#matt rutherford
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porcelainvino · 8 days ago
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with every broken bone, i swear i lived!
happy 10 year glee finale anniversary 🫶
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kumtana · 10 months ago
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happy 15 years of glee!
↳ favorite season one new directions performances
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arizonaaaaaa · 10 months ago
11- Mike Chang- pansexual
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-Goes with my Tina hc, he falls in love for who the person is, not how they are
-really supportive of Tina when she came out
-his father wasn’t supportive at first so Tina had to interfere again but now his cool with Mike
12- Matt Rutherford- gay
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-he had a crush on Mercedes before he realized he actually likes guys
-I like to think him and Mike met again in university and they dated for a bit 👉👈
-he had so much potential😭
13- Jesse St. James- bisexual
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-not calling Jonathan Groff a bad actor but not even for a second I believed this man was straight
-he was totally into Finn back in season 1
-bi4bi4bi St. HudBerry throuple?
14- Sam Evans- bisexual
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-do I have to explain why?
15- Lauren Zizes- pansexual
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-I mean, girl slapped Tina’s and Brittany’s asses while singing about what she knows what boys like
-she really deserved to stay in season 3, this 👆 is the only fruity scene she has😭
-her and Tina being goth girlfriends tho
16- Blaine Anderson- gay and trans
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-canonically gay
-him being trans is not a unpopular headcanon surprisingly
-I don’t know why but this just makes so much sense
-I don’t have a lot to wright here, not the biggest Blaine fan out there
17- Sugar Motta- lesbian
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-crazy how she radiates lesbian energy, like all woman surrounding her just becomes sapphic
-she has the biggest crush ever on Santana, like really, this girl was legit staring at her boobs in 3x04
-she and Unique are girlfriends I don’t make the rules
18- Rory Flanagan- gay
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-“you now I wish I was Jessie’s girl”- Damian McGinty Jr on The Glee Project
-this was my Roman Empire
-totally had a crush on Finn and totally was flirting with Sam on Christmas
19- Joe Hart- questioning
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-he is a christian teenager of course he’s queer those are the rules
-not only that but he’s also on the glee club
-I think he never knew his identity, his parents always told him he was going to marry a woman someday so he thought that was the pattern…
-…until he saw Sam shirtless in the locker room
20- Dave Karofsky- gay and Bear
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-in my opinion, as a gay man, he’s the most well written lgbtq character on the show, his story is perfect
- @starpawedart opened a universe of Karofsky ships for me, thank you king✊
-he out of all people deserved a happy ending
-anyways, kurtofsky 🔛🔝
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doyelikehaggis · 4 months ago
Alright, let’s do another random glee poll to help me make a decision in my s6 rewrite.
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anderchang · 3 months ago
some glee ships i love… i’m not giving any explanations (i might)
anderchang/chanderson OBVIOUSLY (blaine & mike)
seblaine/andersmythe (sebastian & blaine)
brittana (brittany & santana)
kittina (kitty & tina)
blam/anderevans (blaine & sam)
jyder/puckerlynn (jake & ryder)
faberry/quinnchel (quinn & rachel)
blinn/hudanderson (blaine & finn)
puckerrose (jake & marley)
changford (mike & matt)
tike (tina & mike)
partie (puck & artie)
st. hudson (jesse & finn)
FUCK/or you know, the less-appealing “pinn” (finn & puck)
st. berry (jesse & rachel)
finchel (finn & rachel)
puckleberry (puck & rachel)
quick (quinn & puck)
wildeabrams (kitty & artie)
huntbastian (hunter & sebastian)
blainter/huntblaine (blaine & hunter)
spalistair (spencer & alistair)
wesvid (wes the warbler & david the warbler)
niff/dusterling (nick the warbler & jeff the warbler)
nickblaine (nick the warbler & blaine)
anderpuck (blaine & puck)
blake/anderpuck (blaine & jake)
wesblaine (wes the warbler & blaine)
st. anderson/anderjames (jesse & blaine)
flanderson (rory & blaine)
rinn (rory & finn)
blainebox (blaine & meatbox)
can you tell i like blaine anderson with literally everyone?? and also that i basically made most of these ship names up???
also we have some meatbox recognition yaay ❤️
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gleecontext · 6 months ago
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GLEE S06E13 Dreams Come True
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bi-lavelent · 9 months ago
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem reader 13) Double Sectionals
I’m so sorry this one took so long I was sick. But here you go I hope you that you like.
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Warning: Angst, Fluff, Bullying, Cussing, Smut
The week of sectionals Santana and me had gotten back together but we’re taking it one step at a time. Knowing that we will be tense for the next couple of weeks.
But it was hitting Santana worse than I accepted. Her parents were still gone they were gonna come back and see sectionals. Which was worrying her even worse. With the added stress of not knowing who was gonna take New Directions to Sectionals after the whole ordeal with Mr.Schue getting kicked out of the hotel he was living in well him and his wife were going through their divorce because of squatters rights. He had used one of the mattresses that the glee club had gotten during their commercial. Which I keep watching on YouTube because Santana when she’s laying on the bed and rubbing it. Was so hot and reminded me of the fun w have.
Crawford allowed us to take off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So that we can practice and go see our competitors Sectionals. Things had been a bit awkward with Nicky after what happened. I walked in on Tuesday right before I had flag football practice which was my last one of the week as well.
“Do you miss your Sapphic Goddess? You know I’m sure your girlfriend loves the tricks that I taught you.” Nicky said
“What do you want Nicky?” I asked
“I just want to remind you of the fun we had last week. Maybe I could jog your memory with our round 8.” Nicky said
“Look Nicky it was a one time thing that I regretted the second after it was done. I don’t like you. Do I find you attractive? Yes. Were you good in bed? Yes but you and me will never happen. Unless you kill everyone on the list before you which is sevral pepole and there’s three of them that you could never place and one of them is my hot, sexy, badass, scary girlfriend. Now let’s practice for sectionals and then I’m leaving.” I said
“Well if you two ever break up you know where to find someone who will make you orgasm.” Nicky said
After Glee practice and Flag football I drove home. The next day I drove Santana to McKinley and just chilled around until glee time. I couldn’t stay in there but I wanted to come visit everybody. I quietly walked in.
“I hope we don’t get stuck with Mr.sincorey as our sectionals supervisor .” Artie said
”The creepy math teacher?” Tina asked
”He’s always singing when he walks down the hall.” Kurt said as Mercedes shook her head
“Hey guys did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn’s side after rehearsal the other day.” Rachel asked as she ran in
“No.” Mercedes said
“I mean he likes her. I mean their friends. We all know that.” Artie said
“Yeah but it seemed like more than that. I never told you guys this before but I’m a little psychic. I can’t read minds or anything yet but I do have a sixth sense but something is definitely going on there.” Rachel said
“Hey guys what are you guys up to?” I asked
“Oh my god Y/N hi.” Kurt said
“How’s the new school?” Tina asked
“Why are you wearing a letterman jacket.” Artie asked
“It’s great the Glee club is the cool kids and to answer your question Artie I’m on our schools flag football team we currently 3-0.” I said
“Okay well I’m gonna go to the bathroom I’ll be back in a minute.” Rachel said as she left
“We need to leave here and call everyone.” Artie said
We all got into a phone call
“Hey she’s onto it.” Mercedes said
“I know it’s really freaking me out.” Tina said
“Arties buzzing in.” I said
“Guys this is serious if she finds out she’s gonna tell Finn. She a total trout mouth.” Artie said
“Look I can help you guys I can’t be in the glee club meetings for obvious reasons but I can help run intermission.” I said
“Kurt wants in.” Tina said handing her phone to Kurt
“I see we lock Rachel up tell after sectionals.” Kurt said
“As amazing as that sounds and as much as I already have somewhere to lock her up.” I said
“We can’t we need her to sing.” Mercedes said
“Can I lock her up after sectionals look I don’t go to this school but I still really don’t like her.” I said
“No.” Tina said
“Damn her talent.” Kurt said
“We just heard. Who told?” Santana said
“We assumed it was you.” Artie said
“Why would I do that.” Santana said
“To get back at Puck aren’t you guys dating.” Kurt said
“Sex is not dating.” Santana said
“If it was me and Santana would be dating.” Brittnay said
“Okay well we have to come up with a plan to keep Puck away from Quinn, Quinn away from Rachel and Rachel away from everyone. I say we circle back to locking her up and release if her the day of sectionals. That the only way to stop what’s inevitable from happening.” I said
“What are you doing on the line?” Brittnay asked
“She’s here a McKinley.” Kurt said
“I wanted to stop by and visit you guys that and also Figgins wants to see me to finish sending my paperwork over to Crawford.” I said
“Look I don’t wanna rock the boat since Quinn got pregnant I’m too dog around here.” Santana said
“Hang on Rachel’s walking by hi Mama.” Mercedes said
“Okay we’re clear.” I said after Rachel had passed us
“We can not let Rachel figure this out.” Mercedes said
“If she tells Finn you can kiss your male lead soloist goodbye and probably any chance at winning. Unless you guys can come up with a whole new set list in three days.” I said
I waited til glee ended that day. Not realizing that Rachel had already gotten to Puck.
“We had to re-make our fucking set list. But Mercedes got the Ballad.” Santana told me as we headed out to the car.
“Fuck Yeah.” I said
The next day I was in Glee class waiting for everyone to show up. Just to tell them that I would see them at sectionals that weekend. As they started to practice I couldn’t stay or keep visiting. Otherwise my team will be bard from competing.
I sat up at the top the first one to enter was Santana who came and sat next to me. It was like old times except I was finally dating her. Everything was calm. But I guess that what they say theirs always a calm before the storm. Because before we knew it Finn came in and started beating the crap out of Puck. I jumped up after letting him get a few good hits in I mean I also wanted Puck hurt. For the same reason and for another one and then I ran up and Pulled Finn off Puck when Mr.Schue came in. Me and some of the football dudes helped keep him away from Puck.
“TELL THE TRUTH!!” Finn yelled
“Bro just came in and Sucker punched me.” Puck said
Finn started speaking in what sounded like gibberish because he was so angry.
“Who told you this Finn?” Quinn asked
“Obviously it was Rachel.” Kurt said
“I didn’t do anything.” Rachel said
“Yeah it was Rachel but I want to hear it from you. I want to hear it from both of you.” Finn said
“Just calm down.” Mr.Schue said
“NO THEIR BOTH LYING TO ME. Is it true. Just tell me is it true.” Finn said
Quinn walked up to him crying “Yeah. Puck is the father.”
“All that stuff in the hot tub … you just made that up.” Finn said
“You were stupid enough to buy it.” Puck said which made Finn angry you could see it in his eyes he lunged at Puck.
“Hey, Hey, Hey Let’s go take a walk in the hallway okay buddy.” I said pushing him back
“I am so sorry.” Quinn said
“Screw this. I’m done with you.” Finn said leaving
“Okay well Y/N you have to leave too practice is gonna start and you can’t be here anymore for the rest of this week.” Schue said
“Yes Mr.Schuester.” I said leaving and catching up with Finn
“You me Gym now.” I said
Finn got into my car as I drove to the gym.
“Put boxing gloves on Picture all you emotions take them out on the bag right now.” I said
Soon enough Finn had seemed to calm down
“I at least have a reason to be mad at my Puck.” Finn said
“I have a reason to.” I said
“What the fact that your in love with Quinn to bad you’ll never have or the fact that your in love with Santana and he broke her heart.” Finn said
“I can’t tell you why.” I said
“Well then let me guess.” Finn said
“No.” I said
“Oh my god you were sleeping with Quinn too how could you do that to me.” Finn said
“Nope definitely not I wish though.” I said
“Oh my god are you and Santana together I mean she always gave me Bi vibes as a bisexual myself.” Finn said
“Welcome to the community.” I said
“Wait you didn’t say no and I won’t tell anyone anything.” Finn said
“Trust me buddy I hate him as much as you.” I said
“Well there’s a spot open for my best friend.” Finn said
“You want me to be your best friend?” I asked
“Yeah I mean you’re cool and we’re friends.Plus I have already told you stuff that Puck never knew.” Finn said
“Well I guess I can be your best friend.” I said
“Can you drive me home?” Finn asked
“Yes I can.” I said
I called Quinn to make sure that she was okay
“Hey are you okay. I’m sorry I left I just wanted to make sure Finn calmed down before his anger got him in a car accident.” I said
“No I understand. Yeah I’m fine Rachel was brave enough to do what I needed to do but couldn’t. I just need to do this without men for a while.” Quinn said
“Well if you ever need a muscular lesbian to come over and help or just bring you pickles and cream cheese at any time 24/7 just call me.” I said
“Thank you I’m gonna go to bed now this day and this baby aren’t a good mix.” Quinn said
“Okay well I will see you Saturday!!! I will be the one who’s screaming cheering you guys on.” I said as she hung up
I went to practice with the Crawford Country girls. Which was supposed to only last two hours which would mean I would get home around five but ofcourse we stayed longer a lot longer we practiced til midnight and then I went home and went into my room and saw Santana laying on my bed the same position we had been sleeping in since we got
back together. Her parents were still on their trip. I went and put pajamas on and cuddled into Santana. The next day we woke up at 5:30 am cause Santana had to be at McKinley to leave at 6:00am. I drove her to McKinley with her bags so that she could stay at the hotel and sing. Then I drove to Crawford to get on my bus to watch them perform. Hopefully the Finn blowup didn’t mess up their chances. The bus ride mostly consisted of us practicing the songs that we were gonna sing for our sectionals.
Saturday: Sectionals started at eleven. We arrived at ten and went and sat down there was a large group of seats in front of our group. We sat there for a while until the people in front of us filled in I looked up to see McKinley. They all looked extremely nervous for obvious reasons. I stood up cause I was sitting on the edge of the row because Lucy had booked the tickets wrong. But I didn’t mind I would be getting to sit next to my friends. I just pray that I’m not sat next to Rachel or Puck I would literally rather kill myself. Stupid me Rachel sat right next to me. We were listening to them perform. When I started to recognize the songs the were the same songs that Santana had been singing in her room they were McKinleys set list. There is only one person evil enough to do this the one the only Sue Satan Spawn Sylvester.
“They stole your set list.” I told rachel
“It’s a really popular song.” She said looking at me and then down the row
The girls than came out in wheelchairs and sang proud Mary.
“They stole your set list.” I said looking at everone
Everyone walked out. I looked around none of them knew what to do and Mrs.Pillsbury was freaking out. I got up to make sure that they were okay. When I rounded to corner I saw Artie ramming his chair into the wall and everyone else down.
“Alright, everyone, listen up! I know things seem tough right now. Sure, they stole your set list, and yeah, Sue probably leaked it. But think about this: they had to steal from you because you're that good. You set the standard. You have talent, you have looks, and you have integrity. You are the ones to beat, not the other way around. So let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start focusing on what you do best. You can sing circles around those other schools. You could sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and still knock the judges' socks off. Show them what you're made of. Come together, create a killer new set list, and show everyone why you're the ones they'll remember. Let's do this!" I said
“You know what Y/N. Right we got this.” Rachel said as they all started thinking.
“Thank you.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
"No problem. If my team and I are going to compete at sectionals, I need a group that earned their spot fair and square. Besides, I love them - I might have moved away, but they're like family to me." I said
“Go back to your group before we have to come on.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
I walked back to my seat and sat down.
“What happened?” Will asked running up to Mrs.Pillsbury
“There better now Y/N came out and gave them an inspirational motivational speech. They are making a new set list.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
I sat down and watched the deaf kids sing the rest of The New Directions set list
“And know our finally team McKinley highs New directions.” The announcer said
I saw that they had done it they had changed the set list. I might have gotten to exited and hopeful and Snapped my fingers and said “Let’s go.” In a deep guttural voice that cause Mrs.Pillsbury to look at me and smile knowing that I was just so proud of them.
Rachel started off with a sole singing rain on my parade from Finny girl. She went and sat at the end of aisle on Mrs.Pillsbury chair and sang. The rest of the glee club joined.
“Which one is she?” Nicky whispered in my ear
“You don’t get know okay what happened between you and me was a one time thing. Also it doesn’t matter they all are hotter than you I would rather sleep with the men then sleep with you again.” I whispered back
“It’s the Latina isn’t it. She looks your type black hair, a killer smile, Nice tits.” Nicky whispered back
“I’m trying to watch my friends perform okay so please stop.” I said
Soon Rachel’s song was over and I shoot up out of my seat to give a standing ovation and then sat down to hear everyone else sing a song that I had never heard before. But that was good. I saw Mrs.Pillsbury with tears in her eyes and it wasn’t til Lucy handed me tissues til I realized that I was also crying. I was extremely proud of them. I started dancing in my seat until I realized all my teammates had stood up and were dancing so I stood up with them and clapped along. We stayed standing up giving another standing ovation.
Me and my team went and got some snacks at concessions well the judges decided who was gonna win.
“They were good but we are better we can totally beat any of those teams.” Lucy said
“Yeah and the New directions seemed unpracticed.” Jess said
“Well I think that they did great.” I said
“Yeah you were crying.” Lucy said
“Look the others stole their set list because one of their coaches named sue sylvester gave it away they made that set list in one hour.” I said
We headed in for the award ceremony.
Everyone headed in to get ready for awards.
“In third place Jane Adam’s Academy, and for the moment you have all been waiting for in first place We have McKinley highs New Directions.” The announcer read
“Wow let’s go!!!” I screamed
The next Monday at McKinley Sue got fired as coach of the Cheerios. Will was reinstated as the head of glee club. Will was in the choir room as glee club stood in a C shape
“Well we have something to tell you Mr.Schue. First.” Finn said stepping to the side of the trophy to reveal it
“I am so proud of you guys you won fair and square. The vote was unanimous and the judges didn’t even know about all the shenanigans behind the scenes. So congratulations you earned this. (Everyone clapped) come on give it up alright. But know we have regionals to worry about and you can bet that Vocal adrenaline and The Crawford country girls are hard at work so we should be too. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t support one of our own. Vocal adrenaline won there sectionals last week, We won our this week and at the end of this week we are gonna go support The Crawford country girls. But first let’s get started on regionals.” Mr.Schue said
“Ah wait Mr.Schue there one more thing.” Puck said
“Since you weren’t able to come and be there to see us perform we put together a special number just for you take a seat.” Rachel said
Meanwhile at Crawford
“Okay girls we have sectionals this weekend. Which means we will be doing the tradition of living at the school and committing every waking hour till the end of the week. We have sleeping bags and shower supplies for everyone we asked everyone to bring comfortable clothes to practice in. On t Wednesday we will change into the cowgirl outfits that we will be wearing well we perform. From here on out You will Eat, Sleep, and Breath our set list. Then on Friday we don’t talk we rest our vocal cords.” Jess said
The rest of the week was hell Finally Friday came and we got on the bus and headed to the hotel. The same thing that McKinley had done. When we got to the hotel everyone checked into their bedrooms and I was getting mine ready when I felt a bunch of eyes looking at me and someone wrap their arms around me. I turned around to try to see who it was. It was hope was giving me a hug and the rest of the glee kids were there too.
I pulled out my phone and texted Rachel
I love you all so much!!! You didn’t have to come and watch thank you. Tell everyone that I am not allowed to talk otherwise if anyone in my team sees me I will be thrown in an ice bath. I will talk to you guys tomorrow I promise.
Rachel said exactly why I had texted to everyone as they all responded I shook my head and then walked away. Santana followed and got in the elevator with me.
“What are you doing?” I asked when the elevator doors closed I hadn’t pressed a button yet.
“I thought that you couldn’t talk.” Santana said
“I can’t So what do you want?” I asked
“Nothing I don’t even want you to make a noise. I’m just gonna follow you to your room.” Santana said
All of a sudden the elevator stopped.
“Shit this is just grate!!!” I said as the lights in the elevator went off
Santana slowly without we realizing had slipped her hand into my pants and had inserted a finger inside of me.
“You know we’re not in orange is the black” I said grabbing her hand. Trying to pull out which some how just made it go deeper. I moaned at the feeling of the finger inside of me. As she started thrusting her finger in and out of me. We had more fun well they worked on the elevator. Which both groups were waiting for well we had fun with each other. Soon enough the elevator started moving again. We threw our pants on quickly. As the doors soon opened up to the New Direction and the Country girls.
“Are you two okay?” Schue asked
“Yeah just a bit shaken up.” I said
“Yeah what happened?” Santana asked
“The power cut to the whole hotel.” Jess said
“Okay well we need to go practice for tommorow.” Lucy said
“I thought that we weren’t talking or singing.” I said
“We’re not were practicing the dance moves.” Lucy said
“Okay well bye guys I’ll see you after the performance tomorrow.” I said
“See yeah.” Kurt said
I walked away with county girls to one of the conference rooms.
We practiced til eleven pm and then we finally headed to our rooms. When I got to my room I laid down and bed and went straight to sleep. The next day was performance we were going third against Dalton Academy who was our brother school and Coldwater high school. We went and sat down and watched The Coldwater Cutthroat’s who was going first. We all went for different themes the cutthroats choose Home which you could tell by there songs. (Song 1 Back home again by John Denver, Song 2 Home by daughtry and Song 3 Take me home tonight by Eddie Money. )
There's a storm across the valley, clouds are rollin' in The afternoon is heavy on your shoulders There's a truck out on the four lane, a mile or more away The whinin' of his wheels just makes it colder
He's an hour away from ridin' on your prayers up in the sky Ten days on the road are barely gone There's a fire softly burning, supper's on the stove It's the light in your eyes that makes him warm
Hey, it's good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
There's all the news to tell him, how'd you spend your time? What's the latest thing the neighbors say And your mother called last Friday, sunshine made her cry You felt the baby move just yesterday
Hey, it's good to be back home again, yes it is Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
Oh, the time that I can lay this tired old body down Feel your fingers feather soft on me The kisses that I live for, the love that lights my way The happiness that livin' with you brings me
It's the sweetest thing I know of, just spending time with you It's the little things that make a house a home Like a fire softly burning and supper on the stove The light in your eyes that makes me warm
Hey, it's good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
Hey, it's good to be back home again, you know it is Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Hey, it's good to be back home again I said, hey, it's good to be back home again
I'm staring out into the night Tryin' to hide the pain I'm going to the place where love And feeling good don't ever cost a thing And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain
Well, I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old So I'm going home
Well, I'm going home
The miles are getting longer, it seems The closer I get to you I've not always been the best man or friend for you But your love remains true, and I don't know why You always seem to give me another try
So I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old
Be careful what you wish for 'Cause you just might get it all You just might get it all And then some you don't want Be careful what you wish for 'Cause you just might get it all You just might get it all, yeah
Well, I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old I said these places and these faces are getting old So I'm going home
I feel a hunger, it's a hunger That tries to keep a man awake at night Are you the answer? I shouldn't wonder When I can feel you whet my appetite With all the power you're releasing It isn't safe to walk the city streets alone Anticipation is running through me Let's find the keys and turn this engine on
I can feel you breathe I can feel your heart beat faster 
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
I get frightened in all this darkness I get nightmares, I hate to sleep alone I need some company, a guardian angel To keep me warm when the cold winds blow
I can feel you breathe I can feel your heart beat faster
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby Be my little baby, uh-huh
Just like Ronnie sang I said Just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby Baby, my darlin', oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I feel a hunger It's a hunger
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Take me home tonight (Oh, be my darling) I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang (Uh, uh, oh, oh, oh) Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Next up we’re the Warblers who went with a theme of trainwreck ("On My Own" from Les Misérables by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Since you been gone from Kelly Clarkson and rolling in the deep by Adele.”
On my own Pretending he's beside me All alone I walk with him 'til morning Without him I feel his arms around me And when I lose my way I close my eyes And he has found me
In the rain, the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight And all I see is him and me forever and forever
And I know it's only in my mind That I'm talking to myself and not to him And although I know that he is blind Still I say, there's a way for us
I love him But when the night is over He is gone The river's just a river Without him The world around me changes The trees are bare and everywhere The streets are full of strangers
I love him But every day I'm learning All my life I've only been pretending Without me His world will go on turning A world that's full of happiness That I have never known
I love him I love him I love him But only on my own
Paragraph Lyric
Here's the thing we started off friends It was cool but it was all pretend Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
You dedicated you took the time Wasn't long till I called you mine Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
And all you'd ever hear me say Is how I pictured me with you That's all you'd ever hear me say
But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you now I get what I want Since you've been gone
How can I put it? You put me on I even fell for that stupid love song Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
How come I'd never hear you say? ?I just wanna be with you? I guess you never felt that way
But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you now I get, I get what I want Since you've been gone
You had your chance you blew it Out of sight, out of mind Shut your mouth I just can't take it Again and again and again and again
Since you've been gone (Since you've been gone) I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you (Thanks to you) Now I get, I get what I want
I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you (Thanks to you) Now I get (I get) You should know (You should know) That I get, I get what I want Since you've been gone Since you've been gone Since you've been gone
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark Finally I can see you crystal clear [Clean version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare [Explicit version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare See how I leave with every piece of you Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch And it's bringing me out the dark
The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it, to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Baby, I have no story to be told But I've heard one on you And I'm gonna make your head burn Think of me in the depths of your despair Make a home down there As mine sure won't be shared
(You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love remind me of us (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) I can't help feeling We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it, to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand But you played it, with a beating
Throw your soul through every open door (woah) Count your blessings to find what you look for (woah) Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (woah) You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow (woah) (You're gonna wish you never had met me) We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) It all, it all, it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
But you played it You played it You played it You played it to the beat.
Then we were finally on we had an hour to get our costumes on.
Lucy (Alto)
Jess (Baritone)
Nicky (Tenor)
Me (Bass)
Melody (Beatboxing)
Maria (Saprano)
(All the links are to home free songs) (Song 1 Everything will Be okay) watch video pls I can’t write the a cappella parts
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Driving down the road Don't know where I'm going I see your face in every car that passes me by I know it's true There's no way you're knowin' Where this will lead But I can't help but wonder, why don't we just try?
Bum bad doom bu doom boom
All I want to do, is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay Yeah
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Now, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't worried But I told myself that I would never fall again And I'm sure you'll call, but I wish you'd hurry And I'll have your way Darling, you just tell me when will we give in?
All I want to do is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay It'll be okay (Both Nicky and Lucy)
Maybe, baby, we're just crazy, but it may be love
All I want to do is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Everything will be okay It'll be okay I know it'll be okay I know, I know, I know
It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight
I set out on a narrow way many years ago Hoping I would find true love along the broken road But I got lost a time or two Wiped my brow and kept pushing through I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
That every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yes, He did
I think about the years I spent just passin' through I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you But you just smile and take my hand You've been there, you understand It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yeah
And now I'm just a-rollin' home Into my lover's arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, mm, mm
(I had to make it into a solo to follow the rules but tim is singing the whole time pretty much.)
Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
There's no hurry Don't you worry We can take our time Come a little closer Let's go over What I had in mind
Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
Ain't nobody ever love nobody The way that I love you We're alone now You don't know how Long I've wanted to
Lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
As everyone stood up and gave us a standing ovation we headed off the stage. Everyone went off to the green room. I went off to Find the New directions I saw them standing in the corner talking right outside the theater.
“Oh My God Y/N That was amazing.” Rachel said
“Was it I messed up a couple times. That last note on Your Man was supposed to be lower.” I said
“You can hit lower than that?” Kurt asked
“Yes.” I said fidgeting with my fingers
“Dose it help you if I tell you that for the first time in my life. I am proud to be your sister.” Hope said
I smiled
“Don’t get all happy it will disappear by tonight.” Hope said
“Look no matter what happened nobody could tell and you guys were amazing.” Mr.Schue said
“And secretly we are kinda hoping that you guys lose so that we have a shot at sectionals.” Finn said
“Okay well the awards are starting so go find out.” Mr.Schue said
“Also no matter what happens. We are having a party at my house afterwards.” Santana said
“Okay well I will see y’all in a little bit.” I said
We all went on the stage. The announcer waited as long as they could. I was getting really nervous so I looked for the new directions in the crowd and when I found them my eyes went directly to Santana. She gave me a thumbs up when she saw that I was looking at her.
“Okay we had a lot of talent on the stage today. (The announcer ripped up his paper) you know what let’s get this over with so that we can all go home and sleep. In third place the Warblers.” I watched as their Freshman star soloist went up and got the trophy. “Okay well let make these kids panic a little bit it’s nice weather we’re having outside today you know sunny a couple light sprinklings. Okay for the moment everyone has been waiting for in Second place we have the C ……………………… utthroat’s. That means that your first place champion at this Sectionals this year is Crawford Country.” The announcer said
A sigh of relief came over me as I walked up and grabbed the trophy. I handed it to Jess. We all headed off the stage and back to the green room.
“Hey are you coming to add the trophy to our collection at Crawford?” Jess asked
“I would love too. But i already have plans with some friends who came and watched I need to go find them.” I said walking out and looking for the new directions the second time that day.
“Well here comes our new competition.” Mr.Schue said jokingly
“Look there was two reasons I left we all know one the major one. But you told me not to sing and to sway in the back and let the boys have the low parts. So it’s kinda your fault you have to go up against me.” I said
“Fair. But you better be happy with letting glee getting cancelled because we lose to you.” Mr.Schue said
“Okay enough of this let’s all go celebrate.” Quinn said
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eclecticelectriceccentric · 2 years ago
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mdverse · 2 years ago
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happy bday love! 💞💞💞 @flaine
ref / inspo
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 2 years ago
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gleesmostcontroversial · 2 months ago
Most Controversial Glee Character Tournament: Matt Rutherford
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About this character
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roleplaytipsandadvice · 5 months ago
hi! can you please let me know if you think greta onieogou could work as a full sister to dijon talton or possibly suggest some other fcs who could work, please and thank you?
They could work together for sure.
Other suggestions:
Cynthia Addai-Robinson
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Jordan Alexander
Samantha Logan
Lenora Crichlow
Angel Coulby
Laura Harrier
Karla Crome
Lydia West
Fleur East
It depends how old you want their sibling.
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arizonaaaaaa · 27 days ago
Gotta share this funny™️ thing I did
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katyobsesses · 1 year ago
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new directions' godly parents part 4/?
Noah Puckerman | Mike Chang | Matt Rutherford Son of Nike | Son of Apollo | Son of Hermes
made on landing
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callmebrycelee · 6 months ago
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gleecontext · 1 year ago
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GLEE S01E11 Hairography
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