#allura and keith are very pure okay
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klance-headcanons-official ¡ 11 months ago
Hear me out on this one you guys, I know it's long but bear with me here.
Keith has been captured by a Galra fleet in hopes of drawing out the rest of Voltron; it's been a couple hours since the crew found out, but no one has showed up yet.
Meanwhile at the Castle of Lions, everyone is arguing over what to do, and most everyone is siding with Shiro and Allura who are saying they need to wait and carefully think of a plan, Hunk feels bad about it, but agrees because he knows they can't go in there without a strategy, Pidge thinks it's logical and that they need all the data they can get, and Coran is always on Allura's side. Lance, on the other hand, is furious that they're even hesitating, especially Shiro, "WHILE YOU GUYS ARE HERE TRYING TO FIND THE EASY ROUTE, KEITH IS IN GALRA CHAINS PROBABLY BEING HURT! I'M NOT GOING TO WAIT AROUND WHEN THERE'S SOMETHING I CAN DO!" He yells before running off.
Eventually he makes it to the Galra cruiser and busts his way through with his bayard and the strength of pure rage until he makes it to the place where Keith is being held. Keith, who has clearly endured a couple blows and half expected to be left for dead, picks his head up and gasps when he sees Lance running towards him. Unfortunately before he can reach Keith, Sendak attacks from a blind spot, and a blade is sent clean through his armor, but he doesn't stop moving. Sendak says things like, "Give up" and "Struggling will kill you faster" and "You'll never succeed" all that good junk. But he just keeps moving towards Keith, determined to save him.
Sendak leaves the room, thinking that Lance is going to die or give up before he can free Keith, however with the very small amount of energy that he has, Lance uses his bayard to form the Altean Broadsword and cuts Keith's binds.
Keith falls to his knees, bringing Lance into his arms, "Are you okay?" Lance asks, "Am I okay?! Lance, you were just stabbed! Oh, god, you're bleeding too much, I have to-" (I know i do a lot of cut off things but they're so fun i cant resist.) "Hey, mullet. I say Vol, you say Tron, 'kay?" Keith, at this point, has a couple tears running down his face, "Lance, don't you dare give up. We're gonna get you out of here!" Lance ignores his pleas and continues with his sappy ways of saying something like "I can't make it but you can" and he reaches up to cup Keith's face, and he smiles, "Vol..." he starts, hoping Keith will finally get it, "Voltron." Keith says it firmly, knowing that he's doing it wrong so that Lance will keep talking.
Keith hauls him onto his back as they start heading towards the exit, "Paladins!" he calls through his intercom, "This is Keith, Lance has been seriously hurt, I need help!" and Lance is wearily explaining, "Keith, dude... The... The rules are in the chant, man... I say Vol... and then you say..." Keith consistently replies with Voltron.
Soon enough they make it back to the ship, Lance is put in a healing pod, blah blah blah. ROMANCE TIME!
When Lance wakes up, the first thing that happens is, Keith runs up to him and pulls him into a tight hug, then grabs both sides of his face, forcing Lance to look at him, "You are seriously so stupid!" Lance opens his mouth to apologize but he doesn't get the chance, as Keith has already brought him into a kiss.
I got nothing else to add, The End.
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autisticlancemcclain ¡ 2 years ago
fic rec friday 16
welcome the the sixteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. home depot catalogue by @moonguilt
“No, really, he’d love to,” Lance said into the phone, just as Keith pressed the button for the kettle to start heating up.
Those words were enough to raise Keith’s suspicions just a tad. He shot Lance an inquisitive glance while opening the cabinet to retrieve his box of morning tea, but his husband was the picture of innocence, flipping casually through a Home Depot catalog they had received in the mail yesterday.
“Oh, definitely. If you need someone to paint your insides white, Keith’s your man.”
Keith dropped his box on the counter, tea bags spilling out onto the granite.
Keith is having a normal, relaxing morning. Lance throws him a curveball.
this one made me LAUGH. out LOUD. it’s domestic and fluffy and FUNNY dear god, like it’s such a lance thing to do and such an objectively funny prank that i just!! literally just typing this makes the urge to reread it too great my hand has been forced.
2. kindling by @moonguilt
Lance struggles with his attraction to Keith during training, and it all comes to a head when Keith corners him afterwards to ask why he was off his game today.
Prompt from tumblr: Angry Kiss.
one of my fave vld tropes EVER is lance being whipped and then equally as furious that he’s attracted to keith at all. it’s endlessly funny to me. and then keith being the eyebrows raised, not surprised one??? gets me every time. also keith is a massive sweetheart in this fic and i love him
3. chocolate granola bars by @moonguilt
“A pillow fort sleepover!” Lance cried out, leaping up with such alacrity that Pidge had to grab her laptop to prevent it from sliding to the floor.
“No way, we're not—” Pidge stopped and blinked, exchanging a glance with Hunk, then looking back at Lance again. “... Oh.” She evidently had not been expecting such a tame suggestion. “Okay.”
Or, Lance is bored out of his mind and decides to organize a sleepover with the squad. Nonsense ensues, and Lance works through some confusing emotions—particularly those involving a certain mullet-haired team leader.
okay there are too many good things about this fic i cannot choose which to highlight, and so i will mention them all. ahem: a) lance is a ray of sunshine who regularly uses his power of cuteness to his advantage, b) adorable team bonding, c) shiro is a dorky nerd, d) HEALTHY LANCE AND ALLURA COMMUNICATION, e) krolia and romelle have actual characters, f) lance has allergies which isn’t rly important but he gives me a vibe that he’s allergic to several things and it’s very validating to see it in fic, g) lance validation and feeling expression for the piece of shit game show episode, h) observant lance!! and i) literally the most painful and necessary and well-written klance fight i’ve read in a while! hurt badly but was resolved wonderfully 10/10
4. Terminal Velocity by @speakswords [GORE WARNING]
The only fate worse than being tortured to death is watching, helpless, while the person you love most takes your place.
this is one of my fave vld fics of all time. although fair warning it is very violent for a good chunk of time. the story is EXCELLENT, the entire thing will have u biting ur nails in terrified anticipation and i mean that literally. whole time i was gagged. at the edge of my seat. AND i have several specific lines screenshotted bc the pure fucking devotion and care knocked me out of the water
5. you and me are cosmic dust by Yuu_chi
Knowing that your team loves and trust you no matter what and believing it are two very different things.
i LOVE keith angst. i know this fandom is very langst heavy and honestly i am too but sometimes keith angst is so so good. and this fic is one of them!! excellent read and features observant lance as well. OH and there’s a little sprinkling of suave keith in here too lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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alluraaaa ¡ 2 years ago
48 for all the paladins + allura + coran bevause i'm insane
48. scariest moment of their life
(rubs hands together. autistically. evilly.) (also skipping any close calls in battle because boring)
shiro: crash landing on earth in episode one. he had spent a year going “at least i’m the only one here. at least if matt and sam are out somewhere in space they’re not here. at least the aliens didn’t reach earth” and now he’s going to earth and will probably be chased after and he can’t talk sense into anyone because he’s forgetting details and they’re not listening and he’s being pUT UNDER AND—
he wakes up with his total amnesia after that. but once he remembers it all… those few small moments of panic are the worst he’s ever felt because there was so much at stake and so little he could do about it.
keith: the announcement of the kerberos mission failure. the one (1) person he let himself trust fully, truly, completely since his dad. he felt like the floor disappeared from under him and he couldn’t process it. because shiro promised he’d come back and shiro doesn’t break promises he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t what’s going on where is my brother?
pidge: when she’s listening to alien radio chatter on a garrison roof and hears the word voltron for the first time. she gets chills like no one’s business and doesn’t know why. there’s a sense of just how big the universe is, and she’s so, so small in comparison. it was wild and definitely scary to hear aliens talking, but she never got a real word from it until voltron. she’s shaken to her core for a total of five seconds before it’s taken over by her trademark frantic curiosity.
lance: he has a nightmare in his childhood bed after the war ends. he wakes up screaming and crying and sweating and he’s used to that. used to the way someone is coming in to comfort him, but he’s not used to that happening in a house overlooking the beach, with band posters on the wall, his mother’s calloused hands wiping away tears. there was always a degree of separation between his family in cuba and his family in space, and he loves them both more than anything, but they’ve always been separate. when his mom is wiping away his tears and coran, who had been in the guest room, comes in to help him take deep breaths and squeeze his hands, he realizes that the war will always haunt him, the internal fight will never be quite over. that terrifies him.
hunk: first time in the healing pod. he had had the sensation explained to him before but that’s nothing like the real thing. at one moment, everything hurt and he was so worried about the others as well as himself and the mission and how he shouldn’t lose consciousness but does. and that panic and adrenaline doesn’t go away. so before the glass went away and he fully woke up, it was just his instinct and he knew he was stuck somewhere. he’s stuck and cold and tingly and stuck stuck stuck. and then he’s not and he’s falling and being caught by his friends— his family and everything’s okay. but for a few seconds there, he was trapped and alone.
allura: similar to hunk, it’s when she’s waking up from the cryopod. she’s still full of emotion, not knowing just how much time has passed. it’s for a split second, when she’s waking up and calling for her father, that she’s free falling, completely alone and confused and afraid. she feels gravity and someone catching her and her senses come back, but that moment of pure unbridled fear is a very significant part of her panic in that scene.
coran: allura’s first mission at the end of season one. he’s worried about anything bad that could happen to her and then something horrible happens and he wasn’t there to save her. and he didn’t even know until she was already in zarkon’s central command. he did nothing as alfor’s daughter was delivered to his greatest enemy. he didn’t breathe right until allura was safely back
(send a character + a number)
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erithel ¡ 2 years ago
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from VLD? And why do you love them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Hm, okay so it's always tricky to narrow things down, but let's see…
Before I put my lists, here, I'm going to state that I am choosing these based on canon only. Characters like Hunk and Shiro have been tweaked in fanon to a versions I love, but that is not how they actually are in the show. And characters like Allura and Lotor had a ton of untapped potential, but it would be a whole different thing to list my favorite characters based on what could have been.
So here we go:
Favorite characters:
Keith and Lance are, appropriately, pretty much neck and neck. Keith is just a little more of a favorite because he's the one I personally relate to the most.
Both Keith and Lance had enough character stuff in the beginning seasons to make them interesting to me. I wanted to know more about them, and I wanted to watch them grow. That, to me, is a solid foundation for favorite characters.
Coran, I realize, may be a surprise. He was just the stupid comic relief, right? Except no, in the beginning he wasn't just the zany character who said wacky things for laughs – he also genuinely cared about the Paladins. And I love that duality in characters.
Krolia is a very specific one – because I love her as her own person, but I don't like her as "Keith's mom." I have a whole post about that subject, so here I'll just say that…hey, sometimes it's as simple as the fact that I just have a thing for badass warrior women, okay?
Shay may also sound like a random choice. But she was just…sweet. Like, from what I can remember, just genuinely good – and that was refreshing. I wish they had actually done more with her.
Note: Animals are excluded from this list, because they are automatic favorites.
Favorite moments:
Episode 2: Allura and Coran testing the Paladin's response time. Allura asks how long it took them to response, and Coran replies: "Seventy-five degrees. [pause] Oh, sorry. No this is a meat thermometer!" Klance fanart made me start watching. That moment made me keep watching. Because it genuinely made me laugh.
Sunset scene. You know the one, and you know why. (Look just have characters get along and support each other, okay? And let them talk! Is that too much to ask?)
I don't remember which episode, but the moment where Lance confesses his feelings to the mice and they tell Allura. Allura's reaction was one of the best things (and the reason why it makes me upset with how that all turned out). It was pure expectation subversion, because you could see it all in her body language and hear it in her voice: She didn't know what to do, because she didn't want to hurt him. This moment meant so much to me because so often female characters are forced into situations where it feels like they don't really have a choice. It makes them feel like objects. But this moment took me by surprise because I thought "wait, for the first time in a show like this, are we going to get to witness a male and female character choosing friendship over romance because it was better for both of them??" Alas –
Lance staring at Keith open mouthed when he was returning after the space whale. Like…bro…you're telling me this shit was platonic?? You're telling me Lance's brain literally stopped functioning for a solid 6 seconds of screentime because his rival was back???
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5. The Keith/Shiro fight in season 6. Say what you will about the writing and choices made for VLD. The animation and choreography for that fight was fucking spectacular. And basically the only thing I need to say to prove that is that if you watch the fight, and really pay attention, you'll notice that Keith was fighting defensively in all but one moment (when he went Galra for a split second). I love stuff like that because it means it's not just a mindless action scene – there's a purpose to it, and the actual characters and their motivations are built into the fight.
OOOOF okay that took a lot of thought and I know the minute I hit post on this I'll think of other moments I loved (it's been a while since I actually watched, and it's sometimes hard to distinguish canon from fanon lol). But yeah, that was fun!
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damnlance ¡ 3 years ago
[klance blurb thingy 1]
please tell me why lance is the ‘obviously pining from far away’ type
especially when keith’s around
like okay imagine lance and keith are hanging out with all their friends right
probably at some cute, old little diner because lance is always in the mood for a milkshake and keith loves spending all his coins on the pinball machine
of course when they get there, they all cram into one booth even tho shiro and hunk have the broadest shoulders of the group and trying to spread out is a little hard but they always make it work
lance will order drinks and food for the whole table because he’s memorized everyone’s orders and his irresistible ✨charm✨ comes in handy when he goes out on a limb to ask their waiter or waitress for an extra basket of fries on the house
and yeah it works bc it’s lance and he’s so charming and loves the way it gets mixed reactions from his friends like allura giggling, hunk sighing, pidge rolling her eyes, shiro ignoring him but also being secretly happy for the free fries, coran being the proud uncle he is, and keith - blushing like a mad man and trying to hide it bc lance is an idiot
as they’re waiting for their food, lance will ask for a kids coloring page and crayons and color the various pictures with hunk and pidge (and hunk would kick lance’s ass at tic-tac-toe)
keith will wander off with allura and coran as they watch him play on the pinball machine with his pocket full of quarters ready to play for as long is it takes the food to be done
and it’s so annoying how good he is because allura and coran will cheer for him or laugh or praise him and it’ll immediately grab lance’s attention away from coloring his half of the kid’s coloring page
he’ll slowly look up, pretending to be looking out for their food or watching one of the various tv’s playing some funky music video from the 80’s but really his eyes are glued to keith
and lance won’t ever understand how something as simple and played out as a stinkin pinball machine could bring out a side of keith that lance wishes he could see all the time
keith, standing there with his gloved hands on either side of the machine, long black hair tucked behind his ear on one side as his bangs dangle over his stupidly gorgeous violet eyes, his thick eyebrows frowned up as he concentrates on the game
smirk on his face
and sometimes, when the game’s getting good, his eye will light up like lightning flashing across a dark, stormy sky, and his lip will curl into a smirk as he leans closer to the machine because he’s winning
that’s when lance just can’t bring himself to look away because keith looks so cute when he’s winning, like a little kid in a candy shop, his features usually hard and brooding are now so soft and pure and beautiful
and something inside lance will go off and make the hairs on his arms stand up and a chill go down his spine and a small smile spread across his face because keith’s smile is so pretty he should smile more why doesn’t he smile more it’s so contagious lance feels lightheaded
he can’t look away because his heart is beating so fast and if he so much as takes a breath or blinks, he’s afraid he’ll miss these little moments that no one else pays attention to because they’re all too dense to notice just how amazing keith is
how cool keith is
how cute and pretty and wonderful keith is
and lance will let out a lovestruck sigh as he slumps forward and begins to daydream about how great life would be if he and keith ever got together even though that’s literally impossible because lance is very sure keith hates his guts and doesn’t want anything to do with him 😔
but the greatest part is when keith does win! and the small smile on his face turns into something big and real and unfiltered and he balls his gloved fists and shakes them victoriously in the air as coran and allura clap and pat him on the back
and lance will silently cheer from where he sits in the booth, laughing and smiling along with keith, wishing he was over there to celebrate too
wishing he could pat keith’s back or give him a high five or a hug, anything to be near him and to see that beautiful smile up close, to feel the warmth from keith’s happy energy radiating into lance’s bones
oh, how lance wishes to be keith’s
how he wishes he could just drop all the stupid rivalry crap between them and be something more
something real
and of course the moment would be ruined when keith catches him STARING (because he’s been staring for like 5 minutes) and lance’s inner bi panic would activate and he would frown at keith for catching him and reflexively flip him the middle finger as if it was keith’s fault for catching him
keith would frown back and roll his eyes as he turns back around to play again
and lance would sit there, trying so hard to calm his erratic heart, pounding against his rib cage like it’s trying to burst out of his chest
his cheeks and ears would be so red and hot from the flush that came and rose from his neck
and he would try to play it off like it suddenly got hot in the fifteen minutes they’ve been inside
clearing his throat, lance would try to go back to coloring but would stop because he can feel eyes on him
he’d look up to see if they were keith’s but would ultimately find that they are not keith’s
but instead hunk’s, pidge’s, and shiro’s, the three of them staring and smirking at lance who’s been pining so hard from far away
and lance would clear his throat and pretend he had something on his face, wiping his cheek and grabbing his vanilla milkshake and setting it right in front of his face to cool him down
when the food comes, keith will let allura and coran slide into the booth first and sit down so he would be directly across from lance
their friends would engage in small talk as they eat, talking about how good their food is or something else that would pop into their minds
keith would eat his burger and fries in silence, only looking up if someone were to mention or call his name
and lance would do the same, too engaged in dipping his hot, salty fries into his creamy milkshake to pay attention to the conversations going on
but something would catch his attention
a feeling
he can feel eyes on him again
and he would look over to hunk and pidge and shiro, who are all talking over each other all at once
he would look to allura and coran, who are listening and stuffing their faces
and then those piercing blue eyes would look up and across from him
and find those gorgeous violet eyes on him like the skin on his bones
blood would rush to his cheeks but instead of looking away, lance would stare back
and watch keith turn into a flustered mess
lance would smirk and keith would present his signature frown in response
and lance would get a sudden rush of courage in his veins and push his free basket of fries towards keith, offering him some
keith would twist his bushy eyebrows up in confusion, asking lance if he’s sure
and lance would nod, shaking the basket of free fries
keith would relax his features
and smile softly at lance, reaching over his own food to take a couple of fries
something deep in lance would burn low, a feeling of satisfaction simmering within him, knowing that keith is eating his free fries because lance offered them and keith accepted
keith would shove the fries into his mouth and lance would stare shamelessly, drinking his milkshake and daydreaming once again about what it would be like to share every single basket of fries he would ever get in his life with keith
of course keith would pretend not to notice lance staring and ignore the sudden spike in his pulse or the butterflies dancing around in his stomach
and because he’s keith, he would [not so] accidentally brush his foot against lance’s underneath the table just to get a reaction out of the cuban boy
lance would jolt a little and meet eyes with keith in surprise
keith would have that same smirk on his face from when he was playing pinball
and lance would reciprocate the gesture, paying no mind to the voice in the back of his head giving him hope
he would simply smirk back, and quirk his eyebrow in a challenge
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shiranai-atsune ¡ 5 years ago
BONUS ENDING (I couldn’t resist)
In the afterlife, Lance parties with the Paladins of Old + Honerva & Lotor.
Lance and Lotor settle their differences, spend more time together, end up falling in love, and living happily ever after.
kallura + langst
keith and allura became a thing in the middle of a heated battle
they kick ass and actually talk things out because theyre both straightforward people.
keith raises concerns about lance's "crush" towards allura, and admits he'll be very much jealous. allura assures him she will talk to lance.
when lance finds out he gives them both a bright thumbs up and both sigh in relief.
lance is screaming inside. not because of allura.
because during keith's stint as the black paladin, lance started getting confused over whether he liked allura or was developing feelings for keith.
eventually, he concluded that while he was infatuated with allura (seriously she was a Woman) he considered the connection between him and keith to be deeper and more meaningful. thus, he loved keith more than he liked allura.
he tried denying it which is why the conversation between hunk and pidge teasing him about allura happens, but the boy loves keith and kept it a secret. during shiro's return and them going back to earth lance comes to terms with his feelings and tries to talk to keith and fails
and then kallura.
kallura's affections are very much real aand are very strong which is why lance doesnt truly resent the two about it. he's never seen keith so settled and happy, so he steps aside.
keith confronts lance about his assumed feelings for allura and lance just coldly ends it with "you dont know me well enough to assume I was in love with allura, keith."
keith is confused, allura is too. shiro suspects but respects lance's wishes to stay silent.
meanwhile, lance is dying inside. it turns out keith only cares about him in a distant, team family sort of way.
he ends up confessing to red, who kind of grows protective over lance, who's heart burns like the hearth of a home. and kind of snubs keith for a hot second before lance gets red under control.
when they get to earth and lance spends some time with his family, he gets the hanahaki disease.
rachel is the only one who gets an answer out of lance and is immediately wary of keith but lance snaps her out of it
NONE of the paladins are aware of lance's feelings for keith except shiro
shiro definitely does cknfront lance about his sickness but the moment he sees petals fall out of lance's mouth he puts two and two together and is promptly horrified
shiro keeps making glances at lance and kallura and its pissing keith off
lance tells shiro off. "I know you're worried Shiro, but the last thing Keith and Allura need is for me to get in between them. Drop. It." "But Lance, you–" "Don't you GET IT? I DON'T MATTER SHIRO. NOT TO THEM. Please...just...leave me be. I'll last till the end."
keith and allura, eavesdropping, wonder what that was all about but cant make heads or tails off of it.
at one point post battle. lance ends up coughing flowers right after the battle, and though he cleans it up, a little blood is left in the corner of his lips.
allura sees this and brings attention to this. shiro tries his best to play it off for lance's sake and lance catches on quickly, but keith isnt having it and has coran check him.
lance feels light headed and escapes to the bathroom
there he pukes a lot of blood and flowers, collapsing but not unconscious.
this is how allura finds him. she rushes him to a pod and NONE of the paladins can figure out what was wrong with lance other than "he's got persistent flower seeds in his lungs"
keith shouts at shiro who visibly flinches but gives in and explains.
the team is horrified.
but they still think lance is in love with allura.
in thus universe the hanahaki is still just that obscure angst trope so theres no known medical record of curing it other than shiro's words of "only if his love is reciprocated"
keith and allura "take a break" from the relationship to try and convince lance that allura loves him
it goes about as well as you could expect. lance sees through the bullshit.
allura tries, she really does. shes so so so so so very scared of losing anyone else she loves so if pretending to love someone she doesnt is what it takes to save lance, then she's damn well going to do it.
as for keith, yeah, he admits he and lance didnt really get on with each other in the start, but dammit, lance has been part of keith's small circle and damn if he was letting anyone else he loved get away from him
nothing allura does works. keith storms shiro's room, who had just assisted lance (who was in the bathroom at the time). keith confronts him and asks why lance isnt cured yet.
shiro stalls and shifts around the issue, uncomfortabel with revealing a secret that isnt his to tell. other than him, lance is the only one with homosexual tendencies.
"Why the fuck isn't Lance cured?"
"Maybe it's because you're using the wrong person, asshole."
Lance has never been more intimidating while standing half naked with only a towel around his waist.
"For fuck's sake, I love you, Keith Kogane. Not Allura. This whole pretending to reciprocarte my feelings plan was never going to work."
"But...you've always been in love with her!"
"I was never in love with Allura! I loved the idea of being her boyfriend!"
"But why Keith?"
"You're his girlfriend. You tell me."
"I think they can't understand why you went from hating Keith to loving him."
"Oh my god. You really thought I hated you? EVEN AFTER SHIRO'S DISAPPEARANCE? I was you literal RIGHT HAND Keith, and your biggest supporter! Just...forget it." Lance leaves the room and cries in his own room. Oops.
From then on Keith and Allura spend the rest of Lance's life left apologizing and just generally beibg a better friend after talking with Shiro. Keith spends time with Lance while Allura fruitlessly spends hours with Pidge and Coran researching for a cure that doesnt involve reciprocation. She fails, but Lance appreciates her efforts.
Some angsty fluff happens with everyone and tears are shed.
Finally, at the end, it isn't Allura who sacrifices herself to the cosmos, but Lance, who, even without Quintessence to spare, went on a separare mission to enact a ritual that enables him to act as the sacrifice instead of Allura. This puts the Hanahaki disease on hold, but he keeps the fact that he paid a higher price to exchange it with another curse a secret. He just ends up coughing the remaining petals
He hugs Allura tight and kisses her cheek. He gives everyone else a tight, heartfelt hug. Hunk hugs him the longest, and Shiro's is the most desperate one.
To Keith, he cups his jaws, Keith grips Lance's waist tight (this is purely platonic, remember that Keith has only NOW found a family worth fighting for and cannot fathom the idea of losing any of them. Read: Shiro.) and doesn't want to let go. Lance looks at him fondly, before dropping two rings in Keith's palm. His final blessing for Keith and Allura.
Keith is full on crying, begging Lance not to go, he can't leave them like this, not like this, there has to be another way. Lance smiles sadly, tells Keith not to worry about it. Allura hugs them both tightly, which prompts everyone else to pile around him as well.
As Lance fades away, he gives Keith one last gift. A flower that falls as soon as Lance's lips land on Keith's forehead.
Afterwards, after a funeral for Lance, Lance's mother gives Keith and Allura their share of his belongings that were divided according to his will. In that box, they find a photo album, Lance's phone, and two letters, addressed to each of them.
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justsomevoltronstuff ¡ 5 years ago
hc's of the paladins seeing their s/o lose a limb in battle?
sorry for the wait! hope you enjoy :)
(I did Allura as well cause she’s technically a Paladin too)
As the battle raged, they tried to keep you in their sights, but the battlefield was never a good place and now was no exception. You always make them promise not to worry about you in the midst of life and death, but they never listened. Likewise, they always told you to stay by their side if you weren’t in the castle or a lion, so that they could protect you, and you never listened.
You always get so caught up in the battle that you lose track of your team, you wander off and end up fighting for yourself with no hope of aid.
They saw you from across the battlefield, annoyed that you didn’t stay with the group but too preoccupied to dwell on it for too long. You were left mostly to your own devices as they knew you were a well seasoned fighter and could hold your own, but when you started getting outnumbered, they started to worry some. It seemed as though anytime you’d catch a break, several more would appear.
You wear drowning in enemies and exhaustion was bound to override adrenaline eventually. They started making their way toward you, telling themselves that you were a comrade in need and that they weren’t just an overprotective significant other.
Then it happened. You lost your weapon after a particularly harsh blow, and the enemy was coming right down on your head. Out of pure survival instinct, you lifted an arm to protect yourself at the last moment, and then pain seared through your limbs.
You dropped to your knees, screaming, and they rushed to get over to you. The battle was mostly over, and with everyone's attention on you, the remaining enemies were quickly dealt with.
he does not handle it well by any means
he lost his own arm and never wanted you to have to go through anything like it
is likely the reason the battle didn’t last much longer because, lets face it, homie went off on some enemies after seeing you get injured
definitely scooped you up and carried you back to the castle himself
everyone else offering to help, but he just needed the reassurance that you were at least still alive
waits outside your cryo pod waiting for you to heal
blames himself for not staying by your side
after your healed he helps you get accustomed to lacking a limb
if/when you get a prosthetic arm he helps you learn out to fight with it and move with it as naturally as possible
cute bonding moments of a shared understanding of being an amputee
Prosthetic Parents™
you handle it better than he does
he’s absolutely losing his shit while you just calmly pick up your weapon and keep on fighting until you pass out from pain or finish the battle
he paces outside your pod the whole time you’re healing
mumbling to himself about what he could've done and how he should've been by your side
the others are all completely done with him by the time you emerge
“He’s been like this since you went in,” Pidge comments tiredly while working on your new prosthetic
comforting him and letting him know that you’re okay
him worrying that you’re just putting up a front so that you don’t cause anyone to worry about you
you having to comfort and assure him everythings going to be okay
in the days of Pidge still perfecting your permanent prosthetic you have an easily removable one to get used to having one
and sometimes you just pull it off and smack Lance with it when he starts getting too wild
definitely cried
like not on the battlefield in the middle of a literal life and death situation
but ohhohoho the moment the field was cleared baby boy was sobbing for you
bakes you cookies and all your favorite comfort foods while waiting for you to get better
is so sweet and gentle while helping you get used to your new lifestyle
helps Pidge engineer your prosthetic
helps you through physical therapy and rehabilitation
honestly is just the most patient and understanding boyfriend
he’s always hyper-aware of you and your emotions and knows when you could use a nice bowl of ice cream or something to hit
makes certain you know you can talk to him
he may still gave all his limbs intact and not know exactly what you’re going through, but would rather be confused than leave you to cope alone
is absolutely devastated on your behalf and is not above crying with you, but also won’t dwell on it if you just wanna move on like normal
is a total sweetheart, no cap
when he first sees you, he’s so angry
why?! why couldn’t you just do what he asks of you one time and stay by his side?! why wouldn’t you just let him protect and cover you?!
tries to stay calm as to not freak you out on the way to the pod
but the second you’re in and under to start healing?? homie is storming to the training room ready to fight a whole nother battle all by himself
the other paladins just let him go knowing it’s better to let him cool off alone
he comes back and leans against your pod once he calms down
probably pulls his knees to his chest and starts crying
once you’re out you want nothing more than to have him hold you for a while
but he’s avoiding you like the plague
eventually you get tired of it and go to your best friend Lance to rant
“It’s ridiculous Lance! You’d think I cheated on him the way he’s acting!”
hands in the air, pacing, running your hands through your hair every now and then, the whole nine yards
“To be fair, Y/n, you almost died out there. I’m shaken up too, but we all know how Mullet handles things. He probably just needs to think.”
you being so fed up with him, and now Lance too for not taking your side
you just want your boyfriend to cuddle you, damnit
spending hours alone in the training room
half to start working out and getting accustomed to not having an arm and half knowing it was Keith’s go to spot so he’d be forced to face you
once he finally acknowledges you it's completely him trying not to break down into full on sobs while telling you how scared he was
baeby honestly (also sorry, did not mean to make this so long)
Pidge.EXE has stopped functioning.
Pidge has experienced loss before, so watching you go down in the midst of a battle, fear and sorrow were the only emotions felt, thought you died
realizes you didn’t die and that you just lost your arm
oh is that all
instead of wasting time outside of your cryo pod just waiting for you to inevitably wake up, decides to get to work on something actually useful
and thus quite possibly the best prototype prosthetic arm in the galaxy is born before you even come out of healing
Pidge is constantly upgrading your prosthetic, determined to give you only the best of the best
struggles to find any other way to cope with this new reality
worries about your mental and physical health
just wants to be there for you and be as helpful as possible in this unforeseen time
thinks you look super hot and badass with a prosthetic arm
assumes it will grow back
panics when it does indeed not grow back
questions the others on how to best handle the situation
it's a learning experience for both of you
tries to incorporate some Altean gear into your new arm
honestly does not know how to go about helping you but tries her hardest to
offers cuddles, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to talk to if you need it
just wants you to know you can always talk to her
has coffee with Shiro and asks him to tell her everything she needs to know about amputation
is just very loving and concerned and curious and wants to be there for you
~Admin Rori💜
251 notes ¡ View notes
dammitadolfnomorecake ¡ 4 years ago
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 205
Wolf. Human. Exhausted. Horny. Exhausted. Wolf. Exhausted. Human. Horny. Exhausted. For the next two moons, Keith was... very instinctual. Very, very, instinctual. He couldn’t keep his hands off Lance when he was awake, nor when he was asleep... Lance wasn’t sure what they hadn’t fucked on, only that thankfully they were locked away in one of the very many rooms of VOLTRON where no one ever seemed to go. Coran had skipped giving them a bed, instead they’d been gifted the use of what seemed to be some kind of storage room for ex-training equipment. Their “bed” a stack of old gym mats. Keith too horny to care about where Lance would sleep, and Lance kind of too horny to sweat the small details around the sleeping thing seeing he seemed to now have the talent for sleeping anywhere as long as there was a bathroom closish.
In the space of twoish days, they pretty much dissembled the room. Keith had boundless energy in his wolf form. Having him “work it off” during the day meant only one leg humping incident, and that was only very minor as Keith had been ashamed when he’d realised what he was doing. Trying to be proactive, it turned it to “How to train your werewolf fiancé”, with Lance building different obstacle courses for Keith to conquer and amuse himself with. No. He wasn’t above playing fetch with Keith... and Keith wasn’t above being bossed around if it meant head scratches for being a good boy. His fiancé mortally embarrassed to find that he’d walked all the way to Platt simply because he missed his vampire. Coran stepping in and giving them complete privacy for the duration of the moon, meaning no nagging from Shiro over Keith’s safety.
Still, Lance was happy to have Keith back to himself after the moon had passed. His boyfriend much softer and much gentler, taking into account that Lance wasn’t really feeling like having sex seeing how vigorously they’d gone at it during the few hours Keith was awake around lunchtime. Keith stupidly apologetic for his wolffish ways, with snuggles and pampering that Lance sorely needed. Despite ensuring him repeatedly that he’d be okay, Coran decided that they needed and extra few days with Lance resting and on fluids thanks to all the “mating” they’d done. Launching into a long story involving sex with a very persistent vampire queen who was set on wedding him, Lance completely mentally banned the word “mating” from his own vocabulary. He now knew how much of a kinky demon bastard Coran was, and he’d never be able to scrub the graphic descriptions of Coran being pegged from his mind.
Allura had been highly sympathetic towards the pair of them when she’d brought his precious Blue back. Her blue rhinestone collar had been replaced by a pink one with a little bow, obviously she’d been “pampered” by her aunt Allura and hated every moment of it. Cradled in Lance’s arms, she made sure to glare up at him, letting him know he was only allowed cuddles as she didn’t wish to be held by Allura or Keith. Lance felt as if he’d been the worst cat dad to his beloved princess. She not only had to put up with a vampire for a father, she also had to put up with a werewolf as her other father, and she was expected to rule her household with incompetent staff in his absence. Not that Lance would ever admit it, but he missed the days when it’d been him and Blue off on another adventure together. He missed taking her for her walks, and spoiling her rotten as she loved him simply for the fact he was the one who operated her wet food. He’d never tell anyone this, nor would he change how things were now, he just really missed Blue and everything crazy that came with owning a cat. Kosmo was bestest boy, but Blue would be princess forever.
Without a lot to pack, they nearly made it out of VOLTRON and into his bronco before Coran was calling Keith away. Kissing him on the cheek, Keith sent him on ahead, Lance trying to block out the conversation between the two men, not completely sure he wanted to know what was being said, but mostly out of privacy. Thanks to the talk, when Keith climbed behind the driver’s wheel, his fiancé seemed in a bad mood, Lance not pushing as he wasn’t sure he’d like the answer he’d get if he did. Still, they were finally going back home for the next two weeks, where he’d finally get a look at Rieva’s engagement ring, though he wasn’t supposed to know about it as he’d heard Curtis and Shiro being all mushy and no one had actually told him about it directly... or if they had, he’d forgotten it and thinking about that was far too scary a prospect.
Fucking fuck fuck. Keith knew that Lance knew that he knew that Lance knew he was angry. Fucking shitty vampires. Not Lance though. Never Lance. No. Fuck Lotor. Fuck Lotor and his big prick of an ego. Keith wasn’t sure what he wanted to hit, only that hitting the open road hadn’t calmed him down.
Okay. He was not the best werewolf. He was not the strongest, the smartest, the scariest, or even the biggest. His instincts had gone into overdrive over not being able to find his mate and he’d walked the whole goddamn way to Platt to find him. Not that he really remembered that night, but still... That was totally beside the point, because fucking Lotor was coming back. He was coming back and he’d oh so graciously volunteered to spar with Keith to hone his new skills before they worked on him shifting into a werewolf.
The wank stain couldn’t come back for Allura, noooooo. That’d be too easy. No. He had to come back right when Lance was nearing the end of his pregnancy and play some damn fictional hero like mentor to his dumb wolf arse. And Coran had picked right when they were finally heading home to drop this piece of news on him. All those times he’d wanted to punch Lotor in the face and restrained himself seemed for nought now he had to be nice to him. Yeah, he was grateful the vampire had “tried” to protect Lance. But there was absolutely no way he wanted another vampire cozening into his mate. Though it would have broken Allura’s heart, Keith would have been happy if Lotor just stayed away in Europe with those ridiculous suits of his.
Lance hadn’t said a thing. Keith didn’t know if he’d heard, or if his fiancé was simply trying to be polite. Knowing Lance, option two seemed the sure bet. He was too old and too fucking exhausted for Lotor’s shit. Then there were Lotor’s witches to think about too... The only useful thing in this situation Lotor could possibly bring with him was anything Honerva had on breeder pregnancies. Yeah, it’d be information probably too late, but if there were to be any complications, he’d rather know before hand so he could figure out how best to support Lance.
Home was a welcome sight. Blue bolting from the bronco the moment Lance had his door open. Matt and Rieva coming out to wait for the pair of them as Keith dragged himself out from behind the steering wheel. How was he supposed to tell Lance he’d have to make pretty much daily trips to Platt starting in three days time? He didn’t want to do that to Lance. He didn’t want to have to deal with sorting through Lenny’s files when he also had to cope with Lotor’s training. Ugh. Adulting sucked. Forced into a hug with the two werewolves, his ego made him growl at the pair. Rieva slapping him upside the back of the head as she scolded him for running off. He’d never be living that one down.
Inside, Hunk, Shay, and Krolia were waiting in the living room. Krolia holding back a very excited Kosmo who’s whole body was wagging
Crouching down, Keith opened his arms, Kosmo bowling him over as he rushed at him, licking his face as Keith tried to push him down
“You’re a menace... yes, who’s a menace? You’re a menace!”
Chuckling at the pair of them, Lance sidestepped them. Keith mood instantly lifted by Kosmo’s pure joy at seeing him
“I’m not going to say a word... but if you’re going to cheat on me, I suppose you can cheat on me with our best boy”
Keith snorted
“As if I’m going to cheat on you... besides, Kosmo is best pupper”
“As far as I’m concerned you both are. Hey, guys. Got room on the sofa for a sleepy vampire?”
Lance had made it one to the sofa and into one of Hunk’s hugs before Keith managed to get Kosmo calmed down. Sitting on the floor, his idiot fur son was sitting between his legs. This was home. He was home...
“You guys didn’t have to come visit us”
Hunk had work and so did Shay, as did his who was clearly giving herself the day off. Kicking lightly vaguely in Keith’s direction, Lance then snuggled himself into Hunk’s side
“Says you. Don’t worry, Hunk, he’ll change his mind when he gets one of your sunshine cuddles”
“I have plenty of cuddles. I bet you’re happy to finally be released”
“Oh, man. You have no idea. I’m still tired as heck, but Coran said as long as I don’t start sleeping without eating, I should be fine to nap as much as I want to”
That wasn’t quite what Coran had said, but Keith didn’t want to be a nagging fiancé
“That’s great, dude. I’ve gotta say, you all had us worried when you ended up there again”
“It’s like a second home by now. Plus I got some quality time with my gremlin, which was nice. Now I’m looking forward to having a bath and sleeping in my own bed...”
Hunk chuckled as Lance closed his eyes
“I’m glad my shoulder makes a good alternative”
“Mmm. You have great shoulders. And great arms for hugging. You’re the best cuddly Hunk in the universe”
“Aw, Bud, you’re not too bad yourself”
“I know. It’s my gift and my curse. Anything new to report while we were gone?”
“Ummm... Shay and I are looking at renting a place of our own”
Lance shot up, beaming as he wrapped his arms around Hunk
“I’m so happy for you guys!”
Keith was happy for them too, supposing he was being a tad anti-social staying on the floor rather than getting up and sitting in one of the recliners. He couldn’t let his Lotor problems bring the mood down
“That’s great, guys. Are you going to house share with Pidge or are you striking out on your own”
Shay giggled, Keith assuming she was happy to talking about it, otherwise her giggle made no sense
“Oh, definitely on our own. It just feels the right time. You guys are having twins. Matt and Rieva are engaged. Work’s been going really well, plus our parents both want to chip on the bond... I don’t think Pidge would like living with a couple...”
Keith noticed the way Lance’s smile wobbled. He’d mentioned that Pidge had been kind of feeling down about her friendship with Hunk drifting. People grew and changed, it sucked but it was a fact of life, and unfortunately for Pidge she was surrounded by couples. Matt came up behind him, ruffling Keith’s hair hard enough that it felt like his brain was being shaken
“Don’t worry about, Pidge. She’s been coming home from work to crash here. She’s never been one for love. All the kisses and the cooties, she’d rather be coding”
Matt only served to make Lance frown, he must have set his ego off
“Pidge is perfectly fine the way she is. I’ve already told her we’ll start looking for somewhere nice sufficiently haunted once the twins have come”
Hunk groaned deeply at Lance
“Man, you’re not still going to go ghost hunting, are you!? This is change to get out of going to creepy buildings in the middle of the night”
“Someone’s got to keep our little Pidgeon safe. You know how over excited she gets”
“But, dude. I’ve got grey hairs... I’m getting grey hairs thinking about going back”
Lance and Hunk would never fight, but Lance had said Pidge was upset. His fiancĂŠ would do whatever it took to make her happy again... and Lance did have a point about Pidge needing a babysitter... aaaaand Pidge chasing after ghosts was a hell of lot safer than her pursuing her interests in werewolves and vampires
“I don’t mind. I mean, I’ve already been there before and it wasn’t that bad”
Lance nodded quickly
“See! The gang is totally getting back together, even Keith agrees it’s going to be just like old times again. You split up the band”
“Yeah... but that... I mean, we know it’s real now...”
Matt chimed in with a scoff
“Yeah, really mostly explained by science”
Lance didn’t take too well to Matt’s unwanted addition to the conversation, snippy in his retort as he moved himself to shoot Matt a deathly scowl
“Ghosts are real. I know you werewolves don’t see them like vampires, but they’re there. They’re not something to just go poking out. If Pidge wants to go, I’m going with her”
Matt released Keith’s head, Keith feeling the fellow werewolf’s ego flaring. Matt had no right to be shitty towards Lance wanting to be there for Pidge
“Dude, you can’t let her boss you around forever. There’s a time for moving on”
“She’s not bossing me around. At the moment this is what she’s into. Running around the occasional haunted place was kind of fun. She’s fun. Yeah, death feels absolutely horrible. Shadows on the edge of your vision. Body so cold your breath comes out in puffs of condensation. But it was fun. Watching how into it all is fun, and when she started making connections in her cases I couldn’t have been prouder at the time and effort she’d put in. I want to be there and I want to support her. Yeah, she took her job at VOLTRON because she was already a firm believer in the paranormal, but she also did it so she could understand us better. Forget it, I’m getting cranky and we all know that’s Keith’s job, isn’t it, babe?”
Keith had wisely kept his mouth shut, yet he had been cranky all morning and Lance was owed an explanation
“Lotor’s coming back”
Maybe a better explanation than that. Keith cringing at his own bluntness. The cringe turning into a wince as Matt yelled, hurting his ears
Unhappy about his sore ears, Keith huffed
“You don’t need to fucking yell about it. I’m going to be training with him in Platt starting next week. Coran dropped it on me this morning as we were leaving”
Casting his gaze entirely to Lance, Lance smiled at him, rather looking freaked out like Keith thought he might. Cocking his head, Keith was confused
“He’s... well, he’s him. But I think it’ll be good for you”
What?! No. Lance was supposed to support him staying at home... or maybe even say he wasn’t ready seeing he’d only been through two moons
“How is this a good thing?”
“You need someone to help you hone your skills now you’re a werewolf. You already hate him, so you’ll also get a lesson in how to rein your ego in for when you go hunting actually bad vampires. Plus, you don’t have to worry about hurting Lotor seeing he’s already dead so you can go all out”
Lance and his damn ridiculous logical approach
“But it’s Loturd...”
Whining only earned him a chuckle from Lance
“I know. I’m going to have call Allura later and scold her for not telling me about it. She’s supposed to be my adopted sister and she kept her mouth shut”
“Maybe she can distract him so I don’t have to put up with him?”
“Or maybe I’ll come along and kick your arse if you’re not training. He’s not my first choice of teacher, but I do think you need someone right now, and until I’ve given birth, I can’t help you train”
“You know I hate it when you’re right”
“But you love me”
He couldn’t argue with Lance’s logic there either
“I do. I don’t really want him and you in the same place”
“Babe, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m might be fat, but I can break through an ego now. He tries anything funny and I’ll neuter him”
“Not if I get there first”
If Lotor so much looked in Lance’s direction, Keith would kill him. Lance was his mate and as painful as it was, vampires probably belonged better together than a werewolf and vampire. Lance might not have any feelings towards Lotor... yet Keith couldn’t keep his jealously at bay. He deserved to be fucking happy, no matter how selfish it was, until he’d worked out how to interact with Lotor, Lance wouldn’t be going anywhere near him.
Shooting him double finger guns, his fiancĂŠ was trying to make him happier
“That’s my boy. Now, I don’t know what you’ve all got planned, but I want to take a bath. Growing babies is exhausting. Your amazing shoulder is going to have to wait, Hunk-a-roonie”
“That’s okay, Bud. We only really came to see that you guys got back safely. We’ve actually got a house viewing at 12 o’clock, so we’d better head out. It’s so good to have you guys home”
Lance smiled at Hunk
“It’s good be home. Don’t forget, you’ve got a team of werewolves to help you move. I’m happy to volunteer them”
“Yeah, we’ll keep that in mind. Right, we’ll see you guys later”
Leaving them, Keith dragged himself off the floor and into the space Hunk had vacated. Matt leaving them to join Rieva in the kitchen where she’d been making lunch before they’d come home. Lance not moving for this bath he wanted, instead kissing Keith on the cheek, before snaking his arm around him with a content sigh
“No bath?”
“Not yet. Honestly, I feel really bad, but I keep thinking about Pidge and it’s setting me off”
“Why don’t you invite her over?”
“I’ll send her a message. I used to get jealous over how close she and Hunk were, but we were always the “Garrison Trio”, you know. I know I can’t cling to the past, but it hurts that she feels on the outside”
Nosing into Lance’s hair, Keith nodded
“I know that feeling, but she’s got us and she’s got all our other friends. We’ll make sure she’s okay”
“I know. Babe, I know you’re upset about Lotor. If it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out. Both of you have egos and sometimes you’re just not compatible with someone. No matter what, I’m proud of you”
Hauling Lance up into his lap, Keith hugged his fiancĂŠ tightly
“Thanks. I’m kind... pissed off, but this is for the best, right?”
“Yeah, babe. I want you to finally feel safe as a werewolf and think this is a really good step. You’ll always have me in your corner”
“I’d rather have you in our bed”
Lance groaned at him, slapping his arm lightly
“That’s enough, Casanova. If I spread my legs anymore, they’ll fall out”
“We can’t have that. I love your legs”
And Lance’s arse... and his tummy... and pretty much every single bit of him...
“I know... God, it’s so nice to be home”
“Yeah, it really is”
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braincoins ¡ 5 years ago
For @void-tiger :) Based on something I wanted to do for my fix-it fic universe.
It was unusual that the Castle came down onto Oriande. It was usually the Black Lion by itself, usually just Takashi and sometimes Princess Allura or Coran. Ryou had never seen the Castle of Lions land before. He knew it had, at least once, but he hadn’t been here then. He was a little nervous, expecting to have to interact with all the paladins, and he hadn’t seen most of them since... well.
But what he hadn’t been expecting at all was... this. Peoples of various different races, from scattered worlds, aliens of all shapes and sizes and varying degrees of similarity to humans, and...
He swallowed hard, and felt Romelle squeeze his hand. He squeezed back automatically, and turned to give her a shaky smile.
“It’ll be a great Grogory Day,” she assured him.
He nodded silently, mind racing. 
I’m not sure what’s worse: everyone knowing that I was a monster made by the Galra Empire or people mistaking me for Takashi, thinking that I’M the hero out there saving the universe. 
He wanted to just disappear. He wanted to look like someone else, be someone else.
And then Takashi was running up to him, pulling him into a hug and patting him on the back. They spoke in Japanese, as usual when it was just the two of them. <”Long time no see!”> Takashi exclaimed. <”How are you?”>
<”Fine,”> he said automatically. He pulled out of the hug. <”You?”>
<”Oh, you know: kicking ass, flying through space...”>
This was an old line. <”...representing the human race,”> he finished. <”So everything’s going well?”>
<”Yes,”> Takashi agreed. <”Princess Allura’s looking forward to seeing how the Diaspora celebrates Grogory Day.”>
<”You’re so formal,”> he said with a roll of his eyes. <”She’s your girlfriend.”>
Takashi cleared his throat and blushed. <”Well, yes, but she’s still the princess.”>
<”And your girlfriend.”>
<”Tell me you don’t think of Romelle as a ‘princess’,”> he charged. And Ryou couldn’t really deny that. They talked and, for a little bit, Ryou completely forgot they were surrounded by alien strangers (if that wasn’t redundant). Coran and Princess Allura came up to greet him, Keith and Pidge both said hi - Pidge actually hugged him! - and then...
“Ah, and who is this?” asked a strange... person, looking him up and down curiously. 
“Oh.” Takashi smiled and conducted introductions. "Ryou, this is Dero of the Olkari. Dero, this is my twin brother, Ryou.”
“I am very honored to meet you,” Dero of the Olkari said.
“Uh, pleased to meet you, too,” he said uncertainly.
“Ryou lives here with the colony and helps them as an engineer,” Takashi... boasted? He sounded like he was boasting. “And he protects the colony’s Sacred, Romelle, one of the Councilors.”
“Ah!” Dero exclaimed. “An honored position! And an engee nayer!” They said the word strangely. “You are like us then, though we do not use this word.”
Obviously. Aloud, he said, “Oh.” Me and my sparkling conversation skills.
“Dero would love to see the power grid you’ve been working on,” Takashi suggested.
Ryou doubted that, but he glanced at Dero, whose face was alight with curiosity. 
“Yes!” they said. “I would very much like to, if it is no trouble!”
Ryou looked at Takashi who smiled and nodded encouragingly. He cast about for Romelle, but she was swarmed by other aliens, so he sighed. “O-okay, if you’re sure. Follow me.”
He led Dero through the village. “Are you an engineer too, then?” he asked, not sure what else to talk about.
“My people are,” Dero told him. “Famous for it, really. Have you not heard?”
“No, sorry. I’ve... I’ve pretty much just been here.”
“That is nothing to be sorry for.”
Hesitantly, he asked, “I’m not sure what Ta- ...Shiro has told you about me, but...”
Dero made a strange noise; it sounded to Ryou’s ears as ‘uncertainty,’ and his worry grew, until Dero said, “Only what was told to me in front of you.”
“Nothing else? Really?”
“The Black Paladin does not speak of his family often. Those of us who have joined the Coalition and chosen to fight alongside the Paladins aboard the Castle of Lions are usually more concerned with other things.”
“I... see.” He’s really said nothing about ... how I came to be his ‘brother’? “And none of the other paladins have mentioned me?”
“Should they have?” They sounded terribly confused.
“I mean... n-not especially. I just wasn’t sure what... Well, um, nevermind.” He cleared his throat. 
“Speak to me of this power grid,” Dero insisted. “And what you are trying to accomplish with it.”
“Oh. Well, the colony’s power grid is based on Altean technology, but for many years they’d been using Galra parts obtained by Lotor...”
“Scoundrel,” Dero interjected. 
Ryou didn’t disagree. “...to try to repair and maintain it. We’ve only recently been able to start using pure Altean technology again, thanks to Romelle and her Sacred abilities. I’m trying to upgrade the power grid to be... well, on Earth, we’d say ‘smarter’, but...”
“You wish it to be sapient?”
“Not exactly.” He described a smart grid as they came up on the power center. He unlocked the door with his hand print and led Dero inside. 
“I see! Yes, I understand now ‘smarter’ grid. Let me see...” 
After that, all awkwardness fell away. Ryou and Dero worked on the colony power systems, explaining thought processes and machine workings, and, after a couple of vargas, with Dero’s help, the grid was fast, sleek, and very, very smart indeed. 
“You need better power storage,” Dero said.
“Ain’t that the truth,” he agreed. “But we can work on that later. Let’s get back to the party before Romelle thinks I’m off hiding somewhere.”
“Why would you hide?”
He cleared his throat. “Don’t worry about that. Handwashing station here; let’s clean up and head back.”
The celebrations were loud and seemed to consume the village. But as they began to settle down and people trickled back to their homes or to the Castle, Ryou was able to find Takashi.
<“You didn’t tell Dero anything about me?”>
Takashi’s brow furrowed. <“I told them you were my twin brother and that...”>
<“No, I mean... before. Th-they didn’t know that I’m... that I was...”>
<“You’re my twin brother,”> he repeated. <“No one needs to know anything more than that.”>
<“Are you sure?”> he pressed. <“What if... what if there’s more programming in me that the Alteans missed somehow and I snap again and...”>
<“First of all, I doubt the Goddess would have left that in there,”> he pointed out. <“Second, I don’t think the Alteans missed anything in the first place. And third, even if, somehow, despite all of that, you did snap? I’d tell them then. I’d say the Galra messed with you, made you do that. They don’t need to know more than that.”>
<“But... that’s not exactly the truth.”>
<“If you wanted to tell them the truth, you could,”> Takashi said. <“But I won’t.”>
<“It’s not my place to. That’s your story, not mine.”>
<“I’m just part of your story,”> Ryou said.
<“Maybe in the beginning. Maybe,”> Takashi allowed. <“But not anymore. You decide who knows your backstory, not me.”> He clapped a hand on his shoulder. <“And as far as I’m concerned, you are my twin brother.”>
He felt tears spring up in his eyes, and he hugged Takashi rather than just stand there and leak. <”Thank you, brother.”>
<”You’re welcome.”> He hugged him back and then said, <”It’s getting late though.”>
<”Have to go save the universe again tomorrow?”>
<”You know it.”>
He pulled away, smiling. <”Be careful.”>
<”I will be. Take care of yourself, okay?”>
<”I promise.”> 
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ganymedesclock ¡ 5 years ago
I like that you have a more positive take on the writers' handling of Lotor than most Voltron fans. But I wanted to ask you: do you think it was unfair for the paladins to accuse Lotor of murder when the paladins themselves had probably killed thousands of Galra when they blew up those cruisers? I think you might have already made a post about this, that the cruisers were mostly filled with robotic sentries, but I can't find it.
We do see that a lot of the cruisers were automated, but, even so: I feel like it is disingenuous to insinuate killing enemy soldiers is the same thing as experimenting on hostages under false pretenses.
This is a thing I come back to a lot- I think when you love a character it is very tempting to think they didn’t do anything “that bad”.
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The reality is though, from jump, Lotor has a pretty clear bitter streak. He’s not too apologetic about hurting people if he thinks it’s necessary to advance a goal. This feeds in with his interaction with Ven’tar and his grief at that colony- while his grief was sincere, his argument with Zarkon was also on the basis that this was not necessary to do. There was nothing to gain from hurting Ven’tar’s people that couldn’t have been gained with interest from taking the time to spare and work with them.
So basically Lotor as a character is established as someone who, all factors the same, would like to not hurt anyone. But if he doesn’t feel like that’s on the table- or if he can’t afford the price tag- he sighs and gets out the knife and more or less gets over it. This is how we see him established in season 3. The ideal bait to get Voltron out of hiding is putting Puig to gunpoint- so he does. And he doesn’t feel sorry. He knows they’re rebuilding. He knows they’re afraid and hurting. He doesn’t relish in it. But he does it anyway.
(Lotor does, sometimes, relish hurting people. We largely see this happen towards Throk, and then again when the rift kind of coaxes it out of him with loosening standards- the pattern that seems to emerge is that he gets vindictive enjoyment hurting people he perceives as ‘they were going to hurt me, but I drew on them first’. And even this seems to have its limits- he’s not shown to be enjoying it at any point in his slaying of Zarkon in Blood Duel, though that could be a combination of how close that fight was- it was more of a desperate struggle for survival, and he got past it. He may have been more vindictive if he felt that he had the decisive upper hand on Zarkon)
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The thing about the memorial statue in the colony is that, to me, it’s pretty unambiguous Lotor put it there, and against his ‘more sensible ideas’- because the person we see interacting with it is Romelle, who has doubts. From her perspective, we look at this, and see the numbers, and go “isn’t this too many? we don’t have contact with all of these people? the situation hasn’t changed at all so that we can open communications? Why does it feel so much like a grave?”
But this is a kind of regret on Lotor’s part that can only come on the idea that Lotor sees what he’s doing, that he is methodically digging a set number of graves, and calling for a set number of people to fill them, and they come obediently and lie down in their graves.
This is very different from Keith running Macidus through, or a ship being torn apart during a space battle. Legally, we regard these as different things. Battlefield casualties vs. premeditated murder. Those words have meaning and definitions that are not about “which one sounds scarier or more like an evil thing to do?” Lotor knew he was going to kill people, made plans to kill people, and then killed them. Did he also feel bad about it, or helpless, and could you argue a bunch of factors led him to that point? Yeah. But, it’s still, premeditated murder, outside of a combat situation. The paladins do not do that. 
The paladins are not taking issue with the fact that Lotor takes life and insinuating that they have never taken any lives or endorsed life-taking. If they had, they would have taken issue with killing Zarkon back in Blood Duel. They didn’t.
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This is a conflict we see specifically rear its head in Omega Shield- when a mutual ally is threatened, Lotor’s reaction is “can we afford their lives?” while the paladins’ reaction is “oh, if we have to cover our defenses here and there, that just means we should split up. Protecting that colony or not isn’t a question.” And it’s a difference in perspective Lotor notes, but Allura does not. The idea of who’s an innocent and who’s not- who’s “okay to kill”- is not what’s being discussed here. It’s the idea that once you establish someone is a noncombatant, civilian, ‘defenseless’, ‘an innocent’- what’s the value of their life? 
I think if there’s a point you could potentially argue weakens the argument, it’s that the paladins aren’t doing something comparable to what Lotor is. We see a quieter / less “there is a several hundred person kill count on the line” version with the Blade of Marmora- Allura points out that Kolivan’s been keeping his head down for a long time, which has to have required he and his forces not directly challenging the empire and stopping them from hurting others.
The reality is Lotor, the Blade, and most of the universe has, one way or another, been surviving. They haven’t been in a position to challenge Zarkon directly. The paladins, as soon as they enter the field, are in that position. So basically the paladins never have to worry about playing survival, or about “what they can afford or not”- it’s all do or die. They don’t play a long game of defense. And this isn’t exclusive to aliens, either- we see this in season 7, with the Garrison. Again, same issue: “playing survival when you don’t have the resources to win”- creates an environment where morally gray, or even morally offensive, choices, look tempting.
Ultimately though, I don’t think that’s too meaningful as a discussion to have- that they ‘should have’ put the Paladins through the trolley problem purely to give them potential grounds to argue with Lotor about. The truth is, no matter how much I like Lotor as a character, I agree with the series’ consensus that this was crossing a line.
(And, I feel like mentally stuffing helpless slaves inside of the cruisers that are blown up for every space battle purely to insist Voltron killed innocents is also not a productive intellectual game- because you need to think of this as a story. Things happen in a story to tell a certain message- they are ruled by multiple factors.
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lechugana ¡ 4 years ago
There’s an impostor
You can also read it on AO3
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Among Us (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron) Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Among Us (Video Game) Setting, Based on a Tumblr Post, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) Is Trying, Sassy Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro Doesn't Give A Fuck, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Hunk it's scared, Mild Blood, Not too much, But it's there, Dialogue Heavy, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies Summary:
Dead body reported. Keith ran to the cafeteria, the place where he had woken up. All the other astronauts were there, some restless, some sitting in chairs, and some just pacing from one side to the other. "Well, now we are all here" Blue spoke. "Pidge and I found Brown dead in the engine room." "Lance and I haven't seen anyone pass by, but we had to warn you." "So, what do we do?" Pink asked from the cafeteria chair. "Vote skip." Keith saw through his screen how everyone was voting by pressing a key on their arm, at the same time, in his viewer he could see who had voted. "Hey, Red, are you going to vote?" Lance asked. Keith jumped a bit with fright, apparently, he had been thinking for a long time and was the last one to vote. "I'm not 'Red', my name is Keith" and with that he voted skip. Running out the waiting time and being able to do the tasks again.
There is an impostor among us
The red lettering illuminating the inside of his helmet.
Keith didn't know what was happening, but panic began to swirl in his chest. He had been awakened by the red light from the letters on his helmet confused without knowing where he was.
The red lights disappeared revealing where he was. Apparently, he was in a cafeteria, more astronauts of different colours were around him. He tried talking to them to find out what was going on, but the moment he spoke no one answered, realizing that he couldn't communicate with other people.
Inside his helmet there were different symbols, among them there was a list with tasks that he had to do and next to it was a map with small exclamations. It was probably homework.
Walking, looking at the map at the same time, he went to the first task: to shoot down asteroids. A smile formed on his face, finally something he knew how to do. He sat in the command chair and reached for the controls, and one by one he shot down the asteroids that appeared through the large window that looked out into space. When no more asteroids appeared, large green letters illuminated his hull:
Task completed.
He proudly got out of his chair, and walked to the next task, which in small print said Control Room. But before he could get very far, the sound of an alarm made him jump out of place, red letters filling his entire visor.
Dead body reported.
Keith ran to the cafeteria, the place where he had woken up. All the other astronauts were there, some restless, some sitting in chairs, and some just pacing from one side to the other.
"Well, now we are all here" Blue spoke. "Pidge and I found Brown dead in the engine room."
"Lance and I haven't seen anyone pass by, but we had to warn you."
"So, what do we do?" Pink asked from the cafeteria chair.
"Vote skip."
Keith saw through his screen how everyone was voting by pressing a key on their arm, at the same time, in his viewer he could see who had voted.
"Hey, Red, are you going to vote?" Lance asked.
Keith jumped a bit with fright, apparently, he had been thinking for a long time and was the last one to vote.
"I'm not 'Red', my name is Keith" and with that he voted skip. Running out the waiting time and being able to do the tasks again.
He moved away from all the other astronauts, still a little shocked that the impostor was killing people. Before he could get away from the cafeteria an arm stopped his way. Before he could react by kicking them, Keith saw that it was not anyone but Lance.
“What do you want?” Keith asked him, only to found out, that, again, no one could hear him. So instead, he moved his hands on a way that will replicate that sentence.
Lance apparently got the message because he started to move around him and doing shit, a little after he realised that Lance was making fun of him, and with his face red full of shame, very proudly shoved him away and went to do tasks.
He was doing his tasks and he wanted to finish. It was all he asked. He wanted to finish this already and sleep. He was really sleepy. So, why did the lights turn off, huh? Before he could get angrier, footsteps sounded everywhere, putting him on alert. With dangerous confidence he stepped out from wherever he was and started walking to the electric room, footsteps could be heard around him, but he couldn’t see anything. Before Keith stepped into the electric room, someone pushed him into a wall.
Keith tried to grab anything around him, but he was with nothing, the only thing to defend him was his own body. He tensed up all the way up his spin, ready to beat anyone.
The person tried to stop his body from fighting and started to make moves with their hands and whole body. Keith squinted into the darkness trying to make out the silhouette, the faint light that came out from his visor made him guess the colour of his suit.
That means that the one who pushed him into the wall was Lance.
Without realising his body let out a sigh of relieve, he didn’t know why, there was an impostor among them, so why he did feel relieve when he saw him?
In the dark, Lance, was making movements signalling him to follow him into the electric room. With caution, he followed him leaving a safe gap between them just in case he needed to run. On the map, a yellow exclamation was on the electric room warning him that there was a task that they needed to do, so, Keith got into work. Lance, who was besides him, started helping him, squinting into the dark. Short after, the light was up, and they could see again.
That relieve was cut abruptly when both saw the two bodies on the floor. The image in front of them almost made Keith throw up: they were cut in half, their spines showing, blood was everywhere, their top halves nowhere to be seen. It was nauseating.
Numbly, he quickly reported the dead bodies and helped Lance to carry them into a safe place on the ship. Lance kept giving him glances for the whole process, making sure that Keith was okay. Seconds later they were again on the cafeteria, were everyone was there.
All of them looked at him waiting for answers but he ignored him until he was helped by Lance to sit on a chair.
“Two bodies. On electric. White and Purple. We didn’t see anyone.”
“It’s a little funny to me that Lance it’s always there when there’s a body” Pink said.
“¿Qué bolá contigo? I was with him all the time! Right, Keith?” Lance gesture a lot when he talks, thought Keith.
Everyone looked at Keith, expecting for an answer, “It’s true, he was with me” Pink huffed and crossed their arms.
“That’s my amigo. See, Pinky, I told you~.”
“My name it’s not Pinky, moron. I’m Allura.”
“Hey, yuma! It’s not my fault that I can’t see your names.”
“Yellow, Black and Orange are really quiet. All the time” Pidge interrupted the small talk between Allura and Lance.
“I was with princess Allura all the time. I’m his protector” Orange said, a hand on his heart looking fondly at Allura. Lance on the other hand spurted all over himself at the word princess.
“Don’t get Coran into this, his behind my back all the time.”
“Yellow?” Pidge turn quickly to them.
“Wh-what? N-no. I swear it’s not me! I did the scan! The scan scanned me!” The hands of Yellow were flying everywhere, their voice shaking with fear. “And my name it’s not Yellow, it’s Hunk” he murmured wile fidgeting over his costume.
“Really, Hunk?” Pidge said with malice. “So, what did the scan said, huh?”
“My height, weight, my colour-”
“I was messing with ya, I saw you doing the scan” Pidge grunted feeling bad for the big guy.
“Black, dude, what about you?” Lance shout to the men in black.
“I didn’t do it.”
“That’s it?” Lance looked around him trying to figure Black out. “Acere, you don’t have to sell yourself into being a sus.”
“I’m not selling myself into being the suspect. I’m telling truth” Black grunted as they crossed their arms on defence.
Lance looked at him with his eyebrows slightly raised and let a resigned sigh, “Now, Black it’s also not the impostor, so what are-”
“I’m not Black.”
“Well, I can see that” Lance looked up and down into Black's Asian face.
Black looked at him deadpanned, with their eyebrows drawn together, “I’m Shiro. Not Black.”
“Why are y'all so mean to me. I don’t know your names!” Lance shouted, moving his arms in the air. Looking at Lance so carefree made almost Keith smile.
“I think it’s Shiro” Allura cut Lance speech before it went too far.
“Yeah? Why so?” Shiro said with cockiness.
“Princess Allura, don’t be like that-.”
“Yeah, princess don’t be like that” Shiro made fun of her.
“Guys! We need to decide” urged Pidge.
Allura, without thinking twice, pressed the key on her arm, being the first one to vote. While doing so, she looked straight into the eyes of Shiro.
Keith, not knowing what to do, voted skip. Feeling something heavy on his stomach. Shiro was a great suspect, but the whole thing made him back up on his decision. Seconds later, all the people voted.
Four votes to Shiro.
Shiro was going to be ejected from the ship.
A mechanic arm catched Shiro from his waist before he could say anything, the arm throwed him into the space. All of them watched as Shiro flew into the universe, getting lost into the darkness. Before they could go back and do task, letters were formed on the big window.
Shiro was not the impostor.
Shocked, Keith was going to say something, but his voice didn’t reach out to others, meaning that it was time to do tasks again. Turning around, he saw that the only people left in the room was him and Hunk, who was scrunch on a chair gripping his head and shaking.
Keith was going to leave him behind, but seeing the big boy so scared alone made Keith feeling bad. Walking to him, Keith put a and on Hunk’s shoulder encouraging him to go with him to do tasks together. That seemed to lift his mood up, and like a loyal dog, he went behind Keith’s back, gripping is astronaut costume while fidgeting.
An exclamation was on the security room, Keith walk in and was surprised to see Lance too. Before he could talk to him a sound came from the hallway and before he could do react, Keith saw Hunk runaway down the hallway. He wanted to run and catch him but the door on security room was block on his face.
“Wow, what a jerk. You okay?” the voice of Lance filled the small room. Wait, he could talk? “Yeah, we can talk if you take out your helmet kitty” Lance said slyly, Keith frowned at that pet name. “I wouldn’t try to move if I were you. But you are going to lose anyways” he shrugged. “Coran and Allura are dead. Hunk it’s running away, quien sabe dios. And Pidge is trapped somewhere on this ship.”
Lance sat down on the only chair in the security room, “You are the only one that I liked. From the beginning. Also, you kindda cute kitty, not gonna lie” Keith, against his will, blushed at the compliment.
“Are you going to kill me or what?”
Lance got up and walk into his direction, pinning him into the close door. Lance was a few inches taller than him, making Keith to lift his head reluctant.
“I mean… I want to win” Lance whispered into the air. “Maybe next time we are on the same team kitty, but right now you are the only thing that’s on my way.”
“And why is that? Kill me right now and I will be not on your way.”
“Because I like you” Lance bowed down, and kiss him on either cheek, slowly and warm. “That’s why. I’m sorry.”
Finally, Keith could see the wiped blood on Lance costume, making his costume even darker on some spots, also on his face, making is blue eyes gentle eyes more sadistic.
The alarm warned them that the oxygen was failing second by second, resigning to his fate, Keith hugged Lance and kissed him on the cheek, like the other one did, surprising him a little bit, and before he could think of the other’s one skin against his lips, of how warm he was and soft he was. A quick pain flowered on his chest and Keith knew that Lance just stabbed him. The last thing he saw was Lance’s face screw up on hot tears against his cold face.
There’s 2 impostors among us
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loveafterthefact ¡ 4 years ago
Love After the Fact Chapter 66: On the Road Again
Lance makes a confession and tells Keith a story.
First  Previous  Next
Lance’s eyes scan the rocky foothills’ landscape. In the past few vargas, they’ve passed kilns, tanneries, quarries, gardens, orchards, and vineyards tumbling over the uneven terrain beneath the terraced mountain civilization. Now, he and Keith find themselves at the edge of the foothills, where the last of the mountainous landscape fades into rocky tundra. This is a more arid part of Daibazaal, though parts of it are temperate, or even tropical. And then there’s the vast grassy marsh at the equator, which filters all the water south until the continent slips into the sea.
Lance has since learned that the large body of water he’d seen from space is in fact salt water, and it’s so large that crossing it takes an entire quintant.
He won’t see the sea on this visit, but he’s already promised himself he’ll come back. The tundra, however, is spellbinding. On either side of the road are flowers in shades of yellow, pink, blue, orange, and white with thick, waxy, bluish-green leaves. Among the flowering hills with twisty-trunked trees, are small mounds, topped with little towers of stacked stones. Some have toppled over. Others have small nests in the gaps. Others are held in place with vines and foliage.
Cairns, marking ancient burials, Keith told him a ways back.
Ahead is a river, one so wide, so deep, and so fast that they need a bridge to cross it. Lance can already hear the water, and given how one of Keith’s ears is rotating in every direction, and the other is fixed on the rushing water, so can he. Every now and then, the ears switch duties, keeping an eye out for the many predators that call Daibazaal home.
It's the cutest thing Lance has ever seen.
Keith halts his bull elk by the river, leads him forward to drink. Lance follows his lead. Rubbing Bruna’s furry neck as she drinks at the river’s edge. They’ve been riding all morning, and it’s time for a rest, and some lunch.
Wrapped in leaves, Lance finds some bread, dried meat, and a soft, somewhat amorphous white substance. He sniffs the substance, finding it has a bit of a stink to it. It also smells… good? Somehow?
“What the quiznak is this?”
“Oh. Cheese.”
“Cheese? What’s in it?”
“Milk. From the elk.” Keith pulls out his blade, slicing a bit off the lump, spreading it on the bread. “Try some. If your body produces lactase. Otherwise, do not.”
“I do. Some plants on Altea have lactose. Milk does, too?” At Keith’s nod, Lance shrugs, taking a bite of the offered food. It’s good. Salty, a bit gamey, a little nutty? No matter how Lance thinks to describe it, cheese sounds absolutely disgusting, but it’s delicious.
Keith hands him a wrinkled red fruit that looks past its prime. “Here, try this purp fruit. I know it looks gross, and I think they’re disgusting, but Lotor likes them a lot, so you probably will too.”
Lance takes a bite, humming as sweet, syrupy juices explode over his tongue. It’s delightful, probably the sweetest thing he’s tasted since arriving on Daibazaal. The taste sours almost instantly as Lance remembers something he’d said earlier. “Hey, Keith? There’s something I have to tell you.”
“I may have made a deal with my father that we would return to Altea as mates.”
“You what?” Keith stares at his spouse, clearly displeased. His ear pin back against his head, tail twitching back and forth. “That wasn’t your place to say. At all.”
“I know. I thought it was fine, since it’s not like he’d actually do anything if we didn’t, but I also didn’t say anything, so… I got the feeling I was in the wrong.”
Keith stares at him, fur bristled, murmurs, “Did you mean it?”
“No! I-” The Altean’s shoulder sag. “I don’t think so.”
“You don’t think so,” Keith echoes. “So you assumed that we would, and figured that meant it was fine for you to agree to those terms.”
“...I suppose,” Lance mumbles.
Keith shakes his head, disappointed in his spouse. Not that he’d say that. Nothing damages a person like hearing their loved one is disappointed in them. “Why, Lance? Why would you agree to that? You’ve kept me safe all this time. What changed?”
“He made it a stipulation of our trip to Daibazaal. I should have argued the point, but I just wanted to get you here as fast as possible. I wanted to make sure that happened, with as little trouble or wasted energy as possible, and as little stress to you. Still, I was careless, and thoughtless, and I am so. Sorry, Keith.”
The Galra sighs, staring at his mate. “Well, you told me, and I know you wouldn’t have forced yourself on me, so I’ll forgive you. This time. But even though I’m mated to you, you can still lose my respect, and my trust. Just like I can lose yours.”
“I know, I know.” Lance’s ears droop. “The idea that I could have damaged this…” He shakes his head.
“It’s nothing that can’t be fixed,” Keith murmurs, letting the hurt ease away as he gazes over the river, watching the wind move through the tundra flora. “You’re reasoning saved your ass though, just so you know.”
Lance chuckles, still subdued as he picks at the last of his food. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m upset, but we’re gonna be okay.” Keith takes Lance’s hand, squeezes it tight. “You haven’t ruined this. Your intentions were good, if a bit careless, and we’re going to be fine.”
“You need to be careful, though. It’s not like you to make hasty promises like that. We can't rule like that, so it can't become a habit.”
“I know,” Lance groans, carding a hand through his white hair. “The Ancients are going to smite me if I can’t get my shit together!”
Keith licks his lips, anxious. He still trusts Lance, and his intentions, no matter how misguided in practice. And the man clearly recognizes that he’s been an idiot. Now, he just wants to move on. “Hey. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” The Altean rests his head against Keith’s shoulder. Keith wraps his tail around Lance’s waist.
“What happened to Romelle?”
“Ah. It’s kind of a long story...”
Alfor leaned against the control board of their small craft, shaking. On either side of him, Romelle and Honerva stood in awe as they gazed at the sight before them. A white hole, light pouring in seemingly endless arcs of light.
“I can’t believe it,” the blonde girl breathed. “We’re finally here.”
“Everything we’re searching for, everything we could ever want, is right here before us,” Alfor murmured. They stared a moment longer, then the king gave a cocky grin he’d later dread seeing on his son. “Let’s go get it!”
The women giggled, giddy on new discovery, as they hurried to their control panels, Alfor at the helm. They were here for everything they could possibly get, and the adventure, but also with a specific goal in mind.
Oriande, among other things, reportedly had its own unique flora and fauna, from which Altea’s organic life had evolved. It was possible, perhaps even probable, that they could find a cure for the thing that killed his wife.
“Wait. What exactly happened to your mother ?”
"A fungus. They found a capsule in her reading room. It... It grew up underneath her scales, and made them die and fall off."
"That's... horrific. I can't believe anyone would do that!"
“Mnh.” Lance sighs. “They cut me out of her as soon as they could so I wouldn’t die with her. They put me in a pod for phoebs, until I could breathe on my own and they were sure I didn’t have the same thing.”
“What an awful way to die,” Keith whispers, thinking about watching his power and lifeforce fall away from his body before his very eyes.
“Romelle’s brother died later from the same thing. We still don’t even know where it came from. We couldn’t figure out how to kill it. It kept spreading even when they were put in suspension.”
“Does Romelle know?”
“I’m not sure. We told her, but…”
“I don’t understand!” Romelle clinged to her research console, staring at the apparition formed from the light of the white hole. “Why won’t it let us pass?!”
Alfor glared at the ghostly obstacle, pale blue scales flaring in time with his frustration. “Try again. If it doesn’t let us pass, we’ll pull back and think of a new strategy.”
“Yes, your Majesty.” Honerva did as she was told, wheeling their craft back around, soaring through space, dodging the arcs of light curling from the white hole. The apparition struck again, sending them spiraling into another arc of light. The entire ship shuddered and creaked, threatening to come apart as it was assaulted by pure energy.
Alfor fell to the floor, wrapped his arms around the leg of the console. He heard a crash from behind him and assumed they’d taken some kind of damage. Once the ship settled, however, it became clear that wasn’t the case.
Romelle was on the floor, Honerva leaning over her, dark hair falling from it’s usual bun. “Alfor…”
The girl was bleeding profusely, gray matter visible from a gaping wound in her head.
“Ancients… Pick her up. We have to put her in a pod.”
“Alfor that could kill her!”
“What about her exposed brain? Couldn’t that kill her?”
Honerva grew pale beneath her orange, green-tinted scales. She nodded, scooping the girl into her arms as Alfor rushed to calibrate a pod to preserve her life.
As Honerva prepared to take them home, Alfor turned back to the formidable white hole. He’d been so close. He could practically smell that familiar, unfamiliar atmosphere just beyond these outer limits.
Were it not for the beast that guarded it...
“So what happened to Romelle?”
“My father spent decaphoebs rebuilding her brain. At first, everything seemed fine. That’s when she and Allura got close, and fell in love. But not long after that… She started talking about odd things. Guardians and descendants and glass that is water but also holding water and a blue ember growing cold. Weird stuff. Eventually, that took up more and more of her. I think that’s all that’s left now.
She doesn’t recognize Allura. I don’t think she even knows Allura’s pregnant. I’m not sure she even knows who she is, or that she’s a person. Alfor says that trying to fix her is just doing more damage and causing her pain. As much as I hate it, I think he’s right.”
“I wonder what she means,” he whispers. “I wonder what she’s trying to tell us.”
“I don’t know,” Lance murmurs. “But whatever it is, she’s too far gone to understand it herself, let alone tell us.”
“Right…” Keith frowns, unsure what to make of the story, but he lets it go for now. He’s heard Romelle speak plenty of times before he moved to Altea, Allura having gone out of her way to visit with him and try to ease his anxiety. It always sounded like nonsense.
All the same, he has a nauseous feeling that Romelle’s ramblings aren’t ramblings at all.
Keith stares at Lance’s scales, glittering up and down his arms, exposed by his rolled up sleeves. Blue, shining red in the light. Water and fire.
Suspend the ember in water. Stall its final breath.
The guardian waits for the descendant.
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zhuilingyizhen ¡ 5 years ago
Voltron AU? Lan Sizhui as Hunk and Lan Jingyi as Lance and with Jin Ling as Pidge and Ouyang Zizhen as Keith (?) Shiro is Wei Wuxian (with The Holts being Jiāng Yanli and Jiāng Cheng) You can play with the cast as much as you want
Shit I keep forgetting stuff in my drafts. I’m so so sorry!! Gonna change up the cast a bit cause Zizhen is too pure for Keith. Time for me to remember everything from the one season of Voltron that I saw-
Lan Jingyi as Lance (this one fit well imo!)
Jin Ling as Keith (orphans + stubbornness) (I get why you put him as pidge at first though, w/ the family thing & I think canon pidge was genderfluid..?)
Lan Sizhui as Hunk (the pureness)
Ouyang Zizhen as Pidge (they have older siblings!! & pilot!Zizhen!! & green!!)
Wei Wuxian as Shiro (kinda wanted to make him WN but this works quite well-)
Lan Wangji as Allura (I know this doesn’t fit but my Voltron knowledge is like 2/10 & magical man lwj)
Honestly don’t remember the name of that orange-haired guy (Conan? Coran?) as Wen Ning I guess.
I love the idea of stone-faced Wangji telling the juniors that they have to fly giant cat robots around and wwx being excited about it all. Wen ning is very welcoming!! Background wangningxian bc bc.
Yes this is crack what did you expect of me.
And what if lwj and wwx used to be a thing before wwx mysteriously disappeared and the big Galra/fire nation/wens attack went down.
Jin Ling hates this all and wants to leave. Zizhen wants to know wtf is going on. Ljy is freaking out bc aliens = ghosts are real???? And lsz is just chillin.
The juniors are a mess, and wwx probably carries em through the whole thing, which kinda fails cause jl hates him. Lsz trusts him (long-lost dad??), ljy is a little sus, but oyzz is okay with everything so far. Freaked out but not dead.
Eventually they work together...? Found family & all that.
Wwx dotes!!
I honestly don’t remember that much from Voltron besides flying lions (I think) & don’t have to time to rewatch it (along with ATLA) so... I’m just gonna leave this here. If anyone else has hcs, reblog or reply to this post!! :)
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chibi-pix ¡ 5 years ago
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Click the image, it should have a transparency effect. 
Anyway! @rueitae, I believe you said you wanted to read them stargazing?  Well, my dearies! In the “keep reading” below, there is a small, 1,850 word ficlet of pure happiness, fluff, and stargazing!  I hope you enjoy!
VLD AU - Stargazing
“Okay.” Lance nodded as he checked over his supplies. Snacks, both of the junk food variety and substantial for his health. His waterproof sleeping bag. An extra pillow with a waterproof pillowcase. A small music playing device with waterproof speakers.
“You planning on a date?” Allura asked, standing on the deck of Lance’s boat.
Lance got tongue-tied and spewed out a series of sounds that couldn’t even be considered close to works. If one had to compare his lack of words to a physical manifestation, it would be just slamming your hands down on a typing keyboard and seeing what letters are typed. “What?! A date? What makes you think that?” he asked. I mean… maybe it is a date? But logically a date is just an outing between two or more people, right? Right! He thought, his mind getting defensive and praying Allura didn’t catch on to him meeting a mermaid. Plus, I’m just staying out with Pidge to watch the stars…
“Don’t get your flippers tangled, Lance.” Allura waved it off. “I’m just teasing you. But really… strange you’re going out alone and camping out… what’s up? There’s not even a lunar eclipse or a meteor shower tonight; if you want to see the stars so badly...”
“I like how the stars look from the ocean, no obnoxious amount of lights interfering and keeping me from seeing the view.” Lance sighed. “Besides, Hunk’s busy and Keith would rather work with his blog.” And this is a Pidge and me time. Not that we’re… you know… dating or anything… He did everything he could to fight the blush he was sure was trying to threaten to show up.
“Jeez, you really do like to spend more time with fish than humans.” Allura sighed, smiling a bit; she missed Lance going rigid at that claim. “You know, I was shocked at first but then amazed when I found out you had human friends. As friendly as you are, it was strange that you struggled to make friends.”
Lance nodded. Indeed. Technically speaking, when it came to humans, he didn’t have many friends despite him being the sort who was very welcoming and got along with anyone and everyone. He was even nice to school bullies! But somehow he struggled to make friends. His family was proud when he and Hunk became friends and then later Keith. And he’d honestly like to think Shiro was a friend, too. And Pidge. Pidge was definitely a friend!
“Well, the fish don’t mind when you speak a thousand words a minute and drop a lot of moods on them.” Lance stated with a shrug. Pidge didn’t mind, either; she liked listening to Lance.
“More than that, though, I’m surprised Dad agreed to this.” Allura sighed. “After the storm incident...”
“I was fine. And if a storm brews again, I’ll be certain to let you know I’m safe.” Lance assured, going over and hugging his cousin. “Anyway, it’s just a camp-out on the ocean; Uncle’s done that plenty of times himself, even you’ve done it.”
“Yeah… true… but… you’re still so young.”
“I’m almost eighteen, cuz. I’ll be fine.” Lance chuckled.
“I still worry.” Allura sighed. She then ruffled Lance’s hair. “Well, have fun. If you need anything, you got the radio.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Lance mock-saluted before he finished getting ready. “Well, time to head out.”
“Be safe and have fun, Lance.” Allura called, stepping off the boat and back onto the dock. She waved Lance off as he set out, his sail catching the perfect breeze. Lance smiled and waved back.
Lance sailed his boat to Pidge’s territory. When he reached the best spot, he set up his electronic anchor and waited, turning to watched the sun as it set. He always loved how the sun looked, regardless if it was rising or setting over the ocean. The way it reflected off of the ever-moving waters, changing the colours of the ocean with its own light. The glow that seemed to illuminate everything yet changed with each ripple of water. It was truly a beautiful sight and he never grew tired of it.
Just like the stars. The stars were always beautiful and sometimes Lance felt the only place he could truly enjoy out in the ocean. Around AARC, due to the lights, he didn’t see them as well. Light pollution, he had been told before. But in the ocean where the only light he had was either natural or the small lights on his boat, which he planned to turn off, there was no interference and he could truly enjoy their beauty.
Lance looked over when he heard a splashing noise. He smiled when he saw Pidge there, surprisingly not accompanied by her brother. Meeting Matt, he could tell just how protective the older and much larger merman was over his little sister. It was sweet but definitely frightening with how big he was.
“Hey, Pidge!” Lance greeted, going to the other side where Pidge was.
“Did you get permission to stay out?” Pidge asked.
“Indeed.” Lance nodded. “So, as planned, tonight we go stargazing!” He laughed when Pidge splashed up more water than she expected in her excitement. “The sun’s nearly set, the stars beginning to show themselves.” He looked when Pidge offered her hand for him to step onto. “Let me do a few final things before we stargaze.” Lance said, to which Pidge nodded.
Lance first set up the music, letting a gentle melody play. Sure, he loved the sound of the ocean, but music was always nice. Then he turned off the lights on his boat, leaving the indicator light on; this helped show any passing ships, not that there were many in the area if any at all, that he was there and to not hit his boat. Nodding, sure that all was well, he returned to Pidge, stepping up onto the offered hand.
Pidge moved a bit from the boat, keeping it within Lance’s ability to see and hear the music and, if needed, the radio. Pidge found the right spot before shifting her position and laying on her back, being able to float in the water as though she were a human. She moved her hand, letting Lance sit on her chest.
“If we lay here, we can just see all the stars!” Pidge exclaimed.
“Yeah.” Lance nodded as he settled down, laying on Pidge’s chest. He had been against her chest before, especially when Pidge was keeping him safe from Matt, but he never actually stopped to listen to her heart as it beat. It was a slow and deep sound. He counted the beats, finding it to beat much slower than a human’s heart. It was about ten to twelve beats in each minute, just a bit faster than an average for the blue whales. Slow. Gentle. It was actually relaxing now that he took the moment to listen.
Lance laid there, watching the sky change colours until the deep blue, nearly black, surrounded them. The stars were bright and clustered, impossible to count as they glowed up in the sky, doing their best to reflect in the waters around them. Lance had various nights in the ocean, seeing this, but this had to have been his first time actually laying there, not being in a boat, and feeling like he was truly floating in space.
“You know,” he said, “I’ve seen the stars many times in my life, from many places… but no matter what, I never find myself not marveling at how they look from here.” He smiled. “And I never grow board of seeing it far from society.”
“Can you not see them in your towns?” Pidge inquired.
“Well, it differs; due to the lights in cities, it’s harder to see the stars.” Lance explained. “Smaller towns with less light, it’s easier. But out here? Hardly any lights around? It truly is a sight to see.” He put his hands behind his head, happy to lay there. Had he laid there without Pidge in the darkness of the night, he actually would have admitted to being intimidated, nervous for his safety. But knowing Pidge was there, keeping him up out of the water save for the occasional splash of the waves, he felt like no harm could come to him.
“Oh!” Pidge sounded excited. “Lance! A star fell! Did you see that?”
Lance chuckled. “Indeed. We call them shooting or falling stars.” He sat up and looked to Pidge. “They aren’t actually stars that fall, though.” He got to his feet and walked along Pidge, the mermaid not minding; or maybe she just hardly noticed due to their difference in size. He got up to her face, sitting close to the edge where her hair was.
“You see,” he said, “there’s so much more to space than the planets and stars. Nebulas. Asteroids. Comets. Dust. And that falling star was a form of debris, most likely a meteroid, as it fell, going through Earth’s atmosphere.” He watched the sky, seeing another one speed across. “The light is it burning up, making it look like a star falling out of the sky.” He looked to Pidge, seeing her eyes, wide and dark in the night. More than that, he saw the stars reflect in them, as though they were pools of galaxies themselves.
“Some people make wishes on them.” Lance explained. “Whether or not those wishes come true...” He shrugged. “But it doesn’t hurt to wish.” He watched the reflection in Pidge’s eyes as another shooting star darted across the sky. Pidge closed her eyes. Was she making a wish? When they opened again, he smiled. “Wish for something?”
“I dunno about you humans, but we sea-folk don’t tell our wishes, it brings bad luck.” Pidge hummed.
“Yeah, many humans feel the same way.” Lance chuckled as he got up, not wanting to leave Pidge’s eyes but deciding to return to her chest and gentle heartbeat. He laid back down again. And I don’t want to jinx my own wish of being able to have many more days and nights like this with Pidge. He thought.
He smiled happily. Stars. Music. The gentle drumming sound of Pidge’s heart. Before the human knew it, he had dozed off. Of course he would, he was safe and happy there.
Pidge had remained there for a while longer, maybe hours. Despite how tiny Lance was, she could tell when he fell asleep. After those hours, she shifted, carefully getting Lance into her webbed hand. She moved back to the boat and slid him off and onto the boat.
“I wish days like this can continue for as long as they can.” Pidge whispered softly. “For as long as you live.” She gently kissed the tip of one finger and moved it, gently touching it to Lance’s cheek. “Sweet dreams, Lance, I’ll be here when you wake.” She nodded and went under the water some, staying relatively hidden in the darkness but close enough for Lance to find in the morning or should he wake in the night.
I hope you enjoyed it!  Because of the image and for its transparency to be seen for both app and desktop, I had this post as a photo post rather than text post (with inserted images).  Until the next story and/or art!
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mermaider00 ¡ 5 years ago
The Black Lion’s Choice
(An AU fic)
“I can’t believe it. I just can’t! Can you guys?” 
In the hangar of the Black Lion inside the Castle of Lions, Lance spun around to his teammates and friends. He had his paladin’s helmet under one arm and a brightness in his eyes as he looked at everyone who was left waiting with him. Keith, Shiro, and Allura only stared back at him. 
Lance’s armor was freshly polished and his face held a gleam from a sheet mask applied that very morning. 
Keith, with his arms crossed over his own red and white armor, gave a shrug from Lance’s excited outburst. “I don’t know. Nothing’s happening.” 
“It’s gonna happen,” Lance argued with a determined nod. “Shiro said so.” 
Shiro held up his hands in defense. “I didn't exactly say what you think I said, Lance.” 
“I think we all heard you loud and clear, buddy. Today, Black is getting herself a new paladin.” He turned back to the Black Lion, sitting quietly and majestically and gigantically. His chest puffed up and he set a fist on his skinny hip. “And that paladin is gonna be Lancey Lance.” 
“I’m... honestly in awe by this news,” Allura muttered. Unlike the other two boys, she wasn’t dressed in her armor, choosing instead to wear her flight suit for comfort. Shiro was without his too, she realized, glancing over at him and frowning some. He was back in his civilian clothes, and seeing his usual vest zipped up against his chest was somehow a disheartening thing to her eyes. A vest he’d needed help to zip up, she thought sadly, considering he was without his prosthetic arm that had been destroyed, and a new one had yet to be built for him. 
After the battle with the clone of their Black Paladin made by the witch Haggar, Keith had told her that the spirit of Shiro was trapped inside the Black Lion, kept safe there by the beast machine after his body had been incinerated by quintessence. With the great power of magical Altean Alchemy, she had extracted that spirit and replaced it inside the body of his clone. The time waiting for that body to accept a foreign soul had been tense and painful, but they’d managed it. 
In doing so, his bond with the Black Lion had been destroyed, and Shiro could no longer pilot her. 
An end of a great era, Allura thought with sorrow. But perhaps it would make way for something new? 
Would the choosing of Lance as Black Paladin begin a great and glorious new era for Voltron and the Coalition? 
“I think we should go over it one more time,” Allura suggested, coming to stand next to Shiro. His new pure white hair would take some getting used to. “In case we’ve missed something?” 
“Good idea, Allura,” Lance said happily. 
“Yeah good idea,” Keith muttered with an unconvinced lift of his brow. “Because I’m having a hard time understanding it.” 
“What’s not to understand? Shiro said I’m gonna be Black Paladin.” 
“That’s not what I said,” Shiro grumbled out, sighing deeply and rubbing his temples with his one hand for a few moments before he went through all he knew yet again. “Let’s go through the timeline. All of your written and oral reports tell me there was an altercation with Lotor that resulted in a big misunderstanding between Team Voltron and the Galra Empire, which could've threatened our alliance with the greatest faction in the known universe. During this altercation, Keith takes out my clone, and Allura ultimately saves my life.” 
“You mentioned the Black Lion speaking to you,” Allura added, staring up the great head of Voltron before them. “When she was keeping your soul safely inside her. Would she speak to you in the same way the bond works between Lion and paladin?” 
“It was... something like that.” Shiro sighed again, softer this time. “The bond is like a voice in your head that isn’t a voice at all. The Lion gifts you with new abilities to unlock when the bond is strong enough, and they can sense you as if you were one being. Black has also been known to show me events of the past during an astral projection, but it isn’t a voice. None of those things are a voice, it’s all just deep emotional and spiritual connection. My experience with Black while she housed my soul was something else entirely.” 
“Still not understanding,” Keith cut in. “If she cared about you so much and had that kind of connection with you, why is your bond broken now?” 
“I don’t know,” Shiro admitted, finding the yellow eyes of the Black Lion and once again trying to feel something. He felt mostly nothing. “The whole time I was in there, it felt like she was waiting for someone. She took me, my clone, and even Keith to fly her, but the choosing of Keith to take my place only happened because I influenced it, and she temporarily agreed. I don’t know exactly why she’s not accepting you anymore, Keith, but I think it has something to do with her waiting.” 
Keith went quiet as he tried to think. Apparently, the only reason he was able to pilot Black was because Shiro made it all happen after he’d died and been absorbed by the beast machine. Black would not take him at her controls anymore. 
But the Red Lion had welcomed him back home. 
Allura crossed her arms over her chest. “This was all so much easier to manage when I just assigned you all to your Lions. Now you all have history with more than one of them that makes this predicament entirely too complicated.” 
“Black won’t take me or Shiro,” Keith began, seeming to speak his thoughts out loud now. “But Red took me back and won’t take Lance. I thought maybe the Lions wanted our original lineup but that’s obviously not the case, even more so since Blue still wants Allura.” 
“She’s waiting for someone,” Shiro said again. “It’s why she won’t let me fly her. I think she’s been waiting a long time, and she’s finally standing firm and getting what she wants. When I was with her, it wasn’t like the bond when you’re a paladin. I heard her voice. I heard her speak to me.” 
“What did her voice sound like?” Lance asked. 
“It’s... hard to describe. I felt it everywhere, in my ears, in my head, in my heart and even in my blood. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced with her before. She told me her paladin was a boy she knew. One who longed to fly her, who was part of the team, and one who was as quick and sharp as the Altean blade he wielded. All of those things describe Keith,” Shiro continued, giving a rueful smile to his longtime friend. “But apparently Keith is not the one. And the only other person who meets all those requirements... is Lance.” 
“Yes!” Lance cheered, pumping a fist into the air. Not only had he polished his armor for the occasion, he had polished the armor of the Black Paladin, and was wearing it proudly. “I mean, it’s sad to leave Red. I’m definitely gonna miss that speed, and Blue has bonded pretty hard with Allura. Hunk doesn’t fight with a sword and in his heart we all know he prefers being with Yellow. I’m the only other guy left. And I’m a guy without a Lion now.” 
“It does make sense,” Allura said. “What doesn’t make sense is how the Black Lion is responding at the moment.” 
“I know, what’s up with her?” Lance murmured as he stared up at Black again. 
The Black Lion looked anything but receptive to a new pilot at the moment. With two former Black Paladins and one possible new one in the hangar, her safety shield was up around her body positioned in a sitting pose. A waiting pose, Shiro thought again, but the waiting should end any moment. When they had originally found Blue in that cave back on earth, Blue’s shields had been up as well even though her next paladin had entered the space with her. 
It had taken a little time for Lance to break through the shields, and carry them all off to their destiny. 
Keith then suggested, “Maybe Black doesn’t like the fact that you’re wearing the Black Paladin armor before she even lets you fly her.” 
Lance looked down at his chest and the black symbol of Voltron painted there. “That can’t be. I think I look kinda dashing. It just means I’m ready for her.” 
“Girls don’t like it when you’re presumptuous.” 
“Okay, stop before this turns into a thing,” Shiro interrupted before a spitting match between the boys could begin. “Lance, you’re the only one of us who makes sense based on what I know. Black has been waiting for you. Maybe it was solving the altercation with Lotor peacefully instead of resorting to emotional violence that couldn’t be taken back, or maybe it was you mastering the skills of two other Lions, I don’t know. But you will be Voltron’s next Black Paladin.” 
“You’re quiznaking right!” Lance said excitedly, setting his black and white helmet down onto the floor and approaching the safety shields around the Black Lion. “C’mon, girl, loverboy Lance will treat you like a lady.” 
Allura heard the entrance doors to the hangar whoosh open. Someone was entering. Probably Coran or Pidge. 
“Maybe...” Lance continued softly, narrowing his eyes in thought. “Maybe I’ll just do the same thing I did with Blue, huh? Maybe I’ll just knock.” The boy lifted a hand, fisted it before knocking with the exact same pressure he’d once used to knock on Blue’s shields. 
And just like that... the shields went down. Lance grinned in victory. 
Allura and all three men spun around at the sound of a familiar voice. Through the doors entered Emperor Lotor, the sound of his boots clicking along the floor and his hands placed gracefully behind his back. His eyes held no desire or appreciation for a quick break with Team Voltron and his mouth held no friendly smile. He entered the hangar with what felt like regret and obligation oozing from his skin, and he was quick to be rid of it. 
“Our meeting, Allura. Shiro,” Lotor added, nodding to the one man in the room that didn’t make his heart clench inside his chest. “I’ve anchored my flagship to the Castle of Lions, as you’ve requested. I don’t have much time to give you or your comrades. My Empire needs me.” 
After a woman named Romelle had been brought back from the Altean colony beyond the Quantum Abyss, she had accused Lotor of unspeakable crimes that ultimately turned out to be proven false, and nowhere near as heinous as she’d believed. It was a misunderstanding that had cost Team Voltron a lot, the biggest loss being the Emperor of the Galra’s trust in them. Blooming friendships had ended and Voltron was to return to Princess Allura’s castle instead of being given another home aboard the Galran Central Command. 
Not only had friendships and camaraderie been ruined... but any possible romances as well. 
Allura tried not to frown. The biggest mistake of her life had been made when she’d chosen the word of a stranger over their most important ally. 
The alliance between Voltron and the Empire, however, had survived the devastating fallout. 
Protecting the innocents of the universe from being threatened by another Zarkon was far too important to all of them. 
“We will be right with you and your subordinates, Emperor Lotor,” she said softly, folding her hands in front of herself and setting her shoulders back instead of slouching forward. “There is a quick matter we’re addressing at the moment.” 
Lotor’s eyes studied the scene before him. So much was different, he realized, staring at the new appearance of Shiro and the new armor the boy with the high-pitched voice and pointy chin was now wearing. The armor of the Black Paladin, he saw, his white brows lifting in surprise and maybe a little amusement as well. The armor of his father, and standing before the Lion his father flew too. Shiro, the only one aboard the castle Lotor did not carry any resentment for, was not in uniform at all, and held a very masked disappointment inside him. He would no longer be Black Paladin, Lotor realized. 
Without Shiro, Team Voltron had all but collapsed before the earthling solider had returned in the form of a clone. 
What would happen to them now? 
“You will fly the Black Lion?” Lotor asked Lance out of curiosity. He wanted to leave the Castle as soon as possible, but this was a very interesting thing to behold. 
“Damn skippy,” Lance answered proudly. He’d always known his day would come. “Look, she even dropped her shields for me, what a good girl. Hey, Allura, I might even be the first guy in intergalactic history to fly three Lions, huh? We should be writing this all down.” 
“Yes, Lance,” she uttered, trying to sound cheerful but it certainly wasn’t showing on her face. “Ah... Lotor, I think you should be here for this moment. Lance will soon be Black Paladin and the head of Voltron, though Shiro and myself will still lead. I think it’s best for you to be aware of any new developments within our group.” 
Lotor didn’t answer her. Instead, he stared up at the Black Lion. A spectacular beast machine, he thought, and one that came with an emitting warmth within her hangar. Could the others feel the warmth too? 
Deep inside his head, he heard a very soft calling that was somehow both familiar and unknown. 
“Well, it’s time to boot up my girl,” Lance declared, picking his helmet up from the ground and setting it over his head in preparation. “Once I get the hang of her controls, I think we should fly out in formation, just to see how it feels. And I’ll form the head!” he shouted with a dramatic deepened voice, doing a little jig before taking a few steps closer to the Black Lion. 
Lance then yelped when Black’s shields shot back down, sending him back a few inches before it could slice off his toes. 
Allura gasped, and Keith and Shiro straightened up in shock. 
“Hey,” Lance groaned, pushing himself up from lying on his back. “What gives! First you let me in then you throw me out? What’s wrong with her, Shiro?” 
“I... I don’t know,” Shiro said softly, his eyes quickly traveling all over Black for some foreign intrusion that had spooked her. “I don’t know what happened.” 
“Maybe she doesn’t like you,” Keith said. 
“Oh shut up, Keith!” Lance barked. “She likes me just fine.” 
“Something isn’t right,” Allura murmured. “What could have gone wrong?” 
“Shiro, you said she wanted me.” 
“That’s not what I said!” Shiro all but yelled, then stopped to take a breath. “I only told you what she told me and we’re coming to these conclusions ourselves with machinery we still don’t really know or understand. I could be wrong, and she’s waiting for someone else.” 
“But...” Lance lifted himself back to his feet, bowing his head a bit before shaking it and turning to them all. There was a slight redness in his cheeks right under his eyes. “I don’t have a Lion anymore. If I can’t fly Black then I don’t fly at all. It makes sense. You said it makes sense, Allura.” 
“These are magical machines, Lance,” Allura calmly told him. “I can’t possibly know what they want at all times. Perhaps my father could, but I cannot.” 
“This is the Black Lion,” Lotor then interrupted, taking a few steps closer to the beast machine, and quietly marveling over it. “The Lion that is the most skilled in combat and the one who takes the most energy from her paladin. Perhaps you do not hold enough energy to her liking, young man.” 
Lance scoffed at him. “That’s ridiculous, I have more energy than everyone in this room. Back on earth, I could go to school at the Garrison all day and then party with the ladies all night.” 
Nearby, Keith rolled his eyes. 
Lotor stared up at the Lion, continuing to feel that warmth. He’d once been inside it with Shiro, what felt like an eternity ago. Even then he’d been aware of its power and the great toll it took from her paladin. The Blue Lion was friendly and the Red Lion was picky, but the Black Lion took only the great leaders who could carry the burden and form Voltron. 
“There’s something,” Lotor murmured, looking straight ahead at the safety shields, the light reflecting in his blue eyes that were still shadowed from the fallout he’d experienced with those he’d once considered his friends, and more. He lifted a hand, claws pointed up. Warm, so warm. “She is... waiting.” 
All four paladins went still behind him. 
And when Lotor placed his hand on the shields of the Black Lion, they instantly went down again. 
Not only did they go down... but Black moved, and gave a great roar that rocked the Castle of Lions. 
Before, Shiro had felt nothing from Black. He’d tried, again and again, sitting in front of her or touching her or even climbing into the cockpit to take hold of her controls, hoping something would happen, that she would communicate to him again, or wisp him away to the astral plane for more answers about what she wanted and who she was waiting for. 
Now, the very last and dying embers of his connection to the Black Lion flared to life like a great inferno, and the knowledge he’d been craving crashed into him like a raging storm. 
I’ve been waiting... for the baby. 
Her voice, he was hearing it yet again. Shiro’s eyes widened, went as white as the hair on his head and as bright as Black’s as she celebrated the return of the baby she’d been waiting for. He saw it all before him, saw the past as it was instead of a simple story Coran could only repeat from memory. He saw the paladins of old, including Allura’s father and Zarkon before corruption. He saw Haggar, smiling and glowing as a younger woman. 
No, not Haggar, Shiro thought as he watched closely. Honerva. She’d once been called Honerva. 
And inside her was... a baby. 
A baby the Black Lion had waited patiently for. 
I felt his heart beat. I felt his heart stop. His tiny, tiny heart. I tried to save them all. 
Shiro watched as Zarkon offered Honerva to the rift out of desperation, his eyes zeroing in on her swollen middle covered by the baggy cloaks she wore to conceal her belly. Zarkon and Honerva had tried to keep their pregnancy a secret, knowing they would not be received kindly by anyone because of Honerva’s deteriorating condition in the pursuit of science that had come before her own unborn child. 
And they’d all died. All three of them. 
I have been waiting centuries for the child of Zarkon. I know him. I see him. I want him. 
Together, he and I will fly. 
Shiro suddenly gasped loudly, clutching his chest when the images were sucked away and the last of those embers fizzled out to nothing. The only hand he had left clutched his chest and only then did he realize he was being held. Keith had his shoulders, that worried line between his dark brows. Allura had a hand on his cheek and kept repeating his name, and Lance stood nearby for support. 
Lotor only stared back at him. 
“I’m fine,” Shiro breathed, rubbing back his white hair. “I’m fine.” 
“What did you see?” Allura asked him, taking a step back to give him some space. “Your eyes were glowing, and so were the Black Lion’s.” 
“She wants Lotor,” Shiro announced, knowing it to be true now without a doubt. “That’s who she’s been waiting for. She wants you,” he said to Lotor. “She wants to fly with you.” 
“What!” Lance exclaimed, even stomping a foot down. That slight redness on his cheeks turned into a frustrated blush. “But... I’m supposed to fly her. I changed my armor and everything. You said...” 
“I know what I said,” Shiro told him sternly. “This time, I know. Her paladin will be a boy she knew, and Black has known Lotor since before he was born. One who longed to fly her, who was part of the team, and one who was as quick and sharp as the Altean blade he wielded, that’s what she said. There must have been a part of you that wanted to fly the Black Lion of Voltron,” he then said straight to Lotor. “Every boy at some point wants to be like his father, to earn his father’s respect, even if that feeling is fleeting and he doesn’t deserve it. You’re also part of our team, whether you’re happy about it or not, and you’re an Altean swordsman. You meet all the criteria. You, Lotor, are the next Black Paladin.” 
What a thing to hear, Lotor thought as he looked at Shiro, ignoring the others staring open-mouthed at him now. Following in his father’s footsteps, just like Zarkon, he thought, feeling the pain in his chest as he heard the ugly comments in his head all over again. This is how he would follow in his father’s footsteps. This is how he was just like Zarkon. 
The Black Paladin, Lotor mused, glancing up at the great beast machine. She had been calling to him all his life, and he hadn’t known her voice or her warmth. 
The Black Lion then leaned down to him. He wasn’t afraid though she was a gigantic being, and the hangar was filled with the unmistakable sound... of mighty purring. Black gently set her snout against Lotor, and the purring increased. 
You are my cub now. 
He heard her, Lotor thought with wonder. He heard her clearly, as if she’d opened her mouth and said the words. 
Without thinking of the others, Lotor couldn’t help but place his hands on the Black Lion, his cheek against her metal, and close his eyes to feel that all-encompassing warmth he’d been without all his life. That intense love he’d never been properly given. 
And during these quiet and meaningful moments, he shared his thoughts with her, his emotions, his deepest of feelings. She had to understand. She had to know. 
The Black Lion accepted it, and would wait again. 
“Oh, so now she’s purring,” Lance spat out, ripping his helmet off and wanting to chuck it in great disappointment. “Blue or Red never purred at me.” 
“Lotor,” Allura began, needing to forget Lance’s feelings for now. There were more important things to discuss. “You must fly her. You must become Voltron’s next Black Paladin.” 
It would be hard to voice his decision, Lotor knew, caressing Black one last time before she eased away, and sat up straight. It would be so very hard, but his heart could only take so much in one lifetime. It had been one tragedy after the next, and now he was finally able to change this universe for the better and live without others constantly hurting him. 
Now, he would live without great hurt. 
“I appreciate the offer, Princess Allura,” Lotor began, then turned to them with the poise and calm of an Emperor. “But I would not join this team as is even if you all dropped to your knees and begged me.” 
Lance’s mouth fell open, Keith winced, Allura paled some. 
Shiro... couldn’t say he was surprised. Not even a little. 
Lotor gave the Black Lion one last look before gracefully making his way to the exit of the hangar. 
I will come back for you he told her, and knew she heard him through their bond. One day, we will fly together. 
I will be waiting, my cub. 
“Now that I have defeated the Fires of Purification, now that I am supplying the Galra with unlimited quintessence extracted humanely and have the last living population of Alteans under my protection and loyal to me after saving them from extinction, I must say that I do not need to form Voltron to defend this universe. Everything I have worked and bled for, everything I almost died for,” Lotor added, staring at each and every one of them, “is now well within my grasp. I will be awaiting you, Allura, and Shiro aboard my ship for our meeting,” he said, the doors whooshing open for him. But before he left, he turned to them one last time. 
“When it comes time to choose the next generation of Voltron paladins, I will answer the call to fly the Black Lion and lead them. She is waiting patently for me and I will not disappoint her. But I will not fly alongside this team who so quickly called for my death.” 
Lotor walked through the exit, held their gazes as the doors began to close. 
“Perhaps you should ask Romelle,” Lotor told them, and grinned as the doors closed. 
Happy Lotor Appreciation Day! 
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dammitadolfnomorecake ¡ 4 years ago
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 106 prt 2
Lance’s question was directed at both of them. Keith nuzzling into his boyfriend’s chest
“Babe. You don’t need to ask me. She’s your mum. It’s okay to want her here”
Coran’s smile lessened a little
“I’m sorry that’ll have to wait until you’ve regained some of your strength. It’s taxing enough on you, as well as controlling your ego. Rest today, then I’ll bring her by tomorrow”
Lance’s body seemed to slump without moving. He might not be close to Krolia, but Mami meant the world to Lance. If Lance needed her there, he’d pick her up himself
“I understand”
He shouldn’t have to
“I know this is hard. Krolia questioned me already over your condition. She was quite angry at being able to help. Until I’m certain there won’t be a mishap, we must air on the side of caution. If Keith was not your partner I wouldn’t have allowed him to stay as it was”
“You let everyone visit last night”
There was bite Keith’s tone as he pointed out the obvious
“As Lance was sleeping...”
“Babe, it’s okay. He knows that if something did happen, I’d be devastated. If he says it’s safer for us to wait, then I’ll have to be patient”
“It’s not fair”
“It’s not, but I’ve got you... honestly, I’d probably sleep through her visiting. The pair of us would be snoring our heads off. Coran can I have that injection now? I wanna take a nap”
Lance was trying to hard. If he could see his boyfriend’s face he knew he’d see that fake smile. This sucked
“Sure, my boy. Just a quick jab and then I’ll be on my way”
As quick as Coran appeared he was gone again. Keith still mad at him, and Lance knew it
“Babe, it’s okay”
“It’s not. She’s your mum. You should be able to have your mum here. You don’t have to hide how much you want her”
“No, but I do have to be careful... I really do want to see her... but not if I could hurt her”
“You wouldn’t do that”
“You can’t say that for sure”
“I can because it’s you. I can go...”
“No. No. I’ll see her tomorrow. I don’t know what I’m going to tell her”
“The truth?”
“I know that much... Keith, are you really sure you’re okay with this? You’re not trying to put my wants first?”
“No, babe. I’m scared and I have no idea what a father really is. I lost my dad too soon. And I’m probably going to be the worst dad ever...”
“You? I’m probably going to drop the baby”
“You’d catch them with those reflexes of yours”
Lance snorted at him
“I don’t think normal people make these jokes”
“Fuck normal. You’re going to be a good dad”
“No... we’ll be good dads together... I don’t want to lose it now I know they exist”
“Me neither... I’m scared too”
“I know you are... I’m just sorry I’m so sleepy. I want to talk to you better but I can barely keep my eyes open”
“That’s okay. Get some rest. I’m not leaving your side”
Lance was internally freaking the fuck out. He was pregnant. Baby on board. Life growing inside of him. His own personal version of that Alien movie where it burst out his stomach. There was a baby in him. Keith and his wonder dick had proved he definitely had great swimmers in there and now he was up the duff, bun in the oven... Pregnant.
In a lot of ways he was grateful for being so fatigued. He really did want to talk to Keith, but he was so damn tired that sleeping meant it was put off. Keith couldn’t possibly be as okay as he was making out. This wasn’t something small. This was like a whole life inside of him. They’d been careful... but not careful enough... and now he had a baby growing inside of him... and it was weird. Keith’s birthday weekend was approaching. He’d been looking forward to that too much, but if he went hiking, Keith would probably fret too much to enjoy himself. And then there were the others to consider. What did he tell them and when did he tell them? Pidge and Hunk were physical people. Pidge would drop into his lap for cuddles and Hunk would sweep him off his feet. That’s how it was. How did he tell that was a no go? And how was his baby even alive after what happened? What if they’d been hurt? What if something was wrong with them? He couldn’t stop the continuous bombardment in his sleepy head.
Keith was snoring against him. His poor boyfriend had to see him hurt again... and it’s been bad from what he’d said. He’d hurt him again. Scared him. He’d scared him so many times... but he... When this all sank in, what would he really say? When the shock was over they were left with the truth, would Keith still want a baby with him? Or would he ask him to abort? His damn stupid mind was already attached to the tiny thing knowing it existed. Part of him screamed with happiness, the dirty rotten traitor part. He wanted to be rational, but the idea of having a baby with Keith, though a surprise, was something he’d wanted long into the future when everything was over... He couldn’t... He wanted... He wanted to keep the baby... but he couldn’t do that if Keith wasn’t ready. This might be his body, but Keith was his heart and soul.
He’d had kind of the same talk with Coran when Coran had brought him lunch. Coran back and forth between being happy for them being realistic. His decisions no longer were purely his to make... He wondered if his mother felt the same. He was 3 years older than when she’d had him. Her brood already full of 4 mischievous kids. Kids were loud and messy. Scraped knees and blood noses came with the territory. Would their baby be fully human, or would it pop out with little bat wings and ears? Would he be able to cope? And would there ever be that urge for blood and to feed on them? It made him feel sick thinking about it.
But... he kept coming back to it. He was attached. This little life he and Keith had made. Their love had made a whole other human. No. More like their lust. They liked where they were. Keith job was finally making him happy. Lance was the one overthinking things, always stalling and pulling away. Acting his age went out of the window when Keith was around. His boyfriend had had a pretty shitty life. They both had. They both had the emotional scars to prove it. He wanted this baby. But he could very well lose it and all of this could be for nothing. Keith would put on a brave face, tell him it wasn’t his fault. When it would be. He didn’t want to lose it. He didn’t want to fall asleep and wake up covered in his own blood. He didn’t want to cause everyone pain... but most of all he was so fucking tired of being like this. With all these thoughts. What would his Mami think? She’d thought she’d never see him fall in love. She loved Keith. But this would drive his family further apart... and he was so sick of that. Luis wouldn’t understand... None of them ever could. They were human. He wasn’t. No matter how much he tried. If he was human, he wouldn’t be pregnant. His body would change. His stomach would round out. Would Keith still love him then? When he no longer looked like this? He’d never deny Keith access to his child. He’d never take that away from him, even if they didn’t work out. But would he be filled with longing for Keith every time he saw him? Would he cope with Keith moving on? He knew he wouldn’t. Keith was so fucking good to him. Too good to him. He was amazed how much love Keith had for him, especially seeing how much he’d hated him to begin with. If Keith had pulled that trigger, none of this would have happened. He’d never know what it was to love someone like he loved Keith. He didn’t want to hold Keith back. This thing with Honerva... he’d leave. He’d leave when it came time to go after her... and Lance wouldn’t stop him if that’s where he needed to be. Keith had been wounded by the loss of Krolia... Lance had Coran. Coran, Allura, Matt, Rieva, Hunk, Pidge, and his Mami... would Keith feel replaced?
Keith let out a rather loud nasally snore, his fingertips digging into Lance’s stomach. His boyfriend was so incredibly adorable. So soft and kind, under his anger loaf outside. He’d come a long way from when he thought he didn’t know how to people very well. He wasn’t the problem, it was the people around him who didn’t care what he had to say. Shiro and Adam did the best they could, but now Keith had a whole bunch of friends who loved him for him and his confidence had grown. He didn’t lurk in group chat anymore, sometimes even initiating conversation. He loved that. That Keith was opening up to them fully. He was so proud of his boyfriend... and now he was carrying his baby. Their baby.
Letting Keith’s snoring lull him back to sleep, he fell asleep still holding Keith’s hand.
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