#also 3 cheers to the one person who was also ace and left a comment about it on a different ford monsterfucker post
huginsmemory · 19 hours
As someone whose asexual and a monsterfucker and knowing that there is a large subsection of the monsterfucking community that is Ace or on that spectrum, Ford being very Ace-coded and implied to have fucked a a triangle feels accurate to me. representative, even.
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koter-irl · 1 year
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My Xenoblade OST Trinity Box Set arrived! It contains 5 OST discs for Xenoblade 1, 6 for Xenoblade 2, and 9 for Xenoblade 3, as well as a booklet containing tracklists, lyrics, credits, and messages from the composers (as well as Tetsuya Takahashi), I am uploading these messages and transcriptions of them for any Xeno fans on here that may be interested in seeing the contents. Let's begin!
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Message 01 - ACE (Tomori Kudo)
I first participated in the production of the series with Xenoblade Chronicles, in March of 2009, which is exactly 14 years ago from the time of writing this comment. Thanks to being given the chance to join the project, I was regarded as a "Xenoblade Chronicles Composer" and gradually started gaining recognition. It became a precious project for me as a composer. The first time I really felt this is when I performed music from Xenoblade Chronicles at the video game music orchestral concert "PRESS START." The fans cheered a lot for us.
My creative spirit was kindled every time I read the series' scripts, and I found myself thinking, "wow, this is interesting!" I was always inspired to create new video game music that hadn't been made before (well, "new" within my own range of experience.) As the series piled up with new entries, the music also powered up. We even recorded with an orchestra. Although there was hardship each time, I think I was able to grow alongside the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
I would like to express my gratitude again for being given the opportunity to take part in such a wonderful series. I would be thrilled if everyone enjoyed these musical pieces, while remembering the various scenes in which they were used, for many years to come.
(More messages below the cut)
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Message 02 - ACE (CHiCO)
I was deeply moved by the first game's script and vision which went far beyond my imagination, and with the words of the person in charge of the music at the time, "This project will go down in gaming history," I wanted to create music that would overturn the existing "video game sound." It seems like yesterday that I started composing with enthusiasm, and I have constantly taken on many different challenges through my music. I worked so hard that the phrase, "as if my life depended on it," most likely isn't an exaggeration. Before realizing it, it had become a life's work.
In my personal life, I became a mother between Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. One month after giving birth, I had the chance to perform the Xenoblade Chronicles portion at the concert called "PRESS START." There are so many things I'd like to say about that busy time; it truly left a deep impression on me.
I would be more than happy if the music I made became someone's enjoyment, thanks to the wonderful Xenoblade Chronicles series.
My childhood dream was to be like Mother Teresa. Though, even if I lived for a thousand years, I'd still be nowhere near her.
I am full of gratitude for the director, the staff at MONOLITHSOFT, Nintendo, Dog Ear Records who reached out to me, everyone at PROCYON STUDIO who produced this CD album and everyone else involved for allowing me to take part until the end of these three entries to the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
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Message 03 - Kenji Hiramatsu
Each time I worked on the music of the Xenoblade Chronicles series, I steadily looked for and drew out new sources of creativity within me. To ensure that my music did not get overshadowed by the world of the game, I wanted it to have unprecedented brilliance. Although there were many struggles, I took on the challenge with all my might and somehow reached the end. Like an RPG, the Xenoblade Chronicles series helped me grow immensely.
Looking back at the past three games, I feel that time has really flown by. However, taking part in a series loved even now by many throughout the world and overcoming many hurdles have become a precious treasure to me as a composer! I also treasure the many thoughts and feelings I receive from the fans about my music. These treasures are an important driving force in helping me take on the next challenge.
To be honest, after completely using up all my energy working on Xenoblade Chronicles 3, I feel a little weak. But I think sharing this soundtrack with everyone will become another source of strength for me!
Now that this series has reached one point of closure, it's time for a fresh start! I wonder what kind of sources of creativity I'll find in the future. I hope everyone's looking forward to it!
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Message 04 - Manami Kiyota
Ever since I was a child, I wanted to become a composer. Although I somehow found myself debuting as a singer, I was given the opportunity to write music for the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
At first, I think I caused everyone a lot of trouble with all the retakes. When I managed to successfully submit my work and played the game for the first time, I remember how excited I was to hear my music in the game. That said, whenever I play the game, I get so immersed that I forget I created music for it... (laughs)
By the time I started working on the third entry, I feel I had come to understand what my role is in the Xenoblade Chronicles series. I always aim to create music that exists as a sort of atmosphere within the world created by the director and among the visuals, the voice acting, and the sound effects. After playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Future Connected, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country. There are new discoveries and excitements when playing through the series.
I am truly happy to have been able to work on a world I love, the world of the Xenoblade Chronicles series. I'd like to give my heartfelt gratitude to the director, Mr. Takahashi, everyone at MONOLITHSOFT, all the composers, all the staff, and the players who enjoyed the games. Thank you very much.
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Message 05 - Yasunori Mitsuda
Having worked with Mr. Takahashi, the director of the series, on numerous projects over the years, starting with Xenogears released in 1998, then Xenosaga Episode I, and then the Xenoblade Chronicles series, he is what I would call a brother in arms and a good friend who fully understands my music. That said, when he contacted me saying, "I want you to work with us on Xenoblade Chronicles," I declined. I felt that the project didn't need me because its fascinating atmosphere and world were already complete. As my own rule, I never decide whether to participate based solely on how much honor or profit I can get. Instead, I always try to consider what kind of "music" and "sound" the game wants and whether it really needs my "color." After he contacted me, I concluded that the game's already-established world didn't need anything new. For that reason, I declined his offer many times.
However, after Mr. Takahashi spoke to me in person and said, "Mitchan (note while writing - this is Mitsuda's nickname,) the series only makes sense if we close Xenoblade Chronicles with your music." I decided to accept his offer, though only the ending theme (I'm weak to heartfelt requests.) After that, I participated in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and found myself working with him for a very long time. Although the Xenoblade Chronicles series has successfully reached one point of closure this year in 2023, to be honest, I'm still asking myself if there was a meaning in my participation. The answer shouldn't come from me; if fans have been happy throughout the series, I think participating was the right decision. I'd like to express my gratitude to all those who have enjoyed the Xenoblade Chronicles series up until now. Thank you.
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Message 06 - Tetsuya Takahashi
I have had few experiences where the word "harmony" has fit so well. I've known Mr. Mitsuda for around 30 years and it has almost been 15 years since I first met each of the other Xenoblade Chronicles composers. I suspect it's due to the accumulation of a decade and a half, but it was easy to imagine the kind of music I would receive in return to any request I made. And the music that I received far exceeded my expectations.
Looking back, when working on Xenoblade Chronicles it's true that I was fumbling to find each composer's expertise as I sent out orders for the music. However, that was only until halfway through. In the latter half of development, I personally remember there being considerably less trial and error. Most importantly, the composers were so passionate that I thought preserving that passion, without tampering with this or that, would be the best way to reach the players.
After going through that process, I felt I had a lot of leeway when working on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This was largely thanks to Mr. Mitsuda, who doubled as music producer. From small matters to more important ones, he listened to my various thoughts and also gave me a lot of advice. I was able to use that leeway to spend more time thinking about the overall direction and mechanism of the music.
Speaking of mechanisms, the incorporation of a jazz-style atmosphere in Torna ~ The Golden Country is fresh in my mind. While the main reason for it was simply because I liked an American film I watched in 2015 titled Whiplash, there wasn't enough time to implement it in the main game, and considering the flow from the music in Xenoblade Chronicles, I decided it would be too abrupt so I incorporated it in the additional story rather than the main game. Considering each composer's style, I was confident that it would go well and was very happy with the result.
And then, Xenoblade Chronicles 3. There waiting, cultivated over time, was peace of mind and a sense of trust. This is what I mean by "harmony."
While also feeling apologetic, I'd like to express my gratitude to the composers for sticking with me without getting discouraged by my selfishness over the past a5 years (twice as long for Mr. Mitsuda.)
To all the composers, thank you!
And that's it, these are the six messages included in the booklet contained with the Trinity Box Set, hopefully this has been insightful and entertaining for anyone reading, and I hope you enjoyed reading it, I'm glad to have been able to post these online for all to see. Thanks!
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Watching Scary Movies With One Piece Characters.
Some more spooky headcanons for the season <3<3 I will take requests for others!
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He doesn’t jump or scare easily.
He’s used to you if you are a jumpy person.
Nothing really gets him.
He’s one of those people who can work out a plot before it’s halfway over.
Will just hmm when it clicks and he’ll nod to himself.
Likes popcorn and coffee as movie-time snacks.
He likes supernatural horror best.
And monster movies.
Doesn’t talk during movies unless you talk.
Ace isn’t easy to scare but he’s jumpy.
If you jump he’ll jump, even if the thing that made you jump wasn’t what got him.
Comments during the movie, like, a lot.
All manner of junk food for snacks.
Lots of soda, full-on bowls of chips, and salsa.
Likes to cuddle you close.
Pretend you are scared, he loves to feel big and protective.
Sucker for gore and slasher. Also monster.
You didn’t think anything scared Izou.
You’d be wrong.
He hated gore, he hated scary stuff, he jumped and hissed when things made him jump.
He’d accidentally dig his nails into things, people, anything to ground himself.
He’d mutter under his breath fucking fuuuuck when something made him jump.
Izou would still watch horror movies, for you though.
He’d just jump a mile.
Not a massive horror fan but doesn't mind it.
Likes to bake snacks for it.
Maybe a massive nerd who makes themed cookies.
Watching Saw? He’ll make you beartrap-shaped cookies for example.
Makes silly comments throughout the movie.
Just likes dumb jokes.
Seems to enjoy the cliche ‘this call is coming from inside your house’ type of ones.
Sometimes you think he’s low-key getting ideas.
Is that bitch who will tell you That wouldn’t bleed like that.. Or make a huff that something isn’t that realistic. 
He’ll explain to you why that wouldn’t work, why that's wrong and it would take more/less time for someone to die that way.
Hates dumb characters and will bully them the entire time.
Also one of those people who guess the plot halfway through.
Doesn’t like many horror movies.
Ones he does enjoy are really well-written and intense thriller-based one. Gets in your head kinda scary.
He loves a good horror movie, he loves gore and blood and violent ones. 
He loves the ones where bad people get their karma.
Will cheer when idiots get murdered/killed/die dumb.
Likes slashers, gore, purge style movies.
Likes beer and chips during his movies.
Will cuddle you close because sometimes, just sometimes, the ghost, supernatural ones get under his skin and make him see movements in the shadows.
Ones that take down a government.
Horrors that the worst thing about the movie is other humans.
Think your classic Dawn of the Dead, 28 days later, The Mist.
I apparently think he’d like zombie movies too.
Loves movies where the underdog gets their own back in such brutal glory. The I spit on your grave and last house on the left’s
Loves classic popcorn and Twizzlers and soda.
Doesn’t jump, doesn’t scare, he might pretend to jump just to make you feel less of a baby.
Has an obsession with horror movies banned by the government.
You might not think it but this bitch loves horror.
He will have a projector that he gets out and turns his entire wall into a movie.
Wine is a perfectly good movie snack and you can take your suggestions elsewhere.
He liked classic horrors, like the old black and white ones, the really old vintage ones that had a lot of Vincent Price in them.
Has a huge collection that has you like Oh wow.
Yes, he loves vampire movies.
Nothing bothers him or scares him, if you are bothered by anything it’s because you are a coward.
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What direction do I wanna start this in
Someone good naturedly asked me today if ive been assessed for adhd
Im stalling
Ok so I got up the saving the grove party. Spoke to everyone. Considered propositioning Halsin, spoke to Laezel who propositioned me. She does not mince words. Told her Id think about it. Ive only had a romantic scene with Shadowheart and expected a proposition from her, but no just talk of enjoyment now penance later. Yeah Im probably not gonna pursue her now with that penance comment.
Wyll Im not using bc as Ive discovered I struggle with warlocks. Maybe easier as not-my-main but Im not bothered. So that left Karlach. (I double-failed to save Gale including a nat one, from the rock, so alas he perished there on that beach with nothing but a teleport marker to remember him by. Hmm can I sst up some kind of monument. Of wizard hats perhaps. It bears contemplation (no thats Halsin)). I tell Karlach I like her and shes so thrilled. Her little "Yes!" as she turns away ugh. Dammon had just tuned up her engine so I thought she was ok now. She hasnt been touched in ten years except in utter violence she deserves a cuddle at least. A hand hold. Bap her nose. Something. She seems like a very physical person with her dancing amd everything. I wanna summon her a pet to cuddle like cmon.
Regardless the scene is really swet and hot. The thing is. My guy is trans. And she says "I wanna ride you till you see stars" (hott). Uh we dont have that equipment....which leads me to surprising character building, Im playing a bard. He has to have at least 3 straps in his bag, maybe 6 or 7 to be excessive. And bet there are magical ones that feel like the real thing in Faerun. Im deciding there are.
I also like Karlach and Laezel together as a battle wife couple but I rarely need both of them in the party together. And I was considering playing as polyam as possible for fun but my research tells me Karlach and Laezel are both monogamous, Asterion doesnt like me much, no Gale, meh to Wyll and probably not Shadowheart anymore so. I was considering.
But Karlach. Its not even the strappy leathers tbh, I wamna buy her better clothes, better strappy leathers perhaps because hers have literally been to hell and back and find they look messy in a way thats unappealing to me. Id usually be into the leather tbh.
Shes so cheerful and forthright, she sings and dances, shes so joyous to be alive in a really genuine infectious way. Theres nothing preachy about it. She has no guile. I love her.
And its interesting to me because the way my particular flavour of aceness works - and yes this is probably a somewhat allo experience as well, you dont have to tell me - theres a million varied abnd theoretical layers of attraction up till like, actually yes I would do them if they wanted.
So like, Astarion the whole trickys vampire thing. Im into that in a game or a fic but I dont love it. Happy to see where it goes and have some fun. Anything remotely real-life, absolutely not I also dont know if I want to be his friend.
Laezel....hot yes but more distant. She doesnt share of herself. As a theoretical one night stand, or something super casual, sure. Irl, nope absolutely not, i dont think we'd be great friends but I could hope for mutual respect/not enemies. Exist peacably in the same circles.
Shadowheart I could be friends with occasionally but I could NOT be her therapist. I might not be there to hold her hand through her baggage either. Probably would turn down a proposition.
Wyll, eh hes attractive enough. Maybe as a one night/short term thing.
Halsin....idk how I feel about Halsin. Hes almost too wholesome? Mr druid peace with nature he doesnt want to be a leader. Id like to see him not as Mr Responsible with his hair down more. (I cant seem to add him to my party? Does he stay at camp?). With Halsin Im torn between desirr and fear of his bigness and strength. Which to some people might be ideal actually but Im not sure. I think I need to see more of his personality first. And thats def the aceness there.
Ive left her for last. Karlach. Shes my favourite. - Actually the only person whos come close is Elfira the tiefling bard, who sadly is not romanceable. Her cutscene with the song is the brightest joy and my favourite moment of thr game so far. The emotional honesty, the enthusiasm, the passion. (Am I starting to suspect I have a type. Its also often dark dashing boys like Kaz Brekker and Vaxildan but maybe its dark boys amd bright women. Idk.)
Karlach, if she were a real woman in front of me in the world I would say yes no hesitation. That is so rare for me.
Like I was being calculating about who to go with keep my options open and then she was so excited and shes just so deeply desirous not just of sex but also kind touch and also life, its kind of intoxicating. And shes jointly imagined and programmed and designed and voiced and she exists as software and art and thats beautiful?
Im a very inexperienced gamer. Ive never played or even heard of a game thats so normal about sex. Other games have sexuality but its like, seedy, theres a scene in a strip club or some gang boss has sex workers in their base, its always degrading. Theres shadowheart and her penance line, but like Keyleth in legend of vox machina, its very clearly the characters hangups, not the devs not the game experience. And here its just normal. You dont have to pursue anything with anyone. You can because its an adult game with adult characters. If you scroll the tags here you would think it was a dating sim.
I just think thats really cool, and Im really enjoying it. Thr only big thing missing is the same-time collaborative aspect that the devs cant extrapolate and create stuff influenced by our choices. Its more linear, they built in options, we collaborate by playing and making choices. But thats what tabletop games are for, not video games
If youve made it this far, re games. So far ivr played disco elysium, hades, and now bg3. Throw me some reccomendations please, Im enjoying all three. Oh and also In Other Waters, and Potionomics.
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nctsjiho · 4 years
JiHo vs Geo (NCT JiHo’s Duality)
Fan Video by ‘NeoVerse’ on Youtube
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(indented text = comments added by the maker of the video, in this case NeoVerse) So we all know JiHo. One of NCT’s rappers and dancers. She’s always portrayed as cool, confident, intimidating, so for today, let me introduce you to Geo.
The cute, easily embarrassed 00 liner, whom everyone in NCT (and the fandom) has a soft spot for. Though whenever Geo comes out she’s usually getting teased by the boys...
^^ Let’s get started!
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[JiHo Vlive ft. Taeyong & Taeil 190407]
“So we’ll be in America soon for the second leg of the Tour.” Taeyong said. “Are you excited?” JiHo asked looking at the oldest of the three. “Yes, we’ll finally get to see all our overseas fans. And we’re even going to see Johnny’s home-”The 3 of them looked off camera once loud noise started to fill the room. The voices obviously belonged to Dream. Taeil and Taeyong shrugged it off and Taeil continued to talk. The noise wasn’t too loud, but it was still a bit distracting non the less.
JiHo continued looking off camera every once in a while. It looked like she finally made eye contact with one of the young boys, because she squinted her eyes a bit more and suddenly the room became silent besides for Taeil talking. The girl gave the tinniest nod before looking back at the camera and joining the two other men in their conversation.
In the background you could hear a door close just after a few silent “sorry’s” were heard. 
JiHo: the NCT member who can make Dream, who never stop talking, shut up without even saying anything. The power this girl has
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[‘NCT - RESONANCE Pt. 2’ Departure Ver. Jacket Behind the Scene]
Loud cheers filled the echo-y room as JiHo walked in. All the 23 boys were already in their spots, but the girl had walked in late (for an unknown reason). She hides her face in embarrassment as she approaches Renjun who was standing on the far right side of the bleacher-like structure. “JiHo needs to go up one level!” One of the staff members yelled.
JiHo gets up on the structure a hand helping her up, it was Johnny.  As she stands up completely she notices she is standing between Johnny and Sungchan. “Please tell my I’m not standing between these two giants.” She looks in the direction of the staff, face full of concern. Her comment causing almost everyone to laugh. “Why? Don’t you like standing between us?” Johnny teased poking at her side. She squints her eyes at the taller man, triggering a few more laughs out of him.
The director instructs the girl to stand between Ten and Shotaro on the other side of the structure and she quickly walks over to them, almost tripping on her way over, where Ten greets her with a big hug. “Ah so cute~” Mark cooed, looking at the embarrassed girl.
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[NCT World 2.0 ep 4]
It’s really no secret that JiHo is a very athletic person. She works out and tries out new sports for fun. So even though she might not have the strength as her male colleagues (well most of them, sorry Kun), she was definitely one of, if not the most, agile members in the group.
When they announced the next game, JiHo’s team mates had look slightly worried. The vault was already at 1.70 m which was already taller than her, though JiHo would never openly admit that.
It’s only when the vault is at 2 m high that the members realise the smaller girl had cleared all the previous heights successfully. She’s now standing at a couple meters away to sprint towards the vault.
“We didn’t expect JiHo to make it this far.” Defconn commented. “She’s definitely an ace.” Kim Hwan, the other presenter, added.
We’re talking about the same JiHo right? This girl can literally carry her members on her back!
“Wow~ Look at noona’s face.” Jisung pointed out to his team mates, who unfortunately didn’t make it. The girl had her eyes set on the vault. Completely focused she put up her fist. “JiHo, challenge!” Her first few steps were big but slow, then her pace started picking up, until she had reached the vault.
“Ji-” The camera picks up the shocked faces of the boys as her team members jump to her aid. JiHo was laying on her back on the blue mat, the vault in pieces all around her, with one of the pieces almost making its way towards the girl’s face. Thankfully because of the concerned boys’ fast reflexes they helped avoid a big accident.
“Are you okay?” Johnny asked now that they were standing again. “I think I can make it though...” She furrowed her brow, shocking the boys with her comment. Despite all the boys’ protest JiHo was one again standing at the starting position to run towards the vault.
Taeyong stood up in a panic. “She isn’t going to try again right-” “JiHo, challenge!” And without a second of hesitation she ran towards the vault, 5 boys ready to save her in case she was to fail again. Once her feet hit the mat she looked at the camera with a smirk on her face and a fist in the air. She had cleared the vault.
“I swear to God her confidence is going to be the dead of me.” Taeyong let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
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[NCT World 2.0 ep 2]
JiHo’s challenge was to do a rope skipping routine. Since she has been rope skipping for as long as she can remember, it wasn’t really that hard. The challenging part came from that she had to learn a specific routine and execute it perfectly within 10 minutes.
After 3 minutes she had the short routine down, some moves were slightly more difficult, but nothing she couldn’t do.
“JiHo, challenge!” She yelled out. She pulled of the routine effortlessly. Or that’s what she thought at least. Everyone had jumped to their feet, cheering JiHo on those who never saw JiHo rope skipping completely in awe at what she just pulled off. “Let’s go-” Mark had yelled, just before the lights turned red. “Mission failed.” The deep voice boomed over the speakers. Everyone stunned, they could’ve sworn she just did it right. But after review JiHo realised her mistake.
She stood closely to Jaemin’s seat who asked her if she got the routine down now. JiHo nodded while she absentmindedly swung around the jump rope. A particularly hard swing causing the rope to round her back and hit her left arm harshly. The loud sound of the rope hitting her skin was accompanied with a wince at the sting. Jaemin had jumped up asking if JiHo was okay. The girl had slapped her hand against her reddening skin before she started whining that it hurt.
Jaemin took the opportunity to baby her. “Aigoo~ You need to be more careful.” He said rubbing her arms, before pulling her into a hug. The boys who sat a bit further away had started laughing once they realised the girl was okay. “Jaemin-ah, they are laughing at my pain.” She pouted and the boy pulled her closer, glaring at the other members.
Yangyang... I saw you laughing at our baby girl... 
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[NCT JiHo notices SASEANG at the Airport]
In the shaky fan video with not much context you could see NCT at the airport. The reason why they weren’t moving unknown. The only thing you could tell from the first half of the video was that NCT was standing in the middle of a clearing in the airport with tons of fans surrounding them.
Jeno and JiHo were standing next together, being filmed by the fan. She kept on glancing in a particular direction. At some point Jeno leaned in to whisper something in her ear and she shrugged in response, her body seemed a bit tense.
After another couple of seconds went by, JiHo suddenly starts moving in the direction of the fans - the same direction she kept glancing at. This caused the fans to start screaming and a body guard to quickly try and catch up with her.
It isn’t clear what’s being said, but JiHo exchanges some words with a male fan. She then puts her hand out, the fans around her going quiet. The man hands JiHo his unlocked phone and she starts scrolling through it. With a bitter look she hands the phone back, grabs her own, takes a picture of the man and then leaves. Once she reaches the boys again an indifferent expression remains on her face. Jeno’s hand massages the girl’s shoulder but she doesn’t seem to relax until they are able to leave the airport.
Apparently the male “fan” was a sasaeng and on his phone were pictures he had taken of JiHo and the rest of NCT (?) during their overseas schedules in places no fans were allowed. She deleted them and taken a picture of him for the security, possibly also for the authorities.
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[NCT 127 fan event @ Capitol Records]
After everyone had gathered on stage, it was time for each member to introduce themselves. JiHo was last in line and when she started talking in her mic, it was clear that her mic did not work. The girl looked back at the staff, but they didn’t seem to notice directly, so she turned to her right and grabbed Doyoung’s mic. He didn’t let go of it, causing the girl to lean in towards Doyoung and start introducing herself. “Hi! I’m JiHo.” She giggled slightly embarrassed, which emitted a chorus of “awe’s” from the fans.
Later on in the interview, now with a working mic, the question “Who is the most attractive member of the group?” had been asked. Some members had answered already but the interviewer asked JiHo’s opinion. “Uhm...” She hummed as she looked over her members. “I think everyone is very attractive.” She gave as her final answer which left everyone a bit “disappointed”. A fan interjected, yelling, “We all know you think it’s Jungwoo!” JiHo’s face turned the brightest shade of red as she looked at the audience in shock. Everyone at the event had burst out laughing and JiHo sank back in her chair.
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[NCT JIHO Choreography | More Than That (Lauren Jauregui)]
JiHo’s know as a bit of a tomboy. I mean she hangs out with dudes pretty much 24/7. So when she dropped this video, let me tell you, we NCTzens were shook.
As the music starts playing the lights slowly turn on. JiHo is sat in the middle of a dance practise room in a chair, head tilted slightly backwards, exposing her neck.
The camera comes closer and JiHo makes eye contact with it, her mouth is slightly agape and she stands up. She hits every beat, dancing in her own, cool style, nothing very girly or sexy, until a certain line comes up.
“I got a situation, I can tell you wanna know“
She brings her clasped hands up, stretching them out above her hand, before pushing her right hip out circling it from the front to the side. She lets her hands drop back down.
“How you can take an honest girl and turn her to a”
Her facial expression turns more cocky. Her left hand goes down the side of her body onto her left thigh while she moves down to an almost squat position. Her right hand comes up from her chest to her neck at the end of the line where the singer lets out a gasp.
Turn her to a WHAT? Explain Lim Jiho! Into a what exactly?!
Stan twitter of course went crazy at the sight of their tomboyish, innocent girl choreographing such a seductive dance. Besides those two lines, most of the dance was just her usual boyish hip-hop style. But the whole vibe of the song, along with her facial expressions had caused such beautiful chaos. Also JiHo in those sweatpants and a sports bra/crop top was something NCTzens weren’t ready for yet.
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[Weekly Idol ep 410]
This is probably my favourite JiHo moment ever. For a bit of context. The people sitting down on pillows have to come forward for the members they want to be partnered with and show their charm. After everyone has “seduced” the sitting member, they must close their eyes and if their rose gets picked they are partnered up.
The reason I like this so much is because JiHo was already pouty since Doyoung and Yuta were both seducers as well so there was no chance of partnering with them, but she really wanted to team up with either of them.
After Mark danced to ‘Pick Me’ (and JiHo did everything in her power not to cringe, she failed), he turned around to see which members would come over. When he turned around he saw 4 faces. Those of Doyoung, Jaehyun, Yuta and JiHo. The last two he didn’t expect to come.
One by one they all had to explain why they picked Mark. “Dude, honestly I just don’t want to be picked last.” The girl said in English sending Mark into a fit of laughter. They than had to show show their charm through singing, dancing or acting cute. Once it was Doyoung’s turn, he started dancing to ‘Pick Me’, just like Mark did earlier. “Oppa! I wanted to do that.” She said annoyed to which Doyoung looked shocked. “You were going to dance to a girl group song?” She just rolled her eyes.
Once it was her turn the host had encouraged her to dance to ‘Pick Me’ like she initially planned. “If you do it better than Doyoung, you will have a better chance.” One of the boys had reasoned, that was enough for JiHo to stand up.
She patted down her sweater before getting “in the zone” and she started dancing and singing the song as if it was her own. Some of the boys started cringing at the unfamiliar sight of their female member acting girly and cute, willingly. Then the camera shows Yuta and Jungwoo who were clearly enjoying the show and Taeil smiling fondly as well.
omg this is peak Geo behaviour <3 How is she this cute? Is she really a member of a mostly male group?
Cut to JiHo getting rejected right after Doyoung gets rejected. They sit back next to Johnny, the girl’s head resting on Doyoung’s shoulder. “I guess dancing to that song wasn’t the way to go.” She sighed.
This time it’s Jungwoo’s time to choose a member. He danced to ‘Havana’ to which everyone joins in. Once seated it’s time to start the next round. When Jungwoo faced the group again everyone, including JiHo has come forward.
Johnny danced and Jaehyun and Doyoung sang for Jungwoo, then it’s the girl’s turn. “JiHo! Aegyo!” Haechan yelled and before she can say anything, Yuta agrees. She looks at Jungwoo with a sigh. “Oh it doesn’t look like JiHo really wants to team up with Jungwoo.” Doyoung teased. JiHo quickly dismissed his claim, poking his side which had him twitch.
“Oppa... I think we could make a really good team.” She said with her face rested in her hands. Than she points at her heart. “It would really hurt right here if you reject me.” At the end of her sentence she stands up and throws her rose away. Everyone is dying from laughter or second hand embarrassment. The girl takes a few deep breaths to calm down and she sits back down.
ngl even though that was very cringy, how is JiHo this good at aegyo? I’m sure Jaemin would love it...
They have to make eye contact with the Jungwoo now and once it’s JiHo’s turn she locks eyes with him with ease. Her eyes never faltering which intimidates Jungwoo a bit. “JiHo, you’re supposed to make a connection, not scare him away.” She swats Doyoung’s arm at his remark.
Guess what. Our poor girl was rejected once again
JiHo stands up with her cushion and walks back behind the line. “I danced for you!” She points at Mark. “I acted cute for you!” She points at Jungwoo. “And this is what I get?” The girl actually looks a little agitated which prompted in Jungwoo hugging her and apologising, but she pushes him away. “Whoever my partner is, he and I will end your team.” She threatened while raising her brow. But she only manages to look cute, because she still has a pout very evident on her lips. The tall boy cooed at her and patted her head before walking back to his chair.
Finally Taeyong takes his place on the seat. Once he turned around he could only see Jaehyun and Doyoung sitting back at the line, making a heart with their arms together. A look of despair washed over his face for a quick second before he realises JiHo wasn’t there anymore.
“Where’s JiHo?” He asked and the boys motioned him to turn around once again. When he does he finds JiHo holding her hands up in a heart above her head. “I’ve been rejected twice by those men there.” She points towards Jungwoo and Mark. “And now Doyoung has betrayed me as well. So please be my partner.” Her tone is slightly sad and Taeyong nods and pulls her into a hug.
My heart! :’( She wanted to be in a team with Doyoung from the start, how could he betray JiHo like that!
“Let’s win this!” JiHo yelled, a smile finally finding it’s way back on her face after she found a partner.
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That was all for today’s video! Thank you so much for watching! 
Side Note: This post is inspired by a post by @nct-aria​. They’re an amazing NCT addition blog, which I definitely recommend you check out.
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xsamuu · 4 years
HEYYYYY!! I saw your ask box was open and I was wondering if I could request a headcanon? Where the reader is in a massive fight with a friend they haven't seen for like 3 years and the friend takes it too far by saying something like "That's your boyfriend? How gross" "Ew why does he look like that? Couldn't grab someone better? Ugly ho" or whatever you come with? Tendou, Bokuto, Kenma, Kags, Nishinoya please, if you will?
I screeched when I saw this omg thank you I hope this is up to your standards bebs 😼👍🏾 but uh I should say some did come out a little bit like scenarios but I tried to stick to headcanons sorry for that still hope you enjoy 🎃😼
~Admin Rizzo
Tendou Satori
-you was minding your own business walking through a park your hands intertwined with your lover when a ✨m u s t y✨ old friend you knew had decided to share there unwanted opinions
-Tendou could see how uncomfortable you was and wanted to remove you from the situation but as he went to walk around the obstacle you stopped dead in your tracks
-“That’s who your with oh my god that’s fucking gross, I guess you’ll hook up with anyone you thot”
-It’s safe to say that tendou had come up with thousands of insults by the time the slur left there mouth
-Who even was this person?— WAIT WHO THEY CALLING A THOT?!
-you wasn’t a very confrontational person but nevertheless you wasn’t about to let this person who wasn’t even in your day to day life anymore talk smack about your man
-you went to retaliate when a big arm swooped around your shoulder catching you off guard
-“Babe lets go I wanted to bring you to the park today not a circus” 🤡
-Needless to say your ‘friend’ was shocked and maybe a little intimidated
-You on the other hand had to summon all the strength in your body not to laugh in there face
-With his arm still wrapped around he moved you away from the situation the both of you quickly changing the subject to something more important
Bokuto Kōtarō
-Bokuto loves spoiling you
-your the love of his life and he will make sure you know this not only through his words but also his actions
-this however works both ways there isn’t something you wouldn’t do to show him how much you support and love him
-You was sitting in the crowd at one of his games it was a very important one winning this match would definitely get him recognized by some powerhouse teams
-every time he would score a point for his team he would look up at you and every time you would be there imitating his celebration “HEY HEY HEY THATS MY ACE” You felt only pride and absolute infatuation with this man
-you was cheering your heart out when you suddenly felt someone bump your shoulder (a little too hard to be an accident—)
-You swung your head around only to come face to face with an old friend from middle school they looked bitter asf and your conscience was telling you to just ignore them
-“Oh you have nothing to say to me now Huh? I see your at another one of these boring ass games I thought you didn’t have time for people?”
-It’s true at one point you did say that but you didn’t think you’d loose one of your closest friends because of it even so you continue to ignore them hoping they’d get the message and leave
-they didn’t.
-“So you and number 4 are together I’m assuming. I guess ugly attracts ugly”
-immediately you saw red but you couldn’t ruin this for bokuto important people were here. As if he could sense your distress he shot his eyes up to where you were in the stand
-He called a time out, and started running out the gym everyone was confused but when he reappeared in the stands you knew all to well that he had caught on
-“Babe I just noticed your supposed to be closer to the match your an important guest” he smiled you mouthed him a thank you and gathered your things walking a few rows closer to the front
-Thankfully Akaashi was there looking up at you distracting you. The owllike man glared at your old friend “I don’t know what you did to Y/N but you better leave before you have another problem”
-When you looked back your ex friend was nowhere to be seen you giggled as bokuto gave you a big kiss before returning to the court
Kozume Kenma
-Kenma isn’t a contentious person in fact he would much rather settle an issue in the most inconspicuous way possible
-Even so if he feels that him or his partner was disrespected in anyway he will not hesitate
-You and Kenma was at a gaming convention you had been planning since the beginning of February (it’s now late April)
-You had sat through the entrance ceremony and was walking around admiring all the stalls and you were both having so much fun
-Kenma had left you for a split second to get someone’s autograph it was the animator from a game he played religiously you didn’t mind you stayed put and was scrolling through your phone
-“Long time no see y/n” you lifted your head to the sound of your name being called and made perfect eye contact with an old ‘friend’
-If you were being completely honest you hated them all they did was make you feel like an inferior insect whenever you two were together you hummed a ‘yo’ before going back to your phone
-“Still a quiet freak eh LuLu I guess you here on your own or something”
-Lulu was the name of a magical girl from a cartoon you used to love but upon finding out people would use it to mock and degrade you
-you was gonna walk away the ridiculous nickname when you heard a familiar voice
-“no y/n is with me and you are?” It was a genuine question but anyone who didn’t know Kenma would take his pack of expression as bored or sarcastic
-The person scoffed and pointed accusingly at Kenma “That’s who your with LuLu you couldn't do any better HE’S JUST AS LIFELESS AS YOU ARE”
-You tugged on Kenma sleeve motioning to just leave as you felt uncomfortable but Kenma wasn’t having it you had been so excited to be here and with him and this nobody came out of nowhere and started harassing you
-“Listen um going to say this in a way you could understand— he smirked at you and then opened his mouth again
-What escaped his mouth next left you shocked, scared, a little embarrassed for him even but mostly touched
-he cleared his throat
-“lifeless. I’m not lifeless in fact I have a burning hatred for you right now. And that why I feel no guilt in what I’m about to do.”
-You gulped and held on tighter to kenma’s sleeve mentally preparing yourself for what he was about to do
-“YoU HaTe LuLu’S tRanSforMatiOn sOng?!” He practically shouted. Instantly a horde or gamers, writers, weebs and more bombarded the area shouting and screaming and causing a scene
- From all the commotion it’s sounded like your ‘friend’ was ok but some of the words leaving the mouths of the mob were kinda cruel
-you smirked and Kenma led you away
-You know he doesn’t like being the center of attention but he still protected you and for that you’d be sure to thank him for that
Kageyama Tobio
-Kags never really liked leaving you behind when he had to go to different countries
-without you it made him anxious and you would reassure him that you’d be fine and eagerly awaiting his return
-Including the return of his big, fat juicy—
Ahem heart 🙂
-You had been sitting in a café Face Timing him
-You’d often have dates like this and you both enjoyed them you was talking to him when someone took up a seat next to you
-“Hey Y/n funny running into you here” a familiar voice echoed
-A w k w a r d you hadn’t seen or heard from this person since a fight you had a couple years ago why now?
-You had nearly forgotten about your boyfriend on the other side of your iPad screen until “Oh you bought a friend y/n”
-you was at a loss for words but before you could answer the unwanted annoyance to your left answered for you
-‘We’re not friends y/n cut me off because she’s toxic” it took kageyama a solid 10 seconds to realize that this wasn’t a real friend and that you were silently asking for help
-You rested your head in hand obscuring the person from kags field of vision therefore blocking there vision of your face and boyfriend
-hoping they’d get the message without you having to vocalize it
-they stood up and you let out a breath you didn’t know you was holding
-“I wasn’t checking out your friend don’t worry he isn’t my type I prefer cute boys” they spat
-Before you could even assess the fact that they pretty much called your boyfriend ugly you was already pissed at the fact that they referred to kags as your friend
-you stood up abruptly and it’s like they were waiting for you to loose your cool all hope was lost when you heard him clear his throat
-“[there Instagram name] Damn you was easy to find. I liked you post”
-You felt a tinge of confusion race through you but watching all the blood in there body rush to your friends face made you curious
-“DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW” people were definitely looking in your direction
-“Leave then I will” Now you was curious what the help did he do?
-seconds, literal seconds. The annoyance was nowhere to be seen
“I shared there IP address in the comments :p”
- “PFFT kAgS!”
Nishinoya Yū
-Noya made sure that you felt like the only person in the world before he asked you out, so when you started dating you didn’t think he could get any more protective over you
-You was sitting in the cinema with him both smiling and listening on to the movie
-He fidgets a lot in his seat but you dont mind you know he cant help it besides you find it cute he is just so full of energy
-“Babe imma go to the toilet be right back” he kissed your cheek and left
-you continue to watch the movie until you feel someone slither into the seat next to you and hearing the voice your your temples irks and your expression one of annoyance
-One of your ex friends for how many years ago had to be in the same theatre at the same time on the SAME FUCKING DAY
-they didn't seem like they were moving so you just spoke first
- “can i help you.?” 
-No response :/
-You were even more irritated than before
-Noya came back a few minutes later and noticed another person had sat right next to you 
-Noya is dense VERY VERY DENSE he assumed you ran into one of your friends so he didn't question it
-After the movie finished you grabbed your things and rushed to get out of that situation
-The same person had finally said something after a whole hour
- “That’s who you came with.. You really know how to pick em an annoying toddler really Y/n your honestly pathetic--”
-It didn’t bother Noya he has been called short all his life this isn’t any different but this rando was obviously upsetting you and he would NOT have that
-Noya would step infront of you and confront the person they get a warning 
-one fucking warning 
-If they don’t take it i shit you not noya is going for the ankles periodt
-Noya looked like the aggressor and its safe to say he may have caused a scene but he would be a fool not to step in and protect you with all you got
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worldcakecakecake · 3 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth,  we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule,  go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to  be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71 I Chapter 72 I Chapter 73 I Chapter 74 I Chapter 75 I Chapter 76 I Chapter 77 I Chapter 78 I Chapter 79 I Chapter 80
Look! A chapter! HOOZA! SO DARN CLOSE OMG! Yes, like always, I apologize for taking so long, tons of things, as usual. I hope the chapter makes do for it...I guess. Enjoy!
                                                              Chapter 81
And celebration rang, with shouts and applauses, the swing of flags and surviving weapons decorating the field in wonderful splendor. Some jumped, danced, complete strangers embraced one another or even kissed in the passion of lovers. Roderich and Francis couldn’t help but to cry, Elizabeta, Lili and Vash embracing them…not long before they joined in the same tears. Alfred took as many as he could in for the largest group hug he intended to make, much to Arthur’s distaste of being squeezed between many of his people. As Yao was trying to find his escape, he bumped into Ivan, who proceeded to take him into a large embrace, the very one the Spadian Jack was trying to avoid. Yet as Ivan took his lip…he didn’t find himself minding any longer. He wrapped his arms around the Clubian King’s neck and let himself that beautiful bliss.
 The three Heartian royals stood alone in this sudden feast. Feliciano had already commanded that none were to come close, and so they yet remained in their field were Khaos’s last traces had been, still in the same silence that had welcomed them when Khaos was at last officially defeated.
 “What are we waiting for?” Kiku asked, because indeed that was what it felt like they were doing, especially with Feliciano looking on as if…expecting someone to come.
 “Is this about that one thing you asked us to protect? That Khaos had?” Feliciano nodded to Ludwig, taking steps forward, right towards this sun rise. Ludwig and Kiku stayed behind and watched, giving Feliciano some space to breathe and focus.
 “…he’s here,” he whispered after the silence he wanted was reached.
 It wasn’t a message for Ludwig, for Kiku, for anybody there.
 “…he’s here…I know he’s here…” he whispered on, a hand reaching so it could focus on one spot.
 The wind that blew now was different, the energy that came ancient, along with the magic and form that even to Ludwig and Kiku, felt as the arise of a person. And there, in a sudden flash, there was a red ball of fire, fitting along with the sun, potent and shinning to them like another burning star.
 Feliciano sighed, smiled…and even began to cry. “He’s here…He’s here…” he still repeated.
 Something suddenly changed in the air, like an earthquake…but nothing shook, nothing trembled, magic and energy just rained, at first, invisible, like a force that brought everyone to silence as their eyes came to the Heartian royals, to the center of what was occurring. Then there was flashes of light, golden and glittering, blowing and seeming to scream into the skies. Feliciano was engulfed in it, in fact, from him it turned larger, a calming fire blazing, arising into the skies, taking the whole field, in beautiful reds and golds that the Heartian Queen helped to make tall, letting his halo, his marks, his wings, shine on up. It was a storm that reminded them of when Khaos had first turned, but this…although powerful and indeed fearsome at first, it was gentle, caring, a beauty that instead of turning away all, it brought and made them aw in a combine admiration. A form became evident, gigantic and towering, with flowers, jewels and silk to cover…her…in grace. From the rains of this colorful and royal feast, she came, showing herself in all her pure form. She was as high as Khaos had been, looking down to all her people with deep fondness in large ruby eyes. Ah, she was gorgeous. Her curled hair fell down to her knees, crowned with a large golden pillar halo that matched well with the specks of gold in her long red dress, tainted like stars, like constellations.  Her skin was marked in long lines of vines and symbols, identical to the ones Feliciano held. They also shared a set of wings, although hers were with a hint of rose, much larger, surely to extend to the next mountains if she spread them open. And then the structure of her face, her smile…Feliciano, Lovino, Renata and all the rest of the Valenti knew she was family. For a moment, they were reminded of Augusto and understood then why he had the perfect namesake. Even as she stood gigantically over them, especially when she kneeled, her reach to the ground soft like wind, none were intimidated, all smiled and welcomed the presence of an Ace.
 “…Nonna Augusta,” Feliciano greeted her so meekly once the release was completed.
 She looked to him with deep fondness, kneeling and bringing her head much closer to his. Ludwig and Kiku were startled slightly back at being right before a large face like this, if even so beautiful.
 “Feliciano…” and she smiled with a ring that surely brought music to the whole valley, “l’hai fatto.” He shook at the realization once again…completed and fulfilled. “A mission that I set upon a thousand years ago, one in which the state of your world and mine was held at a delicate balance. I harbored power through my family, generation by generation, until it was with you that the next alignment found itself with. It was much to put that responsibility on only you, so young and still so new to a ruling of a kingdom. Yet, it was by your hand that it was done. With a belief and effort that I was proud to witness, see it grow and now…I watch as it shines.” Feliciano blushed, so intense that he wanted to hide it, not being able to continue his stare with his great grandmother.
 “Of course, I also owe congratulations and compliments to the King and Jack.” Ludwig and Kiku startled, more so when this great Ace bowed to them. “Your own growth, I paid attention to, and it is worthy of your position.” And they couldn’t answer, as nervous and blushing as Feliciano. “And the others…” she turned to meet their gazes in the crowd, their knees shaking and eyes widened as if taking blame. She couldn’t help the chuckle. “Brave you have been, courageous and a great loyalty shown to your kingdom. Your respective Ace I know is just as proud.” They wanted to faint from the honor. Even Alfred was left speechless and without a high comment to say.
 “And your people, who without every piece of help they could give…we would not stand victorious here now. I thank you all. You have brought to this world a peace that has never been, new and promising. Darkness has disappeared and now light will always be prominent.” Shy cheers and applauses spread, part of the crowds wanted to remain respectful, as presentable as possible for an Ace. Augusta partly rolled her eyes at it, Feliciano giggled at such a human presentation. It was just the ring that brought her giant gaze back to him again.
 “You have freed me from your vessel. No doubt you learned it in the Eternal Reserved.” Feliciano nodded sheepishly, worried that perhaps it was something she had not wished.  “Why so?” She asked and for a moment Feliciano forgot every single language he knew. He needed a moment to bring his words back, leaving a silence that left everyone else with tension.
 “I know…you would want to meet him again in person…” was all he could utter.
 Ah…of course.
 Her expression suddenly changed to something so unsure and weak, a pain that had been there for thousands of years presented. She then turned to the small ball of fire that Feliciano had brought only minutes ago. It looked so insignificant and small to all, yet for her, who reached and engulfed it in the palm of her hand with care, love deep in her eyes, making her flourish the more, it was a worth higher than any gold. She smiled, with a hint of a lake forming in her eyes, standing once again to bring this light closer to her heart. There, between folds of satin, lay the most prominent and beautiful of all the designs on her body. Feliciano could recognize it as the most ancient Heart symbol and the light fitted perfectly to its art.
 “Romulus…Romulus…” she prayed his name in relief, caressing it as if he was fully there.
 He was…he was truly there.
 Ludwig and Kiku exchanged glances with wide eyes and mouths.
 “You have to thank Ludwig and the Beilschmidts,” and he turned to his husband with such pride, like he was the one that did the magic. Ludwig startled and for a moment didn’t understand his part in it. “They carried his soul along, for just the time that you passed through my lineage. It was corrupted…and you saw how Khaos used it for his own purpose.” A dark memory that brought gruesome shivers to Ludwig. He turned his attention to Augusta’s light and suddenly it was gone. “But he learned to control it, to fight against it…and together we purified it…united it with another part Khaos still held and he is now…with you.” Feliciano was joyous, and he knew his great grandmother more so, letting the light bounce and letting herself laugh. Truly a wonder.
 “Oh, Feliciano. I could give you the whole world for doing all of this…and in fact.” There was indeed a reward that was to be given, and released or not, she would make do Feliciano received it. She extended her large arm long, closed her eyes, and called forward a strong magic, potent and surely meant to break apart the very line that divided their world from others. It was the kind of power that not even Feliciano knew or didn’t think he would ever reach enough to master. This was portal opening, Augusta with an ease creating a large window enough to give her enormous frame passage. Other than just an opening, the edges were decorated and strengthened with beautifully carved pillars, pots and statues that rained on magic and light, with flowers vines of red and gold that bloomed before their eyes and seemed to dance at the welcome of their Ace. Inside its frame was just light, reflecting and glimmering in pinks wonderfully. What was on the other side, they couldn’t see, but it awaited them patiently, yet the three royals were hesitant, as if a bar was still being held in front of them.
 Augusta smiled at them, “come.” A barefoot went easily in, just as the waters and dives Feliciano remembered from the Interludes. She let her whole body go in its taking, with her dress, hair, wings and halo. A single hand gave a final wave to all her people and she was gone, only leaving behind the light of the portal. Kiku, Ludwig and Feliciano were yet frozen…but Feliciano was the one to take a deep breath and dared to be the first to take a step. It was just like the interludes…there was nothing to fear. It was the example and leadership Ludwig and Kiku followed, matching along together to be granted passage as a single force.
 Feliciano recognized this feeling of going between, the feel as if water purifying you into a new world, while Kiku and Ludwig were startled at this wonderment, almost tripping in their welcome. With the change of the portal, Ludwig and Kiku were granted their very own form. Both with reddish and golden marks, wings, Ludwig’s a darker red while Kiku’s were almost orange. They shone with strong halos, of fire, heavy surely if it was back in their own world…but here it was as light as another strand in their hair. Their clothes turned into richness and beauty as the very ones Augusta had shown herself in, to the style of their province, making clear their origins, the three making quite a trio as they stood above a stage that put them to look below to what this world was.
 They were left breathless, almost fainting at the colors, the sound of the creatures that roamed freely and confident, palaces and palaces, piling up, shinning with the rarest of crystals and forms, with water, routes, trees and flowers cascading down to different floating islands. Clouds and mist seemed to grant them this flight, this place in between the folds of the universe, perfect like heaven.
 “What…what…” Kiku tried to word but was still too taken to really continue what he meant to ask.
 “What is this place?” Ludwig somehow managed to reach.
 “The heavens,” And Augusta appeared beside them, not gigantic, but matching with their own statures, yet still decorated as beautifully. She placed comforting and welcoming hands on their shoulders, leading them, with the way she practically flew forward, telling them to follow her. She easily went over the precipice, with each step creating a path of golden bricks, shaped with clouds and shine, a hint of pink to them that the three royals couldn’t resist their own step towards.
 They passed well-turned spirits and souls, riding happily on the backs of dragons, phoenixes or St. Marks, each animal decorated just as gorgeously as their human counterparts. They spotted trees and flowers that they had never seen before, overflowing from roofs, some even floating, in the control of those who wanted to make them fly or make them sprinkle the air.
 Feliciano had to try and remember every detail, every portrait, every scene painted on walls, the capture of statues, or nature in vases, bricks, sidewalks, glasses and crystals reflecting more whatever shine decided to present itself as they walked on.
 The deeper they went, the more came to gather, shouting, congratulating, in an array of different languages, some their own but as it was spoken two hundred years ago. From their wear, their marks, their wings or halos, they saw people from a span of many years, Feliciano recognizing many of their clothes from old paintings.
 Augusta continued to lead them through this celebration, floating them through the streets, the golds, between arches of sapphire, pillars in diamonds and green vines coming alive through every wall. Even as the songs and shouts were directed at them, the three royals, taken still by what they saw, couldn’t raise their hands, couldn’t utter a word, their eyes still occupied taking every detail, every movement, every color. Augusta kept leading them through crevices and wondrous corners, until she could expose them to surely the four largest palaces in the realm.
 Nothing in their world could compare to their tallness, their majesty, shine and as Augusta laid them back on the ground, right before the road that could lead to her red and golden one, the three royals felt unworthy to step on such a pavement. They were left no other choice as Augusta blew away with ease the road for them she had created, bringing them to the center of this feast, to the loudest of all the cheers, and also the very center of their universe. They noticed then three beings come, one in blue, the other green, and one in yellow. Even as they stood in their same stature, the Heartians could feel nothing but power and magic from them, almighty and way above whatever reaches they could reach even when they were right there. They knew they were the other Aces. Artem, Maiara and Jabbar. They came to meet their fellow sister…who they hadn’t seen like this in surely centuries. In an act that was utterly human, they all came into an embrace, together, in an union that Feliciano swore he could see their entire world shine in. Augusta let herself go to introduce forward the royals chosen for her own kingdom, the three surely shaking and with eyes of enchantment…but also panic. They bowed, as low to the ground, kneeled and hands extended as they were taught in the very rare case they were in front of all four Aces.
 “No need, stand.” Artem commanded, and quick, like they had been scolded, they stood, precise and orderly. “No such greetings are needed.”
 “It is us that should bow,” Maiara reminded as she started, the rest of the three following in her lead, their thanks large as their knees reached the ground and their hands came to them in reverence.
 They wanted to say something…wanted to tell them that it was not necessary…they didn’t deserve this, shown as if Aces themselves. Despite everything, they were still only human, not beings that created this entirety. Yet…it was an honor…one that strained their words and their actions, embarrassingly only standing there agape…it was only Feliciano who began to cry, having to put his arms to himself to try and keep his feelings under some kind of control. “Oh, please, please stop! Stand!” He in the end had to shout at them.  And all four rose up with smiles and laughter.
 “You have saved your world,” Jabbar continued.
 “And through it, our own, here in the Heavens,” Augusta spread her arms to show it, even to the souls that celebrated and cheered from their heights, in their celestial homes and days. Truly beauty, a jewel, shinning eternally in colors that now Feliciano really hoped he could remember to sketch it all to his memory.
 “As well as the Interludes, the very passage and line that balances all our worlds. If it wasn’t for your actions…all of it could have been gone,” Artem continued. “It still stands, by your efforts.”
 Maiara then chuckled, “with the use of wisdom, your power, the trust you placed not only on one another, but your people had on you.”
 “And above all, love being the driving force that stood against all. Ludwig, Feliciano, your love truly defeated Khaos,” Augusta resonated some words Augusto had said himself. Ludwig and Feliciano blushed, turning towards one another wanting more than ever to kiss and hug each other in that very love that won this war. Oh, if Augusto…that reminded Feliciano. He turned and looked towards whatever floating islands, to whatever rush of people…hoping to find those familiar curls he himself inherited.
 “Feliciano!” Came that known shout.
 Just like that, Feliciano was almost on the ground from the force his grandfather greeted him in, his embrace just the same, with celebration and pride that just had to be showcased even before the Aces. Of course, Kiku and Ludwig couldn’t be left out from it. Once Augusto made the space, he took both the King and Jack to the same embrace, laughing and practically dancing in circles.
 How they have missed these joyous little feasts between themselves, loud and happiness glowing for all to witness.
 “I’m so proud, so proud for all of you. You have done amazing!” He shouted, going as far as to even kiss Ludwig and Kiku, both left dumbfounded at such an action, but they smiled at it and took it as but another way to shout celebration. Feliciano hanged himself over him, laughing and letting himself be that child that long ago used to do just that. In heaven, before the Aces, it didn’t matter. He would let everyone know how much he loved and how dear was his grandfather to him.
 But his grandfather wasn’t alone, with him came tailing a whole group, wearing all similar wears of reds and golds, a symbol that they all shared, proof of being Heartian, Italian, and more specifically, Valenti.
 “Oh! Vieni! Vieni! You have to meet your family!” He pulled Feliciano and the rest to this large crowd, all with the famous Valenti curls, from blondes to brunettes, even an occasional red-head. From distinct and strong facial features, to the simple ones like his own. Some were very tall, others beautifully plum, some, whether men or women, had short hair above their ears, others had none, or some had it falling down their back. It was all to the styles of the times they were born into. Feliciano was shy to meet them, even if indeed they were all family, but it was unexpected, it was too much…yet he didn’t mind giving his greetings, hugging even some he had heard much about, going on with random chats as if they had known each other all their lives. The Aces didn’t mind this, they let Feliciano this reunion with his family…it would be good persuasion with what they were about to offer.
 “Feliciano,” Augusta called him forward, open arms, and Feliciano rushed to it, not at all hesitating in the hold he took of her hands. Warm, comforting and like home. Augusta shook them and suddenly she found herself nervous to say what she wanted. But a turn to the Aces, a nod, an approval, and of course, a hurry and excitement, and Augusta turned to her great grandson determined.
 “Feliciano, what you have done, is deserving of an award.”
 “Nonna, really, you don’t-”
 “Amore, please let me…I promised this and it is something you must come along and take.” A deep breath, a silence suddenly coming, no one daring to disturb the words of an Ace. It was quite eerie how the entire heavens just fell silent for this. “As I have told, as I prophesied and the other Aces and I have made ready for centuries…in the hopes that Khaos was indeed defeated…” she breathed, she prepared, “Feliciano…you must come to live with me in the heavens now and become…” she turned, pulling him them closer to the road that will lead to her palace, all of a sudden presenting itself with more shine. “The new Ace of Hearts.”
 Suddenly, angels came, marching like an army, only to decorate the road, raising flags upon flags to decorate in welcome, surely for a pathway they wanted the Heartian Queen to take.  Some played drums and trumpets, added then with the cheer of the crowds, already celebrating as if Feliciano had already passed the palace gates…making it officially his new home. Then, a creature, a St. Mark walked towards him, having journeyed from the Heartian Ace palace. This one was large, majestic, decorated with more jewels, with armors that could go against meteors and surely with a roar that could cause earthquakes in his world. It was Fabius, Augusta’s own St. Mark like Pookie was to Feliciano. The lion, now small, cowered on Feliciano’s shoulder, intimidated by this one…even if it was his father. The St. Mark bowed to Feliciano and the Queen did so back, the creature seeming to smile and shine along with the celebration, moving aside for when Feliciano came forward. Augusta cuddled herself towards him and the Lion, no matter how godly, leaned towards her in the same devotion.
 Ludwig and Kiku on the other hand, stilled, the news only downcasting them, not even the feast around them enough to bring them back into light. Ludwig…tried hard to hide how already he was breaking apart inside, defeated…like he had already lost Feliciano over a precipice he would never reach for him again.
 He knew…he knew this would happen…he knew this would come…if what they wanted occurred…this was to be the next step, the finality that settled everything and made an ending to this story. It’s one of the reasons he had tried to keep him apart after the eight year gap, why he refused to accept his feelings as well as Feliciano’s, refusing any kind of advance so Feliciano could accept it all as he deserved.
 He had wanted this not to hurt, he sometimes liked to daydream that he would applaud and only wave Feliciano some sort of goodbye that will settle well for an eternity. He would turn and march on with a smile on his face. But here now…he couldn’t move, couldn’t say a word but shake and try to hold down the tears that surely wanted to burst and reveal the moment of weakness this was. Kiku must have noticed…he must be feeling the same way, and they gazed between one another in a moment of understanding and trying to reach some comfort.
 “Should we…?” Kiku surely questioned if there was a way to stop this, to place themselves as a hold to what this future could be. Ludwig, with a deep breath, looked away, ready as if to leave that instant away from the heavens. Suddenly it didn’t hold the same charm anymore.
 “No…this is…this is…the greatest award that could be given. Glory that Hearts, our world, neither we can ever match with,” he sighed, still trying to make himself believe those words. “We will congratulate him…and leave.” And Ludwig, without even looking at Kiku, could just feel his utter refusal, but in part he did have to agree with those words, instead, hiding to himself whatever he meant to say, what he meant to act.
 “He’ll…he’ll make a great Ace…at least we’ll know were under right guidance…and the balance of the universe is in good hands.” This was goodbye and there was not more to be done.
 As Ludwig tried to take a last grasp of his husband between the still celebrating multitudes…he only wished he could properly say goodbye…hold him and kiss him one last time before anything…but by the looks of it…it didn’t seem likely. He sighed and accepted that whatever glimpses he could get would be the last he would have of him.
 Yes…to Feliciano…this was all glorious. The floating islands, the wonderful colors, the magic, the richness of these palaces and castles, of the roars of the people around him. Yes…it was an eternal celebration that would keep him mighty for eons. He thought about how he still possessed the hand of creation, looking down to his hands as if already he could see everything he could bring alive…whole new worlds, cosmos and universes extending far beyond this one. Yet in that expanse…he spotted clearly the bearing gems. Two identical ones on each side of his hands…both shinning like their own sun, lighting and bringing life to a world…he had promised someone he would help create. It was in that moment he turned to Ludwig…who refused to meet his eyes, yet he saw sorrow in them that Feliciano shared in, suddenly the colors and music greying and lifeless to him. Those around him easily saw how his smile disappeared, and the shine in his eyes was gone. They silenced at such display, giving him space, thought, and the Aces could show their question as to why he know saddened when he was at the center of such an opportunity. Feliciano was scared to utter these words, here at the mercy of the Aces…but he had to insist, had to make them understand.
 “And…if I don’t want to?” He placed the idea, one that surprised all, not thinking that it would be something that Feliciano would dare consider when what they would give they thought would be above whatever Hearts had.
 “Feliciano, these are the heavens, a position as an Ace, with riches and everything you want at your fingertips. Why would there be a reason to deny?” Augusta tried to persuade.
 “Who’s going to take care of my children?”
 Augusta widened as if she was just finding out…when in reality…she had completely forgotten about that detail, having to reconsider, organize, with a glance to the other Aces and they quickly came to another decision.
 “They shall be born here and stay with you.”
 “Away from their father? From their grandparents…their family…their home. Leave everything behind as if it was all nothing…”
 A long silence before Jabbar dared speak, “Are you truly only speaking about the children? Or is this about yourself?” With how Feliciano widened, it made sure that Jabbar hit straight to what the Queen felt.
 “Yes…it’s also what I feel.” Here he turned to his Jack and King, a large smile that showed true to a promise. “This…this place is beautiful. A dream, a wonder, this chance…rare…perhaps I would be the only one for centuries to come that will be granted something like this…yet…” he began to walk towards his friend, his husband, no one around him daring to intrude his sure and set path. “Hearts…the world…mean so much to me. Enough it is my heaven, my place. It is home.” Now he stood right in front of them, his words now for them to hear. “When I was born…you saw someone in me that could save the world…but you also gave me a position, you gave me a duty as the Queen of Hearts.” Close yet to his Jack and King, he turned to face the Aces again. “Many times…I doubted it…I had wished and prayed that it wouldn’t be my destiny…I even tried to run away from it once…but now I see that it is my place, it is my calling…it will be wrong of me to turn away from it now…” He grasped one hand of Kiku, another of Ludwig’s. “My reign is still so young…there is still so much I can do in Hearts, so much I can help the whole world with, so much I should be there for. Nonna Augusta…you’re back again…the position is for you as the universe intends.” He hoped they understood, he hoped he wasn’t creating an offence, wasn’t disrespecting. But as Kiku and Ludwig grasped their own hold on their Queen’s hand…Feliciano smiled and suddenly stood higher, understanding then…there was no need to worry for any spite of gods. He knew then that they were in no position to react such a way against them, especially after saving their worlds.
 His next words had a confidence as tough as the pillars and gold the buildings here were made of. “I want to stay in Hearts. I want to stay with my people. I want to stay with my Jack…and I want to stay with my husband.” The devotion, the utter love these two exchanged, made all the four Aces realize that they were naïve to think that Feliciano would chose a life away from this man. “I know my place…and it is with my family.”
 To his surprise, the Aces smiled between one another, a new energy spread…and it wasn’t bad or punishing. Augusto began to chuckle, the rest of the Valenti there joining him, with laughs that shared joy across all the souls present.
 “Very well then…you will stay to finish your reign in Hearts,” Artem spoke in decision.
 “When it is done, and you have lived your life as any Queen, you will be welcomed here,” Maiara continued.
 “The same shall await you then, and Ludwig, Kiku and every important member in your life shall all have a safe assurance of an afterlife here,” Jabbar said.
 “Till then, we will await you. Now, we wish you farewell, a wondrous life to give to the world and to your family,” Augusta wished, coming over to give an embrace that to Feliciano was just like those of his family. He enjoyed from this warmth, wrapping his own arms around her as echoes of new celebration began to ring. In this hold, Feliciano released magic that had been weighted on him since birth…the hand of creation. In a wonderful swirl of platinum and gold, it was transferred back to Augusta. She splendored more in its shine as it placed her back as creator and superior goddess. When it was finished, she welcomed in the rest of the Valenti, and Feliciano enjoyed the most from his grandfather, surely to be the last for a long time. He had his chance to give his own to his grandmother, Helena, who he had never had the chance to meet in his world…he saw a lot of her in Lovino…and suddenly he already missed him and his nephew.
 “Go and live,” his grandfather wished, and with those words, Feliciano had to tearfully let go of them, turning to then place them with Ludwig, who grasped Feliciano…relieved beyond however he had felt before. Without a care on who stared, where he was…he spun Feliciano to have him in front, hands adjusted on his waist, to pull him into a kiss, strong, magical, these forms giving it a touch that made sparks surely glow all around them. When they released and looked into their eyes…Feliciano truly saw that he had made the right decision. Ludwig raised his hands and let his fingers caress on the jewels…excited and hoping for a bright future with a new family just for them.
 Any threats were away…Ludwig could now celebrate the coming of his own children…and that he was to return to Berlin with Feliciano.
 Augusta smiled and opened her arms to create a portal, this one small, just the space for all three of the Hearts royals to make their passing back home. Kiku waved his goodbye before he rushed through. Ludwig and Feliciano refused to let go of their hands, determined to pass together. Ludwig had begun his engulfing, but Feliciano spared a last glance back…
 The last he saw was celebration still ringing, chorus surely sang and orchestras played, the Aces watching them leave dutifully and then beside Augusta…the light, the one Feliciano had saved from the cage of Khaos, as well as with power from Ludwig…it began to grow, large enough until it was a figure as Augusta. It began to clear, it began to come alive…and for the first time Feliciano had seen what his great grandfather Romulus actually looked like.
 Dark hair in silk waves, the same that was on his beard, but despite it, Feliciano could see a long and strong face, handsome, it slightly reminded him of Lovino. Green eyes, likes leaves and grass, a stature, a smile, a last gratitude to his own grandson before he turned to his long missed wife. They held to each other with all the strength needed for centuries. What more they would do, Feliciano didn’t see, he had passed through, everything beginning to erase in bright light.
 He left behind the heavens to return home. 
 - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
Next chapter is the very last...oh boy.
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lady-of-all-cards · 4 years
Ikemen Revolution: Headcanon - When the Red Army Officers Fall Ill
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution Characters: Lancelot Kingsley, Jonah Clemence, Edgar Bright, Kyle Ash, Zero Pairings: N/A Summary: One day, an officer falls ill with a terrible cold. Will they suffer through their work? Or hide away in their blankets until the sickness passes?
Notes: Did I depress you enough with the last two posts? Well here is a little fun happy times to forget that I did that, because I’m not that morbid or depressing (most of the time, anyway). So, I hope this cheers the blog up a little! And of course, I hope you enjoy ^-^
1. The King of Hearts - Lancelot Kingsley 
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Lancelot is commonly ill due to his constant use of magic leading to his overexertion.
Kyle is also in on this little tidbit, so dealing with a sick Lancelot isn’t too much for him to do, especially if it’s a common cold.
But being the kind and protective man he is, Lancelot wouldn’t tell anyone of his cold as to not worry them, because this man is a considerate teddy bear!
However, our dear Gentle Demon, Edgar Bright, is far too attentive to detail, and over their early morning meeting, picks up on Lancelot’s drousiness and general unawareness of the situation around him.
Of course, to cause chaos as he usually does, he brings it up in the conversation.
Jonah goes into panic mode, fussing over Lancelot and trying to get him to, at the very least, tell them his aliments so they can help.
Zero steps forward silently and places a crimson lolipop in front of Lancelot on the desk, stepped back sheepishly.
Lancelot takes the lolipop, but doesn’t eat it.
Yet. He’ll sneak it later when Mr.Overprotective-Mother-Jonah isn’t around
Kyle finally decides to pipe up, urging Lancelot to take even an hour’s rest before continuing with his duties.
Lancelot, of course, denies that he needs that, and tries to continue the meeting they were having before.
But it’s four against one.
Jonah would back down with a single command.
Edgar would back down, but he would continously tease him about it for days to come.
Kyle wasn’t backing down. As his personal doctor, his duty was to ensure the king was in good health at every possible moment.
Zero wouldn’t back down either. He’d much rather be ill himself that see Lancelot struggling with any sickness.
And so, Lancelot is forced to yeild. Jonah and Edgar split his paperwork, supposedly an hour’s worth of it.
Zero takes up Jonah’s and Edgar’s duties in training their units.
Kyle drags Lancelot back to his room and settles him down to sleep, giving him cold medicine and painkillers.
However, when he wakes, he realises a number of things:
1. He wasn’t woken after an hour, but was left to rest for three.
2. The entirety of his paperwork for the entire day had been done by Jonah and Edgar in the hours he slept.
Although ashamed about having to rely on his subordiantes so much, Lancelot was endeared by their kindness, and awarded them all with gifts of their favourite choosing.
2. The Queen of Hearts - Jonah Clemence
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Much like Lancelot, Jonah will try to hide the fact that he’s ill, but his first mistake happens before he even wakes up…
He overslept… by an entire hour.
His sickness had hit and weakened him sometime during the night, when he opted for thinner night clothes, not expecting the chilling cold after such a comfortingly warm day.
Because of this poor judgement, Jonah’s body refused to wake up, and instead of his usual 6 AM start, he roused from his slumber at 7AM, much to his shock and distain.
It was just his luck there wasn’t a morning meeting that day due to Edgar being called away on business, and Kyle had his usual hangover, so Jonah had a moment to gather himself and actually make him presentable.
He did a good job of hiding it, but only because he stayed in his private quarters completing paperwork and eating sweet deserts that his footmen brought. There was absolutely no need whatsoever for him to leave his room.
Or so he though…
Night had passed over Cradle when he had been called to the King’s office. Edgar had gotten home slightly earlier than usual, and so the morning’s meeting had been called into place.
It seemingly wouldn’t have been a problem if the sun had been seeping through the windows, but in the glow of the Magic Crystals, Jonah’s ghostly features were illuminated fully.
At first, neither Lancelot or Edgar commented on it, opting to leave him be. It was just to late at night to be teasing…
But then… Jonah’s speech began to warp.
His sickness had progressed into a headache, and he began not thinking straight, no longer possessing the ability to rationally organise and explain his points.
However, knowing the proud Queen of Hearts would never forgive himself for ruining a meeting in such a manner, Lancelot brought the meeting to an end early, ordering his Jack and Queen straight to bed.
The next morning after a much needed sleep, Jonah woke up to painkillers and cold medicine on the bedside, with notes from his fellow officers:
Lancelot: “I noticed you were feeling off yesterday. You are given leave for as long as you need to recover. Get well soon :)”
Edgar: “Don’t push yourself, Queen. I don’t was to tease you if you’re not up to being teased.”
Kyle: “Kinda annoyed you didn’t come to me straight away. Take 10ml of medicine in the bottle three times a day and one before bed, and the painkillers once a day when you feel is necissary. And please, for the love of god, please rest.”
Zero: “Edgar told me you were sick. Don’t worry about your duties, me and him had split them while you get better, so just relax. And… here’s a lolipop. A treat from me for when you feel better!”
Although embarrassed at being caught and annoyed at some of the comments, Jonah smiled and decided that maybe it was time to take a day off to recover.
3. The Jack of Hearts - Edgar Bright
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The Jack of Hearts never gets sick. EVER.
Or so it seemed, because like most things in life, Edgar Bright was an expert in the art of both faking a sickness to get a day off, and in the art of pretending not to be sick, even though he felt like literal death inside.
It was the latter that ailed him.
For the entire day, he managed to allude detection. He cleared his mind before meetings, and switched training his soliders with one of Zero’s patrols.
Everything was fine and dandy, golden, good to go!
Until that evening, his dear student had challenged him to a duel…
See, Zero found it strange that Edgar skipped on training the new recruits that day because, although he was tough and the sessions always ended in a high workload for their doctor, it was a necessary part to strengthening their resolve.
Plus… Edgar loved playfully torturing and teasing the men of the Red Army, and did it at every chance he got.
So why not this time…?
To any onlooker (and there were quite a few), it appeared to be an even match between two high-skilled soldiers, ending in Zero disarming Edgar.
But there was no teasing.
There was no indication Edgar was truly Edgar.
But during the little sparring match, Zero found it noticably easy to defeat his teacher.
Assuming he would get teased by it to fuel Edgar’s entertainment, Zero played along with it, hoping he’d snap back to his old self real quick.
But the teasing never came…
And so Zero went to the only man who he knew could solve this problem: one Master Kyle Ash.
So, Kyle and Zero innocently dined with Edgar at dinner that night. End of story.
Or so Edgar thought.
He thought he had been in the clear that night as he walked to feed the Creek Family one last meal, but the Creeks were all sat around a small handkerchief, bearing medicine for Edgar, with a small card folded ontop.
“Get well soon, papa - the Creeks.”
It was Zero’s handwriting, he’d recognise it anywhere, but the sentiment still forced a goofy smile to his face as he reached over to pet each duck in to.
Being sick wasn’t so bad, he thought…
4. The Seven of Hearts - Kyle Ash
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The first thought Kyle had when he woke up that morning was that he had a hangover.
A totally reasonable conclusion to make, unless he was just so used to waking up with hangovers that it had become normal for him to assume that’s what his ailment was.
And everyone else assumed that also upon seeing him that morning at the breakfast table and during the morning meeting.
However, there was one who’d know the Hungover Doctor too long to be fooled by the effects of a hangover.
Lancelot had slipped Edgar a note during the meeting, and using the cover up of delievering a letter, let the Jack fulfill the true duty he intended.
Kyle never suspected a thing, too busy with his hangover and with his work to bother too much with his cold.
But when he had returned to his personal quarters than night to do some extra studying, he found a small collection of medicines and medicinal herbs, with a small note folded into a card.
“Do you even realise it yourself, Kyle? You’re sick, and I’m not just refering to your hangovers. Take 10ml of this medicine three times a day and one before bed, and you have leave to rest and recover. Try not to get intoxicated while you do so, it would help your recovery - Lancelot.”
He hadn’t noticed until then, but he was feeling drousy, he was sniffling every now and then, a cough stratched at his throat too.
And yet he smiled, knowing the Lance he knew was still kicking about, there to stand by the people of Cradle whenever, wherever.
5. The Ace of Heart - Zero
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Much like most of the boys in the RA, he’d try to hide it and continue with his usual business
His exclusion from the crimson bloodline meant that no one really paid too close attention to him, or noticed there was anything wrong.
Thinking he got away from it all, Zero doesn’t let something as simple as a cold hold him back.
However, in the blistering Cradle heat that came around the next, he began to falter.
He developed a fever when he was out training his men, and it quickly grew worse and worse with time, as he failed to attend to it.
His men finally picked up on his daze, and after their schedual came to an end, ran off to get Kyle.
In the infirmary was both Kyle and Edgar, and upon hearing the Ace was unwell, they both rushed to his room to check the damage.
Kyle was, of course, muttering curses about it, annoyed he let it go that far.
On arriving, however, they find Zero passed out over his desk, and after a quick check-up from Kyle, Edgar carries him to the infirmary for treatment.
The next morning, when Zero wakes up in the infirmary feeling a lot better than he did yesterday, he cursed his inefficientness, and tries to leave to get back to work.
But it’s King’s orders.
Zero isn’t leaving until he’s all better! The care behind the order made Zero smile as he secretly snacked on a lolipop...
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the-black-fox · 4 years
Alfred´s birthday chapter two:
 Marinette slowly woke up with a smile on her beautiful features as she listened to her parents sing to her with a melodious and soft voice "Happy Birthday".
When the song ended and she was completely awake she got out of bed to be received by her parents who gave her a warm embrace and many kisses.  
While her mother spoke up-
“Happy birthday my sweet child, your father and I will be downstairs serving the breakfast while you change, so don't take too long to be ready.”
As after soon her parents left, Marinette washed her face, styled her hair and put on a pretty dress as fast as she could and once she was ready she paused for a moment to look at the Kwamis who after all were still sleeping peacefully.
Those little gods who had provided her with so much support and advice when she had become the Guardian of the Miraculous so suddenly and at an age where she still had so many questions and so very few answers. She felt really happy to have meet and come to love them all in her life.
Apparently she had stayed a long time thinking about the Kwamis because her mother was calling her again, she was about to answer “comin mom” but she realized that maybe the noise would wake up the kawamis so she just rushed down the stairs.
When she arrived at the dining room, her parents were waiting for her with gift boxes and an appetizing breakfast, so without delay she sat down and began to eat, leaving the gifts for after the food.
Breakfast was filled with laughter and embarrassing memories from when she was still an infant. And also her gift was an amazing drawing quit.
However, in the end she was surprised that her father had put a cake on the table, because they always cut the cake at night.
Her doubt was quickly resolved when her father said -
“Sweetie, your mom and I were requested to make three wedding cakes so we may not be able to get out of the kitchen for the entire day so we would like to cut the cake now that we can.”
When she saw the fear of disappointing her in her father's eyes and the doubt in his voice, Marinette smiled like an angel and with an understanding voice she  said
“Dad, Mom, please don't worry, I have also had commissions {and duties as ladybug }  that have made me miss activities with you or my friends, so let's enjoy this little free time that we have together.”
After that, they cut the cake and her parents embraced her and told her that they couldn't ask for a better daughter than her.
When Marinette went up to her room she was wrapped in a hug formed by the little Kwamis that  began to sing to different versions of happy birthday in different languages, while other kwamis were bringing her a cake from...wait  was that a portal, Oh well, never mind.
After tikki had finished giving her little speech, it was time to eat the cake that the kwamis had baked. Marinette had no worries since she knew that many of them know how to cook and that Tikki knew what she liked, so while the kwamis looked at her with pride, she proceeded to blow the candles  and cut a slice of the cake.
To be honest, the cake was gorgeously decorated with small and complex patterns, impossible for a human hand to make but a game for the paws of the kwamis and as for its taste it was something unique and exotic, it had so many combinations of flavors and textures that she would never have imagined possible.
In a few words, the cake was something spectacular.
All the kwamis cheer to the reaction that their cake caused.And without further ado, all of them served themselves a slices of cake, eager to dig in.
The rest of the day marinette received a video call from her Nona, Adrian and several phone calls from her aunt and uncles but none from her friends. However she was not worried at all, because it was a tradition to throw her a surprise party every 2 or 3 years.
Seeing that she had nothing to do, Marinette transformed herself into her alter ego and sit on the roofs of Paris to patiently wait for her friends to call her.
A call that she waited till the sky became completely dark and the clock on her yo-yo struck 10 o'clock.
Only then she understood a heartbreaking truth, that this time her friends had really forgotten about her, not like years ago that they would only pretend to forget her on her birthday to only surprise her.
And slowly but surely she felt fat tears fall from her eyes. She heard footsteps behind her and then felt an embrace from familiar arms.
When she turned slightly around to greet the person that was hugging her,
her eyes met a pair of green, cat-shaped eyes.
“Maribug, what's the problem? Plagg told me this afternoon that you were very happy this morning.”
Upon seeing that  Adrian was really worried about her, she began to explain what was making her so sad.-
“My friends forgot me chaton, at the beginning I thought they were throwing me a surprise party but when the clock struck ten and nobody had called me, I understood that they had really forgot me”
“Maribug if there is one lesson that I have learned in all these years it´s that people sometimes forget about other people, things or even themselves, simply because they have too many thoughts or too much work to do.”
“Why are you telling me this chat?.”
“Because this morning I saw Nino while I was doing my photo shoot and he told me that since Paris is free from Hawk Moth, he is now able to make music the way he used to, and even a wave of ideas for new music has come to him after so many years of suppressing most of his emotions. And I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of our friends are doing the same.”
After the conversation chat wished her a happy birthday and a good night.
The whole night Marinette kept thinking about Adrian's words,  after all they were true, her friends were resuming activities that they had stopped doing for fear of becoming akumatized and perhaps it was true that in their emotion they had forgotten about the rest of the world.
Maybe she should do the same. Focus on herself and take a little break from everything.
When Marinette saw through her window that it was almost morning and that there was no longer any point in trying to sleep she, went downstairs to have breakfast and take a little walk in the park to stretch her legs.
When she was walking through the park, she decided to sit for a minute to contemplate the beauty of the morning.
Everything was going well, until she saw a person entering the park, and as she turned to have a good look of  the man, her eyes were met with a familiar pair of blue eyes.
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Thank you very much all of you for your support and positive messages.
If you find any grammar mistakes or anything please comment it and I will change it and remember all the constructive criticism is welcome.
I am going to do a little bonus about this chapter that will be posted throughout the week
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luna--reading · 4 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “Who is currently missing you right now?” This is a timeless reading and you are meant to see it right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 3 piles:
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Left to right: 1 - 3
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1: Enlightenment (43)
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Okay, to start, I’m feeling a strong sense that this person finally sees or understands your importance in their lives. It’s kind of like they have gone through some kind of awakening and they realise how important you are to them. So, this can be an ex or just someone who previously didn’t appreciate you (very strong feelings for both) but either way, we’ll see what the rest of the cards say. But I feel like this person suddenly realises how much you meant to them and that’s why currently they are missing you right now. So this is a very strong no-contact situation and it could be someone that you have previously cut out from your life. But let’s move on with the cards:
Tarot: 5 of Swords, The Moon, Ace of Swords, The Emperor, Page of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, Ace of Wands, 3 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
Oracle: LION // DOLPHIN // OTTER // WHALE // POTENTIAL - “Think Big” for your Future // PEACOCK - Raise your Standards // Affirmation for Healing the Heart // The Present (12) - Gift, treasure, revelation of own value, now-ness // LIGHT DANCER (24) - Illumination, the radiant self, shining soul // THE PATH OF THE GODS (2) -  Decisions, meetings, future plans
So, continuing from the beginning, I strongly feel like this person is someone who didn’t appreciate you in the past. I feel like there has been conflict with this person, there has been some untruthfulness within this connection. Whether or not you guys were in a relationship or it could be just like a friendship or with a family member, I’m feeling like you got tired of it. It’s like you have been giving in this connection but you aren’t receiving anything, and in fact, you aren’t being appreciated by this person. So, you just decided to be back in your own power, and you’ve cut off this person from your life.
I’m seeing that as you regain back your own power, this person starts to realise your worth. This person starts to regret how he/she treated you in the past, in the sense I’m getting that this person could be older than you (significantly) but he/she is acting a lot immature than you are. And in a way, he/she could be someone who is very prideful, someone who is very vain and only thinks of him/herself. I’m not necessarily seeing narcissism but this person takes you for granted is something that I see strongly in here.
Now, this can be someone who has broken your heart or just someone that you might have found yourself in a third-party situation, this is a general reading so do take what resonates. But the main characteristic of this person that I’m seeing is that they see your worth right now, they are reminiscing the past and they are actually hoping for a new beginning with you. Or just somewhat new communication, clarification, they want to bring you back into their lives (is what I’m hearing) and of course, you have the choice whether to accept or reject if they truly come back.
Because I do see a possibility that they are going to come back with a gift, with an offer, a very small offer but they hope that this might work out. It’s entirely up to you if you want to accept them but I’m just seeing that this person does see you as someone who can bring in joy and happiness into their lives. Now, this can be someone who you are working with, I’m hearing “boss” as I read the Emperor card but it can just simply be someone who is older than you but in general this person is just presenting him/herself as rather immature in regards to how they view and deal with relationships.
I feel like this person who is currently missing you right now really does see a potential with you and that in a way, I feel like they thought they would never have lost you but in fact, they did and now they are regretting and that they are hoping for a new start, a new beginning with you.
So I’m getting very strong FIRE energies (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) as well as strong EARTH energies (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) so these can be in your chart or in this person’s chart but I’m seeing someone who has very strong pride and someone who tends to not admit their mistakes because of their pride.
But in this case, I feel like as they come in, they might present themselves as indifferent like they might be a little reluctant to let down their pride to admit that they were being unappreciative towards you and I’m getting a vibe of them just simply taking you for granted (like honestly, it’s not a very positive vibe but do take what resonates) because I’m seeing that they expect you to take them back but of course, it’s entirely up to you. But darling, this is the person that I’m seeing who is missing you right now~
 Pile 2: Ask Your Soul (16)
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Okay, so what I’m getting from this card is that this is possibly someone that you are missing as well. Like I’m getting a sense of mirroring vibe, whereby this person who is currently missing you is probably the person on your mind. And I’m feeling that the both of you do have some strong spiritual connection. But let’s move in further with your cards to find out who is currently missing you right now:
Tarot: 3 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Death, The Devil, The Chariot, 3 of Swords, 9 of Wands, 6 of Wands, Strength, 6 of Swords, The Moon
Oracle: COSMIC EGG // BEAR // FIREFLY // LETTING GO - Learn to let go // Listening to Wisdom // Accept Love // SANCTUARY (28) - Privacy, inviolate personal space, respected boundaries and taboos // TIME AND TIDE (18) - Oceanic spells and rituals // THE HEALING TEMPLE (1) - Restoration, cure, safety
So, I’m getting a very strong karmic relationship. Now, I’m getting that you met this person for a very strong spiritual reason and that this connection is meant to teach you something valuable in life. Now, I’m honestly getting very strong ex vibes for this, or just someone that you might have almost gotten into a relationship with, but it’s just somewhat toxic to be honest. Or this can be a friendship or a family member. I’m getting a very toxic relationship but it’s a connection that you just can’t seem to help but go back to every time.
It’s like this person gives you the support you need and the stability that you wanted but there was constantly something that was hurting you or this connection. I’m getting that you realise that you have to move away from this connection for you to find yourself. And that is why there is this no contact, no communication at this point in time. Honestly, I feel like there is a possibility that you might find this person because there is a very strong emotional attachment here to this person and you just can’t seem to cut off completely from this person.
Darling, I want you to know that it is important for you to set healthy boundaries, if you find yourself in a situation that is no longer serving you, you have to leave in order to protect yourself, to protect your energy. You don’t always have to be around someone for security or stability, because you yourself are the biggest support system for yourself.
I see that this karmic connection is really here to teach you to learn to let go of people, of things that are no longer serving you. In fact, I feel like the angels have been constantly giving you signs on what it is that you have to let go of but you just find yourself stuck in this vicious cycle. But darling, you have to understand that this connection is meant for you to learn to let go. You might find yourself thinking about this person at this point in time because you seem to crave for that support and stability that this person can give you but then again, the angels want you to look within yourself for this particular support and stability that you are yearning for.
It’s not going to be easy to let go of this person because emotional attachment is something that we can’t seem to cut off easily but the angels want you to know that at this point in time, when you are in no communication, no contact with this person (or even if you are still in contact with this person), start by learning to set healthy boundaries. I’m really seeing that you are asked to regain some strength, to find back your strength, and to preserve as you let go of this connection.
Okay, I know I’m supposed to be describing this person that is currently missing you but I’m getting a strong message about the whole situation. So darling, I’m getting very strong Scorpio, Capricorn as well as Pisces and Cancer for this person (but do take what resonates) But darling, this person that is missing you, I feel like they are someone who can be very extreme on both ends. On one hand, this person might be someone who gives you that stability and security that you want, and that they seem to promise you a lot of things that you want but on the other hand, I feel like this person is just merely giving you false promises and that they aren’t really taking any actions.
Actually, I’m also seeing that this person kinds of have 2 sides to them, like they might appear to be very bubbly or cheerful or just outgoing to others but they might actually be mysterious, or introverted when it comes to you. On one hand, they might seem to be very confident, to be very passionate but on the other hand, this person might be faced with fears and doubts of themselves. So, it’s a very imbalanced kind of energy that I’m getting from this person.
And I feel like as of now, if you still feel very strongly for this person (especially if it’s romantic wise), I do see that you are asked to at least allow this person to heal and restore balance in their lives before coming into fruition for this connection.
Pile 3: Awakening (2)
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Okay, so I’m feeling like this person that is currently missing you right now is going through some sort of awakening at this point in time. And I'm getting that this is some sort of spiritual awakening that has been called upon when they met and interacted with you. So, in a sense it’s like upon meeting you, they were called to get in touch with their higher selves and, they are currently going through some sort of transformation in their lives as they are missing you. So I’m getting a very strong soulmate, strong soul ties with this person. But let’s see what the cards have to say:
Tarot: King of Swords, 8 of Wands, 3 of Wands, 8 of Wands, The Hierophant, 7 of Cups, The Devil, 9 of Cups, 5 of Swords, Queen of Cups
Oracle: ELK // FISH // BEE // FRIENDSHIP - Nurture your relationships // MOVING FORWARD - Get ready for positive change // Learn from life // Tears of joy and sadness // AIR (26) - Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life-bringing energies // DIVINATION (15) - Prophecies, fate, destiny, future fortune // CORAL’S WISDOM (31) - Colony, delicacy, fragility, works that are created over great periods of time // THE ANGEL GATE (9) - Cleansing, protection, blessing // AURORA GARDEN (10) - Beginning, initiate, origin // MOUNTAIN LIGHTS (29) - Light beings, portals, subtle energies
So, as I was saying, I strongly feel like this person is someone that has a very strong spiritual connection with you. Almost like the both of you had some kind of soul contract in your past life for the both of you to meet one another in this life. But I’m getting a lot of moving energy so this person could be living at a distance from you, or maybe there is some kind of situation that is preventing a physical meetup, but I’m getting that this person who is currently missing you wants to come forward, and to meet you physically.
Okay, so I’m seeing that this person might have some sort of conflict with you in the past, or just feeling like they are pretty inferior or unworthy of being with you. I feel like they see you as someone who has a lot of choices and options and that you won’t even take a glance at them and it’s kind of like I feel like there is a lot of unhealthy thoughts within this person, but upon meeting you, they go through some kind of awakening and now they are changing for the better.
I’m getting a very strong transformation from them and that they kind of want to present their better selves to you. I feel like if this person is someone who you previously were interested in and that there seems to be a possibility but everything just came to a halt, it’s because the angels are protecting you as this awakening is something that is meant to happen in this connection. And that by delaying the beginning, it is meant to protect the both of you as each of you are working on yourselves and being the best of yourselves for each other.
So, this person can be a friend, someone that you already know or even someone that you might have been interested in. But I’m just seeing that you bring in so much happiness into this person’s lives. Also, you might have work or study with this person but I’m getting more of a work environment, so it might be a co-worker or a colleague or even a boss.
But what I’m seeing is that this person who is currently missing you is going through a transformation and I do see them wanting to come forward. And in fact, I feel like they will come forward because it’s like you complete them. But instead of being two halves to come together as one, I’m seeing the both of you as a whole person, coming together and complementing each other.
So darling, this person might have strong Taurus or Capricorn in their charts (or it could be you) but honestly, I’m seeing all kinds of signs. But this person is coming off as the masculine energy (regardless of male or female) or it could also just represent their desires to come forward and take action towards you. So darling, I’m seeing a change in this connection (if you know who this is) and it’s going to be a positive one, if you don’t know who this is, then just keep a lookout and understand that things are changing for the better in your relationships as well as social connections.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 165
Chapter Summary -Tom and Danielle go to Suffolk for their second anniversary as a couple. While there, Tom realises that Danielle has already gotten started on some of the wedding plans which results in them setting a date.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @jessibelle-nerdy-mum​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @damalseer​ @hiddlesbitch1​ @winterisakiller​ @fairlightswiftly​ @salempoe​ @wolfsmom1​ @black-ninja-blade​
Danielle bit her lips together as she felt herself reach her peak, forcing herself to not grip Tom’s hair too tightly as he made her feel so good. She gasped as the final waves of her orgasm were joined by a kiss that was given to her core before Tom crawled over her body, smiling cheekily as he came face to face with her. “I love you,” She smiled, feeling worn from their activities. “As I love you, my beautiful Elle.” He leant down and kissed her, not overly surprised when she leant up and deepened the kiss. “You are well and truly back to form,” He smirked as he forced their lips apart for a moment.
“Three times since we got here, that’s not bad by any accounts,” Danielle agreed.
They had decided to spend their second anniversary in Suffolk, away from the crowds of London and spending time with Diana. Tom brought Danielle for a lovely meal in Manzoni’s, the restaurant that led to the awkward first kiss of theirs and afterwards, insisted on kissing her on the doorstep, though this time, the kiss did not end there and he ensured she had an incredibly pleasurable evening after. Of late, after recovering from her Ironman, Danielle’s libido seemed to go back to her pre-training and pre-maternal urge norm, much to hers and indeed Tom’s delight.
The next morning led to slight bouts of sloth on their behalf before amourous attentions once more, leading them to almost lunchtime before they forcibly extracted themselves from the bed.
They were drinking tea as their porridge cooked when Diana knocked on the back door and entered. “Finally up, I see.” “We are embracing the holiday feeling,” Tom smirked back, going to the pot of tea they had decided would be a better idea to make and poured her a cup.
“How was Manzoni’s?” “That new chef you mentioned was working, you’re right, it’s even better now, somehow,” Danielle commented from the cooker.
“He is good, isn’t he?” Diana smiled. “So, have you two started talking properly yet?” Tom chuckled at his mother. “Are you just here to badger us about it?” “The sooner you plan it, the sooner it is planned.”
“You sound like Danielle when she is talking about her safety stuff.” Tom eyed his fiance warily as he said that. She gave him a warning glance with a slight smirk with it.
“And?” “We have decided on Ireland, in Elle’s parish church from her childhood. She explained it holds a really important place in her family and it is small and quaint and away from prying eyes. It will be lovely, so it makes a lot of sense.”
“How small?” “The maximum capacity is about a hundred plus people, nothing extravagant,” Danielle explained. “Doing approximate numbers for the church part of things, we are looking at around thirty under capacity but that’s good because we know we’re forgetting a few people.”
“Right, names are important, have you a list started?” “No,” Tom looked awkwardly.
Danielle left the room for a moment before returning with the backpack she had received for her Ironman, taking out a notepad she had in it. “I have all of my side and friends done. I have started your side too, but I know there is an aunt or uncle somewhere missing because the numbers aren’t right and I would wager you have a friend from school you will think to invite.”
Tom looked at her shocked at the organisation she had clearly put into the page of names, making notes who they were and of any conflicts, some may have, mostly referencing her aunt Bernie. “I...I was going to say I’m surprised, but no, how could I be, this is you through and through.
Danielle laughed at him. “I also took note that we will have to arrange buses from the airports and spoke to the local B&B, they will book out the dates of our choosing for us, if we give them a date soon, so I also called the parish office and got the dates the church is free on the timeline we are looking at, so we have to arrange that. I think we will have to go over a week or two in advance to ready the last of everything and for the marriage course, of course. Though, I booked that and flights for January, that gives time for your other commitments, Ace Con and whatnot.” She explained.
Tom simply stared at her in shock. He had asked had she looked into one or two things, thinking that perhaps she would begin preparation, he had not thought for one second she would be so thorough so quickly. “I...I feel somewhat unprepared in all of this.” “Course, what course?” Diana asked curiously.
“In Ireland, I am not sure if it is the same here, if you want to marry in a Catholic Church, you have to do a marriage course with Accord, it’s like this religious church-related family service, so I booked that. It’s nothing really, just preparing you for down the road, times of trouble, if you want kids, the usual marriage stuff. It’s more a box-ticking exercise really, though if you haven’t talked about this stuff before now or you haven’t had bad patches, are you really ready for marriage?” Danielle questioned.
“I think they are becoming something here, not obligatory, mind.”
“Well, they are at home and with our schedules, I thought it a good idea to plan it for then.” “What is on the cards to say you are both busy for that?” Diana asked curiously, always eager to know what her children were doing workwise. “I have a few things I will be involved in, going a few places, nothing too long, quick stops around Europe,” Danielle informed her. “Usually three to five day things and paperwork in between. And a trip to the US for a meeting or two, obviously.”
Diana nodded, knowing that there would be some form of plan such as this already before looking to her son. “I am doing a stint in one of Harold Pinter’s plays in London, Betrayal, as the name suggests, it is not the most cheerful of work but an interesting piece,” He explained.
“And are you the betrayer or the betrayed?” She asked curiously.
“I play the poor betrayed husband,” Tom pouted as he spoke.
“So plenty of confused and angry fans after this,” Danielle joked.
“I am glad you enjoy my torture.” Danielle stuck her tongue out at him playfully, causing him to chuckle. “I guess we better book a date so while we have a chance.”
“I guess we should.” A thought occurred to Tom. “What about that B&B?” “What do you mean?” “Well, they will have the dates.”
“Tom, I warned you before, Irish people are not the least bit bothered by this sort of thing and there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a local run B&B from my hometown, with kids that went to school with me, who have used my dad’s vet practice since before I was born are going to give my wedding dates to some foreign shites trying to make money off us.”
“You are putting a lot of faith in people that you have not known really for at least a decade,” Tom warned, having had more than one person he thought he could trust show that his trust had been poorly placed in the past.
“It’s a way of life in Connemara and indeed most of the non-city areas of Ireland. You say nothing and deny all knowledge of other people’s business to non-locals, as I said it's a local family business and if they can't look after the locals, well, Ireland is the place that coined the phrase ‘boycott’. It's one thing to talk among ourselves but to outsiders, that's just not done.”
“So, you would threaten them?”
“Ironically, it would not be me or putting them as I don't live there anymore, it will be those local people that they call their friends, the local GAA people, the lads that went to the pub with my dad, the women that went to the dances with Mam. It’s just an unwritten rule you don't embarrass yourself or your family and you definitely do not bring a bad name to the parish. Whatever about the generation I'm from but my dad's generation, Mr O'Leary and his wife, they never would risk her name or insult their family in such a manner,” Danielle explained. “Sometimes the anonymity of the city has its advantages though, growing up we always knew what our neighbours were doing but at the same time we were always there for one another when it was needed.”
“Will they have a problem with those coming from England for it?” Tom asked.
“Why would they? We're bringing them paying customers, we’re not there to bother anyone. We don't automatically just decide to hate all British people, that's not an economically sound practice. We are just mildly suspicious as a default setting which is healthy really, all things considered.”
Tom knew before he even saw her face that Danielle was sticking out her tongue at her own playful comment. “Behave,” He warned her, his own playful smile evident. “What dates are available? The sooner I tell Luke the better.” Danielle went to the page where she had put all of the information the parish secretary has provided her with. Tom studied the dates as well as taking out his phone and checking the calendar and within 40 seconds, he placed an ‘X’ beside three of the dates.
“Are they the ones that are acceptable or are they ‘the never gonna happen’ dates?” Danielle asked curiously as she looked at the dates he had put the “x's” next to, all three were not dates that she could think of for particular reasons as being an issue.
“The latter.”
“Okay,  so we work off the rest.”
“What about you, are you available every one of these dates?” Tom asked, doubtful that Danielle could be free for the entirety of the summer.
“The ones I was not available for, which were two dates, I didn't even write down. One is the all branch AGM, and the other is my mother’s anniversary. I know she would want me to get married but I could probably pretty much guarantee that she would not appreciate me doing so on her anniversary.” “No, that goes without saying,” Tom agreed. He looked over the dates a little bit more, Danielle noticed that he checked his phone for a moment before putting an ‘X’ beside another date. As soon as she looked at it she realised which date it was, she laughed. Tom looked at her worried as to a reaction. Seeing her laugh, he decided to check verbally. “You don't mind?”
“Not at all. I don't think it bodes well to take one of your favourite days of sport in the year from you,” She laughed. “And it's the height of the GAA season, so I can guarantee there won't be a single pub, hotel bar or restaurant that will be showing that over whatever GAA fixture is on for the day.” She tussles hair as she spoke.
Tom took her hand and put it to his lips, kissing it gently at her respect for his favourite sports day. “If it was the only viable day?”
“You said it does not suit you and there are six other days that are free and available, it's a non-issue.” She looked at the dates again. “If we choose the date before that takes place, I would assume, unless we go on a honeymoon of six days, that does not suit either. So how about, this one?” She pointed to the weekend after the final. “That way you can watch it or go and we can be to Ireland after?” “But you said you want to come over a fortnight in advance?” “I’m sure you can slip away for a weekend.”
“No, it's too close and I'm not leaving everything to you.” Tom looked at the dates that came after if he was honest, he thought them too far away. So instead, he looked at the only other available date before. “How about the June date?” Danielle looked at the piece of paper for a moment. “That’s only eight months away. Jesus, that's a terrifying thought. Has it really been 3 months since you asked me?”
“Time flies when you're having fun.” Tom beamed. “If it's too close then that's fine.” “No, let's go with that one.” Tom looked up at her. “Elle, if you want to take time to think about it.” Danielle’s response was not to argue but to instead to take out her phone, scroll through the contacts and bring up the number she needed. “I think June to be the best.” She showed him the number she was about to ring and when he gave a small nod she pressed the call button.
It only took three minutes between the secretary answering the phone and Danielle pressing the end call button. “It’s official, we are booked for June.” Danielle looked at Tom, who seemed somewhat shocked. “Second thoughts already?” “No, I just...In eight months, we’ll be…” Tom could barely compute what was happening. After all his planning, with all his thoughts on it, there was a date set to legally marry Danielle. It was almost unfathomable. “I can’t believe we have a date set.” He rose to his feet and leant in and kissed her. “Eight months will be an incredibly long and yet short time.” “With work, with plays and meetings, sets and meet and greets, we won’t see it pass by. It is strange to think, but by the time we book a reception, hotels and whatnot, by the time Emma and Jack organise a passport for Lucy and everything, eight months is nothing.” Tom frowned. “I thought you don’t need a passport to go to Ireland. I used my driving licence one weekend to get into Dublin for High Rise.” “You don’t under the Common Travel Area and all that but come Brexit, who knows, they already applied, just in case.” “I guess we will all need to be sure.” Diana took note to check her own when she went back to her own house. She beamed proudly at having urged her son and her future daughter-in-law into actually setting a date. “I will leave you to eat and do a few things. Don’t forget to book a venue next.” She instructed as she left.
With quick goodbyes, Danielle started thinking. “I genuinely cannot think of too many. I suppose if you want to be fancy, there is always Kylemore Abbey?”
Tom Googled the place and his brows rose. “It’s beautiful.” “Of course it is, it’s in Connemara, we don’t do things by halves.” She smiled, looking at the picture in front of them of the building. “It is only from the 1860s but it is beautiful, nonetheless.” “And they take weddings?” “For the right price, they will be more than happy to facilitate whatever we ask. The question becomes, are we willing to pay such prices?” Tom suspected that there would be a chance that Danielle would have an issue with such things. He had considered how to approach it but now was the best time. “Elle, Darling, I m not sure how often you are planning on doing this but I am very much only considering the once so we will do this right.”
“I just don’t want to waste money.” “Is it wasting it for us to have a lovely wedding day?” “It’s one day, I don’t…” Danielle inhaled deeply. Her fiance was a renowned actor and she knew that came with more money than sense. “Just nothing too insane.” “Elle, don’t force yourself into budgets. We are not going to do anything mad, even the ring is a family heirloom, we are not extravagant spenders, so if the hotel costs a bit, then fine. I doubt you plan on some mad dress.”
Danielle scoffed, “Valentino, Darling,” She impersonated the accentuated Cruella De Vil accent as she spoke. “Just a hundred thousand.”
Tom chuckled and shook his head. “If you wanted.” Danielle stared at him in horror. “Are you insane?”
“I just want you to be happy.” “Tom, here and now, I m saying this. This whole thing is not going to come within an ass’s roar of that sort of money. No, not happening. I will call it off it does.” “Looks like I found the ‘Get out of Jail Free’ Card.” Tom jested, rushing out of her reach before she could nudge him in retaliation. When she went over to him, he pulled her in against him. “How did I manage to find you, a sensible, beautiful, intelligent woman like you?”
“A sacrifice to an old God or two, I think.”
“Very possible.” He leant down and kissed her, wanting her to feel how intensely he loved her from it.
Pictures of Kylemore Abbey for reference
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Dream (Seokmin x OC AU)
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*bell rings*
“Okay,class. As we end today’s lesson, you will be having another pair work.”
The class groans as they complain to their teacher.
“Don’t worry. You get to choose your pair and I will be giving you two weeks to prepare.”
The class then cheers as their teacher exits, but the room is soon filled with silence as their teacher said, “Also,your pair needs to be co-ed, so you have to be paired with a boy if you’re a girl and vice versa. I’ll be expecting great compositions from you all, especially Medley.”
As soon as the teacher leaves, the boys all started going to Medley, pleading her to be their partner. Medley is known as the ace of their music academy. With her honey-like voice and her talent for knowing how to play almost every single instrument, anyone would want to be her partner.
“Boys, let the girl think. Jeez, all of you are desperate.” Amaya, Medley’s friend, soon speaks up as the noise started getting louder on their table.
“Thanks.” “Anytime,” Amaya replies with a smile. “So, do you have anyone in mind?”
Medley does have someone in mind. She has always wanted to work with him. 
“Yes. Seokmin,” she says which leads Amaya in shock. “You mean DK? The kid at the very back row?” Amaya asks with total confusion. “Yeah, what ‘s wrong about it?” “Medley, this is a project. A very huge percent in our grade, you should know that.” “And I do know that.” “So, why are you going to pair up with him? He probably got in this academy because of his knowledge about music. He probably doesn’t even know how to sing.” “That’s what I also thought of you when you first came here, but you’re now one of the craziest in this room.” “Okay, I was a new student which is why I was quiet. He’s been here for almost 3 years and we still haven’t heard him sing. You should not take the risk.” “Thanks, but, I’ll take my chances.” 
She stands up from her seat and approaches Seokmin. “Hey, do you want to be partners.” The whole class is in shock with whom Medley chooses to be her partner. Seokmin slightly nods his head. “Great! I’ll meet you in front of the school gate.” Medley says with a smile on her face.
*dismissal bell rings*
“Finally! I’m gonna go home and rest, so don’t call me.” Amaya exclaims. “Aren’t you gonna do the song?” “Neil and I are gonna do it tomorrow. He said that he needs to finish some other stuff. Anyway, I’m gonna go now. See you tomorrow!” Amaya and Medley wave their goodbyes as Medley is left standing in front of the school gate.”
10 minutes have passed and Seokmin is still nowhere to be found. Medley starts thinking if she really did take a bad risk, but she still waited for him. 
I had a really sweet dream yesterday Because I was too shy I don’t wanna tell you now And also, it’s not very good to tell someone 
“Hey! Sorry if I’m late. The teacher called me.” “It’s fine. Let’s go?” Seokmin nodded as they start walking.  “What song were you singing a while ago? It’s really nice.” “You heard me?” Medley chuckles at the sudden comment. “I actually made the song just because I like someone.” “Oh, who is it?” Seokmin asked. “Amaya doesn’t even know who it is, so I can’t really tell you.” Medley replies. “Here we are. And no one is home.” “Where are your parents?” “Both of them are still at work and they always get home at 11pm. Are you hungry?” “No, it’s fine.” “So, what do you want the song to be about?” “Have you finished writing the song? The one about the guy you like.” “No, but we can finish it. I still haven’t made the instrumental.” “We can just use a guitar for the instrumental.”
Few hours have passed and they finally finished making the instrumental. Seokmin also has to leave as it is getting dark now.
“Hey, thank you for coming over. For once, the athmosphere in this house wasn’t sad.” “Anytime, see you tomorrow!”
After that day, the two started becoming closer with each other. Both of them would walk home to finish their song that some students are wondering if the two are dating.
*the day of the performance*
“Good day, class! I am very excited with the songs that you have made. Let us start with Amaya and Neil.” “Good luck!” Medley tells her friend.
More students started performing and it was finally Medley and Seokmin’s turn. As soon as they are in front of the class, their classmates started whispering to each other.
“Can Seokmin really sing?” “Medley is definitely gonna have a low grade.”
“Class, be quiet! You may start when you’re ready.” The teacher remarks.
As soon as the instrumental started playing, everyone was all ears.
You are beautiful just as you were yesterday No, you’re more beautiful than yesterday.
All students were looking at each other with a surprised look.
Dream that I might never have again A dream that makes me feel good I think you are just like the dream
Dream that I keep on thinking about all day A dream that makes me feel good That’s you
Dream, when you look at me just like that I feel like you’re so mine Dream, that makes me want to fall asleep again A dream that makes me feel good That’s you
When the song finally came to an end, everyone in the room started clapping.
“You are very talented, Medley. You truly never disappoint. But, Seokmin, you surprised us. This is the first time we heard you sing. I’ll be expecting more from both of you.”
*dismissal bell rings*
“Both of you were so awesome there! You really look like you’re inlove with each other.” Amaya says trying to contain her excitement as Medley just smiles at her friend.
“Hey! Is it fine if I borrow your friend for a moment? I just need to ask her something.” The two friends look behind them revealing Seokmin.
“Oh, both of you can walk home. I’m gonna go somewhere first. Bye!” Amaya exclaims as she waves her goodbye to Seokmin and Medley.
“Let’s go?” Seokmin asks. “So, you were going to ask me something?” Medley said. “Yeah, I’m still curious on whom you wrote the song about?” “Oh, uhm, do you like someone currently?” “Yeah, you know her.” Medley looks at him with confusion. “She’s really talented but I started liking her because of her personality. She’s very independent.” Seokmin said.
“I see. I first noticed him when I heard him sing Fate by Lee SeungChul in the music room. Then I found out that we were in the same class and I just started liking him. We never became close until now.”
Medley chuckles at Seokmin and says, “Yes, Seokmin. You’re the guy I was talking about in the song. That’s why I chose you to be my partner because I wanted to get to know you more.” Both of them smiled at each other as Medley makes another comment. “So who’s the girl you like?”
“You,” Seokmin says with a smile. “Yeah, I kinda knew.” Medley replies. “Was I obvious?” “Maybe?”  “So, what does this make us?” Seokmin asks. “Maybe the rumor is not a rumor anyore.” Medley replies as the two hug each other.
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waternilly · 4 years
The End of an Era
Ship: Blackleg Sanji x f!OC Language: english Word count: 1.5k Warnings: none Ao3 link: here | Wattpad link: here Summary: Musicals! But what if this time the rivals were lovers in real life?
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Many weeks and hours of hard work had come to their end. Tonight was the big finale of the musical Florence had built with both old and new friends over the semester. It hadn’t gone without troubles, but they had made it in the end.
As she waited between the wings on the side of the stage, the young woman let her mind drift off.
She thought back about the moment Mozart l’Opéra Rock had been announced as this year’s project. How all the students who would graduate in June shared the same excitement and thrill at the prospect.
She remembered the audition and how learning the lyrics to “Si Je Défaille” had been easy, being engraved in her memory ever since she was ten. She also remembered when she had to show up at the next audition to sing “Tatoue-Moi” on demand of her professor.
Florence had already performed as a male character in a previous project and she knew the professor’s demand was far from innocent. They had something in mind.
And she was right. The next week, once auditions for both singers, actors and dancers alike were over, the results were published.
1. Florence Moire ..... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A smile had crept on her face instantly. But what made her even happier was the name just two lines under hers.
3. Sanji Vinsmoke ..... Antonio Salieri
Not only would she perform as the main character of what was probably her favourite musical. The one to act as her rival was her own boyfriend.
Images of her sweet Sanji in black hair and eyeshadow had immediately crossed her mind and she couldn’t wait to see it happen.
That evening, the entire crew had gone to a local student pub and celebrated all night long. Florence lost count of how many times she got congratulated or all the teasing her and Sanji had gotten for acting out rivals.
It was one of Flo’s favourite memories. Everything felt right. No pressure or stress related to the production, school or the internship yet. Only pleasure, joy, excitement.
Rehearsals had started the same week, beginning with a script reading. Songs from the original musical were played whenever they were reached throughout the session. A few voice cracks and poorly acted sentences were uttered, but they were laughed off.
Florence and all the singers then went through some coaching first. Even though they were all decent already, they were still merely amateurs. Some had gotten such lessons the previous years, but everyone welcomed the tips from the teacher with open arms.
While those were reaching their end, they simultaneously started rehearsing with the actors. Their friends had already started learning their lines and now it was time for them to do as well.
To help with that process, Florence would often play the entire musical as background noise while studying or working on anything, to Sanji’s greatest amusement.
He early on realized that the one he tenderly referred to as ‘princess’ was nervous about the pressure put upon her shoulders. He often reminded her that the professor wouldn’t have given her the part if they didn’t believe her to be capable of it. He also loved to add that she would make for a great Mozart and an amazing rival, which would often help her calm down, at least temporarily.
As the dates approached and the rehearsals became longer -every song being performed in their entirety, accompanied by the dancers- the pressure among the whole crew rose. People started worrying about costumes or set pieces not being finished on time, about black outs on stage, about wigs falling off or ladies tripping over their massive dresses.
All of these faded shortly after luckily and everything was done in due time. The final rehearsal in full costume and make up also reassured everyone about what they had created. Which meant, representations could start. But not without some last minute preparations.
Bonney was left with her bright pink hair despite the professor’s reclamations who feared she would steal the show. The young woman’s determination was stronger however and she refused to incline, making her the very first pink haired Constanz Weber.
Luffy, who interpreted everyone’s favourite comic relief, Rosenberg, got his hair coloured grey with sprays often used for Halloween. It was slicked back and his face was painted bright white with two outrageously red spots on the cheeks. All of it, topped off with pencil-drawn eyebrows and two fake moles.
Sanji agreed to changing his style for the occasion. He got his hair dyed in a dark brown and slicked it all back except for one rebellious lock. Needless to say he was a sight for sore eyes like this. But every evening, before the representation, the benevolent make up artists who were fellow students painted his eyes with black eyeshadow, crayon and eyeliner. Black lipstick had also been considered at some point but was eventually discarded. And aside from all of that, he also walked around with black painted nails for a week.
As for Florence, the main thing she had to do was get a haircut. Her pixie hair had grown out during the semester and it required some touch ups. She was the one who had the wildest, most natural hairdo. It only got comped and sprayed to create some extra volume, but nothing too perfect. Her eyes got the same treatment as her lover’s however, which they liked to point out.
And then it was time.
The premiere.
Everyone was nervous to their core while simultaneously trying to help their friends calm down. Singers and actors alike reunited back stage to warm up their voices, a loud buzzing sound filling the room. Dancers took that opportunity to stretch and prepare as well. The entire crew was in its own bubble, in symbiosis with each other. Any conflicts that might have existed before were forgotten for now.
“Are you nervous, my love?” Sanji had asked his girlfriend just before she had to walk on stage.
“Yes,” she admitted.
With a smile, he had said: “You’ll feel better once you’re up there.”
She thanked him with a smile.
“Maybe turn on your microphone before it’s too late though,” he had teased.
Florence agreed, flipped the switch and ran up on stage. Sanji had been right. Merely seconds later, as she was uttering her very first line, she was calm, confident, poised. Every movement, every sentence flowed naturally. She felt good, at home.
To everyone’s surprise, nothing went wrong during the entire first act, which their professor naturally pointed out backstage during the break. They also complimented everyone’s acting, singing and dancing, clearly ecstatic with the result.
Flo knew what would come next. Someone started playing music while another person shouted to turn off the lights. Everyone jumped around and loudly shouted in unison with the music. A few even climbed on the table in the middle of the room to dance on it in a silly way, making the whole crew laugh.
That little tradition remained during the entire week of run, lasting the entire entre act every time. A twenty minute break of partying halfway through the musical.
Except it was now time to walk back on stage for the last time.
A loud ominous music played and Florence stepped into the light.
She gave everything she had in her, jumping and running around on stage.
Sanji then walked up himself, followed by Bonney who gave her best vocal performance yet.
Before long though, they reached the end of the musical and with it, the famous “Vivre à en Crever” scene. The only time Flo got to sing with her boyfriend throughout the entire performance.
She started, careful to keep a steady and clear voice. Then Sanji joined in. And ultimately, they sang together.
It was always one of the most poignant parts of the show and Florence had lost count of how many times she had almost kissed Sanji during it, never giving in however. Until now, whoever didn’t know them personally couldn’t have guessed they were a couple.
But that was about to change as it was time to salute and Florence had an idea in mind.
Once everyone had bowed in their usual position, they all started singing the most famous song of the musical -”Tatoue moi”- to celebrate the final representation. Florence took advantage of the context to ask Bonney to switch places with her since she was traditionally between her and Sanji. Florence wondered if the audience would react and how if they were to. By now, majority of the public wasn’t even from their college.
She started by just tangling their fingers but soon enough they were smiling at each other while singing eye to eye. When they reached the end of the song, Florence stood on the tip of her toes and pecked Sanji’s lips. He only grinned down at her before kissing her back.
Audible gasps, soon followed by extra cheers, could be heard throughout the audience. The public’s reaction was even better than what Flo was hoping for. She imagined the surprise it could be to see two people you pictured as rivals during the past two hours suddenly kiss. It amused her as well.
It might have been her last performance with this great crew of people but Florence had no reason to be sad. They had all gone out with a bang; Ace, Kid, Bonney, Sanji, herself. That night wouldn’t be one of mourning the end of an era. It would be a night to celebrate what they had achieved.
A/N: Bit of a cheesy ending yes, but oh well ^^” Please let me know what you thought of it, I haven’t written 3rd person fanfics in English in literally so long! Also, yeah, OC! Long time since I last wrote one. Any comments are welcome ^^ Thank you very much for reading <3
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goddessofpathos · 4 years
9/10 Kiss meme. (Rise or Ann even?)
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...You know what? I’m gonna do both. 1 for Rise, 1 for Ann. I’ll do Ann’s here. Rise’s I’ll do another post for.
A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it. (Ann)
Saturday September 3
Weather: Sunny
Time: Evening
Mariko Kusumi, and Ann Takamaki lie in wait at the Roppongi Train Station. Bags of different colors and sizes surround them.
Many of the stores and malls around the big district had plenty of end-of-summer sales. Marie had invited Ann to come, and she accepted without hesitation. She ‘quietly’ skipped class and spent the entire day with Marie. Not just shopping, but they also caught a movie, had crepes and a lofty dinner to wrap up the day.
“Hey...Marie.” Ann said tiredly, head resting on Marie’s shoulder, arms wrapped around Marie’s own; something that Ann got used to doing after a while, spending time with Marie ever since June. Marie didn’t mind, and would let Ann rest on her whenever. “...Thanks.” Ann’s tone is soft, and lower than her usual cheerful one. Eyes half-closed, she breaths in lowly, as the sounds of passing people and other trains heard running around echo in the long halls of the station. “...I was thinking about Shiho today.”
Marie quietly nodded. One hand slid around Ann’s backside, and gently holds Ann’s waist. She pulls the girl a little closer, resting her head on Ann’s. “Tell me about it.”
“Just...reminiscing.” Ann comments, hints of sorrow in her voice. “Shiho and I used to do this a lot.” she scoots closer to Marie. “We’d go shopping, hit the beach, eat some parfait with drinks. I’d watch her practice volleyball with others. We’d go back home smiling.” Ann sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. “...Is it... wrong for me to want to go back to those days? to long for them?”
Marie moves her other hand and gently caresses Ann’s hair, sighing softly. “No. It...it isn’t. No shame in feeling that way Model.” Marie lightly closed her eyes. “We tend to remember the happy days fondly, because the memories are precious. Bad days...those memories, we want to forget, and usually for good reason.”
“But...not every memory can be a good one. Sometimes...the bad memories exist, to make the good memories shine in the dark. The shadows of our rage, the sorrow of our losses can often cloud our judgement, and its those lights in the dark, that help us recover; get back up and keep fighting before we shatter one of those lights.” Marie grimaced “Otherwise...we fall deeper, and deeper into the abyss.” Marie stops her hand from caressing Ann’s hair. “Once we lose all our lights, what’s stopping us, from becoming what we hate?”
 Ann nearly fell asleep with Marie’s gentle touch. How is she so good at it? but regardless, she listened intently to Marie’s words. She nodded, agreeing silently with her. “I don’t want to be like Kamoshida. I hate him...for all that he did. I hate that he isn’t sorry in the slightest. I hate that we had to force him to confess because there was no other way.” she sighed. “I...still remember that day, when Shiho threw herself. I have never felt fear and despair, as strong as I did that day. My heart sank when I saw Shiho be taken by the ambulance...and worse, the students not caring, Kamoshida laughing, the principal trying to cover it up. I didn’t understand Shiho then. What she felt from Kamoshida’s abuse...but that moment, right there and then, I did. I felt what it was like to be alone and nobody to lean on to, nobody to listen and believe you.”
Ann sniffed, her heart aching of those bad memories. “I don’t want anyone to feel that way again, except those who deserve it.”
Marie let out a small chuckle. “As a panther of justice?” she heard Ann giggle.
Ann slowly lifts her head and stares at Marie, nodding. “That’s the ticket~”
Both girls stare at each other silently. The sound of the trains and the people not bothering them; each girl, too deep in the other one’s orbs. 
Yokohama Chinatown. Train to Yokohama Chinatown, arriving shortly.
That would be Ann’s train. Ann bit her lip. “Hey...Marie.” Ann leans a little closer. “...Why not stay with me tonight? I could use the company...” she said shyly. Part of her wants Marie to say yes. Part of her...no, simply because her bed does not fit two people, and her room is a giant mess. ...Ok so maybe she wants Marie to come over so she can help clean up. What about it?
Thankfully (or not?), Marie answers. “Can’t. Not today at least. Maybe next week or so? I can make space.”
Disappointment, or relief? Ann wasn’t sure which one she was feeling, but whatever it was, she let out a long sigh. “...Yeah, I-I get it. Its sudden, after all.” 
A train coming in close, and slowly coming to a stop got their attention. Its Ann’s train. 
“...Well, I better catch that...or its gonna be one hell of a walk home.” Ann said. “Hey Marie? ...thanks. For...everything.” She said heart fully. “You’ve been so good to Shiho and me. We both appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. She still talks from that one time we went to the mall, helping her out at school that one time...and the beach, just the 3 of us. Even though the wheelchair didn’t let us get far. We still made the best out of it. So we should...plan something like that again.”
Marie smiles. “Sure, but maybe we can plan for just the two of us sometime.”
Ann’s heart nearly skipped a beat, unsure as to why. “I...I would like that.” Ann said. Before getting up and grabbing her stuff, Ann leaned forward, and met her lips with Marie’s. 
Soft, gentle, warm, smooth...sweet. Ann let her lips mesh with Marie’s, longer than she had intended, and parted the kiss to catch her breath. She pulls back, and stares at Marie, smiling. “See ya Marie...”
Marie nodded, smiling back. “See ya Model. I hope you rest well.” 
“You too.” Ann grabbed her bags, and walked over to the train as it opened its doors. Seconds later, the train left Marie on her own as she waits for her train to  Kichijoji. 
Ann arrived at her apartment, exhausted. Both physically and mentally. Upon entering her place, she dropped the bags, turned on the AC, and practically stripped down and entered her bed sheets, wanting to sleep badly more than anything else. She let the potpourri aroma from the scented flowers help her fall asleep. 
The last thing that entered her thoughts and plagued her dreams was Marie...
Ann slept soundly through the night, and had great dreams...
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avionvadion · 5 years
My MC Relationships
Ben: Her son. She has adopted him and there’s no takebacks. He thinks her calling him her “son” or “child” is kinda weird, but knowing that she’s pretty cowardly herself and STILL throws herself into danger to find her brother helps install a LITTLE amount of confidence in him. She was also the first person to ever be nice to him despite his muggle-born status. 
Penny: Freaking LOVES her. Best female friend, tops. Oh, she’s in the infirmary and can’t have her wand? Gives it to Penny. Needs help? Goes to Penny. 10/10 would risk life for each other. These two Hufflepuffs tell each other EVERYTHING. Penny even knew about my MC’s infatuation with Bill Weasley 1-3 year until after the Emily Tyler event where she realized Bill was more of an older brother to her. Is also informed of her later growing crush on Talbott. 
Rowan: Love/hate friendship between this Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Started out as pretty close as they were both unliked by the majority of society, and before meeting Penny MC went to Rowan for advice and help. After Rowan started accusing poor innocent Ben of being “R” and bullying him for it MC got kinda fed up and mad at Rowan. She doesn’t want to be angry or fight with Rowan, but Rowan is making it very difficult with her obvious hatred towards Ben. Rowan is very protective of MC, which leads to the argumentation over Ben being “R”. Is easily upset if MC spends more time with someone else. 
First met Rowan after using Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley. The talktative nerd gave her a napkin to try and clean all the fireplace soot off with, but ended up overwhelming her. This caused her to run out of the shop where she later bumped into the eldest two Weasley brothers, where she soon realized not everyone was terrible. 
Tonks: Close friend, but not too terribly fond of the pranks. MC doesn’t like hurting or scaring people if not necessary. Does appreciate the thought and cleverness put behind such pranks, though, and if it required she does go to Tonks for help. Or Tulip. Both can often be found together- birds of a feather. MC rarely sees Tonks without Tulip or vice versa. 
Tulip: It’s a bit harder to get along with Tulip than with Tonks, but MC is still friendly. Sarcasm tends to fly over her head, but Tulip is helping her with that and teaching her how to properly be sassy. MC sees Penny and Tulip plotting together occasionally, and grows even more scared of their scheming when Tonks is there. The three together is NOT something you want to mess with. Stay on their good side. Tulip, after figuring out MC’s blatant crush, tends to tease her quite a lot as she is easily flustered. 
Bill Weasley: First met after running out of the shop she met Rowan in, in the midst of having a total meltdown when Bill accidentally smashes a door into her face. He panics and sends Charlie to find their mum (to no avail as Fred and George have her on a wild goose chase) and he tries to calm her down (Also to no avail). He’s the first person MC actually looks at after having her eyes focused on the ground for so long, and is the first one to actually be truly kind to her. 
He realizes very quickly there’s something wrong based on her words and behavior, but she doesn’t tell. 
Eventually she, him, and Charlie get separated at Diagon Alley and they can’t find her (mostly because she cut her hair off after getting her robes (thank you Ollivanders for the Accio spell) and were left only with a giant bag of candy that she bought them. Doesn’t recognize her at Hogwarts due to them never learning her name.
MC has the BIGGEST crush on Bill all the way up till the third year, and was often made fun of it by Tulip. Confided in Penny when she had no choice but to go and ask him for help with a vault, and Penny grabbed Ben to watch the interaction from behind a corner. Penny was furious when she realized Snape was the one who made MC change back into her school robes instead of the outfit they picked out. Bill Weasley later becomes a brother figure for MC, acting in Jakob’s place, and pretty much just adopts the smol MC into the family. After the Emily Tyler event and MC gets pretty upset over everything that happened and Jakob’s disappearance, as well as R, he gives her his old sweater. 
Often fantasizes that Bill is actually just Jakob in disguise, as her brother was a metamorphmagus. (MC was adopted, btw) Bill hurts a little inside whenever she accidentally calls him by her brother’s name because of it, knowing that she misses him. Poor boy can’t imagine losing any of his own siblings, and becomes even more determined to drag her to the Weasley household at least SOME POINT before he graduates. 
Charlie Weasley: An ace boy, but a CRUSHING HARD boy. (no one can convince me otherwise after everything the game has done. He just really prioritizes dragons) 
First meets MC after Bill accidentally smashes a door into her face in Diagon Alley. Having lost her Hogwarts list they travel together to finish the shopping, but never actually learns her name. Ends up being very worried for the missing first-year who had been on the verge of breaking down several times during their time together in Diagon Alley, and only realizes through MC’s duel against Merula to help Ben that MC is the same girl he and Bill met before. Bill first learns of MC being the missing girl due to Charlie because of this event.  
Charlie later has Andre and Bill and several other people mention him to MC over the years, trying to get her to talk him or something because dang it why does Bill get to be her friend and not him? HE KNEW HER NAME FIRST AND HE WASN’T THE ONE TO SLAM A DOOR IN HER FACE BY ACCIDENT. And why is she always hanging out with Barnaby and Talbott? So unfair.
Later in their third year he finds MC crawling down a hallway after she broke out of the infirmary, bleeding and burned and crying, and helps her to the Hufflepuff Common Room where they find Penny freaking out with MC’s wand and potion ingredients ready to be brewed. He’s the whole reason why MC asks Bill if he would believe her if she told him Emily Tyler was “eaten by a dragon”. From then on Charlie often helps with her panic/anxiety attacks when she gets them, and is the only one aside from Penny that she really talks about her fears with. Charlie is calm and compassionate, and convinces her that it’s okay to not be totally confident all the way and that she can be scared just like everyone else. She’s always carrying the weight of everyone else’s problems- let someone else carry hers for once. 
It’s only to him that she admits that Merula’s comments of Jakob being dead scares her, and tells him she often has nightmares because of it. 
Percy Weasley: THIS CHILD DOES NOT STOP BADGERING HER ABOUT BREAKING THE RULES. It actually wears her down and cause herself to sink back into her darker thoughts again, but being around her friends help cheer her up some. Percy appreciates her trying to defend Scabbers, even if she thinks the rat is a bit... creepy herself, from Bill’s hateful words, but he does not like her rule breaking at all. Yes, Bill likes her and Charlie seems weirdly fond of her, but she is a prefect and NEEDS TO ACT LIKE ONE. Otherwise he’ll tell Dumbledore, Flitwick, McGonnagal, the Ministry! He’ll write a very lengthy letter to them! 
Otherwise he thinks she’s great. He helps her with her homework despite being several years younger than her, and she’s always complimenting him on his diligence and intelligence for his age. It’s nice to be appreciated rather than made fun of. But still. No rule-breaking. Bad. 
Merula: MC tried to be nice to her even after the Devil Snare event, but after year 3 MC had enough. Merula was too much of a jerk and while she was acting nicer towards her she was still being a total prat to her friends. Doesn’t even hesitate to obliviate her after she eavesdropped on her and Talbott’s conversation about him being an unregistered animagi. MC just stopped caring for her. Sure, if need be she’ll save her life, but other than that she wants nothing to do with her. Constantly avoids Merula. 
Ismelda: Was admittedly very scared of Ismelda at first- she reminded her too much of some horrible family members back in America- but after bringing her along to the Red Cap and speaking to her at Hogsmeade she realized she wasn’t too bad. Much better than Merula anyhow, even with all the death threats and comments of deadly curses. Is super happy when she hears Ismelda is crushing on Barnaby and does her best to help her out, and convinces her love potions were not the way to go. 
Ismelda is super salty that Barnaby said he liked MC right in front of her, but MC calms her down by saying he only meant it as a friend. Besides, she’s nice to everyone- at least, she tries to be. Ismelda tones down her hatred towards MC afterwards, deciding that she isn’t a BAD person, and Merula takes notice. When MC is caught by Snape writing a note to her own crush and people start bullying and spreading rumors, Ismelda is the first to jump to her defense- telling her that in order to repay her debt for the Barnaby fiasco she’ll curse anyone who bullies her. 
Because, despite her previous belief and what Merula tells her all the time, MC is someone who is genuinely kind to Ismelda. And while MC reminds her of her “perfect” sister she recognizes that MC has flaws. She’s the closest thing she has to a real friend. 
Talbott: OH BOY WHERE TO START. She started befriending him under the impression he was a werewolf, only to have it be revealed that he was a bird animagus that really liked to make puns about himself. Poor guy had no idea what he was signing up to when she realized what he was doing and was forced to suffer through her horrible horrible puns and bad jokes. She may not know a whole lot of bird jokes- he’s got that covered- but she does know CAT puns. After spending some time with him and realizing how snarky, sassy, and a sad, good boy he was she started to crush on him. This only made her more obnoxious in her attempts to be friends with him. 
“You know you wanna be my friend~ you won’t admit it, but you do.” 
“No, I don’t. Just shut up and brew the potion.” 
“Like how we’re brewing a beautiful friendship?” 
“We’re totally friends. :D” 
He’s also really intelligent (Ravenclaw, duh) which really doesn’t help MC’s crush at all and actually just makes it worse because DANG IT he’s smart, too. But not smart in his decision in not to be friends. Because they’re totally going to be friends. And they do become friends. And she nearly starts crying when he tells her his backstory because frick his parents sounded wonderful and no one deserved such a fate. Freaking Death Eaters. Voldemort deserved to get utterly wrecked by a wee babe. You go Harry Potter. Vengeance.
Was excited to become an animagus because  Jakob, shortly after MC’s trip to the hospital, told her she should try the spell when she was old enough so that she could transform like him- even if she limited by the amount of forms she could take unlike him, a metamorphmagus. Penny knew this, because MC brought it up after finding out about McGonnagal, and this information leaked to Talbott. 
Sometimes the two actually tell puns back-and-forth in a little competition, but Talbott often becomes the victor because MC becomes too flustered to think of a response. It’s the triumphant smirk, she swears. It’s so unfair. Whenever Talbott questions why she “likes” his company so much because she’s always waving at him and trying to hang out after class she just cheerfully response that it’s because they’re besties. “We’re friends, Stein. Not... that.” 
“What? Besties? We’re totally besties. Just a Raven and a Puff. No, wait, that sounded weird. An eagle and his badger.” 
“Honey badger. Um. I should shut up. What’s a good cat and bird combo? ...Hey~! Penny helped me make cookies; you wanna cookie? They’re chocolate chip! Muggle kind!” Pulls a decorative bag full of cookies out from her pocket.
“You don’t care for sweets.” 
“No, but you do! And so does Charlie, and Barnaby, and Penny, and Liz- I made everyone little bags of cookies! See? You should come to the kitchens with us sometime- you can try all the awesome stuff Penny makes! She’s amazing! Everything I bake turns out as hard as a rock, though... which is why she’s there. These are some of the really good ones, I promise!” 
MC actually divulged a little of her home situation to him when they were talking during the missing feather fiasco- right before he admitted that they were in fact friends. He had told her so much about his own family he asked about hers- specifically her own parents. 
“...Thank you, for telling me. I’m sorry. I had no idea...” 
“Don’t be. Not your fault. But hey- once I find Jakob things’ll get better! He’s who they really care about. Dad’ll calm down and leave Mom alone, and... they’ll be happy. That’s what matters.” 
“And you?” 
“...What about me?” 
“Will you be happy?” 
“I’ll have Jakob, won’t I?”
Is super stressed when she finally gets the courage to write him a note a year later, not wanting to make the same mistake she did with Bill, only to have Snape read it aloud to the class. Thankfully Snape stops once he realizes it isn’t potion notes, but the damage is already done. And MC is beyond horrified. Rumors spread, talk goes around, and her friends never leave her alone about it. It’s only Talbott who doesn’t question her, because he knows she’s upset over being questioned and she doesn’t know how to react because the person the rumors are about are him because he’s her crush and he’s the only who’s respecting her privacy. She almost wants to ask him to stay with her in the Courtyard when he leaves to “let her hide” but decides against it, only to actually find him in the Owlery later and they just sit in silence, her in her cat form beside his human form while they just chill out in the hay enjoying the company of the birds. 
Even Penny has been questioning her, but at least she already knew she was crushing on Talbott. Figured Talbott was crushing on her, which was why she gave MC the pep talk because she knew he would say yes to her. But MC was still stressed- especially more so when Merula tried to talk her down from doing anything because there’s no way anyone would like her she’s so annoying and gross.
Ismelda was so close to cursing Merula for that. MC protection squad assemble. Merula still can’t fathom why Ismelda is being so nice to MC, or why Barnaby left her “friendship” for MC.
Goes to Bill for help, as always, because he’s the closest thing she has to a brother since Jakob is still missing. He’s the only she confesses to who her crush is (aside from Penny who already knew) before Talbott himself, who is stunned. Half tempted to obliviate his memory again when Pince shows up and separates them, and she is even more mortified than before. Poor girl is just having a rough week. Close to crying as she’s stocking the shelves when Talbott calls her over to whisper/talk. “Talbott?” 
“I... I know it’s you, I was just surprised you-” 
“No, I meant yes to the date. I’ll go. Just... be warned, I don’t know anything about them. It’s not really my thing.” 
“O-Oh... well, I don’t know anything about them either. Save from what I read? I dunno. First time I- wait, you said yes!?” 
“Shh! Not so loud. Pince will hear us and I doubt we could escape in our animagus forms unnoticed...” 
“Yeaaahhh, that’s true. Peeves would tell. But you said yes... okay. Okay. Um. Six o’ clock? Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop?” 
Badeea: When she learned that Badeea was a painter/artist MC FLIPPED HER FIGURATIVE TABLES because HOLY CRAP SHE HAD AN ART BUDDY. MC mostly dabbles in muggle art, but Badeea helped bring her into the more magical aspect of it. Thinks Badeea is the sweetest Ravenclaw in existence and- after getting permission- smother her in just about as many hugs as she gives Penny, Tonks (who really just headlocks her most of the time) Bill, Charlie, Ben, and Barnaby. 
MC was very touched-starved upon reaching Hogwarts and once Penny hugged her MC realized this and now can’t stop smothering affection on everyone. Ben has it worst as he’s her “son”. Badeea thinks MC is a good muse, and often draws her in her animagus form. 
Andre: A strange friendship. He gets very irritated whenever she goes to Penny for fashion advice and not him, and then the girls end up in the Ravenclaw Dorm with several outfits at hand trying to coordinate decently even though MC tells them it doesn’t really matter. But it does, and MC doesn’t get it and only really cares what she looks like for certain events, and they tag-team to get her to look her best. Unbeknownst to her it’s mostly to torture Charlie who Andre KNOWS has a crush on her, and Talbott is stuck listening to their bickering because of his bird hearing. 
Often tries to pit her and Charlie together on little dates, but it often ends in failure because Merula or someone shows up and causes a ruckus, and the “date” ends up happening in the infirmary instead because MC is wounded. AGAIN. But hey- at least she won the duel, right? Defensive spells are great. But so is depulso. Incendio is a stitch. 
Ends up utterly torn when he finds out Talbott and MC are crushing on each other. Does he help his best friend Charlie or his roommate Talbott? MC is also his best friend, she’s always encouraging him in his fashion adventures and is calling him “Style Wizard” constantly. He wants to help and does help, but often feels guilty for helping Talbott instead of Charlie because Charlie’s also his best friend and crap there’s no winning here. But the pain goes away a little when he sees how happy MC is with Talbott. 
Liz: ANIMALS. MC is automatically just “friends” with anyone who likes magical creatures. It’s why she loves Barnaby, Charlie, Talbott, and Liz so much. They are her people. Badeea is also part of her people, but mostly in the art buddy sense. These people are her animal buddies. MC likes Slytherins, but Liz especially. She is the first to notice MC and Rowan’s distance from each other. If Charlie or Barnaby aren’t available to talk to about creatures, she goes to Liz. 
Barnaby: Also her son. She will hug and smother him alongside Ben and protect them to the ends of the earth because they are scared and not very intelligent and precious. Barnaby and her first bond over their shared love of magical creatures, which soon join together with Liz and Charlie. Charlie gets a little competitive with Barnaby sometimes, but MC thinks it’s just a boy thing. She has no idea how people work. Was confused by Barnaby at first meeting, but became very protective after he took a freaking CURSE for her. 
Always asks him how he’s doing, if he’s sleeping well due to his nightmares, and if he’s hung out with any creatures recently. Even asks if he needed help with Charms. Barnaby often comes by into the Hufflepuff Common Room and passes out on the couch when he hangs out with Penny and MC, finding their presence comforting and peaceful. MC call him her son, but he’s really more like a little brother to both her and Penny. They would do anything to keep his goofy self safe. 
MC may or may not also look for Barnaby in her animagus form whenever she hears he’s upset about something, because she knows animals cheer him up and what’s cuter than a super small Manx Cat, am I right? She just kinda sits on his shoulder throughout the day. McGonagall almost called her out once in Transfiguration class, but Barnaby was in such a depressed stupor that she let it slide. Just that once. Never again though. She made sure to thoroughly lecture MC afterwards for skipping class- even if she tried to hide in Barnaby’s desk. Which she fit in. Because she’s small. WHY IS EVERYONE SO TALL? 
Jae: Honestly thought he was a Hufflepuff at first because of his yellow hoodie. Didn’t realize he wasn’t one despite his questionable behavior because of Penny, Tonks, and Jane (who went to Azkaban for unknown reasons). Jae found her reaction utterly hilarious when he told her he was a Gryffindor, and she was so confused because he resembled her Hufflepuff friends so much. Goes to him when she needs questionable objects to help with the Vault Quest and even works as a messenger between him, Tonks, and Tulip sometimes once they get to know each other. Detention Buddies. Is slightly weirded out by Jae, but doesn’t mind spending time with him. Helps make detention bearable. 
They both encourage Ben to be more vocal and to stand up for himself. 
Jakob Stein: The only child of the Stein family and older “brother” to MC. A metamorphmagus like his father, he was born with silver hair and purple amethyst eyes. When he was young his mother found a baby abandoned on the road and took her in, and Jakob had the instant urge to protect her. However, that soon changed as not long after he started Hogwarts and got involved with the Cursed Vaults, and distanced himself from everyone. This lead MC to suffer the hatred from his father (as she was showing no signs of magic at all) and his mother’s late brother’s girlfriend and her child, Alyssa all alone. (The brother/Alyssa’s father died in the war) 
MC became very withdrawn and self-deprecating as a result, and though whenever Jakob was home he would try and get her out of the awful situations her cousin put her through he would still act cold towards her, not wanting to get attached should anything happen to him. However, when Alyssa nearly kills her using her magic Jakob stops this behavior and becomes a proper brother to MC. He even goes so far to reject his father- who hits their mother when she tries to defend MC and who had been cruel to MC in general- and his heritage, coloring his hair and eyes brown to try and match MC more so they would look like proper siblings. 
But when he gets expelled and returns home with a broken wand he becomes distant again and pushes her and everyone else away, leaving MC to believe he never actually loved her. That everything was a lie.  
After he disappears his mother completely snaps and can’t even be in the house anymore, unable to even look at the MC she tried so hard to defend because of how Jakob changed his appearance, and often escaped through work- spending later and longer hours than usual. Holidays? She and her husband go far away to America, leaving MC along at Hogwarts. Eventually they just send her the cats they kept at home to take care of, unable to care for them themselves. The father becomes more violent after Jakob’s disappearance, blaming MC and demanding why it wasn’t her. 
She wonders the same, honestly, since she grew being called a mistake and a disgrace, and questions why the Weasley family is so nice to her when she was so used to the violence. She understands even less why Molly and Arthur allow her to have a seat at their dinner table when she was always forced to eat in her room, and only after everyone else had already had their plate. 
Hades: MC’s fluffy long-haired blue-eyed black cat familiar that is super cuddly and loves Bill. Ben is terrified of him because of black cats being omens, but can’t get away from Hades. He’s very protective of MC. Many of the other houses find it strange that a Hufflepuff named their cat after the Lord of the Underworld. Hestia is a dark Siamese that resides in her dorm room, while Hephaestus is a cute ginger tabby. They are cats she adopted herself, while the three cats her parents forced on her were a girl white Persian named Lottie, an old male silver tabby named Merchant, and a light colored long-hair Siamese girl named Zelena. 
MC: Isabella Stein. Very ADHD. Adopted into the Stein family by Nathaniel and Algora Stein. Grew up being mistreated by all but Algora, and went to a non-magic elementary school due to her apparent lack of magical abilities. First thought of as a no-mag/muggle and even a squib due to her unknown heritage, she was constantly called terrible things and was tormented by her father, cousin Alyssa Ingret, and Alyssa’s mother Lard Ingret. Because of this MC is very self-deprecating and often putting others happiness before her own. 
For nine years she suffered in silence until Alyssa’s actions led to her being in the hospital, where Jakob finally reached out to her a sibling. She didn’t quite realize how touch-starved she was until after he was gone, having not quite gotten used to gentle hugs and light hair ruffles, and when she got to Hogwarts and earned a hug from Penny. When Penny first hugged her MC just straight melted and cried, missing her brother more than anything in the world at that moment and hating herself for having not accepted his affection for what it was. 
She was so used to hatred and pain that everytime he placed a hand on her shoulder or pat her on the head she expected to be hit, so she never quite grew comfortable enough. But Penny- who she knew would never hurt her, who was someone she found she could truly trust- broke that. Penny broke her. She knocked down those walls and let loose someone MC didn’t even know existed inside of her; someone who would hug and pat and ruffle everyone she thought needed it. Ben the sad scared muggle-born child, Barnaby who suffered nightmares and lived in an argumentative household so similar to her. Penny, who had faced death and fought for survival. The three often just hide in the Hufflepuff common room gathered on the couch or next the fireplace, drinking cups of hot chocolate and bundling under several layers of blankets. Sometimes eating the cookies Penny makes- even if MC isn’t big on sweets. Penny made it, so she’s eating it. 
MC is scared, cowardly, anxious. But when she meets someone even more scared than her, Ben Copper, she puts on a brave face and stands up to Merula. She faces the vaults in utter terror of what might happen and what she might find of her brother, but she does it. She keeps her fears to herself until Penny and Charlie weasel them out of her, giving and giving and never receiving. She cared so much for Bill’s happiness that when he asked her to talk to Emily Tyler for him when she was obsessed with him herself and wanted to break down, she faked a smile and agreed. She forced down her social anxiety and her own panic of not being good enough for Bill in order to talk to Emily, tell her off for insulting him, and then dueling when Emily attacked her. 
Gradually she gets better. She learns to care more for herself. She becomes obnoxious in an attempt to come off full of confidence, and this shows in her attempt to befriend Talbott. She is bubbly and kind, but cowardly and puts on a act to ease those around her. 
Charlie is the only one to ever see that. Instead of letting her come up with a plan he tells her they’re coming up with it together, tells her that she isn’t alone. And that does wonders for her soul. And when she finally meets the entire Weasley family? Hohoho. Don’t even get me started on what kind of feels happen through that. 
Molly and Arthur destroy everything she ever thought that she knew about families. Warm, kind, caring, gentle, soft. Soft, just-out-of-the-oven buttery rolls and delicious tea. Friendly, familiar banter and the most loving embraces- like gentle spring after a particularly harsh winter. A hand reach out and pulling you out of the water you’re drowning in. 
However, MC is trapped in the idea that if she gets Jakob back everything will get better. Her father will stop beating her mother, her mother will stop crying at night and hiding, and they and Jakob will be a family again. With Jakob everything will be fine. They loved him, even if he didn’t necessarily feel the same back. Perhaps his disappearance and return will make things even better than before- the horrid treatment of everyone will just stop and they can be like the happy and kind Weasley family. 
Penny tried to explain that finding Jakob probably wouldn’t have a happy ending, especially if he didn’t want to be found, but MC wouldn’t believe it. She couldn’t. It’s the one thing she and Penny disagree about. Jakob HAS to be okay. He HAS to be alive and safe. Because he’s her brother. He’ll fix everything. He always does. 
He’s her big brother. 
He can’t hate her, too, right? Even if he did run away from home... it was just to break the curses, wasn’t it? He wouldn’t hide from his family purposefully, as messed up as it was. 
Because he certainly wasn’t dead. 
Merula and the nightmares were wrong. 
(Often called by other students the “Annoying American” “Mad Stein”, and when it comes to Jakob possibly being dead and her obsession with finding with him alive “Frankenstein” by the more intellectual students.)
Flitwick: One of her favorite teachers. She LOVES Charms Class; Flitwick was the first adult to actually compliment her on something instead of insulting her. She’s very skilled at charms and as such Flitwick often has her tutor the other students. At first she was very scared to do so, terrified she would end up screwing the spells up now that she was using them to teach other students instead of just practicing by herself, but his praises and the other students comments on her lessons being more interesting than the books help build up her confidence. 
To MC, Flitwick is the father she wished she had. Of course when she befriends Talbott and confesses to him right before obliviating his memory Flitwick overhears this, and teases her whenever he gets the chance. 
(Walks into classroom with Talbott) “Oho! You two are looking mighty close now, aren’t you?” 
“We’re friends! Just friends! It’s great, right? Total besties.” 
“We’re not besties.” 
(Always pairs MC and Talbott up for group projects, to MC’s embarrassment) 
“I could be wrong, but it feels like the Professor is plotting something...” 
“F-Flitwick? Nah. He’s the nicest teacher in Hogwarts! What’chu talkin’ ‘bout?” 
“Maybe I did something to upset him...?” 
 “He knows I can only handle so much, but he keeps pairing me with you.” 
“Hey- what’s wrong with me!? I thought I was one of the good cats!” 
Talbott just laughs. 
“Rude. You’re a rude bird.” 
“You’re the one that befriended me, remember?” 
But despite it all MC is secretly a little grateful for Flitwick’s efforts to get them closer. The professor is straight-up ecstatic when he hears of her and Talbott going on a date. Many teachers lose money to Flitwick from the bet they made. He’s a proud father-figure. 
McGonagall: Mother figure. Stern, but kind. Hanging out with so many Gryffindors had led to her and the animagus teacher spending more time together, though not to the same extent as with Flitwick. When she first started school the woman had kept a close eye on the girl due to her connection to Jakob, who had been one of her brightest students, but then it was revealed MC wasn’t too terribly talented at transfiguration. Or, rather, she felt too bad for the animals to transform them. 
This meant a lot of after class lectures and lessons in trying to get her over fear of hurting the animals and actually properly transfiguring them. Even has Talbott- the student that confides in her often- tutor her. Or, rather, lecture.
“You’re not going to hurt it.”
“I might hurt it! If the spell goes wrong then-”
“Does it hurt when you transform?”
“Wh-What? No? Why?”
“It’s a similar process; if it doesn’t hurt you to transform into a cat, it doesn’t hurt the cat to transform into a cauldron.”
“...But if it the spell goes wrong then-”
“McGonagall or I will correct it. The cat won’t feel any pain.”
Befriending Bill, Charlie, and Ben and getting into trouble with them thanks to the Cursed Vaults and their own little adventures MC wound up under the woman’s watchful eye moreso than usual and even spent some time in the Gryffindor Common Room. Is amused when she realizes MC’s feelings towards her pupil Talbott and makes the occasional sassy comment, and sometimes talks to Flitwick about the interesting pair the Eagle and Manx Cat make. Is greatly entertained when the two actually start dating. 
Bell: Jakob, Bill.
Izzy: Barnaby, Tulip, Tonks, Jae
Bella: Badeea. 
Isabel/Isabella: Rowan, Ben, Charlie, Talbott, Penny, Liz. Ismelda (after she warms up) 
Stein: Merula. 
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cath-with-a-c · 5 years
When there really was no other way - a different father-son dynamic in AC (rant)
This is a continuation of my other post, focusing a lot on the relationship between William and Desmond, where I talked about the abusive behavior, and how it seems to be lowkey condoned in a lot of media. Warning - this post is super long
One of the most popular defenses when it comes to parental abuse is the idea that “there was no other way”, that in order for the child to benefit in the long run you have to hurt them now. The real-world example would be medical procedures and certain types of physical therapy, that hurt no matter how gently you go about them, but they are important to the child’s well-being and/or survival.  In fiction, particularly in fantasy/sci-fi, it’s usually some type of training or skill, that has to be acquired in limited time, or ability, that can only be unlocked under pressure, that a child needs to survive because the world is more dangerous than ours.
While there are situations where this is plausible and works, still not excusing the fact of the abuse but making the person committing it less disgusting. the idea of “there was no other way” gets grossly misused. And, when William’s behavior towards Desmond is being shoehorned in that category, I get mad, because no, William is just abusive. What’s more, there IS a father-son relationship in AC-universe (albeit in the comic), that does fall under “there was no other way”. 
I’m talking about Nikolai Orlov and his son Kenya, Daniel Cross’ ancestors as portrayed by comic “Assassin’s Creed - The Chain”.   In 1926, Nikolai and Kenya live off the grid somewhere in the US, hiding form both Assassins and Templars. At one point in the comic, an 8-year-old Kenya is made to sleep outside as a punishment during winter until he manages to do his father’s bidding.
If we take the situation without context, it is a clear picture of parental abuse. However, I can name a few reasons, accurately presented in the comic, that make it “there was no other way” situation and why the same points don’t work for William and Desmond. The list of 5 (-ish) reasons is as follows: #0 - Do we know them? This is not an actual reason, that’s why it’s at #0, but it’s a good foundation - for us, Nikolai isn’t a new character, we are not introduced to him making his 8yo son sleep outside. There already was a 3-issue comic, that gave us an insight on his character and values, we have an opinion on him. 
William, on the other hand, gets an introduction by being an asshole to others and showing no normal human emotion in the face if his son being in a coma and his protege’s death. Granted, I’m not sure if the Ubisoft tried to make his connection to Des a surprise, but his first full introduction at the start of AC3 when we already know he is the father is... actually the same - him being an asshole.
#1 - An established good parent One of the main reasons why for me the comic situation is more plausible is that Nikolai is established as a good parent by the narrative. He and Kenya live off the grid, all alone, away from people, he has no one to impress by being a socially adequate parent. However, his behavior toward Kenya is undoubtedly supportive and loving.  The comic starts with the father and son hunting and Kenya being a soft-hearted kid, being unable to shoot the already wounded doe.  Nikolai’s reaction? He tries to cheer his son up, by joking that next time they can hunt fenceposts. He doesn’t show any disappointment or anger, he doesn’t belittle Kenya for failing him. From their interactions, we get the sense that Nikolai, while very jaded by everything that happened to him, tries his best to be a good father to his only son. 
This is important because the “no other way” scenario only works if it’s not the norm, If the abuse is limited to that particular situation and not all-encompassing. 
William, once again, isn’t shown to be even somewhat good parent, at least not objectively, like Nikolai. The only moment when Bill is objectively not terrible comes in AC: Revelations when he talks about how Desmond killed Lucy, and he got to train both of them and it’s sad. It’s a simple dialog line, with an appropriately soft tone of voice (also a side note - gotta give it to the voice actor - he fucking nails the arrogant asshole voice, I literally get hives), and the way it’s so unlike Bill is lampshaded by Shaun, asking him if he’s gone soft. Every other instance of Bill being not terrible comes from Desmond whose perception is skewed by the impending doom. That’s why the attempt to establish something similar to comic in AC4, in the audio file n3, doesn’t work - it’s from Desmond’s perspective, it’s not objective. 
#2 - No time to waste (or literally any other external constraint) When the “no other way” scenario is used right, there are constraints in place, that lead to parent turning to abuse as the last resort. In fiction, it’s usually a lack of time to train or acquire the skill properly.
In the comic, the abuse comes after another assassin, Sergei, finds Nikolai and threatens Kenya’s life. Realizing, that soon there will be more people coming through and that he is a bit too old to properly protect his son (he has to be at around 60-70 at the time), Nikolai resorts to speed-training Kenya how to ambush and kill, using himself as target and bait.  It’s, honestly, brutal and heartbreaking, watching a sweet, soft kid gradually losing his humanity in order to do his father’s bidding. And even more so when you realize, that before that Nikolai was willing to take his son’s education in this particular area as slow as he could - and now that opportunity is gone, because the enemy could come knocking on their door any day (another side note - I actually believe that sleeping outside was not only a punishment and incentive but also done so that if the attack happen, the kid had better chance at getting out). 
One could argue, that the time crunch existed in William’s and Desmond’s case too, and that one would be wrong. We are actually shown, how the pre-Daniel Cross assassin communities looked like - mostly in passing, but one of them is shown inside and out. In previous comic, the Fall, Daniel ends up in one of the assassin compounds. It’s large enough that the people living there don’t necessarily know everyone else who lives there (that’s why at first they believed Daniel was from there), it’s located close enough to the city that no one bats an eye on someone sneaking out to get drunk unless they get so pissed they start mistaking civilians for Templars. The general vibe the compound leaves is akin to Xavier’s school from X-men. Those assassin’s don’t look like they are on the verge of running, they look like equal players, just not as public as Templars. And at the same time, out there in the Black Hills, 11-year-old Desmond is going through training from hell while unable to ever leave the compound and already losing any belief in the cause.
What’s interesting is that time crunch could be applied to Desmond’s upbringing, if he was made younger - 21 instead of 25, or if the Daniel’s Purge was moved from 2000 to 1996. That would create a situation where most of the Brotherhood is gone, the Farm is one of the last communes left standing, and they have to suddenly up Desmond’s training, while he’s around 9 years old, and probably yet to realize what happened and why.  
#3 - Tangible threat Segwaying from #2, the threat is another thing that makes “no other way” situation work. Usually, the threat is what creates constraints for training, while also fueling the parent’s want to give the child a survival chance, and that overrides their morals. 
In the comic, the threat is tangible and undeniable to both Nikolai and Kenya - they’ve already been attacked, and there are more people to come.
In the games, while the threat is real, it’s not immediate. Moreover, it never becomes more than a boogieman to Desmond, because there’s no evidence given, just war stories (yet another side note - in one of @esamastation‘s works, sometime yesterday, there was a very interesting take on why the education on the Farm was built as it was. Check it out, it’s far better than anything I could ever write). Desmond isn’t dumb, I highly doubt he’d miss something like an active attack, or the fact that some adults go away from the Farm and never come back for no reason. So it means that objectively Desmond was safe all along - moreover when he’d run away, it took Templars nine years to find him. The threat was never as close as it would need to be to warrant abuse.
#4 - Limits For the “no other way” scenario to work, the abuse should not be something the parent usually does, and that means, amongst other things, that it’s supposed to be limited to a specific instance.
In the comic, the abuse is limited to Nikolai having a specific goal in mind - for Kenya to learn how to ambush and kill without hesitation; when the goal is achieved? The abuse stops immediately. As soon as Kenya proves that he is ready to defend himself from anyone, Nikolai stops him and embraces him, reassuring the kid. 
In Bill’s and Desmond’s case... well, let me just quote Desmond himself on this: “What scared me was the training. Sweat, tears, bloody lip every once in a while. How far were they going to push me? I couldn't stand it! What was the point? For years and years I thought some major catastrophe was on the horizon. I didn't know what to expect. “ (c) Desmond’s Journey - Training. I’m not gonna even comment on this.
#5 - Payoff Last but not least - if there is no other way, then it has to mean something, contribute to the story at large. The abuse becomes a setup - and needs a payoff
In Kenya’s case, the harsh training he received was pivotal to his survival. His ambushing skill helped him get the attackers into a trap, and in the end, he mercy-killed his father and the last attacker in one shot an managed to escape. If there was no training, he would’ve been a liability and ended up dead.
However, in Desmond’s case you could actually delete the abuse part altogether, make Bill a harsh, but not abusive father and nothing would change to Desmond’s arc. The abuse wasn’t the reason he’d run away - the reason was his lack of belief in a cause and his want to see the world. His arc was about embracing his identity as an Assassin - and you still could have this internal conflict without the abuse part. His external conflict with Bill also didn’t need abuse to back it up - they have dissonant values. Even the training doesn’t factor in - Desmond gets re-trained using the Animus. There is no payoff
In conclusion, while parental abuse is inexcusable, there are ways to portray it in a manner that wouldn’t have your audience lining up to kill the parent. But in the end, it’s still important to understand, that even the abuse that comes from a place of love and out of genuine necessity (and not just justified in this way) can still fuck the victim over and they don’t have to forgive the parent. It just makes the parent not a total scumbag. (thanks for sticking with me till the end)
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