#almost forgot about him lol
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atomicradiogirl · 8 months ago
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in case y’all have been wondering what i’ve been up to this past week i’ve been on the r/bandofbrothers subreddit collecting votes for this and we finally completed it today. i don’t agree with all of them but alas. it was super fun though :)
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im-his-druidess · 2 years ago
i need to know ur opinions on topping dearest billy lenz my gf
I generally prefer to write/think about these characters as a Dom or just domineering in general because I'm such a sub it hurts. That's just me though 🤷🏼‍♀️
As in...like pegging I don't really like that (hence why it's in the 'No' section of my guidelines 😅) but different strokes for different folks and all that! ☺️💙
And if you just mean having sex with him cowgirl style then I say that's hot 👌
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keferon · 28 days ago
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Swindle having a free show~ Blast Off having a….haha. Having a time.
Request from Michael
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popppyfur · 18 days ago
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i love troll exchange program dearly, its a wonderful send-off to trollstopia, but i always did wonder how the rest of the snack pack couldve reacted to suki leaving :') so heres a few of them saying goodbye
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 266
Back on my Danny & Ras frienemies/rivals/maybe-lovers-nobody-can-tell-their-signals-are-very-mixed train. 
See, Danny has gone through time a lot. Often. It comes with being Clockwork’s charge-son-thing and honestly he finds it fun. And several times he’s used this time travelling to get some training in. Enter Ras, stage left, also a teen at the time and also learning swordsmanship from the same person. 
And they… utterly despise each other. They would kill the other for an apple slice, if the other one would die! But also, only they can kill the other, as it is obviously their right! 
And well, they keep running into each other. It has been a hundred years, surely the other would die by now? But of course their rival would live through utter spite. Probably to spite them specifically. 
The amount of times they have ended up sparring- trying to kill each other or not- the moment they see the other is actually ridiculous. But time is also passing. And… Danny understands, not having another to talk about things people are forgetting, or have already forgotten. 
How they ended up actually talking without a murder attempt was a long story that included a demon, a dragon, a pair of fae, some bandits, and a lot of alcohol, but it happened. And then it happens again. And again, and now it’s just kind of normal to share a drink after their spars, talking about things that no longer exist, and things they miss. 
Sure Danny can go back in time again, but he knows better than to do it willy nilly. He’s matured, he’s been an adult for a hundred years now, he knows there’s consequences for messing with time, even with Clockwork’s blessings. 
The first time they got married was technically for an undercover assassination. Well, Ras was there to assassinate someone, Danny was there to grab an artifact that should Not be in the realm of the living. And they got divorced after, it was fine. 
They just, also got married again when they met a few years later, for another job. And… okay, so maybe they have gotten married over a dozen times now and only divorced like half of those times. Half of those were for the bit or while drunk! 
And even if technically they’re married or shared a bed, it’s not like they're exclusive! As Ras’ daughters’ existences attest to (adopted in one case or not). They don’t exactly have a label for their relationship, despite others asking for one or trying to put a name to it themselves. 
Now Danny knows Ras isn’t exactly a good dude, or at least on the side of ‘good’ as he’s a literal assassin. But he also knows that good? Bad? Rather relative. He had gotten labeled as a villain when he was just trying to help all that time ago after all, and really who was he to tell someone else how to live their life? 
Which brings him to now, where he’s run into his old frienemy-rival and his youngest daughter. Who has a braindead teenager and a small toddler. Which is fine, really- but also, Talia dear, why are you using a brain dead teenager to guard your three year old son? 
Okay, Talia dear, Ras (Derogatory), why are you using your brain dead son and grandson to guard your younger son and grandson? Do you not have the Pits, which you were soo proud about Ras? Yes, he will spar with you, but for Realms’ sake, heal, what’s his name? Ah yes, go heal Jason and he’ll actually stick around for a few years, deal? Good. 
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starscream-is-my-wife · 11 days ago
A bit more of the thunderfire story ‘post canon’, I think this should be around mid 2010s?
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Jetfire and Thundercracker would be the duel income uncles with only fur babies, Skywarp is the actual breadwinner, Megatron is… there
Since the ex Decepticons no longer have to find energon and are no longer in war, they have so much free time.
(Rough outline here)
Text in the picture underneath the cut because it’s a bit small + Starscream
- changed his name in 2005 and is the only non neutral in the household
- the one who owns the house (used to be a lab) everyone lives in
- infamous in the science community for dropping a technological revelation every couple of years and then disappearing
- he and Megatron are the ones mostly taking care of the pets
- is the least online in the household, and goes outside the most
- has only gotten more unhinged ever since he was melted
- likes to create all sorts of art, experiments a lot, currently into sewing, but who knows what’s next? Felting? Glass art?
- well liked with netizens because of his redemption story and loves the internet
- the bigger simp in the relationship, they got human married for fun in 2016 when gay marriage was legalized
- in charge of PR for everyone, including the Autobots sometimes
- Lives in Jetfire and TCs basement and is messy and loud
- twitch streamer, problematic due to him being kind of dumb (gets tricked by chat a lot)
- tricked Megatron into signing marriage papers because he felt left out when TC got married (and then forgot about this)
- used to live in the attic but was so loud during streaming he was forced to swap with Megatron in the basement
- is actually filthy rich, paid the entire mortgage
- the pets least favorite bot :((
- misses fighting in the war but living in the attic is… ok
- edits for Thundercracker when he writes
- all of the pets favorite, no one is happy about this (except Megatron)
- is mostly unknown to the public, is under house arrest because of his war crimes for now. Does not feel too guilty about his crimes
- due to him being unemployed he is the household maid
- on the internet the most, cyberbullies Optimus Prime with alt accounts
- doesn’t know he’s legally married
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somegrumpynerd · 28 days ago
Do you think, before there was even the *possibility* of a truce, Nightmare ever came across Dust having a breakdown about what he'd done? Like, he felt the spike in negativity and arrived to see his room already trashed and Dust just huddled in the corner, curled around the ratty scarf like a lifeline.
And he knew by that point that Dust didn't really like to be touched, so he just sat behind him on the mattress, barely grazing his back just enough to let Dust know someone was there. And they sit in silence for a bit, just the sound of Dust occasionally sobbing muffled by the layers he puts on. There isn't much Nightmare can say and even less Dust would want to hear, so the presence is all he can offer.
Eventually the sobs seem to even out into steady silence again, long enough that Nightmare wonders if he's cried himself to sleep. Until he hears, barely above a whisper, "I miss my brother."
So do I...
And he freezes.
Because he thought that.
Without a second's hesitation his mind agreed, like he'd felt that way all along. And it's like an ice cold shower that washes over him, the possibility that... that he misses his brother too.
And now there's truly nothing he can say. No words, true or not, that make it out of his throat alive. So he just gets up and shuffles out, and hopes that the unbearable tension doesn't follow him.
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having-a-hyperfixate · 9 months ago
Don’t mind me sprinting to try and get this thought in order before the Anime Expo panel. I need it to be out in the wild Just In Case.
So, a few of the Gung Ho Guns have gotten reworked for Stampede, yes? To varying degrees.
Ninelives is apparently not a horrific flesh mech, Dark Souls boss thing, according to the end credits of episode 3.
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E.G. the Mine just got a HUGE upgrade and didn’t get owned 3 seconds after he showed up.
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Monev was an actual character with a fubar backstory and emotional impact instead of just Some Guy who trained in a basement for years specifically to kill Vash. (and Orange is SO EVIL for this)
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Elendira is. *gestures futilely* There is so much going on there but yeah. She’s going to be terrifying once she achieves adult body and loses (drops?) the childish attitude. Also because of the whole Plant hybrid thing her nails truly are literally infinite sooooo.
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So I have some thoughts about Hoppered the Gauntlet.
In Trimax, Gauntlet’s narrative weight comes from the fact that he makes Vash remember, which by extension makes US, the reader, understand what July really meant. Before that we had heard mention of it a few times as ‘a city destroyed in a single night’ and talk of there being ‘no survivors’ but we had no actual connection to it, and also no real idea if that was even true. But in Stampede, we saw July happen. We were there. So even if Vash’s memory is still shot afterwards, and he doesn’t remember Lost July, we the audience DO. So having the Dragon’s nest play out exactly the same isn’t going to have the same narrative punch in the gut that it did in Trimax. It can’t.
There’s also the fact that, given how we’ve met most of the major players in the story, or had them mentioned at least (hi Milly), it feels kind of Odd™ that we haven’t seen someone has emotionally impactful as Gauntlet yet.
Unless we have.
We saw with Rollo/Monev that Orange is willing to have the person’s regular name be one thing and then have a second Eye of Michael code name. I suspect that is going to happen with Gauntlet; either because EoM or because he has decided on his own to lie about who he was.
And yes, I do in fact have someone in mind.
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I checked myself the translation there is accurate; the only change I would make is calling the gun ‘gaudy’ instead of ‘shiny’ but that’s not a huge deal. Also for the record, the original tweet is from Jan. 11, well before he makes his reappearance for the season finale. So when it talks about a ‘reappearance’, it is talking about seeing him again in July. Original tweet here, tweet containing the translation here.
I think Chuck Lee is going to be our Gauntlet. That he made it just far enough out of the city to survive, but that he was badly maimed in the process, and that his family didn’t make it. He’s the ONLY member of the military police with a unique design. He has an actual name, and the director himself tweeted about his backstory. His gun is so unusual that we would recognize it anywhere. Hell, I referred to him as ‘the gold gun guy from episode one’ when one of my friends didn’t recognize him immediately. His gun is so incredibly recognizable. Almost like we need to be able to recognize him by that alone, when everything else about him has changed.
THIS could be how narrative weight for Gauntlet is established in the Stampede universe when it can’t be done the same way as in Trimax. Taking a character who has, in a way, also been with the audience ALL ALONG, who was there with us for two pivitol moments, the beginning and the awakening, but who comes at it from such a horrifically different angle and bringing him back in such an agonizing way. Because he was very much in the wrong with his stunt at Jeneora Rock, but his rage over the loss of his family in July would be justified, even if we know it wasn’t Vash’s fault.
(Also, the IRONY of him ending up as one of Knives’s lackeys when Knives is the one that caused all of this? Damn.)
Footnote: I have Thoughts on why they can get away with adding Milly to The Squad late. That is a whole other Thought but tldr; (and also I haven’t actually written it out) Milly is the most perceptive of all of them she doesn’t NEED an extended intro to Vash to Know.
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fear-no-mort · 1 year ago
i cant get over the whole time in the real world rick just sat there watching over morty and when he woke up finally rick sounded SO happy the way he just yelled his name excitedly the second he woke up,,,
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sincerity--extreme · 4 days ago
Have y'all seen the teaser for The Ex Wife? My Lord our queen looks SOOOO good, I'm literally crying
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aq2003 · 11 months ago
here is my 10th doctor playlist! give it a listen if u want :]
the songs are ordered (vaguely) chronologically and by series, the sections are as follows:
rose: song for ten -> everything changes in time
martha: my angel put the devil in me -> against the kitchen floor
the master: this is gallifrey: our childhood, our home -> green jewels
donna: a noble girl about town -> the frost
post-journey's end: song for ten (reprise) -> cicada days
time lord victorious: your eyes, will i ever -> take me as i am
the end of time: time and i -> flight of the crows
60th specials: wave after wave -> inertia
some personal favorites on this playlist:
i'm born to run by american authors
space girl by frances forever
day & night by billie piper
walk backwards by maude latour
astronomy by conan gray
everything changes in time by madds buckley
have you met miss jones? by frank sinatra
marsha, thankk you for the dialectics, but i need you to leave by will wood
the fall by half-alive
twenty twelve by matt maeson
canary in a coal mine by the crane wives
against the kitchen floor by will wood
at my back by madds buckley
the mountain song by tophouse
move me by half-alive
h.s by tom cardy
pompeii by bastille
the frost by mitski
scrawny by wallows
cicada days by will wood
time and i by jukebox the ghost
flight of the crows by jhariah
wave after wave by sleeping at last
inertia by ajr
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akkivee · 11 months ago
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1️⃣: it’s just— i think maybe i was coming on a bit too strong—
📿: fcking hell ichiro
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mha-atdr · 7 months ago
*throws my mha oc into this account for no reason*
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anywayyy i'll probably start posting on this account again soon when i get the motivation (and asks) but yea ^^;
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meownotgood · 11 months ago
also while I'm on the topic of being off topic. this is my beloved durge tav moon. her wizard boyfriend sprays her with water when she tries to bite people
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keeps-ache · 7 months ago
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pals and other things :D
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months ago
Ooh. should I have rye without any of his makeup on for the final lucanis romance scene this time, to mirror him starting the game off wearing none while running around with varric (sometimes glitches are storytelling opportunity blessings in disguise). finally allowing oneself to be seen literally barefaced, without embellishment or obfuscation through deliberate curlicue, stripped of the image of yourself you meant to present because you yourself don't know what is hiding underneath anymore -- and being so readily recognized and tenderly loved through it anyway. you know me so well it makes me no longer a stranger to myself. well. what it lacks in subtlety as a metaphor, it more than makes up for in making me feel nuts. Yes. Yes. I think that might indeed emotionally devastate me
(the mutual desperation of like... intimacy and recognition and relief in this romance still shakes me to the very core btw. if you even care. rook walking through the mind lucanis is so sure has been broken to the point that it's 'no longer the mind of a crow -- not even the mind of a human being (no longer me)', and recognizing him every step of the way so undramatically and completely, finding him where he's been hiding even from himself. because he knows it's where they'll look first. and helping him come back to himself just by standing there next to him, promising to walk beside him. rook stumbling out of the fade confused and disoriented and robbed of the lies they told themselves to survive, and lucanis being there to catch them. and giving that back to them. all the fear and confusion and longing resolving into calm certainty because rook is rook. and rook is there. and next to that nothing else really matters. you're here. you're really here. and so am I. (why would I be anywhere else, when you're here.) and between them there's safe shelter from the storm outside like spite writes about with him and lucanis before. hello. help. can anyone hear me.)
#much ado about looking in this romance. about being seen. the you Beheld me and it helped me be real again of it all. I feel crazy#anyway every time I see rye's nakey big brown eyes I'm like 'OH yeah that's what you look like under there I almost forgot!' fhdskja#it's like that one scene in x-men evolution where rogue falls in a lake and her makeup washes away and you're like WHOMST for a moment#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#oc: Ellaryen Ingellvar#lucanis dellamorte#rook x lucanis#rookanis#he got out of the fade stumbled into his cursed fish tank room managed to remove his makeup and then ran out of steam entirely lol#he does put on kohl the next morning tho. can't get revenge on the dread wolf and also save the world if you ain't cute#and also comfortably in control of your own expressed identity once more lol#nakey eyes are for lucanis and the maker and no one else to see at this point in time lol#harding and neve *have* seen him without it b/c they were there when varric was. but now harding is gone#and I think rye feels more '...I wish you didn't know this about me' towards neve in this lol. she was there for the worst night#of his fucking life and he can't control that she saw him when he did not want to be seen. and she's kind enough to pretend she didn't#absolute nightmare scenario.#neve and rye's battle to avoid emotional intimacy with each other is just. incredible. it's the weirdest relationship in the lighthouse lol#like two cowboys at a mexican standoff of who can be covertly emotionally unavailable the most and deepest
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