, nausea / vomiting and photophobia.
The PAIN phase, also known as HEADACHE phase : Usually the headache is in one half of the body. It increases gradually and lasts from 4 to 72 hours. However the intensity, duration and frequency of pain varies from person to person. The headache can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, pallor of face, loss of appetite, sensitivity to smells, noise and light and so on.
The POSTDROME phase, the symptoms occuring after an attack of migraine. These include mood changes, depression, tiredness, letharginess, loss of appetite and so on.
Defining Severity of Migraine Headache Pain
The International Headache Society defines intensity of pain on a verbal 4 point scale :Number
No pain
Mild pain
  Does not interfere with usual activities
Moderate pain
  Inhibits but does not wholly prevent usual activities
Severe pain
  Prevents all activities
How are Migraine Headaches Diagnosed?
Migraine headaches are usually underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The diagnosis of migraine without aura, according ot International Headache Society, can be made on the basis of the following criteria, the '5, 4, 3, 2, 1 criteria'.
5 or more attacks.
4 hours to 3 days in duration.
2 or more of - unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate to severe pain, aggravation by or avoidance of routine physical activity.
1 or more accompanying symptoms - nausea and or vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia.
For migraine with aura, only two attacks are required to justify the diagnosis. POUNDING (Pulsating, duration of 4 to 72 hOurs, Unilateral, Nausea, Disabling) can help diagnose migraine. If 4 of the 5 criteria are met, then the positive likelihood of diagnosing migraine headache is very high.
Lab Investigations in Migraine Headaches
To rule out possible organic causes of headaches - for example, an aneurysm, tumor, or structural abnormality - a doctor may employ vision tests, x-rays, a CT scan, a lumbar puncture, or an EEG.
Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches
It is very important for those suffering from migraines to realize that lifestyle modifications like regular excercise and reducing stress in their life are very essential in curing migraine headaches. Regular excercise can release endorphins, the body's natural painkilling agents. Excercise may also help to dilate blood vessels, which increases blood flow and may counteract the constricting action that occurs a the onset of most migraines. Identifying trigger factors and avoiding these factors can be very helpful in controlling the recurrence of migrain headaches. Holding an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables against your forehead while soaking your feet in hot water may stop a migraine headache if fone right away.
Economic Impact of Migraine Headaches
In addition to being a major cause of pain and suffering, recurrent migraine headache attacks are a significant source of both medical costs and lost productivity. Medical costs per migraine sufferer averaged USD 107 over 6 months in one 1988 study with total costs including lost productivity averaging USD 313. Annual employer cost of lost productivity due to migraine headaches in USA amounted to one billion dollors in 1994, in addition to lost productivity estimated at 13 to 17 billion dollors per year. The workplace model of 9 to 5, 5 days a week may not be viable for a migraine sufferer. With education and understanding an employer could compromise with an employee to create a workable solution for both.
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packinglistonline2 · 7 months
Essential Packing List for Your Trip to France: What to Bring for a Memorable Journey
With its immense history, splendid scenery, heavenly food, and world-acclaimed tourist sites, France is a haven of dreams for wanderers from all corners of the world.  France packing list appropriately is key to having a memorable trip while wandering through romantic Paris streets, wine tasting in Bordeaux’s vineyards or doing nothing on French Riviera beaches.   We have prepared a list of essential items that will ensure you have a stress free and unforgettable time in France.
Clothing and Accessories:
Comfortable Walking Shoes: France’s paved roads and historical attractions demand robust comfortable shoes ideal for walking tours.
Weather-Appropriate Clothing: It is wise to pack season-appropriate clothes when traveling to certain regions; such as light layers for summer, warm coats during winter or water-proof jackets when it rains.
Modest Attire: Do not forget that some religious places may require one to carry some modest clothing hence its advisable you bring those tops which cover up your shoulders and knees.
Scarves and Accessories: Make sure you are dressed fashionably but comfortably by wearing warm scarves or other accessories with an elegant touch that can keep you cozy whenever the weather changes abruptly.
Swimwear: If you intend going to pools, lakes or even beaches during your tour don’t forget your swimming costumes.
Sun Protection: During the high summer season sunglasses, wide-brimmed hat(s) and sunscreen lotions are recommended because these accessories help protect against ultra-violet radiation emitted by the sun.
Travel Essentials:
Passport and Travel Documents: Take a passport along with one’s travel insurance documents if needed visa (s), any reservations done including tickets where mandatory.
Local Currency: While visiting small shops paying cash or using public means of transport always remember to exchange money into euros; also notify your bank about this journey so as to avoid problems connected with credit cards or visa cards.
Travel Adapter: Since France uses electrical outlets of type C as well as type E, it is significant to carry a universal adapter that can charge your various electronic devices.
Reusable Water Bottle: During sightseeing there are plenty of public fountains or restaurants where you can refill your bottle with water hence carrying a reusable bottle will be essential.
Personal Care Items:
Toiletries: Please pack all the necessary toiletries including toothbrush, paste, soap, shampoo, conditioner among other personal care things.
Medications: Ensure you come with any over-the-counter remedies like pain killers inclusive of prescribed drugs in addition to common ones such as antihistamines and medication for motion sickness.
First Aid Kit: In cases of emergencies or minor injuries don’t forget to bring Band-Aids as well as antiseptic wipes instead of having a headache later on when you really need them.
Hand Sanitizer: While traveling, a small hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes can be used to keep hands hygienic and germ-free.
Smartphone and Charger: Take a charger and capture memories with your smartphone while keeping in touch with people around the world using this device.
Camera: A digital camera or smartphone having good quality camera are used to take photos of France’s landscapes, tourist sites and food/mealstuffs.
Travel Adapter: You may also have one at hand because it may so happen that electrical outlets in France vary from those existing in different countries worldwide.
Miscellaneous Items:
Daypack or Tote Bag: For ease of movement use light backpacks that hang freely on one shoulder while going for walks and hold your essentials comfortably within their compartmentalized  spaces.
Guidebook or Maps: Find guidebooks, maps or mobile phone applications giving detail about the attractions; eating places; transport means etc. to enable you plan ahead and avoid getting lost en-route.
Reusable Shopping Bag: A shopping bag able that collapses into small luggage compartment should be taken since it is capable of loading groceries without creating plastic waste behind or for souvenir carrying.
French Phrasebook: To increase your cultural experience in France, it would be a great idea to understand some French phrases.
Other things:
Travel Pillow and Blanket: While on transit with a travel pillow and blanket one can have time to rest and relax during long flights or train travels.
Travel Journal: A travel journal comes in handy for one to keep memories of their trip to France by writing down adventures, thoughts and experienced.
Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot: Always stay online while travelling using portable Wi-Fi hotspot device that ensures you have internet access wherever you are.
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reality-detective · 8 months
🌿Say hello to a powerful pain-killer also known as Lactuca virosa
✨But wait, it’s not what you think - there's no opium here, just pure, legal, pain-relieving plant.
📚 Historical Nugget :
Once a secret among ancient healers, this plant has a storied past of soothing warriors' pains without the need for opiates. Imagine Roman soldiers using it just like we do Tylenol today!
🌟In a world where "painkiller" often means "side effects," opium lettuce offers gentle, effective relief for :
- Headaches
- Muscle aches
- Insomnia
And FREE from pharmaceutical downsides!
📝 Remedy Recipe :
1. Chop Opium Lettuce - Roughly chop enough fresh opium lettuce to fill half your jar.
2. Add Alcohol - Cover the leaves with high-proof alcohol, using a 1:1 ratio by volume.
3. Seal and Store - Close the jar tightly. Keep it in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.
4. Strain - After 2 weeks, strain the mixture, discarding the solids.
5. Bottle - Transfer the liquid to a dark glass bottle for storage.
Results? A night of restful sleep and pain-free days, typically within a day of use.
Is it the alcohol or the lettuce? You Decide 🤔
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tarzantips · 10 months
Top 9 Benefits of Vodka for Women
Many people wouldn’t really believe the benefits of vodka. More so for women, women have an entirely different body composition from men and so vodka has different effects on a woman’s body too.
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Benefits of Vodka
Here we are going to take a look at some of the vodka benefits that it has to offer specifically for women,
1. for STRESS
There’s nothing better than a glass of vodka after a long, hard day at work. Alcohol, in general, is considered to be a stress buster, but vodka actually does take the prize. It helps to relax the body and mind and feel re-energized again.
2. Relieves Earache
There are also topical benefits of vodka. Putting a few drops of vodka in the ear for a few minutes and then wiping it off with a wet wash-cloth will kill the bacteria. It will reduce any sort of bacterial or fungal earache. Vodka sanitizes the ear and prevents infection in it.
3. Reduce Headache
Headache due to fever, weakness, or migraine can reduce. Mix vodka in some water and dip a towel. Lying down with this towel on your forehead can significantly reduce any headache. Surely this is one of the novel vodka benefits.
4. Improves ORAL Health
Vodka can also be used as a mouthwash. Mixing it with warm water and cinnamon can make a natural and organic mouthwash. This has a shelf life of up to 2 weeks outside the refrigerator. Swishing it in the mouth for a few seconds every morning will help to clean off the oral bacteria, prevent cavities and also treat bad breath or halitosis.
5. Easy Bandage removal and Wound Cleansing
This is another one of the many benefits of vodka. In case of a wound, if there a bandage tied that needs to be removed after some time, sometimes it can get painful. A few drops of vodka on the bandage before removal reduces the stickiness of the bandage, making it less painful to remove. Also, alcohol naturally cleanses wounds off bacteria and sanitizes the germs as well.
Read: Home Remedies for Bedwetting - Natural Approaches to Help Manage Nocturnal Enuresis
6. Improve Complexion
Vodka acts as a natural toner for the skin. A few drops on a cotton pad rubbed gently on the face give a glow and cleans off the makeup as well. It is a great alternative to expensive makeup removers or toners that you get in the market.
This is one of the very novel and unpopular vodka benefits. A few drops on the scalp clear dandruff. It helps to improve the overall health of the scalp and balances the PH level. Hair is nourished and growth is also speeded up.
8. Insect Bite Treatment
In case of an insect biting, usually, there is swelling, redness, and pain. The spirit in vodka acts to clear the bacteria and it is also a pain-killer. A vodka-dipped cotton ball held over the insect bite for some time may sting but it surely reduces the pain and redness much sooner than if it is just left to heal on its own.
9. Body ACHE
We often experience random pains and aches throughout our bodies. Mix vodka and water in equal amounts and mix well. Then freeze them into ice cubes. Instead of regular ice-packs, use these cubes and rub over the pained body part for pain relief and muscle relaxation.
Vodka Benefits for Female
There definitely are many benefits of vodka as seen here and more. However, it is mandatory to remember that in the end it is alcohol and has various side effects if consumed in uncontrolled quantities. These positive effects are only to be relied on if vodka is consumed responsibly.
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weibed12 · 1 year
signs of high blood pressure
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Unmasking the Silent Killer: Unveiling the Signs of High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, has unique implications for both the mother and the baby. Pediatric hypertension, although rare, can also occur and has its own considerations and treatment approaches.
Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure is crucial for timely intervention and prevention of complications. Understanding the symptoms, risk factors, and the importance of regular blood pressure monitoring can help individuals take control of their health.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the normal range for blood pressure?
Can high blood pressure be cured completely?
Are there any natural remedies for reducing blood pressure?
Can stress alone cause high blood pressure?
Is high blood pressure only prevalent in older individuals?
Identifying the signs of high blood pressure is an essential step in maintaining good health and preventing serious complications. By recognizing the importance of regular monitoring, seeking medical advice when necessary, and making positive lifestyle changes, individuals can take control of their blood pressure and overall well-being. prevalent and often unnoticed health conditions that can have serious consequences if left untreated. Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure is crucial for timely intervention and maintaining good health.
Understanding High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure occurs when the force of blood against the walls of the arteries is consistently too high, putting strain on the cardiovascular system. It is important to distinguish between systolic pressure (when the heart contracts) and diastolic pressure (when the heart is at rest), as both play a role in determining overall blood pressure.
Causes and Risk Factors
High blood pressure can have both primary and secondary causes. Genetic predispositions, certain lifestyle factors such as poor diet and lack of exercise, and underlying health conditions like kidney disease or hormonal disorders can all contribute to the development of hypertension.
The Narrowing Arteries: Hypertension and Blood Vessels
High blood pressure can lead to the narrowing and damage of blood vessels, a condition known as atherosclerosis. This narrowing restricts proper blood flow, further exacerbating hypertension.
Unveiling the Signs: Detecting High Blood Pressure
Regular blood pressure measurements are essential for detecting high blood pressure. It is important to be aware that high blood pressure often presents no noticeable symptoms, making regular check-ups crucial for early detection.
Asymptomatic High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is often asymptomatic, meaning it has no noticeable symptoms. This is why it is commonly referred to as the "silent killer." Without regular blood pressure checks, individuals may remain unaware of their condition for an extended period.
Silent Warnings: Subtle Symptoms
Although often subtle, there are mild symptoms that can be associated with high blood pressure. Headaches, dizziness, and nosebleeds can sometimes be warning signs that warrant further investigation.
Recognizing Severe Symptoms
In severe cases, high blood pressure can lead to a hypertensive crisis. Symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and blurred vision may indicate a critical situation that requires immediate medical attention.
Beyond the Obvious: Exploring Complications
Untreated high blood pressure can lead to various complications, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure early on can help prevent these complications.
Seeking Medical Advice: When to Consult a Doctor
It is important to know when to seek immediate medical attention for high blood pressure. If blood pressure readings consistently exceed certain thresholds or if symptoms become severe, it is crucial to consult a doctor promptly.
Self-Monitoring and Home Blood Pressure Checks
Individuals can empower themselves by monitoring their blood pressure at home. This can be achieved using appropriate devices and techniques, and it is important to understand how to interpret the readings accurately.
Visiting your Healthcare Professional
Regular check-ups are essential for individuals with concerns about their blood pressure. By discussing these concerns with a healthcare professional, tailored guidance and appropriate medical interventions can be provided.
Prevention is Key: Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle modifications play a key role in preventing and managing high blood pressure. Adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress effectively, and quitting smoking can all contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
Treatment Options
While lifestyle changes are often the primary treatment strategy for high blood pressure, medications may be prescribed to help control blood pressure levels. These medications aim to reduce the strain on the cardiovascular system and prevent further complications.
Hypertension in Special Situations: Pregnancy and Children
High blood pressure in pregnancy requires special attention, as it can
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qualityherb · 1 year
What is Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract and its main active ingredients polysaccharide
Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract: A Natural Health Booster
Are you looking for a natural way to boost your health? Consider Hovenia Dulcis Extract. This extract is derived from the fruit of the Hovenia Dulcis tree, which is native to Asia. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and is gaining popularity in the Western world for its numerous health benefits. This post will discuss what Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract is, its health benefits, how to use it, and potential side effects or precautions.
What is Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract?
Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract is derived from the fruit of the Hovenia Dulcis tree, also known as the Japanese raisin tree. The tree is native to Asia, and the fruit has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The extract is made by boiling the fruit in water and concentrating the resulting liquid.
Hovenia Dulcis contains several polysaccharides and complex carbohydrates that play various roles in the body. One of the main polysaccharides found in Hovenia Dulcis is called arabinogalactan.
Arabinogalactan is a water-soluble polysaccharide found in many plants’ cell walls, including Hovenia Dulcis. It has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including:
Immune system support: Arabinogalactan has been found to stimulate the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and activating immune cells such as macrophages and natural killer cells.
Prebiotic effects: Arabinogalactan acts as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This can improve digestion, boost the immune system, and help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Arabinogalactan has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Anti-cancer effects: Some studies have suggested that arabinogalactan may have anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Overall, the polysaccharides found in Hovenia Dulcis, particularly arabinogalactan, are thought to contribute to the plant’s health benefits. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these effects and how they can be harnessed for human health.
Health benefits of Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract
There are several health benefits associated with consuming Hovenia Dulcis Extract, including:
Antioxidant properties: Hovenia Dulcis Extract is rich in antioxidants, which help protect your body from harmful free radicals.
Anti-inflammatory properties: The extract contains anti-inflammatory compounds, making it helpful in reducing inflammation throughout the body.
Liver support: Hovenia Dulcis Extract has been shown to support liver health and may help prevent liver damage caused by alcohol consumption.
Hangover relief: The extract has long been used in traditional medicine as a hangover remedy. Studies have shown it can help reduce hangover symptoms such as nausea, headache, and fatigue.
How to use Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract
Hovenia Dulcis Extract can be consumed in various ways, including as a supplement, in tea, or added to food or beverages. Here are a few ideas for incorporating it into your diet:
Tea: Add a teaspoon of Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract to hot water and steep for a few minutes for a delicious and healthy tea.
Smoothies: Add a scoop of the extract to your favorite smoothie recipe for an added health boost.
Salad dressing: Mix the extract with olive oil, lemon juice, and honey for a tasty and healthy salad dressing.
Potential side effects or precautions
While Hovenia Dulcis Extract is generally considered safe, there are a few potential side effects or precautions to consider. It may interact with certain medications, so you must speak with your healthcare provider before using it if you are taking any medications. Additionally, it should be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract is a natural and versatile health booster used for centuries in traditional medicine. Its numerous health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, make it an excellent addition to your diet. Talk to your healthcare provider before using it to ensure it’s safe.
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Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract
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vbug · 2 years
bubble guts (except its blood and tissue broiling in my uterus)
for today i was thinking of prattling about my existential crisis of having two different passions. however, as i walked through the hallways of school yesterday i came to the grim realization soon enough that i was beginning my period. i left school early, because i felt horrible, and isolated myself to the confinements of my room.
i always feel horrendously guilty for leaving school early for being physically ill. i had told myself when i got home i would do school work or my online class i have the rest of the year, but none of that happened, and instead, by the end of the night i sat in the living room shaking, surrounded by my cousins who i felt i would burden if i told them the true contents of my day.
i feel like i complain too much… it’s irrational, at least that’s what dom says. i have good reason to even if i did he also mentioned. but i hope i’m not burdening too many or being too obnoxious about it.
my periods have always been rough, and yes, i have tried birth control and heating pads and extra strength pain killers. sometimes things are just chronic. i’ve come to that understanding of myself. at least for now. i hope sometime in the near future i get a diagnosis or at least some treatment to subside the symptoms. i’m planning on making a trip to the doctors office about it soon. it’s gotten out of hand.
here are my symptoms:
: body tremors
: headaches
: nausea
: vomiting
: fainting
: overheating
: muscle spasms
and of course most of the traditional symptoms that come along with menstruation. at school i fainted, and when they asked me why i didn’t say anything about my pain sooner i told them i felt like i was overreacting, i would feel better soon, and i simply needed some water and to sit down. maybe i invalidate myself too much dom says.
if anyone has any advice or remedies i might not have tried, help would be greatly appreciated. xx <3
march 3 2023 - suki lee
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besthydrationdrinks · 2 years
How To Act Towards Hangover Headache?
A hangover headache also termed a delayed alcohol-induced headache, usually occurs in the morning after drinking the night prior, once the alcohol is out of your system. The period of this type of hangover is around 24 hours. When we see this, it can be a short period, but it is not for some; bearing severe headaches for 24 hours can be problematic and cause other severe health issues.
Alcohol resentfully affects the brain, the kidneys, the liver, blood vessels, the heart, the lining of the stomach, and various hormonal and regulatory systems. The ingredients present in that symbolise accurate toxication. Perhaps it is called toxic.
The ethanol itself especially causes the reason for these effects, and others are from an even more toxic byproduct of its metabolism called acetaldehyde. The chemical builds up in the blood as the liver breaks down the alcohol into a form that the body can neglect. 
Dehydration plays a prominent role, as does acetaldehyde. Effects on hormones, blood chemistry, the sleep-wake cycle, and inflammatory chemicals are also crucial in the thoroughly terrible feeling we know as a hangover.
In addition to that, many people are aware of the fact that due to binge drinking has these effects are being caused. These are the after-effects of drinking. Health issues like headache, diarrhea, malaise, tiredness, loss of appetite, sensitivity to light, nausea, sound, and motion during the day. What may be less well recognised is that manual dexterity, memory, reaction time, visual-spatial skills, and attention are all adversely affected, even when your alcohol level has fallen back down to zero.
Remedies or the Treatment to Cure the Hangover Headache:
Here are a few treatments that can work as a hangover headache cure
1. Drink fluids.
 Alcohol endorses urination as it inhibits and librates vasopressin, a hormone that diminishes the volume of urine made by the kidneys. This is suggested to the drunken person as the body starts dehydrating after drinking, which may include sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. A person should take a few sips as there could be nausea.
2. Intaking carbohydrates:  
After drinking, the sugar level decreases and may cause fatigue, headache, and hangover. To improve the condition, it is advised to prefer toast and juice; this will make the situation normal.
3. Avoid darker-coloured beverages.
According to the reports, it has been estimated that clear liquors, like gin and vodka, cause less hangover than darker ones, red wine, whiskey, and tequila. The necessary form of alcohol in alcoholic beverages is ethanol, but the darker liquors involve more chemicals, such as congener and methanol.
4. Take a pain reliever
Pain killers such as ibuprofen, Aspirin, Motrin or the other brands, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help with headaches and achy feelings. If the hangover is not yet gone, these pills may harm your liver as they are highly toxic. 
5. Prefer Drinking Tea or coffee:
The caffeine amount in this may not have anti-hangover quality, but it can stimulate grogginess. 
6.  B vitamins and zinc. 
It was a small study, and the results were based on the participants saying what they ate. However, they did find that people whose food and beverage consumption contained more significant amounts of zinc and B vitamins had less severe hangovers.
Above mentioned steps can describe how to recover from a hangover.
Summing It Up:
Your hangover cure needs to tackle these three problems: 
 A shortfall of electrolytes, 
Toxins washing around your system.
O.R.S. tablets dissolve quickly in water and are formulated and approved by the World Health Organisation’s rehydration standards. Hangover Oral Rehydration Therapy explains that you’re not just rehydrating water alone can dilute your remaining electrolyte levels; further, it is also compounding the problem; you’re also regaining the vital balance of nutrients that keeps your body at its best. This is a great place to start: it relieves your headache and makes your body average again. It has all the benefits of a prairie oyster and none of the stomach-churning ingredients.
Another tip that can help in normalising is to have a light breakfast that can be gentle and filling at the same time to your stomach. This will help raise the blood sugar and compress it until you are on top of your game. 
Article source  :  https://www.wellbeingcares.com/how-to-act-towards-hangover-headache/
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