#Jae Kim
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marmotish · 10 months ago
love you draw charlie as the short king he is supposed to be
✨ you’re welcome!!! ✨
~ taking this opportunity to spread my “Short Gryffindors” propaganda ~
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((Ben used to be part of the club but then he had his “””Growth Spurt””” 🙄))
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raccoon-lair · 1 year ago
Memes with Salem the cat
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redhairedgryffindor · 1 year ago
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TLSQ Valentines In Hogwarts Beyond but My MCs Kissing All Characters
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defoozor · 1 year ago
A Jae!🍰
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I changed him the most, because his design by far the blandest compared to his younger version.
Also, here’s for all you No facial hair believers
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And of course, one of Jae quotes ever
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Gonna draw all BH friends just because
Keep an eye out for your fav!
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justonedrawer · 7 months ago
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I also took this chance to spill some lore about my MC's life. Warning: There's going to be information from things that happen and don't happen in later years. So proceed with your own caution and will.
Now storytime :D
6th birthday. 1979 is a happy year for baby Jane. She's not very aware of what's happening out in the wizarding world, and her family is not aboard on letting her know.
She happily celebrates her birthday just like the years before, her mom makes a cake, her dad helps her, and Jacob is by her side, as he says he will always be.
11th birthday. Things are gloomy in the Cleve household. Jacob has been reported missing for many months. The father, saying he couldn't take the situation, left. Leaving the house that was meant for four, to the mother Loraine and Jane.
Loraine, not being able to bear her son and husband's disappearance, turned to calming draughts and other substances that she thought would release her from her pain.
Jane's 11th birthday was lonely, she had gotten her Hogwarts acceptance letter earlier that day but didn't say anything. She's determined to go and find out what happened to her brother. As of that day, she wanted to spend it with the newer version of her mother, and a cupcake, cause as Loraine says, "There's no need for a big cake since there's only one to eat it."
12th birthday. A school year has passed and little Jane is confident she's on the right track. With her new friends by her side, Rowan, Ben and Penny, she believes her Hogwarts years will be much better than she anticipated.
13th birthday. Another curse has been broken and another friend has been collected. The fight will the Ice Knight had earned Jane a scar, small that looks like nothing. After the fight, Loraine has acknowledged Jane's well being and she's pleased she can rely on her friends. Bill has noticed the Cleve family is a bit off but pretends not to notice for his friend's day.
14th birthday. Jane begins to be more familiar with her friend-magnet gift. Her 3rd year was tough, with people facing their worst nightmare, but that doesn't stop them from breaking the curse. The gang has suprised Jane with a cake. It can't stand like a proper cake but she doesn't care, she's happy to be surrounded with people she loves.
15th birthday. The school year could have had a better conclusion. Jane is upset cause she was certain Jacob would be found in that cursed vault. To make things better, Loraine grounded her for the whole summer, both for the fact she had to serve detention and in hopes she'll drop the cursed vaults.
So for her birthday, Jane was alone once more. Well, kinda. The whole night she'd get letters from all of her friends. Some were even personally delivered by a certain bird boy that may or may not have wanted to see her.
16th birthday. Everybody is uneasy. Rakepick's betrayal had hurt the children deeply. Jacob had finally shown himself but his reunion with Jane had not been as sweet as she wanted. She's angry yes, and sad as well, but the cursed vaults are still out there and she has no time to waste with talking about her feelings.
17th birthday. Things have really gone downhill. Sure, the curse has been lifted. And Rakepick is in Azkaban. But their group is broken with two dear friends being gone by the Green Curse. She blames herself, she was there when it happened, she could have done something.
Everyone says it's not her fault, hell, even Merula and Ismelda. She's scared she can't protect anybody anymore. She's scared she won't be able to fight not only evil witches and wizards, but also a disease that has hit her gravely.
18th birthday. HAH SIKE THEY'RE ALIVE.
Things are much better for the gang. Rowan and Ben have awoken from their coma, Peregrine is gone and R has been defeated. Jane's health condition is not the best, but in general life is becoming more peaceful.
19th birthday. The gang has taken their own roads but still meet up for old time's sake. To celebrate birthdays and successes, or support eachother when things are not going to well.
After everything they've been through, with R, Peregrine, ROCC cases and Jacob, Jane has finally reached a point where she genuinely believes that they will be happy. That they will be okay.
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the-al-chemist · 7 months ago
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Before Moonrise
A/N: this was meant to be a sweet, ship-py story for @hphm-ship-week (prompt: Sunset). But then, I handed the mic to Chiara, and she kind of just ran with it. I guess it really is the quiet ones…
Warnings: mention of canon character death, allusions to chronic/stigmatised illness, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them descriptions of injuries.
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It was the tiredness that was the worst thing. Not the pain in her muscles or her chest, not the hunger that left her almost shaking between mealtimes, not the constant low-level irritation and short-temperedness that she had to fight to keep under control, not even the taste of the Wolfsbane potion or the niggling fear that this time it might not work. It was the Godric-damned tiredness that got her every month, her fatigue growing with each night the crescent waxed.
By the time the full moon came around, Chiara was always exhausted. Perhaps if that weren’t the case, she would have the energy to fight against her transformations, to stop herself becoming the monster she hid from the rest of the world. But, in all the years she had been dealing with her lycanthropy, she had not had a single month where she had been able to muster the strength to fight it.
At least she had the Wolfsbane potion. Chiara was lucky, as lucky as a werewolf could be. Those few occasions on which she had faced the full moon without it had been horrific, her pain unbearable, her dread and self-loathing all-consuming. She had scars from those transformations that would probably never heal: one up her thigh, one on the side of her ribcage, another curving up and over her shoulder. She hated all of them equally. They were all reminders of how she would never be rid of the monster within her, even when the full moon was not high in the sky.
She would never be rid of the wolf.
But, she could predict when it would rear its ugly head. Even if the growing symptoms in her own body weren’t enough, Chiara had her lunar chart memorised. She knew exactly what time the sun would go down, and when the moon — the dreaded full moon — would go up. As long as she was safely back in her little private room by then, all would be well. Well-ish, anyway.
The only problem with her plan was the lack of predictability that came with volunteering in the Hospital Wing. Granted, Chiara should probably not have been volunteering on the day of the full moon, but with Madam Pomfrey still Medusified, what other choice did she have? Only to tell the Healers from St Mungo’s that she would not be able to work the full moons due to her affliction, and risk ruining her chance at a career in Healing after she left school. Madam Pomfrey took no issues with her lycanthropy, but not everyone was so open-minded. Not everyone would want a werewolf for a Healer. No, she was just going to have to push through the aches and the exhaustion, try not to make any stupid mistakes because of them, and make a swift exit before sundown.
If a swift exit was even possible. She should have known by now that leaving the Hospital Wing was always easier said than done, and today was no exception. Every time Chiara thought that she was done, another student would come in with another ailment. Oliver Wood, a third year Gryffindor, had taken a Bludger to the shoulder during Quidditch practice. As soon as he had walked out the door, in came Barnaby Lee, who had been bitten by Hester, apparently a Murtlap he had been feeding on the shore of the Black Lake. No sooner had she sent Barnaby back to the Slytherin common room with his hand in a bandage than two first-years presented with bloody noses after getting into a physical fight. Normally, Chiara might have spent longer listening to them tell her why they had each been so upset that they had resorted to violence, but by that point, the sun was dangerously close to the eastern horizon. She told them that she didn’t care who had started it, fixed their noses and vanished the blood from their faces, and sent them both packing.
A wave of her wand, and the Hospital Wing was spick and span and ready for the following day, and she was ready to face the night ahead. She shut the heavy doors behind her as she walked out, and turned the key in the lock. Finally, she was able to leave, and not a moment too soon, for the sky had already turned pink with the setting sun.
But, as the lock clicked, she heard someone say her name.
It was Jae Kim. He had his hands in his pockets, and he shifted his weight from foot to foot as he looked at her. Perhaps he had done something to one of his legs?
“I was hoping you’d be here,” said Jae.
“Why, are you not well?” Chiara hoped that he was well. She did not have the time to tend to him if he wasn’t.
“What? No, I’m grand. Fit as a fiddle, me.” Jae grinned, but kept fidgeting. “I just wanted to chat, that’s all. I mean, if that’s alright with you.”
Of all the times to want to chat. Chiara had to stop herself from sighing out loud.
“I’m actually on my way back to my dormitory, Jae.”
“That’s alright, I can walk with you.”
Chiara couldn’t come up with a good reason why he shouldn’t. Not on the spot, anyway. After almost six years of deliberately keeping her distance from her peers, she was running out of excuses. Or, maybe, she just didn’t want to keep her distance anymore.
It had started as a self-preservation mechanism. The closer she got to others, the more likely it would be that they would discover her secret. If they did, the consequences would be disastrous for her and her future. And, as for the rejection she would face, she didn’t think her heart could take the pain. It was far easier to reject everyone first. At least, it had been, until Rowan died and put everything in perspective. Chiara had spent five years living in the same quarters, attending the same lessons, and eating at the same table as Rowan. And yet, they’d barely ever spoken, let alone become friends. Now that she was gone, it was as if something had clicked for Chiara. Now, she’d had enough of being isolated, of isolating herself from everyone around her.
So, she nodded her head, and let Jae accompany her on her walk back to the Hufflepuff common room, the sun getting lower and her stride becoming faster with every brisk step that she took.
“Oi, what’s this?” Jae asked her. His cheeks were pink trying to keep up with her. “I didn’t realise it was going to be a race.”
“It’s not…”
“Or are you just that keen to get away from me?”
“No, I just… Sorry.” Chiara slowed down. It would be more time-efficient to walk less quickly and talk at the same time than to rush back to the basement and stand around chatting for Godric knew how long. “What was it you wanted to talk about, anyway?”
“Oh, I, er…” Jae’s cheeks turned even pinker. He was giving the sky a run for its Sickles. “Well, I just wanted to tell you that I’m really glad you decided to join the Circle of Khanna.”
Was that it? “It was the right thing to do.”
“Yeah, definitely. You’re always doing the right thing,” said Jae. He let out a soft laugh. “What’s it like, being so good all the time?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Chiara told him. “I’m definitely not good all the time.” Before Jae could ask her what she meant by that, she added, “We all have our flaws, don’t we?”
“Some of us have bigger flaws than others though.”
If only Jae knew how true that was. He wouldn’t think her half as good if he did.
“I think you’re probably a better person than you give yourself credit for,” said Chiara, and Jae’s eyes lit up as he smiled.
The walk back from the Hospital Wing to the basement wasn’t short, and Jae had clearly not had that much to say to her, but he kept on walking with her, chatting about nothing consequential and making silly jokes as they went. It was quite nice. It was like having a friend. It was as if she was normal, just like everyone else. She had been tired all week, but now she felt as if she could keep on walking and talking like this all night.
But, of course, Chiara wasn’t just like everyone else. And she couldn’t keep walking all night. She had to get back to her room and lock herself away, before the wolf returned.
“Well, this is me,” she said, once they reached the pile of barrels that hid the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. “Thank you for walking with me.” A pause. “So, goodnight, then.”
“Yeah. ‘Night,” said Jae, but he didn't leave.
Was he just going to stand and watch her as she tapped the barrel sequence to unlock the door? Had that been his aim all along? Was he planning on breaking in later? Well, if that was the case, so be it. She had to get inside, whether he was watching her or not. She turned around and drew her wand.
“Chiara, wait a minute.”
Did Chiara have a minute left to wait? There was no clock in the corridor, nor any windows down here. She no longer had any way of telling what the sun was doing, nor the moon.
“I didn’t just want to talk about the Circle of Khanna, I wanted to…” Jae cleared his throat. “I just wanted to say that I think that you’re really kind and really pretty, and just… lovely, really.”
Chiara blinked. “Well, that’s nice to hear.”
It was nice to hear. It was lovely to hear. Chiara hadn’t known it before that moment, but she had been longing to hear someone say those things about her. But, Jae wasn’t done.
“Yeah, I kind of fancy you a bit, and I’d like to get to know you better…”
It would be better if she turned away, but she didn’t.
“…and I wanted to know if you’d maybe like to go out with me sometime.”
It was time for her to leave, and yet, she stayed.
“We could go and get some food, or a drink, or something. I don’t know. It might be fun.” Jae paused. “So, er, what do you think?”
Chiara didn’t know what to think. She hadn’t been expecting this. And every moment she spent trying to work out how she felt would be another moment closer to moonrise. She couldn’t do this, not now.
“Can I let you know another time?” she asked. Jae’s face fell. “It’s not that I don’t… I just really have to—”
“No. No, it’s fine.” It clearly was not fine. “Forget I asked. It was stupid. Anyway, I’ll let you get on.”
Finally, Jae turned and walked away, obviously crestfallen. Chiara wanted to call after him, to go after him, but she couldn’t. She had to go to her room, her private, lonely little room. It used to be her safe haven, but now it felt like a prison cell. Even through the window, she couldn’t see another soul, only the grass, silvery in the glow of the rising full moon.
She had only just made it back in time. Thank Merlin she had not gone after Jae. He might have fancied her, and he might have thought she was lovely, but he wouldn’t if he knew the truth. And, as flattered as she was by his interest, as much as she hated that she had hurt his feelings, maybe this was for the best. She was ready to try and make friends, but she wasn’t ready to let someone love her, not yet.
And then the moonlight struck her, and her chest was filled with a pain even worse than that of a broken heart as the wolf took over her once more.
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 1 year ago
"Now that I know my brother is safe, will I finally bring peace to the people of Hogwarts from the curse?"
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The End of Something Beautiful
And the Start of Something Terrible
After gathering at the Great Hall, Jeniferl could not stop wondering about many things
One is how she'll start this year without Professor Rakepick.
She still calls her professor despite everything she's done. She just wanted her to know the reason behind her actions and apologize to the people she hurt.
Another is that she still couldn't stop thinking about Jacob.
She may have finally found and save him but he disappear again without making any contact to her the whole summer. But now she knows that he's alive gives her a little bit of peace in mind.
Speaking of someone who didn't make any contact, Ben was also nowhere to be seen despite her and Rowan looking for him the whole summer.
They felt like he's been avoiding them, especially Jeniferl. But Jeni blames herself again cause she though that he has become more scared after what she brought them into. She become worried about how she was bringing him to danger in their relationship.
And after a strange man took her suddenly and swore to secrecy during Bill's celebration last school year, she can only keep this thoughts on to herself. She rather do a lot of helping instead to the people she caused trouble to find her brother and find the last cursed vault as soon as possible to end the curse.
Though Rowan notice how Jeniferl was too worried and thinking more about others without even thinking about herself. She can see that Jeniferl is carrying too many responsibility even though its just their first day of of sixth year. So she wanted her to take a break in her own way, by touring her around Hogwarts.
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They are already sixth year and too late for a tour around Hogwarts but Rowan thought that Jeni has been too occupied that she didn't have time to enjoy the beauty of the castle like how she sees it. Rowan tour her around, inform her about the facts and details like she's a Professor touring her first year students. Seeing this makes Jeniferl happy and, for a bit, forget her worries and enjoyed her time with Rowan.
"I can already see now that Rowan will become a wonderful Professor in the future"
Jeniferl thought as she felt a strange shiver when she passes the window...
phew, would have been better to make a comic of this one but this is already enough for me~ dammit i don't have the time to draw anymore (╥﹏╥) But finishing this lighten the weight of wips that i've been carrying in my head~~
Gotta clear my mind and prepare for board review and exam soon y'know... pray for me...
But i will still draw some scenes especially before year 6, and my ocs from other hogwarts games... So thanks for reaching this far, hope you had fun reading this adorable moment... for now... 0-0
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akaryuga · 2 years ago
Happy 5th anniversary!🎉🎉🎉
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**They just drinking butterbeer don't worry**
I try draw all the friends characters is more than 30 so I can’t tag them all sorry Dobby, Hagrid and my big brother.
I still can’t believe this game can actually survive 5 years woヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡thank you HPHM for bringing Merula into my life.
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2018/04/26 is also the first time I meet Merula.
And this year 2023/04/26 I also became a Twitch Partner When I drew this! It's just like Merula giving me a gift for our anniversary ヽ(o´∀`)ノ♪♬ Next year we'll be celebrating two things in one day!
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Don't worry I'm still here loving Merula, I will post more drawings soon when I finish my Vtuber debut stuff." orz
I actually draw some little comic & ask on stream but just didn’t finish the translation yet. TuT too much things need to do.
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BTW all my viewer know how much I love Merula 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。I feel happy that more people know our best witch \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////hehehe
Feel free to come to visit me on twitch! Not really good at English but I will try my best to talk with you! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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Professor McGonagall: It looks like you have been missing a lot of transfiguration homework lately, Mr Kim.
Jae: I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Professor.
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aleapple1216 · 1 year ago
Ngl I kinda miss publishing, drawing and talking about hphm sometimes, so here, please take this dumpty ugly sketches showing some Jae and Chiara fluff
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marmotish · 2 years ago
⭐️ With the debut of Taskmaster AU this year, I decided to recreate some of the tasks with the gang here ⭐️
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Barnaby: Deliver the pizza to [the Taskmaster’s assistant] (5 points)
Tonks: Make this doctor look like a fool (5 points)
Rowan: Spell your fanciest word in your favourite colour (5 points)
Jae: Fill the glass with orange juice (5 points)
Freyja: Deliver 26 roses to [the Taskmaster assistant]’s vase (1 point)
No but how funny would it be for them to try and do this stuff without magic/magical abilities? And why shouldn’t the magical community have TV and all?
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raccoon-lair · 11 months ago
HPHM memes and characters
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redhairedgryffindor · 2 years ago
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Draw The Squad Couch Base by cdpdoodler
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synergysilhouette · 2 months ago
Remaking "Hogwarts Mystery" (Years 1-7)
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This is my first time doing a rewrite for a mobile game, but I thought I'd try my hand at it, particularly since I feel like the game didn't live up to it's potential. To clarify, this isn't going chapter by chapter, but an overview of the school years. That said, SPOILERS GALORE. Now that that's out of the way, let's start off with general stuff:
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Friendship matters. A big issue I had was that starting around year 5 or 6, it no longer mattered how close you were with your friends; unlike previous years, you no longer had the choice to include them on adventures. I'd fix that so you have choices on who goes on adventures with you rather than it just being a default number of people. Along with this, you'd maintain consistent friends; Rowan mentioned in Year 6 that you've been distant lately, and that's true, especially with them; Rowan was kind of always a background character on your adventures despite being your best friend. And I'd reduce characters for a more intimate friend group: ie Rowan having Liz's traits (intelligent and rule-following), Penny with Chiara's traits, Barnaby with Diego's traits, Merula with Ismelda's traits, and Alanza with Corey's traits. This would leave Ben, Andre, Jae, Badea, Talbott, Tulip, and Victor unaffected (plus adding your quidditch friends, but more on that later). And possibly controversial option, but I'd make Merula and Barnaby twin siblings; I came up with the idea after removing Ismelda, and I think it'd explain why they stick together as a duo, and their similar background make for more synergy as twins. I'd probably also remove Beatrice as a friend due to her storyline being similar to Victor's and her not really being a big factor after Y6.
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Further customization--I'm removing the familial elements of the storyline. While Jacob is still your brother, he's much closer in age to you (being about one or two years older, so you can go through school together), and you get to see your parents, go home, and establish what kind of background you come from, concerning your blood heritage. I feel like half-blood would be the most likely default in-universe (though muggle-born is also very possible), with pureblood being very unlikely here. I'd also show visual signs of aging; some characters such as Jae and Barnaby already look like adults when they're supposed to be 11, and everyone keeps the same appearance throughout the school years, making it easy to forget that 17 year-olds aren't 11. It'd also be cool if you could get an attribute boost based on your heritage, ie being part veela or merperson (though this may not be likely for a mobile game, since an aspect like this would probably not be changeable once set). Your dad wouldn't be leading "R"; that'd be Verucca instead, and their goal would essentially be Voldemort's goal of wizard dominance, but it's more global-scale now, recruiting purebloods from all over the world to help. If you're a pureblood yourself, dialogue with their members will be considerably nicer.
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The story takes place AFTER Harry Potter's adventures, not before. Maybe even the year after his 7th year. I feel like it was very obvious that the OG HM game was riding off the coattails of the original, especially since "Beyond Hogwarts" coincides with Harry's school years. As such, this removes the Weasley brothers, Cedric, and Tonks from your friendship list, allowing more time for the other characters to shine and get attention. I do like the idea of some characters being in different school years, but it works out better if everyone is in the same year.
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Side adventure characters have more involvement. Originally, Talbott and Chiara are people you just interact with in a couple side quests and become more involved in the main story in later years. In retrospect, they should've been included in the main story earlier on. I'd probably introduce Talbott in Year 3, based on when his Special Adventures pop up (Chiara isn't a factor here since I'm putting her characteristics into Penny). I'd also introduce Quidditch in Year 1 and allow for the Quidditich adventures to be weaved into the main story rather than seen as a side thing that all seems to happen in your 2nd year (according to the Special Adventures). While Murphy, Skye, and Orion wouldn't be involved in your fight against evil, they would serve a similar function of Alanza/Corey of taking your mind off of your adventures and reminding you of other parts of the magical world you can enjoy. Since Rowan and your quidditich team (plus Murphy) are in whatever house you're in, I like to think there's in a more intimate friend group, since you all hang out and study together, with whatever other allies that share your house weave in and out. Perhaps include the Wellnelly brothers as well, along with Rath.
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Less Special adventures. I feel like some of them are unnecessary, like helping your friends prepare for the N.E.W.T.S. (the reward is that based on the subject, you can still miss a question and make a perfect score--but this means nothing if you follow an online guide), or repetitive like some romantic adventures, or something that could've been included in the main story rather than a separate thing, like helping Talbott find his special item. Then there's just some events like the Sorcerer's Olympiad that didn't seem to add anything to the story, nor was it interesting when compared to something like the Triwizard Tournament. And it SUCKS that some events are holiday-exclusives. Plus a lot of these wouldn't exist since they're focused on characters from Harry's time. And regular adventures don't exist since they don't offer rewards and most of them are related to your magical creature.
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More involvement with other schools. There's a large appeal to that, I think; there are 8 known schools, but we've only had an event relating to Beauxbatons and Alanza not being a big enough character for us to learn more about Castelobruxo. Having more insight into Ilvermorny, Uagadou, Mahoutokoro, Durmstrang, Koldovstoretz, and any other wizarding schools would be cool.
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NO VAULTS. It was pretty repetitive, especially since the better half of each school year was occupied with researching and finding it, with only two or three chapters having you actually there, and once there, it was pretty straightforward. I feel like this wasn't a very interesting storyline in contrast to the goblin uprising of "Hogwarts Legacy" (though THAT story could've also been better) and the Second Wizarding War during Harry's time. Another wizarding war/dangerous wizard is always an idea.
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Attributes have a lower cap and most classes are optional--In my version of the game, you don't have to complete lessons, but it's recommended so that you learn spells that can help you on your adventures, as well as special interactions you could encounter from going to class. Since classes are optional, the attribute cap isn't ANYWHERE NEAR 120; I'd cap them at around 50 or 60, but the required points for them are lower since most people probably wouldn't grind if they didn't have to. (I know this is more suited for a video game though, since reducing the cap and making classes optional greatly reduces the need for and desire to have diamonds). And since your overall player level only seems to determine what accessories you can buy, I'd remove that altogether.
Glad to have that stuff out of the way! Now I'd like to get to how I'd change the story for each year at Hogwarts. I may tweak some of this later.
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Year 1--I'd probably make it longer (not TOO long since it's the first year; maybe 20-30 chapters), and introduce Barnaby here since he's Merula's brother and thus probably more involved and attached at her hip, given how big he is on loyalty, though he wouldn't become an ally this year. Collaboration with Merula also doesn't happen here since she starts off as antagonistic; instead more focus is on Jacob, Rowan, Penny, and Ben, and Ben and Rowan become close friends over the school year (though not as close as you and Rowan). The year is mainly introducing you to magic and magic culture, and the vaults don't exist in this story. I'd also make DADA classes available this year, with the DADA instructor being a half-elf, and he ends up being murdered at the end of the school year. Your first Quidditch championship happens this year as well. There isn't a major "break the rules" situation where you're given a stern talking to this year, so you just get the 100 house points.
New Classes: DADA, Potions, Charms
New friends: Rowan, Ben, and Penny
Side quests (Some would need tweaking to adjust for current Hogwarts staff): Party Planner, Christmas at Hogwarts, Dueling Deathday Parties
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Year 2--Again, more chapters here. Merula is more antagonistic to you this year, but Barnaby ends up becoming an ally towards you in the end due to your loyalty to your friends and personal discourse between him and Merula, and he will help you track down your previous DADA instructor's murderer. The current instructor is a by the book woman, who's more into visual instruction and textbooks rather than kinetic learning styles, which both Rowan and Ben enjoy. She's a temporary teacher who was homeschooled in her youth due to travel, but she is talented, and while she comes off as strict, she has a soft side for pretty much anyone but Gryffindors, who she sees as reckless based on what she's researched (Hufflepuffs are loyal, Slytherins are misunderstood, and Ravenclaws are studious). At this point, the discussion of forming a team (similar to the Circle of Khana and Order of the Phoenix/Dumbledore's Army) is brought up to train and track down the killer, bur nothing is seriously considered due to everyone being in their second year. Given that Bill isn't present, Andre is available for recruitment this year, and he makes disguises for you and your trio (which will automatically include Barnaby, but you can pick between Ben, Rowan, and Penny to join you guys). Merula taunts MC about her learning wandless magic here and there, with your adventures and Barnaby being a skilled dueler, singer, and magical creature expert (all of which are canon in the game, anyway) making her very insecure and feel a need to be stronger. Rowan is still injured during the confrontation with the murderer, though this results in the murderer being killed himself by the organization he worked for because Rowan is a pureblood witch/wizard. It's revealed the previous DADA instructor was killed because he was considered impure, being a half-breed. The stress leads to you bonding with Skye (who feels like a "nice" version of Merula), who becomes an ally here and a reminder of the good parts of being at Hogwarts. Given Andre also is involved with quidditch, you interact with him more often there than during classes. And the reason Barnaby and Merula are having conflict is revealed: they sent word to her that they're planning to escape Azkaban and come for them. At the end of the year, it's revealed they (and several others) have escaped.
New Classes: Tranfigurations, Flying
New Friends: Andre, Barnaby, and Skye
Special Adventures (Some requiring tweaking based on Hogwarts Staff): Become an Honorary Rocker, Comet, The Quidditch Cup, A Special Celebration of Hogwarts Teachers
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Year 3--Again, we need more chapters. Starting off, the DADA instructor has changed again, due to the previous instructor having been injured battling against "R," but the new instructor is of little help, being a part-time worker from the ministry and a last-minute substitute. On your first visit to Hogsmeade, you're offered the opportunity to work for Zonko's, Madame Puddingfoot, or the Three Broomsticks, which you accept to explore the magical world beyond Hogwarts, which you accept because several Hogwarts students years 4-7 have started to disappear. Talbott becomes an ally this year, with his "Birds of a Feather" quest being part of the main storyline around chapter 7 or 8 ("Become an Animagus" is still a special adventure), and he shows you more isolated parts of the wizarding world, as well as Tulip helping you come up with ways to plot against "R" thanks to her creative pranks. The focus on extracurriculars is continued in Quidditch, with Murphy becoming an ally and helping you plan strategies against "R." Rowan is still reeling from the events of last year, but they're also important for brainstorming plans, and Penny, Barnaby, and Ben mainly work on their proficiencies in dueling, potions, and charms to protect themselves and their friends, however Penny, Rowan, and Barnaby end up being kidnapped as well. Jacob and your prefect encourage your intuition, but essentially acts as your protector from doing anything too stupid--and vice versa. It's revealed upon a failed attempt to kidnap Jacob that R is inducting wizards and witches whose ancestry is the purest--a Slytherin mentality, so half-bloods are permitted (if Jacob and MC are muggleborn, it'll be stated that they just wanted him because it's revealed that he's a seer, explaining his silver lime wand), explaining why many of your friends were kidnapped. Talbott managed to escape thanks to being an animagus, Skye managed to get to a brown and take to the sky to outmaneuver them, and Murphy was thought to be an "unattractive" option to join their ranks. Those who joined "R" willingly didn't return to Hogwarts, and while some of the kidnapped victims escaped, most of them were revealed to be trapped in the Forbidden Forest, some being subject to the cruciatus curse or imperius in order to be made to join. While Rowan and Penny are rescued, Barnaby and Ben are sadly not. Strangely, Merula is not one of the missing students, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by this.
New Classes: Herbology
New Friends: Tulip, Murphy, and Talbott
Special Adventures (Some will need tweaking based on Hogwarts staff): The Second Quidditch Cup, New Arrivals, Become an Anigamus, The Frog Choir, Wandering Sea Serpent, Slytherin Celebration, The Wisdom of Ravenclaw, Family Feast, Gryffindor Celebration, House Points, Hufflepuff Celebration, Pumpkin Johnny Rises, The Tale of Pumpkin Johnny, Secrets of Godric's Hollow
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Year 4--Once again, more chapters. This year's DADA professor is Peregrine, who in this universe is a renowned wizard who loves to relive his glory days and wants to live vicariously through his talented students. He's not a bad guy, but very misguided; it's implied he's lost people he cares about against dark wizards and witches, and hasn't allowed himself to grieve and instead embraces toxic positivity. I like the idea that if you choose to be raised by a single father or by both your parents, Peregrine IS your dad in this game, resulting in more dialogue, including the fact that he took up the job to keep an eye on you and Jacob. Otherwise, he's just an unrelated teacher who's heavily dad-coded since he takes an interest in you. It's later revealed that the reason he takes interest in you (if you're not his child) isn't just because of a talent at regular school subjects, but your adventurous exploits and the fact that you're a Legimens (which you only just realized and are classified as of this year). Meanwhile, Jacob takes to the forest with his friends Olivia and Duncan in order to speak to the centaurs about divination after discovering he's a seer. You try to help him by speaking to the Divination professor, but she's less than helpful, and you instead focus on training your legilimency with the headmaster when you have time, though you tell no one about your skill except Jacob. You befriend Orion during your quest to understand destiny and the universe, as well as Badeea for her unique and artistic perspective. The Headmaster manages to rescue some of the missing students, and while Barnaby seems more or less the same, Ben is traumatized over being tortured by "R" due to being a muggle-born.
New Classes: Care of Magical Creatures and Divination
New Friends: Badeea and Orion
Special Adventures: Become a Prefect, First Date, The Third Quidditch Cup, Become a Prefect, Celestial Ball, Torvus and the Troubled Forest, The Valentine's Day Masquerade, A Dragon's Quest, A Bad Omen, Magical Creatures Everywhere, Making Mischief, Hosting the Beauxbatons
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Year 5--After speaking with Peregrine, he decides to retire from the position in order to relax and work through his past trauma (if he's your dad, additional dialogue will say that you guys have been vacationing in various spots and he's more attentive to you, not just for your skills, but as a person). However, after taking Peregrine's advice about sacrificing yourself for your friends, you are given detention for your recklessness, even though Peregrine profusely assures the Headmaster that it is his fault. As such, you befriend Jae in the kitchens. The new DADA professor is a mute, bringing a unique perspective on spellcasting and manifesting your power through your wands via your feelings rather than your words. This causes a stir at the Ministry, as some officials think this is the gateway to practicing wandless magic. Whispers begin to circle that the Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts, putting all your friends on edge. Penny's identity as a werewolf is revealed, and your friends begin to become suspicious of each other, with Barnaby begging everyone not to fight, but to no avail, creating factions among the friends (such as a suspicious Rowan and a cynical Ben, your quidditch friends, etc.) Barnaby sticks to you in order to solve the situation, and Merula is surprisingly sympathetic to you, expressing vulnerability to you, and introducing you to a friend of hers, Kuzuhiro, who acts somewhat as a therapist to you. Rath notices your increased aggression in quidditch, and unofficially takes you under her wing since she harmed Skye back in the earlier years by accident and don't want you to do the same (though her attitude towards helping you depends on whether or not you believed her or not). To focus on the root of the "problem," you join Penny for the Wizarding Schools Potions Championship in order to bond with her and remind her of your friendship, and in a rare moment of vulnerability, she asks you not to tell, since they're all she has left (despite MANY consequences of harboring dangerous fugitives). You can promise not to tell or tell her that you've got to report them; regardless, they're found out, but how Merula interacts with you later is reflected in whether or not you promised to keep the secret. It is eventually revealed that a member of "R" had infiltrated the school, and your DADA professor is arrested as a result of a student reporting her practicing the dark arts. You attempt to use your legimens ability, but you find nothing to ensure her guilt. Before graduating, Duncan reveals (against Jacob's wishes) that Jacob had a prophecy of someone close to you betraying you, further stressing you out at the end of the year. You notice Talbott acting oddly at the end of the year, and decide whether or not he's a part of "R."
New Friends: Rath and Jae
New Classes: History of Magic
Special Adventures: OWL, CDAH, Ticket to Love, Valentine's Day Ball, An Enchanted Kiss, The Legendary Snitch of Hogsmeade, Out of Sorts
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Year 6--This year, there is a great emphasis on exchange programs after the success of the Beauxbatons' visit, leading to Alanza to come to Hogwarts, and Kuzuhiro is the new professor, having been personally appointed by the Ministry. You don't share Jacob's prophecy with anyone but Rowan (against your better judgement), and as you suspect, they are weary of your friends, but vow to stick by you better than last year. This year, you become friends with Alanza, who is unperturbed by the revelation and dark circumstances at Hogwarts, becomes stronger as the two of you interact more so you can "get away" from everyone, and Merula is pushed in your direction by Kazuhiro, who wants more "unity" between his students and less conflict. Dementors begin to appear on the school grounds, despite no longer being used by the Ministry, leading many students and even some staff members to become suspicious of the Ministry and fearing that it's been corrupted once more, perhaps by "R." As such, you see even the teachers become more secretive as rumors swirl that the Ministry has planted spies at the school, and you wonder if Alanza is one of them. Your friendship with Merula comes to a head when she invites you to visit her and Barnaby's parents, and you agree to it, and you're joined by Alanza, Rowan, Barnaby, and your new friend Victor, a transfer from Beauxbatons (he was originally a Hogwarts student, but after being attacked by a vampire in his 3rd year, he had to regularly visit the a local magical hospital to help him overcome his bloodlust, only letting him go to Beauxbatons when he presses to continue his education). It's revealed Ben, Tulip, and Jae also followed you, and that Kazuhiro reveals he is the teacher working for "R." In the middle of the year, they kidnapped Talbott, who had discovered at the end of last year who Kazuhiro was, as he was the one who killed his parents. Kazuhiro reveals R's true goal; to reveal magic to the muggle world and establish supremacy (similar to Lord Voldemort's goals), and that they have achieved an international scale at this point, with several schools already having fallen--and the Ministry was covering the whole thing up. This sheds a negative light on Talbott, who had become a spy for the Ministry upon realizing who Kazuhiro was, as well as making the Ministry look bad for putting his life in danger and hiding sensitive information from most of the wizarding world. You are considered a significant member of the group, since you are a direct descendant of one of the four Hogwarts founders (which one it is is dependent on your house; it'll be the opposite of whoever you choose), which is used to dismiss your "inferior" blood heritage if you're not a pureblood--though other members of "R" will contest this. When Ben engages in a fight, Tulip and Jae sneak away to get your friends, which sends a chain reaction of students and staff discovering what's going on. With Ben defeated, you beg the present members of "R" not to hurt him, and they say he's damaged enough, and they will stop hurting him if you join them. Before you can answer, the staff members appear and chase off Merula and Barnaby's parents and arrest Kazuhiro. While things seem to be getting back to normal, Barnaby is revealed to be controlled by a legitimens, and kidnaps you while you're on the train leaving Hogwarts.
New Classes: Astronomy
New friends: Victor and Alanza
Special Adventures: Love Story, Hogsmeade Festival, Valentine's Day, Rivalry Respect and Rath, Head Boys and Girls, The Dragon's Treasure, Career Days at Hogwarts
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Year 7--You wake up unsure of where you are. You're no longer in Hogwarts, and you're unsure if you're even in the UK. You discover that it is the first day of your seventh year, but you cannot recall the events of the summer, only that you have to keep ahead of individuals chasing you, those who brazenly wear clothing "R" on their clothes. You make friends with a red-haired adult, a Weasley, who says they are the new DADA instructor following Kazuhiro's arrest. They explain that the professor from Year 5 is helping to hunt "R" down after being released of false charges, and while they bring you back to Hogwarts, you're horrified to find out that this year is the Triwizards championship, resulting in your headmaster and most of your friends gone, having gone to France (as Rowan suspected "R" may try to pull something during the championship and bring you there). Slowly, your memories resurface as you recall being imprisoned for months until escaping one day somehow, though how you did, you have no idea. Only Merula remains among your "friend" group at Hogwarts, who makes your blood run cold at the thought of having less defenses than before, especially as several students give you strange glances. She's always following you, and you insist on focusing on your studies despite the frequent nightmares, and you eventually find yourself in the mind of Jacob, seeing your friends die in France. Eventually you convince your eccentric Muggle Studies professor (who is also new this year) to bring you to France during your Christmas break, and you reunite with your friends, several of whom have stuck close to Victor, one of the few students who is educated in French thanks to his stay there. Throughout your stay in France, you do battle with several members of "R," including Kazuhiro, who somehow escaped imprisonment. You recall Barnaby kidnapping you due to being controlled by a legitimens, and you fight the urge to become suspicious of the friends you had fought to reunite with. Jacob is also present as he took time off of work (having become an Auror last year) to come and see you, and is happy to find you okay when he didn't originally see you with your classmates. However, his actions make his friends worried. In a battle, Duncan is killed, as is Rowan (though your actions beforehand can prevent one or both of these deaths), and the trauma undoes the false memory spell, revealing that you were tortured by "R" in many ways until you managed to come around to their ideals, and you even helped them with certain criminal acts, including rescuing Kazuhiro from Azkaban. You defeat your friends while they're distracted in battle, and you must decide who's side you're on: "R" or Hogwarts.
New Classes: Muggle Studies
New friends: Merula
Special Adventures: NEWT, Summer Nights, The Curse of Love, The Fourth Quidditch Cup
Hope you enjoyed my idea! To note: I kinda fell off of this game series not too long ago, so I didn't have all the special adventures that are currently available.
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camilamortem · 1 year ago
Remember that mum Bill headcanon?
Well picture this:
Once Bill got his own apartment, he let's all the gang sleep there when they want, specially the ones having trouble at home, like Barnaby with his grandmother, they all have their own toothbrush and pijamas there, he'll have a hot chocolate or a lecture ready for anyone depending on the reason they got there.
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the-al-chemist · 10 months ago
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Any Happy Little Thought
A/N: Truthfully, Ben Copper was never my favourite of the HPHM cast. But, I can’t help but feel sorry for him — I think he has it worse than most of those kids. So, when I received @eternalchaoschocolaterain’s request below, I had to go for the most uplifting of the choices. Poor boy deserves a little happiness.
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Warnings: angst, references to violence and death of a young person, memory loss, understandably poor mental health.
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The day was drizzly and overcast, but the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom was bright, illuminated with a silvery-white glow, so radiant that it had to be magical.
Nearly two weeks had passed since the first meeting of the Circle of Khanna, and so far, the society had been more successful than anyone would have guessed, in spite of their differences and almost constant bickering. Bill Weasley had proved to be as effective a DADA teacher as any of the six others they’d had in as many years - in fact, he was a better teacher than most - and with his help, they had managed to fill many of the gaps they had in their patchy, disjointed curriculum.
Today, however, Bill had decided to teach them something different, something that they might not even have covered for their NEWTs: the Patronus Charm.
Ben Copper had always been good at Charms. At one point, before he had started to make friends, his Charms lessons had been the only thing he had liked about school. Even after five and a half years of education, it was still the only subject that really came easily to him.
So why, then, could he not cast this charm at all?
He knew that the Patronus Charm was exceptionally complex, famously so. It was the most difficult defensive charm known to wizardkind, with many adults unable to fully master it. Ben wasn’t expecting to be good at it immediately, but he had not expected to be quite so bad at it in comparison to his peers.
Of course, Bill had already been able to cast the spell — he wouldn’t have been teaching it to them if he couldn’t — and it had transpired that Tonks was already capable of conjuring a corporeal Patronus, one in the shape of a large rabbit or hare. At first, the others had struggled, but now many of them were also managing to produce Patronuses that were not just discs or clouds of light, but had the forms of silver-white animals: a dolphin for Penny, a peacock for Andre, a dove for Chiara. Even Barnaby, who had never gotten good grades in most of his subjects, and little Bea Haywood, who was only in her second year, were improving with every attempt they made.
Ben, however, had been trying just as hard, and yet he had barely produced even the tiniest wisp of silver from his wand. As the others continued to practise, he was growing increasingly frustrated with himself. What was he doing wrong?
“I think you might be using the wrong memory,” said Bill, who had clearly noticed that Ben was having difficulty. “It can’t just be any old thing, it has to be something really powerful, the happiest memory you have.”
The happiest memory Ben had. What was the happiest memory he had?
His mind drew a blank. It often did when he tried to remember, had done ever since his second year at Hogwarts, when he had been found trapped in the cursed ice with no recollection of how he had become so. All his memories of that day had been lost, and the more that time went on, the more he had noticed other gaps in his memory from his life before then. Perhaps his happiest memory had vanished with the rest. As for the memories he had from after that…
The cupboard in the dungeons, dank and dark, and filled with the Devil’s Snare that had wound its way around his legs. The piercing screams of his classmates each time they had encountered a Boggart, and the anxiety that tightened like a coil in his chest each time he had opened a cupboard, or turned a corner, convinced that he would be the next person to face their greatest fear. The strange feeling of déjà-vu he had gotten the first time he ever saw Patricia Rakepick, that he couldn’t explain then and still couldn’t explain now. The looks of betrayal on Artemis and Rowan’s faces when he woke up to find out that he had been threatening them without his knowledge and against his will. The great rumble of the ceiling in the Buried Vault and the scent of burnt flesh that pierced his nose once the dragon entered the room from one of the portraits. Rakepick’s wand pointed at him, the green light emanating from that wand towards his chest, Rowan appearing from the shadows and jumping in front of him, her body hitting the ground, limp and lifeless.
Ben’s hand had been raised ready to cast his spell, but now it was shaking so badly that his wand fell to the floor. His head spun as he bent down to pick it up, and it took everything he had in him just to stay standing once he had straightened himself up again.
“Sorry,” he muttered, conscious that Bill was watching him. “I, er… Yeah, I’ll have another think about what memory to use. Thank you.”
It was a lie. There was no memory Ben could use, not anymore. He waited for Bill to turn his attention to Alanza before lowering his wand and sitting down at one of the tables that had been pushed to the side of the room. He wanted to have a moment to himself, to shrink away from the thoughts that threatened to drown him: the memory of Rowan’s death, the guilt that she had sacrificed herself to save him, the idea that she shouldn’t have bothered, that he wasn’t worth saving. He was a coward. He was a Mudblood. He was useless at everything except for Charms, and apparently he wasn’t even good at that anymore.
“You alright, mate?” A voice interrupted Ben’s thoughts, and he was joined by Charlie Weasley. Charlie leant back against the table rather than sitting in one of the chairs, his eyes scanning the room. “This spell’s really hard. I can’t get the hang of it at all.”
Ben couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or just trying to make him feel better. He made a quiet humming noise instead of speaking.
”I think Jae might’ve cracked it, though. Look.”
Charlie nodded his head and raised his eyebrows, and Ben followed the direction of his eyes. Their friend Jae had his wand held aloft, his Patronus swirling in the air in front of him to take a more substantial — if small — form. It had tiny silver legs, a twitching nose, a long tail.
“It’s a rat.” Charlie half-smiled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Bill is not going to be happy about that…”
But Jae’s rat-Patronus disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared, the light it had cast on Jae’s face replaced with a surprised and proud-looking smirk. Seeing them looking, Jae walked towards Ben and Charlie with a swagger in his stride that irritated Ben, but made Charlie laugh.
“Not bad, mate,” said Charlie. “You really had it that time.”
“Dunno what all the fuss is about. Piece of cake, that.”
“Got any tips for us?”
Jae seemed to consider Charlie’s question before nodding. “Yeah. Ignore what your brother says. The thing about memories is a load of crap. I tried it, and it didn’t work. Had to improvise, do my own thing, y’know?”
Ben frowned. Charms were cast with precision, everyone knew that. You couldn’t just improvise a Charm.
“And what was ‘your own thing’?” he asked, more sharply than intended.
“Well, instead of thinking about good stuff that’s already happened, I just thought about even better stuff that could happen. It works, look.” Jae cleared his throat. For a moment, he seemed to glance over his shoulder in the direction of the Hufflepuff girls, but his focus returned so quickly to his wand that it may have only been a twitch. “Expecto Patronum!”
A small burst of white light issued from Jae’s wand, and a moment later, his rat-Patronus had returned.
“Possibility, lads. That’s the secret to happiness. Why look back, when you can keep on moving onwards and upwards?”
“I guess anything’s worth a try,” Charlie said with a shrug. “Expecto Patronum!”
Another raised wand, another Patronus. Though Charlie’s was incorporeal, he had at least managed a half-decent shield, which was more than Ben had achieved. Charlie’s Patronus grew brighter as Bill did a double-take at Jae’s rat and flinched away from it.
Then, both Jae and Charlie’s eyes were on Ben. He sighed before pulling out his own wand.
Something good that might happen. Again, Ben struggled to think of something. When so much that was bad had already happened, who was to say that the future wouldn’t hold something even worse in store? He always had found the idea of the future unnerving. The future was uncertain and out of his control and an endless source of worry. Possibility had never made him happy, only anxious.
Ben shook his head. “I can’t do it,” he whispered. “I can’t think of anything that’s good right now.”
Jae and Charlie shared glances as Ben lowered his wand and his gaze.
“Wow,” said Jae. “Bit rude, don’t you think? I mean, we are literally with you right now.”
“I don’t… You know that isn’t what I meant, Jae.”
Ben looked at Charlie for back up, but Charlie did not back him up.
“Actually, I think Jae might have a point. I mean, we’ve all been through some pretty rough stuff the last couple of years, and Godric knows what else we’ll be up against with the Vaults and the Cabal…”
Jae leaned towards Charlie and muttered, “Mate, I dunno if that’s going to help.”
“All I’m saying is that we’re still here. We’re still trying.” Charlie shrugged. “The fact that we haven’t given up yet is something, right? And I guess… Well, I guess that’s all thanks to you.”
Was it thanks to Ben? Ben wasn’t sure that it was, but Jae nodded his head emphatically.
“That’s right, this was all your idea. The defence lessons, and the name. The Circle of Khanna. That was genius, that was.”
Ben had been surprised that the others had liked his idea for a name as much as they had. He wasn’t going to suggest it at first. After all, would they really want to be constantly reminded of Rowan, of the loss of Rowan? Did they need to be reminded? Ben didn’t think there would ever be a day where he didn’t think about her, about her death, the way she had laid down her life for his. He didn’t think there would ever be a night where he didn’t dream that he was back in the forest, reliving her death. That memory would stay with him forever.
But, then again, Ben knew better than anyone what it was like to forget. He knew that forgetting was far worse than remembering. And so, he had suggested the name. The Circle of Khanna. With a name like that, none of them would ever forget the reason why they had joined together, who they were doing this for.
“It is a good name,” agreed Charlie.
“It’s all good, what we are doing here.” Jae paused, his eyebrows furrowing. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever really done anything good before.”
It was good, what they were doing — fighting, trying, working together. Rowan was gone, but they were all still here. They hadn’t given up. They hadn’t lost hope. Not yet, anyway. That was how the others were able to cast their Patronuses, Ben realised. It wasn’t because they had the happiest memories, or liked the idea of possibility; it was because they still had hope. If they could stay hopeful, then why couldn’t he? Why shouldn’t he?
He didn’t need much, just one thought. One hopeful, if not happy, thought. It could be anything. Maybe just being here was something. Here, surrounded by bright silvery light that had been created from his friends’ happiness.
“Expecto Patronum!”
This time, when Ben raised his wand and spoke the incantation, something happened. A small wisp of silver furled upwards into the air in front of him. It was only little, and it wasn’t corporeal — it wasn’t even shield-like — but it was at least something.
For now, he would take something. For now, that would do for him.
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