#also I think his school friends and the titans would get along great
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beuatifulbuttercup ¡ 2 years ago
Okay in your godly parents swap au I'd love to know more about Leo, Its such an interactive concept to put him with Bellona and the fact that people don't think hes roman enough or whatever? But his still really clever and has probably saved people's asses more times than they like to admit? Love that
Also Frank as a son of Hermes is also really interesting would love to hear more about that too
You're asking about my AU? I've waited YEARS for someone to ask me about my au.
(If you get that reference I love you)
We'll start with Leo because I feel like there's more to talk about with him.
Leo is the son of Bellona and is a member of the fifth cohort. He came to Camp Jupiter after the death of his mortal mother when he was eight.His best friends are the two Praetors Piper and Jason. Now he climbed the ranks with Piper to make it to Praetor status. He never really cared about being Praetor but was just there for Piper. During war games Leo would use the traps more as pranks to the other side instead of actually fighting. With that he used a dagger. Not a sword, not a spear, not even a shield, just a measly dagger he had since he was nine. That combined with him being in the fifth cohort and a "wild child" people didn't trust him with important decisions. However, he is his mother's son and is a great strategist. People were so focused on the prank part they didn't notice Piper shadow traveling behind them.
When they finally got close to the position of Praetor they realized that only one of them could be Praetor. Many excepted a battle of some sorts to see who would become the next Praetor. To their shock (?) Leo just kinda dropped out of the running allowing his very ambitious friend to get the job. However, Leo was allowed to become a Centurion instead. During these meetings he was surprisingly serious and had amazing battle strategies and knew a lot about wars.
During the Second Titan War Leo provided a lot of helpful advice to Camp Jupiter. When he was actually on the battle field for real his dagger was probably the most lethal weapon out there. He lived up to being the son of a war goddess. When he was out there he also used those pranks he got so good at using to distract monsters. Sadly many people didn't like this tactic so he got way less credit than he deserved.
When Piper went missing he was offered the role again but he declined AGAIN. Jason was weirdly disappointed by that. He became good friends with the new comers Percy and Hazel. He was able to tell that Hazel was from the past and that there was something about him that threw her off. He went on a quest with Hazel and Nico to Alaska. Only after him coming back did people finally recognize his talents.
Now he is also apart of the Tartarus duo in this AU. He falls in with Piper and the typical Tartarus stuff happens. When he leaves the first person to welcome him back was Jason who hugged him tighter than anyone has before.
Frank's turn :)
Frank Zhang was by no means a troubled kid. He was just a kid from Canada whose mom and grandma died. Sure he picked a couple locks here and there but it was never a lock of importance. Okay maybe one time he stole something from one of the kids at his school but thats just because he stole it from someone else. And sure he rigged the glitter bomb to explode during the pep rally but it wasn't even his idea! They bullied him into doing it, plus it was the school colors so it was on theme. That put him in a school for troubled kids. Eventually he'd been in so many that they called up a distant relative of his in Nevada and sent him there. They put him into the wilderness school where he met Reyna.
Reyna also probably should not have been there but Frank was happy she was. The two became close friends along with Piper. Little did they know all their memories of Piper were fake. Now when he left with Annabeth and Silena to go back to camp he was claimed by Hermes. In this AU the Cabin 9 Curse is the Cabin 11 Curse.
The cabin counselor, Malcolm Pace, explains to Frank that every single on of their pranks have failed since Micheal died. One of these was a fire breathing dragon that has been in the works since before Micheal died. Miranda, the former counselor, was on bed rest from this dragon. Frank doesn't know how to feel about that as his weakness is his very burnable stick. He does the Leo thing and gets the dragon back to running. He gets it not breathe fire but to breathe out glitter.
During his time at camp he never felt more at home. Lacy, Malcolm, Miranda, his other siblings and the unclaimed campers are so welcoming. When he came back from his quest Miranda and Malcolm made him a counselor. The first prank he played on the camp as initiation Lacy helped.
Later on he is a bit wary of Hazel, a daughter of Vulcan and fire user, but they grow and their love story stories.
If anyone has anymore questions about any character feel free to ask! Also I'm not writing this into a fic so feel free to steal my idea-
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redrobin-detective ¡ 3 years ago
one single thread of gold tied me to you
It was strangely easy for Sebastian Ives to settle into the new reality where heroes were your coworkers, neighbors or even your best friends. Tim’s been back at Gotham Heights for 3 weeks and he’s both the same and totally different. He told the same bad jokes, throws his hands around when he’s excited talking and infuriatingly determined that he has all the right opinions. 
But he held himself differently, made bolder and more confrontational comments and Seb had brushed up against him enough times to know he was packing serious gear underneath his baggy clothes. But for all the changes that had happened it was strange how normal Tim acted. 
The first week was rough. Between the awkward hero worship with it’s probing questions to the jerks out looking for a fight at any opportunity to those who thought that Tim was some sort of disease who ought to be kept away from the rest of them. Tim handled with his usual easy charm but sometimes he gripped the straps of his backpack way too hard or disappeared somewhere before mysteriously reappearing. Sebastian wished he could do more but though he, Callie and Hudson tried, it was pretty hard to relate or help Tim through his very unique troubles.
“I heard the Teen Titans reassembled last week,” Callie stated, skipping any delicate pretenses and bulldozing ahead as usual. “Are you gonna join back up?”
“Robin is benched,” Tim lied with uncomfortable easiness for someone who had a split lip from his illegal vigilante activity. The idiot had simply blinked innocently at them when he said he’d tripped on an undone shoelace. Callie had tried to press him once and had gotten a sharp, grim headshake in return. Obviously Tim’s current home life, caught in the awkward parental triangle between his dad and Wayne, still wasn’t going well. At least he had the assurance that Mr. Drake probably couldn’t hurt a kid who suplexed bad guys on the reg. “I wish them well, they’re good people, good heroes. They’ll continue to help a lot of people.”
“Kinda cold,” Hudson grumbled, poking listlessly at his mystery meat. “Aren’t they your friends or something?” Huds was still bitter over the whole secrets and lying thing. As much as Seb hated seeing his friends at odds, the guy did kind of have a point.
“They are, just like you are,” Tim sniped back. “The situation is complicated,” he lowered his eyes and looked away. “Since I’m done being Robin, we don’t really have anything in common anymore. We went through some stuff, insane and traumatic things I can’t even begin to describe, but until I get my wings back there’s not much I can do.”
“Can’t you just, like, talk to them? Does it have to be hero related?” Callie questioned.
“I mean, I guess not,” Tim sighed. “It’s just hard, separating the mask and the person. Superboy, KF, and Wonder Girl always felt the same in and out of costume yet Robin always feels miles away from Tim Drake. I guess I don’t want to see their disappointment when I don’t measure up without the cape and gear.”
“Bro,” Seb said softly before Tim abruptly stood up and walked off before anything else could be said.
“I’ll see you guys later. I’m heading to class now, you know, to beat the crowds.” The rest of lunch was a quiet, tense affair. He didn’t have any other classes with Tim until the last, World History II. Now it wasn’t Seb’s favorite class, that would be Computer Science and Physics, but their teacher was one of the few who didn’t treat Tim any differently After. They’re midway through the lesson when Mrs. Conway’s phone buzzed. She checked it with a smile.
“-and we’ll end there for the day because our special guest lecturers have arrived. I would be remiss in our discussion of history to be totally blind to current events. When the Teen Titans volunteered to come to our class and discuss their roles in heroic society, I simply couldn’t turn them down.”
Next to him, Tim snapped the pencil he’d been writing with in two. His body was tense and he had actual murder in his eyes. Everyone surrounding the teen hero’s desk leaned away at the sudden shift in atmosphere.
“No,” Tim said suddenly as he reached into his bag and pulled out a solid black flip phone and dialed a number while making eye contact with their startled teacher. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Conway but that’s not going to happen.” 
“Tim, what’s wrong? I’m on my-”
“B, it’s fine I’m safe but you need to shut down the Titan’s lecture at my school,” Tim’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “And their budget too. I know you don’t fund everything but it’ll make them think twice before screwing with me when all they can afford is off-brand cup noodles.”
“Tim,” the voice sighed, who Sebastian recognized as Bruce Wayne aka The Goddammed Batman. Only he didn’t sound like that, just a tired dad with a troublesome kid. “This is the emergency phone, only to be used for emergencies.”
“The Titans are conspiring to ruin my life, that counts as an emergency,” Tim hissed into the phone. “Make sure this farce doesn’t happen. I’m gonna scrap the phone now.” He hung up and then proceeded to break the phone in half before tucking it back into his bag. 
Tim seemed remarkably unconcerned that everyone was gaping at him as he got himself a new pencil. “Alright, sorry for the interruption, can we go back to the lesson? I had a question about-”
Seb, and most of the class jumped when the classroom door kicked open. A boy with absolutely wild brown hair and gold eyes poked his head in and grinned upon seeing Tim.
“Hey guys I found him, you can stop bothering the other classes!” Tim was muttering some quite terrifying threats under his breath when several other teens walked into the classroom.
“Hello normal Gotham citizens who we have never seen before,” a dark haired boy in a Superboy tshirt who was... probably actually Superboy holy shit, grinned while making eye contact with Tim. “We’re,” the kids all struck wild poses like they were in some weird anime, “the Teen Titans!” Tim looked like he was about to stroke out, Seb was starting to get concerned.
“Gar, Vic,” Tim ground out, “Et tu Brute?”
“Sorry man, you weren’t answering your phone,” the robot guy who was absolutely Cyborg- Seb was NOT freaking out over that okay maybe a little- said with a straight face as he held Beast Boy like a ballerina. 
“Sorry Timbo, I voted to give you space but your buds are determined,” Beast Boy shrugged from his dramatic pose in Cyborg’s arms. “Also Starfire said that Bats are like Blorbnos, whatever those are, and need to be socially enriched whether they want it or not.”
“Cy, BB, don’t waste time talking to the peasants,” Wonder Girl said with a flap of her hand, showing off her bright red identification band. She was wearing jean shorts overtop ripped tights and a cropped white tshirt with a banana on it.
 “We’re here to educate the children of Gotham about important life lessons such as teamwork, communication and being a good friend.” She smiled and it was all teeth. Tim leaned forward in his desk and returned the terrifying smile. Sebastian felt very out of his depth. The whole class had been caught in the middle of an awkward lovers quarrel. Only the lovers in this case were your superhero buds you’d been ghosting.
“We used to have a leader but that bird flew the coop, you know, without any warning or even a note,” Superboy said through gritted teeth as he crossed his arms. “So we went with a new system where we change who’s in charge depending on the day of the week, just to keep things interesting. Today is Kid Flash’s turn.” Tim was grinding his teeth to dust in the seat next to Seb. 
“Hooray!” Kid Flash said jumping up at down at supersonic speed. “My first order of business as the official leader is to talk about crime.” He sped off for a second- literally by the time Seb had blinked he’d gone and returned with a large map tapped to the chalkboard. It looked to be a map of Gotham, it was covered in red dots. 
“According to this,” he slapped the map. “There is so much crime in Gotham, no one should live here.” He waggled his eyebrows at Tim who looked like he was trying to manifest heat vision in return. “By contrast, San Francisco is warm, happy, has way less crazy clowns and has us!” Seb blinked again and the guy was sitting in Tim’s lap. Tim must be used to this sort of behavior because he just adjusted how he was sitting to accommodate the sudden lap full of teenage speedster. “When are you coming home, Dad?” Kid asked with big puppy dog eyes. “Mom misses you.”
“I told you, KF, I’m not the mom of the group!” Superboy shouted and, on that note, the final bell rang.
“Class, dismissed?” Mrs. Conway said with trepidation, clearly not sure what to make of the absolute mess her well intentioned lecture had turned into. It turned out to be an important lesson though, superheroes are just as crazy as regular people. No one got up to leave, whether it’s because they were scared of the situation or wanted some sweet gossip was up for debate.
“Some privacy would be appreciated,” Tim growled in a voice that Seb had never heard from him before but it sent shivers down his spine. The rest of the class scattered at that leaving just their little group; even the older Titans made their excuses and left the room. Seb was silently trying to get his things together and skedaddle with everyone else when Kid craned his head back from where he’d been nuzzled into Tim’s shoulder to blink those big eyes at him.
“Hey you’re Ives, aren’t ya?” He grinned and wiggled so he was right side up and leaned into Seb’s personal space. “Oh man, Tim’s told us all about you guys! You guys are so rad! This whole mess has been,” he blew a raspberry, “but the chance to meet you is so worth it!”
“Bart,” Tim groaned in annoyance.
“Ok, whatever, enough pretense. Tim, why the hell did you just bail on us like that?” Superboy demanded even as Kid Flash - Bart?- continued to talk to Seb about something or other? He was talking kind of fast so it was hard to understand also Hudson was muttering stuff behind him in amazement while Superboy and Tim went at it.
“Most of our devices got trashed, I’m sure B mentioned we were lying low. I was told you guys were doing fine, especially since you got the team back together.” Tim said evenly as Superboy stomped forward, slamming his hands on Tim’s desk. 
“We were worried,” Superboy emphasized. “That’s what friends do when their entire life goes to shit. I know you’re like, allergic to emotion or whatever but that wasn’t cool, dude.”
“B said he told you-”
“I didn’t want to hear it from Bats, I wanted to hear it from you!” Superboy shouted, getting right into Tim’s face until their noses were almost touching. Tim didn’t so much as blink. “I needed to hear from you, my best friend in your own words that you were okay.” It was a very intense stare down.
“I’m not Robin anymore,” Tim frowned, turning his eyes down. Superboy gently tilted his chin up until they were making eye contact again.
“I didn’t skip my last two classes, fly halfway across the country, potentially risk the wrath of the government, the League and Ma, for Robin. I don’t care what stupid outfit you wear, you’re my best friend,” Superboy said gently. Tim smiled shyly in return.
“Uh do you guys need a room?” Callie asked from her seat way in the back, breaking the tension.
“No!” Tim and the super said at the same time Wonder Girl and Kid Flash said “Yes.” The two boys pulled back with a blush. 
“Look, I’m sorry okay,” Tim huffed, looking out the window. “I didn’t know what to say and you guys were going through your own stuff and, well, your mentors are letting you keep your jobs. My dad is... not really happy about everything. Even talking about it gets him pretty upset.”
“Cool!” Wonder Girl chirped, “next field trip is to beat up Tim’s obnoxious dad!”
“Yeah!” Kid Flash shouted, overbalancing a bit before clinging onto Tim like a baby koala. “I never liked him, he let baby Tim run around Gotham with nothing but a camera and his plucky sense of adventure. It’s totally his fault Bats called dibs on the little bird.” He kissed Tim’s cheek then cuddled closer. “But if Tim wasn’t Batnapped then we would all be a lonely, chaotic mess without our Robin.”
“You guys are the worst,” Tim sighed but he didn’t look too upset. Not with an overgrown kid lying on top of him or Superboy yelling at him or Wonder Girl threatening his dad. He looked tougher and sharper and more confident than Seb knew him as but he was still Tim. This was just Tim at an angle he wasn’t used to seeing. He bet to the Titans, Robin looked kind of off to them too. 
“So what are we going to do moving forward?” Wonder Girl asked, hands on her hips.
“Keep you up to date on how I’m doing,” Tim parroted back with an eye roll.
“And convince your super lame dad, both of them, to let you go back out into the field because fighting bad guys just isn’t the same without you,” Superboy nodded.
“Actually, we’re pretty sure Tim’s sneaking out at night to fight crime, just not as Robin,” Hudson said, looking surprised himself that he’d spoken. He shrunk back as everyone turned to look at him, the heroes gleeful and Tim sullen.
“That’s my boy!” Kid Flash laughed into his shoulder. Tim relaxed and sunk into the contact.
“That’s our boy,” Wonder Girl said softly. She blinked before dipping into an awkward curtsey. “Oh man this is kind of embarrassing, we just stormed in and started dumping some personal shi- uh stuff on you guys. I’m Cassie, you can see Bart getting cozy and that’s Kon, Tim’s future boyfriend.” 
“They do appear to have good chemistry,” Callie mused even as Tim and Kon protested, maybe a bit too much. 
“Wanna show us the best place to get food around here? We’ll swap Robin stories for your Tim stories. My personal favorite is the time Rob was riding his skateboard -oh sorry The Redboard- and his cape got caught in the wheel and he ended up face planting right onto the board so it flipped up then hit him again.”
“Cassie, oh my god, is nothing sacred any more!” Tim moaned.
“Oh!” Seb laughed, joining in. “What about when Tim fell asleep turning the econ test -you remember that Callie? and Mr. Jacobson woke him up by slamming a book on his desk so Tim woke up in a panic and punched him in the gut?”
“All of you are the worst,” Tim groaned into his hand as they laughed at his expense. But it was all in good fun, maybe not everything about the situation was bad. Maybe Sebastian would get some new friends himself.
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yvtro ¡ 2 years ago
That whole thread really highlight how lonely Jason's Robin run was. Honestly it makes me sad how he didn't have many friends back then compare to others. He had Eddie but even then dc forget about them.
i don't really agree with lots of points in this thread, mainly because of tim exceptionalism (or the main character complex, whatever you want to call it) + it assumes that things that happened pretty much only because of jason's death would still occur.
having said so, i do agree that jason's robin run was (in a way) incredibly lonely!
now, personally i don't think that jason noticed it much, but that's part of the problem. i have touched upon it briefly in my other posts about vigilante/civilian identity (look: here, for example), and i think it's worth to make a quick comparison of pre-crisis vs post-crisis jay.
so, tldr, pre-crisis jason is shown to have a whole life at school, he has friends and even a romantic interest. post-crisis jason has none of that. we see him working for an extra credit at school, but if i recall it right (might have been a pre-crisis story retroactively included in canon though) the only time we actually see him *in* school is when he thinks about how he would like to join the theatre but doesn’t have time for that because of robin responsibilities. we don’t see him having any social life outside of robin, but also as a member of the community he doesn’t have anyone close his age. his cameo in titans is very dear to me, and you know, as a person with siblings i will tell you, you can absolutely be friends with your older brother’s friends, but we don’t ever see him developing a lasting bond with any of them (which is also because he died quite soon after that. i’m not saying that donna, for example, didn’t care about him, but i don’t think they had a chance to grow very close).
there's eddie, sure, but even that relationship is that of penpals, and by the time jason comes back from the dead, eddie is completely retconned, so it's safe to assume that in the current continuity they have never known each other at all.
i'm not going to comment on dc trying to sell the concept of roy and jay being childhood friends in n52.
so i’m thinking, you can make an argument about how jason knows little besides vigilantism, but i believe there’s an additional layer to how even his “nightlife” (debatable term btw, we see robin jay operating in daylight along with batman all the time but i guess that was a whole another era) focuses pretty much on bruce and no one else. he really doesn’t know much beyond batman and robin.
and it obviously wasn't really the writers' intention, i bet it's mostly the result of the fact that they weren't really interested in exploring his character much, but jay's world is so very narrow and centres around bruce. and i can see how bruce wouldn't really see any problem in it at first, because (while it's not really canon, as there's a time skip and we don't even get to see how he settles into the manor, nor much of his training period) it is safe to assume that it took some time for jay to gain bruce's trust and to get used to a role of a child (since he was used to fending for himself/presumably being briefly a caretaker for his mother before). so when the kid finally learns that he can depend on bruce and actively seeks him out, that's great. it took so much to coax him into allowing to be cared for, now the issue is solved. (wrong.)
i think it really puts post-resurrection jay's mentality in perspective (even if winick did not intend it this way; he clearly had no interest in jay's 80s characterisation). of course jason's anger, disappointment, and feelings of betrayal focus on bruce; bruce was everything he had. at this stage, he doesn't know much beside him, and being robin.
and i don't think that jason then was quite aware that he was lonely. he had his dad, which was the most important thing for him for a while, he had alfred. dick might not have been home much, but their interactions we got to see were meaningful, and flashbacks (such as the famous ski trip) suggest that they did spend more time together. babs was around. he probably made so many brief connections with gothamites in his time as robin too.
it all becomes a problem when jason grows. when he can't see a line between being a robin and a son, and looks for another parental figure, and he doesn't have anyone to talk to about it. everyone he has a lasting relationship with is part of the family that he worries he doesn't belong to, so he just resolves to find someone new to depend on.
it becomes a problem when he digs himself out of grave, and later comes back to gotham, and there's such a limited number of people he can (or could, if he wanted) turn to.
i also believe that even if the plot of 'a death in the family' never occured, the fact that he went from a hyper-independent parentified child to someone who spends most of his time with his dad or alone (and i don't think he minded alone time all that much at first) would backfire otherwise. i'm joking, but at this point there probably would be some separation anxiety, on both sides.
i just wish i could grip jay with bbq tongs and put him in east gotham to allow him to stay in touch with his community. of course he probably was around there as robin a lot, but as a civilian? i doubt it.
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sepublic ¡ 4 years ago
Through the Looking Glass Ruins!!!!!
         SO! Onto other things first…
         WRATH IS BRAXAS’ FATHER!??!!? HOLY SHIT, Wrath is a canonical dad, I’d always expressed my… OH MY GOD WRATH IS DAD! And of BRAXAS, that sweetie… How is Braxas such a sweetie with a father like HIM, also-
         Wrath was in casual wear? Either he has a day off, or he got fired by Belos/Kikimora after drawing Luz a map to Eda in Young Blood, Old Souls! Either way this guy has a sudden new level of NUANCE that I am reeling from, and yes I checked, that really is Wrath according to the credits! Dang this puts everything in a WHOLE new light…!
         She looks so BEAUTIFUL and I love the kind of foreshadowing with the bookends of our first shot of Amity having her hair down, and now it’s changed! And she looks adorable and EMIRA AND EDRIC BEING GREAT SIBLINGS I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This… THIS is everything I wanted! I was resigned to not much of them but HELL YEAH they’re being good siblings and we get a look at their rooms, we see them doing MAKEOVERS together this is everything from my favorite fanon content and MORE,
         Also Edric has a date?! Emira says ‘their’ mom… Unless the Golden Guard has a mom, DARN! Not gonna lie, I half-expected a big twist at the end that Edric was dating the Golden Guard, who was doing some sort of reconnaissance as his unrecognized normal self and/or screwing around with the Blights even further, but in a GENUINE sense… But then who knows Kikimora could be posing as GG’s ‘mom’, this is a stretch anyhow-
         JUST HELL YEAH Blight Twins! Blight Twins being sweet and mischievous and supportive of each other, Blight SIBLINGS being siblings, Emira being an older sister and giving advice! And AMITY, Amity mentioning how much Luz has changed stuff, I love that they acknowledge it openly how her life has completely shifted, and now… NOW…!
         No necklace! Red leggings! PINK HAIR?! Is this why Amity in the intro hasn’t been updated yet… She was getting TWO updates, so the animators decided to only animate a change after this final update?!
         King and Gus are also friends it seems, and they even recorded some fun together! I’m surprised at how much Bria and the others mock Gus’ illusion skills… Obviously Belos is kinda terrible but like; I don’t think he’d set aside an entire subset of magic into Illusions without reason! Also that nightmare trip… I LOVE IT, I love Gus applying the creativity of illusions in their ability to completely warp and distort someone’s sense of reality! And I called that dragon-thing being an illusion!
         A graveyard… I wonder if the Gallderstones (is that how it’s spelled) have any relevance or if they’re just neat? I hope Mattholomule and Gus help hide the Looking Glass Graveyard… Damn, that’s another Death reference with Gus, huh! Is it culminating in his respect for the dead, or will it continue further with Gus being a necromancer, or an Oracle who can commune with the deceased, and he has their respect as someone who treats them properly?!
         Also not to get dark but… What if all those Illusionists are dead because of Belos? I’m JUST SAYING…! And not gonna lie, every time someone insulted Illusions, I kept imagining the Illusion Head just suddenly waking up and feeling like there’s a disturbance in the force, as well as a weird compulsion to beat up some Glandus kids. It’d be even funnier if he had beef with the Construction, Plant, and Abomination Heads as well!
         Speaking of which, more confirmation on Construction Magic being related to earth! Glad to see Bria give us a look into that, which furthers my idea of Belos using construction magic… Also dang, Bria and the Glandus Kids really are the parallels/foils to the Detention kids! You’ve got the short ‘nice’ girl, the tall lanky kid, the furry… But the Glandus Kids start off looking nice and cool, but turn out to be rather nasty!
    ��    Meanwhile the Detention Kids seem like bad news and delinquents, but no! They’re just demonized and actually very kind and chill! The Detention Kids are looked down upon, the Glandus Kids are appraised… The Detention Kids are dual-track, the Glandus Kids are singular; Glandus Kids from, well, GLANDUS, Detention Kids from Hexside… One’s ‘mischief’ is actually very neat and cool, the other’s is literal grave robbing.
         I guess that’s how the bleeding statues got past the censors- It’s technically just an illusion! Also more insight into how Glandus works with its Survival of the Fittest mentality, I wonder if we’ll get confirmation on which coven heads came from there, how that might influence them as adults…
         What is Glandus like, is it more whole-heartedly accepting of Belos’ rule, hence its harsh ideals? Was it made after Hexside? Does Bump hate it for being so cruel like that, or is it just school bias? And dang poor Mattholomule, I always had a feeling he sort of felt and knew that he wasn’t much, so he accepted and compensated by deliberately doing whatever he can for power…
         They confirmed he’s from Glandus, and I appreciate this new look at him! This new leaf turned… Hot take but he’s honestly not as bad as Boscha, his stint with Gus was a one-time thing that Gus was able to live with! And that seems pretty good to set them up as friends! Speaking of Boscha, Willow was injured by pixies? And the last time we heard of pixies, they belonged to Boscha and caused the school to get shut down… Did BOSCHA DO THIS I SWEAR SHE IS DEAD TO ME-
         (Also she’s mentioned in the credits for this episode but I don’t remember hearing her? I might’ve gotten distracted with so much other things.)
         Gus! I like the insight into his relationship with Illusions, and I appreciate how he’s considering other forms of magic… But this hesitation might just serve to reaffirm his believe in Illusions, which is okay! It’s all about choice… And yeah, it seems Gus also has a case of impostor syndrome like King, no wonder they get along so well! I love the glimpses into Gus’ house and the confirmation that he has a library card, no Perry though alas…!
         I appreciate how Gus feels overlooked, like he has no real substance, which is how his Illusions reflect a desire to draw attention, but also the idea that there’s nothing real beneath them… Again, very much like King! And Gus, he’s not a powerhouse like the rest, he’s SKILLED and smart, but strength isn’t his forte, it’s not brute force he operates on, but cleverness! Trickery, I like it…! It’s a nice callback to his last A-plot episode, SVSF, where instead of fighting Mattholomule physically, Gus’ solution is to think outside the box and pull the alarm!
         You go kid, not relying on brute strength but showing that some clever tricks and thinking are just as valid! Kinda wonder if this episode is lowkey a discussion on masculinity for young boys, especially with Gus growing older with puberty, though the latter is mostly because his actual VA grew… But maybe the writers rolled with that and incorporated it, or it’s just a very neat coincidence! Also, it is me or did Mattholomule’s voice change? And the gag that Gavin’s dad looks identical to him, even moreso because he’s NOT supposed to have a moustache… That’s great!
         Malphas! Love this reference to a classic demon, I wasn’t sure if Malphas was the librarian with glasses whom I’ve always headcanoned as a father figure to Amity… But maybe it’s actually this bird dude! He seems adept in Bard magic, and I love the reveal of his true crow appearance… Guess those theorists were right that the one-eyed figure is from the Forbidden Stacks! Also Malphas NOT COOL with Amity, but I’m glad Luz changed his mind, and I wonder how that adventure looked…
         Which- DAMN, the RSD with Luz! She looks so UTTERLY BROKEN when Amity mentions doing stupid things, and she didn’t mean it like that, but Luz just looks so completely shattered and you can tell she wants to cry but instead she bottles it up and tries to take it in stride, and that plays into her trying to overcompensate for her mistakes AGAIN… SOMEONE GET IT TO HER HEAD that she doesn’t need to! I’m scared for Luz, and I was SO scared this episode would end on a bad note…
         This is EVERYTHING I ever wanted!
         What an AMAZING episode with wonderful characer beats and reveals! Again, Amity’s growth as a character, that brief insight into how Luz as a person is very chaotic and sometimes frustrating for Amity and forces her to reevaluate, but ultimately it’s good and Luz DOES try her best, and Amity clearly wanted to make things up for Luz and apologize, they’re BOTH doing things, just the little moments!
         Also, Alex Lawther voices Philip Wittebane! He has long hair and a vaguely british accent, he’s… He’s Belos isn’t he? And they got a new VA because having him voiced by Matthew Rhys would be really spoiler-y right? He’s got the long hair and he’s a nerd… And with how he talks of finding a way back home, maybe Belos really DOES just want to return home, after all? He talks of making a way back home…
         And we see a glimpse of the Portal, so it might’ve brought him there? Or did Philip succeed in making it, and that was his blueprint designs? Did he arrive by Titan’s Blood? What happened to the portal if it brought him there, or if he made it? Why the scar, why near Eda’s house, partially buried?
         Was it lost before he could finish his work, and Philip got side-tracked into something else… Perhaps going on a crusade, on behalf of a curse/demon that possessed him? A demon that killed King’s father…? Was the portal broken and he had to discard it, but then it naturally healed- Or did it just need to recharge, maybe Philip DID make it back home, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?! Is there some sort of doppelganger for Philip, is BELOS his doppelganger?! What is THIS WHAT-
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forestlingincorporated ¡ 4 years ago
Teen Titans #29
So, one of my favorite types of fics to read is Different First Meeting fics between Jason and Tim. I looooove reading Enemies To Caretaker, of which I fed handsomely on fairly recently. Big Brother Jason fics give me warm fuzzies, and Tim Drake needs a hug, and I feel like if these two actually got to know each other and worked past their preconceptions, they’d get along surprisingly well. And Still A Jason!Robin Fanboy Tim Drake is just a fun concept. 
Also, it just FEELS right for the middle siblings to band together after Damian comes along, lets get those abandonment issues in the party. 
So, for mysterious and very secret TimKon Week 2021 reasons, I was rereading some Teen Titans, and I stumbled over the Original Tim+Jason First Meeting, and I just sort of wanted to talk about some interesting things I found in there rereading it after several years. 
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First thing right off the bat, when reading fics, normally it’s either the Core Four at the tower that Jason puts to sleep, or it’s Tim alone for the night. In the comic, none of Tim’s close friends are even at the tower, Jason waits for Bart and Cassie to leave, and Conner actually hasn’t come around for an in-universe month, because this is after the Superboy’s Birthright arc where Lex mind controls Conner. 
The people Jason knocks out were his own teammates when he was a Titan. He specifically says he never got to work with Beast Boy or Cyborg directly, so he doesn’t feel bad electrocuting them, but he feels bad putting Raven under much more gently because she used to worry for him. 
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Tim has just gotten off the phone with Bruce when Jason shows up. It seems like Bruce might’ve been picking Tim up, but something’s come up with Martian Manhunter going missing, so Tim tells him he’ll catch a ride with Cyborg. 
This is actually really interesting to me, because it’s a small moment of Bruce letting Tim down. It’s a conversation he’s probably had with his biological father many times when Jack’s canceled on him. 
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Gonna acknowledge this abomination real quick. This is So Stupid, and I’m glad as a fandom we just all agreed Jason didn’t do this. It makes me ask so many questions. Where did he get that oversized Robin costume? Why’d he tear off his perfectly good clothes? Why did he do this? Why the yellow tights? WHY? 
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A lot of things are actually happening here that are actually Really Interesting if you just look past the stupid fucking outfit. Because this comic actually flew really close to greatness, they just ended up dropping the ball by not continuing to do more with it. 
First off, Jason doesn’t beat around the bush. He’s immediately like “yeah, yeah, yeah, Red Hood, whatever, I’m Jason Todd, bitch! Fight me.” 
Secondly, Jason’s done his homework. He knows A LOT about Tim. He knows his name, he knows he has a dad, he knows he went to prep school, and he knows the story of how Tim became Robin. How he GOT that last bit of information, I’d honestly like to know. But even HAVING the information isn’t enough; he’s still letting his preconceived ideas get in the way. The surface level information about Tim’s life only served to fuel his jealousy and anger (thanks, Lazerus Pitt!). He’s so focused on Tim’s privilege that he’s looked past evidence of hardship; if he’s done this much research on Tim, he’s no doubt seen records of multiple boarding schools, lengthy travel records, news reports, a death certificate.... He can’t even bring himself to BELIEVE parts of Tim’s story that aren’t lining up with his world view, like HOW he became Robin. 
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Jason has convinced himself that what he’s discovered about Tim and the period of time when Jason was dead - the fact that Bruce was spiraling after his death, that his family mourned him, that Tim had to step up to the plate at a weird suicide prevention buddy system - is all a lie. Despite the fact that he’s beating Tim’s ass, he speaks to him with the assumption that Tim’s a child who’s been manipulated and lied to. 
Meanwhile, it must be SO PAINFUL for Tim to hear Jason say these things: I bet he said the same thing to you he said to me, didn’t he? That you have the talent to make a difference in Gotham. That he needed someone he could trust in his war on crime. That you were one of a kind. The light in his darkness.
Bruce never said any of that to Tim. Bruce rejected Tim, he didn’t want Tim, and begrudgingly accepted Tim. 
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Going back to Jason waiting for Tim’s other young teen friends to leave the tower before going in, only drugging his own former teammates, is much of his anger seems directed at THEM, not just Bruce. To Jason, it looks like they didn’t mourn him either, he has no statue. I find it interesting that he smashes Donna Troy’s statue, who died after him, and I believe she came back before he did. 
Unless he was keeping track of the news from the League of Assassins, to Jason, Donna never died. 
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And most importantly? Tim shuts Jason down. Tim “Bitch, Please” Drake out here like: you’re a fucking idiot, he loved you to death, he barely let me audition for the role. 
Tim shows some deep resentment towards Jason in this scene. I mean... earned, Jason literally came into his house and starting hitting him, but Tim’s relationship towards the Idea Of Jason has gone through a few changes. At first Jason was ROBIN! THE BOY WONDER! And if maybe Tim thought Bruce wasn’t AS happy with Jason as he was with Dick, there was still SOME hero worship early on. But it only takes Bruce and Alfred and Dick using Jason’s death as a cautionary tale a few times to get Tim to see Jason AS a cautionary tale - the kind of Robin NOT to be. But the more Tim craved Bruce’s paternal attention and approval, and the more Bruce withheld it or made Tim work for it, knowing that Bruce did that, in part, because of his love and grief for his dead son (Tim having an actual living breathing father plays a part, too), and those feelings towards Jason have started to fester.
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Jason can’t let it go, though, he thinks the concept of Robin was a mistake and had always been a mistake, and if he can hurt Tim, so can Scarecrow, Penguin, The Joker. 
This is a good time to bring up that one thing I think Jason probably doesn’t know is Tim is injured. It is a little over a month since since Conner shattered Tim’s right arm. Tim is still healing from a comminuted fracture in his forearm. And looking at this picture that is - ah, yes, that is the injured arm Jason is swinging Tim by. Tim is probably healed by now, the cast IS off and he’s a child, but bones don’t fully return to full strength for 3-6 months. 
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Jason is conflicted. This is clearly, in part, a fucked up way of “protecting” what he sees as a manipulated child, to convince him to leave Bruce. But there’s also clearly some deep, deep jealousy thrown into the mix to complicate matters and cloud his judgement. Ultimately, Jason isn’t there to kill Tim. Tim would be dead if he was. He’s there to “beat some sense into him,” and he ultimately fails, and fails badly. 
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Tim is found by the older Titans, awake by now, though it seems Jason knocked him out to, uh, fuck with the memorial chamber, and Tim... does not beat around the bush. No secret identities here just “yeah, Jason Todd beat the shit out of me.” 
And their reactions are HILARIOUS. 
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One more little sidebar, in the comic, Jason gets in with a D.N.A. check that never removed him from its permissions. Usually in fic this is a unique pass code. I’m not sure which version I like better, honestly. There’s something about Jason physically inputting a code that accepts him even though he’s supposedly dead that I really like, and just feels better than a dna scan. A dna scan sounds SAFER, sure, but there’s something about the Titans leaving in an honest SECURITY RISK out of sentiment that I like. 
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Lastly, I really like how it ends. Jason honestly thinks Tim IS a good Robin, and it seems like Jason’s done some research on the core four, mentioning Tim’s “real friends” again while the “camera” is on Conner and Cassie, suggesting that Jason KNOWS about them and possibly that targeting the tower while they were gone maybe wasn’t an accident or out of convenience, but fully intentional. And again, Jason’s real problem is highlighted: he feels alone, forgotten, unmemorable, no family, no friends. 
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. 
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aphrodite-would-be-proud ¡ 4 years ago
Reading through your wedding post made me so happy, but then I read about Falco's family 😭 Do you think you could write some of your headcannons of you and Reiner watching Falco for a week while his brother goes on a business trip or something. I can only picture by the end of the week that the house is full of the kids because none of them want to go home because Falco misses his brother and hes sad!! 😭😭
I'm so happy you enjoyed it! And that's such a sweet and thoughtful request how could i say no :( my god it sounds like the perfect comfort fic to write and honestly Falco deserves it💛
And the kiddos comforting Falco is a really adorable idea especially since he's the one looking out for everyone and comforting them most of the time, i can only imagine how loved he'd be by them.
Falco spending a week with you and Reiner
{ Reiner x reader | tw:deceased parents tw:neglectful parents | reverse comfort, fluff | modern }
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{ "Tales of Enchantment" by Frank O. Salisbury 1874–1962 }
Around 5am, you and Reiner were waiting in the living room, each holding a cup of coffee. In the past days you got a call from Colt, asking if you can take care of Falco for a week, he sounded really apologetic and so you reassured him it's not trouble at all.
Apparently him and Zeke had a work related trip to a far away town, being understaffed in that town and all, the situation was dire and they couldn't refuse without their rating taking a huge hit not to mention morally too. But as a compensation, the company promised a higher pay to make their effort worth it.
You didn't notice the repeated knocking on the door till a couple seconds later, lack of sleep delaying your senses.
Opening it, you were met with an anxious Colt carrying his little brother in his arms, still asleep in his pajamas. Zeke from behind him carrying a couple bags and backpacks, he waved to you with a smile.
As Reiner took Falco in his arms and some of the bags too, you carried his Marvel school backpack and a list Colt made for all the things Falco needed and liked. He seemed to put a lot of effort in it, somethings in it you didn't even know yourself.
While tucking Falco in your bed, Reiner couldn't help but express his worry over Colt working himself to exhausting, both mentally and physically.
Yeah it was only a temporary thing till Colt graduates college and finds a stable good paying job, whilst taking care of his little brother as much as he can. He's been carrying Falco's responsibility on his shoulder since the funeral without a twitch or a complaint.
You think back to all the times you saw Colt, most being for mere minutes when he came to drop off the kids or pick them up just as his classes ended and before his shift at work started, barely having time for himself yet he chose to spend that little remaining free time on Falco and his friends.
You sit next to Reiner on the bed, gently brushing Falco's hair away from his face as he's sound asleep. He always looked up to his brother more than anyone else and would never let anyone talk badly about him.
It's like his own personal superhero.
"Do you think he'll be sad knowing he didn't get to say goodbye before Colt left?" You ask, still looking at Falco.
Reiner thinks for a moment before answering, "probably, but won't show it" he secures the blanket more around Falco, "sometimes I wonder who's more stubborn with showing their emotions, Gabi or Falco."
"I'd say Zofia wins the acting Oscar" you turn the lights off on your way out, "wasn't it for Udo, we wouldn't know how she's feeling half the time."
Around 10am, a very sleepy Falco merges out of the dark bedroom. Making his way to sit between you and Reiner on the couch, while carrying a blanket around him.
He leans into Reiner's hand when he strokes Falco's hair while you secure the blanket around him. Seeming unusual quiet, you and Reiner shared a knowing concerned look.
Offering to make him his favourite food for breakfast got a smiles out of Falco, Reiner even let him choose what shapes he wants his sunny side eggs as.
While he went to cook and prepare food, Falco shyly leans into your lap as if testing the water.
Please assure him it's okay to seek physical comfort from you, wrap your arms around him and he'll be embarrassed at first to ask to sit on your lap but will love it afterwards.
Just don't tell anyone about it okay? It's something his parents used to do when he was little.
When he heard about Gabi coming over today, he seemed to light up. While Udo and Zofia have weekend music lessons they couldn't make it till tomorrow.
While looking away, he asked if you could watch teen titans go with him.
The rest of the day went smoothly after that, Falco was a good kid in general and a really helpful and understanding person. He helped you both with chores and even attempted to cook pancakes.
While it came out burned, don't tell him that! He's really worried so please make him know you loved it and it was super delicious.
You and Reiner even took him to the dogs park nearby, he had pet so many good dogs till he couldn't count, even played fetch with one. After that you got ice cream on the way back.
When Gabi finally arrived, full of energy and enthusiastic about Falco staying over meaning she too will be staying over
All hell broke loose, it's like a switch had been flipped and the well behaved good boy Falco you know was completely weoponised by Gabi as she pulled him into her mischiefs
By himself, Falco is a good kid, well behaved, polite and responsible for his age. But with adding Gabi to the mix? They're a force to be reckon with.
You could see that Reiner was trying his hardest to deny that his closest cousin Gabi, was the bad influence on other kids all along.
You know? The one leading you off a cliff that your moms tells you not to follow? The rebellious kid with very strong opinions and the will to fist fight god? Yeah that one.
Apparently, no one gave Falco the cliff talk yet because he seemed far too eager to follow her to the end of the earth and down that cliff, he'd even jump hand in hand with her just to protect her from the sharp rocks under.
Gabi was actually looking forward to Falco staying over, since either way she'd spend a couple of days with you and Reiner whenever her parents are away or are too busy. She can't handle feeling lonely in the house, it's one of the worst feelings she's ever experienced.
It reached a point that Reiner gave her a copy of the keys, just so she could come in whenever even if you were at work. He too didn't like the idea of her being alone in a house all by herself, yet her parents didn't seem bothered at all.
But now she has a friend to spend the time with!
Falco was finding comfort in the fact that him and Gabi are currently in similar situations, while his was temporarily he felt better knowing he wasn't alone in this.
By the end of the the day, they managed to build a pillow fort in your living room. No one allowed to enter unless they're bearing offerings snacks
Around 10pm, when both of them fall asleep inside the fort. Falco hugging a pillow to his chest while Gabi still had a controller in her hand.
Of course Reiner took some pictures, how could he not? Especially with the way Falco's fingers were tangled with Gabi's as she had cookie crumbs around her mouth.
He also sent it to the groupchat Zeke made, reassuring Colt that Falco is having the time of his life whilst also sharing their adorable cousins with the rest of his friends.
The week went by faster than anyone could notice, good times always fly fast eh?
Each morning you and Reiner would walk Falco to the school bus before watching him sit next to Udo, sending him off with packed lunch and waving as the bus went away.
After school the rest of the kiddos will come with him home, keeping him company and helping him with homework too. They'd make sure to play Videgames right after.
Porco actually took over the duty of taking Zofia and Udo back to their houses, let's just say their mothers didn't like him at all, but reluctantly agreed after Reiner assured them he's a close family friend.
Each day around 6pm, Colt would video call him on his work break, sometimes with Zeke and other times alone. Falco would tell him about his day and Colt would praise him for all the good work he's done, he'd even share stories of his own and remind him to brush his teeth and eat his vegetables.
After each call, Falco will be noticeably more...down. can you blame him? He really misses him brother.
Sit next to him and hug him close please, he really needs it but he can't bring himself to ask for it. Soothe away his worries and don't mention it if his eyes start watering, just pull him against your chest and let him cry his heart out.
On nights he's particularly sad, he'd sneak into your bedroom to sleep between you and Reiner. It's something he used to do back when he was little, he can't help but miss his parents.
It makes him feel safe so make sure to keep a space for him in there always.
Please stroke his hair till he falls asleep like his mother used to do each night, and let him lean against you while watching cartoons like his father did.
You also noticed how...dotting the kiddos are around him during these times.
Gabi is more gentle with him, even willing to play the games he wants instead of hers. She always teams up with him and her words whenever they win make him smile.
Zofia shares her food with him, something so scarce. She gives up her turn on the tv for him and even defends his choice in what to watch if the others complain.
Udo is the one making him space on the school bus and walking with him home too. Helping him with his homework and holding his hand whenever he seemed to get sad.
Udo and Falco are a great emotional support to each other, they're not afraid to speak about their emotions to the other.
And naturally they're the most comforting, with Zofia botteling up her own emotions and Gabi wrestling through it, it's the two of them who work as the group emotional support backbone.
Reiner couldn't stop talking to you about how proud he is of Udo when he saw him comforting Falco these days, you couldn't agree more.
By the end of the week, the three kids were surrounding Falco on the couch as they played Mario karts.
Zofia was threatening to throw hands with whoever threw that blue shell at her making her last place, Gabi was too busy securing her first place spot.
Udo was leaving strategtic traps in his trail while in third place, making Zofia even more frustrated as she fell into every single one.
Falco was racing with Gabi in second place, attempting to push her kart or power through to the finish line.
When the black and white line came into view, Gabi and Falco's karts were separate by mere inches, both of them attempting to outrun the other.
And when Gabi managed to get a hold of the first spot for three seconds, a flying blue shell knocked her away. Making Falco the winner as he crossed the line.
To this day, Gabi doesn't know if which one of Zofia and Udo were the cause of her demise, but oh she will find the traitor and they will pay.
After that intense scene, they all shared a bag of cookies she brought from home! It was animal shaped.
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ectonurites ¡ 4 years ago
can anybody please explain the appeal of tim drake because ive been into the batfamily for a while now and tbh im really confused on why people like his character so much compared to the other robins. like they all have their own thing going on and he just... doesnt?
Have you read his Robin solo? Because if not and you want to try to like him but just don’t understand why people do, that’s what I’d recommend. That and like, Young Justice 1998. 
Because Tim definitely... does have his own thing going on. Maybe not in the same way as the others, but like, there’s a reason he has a 183 issue long solo comic that ran for like 16 years: he was fun to read about!
But I will give some more specific thoughts on the subject as a Tim Drake Appreciator™ (this got long im sorry)
The appeal of Tim (especially early on Tim) is kinda the fact that he’s this more normal kid. For a while that is his ‘thing’. He was basically designed to be a self-insert (he definitely became more than that along the way, but from the start he was meant to be relatable) in a different way than how Dick and Jason had been before him. 
Like the role of Robin from the start was this way to create a character young readers could identify with more, could see themselves in more. And Dick and Jason did that, but they still had this element to their lives and stories that was more... unattainable for the average reader. Dick was a circus prodigy, Jason was either also a circus prodigy if we remember pre-crisis or if we go with his post-crisis story he’s this street-wise orphaned kid who had a really tough life but still went on to be a hero anyways. Obviously those lives are relatable for some people, but those’re definitely not as broadly recognized as common upbringings especially not by DC trying to market to the ‘average’ kid/young teen.
But the creation of Tim changed the game a bit. Dick and Jason were these aspirations a kid could look to like ‘wow I want to be cool like that!’ but Tim was a Robin designed for kids to look at and go ‘wow, his problems and civilian life are just like mine AND he’s a hero, I want to be cool like that!’, ya know? Tim was... just a clever kid with an average life who managed to connect some dots and had enough drive to want to fix things he saw were a problem, he didn’t have the same kind of heightened drama backstory the others did. The Robins that came after Tim definitely didn’t have this idea of relatability in mind the same way either. Unfortunately Steph’s time as Robin was much more of a marketing ploy than an actual like... decision to make her Robin, so it’s hard to really fit her into this conversation. But Damian from the start was first of all initially created not to be Robin but just as the son of Talia and Bruce back in the 80’s, but when he was later reimagined into the character that would become Robin he had the whole ‘raised by and is the heir to the league of assassins and is the son of batman’ thing going on still. He just was not supposed to be relatable that same way, he was a character designed with different things in mind.
I really think it was more just DC’s 90′s era younger-audience comics in general that tried to push that relatability thing (like in YJ how Cissie even after quitting the team stays a major character as a civilian throughout, and the civilian aspect that’s super present in Bart’s 90s solo too, etc), but later in the 2000’s that idea was definitely pushed to the side in favor of... putting in even more dramatic superhero-y stuff.
And the other thing that’s... such a more normal thing but it actually made him unique here, was that Tim’s dad was still alive until like 2004 (so 15 years into Tim being around as a character). This gave Tim a lot more typical ‘family school girlfriends normal life etc’ problems on top of/in contrast with his superhero problems. These just manifested in very different ways than they could with the other Robins because of that unique situation with a living civilian parent who doesn’t know about hero stuff (until he did find out which lead to that whole Unmasked thing, but there was only the brief time around War Games & Identity Crisis where Jack knew Tim was actively Robin and he was... still alive) Tim also had his life at school expanded way more than most other Robins, like, he had such an extended supporting cast of civilian friends which is a really interesting thing to read about (and the fact that he hasn’t had that stuff since the New 52 I think really hurts his character)
And then related to that loss of his dad... Personally another thing about Tim that really interests me is how a lot of things were more... his choice. if that makes sense. A lot of characters in the Batfamily were struck with tragedy/extreme trauma before they became heroes and that’s what spurred them into this life of becoming heroes. Tim’s situation wasn’t like that at all! When he first got involved in everything during Lonely Place of Dying, the only tragedy he’d experienced was watching Dick’s tragedy happen. Which sure yes traumatic obviously, but that’s not the same as how pretty much all the other Bats had gone through these very personal losses or other sorts of very first-hand personal traumas that served as motivators. Tim didn’t start to experience those things until after he got involved in the hero life, and aside from his Mom’s death which was more of just an unrelated incident (that technically happened before he was officially Robin but it was during his time training to become Robin), pretty much all these other tragedies and things... would not have happened or been experienced by him had he not become Robin. 
That’s not me placing blame on him or anything like that, because god no that’s not how that works, but it’s very interesting because from his point of view he definitely feels that guilt because he knows him being Robin played a role in a lot of it (Thinking specifically about in Adventure Comics #3 when Kon even says “I know what guilt does to you” to him like it’s... it’s a thing with him!). His dad was murdered because he was Robin. He only met Steph and started dating her through being Robin, and thus he would not have experienced the loss of his girlfriend dying like that had he not been Robin. Tim met both Conner and Bart through being Robin, and would not have had a personal connection to them when they died otherwise. The whole Bruce’s death thing after Final Crisis, like. I could go on honestly, that was only talking about losses not even his own experiences nearly getting killed, but yeah, all these personal tragedies were experienced by him specifically because he chose to bring himself into this life, which I think in turn plays into how throughout his comics you see him go from having this really optimistic view on things and being really hopeful to seeing him at that low point he reaches by the time of Red Robin. (thinking about that one post that points out how Tim started out in the 90′s as an optimist and Steph a cynic and by the time they were Red Robin and Batgirl in 2009 they had switched outlooks...) 
I also think that him having had such a great team book with the original Young Justice can help contribute to people liking him. His friendships with the rest of the core four and that team in general are really compelling. (and that’s something like again when looking at the other Robins, while Dick had the Titans ofc, Jason never really found footing with a team outside of like one mission with the Titans and then We All Know How Damian’s Teen Titans Stuff Went. Steph also only ever really worked with a team outside the batfam on very brief occasions) and even though I’m not as big of a fan of the 2003 Teen Titans run that came after YJ, people who read Young Justice and also that could follow and be attached to those same characters over a pretty decently long period of time. 
Idk man, I don’t really have an ultimate point here i’m just rambling. I can definitely understand not seeing the appeal to him right away (honestly i’ve been into Batfam since like 2013/2014 and Tim did not become one of my faves until 2020) especially if like... idk when you say ‘into the batfamily’ that can mean a lot of different things. If you’re reading more like the bigger events with the batfam sure Tim can kinda fade into the bg a bit, if you’re more talking about fanon the fanon version of him is prettyyyyy uhhhhh not really the same as how he was in pre New 52 canon, if you’re mainly reading New 52 era Batfam stuff then that Tim I also don’t understand the appeal of bc thats Not My Boy, if you’re interested in a different member primarily and only familiar with Tim when he shows up in things focused on that other character then it’s easy to not really understand the appeal right away bc he’s more there to support that character rather than shine in his own right. 
I think it’s also worth mentioning he’s just not everybody’s cup of tea, and that’s totally fine. Like, these are fictional characters and sometimes you just will vibe with a character and sometimes you won’t! idk if this helped at all or even made sense. but yeah. I just think he’s neat 😌
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heybeybey ¡ 4 years ago
and it was your heart on the line
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Rivetra | Levi x Petra
Word Count: 8,706
Summary: Turns out, it wasn't a request. It was an order. If he denies again, then it's an ultimatum. Pressured to continue the Ackerman line, Levi is forced to choose between his commitment to giving meaning to his comrades' deaths or sacrificing the future of the woman who have always been devoted to him.
(Anon Ask | AO3 Link)
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(It's also Smutty Saturday so here, have smut + ANGST. MOSTLY ANGST THO)
It's been a month since he learned about his true relation to Kenny.
Two weeks since he, Hange and Erwin traced his Ackerman ancestry.
A week since they found out what his last name means and how inhuman his strength truly is.
And two days since he received that fucking memo.
Captain Levi Ackerman,
We were recently made aware of the extent of your capabilities. After much discussion in the court, we believe that you will be doing humanity a great service by continuing the Ackerman line.
We look forward to your cooperation.
A great service his ass.
A few days ago, he, Erwin and Hange found out that the Ackerman line used to be the bodyguards of the royal family in the past and that the reason why they were so skilled is because they are titans in human form. They were then persecuted for shit knows what and the whole clan scattered throughout the walls in the past hundred years.
It also turns out that this ability is accessible to all Ackermans. They haven't found out if it's automatically passed down but Levi noted that there was a time when he felt something jolt in him when faced in a life or death situation (which was almost a daily basis for him back in the Underground).
Now, they want to reinstate the line to help the military progress.
The way Levi sees it, the government basically wants him to breed as if he's a cow in a nobleman's farm.
Levi ignores the memo for the next few days and when they sent a follow up for his reply, he didn't hesitate in telling them to fuck off. That's when things went south.
Turns out, it wasn't a request. It was an order. If he denies again, then it's an ultimatum.
They argued that the captain's citizenship above ground is tethered to his role in the Scouts. Denying this request would be taken as an act of insubordination, no matter how much Erwin forgives the said "offense". Moreover, it's an insult to the crown.
The greedy fucks from the top brass gave him two weeks or he'll be kicked back down to the Underground. Since he's the only known Ackerman, he can't push this responsibility on someone else's plate.
- - -
Only his Special Operations team were made aware of the situation. Erwin said that his squad deserves to know why their captain might be out of commission for at least a week... or why he'd possibly be kicked out of the scouts soon.
Levi silently took in the horror on their faces when he broke the news.
"Captain, are they even allowed to do that?"
"That's just... sick."
"Maybe there's a way to delay it for a few more years, sir?"
The only one who didn't speak up was Petra. She just watched the four men converse, with Levi and Eld discussing what the next steps are in case the captain will be leaving the scouts.
The thought leaves a bitter taste in all of their mouths. Survey Corps without Captain Levi? They can only see their success rates getting knocked down further. At the same time, they also don't know which decision to support, knowing that the captain will be sacrificing himself either way.
- - -
Petra has been spacing out since that day. Sometimes, her squad needed to snap her out of it during trainings. She'd been a total recluse, rarely joining them at the dining table during their morning coffee. She'd still bring the captain's tea late at night but other than that, she looks more like a ghost floating around in their squad's side of the floor. They think it's heartbreak since her admiration for the captain is already an open secret between the five of them. No one would've even imagined what she was planning.
She was able to snap herself out of it two days after, and now she's barging into Commander Erwin's office during lunch time.
"Commander Erwin, there must be another way," Petra pleads. She rarely goes to Erwin's office alone and if she's here right now, the captain must've not been aware that his subordinate would approach this topic straight with the commander.
Erwin sighs. "Ms. Ral, I appreciate your concern for the captain. Believe me, I've personally reached out to Zackley regarding this. There's nothing much I can do. I've already swayed Levi's citizenship to our favor once."
It also doesn't help that the government sees the Scouts as the most useless of all three military branches. Learning about how powerful Levi truly is was the only thing that reignited their belief in their regiment after five consecutive failed expeditions and thousands of coins wasted.
The commander looks at Petra and he can tell from her face that the gears are turning in her head. He frowns, having an inkling of what her next words will be. Erwin knows how loyal Petra is to her captain. It's something that the commander himself leveraged and exploited during expeditions.
"Would... if I do it, will that...?"
Erwin's face softens, meeting her eyes in concern. If they were to ask for his opinion as commander, it would be a waste if they allow Petra to take the responsibility. She's one of the best soldiers in the corps and her ability to sync with any team they place her in was an asset that you wouldn't find in any other soldier.
But as Levi's friend, he'd rather not order the captain around when it comes to this matter. The part of him who's committed to humanity's survival knows what the right answer is to Levi's situation, and he knows the captain will choose what will always be best for his soldiers.
"Petra, you know that Levi wouldn't allow it."
"But does it even matter what we think anymore? Commander, they're going to take the captain away from us."
Erwin is quiet for a moment, careful eyes assessing how serious Petra truly is. "Are you sure about this Petra?"
"You know I'll do anything for our cause." Adamant and unwavering. Levi chose well.
Erwin nods. "I'll talk to Zackley what it will mean if the captain chooses a subordinate instead of a commoner. Normally, sleeping with your commanding officer would lead to a dishonourable discharge."
Petra flinches at that.
"But... we can all agree that this is a different case."
- - -
Petra comes to Levi that night. At first, he just assumed it's their usual evening tea time.
"I-I talked to Commander Erwin this morning," she starts, setting down his tea on the desk. He glances back at her for a moment before turning back to his paperwork.
"What about?" Levi said. "You do know that if you have a concern, you can also tell me. I'm the one responsible for you."
"It's not a concern," she replies quickly. "Well... it is but-"
Her hesitance finally stops him. "Since when have you held back whenever we have tea together, Petra?"
"Captain... I-I can..."
He doesn't turn his chair around, waiting for Petra to speak.
"I'm saying that if it will greatly serve humanity, I'm willing to have-," she gulps, pushing the fear from her face to look at him determinedly. "I'm willing to be the one to help you continue the Ackerman bloodline."
Levi's grateful his back was turned. If it wasn't, Petra would've seen how his slanted eyes widened with horror and concern at her words. He feels a headache starting to come along, and he schools his face before finally turning around, assessing hers. His heart fell when he finds that she somehow looks both determined and scared at the same time.
Petra deflates a little bit at that, seemingly both relieved and hurt from the rejection.
"Please captain, I don't want you to be forced out of the Survey Corps. The scouts need you. I-" She cuts herself off at that, but her silence was loud. He'd known for a while now the depth of Petra's devotion.
"Petra, are you even aware of what you're offering?"
"Of course I know!" She snaps, so unlike her to disrespect her captain outright. "Captain, I wouldn't have offered myself if I'm not aware of what I'll be giving up."
"Then you're fucking stupid for even wanting to go through with this. We don't even know how many they're demanding from me."
He stands up from his chair and grabs her upper arm in a bruising grip, almost desperate to get his point across. "You'll be forced to leave the Scouts, give up your career to take care of a-"
It's rare for him to be speechless, and he finds that the word baby can't even pass through his mouth these days.
"Sir, I just want to help..." Petra says quietly, gaze averted.
"This is not up for debate Petra." He looks at her coldly. "Leave."
"But captain-" He lets her arm go. Petra's expressive round eyes are starting to tear up.
"I said get out."
He watches her hurry out, trying to ignore the fact that she was furiously wiping her eyes as she leaves.
- - -
They went out for an expedition one morning and Levi was somewhat grateful for the distraction.
Reality only came crashing down on him again when he'd watched another soldier die. He seemed new and young, looking more like a cadet than an actual soldier. Probably fresh out of the training corps but died way too soon because he chose the wrong regiment. If Levi remembers correctly, this was one of the newer scouts who had the guts to approach him with bright and eager eyes and asked for advice.
"What's your name?" Levi asks the soldier. He kneels down beside the younger man.
"E-Ethan, sir," the soldier rasps. Levi silently nods in acknowledgement. He looks up, finding Petra tending to a fatally injured scout. Eld and Gunther was assisting a female veteran who lost a leg. He can't seem to find Oluo anywhere.
"C-Captain..." Ethan struggles with his words and Levi can see how his gaze is starting to lose focus.
"I'll avenge your sacrifice, Ethan." Levi says as he holds the young boy's bloody hand, hearing him take his last breath. "I promise you that."
Levi apologizes to Petra in his own way as they wrap up the expedition. He approaches her as she was about to mount her horse.
"Petra." She looks to him with teary eyes. She does this after every expedition, crying for all the fallen soldiers as her own way of commemorating their sacrifice.
"Yes, sir?" she replies in a gentle voice, as if he didn't just make her cry two nights before.
Levi hands her a white handkerchief. "Here."
She blinks up at him for a bit but accepts his offer. He never says sorry outright, but he and Petra have always had this way of communicating where words aren't needed to be said.
They were running out of time. Levi tried to take his mind off the problem by training until his own body gives up on him. A huge part of him have already accepted that he'll be marched back down to that shithole by the end of the week.
Hell, he already packed up the limited possessions that he has.
"Levi, you know this is for the scouts. Losing you would mean losing a battalion for the Survey Corps," Erwin argued.
"Are you asking me to force a woman to become the government's baby making machine?" Levi snaps. "Because that's sick as fuck Erwin!"
Hange told him once that there was a major decrease in the scouts' death toll since he joined. Levi didn't want to believe at first that a single soldier was enough to make that much of a difference, but Hange's numbers was more than enough proof. Since he joined, they didn't need to send 10 men on a dangerous mission when a single soldier can do all the dirty work and still live.
Erwin pointed out that many would jump at the opportunity to lie with humanity's strongest. Levi just wanted to vomit at the title.
How can something that used to boost his soldiers' morale now turn into a fucked up ultimatum that preyed on his commitment to making his comrades' deaths matter?
He supposes that there are other women. He can even just detach himself from the whole situation after the woman gets pregnant and let her raise the kid.
But Levi has an intimate relationship with abandonment. Of being used and treated as nothing more than just a tool. It was all he knew growing up with gangs in the underground, and eventually in the corps as comrades die and his strength used to the regiment's advantage.
He's not that big of a piece of shit as to use someone and leave a child fatherless until they come of age to become a soldier. If he was going to have a kid, he'd make sure that they at least have a good childhood to compensate for all the shit they'd be pressured in. He'd want to be there every time he leaves the walls—not as a captain commanding his soldier but as a father ensuring his child's safety.
Levi also feels sick at the thought of just bedding anyone. Whenever he thinks of this option, his mind would take him back to a dark closet, deep in the underground, where he'd hide as his mother takes on another client. He'd be no better than the men who he watched come and go from his mother's room in the brothel, leaving her crying and filthy once they're done. It feels as if he'd be disrespecting her memory this way. Spitting on his mother's grave would've been more respectful than this.
The only other option is to drag the woman he'd been secretly throwing longing looks at, so willing and devoted, down with him.
- - -
The night before the government will come knocking on their doors, Petra came to his office again.
"You're up for promotion." This was his last resort.
If she accepts, then he'll be leaving tomorrow for the underground. He doesn't really know which outcome to hope for.
Levi doesn't give her the chance to reply, silently handing her a folder. He wants her to understand the gravity of this situation. Of how much of a double-edged sword her devotion truly is.
"I've already signed it and Erwin's just waiting for you to accept before he approves. We'll be raising your rank, complete with a 25% salary increase. You're still in the Special Ops, but now with the opportunity to command your own team outside of our missions, or whenever Erwin and I see it fit during an expedition. This is a step closer to fully becoming a squad leader two or three years from now."
Petra sighs and shakes her head at that. She didn't even hesitate as she takes away the folder from his hand and sets it down on his office table.
"Please, Captain." Petra pleads, hand moving to delicately hold his. "The scouts need you."
The face of the soldier who died yesterday, (Ethan, he corrects himself) flashes on his mind. Levi's promise to the young man rings phantomly in his ears.
I'll avenge your sacrifice, I promise you that.
Levi surrenders.
- - -
"Captain?" Petra removed the last button of her uniform, her eyes on the floor, leaving her in only her cotton underwear. He watches her while he sits on the edge of the bed, eyes taking in her every move as she shrugs off all her clothing.
"Call me Levi," he corrects her. "Please."
"Levi..." She closes the gap between them, climbing on the bed and reaching out a hand to cup his face to help him relax. Petra gives him a shy smile when he leans closer to her touch, while he settles a hand at the small of her back. She leans forward, kissing his jaw and sliding her hand down to his chest to feel the quick drum of his heartbeat. "It's okay, Levi. I trust you."
Petra settles herself on his lap and gently turns his face up to hers, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. His hands trail up her upper arms and she involuntarily shivered when he cups her cheeks to deepen the kiss. Emboldened by how receptive she is of his touch, Levi trails his mouth from her lips to her cheek, gradually making his way down to her neck.
Petra's eyes are closed, biting on her lower lip. She tangles a hand against his hair to pull him closer, encouraging him further. He feels himself getting hard fast when she aligns the heat of her core against his.
"Do you want me to turn off the lights?" She asks, testing the waters by grinding down on him. He shakes his head no, tucking a ginger strand of hair behind her ear. The last thing he needs is to feel like this is a casual romp with a stranger. He wants to know it's her.
He runs his hands against her bare thighs before twisting their bodies around so she'd end up laying back on his bed. She gave a quiet huff at the impact, but Levi was quick to lean down and kiss her intensely. He fears he might come faster than they need him to if she continues bucking against him and they need to pace themselves.
Levi plans to worship Petra tonight, because she deserves nothing less. He looks down at her and meets her eyes for a bit before he's trailing down kisses throughout her body. When he's closer to her chest area, Petra removes her bra off for him and his throat goes dry at the sight. She looks up at Levi with half-lidded eyes, guiding his hands to knead her breasts. The captain doesn't waste time, groping then leaning down to swirl his tongue over a nipple before tending to the other.
Petra whimpers with his every touch. When he makes a bold move to slip his hand down her panties, that's when she gives a low moan.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly and Petra nods. He starts to massage her clit, feeling her core starting to dampen as his strokes become more intentional.
He soon replaces his fingers with this tongue, earning him a keening sound from the woman below him. Levi only pulls away when he's satisfied at how much of a dazed mess Petra is, hands gripping his black hair to stabilize herself. He levels himself again with her and Petra latches her mouth against him, once again grinding her naked pussy against his cock, still clothed in his pants.
They've both lost the initial shyness and hesitation from earlier on, now both driven by their eagerness to push their pleasure further. He's hard by this point, feeling the dampness and heat between her thighs through his clothed lower regions. Petra continues to grind herself against him and Levi gets harder at the thought of how she's fully naked and vulnerable below him. She desperately bucks up against his hips, delicate but scarred hands reaching down to finally start unbuckling his pants.
He allows her to shrug off his pants while he removes his white undershirt, towering over her. Petra watches him take off his top with a primal look in her eyes, sitting up and reaching out to pass her hands against the lines of his firm abdomen. Her eyes flares up at the sight of his cock, hand reaching out to touch before Levi grabs her wrist.
"I won't be able to last long if you do that." He says. Petra understands, opening her legs further instead to allow him in.
He positions himself between her thighs and looks at her one last time, making sure there's no doubt on her face. Petra, being the fucking amazing woman that she is, only nods at him with a small reassuring smile.
Levi grunts at how deliciously tight she is when he finally enters her, while Petra's arms found its way around his back to cling to him. It proves to be a struggle because her wet walls squeezes around him and he finds it hard to pull his head out of the pleasurable haze. He tries to pace himself, giving them both enough time to adjust to the feeling. When he feels Petra's hips slightly bucking up as if to egg him on, that's when he starts to move.
It was heaven and hell at the same time. For a second or two, he'd like to believe that this is a moment built on months of romancing and awkward dates. He lets his mind wander away from what it actually is—a task, a burden placed on his shoulders for an ability he never even asked for. And he dragged the bravest and most capable woman he knows down with him, willing as she may be.
"Harder, Levi," she breathes out on his ear, snapping his head from spiralling down in self-hatred at their situation.
Levi gives into her wishes, bracing himself by leaning down and pulling her hips closer. He starts to work towards an almost bruising pace, wanting to find a good balance between pleasure and pain for her. Her arms are encircled around him, hands running up and down the hard muscles on his back. Levi looks at the way Petra's breasts bounce with every snap of his hips, mesmerized. Her mouth was open in an o-shape, eyes unfocused as she surrenders to the heat of the moment, cheeks flushed, nipples continuously grazing against his chest with every thrust.
"Yes yes yes," she breathlessly chants. "Fuck me, Levi."
He'd dreamed of Petra like this in the past. But as her commanding officer, all he could really do is lock away those depraved thoughts and quietly steam in lust over his ginger subordinate. Being with her right now couldn't even compare to the nights he jacked off to the thought of her.
He can already tell that Petra's close with the way she's clenching him. Her pants are more desperate now and she bites on his shoulder blade as she reaches her own climax, and he eventually feels her hold on him slacken. Tired and pleased, Petra allows her head to fall back on the pillow and takes in his face to watch the emotions passing through his face.
The feel of her wet core clenching around him was more than enough to edge him closer towards his limit. The rhythm of his thrusts starts to stutter, his primal need to reach release urging him forward.
Petra starts moaning again, turned on at his uncontrollable lust. He waits until she eventually comes again, watching her fall tiredly on the bed, before allowing himself to let go.
One thrust, two, and then they tip past the point of no return. Petra makes a low noise once he comes inside her, her hips rising to meet his final thrust. Lost in pleasure, Levi had to grip hard on the bed frame above her to compose himself. Petra holds his gaze—a mix of adoration and desperation—through it all.
They both pant from the thrill of their coupling and Levi finally collapses on Petra. She pulls him close, allowing him to lay his head on her chest.
He didn't even know when he started crying. He only realized it when he felt Petra brushing away the tears silently running down his cheek with her thumb.
What kind of lowlife am I? Here he is, crying like a little shit when he was the one who'll be subjecting her to whatever hell that awaits them in the next few months. Female soldiers are normally allowed maternity leave but since his case is different, the higher ups demanded that at least one parent will see through the child's growth.
Everyone assumes that it wouldn't be the captain.
He didn't have to sacrifice his career and position. He doesn't need to sit around and nurture a living being inside him for almost a year. Petra will be the one who'll be taking the bulk of it all.
You're fucking selfish. You're a coward.
"I'm sorry," he whispers softly against her skin. He stays where he is, head laid on top of her bare chest and listening to the thump of her heart. Petra was just quiet for awhile, gently running her fingers through his jet-black hair as she stares up at the window and at the night sky.
"Levi... remember when you told us before to choose the choice that we'll regret the least?"
He doesn't answer back, not really knowing what to say at her hushed question.
"I chose this," Petra continues. "Because you going back to the Underground is the consequence that would kill me the most."
She gently tilts his head up so he can meet her eyes, her hand shaking from the barrage of emotion. Petra looks at his face, awe and adoration shining in her amber eyes as she traces a finger against the frown lines between his brows.
"You're a great man, Captain. I've never met someone who cares so much for his soldiers' lives more than you do." Petra continues. "I truly believe that you'll be the one who'll lead us outside these walls."
"I don't deserve you Petra."
She smiles sadly at that. "You have me either way, Levi. I'm here to stay."
- - -
The next nine months were... Well, they didn't even know how to describe it.
They decided to reveal it to their team on the first month of her pregnancy. That led to Eld's fist colliding with Levi's face. The biggest surprise was that the captain allowed his second-in-command to disrespect him in such a way.
"Eld, no!" Petra screamed.
"Captain, you told me before that you recruited Petra for her skills," Eld said. "I didn't know you'd be the type to take advantage of young girls!"
Levi understood where the younger man was coming from, knowing how Eld and Gunther treated Petra like a little sister. Oluo, on the other hand, just watched the exchange with a crestfallen look.
The guys only believed that Levi didn't force her into anything when they saw how Petra fretted over the captain's bruised face the whole afternoon. She'd constantly throw them a glare as she cups an ice pack on Levi's jaw and would constantly follow him around to make sure that he won't get attacked by the three guys. Not that they would even have the guts to attempt it, nor would the captain let it pass the second time around.
Frankly, Levi's grateful that he has a team who looks out for each other, even when they're not beyond the walls. That's one of the reasons why he trusts them. He doesn't know where he stands now as their captain and he knows these turn of events will greatly shift or even damage their squad's dynamics.
As the month comes to a close and with another mission beyond the walls in the works, Erwin pulled Petra out of all expeditions, much to the surprise of the other Scouts. Her role for the next three months were mostly to brief new recruits along with some clerical work before she closes this chapter of her life.
- - -
On the second month, they traveled to Karanese district to finally tell Petra's father. Levi had never met the man before, and the captain was quiet the whole way to her home town. If Petra didn't know better, she'd think that Levi's nervous.
The truth is that all he feels is guilt.
He knocked up the man's daughter and he was her commanding officer. What's worse is that they didn't do it because they were so hopelessly in love. Come to think of it, it would've been better if they chalked it up to them not being able to keep their hands off each other.
He'd be lucky if Petra's father doesn't assume that Levi just turned his daughter into a breeding stock.
"Petra!" The older man greets them. "Captain Levi, it's so nice to finally meet you. Petra told me a lot about you in her letters."
Levi takes a few moments to revel in the warm welcome, thinking that this day would probably end up in more heartbreak because of him.
"Mr. Ral." He accepts the man's handshake.
"Please, come in! I've prepared enough for the three of us. You're not allergic to anything, right captain?"
None of them mentioned just yet what they were there for and Levi was content just to hear Petra chatting excitedly with her father. Mr. Ral seems like a friendly man, and it's no wonder he ended up having a daughter who's such a sweetheart. The atmosphere in the room was light as father and daughter caught up on each other's lives.
Until Petra has to run to the bathroom to vomit.
He saw the rising concern on her father's face as they listen to Petra retching in the bathroom, and that whole five minutes of waiting for her to come back was absolute torture. Levi, for all his bravery when fighting titans, couldn't even meet the older man's eyes.
"Captain Levi, why are you really here?" Mr. Ral cautiously asks him.
The older man's face cracks when he finally learned the true nature of Petra's pregnancy. He couldn't look at Levi after that.
"Captain, I think you should leave." Mr. Ral says, voice cold that he couldn't believe that the warm welcome he received earlier on came from the same man. Levi didn't need to be told twice.
Levi sighs as he stands up. "Thank you for the food, Mr. Ral."
"Dad, it's not his fault." Petra tries again as Levi moves to the door. "It's my decision. You know how Captain Levi is important to the Survey Corps."
"But why you, Petra?" Mr. Ral snaps. "You know, I was concerned when you told me that you were the only girl in his squad."
"Please, stop." Petra sobs.
"If I'd only known that I really did have a reason to be worried, I would've demanded you to come home."
Levi silently listens to the whole exchange from outside of the room, eyes downcast.
- - -
Petra signed her retirement on the third month. High from the mood swings brought on by the pregnancy, she cried and even hugged the commander. Erwin just awkwardly patted her head and told Petra that it might be best to let go now before Levi slices his hand off.
She also went to Mitras this month, meeting the people who forced Levi into this situation for the first time. Petra was shaking in anger as she walked inside the room, throwing the officials the dirtiest glare she could manage.
Petra didn't even bother to be respectful that whole afternoon as they brief her on what they expect from her, and what can or cannot be public information.
"I used to hope that the child won't inherit your glare but now I'm more scared to imagine if they got Ms. Ral's," Erwin whispered to Levi, watching as Petra backtalks another official.
Levi shrugs. "You haven't seen her when she gets too competitive during trainings."
On the same month, they ended up sleeping together without the goal of furthering the Ackerman bloodline.
They haven't touched each other since the doctor confirmed that Petra's already pregnant. Her every test was recorded and reported to the fuckers back at Mitras and that thought alone was enough to squeeze out the arousal in Levi's body.
Somehow, they found themselves making out in his office on this night.
"Why didn't we do this during our evening tea before?" Levi asked against her neck, peppering kisses on every inch of skin he can reach.
Petra laughs, elongating her neck further to give him access. "Gee, captain. I didn't know you wanted to be court-martialled so bad."
She's currently in civilian clothing since her last day with the scouts was yesterday. Her dress was easier to access and he'd long since unbuttoned the first few buttons that covered her breasts.
Fuck it, he thought as he moves away from his office chair and settles more comfortably on the couch, with Petra on his lap. He looks up at her, eyes alight in lust as he takes in her breasts spilling out of her dress, chest heaving and orange hair dishevelled. He hurriedly tries to unzip out of his own clothing, eagerly kissing her as she slides down his cock.
After a whole week of sex a few months ago, Levi thought he's already used to the feel of Petra around him. Egged on by their own baser instincts despite the situation, they fucked every chance they can get and it was the closest Levi had to a break. It would've been a blissful escapade if he didn't know any better, and the guilt would eat him raw every time he ejaculates inside her.
But for some reason, sex with her right now feels different. Still heated and pleasurable, because of course— it's Petra, but something has shifted between them. He feels lighter, freer.
He's careful as he bounces Petra above him, but still careful not to hurt her. Levi worships every part of her that he could reach without breaking away from the pace that they'd set, while Petra pulls against his hair and leaves her own marks on his chiseled skin.
It's the first time they had slept together without feeling as if someone's keeping a close eye on them.
This moment together is theirs.
- - -
They feel the baby move on the fourth month of her pregnancy.
Levi was the one who first felt it when he was laying his head on her lap. He was quietly reading a report while Petra was knitting a few socks when he felt a poke on the side of his head that was cozied up to her belly.
"Okay, stop it woman!" He scolds and sits up, thinking that she was messing with him. Levi pauses when he sees that Petra is tearing up.
"He kicked."
"The baby." Levi's face slackens at that, eyes wide with wonder dropping to her tummy. She runs both hands over the skin, stops and smiles, before taking his wrist to place his own hand on one spot.
Sure enough, Levi did feel that faint poke. He lifts his other hand so he can place both on her belly. Emotion overwhelms him and he swallowed to keep himself at bay.
"Hey, kid."
On the fifth month, Levi was able to strong-arm the higher-ups to give him a goddamn house. Petra knows that this thought would continue to amuse her for years.
From what she heard from Erwin, Levi demanded that the child needs a nice place to grow up in. Since his salary wasn't worth shit despite his high rank in the scouts, it still would take him a long time to make a downpayment.
They approved the request and they moved in a few days shy of her sixth month. It was a simple house, complete with two floors and three bedrooms. One room in the first floor while another two above. Petra suggested that maybe the third bedroom can be his office but he refused.
"You're thinking of opening a pastry shop once the kid's here, right? You can use that space."
"Hmm... but that will still take some time." Petra answers, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. "Maybe we can use it to store all your brooms and cleaning solutions instead."
They once talked about what Petra plans to do once the child is born. Of course, most of her hours will be spent taking care of the baby but knowing Petra, she's not the type who'd sit around and rely on him for the rest of her life. They're still not sure if she'll be able to rejoin the scouts years from now, even when Levi tried telling her that maybe he can find a way to work around it the top brass' shitty conditions. They decided instead to focus more on what they can control now, and he suggested that he was able to save enough that they can use that as a capital for whatever she wanted to do.
As they were fixing their new house, Petra was also surprised that he was setting up his side on the master's bedroom.
Petra wanted to sleep beside him every night, of course. They've already been doing so since that first time they had sex after her pregnancy was confirmed. But Petra thought that it's just going to be her who will move in because the house was a good two hours away from the barracks, making it a hassle for Levi to go back and forth everyday. Petra tells him that she'd be alright with him only coming home for the weekends if it will save him a 4-hour commute every single day.
Levi brushed off her concerns and proceeded to set up the nursery room instead.
"Will a baby really give a fuck about all these colors?" He crudely asks, looking at all the paint palettes in his hand.
- - -
The sixth month was slightly harder. Petra thinks that it may be because the reality that she's now out of the Survey Corps, the one thing that gave meaning to her life for four years, is settling in on her.
Her closest friends in the scouts would visit her a few times every month. Hange's squad, sometimes accompanied by Nanaba, would drop by and Levi had to control Hange from turning Petra and his child into one of their experiments.
"Aww, Levi. I'm just trying to be a good aunt!"
"By trying to feed Petra one of your shitty concoctions?" He snaps back, taking the bottle with the godforsaken liquid as far away as he can from the mother of his child. Petra has to stop Levi from completely banning Hange from their home after that.
Eld, Oluo and Gunther visit her as much as they can.
"Wow, you look like a ball." Oluo blurts out when he sees Petra, earning him a slap at the back of his head from Gunther.
"Bozado, this is the reason why you still don't have a girlfriend." Eld said, smirking. "The captain has shittier social skills than you and he's now going to be a father. Up your game a bit."
Gunther grunts at Eld's quip, knowing that Oluo would take that differently. "Way to go Eld. As if the cravat's not worse enough."
Their visits make Petra feel as if it's just another morning in the barracks, except she now has a round belly. Gunther always asks about how she's feeling while Oluo would brag that he'd be the greatest uncle the kid will ever have. Eld indulges her in her cravings and always brings a basket of strawberries whenever the three of them visit.
She also learned that Levi never chose another scout to take over her place.
"Captain said that it doesn't really make a difference if he adds another member," Gunther informs Petra. "He screened a few. All of them ran away crying."
Oluo chuckles. "Remember when he screamed at them that they're all useless and would be good as titan shit on the next expedition?"
"Please, we all know he's just comparing all of them to Petra. Man's way too in love with you, Pet." Eld replies and Petra blushes.
"If you're done gossiping about me, you're all free to get your asses out here. It's late." Levi suddenly pipes up from the door. The three men shuts up, salutes and scrambles out after saying their goodbyes to Petra, along with promises to visit whenever they can.
"Welcome back," Petra greets, kissing him on the cheek.
"Did any of them give you trouble?"
"If anything, Oluo will give you more trouble." Petra giggles, having had a conversation with Levi about Oluo's tendency to imitate the captain. "He saw your parenting books by the way. I think he's setting up a budget so he can buy himself some."
Levi groans at that.
Through the months, she'd learned that bright little Nifa was recently selected to be transferred to Hange's team. Nanaba would share stories about her promotion to being second-in-command in Squad Mike. Oluo recently got a pay raise and he enthusiastically boasts that he more than deserved it, but Petra knows he's just overjoyed that it will now be enough to send his younger brother to university. Stories that are worth celebrating and Petra was all too eager to celebrate with all of them.
But when she's alone, she'd sometimes feel that time had stopped for her. She'd realize that this isn't just a simple pregnancy and she's not just on a maternity leave. At times when she really is down in the dumps, she'd bitterly question if the living being inside of her truly is worth calling a bundle of joy.
She'd shake that thought away as fast as it came, of course. She rubs circles around her rounded tummy as if to say a silent sorry to her child for even thinking of such a thing. Petra loves her and Levi's baby with all her heart. She doesn't regret any of it because this baby symbolises that Levi would continue making a difference in the scouts.
Still though, there were moments when Levi would come home and find her asleep with tear tracks on her face, hands clenching on her old green scout uniform.
- - -
She was seven months along when he first admitted that he's in love with her.
Well, he didn't admit it directly.
For someone who can easily throw an insult, Levi's shit at words. He made his love known and he didn't even say it to her.
He said it to her belly instead, and Petra almost died at how adorable it all is.
"Your mom's a handful, you know?" was the first thing Petra heard when consciousness starts to return back to her. Sometimes she'd fall asleep in the early evenings just before Levi comes back home. He'd let himself in on most days so that he won't disturb her slumber.
Hearing Levi talk to the baby wasn't something new for Petra. He started addressing her belly since the first time he felt the kid kick. Sometimes, he'd have (one-sided) conversations with her belly as if Petra wasn't even there. Hell, he was even more talkative to the unborn baby than when he's planning an expedition with their squad.
This was one of those moments.
Petra was about to pipe up and greet him a welcome back when he continued.
"If she wasn't the most reckless and beautiful woman I've ever met, I wouldn't have put up with all that shit she'd pulled." Petra's heart flutters. Levi rarely uses words of affection as his love language. He'd always made his feelings known through late night runs to resupply their strawberries just because she was craving them, or by offering to massage her swollen feet for someone who's a real clean freak.
"Don't tell your mom that I cursed." Levi continues as he settles down on the bed to rub her belly. "She'd have my head."
Levi must've been really tired if he didn't notice that she's already awake. He did mention this morning that Erwin was forcing him to catch up on a lot of paperwork the whole day. Still, Petra kept her eyes closed, wanting to hear what he says next.
"Did you know that there was this time when she broke formation to save a horse from being stepped on by a titan?" Levi said before murmuring to her belly: "I can't believe I'm in love with someone that crazy."
- - -
On the eight month, he proposed to her.
"Levi, you don't have to." She tells him, trying to stop the smile from beaming on her face. Her hand subconsciously goes to her round tummy, as if to share to the little one how his daddy can be so silly sometimes.
"Tch. What makes you think I 'have' to?" Levi says. "I want to. Now, tell me that at least you liked the ring because that cost me three years' worth of budget for our cleaning supplies."
He said it so nonchalantly but Petra can always tell whenever Levi is nervous deep down. She recently learned the truth about his past and she knows that the thought of a child of his being a bastard, the same way that he is, didn't sit right with him.
Petra gives him a peck on the cheek and presented her hand so that he can slide it on her ring finger.
"I love it."
- - -
On her ninth month, Levi requested a paternity leave the week she's due to give birth. It always amazes Petra how someone who seemed so cold can be such a great father before the child was even born.
"Are you sure?" she asks. "You won't get behind on work right? You've always been horrible at keeping up with paperwork."
"Don't get too full of yourself," he scoffs. "Just because you're not helping me anymore doesn't mean I can't get them done."
"I also don't trust our neighbours enough to take you to a clean hospital," he later adds.
Petra was excited because this means she gets Levi for a whole week. The last time they got this much time together she was still in the scouts. So she took full advantage of it, demanding that he take her out on a date.
"You won't reject your wonderful, bloated wife, would you?" Petra waddles over to him, asking him with puppy dog eyes.
"God, woman. Are you serious? What if your water broke while we're having dinner?" He snaps back.
"Come onnn. I've been stuck in this house for a week now!" She pouts. "You worry too much, Levi."
"No, I'm just not as reckless as you are." He tells with a hint of fondness in his voice.
- - -
Petra gives birth to a healthy baby boy on the 9th of June, and Levi spent the whole duration of the labor pacing outside her hospital room. His passive face doesn't reveal much since he looks like he was only frowning constantly. On the inside though, he feels his heart lurch every time he hears Petra scream in pain and exertion.
He can't remember how many nurses he'd snapped at. Some of them would even hurry away when he tried approaching them to ask Petra's condition. The head nurse was adamant he stay outside though, telling him that his wife is fine.
Hours later, they finally allowed him in and a nurse handed him a bundle. At first, he was confused because all he wanted to do was rush to his wife who's currently sweaty, tired and asleep on the bed.
It only dawned onto him that what he's holding is his child.
Levi's whole body freezes, and the first thing that came to mind is Kenny.
I'm going to be a shitty father, he thinks, mind spiralling down to the many ways for things to fuck up. I'm going to end up abandoning him and he'll hate me forever.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when the baby gave a gentle coo, eyes blinking open to reveal amber orbs. Levi stares down at his child and awkwardly reaches out a finger towards his face. His son immediately latches on to his skin, a tiny palm attempting to encircle around his finger, and Levi can feel a ghost of a smile forming on his face.
"Hi, brat." He sees from the corner of his eye that some of the nurses raise an eyebrow at that. He'd been talking to the kid for months now through Petra's belly and this is when he's speechless?
Petra wakes up to find her husband fighting back sleep on a chair beside her bed. His hands were wrapped protectively around what seems like a bundle of cloth and he's clutching it to his chest.
He snaps out of his drowsy state when he sees her eyes open. "You're awake."
Petra hums. "Is... is that him?"
Levi nods and Petra's eyes light up despite the exhaustion weighing them down. He moves to pass on the baby boy to her, leaving a kiss on her sweaty forehead before he sits back down on the chair. He's not surprised that Petra started tearing up.
"Oh, Levi... he's so beautiful." Petra leans down to pepper kisses on the child's sleeping face. "He looks just like you."
Levi had never felt peace like this for awhile. A sick and sad part of him feared that if he'll blink his eyes closed, all these will disappear once he opens them.
He received a congratulatory letter from Mitras that same evening, forwarded to him by Erwin.
"Who's it from?" Petra asks as she nurses their baby. She's glowing, and even though she's a sweaty mess right now, he can't help but think that this is the most beautiful state he'd seen her in.
"Nothing. Just some report from Eyebrows," Levi answers.
He threw the letter away without even reading. He'd rather not have his mood ruined right now.
- - -
"He's awake?" Levi groggily asks from their bed.
Petra nods, rocking little Theo in her arms. "I'm praying that he won't inherit his father's insomniac habits."
Levi sits up, opening his arms to quietly ask Petra to hand over the baby to him. "Go to sleep Petra. I'll take care of him."
His wife hums as her body hits the bed, cuddling closer to Levi who's currently sitting up against the bed frame. She throws an arm around his waist while he holds their 4-month-old child, attempting to rock him back to sleep. Little Theo's amber eyes just stares up at him, black hair tousled from all his fussing.
"Oi, kid. Let your mom rest." Levi pokes his button nose, earning him a cute little giggle from the baby. "I'm blaming you if she gets all grumpy on me tomorrow."
Petra lightly slaps his abdomen, a small smile on her face while her eyes remain closed.
Once his family settles down, with Petra now asleep and his son's eyes gradually getting drowsier as the minutes pass, he allows himself to drown in his thoughts. Having a son was both a joy and a sorrow at the same time.
Hange always teased him at how much of family man he's become, not expecting that a grumpy recluse like him who's willing to kick the asses of recruits would be so protective of his own little family. His motivation now during each expedition is just to come back as soon as he can to his wife and son.
He sometimes daydreams about leaving it all, packing everything up and leaving their home, his position in the scouts and finding the three of them a safe space to stay away from the military's demands and interests. Little Theo wouldn't end up getting pressured to join the Survey Corps or any other regiment once he comes of age and he and Petra can have another child or even two on their own terms.
For so long, his commitment to the scouts' cause has mostly been tied to the past, wanting to give meaning to his comrades' deaths. This is the first time he looked towards the future. For the first time, he's hopes for something—he hopes for a time when his son wouldn't even be forced to join the military, no matter how decorated the title they would give him. Now, he leaves for expeditions envisioning a future where they can go beyond these stuffy walls, where he can teach Theo how to ride a horse without the intention to prepare him for a mission. It's for a future where he'd teach his son to fight, just because the boy is curious and not because he needs to survive.
He doesn't know what little Theo's future will look like. For now, all Levi can do is protect his family.
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bubbleteaimagines ¡ 4 years ago
Peter Parker having a crush on an Alien girl
Peter Parker Headcanon
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It was safe to say, even aliens had to go high school
Even though you and your people were different, having come from a planet called Torgen, you still got an overwhelming amount of support from the people on earth
Your race had crash landed there after an unknown titan wiped out half of your people
At first, people were terrified of you all
You could see why, as you were also terrified of the humans, too
But over time you all slowly began to get used to each other
Your government complied with the governments of earth and a safe place was set up for you all
After spending several years in that place, your parents decided to send to a school so you could interact with human society
Needless to say, you were scared shitless
You got an endless amount of stares and whispers on your first day
The people of Torgen had deep red skin and it stood out like a sore thumb
There were many glares and lots of namecalling, but there were also lots of nice humans too
Peter Parker was one in particular
He was appointed to be your guide at Midtown High and immediately he was fascinated by you
You could tell in the way he stared at your red skin and bright yellow eyes, another distinct feature
“H-Hi, I’m Peter,” He stuttered, because despite your differences you were still a pretty girl
“I am y/n,” You said slowly, not sure what to do with his outstretched hand, “Are you the one who will guide me?”
“Wha- oh yeah, yeah, sure,” He turned a little pink
You smiled, “Excellent,”
You allowed Peter to show you around school while ranting about the people and different things school had to offer
He was also curious about you, but he was so nice that you decided it wouldn’t hurt to tell him things
His crush on you would start slowly at first
He’d sit with you at lunch a lot and sometimes he’d be staring without even knowing it
Absentmindedly, he’d start thinking things like ‘wow, she’s so pretty’ or ‘woah, she’s really unique,’
Over time, you two would become great friends
And slowly, you’d notice how flustered he’d become around you
How he’d always open doors for you or buy you ice cream
He’d also stand up for you a lot if you were being teased for your race
He was genuinely interested in anything you had to say about your planet or your new community
He’d learn every custome or tradition in your culture- if you allowed him to
He’d also surprise you by learning your language
You two would be hanging out one day and suddenly he’d say something along the lines of ‘you have pretty eyes,’
Not an exact translation but you’d be touched either way
Overall, he’d go out of his way to make you feel comfortable and welcome on earth, and it wouldn’t be hard to see that clearly he’s developed feelings for the strange alien girl with yellow eyes
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gleegirlimagines ¡ 5 years ago
Getting the Girl
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The Titans were in need of a kicker after Kurt quit the team. If you asked her, that was the reason Y/N was trying out. If you asked Matt, Mike, or Puck, the reason she was trying out was to finally shut Finn Hudson up once and for all. The oaf had made Y/N his latest target to pick on. Mainly because he knew of her crush on his girlfriend Quinn. He liked to rub it in her face that HE was dating her and not Y/N. She couldn't take any more of it. So she decided that she was gonna be McKinley's next kicker. 
Puck, Mike, and Matt had tried to talk Y/N out of it but to no avail. So, being the good friends they are, they decided to help Y/N. As they took to the field to help her practice, Sue and the Cheerios had made their way out to do their cardio for the day. The group on the field failed to notice a certain head cheerleader watching them practice along with Santana and Brittany. "Ah, so looks like Y/N is trying out for the team. That's hot." Santana said. Brittany giggled and agreed. "Do you think she'll help me achieve my perfect record of making out with everyone at school?" Quinn's head whipped around. "What?" "Yeah. I have a list of everyone I've made out with and she's not on it. It would mean a lot if she said yes." Quinn shook her head in disbelief before going back to watching the group. Suddenly, a voice called out from behind them. "Hey babe!" Quinn mentally groaned as Santana did it loudly for her. Finn walked up to the trio smiling. He leaned down to kiss Quinn but she turned her head, making him collide with her cheek. "Brittany, Santana." Santana gave him a fake smile as Brittany did the same. "I'm gonna go ask her." 
Before Quinn could protest, both Santana and Brittany ran off in the direction of Y/N and the boys. Finn looked where the girls where headed and scoffed. "What's that freak doing out here?" Quinn glared at him. "She's trying out for your team. You need a kicker do you not?" Finn's jaw dropped. "Yeah. But we don't need a fucking dyke on our team. People aren't gonna take us seriously!" He whined. Quinn sighed. "Finn. They don't take you seriously now. What makes you think that's gonna change if a girl joins the team?" Finn groaned. "I'm gonna go give her a piece of my fucking mind. Dykes don't belong on the team." Finn stormed off as Quinn followed after him. 
Y/N was talking to Santana and Brittany about things when Finn walked up to them. "Finnocence. Can't you see me and B are trying to seal the deal here?" Finn glared at the two. "And I don't give a flying fuck Lopez. I'm more worried about the fact that there's a dyke freak trying out for my team." Y/N rolled her eyes. "Because you guys suck and need a kicker. That's where I step in Hudson because obviously you can't lead us to a win." Finn scoffed. "I'm the best quarterback this school has ever had. And if you're only trying out for kicker, then why are you also throwing the ball around? It's called kicker, not quarterback." Puck spoke up. "Because idiot, we know Tanaka is gonna test her other skills. And maybe, if we're lucky, he might realize that she's a better quarterback than you." 
Finn lunged at the mohawked boy before Y/N shoved him back. "Leave the fucking field Finn. We're done talking to you." He glared at her before turning to Quinn. "Let's go." Quinn stood there not moving. "Quinn. Let's go!" Quinn put on her ice queen glare and turned to the boy. "No Finn. I still have stuff to do. You can go." Finn stood in shock and stormed off to his car. Santana and Brittany looked at Y/N. They were extremely turned on. "So Y/N, does our offer still stand?" Y/N smirked. "Totally." Both Brittany and Santana kissed her cheek before running off.
Puck slapped Y/N on the shoulder. "Good for you dude." Y/N smirked before looking at Quinn who was glaring at her. "What Fabray? Jealous?" Quinn glared at the girl before running off. Matt spoke up. "What's got her panties in a bunch?" Y/N shrugged. "I don't know. Let's get back to practice though." 
Y/N followed the boys to their locker room to get their stuff. No one was at school so it would be fine and Y/N was already cool with the team. When they all walked in, they heard groaning and moaning. They all looked at each other and poked their heads around the column of lockers to find a shocking scene.
  Finn Hudson was fucking a cheerleader that wasn't Quinn Fabray. All four people witnessing was shocked. Y/N felt anger course through her veins. How dare this idiot cheat on Quinn. Y/N pulled out her phone and snapped a few pictures and videos before all four of them hauled ass out of the locker room. 
They ran all the way to Y/N's car. "Holy fuck. What the fuck just happened?" Y/N was still shocked. Puck was angry. "He's a fucking idiot for cheating on her. She needs to know. Hey, maybe if you tell her Y/N she'll give you a chance!" Y/N looked at him. "Are you serious Puck? Really?" 
Two days later, after a successful tryout on Y/N's part, pictures of Finn and the girl fucking in the locker room were posted all over the school. Y/N was standing at her locker getting her books when Santana and Brittany walked up to her. "So. We had fun at Breadstix last night. You're actually really cool." Y/N smiled at the girls. "Thank you Santana. And Brittany I hope your record is now perfect." The blonde smiled and nodded. "All thanks to you. Also, have you seen Quinn? I wanna check up on her." Y/N shook her head. "No. It sucks though. Finn is an idiot." Santana nodded. "But hey, you get to have a chance with her." Y/N giggled and shut her locker. "You're starting to sound like Puck." The three walked off to class, not knowing that two people had overheard their conversation. 
Y/N was walking to class texting Puck about the game when she was yanked into an empty classroom. "Hey what the fu-!" She was cut off by a hand on her mouth. "Shhh or we'll get in trouble." Y/N finally processed who yanked her in the room. "Quinn?" The blonde smiled at the girl and took her hand off her mouth. "Hi." Y/N smiled at the girl's shyness. "Hi. What's going on? Why did you yank me in here?" Quinn didn't say anything and just pressed her lips against Y/N's. Y/N kissed back almost instantly. The pair pulled away when air was a necessity. "I broke it off with Finn. I wanted to thank you for those pictures." Y/N stuttered before Quinn cut her off again. "Puck told me after I grilled him about it." Y/N's jaw dropped. "That snitch." Quinn giggled. "No. You should thank him. By the way, I'm gonna be cheering for you and only you tonight." She walked off swaying her hips as Y/N watched mesmerized. God, she couldn't wait for tonight. 
The game was going awful. Every time Y/N stepped onto the field, Finn would do something to get her tackled. She was hurting all over and Coach kept yelling at Finn and Y/N was getting stressed. She sat on the bench cradling her ribs after a particularly hard hit when Quinn snuck up behind her. "What's up with Finn? Why is he putting you in situations where you're getting hurt?" Y/N shrugged and groaned. "I don't know." Puck ran up to Y/N after coming off the field. "He found out you took and posted the pictures. One of our teammates saw us posting them and overheard us talking about catching Finn in the act." Quinn gasped. Y/N sat shocked. "Fuck." 
The game just got worse. Y/N got tackled time and time again much to the amusement of Finn. Tanaka called a timeout during the second quarter. "Hudson what the fresh HELL are you doing out there?! You're killing our kicker!" Finn smirked and sat back on the bench. "Well coach, some people need to be taught a lesson. I'm just doing my job." Tanaka's face turned red. "Did you just blatantly admit that you're doing this shit on purpose?" Finn blanched. "U-um no?" Tanaka pulled him up by his jersey. "YOURE BLOWING THIS GAME FOR US BECAUSE YOU GOT CAUGHT FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE?!" The team snickered at how scared Finn looked. "Y/L/N! You're playing quarterback for the rest of the game. Jameson! You're taking Y/N's place as kicker! Get back on the field!"
Y/N as quarterback was going great. She had managed to get the Titans back in the lead without a dance to distract the other team. Y/N could see Finn sitting on the bench fuming. Behind the bench however was a much better sight. Quinn smiling her million dollar Cheerio smile while yelling for the Titans. God, she was falling for this girl. Hard and fast. 
The Titans ended up winning much to everyone's satisfaction (except Finn's). As Y/N was getting changed in the girl's locker room, the door swung open to reveal the oaf in question. Y/N rolled her eyes. "What do you want Hudson?" He glared at the girl. "I want you gone. Off the team. Away from my girl." Y/N smirked. "From what I've heard, she's not really your "girl" anymore." Finn saw red as he swung and connected with the girl's jaw. He only managed to get one hit in before Tanaka was bursting in pulling him off the girl and out of the locker room. Puck, Mike, and Matt helped the girl up. "Damn dude. He really packs a punch." Y/N shrugged. "I'll be okay." 
Y/N had her bag on her shoulder as her and the boys headed out of the locker room. Mike had been nice enough to get her some ice for her jaw. As she walked holding the ice against her face, she caught Quinn's eye. She was standing with her parents hoping to introduce them to Y/N. At the sight of Y/N's jaw, she gasped, dropped her Cheerio bag and ran towards the girl. Y/N jumped at the blonde girl suddenly appearing in front of her. "What happened to your jaw? Was it one of their players? I'll kick their ass." Y/N chuckled at the girl's worry. "It wasn't one of their players Q. It was your ex. He ambushed me in the locker room saying that he wanted me off the team and away from you. I'm okay." 
Hazel eyes filled with fury as she called Santana and Brittany over. The two suddenly appeared. "What's up Q?" "I want Finn slushied and dumpster tossed for the rest of forever." Y/N went to protest but Quinn put her hand up. "No. He deserves it after all he did to you." Santana smirked. "Aye aye Cap." The two smiled at Y/N before walking off. "I was hoping to introduce you to my parents. They want to meet you." Y/N froze. "Your p-parents?" Quinn smiled at the girl's nervousness before pecking her lips. "Yes. My parents." "Ah, so this is the famous Y/N Quinnie?" Y/N looked behind Quinn to find a blonde woman who looked identical to Quinn standing next to a tall, blonde man. "Yes. Mom, dad, this is Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, this is Judy and Russell Fabray." 
Y/N smiled as best as she could before wincing. "Oh dear. What happened to your face?" Judy cupped Y/N's face. Quinn's eyes darkened. "Finn happened. He ambushed her on the locker room. Y/N is the one who caught him cheating on me." Russell spoke up. "Well I'm glad you caught him Y/N. He didn't deserve my daughter anyway. Now Y/N, my Quinnie has spoken very highly of you. What are your intentions with my daughter?" Y/N looked at Quinn. "To love and appreciate her for as long she'll have me. If your concern with me sir is if I'll treat her better than Finn, then you don't have to worry because I will." Judy and Quinn looked at the girl with shining eyes. Russell smiled and held out his hand. "Welcome to the family Y/N." Y/N smiled and shook his hand. Quinn wrapped her arms around the taller girl's waist, burying her head in her chest. "Can we go home and watch a movie and cuddle?" Y/N smiled and leaned down to peck Quinn's lips. 
"Lead the way baby girl."
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ofbooksandaesthetics ¡ 4 years ago
Battle of the Bands
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin 
Modern Band AU
Summary: As the guitarist of The 104th, you are invited to play with your favourite band The Scouts. 
Warnings: slight profanity but not much 
Author’s note: I listened to Queen of White Lies by Orion Experience 10 times in one bus journey and couldn’t help but imagine Jean singing it about Mikasa. And voila! This imagine was born :) 
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From a young age, you’d always been obsessed with music. From your dad playing jazz on a lazy Sunday afternoon to your mum playing R&B as she cleaned, you had always been surrounded by it. It followed you everywhere so it was no surprise when you were gifted a guitar for your 9th birthday. 
You spent hours each day practising fingerpicking, then moving onto chords and then fully-fledged songs. As you grew so did tastes - and your guitar collection. 
Before moving into the 6th grade, your family moved for a new job, leaving you without friends and having to start a new life in the city of Trost. The one thing that was ever consistent was the strings of your guitar and the beats from the speakers, which became your solace in the coming weeks. And said beats caught the attention of your new next-door neighbour. 
Jean Kirstein was also massively into music, and when he walked past your house he could hear the amp blaring from your open window. He became enthralled and would often leave his window open to catch even just a few notes. 
The Saturday before school started, Jean was forced by his mother to introduce himself to you (she said you had to have at least one friend before starting school) and by doing so Mrs Kirstein caused a life long friendship to bloom. He was forced into your house by your mother and lead upstairs to your room. He was greeted by band posters, from MCR to The Beatles, and an acoustic and electric guitar hanging on the wall side by side. But what caught his gaze was the massive “SCOUTS” poster above your bed. 
“WOW! That’s so cool, you like The Scouts!” He exclaimed as he entered your room, causing you to jump from your magazine and stare at the brown-haired boy invading your space.
“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” You shouted, giving your mum a quizzical glare as she smiled at the boy's excitement. Your voice seemed to pull the boy out of his oasis and he met your eyes with a blush and a shrug.
“I’m Jean. My mum sent me, we live next door.” Before you could introduce yourself, he had already started to speak again “I’ve heard you playing your guitar. You’re really good!” 
At this your mum left the two of you two it, only returning 3 hours later to find you both on the floor, with you playing whilst Jean sang along. Noticing the time, Jean jumped up remembering his mum warning to be back by dinnertime. 
“It’s been great meeting you! If you want I can meet you outside on Monday and I’ll introduce you to my friends. They’d love to hear you play too! Connie’s really into the drums and Marco has been learning bass.”
Hearing this your eyes lit up and your mum’s heart warmed at the idea of you finally enjoying your new life.
“That sounds great, I’ll see you then!” You called as your mum lead him out.
                                         4 YEARS LATER
The years passed quickly and it didn’t take you long to forget the pain of your old life and become enamoured with your new friends. Jean did indeed introduce to his friends Connie, Sasha and Marco, and it didn’t take long for you to become the best of friends. The five of you would all meet Connie’s garage, sometimes just chatting but more often than not bringing along your instruments for a jam session. Four years went by of you playing lead guitar, Marco jamming on bass, Connie smashing on percussion and Jean accompanying with his gruff drawl, whilst Sasha sat atop of the counter, sadly not having any musical talents other than occasional tamborining. And the four years went by easily until Sasha let out a suggestion.
“You guys should start a band. Like a proper one, with gigs and shit” She declared, soon after stuffing her mouth with a cake Mrs Springer had brought in. 
“See at least someone appreciates my musical talents” quipped Jean with a quirk of his eyebrows, causing you all to laugh. 
“I’ve got to admit, I’m down! We’ve been playing for years, we even played at last years prom.” Seeing no reason against the idea, you voiced your opinion. 
“Yeah but that was prom. We know all of them anyway, if we did gigs it would be to strangers and critics and stuff” Huffed Connie. 
“Yeah, and potential talent scouts! Imagine if we got signed! What do you think Marco?” Jean turned to face he freckled boy awaiting his response. 
“I guess it could be fun.” He said, tilting his head to the side and turning to Connie. “I think we should” 
With a consensus of four out of five, all eyes were set on Connie, pleading him to agree. He spluttered, not expecting you all to be serious. After a moment of staring at you all incredulously, he finally gave in.
“Fine! But if we got told we’re shit it’s on you guys” He sighed, but was drowned out by all your cheers. 
                       2 YEARS LATER
After that day, you had all put in the effort to perfecting your craft and coming up with your own songs. You and Jean would have weekly sleepovers, pulling all-nighters to get the perfect verses. And it wasn’t long until you booked your first gig, which was a success. Nearly the whole grade had turned up to support you, and you soon became a local legend. And in honour of them, you had named your band The 104th, due to being the 104th grade since your school was founded. 
Your increased fame, got you gigs outside of Trost, on larger stages than the small bars you were used to. You had released your first album and we’re having a small jam session, when Sasha’s, who had taken up the role as manager, phone rang. You all carried on with your conversation until Sasha quickly stood up and ran across the room, her voice getting slightly louder, causing you all to stare at her.
“OMG! That sounds great, we can be there for the soundcheck in less than an hour. Thank you so much, for this opportunity. We appreciate it! Thank you, bye!” She exclaimed with wide eyes as her smile grew and grew. After ending the call she whipped around, before letting out a screech 
“OI, OI! What’s going on?” Asked Connie, as he walked up to Sasha flicking her forehead as she squealed again. 
“GUESS WHO’S OPENING FOR THE SCOUTS?!” She all but screamed whilst running to the front of the garage and throwing your jackets at you all. Realising what she meant you stood in a state of shock before opening your mouth. 
“What do you mean? Opening for The Scouts. As in THE SCOUTS? They’re playing tonight, we can’t open for them.” You justified, meeting Jean’s stunned gaze. 
You two had always imagined what it would be like to meet your legends, let alone open for them. After your initial meeting, the two of you had gone on for hours about your favourite songs by the band and sang along to them. You had even let him in on your crush on the lead guitarist, Levi Ackerman, for heaven’s sake. As good as an opportunity this was, you were a nervous wreck. It was one thing to play on the same stage that your favourite band had stepped on, but to play with them and meet them. That was a thing of its own. 
You were knocked from your thoughts by a shoe to your head, and as you focused back in you watched Connie running around like a headless chicken. Attempting to back up his drum kit, he panicked until Sasha assured him there’d be one there for him. The rest of you seemed to kick into action and you ran about gathering your equipment before rushing home to grab gig-worthy clothes. You all met up back at Connie’s house before all piling into Jean’s minivan. Connie and Sasha were as loud as always but you, Jean and Marco seemed to still be too shocked to talk.
As you rolled up to the venue, you saw a queue of about 20 Scout super fans lined up three hours before the gig even started. You wondered how many were your fans, as Sasha had sent out announcements on every social media site possible after you guys left. You hauled your guitar case out of the van before following behind Sasha into the main doors of the venue. The crew were rushing about everywhere, and if you weren’t already used to the atmosphere you were sure you’d pass out. As you walked into the main hall, your eyes fell to the band on top of the stage. All five of you froze, in the realisation that you were in the same room as your childhood heroes. Putting your kit down, you watched as Hange Zoe lazily sat on her drum set, tapping out a quiet beat, as the lead singer Erwin, counted in the beat. Miche Zacharias swayed his hips as he set out the bassline, and Levi almost languidly strummed his electric guitar. 
The five of you were pulled behind the stage before you could watch their practice start but you could still hear it as they performed their soundcheck. Experienced in the world of gigs, the four of you prepped your instruments, tuning them in case they had been messed up in the hurry of your departure. And by the time you’d finished the Scouts were walking towards you. Hange greeted you first. 
“HI! OMG, we’ve heard so much about you guys. You guys are practically famous around here!” She blurted out, her excitement surprising you all. Connie seemed to be frozen as his inspiration complimented you guys. Miche let out a greeting and moved on to sit down. Leaving Erwin and Levi in front of you. Erwin stepped forward and placed out his hand, shaking and greeting you all individually. Now there was just Levi left. 
Your eyes met his and you couldn’t help but blush, as he gave a small nod. Appreciative of the small gesture, you calmed slightly until Jean ruined it
“HI! We love you guys so much. Y/N even has a crush on Levi!” He blurted, his face turning bright red after realising what he had said. You gasped and without thinking smacked him across the head. 
“WHAT THE HELL’S WRONG WITH YOU? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?” But before you could apologise and defend yourself to Levi and Erwin, you were escorted to the stage for your own soundcheck. Glaring at Jean, you got in position, and were done in half an hour. 
After the soundcheck, you were given time to rest, giving you all time to calm down, after the more than lively introduction. You eventually forgave Jean for his outburst but not without consequences. He would be carrying your gear for the next year’s worth of gigs.
You hadn't yet gained back the confidence to talk Levi but had spoken to the other members of The Scouts. Miche and Erwin told you about how their touring band had ditched them last minute and how they needed another opening band pronto. You were astonished to find out that Hange herself had requested you guys, but it filled your heart with warmth knowing someone as famous as her held your small-town band in high regards. 
Everyone could sense your apprehension to talking to Levi but we’re all shocked when the quiet man joined you whilst getting a drink. You almost blushed when you noticed him next to you but pushed the feeling down and smiled at him. Although Jean had embarrassed you beyond belief, there was no reason to push away your childhood dream and miss the opportunity to talk to him. 
“You know you we’re what inspired me to start learning the guitar?” You said. Levi didn’t reply but you decided his silence wasn’t in annoyance. “My parents were always super into music anyway but when I heard your guys' debut album it pushed me towards the guitar.” You watched him finish making his tea and leave but before he sat down, he turned his head over his shoulder. 
“I’m glad to hear it” He replied, turning again and leaving. You smiled, happy that he didn’t think you were a complete freak. 
                      2 HOURS LATER 
The time had finally arrived. From the side of the stage, you could see a sea of people filling the venue and could hear the symphony of chatter. The boys were stood next to you, panting with nerves. You had never performed to such a large crowd before. You took a sharp breath before turning to them. 
“Come on boys! We’ve done this before and we’ll do it again. This is just another small step before we get our own main stage like this!” Your small pep talk seemed to calm the boys and caught the attention of Erwin and Levi who were waiting to watch your performance from the side-lines. You smiled at the two but we’re now filled with dread as you realised they would be watching. You threw that fear away and gave Marco a side hug as you fixed your strap, and then followed Jean to the stage. 
The lights blinded you but once your vision cleared you all but gasped at the sheer amount of sweaty bodies in front of you. You beamed brightly and gave a wink to a figure in the balcony. At least you could seem confident even if you were dying inside.  
The beat of the drum surrounded you and Marco’s strumming blared out from the amps. You started plucking at your guitar and forgot about the crowd. Jean’s gravely word floated out into the dark room, and it was easy to forget you were on a stage and instead it felt like you were back in Connie’s house. As the song reached the chorus, you and Marco joined in, accompanying Jean. Eventually, you loosened up to a point where all three of you were able to dance slightly to the beat during the bridge. This seemed to get the crowd going even more and you let out a laugh, completely forgetting your inhibitions. [I imagined them performing Queen of White Lies]
Once the song finished, Jean introduced himself, and you prepared yourself for another half an hour of playing and dancing. But it passed quickly and before you knew it you we’re all sat on the sofa. Connie was still flushed chugging on his 3rd bottle of water whilst the rest of you leant back with smiles upon your faces. Your attention was piqued as The Scouts took the stage and you all shouted words of encouragement to them. This brought a smile to their faces, including a small smirk on Levi’s. You all rushed to the sidelines to watch and we’re in awe as you saw the four of them play as if they were reading each other's minds. It was as if they were symbiotic, each knowing what to do without even the slightest hesitation. 
Even though you tried to focus on all of them, your focus always came back to Levi. You watched how his brow rested into a scowl as he neared a faster part of the song and how he threw his head back when lost in the moment. Your eyes widened when he took his shirt off after four songs, which Jean noticed, and started to nudge you for. Time seemed to go by so quickly that you barely noticed them finish their final song. They waved to the crowd as they left but stayed in the wings as the crowd screamed for an encore. Erwin still seemed to smile and nudged Levi towards the five of you. 
“Do you guys want to join us for the encore?” He asked gruffly, his eyes set on you. You looked at the rest of the band and you all nodded before you verbally replied. 
“Of course! What song are you thinking?” 
“Nirvana - Love Buzz? You guys know it?” Miche asked, wiping some water from his chin. You all nodded in unison and before you know it you were all kitted up and back on stage. 
The crowd went wild seeing both The Scouts and The 104th back on stage and you couldn’t help but smile as you found Levi stood next to you. You guys let loose on the song and you even attempted to have a little contest with Levi during the guitar solo for dominance. This gained a smile for the man, and you guys finished the song in no time. 
Leaving the stage for the last time, you gave out a clumsy bow before running off stage. You guys went to get changed and pack up your gear but before you could get in the van the Scouts we’re back in front of you. Erwin took the lead yet again. 
“We loved having you guys on stage with us! And after some thinking, we’d love it if you replaced our old band with us on the rest of the tour.” 
At this Jean slammed the van door and stared at Erwin in shock. The five of you looked at each other in shock. The silence was eventually broken by Connie, who let out a scream as he ran around the van, followed by Sasha letting out profanities. The rest of you gushed and thanked the other band profusely not knowing how to appropriately respond. After formally Sasha accepted the other, Hange launched into giving out hugs, whilst Miche and Erwin gave out handshakes. Levi ignored the rest of your bandmates and made his way to you.
“I look forward to more guitar battles.” Levi remarked as dryly as ever but with a small smirk playing on his lips. Luckily this time, the others were too distracted and you were able to reply with some confidence. 
“You mean to look forward to losing right?” you quipped, knowing this would be the start of something great. 
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mondayrobot ¡ 4 years ago
120-Day Fanfiction List (G)
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A collection of my recommended Eren/Mikasa fanfictions for the first one-hundred and twenty days of the year.
Rating: General Audiences
a gilded world by infinitesimalll
The world was cruel. It was cold. Nearly everyday those words flowed through her mind, often accompanied by traumatic experiences.
All The Things Between You and Me by iRememberTheDark @irememberthedark
In most situations, Mikasa takes what she can get, especially where Eren, her...her...whatever he was to her, was concerned, and she was more than willing to let that pattern continue. Too bad life was so adept at kicking her out of her comfort zone.
"What am I to you?"
Mikasa asks a simple question and the world tilts.
Bad Idea by fevversinherhair
Like all bad ideas that passed between them, pretending to be dating at his brother's wedding was 100% Eren's.
Call out my name by Gcf_khaleesi
Ever since he brought her back into paths he knew that this would be the last time, he knew that he wasn't getting out of this what he was doing out there alive and she knew it as well.
canvas by orphan_account
there’s a familiarity in that question, the same one that comes along with the unspeakable way she smiles.
Cruel Decisions by solsun
The public now knows the truth of the outside world and who they are. The impending threat. No matter what, they must survive. Eren struggles with the colossal responsibility he believes he bears, the weight of an entire nation in his hands. He searches for a way to ground himself while keeping his principles intact.
demands by infinitesimalll
In all honesty, Eren hadn't expected Mikasa to take his offer after they had faced the titan who killed his mother and Hannes. It was something he said in the heat of the moment, when he was determined to survive.
for you, 2000 years later by aenar_thedragonlady
life seemed normal, as it always was but she wasn't aware of something, or rather, someone, who's been waiting for 2000 years.
fuel to my fire by aenar_thedragonlady
Being the princess of a powerful kingdom and with a legendary bloodline, Mikasa came to terms with how she was born and raised a conqueror in her father, family and kingdom's name. But when her conquest led her to Eren, a solitary king hidden in his domain far north in the mountains, she knew things could never go back to how they were.
Will she extinguish all the fires she never knew she had?
Or will she add more fuel to the flames?
ghost out of his grave by simplyhumann
At first glance, one might even think this is his glimpse of heaven. To come home to her in death, like how he always wanted to when he was alive.
It was anything but that. This was his punishment, Eren knew. To have a front row seat to the way he ruined the woman he once loved— no— still loves— and all the consequences that came after it.
hallucinating by enchantingoats
Mikasa knew it was undoubtedly her drug-addled subconscious longing for a second reunion with better odds.
Still, she wanted to touch him.
home by infinitesimalll
"in this world, i've got a place to go home to."
I’ll Take Care of You by Queenzie
When Mikasa falls sick, Eren decides that for once he needs to look after her.
Long Dream by wallmaria
“What am I to you?” Eren had suddenly said. Mikasa was again taken aback by his question. She looked at Eren’s face, there were no hints of shame when he said it, when he’s practically asking her to bare herself before him… She felt her heart pound loudly in her chest… She felt embarrassed to say the truth, but Eren also seemed to look distraught and expectant as Mikasa stammered.
not so strong after all by infinitesimalll
After a patrol in the freezing cold rain, humanity's second strongest has come down with the common cold.
Now and Forever by connectedfeelings @connectedfeelings
Waking up from a strange dream, Mikasa experiences odd visions throughout the day, all of a man and of a red scarf. Everyone leaves her with a strong sense of melancholy. Who is he? And why has he been in her mind all day? Perhaps she could ask him. Because his scarf just landed on her face, and she can't help but feel like the universe is telling her something.
New Year by Ilucida
The New Year celebration in Hizuru style was different.
remember a day we dreamt by Violea
Let's live the rest of our lives peacefully. Just the two of us.
return to me, the you of 2000 years ago by rilakkuma5 @uhhstar
Eternal return is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.
Simpler Times by wamomo
Three moments in which Eren doesn't regret leaving and one in which he does.
some place to be at peace by bacondestiny
He remembers the feeling of his head exploding off his body and the earth quaking before him under the weight of millions of titans on the march, remembers the awful ruin and the craters and the puddles and the charred remains as he crawled after them on hundreds of ribs--but all of that is so far away. It’s so far away that he’ll never see it again. All he can see is Mikasa, smiling up at him.
It doesn’t matter what’s flowing through his veins or lurking in his bones or rattling around in his head. What matters is what he has in his arms.
sparkling green by maketea @rosekasa
mikasa wakes up to find eren has done all the work for her.
The hellfire called love by septembersnotes
I hold us together, our lives, our pitiful youth, our days under the sun- shard by shard.
The Red String of Fate by hunnyB
Alone and defeated, Eren sighs and sinks back on the bench, eyes flickering up on Mikasa's seemingly frail frame as she sleeps soundlessly beneath the white bedsheets. He stares at the peacefulness transpiring through her face, glossed lips parted gently, raven hair splayed across the pillow, and thin long eyelashes casting shadows over her cheeks, giving off an extremely pleasant sight to lie eyes upon.
A sight that Eren has always had nearby but never sought, never once stopped to admire.
they are the prey by bacondestiny @inbothourhandsgloria
Eren does not want to be here.
It is sunny and warm and the birds are singing, today is the kind of day that should be spent running through the streets and splashing in the creek. He could be helping Mama with errands or Daddy with mixing medicines or Zeke with the goats. But no. Now he has to stand in this stupid line with Zeke so he can go to school. It’s terrible.
Through the Night by Diphy_D
It’s through the night when Eren’s mind doesn’t stop thinking while his hands don’t stop tracing the profile of the sleeping woman who rests at his side. The boy loses his faith and sinks alone.
And it’s through the night too when Mikasa's sweet touch calms his demons.
“We'll be free. The two of us, just wait”.
To You, 2000 Years From Now. by fetching
“You were dreaming again. What was it about?” He asks, smiling at her.
It takes a great effort not to cry.
This is it. This is home.
“Home,” She breathes. “I was dreaming about coming home.”
to you, at world’s end, a promise by AdelineVW7
She has never been one to sleep deeply, so Eren moves with deliberate gentleness. With only the tips of his fingers he caresses the dark hair splayed upon the pillow, all the while watching the rhythm of her breathing, the flitting movement of a dream beneath her eyelids.
viva la vida by zeninclan
"Mikasa, what am I to you?"
She looked down at him as the crowd watched them, standing face to face.
A soft blush spread across her skin as she stared back at him for a moment, wind pushing through their hair as they stood in silence. They had been friends since childhood. He knew everything about her, and she did the same for him.
"Family," was the answer she landed on. She cursed herself that night for not answering him honestly.
Since then, something had changed in Eren.
Warmth by ApplePapelProductions
His body, against yours. So close, so safe, the bite of the cold, the closeness of death, did not matter. Even in this fleeting moment, only to last a second, it meant more than the entire world. More than the remainders of humanity. More than the world beyond the walls. More than you could have ever imagined, no matter how many times you prayed for it to happen.
It would end soon. Maybe one day, he could tell you that he loved you, too. But until then, this was enough.
when you move I move with you by SapphireOcean
An unrequited crush comes back into Eren's life in an unusual way.
would have married you by enchantingoats
But truly it was beyond that. She was precious to him above all else, and though it was hard to put his finger on the feeling, this attachment, it had to be what they called love.
You can also check out: 2020 Eremika Fanfiction Masterlist
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jinxedpanda4life ¡ 4 years ago
DamiRae Hospital AU?
  No I am not writing one, if I could write well I would though! So here are some HCs for a hospital AU.    If someone decides to write this then I’ll be your first reader. Also I am sort of basing things off of Grey’s Anatomy just a bit and my limited knowledge of the medical field.
- Starts of as 1st year residents, specialties may vary
- The “Titans” are residents and 1st years that show great promise, this doesn’t really play a role its just what people call them behind their backs
- Dr. Kori Anders is a OBGYN (women parts and birth) resident, a year or two away from finishing
- Dr. Richard “Dick” Grayson is is a surgery resident, trained by the hospital owner Bruce Wayne (who is a world renowned surgeon, has awards, etc), specifically general surgery
- Dr. Garfield Logan is pediatrician (kid doctor) res, bonds well with kids, but is considering going back to school to become a vet instead
- Dr. Jaime Reyes is an oncology (cancer doctor), having had cancer as a teen and is now forever trying to rid the world of it, works mostly with kids and teens
- Dr. Jonathan Kent is a physical therapist that works with pain management. Up beat guy and is always trying to brighten his patient’s lives.
- Dr. Damian Wayne is a surgical intern, blood thirsty little thing, hoping to become a neurosurgeon (brain, spine) (or cardiothoracic (heart, lungs) both are competitive)
- Dr. Raven Roth is an anesthesiologist (the drug person that knocks you out) and is starting her surgical internship (she wanted to do more than just help people get high essentially or whatever) has no current preference for any specific surgical field
- Add in characters:
-- Dr. Jason Todd, trauma surgeon (fits too well)
-- Dr. Timothy Drake diagnostician (medical detective basically) 
-- Dr. Donna Troy gynecologist
-- Terra Markov is a nurse (i don’t like Terra but nurses are the actual best)
- Story stuff:
- Damian and Raven meet as they are put under the guidance of the same resident
-Damian has an automatic dislike for Raven because she knows everyone already and is equally, if not much more, knowledgable about surgery, the OR, the ER, protocol, etc  He also thinks she is cold because she rarely shows emotion (pot kettle Damian)
- Raven can always be found in the medical archives researching old cases and studying new ones, Damian stumbles upon her when looking for an old cardiomegaly case (enlarged heart).
- Raven gets along with all of the past ‘Robins’ making her a go to intern
- Garfield can be seen whenever he is not needed trying to flirt with Nurse Markov and often goes to Raven to sulk 
- Damian and Raven are always early to pre-rounds and are typically the first ones there (usually early in the morning, getting there before 500)
- Jon bumps into Damian more often than not and they start becoming friends (Damian is reluctant at first and is still you know Damian about everything), Damian even recommends patients to him 
- Though Damian doesn’t want to really ‘hang out’ with anyone he reluctantly hangs out with the Titans, because of Jon and Dick
            - When in a large group when at a bar, club or whatever Damian tends to stay close to Raven because 1) they actually have things to talk about 2) she isn’t loud
- Raven & Damian are both assigned to a case that is frankly befuddling and have to start spending long nights and early mornings together to figure it out
- Over that period of time they learn things about each other:
-- Raven learns: 
Damian has a dog (Titus) and cat (Alfred) 
He is single (Kori told her) and lives in an apartment close to the hospital
He has lived in various countries
He is trained in multiple martial arts 
He prefers his tea with brown sugar and a slice of lemon 
His eyes are a true emerald color with a ring of gold and flecks scattered within 
He may hide it well but when Raven compliments him he becomes flustered
He speaks to himself in Arabic when he curses, trying to remember something, doesn’t want anyone to know what he is saying
He isn’t always an asshole
When he actually smiles a true and genuine smile, she has heart palpitations
-- Damian learns:
Raven has two tattoos (neither are a bird), a gang tat (she is saving up to get it removed), and a mantra in Azarathian; Azarath Metrion Zinthos
She immigrated from Azarath when she was around 8
Her notes are in Azarathian
She actually feels a lot of emotion and knows how to control them
If she is not reading about a current or past case she is reading any book or file she can get her hands on, he has caught her reading in multiple different languages; Azarathian, English, French, Russian, Arabic, Dutch, Mandarin, (could be more or less)
She lives alone and has a cat, Nevermore, and thanks to Dick he already knew she was single
She likes all tea, no matter how prepared, but prefers the sweetener to be honey
Her hair is black but shines purple, especially under the ER lights
Her eyes are a purple that at first glance look blue, like Elizabeth Taylor, he realizes though her eyes are galaxies on their own 
When she smiles the world actually stops moving, her eyes shine like stars and he never wants the world to start moving again
She always wears a necklace with a gold and ruby ring at all times (it was her mother’s wedding ring)
- When Damian starts having le feelings for Raven he considers actually seeking medical advice as this has never happened to him before
- Raven tries her best to contain her feelings when at work, going so far as one day a month staying home just to scream, cry and feel her feelings
- It does not help that new feelings towards Damian start popping up, especially since he starts bringing her tea and hanging out with her at work
- During the middle of their 2nd year of residency someone holds Raven hostage in the hospital to fix someone that person loves (this person had connections to Trigon and knew who Raven was)
- That was not a fun time for either Damian or Raven; Damian was outside the hospital pacing trying to figure something out with the other Titans trying to calm themselves and him down
- Shots are fired and when all is said and done, Raven gets shot in the abdomen and the hand (she was in ICU for a hot sec)
- Damian seemed to be there every time Raven woke up, he was always checking on her during rounds even though he wasn’t on her case
- Raven did have to have surgery on her hand and in her abdomen (idk where i’m not getting that specific), she hated being, in her words, coddled 
- Even though Raven was right handed (the one that got shot) she learned how to do everything, writing, eating, going to the bathroom, etc. (many of the other residents are impressed since she keeps working on it after her other hand heals)
- Raven’s room also becomes a space for other residents to destress and just vent about their day. She listens and gives advice, all without looking up from whatever she was doing. 
- During this time Raven becomes hooked on Pretty Pretty Pegasus
- Raven’s room is also full of cards, flowers, etc all from fellow staff and some from patients. When she leaves (she spends a couple weeks in thanks to multiple surgeries, recovery, and other minor injuries) all of the gifts litter her apartment, the cards end up in a box by her desk, she presses the flowers, and stuffed animals are donated to children’s shelter (she keeps some that she has grown attached to)
- During this time Damian is more of an ass than usual (people notice and tease him)
- Damian at some points keeps working without breaks/sleep for hours on end. Dick pulls him aside after noticing, scolds and forces him to sleep in one of the on call rooms. (He really wanted him to go home, but Damian wasn’t leaving)
- Once Raven was discharged Damian and Garfield help her back home (clothes + gifts + Raven w/a healing hand/other injuries = need help) the other Titans would have helped but were needed at the hospital
- Garfield leaves after dropping off Raven and Damian (and her stuff) as he is called in on a Peds case (could be fake, may not be) and Raven & Damian spend the rest of the time basically watching terrible movies. (with Nevermore sitting on both of them)
- That is the night Damian realizes that not only does he like Raven, but he like likes her. He starts devising plans on how to get her to date him. 
- All his plans basically are thrown out the window because of one reason or another (he kept overthinking it)(poor guy)
- It is not until their 3rd year of residency that Raven realizes her feelings towards Damian (Have I made it clear she likes him? I can’t remember...)
- She realizes her feelings when she has to crash at his place for a night (because he lives ridiculously close to the hospital, like how expensive is that??) and he tries to make sure that she is as comfortable as possible 
- She never realized how much he cared for her? Like she was always helping him out and there for him but she never realized he reciprocated that care? *Shocker*
- Raven becomes kind of a mess because of all her emotions that she is trying to bottle up. (all the corks are disintegrating and the jar is overflowing)
- Raven is during her Ortho rotation (bone surgeon people, they are cool, ik from experience) that she actually gets a good release for her emotions (setting peoples bones and drilling and hammering in pins is actually therapeutic) 
- Raven thinks that may be the specialty she chooses
- Damian saw her as a mess and could not fathom why she was said mess, he figured it was about a romantic interest after someone made an offhand comment about her love life and she became a blubbering mess (very un-Raven like)
- After all of well *motions with hands* that Raven asks why Damian doesn’t have a s/o or someone
- He says there is only person that he has been meaning to ask out (looks pointedly at Raven)
- All Raven says is “Go for it.”
And that is where my HCs end. Now if anyone who happens upon this post decides to write a Medical AU with any of these please tag me, tell me, message me. 
You do not have to give me credit, I just want to read it. 
This took me a couple of days to write up, so if it is disjointed I apologize. 
If anything needs to be corrected for any reason let me know!
 I hope this fuels some imaginations!
-I may post more HC AU things if they come to mind, we will have to see.
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laraplisetski ¡ 4 years ago
Dating Akira Kunimi
A/n: Hello, hello! Sorry for the slow updates, I havent been feeling great about myself but I’ll try to update more often. I hope you enjoy this. Sorry for any mistakes if I've made any:) Also for some reason I keep hearing Unravel in my head and I just- Edit: I just looked and I have 127 followers rn stan nct 127
List of people left from the dating headcanons series.
Kentarō Kyōtani #16
Words: 1200+
Tags: @imthatchishiyasimp, @kekozume​
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He looks so pretty here.
Okay so you two met when you went to collect some information about the team to send to volleyball monthly since you were in the student council.
When you entered and went to the coach to ask him about the things you needed Yahaba tried doing the ball thing on you but he accidentally hit it too hard.
When you saw the ball coming you dodged it.
Unfortunately Kunimi was standing behind you so it hit him instead.
Since you felt bad you offered to get him some ice cream.
He agreed because you looked nice and you weren't one of Oikawa's fangirls.
(good job Yahaba you just got Kunimi a date)
So you two went out to get ice cream and in the middle of the ‘date’ Kunimi realized that he was developing a minor crush on you because he just expected you to buy him ice cream and call it a day.
But instead you're actually interested in the conversation and being very nice. 
After the ‘date’, when you two saw each other in the hallways you would always wave to each other and smile at each other and you developed a sort of friendship.
Everyone knew that you two were crushing on each other and your friends and the volleyball team sorta forced you to confess to Kunimi.
And so you did *rather hesitantly*.
And Kunimi accepted so you guys started dating!! Yay! 
Okay so at the beginning of the relationship he's sort of closed off.
Like from closed off i mean quite and it frustrated you quite a lot cause things were barely different than before.
Because aren't all couples supposed to be cute with each other.
(reminder you both are first years so you guys have no or very less experience with relationships)
So this led to you talking to him about this issue and Kunimi was relieved because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable and you were like :O
So after this Kunimi started to gradually open up more and all was good yet once again.
Also Kunimi would try to be sweeter around you and not try to piss you off like he does to other people.
If you guys would have a fight anyways and he knew he was wrong, he would definitely apologize as soon as he can.
But if you were wrong ohoho
But like even if you apologize to him later he’ll like keep it in the back of his mind and every time he wants something he would be like-
‘Remember that time when…’
‘What do you want Kunimi?’ *sighs*
Okay on to cuddling.
This boy loves to cuddle but he's too shy to admit it.
Like he gets all pouty when he wants cuddles and you don't cuddle with him.
That's understandable but like HE DOESN'T ASK FOR THEM.
He just expects you to know somehow and he doesn't even leave any hints.
Like what do you want me to do Kunimi.
Okay but when you two do cuddle hes just like the softest most shyest person.
Personally I think Kunimi would like to be a small spoon, just like 
A blanket is wrapped around you two as you two sit in front of the tv. It buzzes in the background  but you don't pay any mind to it, you only focus on Kunimi. He melts into your touch and you slowly lull him to sleep. You set your head on top of his and bask in the smell of his sweet peony scented shampoo.
But like I mean you get my point.
Then one time you came over to his house and halfway through your hangout you got his hoodie from his closet and he was so confused like why???
And he asked you, it went like this,
‘Oi, why did you take out my hoodie?’
‘Just because’
‘Welp that's creepy’
‘Shut up Kunimi!’
Generally he was very annoyed at first and thought it was borderline creepy cause you don't just take other people's clothes.
But later on he got used to it and if he sees you in school without your jacket he always leaves a spare hoodie in your locker.
Also when you come over to his house now there's a clean hoodie randomly lying on his bed.
I wonder who that might be.
Also when Kunimi takes you to his volleyball practice as well he makes sure to give you his jacket just to piss off Kindaichi that he got a s/o before him.
When he first took you to practice the team literally swarmed you and they were throwing questions from left and right until Iwaizumi gave them all a slap on the back of their heads.
After that they didn't really swarm you but got to know you normally by talking.
Kunimi also tried his damn hardest to keep you away from Oikawa cause Kunimi knows that Oikawa’s an idiot (the Oikawa slander though) but somehow you two became friends???
He still doesn't understand how it happened.
One day he made lunch for you and brought it to school, since you guys meet up in the morning outside the gym, the team saw him giving homemade lunch to you and they teased him ever since.
But other than that Kunimi’s surprisingly into slightly domestic stuff.
Like he wakes up to make breakfast for you sometimes (a skill most likely taught by his sister)
And he just likes to play his ‘calm music’ Spotify playlist and just hum along to it while making you pancakes (which are fucking delicious btw)
And one day you just walk up behind him and give him a bake hug and say, 
‘Didn't know you could make pancakes….
Can you make like three more, I'm very hungry’
And Kunimi just sighs violently and in his mind he's like ____ such a dumbass.
But yk he loves you obviously or he wouldn't make these three extra pancakes for you.
Sometimes when he sees you being a dumbass he's like why do i like them again?
But then he sees your eyes shining when you play around with the rest of your friends and he sees the love and loyalty you have for them and you look over and he sees your pupils dilate and he sees your smile, the one you give him, the one that's reserved for him and he knows the answer to his question.
Even though he likes you (its loveee~)
He still makes fun of you… jokingly.
For example if you try to do a receive and it fails and the ball hits your face instead or something hell snicker at you before trying to help you up.
You beat him up later for laughing at you dont worry.
Bonus point- Kunimi and you don't go out on dates very often so on anniversaries Kunimi plans a date according to your interests.
Like if you're into Attack on Titan hobo eren hot he’ll take you to a theme park based on Attack on Titan.
(I'm so sorry if anyone doesn't like Aot I just used it as an example) 
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sodamnbored ¡ 4 years ago
I so badly want a Roman prequel series. More than a Solangelo book. There could be so many great things in it.
Ideally, we’d get a series, basically original PJO but on the Roman side, presumably then following Jason in the same way we originally followed Percy.
But that would just be rehashing what we’ve already seen! Jason’s story would be too similar to Percy’s! - I hear you cry. But bear with me.
Yes: there would be some big similarities - following a son of one of the big three as he grows up and masters his powers and all that. And yes it would also conclude with him fighting a titan. But! I also think they’re different enough that it would read more as parallels than just copy and paste. It could be really interesting.
For one thing: Jason is starting way earlier than Percy. And I am desperate to know about the wolves thing. Correct me if I’m wrong, but all the info we have thus far is pretty vague, no? We know he went to the wolves when he was about two years old. But we don’t really know how long he stayed with them.
There’s the idea that he was raised by wolves (which don’t get me wrong I love that) and only went to the Legion when he was older - for parallels sake say about twelve. But we don’t know that’s the case for sure. He might’ve just spent the more or less normal time period with the wolves, or even if he were there longer than most - a year, two years even - he might’ve toddled off to camp still pretty young.
Cause this is another thing: we know very little about Camp Jupiter. In CHB you see for a fact that there are plenty of young demigods there, talking ten and under. Unless I’m mistaken, we never really heard mention of any little kids in the Legion right? Hazel was what, thirteen, in SoN, which is fairly young, but I don’t think there was any mention of anyone much younger than that. There was the little girl helping Terminus, but she was from New Rome not the Legion. And the Legion isn’t a summer camp of course, that’s a crucial difference.
They are quite literally an army, preparing for war should one ever arise. So do they have a minimum age requirement? Would not be unreasonable to assume they would. We know the majority of Legionaries are legacies from New Rome as opposed to actual half bloods, so it’s not unreasonable to think these kids live normal lives in New Rome until they hit a certain age and get conscripted/have the option to join the Legion for training.
If this is the case, then Jason might not’ve been with the wolves for years at all. He could’ve done his time and then been passed along to the care of New Rome. Set up somewhere to go to school and grow up and have something of a life to prepare him for his future in the Legion. That would be an interesting difference from Percy who had grown up not knowing about his heritage, for Jason to be fully aware of his godly parentage and to grow up knowing he was heading to the Legion as soon as he was old enough. I’m not sure about timings because in The Lost Hero pretty sure he’s fifteen and has twelve lines on his tattoo “for twelve years of service in the Legion” according to the wiki; but the wiki for the tattoos alone says the lines can be for years at Camp Jupiter or for completed quests and such, so it could mean he was toddling about CJ at three years old in mini Legionnaire armour like Caligula (oh the irony), or just that he crammed a crap load of cool stuff into just a few years when he was older.
So the series could quite happily start with him joining the Legion and maybe just summarise his life before that, have the important parts explained as relevant to the plot, I dunno. But it would give us more info on how Camp Jupiter actually works because personally I am clamouring for more info on the Romans.
Presuming that Jason is at least a Probatio by the time he’s about twelve (and it’d be cool to see him earn his full place in the legion too), that also means we’d get to see other people’s stories happening alongside his.
We know he fought the Trojan Sea Monster at some point, so that would be a cool quest to see play out. We don’t know a lot of other things he’s done, but we can assume he’d have been in the Legion when Reyna turned up, which would also be a really interesting story to follow.
We know from tSoM that Reyna and Hylla were on Circe’s island, when Percy was about 12/13, and it seems in SoN that he and Reyna were both around the same age, 16 or so. We know Reyna and Hylla spent some time after tSoM on Blackbeard’s ship before she made it to Camp Jupiter. So somewhere between ages 12-16, she would pop up at camp and I firmly believe she would’ve been Jason’s friend before they both became Praetors. And I would kill to see it. I wanna see them go on a quest together so badly. They would be an awesome team.
But we’d get to see Jason go through the steps, Probatio to Centurion to Praetor. We’d see him improving the Fifth Cohort’s standing in the Legion. We’d see Reyna become Praetor. (We’d ideally see Jason and Octavian gently bitch at each other like with Percy, but that’s just for me.) We’d get to see Jason and Reyna being Praetors together for a bit hopefully. That would be cool. And no doubt the series would conclude with their side of the Titan War, with Krios’ defeat - which would be so cool to see!
Being able to see more of their side of the war would also be really interesting as well. Because surely, there was more to it for them than just that one battle out of nowhere right? They must’ve been aware of the war and enlisted by the gods to help out right? Maybe there were some other titans for them to fight, maybe they had defectors too? Perhaps they were under the impression Kronos was still chopped up in little bits and Krios was running the show, either wanting to take Kronos’ place as the big cheese, or thinking the titans were working to reform Kronos, but they were kept out of Luke’s side of things so they didn’t realise that he already had been? Who knows. Certainly not me, cause we don’t have any books on it.
And there would be opportunities to have almost crossovers. Particularly regarding the war. They might just overhear things that don’t necessarily make sense to them but that we get, stuff like that. See some aftermath from one of Percy’s visits to the area. So many options.
Oh also actually, just for added angst and a different view than Percy’s, there was that freaking tragic bit in HoH I think where Jason thinks about his mother. The part about following orders and rules bothered him, but he insisted on doing so and keeping his promises because his mother had abandoned him and broken her promise. That would be an interesting aspect for the narration and his point of view because it’s the exact opposite of Percy. Percy doesn’t mind pushing the limits with the gods and exploiting loopholes or calling them on their faults, focused on surviving till the end of the day when he can go home to his mother and forget the gods and their stupid rules. Jason, on the other hand, doesn’t have anywhere to go back to. Camp Jupiter and the roles he’s given there are quite literally it for him, so even though he may resent it as much as Percy, he feels the need to bite his tongue and do everything in his power meet expectations and stay in line, etc. And yes, it’s for the benefit of others like he said in HoH, but maybe also the threat that if he makes too much trouble, where else is he gonna go and who else outside the Legion does he have?
Unfortunately we wouldn’t get to see Frank and Hazel come into it as newbies because that would’ve only happened after the war, so unlikely the series would continue after they beat Krios. But it’d still be a good set up to lead back into HoO alongside original PJO.
Also, I wanna know if Jason would’ve been particularly aware of his dad handing him off to Juno, or if she took a back seat until yoinking his memories out his head and dumping him on a dusty bus. I quite like the idea of him knowing, that she wouldn’t have been shy about popping up now and again as his patron, maybe sending him quests, offering occasional assistance like Poseidon did for Percy. Juno cared about her little champion, you can’t tell me different. I’d like to see her drop by from time to time. Or if he just accepted he was Jupiter’s and his dad basically never wanted to talk to him, and was a bit blindsided when Juno popped up after his hit on Krios.
Maybe he was just heading to bed after a long day of Titan slaying, thinking what he’d have for breakfast tomorrow and poof - Juno staring at him in his PJs, doesn’t he feel underdressed. Barely gets out an “um-?” before she’s like “got a quest for you. Surprise!”
(Since we got The Fall Of Jason Grace from Apollo in ToA, this series could be called something silly like The Rise Of Jason Grace to mirror it. I dunno.)
Either way, I need this. We deserve this. I will literally pay like 20$ per book if we could get this.
Wrote this hella sleep deprived and without sources and I’m still in ToA and haven’t read the extra books yet like demigod files and the Probatio one, so anything I’ve missed, had been answered, or is just plain wrong, let me know.
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sardonyxie ¡ 4 years ago
Hockey Pucks and Cricuts
Veterans!ModernAU - Levi Squad Edition
These are simply the result of my imagination during a zoom class (Preschool intervention if I remember correctly) and of some ideas thrown in by my best friend/roommate. Some facts were thought of from canon perspective, but most of them are just our five idiots in our everyday world. Enjoy!
Warning: Rivetra content and some swearing! If it’s not your thing and you want to hate, scroll down and move on. 
English isn’t my first language. If some sentences sound weird or wrong, let me know so I can correct them!
Word count: 1 173
Miche squad is up!
(Inspired by this)
- He’s from Canada and speaks French. Nobody (except Mikasa) understands him when he’s cursing the others, but they are still scared shitless. When a stranger is being stupid, he makes sarcastic comments in their face by talking about it in French to Mikasa.
- He’s Mikasa’s cousin, but they might as well consider themselves siblings since they spend a lot of time at each other’s house. Both Kuchel and her younger brother, Mikasa’s father, moved for a better life…
- Introduced Eld to hockey and plays with him. Oruo tagged along one day and also got into it.
- Only lets Gunther sit at the front when he’s driving them all since Petra has horrible music taste, Eld can’t follow directions and Oruo bites is tongue to every bump on the road.
- I consider him as street smart. In this case, he learns languages effortlessly and quickly and knows how to get out of a situation by using that skill (and his fists). Never got below an A for those classes in highschool.
- Even if he doesn’t show it very well, he cares a lot about the others and actually offers the most thoughtful presents out of everyone in the squad. He’s a good listener.
- Is actually from Australia. He moved in the neighborhood when he was five but still has an accent when he speaks. He is Oruo’s next door neighbor and often goes to his house when he wants a tasty snack.
- Plays hockey and actually prefers winter over summer. He’s always down for hockey nights with the other four when the national league is broadcasting its yearly competition. He’s a very dedicated fan of Trost’s Titans.
- Was the type to put everything from his lunchbox in his sandwich. Apple sauce with a ham and mustard sandwich anyone? He still makes strange food mixes nowadays.
- He’s a great photographer and takes pictures for Petra’s shop. However, he can’t pose and often looks silly in pictures.
- Gunther’s best friend. They are THE unbeatable duo at guessing songs. They know pretty much everything from old music to K-pop.
- Plans every vacation trip even if they go oversea. Something always come up in the schedule, but those moments are the highlight of the trip. Petra and he create a travel book for each expedition, and they document it with pictures and anecdotes.
-  She’s Carla’s first child from her previous marriage. Her dad was in the army and died on duty when she was little. Zeke is a few months older, and they didn’t like each other at first. Now she tolerates him, but they have very opposite point of views in life which sparks some quarrels during diners.
- Half-German from Carla’s side and she speaks the language too.
- Her best girl friend is Nifa.
- She’s all about stationary stuff! She has a super chic bedroom with a beautifully decorated study area. She owns a Cricut machine and makes custom stuff for her friends. She gets inspiration from the people around her and their interests to create cute collections to sell on her Etsy shop.
- Played volleyball along with Hanji, Nifa, Nanaba, and Lynne, and she still coaches her high school team. (Because she mostly has support/team kills in canon, I think she was the setter and glued the team with her sportsmanship and teamwork.)
- Levi and she were the firsts of their entire group of friends to get together. However, they kept it to each other and their immediate family. The others found out when Eren asked Levi if the Ackermans were still coming over for dinner during lunch one day (dang it Eren!).
- Fully German, but he was born in Trost and doesn’t speak the language at all.
- The only one not really into sports, but is still active enough to keep a good shape. He was a baryton saxophone player for the jazz band. That being said, he’s still able to follow hockey nights because he plays NHL on his PlayStation and follows the news.
- Levi excluded, Gunther and Petra are the last two brain cells of the group. They almost always chose each other when they did projects or small work. Out of spite, they once decided to do a team of 4 project with Moblit and Nifa instead of Eld and Oruo and to prove they carry the squad.
- Super popular on social media for some reason?
- Dad of the group since day one. He looks scary sometimes, but he’s just a big softie.
- King of the aux cord. I would trust him with my life.
- Scottish Oruo anyone? Somehow has a German accent and tries to pick up ladies by speaking very broken Spanish? Calls himself Mr. Worldwide (will make more sense at the end of the list).
- Is favorite cookie? Oreo. “The company should feel blessed about having a cookie with a name like mine” “Oruo they were made before your parents even thought about conceiving you”.
- Because he’s a competitive little shit, he was also part of the swimming team.
- You know when a potato chip brand does a mystery flavour? He always tries to guess it with Moblit and will spend a ton of money to get the cash prize.
   > The thing is: he hates chips. “Those are an abomination why would you eat those when you have popcorn. As much as I LOVE to clean, they are messy, and the stains are hard to remove from the sofa.”
   > Moblit guesses the mystery flavor right all the time, thus making him the winner of all bets and leaving Oruo a little poorer each time.  
- He cares a lot about his friends, even if it doesn’t show because he insults everyone. HOWEVER! If anyone else tries to insult them, he’s going to throw fists and will make people cry with his insults.
- Tried to get into Harvard just to flex.
   > Newsflash: he didn’t.
- Gelgar and he are the party masters. They know how to throw a mean fiesta, and it’s almost always a huge success.
Rivetra bits
- I feel like their relationship just… happened? They were friends one day and next thing you know they were dating.
- Double dates with Mikenana or Mobuhan.
- Mikasa loves Petra and always reminds Levi to marry her one day. On the other hand, Eren was scared of Levi at first and didn’t understand what his half-sister saw in him, but he changed his mind over time. He can’t see anyone else with his big sister now.
   > On that note, Zeke can’t get over the fact that she chose to date is so called “enemy”.
- They don’t like the attention which is why they haven’t said anything for a very long time.
   > However, the other three had a little idea of what was going on, but they are best friend material and kept the info to themselves.
-  Winter. Wedding. Petra with a long sleeve dress and Levi being handsome as always.
Do we like it? Do we hate it? What happened to the Ackermans in Canada? The Jäger household dynamic would be nuts!
Please let me know your thoughts! Should I do more of these in this AU?
If you have any other verse idea and would like someone to write it up let me know! 
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