#allium seed head
enoshimakuro · 2 years
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Traditional Landscape (Chicago)
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jillraggett · 6 months
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Plant of the Day
Saturday 16 March 2024
The seed-heads of ornamental Allium (onion) cultivars make a classic dried display through the winter. There are plenty of seeds still which can be collected and sown for spring.
Jill Raggett
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5-and-a-half-acres · 3 months
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I think I started with 3 of these ornamental onions and now I have lots.
Bees like them and the seed heads look great in the winter.
Allium schubertii
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lumine-no-hikari · 10 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #265 (part 1)
I had a beautiful solo adventure today. And I got so many awesome pictures for you in the process that I'm going to have to break it up into two parts, at least. I'll start from the beginning!
I finally got around to making another loaf of garlic bread. Of course, I already did some of the preparation for it yesterday, what with peeling the garlic and taking the butter out overnight to soften. Today, I cut off the woody ends of the garlic, and chopped them in my handy-dandy veggie chopper:
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That represents two full heads of garlic. I would recommend that a person of more ordinary levels of garlic tolerance should probably only use one head of garlic at most; my taste for alliums quite possibly borders on insane, ahahaha~!
In any case, with this, I mixed together two sticks of butter, a bunch of dried herbs (basil, parsley, marjoram, oregano, and ground coriander), salt, and parmesan cheese:
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From there, I sliced the bread in half, divided my butter in half, and spread each half of the butter on each half of the bread:
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...I baked this in the oven at around 400 degrees F (or 204.4 degrees C) for about 15 minutes. Last time, I spread the mozzarella cheese on before putting it in the oven, and so the garlic didn't get toasty. I didn't have that problem this time:
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...Roasty, crispy edges, and roasty, crispy garlic... This came out so perfectly.
From here, I decided that the thing to do was try a Korean-ish-style garlic bread again. We had this cream cheese that we don't have bagels for, and it needs to get used, so I softened it in the microwave, divided it in half, and applied it to each half of the garlic bread:
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...From there, I applied a whole bag of mozzarella cheese to this, divided evenly between each half of the bread, like so:
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...And then I stuck it under the broiler for a couple minutes to get it all melty!
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...It turned out absolutely perfectly:
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...I wish you could be here to try some of this with us. I wish so badly that you could have eaten some of this. But maybe someday, when you're safe and free from all the weird bullshit that surrounds you, you can look back on this letter and remember how to do this, so that you can have some in your own house with all the people who care about you.
In any case, since today was Monday, and since it was also rainy, I went to the orchard, confident that I'd basically be the only person there. Sephiroth... have you ever been to an orchard? They grow lots of things there. Usually in my area, they're known for apples:
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...However, I was here for the grapes. Specifically, I was here for concord grapes:
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...Sephiroth, have you ever had concord grapes? They're intensely sweet at first, and they have a tart finish. They have seeds, and they slip out of their skins. Because of the fact that they slip out of their skins so easily, they're actually kinda fragile; you have to be very careful about how you pick them and transport them, because they're plump, heavy, and eager to fall off the vine or slip out of their skin. Just being set down into the bag a little too roughly will do it. And then you get a little bit of grape juice everywhere...
Sephiroth. If you've not had concord grapes, you gotta try 'em. They're one of my favorite things, like ever. They rival even my love of garlic. They rival even my love of cheese. They rival even my love of sushi. And if you've been reading my letters up until this point, you'll know that that's really saying something!!
Hey, Sephiroth? If you ever find yourself in my neighborhood when these are in season, you wanna go together to grab some up? The drive there is beautiful, too; I think you'd have an amazing time. Even though I know it's impossible... I'll still ask you to please come along with me sometime.
I'm at 23 pictures already, and I still have so much more to show you. So I'm going to end this part of today's letter and begin the next one.
I love you!!! I'll write again in literally just a little bit!!!
Your friend, Lumine
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nixtape-foryou · 8 months
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The allium flower's globe-like blooms, which are composed of numerous florets, represent the power found in unity and collective action. It reminds us that great accomplishments arise when we come together. Allium's symbolism goes beyond its visual appeal, emphasizing the connection between strength, unity, and collaboration.
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Bouquets = Series | Stems = Oneshots | Seeds = Drabbles | In Shipment = Ongoing
Lover by starlightxsvt (15.3k) || Sugar Daddy AU || The worst first meeting and then an uncanny proposition is enough to cause trouble for you. you fall for a man who doesn't seem all that keen on returning your feelings.
Remind Me by milfgyuu (2.7k) || Humor || You’ve had a little too much to drink at your sister’s wedding and can’t understand how or why Choi Seungcheol of all people is assigned to babysit you.
I Dare You by chocosvt (4.3k) || College AU, Crush to Lovers || Your longtime campus crush just received an interesting dare: to ask you out on a date. while the circumstances are questionable, you aren’t going to decline. maybe this is your ticket to romance. 
Gryffindor Captain by http-mianhae (17.1k) || Hogwarts AU, Crush to Lovers || Being head-over-heels for the Gryffindor captain is harder than it seems, especially when everyone knows about your little crush on Seungcheol and he takes it lightly. Until when you’re partnered up and forced to be in each other’s lives on a daily basis, that’s when things take a bit of a turn
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theemperorsfeather · 6 months
Last spring a whole bunch of ornamental alliums showed up in one of the flower beds, and then they flowered, and then they went to seed, and because the seed heads looked pretty cool (and, perhaps, I was being lazy), I left them alone.
This was a terrible mistake.
There are so many - so! many!! - tiny allium sprouts coming up in the flower bed now. Hundreds, maybe thousands. Just - so many. I rip them up by the handful and a day or two later it's like I did nothing.
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im2tired4usernames · 4 months
top five flowers?
Oh golly I love flowers it'll be hard to narrow em down to just five!!!
1. Obviously Dandelions
they've always been my favorite since I was small. they're so bright yellow n puffy!!!! they decorate fields and yards, they're yummy AF fried dandelion heads, delicious! dandelion leaf salads, yummy! make a tea n coffee out of the roots, absolutely delicious! the heads make a delicious tea also that's so sweet it tastes like honey! I've seen people make jellys n wine but never tried it myself! they come back over n over no matter how much you pull em up like lil stubborn assholes. people make wishes on em. They're pretty even when they go to seed seriously what's not to LOVE?!!!? Perfect flower 10000/10 we Stan dandelions on this blog.
2. Marigolds! they're just so pretty and they're very helpful in my veggie garden as well as beautiful! I love they're flower shape n colors!
3. Sunflowers gosh I can't decide if I wanna put classic, American giant, or teddy bear sunflowers are also so big n puffy too though!!!! Also I like how viney woodland sunflowers are sunflowers are wonderful!!!! Plus they were my aunt's favorite!
4. Ugh it's gotta be a tie with either zinnias, giant alliums, red German iris (especially in maroon) or snap dragons (theyre seedpods look like skulls they NEED a shout out for being the real goth flower)
5. I have to put tulips on here they were my mother's favorite flower n I need to put them somewhere on this list for her. her favorite was purple tulips I personally prefer the pink n yellow ones.
I'm sorry that is def more then five flowers I did try to narrow it down im sorry but fuck man I fucking LOVE flowers I wish to God I could have a lil fancy flower garden too tend to n sit in when the weather's nice
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radar-of-minecraft · 10 months
Minecraft Items Challenge Attempt 2: The Update that Changed the World: Finale
First things first was a Dark Oak and Black Stained Glass update to the base
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Something I noticed about my skin, is that the outer layer is missing, so my belt, collar, and cuff are missing on this skin, however the glasses, which are on a higher layer, are there. This is not a glitch, the outer layer only existed for the head until The Bountiful Update.
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Anyways, those fish I totally didn't forget are getting put in The Collection.
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I went through a seed finder to look for the three biomes I need. I'm looking for an Allium, Packed Ice, and Red Sand. It's a long journey, but off I go, here's another picture of a chunk error
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It's weird seeing terrain with grass, the alpha terrain around my base doesn't have grass, and my base in my main world is made of moss and has been grass free since Trails & Tales came out
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Item #1, the Allium, I missed this bastard at the last flower forest when I was looking for Dark Oak and Acacia wood.
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And right next to the flower forest, way closer than I thought it would be, is the Ice Spikes Biome. I tore down an Ice Spike and continued on
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Oh no, a fire in the distance, that's the first time I've seen that since beta 1.0
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I was not looking and I fell in a ravine, ravines did not exist before this update, so I had my guard down
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I found a new friend! He didn't like me :*(
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Hey! Blacksmith and Desert Temple
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FUCKING FINALLY, only took me an hour and a half, not the worst exploration I've had to do, but long enough to be annoying, grabbed 3 stacks of the stuff for when Red Sandstone is added in the next update.
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After another podcast episode, I return to my base.
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I crafted the stained glass and stained glass panes, this is quite a large chunk of the update.
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Okay, fishing time! I was going to make an Auto Fish Farm, but those don't work until the next update.
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okay, after 40 minutes, I've gotten a name tag I threw away my fishing rod because I won't need this ever again, also, here's the haul.
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Okay, that's The Update that Changed the World, in this post I got the Pufferfish, Raw Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Tropical Fish, Allium, Red Sand, Packed Ice, White Stained Glass, Light Gray Stained Glass, Gray Stained Glass, Black Stained Glass, Brown Stained Glass, Orange Stained Glass, Yellow Stained Glass, Lime Stained Glass, Green Stained Glass, Cyan Stained Glass, Light Blue Stained Glass, Blue Stained Glass, Purple Stained Glass, Magenta Stained Glass, Pink Stained Glass, Red Stained Glass, Red Stained Glass Pane, Pink Stained Glass Pane, Magenta Stained Glass Pane, Purple Stained Glass Pane, Blue Stained Glass Pane, Light Blue Stained Glass Pane, Cyan Stained Glass Pane, Green Stained Glass Pane, Lime Stained Glass Pane, Yellow Stained Glass Pane, Orange Stained Glass Pane, Brown Stained Glass Pane, Black Stained Glass Pane, Gray Stained Glass Pane, Light Gray Stained Glass Pane, White Stained Glass Pane, and Name Tag.
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Next Up is The Bountiful Update, which is an update made of many smaller features adding up to be a pretty large update.
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corkcitylibraries · 1 year
Cork City Libraries Sustainability Blog | Sow…Let’s Grow!
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I was fortunate enough to attend a gardening course at the end of June, with the intention that it would contribute to my work with the Hollyhill Seed Library and this blog. Although the day itself was wet and miserable, and the arrival of the promised sandwiches never materialised, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and my head was spinning with the amount of information that was being imparted upon us. The lady who was running the course, Aoife Munn, was a fountain of knowledge and I would highly recommend checking out one of her talks if she ever pops up in your area.
She initially spoke about the importance of pollinator plants. In a study conducted by the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland it was found that our native plants have declined by 56% since the 1950s which is a terrifying statistic. Plants have evolved over millions of years to adapt to their surroundings, including their ability to attract pollinators specific to that area. Given that we have lost over half of our native plants it’s not a big jump to assume that our native bees and other pollinators must be really struggling in the changing landscape. Something we can do as gardeners to alleviate that struggle is to plant native pollinators. Sometimes you don’t even have to plant anything, if you just let a patch of land grow wild you will be amazed at what will grow there.
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Plants such as dandelions, oxeye daisy, clover and knapweed will all appear in your garden given the space and the time. Foxglove, primrose, cornflowers, and marsh marigold are all native Irish plants and great pollinators too, so it’s a double win! A plant that she also suggested that I’d never considered before was the humble ivy. Ivy keeps its foliage all year round, it flowers when very little else does and its berries are a wonderful food for birds during the chilly winter months. Other fantastic pollinators include snowdrop, crocus, comfrey, wallflower, hellebores, and alliums.
Aoife also showed us how to make biodegradable pots for seedlings or for plants that need an extra bit of support indoors before they can be planted out. To make your own pot all you need is a couple of sheets of newspaper and a plastic bottle, a 250ml bottle is a perfect size. Fold the newspaper sheet in half horizontally, with the closed end towards you and the open end facing away. Put the plastic bottle at the start of the newspaper, making sure the open end is also facing the open end of the newspaper and roll the newspaper around the bottle. Stuff the paper into the opening of the bottle and then take the bottle out and put it back in, bottom end first so it can squash down the newspaper. This will degrade much faster than a toilet roll tube and repurposes items that would traditionally have ended up in the bin.
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In other gardening news I ate my first radish this week and it was one that I had grown myself! I borrowed the seeds from the Hollyhill Seed Library, planted the seeds in the bottom of the pot that my peas were in and hey presto, a couple of weeks later I have lots of lovely crunchy little radishes. Another vegetable that is ready to eat is rainbow chard. Although not fully grown yet, the baby leaves are perfectly edible and pinching them out now gives the remaining leaves space to grow. Using my baby rainbow chard leaves and the radish I grew, I made a lovely peanut satay and it’s safe to say that nothing beats the taste of freshly grown veg!
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leah-blanch · 1 year
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🌱📸 Exciting news, green thumbs! Today we're sharing a step-by-step guide on how to plant and grow beautiful Allium flowers in your garden. Get ready to add a pop of color and elegance to your outdoor space! Let's dive in:
Step 1: Choose the Perfect Spot Find a sunny location in your garden with well-drained soil. Alliums thrive in full sun, so make sure they'll receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day.
Step 2: Prepare the Soil Loosen the soil using a garden fork or tiller to a depth of about 12 inches (30 cm). Remove any weeds or large rocks that may hinder the growth of your Alliums. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, consider adding compost or organic matter to improve drainage.
Step 3: Planting the Bulbs Dig holes that are about 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) deep and space them about 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) apart. Place each Allium bulb with the pointed end facing upward. Gently cover the bulbs with soil, ensuring they're at the appropriate depth.
Step 4: Watering After planting, give your Alliums a thorough watering. This will help settle the soil and initiate root growth. Water regularly, especially during dry periods, but be cautious not to overwater, as excessive moisture can cause bulb rot.
Step 5: Maintenance Alliums are generally low-maintenance, but a few simple tasks can ensure optimal growth. Remove any dead flowers or seed heads to prevent self-seeding, as Alliums can spread easily. Additionally, consider applying a balanced fertilizer in early spring to provide essential nutrients.
Visit us: https://kpgardening.com.au/
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olicia19 · 1 year
Eat vegatable because it`s healthy to our body
I realized that eating vegetables is good for the body, you get enough nutrition and vitamins.It is good to eat vegetables especially for malnourished children so that they will have a strong body and grow quickly and they will get vitamins that will help them. should work on a feeding program in each barangay for the children Vagetable list: 1. Carrots-They're rich in beta-carotene, a compound your body changes into vitamin A, which helps keep your eyes healthy. 2. Talong-The benefits of eggplant do not stop with the farmers. 3. Squash-The vitamin C and beta-carotene levels in yellow squash may also aid in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. 4. it is filling and can control your appetite. 5.Papaya-contain high levels of antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. 6.Tomatoes are low in calories and provide important nutrients like vitamin C and potassium.  7.Cucumbers are a good source of potassium, magnesium and dietary fibre.  8.Lettuce is an excellent source of beta carotene (vitamin A) which is needed for healthy skin, bones, and eyes. 9.elery is a marshland plant in the family Apiaceae that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. 10.The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. 11.Cabbage, comprising several cultivars of Brassica oleracea, is a leafy green, red, or white biennial plant grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads. 12.Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head, stalk and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable. 13.Okra or okro, Abelmoschus esculentus, known in some English-speaking countries as lady's fingers, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It has edible green seed pods. 14.An onion, also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium.
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 2 years
Today we thank this very kind weather for allowing us to move into Fall harvest and farm clean up with real ease.  Historically, come November, I am deeply buried in layers with fingers freezing.  But not this Fall.  Pooh once told me many many moons ago, that everything you do in winter and Fall is 10 times harder and slower then the same task in Summer.  There is so much truth in that statement.  When the weather drops, farm equipment and trucks take way longer to start, fingers go numb in seconds, and when ice hits, forget about it- it takes 10 years just to walk to the packshed from the greenhouses.  However, this Fall hits like a warm cozy blanket.  
Fall cleanup to us means pulling irrigation, mowing off plants, and making sure cover crop seed is down. We finished the potato harvest last Saturday and lack of Summer moisture left us with less than half of a crop, our lowest yields per acre in the last 15 years. But the crop that is there looks pretty good. We knew the harvest wasn't going to be great when there were few sets of tiny tubers in August (when we usually think about harvesting). Yesterday the crew planted next year's garlic crop (total allium magic), then went and pulled some decent fall carrots while Allie and I harvested in t-shirts and no gloves for today’s CSA- not bad at all for this time of year.  SOAK UP THAT SUN EVERYONE! 
And lastly, as mentioned in this morning's email, Our lead kitchen queen Laura, is now taking Thanksgiving PIE orders through her side baking hustle, JUMBO HONEY BUN BAKES! Everything Laura does is pastry gold- you would be a fool not to seek out and indulge in everything she makes.
Also, great news for PIE pick up, 
one of the options is in conjunction with the last Fall CSA on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd 4-6pm at our farmstand 
and if you'd rather make your own pie, but still wanna try out and devour all things jumbo honey bun, 
then head this Saturday, NOV. 5th, to the Reading Greenhouse ART FAIR, 10am-4pm. 
We will be going promptly at 10 for breakie treats, See ya there :)
Prep Time 25 mins/ Cook Time 40 mins/ Total Time 1 hr 5 mins/ Servings 4
Lime Peanut Sauce
½ inch fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1-2 teaspoons hot sauce of your choosing
2 tablespoons peanut butter
½ teaspoon lime zest
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 teaspoons agave nectar
1 tablespoon tamari soy sauce
¼ tsp toasted sesame oil (optional)
½ cup grapeseed oil
Spaghetti Squash Noodle Bowl
1 large spaghetti squash, cut in half lengthwise and seeds scooped out
4 cups thinly sliced kale
4-5 cups broccoli florets
½ small red onion, thinly sliced
½ cup chopped toasted nuts (cashews, almonds etc)
3 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted
½ cup chopped cilantro or parsley
sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste
Preheat the oven to 375°F.
Combine all of the sauce ingredients in a blender and blend until fully incorporated. Taste for seasoning and set aside.
Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the squash halves, cut side down, onto the sheet. Bake for about 40 minutes, or until the flesh pulls away in easy strands.
While the squash is baking, place the sliced kale in a large bowl and set aside.
Once you’ve taken the squash out of the oven, set a medium saucepan with about an inch of water over medium heat. Bring it to a simmer. Place the broccoli florets into a steamer basket and drop it into the pot, closing the lid on top. Let the broccoli steam for 3-4 minutes, or until tender. Keep warm.
While broccoli is steaming, scrape the spaghetti strands out with a fork into the large bowl with the sliced kale. The heat from the squash should wilt the kale slightly. Pour a big splash of the dressing into the bowl, season with salt and pepper and lightly toss the squash and kale.
Remove broccoli from the heat. Portion the squash and kale into 4 bowls. Top each bowl with the steamed broccoli, red onions, chopped nuts, sesame seeds, chopped herbs and extra sauce.
Recipe Notes
Definitely use the sharpest knife you've got for the spaghetti squash. You don't want to be pulling a stubborn knife out of a half-cut squash.
You could also use tahini, almond butter, or sunflower seed butter in place of the peanut butter
MIREPOIX YOUR CARROTS ONIONS CELERY before you make your soups!!
Mirepoix is the magical combination of carrot-onion-celery.  This Is the base of all things delicious- think sauce, stew, soup, stock, etc… These vegetables are diced, cooked for a long time in a fat of your choice on gentle heat without browning- the intention being to sweeten rather than caramelize. Similarly, is Creole version known as the Holy Trinity using onion, celery, and sweet peppers!  As we enter soup season- adopting this holy trinity seems appropriate.  
Many types of cuisine have a term for this way of building a flavor base with chopped and gently sauteed vegetables. The Italians say soffrito, the French say mirepoix, but we can all agree that it creates a subtle but rich depth of flavor in all kind of soups, braises, and more.  Carrot, onion, and celery are the classic players, but there are as many approaches to sweating as there are names. You can chop in a tiny, regular dice or in rougher chunks; you can swap in ingredients on hand in a ratio that tastes right to you. A Manhattan restaurant kitchen I cooked in used fennel in addition to the classics, and cooked each vegetable separately before mixing them together to form a base for a whole array of sauces.
Here are the essential things to keep in mind whenever you're starting a dish with sweating, where the goal is not to make the vegetable flavors assertive individually but rather to set the stage so that starring ingredients added later can shine.
Slow and low heat wins the race. Heat the oil in your pan only enough that it makes the barest sizzle when the vegetables go in, and keep it low. The idea is to soften and flavor the vegetables gradually; they should barely darken in color.
A big pinch of salt draws out moisture quickly and speeds UP the process.
Keep a watchful eye as the mixture cooks; at a certain point it will begin to noticeably darken in color, which will affect flavor. That's not necessarily bad, but depending on the other ingredients in the dish you may want a more delicate or a more intense flavor from the vegetable base.
You'll get much more tenderness and flavor this way vs. adding aromatic vegetables to a soup later. A broth will never go above the temperature of boiling water, whereas low stove heat channeled through a small amount of oil or butter will heat vegetables beyond the boiling point and do more to soften and concentrate their flavor.
It's up to you how long you let your vegetables sweat (or how soon you take mercy on them). But a good handle on the process will go a long way towards letting you consistently reproduce recipes in your own kitchen--and, I suspect, will keep your friends coming back for second bowls of whatever you're cooking up this fall. --Chris Morocco
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mauricesmall · 3 years
Alliums are soooo powerful.
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60thisyear · 3 years
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The verandah of my shed
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Sunday 24 July 2022
Even after flowering the seed heads of Allium ‘Globe Master’ and Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ still look great in this border. They remind me of fireworks above the Geranium sanguineum (crane's-bill).
Jill Raggett
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taking-thyme · 3 years
🜂 Fire Witch Guide 🜂
Ever since I started practicing Witchcraft, I always assumed my main element would be something like water or air. But recently I’ve realized that I correspond more to fire personally, so I decided to write up a nifty guide to Fire Witchcraft. Hope you all enjoy!
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Fire Correspondences
🔥 Represents: Courage, Enthusiasm, Willpower, Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, Energy, Will, Healing, Destruction, Strength, Physical Exercise, Self-Knowledge, Power, Passion, Sexuality, Divinity, Heat, Flame and Light
🔥 Colors: Red, Orange, Gold, White and Pink
🔥 Gender: Masculine
🔥 Direction: South
🔥 Energy: Projective
🔥 Pentagram Placement: Bottom Right
🔥 Day: Sunday
🔥 Time: Midday / Noon
🔥 Moon Phase: Waxing
🔥 Sabbats: Beltane, Samhain, Midsummer, Lughnasadh
🔥 Chakra: Solar Plexus
🔥 Life Cycle: Childhood / Pre-puberty
🔥 Season: Summer
🔥 Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
🔥 Tarot Suit: Wands
🔥 Major Arcana: The Emperor, Strength, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, The Tower, The Sun, Judgement
🔥 Senses: Sight
🔥 Incense: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood
🔥 Stones: Fire Opal, Ruby, Garnet, Jasper, Bloodstone, Lavastone, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Obsidian, Agate, Rhodochrosite
🔥 Metals: Gold, Nickel, Steel, Brass, Copper
🔥 Plants: Nettles Allspice, Basil, Garlic, Hibiscus, Juniper, Onion (and all Alliums), Red Repper, Red Poppy, Thistle, Almond Tree, Cacti, Chile Peppers, Cinnamon, Mustard, Tobacco, Most Nuts, Seeds and Pods, Clove, Patchouli, Bay, Chamomile (research plants, herbs and trees before burning, ingesting or using on skin for some are toxic and even lethal)
🔥 Animals: Lion, Salamander, Snakes, Coyote, Fox, Mantis, Scorpion, Ram, Squirrel
🔥 Mythical Creatures and Spirits: Jinn, Genies, Dragons, Phoenixes, Salamanders and Fire Drakes
🔥 Instruments: Violins, Guitars, Lyres, Harps and other String Instruments
🔥 Ritual Tools: Fire, Lamp, Athame, Candles, Dagger, Sword, Burned Herbs, Requests on Paper, Amber, Ashes, Brass, Charcoal, Peppers, Copper, Gold, Lanterns, Lava Rocks, Lead, Pumice, Tin, Wands
🔥 The Body: The Head, Arteries, Tongue, Pulse, Small Intestine, Middle Finger, Facial Complexion, the Outer Ear, Corners of the eyes, Blood and Perspiration
🔥 Fire-related Magic: Protection, Courage, Sexuality, Energy, Strength, Authority and Banishing Negativity Spells. Also Candle Magic, Storm Magic, Time Magic and Star Magic as well.
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Types of Fire and their Ritual Uses
🔥 Balefire / Bonfire: Use for cleansing, protection, pyromancy and burning spell ingredients.
🔥 Candles: Use for candle magic. You can anoint or carve the candle for a specific intent, and different candle colors have different meanings.
🔥 Fluorescent Light: Use to “light” your way in life, illuminate a situation and bring a soft, steady energy to a spell.
🔥 HearthFire: Use for kitchen witchery and ancestral magic. Often associated with health, wellness, warmth, wisdom, birth, creativity and life.
🔥 Heat: Use heat to transfer energy between objects, particularly energy from yourself to a magical object. Can also be used to speed up your spells, infuse your spells with energy, or spice up a relationship.
🔥 Lava: Use lava to burn bridges, invoke a clean slate, clear away the competition and bring about destruction.
🔥 Lightning: Use to focus energy, enhance spellwork, enchant objects, infuse yourself with power, storm magic and to bring about change.
🔥 Rainbow: Use to connect with the Otherworld, communicate with the dead, and inspire hope and joy.
🔥 Sunlight: Use to purify, cleanse, charge, energize yourself and objects, ignite a situation, illuminate situations and remove negativity.
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Deities for Fire Witches
🔥 Brigid
Culture: Celtic
God/Goddess of: Spring, Fertility, Family, The Hearth, Childbirth, Fire, Blacksmiths, Scholars, Physicians, Prophets, Healing, Poetry, Occult Knowledge and Justice
Offerings: Blackberries, Baked Goods, Milk, Honey, Beer, Brigid's Crosses
🔥 Sun Wukong the Monkey King
Culture: Chinese
God/Goddess of: Trickster God, Protection
Offerings: Fruits, Peaches, Tofu (NO Meat!!)
🔥 Hephaestus
Culture: Hellenic
God/Goddess of: Fire, Smithing, Craftsmen and Volcanoes
Offerings: Greek and Italian Wine, Smith’s tools, Hot Soups, Olive Oil, Coffee, Metals, Clay, Frankincense, Pottery, Handmade crafts
🔥 Ares
Culture: Hellenic
God/Goddess of: War
Offerings: Dark Red Wine, Whiskey, Black Tea or Coffee, Olive Oil, Beef, Red Meats, Spicy Foods, Garlic, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Weapons and Armor
🔥 Ra
Culture: Kemetic
God/Goddess of: The Sun, Creation
Offerings: Frankincense, Myrrh, Kyphi Incense, Water, Candles, Bread, Fruit, Beer, Poultry, Traditional Linen and Gold
🔥 Freya
Culture: Norse
God/Goddess of: Love, Beauty, Sex, War, Battle, Death, Gold, Witchcraft
Offerings: Ale, Honey, Mead, Finer Things, Apples, Barley, Pork, Feeding stray Cats, Primrose, Mugwort, Jewelry, Perfume
🔥 Hestia
Culture: Hellenic
God/Goddess of: The Hearth, Domesticity, Fire
Offerings: Homemade Meals, Baked Goods, Sweet Wine, Fruits, Olive Oil, Hot Tea, Lavender Incense, Pottery
🔥 Pele
Culture: Hawaiian
God/Goddess of: Volcanoes, Creation, Fire, Lightning
Offerings: Fruits, Flowers, Forest Plants, Berries, Vegetables
🔥 Durga
Culture: Hindu
God/Goddess of: Protection, Strength, Motherhood, Destruction, War
Offerings: Honey, Apples, Pomegranates, Dried Fruits, Sandalwood, Red Cloth, Hibiscus, Kaleva
🔥 Horus
Culture: Kemetic
God/Goddess of: War, The Sky, Protection
Offerings: Raw Meat for Hawks and Falcons, Breads, Acacia, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Eye of Horus
🔥 Sekhmet
Culture: Kemetic
God/Goddess of: War, Destruction of Enemies, Healing, Medicine
Offerings: Beer, Pomegranate Juice, Arrows, Spicy Foods, Frankincense, Dragons' Blood Incense, Raw Meat, Red Wine, Gold, Bonfires, Red Glass, Mushrooms, Warm Milk, Strong Tea, Blackberries, Raspberries and Bright Flowers
🔥 Prometheus
Culture: Hellenic
God/Goddess of: Trickster God of Fire and Creation
Offerings: Frankincense, Bonfires, Olive Oil
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Common Signs of a Fire Witch
🔥 Very physically active, even if they're not interested in sports. Just has this overwhelming urge to move or fight, and may often get out of bed because of this
🔥 Your body, especially your hands or core, feels very warm. You're like a human heater
🔥 You were particularly energetic as a kid, or even now. You're spunky
🔥 You're very brave, especially with standing up to people
🔥 You prefer cooler temperatures because it doesn’t bother you as much
🔥 You constantly feel hungry, or have an active digestive system and a fast metabolism. You may get acidity or heartburn a lot
🔥 You prefer hot drinks and food over cold ones
🔥 You feel thirst more often than most
🔥 You are energetic, passionate, dramatic and prone to irritability or being emotionally volatile
🔥 You are very eloquent and expressive, and often may talk too much or too quickly
🔥 You’ve been praised for your leadership ability
🔥 You are very very curious, and may be easily distracted
🔥 You suffer from: anxiety, insomnia, circulatory issues like anemia and palpitations, dizziness or light-headedness, inflammation, skin rashes, aches and pains, loneliness or are easily overwhelmed
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Ways to bond with Fire
🔥 Teach yourself not to fear it, or at least not too much. If you’re anything like me, fire kinda scares you, despite your connection to it. Light a candle and meditate, and teach yourself that fire is a part of you, so you shouldn’t fear it without reason.
🔥 If you’re an artist, try using charcoal pencils more often
🔥 Meditate with candles
🔥 Drink warm soup or tea (don’t burn your mouth though)
🔥 Release your passion and/or anger. I recommend getting a punching bag for when you’re feeling particularly riled up
🔥 Working out, or any other activities that make you sweat
🔥 Burn Bay Leaves with wishes on them to make them come true
🔥 Get a Himalayan Salt Lamp. Don’t use it if you have pets though, as it might harm them
🔥 Use a Heating Pad when you’re in pain
🔥 Take time to notice your body heat more often. Appreciate how warm your skin and breath feels
🔥 Pursue your passions, whatever those might be. If it makes you passionate, go for it. Fire is the element of not holding back
🔥 Channel your passion and especially your anger into productivity rather than pain
🔥 Drink tea with warm spices
🔥 Eat spicy food if you can handle it
🔥 Be brave in all things
🔥 Use more Dragon imagery in your life
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