#also @ anon sorry for taking so long to respond. I'm like if a boy had so many assignments all week šŸ˜”
Oh hey I was the one who submitted Nina Tucker. It definitely wasnā€™t a joke submission! She was clearly introduced into the story just to be killed off. Despite this, she had a profound impact on the story - itā€™s not like she just died and everyone moved on. She continued to influence the boysā€™ actions and perspectives throughout the story after her death. Her death serves the themes of the story - the idea that alchemy is a tool that can be used for good or evil, and that it cannot solve every problem. So I donā€™t think her death was for shock value at all, even though it was super horrific. The horror was the point, u know? Itā€™s cool if you donā€™t think she fits the bracket but I saw you thought it was a joke submission so I just wanted to clarify.
That's fair! The reason I thought it might have been a joke was less to do with the actual character and more with how often fans meme her yk
I personally disagree with saying that it was clear from her introduction that she was going to be killed off? (At least in fma03, which is the version I'm invested in/thinking of when I talk about fma) Like her first episode absolutely inclines one to be suspicious of her father, but I feel like Nina herself doesn't really raise death flags there given that the focus is less of her and more on Ed + Al's trying to pass the state alchemy exam
My other thing with Nina is that I feel like part of her tragedy was how it wasn't inevitable? Like Edward was already starting to realize that something was wrong fairly early in episode 7, and tried to investigate Shou Tucker but was actively obstructed by the military(/Basque Grande). When Ed sneaks back into the Tucker house, he's so sure that there's something going on -that he could help stop- that he willing to risk his new state certification on it, but arrives too late. So to me it feels less like Nina was doomed, but more like she could have been saved but wasn't, which Ed partially blames himself for, but ofc can more accurately be attributed to the evil of the Amestrian military
That said, I entirely get where you're coming from! And I agree with you about her thematic value + the lasting effect she had on Ed + Al
So, short answer: Understandable have a nice day (I'll definitely put her in if she gets enough votes to make the bracket, though she has yet to)
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obsessivelyloved Ā· 4 months
This was requested on one of my nsfw blogs but I went insane and made it 3,000 words long. So I can post most of it here lol. Just know that in my heart, this takes place in Arkham. Also I'm super rusty so I apologize if anything feels off/wonky. The ending is abrupt here bc the rest of it/the ending is nsfw. I was up til 5am writing this and I'm not writing a sfw ending for this blog until after i get more sleep.
Anon asks: Iā€™m a big sucker for Psych Au fics. Reader is a cis female doctor who treats Tord with kindness. He becomes obsessed with her. Refuses to talk to any other doctor. Tord is always on his best behavior for her which leads her to let her guard down. BIG MISTAKE
ā€œYou dropped this.ā€Ā 
The man stares at you wide eyed as you hand him his lighter. He stands, rigid. You give him a gentle smile and press it into his palm, your other hand curling around the back of his hand.Ā 
ā€œI know thereā€™s no fluid in it, so you donā€™t have to worry about me taking it,ā€ you say to him. You pat his hand and step away.
The man turns fully towards you and youā€™re able to read the name sewed onto his shirt.Ā 
ā€œI-ā€ the man- Tord- swallows hard. He quickly pockets the lighter. ā€œThank you.ā€Ā 
You give him another smile and walk past him. He seemed to be going the same way as you but he never caught up. Nor did you hear footsteps behind you. Once you reach the directorā€™s office, he leaves your thoughts. You were determined to make a good first impression on your first day of the job.Ā 
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The man you met earlier had turned out to be your first patient. And oh boy, what a patient he was. Like you had promised yourself you werenā€™t going to judge any of these people but god damn. His file was thick. At least twenty papers were inside the manilla folder you had received from the head directorā€™s office. Maybe even more.Ā 
Youā€™d never know if you kept standing outside the directorā€™s office gawking at it. You take a deep breath. Going through it sitting down was probably a good idea. As you make your way to the breakroom, your grip on the folder is tight, trying your best to make sure you donā€™t drop it and reveal your patient's file.Ā 
Thankfully, it doesnā€™t take you long to get to the breakroom. A few people were there but they paid you no mind. They sit, hunched over lunch or their own files. You sit and start to read.Ā 
LĆøvik Tord
3 7 2 5 9
DOB: 1995
Age: 28
Hair: Dark brown with lighter brown roots
Eye: Silver
You end up skimming through this until you get to the bottom of the page. It wasnā€™tā€¦ pretty.Ā 
Tord is a violent man. He is aggressive, manipulative, and has a short temper. Many doctors have tried working with him to no avail. He does not respond kindly to Dr.Casey (see page 5), Dr.Bonnie (see page 8), Dr.Roxy (see page 12), or Dr.Harley (see page 15).Ā 
He is extremely aggressive towards Dr. Bruce (see page 20).Ā 
You stop reading there, your chest feeling tight. You flip to page twenty. Itā€™s not the last page like you had hoped. There were stillā€¦. Quite a bit in the file.Ā 
Dr.Bruce has tried everything he can to help Tord. He has tried finding common ground with the patient. Has tried being lax and strict with Tordā€™s schedule. Has tried working with Tord and letting him sit outside. Tord had found every loophole and burned every bridge until Dr.Bruce stopped lenient treatments. Tord stabbed Dr.Bruce fifteen times before guards made their way into the room.Ā 
It is unknown how and where he had gotten his hands on a sharp long blade. Tord was seen licking the blood of-
ā€œDonā€™t worry if you canā€™t fix him. At this point, Doctor Markman hands his case off to fresh blood to showcase this place. No one expects you to be able to tame him.ā€Ā 
You startle at the voice, goosebumps raised on your arms. ā€œIā€™m sorry?ā€ you ask with a polite smile. Anger clouded your fear. What the hell was this person talking about?
The doctor, Alice, her name tag reads, smiles at you.Ā 
ā€œNearly everyone has tried working with him at this point,ā€ she continues. ā€œNo one expects him to ever get better. He's here for murder, after all.ā€Ā 
You give her a tight smile in return. ā€œIā€™ll just have to see for myself.ā€Ā 
Before she can keep going, you straighten up the papers and close the folder.Ā 
ā€œI appreciate the advice, but I must be going now,ā€ you lie through your teeth. What bullshit! What kind of doctors run this place?Ā 
You actually hadnā€™t needed to be anywhere for another thirty minutes but if this conversation continued you wouldnā€™t be able to hold your tongue. Everyone can be saved. With compassion and kindness and help, no one was beyond redemption. Or too far gone for help.Ā 
You storm out of the breakroom and wander.Ā 
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ā€œI was hoping Iā€™d see you again.ā€Ā 
Tord grins at you as heā€™s escorted in. His hands are cuffed and before he can sit down, the guard pats him down.Ā 
It makes your stomach churn but you keep your face kind.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s nice to see you too,ā€ you greet. You watch cautiously as he sits down in the plush chair. The guard leaves the room.Ā 
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Itā€™s silent enough to hear the clock as the two of you study each other. He seems to drink you in, eyes wandering up and down, seeming to take in everything. Youā€™d do the same if you werenā€™t a professional.Ā 
ā€œYou used to dye your hair?ā€Ā 
Tord raises an eyebrow. He tilts his head a little, eyes focused solely on you. It unnerves you almost as much as his file had. No patient of yours had ever stared at you so intensely in the pastā€¦.
After a moment, he answers. ā€œYes. I fancied black quite a bit.ā€ He gestures towards his roots. ā€œItā€™s been a while since Bruce got me more dye. No one else will.ā€Ā 
ā€œI could look into it,ā€ you clasp your hands, jumping into this opportunity. ā€œI canā€™t promise anything, but Iā€™ll talk to Doctor Marksman.ā€Ā 
ā€œAnd what do you want from me in return?ā€
ā€œIā€™m sorry?ā€Ā 
His gaze hardens. ā€œWhat. do. You. want.ā€ He grinds out, his body rigid in the chair. His hands were clenched.
Without thinking, puzzlement falls across your face. What did he mean? What did you want? For him to get better, obviously.Ā 
ā€œI want you to be at ease with your mental health,ā€ you answer, still looking puzzled. ā€œI donā€™t want anything else from this job but that. Iā€™m not dangling hair dye in front of you in exchange. I want you to feel comfortable in your skin and at home here, Mr.LĆøvik.ā€Ā 
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.Ā 
ā€œIs that really what you want?ā€ Tord asks, an emotion you canā€™t quite place in his voice. ā€œTo help me get better?ā€Ā 
Whatever it may be, you smile at him.Ā 
ā€œOf course. I want nothing but to see you succeed and be happy here.ā€Ā 
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Things were easier after that first session. You always started off kindly, asking Tord how his day was going. If his favorite show or movie had aired on the television today.If his favorite food had been served that morning or afternoon. If he slept fine through the dreadful storm.Ā 
(ā€œI know I wasnā€™t,ā€ you had laughed. ā€œI tossed and turned, jumping at each sound all night.ā€
ā€œIā€™m sure your boyfriend was quite displeased.ā€
ā€œOh,ā€ you chuckle. ā€œWell, no. I have a cat but no boyfriend. I was too busy getting my decree to ever really mingle like that. Though, my poor little man was also distraught at all the thunder last night. He yowled at my door until I let him into my room and he curled up on my bed. Iā€™ll bring pictures next time.ā€)Ā 
Too well for you and only you. Tord refused to talk to anyone but you. He would sit in silence or insult other doctors during his sessions. In one instance, he broke a new doctorā€™s nose. The poor guy had quit on the spot, cussing Tord and the whole place out as he was escorted to the medical section.Ā 
You were tense the next few sessions but that violent man was nowhere to be found. He kept his cuffed hands right in front where you can see them at all times. He never lunged from you. In fact, barely ever moved in his chair.Ā 
Tord was easygoing. Polite, charming, even. He took any medications he needed obediently and put up no fuss when youā€™d have him describe in later sessions how he was feeling and if he was feeling any negative side effects.Ā 
He asked about your cat. About how your favorite show was going. If the movie you were looking forward to has come out yet. If your favorite restaurant down the street from your apartment was still closed for renovations.Ā 
Eventually, enough time had passed that you relaxed. You stopped keeping your eyes trained on his hands. You stopped worrying yourself sick about his body language. You focused on his treatments and his mental health.Ā 
If he was going to hurt me he would have done so by now, you thought to yourself after your latest session with Tord. He was doing so much better than he had been doing six months ago. It seemed as if you were really making a difference, helping him improve.Ā 
It had been three months since he last fought another patient. Two months since he assaulted another doctor. And five months since he refused treatment of any kind.Ā 
You step outside the building and take a deep breath. A dopey smile sticks to your face as you walk to your car. Becoming a doctor was the best choice youā€™ve ever made. Nothing was more rewarding than helping people. Not even this cloudy weather could bring you down.Ā 
In fact, nothing tried to drag your mood down. There was no traffic on the way home. Some asshole hadnā€™t parked in your assigned parking spot again in the parking lot of your apartment. And your sweet cat hadnā€™t knocked his little box over again.Ā 
You happily reheat your leftovers and watch tv for a while before you get ready for bed. Unfortunately, your mood does come crashing down.Ā 
In the middle of the night, thunder wakes you. You jolt up, scrambling for your phone. Your hands come up empty. Shit, you think. I left it charging in the kitchen. Ugh. Oh well, you donā€™t need to look at your phone to see it is late and storming.Ā 
Another loud sound booms through your apartment. Only this time, it sounds like a crash.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s just thunder,ā€ you tell yourself. ā€œNothing to be afraid of.ā€ You lay back down. Your eyes shut and youā€™re just about drifting to sleep when your door creeks open.Ā 
You bolt up, knowing damn well that your cat canā€™t open doors and you freeze.Ā 
Your heart races as your mind tries to process just who was in front of you.Ā 
ā€œTord?ā€ you whimper, hands shaking. But that canā€™t be. That was impossible. He was supposed to be sleeping soundly in his room with the soundproof headphones you got him. He didnā€™t like storms. The thunder reminded him too much of gunshots and made him restless.Ā 
Useless information floods your brain.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m home, sweetheart,ā€ he rasps. His grin is soft in the moonlight. He reaches over to flick on your bedroom light.Ā 
Heā€™s gentle heā€™s kind heā€™s sweet heā€™s-
Heā€™s covered in blood.
Tord steps forward and youā€™re frozen in bed. His eyes are wild as they drink you in. Thereā€™s blood on his hands. In his hair. Splatters on his face.Ā 
ā€œOh honey how Iā€™ve dreamed of this,ā€ he croons at the foot of your bed. ā€œYour apartment is just as cute as you described.ā€Ā 
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spatialwave Ā· 6 months
omg! Iā€™m the anon that sent the addition to your easter blurb and what you added was so sweet. I imagine that Angus would be very nervous to meet readers family but readers parents would LOVE him! I imagine that the readers mom would fuss over him and Angus wouldnā€™t know how to respond and reader is so embarrassed by it and has to make their mom stop. -šŸ“š (sorry if this is too much of an addition)
no, no, your addition is perfect and i SO agree and i'm going to write a lil something because you have inspired me <3
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"do i look okay?"
"for the last time, angus, you look perfectly fine," you cooed at your boyfriend, lifting a hand up to smooth down one of his unruly curls. you were smiling up as you looked over him, admiring his features and the dorky smile on his face as you complimented him, "they're going to love you, my mom begged me you bring you here."
ā€œyeah, but your mom likes the idea of me, what if she hates me when she gets to know me?ā€ he whined, his fingers gripping the tray in his hands a bit tighterā€”a tray that had a homemade apple pie under the tinfoil, which angus baked under your supervision.
the two of you stood on the front steps of your childhood home, the porch light illuminating you under the setting sun.
ā€œthen i guess sheā€™ll hate you,ā€ you murmured as you leaned up and pressed a kiss against his cheek, interrupted by the front door swinging open and your mother interrupting you both.
ā€œhappy easter!ā€ she smiled wide as her hands smoothed down the apron she wore, getting her first look at the boy youā€™d fallen so madly in love with. she was immediately charmed by him, ā€œoh, you must be angus,ā€ she smiled and you already felt yourself growing embarrassed, ā€œcome in, come in, itā€™s chilly out!ā€
ā€œhi, mom,ā€ you said as you stepped in, looking back to angus who forced himself to smile and act as proper as he could, nervous that heā€™d mess something up. you were excited for him to be here, you really were, but you also hadnā€™t admitted how your mother could beā€¦ smothering.
you were hoping that she would take a step back, especially after calling her and explaining how you didnā€™t want her making a big deal out of it. she promised she wouldnā€™t.
yet, here she was.
ā€œhi, maā€™am, itā€™s to meet you,ā€ he spoke as his hands extended the tray out to your mother, ā€œshe taught me how to bake a pie so i thought iā€™d bring one over for dessert.ā€
your motherā€™s eyes had lit up as she accepted the food, ā€œarenā€™t you just the sweetest, angus,ā€ she smiled, lifting the tray up and taking a peek under the foil, ā€œit looks better than when i make it!ā€ she mused.
angusā€™ cheeks were bright red as your mother praised him, feeling a bit out of place, but he was enjoying the attention. his fears of being judged were long gone.
you and angus hung your coats up on the rack and moved inside the house, the sounds of your two younger siblings bickering from the living room. they hadnā€™t bothered introducing themselves and you hadnā€™t cared to do it for them, instead guiding angus to the dining room.
heā€™d met your father, a gruff man with a big heart. he was far from smothering, but you could tell that he liked angus a lot because he was yapping to him about everything from sports to school. your father only ever spoke when he was interested in someone, he wasnā€™t afraid to cut a conversation short.
your siblings had made their plates and shyly greeted angus once everyone sat around the table to eat. everything felt calm ā€” finally. you had thought the worst was over, oh you wished the worst was over.
ā€œso how did you two meet?ā€ your mother prodded as she filled angusā€™ plate with some food, moving onto your fatherā€™s plate after.
your lips twitched before speaking, but angus had beaten you to the punch.
ā€œhistory class in our freshman year,ā€ he said, glancing to his left to look at you for a second until he returned his attention back to your mom, ā€œshe was late to our first class and the only spot open was next to me, then she forgot a pencil to take notes, so she asked me for one,ā€ he grinned, your cheeks burning red.
your mother chided you playfully, ā€œthatā€™s my girl, a bit frazzled, but she makes it work,ā€ she laughed, earning snickers from your younger siblings who you shushed with a sneer.
ā€œi was only late onceā€”ā€œ
ā€œand when did you two start dating? was it love at first sight?ā€ she continued.
ā€œhoney, itā€™s a fair question! i want to know all about how you met our future son-in-law!ā€
angus smiled as he looked between you and your mother, finding the entire conversation amusing. he was no longer nervous or worried about fitting in, your parentsā€”mother, in particularā€”made it very clear he was apart of the family now.
ā€œi asked her out this past december,ā€ he jumped into the conversation, ā€œiā€™d liked her for quite some time then and figured that if i didnā€™t bite the bullet someone else would.ā€
you looked up at angus as he spoke, your first time hearing about his worries over missing a chance with you. it made your heart flutter.
ā€œtrust me when i say this,ā€ your mother smiled, looking between you and angus from the head of the table, ā€œsheā€™s been calling me and talking about you since the day she met you, iā€™m certain she wouldā€™ve turned down every boy until you asked her.ā€
you whined quietly to yourself, ā€œmom, iā€™m never telling you anything again,ā€ you complained.
ā€œwell, i certainly hope i hear about your wedding before it happens!ā€ she huffed playfully.
ā€œweā€™ll be sure to tell you,ā€ angus humoured her, earning a delighted laugh from your mom.
as you sat there, it was easy to complain about the embarrassment you felt over your motherā€™s overbearing love. she meant well and you were certain that angus appreciated every little comment, it wasnā€™t always easy to deal with your overbearing mother.
when you looked up at angus again, you could see the happiness sparkling in his eyes as he chatted with your mother.
you couldnā€™t wait until the next family dinner.
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tenderleavesbob Ā· 2 months
Hi!! Anon from before, I meant the fic where the chain see each other again but Wild is missing/not there yet :) sorry for the confusion
Aaaah. That makes more sense! This fic. Here you go!
When their adventure ended and Warriors returned to his life as Captain Link, he accepted that it was the end of their time together. He felt blessed as it was to have the opportunity to not only see Tune and Mask again but to fight alongside the new heroes. He didn't expect to receive such a blessing again.
He stepped out of the portal and into preparations for a new war.
The breaking of Ganon's bindings had left them fragile. Even with the Master Sword sealing him back in his prison, no one expected them to hold Ganon for long. They needed to prepare for the new battle.
Impa introduced him to their new weapons. Rather than fighting another war and sacrificing their people to Ganon's madness, they would create divine beasts to join their hero and Hylia's daughter into battle.
"It was a good idea," Warriors admitted, rubbing his chest. "We underestimated him, though. He didn't have the Triforce anymore, but he was still empowered by it." He grimaced. "He was also mad as hell."
Wind pressed against his side. It was still strange to see Wind as tall as him. Wind showed him what he had actually looked like when he died, and Warriors cried at how old and strong his boy looked. He was still crying as Wind scolded him for dying so young.
"It almost worked, but we relied too much on him being similar to how he was before," Warriors said.
Legend tsked at him and shook his head. "Amateur mistake."
"Leg!" Twilight hissed.
Warriors grinned at him. "He's right. It was." He tapped his chest. "This time, it did cost me my life. I won, but no one expected..." He waved his hand vaguely. "Whatever that was. It was nasty. Took all of my power to take it out."
"His Malice," Twilight said. He frowned. "Wild mentioned it."
Warriors shrugged. "It certainly kicked my ass."
Time leaned against him from his other side. Spirits shouldn't have weight, but Time did. A dead man shouldn't be warm, but he was. He was comforting and smelled like the forest around them. "If I'm right about the timeline, it'll be a long time before we see Wild. Your sacrifice will keep Ganon at bay for a long time."
Warriors hummed and didn't respond. They all knew enough about Wild's timeline to know how that would go. He just hadn't realized that he was the hero right before Wild. He had hoped that he would be able to change it, even if it messed up the timeline again. Better prepare them after they used the Divine Beasts.
Twilight kicked Warriors's shin. It didn't really hurt. Nothing did anymore. Warriors still yelped. "I see ya thinking. Knock it off."
Legend grinned. "Don't tell him to knock it off. He'll never be able to start up again!"
Everyone started laughing again. Time kept his hand pressed over Warriors's heart.
His death had been immediate. He had seen the death blow but hadn't felt a thing.
"So now what?" Warriors asked.
Hyrule plopped beside Legend with Four right behind them. Their chain wasn't complete yet. It wouldn't be for centuries. It was nice, though, for all of them to sit together like this, safe within the Great Deku Tree's forest. The forest spirits laughed and chattered around them, and Hyrule resembled them as he offered them the fruit he and Four had gathered. "Now we eat!" he chirped.
"And wait," Four added, passing some of the fruit to Wind and Warriors. "We did our time."
"Sorta," Twilight said drolly. Time snickered.
They didn't need to eat, but the fruits of this forest were good for more than mortal sustenance.
Sky watched all of them quietly, a content smile on his face. In death, he glowed even brighter than life. Under the shadow of the trees, he shone like their own sun. "We're together," he said simply. "We'll watch over Hyrule the best we can and support Wild when it's his turn. For now..." He accepted a golden apple from Hyrule. "We eat!"
"Do you think we could make beer from this?" Twilight mused.
"Or wine?" Warriors offered.
That started everyone off again, including cheers when Wind reported that he knew how to make moonshine. Warriors watched his brothers, far more content in death than he ever expected.
For now, no more battles.
For now, they could rest.
And eat.
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taylormarieee Ā· 11 months
Like how about the reader and carl have like a huge and hateful argument and we ignore each other and when negan comes we still ignore each other and Negan notices but when we go to sleep we cuddle because we have to share a bed?
(I added a little bit of Daryl x Reader contact in this if you don't mind anon!)
You and Carl were inseparable. You guys truly loved each other an everyone saw that but when you guys get into an argument its nothing but the silent treatment.
"Well you shouldn't have gone over the wall! God I hate looking after you!" Carl yells.
"You could have been killed omg, why do you always have to make such stupid decisions! God I hate when you do this!" He continues.
"Well guess what Carl, you don't have to always look out for me! I don't need you! I never did Carl! I hate you so fucking much!" You yell back at him.
"Well guess what I hate you just as much! I never wanna see you ever again!" He yells back.
You storm out of your shared house and of course today just had to be the day when Negan comes for supplies. God you really hated Negan and his whole clan.
God was really testing your patience today. The person you hate the absolute most just has to come after you just got into the biggest argument ever.
"Hey there teenage killer! Where's Carl, my favourite one-eyed murdurer." He says with that stupid smile on his face.
"I don't know and I don't care! I hate him! Negan just take what you need and get the hell out!" You say walking straight past him.
He sucks his teeth and licks his lips, "Ok!" He says, "Load em up boys!" He yells to his minions.
They all go into our houses and take what they want, everyone in Alexandria stands around waiting with nothing but disgust on their face.
"Theres my one-eyed killer! What's up with shorty over there." Negan asks.
"I don't care what's going on with her. I hate her." Carl responds with hatred.
"Take what you need and go Negan before my dad gets back." He says walking away from Negan towards Denise and Tara.
Your standing next to Daryl, glaring at Carl from afar as Carl does the same to you. You both ignore each other for the rest of the day.
Negan notices what's going on and so does Daryl. "What's goin on? Ya look like ya saw a witch." Daryl says.
You tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing.
"What Daryl? What are you talking about!" You chuckle.
"You look as if ya hate witches. So tha's why I asked." He says fiddling with his knife.
"No, me and Carl got in a fight and we said some very hateful and hurtful things. So now were both ignoring each other." You say.
"That ain't gon last, not fer long." He grunts. "Oh yea? And how would you know?" You ask amused.
"Because, ya'll are on each other like flies on shit, ya love each other and one lil argument ain't gon stop tha kinda love." He says before walking away to let you think.
'No, I hate Carl! He's so annoying.' you thought, but was he really...
After a while the day finally comes to an end and the sun has gone down and everyone is heading to bed.
You haven't talked to Carl all day and that's how you liked it. You walk to your shared house hoping he wouldn't be there and he wasn't.
You took a quick shower and changed into some Pj's. You got out the bathroom only to be met with carl also getting changed.
He must have showered at his dad's house. Whatever, you didn't care anyway.
"Which side?" You say sternly not looking at him. "What?" He asks. You sigh and repeat it again.
"Which. Side! Which side of the bed are you sleepin on?" You ask more frustratedly.
He chooses the egde of the bed so you choose the side closer to the wall.
You crawl into bed with your back turned towards Carl. You sigh as his side of the bed dips. You relax as you slowly drift asleep.
You feel hands wrap around your waist. " 'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Do you forgive me?" Carl whispers.
You nod. "Yea I forgive you, I'm sorry about what I said, I do need you, I always have and I always will. I love you Carl." You say sweetly.
'I love you too!" Carl says before pulling you closer letting the silence guide him to sleep.
'hm, Daryl was right.' you thought before finally falling asleep.
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A/N: This can be found in my master list as "Silent Treatment". Hope you enjoyed Anon and I really liked this!
Taglist: @carlgrimesenthusiast @carlsdarling
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bugeater101 Ā· 1 year
Y/N is a fashion designer who lives next to Jeongin the horny college boy Jeongin offered to be a male model for Y/N for which she gladly accepted, but little did he know that Y/N imagines him naked to design clothes for his crotch area and thighs. You are asking me how she knows? Well the poor boy wanted to touch himself so bad that he forgot that his window was open Y/N can see him clearly through her bedroom window
Word Count: 794
Taglist:Ā @scribblemetaeĀ @mygsis,Ā @9900z @taekbokki,@imtoooyoungforthisshit, @jihanlovic,
LITerally YOUR MIND ANON šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„ this has been in my inbox for like a month so I'm finally getting around to responding to it :) Thank you anon and sorry for the late response!
Jeongin was always curious as to how your clothes fit him so well. He was still in college and was bound to grow or shrink here and there. Yet, your clothes always fit him perfectly: the oversize clothes hung just so over his lean figure while tight-fitting shirts cinched beautifully at his slim waist without strangling his muscular arms. It was like you were magic.
You weren't. You were just observant.
The clothes had originally fit slightly weirdly and justifiably so. Though you were a professional designer, you still had your faults and not every article of clothing could fit everybody perfectly. So, in the first few sessions where Jeongin modelled your designs, you adjusted the clothes with pins and clips before taking the photos, then marked his measurements to make sure that your designs fit properly the next time he was to model for you. And, inevitably, the clothes would still not fit absolutely perfectly.
Jeongin didn't mind, however. He just enjoyed being around you. You, whose hands would linger on him to shape his clothes and manipulate his body for the sake of art. He wouldn't be lying if he said it didn't turn him on as you tugged and pulled his clothes, begging them to fit better while he tried to think of anything but how your hands felt on him. You would fiddle with the seams and pin his clothes so they fit snugly, running your hands over his thighs and whispering at how good they would look if they would just fit right. Jeongin would practically shake under your touch. After each session, he would leave sweating and blushing, rushing home just to relieve himself. He would strip bare and let his skin breathe before fisting his cock and choking an orgasm out of his exhausted body. He thought of how you touched him, how you praised his poses, how you complimented his perfectly proportioned body, how your hands lingered a little too long on sensitive spots. Every session was like this: slightly-off clothing, lingering touches, and poor Jeongin thankful to finally be alone so he can cloud his mind with thoughts of you.
However, this all seemed to end on your tenth modelling session. At this session, Jeongin's clothes suddenly seemed to fit him perfectly. His shirt didn't smush his shoulders but was tight in all the right places and his pants practically held him. Though he missed the way your hands would run over his legs and crotch, trying to find where they could be better fitted, Jeongin was also so proud of you for making the perfect clothes for him. Somehow, you had broken through a creative or technical block or something and now every shirt, skirt, pair of pants, and jacket you handed him didn't just fit well, it fit perfectly to his body.
To him, it was magic. He didn't know how you did it and he decided not to say anything, thinking that it might've been a fluke and that the next session would be back to normal. But, when the next session came, the clothes fit perfectly again. Every session after, he was more amazed at how well they held him and how even the tightest fitting pants accommodated his "well-endowed" nature.
In his amazement, he would end every session with blushing compliments to you, telling you how talented you were and begging you to tell him how you were able to do it. But, like all magicians, you never revealed your secret. Plus, you didn't want him to know how you knew his body so well.
You didn't need Jeongin to know that you had started to notice he was fidgety after every session. You didn't need him to know that you could see the outline of his cock when his pants fit him too tightly and that there were precum stains on the lining of some of the pants after he soaked through his boxers, tarnishing the fabric. You didn't need him to know that you lived in the apartment building right across from his and that your studio was just your workspace. You certainly didn't need him to know that after every session, you had the pleasure of returning home to see him fuck himself dumb, swearing you could hear his moans through the glass as he came.
Little did you know that Jeongin had secrets of his own. Just as you had your own voyeuristic secrets, he had some too. Jeongin didn't need to tell you that he didn't volunteer to be your model simply out of his goodwill, he just hadn't been able to get you out of his mind since he saw you touching yourself from his apartment window all those weeks ago.
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aechii Ā· 2 years
Heyy, first of all I just wanna say I love your writing and I really really appreciate you writing for black readers šŸ’– I wanted to request a kylian story about reader meeting his family for the first time, maybe bonding with his mom and Ethan if thats possible šŸ˜Š (also are we getting a second part for good luck charm??)
ā‚ā ā‚ ONE OF US ā‚Žā ā‚Ž
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PAiRiNG ?! boyfriend!kylian x black!femreader
GENRE ?! romance, fluff (šŸ˜ž)
C/W ?! written in 3rd person since i can't write in 2nd person for shit, she/her pronouns used, kylian whines alot, ethan is too mature for his own good lool, KYLIAN ISN'T DRIVING !!!
A/N ?! i luvvvv this request :) im glad you appreciate my works, it means a lot to me since i really want to make my black readers feel included <3
tried to make it not too fluffy (šŸ˜ž) but im sorry if i failed. part 2 of 'good luck charm' will be the next fic released after this so stay tuned for that (hopefully before the end of this week). anyways, hope i did ur request justice, anon šŸ–¤
one and a half hours on road, and the ending of the everlasting queue of cars and headlights seemed out of sight. a traffic light suspended from the sky, like a descending black orb, and [y/n] tilted her head as she leaned forward to observe it. sighed, resting back as the lowness of her car's hood rendered her efforts futile, and instead, relied on the agonising snail-speed of the moving cars ahead.
"traffic's heavy today."
kylian responded with a quiet hum, tapping her thigh to the beat of the playing song, "yeah, bad day to go out but my mum's expecting you."
fear hovered just beneath her skin and kylian noticed the tremble of her hands. they gripped the steering wheel, as if to strangle it dead, sure that the grooves of the grips had indented into her palms. he gave a reassuring squeeze to her leg, then stretched forward to peck her cheek.
"you'll be alright, they'll love you."
her eyebrows remained crinkled, "are you sure?"
kylian gave an affirmative nod, "of courseā€” honestly they'll love anybody who isn't me."
she knew his words were a tad bit hyperbolic, but it made her laugh anyways.
"yeah. their dear kylian can be a handful sometimes."
[y/n] was quick to nod at that, "you're not wrong there."
in any other instance, kylian would find fault in her words and be haste to correct her, whining. yet, he watched how the knots of her fingers grew loose and how her shoulders untensed and settled with ease, and bit his tongue.
silence dallied in the car, save kylian's hums of every song that cried from the radio. the congestion had lightened and they both rolled forward a couple of feet per minute.
"quick warning though, ethan is most likely to drag you to play fifa with him. don't be scared to say no," kylian rolled his eyes after; she found their bond way too endearing and wholesome for her heart to take.
"says that he needs to add to his fifa kill count, and literally verses anybody he can," he proceeded. [y/n] would think he meant his irritation if she didn't peak the slight grin that ghosted his lips. he could never dislike the boy, of course.
"i see where he gets his competitiveness from," she joked, surging the car forward as the light turned green. the motorway is long left behind, and the distant city blended and smothered into the view before them.
"are you one of his kill counts?"
kylian kissed his teeth, and it triggered a hearty laugh from the girl beside him, "that's not even the point. i've demanded rematches and he still refuses to."
"babe, i think it's a sign that you should suck it up and accept that he's better than you at fifa."
"in your dreams," arms were crossed and he ignored her grin, looking out the window, "i'm forcing him to play today."
the gps ordered her to take a left, and she swiftly took the sharp corner, bustling streets dwindling behind them as they entered a quieter road.
"i will be supporting youā€” although i can't guarantee that i will for all of the games you play."
"so- what? you'll be rooting for ethan?" his words left his mouth as if they were bitter and salty on his tongue.
she only said that to rile up the man, finding humour in his disdain. in kylian's eyes, [y/n] was his, and only his, hype woman.
"love you too."
they fell into tranquil muteness as the sight of kylian's childhood house is unveiled by the skyscraping evergreen trees that seemed to be a habitual plant around this side of paris. it's not entirely big, but large enough that, from the outside, it was obvious that it situated two floors. gated and neatly groomed grass carpeted the front lawn, bright green and dotted with white. daisies, she predicted.
the car undulated to a halt, and [y/n] released a sigh.
"we're here... finally."
kylian shifted in his seat, facing his girlfriend, "yeah, we are." reached to scoop her hands in his, "and as i said, you have nothing to be scared about. i love you, hm? even if they don't like you, which i highly doubt will happen, it won't change a thing, okay?"
nodded and tilted forward to kiss her boyfriend. kylian's hand rested gently upon her cheek as he deepened it, lips tenderly harsh as he attempted to portray his words into action, too. a ping from his phone caused them to break contact, turning it on as he read the text from the notification bar.
mama ā¤ļø i see a car outside. stopping hogging the poor girl and come inside, it's too hot.
"who is it?" [y/n] asked.
kylian showed her the text and she softly chuckled as she read it, "you heard her. let's go."
they depart, not before kylian gave her hand a reassuring peck, and they amble to the front door.
kylian looked at her, finger at the ready to poke the doorbell, "ready?"
"i think so, yeah."
greeted with a warm, encompassing hug, [y/n] was pulled inside, her boyfriend complaining behind her as he was left behind.
"okay, forget your own son then," he gruntled, closing the door as the warm air from outside began to mesh with the cold one inside.
fayza, his mother, kissed her teeth. undeniably kylian's mother.
"as if i don't see you more than i want to."
an arm circled [y/n]'s waist, head tucking itself into her neck as lips muttered complaints into her skin. she patted his hand in faux sympathy.
they're escorted to the back garden, filled to them brim with kids no taller than her waist, and chattering adults. it was welcoming chaos, one that made her feel settled and content because everyone was happy, doing they're own thing as they gathered as one family.
and now, she was to be one of them.
broken out of her reverie, fayza's voice cut through the cacophony, and all heads turned toward their direction.
"everyone, meet [y/n], kylian's girlfriend. make her feel comfortable and at home for me," her face was illuminated with a smile.
a little voice, she presumed was of one of kylian's nieces, sounded from just beside them.
"she's very pretty!"
[y/n]'s heart swelled, and she untangled herself from her boyfriend's hold, crouching down in front of the infant, "thank you, love. what's your name?"
she reponded, full of eagerness, "marie!"
[y/n] chuckled, "you have a very pretty name, don't you?"
the toddler nodded, as she signalled for [y/n] to pick her up. arms wrapped around the small girl securely, she stood up, swirling the girl around as she giggled loudly, then began to ask her questions about her and kylian's relationship. her curiosity was overwhelmingly adorable and [y/n] could feel her face muscles ache at the undying smile.
kylian watched from the doorframe, eyes drenched in obvious adoration as his girlfriend began to go around, socialising with the rest of his family. his sister is quick to welcome her with a hug and a kiss to the cheek, ruffling the curls of her daughter in [y/n]'s arms. if he hadn't decided to grow old with the girl, he certainly did now, for the sight of his most beloveds intertwining with so little difficulty made him feel full with joy.
the little girl in her arms began to grow restless, and with the sweltering heat beating upon her skin, [y/n] unleashed the hyperactive kid, submerging back into the air conditioned space inside. she went to look for kylian, stopping at the door of the living room (overly spacious, but embossed with pictures and trophies, made it feel smaller and more homely than expected) as she noticed two boys frantically clicking button on a controller, tv glowing with running, animated people in a sea of green. decided to not disturb and leave kylian to (hopefully) reign victorious this time round.
[y/n] found herself exploring the corridors of the house, gazing into framed photos hung upon the walls. a family so deeply knitted that not one was left out, and she couldn't help the thought of her face one day being displayed with pride, maybe with kylian beside her, or maybe just her, as she alone was enough to be one of them.
she ventured into the kitchen absentmindedly, meeting fayza stirring into a steam pot, napkin draped over her shoulder.
pushed all her nerves aside as she saw an opportunity to bond with her mother-in-law, "is there anything i can help with, ma'am?"
she was quick to spin around, a smile blooming as she recognised her voice, "you want to help?" [y/n]'s gesture was thoroughly appreciated, but the question left fayza's throat apprehensively.
"yes," then a laugh, accompanied by a permanent smile, "kylian is playing fifa with ethan so i really have nothing to do."
the older woman grunted knowingly, shuffling through the kitchen as [y/n] shadowed her.
"that's all the do when he comes here," a freckled hand is waved, aloof, "don't mind them."
she slid a bowl of freshly washed vegetables, dappled with droplets of water, "dice these for me, dear."
[y/n] acquiesced promptly, and the kitchen swiftly subsided into a warm silence. she chopped them with such experienced velocity, and fayza showed her an approving smile, althought she was too focused to notice.
"you know what you're doing."
the girl turned to the woman next to her, grinning, "have to be, or kylian would be a lost cause."
the guffaw that followed was thick with expectance and genuine hilarity, "you're very funny, looking after that boy isn't an easy task."
"you can definitely tell me about it," she fell silent as she focused on cutting off the butt of the onion, "but i love him, and forever will."
fayza felt her skin buzz with exhilaration and couldn't fight the urge to hug the lady helping her.
"you're such a lovely girl, perfect for my kylian," broke the hug and scanned the face of the girl that had her son immeasurably in love, "stand by him, okay? people out there are harsh, and, yes, i know that he's a strong boy, but with you beside him, he'll be stronger."
[y/n] exhaled, leaning against the counter as fayza started to fry the vegetables that she had chopped, "i won't lie to you and say it's easy because it's not," a hand rubbed down her face, "i don't get why people are so... brutal. it's like the only focus on his negatives when they lose, but praise him when they win, and i see that it gets to him a lot."
fayza knew what they, as a family, holding the name mbappƩ, just like the one that etched the back of france's golden boy, were getting themselves into. a life no longer hidden, everything was out and vulnerable for everyone to see, and if each blink and breath wasn't scrutinized by 'fans' (as they liked to call themselves, but tend to act otherwise) then something wasn't right.
"that's just how the world is, dear. they're backstabbers, running wild with no inch of humanity left in them. but you have to remain sturdy, be it alone or with the support of other people. and for kylian's case, he has us."
us. [y/n]'s skin crawled with thrill.
"you're part of the family, now, [y/n]," fayza smiled, eyes lined with aged wrinkles, deepened with the peaks and troughs of the past, and still to, with what was yet to come, "one of us."
she smiled, heart clashing with her ribs, "thank you, fayza. it really means a lot."
she returned it, arms agape, "it's nothing, dear. now, come here!"
[y/n] entered her arm, laughing loudly as her mother-in-law kissed her forehead, "and remember, if kylian ever does anything wrong, tell me, and i'll deal with him."
"i definitely will, ma'am."
she was given a disapproving look in return, "ma'am? please, call me fayza, or mum, which i prefer." winked and laughed.
however, their moment was cut short as shouts outside the door began to crescendo.
"ā€”not only are you running away but your running to your girlfriend who i didn't even know was here!"
the kitchen is penetrated by the fury of two boys, of which their ages were miles apart but would think were near by how they acted, kylian's face contorted into a frown, "it would be a curse to introduce her to you, ethan."
the teenage boy gasped, kicking his brother, "take that back!"
"over my dead body!"
ethan scowled back, looking at her, before any trace of his negative expression seemed to disappear into thin air, "[y/n]! oh my days, you're prettier in real life!"
she grinned sheepishly, "thank you, ethan."
kylian, however, found no amusement in his words, hiding his girlfriend behind him, "oh please stop that crap. get yourself your own girlfriend!"
"and you just love hating! i bet your girlfriend is better than you at fifa."
"take. that. back."
"let's see it," he walked towards her, putting on the best puppy eyes he could muster, grabbing and tugging her arm, "please, [y/n]? play fifa with me?"
kylian glared at him, slapping his hand away.
"don't touch her!"
she turned to look at fayza, who nudged her head, "don't worry about it, go and take those hooligans with you."
10 minutes later, ethan was one goal down, with [y/n] on a aggregate score of 3.
"you're good at thisā€” like good good. better than kylian."
to ethan's satisfaction, his older brother had been summoned by his mother to help her, saying he 'needed to use that football strength to good use'.
"how the hell did he even get a girlfriend like you? way too good for him, in my humblest opinion." she knew his question was far from ill-mannered, and didn't take it to heart. ethan tend to say whatever came to his mind at that moment.
"he definitely tried his hardest to ask me out," [y/n] stated, chuckling at the ever-vivid memory of his unrelenting advances.
"he's never one to give up, is he?"
she shook her head, "absolutely not. gave him my number for professional use only, and he saw the opportunity to flirt with me."
ethan visibly cringed at the fact, "that's embarassing."
"it was cute," she shrugged, "until it actually started to work and it all went downhill- or rather uphill- from there."
ethan's irises glimmered as he attempted a shot, but took in a sharp breath as he missed.
"all i can say is, he loves really hard. hasn't loved anyone as much as you, but from what i hear from him about you, he's deeply infatuated. i think it's scary, at this point," paused to regain his bearings as the ball was within [y/n]'s possession once again, "but, as much as i make fun of him, he's a good person. sometimes too good for his own sake."
he spoke truth. truth that hurt, because kylian's kindness was constantly taken for weakness, but he always, without fail, moved past it without another thought wasted.
"and he hides how much it affects him."
"exactly," ethan responded immediately, then laughed, "you know him just as much, or even more than me."
[y/n] grinned, "happens when you spend everyday with the boy. he's more readable than he thinks."
"or maybe you adore him so much that you just... care."
silence, then, "or maybe that."
it was only the noise of intense clicking and frustrated sighs that filled the room for a few minutes. it was a relaxed quietude, one that none saw the need to disrupt, but ethan wanted to express how grateful he was for [y/n]'s presence in his brother's life. it was comforting to know that he had someone, that wasn't a platonic friend, to confide in and find solitude in.
"you two were definitely meant to be."
"you think?"
"yeah," he looked at her, taking a hand off of the controller to punch her lightly in her arm, "i see you becoming [y/n] mbappƩ, one day."
"really?" her voice was incredulous, "you see me being one of you lot?"
"come on [y/n]," ethan rolled his eyes affectionately, "you're already one of us."
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dualityvn Ā· 9 months
Hello again! It's the same anon that asked about the situation where they would kidnap you from before.
How are you today?
(Feel free to ignore or just answer only a few of the questions!)
1.) Is this a heat of the moment choice or something they would plan in advance?
2.) Would this option be something they both agree with, or would one of them be against it?
3.) What method would they choose to kidnap you, and how would they restrain you?
4.) How would they react with us behaving hostile, acting indifferent as if it's a normal situation, reacting scared, or giving them the silent treatment when captive?
5.) How would they react if our will just breaks while captive?
6.) If we escaped, how fast would they find us, and how would both react if we return as if nothing happened?
7.) Can we gain their trust to get freedom again? And how would they react if we tried to escape from them again after gaining their trust if so?
(Can I be "āœØšŸ‡" anon, in case I ask anymore questions in the future?)
(Also, sorry for bombarding you with so many questions. I didn't want to spam you with so many, so I put them in one ask.)
Thank you for responding before! I enjoy yandere trope characters for the horror element because of how scary I find them the obsessive and possessive traits (especially the last one). I really like how your character gave me the spooks, but still, how sweet both can be at times! They make me want to learn everything I can about them.
Also, I had no idea about the spider plant at the time when playing, so I got extremely spooked by it/them!
I hope you have a great day/night!
Hi! I'm doing well. And oh boy, this is gonna be fun.
1.) This is something a crazed Keith would do spontaneously. He feels like there's no other way to keep you beside him, so he must use force. If he felt like he had time to plan it, he would. But when he's in this state, he's even more anxious than usual, so he might not wanna wait.
2.) Tenebris would be against it. He's not the type to force people to love him. If he ever managed to force his way out, he'd try to stop Keith or help you escape.
3.) He'd put a sedative in your drink, borrow a car from his parents and take you out to their vacation home, out in the mountains.
4.) If you were hostile, he'd act act sad and keep repeating that all he wants is for you to love him. If you were indifferent or silent, he'd act guilty and anxious. If you were scared, he'd be very doting and sweet to make you feel at ease.
5.) He'd be happy while he's in his crazed state, but once he snapped out of it, he'd hate himself.
6.) He would find you very fast, because as long as you're in the game, he can always know where you are. But if you managed to make it difficult and then simply returned, he'd snap out of his crazy state and start crying and begging for your forgiveness.
7.) If you acted nice enough, he'd eventually return to normal and let you go. If you tried to leave him again, the whole thing would repeat.
I'm glad you've been enjoying the horror aspects of my game! These two do tend to be sweeter than your average yandere, but they still have their messed up episodes.
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melodrangea Ā· 11 months
can we have nicknames soul eater girls calling their s/o? Pls
absolutely my dear anon
Soul Eater girls don't get NEARLY enough love!
i'm also so sorry requests are taking so long my loves, but I am back in the writing groove and will try to clear my inbox this weekend!
What Soul Eater Girls call their S/O
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Maka Albarn
-Maka is another character that I fell wouldn't really use many pet names until she's older, at least into her twenties
-but when she does use nicknames they're either very classy or short and easy
-just something quick, she'll be in a rush out the door and just kiss you on the cheek saying goodbye
"bye babe, I have to go but I'll see you when I get home, love you!"
-Maka's definitely relaxed, sitting by the couch in one of your sweaters and a thick blanket, famous chopping book in hand
-you'd hand her a cup of tea and cuddle up next to her
she's respond with a "thank you hon"
-she'll usually only call you this when she feels guilty (normally about being gone long on missions) or when she knows you've had a tough day
"how are you doing honey? __ said you weren't feeling well" :(
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Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
THIS girlie on the other hand would absoluetly adore giving you pet names
-fairly self explanatory but usually in front of people she doesn't know she'll call you by a short (cuter) version of your name
-you're just her adorable little s/o and you WILL be addressed accordingly
-used just as casually as anything else she'll ever say to you
-which never fails to make you extremely flustered in certain situations
"which movie did we leave off on love?"
-this one is used more intimately
-a special occasion or something else, whatever she's doing she'll just turn to you and stare into your eyes
"I love you so much beautiful"
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Liz Thompson
this cocky bitch (I'm lying I love her sm)
will probably be flirting with you or just trying to fluster you in general
"hey cutie you feel like going out sometime?" (you guys have been together for months too)
babe is essentially Liz's every other word talking to you
"babe are we still going out later? I still have to do my nails"
calls you this when she's being more serious
"baby be careful, I don't want you getting hurt." "I love you too baby." "It'll be okay baby, just breathe."
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Patty Thomspon
-I'm not gonna lie to y'all...
-pookie (pookie bear)
-she can and would, and ya'll know she would
"hey pookie! Are you ready yet???"
-like miss girl PATIENCE
scardey cat
-Patty gets into some crazy stuff because she just feels no fear
-so you being a normal person (no Patty we don't want to go into the haunted amusement park that's falling apart)
"c'monnn don't be a scardey cat, I'm sure the ghosts are friendly!" (cue Liz running away screaming)
-only normal thing Patty will ever call you
-would probably add 'chan' to the end of your name or nickname
-I love Patty but she's like a middle school boy hyped up on kool-aid with a recorder I'M SORRY
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-it's only cute when she says it and she can and will call you honey-bun whenever she pleases!
"aw thank you honey-bun, I love you too!"
-you are her honey-bun now, just accept it
-makes you two sound like an old married couple and you love it
-you two will be cooking together and she'll ask you to hand her something
"do you mind passing me the olive oil sweetheart?"
-y'all are the definition of an old married couple i'm sobbing
-she'll offhandedly tell you how much she loves you while calling you dearest
"I love you so much dearest, you truly mean so much to me"
I love these four sm I swear
but anyways that's all for now my dears!
I'm here for your literary entertainment, I respond to requests as quickly as I can
-Melodrangea <3
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unifox Ā· 1 year
Tropical love - intro
~Pairing:Ā No pairing yet! g/n! reader
~Genre:Ā fluff/ angst (does annoyance and disliking someone count as that?)
~Warnings:Ā Mentions of food, beach. Like, one sort of sexist commentary. (let me know if I missed any)
~Words:Ā 0,9 kĀ 
~Summary:Ā When your cousin decides to ruin family bonding time by bringing two friends to your shared beach house, you unexpectedly find a lover.
a/n:Ā THIS A/N IS LONG I'M SORRY. Congrats to Seungcheol for being voted as cousin material āœØ. But seriously hahaha I'm writing both paths for Mingyu And Wonwoo ending. Just did a pool to see who's team you guys are rooting for hahaha
For this one I sort of based the characters on two of my actual cousin's friends, but the one for Wonwoo I truly dislike and had a hard time adjusting our precious Woo to fit in his character. I wish my cousin could bring a true gentlemen to me tho :(
ALSO Wow, I'm really surprised and thankful for all the supor my Joshua fic received. Thanks If you're one of those people!!
Taglist + anon list open! ~FoxyšŸ¦Š
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"What do you mean!?!?"Ā 
The look of disbelief in your cousin Rina along with yours took her sister May by surprise.
"What do YOU mean? Cheol is taking his friends to our beach house." May said with a shrug
"What a traitor, what about family bonding time?" Rina said crossing her arms.
Sungecheol was the oldest of three siblings. Followed by May and then Rina. You were their older cousin, just one year older than Cheol, but they considered you their older sibling since you grew up together.Ā 
"Who did he invite?" The siblings still argued
"Mingyu..." May responded
"I mean, it's no big deal right?"You chimed in sipping your orange juice. This brunch place had the best juice "Mingyu practically grew up with us"
"And Wonwoo"
Well fuck. You couldn't stand that guy
"What a traitor, what about family bonding time?" You quoted the youngest among you
"I swear to god, you two are so difficult..." May said going back to her now cold French toast
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You really missed this house. After 2h driving, arriving at your destination has never been so rewarding. Usually, Cheol would drive, but 6 people would not fit his car so you went in an all-girls car trip while he went with his friends.
The main entrance led you to the open living room with a kitchen on the right and the three of you headed upstairs to settle on the room on the left side of the house. The guys would share the room right next to it.
When they arrived, you were putting the groceries away and Cheol went to greet you with a hug
"Look, it's my favorite causing from mom's side"
"I'm your only cousin from Mom's side"
"That's why you're my favorite!"
"Stop teasing her, we won't make any food for you" Mingyu joked and went to greet you with a quick hug
"Hi Gyu, haven't seen you in a while. How's life in America?" You smiled as he helped stock the fridge with the food they brought with them
"It's been fun! I'll tell you more later, let's finish this"
You turned your head to the boy who had just entered the house. Wonwoo smiled awkwardly and waved after closing the door behind him
"Hi" You forced a bit ofĀ  your smile and went back to organizing
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The beach worked wonders on you. The sand underneath your feet, the sound of the waves, the humidity on the wind and the sun kissing your skin.
Through your sunglasses you could see the boys playing like kids in the water, splashing each other, while May sat next to you on a beach chair almost asleep. Rina approached you and offered one of the open coconuts that she had just purchased from a nearby vendor.
"Thanks! This one is so sweet" You exclaimed happily to her
"I know right? So many people were buying there that I had to get us one!"
Your conversation was cut short as the guys approached you. Mingyu saw you sitting on a towel and ran to sit next to you smiling
"Oh my god, you're so cold!" you shrieked and threw the towel inside your bag at him
"Coconut water?" he smiled brightly at you as he dried himself
"What else would it be gyu?" You laughed and offered him your straw. While he took a sip you saw the other two guys approach but ignored them.
"That's so good! I'll get one too" He stood up and threw the towel at Seungcheol. "Wanna grab one Wonwoo?"
"Sure" The quiet male responded
When they came back you all settled and stayed till early afternoon. Mingyu decided to go back earlier to light up the barbecue grill, and since you were kinda tired, you decided to tag along.
"You're going back already?" Cheol looked ah you quizzically
"Yeah" You responded.Ā 
"I want my meat rare" Wonwoo smiled as the two guys looked at youĀ 
You think I'm your maid? Go do it yourself
That's what you wanted to say but held back. Usually, you'd go back earlier to cook for y'all (It was a shared task, but as the oldest you'd usually initiate things), but this time that was not the case. You side-eyed him and ignored him as you walked back to the house.
This dude was really getting on your nerves. You found him awkward and strange, but worse, you found him lazy. He didn't help with tasks like Mingyu who was always ready to help you. It was like Wonwoo didn't belong in your dynamic like he wasn't supposed to be there. He avoided everyone and would only join if Seungcheol was present.
When you reached the house you calmed down a bit since Mingyu kept you entertained and busy.
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"We should totally go check out those food trucks we passed by when we were coming here" May exclaimed after everyone gathered in front of the TV in the living room. One Piece played on the screen but most were not paying attention to the anime.
"Nah sis, we should stay in today. I'm dead from driving and spending the day on the beach" Cheol responded ready to set his attention back to the anime
"I think it'll be fun!" Mingyu chimed in. His closeness with your family allowed him to simply choose whatever, even if his friend who invited him wasn't going to tag along.
"We should go then" Rina got up to get her tiny purse and headed to the door. Mingyu and May followed her.
"You coming Wonwoo?" Mingyu asked the new friend, who simply shook his head and said he'd stay with Seungcheol
"What about you y/n?"
I'm staying guys. Have fun! OR I'm going! Let me just grab my phone.
(click the answer and check the next parts!)
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mrs-monaghan Ā· 1 year
To that one 'smart jikooker' in comments
1. Not just I-jikooker literally every other K-jikooker tweeted abt it
2. If it was set in 06.13 when he came live on Festa day you WILL see ot7s posting abt it with hit tweets, now that its Jkk they avoid it
3. Another country timezone won't work as this fit none of the countries timezones he may went publicly or privately
4. Live wasn't pre recorded either as he was responding to in real time comments, though it lagged a few times in middle of it.
5. This is not the only Patek Philip watch he has, which he started wearing around same time, He have 2 of it, if he wanted that iconic model they mentioned he could've bought just that one giving the same money of two. BOY IS CRAZY RICH.
6. I'm NOT the one who believes in number theories in general as they said, you can add and subtract anything to get the desired result but some things becomes obvious af to avoid. And this one is EXTREMELY obvious and you are just a dummy who's pretending to smart if you are finding excuses for this, sorry.
7. This, JK posting timestamp, them using 05.08 and 13.00, them using 58 and 13 jerseys, Jimin knowing extremely well to use anniversary calculator when rest boys didn't etc points to them indeed using numbers sometimes lol. It won't make sense to us but it's just a Korean thing
8. BTS had used these number based announcements multiple times, like trailers, concept pics, IU and Yoongi used it for EIGHT release, that one magazine who's whipped for Jimin (wkorea I think) posts Jimin related pics on 10.13 lol
9. Funny thing is, those who deny it are not able to give a strong reason as no excuse make sense lol. Unless it's thee biggest coincidence which is way too coincident to be just a coincidence or his watch stopped working, again was working perfectly fine during live, he purposefully did it.
10. No one is buying a watch worth $$$$ just to use it as accessory lol especially not Jimin. He even sets the time according to place he's traveling to.
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Anon came hella prepared. I would also like to quote @chimchiminie13 who said:
JMā€™s 1997 Aquanaut Steel Patek costs around $56k US. So he is not wearing the affordable kind. So even if it is not worn for a long time it will continue to tell the current time. It is not a coincidence in my opinion.
I think antis need to take a rest on this one. Period
67 notes Ā· View notes
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
kai parker x bonnie bennett | requested
summary: bonnie just had to send her magic away in a teddy bear, consequently trapping herself in the prison world with only kai as company. and if that wasn't bad enough, the longer she spends with him, the less she starts to hate him. though it would be a cold day in hell before she ever admits that to his face...
tags: enemies to lovers, 1994 prison world, wet dreams, threats & violence (kai being kai), minor alcohol use, choking, kidnapping, arguments, making out, fingering, blowjobs, hair pulling, vaginal sex, hate sex (but they secretly like each other šŸ˜‰ )
word count: 7.3k
n/a: kind of a bonnie pov, but not really. to the anon who requested it, i hope you like!! and sorry it took so long. also, i'm really bad at slow burn bc i'm impatient, so i hope i drew it out enough. and one more comment, i'm not sure if you wanted this much smut, but i read 'switch' in the request and my mind went wild. furthermore, if you want a part 2 with damon involved, since he was partially included in your request, i can do my best on that (psst i have ideas) ;)
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It wouldā€™ve been easier to just do the stupid spell and deal with Kai back in the present world. She couldā€™ve thought up a plan to trap and kill him with her friendsā€™ help, instead of doing it by herself, eighteen years in the past. But no. When the second attempt to escape the prison world was made, Bonnie decided to send her magic away where she nor Kai could have it. And now theyā€™re stuck there. Together. Forever.Ā 
A big part of her curses herself for that decision. Her only chance, and she blew it to prevent him from gaining access to his remaining siblings. Heā€™d kill them in a second if he found them, heā€™s promised that to her. Though at the same time, Bonnie knows his siblings. In fact, Liv pretended to not understand her magic just to gain Bonnieā€™s trust. She and Luke may stand a good chance against Kai if he were to escape. After all, he has no magic of his own, and has never been taught much of anything. So why didnā€™t she just let them return to 2013, and then they could all form a plan against Kai together?Ā 
She puts her head in her hands, sighing. Upstairs, she can hear the shower running. A chance to run; to find new magic. Kai isnā€™t a vampire, heā€™s just a magic-less witch with a vengeance. Klaus was an original vampire with a vengeance, and Bonnie could take him.Ā 
Curiosity, her brain supplies.Ā 
Bonnie looks up, as if the voice had come from someone else in the room.Ā 
Nope, she hears, just you.
There is no one else here. There is the boy in the shower, and there is her. No one to help; no one to hear her scream. No one to judge you, she hears again. She shakes her head.Ā 
ā€œNo reason Iā€™d be judged,ā€ she replies out loud. Sheā€™s definitely going crazy. Talking to the voices in her head? And they are responding.Ā 
Except for one, it says. Your curiosity.Ā 
ā€œThe only curiosity I have is how Iā€™m going to get out of here.ā€
Which is entirely your fault. You had an out; you sent it away. To protect Luke and Liv? They almost killed Elena. They can handle themselves.Ā 
ā€œKai is different,ā€ she mutters.Ā 
Different, yes, But not in the way youā€™re thinking. Klaus was a monster, too. Damon, Stefan, Silas, Katherine, they were all killers. Youā€™ve fought and won against them all at some point. But you donā€™t want to fight Kai. You donā€™t want to leave this prison world, because you donā€™t want to lose his company yet.
ā€œFucking insane.ā€ She fills a glass of water and chugs it. Sleep deprivation is one hell of a mindfuck.Ā 
Youā€™re not sleep deprived, Bonnie. In fact, this prison world offers the best sleep youā€™ve had in years. Your nightmares have stopped, since your friends no longer burden you with all their problems.
Might I say, you even have dreams now. Dreams of your mother, where youā€™ve thanked her for the peace. Dreams of simple mornings, of sipping coffee in silence. And letā€™s not forget the dreams of pleasure, focused on the only other person occupying this world. You donā€™t really want to leave, do you?
Bonnie slams her hand down on the table. ā€œI said stop!ā€ The voices hush at once, but the damage has already been done.Ā 
Sheā€™s tried everything to forget that dream. It haunts her in all the best ways at the worst times. She bites her tongue so hard that it bleeds.
Wetness pools from her core as a dull sensation builds. She holds back a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.Ā 
ā€œCome on, weā€™re the only two people here. No one can hear you. Let it out.ā€
Two weeks ago, that wouldā€™ve been a threat. Two weeks ago, the boy between her legs had his hands around her throat as he whispered menaces in her ear. Then, somehow, in the two weeks since Bonnieā€™s sent her magic away, a thread has snapped between the two. It started with a glare. Kaiā€™s eyes burned into her from behind, but softened when hers met his own. He wanted to hate her; wished he could kill her, but he couldnā€™t do either.Ā 
Bonnie had thoughts similar to his racing through her head. She numbed them with alcohol, and tried to not remember the feeling of his lips touching the lobe of her ear that one day in the car. But with every sip, her body heated up more, and when their fingers grazed as she passed him a glass, all hell broke loose.Ā 
She kissed him first, and once he realized what was happening, he didnā€™t let her go. He pushed her up against the wall and let his hands explore her body. Pants of exhaustion tumbled from both their lips whenever they separated for a breath of air. It wasnā€™t long before they wanted more, though, and her hips were hoisted onto his waist. Kai then took her up to his bed and made himself comfortable between her legs.Ā 
Pleasure flooded her body. Bonnie wouldā€™ve never have thought he would be as good with his tongue for anything else other than talking her ear off. Her hands pull at his hair as she comes close to her high. Way too quickly, she thought, but then again, it had been awhile since sheā€™d been touched like that.Ā 
ā€œCome on, weā€™re the only two people here. No one can hear you. Let it out,ā€ he was saying.Ā 
But then Bonnie woke up suddenly to the clashing of pots and pans from the kitchen below.Ā 
ā€œSorry!ā€ Kaiā€™s voice carried through the mansion.Ā 
She slumped back on the bed, trying to remember the dream she was having. It was hot, like a summer day, but all the heat was trapped between two bodies. She was out of breath, and holding back a moan. A boy was in her bed, tangled in her sheets, lapping at her core.Ā 
Her blood runs cold.Ā 
She could picture it perfectly. Hands that have held her by the throat, and have gripped her arms so tightly theyā€™ve bruised, were holding down her hips. The tongue that blabbers on and on was finally put to another use.Ā 
Bonnie shook her head, disgusted in herself. She needed a shower, needed to change her sheets, needed a walk to clear her head. She pulled herself out of bed and grabbed the edge of the sheets to pull them off, when she noticed something else.Ā 
A wet spot, right underneath where she had been laying.Ā 
She hadnā€™t come yet in her dream, but the images were vivid enough that she did in her sleep. She swallows, unsure of herself. Itā€™s hard to deny the fact that it felt good, and she craved it almost more than anything else, but never would she admit out loud that she had a wet dream of Kai Parker. And liked it.Ā 
The memory ends, leaving Bonnie alone at the kitchen table. The shower is still running, indicating Kai was still upstairs. Upstairs, by his bedroom, bare. She cursed her head for the thought. No, she could not think of him like that. Kai was a monster, no different from Klaus. A dream is just a dream. It doesnā€™t mean anything.Ā 
Still, the thoughts donā€™t leave her head. Biting her tongue doesnā€™t distract her from the memory, so she makes her way to Damonā€™s 1994 stash of liquor. Whiskey? No, whiskey is what she poured when Kai had asked for one too. Gin? No, gin reminds her of Liv, the girl sheā€™s trying to protect by trapping herself down here with Kai. But rum? Thatā€™s safe.Ā 
ā€œOoh, what are you drinking?ā€ Comes his voice as she pours herself a glass. Of course.Ā 
ā€œDo you want one or not?ā€
ā€œAre you offering?ā€ He stares into her eyes. Unable to hold his gaze, she drops her eyes down to the edge of his lip. Thereā€™s a cut in the left side that she always notices, and today, she decides to focus on it. ā€œIā€™m kidding. Sure.ā€
Bonnie quickly brings her attention back to the glass and pours him one. Her breath hitches when she hands it to him. Their fingers touch ever so gently.Ā 
ā€œYā€™know, I was wondering, what kind of shows do they have in 2013? Is Jerry Springer still on?ā€
Glad for the change in mood, Bonnie nods. ā€œYep, still a thing.ā€
ā€œHuh. Do you watch it?ā€
ā€œNot particularly. Itā€™s kind of a ā€˜watch if itā€™s the only thing onā€™ kind of deal.ā€
ā€œAh. My mom used to put it on all the time. She would threaten to send my little siblings on there if they couldnā€™t work out their problems.ā€
Bonnie laughs before she can stop herself. Kaiā€™s gaze snaps to her instantly, dimples forming on his cheeks as he smiles at the fact he made her laugh. A passing thought in her head mutters how cute they are, but then she comes to the realization of the thought. Not cute. Nothing about Kai is cute.Ā 
ā€œDid she ever threaten to put you on there?ā€
He takes a deep breath. ā€œMom and I never shared jokes like that. My version of it was my dad threatening to shut my mouth with tape.ā€
ā€œOh,ā€ she replies, genuinely shocked.Ā 
ā€œThat or withholding meals. Lock me in my room with a spell. Put a silencing spell so I couldnā€™t disturb them. And ignore me for days. Not like I was stupid enough to disturb them, because that would just make it worse, but he liked to use magic on me to remind me I didnā€™t have any. As if I could forget.ā€
Bonnie swallows hard.Ā 
ā€œOoh, definitely sharing too much. Think Iā€™m going to finish this glass of rum elsewhere. If you need me, BonBon, Iā€™ll be in my room.ā€
She watches him leave in silence.Ā 
Whiskey. Kisses. It was all a dream.Ā 
Rum. Revelations. Now, she didnā€™t know what to think.Ā 
As time passes, tensions increase. Bonnie tries to forget her dream and the tidbit of memory Kai had shared. Kai, on the other hand, tries to forget he overshared, while ignoring the dull ache in his heart to get closer to her. In a few daysā€™ time, so much energy is put into their mutual need to ignore each other that they almost forget the task at hand.Ā 
That is, until Kai comes to a conclusion on which he needs Bonnieā€™s opinion. The girl sending her magic away suddenly reminded him of his sister doing the same. So, somewhere on the property of his childhood home, there may be magic stored. His heart leaps with the hope of getting out of the prison world, and he quickly maps out a plan to get to Portland.
Though before he can go anywhere, he needs to convince the girl to go with him. Letā€™s rephrase that, he needs to make his hometown appealing enough to get Bonnie to come with him in his retrieval of Joā€™s magic. Then he needs, for a third time, to try to convince Bonnie to let them go home.Ā 
Because, truth be told, Kai would hate to leave the girl here alone. He knows what itā€™s like to spend every day in solitude for years, and even with his lack of empathy, canā€™t do that to her. Besides, it would be a lie if he said he hadnā€™t come to like her just a little. Her company is nice, and sheā€™s undeniably pretty. Pretty badass, too, which turns him on more than heā€™d like to admit.Ā 
So, one day as sheā€™s coming back from the supermarket, he approaches her with the topic.
ā€œWe need to leave Mystic Falls.ā€
Bonnie turns from the cabinet to face him, nose crinkled in disgust. ā€œWhy? Weā€™re fine here. Where would we even go?ā€
ā€œDoesnā€™t matter where, but I thought of a place where we could find magic. Since yā€™know, you put yours away in a bear.ā€
ā€œYeah, I did that so you couldnā€™t get out. Why would I go with you to get more?ā€
Kai crosses the kitchen to close the distance between them. He could reach out and touch her now. ā€œBecause we both want out of here, Bonnie. Donā€™t tell me you like it here.ā€
ā€œOf course I donā€™t. But you out would be hell on earth. Iā€™m trying to prevent another mass murder.ā€
His eyes darken. ā€œI told you, Iā€™ve changed. I-ā€
ā€œI donā€™t believe you.ā€
ā€œThen what do you expect to do for the rest of your life locked up in here? Are you really going to sacrifice your own happiness to keep me here? Because Iā€™ll find a way out. Iā€™ll find a way out, and I will leave you here if I have to.ā€
ā€œYou need me for the spell. Youā€™re not going anywhere.ā€
ā€œWhat makes you think I wonā€™t just steal your blood, memorize the spell, and get out? If you want to see your friends again, itā€™ll be with me.ā€
ā€œIā€™d rather die than let that happen. Itā€™s not your lack of magic that makes you an abomination, Kai, itā€™s you.ā€
The last comment pushes him too far. Bonnie realizes it the moment it leaves her lips. In an instant, his hands are around her throat, tightening just enough to render her unconscious. The girl grips his wrists, but feels her hold weakening.
ā€œKai,ā€ she begs, ā€œlet me go.ā€
ā€œSay youā€™ll go with me.ā€
ā€œSay it!ā€
ā€œI wonā€™t let you out!ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t want to do this,ā€ he warns. Before she can question him, darkness starts to cloud her vision. In a matter of seconds, her body goes limp.Ā 
The next time Bonnie wakes up, she realizes the ground beneath her is moving. Though as soon as it hits her that sheā€™s in the trunk of a car, the car comes to a halt. Bonnie hears the ignition turn off and the door shut before coming in direct contact with the sun. She squints, but then the view is blocked by Kai smiling down at her.Ā 
ā€œMorning, sunshine. Well, evening, actually.ā€
ā€œWhat did you do to me?ā€
ā€œRelax. You just took a little nap for our flight.ā€
ā€œFlight? Where are we, Kai?ā€
She cringes, ā€œwhy?ā€
ā€œItā€™s where weā€™re gonna find magic.ā€
ā€œAnd why exactly would-ā€
ā€œItā€™s where I grew up. I wouldā€™ve let you sit in the passenger seat for the trip here, but since you refused to go, I needed to resort to more forceful methods.ā€
Bonnie rolls her eyes. ā€œAs if Iā€™d willingly go with you. Also, I told you. I am not helping you get any more magic.ā€
ā€œWeā€™ll see about that, BonBon. For now,ā€ he takes a couple steps towards his house, ā€œcome on. Iā€™m cooking you dinner.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re not bribing me to help you,ā€ she says, following him anyway.Ā 
ā€œNot a bribe, Bonnie, I just thought youā€™d be hungry.ā€ At the same time, her stomach growls, betraying her. Kai smiles. ā€œSee?ā€
The girl just rolls her eyes a second time and goes inside the house.
As it turns out, Kai isnā€™t a bad cook. In fact, heā€™s really good. Not like Bonnie would ever admit that, though. She didnā€™t want to eat his food, but the hunger soon overtakes her pride and she gives into it. To her shock and thankfulness, Kai doesnā€™t comment on this decision. He lets her eat in peace while enjoying his own plate.Ā 
ā€œSo,ā€ she starts, halfway through her meal, ā€œwhatā€™s your plan after bringing me all the way out here?ā€
Kai swirls wine in a glass and takes a sip before answering. ā€œFind Joā€™s magic. Steal it. Go home. Thought that was obvious.ā€
ā€œAnd where exactly is her magic being stored?ā€
ā€œNot sure, Iā€™ll have to find it.ā€
ā€œWell you can have a fun time doing that. Iā€™m leaving after this.ā€
The boy tenses. ā€œNo youā€™re not. Youā€™re going to get us out of here the minute I find it.ā€
She laughs in disbelief. ā€œWeā€™re still having this conversation? Get it through your head, Kai, I am not letting you out of here. I donā€™t care if you cook for me, I donā€™t care what you do, youā€™re staying in this damn prison world.ā€
Suddenly, he grabs her wrist. His grip is tight, knuckles going white. Bonnie jumps in her seat.Ā 
ā€œOuch! That hurts, Kai. Let go of me!ā€
ā€œYouā€™re not leaving this house until we find my sisterā€™s magic.ā€
ā€œLet go of my arm!ā€
He loosens his grip, but doesnā€™t let go completely. Bonnie stares down at his fingers curled around her. The cool metal of his rings contrasts his flushed skin. Her mind starts to wanderā€¦Ā 
ā€œI donā€™t want to hurt you,ā€ he says slowly, ā€œbut I will if you keep refusing to help me. The only person youā€™re hurting is yourself.ā€
Her mind is snapped from its dark place. ā€œHereā€™s an idea: Iā€™ll help you find Joā€™s knife, and then we go our separate ways.ā€
ā€œThat doesnā€™t make sense, I need your blood for the spell. The knife is no good if I donā€™t have you.ā€
ā€œToo bad. Guess youā€™ll have to find me.ā€
According to Kaiā€™s mind numbing ranting while Damon was still here, the prison world is exactly like the real world, except itā€™s a dimension frozen in time. But if Bonnie can escape, she can go to any state, any country, and Kai would have to find her. Sure, he could do a locator spell, but heā€™ll run out of siphoned magic quickly and wonā€™t have any more. Itā€™s a perfect plan, she thinks, to escape him and his demands to be freed.Ā 
Besides, Bonnie has a feeling heā€™ll love the hunt. Thereā€™s no way heā€™d deny this.Ā 
Kai seems to consider this. ā€œFine. We find the knife, and Iā€™ll let you go.ā€
ā€œGood.ā€ Proud of herself, she stabs a piece of meat on her fork and eats it happily. She misses the storm clouds coming into his eyes. He doesnā€™t eat anymore after that.
At the end of dinner, both make their beds in separate areas of the house. Bonnie takes to Joā€™s old room and Kai curls up on the couch. Just before she retreats to go to sleep, the boy stops her in her tracks. He corners her up against the wall, close enough that his breath hits her neck.Ā 
ā€œJust so you know, Iā€™m a light sleeper. If I hear you trying to break our deal and escape, youā€™ll regret it.ā€
Bonnie returns him a stone cold expression. ā€œFigures. But I wonā€™t.ā€ She holds her breath in the presence of his.Ā 
ā€œSee you in the morning, BonBon.ā€
Three days go by of the two searching the huge house for Joā€™s knife. It is a cause that seems lost to Bonnie, yet she knows Kai wonā€™t give up until he has magic again. So, she continues to look. Besides, if she goes to Kai about it, heā€™ll grab her again, and she would really like to avoid another close confrontation with him.Ā 
Itā€™s too much risk to piss him off. He gets too close; too physical. And Bonnie should be afraid when heā€™s like this, but the more and more that it happens, she finds herself sweating in anticipation. The dark parts of her mind rise back to the surface. Memories of her dream, of his hands on her body, and his head between her legs, play on repeat. She wonders if it will always be a dream, or if one of these days, theyā€™ll give into their mutual need.Ā 
No. Itā€™s just a dream, she reminds herself. And Kai doesnā€™t need anything, except apparently an escape from this place. Stillā€¦ she canā€™t help the thought. To not touch another person for twenty years? I wonder if heā€™s ever-
ā€œAny luck?ā€Ā 
For once in her life, Bonnieā€™s grateful to hear Kaiā€™s voice cut through her thoughts.Ā 
ā€œNo,ā€ she replies, ā€œno luck in three days.ā€
ā€œItā€™s here. I know it is. Jo didnā€™t have any magic when we tried to merge. She stashed it somewhere.ā€
ā€œMaybe she took it back after you were gone.ā€
Kai thinks about this, but then shakes his head. ā€œShe wouldnā€™t have. Sheā€™s probably never touched it again.ā€
ā€œMaybe your father hid it somewhere. Does this place have an attic? Or a basement?ā€
ā€œBoth, yeah.ā€
ā€œYou take one, Iā€™ll take the other.ā€ Bonnie puts a finger up to his face. ā€œBut donā€™t even consider locking me in there.ā€
ā€œPromise I wonā€™t. You can trust me.ā€ He winks.
She glares at him. ā€œHard to believe that.ā€
But to their dismay, an entire day of searching both turns up nothing. Bonnie returns to Joā€™s room once again.Ā 
That night, her thoughts from earlier in the day come back to haunt.Ā 
In her dream, sheā€™s in her room while Kaiā€™s in his. Her fingers ghost over her body as she eases herself into a mood. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s much to do in the prison world, so as long as sheā€™s quiet, heā€™ll never know.Ā 
However, she barely touches herself before a groan carries from down the hall. Curious, Bonnie rises from her bed and makes her way to the only other occupied room. Her eyes go wide at the sight beyond the door. There is Kai, eyes squeezed shut and hips working against a pillow. Heā€™s on his bed, no mind paid to the crack through the door.Ā 
Somehow, the siphon doesnā€™t realize her presence. He must be too close to hear anything else.Ā 
The thought alone makes her body warm. Bonnieā€™s hand then finds its way under her pajama pants. A sigh escapes her slightly parted lips. It still doesnā€™t disrupt Kai from his own feat.Ā 
For a short time, she watches him while touching herself. She watches how he speeds up, then slows back down; how he sometimes lets out little pants, but at other times, full-blown moans.Ā 
ā€œKai,ā€ she finds herself whispering. ā€œOh.ā€
He doesnā€™t stop. Not until he reaches his high and comes down from it. As he surveys his bed for the mess heā€™s made, his eyes snap up to the girl peeking through his door. In an instant, his face turns pink with embarrassment. Kai Parker embarrassed. It makes Bonnie come on the spot.Ā 
ā€œWhat are you-?ā€
ā€œLetā€™s not talk about this,ā€ she breathes out heavily.Ā 
Bonnie wakes up in a cold sweat, panting, and feeling out of place. Her eyes dart around the room before she realizes sheā€™s still in her bedroom. Well, Joā€™s bedroom, in Portland, in 1994. She sighs, feeling disgusted in herself once again. She needs to get away from Kai. Needs to stop having these dreams; needs to stop secretly wanting him. It all needs to stop.Ā 
Slowly, she rises from her bed to fetch a coffee. Coffee makes everything better. Itā€™ll clear her mind and wake her up so she can continue looking for that stupid knife. Find the knife, and she can get away from him. Just find the stupid knife.Ā 
When she gets downstairs, though, Kaiā€™s already in the kitchen.Ā 
ā€œMorning,ā€ he greets, voice gravelly. If she has to hear his morning voice one more time, sheā€™s going to lose it. ā€œSleep well?ā€
ā€œFine. You?ā€
ā€œOnly fine?ā€
ā€œIā€™m still here, arenā€™t I?ā€
ā€œHm. For some reason it sounded much better from where I was.ā€
ā€œDid you dream well?ā€
ā€œNo. In fact, Iā€™ve only had nightmares since arriving in this hell.ā€
ā€œOdd. ā€˜Cause I couldā€™ve sworn I heard otherwise this morning.ā€
ā€œMaybe you just heard yourself.ā€ Her heartbeat quickens, and Bonnie thanks the highest power alive that Kaiā€™s not a vampire.Ā 
ā€œMaybe. But Iā€™m pretty sure it was you. Pretty sure I donā€™t moan my own name.ā€
Her blood runs cold. ā€œI didnā€™t-ā€
Kai stares at her and her words falter. ā€œIs someone else here, then? Donā€™t think thatā€™d be from the ghosts of my siblings. Only people here are you and me.ā€
Kai mentioning his siblings almost kills her mood, but his look revives it just as fast. Straightening, she fakes confidence. ā€œYou made me have that dream. Manipulated it.ā€
The boy chuckles, ā€œI literally have no magic, Bonnie. Thatā€™s why weā€™re here, actually, if you donā€™t remember. I have no magic to manipulate your dreams. You thought of me all on your own.ā€
ā€œI-ā€ she stammers, ā€œyou-ā€ she takes a deep breath. ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter. I still hate you. I will never like you, and nothing like that will ever happen. Iā€™m justā€¦ tired of being in here.ā€
A flash of hurt crosses his eyes, but he blinks it away quickly. ā€œWhatever. Iā€™m going to check the basement again, in case you didnā€™t look hard enough yesterday.ā€
Bonnie didnā€™t miss the look, but she doesnā€™t understand why he would have it. He hates her just as much as she hates him. She scoffs at his comment, then disappears to the attic. If he asks, sheā€™ll just retort that he didnā€™t look hard enough, either.Ā 
Days pass the same as they have been. Though if itā€™s even possible, the two ignore each other even more. They stay on opposite sides of the house and only come in the same room for dinner. Kai cooks each night, for which sheā€™s thankful, but refuses to actually thank him. Part of her is still pissed about him bringing up the dream, making her a little embarrassed every time she remembers the conversation.Ā 
Youā€™re the one that moaned his name, the voice in her head says, you canā€™t be mad at him for bringing it up.Ā 
Shut up, she replies to it, it's common decency not to talk about that stuff.
The voice begs to differ. It argues that the rules are different when youā€™re the only two people in an entire world.Ā 
Bonnieā€™s growing restless each second that they canā€™t find the knife. Sheā€™s growing comfortable around Kai, and she hates the thought. The boy has been cooking for her, giving her space, and hasnā€™t threatened her ever since she backed off of him. Another couple months, and maybe they could have a Damon-level of banter between them. Waitā€¦
Hell. No.Ā 
She will not be in Portland in a couple months. Sheā€™ll be far from Kai Parker and his crazy childhood home. She will not spend every day of her miserable time in the prison world wondering where he is, or what heā€™s doing. She will be far away, relaxing on a beach somewhere, while he angrily tries to find her.Ā 
That was the plan. That will continue to be the plan. That is-
The girl scoffs. Will she ever have a train of thought that he doesnā€™t interrupt? ā€œWhat?ā€
ā€œI found it!ā€
Excitement shoots through her spine. She stands from her spot on the floor and follows his voice to the kitchen. There, on the table, is Joā€™s knife. Rusty, but still sharp.Ā 
ā€œOutside. Yā€™know, I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t think of this before, but Jo had run outside after sending the twins out, and I guess she stashed the knife somewhere there. Turns out, it was in that old tree stump in the yard. Huh.ā€
Bonnie stares at it for a second. ā€œSo you have your knife. I can go now.ā€
Kai bites his lip.Ā 
ā€œWe had a deal.ā€
ā€œYou really donā€™t want to live here alone, Bonnie, I-ā€
The girl picks up the knife and points it at him in an instant. ā€œWe had a deal. You let me go. Right. Now.ā€
ā€œBonnie-ā€ he reaches for her, but she blocks him with the blade.
ā€œIā€™m serious.ā€
ā€œPut it down.ā€
ā€œFine. Put it down, and you can go.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t trust you!ā€
Kai takes a step forward. Bonnie doesnā€™t move the knife, pointed back at his stomach, even as he makes another step.
ā€œI promise, you can go. I justā€¦ I know what itā€™s like here, being all alone, and I donā€™t want you to go through that.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t care about me. You donā€™t care about anyone.ā€
ā€œI do care, Bon,ā€ he whispers, ā€œI care enough that I donā€™t want you feeling the way I have for eighteen years. Itā€™s fun the first few, when you get to travel and see everything, but then it hits you that youā€™re never going home. Youā€™ll never see another person again. Youā€™ll lose hope, and youā€™ll lose the will to live, but you canā€™t die. Iā€™ve been there. Iā€™m trying to help you.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t want your help. Being alone is better than letting you out.ā€
ā€œPlease donā€™t go.ā€ He takes another step toward her. The tip of the blade makes contact with his shirt. ā€œI promise I won't hurt you, just donā€™t go. I donā€™t want to be alone anymore, and you donā€™t want to know what itā€™s like to be here alone.ā€
ā€œI hate you,ā€ she spits, pressing the knife into him until it hits his skin.Ā 
ā€œI know. You should. I havenā€™t given you a reason to like me. But Iā€™m begging you. Donā€™t go.ā€
ā€œI give you this knife, and you let me go. Donā€™t stab me in the back, donā€™t keep begging.ā€
Kai swallows hard. ā€œOkay.ā€
Slowly, she hands it to him. Bonnie watches as he puts it on the table. Sheā€™s surprised. She expected him to immediately stab her or siphon from it. Instead, he just watches her take a step backward, then another. Then-
He shuts his mouth. Clouds return to his eyes. Baby blues darken as a storm approaches. He wonā€™t cry; Kai hasnā€™t cried since he was seven, but he will feel the stinging pain in his stomach at the loss of her company. The dryness at the back of his throat when the hopelessness returns.Ā 
Bonnie makes her way out the door without another peep from him. She stands on the porch, waiting to see if heā€™ll come out, but after a minute, thereā€™s nothing. The girl sighs in relief as she takes in the feeling of being free.Ā 
Free from his threats, his tight grip, his anger. Free from the heavy weight of his crimes; crimes heā€™ll acknowledge but wonā€™t feel bad for committing. Free from his stupid jokes and the winks he always gives her. Free from his cooking and his company. Sheā€™ll be alone. Completely, utterly alone.Ā 
She gulps at the thought.Ā 
Kai, meanwhile, stares at the knife before him. Itā€™s technically his knife, the one he used to stab Jo in the first place, but then Jo put her magic in it, and it became known as his sisterā€™s knife. Kai picks up the blade, feeling it in his hands, and siphons just a little bit to feel its strength. He revels in the energy it gives him. The last time he felt that strong was when he took Bonnieā€™s magic to show her his ability.Ā 
Bonnie, who just walked out the door to spend an eternity alone, rather than be with him.Ā 
Bonnie, who just slammed the front door.Ā 
ā€œI hate you!ā€ She yells from the foyer.Ā 
ā€œI didnā€™t say anything!ā€ Kai defends himself.Ā 
The girl stomps back into the kitchen, face unreadable. ā€œYeah, but I heard you breathing. All Iā€™ve heard all day, all week, all month, is the sound of you breathing. That, or you talking. Talking, or cooking. That is all you do, and I hate it!ā€
Kai stares at her. Whatever mixed emotions sheā€™s feeling, he doesnā€™t understand any of them. ā€œUm-ā€
ā€œI just want to be alone, just leave me alone! Actually, no, I donā€™t want to be alone, because this prison world is a hell, and I will go crazy if I am alone. But, as it turns out, youā€™re my only company. And Iā€™m sick of it, and Iā€™m sick of hearing your breathing, and seeing those stupid rings on your fingers, and hearing your voice in the morning when youā€™ve just woken up. And Iā€™m sick of your cooking, and your dedication to it, and how itā€™s actually good. Oh! And Iā€™m also sick of having these stupid dreams about you, too. I donā€™t know why my brain wonā€™t think of anyone else at three in the morning, but Iā€™ve lost sleep over not wanting to dream, so I havenā€™t slept in a couple of days, and maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m at my breaking point right now! Because I donā€™t want to sleep, because I donā€™t want you creeping in my dreams. I hate you, Kai, Iā€™m running out of words to describe it.ā€
ā€œSo-, why-, um-ā€ the boy doesnā€™t have any words, either. ā€œSo, uh, why are you still here?ā€
ā€œBecause I need to get my anger out, and youā€™re the only other person here.ā€
Kai expects Bonnie to hit him. A punch to the stomach or a slap to the face, either one, he anticipates. What he did not expect was for her to kiss him.Ā 
But in fact, when the girl storms up to stand a mere inch from his face, she grabs his cheeks and kisses him.Ā 
ā€œYou are so annoying,ā€ she mutters, staring up at him. ā€œI need you.ā€
This time, when she kisses him, he kisses her right back. Bonnie doesnā€™t fight him. Instead, she grabs the back of his neck to pull him closer, presses her body to his, and deepens it. Kaiā€™s hands then find her waist before he backs her up to the nearest wall. Just like in her first dream, he lifts her legs up to wrap around his, to which she complies immediately. In their new position, her pelvis is level with his hardening cock, and with every push of his body against hers, she feels his excitement.Ā 
ā€œKai,ā€ she whispers his name. He recognizes the tone as the one she whispers in her sleep.Ā 
ā€œMore.ā€ She runs a hand through his hair roughly. ā€œTake me. Please.ā€
Those words are all he needs to lay her down on the nearest couch. As soon as her head hits the pillow, heā€™s stripping her of her clothes. Bonnie tears his shirt off his head, then begins to fumble with his belt.
ā€œHow many times have you dreamed of this, BonBon?ā€
Sheā€™s too needy to lie. ā€œIā€™ve lost count.ā€
A smirk crosses the boyā€™s face, though itā€™s quickly replaced by something sheā€™d never thought sheā€™d see on him: empathy.Ā 
ā€œIā€™ll take care of you, Bon. Youā€™re good with me.ā€ Kai wastes no time wetting his fingers with his tongue, then putting them on her clit. Bonnieā€™s back arches, and he supports her by slipping a hand underneath immediately. Their lips reconnect in a heated kiss.Ā 
As soon as she gets his pants undone, she makes a grab for his visible bulge. Kai being Kai, though, smacks her hand away.Ā 
ā€œNot yet, princess. Iā€™m still focused on you.ā€ He distracts her by pushing his fingers into her core, pumping them in and out, and smirking at the squelching noises it makes. Bonnie moans, knowing sheā€™s close to coming. Just like in her dream, again, it didnā€™t take long for her to reach her high. Kai fingers her throughout her orgasm, not relenting until her legs are shaking. He helps her onto her knees when sheā€™s stable, and finally, does he then let her pull down his boxers.Ā 
ā€œStand,ā€ she points to the side of the couch, ā€œhere.ā€
ā€œDominant, are we?
She gives him a glare. Itā€™s playful, yet he knows she means business. Thatā€™s okay - Kai can work with both. Heā€™s mostly dominant, but if heā€™s comfortable enough, heā€™ll gladly submit to her. Right now, heā€™s not willing to fully submit, but heā€™ll give into the girlā€™s demands a little if itā€™s what she needs.Ā 
The moment Kai stands where he was asked, Bonnieā€™s hands are gripping his cock. He lets out a moan at the feeling, and his hips involuntarily jerk forward. Bonnie keeps him where she wants him, though. Once heā€™s under her control, she puts her mouth on him. Her head bobs, taking his length deeper and deeper each time, until she can glide her lips smoothly along. Obscene grunts tumble from Kaiā€™s lips. His hands bury in her hair, pulling at the roots. Bonnie doesnā€™t seem to mind, and in fact, her grip on his hips tightens so she can work better.Ā 
ā€œBon,ā€ he stammers, ā€œyouā€™re- Iā€™m-ā€
She stops as he speaks. No way is he coming before he fucks her. Kai catches on immediately, pushing her back onto the couch, and then crawling up her body. He aligns himself before pushing in slowly, filling her completely and comfortably in no time. Heā€™s much gentler than Bonnie anticipated, but sheā€™s not complaining. Though she bets heā€™s very capable of angry sex, as seen by his several meltdowns over the months. If she ever gets him in one of those moments, sheā€™d surely be covered in love bites and bruises by the end.Ā 
Kai finds a good pace quickly, as indicated by Bonnieā€™s moans of pleasure. His hands grip her wrists, pinning her to the couch, while he leaves a trail of kisses along her neck. At first, the girl tries to fight for some control, but soon surrenders to the more dominant boy.Ā 
He clicks his tongue, cooing at her, promising heā€™ll take care of her.Ā 
A month ago, being under him like this wouldā€™ve been terrifying. But in their time together, sheā€™s come to desire him a lot more than she wants to admit.Ā 
And seemingly, Kai feels the same way.Ā 
It isnā€™t long before she feels another high coming on - this one even more powerful than the last. With her bottom lip in between his teeth, and his cock buried deep enough inside her to form a bulge, her orgasm draws nearer by the second. Her breaths get shallow and she whimpers his name, pleading for release. Kaiā€™s hold on her wrists loosen, as does the pace on his thrusts. Heā€™s close, too.Ā 
More thrusts and moans finally tumble from the girlā€™s lips. Sheā€™s cracked first, but the feeling of her body convulsing at its climax tips him off the edge. He spills inside her before he can even consider pulling out, but neither care about that right now. The feelings of pleasure are overwhelming, after months, and for him, years, of not touching another person so intimately.Ā 
Their bodies meld together as he collapses on top of her. Her hands fly to his hair, twirling the ends between her fingertips, not wanting their moment to end. As soon as Kai regains his strength, he sits up so as to not crush her.Ā 
ā€œDo you still hate me?ā€ He asks, a tint of hopefulness in his voice that maybe she doesnā€™t.
ā€œYes.ā€ His eyes fall to the floor. ā€œBut maybe thereā€™s hope for you yet.ā€
Bonnieā€™s conflicted. She tells herself she still hates him, but deep down, knows sheā€™s lying.
The two of them catch their breath for a while on that couch. Eventually, their clothes find their way back on their bodies, but they donā€™t leave each otherā€™s companies just yet.Ā 
ā€œWas that how your dream went?ā€ He teases suddenly.
ā€œNo, actually, we neverā€¦ the first time, you were getting there, but then actual you - not dream you - woke me up by dropping a pan in the kitchen.ā€
ā€œAnd then another time, it was me eavesdropping your own private moment. Sorry about that. Others were shorter, with less time for mind wandering, but we never actually went all the way.ā€
His blue eyes meet her intensely. ā€œDo you regret this?ā€
ā€œNo. We both needed it. We were driving each other crazy. Do you?ā€
ā€œHow could I? Iā€™ve been curious about you since the day you and Damon got here.ā€
Bonnie looks at him, then at her hands in her lap. She isnā€™t sure how to reply to that.Ā 
Silence then befalls them once again. Dinner is quiet, few words are shared. Thereā€™s no mention of their moment again, but she can tell by his gaze that heā€™s fighting the urge to bring it up. She wonders what he would say, yet doesnā€™t prompt him to share.Ā 
When she wakes up the next morning, Kai is already awake. The boy is at the kitchen table, fiddling with Joā€™s knife in one hand and the ascendant in the other.Ā 
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ She asks, startling him.Ā 
ā€œJust thinking.ā€
ā€œYou still want to go back after our time yesterday? We wonā€™t be the only two people here anymore. I might never talk to you again.ā€
ā€œDoesnā€™t matter. Youā€™re leaving anyway. You said it yourself, you want to disappear to one end of the earth, and if I want out, Iā€™ll have to find you. And though having to hunt you down wouldā€™ve been fun a couple years ago, Iā€™m tired of being here. At least if I get out, I wonā€™t be alone.ā€
For a minute, Bonnie considers taunting him. Telling him heā€™d be alone anyway, because no one in their right mind would want anything to do with him. But then his fingers glide along the edge of the blade. The same fingers that were buried inside her yesterday. The silver rings adorning them that match the lethal weapon. She sighs internally. Bonnie doesnā€™t want to be stuck in the prison world anymore than Kai does. Certainly, she doesnā€™t want to roam it alone.Ā 
Yesterday did something to her. The way he begged her not to leave. Promised her she would hate being alone, and urged her to stay with him. At the time, she thought being alone would be better than being with him. But then she kissed him. She kissed him, and he kissed back, and then he pleasured her and cared for her in ways she thought could only be dreams. Now she doesnā€™t know what to think about him. Her thoughts are jumbled, mind is confused, and heart is burdened.Ā 
You donā€™t hate him, that damn voice returns, in fact, you kinda actually like him.Ā 
ā€œYou areā€¦ leaving, right?ā€ Kai asks in response to her silence.Ā 
The girl straightens. ā€œI am. Iā€™ve had enough of this prison world, and frankly, this house, and I need to get away from it.ā€
Kai looks up at the walls of his childhood home. He agrees to hating the house, but he has no clue where heā€™ll go next.Ā 
Bonnie, on the other hand, seems to know exactly where sheā€™s going. She marches towards the front door, hand on the knob. Kai stares after her, questions on the edge of his tongue, but nothing coming off it.Ā 
ā€œArenā€™t you coming with me?ā€
He stands from his seat, confused, but follows her nonetheless. ā€œWhere are we going?ā€
ā€œYouā€™re gonna go back to Mystic Falls?ā€ If Bonnieā€™s starting her escape now, why is she telling Kai where sheā€™s going?
ā€œEventually. But hurry, or weā€™ll miss the eclipse.ā€
Her words take three whole seconds to sink in before the reality of the situation hits him. Theyā€™re going home. Truly home. Back to the present age - whatever that looks like.Ā 
So, with Joā€™s knife strapped to his boot and the ascendant in his pocket, Kai follows Bonnie to the site beneath the eclipse. The clearing of trees he remembers all too well from eighteen years ago stand overhead. For a mere second, Kai wonders if itā€™s a trap. His eyes search hers, but he only finds a fierce determination.
ā€œArenā€™t you going to siphon that?ā€
His eyebrows furrow, but he does when she prompts him. ā€œWhat changed your mind about letting me out?ā€
ā€œFor some reason, Iā€™ve decided to trust you.ā€ She cuts her palm. ā€œDonā€™t betray it.ā€
ā€œSo you donā€™t hate me?ā€
ā€œNot exactly.ā€
She gives him a small smile, which he returns. Then, hand-in-hand, they chant until a brightness surrounds them, and they are on their way home.
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missuswalker Ā· 1 year
MEOW MEOW HELLO ITS ME AGAIN THE ANON WHO ASKED FOR THE NOTES PT 2 & 3 anyways.. can you please do a pt 2 of cheer you on šŸ˜¼šŸ˜¼šŸ˜¼ -anon šŸ˜» p.s. i love ur writing so sorry if im annoying you with this lol
HI I LOVE YOU OMG, and nonono you're not annoying me, it feels so good when people want me to continue writing, it's like šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ you're my cat emoji anon now šŸ˜¼šŸ˜»
cheer you on, pt. two || kyle broflovski x fem reader
āœ® summary: red helps you get ready for your date with kyle + he takes you out to eat (pt. 1 can be found here āœ® warnings: none
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"If I walk out of this house with a dick on my face, I'm giving Wendy the login to your snap."
I was currently sitting on my floor, Red doing my eye makeup for my date with Kyle. She had been begging me to let her do it since Tuesday, the day he asked me out. I see her slowly pull her hand away, moving to grab a makeup wipe.
"Did you seriously draw a dick on my face?" I scoff, watching her begin to wipe something away from above my eyebrow. "It was small, I swear," Red laughs, dropping the wipe and picking up her makeup brush.
"Why is this taking so long, I told you to not do anything extravagant." She rolls her eyes, holding my face in place. "It's not anything extravagant, I'm just trying to help you get some jeweiner," Red jokes. "Are you serious? Jeweiner? No, actually, that's pretty funny," I say, biting back a laugh.
"Hey, you never know, he could be freaky deaky," Red defends, letting go of my face. "Done." I look in the mirror, nodding. "He could be, but he's too much of a gentleman to even suggest it on the first date," I counter, smoothing out my top.
"No thank you? No Red, you sexy woman, this looks great?" Red says, putting all of her shit back in its bag. "Red, you sexy woman, this looks great," I exclaim, my tone dramatically excited. "You're ungrateful, I hope Kyle poisons your food."
Not even five minutes later, there was knocking at my front door. "My little girl is all grown up. Go get your honeybun," Red teases, pushing me out of my room. "Ew, I wish you'd stop talking. Go home."
Red rolls her eyes for the millionth time, walking me down the stairs. "I can't go home until you and Kyle leave, it'll look weird if I'm still here when he picks you up. Just go," She groans, sitting at the bottom of the stairs.
"Whatever," I sigh, walking to my front door. I open it to find Kyle holding up a bouquet of pink tulips. "Hi. You look ethereal." He breathes out, seemingly nervous. Ethereal? Damn. "Thank you, that's really sweet. You look nice, too." I respond, not being able to think of a better compliment.
He hands me the flowers, a goofy grin on his face. "I thought of you when I saw those. I was gonna get roses, but... I thought these were nice." This boy was gonna be the death of me. He's such a dork. "Thank you, I'll put these inside and we can go," I say, reaching out to hand them to Red.
He leads me out to his mom van, which honestly didn't come as much of a surprise. He opens the passenger side door for me before walking to his side, a nervous silence filling the air.
"I heard Stan talked to you," He speaks up, glancing at me as he puts his car in drive as pulling away from the curb. "Yeah, he scared the shit out of me, it was like he just appeared," I snort, shaking my head. "It's like he teleports," Kyle agrees.
We hold a light conversation all the way to Olive Garden (which I had suggested as a joke, but it turned out he loved Olive Garden, which also didn't surprise me). After parking, he sits back for a moment, looking over at me. "You really do look beautiful tonight, you know."
"Thank you. You look very pretty. Handsome, you look handsome," I compliment, letting out an awkward laugh. "Thanks, I try," He jokes, opening his car door. I copy his action, stepping out into the fresh, Olive Garden parking lot air. Romantic.
Eventually, we're seated, but we were sat directly behind an angry old couple. We couldn't help but listen to their conversation, trying to bite back our laughter. We look at each other with red faces, almost breaking. His lips are pressed together in a straight line while my hand covered my mouth.
"I wish I could divorce you, but you'll probably die before you can sign the papers," The old lady snaps, pointing a finger at her husband. That was it. I choke on my water, Kyle letting out a loud laugh. The couple seemingly didn't notice, both of us trying to recollect ourselves.
"Oh my god," He whispers, taking a moment to breathe. "This is so bad, I'm sorry," he adds, trying to keep his laughter in. I shake my head, a wide grin on my face. "No, this is great, it's possibly the best date I've ever been on."
"So you'll let me take you on another one?"
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not proofread
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ventismacchiato Ā· 1 year
Same anon who sent that ask that triggered that avalanche of trolling.
I just wanna say, I'm sorry for being hypocritical when I said you were rude, but I did not mean you were rude by setting boundaries (even tho that was never a topic of debate for us, I'd always respected your boundaries)
I meant rude as in, you used to be very...dry? You could say? when I sent asks but then you'd be super nice to other people who sent asks so I felt like you just had something against me.
My reason for staying anonymous isn't because I'm afraid of confronting you face-to-face, it's because I know that if I were to try and talk to you ab this personally, I'd just get the same response, and if I were to send the ask without being anonymous, the asks clowning on me would be sitting in my inbox rn.
And I get WHY people r clowning on me. I sent an ask on a topic sensitive to me thru anon and my choice of words r similar to that of an emo 14 yr old boy on reddit.
But in my defense, if Kai hasn't been rude to you personally, doesn't mean they might not have been rude to me. And I use rude due to a lack of better words.
Bottom line is: I was hurt by Kai's difference in personality when it came to my asks (which never pressured them about updates btw bc I never rlly followed their smaus much) and I took to anon to try and tell it to them, albeit in a v poor worded manner.
I'm sorry that so many of your fans seemed personally attacked by me expressing my opinion but I'm more sorry that I couldn't just talk to you about this directly.
(also b4 anyone repeats the old insult of "get a job"... I'm already training to become a CA. I have a life outside of Tumblr and I log in very rarely. It may not seem that way because of my previous ask, but Kai isn't on my mind 24/7. I just logged back in after a month and their ask were on my 'following' page and in the spur of the moment, I typed out the ask.
I assure yall I'm very content in life and (in response to one of the asks telling me to showeršŸ’€) take very good care of my hygiene (lmao???). Some of the responses I got were VERY hilarious, I'll agree, even I laughed at a few of them.
I know my previous ask gave a lot of people second-hand embarrassment (this one will too probably lmfao I can't win) and this is getting too long so I'll just say: not the intention, just wanted my feelings acknowledged.
Thank you and Goodbye.
This seems like a script to a YouTube apology video lmao.
oh my godā€¦
so are you just upset i didnā€™t treat you like a friend or?? genuinely donā€™t understand how me ever being dry is considered rude to you, have you ever considered the asks you sent didnt give me room to respond with more excitement? i receive a lot of asks in a day so i cant always be all !!! to every single one. itā€™s a little over the top to accuse me of being rude when all i supposedly did was not match the same energy. you said so yourself you werenā€™t active and i tended to be more excited talking to my regular anons.
i didnt have anything against you, maybe a little now because this is ridiculous, but if someone online replying to you dry causes you that much hurt then maybe this app isnā€™t for you. we donā€™t need to talk about this directly because there isnā€™t anything to talk about.
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cinnamonest Ā· 2 years
for the interaction requests (hope I'm doing this right!) Xiao + "Xiao, will you please take me outside? Please, please, please? I want to feel grass and see wildflowers and dip my feet in a stream. I miss the world."
Bless you anon my sweet boy
Also sorry if it's not quite right but I took it to be in like a whiny tone bc I love whiny darlings
You didn't like the silence that followed. It told you, if nothing else, that your request was not going to be met with an immediate agreement. Not that you were expecting immediate agreement, but it was frustrating nonetheless.
You couldn't see his face, your back was pressed to his chest where you lay in bed, and even so, it was far too dark in this tiny, dreary room to see much anyway.
But he sat up nonetheless, looking down at you. You couldn't make out any displeasure, more of a neutral expression, which was a good start, you supposed. It wasn't that slight frown and narrowed eyes that usually indicated your request was outright upsetting. He looked downward, to the side, eyes avoiding contact with yours.
"I can make you a stream. In here."
You clenched your jaw. It was more or less the answer you were anticipating, and you certainly weren't expecting to have your wish granted, but you still had some hope there would be some consideration, that it wouldn't be met with immediate refusal or attempt to negotiate into something less.
You inhaled. Exhaled. Long and deep.
"I mean outside. The real world. Not the yard out there."
The abode had a brief grassy patch that surrounded this concrete slab of a room, but it was largely devoid of anything but dull grass that felt artificial to the touch, lacked moisture and sleekness. That was, on the very rare occasion you were even allowed to venture there. From what you understood, landforms of various kinds could be added and modified at will with the assistance of some spirit or another, so a stream was likely well within the realm of possibility. Still, you imagined it would have the same feeling of inauthenticity, and really, part of it was a matter of principle. You wanted to go outside, and seeing as you felt there was no reason why you shouldn't be able to, a familiar irritated persistence took hold.
"That wouldn't be any different from one I can have created in here," he replied. "I can get all of those things. You don't need to leave."
You huffed, letting your arm drape over your face, forearm covering your eyes. "It's different."
Your voice was a whine. You knew better than to do this, really. There was no need to start an inevitable conflict. Reasonably, you should just let it go, drop the matter entirely. But the frustration was simply too unbearable. It followed a pattern, frustration would build up over multiple incidents, until you finally caved to it, usually at inopportune moments.
The initial question created a tension in the tranquility, but the raise in volume and the change in your tone began to escalate that tension. It always did. Likewise, you could hear a rising frustration in his own voice, a shift in tone, beginning to get irritated and defensive.
"The air is different," you grumbled. "Fresh air is..." You made a circular gesture with your other wrist, "special. Nothing feels the same. I can tell the difference."
"That's all in your head." He was quick to respond. "It is no different from the water and air in here."
Your fingers curled, you raised your arm just enough to show your eyes to look directly at him. "Would it really be that hard to just take me out? For five minutes? You can watch me. You could literally stand right there the whole time."
He folded his arms, eyes narrowing. His voice was a bit quieter as he responded. "We have been over this before. You already proved yourself untrustworthy with such an opportunity." His voice carried a tone of irritation and resentment, no doubt from thinking of the incident in question.
You exhaled another long, frustrated breath. It was true that you had had one prior opportunity, and essentially ruined it. It was early on, and looking back, you felt incredibly stupid for trying such a weak plan.
You'd reached a compromise and gone out into the wilderness, far away from any other humans, but conveniently an area where you thought you might be able to hide yourself within the nearby trees. You'd tried the only strategy you could think of. You had pulled, and he had actually fallen for, the 'what's that thing over there?' trick. He had turned to the direction you pointed in, taking a moment, responding with a 'what thing?' only to turn back and realize you had taken the momentary opportunity to run off. Not that you got very far, soon tackled to the ground in less than a minute, and immediately dragged back.
Predictably, the incident had been a sore subject ever since its occurrence (no doubt largely due to it being your default target for teasing and mocking when you felt like it), and it had been the first and last time you were ever allowed back into the real world.
You opened your mouth, but hesitated. You could feel an increasing tension. It was obvious you would not get what you wanted, and you knew that persisting beyond this point would do nothing but make both of you more upset.
You clamped your jaw shut, swallowed your frustration, and rolled over onto your stomach. Your voice was muffled as you spoke.
"Fine. Forget I asked."
A few more seconds passed in silence. There was a heavy weight to the quiet.
He sighed. "You can have what you want. You've merely convinced yourself to be discontent with anything less than your terms because you are stubborn."
But that alone broke your resolution to end the matter peacefully. The sentence made a burst of anger flare up in your chest. You bolted upright.
"Oh, I'm stubborn?" You couldn't help the raised volume to your voice, the way your eyes narrowed and your features contorted with annoyance. "You're calling me stubborn?"
His eyes widened, shifting slightly away from your outburst. His expression almost seemed surprised, as if genuinely caught off-guard by the statement. His eyebrows furrowed. "In what way am I stubborn?"
You glared, nose scrunching up. Your eyes narrowed. "Are you serious? Even trying to get you to consider anything I say is like arguing with a brick wall."
But rather than an immediate reply, he paused, looking back at you with a blank stare. "...What?"
You huffed, raising your hand up to rub at the bridge of your nose. "It's a saying. A colloquialism."
"It doesn't make sense. That's not possible."
"Iā€” I know. That's the point."
"That's not animate. Nor sentient."
"I know! Itā€”ugh!" You squeezed your eyes shut in frustration. "It means that arguing with you is pointless because you won't even budge. You don't compromise on anything."
He nodded. "Yes. I can't afford to be compromising with you. Your wants are careless and foolish. You would be harmed." After a pause, he added, "if you know it's pointless, why do you still try to argue so often?"
You clenched your jaw, buried your face in your hands, taking a moment to collect yourself. He had a way of infuriating you with that combination of bluntness and transparency, without saying much at all.
After a moment, you shuffled back, pulling the sheets away from your body, and raised one of your calves. The chain made a soft jingling noise as the movement caused it to swing. You gestured with your hand to the spot where the cusp was bound to your ankle, eyes half-lidded in an unamused, exasperated expression.
"And this?"
He paused. Looking at the binding, blinking. Eyes flickering back to your face, to the binding, them back to you again.
"I don't see what you mean."
You let out a deep exhale through your nostrils. Your fingers curled, grasping at the sheets. "You think," you let your leg fall back onto the mattress, shuffling to reposition yourself upright, speaking through clenched teeth, "that keeping someone locked in a tiny room for years and refusing to let them leave for five minutes," you leaned forward, "isn't stubborn?"
But he did not miss a beat. "That is different." He held out a hand in an explanatory gesture. "It's a matter of ensuring your well-being. Whereas you insist on making frivolous and unnecessary demands."
You opened your mouth to retort again, but fell silent. Your shoulders went slack, and you put a hand up to your forehead, rubbing at your temples.
This wasn't worth it. It never was. You let yourself fall back onto the mattress, and once again rolled over face-down, burying your face into the pillow.
"Just... forget it. Fine. Make it in here, I guess."
You waited for a reply, but were met with silence. Either he didn't know how to respond, or trying to provoke you into saying something more. Likely the former ā€” if he just wanted you to continue, he would say so, always very direct, so much so you weren't certain he would even think to do otherwise.
"...Only if you apologize."
You turned your head to the side, just enough to look at him, but didn't sit up. "For what?"
"You have been hostile and unnecessarily aggressive."
You immediately turned your face back downward. "You're out of your mind."
He was quiet for a moment, but finally responded once more, voice a quiet, bitter grumble. "Then you will have to accept staying in here."
You didn't respond, but you supposed that, combined with your heavy exhale, was an answer in and of itself. You let your body go limp against the mattress. Getting into these spats was always so tiring.
He did have a point. You had almost never successfully persuaded him to do anything, so much so that trying often felt pointless. Maybe that was stubborn, but if so, you would gladly accept being stubborn.
You didn't make any move to do something petulant like squirm away or swat at him when he laid back down by your side, though. That would just lead to a whole new session of bickering, and you had had enough of that for one day. Or whatever unit of time could be used in a dark, windowless room.
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echotunes Ā· 1 year
Slimecicle characterization: (sorry this is a bit long)
* Mainly referred to as slime but close friends (Wilbur, Philza, etc.) almost exclusively call him Charlie
* He makes up slime related words a lot and will just make random noises
* Makes up songs a lot/ will replace lyrics of existing songs to whatever he finds situationally appropriate/ funny
* Does both goofy humor where he laughs at himself/ along with others and dry humor where he plays everything totally straight
* ā€œYarf/ Iā€™m gonna yarfā€ (throw up)
* ā€œMy bones!ā€ (When hurt)
* Doesnā€™t use emoticons in messages, no caps unless itā€™s the full word for emphasis, single messages with punctuation if needed (chat example: ā€œwe won the war. (qsmp)ā€ vod 35:45 you can see his chat history with Foolish)
* He has a really extensive vocabulary and when making jokes will always switch up the phrasing/ use synonyms so as to not say the same words repeatedly
* He will make jokes to himself/ quietly and if no one heard it then he might repeat it once more but never more than that
* He makes himself the butt of the joke a lot, especially with new people. Only when heā€™s super close friends with someone will he makes jokes about them
* Literally king of the bit. Will take any opportunity to continue a bit or make a new one (breaking Roierā€™s windows, calling Phil old, getting ā€œstuckā€ in the ghost maze)
* Mf is both easily distracted and laser focused, often at the same time and rarely aware of his surroundings
* He almost never responds to being hit when people are trying to get his attention, especially if heā€™s having a conversation with someone else (in general if heā€™s having a one on one convo with someone heā€™s practically blind to anyone else)
* Doesnā€™t move around when talking to the point that someone may leave his view and it might take a few seconds for him to move to see them again
* Despite being highly social he doesnā€™t like interacting with large groups that have multiple conversations going on (most likely cause itā€™s hard for him to pull focus) - heā€™ll often ask others to step to the side
* *After leaving a group* ā€œI can finally hear myself thinkā€
* Heā€™s isnā€™t super knowledgeable about minecraft so isnā€™t aware of a lot of mechanics. He plays almost exclusively to hang out with people and doesnā€™t enjoy doing things alone
* Will play into his own ignorance for a joke - typically comically over exaggerated
* Heā€™s super grateful for gifts and if itā€™s something that directly benefits him (amour, food, supplies) heā€™ll always ask if the giver is sure
* If heā€™s around quackity there is an extremely high chance of him getting manipulated
* Boy has pipes and while yes this does make him a good singer it also makes him a really loud screamer
* Loves to be silly and goofy and then pulls out the most gut wrenching angst/ trauma youā€™ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing
* When in serious situations will entirely drop any jokes and talks very sincerely/ more soft voice
Specifically QSMP
* Canonically can shape shift
* Was kept in a cage as a child and had abusive parents and multiple other siblings who are assumedly deceased
* Thinks very lowly of himself and doesnā€™t think himself deserving of any kindness shown towards him since accidentally killing TilĆ­n
* Is an alcoholic and self harms (uses a taser to electrocute himself when he feels sadā€¦ which is often)
* Loves his family more than anything and actively talks about how much he misses them every time he streams
* Fights with Mariana are more humor based - like whatā€™s the most absurd thing that can be said
* Repeats eggsā€™ names a lot when talking to them
* Thereā€™s natural gas in his mine that makes him hallucinate and forget things
(I definitely went a bit overboard with this so feel free to pick and choose what would actually be useful for the cheat sheet. Hopefully thereā€™s some helpful stuff here šŸ’™)
!! ty so much anon! I'm not much of a Charlie viewer so this is a big help I'll make sure to add it to the doc
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