#also ... really olaf ???
ven10 · 9 months
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thatlonelycactus · 8 months
Insane s3 Prediction
Okay, so y’all know these two:
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Do they not slightly resemble any other red and light haired duo??? For example, these two:
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Anyway, beside from that (slightly cursed) comparison, what if season 3 is just:
Crowley, singing sadly: We used to be best buddies. Crowley, still singing: But now we’re not. Crowley, still singing: I just wish you would tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyy. Crowley: Do you want to build a nebulaaaaaaa???? It doesn’t have to be a nebulaaaaa. Aziraphale, on the other side of the elevator door: Just come and join me! We can make things better! Crowley, pressing the down button, sadly: Fuck you byeeeeeeee
That’s what I think will happen in s3
Good day to you.
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aeriondripflame · 10 months
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george r.r. martin, a song of ice and fire. game of thrones (2011). becks_rylynn, how the light gets in. jacqueline woodson, weight. anäis nin, house of incest. the lighthouse (2019). frank ocean - white ferrari. annie lennox - into the west. alphonse de neuville, giant squid illustration. robert kurvitz, disco elysium. angel’s egg (1985).
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silkhy-john · 11 months
Count Olaf is just…
Rereading the series, I guess now I’m taking more time to pay attention to what we’re being told and my gosh this man is violent. He literally exudes violence.
“He looked like he wanted to do nothing more than scratch out Violet’s eyes” ummm??? Also the glee he takes in threatening the Baudelaires making promises he would undoubtedly keep if certain conditions weren’t met? Scary
Anyway ummm yeah live laugh love a genuinely terrifying character
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navree · 2 months
beatrice baudelaire!
my girl!
How I feel about this character: I've always been really interested in Beatrice because of how mysterious she is. Like, as a fandom we have a lot of headcanons and stuff we've extrapolated from the books and supplementary material, but on pure canon there's a lot of gaps in what we know about her that makes her interesting, especially when it comes to fans trying to fill in those gaps. And I like that she was just this super cool and super hot woman that everyone was so incredibly obsessed with no matter what side they were on, everyone and their mother had a complex about Beatrice.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: If Daniel Handler didn't want me to become far too obsessed with Lemony and Beatrice as a couple, he shouldn't have written five hundred thousand words of Lemony going "Beatrice I love you so much let me list it all" as a way to reassure her when she asks 'hey do you still love me' in the 200 page break up book she wrote. That's just insane, of course I ship it. I'm also really into Beatrice/Bertrand as a couple too, people can have multiple great loves. And depending on my mood I can be really into the lemonberryice throuple.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Beatrice and Kit's relationship is always gonna be interesting to me, and Olaf and Beatrice just seem to have had the most fascinating dynamic, legit friends in childhood to some more vitriolic friendship and then she murders his parents and then he torments her innocent children, it's Good.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know if I've got any necessarily unpopular ones because this fandom in general, and especially the bit focused on the sugarbowl generation, is very small and most of the stuff I've seen I agree with. I guess I might characterize Beatrice as a bit, idk, colder than most? For all her other facets, Olaf was someone she knew and seems to have gotten along with well on a personal level, and she still doesn't seem to have spent much time outwardly agonizing over what might have been straight cold blooded murder. I don't think she was evil or unfeeling, and there's a reason she pulled back from VFD stuff especially after having children, but there might be a more ruthless streak there in my view than in some other people's.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: idk man, that she fuckin lived? It's a bummer that she's dead, she was a devoted mother and a good friend and an important part of a lot of people's lives and it seems like a bunch of worlds were dimmer without her in them, her kids are gonna miss her for the rest of their lives and Lemony is still deeply affected by losing her literal decades after the fact. I wish she'd been able to meet little Beatrice too, I think they would have gotten along great.
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rainbowpufflez · 7 months
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Lily colored glasses
Get it cause— cause— ca—
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Moment of signing the security agreement with Germany
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e-adlirez · 1 month
So the other other day I went to Disney On Ice with my family and the moment I saw them, I developed one hell of a hankering for a snow cone. I knew I wanted one (despite New Zealand winter being in more-or-less full force) and I knew I had some money, so I went to scout the stalls selling them in the venue and see which one sold them for the cheapest price. If not from the Disney-themed stalls (which are always overpriced and always just for the merch inextricably tied to them), then from the stalls the venue itself had, because they actually had those and didn't completely restrict us to sacrificing our wallets to the big mouse.
(For conversion to USD, multiply by 0.6)
I never wound up buying a snow cone ;m;
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I'm still craving one to this day, three days after the event wrapped up ;m;
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godofthestupid · 2 months
So me and three of my friends started a minecraft server(2.0,we gave up on 1.0,it was a bit stressful at the time,but 2.0 looks good!) and of course it's modded lovingly by two of my friends. They added in some building mods which I greatly enjoy because I am a builder by heart but they also added stuffed animals,more trees and biomes,etc.
In one of the mods there are goblin traders. Tiny goblin dudes just spawning in your world who can trade you trash for really good stuff and even really rare and expensive stuff for very little.
So after we all settled into our homes,me and my best friend @dragonscereals picking almost the same type because we share one singular braincell and it screams for island on a lake surrounded by mountains,we started doing our own stuff,building and making farms.
And as I was working on the first layer of the Tyrverne(the tavern from my dnd campaign which I will use later for the promised comic) a goblin trader appeared in the water.
You see,these goblin traders are small and extremely cute,so of course I grabbed a nametag and together with cereals the little goblin trader received the name 'Olaf'
But! Olaf disappeared on the next day. Distraught we searched for him. To no avail and gave up the search,thinking he might've dispawned.
The following day though there he was,on the steps of the tavern,like he had waited for us to come back on. I let him in,walls already build for the first layer and having now a door and he explored the rooms! He ran around looking at the stoney walls and purple windows and my chaos of a chest monster in the future kitchen.
He hasn't left the tavern since,always coming towards me when I log on and sometimes gently pushing me around when I'm trying to find something in my chests or inventory. Olaf also looked at the first roof and the beginning of the second floor,balancing on the wooden beams supporting the not layed out yet floor. There is also a decorative skeleton at the entrance which he likes a lot because he danced on it for quite some time
He is like my child which I found literally on the water while fishing and took home
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pinkspiraling · 1 year
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auphrodyte · 1 year
finally caved and watched frozen 2. i thought people were exaggerating but damn everyone in the movie has chemistry except the sole canon couple
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frog-whisperer · 9 months
Now that it’s been a decade and it’s not so oversaturated in the public consciousness anymore I think we all need to admit that Frozen slaps actually
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
[cws: discussion of parental abandonment, canon-typical grooming, emotional abuse, and poverty.]
headcanon: ricky's biodad ran out on his family when he was six. he took him along to the bus station, ruffled his hair, and said he'd be right back; and then he never did.
ricky was left waiting at the station, alone, until his mom finally showed up in a panic. she'd gotten back after work to find he hadn't come home from school, and she couldn't get hold of his dad over the phone; their marriage had already been rocky for a while, and when she couldn't find them her first assumption was that he'd taken ricky and left.
(sometimes ricky wonders whether he'd been thinking about it, and that's why he didn't just leave him at home to make a clean getaway. sometimes he wonders what he could have done at that last second to make him choose differently. he's glad he didn't--he doesn't regret growing up with his mom and he'd pick her over that asshole any day--but he wonders.)
this is also a major reason it was so easy for pericles to slip into the role he took in their family. being a sudden single parent meant his mom had to spend long hours working herself to the bone to provide for them, which meant that she had precious little time or energy left over for ricky even though she loved him dearly; after a couple years of that it must have seemed like a godsend for another adult to come along and be there for him, even if it broke her heart that she couldn't be there herself.
......which meant pericles had constant access to ricky--a kid with major abandonment and attachment issues, and a hole in his life from the guardian who left him behind--and an overwhelming amount of input into his development as a person, without any parents around to notice his behavior.
(this would also provide context for ricky's fixation on wealth and hard work to establish a comfortable source of that--overwork no less, it's implied, and self-neglect. growing up in poverty will do that to you, as will guilt and worry and loneliness from seeing your parent bust their ass and sacrifice for you to keep your heads above water. add having internalized that work ethic from her into the mix, as well as the fact that he had to completely restart his life from scratch in a new city as a teenager with presumably no money, and it explains a few things.)
all this is a major part of why ricky takes it so hard that pericles, you guessed it, betrayed and abandoned him. (and ended up in a situation where ricky couldn't have contacted him to get closure or an explanation, no less, even if that part was something he couldn't control.) especially considering that on top of the betrayal itself, i get the strong impression that pericles exploited, encouraged, and cultivated his separation anxiety and dependence.
he worsened ricky's issues instead of helping him heal from them so he could position himself as his emotional support to cope with it (hi there, trauma bonding 🙃)..... and then he hurt him in about the worst possible way he could have, when it was his fault that it was so fucking devastating. and he doesn't seem to have even done it to be cruel. he just did it for his own ends, ends which ricky didn't understand or have context for for a long time, because ricky's wellbeing and relationship with him (and his actual physical safety!) was a perfectly acceptable sacrifice for whatever it was that he wanted.
sound familiar?
and he doesn't..... realize this. most of it not fully. he understands that pericles betrayed him and it was Bad, he's maybe connected some of his anger over it to his dad having walked out. but so, so much of what pericles did to him he doesn't know how to articulate, or even that it was wrong in the first place. all he has is his anger and loneliness and hurt and confusion, concentrated on the point where everything finally broke.
and when pericles waltzes back into his life and leans on that pressure point, ricky tries to tell him to fuck off at first; but because that's the only thing he realizes was fucked here, he thinks that being older and angrier and craftier and wiser, having built a life and safety net for himself without pericles and proved he doesn't need him, means he's ready this time. he's strong enough this time. when it comes to this one thing--and in return for every good thing he thinks it'll be a fair tradeoff for--he can keep his enemies close and come out on top.
he's not. and he can't. and we all know how that story ends.
there's a lot going on here. a lot. and i have thoughts about what the curse itself consists of. but i think ricky first started pursuing the treasure not for money or power or even out of spite, but because he wanted more than anything to understand what it was that pericles loved more than him.
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
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Chief knows what you need when you’re sick: something warm to drink, some tissues and, of course, some Halo. 🤧💖
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hey btw so many snicketverse characters are polyam. did you guys know that so many snicketverse characters are polyam. well they are. now you know. if you guys even care
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so i’m watching episode 2 of toqger… is it just me or is the robot lady just constantly horny?
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