#also I was reminded of this tag I used a few eps back and yeah it still stands they're so cute together with their lil smirks and touches
dotthings · 2 years
With Rob there in a 70's wig as the keyboardist of the band, yeah sure it could be Chuck and he's enjoying all this drama immensely, that's likely. It's creepy. But once again I need to do a reminder: Chuck does not force people to have feelings. He doesn't implant feelings. He moves events around the Winchester family, puts obstacles in, he can make things move physically, he can even force a human to move a certain way but he cannot make them feel what they don't feel. There was a ton of bad takes about this during the run of the mothership while antis kept trying to claim things like--Saileen is noncon, roofied into loving each other, when it was Eileen and Sam's real feelings all along. Chuck made a spell, a piece of paper, fall out of one of Rowena's spellbooks at the right moment, the rest was all them. That all was expressly canon, antis still kept shrieking it was noncon and Sam and Eileen didn't really care about each other and weren't really falling in love, that it was all Chuck.
That was antis being objectively incorrect and anti-canon. And that is the argument some fans of TW are reaching for again to deny what John/Mary actually is.
It already had become clear me on TW that John and Mary's romance is not cupid roofies. I've been saying this for a few months.
They were not forced to feel things.
They were not forced to fall in love.
Trapped in a maze, they ran their own race.
Mary tells John she needs more time. After seeing her friend Carlos almost having to sacrifice his very soul, and then when he refuses that path, Carlos almost died, and then Carlos serenades his friends, who are his family, Mary is shooketh. It made her think. Carlos sings to this rag-tag group of hunters who mean everything to him. He's lost a lot, had to lose some of his dreams, but gained a lot. Carlos leads with his heart and he's very loving.
It's after Carlos' song that Mary is able to go to John and act on her feelings she already has, but she was afraid. Mary, who Samuel said is so stubborn and will go head-first despite danger, when it's about killing monsters. But when it comes to feelings, and being close to people, especially her romantic feelings for John, she's scared.
Nobody roofied Mary into going to John and reciprocating.
Not Chuck. Not cupids.
Seriously, guys, so much of fandom is clinging to the idea that JohnMary is a manufactured romance where their feelings aren't real.
A lot of us thought that. I know. It's based on bits and pieces of information the mothership dropped, it's understandable, but if you look back now, you see how much was assumptions. Old school fandom made assumptions, newer fandom made assumptions.
And now TW is spelling it out loudly and clearing that up. It's not a retcon, it's a clarification and filling in blanks. We only had bits and pieces before and assumptions.
The love was real.
Their conflicts and problems were real.
They loved each other and they had a lot of problems, the marriage was troubled, and there's reasons for that. They both have issues.
What about any of this is real, we are.
Destiel shippers don't want to admit how similar these two love stories are, while TW keeps throwing Destiel parallels. It's not that canon is saying these two love stories are identical, but there are things in common some shippers don't want to admit. But also, what else are these parallels saying.
They are both romantic love stories.
Trapped in a maze but the feelings are real.
They love each other but the relationship has problems, conflicts, things that pull them apart.
TW is knocking on Destiel shippers' doors, you can answer or you can pretend it's not, because you're scared to be hopeful, about what TW is saying to you.
*****Also please don't diminish Carlos' emotional importance, the very self-evident impact he has on his friends, on Lata, on Mary, on John. Which was an A plot of this episode, the ep was very Carlos focused.*****
Don't ignore Mary starting to sob when she thought Carlos was about to die, John's anger on his behalf, Lata's tears, or how John, Mary, and Lata were all entranced by Carlos' song that he sang for them.
It moved Mary and it helped her get past her fear and she went to John and was able to reciprocate.
Nobody roofied her feelings.
It's just feelings.
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petrichoraline · 9 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
i got tagged in the summer lmao i've been struggling cause i simply can't make a completely honest list - my taste is too fluid and the definition of "fave" is a blur to me
thank you to my lovely @tenprem and @littleragondin for tagging me, consider yourselves tagged again in case your answers differ vastly from your previous ones hahah
💓Fave bl: default answer is Bad Buddy, current - Last Twilight and Cherry Magic..and Cooking Crush
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👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻Favourite pairing: as in actors? if i say GunSing am i gonna get ToddBlack again? (im fine with DrakeSing too y'know, im just being teased atp)
honestly i don't know, i think of actors i really like but i'm not big on their counterparts..? i enjoy it a lot when they mix and match, i don't have anyone i particularly follow.. i will say MaxTul were super powerful, i really appreciate the bonds between a lot of pairs like ForceBook and i think some of them have amazing chemistry like FirstKhao but even though there are a few i would always try to tune in for like OffGun and YinWar, there's no one i can call a fave, i don't think..currently JimmySea are eating it up tho
🎭Most underrated actor: just the Wayufilm crew in general, I see them do fundraiser lives on yt all the time and I don't think they're that well known by the fandom
🧍‍♂️Favorite character: ig it is Karan currently, Tay really made the character shine in a different way than Machida Keita's Kurosawa and i can't get enough of those puppy eyes
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🕴Favorite side character: rn it might be Metha from Cooking Crush? he's just a bit too charming for someone i'd punch if i met him irl..or Fire, i think writing about him made me fond, they're both so..this
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📽Favorite scene: from all the thai bls i've seen?? there's beauty like THAT ITSAY scene, there's unexpected scenes i come back to like WaanTul in the last episode of Between Us, there's Nuea and Toh finally getting everything out in the open..there's the Kitty Gang in FUTS going up the elevator, the ep.5 KinnPorsche scene..most of PatPran's scenes!! like how am i supposed to even start choosing lmao
i'm gonna say (after i catch up with my shows this whole list would prolly be different, it could be Karan's scream soon) the one from my recent shows is the rooftop scene from LTTS..sue me for being basic, i'll plead guilty
📝Favorite line: nth has ever quite stuck with me as "do you want us to be friends?" "no." so let's go with it
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🃏Most anticipated bl and why: let's say Jack and Joker hahah, I hope it works out <3 i want to see a project YinWar have certain freedom over completed successfully - even if it ends up not being my thing, they deserve to share their talents and artistic vision. they are trying something new, maybe there will be a nice balance between comedy and drama and also it seems like those characters are meant to be whipped for each other and YinWar can pull that off splendidly
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Healthiest relationship in a bl: PatPran and PuenTalay are the first to come to mind, the communication and conflict resolution skills are on another level
💢Most toxic relationship in a bl: I suppose it would be VeeMark before the end or maybe DimGreen from 2gether? I also personally don't like Mayom and Nadia from My Ride but I can't tell if they're actually toxic 😄 and im reminded of GramBlack cause that friendship sucks imho
OH WAIT PiMork is pretty bad. yeah, maybe not the worst but they've got a spot on the list..and ig TehOhAew but I have not actually seen s2 so overall I don't have a definitive opinion :')
🍿Guilty pleasure series: i guess it would be Cause You're My Boy (My Tee) because everyone hates on it but I binged it and had a good time 🤷‍♀️ also I Will Knock You cause it has some questionable elements but it's also very special
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❎Most underrated series: out of what I've seen it would obviously be Rainbow Lagoon but it's two episodes, not sure if it counts as a series.. really sweet short watch though, you should give it a try here 🥰
also maybe The Best Story? I didn't like it that much because of the ending but it's younger YinWar and I never hear anyone talk about it; I'd say they were pretty good at it 😊
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i'm tagging @sommmnus @forcebook @catboyjosten @sparklyeyedhimbo @lovesickfolly @sollucets as per usual no pressure and sorry if youve done it ❤
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matan4il · 2 years
Full disclosure I think the no homo crowd is actually kind of tiny in the 911 Fandom. Just sometimes they can be loud especially when they want to attack Buddie shippers. But like I just saw an exchange and here is my thing.
Yes I ship 2 Canon "straight men". I have had alot of ships straight and queer not sail. Some end tragically sad. I'm aware there is a teeny tiny chance IMHO hey it may not happen. I can admit that.
But how can anyone who absolutely hates it scream it so loudly and surely in the year 2022 S6. Like it's funny to me honestly that you can be so sure. This show invested seasons into love interests that were dropped. The fact is they made a conscious choice to show Eddie made Buck Christopher's guardian all the way back in 3. They showed Eddie healing with his family and they still made that a decision.
So I don't know, I mean you have to have some doubt if your so loud now. It screams insecurities to be honest. Like I can be wrong I admit that. Maybe you should too. I know alot of males like my Dad or brother who don't even ship them, nor do I talk to them about it. However I know if it happened they would be like oh makes sense. Even at the dinner scene my brother was like LA is so expensive why don't they just share a house already to save money.
Hi Nonnie! :D
OMG, I love your brother! XD He’s right and he should say it. I really do wish we’d get Buddie roommates (on screen! Not just implying that it happened but never showing us) before they get together. It would be so delicious!
But most of all, I agree with everything you said. No one can say for sure whether two characters will get together other than the show runners... and even they can change their minds. Take Monica and Chandler on Friends for example. No one saw it coming when they hooked up in England other than the show runners who decided on it. And even when they did, they weren’t supposed to last. Their thing was supposed to provide comic material for a few eps and that’s it. But the show runners saw the audience’s reaction to Monica and Chandler and changed course. So yeah, no fan can say with absolute certainty that something will def happen or not happen before a show is over, when sometimes the people in power themselves couldn’t do it either.
Also, let’s not forget that Buck and Eddie had never been officially labelled as straight. The idea that show runners would be more married to a label they’ve never used than to public response... I just don’t think that would be the case, especially when with Buck the show very much did hint on more than one occasion (and beginning in s1, before Eddie was even introduced) that he might swing both ways. I’m not one of the people who’d insist Buddie are def happening. I want them to, I think they should and that everyone would benefit (audience, show and TV history) if they do, but I try to tamper my expectations and remember it might not happen. So the absolute certainty of some people that they never would, especially based on old illiberal notions that are no longer as relevant as they used to be... IDK, it just makes me want Buddie to go canon even more. A reminder that love is love and it’s stronger than any such notions.
I hope you have a great day, lovely! And here is my ask tag! xoxox
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maraschinomerry · 2 years
Watching Atlantis for the first time: well Daedalus is just a rude cynical old man, calling Jason a stupid goat and saying he has hope for Icarus even though he also calls him foolish
Watching Atlantis for the second time: ohh he's trying to make sure Pythagoras doesn't crush on Jason so he can set him up with Icarus
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aylinaliens · 2 years
BESTIE same thoughts please I loved this show so much I’m telling u rn no one was more excited about this show and loved it as much as I did shsjs I was recommending it to everyone I know, was checking the tags on socmed every hours but now I feel … heartbroken in a way because EAW had so much potential! It had crazy potential!! And of course a few bad episodes will not take away my love for YW as a character but I’m just so disappointed. I wanted this show to be like hospital playlist (if you’ve watched it) which shows the realities of life while being simple and very wholesome there’s no over the top BS in that show I was hoping EAW was going in the same direction :( we know nothing about jun Ho, the mother plot like is so poorly done, don’t even get me started on MW And SY and MYS being terminally Ill like who even does all this in the last few episodes ? Why did this get the green light I just don’t understand:( why not focus on YW and her relationships and friendships? Why not show us more of jh and yw communicating? Why not show us more of YW with her dad? What about flashbacks of YW and SY in law school together?gggrrr I just feel so sad and robbed :(
!!! YESSSS!! everything you said is a hard agree like ??? the fact that it had that much potential only to randomly veer off course is frustrating. like you said: this might not take away or erase the love we have for YW or some of the other characters but it certainly leaves a heavy feeling in our heart. because we saw what this drama could do! we did! i stand by my statement that the first half was not perfect but it felt consistent. the halfway doesn’t which is the problem!! they set up youngwoo/junho’s conflict & insecurity but the way in which it was written felt weird. almost as if they forgot to include a few scenes or something. everything that’s happening with MYS is so melodrama slash makjang like. okay. he’s sick. terminally ill. should they not have set this up earlier or showed more signs of it being more than just exhaustion? they really are teasing the whole trope where a mentor to the main character dies or nearly dies. they literally exist to inspire or further the plot along which does NOT fit in with the theme of eaw. the funny thing is they handled health problems (ex. ep 1/2 with that older man who dies) only to suddenly be like. OOPS. hehe guess what :) MYS is on his deathbed. and even if he survives at the end there’s a chance he only has 5 years in total :)
W H A T?? get out of here with that ‘realism’ that is such a bull crap life lesson. the ‘mentor/beloved character is suddenly dying’ is such a wack drama trope it feels so emotionally manipulative. i only watched half of the first season of hospital playlist so thank you for reminding me to pick it back up bUT YES!! they could have shown these realistic struggles and plot lines in a more sedated manner. you can have realism and struggles and painful plot lines with it being super..idk. overdramatic? weird. yeah it’s just weird. all these plot lines weren’t handled as well as the first half which sucks.
bestie bestie besstttieeeeee. the fact that they have so many unresolved or glaring plot holes open is frustrating. i understand that this is from youngwoo’s POV so obviously it’s gonna focus on her but…clearly they are making SY/MW and MYS plot lines important in the last half. should we not at least follow through with the 3882838 plots that already exist?? what i wouldn’t give to give all those plot lines you mentioned explored. it doesn’t help either that they always cut away during an important conversation either. they rarely tell us what was said or happened unless it’s in a throwaway like. it reeks of lazy writing…not clever writing
the characters (not including minwoo go choke 🥰) are not the issues really it’s the bad and nonsensical writing. and it hurts because YOU LOVE THESE CHARACTERS but you also kind of hate the canon they come from jcjwjxjsjd bestie the way this drama had us all in a chokehold only to clown on us so bad in the last few episodes is truly the worst kind of pain
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Hi Mittens! Happy holidays! I love your meta and I had a question: I've seen you make a couple posts about Miracle lately, and while I'm definitely angry at canon replacing Cas with a dog, I was kind of taken aback at some of your comments about Dean and dogs (specifically how much you seem to hate that combination; I've never felt strongly about it one way or the other). Do you have a tag or post about your feelings on Dean and dogs? Or could you explain in a little more detail, please?
Hi hi!
Dean... has never been associated positively with dogs on this show-- up to and including that scene in Scoobynatural where he does the SCOOBYDOOBYDOOOOO! and Cas rolls his eyes and tells him flat out he’s not a talking dog. I mean, even in one of Sam’s heaven memories, he’s effectively replaced Dean with a dog... so while Dean was being implied-harshly-punished by John for “losing” Sam, Sam had been having the time of his life with a dog instead... Sorry, I’ve got a lot of resentment for dog symbolism in the show...
Cas has also been associated with dogs in a lot of... let’s go with derogatory comments, and since this dog in the finale was SPECIFICALLY a replacement for Cas in Dean’s life... I find it particularly insulting, you know?
5.14: We get dog comments about Cas and Dean both in this ep. Famine refers to Cas as Dean’s dog... “You sicced your dog on me, I threw him a steak.” And we see Cas crouched on the ground eating meat. Earlier in this ep, Sam teased Dean about his lack of any “appetite” for anything with the comment, “when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.“
7.21: after being banished, he reappears at a dog track, where the dogs were unhappy. so... Cas was basically just another unhappy dog in this part of the story.
10.22: Rowena compares Cas to a “dog who thinks he’s people” for being an angel who rejected heaven and chose his family with the Winchesters.
10.23-11.03: Cas is literally under a spell referred to as “Attack Dog,” which he fights against but is slowly turning him into a killing machine. He seeks help from Heaven, but they only want to use him, to torture information out of him and then kill him once they get what they want. It’s implied he even kills a dog in 11.01.
11.06: when Cas is in the bunker still suffering from trauma related to the attack dog spell, lying in bed and watching tv, he changes the channel to a news story about a dog riding a skateboard, and the newscaster uses Rowena’s line from 10.22: “Aw, that dog thinks it’s people!”
12.19: Lucifer refers to Cas as the Winchesters’ “purse dog,” and s12 is littered with dog references, especially between Lucifer and Crowley (which started back in s11 when Lucifer was using Cas’s vessel and treating Crowley like a dog... there’s a lot of negative baggage attached to dogs on this show)
13.16: Scooby is obviously the one dog Dean’s okay with, having positive childhood associations with him. But when comparing themselves to the scooby gang, Sam says they don’t have a talking dog, and Dean replies that Cas is sort of like a talking dog... which is interesting because at the end of the episode Cas tells Dean he’s NOT a talking dog. And this, in a scene that was directly foreshadowing Dean becoming Michael’s suit...again, more negative baggage for both of them.
The Dean vs Dogs imagery really kicks in when Dean’s soul is destined for Hell in s3, though.
3.10: In his rant to his dream self, Dream!Dean accuses Dean of being as “mindless and obedient as an attack dog,” just a few lines before he gives the “daddy’s blunt little instrument” line that Cas reminded us of in 15.18. So I do think this is something that the writers couldn’t possibly have been unaware of in invoking that specific line and the specific baggage attached to it.
3.11, one of the MANY deaths Dean suffers is from a seemingly nice dog he tries to pet in a friendly manner. The nice golden retriever mauls him to death, like the hellhounds are due to do to him in just a few short episodes... 
3.16: literally torn apart by hellhounds... don’t know how else to make it clear that Dean Is Not A Fan of this.
4.06: suffering from Ghost Sickness, and being magically forced to experience heightened levels of fear, he runs from a lil Yorkie with a bow in its hair, pausing only long enough to warn another person on the street to run before it kills them. We are invited to see how his biggest fear-- of Lilith, of being tortured in Hell, and having been dragged there by hellhounds-- is literally tied to his feelings toward actual dogs, including nonthreatening little lap dogs.
6.01: When Dean falls under the djinn’s spell, he hallucinates an unseen monster, presumably something akin to a hellhound, but when he thinks he’s caught the monster, it’s the neighbor’s Yorkie. Just like in 4.05, Dogs, Hellhounds, and Things Dean Fears In His Soul are all tangled up together.
6.08: aka that one episode I forget exists until it comes back around on the loop (actually I don’t forget it exists anymore, I’ve seen the show too many times at this point, but meh...). But it does plant this fear, that any dog anywhere might not really be a dog. The “sleeper cell” skinwalker packs in cities all over the world? Yeah, not a happy thought for someone who really doesn’t like dogs. Or at the very least has a low-key fear of them.
7.15: I would qualify this one as just “symbolism,” but since this episode is full of anvils, it feels legit to mention that the spell Jeffrey uses to summon his demon back to him involves using Dean’s blood and a dog’s heart. Not really a dean/fear thing, but Dean AS a dog-- and a sacrificed dog at that.
8.01: When Dean gets back from Purgatory, he gets in the Impala and smells dog. Bringing on the famous rule that he’s quite angry about Sam having clearly violated even when he wasn’t on the same plane of existence at the time-- No dogs in the car. He’s still clearly not a fan. Early s8 becomes a long string of “Sam hit a dog” comments, too.
8.15: for all this episode’s grossness, it does remind us over and over again that Dean really does not like dogs. Even flat out having Dean say he likes dogs, and the woman who literally is a dog familiar tells him that no, he doesn’t.
9.05: Dean... is basically a dog. He bonds with the Colonel a bit, even identifies with the dog while he’s under the spell, but all that good will that built up between them effectively shatters again with the ominous last words he gets before the spell wears off and the knowledge that dogs were not created to be man’s best friend, but had some other-- and in this context seemingly sinister-- purpose.
And then we have every other ep that deals with Hellhounds, Dean’s failure to kill one leading to Sam taking on the trials instead of him, tied up in their mutual discussion of what they see as their respective futures-- Sam wants to live, and he wants Dean to live, too, instead of Dean constantly running toward death and self-sacrifice. So like, these themes are all tied up together, and makes all the dog stuff incredibly not fun when it comes to Dean specifically.
So when Dean does lose Cas-- and everyone else on the planet-- the dog being the ONE living being they’ve found, Dean picking her up and putting her in “Cas’s place” in the car, only to have Chuck snap her away like she was a manipulative trick the entire time? Not even really real, just one more thing to give Dean a tiny bit of hope only to maliciously snatch it away again?
And then for the SINGLE thing Dean asked for from Chuck being to bring Cas back?
And then he doesn’t get Cas back, but apparently kidnaps this random dog instead?
It’s just... indescribably weird to me, and so entirely out of character and insulting to Cas on top of it all. Like this was the only happiness Dean was allowed after saving the universe. No found extended family, no life outside of Sam and hunting, no dream of retiring and finding a beach to sink his toes in the sand for a little while. He just gets a dog, which he canonically doesn’t like and has a lot of issues with for entirely understandable reasons. So like.. .how is this cute or happy or nice?
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doctorwholover01 · 3 years
Hello, hi wow it's been a while since I've posted on the tag. Then again there is really nothing to post about it really speculate about. Anyways, we got the episode names which is fun and some photo bare minimum. With this though I wanted to make a post about the episode names and the synopsis of episode two of s11 I wanna talk about specifically the part of;
' Daryl is in his own intense hellish situation trying to find dog and finding more than he expected '
Like many others who I have seen on here and on Twitter my mind went ' it's Leah '. We knew she was coming back and specifically them using dog as a way of leading Daryl to Leah as it sounds in this is very remanist of in Find me where dog leads Carol and Daryl to the cabin. Now as I said we knew Lynn was coming back as Leah we suspected as much. But I want to talk more on how the importance of the Leah is a reaper theory comes into the episode names in my mind. To break down:
11×01: Acheron Part I
11×02: Acheron Part II
- Acheron a river in Greece and known in Greece mythology as the ' river of woe ' and one of the five rivers of the underworld. This river would be a passage for the newly deceased into the underworld. I thought it was interesting that they are naming a two part episode after Greek mythology and especially the river of woe, of sorrow of distress. This could possibly be the inevitable end to Alexandria or something more. There is a need for food and a need to rebuild to survive could this be why they used this myth as well as in episode two having to fight walker. So basically all in all this two parter will possibly be sorrowful. With the return of Leah though the next few episode names is where I thought of what the writers may or may not being doing.
11×03: Hunted
11×05: Out of the Ashes ( if this isn't a Caryl EP I will riot )
11×06: On the Inside
11×07: Promises Broken
11×08: For Blood.
Okay these episodes right here their names I really like them and my brain may be making up shit or thinking up a possible dream story but heres what I thought may happen when I read after ep1 and 2 names.
So episode threes name for me went for two things 1. Being Daryl being hunted by Leah and the reaper's ( I'm not so sure about that one ) 2. Daryl being hunted by his past of Leah so her presence being there as well as the group being hunted by the reaper's specifically Maggie her story to this and how Leah being a reaper will make the story that more interesting. Because of whatever hold she has on Daryl can be used to her advantage.
Episode four being name Rendition I thought was interesting in two ways in story wise. Rendition is a performative piece of music so a performance is being performed from Eugene group possible to get to the commonwealth. And as well as Leah to get her way into the group and get to Maggie to preform as a defensively, alone in order for that hold on Daryl to be held. A performance is going to happen in each way.
Out of the ashes episode 5 like I said will fight if it's not a Caryl episode. I'm joking... Kind of. Out of the ashes to me sounds like a big phew moment maybe the group find food, find Connie, get in contact with Eugene group. All of that to me is what I think this episode may be a kind of relief but not really. Cause it's TWD and we haven't known relief for years. Like episode one and two this episode I don't really have a lot to say expect that.
Episode six, On the Inside, now from I think it apparent filming spoilers of Norman filming as Daryl with reaper's there has been this theory going about that Daryl will actually be a reaper because of Leah which I'm not going lie to me just sounds like bad story telling if it goes through. Daryl character had found his place in where he belongs which is with team fam he says as much to Carol in find me. To me On the Inside would be where Leah found in EP 2 would come into play with her reaper story line. She is on the inside of the group now possibly part of it she is inside there walls and she has infiltrated the group which in order for her possibly maybe being a reaper leader gives her a head start on how to get to Maggie to know the group and the bring it all down and burn it, pillage and take everything. I don't think Daryl is working with the reaper like I said it would be a horrible 360 on his character now but infact Leah infiltrating on the inside. As well as Eugene group getting a feel for the commonwealth scooping it out. Seeing what that life is.
Promises broken this episode is why I think it's Leah working on the inside of the group to infiltrate. She has most likely told Daryl she doesn't have a group in order to get to Maggie since the reaper's seem to be her storyline and now Daryl possibly with Leah. Like I said I think Leah from the inside of the group will try to burn it all down like with the Whispers expect Leah will be smart about it hitting already weak points like alpha did but not showing her hand too quickly. Remmber the hold on Daryl I said about she will try to use that break him down more against the group possibly reminding him of his time in the woods. Maybe he's sees through it through the lie hence a Promise broken. She is break that hold on him promise of his past of which he left and felt guilty about where he thought he belonged broken. Which would tie into.
The half way point... I think. For Blood episode eight. The reaper want blood as we've seen a little in the extra episode specifically Maggie groups blood and now it will be all of Alexandria who is Maggie group. I feel in this episode as it is the half way point Leah will show her true colours to everyone making Daryl feel at blame as he has let her into the group and now put HIS BLOOD his family at danger to the reaper's. I think a fight will pan out in this episode and as one of my friends said maybe Daryl will have to chose to either still feel this hold Leah had over him and sacrifice Leah For Blood, for his family to feel he has right his own wrong.
Yeah so basically tada. This is all been stuck in my head for about two days now and I thought I'd share. I'd like to know others opinions on these episodes as well. So I'm just going to peace out again and not post until the trailer comes out.
PSA I do know this has little to nothing to do with Caryl but the Caryl tag is where I post most. I am a Caryl account this is also where I seen the most speculation.
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piraticalarchive · 4 years
Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Taylor. I joined tumblr for my first ever rp experience and i had never heard of aliases. Sometimes I joke around with changing it but honestly, I feel like its lying at this point. I don’t know why. Some people do it for safety issues and I get that but I had such a reputation as being a jerk that I think it’s better to keep ‘taylor’ and let people decide for themselves. It’s never changing. Kind of like this url/blog. It’s all here. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: Captain Hook without a doubt. Not a moment’s hesitation. 100 % full stop. The dichotomy of his entire character makes everything so interesting. I’ve waxed on about how much I love this twit as a muse as far as personality etc goes .. but I also love the relationships he’d led me to. The way writing him has led me on my own journey. The things I’ve learned about myself and the way I’ve grown as a writer. I’m pretty proud of what I’ve accomplished and looking at the writing relationships I have on this blog and knowing they extend for years is just .. so fucking cool in my mind.
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): It was a myriad of things. I’ve always loved captain hook and I had been on tumblr with my personal for the first time ever for about a month when I somehow stumbled across the rp community. I kind of was like ‘can i do this?’ but I didn’t see a lot of literature based blogs and no version of hook that i knew of felt the ‘idea’ i had in my head. Like two or three days later I was working on an A&P online lab at my best friend’s house and she was trying to get into ouat and the ep she was on was the crocodile. I barely paid attention but I was drawn to Killian from the first moment. I didn’t realize he was meant to be captain hook until the last scene when he yells out neverland! but we won’t talk about that. I checked out his next three episodes and was pretty into it. I knew from the first moment I didn’t want to write that character, however. I wanted him to be my iteration of Captain Hook. I was wary with the ouat fandom because i was so new and there were a million killians around, so I randomly joined the robin hood bbc fandom and replied to like five opens?? because what was mutual exclusivity back then. He blew up pretty fast and it was a lot of ‘learn on the go’, but here we are. And I wouldn’t change anything. He’s developed so much from how he used to be and I love that because there’s no way I could write a static character for seven years.
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: the anger. the attitude and confidence that is simply a wall formed around a very broken man. He can be so fucking funny. There are a few times where I laugh out loud writing stuff, even the stuff that isn’t necessarily in a ‘crack au’. He can be so absurd that he fits in anywhere and I credit barrie for that. He makes the character of ‘hook’ a very real human being. A killer, yeah, but he’s also a hedonist who is obsessed with keeping his nails clean and has an affinity for flowers. I love that.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: Peter Pan 2003 does it for me. But also any emotional scene. The Land Before Time usually gets me going on this blog. I also have a tendency to write killian when I feel overinflated with ego or I’m bordering on the edge of manic. That’s when I get my best writing done (for this blog at least) - so I think my activity is usually like three or four days of writing and then radio silence haha. I’m also a big fan of songs and I have different playlists for different moods I might try to be creating.
Favourite types of threads: FUCKING ANGST. I love angst. I think there’s such room for growth during an angst thread. Pushing your character out of their (and possibly your) comfort zone - you learn a lot about someone based on how they react in a crisis. I’m not super good at fluff etc which is probably why I don’t ship a lot.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: the time and the energy. there are so many things i want to write and so many people i want to write with - but sometimes I get overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. I worry I’m too slow and people will get tired of waiting which then leads to me freezing up and being even slower. I struggle with telling people ‘no’ now because I’ve tried to be so much more open and welcoming and different than how I used to be and sometimes I end up writing things I don’t necessarily feel or agree with as far as his character goes, because I’m afraid to let someone down or hurt their feelings. I’m starting to move away from that though. I’m falling back into the mindset of i don’t care. unfollow me...which is a nice change. I think having a lot of my best friends returning has a lot to do with it. It reminds me of how much fun it was when it was just about writing with friends and ignoring tumblr politics / that new atmosphere that has invaded the rpc as far as hand holding goes. I’ve reached my limit when it comes to making myself available for every single person who follows me and I’m starting to set boundaries which helps a lot. So yeah, its not a really struggle to write or capture him. But dealing with the things I’ve allowed into my rp life that I don’t like or agree with .. is a big oof.
tagged by: @murdcck
tagging: @twistedwit, @matchedrage , @ahbutimavillain, @trickstercaptain, @whisperedreveries , @valorsworn , @copiesofher, @denydefeat + anyone else who wants to ! tag me!!
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
thoughts on loki ep 3: lamentis
under cut for your convenience
my first thought when i saw C-20 at the beginning was the Framework...i might be a bit too obsessed with an aos/Loki crossover...
C-20 was sorta able to find out something was wrong. from what Sylvie said, that's pretty impressive.
i wonder if Sylvie uses magic similar to Wanda's. like if Wanda just uses it on a bigger scale. the mind illusions thing checks out. and i saw on youtube that another patron looks like Evan Peters, so maybe they're connected? but most likely they just hired a dude that happens to look like Evan Peters.
going back to that, the glitch in C-20's illusion was like the glitches in WandaVision
if this really is similar to Wanda in canon, that means Sylvie and other Lokis might be nexus beings (y'know, the very thing i shout about in tags because i want)
Okay, so Sylvie tried to enchant a minuteman, which means she must have assumed the TVA operates on the same physics as the timeline. So neither Lokis thought magic could possibly be impeded.
good action sequence with Sylvie and minutemen and Sylvie and Loki
dudes...Renslayer can't fight. she literally did a horrible job.
Sylvie really thought the TVA valued Loki and that they really wanted/needed him to stop her. so she threatened to kill him, just for Renslayer to give the go ahead. shows how little the TVA cares and it echoes Odin.
Lamentis 1 sounded cool because that is a very sci-fi-ey name. It means the star the planet orbits is called Lamentis and the planet is the closest planet. That's how we name lots of planets outside the solar system. so i appreciated that.
okay, lamentis is literally just the bi flag. but still lots of purple so i will claim it as ace as well.
teleportation! and actual magic! yay!
okay, are they setting up a Loki/Sylvie romance? the way they framed the two when Sylvie tried to enchant Loki was how it's often done with kisses
Sylvie said with strong minds she has to do what she did to C-20 to enchant them, but she couldn't even do that with Loki. Which shows how powerful Loki is and how powerful the mind stone is.
i will die for more of Loki and Sylvie being chaotic together
Sylvie she said is an alias. Does this mean she is genderfluid but is female more often than male? i'm told some genderfluids are one gender more than the other, and i've considered Hiddleston's Loki to be predominantly male. Could Sylvie be the other way around? & born Loki but haven't changed her name? or have different names for different genders? and doesn't want to be called Loki when she's female because that's not her name as a woman?
literally i can't tell if they're setting up romance or sibling stuff.
i never thought i'd hear the word "savvy" from Loki. but, hey, if Jack Sparrow can say it, i'll allow it.
the effects for the gun that woman used look similar to Daisy Johnson's quakes. for a second i hoped for an aos crossover, but then i remembered that marvel hates it's non-Disney+ series.
i like the differences between Loki and Sylvie. Loki is less confrontational and more likely to mischief his way when Sylvie is more likely to rip the bandaid off and get it over with, if that makes sense. i think that Sylvie might just be so tired from living on the run, only going to apocalypses that she just wants to get it over with.
love is a serious theme throughout this episode. again, are they setting up a Loki/Sylvie romance? or will it be platonic or familial or something else?
Loki is very clearly not okay with the fact that so many people are being left to die, and i'm here for it
so the whole thing to get on the train i think is setting those two up to be a good duo. between illusions and enchantments, they can do a lot. and Loki was able to get them part of the way, and Sylvie the rest. i think it could be foreshadowing both of them needing to use their skills to work together.
never have your back to a door, i guess
Sylvie's reaction to Loki saying he wasn't told he was adopted. man, she was worried. she knows that that is messed up and i think she feels bad for Loki. she's probably imagining how her life would be different if she didn't know she was adopted.
sounds like Odin and Frigga weren't the adopters of Sylvie. Maybe the Lushtons? i don't know anything about them, just that Lushton is Sylvie's last name in the comics. so, yay for her for not having trash parents. unless they were, then sorry for Sylvie. at least they told her she was adopted. but if the Lushtons adopted her, how did they fall across a frost giant? especially the daughter of Laufey?
i've seen suggestions that the post man Sylvie is with could be Stan Lee since a couple cameos were of him as a post man. Maybe a younger post man, but he has less of a lifespan (if he is actually human in universe. i still like to think of him as the One Above All who just really likes to see the drama of things) than Sylvie, so she could be with him for a long time. maybe that's why Stan is always cameoing. he's just trying different things to try to find his love. and maybe he has a longer lifespan (he was in First Avenger) but not as long as Sylvie's so she still was there for most his life but he's dying soon. I actually like this headcanon a lot, i think it's sweet.
YAS BISEXUAL LOKI YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM! but i'm also scared my parents will find out. they're anti-queer. my siblings saw it, & they aren't supportive either but they operate on an "ignore it" policy, so they don't really care as long as it isn't a big deal.
also it is heavily hinted Sylvie is bi as well.
yes, i will continue to headcanon Loki as greyromantic and asexual. deal with it. i will change my language from panromantic to biromantic since the director specifically said he was bi.
also, it sounded like the director might be bi as well. good for her, taking a character she saw as bi and literally making it canon.
i knew Tom could sing, he was on Broadway. but i had never heard him sing i don't think. he has a good voice. petition to make a musical with Loki. watch the episode "Duet" of The Flash. i want something similar to that. can Sophia sing? throw her in too if she can!
translation of the norwegian suggests romance between Loki and Sylvie
was i expecting an "ANOTHER" reference? no. am i glad we got it? yeah, that was a nice touch.
turns out "full" means drunk in Norwegian according to a youtuber? but don't quote that. Loki says he's full, not drunk at one point.
what were they serving on that train? Thor couldn't get drunk on Earth. heck, Steve couldn't. so it must've been a heck of a drink they were serving
ok, the dagger metaphor i actually really liked. could be a shakespeare reference?
the fireworks thing with Frigga was cute
okay, i don't like Frigga much, but this has confirmed that Frigga was, maybe possibly, better than Odin. Frigga at least believed in Loki. but then her betrayal was so much worse.
wait, i just realized. Loki gets a fight scene on a train. a superhero genre staple is a fight on a moving vehicle (bonus if it's a train). yay! Loki hasn't had this trope yet in any of his appearances. off screen before Infinity War, and i don't count his attempt to murder Thanos on the Statesman. but we can add that to his list of superhero tropes.
i feel like the TVA needs to make stronger tempads...
okay, Loki threw the dagger horribly because he was drunk, right?they aren't saying he has horrible aim, are they?
falling out of a moving vehicle is also a superhero trope...at least it went better for them than it did Bucky
i relate to Sylvie screaming in the middle of nowhere
Loki being gentle with Sylvie and letting her talk to him. gosh. i love it. was not expecting to see Loki from my fics make an appearance.
Sylvie explained the enchantment to Loki, which i think was a poor decision for her.
she said C-20's mind was hard to navigate to her original memories. maybe the TVA does something to the TVA agents that join them. maybe if Loki proved useful, they'd do it to Loki.
or maybe variants lose memory over time. Sylvie says something about her memory being like blips of a dream, but I don't remember the context. maybe over time variants lose their memories and only retain a few things. Sylvie is well down that process, Loki has had hardly any change, and those working for the TVA only have a few things to remind them.
Mobius absolutely was a jet ski enthusiast in the '90's when he was arrested, and he loved Josta.
Casey liked Boku juice, a sign he was from the '90's.
whoever makes the uniforms is from whatever period that style of suit was popular ('80's?).
if anyone isn't a variant, it's Renslayer. she knows more than she should, i'm sure of it.
C-20 likes margaritas now, i'm sure of it.
Mobius has an interesting relationship with Renslayer. I wasn't sure if it was romantic or what. Maybe Renslayer looks like his lover from the '90's so he is flirty with her because of the faint memories he has.
Loki immediately catches on to the TVA agents not knowing they're variants. they think the Time Keepers created them. he knows that, Sylvie didn't. this immediately tells Loki that the Time Keepers are messed up.
possible redemptions for Mobius? B-15? C-20? when they find out they're variants?
so does C-20 know now? she kept saying "it was real" when Mobius found her in Roxxcart. maybe she had dreams of her life before, and Sylvie showed her that they were real?
the whole scene in the city was wild. so much color, lights, people, action, it was wild
Loki being protective of Sylvie, helping her up and wrapping his arm around her, i'm here for it.
loved the bit where Loki used telekinesis to stop the tower from falling on them.
there was a bit where Loki and Sylvie fought & their moves mirrored each other and gosh that was a nice touch.
Loki's reaction to the Ark's destruction. standing there in defeat while Sylvie walks away. wow. Tom. you are amazing.
and what the heck why did the episode end there?
can't wait for the next episode
more of TVA being evil being shown, loving it.
really, is Loki/Sylvie a thing? i have a hard time seeing romance some times, so let me know.
can we please get a Kang tease?
great lighting & cinematography. beautiful. lovely. also good action. shout out to the stunt doubles since they don't get enough credit.
okay let Loki & Sylvie be friends (or lovers, i'm fine with that) and let them burn the TVA down together.
aaaaaaaaaaa how are we half way through?
also, have the TVA fixed all the messed up timelines yet?
oh wait i gotta talk about this. the minutemen don't remember their names. i doubt Mobius's name was Mobius Mobius Mobius. Casey is probably not his real name. The Clone Wars fan in me was already screaming, but now it is even more.
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jihoonpandaeyes · 4 years
the week of ragnorok
posting this because so many kpop comebacks/debuts have happened from the 15th to the 21st it's so crazy that I've called this week "the week of ragnorok" lmao. what's companies' obsession w/this week we'll never know
anyways, let me begin!
1. ponzona - purple kiss
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purple kiss are a seven member girl group under rbw entertainment, the same company that has mamamoo, oneus and onewe. they debuted two days ago with a such a STELLAR song called ponzona. this song is them flexing their vocals and raps and i'm OBSESSED.
their ep called into violet is no skips, including pre-release singles can we talk again and my heart skip a beat. the ep mostly consists of slower songs such as can we talk again and period that showcase their vocals really well. also some upbeat, hype songs such as my heart skip a beat and skip skip are also in the ep.
these girls are so talented, so let's root for them! i see such a bright future for them.
2. killa - mirae
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mirae are a seven member boy group under dsp media, the same company that kard and april are under. they debuted on the 17th with the song killa which has a sound reminiscent of nct 127's superhuman. the concept is intriguing as it's a combination of futuristic sci-fi and traditional. i'm really curious to see how they develop it in the future.
the mood of the song is something that would be included in a superhero montage the vocals are solid along with the rap, making this overall a very strong debut in my opinion.
i haven't formed solid opinions of the ep killa yet, but it is a good step forward for a rookie group and has standout tracks such as swagger which was written by bm of kard, and higher, the instrumental being used as the theme song for mirae's youtube reality show.
pls perform one stage of higher mirae i am begging
these boys exude such an awkward but charming atmosphere when they're together, like that's the main reason i like them. but they're also mega talented, so check them out! they really do have the full package.
3. after school - weeekly
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weeekly is a seven member (what's up w/the number 7?) girl group under playm entertainment, the same company that houses victon and apink. they debuted on june 30 2020 with the song tag me, gaining attention for being a cute song amongst all the girl crush-esque concepts debuting at the time.
after school is their third comeback on the 17th and let me say that I ADORE THE STYLING. when i saw the first concept photos, it was love at first sight. i kept up with the updates just to see more of the styling and hopefully find a bop while i'm at it. AND FOUND A BOP I DID.
the mv is so bright and vibrant and has a variety of sets, making it feel like a breath of fresh air. i loved the scene where the girls were skateboarding on the rooftop 'cause it felt like i hadn't been outside in ages due to how boxed in kpop mvs feel nowadays.
the song's hook is so smooth and catchy like it lives in my head rent-free. also that reference to tag me is so cute.
the stages for this song are on point from the styling to the stage presence and the brief use of a skateboard was a nice thing to see. they're honestly such a serotonin boost, so go watch one if you haven't already. this one is my favourite.
the ep, we play, is pretty solid judging from the few times i've heard it. i haven't fully listened to it yet, but instant standout tracks are yummy, which was written by one of the members. also lucky whose instrumental reminds me of panaroma by iz*one.
yeah, so check out weeekly!
3. do or not - pentagon
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pentagon are a seven member boy group under cube entertainment and they're back with do or not which dropped on the 15th this song is has some rock elements much like their 2020 comeback, daisy. despite the bright visuals, do or not's lyrics are the exact opposite. they're about wanting to get over a breakup by pretending not to care, but still feeling hurt.
the lyric explanations are not my own, they are from a reddit post explaining all the aspects of this comeback linked here. all credit to them.
lyrics include:
"i don't care if you do or not. it doesn't matter, no matter what you say."
the chorus:
so what, i don't care
so far it seems like pentagon have gotten over the heartbreak and are vocal about it not controlling them anymore.
but the bridge tells a different story to the rest of the song:
leave me, let's see if you'll be alright
i'm going to try my best to forget you
i'll easily forget about you, and will hate you a little
the fact that they're trying to forget the heartbreak means that the song was a whole trick. that's what people do when they don't want to acknowledge their true feelings.
the contrast of pentagon's sound and visuals to their lyrics is interesting and a reminder to not take content at face value, to always look if there's a deeper meaning.
i love the overarching sound throughout this ep, like i could hear each of these songs being featured in a coming-of-age movie (one of my favourite subsection of music lmao).
standout tracks for me are that's me, baby i love you and boy in time. the album is a satisfying listen due to its cohesion, so i recommend you check it out.
whew, now i'm done. i didn't dive into every comeback that happened this week or this would never be released lmao. so here's my honorable mentions!
feel like - woodz
i like you - ciipher
young blood - drippin'
house party - super junior
breaking dawn - the boyz 1st japanese album
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TROS - What did I even watch? Or how I lived to see the day Disney murdered a prince, left Cinderella alone in the desert, and hoped for the world to rejoice because it was “fun”?
Dear friends, I’ve been here for the spoilers and I’ve even talked with some of you. I went to watch the movie today, with 0 hope of anything except of seeing my baby Ben Solo and Adam’s fenomenal acting (and listening to some good John Williams). 
I knew it would be horrible, but as @nevernerdenoughblog said seeing it makes it even more. Like @clairen45 it felt so wrong. Should I rejoice with a Reylo kiss that Rey gave but seconds later didn’t even cry over Ben’s dead body? I refuse to acknowledge this characterization of Rey. She was the only one that ever believed in Ben Solo, she shipped herself to make him know he was loved and wanted and to help him. Where was this Rey in this movie?
I am sorry guys (especially for the tagging) but I need to write this out or it will eat me and you guys are the few ones that relate to my pain. You know what really hurt me the most in all this? Toxic masculinity disguised as feminism.
They trashed the Heroine’s Journey. They murdered it and spit in its face. JJ Abrams simply decided that the Heroine’s Journey (done in act 1/ep. VII and act 2/ep. VIII) was not cutting anymore and decided to send Rey on a Hero’s Journey (ep. IX only, new 1st, 2nd and 3rd act altogether), where she has become this almost toxic masculine fighter under Leia’s training  — Badass girl? Yes. Full of anger? Yes. Logical? Yes. Connected to anything? No, not even herself, she kept on the run, afraid. In search of the Jedi detachment? Yes. —, only to send her happilly off to a desert planet in the end of her journey and finishing with her alone talking with an old lady.
Which remind us of the start of TFA, meaning she has comeback to what? Luke didn’t even comeback to that “home” in Tatooine the end of his Hero’s Journey? So she went to a place of death to what? This is a slap on the face of the Heroine’s Journey. This is how toxic masculinity corrupts and interrupts the most uncomfortable (to psychologically unhealthy bystanders) and fundamental (to the woman herself) phase of Heroine’s Journey: You want love, family, a partnership, connection, nurturing or progeny? That is weak, it is foolish. You need to fight, to conquer, to take, take and take. Otherwise you won’t be strong or independent.
I AM CRYING! WHY? WHY? WHY? Daisy, are you really seriously satisfied with this ending? Because REY DESERVED BETTER. 
BTW, BEN SOLO DESERVED BETTER! The true feminist of this story DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER! ADAM DRIVER DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER! He always respect the director’s view, does his best to accomplish it and brings his best acting to the table. The only saving grace in the whole movie to me was Ben’s arc because 1) Adam was doing it and 2) He honored his character. Man he deserved so much better!!!!!
I’m not even going to repeat what everyone already said about where is George Lucas’ Fairytale Story, because you guys said it all. But I have a beef with Disney executive decisions:
Walt Disney. Much have been criticized concerning his choices to make HEA in fairytales. But what now? We find balance by wanting our children to grow up to be cynic and seeing the feminine as weak? Unhelpful? Bad? 
“Yo independent women! You need no prince even if you have one. He can compassionately and selfelessly die to save you because he loves you and you can go off, happily, to celebrate with your friends! You don’t mourn his body, oh no. You don’t tell him you love him. You forget him. You go be that cool lonely warrior.”
Excuse me but I can kick ass and have the romantic love life and children I want! I can have both! Because I am a human being and I deserve it. This is not a matter of being a men or women. This is a matter of balancing the feminine and masculine within.
But that is not just it. BEN SOLO DESERVED BETTER! WALT WOULD NEVER, EVER LET A CHARACTER THAT WENT THROUGH ABUSE AND SO MUCH PAIN DIE THE WAY BEN SOLO DID! Is that a Disney movie??????? I mean, what did I just watch????
Walt Disney, the man who promised P.L. Travers, upon knowing who Mr. Banks was to her (her deceased alcoholic father) and what Mary Poppins, her work, meant to her, said:
“George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that is what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again.”
THAT IS WHAT STORYTELLERS DO! Like so many fanfic writers in this fandom @nite0wl29, @stargazer1116, @intp-slytherin97, @eleanor-writes-stuff, @postedbygaslight, @raven-maiden, and so many others!! Btw, thank you all!! My vacation starts tomorrow and I’m going to read again all your amazing fics to regain exactly that: HOPE!
What was TROS? Leia and Luke believing in the good in Rey? The whole Jedi Order believing in her? I have nothing against that but why didn’t they believe or help Ben too? Ben didn’t receive any of that love, WHY? What was wrong with him? What did he do?! He was the most selfless of souls, just like his Father and Grandmother. Is this vicntim blaming??? WHY DISNEY, LUCAS FILM and JJ ABRAMS, WHY?!
I used to think people were wrong when they said Disney was only doing SW for money. Because Walt Disney also said and lived by this rule:
“The important thing is the family. If you can keep the family together — and that’s the backbone of our whole business, catering to families — that is what we hope to do.”
SW is about family and I refuse to accept ep. IX as SW. It has all the make up of SW, but it lacks the heart and very essence of it.
As dear @eleanor-writes-stuff said, so much for criticizing Rian Johnson, only to consagrate his work. That man honored the storytelling art and I’ll be forever grateful to him for his touch in SW and for how his writing touched and changed my life. And I know Waltz would have approved too because he also said:
“I prefer to entertain people in the hope that they learn, rather than teach people in the hope they are entertained.”
Leia’s feelings for Ben have remained ambiguous, you can both read her as someone who wants her baby boy dead (because her death allows Rey to stab Ben to death if she wants to, when Ben was never going to harm Rey) or not. Actions speak louder than words, and this was the movie when Leia would have the chance to assume the responsability for her mistakes and take action, instead of only claiming she believed her son was alive.
If she clearly wanted to reach Ben, was Maz’s words needed? No, they weren’t. It was exactly because Maz needed to voice it that proved Leia’s actions could be read as ambiguous. Again, actions speak louder than words. Her body only disappeared after Ben’s did too because what? She was expecting him to die so she could collect his soul?
I dearly love Leia’s character but LEIA DESERVED BETTER! CARRIE DESERVED BETTER! In the end I’m not sure what to make of the ST Leia. She could have helped Ben but clearly sent him away to Luke because? What?
Ben Solo get his redemption from his own 2 hands + his father’s memory (not force ghost) + Rey’s confession. In the end he becomes the bride of the monster, only to die right after, in a what? Plot twist?
Finn, who? That was so messed up! Rose? Poor Rose!!! Hux? Oh Hux deserved better too. I was glad to see that Poe matured though and grew in his arc.
I’m also mad and confused about other plot points:
Ben throws his bleeded kyber krystal away because of his father. Okay. Why did no one help him when he cried on the Force to crack his kyber and soul, but Luke Force Ghost appears to catch Rey throwing a lightsaber in an on fire tie fighter?
Rey would turn to the Dark side if she killed Palpatine, right? 5 minutes later she won’t turn to the Dark Side anymore even if she still kills him in anger? Just because the self righteous jedi chose to let Ben get thrown down the abysm by himself but Rey was the Chosen One?
Still on this topic, so she choses to give up her soul so Palpatine uses her body as the vessel of his soul and the legion of siths, in order to save her friends, but she won’t take Ben Solo’s hand, even if she claims she wants to + retaining her body, to do the same?
I think force bonds don’t make much of a difference anymore when one of the parts dies. Ben can die and Rey seems pretty okay?
INTERESTING FACT: Beside me there was a father with his 6 or 7 year old son. The child kept asking what was going on everytime the movie introduced any plot twists or too much information too quickly. When the Reylo kiss came on screen, you know what the kid said? “I told ya!” I wanted to cry when seconds later the boy was claiming now was Rey’s turn to bring Ben back. Children understand the Heroine’s Journey and it doesn’t scare them. It is beautiful like that. The father then had to try and explain to the boy that other things were going on and that no, “that guy was gone”. What have you done people?
I must have a clown face. They lied to us about this movie being “The Rise of Skywalker”. Maybe they lied to us about this being the end of the saga? Considering JJ claims this is fun, happy and hopeful, yeah, I doubt they are making an episode X or ressurecting Ben Solo after throwing in the garbage the Heroine’s Journey. I vaguely remember Adam also said he wasn’t going to appear in another SW.
IF they do announce an ep. X, I’m not watching it unless Ryan or someone like him directs the movie.
I loved to see Han Solo’s memory helping his son. That man trully loved him and it is tragic that he screwed up as a father only because he thought he wasn’t enough to be a good one and that Leia and Luke would know better.
I also loved to see Ben Solo as his father son and grandchild to his grandmother and great grandmother. He was beautiful and I love him and he’ll be forever with me.
I liked the Reylo kiss... but Rey’s actions in this movie have affected me so that it doesn’t feel like they scrapped the surface of making justice to this that could have been the happiest and most balanced of all SW couples.
I’ll forget TROS. YBTOTT is now canon to me, because it is a perfect 3rd act in this trilogy, and @postedbygaslight honors the Heroine’s Journey like few writers have the gut and courage to do. Thank you so much Wayne!
And if anyone had the patience to read this to the end, thank you. I feel it too guys, this was awful and horrible.
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yakocchi · 5 years
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(Eisuke) The King’s Training – “Try to Satisfy Me” // Episode 1
A bit of context for what this is from: otona love is their mature hub for existing Voltage series and their original adult series. So it’s just essentially 100koi+ (Love 365) except you have to play it on a shitty web browser and also pay more monies per story. technology
For a while I thought I imagined seeing this story in the site, but actually voltage just got lazy and didn’t tag this story with anything. Legit, you can type “eisuke” and “suite room” in the search and it doesn’t show up. it shows up on the kbtbb store page but… whack. almost reminds me of how useless the 365 app search can be
Episode 1 is free (!!!) so if you wanna follow along with a portrait of eisuke (bc I didn’t post further screencaps) then… there you go
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this ep is… not adult-adult, but eh. It’s the later eps that do the adult content or w/e
eisuke nonsense behind the cut
At the penthouse, where it seems like I’m always being summoned to come over… Within seconds I was already thrown into bed, and I weakly pushed against him.
[MC]: “N-No, don’t…” [Eisuke]: “Stop trying to hide every single little thing.” [Eisuke]: “Do you intend to make me say that over and over again?” [MC]: “Even then, doing this all of a sudden is a bit embarrassing…” [MC]: “Can you at least turn off the lights?” [Eisuke]: “Will that be all from you?” (This is bad… his mood quickly went sour.)
When I shrink away from the icy gaze above me, the sheets are then mercilessly torn away. [MC]: “Ah-” [Eisuke]: “Are you not in the mood to entertain me?” [MC]: “ah… Please, wait-” (As it is - it’s impossible!) Tightly shutting my eyes, I brace through my shame and-
(He shut them off for me!) [MC]: “Thank y–“ [Eisuke]: “…” In that split second I sigh in relief, he suddenly grabs onto my ankles. [MC]: “!” [Eisuke]: “From here, I won’t let any more complaints come out of you.” He forces himself between my knees, a smirk on his face. (Seems like it’ll be a long night…)
The next day – (I’m dead… dead tired…) (I only had resisted him for a little bit, and yet I was punished until morning…) I groggily continue to make the bed when I stagger a step and bang into the cleaning wagon. [MC]: “Aaah-“ [Erika]: “MC, hold it. What are you doing?” [MC]: “I’m sorry for causing more unnecessary work for you!” Waking up to tidy the massive heap of fallen amenities, Erika hands me the new sheets with a thud. [Erika]: “You know, you’ve been slacking off too much lately.” [Erika]: “Even if you’re Mr. Ichinomiya’s girlfriend - let’s not get too carried away now, hm?!” [MC]: “Of course not!” [Erika]: “As punishment, please do the rest of the cleaning by yourself!” (So that I can keep up with Eisuke, I’ve been working my hardest.) (‘Getting carried away’, I haven’t done anything like that…) Erika leaves the hotel room, and I was left alone to continue cleaning.
That night–
(If I don’t hurry, I won’t make it on time!) Flying out of my dorm and dashing through the hotel lobby, two figures then intercept my path. [Ota]: “Oh cool, perfect timing.” [Ota]: “We’re going up to the penthouse, so come and serve us some coffee.”
the… the main lobby where they all hang out is called the penthouse too, right in jpn they use “organizers’ room” which… that aint it in engl i remember that much. right??? oh no look what you’ve done voltage, this is what happens when you make 1 kbtbb update a month
[MC]: “Uh, right now?” [Baba]: “Ota, you gotta call that off for now. If she’s in this much of a rush, you should just sympathize with the dear.” [Ota]: “Ahh, gotcha.” [Ota]: “So, you were peacefully relaxing in your room after work when you got a call?” [Baba]: “Something along the lines of ‘Get to the penthouse, you have 5 minutes’, as they say?” [MC]: “It’s just as you say! Well, I have to-“ [Ota]: “Looks like Eisuke’s ‘training’ has wrapped up with flying colors, huh?” [Baba]: “Then, how many minutes do you have left on the timer?” (Oh, no- by just talking to them for a moment, my five minutes have passed!) I cut the conversation short and jump onto the penthouse elevator.
[MC]: “-So, I’ve kept you waiting!” [Eisuke]: “You’re late.” [MC]: “?!” Opening the door - Eisuke was right there, leaning against the immediate wall. He approaches closer, apparently irritated. (Th-That scared me… It couldn’t be that he was actually sitting around waiting for me, right?)
season 1 mc u will soon realize he has no hobbies despite having billions of dollars to invest in any hobby ever
(I should apologize for now) [MC]: “Sorry,” [MC]: “Before I got on the elevator, I was occupied talking to the others…” [Eisuke]: “I didn’t permit you to give me excuses and the like.” (No matter how you look at it, he’s clearly in a bad mood.) I feel a chill run down my spine before he grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. Trapped between the door and his body, I timidly ask, [MC]: “Are you… angry?” [Eisuke]: “I’m going to retrain you.” He leans his face a breath closer before licking my lips. Instinctively opening my mouth, he slips his tongue through and caresses inside. [MC]: “…Mmn-“ [Eisuke]: “…” Every time he bites the tip of my tongue, the wet sound echoes through the silent room. (Eisuke’s kisses are always so sweet, as if to melt me-) In these kisses filled with his desire that yearns down to the core, my mind grows hazy. …thump, thump… (Footsteps?!) [MC]: “Um, isn’t there someone coming up the stairs?” [Eisuke]: “And what’s the matter with that?” With a devious smile, he had snapped off a few of the buttons on my blouse. [MC]: “Please wait, someone can come in and see us…“ [Eisuke]: “Don’t kick up a fuss.” [MC]: “Ah... S-Stop…” -Knock, knock! [Soryu]: “Eisuke. Are you in?” [Eisuke]: “Yeah.” [Soryu]: “I’m opening the door.”
MA BOI SORYU DUN DESERVE to be part of ur sic voyeuristic ways u eggplant lookin ass
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lol idk if the engl version has this yet but remember the eisuke story where he swaps bodies with soryu and then soryu was pretty much like “no TOUCHIN MY BODY IS SACRED” and that was like season 17 my season 1 boy dun need this
(Th-This is a problem…!) Rattle, rattle-
[Soryu]: “…Are you in the middle of something?” [Eisuke]: “I’m busy right now.” [Soryu]: “Then I’ll ask you from out here.” (Th-Thank goodness…At some point Eisuke had locked the door.) As I finally let out a sigh of relief – While Eisuke normally conversed with Soryu, he began to further undo my clothes. (He’s opening up my blouse, and my bra is…) (But if I make a sound here, it’s likely that Soryu will find out what’s going on.) I twist my body in a subtle attempt to resist, but with a great force I was pressed even harder against the door.
[Eisuke]: “…” [MC]: “…guh…” His teasing fingertips sneak under the hem of my skirt and stroke the inner side of my thighs. Lightly biting my lip, I desperately keep my voice from leaking out. [Soryu]: “There will be a change in the items up for the upcoming auction.” [Eisuke]: “And this item is?” [Soryu]: “A painting. Ota is currently appraising it, but it’s almost certain to be a forgery.” (What should I do, the current situation is…) I also could hear lively chatter from the penthouse lobby below. In this situation where it seems that if I get even a little careless I’ll be discovered - my heartbeat wildly beats faster. [Soryu]: “Baba is currently looking for an alternative piece, but…” [Eisuke]: “But I thought there was a sculpture in the warehouse?” [Soryu]: “Isn’t that one supposed to be the centerpiece for the following auction?” Eisuke is discussing business matters with his usual expression… as he pulls down the straps of my bra. [MC]: “….Hh…” [Eisuke]: “…” His fingertips glide along to skim against the tip of my breast. (Even though Soryu’s on the other side of the door,) (He’s purposely… on the places where I’m likely to cry out…) [Eisuke]: “I don’t care if we put that one up earlier.” [Eisuke]: “Report that to Baba.” [Soryu]: “I don’t mind that, but…” More and more, the core of my body blazes hotter and I want to lose all of myself to him. (I know that wanting something like that right now is out of line,) (But…) Even if I’m aware of how inappropriate this is, I can’t escape the comfort of the sensations Eisuke gives me. [Eisuke]: “Is there a problem?” [MC]: “…kgh-” Though his words are directed to Soryu, his irises are directly captured on me. When I slightly lean my relaxed body towards him, he strokes my hair in a toying manner. [Soryu]: “…It’s quite difficult to talk about.” [Soryu]: “I’ve had enough of this - Can I at least open the door now?”   [MC]: “!” I return to reality upon hearing Soryu’s voice laced with suspicion, and I shake my head to signal my resistance. But Eisuke, without letting go of my body, puts his arms to the back of my knees. (Huh?) (As usual, this is where it ends, right…?) [Soryu]: “Eisuke, are you listening to me?” [Eisuke]: “I do believe I told you that I’m in the middle of something.” When I look at him, my heartbeat picking up - With an amused smirk carved on his face, he presses these lips against my earlobe. [Eisuke]: “Spread your legs wider.”
(End of Episode 1)
If you’re interested in the rest, please consider buying the other episodes! or not. ( ´_ゝ`) save up ur monies for the things to come, idk. ive been holed up for weeks drinking me choccy milk i dun not got the energy to be voltage pr
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idasjacksoni · 4 years
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I have never been tagged in anything before, so I hope I do this right
I have been tagged by the wonderful @jancox to create an album wall using this website. I have to admit this one was really hard for me to do, since I don’t listen to albums or certain artists for that matter. I just listen to a bunch of random songs that I think sound cool and then they get put into one of my over 70 playlists on spotify (I actually counted them). But I was able to wreck my brain enough to present you with seven albums, that I really enjoy.
- The Original Hadestown Brodway Recording is on this wall because I think it’s a wonderful musical arrangement and I get to listen to an entire musical without having to look up “sLiMe TuToRiAlS” on youtube. Sure the visual is missing but I'm a creative person so I manage. Also this Musical has everything: From jazzy songs, that make you wanna get up and do the Charleston to heartbreaking ballads, that make you bawl. And considering that the musical is a tragedy and is entirely based on a story in greek mythology, that always ends bad.... yeah I may have shed a few tears over this.
- Blue Neighboorhood. Man I remember this. Back when the WILD Ep was out and way back when Troye Sivan was nothing but a Youtuber with big dreams. I am really proud of how far he has come, but then again I love coming back to this once in a while. These songs strike a nerve with me, even nowadays in 2020 and at 22 years old. I especially love HEAVEN on this album, mainly because it’s about Troye openly saying, that if he can’t get into heaven because of his sexuality, he doesn’t want to go. And this really opened my eyes and made me feel okay about having gay feelings, while still doing voluntary work in the church and believing in god (at least at the time).
- I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning is an incredible feel good indie album, full of meaningful, albeit sometimes nonsensical, lyrics and the strumming of guitars. So your everyday indie album right? Well yeah, but that’s why I like it. When I think of Indie, Bright Eyes and this album especially are the first things that come to mind. Not to mention, that the song Lua always reminds me of Life is Strange, specifically Chloes room during the morning. And you can bet that almost all of these songs are in my morning playlist. They just fit so well, y’know?
- PTX Vol III. This one is purely here because I used to be a huge Pentatonix fan. So much so, that the first concert I have ever been to was the one in Bavaria during the On My Way Home Tour. And Bavaria is a 7 hour car drive away from where I lived during the time and I was 16... But I made it and it was magical. I remember how flashed I was afterwards and how I couldn’t sleep due to the adrenaline. My God there was so much personal drama surrounding that concert though, but yeah. I still think, that Pentatonix makes awesome music and I admire their way of making acapella arrangements that can hold a candle to the original. My favourite song on here is probably See Through. Not only because Mitch is the lead, but also because the arrangement sounds really intricate and the lyrics are sensual as hell in my humble opinion.
- Currents. Imma be real. Tame Impala could probably sit on a synth and they would still produce some amazing songs, that are as unique and intricate as ever. To me their music is just ideal music to vibe to. Whenever I don’t know what to listen to, I put their spotify page on shuffle and I will find something, that I love. They can just create songs that will carry you away into a different realm, while you’re trying to decipher and pick apart the various details of each note. And there aren’t many artist that are able to do that. The only other one I can think of is....
- Gamma. If you know this album or this band, we are automatically friends. No questions asked (unless you don’t want to be, then that’s fine). This album was created by a german band named Fewjar (Don’t worry they sing in english) and their songs are masterpieces. They manage to take me away on a journey far away from the here and now. And they have been doing so since 2015. Nothing they create is like any other song of theirs. Sure they have their signatures with some synths, guitars and such, but they manage to make every song sound so individual. I really can’t explain it too much, since you have to listen to them in order to really get the full picture. But their songs are certainly not for everyone. Which is why I've put Gamma on here. It’s a good place to start from, since it’s leaning into that 80′s style of sound. It’s sounds a bit more mainstream than their other songs. However if you want my personal recommendation: Listen to Polemonium on their album afewsides. It’s still my favourite song after 5 years of knowing them.
Last and actually least. Yep I didn’t know what to put here so I just picked Two Door Cinema Club and their album Tourist History on here. Don’t get me wrong. I love TDCC for what they do. Most of their songs are dancey and give you that certain kind of pep to your step. Their songs are fun, energetic and really make me wanna shimmy down the streets, whenever they come on in my headphones, but I usually only like a selective few of their songs. My favourite song is What You Know and it just so happens to be on this album, therefore I picked it here. I mean I told ya’ll that I don’t really listen to albums...
And we’re done. Phew this was something. Hopefully you got some idea of these albums. I don’t know who to tag so I’ll just go for it. @bad-puns-n-finger-guns @missjanjie @justedgehere and @thackeryisatop Feel free to participate if you like <3
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sonatanotwo · 5 years
Well... I barely slept. 😂 Least I’ve got coffee... Gonna try to fumble out some words... (Spoilers ahoy!)
I didn’t quite expect the emotional roller coaster this has turned into... and not entirely cause of the episode itself. 😂 It’s feeling ever so bitter sweet... mostly in that experiencing something so emotional without a lot of the people that made up this sorta... fandom home? that it was to me. All the friends I love and care about. It’s... been feeling kinda lonely... Even though I’m not alone of course, but... yeah. It’s hard to explain. 😂 And then with this looking like the end (...though I kinda doubt ITV is gonna shelve the franchise for another 10+ years... least I sure hope not. That’d seem VERY dumb to me. But what will they do with it? That’s the real big question, ain’t it? XD I was a bit agape after attaching ‘Season’ to every time they spoke of ending that today they finally changed their tune and was like THE END. What the ever loving heck, ITV. Seriously. 😂 BUT I digress...) ...IDK if any of that feeling will ever come back now. Shit changes... god, do I ever know it does... but I guess... I just wasn’t ready for it yet. ;A;
...And boy is my body telling me that. 😂 Anxiety is such an asshole.
This ep.
As I mentioned when I gif’d it (opening my gif making stuff was first thing I did XD) that HUG man. That old hug art I did, the original version (the one you see commonly around now is the tweaked one) was one of my first finished (ish) TAG piece (only few rough doodles and half coloured things were before that lol) that I posted June 10th 2015.... so long ago. (My first post that was some sketches was June 2nd XD Yeah, I’ve been around a long while now, blimey. Not quite the VERY very start, but nearly!)
BUT YEAH. I was wanting this hug for a VERY, VERY long time. XDDD Just, back then, didn’t think it’d involve their Dad too. lol
And then, gosh... Scott in this ep... Last ep was def more Scott heavy... to balance he was stepped back a bit, but... it did make sense? Scott just seems quietly basking in the feeling of having his Dad back. Him hanging back from the hug for a moment having that exchange with his Dad feels a bit like a... passing back the torch? Here they are Dad. I took good care of them. :Db Does that make sense??? IDK. I’m so tired you guys. 😂 But it didn’t feel like Scott needed to say anything. It was written all over his face. He must have been so happy... and relieved. It’s pretty overwhelming in all the best way to hear from someone you haven’t in awhile... so... in this case, it must be turned up to like... an 11. ^^a
Man, I don’t think I can go through this in order so, bear with me if I bounce around.
There’s been so much wondering what this version of Jeff would be like all these years... and in such a short time, we definitely got a LOT to go off of. He’s a Dad who definitely doesn’t hesitate to hug his sons. :3 Fears Grandma as much as the boys, lolololol HUGS HIS ENGINEER. I actually really just... LOVED that scene with Brains. That casual, ‘Hi Brains.’ And then just calling him PARTNER and going right in for a hug... and lol Brains’ lil happy sound. Jeff and Brains were certainly friends in TOS, but there was still a kinda distance between them in that Brains is working for Jeff, but that was definitely laid out to be much different in TAG. I’m not surprised by it, cause Brains is def part of the family, but it was lovely they took the time to show it.
ALSO just how he picked up Virgil was dwelling on something... we don’t really get a window into what exactly... but after all those years, he just... picks right up on Virgil’s in some turmoil. (As said in a tag... MAYBE MOM RELATED? He seems to think Virgil’s worried if he’ll really be okay, which is why I wonder... GONNA DEF WRITE SOME FIC THOUGH. XDb) Like. GOSH. I’m sad we aren’t likely to see more of this Jeff, cause with this single ep, he was absolutely sold on me. And I love he was a total presence... but he did sit back quietly and other than dealing with ‘Brains’ and largely just *watched*. Scott was still in charge here.
So as for the end and what role Jeff is gonna play... WELL... I mean. To be fair here at the end, John is probably changing and heading to the elevator... and I mean, we’ve seen Grandma fill in several times for John... he can’t be awake CONSTANTLY, so I’d always felt a bit like maybe they’d gradually gel into a team with just... one more member. And that seems more likely now that we’ve seen he didn’t just... jump to take command. He sat back and let them do their thing.  
And now we can see Jeff is def a bit younger... and as kinda already implied, is definitely one to get his hands dirty, so sometimes (once he’s recovered a bunch) maybe he’ll even go out with the boys. That’d be my guess. ^^a I mean, might be a little kinda jostling at first to settle into a new routine... but while he certainly has a strong presence... he’s also did kinda feel... a bit gentle too? He’s not nearly as stern as TOS!Jeff. It felt like a good balance??? IDK. I’m rambling up a storm. XDDD (...and making walls of text... I should... break these up more lol...)
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WAIIIIT wait. WAIT. This looks familiar. V E R Y familiar... Bridge... rockety thing at bottom... explody warning? Two people inside... *squints* DAY OF DISASTER? IS THAT YOU?
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OKAY. WHAT ELSE. Uh. Glad they did end up using Fuse’s (or I guess I could say Clarence’s :D) mixed feelings, which was good and gave Grandma a heck of a moment of awesome. They also served to give some action for Kayo, Penelope and Parker which was good else I suppose they’d have been standing around worriedly. lol Which isn’t really suited to their characters. XD YEAH just lotta nice moments, especially with Kayo and Grandma. ANd just. YEAH. GRANDMA MAN. YOU TELL HIM. and also OMG she was a doctor?! THAT sure explains some things. XD And that’s awesome, gosh.
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ALSO the number of HUGS in this ep were A+ Getting a moment with Jeff and Grandma was lovely. :D
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And just lol... ‘I don’t even have a car yet.’  ‘You have a rocket.’ ‘...oh yeah. That’s true.’ LOLOL SUCH ALAN. He is too cute.
...AND yeah. IDK. I feel like I’m forgetting things. I’ll ramble them into another post if I think of things. I gotta pop out for a bit. 😂
BUT YEAH. Yeah, there’s few things they didn’t get to addressing, but there were hugs and emotions which was what was really the important thing, right? :Da I don’t really feel like nit picking when had all that. XDDD
(It is kinda interesting how in a way the ending reminded me of Legacy’s a bit with a ...Oh we got an emergency. It’s a good note to leave off of... but goes to show when maybe S1 was written, it was largely on the assumption that it could be the only season... but then were able to hint of S2 in an additional scene. But if S2 hadn’t been commissioned, it was sorta ready to be a finale if it had to. In a way S2 was the same, though with bit more hints of S3 were there so... Just kinda interesting. =Oa But also nice that Rob has left it in a way that NEVER SAY NEVER (to quote Rob) is definitely open. ^^)
ANYHOO. That’s all my rambling for now. ^^
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bluekayanite · 5 years
Comments/theories: In Dreams - Homeworld Bound
So I kind of missed the SU:F updates for a bit. ^_^;  That said, I'm caught up now, and have some misc. comments that I figured I'd share... before the next eps or two comes out. XD;
...That said, I was actually working on this when I'd heard that Homeworld Bound was out already. -.-;  It's on XFinity Stream, at least - and I suspect other streaming services - so I consider it "officially released."  I've since adjusted to implement the new info.  However, I'm making the comments in an ep-by-ep structure, so if you want to avoid spoilers, you can easily stop once you get here. =3
I'd also like to note that this one's more rambly than usual, so prepare yourself for rambles. XD
EDIT: Some adjustments, mostly additions. EDIT2: Couple more little deets. EDIT3: Few more MAJOR deets. XD;
Just a quick note: my current, primary theory is that, even with everything that seems to be glaringly obvious, White also has the power to alter Gems' memories and such, and Rose was not truly Pink Diamond (or at least, in a sense, not THE Pink Diamond).  Lately, I basically think that she may be a sort of a hybrid, or at least that Pink put a lot of herself into Rose... lately I've even suspected that it might be even more literal than I've previously noted... as in, Pink may have prepped some healing tears and broken off a shard of herself... or something. ._.;;;
But yeah, I figured I'd note this in advance because, well... I realize it sounds crazy.  It's going to be mentioned, so I ask for a bit of open-mindedness - or at least a willingness to entertain the idea, even if you think it's wrong (and I don't blame you if you do).  Frankly, I wouldn't be surprized if a lot of people would have already closed this post before getting to this sentence.  (That said, if you're still here, thank you!)
With that out of the way, let's get going!
In Dreams
Okay, so Crewniverse was definitely being self-aware, and using meta-humor. XD
I've commented here before that previous eps had a building feeling of listlessness and whatnot.  My sister also has commented (not in a place I can link XD; ) that the opening theme gets more and more jarring with each episode.  The both of us think that odds are pretty good that they'll switch to using something the reprise version of the theme. XD;  ("Here we are in the future, and it's wrooooong!")
...That said, while things have been getting intense (not to mention REAL!), I do appreciate that we seem to be moving out of "boredom" eps. XD;
The dreams-being-broadcast thing is more-than-likely a bit of setup for later story points.  I'm thinking "Emergency broadcast."
On an entirely different note, I like the confirmation that Peridot has green eyes. =3
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Been sort of a headcanon of mine for awhile now. ^_^
Also, is it just me, or is Peridot getting taller? 83
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Anyway, it's nice to have a bit of lighthearted funtimes in the midst of all the seriousness that has been going on. =3
Bismuth Casual
So... those toilet paper jokes certainly ended up being at an ironic time, right? XD;
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Anyway, one of the things that stuck out to me is how increasingly obvious Pearl's obliviousness is.
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One of my long-standing theories is that Rose saw Pearl more like a daughter, if anything... and didn't realize - or even have a clue that Pearl had a thing for her.
And I mean, really, if Pearl can't tell whether any human - or Gem - is into her, then how could she know for sure whether or not Rose did (or didn't)?  Odds are she's just going by her memories... which I strongly believe to be unreliable, what with how many contradictions they have. ^_^;
Together Forever
(...Does anyone else keep hearing the old Pokémon song by the same name in their head? ^_^; )
...Okay, I'm gonna confess: it actually didn't occur to me that either Steven or Ruby was supposed to be "cute" until it was mentioned in Hit the Diamond and Sadie Killer.  (I didn't count Andy saying it in Gem Harvest because I figured he had a family bias. ^_^;  I mean, he did make a complete and abrupt 180 about the parts of his plane being recycled, once it was Steven who started using them.)
...Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. XD;
I guess I can see how Crewniverse was going for "cute" with Steven...  Still, about the only time I've considered "Steven" to be cute - visually or otherwise - was after that last bout of Ultimate Steven tag.
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...Yeah, I think that the Gems did the puppy-dog eyes better than Steven did. ^_^;  I mean, I would call Steven "sweet," "silly," and a number of other things.  Just... "cute" isn't typically one of them for me. ^_^;
That said, there are moments when I think that Ruby is being cute. =3  One of them is when she RAEGING.
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Another one is when she's being happy... especially when she's super-excited.
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So yeah. =3  For me, it was pretty nice to see Ruby spazzing like that.  It's also kind of nice to see Steven eating sweets again... even if it's for unfortunate reasons.
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It's also nice to see R+S's new forms. =3
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The headband is back! 83
(...Why hasn't there been a mention of Sapphire being cute?  She seems like the most obvious choice. XD; )
On another topic... So it’s not just Pearls that can store stuff in their gems? o.O
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Anyway, part of my theory is that [Pink is really trapped in the moon base's observation orb], which she can use to see some of what's going on.  When Pink is watching, the moon might show up, and/or the sky might turn pink (usually around dawn/dusk) - the more intense either of these things are, the more intensely she's watching.
Looking back at when either of these happen, I've noticed that:
She seems to be a 'shipper
She particularly 'ships Steven + Connie
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This ep certainly continues with that pattern. 83  Heck, I think that the extra lights on the horizon might even be from Pink - maybe even intentional on her part.
Even after the turn-down, the moon still showed, BRIGHTLY - at least until Garnet got there.
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I also noticed the moon at the end of Little Graduation - in general, I'm getting an impression that Pink has been wanting to help Steven... but obviously, she wouldn't be able to.
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However, that said, with the way things are looking, I think that she's going to get her chance, shortly... more on that farther down. =3
Side note: The glowstick-bracelet “ring” is a nice touch. =3
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Other side note: JAM BUDS REFERENCE! 83
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Also: Strawberry. =3
Also-also: it seems like Garnet actually does tend to give some pretty good love advice.
"Your soulmate is your compliment, not your missing piece.  [...]  Whatever hole there is in your life, Steven, I want you to understand that Connie - Stevonnie - won't be able to fill it." - Garnet, Together Forever
...Also-also, my suspicions about Garnet sorta being three people keep growing. XD;
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...Incidentally, I’ve mentioned before that I think that Connie is probably ace and/or aro (though I didn’t know the latter term at the time).
Growing Pains
On the funny (at least to me) side, I noticed that Dr. Maheswaren checked for Steven’s heartbeat on his right side (which, ironically, would be the wrong side XD).
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There actually is a genetic condition that can flip the positioning of the internal organs, though I’m pretty sure that it’s simply an oversight in this case.  For one, Dr. Maheswaren shouldn’t think to check there unless she’d checked the usual positioning, first.  For another... it’s actually not the only slip up in that shot; Steven’s gem has a hexagonal crown instead of the usual pentagonal one.  (This happens a lot, especially on Quartzes.)  The biggest thing, however, is that Steven actually does grab the left side of his chest later on.
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But yeah, just some stuff that I thought maybe some other people might consider interesting. =3
So it's FINALLY established that Steven has PTSD... and appears to be having panic attacks.  Frankly, for a long time, I was under the impression that nothing like this would ever come up. XD;;;  Call me crazy, but in a weird way, this is kind of a relief for me.  It makes things feel more genuine to me.
...Hmm... I wonder if part of why we haven't seen panic in other characters is because they're hiding their own PTSD?  Maybe the reason why so many are just carrying on is as a sort of coping mechanism.  Maybe the also don't want anyone to worry.
...Or maybe this is an effect of this being a cartoon. >.>;  I mean, as much as I can see that Crewniverse is trying to touch on a lot of hard topics (and I appreciate that), we can only expect it to be so realistic.  Plus, a good story needs a bit of balance to it - as nice as it is to see the worrying stuff, it needs a good balance, or else it tends to be overwhelming.
In particular, I've been reminded that SU:F does have a number of much-younger viewers - I think we need to bear in mind that they probably aren't likely to handle this stuff as well as the older audiences. ^_^;
But yeah, I'm definitely glad that at least there's something, and the reaction seems fairly realistic (at least as far as having a half-Gem character goes).  Even the fact that there was a delay is fairly realistic... maybe a bit more of a delay than usual, but... I guess Steven is half-Gem?
Also: cartoon. XD;
And of course, it's really fascinating to see the medical aspect of Gems (or a lack thereof).
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And of course, the sneaking in of an Amethyst-behavior joke. X3
Also: you can see Steven's chart in two of the transitions. 83
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(Assuming Dr. Maheswaren got his height right... I’m actually admittedly jealous that he’s actually taller than me - especially since it looks to me like he should be shorter. XD; )
Also-also: I noticed that a lot of things that had nothing to do with Steven's life being in danger got referenced. ^_^;  Granted, I'm sure they're still important to him, but I thought I'd still bring it up.
I also couldn't help but notice there being a direct reference to Adverse Childhood Experiences, which is an actual term.  I suppose Steven's are unusual... but whatever the form, ACEs can still be pretty impactful. =/
...I do wonder if Crewniverse knows anything about Childhood Emotional Neglect.  It's supposedly an even bigger impact than abuse and whether one recovers from it.  That said, AFAIK it's lesser-known - even the term was coined less than a decade ago (2012, if I've got my dates right).  It's mentioned on the list of ACEs... I think?  But it's not very well defined there, so... it's hard to know.
At any rate, it definitely seems like a thing that could be a factor... more on that farther down.
Mr. Universe
It was nice to see Steven and Greg getting some bonding time in... even if it was short-lived. ^_^;
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Can't help but wonder whether or not Steven's eating a veggie burger. XD;
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Steven drooling in his sleep... it's been a headcanon/theory of mine that maybe Pink does that. X3
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Okay, so maybe this is a cute picture of Steven... now that he's more grown-up. X3
Anyway, It's nice to learn some more about Greg's side of the family.  Especially since - aside from the strictness - they really do seem like they're probably nice people.
I mean, for one, they still kept reminders of Greg - his stuff, pictures of the whole fam, and even his letters... even if they never opened them.
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(...Is it just me, or does Greg's mom look an awful lot like Connie's?)
And based on their stuff, I think it's pretty likely that they at least have a gentle side... even if maybe they didn't know how to properly use it with Greg. XD;  (Or maybe they're simply an appearance-conscious family. ^_^;  ...Which is apparently considered a gaslighting type of parenting-style. =/)
In any case, I hope we meet them, later. =3  Maybe they've mellowed out... or maybe they will as soon as they meet Steven. X3
My sis pointed out that Dear Old Dad plays - as in, the song from the last ep Steven and Greg fought in.  Only this time, it didn't end out well. ^_^;  Quoth her, "That's some next-generation foreshadowing!"
But yeah, I can see why Greg might be so frustrated at his parents that he would want to change his surname. ^_^;  ...And I can also see why Steven would be upset at Greg going as far as he did. =/  Pendulum effect: being so upset by one extreme that you go just as far into the other extreme, and it sounds like Steven paid for it. -.-;
This is part of what I mean by Childhood Emotional Neglect potentially being a factor... though in general, Greg's hands-off parenting style could very well fit in as a form of emotional neglect - parents who are just kind of buddies and try to give comfort on everything kind of avoid a lot of the issues, instead of teaching their kids how to deal with them, including on an emotional level. ^_^;
But yeah, the fact that Greg apparently didn't consider whether Steven might still want some of the usual aspects of childhood seems like it could also count. ^_^;  At the very least, it's common for Well-Meaning-But-Emotionally-Neglected-Themselves parents to give their kids what they wish they had in childhood, without actually considering whether it's what the children themselves want.
It's also common for emotional neglect to be passed on through families in ways such as this, so... seems like it could be a thing.
Oh, and you know how Steven also had to be "the adult" for the Gems a lot?  That also counts as CEN. XD;  Heck, that link even mentions the need to care for others that Steven continues to struggle with.
The parts about Steven trying to hide his struggles would also fit in with CEN, though his knowledge of emotions - and vocabulary thereof - does seem to be pretty big.  I can't help but wonder if CEN is something that's being inserted in more as a retcon, but wasn't planned at the beginning.  I mean... CEN was just being figured out around the time that the original SU series came out, so it seems pretty unlikely that it was the original plan.  I could see Crewniverse trying to work it in now, though.
...It's also possible that it's not really what they're going for and that it's sort of included by accident. XD;  I mean, there's often more than one way to arrive at the same conclusion, even coming from the same set of information, at times.
But yeah, CEN is important to me, and it's nice to see that it might be a part of the show. =3
Okay, so that first convo was chock-full of examples on what NOT to say to someone who’s panicking. ^_^;
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And those are just a few of them. ^_^;
I think that this is probably foreshadowing, and/or a setup for something coming shortly.  More on this farther down.
Anyway, I'm sure I'm not the only one who was thinking back to Why So Blue? XD;
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(Or, belatedly, Strong in the Real Way.)
I do think Jasper has kind of a point about learning to control anger by using it.  All-in-all, though, I think she's only about half-right. ^_^;  The parts about using it solely in violence... yeah
I see Steven’s eating fish, again. =3
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It’s also neat to see him chopping wood with his hands. X3
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...Not to mention Jasper’s new helmet. 83
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It looks to me like Pink might have noticed some training, or at least may have been looking around the area.
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...I suspect that she doesn't know about all the details, though. ^_^;
Homeworld Bound
Okay, first off, I think that Garnet may have said the family thing for Future Vision reasons - probably related to what the Diamonds said, even if she doesn't know that.
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And now that that's out of the way, I was really glad to see Spinel again. =3
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It does seem a bit weird that she's around as tall as Steven when she was shorter than him in the movie.
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And I'm pretty sure that Steven's gotten even taller since the movie. XD;  Though maybe Yellow made Spinel taller...?
EDIT: I remembered that she probably wouldn’t be the first.  Could be a pattern.
Anyway, I also like the confirmation that Yellow's and Blue's powers seem to be about affecting the forms of Gems, and their emotions, in general - I've made a little spreadsheet (vaguely) touching on stuff like that, before.
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Also, Blue getting a full song of her own.  Plus, the implications that Blue's powers are probably water-related. =3
(Who wants to try one of Blue's happy clouds? *raises hand* =D)
Not to mention Spinel doing the hammock hair thing. X3
*ahem* However... this is the second time one of the eps has felt like it's been full of Gems that are more-or-less hypnotised (the first one being Familiar).  A little too happy and/or nonchalant, and a little too conclusion-jump-ish. =/  (Especially Yellow for that last one. XD; )  Steven's even pointed stuff like this this out.
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Which... White acted also that way.  If she really does have mind control powers, I think that this might be a sign that she's still using them, even on Blue and Yellow. ^_^;
Another thing that I think is odd is that the Diamonds were all taking initiative in doing good stuff.  In the movie, it seemed pretty clearly like they were only doing good things in order to try and please Steven and get him to stay with them.
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White in particular was still disgusted at the idea of thinking of others as “equal.” XD;
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They were even willing to move to Earth, leaving all those hurt Gems behind, instead of trying to do anything for them. =/
And yet, despite all that, Spinel in particular felt a little too weird to me (somehow XD; ).  A little too unconcerned about Steven's feelings, a little too relaxed and... blissful? ^_^;  She actually handwaved the "embarrassing" issue of having tried to kill Steven.
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This is the second time we've seen something like this. =/
In a way, maybe Spinel's a little too close to her original personality, in general - as in, maybe less "healed" and more "reverted." =/
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I mean, it's only been... a few months?  If I understand correctly?  Difficult thoughts and such do not just evaporate like that - ESPECIALLY if they're more-or-less intrusive ones. =/
And a lot of the time, it seems like her voice and intonation is closer to what she had with her original personality.  ...It does seem kind ambiguous, though I suspect that that’s on purpose. XD;
Here's what I think to be the kicker, though: you know the song she started singing when Steven asked how she stopped having vengeful thoughts?
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It's the same song that Spinel said had said would NOT make everything better. XD;
"Just can it, won't ya?!  You can't just make everything better by singing some STUPID SONG!" - Spinel, SU Movie
(Incidentally, I noticed that the moon actually did show up - rather obviously - during said song.  Whoops. ^_^;  It looks like Pink has probably seen Spinel’s “evil” form, after all.)
Also... Quite honestly, the way Spinel mentions not getting vengeful thoughts anymore makes her seem... "drugged" to me. ^_^;
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Possibly-similarly... this line seems odd to me.
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For Spinel to tell Steven that White's powers work in reverse, she'd have to know:
How White's powers worked in the first place
That Steven knows how White's powers worked in the first place
I mean, I guess it's not impossible that White's powers are/were common knowledge, but... I dunno. XD;  It would have to mean letting Gems know that White could control them outright... and that White had used her powers on Steven's friends. ^_^;  I guess it's also possible that this was told to Spinel as a way of trying to bond over/help with the "tried to kill Steven" thing but... yeah, again, I dunno. ^_^;  If that were the case, it's possible that Spinel would mention it, rather than bursting out into song.
At any rate, I'm not ruling out mind-affecting as a possible reason for her knowledge.
So... yeah.  I suspected that White acted the way she did when seeing Spinel because Spinel knew (or otherwise had) something that White wanted to be kept hidden.  I kind of suspected that poor Spinel would get hit by White's powers pretty much right away, and to me, it looks like she did, and was placated a la mind-control. =(
Speaking of White... I'm guessing that the "pink-colored White" in the intro was actually Steven controlling her, or something. ^_^;
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If so, then that's interesting twist on what's considered a "danger"...
...though that said, it looks like White managed to shed the pinkish tinge she had in the movie.
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Now it seems to depend on the lighting, and is a fair bit fainter.
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(Upper pic: purple.  Lower pic: brown.)
So... that said, I wouldn't rule out that maybe she found a way to keep the pink from getting worse - heck, maybe that's even one of the reasons why she's letting Gems control her, briefly.  Maybe it somehow keeps the pink from growing more saturated, or something.
So... yeah, while I think there's a good chance that the foreshadowed "Pink White" is already touched on, I'm not entirely ruling out that it might still be coming.  I mean, the theory that I was going with was that [Rose's gemstone had a virus in it], that Pink made specifically for White.  Possible circumstances to trigger the virus include:
Removing Rose's gemstone from whoever Rose’s child would be
Touching Rose's gemstone, in general
Trying to remove Rose from her gemstone - especially if from her child
Mind- and memory-manipulation on Rose's gemstone, in general
It's also possible that more than one trigger was programmed in.
Possible reasons for a virus include:
Trying to force White to learn empathy
Exposing White
In case the worst more-or-less happened
Though yeah, if Rose's/Steven's gemstone really does have a virus in it, or something, I think odds are that White letting Steven control her is going to accelerate it. XD;
Also thought I'd note: while Spinel!White accurately reflects the colors of Spinel, Steven!White seems to better resemble Pink Steven than Pink Diamond, or Rose.
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...Don't wanna dig up comparison pics, but I still thought I'd bring it up. XD;
Anyway, I can't help but wonder if there's some sort of deeper meaning to the scene with giant!Steven controlling little!White - like if there's something from Pink slipping in there, and her frustrations with whatever White did to her in the past.
I mean... Steven mentioned "everything" she did to him, and there were only flashbacks of stuff from Change Your Mind.  Which... yeah, sure, a lot happened in a short period of time, but... I still wonder. ^_^;
Aaaand it's becoming pretty evident that whatever traces of Pink are in Steven are coming out pretty strongly.
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...On another note, the softer "Pink" hairstyle that Steven is getting might be a hint that the more-solid, five-lump "Steven" style that Pink is sometimes shown with is not her actual style. ;3
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(My personal belief is that her appearance in Jungle Moon accurately reflects what she looks like - everything else is probably tainted by memory-alteration a la White.)
My guess(es) on what's next
Okay, I was previously assuming that Steven would first fight the worm-thing (which I thought might have been a mutated Jasper, after getting all that essence-of-Diamond in one dose XD; ).  I was also speculating about White having turned a much-more-intense shade of pink, accusing Steven of it, and a fight breaking out between the two (with a note that it might be a good thing that Steven's learned to better control his Diamond powers =D; ).
Now it’s looking like the “Pink White” may have already been covered... or maybe it’s still being foreshadowed.  Hard to say at this point.
That said, I think there's still a good chance that White will still try to follow Steven for one reason or another, despite his plea not to.  I mean, it looks like she may have genuinely been impacted by what happened with Steven controlling her... or at least terrified. XD;
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She still asked him to wait, despite that.
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Steven did leave his shoe behind, a la Cinderella.  This could be a hint about someone following him and returning it to him.  Maybe there'll be something about it fitting after he's calmed down? =3
Though... yeah.  Maybe letting Steven puppet her will result in her turning pink and coming after him for it.  Or maybe White will still try to follow out of more a compassionate reason - or just to “fix him, like she’s apparently done with so many other Gems XD - and Steven will try to keep her away.
In any case, I’m thinking that odds are that Steven will end up getting in a fight with What, and that it will end up being on Earth, at least at some point during the struggle.  If so, I tend to imagine something like this happening:
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If Pink observes a fight between the two, it might be enough for the moon + sky thing to trigger in broad daylight.  If so, then the fact that there's someone on the moon who can turn the sky pink will be impossible to miss. XD  Even if it's not a fight that does it, I think odds are good that something like that will be how Pink being up there would be revealed, as well as working as a quick explanation that the moon + sky color are actually important.
If something like that does happen, then I think that White will finally fess up about messing with Gems' memories + thoughts and imprisoning Pink in the orb.  I mean... she'd basically be backed into a corner.  It also seems like she's getting to a point where she'd consider telling Steven anyway - just maybe she'd freak out and back out first, and/or the sky would beat her to it. XD;
I've also considered that maybe Steven's powers would get strong enough that he could be contacted by Pink in his dreams, anyway - they're not mutually-exclusive, so maybe both will happen?
But yeah.  There's plenty of evidence of a moon prisoner, and plenty of that evidence highly suggests that it's Pink.  I know I always say this, but I think it's time - maybe even well-past-time XD; - for Pink to be released.
A few possible roles of Pink (plus rambles)
Think about it: just about everyone that Steven knows - or is close to, at least - has been failing him in one way or another.  No one seems to know what's the best way to help him, or even fully understand just what exactly he might be going through - even White said that no one would be able to relate to him... but I don't think that's fully true.
Sure, maybe nobody could easily, and/or fully relate to the half-human thing, but I think there's a chance that, say, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth could at least help with the "vengeful thoughts" thing.
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But Pink, Pink could probably help with the powers, and maybe a few other things.  I mean, they're probably her powers - or at least a variation of them.  Heck, she may be even more powerful than Steven is. XD  If anyone could help Steven get things under control, Pink can.
Heck, maybe Pink even knows how to help calm down somebody who’s having a panic attack - or at least knows how to help Steven with his panic.  Given that nobody else seems to know about this, it seems pretty likely that it might be what Crewniverse is going for. =3  And hey... if nothing else, maybe it’s something she picked up just from watching the Earth for so long.  (I mean... if she’s really been stuck for 5,000 years, odds are that she’s picked up on a few things.  Not like she’d have an awful lot else to do, anyway. XD; )
I admit... it’d be a little extra cool to me since I’ve had the idea that it might be something that Pink would do. 83  Sort of a headcanon/fanfic idea that I never really got to or anything. XD;
But yeah, at this point, I think odds are good that Steven will more-or-less beg Pink to stay with him for awhile. XD
I mean... maybe they could ask Pink Pearl (I really don't like the name "Volleyball," sorry XD; ) about Steven’s powers, but I think she might still have too much trauma of her own over Pink's powers to really be able to help. ^_^;
...Though that said, I've suspected that White placated her, too.  If her traumas can still show through... I think odds are good that others' traumas will end up resurfacing - and thus being addressed - too. =3
...But yeah, it seems like White's MO involved making everyone just forget about things, and/or suddenly become happy. ^_^;  ...Another form of emotional neglect, I suppose.
I also it's possible that part of the reason why Steven is having trouble is because White did something to him. =/  I mean, if White really did remove whatever was left of Rose, then she may have removed an important part of Steven... and if she added something to him, it might be a big part of why he's so... unstable. -.-;
...Heck, maybe the reason why Steven's been getting white Diamond-pupils is because White did something to him. o.O  Maybe that why Steven!White has them, too, despite Spinel!White having black pupils.
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At any rate, maybe the real Pink could shed some light on that, too.  ...And/or maybe White will fess up. XD;  I think the latter is much, much more likely in this case, though.
I do think that, once Pink is released, it's likely to result in a lot of chaos, on account of Gems learning that things aren't how they thought they were - just one of many reasons why I think that White has still left her in there. ^_^;  However, that said, maybe Pink could end up being a catalyst in bringing those problems to the surface, so that they can be addressed. XD;
But yeah.  Overall, I think one of her roles would be in healing... just like with Rose, Steven, and their powers.  I think she'd also be good for helping uncover the truth of what really happened, along with other things.
Could be ironic; it's Steven Universe: Future, but there might end up being a lot of looking at the past.  Granted, maybe that's the point: look to the past to better understand the future. =3
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finalgirlkateausten · 5 years
tagged by @dawnofthevalkyrie​ 
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions (don’t cheat!).
1. Psych 2. Bones 3. Stranger Things 4. Call the Midwife 5. Lost in Space (2018)
1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
The one and only Dr. Camille Saroyan. She’s a BAMF from the moment she steps onscreen (yelling for someone to find the owner of a detached limb which she brandishes like a pointer? iconic) and her storyline is beautiful. A WOC running a government lab is something that needs to happen more in the media and irl, and she’s good at everything she does- but hard work and being the boss comes with a price, which the show reminds us of. I love her a  l o t
2. Who is your favorite in 1?
Detective Juliet O’Hara!!!! Jules taught me that you can wear pink without lessening your badassness. You can be kind without lessening your badassness. She is a badass AND a ray of sunshine and i love it. I love her development in s2, from getting to lead a case for the first time to accidentally letting a criminal get away and dealing with that. I think she’s really the glue of the team-without her, Lassie would never have come out of his shell and Shawn would be too much for Lassie to deal with. She’s a peacemaker because she wants justice for everyone. She’s a m a z i n g
3. What’s your favorite episode of 4?
Hmmmm... I’d have to say s1 e2. It deals with hard stuff, but then, so does pretty much every episode. I loved Jenny’s support of Mary and I loved how Chummy showed everyone who doubted her that she could be a good midwife and that her large heart was an advantage, not a disadvantage. But we don’t talk about the last few minutes of that ep.
4. What’s your favorite season of 5?
There’s only the one season, so season 1 😂
5. Who’s your favorite couple in 3?
Nancy/Jonathan. I just watched the ep where they get together, and... Nancy needs to break up with Steve. But I just love them a lot, esp in s1, and the scene where they’re shooting cans gives me Many Feels
6. Who’s your favorite couple in 2?
Cam/Arastoo. The intern/boss relationship is iffy but they’re so sweeeeet and he writes her POETRY and reminds her to take BREAKS and she flies all the way to Iran for him when she thinks he’s in danger godddd i love them so much
7. Least favorite episode of 1?
Either 7x02 or 8x01. I’ll say 8x01. It doesn’t even have Juliet in it, the Desperaux identity switch had no foreshadowing, I’m still confused as to who tf he is
8. Favorite episode of 5?
Episode 7- “Pressurized”. John and Maureen are my favorite couple and I love the “near-death experience leads to confession of love” trope. Technically they were never not in love, but still. That ep is my fav by a long shot
9. Favorite season of 2?
Um season 11- starts intense, ends intense, lots of camastoo action. I love the puppeteer storyline and The Doom in the Boom hurts me A lot. Also the one with the CIA. Very good ep. Really, there’s just a lot of good stuff that makes it my fav
10. How long have you watched 1?
About a year now!!! *sniffles* i’ve started s8 i am not going to cope well with finishing this show
11. How did you become interested in 3? 
It’s been recommended to me a lot but when it first came out my dad said it was too scary for me. I just started watching it earlier this month after my dad binged it on a plane and we watched with our friend who really likes it and now I love it
12. Favorite actor in 4?
Jessica Raine. I feel like her character, as the protag, has a lot of focus on her and has to deal with many of the rougher themes of the show. everything right down to Raine’s microexpressions are on point and add so much to it
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Psych. I gotta say Psych. I just love them so fucking much
14. Which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Definitely Psych.
15. If you could be anyone from 4 who would you be?
I aspire to have Trixie’s confidence and she’s such a classic 50s bombshell and I’m definitely crushing on her so yeah
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
hahahahahahaha not at all. aside from the huge difference in subject matter, they’re canonically thirty years apart
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely ok couple
but,,, all of them are taken,,, and i like who they’re with.......
18. Overall which show has a better storyline, 1 or 3?
Gotta say Stranger Things. The plot is why I binged a full season in a week. It’s a story that hooks you in and keeps you coming back
19. Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Call the Midwife has such pleasant, cheery music it’s a nice 50s jingle and i love it
tagging: @my-glasses-are-dirty @sunriseparker @justicefordart @twostarsinonesphere
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