#along with danny tanner
Past, Present and that of Space
Dead-ends and Surprise Visits
“Alrightie, Duke your classes don't start for an hour right, LightBrite?” Duke snorted, nodding as he got comfortable pulling his blanket tighter around his shoulders. “Good good, should be enough time, ehhhh maybe we'll see, anyway!!” 
Harley snagged a cookie munching on it before she began. “Sooo years ago before I was a doctor and your daddio a crime-fighting college drop-out vigilante, we went to Gotham Uni. Bruce had been studying to be a Doctor like your granddaddy, so all of us had the same base classes. We actually had a study group and we'll as a ‘Fuck Professor Tanner’ club.
We met in advanced Calculus, I sucked and Brucie was my seat buddy along with Vladdie. After a bad failed test on my part and Professor Tanner purposely marking the others down, we formed a spite study group. I dragged Crane into it and Vlad pulled Jackie and Mads in! It kinda cemented our friendships a bit!” Harley snorted, shaking her head while reminiscing on the old days.
“Jackie, Mads, and Vladdie we're going for Doctorates in Science and Engineering. Jackie was more towards Engineering that was his crazy strong point while Mads and Vladdie were genius to boot. Would've fit in very well with your bunch now that I think ‘bout it! It grew a pretty decent friend group between us. Of course Brucie dropped out after that year, but Crane and I stayed pretty close with them. It was our final year when a lot of drama happened.” Harley sighed before grabbing her Tea cup downing it.
“The three of them were convinced that another universe lay parallel to ours. Called it the Ghost Zone, they'd been attempting to make a portal to it for months. Then the accident happened, it exploded and Vlad got carted off campus, didn’t see him again after that. He transferred out and last we heard he went to Wisconsin. Jackie and Mads were heartbroken, they’d been friends for a while at that point and losing Vlad made them a little unstable. Not ya know, rouge unstable but they started designing weapons to hunt ghosts. Caught some attention shortly before graduation and got a couple grants, they were really ecstatic. They left soon after we graduated, Jackie proposed and Mads said yes, went back to Mads hometown for the wedding. I got invited but at that point I was already at Arkham and well, you know my story already.” 
Tim stopped his note taking, looking up at Harley, who seemed slightly trapped in thought. He coughed slightly, breaking her out of her remembrance of who Harleen Quinzel used to be. 
“Ghost Zone? Huh? Weird niche of all things but ya know, we dress up and go fight crime nightly.” Duke elbowed him teasingly as he ate a cookie, and Tim rolled his eyes. “Right, right I forgot one of us is  a weirdo and patrols during the day time!”
“Oi! At least I don’t have an ugly ass cowl, owl head ass.” Tim gave him the dirtiest look, already calculating how far Duke dropped on his favorite sibling list.
“Congrats Duke, Damian has officially passed you on my favorite siblings list. It’s a sad day when two siblings drop below the one that has stabbed me multiple times.” Duke went to respond but was cut off by Harley’s barking laughter. Harley was bent over holding her stomach laughing so hard Duke contemplated running to get a cure for Joker Venom, but seeing the satisfied look on Tim’s face calmed him. Tim’s plan to distract her clearly worked, besides he had enough to work on now.
Of course Danny had contact with the Realms, his parents succeed in making their portal after all. 
Alfred hummed lowly to himself as he entered his bedroom for a short break. He set the tea tray down before pulling out both his chairs and sitting down.
“You were cutting it close you know, old friend.” He sipped his tea slowly before looking up at the person now sitting in the chair across from him. “You’ve set my charges into a protective mode that will lead to less sleep. Honestly the extra stress you’ve added to my plate with this stunt.”
“Apologies are in order for that, you know I should not interfere too often. Their eyes weren’t on me for only a few seconds, talking with Young Timothy was not possible.” His form shifted and Alfred hummed taking in the appearance of the elderly man in front of him.
“Your form has changed. I see you added to your family circle, congratulations.” Clockwork chuckled knowing he had taken some aspects from the kids he had practically adopted when they were fourteen.
“Indeed, not as many as your brood, but I am content. They have fine futures, fine futures indeed.”
“I see, and their futures are now intertwined with my charges.”
“Yes they are, we will be seeing more of each other in the future. Young Timothy will get along very well with my Phantom. They will be a force to be reckoned with.”
“Dear Clockwork, I believe they are on their own, together they could rule the multiverse.” Clockwork and Alfred were silent for a while, simply enjoying tea together. However he was the first to break their silence with a chuckle.
“I believe you are quite right Alfred. Quite right indeed.”
Dani typed silently on her phone as she sprawled across Danny’s back. The other Halfa too busy editing a video to pay attention to her. The others in their family were in varying places of Fenton Works but the two self-proclaimed siblings had holed up in Danny’s room. At first they simply sat staring at the ceiling, or rather staring into space, literally. After discovering Danny was the new Ancient of Space came even more power training that had Danny wish to rip his hair out.
Danny had discovered the ability to make a rift that could remain open until he willed it away, it was unlike portals that he needed to concentrate on to keep open. No those portals were Dani’s expertise, able to portal them to any place and even universes. Danny’s rifts allowed him direct access to space, and since discovering it his ceiling had been a constant show of the different galaxies that graced their universe. So often the others would come to call them for dinner and find the two’s eyes locked on their stars.
Val often joked that Dani’s love for space came from her template. Of course Dani wasn’t as crazy about space as Danny was but she still loved it. Dani paused her typing looking up at the ceiling for a moment before grinning.
“Danny, I have a great idea. Our next video should be in space.” Danny stopped editing mind racing between different ideas before his core was vibrating so hard in excitement that he was purring. Dani’s mirth couldn’t be contained as her body took flight lifting off him and towards the rift. “We could do so much!”
“Visiting other planets!”
“Space fights!”
“A day in the life with off-world species!”
“Jumping universes! People will lose their minds if we go to the ‘Futurama’ universe!”
“Oh my crown Dani! The possibilities are endless!!” Danny laughed as he took flight playfully taking the girl out of the air, both phasing through his bedroom floor and bouncing off the couch as they began a mini fight. Wes watched them amused as he paused his show, thankful he was sitting fully to the left of the couch and not in the middle. “Black holes! We can explore black holes!!” Danny announced laughing as he got Dani into a headlock only for her to phase out and land a hard elbow to his gut.
“Yes! Oooooh I want to kick you into a black hole so bad!!” We can cut the video there and the next one can be you in the Futurama Universe trying to find your way back!!” The two cackled together as their fighting amped up. 
“That is a pretty good idea.” Wes hummed, blinking as mischievous eyes locked on him. “Don’t even think about it you two.” He warned as they started grinning, he threw himself to the side flipping over the arm of the couch as they lunged at him phasing through and landing on the other side in a crouch. “Damnit!” Wes yelled as he scrambled up taking off up the stairs. The two grin as they jumped flying up through the floor to the hallway waiting to ambush him, only to be surprised when the front door slammed shut.
“Did he just?” Dani asked as she stuck her head through the wall Danny followed a second later as they watched Wes booking it down the street.
“He just juked us. Oh we gotta get him now!” The two flew through the wall, not even transforming as they rushed after him, waving to a few people who called out to them. Jack and Maddie watched them go from where they were unloading groceries from the Fenton Ghost Assault vehicle.
“Oh I hope they have fun hunting Wes!” Jack said with a laugh as Maddie slid a fifth bag onto his right arm. “Ah these kids keep up young Mads!” Maddie laughed leaning up and kissing his cheek as she grabbed the last four bags and locked the assault vehicle.
“Those kids of ours they really do, and they’re all growing up and breaking my heart! I wish we could have more.” Maddie said with a small laugh as Jack wiggled his eyebrows at her, Tucker opened the door for them as they approached and Maddie kissed his forehead in thanks as they walked to the kitchen. “Thank you Tucker dear. Are Sam and Val here?” Tucker nodded following them after he took some bags from Jack.
“Yes, they’re in the kitchen waiting to help with groceries. I was gonna let the other three know but Danny and Dani were having one of their bonding fights, then Wes got dragged into it.” Jack laughed as he put the last bags on the counter.
“We saw that! If it wasn’t for the groceries I had I would’ve ran after to join them! It's that Fenton blood after all!” Maddie chuckled, sharing a look with Sam before she moved over to the fridge starting to clean it out.
“And the fact that ghosts literally bond through fighting, it's like another language to them.” Val said with a chuckle as she unpacked some bags. “How about spaghetti tonight?” Moving aside the needed ingredients as agreements rang out from the room. “Sweet, is it alright if I invite my dad? He makes some mean garlic bread.”
“Of course Val! You’re our kid now and that makes him a Fenton too! The more the merrier!” Jack said moving over to pull out the needed cooking utensils. Sam was quick to take them from him, shooing him away while waving a spatula.
“I’ll invite my grandma over too. She made cookies yesterday and wanted more people to try her new recipe. I’ll make dinner with Tucker, you two aren’t allowed to make food anymore after those hot dogs took over the town.” Jack held his hands up defensively with a laugh as Maddie didn’t make eye contact with anyone.
“In my defense we didn’t know they were hot dogs from the Infinite Realms!”
“We came back to them trying to sacrifice Lancer, Dash and Kwan to their god.” Val said deadpan remembering the return home from their senior trip. “I smelled like hot dog water for weeks. I couldn’t look people in the eye anytime they questioned the smell.” Maddie couldn’t hold back her snort as she continued to not look at them. He shoulders shaking as she remembered the look on their kids faces the moment they stepped through the portal in front of City Hall. Laughter finally burst from her lips as she shook her head sitting on the floor in front of the fridge.
“Your faces that day!! You all, you all looked so done!” Soon everyone joined in laughing with Maddie as they remembered that day and the fight that followed.
“What's so funny?” Danny asked from the doorway Dani standing next to him with a slightly bruised and pouting Wes slung over her shoulder. Everyone turned to them laughter pausing for a second before they just laughed harder remembering when the biggest hot dog attempted to eat Danny.
Universe Hopping and Reunion Trip Planning
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Menaces to Society (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You thought your boys were feral as children......wait until they turn twenty one
Warnings: Perry slander, Tillerson slander, taking a leak on somebody’s truck for revenge, drunken shenanigans etc. 
Tagging: @sebsxphia @lewmagoo @bradleybeachbabe @nobody7102 @creativitybeware​ @rhettabbotts​
The group of boys had all gathered at the Handsome Gambler, crowding around the bar as their favorite music blasted from the jukebox in the corner. After weeks spent on midterms and constant studying, the boys of the Delta Tau Epsilon Fraternity were more than happy to be blowing of steam, among them, Tatum and Tanner Abbott and Colt Tillerson. 
“CHUG IT!!!! CHUG IT!!!! CHUG IT!!!” the boys chanted as they lifted Tanner up by his legs for the kegstand challenge.
Tanner took in as much as he could, the bar owner timing him as his frat brothers cheered him on. Finally, he swallowed the last little bit before Jimmy Peterson, the bar owner, clocked him in and put his time record up on the chalkboard. 
“You my man,” Tate Dutton said, clapping a hand on Tanner’s shoulder. “Are the fucking kegstand CHAMP!” 
Tanner and the other frat brothers cheered loudly as Bo Andreola, one of the football players, lifted him up onto his broad, husky shoulders. Around 1:30, Jimmy announced it was closing time, only to be cued by the playing of Luke Bryan’s “Time To Take My Drunk Ass Home”, the boys and all the bar patrons singing along like a bunch of screeching seagulls. 
Out of the bar they stumbled, Tatum, Tanner, Colt, Tate and Jake Dutton, Joey Wheeler and a few others heading to the parking lot. “Alright fuckers,” Tatum slurred. “Let’s get us home, I’m drivin.” 
“Uh the fuck you are!” Danny Gonzales told him. “You’re drunker’n I am. I’ll call my brother.” 
Danny luckily had his brother, Antonio, on speed dial. Antonio never really drank and thus had become the designated driver along with three others. Unfortunately for them, Antonio was across town and wouldn’t be able to pick them up for at least a half hour. 
They wandered up and down the streets, looking for a place to wait it out, when they spied two familiar vehicles parked on the curb. “Oh shit,” Tatum muttered after letting out a rather rude burp. 
“Wassup?” Joey asked him. 
“You know who’s trucks those are, right?” 
“Aw shit,” Joey answered when he came to the realization. “That’s Trevor and Perry’s trucks.” 
“What are those fuckin assholes doin in our neck of the woods?” Jake questioned. 
“Probably doin each other in an alley somewhere,” Tate chuckled. 
Tatum and Tanner gave each other a look as soon as an evil little germ of a thought began to bloom in the back of their heads. Even Colt could tell what they were thinking without even saying a word. “You know what we gotta do right?” Tatum said. 
“Better do it now while we’re loaded,” Tanner told him. 
Tatum readily instructed for him, Tanner and Colt to take Trevor’s truck while the others could have at Perry’s. “Alright boys,” Tatum announced. “This one’s for Dad.” 
All at once the boys unzipped their flies and relieved themselves right there on the horrible men’s dirt spattered trucks, laughing the whole entire time. Too bad Jaime’s car hadn’t been nearby. Tate, Jake and Joey would have absolutely loved the thought of taking that one on as well. Bo and Danny held up their phones, taking a video of the drunken frat boys for later. It wasn’t long either before they were taking photos of their little graffitied creation, the words “Fuck you Perry” and “Fuck you Trevor” having been inscribed in the dirt with their own streams while the boys pointed at it and made stupid faces or stupid poses with it. 
The sudden blurt of police sirens and the flash of lights made them all straighten right up. Sheriff Joy hopped out onto the curb and shut the doors to the cruiser, sighing and laughing all at once when she saw the culprits. 
“Oh God, not you idiots again,” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“HEY AUNT JOY!!!!!!” Tatum and Tanner greeted loudly and happily. 
“Rhett can you get the door?!” you called from upstairs. 
Rhett groaned and rose from the couch, straightening his reader glasses on his nose before making his way to the door. When he opened it, he was a little less than pleased to find Joy on the porch.
“Hey Rhett,” she greeted. “I just picked up your little miscreants outside the bar and came to drop them off.” 
“Oh God, what’d they do now?” Rhett groaned. 
“Check their phones, I guarantee you there’s photos,” Joy laughed before heading back to the cruiser. 
“Oh damnit,” Rhett muttered. “Darlin, ya’ll better come down here, it happened again!” 
The boys were absolutely silent as Rhett scrolled through Tatum’s phone and his camera roll, his face contorting into confused and wide-eyed expressions every so often. 
“So let me get this straight,” Rhett said, breaking the long, pregnant pause that had come over the kitchen. “You idiots were loaded beyond all human reasoning, were waiting for a ride home and decided to take a leak on a vehicle?” 
Tatum burped again. “Yep.” 
Rhett bit his lip, trying hard not to laugh, looking at you as if you’d break first. “Alright, you jackasses go upstairs and make yourselves cozy, I’ll discuss this with your mother.” 
The boys all stumbled up the stairs, trying their best not to wake Amy and Jeff’s baby who had just fallen asleep in yours and Rhett’s room. “Are they in trouble?” you asked him. 
“I’ll be nice and let’em off the hook this time,” Rhett chuckled. “Tomorrow when they’re all hungover is a completely different story.” 
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
An Unexpected Comparison of Sorts - Buddy Daddies & Full House
I’ve seen some people make the comparison of Buddy Daddies to Full House (obviously, not for an exact plot match, of course). I’ve seen this pop up once or twice with both Japanese fans and English speaking fans. When you watch a scene like this one from Full House:
You can kinda see why. There are certainly some similarities, specifically in the idea of best friends being apart of each others families and Joey stating that no one’s ever done something like this for him. 
But the dynamics are a bit different. Joey makes it very clear that he came to help out, and within the family dynamic, Joey is always Joey. He’s a part of their family, but also still very clearly a close family friend. He’s never referred to as uncle or dad, because those roles are already filled by blood relations (Jesse and Danny, respectively). 
His role within the Tanner family house is also more along the lines of a babysitter. Danny is still clearly the father and has the most control over the house and authority, Jesse is the uncle and comes in second with authority (his bond with Michelle, the youngest, is the only one that veers more towards paternal instead of just strictly familial), and then there is Joey. He helps out, of course, but he has the least level of actual authority (though he is still meant to be respected).
And the above action from Danny, Jesse, and the girls towards Joey is super sweet, but is also clearly meant to be a way of showing appreciation for the help he has been providing. With Joey, Danny, and Jesse the lines are all made pretty clear on where their roles are and how they fit into the family. Danny’s immediate family is himself and his daughters still, while his extended family includes Jesse (and later his family) and then Joey. That doesn’t mean that Joey isn’t still very important to him, he is, but he does also still exist within more expected boundaries and expectations of friendship, even while being a part of the family. It’s still a very platonic friendship based love.
There is a level of progressiveness to this dynamic in Full House, even still today. There have also been other shows that have shown a level of co-parenting (like Sister, Sister), but even in those shows a parent-child bond is usually always pre-established and while some do include romance (like Sister, Sister, iirc) they still also fell into heteronormative depictions of families (a man and a woman getting together via co-parenting, etc.).
With Kazuki and Rei, we have Kazuki helping out Rei because he just had to. It was something instinctual with him, and it wasn’t to show thanks or appreciation. It was just something done from a pure want to care for someone:
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Towards the end of the series, we also see the way the two will be splitting up housework and I’m sure that later extended towards discipline and other aspects of caring for Miri. Both of them are her papas, etc.
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I know I said I wouldn’t write about these two again, lol. But I think comparing what we see depicted between Kazuki and Rei to other shows that have some element of blended family, co-parenting, and friends raising kids together, you can sense a bit of a difference between those situations and the one being depicted between Kazuki and Rei.
I don’t think that the series intentionally depicted Kazuki and Rei as a queerplatonic relationship. I think that was likely accidental. But I do think that they just wanted to depict a family that wasn’t bound by blood. And what we got was something that just ended up looking like a queerplatonic relationship or platonic life partners - a relationship dynamic that has been getting more and more popular in Japan in recent years (I’ll link to some articles below about that). 
With a show like Full House, yes, they are a family, but there are also clearly defined roles that all of the characters fit into. With Joey, the only non-blood or marriage related member, still fitting the best friend role. He was a member coming into an already pre-existing family. 
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Buddy Daddies has Kazuki and Rei existing within less defined roles and in a grey space between, and building their own family together. It’s a bit different. More like a queerplatonic based love.
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lewistan · 1 year
I have a bunch of connections for my muses over at @coloradohq that I’d love to see filled. So, I’ll just leave them here below the cut if anyone is interested.
MALACHI DUBOIS is looking for HIS EX/THE ONE WHO GOT AWAY. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (suggestions include Ilhan Sen, Kendrick Sampson, Daniel Henney, Dylan Bruce, Li BingBing, Aishwarya Rai), but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKINGto find out more! (+ as a note, this connection is incredibly open for interpretation. I’m simply imagining a lot of pining and unresolved feelings. Malachi hasn’t had many serious relationships in his lifetime. He’s shied away from them for a variety of reasons, one of which is his PTSD. I imagine that this is someone he dated after returning stateside and for whatever reason, they ended things. It’s been some time, but Malachi still wonders about the what ifs!) 
MALACHI DUBOIS is looking for THEIR MILITARY BUDS. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP, but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ Mal’s been out of the military for nearly two decades now due to a medical discharge (info in his intro post), but he still attends groups at the VA and keeps up with his military buds. Once a month, they all get together to have some drinks and shoot some pool. I’m imagining some casual friendships. I’d also like if one of them was more of a close friend – maybe they work out together every day – someone Mal can confide in, who uniquely understands his circumstances and helps him with managing his PTSD!)  
LEILA ATTAR is looking for THEIR COWORKERS AT AMBROSIA LOUNGE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP, but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ Ambrosia is a gentleman’s club. So, there’s space for bartenders, dancers, waitstaff, security, etc. I imagine that the staff is relatively close since they work together frequently, but as with any job, there may be tensions and/or rivalries there. Maybe even secret romances. It’s really all up for plotting!)  
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER EX FIANCE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of Oliver Stark, Alejandro Speitzer, Ilhan Sen, Zeeko Zaki, Oliver Jackson-Cohen or Aaron Taylor Johnson, but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ two weeks ago, Leila and her fiancé were supposed to get married. They’d been together for a while and were seemingly desperately in love, but on the day of the wedding, she had a change of heart, and left him standing at the altar. I imagine that he’s not too happy about that and is probably looking for an explanation. We can plot the details of their relationship together!)
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER BEST FRIEND. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (suggestions: Drew Ray Tanner, Devery Jacobs, Danny Ramirez, Brandon Perea, Charles Melton, Kiana Lede, Kiana Madeira, Zion Moreno), but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ They met during their modeling days and have been close ever since. Obviously, like any other friendship, they’ve had their ups and downs, but Leila considers this person to be her person, the one person she trusts most in the entire world, and she’ll need them even more than even now that her relationship has fallen apart!)
MALACHI DUBOIS is looking for their EMPLOYEES (2). they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ANY FC but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ Malachi owns a gym. So, this connection is really open to anyone who’d work there – personal trainers (boxing instructors, Zumba instructors), nutritionists, PTs, janitors, etc.!)
EDGAR YANG is looking for BUSINESS PARTNER. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP, but you can reach out to ofwishfulthinking to find out more! (+ Since his marriage fell apart, Edgar has realized that he’d devoted too much time to the business to the detriment of his personal life. As such, h’s taken a step back from the business and is attempting to have a better work/life balance. Edgar views his business partner as a life saver as they’ve really taken the reins on a lot of newer projects and have allowed him to spend more time away!)
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER FREQUENT PATRON. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (35+), but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ A well known face at Ambrosia Lounge, they come to see Leila dance on a nearly weekly basis. They’ve got a comfortable sort of working relationship - they check in on her, and always leave a big tip. Leila is fond of them.!)
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coloradohq · 1 year
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+3 Wanted Connections have been added.
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER EX FIANCE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of Oliver Stark, Alejandro Speitzer, Ilhan Sen, Zeeko Zaki, Oliver Jackson-Cohen or Aaron Taylor Johnson, but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ two weeks ago, Leila and her fiancé were supposed to get married. They’d been together for a while and were seemingly desperately in love, but on the day of the wedding, she had a change of heart, and left him standing at the altar. I imagine that he’s not too happy about that and is probably looking for an explanation. We can plot the details of their relationship together!)
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER FREQUENT PATRON. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (35+), but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ A well known face at Ambrosia Lounge, they come to see Leila dance on a nearly weekly basis. They’ve got a comfortable sort of working relationship - they check in on her, and always leave a big tip. Leila is fond of them.!)
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER BEST FRIEND. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (suggestions: Drew Ray Tanner, Devery Jacobs, Danny Ramirez, Brandon Perea, Charles Melton, Kiana Lede, Kiana Madeira, Zion Moreno), but you can reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ They met during their modeling days and have been close ever since. Obviously, like any other friendship, they’ve had their ups and downs, but Leila considers this person to be her person, the one person she trusts most in the entire world, and she’ll need them even more than even now that her relationship has fallen apart!)
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ledenews · 9 months
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chqads · 9 months
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ANTOINE FORTIER (DREW RAY TANNER) is looking for SUMMER FLING. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of  UTP 27-33 ( suggestions include: Thomas Elms, Luke Pasqualino, Lucien Laviscount, Maddison Jaizani, Taylor Zakhar Perez, Kiowa Gordon, Devery Jacobs, Zion Moreno, Alejandro Speitzer, Davika Hoorne, Danny Ramirez), but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (Although Tony only officially moved to Denver a year ago, he’s well acquainted with the town. He’d spend every summer apprenticing for his father’s cousin. A few summers ago, he met his “summer fling.” It began as a simple flirtation but quickly grew into something more. Soon, summers in Denver became equivalent to months spent romancing his summer fling. Now that he’s moved permanently to Denver, he’s forced to wonder if a summer fling can survive year round. This connection can really go in any direction depending on chemistry — pining, a breakup, or even a tentative relationship !)
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coloradohqconnections · 11 months
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ANTOINE FORTIER (DREW RAY TANNER) is looking for SUMMER FLING. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of  UTP 27-33 ( suggestions include: Thomas Elms, Luke Pasqualino, Lucien Laviscount, Maddison Jaizani, Taylor Zakhar Perez, Kiowa Gordon, Devery Jacobs, Zion Moreno,Alejandro Speitzer, Davika Hoorne, Danny Ramirez), but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (Although Tony only officially moved to Denver a year ago, he’s well acquainted with the town. He’d spend every summer apprenticing for his father’s cousin. A few summers ago, he met his “summer fling.” It began as a simple flirtation but quickly grew into something more. Soon, summers in Denver became equivalent to months spent romancing his summer fling. Now that he’s moved permanently to Denver, he’s forced to wonder if a summer fling can survive year round. This connection can really go in any direction depending on chemistry — pining, a breakup, or even a tentative relationship !)
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emmanelson · 2 years
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tachvintlogic · 3 years
Being Contrarian: Danny's Scar does not start on his hand
I love me some Danny with Lichtenburg scars, wearing long sleeves to hide them, scars that make people go "wow, you should be dead." Love it. However, I've noticed a trend where the scar seems to begin on his hand, usually the one that pushed the button, and extends out from there. I feel like this is wrong, because there's no reason any electrical burns would start there.
During the accident, ectoplasm supercharged with electricity is all around him and it appears roughly homogeneous. The button didn't shock him because buttons don't do that; there was no exposed wiring for it to shock him with. It was the ectoplasm, so starting the scar on the hand makes no sense. The hand is also covered by PPE designed to keep ectoplasm out, which presumably has some level of arc flash and shock protection. I honestly see no reason why any lightning scars should start on his hand.
As for where it should start, the electric current and supercharged ectoplasm need a path to travel into Danny's body. That path is going to be the one of least resistance, aka the only place unprotected.
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That's right. It's his head.
So you know how he usually looks tanner in ghost form? That's the electrical burn.
So I imagine the scaring wouldn't look like this (excuse my shitty drawing):
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It would look more like this:
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(Yes, I did outline the entire spine because I figured given that nerves like the spinal cord have low electrical resistance the injury there would be worse. More accurate scaring would probably trace a path along all the major nerves.)
I headcanon the scaring is worst on his back as the current traveled down the spinal cord. The face was burned pretty evenly so the scaring and discoloration is homogeneous. Danny doesn't even realize that's not his ghost's natural skin tone because the rest is covered by the suit.
Realistically, the face should be worst off colorization wise. Thus, any scarring present in human form should appear on his face. However, that doesn't satisfy my personal aesthetic desires of having no visible scaring on the face in human form while still having scars in other places. (That way Danny doesn't immediately realize the scarring is there or how bad it really looks.)
Fortunately, I can use sci-fi bullshitting to solve this problem. One option is to say only the current that killed him first gets permanent scaring in human form, which was a shock to the back of the head that traveled down the spine and branched out from there. In ghost form scaring from all currents are visible, but the one that killed him gets to look extra bad.
The second option is to say the face was worse off; however the ectoplasm reconstructed his tissues on the head more than the rest of the body. Ectoplasm diffusion travels slower than electric current, so while his head received a constant flow of ectoplasm bonding to and reconstructing his flesh at the same time electric arcs destroyed it, in his suit the electrical damage was well and done by the time ectoplasm reached the damage sites. Thus, scarring on the protected areas is actually worse.
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imaginationlover101 · 3 years
Dating Jesse Kastopolis & Being Danny Tanners sister includes🎸:
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First of all you've know Pamela ever since you were little
Even though she was older than you, you were still very close with her seeing as when you were younger she was your babysitter and tutor for a long time.
Even becoming older you both became closer and started more of a sister relationship
With that being said you were a big part to how Danny and Pamela met
She was like an older sister to you, so when Danny and her finally started to date everyone was so happy
With being very close to Danny eventually down the line when Danny and Pammy asked you to be the girls godmothers you were overjoyed
Even though you were close with Pammy you've never really met her brother Jesse, always just hearing from their mother how he was wild and free
The first time you actully met Jesse was a few week before Pamela and Danny got married
Pammys mom invited your whole family over before the "wedding day" plans to just have the whole family be together before the wedding
You wished you could of stayed longer but because of work you had to leave
While leaving their house you saw a motorcycle driving up the driveway, a once the helmet was off you knew you were in love
What's even better was when you got to walk down the aisle with him at there wedding, but sooner than later you found out he was a complete jerk.
After Pamela and Danny's Wedding they moved into the house together which is when they soon had DJ.
Because of Pamela and Danny's job they were always out late so you would look after DJ when you were free.
Then soon after Stephanie was born you moved in and become the soon babysitter to your nieces.
It was so nice living in a house with your brother, best friend, and nieces (and the occasional vists from Jesse).
Everything was going great until Michelle was born and soonly after Pammy died which left you and Danny to watch the girls alone.
It was so hard watching the girls lose there mother but soon after Jesse and Joey came to help out.
It was supposed to be a "temporary stay", but who would of known that was a lie.
The girls loved finally seeing their uncle Jesse and crazy uncle Joey, but what you loved was the fact that we could see Jesse everyday.
I have to admit that Jesse did come off as jerkish for a VERY long time but after awhile living in the house with the girls he fluffed out.
With that being said, you and Jesse became very close seeing as you lived in the same house together and it was very hard trying to keep your feelings a secret
Danny took a while seeing as he always saw Jesse as a bad boy, but once he saw that Jesse treated you good he was fine with it
But that being said the girls were so happy when you and Jesse started dating
Originally Stefanie and DJ were the ones trying to get the two of you together
There were always begging the both of you play games with all of them and then leave the room leaving you and Jesse to talk
But who would of known that the awkward silences was the start to something beautiful
From there it was always hard to go on dates seeing as when we got back home we were still together
So you two kept the dates to a minimum but trust me some friday night dates were needed after a crazy day in the house
With living in the house together and sleeping on the same floor as Danny, and the girls at first Danny had a strict no sneaking into rooms rules just in case the girls were to find out, but that rule was so only broken
It was the best lying in bed with Jesse because he was always so warm and his animal print blanket was always so fuzzy
Jesse always loved singing and writing songs about you and loves showing you off to eveyone saying your his
Your favorite dates between each other were the one where the two or you would go on a picnic date to the park across the street from the house, it was always so peaceful and close enough to the house in case of anything
Eventually down enough along the line you and Jesse got married (and dont worry he didnt get arrested)
It was a beautiful wedding at a church with all of your family and freinds with the girls being your bridesmaids and flowers girls
And at the end of the night when it was just you and Jesse you both swayed into each other arms (againts your defense) listening to Elivis Presely while Jesse sang "I cant help falling in love with you"
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Jesse’s Girl
Fandom: Full House
Pairing: Joey Gladstone x Reader, Jesse Katsopolis x Reader
Characters: Joey Gladstone, Jesse Katsopolis, Michelle Tanner, DJ Tanner, Stephanie Tanner, Danny Tanner
Word Count: 985 // Rating: Teen
Summary:  I play along with the charade, there doesn’t seem to be a reason to change.
Tags/ Warnings:  Established Relationship, Angst, Jealousy, Love, Hidden Love, Crushes, Wanting, K*ssing, Song Fic [x]
Notes: I’m doing 12 days of Songfic’s for Halloween. Not halloween related just a challenge to write everyday [updated 9/22]
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12 Days of Songfic Spooktober (Oct 19th - Oct 31st)
Joey lay in bed staring at the ceiling. It was two-thirty in the morning and though he had been in bed for hours, knowing he had to get up early to run Michelle to school, he could not sleep. His eyes stung with tiredness and he could feel a headache coming on from the lack of sleep he had gotten the past few nights but he still couldn’t will himself to go to sleep. He knew what it was. He knew instinctively that there was no way to fix it and so he resolved himself to lie in despair until his body could not take any more and he was pulled under into a broken fit of rest. 
Just as he was drifting off he heard it, noise from upstairs. He knew who it was but still, he was curious to know he was right and he climbed out of bed and tiptoed up the basement stairs so he could listen at the kitchen door. It was Jesse and Y/N
‘Ssh,’ Y/N giggled, ‘you’re gonna wake the kids.’  ‘Oh those kids could sleep through a tornado,’ Jesse said.  ‘Well then you’ll wake Joey or Danny,’ she scolded. Joey placed his ear to the door once he heard his name.  ‘They don’t mind,’ he said before Jesse’s voice fell quiet and Joey could hear them kissing.  ‘Well, I do besides I thought you weren’t supposed to have girls over especially not on a school night.’
‘Well, maybe I like breaking the rules,’ Jesse said. Joey couldn’t hear any more talking but he heard them moving around the kitchen and then giggling until there was the sound on the steps above him going upstairs. Joey sighed and slumped down the stairs before climbing back into bed.
His heart was heavy. 
He loved Jesse. He was his best friend. Though Danny was his oldest friend he had come to love Jesse in more of a brotherly way, they were two peas in a pod. But lately, things had changed. At first, he couldn’t put his finger on the difference. Jesse was out more with his new girlfriend sure but that normally happened and Joey was used to it and when he met Y/N he realised why; she was a great gal. Once she met all the family she came over quite a bit and they spent lots of time together. Joey was in a lot of the day and the two of them hung out when Jesse was at work at the club. 
She was funny, sweet and nice. She was stunningly beautiful. Joey had a crush on her. He realised it straight away but given that he’d had crushes before that usually went away he didn’t think anything of it. He’d ignored it. Yet, the more time he spent with her and the more he saw her and Jesse together didn’t deter him. One night a few weeks back he and Y/N had been at the club watching a new act perform whilst Jesse schmoozed the guest. The act was a new comic. Joey had to admit he was good though he wasn’t his style of comic. Y/N loved it. She had laughed so hard tears were streaming out of her eyes which made her mascara run. Joey told her once the set was over and she’d tried to wipe it away as much as she could using a napkin and a napkin holder but she’d had no luck and had asked Joey to wipe it away. She wasn’t looking at him as he used the napkin to wipe smudged black eyeliner from under her lash line but Joey was watching her intently. She was so pretty it took his breath away. And then he knew. He was in love with his best friend’s girlfriend. 
That was weeks ago and his feelings had only got stronger. He had tried to avoid her at first hoping that the feelings would go away the further the proximity but he hadn’t had any luck there. Absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say. So he had sat and suffered in silence. 
He’d watched as Jesse and Y/N had fawned over one another day and night. He’d seen them snuggled on the couch on Jesse’s nights off watching a movie. He had seen Jesse getting ready for dates and watched the clock until he got home. Sometimes he didn’t come back at all and those nights drove Joey crazy. He knew they were out there somewhere. All over each other. Kissing one another. Loving one another. 
Joey lay awake like he had tonight wondering what they were doing. Now, he was lying in bed wondering what was happening a mere two floors away from him. Though that came with heartache it also came with doubts. They connected well with one another. She seemed to like him. Why did she prefer Jesse? He knew he was better looking than him but Joey was cute in his own way. He was funny, he was nice, he was kind. But Jesse was just. Jesse. 
He always beat him out with the ladies. He was always the favourite. He was Jesse.
So Joey lay there. 
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Redesign reference: "Phantom"
Presenting my redesign of Phantom, drawn by the amazingly talented evansdaemon!
Update: they now have a Tumblr @evansdaemon !
So let's get straight to it!
-Rather than getting tanner as Phantom, Danny's skin is a sort of blue gray. It's not as pronounced as Vlad's, but I like the idea of the blue tint being something they have in common.
-Green iris, yellowish scalera.
-My Danny didn't actually go into the portal in hazmat, just his street clothes- so this isn't Phantom's default look, just his ghost busting get up. This is what he looks like when he's not actively superhero-ing. Anyway, Evan did an absolutely wonderful job making it look less skin tight and more hazmat-y. They also seem to have snuck in a little bit of a galaxy pattern and I friggin love it!!
-Danny doesn’t have the logo until he’s established himself as a known vigilante. Sam still designs it for him, but it’s not a sticker, Danny is just able to manipulate his appearance to add it. His hoodie gets a logo change, too.
-A ghost’s appearance is often a reflection of how they view themselves, So once Danny has started taking the superhero thing seriously, he adjusts accordingly, hence the addition of the logo.
-The hazmat also gets padding in the knees and elbows, this is something Danny does subconsciously after fighting ghosts for a while, and it does help minimize injury, to an extent.
-The Fenton phones, along with his thermos and hip holster, are a near constant accessory. They're used to keep in touch with Sam and Tucker during planned patrols.
-As Phantom Danny has glowing green Lichtenberg figures! They’re not visible under most circumstance since they’re mostly centered on his back and arms, and thus covered, but they are there, and can be seen from time to time.
-His ears are tapered/pointy, and prehensile to the extent that he can sorta swivel and twitch them. 
-FANGS (“standard” set, sharpened lateral incisors on top row, and canines on the bottom) 
-Retractable claws. They grow out a dark green, almost black color. they’re very sharp, and thick, not easily cut, filed, or broken. He’ll eventually wind up making the gloves fingerless because of them.
-Normally, Danny doesn’t have any of these features in human form unless he chooses to, but sometimes they slip out when he’s angry or other wise overwhelmed emotionally.
Going ghost: Might not seem like something of note, just because of how obvious it is, but along with going from human to ghost, The white transformation wings can also be weaponized, as the let out a sort of energy pulse that can repel enemies. 
It also fucks with nearby electronics, and causes Tucker So Much Grief.
Ghost sense: Since I decided on swapping Danny's ice powers for electrical ones, the ghost sense is no longer visible as an icy breath. When Danny senses another ghost it’s more in line with a static shock, like when you rub your socks on carpet and then touch a door knob. 
Standard ghost powers include; intangibility, invisibility, and flight/levitation. That last one can also be used to walk on walls and ceilings or just glide across the floor like an ice skater. 
Danny has two variations of ecto-blasts:  
-The first of which is just green ectoplasmic energy, and the second being ecto-energy charged with electricity. 
-Danny has the ability to conduct and manipulate electricity due to the nature of how he “died” and the charged ecto-blasts are an extension of that. 
Ectoplasmic constructs: shapes made of ectoplasm, usually shields or other barriers, but this ability can also be used to form things temporarily like ropes or weaponry.
Energy reflection and absorption: self explanatory, this is either used in the form or a shield that will redirect an enemy attack, or to absorb the energy from said attack and throw it behind one of his own. 
Ghostly wail: Same as in canon, with the addition of being able to interfere with technology, causing massive power outages and effectively frying any electrical appliances.
Echo location: a combination of the ghost sense and aspect of the ghostly wail used to locate another ghosts exact location. Like how a bat uses vibrations. 
Voice manipulation: The ability to make his voice echo or sound other-wise distorted. 
Telekinesis: why the fuck did we only see him use this power ONCE? to move a fucking rake?? he can levitate shit c’mon. Ya bois part poltergeist. 
Exorcism: The ability to knock another ghost out of a possessed person. Due to the fact that Danny has an actual living body he cannot overshadow or posses people….and he himself is still suspectable to possession. He has more of a chance to fight off a ghost than the average person, however. Were Danny to get possessed, his ghost half would get knocked out of his body ala gravity falls sock opera style. 
Ghost-tail: When flying at high speeds Danny’s legs shift to a ghostly tail. He can also consciously choose to shift to a tail at any other given time. Although sometimes it just happens when he gets excited. He'll start flicking it around like a cat and he doesn't even realize half the time.
Death throes: Most ghosts have the ability to channel the cause of their death. Danny’s ability to manipulate electricity is an extension of his death thoe. When fully activated he appears as he did in the moment of his “death.” The Hazmat suit takes on inverted colors, and Danny’s body is lit up in an electric green aura, with his skeleton becoming visible. He is highly unstable in this state, as he feels the pain of electrocution the entire time. All of his powers are heightened in this state, and his body crackles with a continuous electrical charge. 
Ghost-portal manipulation: Like Wulf, Danny can use his claws to open and close portals into the ghost zone, this is also an extension of his death throe.
Danny has a lot of other less noticeable abilities that he can use in human form:
-Accelerated healing, injuries heal a great deal faster than the average human.
-Enhanced durability, can take hits that would seriously injure the average human being 
-Enhanced speed, strength, agility, reflexes, stamina, and balance 
-In ghost form, A lot of Danny’s bodily functions slow, allowing him to survive for minutes at a time without oxygen, (or even longer, if he's in the Ghost Zone) and for long periods without food, water or sleep. 
in human form Danny's powers are limited to invisibility and intangibility. He's too heavy for flight without all the Ectoplasm flooding his body, and while he can form ectoblasts he can't really control them enough do anything but burn his hands. 
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coloradohq · 11 months
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+2 new connections have been added.
ANTOINE FORTIER (DREW RAY TANNER) is looking for FATHER’S COUSIN. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ANY (HALF) WHITE OR HALF CHINESE FC 33+ ( suggestions include: Milo Ventimiglia, Ben Barnes, Lucas Bravo, Remy Hii, Elodie Yung, Dichen Lachman ), but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (Tony’s parents both own successful companies back in California: his father, a security firm, and his mother, a marketing firm. His aunt founded and runs a tech firm. Not to mention the fact that the Fortier family has been a well-known name in the winemaking world. So, Tony has always been surrounded by success – a fact that has both been inspiring and daunting. He’s always felt a bit rudderless and lazy, in comparison. In order to help motivate him, he began to spend summers in Denver with his father’s cousin in order to apprentice with them and learn the business from the ground up. His father hoped that this would inspire Tony and instill a work ethic in him that he clearly lacked. The kind of business that the cousin owns is completely utp. !) 
ANTOINE FORTIER (DREW RAY TANNER) is looking for SUMMER FLING. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of  UTP 27-33 ( suggestions include: Thomas Elms, Luke Pasqualino, Lucien Laviscount, Maddison Jaizani, Taylor Zakhar Perez, Kiowa Gordon, Devery Jacobs, Zion Moreno,Alejandro Speitzer, Davika Hoorne, Danny Ramirez), but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (Although Tony only officially moved to Denver a year ago, he’s well acquainted with the town. He’d spend every summer apprenticing for his father’s cousin. A few summers ago, he met his “summer fling.” It began as a simple flirtation but quickly grew into something more. Soon, summers in Denver became equivalent to months spent romancing his summer fling. Now that he’s moved permanently to Denver, he’s forced to wonder if a summer fling can survive year round. This connection can really go in any direction depending on chemistry — pining, a breakup, or even a tentative relationship !)
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romancemedia · 3 years
This is sad and tragic day for many fans of Full House as Bob Saget, well known for his role as Danny Tanner died today at the age of 65. He was a beloved TV dad who filled our screens with love, laughter and most importantly heart. My heart goes out to the entire cast of Full House along with friends and family. This is truly a sad day for us all. May he rest in peace and Never Be Forgotten.
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ledenews · 9 months
Wheeling Nailers Put Exclamation Point on 2023 With 4-1 Win
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The Wheeling Nailers put on one final show for their fans in 2023, as Downtown Wheeling celebrated Kids New Year's Eve with a terrific night of hockey at WesBanco Arena. A crowd of 3,130 saw Tanner Laderoute post three points, Matthew Quercia score a go-ahead shorthanded goal, and Jaxon Castor make 33 saves, as the Nailers swept their two-game weekend set against the Norfolk Admirals with a 4-1 triumph. The win was Derek Army's 87th as head coach of the Nailers, moving him into sole possession of fourth place in team history. Both teams found the twine in the first period. The Nailers got off to a fast start, as they turned on the red light just 1:17 into the match. Cédric Desruisseaux carried the puck into the left side of the offensive zone, then dropped a pass back to Justin Addamo, who stepped up and zipped a wrist shot into the left side of the cage. Norfolk tied the score with 3:04 remaining. Danny Katic picked off the puck, then centered a feed to Brandon Osmundson, who placed his first ECHL goal into the left side of the net. Two more goals went into the cage during the middle frame, but this time, both belonged to Wheeling. The go-ahead strike came on the penalty kill, as Tanner Laderoute slipped the puck into the slot, where Matthew Quercia stepped up and fired a cannon of a one-timer into the right side of the goal. With 1:32 remaining, Jordan Martel added to the lead, when he sifted a wrist shot along the ice and in from between the circles. Laderoute collected the primary helper on that tally as well. Laderoute applied the finishes touches on 2023 with 5:41 left, when he stole the puck along the left wall, then wired a shot into the left side of the net for the 4-1 final score, as Wheeling improved to 20-7-4 all-time on New Year's Eve. Jaxon Castor was magnificent for the Nailers for the second straight night, as he earned the victory by denying 33 of the 34 shots he faced. Yaniv Perets took the loss for the Admirals, as he allowed four goals on 38 shots. The Nailers will begin the 2024 calendar year with a three-game road trip to Orlando, where they will face the Solar Bears on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, all at 7:00. Wheeling will then play three straight home games the following weekend on January 12th, 13th, and 14th. The highlight game of that stretch is the next Big Six Promotional Night, which is Super Nailers World on the 13th. That game will feature a video game arcade in the main lobby, a hat giveaway, question mark boxes with various prizes, Nailers Kart during intermission, and specialty jerseys. Season memberships and other terrific ticket plans for the 2023-24 season are available now by calling (304) 234-GOAL. The Wheeling Nailers, considered one of the top things to do in Wheeling, West Virginia, provide affordable family entertainment for fans throughout the Ohio Valley. Read the full article
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