#also I kinda headcanon her parents maybe are not in love with her interests and current academic/career path
roxannarambles · 1 year
So, some of the characters in Scarlet/Violet are shown to favor a specific kind of pokeball, and it reflects on their personality. Eri is very concerned about others not getting hurt and uses Heal Balls, Mela is impatient and uses Quick Balls, Ortega is used to a life of wealth and has the expensive Luxury Balls, etc
It's a cool idea. This is prob over-analyzing but thinking about Nemona, it's interesting all hers are just regular pokeballs, considering they made it a point that her family is fairly wealthy, AND a point of the fact Nemona is not very good at catching pokemon.
So, she has money, she could buy pokeballs with a better catch rate, but she doesn't.
I like to think maybe she doesn't want to rely on her parent's wealth, and wants to prove herself by her own worth, so she's using her own funds to get those pokeballs.
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ginnyluna · 5 months
I've been thinking about Reyna lately. Specifically, about her romantic interests. Like, how she was supposedly in love with Jason before the swap, but did nothing when he disappeared, and then developped a crush on Percy in like three days. I know i'm not the only one thinking it's a bit weird and out of character for her, and i had a thought on that.
Headcanon alert: Maybe becoming Praetor isn't just about leading the legion. Why are there always two praetors, a boy and a girl? What if New Rome expects their praetors to get together, after their service? You gotta understand, yes there are many citizens in New Rome, but the thing is, there are very few actual demigods, those people are almost all legacies, several generations after an actual demigod, and almost none of them have any real power anymore. Maybe New Rome needs to insure they keep having powerful warriors to fufill their leadership positions. What better way to insure that than artificially putting two of their most powerful warriors together?
It's not necessarily obvious, more like an unwritten rule, but when two praetors are chosen, they know it comes with expectations. Praetors are good at meeting expectations, after all. And New Rome's senators are there to remind them of those expectations. To make things easier, when picking their next two praetors, sometimes, the Senate chooses two teens who are already a couple, if both are powerful enough. Sometimes, they may pass over a potential praetor if they explicitly refuse to be a part of this kind of engagement, or if their parents want to protect them from that. And sometimes, the Senate picks two powerful orphans, one who spent his entire life following the rules and trying to meet expectations, and one who just lost her family and would do anything to belong to a new one - bonus points if one is an extremely rare son of Jupiter, they'll definitly want to insure that this specific genetic will be passed on to the next generation.
So. I don't think Reyna was ever in love with either Jason or Percy (at least, to me, it really didnt' feel like it when reading her pov chapters). I think maybe she was just expected to be, so of course she tried to be. Reyna has always been a rule-follower, after all, she always does what is expected of her, she understands the hierarchy's needs. And maybe she longs for a family of her own, too, and Jason is a really good guy, it would be a really good match, so if that's what the legion expects of her, why not go for it.
Edit: more under the cut
Also, it would kinda explain Reyna's reactions, i think? Even though she's not in love with Jason, she still likes him, they're friends, and they have both unexplicitly agreed to this match when they accepted the role of praetors. So when Venus tells her that Jason will never end up with her, Reyna just... doesn't get it? Why wouldn't they end up together, that's part of the deal, right? Why would Jason change his mind? Reyna probably already knows he's not in love with her like she's not in love with him, but that's never been a problem for her, and it wasn't gonna be a problem for him either when he took the praetor badge, so what changed? Does he actually dislikes her that much?
So yeah, she's a bit hurt by that. She thought they had an agreement (unspoken, prehaps, but still, for her it was quite clear).
But then Jason vanishes. No one really knows what to do, they don't even know what happened, did he leave? was he kidnapped? is he dead? Of course Reyna is worried, he was her friend, but she has an entire camp to run, all by herself now. She also thinks, that's what Venus meant after all, doesn't matter if he's dead or if he left willingly, he'll never be a part of her family, the family she's been longing for. Reyna probably thinks she's cursed to be alone now, the forever-alone single praetor, what a depressing thought. But then comes Percy.
Percy is powerful. He's another very rare demigod. He's brave, strong-willed, a natural leader - all important qualities for a potential praetor. So when he succeeds his quest, brings back the golden eagle and saves Camp Jupiter, of course he is chosen to replace Jason. Reyna thinks, is this her second chance? Percy is also handsome, funny and kind, he would be just as good match as Jason.
But when Percy agrees to become praetor, he has absolutly no idea what expectations comes with it - it's not like anyone ever takes time to explain, everybody just usually knows about it, it's tradition and what not. So when he tells Reyna he already has a girlfriend, of course she's disappointed, her hopes for family and a sense of belonging are shattered, again.
My point is, what Reyna had for Jason and Percy, it was never about love. It was mostly about rationalizing New Rome's expectations, and a little about wanting to belong, to be a part of a family of her own.
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rnn11203 · 10 days
I really love Sebastian. I think hes a great character and im sad that hes often brushed off as just some emo boy. Im sure a lot of what i think can be said as headcanons but i feel like if needed i could really have a convincing argument for why i think all of this.
But anyways, Sebastian is very anti social. He says so himself that he doesnt really enjoy the company of others, but i dont really think that he views other people as bothersome or annoying or like a hassle. I think hes afraid of being vulnerable, his inferiority complex doesnt allow him to be open or honest with others because hes afraid of what they’d think about him. I think his relationship with Sam and Abigail is very surface level, i dont view their relationships as very deep or intimate. I think Sebastian could be seen as a chill but solemn guy by the rest of the community but its really cute that he’s secretly very nerdy. He likes comics, dnd, and web design.
I really love that hes a bad older brother, i too am an older brother who feels like ive disappointed my younger siblings, i was supposed to be there for them but instead i let my insecurity, my jealousy of our parents affection, and ultimately my feelings of inferiority get in the way. Is it selfish to want to be loved? I dont think so, but it is selfish to let it get in the way of loving others. I think Sebastian feels guilty over the way he behaved towards Maru, im not sure if i think they’d ever reconnect.
I headcanon their ages as 22 and 18, it must’ve been difficult for Sebastian to cope with his father’s absence and such a sudden change. I think he wouldve felt casted aside, almost like he was being replaced. I think Sebastian grew up in pelican town, that the house was built prior to his parents split, i like to think that him and maru shared a room up until he was 12? Maybe 13? And insisted to live in the basement instead. I think he wouldve been satisfied with that but slowly he realized that no one was really interested in checking on him, instead of communicating it he’d internalize it, lash out by spending even more time alone. I think both Robin and Demetrius love him, but excuse it as personality differences. However Sebastian in game seems kinda prone to emotional outbursts, instead of acknowledging something is wrong his parents just think hes just the more difficult sibling. I also think that he had loose contact with his bio dad, but the bastard suddenly stopped responding at all so he further convinces himself that he is unwanted. “Would it really matter, if I just disappeared?”
It’s really interesting that in his 2heart event he says “They’re engaging, straightforward, and unselfish. Quite the opposite of a lot of people I know." I wonder who that refers to? Is Demetrius boring? Sam a bit scrambled? Abigail selfish? (I say Abigail is the selfish one bc he expresses discontent about her coming over and disregarding his work in the same scene).
But really, i think Sebastian just wants to feel like he belongs. I think the farmer makes him feel comfortable, valued, and understood. I really like that about him.
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Ace attorney headcanons I have cuz I can’t focus on just one thing
Phoenix/Ryuichi hated his name when he was younger but he has grown to love it in his adulthood
Miles finds Kay’s rants interesting
Phoenix is a Japanese American hybrid and is proud of his heritage on both sides.
Trucy actually knows quite a bit of law
Phoenix is great at Japanese but not perfect
Ryuichi is great at English but not perfect
Edgeworth has ‘girls nights’ with franzica where they gossip
Larry was messing with Phoenix in the beginning of turnabout time traveler.
Apollo naturally attracts ladies (juniper was not a solo incident), but he is too focused on other things to notice or care.
Phoenix doesn’t have a law degree, he has a degree in art though. (Look it up it’s not required to have a law degree to take the bar in some places)
Athena wears her special headphones somedays when everything is too much.
Maya is acesexual and maybe Aromantic as well.
Trucy has an inkling of her and Apollo’s biological relationship.
The ‘little big brother’ is a running gag of sorts between the group.
Phoenix is actually a genius and would be absolutely terrifying if he ever got serious or learned how to properly use his smarts. But his brain sometimes makes connections before he even realizes it, and ‘bluffs’ as a result.
Kristoph did his best to isolate Phoenix from his friends. It got to the point where Phoenix had to be careful who he meet up with or what he wrote or spoke, thankfully he managed to keep some friendships.
Phoenix has a bit of a rough relationship with his parents as an adult, he loves them and they love him but there are just some things they can’t agree on.
Apollo has a great singing voice, but gets super nervous when others are watching him so it causes him to mess up with his cords of steel.
All the Lawyers in the wright anything agency are strong. Phoenix can kick and knock down doors, Apollo helped Clay with astronauts training, and I don’t need to tell you about Athena do I?
Phoenix is actually pretty well off (royalty checks from Britain for some reason) but he was taught that money earned himself is better. He was also taught to be frugal. But he is often a little TOO frugal when he doesn’t need to be and that offen leads to greater trouble. (This might as well be cannon, the reason why his back was so bad in SoJ was because he skipped out on a proper hotel, yet he had money to blow for Trucy’s allowance in aa4 and on a plane ticket)
Kay is super athletic and is a master at parkour
Maya is kinda bitter about Mia leaving the Fey clan and becoming a Lawyer
Pearl needs glasses
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obsessedbunnygirl · 2 months
Yandere 2024 Regina George x shy innocent fem reader headcanons part 2
Warnings : obsession, yandere content, probably kinda ooc Regina, stalking, voyeurism?, possessive Regina
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- The next day, you wake up and get ready for school.
- You could have sworn you felt someone’s piercing gaze on you as you were undressing to hop in the shower, but you knew it was just your imagination! After all, who could possibly be stalking you?
- Regina George, that’s who. But you didn’t need to know about that yet!
- Regina smirked to herself as she watched your innocent little eyes dart around the room nervously, before shaking yourself out of it and stepping into your bathroom.
- One of these days, she just knew you were going to be stepping into the shower at her house with her, after a passionate night of, well, you know what ;).
- How did she know that? Well, because she said so! Regina knows what she wants, and will stop at nothing to get it.
- After you shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast, you head out the door and bike to school. Naturally, nobody’s home to bid you goodbye, so you don’t have to let anyone know you’re leaving.
- Regina feels conflicted about your home life. On one hand, she’s happy your parents are never there and when they are, they just don’t care to pay attention to you, because that means less people are in her way of getting you. (Not to mention how she can use your parental issues to manipulate you into loving her. Yeah, a little extra leverage never hurt.). On the other though, Regina wants you, and the fact that your parents don’t value something so amazing that Regina Fucking George is yearning for it, frankly, pisses her off. Who do they think they are? Oh honey, she’d treat you so much better than them! Just you wait!
- You get to school and go about your day, and everything seems normal. Until lunch, that is.
- As you make your way over to the band kids’ table to sit with your friends, you’re stopped by Karen Smith, who begs you to come sit with her at lunch to help her with her homework.
- Now normally, when someone asks for help, you aren’t suspicious, but you can’t help but have a bad feeling about this. Karen’s never asked you for help before! She’s always been kind to you, but why would she want your help at lunch time of all times?
- You walk with her to the Plastics’ table anyway, ignoring the chill that goes down your spine as your eyes meet Regina’s piercing stare.
- "Why is she looking at me like that? Does she hate me?" You can’t help but think to yourself.
- Regina smirks as if she can hear your thoughts. Maybe you’re just really bad at hiding how you feel, because she sees right through you. Whether it’s for better or for worse though, Regina doesn’t hate you. In fact, she’s become quite… interested in you. Borderline obsessed, if we’re being real here. Why else would she have made Karen ask you for help this lunch period?
- After an uncomfortable moment of silence, you sit down next to Karen, and she pulls out her homework.
- As you and her go through it, Regina takes the opportunity to observe you up close.
- You have the patience of a saint, she notes. I mean, duh. How else would you put up with Karen? That girl is so dumb.
- You also have a super soft, gentle voice. A voice that Regina wants to bottle up and keep for herself. (Ursula who?) She wants to be the only one you speak to that way. The only one you speak to, period.
- Regina’s eyes drop to your lips, as she licks her own. "Soon enough," she thinks, "her and her perfect little lips will be mine. All mine."
- Then the bell rings, and you head off to your next class.
- And as you walk away, Regina watches the hypnotic sway of your hips.
- Soon enough, she’ll have you in her grasp. And once she does, she’ll never let you go.
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strvberrydoll · 28 days
Hi, I'm hoping you'll answer this <3
Well i'd like to knoe what do you think about my headcanon: Since Jack was an accident I really don't think John and Abigail were in a relationship before, i even feel like john wasn't really in love witj her until she lefts him in the epilogue. And i hc that he grow out to love her after all and it wasn't exactly love on his side ( icant say the same about abigail cause she constantly tells the members that she cares about him) otherwise it really dont make sense to me how he waited 8 years before proposing her and his interaction with sadie when she says something positive about abigail and john says 'so everyone keeps telling me' so kinda like he was forced or something to love her because of how much he owes him (she literally gave him a new life) and the gang members' force on him ( i hope you get what i'm saying eng isnt my first language so :( ) BTW REALLLYYY looking forward to john fic you were talking about keep up the good work <3
hii !!
thank you for sharing your headcanon it’s always entertaining reading and analyzing bits of lore from rdr2.
I partially agree with you ! While we know that Abigail always had a soft spot for John since her early days in the gang I feel like John started to actually fall in love with Abigail sometime around chapter 3 or 4, Jack’s kidnapping being a big factor for his newfound sense of duty for his family.
Before chapter 4 (and a small bit through chapter 5-6) the major factor for John’s lack (fear) of love for Abigail and Jack is his own self doubt. He grew up without a mother, his father wasn’t exactly the best father around and he died when John was eight. Aside from the weird fatherly dynamic that Hosea and Dutch had with John and Arthur, he didn’t have a father figure in his life. He doesn’t know the first thing about being a father (as he states in chapter 2, i believe) because essentially he didn’t have one.
So, rather than being a fucked up father to a child he wasn’t sure was his he ran away, thinking that was for the best interests of both him and Jack, in his own twisted way. But this is where it gets interesting, Abigail was an orphan too. She also didn’t have a father or mother figure in her life, yet she made sure Jack had one, that’s why she’s always nagging at John to just speak to Jack, because she knows the pain of not having a parent, of not having someone to call Pa.
I feel like John, throughout the whole story of rdr2 and even before the events that we see, always liked Abigail—maybe not as much as Abigail loved him but he did have a thing for her. Another interesting interaction is where in chapter 2 Bill and John are talking and John drunkly calls Abigail ‘my sweet’. When drunk we’re most likely to be more straightforward with our thoughts and emotions and John calling her ‘my sweet’ is a small glimpse of his true feelings for her. He cares for her, but he’s afraid. He doubts himself so much that he has blinded himself from what was really in front of him. That’s why almost everyone in the gang constantly reminds him of how lucky he is to have a girl such as Abigail by his side.
For the whole marriage situation i think it’s pretty much straightforward. We need to take account that they were the 1800s, during those times having a child before marriage was considered something to be ashamed of, a sin for christians so, those who had children before marriage often faked their marriage in order to not be scorned by society. Now, we know that John and Abigail didn’t exactly live in society, they were outlaws, but still they had a child and that bound them together. That’s why when John proposes to Abigail on the boat she tells him ‘but we’re already married’ through the eye of society and social norms they were married, still John wanted for Abigail a proper marriage, a proper new start for their lives.
And that could only have happened if he left his outlaw days for good, if he took revenge for Arthur, for the whole gang. That’s why we see John and Abigail officially wed after he kills Micah and ultimately takes his revenge.
ok I yapped enough imma end it here ! thank you for sharing your headcanon and for waiting on my John fic ! Next week im gonna post the plot but unfortunately you have to wait a bit for the actual chapters to come because I have a big exam coming up with uni in September and im dedicating most of my time studying :(( take care and feel free to share more headcanons <33
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toadinthechest · 2 months
First thing first! Some context:
Last year I've been introduced to Epic the musical which reignited my childhood obsession with greek mythology. Since then a lot of my themed drawings have been piled up. I don't think I will draw anything related anytime soon due to some "in real life stuff". So I decided to post most of them here dividing in two.
And this is the first post, which mostly contains drawings with Iris!
Why Iris? Let's just say I have never heard of her before, but after reading the Illiad I LOVED the idea of two Olympic messengers who counterpart each other.
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As you can see in this take on their designs I wanted to give Hermes rather dusty and faded color scheme, while Iris is the burst of colors! However *headcanon!* their character is completely opposite to their appearance. So while Hermes is very lively, energetic, outgoing and chaotic, Iris on the other hand is collected and composed, calm, kinda a withdraw person (brooding even over something *cough* Titanomachy *cough*).
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Speaking of the Illiad, while reading I've noticed that Homer used an interesting adjective to describe a brunete person: violet haired. So here's random portrait of young Zeus:
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But let's get back to Iris. Her origins are also very interesting. I wouldn't ever guessed that she's rather sea goddess than anything! You see, her parents are Thaumas (sea god who personified the wonders of the sea) and Elektra (cloud-nymph of the amber-trim), and grand parents accordingly: Pontos, Okeanos and Tethys.
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Btw I already talked how different scanners affect your drawing. It took me several days to convert next two pieces into digital format... Because I literally needed the SUN to do that. Why? Because the first scanner "ate" the colors from drawings and i couldn't restore them. And the second one made them incorrigibly dark. So I waited days for sunny weather and make a photo with phone. I have no idea what am I going to do in winter. But I hope I will come up with something!
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I'd like to tell more about these two drawings. On the first one I pictured several celestial gods: Hemera, Helios, Selene and Eos. Looking at them now I realize I actually want to change Selene's design (it's just waaay too simple) and maybe I'd like to make Eos a little bit chubby or curvy. By now you must have already realize that Helios's design is basically humanization of sun in sunglasses (I know it doesn't really fit his character in myths, I just thought it would be more funny and interesting). As for Hemera... I will explain hers and few other gods designs in second post.
The second picture is... Well... Iris and her twin sister Arke the traitor. Look now... I know that there is only one literary source where this character is mentioned, which dates back to the 1st-2nd century AD. So I'm not entirely sure that it can be considered part of ancient Greek mythology. Basically, I just like the idea of ​​such character and how her existing would affect other characters.
Anyway. Iris is also a sister to harpies! (I will show their designs in next post) So I was thinking what Iris would look like if she herself were one?
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Congratulations! You made it till the end of the post! Here's some scribbles of Olympic messengers:
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darlingkirstein · 6 months
im just curious about your headcanon for their job (for eremika and jeanpiku if that's alright)
this question has truly thrown me for such a giant loop because im super indecisive! so i thought instead of choosing one option, i could list a few plausible options for the characters! these are just the jobs that came to mind for some reason. im sure i could come up with others but this are the first that i decided on, and i tried to choose jobs that are a little more unorthodox to be unique 🩷
also sorry for how long this has taken ! i know you've been waiting for this for a while 🫶
— Eren Jaeger!
Physical/recreational therapist: I can imagine him wanting to help people but not wanting to be a hospital doctor or anything like that. He seems like he'd be a pretty active guy so I think a job where he gets to help people and also move around and help clients move around and recover from injury would be both fulfilling and fun for him at the same time! Or even recreational therapy, getting to help people through different activities!
Small business owner: I can see him taking the charge and owning his own business, maybe with the help of his parents with a small investment to get it started. Mikasa might also help with this when she has spare time because she wants to support him! I'm thinking something that incorporates his love of cooking, like a bakery or food shop?
Stuntman/stunt coordinator: This one is more for fun but I love picturing him as a stunt man for movies. He would get a kick out of the thrill it gives him if he's actively participating or he'd find it satisfying to coordinate really interesting stunt work. Mikasa would always be fearful that he's gonna injure himself.
— Mikasa Ackerman!
Bookstore employee: I don't know why, but I think Mikasa would love working around a quiet environment with books. Getting to provide recommendations and organize the shelves makes her feel accomplished without over-stressing her. She loves reading so the employee discount is definitely a big benefit.
Speech-language pathologist: I'm biased here because this is what I'm studying! But I think Mikasa could thrive in this job! Getting to help people struggling with communication is really fulfilling and she gets to challenge herself to find creative solutions. I think she would love working with children, helping them fix their speech sounds, or even with adults, helping with different disorders.
Daycare owner/lead employee: I think a lot of us agree that even in our modern AUs, Mikasa didn't have the happiest childhood. So, I think she tries to make sure that other children have the best possible childhood around. She would be very attentive to all their needs because she's naturally great with kids. Eren would find this so endearing and it would really give me lots of baby fever when she comes home and talks about the kiddos.
— Jean Kirstein!
Gonna start off by saying that I feel like Jean initially settles for an office job because he feels like he has to be a big breadwinner and have a stable, high-paying job but it ends up making him rather miserable so he quits to pursue other jobs.
Art restoration: I know the idea of Jean being an artist is kinda overplayed since he only draws once but I am so attached to it. But here I'm specifically thinking of him restoring old/damaged paintings for museums or for people's personal collections. He probably finds comfort in seeing the pretty paintings come back to life after being so dull. He takes it super seriously since it's so technical so he's very proud of his work and the results!
Something in the restaurant/food industry: Jean loves cooking so much! He would want to share his cooking with others. He might work at a restaurant making good or maybe even as a cooking instructor? I think that even if his job isn't in the food industry that he still volunteers his time to cook for people in need because it's something he's passionate about.
Art therapist: In a similar vein to art restoration, I am imagining him as an art therapist, trying to help people with their struggles through various forms of art. It's probably therapeutic to him, so sharing that therapy with others is so sweet to me. I think would love to work with children especially, just getting to see them smile after they've gone through some rough things :)
— Pieck Finger!
Something in journalism: Pieck would get a kick out of writing small articles for different papers or magazines, or even in the newspaper (even if it's a dying medium). She gets to show a more creative side while making a living and she also gets to work from home which is great because she's kind of a homebody! She gets to be comfortable while writing her fun articles :)
Accent/dialect coach: This is also kind of a half-serious one like the stunt coordinator one for Eren. I feel like Pieck would be weirdly good at accents, like stupidly good. So she might have fun working with actors either in bigger shows/movies or in local theatre productions to change accents.
Editor: Another job that could be done from home, I think she would like editing people's books or articles or anything to make them better. She finds it fun and satisfying to correct mistakes and make suggestions, and it's so fun because she can work on stuff from her bedroom if she so desired. Maybe she both writes and edits and just switches off depending on the day/helping out her writer friends by editing their work for them.
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mystiquedrops · 17 days
Gives me ALLLL your Whit headcanons (angsty pls :3) >:3
Wow- this is actually my first ask here-
And well, I wasn't expecting people to actually be invested in my Whit ANGST stuff - (not complaining though I love feeding y'all even if I poison y'all sometimes, which mb for that- :') )
But alright, if you really want to know, I'll tell them and my reasonings for beliefs :3 (Most of them are inspired though)
Just know, they probably aren't as interesting as you probably expected and very bland and simple- :'))
(only for the like backstory and other stuff that aren't really relevent I think-)
(These are just my interreptions obviously- your choice whether you believe or not)
-Whit's parents are probably divorced Imo. (Reasoning for belief; Correct me if I'm wrong but, he did say his father is always overseas- I get that work exists but.. who stays overseas ALWAYS? What is you doing bffr 💀.) (Yes I'm aware absent parent doesn't mean divorced but. I swear it feels like they're divorced Imo)
-Whit picked up on his mother's personality after she died. (Reasoning for belief; Actually, this HC is inspired by Demon Slayer, where Shinobu copies Kanae's personality after her death 💀. And Shinobu and Whit reminded me of eachother with their smiley attitude+ overall calm-ish demeanor- Whit being more childish ofc I inspired two HCs off of her for Whit actually- wowsies ! )
-The cardigan Whit is wearing probably originally belonged to his mother once (Reasoning for belief; Again, Demon Slayer inspiration- Shinobu wears Kanae's haori after she died. And since Whit kinda reminds me of her in terms of Hashiras, ofc she's used as inspiration :3)
-Whit gets stunned in place, COMPLETELY caught offguard whenever someone lashes out at him unexpectedly/when he's least expecting it (Reasoning for belief; Well, Idk if this is ANGST worthy. I think it's.. normal to get stunned in place when you get lashed out on?? Idk- I'm just giving whatever I have since I'm asked- Anyways, remember Episode 12 where David told Whit to stfu?? Yeah, the music dropped dead silent and Whit also went silent after that 😶 not to mention we don't get a glance at his sprite to confirm his reaction. So I think he was stunned in place- and.. if it's alright to mention, that FTE with Charles when Charles suddenly lashed out at him for making fun of him which I think they both were in the wrong don't expect me to defend either actions here. Yeah, he went stunned in place for a bit-)
-Uhm, hmm.. If Whit were to have a breakdown, I imagine it'd be a bit quiet-ish breakdown. Similarly to what Rosie had back in Ch2, and maybe a TINY mix of Hu's meltdown (Reasoning for beliefs; Tbh. Even if I find interesting in the idea of Whit breaking down as much as y'all of everyone else does- I think his breakdown will be real quiet-ish.. silent tears or smth. Because with how emotionally repressed he seems not to mention his "Bitter things should go down the drain" quote It just.. makes sense to me it'd come out very.. slowly.)
-Whit pretty much downplays his intuition and makes them into a joke, until they actually come to reality (Reasonings for belief; I can't count this as a reasoning but.. you can take this as a hint for a LITTLEEE prediction I have :3 "Charles Cuevas pronounced dead at 3, cause of death, fatally unfunny" WHO SAID THAT-/j)
Idk what else to say, or how else to describe my other HCs without sounding insane. But that's about it-
I appreciate y'all's interests though in my Whit ANGST stuff ! I'll probably try to do more when he gets more canonical info :3 (No promises though I'm very lazy too. That's a ask to my motivation)
(Sorry if I bored anyone with how boring and simple they are btw- that's the best I can do- they won't age well anyways so, I don't think anyone cares, right?-)
Thanks for reading !
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animation-is-my-jam · 4 months
Whos the most underrated villain in wordgirl amd why is it Granny May?
Hehe \(゚∀゚)/
As the resident Granny May defender, I shall say why. But first, I will admit to why some don't like her or her episodes. If you don't like, "Everyone turns on protagonist because of one individual obviously lying" or "Antagonist getting away with scamming but in a super obvious way" plot lines then yeah I don't fault anyone for not liking Grandolyn. Since those kinds of stories can easily get under people's skin, especially when you experienced something similar to Wordgirl in these. And out of the villain's Granny is like the most mentally ruthless next to probably Miss Power jgjfbjvjg, so I can see why some don't jell with her, BUT HEY, if people can accept Miss Power bullying a ten-year-old then they can accept Granny doing it everyday with back breaking affect/lh
Granny is funny too,,,I don't know if it's because I like old mean characters (not in real life, fuck that), or because of Cree's performance, but she's funny. Honestly, it's a hustle to constantly fake being a helpless lady and also take on a superhero. Like I respect her, idk why, but I do. Sure, she gaslights and unfairly tries to cancel a child, but like if I was her age and lived in the world's most gullible city, then yeah, why not.
I think another thing that is fascinating about her (because I do analysis on her) is that she is definitely in the villain game for fun and has probably done it for years. Compared to others who do it for either having notoriety, getting respect, or valuables. Granny does it because she loves the thrill of it. She is technically living a conformable life, and let's not forget she has a whole ass family who are respectable citizens with her mother kind of being loaded, so she has no reason to do it besides it's fun. Though I guess another thing that interests me is her relationship with her family, as we know in her first appearance, she's tried to use her own grandson as a henchman and then not again. We know she has other kids than Eugene's dad, and it makes me wonder what is there relationship to her and, in general, her family. Besides Eugene, who is never seen around Granny May again in the show proper (that's so funny like tf), I don't think it's all good. Granny uses photos and excuses of people looking at her big family as a trick, as if she's close and adores them, but she's crimepilled and probably her more normal family don't approve of her villain status. So either their a strained family and Granny is coping real hard not being the matriarch anymore, or they're okay with it, and Granny May is just known as "Grandma who steals"
Regardless, despite that being a headcanon, it makes her character very fun to dissect. Does Granny really love the fun of being a criminal more than her own family she made? Or does she want to appear like a good granny to her family, but her hobbies have let them in shunning her since she uses them in her schemes and they don't want to be associated in that life.
We know Granny has had a villainous mindset since she was young, I could only imagine for the May kids to have their mom being a thief since she's pretty boastful about it, lucky they live in Fair City where people have a memory of a goldfish.
Another for why I like her, as I mentioned somewhere idk or maybe it was on discord...Eh I can't remember. Anyway, it's because when she's on screen, she helps elevate a very unique Wordgirl/Becky. Like say what you will on Becky's contempent for her villains, I think straight up, she dislikes Granny May. They're so petty with each other, and I think it what makes it so much funnier. Not to mention, they're kinda similar in attitude, at least when it comes to theit drive and stubbornness. Granny May probably sucks as a parental or maternal figure so much that she doesn't even have moments with Wordgirl that could be found family-esc. Or maybe idk they could. Granny May is no different than the average overcritical gaslighting brash grandmother....nevermind she would be the ideal grandmother to Wordgirl. /jjj
Idk I just like Granny May. Most don't get it, and that's fine. More for me to headcanon and write.
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s0ckh3adstudios · 6 months
Now I'm curious... assuming the humans come back after the true pacifist ending, where do Clover and Flo GO? Do they end up living with Martlet? Or would they end up with the Ketsukanes or Sunnysides? I can't imagine they'd return to the parents they had before given the uh. negative implications that part of their life has, at least from what we know about it because of clover. Would flo get to also partake in the found family clover got?
SO THIS IS ACTUALLY A REALLY INTERESTING ASK because.. Clover and Flo both sort of gathered their OWN people. Me personally with my own headcanons, I love thinking of Dad Starlo and Clover, though of course Martlet is also an option. Ceroba is.. not a caretaker option. Genuinely do not think she can mentally deal with all that right now especially with what happened between her and Clover.
Meanwhile, Flo has a total of one (1) people in their corner. Alexander. As much as they hate to admit it, and it would take them awhile to properly admit it, they care about Alexander a lot. They would want to stay with him.
And the problem with that this is that Clover and Flo want to stay with each other but have ultimately got different lives and people for them. Clover moreso, especially having been separated from Flo for like two years while Flo was with them previously before just dying.
UNLESS Alexander (and honestly Marth by association depending on the two's relationship. wink wink) was to become buddies with the UTY crew. Which honestly that's not too far-fetched to me because I feel like Alexander and Starlo could actually be great friends with their interests. I feel like this is possible LMAO
I think it would be cute if Flo (and maybe Alexander) got assimilated into the found family I think that would be really sweet. When all of Flo's baggage is unpacked that is HAHAGJKG everyone needs to like. understand what Flo did and just kinda. process that. BUT IMAGINING FLO INTERACTING WITH THEM IS CUTE I actually think Flo would really get along with the occasionally rough and rowdiness of the feisty five. They'd get annoyed with Martlet's chatting. Flo WOULD think Ceroba is cool if it weren't for. uh.
The History They Have With Her Family.
wow this post got long. ANYWAY HEHERJKG I'll have to draw some interactions sometime
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princess-ibri · 2 years
I would love to hear more of your headcanons for what Triton's childhood was like and maybe even how you think he may have met his future wife.
Sure! So my basic idea for Triton is he kinda has a Cinderella meets King Arthur set up. He has pretty nice childhood at first, being the heir to Atlantica, spending time with his father Poseidon and grandfather Neptune, learning the history of the kingdom and to play the undersea calliope and all that.
But things change when he turns 10. His beloved grandfather falls ill and dies mysteriously, and his father soon after remarried the strange Octopin healing woman who’d come to try and heal Neptune—the beautiful Thalassa, who also brings along her two young daughters, Ursula and Morgana.
Life becomes more difficult for Triton in the following years. He’s still the heir but his father grows distant and more infatuated with his new wife, who increasingly builds up her power behind the throne, and his two step-sisters, though they somewhat bond at first begin to more and more constantly tease and torment him.
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(Greater details on Thalassa and the girl’s backstories here )
Things continue to go downhill for Atlantic and Triton and when he’s 18 his father too dies, and Thalassa moves to finally take the throne for herself. Triton flees and over the next two years builds up a resistance to take back the kingdom, though they’re kept on the run by Thalassa’s magic/the army kept under her control with magic and fear and desire for power. At last he’s able to stage an attack on the castle, and pull out the Trident from where it’s been stuck in its pedestal, Thalassa and her daughters unable to draw it out as Poesidan never passed the right to the throne to them.
Using the power of the Trident Triton is able to finally overcome his stepmother, who in an epic battle tries transforms into a terrifying eldritch monster, and as she is too powerful to fully kill he traps her in a cave for all eternity, and then deals with Ursula, who begged for mercy and received the lighter sentence of banishment. (Morgana already having left years before)
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I think he would have met his wife Psmathae during the years he was on the run leading the rebellion. She’s a kind and playful young mer-woman of common birth with an interest in the World Above. She helps Triton to keep a sense of hope and cheer during the dark years. She’s a beloved queen, wife and mother for the years she lives.
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Unfortunately her interest in the World Above does end badly, as she is killed by human pirates when she was exploring above the waves one day, something Triton never recovers from.
This is actually a great start to doing backstories for the Disney Parents so yeah we’ll say this is the first one and put it under the #Disney Parent Backstory tag
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
MLB X MCU AU in which Marinette gets revealed as Multimouse to the entire world
Because Alya cant be trusted to be responsible with a camera.
Every-fucking-one knows now. hawkmoth. her PARENTS. Hell even TONY fucking STARK knows she was a hero.
and then her parents make/force her to take Style queens offer to intern in NYC, because, from their perspective she is not safe in paris. and like- the AVENGERS are in new york so surely it must be safe there. so they pack up and move their entire bakery business.
and she ends up going to midtown high-school, where not to her knowledge, fellow teenage superhero Peter parker aka "Your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN" goes to school.
Cute adorable shipping commences.
peter is all like "omg another teenage super hero???!!! like me???? i thought i was the only one???? transferring to MY school?!!! SO COOL!!"
"marinette is super smart, marinette is pretty, she was one of THE Miraculous Ladybug's sidekicks how cool is that??!, marinette is COOL!! maybe we can be friends? how am i gonna talk to someone that cool though?? i cant tell her my secret identity!!!"
insta-crush. peter is a marinette SIMP
(and yo, dont get on my case about marinette being super fucking smart, this is the girl who figured out she was getting a birthday party from just seeing one of her friends holding a bike pump. that girl is a tactical genius! she just has self esteem issues. they are both nerd, their just nerds about differnt things, let the nerds date!!!!)
of course Marinette still has the ladybug miraculous -even tho everyone thinks she doesn't have the rat miraculous anymore- and the miracle box. so she can still fight hawkmoth because the horse is basically fast travel irl, Space miraculous super conveintent.
(also concerning the mirsacle box, im going with my headcanon/Unlucky 13 AU on what that looks like post "ladybug becomes guardain" because that egg thing from canon? fucking lame
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These ones^^^)
It would be canon compliant till season 2 and most? of season 3? but like fuck miracle queen, season3 finale + truth made me stop watching the show. so like in this au, lets just assume Fu is dead, and ladybug has had the miracle box for some time now. and that they got the miraculous when they were 13, and are currently 15? yeah? okay.
(also prolly chat salt, it doesn't HAVE to be chat salt, but like- He. Keeps. Trying. To. Quit. And leave all the work to marinette!!!! its happened like 3?? times now? Marinette CANT quit!!! its literally "do this or lose all your memories!!!" she is being held hostage by a fucking magic box full of responsibilities no 15 year old should have to deal with.)
I headcanon that marinette stress-bakes, so like cute scene number #1 after peter and marinette become friends, could be something like "marientte stresses for a test, and then bakes to much food so her parents make her take it to school to share with her peers, and she ends up giving like- 1/2 of them to parker, becuz of his super high metabolism.
and how marinettes got her whole "i'm RESPONISBLE!!! for the whole fucking universe now, omfg i'm the reason fu is basically dead" angsty shit going on which kinda parallels peters whole "i have super powers, and if i dont do something to help then its my fault if someone gets hurt, like how my uncle died. With great power, comes great RESPONSIBLITY!!!" angst. maybe they could trauma bond. who doesn't like a good hurt comfort trauma bond fic?
marinette likes designing fashionable but also functional clothes.
peter likes designing gadgets and techy things. let them be nerds together!!! in love!!
i feel like they would be the kind of couple/friends to just ramble on about their passions and they would listen to each other even tho they dont know much about each others interests yet. (also hey what if marinette and peter co designed one of peters early suits pre-stark suit??? the fucking writing potential this ship has omfg c'mon ppl!!! why are we sleeping on this??)
oh! and maybe peter figures out that marinette is also ladybug -but later on- cuz like, he has superhearing? and tikki isn't as subtle as she thinks she is.
and then he's all in awe like "Wow holy shit!!! she made her ladybug secret identity FOOLPROOF!!!! no one would ever fucking suspect!! maybe she can help me with mine???"
Fox miraculous shenanaigans insue????? The daily Bugles next headline be like: "SPIDER-MAN SAVES SI INTERN PETER PARKER FROM ETC ETC"
( the media thinks Ladybug and Chat are 1000+ years old due to that thing alya found in that museum that one time. and the fact that people know that Thor and Loki are super old.
Ladybug's excuse to the public for letting a teenager, Nay! for letting a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD use an extremly dangerous magical artifact for a little over 2 years, goes something like this: "Marinette was the ONLY person in france- maybe in the whole world! that was compatible with the Rat miraculous, it takes a very smart person to be able to multitask like that, and marinette has a photographic/phonetic memory."
i headcannon that marinette photographic/phonetic memory, and that the Rat Miraculous is the math miraculous that was mentioned in the comics that one time, and that if an incompatible person were to try and use it they would at BEST develop a severe case of split personality disorder/ or schizophrenia, and at WORST their brain would- just- melt out of their ears. )
Also he calls her "Spots" or "LuckyBug" when shes in hero mode.
(i cant think of cute nicknames for peter, ugh "web head" is just something i cant picture marinette saying. what's the french word for spider? what's the french word for cobwebs??)
She prolly just calls him "Webs" or "Spidey"
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rnn11203 · 5 months
Stardew valley, some headcanons and just thinking about things, thoughts? Opinions? Your own ideas? I would love to talk abt stardew valley w anyone even if its just abt ur farmer (PLEASE IM BEGGING I NEED IT)(i mean whahhatttt… no im so cool and very chill..)
thinking about Abigail and Sebastian’s relationship.. or lack their of? Anyways, i always thought it was really interesting that we only really get 1 line of dialogue with Sebastian hinting at the “crush” on Abigail. The flower festival is the only time Sebastian himself vaguely hints at liking her, “i want to dance with someone (abigail).” Or something along the lines of that and honestly? I just think everyone else DOESNT like him except for Sam and her….. both Sam and Maru hint at Sebastian liking her in their dialogue tho, and Abigail herself mentions liking him ie mentioning being close friends (although he doesn’t share the same sentiment? Only stating Sam and yourself as a friend).. PERSONALLY.. in MY opinion, i like to think that he doesn’t really like her, i understand that she hangs out in his room but also? He literally tells you that she doesn’t seem to value his time bc she interrupts his work. I really like to think that Sam and Maru, and everyone else in the valley likes to gossip and pair both her and him together because of their alternative fashion. Abigail is really friendly, outgoing, loves adventure, shes extroverted, whereas Sebastian is socially awkward, prefers being alone, and likes staying in his room. I like to view Abigail as younger than both Sam and Sebastian, around 18yrs while sam is 19 and Sebastian is 22-23. I view them as these ages bc:
Abigail: Seems to be starting college, maybe already completed a semester by the time the farmer arrives, bickers with her parents in a more youthful way, ie Caroline’s lines about her dyed hair and fashion sense. Her sense of adventure to me seems to stem from a new independence from her parents (turning 18). (Side note but i prefer to think that Pierre IS Abigail’s dad and not the wizard… instead… i like to think Jodi started that rumor)
Sam: the whole dropping egg, skateboarding, and kissing under the covers reeks of a 16yr old, but to me hes just an immature 19yr old. I imagine Jodi spoiled him because his dad wasnt around a lot but as he gets older he realizes the toll it takes on her, and to me ive always seen Sam as genuinely friendly and kind and i kinda think his behavior in these cutscenes are just bc he doesn’t want to give Jodi a hard time. He’s afraid of disappointing her and thats why the egg and blanket scenes happen the way they do.
Sebastian: Free lancer job, motorcycle owning, weed smoking, and overall he just seems like the most mature in the group. He has his moments with his mom, maru, and Demetrius but i think it’s just bc of how tense he feels with them.
Also i kinda think the reason he wanted her in the band was so he didnt have to talk to Sam that much,,
But anyways, i do like to think that Abby’s gotta a crush but its more of the “idea” of Sebastian, i like to think she’ll fantasize about him asking her to ride on the motorcycle with him and go on this grand adventure and meet a lot of people and do a lot of things, in fact i like to think that her going to his room is a new thing too! And thats why he seems “suddenly” irritated by it and neither of them mention that they aren’t that close anymore. I also like to think shes more of a new addition to their duo too, which is why she doesn’t play pool and because of Pierre’s shop, either he or Caroline mention the Yoba church being “already there” before they moved in. I think Sam and Sebastian moved to stardew when they were very little (3-4) (implied by dialogue as sam mentions Kent use to be a garbage man in Zuzu city, and i think Sebastian was born BEFORE robin built the house and maru after.)(hence why Sebastian lives in the basement) i think Abigail moved when she was around 7-8. (I think Caroline is a pelican town native tho! And just moved back)
Not an Abigail hate post btw.. i like her, but i think this is more interesting than them just having a crush on each other, i just think her liking the idea of him and him well.. i just dont think anyone really likes him bc they think hes weird T_T!!
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mdhwrites · 8 months
When I watched Amphibia, I kinda had a hard time understanding how certain headcanons were developed in the fandom. Especially Grime being Sasha's 'toad dad' and Olivia and Yunan being Marcy's 'newt moms.'
Like...by the end of the series, I totally bought Sasha and Grime as close friends (heck, they sold me as friends partway through season two), but Grime never gave 'adoptive dad' vibes to me. Putting aside the fact Grime's the reason Sasha spent her first month in Amphibia in a cell, he's also a pretty toxic influence on her, indulging her worst traits and only really improving as a person when he and Sasha form the resistance in season three.
And I'm confident viewers only started the 'newt moms' headcanon because of the episode Olivia & Yunan. Which is pretty ironic, since in that episode, Yunan initially objects to saving Marcy (she didn't even refer to Marcy by her name, just 'the human' XD), and like you said, Olivia explicitly states she's motivated to save Marcy because she trusts her and thinks her intelligence will help them defeat Andrias, not because Marcy is someone she's emotionally attached to.
Sure, in The Hardest Thing, Olivia and Yunan hug Marcy goodbye, so there was clearly some fondness for her by the end, but nowhere near familial feelings. And yeah, maybe you could argue Olivia cared for Marcy since she insisted on being 'gentle' when Marcy was being pulled out of the tank, but that's just basic decency; hardly 'adoptive mother' behaviour.
With all that in mind, why do you think so many got so hooked on the idea of these people being found families for Sasha and Marcy? Did they think Sasha and Marcy both 'deserved' a found family just because Anne got that with the Plantars? Did they just like the idea, even if canon did almost nothing to validate it?
I personally think it's because a lot of people thought Sasha and Marcy's parents were abusive (another headcanon I can't get behind), and believed they deserved to find 'better' families in Amphibia. But that's my take; what's yours?
So there's a LOT here to potentially discuss because you're not wrong in saying that it's a dubious claim. Let's start with just my thoughts on them being found families: I like Grime as Sasha's father figure in works but it is much more a mentor and student relationship but where who is doing which is very dubious. The two need each other but how much one or the other need each other is constantly shifting and it's part of what makes their dynamic interesting. Trying to place a specific label on them is rough and I'd agree that saying that Grime is Sasha's first healthy friendship would be accurate because of the push and pull there.
Yunan and Olivia are great in fanworks as having had a real relationship with Marcy but the show just doesn't support it. Yunan seems to look down on her and barely know her while Olivia is a very normal archtype of the proper, Victorian woman who has to deal with childish antics. Neither are bad characters for it but it does mean that the moment in the end with her hugging Yunan and Olivia is more for the sake of a curtain call than it is a big relationship being wrapped up. They honestly symbolize Newtopia, which Marcy definitely should still love, rather than their actual characters in that hug and I think that works.
Now, why are they called found families?
Well, the first reading for why is honestly what I'd probably put my money on: It's a popular trope and people liked the dynamics enough to want to push it into the box they wanted it to be. Like how TOH is praised for its found family despite the family doing so little together, it's a trope with poor definitions, is hard to disprove and is just roaring through fiction right now so its overuse as a term isn't surprising. The fact that it gets used to describe so many people with just dynamics in general (frankly, it feels like it's becoming harder to write best friends in fiction partially from this) makes me unsurprised that it is getting used here since Anne does absolutely get a found family with the Plantars.
Which does bring a second part in: It makes Sasha and Marcy more important. If they're going on similar journeys as Anne than they totally aren't there to help with the themes and the like, the journey is about them too! It brings them closer to being the focus of the story and as narratively important as Anne which, as we've seen, was a big deal to the fandom. I won't even call this bad, fandom will do as it does, but it does also end up diminishing just how big a deal it was for the Plantars to so thoroughly integrate Anne into their family and then how the Boonchuys recognize that work and accept them readily too. If it's as easy as it had to have been for Marcy, Yunan and Olivia, it kind of cheapens the core thrust of the show, almost like it focused on Anne for a reason.
The last one is... KIND OF what you brought up but I think it's a lot deeper than you frame it. I recognize that nowadays I am an outlier. I literally go and take a walk with my mom every morning, or I'm supposed to, to try and help her be more physically active. My problems with my parents are mostly due to my brain not being able to accept anyone actually approves of me, let alone people who's approval I care about. I am so very lucky to have good parents who I am happy to call my parents and who I am glad to have the support of.
All too many kids, even those not in the LGBTQIA+ but ESPECIALLY if they are, have bad family homes. They dream of being able to escape to a new world that's better than theirs, meet people who accept them for them and let them do cool things and be themselves. Escapism, especially isekai, is EXTREMELY popular for a reason, especially as just the world in general sucks, regardless of your relationship with your family.
So then we get Marcy and Sasha still going back. Them ALL going back because sometimes change is inevitable and not always can you bring the ones you care about with you. It's a powerful message that spits in the eye of that escapism and for a lot of people, that HURTS. Like for as much as I defend the choice, I do understand why so many in the fandom reacted negatively to it. For as much as they potentially didn't care about the Amphibians, they don't want to lose the froggy world that they wanted to live in themselves.
And so we get the projection of abusive parents. We get the toads and newts also being found families because it's so much worse to give those people up in your life than just saying bye to your friends. We get reasons why they should have stayed or at least been allowed to travel between worlds. This isn't even all inherently wrong, especially if you are willing to admit that there was a reason why the show chose the ending it did, even if you wish you could have the one that makes you happier.
Hell, we even see some of that with how people treat angst right here. They want Sasha and Marcy to have abusive parents... Because then they can be told it's okay to reject reality, be given a hug and then move on. Not to explore that abuse but to be given the wish fulfillment of that abuse being met with kindness which is admittedly how you should meet that stuff, please take abuse victims seriously and help them, but life is more complicated than that most of the time.
These are arguments I can understand and sympathize with though. I wish I could see someone using mental illness as now their superpower to be something that makes me happy because it WOULD be nice if my depression made me better than others. I just... don't quite engage with media that way though. It's actually part of what I think makes scripted content harder for me because I engage too genuinely and don't just want a pat on the head and a juice box.
And that isn't to say people who do want that are wrong. I still don't want to be actively hurt by the media I consume. I am still there to be entertained and happy and how that happens will be different for each person. That's part of the joy of life.
So I won't tell people who want Yunan and Olivia to be Marcy's lesbian moms they're bad for wanting that. Just don't tell me that's objectively what happened in the story since analysis and headcanon are genuinely different.
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hello~ wensday prompt: what happens if alec was 6-7 years older. he wouldn't be parabatai with jace because he will be 18 and jace like 12 ? or he start date magnus much earlier before clary show up?
I hope you doing great! also have you seen "bodies bodies bodies"? great comedy horror. recommend to see it~
thank you for writing all of these prompts 💕
Hello! you are not the only person to be interested in that idea and i love it! in my opinion, an alec who was 6-7 years older than izzy wouldn't be raised by maryse and robert. alec and jonathon were born during the circle, after they left. so this is part of a universe called walls of adoration, claws of desperations
there is another porition of this written and jsyk it's alec and magnus secret relationship.
also valentine wants soldiers and experiments, he'd encourage his soldiers to keeps the kids, maybe even convince them. but maryse wouldn't take a toddler or a baby with her, it would be a tactical error and distraction.
in my opinion and headcanon, alec is left with the trueblood or lightwood grandparents and if i'm going to go with either, i'm gonna go with the trueblood tbh. i'm biased cause i like maryse better than robert. alec has been living in idris with the disgrace of circle member parents because this is before its hidden. he's about to get his first rune and he's been raised loyal and to disdain his parents because they're traitors.
he's going to refuse to go with them and he's about to get his first rune and maryse is pregnant and will have another heir and the truebloods need one.
so yeah, thats kinda my meta for the background and hows and whys of this.
i am doing great! thank you so much for asking and today has been lovely and i have so many prompts i'm excited about.
I really am enjoying them so you're welcome and thank you for sending in a prompt
also i have not but it is now on the list!
<3 lumine
Alec prefers the parts of his life that are him living in the outskirts of Alicante. His grandparents have passed and while he is sent to train hunters at Institute’s across the world, he’s had no real interest or reason to officially be called to serve as a Commander.
At least until now.
With Maryse and Robert Lightwood being recalled to Idris, Alec is the only one related who has the qualifications and the right background for it. Robert and Maryse won’t be able to claim the clave is trying to strip the Institute from their family, not when Alec is heir to one of them.
Which is fine, it’s not the worst thing Alec has done and while he dreads the tedium of bringing an entire Institute full of hunters up to his personal standards, it’s not the worst thing he’s done.
It’s a bit annoying to have to stop his current study and projects and while Aline promised to keep him updated, Alec hopes that Sebastian will help remind her. Otherwise, he’ll be hearing about things once every six months.
Alec isn’t interested in politics the way his parents are.
He’s seen what they did to Maryse and Robert and now that he’s older, he understands things better and dislikes them more.
So, it’s with indifference that he goes to New York and it’s with prejudice that he kicks shadowhunters back to New York.
Izzy thinking she’s a shadowhunter informant at fifteen and that she can seduce information from seelies is the ridiculous thing Alec’s ever heard and while she wails and begs, he ignores her petulant whining. She’s her parent’s princess and he knows she’s rarely been told a ‘no’ that she didn’t ignore.
Jace is just as stubborn and the third time he gets himself and other shadowhunters injured, Alec has him with Izzy, Starkweather, and about a fifth of his Institute ready to be shipped back to Alicante.
“It’s a conflict of interest.” He tells Jia with a smirk over the video call that night. “They’re my precious little siblings, Jia. How could I put them through the same kind of training as the others?”
“You just don’t want to deal with them.” Jia accuses, having apparently already found out how much of a headache the two are.
Alec merely raises a brow because it is a conflict of interest and Jia knows it. Everyone knows it, which is why it’s hilarious that she’s still trying.
“Fine. But did you have to send us Starkweather? This is a mess, Trueblood.”
Alec simply hums and signs off, because at least now it’s not his mess.
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