#alletiders jul
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oneiriad · 1 year ago
Det skulle man ellers tro, de har knap nok deres eget hus længere...
Det er en fiktiv version af et virkeligt arkiv og kunne derfor deltage. Både New York Public Library og biblioteket i Alexandria har allerede optrådt, så hvorfor ikke Gyldengrød og Bertramsens stolthed???
Rigarkivet fra Alletiders Jul er med i fictional-library-tournament og det vil være en national skandale hvis de taber til et par computerspil i deres første runde.
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someone-you-do-not-know · 1 year ago
I'm so excited to watch Christmas calendars this year
Do you have any favorites or recommendations? 😊💖
Oh God, so many– *Goes off.*
I've always been a huge sucker for Christmas stuff, and every year, I watch 2-4 Christmas calendars – ones I haven't watched before, mostly. I've watched a few Swedish and Norwegian ones, but mostly Danish ones, so those are the ones I'll focus on (my Swedish mutual recommended some Swedish ones here).
First of all, I have to recommend Pyrus. It's a four season Christmas calendar about the nisser living in the Danish National Archives. Pyrus is a young nisse who's learning to be an archive nisse, and the humans working at the archive are also always up to something. It's not only fun, but also very educational – it was the show that taught me about Santa Claus' origins, for example. Seasons 1-3 are best (2 is the bestest of the best). Season 1 is called Alletiders Jul, season 2 is Alletiders Nisse, season 3 is Alletiders Julemand, and season 4 is Alletiders Eventyr. There's a movie too, but it's not worth watching. There's a lot of songs, and they're really good. Some of the special effects look dated, but it was very new when they were made. You need a subscription to TV2 to watch whichever one they choose to stream this year (it's season 1 this year), or a dvd set, though, so it's a little difficult to watch it.
Second one I'll recommend isn't really one I love that much, but it's iconic. Everyone quotes it in Denmark. The Julekalender (yes, that's the name) is about three nisser looking for the key to the spilledåse to save Gammel Nok. It's satirical and more for adults, and all roles are played by De Nattergale, a Danish band. The nisse characters speak a mix of English and Danish, and the humans mostly speak in a West Jutland dialect. It's another TV2 production, but it has been available every year for streaming around Christmas since 2017, because it's such a classic.
This next one is controversial, but I really liked it. Den Anden Verden from 2016 isn't the most Christmas, but the sets and costuming is amazing. It's about a pair of sisters, where one discovers that she can go to a fairy tale world when she is on the edge of death. Huge tw for suicide attempts/suicidal ideations. I love it for the bond between the sisters and the fairy tales they tell, but I know a lot of people thought it was too adult and didn't have enough Christmas in it. It's the first DR production, so as long as you're on a VPN for Denmark, you can stream it on dr.dk.
Okay, final two, even though I'm sure you're already overwhelmed.
Julestjerner, which marks the end of the musical Christmas calendars, is about a family moving out of the big city, where they end up putting up a Christmas show. There's also nisser, but they're not from where you think. The characters in it are a bit exaggerated, but it's very nice. And it has the best cello solo ever. This one is also on DR.
I'm a sucker for a period piece, and that's why I must recommend last year's Julehjertets Hemmelighed. It takes place in the 1800s, and is about Karen who is turning 13, which means she will no longer be able to see her best friend, the nisse Rumle. They perform a ritual, but then everything at the farm she works at starts going wrong. It's a good mix of Christmas and some darker elements for older viewers. Another DR production.
Honorable mentions: Jesus og Josefine, Jul i Valhal, Nissebanden (3 seasons), Tinka (3 seasons), Bamses julerejse, Yallahrup Færgeby, Torvet, and Jul i Gammelby (this one I'm going to watch for the first time this year). Honorable Swedish mention: Storm på lugna gatan (Danish title: Storm på Stillevænget). Honorable Norwegian mention: Snøfall (Danish title: Snefald).
There's also the ones for 2023, but I will stop now.
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thedenofravenpuff · 3 years ago
As a native English speaker, Danish seems like such a fascinating language. I'd love to pickup a better understanding, but know I'd need to immerse myself to make it possible. Can you recommend any good Danish media to which I can watch, listen, etc to get me started?
As mentioned in former ask, majority of Danish entertainment is typically in English, everything from shows to movies, songs, and much more. Sure we got our own stuff too, but is either just Danishfied American shows or just dubbed over if sub ain't "good enough" (And I've ranted in the past how Danish dub usually suck hard)
So I can't think of anything in particular in Danish media I actually follow myself, since I don't watch TV anymore.
Hmm, or..
I mean, some old treasures can be worth looking up, like the "Jungledyret Hugo" movies or "Fuglekrigen" that I grew up with that IS Danish media and production.
Oh, since we are in the season, maybe the advent show "Alletiders Jul" which is a show for kids and adults alike that would run each December, one episode for each day of December as countdown to 24th, following the nisse/elf Pyrus and his shenanigans while teaching about history and myths. Had a continuation of his story each year until the show stopped because the original audience had grown up and lost interest (and the actors grew old).
All that said, maybe Danish isn't the ideal to go for, as secondary language. We are a tiny country without the reach or reputation as a lot of other countries. Spanish and German is typically suggested next to English to learn, in the Danish school system for good reasons because you'll find more people and media using those.
Anyways, thank you for the interest tho.
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msawesomegeek · 4 years ago
I have never understood the big deal you guys have with Christmas movies. But that is because I grew up in a culture that had Christmas calenders. And honestly, you guys are soooo missing out!
Its like every year, a few Christmas calenders air on the two main tv channels. So, there are child ones, some times about elfs, sometimes angels, always starts slow, everything goes wrong and then deus ex machina on the 24th where everything is magically fixed. But Its an episode of these specially made tv shows, for 20 minutes every Day till Christmas (also we have Christmas on the 24th, so deal with it.) But Its so fun and so many good ones! And just, I cant explain how magical these things are to follow throughout the month! And there is a few adult ones too! Just, there is one Called Jesus & Josefine, about a girl who gets a magical necklass that makes her travel back to biblical times and meets a teen Jesus and helps him save Christmas. Jul I Valhal, is about two kids accidentally freeing Loki and trying to stop him from unleashing ragnarok before Christmas. Alletiders jul, is about a young Elf in the national archives, where he and his Elf mentor, along with two human have to rediscover Christmas throughout history (like Interacting with them, Its amazing!) because the Elf accidentally hexed it away. The julekalender is some elfs looking for a key and playing the human chacters as well (Its for adults tho). So many of them! Are so good! I cannot recommend it enough! And they are just so funny most of the time and makes you feel like a kid again! And there is almost always Music and Its always amazingly bad, trust me. Amazing! 10/10 would recommend.
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danishnerdess · 1 year ago
A few days late with this one, but the sentiment still very much stands.
It's December 1st, which means that in Denmark it is time for that most sacred of Christmas traditions: watching the first of a 24 episode advent calendar TV show (one episode for each day in December until Christmas Eve) . Specifically, it is time to watch the first episode of Pyrus, a charming show about Bertramsen, the head archivist at the Danish National Archives, his daughter and secretary Josephine, and the small elves who live and work in the archive: head archive elf Guttenborg (affectionately called Gyldengrød, or "Golden Porridge") and his young, rambunctious apprentice Pyrus.
The first series has the characters trying to rediscover Christmas through historical research when Pyrus accidentally erases the holiday from the history books, so kids get to understand the history and development of Christmas into how it is celebrated in present day Denmark.
The second series looks into the Danish concept of eleves, or "nisser", and the third focuses on the history and development of Santa Clause.
I mean, look at this wholesome ass shit!
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🎶 "Julen er kommet og julen er ny, julen er aldrig den sammen"🎶
🎶 “Julen er kommet og julen er ny, julen er aldrig den sammen”🎶
🎶”Julen er kommet og julen er ny, julen er aldrig den sammen”
”Julen er ligesom et morgengry, et nyt maleri i en ældgammel ramme”
“Julen består selvom årene går, derfor ved vi, at vi får, en alletiders jul i år”  🎶
Jeg må indrømme, at selv om December er ofte ensbetydende med travle kalendere, familiebesøg og våde/vilde fester. Er det en af mine ynglings måned, men det kan være hård periode at…
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morconny · 7 years ago
Ugen uden mange aftaler
- og så alligevel ...
Umiddelbart stod der ikke noget særligt i kalenderen i den forgangne uge. Men der kom alligevel til at ske lidt på forskellige fronter.
Søndag var der forsinket fejring af Mortensaften sammen med børnene og Frida. Det blev en god generalprøve på julemaden. Anden kom i en Römertopf 6 timer i ovn ved lav varme, dertil frisk rødkålssalat og kogt rødkål, stegte kartofler og en forbavsende god sovs, som ellers ikke er min spidskompetence. Til jul skal vi derudover også have gammeldags “vreden” hvidkål. Før maden nåede vi heldigvis også en lille tur på skolens legeplads med Frida, så vi fik frisk luft og god snak med de voksne.
Til skovfitness onsdag var vi hele 9 deltagere, heraf et par nye. Vi kan udnytte en sti i yderkanten af skoven, hvor der er relativt fast bund og - ikke mindst - lys. Jeanett laver så nogle “stationer” med øvelser, som vi skal igennem to gange, gerne med løb mellem hver station. Denne onsdag var den ene station hulahopringe og sjippetov. AV, hvor kan en hulahopring gøre ondt både på ben og hofter. Jeg har ikke helt knækket koden endnu og ser vist ret morsom ud med min særlige teknik.  
Torsdags løbepas forløb i tørvejr. For første gang havde hele holdet (tre i alt denne gang) pandelamper med, så vi prøvede at løbe en tur inde i skoven. De andre kendte en rute med godt fast underlag, så det gik faktisk ok, selvom jeg ikke er helt tryg ved mørket. Men når bare vi har lys og er flere, så går det. Efter de godt 3 km lavede vi nogle tekniske øvelser, hvor vi havde særligt fokus på at bruge lårene og løfte benene. Det tager mange kræfter og virker i starten ret kunstigt, men med tiden kan kroppen måske vænne sig til en bedre løbestil.
I ugens løb blev der tid til de første juleforberedelser. Jeg fandt i skabet hele to tidligt indkøbte gaver, der er fuldstændig passende som adventsgaver til Frida, nemlig et par gode solide bøger og en DUPLO-kasse. Jeg har derudover strikket den førnævnte halsedisse, der skal gives sammen med et par lækre, varme vanter. Endelig er der fra en webshop en supplementspakke til Magformers på vej. Det gav mig lidt ro i julesindet - indtil videre.
Det var også ugen, hvor jeg fandt ud af, at jeg både har stemmeret til og er valgbar til Ældrerådet i kommunen. ÆLDRErådet! Det føler jeg mig ikke kvalificeret til!
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Jeg måtte lige slå op på det store internet for at finde ud af, hvad det er for en størrelse. Det er et folkevalgt råd, der skal høres i forhold, der har med ældre at gøre … men de nævnte forhold har da også en del med andre aldersgrupper at gøre. Jeg har endnu ikke fundet ud af, om der er et tilsvarende ungeråd. Det er lidt som om, at man mener, at kommunalbestyrelsen kun er for dem i den erhvervsaktive alder.
Ugen  blev afsluttet med indløsning af den næstsidste fødselsdagsgave, som var fra Pinsebevægelsen (vi bevæger os i pinsen). Ud over de fysiske gaver tilbage i september fik jeg også at vide, at jeg skulle sætte den 18. november af. Det viste sig, at vi skulle ud på en 11 km vandretur med middag bagefter. Turen gik fra Christianshavns Torv metro ud langs havnefronten til Slusen, over Sjællandsbroen og videre ud gennem noget af den gamle Sydhavn, bl.a. Sydhavnstippen, som er et naturområde på opfyldt grund. Vi nåede i tusmørket til Åmarken st., hvorfra vi kørte hjem til Holte. Vejret var flot tørvejr, og tusmørket gav et ganske særligt skær, fx til Avedøreværket:
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Jeg er vild med det område, vi gik i, og det er ikke ofte, jeg kommer der, så det var alletiders ekstragave.
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oneiriad · 1 year ago
You will vote for RIgsarkivet or...
Actually, no or. Vote for Rigsarkivet!!!
Prelims round 1, poll 16
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The Narrator's Library, The Tatami Galaxy:
In the penultimate episode of Tatami Galaxy, the unnamed narrator/protagonist "Watashi" gets trapped in an endless repeat of his student 4½ Tatami room. Opening the window or the door just lands him in another identical version of his apartment. However, after exploring room after room, he realises that the content of his bookshelf changes a little on each iteration. Each bookshelf contains the books the narrator has bought over the past two years, but some of these narrators have lived very different lives, and as such read different books.
This library potentially contains every book he would ever want to read, and may serve as a self-portrait, but it's also just a mouldy IKEA bookshelf repeated times infinity. But as those versions of himself may have led wildly different lives over the past two years, and all of them including him are self-hating failures, will he like any of them?
Magic School library, Charmed (1998-2006):
Rigsarkivet aka The Danish National Archives, The Pyrus Series:
Real world archives might be a bit dry and dusty, but Ri(g)sarkivet is in this case the one from the Danish Christmas Calendar tv shows collectively known as the Pyrus series. The archive itself holds a collection of books and other items from Danish history, but what sets this archive apart is the staff - the human staff, of course, is quite competent, but the archive is also home and workplace for a small group of nisser - Christmas elves - including the respectable archivist Gyldengrød and his rascal of an apprentice Pyrus. In their work of studying Danish history and history more generally (and saving Christmas every second year for a while in the 90s) they routinely employ magic - magic allowing them to jump into books and thus experience both historical events and works of fiction (and the odd computer game) from the inside; and magic to draw people out of the books. If you want to go visit vikings at their Yule feast or a medieval Lucia dance, or if you want to have a chat with Hans Christian Andersen himself? This is the place for you. Despite its appalling lack of rice. (Also, the series is the only place I've ever found a song offering a fullblown musical tribute to the very concept of cataloguing: https://youtu.be/eSQx7fvxhpg?si=O9NhKCm36oy_yxMs )
Vault of Knowledge, Sky: Children of the Light:
It's ancient. It's magical. Its employees are all ghosts. There's so much information here and all translations have been lost
The Library, Oneshot (2016 RPG by Nightmargin et al):
One of the last strongholds of society and a safe haven as the world begins collapsing into itself, the Library is located in the aptly-named Refuge within the world of Oneshot. Here, the player learns more about the mysterious Author, whose works have been dogging the entire playthrough and are crucial to understand in order to finish the game. Player meets George here, the enigmatic head librarian with a dice for a head who has six distinct personalities, one of which will be encountered depending on RNG. George will translate the Author's books, lending the knowledge needed to progress the plot.
Later on, various dwellers of the Refuge (shopkeepers, children, vendors, and more) will, as it says on the tin, take refuge in the Library when their city begins to be unhabitable as they wait for the fate of the world to unfold.
Archives of Magic, Cookie Run: Kingdom:
This was once a library housing all the knowledge of the greatest wizards in the land. While there's still a librarian maintaining it, the wizards have been gone for a long time - but there are still secrets to find within its walls, for those who can make their way inside.
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oneiriad · 11 years ago
"Tjing tjang tjing" from the christmas calendar tv series "Alletiders jul" (1994). Because I find the way Guttenborg is trying to fit into the time period, while Pyrus just can't be bothered amusing.
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theladysilvermoon · 11 years ago
11th day of December
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thestrongestally · 12 years ago
In the spirit of Christmas I felt like sharing this song with everyone who cares. In Denmark we have this concept called 'hygge' that can't really be translated to English properly, but Christmas is the season of hygge, so this is very befitting :3
When it is storming and rain and sleet and snow And you are sitting together at the warm fireplace Playing games and eating candy and drinking tea And knowing that Christmas is on its way - That's Hygge, oh that's Hygge
When you have been playing all day on your sleigh And you come home with a frozen nose And get toasted bread and chocolate milk While the day slowly runs out - That's Hygge, oh that's Hygge
When you're more than one feeling cosy at the same time, The same place, in peace and silence Then you feel a little bit of happiness Just a little bit - oh that's Hygge
When a rushed and stressed week is over And you can finally leave the clock be And stay in your bed and be free Because there's nothing you need to do That's Hygge - oh that's Hygge
And Christmas Eve when you meet in a song And celebrate Christmas in the care of your family In the distance you can hear jingle bells And the Christmas dinner is good and sweet That's Hygge - oh that's Hygge
When you're more than one feeling cosy at the same time, The same place, in peace and silence Then you feel a little bit of happiness Just a little bit - oh that's Hygge
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fluffyllamacorn · 12 years ago
You know you have a quality musical when one of the songs lampshades how they have to make up songs on the go by having them stumble over all the words.
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useless-denmarkfacts · 1 year ago
Rigarkivet fra Alletiders Jul er med i fictional-library-tournament og det vil være en national skandale hvis de taber til et par computerspil i deres første runde.
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danishnerdess · 3 years ago
It's December 1st, which means that in Denmark it is time for that most sacred of Christmas traditions: watching the first of a 24 episode advent calendar TV show (one episode for each day in December until Christmas Eve) . Specifically, it is time to watch the first episode of Pyrus, a charming show about Bertramsen, the head archivist at the Danish National Archives, his daughter and secretary Josephine, and the small elves who live and work in the archive: head archive elf Guttenborg (affectionately called Gyldengrød, or "Golden Porridge") and his young, rambunctious apprentice Pyrus.
The first series has the characters trying to rediscover Christmas through historical research when Pyrus accidentally erases the holiday from the history books, so kids get to understand the history and development of Christmas into how it is celebrated in present day Denmark.
The second series looks into the Danish concept of eleves, or "nisser", and the third focuses on the history and development of Santa Clause.
I mean, look at this wholesome ass shit!
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oneiriad · 11 years ago
"Lucia" from the christmas calendar tv series "Alletiders jul" (1994). Because it is the 13th of December and even if it isn't the usual Lucia song, well - how could I not.
Actually, the sound in this is a cover version, but I couldn't find the original version except as pure sound.
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oneiriad · 11 years ago
"Cool jul" from the christmas calendar tv series "Alletiders jul" (1994). Because I must confess, I was just the right age when this was originally aired...
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